
    Prodigy Gold ehem. Kodiak Exploration der Gold- und Uranwert 2007 - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 11.02.07 12:22:49 von
    neuester Beitrag 01.11.12 11:15:43 von
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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 11.02.07 12:22:49
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      Hallo @all,

      ich möchte den ersten Thread für den Wert Kodiak Exploration öffnen. Fundamental wirklich gut, cash von 7 Mio. Besitzt sehr interessante Basis- und Edelmetall Properties in Nordamerika hauptsächlich. Vor allem deren Uran Properties in Otish Basin in Quebec sticht hier eindeutig hervor. Es beinhaltet 6 234 Hektar Gebiet im Nordosten von Otish Basin mit wirklich guten (with more than 100 radioactive boulders discovered by Uranerz.Thirty of these historic samples returned values higher than 0.1% uranium, including six which assayed 3.50, 2.64, 2.54, 1.73, 1.45 and 1.13% U.)

      Also macht euch einfach euer eigenes Bild auf der homepage von kodiak exploration, dort sind gute Präsentation enthalten zu den zahlreichen Properties von Kodiak.

      schrieb am 11.02.07 13:32:35
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      Danke für den Thread.

      Es waren - glaube ich - die eher guten - nicht excellenten - Uranwerte, die mich abgehalten hatten, der Wert zu kaufen.


      Vor langer Zeit.

      Sehr langer Zeit.

      schrieb am 11.02.07 15:27:26
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      so jetzt komme ich ins grübeln soll ich nun am Montag
      Aldershot oder Kodiak mir zu legen oder splitten und beide schwere Eintscheidung.
      schrieb am 11.02.07 16:54:13
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 27.620.476 von Montekaolino am 11.02.07 15:27:26Hallo Montekaolino,

      also aus fundamentaler Sicht und auch aufgrund der Diversifizierung auf verschiedene Projekte in Nordamerika, spricht vieles für Kodiak. Es ist keine Frage Aldershot ist etwas spekulativer, aber deren Uran-Properties in AUS scheinen aussichtsreicher zu sein als die von Kodiak. Wenn die ein Treffer landen, dann wird der share-price eine gute Performance hinlegen.

      Daher wäre es jetzt falsch von mir zu sagen, kauf jetzt Kodiak und nicht Aldershot, die Entscheidung muss du fällen, ob du dich für beide Werte entscheidest oder ob du dich nur für ein Wert entscheidest.

      Ich werde versuchen in der nächsten Woche etwas mehr Fakten zu Kodiak zu posten und auch parallel zu Aldershot Resources.

      schrieb am 11.02.07 19:10:11
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 27.624.972 von Hoschie am 11.02.07 16:54:13Danke für diese Info werde mich am Montag entscheiden.


      Trading Spotlight

      East Africa Metals
      0,1480EUR +0,68 %
      Hat East Africa bisher nur an der Oberfläche gekratzt?! mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 12.02.07 17:17:20
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 27.624.972 von Hoschie am 11.02.07 16:54:13Habe in Kanada geordert und Auftrag wurde ausgeführt.
      schrieb am 18.02.07 20:14:31
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()

      einige Fakten zu den Kodiak-Properties:

      Zu der Nickel-Property von Kodiak:
      Also was sehr interessant ist folgendes im Stockhouse:
      What I found really interesting was statement from Bill Chornobay saying 1% Nickel is equivelant to 1oz/ton of gold (depending on gold prices etc). So basically 28g/t - that's phenominal! I never really thought of it that way but it puts our potential into perspective.

      They have already pulled a 70m intersection of .21% Ni in phase 1; that's equivelant to 70m of approx. 6 g/t of gold. That intersect was only 27m down so we should be doing great when they dig deeper.

      Also schaut euch mal die Drillings von Phase 1 genau mal an:
      Hole 1,3 und Hole 5 weisen nickel mit mehr als 1% aus.

      Jetzt zu den Goldproperties:
      Hercules liegt zwischen Timmings-Abitibi und Red Lake (also im Norden von Ontario). Die letzten Assays aus der Phase 1 Drilling-Programm haben mehr als 15,59 g/t over 9,7 m nachgewiesen, was wirtschaftlich auf jeden Fall abbaubar ist. Das Ergebnis ist ziemlich gut.

      Knucklethumb Gold Property:
      Also ich habe auf der homepage nichts dergleichen über ein Drilling-Programm gefunden. Ich habe nur mal die Map analysiert.
      Also ich vermute mal aufgrund der geringen Tiefe, das es sich hierbei nur um Samples handelt:
      18,00 g/t Au over 2,00 m
      10,82 g/t over 2,15 m
      Das ist auf den ersten Blick erstmal ziemlich gut.

      Schließlich zum Uranium Property:
      Ich muss ehrlich gestehen, dass ich mich mit Uranium nicht so gut auskenne, wie mit Gold und anderen Metallen.
      Ich würde Panem bitten, hier eine erste Analyse zu machen.
      Folgendes kann ich nur sagen:
      Lt Kodiak weisen einige historische Samples Ergebnisse von mehr als 0,1 % Uranium, einschließlich sechs mit mehr als 1 % ( 3.50, 2.64, 2.54, 1.73, 1.45 and 1.13 ) aus.

      Gruss und einen schönen Sonntag,
      schrieb am 21.02.07 13:04:11
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 27.805.975 von Hoschie am 18.02.07 20:14:31Danke für diese Info. Bin jetzt bei Kodiak als auch bei Aldershot drinn. Vielleich hast Du ja Fakten zu Aldershot. Danke
      schrieb am 21.02.07 13:07:45
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 27.874.008 von Montekaolino am 21.02.07 13:04:11Nachgang.
      Habe mir auch Aktien von Beneton Res. zugelegt (BTC) kennst Du dies Aktie. Macht mir einen sehr guten Eindruck. Bitte um Info.
      schrieb am 22.02.07 22:25:00
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 27.874.081 von Montekaolino am 21.02.07 13:07:45Hi Monte,

      das ist wirklich ein Zufall. Ich meine ich kenne den Wert nicht sehr gut, aber ich wusste, das Ewan Downie im Management sitzt. Ewan Downie ist CEO von Wolfden Res. wo ich auch investiert bin. Er ist auch im Management in Halo Res und Sabina Res.
      Der Wert sieht auf den ersten Blick ziemlich interessant aus. Die haben zahlreiche Projekte rund um Ontario. Decken fast alles ab:
      Gold, Uranium, Platinum, Palladium, Nickel and Copper.

      Die letzten Assays aus dem Saganaga Gold property sind gut.
      Im gesamten kann ich nur sagen: Für ein kleines Investment ist es nicht schlecht.

      schrieb am 23.02.07 10:02:24
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      danke für Deine Info bin jetzt in Benton, Kodiak und in Aldershot investiert.
      Aldershot läuft noch nicht so richtig wird aber bestimmt noch kommen da sie ja sehr gute Urangebiete besitzen wenn Du was neueres hierüber in Erfahrung bringst bitte um Info.Danke
      schrieb am 23.02.07 17:58:51
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      Hallo zusammen

      Weiss jemand, wann Kodiak was produziert?
      schrieb am 23.02.07 18:40:54
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 27.929.733 von seppmaier22 am 23.02.07 17:58:51Kann ich Dir leider auch nicht sagen.
      Aber auf die letzten Umsätze zu schließen und der letzten News zu beurteilen steht hier in Kürze eine Übernahme an.
      Ist meine Meinung. Warten wir mal die nächsten Wochen ab.
      schrieb am 23.02.07 19:00:29
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      da sie so schön steigen (in Cad) hab ich kleine Position zugelegt !
      schrieb am 23.02.07 19:02:50
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      hier noch eine kleine Meinung aus Stockhousboard

      My BullBoards

      Jump to KXL Forum
      SUBJECT: Poison Pill is Bullish Posted By: ivanyee1948
      Post Time: 2/23/2007 12:38
      « Previous Message Next Message »

      KXL roars like a Lion. They have issued an immediate poision pill because something very HUGE has been discovered, maybe another Voiseys Bay Diamond Fields multi billion dollar Platinum, Nickel, Copper deposit. God Bless Canada. We are #1.
      schrieb am 23.02.07 20:58:57
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 27.929.733 von seppmaier22 am 23.02.07 17:58:51Hi @all

      Kodiak Expl. ist wieder name sagt ein Exploration Unternehmen. Sie haben wirklich sehr gute Properties, wo noch einiges an Exploration-Arbeit notwendig sein wird. Bis irgendetwas in Produktion gehen kann, dauert es noch Jahre.
      Bevor man an Produktion denken kann, müssen Feasibiltiy-Studies für die entsprechenden Projekte erstellt werden.
      Was die produzieren könnten, habe ich in meinem letzten Posting schon erwähnt. Bitte einfachmal zurückblättern.

      Nichtsdestotrotz finde ich diesen Wert fundamental wirklich sehr interessant. Die heutige news release zeigt auf, das eine mögliche Übernahme-Angebot ins Haus flattern kann und das man aber auch gewillt ist, alle shareholder hier miteinzubeziehen, mit dem Ziel: Increase of shareholder value.

      In diesem Sinne, wünsche ich euch ein schönes WE

      schrieb am 26.02.07 22:47:16
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 27.874.081 von Montekaolino am 21.02.07 13:07:45Hi Monte,

      habe einen Thread für Benton Res erstellt.

      schrieb am 27.02.07 06:57:38
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 27.992.011 von Hoschie am 26.02.07 22:47:16Hallo Hoschie,
      habs gelesen Danke.
      Aldershot und Kodiak entwickeln sich langsam aber sicher.
      schrieb am 27.02.07 11:47:32
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      bin auch mal mit ner kleinen position dabei

      schrieb am 12.03.07 17:43:36
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()
      tritt nun den Wende nach den Abgaben der vergangenen Tage ein

      Börsenplatz Währung Letzter Preis 12:23:33 Veränderung
      Venture CAD 1.05 +0.08 (+8.2%) :)
      Geldkurs-Volumen Geldkurs - Briefkurs - Briefkurs-Volumen
      7'000 1.03 1.09 8'000

      Real time prices
      schrieb am 12.03.07 17:48:53
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()
      übrigens ist man der Meinung, dass schon bald erste Zwischenresultate kommen sollten.

      SUBJECT: RE: Wager on Release of Results Posted By: northerntour
      Post Time: 3/12/2007 12:34
      « Previous Message Next Message »

      Hi beaver65,

      Even with the delays created by weather and machinery, I think managment will pop us some info regarding the first two - three drill holes between March 27th - 28th.
      schrieb am 12.03.07 22:14:32
      Beitrag Nr. 22 ()
      sehr schöner Schluss
      Börsenplatz Währung Letzter Preis 15:42:27 Veränderung
      Venture CAD 1.07 +0.1 (+10.3%)
      Geldkurs-Volumen Geldkurs - Briefkurs - Briefkurs-Volumen
      19'000 1.04 1.07 10'000
      Market closed.

      Intressante Meldung, hoffentlich hält ihr keine Ranger !!!

      KXL Company Snapshot
      BullBoards Member Forums My BullBoards

      Jump to KXL Forum
      SUBJECT: Another major uranium producer is flooded. Posted By: stargazer1
      Post Time: 3/12/2007 13:34
      « Previous Message Next Message »

      Ranger Uranium Mine Pit 3 Flooded
      World’s Third Largest Uranium Producer Underwater
      A Loss of Up to 4 Million Pounds U3O8 in 2007?

      Water entering Pit 3 from Retention Pond 2 spillway, Ranger Mine Pit 3, Ranger Mine on March 2nd showing evidence of flooding

      U.S. and other utilities dependent upon newly mined uranium to power their nuclear reactors can add yet another supply headache to their plate. Energy Resources of Australia declared ‘force majeure’ on its uranium sales contracts to utilities the company supplies in North America, Europe and Asia. No specifics were provided on the company’s website. Information coming from ERA has been on the quiet side.

      However, TradeTech chief executive Gene Clark told StockInterview, “ERA or their customers or both will have to be in the market either buying or borrowing.” Dr. Clark calculated ERA’s contract sales in 2006 averaged about US$20.55/pound and were probably expecting $22/pound this year. TradeTech’s Nuclear Market Review reports weekly changes in the spot uranium price in the Friday edition of their trade magazine, and post the update price indicator on the consulting service’s website at
      schrieb am 12.03.07 22:48:10
      Beitrag Nr. 23 ()
      so die 1 Can $ Grenze dürfte nach oben durch sein - potential ist da (man siehe den alltime chart:D)



      schrieb am 16.03.07 02:23:52
      Beitrag Nr. 24 ()
      For Immediate Release Kodiak Acquires Uranium Properties in Otish BasinVancouver, British Columbia, March 14, 2007-

