
    Tencent - größtes chinesisches Internetportal, 73% EK-Rendite, aber TEUER - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 08.04.10 16:33:48 von
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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 08.04.10 16:33:48
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      schrieb am 08.04.10 16:37:50
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      Habe einen Artikel in der FTD gelesen, wonach die fast 500 Mio. Kunden haben.

      Gorillaliga also.
      schrieb am 09.04.10 09:01:16
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      Naspers aus Südafrika hat ungefähr einen Anteil von einem Drittel an Tencent; im Naspers-Thread wird fast nur über Tencent gesprochen...:

      Thread: naspers hat tradus gekauft...und nun?
      schrieb am 09.04.10 11:30:54
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      Hallo RGBO,

      das ist eine gute Idee mit dem neuen Tencent Thread!

      Hier ein erster Beitrag von mir aus der FTD:

      Unternehmen der Superlative
      Chinas Netzwerk-Guru
      Tencent hat mehr Kunden als Deutschland, Frankreich, England und die USA Einwohner. Mit dieser Klientel erzielt die chinesische Webfirma eine Rendite, von der Facebook, Myspace und Twitter nur träumen.

      Deng Qianting hat QQ laufen, sobald ihr Laptop eingeschaltet ist. Die Mittzwanzigerin, die an der Southern China Agriculture University in Guangzhou arbeitet, ist oft auf Recherchetrips in ländlichen Gegenden unterwegs. Sie schwört auf den Kurznachrichtendienst, der wie der bekannte Messenger von Microsoft übers Web zu nutzen ist. "So halte ich Kontakt zu Kollegen und Schulfreunden; es ist extrem praktisch, weil einfach jeder QQ nutzt."
      Tencent-Gründer, -Großaktionär und -Chef Ma Huateng Tencent-Gründer, -Großaktionär und -Chef Ma Huateng
      Ma Huateng wird das gefallen. Der 38-Jährige muss sich um die Popularität des von ihm gegründeten Unternehmens Tencent, zu dem die Marke QQ gehört, keine Sorgen machen. 523 Millionen Chinesen hatten Ende 2009 ein QQ-Konto - das sind mehr als die Bevölkerung der USA, Deutschlands, Frankreichs und Großbritanniens zusammen. Schätzungen sprechen von über 100 Millionen, die den Dienst tagtäglich aktiv nutzen. Laut dem Brokerhaus CLSA rangiert die Marke als beliebteste der Volksrepublik, noch vor China Mobile und dem Fertiggerichtehersteller Master Kong. Die Aktie von Tencent hat 2009 um 215 Prozent zugelegt. Unter den Internetfirmen übertreffen global nur Google und Amazon die Marktkapitalisierung von Tencent.

      "Tencent ist der Riese, der aus dem Nichts zu Chinas beherrschendem Internetunternehmen wurde, sowohl nach der Zahl der Nutzer als auch dem Geschick, daraus Profit zu schlagen", urteilt David Murphy, Analyst bei CLSA. Vorstandschef Ma ist der Architekt dieses Erfolges. 1998 hatte der Absolvent der Informatikfakultät an der Universität im südchinesischen Shenzhen Tencent gegründet, so die englische Version des chinesischen Namens Tengxun. Ursprüngliches Geschäft war ein Paging-Dienst. Ein Jahr danach entstand QQ als Kopie des später von AOL übernommenen Webnachrichtendienstes ICQ, wie Ma in einem Interview einmal eingeräumt hat. Wenig originell nannten die Gründer ihren chinesischen Klon QICQ, wenig überraschend klagte AOL im Frühjahr 2000 gegen die Verletzung der Eigentumsrechte - und bekam Recht. Seither nutzt Tencent die Marke QQ und hat sich auch im Design von der Vorlage ICQ entfernt.
      Als sie noch ein kleines Unternehmen waren, hätten sie auf den Schultern eines Riesen stehen müssen, so der Milliardär. "Aber andere zu kopieren kann dich nicht wirklich groß machen. Der Schlüssel zum Erfolg ist es, eine gute Idee zu lokalisieren und sie in deiner Region zu entwickeln." Das sei gelungen, attestiert Analyst Murphy. Neben QQ gehören ein Nachrichtenportal, Blogs, Videos, ein mit Myspace vergleichbares Netzwerk, Auktionen, E-Mail und Online-Spiele zum Angebot. Ma arbeitet daran, Online-Games anzubieten, die Hunderttausende Spieler gleichzeitig spielen können und vermarktet Werbeflächen. Er hat es geschafft, die Firma höchst profitabel zu machen - im Unterschied zu Webdiensten wie Twitter oder Facebook. 2009 erwirtschafte Tencent aus 12,4 Mrd. Yuan (1,3 Mrd. Euro) Erlös 5,2 Mrd. Yuan Reingewinn, ein Plus von 85 Prozent gegenüber dem Vorjahr.
      Ma profitiert davon; laut "Forbes" belegt er mit einem Vermögen von rund 1,4 Mrd. $ Platz 522 im Ranking der Reichsten weltweit. Der Unternehmer pflegt Zurückhaltung in der Öffentlichkeit. Dennoch hat das Magazin "Barron's" Ma unter die Top-30 der CEOs weltweit gewählt, "Asiamoney" kürte ihn im Dezember zum besten Vorstandschef Asiens. Von Tencents Ruhm profitiert neben Ma, der einen großen Anteil hält, das südafrikanische Medienunternehmen Naspers. Die Südafrikaner, die 2001 einstiegen, besitzen ein gutes Drittel von Tencent. Naspers dürfte damit der erfolgreichste ausländische Investor im chinesischen Mediensektor sein.
      Microsofts Messenger hat es schwer in diesem Umfeld, in dem Tencent rund 80 Prozent des Marktes beherrscht. Ma gibt sich nonchalant. "Ich habe keine Angst vor Microsoft. Deren Kunden sind Großunternehmen, unsere sind junge Leute." Mitarbeit: Huang Peiy
      schrieb am 09.04.10 12:00:44
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      Ein kurzer Nachtrag von mir,
      warum mich Tencent als Aktie eigentlich gar nicht so interessiert,
      sondern die Firma vielmehr im Zusammenhang mit Naspers betrachte.
      Wie die Überschrift bereits sagt, halte ich Tencent auch für "teuer".
      Die Bewertung hat ein KGV von zurzeit 60. Das ist natürlich ambitioniert. Da sind weitere Gewinnsteigerungen bereits eingepreist.
      Dagegen ist Naspers völlig anders bewertet.
      Das sieht man insbesondere dann, wenn man Naspers' 35%-Anteil von Tencent betrachtet. So deckt alleine dieser Anteil, rein rechnerisch, die aktuelle Marktkapitalisierung von Naspers (10 Mrd €)
      ab. Das heißt, das Multichoice, QXL, Buscape, und weitere Beteiligungen von Naspers "nichts wert" sind. Wie gesagt, rein rechnerisch betrachtet.
      Dabei trägt alleine Multichoice, der Pay-TV Anbieter, zurzeit mehr als 2/3 zum Gewinn bei. Und Multichoice hat Wachstumsraten von etwa 15%.
      Ich denke, dass Tencent bei einem Gewinnwachstum in den nächsten Jahren von durchschnittlich 40% im Jahre 2013 Multichoice als "Nr.1" der Gewinnbringer abgelöst haben wird.
      Und deshalb liegt auf Tencent eben mein Hauptaugenmerk wenn ich Naspers betrachte.
      Der Bereich Pay-TV ist relativ gut vorher zu sehen für die nächsten Jahre (Wachstum zwischen 0-20%), während Tencent eine unglaublich dynamische Geschichte darstellt.
      Die Wachstumsraten der letzten Jahre sind hoch beeindruckend (um 90%) und keiner kann abschätzen, wie sich das weiter entwickeln wird. Schon jetzt trägt Tencent für 2009 185 M€ zum Gewinn bei Naspers bei. 2008 waren es noch 100 M€, 2007 55 M€.
      Sollten meine konservativen Wachstumsschätzungen von jährlich 40%
      erreicht werden, würde Tencent für 2013 rund 700 M€ an Naspers "Überweisen".
      Wie gesagt, keiner weiss, wie sich Tencent entwickeln wird und wer die Berichterstattung verfolgt, liest einiges über aufziehende Risiken im Geschäftsfeld.
      Aber, Tencent hat ein excellentes Management, welchem die Innovationskraft zuzutrauen ist, diesen Tanker immer wieder neu zu manövrieren. Der Markt in China ist nicht nur groß, sondern wächst auch enorm. Dabei hat Tencent jetzt schon ein Branding wie nur wenige Marken weltweit. So gesehen, kann man Tencent durchaus "Google-Potential" beimessen.
      Diese Melange aus excellentem Management, Internetphantasie und dem riesen Markt China verspricht Aussergewöhnliches.
      Aber es ist nur ein Versprechen.
      Taten und Ergebnisse müssen folgen!

      Denkt mal darüber nach

      Trading Spotlight

      East Africa Metals
      0,1480EUR +0,68 %
      Kennen wir bei East Africa bislang nur die Spitze des Goldberges?!mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 12.04.10 17:12:23
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      12.04.2010 16:43
      Tencent Invests $300m in DST and Establishes Strategic Partnership / Transaction seals partnership between two leading Internet companies

      HONG KONG and MOSCOW, April 12 /PRNewswire-Asia/ -- Tencent Holdings Limited ("Tencent" or the "Company", SEHK 00700), a leading provider of Internet and mobile&telecommunications value-added services in China, and Digital Sky Technologies Limited ("DST"), one of the largest Internet companies in the Russian-speaking and Eastern European markets, today jointly announced that Tencent will invest approximately US$300 million in DST, thereby establishing a long-term strategic partnership between the two companies.

      The aggregate consideration of approximately US$300 million, which will be paid in cash, gives Tencent approximately a 10.26% economic interest in DST upon completion of the transaction. Tencent will hold approximately 0.51% of the total voting power of DST and have the right to nominate one observer to the DST Board.

      DST and Tencent will embark on a long-term partnership and co-operation as they seek to benefit from each other's insights gained from their respective markets. DST's deep understanding of the Russian Internet market, together with its leading brands such as, Odnoklassniki and VKontakte, will enable Tencent to benefit from the high growth of the Russian-speaking Internet market. At the same time, Tencent's leading position in China will provide DST and its companies with unique and valuable operational insights and access to its regional network that can help DST further accelerate its growth path.

      Chief Executive Officer of DST, Mr. Yuri Milner, said, "We are extremely pleased to welcome Tencent as a shareholder in DST. This investment is a vote of confidence in DST from the market leader in China and one of the world's most successful and dynamic Internet companies overall. Our teams share many common views and beliefs and a clear vision about the significant opportunities that lay ahead. We look forward to working together with Tencent and benefiting from their expertise as we both push forward with our plans to capitalize on this immense growth in our markets."

      President of Tencent, Mr. Martin Lau, said, "We are excited to enter into a long-term strategic partnership with DST, a key global Internet player and a leader in Russian-speaking Internet markets. The investment allows us to benefit from the fast-growing Internet market in Russia, as well as to leverage our technical and operational know-how to strengthen the leadership position of DST and explore new business opportunities in the Russian-speaking Internet markets."

      Details of the transaction can also be obtained from the statutory disclosure documents available on website and .

      About Digital Sky Technologies

      DST was founded in 2005 and is one of the largest Internet companies in the Russian-speaking and Eastern European markets and one of the leading investment groups globally to exclusively focus on internet related companies. DST, together with its affiliate DST Global, also hold stakes in Internet world leaders such as Facebook and Zynga. DST is a privately held company backed by leading Russian and Western financial institutions. For more information please visit .
      schrieb am 12.04.10 17:13:32
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 39.301.387 von Brain67 am 09.04.10 12:00:44Deine Einschätzung zu Naspers teile ich; interessanter Wert.

      Bin aber oft schlechter gefahren, wenn ich indirekt in eine Story investiert habe; deswegen will ich zumindest in der Watchlist auch Tencent als stand-alone drinhaben.
      schrieb am 15.04.10 17:26:33
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      Der Einstieg von Tencent in DST ist ein weiterer Meilenstein in der Story "Google2", die ich seit einem Jahr über Tencent propagiere.
      Die haben jetzt so viel Cash liegen, dass sie jetzt Partnerschaften in "Übersee" angehen.
      Mit Intel haben sie jetzt auch eine Kooperation in Punkto mobile Services abgeschlossen.

      Es bleibt spannend.
      schrieb am 16.04.10 11:27:58
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      Tencent invests in DST
      Networked networks
      A big Chinese internet firm makes tentative steps abroad

      Apr 15th 2010 | HONG KONG | From The Economist print edition

      CRITICS of China’s internet firms argue that they have simply copied the business models of Western rivals, in some cases adding a few twists to accord with local tastes. But it is hard to make that criticism of Tencent, which runs the country’s biggest social network, instant-messaging service and online gaming business. Unlike many Western rivals, it has not only come up with desirable products, but also with reliable means to make money from them. The comparison is all the more pertinent since Tencent is expanding abroad, and will soon own an indirect stake in the biggest social network of all, Facebook.

      On April 12th Tencent said it would pay $300m for a 10% stake (but almost no voting rights) in Digital Sky Technologies (DST), a Russian internet firm with investments in social networks, portals and web-mail. DST, in turn, owns stakes in Facebook and Zynga, which makes games that are played on the social network. Naspers, a South African media firm that is Tencent’s biggest shareholder, also owns a stake in, DST’s most popular site.

      Quite how all these ties will play out is not clear. Many of the firms involved are in similar businesses, and so have skills to share, but they also risk competing with one another. DST’s boss, Yuri Milner, has said that the link-up with Tencent will help his own firm catch up in social networking, which has lagged in Russia.

      Tencent is certainly good at exploiting opportunities. A decade ago it struck a deal with China Mobile to transfer short messages from computers to mobile phones. The charge to users was 10 yuan a month ($1.50), of which Tencent received 85%. The text-messaging business that has emerged from this is nothing short of staggering: the firm claims the service had 500m active accounts in December.

      Even greater success has come from gaming. Explicit import barriers and fear of counterfeiting stymied Japanese and American firms’ attempts to introduce gaming consoles in China. Tencent filled the vacuum by allowing customers to play PC-based games online free of charge, and then selling them digital accoutrements, such as weapons or clothes. This model proved piracy-proof and wildly popular. Tencent also sells add-ons (such as wallpaper images) for its social network, Qzone. Its revenues and profits, which come mainly from sales of virtual items, have been growing by over 60% a year. With a market capitalisation of more than $37 billion, it is the world’s third-biggest internet firm.

      Given the protectionism it has benefited from in China, Tencent may suspect that straightforward expansion into a place like Russia may not be feasible. Instead, both Tencent and DST seem to be considering further acquisitions as a means to move abroad. Both are said to be interested in buying ICQ, an instant-messaging business owned by AOL, an American web portal. DST is also reported to have its eye on Bebo, a social network owned by AOL. There are rumours, too, that Tencent may now help Facebook get into China, where it is currently blocked. The only certainty is that linkages between such firms are growing almost as quickly as the social networks they run—especially among those looking for virtual means to cut holes through protected borders.
      schrieb am 19.04.10 09:19:25
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      Tencent, China Merchants Bank Sign Strategic Agreement
      April 19, 2010 | Print | Email Email | Comments | Category: Business, Internet

      Chinese Internet company Tencent and China Merchants Bank have signed a strategic cooperating agreement to realize overall cooperation for the construction of a financial service platform.

      The signing of the agreement marks the first overall cross-industry cooperation between a financial organization and an Internet portal in China. The cooperation will reportedly cover various sectors, including branding, services, and industry development. The two parties will promote each other's products and services, implement mutual marketing of customers, jointly organize charity activities, jointly initiate marketing activities, and jointly hold financial brand forums.

      Tencent and China Merchants Bank have maintained a close partnership and the two parties have extensive cooperation in various areas. The comprehensive agreement signed this time is expected to promote the partnership of the two companies to the next stage.

      No financial details or projections for this deal have been released.
      schrieb am 19.04.10 12:34:40
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      Tencent (HKG:0700) to add 40% SZ Domain at RMB162.5M
      [Date:04-19-2010] Source: Infocast News RSS Feed

      Tencent Holdings (HKG:0700) has agreed to acquire a total of 40% equity interest in Shenzhen Domain Computer Network Company Limited (SZ Domain) at a total consideration of RMB162.5 million to increase its equity interest in SZ Domain to 100%.

      SZ Domain is engaged in the development and provision of online games, in particular MMOGs (massively multiplayer online games). QQ Huaxia and Hero Island are two of the MMOGs developed and introduced by SZ Domain and are well received by the online game community.
      schrieb am 21.04.10 09:51:39
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      Tencent To Acquire Remaining Stake In SZdomain For CNY150 Million
      April 21, 2010 | Print | Email Email | Comments | Category: Business, Internet

      The Chinese Internet company Tencent Holdings Limited has published an announcement, stating that it will acquire the remaining 40% stake in SZdomain, a Shenzhen-based online game developer and operator, for a consideration of over CNY150 million.

      On the completion of this transaction, Tencent will own the complete stake in SZdomain.

      Tencent said that it will invest CNY141.8 million to acquire a 29% stake in SZdomain from its founder and executive president, Zhang Yan. In addition, Tencent will gain the remaining 11% options of the company.

      In November 2005, Tencent acquired a 19.9% stake in SZdomain for CNY29.9 million and then Tencent made another investment of CNY106.3 million in the acquisition of a 40.1% stake in SZdomain, gaining a total of 60% stake in the online game company in the two transactions. The new acquisition is expected to be completed before June 19, 2010.

      Tencent's board of directors said that the completion of the acquisition can ensure the smooth integration of Tencent and SZdomain. At the same time, Tencent will provide more resources and supports to SZdomain to promote the continuous development of the latter.

      Founded in 1997, SZdomain is a high-tech software company specialized in the development and operation of online games and the research of network applications. It claims to be one of the few Chinese companies that have proprietary 2D and 3D game engine technologies and intellectual property rights.
      schrieb am 22.04.10 19:01:05
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      Kaum zu glauben, dass hier fast keiner bei einer solchen Perle postet. schaut mal in den aktuellen Aktionär Seite 26/27
      schrieb am 22.04.10 19:03:25
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      First Ship Lease Trust kaufen

      HSH Nordbank AG

      Hamburg ( AG) - Der Analyst Stefan Gäde von der HSH Nordbank AG stuft die Aktie von First Ship Lease Trust (FSL Trust) (ISIN SG1U66934613 / WKN A0MM8X) unverändert mit "kaufen" ein.

      Im ersten Quartal 2010 habe FSL Trust ein deutlich geringeres Ergebnis als im Vorjahresquartal und im vierten Quartal 2009 erzielt. Bei einem Umsatz von 24,43 USD (Vorjahr: 24,82 Mio. USD) sei das Quartalsergebnis von 1,54 auf 0,69 Mio. USD gesunken. Hauptgrund dafür sei der höhere Zinsaufwand. Im dritten Quartal habe FSL Trust wegen der Nichterfüllung von Loan-to-value-covenants einen 2-Jahres-Waiver abschließen müssen. Die zusätzliche Belastung sei mit 0,7 Mio. USD pro Quartal angegeben worden. Hinzu kämen nicht realisierte Währungsverluste von 0,20 Mio. USD, die im Finanzergebnis zum Tragen kämen.

      Die leichten Schwankungen im Umsatz würden von zwei Schiffen stammen, deren Charterrate und Refinanzierung an den LIBOR gekoppelt sei, was sich im Nettoergebnis wieder aufhebe. Der operative Cashflow (vor Zinsen) habe geringfügig von 23,01 auf 22,57 Mio. USD abgenommen. Neben der Zahlung von Zinsen seien die Bankverbindlichkeiten vertragsgemäß um 8 Mio. USD zurückgeführt worden. Weitere 9 Mio. USD seien ausgeschüttet worden. Die Quartalsdividende werde wieder 1,50 US-Cent pro Anteilsschein betragen. Das Management gehe von diesem Betrag auch für das zweite Quartal 2010 aus.

      Der Wert des Schiffsportfolios ohne Berücksichtigung der langfristigen Charterverträge sei Ende März 2010 mit 623,0 Mio. USD angegeben worden. Das entspreche 129% der Bankverbindlichkeiten von 484,3 Mio. USD. Insgesamt bestehe die FSL-Flotte aus 23 Schiffen. Ende März hätten die vertraglich gesicherten Umsätze noch 731,4 USD ohne Berücksichtigung von Verlängerungsoder Ausstiegsoptionen umfasst.


      Das erste Quartal 2010 habe im Zeichen einer höheren Zinsbelastung gestanden und ein entsprechend niedrigeres Ergebnis mit sich gebracht. Der Cashflow erlaube aber weiterhin neben der Tilgung der Verbindlichkeiten die Zahlung einer Quartalsdividende von 1,5 US-Cent pro Anteilsschein. Dieses Ergebnis- bzw. Ausschüttungsniveau könne nach Meinung der Analysten auch für die folgenden Quartale des laufenden Geschäftsjahres als gesichert angesehen werden.

      Mit der sich erholenden Konjunktur würden sich auch die Perspektiven für die Schifffahrt verbessern. So untermauere der überraschend kräftige Zuwachs des Containerumschlags im ersten Quartal 2010 den einsetzenden Aufwärtstrend. Gleichwohl rechne man damit, dass das Überangebot an Tonnage die Erholung der Charterraten bis mindestens Ende 2011 noch beeinträchtigen werde.

      Weil viele Banken beim Neugeschäft Zurückhaltung üben würden, dürfte es FSL Trust nicht schwer fallen, die Schiffsflotte aufzustocken. Dafür stünden die Mittel aus der Kapitalerhöhung (28,3 Mio. USD) zur Verfügung. Allerdings seien die Analysten davon ausgegangen, dass es schon im ersten Quartal zu einem Vertragsabschluss kommen würde. Das FSL-Management halte einen Abschluss im zweiten Quartal für wahrscheinlich. Das würde sich entsprechend im Ergebnis widerspiegeln.

      Da der Ausbau der Flotte langsamer vorangehe als erwartet, hätten die Analysten ihre Umsatz- und Ergebnisprognose für dieses Jahr reduziert. Außerdem würden sie von etwas ungünstigeren Investitionsbedingungen für FSL ausgehen.

      Die Analysten der HSH Nordbank AG bestätigen das "kaufen"-Rating für die FSL Trust-Aktie. Das Kursziel auf Sicht von zwölf Monaten hätten die Analysten von 0,57 auf 0,55 USD reduziert. Dies entspreche 0,75 SGD (Singapur-Dollar) (Umrechnungskurs: 1,000 SGD = 0,7250 USD). Das Anlagerisiko schätze man als mittel ein. (Analyse vom 22.04.2010) (22.04.2010/ac/a/a)
      schrieb am 12.05.10 12:22:37
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      Börsenkalenderfür TENCENT HOLDINGS LTD.

      12.05.2010 Hauptversammlung

      12.05.2010 Ergebnisse erstes Quartal
      schrieb am 12.05.10 12:24:19
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 39.506.599 von zinn123 am 12.05.10 12:22:37For Immediate Release
      Hong Kong, May 12, 2010 – Tencent Holdings Limited (“Tencent” or the “Company”, SEHK 00700), a
      leading provider of Internet and mobile & telecommunications value-added services in China, today
      announced the unaudited consolidated results for the first quarter of 2010 ended March 31, 2010.
      Highlights of the first quarter of 2010:
      § Total revenues were RMB4,226.1 million (USD619.1 million1), an increase of 14.6% over the
      fourth quarter of 2009 (“QoQ”) or an increase of 68.7% over the first quarter of 2009 (“YoY”)
      § Revenues from Internet value-added services (“IVAS”) were RMB3,387.4 million (USD496.2
      million), an increase of 19.0% QoQ or an increase of 77.9% YoY
      § Revenues from mobile & telecommunications value-added services (“MVAS”) were RMB618.2
      million (USD90.6 million), an increase of 12.4% QoQ or an increase of 40.7% YoY
      § Revenues from online advertising were RMB204.3 million (USD29.9 million), a decrease of
      26.8% QoQ or an increase of 39.4% YoY
      § Gross profit was RMB2,897.7 million (USD424.5 million), an increase of 13.9% QoQ or an
      increase of 68.6% YoY. Gross margin decreased to 68.6% from 69.0% last quarter
      § Operating profit was RMB2,148.4 million (USD314.7 million), an increase of 20.9% QoQ or an
      increase of 84.5% YoY. Operating margin increased to 50.8% from 48.2% last quarter
      § Profit for the period was RMB1,802.4 million (USD264.0 million), an increase of 17.6% QoQ or an
      increase of 71.1% YoY. Net margin increased to 42.7% from 41.6% last quarter
      § Profit attributable to equity holders of the Company was RMB1,783.2 million (USD261.2 million),
      an increase of 18.3% QoQ or an increase of 72.2% YoY
      § Key platform statistics:
      - Active Instant Messaging (“IM”) user accounts increased 8.7% QoQ to 568.6 million
      - Peak simultaneous online user accounts for IM services increased 13.2% QoQ to 105.3
      - Active user accounts of Qzone increased 10.4% QoQ to 428.0 million
      - Peak simultaneous online user accounts of QQ Game portal (for mini casual games only)
      increased 9.7% QoQ to 6.8 million
      - IVAS paying subscriptions increased 16.1% QoQ to 59.9 million
      - MVAS paying subscriptions increased 14.8% QoQ to 23.3 million
      Mr. Ma Huateng, Chairman and CEO of Tencent, said, “During the first quarter of 2010, our various
      online platforms continued to grow and our IVAS business, particularly our online gaming business,
      benefited from the strong holiday season. The second quarter will be a weaker season for our IVAS
      business, but it will present stronger seasonality for our online advertising business. We are also
      looking forward to leveraging the Shanghai World Expo and World Cup events to further build our
      brand and media influence. While we are cognizant of the fact that as our scale grows, the growth
      rate of our business will inevitably slow down; we are committed to continuously investing into the
      future as we believe in the long-term potential of the China Internet market.”
      1 Figures stated in USD are based on USD1 to RMB6.8263
      Page 2 of 8
      Financial Review for the First Quarter of 2010
      IVAS revenues increased 19.0% QoQ to RMB3,387.4 million and represented 80.2% of our total
      revenues for the first quarter of 2010. Revenues from our online games increased by 30.1% to
      RMB2,023.6 million. This primarily reflected the positive seasonal impact of the Chinese New Year
      holidays and winter break for students, which resulted in the increased monetisation of our major
      advanced casual games and MMOGs, namely Cross Fire, Dungeon and Fighter (“DNF”), QQ Dancer
      and QQ Speed. The growth of QQ Game also contributed to the increase in online gaming revenues.
      For our community value-added services, revenues increased by 5.6% to RMB1,363.8 million.
      Subscriber of QQ Membership increased as we focused on enhancing user value and stickiness by
      enriching the online and offline privileges of the product. Growth in Qzone was mainly due to
      increased user activeness driven by our SNS applications. Revenues from QQ Show also increased
      as we launched programmes to attract new subscribers and continued to improve user loyalty with
      enhanced features as well as annual subscription package.
      MVAS revenues increased 12.4% QoQ to RMB618.2 million and represented 14.6% of our total
      revenues. This was primarily driven by the growth in the user base of our bundled SMS packages
      resulting from enhanced privileges and features. Revenues from mobile SNS applications and mobile
      games also increased. The increase in revenues was partly offset by the reduction in revenues from
      our WAP business due to the suspension of billing for WAP services by China Mobile since 30
      November 2009. Revenues from legacy mobile voice value-added services also declined.
      Online advertising revenues decreased 26.8% QoQ to RMB204.3 million and represented 4.8% of
      our total revenues. This primarily reflected weaker seasonality in the first quarter as advertising
      activities reduced around the Chinese New Year holidays.
      Other Key Financial Information for the First Quarter of 2010
      Share-based compensation was RMB101.0 million for the first quarter of 2010 as compared with
      RMB100.3 million for the previous quarter.
      Foreign exchange loss was RMB1.6 million for the first quarter of 2010 as compared with RMB0.4
      million for the previous quarter.
      Capital expenditure was RMB366.6 million for the first quarter of 2010 as compared with RMB369.2
      million for the previous quarter.
      Basic earnings per share for the quarter were RMB0.984, and diluted earnings per share were
      As at March 31, 2010, cash and cash equivalents, term deposits with initial term of over three months
      and held-to-maturity investments totaled RMB13,810.3 million. The total number of shares of the
      Company in issue was 1.824 billion.
      Page 3 of 8
      Business Review and Outlook
      We delivered solid financial and operating performance in the first quarter of 2010 on the back of
      strong seasonality and the continued growth of our platforms. Our IVAS, especially for online games,
      benefited from the Chinese New Year holidays and winter break for students, when users’ propensity
      to spend increased. Our MVAS registered growth during the quarter, primarily driven by the increase
      in subscription to our bundled SMS packages as we enriched the privileges and features. For our
      online advertising business, revenues decreased on a quarter-on-quarter basis as the first quarter
      was traditionally a weak season. Looking into the second quarter of 2010, we expect weaker
      seasonality for our IVAS due to fewer school holidays during the quarter and school examinations
      towards the end of the quarter. Visibility of our MVAS business would remain low as the industry
      continues to face significant regulatory uncertainties. On the other hand, our online advertising
      business should benefit from stronger seasonality in the second quarter.
      In April 2010, we announced a USD300 million investment in Digital Sky Technologies Limited
      (“DST”), one of the largest Internet companies in the Russian-speaking and Eastern European
      markets, and the establishment of a long-term strategic partnership between DST and Tencent. This
      transaction represents a step for us to tap into the potential of the fast-growing Internet market in
      Russia. It also aligns with our long-term strategy of cooperating with top local Internet companies in
      emerging markets through strategic investment and partnership, and leveraging our technical and
      operational know-how to deliver quality Internet products and services to users in these markets.
      IM Platform
      Our IM platform continued to expand during the quarter, with active users and peak concurrent users
      (“PCU”) increasing to 568.6 million and 105.3 million respectively. This was primarily driven by
      positive seasonality and the popularity of SNS applications, which enhanced user activity and
      engagement through cross-platform integration. The increasing usage of our IM services on mobile
      devices also contributed to the growth. To extend our leadership in the market, we are broadening
      and deepening the integration of our IM services with other platforms of Tencent. We are also
      enhancing our services for different user segments with tailored functionalities and features.
      The traffic on increased during the quarter as we enriched the content of our key vertical
      channels and fostered stronger cross-platform integration. We also continued to execute our brand
      TV advertising campaign to further improve our brand image and awareness. In the second quarter
      and third quarter of 2010, we will increase our investments in content as well as advertising and
      promotion activities to leverage the 2010 World Exposition in Shanghai and the World Cup to
      enhance our media influence and standing in the industry. As part of this strategy, we have just
      acquired the right from China Network Television to provide World Cup video clips to our users.
      Internet value-added services
      For community value-added services, QQ Membership registered healthy growth in user base on the
      back of enhanced user loyalty and stickiness mainly driven by the bundling of more value-added
      functions as well as online and offline lifestyle privileges. Benefiting from the popularity of SNS
      Page 4 of 8
      applications, Qzone’s active user accounts increased by 10.4% on a quarter-on-quarter basis to
      reach 428.0 million at the end of the first quarter. As we saw the growth of our most popular SNS
      game, QQ Farm, approaching saturation because of its high penetration, we increased the promotion
      of QQ Ranch, a social game closely related and integrated with QQ Farm, to provide more content to
      our users. We are also launching new self-developed and third-party applications on Qzone and
      Xiaoyou on trial basis during the first quarter as we recognise the life cycle of individual social game
      tends to be short. Going forward, we will continue to enhance the user value of our SNS platforms by
      improving the basic social networking functionalities as well as introducing different SNS applications
      that cater to the varying needs of our user base. We are also increasing our effort to extend Qzone to
      our wireless platforms to further enhance its reach and usage. For QQ Show, monthly subscription
      grew during the quarter as we introduced free trial and enhanced free items to attract new users and
      converted some of these users into paid subscribers. User stickiness also improved, with enhanced
      features as well as introduction of annual subscription package.
      Our online game business benefited from positive seasonality as well as the launch of expansion
      packs and holiday promotions for our major advanced casual games and MMOGs. QQ Game also
      benefited from in-game promotions, with its PCU reaching 6.8 million. During the quarter, we
      launched Dragon Power, a hardcore 2D MMOG, and A.V.A., a niche market First Person Shooting
      game, to further enrich our diversified game portfolio. We are also working on the launch of additional
      MMOGs for the rest of 2010. We believe that as the online game industry begins to mature, the
      operating environment for online game companies would become more challenging going forward.
      On the one hand, gamers are now more sophisticated in choosing online games, raising the bar on
      the quality of successful games. On the other hand, competition for licensed games and talent has
      increased as there are many well-funded gaming companies in the market. These factors would
      decrease the success rate and extent of success for new games, as well as increase investment
      requirements. Against this backdrop, we will have to work even harder on leveraging our platforms
      and operational experience to introduce high quality games to different market segments via
      self-development, licensing and investments. Our recent acquisition of the remaining 40% stake in
      Shenzhen Domain Computer Network Company Limited, which will allow us to better integrate and
      leverage the development resources of the company, is in line with this strategy.
      Mobile and telecommunications value-added services
      Our MVAS business grew during the quarter primarily driven by the expansion in the user base of our
      bundled SMS packages as we added more privileges and features to the packages. Traffic on our
      WAP portal continued to increase, reinforcing our leading position in the freeWAP portal industry. The
      growth of our MVAS business was dampened by the suspension of billing for WAP services by China
      Mobile since 30 November 2009 and the decline in legacy mobile voice value-added services.
      Visibility of the industry would remain low as the sector is still subject to significant regulatory
      Online advertising
      Our online advertising business was affected by weaker seasonality in the first quarter of 2010 as
      advertising activities generally reduced around the Chinese New Year holidays. During the quarter,
      we continued to develop cross-platform and user-targeted advertising solutions to deepen our
      differentiation in the market. Looking ahead, we are positioning ourselves for long-term growth by
      Page 5 of 8
      enhancing our image as a mainstream and influential media, strengthening our sales organisation
      and further improving our advertising products to capitalise on the strengths of our platforms.
      # # #
      Page 6 of 8
      About Tencent
      Tencent aims to enrich the interactive online experience of Internet users in China by providing a
      comprehensive range of Internet and wireless value-added services. Through its various online
      platforms, including Instant Messaging QQ, web portal, QQ Game portal, multi-media social
      networking service Qzone and wireless portal, Tencent services the largest online community in
      China and fulfills the user’s needs for communication, information, entertainment and e-Commerce
      on the Internet.
      Tencent has three main streams of revenues: Internet value-added services, mobile and
      telecommunications value-added services and online advertising.
      Shares of Tencent Holdings Limited are traded on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange of Hong
      Kong Limited, under stock code 00700. The Company became one of the 43 constituents of the Hang
      Seng Index (HSI) on June 10, 2008. For more information, please visit
      For enquiries, please contact:
      Catherine Chan Tel: (86) 755 86013388 ext 88369 or (852) 21795122 Email:
      Jane Yip Tel: (86) 755 86013388 ext 81374 or (852) 21795122 Email:
      Forward-Looking Statements
      This press release contains forward-looking statements relating to the business outlook, forecast
      business plans and growth strategies of the Company. These forward-looking statements are based
      on information currently available to the Group and are stated herein on the basis of the outlook at the
      time of this announcement. They are based on certain expectations, assumptions and premises,
      some of which are subjective or beyond our control. These forward-looking statements may prove to
      be incorrect and may not be realized in future. Underlying the forward-looking statements is a large
      number of risks and uncertainties. Further information regarding these risks and uncertainties is
      included in our other public disclosure documents on our corporate website.
      Page 7 of 8
      In RMB ‘000 (unless otherwise stated)
      Unaudited Unaudited
      1Q2010 4Q2009 1Q2010 1Q2009
      Revenues 4,226,060 3,688,264 4,226,060 2,504,365
      Internet VAS 3,387,377 2,847,055 3,387,377 1,904,563
      Mobile & Telecom VAS 618,238 549,899 618,238 439,545
      Online Advertising 204,334 279,006 204,334 146,563
      Others 16,111 12,304 16,111 13,694
      Cost of revenues (1,328,355) (1,144,855) (1,328,355) (785,914)
      Gross profit 2,897,705 2,543,409 2,897,705 1,718,451
      Gross margin 68.6% 69.0% 68.6% 68.6%
      Interest income 57,191 41,116 57,191 34,049
      Other losses, net (35,275) (26,886) (35,275) (34,820)
      S&M expenses (185,417) (208,105) (185,417) (98,105)
      G&A expenses (585,766) (572,882) (585,766) (455,018)
      Operating profit 2,148,438 1,776,652 2,148,438 1,164,557
      Operating margin 50.8% 48.2% 50.8% 46.5%
      Finance (costs)/income (1,558) (369) (1,558) 248
      Share of profit of associates 12,913 9,542 12,913 5,372
      Profit before income tax 2,159,793 1,785,825 2,159,793 1,170,177
      Income tax expense (357,375) (252,772) (357,375) (116,567)
      Profit for the period /Total
      comprehensive income for the period
      1,802,418 1,533,053 1,802,418 1,053,610
      Net margin 42.7% 41.6% 42.7% 42.1%
      Attributable to:
      Equity holders of the Company 1,783,194 1,507,945 1,783,194 1,035,440
      Minority interests 19,224 25,108 19,224 18,170
      Earnings per share
      - basic (RMB) 0.984 0.835 0.984 0.577
      - diluted (RMB) 0.959 0.812 0.959 0.566
      Page 8 of 8
      In RMB ‘000 (unless otherwise stated) Unaudited Audited
      31 March
      31 December
      Non-current assets
      Fixed assets 2,688,833 2,517,202
      Construction in progress 123,824 105,771
      Investment properties 67,703 68,025
      Land use rights 35,109 35,296
      Intangible assets 277,620 268,713
      Investment in associates 612,856 477,622
      Deferred income tax assets 286,862 301,016
      Held-to-maturity investments 341,315 341,410
      Available-for-sale financial assets 174,031 153,462
      Prepayments, deposits and other receivables 12,799 80,306
      4,620,952 4,348,823
      Current assets
      Accounts receivable 1,610,069 1,229,436
      Prepayments, deposits and other receivables 431,937 373,642
      Term deposits with initial term of over three months 6,673,010 5,310,168
      Restricted cash 1,008,175 200,000
      Cash and cash equivalents 6,795,966 6,043,696
      16,519,157 13,156,942
      Total Assets 21,140,109 17,505,765
      Equity attributable to the Company’s equity holders
      Share capital 197 197
      Share premium 1,283,509 1,244,425
      Shares held for share award scheme (155,664) (123,767)
      Share-based compensation reserve 804,623 703,563
      Other reserves (66,030) (166,364)
      Retained earnings 12,297,564 10,520,453
      14,164,199 12,178,507
      Minority interests in equity 112,672 120,146
      Total Equity 14,276,871 12,298,653
      Non-current liabilities
      Deferred income tax liabilities 403,229 369,983
      Long-term payables 12,799 274,050
      416,028 644,033
      Current liabilities
      Accounts payable 937,360 696,511
      Other payables and accruals 1,793,618 1,626,051
      Short-term bank borrowings 988,448 202,322
      Current income tax liabilities 288,728 85,216
      Other tax liabilities 272,939 216,978
      Deferred revenue 2,166,117 1,736,001
      6,447,210 4,563,079
      Total Liabilities 6,863,238 5,207,112
      Total Equity and Liabilities 21,140,109 17,505,765
      schrieb am 12.05.10 12:25:38
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 39.506.599 von zinn123 am 12.05.10 12:22:37…
      schrieb am 12.05.10 16:43:07
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 39.506.627 von zinn123 am 12.05.10 12:25:38die zahlen sind doch nicht schlecht. warum geht der kurs runter - kann mir das einer erklären?
      schrieb am 09.06.10 17:24:02
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 39.508.874 von milanjo am 12.05.10 16:43:07gestern und heute gingen der kurs runter.

