
    Musikdownloads legal - bsp. Napster - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 03.01.04 20:11:58 von
    neuester Beitrag 14.06.04 14:34:30 von
    Beiträge: 31
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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 03.01.04 20:11:58
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      Hallo zusammen,
      was haltet hier von der Roxio Aktie WKN 579269.
      U.a. bietet Roxio mit Napster ein legales Musikdownloadportal an. In Amerika ist dies bereits seit letzten Herbst online und brachte Roxio im letzten Quartal $ 3,5 Mio. ein.
      Wie stehen die Chancen für die Aktie wenn Napster auch wieder in Deutschland aktiv wird?

      Viele Grüße
      schrieb am 03.01.04 20:17:03
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      Chart schaut irgednwie lecker aus :lick:
      schrieb am 03.01.04 20:21:00
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      Jo, nach einer 2 monatigen Wartezeit kann man wieder erste Steigerungen vermerken.
      Mal sehen wie sich das Napster-Geschäft entwickelt... Meiner Meinung nach sollte das gut gehen...
      Viele Grüße
      schrieb am 03.01.04 20:26:09
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      Die werd´ ich mir mal auf die WL setzen.

      Danke und Grüße zurück.

      schrieb am 03.01.04 20:27:28
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      ...nur der Umsatz ist halt ein bisserle dünn :rolleyes:

      Trading Spotlight

      East Africa Metals
      0,1480EUR +0,68 %
      Hat East Africa bisher nur an der Oberfläche gekratzt?! mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 03.01.04 20:38:51
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      Servus DiskusTobi, :)

      ich weiss nicht Recht ob diese Idee, die nicht schlecht ist, funzt. Solange es noch Musikdownloadportale wie Kazaa u. Emule Musik umsonst anbietet, wird Roxio keine grossen Sprünge im Umsatz verbuchen können. Wie sind die Konditionen bei Roxio, höchstwahrscheinlich überteuert, dafür dass man es selber aus dem Net downloadet muss selber brennen etc. Wieviel verlangen die für einen Download aus der Toplist?? 2€ - 3€, da bist du schnell zig euro los, wenn du dort downloads. Ich bleib weiterhin, wie hundert Millionen andere auch, bei Kazaa und Emule.

      ciao alechandro
      schrieb am 03.01.04 21:00:08
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      Servus Alechandro,

      da hast du schon recht. Doch wird nicht immer stärker gegen illegale Downloads vorgegangen?
      Kaazaa ist doch in letzter Zeit echt sch..., oder? Ständig bekommt man irgendwelche sch... Remix, oder defekte Lieder oder Endlosschleifen...
      Bei Napster kostet das Lied momentan $ 0,99, warscheinlich dann 0,99 € in Deutschland.
      Das zahl ich lieber als mir ein Lied bei Kaazaa manchmal 6 mal runterladen zu müssen weil es defekt ist oder...
      Ein Album beim Händler zu kaufen find ich auch doof. Das ksotet dann auch etwa 20€ und mir gefallen dann doch nur 3 Lieder :( Letztendlich wird sich Napster durchsetzten.
      Hoffe ich doch :look:

      @janolo: Die geringen Umsätze fidne ich ganz gut. Ich hoffe ja schließlich auf den "Napster-Boom" und wenn schon 50 Mio. umgesetzt werden würden, würde dass nicht mehr stark zu Buche schlagen, oder?

      Mal sehen wie sich das Papier entwickelt.
      Viele Grüße
      schrieb am 03.01.04 21:08:11
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      0,99€ ist natürlich nicht viel - bei Kazaa hatte ich bis jetzt keine Probleme mit der Qualität dessen was runtergeladen werden kann :D, es läuft dahin hinaus, dass der Staat od. es gar nicht überprüfen kann und jeden einzelnen zur Strecke zu bringen. Falls Kazaa u. die anderen verboten werden kommen neue Downloadportale, aber wenn Kazaa verboten ist, kauf ich mir die Roxio Aktie :)

      ciao alechandro
      schrieb am 03.01.04 21:13:51
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      Du hast schon recht, dass die Akzeptanz fehlen wird für etwas, dass bisher umsonst war Geld zu zahlen... Darin sehe ich auch das größte Problem...
      schrieb am 03.01.04 21:19:29
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      PS: Hat Roxio noch die Klage am Hals??