      Kodiak Exploration is pleased to announce the acquisition of additional ground in Québec’s Otish Basin. Kodiak has expanded its 100% controlled land holdings from 22,350 to 58,278 acres. An additional 53,587 acres have been staked and confirmed by online notification from the Ministère des Ressources Naturelles et de la Faune du Québec. Once these latest claims are confirmed in writing, Kodiak’s position will total 111,865 acres in the highly prospective Otish Basin where the exploration for unconformity-type uranium deposits is currently underway. Kodiak plans to commence its exploration of these uranium properties with an airborne radiometric, gradiometer magnetic and EM survey in the spring of 2007, to be followed up by surface exploration and drilling to test theeconomic potential of these prospects. The Otish Basin is geologically similar and frequently compared to the Athabasca Basin in Saskatchewan, which accounts for approximately one third of global uranium production and 15% of global uranium reserves. Exploration in the Otish Basin during the 1970s by Uranerz, SOQUEM, Phelps Dodge, PanContinental-Cominco, Atlantic Richfield, Shell, Cogema and others resulted in the discovery of uranium deposits, numerous showings and large areas ofanomalous geochemistry that were never followed up as exploration in the area ceased after uranium prices collapsed in the early 1980s. The Otish Basin attracted attention again recently when Strateco reported a series of drill resultsfrom the original Uranerz Matoush uranium discovery, where high-grade uranium isconcentrated in a fault zone cutting Proterozoic-age sandstone. The uranium-mineralized fault zone is marked by altered gabbro dyke remnants and is traceable by geophysics. Strateco intersected 2.13% U3O8over 15.2 metres, including 3.20% U3O8over 8.4 metres. Two other drill holes intersected better than 1% U3O8over lengths of 14.1 metres and 10.5 metres. The mineralization at Matoush lies well above the Archean unconformity and resembles the “perched bodies” found above the McArthur River and Cigar Lake uranium deposits of the AthabascaBasin. The Matoush area also has potential for unconformity-related mineralization at depth. As a result of Strateco’s discovery, many companies are now active in the area, including Cameco and Areva.
      Page 2
      Kodiak Acquires Uranium Properties in Otish Basin/Page 2 of 3 Kodiak’s UR and 308 prospects cover high-grade radioactive float, areas of anomalousgeochemistry, and uranium-bearing veins near the basin margins. On the UR property, a wedge-shaped radioactive boulder train measuring 3 kilometres long by 2 kilometres wide points up-ice to a fault in Archean bedrock, which is inferred to be the source. More than 100 angular granite boulders assayed by Uranerz contained over 0.1% U, with six ranging from 1.13 to 3.50% U. Similar indicators led Uranerz to the Matoush discovery. This prospect has not been drill-tested. Targets on Kodiak’s 308 West and 308 East properties include both deep unconformity sources in bedrock, and classic unconformity-style mineralization in the overlying sediments. At the Yvon showing on the 308 West claims, Uranerz traced a pitchblende vein for 15 metres. Historic lake sediment samples taken immediately northeast of the area contained from 405 to 1,920 ppm U. The 308 East prospect covers a cluster of historic uranium anomalies and radioactive boulders along the west side of a gabbro dyke, in a similar setting to the Matoush prospect. A historic hole drilled on the same structure south of Kodiak’s claims intersected uranium mineralization over3.5 metres. Kodiak’s Mat I claim block lies on the western rim of the basin, adjoining the northern edge of Strateco’s claims. This area is most prospective for shallow unconformity-style uranium mineralization. The Mat II block is located between Strateco’s ground and Cameco’s claims tothe south. The Mat III block is located to the west of Strateco’s Matoush discovery. The Mat II and Mat III claims are both prospective for perched and unconformity-style uraniummineralization. Kodiak’s new UR East claims (33,728 acres) are located 5 kilometres northeast of the UR claim block, an outlier where basinal sediments and gabbro are cut by altered and mineralized shear zones containing sulfides, including chalcopyrite. Historic lake sediment anomalies up to 159 ppm U, with elevated uranium to thorium ratios, were also recorded within the claim block. The UR East property is prospective for both unconformity and deep-unconformity style uraniummineralization. Kodiak has received online confirmation from the Ministère des Ressources Naturelles et de la Faune du Québec regarding its notice of map staking of the Mat I-III and UR East claims. Kodiak acquired the RIM 1 through 3 properties by way of online staking in the Otish Basin,totaling approximately 53,587 acres. This ground is located along the east rim of the Basin, in an area containing the highest concentrations of uranium showings and anomalies. Many of these showings are located within or near cross-cutting structures. Multiple faults crosscut the basinal sediments within the RIM claim blocks, and an historic uranium showing and several anomalies are contained within the claim boundaries. These properties are highly prospective for unconformity and perched-style uranium mineralization. Once Kodiak has received final confirmation by mail for this online staking, Kodiak will officially have 100% control of approximately 111,865 acres in the Otish Basin.
      Page 3
      Kodiak Acquires Uranium Properties in Otish Basin/Page 3 of 3 Further information, including maps, drill sections and photographs, is available on Kodiak’s website at www.kodiakexp.comThe information contained in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Trevor Bremner, P. Geo., who is a qualified person for these projects under the definitions established by National Instrument 43-101. Mr. Bremner is an independent consultant to Kodiak. -30- On behalf of the Board of DirectorsKODIAK EXPLORATION LIMITED William S. Chornobay, Director, President For further information contact: (604) 688-9006 or by email at info@kodiakexp.comThis release has been prepared by management – TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release. This document contains certain forward lookingstatements which involve known and unknown risks, delays, and uncertainties not under the Company’s controlwhich may cause actual results, performance or achievements of the Company to be materially different from the results, performance or expectation implied by these forward
      schrieb am 16.03.07 21:57:12
      Beitrag Nr. 25 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.320.206 von Panem am 16.03.07 02:23:52Danke Panem,

      wollte gerade auch posten.

      schrieb am 22.03.07 00:50:49
      Beitrag Nr. 26 ()
      Charttechnisch muss die 1,20 CAD durchbrochen werden, damit es weiter aufwärts geht.

      schrieb am 29.03.07 21:09:13
      Beitrag Nr. 27 ()
      Press Release - Kodiak Exploration Limited(TSX-V : KXL)
      Kodiak Commences Phase III Program on Hercules Gold Prospect
      March 29, 2007 7:05:00 AM

      Kodiak Exploration Limited (TSX VENTURE: KXL) is pleased to announce commencement of its Phase III exploration program on its 100% controlled Hercules gold prospect in Ontario. The property covers a gold-mineralized shear zone that Kodiak has traced by stripping and diamond drilling over a strike length of 1.2 kilometres, and that remains open in all directions.

      Drilling on the WL Gold Zone in 2006 encountered high-grade gold mineralization in several drill holes, including 15.59 g/t Au over 9.7 metres true thickness, including 51.65 g/t Au over 2.8 metres, in Hole HR-06-03. Two other holes also assayed better than 10 g/t Au over multi-metre intervals. These holes outline a high-grade gold-mineralized shoot plunging to the west/northwest that remains open, demonstrating the potential for the system to host a significant new gold discovery. A total of 17 out of 20 Phase I and II drill holes contain gold mineralization, outlining a broad mineralized halo 1 kilometre long and up to 75 metres wide that surrounds high-grade mineralization in the WL, Penelton and Yellow Brick Road zones.

      Preliminary mapping of the WL, Penelton and Yellow Brick Road gold zones indicates that a series of thick, S-shaped pyritic gold-bearing quartz veins approximately 80 metres long are repeated along the shear zone every 100 to 150 metres. Both the veins and the intensely sheared wall rocks are gold-bearing. Petrographic analysis has confirmed the presence of electrum (a gold-silver alloy) in one of the channel cuts. A strong correlation between gold and silver values in the shear suggests it is widespread. Metallics assays were performed to mitigate any sampling errors which could be caused by uneven distribution of gold in the veins. The results indicate that both fine and coarse gold are present in the system.

      Intense alteration of the metavolcanic and porphyry wall rocks indicates that large volumes of hydrothermal fluid have passed through the Hercules shear, which is steeply dipping to vertical and up to 400 metres wide. In the WL Gold Zone, sericite, chlorite and carbonate alteration are dominant, while the Penelton and Yellow Brick Road zones are characterized by feldspar and hematite alteration, along with silica and sericite. Ribbon fractures within the veins, associated with pyrite and sericite, suggest multiple episodes of mineralization.

      The host rocks, geometry and structure along the Hercules shear system have many of the characteristics of well known gold deposits in the Archean, such as those found in the Abitibi and Timmins gold camps. Thirteen kilometres of the newly discovered Hercules shear system remain relatively unexplored. There are several gold showings along the system that have returned assays up to 40.32 g/t Au from grab samples, confirming the potential for additional high-grade gold shoots.

      Kodiak's Phase III exploration program will focus on expanding the known extent of the gold-bearing zone on surface along strike for eight kilometres. It is also planned to include IP and magnetic surveys, trenching and prospecting, along with detailed geological mapping and sampling, to define the plunge direction and angle of the known mineralized shoots. This will be followed by diamond drilling to test economic potential.

      Further information, including maps, drill sections and photographs, is available on Kodiak's website at

      The information contained in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Trevor Bremner, P. Geo., who is a qualified person for these projects under the definitions established by National Instrument 43-101. Mr. Bremner is an independent consultant to Kodiak.

      On behalf of the Board of Directors


      William S. Chornobay, Director, President

      Contacts: Kodiak Exploration Limited
      William S. Chornobay Director, President
      Tel: (604) 688-9006
      Fax: (604) 688-9029
      schrieb am 11.04.07 06:29:51
      Beitrag Nr. 28 ()
      Vancouver, BC April 10, 2007

      FSC / Press Release

      Kodiak Appoints Vice-President, Exploration

      Vancouver, British Columbia CANADA, April 10, 2007 /FSC/ - Kodiak Exploration Limited (TSX - VX: KXL), is pleased to announce that Brian Maher has joined the Company as its Vice-President, Exploration.

      Mr. Brian Maher is an economic geologist with over 27 years of experience in the international mining and exploration industry, during which time he has been part of several successful discoveries. He received his B.A. (Geology) from California State University in 1980 and his M.Sc. (Economic Geology) from Colorado State University in 1983. Mr. Maher is a member of the Society of Economic Geologists and the author of numerous publications on economic geology.

      In 1982, Mr. Maher began a 16-year career with ASARCO Inc., where he initiated, designed and supervised exploration programs for gold and copper deposits in a variety of geologic environments throughout North and South America, resulting in the discovery of significant gold and base metal resources.

      From 1998 through 2002, Mr. Maher operated a successful geologic consulting business with an emphasis on geologic modeling, resource estimation and business planning. Between 2002 and 2004 Mr. Maher was Project Manager at an underground gold mine in Nevada, supervising underground and surface exploration. In the course of that project he came to the attention of Hochschild Mining PLC, a Peruvian based mining company which was privately owned when Brian was asked to join it in 2005, but recently went public on the Main Market of the London Stock Exchange.

      Brian's responsibilities at Hochschild, where he served as Exploration Manager for the US, Canada and Mexico prior to joining Kodiak, included supervision of exploration and mine development programs, economic analysis of acquisition candidates and development of new corporate strategies.

      Mr Maher will assume overall responsibility for management, supervision and direction of Kodiak's exploration activities and geological team on a full-time basis. In addition, he will be actively involved in identifying advanced exploration projects and evaluating their economic potential as possible acquisition targets for Kodiak. As part of his compensation package, Brian will be granted incentive stock options to purchase up to 500,000 shares of the Company at the price of 0.93 per share.

      "Kodiak is extremely pleased that an economic geologist of Brian's calibre has joined its team" said the company's President, Bill Chornobay. "His confidence in the potential of our current nickel, gold and uranium projects, and his belief in our strategy of growth through the acquisition of undervalued mineral assets will further our plans to build Kodiak into a major player in the mineral exploration business."

      Further information, including maps, drill sections and photographs, is available on Kodiak's website at
      schrieb am 21.06.07 19:05:12
      Beitrag Nr. 29 ()
      Press Release - Kodiak Exploration Limited (TSX-V : KXL)
      Kodiak Announces $800,000 Exploration Program for Ten Otish Uranium Properties
      June 21, 2007 9:02:00 AM


      Kodiak Exploration Limited (TSX VENTURE: KXL) is pleased to report that it has contracted to have 11,000 line kilometres of airborne surveys flown over ten uranium prospects staked by it in the Otish Basin of Quebec during 2006. The airborne survey and follow-up ground exploration will be used to identify radioactive targets for a drilling program.

      The Otish Basin has been considered prospective for uranium for many years. It is frequently compared to the Athabasca Basin of Saskatchewan, which accounts for approximately one third of global uranium supply. It made headlines recently after Strateco Resources Inc. intersected 2.13% U3O8 over 15.2 metres in a 2006 drill hole on its Matoush property, which is contiguous with Kodiak's Matoush north and south properties and 1.3 km east of Kodiak's Matoush west claim block. Kodiak's other seven prospects are known as the UR, UR East, 308 West, 308 East, and RIM 1, 2 and 3. Kodiak holds a 100% interest in all ten claim blocks, which collectively cover approximately 105,000 acres.

      Exploration conducted on Kodiak's UR claim block during the 1970's by Uranerz, a large European uranium company, identified more than 100 radioactive boulders within a 3 km x 2 km area. Those boulders returned uranium values ranging from 0.12% U308 to 4.13% U308. Kodiak's exploration programs will be directed at locating the source of those mineralized boulders. Since the boulders were deposited at their current locations by glacial ice flows, they form a pattern which allows the company to follow them "up-ice" to a potential source. The particular pattern of the radioactive boulders discovered by Uranez indicates that a regional fault located 3 km up-ice may be the source of those boulders and, therefore, prospective for a uranium deposit. That fault is covered by mineral claims which are 100% owned by Kodiak.

      Kodiak will fly radiometric, magnetic and electromagnetic surveys, all of which are designed to identify radioactive targets within the basinal sediments and radioactive fault zones which cut the bedrock up-ice from the boulder trains, which are near the basin margin. Kodiak has budgeted $800,000 for the airborne program and follow-up surface exploration. The airborne survey is scheduled to begin in early August, 2007.

      Kodiak's ten uranium prospects include a wide range of geological settings, with potential to host a variety of deposit types. These include perched deposits within the basinal sediments (like Matoush), classic unconformity-style deposits at the bedrock interface (like Key Lake), and deep unconformity deposits within the crystalline bedrock (like Rabbit Lake).

      Kodiak's properties were acquired to cover specific target areas identified by Uranerz in the late 1970s, but relinquished after the uranium price collapsed in the early 1980s. These prospects were developed by Kodiak's geologic team in collaboration with Roscoe Postle Associates, and Charles Beaudry, P. Geo. This summer's exploration program is to be conducted under the direct supervision of Kodiak consulting geologist Chris Marmont, P.Geo. Mr. Marmont has considerable past uranium exploration experience, including a position as manager of Urangesellschaft Canada Limited's Baker Lake program in the late seventies. That program included the initial drilling of the Kiggavik uranium deposit.

      The information contained in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Chris Marmont, P.Geo who is the qualified person for the Otish project under the definitions established by National Instrument 43-101.

      Kodiak is a mineral exploration company with properties located in Canada. Maps, photographs, geological details and additional information may be reviewed on its web site at

      On behalf of the Board of Directors


      William S. Chornobay, Director, President

      This document contains certain forward looking statements which involve known and unknown risks, delays, and uncertainties not under the Company's control which may cause actual results, performance or achievements of the Company to be materially different from the results, performance or expectation implied by these forward looking statements.

