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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 30.06.12 12:50:47
      Beitrag Nr. 1.122 ()
      das liest sich leider auch noch interessant ... soviel zu wochenende ... ;)…

      "Sony To Launch Competitor To Google's Project Glass

      The hyperbolic excitement of Google’s ‘Project Glass’ announcement barely seems to have died down, but Sony, amongst many other top digital entertainment and eyewear brands are developing plans for their own Augmented Reality specs currently named ‘Sony’s Optical Communication Display Glasses’, in an attempt to topple the search engine giant’s potential dominance of the market.

      How Would Sony’s Specs Differ?
      The hi-tech eyewear system Sony have patented bears much aesthetic resemblance to videos and images of rival Google’s early development for AR specs, but Sony hope several key differences will help set their glasses apart from Google’s offering.

      The key unique selling point of Sony’s specs appears to be the ability to share information with other wearers simply by looking at them. The process works in a similar way to current mobile phone apps which can transmit information such as a personal phone number wireless simply by placing them together, eliminating the need for clumsy manual input and a testing ring to make sure you’ve exchanged the correct details with someone you’ve recently met.

      The system would clearly have to be implemented to ensure it wasn’t possible to exchange information unless the intended recipient was clearly in view, to avoid any potential impact on privacy arising from unwittingly giving your details to several people in the bar you were last in, but the technology in theory could make social interaction that much more seamless.

      Other Features
      If the ‘staring and sharing’ functionality sounds a little too awkward, then the Sony glasses are more likely to come in handy when responding to visual cues on many items in the world around us, such as posters and a variety of products, in turn freeing up the possibility for companies wishing to explore a new dimension in contemporary advertising.

      Much like Google’s AR prototypes, a built-in camera and transparent display provides a HUD based real-time view of the world around us, with an added light emitter for syncing to specialized wrist watches or other forms of optical display such as PDA’s or video games devices, opening up a wealth of future connectivity possibilities for enhancing the wearer’s interaction with the surrounding environment, whether for work or play. A microphone and speakers would also be integrated into the headset for spoken interaction with the AR glasses, much in the guise of Google’s eyewear.

      Sony will hope that the differing features on their potential device are enough to sway consumers still clamouring for more from Google’s headquarters about ‘Project Glass’, with 2013 set to be an exciting year for the future tech eyewear market. It will be interesting to determine whether the shelf life of current smartphones will diminish in light of these developments potentially allowing for more intuitive interaction with the world than a handheld device could ever offer"
      schrieb am 30.06.12 12:40:22
      Beitrag Nr. 1.121 ()
      hey - die nennen die project glasses von google smart glasses ..

      das ist "unser" name!!! - dürfen die das? :rolleyes:

      Impression 5 Journalists tested the Google Smart Glasses

      Sergey Brin, CEO and co-founder of Google

      Current News Articles – Google finally allowed people to try out Google-developed smart glasses in Google Project Glass. Google cofounder Sergey Brin, gave permission for journalists to try it technology.
      Not all journalists are given the opportunity to try out the smart glasses. They are guided by Sergey Brin to navigate glasses. She is only a demo video showing the action of fireworks to the journalists, not more.

      Here are the lucky ones they could try the smart glasses, and what sensations they felt when tried it?

      1. Peter Ha from TechCrunch

      Fireworks demo video quality is not that great. Naturally, this is a prototype glasses. The lens is in front of the right eye. I can catch the right ear with a clear voice.

      I live in the future, and the future is now. Glasses are very light. The battery is located in the right frame, there are counterbalances the circuit and the camera is also there.

      When I tolehkan head, goggles offer an experience of technology augmented reality (AR). This technology combines real objects with virtual objects in real time.

      Notification of incoming messages reads “ding.” This means users have to tilt your head up glasses that message out and can be read.

      2. Joshua Topolsky from The Verge

      Video is displayed only action fireworks show over and over again. This experience is like watching a video full HD without using an actual television. The picture is much smaller, and only seen by your right eye.

      No sound came out of these glasses, although no special components are mounted on the ear. Your hands should be cupped to the ear to get a reasonable volume of these glasses.

      These glasses are extremely lightweight and can be worn in front of regular glasses.

      Brin said Google is in talks with the manufacturer of sunglasses, to create variations of glasses with a slightly different form.

      3. Rafe Needleman from CNet

      Glasses are locked in demo mode. Image I see is fireworks video. The video was right in front of my eyes, and quite small, the size of a postage stamp.

      Glasses have a compass and accelerometer in it. When I turned his head, that perspective is highlighted.