      hat jemand eine ahnung warum?
      schrieb am 15.06.10 10:05:31
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 39.657.068 von zinn123 am 09.06.10 17:24:02kursverlust von 16 euro auf 13 euro.

      ganz schön viel.
      schrieb am 15.06.10 23:08:06
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 39.682.265 von zinn123 am 15.06.10 10:05:31hier schreiben leider sehr wenige und schon gar keine die ahnung haben, warum es runter geht.

      die empfehlung kam ja vom aktionär. mal sehen, was er in der neuen ausgabe schreibt, wenn diese am kommenden montag raus kommt
      schrieb am 17.06.10 11:54:04
      Beitrag Nr. 22 ()
      der verlust ist bei der geldmaschine völlig ungerechtfertigt. alte höchststände sollten bald erreicht werden und dann mit ziel 20 eur
      schrieb am 08.07.10 13:48:04
      Beitrag Nr. 23 ()
      Tencent (HKG:0700) repurchases 570K shares
      [Date:07-08-2010] Source: Infocast News RSS Feed
      Tencent (HKG:0700) bought back 570,000 shares at between $133.1 and $136.5 per share for a total of $77.098 million on July 7.
      schrieb am 03.08.10 11:29:58
      Beitrag Nr. 24 ()
      EMFIS.COM - Shanghai 03.08.2010 ( Der chinesische Softwarespezialist Tencent möchte bis Jahresende seine eigene Handy-Serie auf den Markt bringen. An den neuen Geräten forscht das Unternehmen bereits seit Mitte 2009. Bisher wurde nur bekannt, dass als Betriebssystem nicht mehr wie zuvor geplant Googles Android, sondern das von Nokia und Intel gemeinsam entwickelte MeeGoo verwendet werden soll. Tencent und Intel unterzeichneten im April diesen Jahres auch ein Kooperationsabkommen zur weiteren Entwicklung und Vermarktung von MeeGoo. Die Mobiltelefonserie von Tencent soll im oberen Preissegment liegen und vor allem Business-User ansprechen.
      schrieb am 05.08.10 14:30:11
      Beitrag Nr. 25 ()
      Ich überlege, ob ich jetzt zum günstigeren KGV hier einsteige...
      schrieb am 11.08.10 10:47:04
      Beitrag Nr. 26 ()

      Note Unaudited30 June2010RMB’000 Audited31 December2009RMB ’000
      ASSETSNon-current assetsFixed assets 2,822,058 2,517,202
      Construction in progress 179,678 105,771
      Investment properties 67,613 68,025
      Land use rights 232,248 35,296
      Intangible assets 265,961 268,713
      Investment in associates 799,982 477,622
      Deferred income tax assets 272,708 301,016
      Held-to-maturity investments ~ 341,410
      Available-for-sale financial assets 2,284,894 153,462
      Prepayments, deposits and other assets 423,749 80,306
      7,348,891 4,348,823
      Current assetsAccounts receivable 3 1,710,749 1,229,436
      Prepayments, deposits and other assets 401,819 373,642
      Derivative financial instruments 17,578 ~
      Term deposits with initial term of overthree months 7,422,082 5,3 10,168
      Restricted cash 6(a) 1,214,493 200,000
      Cash and cash equivalents 6,486,312 6,043,696
      17,253,033 13,156,942
      Total assets 24,601,924 17,505,765

      Note Unaudited30 June2010RMB ’000 Audited31 December2009RMB ’000
      EQUITYEquity attributable to the Company’sequity holdersShare capital 198 197
      Share premium 1,352,114 1,244,425
      Shares held for share award scheme (236,114) (123,767)
      Share-based compensation reserve 924,309 703,563
      Other reserves 90,238 (166,364)
      Retained earnings 13,449,624 10,520,453
      15,580,369 12,178,507
      Non-controlling interests 60,174 120, 146
      Total equity 15,640,543 12,298,653
      LIABILITIESNon-current liabilitiesDeferred income tax liabilities 481,517 369,983
      Long-term payables ~ 274,050
      481,517 644,033
      Current liabilitiesAccounts payable 5 1,028,726 696,5 11
      Other payables and accruals 1,994,316 1,626,05 1
      Short-term bank borrowings 6 2,755,116 202,322
      Current income tax liabilities 358,733 85,216
      Other tax liabilities 173,308 2 16,978
      Deferred revenue 2,169,665 1,736,00 1
      8,479,864 4,563,079
      Total liabilities 8,961,381 5,207,112
      Total equity and liabilities 24,601,924 17,505,765
      Net current assets 8,773,169 8,593,863
      Total assets less current liabilities 16,122,060 12,942,686

      UnauditedThree months ended30 June UnauditedSix months ended30 June
      Note 2010RMB’000 2009RMB’000 2010RMB’000 2009RMB’000
      RevenuesInternet value-added services 3,581,976 2,156,468 6,969,353 4,061,031
      Mobile and telecommunicationsvalue-added services 674,120 470,003 1,292,358 909,548
      Online advertising 397,520 243,044 601,854 389,607
      Others 15,564 8,908 31,675 22,602
      4,669,180 2,878,423 8,895,240 5,3 82,788
      Cost of revenues 8 (1,482,939) (934,613) (2,811,294) (1,720,527)
      Gross profit 3,186,241 1,943,810 6,083,946 3,662,261
      Interest income 54,005 27,520 111,196 61,569
      Other gains/(losses), net 7 27,415 (2,192) (7,860) (37,012)
      Selling and marketing expenses 8 (230,340) (114,587) (4 15,757) (212,692)
      General and administrative expenses 8 (665,961) (455,629) (1,251,727) (910,647)
      Operating profit * 2,371,360 1,398,922 4,519,798 2,563,479
      Finance costs (2,976) (653) (4,534) (405)
      Share of profit of associates 11,334 3,452 24,247 8,824
      Profit before income tax 2,379,718 1,401,721 4,539,511 2,571,898
      Income tax expense 9 (448,525) (199,973) (805,900) (3 16,540)
      Profit/Total comprehensive incomefor the period 1,931,193 1,201,748 3,733,611 2,255,358
      Attributable to:Equity holders of the Company 1,916,502 1,192,410 3,699,696 2,227,850
      Non-controlling interests 14,691 9,338 33,915 27,508
      1,931,193 1,201,748 3,733,611 2,255,358

      Three months ended
      30 June
      2010 2009 Note RMB’000 RMB’000

      Six months ended
      30 June
      2010 2009 RMB’000 RMB’000

      Earnings per share for profit attributable to equity holders of the Company during the period (expressed in RMB per share)

      - basic 10 1.054 0.662 2.039 1.239
      - diluted 10 1.031 0.647 1.990 1.213

      * After deduction of share-based compensation charge amounting to RMB119,599,000 for the three months ended 30 June 2010 (for the three months ended 30 June 2009: RMB53,904,000) and RMB220,571,000 for the six months ended 30 June 2010 (for the six months ended 30 June 2009: RMB103,238,000).


      Attributable to equity holders of the Company
      Share Shares heldfor shareShare award Share-basedcompensation Other Retained Non﷓controlling Total
      capital premium scheme reserve reserves earnings Total interests equity
      RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000
      197 1,244,425 (123,767) 703,563 (166,364) 10,520,453 12,178,507 120,146 12,298,653
      ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3,699,696 3,699,696 33,915 3,733,611
      ~ ~ ~ 62,689 ~ ~ 62,689 ~ 62,689
      1 110,721 ~ ~ ~ ~ 110,722 ~ 110,722
      ~ ~ ~ 158,057 ~ ~ 158,057 ~ 158,057
      ~ ~ (115,379) ~ ~ ~ (115,379) ~ (115,379)
      ~ (3,032) 3,032 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
      ~ ~ ~ ~ 6,083 (6,083) ~ ~ ~
      ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (639,264) (639,264) (62,792) (702,056)
      ~ ~ ~ ~ 94,246 ~ 94,246 ~ 94,246
      ~ ~ ~ ~ 156,273 (125,178) 31,095 (31,095) ~
      198 1,352,114 (236,114) 924,309 90,238 13,449,624 15,580,369 60,174 15,640,543

      UnauditedSix months ended 30 June
      2010RMB’000 2009RMB’000
      Net cash flows generated from operatingactivities 5,027,992 3,531,851
      Net cash flows used in investing activities (6,427,813) (1,944,788)
      Net cash flows from/(used in) financingactivities 1,846,080 (593,803)
      Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 446,259 993,260
      Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period 6,043,696 3,067,928
      Exchange losses on cash and cash equivalents (3,643) (166)
      Cash and cash equivalents at end of period 6,486,312 4,061,022
      Analysis of balances of cash and cashequivalents:Bank balances and cash 3,255,633 1,742,385
      Short-term highly liquid investments withinitial term of three months or less 3,230,679 2,3 18,637
      6,486,312 4,061,022

      1 General information, basis of preparation and presentation
      The Company was incorporated in the Cayman Islands. The shares of the Company have been listed on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Stock Exchange”) since 16 June 2004.
      The Company is an investment holding company. The Group is principally engaged in the provision of Internet value-added services, mobile and telecommunications value-added services and online advertising services to users in the People’s Republic of China (the “PRC”).
      The consolidated statement of financial position as at 30 June 2010, the related consolidated statement of comprehensive income for the three and six months then ended, the consolidated statement of changes in equity, and the condensed consolidated statement of cash flows for the six months then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory notes (collectively defined as the “Interim Financial Information”) of the Group have been approved by the Board on 11 August 2010.
      The Interim Financial Information is prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard (“IAS”) 34 “Interim Financial Reporting” issued by the International Accounting Standards Board.
      The Interim Financial Information should be read in conjunction with the annual consolidated financial statements of the Group for the year ended 31 December 2009 (the “2009 Financial Statements”) as set out in the 2009 annual report of the Company dated 17 March 2010.
      Except as described below, the accounting policies and method of computation used in the preparation of the Interim Financial Information are consistent with those used in the 2009 Financial Statements, which have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”) under the historical cost convention, as modified by the revaluation of available-for-sale financial assets and derivative financial instruments.
      Taxes on income for the interim period are accrued using the tax rates that would be applicable to expected total annual earnings.
      The following new standards and amendments to existing standards have been published and are mandatory for the financial year beginning 1 January 2010, are relevant to the Group:
      IAS 27 (Revised) Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements
      IFRS 2 (Amendment) Group Cash- settled Share-based Payment Transaction
      IFRS 3 (Revised) Business Combinations
      The Group has applied IAS 27 (Revised), IFRS 2 (Amendment) and IFRS 3 (Revised) and management has considered that these amendments have no significant impact on the Interim Financial Information.

      The Group has the following reportable segments for the three and six months ended 30 June 2010 and 2009:
      � Internet value-added services;
      � Mobile and telecommunications value-added services;
      � Online advertising; and
      � Others.
      Other segments of the Group are mainly comprised of the provision of online payment services and trademark licensing.
      There were no inter-segment sales during the three and six months ended 30 June 2010 and 2009.
      The segment information provided to the executive directors for the reportable segments for the three and six months ended 30 June 2010 and 2009 is as follows:

      Three months ended 30 June 2009
      Internetvalue-addedservicesRMB ’000 Mobile and OthersRMB ’000
      telecommunicationsvalue-added Onlineservices advertisingRMB ’000 RMB ’000
      Segment revenues(revenues fromexternal customers) 2,156,468 470,003 243,044 8,908
      Gross profit/(loss) 1,491,3 13 290,422 169,621 (7,546)
      Depreciation 28,02 1 3,786 1,279 1,369
      Amortisation 16,915 ~ ~ ~
      Share of profit ofassociates 2,415 1,037 ~ ~
      UnauditedSix months ended 30 June 2010
      Mobile andInternet telecommunications Online’000 OthersRMB ’000
      value-addedservicesRMB’000 value-addedservices advertisingRMB ’000 RMB

      Segment revenues (revenues from external customers)
      Gross profit/(loss)
      Depreciation Amortisation
      Share of profit of associates



      601,854 31,675 8,895,240
      (14,848) 6,083,946
      8,266 6,000 183,425
      � ~ 30,677
      � ~ 24,247

      Six months ended 30 June 2009
      Internetvalue-addedservicesRMB ’000 Mobile andtelecommunicationsvalue-addedservicesRMB ’000 OnlineadvertisingRMB ’000
      Others TotalRMB ’000 RMB ’000
      Segment revenues(revenues fromexternal customers) 4,061,03 1 909,548 389,607 22,602 5,382,788
      Gross profit/(loss) 2,85 1,252 560,907 264,183 (14,081) 3,662,261
      Depreciation 53,6 14 7,576 2,415 2,509 66,114
      Amortisation 40,6 11 ~ ~ ~ 40,611
      Share of profit ofassociates 3,899 4,925 ~ ~ 8,824
      3 Accounts receivable
      Unaudited30 June2010 Audited31 December2009
      RMB’000 RMB ’000

      0 - 30 days 981,461 690,858
      31 days - 60 days 215,196 173 ,33 1
      61 days - 90 days 152,200 112,752
      Over 90 days but less than a year 361,892 252,495
      1,710,749 1,229,436

      Receivable balances as at 30 June 2010 mainly represented amounts due from telecommunication operators, including China Mobile, China Unicom, China Telecom and their respective branches, subsidiaries and affiliates, as well as online advertising customers located in the PRC.
      While there are no contractual requirements for telecommunication operators to pay amounts owed the Group within a specified period of time, these customers usually settle the amounts due by them within a period of 30 to 120 days. Online advertising customers are usually granted a credit period of 90 days after full execution of the contracted advertisement orders.

      4 Share option and share award schemes
      (a) Share option schemes
      The Company has adopted several share option schemes for the purpose of providing incentives and rewards to its directors, executives or officers, employees, consultants and other eligible persons:
      (i) Pre-IPO Share Option Scheme (the “Pre-IPO Option Scheme”)
      On 27 July 2001, the Pre-IPO Option Scheme was adopted by the Company. As at the listing of the Company on 16 June 2004, all options under the Pre-IPO Option Scheme had been granted.
      (ii) Post-IPO Share Option Scheme I (the “Post-IPO Option Scheme I”)
      On 24 March 2004, the Company adopted the Post-IPO Option Scheme I. This was terminated upon the adoption of the Post-IPO Share Option Scheme II (the “Post-IPO Option Scheme II”) as mentioned below.
      (iii) Post-IPO Option Scheme II
      On 16 May 2007, the Company adopted the Post-IPO Option Scheme II. Pursuant to the Post-IPO Option Scheme II, the Board may, at its discretion, grant options to any eligible person to subscribe for shares in the Company. The Post-IPO Option Scheme II shall be valid and effective for a period of ten years commencing on its date of adoption.
      (iv) Post-IPO Share Option Scheme III (the “Post-IPO Option Scheme III”)
      On 13 May 2009, the Company adopted the Post-IPO Option Scheme III. Pursuant to the Post-IPO Option Scheme III, the Board may, at its discretion, grant options to any eligible person (any senior executive or senior officer, director of any member of the Group or any invested entity and any consultant, advisor or agent of any member of the Board) to subscribe for shares in the Company. The Post-IPO Option Scheme III shall be valid and effective for a period of ten years commencing on its date of adoption.

      Movements in the number of share options outstanding and their related weighted average exercise prices are as follows:
      Pre-IPO Option Post-IPO Option Post-IPO Option Post-IPO Option
      Scheme Scheme I Scheme II Scheme III Total

      At 1 January 2009 AverageexercisepriceUSD0.0964
      Granted ~
      Exercised USD0. 1435
      Lapsed USD0.0497
      At 30 June 2009 USD0.0752
      Currently exercisableas at 30 June2009 USD0.0752
      At 1 January 2010 USD0.0812
      Granted ~
      Exercised USD0.0732
      Lapsed ~
      At 30 June 2010 USD0.0920
      Currentlyexercisableas at 30 June

      exercise No. of No. of
      price options options
      � ~ 70,455,125
      � ~ 380,000
      � ~ (10,007,785)
      � ~ (929,502)
      � ~ 59,897,838

      � ~ 19,951,899

      2010 USD0.0920 796,168 HKD10.5815 12,450,172 HKD39.1929 5,215,620 ~ ~ 18,461,960

      During the six months ended 30 June 2010, 1,000,000 share options (during the six months ended 30 June 2009: Nil) were granted to an executive director of the Company.

      (b) Share award scheme
      On 13 December 2007, the Company adopted a share award scheme (the “Share Scheme”). The Share Scheme was subsequently amended on 31 January 2008 and 13 May 2009, respectively. The Board may, at its absolute discretion, select any eligible person to participate in the Share Scheme.
      Movements in the number of shares held for the Share Scheme and awarded shares for the six months ended 30 June 2010 and 2009 are as follows:
      Shares heldfor the ShareScheme Awardedshares
      At 1 January 2009 132,160 1,349,450
      Purchased 383,100 ~
      Granted (145,700) 145,700
      Cancelled (132,080) ~
      At 30 June 2009 237,480 1,495,150
      Currently exercisable as at 30 June 2009 13,542
      At 1 January 2010 10 10,411,424
      Purchased (Note) 814,283 ~
      Granted (802,293) 802,293
      Vested ~ (88,910)
      At 30 June 2010 12,000 11,124,807
      Currently exercisable as at 30 June 2010 206,959

      During the six months ended 30 June 2010, 814,283 shares were acquired through an independent trustee at a consideration of approximately HKD131,250,000 (equivalent to approximately RMB 115,379,000).
      During the six months ended 30 June 2010, no awarded shares (during the six months ended 30 June 2009: Nil) were granted to any director of the Company.

      5 Accounts payableAccounts payable and their ageing analysis are as follows:
      Unaudited30 June2010 Audited31 December2009
      RMB’000 RMB ’000
      0 - 30 days 555,754 493,013
      31 days - 60 days 178,760 72,554
      61 days - 90 days 135,965 82,525
      Over 90 days but less than a year 158,247 48,419
      1,028,726 696,5 11
      6 Short-term bank borrowings
      Unaudited30 June2010 Audited31 December2009
      RMB’000 RMB ’000

      Secured (Note (a)) 1,193,209 202,322
      Unsecured (Note (b)) 1,561,907 ~
      2,755,116 202,322

      (a) Bank borrowings as at 30 June 2010 were secured by a pledge of restricted cash of RMB1,214,493,000. The principal amount of the bank borrowings was USD178,412,000 and the interest rates were fixed at 1.06% to 2.99% per annum. The borrowings will be repaid in full in USD within one year. Concurrently, foreign exchange forward contracts were arranged with the same borrowing banks as at the respective borrowing dates in order to enable the Group to purchase the required amount of USD with RMB for settling the principal amount of the borrowings plus related interest upon the loan due dates. The bank borrowings and the foreign exchange forward contracts are deemed as linked transactions and, accordingly, the bank borrowings have effectively been accounted for as borrowings denominated in RMB.

      These bank borrowings and the forward contracts were transacted on the belief that, despite the associated interest expenses, the Group would benefit from the interest income from the restricted cash and the fixed exchange gains arising from the bank borrowings which are calculated as the difference between the forward rate stated in the contracts and the respective spot rates at the borrowing dates.
      These bank borrowings are also denominated in USD. The aggregate principal amount was USD230,000,000 and the interest rates were fixed at 1.63% to 1.90% per annum. In addition, the Group entered into foreign forward contracts to purchase the required amount of USD with RMB for settling the principal amount of the borrowings upon the due dates. However, the Group transacted with different banks for the bank loans and the forward contracts, and the Group did not adopt hedge accounting. As a result, these bank borrowings and relevant foreign forward contracts were accounted for separately (i.e. these bank borrowings were accounted for as USD denominated bank borrowings and stated at amortised cost, while the forward contracts were accounted for as derivative financial instruments stated at fair value with their gains or losses recorded in “other gains/(losses), net” of consolidated statement of comprehensive income.
      The fair value of the short-term bank borrowings approximate to their carrying amounts as at 30 June 2010.

      7 Other gains/(losses), net

      UnauditedThree months ended30 June
      2010RMB ’000 2009RMB ’000
      Fair value gains on financial assetsheld for trading ~ 11,929
      Gains from derivative financialinstruments 17,578 ~
      Government subsidies 12,871 17,039
      Donation to a charity fundestablished by the Group ~ (25,000)
      Others (3,034) (6,160)

      (7,860) (37,012)

      8 Expenses by nature
      UnauditedThree months ended30 June UnauditedSix months ended30 June
      2010RMB’000 2009RMB ’000 2010RMB’000 2009RMB ’000
      Employee benefit expenses (Note) 750,851 467,386 1,395,899 947,335
      Mobile and telecom charges andbandwidth and server custody fees 515,081 395,204 990,204 75 1,429
      Content costs and agency fees 634,080 349,689 1,191,954 573,5 19
      Depreciation of fixed assets (Note) 159,761 94,003 294,592 18 1,435
      Promotion and advertising expenses 132,767 49,730 237,324 95,643
      Travelling and entertainmentexpenses 30,728 26,559 52,864 5 1,409
      Operating lease rentals in respect ofoffice buildings 21,497 24,335 40,549 48,8 14
      Amortisation of intangible assets 30,184 31,196 63,095 69,193
      Other expenses 104,291 66,727 212,297 125,089
      Total cost of revenues, selling andmarketing expenses and generaland administrative expenses 2,379,240 1,504,829 4,478,778 2,843,866

      Research and development expenses were RMB407,154,000 and RMB758,430,000 for the three and six months ended 30 June 2010, respectively (for the three and six months ended 30 June 2009: RMB264,582,000 and RMB535,855,000, respectively). The expenses included employee benefit expenses of RMB340,684,000 and depreciation of fixed assets of RMB48,840,000 for the three months ended 30 June 2010 (for the three months ended 30 June 2009: RMB201,278,000 and RMB56,276,000, respectively) and employee benefit expenses of RMB626,250,000 and depreciation of fixed assets of RMB97,509,000 for the six months ended 30 June 2010 (for the six months ended 30 June 2009: RMB414,564,000 and RMB109,357,000, respectively).
      The Group did not capitalise any research and development expenses for the three and six months ended 30 June 2010 (for the three and six months ended 30 June 2009: Nil).

      Income tax expense is recognised based on management’s best knowledge of the income tax rates expected for the financial year.
      (a) Cayman Islands and British Virgin Islands profits tax
      The Group has not been subject to any taxation in these jurisdictions for the three and six months ended 30 June 2010 and 2009.
      (b) Hong Kong profits tax
      No Hong Kong profits tax has been provided as the Group had no assessable profit arising in Hong Kong for the three and six months ended 30 June 2010 and 2009.
      (c) PRC corporate income tax (“CIT”)
      CIT is provided on the assessable income of entities within the Group incorporated in the PRC, calculated in accordance with the relevant regulations of the PRC after considering the available tax benefits from refunds and allowances.
      Pursuant to the PRC Corporate Income Tax Law passed by the Tenth National People’s Congress on 16 March 2007 (“CIT Law”), the CIT for domestic and foreign enterprises has been unified at 25%, effective 1 January 2008.
      The CIT Law also provides a five-year transitional period starting from its effective date for those enterprises which were established before the date of promulgation of the CIT Law and which were entitled to preferential income tax rates under the then effective tax laws or regulations. Pursuant to the “Circular to Implementation of the Transitional Preferential Policies for the Corporate Income Tax”, the transitional income tax rates for the Group’s subsidiaries established in the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone or the Beijing High Technology Zone before 16 March 2007 are 18%, 20%, 22%, 24% and 25% for 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012, respectively. Other tax preferential treatments such as reduction of 50% in income tax rate shall be based on the above transitional income tax rates for the respective years.
      In 2008, six subsidiaries of the Group were approved as High/New Technology Enterprise, and accordingly, they were subject to a reduced preferential CIT rate of 15% according to the CIT Law. With such status, the above mentioned transitional income tax rates for the period from 2008 to 2010 are no longer applicable to them.
      In addition, according to relevant tax circulars issued by PRC tax authorities, certain subsidiaries of the Company are exempt from CIT for either two or three years, in either case followed by a 50% reduction in tax rate for the next three years (“CIT Preferential Holiday”). The CIT Preferential Holiday commences either from the first year of commercial operations or from the first year of profitable operation after offsetting tax losses from prior years.