      Kodiak Exploration Limited
      William S. Chornobay Director, President
      (604) 688-9006
      Fax:(604) 688-9029
      schrieb am 03.10.07 12:15:18
      Beitrag Nr. 30 ()
      da hat man tatsächlich was nettes gefunden
      schrieb am 09.10.07 16:51:21
      Beitrag Nr. 31 ()
      ... und daher geht der kurs auch über 1,8 cad

      das wird bei VG GOLD und HY LAKE dieses jahr auch noch kommen, wenn die drilling results draussen sind.

      schrieb am 09.10.07 21:50:15
      Beitrag Nr. 32 ()
      bin ich der einzige im lande der in dem titel drinnen ist ?
      schrieb am 10.10.07 14:22:50
      Beitrag Nr. 33 ()
      Nope. :look:
      schrieb am 10.10.07 15:26:18
      Beitrag Nr. 34 ()
      wie eloquent... aber wenigstens sind wir 2!
      schrieb am 11.10.07 14:51:06
      Beitrag Nr. 35 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 31.925.805 von dosco12 am 10.10.07 15:26:18Nein du bist nicht der einzige
      schrieb am 12.10.07 19:51:01
      Beitrag Nr. 36 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 31.939.396 von Hoschie am 11.10.07 14:51:06I got back home late this evening from the Hercules Property. We landed in a snowstorm at Geraldton, and then hopped in a truck with the project geo to spend the day swinging rock hammers at outcrops. I plan to write a full trip report tomorrow but I am too dozy to concentrate right now. I hate to leave that sort of thing for a Friday, so I will just post a couple of notes:
      The system is massive, with several nested veins including two that run for about 2 kms so far and remain open lateraly and to depth. They have issues with swamps and lakes that interupt the stripping of the veins so they have to wait for winter, but they have identified drill targets up the yin-yang from the surface sampling so far. I walked the length of one of the more productive veins and saw that the sampling was done in a straight line across the vein, in 20m intervals. So it was not a question of just high grade sampling that was reported.

      The visible gold in this system is the best I have ever seen. I brought home 4 samples and I look forward to the next Toronto goldbugs meeting to show them around. Absolutely off the charts! There were so many gold spots just along the surface of the veins I lost count, and some were about the size of my thumbnail. I did not want to take home the samples from the vein that were exposed, so I spent about half an hour with a geo and a prospector, breaking rock and I only took the more interesting samples, but we found VG all over the place.

      There are numerous samples and 10 more drill core assays still pending, and KXL has paid a higher lab fee to get priority testing done. So I expect more news will be released very soon. I think the market is going to like it too, based on what I witnessed for myself.

      I will post more tomorrow. For personal disclosure, I bought more shares this week, and have not sold a share since last winter, but I do have plans to take some profits later in this run and ride the zero cost average shares. So I do not want to overly hype this story and sell into it, but be advised I plan to take about a quarter of my shares off the table, somewhere above $2. KXL paid my airfare to the project today, but I do not receive any form of compensation for my time or for posting my reports.

      schrieb am 12.10.07 20:24:19
      Beitrag Nr. 37 ()
      Das hört sich super an, wenn das stimmt, was dieser Stockhouse user schreibt.
      schrieb am 12.10.07 20:48:46
      Beitrag Nr. 38 ()
      der ist bekannt wie ein bunter hund: coach247
      schrieb am 12.10.07 20:52:46
      Beitrag Nr. 39 ()
      mexicomike ja der ist sehr bekannt
      schrieb am 12.10.07 22:36:07
      Beitrag Nr. 40 ()
      news von kodiak:

      habe ich ja noch nie gelesen, aber klingt lustig:

      AGORACOM Launches "Investor Controlled Discussion Forum" for Kodiak Exploration Investors in Response to Epidemic Bashing and Spam
      Friday October 12, 3:55 pm ET

      TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Oct. 12, 2007) - AGORACOM ( is pleased to announce the launch of an "Investor Controlled Discussion Forum" for investors of Kodiak Exploration (TSX VENTURE:KXL - News) at , as well as, the appointment of "Crowlee" as HUB Leader.


      In response to epidemic levels of spam, stock bashing and profanity on stock forums around the web, AGORACOM launched Investor Controlled Discussion Forums for the purpose of handing control back to small-cap investors. Specifically, control over offending posts, offending members and company information.

      Based on a democratic voting and activity system, investors of every small-cap stock are able to appoint HUB Leaders to exercise the following controls with just one-click:

      - Delete offending posts containing spam, profanity and stock bashing

      - Delete offending members that continue to post offending messages

      - Update company information such as corporate profiles, management bio's, company photos and videos, logos, outstanding shares and more.

      As a result, investors are able to amalgamate, communicate, share market intelligence and exchange investment opinions in a clean and constructive environment, leading to the best investment decision possible. Testimonials from newly registered members can be seen at

      AGORACOM launched its paradigm shifting model on October 5th, 2007 and reports that over 100 HUBS have already been launched. Investors of companies not yet on AGORACOM can request a HUB at:

      About AGORACOM

      AGORACOM ( is North America's largest official online community for public companies. Unlike stock communities that provide investors with unmonitored discussion forums plagued by profanity, spam and bashing, AGORACOM was built to serve the interests of public companies and investors by creating monitored communities focusing on quality over quantity.
      schrieb am 13.10.07 16:46:09
      Beitrag Nr. 41 ()
      schrieb am 13.10.07 19:22:49
      Beitrag Nr. 42 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 31.969.466 von fwinter61 am 13.10.07 16:46:09Willkommen hier im Kodiak Expl. Thread. Wenn du mehr Fakten zu Kodiak wissen willst, dann geh zur Homepage oder geh an den Anfang des Threads wo ich einiges zu Kodiak geschrieben habe.

      Gruss und ein schönes WE,
      schrieb am 13.10.07 21:47:47
      Beitrag Nr. 43 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 31.972.164 von Hoschie am 13.10.07 19:22:49Thanks f+r die Begrüúng!
      Kam über Bayswater hier her…
      mal sehen, ob da ein Zusammenhang entsteht.
      schrieb am 15.10.07 08:31:58
      Beitrag Nr. 44 ()

      Wer ist hier bereits dabei?
      schrieb am 17.10.07 00:10:00
      Beitrag Nr. 45 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 31.992.456 von Panem am 15.10.07 08:31:58ich noch immer...

      leider dumm genug gewesen bei noront zu 2,6 raus zu gehen... das passiert mir hier nicht...
      schrieb am 17.10.07 17:33:06
      Beitrag Nr. 46 ()
      wieso steigen die bloss immer noch ?

      hätte mehr kaufen sollen...

      schrieb am 18.10.07 19:59:00
      Beitrag Nr. 47 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 32.051.161 von dosco12 am 17.10.07 17:33:062,37 ?
      schrieb am 18.10.07 20:02:36
      Beitrag Nr. 48 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 32.051.161 von dosco12 am 17.10.07 17:33:062.49 ?

      soll das jetzt jede minute 5 % nach oben gehen ?
      schrieb am 18.10.07 20:09:09
      Beitrag Nr. 49 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 32.071.521 von dosco12 am 18.10.07 20:02:362,55...
      schrieb am 18.10.07 20:10:42
      Beitrag Nr. 50 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 32.071.660 von dosco12 am 18.10.07 20:09:092,6. .. das gibts doch nicht...
      schrieb am 18.10.07 20:11:33
      Beitrag Nr. 51 ()
      2,65 ... ääää?
      schrieb am 18.10.07 20:12:32
      Beitrag Nr. 52 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 32.071.660 von dosco12 am 18.10.07 20:09:092,7 iiiiii
      schrieb am 18.10.07 20:17:51
      Beitrag Nr. 53 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 32.071.736 von dosco12 am 18.10.07 20:12:322,75!
      ok, auf die erklärende news bin ich aber gespannt...
      schrieb am 18.10.07 21:37:23
      Beitrag Nr. 54 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 32.071.838 von dosco12 am 18.10.07 20:17:512,8 cad!
      schrieb am 18.10.07 21:51:42
      Beitrag Nr. 55 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 32.073.382 von dosco12 am 18.10.07 21:37:232,95!
      schrieb am 19.10.07 15:09:22
      Beitrag Nr. 56 ()
      halted ?!
      schrieb am 19.10.07 15:15:06
      Beitrag Nr. 57 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 32.084.543 von dosco12 am 19.10.07 15:09:22Market Regulation Services - Trading Halt - Kodiak Exploration Limited - KXL
      Friday October 19, 9:12 am ET

      VANCOUVER, Oct. 19 /CNW/ - The following issues have been halted by Market Regulation Services (RS):

      Issuer Name: Kodiak Exploration Limited
      TSX-V Ticker Symbol: KXL
      Time of Halt: at the open
      Reason for Halt: Pending News

      For further information

      Market Regulation Services Inc., (416) 646-7299
      schrieb am 19.10.07 15:37:29
      Beitrag Nr. 58 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 32.084.611 von dosco12 am 19.10.07 15:15:06Hui... ich bin mit Dir gespannt.

      Vielen Dank für das Heraussuchen und die schöne Reportage gestern abend; hab das gestern leider nicht mitverfolgt, kann Deinen Kommentaren aber soweit folgen. :laugh:
      schrieb am 19.10.07 16:17:32
      Beitrag Nr. 59 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 32.084.947 von Peter_B am 19.10.07 15:37:29Ich weiß es schon, ich weiß es schon!

      (aber schon seit Montag)

      Gelobt sein die Insider!
      schrieb am 19.10.07 16:32:53
      Beitrag Nr. 60 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 32.085.653 von Panem am 19.10.07 16:17:32Ach komm. Was denn das für ein Spruch?

      schrieb am 19.10.07 16:36:33
      Beitrag Nr. 61 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 32.085.895 von Peter_B am 19.10.07 16:32:53Ich weiß, der Spruch ist doof.

      Nein, es war einfach der Bericht von Coach247 vom Fieldtrip, der durchgesickert ist.

      Zumindest hat mir Kodiak nach Lage der Dinge den Sieg beim WO-Börsenspiel gebracht.

      Daher mein Jubel.

      Privat war ich zu vorsichtig, denn aufgrund von Gerüchten zu kaufen ist so eine Sache - und meine nicht.
      schrieb am 19.10.07 16:49:27
      Beitrag Nr. 62 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 32.085.963 von Panem am 19.10.07 16:36:33Den hab ich auch gelesen; hm. Naja. Wie ist dieser Coach denn einzuschätzen bzw. warum leitest Du hiervon was ab?

      A propos - von heute:
      schrieb am 19.10.07 17:06:44
      Beitrag Nr. 63 ()

      ... ich stell mal was rein, damit man in diesem schönen Board auch ein wenig dabei ist
      schrieb am 19.10.07 17:07:25
      Beitrag Nr. 64 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 32.086.177 von Peter_B am 19.10.07 16:49:27der bericht war gut... aber die infos wusste ich schon vor ihm...
      stand auf der homepage seit wochen, dass es vg gibt!

      aber wie immer nur ein paar k gekauft...
      schrieb am 19.10.07 17:09:04
      Beitrag Nr. 65 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 32.086.496 von dosco12 am 19.10.07 17:07:25Ja, aber seine Sätze auf seiner Homepage waren extrem beeindruckend.

      So etwas habe ich von Mike noch nie gehört.
      schrieb am 19.10.07 18:22:48
      Beitrag Nr. 66 ()
      Map aller Area Plays:

      Ich sage nur: Hallo Noront!…
      schrieb am 19.10.07 18:31:23
      Beitrag Nr. 67 ()
      aber wer sitzt tatsächlich auf der ader.
      das düften nur wenige...wenn überhaupt einer sein.

      wer von denen hatte den visible gold auf dem claim ?

      schrieb am 20.10.07 23:16:33
      Beitrag Nr. 68 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 32.085.963 von Panem am 19.10.07 16:36:33Hallo Panem

      Wir wollen doch bitteschön korrekt bleiben. Ich bitte dich deshalb, dein Posting


      #61 von Panem Benutzerinfo Nachricht an Benutzer Beiträge des Benutzers ausblenden 19.10.07 16:36:33 Beitrag Nr.: 32.085.963

      Ich weiß, der Spruch ist doof.

      Nein, es war einfach der Bericht von Coach247 vom Fieldtrip, der durchgesickert ist.

      Zumindest hat mir Kodiak nach Lage der Dinge den Sieg beim WO-Börsenspiel gebracht.

      Daher mein Jubel.

      Privat war ich zu vorsichtig, denn aufgrund von Gerüchten zu kaufen ist so eine Sache - und meine nicht.


      richtig zu stellen.

      Mit freundlichsten Grüßen - deine Börsenspielhosteß
      schrieb am 20.10.07 23:26:02
      Beitrag Nr. 69 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 32.095.456 von Boersenspiele am 20.10.07 23:16:33Nach Lage der Dinge NICHT den auch gar nicht verdienten Sieg im Börsenspiel...

      schrieb am 20.10.07 23:32:46
      Beitrag Nr. 70 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 31.961.699 von dosco12 am 12.10.07 19:51:01Im Übrigen hatte hier jeder die Info zur Verfügung - ohne eventuell die Werthaltigkeit der Quelle einschätzen zu können.

      Ich sehe das Problem deshalb nicht:

      "I got back home late this evening from the Hercules Property. We landed in a snowstorm at Geraldton, and then hopped in a truck with the project geo to spend the day swinging rock hammers at outcrops. I plan to write a full trip report tomorrow but I am too dozy to concentrate right now. I hate to leave that sort of thing for a Friday, so I will just post a couple of notes:
      The system is massive, with several nested veins including two that run for about 2 kms so far and remain open lateraly and to depth. They have issues with swamps and lakes that interupt the stripping of the veins so they have to wait for winter, but they have identified drill targets up the yin-yang from the surface sampling so far. I walked the length of one of the more productive veins and saw that the sampling was done in a straight line across the vein, in 20m intervals. So it was not a question of just high grade sampling that was reported.

      The visible gold in this system is the best I have ever seen. I brought home 4 samples and I look forward to the next Toronto goldbugs meeting to show them around. Absolutely off the charts! There were so many gold spots just along the surface of the veins I lost count, and some were about the size of my thumbnail. I did not want to take home the samples from the vein that were exposed, so I spent about half an hour with a geo and a prospector, breaking rock and I only took the more interesting samples, but we found VG all over the place.

      There are numerous samples and 10 more drill core assays still pending, and KXL has paid a higher lab fee to get priority testing done. So I expect more news will be released very soon. I think the market is going to like it too, based on what I witnessed for myself.

      I will post more tomorrow. For personal disclosure, I bought more shares this week, and have not sold a share since last winter, but I do have plans to take some profits later in this run and ride the zero cost average shares. So I do not want to overly hype this story and sell into it, but be advised I plan to take about a quarter of my shares off the table, somewhere above $2. KXL paid my airfare to the project today, but I do not receive any form of compensation for my time or for posting my reports.

      schrieb am 21.10.07 10:53:14
      Beitrag Nr. 71 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 32.095.482 von Panem am 20.10.07 23:26:02Natürlich. Belassen wir es dabei. ;)
      schrieb am 22.10.07 17:50:36
      Beitrag Nr. 72 ()
      schrieb am 22.10.07 19:12:55
      Beitrag Nr. 73 ()
      So viel zum Thema: Gerüchte.