      Napster-Betreiber Roxio wird verklagt

      Der Betreiber des Internet-Musik-Download-Dienstes Napster 2.0, Roxio, wurde laut einer Pressemitteilung vom gestrigen Montagabend von Optima Technology verklagt. Roxio habe mit seiner CD-Brenner-Software die Patente von Optima verletzt, hieß es. Im Jahr 1995 hatte Optima eine Technologie entwickelt, die das Brennen von Fotos, Musik, Video und Daten auf beschreibbare CDs ermöglicht.

      © BörseGo
      vom 16.12.03
      schrieb am 03.01.04 21:49:29
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      15.12.03 20:02

      Roxio hebt Prognosen an 17.11.03 18:04

      Roxio gibt nach Downgrade knapp 15 Prozent an Wert ab 28.07.03 17:24

      Roxio plant Wiederbelebung von Napster 20.06.03 19:49

      Roxios Aktien weiter unter Druck 22.05.03 21:44

      Roxio: Downgrade und schwacher Ausblick belasten Aktie 22.05.03 07:53

      Roxio verdient im abgelaufenen Quartal mehr 19.05.03 15:43

      Roxio kauft Online-Musikdienst von Vivendi und Sony 28.11.02 08:21

      Roxio kauft immaterielles Vermögen von Napster 26.11.02 18:35

      Roxio: Aktie gewinnt über 25 Prozent nach Dell-Deal 15.11.02 12:08

      Roxio übernimmt alle wesentlichen Napster-Assets

      und viel erfolg
      schrieb am 03.01.04 22:13:07
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      hmm, das ist doch nur noch ein microsoft-anhängsel...

      generieren die denn überhaupt noch eigene umsätze??
      schrieb am 04.01.04 06:57:22
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      Warum ging`s denn im November so brachial herunter? Durch die vielen Kazaa-Klagen sollte doch der Markt der zahlenden Kunden steigen...:confused:
      schrieb am 04.01.04 07:06:44
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      ach ja...sehe schon...die Optima Klage war wohl der Grund... in wie weit ist diese denn berechtigt? Wer kann auf die Sprünge helfen?

      SANTA CLARA, Calif., Dec 16, 2003 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX/ -- Roxio (ROXI) , The Digital Media Company(R), today responded to Optima Technology`s allegations of patent infringement.

      We are aware of the Optima `531 patent and the claims within and believe that any claim of infringement by Roxio`s software products is utterly without merit. At Roxio, we respect the legitimate intellectual property rights of others but in this instance there is no colorable argument that the claims set forth in the patent read on any Roxio products. We intend to aggressively defend ourselves in this litigation.
      schrieb am 12.01.04 16:51:37
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      @Alechandro: Ich habe bisher noch nichts gegenteiliges gehört... :cry:


      "After reviewing hundreds of companies and technologies, DEMO has selected Roxio as one of the chosen few we see igniting the technology landscape and helping to turn the markets around," said Chris Shipley, Executive Producer, DEMO. "Roxio proves that even within a mature market category there is the opportunity for product creativity and innovation."

      In its 14-year history, DEMO has helped over 1000 companies launch new products and services. With its unrivaled reputation for attracting and introducing technology``s A-List, such as the 3Com``s Palm Pilot and Sun``s famous Java programming language, DEMO has become a priority event for the best and brightest technology executives, media, and investors all of whom expect DEMO to provide a glimpse into the technology landscape for the coming year.