      (d) PRC withholding tax
      According to applicable PRC tax regulations, dividends distributed by a company established in the PRC to a foreign investor with respect to profits derived after 1 January 2008 are subject to a 10% withholding tax. If a foreign investor is incorporated in Hong Kong and meets the conditions or requirements under the double taxation arrangement entered into between the PRC and Hong Kong, the relevant withholding tax rate will be reduced to 5% from 10%.
      The income tax charges of the Group for the three and six months ended 30 June 2010 and 2009 are analysed as follows:
      UnauditedThree months ended30 June UnauditedSix months ended30 June
      2010RMB’000 2009RMB ’000 2010RMB’000 2009RMB ’000
      PRC current tax 356,083 184,948 66 6,058 289,978
      Deferred tax 92,442 15,025 139,842 26,562
      448,525 199,973 805,900 3 16,540

      The tax on the Group’s profit before income tax differs from the theoretical amount that would arise using the tax rate of 22% for the three and six months ended 30 June 2010 (for the three and six months ended 30 June 2009: 20%), the tax rate of the major subsidiaries of the Company before preferential tax treatments. The difference is analysed as follows:
      UnauditedThree months ended30 June UnauditedSix months ended30 June
      2010RMB ’000 2009RMB ’000 2010RMB ’000 2009RMB ’000
      Profit before income tax 2,379,718 1,401,721 4,539,511 2,571,898
      Less: Share of profit ofassociates (11,334) (3,452) (24,247) (8,824)
      2,368,384 1,398,269 4,515,264 2,563,074
      Tax calculated at a tax rate of22% (for the three and sixmonths ended 30 June 2009:20%) 521,044 279,654 993,358 512,615
      Effects of different tax ratesavailable to differentcompanies of the Group (61,617) (29,390) (165,428) (69,957)
      Effects of tax holiday onassessable profit ofsubsidiaries (110,978) (92,624) (204,515) (198,832)
      Income not subject to tax (5,258) ~ (5,258) ~
      Expenses not deductible for taxpurposes 31,692 28,372 49,916 39,304
      Withholding tax on the earningsanticipated to be remitted byPRC subsidiaries 80,000 ~ 115,000
      (Utilisation of previouslyunrecognised deferred taxassets)/Unrecognised deferredtax assets (6,358) 13,961 22,827 33,410
      Tax charge 448,525 199,973 805,900 316,540

      10 Earnings per share
      (a) Basic
      Basic earnings per share (“EPS”) is calculated by dividing the profit attributable to equity holders of the Company by the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the period.
      UnauditedThree months ended30 June UnauditedSix months ended30 June
      2010 2009 2010 2009
      Profit attributable to equityholders of the Company forthe period (RMB’000) 1,916,502 1,192,410 3,699,696 2,227,850
      Weighted average number ofordinary shares in issue(thousand shares) 1,817,677 1,800,959 1,814,795 1,798,190
      Basic EPS (RMB per share) 1.054 0.662 2.039 1.239

      (b) Diluted
      Diluted EPS is calculated by adjusting the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding by the assumption of the conversion of all potential dilutive ordinary shares arising from share options and awarded shares granted by the Company (collectively forming the denominator for computing diluted EPS). No adjustment is made to earnings (numerator).
      UnauditedThree months ended30 June UnauditedSix months ended30 June
      2010 2009 2010 2009
      Profit attributable to equityholders of the Company forthe period (RMB’000) 1,916,502 1,192,410 3,699,696 2,227,850
      Weighted average number ofordinary shares in issue(thousand shares) 1,817,677 1,800,959 1,814,795 1,798,190
      Adjustments for share options(thousand shares) 34,494 39,797 37,619 38,246
      Adjustments for awarded shares(thousand shares) 6,522 825 6,632 638
      Weighted average number ofordinary shares for thecalculation of diluted EPS(thousand shares) 1,858,693 1,841,58 1 1,859,046 1,837,074
      Diluted EPS (RMB per share) 1.031 0.647 1.990 1.213

      11 Dividend
      A final dividend in respect of the year ended 31 December 2009 of HKD0.40 per share (2008: HKD0.25 per share and a special dividend of HKD0.10 per share) was proposed pursuant to a resolution passed by the Board on 17 March 2010 and approved by shareholders in the annual general meeting on 12 May 2010. Such dividend, totalling approximately HKD727,180,000 (equivalent to RMB639,264,000) (final dividend for 2008: HKD629,802,000 (equivalent to RMB554,604,000)), had been paid as at 30 June 2010.
      The Board did not propose any interim dividend.

      The following table sets forth certain operating statistics relating to our Internet platforms and value-added services as at the dates and for the periods presented:

      As at30 June2010 As at31 March2010 Percentagechange
      (in millions)
      Active IM user accounts 612.5 568.6 7.7%
      Peak simultaneous online IM useraccounts (for the quarter) 109.4 105.3 3.9%
      Average daily IM user hours (for the last15/16 days of the quarter) 1,713.8 1,546.7 10.8%
      Active Qzone user accounts 458.5 428.0 7.1%
      Peak simultaneous online QQ Game useraccounts (for the quarter) 6.2 6.8 -8.8%
      Fee-based Internet value-added servicesregistered subscriptions 63.2 59.9 5.5%
      Fee-based mobile andtelecommunications value-addedservices registered subscriptions 24.1 23.3 3.4%

      In the second quarter of 2010, the number of active users and peak simultaneous online user accounts for our IM platform recorded healthy growth. With the commencement of summer holiday for students towards the end of the quarter, as well as the increasing usage of our IM service on mobile devices, the growth of average daily user hours was higher than that of active users. Qzone’s active user base further expanded during the quarter as our new social networking services (“SNS”) applications gained popularity and as we launched promotional activities. Peak simultaneous online user accounts for QQ Game decreased, primarily due to fewer in-game promotions compared to the previous quarter and cannibalisation from social games. For our Internet value-added services, registered subscriptions increased, mainly driven by growth in QQ Membership and Qzone. Registered subscriptions to our mobile and telecommunications value-added services also increased, fueled by organic growth of our bundled SMS packages.

      First Half of 2010
      The following table sets forth the comparative figures for the first half of 2010 and the first half of 2009:
      UnauditedSix months ended
      30 June 2010RMB’000 30 June 2009RMB’000
      Revenues 8,895,240 5,382,788
      Cost of revenues (2,811,294) (1,720,527)
      Gross profit 6,083,946 3,662,26 1
      Interest income 111,196 61,569
      Other losses, net (7,860) (37,012)
      Selling and marketing expenses (415,757) (2 12,692)
      General and administrative expenses (1,251,727) (9 10,647)
      Operating profit 4,519,798 2,563,479
      Finance costs (4,534) (405)
      Share of profit of associates 24,247 8,824
      Profit before income tax 4,539,511 2,57 1,898
      Income tax expense (805,900) (316,540)
      Profit/Total comprehensive income for the period 3,733,6 11 2,255,358
      Attributable to:Equity holders of the Company 3,699,696 2,227,850
      Non-controlling interests 33,915 27,508
      3,733,611 2,255,358

      Revenues. Revenues increased by 65.3% to RMB8,895.2 million for the first half of 2010 from RMB5,382.8 million for the first half of 2009.
      UnauditedSix months ended
      30 June 2010 30 June 2009
      Amount % of totalrevenues Amount % of totalrevenues
      (RMB in thousands, except percentages)
      Internet value-added services 6,969,353 78.3% 4,061,031 75.5%
      Mobile and telecommunicationsvalue-added services 1,292,358 14.5% 909,548 16.9%
      Online advertising 601,854 6.8% 389,607 7.2%
      Others 31,675 0.4% 22,602 0.4%
      Total revenues 8,895,240 100.0% 5,382,788 100.0%

      Cost of revenues. Cost of revenues increased by 63.4% to RMB2,811.3 million for the first half of 2010 from RMB1,720.5 million for the first half of 2009.
      UnauditedSix months ended
      30 June 2010 30 June 2009
      Amount % ofsegmentrevenues Amount % ofsegmentrevenues
      (RMB in thousands, except percentages)
      Internet value-added services 2,112,960 30.3% 1,209,779 29.8%
      Mobile and telecommunicationsvalue-added services 463,440 35.9% 348,641 38.3%
      Online advertising 188,371 31.3% 125,424 32.2%
      Others 46,523 146.9% 36,683 162.3%
      Total cost of revenues 2,811,294 1,720,527

      Second Quarter of 2010
      Unaudited consolidated revenues for the second quarter of 2010 were RMB4,669.2 million, an increase of 62.2% over the same period in 2009 and an increase of 10.5% from the first quarter of 2010.
      Revenues from our Internet value-added services for the second quarter of 2010 were RMB3,582.0 million, an increase of 66.1% over the same period in 2009 and an increase of 5.7% from the first quarter of 2010.
      Revenues from our mobile and telecommunications value-added services for the second quarter of 2010 were RMB674.1 million, an increase of 43.4% over the same period in 2009 and an increase of 9.0% from the first quarter of 2010.
      Revenues from our online advertising business for the second quarter of 2010 were RMB397.5 million, an increase of 63.6% over the same period in 2009 and an increase of 94.5% from the first quarter of 2010.
      Cost of revenues for the second quarter of 2010 was RMB 1,482.9 million, an increase of 58.7% over the same period in 2009 and an increase of 11.6% from the first quarter of 2010.
      Selling and marketing expenses for the second quarter of 2010 were RMB230.3 million, an increase of 101.0% over the same period in 2009 and an increase of 24.2% from the first quarter of 2010.
      General and administrative expenses for the second quarter of 2010 were RMB666.0 million, an increase of 46.2% over the same period in 2009 and an increase of 13.7% from the first quarter of 2010.
      Operating profit for the second quarter of 2010 was RMB2,371.4 million, representing an increase of 69.5% over the same period in 2009 and an increase of 10.4% from the first quarter of 2010. As a percentage of revenues, operating profit represented 50.8% for the second quarter of 2010, compared to 48.6% for the same period of 2009 and 50.8% for the first quarter of 2010.
      Profit for the second quarter of 2010 was RMB1,931.2 million, representing an increase of 60.7% over the same period in 2009 and an increase of 7.1% from the first quarter of 2010. As a percentage of revenues, profit for the period represented 4 1.4% for the second quarter of 2010, compared to 41.8% for the same period of 2009 and 42.7% for the first quarter of 2010.

      Profit attributable to equity holders of the Company for the second quarter of 2010 was RMB1,916.5 million, an increase of 60.7% over the same period in 2009 and an increase of 7.5% from the first quarter of 2010.
      Second Quarter of 2010 Compared to First Quarter of 2010
      The following table sets forth the comparative figures for the second quarter of 2010 and the first quarter of 2010:
      UnauditedThree months ended
      30 June 2010 31 March 2010RMB’000 RMB’000
      Revenues 4,669,180 4,226,060
      Cost of revenues (1,482,939) (1,328,355)
      Gross profit 3,186,241 2,897,705
      Interest income 54,005 57, 19 1
      Other gains/(losses), net 27,415 (35,275)
      Selling and marketing expenses (230,340) (185,4 17)
      General and administrative expenses (665,961) (585,766)
      Operating profit 2,371,360 2, 148,438
      Finance costs (2,976) (1,55 8)
      Share of profit of associates 11,334 12,9 13
      Profit before income tax 2,379,718 2,159,793
      Income tax expense (448,525) (357,375)
      Profit/Total comprehensive income for the period 1,931,193 1,802,418
      Attributable to:Equity holders of the Company 1,916,502 1,783, 194
      Non-controlling interests 14,691 19,224
      1,931,193 1,802,418

      Revenues. Revenues increased by 10.5% to RMB4,669.2 million for the second quarter of 2010 from RMB4,226.1 million for the first quarter of 2010. The following table sets forth our revenues by line of business for the second quarter of 2010 and the first quarter of 2010:
      UnauditedThree months ended
      30 June 2010 31 March 2010
      Amount % of totalrevenues Amount % of totalrevenues
      (RMB in thousands, except percentages)
      Internet value-added services 3,581,976 76.7% 3,387,377 80.2%
      Mobile and telecommunicationsvalue-added services 674,120 14.4% 618,238 14.6%
      Online advertising 397,520 8.5% 204,334 4.8%
      Others 15,564 0.4% 16,111 0.4%
      Total revenues 4,669,180 100.0% 4,226,060 100.0%

      ~ Revenues from our Internet value-added services increased by 5.7% to RMB3,582.0 million for the second quarter of 2010 from RMB3,387.4 million for the first quarter of 2010. Online gaming revenues increased by 5.9% to RMB2,142.7 million despite weaker seasonality. This was mainly driven by increased monetisation of Cross Fire, as well as revenue contribution from recently launched MMOGs. Revenues from our community value-added services increased by 5.5% to RMB1,439.3 million. QQ Membership benefited from growth in monthly subscriptions, largely due to enriched online and offline privileges. Revenues from Qzone increased with improved user loyalty and stickiness, mainly fueled by enhancements in bundled privileges relating to social games. Revenues from QQ Show also increased as we continued to enhance user value and experience of the product.
      ~ Revenues from our mobile and telecommunications value-added services increased by 9.0% to RMB674.1 million for the second quarter of 2010 from RMB618.2 million for the first quarter of 2010. This was primarily driven by growth in the user base of our bundled SMS packages as we enhanced privileges and features. Revenues from mobile social games also increased.

      - Revenues from our online advertising business increased by 94.5% to RMB397.5 million for the second quarter of 2010 from RMB204.3 million for the first quarter of 2010. This primarily reflected favourable seasonality in the second quarter, as well as our focus on leveraging major events, including the World Cup and the World Expo, to generate business opportunities.
      Cost of revenues. Cost of revenues increased by 11.6% to RMB1,482.9 million for the second quarter of 2010 from RMB1,328.4 million for the first quarter of 2010. This mainly reflected an increase in sharing costs, bandwidth and server custody fees, staff costs and equipment depreciation. As a percentage of revenues, cost of revenues increased to 3 1.8% for the second quarter of 2010 from 3 1.4% for the first quarter of 2010. The following table sets forth our cost of revenues by line of business for the second quarter of 2010 and the first quarter of 2010:
      Three months ended
      30 June 2010 31 March 2010
      %of %of
      segment segment
      Amount revenues Amount revenues
      (RMB in thousands, except percentages)

      Internet value-added services 1,100,032 30.7%
      Mobile and telecommunicationsvalue-added services 242,094 35.9%
      Online advertising 117,428 29.5%
      Others 23,385 150.3%
      Total cost of revenues 1,482,939

      1,012,928 29.9%
      221,346 35.8%
      70,943 34.7%
      23,138 143.6%

      - Cost of revenues for our Internet value-added services increased by 8.6% to RMB1,100.0 million for the second quarter of 2010 from RMB1,012.9 million for the first quarter of 2010. This was primarily due to an increase in sharing costs as a result of revenue growth from our licensed games. Other costs, including bandwidth and server custody fees and equipment depreciation, also increased as our business expanded.
      � Cost of revenues for our mobile and telecommunications value-added services increased by 9.4% to RMB242.1 million for the second quarter of 2010 from RMB221.3 million for the first quarter of 2010. This was mainly driven by the increase in staff costs and telecommunications operators’ revenue share.

      ~ Cost of revenues for our online advertising business increased by 65.5% to RMB117.4 million for the second quarter of 2010 from RMB70.9 million for the first quarter of 2010. This was mainly due to an increase in sales commissions paid to advertising agencies as a result of the growth in our advertising revenues.
      Other gains/(losses), net. Other gains, net of RMB27.4 million were recorded for the second quarter of 2010, compared to other losses, net of RMB35.3 million for the first quarter of 2010. The change was mainly the result of the fact that no donation was made to the Tencent Charity Fund in the second quarter, whereas RMB40.0 million was contributed to the fund in the previous quarter. It also reflected an increase in government subsidies and recognition of gain on foreign exchange forward contracts, which we entered into for the purpose of managing our foreign currency exposure related to our USD-denominated bank borrowings.
      Selling and marketing expenses. Selling and marketing expenses increased by 24.2% to RMB230.3 million for the second quarter of 2010 from RMB185.4 million for the first quarter of 2010. This was mainly driven by an increase in our brand investments, including advertising campaigns for the World Cup and the World Expo. As a percentage of revenues, selling and marketing expenses increased to 4.9% for the second quarter of 2010 from 4.4% for the first quarter of 2010.
      General and administrative expenses. General and administrative expenses increased by 13.7% to RMB666.0 million for the second quarter of 2010 from RMB585.8 million for the first quarter of 2010. This was primarily due to the expansion of our research and development team in support of our growth strategy. Other staff costs also increased as our business scale grew. As a percentage of revenues, general and administrative expenses increased to 14.3% for the second quarter of 2010 from 13.9% for the first quarter of 2010.
      Income tax expense. Income tax expense increased by 25.5% to RMB448.5 million for the second quarter of 2010 from RMB357.4 million for the first quarter of 2010. The increase primarily reflected higher profit before tax and an increase in deferred tax liabilities recognised in respect of withholding taxes applicable on unremitted retained earnings expected to be paid by our PRC subsidiaries to their overseas parent companies. Additional tax expense was also provided during the quarter upon the finalisation of our enterprise income tax assessment for 2009.
      Profit for the period. Profit for the period increased by 7.1% to RMB1,931.2 million for the second quarter of 2010 from RMB1,802.4 million for the first quarter of 2010. Net margin was 4 1.4% for the second quarter of 2010 compared to 42.7% for the first quarter of 2010.

      Profit attributable to equity holders of the Company. Profit attributable to equity holders of the Company increased by 7.5% to RMB1,916.5 million for the second quarter of 2010 from RMB1,783.2 million for the first quarter of 2010.
      Second Quarter of 2010 Compared to Second Quarter of 2009
      The following table sets forth the comparative figures for the second quarter of 2010 and the second quarter of 2009:
      UnauditedThree months ended
      30 June 2010RMB’000 30 June 2009RMB’000
      Revenues 4,669,180 2,878,423
      Cost of revenues (1,482,939) (934,613)
      Gross profit 3,186,241 1,943,8 10
      Interest income 54,005 27,520
      Other gains/(losses), net 27,415 (2,192)
      Selling and marketing expenses (230,340) (114,587)
      General and administrative expenses (665,961) (455,629)
      Operating profit 2,371,360 1,398,922
      Finance costs (2,976) (653)
      Share of profit of associates 11,334 3,452
      Profit before income tax 2,379,718 1,401,72 1
      Income tax expense (448,525) (199,973)
      Profit/Total comprehensive income for the period 1,931,193 1,201,748
      Attributable to:Equity holders of the Company 1,916,502 1,192,4 10
      Non-controlling interests 14,691 9,338
      1,931,193 1,201,748

      Revenues. Revenues increased by 62.2% to RMB4,669.2 million for the second quarter of 2010 from RMB2,878.4 million for the second quarter of 2009. The following table sets forth our revenues by line of business for the second quarter of 2010 and the second quarter of 2009:
      UnauditedThree months ended
      30 June 2010 30 June 2009
      Amount % of totalrevenues Amount % of totalrevenues
      (RMB in thousands, except percentages)
      Internet value-added services 3,581,976 76.7% 2,156,468 74.9%
      Mobile and telecommunicationsvalue-added services 674,120 14.4% 470,003 16.3%
      Online advertising 397,520 8.5% 243,044 8.5%
      Others 15,564 0.4% 8,908 0.3%
      Total revenues 4,669,180 100.0% 2,878,423 100.0%

      ~ Revenues from our Internet value-added services increased by 66.1% to RMB3,582.0 million for the second quarter of 2010 from RMB2,156.5 million for the second quarter of 2009. Our online gaming revenues increased by 72.7% to RMB2,142.7 million, primarily driven by increased popularity of our major advanced casual games and MMOGs. The increase was also attributable to the revenue contribution from our recently launched MMOGs. The increase was partially offset by a decline in revenues from more mature MMOGs. Revenues from our community value-added services increased by 57.2% to RMB1,439.3 million. Qzone registered significant growth in revenues as our SNS applications enhanced user activity and engagement as well as stimulated growth of monthly subscriptions. Revenues from QQ Membership grew as a result of improved user loyalty and stickiness, driven by enhancements in online and offline privileges as well as value-added functions. Revenues from QQ Show increased as a result of growth in monthly subscriptions driven by enhanced features and user value.
      ~ Revenues from our mobile and telecommunications value-added services increased by 43.4% to RMB674.1 million for the second quarter of 2010 from RMB470.0 million for the second quarter of 2009. This was mainly attributable to growth in revenues from our bundled SMS packages as we added more privileges and features and enhanced user experience. It also reflected growth in

      revenues from mobile social games. The increase was partly offset by lower revenues from WAP services due to the suspension of WAP billing by China Mobile since 30 November 2009 as well as a decline in revenues from legacy mobile voice value-added services.
      ~ Revenues from our online advertising business increased by 63.6% to RMB397.5 million for the second quarter of 2010 from RMB243.0 million for the second quarter of 2009. The increase mainly reflected enhanced market recognition of the strengths of our Internet platforms among advertisers, as well as our focus on leveraging major events, including the World Cup and the World Expo, to generate business opportunities. Search-based advertising revenues decreased as we transitioned into our self-developed search engine in the second half of last year.
      Cost of revenues. Cost of revenues increased by 58.7% to RMB1,482.9 million for the second quarter of 2010 from RMB934.6 million for the second quarter of 2009. This primarily reflected an increase in sharing costs, staff costs, telecommunications operators’ revenue share as well as equipment depreciation. As a percentage of revenues, cost of revenues decreased to 3 1.8% for the second quarter of 2010 from 32.5% for the second quarter of 2009. The following table sets forth our cost of revenues by line of business for the second quarter of 2010 and the second quarter of 2009:
      UnauditedThree months ended
      30 June 2010%ofsegment 30 June 2009%ofsegment
      Amount revenues Amount revenues
      (RMB in thousands, except percentages)
      Internet value-added services 1,100,032 30.7% 665,155 30.8%
      Mobile and telecommunicationsvalue-added services 242,094 35.9% 179,581 38.2%
      Online advertising 117,428 29.5% 73,423 30.2%
      Others 23,385 150.3% 16,454 184.7%
      Total cost of revenues 1,482,939 934,6 13

      ~ Cost of revenues for our Internet value-added services increased by 65.4% to RMB1,100.0 million for the second quarter of 2010 from RMB665.2 million for the second quarter of 2009. This was mainly the result of the growth in sharing costs due to increased revenues from our licensed games. Other costs, including staff costs and equipment depreciation, also increased as our business grew.

      � Cost of revenues for our mobile and telecommunications value-added services increased by 34.8% to RMB242.1 million for the second quarter of 2010 from RMB179.6 million for the second quarter of 2009. This was primarily driven by an increase in telecommunications operators’ revenue share due to growth in revenues. Staff costs also increased.
      - Cost of revenues for our online advertising business increased by 59.9% to RMB117.4 million for the second quarter of 2010 from RMB73.4 million for the second quarter of 2009. This was primarily due to an increase in sales commissions paid to advertising agencies and staff costs as our business scale expanded.
      Other gains/(losses), net. Other gains, net of RMB27.4 million were recorded for the second quarter of 2010, compared to other losses, net of RMB2.2 million for the second quarter of 2009. The change was mainly due to the fact that no donation was made to the Tencent Charity Fund in the second quarter of 2010, whereas RMB25.0 million was contributed to the fund in the second quarter of 2009. The change also reflected recognition of gain on foreign exchange forward contracts, which we entered into for the purpose of managing our foreign currency exposure related to our USD-denominated bank borrowings, during the second quarter of 2010. The aforementioned factors were partly offset by a reduction in fair value gains on financial assets held for trading and government subsidies.
      Selling and marketing expenses. Selling and marketing expenses increased by 101.0% to RMB230.3 million for the second quarter of 2010 from RMB114.6 million for the second quarter of 2009. This was primarily driven by an increase in our brand investments, including advertising campaigns for the World Cup and the World Expo, and the promotion of our online games. Staff costs also increased as our business scale expanded. As a percentage of revenues, selling and marketing expenses increased to 4.9% for the second quarter of 2010 from 4.0% for the second quarter of 2009.
      General and administrative expenses. General and administrative expenses increased by 46.2% to RMB666.0 million for the second quarter of 2010 from RMB455.6 million for the second quarter of 2009. This mainly reflected an expansion of our research and development team in support of our growth strategy. Staff costs also increased due to the growth of our business. As a percentage of revenues, general and administrative expenses decreased to 14.3% for the second quarter of 2010 from 15.8% for the second quarter of 2009.

      Income tax expense. We recorded income tax expense of RMB448.5 million for the second quarter of 2010 compared to RMB200.0 million for the second quarter of 2009. The change primarily reflected growth in profit before tax and an increase in deferred tax liabilities recognised in respect of withholding taxes applicable on unremitted retained earnings expected to be paid by our PRC subsidiaries to their overseas parent companies. It also reflected higher tax rates for certain subsidiaries.
      Profit for the period. Profit for the period increased by 60.7% to RMB1,931.2 million for the second quarter of 2010 from RMB1,201.7 million for the second quarter of 2009. Net margin was 4 1.4% for the second quarter of 2010 compared to 4 1.8% for the second quarter of 2009.
      Profit attributable to equity holders of the Company. Profit attributable to equity holders of the Company increased by 60.7% to RMB1,916.5 million for the second quarter of 2010 from RMB1,192.4 million for the second quarter of 2009.
      As at 30 June 2010 and 31 March 2010, we had the following major financial resources in the form of cash and investments:
      30 June2010RMB ’000 31 March2010RMB ’000
      Cash and cash equivalents 6,486,312 6,795,966
      Term deposits with initial term of over threemonths 7,422,082 6,673,010
      Held-to-maturity investments ~ 341,3 15
      Total 13,908,394 13,810,291

      Note: The above table excludes RMB1,214.5 million of restricted deposits pledged as part of a USD178.4 million short-term bank borrowing arrangement, as such deposits are scheduled to offset the borrowed amount at the maturity of the loan.
      As at 30 June 2010, RMB627.2 million of our financial assets were held in deposits and investments denominated in non-RMB currencies. Since there are no cost-effective hedges against the fluctuation of RMB and no effective manner to generally convert a significant amount of non-RMB currencies into RMB, which is not a freely exchangeable currency, there is a risk that we may experience a loss as a result of any foreign currency exchange rate fluctuations in connection with our deposits and investments.

      Our short-term bank borrowings were denominated in USD and amounted to RMB2,755.1 million as at 30 June 2010, of which RMB1,193.2 million was secured by RMB1,214.5 million of restricted deposits as mentioned in the note above and RMB1,561.9 million was unsecured. The borrowings were incurred for the purpose of managing the allocation of our onshore and offshore working capital. We had strong financial resources and cash flow generated from operating activities to meet these obligations.
      In the second quarter of 2010, we achieved solid financial and operating performance, riding on the growth of our Internet platforms. Our Internet value-added services (“IVAS”) registered revenue growth, mainly driven by increased monetisation of Cross Fire, contributions from our recently launched online games and growth of our community value-added services. Our mobile and telecommunications value-added services (“MVAS”) experienced a healthy revenue increase as well, largely due to an expansion of the user base of our bundled SMS packages. Our online advertising business grew significantly during the quarter, mainly due to favourable seasonality and our successful leveraging of major events, including the World Cup and the World Expo, to generate advertising opportunities. Looking into the third quarter of 2010, we expect online games within our IVAS business to benefit from positive seasonality due to summer school holidays. However, the year-on-year growth rate of the overall IVAS business is expected to slow down compared to the previous year as it already has reached a relatively larger revenue base. For MVAS, the regulatory environment is still uncertain. For example, a new rule that requires service providers to conduct double confirmation plus reminder services for monthly subscriptions has been announced recently. In addition, competition on the mobile Internet front will continue to intensify. On the other hand, business models in the industry remain underdeveloped as mobile Internet in China is still in a relatively early stage of development.
      IM Platform
      The quarter saw a steady growth in the user base of our core IM platform, with active user accounts and peak concurrent user accounts (“PCU”) increasing to 612.5 million and 109.4 million respectively. User activeness also increased, mainly due to growing usage of our IM services on mobile devices. We expect that going forward mobile Internet will become an increasingly important driver for the expansion of our IM user base as a result of the fast growing mobile Internet user base in China. On the other hand, as the growth of our current major social games is slowing down, the contribution from SNS applications to our IM user growth will decrease. has continued to enhance its market recognition and media influence in the second quarter, leveraging coverage and sponsorship related to the World Cup and the World Expo, as well as our brand advertising campaigns for these two major events.
      For the World Cup, offered a wide range of compelling content, including video clips for all matches and interviews with popular players, experts and professionals. In addition, we leveraged the integration between and other platforms of Tencent, such as IM and Qzone, to deliver an innovative and interactive World Cup experience to users. A major TV advertising campaign for the World Cup was also launched to increase awareness of our services and reinforce our brand position. As a result of such efforts, was ranked number one among major portals in China, in terms of traffic generated and user satisfaction for the event, according to the surveys by ComScore and Tsinghua University respectively. For the World Expo, as the exclusive Internet service sponsor of the event, we are responsible for the development, operation and maintenance of the official website, as well as the overall operation of the Online World Expo which, for the first time in the history of the Expo, allows people from all over the world to experience the Expo over the Internet. We have also introduced different products and campaigns to enhance public awareness and participation, including our Expo channel which provides comprehensive coverage of the event. Going forward, we will leverage the positive impact we made in these major events to further enhance the position of as a mainstream media platform in China.
      Internet value-added services
      Our community value-added services registered growth in the second quarter. For QQ Membership, monthly subscription increased with improved user loyalty and stickiness. This reflected our continued efforts in enriching online and offline privileges associated with IM, online games, lifestyle services and e-commerce to increase user value. For SNS, active user accounts of Qzone increased to 458.5 million at the end of the second quarter of 2010, a growth of 7.1% compared to the previous quarter. This was primarily driven by the launch of promotional activities related to the fifth anniversary of Qzone. We also enhanced the attractiveness of our monthly subscription service by bundling more privileges related to SNS applications. In addition, we have enriched our offerings by introducing new third-party applications on Qzone and Xiaoyou, and commencing closed beta testing of QQ Restaurant, a self-developed social game which integrates with QQ Farm and QQ Ranch. As we have already accumulated a large user base of social

      games over the previous quarters, we expect the positive impact of SNS applications to the active user base of Qzone will lessen over time. For QQ Show, monthly subscription continued to grow during the quarter as we increased marketing activities to promote the awareness of QQ Show among QQ users.
      Our online game business registered modest growth during the second quarter. This was mainly driven by increased monetisation of Cross Fire as we launched new game items. Our recently launched game titles, namely Dragon Power, a hardcore 2D MMOG, and World of Fantasy, a self-developed MMOG, also contributed to the growth in revenues. QQ Game experienced modest growth in revenues during the quarter, although its PCU declined to 6.2 million due to fewer in-game promotions compared to the previous quarter and cannibalisation from social games. For Dungeon and Fighter, PCU and revenues declined slightly as a result of bot-fighting and weaker seasonality. Looking ahead, with slowing industry growth, intensifying competition and increasing sophistication of gamers, the success rate and extent of success for new game titles may decrease. In view of such challenges, we are extending the development process of our new games to upgrade content and quality. As a result, we are delaying QQ Xian Xia Zhuan to the end of 2010 or early 2011, and Feng Shen Ji to 2011. On the other hand, we believe that the online game industry will see more regulations as it becomes a significant component of China’s cultural and entertainment industry. While some of these regulations might have impact on our business, the additional regulations should foster a healthier industry environment over the longer term.
      Mobile and telecommunications value-added services
      Our MVAS business registered healthy growth during the quarter as we enriched the privileges and features of our bundled SMS packages, and as the popularity of our mobile social games increased. Our WAP portal experienced an increase in traffic as a result of growth in the overall market and our efforts to improve its content and user experience. To position ourselves for growth opportunities in the mobile Internet sector, we have been extending our PC-based services to mobile platforms and customising our applications for a larger variety of mobile devices.
      Online advertising
      In the second quarter of 2010, our online advertising business benefited from positive seasonality. We also focused on leveraging our Internet platforms and major events, including the World Cup and the World Expo, to generate advertising opportunities. As a result, our revenues and client base registered significant growth during the

