
    MyWeb: Zwar nicht an der OTC BB, aber einen trade wert?? - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 21.07.00 12:17:09 von
    neuester Beitrag 13.11.00 17:26:56 von
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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 21.07.00 12:17:09
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()

      schaut Euch doch mal MWB an:

      MyWeb, the leading TV portal in Asia Pacific`s emerging Internet markets, facilitates Internet usage through television set-top boxes, an affordable alternative to personal computers. MyWeb-branded set-top boxes and online services allow customers to use their televisions to connect to the Internet via remote control or wireless keyboard. After connecting to the Internet, customers are instantly directed to MyWeb Online Service (MOS) Web site, where they are able to view customized content of news, entertainment, financial and educational information, and a variety of other lifestyle-based content.

      Ähnliche Branche also wie Met(a)box .... kommt in der Spitze von ca. 40$, aktuell 1$!!! Der chart sieht alles nur nicht schön aus, wenn, ja wenn man bei 10$ eingestiegen ist ... da dem aber so nicht ist ...

      Risiko nach unten ist klar vorhanden ... m.E. so ca. 100%, dem steht eine Chance von realistischen ca. 300-500% gegenüber ...

      Was meint Ihr?

      Es grüßt


      PS Im August kommen die nächsten earnings und es ist ja alles so schön im überverkauften Bereich, hmmmm

      Die letzten earnings:

      Das in Amerika gelistete Unternehmen MyWeb (MWB) hat für das erste Quartal 2000 Zahlen vorgelegt. Danach hat das Unternehmen einen Umsatz von 1,4 Mio. US-Dollar gemacht. Das entspricht einer Steigerung von 220 Prozent gegenüber dem ersten Quartal 1999. Der Verlust nahm aber auch zu. Betrug der Verlust in Q1 1999 noch 0,2 Mio. US-Dollar (oder 0,03 US-Dollar je Aktie) so fiel im ersten Quartal 2000 ein Verlust von 2,0 Mio. US-Dollar an (oder 0,18 US-Dollar je Aktie).

      WKN: 919580
      schrieb am 21.07.00 12:58:33
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      Hi Diva,

      sieht anscheinend richtig gut aus, oder ? ;)

      Nach meinen Berechnungen reichen die verschiedenen Finanzierungen, die MyWeb in den letzten Monaten erhalten hat (4,3 Mio $), aufgrund der Verrechnung von current Liabilities gegen current Assets noch problemlos für das 3. Quartal. Falls der Net Loss signifikant fällt, auch noch länger.

      So schnell sind bestimmt nicht pleite. Vorrausgesetzt es passiert nichts unvorhergesehenes. Die Chance überwiegt meiner Meinung nach über das Risiko.

      Gruss Leffe
      schrieb am 31.08.00 17:57:17
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      Hallo an alle,

      es tut sich was:

      (COMTEX) B: MyWeb To Help Chinese Take Advantage Of The Wireless Inte
      B: MyWeb To Help Chinese Take Advantage Of The Wireless Internet

      SAN FRANCISCO, Aug 31, 2000 (BUSINESS WIRE) --

      The Company Also Announces Second Quarter 2000 Results With
      Significant Increase in Revenues

      MyWeb (AMEX:MWB) announced today the results for the second quarter of
      2000, ended June 30, 2000. MyWeb has also recently revised its business strategy
      to expand into the commercial business-to-business (B2B) wireless market to
      complement its television set-top-box (TSB) Internet access devices. This change
      is expected to open large new market sectors to the company.

      In its second quarter filing, MyWeb reported total revenues of $1.62
      million, increasing over last quarter`s total of $1.425 million. The company
      significantly increased its total revenue by 236% over second quarter 1999`s
      total of $482,000. The increase in revenues was primarily due to a sharp rise in
      set-top box sales, as well as increases in e-commerce transactions, advertising
      and design work.

      MyWeb recorded a net loss of $2.06 million or ($0.18) per share for the
      quarter, compared to a net loss of $2.09 or ($0.19) per share in the first
      quarter of 1999. The net loss was primarily attributed to an increase in cost of
      revenue (1.12 million), advertising and promotional/marketing related expenses,
      especially in the company`s operations in China.

      "We are well positioned to leverage the domestic and commercial Internet markets
      in Asia, especially in China," says Nin Contreras, CEO of MyWeb "MyWeb
      has developed one of the most affordable and effective Internet solutions for
      this region, which is severely lacking in PC ownership."

      "While our revenues are growing, we have just begun to focus on wireless
      Internet solutions for the immense Chinese commercial sector, which has been
      quietly growing into an international powerhouse. China is lacking a strong
      Internet backbone, thus leaving wireless solutions as a primary avenue for major
      companies to compete internationally. We plan to leverage our existing name
      recognition and contacts to drive our entrance into this market."

