
    Lexar Media - wer hat das schon gesehen? - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 07.08.02 21:19:23 von
    neuester Beitrag 22.05.03 22:20:06 von
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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 07.08.02 21:19:23
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      Schaut sich jemand Lexar Media an? (

      Ein paar Auszüge com Quartalsbericht letzter Woche:

      "Revenues of $34.0 million grew 18% sequentially from $28.8 million in the first quarter of 2002 and 96% from $17.3 million in the same period last year.
      Net income was $1.3 million, or $0.02 per share, as compared to a net loss of $4.9 million, or $0.08 per share, in the immediately preceding quarter."
      "Lexar Media expects to report sequential revenue growth of at least 20 percent and higher net profits in the third quarter based on the continuing strong demand for its digital storage products and its expanding presence in the retail sector."

      Die Aktie handelt derzeit zu USD 3.10, bei einem forward EPS von 0.24 für nächstes Kalenderjahr komme ich auf einen KGV von 12. Für das Wachstum SEHR preiswert.

      Sonst noch jemand interesse?

      schrieb am 07.08.02 22:05:26
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      Lexar Media steht seit ende juni ganz oben auf meiner Beobachtungsliste, da diese Aktie sich gegen den allgemeinen Markt extrem gut entwickelt hat. Habe seit dem jedoch keine passende Einstiegsmöglichkeit mit ausgewogenen Chance-Risiko Verhältnis gefunden.

      Ich finde aber gerade jetzt wäre es interessant einzusteigen weil Lexar Media in den letzten zwei wochen fast 1/3 seines Wertes verlohren hat und an einer langen Unterstützung angelangt ist. Auch die 100 Tage GDL verläuft bei ca. 3,4.

      Bei einem nächsten Rebound-Versuch bei Überschreiten der 3,5 $ ein absoluter Kauf mit stark überdurchschnittlichen Gewinnpotential.

      Ich werde dann auf alle Fälle dabei sein!!!!!!!
      schrieb am 07.08.02 23:26:47
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      Die Aktie handelt derzeit zu USD 3.10, bei einem forward EPS von 0.24 für nächstes Kalenderjahr komme ich auf einen KGV von 12. Für das Wachstum SEHR preiswert.

      wessen meinung ist das obige.

      wo steht festgeceschrieben, daß kgv 12 besonders preiswert ist.
      das kgv ist m.e eine, aber wirklich nur ein attribute um
      aktien zu bewerten, jedoch lange nicht das einzige,
      preiswert wäre ein kgv von 6, nach meinen terms,
      aber daran hat sich noch keiner gewöhnt, nach verwöhnten kgv
      von 123 etc, ist ja auch schwer wieder auf den allgemeinen boden zu kommen.
      trotzdem mal sehen was die technik sagt, lexar ist ein trade wert.
      ich war schon drin und will wieder ein, aber nicht mit gewalt.

      was ein überdurchschnittliches gewinnpoti ist würde mich auch mal als ca zahl interssieren.
      leute könnt ihr mal deutlicher werden, oder habt ihr die hosen voll.
      wie wärs mit ne tradingrange von ca 2.50- bis knapp an die 6 $
      warum nicht einfach, der aktionär hat doch vorstellungen,
      oder etwa nicht, obs so kommt ist ne andere sache,
      trotzdem sind mir leute die die hosen runter lassen schon lieber, oder habt ihr angst vor dem contra.
      vielleicht sind eure vorstellungen auch wesentlich höher und
      könnten dann allerdings als reichlich überzogen abgeschmirgelt werden, aber damit müssen hoffnungsträger leben.
      also bitte etwas mehr mut und professionalität in den aussagen.
      wir sind hier nicht auf schmetterlingsjagd es geht um unser gutes geld.
      schrieb am 08.08.02 14:50:41
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      du willst wissen, was ich mit überdurchschnittlichem Gewinnpotential meine?

      Meine Erfahrung an der Börse hat mir gezeigt, daß Aktien die in schlechtem Börsenumfeld gut gelaufen sind bei anziehendem Gesamtmarkt überdurchschnittlich gut gehen.

      Deshalb bin ich auf Lexr aufmerksam geworden.
      Da Lexar von 5,2 $ bis auf die Tradingrange zwischen 3 - 3,5 $ zurückgekommen ist, warte ich darauf, daß die Aktie wider den alten Aufwärtstrend wiederaufnimmt.

      Weil du jetzt unbedingt genaue Zahlen haben willst.
      Ab Überschreiten der 3,5 $ ist das max. Aufwärtspotential bis zum ATH bei 5,2 $. Das sind 44 %.
      Riskieren sollte man aber höchstens 5 % vom Kaufkurs. (Stopp-Loss)

      somit hast du ein 9 fach höheres max. Gewinnpotential.
      Auf alle Fälle traue ich Lexar ab Überschreiten der 3,5 $ eine bessere Kurzfristige (3 TAge) Entwicklung zu als der Nasdaq oder dem Dow Jones, und genau darauf kommt es an.
      schrieb am 09.08.02 21:40:35
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      wo steht festgeschrieben, daß kgv 12 besonders preiswert ist?

