
    ASKJ- Jetzt geht die Zockerei los! - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 05.12.01 17:30:44 von
    neuester Beitrag 28.03.02 22:13:58 von
    Beiträge: 43
    ID: 517.368
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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 05.12.01 17:30:44
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      @Ask Jeeves - WKN 924075

      Ein Klassiker unter den Internet-Werten kommt wieder in Fahrt.
      Der Zock geht ganz klar auf den break-even.

      1. Gewinn je Aktie: 2000 -1,98 $ / 2001(e)-0,60 $
      2. All time high in 09/1999 : 195 $
      3. Derzeitiger Kurs: 2,65EUR +0,45 +20,45% 490,00 16:57/05.12

      Sehenswert ist die web-page mit Kunden wie FORD, CHRYSLER etc...

      Gute trades

      schrieb am 05.12.01 17:52:55
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()

      zu diesem wert kann ich dir nur gratulieren.

      heute schon ueber 10%

      3 monats chart

      seit ende oktober ueber 100%+

      schrieb am 05.12.01 18:02:31
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()

      Das ist sehr nett gemeint DasBoeLex, aber ich dachte schon bei 2,45 $ der Wert ist am drehen...kann man ja ruhig zugeben. In der Beobachtung habe ich ASKJ seit Januar diesen Jahres und ich denke das Unternehmen kann den break even schaffen. Immerhin hat die company noch 79,6 Mio.$ Kapital. Das sollte reichen. Für mich ist es einen Zock wert. auch wenn die 195 $ im high wohl Schwachsinn waren (bubble).


      schrieb am 05.12.01 18:17:35
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()

      ich trade nur mit askj.

      askj habe ich in meiner watchliste und auch seit anfang des jahres. fuer mich ist es eine aktie zum traden. (kein langzeitinvest).

      bin im oktober eingestiegen und habe meine erste gewinnmitnahme schon vollzogen.

      meine naechstes kursziel ist bei 3$.

      bei < 2,20 $ steige ich aus.

      schrieb am 05.12.01 18:17:35
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()

      ich trade nur mit askj.

      askj habe ich in meiner watchliste und auch seit anfang des jahres. fuer mich ist es eine aktie zum traden. (kein langzeitinvest).

      bin im oktober eingestiegen und habe meine erste gewinnmitnahme schon vollzogen.

      meine naechstes kursziel ist bei 3$.

      bei < 2,20 $ steige ich aus.


      Trading Spotlight

      East Africa Metals
      0,1480EUR +0,68 %
      Kennen wir bei East Africa bislang nur die Spitze des Goldberges?!mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 05.12.01 18:57:01
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()

      Habe ich schon mitbekommen, daß Du auf Chart tradest und ein guter "Techniker" bist. Bei ASKJ setze ich im Augenblick auf NEWS: Du hast vielleicht gelesen, daß der derzeitige Präsident am 05.02.2002 abtritt. War eine NEWS am 03.12.01. Ich gehe davon aus, daß demnächst kursrelevante Infos (gute Zahlen!) kommen werden.

      Bester Gruß

      schrieb am 05.12.01 19:12:47
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()

      ja, habe ich gelesen und hier ist sie.

      News 12/04/01 5:28PM

      Fair Isaac Chairman Oliver To Retire

      SAN RAFAEL, Calif. -(Dow Jones)- Fair, Isaac & Co. (FIC) Chairman Robert Oliver plans to retire at the end of his term on Feb. 5.
      In a press release Tuesday, Fair, Isaac said George Battle, chief executive of Ask Jeeves Inc. (ASKJ), will replace Oliver as chairman of Fair, Isaac.

      (This story was originally published by Dow Jones Newswires)

      Copyright (c) 2001 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
      All Rights Reserved

      schrieb am 05.12.01 19:16:25
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()

      die ist etwas aelter.

      05.11.2001 16:01:00: Ford verlängert Vertrag mit Ask Jeeves-Tochter
      Ford hat heute den bestehenden Vertrag mit Jeeves Solutions, Tochter von Ask Jeeves, erneuert. Zudem werde man die Produkte und Services von Jeeves in Zukunft verstärkt in Anspruch nehmen, hieß es. Bisher beantworte man auf rund 6.000 Anfragen täglich, so das Unternehmen. In Zukunft werde man diese Servies nun auch auf die Business-Kunden ausweiten, so Ford. Über die finanziellen Details wurde nichts bekannt.

      © BörseGo

      schrieb am 05.12.01 19:20:48
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()

      Hast Du auch den Bericht im Forbes-Magazin gelesen? Daraus ging ziemlich klar vervor, daß ASKJ den break even schaffen wird. Ist deshalb für mich kein langfrist-I, aber daraus ergibt sich sehr viel Luft nach oben.

      schrieb am 05.12.01 19:24:25
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()

      auf dem wochenchart vom 12/02/01 sieht man, dass der naechste widerstand bei 3,20$ ist.

      schrieb am 05.12.01 19:29:39
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()

      nein habe ich nicht gelesen.

      kann man den bericht auch im internet lesen? wenn ja, dann stell doch den link mal rein.

      schrieb am 05.12.01 19:32:50
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()

      Mach ich. Muß jetzt nur mal kurz zum Flughafen und stelle den Bericht dann rein. Habe ich bei einer Google-Recherche aufgetrieben...

