
    Sehr gute News bei CMKM - Älteste Beiträge zuerst (Seite 3385)

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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 07.03.19 20:43:20
      Beitrag Nr. 33.841 ()
      Hey Jungs,
      wird mal wieder Zeit zum Träumen:)

      ohh shit...zählt für mich nicht mehr...habe kein Konto mehr bei Transfer Online

      Wir sind bereit! D. 6. März 2019 Info, MarkZ:
      CMKX-Pakete veröffentlicht, aber nicht ausgeliefert. Hoffentlich in den nächsten 24/48 Stunden. Die Pakete sollten Ihre Anweisungen zur Funktionsweise Ihres Kontos, zu Ihren Anteilen und zum sofortigen Zugriff auf bestimmte Beträge (möglicherweise eine Debitkarte, die Sie anrufen und aktivieren müssten) für über 100.000 USD bis 150.000 USD angeben, damit Sie dies tun können Liquidität, bevor Sie zur Bank oder Wechselstube gehen. 4. Sie mussten die Geldbußen und Strafen aktualisieren. Ich höre, dass sie alle innerhalb der nächsten 48 Stunden geliefert werden sollten.

      Beste Grüße
      schrieb am 28.03.19 11:06:13
      Beitrag Nr. 33.842 ()

      Can you please tell us how much longer we cmkx shareholders must wait? Is it in our favor that SK is closing up shop? Will we be paid before or after that happens?

      Will we receive F&P first, therefore the no need to wait for MC to be paid? Then we receive our trust money? Is MC to fund the GCR only?

      Thanks for coming back and posting!!

      Can you please tell us how much longer we cmkx shareholders must wait?

      Its any day! I wish there were more specifics to nail down a date.

      Is it in our favor that SK is closing up shop?

      As some have said recently its EXCELLENT NEWS!!

      Will we be paid before or after that happens?

      We will be paid when notices are released!!

      Will we receive F&P first, therefore the no need to wait for MC to be paid?

      Trump from my sources gave Wanta access to the funds for the GCR! As for MC, what he may receive is unknown.

      Although there are some who have claimed in behind the scenes, some have already been paid and notices received(NO its not MarkZ or Shelton).

      I have been told we do not need to wait for MC to be paid. Again, what the specifics are exactly, thats a mystery.

      Then we receive our trust money?

      Basel III for all banks going to the gold standard is end of the month March.

      Trump has taken control of the Fed and the IRS!

      There are adjudicated settlements being paid out.

      The process has been changed up so many times, F&P and Trust come all in one, then F&P first then Trust Fund a month later.

      The F&P is an enormous amount of pps! So is the Trust fund.

      Is MC to fund the GCR only?

      MC can only speak for himself on this regard.

      Thats all that I am allowed to share


      Gruß Capten
      schrieb am 08.05.19 13:27:27
      Beitrag Nr. 33.843 ()

      14 hours ago Treadstone, RoughCut, and 11 more like this
      Post Options
      Post by oldepro on 14 hours ago
      Dear CMKM Operation Truth Donors,

      Dave and I want to thank Tom Gates for his exhaustive efforts and dedication in pursuit of the truth. We also want to thank all our donors for their contributions and patience in this matter. We especially thank our mystery donors whose generosity made this possible. I also want to thank our spouses for their unwavering support on this long journey.

      Please be advised we have informed Mr. Gates of our desire he no longer communicate with anyone involved in CMKM Diamonds. Below is a message from Tom Gates.


      Steve Walker and Dave Vangunten

      From Tom Gates:

      "For dissemination: To this date our firm has been unable to establish any funds exist that may be distributed to the victim group. We have come upon a very recent lead which may or may not uncover the possibility of an existing “trust”. We should know by the end of next week. IF, it turns out to be a positive lead, I will be the first to share the good information with everyone. This final lead will conclude our investigation and the final report will be written. We have worked on this case for several years and consistently run into dead ends. Of those that give you encouragement, we would be suspect. We are aware of rumors, misinformation and “conspiracy theories” being floated amongst the investor victim group. Please be extremely cautious in believing there is any truth in any of the stories.

