
    Urals Energy - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 17.03.06 11:26:09 von
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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 17.03.06 11:26:09
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      Habe zu dieser Aktie noch keinen Thread gefunden, darum eröffne ich hiermit einen.

      KGVe: 0,26


      Urals Energy schwache Tage nutzen

      Die Experten vom "Emerging Markets Investor" raten, die Aktie von Urals Energy (/ WKN A0F5HS) an schwachen Tagen zu kaufen. Nachdem der Titel zwei Wochen lang in Deutschland wegen Problemen bei der Deutschen Clearing AG nicht habe gehandelt werden können, könnten sich Anleger, die dabeigeblieben seien, über schnelle 50% Gewinn freuen. Denn die Experten hätten den Wert im Januar bei Kursen um 4 Euro zum Kauf empfohlen und nun notiere das Papier um 6 Euro. Händler in London würden von einer starken Nachfrage nach dem Titel sprechen, der im Hinblick auf die starke Hausse russischer Aktien als unterbewertet und vernachlässigt gelte. Zudem hätten die Experten gehört, dass die Geschäftsführung von Urals Energy in London gewesen sei, um sich im Rahmen einer Road Show mit potenziellen Großinvestoren zu treffen. Anleger sollen von der Urals Energy-Aktie kein Stück aus der Hand geben und schwache Tage zum Einstieg bzw. für Zukäufe nutzen, raten die Experten von "Emerging Markets Investor".

      Quelle: Emerging Markets Investor (28.02.06)
      schrieb am 17.03.06 14:01:30
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      hast du echt Röhren?
      schrieb am 17.03.06 14:03:01
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      weisst du was die machen?

      Kürzel USA?
      schrieb am 17.03.06 17:38:39
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      Röhren :confused:

      Hier mal alles, was ich so in letzter Zeit gefunden habe:

      two potential oil-bearing formations

      LONDON (AFX) - Urals Energy Public Co Ltd said drilling on the East Okruzhnoye No. 1 exploration well on Sakhalin Island indicated two potential oil-bearing formations and that testing on these is expected to take several weeks.

      The well is operated by its subsidiary ZAO Petrosakh.

      "We have made good progress with our first exploration well offshore Sakhalin Island ...however, we need to test the well in order to ascertain its commerciality," said chief executive William Thomas.

      "Certain data indicates the reservoir(s) may be tight due to low permeability, but this can only be determined by further testing the identified intervals," the AIM-listed company said.

      Urals Energy also announced that its board approved capital expenditure of 40 mln usd for 2006

      It also raised its year-end production target to about 12,000 barrels of oil per day and said it is looking towards total output of 14,000 bopd by the end of 2007. This exceeds the IPO production estimate of 10,500 bopd by 12 months.


      13:40 Urals Energy intends to invest $40mln.


      The 2006-capital investments of Urals Energy in the volume of $40mln was confirmed at the BOD sitting, the company informed.

      The major portion of the funds will be invested in the development of the oil fields in TImano Pechora and Sakhalin regions.

      The first prospecting well was drilled up to 2.848th m in depth. But the geological structure can impede the attempts to gush out the


      "AK&M", 02.03.2006 11:09


      LONDON (AFX) - Urals Energy Public Co Ltd said drilling on the East Okruzhnoye No. 1 exploration well on Sakhalin Island indicated two potential oil-bearing formations and that testing on these is expected to take several weeks.

      The well is operated by its subsidiary ZAO Petrosakh.

      "We have made good progress with our first exploration well offshore Sakhalin Island ...however, we need to test the well in order to ascertain its commerciality," said chief executive William Thomas.

      "Certain data indicates the reservoir(s) may be tight due to low permeability, but this can only be determined by further testing the identified intervals," the AIM-listed company said.

      Urals Energy also announced that its board approved capital expenditure of 40 mln usd for 2006

      It also raised its year-end production target to about 12,000 barrels of oil per day and said it is looking towards total output of 14,000 bopd by the end of 2007. This exceeds the IPO production estimate of 10,500 bopd by 12 months. jc
      schrieb am 20.03.06 12:37:07
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      Marktkapitalisierung 480 Mio € (bei 5,55 €)
      Börse Heimatbörse London: Größere Order nach Möglichkeit hier platzieren;
      am Börsenplatz Berlin-Bremen streng limitieren
      Kaufkurs (17.02.2006) 5,25 €, umgerechneter Schlusskurs der Börse London (360 GBp)

      Aspekte der Anlageentscheidung

      Urals Energy ist für den Emerging Markets Investor Top-Play unter den russischen Werten.

      Die russische Börse haussiert derzeit so stark wie kein anderer Aktienmarkt der Welt und markiert ein Allzeithoch nach dem anderen.

      Urals Energy ist ein vergleichsweise unentdeckter Ölwert mit großem Nachholbedarf.

      Die Gesellschaft ist in London domiziliert und wird an der dortigen Börse seit August letzten Jahres gehandelt.

      Seither hat Urals Energy die Produktionszahlen mehrfach nach oben gesetzt. Das Unternehmen wächst enorm dynamisch und kauft aggressiv weitere Assets hinzu.

      Diese Käufe werden teilweise durch Gelder von den Direktoren finanziert, die einen großen Anteil an dem Unternehmen halten und den Unternehmenswert in den nächsten zwei Jahren verdoppeln wollen.

      Bei den Direktoren handelt es sich um ein extrem erfolgreiches und erfahrenes Team aus westlichen und russischen Experten mit guten Verbindungen zur russischen Politik (einer der Direktoren ist der Schwiegersohn des ehemaligen Präsidenten Boris Jelzin).

      Morgan Stanley hat gestern erst den Wert zum Kauf empfohlen, der Titel steigt seit zwei Tagen unter Millionenumsätzen zweistellig an.

      Der Emerging Markets Investor hält dies für den Beginn einer Neubewertung und stuft die Aktie als „strong speculative buy“ ein.

      Quelle ist die Sendung 3sat Börse

      Trading Spotlight

      East Africa Metals
      0,1250EUR +7,76 %
      East Africa Metals: Neues All-Time-High – die 276% Chance jetzt nutzen?!mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 21.03.06 11:00:50
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      :eek::eek::eek: +19,2% :eek::eek::eek:

      Weiß einer, warum?
      schrieb am 22.03.06 13:56:50
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      Mist, das war aber nur im XETRA...:cry:

      Warum wurde mir denn dann in meinem Depot der XETRA-Kurs angezeigt, obwohl ich in Berlin gekauft habe...:confused:

      Naja, aber die Richtung stimmt...:look:
      schrieb am 27.03.06 13:02:51
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      Ist zwar einiges zu lesen - aber was solls (von nichts kommt nichts):



      Petrosakh was founded in 1991 as a Russian-U.S. joint venture to develop the Okruzhnoye field on the Eastern coast of Sakhalin Island. In 1993 and subsequently in 1997, Petrosakh was licensed to produce oil from the Okruzhnoye field for a period of 20 years.

      In 1993, a 50% interest in Petrosakh was acquired by Nimir Petroleum Petrosakh Limited (‘‘Nimir’’), a subsidiary of Nimir Petroleum Group. Nimir accelerated the development of the field by drilling four new producing wells and recompleting 12 wells as producers. Nimir also constructed a 4,100 BOPD refinery, oil processing facilities, a marine export terminal and a 240-man work camp. By 1999, Nimir had invested approximately $150 million in the development of the Okruzhnoye field and production peaked at a rate of approximately 4,900 BOPD. Since that time, production gradually declined due to the lack of any substantial additional capital investment.

      In or about 2000, Nimir Petroleum Group sold its ownership interest in Nimir to an affiliate of the Alfa Group, Moscow. From 2001 to 2002, Petrosakh drilled an additional three producing wells. In 2001, Petrosakh was licensed for the geological study of the Pogranichnoye Block, which lies directly offshore and parallel to the existing Okruzhnoye field. In the summer of 2002, Petrosakh acquired a 480 square kilometre 3D seismic programme covering the central portion of the Pogranichnoye Block. In 2004, Petrosakh acquired an additional 65 square kilometres of 3D seismic in two programmes covering the Northern and Southern areas of the near-coastline transition zone. The Administration of Sakhalin Oblast currently controls a 2.84% minority ownership interest in Petrosakh which is held by its wholly-owned subsidiary, Sakhalin Oil Company.

      The Company acquired full control of Alfa’s 97.16% ownership interest in Petrosakh on 19 November 2004. As part of the agreement to acquire Petrosakh, the Company agreed to pay to the seller, Alfa, a perpetual royalty payment for any commercial quantities of oil produced and landed from the currently non-producing offshore areas covered by the license for the Pogranichnoye Block equal to $0.25 per tonne ($0.03 per barrel).


      ZAO Arcticneft is a Russian closed stock private company founded in 1998 by OAO Arkhangelskgeoldobycha (51%) and OAO LUKOIL-Arktik-Tanker (49%) for the purpose of developing and operating the Peschanoozerskoye field on Kolguyev Island in the Barents Sea. The field was originally discovered in the early 1980s by Arkhangeloskoye Production Geological Amalgamation, a predecessor of OAO Arkhangelskgeoldobycha, and production began in 1985.

      Following a re-organization of LUKOIL-controlled subsidiaries in 1999, the Company was licensed for the production of hydrocarbons from the field. The term of the license is until the later of the depletion of the field or 2067. In December 2004 the ownership interest of OAO LUKOIL-Arktik-Tanker was transferred to OOO LUKOIL-Kaliningradmorneft.

      On 11 July 2005 the Company acquired 100% of the stock of Arctineft from OAO Arkhangelskgeoldobycha and OOO LUKOIL-Kaliningradmorneft.

      Chepetskoye NGDU

      ZAO Chepetskoye NGDU was created in 1993 as a stand-alone production company for the purpose of developing several discovered fields in the Northwestern area of the Urdmurtia Republic. Development activities began for these three fields in 2000. On 4 October 2004, the Company acquired a 100% interest in Chepetskoye from one of its principal shareholders.

      Nefedovskoye Field

      The Nefedovskoye field consists of two unfaulted structural and stratigraphic closures. The reservoirs range in age from the Middle Carboniferous (V-1) reservoir down through the Baskhkirian Stage (A4) reservoir. There are eight separate reservoirs that produce from 1,080 to 1,121 metres subsea. All reservoirs are carbonates. Early production began in 1999 from existing exploration wells and the drilling of eight new development wells began in 2000. For the six months ended 30 June 2005, the field produced at an average rate of 292 BOPD from 11 producing wells. Since January 2005, three wells have been re-perforated and three new development wells drilled, producing at a sustained rate of between 100 to 150 BOPD and cost an average of approximately $400,000. The field’s daily production has increased to approximately 550 BOPD as of 30 June 2005.

      Zotovskoye Field

      The Zotovskoye field is an unfaulted, V-shaped structure that has an areal extent of approximately nine square kilometres. It was discovered in 1971 and production began in 1999. Since 2001, 14 new development wells have been drilled. The field produces from two primary reservoirs, both of which are carbonates—the Vereisky and Bashkirian (Middle Carboniferous). For the six months ended 30 June 2005, the field produced at an average rate of 520 BOPD from 13 producing wells. The Company does not have any plans for further development drilling at this time.

      Potapovskoye Field

      The Potapovskoye field is an unfaulted four-way closure that is almost entirely undeveloped with an areal extent of approximately 19 square kilometres. The field was discovered in 1972 and is defined by seven exploration wells. Only one well is currently producing, and for the six months ended 30 June 2005, produced at an average rate of 33 BOPD. The oil-bearing reservoirs include the Middle Carboniferous (V-2 and V-3a) and Bashkirian (A4 to A4-3) and are mapped from 1,085 to 1,128 metres subsea. The Potapovskoye field has significant undeveloped potential and the Company estimates that a development drilling programme could increase Potapovskoye field production to a peak rate of approximately 3,000 BOPD by 2010.

      For the six months ended June 2005, Chepetskoye’s average daily oil production was 846 BOPD. Oil quality produced is a sweet crude with a gravity of approximately 29 API. Because Chepetskoye sells its oil into the Transneft system, all sales volumes are effectively considered as Urals Blend or approximately 32.8 API. Chepetskoye sells its oil into three primary markets as directed by the Company’s marketing coordinator in Moscow: domestic Russian refineries (Moscow and Ryazan refineries), near-abroad countries (Belarus and Ukraine) and export destinations (far-abroad) such as Germany and the Black Sea. For 2004, approximately 55% was sold domestically, 10% to near-abroad destinations, and 35% to export markets.


      OOO CNPSEI was formed in 1990 and is headquartered in Ukhta, Komi Republic, approximately 750 kilometers northeast of Moscow. Its two subsoil licenses were re-issued in 2002 for the Yuzhno-Tebukskoye and the Sosnovskoye fields.

      Yzhno-Tebukskoye Field

      The Yuzhno-Tebukskoye field is approximately 100 kilometres east of the city of Ukhta and lies in the Southern part of the Timan Pechora Basin. The field is a four-way anticlinal closure that produces from three carbonate reservoirs, which are Devonian-age and produce from a depth of 984 metres to 1,211 metres. The field was discovered in 1977 and has a total of nine producing wells. All wells are on artificial lift. The Company believes the field to be fully developed and is working to improve production and recovery factors by optimising the placement and stroke rate of downhole pumping units and maximizing water injection rates. For the six months ended 30 June 2005, the field produced an average rate of approximately 600 BOPD.

      Sosnovsky Field

      The Sosnovsky field is approximately 20 kilometres east of the Yuznho-Tebukskoye field and lies in the Southern part of the Timan Pechora Basin. The field is a stratigraphic deposit that produces from three Devonian-age sandstone reservoirs, with three producing intervals ranging in depth from 1,547 metres to 1,600 metres. The field was discovered in 1982 and has a total of nine producing wells. All wells are on artificial lift. Five of the wells are owned by OAO Tebukneft, a subsidiary of LUKOIL, and are leased to CNPSEI. The Company enjoys a good relationship with the management of Tebukneft and believes that the leases will remain in force for the life of the production from such wells. For the six months ended 30 June 2005, the field produced at an average rate of approximately 415 BOPD. The Company believes the field to be developed fully and is working to improve production and recovery factors by optimising the placement and stroke rate of downhole pumping units, and maximizing water injection rates. The Company’s goal through such methods is to maximise current oil production rates and to increase the overall recovery factor, thereby increasing the value of the field.

      Urals Energy acquired control over 100% of the stock of CNPSEI in October 2004. Management of the Company has substantial operational experience in the Komi Republic and is confident that further opportunities to expand in the region will become available to compliment its operations at CNPSEI.

      For the six months ended June 2005, CNPSEI’s average daily oil production was 1,015 BOPD. Oil produced is a sweet crude with a gravity of approximately 35 API. Because CNPSEI sells its oil into the Transneft system, all sales volumes are effectively considered as Urals Blend or approximately 32.8 API.

      CNPSEI sells its oil into three primary markets: domestic Russian refineries (Moscow and Ryazan refineries), near-abroad countries (Belarus and Ukraine) and export destinations (far-abroad) such as Germany and the Black Sea. For 2004, approximately 55% was sold domestically, approximately 10% to near-abroad destinations, and approximately 35% to export markets. The Company controls the marketing of oil from CNPSEI as part of its overall oil marketing programme from the central office in Moscow in order to achieve the highest available price.

      Urals Nord

      Urals Nord is a Russian limited liability company that holds geological study licenses to five blocks in the Northern part of the Timan Pechora Basin: Alfinsky, Nadezhdinsky, Zapadno-Sorokinsky, Fakelny and Beluginsky. The Company acquired 100% of OOO Urals Nord via two separate acquisitions of 50% in March and April 2005.

      All of Urals Nord’s licenses are in the oil rich Timan Pechora Basin. One of the licenses, West Sorokin, is located directly adjacent to the A. Titova field with ABC1 reserves of over 400 million barrels of oil according to the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources. The Company is currently processing and evaluating seismic surveys to determine its future exploration programme.

      The prospective formations in all blocks are Devonian-aged carbonate reef structures. Depths of targeted horizons range from 2,100 metres to 4,800 metres. A significant amount of 2D seismic data is available over all blocks.

      In 2004, the Company re-processed and re-interpretated a total of 490 kilometres of existing 2D seismic over the Alfinsky block. Based upon the re-mapping of the structure a quantitative risk analysis and resource potential calculation is being conducted. The Company currently plans to secure and mobilise a drilling rig to commence a well during the 2005/2006 winter drilling season. The Company conducted the necessary field work during the 2005 winter access season in order to be positioned to apply for the proper permits during the summer.

      During February 2005, 198 kilometres of new 2D seismic was acquired over the Nadezhdinsky block. Structure maps are expected to be completed in early summer which will be used to carry out a risk assessment with the view to drilling an exploration well in 2006.
      schrieb am 27.03.06 17:22:55
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      Gibt es auch auf deutsch ?
      schrieb am 27.03.06 17:33:16
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 20.881.448 von busty82 am 21.03.06 11:00:50Aufgrund der Pusherei hier natürlich :D
      schrieb am 28.03.06 12:27:19
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 20.962.565 von oilrig am 27.03.06 17:33:16:laugh::yawn::kiss:
      schrieb am 29.03.06 12:27:48
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      Urals Energy intends to invest $40mln.

      The 2006-capital investments of Urals Energy in the volume of $40mln was confirmed at the BOD sitting, the company informed.

      The major portion of the funds will be invested in the development of the oil fields in TImano Pechora and Sakhalin regions.

      The first prospecting well was drilled up to 2.848th m in depth. But the geological structure can impede the attempts to gush out the


      "AK&M", 02.03.2006 11:09
      schrieb am 29.03.06 12:28:22
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      LONDON (AFX) - Urals Energy Public Co Ltd said drilling on the East Okruzhnoye No. 1 exploration well on Sakhalin Island indicated two potential oil-bearing formations and that testing on these is expected to take several weeks.
      The well is operated by its subsidiary ZAO Petrosakh.
      "We have made good progress with our first exploration well offshore Sakhalin Island ...however, we need to test the well in order to ascertain its commerciality," said chief executive William Thomas.
      "Certain data indicates the reservoir(s) may be tight due to low permeability, but this can only be determined by further testing the identified intervals," the AIM-listed company said.
      Urals Energy also announced that its board approved capital expenditure of 40 mln usd for 2006
      It also raised its year-end production target to about 12,000 barrels of oil per day and said it is looking towards total output of 14,000 bopd by the end of 2007. This exceeds the IPO production estimate of 10,500 bopd by 12 months. jc
      schrieb am 11.04.06 12:20:53
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      18:52 Deutsche Bank Investment Fund as Urals Energy minority.


      The Central Europe & Russia Fund (CERF) being under the Deutsche Bank management acquired 0.8075% in Urals Energy, as it was informed.

      On Jan 31, 2006, CERF had 700th stocks of the Urals Energy appraised to worth $3.204mln.

      The Urals Energy Group was set up 1990s start on the basis of Tebukneft, Ukhtaneft and RKM Oil having 1.5mln ton of the crude in the

      In 2003 these assets were sold to LUKOIL for 4.2bn rub.

      "AK&M", 03.04.2006 17:33
      schrieb am 12.04.06 12:10:06
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      Dyachenko Holds Urals Energy Stake
      Leonid Dyachenko, the former son-in-law of Boris Yeltsin, Russia's first president, owns a 12 percent stake in Urals Energy.
      Dyachenko is also a director and president of the company, according to a statement on the web site of the London Stock Exchange.