      "We are extremely pleased that our efforts have been recognized by DEMO," said Tom Shea, President of Roxio. "Our next generation digital media suite is the result of a long-term company vision that we firmly believe will capture the imagination of the industry and, more importantly, consumers."
      :cool: :cool: :cool: + NAPSTER :cool: :cool: :cool:
      schrieb am 13.01.04 08:02:09
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      KaZaA KOSTET BALD!!!
      Jetzt will auch die weltweit erfolgreichste Tausch-Software KaZaA legal werden. Nach und nach sollen die kostenpflichtigen "Gold Files" die illegalen Angebote verdrängen.

      Napster wir kommen... :cool:
      schrieb am 19.01.04 14:28:12
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()
      Napster nimmt Kurs auf Europa

      Von Dietmar Müller
      16. Januar 2004, 18:25 Uhr

      Erste Führungskraft auf dem Alten Kontinent wird Leanne Sharman
      Napster, mittlerweile ein Geschäftsbereich von Roxio, hat Leanne Sharman zum Vice President of Business Development ernannt. Sharman ist in Europa die erste Napster-Führungskraft und verantwortet von London aus die Geschicke des Online-Musikdienstes. Sie ist dem Vice President Worldwide Business Development Brad Duea in Los Angeles unterstellt, der direkt an den Napster- und Roxio-CEO Chris Gorog berichtet.
      Bevor sie zu Napster kam, war Sharman im Bereich Sales und Marketing bei Europe tätig, wo sie die Entwicklung und Einführung der europäischen Promotion-Plattform für Consumer-Marken und die Musikindustrie verantwortete. Ihre Aufgaben umfassten Umsatzgenerierung, die Leitung der europäischen Vertriebsteams und Agenturen, die Entwicklung kreativer Einnahmequellen im Online- und Offline-Bereich sowie die strategische Kooperation mit Künstlern und Consumer-Marken wie Reebok und X-Box. Zielgruppe waren acht Millionen MP3-Musikfans. Vor ihrer Zeit bei war Leanne Sharman drei Jahre lang Head of Marketing and Sponsorship bei Fox Kids Europe. Davor war sie bei Disney in Paris beschäftigt, wo sie am Launch des lokalen Senders beteiligt war.
      schrieb am 19.01.04 14:29:14
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()
      heise online 16.01.2004:

      Napster 2.0 möglicherweise bald auch in Europa

      Wie CD/DVD-Brennspezialist Roxio am gestrigen Donnerstag mitteilte, hat das Unternehmen Leanne Sharman (ehemals Europe) zur Vizepräsidentin für "Business Development" ernannt. Sie soll von London aus die europäische Einführung des Online-Musikdienstes Napster 2.0 koordinieren. Obwohl Roxio bereits beim US-Start seiner legalen Download-Plattform andeutete, früher oder später auch in Europa an den Start zu gehen, ist Sharmans Ernennung der erste deutliche Schritt in Richtung Europa.

      Nach Apple, das seinen iTunes Music Store im Laufe des Jahres nach Europa bringen will, ist Napster der zweite große Anbieter von Online-Musik, der nach erfolgreichem Start in den USA auf dem alten Kontinent Fuß fassen will.

      Ob auch Sony nachziehen wird, ist bislang unklar. Der japanische Elektronikriese kündigte auf der Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas lediglich den US-Start seines eigenen Musikdienstes "Connect" an. (vza/c`t)
      schrieb am 30.01.04 16:15:16
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      Roxio konzentriert Management in Los Angeles
      30.01.2004 um 12:59 Uhr

      MÜNCHEN (COMPUTERWOCHE) - Roxio hat Brad Duea zum neuen President seiner Napster-Sparte mit Sitz in Los Angeles ernannt; dorthin soll auch das Firmenhauptquartier verlegt werden. Der zuvor für das weltweite Business Development verantwortliche Manager wird damit Nachfolger von Mike Bebel, der mit der Übernahme des Online-Musikdienstes Pressplay zu Roxio gestoßen war. Duea erhält Verstärkung durch Laura Goldberg, die als Chief Operating Officer von Napster - diesen Posten hatte zuvor ebenfalls Bebel inne - ebenfalls in die Medienstadt Los Angeles umzieht. Dort sitzt auch schon Napsters Chief Creative Officer Glenn Kaino. Roxios früheres Stammgeschäft mit Brennsoftware für PCs und Macs hat seinen Sitz in Santa Clara und steht wie gehabt unter der Ägide von Tom Shea. (tc)
      schrieb am 26.02.04 14:54:57
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()
      26 February 2004, 06:30am ET