      Ziemlich einfach: KGV von 12 heisst, daß ich eine Kapitalrendite mit dem Investment im nächtsten Jahr von etwas über 8% mache. Ich erkläre dir das mal so:

      Ich kaufe für € 1000 Anteile der Firma, diese mach lt. KGV 12 dann € 1000 / 12 = 80 Euro anteiligen Gewinn mit meinem Geld. Da bei dem Gewinn aber bereits die Neuinvestitionen in die Firma abgezogen sind, fällt auch dieser mir anteilig zu. Also ist eine Rendite über 8% zu erwarten. Und das ist sehr gut für eine Aktie! So weit berechnet, wenn die Umsätze in alle Ewigkteit auf dem Niveau 2003 konstant bleiben.

      Ausserdem muss man bei Wachstumswerten davon ausgehen, das der Unternehmenwert von zukünftigen steigenden Erträgen mitbestimmt wird. Eine Firma wird letzlich nach ihrem Ertragswert bewertet. Deshalb ist nächstes Jahr mit einem zusätzlichen Anstieg zur Aktie zu rechnen, weil nach Faustregel ein KGV in der Nähe der jährlichen Wachstumsaussichten (PEG = 1) gerechtfertigt ist.

      Deshalb ist die Aktie mit einem KGV von 12 billig, wenn mal Buy & Hold beabsichtigt

      Soweit Grundschul-Fundamentanalyse.

      Ich habe mir die Aktie dehalb auch noch nicht gekauft, weil sie charttechnisch sehr schwach ausschaut. Warum sollte ich sie mir heute für 3,1 kaufen, wenn ich sie morgen vielleicht sogar noch für 2,5 bekommen kann? (Und falls sie mich morgen doch 3,5 kostet, ist sie immer noch billig).

      Trading Spotlight

      East Africa Metals
      0,1480EUR +0,68 %
      Hat East Africa bisher nur an der Oberfläche gekratzt?! mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 09.08.02 22:06:46
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      danke , habs zur kenntnis genommen.

      handle aber nicht danach, da ich praxis von der theorie unterscheide.
      führt aber zu weit ins detail zu gehen.
      schrieb am 09.08.02 22:49:47
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      Zu LEXR

      Bis heute war in LEXR reichlich Übernahmephantasie drin zumindest bei mir.
      Wenn aber die Großaktionäre billigst verticken siehe ff. ...

      Shareholder 26,800 LEXR Proposed Sale (Form 144)
      estimated proceeds of $113,364.00

      Shareholder 1,200 LEXR Proposed Sale (Form 144)
      estimated proceeds of $5,076.00

      07/31/2002 ST PAUL VENTURE CAPITAL V L L C
      Shareholder 12,000 LEXR Proposed Sale (Form 144)
      estimated proceeds of $50,760.00

      07/30/2002 JOHN H REIMER
      Affiliated Person 37,000 LEXR Proposed Sale (Form 144)
      estimated proceeds of $162,430.00

      Shareholder 2,550 LEXR Proposed Sale (Form 144)
      estimated proceeds of $11,194.50

      07/30/2002 ST PAUL VENTURE CAPITAL V L L C
      Shareholder 25,500 LEXR Proposed Sale (Form 144)
      estimated proceeds of $111,945.00

      Shareholder 56,950 LEXR Proposed Sale (Form 144)
      estimated proceeds of $250,010.50

      Shareholder 11,100 LEXR Proposed Sale (Form 144)
      estimated proceeds of $47,397.00

      Shareholder 247,900 LEXR Proposed Sale (Form 144)
      estimated proceeds of $1,058,533.00

      07/29/2002 ST PAUL VENTURE CAPITAL V L L C
      Shareholder 111,000 LEXR Proposed Sale (Form 144)
      estimated proceeds of $473,970.00

      Shareholder 9,186 LEXR Proposed Sale (Form 144)
      estimated proceeds of $37,662.59

      07/25/2002 ST PAUL VENTURE CAPITAL V L L C
      Shareholder 107,782 LEXR Proposed Sale (Form 144)
      estimated proceeds of $441,906.20

      Shareholder 248,032 LEXR Proposed Sale (Form 144)
      estimated proceeds of $1,016,931.19

      Shareholder 57,622 LEXR Proposed Sale (Form 144)
      estimated proceeds of $236,250.20

      Shareholder 2,338 LEXR Proposed Sale (Form 144)
      estimated proceeds of $9,585.79

      07/24/2002 ST PAUL VENTURE CAPITAL V L L C
      Shareholder 25,040 LEXR Proposed Sale (Form 144)
      estimated proceeds of $102,664.00

      Und heute hat irgendwer 2,07 Millionen Stücke auf den Markt gepfeffert.

      Also bei allem was recht ist,
      mir aber nicht.

      schrieb am 10.08.02 11:13:05
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      So ein wenign merkwürdig finde ich die Prisbewegung im Moment auch, nach den Zahlen. Bei einem Venturecapitalist können natürlich andere Gründe drinstecken, wenn verkauft wird (zB eigener Kapitabedarf, siehe Softbank in letzter Zeit).