      This clearly separates MyWeb from its competitors. Industry analysts are
      predicting a major shakeout in the Chinese Web portal market, with popular
      net-based portals such as Chinadotcom (NASDAQ: China) and (NASDAQ:
      SINA) facing growing competition. By focusing on helping the vast cell phone
      user community to access wireless applications, MyWeb clearly positions itself
      in a new, untraditional manner.

      To further strengthen its wireless telecommunications infrastructure, China is
      allowing foreign companies to invest heavily in helping the country create a
      state of the art wireless communications infrastructure, which companies like
      MyWeb can then utilize. Last week, a local Chinese government approved a $1.9
      billion investment by Motorola. And, two weeks ago, Intel (NASDAQ: INTC)
      announced that it would crank up cell phone chip production in Shanghai to meet
      rising demand for semiconductors used in mobile phones and other electronic

      About MyWeb

      MyWeb is an integrated communications company that facilitates Internet usage
      through television set-top boxes and wireless applications in the Far East,
      which are affordable alternatives to personal computers. The communications hub
      operates the leading TV portal in Asia Pacific`s emerging Internet markets. Its
      branded set-top boxes and online services allow customers to use either their
      mobile phones or televisions to connect to the Internet. MyWeb set-top box users
      can navigate the Web via a remote control or wireless keyboard. After connecting
      to the Internet, customers are instantly directed to MyWeb Online Service`s
      (MOS) Web site, where they are able to view customized news, entertainment,
      financial and educational information, and a variety of other lifestyle-based

      MyWeb is headquartered in San Francisco, with operational and representative
      offices in Singapore, Malaysia and China. More information on MyWeb can be found
      on the company`s Web site at

      Safe Harbor Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of
      1995: This news release contains forward-looking information within the meaning
      of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the
      Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, including statements that include
      the words "believes," "expects," "anticipates" or similar expressions. Such
      forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and
      other factors that may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of (the Company) to differ materially from those expressed or implied
      by such forward-looking statements. (Such factors include, among others, the
      risk factors contained in the company`s Annual Reports and other filings with
      the Securities and Exchange Commission.) In addition, description of anyone`s
      past success, either financial or strategic, is no guarantee of future success.
      The Company will remain dependent upon future financing for its growth and
      development, and for it to successfully implement its business plan. No
      statement contained herein should be construed as indicating that such financing
      is or will be available, and if available, will be on terms favorable to the
      Company. This news release speaks as of the date first set forth above and the
      Company assumes no responsibility to update the information included herein for
      events occurring after the date hereof. Merger Communications (Merger) is a
      media relations firm employed by the Company. Merger and the Company believe
      that all information in this release has been obtained from sources considered
      reliable, but cannot guarantee that the statements presented herein are accurate
      or complete. Merger, its officers, directors and employees own forty five
      thousand restricted shares of the Company`s common stock. According to the
      long-term agreement between Merger and the Company, Merger`s compensation for
      its financial media relations services, which includes the preparation and
      distribution of press releases, consists of fifteen hundred dollars cash and
      twelve hundred and fifty shares of the Company`s restricted stock per month for
      the 1-year period ending 9/28/00. Merger typically has a long position in the
      securities of the companies in which it publishes information, and Merger may be
      buying or selling securities in the course of its regular business. For more
      information on Merger`s services, visit

      CONTACT: Merger Communications, Houston
      David Drake, 713/572-2560 (Investors)

      Today`s News On The Net - Business Wire`s full file on the Internet
      with Hyperlinks to your home page.

      Copyright (C) 2000 Business Wire. All rights reserved.

      Aktuell + 50%

      Es grüßt

      schrieb am 31.08.00 18:23:33
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      PS: Schaut Euch mal den Chart an! m.E. könnten wir locker bis an die 4$ laufen
      schrieb am 31.08.00 18:33:17
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      Aktuell +83% :)

      .... ich bin im Plus ... "g", ... noch 2 so Tage ... (träumen wird ja dürfen ... ;) )

      Trading Spotlight

      2,7000EUR -11,18 %
      700% – jetzt in diese 3 Dollar NASDAQ-Aktie einsteigen?! mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 31.08.00 18:36:14
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      Ähhhhh, +100% !! (und das auch noch im bid)
      schrieb am 31.08.00 18:54:13
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      Hi Diva !

