
    300% STERN am GOLDHIMMEL Martin Siegel Empfehlung**** - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 01.02.06 12:31:40
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      Momentan zugreifen bei St Barbara kleine Kursschwaeche heute, alles unter 0.35 klare Kaufkurse.

      Einfacher ist es nicht Geld zu verdienen an der Boerse gehen sie mit dem Trend.

      Santa Barbara Mines
      WKN: 851747
      Marktkap. 110 Mio€
      Ums 06e: 68,8Mio€
      KGV: 6
      Förderung 2006: 180000 Unzen

      Goldtrend ist weiterhin völlig intakt. St Barbara Mines ist hoffnungslos unterbewertet.

      Hier muss man einfach zugreifen, von Martin Siegel empfohlen.

      Risiko: sehr gering
      kursziel: 1 - 1.5 fuer 2006 = 300 %

      Für infos über die Bestände:


      Der Markt schreit nach einer Korrektur
      Der Markt schreit nach einer Korrektur Die Hausse am Goldmarkt läuft. Nach den von uns ausführlich kommentierten Kaufsignalen (vgl. Ausgabe 16/05 vom 10.08.05: "Goldhausse beginnt" und Ausgabe 23/05 vom 30.11.05: "500") befindet sich der Goldmarkt in der von uns seit vielen Jahren prognostizierten Aufwärtsbewegung.

      Alle positiven Einflußfaktoren, vor allem die steigende Nachfrage aus China und Indien, aber auch von westlichen Investoren bei einer konstanten oder sogar leicht fallenden Minenproduktion bleiben erhalten. Die langfristige Krise im Banken- und Finanzsystem bleibt unlösbar und die Verschuldung der Staaten gerät zunehmend außer Kontrolle. Die aktuelle Krise um offene Immobilienfonds (vgl. Schlagzeile vom 20.01.06) ist ein weiteres kleines Steinchen auf dem Weg der Erkenntnis der Anleger, daß über den sich anbahnenden Zusammenbruch des Papiergeldsystems nur Sachwerte und hier vor allem das fungible Gold hinweg helfen werden.

      Derzeit arbeiten 2 Strömungen am Markt frontal gegeneinander. Einerseits zeigt unsere Analyse an, daß der Goldpreis längerfristig die Marke von 700 $/oz fast zwangsläufig erreichen wird. Andererseits deutet die aktuelle Entwicklung auf eine Überhitzung des Markts hin, so daß kurzfristige Einbrüche jeden Tag wahrscheinlicher werden.

      Längerfristig dominiert die Politik der Zentralbanken den Goldpreis. Immerhin haben die Zentralbanken in den letzten Jahren durch ihre Verkäufe permanent etwa 20% des Angebots bereitgestellt. Wenn die Zentralbanken kein Gold mehr verkaufen wollen oder allerspätestens dann, wenn kein Gold mehr verfügbar ist, weil sämtliche Bestände verkauft wurden, muß der Goldpreis steigen. Unter den heutigen Bedingungen (Angebot, Nachfrage, Minenproduktion, Produktionskosten, Arbeitskosten...) könnte ein Marktausgleich ohne das Angebot der Zentralbanken bei etwa 700 $/oz hergestellt werden. Ohne Zweifel wird der Goldpreis in einer Hausse über diese Marke hinausgetragen und da der historische Höchstkurs von 871 $/oz und die 1.000 $/oz-Marke nicht fern sind, ist ein Preisanstieg auch über diese Marken wahrscheinlich.