      Dyachenko, who divorced Yeltsin's youngest daughter Tatiana in 2001, is the third-biggest shareholder of Urals Energy and will own 7.5 percent of the company after the share sale.
      Board chairman Vyacheslav Rovneyko is the largest owner with a 36 percent stake, which will fall to 22 percent after the sale. Director Gueorgui Ramzaitsev's stake will drop to 20 percent from 32.5 percent.
      The company, based in Nicosia, Cyprus, owns assets on Sakhalin Island, in Timan Pechora and in the Republic of Udmurtia. It is seeking funds to continue exploration in those regions as well as to buy more assets.
      schrieb am 19.04.06 12:14:55
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      US$148 Million Acquisition of Major Eastern Siberian Oil & Gas Development License

      Urals Energy Public Company Limited
      US$148 Million Acquisition of Major Eastern Siberian Oil & Gas Development License
      and Associated Facilities

      Urals Energy (“Urals Energy”or “the Group or the Company”), a leading independent exploration and production company with operations in Russia which was admitted to trading on AIM in August 2005, announces the $148 million acquisition of the significant Dulisminskoye oil, condensate and gas field together with the LTK transportation and treating facilities, both located in southern East Siberia near the giant Kovykta and Verkhnechoskoye fields. The East Siberia Pacific Ocean pipeline planned by Transneft is expected to pass through the region.

      The Dulisminskoye Field (“The Field”)
      The Field is in the early stages of development producing 1,000 bopd

      According to preliminary estimates by DeGolyer and MacNaughton the Field contains approximately 109 million barrels of proved and probable oil reserves, approximately 87 million barrels of possible oil and condensate reserves and 1.9 trillion cubic feet of possible gas reserves
      Impact of Acquisition
      Projected to increase Urals Energy total Group reserves to 225 million barrels of proved and probable reserves and 369 million barrels and 2 trillion cubic feet of proved, possible and probable reserves

      Planned programme of infield development drilling and construction of additional processing and transportation facilities projected to increase Field production from 1,000 bopd to approximately 12,000 bopd by end of 2008 and approximately 30,000 bopd by end of 2011
      Consideration and Funding
      $148 million cash consideration with initial $50 million payment – consideration and forward capex to be funded through combination of debt and new equity

      $50 million initial payment provided by Morgan Stanley as pre-payment for shares to be allotted
      Provides Urals Energy with an attractive entry into Eastern Siberia, one of the most important undeveloped petroleum provinces in Russia on attractive terms per 2P and 3P barrel in a new region

      Significantly increases Urals proved, possible and probable reserves and provides important future increases in production and cashflow

      William R. Thomas, Chief Executive Officer, commented:
      “This is a significant acquisition for the Group giving us a material producing field strategically located close to the proposed East Siberian pipeline and in a region with substantial additional hydrocarbon potential. The successful integration and development of recent acquisitions has enabled us to meet our production targets twelve months ahead of schedule. We are confident this acquisition will also accelerate our growth ahead of plan.”

      18 April 2006

      Pelham PR
      James Henderson/ Gavin Davis – 020 7743 6673

      US$148 Million Acquisition of Major Eastern Siberian Oil & Gas Development License
      and Associated Facilities
      Urals Energy today announces that it has signed a definitive sale and purchase agreement (the “Agreement”) to acquire the entire issued share capital of OOO Dulisma (“Dulisma”) and OOO Lenskaya Transportnaya Kompaniya (“LTK”) for an aggregate purchase price of $148 million payable in cash.

      The Acquisition
      Pursuant to the Agreement, Urals Energy will acquire the significant Dulisminskoye oil, condensate and gas field (the “Field”) together with the LTK transportation and treating facilities, all situated in the Irkutsk region of Eastern Siberia. The Irkutsk region is located in southern East Siberia approximately 1,100 km from the border between Russia and China. The region holds significant discovered oil and gas deposits, including the giant Kovykta and Verkhnechoskoye fields, and the East Siberia Pacific Ocean pipeline (“ESPO”) planned by Transneft is expected to pass through the region.

      Urals Energy will pay a total of $148 million for the acquisition, with an initial $50 million payment. Of the $148 million payable, $133 million is a cash payment to acquire the equity and $15m payable to acquire outstanding promissory notes. The balance of the consideration is payable on closing and is subject to approval by the Russian Federal Antimonopoly Service and other customary conditions precedent. Urals Energy has assumed operational and financial control of Dulisma and LTK with immediate effect. Closing of the transaction is expected in June 2006.

      Dulisma owns the license for a large oil, condensate and gas field in the early stages of development located in the Irkutsk region of the Russian Federation. The Field is delineated by 47 exploration and appraisal wells drilled during the late 1980’s. The Russian State Committee on Reserves has attributed recoverable reserves (categories ABC1-2) of approximately 180 million barrels of oil and condensate and 2.2 trillion cubic ft of gas to the field.

      According to a preliminary 12 April 2006 estimate by the Company’s independent engineering consultants, DeGolyer and MacNaughton (“D&M”), the Field contains approximately 109 million barrels of proved and probable oil reserves, approximately 87 million barrels of possible oil and condensate reserves and 1.9 trillion cubic feet of possible gas reserves as at 31 March 2006. These are preliminary estimates and subject to confirmation prior to publication of D&M’s definitive reserve report expected in early May.

      On completion of the acquisition and following confirmation by D&M of its preliminary reserve estimate for the Field, the Group will have increased its proved and probable reserves to 225 million barrels and proved, possible and probable reserves to 369 million barrels with an additional 2 trillion cubic feet of gas.

      The Field is currently producing 1,000 bopd from five wells and transported through a third party pipeline system. On completion of the acquisition, Urals Energy intends to increase production as quickly and efficiently as possible through infield development drilling and construction of additional processing and transportation facilities. This will include the construction by LTK of an early phase 12,000 bopd capacity pipeline from the Field to the centralised oil depot at Ust-Kut. LTK owns the pipeline right of way and has received the necessary regulatory permits to build and operate the early phase pipeline which is expected to be operational by early 2007. Based on the Group’s work to date, Urals Energy anticipates that production from the Field will increase to approximately 12,000 bopd by the end of 2008.

      The Group also currently anticipates that the Field has the potential to increase its production to approximately 30,000 bopd by the end of 2011. This second phase of the development programme will include the construction of a permanent pipeline to either the river port and railway terminal at Ust-Kut or to a planned pump station on the ESPO pipeline.

      The Field is strategically located North West of Lake Baikal, along the planned route of the ESPO oil pipeline which is expected to connect East Siberian oilfields to the Pacific Coast in order to supply demand for oil in Asian markets. Transneft has announced it expects to commission the first phase of the ESPO in 2008. The Field, together with the Verkhnechonskoye Field operated by TNK-BP and the Talakan Field operated by Surgutneftegas, will potentially be key suppliers of crude oil to the ESPO. With estimated possible reserves of approximately 1.9 trillion cubic feet of gas, the Field also has the potential to supply Gazprom for its proposed gas pipeline to Asian markets.

      Financing of the Acquisition
      The Group intends to finance the acquisition through a combination of debt and equity capital, with new equity expected to be the principal funding source. Such funding will cover the acquisition, additional capital investment required to develop the acquired assets and the Company’s other working capital needs.

      The Company has entered into an agreement with Morgan Stanley & Co. International Limited (“Morgan Stanley”) covering the provision of US$50 million for the initial payment relating to the acquisition. The advance by Morgan Stanley to the Company (the “Advance”) is structured as a pre-payment for shares to be allotted to Morgan Stanley (or as it may direct). The number of shares to be allotted to Morgan Stanley are to be sufficient to discharge the Advance and certain associated costs and fees.

      In the event that the Advance and associated costs and fees have not been recouped by 30 September 2006, the Group will be required to allot at least sufficient shares to Morgan Stanley, at a discount to the then prevailing market price, in order to allow it to recover the amount of the Advance (plus payment in kind accruals, costs and fees that accrue after 30 June 2006), with any proceeds realised by Morgan Stanley over and above such recovery to be returned to the Company.

      The Group intends to convene an EGM in the near term to obtain shareholder approvals for the allotment of shares on a non-pre-emptive basis for purposes noted above and to approve the issue of shares to Morgan Stanley in respect of the Advance. In this regard, the Group and Morgan Stanley have received irrevocable undertakings to vote in favour of the necessary resolutions to support the Morgan Stanley arrangement from existing shareholders holding a majority of the Company’s issued share capital. The requisite shareholder resolutions require a simple majority to be passed.

      Rationale and Strategy
      The Acquisition fits Urals Energy’s acquisition criteria of acquiring producing and non-producing assets in complementary areas of Russia and the CIS with development and exploration potential. The Acquisition gives Urals Energy an attractive entry into Eastern Siberia, one of the most important undeveloped petroleum provinces in Russia. This acquisition is expected to significantly increase Urals Energy’s proved and probable reserves and provide important future increases in production and cash flow. The Group believes the transaction represents a compelling opportunity to acquire producing and non-producing assets on attractive terms per 2P and 3P barrel in a new region. Recent proposals by Russian government working groups have focused on Eastern Siberia as a priority for tax relief to boost development of the region’s oil industry.

      The acquisition of Dulisma and LTK will be Urals Energy’s fourth acquisition transaction within the last twelve months. The successful integration and development of the ZAO Arcticneft, OOO Dinyu and OOO Urals Nord acquisitions has enabled Urals Energy to meet its production target for 2007 twelve months earlier than anticipated at the time of the Group’s IPO. Production is currently 9,000 bopd and prior to the announcement of this acquisition was forecast to rise to at least 14,000 bopd by the end of 2007. The Group will provide a revised production target following completion of the D&M report for the Field.

      More detailed information will be provided as soon as practical but in no event later than the closing of the acquisition. This will include information about the profitability of the acquired assets, prepared in accordance with the Company’s accounting standards.

      Background to Urals Energy
      Urals Energy is an independent exploration and production (E&P) company with its principal assets and operations in Sakhalin Island, Timan Pechora (including areas in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Komi Republic) and the Republic of Udmurtia, Russia. The Company was admitted to trading on AIM in August 2005.

      The Group is focused on the integration of its five recently acquired subsidiaries and the exploitation of their assets. In addition, it is actively seeking to continue to grow and diversify its reserve and production portfolio through exploration activities and the acquisition of additional E&P companies or assets by taking advantage of the ongoing rationalisation of E&P assets in Russia.

      The Group’s six E&P subsidiaries have Proved and Probable reserves of 116 million barrels of oil equivalent (MMBOE) and produced approximately 6,237 barrels of oil per day (BOPD) during the second six months of 2005.

      The Group’s two largest subsidiaries by reserves and production, Petrosakh and Arcticneft, own and operate refining assets with a total refining capacity of 5,300 BOPD, which provide the Group with the ability to maximise the value of the oil produced by choosing between the sale of oil or of refined products depending on market conditions, tax considerations and other factors.
      schrieb am 20.04.06 12:56:11
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()
      Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 December 2005

      Urals Energy Public Company Limited
      Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 December 2005

      Urals Energy Public Company Limited (LSE: UEN), the international oil and gas exploration and production company which was admitted to the Alternative Investment Market of the London Stock exchange in August 2005, raising US$131 million, today announces its preliminary results for the year ended 31 December 2005.

      In a separate announcement today, the Company announced the signing of a definitive Sales Purchase Agreement for the $148 million acquisition of the significant Dulisminskoye oil, condensate and gas field together with the LTK transportation and treating facilities, all located in the Irkutsk region of Eastern Siberia, close to Transneft’s proposed East Siberian Pipeline. The Dulisminskoye Field is currently producing 1,000 bopd and Urals Energy intends to move rapidly to increase production from this field through infield development to approximately 12,000 bopd by the end of 2008 and approximately 30,000 bopd by 2011.

      Operating Highlights
      Completion and integration of ZAO Arcticneft, OOO Dinyu and OOO Urals Nord acquisitions

      Near fivefold increase in average annual production from 1,146 to 5,263 bopd

      Current production increased to 9,000 bopd

      2P reserves rose 31% to 116 million barrels (2004: 89.6 million barrels)

      107% reserve replacement at a cost of $2.50 per barrel due to successful development drilling
      Financial and Corporate Highlights
      Admission to AIM and $131 million equity raising in August 2005

      Turnover increased to $92.9 million (2004: $8.2 million)

      Operating profit of $11.3 million (2004: loss of $3.7 million)

      Post tax profit of $7.1 million (2004: loss of $3.6 million)

      Adjusted EBITDA of $16.9 million
      $40 million capex plan (excluding Dulisma acquisition) across 20 new development wells and 2 high impact exploration wells

      Production (excluding Dulisma acquisition) targeted to increase by 33% to approximately 12,000 bopd by end 2006

      Integration and development of Dulisma acquisition projected to add incremental 12,000 bopd to group production by end 2008

      Continued focus on acquiring under exploited assets in Russia and the FSU
      William R. Thomas, Chief Executive Officer, commented:
      “2005 was a landmark year which saw Urals Energy establishing a solid production and operational base in Russia which has delivered strong financial results.

      The outlook for 2006 is excellent with an intense development and exploration programme planned which will further increase production.

      Today’s announcement of the proposed acquisition of the Dulisma Field is an important development for Urals giving us significant oil and gas reserves at an attractive price and strategically located near the proposed East Siberia pipeline.”

      18 April 2006
      schrieb am 20.04.06 12:57:29
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 21.253.226 von Mr.Arbogast am 20.04.06 12:56:11…
      schrieb am 05.05.06 12:05:32
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      Na jetzt gehts ja gut aufwärts!

      Hat jemand etwas gehört warum?
      schrieb am 05.05.06 12:27:24
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 21.442.862 von schneebaer63 am 05.05.06 12:05:32
      Werden bestimmt bald wissen warum.

      Erst wird die Arbeit ordentlich gemacht und dann die Info veröffentlicht...und einige wissen ja bekanntlich immer mehr als andere.:yawn:

      Es geht weiter aufwärts.:lick:
      schrieb am 05.05.06 12:35:40
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()
      Ja, so mag ich das :)
      schrieb am 05.05.06 14:14:05
      Beitrag Nr. 22 ()
      Wer suchet, der findet :look:

      Announcement of Independent Project Report for Dulisminskoye Oil, Condensate and Gas Field

      Urals Energy Public Company Limited
      Announcement of Independent Project Report for Dulisminskoye Oil, Condensate and Gas Field

      As previously announced on 18 April 2006, Urals Energy Public Company Limited (“Urals Energy” or “the Group”) has signed a definitive Sales and Purchase Agreement for the $148 million acquisition of the Dulisminskoye field together with the LTK transportation and treating facilities, all located in the Irkutsk region of Eastern Siberia. The acquisition is expected to close in June 2006.

      Urals Energy announces today that the report for the recently acquired Dulisminskoye oil, condensate and gas field prepared by DeGolyer and MacNaughton (“D&M”), the Group’s independent reservoir engineers, is now available to download via the Group’s website:

      The conclusions of the comprehensive report are consistent with D&M’s preliminary estimates as released by the Group at the time of the announcement: net 2P (proved plus probable) reserve additions of 109.4 million barrels of oil and condensate and net 3P (proved, probable and possible) reserve additions of 196.3 million barrels of oil and condensate and 1.7 trillion cubic feet of gas. Oil production is projected to peak in 2011 when the field is expected to produce at an average annual rate of approximately 29,000 BOPD. The report conclusions are summarized as follows:

      (Oil and Condensate expressed in thousands of barrels; Sales Gas expressed in millions of cubic feet)

      The report also incorporates the Group's projected phase one and phase two development and capital expenditure plans, which total approximately $395 million over 14 years, including the full cost of a stand-alone $115 million, 30,000 BOPD pipeline to connect to Transneft’s planned East Siberian Pacific Ocean pipeline. The report shows a maximum investment cash-out amount of approximately $50 million over the first four years, at which point the project is projected to turn cash flow positive. The projected PV10 of the investment over the 25 year life of the forecast equals $410 million.

      Further information on the Group’s funding requirements and financing plans relating to the acquisition, as well as further information on Dulisma, will be provided in due course.
      schrieb am 05.05.06 14:16:15
      Beitrag Nr. 23 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 21.444.521 von matthiasch am 05.05.06 14:14:05Die Zahlen wollte er nicht:kiss:

      (Oil and Condensate expressed in thousands of barrels; Sales Gas expressed in millions of cubic feet)
      schrieb am 06.05.06 17:45:19
      Beitrag Nr. 24 ()
      So wie sich die Informationen hier lesen, sind die allgemeinen Angaben zu Umsatz und Gewinn im Moment nicht wirklich plausibel.
      Die Fördermenge wird für Ende 2006 mit 12000 BOPD angegeben => 12000*70Euro/Barrel*365Tage = 306.600.000,00 € / Jahr ohne das neue Ölfeld. (Mit dem neuen Ölfeld ergibt sich ca. die doppelte Menge)
      Sollte das so sein, wieso hat die Aktie nicht bereits viel höhere Werte??!?

      Irgendetwas stimmt da nicht!
      Umsatz wird mit ca. 100Mio€, Gewinn mit ca. 10Mio€ angegeben.
      schrieb am 10.05.06 12:19:32
      Beitrag Nr. 25 ()
      Announcement of Annual General Shareholders Meeting

      Urals Energy Public Company Limited
      Announcement of Annual General Shareholders Meeting

      Urals Energy Public Company Limited (“Urals Energy” or the “Company”) AIM:UEN announces that it will hold its 2006 Annual Shareholders Meeting at 10:00 am on 1 June 2006 in London, England.

      As previously announced on 18 April 2006, Urals Energy has signed a definitive Sales and Purchase Agreement for the $148 million acquisition of the Dulisminskoye field together with the LTK transportation facilities, all located in the Irkutsk region of Eastern Siberia. The acquisition is expected to close in June 2006. As indicated in the 18 April 2006 announcement, in order to finance the transaction, the Company intends to undertake a private placement of new ordinary shares to selected institutional investors to be arranged by Morgan Stanley Securities Limited.

      To conduct the private placement as currently envisaged, Urals Energy is proposing and has recommended approval of certain actions at its Annual General Shareholders Meeting, including seeking approval to increase its authorized share capital and to disapply the pre-emption rights in relation to a specified number of ordinary shares of Urals Energy, including the shares to be issued in the private placement. Further information on the Company’s funding requirements and financing plans relating to the acquisition, as well as further information on the Dulisma/LTK acquisition, will be provided in due course.

      Other resolutions to be considered at the Annual General Meeting include the approval of the annual audited accounts, the election of certain directors and other matters recommended by the Board of Directors.

      A proxy statement describing in detail the resolutions to be voted on at the meeting is being mailed to all shareholders of record as of 8 May 2006 and is now available via the Company’s website:

      This Announcement is not a solicitation or offer to subscribe for shares in Urals Energy and is being made solely for the purpose of announcing the Annual General Meeting and the matters to be brought before the shareholders of Urals Energy
      schrieb am 01.06.06 15:58:48
      Beitrag Nr. 26 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 21.503.311 von Ramses2I am 10.05.06 12:19:3230/05/2006
      Completion of $190 Million Private Placement

      Urals Energy Public Company Limited
      Completion of $190 Million Private Placement

      Further to the announcement made on 16 May 2006, Urals Energy Public Company Limited (“Urals Energy” or the “Company”) (LSE: UEN), a leading independent exploration and production company with operations in Russia, is pleased to announce the successful private placement of a total of 28,262,706 new shares at a price of 360 pence per share (the “Placing Shares”), raising $190 million.

      The proceeds of the placement will be used to fund the balance of the consideration for the pending acquisition of OOO Dulisma and OOO Lenskaya Transportnaya Kompanaiya (“Dulisma”), which is due to complete in June 2006; to discharge the Company’s obligations to Morgan Stanley & Co. International Limited, associated with the financing of the initial $50 million payment for Dulisma; and for funding the Company's capital expenditure program and other working capital needs.

      The Placing Shares will be issued credited as full paid and will rank pari passu in all respects with the Company’s existing shares, including the right to receive all dividends and other distributions declared, made or paid after the date of issue.

      The placement of shares is conditional upon, inter alia, admission of the Placing Shares to trading on the Alternative Investment Market of the London Stock Exchange (“Admission”) and upon an increase of the Company’s authorized share capital to CY£ 625,000 and authorization to disapply pre-emption rights in relation to 57,000,000 shares at the Annual General Meeting of the Company to be held on 1 June 2006. It is expected that Admission will become effective and that dealings in the Placing Shares will commence on 2 June 2006.