      SANTA CLARA, Calif., Feb. 26 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Roxio, Inc. (Nasdaq: ROXI), The Digital Media Company(R) and parent company of Napster(R), today announced that senior management will speak to the investment community at the Lehman Brothers Technology Conference and at B. Riley & Company`s Fifth Annual Investor Conference. Management will present at the Lehman Brothers conference on March 9, 2004 at 2:30 p.m. PT at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Half Moon Bay, CA, and at the B.Riley conference on March 17, 2004 at 4:20 p.m. PT at the Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas, NV.

      About Roxio and Napster

      Mentioned Last Change
      ROXI 3.84 (Unchanged)
      Roxio, Inc. provides the best selling digital media software in the world and owns Napster(R), the world`s most recognized brand in online music. Roxio makes award-winning software products for CD/DVD burning, photo editing and video editing. Roxio`s family of products includes category-leading products Roxio Easy Media Creator(TM), Easy CD & DVD Creator(TM), Digital Media Suite(R), Easy CD Creator(R) (Windows) and Toast(R) (Macintosh) for CD/DVD burning, PhotoSuite(R) for digital photography, and VideoWave(R) for digital video. Roxio`s current installed base is in excess of 100 million users. Roxio distributes its products globally through strategic partnerships with major hardware manufacturers, in stores with the leading worldwide retailers, through Internet partnerships and also sells its products direct at . Napster has content agreements with the five major record labels, as well as hundreds of independents. Napster delivers access to the largest catalog of online music with more than 500,000 tracks spanning all genres and artists from Eminem to Miles Davis.

      NOTE: Roxio, the burning CD logo, the Roxio tagline, Toast, Easy CD & DVD Creator, Digital Media Suite, Easy CD Creator, PhotoSuite, VideoWave, and Napster are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Roxio, Inc. or its subsidiaries in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks used are owned by their respective owners.

      SOURCE Roxio, Inc.
      -0- 02/26/2004
      /CONTACT: Alex Wellins of the blueshirt group, +1-415-217-7722, or
      schrieb am 26.02.04 17:45:20
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()
      Roxio gains on MSFT report SAN FRANCISCO (CBS.MW) -- Roxio shares gained nearly 9 percent Wednesday after a story in the New York Post`s online edition said Microsoft has been "quietly shifting some of its marketing muscle" to Roxio`s Napster digital music service. By Mike Tarsala, Feb. 25, 2004

      Microsoft has remained neutral, supporting many digital music players and online music stores. But the continued success of iTunes "may prompt Microsoft to abandon its practiced neutrality," the Post said, noting that Microsoft has given prominent placement to Napster on its Media Center personal computers. Napster is one of only two companies to have a branded version of Microsoft`s digital-music player software.

      Roxio shares (ROXI: news, chart, profile) rose 30 cents to close at $3.84 in regular-session Nasdaq trading. The stock had risen as much as 12 percent to an intraday high of $3.98.

      Many analysts still have competitive concerns about Roxio. The company recently lost a potential deal to market Napster with computer maker Hewlett-Packard. Apple (AAPL: news, chart, profile) won the business partly because it offered to bundle iTunes with computers, and also sell H-P-branded (HPQ: news, chart, profile) iPod digital music players.

      Still, B. Riley & Co. analysts upgraded Roxio`s stock earlier this week to "neutral" from "sell," based on its stock price.

      Before Wednesday`s run, Roxio shares had been trading at less than one times Roxio`s total fiscal 2005 revenue. The 25 largest software companies trade at about four times their revenue estimates for the end of 2004, on average.