      Aber das hohe Volumen gestern bei dem Durchreichen nach unten? Na gut, wir haben ein paar technische Widerstände gebrochen und wahrscheinlch ein paar Stops mitgenommen, aber trotzdem....

      Ausserdem hätte positiv wirken sollen.
      schrieb am 11.08.02 15:48:52
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      Sieht so aus als ob Lexar zum ersten mal richtig Gegenwind ins Gesicht bläst.

      Fuji Photo und Olympus (seltsam O. wurde erst vor kurzem Lexarkunde) bringen eine neue Speichertechnik für DigiCams auf den Markt die wesentlich schnellere Schreib-Lesezugriffe haben und Stromsparender sein soll.

      Die neue xD-Picture Cards mit der Größe 20x25x2 mm haben 64 oder 128 MB.

      Die 256MB/512MB/1GB Karten werden dann ab Dezember nachgelegt.

      Das wäre alles an sich nicht so dramatisch, aber leider ist Fuji Photo global ein saftiges Kaliber.

      Das sind jetzt Verhältnisse wie damals beim IBM-PC und Apple !!


      schrieb am 11.08.02 16:35:56
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      Hast du einen Link oder ähnliches zum dem Thema?

      schrieb am 11.08.02 20:58:41
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      schrieb am 11.08.02 21:57:36
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      Nein, aber ZaV843ti hat einen.
      schrieb am 11.08.02 23:49:50
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      Ich habe mal ein weing rumgesurft:

      ...Despite the promise of xD Picture Cards, Olympus plans to continue making SmartMedia compatible products, said the company`s digital consumer product manager John Knaur. "Olympus has been a supporter of SmartMedia in our digital cameras since the introduction of our first digital camera in 1997, and we plan to continue distributing this media for our customers," he explained. "As the needs of digital camera users evolve and the demand for greater memory capacity combines with the necessity for compatibility, Olympus and Fuji are responding with a new media designed to grow along with the market and meet the challenges of tomorrow."

      Über die Marktanteile scheint es wohl Uneingkeiten zu geben:

      ...The under $500 price segment represented 53% of the market in Q4, up a phenomenal 23 points from Q3. Fuji capitalized on the absence of Agfa in the low-end market to acquire additional market share and increase its percentage by 11 points to 35% in Q4. HP continues to dominate the lower price bracket in the fourth quarter comprising 40% of all shipments under $500. HP and Fuji comprised 75% of the shipments in the under $500 segment in Q4. Kodak increased its share slightly to 15%, while Sony lost considerable ground capturing only a 6% share of the under $500 market...

      ...Market share leaders for the first half were the usual trio of Sony, Olympus and Kodak, with 24 percent, 17 percent and 13 percent, respectively...
      schrieb am 12.08.02 23:21:46
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      SoundView Technology Corp. CLEXR)
      12 Aug 2002, 08:40am ET

      LEXR: reit outperform - TGT$9.60;

      significant selling by two of LEXR`s venture capital investors is putting pressure on the shares of late Click below to read more about subscribing to the full JAGnotes product. Copyright 2002
      All Rights Reserved
      schrieb am 15.08.02 14:15:18
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      Lexar Media Extends SD Memory Line with 256MB and 512MB Capacities

      FREMONT, Calif., Aug. 15 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ --
      Lexar Media, Inc. (NASDAQ:LEXR), a leading developer of flash mass storage
      systems and an innovator of high-performance digital media and accessory
      products, today announced that it has started shipments of 256MB and 512MB
      capacity SD memory cards. The new cards add to the existing capacities 32MB,
      64MB and 128MB. The 256MB and 512MB SD memory cards will be available at
      leading consumer electronics and mass merchandisers worldwide at a suggested
      retail price $199 and $399 respectively.
      "We`re pleased to be one of the first companies to ship these highly
      anticipated products to retailers," said Eric Stang, president and CEO, Lexar
      Media. "We have seen a significant gain in popularity of higher capacity
      digital media. Lower memory prices, plus increasing consumer purchases of high
      resolution digital still and video cameras, PDAs and cell phones are
      propelling this trade-up to greater capacities."
      Lexar Media SD memory cards are part of the Company`s complete offering of
      digital media products, including CompactFlash(TM), Memory Stick(TM),
      SmartMedia(TM) and MultiMediaCard(TM) (MMC). Lexar Media also markets a
      complete line of memory card readers and a new JumpDrive(TM) portable USB
      storage drive used to store and transfer digital files.…
      schrieb am 20.08.02 23:06:37
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      Interessant !

      Die Marktführer Samsung und Sandisk haben heute einen NICHTANGRIFFSPAKT geschlossen!

      Beide Firmen verpflichten sich gegenseitig sich nicht wg. Patente etc. für Massenspeicher zu verklagen !!

      Erfog beide Firmen und Lexar hausieren.

      Sieht so aus das man sich von Fuji wg. deren neuer Speicher-Technologie nicht so einfach ans Knie pinkeln lassen will.


      schrieb am 21.08.02 20:20:32
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()

      nachdem das chartechnisch wieder besser ausschaut (mehrfach Kurssprünge bei hohen Umsätzen) habe ich mir welche ins Depot gelegt.