      William R. Thomas, Chief Executive Officer, commented:
      "Our ability to achieve an oversubscribed placement in very difficult market conditions is a clear recognition by the market of the Group’s superior performance since our IPO and the transformational nature of the Dulisma acquisition. The continuing support of our core institutional shareholders and the addition of new investors in the placement confirms our strategy of growth through acquisition and the drillbit. The proceeds of the fundraising will allow us to exploit fully the significant potential of the Dulisma field, which will be a key driver of growth for the group going forward."

      Morgan Stanley acted as lead manager in connection with the private placement.

      26 May 2006

      Pelham PR
      James Henderson / Gavin Davis – +44 (0) 20 7743 6673

      This announcement has been issued by and is the sole responsibility of Urals Energy Public Company Limited.

      This announcement is for information purposes only and does not constitute an offer or invitation to acquire or dispose of any securities or investment advice in any jurisdiction. This announcement does not constitute an offer to sell or issue or the solicitation of an offer to buy or acquire any securities in the capital of Urals Energy Public Company Limited in the United States or in any jurisdiction in which such an offer or solicitation is unlawful and should not be relied upon in connection with any decision to acquire the Placing Shares or any other securities in the capital of Urals Energy Public Company Limited. Morgan Stanley Securities Limited (“Morgan Stanley”), which is authorized and regulated by the Financial Services Authority, is acting exclusively for Urals Energy Public Company Limited in connection with the private placement and no-one else and will not be responsible to anyone other than Urals Energy Public Company Limited for providing advice in relation to the private placement or any other matter referred to in this announcement.

      The Placing Shares have not been and will not be registered under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933 as amended (the “Securities Act”) and, subject to certain exceptions, may not be offered or sold in the United States (as such term is defined in Regulation S under the Securities Act). Accordingly, the Placing Shares are being offered and sold only in “offshore transactions” as defined and in accordance with Regulation S under the Securities Act.

      1. Steve Buscher, the Company’s Chief Financial Officer, has indirectly subscribed for 89,000 new shares pursuant to the placement.

      2. In accordance with AIM reporting requirements, Urals Energy announces the proforma profit impact of the acquisition of Dulisma on its financial results for the year ended 31 December 2005.

      The results highlights for Urals Energy announced on 18 April 2006 were as follows:

      Gross revenues increased to $92.9 million (2004: $8.2 million)

      Adjusted EBITDA of $16.9 million

      Operating profit of $11.3 million (2004: loss of $3.7 million)

      Post tax profit of $7.1 million (2004: loss of $3.6 million)
      Based on IFRS accounting standards the pro-forma impact of the Dulisma acquisition on the 2005 year end results would be:

      Increase in gross revenues of $2,749,000

      Decrease in EBITDA of -$1,430,000
      3. In connection with the private placement, Morgan Stanley, as stabilising manager, or any of its agents, may (but will be under no obligation to), to the extent permitted by applicable law, over-allot and effect other transactions with a view to supporting the market price of the shares of the Company at a level higher than that which might otherwise prevail in the open market. Morgan Stanley is not required to enter into such transactions and such transactions may be effected on any stock market, over-the-counter market or otherwise. Such stabilising measures, if commenced, may be discontinued at any time. Save as required by law or regulation, neither Morgan Stanley nor any of its agents intends to disclose the extent of any over-allotments and/or stabilisation transactions under the private placement.

      In connection with the private placement, Morgan Stanley, as stabilising manager, has entered into over-allotment arrangements with the Company, pursuant to which Morgan Stanley, or any of its agents, may subscribe, or procure subscribers for, additional shares of the Company up to a maximum of 10 per cent. of the total number of shares comprised in the private placement at the placing price. The over-allotment arrangements are exercisable in whole or in part, upon notice by Morgan Stanley, at any time during the period commencing on the date of announcement of the placing price and ending on the 30th day after the date of allotment of the shares comprised in the Placement. Any shares made available pursuant to the over-allotment arrangements will rank pari passu with all other ordinary shares of the Company and will form a single class for all purposes with the other ordinary shares.
      schrieb am 10.07.06 12:10:58
      Beitrag Nr. 27 ()
      Award of Deep Exploration Rights at Peschanoozersky Field

      Urals Energy Public Company Limited
      Award of Deep Exploration Rights at Peschanoozersky Field

      AIM traded Urals Energy (“Urals” or “the Company”), a leading independent exploration and production company with operations in Russia, announces its wholly-owned subsidiary, ZAO Arcticneft which operates the Peshanoozersky Field on Kolguyev Island in the Barents Sea, has been awarded by the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources the right to test zones, without any depth limitations, below the existing Lower Triassic horizon in the Peschanoozersky Field.

      The Russian Federal Agency of Subsurface Use has extended the license for the Peschanoorzersky Field to allow the testing of zones below the existing Charkobozhskaya Suite in the Lower Triassic Horizon. The amendment to the license has been made at no cost to the Company.

      Based on the results of a 1986 test well which tested the deeper Permian horizon, Urals Energy expects to develop a new zone with significant hydrocarbon potential. Well No. 29 tested approximately 180 barrels of oil per day when drilled in 1986. Geologic data indicate that the well penetrated the edge of a Permian-age reef structure at 2,743-2,761 meters TVD.

      Urals Energy plans to test the Permian horizon by re-entering Well No. 29, run a Vertical Seismic Survey to confirm the structure, and drill a side-track wellbore. Based on the results of this re-entry, it is expected several new exploratory well locations will be identified and further drilling will commence in 2007.

      Based on the results of the exploratory program, an application for a production license for the Permian horizon will be made and a reserve report by DeGolyer & MacNaughton will be commissioned. According to a 1986 report by the Peschanoorzersky Field’s prior owner, possible or C3 (Russian State reserve category) reserves for the deeper Permian horizon were estimated to be 6 million tons or approximately 48 million barrels.

      Urals Energy already plans to drill four development wells in the Peschanoozersky Field in the second half of 2006.

      William R. Thomas, Chief Executive Officer, commented:
      “The Arcticneft license extension is yet another example of the undeveloped potential of Urals Energy’s asset base. By applying good geo-science to an existing field, we are delivering the potential for significant reserve and production increases with very attractive economics. This also demonstrates the value of a diversified portfolio of producing and exploration assets in Russia”.
      schrieb am 12.08.06 18:23:08
      Beitrag Nr. 28 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 21.455.353 von marcelservice am 06.05.06 17:45:19Deine Frage klärt sich doch eindeutig durch den Jahresbericht 2005.
      Hab den gerade noch einmal ausgekramt...…

      Hier handelt es sich nicht um ein Unternehmen, das über ein ganzes Jahr die Ölfördermenge bei konstanten 9000 bopd gehalten hat, sondern diese in 2006 erreicht hat. Im Jahr 2005 erfolgte eine stetige Steigerung von 1146 bopd über 5263 bobd, aktuell nun 9000 bopd. Ziel für Ende 2006: 12000 bopd.

      Daher wirst du immer nur einen Durchschnittswert erhalten können, somit kommen die Revenues von 92 Mio $ sehr wohl hin.

      Gruß Matthias
      schrieb am 06.09.06 12:23:22
      Beitrag Nr. 29 ()
      Urals Energy Public Company Limited
      Interim Results for period ended 30 June 2006

      Urals Energy Public Company Limited (LSE: UEN), the international oil and gas exploration and production company which was admitted to the Alternative Investment Market of the London Stock Exchange in August 2005 today announces its interim results for the period ended 30 June 2006.

      Highlights – continued delivery on IPO strategy to build a material production base through acquisition, development and exploration.

      Operational Highlights

      Increased average production in the period from 4,250 BOPD to 9,089 BOPD through a combination of acquisition and development drilling
      Current production of 10,100 BOPD achieves IPO production target for YE 2007 (10,500 BOPD).
      Increased 2P reserves to 225 million barrels (1H05: 90 million barrels) up 150%
      10 production wells brought on stream (two at Okruzhnoye, four at Dinyu and four at Potapovskoye)
      5 year extension granted for ongoing exploration at Sakhalin Island
      Permanent license depth extension received by Arcticneft for un-tapped and deeper Permian horizon.
      Acquired mobile drilling rig to begin development drilling at Dulisminskoye in 2007

      Financial Highlights

      Gross revenues $78 million (H105: $27 million) up 189%
      Operating profit of $4.8 million (1H05: $3.4 million) up 42%
      Post tax profit of $3.8 million (H105: Loss of $0.8 million)
      Adjusted EBITDA $16 million (H105: $6 million) up 166%
      Successfully completed an oversubscribed $209 million equity offering in turbulent markets
      Retained cash at period end of $68.7 million

      Corporate Developments

      Successful acquisition of NK Dulisma for $148 million – adding 109 million barrels of 2P reserves and increasing total company 2P reserves to 225 million barrels
      NK Dulisma also adds 1.7 trillion cubic feet of gas plus 87 million barrels of oil and condensate P3 reserves.
      NK Dulisma benefits from both early start-up of East Siberia-Pacific Ocean Pipeline and recent tax holiday for production taxes signed by President Putin which will significantly enhance future cash flows from East Siberian assets
      The company will complete its eighth principal acquisition since IPO when it closes the Voivosh acquisition from LUKoil in September


      On track to achieve stated production targets of approximately 13,000 by year end 2006 and approximately 19,000 by year end 2007
      Focus on fast track production increases, in particular Dulisminskoye – which is expected to produce 3,000 BOPD by year end 2007 and approximately 12,000 BOPD by year end 2008.
      Identification and evaluation of additional acquisition opportunities to further increase existing asset base

      William. R. Thomas, Chief Executive Officer, commented:

      “We continue to make progress on all fronts and meet our IPO stated objectives of building the company through exploration, development and acquisition.

      Our recent acquisition of Dulisma shows the potential, and our ability, to acquire assets at attractive prices that can have an immediate and ongoing material positive impact on the company both operationally and financially. We look forward to the remainder of the year as we continue to increase production and look for complementary acquisitions in this prolific hydrocarbon region.”
      schrieb am 05.10.06 12:50:39
      Beitrag Nr. 30 ()
      Urals Energy Public Company Limited

      Completion of Acquisition of Three Companies from Lukoil


      · Completion of a bolt-on acquisition from LUKoil

      · Principal licence, acquired for US$1.5 million in cash, is credited with approximately 25 million barrels of C1-C2 reserves and is currently in production

      · DeGolyer and MacNaughton to re-evaluate reserves and company to institute production enhancement programme

      · Eighth acquisition

      Urals Energy (“Urals” or the “Company”) (LSE:UEN), a leading independent exploration and production company with operations in Russia and current production of 10,100 bopd, announces the completion of its third principal acquisition since its IPO of three assets, OOO Voivozhneft, OOO Nizhneomrynskaya Neft and OOO Verkhneomrynshaya Neft, from LUKoil, all located in the Komi Republic, west of the Urals mountains.

      The primary producing asset, OOO Nizhnyomrynskaya Neft, is a Russian limited liability company, acquired for US$1.5 million in cash and is located close to the Company’s existing producing properties in the region.

      OOO Nizhnyomrynskaya Neft owns a subsoil licence which has been in production for over 20 years. According to the Russian State reserves body, the licence of this asset is credited with approximately 25 million barrels of C1-C2 reserves. The licence is currently producing approximately 350 bopd. Reserves and production of OOO Voivozhneft and OOO Verkhneomrynskaya Neft are not significant.

      As planned, the Company will now initiate a basic program of workovers to replace pumps and re-start production from several older wells, as well as employ DeGolyer and MacNaughton to re-evaluate the reserves. Based on the Company’s experience, the re-evaluation of the reserves normally results in a lower quantity of reportable recoverable reserves than is recorded by the Russian State reserves body.

      William R. Thomas, Chief Executive Officer, commented:

      “This is another example of our ability to make strategic acquisitions at attractive prices and we continue to make progress in our quest to build Urals Energy into a major independent player in Russia and the CIS. Our strategy of acquiring producing and non-producing assets near existing fields with development and exploration potential will enable the company to continue the fast track growth achieved to date.”

      5 October 2006
      schrieb am 14.11.06 13:06:53
      Beitrag Nr. 31 ()
      Transneft Approval for Access to ESPO Pipeline

      Urals Energy Public Company Limited
      Transneft Approval for Access to ESPO Pipeline

      Urals Energy Public Company Limited (LSE: UEN), the international oil and gas exploration and production company which was admitted to the Alternative Investment Market of the London Stock Exchange in August 2005 today announces the approval by OAO AK Transneft (“Transneft”) for Urals Energy’s Dulisma field to be connected to the East Siberian Pacific Ocean (“ESPO”) pipeline and certain changes in its proposed development plan for the field.

      Key points:

      Approval by Transneft for Dulisma field to be connected to the East Siberian Pacific Ocean pipeline gives Urals Energy permanent export pipeline access for crude oil production.

      Connection to the pipeline provides access to the high volume energy consumers of the Pacific Rim, specifically China.

      Tie in reduces distance of pipeline interconnect from the Dulisma field by 290 kilometres giving estimated capital expenditure savings of $70 million.

      Development already underway at Dulisma with equipment and facilities being readied for transport this winter and procurement of pipe and other facilities for interconnect to begin April 2007.

      Dulisma Field expected to produce at a rate of approximately 12,000 BOPD by end 2008, ahead of pipeline completion, rising to 30,000 BOPD by 2011.
      William R. Thomas, Chief Executive Officer, commented:
      “The approval by Transneft for access by Dulisma to the ESPO pipeline is an important milestone in the successful development of the Dulisma field. Urals Energy appreciates the quick response to our application by Transneft and looks forward to working closely with Transneft during the construction of the ESPO pipeline and the development of the Dulisma field. This is a key development for Urals Energy giving the Group an estimated $70m of cost savings and a permanent export pipeline two years earlier than originally anticipated.”

      14 November 2006

      Urals Energy is pleased to announce that it has received approval by Transneft to accept the oil produced by Urals Energy’s Dulisma field at Pump Station #8 located near the town of Kirensk and approximately 80 kilometers from the Dulisma field, for its ESPO pipeline. This approval by Transneft provides the Dulisma field future permanent export pipeline access for its crude oil production and reduces the distance of constructing a permanent pipeline from the Dulisma field by approximately 270 kilometers. Approval by Transneft allows Urals Energy to optimize its development plan and forego further construction of a temporary pipeline to Ust-Kut. The Group will now concentrate on constructing a permanent connection with the ESPO pipeline. Urals Energy will begin project design shortly for its Dulisma-ESPO inter-connect, commencing procurement of pipe and other facilities by April 2007. Based on Urals Energy’s original field development plan, the reduced distance is estimated to result in planned pipeline construction cost savings of approximately $70 million.

      The Dulisma field is located in the Irkutsk Oblast, 350 kilometers northeast of the town of Ust-Kut. Earlier this year, Transneft announced an important change in the route of the ESPO pipeline away from Lake Baikal and further to the northeast where several important oilfields await development, including Dulisma. According to Transneft, construction of the ESPO began in April 2006 and first phase completion from Taishet to Skovorodino is planned by the end of 2008.

      The Dulisma field will be one of the early entrants to the ESPO as development is starting in 2007 and first oil is expected to enter the pipeline in mid-2008. By late 2011, the Dulisma field is forecast to produce approximately 30,000 BOPD. Interim field production prior to connecting Dulisma to the ESPO will continue to be transported to Ust-Kut via a temporary pipeline operated by an adjoining producer.

      Urals Energy acquired the Dulisma field in June 2006 for $148 million cash. Dulisma has proven and probable oil reserves of 109 million barrels and possible reserves of 1.7 trillion cubic feet of gas and 87 million barrels of oil and condensate. The Dulisma field will be developed using horizontal drilling technology and the first development well is expected to spud in the spring of 2007. To drill these wells, Urals Energy has purchased a new-built, 160 ton, heavy duty mobile drilling rig and associated equipment for use by Dulisma. As announced earlier, development plans are already underway at Dulisma with important equipment and facilities currently being procured and readied for transport to the field site this winter.

      According to Transneft, in April 2006, construction of the ESPO pipeline began from Taishet towards Ust-Kut in a west-to-east direction. In October, construction began at Tinda near the planned Skovorodino station that will connect with China. The first operational segment of the ESPO pipeline is expected to connect the Talakan field at Pump Station #10 with Pump Station #1 at Taishet. Transneft has announced that when the Taishet to Talakan segment is completed, it may reverse the flow of oil, east to west, as a means of early production. Timing of this “early-oil” transportation plan has not been announced, but Transneft has indicated that the route from Taishet to Skovorodino will be completed in late 2008.

      The 160-ton drilling rig purchased for Dulisma was manufactured in China in compliance with API specifications and recently passed load-testing and inspection by Urals Energy and its contractor to supply a custom-made top-drive unit, Canrig Drilling Technology Limited. In addition, Urals Energy has contracted with various Russian manufacturers to provide a two 2.5 MW gas-electric turbine generator, a first stage central oil-processing facility, oil storage tanks, a 100-man work camp, power lines and transformers, in-field pipelines and pumps, and construction equipment and transport vehicles.
      schrieb am 18.12.06 12:43:55
      Beitrag Nr. 32 ()
      Adjustment to Interim Results to 30 June 2006

      The Company announces that following consultation with its auditors, PricewaterhouseCoopers, it is adjusting a non-cash item relating to the Company’s previously reported results for the period ended 30 June 2006, and which will result in a reduction of the reported net income for the period. This adjustment arises out of new treatment of previously issued warrants.

      In connection with raising debt financing in January 2006, Urals Energy issued warrants to purchase two million common shares for £3.03 per share. The Company denominated the exercise price in Sterling for the convenience of the holders, as it is the currency in which the Company’s shares are traded. In the interim condensed consolidated financial information as originally issued on 4 September 2006, the Company and its auditors determined that the correct treatment was to classify the warrants within equity in the consolidated balance sheet.

      After further consultation with its auditors, the Company has concluded that the correct accounting treatment under IFRS requires warrants issued with an exercise price in a currency different than that of the Company’s functional currency (the Russian Rouble) be recorded at its fair value within liabilities and that changes in its fair value be recorded within the income statement. As a result, the Company is reissuing its interim condensed consolidated financial statements as of and for the six months ended 30 June 2006 to properly reflect this non-cash adjustment. The revised interim condensed consolidated financial statements are set out below, along with the review report of its independent auditors, PricewaterhouseCoopers, and can also be found on the Company’s website (

      There is no impact on operating profit as a result of this non-cash adjustment and it also has no impact on EBITDA. As of 30 June 2006, share premium was reduced by $1,750,000 to $398,601,000, warrants classified as liabilities were recorded at $5,064,000 and retained earnings was reduced by $3,314,000 to $3,100,000. Profit attributable to shareholders of Urals Energy Public Company Limited was reduced by $3,314,000 to $386,000 for the six months ended 30 June 2006.

      These warrants will continue to be adjusted to fair value each reporting period through the statement of income until such time as they are exercised or expire. Given the non-cash nature of this accounting treatment, the Company intends to provide an earnings measure in future which adjusts for this effect and which it believes more accurately reflects the underlying financial position of the Company.

      18 December 2006
      schrieb am 21.01.07 21:34:58
      Beitrag Nr. 33 ()
      Dulisma owns the license for a large oil, condensate and gas Field in the early stages of development located in the Irkutsk region of the Russian Federation. The Field is delineated by 49 exploration and appraisal wells drilled during the late 1980s. The Russian State Committee on Reserves has attributed recoverable reserves (categories ABC1-C2) of approximately 180 million barrels of oil and condensate and 2.2 trillion cubic feet of gas to the Field. An independent valuation by D&M has attributed proven and probable reserves of oil and condensate of 109 million barrels to the Field and Possible reserves of 8.7 million barrels of oil and condensate and 1.7 trillion cubic feet of gas to the Field.