      Thank you for your patience and understanding,

      Tom Gates


      Gruss Capten
      schrieb am 13.09.19 07:22:39
      Beitrag Nr. 33.844 ()
      I spoke with Al for about a half hour today.

      He remains convinced of two things; payment will happen and it remains tied to having both a safe banking system (to protect it) as well as having it asset (gold) backed. A change he says has been underway for many years yet thwarted by that notable "cabal" at every turn. A little push and a lot more listening and it becomes more clear...the "cabal" are the same that push for one-world governments and banking. A little research and you can find a wide variety of information that is specifically NOT tied to the conspiratorial stuff, so it is a matter of how much you're willing to embrace.

      He is also quite adamant that the amount will be significantly more than many expect--although he cannot say how much. I didn't press because I don't care. Well, I care...but not that much. The amount is what the amount is--the question is "when"? The answer to that is he's been told the processing for the F&P is what the Gov is holding up and he's frustrated by it. Technically, (he says he's been told) the backing is already in place as is the safe-banking system. It's all about releasing what's long overdue.

      I asked about the dependence on revaluation world-wide--is it still mandatory or have things shifted? He stated that many of the world's currencies have revalued to become more on par--which is a necessity for international trade. The "plan" (for lack of a better word) was that the USA would go last and his thinking is that Trump may be using this as a hammer of sorts to finalize the corrective deal-making he is endeavoring with certain countries. Sounds plausible if not outright believable...but um, I need some corrective deals of my own! Like some moolah for my CMKX placemat that people call a cert! Hahaha!

      Asked about not coming back to the boards and he says it's simple...he's been told he cannot speak about things publicly at this time. Asked if he feels Gates has been told the same--he would not be surprised.

      Fully intends to start a bank for CMKM shareholders only once payment is received, if they can prove their identity as CMKM shareholders. (as simple as a copy of one's cert) Asked how he can fund that...he holds a massive cert of his own. That's great. We all have dreams of what we want to do for others if/when this comes to fruition.

      Lastly he stated that he did what he did--without asking the shareholders at large for money [nor permission, I might add] because he felt convicted to do so. Surveying the boards and paltalk rooms at the time it became somewhat apparent no one else had the contacts or expertise to do what he did--so he ventured forth of his own volition. Read that again. His OWN volition. That should wipe out rumors that he is/was put up to do this or controls now (or ever) the process to bring about results. He remains true to his conviction/belief about what happened, why it happened, how, as well as his rather enthusiastic (though annoyed with the delay) expectation that WE WILL BE PAID. (emphasis his)

      It's been too long, he will admit, but says patience is still key and America will never be the same when this happens.

      There's some more, but that's enough. This is long as it is. No doubt you found much of this repetitive of things posted in the past. It is what he has believed and stated since the first days of his posting--which to my thinking says a lot about him. This is his conviction. He hopes folks will try to understand it...but I suppose he won't be losing sleep over those who choose instead to scoff at it.

      Yes, he says, he is still working in the background on related issues.
      schrieb am 30.09.19 13:12:14
      Beitrag Nr. 33.845 ()
      Naked, Short and Greedy
      Wall Street's Failure to Deliver
      By Susanne Trimbath

      Gruss Capten
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.

      Trading Spotlight

      East Africa Metals
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      East Africa Metals: Neues All-Time-High – die 276% Chance jetzt nutzen?!mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 09.11.19 23:21:26
      Beitrag Nr. 33.846 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 61.596.613 von capten am 30.09.19 13:12:14:rolleyes: ja so spielt das Leben...……………...
      schrieb am 14.11.19 06:08:21
      Beitrag Nr. 33.847 ()

      hat den keiner Interesse an der Petition?…
      schrieb am 04.01.20 15:55:45
      Beitrag Nr. 33.848 ()
      UPDATED: I corrected a more detail in the sentence below this post...…..

