
    PV: aktuelle PROJEKTE und FINANZIERUNGEN - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 23.11.08 14:47:44 von
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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 23.11.08 14:47:44
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      Hallo Leute,

      da ich aktuell das größte Risiko für die weitere stürmische Entwicklung des PV-Markts im Ausbleiben von Finanzierung sehe, würde ich in diesem Thread gerne AKTUELLE Informationen zu neuen Projekten und Finanzierungen sammeln. Weltweit.
      schrieb am 23.11.08 14:49:45
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      19 MW // 2009 // Ontario // NordLB

      21. November 2008
      Nord/LB Closes Financing on 9-MW Solar Project
      Ontario, Canada []

      Nord/LB announced that it closed financing on 9 megawatts (MW) of a combined 19 MW of solar power projects being developed via a joint venture between SunEdison and SkyPower Corp. The 19 MW of solar projects are set to be complelted by the end of 2009.

      First Light is the first solar project under this program that has been project financed.

      The 9-MW First Light project, is being built on approximately 178 acres of land in Lennox & Addington County, Ontario, Canada. The remaining 10 MW of solar projects are being developed throughout Ontario. The power generated from all 19 MW of projects will be distributed through the Hydro One utility under a 20-year power purchase agreement.

      In 2006 the Government of Ontario, in concert with the Ontario Power Authority, launched its Renewable Energy Standard Offer Program that provides a platform for stimulating investment and job creation in the renewable energy sector. First Light is the first solar project under this program that has been project financed.
      schrieb am 23.11.08 15:10:54
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      $105 Mio. // 2009ff // USA // US Bancorp

      Banks show confidence in solar — SunRun secures $105M financing
      Chris Morrison | November 20th, 2008

      We may be in the depths of a credit crunch, but some banks still seem willing to give loans to renewable energy projects. This morning, solar services firm SunRun is announcing a $105 million commitment by U.S. Bancorp (USB) to buy about 2,000 of the residential projects it installs.

      Keep in mind that this isn’t equity or debt money that SunRun itself will receive. Because the company leases out solar arrays that it installs on customers’ roofs, the financing is more like a guarantee that SunRun can keep working at full speed without worrying about how to pay for the installations. For USB, the investment will provide predictable returns over the next several years as customers pay for the power they receive from their solar panels.

      To date, only a few companies like SunRun have brought in similar financing. “This is a specialty asset class,” says Nat Kreamer, the company’s chief operating officer. “It’s not like getting a home loan — it takes real expertise.” But as with any type of asset, if it supplies steady returns, experts will appear. The USB commitment is a significant show of confidence during hard times.

      SunRun is also adding David Buzby, the chairman of SunEdison, to its board. As one of the largest commercial and government solar installers in the country, the company has some real synergies with SunRun’s home installation business. Kreamer wouldn’t speculate on whether the two might collaborate, though.

      The last equity funding SunRun received was a $12 million round in June. It’s based in San Francisco, Calif.
      schrieb am 23.11.08 15:21:30
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      1 MW // 2009-Q2 // Japan // ProLogis

      ProLogis undertakes first PV project in Japan
      21 November 2008 | By Syanne Olson | News > Power Generation

      ProLogis has announced plans to install its first one-megawatt PV system in Japan at its ProLogis Parc Zama I, a five-story distribution facility of more than 1.2 million square metres. Located in the city of Zama, the PV system has an anticipated completion date for sometime in the second quarter of 2009.

      "We are thrilled to announce our first solar installation in Japan, leading the way for future projects in the country," said Robert Watson, ProLogis' Chief Sustainability Officer. "ProLogis is committed to implementing enough renewable energy systems to obtain a combined generation capacity of over 25 million kilowatt hours per year by 2010; this project will certainly help us achieve that goal."

      Upon operation, the system will produce around 1,000,000kW hours per year; that’s enough electricity to power the facilities lighting of the common area, warehouse space and run half of the air conditioning in the office areas.

      ProLogis has been given a subsidy to offset part of the project’s cost by the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, an affiliated agency of Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. The grant is one of many recent government actions that aim to support and promote the use of renewable energy in Japan.

      Currently, ProLogis has 6.1MW of completed or under-development PV projects around the world. It has signed two rooftop leases in the U.S. totaling more than 800,000 square feet to power a 2.4MW installation at Southern California Edison in Fontana, CA and a 1.1MW installation with Portland General Electric in Portland, OR. In Europe, France, Spain and Germany have solar installations with ProLogis.
      schrieb am 23.11.08 15:38:06
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      Dies ist zwar nur indirekt zum Thema, es wird aber trotzdem interessant sein, wie die Platzierung verläuft...

      Grünwald, 20.11. 2008 08:56

      InfraClass Energie 4 der KGAL investiert wieder in Solarenergie aus Spanien

      Mit dem InfraClass Energie 4 bietet die KGAL (KG Allgemeine Leasing GmbH & Co.) privaten Investoren wieder die Möglichkeit, von den Chancen der nachhaltigen Stromerzeugung aus Solarenergie zu profitieren. Investiert wird in zwei Photovoltaikanlagen mit je 5 MW Nominalleistung in der sonnenreichen Region Castilla La Mancha. Die Vergütung ist bei beiden Anlagen durch die in Spanien geltende Vergütungsregelung für erneuerbare Energien sichergestellt. Erfahrener Partner in diesem Fonds ist erneut die Phoenix Solar AG. Die Zeichnung ist interessierten Investoren ab voraussichtlich Ende November möglich.

      Der InfraClass Energie 4 der KGAL investiert in zwei Photovoltaikanlagen in der sonnenreichen Region Castilla La Mancha, auf ungefähr halber Strecke zwischen Madrid und Valencia. Ein ausgewogenes Chancen-Risiko-Profil stand bei der soliden Konzeption des Fonds im Vordergrund: Anleger investieren in börsenunabhängige Sachwerte und profitieren von der gesetzlichen Sicherung der Vergütung von Solarstrom. Hinzu kommt die erneute Zusammenarbeit mit dem erfahrenen Partner Phoenix Solar AG. Phoenix Solar hat die Anlagen betriebsfertig errichtet und übernimmt die laufende Betriebsführung, Wartung und Instandhaltung der Anlagen für mindestens 20 Jahre. Beide Anlagen wurden Mitte September in Betrieb genommen und speisen Strom in das Netz des spanischen Stromkonzerns Iberdrola ein; die Einspeiseleistung beträgt jeweils 5 MW. Die Mindesteinlage für dieses Beteiligungsangebot beträgt EUR 10.000 zzgl. 5 % Agio. Das Gesamtinvestitionsvolumen beträgt EUR 68,7 Mio. Über den Prognosezeitraum werden Ausschüttungen inkl. Kapitalrückzahlung von rund 294 % erwartet.

      „Unser vierter Solarenergiefonds bietet alle Vorteile eines echten Realkapitalinvestments: In turbulenten Zeiten an den Finanzmärkten investiert der Anleger sein Geld in von den Weltbörsen vollständig unabhängige Objekte sowie gleichzeitig in eine nachhaltige Presseinformation der KGAL vom 18.11.2008 Seite 1
      Zukunftstechnologie.“, betont Gert Waltenbauer, Mitglied der Geschäftsführung der KGAL.

      Mit steigenden Energiepreisen, dem drohenden Klimawandel und somit notwendigem Umweltschutz nehmen die Bedeutung von Stromerzeugung aus erneuerbaren Energiequellen und der schonende Umgang mit vorhandenen Ressourcen immer stärker zu. Insbesondere Solarenergie stellt deshalb heute eine unverzichtbare Alternative zur konventionellen Stromerzeugung dar. Spanien bietet mit seiner hohen Sonneneinstrahlung optimale natürliche Voraussetzungen für die Nutzung der Solarenergie und fördert sie mit Vergütungsregelungen für erneuerbare Energien zudem von politischer Seite: So erhalten Solaranlagen zwischen 100 kW und 10 MW Leistung, die – wie die beiden Anlagen des InfraClass Energie 4 – vor dem 29. September 2008 in Betrieb genommen wurden, im Jahr 2008 eine Einspeisevergütung von rund 43 Cent pro Kilowattstunde. Die Vergütung wird jährlich an den korrigierten spanischen Verbraucherpreisindex angepasst und gilt für die ersten 25 Betriebsjahre der Anlage.

      Partners in Excellence mit guter Erfolgsbilanz
      Zusammen mit dem erfahrenen Partner Phoenix Solar AG hat die KGAL bereits zwei Solarenergiefonds in Deutschland und einen Solarenergiefonds in Spanien realisiert. Dabei übertrafen die beiden Deutschland-Solarfonds schon in den ersten beiden Betriebsjahren deutlich die Prognosen: Die Ausschüttungen des Solarparks in Miegersbach stehen für das Geschäftsjahr 2008 aktuell bei 12 % p. a. gegenüber geplanten 6 % p. a., die Ausschüttungen der Anlagen in Althegnenberg und Buchheim bei 9,8 % p. a. statt 6,3 % p. a. Für den Solarpark „La Solana“ in Spanien erfolgte eine prognosegemäße Ausschüttung für das erste Halbjahr 2008 in Höhe von 5 % p. a.
      Die KGAL bietet Investoren – als einer der führenden Fondsinitiatoren in Deutschland – seit 30 Jahren zukunftsweisende, renditeorientierte Investitionschancen. Rund 117.500 private und institutionelle Investoren (inkl. Mehrfachzeichnungen) haben ihr dabei bis 31.12.2007 für insgesamt 308 Beteiligungsangebote Eigenkapital in Höhe von rund EUR 9,8 Mrd. anvertraut.
      Presseinformation der KGAL vom 18.11.2008 Seite 2
      Die Kennzahlen des Beteiligungsangebotes InfraClass Energie 4
      InfraClass Energie 4 GmbH & Co. KG
      zwei Photovoltaikanlagen in Spanien

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      schrieb am 23.11.08 15:44:49
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      250MW // 2009ff // Italien // Foresight+"several banks"

      November 17, 2008

      London, United Kingdom: Foresight's Solar Fund to Invest in Italian and Greek PV Projects

      Foresight Group’s European new Solar Fund is to invest in solar photovoltaic opportunities in Italy and Greece, with the intention of expanding to other Southern European markets in the future. Foresight is looking to take advantage of the long term government backed incentives, in the form of feed-in tariffs, and asset-backed projects using established technologies, to build a dedicated portfolio of projects in this fast growing renewable energy sector.

      The fund aims to generate returns for investors in the form of annual distributions and capital gains on the sale of assets.

      Foresight Group currently manages over €250 million across a number of funds. These include Foresight European Solar Fund and Foresight UK Sustainable Investment Fund, a £22.5 million fund focused on investments in environmental infrastructure.

      Foresight's Italian office, located at Palazzo Valadier, Piazza del Popolo in Rome, focuses on identifying and executing investment opportunities in Southern Europe. Foresight’s Italian division is led by Luca Passariello, formerly of Bain & Co, who has been appointed as European General Manager to spearhead the Group’s activities in the region.

      Luca Passariello said, “As specialists in environmental infrastructure, Foresight recognises that Italy, currently the fastest growing solar infrastructure market in Europe, represents a significant investment opportunity. We have already secured framework agreements, representing more than 250MWs, with five Italian construction companies in the solar PV sector. We also have relationships in place with several banks which, despite the current financial environment, are interested in funding our projects. We intend to grow our solar portfolio significantly over the next year with the aim of becoming a top-five solar investor in Italy by the end of 2009.”

      Bernard Fairman, Managing Director and Founder of Foresight Group, added: “Opening an office in Italy is part of our long term strategy to increase our access to key European markets that are at the forefront of developments in the environmental infrastructure space, in particular solar. The European Solar Fund will enable us to maximise the investment opportunities in Italy and beyond and we are seeing strong interest from institutions and private investors who recognise the return potential of the sector.”
      schrieb am 23.11.08 16:30:33
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      €225 Mio. // 2009ff // Europa // Aviva Fund

      Solar PV to be Core Sector for Aviva Fund Aiming to Put $625 Million Into European Projects
      November 14, 2008
      Source: New Energy Finance

      The asset management arm of UK insurance major Aviva has launched a renewable energy project fund, aimed at attracting money from institutions that are committed to sustainable investment policies.

      The Aviva Investors European Renewable Energy Fund will specialise in "developing and financing" projects throughout the EU, including countries that are "relatively immature" in this area.

      Aviva said it aimed to have gross assets initially of at least 500 million euros ($625 million), and would invest in "biomass, biogas, geothermal, solar and wind projects", with those projects managed by SachsenFonds Group, the German development specialist.

      Joel Lindsey, fund manager for Aviva Investors, said: "More and more institutional investors such as pension funds are adopting sustainable investment policies that look for opportunities such as this fund."

      Lindsey told New Energy Finance: "Solar PV will offer the core return for the portfolio. Investment in solar PV can be up to 45% of fund size, due to the relatively lower risk nature of the investment. However it is the access to other technologies that should offer the greatest benefit to our target investors."

      He said that the SachsenFonds team has the necessary skills to offer Aviva's investors "opportunities in higher return sectors such as biogas, biomass and geothermal that can build on the base returns offered by solar PV".

      The fund will look to own projects outright on most occasions, targetting individual projects of 30 million euros to 75 million euros investment size. It will be set up as a Luxembourg regulated fund, and structured as a SICAV.
      schrieb am 23.11.08 17:50:07
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.047.379 von meinolf67 am 23.11.08 15:44:49dazu auch:

      Solar Fund Reaches 50 Million Euro Milestone and Targets Italy and Greece
      November 19, 2008
      Source: New Energy Finance

      Asset management firm Foresight Group has raised 50 million euros ($63 million) from high net worth individuals for a solar project fund centred on Italy and Greece, and hopes to double the size next year.

      Foresight said it has already "secured framework agreements, representing more than 250MW, with five Italian construction companies in the solar PV sector", and aims to become a top-five solar investor in Italy by the end of 2009.

      Jamie Richards, manager of the Foresight European Solar Fund, told New Energy Finance: "Our target is 100 million euros for the fund, and have had a first close at 50 million euros. We will be marketing it to Middle Eastern investors, who will probably represent the remaining balance."

      The fund will invest equity to take 100% control of projects. It will look at solar thermal as well as PV, and the total investment size of the projects owned by the fund is likely to be 500 million euros, if the target fund size is reached.

      Richards said that engineering, procurement and construction contractors typically have permitted but not the ability to pull together financing packages. "We will work with several banks to bring debt finance to the table. That has been easier said than done in the last six months, but we have identified two banks that are active at the current time. A number of others are not."

      Foresight is planning a second solar fund in the second half of next year, and that one will have a higher proportion of solar thermal projects than the first. It will also have a wider geographical focus, extending to the US as well as Europe, Richards said.
      schrieb am 23.11.08 18:18:34
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      Hoffentlich wird kein PV-Projekt mehr von den Banken finanziert.
      Die armen Stromverbraucher müssen die Zeche nämlich über höhere Strompreise im Endeffekt zahlen. :mad:

      Solarkraftwerke in Deutschland oder Kanada!!! :laugh::laugh::laugh: Unfassbar, wofür unser Geld rausgeschmissen wird...
      schrieb am 23.11.08 23:48:28
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.047.995 von Auswertung am 23.11.08 18:18:34:mad::mad::mad:

      Was denkst du was ich durch die Finanzkrise erst verloren habe........und was die Finanzkrise den Steuerzahler alles kostet....und noch kosten wird. Das kostet Millionen von Arbeitsplätze..........

      ......und jetzt kommst du mit Peanuts hier an.:yawn:

      Sonst haste aber keine Probleme?:keks:

      Wieviel Geld verlierst DU denn im Monat/Jahr durch das EEG? Na?

      DU scheinst die Energie ganz schön zu vergeuden.........ich zahle quasi nix an EEG......weil ich jedes Jahr meinen Stromverbrauch effektiver mache und der bei mir rückläufig ist.:p

      Und das ist auch Sinn der Sache, bzw. gewollt. Wer seinen Stromverbrauch nicht senken möchte, also immer mit Vollgas fahren will......der soll auch mehr blechen.:D
      schrieb am 08.12.08 06:59:58
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      Gigawatt-Scale PV Power Project Initiated In Jordan

      Example of Amelio Solar technology.
      by Staff Writers
      Amman, Jordan (SPX) Dec 08, 2008
      The Al-Husseini Group and Amelio Solar have announced a joint venture to bring large-scale photovoltaic energy production capacity to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in cooperation with the government and the national utility.

      The joint venture has launched a multi-year project to construct a one-gigawatt (1GW) photovoltaic power generation plant in Jordan, including an integrated two hundred megawatt (200MW) thin-film photovoltaic module factory that will serve as a dedicated, low-cost source of Amelio Solar thin-film photovoltaic modules to supply the power plant.

      The joint venture first will deploy and operate a factory in Jordan to produce thin-film amorphous silicon, CIGS (copper-indium-gallium-diselenide) and related hybrid photovoltaic modules using a manufacturing platform created and installed by Amelio Solar.

      Over a three-year installation period, the factory will reach an annual photovoltaic module manufacturing capacity of two hundred megawatts (200MW), beginning with a twenty-two megawatt (22MW) manufacturing line to be completed in 2009.

      The photovoltaic modules produced by this factory will be used primarily in the construction of a photovoltaic power generation plant in Jordan designed by Amelio Solar which will reach a total power generation capacity of one gigawatt (1GW) by 2017.

      The factory also will supply photovoltaic modules for export to other Amelio Solar photovoltaic power generation projects around the world and for sale on the open market.

      "We are pleased to be introducing to our country this strategic technology and production platform, and we are grateful for the leadership and support of his Majesty King Abdullah and the cooperation of the Ministry of Energy in this important effort" stated Mr. Omar Al-Husseini, Chief Executive Officer of Al-Husseini Group.

      "Our joint venture is bringing this capability to Jordan on a scale that will provide a truly cost-competitive, renewable source of electricity for today and the future, as well as a foundation for industrial growth in the new energy economy."

      "This exciting project represents the largest implementation to date of our manufacturing-integrated platform for low-cost construction of photovoltaic power generation capacity; the market has come a long way in the 25 years since our team built one of the world's first thin-film photovoltaic module factory and power plant," added Dr. Zoltan Kiss, Chairman and founder of Amelio Solar.

      "We are pleased to be working with Al-Husseini Group and the Jordanian government on their visionary initiative. Jordan's progressive business environment, technical capabilities and vast solar resources are an ideal combination for a large-scale solar energy program using thin-film photovoltaics."
      schrieb am 08.12.08 10:24:17
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.049.062 von XDA am 23.11.08 23:48:28Ein Haushalt mit 4000 kWh hat dieses Jahr ca. 80 € für das EEG aufwenden müssen. Nächstes Jahr, werden es schon 100 € sein.

      Gut 1/3 des Strompreises machen die Netznutzungsentgelte aus. Diese sind reguliert und die Unternehmen dürfen nur Betrag x in der Summe einnehmen. Dieser ist aber garantiert. Sparen alle Strom, bleibt der Betrag x für die Netzbetreiber trotzdem gleich, das Netzentgelt pro kWh steigt jedoch entsprechend.
      schrieb am 08.12.08 23:08:28
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.164.405 von Auswertung am 08.12.08 10:24:17Joo, wir wollen unseren guten alten Kohlepfenning zurück! Oder wenigstens Currywurst für jeden einmal die Woche. Mit Pommes bitte.
      schrieb am 15.12.08 07:59:50
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      505 KW // 2009 // Australien

      December 11, 2008

      Belmont, Australia: SunPower to Build Solar Power Tracking System

      SunPower Corporation has reached an agreement to build a 505-kilowatt solar power installation for Horizon Power, a government-owned company providing power to remote and regional communities and resource operations in Western Australia.

      The ground-mounted installation will be located on two sites in Marble Bar and Nullagine, in the east Pilbara region of Western Australia, and will be the largest solar tracking system in Australia.

      "Horizon Power is excited to be driving a project that will set a new standard in large-scale renewable energy technology in Australia," said Horizon Power Managing Director Rod Hayes. "Horizon Power vigorously pursues renewable energy options for power generation and is pleased that regional Western Australians will be able to experience the benefits of leading-edge, large-scale renewable energy technology as a result of our partnership with SunPower."

      "Western Australia is one of the best locations on Earth to capture the power of the sun," said Bob Blakiston, managing director of SunPower Australia. "The SunPower systems that we build on these sites will maximize the clean, renewable solar power generated for Horizon Power and the communities the company serves."

      SunPower will install SunPower solar tracking technology on the sites, which will maximize the solar plant's energy delivery, while optimizing land use and reducing related costs. SunPower solar panels, the highest efficiency solar panels on the market today, will also be used to further enhance the production of the system. Construction is expected to be complete by September 2009.

      Last month, SunPower announced that it is building a 305-kilowatt rooftop solar power system for the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Alice Springs, Northern Territory. SunPower entered the emerging Australian solar market earlier this year, with the acquisition of Solar Sales Pty Ltd. Solar Sales had partnered with SunPower for several years prior as a leading systems integrator and product distribution organization.
      schrieb am 15.12.08 08:03:29
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      2 MW // 2009ff // Saudi-Arabien

      Mit 2MW-Solaranlage zugleich Grundstein für weitere Projekte in der Region gelegt

      * 11,3 Mio. Euro teurer Solarpark wird auf Dach der KAUST-Universität installiert
      * Saudi-Arabien aufgrund geografischer Lage für Photovoltaik wie geschaffen
      * Abdulhadi Al-Mureeh: „Conergy Gruppe in Zukunft mit bedeutender Rolle bei Deckung des lokalen Solar- und Windenergiebedarfs.“

      Hamburg / Saudi-Arabien Singapur, 11. Dezember 2008 – In Saudi-Arabien erhielt die Conergy Gruppe jetzt den Zuschlag für den Bau einer 2-Megawatt-Solarstromanlage für die dortige King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST). Conergy Asien Pazifik wurde mit diesem prestigeträchtigen Projekt im Rahmen eines Konsortialvertrags mit dem saudi-arabischen Unternehmen National Solar Systems betraut, das zu den führenden Systemintegratoren im Bereich Solaranlagen des Landes gehört. Conergy wird die Anlage projektieren sowie alle erforderlichen Systemkomponenten bereitstellen. National Solar Systems wird das System sodann installieren und betreiben. In der Solaranlage werden hochwertige Solarmodule der Sunpower Corporation mit Gestellsystemen und Leistungselektronik aus dem Hause Conergy kombiniert.

      Die Anlage wird in Thuwal, nördlich der Staft Jeddah, entstehen. Die Leitung für dieses richtungweisende Projekt hat die saudische Regierung an den Ölriesen Saudi Aramco übertragen. An der Umsetzung sind mehrere Bauunternehmen beteiligt, darunter auch Saudi Oger, das mit dem Photovoltaik-Teil des KAUST-Projekts betraut wurde. Die Arbeiten umfassen zwei Dachsolaranlagen mit einer Leistung von jeweils einem Megawatt, die auf den Dachflächen des nördlichen und des südlichen Universitätslabors installiert werden. Die Photovoltaikanlage im Wert von 11,3 Millionen Euro ist gleichzeitig die erste große Solarstromanlage innerhalb des Golf-Kooperationsrats. Sie wird über eine Dachfläche von 11.577 Quadratmeter reichen und jährlich 3.332 Megawattstunden saubere Energie liefern. Dabei werden jedes Jahr bis zu 1.666 Tonnen Kohlenstoffemissionen verhindert. Das entspricht in etwa der Kohlenstoffmenge, die durch 11,758 Milliarden Kilometer Flugverkehr freigesetzt wird.

      „Aufgrund des trockenen Klimas und des großen Wüstenanteils ist Saudi-Arabien aus geografischer Sicht für die Nutzung von Sonnenenergie wie geschaffen", erklärte Florent Abadie, Director, Development and Technology für Conergy im Raum Asien-Pazifik. „Es ist wirklich bemerkenswert, wie die saudische Regierung die Entwicklung von sauberen Technologien unterstützt und in welchem Maße sich die führenden Politiker und Entscheidungsträger des Königreichs für erneuerbare Energien einsetzen.“

      Die Bevölkerungszahl des Königreichs Saudi-Arabien wird derzeit auf 27 Millionen geschätzt und der Energiebedarf des Landes nimmt jährlich um 5 Prozent zu. Obwohl Saudi-Arabien seit Jahrzehnten ein ölreiches Exportland darstellt, könnte die Einführung alternativer Energien einen beachtlichen Wertzuwachs für die Energielandschaft des Landes bedeuten, da dies nachhaltige Möglichkeiten des Wirtschaftswachstums in den verschiedensten Bereichen gewährleistet. „Die KAUST Solaranlage wird ohne Einspeisevergütung betrieben. Sinkende Preise für Solarkomponenten sowie die hohe Einstrahlungswerte in unserer Region haben die Photovoltaik auch ohne ein staatliches Fördersystem nach und nach wettbewerbsfähig gemacht. Wir streben an, einer der ersten Staaten im Mittleren Osten zu sein, in dem Strom aus PV-Anlagen Netzparität erreicht. Als Marktführer und einer der wichtigsten Akteure im Bereich erneuerbare Energien wird Conergy Asien-Pazifik eine bedeutende Rolle bei der Deckung des steigenden Solar- und Windenergiebedarfs des Golf-Kooperationsrats spielen. Die Zusammenarbeit von Conergy und National Solar Systems im Rahmen des KAUST-Projekts sowie bei weiteren Projekten in der Zukunft schafft einen Synergieeffekt, bei dem sich das Wissen und Know-how der beiden Partner ergänzen”, so Abdulhadi Al-Mureeh, Director, Business Development bei National Solar Systems.
      schrieb am 15.12.08 08:05:39
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      ca. 250 KW // 2009 // USA

      December 10, 2008

      Deep River, CT, USA: Tri Town Precision Plastics to Harness the Power of the Sun

      Tri Town Precision Plastics, a Deep River, Conn., manufacturer that offers custom injection molding, has joined a fast-growing cluster of forward-thinking, mid-sized Connecticut manufacturers who are relying on the sun for clean, renewable energy—and the economic advantage it provides. Within the upcoming month, Tri Town will complete the installation of a new solar photovoltaic system.

      The system was designed and installed by Gloria Spire Solar of Bedford, Mass., with local support from long-standing partner Essex Commercial Construction. Connecticut energy prices are the highest in the continental United States. Tri Town President Scott D. Goodspeed says that his company’s investment in renewable energy stems from a commitment to sustainable business practices as well as from the need to be competitive in the global marketplace. He says they were intrigued with the concept of solar energy, but weren’t convinced it was feasible until they saw the numbers.

      “To succeed in today’s business climate, we need clean energy solutions that enhance our bottom line,” Goodspeed says. “Gloria Spire showed us that solar energy could be attractive as a ‘standalone’ investment--one that would give us a good financial return on a par with investments we could make in more obvious areas such as new manufacturing equipment,” he says. "They proved that solar could be a viable solution for us."

      The Tri Town system will have 1,254 solar modules (panels), will occupy 23,000 square feet of roof space, and will produce about 248,000 kWh (kilowatt hours) of electricity per year.

      For Tri Town’s Goodspeed, the new solar project is a sure win. “Once I knew that solar fit our company financially, I really got excited about the environmental benefits and wished we could do even more," he says. "We put panels on every bit of suitable roof space we have.”

      Goodspeed says that Tri Town had already deployed many energy conservation measures and currently participates in demand response programs to manage their energy use.

      Gloria Spire CEO Mark Goodreau says that Tri Town is a great example of how mid-sized companies can invest in future operational efficiencies with renewable energy, while making the numbers work for today’s cost constraints.

      “Tri Town, and others like them, are proving that solar energy systems are not only a good sustainable investment but a great hedge against future energy price increases,” Goodreau says. “Access to clean and affordable energy is likely to be a major competitive asset in the coming years. Investing now gives these companies a vital jump on their competition and contributes to our environmental well-being.”

      Tri Town's system is estimated to pay for itself in less than six years and will save approximately $1,144,800 in electricity costs over its 30-year lifespan. Nearly half of the system’s cost is paid for by a $776,657 grant from the Connecticut Clean Energy Fund (CCEF).
      schrieb am 15.12.08 08:07:07
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()
      174 KW // 2009 // Mexico

      December 11, 2008

      Oldenburg, Germany: aleo solar AG Supplies Solar Modules for Mexican Project

      aleo solar AG has delivered around 450 kilowatts of solar modules to Mexico. The modules were supplied to a Mexican project developer and have already been partly installed on a roof in Aguascalientes owned by a supermarket chain.

      The facility consists of 1,056 aleo S_16 165-watt modules. aleo solar also supplied the inverters.

      Although there is currently no solar electricity subsidy program in Mexico comparable to the European feed-in subsidies, the installation of photovoltaic systems is becoming an ever-more lucrative business. Solar electricity for proprietary use makes sense, since electricity prices have recently risen dramatically in Mexico.

      Robert Schwarzinger, director of Business Development North America, is confident that business here will continue to grow: "The huge demand for energy in Mexico is matched by the excellent insolation conditions, meaning that photovoltaic systems for proprietary use make perfect sense. We have prepared our Mexican customer thoroughly - for instance by offering appropriate training in Germany. We see a lot of future potential in Mexico, especially in the area of industrial rooftop use."

      The customer chose aleo solar AG because of its solid expertise in the rooftop systems market and the high product quality such systems require.
      schrieb am 15.12.08 08:29:43
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()
      2 MW // 2009 // Italien

      „SunCarrier“ werden erstmals in Italien errichtet

      GILDEMEISTER erhält erneut Solar-Großauftrag / Gesamtwert 12 Mio Euro

      Bielefeld. Die a+f GmbH, ein Unternehmen des GILDEMEISTER-Konzerns, hat einen weiteren Großauftrag im Gesamtwert von 12 Mio Euro abgeschlossen. Erstmals werden die „SunCarrier“ nun nach Italien geliefert. GILDEMEISTER steigt damit in den italienischen Solar-Markt ein.

      In Süditalien (Region: Apulien) entstehen Solarparks mit einer Gesamtleistung von ca. 2 Megawatt. Die italienische Version des „SunCarrier“ (ca. 250 Quadratmeter groß) kann 18 Vier-Personen-Haushalte mit Strom versorgen – bei einem durchschnittlichen Verbrauch von ca. 3.500 kWh pro Jahr.

      Bislang hat a+f seine modernen Solaranlagen überwiegend in Südspanien installiert – jetzt kommen verstärkt Aufträge aus Italien und Griechenland hinzu. Das Würzburger Unternehmen arbeitet zudem an weiteren Neuentwicklungen. Das neueste Produkt heißt „SkyCarrier“ und wird im nächsten Jahr präsentiert. Es ist ein innovatives Trägersystem, das speziell für äquatornahe Länder entwickelt wurde und damit geografisch bedingt andere Anforderungen der optimalen Sonneneinstrahlung erfüllt. Ein Prototyp des „SkyCarrier“ wird derzeit auf der Test-Area in Würzburg installiert.

      GILDEMEISTER profitiert zunehmend am wachstumsstarken Geschäftsfeld der Solartechnik. Aufgrund der dynamischen Entwicklung wurde am Standort Würzburg ein neues Solar-Kompetenzzentrum für bis zu 100 moderne Arbeitsplätze errichtet. Das Grand Opening findet am 23. Januar 2009 statt.
      schrieb am 15.12.08 08:34:21
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      166 MW // 2009ff // China

      China's largest grid-connected solar power photovoltaic power station starts construction
      December 08, 2008

      Kunming Shilin large-scale experiment demonstration power station formally started construction on December 6. With a total installed capacity of 166 megawatts, the power station will be the largest experiment demonstration grid-connected solar photovoltaic power station in China.

      The power station, which required a total investment of 9.1 billion yuan, is located in the town of Shilin in Kunming Shilin Yi Autonomous County.

      The project is divided into two parts: the popular science zone, and the experiment demonstration zone.

      The popular science zone covers a total area of 2002.2 mu, with an installed capacity of 66 megawatts and an annual average generating capacity of 77.0389 million kilowatt hours. The experiment demonstration zone occupies a total area of 3649.35 mu, with an installed capacity of 100 megawatts and an annual average generating capacity of 118.285 million kilowatt hours.By People's Daily Online
      schrieb am 18.12.08 09:31:41
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()
      1 MW // 2009 // Taiwan

      Motech wins 1MWp solar energy contract from Taiwan state-run power firm

      Nuying Huang, Taipei; Adam Hwang, DIGITIMES [Thursday 18 December 2008]

      Motech Industries, a maker of crystalline silicon solar cells, has won a NT$200 million (US$6 million) contract from the state-run Taiwan Power Company (Taipower) for setting up a solar power generating system with an annual capacity of about 1MWp in southern Taiwan, according to industry sources.

      Taipower plans to establish several solar power generating systems separately at its thermal power plants with total annual capacity of 10MWp by 2010, the sources indicated. Motech landed the contract for Taipower's second solar power generating system, with the first one with 1.5MWp to be set up by Delta Electronics, the sources pointed out.

      Motech will be responsible for system design, procurement and installation of equipment, as well as maintenance after operation, the sources noted.

      Motech has so far obtained about 200 projects of designing and/or establishing small-scale solar power generating systems, including one completed in Marshall Islands and another under construction in Palau, the sources said.
      schrieb am 19.12.08 08:36:23
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()
      2,4 MW // 2009 // USA

      Friday 12/19/2008 1:00 AM ET - Asia Pulse
      Related Companies
      Symbol Last %Chg
      TSL 7.42 -11.98%
      As of 4:03 PM ET 12/18/08

      China's integrated solar modules producer Trina Solar Limited (NYSE:TSL) has commenced shipment of wafers and modules for Atlantic City Convention Center (ACCC) of the United States, a source with Trina Solar was quoted by local media.

      Qiu Diming, director of the company's technology committee, declined to deliberate the exact quantity of shipment for the time being as well as its time table for the development of UMG-based modules.

      Trina Solar will provide as many as 13,400 modules in a bid to build a rooftop solar power generation system at World Congress Center with acreage of 180,000 square feet.

      This project is expected to generate 2.8 million kilowatt hours of electricity each year, serving 280 households.