      Freu mich für dich :)

      Tja ich beobachte MWB schon seit langem (erstes mal bei Kursen um 30 $) hab aber bisher noch keinen Grund zum einsteigen gehabt !!!!
      Jetzt muss Sie natürlich gleich 100 % hoch anstatt so 30 - 40 % so das ich meine neue Taktik ausprobieren hätte können !!
      Das Volumen ist mir aber noch etwas zu dünn mit 96000 Stück.
      Wird aber genauer beobachtet in nächster Zeit.

      schrieb am 31.08.00 19:03:32
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      Hallo MM,

      dachte schon ich muß hier Selbstgespräche führen, schön, daß Du antwortest :) und gleich ein Danke hinterher!!

      Ich glaube, Du bist bei DNAP dabei ... Glückwunsch zurück!! ... die habe ich verpasst und sind mir jetzt zu heiß gelaufen ...

      MWB übrigens gerade bei 1,75$ ... + 133% ... mir wäre langsamer lieber ... we will see ... denke/hoffe, es läuft noch 2-3 Tage

      Es grüßt

      schrieb am 31.08.00 19:17:41
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      Tja DNAP hab ich auch nur beobachtet aber nicht gekauft OTC ist mir heiss genug.
      Von Pinks lass ich die Finger ich weiss was für Kurssprünge da möglich sind und ganz in die Hände von den MM`s will ich mich auch nicht legen !!!!!
      Sehe grad MWB leider wieder auf 1 runter tja aber die OTC (erfahrenen) kann ja nichts mehr erschüttern gelle :D


      PS: Ich rechne bei LMGR bald mit ner kleinen Explosion
      schrieb am 31.08.00 19:30:12
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      Tja, die pinks ... habe da auch noch so ein paar Kandidaten (und auch nur reingerutschte), z.B. GTCI ... und das geshake, tja, auch das kenne ich zur Genüge ... wenn MWB heute über 1 schliessen sollte, sehe ich alles im grünen Bereich ... we will see

      Aktuell genau da, bei "nur" noch +33%


      schrieb am 31.08.00 19:33:52
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      .... LMGR ist auf meiner Watchlist .... steht da gerade was an??? Heute +/- 0
      schrieb am 31.08.00 19:43:35
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      Vor einigen Tagen ist der Kurs sehr stark angesprungen ohne direkte Infos fast jedesmal wenn ich das bei einer Aktie beobachtet habe kam bald darauf auch ne entsprechende News.
      Ich schätze das der Prototyp des "Schalters" fertig ist wenns ganz gut läuft aber auch schon ein Deal mit einem grossen.

      Ist aber alles noch spekulation bei Kursen um die 3 $ kann man aber nicht viel falschmachen !!!

      Meine grösster Depotanteil ist aber in NSCT da bin ich mir ziemlich sicher das am 28 Oktober ein Deal mit einem Hersteller bekanntgegeben wird.
      Der Chart sieht auch sehr gut aus !
      schrieb am 31.08.00 19:51:09
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      Hallo MM,

      bei NSCT bin ich auch mit 1000 shares dabei, wünsche Dir also besonders bei denen viel Glück ;)

      LMGR werde ich mal noch genauer beobachten ...

      MWB: es ist zwar noch nicht aller Tage abend, aber war wohl ein Satz mit X ... we will see ...

      War nett mit Dir zu plaudern!!
      Für heute OFF

      Es grüßt

      schrieb am 01.09.00 13:08:27
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      Hi Diva,

      Danke für´s Aufmerksammachen. Ich wollte gestern 10.000 für 1.10 abstauben. Hab aber nur 2650 bekommen. Weiß jemand die Aktienanzahl.
      Myweb könnte sich gut entwickeln. Die Umsatzsteigerungen sind in Ordnung. Und China möchte mittels Set Top Boxen über Richtfunk an´s Netz bringen. Der Wert birgt viel Phantasie. Mit Deinen Starnet Trades bist du auch nicht so gut gefahren, oder. Also ich hab mich nur verzockt. Jetzt laß ich sie halt liegen.

      schrieb am 01.09.00 15:49:16
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      Hallo Kasmarski,

      SNMM?????? Lass uns doch das Thema wechseln, bitte ... bin da immer noch mit 5k dabei und warte auf den St. Nimmerleinstag ...