      What I found regarding our payout & some info.....

      I went to a stock brokerage place two weeks ago and today 1/3/2020. I am using they as a person I talked to because I don't want to give the name out and also no name for the brokerage place.

      About 2 weeks ago I went to the brokerage place. Told them what I was lookng for and any info they can pull up. They typed in my cusip number on my cert. A black background box with green letters popped up. This box was for brokers only and I wasn't suppose to see that is what they told me today. They messed up showing me this box at first but I caught some of it in my eyes. Here are some of what I saw in that black box:

      Under CMKM Diamonds INC with cusip number:


      "DO NOT SELL"

      Warka Bank payable $3.30 or $3.33 xx/xx/2009 I could'nt make out the last number if it was a 0 or 3 and the month a day of 2009 I could not get it fast enough.

      Wells Fargo payable $0.1995 xx/xx/2004 the month a day of 2004 I could not get it fast enough.

      There were other numbers, dates, payouts. I could not catch all of it.

      They made a copy of my certificate and put in all the info and sent it to the corporate research department. They said they will call me when they find out something. Left on good terms.

      Two weeks went by no phone call. So today 1/3/2020 I stopped at the place. They tells me the research department said they can not do nothing with it. That it was still under company lawsuit but I said the lawsuit case is closed. They said it is not. I asked them to pull up that black box again so they can explain to me in detail and so that I can take notes of it. They keep playing dumb and the whole tune thing changed face on them. It is like they didn't want to find that black box I saw two weeks ago. They said that black box was for brokers to look at only. Kept playing dumb on the computer. They tell me that I was sold a privatly owned cerificates by the company and that I need to redeem my funds on my own. I said that is why I need to take notes on that black box to know how and what to say to the banks to claim my funds. On the brokerage computer they typed in Actinq or Acting in the specific search area on the computer box and it pulls up a black box and it shows 5 of these transfer agents but it is not what I saw:

      1. Transfer Online INC
      2. Can't remember.
      3. 1st Global Stock Transfer LLC
      4. Can't remember.
      5. Can't remember.

      It says to type in 1 to 5 in the box. They typed in 4 I told them that is not what I saw. I told them to type in 3 which is 1st Global Stock Transfer LLC but they typed in 1 which was Transfer Online INC I told them that is not what I saw. But those two (1 and 4) showed some payouy numbers with different cusip numbers with the payouts beside the cusip. I asked them again to type in 3 but they wouldn't. I told them about the box they showed me two weeks ago they again repeat that box is for brokers to see only. So today was no help and the whole tune changed all just because of the info they got back from the corporate research department.

      NOTE: Warka Bank is a investment and Finance Iraqi commercial bank. My question is why is some of our funds in an Iraqi Bank?!

      Today 1/3/2020 I left the brokerage place and I went to the Wells Fargo Advisors place and gave them this piece of paper that I typed up:

      To whom it may concern at Wells Fargo,

      I would like to exchange a copy of my certificates for the funds that are payable to me. It is known and shown that this is "FOR EXCHANGE" " with payout numbers along with the dates that funds were transferred/deposited/settled. I believe the Wells Fargo shows payable of $0.1995 price per share and possibility other payouts from Wells Fargo so please double check to be sure. On these certificates you can find this information under the company name, cusip number and certificate number. Please could you find out what we need to do to make the check payable or direct deposit of funds in my name shown on the certificates.

      Thank You!

      They called some Wells Fargo department and hung up and they told me that company is still under lawsuit and sorry that they were no help.

      Sorry Guys and Girls I did the Best I could. I am speaking the truth from my heart and what I saw.


      UPDATED: I didn't get every detail in this sentence. It was too much typing. Sorry.