      Bis dann ;)

      schrieb am 05.12.01 20:16:37
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()

      What is Ask Jeeves?

      Company Overview
      Ask Jeeves is a leading provider of intuitive, intelligent Web interaction solutions delivering a humanized online experience. The company`s mission is to simplify people`s lives by supplying fast access to answers and to enable companies to better acquire, retain and maximize the lifetime value of their customers. Ask Jeeves has deployed its award-winning technology and unique expertise in finding answers to billions of questions to date.

      Web Properties
      From the beginning, Ask Jeeves at has allowed users the ease of interacting on the Web the same way they do offline. Users pose questions in plain English and receive links to Web sites containing relevant information, services and products. Ask Jeeves` combination of natural language question answering, human editorial judgment and popularity technology gives users the benefit of millions of previous searches. Growing smarter with each interaction, Ask Jeeves provides targeted, relevant responses to user queries. This simple, straightforward approach has made Ask Jeeves` Web properties, Ask Jeeves at, Ask Jeeves for Kids at,, and, some of the most highly visited sites on the Internet.

      Jeeves Solutions
      Ask Jeeves quickly recognized the value of its intuitive, intelligent approach to other companies` Web sites. In order to maximize the value of their online initiatives, companies have to provide superior service, to know their customers and to create a high-touch online experience. Without these ingredients, customers will quickly move on. Deploying the same technology and personal approach that has made Ask Jeeves at one of the Web`s most popular sites, Jeeves Solutions are used by some of the world`s leading companies for targeting, e-commerce and e-support. With Ask Jeeves` intuitive self-service solutions, companies convert online shoppers to buyers, reduce support costs, understand customer preferences and improve customer retention. Ask Jeeves also syndicates its Internet-wide solutions to portals, infomediaries, and content and destination sites to help companies increase e-commerce and advertising revenue. Growing smarter through every user interaction, Jeeves Solutions offer companies essential insight into what their customers want and need.

      Technology Overview
      Ask Jeeves has created a proprietary technology and production system aimed at creating a unique user experience that emphasizes ease of use, relevance, precision and ability to learn. The goal of Ask Jeeves` technology is to combine the strengths of natural-language parsing software, data mining process, knowledge-base creation and maintenance tools with the cognitive strengths and capabilities of human editors. Additionally, Ask Jeeves deploys award-winning, patented popularity technology to direct users quickly to sites that have proven most popular in similar searches. Instead of just counting links to a site, Ask Jeeves` award-winning user-relevancy ranking algorithms rate Web sites according to how users interact with their content and services. Built on redundant, fault-tolerant server clusters, our system provides incremental scalability for tens of millions of daily Internet users, even at peak usage times.

      In combination, the work of Ask Jeeves` editors and popularity technology captures human judgments to provide the most useful, relevant information across the Web. Ask Jeeves` knowledge-bases learn from every single user interaction, growing smarter every day.

      Incorporated in 1996 and based in Emeryville, Calif., Ask Jeeves was the brainchild of Garrett Gruener, venture capitalist and founder of Virtual Microsystems, and of David Warthen, chief technology officer and creator of Ask Jeeves` natural language technology. In April 1997, Ask Jeeves launched the first of its advertiser-supported public Web sites, In March 1998, the company introduced Ask Jeeves for Kids (, a fun and child-friendly version of the original that allows children to use the same natural language approach. Since that time, Ask Jeeves has grown from a handful of visionaries to a powerful multinational enterprise. Through its acquisition of Net Effect and Direct Hit, Ask Jeeves has added live assistance and patented popularity technologies to its capabilities. Ask Jeeves Business Solutions have grown to serve 110 corporate customers, and Ask Jeeves International launched its first joint venture, Ask Jeeves U.K. in March, 2000.

      schrieb am 05.12.01 20:50:37
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()

      die internetadresse von ask jeeves.

      schrieb am 05.12.01 23:10:25
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()

      Hi, hier der Verweis auf den Forbes-Bericht
      und eine gute Zusammenstellung bei Yahoo-Finance:

      1. Company Details: Ask Jeeves, Inc. - [ Diese Seite übersetzen ]
      ... Companies with similar YTD % change stock performance. Funds with
      ASKJ in their top 5 holdings. ... Message Boards. ASKJ Message Board. ... - 66k - Im Archiv - Ähnliche Seiten

      2. Yahoo! Finance - Earnings Estimates for ASKJ - [ Diese Seite übersetzen ]
      ... First Call Earnings Estimates - Ask Jeeves, Inc. (ASKJ),
      As of 13-Nov-01. Enter symbol: symbol lookup, ... - 12k - Im Archiv - Ähnliche Seiten

      schrieb am 05.12.01 23:54:20
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()

      schlusskurs: 2,30$ 9%+

      wenn ein zocker den heutigen kursverlauf beobachtet hat, dem muss das herz hoeher schlagen.

      eröffnung: 2,10 $
      naechstes high: 2,55 $ = 21%+
      naechstes low: 2,12$ = 16,5% -
      naechstes high und schlusskurs: 2,30 $ = 8,5% +

      ein guter zocker haette heute beim richtigen traden bis zu 30% machen koennen.

      schrieb am 06.12.01 00:39:40
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()
      schrieb am 06.12.01 10:03:24
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()

      Merci für die redaktionelle Überarbeitung! Bei den Daten auf der Yahoo-Seite sieht man sehr gut die positive Entwicklung d.h. Verminderung des operativen Verlustes im laufenden Quartal. Auf einen grünen Tag...