      Analysts polled by Thomson First Call project that Roxio will continue to lose money in calendar 2004, posting a loss of about $1.02 a share in its fiscal year ending March 2005.
      schrieb am 26.02.04 19:38:43
      Beitrag Nr. 22 ()
      danke für die Infos.
      Gibt es vielleicht auch Meinungen zu den Infos/Roxio und Napster???

      Viele Grüße
      schrieb am 08.03.04 17:06:51
      Beitrag Nr. 23 ()
      Roxio`s British Invasion Is a Big Hit

      By Bill Snyder Staff Reporter
      3/3/2004 6:46 PM EST
      Click here for more stories by Bill Snyder

      Roxio (ROXI:Nasdaq - news - research) , the company that now runs Napster, continued its upward climb Wednesday, soaring more than 10% on news that it will bring the digital music service to the U.K. this summer.

      The move, announced in the U.K. by Roxio CEO Chris Gorog, had been rumored for some time. Still, Roxio shares jumped 39 cents, or 10.5%, to $4.11 in heavy volume Wednesday.

      Last week the company gained 9% on a New York Post report that Microsoft (MSFT:Nasdaq - news - research) has been "quietly shifting some of its marketing muscle" to Roxio.

      First Albany analyst Paul Tryon likes the stock long term, citing the company`s expertise in digital music and a solid relationship with Microsoft. Tryon, however, has a neutral rating on the stock because the Santa Clara, Calif., company is still burning cash.

      Roxio`s net revenue for the third quarter of fiscal 2004 was $18.8 million, compared with $26.4 million in the third quarter of the prior fiscal year. Roxio`s reported net loss for the third quarter was $25.6 million, or 92 cents a share, compared with a net loss of $9.2 million, or 47 cents per share in the third quarter of the prior fiscal year.

      Tryon said the company`s software business should be profitable on an operating basis in the fourth quarter and through fiscal 2005, but online music will not be profitable in the near future. (First Albany does not have a banking relationship with Roxio.)

      Microsoft, meanwhile, may have suffered a major setback on the digital music and antitrust fronts. According to the Associated Press, the European Union wants to force the software giant to offer computer makers a version of Windows without any multimedia program to give rival companies a better shot at getting their products on consumers` desktops.

      European regulators fear that the market for digital music could be dominated by Microsoft, whose Windows Operating System contains a media player, in much the same way Microsoft crushed Netscape by making a Web browser part of Windows.

      Microsoft has been negotiating with European regulators for some time in an effort to avoid a time-consuming and expensive legal battle similar to the one it waged in the U.S. during the Clinton administration. Microsoft shares dipped 2 cents, or 0.1%, to $26.37 Wednesday.

      Please note that due to factors including low market capitalization and/or insufficient public float, we consider Roxio to be a small-cap stock. You should be aware that such stocks are subject to more risk than stocks of larger companies, including greater volatility, lower liquidity and less publicly available information, and that postings such as this one can have an effect on their stock prices.
      schrieb am 08.03.04 17:36:05
      Beitrag Nr. 24 ()
      Napster sets UK debut, rest of Europe in limbo
      Thursday March 4, 9:26 am ET
      By Bernhard Warner, European Internet Correspondent

      LONDON, March 4 (Reuters) - Napster is set to launch music download services in the UK by the end of the summer, but fans elsewhere in Europe face a long wait as bureaucracy and complex licence deals fuel delays, industry officials and analysts said.

      Music fans and record companies are increasingly eager for Napster and Apple Computer Inc`s (NasdaqNM:AAPL - News) iTunes to open Internet music stores in Western Europe -- a debut the industry sees as crucial if it is to torpedo online song piracy.

      But those buoyant hopes have been effectively dashed by Europe`s notoriously sticky red tape and language gaps.

      A maze of licensing contracts, differing release dates for new music and incompatible billing systems means a pan-European version of Napster or iTunes could be a long way off.

      "It`s just a huge logistical task," Napster UK spokesman Adam Howorth said on Thursday. The company announced its planned UK launch the day before.

      In Spain, Italy and other southern European countries, music fans may have to wait until 2005 at the earliest to sample the online download services, Jupiter Research analyst Mark Mulligan said.