      MWB hingegn läuft gerade so nach meinem Geschmack, die 1 konnte gestern ja dann doch noch gut verteidigt werden ... we will see ... der hype ist jedenfalls gerade drin ... aktuell +30% :)

      Es grüßt

      schrieb am 05.09.00 15:55:10
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      Hallo an alle,

      Aktuell + 25% bei 1,875

      Es grüßt

      schrieb am 05.09.00 20:42:24
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()
      Hi Diva,

      bin heut zu 2,40 raus. Das Angebot war zu verlockend. Werde aber immer ein Auge auf Myweb haben. Bis auf Spaz bin ich aus allen OTCBB´s raus. Steck zur Zeit alles in den Neuen Markt. Hab da nur Treffer zur Zeit. Kabel New Media, Evotec, Broad Vision, Emprise und Trintech sind schön gelaufen. Als nächstes wird abgehen(IMO). 1050 Blue C hab ich auch noch rumliegen und kein gutes Gefühl. Wenn so übel gepusht wird, geht´s meistens in´s Höschen und die Bewertung ist ohnehin zu hoch. Bin schon gespannt, ob die noch laufen. Ansonsten werd ich bei 12,50 stoppen. Ich hoff mal das war heut ne Bärenfalle.


      P.S.: Viel Glück noch mit Myweb. Meine Starnet hab ich auch rausgehauen. Die haben noch Zeit. Deine Posting´s gefallen mir recht gut. Du hast ein gutes OTCBB-Näschen und weißt man rein sollte und auch wann man raus muß.
      schrieb am 06.09.00 17:16:14
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()
      Hallo Kasi,

      Du hast es geschafft, ich sitze hier und mein Kopf fühlt sich, gelinde gesagt, rot an :) Danke, tut gut! Kann Dein Lob nur zurückgeben, auch Du bist, m.E., einer mit einem sehr guten Händchen!!!

      Aus dem NM habe ich keine Deiner genannten Aktien ... bin in Helkon, Teleplan, Phenomedia und noch in Roesch drin ... möchte da aber etwas abbauen und das Gewicht ganz auf die USA verlegen, Arbeitszeiten von 14h - 23h langen mir eigentlich ...

      Am OTC BB bin ich weiterhin stark investiert: NSCT, ADVC :( :(, GTCI, WTAI, MPTV, ... ja und natürlich SNMM :(

      MWB schiesst heute wieder den Vogel ab: + ca. 65% :)


      Aber an Gewinnmitnahmen ist bekanntlich noch niemand gestorben und wer konnte das gestern schon wissen ...

      Weiterhin gute trades

      Es grüßt

      schrieb am 06.09.00 17:20:47
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      3$ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tirili
      schrieb am 06.09.00 17:29:09
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()
      Da kann man nur gratulieren. Sieht so aus als wird jetzt erst richtig eingestiegen. Die laufen noch weiter. Ich werd´s als Zaungast beobachten.


      P.S.: Vergiß nicht laut zu schreien wenn ADVC zu laufen beginnt, beobachte zwar permanent, aber meist wenn ich mal nicht hinschaue, fangen die an Gas zu geben.
      schrieb am 06.09.00 19:22:14
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()
      Hallo an alle,

      Die weiße Krone wird mit !!! 4$ !!! gekrönt :)

      Es grüßt

      schrieb am 07.09.00 10:21:31
      Beitrag Nr. 22 ()

      174 % kommt gut :)
      Bin immer noch in der Beobachter Rolle !!

      schrieb am 21.09.00 17:29:59
      Beitrag Nr. 23 ()
      Hallo an alle,

      21.09. 14:46
      MyWeb : Breitband-Auftrag in China

      MyWeb wird dem Unternehmen China Broadband Net (CBBN) Set-Top-Boxen zur Verfügung stellen. CBBN möchte in Zibo, der ersten Stadt Chinas, wo Breitband 100% verfügbar sein wird, einen Internet-Zugang über Set-Top-Boxen anbieten. Unterstützt von der chinesischen Regierung wird es in den nächsten drei Jahren für CBBN möglich sein, 250,000 Mio. Gebäude zu erreichen. Für insgesamt $8 pro Monat werden die Kunden eine 8 Mbps (Mega bit per second)-Leitung zur Verfügung gestellt bekommen. Bis Ende 2001 werden die ersten 100.000 Menschen in den Genuss des neuen Service kommen. Bis 2005 erwartet man, dass 200 Mio. Chinesen Zugang zum Internet haben werden.

      © Bö


      Es grüßt

      schrieb am 04.10.00 08:04:53
      Beitrag Nr. 24 ()
      Hallo an alle,


      Es grüßt

      schrieb am 17.10.00 19:42:34
      Beitrag Nr. 25 ()
      Und heute noch mehr News auf:

      Gruß Quiquec
      schrieb am 23.10.00 17:15:23
      Beitrag Nr. 26 ()
      Und noch mehr News :)

      Gruß, Artos

      PS: Sehr verwirrend: MWB findet man sowohl unter dem Stichwort "my web", als auch "myweb", mwb
      dagegen ist auch ein Kürzel einer deutschen Aktie :O
      schrieb am 24.10.00 17:23:18
      Beitrag Nr. 27 ()
      Hallo an alle,

      und hier nochmal für alle Klick-Faulen:

      MyWeb Teams up with Ericsson to Jointly Promote Wireless Business Applications in China
      SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 23 /PRNewswire/ -- MyWeb (Amex: MWB - news) announced today that it has signed a memorandum of understanding with Ericsson Inc. (Nasdaq: ERICY - news) to jointly promote wireless business applications in China. Ericsson and MyWeb are teaming up to meet the expanding demands for wireless business applications for multinational companies in China.