      As of 31 March 2006, the Dulisminskoye Field was producing approximately 900 bopd from six wells which, transported through a third party pipeline system. On completion of the Dulisma acquisition, management intends to increase production as quickly and efficiently as possible through infield development drilling and construction of additional processing and transportation facilities. This will include the construction by LTK of an early phase 12,000 bopd capacity pipeline from the Field to the centralised oil depot at Ust-Kut. LTK owns the pipeline right of way and has received the necessary regulatory permits to build and operate the early phase pipeline, which is expected to be operational by early 2007. Based on the results of work to date, the Company anticipates that production from the Field will increase to approximately 12,000 bopd by the end of 2008.
      Management also currently anticipates that the Field has the potential to increase its production to approximately 30,000 bopd by the end of 2011. This second phase of the development programme will include the construction of a permanent pipeline to either the river port and railway terminal at Ust-Kut or to a planned pump station on the ESPO pipeline.

      The Field is strategically located northwest of Lake Baikal, along the planned route of the ESPO oil pipeline which is expected to connect East Siberian oil Fields to the Pacific Coast in order to supply demand for oil in Asian markets. Transneft has announced it expects to commission the first phase of the ESPO in 2008. The Field, together with the Verkhnechonskoye Field operated by TNK-BP and the Talakan Field operated by Surgutneftegas, will potentially be key suppliers of crude oil to the ESPO. With estimated possible reserves of approximately 1.7 trillion cubic feet of gas, the Field also has the potential to supply Gazprom for its proposed gas pipeline to Asian markets or to supply natural gas to local markets.
      schrieb am 23.01.07 16:53:13
      Beitrag Nr. 34 ()

      Operational Update

      Urals Energy (“Urals Energy” or the “Group”) (LSE:UEN) a leading independent exploration and production company with operations in Russia announces an operational update.



      · Current production 11,600 BOPD increased from 10,100 in September 2006.

      · On track to achieve 15,000 BOPD by third quarter 2007 and 19,000 BOPD by year end.

      · Completed nine successful producing wells in second half 2006.


      · Exploration well to test 60 million barrel potential Nadezhdinsky prospect in Timan Pechora expected to spud in April.

      · Re-entry of well 29 at Arcticneft to test deep Permian horizon begun.

      · Acquisition of approximately 300 kilometres of new 2D seismic over the Dinyu field area.


      · Receipt of written confirmation from Irkutsk Oblast Tax Inspectorate verifying a ten year production tax holiday for the Dulisminskoye field (1 January 2007 – 31 December 2016).

      · Dulsima oil development plan approved by Russian Central Field Development Committee.

      · Successful completion of innovative new $US130 million debt finance facility provided by Goldman Sachs International to fund the development of the oil reserves at the Dulisminskoye field.

      · Development plans accelerated and field development advancing rapidly.

      · Project is now funded to achieve peak production of 30,000 BOPD by 2011.


      · Dulisma capex for 2007 is expected to include $17 million for drilling and $25 million for pipelines, infrastructure and facilities.

      · Total capex for 2007 expected to be $90 million.

      · As a result of funding and continued production growth, the Group is in a strong financial position.


      · Progress across all its areas of operation with an intensive development, drilling and exploration programme underway this year.

      · Following approval of Dulisma financing and development, on target to reach overall Group production of 50,000 BOPD by 2011.

      William R Thomas, Chief Executive of Urals Energy commented:

      “2007 will be an important year for Urals Energy and the progress we continue to make across all areas of the business is creating a solid platform for growth.

      We have made significant progress at Dulisma, which is a key asset. Financing for the project has been secured, a ten year production tax holiday has been officially confirmed by the tax authorities, and our field development plan has been approved by the Russian Government. All this is further indication of the progress we are making.”

      23 January 2007


      Oil production has increased from a maximum productive rate of 10,100 BOPD in late September 2006 to 11,600 BOPD today. A combination of weather related delays in drilling, which are not unusual for this time of year, and a delay in launching our fracture stimulation programme resulted in year-end production being slightly lower than initially anticipated. We are confident of achieving 15,000 BOPD by the third quarter and we continue to target group production of 19,000 BOPD by year end 2007.

      Overall we completed a total of nine producing wells in the second half of 2006, lower than expected due to both timing delays and poor equipment. We have subsequently invested in new equipment which is already producing positive results.

      At Petrosakh, the frac fleet and associated equipment has now been delivered to the field site and is being readied to begin fracturing the first four wells of a planned eight well program. We should know the results of this initial four well program by the end of the first quarter. Once we fracture stimulate the remaining suitable wells at Petrosakh, we will move the equipment to Komi and begin fracture stimulating our fields at CNPSEI, Dinyu and Nizhne Omrinskaya Neft, of which all have excellent stimulation potential.

      We had excellent results at the Potapovskoye field in Urdmurtia where we drilled 3 new producing wells with all producing above plan.


      We drilled one exploration well at the Dinyu field in the Komi Republic in the third quarter of 2006. This well, DN-48, was drilled to test an extension of the Dinyu field to the Southeast. The well encountered a previously unidentified reef structure with over 60 meters of permeable limestone reservoir. After extensive testing, the well produced only small quantities of live oil perhaps indicating the oil has migrated up-structure.

      As a result, we have recently completed the acquisition of approximately 300 kilometres of new 2D seismic over the Dinyu field area, and we will be looking to identify several new drilling locations with this new data. The potential includes the new reef trend we encountered while drilling DN-48, and a newly identified eastern lobe that has excellent potential.

      We have signed contracts, purchased equipment and materials, and begun site preparation for the Nadezhdinsky No. 1 exploration well in Timan Pechora. Located approximately 60 kilometers southwest of the port of Varendey on the northern coastline of Russia, this prospect is our highest rated exploration target of the five licenses we hold there. With a target potential of 60 million barrels recoverable, the well is expected to spud in April 2007 and has an AFE dry hole cost of approximately $8 million for a target depth of 3,200 meters.

      At Petrosakh, we continue to re-process and re-interpret our 3D seismic data base that covers the offshore license area, Pogranichny. We expect to complete this new analysis in the second quarter and will then be in position to refine our exploration drilling plans for this high-potential area.

      At Arcticneft we are now re-entering well 29 to begin a deep sidetrack to explore the Permian horizon. If successful, this well test would have a significant impact on our development plans at Arcticneft.


      We have today separately announced the completion of a new debt finance facility for the development of the Dulisminskoye field in Irkutsk Oblast, Eastern Siberia. Goldman Sachs International and Standard Bank are providing a total of US$130 million of subordinated debt which is expected to fund Urals Energy’s commitment to develop the oil reserves at the Dulisminskoye field.

      This loan will provide Urals Energy with the debt capital necessary to develop the Dulisminskoye field to its peak oil production level of 30,000 BOPD by 2011 while at the same time accelerating our development plan to meet Transneft’s new pipeline construction timetable.

      In addition, on 22 January 2007, we received written confirmation from the Irkutsk Tax Inspectorate verifying that the Dulisminskoye field qualifies for a ten year, zero production tax rate for the period beginning 1 January 2007 and ending 31 December 2016. Production taxes paid by Urals Energy’s other Russian producing subsidiaries for the 11 month period ending 30 November 2006 averaged approximately $11.50 per barrel. Based on the Dulisminskoye field reserve report by DeGolyer & MacNaughton dated 31 March 2006, Urals Energy estimates that the gross tax savings provided by this ten year production tax holiday will approximate $308 million and result in an approximate $191 million increase in the project’s present value discounted at ten percent.

      Development activity at Dulisminskoye has already begun with the arrival of a workover rig, two gas-electric generators, drilling tubulars, bulldozers and excavating equipment. We have purchased a new 100-man field camp which will be delivered and constructed shortly, and ordered the manufacture of vessels for a central processing facility (“CPF”). The early manufacture and delivery of the CPF vessels this winter will allow us to complete construction of the CPF in time for delivery of pipeline quality oil when the ESPO is commissioned in 2008.

      A Chinese-manufactured mobile drilling rig is now clearing customs and is expected in the field next month. We plan to spud the first Dulisminskoye development well in early April. We also expect to order pipe for the construction of our approximate 80 kilometer ESPO interconnect in the second quarter of this year.

      Our capex budget for Dulisma in 2007 is expected to include $17 million for drilling and $25 million for pipelines, infrastructure and facilities.

      Finally, development progress has been further solidified by the approval of the Russian Central Committee for Field Development of Urals Energy’s field development plan for the Dulisminskoye field. The combined result of full field debt financing, official development plan approval, and continued progress by Transneft in constructing the ESPO, now provides Urals Energy with a clear path for the successful development of the Dusliminskoye field.


      While the industry wide impact of increases in Russian export taxes and lower crude prices in the fourth quarter of 2006 will have a short term impact on our net realisations, we are confident that as a result of the current oil price environment there will be a reversal of this trend by mid year.

      Overall, as a result of the Dulisma financing announcement and continued production growth, the Group expects to fund the development of the Dulisminskoye field and our overall 2007 activity from existing cash and internally generated cash flow.


      The Group is making progress across all its areas of operation and has an intensive development, drilling and exploration programme underway this year. We expect to drill 22 development wells and at least one high-impact exploration well. Our fraccing programme has the potential to materially increase production across all the Group’s fields. Total capital expenditures for 2007 are expected to total approximately $90 million.

      With the approval of the Dulisminskoye development plan by the Russian Government, confirmation of a ten year production tax holiday, and the successful Dulisma project financing also announced today, Urals Energy is currently targeting Group production of 50,000 BOPD by 2011.

      We continue to develop several excellent new acquisition opportunities in Russia and the FSU. The market continues to increase in terms of number of deals offered, but we remain careful about identifying and closing acquisitions that are accretive and will have a material impact. We hope to close one or more new and important deals in 2007.
      schrieb am 23.01.07 17:01:35
      Beitrag Nr. 35 ()
      $130 Million Dulisminskoye Field Development Debt Financing

      Urals Energy Public Company Limited announces today the completion of a new debt finance facility to fund the development of the Dulisminskoye field in Irkutsk Oblast, Eastern Siberia. Goldman Sachs, as Arranger, and Standard Bank plc, as the funding bank, are providing a total of US$ 130 million of debt to a special purpose subsidiary of Urals Energy. The debt facility is secured by OOO Dulisma (“Dulisma”) as a project-style loan that is non-recourse, except in certain limited circumstances, to Urals Energy. This debt financing is expected to fund Urals Energy’s commitment to develop the oil reserves at its Dulisminskoye field.

      The terms of the loan arranged by Goldman Sachs include an interest rate of 725 basis points over LIBOR of which 300 basis points are payable quarterly, with the remainder accruing until the loan matures in four years or 2011 when all principal and accrued interest is due in a single payment. The loan may be prepaid at any time but during the first two years certain penalties for early prepayment apply.

      The credit risk of the debt facility will be sold to Goldman Sachs and Standard Bank will act as the funding bank of record and also facility agent. The deal is structured to fund in two tranches, $45 million and $85 million. The second tranche is subject only to the approval of Urals Energy’s senior bank syndicate in accordance with the terms of a pre-negotiated inter-creditor agreement.

      The use of $130 million gross financing proceeds include approximately $30 million to reimburse Urals Energy for planned development costs incurred at Dulisma since its acquisition in June 2006, $20 million for the defeasance of cash interest payments for the first two years of the facility, and the remainder, $80 million, for future capital and operating costs of Dulisma.

      This loan will provide Urals Energy with the debt capital necessary to develop the Dulisminskoye field to its projected peak production level of 30,000 BOPD by 2011. Following certain favorable changes in the timing and route of Transneft’s ESPO pipeline, total development costs for Dulisminskoye have been reduced, however, the project’s near-term net cash requirement has increased as a result of the acceleration of certain elements of the development plan. It is expected that the debt financing is sufficient to meet this revised net cash flow profile.

      Also announced separately today are two key approvals received by Urals Energy from the Russian Government for the successful development and operation of the Dulisminskoye field. Urals Energy has received written confirmation from the Irkutsk Oblast Tax Administration that the Dulisminskoye field qualifies for a ten year, zero production tax rate for the period beginning 1 January 2007 and ending 31 December 2016.. Production taxes for Urals Energy’s other Russian oil production operations averaged approximately $11.50 per barrel for the 11 month period ending 30 November 2006. This confirmation by the Russian government that no production taxes will be levied on oil produced at Dulisminskoye for the next ten years results in gross savings of approximately $308 million and an increase in the project PV 10% of approximately $191 million based on the 31 March 2006 report by Urals Energy’s independent reserve engineers, DeGolyer & MacNaughton.

      On 28 December 2006, Urals Energy received the final approval by the Russian Government’s Central Committee for Field Development of Urals Energy’s field development plan for the Dulisminskoye field. This approval provides Urals Energy with the full legal authority to proceed with the development of the Dulisminskoye field.

      The combined result of this innovative debt financing, certification of zero production tax rate for the next 10 years, official field development plan approval, and continued progress by Transneft in constructing the ESPO, now provides Urals Energy with a clear path for the successful development of the Dulisminskoye field.

      William R. Thomas, CEO, commented:

      “We believe this to be a ground-breaking debt financing for the Russian E&P industry and are pleased that Goldman Sachs and Standard Bank have demonstrated their confidence in both our assets and management team with this unique project debt financing. Both the terms and speed of execution of this transaction were attractive, providing Urals Energy and its shareholders with the best debt facility available for financing the development of the Dulisminskoye field.”
      schrieb am 24.01.07 18:40:15
      Beitrag Nr. 36 ()
      Urals Energy Public Company Limited (“Urals” or the “Company”)
      Director’s Shareholding

      The Company announces that it has been notified of the sale, on 23 January 2007, of 70,000 shares in the Company by Belding Enterprises Limited (“Belding”). The shares were sold at a price of 356.25 pence per share, at the request of a minority shareholder in Belding. Following this sale, Belding’s resultant shareholding in Urals is 8,710,000 shares, equivalent to 7.39 per cent. of the Company’s total shares in issue.

      This disclosure is being made as a result of Mr Leonid Dyachenko’s majority ownership of Belding. Mr Dyachenko is a Director of Urals.
      schrieb am 26.01.07 12:13:59
      Beitrag Nr. 37 ()
      Award of Restricted Stock to Directors and Key Personnel

      Urals Energy announces that on 25 January 2007, the Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors confirmed awards of restricted stock to Directors and certain key personnel of the Company and its subsidiaries, as follows:

      Directors No. of Shares

      L. Y. Dyachenko 403,834
      C. J. Pitman 77,426
      W. R. Thomas 430,144

      In addition, a total of 1,436,394 shares have been awarded to fourteen other key personnel.

      The awards of stock are fully restricted at the outset so that no recipients’ shares are vested until the earliest of 1 January, 2008, assuming the person is still associated with the Company, and thereafter vesting periods are spread over three years.

      The awards were made pursuant to the authority granted to the Compensation Committee and in line with the Company’s stated intention to grant shares of the Company pursuant to an incentive program adopted by the Directors and the Compensation Committee.
      schrieb am 07.02.07 18:35:49
      Beitrag Nr. 38 ()
      Bei den Umsätzen in London muss doch irgendwas im
      Busch sein...mal schauen wann da eine Meldung kommt.:cool:
      schrieb am 12.02.07 12:18:23
      Beitrag Nr. 39 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 27.491.736 von Ramses2I am 07.02.07 18:35:49

      Financing, Management and Operational Update

      Initial Closing of Debt Financing

      Urals Energy announces that the $130 million project development loan for OOO Dulisma, arranged by Goldman Sachs and funded by Standard Bank, was closed on 9 February 2007.

      A first tranche funding of $50 million has been received, and the remaining $80 million is expected to be funded in approximately three weeks after approval by Urals Energy’s senior bank syndicate.

      As previously announced, the $130 million gross financing proceeds will be used to reimburse Urals Energy for planned development costs incurred at Dulisma since the field’s acquisition in June 2006, the defeasance of cash interest payments for the first two years of the facility, and the remainder, for future capital and operating costs of Dulisma in order to develop the Dulisminskoye field to its projected peak production level of 30,000 BOPD by 2011.

      The receipt of this first tranche and the expected timing on the remaining funding allows Urals Energy to work to the accelerated development timetable for Transneft's East Siberia Pacific Ocean pipeline, now under construction.

      Key Management Appointments

      To reflect the ongoing growth of the company, Urals Energy is pleased to announce the appointment of three new key management personnel.

      William S. Hayes has been appointed Senior Vice President and General Counsel. Mr Hayes will act as chief legal officer of the Company and is responsible for all Group legal activities.

      Mr. Hayes has over 25 years experience as an international energy lawyer with Andrews & Kurth, British Gas, Vanco Energy Company and Cardinal Resources plc. He is a graduate of the University of Texas at Austin (B.J.) and St. Mary’s University School of Law (J.D.).

      Maxim V. Bezriadin has been appointed Vice President and Business Unit Manager, East Siberia where he will be responsible for Urals Energy’s activities in East Siberia. This is a new core area for Urals Energy and includes the important Dulisminskoye oil, gas and condensate field.

      Mr. Bezriadin, a native of Irkutsk, was most recently Chief Executive of OJSC Verkhnochonskneftegaz, a company jointly owned by Rosneft and TNK-BP. Mr. Bezriadin previously worked for British Petroleum in Russia. He is a graduate of the University of Maryland (B.S. Business), Irkutsk State University (M.S. International Economics) and Ural State Economic University (Ph.D. in Economics).

      Stephen D. Kirton has been appointed Vice President, Technical Services. Mr. Kirton is responsible for managing Urals Energy’s subsurface technical analysis including geology, geophysics, reservoir engineering and reserves reporting. He will also be responsible for license compliance.

      Mr. Kirton has over 25 years experience as both a geologist and production engineer and has specialized in Russian and FSU oil exploration and production since 1991. He has served with Gulf Canada, KomiArctic Oil, Harvest Natural Resources and Lundin Petroleum. He is a graduate of the University of Waterloo (B.S. Earth Science).

      Commencement of Initial Fracture Stimulation Program

      Urals Energy also announces that it has commenced fracture stimulation operations at its producing subsidiary OAO Petrosakh on Sakhalin Island. An initial four-well stimulation program has begun on the Okruzhnoye field

      During 2006, Urals Energy acquired and refurbished a Canadian-built fracture stimulation fleet consisting of three pumping units and blender. Urals Energy plans to fracture stimulate a total of nine wells at Petrosakh, and then move the equipment to the Komi Republic later this year, where it will continue fracture stimulating an additional five fields.

      William R. Thomas, CEO, Commented:

      “The closing of the Dulisma project loan is a key milestone in the development of this important field and with the appointment today of three key personal, including Maxim Bezriadin, who will be responsible for this field and other operations in Eastern Siberia, we are well prepared to meet all our targets on this project.

      Our planned fracture stimulation program at Petrosakh has now commenced and we hope to report on progress as we work to increase production on this field.

      We continue to put the building blocks in place and as we grow we recognize the importance of adding to our management ranks. As such, we are pleased to have executives who have solid experience operating in Russia join our team.”
      schrieb am 21.03.07 19:01:31
      Beitrag Nr. 40 ()
      Notice of Results

      Urals Energy (“Urals Energy” or the “Group”) (LSE: UEN) a leading independent exploration and production company with operations in Russia will announce its results for the year ended 31 December 2006 and an updated independent reserves report during the week commencing Monday 23rd April 2007. The final date will be advised in due course.

      The company has commissioned DeGolyer and MacNaughton (“D&M”) to carry out a consolidated year-end report including the Dulisminskoye field which was acquired in May 2006.
      schrieb am 24.03.07 19:10:59
      Beitrag Nr. 41 ()

      Dulisma owns the license for a large oil, condensate and gas Field in the early stages of development located in the Irkutsk region of the Russian Federation. The Field is delineated by 49 exploration and appraisal wells drilled during the late 1980s. The Russian State Committee on Reserves has attributed recoverable reserves (categories ABC1-C2) of approximately 180 million barrels of oil and condensate and 2.2 trillion cubic feet of gas to the Field. An independent valuation by D&M has attributed proven and probable reserves of oil and condensate of 109 million barrels to the Field and Possible reserves of 8.7 million barrels of oil and condensate and 1.7 trillion cubic feet of gas to the Field.