      As the largest rooftop power generation project in North America, the system has a capacity of 2.4 MW.

      schrieb am 29.12.08 15:50:42
      Beitrag Nr. 22 ()
      5MW // 2010 // USA // Recurrent Energy-City of San Francisco

      December 15, 2008

      San Francisco, CA, USA: SFPUC Approves Five Megawatt Solar Project at Sunset Reservoir

      Mayor Gavin Newsom praised the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) for approving a new contract with Recurrent Energy to generate five megawatts (MW) of solar power atop the recently seismically-retrofitted Sunset Reservoir. The project, which is expected to be completed and generating solar power for the City in 2010, will be California’s largest solar photovoltaic system and the nation’s largest municipal solar project.

      The project will also increase total municipal solar generation in San Francisco by more than 300%, from the current 2 MW to a total of 7 MW of solar power.

      “This is an exciting day for San Francisco and a major step for solar energy in California,” said Mayor Newsom. “With this one large project on top of our largest City reservoir, we’re going to more than triple the amount of energy we generate from the sun and set a new standard for solar power in California.”

      “We applaud the forward-thinking approach of the City, the Mayor, and the SFPUC in making this landmark project possible,” said Recurrent Energy’s CEO, Arno Harris. “We’re proud to play a part in San Francisco’s path to a clean energy future – by building clean, onsite solar power plants exactly where they’re needed most.”

      The photovoltaic system and the solar energy it will generate will be developed and operated under a “Power Purchase Agreement” between the SFPUC and Recurrent Energy. San Francisco-based Recurrent Energy is a distributed power company and a leading provider of onsite solar energy. Under the contract, Recurrent will finance, design, build and operate the solar energy projects and provide all the energy generated to the SFPUC for a period of 25 years.

      The solar panels will be manufactured and supplied by Suntech Corporation. The five megawatts generated will be used to help power other San Francisco public services and buildings, including streetlights, San Francisco General Hospital, Muni light rail and city schools.

      AB 2573, sponsored by now-State Senator Mark Leno and signed into law by Governor Schwarzenegger in 2007, enabled the installation of this large solar project on Sunset Reservoir by permitting the City to use power generated at this site for other municipal facilities. Previously, city-owned solar projects like those at the Moscone Convention Center, San Francisco International Airport, the Southeast Wastewater Treatment Plant and others were developed through a more traditional approach, with the City contracting directly to design and build these projects while the City owns and operates them.

      The “Power Purchase Agreement” approach will allow the SFPUC to develop more rapidly large-scale solar projects, take advantage of federal tax credits not directly available to municipalities, and generate solar energy at a more cost-effective rate. The contract must also be approved by the San Francisco Board of Supervisors.

      “We’ve done a good job developing solar power in the City under more traditional City contracting methods,” said SFPUC General Manager Ed Harrington. “But this innovative approach is an example of our efforts to dramatically accelerate and expand solar energy projects in the City on both municipal facilities like the Sunset Reservoir and on residential, commercial and nonprofit rooftops through our GoSolarSF solar energy incentive program.”
      schrieb am 30.12.08 09:11:28
      Beitrag Nr. 23 ()
      1MW // 2009 // Hawaii

      Hoku, U.S. Bank, and United Fund Advisors Announce Financing for Solar Power Projects at Hawaii Airports

      HONOLULU, HI, Dec 29, 2008 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX News Network) -- Hoku Solar, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Hoku Scientific, Inc. (NASDAQ: HOKU) and United Fund Advisors (UFA) today announced the establishment and capitalization of an investment company intended to provide financing for photovoltaic (PV) power systems to be installed and operated in the State of Hawaii by Hoku Solar.

      Hoku had previously announced its selection by the Hawaii Department of Transportation (DOT) to design, engineer and install PV power systems at airports across the state. Under the terms of its agreement with UFA, Hoku will assign its power purchase agreements to the special purpose entity, Hoku Solar Power I, LLC, that has been created to own and operate each system, and that will sell the electricity generated by the PV power systems to DOT at a predetermined rate over a contract period of 20 years.

      Hoku and UFA confirmed that the financing is expected to be sufficient for Hoku to complete all seven planned PV installations at DOT facilities on Kauai, Maui and Hawaii Island, a total of nearly 1 megawatt of clean solar power. These projects are the first major PV installations on Hawaii government-owned facilities, and among the largest third-party financed PV projects in the state.

      UFA reported that it planned to invest in Hoku Solar Power I, LLC through its renewable energy fund, UFA Renewable Energy Fund which is being financed by U.S. Bancorp Community Development Corporation. Sennet Capital, a Hawaii-based merchant bank, arranged the financing and played a key role in structuring the deal.

      "Hoku is pleased to have established this partnership with UFA," said Dustin Shindo, chairman and chief executive officer of Hoku Scientific. "Power purchase agreements offer a way to bring the benefits of clean solar energy to governments, municipalities and businesses with no upfront cost, while allowing investors to take full advantage of the associated investment tax credits. It really is a win-win for all involved. We are pleased that a Hawai'i-based firm like Sennet Capital was able to use the expertise and relationships it has created in financing solar PV transactions to help bring this relationship into existence, and look forward to working with them on other projects in the future."

      "This is an excellent example of the widespread available benefits of deploying clean technology to public users through a private partnership," said Chris Hasle, Senior Vice President of UFA. "These types of PPA deals are increasingly common on the mainland U.S., and we believe that these projects could serve as an excellent model for many similar clean energy opportunities in Hawaii. Hoku is an important new partner for UFA and U.S. Bank and we hope this will be the first of many PPA projects we finance with them going forward."

      Hoku Solar reported it had completed the engineering, design and procurement phases for the projects, and that it commenced system installation earlier this month at two DOT project sites on the island of Kauai. Hoku expects to complete the installation of all seven systems by the end of the first calendar quarter of 2009.
      schrieb am 04.01.09 15:51:48
      Beitrag Nr. 24 ()
      30MW // China

      Chinesen wollen weltgößtes Solarkraftwerk bauen

      Zwei chinesische Firmen haben ein Projekt angekündigt, das der Solarbranche schon nach Bekanntgabe der Pläne spürbar auf die Sprünge half - die Aktienkurse legten zu. Die Unternehmen wollen das größte Photovoltaik-Kraftwerk der Welt bauen.

      HB LOS ANGELES. Bei dem Projekt arbeiten die beiden Unternehmen China Technology Development Group und Qinghai New Energy Group zusammen. Sie erklärten am Freitag, zunächst 150 Millionen Dollar für eine 30-Megawatt-Anlage für Photovoltaik im Qaidam-Becken zu investieren. Komplett ausgebaut werde das Werk ein Gigawatt Strom produzieren. Die Unternehmen machten keine Angaben über den Zeitrahmen. Als bislang größtes angekündigtes Photovoltaik-Kraftwerk gilt eine 500-Megawatt-Anlage der Firmen Opti-Solar und der PG&E Corp in Kalifornien.

      An der Wall Street legten die Aktien von Solar-Unternehmen nach der Ankündigung deutlich zu. Die Titel von China Technology stiegen an der Nasdaq um 29 Prozent, die Papiere des US-Solarausrüsters GT Solar International legten um knapp 25 Prozent zu. Die Solar-Branche wurde zuletzt durch die Kreditmarktkrise und den stark gefallenen Öl-Preis belastet.
      schrieb am 05.01.09 09:51:12
      Beitrag Nr. 25 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.300.528 von cmeise am 04.01.09 15:51:4830MW // 2009 // China

      dazu noch ein paar weitere Details (das GW ignoriere ich erstmal lieber):

      January 2, 2009

      Hong Kong, China: CTDC to Build 30MW On-Grid Solar Power Station

      China Technology Development Group Corporation and Qinghai New Energy Group Co., Ltd have signed an agreement with local government of Qinghai Haixi Mongolian-Tibetan Autonomous Region to build a 30MW on-grid solar power station in Qaidam Basin of northwestern China. The signing ceremony was held at Xining, the capital city of Qinghai Province, and many important government leaders, including Mr. Luo Yulin, Vice Governor of Qinghai Province and Mayor of Xining, attended the event.

      Under the agreement, CTDC and QNE will design, construct and manage the solar power station. The local government of Haixi Region will provide strong support to CTDC and QNE, such as helping them obtain various local and central government backed incentives and providing land.

      The installed power-generating capacity of the first phase of Qaidam solar power station come to 30 MW.

      The Qaidam solar power station, the first of kind in China to integrate crystalline silicon and thin-film solar modules, will be the largest on-grid solar power station in China after fully completion. CTDC and QNE will begin construction of the project in 2009 with initial investment of US$ 150 million.

      With ample sunshine, vast desert landmass and broad power grids, Qaidam Basin, is generally regarded as one of optimal locations in China to build large scale on-grid solar power plant. In 2005, Chinese government approved to establish Qinghai’s Qaidam as a special Economic Experimental Zone to develop circular economy and renewable energy projects. Qaidam Circular Economic Experimental Zone is the biggest circular economic experimental zone in China, covering an area of 256,000 square kilometers.

      “The ambitious plan to build such as large scale solar power plant is a significant step for Qinghai Province to develop and deploy solar energy by taking full advantage of our abundance in solar and desert resources of Qaidam Basin,” commented by Mr. Luo Yulin, Vice Governor of Qinhas Province and Mayor of Xining. “It also reflects the commitment by our government to meet the challenges posed by climate change with reliable and renewable energy.”

      “With the recognition and commitment of Chinese government to developing renewable energy technology, we expect that domestic solar energy and application market will expand rapidly in the near future,” commented by Mr. Alan Li, Chairman and CEO of CTDC. “The signing of Qaidam solar power plant project is another great milestone for CTDC management and shareholders. CTDC, along with our great partner QNE, will apply our combined experience and technology to ensure the successful launch of our initial 30MW project in 2009.”
      schrieb am 05.01.09 14:18:16
      Beitrag Nr. 26 ()
      Zwischensumme ca. 123 MW (ohne die ganz dicken Brummer in Jordanien und China)
      schrieb am 08.01.09 12:30:58
      Beitrag Nr. 27 ()
      20MW // 2009(?) // China

      Datang's Yunnan Subsidiary to Build 20MW Solar Power Station PDF Print E-mail

      Posted by Debasish Choudhury on 30 December 2008 at 05:06

      Views: 73

      Recommended by: None

      Published in: News, News

      The Yunnan Branch of China Datang Corporation plans to build an on-grid photovoltaic solar power plant with first-phase annual capacity of 20MW in Yunnan's Binchuan county. The subsidiary will be the third company to construct a large-scale on-grid photovoltaic solar station in Yunnan.

      Last update: 30 December 2008 at 05:12
      schrieb am 08.01.09 17:02:04
      Beitrag Nr. 28 ()
      mit zwei Löffeln Salz, weil mir SunriseSolar supekt ist:

      xyz KW// 2009(?) // Brasilien

      Sunrise Solar tapped for alternative energy project in Brazil PDF Print E-mail

      Posted by Debasish Choudhury on 08 January 2009 at 05:34

      Views: 5

      Recommended by: None

      Published in: News, News

      Sunrise Solar Corp. has been selected to provide solar power resources to four major hospitals in Brazil. The project is part of a multimillion-dollar alternative energy development initiative by Brazil which is making a big push to become energy self-sufficient.

      “We look forward to increasing our project base in Brazil through the development of solar resources for these important facilities,” says Eddie Austin, chairman and CEO of Sunrise Solar Corp. “These hospitals expect to significantly reduce their dependence on traditional electric power by generating solar power at their facilities”, San Antonio Business Journal reported.

      Financial terms of the deal were not released.

      Sunrise Solar is a San Antonio-based company that commercializes and distributes solar energy technologies and equipment. The company is seeking major international projects to expand its footprint beyond the United States.

      For info about the Sunsire Solar products, please visit:

      Last update: 08 January 2009 at 05:34
      schrieb am 09.01.09 13:50:38
      Beitrag Nr. 29 ()
      so wie ich das lese, handelt es sich letztlich um eine Vertriebsanzeige, oder?:

      50MW (+30MW) // 2009fff(?) // Bulgarien // Investoen gesucht

      09.01.2009 11:16
      DGAP-News: Sinosol AG (deutsch)

      Sinosol AG:Exklusive Vereinbarung über die Errichtung von 50 MWp-PV-Kraftwerken in Bulgarien

      Sinosol AG (News) / Vertrag


      Veröffentlichung einer Corporate News, übermittelt durch die DGAP - ein Unternehmen der EquityStory AG. Für den Inhalt der Mitteilung ist der Emittent / Herausgeber verantwortlich. -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------

      Gemeinsam mit dem Projektentwickler Plovdiv Solar Ltd. hat die Sinosol Gruppe eine exklusive Vereinbarung für die Errichtung von Solarparks auf einem 330 ha großen Gelände in der Nähe von Lyubimets unterzeichnet. Das Gelände liegt in Südbulgarien (ca. 41

      50′N, 26

      5′E) nahe der Grenze zur Türkei und Griechenland. In der ersten Phase liegen Genehmigungen der Behörden und des Energieversorgers für eine Kapazität von 50 MWp vor. In der Endausbaustufe wird die Anlage eine Gesamtgröße von bis zu ca. 80 MWp haben. Das zusammenhängende Grundstück wurde für die Realisierung der PV-Parks in mehrere kleinere Einheiten von je 5 MWp unterteilt. Die 5 MWp Parks werden jeweils einzeln an institutionelle Investoren verkauft. Baubeginn für das erste Projekt wird Mitte 2009 sein.

      Die Sinosol Gruppe übernimmt für das Gesamtprojekt die technische Planung, die Lieferung aller Komponenten sowie die schlüsselfertige Realisierung und den Betrieb. Die Plovdiv Solar Ltd. besitzt die Grundstücke und hat sämtliche erforderlichen Genehmigungen zur Errichtung und Stromeinspeisung bei den lokalen Behörden eingeholt.

      Bulgarien bietet sehr attraktive Voraussetzungen für Solarenergie. Im Schnitt treffen 1.500 Kilowattstunden Sonneneinstrahlung pro Jahr auf einen Quadratmeter. Zum Vergleich: In Deutschland sind es ca. 1.000 Kilowattstunden jährlich. Als EU-Mitglied verfügt Bulgarien über ein erneuerbares Energiegesetz. Dieses fördert die Einspeisung von Solarstrom ins Netz ähnlich wie in Deutschland. Anlagen ab fünf Kilowatt bekommen ihren Strom mit 0,37 Euro vergütet. Die Laufzeit beträgt derzeit 25 Jahre.

      'Es handelt sich um das derzeit größte Vorhaben im Solarbereich in Bulgarien. Wir sind froh mit der Sinosol Gruppe einen erfahrenen und verlässlichen Partner zur Realisierung der Photovoltaikparks gefunden zu haben. Die Sinosol Gruppe hat in vergleichbaren Projekten in Europa Ihre Fähigkeiten als schlüsselfertiger Planer und Errichter bewiesen. Diese Leistungen haben uns überzeugt.' sagt Atanas Tarev, der die Plovdiv Solar Ltd. ins Leben gerufen hat. 'Bulgarien ist für uns ein wichtiger neuer Markt, der als Solarstandort über enormes Wachstumspotential und eine hohe Attraktivität für Investoren verfügt. Mit der Plovdiv Solar Ltd. haben wir einen starken lokalen Partner gewonnen, dessen Engagement und Vor-Ort-Kompetenz Garant für die erfolgreiche gemeinsame Umsetzung der Projekte ist' fügt Raphael Krause, Mitglied des Vorstands der Sinosol AG, hinzu.

      Fotos vom Gelände und Details zum Projekt stehen auf der Projekt-Internetseite zur Verfügung. Interessierte Investoren können ab Februar bei der Sinosol AG ein Projektexposée anfordern.

      Über Sinosol: Die Sinosol-Gruppe ist ein international tätiger Photovoltaik-Systemanbieter sowie Projektierer und Turn-Key Anbieter von schlüsselfertigen Solarparks. In 2008 hat die Sinosol Gruppe einen der weltweit größten Solarparks mit 15 MWp in Südspanien geplant und realisiert. Als deutsch-chinesische Unternehmensgruppe profitiert sie sowohl auf der Beschaffungs- als auch auf der Absatzseite von ihren etablierten Netzwerken in beiden Heimatmärkten. Die Aktivitäten der Sinosol-Gruppe konzentrieren sich derzeit auf die Märkte Europa und China.

      Über Plovdiv Solar: Die Plovdiv Solar Ltd. ist ein bulgarischer Projektentwickler im Solarbereich. Die Firma gehört zur Gruppe rund um den erfolgreichen Unternehmer Atanas Tarev, der im Bereich Waste Management eines der größten Unternehmen in Bulgarien besitzt und mit der Plovdiv Solar Ltd. den Einstieg in den Bereich erneuerbare Energien realiserte.

      Raphael Krause Mitglied des Vorstands
      schrieb am 09.01.09 13:52:33
      Beitrag Nr. 30 ()
      6MW // 2009 // Indien

      09 Jan 2009
      India / Solar
      Indian state-run power firm to set up two PV projects

      The Karnataka Power Corporation has said that it intends to set up two PV projects of 3MW each in Kolar and Belgaum districts of the state.

      The power generation company has already issued a tender seeking a developer for the projects to be located in the Yelasandra and Itnal villages of Kolar and Belgaum respectively. The firm had earlier spoken of diversifying its energy mix. KPCL currently has four small hydro projects with a total capacity of 25MW and two wind power projects totalling nearly 5MW. Karnataka offers a tariff of INR 3.40/kWh (USD 0.07/kWh) for PV and STEG projects to be commissioned before 31 December 2009.
      schrieb am 09.01.09 13:54:06
      Beitrag Nr. 31 ()
      5MW // 2009fff(?) // Israel

      Israel awards first commercial solar licence to Arava's 5MW project
      08 Jan 2009 / Solar / Projects & asset finance / Israel
      Arava Power Company, an Israeli solar developer, has been awarded a public licence for its 5MW PV plant at Kibbutz Ketura, to be developed at the cost of USD 30m.
      schrieb am 09.01.09 13:55:24
      Beitrag Nr. 32 ()
      10MW // 2009-2011 // Taiwan


      Taiwan Power targets 10MW of solar power by 2011
      08 Jan 2009 / Solar / Projects & asset finance / Taiwan
      State-owned utility Taiwan Power has announced that it will spend TWD 3.57bn (USD 108m) to build 10MW of solar power plants by 2011.
      schrieb am 13.01.09 12:14:46
      Beitrag Nr. 33 ()
      5MW // ??? // Indien-Gujarat

      Tata Power plans 5MW solar power plant in Gujarat
      13 January 2009 | By Síle Mc Mahon | News > Power Generation

      Tata BP SolarOperating in the solar industry as Tata BP Solar India Ltd., a joint venture with BP Solar, Tata Power has signed an MOU with the Government of Gujarat to enter into plans for the construction of a 5MW solar power plant in Gujarat. The plans, which also include the planned construction of a 5MW geothermal power plant, would complement Tata BP Solar’s plans to expand its module manufacturing facility and increase domestic sales.

      "We are happy about this strategic partnership with Government of Gujarat,” said Prasad Menon, Managing Director of Tata Power. “This partnership not only strengthens our renewable portfolio but also creates opportunities to expand our presence in the growing renewable energy market in India. We look forward to the synergistic opportunities that the alliance presents us."
      schrieb am 13.01.09 12:16:04
      Beitrag Nr. 34 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.047.362 von meinolf67 am 23.11.08 15:38:06Habe mir inzwischen mal den Prospekt zuschicken lassen.

      Steckt ein Zettel drin mit: "Zeichnung nur noch auf Warteliste möglich"...
      schrieb am 14.01.09 15:53:48
      Beitrag Nr. 35 ()

      200MW // ??? // Indien

      Astonfield to set up 200 MW project in Gujarat PDF Print E-mail

      Posted by Debasish Choudhury on 14 January 2009 at 07:36

      Views: 1

      Recommended by: None

      Published in: News, India News

      Astonfield Renewable Resources Ltd (ARRL) will execute a mega 200 MW solar photovoltaic (PV) project across Gujarat. The venture is touted as the largest renewable energy project in India.

      'Gujarat is our top priority,' said Ravinder Raina, the company's new president of Indian operations, in Ahmedabad on Tuesday. The company signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) for the project with the Gujarat government on Monday.

      Raina said the company's agenda also included educating the Indian masses about renewable energy, and what it could mean for economic growth, pollution control, as well as electrification of more remote areas.

      With the addition of the 200 MW solar PV venture in Gujarat, ARRL currently has over 300 MWs in its project portfolio.

      In addition to solar PV projects, ARRL is also developing renewable energy plants using biomass and municipal solid waste-to-energy technologies. It has project allotments and/or active business development operations in eight different states in India.

      'ARRL is greatly enthused with such a significant allotment in Gujarat. We look to Gujarat as a leader and steadfast partner in promoting the renewable energy story in India,' said Sourabh Sen, Co-Chairman, Astonfield Renewable Resources Ltd.

      After India, the group is looking at similar projects in the Middle East and African countries such as Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda over the next three to four years.
      schrieb am 14.01.09 15:59:41
      Beitrag Nr. 36 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.372.816 von meinolf67 am 14.01.09 15:53:48muy interesante:
      schrieb am 14.01.09 16:00:52
      Beitrag Nr. 37 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.372.816 von meinolf67 am 14.01.09 15:53:48
      schrieb am 15.01.09 09:51:02
      Beitrag Nr. 38 ()
      50MW // ??? // Indien-Karnataka

      Moser Baer arm to set up USD 200m PV project in Karnataka
      15 Jan 2009 / Solar / Projects & asset finance / India
      Solitaire Powertech, a SPV floated by India’s technology and solar firm Moser Baer (BSE: 517140), has secured approval to set up a 50MW PV plant in Karnataka.
      schrieb am 16.01.09 03:28:16
      Beitrag Nr. 39 ()
      5MW // 2009 // Italien

      Econcern boosting Italy's solar capacity by 15%
      PR Newswire Europe (15. Januar 2009)

      UTRECHT, The Netherlands, Jan 15, 2009 (PR Newswire Europe via COMTEX) -- Plans to Invest Over 200 Million Euros in 42MW Italian Solar Project Announced

      Econcern, leading sustainable energy solutions company, has announced plans to install 42MW of solar capacity in Puglia, southern Italy. Project Trullo will start with the construction of seven 1MW solar parks early in 2009; the parks are expected to be in operation by 2010.

      The company is tapping into the huge growth potential of the Italian solar market.

      Once complete Project Trullo will add 15% to Italy's 280MW solar power generation capacity currently installed(1). Econcern has ambitions to increase its Italian solar assets portfolio to at least 50MW and is currently reviewing other potential projects.

      Econcern will own 51% of shares in the holding company of Project Trullo. The Ampere Equity Fund, an active investor in renewable energy projects, has acquired the remaining 49%.

      The development of solar energy assets across Europe is a core area of business for Econcern; the company installed 35MW in 2008 and expects to install another 75MW this year. Kees van der Leun, board member for Econcern recently predicted newly installed solar power to exceed other energy sources within ten years. He said that the International Energy Agency estimates of solar growth by 2020 would be achieved by next year.

      Econcern's director of project development, Dennis Lange said: "The Italian solar market has exceptional growth potential. It is anticipated that it will grow from 280MW installed by the end of 2008 to 5,000MW by 2020. We have ambitions to become a leading player in the Italian solar market. As a company we have a mission to ensure a sustainable energy supply for everyone. Development of major solar energy assets will have a big role in creating a sustainable future."

      Econcern builds finances for and operates large scale renewable energy-generation assets. It has recently announced agreements to invest EUR863m in onshore wind farms in China.

      Trullo Project Key Characteristics:

      The 42MW project is expected to produce approximately 60,000 MWh of energy per year once completed, enough for 15,000 households. The project in total is expected to reduce CO2 emissions by 30,000 tonnes.

      Phase 1:

      In the initial phase seven solar parks will be built with a capacity of 1MW each. After completion they will produce a combined total of approximately 10,000 MWh of energy per year, enough for 2,500 households; and will be responsible for reducing CO2 emissions by 5,000 tonnes a year. Construction will start in 2009, and the parks are expected to be fully operational by early 2010. Each plant will be situated on a site of 3 to 4 hectares. Ground mounted, fixed inclination crystalline solar panels will be used.

      Econcern (

      Econcern's mission is 'a sustainable energy supply for everyone'. Econcern consists of operating companies Ecofys, Evelop, Ecostream, Ecoventures and OneCarbon. Together they deliver unique projects, innovative products and services for a sustainable energy supply. Econcern, which employs over 1,200 professionals in more than 20 countries across the world, was ranked No. 234 in Europe's top 500 listing of high growth, job-creating companies in 2007 and has won the European Business of the Year Award 2008.

      Ampere Equity Fund

      The Ampere Equity Fund invests in renewable energy projects in Western Europe; with amounts ranging from between 10 and 50 million EUR per investment. The fund has been initiated by Econcern's project development division to provide a dedicated source of equity capital for its project pipeline. The fund also has a limited capacity for investments in other European renewable energy projects. The fund has attracted major institutional investors and has a total committed capital of 320 million EUR. Triodos Investment Management is the independent fund manager.

      (1) Source: Fotovoltaico: Pubblicato Il Rapporto 2007-2008 (…

      CONTACT: Econcern: Patrick Harms, PR Officer, M: +31(0)6-420-540-41, E:
      schrieb am 16.01.09 03:29:49
      Beitrag Nr. 40 ()
      5MW // 2009-Q2// Abu Dhabi

      First Solar to supply thin-film modules for Masdar City
      Business Wire (15. Januar 2009)

      TEMPE, Ariz., Jan 15, 2009 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- First Solar, Inc. (Nasdaq: FSLR) today announced the Company has been selected by Masdar Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company to supply 5 MW of its thin film solar modules to be part of the largest grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) system in the Middle East. This system will supply power to Masdar City, the world's most ambitious sustainable development to date, with plans to be the world's first carbon-neutral, zero waste, car-free city powered entirely by renewable energy sources. The PV plant is being designed and constructed by Abu Dhabi based solar power system integrator Enviromena Power Systems. Construction has begun, and the system is expected to be commissioned and producing power by the end of the second quarter of 2009.

      "We are pleased that Masdar selected First Solar's modules to supply power to the world's first carbon-neutral city and are pleased to be part of Masdar City's efforts to develop a blueprint for cities of the future," said John Carrington, First Solar's executive vice president of marketing and business development. "We are happy to work with Enviromena Power Systems' experienced team on this landmark project."

      "Enviromena is very excited to be working with world-class suppliers such as First Solar on this groundbreaking project in Abu Dhabi. We look forward to working with First Solar on future projects in the region," said Sami Khoreibi, president and CEO of Enviromena Power Systems.
      schrieb am 16.01.09 03:34:29
      Beitrag Nr. 41 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.385.795 von meinolf67 am 16.01.09 03:29:49Korrektur:

      10MW // 2009-Q2 // Abu Dhabi

      Masdar to use 5MW of First Solar modules in new 10MW plant in Middle East
      15 January 2009 | By Síle Mc Mahon | News > Power Generation

      Masdar PV thin film panelsThe Abu Dhabi-based Masdar initiative has announced its plans to construct a 10MW solar power plant in the Middle East area, which will be the first and largest grid-connected solar photovoltaic plant in the Middle East and North Africa region. The plant will consist of 50% crystalline modules and 50% thin-film modules, which, it was announced today, are to be supplied by First Solar.

      Construction on the Dh185 million (~$50M) project is underway and is scheduled for completion by the end of the second quarter of 2009. The PV plant will power the construction activities in Masdar City and the Masdar Institute, which opens in late 2009, while any surplus energy generated will be connected to the Abu Dhabi grid.

      The plant is being designed and constructed by Abu Dhabi-based solar power system integrator Enviromena Power Systems. There are 87,777 thin-film and crystalline silicon panels being used in the development, half of which will be supplied by First Solar, with the remainder being supplied by an as-yet-unnamed crystalline module provider.

      “Enviromena is very excited to be working with world-class suppliers such as First Solar on this groundbreaking project in Abu Dhabi. We look forward to working with First Solar on future projects in the region,” said Sami Khoreibi, President and CEO of Enviromena Power Systems.
      schrieb am 19.01.09 12:00:05
      Beitrag Nr. 42 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.385.798 von meinolf67 am 16.01.09 03:34:29die zweiten 5MW kommen von Suntech:

      Suntech Solar Panels to Power Largest PV Solar Project in the Middle East

      SAN FRANCISCO and WUXI, China, Jan. 19 /PRNewswire-Asia/ -- Suntech Power Holdings Co., Ltd. (NYSE: STP), the world's leading manufacturer of photovoltaic (PV) modules, today announced it has supplied 5MW of Suntech solar panels for a 10MW solar electricity system to power Masdar City, the world's first carbon neutral city being built in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. The panels will form part of the largest solar plant in the Middle East and is being built and designed by leading Abu Dhabi based solar power system integrator, Enviromena Power Systems "Enviromena".

      "We are delighted to collaborate with Masdar, a wholly owned company of the government of Abu Dhabi through the Mubadala Development Company, and Enviromena on the development of this landmark solar project in the Middle East," said Dr. Zhengrong Shi, Suntech's Chairman and CEO. "Masdar City is a revolutionary concept that will greatly influence the future of global urban development. Solar energy systems are the ideal solution for Masdar City as electricity generated will coincide with peak energy usage during the middle of the day. We look forward to working with Enviromena on this and future solar projects in the Middle East." Dr. Shi emphasized, "This 10MW system is expected to generate over 17 million kilowatt-hours per year and reduce carbon emissions by over 15,000 metric tons annually."

      With a total investment of approximately $15 billion, Masdar City will take eight years to build and be home to 50,000 people and 1,500 businesses. The city, which will cover 6.5 square kilometers, will be primarily powered by solar energy and employ a broad range of innovative energy efficient technologies including electric travel pods, waste and water recycling, natural ventilation and shading. Masdar City's 10MW solar farm will provide power for the construction and eventual operations of parts of Masdar City.

      "Enviromena is excited to be working with Suntech on this ground breaking project for alternative energy in the region. With growing recognition of the need for alternative energy solutions in the Middle East there is sure to be strong demand for solar projects, an exciting prospect for the industry to look forward to," Enviromena CEO & President Sami Khoreibi commented. "Enviromena has worked hard to secure a team of highly talented engineers and project managers from around the world and when choosing partners like Suntech, we ensure that clients are provided with high quality, low maintenance clean energy solutions to their power needs and we are excited to see this technology implemented on a wider scale."
      schrieb am 19.01.09 13:43:33
      Beitrag Nr. 43 ()
      1,2MW // 2009 // USA-Colorado

      CSU, BP Solar, Black Hills Energy Dedicate 1.2 MW Solar PV System
      in News Departments > Projects & Contracts
      by SI Staff on Wednesday 14 January 2009
      email the content item print the content item

      Colorado State University-Pueblo (CSU), BP Solar and Black Hills Energy joined Gov. Bill Ritter, D-Colo., to dedicate a new solar power system that will provide more than 10% of CSU-Pueblo's future power needs.

      The 1.2 MW solar array covers 4.3 acres with more than 6,800 photovoltaic panels and is capable of generating approximately 1,800 MWh of electricity per year.

      BP Solar installed and will operate and maintain the system, selling the electricity to the university. Project funding was provided by BP Solar and supplemented by Black Hills Energy, CSU-Pueblo's local electric utility company, as part of its solar rebate program. Black Hills Energy will also purchase from BP Solar the renewable energy credits created by the project.

      The system was constructed on the east side of the Pueblo campus near the university's physical plant complex and softball fields.

      SOURCE: BP Solar
      schrieb am 21.01.09 15:12:05
      Beitrag Nr. 44 ()
      2MW // 2009-Q1 // Italien

      AMBIENTE. Svolta fotovoltaica per la Ferrari: inaugurato impianto da 2MW
      20/01/2009 - 12:07

      E' stato inaugurato oggi l'impianto fotovoltaico di Maranello realizzato da Ennerey e Seci Energia per il gruppo Maccaferri: si arricchisce, così, di 2MW il parco nazionale fotovoltaico che grazie agli incentivi in conto energia erogati dal GSE ha attualmente raggiunto circa 300 MW di potenza installata.

      La cerimonia di inaugurazione, alla quale ha fatto seguito una conferenza stampa, si è svolta alla presenza del presidente Ferrari Luca di Montezemolo, del presidente dell'Autorità per l'Energia e il gas Alessandro Ortis e del Presidente del Gruppo Maccaferri Gaetano Maccaferri.

      2009 - redattore: VC
      schrieb am 21.01.09 15:28:38
      Beitrag Nr. 45 ()
      1215 Systeme = 5MW-724MW ?? // Zeit unklar // Marokko

      Gesamtvolumen und Zeitplan sind für mich unklar; allerdings sind 1.215 System schon eine Hausnummer; selbst wenn es nur 4kW pro System wären, sind wir schon bei 5MW...

      Isofotón will set up 1215 photovoltaic installations integrated into the
      grid system in Morocco

       The Development Aid Fund (FAD) has approved a loan to carry out the project.

       It will be the first project in the Chourouk Programme and will enable the overall design
      of integration into the grid system in Morocco to be defined.

      MADRID, 15 JANUARY 2009. After a public tender, Isofotón, a company that is leader in the
      photovoltaic sector in Spain, has been awarded the contract to set up 1215 photovoltaic
      installations that will be integrated into the grid in the cities of Errachidia and Ben Guerir in

      This pilot project, called Chourouk ONE, is set within the framework of an initiative by ONE -
      Office National d’Électricité - (Morocco’s National Electricity Company) to develop solar systems
      in urban areas and has the financial support of Spain. The funding was agreed by the Spanish
      Council of Ministers through a FAD loan.

      Isofotón will be responsible for the supply and installation of photovoltaic systems of between
      500 and 1,000 kW, ultimately installing a total power of 724,000 W. The Spanish company will
      install 1,000 systems in the city of Errachidia, 200 systems in the city of Ben Guerir and another
      15 systems in ONE agencies in the following provinces: Agadir, Ben Slimane, El Kelaa des
      Sraghnas, Errachidia, Essaouira, Guemim, Khemisset, Laayoune, Ouarzazate, Rommani,
      Oujda, Settat, Ouled Nemaa, Tata and Tiznit.

      This is a pioneering initiative in the north of Africa, and will include an innovative element by
      bringing together the electricity operator, private individuals and the supplier-installer in a
      scheme of public-private partnership. Through this project, private individuals who install
      photovoltaic systems in their homes will be able to deduct a part of the photovoltaic energy
      production from their electricity bill as the material used is the property of ONE that rents the
      available space on the roof.