      This is the latest development for MyWeb in its push to introduce cutting edge wireless applications to the Far East. Recently, My Web announced that it had begun providing broadband set-top boxes for affordable Internet access in China`s expanding residential market. Currently, PCs are far too expensive for the Chinese citizens, though there are over 300 million television sets in China that can host the Internet with a My Web set-top box.

      The two Internet and wireless communications companies will co-develop and promote E-secretary, an Internet-based application featuring personal business assistant services supported by the Short Message System (SMS) from mobile phones. Using E-secretary, Chinese businesspeople are now able to conduct business in a more efficient manner by sending alerts via email and SMS, freeing time and increasing productivity.

      ``Both Ericsson and MyWeb share the vision to promote wireless business applications to China`s expanding commercial markets,`` says Mr. David Almstrom, Vice President of Business Strategy for Ericsson, Inc. ``We see an emerging need for these services as Chinese companies are looking for business applications that enable people to take full advantage of business hours by utilizing wireless solutions anytime, anywhere, on their mobile phone. We believe that MyWeb`s E-secretary is a very interesting application for Chinese businesses and we look forward to introducing this technology into the Chinese market.``

      Ericsson brings voice recognition technology to MyWeb`s proprietary E-secretary application. The voice recognition technology enables users to ``hear`` rather than just ``read`` their alert messages, making managers even more comfortable with daily business arrangements.

      ``We are proud of being the pioneer to carry out these innovative business applications for a variety of companies,`` says Nin Contreras, CEO of MyWeb. ``E-secretary is just the beginning. We are fully committed to delivering an increasing variety of sophisticated Internet and wireless applications that will meet the ever-increasing needs of China`s growing international, commercial presence. The strategic alliance with Ericsson will bring out a series of tailored applications linking Internet and mobile phones, just as we have started with E-secretary.``

      As one of the world`s fastest growing economies, China is quickly making its move into the global marketplace. Most Fortune 500 companies have already entered China in some fashion, but are actively seeking ways to expand their potential business in that nation`s unique business environment, which is often controlled by ``insiders``. With a variety of joint ventures and strong partnerships with Chinese companies and entities already established, MyWeb expects to become an increasingly attractive potential partner for large companies aiming to increase their presence in China.

      The latest report made by China`s Ministry of Information Industry reveals that China has jumped to become the second largest mobile phone market only next to the US, with more than 65 million mobile phones in use. It is estimated that in the next 5 years, China`s citizens will own 200 million mobile phones, requiring a solid foundation for wireless applications.

      The number of Internet users has also doubled in China every six months for the past three years. By 2005, over 200 million Chinese are expected to be online. The demand for high-speed Internet access is expected to grow accordingly, as both the corporate China and high-end residential users start demanding increased speed.

      Just like in the United States, supply will drive adoption in China. According to a study published by Forrester Research this month, U.S. broadband adoption has been highest in cities served by broadband leaders Pacific Bell, Cox Communications, Broadwing and MediaOne. MyWeb hopes to position itself in China much the same way these broadband pioneers have in America.

      About MyWeb

      MyWeb is an integrated communications company that facilitates Internet usage through television set-top boxes and wireless applications in the Far East, which are affordable alternatives to personal computers. The communications hub operates the leading TV portal in Asia Pacific`s emerging Internet markets. Its branded set-top boxes and online services allow customers to use either their mobile phones or televisions to connect to the Internet. MyWeb set-top box users navigate the Web via a remote control or wireless keyboard. After connecting to the Internet, customers are instantly directed to MyWeb Online Service`s (MOS) Web site, where they are able to view customized news, entertainment, financial and educational information, and a variety of other lifestyle-based content. Additional company information can be found at the company`s Web site .

      About Ericsson

      Ericsson is the leading communications supplier, combining innovation in mobility and Internet in creating the new era of Mobile Internet. Ericsson provides total solutions package covering everything from systems and applications to mobile phones and other communications tools. With more than 100,000 employees in 140 countries, Ericsson simplifies communications for customers all over the world. Additional company information can be found at the company`s Web site .