      quarter, demonstrating increased market recognition of the strengths of our Internet platforms and our media influence. We believe that with the investments in our brand and major events, we are better positioned to exploit the growth opportunities in China’s advertising market over the long term.
      Employee and Remuneration Policies
      As at 30 June 2010, the Group had 8,687 employees (30 June 2009: 6,421), most of whom are based in Shenzhen, the PRC. The number of employees employed by the Group varies from time to time depending on need and employees are remunerated based on industry practice.
      The remuneration policy and package of the Group’s employees are periodically reviewed. Apart from pension funds and in-house training programmes, discretionary bonuses, share awards and share options may be awarded to employees according to the assessment of individual performance.
      The total remuneration cost (including capitalised remuneration cost) incurred by the Group for the six months ended 30 June 2010 was RMB1,397.0 million (for the six months ended 30 June 2009: RMB950.2 million).
      Purchase, Sale or Redemption of the Company’s Listed Securities
      Save as disclosed in this announcement, neither the Company nor any of its subsidiaries has purchased, sold or redeemed any of the Company’s shares during the six months ended 30 June 2010.
      Audit Committee
      The Audit Committee, which is comprised two independent non-executive directors and one non-executive director of the Company, has reviewed the accounting principles and practices adopted by the Company and discussed auditing, internal control and financial reporting matters. The Audit Committee, together with the Auditors, has reviewed the Group’s unaudited Interim Financial Information for the three and six months ended 30 June 2010.
      Compliance with the Code on Corporate Governance Practices
      Code provision A.4.2 of the Code on Corporate Governance Practices as set out in Appendix 14 to the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Listing Rules”) provides that “Every director, including those appointed for a specific term, should be subject to retirement by rotation at least once every three years”. According to the articles of association of the Company (“Articles of Association”), one-third of the directors for the time being (or, if their

      number is not a multiple of three, the number nearest to but not greater than one-third) shall retire from office by rotation, provided that the chairman of the Board shall not, whilst holding such office, be subject to retirement by rotation or be taken into account in determining the number of directors to retire in each year. In compliance with the provisions in the Articles of Association, in the annual general meeting of the Company held in May 2010 (the “2010 AGM”), two directors retired and were re-elected and the re-election of Mr Lau Chi Ping Martin, who was re-elected in 2007, was not considered in the 2010 AGM and his re-election will be considered in subsequent annual general meeting. Code provision A.4.2 regarding the retirement by rotation at least once every three years was deviated.
      The Board considered that the continuing compliance with the existing provision of retirement and re-election in the Articles of Association, which have been in operation for several years, shall not have a material impact on the operation of the Company as a whole. Notwithstanding the above, the Board will review the current provisions in the Articles of Association from time to time and shall make necessary amendments at the appropriate time.
      Save as disclosed above and those disclosed in the 2009 annual report of the Company, which was the position as at 31 December 2009, none of the directors of the Company is aware of any information which would reasonably indicate that the Company has not, for any part of the six months ended 30 June 2010, complied with the code provisions of Appendix 14 to the Listing Rules.
      As to the deviation from code provisions A.2.1 and A.4.2 of Appendix 14 to the Listing Rules, the Board will continue to review the current structure from time to time and shall make necessary changes when appropriate and inform the shareholders accordingly.
      On behalf of the Board, I would like to thank our employees for their valuable contributions and remarkable efforts, which enabled the Company to gain a better position in a competitive market full of challenges and uncertainties, as well as the support of the stakeholders for their continuing trust and confidence in our Group.
      By Order of the Board
      Ma Huateng
      Hong Kong, 11 August 2010
      schrieb am 11.08.10 12:31:12
      Beitrag Nr. 27 ()
      Tencent (HKG:0700) 1H net profit RMB3.7B, up 66%; no div
      [Date:08-11-2010] Source: Infocast News RSS Feed
      Tencent Holdings (HKG:0700) recorded a net profit of RMB3.7 billion for the six months ended 30 June 2010, up 66% compared to the net profit for the same period in 2009. The earnings per share were RMB2.039. No interim dividend is declared.
      schrieb am 12.08.10 09:37:07
      Beitrag Nr. 28 ()
      Der Kurs von Tencent und Naspers scheint sich relativ parallel zu bewegen. Zu verstehen ist das nicht, da gibt es ja auch noch andere Geschäfte bei Naspers...
      schrieb am 20.08.10 12:10:42
      Beitrag Nr. 29 ()
      Das Problem scheint momentan die Bedrohnung aus der Immobilienblase und der relativen Abkühlung der Wirtschaft zu bestehen...

      Da fließt seit längerer Zeit Geld aus dem Markt! Ich warte mal noch nen bischen. Die Monate September und Oktober haben es ja meist in sich!:rolleyes:
      schrieb am 24.08.10 13:19:38
      Beitrag Nr. 30 ()
      EMFIS.COM - Peking 24.08.10 ( Tencent Holding Ltd., die größte Internetfirma Chinas, hat das Social-Networking-Unternehmen Comsenz für mehr als 60 Millionen US-Dollar gekauft. Hinter dem chinesischen Networking-Anbieter stehen der US-amerikanische Internet-Riese Google Inc., Sequoia Capital und Morningside Ventures. Das IT-Unternehmen Tencent, das unter anderem den größten chinesischen Messaging-Dienst "Tencent QQ" betreibt, will derzeit auch ins Ausland expandieren. Insbesondere Brasilien, Russland und Indien sollen im Fokus des Interesses liegen. Anfang des Jahres hatte Tencent bereits einen 10-prozentigen Anteil am russischen Facebook-Investor Digital Sky Technologies (DST) erworben.
      schrieb am 30.08.10 13:35:36
      Beitrag Nr. 31 ()
      August 30, 2010 | Print | Email Email | Comments | Category: Business, Internet

      Chinese Internet company Tencent Holdings has announced that it plans to acquire a 49.92% stake in the Thai portal website for HKD81.7 million.

      Under the share purchase agreement, Tencent will buy 2,496 shares of On the completion of the deal, Tencent will be allowed to assign two directors to Sanook's board of directors. At the same time, the company will gain the right to recommend candidates for Sanook's executive president.

      Established in January 2000, mainly provides services in entertainment, information, business, and community sectors, and it was launched and maintained by Sanook, a Thai subsidiary of the South African company MIH.

      According to public files, Sanook is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Naspers Limited and it currently owns 99.84% of the issued shares of Naspers Limited is also the controlling shareholder of MIH China, which is a major shareholder of Tencent.
      schrieb am 29.09.10 11:00:06
      Beitrag Nr. 32 ()
      We're starting with a profile of the greatest games company you may not know, Tencent (TCEHY.PK). "No!" I hear you cry. "Surely Activision Blizzard, Electronic Arts, Take-Two or Zynga is the greatest?" Well, this all depends on your perspective, and when your perspective happens to be money, things change.

      So who is Tencent?

      To explain the praise for Tencent, let's start with some data. And again, I apologise; I tend to use a lot of data. For the innumerate, please look away now.

      * China has 29 per cent internet penetration, but 382 million users.
      * China is forecast to reach 56 per cent internet penetration (754 million users) by 2015.
      * Tencent holds dominant or leading stakes in many Chinese online/mobile markets (IM, games, eCommerce, search, mobile services).
      * Tencent's Chinese games market share was 20 per cent in 2009, forecast to hit 27 per cent by 2012.
      * Tencent's market capitalisation - which is in the order of ¥241 billion ($35 billion) with an enterprise value of 35x 2009 EBITDA in August 2010 - was greater than Activision Blizzard (ATVI), Electronic Arts (ERTS), GameStop (GME), Take-Two (TTWO), THQ (THQI), Atari (ATAR.PK), Game Group (GAME) and Ubisoft (UBSFY.PK) combined.

      So what about Sony (SNE), Microsoft (MSFT) and Nintendo (NTDOY.PK)? Okay, so Tencent is about halfway between Sony and Nintendo's market caps, and nowhere near as large as Microsoft. But (a) we're talking about game software not hardware and (b) Sony and Microsoft do a couple of other things too.

      Tencent's integrated model is where the market is headed.

      Tencent generates around a 50 per cent operating margin. Online/mobile games (MMO, board & chess, casual/social) generate more than 40 per cent of its revenue. Tencent's business model appears to be migrating from virtual items (higher Average Revenue per User) to subscriptions (short term revenue reduction, but lower volatility), which is a reversal of the trend they started.

      Expect to see the same thing happening in Western markets in 12-18 months time, which is roughly the lag between China's pioneers and the West's followers.

      Of great importance, Tencent has an integrated business model with upgrades and privileges across online, mobile and offline (not just games), delivering a significant advantage for customer acquisition, development and retention. It capitalises on enhanced capabilities to cross-promote, upsell and cross-sell. Facebook could learn a lot from them about how to make even more money.

      Tencent has some natural advantages which help enormously.

      I like this first chart a lot, because it contrasts the growth in online/mobile games with the flat console games market, which is great if you're a pure online/mobile company like Tencent.

      click to enlarge images

      The next chart helps to clarify things further, forecasting that Asia-Pacific will become the number one market by revenue, with Europe at number two and North America at number three.

      A very large proportion of Asia's strength comes from China - Tencent's home market - where online/mobile games account for the bulk of revenue.

      Whether or not you have faith in the forecasts themselves, directionally they're correct. The videogames market is going online and mobile, with China a large part of those markets. Again, that's great if you're the leading player in online/mobile games in China.

      While not going into depth on how Chinese online/mobile videogames business models work, there are a few key elements to note:

      * Community focus around the games experience
      * Active interaction with gamers to refine both user experience and commercialisation
      * Focused commercialisation based around high volume, micro-transaction subscriptions, virtual items and some advertising
      * Games as a service, not a product, with multi-year revenue streams, revenue sharing post recoupment of development budgets and continuous, low cost development through game lifecycles post-launch

      The charts below help to understand Chinese online game dynamics in general.

      Chinese gross game revenue profile (¥) example*

      Chinese total staffing per game profile example*

      A nickel ain’tworth a dime anymore+, but Tencent is worth a whole lot more.

      And what does all of this produce? 49 per cent games revenue growth over the last five quarters, and around seven million peak concurrent users of Tencent's mini casual games alone. Snap your fingers, and more than the population of Ireland are playing a Tencent mini casual game - not 7 million uniques per month, 7 million uniques right now.

      Across the full Tencent games portfolio, you reach around 20 million peak concurrent users, or slightly less than the population of Australia. This is what happens when you're the number one Chinese games company.

      Tencent quarterly game revenue (¥ million).

      Tencent mini casual game concurrent users.

      Chinese game company revenues ($ million)*.

      Tencent will be in your market soon, if it isn't already.

      I was lucky enough to have lunch with Bo Wang from Tencent recently, and it is clear that despite Tencent's advantages the company is actively expanding into new areas. Now annual market growth has cooled to a mere 30 per cent (from 70 per cent-plus), Tencent is looking to leverage its strengths across segments domestically and internationally.

      But as with all things Tencent, this isn't just talk and it isn't small. There are domestic partnerships:

      * China Unicom (CHU) (fixed line, 3G, operations, "QQ Wallet")
      * Hunan TV (talent, animation, online/mobile games)
      * China Merchants Bank (financial services)

      There are also international partnerships/investments:

      * Digital Sky Technologies (Facebook, Zynga, investor)
      * Vina Games (Vietnamese online games/internet)
      * MIH India Global Internet (licensed software, content & trademarks)
      * Naspers (36 per cent Tencent investor) with global reach in high growth markets

      All the major videogame, technology and media companies in North America and Europe are both fascinated and slightly nervous about the major Chinese companies entering their home markets. The only advice I can give is to learn from Tencent fast, because these guys mean business and they know what they're doing. It is only a matter of time before they become as strong internationally as they are at home, so watch out.

      Sources: PWC, Capital IQ, Credit Suisse, Companies, *presented by Bo Wang at GDC Europe 2010, +Yogi Berra

      This article was first published by as the first in a monthly series on games industry investment (Money Games).

      Disclosure: No positions
      About the author: Tim Merel
      Tim Merel picture
      Tim Merel is a Corporate Finance Director with Video Games, Digital Media, Technology and Telecoms experience in industry, direct investment, financial services, growth company development and turnaround, across Europe, USA and Asia Pacific, with background in software engineering, law and... More
      schrieb am 12.10.10 09:08:31
      Beitrag Nr. 33 ()
      Tencent Holdings: JPMorgan heben Kursziel an
      EMFIS.COM - Hongkong 11.10.2010 ( JPMorgan haben für die Aktie des chinesischen Internet-Konzerns Tencent das Kursziel von bisher 175 auf 205 HK$ angehoben. Die Einstifung wurde bei "overweight" belassen.

      Wie der für die Aktie zuständige Analyst erklärte, dürfte vor allem der Bereich Online-Spiele im abgelaufenen Quartal ein solides Umsatzwachstum erbracht haben. Bereiche mit Zukunftsfantasie seien die Sparten E-Commerce, Suchdienste und Online-Bezahldienste.
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 12.10.10 09:08:58
      Beitrag Nr. 34 ()
      JPM lifts Tencent (00700) TP to HK$205, "OW"

      JP Morgan lifted its target price for Tencent
      (00700) to HK$205 from HK$175, and maintained its "overweight" call.
      The house expects Tencent to report 3Q10 revenue of Rmb5.09bn, or up 9% QoQ. Online
      games revenue likely to see good sequential growth due to typically strong summer
      JPM believes new initiatives such as search, eCommerce, and online payment, could add
      further value to the existing businesses, with Tencent's good execution and a large
      engaging user base. (KL)
      schrieb am 13.10.10 09:43:09
      Beitrag Nr. 35 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.302.864 von Brain67 am 12.10.10 09:08:31das wären 19 euro.

      habt ihr euch schon mal überlegt, was passiert wenn der HK$ aufgewertet wird?
      analog zur chinesischen währung?
      dann müsste es doch Kurssprünge nach oben geben, oder?
      schrieb am 09.11.10 09:55:40
      Beitrag Nr. 36 ()
      Tencent's Fake Guns Mean Real Money for Global Acquisitions

      Tencent Holdings Ltd., the world’s biggest online games company by market value, earns real money selling fake weapons in games such as “CrossFire.” That’s led to a $2 billion war chest that can help fund takeovers outside its home of China.
      Tencent may seek to buy U.S. or South Korean studios to develop online games for China, said Andrey Glukhov, a New York- based analyst at Brean Murray Carret & Co. It could also target dominant Internet companies in emerging markets for expansion, according to Justin Weiss and Galant Ng, analysts at JI Asia in Tokyo and at Taifook Securities in Hong Kong.
      Founded by billionaire Ma Huateng, Tencent boasts more users than Facebook Inc. It may lead Chinese game companies in an acquisition spree to recruit overseas talent after foreign titles such as “CrossFire,” developed by South Korea’s Neowiz Games Corp., replaced local blockbusters such as “QQ Fantasy” as the most popular games in a market forecast to double to $10 billion by 2014.
      “The international market is an area where you should continue to see Tencent put more assets and cash to work,” Brean Murray’s Glukhov said. “They have been pretty aggressive looking for studios they can be an investor in, or outright acquire.”
      Cash Pile
      The company’s cash, equivalents and investments may rise to 36.9 billion yuan ($5.5 billion) by the end of next year, from 13.9 billion yuan at the end of June, according to estimates by Eric Wen, an analyst at Mirae Asset Securities Co. in Hong Kong.
      Tencent, based in Shenzhen, has already started investing. In April, Tencent paid $300 million for a 10 percent stake in Group Ltd., the Russian internet portal that holds a stake in Facebook and was then known as Digital Sky Technologies Ltd.
      Tencent bought half of Thai Web portal Sanook for $10.5 million in August, adding to investments in India’s and San Francisco-based software publisher Outspark. The company also set up a studio in Boston that’s making a fantasy-based multiplayer game.
      “Cash-rich Chinese online game operators have used their money wisely and tried to acquire studios outside China,” said Lisa Cosmas Hanson, managing partner of Niko Partners, a San Jose, California-based researcher focused on China. “Can they be great, world-class companies? In some markets like Southeast Asia, they can be great.”
      International Strategy
      Going international “gradually” is part of Tencent’s strategy, President Martin Lau said on a conference call in May. Jane Yip, a Tencent spokeswoman, declined to elaborate or make executives available for comment.
      Shanda Games Ltd., China’s second biggest online games operator, is also pursuing acquisitions. It bought Eyedentity Games, a Korean studio, and San Francisco-based Mochi Media this year. Shanda is looking at Southeast Asia for future growth, said Ellen Chiu, director of investor relations at Shanda Games.
      Tencent’s profit surged more than 10-fold in the past five years and its shares have jumped more than 20 times, giving it a market value of HK$328 billion ($42 billion) as of yesterday.
      That dwarfs the $5.51 billion value of Zynga Game Network Inc. -- the maker of the “FarmVille” game on Facebook -- as estimated by SharesPost Inc. last month. Nasdaq-listed Shanda is valued at $1.8 billion and Inc. $5.6 billion, based on their closing prices yesterday.
      Tencent, which discloses earnings tomorrow, will likely report third-quarter profit rose 51 percent, according to the average of 10 analyst estimates compiled by Bloomberg. Wen estimates half of sales came from online games as its largest source of revenue.
      Body Armor
      Tencent’s profitability increasingly stems from selling items in free games, a strategy imported from Korea, said Mirae’s Wen.
      In “CrossFire,” which Tencent licenses from Seoul-based Neowiz, players buy items such as body armor and assault rifles, similar to the way Zynga charges “FarmVille” players cash to buy gas or other items.
      Sales of virtual weapons helped give Tencent a profit margin of 41 percent last year, compared with Google’s 28 percent, according to Bloomberg data.
      Founded in 1998 by Chief Executive Officer Ma, Chief Technology Officer Zhang Zhidong and fellow 1993 graduates of Shenzhen University’s computer science program, Tencent was built around its QQ Instant Messaging service. That service had 612.5 million active user accounts at the end of June, according to the company’s Web site. Facebook said it passed 500 million in July.
      Ma’s Stake
      Ma’s 11 percent stake, worth $4.6 billion at current prices, makes him the second largest shareholder in Tencent after South Africa’s Naspers Ltd. He ranks 11th overall on the Hurun Report’s latest list of the nation’s richest people.
      Tencent launched its QQ Game Portal in 2003 and went public on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in 2004. In 2005, it started the QZone multimedia social networking service, where users can post photos and listen to music.
      In the third quarter, Tencent accounted for 29 percent of China’s online games market, compared with Shanda’s 18 percent, according to estimates at Analysys International in Beijing.
      Expansion abroad is the next logical step, JI Asia’s Weiss.
      “I see no reason for a social networking company that dominates its home market to be content with growth at home,” Weiss said. “If you don’t expand overseas, you are ceding that market to someone else.”
      schrieb am 09.11.10 10:39:17
      Beitrag Nr. 37 ()
      Cyber-spies, big corporate battle give shareholders the jitters

      Tales of suicide, hostages, malicious slander, computer viruses - Naspers' Tencent.

      ASIAN CORRESPONDENT - China's big internet player Tencent, in which South Africa's Naspers (JSE:NPN) has a sizeable stake, is playing a dangerous game. Its Hong Kong share price took a knock late last week amid an ugly corporate row that has spilled out into the open and involves hundreds of millions of customers.

      Chinese industry analysts are extremely worried about the situation. On Thursday, a group of ten analysts took the unusual step of issuing a joint statement urging Tencent and Qihoo 360, provider of China's most popular anti-virus software, to end an ugly battle.

      "The situation cannot continue. We are deeply concerned that it will bring immense losses to the industry," the analysts were quoted in mainland China's Global Times newspaper as saying.

      Tencent is a constituent of the Hang Seng Index. Naspers, the South African media stalwart that has built a reputation as an emerging market multi-media company, says Tencent contributed R2.1bn to its core headline earnings for the 2010 financial year (R1.2bn FY09). Naspers owns about 35% of Tencent.

      The provider of popular instant messaging software QQ and other value-add internet services, Tencent delivered dazzling financial results to the market in August. But its impressive numbers have been overshadowed by its battle with 360.

      Tencent's share price fell 3%, while the Hang Seng rose, on Thursday as a result of the row. What's more, the mood around Tencent sparked reminders in the Hong Kong media of Tencent's share price dipping as much as 15% in seven trading days in June after chairman and CEO Ma Huateng was found participating in over-the-counter options trading.

      Tencent vs 360

      The fight between Tencent and 360 bubbled to the surface in September when 360 alleged that Tencent was spying on QQ's more than 600m users. The anti-virus software provider said Tencent was scanning QQ users' private documents, and it released software claiming to block the privacy leaks.

      The 360 software is used by about half of Tencent customers. Tencent denied the allegations and set the wheels in motion for legal action.

      On Wednesday, Tencent took the astonishing step of telling QQ customers it would disable its services to computers installed with 360 anti-virus software. That move immediately brought an estimated 300m customers into its dispute.

      Tit-for-tat, 360 responded by sending its users a message urging them to boycott QQ for three days.

      On Thursday, hostilities between the two companies deepened further. Tencent called a media conference to explain that disabling services to 360 anti-virus software customers had been a difficult decision, but one that was made to "protect users interests".

      Chinese netizens didn't seem to buy Tencent's spin, however. By the end of the day internet polls were showing sentiment swinging in favour of the smaller Qihoo 360.

      Tencent is seen by many as a bully taking advantage of its dominant market position. Consumers are unhappy about what has been dubbed Tencent's "choose or lose" strategy.

      Sentiment: Swinging away from Tencent?

      Tencent's image seems to be eroding fast in China's public domain. A poll of 1.5m participants on Thursday indicated that more than half would desert QQ rather than 360.

      Jokes are circulating around the nation about Tencent. And nobody's forgotten how easy it is to sign up for an alternative instant messaging service, like MSN.

      Tencent, however, has denied it has been affected at all. The China Daily reports its public relations consultant saying more than 116m users logged on at the same time on Wednesday night - exceeding the second quarter's best of 109.4m.

      Too big to fail?

      Tencent's size and current popularity shouldn't lull it into complacency. If anybody gets emotional about internet issues it is the Chinese. This is why QQ is able to launch services that may seem bizarre to the rest of the world but are very popular here.

      Take, for example, its "drift bottle". This is the cyber equivalent of a message in a bottle. You send out a 140-character message asking for love, advice or anything you like and QQ assigns it randomly to another customer, who can ignore it or "release a bottle back".

      Another sign that the Chinese are prone to taking cyberspace issues personally and respond more vigorously than one might expect is the widespread belief in the Middle Kingdom that internet addiction can be just as troublesome as being hooked on drugs or alcohol. The country has hundreds of organisations dedicated to internet addiction treatment.

      The China Youth Internet Association reckons more than 24m people, or roughly 15% of internet users under the age of 30, are addicts. Games aren't the only poison on the worldwide web. There is concern that many people spend much of their waking hours in virtual reality.

      Certainly, the Chinese government knows the influence of its burgeoning internet community - which is precisely why it blocked a service like Twitter last year in the face of riots by ethnic minorities in Xinjiang Province. It blamed social networking for helping to incite the violence. Chinese residents haven't been able to legally access Twitter and Facebook since.

      Other murky Tencent tales

      The problem, too, is that this battle with 360 isn't the only ugly Tencent story that has reared its head. Tencent's name has popped up several times lately in connection with controversial ethical issues.

      That, in turn, suggests there is something that needs to be fixed in the organisation. If that doesn't happen, it seems inevitable more bad news will emanate from Tencent's HQ.

      Last month the sad tale of a young man who took his own life after responding to an invitation to commit suicide that was circulated through QQ made the headlines. The financial compensation parents are demanding for QQ's role in the suicide pact was a modest US$41 000.

      Also a small deal financially, but leaving a bad taste in the mouths of those who hear it, was the recent revelation that Tencent's Ma Huateng is on a list of people eligible for a housing subsidy.

      One of the world's richest men - with wealth estimated at US$4.4bn - he has been granted a ¥3 100 subsidy. Ma , says Global Times, was recognised by the Shenzhen city government as a "local leading talent", a title that will earn him ¥186 000 ($27,796) in subsidies over the next five years.

      Who will win?

      This latest tussle may seem to some like a storm-in-a-teacup, a clash of the egos that will settle in time. But China's higher powers and opinion-makers don't seem to be taking this lightly.

      The line in China Daily, a government mouthpiece, is that the two companies are holding millions of Chinese people "hostage" and "using them as their bargaining chips". This is a "public relations fiasco" for both companies, it says.

      "The actions of the two companies stink of self-interest, and their pursuit of maximum profit is beyond reproach. But they should know that violating users' rights can land them in trouble," China Daily warned in a strongly-worded opinion piece at the weekend.

      The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Ministry of Public Security are acting as arbitrators to settle the issue between the two companies. It seems they have a lot more to do to end unhealthy competition in business, said the newspaper. It asked: "How can Chinese netizens - the largest group in the world - have confidence in giant companies that are engaged in such unfair competitions?"

      China Daily urges the government to take firm action. "There are no business ethics for some monopoly companies in China. This has always been to the disadvantage of Chinese netizens," it says.

      If I owned Tencent shares, directly or indirectly, I'd be hoping Mr Ma Huateng and friends get their house in order - and make it snappy. This brouhaha has taken on a distinctly political feel to it. Tencent's leaders may be rich and powerful, but they are not in charge of China's engine room.

      What can Naspers do to protect its interests? Should Naspers be worried about this latest boardroom battle? Share your views below this article.
      schrieb am 10.11.10 14:39:08
      Beitrag Nr. 38 ()
      10.11.2010 11:52
      TABLE-Tencent Holdings Q3 net profit rises 51 pct
      Nov 10 (Reuters) - Three months ended Sept. 30, 2010

      (in million yuan unless stated)

      Shr (yuan) 1.185 vs 0.787

      Net 2,153.11 vs 1,419.85

      Revenue 5,226.63 vs 3,368.91

      Nine months ended September 30, 2010

      (in million yuan unless stated)

      Shr (yuan) 3.223 vs 2.027

      Net 5,852.81 vs 3,647.70

      Revenue 14,121.87 vs 8,751.70

      Company name Tencent Holdings Ltd

      NOTE - Tencent is engaged in Internet value-added

      services, mobile and telecommunications value-added services and

      online advertising.

      The calculation of share earnings for the three months is

      based on the weighted average of 1,817.59 million shares in issue

      during the period versus 1,804.13 million shares in the same

      period a year earlier.

      The calculation of share earnings for the nine months is

      based on the weighted average of 1,815.74 million shares in issue

      during the period versus 1,799.89 million shares in the same

      period a year earlier.

      The consensus (mean) forecast, according to a poll by Thomson

      Reuters I/B/E/S, was for net profit of 2.12 billion yuan for the

      third quarter.

      For full statement please click…

      (Reporting by Raymond Leung; Editing by Chris Lewis)

      ((; +852 2843 6368; Reuters



      (If you have a query or comment on this story, send an email to


      Copyright Thomson Reuters 2010. All rights reserved.

      The copying, republication or redistribution of Reuters News Content, including by framing or similar means, is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Thomson Reuters.
      schrieb am 10.11.10 14:39:49
      Beitrag Nr. 39 ()
      auf 12 monate hoch gerechnet, wie hoch wäre das kgv?
      schrieb am 10.11.10 17:30:40
      Dieser Beitrag wurde vom System automatisch gesperrt. Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an
      schrieb am 10.11.10 17:31:12
      Beitrag Nr. 41 ()
      lest mal
      Chinas führender Internetkonzern Tencent Holdings hat im vergangenen dritten Quartal 2010 abermals deutlich mehr umgesetzt und verdient als in der Vorjahresperiode. Einzig der Bereich Online-Werbung schrumpfte gegenüber dem Vorquartal.

      Für das vergangene Septemberquartal meldet Tencent (WKN: A0YHJ8) einen Umsatzsprung auf 5,23 Mrd. Renminbi (RMB) bzw. 780 Mio. US-Dollar, ein Zuwachs von 55,1 Prozent gegenüber dem Vorjahr und ein Plus von 11,9 Prozent gegenüber dem Vorquartal.

      Der operative Gewinn legte dabei um 58,7 Prozent gegenüber dem Vorjahr auf 2,67 Mrd. RMB bzw. 397,8 Mio. US-Dollar zu, was einem Zuwachs von 58,7 Prozent gegenüber dem Vorjahr entspricht. Der den Aktionären zurechenbare Gewinn legte um 51,6 Prozent auf 321,3 Mio. US-Dollar bzw. 1.159 RMB pro Aktie zu.

      Die Erlöse aus Internet-Mehrwertdiensten (IVAS) kletterten um 57,4 Prozent gegenüber dem Vorjahr auf 616,2 Mio. US-Dollar. Der Umsatzanstieg erklärt sich zum Teil aus dem nach wie vor boomenden Geschäft mit Online-Spielen. Tencent dominierte mit Online-Spielen wie QQ Fantasy, QQ Speed und weiteren Online-Games auch im dritten Quartal den chinesischen Online-Spielemarkt.

      Der Umsatz im Geschäft mit mobilen Mehrwertdiensten legte um 55,8 Prozent auf 103,7 Mio. US-Dollar zu. Das Geschäft mit Online-Werbung zog um 30,3 Prozent gegenüber dem Vorjahr auf 57,1 Mio. Dollar an - gegenüber dem Vorquartal ergibt sich allerdings ein Rückgang von 3,8 Prozent.

      Die Zahl der aktiven Instant-Messenger-Nutzer zog um 3,9 Prozent auf nunmehr 636,6 Millionen Konten an. In der Spiele-Zone Qzone waren 481,2 Millionen Nutzer aktiv, ein Zuwachs von fünf Prozent gegenüber dem Vorquartal. Im Bereich Online-Spiele für sein Game-Portal QQ Game verzeichnete Tencent in der Spitze 6,4 Millionen Gamer, die gleichzeitig online waren. Im jüngsten Quartal brachte Tencent mit „Qi Xiong Zheng Ba“ ein neues Web-basiertes MMORPG auf den Markt, dass die Erwartungen des Unternehmens übertreffen konnte.

      gut oder?
      schrieb am 10.11.10 17:38:45
      Beitrag Nr. 42 ()
      das würde bedeuten 2670 mio rmd in 3 monaten macht in 12 monaten 10680 mio rmd. in eur sind das 1170 mio.

      bei 2000mio akten und ein kurs von 17 zu einem gewinn von 1170 mio macht das ein kgv von:

      wäre ja mit dem von comdirect identisch - kgv von 36
      was meint ihr?

      ist doch nicht schlecht?
      schrieb am 23.11.10 19:01:59
      Beitrag Nr. 43 ()
      schrieb am 16.12.10 01:52:20
      Beitrag Nr. 44 ()
      schrieb am 12.01.11 11:29:12
      Beitrag Nr. 45 ()
      Citigroup raised its target price for Tencent
      (00700) to HK$220 from HK$198, and maintained its "buy" call.
      The house sees both near-term and long-term catalysts for Tencent. It thus raised its
      4Q10 revenues and earnings estimates by 6% to reflect stronger-than-expected performance
      of its newly launched webgame QixiongZhengba and continued strength of Crossfire.
      Looking into 2011, Citi sees more catalysts in the later half of the year as it believes
      some major games such as League of Legends and C9 could commence beta testing.
      It added that Tencent is gradually opening its platform to integrate 3rd party
      applications, which Citi believes will help to introduce more innovative and interesting
      product/service offering to its enormous user base. (KL)
      schrieb am 17.01.11 10:55:50
      Beitrag Nr. 46 ()
      Groupon und Tencent wollen Joint Venture bilden
      von Christian Zoller
      Montag 17.01.2011, 10:21 Uhr

      Peking ( - Der US-Schnäppchenanbieter Groupon will mit dem chinesischen Online-Unternehmen Tencent ein neues Gemeinschaftsunternehmen gründen, wie die Nachrichtenseite "DoNews" berichtete.