      In total, the ONE programme plans 200,000 systems integrated into the grid system, as well as
      the creation of three solar power plants of 100, 10 and 3MW. The first 1215 systems will be set
      up by Isofotón, the company that also installed the first pilot project of integration into the grid
      system in Morocco, on the roof of the Regional Directorate of ONE in Casablanca.
      schrieb am 21.01.09 15:35:10
      Beitrag Nr. 46 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.419.514 von meinolf67 am 21.01.09 15:28:38korrigiere: in der spanischen Pressemitteilung steht der Satz mit den 500-1000 mit W anstatt kW; dann machen auch die 724kW als Summe Sinn.

      Also nur:

      0,7MW // 2009ff // Marokko
      schrieb am 21.01.09 15:43:58
      Beitrag Nr. 47 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.204.246 von meinolf67 am 15.12.08 08:34:2111.12.2008: Die Yunnan Power Investment & China HuaNeng Group (CHNG) gibt den Spatenstich für den ersten Teil ihres 166-Megawatt-Projektes bekannt. Für den ersten Teil von 66 Megawatt und eine Investitionssumme von 3.58 Milliarden RMB ist eine Bauzeit von 18 Monaten veranschlagt. Der zweite Teil über rund 100 Megawatt soll innerhalb von 22 Monaten fertig sein. ... Quelle: Yunnan Power Investment & China HuaNeng Group, Übersetzung: PHOTON

      Sie scheinen Ernst zu machen.

      Kommt mir allerdings SEHR teuer vor: 3,59 Mrd. RMB /8,84 /66MW = 6.136 Euro/kW!!!
      schrieb am 21.01.09 16:07:25
      Beitrag Nr. 48 ()
      10MW // ??? // China, Gansu Province

      More than 30 developers show interest in China’s 10MW PV power project
      20 Jan 2009 / Solar / Projects & asset finance / China
      More than 30 developers have expressed interest in a 10MW PV power concession project in Dunhuang, Gansu Province in northwest China.
      schrieb am 21.01.09 16:26:39
      Beitrag Nr. 49 ()
      250MW // 2012 // USA, CA

      Solar plant application submitted to SLO County

      Posted by Debasish Choudhury on 20 January 2009 at 10:06

      SunPower Corp. filed its application with San Luis Obispo County planners to build a 250-megawatt solar power plant in eastern SLO County.

      Called California Valley Solar Ranch, the facility would generate enough electricity to power nearly every home in the county. SunPower is the last of three solar power firms to file applications to build solar power plants along Highway 58, north of the Carrizo Plain National Monument.

      The company plans to begin construction next year on 1,900 acres near the Kern County line and go into full production in 2012. All three of the solar power companies have contracts with Pacific Gas and Electric to sell the power they will produce.

      SunPower claims that their solar technology is the most efficient in the world. It uses a patented tracking system which rotates the solar panels so that they are constantly facing the sun.
      schrieb am 21.01.09 16:28:35
      Beitrag Nr. 50 ()
      174kW // 2009-Q1 // Mexiko

      Wal-Mart store goes solar

      Posted by Debasish Choudhury on 20 January 2009 at 10:07

      Wal-Mart Mexico successfully concluded the installation of a photovoltaic complex that will generate 20% of the energy used by Bodega Aurrera Aguascalientes.

      Over 1,056 solar panels that were set up on the roof of the store will transform sun energy into electricity. The project, with 174 kW installed, is one of the largest photovoltaic complexes in Latin America, according to ANES (the Mexican Solar Energy Association), and will eliminate the emission of some 140 tons of CO2. ANES gave an award to Wal-Mart Mexico as recognition for this project.

      "This is the first large-scale project to generate energy using photovoltaic panels, not only for Wal-Mart Mexico, but for Wal-Mart International. This puts Mexico at the head of the energy field. The project reinforces our commitment to obtain all the energy the company requires from renewable sources by 2025", said Raul Arguelles, Senior Vice President for Corporate Affairs and People Division at Wal-Mart Mexico.

      The 1,056 solar or photovoltaic panels were installed in 2,173.5 square meters, the equivalent of half the roof of Bodega Aurrera Convencion in Aguascalientes.

      Gustavo Tellez Giron, CEO for Water Capital, a company with whom Wal-Mart Mexico worked to install the photovoltaic complex said, "this is a one-of-a-kind project, and its success will allow this technology to be used in many similar situations. The project will result in significant energy savings and environmental benefits. We are pleased to work with Wal-Mart Mexico and show the advantages of this type of energy for Mexico."

      "Today the use of solar energy is the most important potential resource to provide energy in the long run. The sun is the Earth's largest energy source. According to estimates, a single hour of solar radiation would be enough to cover the world's annual energy needs. However, this huge potential is untapped and represents a great opportunity to generate energy without a negative impact on the environment through the use of solar panels, which are devices that turn solar energy into electricity," explained Federico Llamas, Director of the Environment University.
      schrieb am 21.01.09 16:30:09
      Beitrag Nr. 51 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.341.083 von meinolf67 am 09.01.09 13:54:06or download the PDF
      Industry news
      Technology news
      Trade show news

      Israel awards first solar licenses

      Posted by Debasish Choudhury on 21 January 2009 at 04:32

      Israel awarded its first licenses to companies to build solar energy plants in the country.

      Arava Power Co. received the first photovoltaic license, the Public Utility Authority announced.

      Arava will be allowed to build a 4.9-megawatt solar plant at Kibbutz Ketura in the Eilat region of the Arava desert, The Jerusalem Post reports.

      "This is a historic day for renewable energy in Israel," Arava Power Co. President Yosef Abramowitz said in a statement. "For the first time, a large solar project is being launched that will be connected to the national grid, with many more megawatts on the way in the coming years."

      The first solar thermal plant will have a capacity of 100 kilowatts and will be built by Edig Solar. The licenses must be approved by National Infrastructure Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer.
      schrieb am 21.01.09 16:35:49
      Beitrag Nr. 52 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.419.362 von meinolf67 am 21.01.09 15:12:05 Ferrari unveils photovoltaic system in Maranello

      Posted by Debasish Choudhury on 21 January 2009 at 04:40

      The new photovoltaic system installed on the roof of Ferrari's Engine Mechanical Machining facility, was officially unveiled yesterday. The installation comes as part of the Ferrari's ongoing environmental sustainability and renewable resources investment program.

      The photovoltaic panels will reduce the amount of power Ferrari takes from the national grid by over 210,000 kWh annually. 1075 185 watt solar modules from Mitsubishi Electric make up the 198.8 watt peak system.

      The system is the work of EnerRay, a Maccaferri Group company.

      Ferrari's plan to reduce the environmental impact of its production activities also includes the installation of a trigeneration plant which will be operational by the middle of this year. The new plant will cover virtually all of the company's electricity requirements, which will in turn cut its CO2 emissions in 2009 by 25-30% compared to the present levels.

      Ferrari's commitment to environmental sustainability dates all the way back to 2001 when it was awarded ISO 14001 certification; the Prancing Horse also obtained Integrated Environmental Authorization in 2007.

      Over the last few years, Ferrari has also made numerous investments to increase the size and number of green areas both inside and outside its various industrial pavilions.

      The complex now boasts around 165,000 square metres of green areas with more than 200 trees planted there in the last six months alone.

      The environmental protection investments are also part of the overall Formula Uomo programme launched in the early 1990s by President Luca di Montezemolo to put the individual workers, their needs and skills at the centre of the Company's activities.

      For further details, please visit:
      schrieb am 21.01.09 17:03:55
      Beitrag Nr. 53 ()
      160kW // 2009-Q2 // Deutschland

      juwi teams up with SEGRO to construct rooftop solar arrays
      21 January 2009 | By Síle Mc Mahon | News > Power Generation

      A co-operative agreement has been signed between the juwi group and SEGRO plc that will initially see the companies work together on integration of a photovoltaic station in Frankfurt. Construction of the 7,000m2 rooftop array will take place in the first half of 2009 at, a mail-order company, in Frankfurt. Industrial developer SEGRO will team up with juwi on construction of the 160kW capacity project, which marks the first of several developments in Europe-based SEGRO-owned properties.

      “SEGRO’s commitment is ideal. The transition to a clean, affordable and independent power supply with stable prices can only occur if companies are willing to mount PV systems on its properties,” said Lars Falck, Managing Director, juwi Solar GmbH.
      schrieb am 22.01.09 18:48:46
      Beitrag Nr. 54 ()
      1,1MW // 2009-Q1 // USA, CA

      Grundfos Pumps and SunPower Dedicate 1.1 Megawatt Solar Power System

      FRESNO, Calif., Jan 22, 2009 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX News Network/ -- Grundfos Pumps Corporation and SunPower Corporation (Nasdaq: SPWRA, SPWRB) today dedicated a 1.1 megawatt solar power system at the Grundfos facility in Fresno. The system features a ground-mounted, high-efficiency SunPower sun tracking system on a 7.5-acre site. It is expected to reduce carbon dioxide emissions generated at the site by almost 2.4 million pounds annually, which is the equivalent to removing close to 200 cars from California's highways each year.

      "Grundfos is committed to improving our business practices and reducing our environmental impact," said David Mortensen, senior vice president of finance and quality manager for Grundfos. "This high-efficiency SunPower solar power system will help us significantly reduce costs while improving the quality of the environment for our employees and the greater Fresno community."

      At the Grundfos site, SunPower designed and installed a system that utilizes SunPower solar panels, the most efficient solar panels on the market today, with the SunPower Tracker(R) system. The Tracker follows the sun's movement during the day, increasing sunlight capture by up to 25 percent over conventional fixed-tilt systems, while significantly reducing land use requirements.

      "Improving our region's air quality is a primary goal in Fresno," said Fresno Mayor Ashley Swearengin. "I am very pleased that Grundfos, as a major employer and business leader in our city for more than 30 years, has chosen a high-efficiency solar power system to maximize the amount of clean, emission- free solar power generated at their facility."

      As an alternative to outright purchase of the solar power system, Grundfos financed the project through financier Morgan Stanley under the SunPower Access(TM) power purchase agreement (PPA) program. Grundfos is purchasing the electricity generated from the system from Morgan Stanley, which owns and operates the system. As a result, Grundfos will benefit from immediate savings and a long-term hedge against rising peak power prices. Grundfos owns the renewable energy credits associated with the system.

      "Today, leaders like Grundfos understand the value of solar power technology to significantly reduce both operational costs and the levels of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere," said Tom Werner, chief executive officer of SunPower. "With a SunPower Access PPA, these systems require no upfront capital expenditure, and are a great hedge against rising electricity rates. With high-efficiency SunPower technology, Grundfos is assured that the system is maximizing the amount of clean, renewable power generated for their facility."

      About Grundfos

      Grundfos Pumps Corporation is a global pumps and pumping systems leader serving the residential, commercial building and process industry, as well as a major supplier to the water supply and water treatment industries. It is part of the Grundfos Group, a world-wide enterprise that employs more than 14,000 people in 67 countries. Founded in 1945 and headquartered in Denmark, Grundfos produces over 10 million pumps each year and has about 50% of the world's circulator market share. With their unique stainless steel construction and advanced electronics, Grundfos pumps are recognized for reliability and value worldwide -- wherever water moves.
      schrieb am 27.01.09 22:59:16
      Beitrag Nr. 55 ()
      5MW // ??? // USA, FL

      Evolution Solar To Partner With Atlantic Energy Solutions For Florida Solar Plant
      in News Departments > Projects & Contracts
      by SI Staff on Thursday 22 January 2009

      Evolution Solar Corp. has been selected by Atlantic Energy Solutions Inc. of Saratoga Springs, N.Y., to serve as a partner to pursue the development of a 5 MW solar plant in southern Florida. The $400 million facility will be funded by a private Florida developer and will be built, operated and maintained by the partnership.

      "We are past the [request for quotation] stage and are now detailing final negotiations," notes Tim Brock, CEO of Atlantic Energy Solutions.

      SOURCE: Evolution Solar Corp.
      schrieb am 28.01.09 00:00:03
      Beitrag Nr. 56 ()
      10MW // 2011 // Japan

      TEPCO plans to build 10MW solar power plant in Japan
      27 January 2009 | By Patricia Johnson | News > Power Generation

      TEPCOAccording to Reuters, Tokyo Electric Power Co. has announced its plans to build a 10MW solar power plant in the Yamanashi prefecture of central Japan in an effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

      TEPCO hopes to begin partial operations in April of 2011 with a goal of 12 million kWh of electricity per year. The estimated costs of this project have not been released.

      In October, TEPCO announced that it would work with Kawasaki city to build two solar plants with a combined capacity of 20MW.

      This will be TEPCO’s second multi-MW solar project. The company is working towards Japan’s top 10 utilities’ goal of building enough solar power facilities that would together have the capacity to produce 140MW of electricity by March of 2021.
      schrieb am 29.01.09 11:10:04
      Beitrag Nr. 57 ()
      1,2MW // 2009-Q1 // Tschechien

      Antaris Solar stellt größtes Solarkraftwerk fertig !
      Solar-Großprojekt mit 1,25 MW Leistung ging in West-Tschechien ans Netz

      In Rekord-Bauzeit von nur sechs Wochen ging am 19. Dezember 2008 die größte PV-
      Freilandanlage von Antaris Solar,
      dem Systemhaus für modernste Photovoltaiktechnologie, in der westlichen Tschechei ans
      Die Anlage mit genauem Standort in Holysov erbringt eine Nennleistung von 1,244 MW. Es
      handelt sich hierbei um
      eine Freilandanlage mit rund 36.000 qm. Verwendet und eingebaut wurden hier
      ausschließlich Antaris-Qualitätsmodule,
      die bei einem umfangreichen Test des TEC-Instituts als die Besten abschnitten.
      schrieb am 31.01.09 14:27:04
      Beitrag Nr. 58 ()
      120KW // ??? // Kolumbien

      Spanische Firmen errichten 125 kW Nachführsysteme in Kolumbien
      27.01.2009: Das Institut für netzunabhängige Energielösungen (Institute of Planning and Promotion of Energy Solutions for not Interconnected Areas (IPSE)) - eine Einrichtung des Energieministeriums in Kolumbien, erwählte die beiden spanischen Firmen PROINSO und MECASOLAR für die Errichtung von zehn Photovoltaik- Nachführsystemen à 12 kW in fünf verschiedenen Orten, die nicht an das nationale Netz angeschlossen sind. Die Arbeiten in Zusammenarbeit mit der Firma Fulgor Energía haben einen Wert von drei Milliarden Pesos (1.026.460 Euro). ... Quelle: Mecasolar, Übersetzung: PHOTON
      schrieb am 31.01.09 15:29:46
      Beitrag Nr. 59 ()
      1MW // 2009-Q1 // USA

      Constellation Energy completes 1MW installation in Maryland
      30 January 2009 | By Síle Mc Mahon | News > Power Generation

      One of the largest solar power installations in Maryland, Constellation Energy’s 1MW power plant in McCormick’s Spice Mill in Hunt Valley has been completed and will contribute savings of close to 30% of the Mill’s energy costs. The plant is comprised of 2,100 Solar World 175-watt crystalline solar panels and 92,000 square feet of lightweight, flexible thin-film photovoltaic material.

      Constellation Energy’s Projects & Services Group carried out the installation of the project in collaboration with state and local government. McCormick held a celebration at its Hunt Valley Distribution Center on January 21st to mark the project’s completion.
      schrieb am 03.02.09 09:08:01
      Beitrag Nr. 60 ()
      135KW // 2009-Q2 // Indien

      Moser Baer Photovoltaic, a subsidiary of Moser Baer India (BSE:517140), on Monday said it has won a contract from the Roads and Buildings department of Gujarat to set up roof-top solar photovoltaic installations.

      The solar photovoltaic system with 135-kilowatt-peak installed capacity will run a 40-kilowatt load for 10 hours each day and charge a battery bank of 6,000 ampere hours, the company said in a statement.

      Work on the project has already started and the complete system will be commissioned by April 2009, it added.

      "The contract underlines our unmatched capability of design and build reliable and customised solar systems in a cost-effective manner. This project is in line with the Gujarat government's focus on clean and renewable energy in the state," MBPV chief executive officer Rajiv Arya said.
      schrieb am 04.02.09 12:38:38
      Beitrag Nr. 61 ()
      2MW // 2009-Q1 // Frankreich (Übersee)

      Sechilienne-Sidec Inaugurates Largest Rooftop Solar PV Plant In France
      in News Departments > Projects & Contracts
      by SI Staff on Monday 02 February 2009

      Sechilienne-Sidec, an alternative energy producer that is 43.1% owned by Financiere Helios, says it has inaugurated the largest rooftop photovoltaic power plant in France, located in Saint Pierre, Reunion.

      Situated on the roofs of the CILAM and SODICO buildings, this new photovoltaic installation, with a 2 MWc capacity, was fitted and installed by Reunion-based Societe de Conversion d'Energie, a 95% subsidiary of Sechilienne-Sidec Group.

      The construction of the 14,815 square-meter solar field included 9,940 photovoltaic modules and the installation of roughly 80 km of cables, representing a total investment of 11 million euros.

      SOURCE: Sechilienne-Sidec
      schrieb am 04.02.09 12:40:58
      Beitrag Nr. 62 ()
      0,8MW // 2009-Q1 // USA, HI

      Sunetric Completes Largest Rooftop Solar Project In Hawaii
      in News Departments > Projects & Contracts
      by SI Staff on Friday 30 January 2009
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      Solar integrator Sunetric, formerly known as Suntech Hawaii, says it has completed the largest rooftop solar project in the state. The 803 kW project features 17 distinct photovoltaic systems covering the roofs at the Kona Commons shopping center in Kailua-Kona and generates nearly 1.2 million kWh of electricity per year.

      "We are pleased with the results of our collaboration with Suntech Hawaii to create this first-of-its-kind system," says BJ Kobayashi, CEO of Kobayashi Group, which developed Kona Commons in partnership with The MacNaughton Group. "We can now offer power to our tenants, at a lower and more consistent rate than they would pay from the utility. The beauty of this system is it can be customized as tenants move or expand their space, and it also offers a new stream of revenue potential from the property."

      Each photovoltaic system is net metered, with tenants entering into separate agreements with the developer to purchase solar power from the PV system associated with its meter.

      SOURCE: Sunetric
      schrieb am 04.02.09 13:31:24
      Beitrag Nr. 63 ()
      ca. 5-10MW // 2010-Q1 // Italien

      Michelin to deploy Europe’s largest installation of photovoltaic roof panels at a plant in Italy 01/28/2009

      Michelin will deploy the largest installation of photovoltaic roof panels in Europe at its plant in Cuneo, Italy.

      More than 147,000 sq.m of solar panels will be installed on the plant in Italy’s Piedmont region. With annual production of nearly 10 million kWh, the panels will provide electricity for 2,000 inhabitants while reducing the amount of CO2 released into the atmosphere by 1,200 metric tons a year.

      Every day the Cuneo plant produces some 1,000 metric tons of semi-finished products and 300 metric tons of tires and inner tubes.

      The photovoltaic power plant is scheduled to be operational in early 2010. It will be developed and operated by Frey Nouvelles Energies, a company that produces electrical power from renewable energy sources.

      Environmental stewardship is one of Michelin’s core values and an integral component of the Michelin Performance and Responsibility approach, which is the foundation of the Group’s sustainable development commitment. Lowering CO2 emissions is one of the six major paths that Michelin is pursuing in this area to reduce the environmental footprint of its operations. The Group’s renewable energy policy has been deployed, with a number of projects already in place. In Germany photovoltaic panels have already been installed on the roofs of four factories and in the Dundee plant in Scotland, two wind turbines are operational. In Bassens, France, 20% of the plant’s needs in energy are recovered from the combustion of industrial waste in two nearby incinerators.
      schrieb am 04.02.09 15:28:33
      Beitrag Nr. 64 ()
      0,2MW // 2009-Q1 // USA, CA

      04.02.2009 15:13
      Tioga Energy, Mitsubishi Electric and REC Solar ‘Flip the Switch’ on a New Solar Mascot for The Athenian School

      Bay Area School Does Its Part to Promote Renewable Energy and Serves as a Model for CA Schools

      The Athenian School will ”flip the switch” on a new solar system at its Danville campus on February 11, with the student body, school officials, and Danville Mayor Arnerich as well as representatives from Tioga Energy, REC Solar, Mitsubishi Electric (News) and New Resource Bank. The 220-kilowatt system consists of 1,300 photovoltaic panels arranged in the shape of a large ‘A’, representing a unique new solar mascot that will provide half the school’s power needs.

      ”Environmental stewardship is one of the pillars upon which the School was founded,” said Eleanor Dase, Head of School. ”We are excited and pleased to be able to model this value for our students, as well as do our part to use green energy and reduce global warming.”

      The 30,000 square foot installation of Mitsubishi Electric solar modules was designed and installed by REC Solar. Tioga Energy arranged the financing, including construction capital from New Resource Bank, and will operate Athenian’s solar power system under SurePath™ Solar Power Purchase Agreement (PPA). Athenian will buy the power generated by the system at a fixed rate over the length of the 20-year agreement, enabling the school to capture significant energy savings from the first day of operation.

      ”Tioga recognizes that most schools and nonprofit organizations don’t have the upfront capital required of renewable energy projects, yet benefit tremendously from the price and security solar power offers. We remove the financial barriers to make renewable energy affordable and accessible,” said Paul Detering, CEO of Tioga Energy. ”Through a PPA, we provide fixed cost energy pricing, allowing Athenian to forecast energy budgets and hedge against increased electricity costs, so they can meet their sustainability goals and direct their resources towards their students.”

      ”It is wonderful to see great educational institutions like Athenian partner with Tioga Energy to lead the way towards a cleaner energy future,” said Peter Lui, founder and Vice Chairman of New Resource Bank. ”We are happy to be the innovative community bank helping them build sustainable resources.”

      ”Schools are excellent places to demonstrate renewable energy options to communities. Every day, students will be reminded of how energy efficiency and renewable energy, such as solar power, work to benefit our environment, the economy and the job market. For instance, for the Athenian School project we employed 18 staff in the field, in addition to corporate employees in engineering, project management and quality control,” said Angiolo Laviziano, chief executive officer of REC Solar.

      ”This solar installation is a continuous educational tool for the community. Installing the solar panels in the form of an ‘A’ is a great way to promote school pride and to show support for education powered by clean energy,” said Gina Heng, director of sales and marketing for Mitsubishi Electric’s photovoltaic division. ”We’re proud to be a part of this unique project.”

      The inauguration ceremony will begin at 2:45 PM on February 11th; all of the 457 Athenian School students will be in attendance as well as faculty, parents and other community officials.

      About The Athenian School:

      The Athenian School is a distinctive San Francisco Bay Area college preparatory school, providing an outstanding education that is challenging, engaging, personal, interactive and international. With 457 students in grades 6 to 12, Athenian’s 75-acre campus lies at the base of Mt. Diablo in Danville, 32 miles east of San Francisco. The student to faculty ratio is an enviable 10:1 and the average class size is 15 students. The Athenian School is fully accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges and the California Association of Independent Schools.

      About Tioga Energy

      Tioga Energy enables commercial, government and non-profit organizations to reduce their energy costs while lowering carbon emissions. Through the SurePathSM solar power purchase agreement (PPA), Tioga Energy owns and operates renewable energy systems that provide organizations a hedge against energy price volatility and accelerate their access to clean energy without any capital outlay. For more information call 877.333.9787 or visit:

      About REC Solar, Inc.:

      REC Solar is an industry-leading solar power provider specializing in grid-tied residential and commercial installations. With a local presence in all major solar markets in the USA and millions of watts installed, REC Solar is committed to lowering the cost of solar power through efficient processes, innovative products, and outstanding customer service. REC Solar is among the nation’s largest solar integrators and currently has over a dozen offices throughout 5 states (CA, CO, HI, OR and NJ). For additional information on REC Solar visit or call 1-888-OK-SOLAR (888-657-6527).

      About Mitsubishi Electric&Electronics USA’s Photovoltaic Division:

      Mitsubishi Electric is one of the world’s largest manufacturers and providers of solar power technology, including PV cells, modules and inverters. The company’s eco-friendly photovoltaic systems are used throughout the world to bring clean, reliable energy to residences, business, power generation plants, schools, factories and areas without access to electricity, as well as other applications such as highway and stadium lighting. For more information visit or call 714.220.2500.

      About New Resource Bank

      New Resource Bank is a community bank in San Francisco that is setting a new standard in customer service while financing efficient and sustainable resources in its community. The Bank is founded by leading entrepreneurs, along with seasoned banking executives from national and local community banks. For more information, please go to
      schrieb am 06.02.09 11:59:21
      Beitrag Nr. 65 ()
      63MW // 2009 // Deutschland

      Sunselex: Montagestart für 63 MWp bei Cottbus
      Photovoltaikspezialisten trotzen eisigen Umgebungsbedingungen

      (pressebox) München, 05.02.2009, Startschuss für einen weiteren Superlativ: Sunselex, der international tätige Fullservice-Anbieter für Planung, Montage, Betrieb und Wartung von photovoltaischen Freiflächen- und Dachanlagen, startet in Turnow-Preilack bei Cottbus mit der Errichtung eines Solarkraftwerkes mit einer Leistung von 63 Megawatt. In drei Bauabschnitten montiert Sunselex bis Ende 2009 rund 880.000 Dünnschichtmodule auf 17.600 Tischen und 70.400 Rammfundamenten. Nach der Fertigstellung wird die Anlage bei Cottbus das größte Photovoltaikkraftwerk in Deutschland sein und pro Jahr mehr als 550 Millionen Kilowattstunden Solarstrom liefern.

      Rammarbeiten bei –25°C

      Wegen der extremen Temperaturen zu Jahresbeginn war es zu Verzögerungen beim Baubeginn gekommen. Aber Sunselex liegt im Zeitplan. „Uns geht es nicht um Rekorde, auch wenn dieses Projekt wieder eine besondere Herausforderung ist“, erklärt Sunselex-Geschäftsführer Heinz Lofner. „Wir sind bekannt für unsere Termintreue und eine präzise Fundamentierung – auch unter widrigsten Bedingungen. Um bei minus 25 Grad Rammfundamente zu setzen, bedarf es einiger Erfahrung. Dass wir aber mit jedem Untergrund und jeder Umgebung, ob Stein, Wüste oder Eis, zurechtkommen, haben wir schon bei zahlreichen Großprojekten weltweit beweisen können.“ Zuletzt unter anderem bei der Montage des Solarkraftwerkes Waldpolenz in Brandis bei Leipzig, das Ende 2008 ans Netz ging. In der Rekordzeit von 20 Monaten setzte Sunselex auf dem ehemaligen Militärflughafen 37.320 Fundamente und montierte 559.800 Module. Insgesamt realisierte Sunselex im Jahr 2008 eine Gesamtleistung von 130 MWp und ist damit der größte Solaranlagenbauer der Welt.

      Trainingscenter bei Kaufbeuren

      Das rund 150 ha große Gelände, auf dem Sunselex nun das Cottbuser Sonnenkraftwerk errichtet, war ehemals ein Truppenübungsplatz. Deshalb musste es im Vorfeld von Experten untersucht und von Kampfmitteln geräumt werden. „Was das Rammen der Fundamente angeht, stehen wir auf einem solchen Gelände natürlich vor besonderen Herausforderungen“, erklärt Heinz Lofner. Für die Ausbildung und die ständige Weiterbildung seiner Mitarbeiter unterhält Sunselex ein eigenes Trainingscenter bei Kaufbeuren im Allgäu. Neben der Vertiefung ihrer Kenntnisse spezieller Fundamentierungs- und Montagetechniken bilden sich die Sunselex Großanlagen-Solarmonteure hier auch im Umgang mit verschiedenen Gefahrenpotenzialen auf unterschiedlichen Geländen im In- und Ausland weiter.
      Über SUNSELEX GmbH

      Die Sunselex GmbH ist ein international tätiger Fullservice-Anbieter für Planung, Montage, Betrieb und Wartung von größeren photovoltaischen Freiflächen- und Dachanlagen. Dabei deckt das Unternehmen die komplette Kette von der Geländevorbereitung bis zum Betrieb der Anlagen ab. Das Portfolio reicht von Baustellenlogistik, Koordination, Planung und Ingenieursdienstleistungen bis hin zur Fundamentierung und Montage, dem Anschluss der Anlage sowie deren Wartung, Sicherung und Entsorgung. Je nach Projektierung bietet Sunselex seine Leistungen flexibel modular oder als "schlüsselfertiges" Komplettpaket an.

      Die Sunselex GmbH beschäftigt knapp 300 Mitarbeiter. Neben dem Hauptsitz in München betreibt Sunselex Niederlassungen in der Nähe von Leipzig, in Spanien und Italien und eine Betriebsstätte bei Kaufbeuren.. Mit einer realisierten Montageleistung von mehr als 130 MWp im Jahr 2008 ist Sunselex der weltweit größte Solaranlagenbauer und außerdem Vorreiter bei der Entwicklung und dem Einsatz neuer Montagetechniken, Untergestelle und Module.
      schrieb am 06.02.09 12:26:01
      Beitrag Nr. 66 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.526.320 von meinolf67 am 06.02.09 11:59:21
      Diese Art von Projekten macht mir Sorgen. Wenn Deutschland in Sachen Freifläche das nächste Spanien wird, dann ist das EEG 2010 noch sicherer tot, als man jetzt schon vermuten muss.

      Bei welchen Anlagepreisen geraten Investoren bei Freifläche in Deutschland eigentlich 2009 in "Renditehysterie"? Bei knapp unter 3.000 Euro pro kw? Zumindest für FSLR dürfte das zu machen sein...
      schrieb am 06.02.09 12:32:40
      Beitrag Nr. 67 ()
      Ich teile deine Sorge! Spätestens 2010 werden die Solar-Schulden in Deutschland meines Erachtens die 50 Milliarden überschreiten.

      Es spricht vieles dafür, dass sich die Branche ihr eigenes Grab schaufeln wird. Der Imageschaden in Spanien ist imho bereits ein GaU für die Branche.

      schrieb am 11.02.09 10:43:42
      Beitrag Nr. 68 ()
      2MW // 2009-Q2 // Belgien

      Scheuten Solar baut 2 MW Photovoltaik-Kraftwerk für
      GreenFever in Veurne (Belgien)
      Scheuten Solar und GreenFever, der Initiator von “Zonnepark Veurne”, verkünden die
      Unterzeichnung eines Vertrags über die schlüsselfertige Lieferung (EPC) sowie eines
      Betriebs- und Wartungsvertrags (O&M) für das fünf Hektar große Freifeld-Photovoltaik-
      Kraftwerk in Belgien.
      Mit dem Abschluss dieses Vertrags veranlasst GreenFever, dass Scheuten Solar das PVKraftwerk
      mit einer Größe von 2 MW im belgischen Veurne verwirklicht.
      "Als Partner für die vollständige Realisierung und Wartung unseres PV-Kraftwerks haben wir
      uns für Scheuten Solar entschieden, da Scheuten Solar ein sehr professionelles
      Unternehmen mit einem umfangreichen Fachwissen und Erfahrung mit großen PVKraftwerken
      ist", erklären Maarten De Cuyper und Stijn Lenaerts von GreenFever.
      “Wir sehen ein großes Potential für Solar in Belgien”, sagt Evert Vlaswinkel, CCO bei
      Scheuten Solar: “Wir sind stolz darauf, mit GreenFever zusammen zu arbeiten und dieses
      schlüsselfertige PV-Kraftwerk zu entwerfen und zu bauen.”
      Zonnepark Veurne liegt im sonnenscheinreichsten Teil Belgiens. Mit der Realisierung des
      Projekts wird im Februar begonnen; im Mai wird die Anlage dann an das Stromnetz
      angeschlossen. Das Kraftwerk wird eines der zurzeit größten betriebenen PV-Kraftwerke in
      Belgien sein.
      schrieb am 11.02.09 11:32:20
      Beitrag Nr. 69 ()
      120MW // ?? // USA, NJ

      New Jersey Utility Proposes 120 MW Solar Power Program
      in News Departments > New & Noteworthy
      by SI Staff on Tuesday 10 February 2009
      email the content item print the content item

      Public Service Electric and Gas Company (PSE&G) has asked New Jersey regulators to approve a $773 million proposal to bring 120 MW of solar power directly to customers throughout its service territory.

      In a filing with the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities, PSE&G proposed its Solar 4 All Program, whereby PSE&G will invest in, own and operate grid-connected solar energy systems and collaborate with solar developers, installers and manufacturers to develop projects.

      "We designed our program to ensure that everyone has access to the benefits of solar energy," says Ralph LaRossa, president and chief operating officer of PSE&G. "By partnering with solar developers, we will bring solar projects online more quickly and cost-effectively. We will also make solar energy available to every neighborhood in our service area, ensuring universal access."

      The initiative will expand New Jersey's solar infrastructure and, in turn, satisfy nearly 7% percent of the state's renewable portfolio standard requirements through 2020. Each utility investment will be recovered over 15 to 20 years, but the rate impact will be offset by the value of the electricity and solar renewable energy certificates, as well as federal tax credits that will flow back to utility customers.

      Installation costs are expected to be $6.44 per watt of installed solar capacity. The company is proposing to recover all direct program costs, including costs related to its invested capital. The impact on a typical residential customer is forecasted to be 10 cents per month in the first full year of the program and increase up to 35 cents per month in 2013.

      The Solar 4 All Program includes four segments:

      * Neighborhood Solar (40 MW, $264 million investment): PSE&G will contract with solar developers selected from a competitive bidding process to design, manufacture and procure solar devices for nearly 200,000 utility poles and street lights in neighborhoods throughout PSE&G's service territory.

      * Local Government Solar (43 MW, $273 million investment): Working with solar developers, PSE&G will offer every municipality and public school district in its electric service territory the opportunity to install solar systems on their property. Solar developers will install roof-mounted systems on public schools, as well as on municipal and county-owned buildings.

      * Centralized Solar (35 MW, $221 million investment): PSE&G will contract for the design and manufacture of 25 MW of ground- or roof-mounted solar systems on land or buildings it owns. In addition, the company will work with developers to install 10 MW of larger solar energy farms on brownfields, non-profit-owned real estate and underdeveloped real estate.