      WARNUNG: Das sind grauenhafte News für die Aktie! Mein Kauf ist ein zuverlässiger Frühindikator, dass die Aktie sofort wie ein Stein nach unten fallen wird.

      Wenn sie allerdings den Rest der Woche so weiter macht wie bis heute, dann werde ich meinen Stop schon mal über meinen Kaufpreis setzten können. Dann wird die Aktie an dieser Widerstandslinie abprallen wie ein WM-Endspielball von Oliver Kahns Händen.

      schrieb am 06.09.02 20:41:47
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()
      Lexar Media Expands Intellectual Property Portfolio With Acquisition of More Than 30 Additional Patents and Patent Applications

      FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 06, 2002 6:30 AM - PR Newswire

      FREMONT, Calif., Sep 6, 2002 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX/
      --Lexar Media, Inc. (LEXR) , a leading developer of flash mass storage systems and an innovator of high-performance digital media and accessories, today announced that it has acquired the flash-related intellectual property portfolio of MemQuest, Inc. and its wholly-owned subsidiary, MemQuest, Ltd., a developer of solid state storage media products based on flash memory controllers designed and manufactured by the company.
      The intellectual property portfolio includes 11 patents that have been granted or allowed and an additional 24 pending patents and patent applications.

      "We are delighted to add these patents to our IP portfolio through this acquisition," said Eric Whitaker, vice president and general counsel, Lexar Media.
      "MemQuest has long worked in the flash memory controller arena, and these patents provide an excellent complement to our existing portfolio.
      In addition, MemQuest was located in the United Kingdom and has a particularly strong European portfolio which we
      expect will enhance our worldwide licensing program."

      Other terms of the asset purchase were not disclosed.
      schrieb am 11.09.02 23:16:19
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      Lexar Media
      Demonstrates Fastest Certified `Hi-Speed USB` Flash Drive

      At Intel Developer Forum (IDF) Fall 2002

      FREMONT, Calif., Sept. 9 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ --
      Lexar Media, Inc. (NASDAQ:LEXR), a leading developer of flash mass storage systems and an innovator of high-performance digital media and accessories,introduces the fastest certified Hi-Speed USB Flash Drive at the Intel
      Developer Forum Fall 2002.
      The Lexar Media Hi-Speed USB Flash Drive is the first Hi-Speed product in its category to be certified by the USB Implementers Forum and is capable of a sustained write speed of 4.5MB per second and a sustained read speed of 6MB per second.
      This high-speed performance broadens the application of USB Flash Drives to high bandwidth applications like digital video.
      "Lexar Media`s new product demonstrates the ability of Hi-Speed USB technology to allow users to experience the highest USB data transfer rates possible today in flash-based media," said Jason Ziller, USB-IF chairman and
      Intel manager of technology initiatives.
      "We are excited to feature Lexar Media`s product as the fastest certified Hi-Speed USB Flash Drive and the first product in its category at the USB-IF booth at the Intel Developer Forum Fall 2002."
      "Lexar Media is able to be first to market with a certified Hi-Speed USB Flash Drive through a collaboration with NEC Electronics, Inc.," said Steffen Hellmold, Director of Technical Marketing and Industrial OEM Sales, Lexar Media.
      "Our Hi-Speed USB Flash Drive is capable of data transfer rates never before achieved with flash based USB storage solutions."
      "We were impressed with the high performance achieved by the Hi-Speed USB Flash Drive developed by Lexar Media using NEC`s low-power, high-speed USB technology," said Kugao Ouchi, director, Broadband LSI Technology Strategic
      Business Unit, NEC Electronics Inc.
      "We are pleased to demonstrate this new product in NEC`s booth #424 at IDF Fall 2002."
      According to Web-Feet Research the USB Flash Drive Market is expected to reach a volume of 50 million units in 2007.
      "While the replacement of floppy disks certainly is the dominant application for USB Flash Drives, we see many
      other applications where this truly universal storage solution can be used," said Alan Niebel, CEO, Web-Feet Research, Inc.
      "Lexar Media`s Hi-Speed USB Flash Drive enables the user to store and playback video in MPEG2 format in real time as it achieves 3 times the speed required to record a single MPEG2
      video stream, this is not possible with USB interface speed of 12Mbit per second."
      schrieb am 18.10.02 22:48:55
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()
      Lexar Media Reports Record Revenues and Earnings in the
      Third Quarter

      THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2002 4:20 PM- PR Newswire

      FREMONT, Calif., Oct 17, 2002 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX/ -- Lexar Media, Inc. (LEXR) , a leading designer, developer and marketer of award-winning high-performance digital media and accessories, today reported financial results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2002.

      Total third quarter revenues of $45.7 million increased approximately 35% from $34.0 million in the second quarter of 2002 and 152% from $18.1 million in the same period last year. Product revenues of $41.3 million exclude an increase in deferred product revenues of $4.6 million during the quarter. Net income was $2.0 million, or $0.03 per share, as compared to net income of $1.3 million, or $0.02 per share, in the immediately preceding quarter. Net income on a pro forma basis excluding stock based compensation was $2.5 million or $0.04 per share. Net income for the third quarter includes an unanticipated tax charge for the first nine months of the year of $853,000, or $0.01 per share basic and diluted. This charge resulted from California`s decision during the quarter to retroactively suspend the state tax net operating loss (NOL) deduction for a two-year period for income years beginning on or after January 1, 2002.