      This sentence is does not have more of the details:

      On the brokerage computer they typed in Actinq or Acting in the specific search area on the computer box and it pulls up a black box and it shows 5 of these transfer agents but it is not what I saw:

      This is the way it should have said:

      On the brokerage computer in that black box, they typed in Actinq or Acting in the top left in the search box, in the same black box it had other stuff to proceed to the next step they typed in the search box the company cusip number, in that same black box it shows 5 of these transfer agents but it is not what I saw:…

      Gruss Capten
      schrieb am 03.03.20 11:25:52
      Beitrag Nr. 33.849 ()
      Greetings CMKX Shareholders,

      It's been a very long time since I last posted, but I check in at least once every day. These are the thoughts from a group of us that have connected over the years. Many veterans, business owners, medical professionals, mechanics, and just good people. We all believe in a positive outcome for the shareholders. Please give us your feedback and let's see if there is some way to get the ball rolling on our payment.

      Thank you!



      February 12, 2020

      To Whom It May Concern:

      SUBJECT: CMKX - 2020:

      In the last three and half years since the 2016 election, we have witnessed the release of information,
      plots, and news that has exposed a level of corruption, fraud, misinformation, and outright lies that
      has been perpetrated against United States citizens, organizations, and entities around the world to
      control the narrative of right and wrong, left vs right, and the retention of and hunt for power. This
      includes our banks, public markets, brokerage firms, and government agencies who oversee these
      markets and market makers.

      All this information and efforts are now bringing to light what is now referred to daily as the deep
      state, the failure of the rule of law, the breakdown of our government agencies, courts, and trading
      systems, which were created to protect the citizens of the United States from its misuse by bad
      actors and the government and uphold the rule of law for all its citizens to provide fairness in the

      The shareholders of CMKX are a group of investors who were misled, misrepresented, and defrauded
      since 2003/2005 and are now calling on the press, our representatives, and organizations
      pursuing truth to expose this very public fraud. CMKX is the largest “Counterfeit Shares” fraud in
      the world. Trillions of stock shares traded and changed hands until CMKX revoked itself from
      the public markets and had every stockholder pull their stock certificates out of brokerages name
      and into Investors name to safely hold in the shareholders possession for ownership claims. CMKX
      is also the largest stock certificate pull in the history of the United States. We have documents that
      present the history of CMKX and letters to various Government agencies submitted since this

      Shareholder Background Report:………

      Since 2005, the shareholders have been tracking information about the court cases, the outcomes
      of these cases, the information presented in these cases and the misinformation used in these cases.
      The shareholders are also now aware that prosecutors in these cases have withheld government
      evidence and information in other cases they were working on at the same time as the CMKX case,
      they used incorrect information as the proof of the naked short selling perpetrated against the
      company and its stockholders, allowing brokerage firms to underreport their trades and who was
      responsible for those trades within the firm. The CMKX cases need to be reopened and the work
      of the prosecutors reviewed due to the other cases they worked on where there was outright
      The shareholders have also recently discovered trusts that were set up for payment of settlements
      to shareholders due to the fraud. These trusts have been moved around and are manage by firms
      and banks in the United States. Four CMKX stockholders can see the accounts but cannot open
      them due to various court orders still in place by the courts or restrictions imposed by the managing

      This has gone on far too long. The shareholders of CMKX are requesting that efforts be made to
      expose this fraud, open these trusts for the benefit of the shareholders, and correct this injustice to
      all the Shareholders. We are enlisting your help to make this happen in 2020 and bring this long
      chapter to end for all parties involved.

      Markets need work with integrity and be transparent. Courts need to be provided all relevant
      documents to provide a basis to make an honest ruling in the cases. If prosecutors, agencies,
      trading platforms, brokers and company executives are withholding information, providing
      incorrect information, and not acting in the benefit of the Shareholders in these cases, then the
      system needs to be reviewed and changes to happen to correct these deficiencies.