      "It doesn`t make a lot of sense to focus on anything but a few key Northern European territories at the moment," Mulligan said.

      Britain`s OD2 has launched a series of music download stores across Western Europe over the past three years.

      But because of the complexity of European music licensing agreements, not all songs on the OD2 services can be downloaded to a PC hard drive and fewer still can be transferred to a portable music device, Mulligan said.


      The launch of iTunes and Napster in the United States last year was seen as a landmark introduction for the piracy-battered music industry because consumers for the first time could pay for song downloads with minimal restrictions.

      Officials from Apple and Napster, owned by U.S. software company Roxio (NasdaqNM:ROXI - News), have been scrambling to secure similar European licensing arrangements with little to show for their efforts. Both companies say the process has taken longer than expected in Europe.

      Apple, meanwhile, has not given any indication for its debut plans on this side of the Atlantic, leading some industry observers to predict it may not happen until well into the second half of 2004. Despite the legal morass, some of the major labels are continuing to digitise their music libraries, to make more of their songs available for European download services, and are signing contracts with new download services.

      Universal Music (Paris:EAUG.PA - News), the world`s largest music label, said on Wednesday it had converted 300,000 songs -- by artists from Eminem to 50 Cent -- into digital form for resale in downloaded form.

      The number-three label, EMI (London:EMI.L - News), home to Norah Jones and Coldplay, confirmed on Wednesday it would make much of its music catalogue available to London-based download service Wippit.

      Despite the flurry of activity, however, many of Europe`s music fans will be unable to buy permanent downloads of some of their favourite songs anytime soon.

      "I don`t see any of this as progress," Mulligan said. "In the cold light of day there isn`t much different from last year. We`re still in the same position."
      schrieb am 10.03.04 08:51:35
      Beitrag Nr. 25 ()
      IBM und ROXIO NEWS

      Napster, IBM unveil new music delivery system
      Wednesday March 10, 12:01 am ET

      LOS ANGELES, Mar 10 (Reuters) - Online music service Napster on Wednesday unveiled an application using IBM technology to help universities and other customers save computing bandwidth and money.
      Napster, owned by digital media company Roxio Inc. (NasdaqNM:ROXI - News), said its new "Super Peer" application uses International Business Machine Corp.`s (NYSE:IBM - News) eServer BladeCenter systems to store popular songs from Napster in on-site servers rather than from the Internet.


      The most popular tracks in the Napster system are stored locally, enabling customers like The University of Rochester and Penn State University, to reduce their computing infrastructure`s vulnerability to overuse.

      "When we embarked on our industry-leading university program, we set out to alleviate the technical and business strains that illegal file-sharing puts on Universities and ISPs," said Bill Pence, Napster`s chief technology officer.

      Pence said Napster daily usage at Penn State for instance totals about 100,000 downloads and 100,000 streams.

      With the new application, about 90 percent of these downloads and streams would not result in traffic across the open Internet, saving the university an estimated $50,000 in bandwidth fees in the first year.

      "Helping customers securely and easily access authorized digital content is paramount to the future of the media and entertainment industry," said Steve Canepa, vice president, IBM Global Media and Entertainment Industry.

      Warren Hart, vice president of digital media solutions for IBM, said that IBM was focusing largely on digital media.

      "We`re working with a number of leaders globally in this space. This whole area of how to take rich media and use it for real business value is very critical for us," he said.

      :D :D :D
      schrieb am 15.03.04 18:34:55
      Beitrag Nr. 26 ()
      15.03. / 18:19 Update: Roxio-Aktie legt dank Napster 30 Porzent zu ROXIO n.a.
      15.03. / 18:08 Napster-Mutter Roxio freut sich über rege Nachfrage ROXIO n.a.
      15.03. / 17:12 Roxio Surges on Outlook ROXIO n.a.
      15.03. / 14:35 UPDATE - Roxio sees higher 4th-qtr Napster, software revenue ROXIO n.a.
      15.03. / 13:31 Roxio erhöht Umsatzprognosen für das vierte Quartal ROXIO n.a.
      15.03. / 13:07 Roxio erhöht Guidance ROXIO n.a.
      15.03. / 12:59 Roxio sees higher 4th-qtr Napster, software revenue ROXIO n.a.
      15.03. / 12:35 Roxio Raises Revenue Guidance for Both Napster and Software ... ROXIO n.a.