      Bei dem Joint Venture an welchem beide Partner mit jeweils 50 Prozent beteiligt sind, geht es um den Betrieb einer gemeinsamen Online-Handelsplattform. Der Start der neuen Plattform soll bereits in den kommenden zwei Wochen starten, wie es weiter hieß.

      Dürfte den Kurs treiben.
      schrieb am 17.01.11 11:56:40
      Beitrag Nr. 47 ()
      Tencent Holdings: Chinesische Facebook. Aktie der Woche

      Facebook ist in aller Munde. Der große Einstieg der Wall Street bei einem Unternehmen, das es vor sieben Jahr noch gar nicht gab, beherrschte die Schlagzeilen. Das Investoreninteresse zeigt sich auch an dem geplanten 1,5 Milliarden Dollar schweren Investmentfonds, mit dem Goldman Sachs für seine Kunden in Facebook-Anteile investieren will. Da der Investmentfonds als einziger Investor auftritt, sollen dadurch Offenlegungspflichten ausgehebelt werden. Diese würden entstehen, wenn mehr als 500 Investoren in Facebook investiert hätten. Die SEC ist alarmiert. Jedenfalls zeigen diese Verrenkungen, dass der Hype um Facebook & Co in nächster Zeit anhalten dürfte.

      Eine Alternative für Otto Normalinvestor wäre die Aktie von Die Gesellschaft ist bisher mit rund 2,4% an Facebook beteiligt, bei der jüngsten Finanzspritze beteiligte sie sich mit 50 Millionen Dollar. Aussichtsreicher könnte aber ein Engagement bei der in Honkong notierten chinesischen Tencent Holdings sein. Das IPO war in 2004 bei einem Preis von 3,70 HK$, aktuell: 180 HK$. Trotz der atemberaubenden Performance: Fans der Facebook-Story kaufen eine kleinere Position. Die Aktie wird auch in Deutschland gehandelt, der Bloomberg-Chart unten bezieht sich auf die deutsche Notierung. Facebook hat mehr als 500 Millionen Nutzer, das bevölkerungsreichste Land ist aber ein weißer Fleck. Tencent hat mehr als 600 Millionen Nutzer allein in China, die den Service für Chats, Spiele oder Shopping nutzen. Facebook wird nun mit 50 Milliarden Dollar bewertet, Tencent mit 42 Millionen Dollar und fungibel handelbaren Aktien. Facebook wird mit dem 25-fachen der Erlöse in 2010 bewertet, Tencent mit dem 15-fachen.

      Quelle. Weger Millionendepot
      schrieb am 18.01.11 09:09:24
      Beitrag Nr. 48 ()
      Der Aktionaer rät massiv zum Kauf in der heutigen Ausgabe
      3 Antworten
      schrieb am 18.01.11 12:02:00
      Beitrag Nr. 49 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.878.164 von peewee11 am 18.01.11 09:09:24wo findet man den text dazu?
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 18.01.11 16:07:42
      Dieser Beitrag wurde vom System automatisch gesperrt. Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an
      schrieb am 18.01.11 16:09:02
      Beitrag Nr. 51 ()
      „Cross Fire” weiter auf der Überholspur. Das Online-Rollenspiel überschritt zuletzt die Marke von 2,3 Millionen Peak-Concurrent-User (PCUs), nachdem Tencent das Update „Quanmin Tiaozhan“ auf seine Server aufgespielt hatte, so das Unternehmen in einer Firmenmitteilung.
      schrieb am 18.01.11 17:00:17
      Beitrag Nr. 52 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.879.406 von zinn123 am 18.01.11 12:02:00im neuen Aktionaer
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 20.01.11 09:56:55
      Beitrag Nr. 53 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.881.978 von peewee11 am 18.01.11 17:00:17kanns tdu den text hier reinschreiben?
      schrieb am 20.01.11 11:56:25
      Beitrag Nr. 54 ()
      gibts an jedem Kiosk zum kaufen


      [I-Bank-Fokus] begannen Daiwa Raten, die Tencent (00700) "" & HK$244 Daiwa Forschung kaufen, Einschluss von Tencent (00700) mit "kaufen " Schätzung und ein Richtpreis von HK$244. Das Forschungshaus nimmt an, dass der sozial vernetzende Dienst (SNS) Modell chinesische 's Internetindustrie wird im Laufe der nächsten fünf Jahre und Tencent beherrscht, um meist auf der Tendenz Kapital anzuhäufen. Es sagte, dass chinesische 's gegenwärtige demographische Daten denjenigen Japans in den 1990er Jahren ähneln, als das Internet anfing sich zu entfernen, der für die SNS Entwicklung ein gutes Zeichen ist. Die sozial verpfändenden Bedürfnisse nach der Ein-Kinderpolitik-Generation in China im Laufe des nächsten Jahrzehnts sollten reichliche monetisation Gelegenheiten im Land Internetindustrie zur Verfügung stellen. Daiwa sagen 34 % EPS CAGR für die Gesellschaft von 2010-12 voraus. (KL)
      schrieb am 24.01.11 15:11:16
      Beitrag Nr. 55 ()
      Groupon, eine der am schnellsten wachsenden Internetseiten nimmt Kurs auf die Börse. Dies bestätigte der Gründer und Firmenchef der Schnäppchen-Website Andrew Mason am heutigen Montag am Rande der Internetkonferenz DLD (Digital, Life, Design) in München. Es gab bereits erste Gespräche mit Banken, so Mason auf Blomberg TV. Eine Entscheidung sei allerdings noch nicht gefallen. Der Gesamtwert des Unternehmens Groupon wird von Experten auf 15 Milliarden Dollar geschätzt.

      Die Schnäppchen-Webseite Groupon bringt Interessenten zusammen, die am Kauf bestimmter Produkte oder Dienstleistungen interessiert sind. Als Nutzergruppe können ihnen somit Rabatte bei Händlern oder Herstellern gewährt werden. Groupon selbst kassiert eine Provision. Groupon ist in 35 Ländern aktiv und weiter auf Wachstumskurs. Rund zwei Jahre nach dem Start hat das Unternehmen schon mehr als 50 Millionen registrierte Nutzer.

      Das sind nicht die ersten Spekulationen über einen geplanten Börsengang. Vor Kurzem hatte Groupon bereits 950 Millionen Dollar bei Investoren eingenommen. Der Internet-Suchriese Google hatte Groupon für 6 Milliarden Dollar schlucken wollen, doch Mason lehnte ab. Google will nun einen eigenen Schnäppchen-Dienst anbieten.

      Tencent arbeitet ja auch mit Groupon zusammen und werden in Kürze eine
      eigene gemeinsame schnäppchen Webseite starten.
      Meldung kam letzte Woche über
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 25.01.11 09:05:27
      Beitrag Nr. 56 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.913.846 von peewee11 am 24.01.11 15:11:16hoffentlich keine pleitefirma
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 25.01.11 10:19:53
      Beitrag Nr. 57 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.918.117 von zinn123 am 25.01.11 09:05:27Ganz sicher nicht.
      Tencent ist in China in aller Munde.
      Und ist mit dieser Pleitefirma nicht zu vergleichen
      Tencent wird nach der Lonsoldierung seinen Weg weitergehen
      schrieb am 25.01.11 10:20:35
      Beitrag Nr. 58 ()
      dicker Finger - Konsoldierung war gemeint
      schrieb am 26.01.11 10:49:01
      Beitrag Nr. 59 ()
      Tencent legt 5 Mrd. Yuan Investmentfonds auf
      EMFIS.COM -
      Hongkong 26.01.2011 ( Das chinesische Internetunternehmen Tencent gab am Dienstag bekannt, einen neuen 5 Mrd. Yuan (759 Mio. USD) schweren Investmentfonds aufgelegt zu haben, um die Entwicklung von Firmen im Online-Spiele-, Soziale Netzwerke-, e-Commerce- und Internetmedienbereich voranzutreiben.

      © 2011 EMFIS.COM
      schrieb am 26.01.11 15:13:06
      Beitrag Nr. 60 ()
      jetzt fehlt ein richtiger Schubser und es geht über die 20 Euro
      Lange wird es sowieso nicht mehr^dauern

      schrieb am 26.01.11 15:14:52
      Beitrag Nr. 61 ()
      vielleicht kommt er heut schon aus dem Amiland....vielleicht
      schrieb am 26.01.11 19:27:03
      Beitrag Nr. 62 ()
      Hongkong 25.01.2011 ( Angesichts der weiter schwachen Entwicklung an der Börse Shanghai macht sich zunehmend auch in Hongkong Resignation breit. Der Hang Seng Index ging heute zwar nur noch um 0,05 Prozent nach unten auf 23.788 Zähler, fiel damit aber bereits den vierten Handelstag in Folge. Hinzu kam, dass eine vorübergehende Erholung im Handelsverlauf unmittelbar unter der Marke von 24.000 Punkten scheiterte.

      Weiterhin verkauft wurden insbesondere die Finanzwerte. Hier gaben Bank of China 0,5 Prozent und Bank of Communications 0,8 Prozent ab; China Life Insurance verloren 1,0 Prozent und Ping An Insurance 2,1 Prozent. Daneben blieb auch der Großteil der Konsumwerte teils deutlich unter Druck. Belle International etwa rutschten um 4,0 Prozent ab; Li Ning fielen um weitere 2,1 Prozent. Dagegen wurden im Autosektor, der zuletzt ebenfalls unter die Räder gekommen war, wieder Schnäppchenkäufe vorgenommen. Hier erholten sich Geely Automobile um 2,8 Prozent und Dongfeng Motor um 3,1 Prozent. Für die Aktien aus dem Macao-Casino-Bereich, die gestern stark unter Druck gestanden hatten, fanden sich ebenfalls wieder Käufer. Wynn Macau etwa legten 4,4 Prozent zu; Galaxy Entertainment zogen ebenfalls um 4,4 Prozent an. Daneben verteuerten sich TenCent um 4,7 Prozent, nachdem der Wert von der Deutschen Bank auf „kaufen“ aufgestuft worden war.
      Wertpapiere des Artikels:
      schrieb am 26.01.11 19:35:22
      Beitrag Nr. 63 ()
      26 (Reuters) - Das Japanisches bewegliches soziales Spielen-Unternehmen Gree Inc sagte es am Mittwoch, würde die Bindung mit chinesischem 's Tencent Vermögen, es gebend, greift zu einem Markt zu, wo 120 Millionen Menschen bereits bewegliche Spiele spielen. Gree sagte, dass es eine allgemeine Entwicklungsplattform mit dem chinesischen 's größten Internetunternehmen durch den Marktwert teilen würde, Entwicklern von Spielen und anderen Anwendungen erlaubend, ihre Dienstleistungen Kunden von beiden Gesellschaften anzubieten. Mit mehr als 20 Millionen Unterzeichneten Gree der über vier Fünftel seiner Einnahmen macht, virtuelle Kleidung und Zusätze verkaufend, die Benutzer für Bildschirmdarstellungen von sich selbst im August kaufen, wurde Japan größtes soziales Online-Netz. Aber mit dem Wachstum, um wahrscheinlich sich zuhause weil zu verlangsamen, weicht die Lache von unangezapften Kunden zurück, die Gesellschaft muss finden, dass neue Märkte das Gewinnsteigen behalten. Gree bringt Erfahrung im sozialen Spielen auf Mobiltelefonen, eine Plattform, die in Japan bereits größer ist als auf den PC gegründeter Netzwerkanschluss zu Tencent, der ungefähr ein Drittel von chinesischem 's kontrolliert, der online Markt spielt, und das Land größte Online-Nachrichtenübermittlungsplattform führt. Chinesischer 's beweglicher Spielmarkt wurde geschätzt, um 2.6 Milliarden yuan (395 Millionen $) 2010 wert zu sein, und kann zu 13.5 Milliarden yuan vor 2014 gemäß iResearch Daten wachsen. Baidu, chinesischer 's größter Suchmotor, ist auch auf dem beweglichen Suchraum dickköpfig, und wird verbreitet, um sein eigenes bewegliches Betriebssystem zu entwickeln, lokale Medien berichteten im letzten Jahr. Gree sagte, dass es noch studierte, welchen Einfluss die Bindung auf dem Ertrag haben wird. (Bericht durch Junko Fujita und Tim Kelly in Tokyo, Melanie Lee in Hongkong; das Redigieren durch Nathan Layne und Joseph Radford) ((; +81-3-6441-1840; Nachrichtenübermittlung von Reuters: ($1=6.582 Yuan) Abachoübersetzung
      schrieb am 27.01.11 11:25:05
      Beitrag Nr. 64 ()
      27.01.2011 09:50
      Tencent stellt neuen Messenger-App für iPad & Co. vor
      EMFIS.COM - Hongkong 27.01.2011 ( Das chinesische Internetunternehmen Tencent hat am Mittwoch seine neue Messengerapplikation "Weixin" vorgestellt. Das Produkt wurde für die Apple Erfolgsmodelle iPad, iPod Touch und iPhone entwickelt. Über "Weixin" können die Nutzer zukünftig Text- und Bildnachrichten kostenlos versenden. Das App beruht auf Tencents populärem Instant-Messenger "QQ". Im Laufe des Jahres sollen dann auch Versionen für Googles Android und Nokias S60 Smartphone-Betriebsystem erscheinen.

      © 2011 EMFIS.COM
      schrieb am 27.01.11 12:33:56
      Beitrag Nr. 65 ()
      wieso sinkt dann der kurs?
      schrieb am 27.01.11 21:16:54
      Beitrag Nr. 66 ()
      Croupier der asiatischen Internetgeneration: Tencent Holdings

      Die am Mittwoch veröffentlichten Zahlen des chinesischen Internetunternehmens Tencent Holdings (WKN A0YAJU) gefallen Anlegern so gut, dass die Aktie einen Sprung von 8 Prozent hingelegt hat. „Was den Kurs der Aktie zusätzlich antreibt, ist die Mitte dieses Monats bekanntgegebene Zusammenarbeit mit Gree Inc., dem mittlerweile größten japanischen Social- und Spiele-Netzwerk. Auf einer solchen Plattform kann Tencent seine Produkte am besten vermarkten, wie zum Beispiel den eigenen Messenger, Online-Payment und vor allem Online-Spiele für mehrere Teilnehmer.“ Um dem stark wachsenden Markt noch mehr Schub zu geben, habe Tencent jetzt einen 760-Millionen-US Dollar-Investmentfonds aufgelegt. Mit dem Geld sollen kreative Unternehmen in den Bereichen Online-Spiele, mobile Spiele, E-Commerce und neue Medien unterstützt werden. Die Tencent-Aktie notiert heute an der Frankfurter Börse mit 18,90 Euro.

      © 27. Januar 2011/Margarethe Dawo
      schrieb am 30.01.11 20:05:30
      Beitrag Nr. 67 ()
      Nokia kooperiert mit SINA und Tencent

      28.01.11 11:39

      Espoo ( AG) - Der finnische Mobiltelefonhersteller Nokia Corp. (ISIN FI0009000681 / WKN 870737) gab am Freitag bekannt, dass er Vereinbarungen mit den beiden chinesischen Internet Service Providern SINA Corp. (ISIN KYG814771047 / WKN 929917) und Tencent Holdings Ltd. (ISIN KYG875721485 / WKN A0YAJU) getroffen hat.

      Den Angaben zufolge werden im Rahmen der Abkommen sowohl SINA- als auch Tencent-Services in China nahtlos in die Nokia-Navigationslösung Ovi Maps integriert. Damit können Millionen von Nutzern künftig über Ovi Maps Freunden und Communities ihren Standort auf ihrem bevorzugten sozialen Netzwerk mitteilen, hieß es.

      Die ersten standortbasierten Services für SINA- und Tencent-Kunden über Ovi Maps sollen im Laufe des ersten Quartals 2011 verfügbar sein.

      Die Aktie von Nokia verliert aktuell 0,39 Prozent auf 7,71 Euro. (28.01.2011/ac/n/a)
      schrieb am 01.02.11 08:23:38
      Beitrag Nr. 68 ()
      Baidu to Expand Social-Networking Services, Challenge Tencent in China
      By Mark Lee - Feb 1, 2011 5:09 AM GMT+0100

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      Robin Li CEO of Baidu Inc.

      Robin Li, chief executive officer of Baidu Inc. Photographer: Doug Kanter/Bloomberg

      Baidu Inc. said it plans to develop more social-networking services, as the owner of China’s biggest search engine follows Chinese Internet rival Tencent Holdings Ltd. in widening its product line to win users.

      The commercial value of social products is “meaningful,” Baidu Chief Executive Officer Robin Li said in a conference call today after the Beijing-based company posted fourth-quarter earnings that beat analysts’ estimates. Baidu, operator of the Tieba information-sharing site, aims to derive more revenue from similar social services, he said.

      Tencent, China’s biggest Internet company, is expanding its social-networking services as global industry leader Facebook Inc.’s site has been inaccessible in the world’s biggest online market for more than a year. Baidu is diversifying from its search-engine business after overcoming a challenge from Google Inc., which lost market share in China after a censorship dispute with regulators.

      “They want to be in everything,” said Muzhi Li, who rates Baidu’s shares “buy” at Mizuho Securities Co. in Hong Kong. The expansion of social-networking services will help Baidu gain users, he said in a phone interview today.

      Baidu rose as much as 9.1 percent in extended trading in the U.S. after the Chinese company said fourth-quarter profit rose to 1.16 billion yuan ($176 million) from 427.9 million yuan a year earlier, beating the 1.03 billion yuan average of eight analysts’ estimates compiled by Bloomberg. Earlier, Baidu climbed 2 percent to $108.63 on the Nasdaq Stock Market.

      Tencent Shares

      Tencent, the best-performing stock in Hong Kong’s benchmark Hang Seng Index this year, expanded by marketing new services such as social-networking and online games to subscribers of its QQ instant messaging software, which has more than 600 million active user accounts. The Shenzhen-based company was headed for a record close after rising 1.5 percent to HK$205 at 11:34 a.m. in Hong Kong trading today,

      Baidu accounted for 75.5 percent of China’s search-engine market by revenue in the fourth quarter, rising from 73 percent in the previous three months, according to research company Analysys International. Google’s share dropped to 19.6 percent from 21.6 percent, the research firm said.

      Baidu’s sales from paid-search benefited from higher average spending by bigger customers after the company adopted its new “Phoenix Nest” advertising system, Senior Vice- President Haoyu Shen said in today’s call., an online video venture controlled by Baidu, may be spun off in a separate listing, CEO Li said today, without giving a timeframe. now has more than 100 million users and is “doing well,” Li said.

      Revenue Forecast

      Baidu’s revenue will range from 2.38 billion yuan to 2.45 billion yuan in the first quarter, the company said. That compares with the 2.3 billion yuan average of six analysts’ estimates compiled by Bloomberg.

      Google’s search-engine business in China is “solid,” Daniel Alegre, the company’s head of sales in Asia, said in December, without disclosing details. Google’s combined revenue in China from display ads, online search and Chinese companies marketing on Google’s global sites increased last year, Alegre said at the time.

      To contact the reporter on this story: Mark Lee in Hong Kong at

      To contact the editor responsible for this story: Young-Sam Cho at

      Bei diesen tollen Nachrichten der letzten Wochen,sollte die Konsoldierung bald ein Ende haben,und ein weiterer Kurssprung bevorstehen.
      schrieb am 01.02.11 15:34:27
      Beitrag Nr. 69 ()
      Franzosen entdecken Megatrend „soziale Netzwerke“
      von Structured Solutions
      Montag 31.01.2011, 09:53 Uhr

      Die Société Générale (SG) bildet mit einem neuen Index-Zertifikat (WKN SG10SN) den Solactive Social Networks Index – kurz SONIX – nach. Dieses Kursbarometer enthält bis dato die acht nach Börsenwert größten Unternehmen: Mit jeweils 20% sind Aktien der chinesischen Tencent Holding, der russischen sowie die Papiere der beiden japanischen Player Dena und Gree gewichtet. Papiere von Mixi (Japan), United Online (USA), Meetic (Frankreich) und der deutschen Xing komplettieren den Index. Weil Facebooknoch nicht an der Börse notiert, fehlt der Marktführer. Im Zuge des Börsenganges dürften die Facebook-Aktien aber in den SONIX aufrücken, dessen Zusammensetzung halbjährlich angepasst wird. Die laufenden Kosten des neuen Index-Zertifikates sind überschaubar: Für das bereits börsennotierte Open-End-Produkt fallen jährlich 1% Management-Gebühr an. Wenngleich die Mehrzahl der enthaltenen Aktien in fremden Währungen notiert, müssen Euro-Anleger aber auf einen Währungsschutz verzichten – das birgt zusätzliche Chancen und Risiken.
      schrieb am 02.02.11 11:22:50
      Beitrag Nr. 70 ()
      Chinesische Internetgesellschaft Tencent und chinesische Handelsbank haben einen strategischen zusammenarbeitenden Vertrag geschlossen, um gesamte Zusammenarbeit für das Gebäude einer Finanzdienstplattform zu begreifen. Das Unterzeichnen der Abmachung kennzeichnet die erste gesamte Quer-Industriezusammenarbeit zwischen einer Finanzorganisation und einem Internetportal in China. Die Zusammenarbeit wird wie verlautet verschiedene Sektoren, einschließlich des Einbrennens, der Dienstleistungen, und der Industrieentwicklung bedecken. Die zwei Parteien werden einander 's Produkte und Dienstleistungen fördern, gegenseitiges Marketing von Kunden durchführen, gemeinsam Wohltätigkeitstätigkeiten organisieren, gemeinsam Markttätigkeiten beginnen, und gemeinsam Finanzforen der Marke halten. Tencent und chinesische Handelsbank haben eine nahe Partnerschaft aufrechterhalten, und die zwei Parteien haben umfassende Zusammenarbeit in verschiedenen Gebieten. Wie man erwartet, fördert der umfassende Vertrag geschlossen dieses Mal die Partnerschaft der zwei Gesellschaften zur folgenden Bühne. Keine Finanzdetails oder Vorsprünge für dieses Geschäft sind veröffentlicht worden.

      Sollte Tencent die 20 Eurogrenze knacken waeere das ein klares Kaufsignal.Bis 26-28 Euro waere der Weg frei.
      Meine Einschätzung!
      schrieb am 03.02.11 08:46:05
      Beitrag Nr. 71 ()

      Wer über die jüngst erreichte 50-Milliarden-Dollar-Bewertung von Facebook schon mit dem Kopf geschüttelt hatte, sollte sich jetzt festhalten. Wedbush-Analyst Lou Kerner rechnet im Fall eines IPOs mit einer Bewertung von rund 100 Milliarden Dollar und Facebook-Chef Mark Zuckerberg schwingt die ganz große Motivationskeule: Mitarbeitern gegenüber soll er das Ziel einer 1.000-Milliarden-Dollar-Bewertung ausgegeben haben.

      Wer angesichts dieser Zahlen denkt, diese Internetfirma sei in ihren Ausmaßen einzigartig, irrt gewaltig. Facebook ist nur die Nummer 2. Das finanziell erfolgreichste Social-Media-Netzwerk kommt aus China und heißt Tencent Holdings (WKN A0Y AJU). Während fast keiner der rund 1,3 Milliarden Chinesen jemals etwas von Zuckerbergs Plattform gehört hat, surft fast jeder mit Internetzugang auf Tencent-Webseiten.


      Der Erfolg der 1998 gegründeten und bereits seit 2004 börsennotierten Internetfirma fußt auf dem Instant-Messenger QQ. Alleine hier sind mittlerweile 637 Millionen Accounts eröffnet worden. Hinzu kommen 481 Millionen Registrierungen auf der Social-Media-Plattform Qzone. Zwar sind die ausgewiesenen Zahlen aufgrund etwaiger Mehrfach-Accounts mit Vorsicht zu genießen. Doch die Umsatz- und Gewinnzahlen sind gut vergleichbar - und hier sind die Chinesen das Maß aller Dinge im globalen Social-Media-Business.

      2010 dürfte der Umsatz Analysten zufolge um 70 Prozent auf 2,2 Milliarden Euro zugelegt haben. Mit 946 Millionen Euro bleibt dabei fast die Hälfte der Erlöse als Gewinn übrig, was selbst für eine Internetfirma ein absoluter Traumwert ist.

      Die Erlösquellen von Tencent sind vielschichtig. Im dritten Quartal 2010 lag der Löwenanteil mit 79 Prozent bei kostenpflichtigen Premiumdiensten. Neben der reinen Registrierung floriert in den Portalen der Absatz virtueller Gegenstände wie Haustiere, Kleidung oder Werkzeuge. Nur drei Prozent der Einnahmen steuert Werbung bei. Online-Spiele wie der erfolgreiche Shooter Cross Fire machten im dritten Quartal hingegen rund sieben Prozent der Gesamterlöse aus. Dieser Bereich entwickelt sich aktuell besonders gut: Einer Studie von iResearch zufolge hat Tencent seinen Marktanteil im vierten Quartal 2010 auf 31 Prozent ausgeweitet und damit andere Spieleanbieter wie NetEase oder Shanda Games deutlich hinter sich gelassen.

      Neue Wachstumsimpulse

      Um die Marktführerschaft seiner Community QZone zu verfestigen, hat Tencent nun die Einführung neuer Funktionen angekündigt. Dazu gehört die Möglichkeit, Applikationen fremder Anbieter einzugliedern, und das von Facebook bekannte „like"-Tool, womit User andere Mitglieder, Nachrichten oder Links positiv bewerten können.

      Gäbe es an der Börse "like"-Buttons, wäre die Tencent-Aktie derzeit davon übersät - das Papier hat gerade ein neues Allzeithoch erreicht und damit ein klares Kaufsignal ausgelöst. Das gute Sentiment dürfte anhalten. Schließlich hat das hochprofitable Portal im direkten Vergleich zur Facebook-Bewertung noch erhebliches Aufholpotenzial. Zumal die Wachstumsperspektiven vielversprechend sind: Erst 35 Prozent der Bevölkerung in Tencents Kernmarkt China sind online.

      Ein weiteres Bonbon ist die 10-Prozent-Beteiligung an dem russischen Investor DST, der wiederum einen ähnlich großen Anteil am US-Konkurrenten Facebook hält.

      Risiko ist relativ

      Der Schwung der Aktie dürfte sich fortsetzen. Denn dieser ist nicht nur dem Facebook-Hype, sondern auch der relativ günstigen Bewertung in Höhe von 36 Millarden Dollar. geschuldet. Das Gewinnwachstum von über 50 Prozent relativiert das KGV von 26 deutlich. Zwar gibt es ruhigere und günstigere Aktien. Doch angesichts der großen Umwälzungen, die das Internet mit sich bringt, scheint das größte Risiko eines Investors zu sein, keines einzugehen.
      schrieb am 03.02.11 09:48:39
      Beitrag Nr. 72 ()
      Tencent ist im globalen Social-Media-Business das Maß aller Dinge
      aktuelle Aktienkurse online zur Aktie
      Kulmbach ( AG) - Für die Experten von "Der Aktionär-online" ist die Tencent-Aktie (ISIN KYG875721485/ WKN A0YAJU) der Tipp des Tages.

      Wer denkt, die Internetfirma von Mark Zuckerberg sei in ihren Ausmaßen einzigartig, der irre gewaltig. Bei Facebook handle es sich lediglich um die Nummer 2.

      Das finanziell erfolgreichste Social-Media-Netzwerk stamme aus China und trage den Namen Tencent Holdings. Während fast keiner der rund 1,3 Mrd. Chinesen jemals etwas von Zuckerbergs Plattform gehört habe, surfe fast jeder mit Internetzugang auf den Webseiten des 1998 gegründeten und bereits seit 2004 börsennotierten Unternehmens.

      Bei den Umsatz- und Gewinnzahlen seien die Chinesen im globalen Social-Media-Business das Maß aller Dinge. Analysten würden für 2010 einen Umsatzanstieg um 70% auf 2,2 Mrd. Euro prognostizieren. Davon dürften 946 Mio. Euro als Gewinn übrig bleiben, was selbst für eine Internetfirma ein absoluter Traumwert sei.

      Die Aktie sei jüngst auf ein neues Allzeithoch gestiegen und habe damit ein klares Kaufsignal generiert. Nach Einschätzung der Experten dürfte das gute Sentiment bei dem Wert anhalten. Schließlich habe das hochprofitable Portal im direkten Vergleich zur Facebook-Bewertung noch signifikantes Aufholpotenzial. Auch würden die Experten die Wachstumsperspektiven für vielversprechend halten. So seien erst 35% der Bevölkerung in Tencents Kernmarkt China online. Ein weiteres Bonbon sähen die Experten in der 10%-Beteiligung an dem russischen Investor DST, der wiederum einen ähnlich großen Anteil am US-Konkurrenten Facebook besitze.

      Die Experten würden davon ausgehen, dass sich der Schwung der Aktie fortsetze. Zumal dieser neben dem Facebook-Hype auch der relativ günstigen Bewertung in Höhe von 36 Mrd. Dollar geschuldet sei. Das Gewinnwachstum von über 50% könne das KGV von 26 deutlich relativieren.
      schrieb am 05.02.11 20:42:18
      Beitrag Nr. 73 ()
      Es wird weiter gesammelt !

      Feb 4 (Reuters) - Chinese Internet company Tencent Holdings (0700.HK) has acquired a majority stake in Riot Games, the video game developer and publisher said on Friday.

      Tencent controls about one-third of China's online gaming market and runs the country's largest online messaging platform.

      Financial terms of the deal were not disclosed.

      Bloomberg News, citing a person with knowledge of the negotiations, reported earlier that Tencent was near a deal to acquire Riot Games for more than $350 million.

      Last year Tencent bought a stake in Russia's Digital Sky Technologies.

      Japanese mobile social gaming company Gree Inc (3632.T) said last month that it would share a common development platform with Tencent, China's largest Internet company by market value.[ID:nTOE70P06V]

      Riot Games will maintain independent operations and its existing management team, it said in a statement. It plans to hire "aggressively" in 2011, it said.

      Mal schauen nach den US Vorgaben am Freitag was der Kurs am Montag macht.

      schrieb am 06.02.11 19:56:29
      Beitrag Nr. 74 ()
      Chinas Tencent erwirbt US-Spiele-Erzeuger Riot Games

      Der chinesische Internet-Riese Tencent hat die in Los Angeles domizilierte Riot Games für mehr als 400 Millionen Dollar erworben.

      (5.2.2011, 14:15) Die Gaming Branche erlebt einen regelrechten Mergers & Aquisition Boom. Die Hauptattraktion von Riot Games ist das Spiel League of Legends, das frei gespielt werden kann und Geld durch In-Game Käufe verdient. Das Spiel hat mehr als eine Million User, die sich eine halbe Milliarde Minuten pro Monat in dem Game tummeln.

      Tencent war bereits bei dem Spieleerzeuger investiert und hat für angebliche 400 Millionen Dollar andere Investoren ausgekauft. Das ist das bisher größte Investment eines chinesischen Unternehmens in eine US-Firma aus der Internet- und Spiele-Branche.