      There’s audio output to the right ear, but no audio objects attached to the ear. So the resulting sound like a leak. So you can hear clearly, the best way is with the hands cupped around the ears.

      Its very cool. Sergey Brin said he adjust to the glasses were just giving notification to the email with high priority. He says, simply tilting or tilt the head to display the message.

      Spectacle frames made of titanium, so the glasses feel light and comfortable when worn. Google designer Isabelle Olsson said, Google works with manufacturers to make the glasses goggles used by the people.

      4. Liz Gannes from All Things D

      The screen is very small, there’s something blocking my view. I wear glasses which is charging the batteries, so no wires are plugged into the right glasses.

      This is a prototype glasses, which, according to Brin, the durability of the battery is only 6 hours.

      Sergen adjust to the glasses she was just giving notification to the email with high priority. When was the sound of “ding,” the user can read it by tilting the head. It seems Google does not provide internet surfing feature on this lens.

      5. David Cardinal from ExtremeTech

      The screen is very small. Glasses are designed to project an image on a distant focus. This is perfect for people like me who use a plus lens glasses.

      Sergey Brin and official Google product manager does not see this lens as a replacement phone or surfing the internet for the weight.

      Instead, they imagine the glasses will be used to share moments with others, and to find information that may be relevant at that moment. Glasses makes it easy to capture images and record video.

      You can tilt or tilted head to read incoming email messages. It is probable that there are sensors that can track eye and head movements.
      schrieb am 29.06.12 22:17:46
      Beitrag Nr. 1.120 ()
      ich würde sagen, da hat ein director bei VUZIX ( und damit ein insider ) gestern und heute die 20k gekauft :cool:…

      zwar jetzt nicht unsummen, aber immerhin ... :lick: ... es könnte sich läppern und mal schönes geld bringen .... ausserdem ist es ein vertrauensbeweis ins unternehmen

      i.d.s einen schönen feierabend - diva :yawn:
      schrieb am 29.06.12 16:17:34
      Beitrag Nr. 1.119 ()
      hmmmm .... ich vermute, die vergleichen hier äpfel mit birnen, aber immerhin:

      VUZIX wird auf gleicher augehöhe direkt nach google genannt ...

      "Fact file: Smart glasses technologies
      Nicole Bogart, Global News : Thursday, June 28, 2012 11:35 AM

      TORONTO - The tech world is buzzing with the news that Google has begun selling it's "Project Glass" prototype to U.S. computer programmers at a three-day conference this week.

      "Project Glass" consists of a pair of internet connected glasses that allow users to surf the web, take photos and even chat with friends while going about their business.

      The internet giant has been secretly developing this project for over two years and a consumer version is expected to go on the market by 2014.

      But, Google isn't the only company developing eyewear technologies;
      Global News looked at other smart glasses models and how they compare to "Project Glass".

      Google's "Project Glass"

      Google's latest business venture is a pair of internet connected glasses that allow the person sporting them to see directions, shop online, video chat, and even take photos all without being distracted by a handheld device.

      "Project Glass" glasses will access the internet with a data plan so you can surf the web just like a smart phone. But, the glasses are meant to interact with the user's senses, but not impede them, as Google believes the glasses will be less distracting to the user than a Smartphone.

      Retail price: $1,500 for developers to test out the first version, a less expensive model is expected to be released for consumers.

      Vuzix SMART glasses

      These smart glasses work as a wearable a HD video display with graphics good enough to produce augmented reality experiences and allow you to safely watch a movie on the go without having your vision impaired.

      They work by allowing the output to pass through a 1.4 millimetre thick plastic lens, displaying a 2D image into the user's eye. The HD display engine allows the device to produce images with high contrast and brightness so the user is able to experience HD views in all settings.

      Retail price: $4,999

      ....... "

      das eine ( google ) ist noch in der entwicklungsphase und überhaupt erst 2013 für developer zugänglich ....

      das andere ( VUZIX ) ist bereits länger auf dem markt und hat ganz andere optionen zur verfügung .... die neueste forschung von VUZIX wird hier gar nicht angesprochen .... :O und da sind "wir" auf ähnlichen gebieten schlicht besser und weiter als google ....

      we will see - allen gute trades - diva
      schrieb am 29.06.12 15:54:02
      Beitrag Nr. 1.118 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.332.362 von Diva am 28.06.12 18:23:57
      schön wenn andere und dann auch noch fachleute meine meinung teilen:

      um mich zu zitieren ( hach, das klingt schon mal gut :laugh: )