      In the third quarter of 2002 the Company`s gross margin as a percentage of revenue, including license and royalty revenues, was 25%. The effect of accounting rules EITF 00-25 and EITF 01-09, related to the classification of certain market development funds as reductions to revenue rather than as operating expenses, was an approximate 2% reduction in gross margins in the third quarter of 2002.

      "Lexar Media has enjoyed tremendous revenue growth over the past nine months with an increase of 110 percent over the same period last year. The past quarter also marks our seventh quarter of sequential revenue growth and second consecutive quarter of profitability," said Eric Stang, Lexar Media`s president and chief executive officer. "The demand for digital photography and storage-related products remains robust heading into the holiday season. In the third quarter we met our goal of increasing the number of retail storefronts carrying our products to over 29,000. We are excited about the introduction of several new products and enhancements to our digital media offerings including Professional Series CompactFlash(TM) memory cards with our new Write Acceleration technology, JumpDrive(TM), the Digital Photo Player, and a USB Multi-Card Reader. We also significantly strengthened our IP portfolio and now have 53 patents granted and 71 patents pending."

      Lexar Media had $31.2 million in cash and cash equivalents as of September 30, 2002. "In September, we considered raising additional capital through an offering of common stock to the public, in anticipation of continued strong growth," said Mr. Stang. "Given the current uncertainty in the equity markets, we have decided, subject to future market conditions, not to proceed with such an offering at this time. We intend to fund our current capital requirements through our cash on hand and use of our committed borrowing facility which was recently increased to $20 million, of which we had drawn down $8.2 million as of September 30, 2002."

      Quarterly Highlights
      Lexar Media recently:

      -- Announced a new line of Professional Series CompactFlash memory cards with Write Acceleration technology engineered to significantly improve image file write speed by up to 23 percent when used with partner digital cameras.
      Digital camera companies currently supporting Write Acceleration technology include Kodak Professional, Nikon and Sanyo.

      -- Introduced the JumpDrive, a USB flashdrive which rovides for removable data storage for backup and sharing or transferring files

      -- Demonstrated the fastest certified Hi-Speed USB Flash Drive at the Intel Developer Forum Fall 2002. The drive is capable of a sustained write speed of 4.5MB per second and a sustained read speed of 6MB per second, which broadens the application of USB Flash Drives to high bandwidth applications like digital video.

      -- Debuted its new Digital Photo Player, a compact device that connects directly to a television set, providing an enjoyable and convenient way to view images stored on digital media.
      Digital Photo Player accepts Type I/II CompactFlash and SmartMedia(TM) cards and offers a variety of view options.

      -- Commenced worldwide retail shipments of Image Rescue(TM) software for Lexar Media CompactFlash.
      Lexar Media`s proprietary image file recovery program recovers "perceived to be lost" image files from Lexar Media-brand USB-enabled CompactFlash memory cards.

      -- Introduced its new USB Multi-Card Reader, which delivers the functionality of six readers in one streamlined card reader.
      The Multi-Card Reader is compatible with CompactFlash Type I/II, SmartMedia, Memory Stick(TM), MultiMediaCard(TM) and SecureDigital(TM) memory card.

      -- Extended its SD memory line with shipments of 256MB and 512MB capacity SD memory cards.
      The new cards meet the need for higher capacities driven by lower memory prices and consumer acceptance of high-
      resolution digital cameras and digital video cameras that require considerable storage.

      -- Expanded its intellectual property portfolio with the acquisition of over 30 additional flash-related patents and patent applications from MemQuest, Inc. and its wholly-owned subsidiary, MemQuest, Ltd., a developer of solid state storage media products based on flash memory controllers designed and manufactured by the company.

      Financial Outlook

      In response to its strong third quarter performance and healthy demand trends for digital storage products, for the fourth quarter the Company expects to achieve sequential revenue growth of 25 percent to $57 million and a sequential increase in net income of 100% to $4 million. For the year, Lexar Media is raising its year-end revenue guidance from $140 million to approximately $165 million, representing year-over-year growth of 123% percent.

      About Lexar Media, Inc.