      Bislang wird der Markt von seriösen, werteorientierten Analysten und Anlegern dominiert, die grundsätzlich zur Absicherung in Gold und Goldaktien investieren und in den allermeisten Fällen seit vielen Jahren, teilweise seit den 60er und 70er Jahren im Markt aktiv sind und ihn lieben gelernt haben. Seit 2001 zahlt sich das Engagement dieser Anleger mit soliden Gewinnen aus. Wie jeder Markt, der länger läuft, wird jetzt auch der Goldmarkt von Spielern, Spinnern und Betrügern entdeckt und bearbeitet. Die Marktteilnehmer, die jetzt in den Goldmarkt einsteigen, zeichnen sich auf der Empfehlungsseite dadurch aus, daß sie den Markt nicht oder nur wenig kennen, ihn nicht beurteilen können und im Prinzip auch gar nicht daran interessiert sind, längerfristig erfolgreiche Empfehlungen auszusprechen. Meistens werden von diesen Promotern kleine Gesellschaften als Anlageempfehlung ausgewählt, bei denen sich die Aktien in wenigen Händen befinden, die dann in Deutschland mit relativ geringen Umsätzen nach oben gepuscht werden, um sie völlig überteuert bei gierigen und ahnungslosen Investoren abzuladen. Die neu in den Markt eintretenden Anleger zeichnen sich in vielen Fällen dadurch aus, daß sie eigentlich gar kein Interesse daran haben, den Markt und die Unternehmen zu verstehen, in die sie investieren. Stattdessen stürzen sie sich gierig auf jede nur halbwegs vernünftig erscheinende Geschichte, nur um die "300% Chance" nicht zu verpassen. Von steigenden Kursen und Anfangserfolgen angelockt, werden von diesen "Anlegern" Aktien gekauft, die nicht den Bruchteil davon wert sind, für den sie gehandelt werden. Während die Promoter ihre Aktien innerhalb von wenigen Wochen mit Gewinnen von teilweise mehreren 100 % beim ahnungslosen Publikum abladen, sitzen die Käufer dann auf Papieren, die nur an genauso ahnungslose Anleger zu höheren Preisen weiterverkauft werden können.

      Wenn die Promoter ihre Aktien verkauft haben, beginnt der Kurs nach wenigen Tagen oder Wochen in den allermeisten Fällen gnadenlos zu fallen und die Anleger sitzen auf sogenannten unverkäuflichen Depotleichen. Ein realer Fall: Ein Anleger berichtet uns, daß er vor 1 Jahr 4 derartige "Goldwerte" gekauft hat und jetzt auf einem Verlust von durchschnittlich 80% sitzt - und dies mitten in der Goldhausse. Das Problem ist, daß diese Aktien von der Euphorie der Neueinsteiger zunächst noch weiter nach oben getragen werden und wegen ihrer Marktenge oft spektakuläre Kursgewinne verzeichnen. Bei fallenden Kursen oder in einer längeren Korrektur sind diese Aktien dagegen praktisch unverkäuflich. In den allerwenigsten Fällen gelingt eine solide Unternehmensentwicklung. Und wenn diese dann tatsächlich in einem Einzelfall eintritt, wird diese Aktie dann als Köder benutzt um 10 weitere wertlose Gesellschaften zu puschen.

      Für den Neueinsteiger ist praktisch nicht zu erkennen, ob ein Kursanstieg gerechtfertigt ist oder nicht. Beispielsweise beurteilen wir St Barbara nach dem Anstieg um 300% innerhalb von 6 Monaten weiterhin als Kaufempfehlung. Bei St Barbara halten wird den Kursanstieg für gerechtfertigt, weil die Gesellschaft gezeigt hat, daß sie profitabel produzieren kann, daß das Management die Ziele umsetzen und übertreffen kann und die Gesellschaft im Vergleich zu anderen Gesellschaften hinsichtlich der Reserven, Ressourcen und Wachstumsmöglichkeiten weiterhin unterbewertet ist. Der Kursanstieg der St Barbara ist hiermit fundamental untermauert. Die Kursanstiege der Promotergesellschaften beruhen dagegen nur auf der Tatsache, daß viele Investoren einer Geschichte oder auch nur steigenden Aktienkursen hinterherlaufen und fast wertlose Papiere zu immer höheren Kursen kaufen. Investments in Promoterwerten eignen sich längerfristig nur für Insider, die den Promoter persönlich kennen und wissen, was wann gespielt wird.

      Dabei gibt es immer noch genügend solide Papiere die bei einem kalkulierten Risiko eine Chance auf eine Kursanstieg von mehreren 100% bieten. Erfolgreiche Beispiele hierfür sind die australischen Jubilee und Kingsgate, die ihre Anleger aufgrund der erfolgreichen Geschäftsentwicklung nicht nur mit Kursgewinnen, sondern auch mit Dividendenzahlungen von teilweise jährlich über 10% förmlich überschüttet haben. Weitere Beispiele, die noch über ein erhebliches Aktienkurspotential verfügen, das auch fundamental gerechtfertigt ist, finden Sie in jeder Ausgabe des Goldmarkts.