      "ich sehe hier bei VUZIX so viel potential an kurssteigerung. zum mäuse melken ... :p
      letztes jahr war es noch zu früh ... das war wie wenn ich einem blinden farben erklären müßte ... das sehe ich inzw. ja auch ein ... aber heute ... mit dem wie sich sony, google oder aber auch microsoft aufstellen ..."

      und hier jetzt:…

      " ... "In the last year, augmented reality has moved beyond being a curiosity and has hit the mainstream," said Jennifer Rapp, general manager at Aurasma. ..... "

      aurasma ist ein mitpreisträger der ARsummit in london und "the world's leading augmented reality platform ... "

      i.d.s. allen gute trades


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      schrieb am 29.06.12 12:45:04
      Beitrag Nr. 1.117 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.334.927 von Lefc82HH am 29.06.12 11:08:21
      hey - sie haben 3,5 mio cash und noch vorhandene gläubiger halten ein jahr still ....

      die wollen jetzt im Q3 die military version der glasses auf den markt bringen und in Q1 2013 die für consumer .... da hat google noch einen weiteren weg vor sich .... :rolleyes:

      auch läuft das übliche business weiter, z.b. der verkauf über die apple stores ( um nur mal einen der kooperationspartner zu nennen )

      @sambanero: ich stelle deinen link mal noch sofort anklickbar ein:…

      allen gute trades - diva :kiss:
      schrieb am 29.06.12 11:08:21
      Beitrag Nr. 1.116 ()
      Vorstellen kann man sich bei Pennystocks leider alles!
      Die Story und die Awards sind so vielversprechend da darf eig. nichts schief gehen :-D
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 29.06.12 10:28:12
      Beitrag Nr. 1.115 ()
      so.... die Niederlage ist einigermaßen verdaut............
      jetzt können wir wieder zum Geschäftlichen übergehen ;-)…

      kann mir nicht vorstellen, das vuzix bei diesem Riesenmarkt leer ausgeht;-)
      schrieb am 28.06.12 23:17:45
      Beitrag Nr. 1.114 ()
      auch n-tv wacht auf .... :laugh:…

      "Donnerstag, 28. Juni 2012
      Die Brille der ZukunftGoogle erweitert die Realität
      Schon bald sollen die ersten Google-Brillen in den Läden liegen, die durch Projektionen ins Sichtfeld die Realität erweitern können. Schwer vorzustellen, dass sich diese Technik durchsetzt? "Es wird in ein paar Jahren merkwürdiger aussehen, wenn Leute im Gehen die ganze Zeit auf ihr Smartphone schauen", sagt der Google-Chef.

      ....... "

      lesenwert ....:cool:
      schrieb am 28.06.12 18:23:57
      Beitrag Nr. 1.113 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.331.416 von Lefc82HH am 28.06.12 15:25:08hast ja recht ... die idee ist nicht so prickelnd ... :(

      es müsste mal ein längerer, gut recherchierter artikel z.b. in den aktionär oder euro am sonntag oder was weiß ich ... oder ein fachblatt ... da habe ich nun gar keine ahnung .... chip (??) ... betonung auf gut recherchiert

      ich sehe hier bei VUZIX so viel potential an kurssteigerung. zum mäuse melken ... :p
      letztes jahr war es noch zu früh ... das war wie wenn ich einem blinden farben erklären müßte ... das sehe ich inzw. ja auch ein ... aber heute ... mit dem wie sich sony, google oder aber auch microsoft aufstellen ...

      hier noch mal aus dem letzten link zitiert:

      " Brin noted that Project Glass is what Google believes could be the next form factor of computing."

      und hier die überschrift der letzten news von VUZIX:

      DGAP-News: VUZIX Corporation: Vuzix als bester Anbieter von Augmented-Reality-Technologie ausgezeichnet
      Augmented-Reality-Brillen bei erster Verleihung der UK AR Awards gewürdigt"

      oder hier: "Vuzix will be going had to head with Google, the search giant announced in April its planes to manufacter AR glasses. Vuzix hopes to get a jump on Google and plans to release a single-eye version of its new transparent lens for military and industrial applications, with full consumer glasses to follow next year."

      tja ... und auch heute können wir mal wieder froh sein, dass der kurs hält .... :mad: ( zumindest aktuell noch ... )

      naja - "Augmented reality has been called the eighth mass medium, after print, recordings, cinema, radio, television, Internet and mobile phones."... irgendwann kapieren das auch die lemminge ;):kiss:

      allen gute rades und auf ein spannendes halbfinale!!!! :lick:
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      noch unentdeckt - VUZIX