      schrieb am 07.12.01 20:41:23
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      servus guenther,

      du als mittelfeldstratege spielst heute die falsche seite an, der steht im abseits.

      hier bei askj bist du schon 7% im plus.

      und wo bleibt dein anspiel?

      schrieb am 07.12.01 20:49:13
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()

      Na ja, hatte gehofft, daß Du die NEWS vom Nikolaus interpretierst. Hast Du`s gelesen? In USA gibt es jetzt ein Greichtsurteil, wonach verschiedene Unternehmen wegen angeblicher Falschmeldungen nur noch bis zu einer bestimmten Frist belangt werden dürfen. ASKJ war auch dabei. Wirkt sich aber anscheinend aufgrund der dann erfolgten Rechtssicherheit positiv aus.

      Wann macht die company den break even?

      schrieb am 11.12.01 17:57:32
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()
      servus guenther,

      dein 2. team vernachlaessigst du. warum?
      spielt einen schoenen offensivsfussball und hat bis jetzt 20 % plus.

      schau dir mal den chart auf #2 an.


      ps: ab jetzt musst du sie betreuen, denn ich muss kurz weg.
      schrieb am 11.12.01 22:30:31
      Beitrag Nr. 22 ()

      Mir geht es ein bißchen wie Rudi Nazionale, habe zwei Engagements gleichzeitig.

      Du hast recht Boe, ASKJ spielt einen sauberen Ball und ich bin auch zackig investiert. Ich werde auf jeden Fall die Zahlen zum vierten Quartal/Gesamtjahr abwarten und spekuliere auf eine Internet-Ralley zum Jahresbeginn. Was sagt mein Spezialist an den Charts?

      schrieb am 11.12.01 22:42:25
      Beitrag Nr. 23 ()

      Jetzt wissen wir auch warum wir heute so haushoch gewonnen haben:

      AT&T Selects Ask Jeeves to Reach Online Shoppers This Holiday Season

      17th Largest Web Site Chosen by Electronics Company as Key Online Component
      Of Brand Building Campaign

      EMERYVILLE, Calif., Dec. 11 /PRNewswire/ -- Ask Jeeves(R) Web Properties, a division of Ask Jeeves, Inc. (Nasdaq: ASKJ),
      today announced that AT&T Wireless is using Ask Jeeves` Branded Animation advertising unit as part of its campaign to build its brand
      recognition among consumers this holiday season. The Ask Jeeves Branded Animation ad unit uses multi-media animation to deliver the
      AT&T Wireless Services brand and message in an engaging format that sets it apart from traditional online advertisements. The
      promotion, which was created by Avenue A, an interactive advertising agency and operating unit of Avenue A, Inc. (Nasdaq: AVEA),
      is part of a one-week Road Block brand building campaign.

      "The high profile placement and compelling nature of Ask Jeeves` advertising units allow us to creatively promote AT&T Wireless in a
      format that other sites could not offer," said Clark Kokich, President of Avenue A. "By integrating our client`s message and brand into
      the homepage of, we are able to reach a valuable and broad audience in an entertaining and effective way."

      As the only ad on the Ask Jeeves homepage, Branded Animation offers advertisers a unique branded presence that makes an
      impression on the millions of visitors who view the site everyday. Avenue A realized the potential of Branded Animation and selected
      Ask Jeeves as an integral partner for generating high-impact brand awareness of AT&T Wireless during the holiday season.

      "Electronics is among the most popular shopping categories of interest for our more than 16.5 million unique users a month. The broad
      reach of our service, unique design of our site and inherent curiosities of our users make Ask Jeeves an extremely effective advertising
      vehicle for electronics-related companies such as AT&T Wireless," said Jim Lanzone, vice president of product management for Ask
      Jeeves Web Properties. "By leveraging Ask Jeeves` unique insight into the preferences and behavior of our users we are able to offer
      advertisers marketing tools with proven results."

      Ask Jeeves Web Properties include, Ask Jeeves for Kids(SM) at, Teoma(SM) and Direct Hit(R). Ask Jeeves`
      Advertising Services leverage Ask Jeeves` premier Web real estate, extensive audience reach and unique insight into user preferences to
      provide companies with innovative and targeted tools for marketing online. In addition to Branded Animation, Ask Jeeves advertising
      products include Branded Response, Answer Link, DirectLinx, Jeeves Shopping Guide, Interstitials, Banners and Buttons. For more
      information about Ask Jeeves Advertising Services or to view a demo visit About Ask
      Jeeves, Inc.

      Ask Jeeves is a leading provider of intuitive, intelligent question answering technologies and services. Ask Jeeves` solutions enable
      companies to convert online shoppers to buyers, reduce support costs, understand customer preferences and improve customer
      retention. Ask Jeeves also syndicates its solutions to portals, infomediaries, and content and destination sites to help companies increase
      e-commerce and advertising revenue. Ask Jeeves deploys its solutions on Ask Jeeves at, Ask Jeeves for Kids at,, Jeeves` Tours(SM) at, and to help companies target and acquire
      qualified prospects online and to provide consumers with real-time access to information, products and services. For more information,
      visit or call 510-985-7400.