      Die wichtigsten Kriterien, um bei der Aktienauswahl nicht auf Promoterwerte hereinzufallen:

      1. Dividendenzahlungen: Erwirtschaftet ein Unternehmen eine Dividendenrendite von über 2%, dann verfügt das Unternehmen zu 90% über eine solide Produktion, ein gutes Management und eine ausreichende Lebensdauer der Reserven.
      2. Wachstum: Viele Unternehmen investieren ihre Gewinne in weitere Projekte und zahlen keine Dividenden aus. Diese Unternehmen sollten eine über mehrere Jahre steigende Produktion und steigende Reserven- und Ressourcen in weiteren Projekten ausweisen.
      3. Potential: Einige Unternehmen, die noch nicht in Produktion sind, empfehlen sich ebenfalls als Investment. Diese Werte zeichnen sich durch ein Wachstum der Reserven und Ressourcen aus, die ökonomisch verwertbar sind und in politisch unproblematischen Regionen erschlossen werden.

      Nur in seltenen Ausnahmefällen, die genauestens analysiert werden müssen und für Neueinsteiger nicht zu empfehlen sind, eignen sich Unternehmen für Investments, die

      1. keine Produktion haben
      2. keine Gewinne erwirtschaften
      3. keine Reserven und Ressourcen ausweisen
      4. über weniger als 1 Mio. $ cash verfügen
      5. seit weniger als 3 Jahren an der Börse als Goldwert notiert sind
      6. von Managern geführt werden, die früher im IT-Bereich aktiv waren
      7. die in politisch problematischen Regionen aktiv sind
      8. an der Heimatbörse weitaus geringere Umsätze haben als in Deutschland

      Puschergesellschaften erfüllen meistens mehrere dieser Kriterien und werden mit Blindgängerparolen wie: "2000% in 2006", "1300% mit 10.000 E" oder "300% Goldrakete" promotet, so daß sich hier bereits zum Beginn der Goldhausse längerfristig Blutbäder abzeichnen, die mit denen des "Neuen Marktes" oder aktuell mit der japanischen Internetfirma Lifedoor vergleichbar sind (vgl. Schlagzeile vom 18.01.06).

      © Martin Siegel
      Quelle: Aus der Börsenbrief "GoldMarkt", Ausgabe 02/2006

      Corporate Profile

      St Barbara is an Australian gold producer, founded in 1969 and presently based in Perth, Western Australia.

      The Company is listed on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) and Alternative Investment Market (AIM) of the London Stock Exchange (ticker symbol SBM). The Company is also a founding member of the Australian Gold Council.

      The Board comprises of a non-Executive Chairman, Mr Colin Wise, three non-Executive Directors and the Managing Director/CEO. The senior executives of the Company have extensive experience in all aspects of gold and base metal exploration, development and mining.

      The prime objective at the beginning of the 2004/05 year was to re-establish the integrity and credibility of the Company with its shareholders, investors, employees, consultants, contractors and suppliers and the communities in which the Company was operating.

      For this to occur it became clear that to start the process the Company’s 54.8% interest in NuStar Mining Corporation Limited (“NuStar”) and the 5% royalty over NuStar’s Paulsens gold deposits needed to be sold to refinance the Company and to repay the substantial debts which had been previously incurred. The sale of our interest in NuStar occurred in several stages during November 2004 through to February 2005 and resulted in the Company becoming debt free.

      During this time, the gold division of Sons of Gwalia Ltd (Administrators Appointed) (“SGWGD”) became available for possible acquisition. In conjunction with expert consultants a comprehensive and disciplined assessment of the assets was undertaken. The thoroughness of our preparation together with the financial support of our largest shareholder Resource Capital Funds enabled the Company to bid for the assets and successfully close the purchase in a short period of time.

      The purchase of the SGWGD assets enabled the Company to re-establish itself as a gold producer and provides the opportunity to explore the well endowed Southern Cross, Leonora and South Laverton areas of the Eastern Goldfields, which will complement the Company’s long held home base at Meekatharra in the Murchison Goldfields.

      Cashflow from the operations at Southern Cross, the sale of surplus assets and the planned divestment of non-core land holdings will support the planned corporate and exploration activities of the Company in the year ahead.

      Having established a more secure financial footing for the Company, the job ahead is to:

      Extend the mine life of the Southern Cross operations beyond June 2006 and further explore the region;
      Seek to establish a mining inventory at Tarmoola and Gwalia Deeps with a production commencement target of the December 2007 quarter;
      Evaluate the possibility of recommencing gold production at Meekatharra;
      Explore for nickel sulphides particularly in the Leonora and Southern Cross regions; and
      Identify and seek to acquire other opportunities.

      Gold production at Southern Cross for the 2006 year is on target to achieve our forecast of 150,000 ounces at a cash cost of $415 per ounce.