      Gerüchte sind noch keine Grades, wie man jetzt wieder sieht.
      schrieb am 22.10.07 19:16:46
      Beitrag Nr. 74 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 32.112.126 von Panem am 22.10.07 19:12:55wie siehst du die news?!?!
      schrieb am 22.10.07 19:36:01
      Beitrag Nr. 75 ()
      Kodiak Drills 2.0m of 54.1 gpt (1.57 opt) Gold/Confirms High Grade Mineralization 1.34km Along Strike/System Remains Open

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, Oct 22, 2007 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX News Network) --
      Kodiak Exploration Limited (TSX VENTURE: KXL) is pleased to announce that additional drill results from the 2007 exploration program at its Hercules project in the Beardmore-Geraldton gold camp have confirmed high grade gold mineralization at depth and over 1,300 meters along strike on the Golden Mile quartz vein structure. Early drill results confirm the geometry and scale of this new gold system and demonstrate it can host mineable grades and widths of gold mineralization. All of these factors underline the tremendous untapped potential of the Hercules property and this under explored Greenstone Belt.

      Highlights from this shallow wide-spaced drilling include drill hole HR07-29, which graded 54.1 gpt (1.57 opt) gold over a mineable width of 2.0m, including 134.4 gpt (3.9 opt) gold over 0.8m, and drill hole HR07-31, which graded 12.64 gpt gold over 1.4m. Those holes were drilled 1,340 meters (1.34km) apart on the same quartz vein structure confirming the continuity of gold mineralization, with these very positive results. The Golden Mile vein has been exposed on surface both between and beyond those two drill holes to a total length exceeding two kilometers and remains open on strike and at depth. Twenty-eight of the core samples from the most recent drill holes have been rushed for metallic assay due to gold values exceeding 5 gpt. Assays are also pending for 7 additional drill holes from the Golden Mile. Highlights from continuing channel sampling along the Golden Mile include 63.45 gpt gold over 1.0m in channel cut AMX-16 and 27.83 gpt gold over 1.6m in channel cut AMX-09.

      The gold bearing structure at the Golden Mile has now been shown to have a surface scale and geometry unprecedented in the Geraldton-Beardmore Gold camp's history, confirming its potential to host a very significant new gold resource. The results of the current drilling program and channel sampling have confirmed high grade gold mineralization over a strike length which is the equivalent of more than 12 football fields, and this system remains open at depth and along strike. The high gold grades and structural geology of the Hercules system is similar to the Red Lake and Kirkland Lake gold camps, both of which have hosted multi-million ounce high-grade gold deposits. Kodiak's early drill results evidence the tremendous untapped potential of this under-explored Greenstone Belt, and the Hercules project in particular.

      Every drill hole completed to date at the 100% controlled Hercules project has intersected gold mineralization. Drilling continues to intersect impressive structure and alteration, confirming the extent and continuity of this system along strike and at depth. Kodiak has commissioned additional drill rigs and will continue its 2007 drilling program with a view to quickly building tonnage at economic grades within this mineralized system. Kodiak's ongoing drill program will test the Golden Mile and parallel structures both at depth and along strike. In particular, the drilling will focus on testing the Golden Mile at depth to further determine the geometry and depth extent of this impressive new gold system.

      Kodiak is also pleased to report that additional exploration over the past three weeks has resulted in the discovery of several quartz vein structures between the Golden Mile and Yellow Brick Road zones, further confirming the tremendous untapped potential of this system. These structures run parallel to the Golden Mile and are also open on strike. To date, in a very short period of time, over five kilometers of newly discovered gold-bearing structures have been exposed by Kodiak's field team. These and the many other gold bearing structures on properties recently acquired by Kodiak remain to be tested.

      Kodiak now controls in excess of 1,000 square kilometers covering principal geologic structures in the Beardmore-Geraldton gold belt. Gold bearing quartz veins which have been exposed on surface through removal of overburden on other properties acquired by Kodiak include extensions of the structures that host the Leitch Mine, which produced over 1,000,000 ounces of gold from meter wide quartz veins mined to a depth of 1.4 km with average grades of 31.5 gpt (0.92 opt) gold, the Little Long Lac gold mine which produced over 600,000 ounces at a grade of 11.7 gpt (0.34 opt) gold and the Magnet gold mine which produced over 152,000 ounces at an average grade of 14.4 gpt (0.42 opt). These mines were operated to depths of up to 4,600 feet and remain open at depth and on strike. The Kodiak extensions of these systems remain to be drill tested. Kodiak has now staked or optioned over 150km of strike length covering the three major structures which host the majority of gold mineralization in the Beardmore-Geraldton Gold Camp, and now controls a dominant land position in this under-explored Greenstone Belt. An airborne survey is planned to begin shortly to identify and prioritize additional exploration targets in this huge land package for ongoing exploration.

      Mr. Brian Maher, VP Exploration of Kodiak comments: "Kodiak is pleased to now control this very extensive and contiguous land package, which contains the majority of the Beardmore-Geraldton gold belt. Being able to systematically explore these major gold bearing structures, which are along strike from high grade, past producing gold mines, gives Kodiak an enviable, strategic and very rare opportunity. This project is very clearly a potential company maker. The proximity of this land package to road access, rail service, power, and a potential workforce distinguishes this land package and the Hercules project from other projects in Canada which are often located in high cost, remote areas. Kodiak looks forward to future drill results with much anticipation, while continuing a systematic process of exploration in this under explored Gold Belt."

      ----------------------------------------------------------------------Golden Mile 2007 Drill Hole Update SummaryHole ID From To Intercept (m) Au g/t Au Ou/t Zone----------------------------------------------------------------------HR07-19 22.20 22.70 0.50 2.37 0.069 7OF9HR07-20 27.25 28.00 0.75 3.70 0.108 7OF9 28.50 29.00 0.50 2.31 0.067 7OF9HR07-21 20.70 21.35 0.65 1.21 0.035 7OF9HR07-22 46.50 47.70 1.20 1.23 0.036 7OF9HR07-23 29.00 29.35 0.35 1.86 0.054 7OF9 121.40 121.75 0.35 2.24 0.065 PGZHR07-24 37.80 38.30 0.50 1.22 0.036 PGZ 40.80 41.30 0.50 2.37 0.069 PGZ 41.80 42.20 0.40 1.41 0.041 PGZ 57.20 57.70 0.50 1.10 0.032 PGZ 59.20 59.90 0.50 1.51 0.044 PGZ 168.70 169.50 0.80 1.49 0.043 PGZHR07-25 33.30 33.50 0.20 3.81 0.111 PGZ 34.80 35.20 0.40 3.19 0.093 PGZHR07-29 27.90 28.50 0.60 1.11 0.032 GM 33.30 31.70 0.40 4.15 0.121 GM 35.40 37.40 2.00 54.09 1.570 GM including 35.40 36.20 0.80 134.40 3.920 GM including 35.70 36.00 0.30 342.20 9.981 GM 57.60 57.90 0.30 2.06 0.060 GM 62.70 63.30 0.60 7.17 0.209 GM 63.90 64.20 0.30 5.66 0.165 GMHR07-31 20.40 21.30 0.90 1.04 0.030 GM 25.70 27.10 1.40 12.60 0.368 GM including 26.10 26.60 0.50 21.60 0.630 GM 27.60 27.90 0.30 1.84 0.054 GM 28.20 28.80 0.60 1.14 0.033 GM 31.60 31.90 0.30 1.81 0.053 GM 32.30 32.60 0.30 1.52 0.044 GMHR07-32 28.30 28.60 0.30 1.11 0.032 GM 36.90 39.20 2.30 2.90 0.085 GM including 38.10 38.40 0.30 10.46 0.305 GM 42.10 42.90 0.80 1.31 0.038 GMHR07-33 33.20 34.20 1.00 8.40 0.245 GM 34.40 34.80 0.40 6.55 0.191 GMHR07-34 41.60 42.70 1.10 2.41 0.070 GM 43.00 43.70 0.70 4.02 0.117 GM including 43.00 43.30 0.30 6.96 0.203 GM---------------------------------------------------------------Golden Mile Channel Sample Highlight UpdateChannel ID From To Width Au g/t Au Ou/t---------------------------------------------------------------AM-03 2.25 2.75 0.50 5.52 0.161AM-09 1.30 2.25 0.95 9.95 0.290AMX-08 0.35 1.35 1.00 6.93 0.202 4.25 6.30 2.05 13.80 0.403 including 4.25 4.65 0.40 38.10 1.111AMX-09 1.30 2.25 0.95 9.95 0.290 including 1.80 2.25 0.45 17.11 0.499AMX-09 5.05 5.70 0.65 8.41 0.245 6.55 8.15 1.60 27.83 0.812AMX-10 1.15 1.45 0.30 8.64 0.252AMX-11 7.85 8.25 0.40 5.32 0.155AMX-14 1.50 3.10 1.60 5.35 0.156AMX-15 0.00 0.70 0.70 83.84 2.445AMX-16 2.30 3.30 1.00 63.45 1.851AMX-20 0.00 2.25 2.25 10.41 0.304 including 1.35 1.65 0.30 51.37 1.498---------------------------------------------------------------Marino Channel Sample Highlight UpdateChannel ID From To Width Au g/t Au Ou/t---------------------------------------------------------------NRN-05 1.10 1.45 0.35 5.11 0.149---------------------------------------------------------------Penelton Channel Sample Highlight UpdateChannel ID From To Width Au g/t Au Ou/t---------------------------------------------------------------PN-14 4.30 4.80 0.50 23.06 0.673
      Kodiak QA/QC procedures are as follows: Kodiak channel samples are 5 cm wide cut perpendicular to the strike of the vein and/or shear zone from mapped alteration in the footwall continuously through the vein and/or shear zone and into mapped alteration in the hanging wall. Channels are cut with a motorized circular saw to a depth of 20 cm and removed with a hammer. Channel sample spacing is nominally every 20m along strike, dependent on outcrop size and geometry. Sample intervals are selected according to geologic contacts and visible mineralization, placed into a sample bag, and shipped to the assay lab for quantitative analysis of select elements. Kodiak drill cores are split down the center with a typical table feed circular rock saw. Sample intervals are selected according to geologic contacts, visible mineralization, and alteration, placed into sample bags and shipped to the assay lab where they are quantitatively analyzed for select elements. Drill cores are boxed, covered, and sealed at the drill rig and moved to the Kodiak logging and sample preparation facilities by Kodiak personnel. Kodiak angle core holes are directed perpendicular to the mapped dip of the vein therefore reported drill hole intercepts approximate true thickness of the vein. All Kodiak samples are currently being assayed by TSL Laboratories Inc., Saskatoon, SK S7K 6A4. Blank and standard samples are routinely submitted with all sample batches sent to the lab for assay. Screened metallic assays are routinely run on all anomalous gold results as a check on nugget effects.

      The information contained in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Robert B. Hawkins, Kodiak's Chief Geologist, who is a qualified person under the definitions established by National Instrument 43-101.

      Kodiak is a mineral exploration company with significant projects in three different sectors of the mining resource industry. Through regional, grass-roots generative exploration and new geological models the Company has built a portfolio of 100% controlled projects focused on gold, base metals (nickel/copper), and uranium in three different areas of Canada. Maps, photographs, detailed geologic reports and additional information may be viewed on our web site at

      On behalf of the Board of Directors KODIAK EXPLORATION LIMITED

      William S. Chornobay, Director, President

      This document contains certain forward looking statements which involve known and unknown risks, delays, and uncertainties not under the Company's control which may cause actual results, performance or achievements of the Company to be materially different from the results, performance or expectation implied by these forward looking statements.

      This release has been prepared by management - TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.

      Contacts: Kodiak Exploration Limited William S. Chornobay Director, President (604) 688-9006 (604) 688-9029 (FAX) Email: Website:

      SOURCE: Kodiak Exploration Limited

      Copyright 2007 Market Wire, All rights reserved.

      © 2007 Stockgroup Media Inc. | Disclaimer
      schrieb am 22.10.07 20:51:23
      Beitrag Nr. 76 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 32.112.407 von Handyfreak18 am 22.10.07 19:36:01Der Markt weiß bis dato auch noch nicht genau, was er damit anfangen soll. Ich bin mir sicher, dass auch einige Experten rätseln. Ich habe mir ein Bild gemacht und basierend auf den Aussagen von Kachanovsky passt alles ins Konzept: Das GESAMTE Gebiet ist durchzogen von Goldadern - teilweise - nein: an vielen Stellen - ist das Gold mit bloßem Auge zu sehen.

      Genau das wurde jetzt gedrilled.

      Aus meiner Sicht hätte die Tiefe der Mineralisierung besser sein können.

      Auf der anderen Seite machen wir es doch einmal intelligent:

      Was horizontal ist, nehmen wir jetzt einfach vertikal und umgekehrt.

      Was haben wir dann?

      Bohrkerne mit 1,3 Kilometern (!!!) Länge zu 50g Gold je Tonne bei einer Breite von 5 Metern.

      Ich denke, das hat der Markt jestzt auch kapiert.

      Das das ganze Gebiet kein Kubus aus Gold sein kann, war ja ohnehin auch klar.

      schrieb am 23.10.07 13:53:29
      Beitrag Nr. 77 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 32.113.390 von Panem am 22.10.07 20:51:23Das das ganze Gebiet kein Kubus aus Gold sein kann, war ja ohnehin auch klar.
      Und ich hatte mich schon so auf den Goldwürfel gefreut :cry:

      :laugh: Das war ein schöner Satz, Panem
      schrieb am 25.10.07 06:19:50
      Beitrag Nr. 78 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 32.119.799 von Peter_B am 23.10.07 13:53:29CAD 3,3+

      und kleine news:

      Kodiak Increases Land Holdings in Beardmore-Geraldton Gold Belt
      Marketwire (Wed 5:09pm)
      schrieb am 25.10.07 16:06:11
      Beitrag Nr. 79 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 32.142.092 von dosco12 am 25.10.07 06:19:50cad 4 !!!

      da kann man fast nervös werden!
      schrieb am 30.10.07 19:13:33
      Beitrag Nr. 80 ()
      Es kommen fast täglich neue News zu Kodiak rein.

      Vor ein paar Tagen kam die Nachricht, dass weitere Rechte an Gebieten zum Rohstoffabbau gekauft wurden.