      NOTE: Ask Jeeves, the "Ask" button,, and are registered trademarks of Ask Jeeves, Inc. Ask Jeeves for
      Kids,, Jeeves Tours and Teoma are service marks of Ask Jeeves, Inc. Other trademarks and brands are the property of
      their respective owners. About Avenue A

      Avenue A is an interactive advertising agency and operating unit of Avenue A, Inc. It offers a one-stop solution that drives breakthrough
      results for its clients` web and e-mail marketing initiatives by using innovative technology and rigorous analytical methods that turn
      campaign data into actionable insights. Avenue A`s integrated suite of services includes web advertising, affiliate programs, search
      engine optimization, strategic portal relationships, e-mail prospecting, e-mail list management, customer targeting, profiling and advanced
      analytical services. Avenue A focuses on achieving the best possible results and the highest possible return on investment for its clients`
      digital marketing efforts. Clients include Microsoft, Eddie Bauer, Best Buy, MasterCard, and AT&T Wireless. About AT&T Wireless

      AT&T Wireless is the largest independently traded wireless carrier in the United States, following our split from AT&T on July 9, 2001.
      AT&T Wireless operates one of the largest digital wireless networks in North America. With more than 17.1 million subscribers, and
      full-year 2000 revenues exceeding $10.4 billion, AT&T Wireless is committed to being among the first to deliver the next generation of
      wireless products and services. Today, AT&T Wireless offers customers high-quality wireless voice and data communications services
      in the United States and internationally. AT&T Wireless Customer Advantage is the company`s commitment to ensure that customers
      have the right equipment, the right calling plan, and the right customer services options -- today and tomorrow. For more information,
      please visit us at

      Tja Boe, jetzt kannst Du bei Deinem Chart oben anflicken, das läuft jetzt meiner Meinung nach erst mal solide nach Norden. Heute geschlossen mit +20,26%.


      schrieb am 12.12.01 02:53:24
      Beitrag Nr. 24 ()
      servus guenter,

      bin bei 2,85-2,80 $ raus = widerstandslinie vom aufwaerts trend.
      bin jetzt short bis 2,40 $ = schliessung des heutigen eroeffnungs gap

      bin der meinung das morgen erst eine gewinmitnahme angesagt ist.

      kommt auf den macd an ob ich bei 2,40 $ schort erhoehe und erst bei 2,20 $ = unterstuetzungslinie wieder long gehe.

      morgen wird ein sehr spannender tag.

      habe mein stop sehr eng gesetzt, denn meine theorie ist mit sehr viel risiko verbunden.

      schrieb am 12.12.01 22:18:42
      Beitrag Nr. 25 ()

      War heute ein klassisches Pokalspiel bei ASKJ. Nach reinem Kampf über die ganze Dauer des Spieles ein 1:0 in der 89. Minute.

      Was meinst Du Boe, wird jetzt aufgrund der guten NEWS ein solider Aufwärtstrend eingeleitet? Wird jetzt endlich Fußball gespielt?

      schrieb am 12.12.01 22:24:44
      Beitrag Nr. 26 ()

      Und hier noch ein kleines Schmankerl für die ganz treuen Fans:

      Ask Jeeves Names Rosenblatt Chief Technology Officer

      EMERYVILLE, Calif. -(Dow Jones)- Ask Jeeves Inc. (ASKJ) named Jeremy Rosenblatt chief technology officer.
      In a press release Wednesday, the company said Rosenblatt will also head Ask Jeeve`s Technology Advisory Board, a group of academics who, for the last four years, have provided the company with advice and insight.

      Rosenblatt, 47, was previously chief technology officer for ePhones, a multi- faceted e-commerce provider.

      Ask Jeeves provides question answering technologies and services.

      The company`s shares closed Tuesday at $2.79, up 47 cents, or 20.3%, in Nasdaq trading.

      Company Web site:

      -Jenny Park; Dow Jones Newswires; 201-938-5388

      Offensichtlich glaubt man im Hause ASKJ an die Zukunft!


      schrieb am 14.12.01 20:19:42
      Beitrag Nr. 27 ()

      Hey Boe, es geht weiter!

      3,40 + 0,50 + 17,24% 3,80 Mio. 1.176.100 14. Dez 19:56

      Was sagt der Meister der Charts?

      schrieb am 14.12.01 20:22:36
      Beitrag Nr. 28 ()
      ....super Stock Günthi!


      schrieb am 16.12.01 19:34:42
      Beitrag Nr. 29 ()

      Thank you, morchel, very kind. :)

      schrieb am 16.12.01 20:55:02
      Beitrag Nr. 30 ()
      Das ist kein OTC Wert, du bist auf dem falschen Fussballfeld
      Good luck
      schrieb am 16.12.01 22:34:56
      Beitrag Nr. 31 ()

      Wollte Euch nur mal einen stock zeigen, mit dem man Geld verdienen kann. Du wirst mir allmählich richtig sympathisch...

      Bester Gruß

      schrieb am 17.12.01 21:23:49
      Beitrag Nr. 32 ()

      Aktuelle Daten

      Aktueller Kurs
      17.12., 21:02
      +0,21 (+6,18%)
      21:02, 17.12.
      Geld-Volumen (St.)
      21:02, 17.12.
      Brief-Volumen (St.)


      schrieb am 21.12.01 00:13:23
      Beitrag Nr. 33 ()

      hab mich leider vertan und bin schon bei < 3,00$ ausgestiegen. ich habe nicht geglaubt, dass askj so weit ueber die 3,00$ kommt.

      ich gehe jetzt in die winterpause und wuerde mich freuen wenn du im neuen jahr wieder da bist. man merkt halt bei den taktikbesprechungen, dass du ein alter profi bist. (hat spass gemacht).

      ich habe heute mein boersenjahr abgeschlossen und wuensche dir und deiner familie frohe weihnachten und ein gutes neues jahr.

      schrieb am 21.12.01 12:33:16
      Beitrag Nr. 34 ()

      Danke für die Weihnachtswünsche, Boe. Mir hat es auch Spaß gemacht. Freue mich auf das nächste Jahr!