      Drilling of the high grade shoots at Marvel Loch to define a mining inventory down to a vertical depth of 500 metres below the surface is underway. Earlier drilling has already established that the gold mineralisation extends to that depth but is of insufficient density to outline reserves. To extend the mine life beyond June 2006 it is the conceptual aim to define at least 1.2 million tonnes at 6.0g/t for 230,000 ounces from within the current indicated and inferred resources of 4.2 million tonnes at 4.5g/t of gold for 610,000 ounces. The reported drilling results since July 2005 suggest this is achievable. Production to support the Marvel Loch underground operation is projected to be sourced from open pit mining at Hercules. The Company will also seek to reopen Yilgarn Star and pursue discoveries on the basis of the comprehensive geological reassessment that has been completed of the Southern Cross region.

      The famous Sons of Gwalia Mine which has historically produced 5 million ounces to a depth of 1,075 metres and the well known Tarmoola Mine (35 kilometres to the north of Leonora) which has historically produced 1.7 million ounces still have resources of 7.2 million tonnes at 7.3g/t of gold for 1.7 million ounces and 56 million tonnes at 1.2g/t of gold for 2.2 million ounces respectively for a total of 3.9 million ounces. This is a substantial inventory particularly with a rising gold price.

      Deep drilling is underway at Gwalia to complete the drilling conducted during 2001 to seek to improve the status of the current inferred resources to indicated resources.

      The geology of the Gwalia gold mineralisation is well understood as a result of the mining activity extending over more than 100 years.

      The Gwalia Deeps inferred resources starts at a vertical depth of 1,100 metres; thus a number of other issues need to be addressed in conjunction with drilling. A Task Force of geologists, resource modelers, mining engineers, metallurgists and geotechnical specialists has been established to address the geology, geotechnical, mine planning, hydrology, metallurgy and project development schedules with the objective of defining a mining inventory by March 2006, and a timetable for future development.

      Gwalia Deeps ore in concept would be processed at Tarmoola and be blended with the ore from Tarmoola.

      Modern day mining at Tarmoola produced 1.7 million ounces. There is now an opportunity for the first time in nearly a decade, unhindered by production pressures and mining equipment movements, to take an overall view of the gold mineralisation which incurs in granite and ultramafics at Tarmoola.

      The gold mineralisation is located at a major structural position adjacent to the Keith Kilkenny lineament which is a very favourable location in the Eastern Goldfields for hosting substantial mineral deposits.

      The Tarmoola pit is two kilometres long and up to 250 metres deep. A wall failure on the northern side of the pit in February 2004 ultimately led to the closure of Tarmoola in September 2004. The current drilling is focusing on the western and south western flanks of the pit where, previous drilling had intersected gold associated with fractures in the granite.

      Resource modeling is now in progress and for the first time is treating the entire Tarmoola deposit as one, rather than as previously consisting of nine separate components.

      The Company’s objective is to develop a mining inventory from Gwalia Deeps and Tarmoola that can produce initially 250,000 ounces per year commencing in the December 2007 quarter, and 400,000 ounces per year when fully developed by 2011.

      A separate Task Force to assess all aspects of the potential future redevelopment of Tarmoola has also been established with the objective of outlining a reserve by March 2006 and a timetable for future development.

      Successful drilling at Paddys Flat and Reedys, Meekatharra has resulted in an increase in 100% owned resources to 1.6 million ounces. A co-venturer has also increased resources at Bluebird and Surprise to 690,000 ounces subsequent to the end of the financial year, for a total Company resource at Meekatharra in excess of 2.2 million ounces. The possibility of recommencing gold production from the Company’s 100% owned Paddys Flat and Reedys and/or in conjunction with Mercator Gold plc at Bluebird and Surprise is to be further investigated. Importantly, the Company retains full ownership of the Bluebird processing plant and associated infrastructure such as power station, tailings dams, water, housing in Meekatharra and fly-in fly-out accommodation.

      Nickel sulphide exploration has commenced on the Company’s tenements particularly in the Leonora region which is transected by the geologically important Keith Kilkenny lineament, which has Cosmos, Leinster, and Mt Keith nickel sulphide mineralisation structurally associated with it to the north.

      The Sullivans nickel sulphide target has an ultramafic unit with a strike length of some 8 kilometres.

      The ultramafic occurs under a shallow cover of alluvium, and thus remains to be explored effectively. New ground electromagnetic geophysical techniques which have the ability to identify massive nickel sulphides at depth below the cover, have identified a number of anomalies at the basal contact of the ultramafic unit. This is a typical target location for massive nickel sulphides. The Company’s other nickel sulphide opportunities will be progressively advanced to the drilling stage during the year ahead.