      Safe Harbor Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: This news release contains forward-looking information within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, including statements that include the words ``believes,`` ``expects,`` ``anticipates`` or similar expressions. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of (the Company) to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. (Such factors include, among others, the risk factors contained in the company`s Annual Reports and other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.) In addition, description of anyone`s past success, either financial or strategic, is no guarantee of future success. The Company will remain dependent upon future financing for its growth and development, and for it to successfully implement its business plan. No statement contained herein should be construed as indicating that such financing is or will be available, and if available, will be on terms favorable to the Company. This news release speaks as of the date first set forth above and the Company assumes no responsibility to update the information included herein for events occurring after the date hereof. Merger Communications (Merger) is a media relations firm employed by the Company. Merger and the Company believe that all information in this release has been obtained from sources considered reliable, but cannot guarantee that the statements presented herein are accurate or complete. Merger, its officers, directors and employees own forty five thousand shares of the Company`s common (144) stock, of which thirty thousand is currently tradable. According to the long-term agreement between Merger and the Company, Merger`s compensation for its financial media relations services, which includes the preparation and distribution of press releases, consists of fifteen hundred dollars cash and twelve hundred and fifty shares of the Company`s restricted stock per month for the 1-year period ending 9/28/00. Merger typically has a long position in the securities of the companies in which it publishes information, and Merger may be buying or selling securities in the course of its regular business according to its window policy.

      Aktuell fein im Plus, mit, für MWB, feinen Umsätzen ... ;)

      Es grüßt

      schrieb am 25.10.00 11:16:11
      Beitrag Nr. 28 ()
      Hallo Diva,

      zu Myweb habe ich im Thread von Kasmarski ein paar Bedenken geäussert.

      Deine Meinung, die du im 1. Posting beim Kurs von 1$ geäussert hast:

      "Risiko nach unten ist klar vorhanden ... m.E. so ca. 100%, dem steht eine Chance von realistischen ca. 300-500% gegenüber ... "

      kann ich nur unterstützen.
      3-5 Dollar sollten erreichbar sein. :)

      Gruss Skerstupeit
      schrieb am 31.10.00 15:55:21
      Beitrag Nr. 29 ()
      Hallo an alle,

      und wieder news:

      Tuesday October 31, 9:27 am Eastern Time

      Press Release

      SOURCE: MyWeb

      MyWeb to Be Sole Set-Top Box Provider for
      Beijing`s Largest Residential Broadband

      SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 31 /PRNewswire/ -- MyWeb (Amex: MWB - news) announced today that it
      has formed a strategic agreement with Redstone Technology Co. Ltd. to provide Internet-accessing set-top boxes
      (STB) to Soho Plaza, the largest residential area in Beijing receiving Internet broadband access. Targeting the
      expanding middle class markets in China, MyWeb will provide its cost-efficient Internet-accessing STBs to run on
      Redstone`s existing broadband lines.

      Under the strategic agreement, MyWeb is entrusted as the sole STB provider to Soho and other broadband
      residential areas that Redstone Technology Co. Ltd. is developing. Redstone currently has installed broadband
      network for nearly 2,000 households in the Soho Plaza and plans to facilitate 10,000 families in the next 6 months.

      ``We are pleased to contract this deal with MyWeb, as they are committed to provide economic devices with
      sophisticated technology to our customers,`` says Luo Hong, CEO of Redstone Technology Co. Ltd., ``Under the
      business strategy in the broadband market, Redstone is constructing broadband lines for a number of residential
      areas. Our mission is to be the leading broadband solutions provider through the Internet-accessing infrastructure
      and Web site that offers value-added services to residents.``

      Equipped with MyWeb set-top boxes, Soho residents are able to browse the Internet through broadband lines for
      only $20 a month, at speeds 40 times faster than traditional dial-up connection. Redstone has established a Web
      portal to provide the residents with services and content ranging from news and entertainment to stock information
      and community services. Through these efforts, Redstone and MyWeb are working together to build an online and
      offline community for residential users.

      ``This is another milestone for MyWeb`s broadband services, following on a series of agreements to develop Beijing
      and other broadband markets in China over the past few weeks. We see a huge market potential for our broadband
      related services. That is why we have positioned ourselves as the first brand-name provider to supply broadband
      set-top boxes in this market. The end result is that we have developed one of the most affordable and effective
      Internet solutions for this region, which is severely lacking in PC ownership,`` says Nin Contreras, CEO of MyWeb

      The number of China`s Internet users has doubled every six months for the past three years. By 2005, over 200
      million Chinese are expected to be online. The demand for high-speed and broadband Internet access will grow as
      well, as both corporate China and high-end residential users start demanding increased speed.