      As of 31 March 2006, the Dulisminskoye Field was producing approximately 900 bopd from six wells which, transported through a third party pipeline system. On completion of the Dulisma acquisition, management intends to increase production as quickly and efficiently as possible through infield development drilling and construction of additional processing and transportation facilities. This will include the construction by LTK of an early phase 12,000 bopd capacity pipeline from the Field to the centralised oil depot at Ust-Kut. LTK owns the pipeline right of way and has received the necessary regulatory permits to build and operate the early phase pipeline, which is expected to be operational by early 2007. Based on the results of work to date, the Company anticipates that production from the Field will increase to approximately 12,000 bopd by the end of 2008.

      Management also currently anticipates that the Field has the potential to increase its production to approximately 30,000 bopd by the end of 2011. This second phase of the development programme will include the construction of a permanent pipeline to either the river port and railway terminal at Ust-Kut or to a planned pump station on the ESPO pipeline.

      The Field is strategically located northwest of Lake Baikal, along the planned route of the ESPO oil pipeline which is expected to connect East Siberian oil Fields to the Pacific Coast in order to supply demand for oil in Asian markets. Transneft has announced it expects to commission the first phase of the ESPO in 2008. The Field, together with the Verkhnechonskoye Field operated by TNK-BP and the Talakan Field operated by Surgutneftegas, will potentially be key suppliers of crude oil to the ESPO. With estimated possible reserves of approximately 1.7 trillion cubic feet of gas, the Field also has the potential to supply Gazprom for its proposed gas pipeline to Asian markets or to supply natural gas to local markets.
      schrieb am 30.03.07 12:34:00
      Beitrag Nr. 42 ()
      schrieb am 23.04.07 07:39:29
      Beitrag Nr. 43 ()

      Russische Behörden nehmen ausländische Investoren in die Mangel…
      schrieb am 30.04.07 11:47:18
      Beitrag Nr. 44 ()

      Urals Energy Public Company Limited Results for the year ended 31 December 2006

      Urals Energy (“Urals Energy”, the “Company” or the “Group”) (LSE: UEN) a leading independent exploration and production company with operations in Russia today announces its results for the year ended 31st December 2006 and the latest estimates published by DeGolyer and MacNaughton for its total proven, probable and possible petroleum reserves and value of these reserves as at 31 December 2006.

      Reserves Upgrade

      · 2P reserves increase of over 400% to 577 mmboe (2005 116 mmbbls); incorporating acquisition of Dulisma and its oil (96 mmboe), condensate (46 mmboe) and gas (322 mmboe) reserves all now fully booked as proved and probable

      · 152% year on year increase in the PV10 of the Group’s 2P reserves to $1,804 million (2005 $717 million)

      Financial Highlights

      · 83 % increase in total revenues to $169.6 million (2005 $92.9 million)

      · Operating profit of $34.1 million (2005 $11.3 million)

      · Five fold increase in post tax profit to $34.4 million (2005 $6.9 million)

      · 36% increase in EBITDA to $22.9 million (2005 $16.9 million)

      · Strengthened financial position following $209 million equity capital raising and $144 million Dulisma project loan and other financing

      Operational Highlights:

      · 82% year on year increase in average production to 9,569 bopd (2005: 5,263 bopd)

      · Production forecasted at 15,000 bopd by 4Q07 and 19,000 bopd by 2Q08

      · Dulisma funding in place and development operations commenced with link-up to Transneft’s ESPO expected in 2008-09. Dulisma production forecasted to peak at 30,000 bopd and 71,000 mcf sales gas per day in 2013;

      o Approvals in place to link pipeline to ESPO

      o Dulisma 2007 development programme underway and all equipment in place including 160 ton mobile drilling rig, gas-electric generator and field camp to spud first development well in July 2007

      o Announcement of Dulisma gas strategy to exploit 1.9 tcf 2P reserve base

      o Commercial agreement to be signed to sell future gas production from Dulisma

      · Commencement of Mineral Extraction Tax holiday at Dulisma through 2016, saving an estimated $308 million over a 10 year period

      · Announcement of spudding of Nadezhdinsky No. 1 exploration well in northern Timan Pechora to test 60 million barrel target

      · 5 year extension of Pogranichnoye offshore exploration licence, Sakhalin Island

      · Fracture stimulation programme commenced and underway at Petrosakh, Sakhalin Island

      · Extension of development licence for deeper Permian horizon at Peschanoozersky Field, Arcticneft


      · Appointment of Leonid Y. Dyachenko as CEO, reflecting Urals Energy’s increasing position and profile in Russia

      · William R. Thomas remains on the Board as a Non-Executive Director

      · J. Robert Maguire, most recently the head of the Global Energy Group at Morgan Stanley, to be appointed Non Executive Director

      · Alexei V. Ogarev, current Urals Energy VP Government Relations and former Deputy Head of Russian Presidential Administration, to be appointed Executive Director

      · Key Management team strengthened following appointments of

      o William S. Hayes, Senior Vice President and General Counsel

      o Maxim V. Bezriadin, Vice President and Business Unit Manager, East Siberia

      o Stephen D. Kirton, Vice President, Technical Services


      · Further 2 acquisitions in 2006

      o $148 million acquisition of OOO Dulisma and OOO LTK

      o $1.5 million acquisition of OOO Nizhny Omrynskoye Neft

      Current Operations and Outlook

      Average production for 1Q07 lower than anticipated at 8,900 bopd
      Several technical factors impacting production addressed and current production capability of c.10,700 bopd
      Ongoing fraccing program, new wells and return to production at Dulisma should allow production targets of 15,000 bopd in Q407 and 19,000 in Q208 to be achieved
      Revised Company production target of 50,000 bopd by 2013 per new D&M report.
      $93.4 million capex programme in 2007
      Continual appraisal of potential acquisition opportunities

      Leonid Y. Dyachenko, newly appointed Chief Executive, commented:

      “Urals Energy made substantial progress last year laying the foundations to become a significant producer in Russia over the next five years. With an intense development programme underway and a continued focus on acquisitions I believe we have all the fundamentals in place to achieve strong future growth and become a major Russian independent operator. The Board would like to thank Bill Thomas for his significant contributions to the Company’s success. As CEO, he has led Urals Energy since our formation in 2003 and was instrumental in positioning the Company for the next stage of growth and value creation. I am delighted that Bill will remain with Urals Energy as a Non-Executive Director going forward.”


      2006 was an important year of growth for Urals Energy as we completed our largest and most important acquisition, OOO Dulisma, and continued to consolidate and invest in our seven other operating subsidiaries in Russia. The Company grew significantly in all respects: reserves, production, cash flow and profits. As a result, we are well positioned to continue our strategy of growth by both developing our existing assets and making further significant, accretive acquisitions.

      Operationally, we invested over $60 million in our properties, almost half in development drilling. This was important in increasing production to an average of 9,569 BOPD versus 5,263 BOPD in 2005 -- an increase of 82%. Importantly, we have also purchased and transported to the field site at Dulisminskoye all necessary equipment to begin drilling operations, including our 160 ton mobile drilling rig. This provides us the capability to begin development operations and prepare the field for full-scale production operations as the East Siberian Pacific Ocean (“ESPO”) pipeline nears completion of its first phase of construction.

      Since the acquisition of Dulisma in June 2007, we have worked to finalize a new field development plan for the Dulisminskoye field. With our new drilling rig in place, we expect to spud our first development well in July and drill and complete a total of three development wells by the 2nd quarter of 2008. Successful completion of these wells is necessary to achieve our production rate targets. Production timing is contingent on the pace of development drilling, and the completion of the East Siberia Pacific Ocean pipeline (ESPO) and our link-up with this important new export pipeline. Based on the latest information regarding the progress of the ESPO’s development, our stated goal of a 2007 year-end production rate of 19,000 BOPD will now shift to the 2nd quarter of 2008.

      We are announcing today an important increase in our proved and probable reserves as evaluated by DeGolyer & MacNaughton, our independent reserve engineers. Based on our work to monetize the large gas and condensate reserves at Dulisminskoye, we are now upgrading the gas and condensate at Dulisminskoye to proved and probable from possible. This is a result of our active negotiations to finalize a long-term gas sales agreement, which we expect to complete in the next few months. Year on year and on a barrel of oil equivalent basis, 2P reserves have increased from 116 million barrels to 577 million barrels. Please note that the D&M estimates for both oil and gas at Dulisminskoye, and indeed for all of our properties, are less than the Russian state reserves reported by the Ministry of Natural Resources.

      Most importantly, the present value of our reserves has also increased significantly. As a result of the now confirmed production tax holiday at Dulisma and the incremental value attributable to the development of our gas and condensate reserves, the Company’s 2P reserves now carry a total present value discounted at 10% equal to $1.8 billion. We believe this is strong indication of the underlying asset value of our oil and gas reserves.

      Financial Results

      The Group benefited during the year from its increasing production profile generating an 83% increase in total revenues to $169.6 million (2005: $92.9 million). This contributed to a three-fold increase in operating profits of $34.1 million (2005: $11.3 million) and a five fold rise in post-tax profits of $34.4 million (2005: $6.9 million). EBITDA increased by 36% to $22.9 million. The Group realised a weighted average dollar price of $48.39 per barrel of oil sold in 2006 compared with $44.35 per barrel in 2005. The average net revenues per barrel for the Group increased slightly for the year at $34.40 compared to $31.57 in 2005.

      During the course of the year the Group raised a net total of $195 million in new equity through Morgan Stanley. These funds enabled us to complete the acquisition of Dulisma and commence the development work. In January of this year we raised a further $130 million through Goldman Sachs under a new debt finance facility. This financing will give us the required funding to develop Dulisminskoye’s oil reserves, thereby increasing production from that field to its projected peak level of 30,000 bopd by 2011. We also raised an additional $14 million in other debt from BNP Paribas.

      The Group’s cash position at the year end was $33 million. Following the Dulisma project financing in January, the Group’s current cash balance stands at approximately $80 million.

      During 2007 our capital expenditure programme is expected to be approximately $93 million. Approximately $42 million will be dedicated to the Dulisma development programme (funded through the Goldman Sachs debt finance facility referred to above) and $51 million will be invested in increasing production in our other producing fields.


      We have today announced the appointment of Leonid Y. Dyachenko as Chief Executive. Mr Dyachenko has been a director of Urals Energy since the Company was founded and for the last two years has managed the Group’s day-to-day activities within Russia based in our Moscow office. Over the next few years Urals Energy will become an important independent oil and gas producer within Russia, producing an estimated 50,000 bopd and over 71,000 mcf sales gas per day by 2013. Leonid Dyachenko’s appointment reflects Urals Energy’s development into a prominent Russian oil and gas business.

      I will continue my involvement with Urals Energy as a non-executive member of the board of directors. My resignation is effective immediately but I have agreed to assist in the transition of management responsibilities through 30 June 2007.

      The Group is also announcing today the appointment of two additional directors: J. Robert Maguire and Alexei V. Ogarev. Bob Maguire is one of the most experienced international oil and gas investment banking advisers within the industry, with over 30 years experience, most recently as head of the Global Energy Group at Morgan Stanley. His expertise will prove invaluable to the Company through its next stage development.

      Alex Ogarev is Urals Energy’s VP of Government Relations and has an important record of Russian government service including Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration, and General Director of Rosvooruzhenie, the Russian arms export agency. He plays an important role in managing our government relations and will provide the board a valuable insight to the Russian government and political environment.

      We also recently strengthened the management team with the appointments of William S. Hayes as Senior Vice President and General Counsel and Maxim V. Bezriadin as Vice President and Business Unit Manager, East Siberia, together with Stephen D. Kirton as Vice President, Technical Services. Following these appointments we are confident we have the right level of management support in place for the future.


      Production Update

      We ended the year at a producing rate of approximately 11,600 bopd. Since then we have seen a temporary production decline due to several factors, including shutting-in wells for the Petrosakh frac program, shut-in production at Dulisma due to pipeline repairs by the pipeline owner, and a decline in reservoir pressure at Dinyu and Petrosakh. As a result, actual production for the first quarter averaged approximately 8,900 BOPD. However, we have taken steps to restore production and, including the temporarily shut-in production at Dulisma, we now have the capability to produce approximately 10,700 BOPD.

      During the year, we acquired and refurbished a fleet of fracture stimulation equipment, including three pumping units. Operations commenced at Petrosakh in January 2007 and we are confident of significantly increasing production through fracture stimulation at Petrosakh and other selected producing subsidiaries.

      As we bring new wells online and the fraccing program continues, we expect our production level to increase to approximately 15,000 BOPD in the fourth quarter of 2007.


      Following completion of the Dulisma acquisition in June 2006, the Group has been actively executing its development programme targeting peak production of 30,000 bopd by 2011. Progress is being made on all fronts, with all Government approvals for the field development program received. The Group has also received approval from Transneft to accept oil produced at Dulisma for its ESPO pipeline, thus providing the Dulisma field future permanent export pipeline access for its crude oil production. The re-routing of the ESPO to within 75 km of the Dulisma field, reduced initial cost estimates for construction of the pipeline from the field to the ESPO tie-in by approximately $70 million, and brings forward our production profile.

      In January this year we announced that the Irkutsk Tax Inspectorate had confirmed the 10 year tax holiday for the Dulisminskoye field for the period between 1 January 2007 and 31 December 2016. This tax holiday is estimated to produce savings of approximately $308 million over the 10 year period and further exemplifies the importance of this asset to Urals Energy.

      Development activity at Dulisminskoye is moving forward in accordance with our plans announced last year. The new 160 tonne mobile drilling rig and all associated equipment are at the field site and rigging-up operations are underway. The first development well will be spudded in July, with a two further development wells scheduled for the fourth quarter of 2007 and first quarter of 2008.

      Road and pad construction is continuing in the field and we are working to commission two gas-turbine generators to provide power for drilling and production operations. A new 100-man field camp will be installed during the winter of 2007. Construction of a central processing facility (CPF) and the connecting pipeline to Kirensk will begin later this year in time for the delivery of pipeline quality oil when the ESPO is commissioned in 2008-9.

      Our 2007 CAPEX budget for Dulisma will be approximately $42 million of which $16 million is for development drilling and $26 million for pipelines, infrastructure and facilities.

      We are preparing a gas monetization plan that includes burning associated gas to generate in-field electricity, stripping liquids to create a separate sales stream of condensate and natural gas liquids, reinjecting certain gas volumes to maintain reservoir pressure and entering into a long term gas sales agreement with a large gas end-user. We expect to announce the terms of this agreement over the next few months and provide further details about the gas monetization plan.

      Sakhalin Island

      Production during the year averaged 3,159 bopd compared with 2,524 bopd in 2005. During the year we drilled two development wells and three re-entry wells. Our first offshore exploration well; the Pogranichny No. 1 well, was drilled at the beginning of 2006 to a depth of approximately 2,100 meters but failed to encounter commercial volumes of oil or gas. This well has been followed up with an intense 3D seismic reprocessing and reinterpretation programme. Offshore drilling is expected to resume in the summer of 2008.

      In January 2006 we agreed a five year extension to our offshore exploration licence in Sakhalin Island with the Ministry of Natural Resources. This will allow us to fully exploit the licence area which has a potential of over 850 million barrels in place. In March, we received approval to lift Petrosakh crude oil using foreign-flagged vessels through 2009. We believe this is a first for any oil-exporting company on Sakhalin Island and will enable us to more efficiently schedule tankers to lift our export cargoes.

      Fraccing operations commenced at Petrosakh in January 2007 and the first four wells have been completed. A total of eight wells are planned to be fracture stimulated. Based on the preliminary results of the first four wells, we have increased individual well rates by 3-4 times the production rate prior to fraccing. There is no assurance this level of increase will be achieved in every well, but we are confident of significantly increasing production through fracture stimulation at Petrosakh and certain of our other producing subsidiaries.

      During 2007 six development wells are planned. The results of our most recent well, PS47, indicate a possible new pool discovery that may open up several drilling locations. We are also now commissioning three new oil products storage tanks and constructing two new 10,000 ton crude oil storage tanks for oil exports.

      Komi Republic

      During the year production at Komi averaged 3,937 bopd compared with 3,349 bopd 2005. In 2006 the Group drilled 8 development and 2 exploration wells in Dinyu. In particular the DN-48 exploration well drilled in third quarter of 2006, to test an extension of the Dinyu field to the Southeast, encountered a previously unidentified reef structure with over 60 meters of permeable limestone reservoir. After extensive testing, the well produced only small quantities of live oil, but has consequently opened up a new potential play within the Dinyu license area. We are working to identify additional prospects to prove this hypothesis.

      In the first quarter of 2006 we completed the acquisition of approximately 300 kilometres of new 2D seismic over the Dinyu field and continue to identify new drilling locations with this new data. The potential includes the new reef trend we encountered while drilling DN-48, and a newly identified eastern lobe that has excellent potential.

      In October 2006 we also acquired Nizhny Omrinskoye Neft for $1.5 million in cash from Lukoil. This principal licence is a mature producing field that is estimated to have 25 million barrels of C1-C2 reserves. We have reactivated 3 wells on this field and have commissioned DeGolyer and MacNaughton to re-evaluate reserves on this licence area.

      Three to five development wells will be drilled in 2007 at Dinyu with a possibility of an additional exploration well subject to seismic data review. In the second half of 2007, we expect to initiate a Komi-wide fraccing programme, as well as continue to workover wells at Nizhny Omrinskoye.

      Timan Pechora

      The average production on the Timan Pechora licence areas during 2006 was 1,001 bopd compared to 1,078 bopd 2005. In 2006 the Group re-completed five wells and drilled two development wells at Arcticneft. By mid-year, we expect to initiate drilling of an important sidetrack to test the deep Permian horizon for which a license extension was granted by the Ministry of Natural Resources in 2006.

      At Urals Nord, our first exploration well on the Nadezhdinsky prospect was spudded in on 18 April 2007 and is expected to reach a target depth of 3,700 meters in June of 2007. The prospect is an Upper Devonian reef that may contain upwards of 60 million barrels of recoverable reserves. The well is located approximately 60 kilometers southwest of the port of Varendey on the northern coastline of Russia.


      Average production at Chepetskoye NGDU in 2006 was 940 bopd compared to 914 bopd in 2005. As part of our 2006 programme we drilled six development wells on the Potapovskoye field and have received pilot production project approval. In addition, ZT118 well on Zotovskoye was recompleted and we began a pilot water injection scheme. In 2007 we plan to drill five development wells at the Potapovskoye field.


      The Company is well positioned to continue its growth as a leading Russian independent E&P company. I am personally very proud of having played a key role in the development of Urals Energy – which is in many ways a success because of its partnership of Russian and western shareholders. With Alex Dyachenko assuming the role of Chief Executive, the Company will be led by a capable Russian manager, executing a focused Russian strategy. I look forward to continuing our partnership as a member of the board of directors.

      William R. Thomas

      Chief Executive Officer

      30 April 2007

      Financial Results
      Operating Environment

      2006 was characterized by fluctuating world oil prices and the Company’s focus on investment in development drilling. Brent oil prices began the year at $61.67 per barrel, reached a peak of $78.69 in August a low of $55.96 in October and ended the year at $56.63 per barrel. The Russian oil industry broadly tracked these movements. Industry average domestic oil prices began 2006 at $59.53 per barrel and averaged approximately $57.72 per barrel for the year. Profit margins were strong in the first half of the year, when the industry realized the best domestic netbacks ever. However, in the fourth quarter, due to rapidly falling export prices combined with the 60-day lag in the reduction of export duties, the entire Russian oil industry suffered from a profitability squeeze.

      The Rouble continued to appreciate against the Dollar, rising 4% in the year, which combined with continued increases in costs for critical items such as steel and labor, translated in higher operating costs.

      Production and Revenues

      Crude oil production during the year increased by 13% from 3.0 million barrels in 2005 to 3.4 million barrels in 2006, with average daily production increasing from 5,320 barrels per day in 2005 to 9,200 in 2006. The majority of this increase was due to organic development, with only 566 bopd coming from new properties acquired during the year.