      The strategy is to build up a portfolio of nickel sulphide properties either through conceptual research, joint venturing into properties held by others or acquisition. Worldwide demand for nickel remains strong, which is reflected in the current prices, and supports the strategy of an aggressive approach to nickel sulphide exploration.

      To conduct the mining and exploration activities effectively requires the maintenance of a safe workplace. Management and staff have achieved an acceptable safety performance and regime, which will continue to require a dedicated and disciplined effort to maintain and improve on current performance levels.

      Rehabilitation of the mined areas and management of the environmental performance bonds is a major focus of the Company’s efforts. Environmental matters and issues have been elevated in importance as part of future planning.

      In conclusion, to continue to re-establish and maintain the credibility and integrity of the Company will require a dedicated effort. A three year plan encompassing the SGWGD acquisition is being followed while a longer term five year plan is being developed. The Company is striving to achieve exploration success at Southern Cross, Leonora and Meekatharra, and its planned strategy is to redevelop those assets to enable the conceptual production of 400,000-500,000 profitable ounces of gold per annum commencing in the December 2007 quarter, with production of 150,000-200,000 profitable ounces of gold per annum in the intervening period.

      Nickel sulphide exploration will also be an important part of the future of the Company. Achievement of these objectives will require the further recruitment of senior management, graduates and skilled people to complement the existing dynamic and energetic management team.

      Finally, I acknowledge the significant contribution made by senior management and all staff, with a special mention for the former SGWGD employees who have embraced our enthusiasm and energy, and for the collective efforts in helping to turn around the Company’s performance and create improved value for our shareholders.

      So einfach ist Geld verdienen an der Boerse
      schrieb am 01.02.06 12:39:11
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      ausserdem gestern sehr guter quarter Bericht hier der Link

      30/01/2006 Second Quarter Activities Report 8…
      schrieb am 01.02.06 12:41:03
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      [posting]19.990.286 von Pennykracher1000 am 01.02.06 12:39:11[/posting]Ausserdem buy back Nachricht heute Morgen nach Handelsschluss rausgebracht,
      schrieb am 01.02.06 13:51:03
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      :eek::eek:nach der Meldung dass st Barbara shares am zurueckkaufen war, und meiner Infos nach noch ist wird der Kurs heute Nacht ausbrechen,

      heute besteht wohl die Chance noch billig rein zu kommen
      schrieb am 01.02.06 13:59:01
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      ausserdem 21 millionen einnahmen durch abgeschlossenen assets verkauf

      hier noch einiges aus den australischen Boards

      Fazit Strong buy

      Subject all perfect
      Posted 30/01/06 17:38 - 439 reads
      Posted by geld
      Post #884027 - start of thread - splitview

      Fairly good report in my opinion , if you think where this company is coming from. We will have to wait for sabre`s opinion.

      Voluntary Disclosure: No Position Sentiment: None TOU violation

      Subject re: all perfect
      Posted 30/01/06 17:52 - 415 reads
      Posted by hard rider
      Post #884038 - in reply to msg. #884027 - splitview

      whata mean fair,

      its bloody good!

      sbm is heading in the right direction at last!

      Voluntary Disclosure: No Position Sentiment: None TOU violation

      Subject re: all perfect
      Posted 30/01/06 18:13 - 409 reads
      Posted by Sabretoothed
      Post #884050 - in reply to msg. #884027 - splitview

      SBM always dumps a bit on the announcment. If the chairman buys again soon watchout lol

      Market cap is still small just over 300million, lots of room to move.

      Interesting the bellevue nickel drilling (with MRS) is scheduled for March quarter.

      Will have a read of it tonight

      Brokers are more qualified then a sabretoothed tiger so please check with them always...;) This post is for entertainment purposes only and is never ever ever advice!....Seek advice ONLY from a licensed adviser.

      Voluntary Disclosure: Position Sentiment: LT Buy TOU violation

      Subject re: all perfect
      Posted 30/01/06 18:15 - 397 reads
      Posted by Aurelius1
      Post #884053 - in reply to msg. #884027 - splitview

      cash costs of $488 is terrible

      Voluntary Disclosure: No Position Sentiment: None TOU violation

      Subject re: all perfect
      Posted 30/01/06 18:20 - 414 reads
      Posted by Aurelius1
      Post #884064 - in reply to msg. #884050 - splitview

      worse still is forcast costs going higher next quarter to $520

      a far cry from the 346 they were getting last year

      Voluntary Disclosure: No Position Sentiment: None TOU violation

      Subject re: all perfect
      Posted 30/01/06 18:30 - 404 reads
      Posted by hard rider
      Post #884075 - in reply to msg. #884064 - splitview

      you are full of shiit,

      gold has increased from last year,

      so has labour, material, ectra,,,

      so this is still very much in line!!!!