      * HMFA/Affordable Housing Solar (2 MW, $15 million investment): PSE&G will invest in roof-mounted solar systems to provide electricity at New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency (HMFA)-financed or other affordable housing communities.

      schrieb am 16.02.09 12:28:01
      Beitrag Nr. 70 ()
      80 MW / Israel

      The Israel Electric Company has approved the Arava Power Company's proposal to build an 80MW solar photovoltaic (PV) field on kibbutz land in the Arava, Arava Power announced on Sunday. When built, it will be the largest PV field in the world - twice as big as the current biggest field which is in Germany.
      Solar panels

      The solar panels will be erected on roughly 1500 dunams of kibbutz land at a cost of $400m. Arava Power is a joint venture of Kibbutz Ketura and foreign backers led by Yosef Abramowitz.…


      Israel ist aus politischen und pysikalischen Gründen für die PV grundsätzlich sehr, sehr spannend. Systemkosten von 5 Dollar sind freilich noch immer viel zu hoch. Aber die kWh-Kosten bei 3 Dollar in israelische Sonne bei 25 Jahren Abschreibung, die würden mich ja mal interessieren...
      schrieb am 17.02.09 15:43:11
      Beitrag Nr. 71 ()
      25MW // 2009 // USA, FL
      85MW // 2010 // USA, FL

      FPL delays groundbreaking on solar plant
      New date for KSC facility set for May

      BY JIM WAYMER • FLORIDA TODAY • February 17, 2009

      Florida Power & Light Co. pushed back construction of a new solar power plant at Kennedy Space Center until late May, several months later than originally planned.
      click here Quantcast

      FPL had intended to begin building the $78.9 million Space Coast Next Generation Solar Energy Center in late 2008. Then in October, the company announced it would break ground on the plant today.

      But the groundbreaking has been delayed to work around NASA's launch schedule and to obtain all necessary permits, FPL officials said.

      Company officials could not say for sure when the plant would be operational. But according to the Public Service Commission's 2008 annual report, the plant will be completed in 2010.

      The plant will provide 10 megawatts, enough power to serve nearly 1,100 homes.

      Customers will ultimately absorb the cost.

      In May, FPL filed a petition with the Public Service Commission for approval of the plant and two other solar energy projects, for a total of 110 megawatts.

      The plan also includes a $173.5 million, 25 megawatt solar plant in DeSoto County, to be completed this year, and a $476.3 million, 75-megawatt solar plant in Martin County, to be completed in 2010.

      In June, Gov. Charlie Crist signed into law a measure that allows power companies to pass on to customers the cost of construction of up to 110 megawatts of renewable power, statewide. Two months later, the Public Service Commission said FPL's three planned solar plants were eligible for such cost recovery. During the November 2008 hearings, the Commission approved $25 million related to these projects for cost recovery this year.

      To avoid conflict with any NASA launches, the groundbreaking on the new KSC solar plant will likely fall sometime in the last week of May, said Sandy Sanderson, an FPL spokesman.

      "We're going to work around their launch schedule," Sanderson said. "It looks like the last third of May."

      Contact Waymer at 242-3663 or
      schrieb am 17.02.09 15:46:59
      Beitrag Nr. 72 ()
      Deutsche Bank completed EUR 70 million refinancing of 4 photovoltaic power projects

      Deutsche Bank has achieved financial close on the long-term refinancing of 4 photovoltaic power parks on the island of Mallorca, Spain. All 4 parks, which supply a total of 8.3 megawatts climate-friendly energy, are fixed photovoltaic installations and all benefit from the old Spanish tariff regime under Royal Decree RD 661.

      The EUR-70-million-project had been developed by DEE Deutsche Erneuerbare Energien GmbH, a subsidiary of Deutsche Bank and bridge-financed during construction. Deutsche Bank has acted as developer, and equity financier throughout the construction period, financial advisor, lead arranger and agent for the long-term senior debt financing. The equity was placed to a specialised fund in renewable energy. Deutsche Bank was advised by Linklaters on legal matters, Fichtner on technical matters and Marsh on insurance matters.

      "Deutsche Bank has already invested in renewable energy projects for more than ten years. These 4 photovoltaic power parks are once again an investment in the future and are part of an entire series of sustainability investments made possible by Deutsche Bank", said Dr. Thomas Rueschen, Head of Deutsche Bank's Asset Finance & Leasing division.

      With similar financing solutions, Deutsche Bank has already participated in more than 30 projects involving wind and solar energy. The total volume of investment in these projects amounts to approximately EUR 900 million.
      schrieb am 17.02.09 15:57:17
      Beitrag Nr. 73 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.586.231 von SLGramann am 16.02.09 12:28:01gärt schon länger...:

      Last update - 03:01 04/03/2008
      Arava to get $2.5b solar station
      By Avi Bar Eli
      Tags: solar power, business, israel

      An international project management firm has recently signed a memorandum of understanding for construction of a $2.5 billion solar power station at Eilot Region in the Arava desert. The extravagant project, which is expected to continue over a five-year period, involves installation of photo-voltaic (PV) panels which will eventually supply up to 500 megawatts of electricity. The agreement was signed by Arava Power of Kibbutz Ketura located in the southern Arava.

      Representatives of the international firm have visited Israel on a number of occasions to promote the project. The project, however, is contingent upon the Electric Company paying a higher price for the solar energy that the power station produces. An electricity producer currently gets 22 cents per kilowatt-hour electricity produced by all types of technology. Sources say that PV production of electricity becomes financially feasible at rates of 37 cents per kW/hr. According to the plan, solar panels are to be installed along thousands of dunams the length of the Arava and on the border with Jordan, and may in the future cross the border. Meanwhile, Arava Power, lead by entrepreneur Joseph Abramovich is promoting a power station that will supply 2.5 megawatts from an 80 dunam area on Kibbutz Ketura designated for industrial use.

      The Eilot Regional Council has been lobbying for a move that will allow kibbutzim in the area to sell electricity at NIS 2.04 per kW/hr, the new rates issued by the Electricity Authority for home and industrial consumers who install solar panels for production of electricity.
      The arrangement is meant for private consumption, with any surplus being transferred to the electrical grid. Home consumption facilities are limited to 15 kW-hr, and 50 kW-hr for industrial consumers.

      Through Abramovich and the supervisor for alternative energy in the Eilot Regional Council Noam Ilan, at least 10 kibbutzim in the area have argued that since electricity usage on kibbutzim is measured on a single meter, they are entitled to bundle the rights of all members, to be considered as a single power station and enjoy the same high rates for sale of electricity to the Electric Company.

      As regulation to promote alternative energy sources develops, including solar energy, kibbutzim in the Arava are awash with proposals coming from Israeli and foreign energy companies, including Suntech, First Solar, Sharp and Solar Power, among others.

      Interest in collaboration with kibbutzim in the Eilot region has recently increased after the recent establishment of the first research and development center for alternative energy and energy conservation was established on Kibbutz Ketura under the auspices of the Arava Institute, which is planning to raise about $10 million to fund its activities.

      Guy Leshem adds: While solar power is gaining momentum, not all "green" objectives win the day. The Trans-Israel Highway is a stellar example of a battle the greens lost. After the works began in 1999, several grass-roots organizations rose to the occasion in towns along its proposed route, claiming the highway would ruin the view, the quality of the water and ground, and would be bad for plant and animal life too. The greens tried their luck in court, and tried to inspire public outrage, to no avail. The ribbon was cut in 2002 and today work is progressing on its northern segments.
      schrieb am 17.02.09 16:06:39
      Beitrag Nr. 74 ()
      5MW // ??? // Indien

      NEPC India plans 5MW PV project
      16 Feb 2009 / Solar / Projects & asset finance / India
      Indian PV modules manufacturer NEPC India (BSE: 500301) said that it plans to set up a 5MW PV project in the state of Karnataka.
      schrieb am 17.02.09 16:07:39
      Beitrag Nr. 75 ()
      6MW // ??? // Französisch Guayana

      Voltalia moving ahead with 6MW solar PV plant in French Guiana
      13 Feb 2009 / Solar / Projects & asset finance / France
      The government of French Guiana has issued a permit to renewable energy project developer Voltalia to build a 6MW PV plant at Carrefour d'Organabo, in the commune of Mana.
      schrieb am 17.02.09 16:11:55
      Beitrag Nr. 76 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.595.125 von meinolf67 am 17.02.09 16:07:396MW // 2009 // Frankreich

      ...und die Bude ist sogar börsennotiert...

      Permis de construire 6 MW solaire en Guyane Française

      VOLTALIA a obtenu le permis de construire une centrale photovoltaïque au sol d’une
      puissance installée de 6 MW. Située au lieu-dit Carrefour d’Organabo, sur la commune
      de Mana, cette installation délivrera au réseau public d’électricité environ 8 millions
      de KWh par an, soit l’équivalent de la consommation annuelle de plus de 6 000
      habitants. Elle permettra également d’éviter le rejet dans l’atmosphère d’environ
      6 800 tonnes de CO2 par an.

      Ce parc photovoltaïque est le 1er parc solaire « autorisé » en Guyane Française. Sa
      construction débutera dans les prochaines semaines et sa mise en service devrait
      intervenir avant fin 2009.

      Une expertise multi-énergie, renforcé par un solide partenaire financier

      Après le lancement de la construction de la centrale hydraulique de Mana (4,5 MW) et
      l’achèvement de la centrale biomasse de Kourou (1,9 MW), cette nouvelle opération
      solaire confirme l’expertise multi-énergie de VOLTALIA. La société poursuit ainsi avec
      la Caisse des dépôts, entrée récemment au capital de VOLTALIA Guyane, un
      développement très dynamique sur ce territoire.
      schrieb am 18.02.09 10:58:09
      Beitrag Nr. 77 ()
      6MW // 2009-Q3 // Italien

      Terni, 16 February 2009 – TerniEnergia, company operating in the field of renewable energy, among the main integrator systems in Italy in the photovoltaic sector and listed on the Expandi Market of the Italian Stock Exchange, has won the Enel Green Power tender together with another operator for the installation of the 6 MWp photovoltaic station at Montalto di Castro (Viterbo) owned by the same Enel. TerniEnergia will be involved above all in the executive planning and some implementation stages.

      The plant, which is just under 10 hectares, will be the biggest in Italy and seventh in Europe. For some days now works are underway and are estimated to be finished by July.
      Expected energy production will be around 7 million kilowatts a year, equal to the requirements of 2,700 families. Furthermore, the clean energy generated will help to avoid the yearly atmospheric emission of nearly 5 thousand tons of carbon dioxide, with an obvious advantage for the environment.

      “We are especially proud to be part of one of the most important photovoltaic plant projects in Europe working side by side with a leading Company in the energy sector such as Enel”, Stefano Neri, Chairman of TerniEnergia stated, “By winning this tender – Mr Neri concluded – our Company has further strengthened its role as protagonist in the Italian photovoltaic sector”.
      schrieb am 19.02.09 08:55:05
      Beitrag Nr. 78 ()
      2,2MW // ?? // Italien

      18.02.2009 22:33
      SunPower to Build 2.2-Megawatt Solar Power Plant in Italy

      SAN JOSE, California, February 18 /PRNewswire/ --

      - First Phase of Planned 7.1-Megawatt Solar Power Development

      SunPower Corp. (News) (Nasdaq: SPWRA, SPWRB), a manufacturer of high-efficiency solar cells, solar panels and solar systems, today announced that it has signed an agreement with Sunshire, S.r.l., a subsidiary of Api Nova Energia S.r.l., to design and build a 2.2-megawatt solar electric power plant in Tolentino, Italy.

      This is the first solar power plant agreement to be announced on behalf of SunPower's Italian subsidiary, SunPower Italia S.r.l. The project, which will be financed by regional banks via a leasing agreement, is the first phase of a planned 7.1-megawatt development that is expected to be completed this year. At the site, SunPower will utilize SunPower panels, the most efficient solar panels commercially available, and the proprietary SunPower(R) Tracker technology, which follows the sun during the day and delivers up to 25 percent more energy than fixed-tilt systems.

      "We are pleased to partner with Api Nova Energia to deliver clean, reliable solar power to the rapidly expanding Italian market," said Luca Bandini, general manager of SunPower Italia. "By using SunPower's industry-leading Tracker technology and our high efficiency solar panels, Sunshire will maximize the solar power plant's energy delivery, while optimizing land use and reducing related costs."

      "SunPower's unrivaled expertise and experience in the design and construction of solar power plants, as well as the company's superior technology, were the primary reasons we chose SunPower as our partner for this important project," said Paolo Chiantore, director of Sunshire. "Today, Api Nova Energia has the largest solar facility under development in the Tolentino area (Marche region) in Italy. This plant will be an important source of clean, renewable and reliable power for the Marche region."

      SunPower has installed more than 400 megawatts of large-scale solar power systems globally, including more than 185 megawatts of power plants in Europe.
      schrieb am 19.02.09 14:30:18
      Beitrag Nr. 79 ()
      2,2MW // 2009-Q1 // USA, CA

      GE, SunPower and California's Lake County Partner on 2.2-Megawatt Solar Power System

      --Arrays Constructed on Two Wastewater Treatment Plants and County Jail; Savings to County Residents May Reach $5 Million Over 20 Years

      LAKEPORT, Calif., Feb 19, 2009 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX News Network/ -- SunPower Corp. (Nasdaq: SPWRA, SPWRB), a manufacturer of high-efficiency solar cells, solar panels, and solar systems, GE (NYSE: GE), California's Lake County and the Lake County Sanitation District (LACOSAN) announced today the completion of a 2.2-megawatt solar-electric power system on three sites, including the county jail and two wastewater treatment plants. Combining this new system with an existing 1-megawatt solar power installation, Lake County is now home to the largest solar power installation on county facilities in California. The combined 3.2-megawatt system produces the equivalent of 94 percent of the facilities' electricity requirements.


      "We expect these solar power installations to save Lake County taxpayers and ratepayers between $1.6 million and $5 million over the next 20 years, depending on utility rate increases," said Mark Dellinger, special districts administrator for LACOSAN. "SunPower offered high-efficiency technology that maximizes the amount of solar power generated, and a turnkey solution that helped to accelerate design and construction."

      Hosting the solar installation helps further Lake County's commitment to building a sustainable community infrastructure. The wastewater that LACOSAN treats, recycles and transports at the two treatment plants is used to recharge another alternative energy source -- geothermal -- that generates power for homes and businesses. The County's program includes its commitment to energy efficiency, The Geysers -- which is the world's largest complex of geothermal energy -- and other alternative sources of energy.

      "These solar facilities represent a critical part of Lake County's overall energy program," said Denise Rushing, chair of the Lake County Board of Supervisors. "The County truly appreciates the innovation demonstrated by SunPower and GE, and for their partnership with us to make this happen."

      GE Energy Financial Services, a unit of GE, in partnership with SunPower, financed and owns the system as well as the associated renewable energy credits and environmental benefits. Using conversion formulas provided by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the 2.2-megawatt SunPower system will avoid more than 131 million pounds of carbon dioxide emissions over the next 30 years, equivalent to removing close to 11,000 cars from the road.

      Under a SunPower Access(TM) power purchase agreement (PPA), the partnership is selling electricity to the County and LACOSAN at rates that are competitively priced against utility rates, providing the County and LACOSAN with a long-term hedge against rising peak power prices.

      "Lake County and LACOSAN took advantage of the SunPower Access PPA to build and host emission-free solar power plants at their facilities with no upfront capital expenditure," said Tom Werner, chief executive officer of SunPower. "We applaud the County and District for taking the lead with this showcase installation that demonstrates how solar makes good financial sense for public agencies today."

      At the County and LACOSAN facilities, SunPower designed and installed a system that utilizes SunPower solar panels, the most efficient solar panels on the market today, with the SunPower Tracker(R) system. The Tracker follows the sun's movement during the day, increasing sunlight capture by up to 30 percent over conventional fixed-tilt systems, while significantly reducing land use requirements.

      The SunPower arrays in the system include:
      * A 602-kilowatt installation at the Lake County Jail;
      * Two installations at the Northwest Wastewater Treatment Plant,
      including one 281-kilowatt array and one 764-kilowatt array; and
      * A 522-kilowatt array at LACOSAN's Southeast Wastewater Treatment Plant.

      About Lake County Sanitation District

      The County of Lake is committed to developing sustainable community infrastructure through the innovative use of renewable energy and increased energy efficiency. Lake County is located in beautiful Northern California and is home to the state's cleanest air basin, Clear Lake -- the largest natural freshwater lake in California -- as well as The Geysers, the world's largest complex of geothermal energy. For information on Lake County's innovation in wastewater recycling and solar-powered infrastructure, visit
      schrieb am 19.02.09 14:51:09
      Beitrag Nr. 80 ()
      1,9MW // 2009-Q1 // Deutschland

      19.02.2009 14:45
      DGAP-News: COLEXON Energy AG (deutsch)

      COLEXON Energy AG: Michelin und COLEXON weihen Solarkraftwerk offiziell ein

      COLEXON Energy AG (News/Aktienkurs) / Kooperation/Sonstiges


      Veröffentlichung einer Corporate News, übermittelt durch die DGAP - ein Unternehmen der EquityStory AG. Für den Inhalt der Mitteilung ist der Emittent / Herausgeber verantwortlich. -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------

      'Grüner' Strom für 560 Haushalte

      Landau, 19. Februar 2009 - Der Reifenhersteller Michelin und der Photovoltaik-Systemintegrator COLEXON Energy bringen ein Solarkraftwerk mit 1,9 MWp Leistung ans Netz: Auf den Dächern des Landauer Reifenlagers der Michelin Gruppe wurde eine bereits seit 2004 bestehende Anlage ergänzt und versorgt nun zusätzlich ca. 560 Haushalte mit umweltfreundlichem Strom. Michelin agiert bei diesem Projekt als Verpächter der Dachflächen und unterstreicht damit sein Engagement in die Umwelt. Investor und Betreiber der Anlage ist die dänische Renewagy A/S. Das Auftragsvolumen des Projektes beträgt ca. 7,4 Mio. Euro.

      Unter der Bauleitung von COLEXON wurden auf einer insgesamt 46.500 m² großen Dachfläche etwa 10.000 kristalline Module der Hersteller Yunnan Tianda und Moser Baer sowie über 4.500 First Solar Dünnschicht-Module installiert. Als Unterkonstruktion wurden Aluminium-Wannen verwendet. Um die Aufdachlast zu reduzieren, wurden die Wannen in den Trapezblechprofilen des Daches verankert. Mit diesem innovativen Haltesystem ist es COLEXON möglich, Photovoltaikanlagen auf Dächern zu realisieren, die nur über eine geringe Lastreserve verfügen. Mit der Inbetriebnahme produzieren nun neun Wechselrichter jährlich insgesamt 1,87 Millionen Kilowattstunden (kWh) sauberen Strom. Die Anlage spart damit ca. 1.650 Tonnen des Treibhausgases Kohlendioxid ein.

      'Die Michelin-Anlage ist für uns ein wichtiges Referenzprojekt mit dem wir erneut unsere Projektierungskompetenz im Aufdachbereich demonstrieren und ausbauen konnten', so Thorsten Preugschas, CEO der COLEXON Energy AG.

      Über COLEXON Energy AG Die international aufgestellte COLEXON Gruppe zählt zu den führenden herstellerunabhängigen Systemintegratoren im Photovoltaik-Bereich. Das Unternehmen plant und erstellt schlüsselfertige Solarstromanlagen im In- und Ausland und ist spezialisiert auf die Realisierung ertragsreicher PV-Großprojekte (ab 100 kWp). COLEXON zeichnet sich insbesondere durch die Expertise im Einsatz von innovativer Dünnschicht-Technologie aus. Zur Zielgruppe der Gesellschaft zählen in erster Linie institutionelle Investoren sowie Bauherren aus Landwirtschaft, Industrie und öffentlicher Hand. Die Aktien der COLEXON Energy AG werden im Prime Standard an der Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse gehandelt.

      Weitere Informationen über die Michelin Reifenwerke AG&Co. KGaA finden Sie unter

      Quick Facts Nennleistung der Anlage: 1,9 MWp Stromertrag p.a.: 1.870.000 KWh Strom CO2-Einsparung p.a.: ca. 1.650 Tonnen Gesamtinvestition: ca. 7,4 Mio. EUR Bebaute Dachfläche: 46.500 m² Solarmodule: 6.360 monokristalline Yunnan Tianda, 3.720 polykristalline Moser Baer, 4.625 First Solar Dünnschicht Unterkonstruktion: Aluminium-Wannenkonstruktion mit dachdurchdringender Verankerung Wechselrichter: 9 Zentralwechselrichter Solarmax von Sputnik Dachverpächter: Michelin Reifenwerke AG&Co. KGaA Investor/Anlagenbetreiber: Renewagy A/S
      schrieb am 20.02.09 11:06:19
      Beitrag Nr. 81 ()
      2,8MW // 2009-Q1 // USA, CA

      SolarNet, Stellar Complete 2.8 MW Sharp-Powered Solar Installations
      in News Departments > Projects & Contracts
      by SI Staff on Wednesday 18 February 2009
      email the content item print the content item

      SolarNet and Stellar Energy Solutions have commissioned a combined 2.8 MW of solar photovoltaic power at four California wineries owned by Foster's Wine Estates - Asti, Etude, Stags' Leap and Beringer. The 1.34 MW array at Beringer is the largest total solar energy system in the U.S. wine industry, and the project overall is one of the largest deployments of PV in California.

      Using 12,900 solar modules from Sharp, the four installations combined will produce 3.8 million kWh of electricity per year. Using conventional financing, construction and permanent debt and equity, and federal energy tax credits, Perpetual Energy Systems funded the installation without capital investment from Foster's.

      SOURCE: Sharp
      schrieb am 23.02.09 13:22:43
      Beitrag Nr. 82 ()
      1MW // 2009-Q1 // Italien


       This plant represents the first part of the project portfolio which now amount to a
      total of 10 MW for Southern Italy.
      Madrid, 19 February 2009. Isofoton, the leading company in the European Photovoltaic sector,
      has connected its first turnkey Photovoltaic Plant to the Grid that will be charging the “Conto
      Energia” rate.

      The 1 MW Photovoltaic Plant, called “Solevivo”, is located in Acquaviva Delle Fonti (Bari), in the
      region of Puglia. It is a South-facing ground-mount array, installed at an optimal 30º tilt angle. It
      consists of 5,382 ISF-190/18 Photovoltaic modules that were manufactured at the Isofoton
      Production and Research Centre, and it is divided into two installations of 501.6 kW and
      492.48 kW each.
      “Conto Energia" is a regulatory incentive aimed at consolidating the rapid development of the
      Photovoltaic Sector in Italy. Rates depend, amongst other things, on the Architectural
      Integration of the plant, and payment rates range between a minimum of 0.392 €/kWh to a
      maximum of 0.672 €/kWh.
      Isofoton Italia, a subsidiary of the Spanish company, has organised the project, installation and
      start-up of this plant, which will save approximately 1,000,000 kg/year of CO2 emissions.
      This is the first project of Isofoton connected to the Grid that has been developed in 2009, and
      represents the first part of the project portfolio which now amount to a total of 10 MW for
      Southern Italy, a region that has very positive legislation for installations with a maximum power
      of 1 MW.

       This plant represents the first part of the project portfolio which now amount to a
      total of 10 MW for Southern Italy.
      Madrid, 19 February 2009. Isofoton, the leading company in the European Photovoltaic sector,
      has connected its first turnkey Photovoltaic Plant to the Grid that will be charging the “Conto
      Energia” rate.

      The 1 MW Photovoltaic Plant, called “Solevivo”, is located in Acquaviva Delle Fonti (Bari), in the
      region of Puglia. It is a South-facing ground-mount array, installed at an optimal 30º tilt angle. It
      consists of 5,382 ISF-190/18 Photovoltaic modules that were manufactured at the Isofoton
      Production and Research Centre, and it is divided into two installations of 501.6 kW and
      492.48 kW each.
      “Conto Energia" is a regulatory incentive aimed at consolidating the rapid development of the
      Photovoltaic Sector in Italy. Rates depend, amongst other things, on the Architectural
      Integration of the plant, and payment rates range between a minimum of 0.392 €/kWh to a
      maximum of 0.672 €/kWh.
      Isofoton Italia, a subsidiary of the Spanish company, has organised the project, installation and
      start-up of this plant, which will save approximately 1,000,000 kg/year of CO2 emissions.
      This is the first project of Isofoton connected to the Grid that has been developed in 2009, and
      represents the first part of the project portfolio which now amount to a total of 10 MW for
      Southern Italy, a region that has very positive legislation for installations with a maximum power
      of 1 MW.
      schrieb am 23.02.09 13:30:36
      Beitrag Nr. 83 ()
      5,5MW // 2009-Q1 (evtl.2008?) // USA, CA

      February 18, 2009

      San Jose, CA, USA: Chevron Energy Solutions Completes 5.5MW School Project

      San José Unified School District, Chevron Energy Solutions and Bank of America has completed what is believed to be the largest K-12 solar and energy efficiency project in the United States. The project, which includes a total of 5.5 megawatts of solar power at 14 district sites, is expected to reduce the district’s energy costs by more than 30 percent. Reductions in energy costs are expected to save the district’s general fund more than $25 million over the 25-year life of the project. The district was not required to provide any capital investment, allowing it to retain its capital budget for other important infrastructure projects.

      “San José Unified School District remains on the ‘cutting edge’ of change, whether it is bringing state of the art technology to our classrooms, best practices for teaching and learning to our staff and students, or in this case a solar and energy efficiency program that not only has a positive impact on our environment but also a positive impact on our budget,” said San José Unified Superintendent Don Iglesias. “We will continue to seek out partnerships such as these, that are a win-win for the community and benefit San José Unified School District.”

      The district will reduce its purchase of utility power through this program, which is expected to reduce carbon emissions by more than 100,000 metric tons, equivalent to planting more than 1,400 acres of trees. Variable-speed drives and premium high efficiency motors were installed in the district’s swimming pools to improve energy efficiency. Students within the San José Unified School District will also have the opportunity to learn first hand about energy use and the solar power generated on their campus with the aid of interactive kiosks.

      “The Silicon Valley is known for innovation, and this program is no exception. We’re proud that our school district is leading the way by having the largest K-12 solar and energy efficiency project in the United States,” said Leslie Reynolds, president of the San José Unified School District Board of Education. “It is important to show our students and other school districts that we can generate renewable power at our facilities without capital investment from the district and still achieve cost savings for our general fund.”

      Chevron Energy Solutions designed, built and operates the solar photovoltaic arrays for the district. The company also provides maintenance for the solar energy system and measures and guarantees its performance. Chevron Energy Solutions is the nation's largest installer of solar energy for education institutions and has developed hundreds of projects involving energy efficiency or renewable power for education, government and business customers in the U.S. since 2000.

      “San José Unified School District is a prime example of how educational institutions can combine solar and energy efficiency programs to achieve environmental benefits and cost savings, which is especially important in these economic times,” said Jim Davis, president of Chevron Energy Solutions. “We are pleased to be part of this project that is generating clean, renewable power.” Bank of America, through the Banc of America Public Capital Corp Energy Services team, owns the solar equipment and sells power to the district under a service contract at set rates significantly below market utility rates, providing the district savings and energy cost predictability. The California Solar Initiative and other incentives offset the overall cost of the program by more than $11 million.

      “It’s rewarding to know that school districts like San José Unified School District will benefit substantially from this type of project,” said Linda Crothers, president of Banc of America Public Capital Corp. “We are pleased to provide financing to public and private sector projects so our clients can use solar to save money and reduce their carbon footprint. These efforts are part of Bank of America’s 10-year, $20 billion environmental initiative to address climate change.”
      schrieb am 23.02.09 13:35:27
      Beitrag Nr. 84 ()
      4MW // 2009 // Frankreich
      2,8MW // 2009-Q2 // Reunion

      February 20, 2009

      Paris, France: Aérowatt Signs Supply Agreement with Schüco

      Aérowatt, an independent and integrated producer of wind-generated and photovoltaic electricity, and Schüco have entered in to a commercial partnership. The agreement relates to the supply by Schüco of photovoltaic solar systems (Schüco modules, structures and inverters) to Aérowatt representing a total installed capacity of 6.8 MWc.

      The partnership will cover the requirements of four projects developed by Aérowatt in mainland France for a total power of 4 MWc, of which 2.2 MWc are intended for incorporation into the roof of a commercial building in the Vaucluse. These modules will be integrated using the PV XLight system, which has just obtained technical approval from the CSTB. These are structures developed by Schüco France to respond to the specific requirements of the French market for integration of industrial and agricultural roofs. The other mainland photovoltaic installations will be carried out on three other sites.

      Finally, 2.8 MWc will be installed on the ground in Réunion, in the hills above Sainte Suzanne, a site where Aérowatt already has an installed wind power of 10 MW. The Schüco systems will be installed from the second quarter of 2009.

      On the occasion of the signature of this agreement, Jérôme Billerey, Chairman of the Aérowatt board said he was " very happy with this partnership with a well-known player in the field of photovoltaic equipment, securing the Group’s supply of high-quality products. Aérowatt is thus continuing to grow in the field of solar energy production, in parallel with its development in wind power, and confirms its desire to increase its presence in both mainland France and in overseas territories. "
      schrieb am 23.02.09 17:12:53
      Beitrag Nr. 85 ()
      10MW // ??? // China, Gansu

      ...verstehe die Preise nicht: 7.300$/kWp???

      Wirtschaftsnews - von heute 15:27
      China plant Wüsten-Solarkraftwerk auf 1 Million Quadratmeter

      Peking 23.02.2009 ( Die chinesische Regierung will das erste Wüsten-Solarkraftwerk des Landes bauen. Die Anlage soll in der Nähe von Dunhang in der nordwestlichen Provinz Gansu errichtet werden, und sich über eine Fläche von einer Million Quadratmeter erstrecken. Die elektrische Leistung soll bei 10 Megawatt Peak liegen; das Investitionsvolumen dürfte sich auf 500 Millionen Yuan oder umgerechnet rund 73 Millionen Dollar belaufen.

      Wie „China News“ heute meldeten, laufe die Ausschreibung für das Kraftwerk am 20. März aus. Als General-Unternehmer hätten sich eine deutsche, eine dänische sowie 36 chinesische Gesellschaften beworben, darunter unter anderem die China Power Investment Corporation, die China Huaneng Group, Suntech Power und Yingli Green Energy. Die National Energy Commission, die die Ausschreibung durchführt, will der Gesellschaft, die den Zuschlag erhält, einen festen Strom-Abnahmepreis und die Betreiberrechte auf 25 Jahre anbieten.

      Das Wüstenkraftwerk ist eines von mehreren großen Solarprojekten, die in den letzten Wochen von chinesischen Behörden angekündigt worden sind. Beispielsweise will die Provinz Qinghai ein Solarkraftwerk mit einer Leistung von 1 Gigawatt Peak errichten; in der Provinz Yunnan soll eine Anlage mit einer Leistung von 166 Megawatt Peak entstehen. Die Projekte sind in Zusammenhang mit der jüngsten Umweltoffensive der chinesischen Regierung zu sehen, die gleichzeitig auch die Konjunktur des Landes wieder ankurbeln soll.
      schrieb am 23.02.09 20:31:53
      Beitrag Nr. 86 ()
      2,8MW // 2009 // Deutschland

      First Stage of Construction on 2.8MW Solar Installation Atop Germany\'s A3 Highway Tunnel Nears Completion
      Evergreen Solar panels used in landmark installation that will be one of Germany\'s largest

      MARLBORO, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Feb. 23, 2009-- Evergreen Solar, Inc. (Nasdaq: ESLR), a manufacturer of STRING RIBBON™ solar power products with its proprietary, low-cost silicon wafer manufacturing technology, announced today that a landmark installation placing more than 16,000 solar panels on the roof of the tunnel of Germany’s A3 highway using Evergreen Solar panels is nearing completion of its first phase of construction. When finished, the 2.8 megawatt solar installation will be one of Germany’s largest and first to be located on a public highway.

      The installation, located near Aschaffenburg, Germany, occupies 2.7 kilometers of the A3 tunnel roof and, upon completion, will provide enough energy to power more than 600 average houses annually. German-based solar installer Ralos is overseeing the construction and working with Goldbach-Hoesbach, a German power provider. Goldbach-Hoesbach, which purchased the land from the German government, will oversee the projects inconnectivity to the power grid. The investment in the project is €11 million, which will be paid back through cost savings over 16 years.

      “This project is a testament to the fact that when both government and developers work together in a creative and goal-oriented way, positive results such as clean, renewable energy can be the result,” said Peter Rusch, Evergreen Solar’s director of marketing and sales for Europe, the Middle East and Asia. “Theoretically, there’s a huge amount of free space on highway bridges and tunnels. If this example is replicated throughout Germany, the country’s market share on solar energy could rise substantially.”
      schrieb am 23.02.09 21:43:45
      Beitrag Nr. 87 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.635.262 von meinolf67 am 23.02.09 17:12:53
      Hi Meinolf,

      wahrscheinlich ist es die Größe des Parks: "eine Million Quadratmeter".

      Ich habe mal kurz gegoogelt und als Vergleich biete ich das an:

      Auf dem Gelände des ehemaligen Truppenübungsplatzes im niederbayerischen Pocking weiden Schafe unter und neben 57.912 High-tech-Solarmodulen. Der Solarpark Pocking ist mit einer Spitzenleistung von 10 Megawatt (MWp) derzeit die größte zusammenhängende Solarstromanlage der Welt.

      (Das war 2006)

      Die Gesamtfläche der Module beträgt etwa 7,5 Hektar (75.000 Quadratmeter), das entspricht rund 10 Fußballfeldern.

      Bei gleicher Leistung braucht der chinesische Park das 13fache Areal?

      Oder wird hier der Baugrund für eine ziemlich beeindruckende Erweiterung vorbereitet und diese Kosten gleich abgerechnet?
      schrieb am 24.02.09 23:13:37
      Beitrag Nr. 88 ()
      250MW // 2010 // USA, CA

      UPDATE 2-PG&E sets big solar program, will own generation
      Tue Feb 24, 2009 3:23pm EST

      *PG&E to develop 500 MW of photovoltaic solar power

      *Utility to own up to half of the generation assets itself

      *PG&E will pay $1.4 billion to fund program

      LOS ANGELES, Feb 24 (Reuters) - California utility Pacific Gas and Electric Co on Tuesday said it would develop up to 500 megawatts (MW) of photovoltaic solar power projects over the next five years, up to half of which it will own directly.

      The unit of PG&E Corp (PCG.N) said it will pay $1.4 billion to own up to 250 MW of solar generation, its first direct investment in renewable generation in more than a decade. The program will add about 32 cents a month to the average residential utility bill, the company added.

      Photovoltaic solar panels transform the sun's light into electricity.