      Gerade eben neue Newsmeldung, dass sich zum einen die Länge von Golden Mile über mind. 4km erstreckt (also nahezu doppelt so lang wäre)und dass sogar 4 ähnliche Strukturen parallel davon entdeckt wurdenl
      schrieb am 30.10.07 19:25:34
      Beitrag Nr. 81 ()
      Weitere News:

      Kodiak Significantly Extends Golden Mile Strike / Identifies Multiple Parallel Structures
      Vancouver, British Columbia, October 30th, 2007 –
      Kodiak Exploration Limited (KXL – TSX.V) is pleased to announce that interpretation of new geophysical data indicates significant extensions to the known strike extents of the gold bearing structures and has identified multiple new parallel structures adjacent to the Golden Mile and Yellow Brick Road veins. These structures are over 3 km long in total and greatly
      expand the potential scale and geometry of the Hercules gold system
      . Ground crews have been mobilized to prospect these targets. The geophysical data show that the Golden Mile and the Yellow Brick Road structures extend at least 2 kilometres beyond their previously known extents. The Golden Mile structure has now been confirmed over a distance of at least four kilometres, potentially doubling the size of the Golden Mile and establishing the enormous potential of this large gold bearing structure. Four new major parallel structures have also been identified, bringing the total strike extent of the system to a least 20 km. In addition, multiple gold bearing ladder veins have been discovered by surface exploration and are also indicated by the geophysics between the Golden Mile and Yellow Brick Road Zones. The geophysics also indicates the same pattern between other major structures on the property, potentially adding significant length to multiple parallel structures already indicated to have an aggregate strike of more than 20 km. In order to fill in grid spacing and further demonstrate continuity of gold mineralization, multiple new channel samples have been collected from the Golden Mile at 10 metre spacing. All samples contain sulphides and visible gold and have been submitted for rush gold analysis. Previously reported channel grabs at the very northern end of the Golden Mile have assayed up to 60 gpt gold, confirming continuity of gold mineralization over the 2 km length of the Golden Mile which has been exposed on surface to date and has now been shown to potentially remain open for up to an additional two kilometres. [...]


      schrieb am 30.10.07 21:00:01
      Beitrag Nr. 82 ()
      schrieb am 31.10.07 00:12:34
      Beitrag Nr. 83 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 32.210.235 von KNORPEL am 30.10.07 21:00:014,5 cad = schön!

      hatte 1/3 mit SL bei knapp unter 4 verkauft und den rest halte ich baw weil sozusagen kostenlos im depot ...

      schrieb am 31.10.07 12:20:16
      Beitrag Nr. 84 ()
      Hier nochmal ein deutscher Artikel von

      31.10.2007 - 07:10 Uhr
      Kodiak gibt beträchtliche Erweiterung des Golden Mile Streichens bekannt / Identifiziert mehrere parallele Strukturen

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - October 31, 2007) - Kodiak Exploration Limited (TSX VENTURE: KXL) gibt mit großer Freude bekannt, dass die Auswertung neuer geophysikalischer Daten auf signifikante Ausdehnungen des Ausmaßes des bekannten Streichens an goldführenden Strukturen hinweist, und hat mehrere neue parallele Strukturen identifiziert, die an die Golden Mile und Yellow Brick Road Adern anschließen. Diese Strukturen haben eine Gesamtlänge von über 3 km und erweitern den potenziellen Umfang und die Geometrie des Hercules-Goldsystems in beträchtlichem Umfang. Es wurde Personal vor Ort mobilisiert, um diese Zielstrukturen zu erkunden.
      Die geophysikalischen Daten zeigen, dass die Golden Mile und Yellow Brick Road Strukturen mindestens 2 Kilometer über die bisher bekannte Ausdehnung hinausreichen. Das Ausmaß der Golden Mile Struktur wurde bereits auf eine Ausdehnung von mindestens vier Kilometern bestätigt, wodurch sich die Größe der Golden Mile Ader potenziell verdoppelt. Damit besteht für diese goldführende Struktur ein enormes Potenzial. Vier neue bedeutende parallele Strukturen wurden ebenfalls identifiziert, wodurch sich die Gesamtausdehnung des Streichens dieses Systems auf mindestens 20 km erstreckt. Darüber hinaus wurden mehrere goldführende Leitergänge durch Oberflächenexploration entdeckt, die ebenfalls durch geophysikalische Daten zwischen den Golden Mile und Yellow Brick Road Zonen angedeutet wurden. Die geophysikalischen Daten weisen zudem auf das gleiche Muster zwischen anderen bedeutenden Strukturen auf der Liegenschaft hin, wodurch mehrere parallele Strukturen, für die bereits eine Gesamtlänge des Streichens von mehr als 20 km identifiziert wurde, potenziell signifikant verlängert werden.

      Um den Rasterabstand auszufüllen und die Kontinuität der Goldmineralisierung weiter zu demonstrieren, wurden in Abständen von 10 Metern mehrere neue Kanalproben von der Golden Mile Ader gesammelt. Alle Proben enthalten Sulfide und sichtbare Goldspuren und wurden für eine beschleunigte Goldanalyse eingereicht. Analyseergebnisse von bisher berichteten Kanalschnitten am äußersten nördlichen Ende der Golden Mile haben bis zu 60 gpt Gold gezeigt und bestätigen damit die Kontinuität der Goldmineralisierung über die 2 km Länge der Golden Mile Ader, die bisher an der Oberfläche freigelegt wurde und nun gezeigt hat, dass sie potenziell für bis zu zwei zusätzliche Kilometer offen bleibt. Weitere Bohrergebnisse, einschließlich der Ergebnisse aus sieben, bisher noch nicht gemeldeten Bohrungen, werden kurz nach Abschluss der Metallprobenprüfung erwartet.

      Brian Maher, VP Exploration von Kodiak, bemerkte: "Auf dem Hercules-Goldsystem wurden in einem sehr kurzen Zeitraum über fünf Kilometer lange, bedeutende goldführende Strukturen identifiziert. Geophysikalische Daten weisen nun auf mehrere parallele Strukturen hin, wodurch sich das Goldpotenzial des Hercules-Projektes beträchtlich erhöht. Das Potenzial der Liegenschaft nimmt täglich zu und repräsentiert nur einen kleinen Teil der über 1.000 Quadratkilometer großen Landfläche im Goldgürtel von Beardmore-Geraldton, an deren Erwerb Kodiak äußerst hart gearbeitet hat. Das Kodiak Team freut sich mit großer Zuversicht auf die bevorstehende Bekanntgabe der Probenergebnisse. Wir haben bereits die Erweiterung des Bohrprogramms für November auf zwei Bohrgeräte angeordnet und werden das Programm anschließend auf drei Geräte hochfahren. Wir planen außerdem die Fertigstellung eines neuen 60.000 Meter Bohrprogramms, um das wirtschaftliche Potenzial dieses signifikanten neuen Goldsystems zu demonstrieren."

      "Kodiak wird die bewährte Methode der geologischen Sammlung, Auswertung, gefolgt von systematischer aggressiver Exploration auf seiner gesamten, über 1.000 Quadratkilometer großen Liegenschaft im Greenstone-Gürtel von Beardmore-Geraldton anwenden."

      Die in dieser Pressemeldung enthaltenen Informationen wurden von Robert B. Hawkins, Kodiaks leitendem Geologen, überprüft und gebilligt, der gemäß der Definition des National Instrument 43-101 eine qualifizierte Person ist.

      Kodiak ist ein Mineralexplorationsunternehmen mit bedeutenden Projekten in drei unterschiedlichen Rohstoffsektoren der Bergbaubranche. Durch regionale, generative Basisexploration und neue geologische Modelle hat das Unternehmen ein Portfolio von 100%ig kontrollierten Projekten aufgebaut, die sich auf Gold, unedle Metalle (Nickel/Kupfer) und Uran in drei verschiedenen Regionen von Kanada konzentrieren. Karten, Fotografien, detaillierte geologische Berichte und zusätzliche Informationen können auf unserer Website unter eingesehen werden.

      Eine diese Pressemeldung begleitende Karte ist unter folgendem Link zu finden:

      Im Namen des Vorstands


      William S. Chornobay, Director, President

      Dieses Dokument enthält bestimmte zukunftsgerichtete Aussagen, die bekannte und unbekannte Risiken, Verzögerungen und Unsicherheiten beinhalten, die außerhalb der Kontrolle des Unternehmens liegen und dazu führen können, dass die tatsächlich eintretenden Ergebnisse, Leistungen oder Erfolge des Unternehmens wesentlich von den in diesen zukunftsgerichteten Aussagen enthaltenen Ergebnissen, Leistungen oder Erwartungen abweichen können.

      Diese Pressemitteilung wurde von der Firmenleitung erstellt. Die TSX Venture Exchange hat diese Pressemeldung nicht überprüft und übernimmt keine Verantwortung hinsichtlich ihrer Angemessenheit oder Richtigkeit.

      Kodiak Exploration Limited
      William S. Chornobay
      Director, President
      +1-(604) 688-9006
      +1-(604) 688-9029 (FAX)
      schrieb am 01.11.07 10:54:25
      Beitrag Nr. 85 ()
      Hier entwickelt sich was Gewaltiges und in Deutschland merkt es kaum einer. :)

      Gleich 5 News von gestern nachbörslich über neuen Landerwerb.
      In Kürze wird es Schlag auf Schlag Bohrergebnisse geben. Ein Vergleich mit Aurelian ist nicht abwegig.

      5 Seperate News Releases reported on Stockwatch. Looks like KXL are busy aquiring plenty of land. You have to like a company that keeps busy and reports every move. This is one reason why they continue to be successful..............JMHO



      Kodiak Exploration Goodman-Evans property agreement

      2007-10-31 16:36 ET - Property Agreement

      The TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing an option agreement dated Oct. 9, 2007, between Kodiak Exploration Ltd., and Darren Goodman, Herb Goodman, Luke Goodman and Brad Evans, whereby the company will acquire a 100-per-cent interest in four minerals claims known as the Goodman-Evans property located in the Beardmore-Geraldton area of Ontario.

      Total consideration consists of $80,000 in cash payments.


      Within five days of exchange acceptance $10,000
      One year from acceptance $15,000
      Two years from acceptance $25,000
      Three years from acceptance $30,000



      Kodiak Exploration Lance/Petit property agreement

      2007-10-31 16:39 ET - Property Agreement

      The TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation in connection with an option agreement dated Oct. 10, 2007, between the company, Sandra Theresa Lance and Cyril Underwood Pettit, pursuant to which the company has acquired a 100-per-cent interest in two mineral claims known as the Lance/Petit property, located in the Walters and Leduc townships of the Beardmore-Geraldton area of Ontario.



      Kodiak Exploration Goodman/Nelson property agreement

      2007-10-31 16:43 ET - Property Agreement

      The TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation in connection with an option agreement dated Sept. 25, 2007, between the company, Herb Goodman and Theresa Nelson, pursuant to which the company has acquired a 100-per-cent undivided interest in nine mineral claims known as the Goodman/Nelson property located in the Summers, Irwin and McComber townships, Thunder Bay mining division, Ontario.

      Consideration payable is $265,000 in cash and $25,000 in common shares of the company to be paid over a four-year period.


      Kodiak Exploration Pettit property agreement

      2007-10-31 16:47 ET - Property Agreement

      The TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation in connection with an option agreement dated Oct. 4, 2007, between the company and Cyril Underwood Pettit, pursuant to which the company has acquired a 100-per-cent interest in six mineral claims known as the Pettit property, located in the Irwin township of the Beardmore-Geraldton area of Ontario.

      Consideration payable is $60,000 in cash to be paid over a three-year period



      Kodiak Exploration Bearskin Lake property agreement

      2007-10-31 16:51 ET - Property Agreement

      The TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation in connection with an option agreement dated Sept. 25, 2007, between the company, Myron Howard Gary Nelson, Nolan Cox and Lyle Holt, pursuant to which the company has acquired a 100-per-cent undivided interest in 14 mineral claim units known as the Bearskin Lake property located in the Walters and Irwin townships, Thunder Bay mining division, Ontario.

      Consideration payable is $69,000 in cash, $30,000 in common shares of the company and $100,000 in exploration expenditures to be incurred over a three-year period.
      schrieb am 01.11.07 11:38:04
      Beitrag Nr. 86 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 32.228.803 von franz991 am 01.11.07 10:54:25Viele sprechen von NOT oder Salazar, Kodiak kennen hier offenbar die wenigsten, mit meinem bruchstückhaften Englisch verstehe ich allerdings so viel, dass es hier bald gewaltig knallen muß, vor allem sind noch nicht einmal Bodenproben analysiert, nur
      "geological surveys" liegen vor- die habens aber in sich.
      Wenn die BE kommen und der positive Newsflow weiter anhält wird das
      ne gewaltige Sache.
      Ausdehnung der Properties! Gewaltig!!??
      schrieb am 06.11.07 18:50:21
      Beitrag Nr. 87 ()
      Kodiak Exploration Announces $40.0 Million "Bought Deal" Financing

      November 6, 2007 - Kodiak Exploration Ltd. (the "Company") (TSX VENTURE:KXL, FRANKFURT:KX3) has entered into an agreement with a syndicate of underwriters co-led by National Bank Financial Inc. ("NBF") and Cormark Securities Inc. ("Cormark") for a private placement offering on a "bought deal" basis of 7,894,737 common shares priced at $3.80 per share and 2,083,334 flow-through common shares priced at $4.80 per share for aggregated gross proceeds of approximately $40.0 million.

      NBF and Cormark as co-lead underwriters will have the option to increase the offering by up to 2,631,579 common shares at the issue price. Closing of the offering is expected to occur on or about November 27, 2007. The private placement is subject to acceptance by the TSX Venture Exchange. All securities issued will be subject to a mandatory four-month hold period from the date of closing.

      The Company will use the proceeds of the offering for the ongoing exploration of the Company's Hercules Gold Project in northwestern Ontario, land acquisitions and general corporate purposes.

      Kodiak is a mineral exploration company with significant projects in three different sectors of the mining resource industry. Through regional, grass-roots generative exploration and new geological models the Company has built a portfolio of 100% controlled projects focused on gold, base metals (nickel/copper), and uranium in three different areas of Canada. Maps, photographs, detailed geologic reports and additional information may be viewed on our web site at
      schrieb am 07.11.07 20:37:06
      Beitrag Nr. 88 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 32.313.114 von RayNar am 06.11.07 18:50:21Kanadier werden langsam ungeduldig, die angekündigten Drill-Ergebnisse kommen nicht.
      schrieb am 07.11.07 20:37:41
      Beitrag Nr. 89 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 32.331.634 von Ventrikel am 07.11.07 20:37:06
      schrieb am 28.11.07 01:14:27
      Beitrag Nr. 90 ()
      ess Release - Kodiak Exploration Limited (TSX-V : KXL)
      Kodiak Exploration Limited: Kodiak Closes $53.9 Million Bought Deal Financing
      November 27, 2007 11:20:00 AM


      Kodiak Exploration Limited (KXL - TSX Venture, KXLAF - OTCBB_Pink_Sheets, KX3 - FWB), is pleased to announce that it has closed its bought deal financing announced November 6, 2007, consisting of 2,499,984 flow-through shares issued at the price of $4.80 each and 11,032,658 non-flow-through shares issued at the price of $3.80 each, raising an aggregate of $53,924,023. No warrants were issued in connection with the financing.