      $390 us an oz is still very good under

      the circumstances,,, this will reduce alot

      further,,,, cash coming in will free up some debt!

      this quarterly is a step in the right direction!

      so get off your pony, stop talking shiiT!!!

      Voluntary Disclosure: No Position Sentiment: None TOU violation

      Subject re: all perfect
      Posted 30/01/06 18:55 - 375 reads
      Posted by amb
      Post #884089 - in reply to msg. #884075 - splitview

      I agree. Every minner will be in the same position with POO well above what it was.

      Voluntary Disclosure: No Position Sentiment: None TOU violation

      Subject re: all perfect
      Posted 30/01/06 19:00 - 379 reads
      Posted by Aurelius1
      Post #884099 - in reply to msg. #884075 - splitview

      gold price increase mean nothing when costs are going up at the same or greater rate

      SBM`s cash costs are set to increase $176 in the space of 6 months pretty much eliminating the benefits of the recent gold price rally

      good luck but dont kid yourself that report was a good one

      Voluntary Disclosure: No Position Sentiment: None TOU violation

      Subject re: all perfect
      Posted 30/01/06 19:13 - 366 reads
      Posted by Tibbs
      Post #884117 - in reply to msg. #884075 - splitview

      We cant hide from the fact that high cash costs hit the bottom line! Just some comparisons:

      Sbm: oz p/a: 175000 Profit p/oz: $235.14 Tot Profit: $41,148,648.65 - EPS: $0.07

      pna: oz p/a (Now): 60000 Profit p/oz: $445.95 Tot Profit: $26,756,756.76 - EPS: $0.04
      pna: oz p/a (Future) 500000 Profit p/oz: $445.95 Tot Profit: $222,972,972.97 - EPS: $0.30
      (Incl copper equiv)

      ogd oz p/a: 190000 Profit p/oz: $368.92 Tot Profit: $70,094,594.59 - EPS: $0.19

      dom oz p/a: 110000 Profit p/oz: $458.22 Tot Profit: $50,403,783.78 - EPS: $0.51

      SBM have to produce a heck of a lot more gold to make up for the nearly $200 p/oz difference between it & say PNA or DOM. Having said that they have great potential, but the cash costs MUST come down.

      Ps: based on the above OGD is way undervalued. PNA is fair now, but will be worth a lot more when full ramp up takes place. Dom has great figures but, has lower reserves & mine-life


      Vote: TOX for President!

      Voluntary Disclosure: No Position Sentiment: None TOU violation

      Subject re: all perfect
      Posted 30/01/06 19:28 - 367 reads
      Posted by Sabretoothed
      Post #884141 - in reply to msg. #884117 - splitview

      I think SBM shows the realism of a producers, are the other ones actually producing or just forecasting?

      DOM, what does it produce, the same number of ounces as SBM?

      Forecast gold production for the March 2006 Quarter is 40,000oz at a cash cost of $520/oz (up from $390) and for the June 2006 quarter is 50,000oz at a cash cost of $475/oz for a financial year total of 175,000oz at a cash cost of A$450/oz.

      Brokers are more qualified then a sabretoothed tiger so please check with them always...;) This post is for entertainment purposes only and is never ever ever advice!....Seek advice ONLY from a licensed adviser.

      Voluntary Disclosure: Position Sentiment: None TOU violation

      Subject re: all perfect
      Posted 30/01/06 19:33 - 359 reads
      Posted by probing
      Post #884148 - in reply to msg. #884141 - splitview

      True Tibbs, but u also need to take into account the hedge books. DOM extensively hedged in the A$600`s so not accurate to assess profit margin on full POG

      Up till now, SBM has been unhedged & therefore fully benefiting from rising POG

      Also high cost (unhedged) producers show greater % profit increase (compared to low cost producers) from rise in POG & therefore u would expect greater sp increases from them

      Voluntary Disclosure: Position Sentiment: Hold TOU violation

      Subject re: all perfect
      Posted 30/01/06 19:44 - 360 reads
      Posted by amb
      Post #884164 - in reply to msg. #884148 - splitview

      As POG approaches 600$ we`ll see who has the last laugh. SBM is in an excellent position compared to other golders. Would`nt be surprised to see others making a takeover for this one.