      The program is part of PG&E's effort to comply with a state mandate that requires utilities to produce 20 percent of their power from renewables such as wind and solar by 2010.

      "This program represents an unprecedented commitment of our capital and expertise to speed the delivery of clean, renewable energy to our customers," PG&E Chief Executive Peter Darbee said in a statement.

      The announcement from PG&E comes as the credit crisis has dried up funding for renewable energy projects. Utilities, however, have been one bright spot for solar projects because, effective late last year, they can now claim a 30-percent tax credit for building solar installations.

      PG&E's move comes just a day after power plant owner NRG Energy (NRG.N) stepped into the solar arena for the first time with a deal to invest $10 million in solar thermal start-up eSolar Inc and create up to 500 MW of solar power in the U.S. Southwest.

      The 250 MW of the PG&E's program that the utility will not own will be built and owned by independent developers. Most of the projects will be between one and 20 MW, PG&E said, mounted on the ground or rooftops in northern and central California.

      Overall, the project will generate enough emissions-free electricity to power about 150,000 homes, PG&E said. (Reporting by Nichola Groom)
      schrieb am 24.02.09 23:24:11
      Beitrag Nr. 89 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.646.600 von meinolf67 am 24.02.09 23:13:37dauert länger...

      PG&E to Build and Own Solar Power Plants
      The utility has made a long-awaited announcement that it plans to develop 250 megawatts of photovoltaic solar projects that it will own itself, along with another 250 megawatts to be built and owned by independent developers.
      by: Jeff St. John
      Bullet Arrow February 24, 2009

      Pacific Gas & Electric Co. is getting into the solar business as an owner.

      The utility announced Tuesday a $1.4 billion plan to build, own and operate 250 megawatts of photovoltaic solar power plants – part of a 500-megawatt solar power initiative it hopes regulators will approve this year.

      With this move, PG&E joins fellow utilities Southern California Edison, Duke Energy and Public Service Electric and Gas Co. (PSE&G) in entering the solar power field as owners of their own plants (see California Solar Rooftop Project Hits Milestone).

      Traditionally, utilities have sought third-party developers to build and own solar power plants and provide power to utilities under long-term power purchase contracts. PG&E's Tuesday announcement did include plans to open half of the 500 megawatts of solar panels it wants to deploy by 2014 to independent developers. The utility filed its proposal with the California Public Utilities Commission on Tuesday.

      But the economic downturn – along with a new provision of federal law allowing utilities to receive tax credits for solar power projects they build themselves – has prompted utilities to take the dive into solar ownership.

      A renewable energy package passed by Congress in October for the first time allowed utilities to access to a 30 percent investment tax credit that used to be available only to independent solar power developers (see Utilities to Hit Solar Scene and Lawmakers Approve Energy Tax Credits, Bailout).

      At the same time, those independent developers have seen funding for their projects dry up amid an economic downturn that has bankrupted some traditional renewable power project investors and led many others to curtail investment (see Tax Credit Fix for Solar in Works and Lehman's Fall to Create Greentech Woes).

      "There are challenges in the capital markets where young developmental firms are unable to get the capital they need to build out their projects," Peter Darbee, PG&E's president and CEO, said Tuesday at a press conference in San Francisco.

      PG&E's $35 billion balance sheet – and the fact that it is still earning taxable income that can be offset by the credits – leaves the utility "well positioned to step up" to meet those gaps in financing, Darbee said.

      In fact, PG&E is worried that some of the independent solar power developers it now holds contracts with may not be able to fulfill their commitments because of the lack of private capital, Darbee said.

      PG&E plans to press for renewable energy project loan guarantees set aside in the federal stimulus package signed into law last week to be made available to those projects to make sure they are completed, Darbee said (see Obama Signs Stimulus Package).

      PG&E will also look at the possibility of providing financing for those projects to keep them on track, Darbee said, though he did not offer specifics.

      "We see this as a fundamental strategy to assure ourselves that we meet the requirements of the state" that PG&E and other investor-owned utilities provide 20 percent of their power from renewable sources by 2010, he said.

      PG&E has been mulling over investing in its own solar power plants for some time (see Is a PG&E Solar Rooftop Investment on the Horizon?), but Tuesday was the first official unveiling of its plans.

      PG&E hopes to finance the $1.4 billion project by raising ratepayers' power bills by about 1 percent, or an average of 32 cents, Darbee said. The utility plans to develop projects in the 1-megawatt to 20-megawatt size, and will try to build them on its own property where possible to reduce permitting challenges, he said.

      PG&E also will try to build as many projects as possible close to distribution substations limiting the need for additional transmission capacity, he said. The utility plans for most of its panels to be ground-mounted, he said.

      Darbee did leave open the possibility that PG&E would look to seek regulator permission to own solar-thermal or other utility scale projects in the future, saying that the utility may be filing another application with the CPUC in the coming weeks.

      Other utilities have had mixed success getting regulators to approve the utility ownership model. Duke Energy's $100 million plan to install 20 megawatts of distributed solar panels got cut in half by the North Carolina Utilities Commission (see Duke Chops $100M Distributed Solar Project in Half), leading the utility to threaten that it couldn't make the smaller-scale project work financially.

      Southern California Edison's $875 million plan to put 250 megawatts of solar panels on two square miles of rooftops has drawn the ire of some solar power developers who say the utility is taking unfair advantage of its ratepayers to do projects independents could do more cheaply.

      Those opponents have made their objections known to the California Public Utility Commission, which is set to rule on SCE's plan soon. Some opponents have asked the commission to halt the project, while one group has asked that SCE let independent developers do half of the 250-megawatt project.

      Fong Wan, senior vice president of energy procurement for PG&E, did say that PG&E had designed its program to avoid some of the objections that SCE has faced.

      Opening up half of the 500-megawatt initiative to independent developers was one such concession, Wan said. Also, PG&E plans to mount most of its self-owned panels on the ground, leaving rooftop solar projects mostly open to independent developers.

      PG&E has also opened up a bidding process for companies that want to supply its solar panels, Wan said. He wouldn't say which solar panel producers have responded to the utility's request for information.

      PG&E plans to have a 2-megawatt pilot project up and running in 2010, and have 25 megawatts of power-producing panels in place by the end of that year, Wan said. The utility will then install 50 megawatts per year in 2011 through 2014, and finish with 75 megawatts in 2015.

      "We expect the cost of photovoltaic panels to come down fairly dramatically over the next few years," he said. The view is shared by many industry analysts.

      PG&E is calling for its self-owned projects to cost $4.28 per watt of solar panels installed, Wan said. The utility may hire contractors to build the projects or choose to build them on its own. "We have not made a decision as to how to do this," he said.

      PG&E intends to finance half of the overall project's costs through debt, and the other half with equity from internal cash reserves or the issuance of common stock, he said.

      While some independent solar power developers may object to another utility entering what they see as their market, PG&E's owner-operator play did get the support of some solar power industry groups, including the Solar Electric Power Association.

      PG&E will streamline the process for independent developers of the 250 megawatts to be built and owned by others by offering them contracts with pricing derived from the utility's own costs, the association noted.
      schrieb am 25.02.09 09:02:31
      Beitrag Nr. 90 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.635.262 von meinolf67 am 23.02.09 17:12:53Report: China's biggest PV project seeks operator
      Asiaport Daily News (23. Februar 2009)

      DUNHUANG, Feb 23, 2009 (SinoCast Daily Business Beat via COMTEX) -- China's largest photovoltaic power generation project is seeking for builder and operator now and the tender is near close, said the National Energy Administration, the bidding holder.

      China plans to build up a large PV power generation farm in Dunhuang, Gansu Province in Northwest China, covering a plot of land of 1 million square meters and involving total investment about CNY 500 million. It is designed to have installed capacity of 10 megawatts and could generate electricity of 16.37 million KWH annually.

      The project is a landmark of China's PV power generation industry. The top five independent power generation giants and leading PV application companies in China, as well as several foreign companies, have given their offers to it.

      The winner that will be announced on March 20, 2009 should complete the construction in 18 months and gain a license to operate it for 25 years.

      Given that silicon price is plunging now, the PV products that will be widely used in this project will cost less. The bidding holder expects the winning offer to be below CNY 2 per KWH of electricity the project generates and sells.

      Source: (February 23, 2009)

      Copyright 2008 SinoCast Daily Business Beat. All rights reserved

      schrieb am 26.02.09 12:03:03
      Beitrag Nr. 91 ()
      1MW // 2009-Q1 // Senegal

      Fecha 20/02/2009

      Impulsarán el desarrollo de energías no contaminantes en las áreas rurales de Senegal más desfavorecidas.

      Málaga, 20 de febrero de 2009.- La empresa española de energías renovables Central Sun inicia el primero de los proyectos con el Gobierno de Senegal, fruto del acuerdo firmado el pasado 24 de noviembre en Dakar entre ambas entidades por el Ministro de Biocarburantes, Energías Renovables y de Investigación Científica de Senegal, Christian Sina Diatta y el Director Financiero del Grupo Central Sun, Pedro San Juan Díaz.

      El acuerdo incluye la asistencia técnica y suministro de hasta 50 MW (inversión total 300 millones de euros) en plantas fotovoltaicas y minihidráulicas, adaptadas especialmente a países en desarrollo, con bajo mantenimiento, y distribución en baja o media tensión. El primero de los proyectos se inicia esta semana con la puesta en marcha del proyecto de la primera central Fotovoltaica de 1 MW y un centro de investigación anexo en Khombole.

      Con estas inversiones el Gobierno de Senegal espera desarrollar sus áreas rurales para lograr el objetivo de fijar la población y llevar la energía eléctrica a la parte del territorio que carece de ella.
      schrieb am 02.03.09 10:45:47
      Beitrag Nr. 92 ()
      50MW // ab 2009-Q2 // USA, NY

      February 27, 2009

      New York, NY, USA: LIPA to Move Forward with 50 Megawatts in Two Photovoltaic Contracts

      New York utility, Long Island Power Authority is to move forward with the largest solar energy project in New York State history on Long Island, increasing the State’s total solar energy production threefold.

      Long Island Power Authority (LIPA) has declared the results of a competitive procurement marking the selection of BP Solar to provide 36.9 MW of solar energy, which would be hosted on the federal property of Brookhaven National Laboratories (BNL).

      BP Solar is proposing two large-scale commercial solar photovoltaic projects at the Brookhaven National Laboratory: “BNL Area 1” (a project sized at 18.7 MW) and “BNL Area 2” (a project sized at 18.2 MW).

      In addition to the 36.9 MW, BP Solar will work independently with BNL to construct additional solar panels to help the Laboratory become more energy efficient and independent, and will partner with BNL in developing a solar photovoltaic R&D facility that will be used for research, education and outreach. This component adds another unique dimension to the project as it will help to advance the next wave of improved solar photovoltaic technology. This would include the testing of modules with different types of solar cells, glass encasements and wiring arrangements that could also yield information to support research on various battery and storage technologies.

      Additionally, enXco will supply 13.1 MW of solar energy from facilities constructed and operated on municipal, school and private properties across Long Island.

      LIPA will start negotiations with both developers for 50 MW of solar photovoltaic energy through a power purchase agreement (PPA) for terms of 20 years with contracted deliveries to begin between June 1, 2009 and May 1, 2011. The solar energy will be produced by the selected developers of the solar photovoltaic systems and will be introduced onto the LIPA grid and purchased by LIPA.

      Kevin S. Law, President and CEO of LIPA, said: “I commend Governor Paterson for challenging LIPA to find ways to harness the power of the sun. This project will diversify Long Island’s energy portfolio, strengthen the local economy, transform the solar photovoltaic marketplace and reduce our dependency on fossil fuels.”

      The 50 megawatt project would provide enough power to sustain more than 6,500 households and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 20,000 tons per year. The solar project is consistent with Governor Paterson’s recently announced “45 by 15” program, which establishes the goal for the State to meet 45 percent of its electricity needs through improved energy efficiency and renewable sources by the year 2015. A statewide focus on solar energy was also a core recommendation of Governor Paterson’s Renewable Energy Task Force in February 2008.

      “This project is not only the largest of its kind in State history, it is also one of the first of its kind in our nation, proving once again that New York is at the forefront of the renewable energy revolution,” said Governor Paterson.

      “As I outlined in my State of the State address, our ‘45 by 15’ program is one of the most ambitious clean energy goals in the country, and we estimate that it will create 50,000 new jobs in New York.”

      To support and encourage the LIPA solar initiative, the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) will provide LIPA with $15 million and will continue to work with LIPA to identify other funds that may be eligible for use by LIPA to support the project.

      Francis J. Murray, Jr., President and CEO of NYSERDA, said: “Solar technology will help meet Long Island’s growing demand for electricity, while reducing our dependence on foreign sources of oil. This investment is a critical component of Governor Paterson’s 45 by 15 initiative – meeting 45 percent of the State’s electricity requirements through a combination of energy efficiency and renewable sources by the year 2015.”

      Julia Hamm, Executive Director of the Solar Electric Power Association, said: “LIPA’s plan to purchase 50 MW of solar electricity is substantial. To put it in perspective, as of the end of 2007, only three electric utilities in the U.S. had 30 or more megawatts of solar electricity on their grid. Utilities across the U.S. are beginning to realize the importance of solar energy to their future energy mix, and LIPA is right there at the forefront.”
      schrieb am 02.03.09 13:33:33
      Beitrag Nr. 93 ()
      5MW // ??? // Indien

      Astonfield plans second PV plant in West Bengal
      02 Mar 2009 / Solar / Projects & asset finance / India
      US-headquartered Astonfield Group has applied for regulatory approval to set up a 5MW PV plant in Bankura, West Bengal.
      schrieb am 03.03.09 20:37:06
      Beitrag Nr. 94 ()
      24MW // 2009 // Italien

      SunRay begins construction of PV plant in Italy

      From the Web via YellowBrix 3/3/2009 4:56:15 PM GMT

      Energy News

      VITERBO, ITALY: SunRay Renewable Energy has begun construction work on a photovoltaic plant in Italy. The Montalto di Castro plant is being managed through a company called Cassiopea PV, a subsidiary of SunRay Renewable Energy.

      With a peak power rating of 24 MW from the installation of around 80,000 solar panels, the Montalto di Castro plant will be capable of producing over 40,000 MWh of energy per year from renewable sources.

      The plant will avoid the emission of more than 22,000 tonnes of CO2 per year, substantially contributing to achieving Italy's targets under the Kyoto Protocol.

      The project is expected to employ more than 200 people in the first 12 months and more than 20 people per annum for the next 25 years during its operation.

      Giora Salita, head of business development of the Sunray Renewable Energy Group, said: "This project has been developed in line with the core principles of our business development, which is preserving and extending the values of the local communities where our projects are developed."
      schrieb am 06.03.09 10:55:34
      Beitrag Nr. 95 ()
      55 MW / Deutschland / FSLR?

      KÖTHEN/MZ. "Wir wollen vernünftig wachsen", sagt Elias Issa. Der Geschäftsführer der Kogep vierzehn GmbH & Co. Solar 1411 KG aus Frankfurt / Main und Vorstand der RGE Energy AG (ebenfalls Frankfurt) redet von einem Vorhaben, das, wenn es denn fertig gestellt ist, zusammen mit einem bereits bestehenden Sonnenkraftwerk einmal als die weltgrößte Photovoltaikanlage gelten wird. Standort: ehemaliger Militärflugplatz Köthen.

      Zusammen 70 Megawatt

      Entstehen soll hier beiderseits der alten Landebahn ein Sonnenkraftwerk von 55 Megawatt, das laut Issa gemeinsam mit der vorhandenen Anlage eines anderen Betreibers dann eine stolze Leistung von 70 Megawatt erzielen wird. "In den USA und China gibt es zwar schon Bestrebungen, noch größere Einheiten zu bauen. Aber ob das auch kommt, bleibt abzuwarten", meint Elias Issa.

      Für das Köthener Projekt müssen rund 170 Millionen Euro aufgewendet werden.…


      3 Euro / Watt... Das Risiko steigt, dass in Deutschland der Freiflächenwahnsinn a la Spanien ausbrechen könnte.

      Ich kenne übrigens den bisherigen Park in Köthen. Da wurden FSLR-Module verbaut. Es sieht jetzt schon gigantisch groß (und sehr, sehr schick) aus.
      schrieb am 09.03.09 09:55:31
      Beitrag Nr. 96 ()
      5MW // 2009 // Indien

      Solar Integrated Tapped For 5 Mw Project In India By
      Sahara India Power

      London, UK and Los Angeles, California, March 3, 2009 – Solar Integrated Technologies, Inc. (AIM:SIT.LN), a leading provider of building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) roofing systems, today announces, following recent statements by Sahara India Power Corporation Limited and related media coverage, that it has entered into a letter of intent to supply a 5 MW grid-connected solar photovoltaic power plant and related design services to Sahara India Power. Sahara India Power’s parent company, Sahara Group, is expected to become the largest consumer of power in the private sector in India. Although no assurances can be provided, definitive legal documentation is expected to occur in the first half of 2009, with project ground breaking expected to occur later this year.

      The 5 MW power plant, planned to be located at Dhenkanal in Orissa, is expected to be ground mounted using Solar Integrated’s “M” product line, which was originally introduced in July 2008 and designed specifically for metal mounting applications.

      “Our innovative solutions are finding appeal globally. This 5 MW opportunity would be our initial project with Sahara India Power, our first project in India, and our largest single installation to date,” stated R. Randall MacEwen, President & CEO of Solar Integrated. “We are excited to partner with a quality company such as Sahara India Power on their first solar power plant.”
      schrieb am 09.03.09 10:13:10
      Beitrag Nr. 97 ()
      500MW // ??? // Indien

      ??? 1$/W ???

      Juwi Solar to set up solar project in Maharashtra

      Posted by Debasish Choudhury on 04 March 2009 at 01:24

      Germany's leading renewable energy company Juwi Solar Energy has decided to set up 500 MW solar energy project in the Osmanabad district of Maharashtra.

      The project, to be executed in collaboration with India's Resun Energy Pvt Ltd, would come up at Jakakur MIDC in Umerga tehsil at an investment of Rs 2,500 crore (US$ 500 million).

      Juwi has become second MNC to invest heavily in Marathwada region after global technology major Moser Baer's decision to invest Rs 5,000 crores in Osmanabad for solar production plant.
      schrieb am 10.03.09 15:24:46
      Beitrag Nr. 98 ()
      25MW // 2011 // USA, FL

      Tampa Electric signs contract to purchase solar photovoltaic energy

      Pending regulatory approval, Tampa Electric will purchase the entire electrical output from a proposed Energy 5.0 LLC solar photovoltaic (PV) facility.

      TAMPA, March 9, 2009

      Tampa Electric today announced that it has signed a contract to purchase solar power supplied by Energy 5.0’s Florida Solar I facility, a proposed 25-megawatt (MW) solar PV electric generating station, for a 25-year period beginning in 2011.

      Today, Tampa Electric filed a petition with the Florida Public Service Commission for approval to purchase the energy generated by the solar facility. The solar energy contract was awarded to Energy 5.0, the successful bidder in Tampa Electric’s 2007 Renewable Generation Request for Proposals.

      "I applaud TECO and Energy 5.0 on this exciting partnership that moves Florida closer to our goal of increasing energy diversity and reducing greenhouse gas emissions," said Governor Charlie Crist. "Two years ago, I challenged Florida to find the ‘gold in green,’ and we continue to see companies investing in innovative solutions that promote the use of renewable energy while saving money for consumers."

      Tampa Electric President Chuck Black said, "We are committed to pursuing our state’s goal of developing and supporting Florida renewable energy sources that will benefit our customers and are in the best interest of all Floridians. This cutting edge project will be important in meeting current and future state renewable energy objectives."

      Over its 25-year proposed contract term, the project is expected to avoid the emission of up to 1.45 million tons of carbon dioxide when compared to a natural gas-fired peaking combustion turbine. The contract will also:

      * promote the state's goal of encouraging the production of renewable energy produced by renewable energy generating facilities in Florida.
      * reduce Florida's dependence on natural gas and fuel oil for electricity production.
      * provide the basis for significant new investment, economic development and job creation in Polk County and in the state.
      * reduce environmental impacts associated with electricity generation.
      * protect the company and its customers from technical and operational risks through its energy-only, fixed pricing.
      * provide fuel diversity benefits.

      Energy 5.0, a Florida-based company with extensive experience and success in the development, financing and operation of renewable energy projects, will build the 25-MW facility on a proposed 200 to 400 acre site in Polk County. The facility will be one of the largest solar PV facilities in the nation.

      The project will consist of silicon-based PV panels that generate electricity when exposed to sunlight. The 25-MW facility is expected to produce more than 48,000 MWh of electricity per year – enough output to serve the electric energy needs of more than 3,400 homes. The average home in Tampa Electric’s service territory uses about 14,000 kWh per year.

      "As our company’s flagship solar power project, this undertaking will be a showcase for zero-emission renewable power in the Southeast," said Energy 5.0 Chairman Bud Cherry. "Assuming approval by the Florida Public Service Commission this spring, deliveries from the Florida Solar I Project could begin in the first half of 2011."

      Tampa Electric Companyis the principal subsidiary of TECO Energy, Inc. (NYSE: TE), an integrated energy-related holding company with regulated utility businesses, complemented by a family of unregulated businesses. Tampa Electric Company is a regulated utility with both electric and gas divisions (Tampa Electric and Peoples Gas System). Other subsidiaries are engaged in coal, and electric generation and distribution in Guatemala.

      Energy 5.0 LLC
      Energy 5.0 LLC, headquartered in West Palm Beach, is a privately held, well-capitalized, Florida-based company. Founded by energy professionals with over 80 years of industry experience, Energy 5.0 applies creative and reliable solutions to create value in energy ventures. Energy 5.0 is committed to excellence in the delivery of clean renewable energy.

      Energy 5.0’s principals have over 40 years of experience in renewable energy power project development and renewable technology application utilizing cogeneration, geothermal, solar and wind technology. Energy 5.0 knows how to design, build and operate successful renewable energy projects. Energy 5.0 has assembled a team of recognized solar industry players and Florida professionals to undertake the Florida Solar I Project. Drawing on its own experience and this network of qualified professionals, the Energy 5.0 team will use its talent and state of the art technology to deliver a project with lasting beneficial impact.

      For more information on Energy 5.0 LLC and its principals, visit
      schrieb am 10.03.09 15:58:53
      Beitrag Nr. 99 ()
      12MW // 2010 // USA, NY

      9. März 2009
      Con Edison Plans 12-MW Solar Project
      New York City, United States []

      Con Edison has filed a proposal with the Public Service Commission (PSC) of New York for an 18-month solar energy pilot program encompassing homes, businesses and the company's own facilities, with the goal of generating 12 megawatts (MW) of solar electricity by 2011.

      "What we learn will be invaluable, allowing us to better map the maximum beneficial impact of future investment in solar for our customers and the electric grid."

      -- Gurudatta Nadkarni, VP for Strategic Planning, Con Edison
      The pilot program will study the potential impact of solar installations on the electric grid’s most heavily-used sections, explore cost and available funding for solar generation and help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and consumption of fossil fuels. The company also expects the program to yield important insights about customer interest in solar and to spur more expansive projects after results are evaluated.

      “From the White House to Albany to City Hall, renewable energy is seen as a keystone for freeing the country from its dependence on fossil fuels and reducing carbon dioxide emissions, while creating new jobs,” said Gurudatta Nadkarni, Con Edison vice president for Strategic Planning. “What we learn will be invaluable, allowing us to better map the maximum beneficial impact of future investment in solar for our customers and the electric grid.”

      If approved, Con Edison’s initial solar proposal will generate up to:

      * 5 MW from large installations of 200 kilowatts (kW) or more
      * 5 MW from smaller installations, primarily for residential or small to medium commercial customers
      * 2 MW on Con Edison facilities in daytime peak-electric use neighborhoods

      Stimulus appropriations, federal and New York City tax incentives as well as New York State Energy Research Development Authority (NYSERDA) funds will be sought to defray the estimated US $20-25 million initial pilot program costs, based on expected responses.

      The proposal can be viewed by clicking here.
      schrieb am 16.03.09 10:46:51
      Beitrag Nr. 100 ()
      Solar Plant Contract Winners Announced in March
      BEIJING - China is to unveil the winner of the contract to build a 10MW solar photovoltaic (PV) power plant in Dunhuang of Northwest China's Gansu Province on 20 March.

      The successful bidder will be announced by the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC).

      The project has received 38 bids for the work, including one from Denmark and one from Germany. The remainder are domestic bids.

      Chinese bidders include China Power Investment Corporation, China Huaneng Group, China Guodian Corporation, China Datang Corporation, China Huadian Corporation and Suntech Power Holdings Co., Ltd.

      According to the official Chinese newsagency, Xinhua, the solar PV power plant involves a total investment of RMB500 million yuan and will generate on average 16.37 million kilowatt hours of electricity each year.

      It will cover a million square metres.

      Zhao Pingqian, an official with Dunhuang's development and reform commission said: "Bidders paid a visit to the building site in mid January and a briefing is expected to be held in February."

      The successful bidder will have to finish the contract in 18 months and they will be franchised to operate the plant for 25 years.

      China has only approved three solar PV power generation projects, including one 1-MW project on Shanghai's Chongming Island and one 225-KW project in Ordos of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.
      schrieb am 19.03.09 10:42:06
      Beitrag Nr. 101 ()
      Pipelinehandel scheint in Mode zu kommen:

      Recurrent Energy Acquires 350MW Solar Project Pipeline

      by Staff Writers
      San Francisco CA (SPX) Mar 19, 2009
      Recurrent Energy has announced the purchase of a solar project pipeline of up to 350 megawatts (MW) from UPC Solar, a Chicago-based renewable energy development company.

      The transaction provides Recurrent Energy with direct access to project opportunities in development across the continental United States, Hawaii, and Canada, including a number of large solar photovoltaic (PV) plants planned throughout the province of Ontario.

      As part of the agreement, Recurrent Energy will retain UPC Solar's development team to complete the Canadian solar projects.

      Recurrent Energy's expansion across North America positions the company as one of the most promising distributed solar power providers, and represents a significant milestone in the company's focus on smaller utility-scale power assets ranging from 2-20 MW each.

      Recurrent Energy will develop, own, finance, and operate the solar projects in UPC Solar's multi-megawatt pipeline, targeting over 100 MW of operational assets by 2012.

      "The addition of UPC Solar's development assets is a strategic move for Recurrent Energy that reflects our financial strength and vision of the opportunity in distributed solar power," said Arno Harris, President and CEO, Recurrent Energy.

      "We look forward to working with UPC Solar's development team to bring these projects to commercial operation and to significantly advance our global clean energy objectives."

      UPC Solar is among several renewable energy companies founded by Brian Caffyn under the UPC Energy Group, which has over 750 MW of operational renewable energy assets and over 3,000 MW in development worldwide.

      UPC Solar currently owns and operates projects for the San Diego Unified School District and the Coca Cola Bottling Company. The company also manages the U.S. Army's largest solar installation in Fort Carson, Colorado, as well as the nation's fourth-largest solar PV project, a 3 MW plant in Bucks County, Pennsylvania.

      "The UPC Solar team is excited to join with Recurrent Energy on the further development of this vast project pipeline. In addition to having one of the finest teams of investors, developers, and executives, Recurrent Energy brings a strong balance sheet and clear strategy for success in the distributed solar market - an unbeatable combination for reaching economies of scale," said David Brochu, President and CEO, UPC Solar.

      Recurrent Energy's pipeline acquisition follows a recently proposed series of renewable energy measures from Canada's Ontario Power Authority. Among the measures in the Green Energy Act, 2009 is a solar feed-in tariff that would secure stable and competitive electricity rates for renewable energy providers.

      When implemented, the tariffs would represent the first North American equivalent to policies that are driving substantial solar power development in Germany and Spain.
      schrieb am 30.03.09 11:06:10
      Beitrag Nr. 102 ()
      5MW // ??? // Indien

      Surana to set up 5MW solar farm in AP

      Posted by Debasish Choudhury on 24 March 2009 at 09:40

      Surana Telecom and Power Limited (STPL), part of the Surana Group, is planning to set up a 5MW solar farm in the state of Andhra Pradesh. The project would require an investment of about Rs 100 crore ($20 million), according to Narender Surana, managing director of STPL.

      The company is confident of raising the money through foreign currency convertible bonds (FCCBs) or other channels for the project, reported Business Standard today. But, the company did not specify the project site but said the solar farm would come up on company’s own land in AP.

      The Surana group, which has been making telecom cables for long, recently entered the business of making solar modules, panels and cells, solar street lights and solar houselights.

      STPL last year registered a turnover of Rs 60 crore ($12 million) and is expecting to close the current fiscal with Rs 90 crore. However, the profits for the last three quarters have declined. The company registered a net profit of Rs 9.51 lakh in the quarter ending December 31, 2008, as against Rs 2.31 crore in the corresponding period previous year. "We expect the fourth quarter of this fiscal and the first quarter of the next fiscal to be better on the back of rising demand for power cables and house wiring since January as compared with November-December,” he said.

      Meanwhile, Surana Ventures Limited, another group company, will start operations at the Hyderabad Fabcity, the solar and semiconductor hub, in a month. The company is investing about Rs 300 crore in a 60 Mw plant in the cluster. It would attain full capacity in phases.

      The group has already secured the approval from Eurotest, Italy, a certifying body, for exporting solar modules and panels to European countries. It is appointing distributors in Europe and West Asia to market solar as well as other products.

      The group, which had a turnover of Rs 300 crore last year, has put on hold plans to launch a lifestyle magazine now. “The market is not conducive for a media foray. Nobody wants to spend now,” Surana said.

      The group has also differed plans to take up new projects till markets stabilise and is working to complete about 300,000 sft construction happening around Madhapur and Hyderabad international airport. “There are no takers now despite property prices coming down 15-20 per cent,” he said.

      For more information, please visit
      schrieb am 30.03.09 11:13:03
      Beitrag Nr. 103 ()
      Wells Fargo Notes 125 Solar Project Financings
      in News Departments > FYI
      by SI Staff on Tuesday 24 March 2009

      Wells Fargo & Co. says it has financed 125 commercial-scale solar photovoltaic projects since fall 2007. The projects have 43 MW of installed capacity in 10 states and can generate enough solar energy to power the equivalent of 6,000 homes.

      "Despite the economic downturn, Wells Fargo continues to invest in solar projects across the country because these investments help customers secure reliable, cost-effective power and help businesses access cleaner energy sources," says Barry Neal, director of Wells Fargo's environmental finance. "We look forward to helping the industry expand even further."

      SOURCE: Wells Fargo & Co.
      schrieb am 31.03.09 10:45:57
      Beitrag Nr. 104 ()
      100MW // ??? // China

      Singyes gets approval for 100MW PV power station
      30 Mar 2009 / Solar / Projects & asset finance / China
      Chinese BIPV developer Singyes Solar (HKEX: 00750) has secured approval for a 100MW PV power station to be built in Xichang, Sichuan Province.
      schrieb am 31.03.09 11:01:26
      Beitrag Nr. 105 ()
      Linz, 26.03.2009

      Die Energie AG Oberösterreich (EAG) baut um 6,5 Mio. Euro Österreichs größtes Photovoltaik-Kraftwerk bei Eberstalzell (Bezirk Wels-Land). Baubeginn soll im Sommer sein, 2010 ist die Fertigstellung geplant. Generaldirektor Leo Windtner stellte das Projekt in einer Pressekonferenz mit Landeshauptmann Josef Pühringer (V) und Umweltlandesrat Rudi Anschober (G) vor.

      Das Kraftwerk, das 1 Gigawattstunde Strom erzeugen soll, ist auch als Forschungsanlage für die Praxiserprobung neuer Photovoltaik-Technologien konzipiert. Es werde "sicherlich keine Cash-Cow" sein, räumte der Generaldirektor ein. Dennoch habe man sich dazu entschlossen, um sich weiter als Vorreiter im Bereich der alternativen Energien zu positionieren.

      Auch Pühringer betonte die Vorbildwirkung des Projektes, das ohne Förderung nicht möglich gewesen wäre. Deshalb fördere das Land das Kraftwerk auch mit 1,5 Mio. Euro. "Wie hoffen, dass Alternativenergien in Zukunft wirtschaftlicher werden". Die Motivation sei gewesen, im Bereich Photovoltaik "einmal zu klotzen, nicht zu kleckern", so der Landeshauptmann.

      Die in Oberösterreich installierte Sonnenenergie-Leistung von 8 Megawatt werde durch das neue Kraftwerk um ein weiteres Megawatt steigen, freute sich auch Anschober über den mit seiner Lage an der Westautobahn (A1) gut sichtbaren "Leuchtturm der oberösterreichischen Energiepolitik". Ein Ökostromgesetz nach deutschem Vorbild würde die Anlage wesentlich wirtschaftlicher machen, mahnte er.

      Kritik übten beide Politiker an den sozialdemokratischen Eigentümervertretern: Während die privaten Aktionäre der Investition "trotz mangelnder wirtschaftlicher Darstellung" zugestimmt hätten, sei die SPÖ dagegen gewesen, so Pühringer. "Das kann nur eine populistische Haltung gewesen sein", versteht auch Anschober diese Haltung nicht. "Die Investition wird sich beim Strompreis nicht einmal hinter der 15. Null auswirken", versprach der Landeshauptmann.Quelle: APA


      Eine relativ kleine anlage, jedoch für österreich ganz ordentlich.
      Erschreckend hoch der preis. € 6500,-/kwp. Jedoch wenn man € 1500,-gefördert bekommt und den strom dann zusätzlich noch als teuren "ökostrom" verkaufen kann,- nicht schlecht.
      schrieb am 31.03.09 11:11:00
      Beitrag Nr. 106 ()
      42MW // 2009-2011 // USA

      New Jersey approves JCP&L’s 42MW PV programme
      31 Mar 2009 / Solar / Projects & asset finance / United States
      New Jersey regulators have approved utility Jersey Central Power & Light’s proposed PV programme, which calls for installing 42MW of new capacity over the next three years.
      schrieb am 09.04.09 09:13:14
      Beitrag Nr. 107 ()
      China's Qinghai to build super-large solar power station PDF Print E-mail

      Posted by Debasish Choudhury on 03 April 2009 at 13:23

      Views: 22

      Recommended by: 2

      Published in: News, News

      Super large-scale solar photovoltaic (PV) power stations will be established in the wide and flat desert of Qinghai Province over the next several years, reports People's Daily Online.