      During the period the Company’s gross revenues totalled $169.6 million versus $92.9 million in 2005. The Group realized a weighted average gross price of $48.39 per barrel of oil sold in 2006 versus $44.35 in 2005. Export sales prices for the Group averaged $61.20 per barrel, and domestic sales prices averaged $27.75 per barrel. Domestic refined product prices averaged $50.52 per barrel.

      Net revenues increased to $119.2 million from $66.1 million in the prior year. While the weighted average gross price realized per barrel was $3.52 higher then in 2005, the percentage per barrel paid to the government in the form of production taxes and export duties in 2006 was 50.18% versus 46.94% in 2005. As a result, the average net revenues per barrel were only modestly higher, $32.81 for 2006 versus $30.22 for 2005. Netback prices are defined as, in the case of exports, gross oil sales price less export duty, customs charges, marketing costs and transportation; and, in the case of domestic crude sales, gross sales price net of VAT. The weighted average netback for crude oil sales during 2006 was $29.26 versus $29.01 per barrel in 2005. In 2006, netbacks for export sales were $29.63 per barrel and $28.71 per barrel for domestic sales. Netback prices for domestic product sales are defined as gross product sales price minus VAT, transportation, excise tax and refining costs. The average products netback for the year was $47.64 per barrel.

      Net revenues minus the cost of production was $25.8 million as compared to $14.1 million in 2005, resulting in an operating profit of $34.1 million versus $11.3 million in the prior year. Production costs totalled $92.1 million of which $19.8 million represents non-cash items, principally DD&A. Also imbedded in these costs are $9.3 million of crude purchased from our neighbouring operator on Kolguyev Island, GUP AMNGR. Urals Energy purchased this oil from AMNGR and resold it together with its own produced oil for a modest profit margin, but a lesser profit margin then it would have had Urals Energy produced the oil itself.

      SG&A costs were $28.9 million. The largest component in SG&A was wages and salaries which increased year-on-year due to additional personnel from acquisitions and increased operations. SG&A also includes a number of non-cash expense items, primarily related to the Company’s stock incentive plan, totalling $5.1 million.

      Interest expense for the period was $9.8 million as compared to $6.9 million in 2005, as the Company’s average debt outstanding for the period was greater than in 2005.

      Net profit for the year attributable to shareholders was $34.3 million as compared to $7.1 million in 2005. The largest non-cash item affecting this result is an extraordinary gain through a negative goodwill charge of $35.9 million related to our acquisition of Dulisma. This reflects the excess in fair market value of the assets purchased above the price paid. The method for calculating the fair market value is a conservative discounted cash flow valuation based on factors known at the time (not including currently known value attributes such as the unified production tax holiday and the commercial sales value of the natural gas).

      Adjusting for non-recurring costs and other standard non-cash items, the Company’s management-adjusted EBITDA for the period was $22.9 million, or 19% of net revenues.

      During Q406 the financial performance of the Group was affected by a squeeze between lower prices and high export duties at Petrosakh and Arcticneft. Russian export duties are regressive and are set according to a fixed formula and increase as export prices increase, however this adjustment is subject to a 60-day time lag. The sharp spike in prices in July and August followed by a steep decline in September and October resulted in high export duties versus low export prices at the critical time when, in early December, the Company had to make its last shipments to clear inventory before the winter sea ice-in at Petrosakh and Arcticneft prevents navigation. The Company estimates that as a result of this significant price change and the export tax lag, the negative impact on EBITDA was approximately $7.3 million. Wide short-term fluctuations such as those seen in 2006 represent a risk for the Company, as a large portion of its operating profits are derived from two critical time windows, early December and late June, when the seas are navigable due to the ice-melt, it must make large shipments from these operations regardless of the market conditions


      Russia has a relatively high cost tax regime and the Company pays a variety of taxes that are levied as a result of production, exported oil, assets and profits. The largest taxes for the Group as a percentage of total gross revenues during 2006 were export duties (28%) and the unified production tax (21%). The Company paid a total of $103.3 million in cash taxes for the year. Unified production taxes are calculated based on production revenues and in 2006 the Group paid $33.9 million. Looking forward, the proportion of mineral extraction taxes paid overall by the Company will decline dramatically as production from Dulisma increases, where a holiday for this tax has been granted through 2016. Export duties are set according to a fixed schedule that increases as export prices rise with a maximum rate of 65% of gross export prices above $25 per barrel. High export prices in 2006 resulted in an average export duty for the Company of 41% of gross export revenues, and $48.2 million of cash paid. As mentioned above, this tax can be particularly punitive in rapidly declining crude price scenarios, as happened in the fall of 2006. VAT payments totalled $3.6 million.

      At 31 December 2006, the Group’s deferred tax liability was $111.8 million. This is a non-cash liability derived under IFRS methodology by accruing the difference of the fair market value of the Company’s producing reserves versus the amount actually paid to acquire them. The Company expects this deferred tax liability to be reflected on its balance sheet indefinitely, and to grow further in the event that Urals Energy continues to make acquisitions at low entry prices.

      Cash Flow

      For the period, operating cash flow before working capital changes was $22.9 million. Net cash generated from operating activities improved considerably over the year, $35.3 million for 2006 versus a loss of $32.2 in 2005. Capital expenditures for development in 2006 were $59.5 million of which approximately 58% was direct drilling expense. The bulk of the remaining capital expenditures was for advanced infrastructure investment at Dulisma, where a total of $16.4 million was spent. The cost of acquisitions (net cash on hand) during 2006 was $137.3 million, resulting in a total use of cash for investments and acquisitions of $198.6 million.

      During the course of the year, a net total of $195.1 million in new funds from the sale of equity was raised. At 31 December 2005, the Group’s short- and long-term debt was $81.1 million. During 2006, a total of $14.0 million in new debt was borrowed and $29.9 million in debt principle repaid. As a result, as of 31 December 2006, total outstanding debt was $63.8 million.

      Cash Position

      The deficit of $163.3 million resulting from the difference of cash generated through operations and cash expenditures for investments in assets and acquisitions was funded by the addition of $164.0 million in cash from net borrowings, the sale of equity and exchange rate changes. This resulted in a change to the cash position of $0.7 million by year end.


      The Company does not hedge any of its crude oil or product sales, costs or currency conversions.


      In May of 2006 the Company raised net proceeds of $195.1 million through the sale of $209.0 million worth of equity. The equity was sold to the public at a price of £3.60 per common share.

      In January of 2006 the Company refinanced the $12 million loan outstanding to Bank Zenith with a subordinated 5-year loan from BNP Paribas in the same amount. The loan is non-amortizing, priced at LIBOR plus 5.00% and had warrants attached to it, giving the bank the right to purchase up to 2 million shares of common stock at £3.03 per share. In November, the Company also secured a revolving $2 million working capital debt facility from ZAO BNP Paribas.

      In January of 2007 the Company borrowed $130 million from Goldman Sachs and Standard Bank. The loan is secured against Dulisma as project financing for its development, and has limited, subordinated recourse to Urals Energy Public Company Limited. It is a four year, non-amortizing loan, priced at LIBOR plus 3.25% with an additional 4.00% PIK. It is callable after two years, and the Company has purchased interest rate swaps for the cash interest over this period.…
      schrieb am 02.05.07 07:31:01
      Beitrag Nr. 45 ()

      1 May 2007

      Director Shareholding

      Urals Energy, a leading independent exploration and production company with operations in Russia, announces that William R Thomas’ shareholding in the Company has increased by 430,144 ordinary shares.

      These shares were initially granted as restricted stock on 25 January 2007, and were to vest over a three year period beginning on 1 January 2008. As part of Mr Thomas’ move to a Non-Executive Directorship, the Board revised the terms of this restricted stock.

      Application has been made for these shares to be admitted to AIM and it is expected that dealings in these shares will commence on 4 May 2007.
      schrieb am 08.05.07 15:57:23
      Beitrag Nr. 46 ()
      Holdings in Company

      Lansdowne Partners Limited being the General Partner of Lansdowne Partners Limited Partnership (‘LPLP’) controls 7,720,000 voting rights representing 6.46%

      Lansdowne UK Equity Fund Limited owns 7,349,099 voting rights representing 6.15%*

      The balancing 0.31%* of shares is held on behalf other clients funds managed by LPLP
      schrieb am 20.05.07 15:17:35
      Beitrag Nr. 47 ()

      Response to Media Speculation

      Urals Energy notes reports and comments today attributed to Oleg Mitvol, Deputy Head of Rosprirodnadzor, regarding accusations made by unnamed local environmentalists over alleged environmental violations by the Company.

      The Company has not received any official warning or notification with regard to violations or Ministry investigations. Furthermore, the Company is confident that no violations have occurred and these accusations will be shown to be false should any examination take place.

      Urals Energy is committed to best practice in all of its production and development operations in Russia. The Group averaged production of around 10,000 boepd in 2006 across its operations and is committed to further investment in Russia. The Group is currently targeting production of 50,000 boepd by 2013. This year Urals Energy will invest approximately US$93 million on the development of its assets. Across its eight different subsidiaries Urals Energy’s operations are routinely reviewed and inspected by the relevant Ministry agencies and in each case has received the necessary approvals. The Group operates all of its assets in accordance with Russian regulations and legislation.

      Urals Energy published a reserves report by the independent reserves engineer DeGolyer & MacNaughton in April 2007, in accordance with SPE standards. This report updated all of the Group’s reserves including its gas reserves at the Dulsiminskoye field. The Company notes that all of its reserves as well as the gas reserves attributed by DeGolyer & MacNaughton are less than the reserves certified by the GKZ, the Russian State Reserves Committee.

      Leonid Dyachenko, Chief Executive of Urals Energy, commented:

      “These allegations are without foundation. Urals Energy has an excellent track record of compliance within all of its operating subsidiaries. We have offered our full cooperation to the Ministry today to clear these misunderstandings and look forward to working with them. I am confident that this issue will be quickly resolved.”
      schrieb am 16.06.07 15:40:03
      Beitrag Nr. 48 ()
      13:56 15-Jun-07

      Urals Energy signs Memorandum of Cooperation with Gazprom

      Urals Energy, a leading independent exploration and production company with operations in Russia, today announces the signing of a Memorandum of Cooperation with Gazprom, the world’s largest gas company.

      The Memorandum states that Gazprom and Urals Energy have reached an agreement on future cooperation in the areas of production and marketing of gas from the Dulisma field owned by Urals Energy.

      According to the Memorandum, Urals Energy will ensure that the Dulisma field is developed according to the company’s stated development plan and is scheduled to be on commercial production in 2008-2009. When this occurs, Urals Energy and its affiliates or subsidiaries will sell natural gas from the Dulisma field to Gazprom.

      The parties will also consider cooperation in production of LPG products plus other mutual infrastructure projects, such as pipelines and power generation.

      The Memorandum also states that both parties may consider cooperating in other mutually beneficial ways.

      The Dulisma field is one of Urals Energy’s major assets with gas reserves of 1.9m tcf (condensate 46 mmbo and gas 323 mmboe reserves) all now fully booked as proved and probable. The field also enjoys a 10 year tax holiday for the period between 1 January 2007 and 31 December 2016. This tax holiday is estimated to produce savings of approximately $308 million over the 10 year period and further exemplifies the importance of this asset to Urals Energy.

      Leonid Dyachenko, Chief Executive of Urals Energy, commented:

      “Urals Energy is proud to be one of a select number of companies to sign an agreement with Gazprom and we look forward to working with them to further develop local infrastructure and unlock the potential of the Irktursk region.

      This landmark agreement is a significant milestone for Urals and its key asset and with this agreement we have now delivered on all stated plans for this field.

      We are now focused on delivering to our operational timeline and look forward to entering this attractive gas market.
      schrieb am 22.07.07 13:45:39
      Beitrag Nr. 49 ()
      Director Resignation

      Urals Energy, a leading independent exploration and production company with operations in Russia, announces that William R Thomas resigned as a non-executive Director of the Company on 4 July 2007. Mr. Thomas has advised the company that he wishes to concentrate on personal and other business interests.

      Leonid Y. Dyachenko, Chief Executive, commented:

      “On behalf of the Board I would like to thank William for his service to the Company and the role he played in its establishment and development. We wish him all the best with his future endeavours.”
      schrieb am 18.08.07 11:14:05
      Beitrag Nr. 50 ()

      Management Appointments and Operational and Financing Update

      Urals Energy Public Company Limited
      Management Appointments and Operational and Financing Update

      Urals Energy ('Urals Energy' or the 'Company'), a leading independent exploration and production company with operations in Russia, today announces the appointment of three senior level managers and provides an operational and financing update.


      New appointments
      Appointment of Kerry Kendrick as Chief Operating Officer, Vladimir Sidorovich as Chief Financial Officer and Viatcheslav Rovneiko as Senior Vice President for Business Development to strengthen operational and management teams.
      Acquired second drilling rig for the Dulisma field – delivery expected March 2008.

      Technical conditions received to tie the Dulisma field into Transneft ESPO pump station No.8.

      Water and gas injection begun at Sakhalin to maintain reservoir pressure.

      Frac trucks and equipment en-route from Sakhalin to Komi Republic to begin 25 well fracturing program.
      Production increased from 8,900 bopd in Q1 to current average of 9,300 bopd during July.

      Production expected to resume at Dulisma by September following repairs to temporary oil evacuation route.

      Production at Sakhalin Island below target due to low reservoir pressure - program to rectify initiated through gas and water injection.

      Production now expected to surpass 12,000 bopd before the year end.
      As of 3 August 2007 the Company has repaid in full the remainder of the outstanding $45 million principal of the senior reserve based loan facility and the $12 million mezzanine facility.

      The Company has entered into a five-year, $50 million revolving working capital facility.
      Leonid Dyachenko, Chief Executive, commented:
      “We have an intensive development programme underway aimed at increasing production and we are committed to achieving our stated goals. Our long term outlook remains strong and we are now focused on developing Dulisma to its full potential.

      The appointment of a COO is an important step in the development of Urals Energy and, given Kerry’s extensive experience in major oil projects, including in Russia, he will be able to drive the development of the important Dulisminskoye field and help Urals move closer to becoming a significant Russian producer. We welcome him to the team.

      Similarly, we welcome Vladimir Sidorovich as the CFO to the Group. His experience in Russia and knowledge of international business practices further strengthens our management team and will enable Urals Energy to operate in the best possible way in Russia. And, we thank Stephen Buscher for his valuable contribution to the Company to date, and for his remaining with the Company for the transition.

      In turn, Mr. Rovneiko has played an instrumental role in the Company’s success to date and his appointment as Senior Vice President for Business Development will continue to help the Company source new opportunities in Russia.”
      schrieb am 28.09.07 18:58:26
      Beitrag Nr. 51 ()
      Re: Ministry of Natural Resources’ Statement

      Urals Energy, a leading independent exploration and production company with operations in Russia, notes today’s announcement from the Ministry of Natural Resources (the “Ministry”) regarding the Company’s reserve estimates.

      Urals Energy is pleased to receive confirmation from the Ministry that the Company’s GKZ registered reserves exceed the Company’s current reserve estimates as prepared by independent reserve engineers DeGolyer & MacNaughton.

      The Ministry’s conclusions underpin the Company’s significant reserve estimates and demonstrate that the Company is fully compliant with all Russian regulations.

      Leonid Dyachenko, Chief Executive, commented:

      “We are pleased to receive this information which underpins our own significant reserve base estimates and we look forward to continuing good relationship with the Ministry of Natural Resources and all other regulatory bodies.”
      schrieb am 29.09.07 11:40:22
      Beitrag Nr. 52 ()

      CORRECTION Urals Energy swings to H1 loss; says in strong position for growth (Corrects pretax figure from a profit to a loss)

      LONDON (Thomson Financial) - Urals Energy Public Company Ltd said it is in a strong position for growth in the second half and into 2008 and added it is confident of obtaining funding support when required, though it fell to a first-half pretax loss.

      Pretax loss for the six months to end-June was 29.3 mln usd compared with a profit of 2.3 mln a year ago, primarily driven by non-recurring items and poor weather conditions delaying of shipment of cargoes by sea. Revenues also fell, by 14.0 mln usd to 44.4 mln usd, due to the same reason.

      The Russia-focused explorer said it continues to look at acquisitions as a key strategy and added that it is on track to reach production of 12,000 barrels of oil per day (bopd) by year-end and 15,000 bopd by mid-2008.

      Urals said its operational performance has been sound throughout the first half, and that it has successfully rectified a number of operational issues which will ensure the company finishes the year in a stronger position.

      \"Financially the company was impacted by shipping delays and non recurring items. These were short-term difficulties and the financial outlook for the second half is strong,\" a release from Urals said. The company expects revenues will increase significantly in the second half.

      The company said it will focus now on operational deliverability and execution of plans specifically at Dulisma and added it is looking for assets that will provide synergies with existing operations there, and capitalise on access to the Transneft ESPO pipeline and significant tax breaks.

      In the second half, the company plans to drill seven wells, conduct a major fracture stimulation campaign in the Komi region, and complete the exploration well at Urals Nord.
      schrieb am 07.10.07 10:32:23
      Beitrag Nr. 53 ()
      03.10.2007 10:52

      Urals Energy says Transneft approves Dulisminskoye pipeline tie-in designs

      LONDON (Thomson Financial) - Urals Energy (Nachrichten) Public Co Ltd said OAO AK Transneft (Nachrichten) has approved the company's proposed designs and construction of the Dulisminskoye pipeline tie-in to Transneft's Eastern Siberia-Pacific Ocean (ESPO) pump station.

      The company said it plans to commence field preparation work for construction of the tie-in pipeline as planned in fourth quarter.

      Urals said it expects the Dulisminskoye field, which has reserves of 464 mln barrels of oil equivalent (mmboe), to reach production of 30,000 barrels of oil per day by 2011.

      The first oil from the field is expected to flow into Transneft's ESPO in the first half of 2009.…
      schrieb am 11.10.07 16:52:21
      Beitrag Nr. 54 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 31.880.207 von Ramses2I am 07.10.07 10:32:23Transneft OKs Urals Energy link to Asian oil route

      MOSCOW, Oct 3 - Russia-focused oil firm Urals Energy said on Wednesday the country's pipeline monopoly Transneft had approved its construction of a link to Transneft's major pipeline from East Siberia to China.

      The link will allow Urals Energy to pump crude from its Dulisminskoye field into the now being built Russia's first Asian pipeline, aimed to supply consumers in the energy hungry Asian-Pacific countries.

      "The approval of the tie-in designs is a major milestone and will allow us to commence construction of the pipeline on time," Urals Energy Chief Executive said in a statement.

      The company plans to start the construction in the fourth quarter of this year and start pumping oil into Transneft's pipeline in the first half of 2009.

      The field, whose reserves are estimated at 464 million barrels of oil equivalent, is expected to produce 30,000 barrels of oil per day by 2011.

      Transneft plans to complete the first 600,000 bpd stage of the pipeline from Taishet in East Siberia to Skovorodino at the Chinese border in the end of next year.

      It may further expand the pipeline's capacity to 1.6 million bpd and extend it to the Pacific coast to win bigger slice of the Asian-Pacific market if enough oil is found in the still underdeveloped Eastern Siberia region.

      Russian state-controlled oil company Rosneft is expected to be the main crude supplier for the pipeline. Other major oil firms, such as SurgutNefteGas and TNK-BP , also plan to ship their crude via the route.…
      schrieb am 10.11.07 16:07:52
      Beitrag Nr. 55 ()
      Ist hier eigentlich wer investiert?