      Das Unternehmen soll selbständig bleiben und wird weiter vom bisherigen Management geleitet. Mit der finanziellen Unterstützung soll League of Legends erweitert und neue Games entwickelt werden.

      Tencent betreibt eine Reihe von Portalen wie das Instant Messaging Service QQ, ein Game Portal und das Social Network Qzone mit mehr als 480 Millionen Usern sowie ein mobiles Portal. Im April des Vorjahres hat Tencent 300 Millionen Dollar in die Moskauer Investment Gruppe Digital Sky Technologies eingebracht und ist damit auch indirekt an Facebook beteiligt.
      schrieb am 08.02.11 08:19:58
      Beitrag Nr. 75 ()
      Ein spektakulärer Einkauf der chinesischen Firma Tencent (QQ) erregt derzeit das Aufsehen in der Spielebranche, und der Finanzbranche. Riot Games, die Entwickler des Spiels League of Legends, wurden vor kurzem von Tencent gekauft.

      Der Kauf, mit dem sich die chinesische Spiele & Internet Firma für angeblich etwa 400 Millionen US Dollar einen Mehrheitsanteil an der Spieleschmiede aus Los Angeles erkaufte, ist der größte Deal dieser Art in der Spielebranche und einer der größten Einkäufe aus China dieser Art in der letzteren Zeit.

      Seit gestern ist bekannt dass Tencent die Übernahme von Riot Games abgeschlossen hat.

      Wie groß der Anteil ist, den Tencent derzeit an Riot Games hält, darüber ist noch nicht gesprochen worden, klar ist aber, dass es sich um einen Mehrheitsanteil handelt.

      Tencent hatte bereits vorher die Distributionsrechte für League of Legends in China, und kauft sich mit Riot Games jetzt das komplette Paket der Leute ein, die einen der erfolgreichsten Dota Derivate überhaupt geschaffen haben.

      Ob sich mit diesem Schritt neue Möglichkeiten für Riot Games ergeben, bleibt offen, klar ist aber jetzt schon, dass Riot Games die Verantwortung über League of Legends behalten wird und es keine Auswirkungen auf Spieler haben wird.

      Wer sich für das Unternehmen aus Los Angeles interessiert, kann nochmal in unseren Artikel über Riot Games auf der GamesCom reinschnuppern.
      schrieb am 08.02.11 09:29:40
      Beitrag Nr. 76 ()
      Der Kursrückgang ist wohl damit zu begründen,durch die vielen Investionen der letzten Wochen.
      Wird sich aber bald ins Plus auswirken.meine Mittelfristige Ziele auf 3 Monaten 23 Euro
      schrieb am 10.02.11 07:49:40
      Beitrag Nr. 77 ()
      Guten Morgen,

      Tencent to Foray into Online Group Buying Market

      BEIJING, Feb 09, 2011 (SinoCast Daily Business Beat via COMTEX) --
      There have been 2,612 online group buying Web sites in China by the end of 2010, triggering bitterer competition in the market, according to a analysis report.
      Before the 2011 Spring Festival, Beijing media reports said that an insider of Tencent Holdings Limited (SEHK: 0700) had confirmed the cooperation with Groupon, saying that both sides will form a joint venture, whose CEO would be appointed by the Chinese party.
      When reporters contacted Tencent for truth, the company responded that it would not make comments on the story and will announce related information in due time.
      Although there are no specific details about the foray of Groupon into China, insiders believe that the online group buying bellwether will definitely come into the country.
      Talking of the attempt of Tencent to foray into the online group buying market, even Zhou Hongwei, the chairman of its archrival Qihoo 360 admits that it is advantaged to do so, since it has its own virtual currency, it is familiar to the consumption habits of users and its instant messaging tool QQ will help the promotion of its online group buying service.
      Hence, Zhou believes that the cooperation between Tencent and Groupon will challenge under the aegis of Alibaba Group. However, Liang Chunxiao, vice president of Alibaba, says that the company will not care who are its archrivals.
      Liang reiterates that Alibaba cares most about the demand of customers and will not make decisions according to what others do. If it could not follow the steps of customers, its archrivals will definitely take its place.
      Even though Alibaba is reserved and explicit to the challenge of its opponents, it is not easy for Groupon to foray into China and dominate the local online group buying market. Its attempt has aroused the repulsion of its Chinese peers, which are prepared for its competition.
      Wu Bo, CEO of, a Chinese online group buying Web site, says that he has heard of the news that Groupon intended to foray into China, whose online group buying market will overtake its counterpart in the US around the end of 2011 and the beginning of 2012. He believes that a world-class online group buying Web site will emerge in China to compete with foreign archrivals.
      Thus, it is still unknown whether Groupon defeat its Chinese peers after foraying into the country. But, one thing is clear that competition will benefit Chinese customers and only a few powerful online group buying Web sites will survive in the end.
      (USD 1 = CNY 6.59)
      Source: (February 09, 2011)

      For full details on (TCTZF) TCTZF. (TCTZF) has Short Term PowerRatings at TradingMarkets. Details on (TCTZF) Short Term PowerRatings is available at This Link.

      Habe gestern nachmal nachgekauft zu 18.05 €, sehe die Kursentwicklung wie peewee 11.

      Erfolgreichen Tag !

      schrieb am 10.02.11 08:53:42
      Beitrag Nr. 78 ()
      au weia was ist denn hier los? liegt das nur an den einkäufen? der rückgang ist ja nun langsam beachtlich
      schrieb am 10.02.11 09:43:02
      Beitrag Nr. 79 ()
      find ich auch, aber hatten wir schon mal.
      in china gehts momentan auch nicht so richtig nach oben.
      mitn dax sind wir aktuell auch an der gewissen grenze.
      ich denke das geht den ganzen monat so weiter.
      entweder wir schießen dann durch die decke oder wir kommen wieder zurück wie schon die jahre zuvor (2000 2007) etc.
      schrieb am 10.02.11 14:39:14
      Beitrag Nr. 80 ()
      Das Tencent Maskottchen wird bald aus dem Winterschlaf erwachen

      Deshalb habe ich gerade nochmal nachgelegt.

      Habe es im Gefühl das bald(Denke ab Montag) wieder die Post abgeht.
      Haben lange genug konsoldiert,durch Zukäufe wurde viel Bares abgezogen und trotzdem schwimmt Tencent noch im Geld.
      schrieb am 10.02.11 20:44:01
      Beitrag Nr. 81 ()
      Soziale Netzwerke in China - Baidu against Tencent !?, Inc. (NASDAQ: BIDU), the largest Chinese search engine in the world, announced that it will develop its social networking business in order to provide more services for users. The foray into the high-growth digital industry will put it into more direct competition with its corporate rival Tencent Holdings Limited (HKG: 0700 | (ADR) PINK: TCEHY), China’s largest Internet company, as well as some independent companies such as and

      Robin Li, Baidu’s CEO acknowledged the need for his company to start looking beyond its primary revenue stream from the search business. He described the social networking market as “extremely huge” and explained that Baidu would launch comparable social networking services to those offered by competitors like Tencent.

      Baidu’s plans to expand its social networking offerings comes as a recent article on Businessweek describes the significance of the industry’s future and the expectation that some private social net companies will likely IPO in the next year.

      schrieb am 11.02.11 08:02:01
      Beitrag Nr. 82 ()
      noch mal zum Thema:
      entweder wir schießen dann durch die decke oder wir kommen wieder zurück wie schon die jahre zuvor (2000 2007) etc.

      Internet-Blase rund um Facebook?
      Google sieht "klare Anzeichen"
      In einem Interview mit einem Schweizer Wirtschaftsmagazin warnt einer der prominentesten Vertreter der US-Online-Branche vor einer neuen Internet-Blase: Vor allem die Begeisterung für Facebook, ist Google-Chef Eric Schmidt offenbar ein Dorn im Auge. Beobachter vermuten strategische Absichten.

      Google-Chef Eric Schmidt hält den Ansturm auf "kleinere" Internet-Unternehmen wie Facebook für übertrieben. "Da sind klare Anzeichen einer Blase", sagte Schmidt dem Schweizer Magazin "Bilanz". Aber die Bewertungen seien nun einmal, wie sie sind. Die Leute glaubten eben, dass diese Firmen in der Zukunft riesige Umsätze erreichen würden, meinte Schmidt.

      Bei dieser Gelegenheit bekräftigte er zudem seine Absicht, weitere vier Jahre bei Google bleiben zu wollen. Schmidt wird Anfang April sein Amt als Konzernchef an Firmenmitgründer Larry Page übergeben und künftig den Posten des Verwaltungsratschefs bei Google übernehmen.

      Wer bekommt Twitter?
      Die Internet-Giganten Facebook und Google hegen einem Zeitungsbericht zufolge jeweils Pläne für eine Übernahme des rasant wachsenden Kurznachrichtendienstes Twitter. Wie das "Wall Street Journal" berichtete, haben die beiden Anwärter bereits auf niedriger Ebene und bislang ergebnislos erste Fusionsgespräche mit Twitter geführt. Dabei sei der Wert von Twitter auf rund 8 bis 10 Mrd. Dollar beziffert worden.

      Vor diesem Hintergrund liegt es nahe, dass Schmidt möglicherweise auch strategische Überlegungen zu seiner Einschätzung der Lage bewegt haben könnten. Seine Äußerungen zur Bewertung von Internet-Unternehmen dürften die Marktsicht auf Facebook und Twitter zumindest kurzfristig beeinflussen.

      Was kostet Facebook?
      Unabhängig davon erwägt Facebook angeblich, seine Mitarbeiter zum Verkauf von Firmenanteilen an institutionelle Investoren zu bewegen. Medienberichten zufolge ergibt sich aus dem intern zur Diskussion stehenden Anteilspreis ein Unternehmenswert von etwa 60 Mrd. Dollar. Ein Sprecher des Unternehmens wollte den Bericht des einflussreichen Branchenblog "All Things Digital" nicht kommentieren.

      Dort hieß es weiter, Facebook prüfe die Verkaufserlaubnis, weil eine Reihe von großen Institutionen Interesse an einem Einstieg bei dem Unternehmen angemeldet hätten. Die Autoren berufen sich dabei auf Informationen aus Unternehmenskreisen.

      Am Markt gehen Beobachter mittlerweile davon aus, dass das Online-Netzwerk im kommenden Jahr an die Börse geht. Investoren reißen sich seit Wochen um eine Beteiligung an dem Netzwerk, das binnen weniger Jahre mehr als eine halbe Milliarde Nutzer gewonnen hat.
      schrieb am 11.02.11 08:33:03
      Beitrag Nr. 83 ()
      Tencent ist für weniger als die Hälfte zu haben
      aktuelle Aktienkurse online zur Aktie
      Kulmbach ( AG) - Für die Experten vom Anlegermagazin "Der Aktionär" bleibt die Tencent-Aktie (ISIN KYG875721485/ WKN A0YAJU) ein klarer Kauf.

      Während das Online-Netzwerk Facebook laut vorbörslichen Transaktionen inzwischen bereits mehr als 80 Mrd. USD wert sein solle, sei das chinesische Gegenstück für weniger als die Hälfte zu haben. Und das, obwohl das Unternehmen zuletzt deutlich höhere Gewinne ausgewiesen habe.

      Die Community habe jüngst ihren Messenger "Weixin" vorgestellt, der insbesondere für iPad und iPhone optimiert worden sei.

      Auch aufgrund des Bilderbuch-Charts bleibt die Tencent-Aktie für die Experten von "Der Aktionär" ein klarer Kauf. Das Kursziel sehe man bei 34,00 Euro und ein Stopp sollte bei 14,00 Euro platziert werden. (Ausgabe 07) (10.02.2011/ac/a/a)
      schrieb am 11.02.11 08:45:41
      Beitrag Nr. 84 ()
      Guten Morgen,

      A bullish block trade of 39.9K shares of TENCENT(00700) occurred at price of HK$198.0 and turnover of HK$7.9M at 11:49a.m . The last price is up 5.656%. Today's highest price is $198.0 and lowest price is $191.1. Total volume is 3.862M shares and total turnover is HK$755.543M.

      Heute ging es mal wieder Richtung Norden.

      schrieb am 11.02.11 09:48:56
      Beitrag Nr. 85 ()
      [I-bank focus] CS lifts Tencent (00700) target to HK$227

      Credit Suisse raised its target price for
      Tencent (00700) from HK$203 to HK$227, and retained its "outperform" rating.
      The house noted that Tencent's Qzone open platform (subion fee of RMB10 per
      month), launched in August, had 480mn monthly active users and 42 apps in September (12
      games from nine third-party developers).
      Going forward, Tencent will add more third-party applications, and Credit Suisse
      believes it will be a key driver for Tencent in 2011 and beyond. (KL)
      schrieb am 11.02.11 13:25:19
      Beitrag Nr. 86 ()
      Ich-Bank Fokus] CS hebt Tencent (00700) Ziel zu HK$227 an Credit Suisse erhöhte seinen Richtpreis für Tencent (00700) von HK$203 zu HK$227 und behalten seinem & quot; outperform& quot;
      schrieb am 14.02.11 08:34:43
      Beitrag Nr. 87 ()
      auch heute gehts weiter nachoben.Wie vorher gesagt!

      schrieb am 15.02.11 14:48:18
      Beitrag Nr. 88 ()
      Für alle die noch immer nicht wissen wer TENCENT ist:Hier eine Zusammenfassung:

      Tencent Holdings Ltd. (腾讯) ist ein Internet-Unternehmen in der Volksrepublik China. Zu den breitgestreuten Aktivitäten von Tencent zählen vor allem die Geschäftsfelder Instant Messaging Service, Soziale Netzwerke im Internet, Onlinemedien (Webportale), Internet-Mehrwertdienste (stationär und im Mobilfunk), interaktive Unterhaltung (insbesondere Mehrspieler-Onlinespiele), E-Commerce (elektronischer Handel) und Onlinewerbung.

      Unternehmen [Bearbeiten]
      Das Tencent Building in Shenzhen, die Unternehmenszentrale

      Mit einer Marktkapitalisierung von umgerechnet 38 Milliarden US-Dollar (Stand November 2010) ist Tencent das größte Internetunternehmen der VR China und hinter Google und Amazon das drittgrößte Internetunternehmen der Welt. Mit einem Jahresumsatz von 1,8 Milliarden US-Dollar und einem Nettogewinn von 760 Millionen US-Dollar (Stand jeweils 2009) ist Tencent außerdem derzeit das profitabelste Internetunternehmen Chinas. Tencent ist an der Börse von Hong Kong notiert und im Hang Seng Index gelistet.

      Die Tencent-Holding hat die Rechtsform einer Limited Liability Company (Ltd.)(LLC) und ihren rechtlichen Sitz im steuergünstigen britischen Überseegebiet Kaimaninseln[1], die Unternehmenszentrale befindet sich im Stadtteil Shekou der Stadt Shenzhen in der südchinesischen Küstenprovinz Guangdong. Exekutivdirektor, Vorstandsvorsitzender und Chief Executive Officer von Tencent ist sein Mitgründer Ma Huateng (* 1971). Mehr als die Hälfte der Angestellten bei Tencent sind Forschungs- und Entwicklungspersonal. Tencent hält über 400 Patente (Stand 2009) unter anderem in den Bereichen Instant Messaging, E-Commerce, Online-Zahlsysteme, Suchmaschinen, Datensicherheit und Online-Spiele. Größter Einzelaktionär ist seit 2001 der südafrikanische Medienkonzern Naspers, gehalten über seine Internet-Tochtergruppe Myriad International Holdings (MIH). Anfangs war Naspers mit 46,5 % beteiligt, heute liegt der Anteil bei rund 35 %, wobei sich allerdings der Wert dieses Anteils vervielfacht hat (Stand Juni 2010).
      Geschichte [Bearbeiten]

      Tencent wurde im November 1998 in Shenzen von Ma Huateng (auch Pony Ma genannt, heute Vorsitzender) und Zhang Zhidong (auch Tony Zhang genannt, heute Chief Technology Officer) unter finanzieller Hilfe US-amerikanischer Risikokapitalgeber gegründet. Das erste Produkt war der im Februar 1999 gestartete Instant Messenger OICQ, später aufgrund der Namensähnlichkeit mit ICQ in Tencent QQ umbenannt. Er war so erfolgreich, dass Tencent binnen weniger Jahre zum ersten Gewinn erzielenden Internetunternehmen Chinas aufstieg. Seit 16. Juni 2004 ist Tencent an der Börse von Hong Kong notiert, seit Mai 2007 im MSCI World Index, seit Juni 2008 im Hang Seng Index. 2006 initiierte Tencent die erste Wohltätigkeitsstiftung eines chinesischen Internetunternehmens, den Tencent Charity Fund. 2007 investierte Tencent über 100 Mio. RMB in den Aufbau des ersten chinesischen Forschungs- und Entwicklungsinstituts für Internet-Technologien, Tencent Research Institute, mit Standorten in Peking, Shanghai und Shenzhen. Im März 2008 durchbrach Qzone die Marke von 100 Millionen Benutzern. Im Juni 2008 gründete Tencent ein Gemeinschaftsunternehmen mit MIH – einer Tochtergruppe des südafrikanischen Medienkonzerns Naspers für den Bereich Internet – die das indische Social Network ibibo betreibt. Im März 2010 überschritt der QQ Instant Messenger erstmals die Marke von 100 Millionen aktiven Benutzern. Im April 2010 beteiligte sich Tencent gemeinsam mit Naspers am russischen Internetunternehmen Digital Sky Technologies (DST, heute Group) und ging mit ihm eine strategische Partnerschaft ein. Der Anteil von Tencent in diesem Investment lag bei umgerechnet 300 Mio. US-Dollar. Während der Weltausstellung Expo 2010 war exklusiver Internet Service Sponsor. Im Juni 2010 gab Tencent die Absicht zu einer langfristigen strategischen Entwicklungspartnerschaft mit dem US-amerikanischen Netzwerktechnologie-Anbieter Cisco Systems bekannt.[2] Im selben Jahr erwarb Tencent einen Anteil von 49,92% am thailändischen Internetportal Sanook von dessen bisheriger Eigentümerin MIH, die selbst Hauptaktionärin von Tencent ist. Im Januar 2011 wurde bekannt, dass Tencent mit der Rabattgutschein-Website Groupon über eine Kooperation auf dem chinesischen Markt verhandelt. Tencent ist über seine Beteiligung an der russischen Group bereits indirekt an Groupon beteiligt.[3]

      Am 7. Februar wurde bekannt, dass Tencent sich Mehrheitsanteile an der US Amerikanischen Spielefirma Riot Games erkauft hat. [4]
      Produkte (Auswahl) [Bearbeiten]
      Entwicklung der zur gleichen Zeit aktiven Benutzer von Tencent QQ

      * Tencent QQ: im Februar 1999 gestartet, heute das mit großem Abstand meistverbreitete Instant-Messaging-Netzwerk Asiens[5]
      * im Dezember 2003 gestartet, seit Juli 2006 größtes und meistbesuchtes Internetportal in der VR China
      * QQ Games: im September 2003 gestartetes Mehrspieler-Onlinespielportal (z.B. QQ Sanguo); im Oktober 2005 kam das erste selbstentwickelte MMOG. QQ Games erreichte im 2. Quartal 2009 einen Spitzenwert von bis zu 6,4 Millionen gleichzeitig aktiven Benutzeraccounts (auf Basis von Minispielen)
      * Qzone: im Mai 2005 gestartetes kommerzielles Social Network, in dem man Blogs verfassen, Online-Tagebuch führen, Fotos versenden und Musik anhören kann. Eines der größten Social Networks weltweit[6]
      * 3G QQ: Social Network für Mobilfunkgeräte
      * SoSo: im September 2009 gestartete, eigenentwickelte Suchmaschine, kooperierte zeitweise mit Google (benutzte AdWords)
      * PaiPai: gestartet im März 2006, zweitgrößte Internet-Ein- und Verkaufskaufsplattform in der VR China (Consumer-to-Consumer, ähnlich Paypal)
      * Tenpay: gestartet im März 2006, Online-Bezahlverfahren
      * Tencent Traveler: einer der verbreitetsten Internetbrowser in der VR China, er basiert auf der Trident-Technologie des Internet Explorer von Microsoft

      die Bewertung ist daher lächerlich!
      schrieb am 16.02.11 10:36:22
      Beitrag Nr. 89 ()
      Groupon and Tencent Launch Chinese Group Purchase Site
      16 Feb 2011

      Feb 15, Group purchase website, which is jointly owned by U.S. group buying website Groupon Inc. and Chinese internet giant Tencent Holdings Ltd. (0700.HK), was quietly launched on Tuesday, according to a report on website Chinabyte. is currently only accepting users who received an e-invitation, and will begin sending out preferential information via e-mail. The website has not launched any deals yet, the report said.

      According to the report, is 50-50 owned by the two companies, but this has not been officially confirmed.

      A leaked Groupon email showed that the company was planning to hire around 1,000 staff in the first three months for its China unit, and that 70% would be working in sales and marketing, according to earlier media reports.

      But the company faces losing a key member of staff before it completes its recruitment drive. Ren Xing, the deputy marketing director of Groupon’s China unit, said in a personal microblog post several days ago that he was planning to leave the company for personal.

      An industry analyst cited in the report said Ren Xing was leaving due the disorganized recruitment process at Groupon China.

      A candidate recently interviewed by the company, who declined to give his name, said that his recruitment process involved no paper test or reference check, and that after a simple interview he was asked whether he wanted to join Groupon or not, according to a report on Tencent’s web portal.

      Chinese local industry analysts are pessimistic about the cooperation between Groupon and Tencent.

      One said the group purchase industry requires better local market knowledge and operational abilities than other e-commerce platforms, but that Groupon and Tencent are not familiar enough with market distribution and the development stage of the Chinese group purchase sector.

      In addition, many Western internet giants have tried and failed to break the Chinese market in recent years for reasons ranging from lack of localized content or user knowledge to government restrictions aimed at safeguarding local firms.

      U.S. firm eBay Inc. (NASDAQ:EBAY) sold its China operation after succumbing to the challenge of local company Ltd. (1688.HK). The auction site failed to localize its payment policy to suit Chinese netizens and understand local users’ habits.

      Microsoft Corp.’s (NASDAQ:MSFT) hugely popular instant messaging tool has lost ground to local competitor QQ.

      Google Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG) has seen its share of the local search market slide over the past year after the company began redirecting mainland users to Hong Kong after a disagreement with the Chinese government over content filtering.

      For Chinese consumers, group buying is now a familiar story. Although Groupon has seen significant international expansion, it has failed to move quickly into China.

      Optimists argue that Tencent’s China experiences and Groupon’s group purchasing know-how (it has operations in a number of other countries) are mutually complementary.

      Related articles
      Groupon Plans to Enter China; Hiring Staff
      schrieb am 20.02.11 16:27:20
      Beitrag Nr. 90 ()
      Hat einer Infos zur Aktionärsstruktur von Tencent?

      Insbesondere würde mich interessieren
      -wie hoch der free float und
      -der Anteil chinesischer Anteilseigner

      Noch eine andere Frage:
      Versucht man vielleicht nicht besser, eine kleine Tencent-Beimischung über einen (wenn ja, welchen?)
      China-Fonds zu bekommen?
      schrieb am 21.02.11 10:37:48
      Beitrag Nr. 91 ()
      21.02.2011 09:20
      Baidu, Tencent und Alibaba - Chinas Internet Oligarchen

      EMFIS.COM - Peking 21.02.2011 ( Wie die chinesische Nachrichtenagentur "China Daily" am Samstag titelte, bilden Baidu, Tencent und Alibaba in China ein Internet-Oligopol. Unzutreffend ist der Vergleich nicht. Tatsächlich geht an den drei Internetgiganten in Sachen Web im Reich der Mitte kein Weg vorbei. Wie eine in Peking ansässige Marktforschungsfirma erst am Donnerstag feststellte, halten die drei Unternehmen unter den chinesischen im Netz aktiven Firmen einen Marktanteil von über 70 Prozent. Jeder der drei Giganten hält eine stabile Monopolstellung in den Bereichen Suchmaschinen, Instant-Messaging und E-Commerce. Im Jahr 2010 lag der Marktanteil von Tencent im Instant-Messaging Bereich bei 76,56 Prozent, Baidu kam bei den Suchmaschinenanfragen auf 72,3 Prozent und Alibaba beim E-Commerce auf 72,3 Prozent.

      © 2011 EMFIS.COM
      schrieb am 22.02.11 16:00:28
      Beitrag Nr. 92 ()
      Die Gruppenkauf-Site Groupon steht vor dem Start eines chinesischen Angebots. Das berichtet das Wall Street Journal. Seine Indizien: Ein Unternehmen, dem die Website gehört, hat kürzlich Einstellungsgespräche in Peking durchgeführt. Auf dem dafür verwendeten Büro prangte das Groupon-Logo.

      Mehr zum Thema

      * Google arbeitet an Groupon-Konkurrent
      * Groupon will nach China expandieren
      * Groupon expandiert durch SoSasta-Übernahme nach Indien
      * Groupon erhält knapp eine Milliarde Dollar Kapital

      Die Zeitung hat daraufhin die Registrierungsinformationen für überprüft. Der Inhaber sei ein Vertreter von Tencent Holdings aus Shenzen, China. Tencent gehört zu den Teilhabern an der russischen Investorengruppe Digital Sky Technologies, die wiederum an Groupon beteiligt ist.

      Außerdem habe Groupon in China auch unter eigenem Namen Stellen ausgeschrieben. Die Annoncen fanden sich unter anderem an Universitäten. "Die größte Gruppenkauf-Website der Welt sucht in Schanghai Mitarbeiter!" stand in einer davon, und eine andere enthielt laut WSJ den Text "Groupon ist das am schnellsten wachsende Unternehmen aller Zeiten ... und jetzt startet es in China."

      All Things Digital hatte schon im Januar von Gesprächen zwischen Tencent und Groupon geschrieben. Auf seinem Heimatmarkt in den USA hat sich Groupon in der Zwischenzeit unbeliebt gemacht - während des Super Bowl schaltete es Fernsehanzeigen, in denen es sich über wohltätige Projekte lustig machte. Nach einigen Tagen entschuldigte es sich und zog die umstrittenen Werbespots zurück.
      schrieb am 26.02.11 11:39:33
      Beitrag Nr. 93 ()
      Die neuen Highflyer !

      Die Popularität des Social Web duech Twitter, Facebook ud CO ist nur einer der Megatrends im Internet.

      Fünf Trends:

      Siehe Euro am Sonntag Seite 26-29.

      1 Social Web - Tencent, Börsengang Renren kommt in Q2 , Mail Ru, Linkedin und Facebook
      2 Mobiles Web - Apple, HTC, Atmel, Dialog, Nividia, SanDisk, Qualcomm
      3 Cloud Computing - Intuit, VM Ware, IBM, Rackspace und FS Networks
      4 Vernetztes Heim - Netflix, Apple und Logitech
      5 Bezahlsysteme - Ebay, Wirecard

      Ich sehe die Themen 1, 2 und 5 für die interesanten Themen, das Thema Cloud Computing wird zu sehr unter Kostenaspekten von Kunden bzw. potentiellen Kunden gesehen. Die Erwartungshaltungen hinsichtlich mögliche Kostenersparnisse bei Cloud (privat, public und hybrid Cloud) sind meines Wissens zu gross - dabei müssen viele Aspekte noch geklärt werden - Security, Gesetze usw..

      Daher sehe ich die Trends Social Web, Mobile und Bzahlsysteme für die Highflyer.

      Social Web - z.B. Poltische Entwicklungen in der arabischen Welt

      Mobile: Der Bedarf die Informationen schnell und mobil zu erhalten

      Bezahlsysteme: Deutsche kaufen immer mehr im Internet.

      Ich halte dabei Tencent für ein spannendes und wachsendes Investment - Tencent verdient viel Geld mit Online Spielen !

      Viel Spass beim senieren

      schrieb am 04.03.11 11:27:14
      Beitrag Nr. 94 ()
      endlich über 20 euro. hoffetnlich bleibts dabei bzw. wirds bald höher gehen.

      angeblich ist facebook 65mrd dollar = 46 mrd euro.

      tencent hat einen marktwert von 37,52 mrd Euro.
      wenn tencent das doppelte gegenüber facebook wert wäre, hätten wir einen kurs von 40 euro.
      schrieb am 16.03.11 15:01:34
      Beitrag Nr. 95 ()
      schrieb am 16.03.11 15:01:52
      Beitrag Nr. 96 ()
      Morgen meldet
      schrieb am 17.03.11 09:41:38
      Beitrag Nr. 97 ()
      ...sell on good news in der Krise...
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 17.03.11 13:08:23
      Beitrag Nr. 98 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.222.197 von Zockerpetry am 17.03.11 09:41:38die gehen wieder hoch glaubs mir.

      schau dir mal ecotel an
      Geld 4,001
      Brief 5,199
      Zeit 17.03.1112:49
      Spread 23,04%
      Geld Stk. 120
      Brief Stk. 128

      die standne gestern bei 3 euro - wegen der krise.
      und heute sehen wir wohl bald die 5 euro - im brief stehen die ja schon.
      ich könnt mich aber in den hintern beisen das ich die gestern nicht für 3,30 gekauft habe.

      aber aus diesem grund werd ich jetzt bei tencent nach legen,
      das sind spitzeneinstiegskurse.
      schrieb am 11.05.11 12:33:49
      Beitrag Nr. 99 ()
      Zahlen zum 1.Q sind erstklassig!
      Kurs dürfte morgen nach oben gehen.

      Denkt nach
      schrieb am 06.10.11 14:12:43
      Beitrag Nr. 100 ()
      hallo, noch jemand dabei?
      Heute ein interessanter Artikel im Handelsblatt…
      schrieb am 07.10.11 14:30:07
      Beitrag Nr. 101 ()
      Bullish-Block-Trade von TENCENT (00700) 29.7K Aktien zu $ ​​170,0 $ 5.049M Umsatz
      2011-10-07 15:53:00 Twitter Anteil E-Mail Drucken Größe

      [Block Trade] Ein bullish-Block-Trade von 29.7K Aktien der TENCENT (00700) aufgetreten zu einem Preis von HK $ 170,0 und einem Umsatz von HK $ 5.049M um 03:53 Uhr p.m. Der letzte Preis ist bis 4,294%. Die heutige höchsten Preis ist $ 175,0 und den niedrigsten Preis ist $ 166,6. Das Gesamtvolumen ist 9.177M Aktien und Gesamtumsatz HK $ 1568.039M. Nachrichten von AASTOCKS Vorausgesetzt
      schrieb am 20.01.12 16:26:52
      Beitrag Nr. 102 ()
      20/01/2012 09:20
      Tencent (00700) buys stake in online game business

      Tencent Holdings (00700) said it agreed to acquire 49% equity interest in Level Up! International Holdings Pte. Ltd. from MIH LatAm
      Holdings B.V. at US$26.95 million (equivalent to about HK$210 million).
      Pursuant to the option letter agreement, the vendor grants to Tencent an option to
      acquire 67% equity interest in Level Up as of the date of the exercise of the option.

      The principal business of Level Up is investment holding and, through its operating
      subsidiaries and affiliates in Brazil and the Philippines and through its joint venture in
      the U.S., it engages in online game publishing and game magazine publication.

      MIH currently holds 100% of the issued share capital of Level Up, and is a wholly-owned
      subsidiary of MIH B.V., which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Naspers Limited. Naspers
      Limited is also the holding company of MIH China, a controlling shareholder of Tencent.
      schrieb am 15.03.12 15:01:19
      Beitrag Nr. 103 ()
      Citigroup reported on TENCENT (00700) stating its Buy rating and target $295 with the following details:

      Recommendation. We make substantial strategic forecast changes reflecting a very different view to the Street consensus: slowing games vs. significant social ads inflection and explosive growth of the apps ecosystem. We increase our DCF TP from HK$236.80 to HK$295. Sensitivity analysis suggests potential upside beyond this to a US$100bn market cap, longer term. Tencent becomes our top pick in the China Space and a core global Web holding.