      Voluntary Disclosure: No Position Sentiment: None TOU violation

      Subject re: all perfect
      Posted 30/01/06 19:53 - 368 reads
      Posted by probing
      Post #884170 - in reply to msg. #884164 - splitview

      not so amb

      their new hedge `calls` effectively cap POG for them @ A$770 for 60% of projected production for the next 18 months.
      So POG can go to A$themoon & they still only see $770 for the first 60% of production for next 18 months

      Weird time to blink on hedging in particularly since they have been purchasing their own shares on market

      Voluntary Disclosure: Position Sentiment: Hold TOU violation

      Subject re: all perfect
      Posted 30/01/06 20:33 - 350 reads
      Posted by dwecke2000
      Post #884217 - in reply to msg. #884027 - splitview

      Geld..the report as it was I expected what was said..sbm are going in the right direction..making the moula as they go in march when we know more about the NICKEL in the Sullivan..I allways said that EDSHUYS said that there is going to be a bonanza there in Nickel...and the way I read it SBM at present dont want to make to bigger wave as it is only since April2005 when they bought the assets from easy does it..I think in the next 12 months we will see that SBM will grow into a good profitable Mr Edshuys..has given himself time to steer this company on the right course..and Nickel will become part of the operation..noticed that at the end they mentioned the $37million the company will get for the assets they I dont think it was a bad report just a report which does not bring the attention to others..I am happy with it..and the company is the end we will get our payday...the sp has allready risen 400% and will go a lot higher..and i see a lot more blue sky here.....Mr Tim Treadgold wrote an article in SHARES in April or MAY2005 and he pointed out these facts..and said if SBM gets it together look out this SP will be a lot higher the cap of $300million is cheap at present as their assets are a lot higher than that.....I am holding shares in this company

      Voluntary Disclosure: Position Sentiment: Buy TOU violation

      Subject re: all perfect
      Posted 30/01/06 20:34 - 352 reads
      Posted by amb
      Post #884224 - in reply to msg. #884170 - splitview

      Dont matter. It`s a gold producer. Gold is hot. Any gold producer will do well in this climate regardless. gees even RSG are doing well.

      Voluntary Disclosure: No Position Sentiment: None TOU violation

      Subject re: all perfect
      Posted 30/01/06 21:21 - 349 reads
      Posted by Aurelius1
      Post #884294 - in reply to msg. #884224 - splitview

      crs is a producer to lol

      Voluntary Disclosure: No Position Sentiment: None TOU violation

      Subject re: all perfect
      Posted 30/01/06 21:22 - 345 reads
      Posted by amb
      Post #884299 - in reply to msg. #884294 - splitview

      Whois crs. I will buy em as well

      Voluntary Disclosure: No Position Sentiment: None TOU violation

      Subject re: all perfect
      Posted 30/01/06 23:35 - 307 reads
      Posted by geld
      Post #884471 - in reply to msg. #884217 - splitview

      exactly , just as when one run any types of business not everything is always rosy, problems here, problems there at the end of the day look at the results, SBM inherited lots of problems but worked it`s way tru slowly but surely.
      the Hedging at 60 % looks to me as a good decision a bit like an insurance if you like, shows the management is risk advert i don`t see any problem with it.

      Voluntary Disclosure: No Position Sentiment: None TOU violation

      Subject re: all perfect
      Posted 31/01/06 08:08 - 285 reads
      Posted by Sabretoothed
      Post #884607 - in reply to msg. #884471 - splitview

      Gold 567.70

      Brokers are more qualified then a sabretoothed tiger so please check with them always...;) This post is for entertainment purposes only and is never ever ever advice!....Seek advice ONLY from a licensed adviser.

      Voluntary Disclosure: No Position Sentiment: None TOU violation

      Subject re: all perfect
      Posted 31/01/06 13:24 - 226 reads
      Posted by chijudy
      Post #885472 - in reply to msg. #884027 - splitview

      60 percent hedged position has taken all the fun out of SBM for me. I have owned this stock for 4 years but finally decided to bid an emotional goodbye. I bought at 25c, watched it go to 1c and then back to where it is today so no stranger to this stock. Not for the faint-hearted! Good luck to those of you that are holding.

      Voluntary Disclosure: No Position Sentiment: None TOU violation

      Subject re: all perfect
      Posted 31/01/06 13:28 - 227 reads
      Posted by Sabretoothed
      Post #885485 - in reply to msg. #885472 - splitview

      Hedging is for only 176,000 ounces. Looks like the banks are probably forcing to do it so they can borrow.

      I agree, it could pull back if gold drops, but 45c looks like strong support...

      Brokers are more qualified then a sabretoothed tiger so please check with them always...;) This post is for entertainment purposes only and is never ever ever advice!....Seek advice ONLY from a licensed adviser.