      Eine super Nachrichtenlawine :D
      schrieb am 13.04.04 14:30:37
      Beitrag Nr. 27 ()

      Press Release Source: Napster, LLC

      Napster Rips Into Licensing
      Tuesday April 13, 6:30 am ET
      Brand Central Adds Napster to Its Client Roster

      LOS ANGELES, April 13 /PRNewswire/ -- Napster®, LLC, the world`s most recognized brand in online music will take its globally recognized brand and Napster kittyhead logo into the world of licensing. Napster, a division of Roxio, Inc. (Nasdaq: ROXI - News), has hired Brand Central LLC as its exclusive U.S. licensing agency. With the addition of Napster, Brand Central continues to represent best-in-class brands and entertainment properties with clients such as Miramax Films, E! Entertainment, Kellogg`s Corporation(1) and Magic Johnson Enterprises.

      "We are privileged to be able to add Napster, a pioneer and innovator in online music, to our client roster. The Napster brand is a natural fit for product categories ranging from electronics and apparel to room decor and toys," stated Ross Misher, president of Brand Central LLC. "With assets such as the instantly recognized Napster logo and kittyhead icon combined with a highly publicized and advertised re-launch, this is the ideal time to develop Napster lifestyle products. We will deliver innovative and fashion forward products that allow Napster`s passionate fan base to express their independent and unique style."

      "Brand Central`s expertise with major entertainment and corporate brands makes the company the right choice to further extend Napster into a full-scale lifestyle brand," said Larry Linietsky, SVP, worldwide business development for Napster. "With our recent success in brand extensions such as our Napster MP3 player by Samsung, blank media from Imation, pre-paid music cards with InComm and media storage from Case Logic, we are now well positioned to take the brand to the next level. We know the brand resonates with consumers -- retail stores such as Best Buy, Radio Shack, Target and other national chains have already had great success with Napster branded products."

      Napster is back and now coming to a retailer near you!

      About Napster

      Napster®, the worlds most recognized brand in online music, enables fans to freely sample the world`s largest and most diverse online music, featuring over a half a million songs. The revolutionary interface allows users to quickly and easily download tracks to portable devices or burn them to CDs for just 99 cents per track or $9.95 per album. In addition to the free online magazine, Billboard charts, music videos, song clips and the ability to email tracks to friends and browse other member`s collections, serious music fans have the added option to upgrade to a premium service that offers unlimited listening and local downloading, over 50 commercial-free radio stations and a collection of interactive play lists and community features, all for just $9.95 a month. Napster is a division of Roxio, Inc. (Nasdaq: ROXI - News), the Digital Media Company, provider of the best-selling media software in the world.

      Viel Erfolg allen Investierten
      schrieb am 15.04.04 19:50:03
      Beitrag Nr. 28 ()
      jetzt geht die party los!!!;) ;) ;)
      schrieb am 16.04.04 10:08:26
      Beitrag Nr. 29 ()
      ROXI hat in den vergangengen Monaten eine Reihe guter Nachrichten verbreitet die sich im Kurs noch nicht niedergeschlagen haben. Jetzt sollte die Zeit reif sein.
      schrieb am 18.05.04 15:49:38
      Beitrag Nr. 30 ()
      Press Release Source: Roxio, Inc.