      Wie sehen eure Kursziele hier aus? Auf den ersten Blick scheint das ganze sehr interessant zu sein.
      schrieb am 10.11.07 17:16:24
      Beitrag Nr. 56 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 32.376.581 von Vinyard am 10.11.07 16:07:52
      Derzeit läuft es bei Urals Energy überhaupt nicht.
      Es dauert alles zu lang und es wird zuwenig Öl aus dem Boden geholt. Hier muss man mit einem sehr langen Anlagehorizont um die zwei Jahre.:(

      Auf diese Zeit kann man denke ich nicht viel falsch machen. Aber da gibt es sicher Aktien die besser laufen werden...nur welche?:confused:

      Unter dem folgenden Link, gibt es eine Einschätzung von Aton zu Urals Energy:…

      schrieb am 11.11.07 18:29:07
      Beitrag Nr. 57 ()
      Besten Dank für deine Einschätzung und den Link. Werde ich mir gleich mal anschauen!
      schrieb am 14.11.07 20:30:06
      Beitrag Nr. 58 ()
      Hmm, unter allen russischen Ölwerten billigt Aton Urals das höchste Kurspotential zu. Die Reservenbewertung stimmt auch. Was sind die Gründe für die operativen Mißerfoge von Urals?
      Könnte es Probleme geben, weil der Hauptsitz von Urals auf Zypern ist?
      schrieb am 21.11.07 17:38:50
      Beitrag Nr. 59 ()
      $270 Million Dulisminskoye Field Development Loan

      Urals Energy, a leading independent exploration and production company with operations in Russia, today announces the completion of a new project financing loan agreement to repay the Goldman Sachs facility and fund the development of the company’s key asset at the Dulisminskoye field in Eastern Siberia. The loan will enable Urals Energy to fully develop the field to its estimated peak production of 30,000 bopd by 2011 and fully unlock the fields 464 mmboe of independently audited 2p reserves.

      Sberbank, the largest bank in Russia and Central and Eastern Europe has agreed to provide a total of US$270 million to OOO NK Dulisma, a fully owned subsidiary of the Company, under a long term debt facility. The loan is secured against existing shares of OOO NK Dulisma and existing Urals Energy shares pledged as security by two of the Company’s largest shareholders and senior managers.

      The facility is structured in two stages. An initial US $130 million is provided under a 6 year term loan, which will finance the full and immediate repayment of the principal and all other liabilities relating to the debt facility which was arranged in January 2007 by Goldman Sachs. The remaining US $140 million, also to be loaned for 6 years, will be available for drawdown in April 2008 against an agreed schedule for development of the Dulisminskoye field.

      The facility has been secured at comparable rates to the existing Goldman Sachs facility and benefits the Company by way of its longer maturity and larger size. This will enable the Company to complete development and maximise the benefits from production and sales during the Mineral Extraction Tax holiday period through to the end of 2016.

      The Company is now in a stronger position to continue with its field development progamme and has already delivered the first drilling rig to the field with a second rig due in April 2008. In addition, land has been cleared for drilling pads, infield roads and areas for the Central field Processing Facilities and field camps. Urals Energy anticipates first oil from the field to flow into Transneft’s ESPO in H1 2009.

      Leonid Dyachenko, Chief Executive, commented:

      “The signing of this important loan enables Urals to continue the development of our first significant Eastern Siberian asset, the Dulimsnkoye field. With full, longer term funding and key approvals now in place we have a clear path towards developing the field to its full potential.”
      schrieb am 28.11.07 19:51:22
      Beitrag Nr. 60 ()
      Acquisition of a Major Asset in East Siberia (the "Acquisition")

      Urals Energy (LSE: UEN), a leading independent exploration and production company with operations in Russia, announces that it has agreed to acquire a 35.3% interest in OOO Taas-Yuriakh Neftegazodobycha ("Taas") and has been granted an option to increase such interest to 39.5% in January 2009.

      Taas is a privately-held Russian exploration and production company with oil development operations in East Siberia with licences to develop two adjacent blocks of the Srednebotuobinskoye oil, gas and condensate field in the region (the "SRB field"). The SRB field is essentially undeveloped. Taas holds (1) an oil production licence for the central block of the SRB field (the "Central Block"); and (2) a licence for geological prospecting, exploration and production of hydrocarbons in the adjacent Kurungsky allotment in East Siberia (the "Southern Block"). As part of the Acquisition, OOO Urals Energy, the Company's operating subsidiary in Russia, will become the operator for the development of the SRB field.

      Urals Energy also announces that it has secured a committed, non-recourse US$500 million facility for the Acquisition (the "Acquisition Loan") and has secured, on behalf of Taas, an additional committed, non-recourse US$600 million facility for the development of the SRB field (the "Development Loan"), both from the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation ("Sberbank"), one of the largest banks in Central and Eastern Europe.

      Unless otherwise explicitly stated, the financial and operating information, reserves estimates and production forecasts of the Company contained in this press release assume the exercise of the option to increase the Company's interest in Taas to 39.5%.

      Acquisition Highlights

      · The Company has agreed to acquire a 35.3% interest in Taas and has been granted an option by Finfund Limited (the “Seller”) to acquire a further 4.2% interest in Taas in January 2009.

      · This Acquisition more than doubles the Company's net proved-plus-probable (2P) oil reserves by adding up to net 272 mmbbl, of which 94 mmbbl are classified as proved (1P), based on a reserves study of the SRB field by Degolyer & MacNaughton ("D&M").

      · The acquisition price comprises US$440 million in cash and US$100 million in new shares of the Company, payable on closing, and US$50 million, plus interest, in cash or new shares of the Company, at the Seller's election, payable within five months of closing.

      · The exercise price for the option to acquire a further 4.2% interest in Taas will be US$70 million, plus interest, in cash or shares of the Company, at the Seller's election.

      · OOO Urals Energy will become the operator for the development of the SRB field under an operating agreement, and a shareholder agreement will be entered into to formalise the relationship between the new and existing shareholders of Taas (together, the "Taas Shareholders").

      · The Development Loan will largely fund the development of the SRB field until tie-in to the East Siberia Pacific Ocean pipeline (the "ESPO pipeline"), currently expected to be operational in late 2009.

      · With this Acquisition, the Company’s net production from East Siberia is expected to be 75,000 bopd by 2013, comprising 45,000 bopd from the SRB field and 30,000 bopd from the Dulisminskoye field (the "Dulisma field").

      · Concurrently with the Acquisition, certain funds managed by Ashmore Investment Management Limited (“Ashmore”), a third party unrelated to the Company, have agreed to purchase a 10.5% interest in Taas from the Seller for US$175 million, which is equivalent to the price per share in Taas paid by the Company.

      · Following the Acquisition, the purchase by Ashmore and assuming the exercise of the Company’s option to acquire a further 4.2% of Taas, the current Taas Shareholders will retain a 50.1% interest in Taas.

      Rationale for the Acquisition

      · The Acquisition enhances the Company's portfolio through the addition of substantial, attractively priced, 2P oil reserves (34.6% of which are 1P).

      · The Company will benefit from economies of scale by adding to its existing presence in East Siberia and achieving a critical mass in the region.

      · The SRB field is well-positioned to access the ESPO pipeline, which opens East Siberia to markets in the Asia-Pacific region. A tie-in to the ESPO pipeline has been approved by Transneft and is expected to be operational by late 2009.

      · Under Russian tax legislation, the Central Block of the SRB field benefits from a mineral extraction tax exemption through 2016 and the Southern Block of the SRB field benefits from a mineral extraction tax exemption through 2021 or up to a cumulative total of 25 million tonnes of oil (183 mmbls) in respect of each Block.

      · The Company estimates that the present value of the tax exemption will produce savings to Taas of approximately US$1,078 million (or US$1.56 per 2P barrel), assuming the D&M production profile, the price of the Urals blend crude of US$50 per barrel and a 10% discount rate.

      · The Acquisition provides the Company with the opportunity to benefit from the upside of significant additional possible oil and gas reserves and resources in place at the SRB field and in the East Siberia region.

      Company Strategy

      · The Company plans to leverage its unique position in East Siberia by capitalising on potential licence opportunities and acquisitions of complementary assets.

      · The Company will focus on project management of greenfield developments using the economies of scale and critical mass in East Siberia that result from the Acquisition.

      · The Company will continue exploration activities in offshore and island properties while concurrently maximising the value from the adjacent developed fields in those areas.

      · The Company plans to streamline its portfolio by divesting non-core assets and has scaled back certain work programmes and budgets in non-core areas to focus on the aforementioned projects.

      Corporate and Outlook

      · The Company intends to raise additional financing of around US$130 million in the near term. It is intended that this will include an equity capital raising by way of a private placement, the proceeds of which the Company will use for potential capital expenditure requirements, including participation in future complementary licence auctions, repayment of short-term loans and for general corporate and working capital purposes.

      · The Company will shortly post to its shareholders a circular convening a shareholders meeting (the “EGM”) to seek approval for various resolutions necessary to undertake the intended equity capital raising. These will include a resolution to approve a limited waiver of pre-emption rights. In connection with the EGM, certain existing shareholders of the Company, together accounting for approximately 37.2% of the Company's issued shares, have indicated to the Company that they intend to vote in favour of the resolutions to be put to the EGM.

      · The Company has continued to develop its existing portfolio with a particular emphasis on operations in East Siberia.

      · A solid foundation for future growth will be laid in 2008 with significant production increases planned for 2009 as core assets come on-stream and link into the ESPO pipeline.

      · The Company intends to seek a listing on the Official List of the London Stock Exchange in 2008.

      Leonid Y. Dyachenko, Chief Executive of the Company, commented:

      "Today’s acquisition further illustrates the importance of East Siberia as a major area of focus for Urals Energy. This acquisition of a substantial and high quality asset with proven high productivity and potential upside increases our already strong reserves base and has the potential to more than double our existing mid-term production target of 30,000 bopd.

      Overall, Urals Energy is in a strong position for future growth. With our new and strengthened management team, our strategic priority will be the effective and efficient development of our substantial resource base in Eastern Russia. With our Dulisma field and this acquisition, we have access to some of the most attractive barrels in Russia due to the associated tax exemptions, high quality crude and access to the ESPO pipeline."
      schrieb am 05.12.07 20:39:07
      Beitrag Nr. 61 ()
      Pricing of Private Placement

      Urals Energy Public Company Limited (LSE: UEN), a leading independent exploration and production company with operations in Russia, announces the successful private placement of a total of 32,857,000 new ordinary shares of the Company (the "Placing") at a price per share of GBP1.90 (the “Placement Shares”), raising GBP62.4million (US$128.5million¹), before expenses.

      The proceeds of the Placing will be used by the Company for potential capital expenditure requirements, including participation in future complementary licence auctions, repayment of short-term loans and for general corporate and working capital purposes.

      The Placement Shares will be issued credited as fully paid ranking pari passu in all respects with the Company's existing ordinary shares, including the right to receive all dividends and other distributions declared, made or paid after the date of issue.

      The Placing is conditional upon, inter alia, (i) completion of the acquisition of a 32.3% interest in OOO Taas-Yuriakh Neftegazodobycha ("Taas") referred to in the Company's announcement dated 28 November 2007 (the "Acquisition"); (ii) admission of the Placement Shares to trading on the Alternative Investment Market of the London Stock Exchange ("Admission"); and (iii) the approval by shareholders at an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company to be held on 17 December 2007 of an increase of the Company's authorised share capital to 300,000,000 shares and disapplication of pre-emption rights in relation to the Placement Shares. The Company continues to expect the Acquisition to close no later than 18 December 2007.

      Application for Admission has been made and it is expected that Admission will become effective and that dealings in the Placement Shares will commence on 18 December 2007.

      Certain current shareholders of the Company and the sellers in the Acquisition (with respect to the shares to be issued to them pursuant to the Acquisition) have undertaken not to dispose of ordinary shares in the Company for a period of 180 days following completion of the placement of the Placement Shares, subject to customary exceptions.

      Morgan Stanley Securities Limited ("Morgan Stanley") acted as lead manager in connection with the private placement.
      schrieb am 05.12.07 20:40:37
      Beitrag Nr. 62 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 32.677.014 von Ramses2I am 05.12.07 20:39:07The following amendment has been made to the Stabilisation Notice announcement
      released today at 8.36 am under RNS No 2059J.

      The Security Identifier should read CY0000111027 and not CYG0000111027 as
      previously stated.

      All other details remain unchanged.

      The full amended text is shown below.

      Urals Energy Public Company Limited - Follow-on offering of 32,857,000 Ordinary
      shares with par value of 0.0025 Cyprus Pounds plus over-allotment option of up
      to 1,643,000 additional shares

      Stabilisation Notice

      Pursuant to Core Dealing Rule 3070, Morgan Stanley Securities Limited hereby
      notifies the London Stock Exchange that it and its affiliates may stabilise the
      follow-on offering of shares in Urals Energy Public Company Limited

      1. Security to be stabilised: Ordinary Shares of Urals Energy Public Company
      2. Security Identifier: CY0000111027
      3. Stabilising Manager: Morgan Stanley Securities Limited (a member firm)
      (Contact - Henrik Gobel 020-7425-9069);
      4. Stabilisation period commences: 5 December 2007 at 8.30am London time
      5. Stabilisation period ends: Close of business on 3 January 2008
      6. Offer price: 1.90 GBP per share was determined and announced at approximately
      7.00am London time on 5 December 2007
      7. Over-allotment option is equivalent to 5% of the offering
      8. Associated securities being stabilised: None

      schrieb am 05.12.07 20:51:22
      Beitrag Nr. 63 ()
      LONDON (Thomson Financial) - Kominedra, the resource agency of Russia's Komi Republic, has suspended the license of Verkhneomrinskaya Neft, a unit of Urals Energy Public Co Ltd, for the Verkhne-Omrinskoye oil and gas field, the Interfax news agency reported.

      Interfax quoted an unnamed Kominedra representative as saying the license could be revoked if Verkhneomrinskaya failed to either restore production or mothball several existing idle wells on the field.

      Kominedra gave the company, one of the assets bought by Urals Energy from LukOil last year, three months to fulfil the order, the report said.
      schrieb am 15.01.08 18:55:08
      Beitrag Nr. 64 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 32.677.134 von Ramses2I am 05.12.07 20:51:22den da nicht vergessen:

      Urals Energy Public Company Limited (‘Urals Energy’ or the ‘Company’)
      Notice of EGM

      Urals Energy Public Company Limited (LSE: UEN), a leading independent exploration and production company with operations in Russia, announces today the publication of a circular to shareholders calling an Extraordinary General Meeting in relation to the required redenomination of its share capital.

      In light of the adoption of the Euro as from 1 January 2008 as the official currency of the Republic of Cyprus, replacing the Cyprus Pound, the Company is obliged to convert its authorized and issued share capital to either Euro or any other approved currency.

      The Extraordinary General Meeting will be held at the offices of the Company at Evagoras Buildings, Office 34, 3rd Floor, 31 Evagoras Avenue, Nicosia, CY-1066, Cyprus at 10.00am on 22 January 2008.

      bin seit der 3sat-Empfehlung hier investiert. Kann eigentlich nur vonndem Investment abraten. Dem großen Strategen Arno Ruesch sollte man nichts mehr glauben, sein 'Emergin Markets Investor' hat sich bereits mehrfach durch besondere Inkompetenz ausgezeichnet. Ich selber habe leider den rechtzeitigen Absprung verpaßt.
      Allen investierten trotzdem viel Erfolg
      schrieb am 15.01.08 19:08:31
      Beitrag Nr. 65 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.057.948 von sternka am 15.01.08 18:55:08irgendetwas scheint mit dem Unternehmen auch nicht zu stimmen. Die Russischen Behörden versuchen des öfteren die Aktivitäten von urals Energy zu sanktionieren. Bsp verstoß gegen Umweltauflagen, illegale Tätigkeiten, usw.
      schrieb am 15.01.08 19:48:09
      Beitrag Nr. 66 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.057.948 von sternka am 15.01.08 18:55:08
      Dann empfehle ich dir zu verkaufen...bei diesen Kursen kannst du da bestimmt nichts falsch machen.:mad:
      schrieb am 22.01.08 20:55:36
      Beitrag Nr. 67 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.057.948 von sternka am 15.01.08 18:55:08Ich selber habe leider den rechtzeitigen Absprung verpaßt.

      Und Sternka,

      immer noch Aktien von UE im Depot? Vom Allzeithoch bis jetzt konnte man ja bereits eine ganze Menge Geld verlieren und es ist davon auszugehen, dass sich dies die nächste Zeit nicht ändern wird.
      schrieb am 25.01.08 13:48:15
      Beitrag Nr. 68 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.135.624 von Ramses2I am 22.01.08 20:55:36ja, leider immer noch im depot. Ich hätte auf Deinen rat gleich verkaufen sollen, der Abwärtstrend hat sich noch einmal beschleunigt, Obwohl die Nachrichtenlage aus Ost-Sibirien so schlecht nicht ist. Fürs Jahr 2008 werden ja wahre Wunder versprochen, der Kurs müßte neue all-time-high erreichen.

      Wie siehst Du aktuell die Lage, wie schätzt Du das Management ein ?
      schrieb am 25.01.08 14:31:37
      Beitrag Nr. 69 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.168.205 von sternka am 25.01.08 13:48:15Es gibt aber auch derzeit namhafte Käufer bei Urals Energy:

      09:59 17-Jan-08

      Urals Energy Public Company Limited

      Holding(s) in Company

      On 16 January 2008, the Company received notification from Deutsche Bank AG that it and its subsidiary companies held a total interest of 9,407,962 shares in Urals Energy, representing 5.32% of the issued share capital of the Company. These shares are registered in the names and amounts set out below:

      Deutsche Bank AG London Branch 47,962 shares

      DWS Investment SA, Luxembourg 9,360,000 shares

      Es wird sich zeigen, ob die Deutsche Bank und andere Käufer bei diesen Kursen sich in einem Jahr freuen können...:rolleyes:
      schrieb am 25.01.08 15:38:01
      Beitrag Nr. 70 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.168.708 von Ramses2I am 25.01.08 14:31:37Hm, selbst wenn sich der Kurs verdoppeln sollte, bin ici noch nicht aus den Miesen raus. Ich denke, die Russen sehen sich das nicht so gerne an, wenn ausländer, insbesondere noch Engländer, ihre Bodenschätze vermarkten. Andererseits, wenn die deutscha Bank schon so große Positionen aufbaut .,..
      schrieb am 28.01.08 18:43:31
      Beitrag Nr. 71 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.169.675 von sternka am 25.01.08 15:38:01
      Na Sternka,

      hast du heute die Nerven verlohren und in Frankfurt verkauft.
      Denke mal, dass man hier noch bis mindestens 2011/2012 warten muss.:cry:

      Verkaufen würde ich allerdings selber bei diesen Kursen nicht mehr.

      schrieb am 28.01.08 20:00:35
      Beitrag Nr. 72 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.193.251 von Ramses2I am 28.01.08 18:43:31das scheiß-Ding fällt und fällt, morgen gibt es wieder kräftig auf die Mütze. Das Boden erreicht ist, dachte ich schon bei einem Kurs von 3,50 Euro. Jetzt habe ich das Gefühl es geht bald unter 1,50 oder noch tiefer (und das bei den Rohölpreisen). Ich verliere wirklich bald die Nerven.
      schrieb am 28.01.08 20:31:41
      Beitrag Nr. 73 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.194.163 von sternka am 28.01.08 20:00:35
      Stellt sich nur die Frage warum die Deutsche Bank jetzt gerade zugreift.;)
      schrieb am 30.01.08 17:53:02
      Beitrag Nr. 74 ()
      07:00 24-Jan-08


      Urals Energy a leading independent exploration and production company with operations in Russia, announces that it has completed the planned acquisition from Finfund Limited of a further 3% interest in OOO Taas-Yuriakh Neftegazodobycha ("Taas"), the principal terms for which were referred to in the Company's announcement on 28 November 2007 (the "Acquisition Announcement").

      In accordance with the Acquisition Announcement, the price paid for the 3% interest comprised US$50 million in cash.