      Just like in the United States, the supply will drive adoption in China. According to a study published by Forrester
      Research, U.S. broadband adoption has been highest in cities served by broadband leaders Pacific Bell, Cox
      Communications, Broadwing and MediaOne. MyWeb aims at positioning itself in China much the same way these
      broadband pioneers have in America.

      About MyWeb

      MyWeb is an integrated communications company that facilitates Internet usage through TV-accessible set-top
      boxes and value-added and easily accessible applications in Asia and Latin America. Besides business solutions, the
      communications hub operates the leading TV portal in various emerging Internet markets. Its branded set-top boxes
      allow customers to use their televisions to connect to the Internet and navigate the Web via a remote control or
      wireless keyboard. Its wireless access service provides online access via mobile phones. After connecting to the
      Internet, customers are instantly directed to MyWeb Online Service`s (MOS) Web site, where they can enjoy
      MyWeb`s localized community news, entertainment and sports content as well as its business application services.

      MyWeb is headquartered in San Francisco, with operational and representative offices in Singapore, Malaysia and
      China. More information on MyWeb can be found on the company`s Web site

      Safe Harbor Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: This news release contains
      forward-looking information within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and
      Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, including statements that include the words
      ``believes,`` ``expects,`` ``anticipates`` or similar expressions. Such forward-looking statements involve known and
      unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of (the Company) to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking
      statements. (Such factors include, among others, the risk factors contained in the company`s Annual Reports and
      other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.) In addition, description of anyone`s past success, either
      financial or strategic, is no guarantee of future success. The Company will remain dependent upon future financing
      for its growth and development, and for it to successfully implement its business plan. No statement contained herein
      should be construed as indicating that such financing is or will be available, and if available, will be on terms
      favorable to the Company. This news release speaks as of the date first set forth above and the Company assumes
      no responsibility to update the information included herein for events occurring after the date hereof. Merger
      Communications (Merger) is a media relations firm employed by the Company. Merger and the Company believe
      that all information in this release has been obtained from sources considered reliable, but cannot guarantee that the
      statements presented herein are accurate or complete. Merger, its officers, directors and employees own
      twenty-one thousand restricted shares of the Company`s common (144) stock. According to the agreement
      between Merger and the Company, Merger`s compensation for its financial media relations services, which includes
      the preparation and distribution of press releases, consists of fifteen hundred dollars cash and ten thousand shares of
      the Company`s restricted stock per month for the three month period ending 1/2/01. Merger typically has a long
      position in the securities of the companies in which it publishes information, and Merger may be buying or selling
      securities in the course of its regular business according to its window policy.

      Merger Communications, Inc.
      David Drake, 713/572-2560

      SOURCE: MyWeb

      Email this story - Most-emailed articles - Most-viewed articles

      More Quotes and News:
      MYWEB (AMEX:MWB - news)
      Related News Categories: computers, internet, software

      Es grüßt


      PS: Hallo Sker, denke auch weiterhin an so 300-500% ... alles andere wäre Wahnsinn und mir schon ewig nichtmehr passiert ... we will see :)
      schrieb am 13.11.00 17:20:27
      Beitrag Nr. 30 ()

      und News!

      MyWeb Teams with China`s Largest Internet Service Provider 263CapitalOnline to Provide Its Customers with Broadband Service
      Through MyWeb`s VOD Set-Top Boxes

      SAN FRANCISCO, Nov 13, 2000 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- MyWeb (Amex:
      MWB) announced today that it has entered into an agreement with China`s largest
      Internet Service Provider (ISP), 263CapitalOnline, to promote MyWeb`s broadband
      set-top box (STB) technology. The deal should make it even easier for China`s
      growing Internet populace to easily and affordably access the Internet via their
      televisions and MyWeb`s STB technology, which already solves the single largest
      problem blocking Chinese Internet usage -- the high cost of PC ownership.

      "MyWeb is a great partner for us to work with, as their set-top Internet access
      boxes are a perfect fit with our services," says Qu Ning, Deputy General Manager
      for 263CapitalOnline. "With our combined strength, we can further expand the
      potential set-top box market where millions are expected to go online in the
      near future. For most Chinese families, PCs are an expensive luxury. With the
      added benefits of broadband STB technology, these families can enjoy the ease
      and convenience of surfing the Internet at an affordable cost that is estimated
      to be less than $8 per month."

      The first shipment of set-top boxes will be installed by MyWeb in residential
      areas around Beijing as designated by These will be MyWeb`s new VOD
      (Video-on-demand) capable boxes, which enable users to surf the Internet at
      speeds up to 10 million bits-per-second.