      National Bank Financial Inc. and Cormark Securities Inc. co-led the syndicate of underwriters for the financing, which included CIBC World Markets, RBC Capital Markets, Dundee Securities Corporation, Paradigm Capital Corporation and Raymond James Ltd. Insiders of Kodiak and relatives, close friends and associates of insiders of Kodiak purchased approximately $5,000,000 of the private placement.

      As announced on November 7, 2007, the financing was oversubscribed and the underwriters\' original overallotment option was increased to accommodate requests for increased participation. The Underwriters have been paid a cash underwriting fee equal to 6% of the funds raised. All shares issued pursuant to the financing will be subject to a four month hold period expiring March 27, 2007.

      Information on Kodiak and its projects may be reviewed on its website at

      On behalf of the Board of Directors

      William S. Chornobay, Director, President

      For further information contact:

      (604) 688-9006
      or by email at:
      Visit Kodiak Exploration Limited Website:
      schrieb am 29.11.07 17:16:02
      Beitrag Nr. 91 ()
      Issuer Name: Kodiak Exploration Ltd
      TSX-V Ticker Symbol: KXL
      Time of Halt: 09:06 EST
      Reason for Halt: Pending News
      schrieb am 29.11.07 18:15:13
      Beitrag Nr. 92 ()
      Ja, das ist schon alles recht interessant mit diesen unbekannten Goldschätzchen... :look:

      ... wird denn einer der hier Mitlesenden zufällig bei der London World Money Show sein?
      schrieb am 29.11.07 18:59:55
      Beitrag Nr. 93 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 32.616.999 von Peter_B am 29.11.07 18:15:13spannung?
      schrieb am 29.11.07 20:47:09
      Beitrag Nr. 94 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 32.617.504 von dosco12 am 29.11.07 18:59:55Ja, das war doch ein wenig spannend...

      Obwohl ich mich so lange noch nicht mit Explorern beschäftige, finde ich die erfüllten Erwartungen der letzten Wochen was Newsflow und abgeschlossene Deals angeht, doch überdurchschnittlich und damit recht beeindruckend für einen Junior. Was sagt Ihr mitlesenden "alten Hasen" denn dazu?

      Und weil's so schön ist, auch noch ein paar Fakten:

      Kodiak Drills High Grade Gold Over Minable Widths in Multiple Drill Holes
      Including 3.6m Grading 358.56 gpt (10.46 opt) / 2.9m Grading 45.25 gpt (1.32opt) Gold / 4.1m Grading 20.77 gpt (0.61 opt) Gold

      Quelle + Weiterlesen:

      Wenn man sich die Tabelle anschaut (Hole HR-44), dann könnte man fast meinen, dass Panem vor ein paar Tagen am 22.10. vielleicht doch nicht Recht hatte, als er sagte: "Das das ganze Gebiet kein Kubus aus Gold sein kann, war ja ohnehin auch klar." :laugh:
      schrieb am 29.11.07 22:29:06
      Beitrag Nr. 95 ()
      Press Release Source: Kodiak Exploration Limited

      Kodiak Drills High Grade Gold Over Minable Widths in Multiple Drill Holes
      Thursday November 29, 4:05 pm ET

      Including 3.6m Grading 358.56 gpt (10.46 opt) / 2.9m Grading 45.25 gpt (1.32 opt) Gold / 4.1m Grading 20.77 gpt (0.61 opt) Gold

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(MARKET WIRE)--Nov 29, 2007 -- Kodiak Exploration Limited (CDNX:KXL.V - News)(Frankfurt:KX3.F - News) is pleased to announce that ongoing drilling has intersected minable widths of very high grade gold mineralization in multiple new drill holes along The Golden Mile.
      schrieb am 30.11.07 15:24:17
      Beitrag Nr. 96 ()
      Issuer Name: Kodiak Exploration Ltd
      TSX-V Ticker Symbol: KXL
      Resumption Time: 08:56 EST

      ... es darf munter gehandelt werden! ;)
      schrieb am 30.11.07 15:30:44
      Beitrag Nr. 97 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 32.628.349 von Pabella am 30.11.07 15:24:17... es darf munter gehandelt werden!

      Jetzt wird's nochmal richtig spannend :eek:

      Seid Ihr angeschnallt? :laugh:
      schrieb am 04.12.07 22:47:09
      Beitrag Nr. 98 ()
      Just for info!


      Kodiak Exploration grants options to buy 540,000 shares


      Kodiak Exploration Ltd. has granted an incentive stock option to Hartley Richardson to purchase up to 500,000 shares of the company. Mr. Richardson, who is president and chief executive officer of James Richardson & Sons Ltd., acts as special adviser to Kodiak in corporate finance matters. Management looks forward to his continuing participation as the company matures and develops its business. An option has also been granted to the company's new Hercules project manager to purchase up to 40,000 shares of the company.

      All of the options are exercisable at the price of $3.93 per share for five years, and will vest and become exercisable as to 25 per cent on granting and as to an additional 12.5 per cent each three months thereafter, so that all options will be fully vested at the end of 18 months.
      schrieb am 07.12.07 23:35:00
      Beitrag Nr. 99 ()
      Kodiak Exploration acquiring H&D Goodman claims

      2007-12-06 16:28 ET - Property Agreement

      The TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing an option agreement dated Nov. 21, 2007, between Kodiak Exploration Ltd., Darren Goodman and Herb Goodman, whereby the company will acquire a 100-per-cent interest in seven mineral claims, known as the H&D Goodman mineral claims, located in the Leduc and Rickaby townships in Ontario.

      Total consideration consists of $70,000 in cash payments or the equivalent amount in shares of the company, at the option of the company.


      Within five days of exchange acceptance $10,000
      Within one year of exchange acceptance $15,000
      Within two years of exchange acceptance $20,000
      Within three years of exchange acceptance $25,000

      In addition, there is a 3-per-cent net smelter return relating to the acquisition. The company may at any time purchase 1 per cent of the net smelter return for $500,000 and an additional 1 per cent for an additional $1-million, and the final 1 per cent may be purchased for $1.5-million, in each case in cash or shares at the issuer's option. The company must seek prior written approval from the TSX Venture Exchange in the case that it elects to issue shares regarding the purchase of any percentage of the net smelter return.


      Kodiak Exploration acquiring Sturgeon Bridge claims

      2007-12-06 16:23 ET - Property Agreement

      The TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing an option agreement dated Nov. 20, 2007, between Kodiak Exploration Ltd., Fred Checkley and Amede Lafontaine, whereby the company will acquire a 100-per-cent interest in four mineral claim units known as the Sturgeon Bridge mineral claims located in the Legault township of Ontario.

      Total consideration consists of $210,000 in cash payments or the equivalent amount in shares of the company, at the option of the company, as follows.


      Within three days of exchange acceptance $10,000
      Within one year of exchange acceptance $20,000
      Within two years of exchange acceptance $40,000
      Within three years of exchange acceptance $60,000
      Within four years of exchange acceptance $80,000

      In addition, there is a 3-per-cent net smelter return relating to the acquisition. The company may at any time purchase 1 per cent of the net smelter return for $500,000 and an additional 1 per cent for an additional $1-million in order to reduce the total net smelter return to 1 per cent.
      schrieb am 08.12.07 00:20:41
      Beitrag Nr. 100 ()
      Dec 04/07 Nov 27/07 Richardson, George David Indirect Ownership Common Shares 11 - Acquisition carried out privately 86,200 $3.800
      Dec 03/07 Dec 03/07 Richardson, George David Indirect Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 10,000 $4.180
      Dec 03/07 Dec 03/07 Richardson, George David Indirect Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 10,000 $4.180
      Dec 03/07 Dec 03/07 Richardson, George David Indirect Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 5,000 $4.170


      schrieb am 09.12.07 16:17:03
      Beitrag Nr. 101 ()

      Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 12:45 pm

      Post subject: report on Kodiak Exploration - V.KXL


      Kodiak Exploration advances its high magnitude discovery play at Hercules

      With gold prices surging to multi-decade highs, new gold discoveries are attracting a great deal of attention in the market. The timing could not be better for Kodiak Exploration Ltd. [Symbol: TSXV – KXL]. The company acquired its Hercules gold property near Geraldton, Ontario, in June last year. Shortly thereafter, Kodiak achieved significant exploration success, reporting some very good gold values across wide intervals of mineralization from its initial drill program, including 15.6 g/t over 9.7 metres true width. A series of wide and remarkably continuous gold-mineralized quartz veins were identified over a total strike length of 1.2 kilometers.

      Recognizing that they have something special at Hercules, the Kodiak management team then commenced an aggressive program of land acquisition through staking and option agreements, and now controls the dominant land position in the underexplored and highly prospective Beardmore-Geraldton Archean greenstone belt. The company plans to systematically explore its approximately 1400 square kilometer property that covers several significant gold gold-bearing structures.
      The project is certainly located in the right ‘neighborhood’ for a big gold discovery. The area has already yielded several high grade gold deposits, and numerous mines have been operational in the area, with combined historical production of more than 4 million ounces of gold. This includes the nearby Leitch Mine, where mine workings extended to more than 1400m below the surface and remain open. Archean greenstone belts of this type have produced 66% of Canada’s gold production and nearly 70% of gold production worldwide.

      Access to this property is excellent, via a network of all-weather roads that in some places are just steps away from the exposed veins. Kodiak is very happy to be working in the Beardmore-Geraldton area. Both towns are historic mining centres, with a strong pool of skilled labour available, and communities that are supportive of mining development. Kodiak management is excited about the chance to create some much-needed economic development in the area, and will work to build beneficial relationships with the local community, including local First Nation groups.

      Results from ongoing work this summer have certainly justified Kodiak’s optimism. Several massive gold-bearing structures have now been exposed in more than 5 kilometres of surface trenches, including the newly discovered Golden Mile Zone with a geophysically indicated strike of more than 4 kilometers. Continuous gold mineralization has been traced for more than 365 metres along the structure and visible gold is frequent and conspicuous within this interval. Channel samples taken every 20 metres along this zone averaged 20.2 g/t Au over an average width of 3.8 m.

      The Golden Mile structure is unparalleled in geometry and scale in the Geraldton-Beardmore Gold camp and remains open along strike and to depth. High grade gold continues to be intersected in wide-spaced drill holes and every drill hole to date has intersected gold mineralization accompanied by strong hydrothermal alteration. An unusual characteristic of the Golden Mile vein system is the long, undeformed lengths of the vein segments: most Archean vein systems are highly deformed and discontinuous. Hitting significant mineralization in virtually every drill hole shows the strength of the Hercules gold system and suggests that a large gold resource could be present.
      Many new veins continue to be uncovered in this area measuring some 30 square kilometers. Several other parallel or ladder vein systems have already yielded strong gold values across significant widths, including the Marino vein where a drill hole intersected 38.5 g/t Au over 1.6 metres, and most of the property remains unexplored.

      The presence of visible and coarse gold along with the disseminated gold mineralization in the quartz veins, stockworks and breccias makes for exciting headlines in news releases. But it also creates a very challenging environment in which to establish a reliable and accurate estimate for the tonnage and gold resources in this intensely mineralized setting. A large amount of drilling will be needed to establish a resource, and Kodiak has commissioned three additional drill rigs to speed up the work.
      With a recent bought-deal equity offering that raised $55 million, Kodiak locked in the funding necessary to fast-track its exploration, and has commenced a 60,000m diamond drill program at Hercules to test its economic potential, which should ensure news flows for a long time to come.

      Based on the high grades of gold encountered so far, and the encouraging size and number of gold bearing veins that have already been identified, Hercules could become one of the most exciting gold discovery stories in Canada in many years. This upside potential has gained the attention of speculators, as Kodiak shares have appreciated by several hundred percent since the first announcement of high grade gold assays. The excitement has even spread to other companies that have property holdings in the region. Despite the very early stage of the exploration effort so far, it is clear that gold discovery plays continue to be attractive in this buoyant resource sector, and investors will be expecting even greater success as the exploration work continues.

      schrieb am 09.12.07 16:36:11
      Beitrag Nr. 102 ()

      Timing, gold pricing right for another Hemlo discovery in Canada
      December 6, 2007

      Greetings investors!

      In recent issues I’ve invoked the infamous Hemlo word a few times in connection with a gold discovery by Kodiak Exploration, listed on Canada’s TSX Venture exchange.

      I want to provide a little more background on Kodiak and what it has cooking in the Hercules claim group outside Thunder Bay in northwestern Ontario.

      But first I’d like to explain what Hemlo was (and is!)

      The world-class Hemlo deposit was the major gold discovery in Canada during the 1980’s, and is still responsible for almost one third of Canada’s annual gold production. As a mineral resource, it contains 22 million ounces of gold. The average gold grade for the main deposit is 7.7 grams per tonne. Almost twenty years after its discovery, there is still no consensus on its genesis.

      Hemlo is located in north-central Ontario, Canada, near northern Lake Superior, approximately 260 km east of Thunder Bay. Kodiak’s Hercules property comprises 300 square kilometers, about 120 kilometres to the northeast.

      The Hemlo deposit was discovered by a company called International Corona and a Vancouver mining promoter named Murray Pezim, or ‘the Pez’ as many including myself knew him.

      Pezim was an on-again, off-again winner/loser on the wild and woolly Vancouver Stock Exchange until Hemlo put him over the top for good.

      The true value of the Hemlo gold deposit eluded early prospectors. It was finally discovered in 1981 after prolonged exploration of the area since 1944 and of the entire region since the 1890’s. Poor surface expression and a general lack of geophysical signature were the main reasons for exploration difficulties. Furthermore, early drill holes punched into a barren section between eastern and western segments.

      It was a rough ride for the early investors in International Corona, because the majors were not interested in them after drilling on several showings returned poor results. Moreover, the property had an atypical geological setting which did not conform to the conventional quartz-vein-type gold deposits exploited in the past.

      Pezim ignored the skeptics and continued to promote Corona and raise funds for a drill program outlined by geologist David Bell. The industry finally took notice after 76 drill holes and an exploration expenditure of $2 million returned some grades. Boy, what a cliff hanger of a story!

      Corona eventually secured Teck Corporation as a partner in developing the David Bell mine. Teck also backed Corona’s legal battle with Lac Minerals for ownership of an adjacent property. It was generally thought that Corona had little chance of success, but, in August of 1989, Teck and Corona were awarded control of the rich Williams mine that Lac had built in the Hemlo camp.