      Merry XMAS

      schrieb am 30.12.01 12:49:00
      Beitrag Nr. 35 ()

      Und weil der stock so erfreulich geschlossen hat, ein kleiner Reminder für die nächste Zeit:

      schrieb am 09.01.02 20:55:59
      Beitrag Nr. 36 ()

      Anscheinend bin ich hier der einzige, der mit dem stock Geld verdienen will...wo ist mein Freund Boe?

      Aktuelle Daten

      Aktueller Kurs
      09.01., 20:37
      +0,521 (+16,54%)
      20:37, 09.01.
      Geld-Volumen (St.)
      20:37, 09.01.
      Brief-Volumen (St.)

      Gewinnen wir jetzt 3:0 oder 4:0?

      schrieb am 09.01.02 21:23:57
      Beitrag Nr. 37 ()

      Und noch eine NEWS oben drauf, damit man guten Gewissens nachlegen kann. Als Fußballer kann ich da nur sagen: Wir spielen weiter nach vorne ;)

      January 09, 2002 08:02

      Ask Jeeves Increases User Satisfaction by 25 Percent Following Integration Of
      Teoma Search Results on

      Jump to first matched term

      EMERYVILLE, Calif., Jan. 9 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Ask Jeeves Web Properties, a division of Ask Jeeves(R), Inc. (Nasdaq:
      ASKJ), announced today that it has successfully completed the integration of Teoma search technology into Ask Jeeves
      (, the 17th largest Web property according to Nielsen Net Ratings. Teoma, which was acquired by Ask Jeeves in
      September 2001, is a next generation search technology that uses advanced algorithms and Subject-Specific Popularity(SM)*
      to generate more relevant and authoritative results on the Web. Teoma search technology, combined with Ask Jeeves`
      extensive audience reach and user-friendly interface, will help to solidify Ask Jeeves` leadership position as a top search

      Since introducing the results last month, Ask Jeeves has seen a 25 percent increase in the number of times a user selects a
      search result on the results page. Site abandonment has also decreased by 15 percent. Teoma search results on are featured under the heading "You may find my search results helpful."

      "The immediate results we`ve seen on have been outstanding. By improving our search capabilities we can increase
      our user frequency and loyalty. When combined with an effective monetization strategy, this ultimately should result in
      increased revenue for the company," said Steve Berkowitz, president of Ask Jeeves Web Properties. "Previously, Ask Jeeves
      was very good at answering general questions, but we needed to improve our relevance for specific or rare queries. With Teoma
      search results we can now better satisfy the needs of our users."

      In addition to integrating the powerful Teoma functionality into, Ask Jeeves also operates the Web site, in beta until Q2 2002, as a stand-alone search engine. Ask Jeeves also plans to integrate Teoma into its
      suite of syndicated search products. Ask Jeeves` search products are currently used by brand name companies such as, iWon, MSN and Lycos to maximize revenue on their Web sites while delivering superior search results.

      "I am extremely pleased with our ability to quickly integrate Teoma search technology into," added Berkowitz, who as
      a former president of IDG Books(R) oversaw the successful integration of the acquired companies CliffsNotes(TM) and
      MacMillan. "Identifying and acquiring superior technology is the easy part. Efficiently leveraging the technology is the challenge
      and I couldn`t be more delighted with the way in which we`ve managed this integration."

      Teoma Technology Overview

      Teoma search technology has been hailed in recent months by industry experts as "the next big thing in search engines" and
      described as "running rings around" other search engines. Teoma, whose name derives from the Gaelic word for "expert," uses
      highly advanced algorithms to process and organize the most relevant and authoritative Web sites in real time. Teoma goes
      beyond the traditional methods of page ranking such as text analysis, general popularity and status. In addition to these
      methods, Teoma adds the crucial step of examining the number of same subject pages that reference a site to determine its
      level of authority in addition to relevance, which the company refers to as Subject-Specific Popularity.*

      In addition to providing authoritative Web results, is capable of employing proprietary dynamic clustering process
      and expert identification analysis to categorize search results by sub-topic as well as identify lists of expert resources within a
      particular subject. Ask Jeeves plans to integrate these additional elements of the Teoma search technology into later
      this year.

      About Teoma

      Teoma search technology has significantly more functionality and relevance than competitive search technologies due to its
      unique approach for dividing the Web into natural communities, analyzing topic-specific Web content, and ranking a page
      based on the number of same subject pages that reference it. Teoma search technology began in 1998 as a research project
      by scientists at Rutgers University, and was acquired by Ask Jeeves, Inc., in September 2001. More information about Teoma
      can be found at

      About Ask Jeeves, Inc.