      The Shareholders can prove that Naked Short Selling (NSS) happened to many company including
      CMKX during the period of 2003 to 2008, when the financial crisis finally exposed all the fraud
      happening in the markets. We now know that many companies, brokers, agencies, and oversight
      companies were all working together to defraud the country and the global markets.

      Here are links that provide background, proof of and exposes the NSS, and provide the trust information:

      • Link to Reg-sho rule:

      • Link to market maker exception rule (Madoff rule):

      • Link to the End of the DTCC stock borrow program (this facilitated the NSS in the

      • Link to Economic Warfare - Risk and Responses:…
      • The testimony of Lehman’s Bros. CEO Richard S Fuld in front of Congress. His testimony was about NSS and a Bears Stearns letter about NSS:……
      • Example of the SEC charging people with NSS:…
      • Links to SEC emergency orders in 2008 collapse which had NSS as their primary concern:…

      We provide this information to help you understand the level of NSS fraud that took place against
      many companies during that time.

      Attached are documents which show the naked short and the trust information we have discovered

      Please help us to bring this to light and to finality. It is long overdue.

      CMKX Shareholders


      CMKX Shareholder request for open information and corrections to past information to
      help bring this to a conclusion for the Shareholders.


      We, the shareholders of CMKX, witnessed and were part of the largest naked short in stock market
      history on a public exchange. CMKX is a diamond mining company located in Canada and has
      significant rights to minerals and other elements located on the land owned by CMKX located in
      Fort a la Corne region near Prince Albert, Saskatchewan.

      We knowingly believe that all legitimate shareholders of CMKX were defrauded of their
      investments, their rights to claims and settlements and were provided inaccurate and deceptive
      information by numerous parties on the outcome of the company, its current status and it rightful
      claims. These parties include various departments and agencies of the United States Federal
      Government that were part of the fraud against CMKX shareholders and the prosecutions of cases
      against insiders of the company. It appears that SEC and DOJ entered, altered or presented known
      false evidence into legal hearings to conceal the naked short in the CMKX naked short case. It
      appears that the government conspired to cover up the crimes of the brokers in our case and lied
      in the criminal indictments and SEC actions. We know of DOJ and SEC employees who were
      alerted of this fact and instead of fixing or correcting the problem, continued the cover up. We
      know that prosecutors who oversaw the CMKX cases were knowingly withholding government
      evidence in other cases they worked on during the same period.

      We ask your assistance to help provide notice, assert corrective actions and resolve these
      outstanding issues and help us to finally settle this matter for all the shareholders of CMKX. Below
      is a list of requests we have, that we would like your assistance in resolving, for the good of all the
      CMKX Shareholders, the people of the United States and people of other countries impacted by
      this fraud.

      • CMKX Shareholders request the enforcement of the judgement provided to a group of
      Shareholders in Canada for the legitimate CMKX shareholder lists.

      • CMKX Shareholders would like to see a list of any off balance sheet items.

      • CMKX Shareholders request the use of strawman accounts to open trusts to see if monies
      due CMKX shareholders are being held in identified trusts we have discovered.

      • CMKX Shareholders request the assistance in the discovery of all trusts holding CMKX
      monies, awards, fines and penalties and that the trusts be distributed to CMKX shareholders.

      • CMKX Shareholders request that the CMKX naked short be applied to other naked short
      legal precedents, which proved the naked short against other companies and established
      this precedent for potential RICO charges against all firms involved in the naked shorting
      of the stock.

      • CMKX Shareholders requests the contact and appropriate filings to all firms involved in
      the CMKX naked short and all documentations, filings, and communications responsible
      for the CMKX naked shorting.

      • CMKX Shareholders would like your help to contact all legal entities or parties who have
      provided misinformation or misrepresentations to CMKX Shareholders.

      • CMKX Shareholders allege that statements made by the SEC and DOJ in the court cases
      were not true. It also appears that the trading data entered in their cases by these agencies
      was false and that after being alerted to this fact, continued to use the false data. The real
      data shows a huge naked short by brokers not insiders.