      Although Pezim eventually lost control of Corona, the Hemlo camp continues to provide economic benefits for the people of Canada; the three gold mines there account for the bulk of Canada’s gold production.

      I`ve always believed that other gold deposits on the scale of Hemlo existed in the region, and would eventually be discovered. The only reason they haven`t been found was the lack of sufficiently high gold prices to drive extended and widescale mineral exploration of the region.


      No Comments »
      The BarkerLetter on December 6th 2007 in Gold, Commodity investing

      Golden Mile discovery continues ..
      December 5, 2007

      I promised readers some background on Kodiak Exploration (KXL.TSX-V) which is currently drilling some intriguing holes over in Ontario’s Geraldton Gold Camp.

      Off the hop I’d say I like the company’s wholly -owned portfolio or properties. They have 226,000 acres in Canada including Caribou Lake (copper, nickel, cobalt PGMs) in the north and the 36,684 acre Hercules properties, which host the Golden Mile workings. They’ve discovered a new shear zone over there, where stripping has revealed gold in quartz veins.


      uranium mineral claims over 105,906 acres in the Otish Basin area of Quebec.
      17,544 acre Nighthawk Nickel property adjoining Golden Chalice Resources (which hit 1.14 % Ni over 72.5 m) near Timmins, Ontario.
      So they’re well set up.

      Kodiak has a market capitalization of almost $300 million Cdn, rather high for a junior explorer without an economically viable (as of this date) mineral project. The stock price is up 387% over the past 12 months, and currently trades around $4 Cdn per share.

      What gets discovered gets overvalued, that’s for certain. As a company’s market cap expands, the demands and/or expectations by shareholders increases exponentially. Of course a hundred percentile increase in the stock price is meaningless if Kodiak has another Hemlo gold in the making, since such a discovery would result in a multi-thousand-fold increase in the company’s value. However, the odds of that happening are extremely remote.

      Does Kodiak have a reasonably good chance of having another Hemlo at it’s Golden Mile project? Good question. Tune in tomorrow and I’ll endeavour to answer it.

      Careful out there.


      No Comments »
      The BarkerLetter on December 5th 2007 in Commodity investing

      Assays reporting ‘mineable widths’ propel Kodiak Exploration (KXL.TSX-V) stock
      November 30, 2007

      Greetings investors!

      Shares in Kodiak Exporation are on a tear again today, rising better than 20% to almost $4 1/2 Cdn per share in afternoon trading.

      Yesterday the stock was halted pending drilling news from the company’s wholly-owned Golden Mile project in Ontario’s Geraldton Gold Camp.

      The news, when it came, reported gold intersections of ‘mineable widths’ from multiple new drill holes, expanding the mineralized zone to depth and along strike.

      The Golden Mile vein system is now at a vertical depth of 130 meters, which is double the previously known depth extent, and remains open. The intersections from recent drilling are small, under 5 meters in fact, but numerous, and in proximity to each other.

      Kodiac is calling Golden Mile an ’extensive new gold discovery’, and I have no problem with that description.

      Gosh, maybe it’s another Hemlo!

      Wouldn’t that be nice?

      Watch this space for more information on Kodiak and Golden Mile, as it becomes available. I’m going to follow this puppy closely!

      Careful out there.


      No Comments »
      The BarkerLetter on November 30th 2007 in Gold, Commodity investing

      Kodiak Exploration (KXL.TSX-V) ramping up Golden Mile play
      November 29. 2007

      Greetings investors!

      We’ve seen a nice run on Kodiak Exploration Limited (KXL.TSX Venture Board) since the middle of last month. The stock is up some 500%.

      Kodiak has an interesting mix of base and precious metals properties in some of Canada’s richest mineral regions, and they’re all wholly-owned.

      Their property of note lately is the Golden Mile prospect, on its Hercules property in Ontario’s Geraldton Gold Belt. Kodiak has reported extremely good grades from drilling there, including a 3.6 meter intercept grading 358.56 grams per tonne, or better than 10 ounces. Wow!

      Of course all of those high grade intercepts are extremely short, no more than 4 meters in fact. But more assays are pending. The company has planned 60,000 metres of drilling to expand the known extent of the system and, at the same time, work towards building a resource in the zones of known high grade mineralization.

      The time to get into this play was last September, when the stock was at $0.50 Cdn - it’s over $3 per share now and traded as high at $5 per share in late October.

      However, it may prove worthwhile taking a look at Sage Gold Inc, also trading on Canada’s junior venture exchange under the symbol SGX.TSX-V. Sage’s stock price has followed Kodiak’s very closely over the past few months, and spiked $0.13 Cdn today (Thursday) to close at $0.57 per share on very heavy volume.

      Sage raised $5 million Cdn earlier this month from a financing priced at $0.50.

      There was no news release accompanying the big volume and subsequent spike in price today. However, the company is drilling its Jacobus property adjacent to Kodiak’s Golden Mile discovery, with assays expected in early December.

      I’d be a seller in Sage is I held any; but I don’t. So in that case I’m looking seriously at getting a position in the coming days, just in case there’s more to the pre-assay release hype than just … well, hype.

      Careful out there.


      schrieb am 12.12.07 10:32:18
      Beitrag Nr. 103 ()

      Dec 10/07 Nov 30/07 Richardson, George David Indirect Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 20,000 $4.160
      Dec 10/07 Nov 30/07 Richardson, George David Indirect Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 5,000 $4.080
      Dec 10/07 Nov 30/07 Richardson, George David Indirect Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 10,000 $4.200
      Dec 10/07 Nov 30/07 Richardson, George David Indirect Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 8,000 $4.170
      Dec 10/07 Nov 30/07 Richardson, George David Indirect Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 13,000 $4.130
      Dec 10/07 Dec 03/07 Richardson, George David Indirect Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 10,000 $4.180
      Dec 10/07 Oct 23/07 Richardson, George David Indirect Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 15,000 $2.444
      Dec 10/07 Oct 23/07 Richardson, George David Indirect Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 10,006 $2.450
      Dec 10/07 Oct 23/07 Richardson, George David Indirect Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 20,000 $2.438
      Dec 10/07 Oct 03/07 Richardson, George David Indirect Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 10,000 $1.300

      schrieb am 12.12.07 10:37:31
      Beitrag Nr. 104 ()
      Richardson hat somit im Dezember, rund 232.200 Aktien erworben! Glück auf! ;)
      schrieb am 12.12.07 10:54:42
      Beitrag Nr. 105 ()
      Kodiak Exploration NFT- and FT-share private placement

      2007-12-10 16:23 ET - Private Placement

      The TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect to a brokered private placement announced Nov. 6, 2007, and amended Nov. 7, 2007.

      Number of shares: 11,032,658 non-flow-through shares and 2,499,984 flow-through shares

      Purchase price: $3.80 per non-flow-through share and $4.80 per flow-through share

      Hidden placees: 120

      Pro group participation: Louis Hambrock, 10,200 non-flow-through shares; 736935 Ontario Limited (Floyd Weiner), 10,000 non-flow-through shares; Rhona Weiner, 6,000 non-flow-through shares; Arie Papernick, 4,800 non-flow-through shares; Bijan Levine, 8,000 non-flow-through shares; Raymond James Ltd., 42,200 non-flow-through shares; Blakeney Lewis, 7,000 non-flow-through shares; Ali R. Olouim, 7,000 non-flow-through shares; Calvin J. MacPhail, 7,000 non-flow-through shares; Reid Ast, 7,000 non-flow-through shares and 5,300 flow-through shares; Sean Gallagher, 5,300 flow-through shares

      Insider participation: Countryman Investments Limited (David W. Richardson), 86,200 non-flow-through shares; Michael Phelps, 62,500 flow-through shares

      Agents' fees: $1,248,880.39 cash payable to National Bank Financial Inc.; $1,248,880.39 cash payable to Cormark Securities Inc.; $248,967.22 cash payable to CIBC World Markets Inc.; $248,967.22 cash payable to RBC Dominion Securities Inc.; $79,915.40 cash payable to Dundee Securities Corporation; $79,915.40 cash payable to Paradigm Capital Inc.; $79,915.40 cash payable to Raymond James Ltd.
      schrieb am 12.12.07 11:37:19
      Beitrag Nr. 106 ()
      Ist auch beruhigend zu wissen, dass institutionelle Anleger 3,80/4,80 CAD bezahlt haben. Das gibt dem Kurs eine gute Unterstützung und durch das Geld sollen sie mal weiter bohren :)
      schrieb am 26.12.07 08:51:58
      Beitrag Nr. 107 ()
      Unglaublich, dass dieser Goldschatz in Deutschland völlig ignoriert bzw. unbekannt ist. Das zeigt mir, dass hier nur nach Empfehlungen von gewissen BB gehandelt wird. Eigenrecherche betreiben wohl nur wenige.
      schrieb am 27.12.07 08:26:50
      Beitrag Nr. 108 ()
      hey, wir sin ddoch 4-5 leute hier...

      seit wann seit ihr dabei ?

      schrieb am 09.01.08 10:27:48
      Beitrag Nr. 109 ()
      Kodiak Drills 5.3m Grading 1.51% Ni and 0.44% Cu at Its New Sleeping Giant Base Metal Discovery


      Jan 08, 2008 14:36 ET
      Kodiak Drills 5.3m Grading 1.51% Ni and 0.44% Cu at Its New Sleeping Giant Base Metal Discovery

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Jan. 8, 2008) - Kodiak Exploration Limited (TSX VENTURE:KXL)(FRANKFURT:KX3) is pleased to announce that it has discovered a significant new zone of nickelcopper mineralization at its new Sleeping Giant discovery. The Sleeping Giant has direct all weather road access and is located on Kodiak's 100% controlled claims in the Geraldton/Beardmore camp. Drill hole HR07-01 intersected a significant zone of nickel-copper sulphides: 27.1 metres grading 0.49% Ni and 0.24% Cu (50.2-77.3m), including 5.3 metres grading 1.51% Ni and 0.44% Cu (71.7-77.0m). These intercepts include encouraging precious metal mineralization of 0.5m grading 1.40 g/t Au, 0.85 g/t Pt and 0.17 g/t Pd (50.2-50.7m), and 1.2m grading 0.15 g/t Pt and 0.10 g/t Pd (71.7-72.9m). The significant width and grade of mineralization at the Sleeping Giant, combined with large geophysical anomalies, suggest it is part of a much larger base metal system.

      The Sleeping Giant zone extends for at least 200 metres along strike and is open in all directions. The mineralized zone is associated with series of geophysical anomallies that extend for a strike length of at least three kilometres, indicating the system is much more extensive. Mineralization occurs in a gabbro/gabbroic komatiite body that hosts disseminated, semi-massive to massive sulphides consisting of pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, pyrite, and possibly chromite.

      From To Width (m) Cu (%) Ni (%) Cr2O3 (%) Co (%)
      50.2 50.7 0.5 0.97 1.31 0.052 0.04
      50.2 77.3 27.1 0.24 0.49 0.045 0.02
      Incl. 71.7 77.0 5.3 0.44 1.51 0.047 0.04
      Incl. 71.7 74.0 2.3 0.65 2.21 0.041 0.06
      Incl. 71.7 72.9 1.2 0.76 2.78 0.039 0.075

      The discovery of the Sleeping Giant is the result of surface exploration program consisting of ground geophysics, compilation of data from previous shallow drilling and follow-up reconnaissance drilling. Recent assays have confirmed the significance of this Ni-Cu zone that remains open both to depth and along strike. Kodiak plans to perform approximately 65 km of line-cutting followed by ground UTEM and magnetic surveys as well as bore-hole geophysics in order to outline the full extent of conductors that would indicate sulphide targets in preparation for additional drilling. The discovery of the Sleeping Giant zone with ready access to infrastructure adds a significant new asset to the company's base metal division. This fits well with the company's strategy to aggressively grow three separate divisions: precious metals, base metals, and uranium.

      Kodiak expects to receive drill results from the Golden Mile in the immediate future. When assays are received, the results will be promptly released.

      Kodiak QA/QC procedures are as follows: Sample intervals are selected according to geologic contacts and visible mineralization, placed into a sample bag, and shipped to the assay lab for quantitative analysis of select elements. Kodiak drill cores are split down the center with a typical table feed circular rock saw. Sample intervals are selected according to geologic contacts, visible mineralization, and alteration, placed into sample bags and shipped to the assay lab where they are quantitatively analyzed for select elements. Drill cores are boxed, covered, and sealed at the drill rig and moved to the Kodiak logging and sample preparation facilities by Kodiak personnel. Kodiak angle core holes are directed perpendicular to the mapped dip of the vein therefore reported drill hole intercepts approximate true thickness of the vein. All Kodiak samples are currently being assayed by TSL Laboratories Inc., Saskatoon, SK S7K 6A4. Blank and standard samples are routinely submitted with all sample batches sent to the lab for assay. Samples are routinely sent to other labs for additional checks.

      The information contained in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Robert B. Hawkins, Kodiak's Chief Geologist, who is a qualified person under the definitions established by National Instrument 43-101.

      Kodiak is a mineral exploration company with significant projects in three different sectors of the mining resource industry. Through regional, grass-roots generative exploration and new geological models the Company has built a portfolio of 100% controlled projects focused on gold, base metals (nickel/copper), and uranium in three different areas of Canada. Maps, photographs, detailed geologic reports and additional information may be viewed on our web site at
      schrieb am 09.01.08 10:37:41
      Beitrag Nr. 110 ()
      Noch ein paar recht interessante Bilder...

      Sleeping Giant - magnetische Karte [1]

      Sleeping Giant und Hercules - Lage [1]

      Kodiak und Sage - relative Lage und Props [2]


      schrieb am 12.01.08 16:58:53
      Beitrag Nr. 111 ()
      Seit gestern 14 Uhr Halt wegen "Pending News".
      Ergebnisse von der Golden Mile.
      Wenn sich Prognosen bewahrheiten und 40 Mio. OZ Gold im Boden liegen, dann fliegt hier der Deckel weg.
      schrieb am 12.01.08 17:38:39
      Beitrag Nr. 112 ()
      Kodiax hat derzeit ca. 73 Mio. Shares und eine Marktkapitalisierung von 318 Mio. CAD.
      Wenn die 40 Mio. Oz Gold an der Golden Mile Realität werden, dann ergibt sich folgende Rechnung:
      40.000.000 Oz Gold x 890 US$ (aktueller Goldpreis) = 35,6 Mrd. US$
      x 10 % = 3,56 Mrd. US$ (umgerechnet auf CAD ca. 3,5 Mrd. CAD)
      Somit wäre Kodiak mindestens ein Verzehnfacher.
      Und das kann schon in 2008 Realität werden.
      Schaut Euch die Details auf der Homepage an.
      schrieb am 14.01.08 10:07:52
      Beitrag Nr. 113 ()
      Kleine Korrektur:
      Durch die letzte 54 Mio Finanzierungsrunde ist die Aktienzahl auf 88 Mio gestiegen (siehe HP). Warrants wurden keine ausgegeben.:)
      schrieb am 14.01.08 12:37:11
      Beitrag Nr. 114 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.029.927 von franz991 am 12.01.08 17:38:39Wenn die 40 Mio. Oz Gold an der Golden Mile Realität werden [...]Und das kann schon in 2008 Realität werden.
      So schnell (2008) kann das imo nicht Realität (i.e. indicated) werden, dazu reicht die Zeit nicht, denke ich. Lasse mir aber gern was anderes vorrechnen :look:

      x 10 % = 3,56 Mrd.