      According to the "Research Report on Gigawatt-level Solar PV System Application and Development Plan of the Solar Industry in Qinghai Province" that was reviewed and passed on April 2, Qinghai Province will make large efforts to develop the solar PV industry, and its PV power-generating capacity is expected to reach 20 megawatts in 2010 and 2,000 megawatts in 2020.

      The solar energy resources in Qinghai Province are preceded only by that of the Tibet Autonomous Region. Qinghai Province has an expansive area of desert including the Gobi Desert, as well as relatively good power grid capacity, possessing the best overall conditions in China for the development of super large-scale solar PV high-voltage grid-connected power stations.

      The Institute of Electrical Engineering at the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Qinghai New Energy (Group) Company, under the entrustment of the Qinghai Provincial Government, jointly created the research report after conducting in-depth investigations and studies.
      schrieb am 09.04.09 09:19:49
      Beitrag Nr. 108 ()
      Jacoby Development and Suniva Make Solar Commitment to Aerotropolis Atlanta
      Two Georgia Companies Aim to Create “Green Collar” Jobs

      ATLANTA—April 2, 2009—In a major partnership agreement signed this week, Jacoby
      Development, Inc., developer of smart growth and sustainable development national
      model Atlantic Station, and Suniva, a Norcross based manufacturer of high efficiency
      solar cells, will collaborate on incorporating solar technology into Aerotropolis Atlanta,
      the redevelopment of the former Hapeville Ford Plant adjacent to Hartsfield-Jackson
      Atlanta International Airport.
      The initial phase of the partnership includes the planned installation of up to 10 MW of
      solar power in the main parking structure of the redevelopment.
      ―Partnering with Suniva at Aerotropolis Atlanta promises to deliver environmental
      sustainability and economic development by bringing a Georgia company to the table
      with us,‖ said Jim Jacoby, Chairman and CEO of Jacoby Development Inc.
      Aerotropolis Atlanta, a 6.5-million-square-foot, 130 acre mixed-use redevelopment will
      be an aviation-intensive business district expected to include office, retail, restaurant,
      hotel and airport parking. And Suniva has been widely recognized, most recently in
      Governor Sonny Perdue’s State-of-the-State address, as a stand out company in the
      renewable energy sector – bringing new technology and green jobs to Georgia.
      ―Building a new commercial center to attract jobs to the site of a former automotive plant
      is a great example of how American business reinvents itself, bringing new life and new
      opportunity to the community through innovation and hard work,‖ said Suniva CEO John
      While the partnership between Jacoby Development and Suniva will begin with
      Aerotroplis Atlanta’s parking structure, both companies say they are investigating more
      opportunities to work together at this site and other projects.
      schrieb am 09.04.09 09:25:27
      Beitrag Nr. 109 ()
      P2 Solar, Inc. announces government approval to build 25MW solar power station in Punjab, India

      Posted by Debasish Choudhury on 07 April 2009 at 10:53

      P2 Solar, Inc. announces that it has submitted plans to the Indian State of Punjab for the construction of a 25 MW Solar Power Plant. On March 20, 2009, the Company received governmental approval to build the 25MW Solar Power Station in the Indian State of Punjab. The present intention of the parties is to enter into a written agreement memorializing the terms of the project after May 20, 2009. The contract will include a Power Purchase Agreement for 33 years.

      Mr. Raj-Mohinder Gurm, CEO of P2 Solar, Inc. stated, "We are extremely pleased to be working with the Indian Government with its need for electrical power. This initial phase of 25MW is part of a larger planned Power Station for the State of Punjab, and is being closely watched by a number of additional Indian States. We would like to thank all of the local, state, and federal agencies that assisted in making this project possible and look forward to working with them for years to come."

      For more information about P2 Solar, please visit
      schrieb am 20.04.09 08:23:39
      Beitrag Nr. 110 ()
      ohne Volumenangabe, aber angeblich das "weltweit größte" PV-Projekt in Florida, zu bauen für FP&L:…
      schrieb am 20.04.09 15:08:44
      Beitrag Nr. 111 ()
      schrieb am 21.04.09 19:21:28
      Beitrag Nr. 112 ()
      juwi und First Solar realisieren trotz der Finanzkrise den zweitgrößten Solar-Park der Welt (53 MW)

      Trotz der schwierigen Lage an den Finanzmärkten haben die Wörrstädter juwi Gruppe und First Solar eines der weltweit bedeutendsten Solarstrom-Projekte unter Dach und Fach gebracht: Auf dem ehemaligen Truppenübungsplatz Lieberose nördlich von Cottbus (Brandenburg) wollen der rheinlandpfälzische Projektentwickler von Erneuerbare-Energien-Anlagen und der Hersteller von Solarmodulen ein Photovoltaik-Kraftwerk bauen, das mit einer Leistung von 53 Megawatt (MW) und einer Grundfläche von 162 Hektar die zweitgrößte Photovoltaik-Anlage der Welt werden soll und in Deutschland den ersten Rang belegen wird. Lieberose sei aber nicht nur in Leistung und Finanzierung beispielhaft, sondern auch ein weit über Deutschland hinaus strahlendes Modellprojekt der Renaturierung militärischer Liegenschaften, die mit Kampfmitteln belastet sind, heißt es in der Pressemitteilung.

      700.000 Dünnschichtmodule

      Die juwi Solar GmbH übernimmt als Generalunternehmer Planung, Logistik, Bauleitung, Errichtung und Betrieb der Anlage. juwi bringt auch die gesamten Projektrechte ein. First Solar liefert die PV-Module - insgesamt rund 700.000 modernste Dünnschichtmodule, die im Werk Frankfurt/Oder hergestellt werden. juwi hat mit Dünnschichtmodulen von First Solar auch die beiden bis dato größten PV-Parks Deutschlands errichtet: Waldpolenz bei Leipzig in Sachsen (40 MW) und Köthen in Sachsen-Anhalt (15 MW).

      Investitionsvolumen größer als 160 Millionen Euro

      Zur Umsetzung des Projektes haben juwi und First Solar ein umfassendes Finanzierungskonzept entwickelt: Das Fremdkapital, das rund 80 Prozent des Investitionsvolumens beträgt, kommt von einem Bankenkonsortium bestehend aus KfW IPEX Bank, Bremer Landesbank, DZ Bank, Landesbank Hessen- Thüringen (Helaba) und NordLB, die sich ihrerseits wieder über zwei Förderbanken refinanzieren. Das Eigenkapital werde zunächst von juwi und First Solar über Mezzanine-Darlehen finanziert, berichten die Unternehmen. Ingesamt hat der PV-Park, der in den nächsten Monaten an einen Investor verkauft werden soll, ein Investitionsvolumen von über 160 Millionen Euro.


      Da ist wirklich eine komplizierte Finanzierungsstruktur notwendig gewesen. Und alles öffentliche Banken... Zufall?

      Kosten waren also bei etwas über 3.000 Euro / kW. Ich finde das immer noch teuer. Die Rendite kann nicht eben gigantisch sein imho. Trotzdem: Von der Größe her, sinds spanische Verhältnisse. Kommen solche Projekte jetzt dutzendweise, dann haben wir Spanien 2. Aber da sind wohl die Finanzierungsprobleme und die eher geringen Renditen vor imho.
      schrieb am 22.04.09 07:51:20
      Beitrag Nr. 113 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 37.012.116 von SLGramann am 21.04.09 19:21:28Jau: teure Finanzierung (Mezzanine) = teures Projekt
      schrieb am 04.05.09 06:07:41
      Beitrag Nr. 114 ()

      April 29, 2009

      Taipei, Taiwan: Everphoton Energy Wins Solar Tender

      Everphoton Energy Corporation has won a tender for 200 kilowatt of III V triple junction HCPV modules. This is the first phase bidding in 2009 of a 1MW project initiated by the Institute of Nuclear Energy Research (INER).

      “We are happy and honored to be a part of this tender,” said Eric Chen, CEO & President of EVERPHOTON. “After years of doing business overseas, this is our first domestic project with the government. It is a milestone indicating our dedication and confidence in our manufacturing ability, and hopefully, we will win the second phase of tender later this year, too.”

      Aside from the tender, the company is currently working on a HCPV demo site in Southern Taiwan schedule to be completed by Q3 2009.

      Being a subsidiary to Everlight, Everphoton plays a major role in vertically integrating the supply chain of HCPV within the group of companies. With Everlight’s experience on LED, Epistar’s technology on solar cells, Everphtons’ abllity on HCPV components and systems, the group has set their goals to become one of the largest suppliers in the CPV market.

      According to Chen, Everphoton has been working on research and development on the III V triple junction solar cells packaging, modules and system three years prior to the establishment of the firm. Now the company not only provides HCPV’s component OEM and ODM services and system integration, it has also signed a LOI with GINTECH recently to further develop LCPV (Si-PV modules on one-axis tracker).

      Everphoton was founded in 2007 with investments from one of the global top five LED packaging houses, Everlight Electronics, and electronic material producer Yee Fong Chemical. Everlight is one of the major shareholders of EVERPHOTON and Epistar.
      schrieb am 06.05.09 08:09:46
      Beitrag Nr. 115 ()

      Topco sets up solar system in northern Taiwan

      Posted by Debasish Choudhury on 23 April 2009 at 11:09

      Topco Scientific, a Taiwan-based distributor of semiconductor components and equipment, announces the completion of a 242.94 KWp solar power-generating system in northern Taiwan, with an annual capacity of 200,000 KWh (kilowatt-hours). The system will start operation on June 7, the company said.

      The power-generating system, which cost NT$130 million (US$3.9 million) to build, structurally consists of 652 polycrystalline silicon (poly-Si) BIPV (building-integrated photovoltaic) modules and 488 poly-Si standard modules, Topco pointed out.

      The power-generating capacity is equivalent to power supply for 55 households and can save 128 metric tons of carbon dioxide emission a year, Topco indicated.
      schrieb am 18.05.09 16:05:35
      Beitrag Nr. 116 ()
      May 18, 2009, 10:37 (CEST)

      Australia to build World's largest Solar Energy Plant

      Australia plans to build the world's largest solar power station with an output of 1000 megawatts in a A$1.4 billion (US$1.05 billion) investment, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd said on Sunday.

      Australia to build World's largest Solar Energy Plant

      The plant would have three times the generating capacity of the current biggest solar-powered electricity plant, which is in California, Rudd said during a tour of a power station.

      Tender details will be announced later in the year, and successful bidders will be named in the first half of 2010. Rudd said the project was aimed at exploiting the country's ample sunshine, which he called "Australia's biggest natural resource."

      It was also aimed at helping the country become a leader in renewable, clean energy, he said.

      "The government plans to invest with industry in the biggest solar generation plant in the world, three times the size of the world's current biggest, which is in California," Rudd said.

      "Why are we doing this? We are doing it in order to support a clean energy future for Australia, we're doing it to boost economic activity now and we're doing it also to provide jobs and much needed opportunities for business as well."

      The project should eventually lead to a network of solar-powered stations across the country, Rudd said, with locations chosen to fit in with the existing electricity grid and ensure good access to sunshine.

      "We don't want to be clean energy followers worldwide, we want to be clean energy leaders worldwide." Rudd said.

      The A$1.4 billion dedicated to this project was part of a wider A$4.65 clean energy initiative by the government, he said.

      Rudd also said Australia would become a full member of the International Renewable Energy Agency, which will have its first global meeting in June.
      schrieb am 19.05.09 08:05:45
      Beitrag Nr. 117 ()

      Hebe solar panels to power largest PV solar project in the Middle East

      Posted by Debasish Choudhury on 18 May 2009 at 11:19

      Hebe has supplied 2MW of solar panels for a 5MW solar electricity system to power Masdar City, the world's first carbon neutral city being built in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. The photovoltaic panels will form part of the largest solar plant in the Middle East and is being built and designed by leading Abu Dhabi based solar power system integrator, Enviromena grid tie solar Systems "Enviromena".

      "We are delighted to collaborate with Masdar, a wholly owned company of the government of Abu Dhabi through the Cudeluble Company, and Enviromena on the development of this landmark solar project in the Middle East," said Dr. He, Hebesolar's Chairman and CEO. "Masdar City is a revolutionary concept that will greatly influence the future of global urban development. Solar energy panel systems are the ideal solution for Masdar City as electricity generated will coincide with peak energy usage during the middle of the day. We look forward to working with Enviromena on this and future solar projects in the Middle East."

      Dr. Shi emphasized, "This 5MW system is expected to generate over 17 million kilowatt-hours per year and reduce carbon emissions by over 7,000 metric tons annually."

      With a total investment of approximately $7 billion, Masdar City will take eight years to build solar panel and be home to 50,000 people and 1,500 businesses. The city, which will cover 6.5 square kilometers, will be primarily powered by solar energy and employ a broad range of innovative energy efficient technologies including electric travel pods, waste and water recycling, natural ventilation and shading. Masdar City's 5MW solar modules will provide power for the construction and eventual operations of parts of Masdar City.

      "Enviromena is excited to be working with Hebe Solar on this ground breaking project for solar energy panels in the region. With growing recognition of the need for alternative energy solutions in the Middle East there is sure to be strong demand for photovoltaic panels and solar home systems, an exciting prospect for the industry to look forward to," Enviromena CEO & President John commented. "Enviromena has worked hard to secure a team of highly talented engineers and project managers from around the world and when choosing partners like Hebechina, we ensure that clients are provided with high quality, low maintenance clean energy solutions to their power needs and we are excited to see this technology implemented on a wider scale."

      To know more about Hebe Corporation, please visit
      schrieb am 22.05.09 09:55:58
      Beitrag Nr. 118 ()

      20. Mai 2009
      4.2-MW Solar System in Provence Goes Online
      Paris, France []

      The Vinon-sur-Verdon photovoltaic solar park, with a capacity of 4.2 megawatts (MW), has now started electricity production. Solaire Durance, a joint venture between Caisse des Dépôts and Solairedirect, developed the project.

      The facility is designed to be compatible with grazing activities and the cultivation of plants and species suited to the local biotope.

      The Vinon-sur-Verdon park is a first for the joint venture between Caisse des Dépôts and Solairedirect, which plans to start production at three other solar parks with a total capacity of 38 MW before the end of 2010. The solar park, built in a location with little natural or farming value, was designed with an architectural and landscaping vision.

      The foundations, made up of metal screws (no concrete involved) will facilitate the decommissioning of the facility and its ultimate recycling. Vegetal land was preserved during the site’s excavation in order to sustain biodiversity. The facility is designed to be compatible with grazing activities and the cultivation of plants and species suited to the local biotope.

      The Vinon-sur-Verdon solar park was subject to severe environmental studies, a public enquiry and a structured dialogue, including public meetings with local residents, as well as systematic consultation with local officials and bodies, including the Var Chamber of Agriculture and the Verdon Regional Natural Park.
      schrieb am 29.05.09 13:44:23
      Beitrag Nr. 119 ()
      Datum der Veröffentlichung: 28 Mai 2009
      Vereinbarung über 66 Megawatt, davon 46 Megawatt als Einzelinstallation – BP setzt weiter auf kristalline Zellen mit einer innovativen Energie-Garantie
      Hamburg/München, den 28. Mai 2009

      Die RGE Energy AG plant mit BP Solar als Partner eines der größten Solarprojekte der Welt. Die über 46 Megawattpeak (MWp) große PV Anlage soll auf dem Gelände eines ehemaligen Militärflugplatzes in Köthen, Sachsen-Anhalt, entstehen.

      Dabei werden rund 210.000 kristalline Photovoltaik-Module von BP Solar mit einer Leistung von 220 Wattpeak geliefert und von der RGE Energy AG eingebaut.

      Dies gaben Reyad Fezzani, der CEO von BP Solar, und Elias Issa, der CEO der RGE Energy AG, auf der weltweit größten Solarmesse „Intersolar“ in München bekannt.

      Der Projektstart ist für das dritte Quartal 2009 geplant, derzeit läuft das Genehmigungsverfahren. Bis Ende des Jahres sollen alle BP Solar Module installiert sein.

      Die geplante Solaranlage wird pro Jahr voraussichtlich 43.000 Megawatt-stunden grünen Strom jährlich erwirtschaften. Damit können jährlich etwa 11.500 Vier-Personen-Haushalte mit Strom versorgt und circa 25.600 Tonnen CO2 eingespart werden.
      Das Projekt in Köthen ist Bestandteil einer Vereinbarung über die Zusammenarbeit der beiden Unternehmen, die die Installation von Solarstromanlagen mit einer Gesamtleistung von 66 Megawatt (MW) umfasst. Neben Köthen sind weitere Projekte geplant, darunter eine 2 Anlage am Flugplatz Eberswalde mit 15 MW und die Option auf weitere 15 MW.

      Aufgrund der hohen Qualitätsstandards, die RGE Energy AG als Projektentwickler erfüllt, bietet BP Solar über die Bereitstellung der Solarmodule hinaus eine Ertragsgarantie. Diese war bisher vorbehalten für die von BP Solar schlüsselfertig entwickelten Projekte. Sollte die Solaranlage die von BP Solar garantierten Solarstromerträge nicht liefern, übernimmt BP Solar den Differenzbetrag, basierend auf dem aktuell geltenden Einspeisetarif.

      „Unsere Strategie ist es, unseren Kunden die niedrigsten Kosten in Cent pro Kilowattstunde (kWh) über die Lebensdauer der Solaranlage zu bieten. Mit der zusätzlichen Ertragsgarantie werden wir diesem Anspruch gerecht. Wir sind davon überzeugt, dass uns die Zusammenarbeit mit der RGE Energy AG im deutschen Markt sehr zugute kommen wird“, so Reyad Fezzani, „und wir können einmal mehr zeigen, wie wichtig dieser Markt für uns ist. Darüber hinaus unterstreichen wir damit auch die aus unserer Sicht große Bedeutung der kristallinen Technologie für die Zukunft der Solarbranche. “

      „Als Unternehmen mit langjähriger Erfahrung in der Projektierung solarer Großkraftwerke orientieren wir uns bei unseren Projekten stets an höchsten Qualitäts- und Sicherheitskriterien. Dies gilt neben der Finanzierung, dem Projektablauf, dem Bau und der Absicherung der Anlage natürlich auch für die Qualität der verbauten Module“, so Elias Issa, „wir freuen uns daher sehr, mit BP Solar einen starken und zuverlässigen Partner für unsere Projekte gefunden zu haben.“
      schrieb am 03.06.09 10:19:56
      Beitrag Nr. 120 ()
      June 2, 2009

      Lakshadweep, India: BHEL Commissions Two Solar Power Systems in Lakshadweep

      As part of India’s largest Solar Power-based Island Electrification Project in India, Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL) has successfully commissioned two Grid-Interactive Solar Power Plants of 100 KWp each in Lakshadweep.

      With this, the company has commissioned a total of eleven Solar Power Plants in the Lakshadweep islands, adding over 1 MW of Solar Power to the power generating capacity of the coral islands in the Arabian Sea. The plants have been set up at Chetlat and Amini islands of Lakshadweep.

      BHEL has earlier commissioned Solar Power Plants of various ratings up to 150 KWp at the islands of Agatti, Andrott, Bangaram, Bitra, Kadmat, Kalpeni, Kavaratti, Kiltan and Minicoy. Notably, BHEL’s Solar Power Plants cater to about 15% of the Union Territory’s energy demand and Lakshadweep boasts of having the country’s largest solar power-based island electrification project.

      Till recently, the Lakshadweep islands were wholly powered by distributed generation sets using diesel transported from the mainland (Kochi). Transportation of diesel is a cumbersome and costly process, largely depending on sea conditions. Continuous running of the diesel generators was also leading to noise and air pollution. Besides, contamination of the ground water by the stored diesel was another concern which prompted the Lakshadweep Administration to opt for environment-friendly Solar Power.

      Apart from substantial fuel savings up to 3 Lakh Litres per year, the projects will greatly reduce the problems faced in transportation and storage of diesel, besides safeguarding the fragile ecology of the coral islands hitherto threatened by the use of diesel. The Solar Power Plants supply energy to the main Diesel Generator grid which in turn powers the entire island including Tourist Cottages, Residential Houses, Cottage Industries etc.

      The Photovoltaic modules convert sunlight to electricity directly and using state-of-the-art Power Conditioning Units (PCUs), the DC power is converted to AC and synchronised with the diesel grid. Backed by a vast experience of over two decades, BHEL is one of the few leading players in the field of Solar Photovoltaics and SPV power plants in India. The SPV modules are manufactured at its ultra-modern manufacturing facility located at Bangalore.

      Starting from small applications like Solar Powered Street Light, Rural Water Pumping System, Railway Signaling, Offshore Drilling Platforms, BHEL has supplied and commissioned large size Stand-alone as well as Grid Inter-active Solar Power Plants in a number of major cities and remote areas of the country. The Solar cells and modules manufactured here are also exported to various countries like Germany, Australia and Italy. The company’s PV modules are certified to international standards by JRC, Ispra, Italy.
      schrieb am 06.06.09 08:52:50
      Beitrag Nr. 121 ()
      PG&E signs contract with NextLight for 230 MW solar power PDF Print E-mail

      Posted by Debasish Choudhury on 05 June 2009 at 13:51

      Views: 13

      Recommended by: 1

      Published in: News, News

      Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) announced today that it has entered into a contract with AV Solar Ranch 1, LLC, a subsidiary of NextLight Renewable Power, LLC, for 230 megawatts (MW) of solar photovoltaic power. On average, the project is expected to produce 592 gigawatt-hours of renewable electricity each year for PG&E customers throughout northern and central California. This is equal to the annual consumption of nearly 90,000 average homes.

      Utility-scale photovoltaic projects feature solar modules that convert sunlight directly into electricity and produce the greatest amounts of power during the afternoon, when electricity demand is high. NextLight’s project will feature state-of-the-art, commercially proven photovoltaic technology. The project will be located in Antelope Valley, Calif. It is expected to begin deliveries in 2011 and be fully operational by late 2013.

      “This agreement will help increase the amount of clean energy we provide to our customers and reduce greenhouse gas emissions,” said John Conway, senior vice president of energy supply for PG&E. “Contracting with companies like NextLight is just one of the many ways in which PG&E is harnessing the power of the sun to meet our customers’ energy needs.”

      “NextLight is pleased to contract with PG&E for the output of the AV Solar Ranch 1 project,” said Frank DeRosa, chief executive officer of NextLight. “The project will provide cost-effective electricity to PG&E’s customers, create jobs and local economic benefits for the Antelope Valley, and contribute to California’s renewable energy goals.”

      This is the third major solar contract PG&E has signed this year. Since 2002, PG&E has entered into contracts for more than 20 percent of its future electric power deliveries from renewable sources. On average, half of the electricity PG&E delivers to its customers comes from carbon-free generating sources, making the company’s energy some of the cleanest in the nation.

      For more information, visit, and
      schrieb am 08.06.09 07:40:42
      Beitrag Nr. 122 ()
      June 4, 2009

      Hiroshima, Japan: Chugoku Electric Power to Construct 3MW PV System

      Japanese utility, Chugoku Electric Power is planning to build a 3 megawatt PV system in Hiroshima Prefecture.

      The project will be installed by 2012 and located in Fukuyama and will be the largest PV system at this location. The system is expected to generate 3,150,000 kWhr, equivalent to the electricity usage of 900 homes.

      Construction on the system is intended to commence in 2010 following co-operation and support from the local community.

      The plant is part of Chugoku Electric's plans to construct 10MW of photovoltaic systems by 2020.
      schrieb am 08.06.09 09:26:09
      Beitrag Nr. 123 ()
      China Guangdong Nuclear plans 300 MW solar plant in Ningxia

      Posted by Debasish Choudhury on 05 June 2009 at 12:56

      China Guangdong Nuclear Power Corp. plans to invest CNY7.5 billion ($1.1 billion) to build a 300-megawatt solar power plant in the northwestern Ningxia Autonomous Region.

      The company aims to complete construction of the project's first phase, which will have an annual power generating capacity of 10 MW, within a year after getting central government approval.

      The largest solar plant currently being developed in China, located in Dunhuang city in northwestern Gansu province, will have a designed annual capacity of 100 MW.

      The nation's state-owned power utilities have stepped up efforts to expand into solar power after rushing to build wind mills in previous years, as production costs for solar power have fallen sharply and the government plans unprecedented support measures for the sector.

      China Guodian Corp., for example, plans to build a solar plant with a generating capacity of 200 MW by the end of 2011.
      schrieb am 08.06.09 23:17:44
      Beitrag Nr. 124 ()
      Scatec Solar establishes subsidiary in the US, signs a 500 kW of solar power purchase agreement

      Posted by Debasish Choudhury on 08 June 2009 at 14:02

      Scatec Solar, a global turn-key supplier of solar PV (photo voltaic) solutions, has established a subsidiary in the US with the objective to become a major provider of commercial PV power plants in North America. Scatec Solar announced that it has signed a power purchase agreement with a large winery in Sonoma California which has agreed to buy all the electricity produced by 500 kW PV rooftop system.

      - As the US is rapidly emerging as the world's largest solar PV market, it has been a priority for Scatec Solar to establish in North America, Mr. Ravi Khanna, President and CEO of Scatec Solar, said. We are in the process of building a strong US team, with very strong market knowledge and executional capabilities. With our ability to leverage on our substantial European PV experience, we see ourselves very well positioned to take substantial market share as the US solar markets takes-off, Mr. Khanna said.

      - The new emphasis on renewable energy and oil independency in the US will be driving demand for solar energy solutions. And as the PV technology approaches grid parity in many markets, and grants schemes and tax incentives take effect, the demand will grow even stronger, Mr. Khanna states.

      Scatec Solar North America will be located in Mountain View, Ca, however the company's objective is to build projects in multiple states. It is also working very closely with different state governments to assist in quick roll-out and implementation of solar projects.

      For further reference, please visit:

      Last update: 08 June 2009 at 14:02
      schrieb am 11.06.09 14:36:24
      Beitrag Nr. 125 ()

      Gujarat to get world's largest solar power project

      Posted by Debasish Choudhury on 09 June 2009 at 06:08

      The Clinton Foundation, founded by former US President Bill Clinton, has firmed up its plans to set up the world’s largest solar park in Gujarat. In a closed-door meeting, a delegation led by Clinton Foundation Chairman Ira Magaziner met Chief Minister Narendra Modi and other top government officials today to discuss their plans to set up a 3,000-5,000 MW solar park in the state.

      “The Clinton Foundation is keen on signing an MoU for this project anytime next week. The investment for the project could be close to $10 billion, depending on the size of the project,” a top government official, who was present at the meeting, told Business Standard.

      Last update: 09 June 2009 at 06:08
      schrieb am 19.06.09 17:28:15
      Beitrag Nr. 126 ()
      Statkraft commences 3.3MW solar park in Latina, Italy
      19 June 2009 | By Síle Mc Mahon | News > Power Generation

      Norwegian renewables company Statkraft has announced that it is on the way to completing its 3.3MW solar power plant later this year. The solar farm is located in Latina, about an hour south of Rome, and will consist of 15,700 solar panels installed in an area of approximately 96,000 square metres. Total investment in the project is said to be approximately €13 million.

      “The construction of our first solar park is an important milestone in our work to meet the world’s need for pure energy,” commented Jon Brandsar, Executive Vice President of Statkraft. “Solar power is a new energy source for us, and we expect it to grow in the years ahead due to technological developments, cost reductions and favourable framework conditions”.
      schrieb am 22.06.09 05:20:24
      Beitrag Nr. 127 ()
      10 MW // Indien // 2009

      Moser Baer to set up solar unit in Sivaganga
      BS Reporter / Chennai October 16, 2008, 0:22 IST

      The Tamil Nadu government has identified two companies for setting up two 5 Mw capacity solar photovoltaic power generation units in the state. The units are expected to be commissioned by December 2009.

      Moser Baer is one of the companies that will set up a solar power unit in Sivaganga district. Sivaganga is the constituency of finance minister P Chidambaram. The name of the other company has not been disclosed.

      Addressing a one-day conference on ‘Energy and Environment meet’ organised by the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (Ficci), Arcot N Veeraswamy, state electricity minister, said Tamil Nadu a leader in developing renewable energy, especially wind energy, was also now focusing on solar power.

      In may be recalled that three companies had submitted bids to set up solar photo voltaic power generation projects in the state in response to the tender called by the Tamil Nadu Energy Development Agency (Teda) under a programme by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE).

      To promote solar power generation in the country, MNRE had recently announced a generation-based incentive of Rs 12 a killo watt hour for solar photovoltaic projects and Rs 10 a killo watt hour for solar thermal power generation projects.
      schrieb am 23.06.09 23:11:10
      Beitrag Nr. 128 ()
      5MW // Bulgarien // 2010

      Austrian Company Plans To Invest 25 Mln Euro in Solar Park in Bulgaria - Media
      Jun 22, 2009 11:24 CETSeeNewsStorySeeNewsSeeNews - The Corporate Wire

      SOFIA (Bulgaria), June 22 (SeeNews) - Austrian company Photovoltaic Tervel 1 plans to invest 25 million euro ($34.7 million) in building a solar park in northeastern Bulgaria, a Sofia-based daily reported on Monday.

      The company plans to build 250,000 modules for solar energy with a combined generation capacity of five megawatts on a 30-hectare area near the town of Tervel, daily Klasa ( reported.

      The park is expected to go on stream next year, the daily reported.

      Bulgaria currently has one operational solar park with a capacity of one megawatt.

      Bulgaria, a EU member since 2007, aims to increase the share of energy generated from renewable sources to 16% of its total production by 2020, compared to below 10% now.
      schrieb am 26.06.09 10:46:30
      Beitrag Nr. 129 ()
      ca. 1MW // Süd-Korea // 2009

      Renault Samsung To Construct New Solar Energy Plant In South Korea


      By Staff Reporter

      Renault Samsung Motor Company Ltd. (Renault Samsung), a unit of Renault SA, intends to construct a new solar energy plant at its logistics center in Haman county, South Gyeongsang province, South Korea. The new solar plant will have the capacity to generate 1,387 megawatts of electricity annually. The electricity generated from solar plant will be used to power the company’s logistics center. Renault Samsung said that the plant will be completed in September 2009.

      "With the construction of the eco-friendly solar plant, Renault Samsung will solidify its corporate image as a company at the forefront of the (government's) low-carbon, green growth initiative," Jean-Marie Hurtiger, chief executive officer of Renault Samsung.
      schrieb am 28.07.09 21:54:03
      Beitrag Nr. 130 ()
      144MW // Bulgarien // 2010

      Balmoral Capital plans PV projects in Bulgaria
      28 July 2009 | By Emma Hughes | News > Power Generation

      Balmoral Capital Holdings, financing arm of Balmoral Bulgaria SPV, an integrated solar power plant development company, has signed a 25-year agreement with Apex Solar to organize approvals for 18 photovoltaic power plants in Bulgaria, according to SolarBuzz.

      The plants will range from 1MW to 5MW for a total of 144MW across the whole 18. Each plant designed will be organized by Apex Solar to be developed for panel delivery in early 2010.

      "The organization and contract building now in PV power plants in Bulgaria is a major milestone for our Balmoral Companies as our subsidiary Balmoral Bulgaria," said Rodney Kincaid, Managing Partner of Balmoral Capital and CEO of Balmoral Financial.

      Kincaid added that the company is looking for competitive bids on high-performance PV panels, with the results of the winning bid given in the next 30 days. "There are so many high technically performing panels with great financial returns. It is hard to settle to one manufacturer," he said.

      In the future the company plans to build 130-144 PV plants in Bulgaria and move to other European markets by 2011. Various income funds are discussing buying the income streams from the projects.
      schrieb am 28.07.09 23:13:59
      Beitrag Nr. 131 ()
      Tunisia assessing 20MW Soliel de Nefta solar project
      28 Jul 2009 / Solar / Projects & asset finance / Tunisia
      Tunisia’s National Agency for Energy Conservation is assessing eligibility for a pilot project dubbed Soliel de Nefta, which aims to use solar electricity to heat, cool and water the southern town of Nefta.
      schrieb am 29.07.09 08:06:31
      Beitrag Nr. 132 ()
      0,3MW // Uruguay // ??

      Uruguay plans 300KW solar plant for Salto Grande
      29 Jul 2009 / Solar / Projects & asset finance / Uruguay
      Uruguay's Ministry of Industry and Mines plans to develop a 300KW PV solar plant in Salto Grande with backing from the Japan International Cooperation Agency.
      schrieb am 02.08.09 14:35:50
      Beitrag Nr. 133 ()
      Macquarie details USD 109m refinancing for Cadiz PV plant
      31 Jul 2009 / Solar / Projects & asset finance / Spain
      A fund belonging to Australian bank Macquarie has landed EUR 77m of refinance for an operating PV plant, from a club of banks consisting of Barclays, Bank of Ireland and Bayerische Hypo-und Vereinsbank.
      schrieb am 15.08.09 14:09:22
      Dieser Beitrag wurde vom System automatisch gesperrt. Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an
      schrieb am 17.08.09 07:10:34
      Beitrag Nr. 135 ()
      ca.30MW // Bangladesh // ???

      August 10, 2009

      Washington, DC, USA: World Bank Approves $130M for Solar Systems in Bangladesh

      The World Bank has approved a $130 million IDA credit to Bangladesh, designed to increase access to electricity through installation of affordable Solar Home Systems in rural areas. This credit is additional financing for the Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Development Credit, a project that since 2003 has connected 600,000 consumers to the electricity grid, constructed about 8,500 km of new distribution, and provided 320,000 consumers with Solar Home Systems.

      Despite advances, access to electricity in Bangladesh remains low, currently around 40 percent. Power shortages and load shedding are severe, especially in rural areas, which hurt economic growth and industrial development. In addition, population growth, increased industrialization, additional connections, and rise in the use of modern, electrical appliances have boosted demand for electricity, currently growing at a rate of over 500 MW a year.

      “Investing in grid electricity alone will not realize the Government of Bangladesh’s goal of universal access to electricity by 2020,” said Rob Floyd, Acting World Bank Country Director for Bangladesh. “This additional financing will be used to provide electricity to 300,000 households through solar home systems. Many of these households in poor areas are too remote to connect to the electricity grid and would never receive electricity through conventional electrification methods.”

      A part of the additional financing will be used to purchase and install about 10 million energy efficient compact fluorescent lamps in densely populated areas in the country. These will replace an equivalent number of incandescent lamps.