      Lexar Media, Inc. is a leading designer, marketer and licensor of award- winning removable flash-based digital storage media, card readers and ATA controller solutions for the digital photography, consumer electronics, industrial and communications markets. Lexar Media brands digital memory cards in the industry`s most popular formats including CompactFlash, SmartMedia, Memory Stick, JumpDrive flash drive, MultiMediaCard and Secure Digital. A digital storage innovator, Lexar Media was the first to develop and advance proprietary read-write speed standards for its USB-enabled CompactFlash cards and holds over 50 memory and controller patents. Licensees of Lexar Media`s technology include Olympus, SanDisk, Samsung Electronics and Sony. Headquartered in Fremont, California, Lexar Media also has offices in London and Tokyo. Lexar Media is a member of the Russell 2000 Index. For more information, please call 1-800-789-9418 or visit

      Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

      This news release contains forward-looking information within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and is subject to the safe harbor created by those sections. These forward-looking statements include statements related to projections about our business, anticipated revenue growth, financing plans, demand for our products, the growth of the digital media and digital photograph markets and financial outlook. These forward-looking statements involve a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated by these forward-looking statements. These risks include: our quarterly operating results and gross margins are difficult to predict and may fluctuate significantly; future average selling price erosion due to excess industry capacity and extreme price competition; the solid-state storage market is evolving and future digital film formats may not use our core technology or we may be forced to pay a royalty to sell digital film in these formats; many of our retail customers and distributors have price protection which could require us to make large payments if we reduce prices; if we are unable to anticipate demand and pricing of our products or if we are unable to effectively manage the distributor channels and relationships, our operating results will be harmed; if we are unable to obtain additional financing for our future capital needs, we may be unable to develop or enhance our products, expand our operations, respond to competitive pressures or continue our operations; if we are unable to develop or maintain the strategic relationships necessary to develop, sell and market products that are commercially viable and widely accepted, the growth and success of our business may be limited; our business will not succeed unless the digital photography market continues to grow and is accepted by professional, commercial and consumer users; increased competition in the digital film market may lead to a decrease in our revenues and market share we must be able to develop and introduce new products and services on a timely basis that are accepted by our customers and consumers in order to compete effectively, if we are unable to achieve or maintain our technology leadership position or to obtain rights to develop and manufacture new form factors on acceptable terms, our gross margins and revenues would likely decline significantly, if we are unable to generate increased revenue from licensing our controller technology for application in other products, our gross margins may be negatively impacted and we may have difficulty sustaining profitability; current global economic conditions and we are involved in intellectual property litigation, and may become involved in additional litigation, that could divert management`s time and attention, be time-consuming and expensive to defend and limit our access to important technology. Readers should also refer to the risk factors described in Lexar Media`s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including its Annual Report on Form 10-Q for its fiscal quarter ended June 30, 2002, filed with the Commission on August 14, 2002. Lexar Media assumes no obligation to update the forward-looking information contained in this news release."

      NOTE: Lexar Media, the Lexar Media logo and JumpDrive are trademarks of Lexar Media, Inc. Lexar Media, Inc. is an authorized licensee of the CompactFlash trademark. All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.


      (in thousands, except per share amounts)
      Three Months Ended Nine Months Ended
      Sept. 30 Sept. 30 Sept. 30 Sept. 30
      2002 2001 2002 2001
      Net revenues:
      Product revenues $41,329 $14,319 $95,571 $43,870
      License and royalty revenues 4,400 3,829 12,927 7,838
      Total net revenues 45,729 18,148 108,498 51,708
      Cost of product revenues 34,295 12,942 80,163 53,061
      Gross margin 11,434 5,206 28,335 (1,353)
      Operating expenses:
      Research and development 1,306 1,215 3,784 4,421
      Sales and marketing 4,564 4,167 12,008 16,151
      General and administrative 2,259 2,500 6,635 10,171
      Goodwill impairment -- -- -- 2,854
      Restructuring reserve -- -- -- 2,086
      Total operating expenses before
      stock-based compensation 8,129 7,882 22,427 35,683
      Income (loss) from operations
      before stock-based compensation 3,305 (2,676) 5,908 (37,036)
      Stock-based compensation 427 (66) 1,341 1,849
      Income (loss) from operations 2,878 (2,610) 4,567 (38,885)
      Total other income (expense) 18 (207) (28) (3,241)
      Income (loss) before income taxes 2,896 (2,817) 4,539 (42,126)
      Income taxes 853 676 6,104 2,276
      Net income (loss) $2,043 $(3,493) $(1,565) $(44,402)
      Net income (loss) per common share:
      Basic $0.03 $(0.06) $(0.03) $(0.77)
      Diluted $0.03 $(0.06) $(0.03) $(0.77)
      Shares used in computing net income
      (loss) per common share
      Basic 59,654 58,547 59,356 57,912
      Diluted 68,517 58,547 59,356 57,912
      (in thousands)
      Sept. 30, December 31,
      2002 2001
      Current assets:
      Cash and cash equivalents (includes restricted
      cash of $5,000 and $2,333 as of September 30,
      2002 and December 31, 2001, respectively) $31,220 $10,989
      Accounts receivable, net 31,255 14,188
      Inventories 21,247 6,827
      Prepaid expenses and other current assets 2,244 1,074
      Total current assets 85,966 33,078
      Property and equipment, net 2,995 2,341
      Intangibles and other assets 1,054 1,033
      Total assets $90,015 $36,452
      Current liabilities:
      Accounts payable and accrued liabilities $37,979 $20,058
      Deferred revenue 21,896 6,033
      Notes payable 13,980 2,405
      Total current liabilities 73,855 28,496
      Deferred revenue 9,020 1,748
      Notes payable, net of current portion 120 --
      Total liabilities 82,995 30,244
      Total stockholders` equity 7,020 6,208
      Total liabilities and
      stockholders` equity $90,015 $36,452
      Make Your Opinion Count - Click Here

      SOURCE Lexar Media, Inc.