      In Line 4Q11: Revs (43% YoY/ 6% QoQ) & Non-GAAP NI (23% YoY/ 5% QoQ) in line. Online games up 60% YoY/ 7.4% QoQ to Rmb4.56b (56% of revs). Results indicate the company making substantial progress moving through the financial pain associated with its critically important strategic evolution, which has now come of age.

      Dominant Social Player. Growth of Pengyou and Weibo was impressive and underpins Tencent's claiming of the space as the dominant Social player in China. The last six months have been the critical period for defining China's Social landscape, and Tencent has emerged as the clear leader. Pengyou grew 82.7%YoY to 202m (vs. 38m for RenRen). Registered accounts for Tencent Microblog reached 373M, up over 390% YoY/24% QoQ with 68M of DAU vs. 27mm for Sina. QZone and IM user base maintained their c.90% penetration of China Internet users and a platform for the company to cross promote its various products and apps. Weixin continued to grow virally to 50M users.

      Groundbreaking Strategic Developments. Tencent made substantial progress laying the foundations for its two revenue and earnings drivers for the coming 5 years: (1) the third party apps ecosystem where micropayments now represent more revs than QZone subscriptions; and (2) Launch of its Targeted Advertising Platform to drive social advertising revenues. With 40K apps on its platform (and continued explosive growth), an integrated user experience across all of its social products and a vehicle to monetize this systematically via social ads going forward, we believe that Tencent can
      now claim a degree of dominance in Online Social that is unique in the global Space. (k)
      schrieb am 25.04.12 09:34:55
      Beitrag Nr. 104 ()
      Was ist heute mit Tencent los, -6% ????? Zahlen die heute Dividende???:confused:
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 31.05.12 10:37:28
      Beitrag Nr. 105 ()
      Das klingt spannend, dass Internet - in allen Facetten, in China wachsen wird, steht wohl außer Zweifel, werde einsteigen! Gruß B.
      schrieb am 31.05.12 14:16:07
      Beitrag Nr. 106 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.084.592 von Fmüller am 25.04.12 09:34:55es gab tatsächlich eine Divi, wenn auch nicht besonders viel...
      schrieb am 31.05.12 14:57:29
      Beitrag Nr. 107 ()
      ... gab es bereits Stocksplitt, bin erst dabei, nachzuforschen. Gruß B.
      schrieb am 01.10.12 20:47:01
      Beitrag Nr. 108 ()
      ... bin dabei, mit einem kleinen Anfangsbestand. Außer mir interessiert sich wohl keine ... dafür ?? Egal. Freu mich auch so !!
      schrieb am 24.10.12 13:24:08
      Beitrag Nr. 109 ()
      na wer sagt's denn, geht doch, immer schön in kleinen Schritten, werde nachlegen! Gruß B.
      schrieb am 25.10.12 21:41:11
      Beitrag Nr. 110 ()
      Hmmmh, wo sind all die Begeisterten in diesem Thread geblieben ??? Tencent hat doch - nach meiner Einschätzung alles richtig gemacht. Habe aufgestockt. Gruß B.
      schrieb am 01.11.12 11:49:32
      Beitrag Nr. 111 ()
      Na wer sagt's denn, geht doch !! Bereits im plus und mehr als bei der Null -Zins Politik der Banken. Werde aufstocken !! Gibt bald Weihnachts geld !! Hahaha, Gruß B.
      schrieb am 20.11.12 11:27:10
      Beitrag Nr. 112 ()
      Bin gespannt, wie sich die Investition in E - Commerce auswirken wird, auch, wenn's wohl noch ne Weile dauert! Drinbleiben, nachkaufen, Gruß B.
      schrieb am 26.11.12 16:22:05
      Beitrag Nr. 113 ()
      Denkt mal über den Artikel nach!

      Mobildienst Weixin
      Chinas Anti-Facebook will den Weltmarkt stürmen

      Von Jonathan Mielke, Peking

      Weixin ist ein neues soziales Netzwerk made in China. Die Nutzerzahl steigt rapide. Erstmals hat ein Web-Produkt der Volksrepublik das Potential, einen globalen Trend zu setzen und selbst Facebook zu bedrohen - wenn Ausländer dem Dienst aus dem Reich der Zensur trauen.

      Das Handy vibriert, eine Nachricht von Liaoning Shenyang. "Ich mag dein Profilfoto", schreibt die 23-jährige Chinesin, die auf ihrem eigenen Bild als zierliche Silhouette vor dem Meer zu sehen ist. "Bist das wirklich du?" Liaoning ist nur 300 Meter entfernt, das zeigt der Dienst Weixin auf meinem Mobiltelefon an. Ein paar Kurznachrichten später sitzen wir zusammen bei Ingwer-Kaffee in einem Café.

      Seit es Weixin gibt, ist es in China so leicht wie noch nie, in die nächste Romanze zu stolpern. Man lässt sich von dem Handy-Dienst orten, und er zeigt einen potentiellen Flirt-Partner in der Nähe an.

      Flirten leichtgemacht, lautet eines von vielen Versprechen die Weixin seinen Nutzern gibt. Laut dem chinesischen IT-Riesen Tencent, dem Entwickler des Programms, haben sich über den Dienst schon Millionen Menschen kennengelernt. Doch die App kann noch weit mehr. Ihre verschiedenen Funktionen decken die ganze Bandbreite zwischenmenschlicher Beziehungen ab: von der Kontaktaufnahme und -pflege über Einzel- und Gruppengespräche mit Freunden bis zur Kommunikation der eigenen Statusnachrichten in einer Zeitleiste.

      In China wächst die Nutzerzahl von Weixin rapide, und auch im Ausland vermarktet Tencent seinen Dienst. Der Pekinger IT-Riese, Umsatz im zweiten Quartal rund 1,7 Milliarden Dollar, verfolgt ein ambitioniertes Ziel: Er will das erste chinesische Internetphänomen schaffen, das auch außerhalb der Volksrepublik stilprägend ist, zunächst im asiatischen Raum und später auf der ganzen Welt.

      Versuch einer Zeitenwende

      Bislang sind Chinas Internetkonzerne vor allem als Kopisten bekannt. Tencent, Sina oder der Suchmaschinenkonzern Baidu beschränkten sich darauf, Formate wie Facebook, Twitter, YouTube oder Google zu kopieren und sie an die Bedürfnisse chinesischer Kunden anzupassen - und an die Zensurvorgaben der chinesischen Regierung.

      Ihr Interesse an globaler Expansion war bislang beschränkt. Das liegt erstens am noch immer starken Wachstum des Binnenmarktes. Mitte 2012 nutzten gut 538 Millionen Chinesen das Internet. Das entspricht nur gut 40 Prozent der Bevölkerung; die Nutzerschar dürfte in den kommenden Jahren weiter rasch steigen. Zweitens haben Chinas IT-Riesen mit Auslandsabenteuern schlechte Erfahrungen gemacht. Baidu etwa räumte im vergangenen Jahr ein, bei dem Versuch, nach Japan zu expandieren, umgerechnet rund 108 Millionen Dollar verloren zu haben.

      200 Millionen Nutzer in zwei Jahren

      Tencent hat weit bessere Chancen als Baidu. Mit Weixin haben die Chinesen einen attraktiven Dienst für die Smartphone-Ära geschaffen. Nur auf den ersten Blick ist Weixin eine weitere chinesische Kopieraktion. Das Programm bietet Videotelefonie à la Skype; Sprachnachrichten wie bei WhatsApp und Talkbox; Foto-Effekte im Stile von Instagram und eine Facebook-artige Zeitleiste, in der man Bilder, Links und Texte mit seinen Freunden teilen kann. Wie bei der App Bump können Nutzer rasch Kontaktdaten austauschen, indem sie ihre Handys gleichzeitig schütteln. Wie bei Foursquare kann man andere Weixin-Nutzer, Restaurants oder Läden in seiner unmittelbaren Umgebung finden.

      Tatsächlich aber ist Weixin weit innovativer als es scheint. Denn die App kombiniert all diese altbekannten Dienste und schafft daraus etwas Neues: ein soziales Netzwerk, das den Anforderungen der mobilen Ära weit besser gerecht wird als Facebook.

      Tencent-Chef Pony Ma geht mit seiner App den umgekehrten Weg wie Mark Zuckerberg. Facebook wurde als Netzwerk für das stationäre Internet entwickelt: als Plattform, auf der man das eigene Leben immer umfangreicher darstellen kann. Dieses Konzept hat Zuckerberg zunächst 1:1 ins mobile Netz kopiert und versucht nun, es um allerlei ortsbezogene Angebote und Kommunikationsdienste zu erweitern. Weixin dagegen ist im Kern eine App für Kommunikation und ortsbezogene Dienste. In nicht einmal zwei Jahren ist die Nutzerzahl auf mehr als 200 Millionen gestiegen; Facebook brauchte für diesen Meilenstein noch fünf Jahre.

      Weixin wächst so rasch, weil der Dienst aus allen Richtungen Kontaktdaten einsaugt. Die Plattform greift unter anderem auf das persönliche Telefonbuch zu; auf die Freunde des ebenfalls zu Tencent gehörigen Programms QQ, einem Messenger mit 500 Millionen Nutzern; dazu werden via Plug-in auch Freunde aus Facebook oder Twitter rekrutiert. Außerdem ist Weixin durch seine Chat-Funktionen als App beliebt; in China gehen inzwischen mehr Menschen per Handy online als mit dem Rechner zu Hause.

      Expansion ins Ausland

      Nun versucht Tencent, auch außerhalb Chinas zu wachsen. Die App, im Ausland WeChat genannt, existiert mittlerweile in zwölf Sprachen. In Taiwan wird sie von leichtbekleideten Damen am Flughafen beworben; auch in anderen Märkten startet Tencent erste Marketing-Aktionen. Der Fokus liege zunächst auf asiatischen Ländern wie Singapur, Malaysia, Thailand oder Vietnam, sagte jüngst Justin Sun, der Weixins globale Aktivitäten verantwortet. Auch in den USA und im arabischen Raum nehme die Nutzerzahl zu.

      Das Statistikunternehmen Distimo stellte kürzlich eine Liste der beliebtesten sozialen Netzwerke in den App-Stores von 21 Ländern zusammen. Weixin befand sich auf Platz neun, das Angebot ist in der Gunst der Nutzer stark gestiegen, während Facebooks Wachstum im Vergleich zu einer vorigen Messung abgeflacht ist.

      Tencent wird durch diese Entwicklung wieder ein Stück globaler. Konzernboss Ma hat die Aktivitäten außerhalb Chinas zuletzt immer mehr ausgeweitet. Tencent programmiert in San Francisco Handy-Spiele und vertreibt diese weltweit über Facebook, es vermarktet seinen Messenger QQ in zahlreichen Ländern.

      Baidu musste sich an Google messen, QQ an den Messenger-Diensten von Microsoft oder AOL - für Weixin aber gibt es auf dem mobilen Weltmarkt noch keinen etablierten Gegenspieler.

      Entsprechend optimistisch sind Beobachter der Branche. "Kein anderes chinesisches IT-Unternehmen hat größere Chancen, eine globale Web-Marke aufzubauen, als Tencent", sagt Gang Lu, Chefredakteur von Tech Rice, einem der führenden heimischen IT-Blogs. Weixin werde Tencent in neue Sphären katapultieren, prophezeit das amerikanische IT-Blog Venture Beat.

      Auch das Vermarktungspotential von Weixin gilt als groß. Tencent kann den Dienst erstens als Vertriebskanal für seine Handy-Spiele nutzen; der Konzern macht mit Einkäufen, die Nutzer in den Spielen tätigen, schon jetzt das Gros seiner Gewinne.

      Zweitens soll Weixin zur mobilen Werbeplattform werden. In China verwenden Firmen wie Starbucks und Nike den Dienst bereits als kombinierten Vertriebs- und Marketingkanal.

      Nutzer können den Firmen folgen und werden unter anderem über Sonderaktionen informiert, die ihnen in bestimmten Filialen Rabatte bescheren. Nike-Manager Vicky Huang bezeichnete Weixin kürzlich als "ultimative Plattform für unser Kundenmanagement".

      Trendsetter Tencent?

      Doch allen Lobpreisungen zum Trotz: Noch hat Weixin den globalen Durchbruch nicht geschafft. Und es gibt Argumente, die gegen eine schnelle Ausbreitung außerhalb Chinas sprechen. "Tencent hat derzeit nur ein eingeschränktes Verständnis von und begrenzte Kontakte in vielen wichtigen Internet-Märkten", sagt Lu von Tech Rice. Wenn der Konzern es mit der Expansion wirklich ernst meine, müsse er sich bald im Ausland Strukturen schaffen.

      Möglich auch, dass ausländische Kunden den Dienst nicht annehmen - weil sie Chinas Zensurregime nicht trauen. "Nutzer könnten den Dienst meiden, weil nie ganz klar ist, ob all ihre Daten und Gespräche nicht letztlich auf Servern in Peking landen und ausgewertet werden", sagte der chinesische Internet-Dissident Michael Anti SPIEGEL ONLINE. So gesehen ist Weixin auch ein Testfall, wie stark das Zensurregime China den Erfolg seiner nationalen IT-Champions behindert.

      Tencent selbst hält sich mit Blick auf seine globale Strategie bedeckt. Der Konzern beantwortet noch nicht einmal Anfragen, wie viele Nutzer Weixin derzeit im Ausland hat.
      schrieb am 16.05.13 14:22:40
      Beitrag Nr. 114 ()
      Top Langzeitinvestment !!!!!! GrußB.
      schrieb am 03.06.13 21:07:04
      Beitrag Nr. 115 ()
      na wer sagt's denn, hält sich doch gut !! Gruß B.
      schrieb am 02.08.13 11:45:31
      Beitrag Nr. 116 ()
      Tencent invests in Fab, takes on AlibabaUpdated: 2013-06-20 07:23 By Gao Yuan ( China Daily)

      US e-commerce website said on Wednesday it had raised investment of $150 million from companies including Chinese Internet giant Tencent Holdings Ltd.

      Analysts said Tencent may help Fab enter the Chinese online market, which is expected to record nearly 2 trillion yuan ($326 billion) in sales by the end of this year.

      Shenzhen-based Tencent said it will make a "minority investment" in the US company, but has not disclosed the value of its investment.

      Tencent will have a seat in Fab's boardroom after the deal is done.

      Fab could take on as much as $100 million in further investment over the following months, company CEO Jason Goldberg told The Wall Street Journal.

      The funds will be used to build its online stores, develop exclusive products and expand its international footprint, he said.

      Tencent invests in Fab, takes on Alibaba

      "Fab is one of the leading online design retailers in the world. Tencent believes Fab has the potential to further develop under the wave of the global, social and mobile transformation of the e-commerce industry," Tencent said via e-mail.

      Founded in June 2011, Fab recorded revenue of $120 million last year. That figure is likely to reach $250 million by the end of this year, tech news website TNW said.

      The Manhattan-based startup has 14 million registered members.

      Tencent said its social strength and technical capabilities will help bring Fab to Internet users around the world.

      Fab's other investors include Japanese retail conglomerate Itochu Corp, an indication the company may be looking toward Asian markets.

      China's online shopping business is dominated by the Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. The company's customer-to-customer platform, Taobao, contributed roughly 70 percent of the sector's turnover. Alibaba also owns Tmall, the country's No 1 business-to-customer portal.

      Tencent has been vigorously building up its e-commerce segments to challenge Alibaba's dominance. Its most recent attempt is authorizing payments via WeChat, its popular smartphone application.

      Statistics from the China Internet Network Information Center revealed that China had 242 million online shoppers by the end of 2012 - or more than 40 percent of the country's entire Internet population.
      schrieb am 26.09.13 12:04:49
      Beitrag Nr. 117 ()
      neu veroptioniert zu 31,72 HKD bis Jun 2014, Strike 450 HKD
      schrieb am 17.12.13 11:23:39
      Beitrag Nr. 118 ()
      Nix los im Thread ? ! :(

      Und die Aktie steigt und steigt....

      4 Sterne in der Fundamentalanalyse von onvista :…

      ...und empfohlen zum Kauf vom Aktionär im aktuellen Heft (51/13) mit Kursziel 60 Euro ( heuer wohl nicht mehr..)
      schrieb am 17.12.13 11:56:56
      Beitrag Nr. 119 ()
      TENCENT (00700.HK) -7.200 (1.522%) Short selling $264.11M; Ratio 17.827% for the first time invested in a domestic wealth management company (being an independent third party) in a bid to tap internet financial business. It purchased B shares of Howbuy (好買財富), a licensed online fund sale platform, but the latter did not disclose the investment amount placed by Tencent and the percentage of shares it holds.

      AAStocks Financial News
      Web Site:…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…

      Ist das nun eine gute oder schlechte Nachricht ? :confused:

      In den USA stieg der Kurs von Tencent gestern - hier fällt er etwas...

      Und hier gleich noch was :…
      schrieb am 20.12.13 19:46:40
      Beitrag Nr. 120 ()
      Tencent Holdings has the Lowest PEG Ratio in the Internet Software & Services Industry (TCTZF, SPRT, IACI, VPRT, STMP)…

      BNP Paribas raises Tencent (00700) to HK$525…

      schrieb am 02.01.14 19:47:57
      Beitrag Nr. 121 ()

      Heute über 504,50 HKD geschlossen. :lick:

      schrieb am 04.01.14 19:36:05
      Beitrag Nr. 122 ()
      Ein Unternehmen was weiter wachsen wird, in 2013 ist der Kurs um circa 83% gestiegen ist. Die letzten Zahlen im November haben nicht überzeugt, aber jedes Unternehmen kann nicht Quartal seine Umsätze steigern.

      Gewinn pro Aktie: 0,79 (2012) 1,04 (2013) 1,34 (2014)
      Dividende: 0,09 (2012) 0,12 (2013) 0,15 (2014)
      PEG: 0,95 (2012) 1,55 (2013) < 1,55 (2014)

      The Best Way To Profit From China's Amazing Internet Boom…


      It's a powerful trend that has already made numerous investors very wealthy. The #1 company on the forefront of this long-term growth pattern is Tencent Holdings ( TCEHY ) , currently the third-largest Internet company in the world.

      Founded in 1998 and based in Shenzen, China, Tencent is traded on the Hong Kong exchange and trades in the United States on the over-the-counter market. The conglomerate's market capitalization of over $110 billion makes it larger than Yahoo (Nasdaq: YHOO ) , Linkedin (Nasdaq: LNKD ) and Twitter (Nasdaq: TWTR ) -- combined.

      That should dispel any concerns of it being a fly-by-night, undercapitalized firm.

      Tencent is structured as an investment holding company with subsidiaries offering Internet, entertainment, advertising, and value-added cellular services to China's huge population. Its business lines include instant messaging, interactive TV, a multi-player online gaming portal, an auction site known as PaiPai, a payment service similar to PayPal, and even a social networking service. ( Forbes recently reported that Tencent is about to overtake Facebook (Nasdaq: FB ) as the world's largest social network.)

      In addition, Tencent's mobile chat service WeChat has doubled its active user base from last year, to 272 million users, and the company launched five new games through its WeChat platform in the past three months. It's unclear what Tencent has earned from these games, but it has had a total of 570 million registrations since the games' debuts.

      As you can see, Tencent has the Chinese Internet space covered. The company exhibited solid growth in its most recent quarter, with 20% profit growth and a 34% increase in revenue, but missed optimistic estimates.

      Technically speaking, the stock has been in a firm uptrend since January 2012. The stock has tripled in price from $20 to just over $60 in less than two years. The 50-week moving average has served nicely as support, with every brief sell-off being bought.

      Ich denke die Anzahl der User wird weiter steigen in China.

      Das Portfolio wird weiter ausgebreitetsowie durch die viele neuen Innovationen optimiert.

      z.B. E-Payment,Wechat television, Wechat Plattform, Music loads Services
      QQ Music usw..

      Durch die Übernahmen müssen viele Services wie z.B. E-Payment konsolidiert werden, dies muss schnell und effizient erfolgen.
      Ich denke das Tencent neben Baidu die führenden Unternehmen sind im Reich des Internets in China.

      Für ein Longinvest > 5 Jahre sicher eine gute Wahl, trotz eines zunehmendes Wettbewerbes.

      Tencent muss seine Strategie, seine Innovation und Technologie weiter in dem Tempo vorantreiben, die Userzahl wird weiter steigen - keine Frage.
      Der Mittelstand wird weiter wachsen und somit Interserviecs via Tencent weiter konsumieren -es hat "gerade begonnen".

      In zwei Jahren (2016) erwarte ich einen Wert von 775 HKD zur Zeit 493 HKD, circa 73 EUR zur Zeit 47,30 EUR.

      Viele Angaben über Tencent findet man im China Daily.

      Schauen wir mal - Enjoy the Time :lick:

      schrieb am 04.01.14 19:56:53
      Beitrag Nr. 123 ()
      Tencent entwickelt Smart-TV für WeChat-Nutzer…

      WhatsApp erreicht weiteren Meilenstein - 400 Millionen aktive Nutzer…

      Tencent schlägt bei Snapchat zu…

      Die letzten wichtigen News von Tencent Dez. 2013.

      schrieb am 08.01.14 09:00:49
      Beitrag Nr. 124 ()
      JP Morgan lifts Tencent (00700) to HK$580…

      TENCENT (00700.HK) +8.500 (1.721%) Short selling $174.63M; Ratio 19.668% has secured the exclusive rights in the Mainland of the iOS and Android version of Castle Clash, a mobile game developed by IGG (08002.HK) +1.250 (21.151%) 's Fuzhou SkyUnion Digital.

      Castle Clash is IGG's self-developed castle defense mobile game launched in July 2013. As of the end of 2013, the game has versions of 12 different languages, and achieved the top 10 popular games in 30 countries or regions, including the US, Russia, HK, Taiwan, Canada and Holland.

      Source: AAStocks Financial News

      schrieb am 08.01.14 10:21:31
      Beitrag Nr. 125 ()
      Alibaba Takes On Tencent With Mobile Game Hosting Platform…

      schrieb am 08.01.14 19:58:10
      Beitrag Nr. 126 ()
      Tencent Invests in China Cab Booking App to Tap Mobile Web Users…

      schrieb am 09.01.14 13:21:49
      Beitrag Nr. 127 ()
      Tencent: China's hottest tech company…

      Source:CNN Money

      Tencent invests in Didi Taxi app…

      Source:Business Report

      schrieb am 10.01.14 18:56:39
      Beitrag Nr. 128 ()
      Barclays raises Tencent (00700) to HK$600

      [ET Net News Agency, 10 January 2014] Barclays Research raised its target price for Tencent Holdings (00700) to HK$600 from HK$450, and maintained its "overweight" rating from "neutral".

      Following the strong debut of Blade & Soul and continued strong traction of releases of WeChat games, the research house believes its previous assumptions on B&S and WeChat revenues have proven too conservative.
      While the 98.6% share price return for 2013 likely reflected the WeChat catalysts and December's 10% return also factored in B&S catalysts, Barclays still expects upside catalysts from WeChat payments, penetration of O2O transactions, as well as mobile advertising via performance-based targeted ad and video monetization. (KL)

      Matthew Kwok, chief strategist at China Yinsheng Wealth Management, said the Mainland mobile game market is growing rapidly, and some investment banks estimate that the 2014 overall revenue can rise 85% to RMB23 billion. Due to the high market potential, many sizable internet companies have entered the market to compete with TENCENT (00700.HK) +4.400 (0.892%) Short selling $613.92M; Ratio 33.612% . Alibaba Group recently announced to launch mobile game platform and tried to attract developers with high profit share. On prospect to general rise of profit share of game developers, BOYAA (00434.HK) +1.560 (12.957%) and IGG (08002.HK) -0.010 (0.101%) stock price soared. However, the current stock price may have reflected the value. Meanwhile, due to downtrend in platform profit share, Tencent may see a around of correction.


      Ein sehr gutes und stetiges Investment für Long.
      Ich rechne in 2-3 Jahren mit einem Wert von 700 HK. Mal schauen was das IPO im März bei Alibaba Group einbringt, ein Wettbewerber von Tencent.

      schrieb am 17.01.14 19:41:56
      Beitrag Nr. 129 ()
      TENCENT (00700.HK) upgraded to Outperform, target at $619 - CS

      schrieb am 17.01.14 19:50:29
      Beitrag Nr. 130 ()
      Credit Suisse raises Tencent (00700) to HK$619…

      Schöner Anstieg auf 529 HKD

      schrieb am 28.01.14 20:50:56
      Beitrag Nr. 131 ()
      Tencent WeChat In Anemic U.S. Promotion…

      Leider gestern Abend nicht nachgekauft :mad:

      Die Aussichten sind weiterhin sehr gut das Nachholpotential ist weiter groß.
      Mal schauen wie WeChat sich weiter verkaufen läßt.

      TENCENT's WeChat will team up with Google to develop U.S market, the Chinese media reported.

      schrieb am 29.01.14 08:41:57
      Beitrag Nr. 132 ()
      Uptrend Call Working As Tencent Holdings Stock Rises 16.2% (TCTZF)…

      Heute morgen schöner Anstieg an die Marke von 530 HKD herangekommen.

      Enjoy the Time.

      schrieb am 17.02.14 07:37:06
      Beitrag Nr. 133 ()
      Tencent plant für $400 Mio. den Erwerb eines 20%-igen Anteils am chinesischen Restaurantportal…

      Heute Morgen Anstieg auf über 5% ::eek:

      Enjoy the Time

      schrieb am 18.02.14 09:03:36
      Beitrag Nr. 134 ()
      BofAML raises Tencent (00700) to HK$638…

      TENCENT (00700.HK) said to invest in S Korean game developer for $1.46B

      schrieb am 19.02.14 20:00:21
      Beitrag Nr. 135 ()
      Tencent acquires 20% of restaurant review website…

      schrieb am 20.02.14 19:42:27
      Beitrag Nr. 136 ()
      Tencent Holdings has the Lowest PEG Ratio in the Internet Software & Services Industry (TCTZF, SPRT, VPRT, STMP, SCOR)…

      Tencent Holdings Limited -- Moody's:Tencent's investment in Dianping is credit positive…

      schrieb am 24.02.14 19:50:35
      Beitrag Nr. 137 ()
      Deutsche Bank stated certain supporters of TENCENT (00700.HK) -2.500 (0.431%) Short selling $362.30M; Ratio 19.831% considered the acquisition of Whatsapp by Facebook as a challenge of WeChat on the international stage, while the bank pointed out the deal proves that top-end internet enterprises conceive instant communication tools are strategically significant. Deutsche commented WeChat has a better outlook than its peers, thanks to its strong competitive edge given by various social groups. Shares were rated Buy with target price rose from $570 to $671, reiterating the long-term superior position of TENCENT.

      Source: AASTOCKS

      Quihoo Loses Unfair Competition Appeal Against Tencent…

      WeChat becomes key to China's Tencent…

      Da die Vorgaben in den USA heute sehr gut sind und die US Wettbewerber grüne Vorzeichen wird es weiter Norden gehen morgen mit Tencent.

      schrieb am 27.02.14 11:50:25
      Beitrag Nr. 138 ()
      Tencent Hunt for Asian WhatsApps Fuels Deals: Real M&A…

      TENCENT (00700.HK) +30.500 (5.205%) Short selling $813.62M; Ratio 13.985% was said to appoint Barclays as adviser of the potential deal with Share price exceeded $600 level, bounding by 5.2% to $616.5 at close.

      Über 5% im Plus in HKD:eek:

      Ich denke Ende des Jahres sehen wir die 700 HKD.

      schrieb am 27.02.14 12:56:24
      Beitrag Nr. 139 ()
      Share price of TENCENT (00700.HK) +30.500 (5.205%)Short selling $813.62M; Ratio 13.985% closed 5.2% higher at $616.5. Latest ratings and target prices for the group are listed as follows:

      Goldman Sachs: Buy; Target price: $700
      Deutsche Bank: Buy; Target price: $671
      Jefferies: Buy; Target price: $660

      Bank of America Merrill Lynch: Buy; Target price: $638
      Credit Suisse: Outperform; Target price: $619
      Standard Chartered Bank: Outperform; Target price: $604.7
      UBS: Buy; Target price: $604
      BNP Paribas: Buy; Target price: $525
      Citibank: Buy; Target price: $480
      Macquarie: Underperform; Target price: $300

      Source:AAStocks Financial News

      Ich denke die letzten Bewertungen sind nicht aktuell !
      Meine persönliche Meinung zwischen 650 -700 HKD.

      Enjoy the Time.

      schrieb am 27.02.14 18:30:19
      Beitrag Nr. 140 ()
      Burberry Teams Up with Tencent to Strengthen Its Digital Presence…

      schrieb am 01.03.14 10:08:35
      Beitrag Nr. 141 ()
      Daiwa Research lifted its target price for Tencent (00700) to HK$700 from HK$500, and maintained its "buy" call.
      The research house believes Tencent's new initiatives with its WeChat app broaden its service offering and should help expand its large user base. Daiwa also expects sustained strong revenue from its online and mobile games over 2014-15. It said Tencent is well-placed to be among the leading global mobile social platforms.