      Voluntary Disclosure: No Position Sentiment: None TOU violation

      Subject re: all perfect
      Posted 31/01/06 13:40 - 221 reads
      Posted by chijudy
      Post #885528 - in reply to msg. #885485 - splitview

      Yes. My broker advised that they had been forced to hedge by the banks. Broker advised buying CBH. Do you know anything about that outfit? Zinc looks a good bet at the moment.

      Voluntary Disclosure: No Position Sentiment: None TOU violation

      Subject re: all perfect
      Posted 31/01/06 15:10 - 207 reads
      Posted by hard rider
      Post #885843 - in reply to msg. #885528 - splitview

      wha, wham, wham, wham,

      all day long!!!!!!

      GOLD $570.00

      SBM accumulate!!!

      Voluntary Disclosure: No Position Sentiment: None TOU violation

      Subject think again
      Posted 31/01/06 15:17 - 222 reads
      Posted by burger
      Post #885869 - in reply to msg. #885843 - splitview

      costs too expensive - compare against others and do research.

      Voluntary Disclosure: No Position Sentiment: None TOU violation

      Subject re: think again
      Posted 31/01/06 15:18 - 216 reads
      Posted by hard rider
      Post #885874 - in reply to msg. #885869 - splitview

      the cost is nothing,

      in this region,

      can only get better!!!

      do the research on the price


      Voluntary Disclosure: No Position Sentiment: None TOU violation

      Subject re: think again
      Posted 31/01/06 15:34 - 206 reads
      Posted by burger
      Post #885915 - in reply to msg. #885874 - splitview


      must of hit a sore point - why get personal - did you buy at 50 cents?

      take it easy - you`d think I said something about your mother!!!!

      Voluntary Disclosure: No Position Sentiment: None TOU violation

      Subject re: think again
      Posted 31/01/06 20:17 - 151 reads
      Posted by artdude
      Post #886485 - in reply to msg. #885915 - splitview

      haha settle down guys!!!

      Voluntary Disclosure: No Position Sentiment: None TOU violation

      Subject re: think again
      Posted 31/01/06 22:03 - 126 reads
      Posted by FedExpress
      Post #886693 - in reply to msg. #886485 - splitview


      guys let the market price the stock. ITs not in your hands. Nothing beats good research. I`ll stick to my NCM and HIG safer bets

      Voluntary Disclosure: No Position Sentiment: None TOU violation

      Subject gold taps 25-year high atop $575
      Posted 01/02/06 03:31 - 120 reads
      Posted by hard rider
      Post #886905 - in reply to msg. #886693 - splitview

      pog holding strong as ever!!!!!!!!!!!

      Voluntary Disclosure: No Position Sentiment: None TOU violation

      Subject sale of meekatharra assets for $21m
      Posted 01/02/06 10:22 - 98 reads
      Posted by stolwyk
      Post #887187 - start of thread - splitview

      Sale of Meekatharra assets

      The Company has today completed the sale of its Meekatharra assets to Mercator Gold plc (Mercator) for valueof AUD$21M [USD$15.8M].

      The consideration for the sale comprised:
      Cash $5M
      Assumption of environmental bonds $3M Value of shares in Mercator @ UK 50p per share=$ 13M

      The number of Mercator shares issued to the Company is 11,016,949. The shares will be held in escrow for 12 months, and represent approximately 24.4% of Mercator’s fully diluted issued capital.

      Eduard Eshuys Managing Director & CEO 31 January 2006
      G:CorporateCo SecASX and AIM200660121 Sale of Meekatharra assets.doc

      Voluntary Disclosure: Position Sentiment: None TOU violation

      Subject re: sale of meekatharra assets for $21m
      Posted 01/02/06 22:41 - 33 reads
      Posted by geld
      Post #889085 - in reply to msg. #887187 - splitview

      i don`t see anything wrong with that.

      Voluntary Disclosure: No Position Sentiment: None TOU violation

      Subject re: sale of meekatharra assets for $21m
      Posted 01/02/06 22:55 - 43 reads
      Posted by Sabretoothed
      Post #889100 - in reply to msg. #889085 - splitview

      Just confirming what was already announced. Lets them concentrate on their other projects while still having explosure to it, they can`t mine everything

      Brokers are more qualified then a sabretoothed tiger so please check with them always...;) This post is for entertainment purposes only and is never ever ever advice!....Seek advice ONLY from a licensed adviser.

      Voluntary Disclosure: No Position Sentiment: None

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