      Michael Perez, Chief Financial Officer of Lexar Media,
      +1-510-413-1278, or; or IR, Jennifer Jarman of the
      blueshirt group, +1-415-217-7722, or, for Lexar
      schrieb am 22.11.02 21:10:43
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()
      Die Demo scheint bei den Anlegern gut anzukommen. :)

      Lexar Media Demonstrates Next Generation JumpDrive(TM) Hi-Speed USB Flash Drive At Comdex 2002
      20 Nov 2002, 06:00am ET


      Lexar Media Demonstrates Next Generation JumpDrive(TM) Hi-
      Speed USB Flash Drive At Comdex 2002

      LAS VEGAS, Nov. 20 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ --
      Lexar Media, Inc. (NASDAQ:LEXR), a leading developer of flash mass storage systems and an innovator of high-performance digital media and accessories, is demonstrating the next generation JumpDrive(TM) 2.0 Pro at the USB Implementers Forum Pavilion at Comdex.

      The latest JumpDrive 2.0 Pro product increases write speed performance to 6MB per second, up from 4.5MB per second.
      Lexar Media`s unique high-speed controller technology and the Hi-Speed USB 2.0 specification are responsible for the enhanced speed.

      The JumpDrive 2.0 Pro is currently the only Hi-Speed USB flash drive certified by the USB Implementers Forum, a non-profit organization and forum for the advancement and adoption of Universal Serial Bus technology.

      "Lexar Media continues to raise the bar for USB flash drive performance," said Steffen Hellmold, director of technical marketing and industrial OEM sales, Lexar Media.

      "Now with 6.0 megabytes per second both read and write
      speed, our Hi-Speed USB flash drive achieves data transfer rates never before possible with flash-based USB storage solutions, making it the ideal product for broadband OEM applications."

      "The market for USB flash drives is expected to grow rapidly over the next few years, reaching 50 million units by 2006," says Jim Handy, director of non-volatile memory, Semico Research.

      "Because USB flash drives typically do not require drivers and can be connected to virtually any computer through a
      standard USB port, users are experiencing a new versatility in data transfer.

      The use of Hi-Speed USB interface technology enables data transfer speeds far beyond the 1 megabyte per second
      barrier set by Full-Speed USB.

      The 6 megabytes per second read and write speed of Lexar Media`s JumpDrive 2.0 Pro should enhance the appeal that USB flash drives already have in the market."

      JumpDrive 2.0 Pro with 6MB read/write speed can be seen at Comdex in the USB Pavilion, booth #2532-USB-31
      schrieb am 07.12.02 22:03:56
      Beitrag Nr. 22 ()
      Lexar Media Announces Pricing of Common Stock Offering
      WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 04, 2002 9:28 PM
      - PR Newswire

      FREMONT, Calif., Dec 4, 2002 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX/ -- Lexar Media, Inc. (LEXR) , a leading designer, developer and marketer of award-winning high-performance digital media and accessories, today announced the public offering of 4.3 million shares of its common stock at a price to the public of $6.00 per share. The common stock was offered under the Lexar shelf registration statement that was declared effective by the SEC on July 19, 2002. The offering was sole managed by SG Cowen Securities Corporation. The offering is scheduled to settle on December 10, 2002.

      SG Cowen has a 30-day option to purchase a maximum of 645,000 additional shares to cover over-allotments of shares, if any.

      A copy of the prospectus and the related prospectus supplement may be obtained from SG Cowen Securities Corporation, 1221 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York 10020.

      The registration statement relating to these securities has been filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission and has been declared effective. This press release is not an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy nor shall there be any sale of these securities in any state in which the offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to registration or qualification under the securities laws of any such state.

      About Lexar Media, Inc.

      Lexar Media, Inc. is a designer, marketer and licensor of removable flash-based digital storage media, card readers and ATA controller solutions for the digital photography, consumer electronics, industrial and communications markets.


      SOURCE Lexar Media, Inc.

      investors, Jennifer Jarman of the blueshirt group,
      +1-415-217-7722, or

      Copyright (C) 2002 PR Newswire. All rights reserved.
      schrieb am 11.12.02 22:29:30
      Beitrag Nr. 23 ()
      Lexar Media raises $25.8 million in share offering
      WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 04, 2002 9:42 PM - Reuters U.S. Company News

      FREMONT, Calif., Dec 4 (Reuters)
      - Lexar Media Inc. (LEXR) , a maker of digital media and imaging products, said on Wednesday it raised $25.8 million in a public share offer.

      The Fremont, California-based company said it sold 4.3 million shares of common stock at $6 each, as part of a shelf registration that regulators declared effective in July.

      Lexar, whose products include memory cards for digital cameras, said investment SG Cowen Securities Corp. managed the offering exclusively.

      Lexar noted that SG Cowen has a 30-day option to buy up to 645,000 additional shares to cover any over-allotments.