      Ask Jeeves, Inc. is a leading provider of intuitive, intelligent question answering technologies and services. Ask Jeeves`
      solutions enable companies to convert online shoppers to buyers, reduce support costs, understand customer preferences and
      improve customer retention. Ask Jeeves also syndicates its solutions to portals, infomediaries, and content and destination
      sites to help companies increase e-commerce and advertising revenue. Ask Jeeves deploys its solutions on Ask Jeeves at, Ask Jeeves for Kids at, and Jeeves` Tours, to help companies target and acquire qualified
      prospects online and to provide consumers with real-time access to information, products and services. For more information,
      visit or call 510-985-7400.

      schrieb am 14.01.02 15:01:42
      Beitrag Nr. 38 ()

      For whom it may concern...

      anuary 14, 2002 07:01

      Ask Jeeves Acquires Technology of Octopus Software, Inc. - Accelerates Self-Service Connectivity to Enterprise Systems
      Jump to first matched term

      Enterprise Applications, Including CRM, Legacy Systems, Web Services And Content Will Be Accessible Through Ask Jeeves` Signature Natural-Language User Interface

      EMERYVILLE, Calif., Jan. 14 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Ask Jeeves, Inc. (Nasdaq: ASKJ ), a leading provider of natural-language question answering and search technologies, today announced that it acquired the technology assets of privately held Octopus Software, Inc. and hired the majority of the engineering team that built its software. Octopus is an enterprise integration and information presentation software company. The acquisition will enable Jeeves Solutions(TM) to help companies securely connect their customers and partners to existing enterprise systems using its natural-language self service interface. Jeeves Solutions anticipates this acquisition will accelerate and enhance its product roadmap by eight months for JeevesOne(TM), its automated enterprise software product. (See recent news release "Jeeves Solutions Unveils JeevesOne").

      The combined solution will enable JeevesOne customers to answer questions and enable transactions throughout the customer communications lifecycle by accessing data stored in enterprise systems. By the second quarter of 2002, Jeeves Solutions expects to integrate Octopus`s secure enterprise connectivity, support for leading technology standards and deployment tools for corporate IT and business users with JeevesOne. Deeper integration of the technologies is planned in Q3 and Q4.

      "With Octopus, we`ve acquired world-class technology. Our challenge now is to integrate and leverage this technology to create a more powerful product in JeevesOne," said Skip Battle, CEO of Ask Jeeves, Inc. "As a company, we have shown that we can integrate new technology to enhance our products. Our integration of Teoma(SM) technology on is a great example of this. I expect the same level of efficiency and results from our integration of Octopus technology with JeevesOne."

      The ability to access a wide variety of enterprise systems will add to JeevesOne`s ability to provide cost-effective online selling and support through Connected Self-Service. Connected Self-Service combines natural-language interaction with in depth analytics to create a closed-loop feedback system for corporations. The addition of Octopus technology significantly enhances Jeeves Solutions` approach to Connected Self-Service by enabling customers and partners to connect with enterprise systems.

      For example, when end users ask questions such as "Do you have 100 2X4`s in stock in your Oakland store?" or make requests such as "Please transfer $100 from my checking into my savings account" companies can direct them to answers or enable their requests without engaging in a person-to-person dialog. By providing end users with deeper access to information that resides within enterprise systems, Jeeves Solutions helps companies reduce support costs, increase user satisfaction and capture new levels of customer intelligence.

      "The launch of JeevesOne as a fully productized solution has presented us with new opportunities to go inside the enterprise and enhance companies` existing technology investments," said Claudio Pinkus, president of Jeeves Solutions. "With the assets and team we acquired from Octopus, we can give companies the tools they need to harvest the business value locked in the components of extended enterprise systems. This makes JeevesOne a highly competitive and more complete solution for delivering Connected Self-Service."

      Enterprise Back-End Connectivity

      JeevesOne currently provides self-service to companies by accessing and categorizing unstructured data, including HTML and 225 document types, through its intuitive interface. The addition of Octopus`s technology extends this self-service connectivity to all enterprise systems through an extensible framework. This back-end connectivity, combined with Jeeves Analytics(TM), a built-in customer intelligence feature of JeevesOne, will give companies deeper insight into every customer and partner interaction.

      "The addition of Octopus`s technology gives end-users a window into back-end systems so they can ask questions and get answers that are integrated from the right sources of information within the enterprise, regardless of where the information resides," continued Pinkus, president of Jeeves Solutions. "When complemented by JeevesOne`s natural-language Analytics, this deep enterprise connectivity gives companies exceptional insight into user interactions. This insight enables them to make more informed decisions about content, products and programs that will benefit their organization."

      Octopus provides JeevesOne with pre-built connectors to interface with leading ERP and CRM solutions, including those from SAP and Siebel. In addition, the technology provides Jeeves Solutions with a mature software development kit (SDK). Once integrated with the Octopus technology, the JeevesOne product will facilitate secure integration with legacy applications, Web services, ERP, CRM, customer support, financial systems and external documents. With this level of enterprise connectivity, companies can empower their customers to conduct product research, check status inquiries, resolve problems and enable transactions through a natural-language, self-service application.

      Adoption and Support for Industry Standards

      In addition to providing a highly scalable architecture through a multi-tiered J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition) application, the Octopus technology will allow JeevesOne to support emerging industry standards, including SOAP, UDDI and WSDL. Octopus`s application server support will enable JeevesOne to support leading vendors including IBM and BEA. In addition, Octopus`s enterprise application integration capabilities support many middleware solutions including Mercator, SeeBeyond, TIBCO Software, Vitria and webMethods. The acquisition of Octopus`s technology enables JeevesOne to support these standards following completion of the product integration.