      “Lighting coincides with the peak load hours and contributes over 20 percent of the demand,” said Raihan Elahi, Senior Energy Specialist and Task Leader for the project. “Replacing these lamps, which will be free of charge for residential consumers, is expected to reduce the peak demand by about 360 MW.”

      The project will support an ongoing renovation of the electricity distribution network as well as provide financing for renewable energy projects such as biomass and biogas power plants, solar water pump for irrigation, and solar mini grids. The credit from the International Development Association (IDA), the World Bank’s concessionary arm, has 40 years to maturity with a 10-year grace period; it carries a service charge of 0.75 percent.
      schrieb am 12.09.09 16:53:54
      Beitrag Nr. 136 ()

      Saui Arabien
      Abu Dhabi

      ...für die großen Märkte USA, China, Indien, Japan gibt es eigene Threads.
      schrieb am 12.09.09 16:56:39
      Beitrag Nr. 137 ()

      Tianwei Baobian Strikes Thai Deal

      Posted on Sep 08, 2009 | 18:09

      Tianwei Silicon, a subsidiary of power transformer and solar cell manufacturer Baoding Tianwei Baobian Electric (600550.SH), has agreed to a three-year exclusive thin-film partnership with Thai Green Energy, reported quoting a company announcement released September 8. Under the agreement, Thai Green Energy will purchase a minimum of 5MW of thin-film solar modules this year, at least 25MW next year and no less than 40MW in 2011 from Tianwei Silicon, according to the report.
      schrieb am 13.09.09 00:36:53
      Beitrag Nr. 138 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 37.791.998 von R-BgO am 17.08.09 07:10:34ca.30MW // Bangladesh // ???

      Nein, ich weiss nicht, ob das Geld für soviel reichen würde. Es geht schließlich um Solar-Home-Systems, die sind aufwendiger als netzgekoppelte Grossanlagen (speziell für Steuerung und Speicher). Und dann lassen sich viele kleine Anlagen natürlich nicht so effizient installieren wie grosse Anlagen, etc. Bei so einem Entwicklungshilfeprojetkt geht dann auch noch einiges für Berater und Kontrolleure drauf, und in (aktuell schwachem) Dollar gerechnet, muss man pro MW dann wohl mindestens 6.000 USD ansetzen.

      Aber selbst wenn es am Ende ein Drittel von dem von Dir genannten werden würde, also nur 10 MW, wäre das schon ein ziemlich grosses Programm.

      Ach ja, im Artikel steht ja noch etwas von 10 Mio. Kompaktleuchtstofflampen, die angeschafft werden sollen... jede vermutlich 5-10 Watt, aber die werden dann auch nicht gleichzeitig komplett mit PV-Strom laufen, sondern aus der Batterie... also man kann nicht einfach so in MW an Leistung von Modulen oder Wechselrichtern umrechnen bei diesem Projekt.

      "Schön" auch mal wieder, die Unlogik, die verbreitet wird bzw. was dann mal eben schnell alles aufgelistet wird:

      Many of these households in poor areas are too remote to connect to the electricity grid and would never receive electricity through conventional electrification methods.”

      A part of the additional financing will be used to purchase and install about 10 million energy efficient compact fluorescent lamps in densely populated areas in the country. These will replace an equivalent number of incandescent lamps.

      “Lighting coincides with the peak load hours and contributes over 20 percent of the demand,” said Raihan Elahi, Senior Energy Specialist and Task Leader for the project. “Replacing these lamps, which will be free of charge for residential consumers, is expected to reduce the peak demand by about 360 MW.”

      Da werden also zwei verschiedene Dinge gemacht, einmal die Solar Home Systems für die netzfernen Häuser und dann der Lampenaustausch für Häuser mit Netzanschluss.
      Die Hochrechnung auf 360 MW Peak-Leistungseinsparung ist dann natürlich mal wieder eine Milchmädchenrechnung. Es mag sein, dass jeder der Kompaktleuchtstofflampen 36-60 Watt gegenüber der normalen Glühbirne spart. Aber die werden dann auch nicht alle gleichzeitig eingeschaltet werden (Denkfehler Nr. 1) und wenn man sieht, was heutzutage in Entwicklungsländern zur Beleuchtung eingestzt wird, dann sind das häufig schon gar keine normalen Glühlampen mehr (möglicher Denkfehler Nr. 2); Bangladesh kenne ich jetzt nicht aus eigener Erfahrung, aber es müsste dann schon die berühmte Ausnahme sein, die die Regel bestätigt, dass in Entwicklungsländern heute ohnehin schon sehr viele Kompaktleuchtstofflampen eingesetzt werden.

      Naja, ist alles ja ein bisschen off-topic hier;-)
      Einen Solarboom in Bangladesh, der jährliche Installationszahlen von >100 MW beinhalten würde, dürfte dieses Programm jedenfalls nicht auslösen... also auf den Welt-PV-Markt hat das keine grossen Auswirkungen.
      schrieb am 26.09.09 11:17:17
      Beitrag Nr. 139 ()
      17 Sep 2009 / General Financial & Legal Services / TOP STORIES / France

      Fortis Investments, now owned by BNP Paribas, says it has raised EUR 158m for its clean energy infrastructure fund and is confident of reaching its EUR 450m target next year.

      The fund has also completed its first four transactions, buying 100% ownership of two solar projects in southern Europe and two wind projects - one of them operational - also in Europe. These assets have cost the fund just over EUR 35m (USD 52m at current exchange rates), but it has not yet disclosed the identity or exact location of any of them.

      Fortis' "clean energy infra" fund was launched in September 2008, during the most virulent phase of the world financial crisis, and is managed by CEO Joost Bergsma, CFO and investment director David Millan, technical director Peter Dickson and investment director Scott Lawrence.

      Its brief is to "focus on on the proven clean energy technologies of onshore wind, small-scale hydro, solar photovoltaic and biomass".

      Investment so far has come from Fortis Bank itself with EUR 50m of seed capital, and then from PGGM, "acting on behalf of Pensioensfonds Zorg en Welzijn", plus fellow Dutch group Pensioenfonds Grafische Bedrijven and unnamed investors from Japan and Belgium.

      Dickson told New Energy Finance: "The process has taken longer than we expected but there has always been a lot of interest." He added that pricing of renewable energy projects had swung in the buyer's favour in the last year.

      On the availability of debt for projects, he said: "Debt is possible to get. Banks are being very selective, but we think the market was at its most difficult a year ago. Things are now loosening up a bit. There are now more lenders with an appetite for debt."
      schrieb am 26.09.09 11:18:40
      Beitrag Nr. 140 ()
      22 Sep 2009 / Solar / TOP STORIES / Italy

      A "consortium of international and Italian banks" has agreed to provide the debt finance for the 24MW solar plant at Montalto di Castro in Italy being built by SunRay Renewable Energy and SunPower Corporation.

      The deal, one of the largest PV project financings of 2009 so far, will enable the 80-hectare plant using SunPower panels and tracker technology, to be commissioned by 31 December. That way, it can take advantage of this year's Italian feed-in tariff.

      The companies declined to comment on the identity of the banks, prior to announcements from the latter. The project is understood to involve a total investment of more than EUR 100m. A standard debt-equity split of 80:20 would imply that the banks put up more than EUR 80m of debt, but this has not yet been confirmed.

      The main period of construction is likely to end up at seven to eight months, and the developers say that it has created "more than 200 local jobs".

      SunPower's statement said: "This project is the first phase of a planned 100-megawatt development that is expected to be fully operational in 2010."
      schrieb am 08.11.09 16:32:44
      Beitrag Nr. 141 ()

      Indonesia to build solar plants for electricity use in rural areas
      03 November 2009 | By Syanne Olson | News > Power Generation

      Indonesia recently announced its plan to build 250 solar power plants that will total 2.2MW by 2014 so that they can supply the country’s rural areas with electricity. The proposed project is expected to cost around $84 million.

      "The electricity produced by the plants will benefit between 150,000 and 200,000 households in different parts of the country," the ministry’s director general of electricity, Jacobus Purwono, told the Jakarta Globe yesterday.
      Indonesia’s announcement comes on the heels of Japan’s $400 million loan to help the country deal with global warming. The proposed solar plants are part of Indonesia’s alternative energy plan, which outlines the installation of solar panels on 192,000 homes, building 570 small-scale hydroelectric plants and the construction of 270 wind farms. The Indonesian government looks forward to the solar project being part of their alternative energy plan since it will power villages, while reducing their CO2 emissions. reported that the Indonesian government statistics show that only 65% of Indonesia’s 240 million citizens have access to electricity. Because the large population is distributed on over 17,000 islands, some of the villages, especially in the easternmost region, are not connected to the National Grid. With the new solar projects, the government hopes to connect more of its citizens to an electrical supply source.
      schrieb am 08.11.09 17:21:49
      Beitrag Nr. 142 ()

      Ormat signs joint venture agreement for solar PV power systems

      Posted by Debasish Choudhury on 19 October 2009 at 06:36

      Ormat Technologies, Inc., announced today that its Israeli subsidiary, Ormat Systems Ltd., has signed a Joint Venture Agreement with Sunday Energy Ltd. (Sunday), an Israeli private company to develop, construct and operate solar-photovoltaic energy systems in Israel with a total capacity of 36 MW.

      Under the JVA, Sunday will contribute the rights to all of its property and roofs required to develop solar energy systems above 1 MW to special purpose entities ("SPEs"). Ormat will own 70% of each SPE and will also have control of it. Under the terms of the agreement, Ormat and Sunday will act, jointly, as the EPC contractor and the operator of each project in accordance with each company share in the SPEs.

      The estimated capital expenditure for 36 MW of solar power systems is approximately $195 million. The electricity generated from the projects will be sold to Israel Electric Corporation Ltd. under long-term power purchase agreements (20 years) and will generate approximately $30 million in annual revenues. The SPEs expect to finance their capital expenditure with 80% Non-Recourse project finance debt.

      Ormat has more than four decades of experience in the development, construction, financing and operation of hundreds of megawatts of renewable energy projects world-wide, while Sunday is one of the leading developers in the Israeli solar PV market has the know-how in the design of solar systems using photovoltaic modules from various suppliers and the capabilities to obtain the necessary regulatory permits for construction and interconnection to the local grid.

      Prior to entering into this JVA, Ormat has entered into an agreement with Sunday for the construction of a solar system for up to 1 MW on the roofs of its manufacturing facilities located in Israel. The first system with a capacity of 50 kW has been installed and connected to the grid since August 2009.

      The joint venture represents Ormat's commercial entry into the solar energy market and its first major devotement in the solar photovoltaic market in Israel.

      Lucien Y. Bronicki, Chairman of the Board and Chief Technology Officer of Ormat Technologies, said, "Ormat's commercial activity in the solar energy market is part of a strategic plan to be a leading player in renewable energy. We have a long, rich history in renewable energy that includes activity in solar energy that we believe we can leverage to bring unique benefits to this project. Our connection to solar energy goes back over 30 years to the solar pond project that we developed between 1977 and 1984. Our work on the solar pond created the technological foundation for our geothermal technology, which today positions Ormat as the industry leader. We are pleased to finally add an Israeli solar installation, to the current 1,200 MW of Geothermal and Recovered Energy power plants that Ormat has installed throughout the years. We are looking at this joint venture as an attractive business opportunity derived by the reduction in solar PV modules prices and the increase in their supply on one hand and the expected Israeli feed-in tariff for large solar PV systems on the other hand."

      For more information about Ormat Technologies, visit

      Last update: 19 October 2009 at 06:39
      schrieb am 05.12.09 16:51:25
      Beitrag Nr. 143 ()

      Anel Group and Enerqos backed in building of 1.3MW Cyprus PV plant
      04 December 2009 | By Alissa Holly | News > Power Generation

      *Following the invitation for tenders in June of this year, the engineering and solar companies Anel Group and Enerqos, respectively, have been permitted to construct a 1.3MW photovoltaic plant in the Turkish part of Cyprus.

      Construction for the site, the first PV installation in Cyprus, will begin January 2010. The PV plant will be the largest in the Mediterranean area and completely financed by the EU commission. To be used by the Cyprus Turkish Electric Corporation (Kib-tek), the solar system will emit 2GWh of clean energy per year. It has been suggested the plant will quell some demands of energy, reducing power cuts experienced throughout the island during the summer.

      Mauro Marcucci, CEO of Enerqos sees this as progress, stating: "This initiative represents a further step of our international growth process. We are glad to enhance our presence in the Mediterranean area, the most promising area for solar industry, with a strong and reliable partner such as Anel Group."

      Vice chairman of Anel Group, Ender Çolak, also believes in the Mediterranean area's possibilities.

      "This plant is the expression of the great potential of the Mediterranean region in the renewable sector," said Çolak. "We are convinced that Turkey, together with Greece and the whole Mediterranean area, will shortly become the new leaders in the solar energy field. This first project will lead to many other interesting activities in joint-venture with Enerqos spa in the very next months."

      Enerqos, based in Monza, Italy, has subsidiaries in France and Greece while the Anel Group, with headquarters in Istanbul, has offices in Egypt, Syria, Albania, Kazakhstan, and the Ukraine.
      schrieb am 30.12.09 11:58:17
      Beitrag Nr. 144 ()

      Photovoltaik in Israel: SunPower und SolarPower bauen 50 kW Solar-Kraftwerk für HP

      Die SunPower Corporation (San Jose, Kalifornien), Hersteller von Solarzellen, Solarmodulen und Photovoltaik-Anlagen, und der israelische Systemintegrator und Projektentwickler SolarPower Ltd. (Pardesia), berichteten am 21.12.2009, die Unternehmen hätten im israelischen Kiryat-Gat auf dem Fabrikdach von Hewlett Packard ein Solar-Kraftwerk mit einer Nennleistung von 50 Kilowatt (kW) fertig gestellt. Laut Pressemitteilung hat SolarPower die Solarstromanlage entwickelt und mit hoch-effizienten Solarmodulen aus eigener Produktion errichtet. "Durch die Kombination der Entwicklungs- und Integrations-Expertise von SolarPower mit den Modulen von SunPower, die den derzeit höchsten Wirkungsgrad unter den auf dem Markt erhältlichen Modulen haben, kann HP den maximal möglichen Solarstrom-Ertrag auf seinem Dach erzielen", sagte der Mitgründer und Vize-Vorstand von SolarPower, Alon Tamari. "Wir sind froh, das erste Solarkraftwerk für den Hochtechnologie-Sektor in Israel fertig gestellt zu haben". Howard Wenger, Präsident Global Business Units bei SunPower, ergänzte: "Die führende Position von SolarPower war für SunPower beim Markteintritt in Israel ein klarer Vorteil. Die SunPower-Technologie hat ihre Leistung bei unseren Privat- und Gewerbekunden sowie bei Solarstromanlagen im Kraftwerksmaßstab auf vier Kontinenten bestätigt und hervorragende Kapitalrenditen ermöglicht." SunPower hat nach eigenen Angaben weltweit mehr als 550 große Solarstromanlagen gebaut. Hierzu zählt auch das kürzlich im italienischen Montalto fertig gestellte Solar-Kraftwerk mit einer Nennleistung von 24 Megawatt (MW).
      schrieb am 01.01.10 16:11:57
      Beitrag Nr. 145 ()

      Israel's 36MW PV project increases to 45MW
      31 Dec 2009 / Solar / Projects & asset finance / Israel
      Israel-based PV systems integrator Sunday Energy has signed an agreement with the country's Moshav Sde Zvi to increase a previously announced project by 9MW, raising the total project cost to NIS 800m (USD 211m).
      schrieb am 22.01.10 11:08:27
      Beitrag Nr. 146 ()
      Bulgarien // 2MW

      Chinese companies to build solar plant in Bulgaria
      07:55, January 21, 2010

      Two Chinese companies, Polar Photovoltaics and Wiscom, have proposed to invest seven million U. S. dollars to build a 2 MW Photovoltaic plant near Ihtiman, 40 km south from Bulgarian capital Sofia.

      The two companies and their Bulgarian partner SunSERVICE presented their proposal to the Ihtiman municipality on Wednesday.

      "It is our first investment in a European Union country and we carefully selected the best place for it," Jim Su, Chief Marketing Officer at Polar said.

      "Our region has high unemployment rate, so investors here are exempt from profit tax," said Margarita Petkova, Mayor of Ihtiman.

      Chinese investors and their Bulgarian partner expect to sign a contract with the local authorities in the next few days and to build the plant in seven months.

      "We decided to invest in Bulgaria, in Ihtiman municipality in order to prove our ability to deliver the main product, the PV- generator based on unique Chinese technology together with a proper financing scheme, so we can have an excellent operating PV- power plant under challenging conditions. We would like to get experience working with Bulgarian partners and later to increase the number of projects in the area," Xu Bing from Polar-Wiscom told reporters.

      Source: Xinhua
      schrieb am 08.02.10 05:47:42
      Beitrag Nr. 147 ()
      February 7, 2010

      Kibbutz Ketura, Israel: Arava Power Plans 100 MW of Solar Fields

      Solar developer, Arava Power, has signed long-term contractual agreements with 15 kibbutzim and moshavim located in the Arava, the Negev, and northern Israel where mid-size solar fields will be built. The fields will produce a total of 100 megawatts of solar energy using photovoltaics, for an average of 6.5 megawatts per field, at an investment of 2 billion NIS.

      At the same time, as per the directives of the National Planning and Building Council, APC is advancing rooftop solar installations on cowsheds and factories in the signatory kibbutzim and moshavim. APC pointed out that they are investing in the promotion of several additional projects of strategic significance.

      "With its plentiful sunshine and ample open space, Israel's Arava region has established itself as one of the most innovative solar hotspots in the world and Arava Power is leading the region's renewable energy efforts," said Udi Gat, Eilot Regional Chairman. "The investment by Arava Power in this region underscores the important role we play as an incubator for supporting, advancing and promoting novel renewable energy initiatives."

      It is worth noting that most Southern Arava kibbutzim (Ketura, Yotvata, Lotan, Grofit, Eliphaz, and Neve Harif) where conditions for solar electricity production are optimal, have already entered into agreements with Arava Power, and together they will fulfill the vision of transforming the region into Israel's "silicon valley of renewable energy."

      Siemens Israel CEO Eliezer Tookman, APC’s partner, says, “Siemens brings to the table vast knowledge and experience in complex project management from a technical standpoint, as well as training local technical teams in general, long-term strategic commitment, and expertise in maintenance and operation of projects and products for decades at the highest level. We anticipate and are readying ourselves for this task of building multiple fields, and hope that it’s only the beginning of a solar revolution in Israel.”

      It is noteworthy that APC and Ketura are the only entities at present that have all the permits and licenses required for building a mid-size solar field. Preparations are currently underway for groundbreaking of Israel’s first solar field at Ketura.

      In late December 2009, the PUA decided to allow mid-size solar fields at a nationwide capacity of 300 megawatts.

      APC CEO Jon Cohen: “We specialize in mid-size solar fields and rooftop solar installations. The knowledge and unique experience that we have acquired, in addition to our partnership with Siemens, provide our partners with the best conditions for building these fields. The PUA has created a competitive market for 300 megawatts — and anyone who has the experience, knowledge, and ability will be at an advantage over the rest.”

      APC CEO Jon Cohen calls on the Ministry of Infrastructures and the PUA to increase the approved quantity of solar energy produced in mid-size fields to 1,000 megawatts:

      “We are implementing Prime Minister Netanyahu’s vision to cease use of fossil fuels within a decade and develop alternative energies for itself and the world. The goal to produce 300 solar megawatts is an important step towards implementing the government’s decision to produce 5% of Israel’s energy consumption from renewable sources by 2014, but it’s not enough: In order to achieve this goal, at least 1,000 megawatts are needed, and the market indicates that only mid-size solar fields can fill the gap faster than any other source.”

      APC reports keen interest on the parts of investors both at home and abroad who are willing to invest in Israel’s solar energy industry.

      Arava Power President Yosef Abramowitz says, “We’re in a huge growth period. In each of the 15 mid-size field locations, we are also planning to build a large-size field, adding another 500 megawatts to Arava Power's pipeline. Together with our partners from Siemens, we are weighing additional proposals from investors.”
      schrieb am 22.02.10 10:40:15
      Beitrag Nr. 148 ()
      22. Februar 2010
      Suntech Supplies Panels for Lebanon's Largest Solar Plan
      Dubai, UAE []

      Suntech Power Holdings Co. Ltd. recently supplied solar panels for 19 remote schools in Lebanon working with local partner and Lebanese integrator Asaco General Trade & Contracting. Sponsored and facilitated by the Country Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Demonstration Project for the Recovery of Lebanon (CEDRO), established through the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the combined systems represent the largest solar initiative in Lebanon.

      The new system is not only an excellent solution since it finally solved our electricity issues, but it will serve as a tangible, everlasting example for our students about the good uses of green power."

      -- Joseph Nakleh, Principal, Anna Intermediate Public School

      Because of the locations of the schools in rural villages spread across the Bekaa Valley and Northern Lebanon, grid power can be intermittent and unreliable. In the past, teachers and administrators at these 19 schools have persevered through the blackouts.

      Now they will be able to rely on the sun to provide classroom and library lighting as well as reliable access to a computer or fax/copy machine. Asaco designed custom systems using Suntech solar modules for each of the 19 schools, with power outputs ranging from 1.2kWp to 1.8kWp.

      "For more than 20 years, and ever since the war, electrical power failure in the public grid has been a chronic problem for us," explained Joseph Nakleh, principal of the Anna Intermediate Public School. "We experienced blackouts on average for six to twelve hours each day. As a public school, we didn't have the budget to fund an alternative power source, so over time we adapted to the frequent grid power failures. Unfortunately, this was affecting the quality of educational services that we strive to provide our students. The new system is not only an excellent solution since it finally solved our electricity issues, but it will serve as a tangible, everlasting example for our students about the good uses of green power."
      schrieb am 08.03.10 06:38:07
      Beitrag Nr. 149 ()
      March 4, 2010

      Memmingen, Germany: Phaesun Wins Burkina Faso Telecommunications Bid

      Along with its partner Ikratos Africa, based in Burkina Faso’s capital Ouagadougou, Phaesun GmbH from Memmingen, Germany, is constructing ten solar power plants in Koudougou Region in Burkina Faso, to be finished at the end of March. The solar modules will produce electricity for telecommunications plants.

      The contracting party is the telecommunications company Telecel, which has been able to cover 75 % of the network with diesel-powered telecommunications plants so far. This project is Phaesun’s first in the landlocked West-African country, which counts among the poorest in the world.

      “Thanks to every solar plant, Telecel saves more than 30,000 euros, as compared to the diesel-driven plants, and around 184 tonnes of carbon dioxide annually”, explains Phaesun employer Amar Chikha, who is helping build the plant.

      The high acquisition costs will have already paid for themselves after two to three years, since maintenance and diesel supply are time-consuming and expensive due to long transportation distances. The solar plants are, in contrast, equipped with a remote monitoring system and are nearly maintenance free.

      Each system consists of 108 monocrystalline solar modules from ET Solar, batteries from Hoppecke and charge controllers, which were developed especially for telecommunication systems and are particularly suitable for hot regions. Each system has a total output of 9.18 kilowatts. The first one went on line on 16 February, this year. During the five-day installation, Phaesun trained around 30 engineers, technicians and installers from Telecel and Ikratos on location.

      “For large projects we always install the first plant ourselves according to our quality standards and then give our know-how to our partners on location”, says Chikha.

      Sixty further solar plants have already been planned, as Telecel plans to increase the network coverage to 100 percent as well as to replace all of the previously installed diesel generators with solar plants.
      schrieb am 30.03.10 00:04:27
      Beitrag Nr. 150 ()

      Project Focus: Morocco secures agreements for $9billion solar plans
      29 March 2010 | By Emma Hughes | News > Power Generation

      Morocco has now reportedly secured agreements with the World Bank, the European Commission and Germany in connection with its large-scale US$9 billion solar project, which is expected to produce 38% of the country's power by the year 2020.

      The project consists of five power generation sites that will produce 2000MW of electricity, with a combined surface area of 10,000 hectares, in Ouarzazate, Ain Bni Mathar, Foum Al Oued, Boujdour and Sebkhat Tah.

      "This is a bold but realistic project. We will guarantee all the technical and financial resources to make it succeed," said the country's energy minister, Amina Benkhadra. The minister also stressed that foreign energy operators would be involved in the project.

      The first station, which the country is mobilizing multiple financing sources and partners, from private and public sectors, as well as from the international community is expected to become operational by 2015 Morocco.

      Ali Fassi Fihri, the chairman of Morocco's power utility ONE said, "The project would add in terms of power generation the equivalent of the current electricity consumption of the country's commercial capital Casablanca."

      Morocco's finance minister Salaheddine Mezouar said, "The project sends a very clear message in the current situation, which is dominated by the need to face up to the challenges of climate change. Morocco is determined to protect the environment in all its future projects."

      The Desertec Initiative, the coalition of 13 energy and technology companies, has held talks with Morocco over the possibility of constructing Desertec's first renewable energy project in the location.

      Morocco's government announced the first step of this project back in January.
      schrieb am 30.03.10 00:05:44
      Beitrag Nr. 151 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 39.241.615 von R-BgO am 30.03.10 00:04:27Morocco Goes Solar - $9 billion Green energy project by 2020 PDF Print E-mail
      By David Morgan
      Morocco is planning to use the latest solar energy technology to build a large solar energy project. Estimated at a cost of $9 billion, the project is expected to produce 38% of the country’s power by the year 2020.

      Moroccan officials stress that the country possesses a number of clear advantages that should ensure that the project's ambitious goals are achieved, including 5 kWh per square metre per day of solar radiation and 3,000 hours of sunshine per year.

      The benefits of tapping sunlight for power are multiple: not only will turning to this “green” form of energy enable the country to reduce its dependence on foreign supplies of energy for its essential needs, but it will also assist in preserving the environment and help foster economic development and diversification.

      The project consists of five power generation sites to produce 2000 MW of electricity, with a combined surface area of 10,000 hectares, in Ouarzazate, Ain Bni Mathar, Foum Al Oued, Boujdour and Sebkhat Tah.

      "This is a bold but realistic project. We will guarantee all the technical and financial resources to make it succeed," the country’s Energy Minister Amina Benkhadra said when the project was officially launched at a high-level ceremony in Morocco last November.

      The minister stressed that foreign energy operators would be involved in the project.

      "We look for the most sophisticated technology available in the world to use for this project."

      The first station is expected to become operational by 2015. For the project, Morocco is mobilising multiple financing sources and partners, from private and public sectors, as well as from the international community.

      Ali Fassi Fihri, the Chairman of ONE, Morocco's power utility, said the project would make the country a pioneer in renewable energy generation. "The project would add in terms of power generation the equivalent of the current electricity consumption of the country's commercial capital Casablanca," Fihri added.

      “This project will help Morocco reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 3.7 million tonnes of CO2. This will help us play our role in mitigation of climate change," stressed Said Mouline, the director of Morocco’s Centre for Renewable Energy Development.

      "Clean energy projects such as this will create many new jobs in the areas selected for the solar plants as well as boost the country's scientific expertise in the field of solar energy," Mouline added.

      Morocco is the only North African country with no oil production of its own and eager to develop renewable energy sources to cut its oil and gas imports.

      Among potential partners, Morocco has already secured agreement with the World Bank, the European Commission, and Germany. During a visit to Berlin in January, the Chief Executive of the Moroccan Agency for Solar Energy Mustapha Bakkoury held talks with officials from Germany’s development bank KfW about investing in the pioneering project.

      At the same time, European firms, both private and public, are considering hundreds of billions worth of solar energy projects in North Africa, including Morocco - with a transmission network linked to Europe under the Mediterranean - to supply electricity to Europe, as part of the EU commitment to reduce GHG.

      The Desertec Initiative, a coalition of 13 energy and technology companies, has held talks with Morocco over the possibility of constructing Desertec’s first renewable energy project in the country.

      The Desertec Initiative was launched in 2009 with the intention of bringing together firms with experience in power generation, to build a series of concentrated solar power (CSP), photovoltaic (PV) and wind projects in the Middle East and North Africa region.

      Morocco is joined by many other Arab countries, for example Algeria, Qatar, Tunisia and Saudi Arabia, in launching ambitious solar energy generation plans. Several countries have shown great interest in similar projects or have announced their intention to build solar plants soon.

      Furthermore, many countries in the region, such as Jordan, Syria and Tunisia, are encouraging domestic solar heating systems, providing loans and incentives. Some Arab countries are also now investing in the manufacture of solar panels.

      Morocco already has several renewable energy projects in operation. For example, a windmill farm near the northern city of Tangiers produces 140MW of electricity and another near Tarfaya on the southwestern coast of the country is scheduled begin working in 2011 to produce 300MW.

      Solar panels are also now bringing electricity to some of the country’s more remote rural areas where many traditionally built houses have never had access to electricity before. This is largely because they are located too far away from utility poles of the National Electricity Company in Morocco. It was previously seen as unprofitable to connect the remote areas to the power network. However, the electricity company has started to install solar panels in these country homes.

      Adopting solar energy and investing in attempts to develop other renewable options brings with it additional benefits in that it helps enhance a country’s image as environmentally friendly.

      As Morocco’s Finance Minister Salaheddine Mezouar has said, "The project sends a very clear message in the current situation, which is dominated by the need to face up to the challenges of climate change." The minister added that "Morocco is determined to protect the environment in all its future projects."

      Global Arab Network

      Sources: MEED, Magharebia, Sustainable Energy bulletin
      The report will appear in the latest issue of Arab-British Business, the fortnightly bulletin of the Arab-British Chamber of Commerce.
      schrieb am 08.04.10 15:43:34
      Beitrag Nr. 152 ()
      Trina Solar Supplies Modules for PV Power Plant Project in Thailand

      CHANGZHOU, China, April 8, 2010 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ --Trina Solar Limited (NYSE: TSL) ("Trina Solar" or the "Company"), a leading integrated manufacturer of solar photovoltaic (PV) products from the production of ingots, wafers and cells to the assembly of PV modules, today announced that its subsidiary, Changzhou Trina Solar Energy Co., Ltd., has established a strategic partnership with Grenzone Pte Ltd ("Grenzone"), a system integrator, to supply its modules for PV projects in Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand. Initial shipments commenced in March 2010.

      Grenzone has been awarded the contract to design and build a 2.2 MW turnkey PV power plant in the northeast region of Thailand. Trina Solar is expected to supply approximately 9,600 high quality PV modules to Grenzone for the project which is expected to go online in August 2010.

      "We are excited to team up with Grenzone, a well established PV system integrator in Southeast Asia, with a proven track record and wide expertise in renewable energy and energy efficient solutions," said Ku Jun Heong, Director of Sales and Marketing (Asia Pacific) at Trina Solar. "This strategic relationship will further enhance Trina Solar's brand recognition in Asia as well as promoting the Company's high quality solar products in emerging growth markets like Singapore and Thailand."

      "We are pleased to work with leading industry partners like Trina Solar to deliver renewable energy solutions to our valued partners to meet with increasing demand in this region," said Teo Kian Lip, Operation & Project Director. "This is in line with Grenzone's focus on optimizing the life-cycle solution costs and total system performance using Trina Solar's best in class modules."

      About Trina Solar Limited

      Trina Solar Limited (NYSE: TSL), through its wholly-owned subsidiary Changzhou Trina Solar Energy Co. Ltd., is a well recognized manufacturer of high quality modules and has a long history as a solar PV pioneer since its foundation in 1997 as a system installation company. Trina Solar is one of the few PV manufacturers that have developed a vertically integrated business model from the production of monocrystalline and multicrystalline silicon ingots, wafers and cells to the assembly of high quality modules. Trina Solar's products provide reliable and environmentally-friendly electric power for a growing variety of end-user applications worldwide. For further information, please visit Trina Solar's website at .

      About Grenzone Pte Ltd

      Grenzone is an innovative technological company that designs and manufactures clean energy and energy efficient products in view of the global effort in improving the environment through sustainable development energy efficiency. Since its inception in 2002, Grenzone has been providing holistic clean energy solutions to enable users to achieve their energy and environmental requirements. We offer turnkey solutions in solar power system ranging from system consultancy, design, integration, servicing and training to our valued partners for home, commercial, industrial and rural electrification. We have strong presence in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia. For further information, please visit Grenzone's website at .
      schrieb am 13.04.10 08:38:00
      Beitrag Nr. 153 ()
      Syria and Turkey establish joint company to produce solar energy equipment

      Posted by Debasish Choudhury on 12 April 2010 at 12:28

      Syria and Turkey agreed on Sunday to establish a joint company to produce solar and renewable energies equipments with $ 4 millions capital.

      "The joint company , between The General Organization for Engineering Industries (GOEI) and Turkish Barak Company, will recruit 100 specialist workers and produce nearly 24.000 solar energy sets annually," GOEI Director General Naser al-Sheikh told reporters after a meeting for the company's foundation board.

      He added that studies of the economic feasibility of the project underlined its importance in saving electric energy consumption and investing in renewable energies, among them solar energy which is highly available in Syria.

      The new company will be built in the Metallic Constructions & Mechanical Industries Company (MCMIC) near Damascus. 45 % of the company's capital will be for for the MCMIC and 55 for the Turkish Barak company.

      Earlier, the Syrian-Turkish Industrial Committee agreed to establish a number of joint industrial projects in various industrial fields.

      Turkish Trade and Industry Minister Nihat Ergun said the volume of Turkish investments in Syria reached $ 700 millions, adding that both sides have the desire to hit $ 2 billions during the coming years.

      Source: SANA.
      schrieb am 16.04.10 07:04:20
      Beitrag Nr. 154 ()
      Egypt in talks with Masdar on solar power plan
      by Joanne BladdThis email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it on Thursday, 15 April 2010

      The Egyptian government is in talks with Abu Dhabi state-owned clean energy firm Masdar to help fund a solar power plant along the eastern Red Sea coast, an official has revealed.

      The North African state is courting Masdar and three unnamed European companies in a bid to secure funding and technical expertise for the $1bn plant, the Egyptian minister of investment told Arabian Business.

      “We have been in discussions with Masdar and three potential companies to provide know-how from Europe. Masdar would be providing some of the funding and technical collaboration,” said minister Mahmoud Mohieldin, on the sidelines of the third Comesa Investment Forum in Sharm El Sheikh.

      Related: Burj Khalifa harnesses the sun's power
      Related: Saudi eyes solar powered desalination plant
      Story continues below ↓

      The state plans to contribute a portion of the funding and will also tap local banks for capital, he said.