      © Reuters 2002.
      schrieb am 29.01.03 23:00:59
      Beitrag Nr. 24 ()
      Nette Ergebnisse heute:

      Company Posts Third Consecutive Quarter of Record Revenues and Earnings; Fourth Quarter Revenues Up 43% Sequentially to $65.5 Million, Net Income Rises to $0.08 per Share…

      Wie in den alten Hype-Zeiten...

      schrieb am 08.02.03 22:37:52
      Beitrag Nr. 25 ()
      Lexar Media 4th-qtr profit surges
      WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29, 2003 4:40 PM
      - Reuters U.S. Company News

      FREMONT, Calif., Jan 29 (Reuters) - Digital film maker Lexar Media Inc. (LEXR) said on Wednesday its fourth-quarter profit jumped from a year ago as demand for digital photography products surged.

      Lexar said net income in the quarter ended Dec. 31 was $5.6 million, or 9 cents per share, compared with $2 million, or 3 cents per share in the year-earlier period.

      Revenue rose 43 percent to $65.5 million from $45.7 million a year ago.

      Looking ahead, Lexar said it expects first-quarter net income of about $4 million, or 6 cents per share, with revenue of about $55 million. It cited strong continued demand for its products as consumers switch to digital photography and markets develop for handheld consumer electronics.

      Shares of the Fremont, California-based company rose 5 cents, or 1 percent, to close at $5.15 on the Nasdaq.

      © Reuters 2003. All rights reserved. Republication or redistribution of Reuters content, including by caching, framing or similar means, is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Reuters. Reuters and the Reuters sphere logo are registered trademarks and trademarks of the Reuters group of companies around the world.
      schrieb am 08.02.03 22:52:35
      Beitrag Nr. 26 ()
      Ich schau mir LEXR zum ersten mal an. Aber ich bin überzeugt das LEXR noch eine große Zukunft vor sich hat. Enormes Wachstum und die Gewinne werden auch immer größer!:D
      schrieb am 09.02.03 13:05:16
      Beitrag Nr. 27 ()
      Wenn ich mir allerdings das Insider Trading anschaue wird mir schlecht.
      schrieb am 09.02.03 19:10:22
      Beitrag Nr. 28 ()
      @ benefactor
      Womit du leider Recht hast.

      Lexar ist zwar der Highender unter den Speichermedien-Herstelllern, aber den Haupteil der Produkte die SRAM-Chips kommen von anderen Sandisk und Samsung vor allem.

      Sicher ist die Firma beim drumherum den Controllern/Schreib/Lese- Techniken sehr Kreativ.
      Aber wehe wenn die mächtige Konkurrenz etwa Fuji oder Sony zuschlägt und massiv versucht eigene Formate zum Standard zu pushen.

      Die Aussnahme wäre die schlucken einfach Lexar na dann müsste man sie im Depot haben.
      Dem Insiderverhalten nach siehts aber nicht so aus.


      schrieb am 11.02.03 01:10:47
      Beitrag Nr. 29 ()
      Die Insiderverkäufe laufen schon seit Monaten trotz der momentanen Geschäftsentwicklung. Im wesentlichen ist das der Cash-In der Venture-Kapitalgeber. Immerhin sind noch 41% des Unternehmens in Insider Besitz.

      Bei den anderen Insidern (Angestellten) setzt das bitte mal in Beziehung zu den Holdings: STEWART, WILLIAM J., Director hat 140.000 Aktien vekauft von 3.400.000 die er hat. Wahrscheinlich hat er eine neue Freundin und braucht mal eben eine halbe Million Dollar. Der CTO, ESTAKHRI, PETRO hat zuletzt 15.000 seiner 2.200.000 Aktien verkauft.

      Institutionelle Anleger sehen das so: Net Inst. Buying: 5.36M shares (+19.31%) (prior quarter to latest quarter)

      Ich fand auch den CC positiv.

      schrieb am 22.05.03 22:20:06
      Beitrag Nr. 30 ()
      Lexar Media swings to profit in first quarter
      THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 2003 4:33 PM
      - Reuters U.S. Company News

      LOS ANGELES, April 17 (Reuters) - Digital film maker Lexar Media Inc. (LEXR) on Thursday said it swung to a profit in the first quarter from a year-earlier loss as higher sales offset lower retail film prices.

      The company, based in Fremont, California, reported net income of $4.3 million, or 6 cents a share, compared to a net loss of $4.9 million, or 8 cents a share, in the same period last year. Revenue rose 90 percent to $54.6 million.

      Lexar said it expects ongoing strong demand for digital storage products as well as less pronounced price declines in the second quarter.

      Lexar projected second quarter revenue of $60 million or more with net income of around $4.5 million, or 6 cents per share. The company said it believes it is on track to achieve previous guidance of $250 million to $275 million in revenue for the year with net income of 30 cents per share.

      © Reuters 2003. All rights reserved. Republication or redistribution of Reuters content, including by caching, framing or similar means, is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Reuters. Reuters and the Reuters sphere logo are registered trademarks and trademarks of the Reuters group of companies around the world.

      Scheisse da hab ich die Rallye voll verpasst.

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      Lexar Media - wer hat das schon gesehen?