      Octopus provides JeevesOne with enhanced security features to access enterprise systems. Through an advanced security framework that controls access to business critical data, the system can leverage authentication mechanisms including LDAP and NIS. Octopus`s system architecture eliminates server caching of sensitive corporate data and provides advanced auditing to track system access events. JeevesOne will integrate these security features in addition to Octopus`s support of single sign-on technologies such as Netegrity and Securant Technologies.

      Enterprise Ready Tools

      JeevesOne is designed to reduce the total cost of managing self-service with technology that is easily installed, maintained, controlled and customized with existing corporate skill sets. The acquisition of Octopus`s technology further enhances JeevesOne by providing additional enterprise ready tools. A comprehensive suite of system administration tools will help companies manage the platform while supporting remote administration. Octopus also brings advanced information presentation tools to JeevesOne, enabling robust user navigation features.

      About Jeeves Solutions

      Jeeves Solutions is a leading provider of enterprise class question answering technology that delivers Connected Self-Service and essential customer intelligence. Through an intuitive interface that connects customers with the information, products and services they are looking for, Jeeves Solutions uses sophisticated analytics to deliver critical, customer-driven information to corporations. This essential data enables companies worldwide to build profitable relationships with their customers, prospects and suppliers. By learning from every online customer interaction, Jeeves Solutions helps companies cost-effectively increase the quality and depth of customer interactions and leverage customer insight to guide product, sales and marketing strategies. Corporate customers including DaimlerChrysler, Dell, First Union, Ford Motor Company, Nestle, Nike, TDWaterhouse and Radio Shack use Jeeves Solutions.

      A division of Ask Jeeves, Inc. based in Emeryville, Jeeves Solutions may be contacted at or by calling 1-877-4-JEEVES.

      About Ask Jeeves, Inc.

      Ask Jeeves is a leading provider of intuitive, question answering technologies and services to deliver a humanized online experience. Ask Jeeves` solutions enable companies to convert online shoppers to buyers, reduce support costs, understand customer preferences and improve customer retention. Ask Jeeves also syndicates its solutions to portals, infomediaries, and content and destination sites to help companies increase e-commerce and advertising revenue. Ask Jeeves deploys its solutions on Ask Jeeves at, Ask Jeeves for Kids at, and to help companies target and acquire qualified prospects online and to provide consumers with real-time access to information, products and services. For more information, visit or call 510-985-7400.

      Gute trades!

      schrieb am 16.01.02 13:53:55
      Beitrag Nr. 39 ()

      Ist der starke Kursanstieg der letzten Wochen ein Zeichen für gute Zahlen am 06.02.02?

      January 16, 2002 07:30

      Ask Jeeves to Report Fourth Quarter and Year-End 2001 Financial Results
      Jump to first matched term

      EMERYVILLE, Calif., Jan. 16 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Ask Jeeves, Inc.(R) (Nasdaq: ASKJ), a leading provider of natural language question answering technologies and search services, will announce its fourth quarter and year-end 2001 financial results on Wednesday, February 6th, 2002 at 4:35 p.m. EST.

      A press release associated with the announcement will be released at approximately 4:35 p.m. EST on February 6th, 2002. At that time, Ask Jeeves will also post the press release on the Investor Relations section of the corporate web site ( ).

      As customary, following the release, management will hold a conference call to discuss the results and outlook. The conference call will begin at 5:00 p.m. EST. The live web cast will be available on the Investor Relations section of the Ask Jeeves web site ( ). The web cast will also be available on 48-hour replay beginning one hour after the completion of the call at the web site.

      schrieb am 30.01.02 14:42:04
      Beitrag Nr. 40 ()
      ASKJ - NEWS

      January 30, 2002 03:00

      International Olympic Committee Selects JeevesOne Enterprise Software For Connected Self-Service on Olympic Website
      Jump to first matched term

      World-Renowned Olympic Organization Implements Jeeves Solutions` Natural Language, Self-Service System to Connect Customers With the Answers They Seek

      EMERYVILLE, Calif., Jan. 30 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Jeeves Solutions(TM), a division of Ask Jeeves(R), Inc. (Nasdaq: ASKJ), today announced that the International Olympic Committee (IOC), a non-governmental non-profit organization, has implemented JeevesOne, Jeeves Solutions` natural-language, self-service software. Coinciding with the launch of its enhanced Olympic portal, the IOC will use JeevesOne for the 2002 Winter Games and year round to provide answers to customers` questions. Found at, the official site of the Olympic Movement, JeevesOne will help the IOC gain in-depth customer analytics by learning from every question asked on the site. The IOC expects this information to help it better understand site visitors and improve site content. The IOC Olympic portal will work in tandem with the official site of the XIX Olympic Winter Games (, which will carry all results of the games in Salt Lake.

      "We wanted an easy to use self-service solution that would give fans, media, sports federations and other groups within the Olympic Movement fast and easy access to information," said Philippe Verveer, technology director of the IOC. "We evaluated a number of solutions and found that JeevesOne provided the highest value self-service system in the market. In addition to highly relevant answers and excellent customer insight tools, JeevesOne`s ability to handle multiple languages make it a perfect fit for the International Olympic Committee site."