      • CMKX Shareholders are aware of judgements and disciplinary actions against people in
      the DOJ offices who oversaw the prosecution of the CMKX case. They have been found
      guilty of withholding evidence in the other cases during the same period, with those cases
      being dismissed or overturned as a result of these DOJ actions and that the same office in
      CMKX case is linked to the Daniel Chapman case.…

      • CMKX Shareholders allege that the SEC and DOJ knowingly blamed only insiders for the
      fraud when our records prove that was not true. They were alerted to this fact and refuse to
      fix the problem as it would show they have lied to us the whole time and covered up the
      brokers crimes.

      o In Civil Action No. 2:08-cv-0437, 4-7-08, United States District Court for the
      District of Nevada, Leslie Hakala alleges that "To divert attention from their own
      dumping of CMKM shares, Casavant persuaded CMKM's investors that the
      reported high trading volume in CMKM stock reflected extensive "naked short
      selling" rather than ordinary stock dilution."

      o In its Grand Jury Superseding Indictment 2-09-CR-00132-RLH-RJJ, 5-27-09,
      United States District Court, District of Nevada, the Grand Jury charges that: "...To
      create the appearance of an active and established market for CMKM stock, and to
      disguise the fact that the conspirators were virtually the only sellers of CMKM

      • CMKX Shareholders want to know who bought the CMKX claims in Asia.

      • CMKX Shareholders allege that the Uranium One deal involves uranium found on CMKX
      land and claims in Canada.

      • CMKX Shareholders would like to see the FBI files generated over time about CMKX
      because it is known they had 100’s of boxes of legal documents related to the fraud. Where
      are those documents now?

      • CMKX Shareholders allege that we have rights of first refusal to the land in Canada.

      • CMKX Shareholders can provide a list of Attorney’s involved in CMKX over the years
      and it would like them to provide an update on what they know.

      • CMKX Shareholders have found proof of a “CMKX” trust portfolio listing discovered by
      one of the CMKX shareholders, in his personal portfolio account tied to fund managed by
      a firm located in Boston, MA. The shareholders would like to speak to the firm and track
      that listing account.

      In conclusion, the CMKX shareholders believe this fraud was orchestrated by many people,
      organizations and agencies to defraud the CMKX shareholders and misdirect funds due these
      shareholders as part of cover-up to misappropriate these funds for other nefarious purposes. We
      appreciate your time and assistance in bringing this long nightmare to end for the CMKX
      shareholders, the people of the United States and people of other countries impacted by this fraud.
      You can expose this injustice and fraud that has been going on for over 15 years.

      Respectively Yours and with Gratitude

      The Shareholders of CMKX

      CMKX February 2020 Update Final.pdf (111.55 KB)
      schrieb am 15.03.20 10:53:15
      Beitrag Nr. 33.850 ()
      Federal Reserve
      So das wars entgültig mit unserem Geld !!

      die FED hat sowieso kein Geld mehr.... jetzt schleudert sie unser TIER 3 und auch T-4 nach und nach in den Markt! 📉 😭

      Fed will 1,5 Billionen US-Dollar einwerfen, um ungewöhnliche Störungen auf den Märkten zu verhindern
      Die Federal Reserve kündigte an, an der Wall Street riesige Summen kurzfristiger Kredite zur Verfügung zu stellen und Schatzanweisungen zu kaufen, um zu verhindern, dass bedrohliche Handelsbedingungen zu einer stärkeren wirtschaftlichen Kontraktion führen.

      Das Versprechen der Fed, erheblich in die kurzfristigen Geldmärkte einzugreifen, sowie ein Schritt, der die Tür zu einer Wiederaufnahme des als quantitative Lockerung bezeichneten Anleihekaufimpulses öffnet, folgten zwei Handelstagen, in denen sich die Marktfunktion offenbar verschlechtert hatte.
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      Sehr gute News bei CMKM