      “We will be contributing as well to the project, through some of the local financial institutions, including some long-term finance houses. It will be a joint venture,” he said.

      He did not specify the planned capacity of the plant.

      Neighbouring Morocco has revealed plans for a giant $9bn solar energy project, spread across five power sites. Bidding to construct the first 500MW plant began in February.

      “Hopefully the project will be very similar to the project already finalised in Morocco. In the solar atlas, that area close to the Red Sea… is one of the best spots in the world for that,” said Mohieldin.

      In February, Masdar inked a deal with Egypt to build a 200MW wind farm near Suez, as part of Egypt’s plan to generate 20 percent of its energy needs from renewable sources by 2020.

      It already has two wind farms operating in the eastern part of the country, in the towns of Zafarana and Hurghada.
      Abu Dhabi’s Masdar has pledged to invest $15bn in clean energy projects.

      In 2008, the fund unveiled plans to ringfence $2bn for investment in solar technology.
      schrieb am 27.05.10 09:42:14
      Beitrag Nr. 155 ()
      ADB lends €53 million for Thai solar power plant


      The Asian Development Bank's (ADB) has approved an investment in a 73-MW photovoltaic power plant in central Thailand. The plant, likely to be one of the largest solar photovoltaic projects in the world, will be central to Thailand's efforts to generate much more of its energy from domestic, renewable sources.

      ADB will lend up to €53 million equivalent in Thai baht to Natural Energy Development Company, a Thai company jointly owned by CLP Holdings Ltd., Japan's Mitsubishi Corp., and the Electricity Generating Public Company Ltd., Thailand's first independent power producer, to build the plant. The loan will come from ADB's ordinary capital resources, and the plant will be located in Lopburi province in central Thailand.

      Thailand is already a large energy consumer and demand is rising. If unchecked, the rapid growth in energy consumption will increase the economy's carbon intensity. Energy consumption is currently responsible for over half of the country's greenhouse gas emissions.

      Currently, around 90% of Thailand's power comes from natural gas, coal, and lignite. In an effort to diversify the country's energy mix and promote renewable energy, the government has prepared an Alternative Energy Development Plan that aims to generate 20.4% of primary commercial energy from renewable sources by 2022. This implies a sharp increase in renewable capacity to 5,608 megawatts from the current 1,750 megawatts.

      "Solar energy is an abundant resource throughout Thailand and therefore has huge potential to fill the rising demand from Thai businesses, communities and households," said Joe Yamagata, Deputy Director General in ADB's Private Sector Operations Department.

      "This private sector undertaking should demonstrate clearly to other investors the viability of investing in solar projects if the right financing structure including carbon credits is in place," he said.

      The Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand, the country's largest electricity generator and sole distributor, has committed to buy all of the net 55 MW generated electricity from the plant. Natural Energy Development Company is also working with ADB to prefinance certified emission reductions under ADB's Carbon Market Initiative.

      "Long-term financing - beyond the 10-year tariff subsidy period - greatly improves the financial viability of renewable energy projects, such as solar and wind, because they have high upfront investment costs and intermittent revenue generation," said Daniel Wiedmer, Investment Specialist in ADB's Private Sector Operations Department.

      In addition to the loan, ADB will provide a €1.5 million grant from its Clean Energy Financing Partnership Facility to cover any contingency costs arising from the use of highly complex, innovative thin-film photovoltaic technology on a large scale. Typically, such technology has only been used in smaller plants.

      Thin-film photovoltaic technology uses thin film semiconductors, which are cheaper to produce than other types of photovoltaic cells. Thin films also work better in countries such as Thailand that have higher average temperatures but where clouds create diffuse rather than concentrated light.

      ADB, based in Manila, is dedicated to reducing poverty in the Asia and Pacific region through inclusive economic growth, environmentally sustainable growth, and regional integration. Established in 1966, it is owned by 67 members – 48 from the region. In 2009, it approved a total of $16.1 billion in financing operations through loans, grants, guarantees, a trade finance facilitation program, equity investments, and technical assistance projects. ADB also mobilized cofinancing amounting to $3.2 billion.
      schrieb am 27.05.10 10:31:51
      Beitrag Nr. 156 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 39.590.630 von R-BgO am 27.05.10 09:42:14In Thailand sind in den letzten Monaten eine Reihe von Solarparks genehmigt wurden, nachdem die Anträge dafür dort lange Zeit in den Aktenordnern verstaubten. In dem Solartron - Thread sind dazu Infos dokumentiert.…
      schrieb am 31.05.10 07:01:41
      Beitrag Nr. 157 ()
      May 24, 2010

      Johor Baharu, Malaysia: STX Energy to Establish Cell Manufacturing Plant

      Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, on Saturday witnessed the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding concerning the Senai High Technology Park (SHTP).

      The first MoU was between STX Energy from South Korea and SHTP for the setting up of a RM1.5 billion solar cell module facilities and solar farms generating 100 megawatts of electricity in the park. According to the statement issued after the signing here, the MoU with SHTP represented the initial step towards achieving this goal.

      "The facilities set up at Senai High Tech Park shall also serve its solar power business expansion in the region beyond Malaysia," it said.

      The ceremony to exchange letters of MoU between STX and SHTP was held at the Senai International Airport's Aeromall and also witnessed by Senai Airport Terminal Services' chief executive officer Datuk Sidik Shaik Othman.

      STX said "it sees great potential in developing its solar power business in Malaysia due to its geographical advantages and the strong support from Malaysian government in promoting renewable energy such as solar power".

      STX Corporation is one of the leading industrial groups in South Korea with a total revenue of US$21 billion in 2009. It operates a global business network in more than 70 locations worldwide and is the 12th largest private business group listed on the Korean Stock Exchange with total assets of over US$26 billion.
      schrieb am 03.06.10 13:33:16
      Beitrag Nr. 158 ()
      Photovoltaic panel manufacturing facility launched in Romania
      Alexandra Popovic - 03.06.2010
      Renovatio Group announced on Wednesday, the launch of the largest and the most technologically advanced photovoltaic panel manufacturing facility in Eastern Europe.

      Renovatio Solar: the largest fully automated PV panel manufacturing facility in Eastern Europe, with an investment is 10 million Euros. The factory has a total capacity of 50 MWp and it will produce 250.000 panels per year.

      The manufacturing facility covers a total area of 3000 sqm and it is located in Satu-Mare, Romania. Renovatio Group chose Romania for its manufacturing operations due to the highly skilled local work force and the logistic facilities in the area.

      The factory comprises a storage and supply facility, a production facility and a Research and Development facility, which supports the company's constant preoccupation for product improvement and efficiency. The project has been executed within 18 months.

      Renovatio Solar comes in at the right moment. It is the link that was missing in our vertically integrated Group of companies. Development and generation of clean energy, trading and PV panel manufacturing complete the Renovatio business approach in the renewable energy field, explains Andre Fraga, Head of International Development for Renovatio Group.

      Renovatio Solar will produce 9 types of high performance mono and polycrystalline photovoltaic panels with various nominal power values, ranging from 225 Wp to 250 Wp. The products will be marketed in the European Union, primarily in Italy, Portugal, Bulgaria, Poland and Romania, where Renovatio Group has a well-established presence and activities in the renewable energy field.

      What we are determined to do is to go beyond the simple manufacturer status and to support the Renovatio Solar product offer with a specialized service offer. Apart from manufacturing and retail, we come in with EPC services, turnkey solutions and after sales support. We cover both areas, domestic or residential solar energy projects (panel installation, operation and maintenance), as well as solar parks (EPC services, operation and maintenance), adds Andre Fraga, Head of International Development for Renovatio Group.

      Renovatio Power Romania is one of the pioneers in clean energy, from renewable sources in Romania and a highly regarded wind park developer, well positioned to become one of the most important wind energy producers in the country.

      Renovatio Power Romania has currently under development, in partnership with EDP Renovaveis, 800 MW in wind energy in Romania, out of which 275 MW are under construction and will be fully operational in 2010. Source; Renovatio
      schrieb am 05.06.10 09:37:41
      Beitrag Nr. 159 ()
      Bangkok Solar Power Co. signs a strategic investment agreement with Prime Sun Power Inc.

      Posted by Debasish Choudhury on 04 June 2010 at 01:43

      Prime Sun Power Inc., announced today that it has entered into a Strategic Investment Agreement with Bangkok Solar Power Co., Ltd. (BSP), a leading manufacturer of PV solar modules and engineering, procurement, construction, and installation (“EPCI”) contractor to acquire up to 6,639,063 shares of PSP Common Stock at price of €7.73 per share. All shares issued to BSP will be subject to a lock-up period until December 31, 2013.

      The purchase price has been valued based on PSP’s current business plan and project pipeline, the projected growth of PSP in the PV industry as a utility-scale project developer, and PSP’s ability to assist BSP to access a substantial share of the European solar market.

      PSP and BSP have agreed to work together in a strategic alliance whereby BSP shall be appointed as the General Contractor to perform the EPCI contract for PSP solar power plants for at least 50 Mega Watts Peak per annum until 2013. BSP will purchase the PSP shares in increments of €400,000 upon activation of each megawatt peak of solar power to be covered by the EPCI service agreement. If all of strategic alliance shares are acquired, BSP will own 14.2% of PSP’s issued and outstanding shares of common stock.

      “The partnership with BSP is a very important milestone in the company’s expansion plans and strategy to partner with industry leaders to achieve our business plan goals and maintain sustainable growth,” said Olivier de Vergnies, Chief Executive Officer of PSP.

      “The investment decision is a major forward step in our strategy to expand our company’s activities and increase the company’s market share in Europe,” said Mr. Podduang Don Kongkamee, Chief Operations Officer of BSP.

      For more information; visit,
      schrieb am 13.07.10 16:28:36
      Beitrag Nr. 160 ()
      Philippinen // 300MW

      Solar group expects 300 MW in new projects to materialize
      07/12/2010 | 12:41 PM
      Email the Editor Print Share This
      At least 300 megawatts of solar power projects will materialize in the next three years on the heels of the upcoming feed-in tariff rate, the Philippine Solar Power Alliance said Monday.

      There will be an aggressive installation of solar plants in the country immediately after the government releases the feed-in tariff for renewable energy, the group said.

      “Owing to the high sun irradiation found in a tropical country like the Philippines, the targeted installation throughout the country in the next three years is projected at about 300 MW. This number of solar plants, as well as the presence of the world’s largest solar panel manufacturer in Laguna, will make the Philippines a solar hub in Southeast Asia," Philippine Solar convenor Tetchi Capellan said.

      The declining cost of solar panels, with the introduction of the feed-in tariff in Europe, has pushed the price of solar projects down, the alliance said.

      As soon as the same incentive is offered to solar energy producers in the Philippines, solar power plants will expand from 1MW to 50MW in less than a year, the group said.

      Feed-in tariff is a fixed payment to renewable energy providers as an incentive to reduce the country’s dependence on imported fossil fuel.

      The concept originated from the European Union 10 years ago, and was aggressively used by European Parliament to increase the share of renewable energy to the total energy portfolio of the European electricity market.

      A feed-in tariff system is likewise being introduced in the Philippines under the Renewable Energy Law to encourage private sector participation in the development of solar power.

      Solar energy producers have submitted to the national government a number of representative projects that will serve as basis for calculating the feed-in tariff for solar energy systems.

      Philippine Solar assembled the various stakeholders in the sector to secure an industry-wide production cost estimates for generating and distributing solar power in the country.

      The group is composed of solar panel manufacturers, project developers, off-grid solar energy integrators, utility-scale solar electricity providers, and electricity distributors.

      Ramon Abaya of Cagayan Electric Power and Light Company, which owns and operates the only standing 1MW solar plant in Cagayan de Oro, said that “The installed cost for a utility-scale ground-mounted 30MW solar plant in the Philippines is about P22.56 per kilowatt-hour. The cost becomes a bit more expensive for roof-top mounted, or building-integrated solar power plants."

      Abaya is also a convenor of the alliance.

      Philippine Solar said that the production of solar panels is the fastest rising technology worldwide, growing 48 percent a year, while the cost of putting up a solar power plant had significantly in the last 8 years. —VS, GMANews. TV
      schrieb am 13.07.10 16:36:56
      Beitrag Nr. 161 ()
      Kambodscha // 67,92 Mio USD

      Solar future for Cambodia
      Friday, 09 July 2010 15:03 Jeremy Mullins

      CAMBODIA’S rural electrification fund is planning a bulk purchase of 12,000 solar panel systems next month to help spread green power to rural villagers who are not connected to the national grid, its executive director said.

      The REF – a World Bank-supported public institution aiming to provide electricity to every Cambodian village by 2020 – plans to sell the solar panels to rural households on a monthly payment basis, executive director Loeung Keosela said.

      Foreign and domestic vendors will be invited to submit bids next month to supply the REF with 12,000 sets of solar panels, batteries and wiring, he said, which will then be sold individually to rural Cambodian households.

      “If we procure in bulk sizes, hopefully the cost of individual systems will come down,” he added.

      To obtain the new solar equipment, Loeung Keosela said rural families would be required to make a down payment, as well as monthly payments of around US$3 or $4 depending on the size of the system.

      Many rural households already spend a similar amount per month on batteries or diesel generators, he said.

      The project is funded by the World Bank’s $67.92 million Rural Electrification and Transmission project loan, which is set to expire on January 31, 2012.

      The REF previously experimented with grants directly subsidising the cost of solar panels for households, he said, but the plan had limited success. “Only about 90 systems were sold,” he said.

      Privately owned supplier Solar Energy of Cambodia director Mao Sangat said that private companies are increasingly selling solar power equipment in Cambodia, taking over from nonprofit organisations who began to provide renewable energy about a decade ago.
      “Over the last decade, it seems demand for solar home systems are growing,” he said.

      At the first Asian Solar Energy Forum held in Manila earlier this week, Asian Development Bank (ADB) officials said Asia’s developing nations were in a perfect position to harvest power from the sun, and added that assistance from development institutions was crucial to growing the industry.

      Margaret Ryan, part-owner of the Kingdom’s oldest solar firm, Khmer Solar, said she welcomed nonprofit assistance from development bodies, provided it was well-structured. That firm has already extended $300,000 in credit from its Battambang office for households to purchase solar panels.…
      schrieb am 14.07.10 18:47:15
      Beitrag Nr. 162 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 39.814.107 von cmeise am 13.07.10 16:36:56Thx! ;)
      schrieb am 14.07.10 18:47:48
      Beitrag Nr. 163 ()
      Ägypten // 100MW

      Project Focus: 100MW solar power plant to be installed in Egypt
      13 July 2010 | By Emma Hughes | News > Power Generation

      Egypt's Electricity Ministry has revealed plans to build a 100MW solar power plant, costing a total of US$700 million between 2012 and 2017. Located at Kom Ombo, near the Aswan High Dam hydro-electric plant, the project will be financed by a number of international institutions, including the African Development Fund and the World Bank. Additional finance is also expected to be provided through the UN's Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) carbon offsetting scheme, reports the Guardian.

      The utility-scale project marks the beginning of the country's five-year plan, running from 2012-2017, to establish itself as one of the top generators of solar energy in North Africa. The country's government has set a target of 20% for renewable energy generation by 2010, which it plans to achieve by installing wind and solar power systems. At present, the majority of Egypt's energy is provided by natural gas-fired power stations, with a small percentage coming from large scale hydroelectric plants on the Nile delta.
      schrieb am 14.07.10 18:53:59
      Beitrag Nr. 164 ()
      Thailand // 40 MW

      inzwischen nur noch $2,05/Wp...

      Project Focus: Enfinity selects Thailand for 40MW solar farm
      09 July 2010 | By Emma Hughes | News > Power Generation

      Belgium-based renewable energy company, Enfinity, has chosen Thailand as the first location in Asia under its US$300 million investment program planned for the region this year. The location of the 40MW solar farm, which will cost the company US$82 million, is yet to be confirmed.

      "We are investing in Thailand as the first country in Asia. So far, we have focused on doing business in Europe and the Americas," said Martin Parodi, head of investment of Enfinity Asia Pacific. "We have seen huge opportunity for renewable energies in Thailand where the government aims for renewable sources to provide 20% of energy consumption by 2020," he continued.

      Enfinity will also invest in projects in South Korea and Taiwan this year; construction of the Thailand plant is expected to begin by the end of 2010.
      schrieb am 27.07.10 09:27:56
      Beitrag Nr. 165 ()
      Kaverdische Inseln // 5 MW

      Praia: Primeira pedra para construção do parque Solar Fotovoltaico lançada hoje

      O Primeiro Ministro, José Maria Neves, preside hoje, a cerimónia de lançamento da primeira pedra para a construção do Parque Solar Fotovoltaico da Praia.

      A Central, que será erguida em Palmarejo Grande, terá uma potência instalada de 5 mega wats contribuindo assim com 4% da capacidade de produção de electricidade no país.

      A conclusão das obras está prevista para verão de 2010.
      15-4-2010, 11:18:18
      AR, Expresso das Ilhas
      schrieb am 28.07.10 18:43:47
      Beitrag Nr. 166 ()
      Thailand // 11 MW

      Thai EGCO's unit plans $37 mln second solar power plant
      Wed Jul 28, 2010 5:44am GMT

      BANGKOK July 28 (Reuters) - Thailand's second-largest private power firm, Electricity Generating Pcl (EGCO.BK: Quote), said its affiliated Natural Energy Development Co would send $37 1.2 nillion baht ($37 million) on a second solar power plant.

      The 11-megawatt power plant was an expansion from its previously-announced plan to build a 73-megawatt solar power plant in Lopburi province, one of the world's largest solar energy projects, EGCO President Vinit Tangnoi told reporters.

      The second solar power plant would add more capacity from the renewable source to 84 megawatts, he said on Wednesday.

      Natural Energy is a joint venture between EGCO, Diamond Generating Asia Ltd, a unit of Japan's Mitsubishi Corp (8058.T: Quote), and CLP Thailand Renewables Ltd, a unit of Hong Kong-based CLP Holdings Ltd (0002.HK: Quote) with holding of 33.33 percent each.

      Earlier this month, Vinit said the construction of the $250 million first solar power plant would begin in the third quarter and be completed by November 2012, with the first phase of 8-MW power coming on stream in June 2011.

      EGCO has interests in 14 power plants in Thailand, Laos and the Philippines with a combined capacity of about 4,277 MW, accounting for about 12 percent of Thailand's generating capacity. ($1=32.19 Baht) (Reporting by Pisit Changplayngam; Writing by Khettiya Jittapong; Editing by Jason Szep)
      schrieb am 30.08.10 16:36:39
      Beitrag Nr. 167 ()

      (August 30, 2010) -- Phaesun GmbH is providing households, small business enterprises and public institutions in Mozambique with off-grid solar energy. With an inaugural event on July 23, attended by about 70 visitors, the offgrid specialist started the project on the rural electrification of Mozambique in the parish of Pessene, situated approx. 50 kilometres from Maputo. Phaesun opened the project with the first Pico photovoltaics systems, small offgrid systems with a capacity of up to 10W, installed. From now on, a primary school and two accommodations for teachers will be illuminated by the 15 solar lamps installed.

      The 300.000-Euro-project is going to last for two years. 50% of the investment costs are covered by the Deutsche Investitions-und Entwicklungsgesellschaft. As a first step, Phaesun will establish a sustained trader network for the distribution of the Pico systems together with their project partner Coseba in Mozambique, running training courses for 10 to 15 traders in the province of Sofala in the east of the country. At the same time, Phaesun cooperation partner Sonnenplus GmbH will train 10 to 15 traders in the province of Maputo.

      As a second step, the project partners will then establish solar shops and solar kiosks selling systems and renting out lamps. The partners intend to open the first shops by mid 2011. Peter Adelmann, professor at the University of Ulm/Germany, will hold lectures on photovoltaics for the students of Electrical Engineering at the Eduardo Mondlane University in Maputo to increase the broad effect of the project. He is planning to establish these lectures as a permanent feature at universities in Mozambique.

      Pico systems provide, for African people who had to cope without electricity, the chance to use electric light by virtue of their own efforts and their own funds, says Adelmann, adding that Modern Pico systems are up to ten times below the price of traditional Solar Home systems.

      "Simultaneously with the revolutionary advance of highly efficient LEDs that could be observed last year, a very high energy density with lithium batteries and reduced prices for solar modules, we have succeeded in introducing high-quality and durable Pico installations at very economic prices on the market," Phaesun managing director Tobias Zwirner explains, adding that Sundaya Ulitium Lamp Kits, which are exclusively distributed by Phaesun, are durable hightech products that low-income buyers can afford. Read more about batteries and other balance of system components here.

      Phaesun GmbH, based Memmingen/Germany, sells, services, and installs offgrid photovoltaic and wind power systems.

      schrieb am 30.08.10 18:09:17
      Beitrag Nr. 168 ()

      Sulzemoos ( - Die Phoenix Solar AG hat mit dem deutsch-slowakischen Investorenduo Green Energy Slovakia einen Vertrag über Planung und Realisierung eines Solarparks in der Slowakei mit einer Spitzenleistung von 2,2 Megawatt unterzeichnet. Dies teilte Phoenix Solar am Montag mit. Die Photovoltaikanlage soll rund 80 Kilometer von Bratislava auf zwei benachbarten Ackerflächen errichtet und noch in diesem Jahr ans Netz gehen, heißt es weiter.

      Details über das Investitionsvolumen werde nicht genannt. Die Slowakei soll jedoch über ein attraktives Einspeisegesetz verfügen, das über 15 Jahre die eingespeiste Kilowattstunde Solarstrom mit 42,5 Cent vergütet, so das Unternehmen.
      schrieb am 02.09.10 22:23:20
      Beitrag Nr. 169 ()

      Posted on 09:37 PM, September 01, 2010

      Solar firm eyes 20-MW plant in Zamboanga

      ZAMBOANGA CITY -- Belgium-based Enfinity, which specializes in renewable energy, is set to construct a P3-billion, 20-megawatt (MW) solar power in this city.

      Dennis C. Ibarra, Enfinity representative, who spoke before the 6th Zamboanga Peninsula Business Conference last week, said Enfinity was earmarking $1 billion in investments in the country in five years “with over $300 million already under agreements and submitted service contracts.”

      A commercial-scale solar power plant operating in Cagayan de Oro under the Cagayan Electric Power & Light Co., Inc. has a capacity of only 1 megawatt (MW).

      “We are now about to sign an agreement and within six weeks, after the ERC (Energy Regulatory Commission) finalizes the tariff, we can start engineering,” he said.

      He said the entry of Enfinity into the city came after an invitation from the city government to augment power supply, following the power crisis that struck Mindanao early this year. The city has a peak demand of 80 MW.

      The Zamboanga City Electric Cooperative gets power from the diesel-fed power plant of Western Mindanao Power Corp. and hydropower plants of the National Power Corp.

      Mr. Ibarra said his firm would set up solar panels inside the Zamboanga Special Economic Zone. “The 10-MW to 20-MW [facility] will be applied for with the ERC and the [Department of Energy] under the Renewable Energy Law, for tariff subsidy and investment incentives,” he said.

      Installation of 10 MW of capacity will take six months, he said.

      Enfinity, Mr. Ibarra said, had signed commitments to develop 120 MW of solar facilities in Luzon, the Visayas and Mindanao.

      The company is aiming to set up a total of 500 MW of solar and wind power facilities in the country in five years, he added. “We have six major sites in Pampanga and Cavite,” he said.

      Technology to be used will come from Belgium and Germany. -- Darwin T. Wee
      schrieb am 06.10.10 10:39:34
      Beitrag Nr. 170 ()

      Cape Verde, 1 October 2010
      This is the first of two parks contracted with the Government of Cape Verde The park can be expanded in 2.5 more MW PV Modules were produced by Martifer Solar at its plant in Oliveira de Frades, Portugal
      Martifer Solar, owned by Martifer SGPS, SA, and the Ministry of Economy, Growth and Competitiveness of Cape Verde (MECC) has inaugurated today the first of two solar parks contracted in January. The Prime Minister of Cape Verde, Dr. José Maria das Neves, presided the inauguration ceremony.
      Installed on fixed structures, this park, located in Ilha do Sal, is a turnkey project entirely developed by Martifer Solar and it uses PV panels produced in its plant in Oliveira de Frades, Portugal.
      The installation occupies an area of 9.75 hectares and has 2.5 MW peak power, with the possibility of a 2.5 MW expansion capacity until 2014. This park, so far is the biggest PV Central in the African continent.
      The second park, which will be inaugurated in November, is located in Ilha de Santiago and will have 5MW peak power capacity.
      The two parks will ensure the production of four per cent of the total electricity produced in the archipelago and will avoid the emission of 13 thousand tons of CO2 per year.
      schrieb am 20.10.10 15:18:37
      Beitrag Nr. 171 ()

      Solar power plant put into operation in Crimea

      KYIV, October 12 /UKRINFORM/. A 2.5-megawatt solar power plant with 11,060 crystalline solar panels has been put into operation in Ukraine, the press service of Active Solar, the company that built the power plant, has reported.

      The company has designed a project and constructed the power plant near the village of Rodnykove near Simferopol (Crimea, southern Ukraine).

      The power plant was linked to the country's energy grid and has guaranteed sales, according to the Ukrainian law on green tariffs.

      "The power plant will produce 3,228 megawatt hours of clean energy per year and reduce annual carbon dioxide emissions by 2,615 tons. The electricity generated by the solar power plant is enough to meet the energy demand of about 1,400 families," the press service said.

      In the coming months, the company is planning to complete the construction of an additional 5-megawatt solar power plant on the adjacent territory. The total number of installed solar panels will grow to 30,700 on a total area of 15 hectares.

      Active Solar is an international group of companies engaged in the development and production of solar technologies. The main areas of its activity are the production of silicon products and the development of large-scale photovoltaic solar parks.
      schrieb am 26.10.10 14:53:43
      Beitrag Nr. 172 ()
      Saudi Arabien

      October 25, 2010 11:58 AM Eastern Daylight Time
      SolFocus and Vision Electro Mechanical Company to Build the Largest Solar Power Plant of its Kind in Saudi Arabia

      Project is milestone for the commercialization of concentrator photovoltaic (CPV) technology in the Middle East

      BAHRA, Saudi Arabia & MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--SolFocus, the leading developer of Concentrator Photovoltaic (CPV) solar systems, today announced that Vision Electro Mechanical Company, a subsidiary of Construction Products Holding Company (CPC), will build the first commercial solar power plant in Saudi Arabia using CPV systems. These SolFocus CPV systems combine high-efficiency solar cells with advanced optics to provide scalable, reliable solutions capable of delivering low-cost renewable power. The project, located in the Bahra region, will deliver around 300MWh of clean energy per year and is the first in a series of Saudi power stations planned by Vision.

      “It is a testament to SolFocus that its technology was selected by project developers with such deep expertise in energy generation innovation”

      “The high sun conditions of the Middle East provide an ideal environment for reaping large-scale, low-cost solar energy from CPV systems,” said Mark Crowley, chief executive officer, SolFocus. “Together with our partners at Vision, SolFocus will bring the world’s most efficient and resource-friendly solar technology to Saudi Arabia, providing energy diversification for the country.”

      Vision will market and install the SolFocus solar power systems, starting with this plant in CPC’s Bahra industrial complex. Vision will install other solar power stations in Saudi Arabia, as well as in the research centers of King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST).

      “We accomplished this partnership in line with Saudi’s efforts to promote investment in renewable energy projects and serve power projects in the Gulf and the wider Arabian region,” said Hassan Chahine, general manager, Vision. “This is a breakthrough in Saudi Arabia’s thrust for energy diversification. We believe the Bahra plant will serve as a model for the further research and study of clean water and power solutions that diversify the region’s energy mix.”

      “It is a testament to SolFocus that its technology was selected by project developers with such deep expertise in energy generation innovation,” added Crowley. “We view SolFocus CPV as a critical component of the bold clean energy goals set forth by leaders in the Middle East, such as CPC/Vision in Saudi Arabia and the developers of Masdar City in Abu Dhabi.”

      The news is the latest in a string of groundbreaking developments for SolFocus; earlier this month it was the first CPV company to announce a power warranty backed by Munich Re; in May it announced completion of the largest CPV installation in North America; and in 2009 it was the first CPV firm to secure International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) certification for performance and safety.
      schrieb am 29.11.10 11:52:53
      Beitrag Nr. 173 ()

      November 17, 2010

      Madrid, Spain: Isofoton Awarded Rwandan Solar Tender

      Isofoton has made the winning bid for a solar systems project in Rwanda. Financed by the European Union to a total of .5.8 million, this has been the most significant allocation of EDF funds in 2010 for this type of project.

      Isofoton has also been present in a significant form in the north and the west. Isofoton will undertake the supply, installation and maintenance of photovoltaic solar systems for 300 schools in Rwanda, improving teaching conditions and access to education for around 50,000 Rwandan schoolchildren.

      This project is consistent with the international expansion strategy of the Affirma�-Toptec consortium.

      Isofoton's new owners acquired the company from the Berge Group last June, providing financial resources to a total of Euro 50 million to strengthen its financial position, the company being free of debt since last March. The Affirma-Toptec consortium also brings with it a new business plan, with the opening of new markets such as those in Asia and the United States.
      schrieb am 29.11.10 20:18:19
      Beitrag Nr. 174 ()

      Brazilian 200 MW solar PV project proposed

      19 November 2010
      OSolar has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the City of Taubaté, Brazil, for solar photovoltaic (PV) projects.

      Under the terms of the agreement, OSolar will conduct feasibility studies for the solar PV projects, arrange project financing, and provide solar PV power plants with a total capacity of 200 MW.

      The City has pledged to secure land for the projects and nominate OSolar for the City’s - and furthermore South America’s - very first utility-scale solar PV project development and realisation.

      Roberto Pereira Peixoto, Mayor of the City of Taubaté, says: “The fruit for collaboration with OSolar will identify and promote PV industry in the City of Taubaté and by extension, it would become a historical case study across the nation”.
      schrieb am 01.12.10 08:25:38
      Beitrag Nr. 175 ()

      Solaria Brazil to build country’s biggest on-grid solar energy plant

      Solaria Brazil is to build a 3 MW on-grid solar energy plant, the biggest of its kind in the country, in the southeastern state of Minas Geráis, company sources said.

      The project, which is a joint venture with the Brazilian electricity giant Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais (CEMIG), will begin in the first quarter of 2011 and will feature Solaria’s new generation solar modules, considered to be the deciding factor in winning the contract. Solaria will also provide the engineering, supply and construction for the project.

      The Brazilian on-grid solar energy plant is part of Solaria’s international expansion strategy which has also paved the way for the opening of offices in Italy , France, Greece and Germany as well as projects in these countries and in the Czech Republic.
      schrieb am 14.12.10 15:24:49
      Beitrag Nr. 176 ()

      SDN Building $200 Million, 45-Megawatt Solar Park in Bulgaria
      December 13, 2010, 10:55 AM EST

      By Elizabeth Konstantinova

      Dec. 13 (Bloomberg) -- SDN Co., a South Korean producer of power generators, solar modules and marine propellers, is building a 150-million-euro ($200-million), 45-megawatt solar park in central Bulgaria.

      The company started construction in August and has already invested 20 million euros in the park near the city of Veliko Turnovo, the Bulgarian government said in an e-mailed statement today. It gave no further details.
      schrieb am 20.12.10 11:15:34
      Beitrag Nr. 177 ()

      First Philec Solar Corporation (FPSC), a provider of wafering or wafer slicing services in the country, officially opened today its new expansion facility worth P230-million, at its manufacturing plant in First Philippine Industrial Park (FPIP), Sto. Tomas, Batangas.

      The 12,700-square-meter facility will house 60 wire saws, increasing FPSC's capacity by 150 million wafers annually or about 400 MW. The new investment will increase the workforce from 450 to 1090 by the end of the year. FPSC is looking to start construction of Building 3 by Q1 2011, two years ahead of schedule. This will house another 60 wire saws.

      "As the company continues to outstrip expectations, the increased capacity will allow FPSC to respond to the requirements of its expanding list of customers. No doubt, FPSC will help provide a viable alternative for the country's energy needs," said FPSC CEO/President Dan C. Lachica.

      Lachica added that: "what we have today is a three-in-one event-the inauguration of our expansion buildings 2 and 3 and the unveiling of our solar panel test facility."

      The third building will house the Research & Development (R&D) activities, PV sector headquarters, and activities to nurture employees' wellness in body, mind, and spirit, for current and future expansions.

      In addition, FPSC unveiled its new solar panel test facility-a 75 KW photovoltaic system at the rooftop of Building 2, as initial stage of a 200 KW PV Systems Installation project by Lopez Group sister companies, First Philec Solar Corporation (FPSC) and First Philec Solar Solutions (FPSS).

      The project will serve as a test bed for different modules and inverters to validate empirical performance versus what the suppliers guarantee. This can provide a more realistic estimate of power generated by new system installation to help system designers and PV system users. FPSC Vice President (VP) for Technology RJ Sinocruz shared that the project is expected to generate 7.5-GW-HR in the next 25 years and will make a substantial environmental impact, considering the savings that the company can make-an equivalent amount of energy approximately 2.8 million liters of gasoline or 164,000 trees saved. In the succeeding months, a 20-KW PV System on the carports of FPSC will also be installed.

      Two-year-old FPSC is the first and only large-scale silicon wafer slicing company in the Philippines. A member of the Lopez Group of Companies, its mission is to "energize the future and make life better for all generations. The company is a joint venture between First Philippine Electric Corp (First Philec) and SunPower Philippines Manufacuring Ltd.
      schrieb am 10.01.11 10:29:50
      Beitrag Nr. 178 ()

      Sky Solar to build 3MW solar plant in Sobral, Brazil

      Sobral, Brazil
      Construction work on the 3MW plant is penciled in for some time in 2011

      Sky Solar has signed an agreement with the Brazilian city of Sobral to build a 3MW PV plant. Construction work on the project is scheduled to start some time in 2011.

      The government of Sobral, which is situated in the state of Ceará, has set aside seven-and-a-half hectares for the R$30 million (US$18 million) development. The new plant will also take advantage of Ceará’s newly-created FIES solar power initiative, which was established last year to help support Brazil’s feed-in tariff.

      Neither party has revealed further details of the agreement, but, judging by previous solar projects in the region, Sky Solar are likely to receive between R$500 (US$296) and R$600 (US$356) per MWh of electricity produced.
      schrieb am 10.04.11 12:56:10
      Beitrag Nr. 179 ()
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