      "We are delighted to be working with the IOC to help their estimated four to five million monthly site visitors find the information they are looking for," said Claudio Pinkus, president of Jeeves Solutions. "With the upcoming 2002 Winter Olympic Games, rapid installation and implementation of a customer-friendly system was critical for the IOC. We were able to deploy JeevesOne on in both English and French in a matter of weeks."

      Customer-resident and fully automated, JeevesOne delivers relevant answers and unparalleled customer analytics while simultaneously giving the IOC the independence and control they seek. Using sophisticated natural language technology, "Ask IOC" will leverage content that resides in its more than 6,000 Web pages, word documents and other files to understand, process and effectively respond to users` questions. For example, visitors to will be able to ask questions in plain English such as "Where can I find information about the `Dream Team`?" or "Where can I get information about Athens 2004?" and be directed to relevant answers on the IOC Web site. Olympic-related topics such as organization rules and regulations, Olympic game history, and other Olympic facts and figures will all be immediately accessible online through Jeeves` software.

      "The IOC also wanted to benefit from a Connected Self-Service system. By understanding visitors` needs and interests through the questions they ask, JeevesOne will enable the IOC to connect with their customers and gain critical insight to help expand and improve their world-class Web site," added Pinkus.

      Through its signature natural language interface, JeevesOne will help the IOC track and aggregate users` questions. Based on this information, Jeeves Analytics will help the IOC monitor site behavior, identify content holes, track frequently asked questions, and understand overall trends.

      About JeevesOne

      JeevesOne is a natural-language, self service enterprise software application. JeevesOne delivers highly relevant answers and unparalleled customer analytics while simultaneously giving companies the independence and control they seek. Customer-resident and fully automated, JeevesOne helps companies reduce support costs and increase customer satisfaction.

      Jeeves Analytics, Jeeves Solutions proprietary customer feedback tools, capture customer feedback through 14 Summary, Content Optimization and Customer Analysis reports that track and aggregate customers` questions to provide critical insight into their preferences, needs and wants.

      JeevesOne is competitively priced and supports Windows NT and Windows 2000 platforms. Support for Solaris is planned for early in the second quarter of 2002.

      About Jeeves Solutions

      Jeeves Solutions is a leading provider of enterprise class question answering technology that delivers intelligent self-service and essential customer intelligence. Through an intuitive interface that connects customers with the information, products and services they are looking for, Jeeves Solutions uses sophisticated analytics to deliver critical, customer-driven information to corporations. This essential data enables companies worldwide to build profitable relationships with their customers, prospects and suppliers. By learning from every online customer interaction, Jeeves Solutions helps companies cost-effectively increase the quality and depth of customer interactions and leverage customer insight to guide product, sales and marketing strategies. Corporate customers including DaimlerChrysler, Dell, Ford Motor Company, Nike and Radio Shack use Jeeves Solutions.

      A division of Ask Jeeves, Inc. based in Emeryville, Jeeves Solutions may be contacted at or by calling 1-877-4-JEEVES.

      About Ask Jeeves, Inc.

      Ask Jeeves is a leading provider of intuitive, question answering technologies and services to deliver a humanized online experience. Ask Jeeves` solutions enable companies to convert online shoppers to buyers, reduce support costs, understand customer preferences and improve customer retention. Ask Jeeves also syndicates its solutions to portals, infomediaries, and content and destination sites to help companies increase e-commerce and advertising revenue. Ask Jeeves deploys its solutions on Ask Jeeves at, Ask Jeeves for Kids at, and to help companies target and acquire qualified prospects online and to provide consumers with real-time access to information, products and services. For more information, visit or call 510-985-7400.

      NOTE: Ask Jeeves,, and Direct Hit are registered trademarks of Ask Jeeves, Inc. JeevesOne, Jeeves Solutions, Ask Jeeves for Kids, and Teoma are service marks and trademarks of Ask Jeeves, Inc. Other marks may be the property of their respective owners.



      schrieb am 14.02.02 15:23:56
      Beitrag Nr. 41 ()
      servus guenter,

      du als guter taktiker und techniker bist nun gefragt.

      sollte man zum traden wieder einsteigen?

      hab gestern meine ersten kleine kaeufe getaetigt.

      wie ist deine meinung zu - concord efs (ceft)- wkn: 877174, wenn du ebenfalls positiv dazu eingestellt bist, so kannst du einen neuen thread eroeffnen.

      schrieb am 14.02.02 21:13:25
      Beitrag Nr. 42 ()

      Hi Boe,

      ich sag`s Dir ganz ehrlich, zunächst würde ich ASKJ nicht wieder anfassen...aber beobachten :) und sobald eine klitzekleine gute NEWS kommt, geht der nächste Zock..und wir beide wissen wie lang der läuft ;).

      schrieb am 28.03.02 22:13:58
      Beitrag Nr. 43 ()
      es ist hier leider sehr ruhig geworden. Kann man daraus schließen, dass hier niemand mehr weiß, als Ask Jeeves in ihrer Mailingliste veröffentlichen?
      Was mich ein bißchen skeptisch macht ist, dass bei den ganzen jüngsten Erfolgsmeldungen nie etwas über das Volumen der Aufträge gesagt wird. Bieten die ihre Dienste gegen symbolische Entgelte an? Bin immer noch investiert und werde wohl nach Ablauf der Spekulationsfrist mit geringem Gewinn verkaufen.

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      ASKJ- Jetzt geht die Zockerei los!