      Enthusiastic Reception for Roxio Easy Media Creator 7 in Europe
      Tuesday May 18, 9:30 am ET
      Honors from Retail and Editorial Community Add Momentum to European Launch

      SANTA CLARA, Calif., May 18 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Roxio, Inc. (Nasdaq: ROXI - News); The Digital Media Company®, provider of the best selling digital media software in the world, announced today that Roxio Easy Media Creator 7, which has already earned an impressive number of industry awards and accolades in North America, is achieving overwhelming acclaim in Europe. In a little over a month since the product was introduced to the European market, Easy Media Creator 7 has secured notable awards and exceptional reviews from key industry press in addition to receiving a significant honor from the European retail industry.
      Easy Media Creator 7 was recognized as `Best Software` at RetailVision Europe 2004, the most important European retail industry event of the year, held this year in Barcelona, Spain, April 20-22. The honor was awarded by a RetailVision panel that comprised of over 170 retail executives representing more than 100 retailers.

      "The RetailVision win is particularly gratifying because it is awarded by our retail partners and is in recognition of both product and channel marketing excellence," said Scott Berlin, Vice President, Worldwide Sales and Marketing. "This award is indicative of the overwhelmingly positive response Roxio Easy Media Creator 7 is receiving in Europe from consumers, partners, and industry press."

      Easy Media Creator 7 has received wide acclaim and over a dozen awards from European press outlets including key U.K. technical publications, digital photography journals and leading German computer periodicals. In many instances, Roxio took top honors in review roundups, which compared Easy Media Creator 7 to the latest versions of competitive products.

      European Award Wins:

      -- PC Retail, Recommended, April `04
      -- PC Home, Editor`s Choice, April `04
      -- Personal Computer World, Best Buy, April `04
      -- PC Plus, Value Award, May `04
      -- Computeractive, Buy IT! Award, March, 04
      -- Windows XP Made Easy, Editor`s Choice, April `04
      -- Digital Photography Made Easy, Editor`s Choice, April `04
      -- PC Advisor, Gold Award, July, 04
      -- Digital Camera Buyer, Editor`s Choice, April `04
      -- Computer Buyer, Best Buy, April `04
      -- PC Praxis, Test Winner, June, `04
      -- PC Professionell, Editor`s Choice, June `04
      -- Pocket Lint, Hot Product, April, `04
      -- BIOS, Editor`s Choice, April `04
      schrieb am 14.06.04 14:34:30
      Beitrag Nr. 31 ()
      Press Release Source: Kefta

      Kefta Renews Contract With Roxio
      Monday June 14, 8:15 am ET
      Kefta`s Customer Interaction Solutions Important Part of Roxio`s Online Strategy

      SAN FRANCISCO, CA--(MARKET WIRE)--Jun 14, 2004 -- Kefta Inc. (, a leading provider of real time customer interaction solutions, announced today that Roxio Inc. (NasdaqNM:ROXI - News), provider of the best selling digital media software in the world, has renewed its yearly contract with Kefta. For several years, Kefta has helped Roxio maximize the ROI of its online channel.

      Kefta enables marketers to present customized offers and content in response to specific user profiles, behaviors, and actions. Combining the best of direct marketing and behavioral targeting, this practice is utilized to tailor customer interactions and reach the consumer at the best moment, online or offline, with the most relevant product and message. Thanks to Kefta, leading marketers, such as Roxio, are able to leverage deep user profiling as well as intelligent business rules in order to serve behavioral-based advertising, optimize landing pages based on referral sources such as search keywords and media campaigns, personalize all online interactions, re-engage dropped visits and orders, and deploy timely and relevant email follow-ups.

      "Kefta`s expertise and technology are the best proof that having a proactive, behavioral marketing approach quickly leads to significantly higher customer satisfaction, increased sales and a tremendous ROI," said Shobha Duggirala, Director of Worldwide E-Business at Roxio.

      With Kefta, Roxio is able to launch highly targeted customer interaction programs across its online channels. Roxio gained the ability to customize its marketing message and product offering to each online customer, based on their profile and behavior.

      "When it comes to online strategies, Roxio is at the forefront of the Digital Media Software industry. We are delighted to participate in the success of this outstanding market leader and help them achieve a significant growth in sales," said Philippe Suchet, CEO of Kefta. "Our longstanding and continued relationship with Roxio demonstrates the impact that Kefta solutions can have for a company doing business online."

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