      "The partnership with 263CapitalOnline proves that we alone maintain leadership
      in China`s set-top box market," says Nin Contreras, CEO of MyWeb "We
      have accomplished this success through our flexible operation structure and
      aggressive product development strategy. For the future, we are going to
      continue to explore and develop new Internet technology sectors in Asia while
      maintaining our full commitment to providing customers with first rate service."

      MyWeb is the first company to provide broadband set-top boxes with VOD functions
      in the Chinese market. The company believes its first-to-market status
      pioneering status should become even more significant as broadband technology in
      China continues to grow at incredible rates.

      MyWeb has been growing very rapidly, becoming an important player in Asian
      Internet market. The company helped pioneered the broadband market in China with
      its STB technology implementation earlier this year in Zibo City, in East China
      and most recently was awarded the contract to provide the largest residential
      area in Beijing with STB broadband access. Additionally, MyWeb has recently
      signed commercial application agreements with wireless communications leader,
      Ericsson Inc. and China`s largest sports gear company, eToSports. MyWeb has also
      landed government contracts and endorsements from branches of both the Malaysian
      and Chinese governments.

      About 263CapitalOnline

      263CaptitalOnline, based in Beijing, is the largest interactive services
      provider in China integrating ISP, IDC (Internet Data Center) and ICP services
      together. 263CapitalOnline is also the largest ISP in China, and operates the
      first non-China Telecom owned carrier-level Internet Data Center. According to
      the latest official survey by CNNIC, 263CapitalOnline`s ICP ( ) is
      ranked No.4 of all leading ICPs in China. Through a clear business strategy of
      ISP, IDC combined services, and the leading marketing share in various
      interactive services, 263CapitalOnline endeavors to become the Chinese
      equivalent of AOL.

      About MyWeb

      MyWeb is an integrated communications company that facilitates Internet
      usage through TV-accessible set-top boxes and value-added and easily accessible
      applications in Asia and Latin America. Besides business solutions, the
      communication hub operates the leading TV portal in various emerging Internet
      markets. Its branded set-top boxes allow customers to use their televisions to
      connect to the Internet and navigate the Web via a remote control or wireless
      keyboard. Its wireless access service provides online access via mobile phones.
      After connecting to the Internet, customers are instantly directed to MyWeb
      Online Service`s (MOS) Web site, where they can enjoy MyWeb`s localized
      community news, entertainment and sports content as well as its business
      application services.

      MyWeb is headquartered in San Francisco, with operational and
      representative offices in Singapore, Malaysia and China. Additional information
      on MyWeb can be found on the company`s Web site at .

      Safe Harbor Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of
      1995: This news release contains forward-looking information within the meaning
      of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the
      Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, including statements that include
      the words "believes," "expects," "anticipates" or similar expressions. Such
      forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and
      other factors that may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of (the Company) to differ materially from those expressed or implied
      by such forward-looking statements. (Such factors include, among others, the
      risk factors contained in the company`s Annual Reports and other filings with
      the Securities and Exchange Commission.) In addition, description of anyone`s
      past success, either financial or strategic, is no guarantee of future success.
      The Company will remain dependent upon future financing for its growth and
      development, and for it to successfully implement its business plan. No
      statement contained herein should be construed as indicating that such financing
      is or will be available, and if available, will be on terms favorable to the
      Company. This news release speaks as of the date first set forth above and the
      Company assumes no responsibility to update the information included herein for
      events occurring after the date hereof. Merger Communications (Merger) is a
      media relations firm employed by the Company. Merger and the Company believe
      that all information in this release has been obtained from sources considered
      reliable, but cannot guarantee that the statements presented herein are accurate
      or complete. Merger, its officers, directors and employees own twenty-one
      thousand restricted shares of the Company`s common (144) stock. According to the
      agreement between Merger and the Company, Merger`s compensation for its
      financial media relations services, which includes the preparation and
      distribution of press releases, consists of fifteen hundred dollars cash and ten
      thousand shares of the Company`s restricted stock per month for the three month
      period ending 1/2/01. Merger typically has a long position in the securities of
      the companies in which it publishes information, and Merger may be buying or
      selling securities in the course of its regular business according to its window

      CONTACT: David Drake of Merger Communications, Inc., 713-572-2560, or, for MyWeb

      SOURCE MyWeb

      CONTACT: David Drake of Merger Communications, Inc., 713-572-2560, or, for MyWeb

      schrieb am 13.11.00 17:26:56
      Beitrag Nr. 31 ()
      Hallo RSA,

      ist das Grün bei all dem Rot nicht eine Wohltat für die Augen?? ;)

      aktuell bei ca. +14%, allerdings stehen viele auf der ask Seite ... aber wir haben ja Zeit ...

      Es grüßt


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