      Tencent runs on record line…

      Weiter Richtung Norden !

      schrieb am 03.03.14 19:50:40
      Beitrag Nr. 142 ()
      Tencent Eyes Sohu Video, Merger Ahead?…

      schrieb am 04.03.14 11:33:43
      Beitrag Nr. 143 ()
      A month ago, Bloomberg proclaimed the chairman of Tencent, Ma Huateng, to be China’s richest man, with a wealth of US$13bn based on Tencent’s Hong Kong-listed shares, of which he owns 10%.
      His family name Ma means horse, so the Internet entrepreneur likes to use his English name, Pony, but there was nothing small about being the first Chinese Internet company to list on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.
      The Tencent story is gaining traction in the South African media, no doubt because of Koos Bekker’s Naspers owning 34% of Tencent.
      The South African chief executive, who is about to step down, and is himself now a billionaire, must be fairly content with the fact that, in a decade, Tencent’s shares have increased from an initial public offering of HK$3,70 in June 2004 to today’s HK$580 (R804) a share.
      You do the maths. If you had invested R10 000 10 years ago you would be a millionaire today thanks to Tencent. After one year of trading, with his company shares increasing by 92%, Pony was quoted as saying “you have seen nothing yet”.
      Tencent was founded in 1998 and its QQ instant messaging (IM) was launched in February 1999.
      QQ monthly users reached 818m last year, which is why one of the first questions Chinese people will ask you is: “What is your QQ number?” Almost everyone in China uses QQ IM.
      Almost a decade ago, foreigners living in China realised the rule of IM thumb. Chinese people working in local companies only used QQ, Chinese white-collar workers in foreign companies preferred MSN but also had QQ accounts, whereas the foreigners in China preferred Skype but also had MSN accounts.
      Today not much has changed, and everyone knows that, if you want to transfer a file at lightning speed, QQ is the most rapid way, leaving players like Skype trailing behind in the dust.
      The launch of Facebook in the West in 2004 by unknown student Mark Zuckerberg heralded the dawn of a new Internet age.
      As it was gaining popularity around the world, including in China, its Middle Kingdom life came to an abrupt end in 2009 during the Urumqi (capital of Xinjiang autonomous region) riots when the government blocked it.
      The greatest beneficiary of the blocked Facebook was the local clone RenRen.
      But the dawn of microblogging and a new chapter of Twitter clones saw the decline of Facebook clones, with RenRen being the biggest loser.
      For a nation of very busy people who always do things in the quickest possible manner, microblogging was perfectly suited to Chinese society.
      Twitter’s success in the mainland followed in the same footsteps as Facebook’s, however: it was soon blocked.
      Tencent Weibo jumped into the 140-characters fray in 2010 and did exceedingly well, gaining more than 500m registered accounts by last year.
      But it remained second favourite to rival Sina Weibo, which, belonging to China’s online media giant, was simply trendier than Tencent.
      Still, leading a nevertheless solid and highly profitable company with more than 50% of its employees being research and development staff, Tencent’s Pony Ma was clearly undeterred. Tencent launched Weixin (also known as WeChat) in January 2011.
      Growing strongly
      Today WeChat has 272m active users and is growing strongly. There can be absolutely no doubt as to who the main loser is: Sina Weibo.
      The private contact nature of WeChat is now becoming the preferred method of communication. Just as QQ IM remains core in the communications fabric of Chinese society, WeChat is now becoming part of Asia’s communications and social media fabric and is spreading to the rest of the world.
      No doubt a little nervous, Zucker¬berg enters the fray with his astounding offer to purchase WhatsApp in a $19bn deal.
      The question on everyone’s lips right now is what his plan is and how this will impact on WeChat in particular, and on Tencent in general.
      It is fairly obvious that WhatsApp has rearranged its functions to get it closer to WeChat, whereas WeChat got it right from the beginning.
      The brilliance of WeChat is its simple and slick design. You can send text, voice messages and emoticons, and share photos and videos with individual contacts or groups.
      Since using WeChat, my mobile phone bills have halved and, like most Asians who use it, it has come to dominate my personal and business communications. But these functions are where the similarities with WhatsApp end.
      Do you use Skype for video or voice calls? WeChat has its own version. Not so keen on sharing your mobile number? On WeChat, you can add contacts by adding in their WeChat ID or, even quicker, scan each others’ QR (quick response) codes. Most people here have personal QR codes printed on their business cards.
      The second you grow tired of a contact, at a touch of a button you can delete it and your privacy is protected by not using or sharing your mobile number.
      Users can tap into the “people nearby” function to make new friends and perhaps even find romance. Invitations to chat with strangers can be accepted or declined and actual location is not shared, so it is perfectly safe; you are in control.
      You can play online games and, lastly, the function “moments” allows you to post photos with accompanying unlimited text, rendering Facebook itself obsolete.
      If there’s someone you do not wish to share your more private moments with, you can keep them as a contact but block them from your moments.
      Equally, if you think Jane is posting one too many selfies, block her moments to keep your sanity.
      All of this makes using Facebook again feel as if you have entered a one-dollar saving shop. After you have downloaded the single WeChat app, you can delete many others.
      But the strength of WeChat in China is in its add-on features. Take, for example, WeChat payments. In China, I can book and pay for a taxi, buy movie tickets or group dinner tickets and, in selected malls, I can buy almost anything.
      This is the true genius of WeChat — no ads and no nonsense, only real value to improve the quality of my life. — (c) 2014 Mail & Guardian
      schrieb am 04.03.14 20:54:35
      Beitrag Nr. 144 ()

      China’s e-commerce market to hit $71 billion in sales in Q2; these are the top 10 e-stores…

      TENCENT (00700.HK) +10.500 (1.744%) Short selling $523.28M; Ratio 15.576% held the Business Cooperation Conference for mobile games and revealed the profit sharing portion adjustment, 21st Century Business Herald reported.

      Reportedly, the profit sharing proportion will depend on different modes of cooperation. For open cooperative modes, Tencent will share 30%, while the developer will share 70%. For joint operations, Tencent will share 40%, while the developer will share 60%, as compared to 50:50 in the past. All in all, Tencent will pursue a more transparent regulation in the cooperation aspect.

      Source: AAStocks Financial News

      4 Antworten
      schrieb am 05.03.14 01:42:10
      Beitrag Nr. 145 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 46.564.491 von Oberkassel am 04.03.14 20:54:35Hi,
      VIPshop im Kreis mit 2% Marktanteil: und schau Dir jetzt den Kurs und der Verlauf an. Schaue seit 10$ (zehn!!!) hinterher und dachte, bei 20 ist Kurs halt ohne mich abgefahren. Nie den Einstieg geschafft.

      Kurs 52 Wochen aus meiner Erinnerung von 10 auf aktuell irgendwo um 160$
      Also ein 16-Bagger.

      Was ich damit sagen will: bei 2% Marktanteil, Kursverlauf mit einer MK von (wieder Erinnerung, weil zu faul um jetzt nachzuschauen) > 6 Milliraden $.

      So, welcher von denen ist ebenfalls börsennotiert in den USA, welchen Wert fovorisierst Du und entschuldige diese "dumme" Frage jetzt: was hat Tencent damit zu tun?

      Und, welches KZ hast Du bei Tencent in welchem Zeithorizont bzw. was traust Du T. noch zu (an Kurspotential)?

      Jetzt werde ich mal einige Seiten in dem Thread lesen, vielleicht kann ich die eine odere andere Frage selbst beantworten, ansosnten wäre ich Dir für eine kurze Antwort/en dankbar.

      PS wenn ich mich richtig erinnere, sind wir beiden auch in HYGS investiert, oder? In diesem Kontext, mein Top-Tip (bin vorgestern zu 17,34 eingestiegen): Kandi

      3 Antworten
      schrieb am 05.03.14 02:06:58
      Beitrag Nr. 146 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 46.565.609 von sufenta am 05.03.14 01:42:10wohl sehproblem: seh tencent jetzt auch im kreis.

      nach o.g. Artikel, und im vgl. zu google und faceb., sicher noch ein verdopplungspotential, sofern die börsen mitmachen.

      ansonsten müssten man chinesen fragen, was das besondere an vipshop ist, warum/woher diese revenues etc.,was ist das einmalige?

      war gerade auch der internetseit von dangdang und auch von vipshop: vorgestellt frage können dir nur chinesen beantworten, die auf deren seiten die produkte kaufen.

      im vgl. dangdang zu vipshop: MK 1,3 M versus > 9.

      also dangdang ebenfalls mit mindestens verdopplungpotential, es sei denn, "alle" chinesen kaufen bei vipshop, oder ist dangdang die apple und vipshop die smasung?

      die anderen hab ich nicht finden können.

      ergo: tencent kaufen, dangdang kaufen? (lt. o.g. bericht, was auch nachvollziehbar ist und die zahlen sind eindeutig, ist der zuh für faceb. und renren abgefahren, deshalb auch wohl der monster 19m kauf von whatsapp)

      was meinst du?
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 05.03.14 02:24:06
      Beitrag Nr. 147 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 46.565.619 von sufenta am 05.03.14 02:06:58als ob börse so einfach wäre...

      aber ist es vielleicht auch...manchmal...sprich

      werde versuchen, morgen irgendwie in dangdang einzusteigen

      ist einfach zu verlockend...dem wert traue ich alleine schon wg. dem vipshop-trend mindestens einen verdoppler zu, wenn nich gar > 50 bis zum sommer...wir kennen ja all unsere amis

      und oberkassel, weil du pharmaaffin bist: meine aktuelln invests in dem bereich: cardiome, celladon (letzte woche zu 11,34), agenus,cytosorbents, peregrine, elite

      schrieb am 05.03.14 20:13:44
      Beitrag Nr. 148 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 46.565.609 von sufenta am 05.03.14 01:42:10Moin sufenta,

      ich habe schon "Asien Invest" gerne päferiert vor Jahren in Baidu leider zu früh raus ebenso bei Tencent. Bin aber seit Spätsommer wieder in Tencent ieingestiegen. Tencent baut sein Lösungsportfolio kontinuierlich aus.

      WeChat - im Bereich integrierte Spieleplattform international verfügbar,

      China: E-Payment nimmt stark zu.
      Tencent bietet seit letztem August seine Messaging App WeChat in Kombination mit E-Payment an. Chinesischen Analysten zufolge nutzen 600 Millionen Personen WeChat. Tencent hat am Mittwoch eine Partnerschaft mit Beijing Wangfujing Department Store (Group) Co. begonnen.
      die Chinesen habe eine Vorliebe für Online Spiele - Tencent hat ein gutes Angebot

      QQ-Produkte und Lösungen siehe Webseite..

      Ich sehe die 700 HKD dieses Jahr, vielleicht Ende des Jahres bei 750 HKD
      (10 Monate).
      Bei den nächsten grösseren Rücksetzern werde ich weiter dazu kaufen. Die Story ist noch lange vorbei. Im Frühjahr wird der IPO von Alibaba starten.

      Die anderen Infos sende ich dir via PM.

      schrieb am 06.03.14 08:01:05
      Beitrag Nr. 149 ()
      TENCENT (00700.HK) initiated Buy with target $750 - Nomura

      Nomura initiated a Buy rating on TENCENT (00700.HK) +11.000 (1.767%) Short selling $151.94M; Ratio 12.176% with target price set at $750 (25% potential upside), which is valued on the basis discounted cash flow and represents 36x FY2015 P/E and 27x FY2016 P/E. The broker believed Tencent, as a leading mobile internet platform provider in mainland, should enjoy a better valuation premium as compared to its peers.

      Source: AAStocks Financial News

      Heute wieder grüne Vorzeichen aus HK, wie gehen Richtung 650 HKD.

      schrieb am 07.03.14 18:35:07
      Beitrag Nr. 150 ()
      Tencent Rallies Like It’s 1999 as Risk Grows: Chart of the Day…

      schrieb am 10.03.14 07:46:45
      Beitrag Nr. 151 ()
      China’s Tencent to Buy Stake in as Part of E-Commerce Push…

      Keine guten Exportzahlen !

      China hat im Februar einen überraschenden Einbruch der Exporte verzeichnet und ein hohes Außenhandelsdefizit eingefahren. Damit kommen erneut Sorgen über die tatsächliche Stärke der zweitgrößten Volkswirtschaft der Welt auf. Die Exporte sanken um 18,1 Prozent gegenüber dem Vorjahr. Ökonomen hatten dagegen mit einem Plus von 5 Prozent gerechnet. Der Absturz im Februar folgt nach einem starken Zuwachs von 10,6 Prozent im Januar - und ist der erste Rückgang seit September 2013. Im Gegensatz zu den Ausfuhren legten die Importe wie schon im Januar um rund 10 Prozent zu. Aus diesem Grund fuhr China ein hohes Außenhandelsdefizit von 22,98 Milliarden US-Dollar ein. Das ist das erste Defizit seit knapp einem Jahr und das höchste seit zwei Jahren.

      Heute und ggf. morgen gute Nachkaufsmöglichkeiten ?

      Heute unter 57,50 EUR (613 HKD) 606,7 HKD - morgen 56.90 EUR

      schrieb am 10.03.14 07:58:49
      Beitrag Nr. 152 () Cooperation with TENCENT will change landscape of e-commerce industry

      Chinese media cited Liu Qiang-dong, CEO of, that the strategic cooperation between Jingdong Mall and TENCENT (00700.HK) -14.500 (2.300%) Short selling $505.66M; Ratio 23.249% will drastically change the landscape of the e-commerce industry in China. He mentioned the collaboration will strengthen the group's B2C business, and will also develop C2C operation via TENCENT's

      Liu pointed out the group will integrate with TENCENT in various aspects, including brands, products and logistics service, and this will consolidate the position of in the B2C market.

      Source: AAStocks Financial News

      schrieb am 10.03.14 20:43:28
      Beitrag Nr. 153 ()
      After WhatsApp Buy, Facebook Faces Stiff Competition From Tencent's WeChat…

      schrieb am 11.03.14 07:52:57
      Beitrag Nr. 154 ()
      TENCENT (00700.HK) target lifted to $675, rated Buy - BofAML

      Bank of America Merrill Lynch noted in a research report that TENCENT (00700.HK) +3.500 (0.568%) Short selling $793.21M; Ratio 20.641% 's e-commerce business reorganization is a strategic measure, enabling it to focus on the use of the advantages in flows and payments. Meanwhile, Tencent will have greater reliance on partners to develop e-commerce opportunities, rather than developing all business alone.

      The Bank, on projection of accelerated growth, raised the target price for Tencent from $638 to $675, with Buy rating.

      TENCENT (00700.HK) target hiked to $787, rated Buy - Nomura

      Nomura, after initiating Buy rating with target $750 for TENCENT (00700.HK) +3.500 (0.568%) Short selling $247.33M; Ratio 22.583% last week, released another research report today and raised the target to $787. The research house said it lifted the 2014/15 EPS forecast by 3%/2% after Tencent spin-off its e-commerce business. Coupled with the improved cash flow cycle, the valuation reached $775, while another $12 is added after the purchase of 15% in Jingdong.

      The purchase of share in Jingdong is appropriate as the e-commerce business can obtain effective platform and scale advantages, but the implementation capability will be important after the honeymoon period, Nomura added.

      TENCENT (00700.HK) +3.500 (0.568%) Short selling $247.33M; Ratio 22.583% confirmed the investment in Jingdong, helping strengthen the e-commerce business and organize assets, said Goldman Sachs, which expected positive impact on the earnings and cash flow. In the third quarter of 2013, and QQ Wanggou contributed 15% of the revenue, but the gross profit margin equaled only 5.9%, far below the overall gross profit margin of 54.7%.

      TENCENT (00700.HK) targeted at $700 by GS on prospect of JD cooperation

      Goldman Sachs commented that the deal can integrate the advantage in purchasing level of Jingdong with the user flow and payment system of Tencent , establishing a competitive e-commerce asset. The Buy rating of Tencent originally set by Goldman Sachs is maintained, with 18-month target remained at $700.

      Source:AAStocks Financial News

      Die Meinungen der "Experten" - ich bin bei solchen Aussagen immer ein wenig skeptisch, aber der Marktausblick für Tencent ist weiter positiv dies sehe ich genau so.

      schrieb am 11.03.14 19:44:20
      Beitrag Nr. 155 ()
      China’s Tencent Is Now Bigger Than Intel

      Tencent HoldingsTCEHY -0.83% isn’t yet a household name in the U.S., but it should be.

      With a market cap now slightly above $150 billion, the Chinese social networking and gaming firm is already larger than staid U.S. tech giants like IntelINTC -0.68%, Cisco SystemsCSCO -0.18% and Hewlett-PackardHPQ -0.22%.

      And given Tencent’s shares on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange are up more than 25% since Jan. 1, if it keeps up the momentum, it could soon eclipse AT&TT -0.72%, which had a market cap at close Monday of $169 billion.

      Though few outside of China use Tencent’s services, the company’s increasingly massive value shows it pays to be one of the kings of the Chinese Internet, which now has more Web and smartphone users than any other market in the world. The company’s scale, combined with its increasing ambitions abroad also serve as a reminder that those who ignore the company do so at their own peril.

      The most recent example of this came Tuesday in the form of a CLSA report valuing Tencent’s messaging application WeChat at $64 billion, or about three times the amount FacebookFB -1.67% paid for WhatsApp. Though app developers outside Asia have said they see the many features in Asian chat apps as potential annoyances to users, CLSA analyst Elinor Leung argues games, advertisements, and e-commerce options mean Tencent has the ability to make around $3 per WeChat user, compared with the $1-per-user fee WhatsApp charges.

      Though it remains to be seen just how much Tencent can make from WeChat, it has already begun adding mobile games, an online-payment tool, features that help users flag taxis or buy movie tickets, and even a platform for investing into a money-market-like fund.

      If those features start bringing in money over the next year—and Ms. Leung points out in her report that one Tencent-created game promoted on WeChat is reportedly making 200 million yuan ($32.6 million) per month—that could start to change the calculus for others like Facebook and WhatsApp.

      Source: WSJ China

      schrieb am 12.03.14 21:08:57
      Beitrag Nr. 156 ()
      HSBC raised its target price for Tencent Holdings (00700) to HK$693 from HK$407, and maintained its "neutral" call.
      The research house said social internet stocks are frothy but HSBC finds it hard to estimate when the rally could end.
      It said Tencent's strong performance last year was driven by WeChat gaming potential.
      Year-to-date, Tencent has re-rated from 35x to 43x 2014 consensus earnings, on internet
      finance and aggressive deal-making.
      HSBC raised its 2014/15 revenue by 5%/11% to reflect higher gaming revenue and the addition of revenue from WeChat payment. (KL)

      Alibaba Steals March on Tencent with ChinaVision Deal…

      Position habe ich weiter erhöht.

      schrieb am 15.03.14 14:58:36
      Beitrag Nr. 157 ()

      Bin mal gespannt ob es nochmal Kurse unter 50 EUR gibt nächste Woche, 4 Tage in Folge Richtung Süden.

      Gute Chance nachzukaufen oder neu einzusteigen - Vor der Gesamtmarkt bricht nicht weiter ein.

      In Q2 und Q3 kommen die IPOs von Alibaba und Weibo ("Asiatischer Twitter Unternehmen".

      schrieb am 17.03.14 07:59:02
      Beitrag Nr. 158 ()
      JPM expects TENCENT (00700.HK)'s 4Q13 revenue at RMB16.15B; rated Overweight

      Fünf Tage in Folge rote Vorzeichen, ich denke eine Erholung wird definitiv erfolgen, heute und gg. morgen bietet sich die Möglichkeit einzusteigen und /oder seine Positionen zu erhöhen.

      Auch im Hinblick auf die IPOs Alibaba (Q32014)und Weibo (Q2 2014?) eine interessante Situation - ich denke das Segment profitiert davon.
      Alibaba wird den IPO in den USA umsetzen.

      schrieb am 18.03.14 20:00:53
      Beitrag Nr. 159 ()
      Shares of Tencent Holdings Receive a Boost, Up 6.0%…

      Tencent 03/19/14 FY 2013 Earnings Release

      schrieb am 19.03.14 18:24:51
      Beitrag Nr. 160 ()
      UPDATE 2-Tencent sharpens focus on WeChat expansion…

      Tencent proposes 1 into 5 share split to lower investment threshold…

      Tencent will continue to invest…

      Mal schauen wie der Kurs morgen reagiert, ich denke er wird negativ reagieren, also unter 50 EUR morgen - Deutsche Börsen, oder < 550 HKD

      Sollte dies morgen so passieren, wird es einige Zeit dauern bis sich der Kurs stabilisiert hat, der Aktiensplit wird sicher gut tuen!
      I'm Long !

      Enjoy the Time

      schrieb am 20.03.14 19:55:46
      Beitrag Nr. 161 ()
      Relatively Low PEG Ratio Detected in Shares of Tencent Holdings in the Internet Software & Services Industry…

      Summary of latest brokers' ratings, target prices for TENCENT (00700.HK)

      Heute morgen hat sich der Kurs besser gehalten als erwartet, der allgemeine Ausblick der "Experten" ist gesamtheitlich positiv und weist höhere Kurse auf.

      schrieb am 23.03.14 12:17:27
      Beitrag Nr. 162 ()
      Wahnsinn: rund 100 Mrd. market cap bei 1,9 Mrd. Gewinn und 7 MRd. Buchwert.

      Bin einerseits traurig und auch froh, dass meine Stücke wohl bald weg sein werden:

      #117 vom 26.9.13: neu veroptioniert zu 31,72 HKD bis Jun 2014, Strike 450 HKD
      schrieb am 10.04.14 20:06:23
      Beitrag Nr. 163 ()
      Moody's assigns (P)A3 to Tencent's proposed GMTN programme…

      LENOVO GROUP (00992.HK) TENCENT (00700.HK) to provide software securities services to XP users in China

      schrieb am 10.04.14 20:11:04
      Beitrag Nr. 164 ()
      Tencent Launches $5 Billion Bond Program…

      Hong Kong, Chinese Stocks Rally on Cross-Border Investment Plan…

      Heute morgen um 7% gestiegen, ich hoffe es geht weiter Richtung Norden.

      schrieb am 07.05.14 14:54:58
      Beitrag Nr. 165 ()
      Tencent Leads Internet Stocks Lower Amid Valuation Concern…

      Hong Kong Stocks Head for Six-Week Low on Tencent, Developers…

      In den letzten Wochen ab März 2014 ist die Aktie von Tencent um circa 25% gefallen, unternehmensspezifische Gründe lagen für den Kursverfall nicht vor.

      Zu einem waren es die wirtschaftlichen Eckdaten aus China, zum anderen das die Aktie vor dem März fast 12 Monate nur nach oben gelaufen ist - Gewinnmitnahmen!? Aber auch die Tatsache, das das Smart Money Moneyech Aktien insbesondere auch in den USA zur Zeit meidet. In dem Marktsegment E-Commerce und Social Network zeigt sich auch in den letzten Wochen ein stärker Anstieg der Short Positionen, dies gilt auch für Tencent.

      Wie ist die Situation und was passiert durch den Börsengang von Alibaba ?

      Tencent nimmt weitere Investionen vor wie z.B. im Bereich Consumer Mobile Solution mit NaviInfo. Schwerpunkt wird das Thema Mobiles Internet sein.
      Hier hat Tencent vom Onlinewarenhaus JD.Com Anteile erworben, Schwachstelle zZ von Alibaba. Tencent wird auch auf dem amerikanischen Markt aktiv.

      Tencent hat zur Zeit über 600.000.000 Mill User. Auch der Kursnachrichtendienst Wechat - Konkurrenz zu WhatsApp -zählt 300.000.000 User. Auch stark im Kommen ist das Bezahlsystem Wechat es greift das Bezahlsystem Alipay von Alibaba an.
      Frage: Wird Tencent weitere Marktanteile erobern ?

      Nächste Woche am 14. Mai wissen wir mehr, da kommen die Zahlen von Tencent sowie wird an diesem Tag die Hauptversammlung sein, sowie am 15. Mai folgt das Splitting 1:5.

      Mal schauen was der Markt daraus ableitet ?

      Vielleicht eine gute Chancen einzusteigen ? oder wird nach einer möglichen Enttäuschung der Zahlen der Kurs weiter fallen ?

      Dann gilt die alte alte Börsenregel:
      Man soll nicht in einen "fallenden Kurs" hineinkaufen.

      Wenn man von Tencent überzeugt ist - und dies als Long Invest ansieht, kann man hier jetzt ruhig Positionen aufbauen.

      Beste Grüsse

      schrieb am 07.05.14 15:22:57
      Beitrag Nr. 166 ()
      What Is Alibaba Worth? That Depends on Tencent…

      Gute Darstellung von Tencent und Alibaba.

      schrieb am 13.05.14 20:19:03
      Beitrag Nr. 167 ()
      Credit Suisse sets target for Tencent at $619 on estimate of 33% yearly growth in 1Q revenue

      In the latest research report, Credit Suisse said TENCENT (00700.HK) +3.500 (0.694%) Short selling $474.95M; Ratio 17.029%is 1Q results to be released tomorrow are expected to be in line with its expectation and market consensus.

      The Outperform rating is maintained, with target $619.

      AAStocks Financial News

      Morgen kommen die Q1 Zahlen von Tencent, einen Tag später die Hauptversammlung und dann kommt der Split 1:5.
      Heute letzte Chance für einen günstigen Kauf ?
      Ich denke schon und der Wettbewerb mit Alibaba wird sein übrigens tuen, die Wirtschaftsdaten von China waren heute auch gut, es wird besser !

      schrieb am 14.05.14 21:25:37
      Beitrag Nr. 168 ()
      Tencent Announces 2014 First Quarter Results…

      Tencent Profit Jumps as WeChat App Boosts Games Revenue…

      Tencent Holdings net profit rises 60%…

      Es sehr viele positive News, Kurs ist schon heute morgen gestiegen, ich danke der Kurs geht weiter Richtung Norden, morgen Hauptversammlung dann folgt der Split 1:5

      Mal schauen was der Kurs morgen macht !

      schrieb am 15.05.14 07:48:23
      Beitrag Nr. 169 ()
      MÄRKTE ASIEN/Tencent in Hongkong top - Sony in Tokio flop…

      Heute der Split bei Tencent 1:5, super Plus heute. Heute ist auch die HV mal schauen was noch für weitere gute Infos kommmen.

      Ein sehr gutes Long Invest !!:laugh:

      schrieb am 15.05.14 19:29:10
      Beitrag Nr. 170 ()
      Nach dem Spit gilt eine neue WKN:


      WKN: A1138D ISIN: KYG875721634 Ticker-Symbol: NNND

      Am Handelsplatz HK lautet das Symbol:02988 HK

      Geld:9.84€ Brief:10,61€ Zeit:19:25 (l&S) zur Zeit

      Viele Analysten habe die Aktie hochgerankt, mal schauen.

      schrieb am 17.05.14 14:40:50
      Beitrag Nr. 171 ()
      Daiwa: 'Buy' TENCENT for target $650

      In the latest research report, Daiwa commented that TENCENT (00700.HK)(02988.HK) -2.060 (1.898%) Short selling $116.85M; Ratio 5.026% 1Q performance is better than expectations, mainly due to contribution from the on-line games, mobile business and online advertising.

      For WeChat, the 1Q MAU reached 396 million, and Daiwa expects the reading can reach 500 million and the revenue can reach RMB9.5 billion this year. Meanwhile, Tencent's investment activities are increasing, rather than creating all services itself, Daiwa considers that a cost effective strategy by setting up strategic alliances for more valuable services to the WeChat users.

      The Buy rating is maintained with target cut from $710 to $650.

      Tencent (00700.HK) upgraded to Overweight, target hiked to $661 - HSBC

      AAStocks Financial News
      Web Site:

      Investment houses are bullish about Tencent's share price after its revenue from mobile phone games to March 31 tripled from the previous quarter to 1.8 billion yuan (HK$2.24 billion).

      Eight out of nine of them kept a "buy" rating with target price at least HK$650, which equals HK$130 after the share split. Goldman Sachs raised the target price by 3 percent at HK$700, or HK$144 after the split, the highest among all.

      Only Macquarie maintained a neutral rating with a target price unchanged at HK$560, or HK$112 after the split.

      schrieb am 21.05.14 09:56:41
      Beitrag Nr. 172 ()
      Finde in Deutschland keine Kursnotierungen mehr. Was ist da los?
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 21.05.14 20:02:22
      Beitrag Nr. 173 ()
      keine Sorge: letzte Woche war ein Aktiensplitt 1:5 und die Umstellung dauert nur etwas (vermute, da es sich um einen chinesische Aktie handelt). Bin auch gespannt, was für einen Kurs die Aktie derzeit hat...
      schrieb am 21.05.14 20:22:41
      Beitrag Nr. 174 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 47.018.680 von debull am 21.05.14 09:56:41Guten Abend Debull,

      anbei die aktuelle neue WKN usw..

      ISIN: KYG875721717 | WKN: A114CP | Symbol: NNND

      HK 02988 Preis:111,90 HK = 10,532 € (21.05.2014)

      Letzte Woche gab es den Split 1:5, die Umstellungen kosten Zeit.

      Bin bei Cortal Consors das Depot wurde umgestellt, Handel ist zur Zeit nicht möglich. Sage dir Bescheid wann wieder gehandelt wird.
      Die Massnahmen Split und Umstellung laufen noch bis 23.5.2014.

      Ich denke ab Montag kann wieder gehandelt werden, werde Tencent fragen, wann in Europa wieder gehandelt wird. Melde mich bei dir via PN.

      Tencent brand value tops Asia - Millward Brown

      China, The Fragile Epicenter of a Digital Finance Revolution…

      schrieb am 27.05.14 19:20:26
      Beitrag Nr. 175 ()
      Hallo Oberkassler,

      hast Du schon etwas rausgefunden? Bei mir im Depot werden zwar die nach dem Aktiensplit umgerechneten Aktien angezeigt, aber ohne Kurs.

      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 27.05.14 20:59:52
      Beitrag Nr. 176 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 47.056.050 von toledo71 am 27.05.14 19:20:26Guten Abend toledo71,

      bei CC konnte mir keiner bisher Informationen zukommen lassen, warum der Handel hier in Deutschland ausgesetzt ist.

      Gibt es Zulassungsregelungen jetzt die Tencent nicht erfüllen kann ?

      Tencent habe ich heute nochmal angeschrieben und die Dringlichkeit betont.

      Beste Grüsse

      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 29.05.14 12:32:23
      Beitrag Nr. 177 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 47.056.858 von Oberkassel am 27.05.14 20:59:52@Oberkassel:

      Das wäre mir auch sehr dringend. Habe auch bei meinen Banken angefragt und die konnten auch nichts genaues rausfinden, ausser dass man sich direkt an Tencent wenden soll...

      Freue mich falls du was in Erfahrung bringen kannst, der Zustand zurzeit ist äusserst unbefriedigend als Investor.
      schrieb am 29.05.14 12:49:19
      Beitrag Nr. 178 ()
      Hallo zusammen,

      habe Info von meiner Bank (comdirect) bekommen. Die Umstellung dauert wohl noch bis nach Pfingsten:

      "Am 21.05. wurde mit Geschäftstag 19.05. der Umtausch in die WKN A114CP (Tencent Holdings Ltd. Reg. Sh. (Temp. Tr.) HD-,00002) gebucht.

      Bei der neuen WKN handelt es sich um eine Übergangs-WKN, die für einen Parallelhandel der alten und neuen WKN in Hongkong erstellt wurde. Der Handel in Hongkong wäre mit zusätzlichen Kosten mit über 200 Euro verbunden.

      In den Umtauschdaten findet sich der folgende Hinweis:

      „Parallelhandel in Hongkong: 29.05.2014 - 19.06.2014“

      Nachdem der Parallelhandel beendet wurde, erfolgt eine erneuter Umtausch in die WKN A1138D, die dann auch in Deutschland gehandelt werden kann. Während des Parallelhandels bleibt die WKN A1138D an den deutschen Börsen vom Handel ausgesetzt.

      Die Stücke werden ab dem 04.06.2014 von der Lagerstelle der Gesellschaft versendet. Daher rechnen wir damit, dass die Einbuchung nach Pfingsten erfolgen wird."

      Ist zwar etwas ungünstig, da man in der Zwischenzeit fast handlungsunfähig ist, aber damit muss man sich wohl abfinden. Vielleicht bekommt die Aktie nach Pfingsten 'nen ordentlich schub gen Norden...

      Viele Grüße und schönen Feiertag
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 03.06.14 09:39:13
      Beitrag Nr. 179 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 47.067.974 von toledo71 am 29.05.14 12:49:19Nun ist Tencent, bei ING-Diba wieder normal handelbar. Aktueller Kurs beträgt 10€.
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 03.06.14 09:59:55
      Beitrag Nr. 180 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 47.091.266 von AKTIVGESUNDMAINZ am 03.06.14 09:39:13In HK ab heute mit der WKN 700 und dem Namen Tencent-New.
      schrieb am 06.06.14 21:19:00
      Beitrag Nr. 181 ()
      Aktie ist heute wieder handelbar.…

      Mal schauen was die Aktie in den nächsten Wochen macht.Heute Im HK zum Schluss verloren meist kein gutes Zeichen für Montag/Dienstag.

      schrieb am 12.06.14 08:52:07
      Beitrag Nr. 182 ()
      TENCENT macht mal wieder Freude...keep going! :)
      schrieb am 26.06.14 20:10:25
      Beitrag Nr. 183 ()
      TENCENT (00700.HK) reiterated Outperform over potential rise in ARPU - Stanchart

      Tencent entwickelt sich nach dem Splitt wieder gut und wird sicher durch den Börsengang von Alibaba weiter Richtung Norden laufen.

      schrieb am 30.06.14 19:52:25
      Beitrag Nr. 184 ()
      Tencent to buy $736m stake in…

      schrieb am 17.08.14 15:28:46
      Beitrag Nr. 185 ()
      Na da ist er ja, der vermisste Tencent - Threat. Danke für unermüdliches recherhieren, bin auch investiert und lese auch gerne die vergangenen Veröffentlichungen. Gruß B.
      schrieb am 07.07.15 12:36:41
      Beitrag Nr. 186 ()
      völlig irre Gewinnreihe hier...

      ebenso die Kursentwicklung
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 17.06.16 14:00:14
      Beitrag Nr. 187 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 50.127.684 von R-BgO am 07.07.15 12:36:41
      seit einiger Zeit wird nur noch hier gepostet:
      Thread: Tencent, wachsender Internetgigant !! hat die neue WKN nach split

      deswegen over-and-out

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      Tencent - größtes chinesisches Internetportal, 73% EK-Rendite, aber TEUER