      The Company now has a total interest of 35.3% in Taas and, as referred to in the Acquisition Announcement, retains an option to acquire a further 4.2% interest in Taas in January 2009.
      schrieb am 31.01.08 20:00:20
      Beitrag Nr. 75 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.058.180 von sternka am 15.01.08 19:08:31Friday, June 15, 2007

      Urals, Gazprom Sign Dulisma MoU

      Urals Energy has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Gazprom stating that both companies have agreed to cooperate in future production and marketing of natural gas from the Dulisma field, a Russian field owned by Urals.
      According to the MoU, Urals will ensure that the Dulisma field is developed according to the company's stated development plan and is scheduled to be on commercial production in 2008-2009. When this occurs, Urals and its affiliates or subsidiaries will sell natural gas from the Dulisma field to Gazprom.

      The parties will also consider cooperation in production of LPG products plus other mutual infrastructure projects, such as pipelines and power generation.
      The MoU also states that both parties may consider cooperating in other mutually beneficial ways.

      The Dulisma field is one of Urals Energy's major assets with gas reserves of 1.9m tcf (condensate 46 mmbo and gas 323 mmboe reserves) all now fully booked as proved and probable. The field also enjoys a 10-year tax holiday for the period between 1 January 2007 and 31 December 2016. This tax holiday is estimated to produce savings of approximately $308 million over the 10-year period and further exemplifies the importance of this asset to Urals Energy.

      Leonid Dyachenko, Chief Executive of Urals Energy, commented:

      "Urals Energy is proud to be one of a select number of companies to sign an agreement with Gazprom and we look forward to working with them to further develop local infrastructure and unlock the potential of the Irktursk region.

      "This landmark agreement is a significant milestone for Urals and its key asset and with this agreement we have now delivered on all stated plans for this field.

      "We are now focused on delivering to our operational timeline and look forward to entering this attractive gas market."
      schrieb am 01.02.08 13:20:25
      Beitrag Nr. 76 ()
      wieso haben diese wichser denn eine AKErhöhung 30% unter Wert gemacht? Sind die bescheuert oder was? Was ist das denn für ein beschissenes Management. Da haben sich doch bestimmt einige dran bereichert. Das alleine ist schon ein Grund diese scheiss Aktie zu verkaufen. Wäre schonlängst draussen, wenn der Kurs auch nur einmal ein bisschen steigen würde. :mad:
      schrieb am 01.02.08 15:20:35
      Beitrag Nr. 77 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.238.071 von patley am 01.02.08 13:20:25
      Steigt er aber leider nicht...:(
      schrieb am 03.02.08 16:55:02
      Beitrag Nr. 78 ()

      Dulisma Development Update

      Urals Energy, a leading independent exploration and production company with operations in Russia, today announces an operational update on the Company’s Dulisma field, East Siberia.

      In line with the Dulisma field development plan, Urals Energy has awarded contracts totalling almost US$60 million for the construction of the first stage of the Central Processing Facilities, infield gathering system and export pipeline system which are scheduled for completion by end of 2008.

      Urals Energy intends to tie-in to Transneft’s East Siberia to Pacific Ocean (ESPO) pipeline in accordance with previous approvals. Consequently, all of the 273 mm diameter linepipe has been procured and is in the process of being distributed to the pipeline route. In addition, long lead equipment for the CPF is currently being delivered to the Dulisma field.

      By the end of April, Urals Energy expects delivery of its second new drilling rig from China and at the same time the Company also expects to have results from the first new horizontal development well which is now being drilled with the existing drilling rig.

      Production is currently running at 800 bopd from existing wells. Dulisma, as estimated by DeGolyer and MacNaughton, contains 464 mmboe of 2P reserves and is anticipated to reach production of 30,000 bopd by 2011. Oil from the field is expected to flow into the ESPO in H1 2009.

      The Company is also making progress on its other operational areas, and further detail will be provided when appropriate.
      schrieb am 03.02.08 18:53:33
      Beitrag Nr. 79 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.238.071 von patley am 01.02.08 13:20:25Weil die Wichser halt dringend eine ganze Menge Geld benötigen...zum Beispiel für dies:

      Thursday, November 15, 2007

      Urals Energy Announces $270 Million Dulisminskoye Field Development Loan

      Urals Energy, a leading independent exploration and production company with operations in Russia, announces the completion of a new project financing loan agreement to repay the Goldman Sachs facility and fund the development of the company’s key asset at the Dulisminskoye field in Eastern Siberia. The loan will enable Urals Energy to fully develop the field to its estimated peak production of 30,000 bopd by 2011 and fully unlock the fields 464 mmboe of independently audited 2p reserves.

      Sberbank, the largest bank in Russia and Central and Eastern Europe has agreed to provide a total of US$270 million to OOO NK Dulisma, a fully owned subsidiary of the Company, under a long term debt facility. The loan is secured against existing shares of OOO NK Dulisma and existing Urals Energy shares pledged as security by two of the Company’s largest shareholders and senior managers.

      The facility is structured in two stages. An initial US $130 million is provided under a 6 year term loan, which will finance the full and immediate repayment of the principal and all other liabilities relating to the debt facility which was arranged in January 2007 by Goldman Sachs. The remaining US $140 million, also to be loaned for 6 years, will be available for drawdown in April 2008 against an agreed schedule for development of the Dulisminskoye field.

      The facility has been secured at comparable rates to the existing Goldman Sachs facility and benefits the Company by way of its longer maturity and larger size. This will enable the Company to complete development and maximise the benefits from production and sales during the Mineral Extraction Tax holiday period through to the end of 2016.

      The Company is now in a stronger position to continue with its field development progamme and has already delivered the first drilling rig to the field with a second rig due in April 2008. In addition, land has been cleared for drilling pads, infield roads and areas for the Central field Processing Facilities and field camps. Urals Energy anticipates first oil from the field to flow into Transneft’s ESPO in H1 2009.

      Leonid Dyachenko, Chief Executive, commented:

      “The signing of this important loan enables Urals to continue the development of our first significant Eastern Siberian asset, the Dulimsnkoye field. With full, longer term funding and key approvals now in place we have a clear path towards developing the field to its full potential.”…
      schrieb am 06.02.08 21:21:00
      Beitrag Nr. 80 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.255.524 von Ramses2I am 03.02.08 18:53:33bin auch gespannt, ob die Wichser was auf die Reihe kriegen.

      Wobei nochmals, die Rahmenbedingungen aüßerst bescheiden sind: Ausländisches Unternehmen in Russland, die ein potentielles Ölgebiet erschließen wollen. Falls dort etwas zu holen gibt, lassen es sich die Russen sicher nicht entgehen. Da wird, wie bereits geschehen, mit dem Hinweis auf irgendein Umweltverstoß eine Zwangsenteignung durchgeführt
      schrieb am 07.02.08 07:40:43
      Beitrag Nr. 81 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.289.198 von sternka am 06.02.08 21:21:00Eventuell läuft es aber auch wie bei Imperial Energy.
      Da hat sich Gazprom über ihre hauseigene Bank bei der Firma ganz legal eingekauft.

      Vielleicht sollte ich diesen Vorschlag mal bei Urals Energy ansprechen!:D:yawn:
      schrieb am 07.02.08 17:32:24
      Beitrag Nr. 82 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.291.326 von Ramses2I am 07.02.08 07:40:43Oder der Saftladen endet als Treibsand im Getriebe der Geschichte...:(
      schrieb am 12.02.08 16:47:51
      Beitrag Nr. 83 ()
      14:25 12-Feb-08

      Application for Admission of Shares

      Urals Energy announces that application has been made to AIM for the admission to trading of 1,380,509 new ordinary shares (the “Shares”). The Shares have been issued in connection with the exercise of certain options and the vesting of restricted stock. Of the above total Shares, certain of the Directors of Urals Energy were issued Shares as a result of reaching vesting periods under prior restricted stock grants as follows:

      Lyonid Dyachenko 134,611 Shares

      Alexey Ogarev 57,353 Shares

      Charles Pitman 25,809 Shares

      All of the Shares are expected to be admitted to trading on 18 February 2008.
      schrieb am 19.02.08 21:17:00
      Beitrag Nr. 84 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.343.841 von Ramses2I am 12.02.08 16:47:51Rames, ich frage mich, warum die deutsche Bank bei urals eingestiegen ist. Das Papier notiert nahe beim historischen Tiefststand. Er sieht eher danach aus, dass das Ding bald unter die 2 er marke Richtung 1,50 rauscht, obwohl die Umsätze in London teilweise recht ansehnlich sind. Ob ich doch noch verkaufen soll... (hätte ich das Geld doch bloß nach Lichtenstein gebracht )
      schrieb am 20.02.08 07:37:26
      Beitrag Nr. 85 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.416.332 von sternka am 19.02.08 21:17:00 (hätte ich das Geld doch bloß nach Lichtenstein gebracht )

      Bei den hohen Nebenkosten bzw. Gebühren muss dies dann aber eine ganze Menge sein.:eek:

      Durch die Ausgabe der ganzen neuen Shares wurde natürlich das Kapital ziemlich verwässert. Sehr viel günstiger kann die Aktie ja fast nicht mehr werden. Die Deutsche Bank macht es bei Urals Energy eventuell so wie und dann bis Anfang 2012 liegen lassen. :confused: Wer hat aber schon soviel Zeit...:rolleyes:
      schrieb am 05.03.08 08:04:34
      Beitrag Nr. 86 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.416.332 von sternka am 19.02.08 21:17:00Und Sternka,

      bist du noch dabei?

      Meine Shares schlummern in Frieden in meinem Depot und warten auf den jüngsten Tag von Jericho. In Deutschland findet zu dieser Aktie ja überhaupt kein Handel mehr statt. Aber verkaufen tue ich bei diesen möglichen geringen Kursen derzeit nicht...dann bleiben diese eben als Restmüll im Depotkeller liegen.:(
      schrieb am 05.03.08 16:37:12
      Beitrag Nr. 87 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.552.616 von Ramses2I am 05.03.08 08:04:34Hm,die Umsätze sind wahrlich kaum vophanden. Immerhin gabs in Bremen ein kleines Plus, aber in London ging der Kurs schon wieder runter. Mein restmüll im Depot habe ich die letzte Woche entsorgt, dann stiegen sie ärgerlicherweise wieder, aber ich denke , dass war nur ein Strohfeuer.
      Bei Urals habe ich mir 150 als Limit (london) gesetzt. Fallen Sie hierunter verkaufe ich (falls ich dann in D überhaupt einen Käufer finde).
      schrieb am 02.04.08 20:57:10
      Beitrag Nr. 88 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.558.448 von sternka am 05.03.08 16:37:12Bei Urals habe ich mir 150 als Limit (london) gesetzt. Fallen Sie hierunter verkaufe ich (falls ich dann in D überhaupt einen Käufer finde).

      Wieviele Shares hast du denn für diesen Kurs - in €uro umgerechnet - anzubieten?:lick:
      Eventuell wäre ich ja bei entsprechender Stückzahl interessiert.
      schrieb am 15.04.08 17:02:44
      Beitrag Nr. 89 ()


      Urals Energy, a leading independent exploration and production company with operations in Russia, today announces an update on the development of the Company’s Dulisma field, East Siberia.


      Successfully completed appraisal of well #105 with higher than expected flow results
      Second new drilling rig delivered to the field on schedule
      Completed preparatory work for the Central Processing Facility and began tie-in pipeline construction
      On track to commence exporting to the East Siberia to Pacific Ocean pipeline (“ESPO”) by Q2 2009

      Drilling Operations

      As part of the ongoing field development plan, the Company has completed the drill stem test of the vertical pilot hole of appraisal well #105. Following positive flow results, well logging is being conducted to thoroughly appraise the reservoir prior to drilling the planned horizontal well. Final completion of well #105 and hook up to production is expected by the beginning of June. Until such time as the Dulisma field is hooked up to ESPO, production from the field will be evacuated by a temporary pipeline and trucks.

      Rig Delivery and Field Construction

      Earlier this month, Urals took delivery of its second newly built rig from China. This was done on schedule and now allows the Company to begin production drilling with 2 rigs for the remainder of the year. A further two rigs are planned to be mobilized for next winter.

      Significant progress has also been made with construction of the field facilities. Preparatory work for the Central Processing Facilities has been completed and piling for key equipment and buildings is now underway. Right of Way clearance and preparation for the pipeline connection to Transneft’s ESPO system is approximately half complete and all the required linepipe has been stockpiled at each end (Dulisma field and Nadezhdinsk ESPO tie-in point), as well as at an interim station at the river Tunguska. At present, 14 km of line has been welded from the Dulisma end and double jointing operations have commenced at Nadezhdinsk.

      Overall, the Company has spent about $32 million of its own money to finance Dulisma development in 2008 to date. Following the announcement of well #105’s drill stem test, the remaining $140 million tranche of the Sberbank Dulisma development loan will now become available for drawdown, in several installments against an agreed schedule for development of the field.

      Design work on the remaining facilities, including the Central Transfer Facility at the ESPO connection, is being finalized and tendering for construction will take place in May with mobilization planned for early Q3 when weather conditions are more suitable.

      The Company remains on track to begin exporting oil in early Q2 2009 into the ESPO system which reportedly is now being partially filled from Taishet and is planned to receive line fill from the Talakan field later this year.

      The Company continues to make progress on the disposal of its non-core assets and will provide further details when appropriate.…
      schrieb am 16.04.08 17:27:49
      Beitrag Nr. 90 ()
      Institutional Ownership

      The 26.89% of UEN shares held by institutional investors is a greater percentage than is typically held for stocks in the Oil & Gas Production industry.

      schrieb am 17.04.08 18:43:53
      Beitrag Nr. 91 ()
      schrieb am 18.04.08 22:23:30
      Beitrag Nr. 92 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.793.351 von Ramses2I am 02.04.08 20:57:10Wieviele Shares hast du denn für diesen Kurs - in €uro umgerechnet - anzubieten?

      Und Sternka,

      wieviele Shares hast du denn noch anzubieten...und für welchen Preis?
      Ich bin bei Urals Energy langristig investiert und würde dir gerne für deine Aktien gutes Geld bezahlen.
      Solltest du aktuell bei Minus 50 % liegen können wir uns doch bei Minus 45 % treffen?! :kiss:
      schrieb am 22.04.08 16:43:32
      Beitrag Nr. 93 ()

      Sale of Non-core Assets

      Urals Energy Public Company Limited (LSE: UEN), a leading independent exploration and production company with operations in Russia, reports the sale of certain of its non-core assets in the Komi Republic.

      As announced on 28 November 2007, the Company is in the process of streamlining its portfolio to focus on its major assets in East Siberia. In furtherance of these objectives the Company is pleased to announce the sale of certain of its assets in the Komi Republic of Russia to a private third party buyer for a gross price of US$93.5 million payable in cash, adjusted for current working capital. The principal asset sold is the Company’s Dinyu limited liability company, but included are Russian limited liability companies Michayuneft, Nizhne Omrynskoye Neft, Verchne Omrynskoye Neft and Voyvozh Neft. The total proved and probable reserves for Dinyu and Michau, according to the Company’s most recent reserve report by DeGolyer & MacNaughton, are 21.8 million barrels of oil. Nizhne Omrynskoye, Verchne Omrinskoye and Voyvozh have C1+ C2 reserves of 27.8 million barrels of oil according to the Russian State reserves records.

      Following the completion of this transaction both parties intend to cooperate further, with Urals Energy marketing the oil produced from the fields owned by the companies sold, charging a marketing fee to cover its costs in connection with the oil sales.

      The rationalization of these non-core assets will enable the Company to concentrate more of its human, technical and financial resources on its East Siberian assets, including the Dulisminskoye Field, acquired in 2006, and its previously announced acquisition of up to 39.5% of Taas-Yuriakh Neftegazodobycha (“Taas”).

      The net proceeds of the sale will be used to support the continued development of the Company’s assets and for general corporate needs.

      The Company continues to evaluate possible disposals of other non-core assets.

      Director Resignation

      The Company also announces that Bob Maguire has given notice of his resignation from the Board of Directors. Mr. Maguire will leave his position as a non-executive director with effect from 1 May 2008, in order to devote more time to his other business interests which have increased since he came on the Urals Board.

      The Board will seek to replace Mr. Maguire with another non-executive director in due course.

      Leonid Dyachenko, Chief Executive Officer, commented:

      “The sale of these assets demonstrates Urals’ commitment to the stated strategy of streamlining its portfolio to focus on East Siberia. We can now deploy our resources to fully exploit the excellent assets we have in that region.

      “We also want to thank Bob Maguire for his valuable insight and assistance during the last year when we undertook the largest acquisition in the Company’s history. We understand his desire to focus on his business interests and wish him well.”…
      schrieb am 22.04.08 21:05:49
      Beitrag Nr. 94 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.943.745 von Ramses2I am 22.04.08 16:43:32das eigentlich ein schlechtes Zeichen, wenn sich ein Unternh´nehmen auf Sein Kerngeschäft konzentrieren will. Die scheinen Liquiditätsprobleme zu haben. Das hört sich nach Restrukturierung an.

      RAMSES 21, hast Du noch Interesse an meinen Anteilen ?
      schrieb am 23.04.08 07:49:23
      Beitrag Nr. 95 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.946.475 von sternka am 22.04.08 21:05:49hast Du noch Interesse an meinen Anteilen ?

      Bin mir da nicht mehr ganz schlüssig Sternka.

      Wenn Urals Energy Assets verkauft dann sicher nicht ganz freiwillig. Die benötigen Geld...
      was hoffentlich nicht in dunklen Kanälen verschwindet.

      Wenn das Geld allerdings Schwung in die Entwicklung von Dulisma bringt sieht die Sacher wieder anderst aus.

      Mal schauen was in nächster Zeit noch alles versilbert wird bzw. versilbert werden muss. :(
      schrieb am 12.05.08 10:44:14
      Beitrag Nr. 96 ()
      ich glaube, ich gehe jetzt raus. In London ist es unter die 150-Marke gefallen. heute mal sehen, ob es "nachhaltig" ist. Außerdem scheinen die bei Urals ziemliche Liquiditätsprobleme zu haben. Die Erschließung des neuen Ölfeldes scheint auch noch ewig zu dauern. Und bis 2011 zu warten ist mir zu lange, vielleicht sind sie bis dahin auch schon hopps gegangen. Dann werde ich demnächst wohl dicke Verluste realisieren ...
      schrieb am 12.05.08 15:56:58
      Beitrag Nr. 97 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.074.470 von sternka am 12.05.08 10:44:14
      Und bis 2011 zu warten ist mir zu lange, vielleicht sind sie bis dahin auch schon hopps gegangen. Dann werde ich demnächst wohl dicke Verluste realisieren ...

      Sehe ich ebenso Sternka. :(

      Habe Urals Energy eine ziemlich lange Zeit gehalten und das Minus wurde nur größer. Seit ich verkauft habe ärgert mich diese Firma nicht mehr. Sollte Dulisma Erfolg haben kann man ja in ein paar Jahren wieder einsteigen.
      schrieb am 15.05.08 05:13:20
      Beitrag Nr. 98 ()
      schrieb am 15.05.08 07:48:36
      Beitrag Nr. 99 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.096.629 von Popeye82 am 15.05.08 05:13:20Sag nur, dass du an einen Erfolg in den nächsten 1 bis 2 Jahren bei Urals Energy glaubst...:rolleyes:
      schrieb am 21.07.08 20:15:07
      Beitrag Nr. 100 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.096.801 von Ramses2I am 15.05.08 07:48:36ramses 21, bis du noch am ball ?
      schrieb am 28.07.08 12:35:33
      Beitrag Nr. 101 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.554.618 von sternka am 21.07.08 20:15:07Nein.

      Bin bei etwa 160 pence ausgestiegen weil ich die Nase voll hatte.
      Am besten gefällt mir bei Urals Energy immer noch Dulisma und davon bin ich weiter überzeugt.
      schrieb am 22.08.08 12:37:06
      Beitrag Nr. 102 ()
      Irgendwie stinkt da was - wenn alles so toll ist müsste der Kurs fallen und nicht steigen...

      23 July 2008

      Drilling Update

      Urals Energy, a leading independent oil and gas producer focused on East Siberia, Russia today announces the successful testing of appraisal well #105 at the Dulisma Field (the "Field").


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