      Wie kommst Du auf einen Ansatz von 10%?

      Danke der Aufklärung.
      schrieb am 14.01.08 19:40:23
      Beitrag Nr. 115 ()
      Jan 14, 2008 11:20 ET
      Kodiak Drills 2.9 m Grading 203 gpt (5.92 opt) Gold/Expands Magnitude of Golden Mile Discovery


      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Jan. 14, 2008) - Kodiak Exploration Limited (TSX VENTURE:KXL)(FRANKFURT:KX3) is pleased to announce that it continues to intersect very high grade gold mineralization over minable widths and at greater depths on The Golden Mile quartz vein system, located on its 100% controlled Hercules property.

      Highlights from the most recent assay results include hole HR07-65, which intersected 2.9 metres of quartz vein grading 203 gpt (5.92 opt) gold, including 0.3 metres grading 741 gpt (21.6 opt) gold, and hole HR07-48, which intersected two sections of quartz vein grading 11.4 gpt gold over 0.4m intersection from 29.9 metres to 30.3 metres and 4.49 gpt au over 0.7 metres from 18.6 metres to 19.3 metres down hole. Hole HR07-65 was drilled on strike 60 metres northwest of previously reported hole HR07-51, which intersected 3.6 metres grading 359 gpt (10.5 ounces per tonne) gold. All assay results are set out in the table below. The locations of the holes may be viewed on the map attached to this news release and Kodiak's website.

      Drill hole HR07-65 has more than doubled the known depth extent of this high grade gold shoot. This central gold zone in which holes HR07-65 and HR07-51 were drilled plunges to the northwest and remains open to depth. The gold mineralization now has a combined strike extent of more than 400 metres along the central Golden Mile, confirming the presence of a large, well mineralized shoot. The overall Golden Mile gold mineralization is open both to depth and along strike, with an indicated strike length of more than 4 kilometres.

      These drill holes are part of an ongoing 60,000 metre drill program designed to outline the full scale and geometry of this gold system. Every one of the Company's 70 drill holes to date at the Hercules project has intersected gold mineralization, which is considered extremely unusual for Archean vein systems and confirms the strength, continuity and potential of this discovery.

      Kodiak's 2008 drilling program will use at least three drill rigs and will focus on expanding the zones of known high grade gold mineralization along The Golden Mile, both to depth as well as along strike. The current drilling will also test the economic potential along strike to the southeast of drill hole HR07-44 which intersected 2.9 metres grading 45.25 gpt gold, the gold mineralization remains open to the southeast along a large one kilometre section of The Golden Mile vein that has not been drilled. The drill program is planned to also test a series of large parallel gold bearing veins which collectively extend for more than 3 kilometres and remain open in all directions. These veins include the Yellow Brick Road, WL, and Marino, where previously reported drilling intersected 1.6 metres grading over 38 gpt gold on the Marino vein and 9.7 metres true width grading 15.59 gpt gold on the WL vein.

      Mr. Brian J. Maher, Vice President - Exploration, comments: "This recently completed phase of drilling has greatly expanded our geologic knowledge of the Golden Mile vein system and will allow us to target both the known zones of high grade gold mineralization and newly identified zones with similar potential. The pinching and swelling of the vein along strike, as seen near Hole HR07-40, is typical of this type of vein system. We are very pleased with the continuity of the system and with the discovery of new zones at both ends of The Golden Mile both of which remain open."

      Mr. Brian Maher continues: "Drilling at the most westerly extent of the Mile intersected a previously unknown zone of gold mineralization, indicating the potential for a new high grade shoot along strike to the northwest. At the far southeast end of The Golden Mile, previously reported Hole HR07-29 intersected 2.0 metres of vein material grading 54 gpt gold, also indicating the presence of a new unexplored high grade shoot that remains open to depth and along strike. In addition, magnetic data indicates a shallow intrusive near Hole 29 which, in conjunction with highly elevated base metal geochemistry, indicates the potential for a significant source of gold mineralization near the southeast end of The Golden Mile. We now have multiple drill targets at both ends of The Golden Mile in addition to multiple drill targets in the central high grade zone that are open to depth and along strike."

      Mr. Bill Chornobay, Kodiak's President, adds: "These early results clearly demonstrate the potential of this prolific system. 2008 promises to be a very exciting year for Kodiak and its shareholders. With more than $50,000,000 in the bank and with 60,000 metres of drilling under way, we are looking forward with great enthusiasm to systematically revealing the full potential of this massive land package, and the steady flow of news that will result. The Hercules project is ideally situated in Ontario, which has an enviable mining history and a stable political environment. This project and surrounding area has ready access to a work force and infrastructure such as roads, rail and power. Kodiak's geological team and the Board of Directors are looking forward to the future with much anticipation."

      With the addition of two new drill rigs and the ability to add more rigs as the program progresses, Kodiak plans to quickly expand known zones of gold mineralization and to test them both to depth and along strike. The gold bearing Elmhurst Intrusion, which hosts The Golden Mile, Yellow Brick Road, 7 of 9 and Marino discoveries amongst others, measures some 30 square kilometres and remains largely unexplored. Airborne geophysics and the discovery of multiple gold bearing veins within the intrusion indicate that it has tremendous potential to host significant additional gold bearing structures.

      As a result of an aggressive staking and acquisition program carried out over the past two years, Kodiak's holdings now cover approximately 1,400 square kilometres in the Geraldton-Beardmore gold camp, which has seen more than 4.1 million ounces of high grade gold production and remains largely under explored. Greenstone belts are host to over 2/3 of Canada's gold production and at least 1/3 of global gold production, and Kodiak now controls the lion's share of the Geraldton-Beardmore Greenstone belt, encompassing numerous strong exploration targets that remain to be tested.

      Drilling Highlights

      Hole ID       From (m)      To (m)   Intercept (m)      Au g/t      Au ou/t
      HR07-40 132.7 133.0 0.3 2.48 0.072
      HR07-42 100.8 101.3 0.5 1.92 0.056
      101.7 101.9 0.2 3.84 0.112
      HR07-46 44.0 45.2 1.2 5.28 0.154
      55.3 55.5 0.2 2.24 0.065
      HR07-47 27.1 27.9 0.8 2.37 0.069
      28.8 29.4 0.6 1.28 0.037
      HR07-48 16.7 17.6 0.9 1.88 0.055
      18.6 19.3 0.7 4.49 0.131
      29.9 30.3 0.4 11.39 0.332
      34.6 35.0 0.4 1.38 0.040
      35.9 36.3 0.4 2.11 0.062
      HR07-52 45.6 46.3 0.7 1.64 0.048
      59.0 59.5 0.5 3.09 0.090
      60.3 61.2 0.9 2.23 0.065
      HR07-60 32.8 33.8 1.0 1.68 0.049
      34.8 35.3 0.5 3.22 0.094
      35.8 36.3 0.5 1.78 0.052
      37.2 38.5 1.3 1.76 0.051
      75.1 75.6 0.5 1.08 0.032
      75.9 76.4 0.5 1.07 0.031
      77.0 77.3 0.3 1.01 0.029
      HR07-62 90.7 91.6 0.9 1.81 0.053
      92.9 93.4 0.5 2.35 0.069
      HR07-63 53.6 53.8 0.2 16.02 0.467
      54.8 55.8 1.0 1.45 0.042
      57.7 58.2 0.5 3.77 0.110
      62.8 63.4 0.6 1.26 0.037
      HR07-64 57.7 60.7 3.0 2.34 0.068
      61.3 62.1 0.8 3.35 0.098
      HR07-65 76.1 77.7 1.6 1.53 0.045
      78.4 81.3 2.9 203.04 5.922
      including 79.5 79.7 0.2 1699.00 49.555
      79.7 80.0 0.3 741.30 21.621
      80.0 80.6 0.6 29.46 0.859
      HR07-67 89.4 89.7 0.3 2.11 0.062
      HR07-70 87.2 88.5 1.3 2.30 0.067
      88.9 89.4 0.5 3.05 0.089


      Update on the Uranium Division

      Samples taken during Kodiak's 2007 ground exploration program undertaken on its UR uranium prospect on the Otish Basin of Quebec have been sent to the assay lab for analysis. Those results will be announced when they are received by the Company.


      To view the map accompanying this press release please click on the following link:…
      schrieb am 14.01.08 19:42:34
      Beitrag Nr. 116 ()
      Und weil mir die Karte so gut gefällt:

      schrieb am 15.01.08 20:07:59
      Beitrag Nr. 117 ()
      Die Golden Mile scheint dünner wie ein menschliches Haar zu sein.:laugh:
      schrieb am 15.01.08 20:55:09
      Beitrag Nr. 118 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.059.171 von HDTV am 15.01.08 20:07:59Na dann bleibe mal weiter short :laugh:
      schrieb am 17.01.08 10:30:50
      Beitrag Nr. 119 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.059.171 von HDTV am 15.01.08 20:07:59Dein Haar möcht' ich haben :laugh:
      schrieb am 29.01.08 01:02:20
      Beitrag Nr. 120 ()

      schrieb am 20.02.08 18:21:23
      Beitrag Nr. 121 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.197.272 von Fantomas96 am 29.01.08 01:02:20na endlich !
      schrieb am 20.02.08 18:59:08
      Beitrag Nr. 122 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.426.735 von dosco12 am 20.02.08 18:21:2318% rauf in Kanada ohne News.. Wird auch langsam Zeit, dass mindestens die 3,80 CAD von dem Einstieg der Instis wieder erreicht werden.

      Gibt übrigens zwei neue externe Berichte auf : Northern Ontario Business: Top Junior Miners – Walking the Golden Mile (February, 2008)

      und… : The Prospector: Lighting Up the Geraldton Camp (February, 2008)
      schrieb am 20.02.08 19:29:06
      Beitrag Nr. 123 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.427.325 von RayNar am 20.02.08 18:59:08danke dir für die links!
      schrieb am 22.02.08 00:54:08
      Beitrag Nr. 124 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.427.325 von RayNar am 20.02.08 18:59:08Und noch ein Bericht von "Mexico Mike" in Investor´s Digest:


      schrieb am 22.02.08 01:11:17
      Beitrag Nr. 125 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.427.325 von RayNar am 20.02.08 18:59:08Wird auch langsam Zeit, dass mindestens die 3,80 CAD von dem Einstieg der Instis wieder erreicht werden.

      11 Mio. @ CAD 3,80 UND 2,5 Mio. @ CAD 4,80 !!!!


      schrieb am 22.02.08 06:58:12
      Beitrag Nr. 126 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.443.001 von Fantomas96 am 22.02.08 01:11:17danke dir !

      die offiziellen news bekomme ich wunderbar mit. aber die news von mike oder entsprechende artikel ist schon schwer und zudem zeitlich nicht zu stemmen!

      danke dir ausdrücklich dafür! das ist ein tolle sache und hilft mir jedenfalls ungemein.

      schrieb am 29.02.08 17:03:18
      Beitrag Nr. 127 ()
      Kodiak’s Drilling Intercepts Deep Gold Zones, Significantly Expands Resource Potential

      Vancouver, British Columbia, February 29, 2008. Kodiak Exploration Limited (KXL – TSXV; KX3 – Frankfurt) is pleased to report that the first two deep holes drilled along the central portion of the Golden Mile, 100 metres apart, have confirmed the continuity of gold mineralization down hole to a depth of almost 300 metres. Additional drilling has confirmed excellent continuity of high grade mineralization to a depth of approximately 100 metres. Exploration drilling continues on the company’s 100% controlled Hercules project in western Ontario.

      Quelle und weiterlesen:
      schrieb am 29.02.08 17:04:26
      Beitrag Nr. 128 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.518.061 von Peter_B am 29.02.08 17:03:18Wollte ich auch gerade posten :)

      Höre/Schaue mir gerade die neueste Präsentation auf der Webseite an
      schrieb am 04.04.08 21:20:54
      Beitrag Nr. 129 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.518.083 von RayNar am 29.02.08 17:04:26die neue präsentation ist der knaller...
      die verkaufe ich nie und niemals!!!
      schrieb am 05.04.08 12:21:59
      Beitrag Nr. 130 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.814.385 von dosco12 am 04.04.08 21:20:54Link zur Präsentation (02.04.08) :…

      ... bin auch noch hier :look: wer noch?
      schrieb am 05.04.08 18:24:28
      Beitrag Nr. 131 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.816.476 von Peter_B am 05.04.08 12:21:59bin auch noch hier wer noch?

      Natürlich bin ich auch noch da, habe in den letzten beiden Wochen nachgelegt und warte gespannt auf die News (vielleicht schon nächste Woche ?!).


      schrieb am 18.04.08 16:19:07
      Beitrag Nr. 132 ()
      Kodiak's Hercules Project Named Discovery of the Year

      Thursday April 10, 10:06 am ET

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(MARKET WIRE)--Apr 10, 2008 -- Kodiak Exploration Limited (CDNX:KXL.V - News)(Frankfurt:KX3.F - News) is pleased to announce that it has received the "Discovery of the Year" Award from the Northwestern Ontario Prospectors Association for Kodiak's new gold discovery located on its Hercules gold project in the Beardmore-Geraldton gold camp of Northwestern Ontario.

      The "Bernie Schnieders" Discovery of the Year Award recognizes an outstanding local discovery made during the previous year. Kodiak is honoured to have been chosen to receive this award. In accepting the award on behalf of the Company, Bill Chornobay, Kodiak's President, expressed his special thanks to the Ontario Geological Service, the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines, the Municipality of Greenstone, the local First Nations and the outfitters, suppliers, prospectors and other stakeholders in the area for their ongoing support.

      "We regard ourselves as successful only when we are valued by the communities in which we work" said Mr. Chornobay. "Northwestern Ontario is an excellent place to do business, and we look forward to the coming years with much anticipation".

      Kodiak is a mineral exploration company with properties located in Canada. You can now view an interactive map, as well as additional photographs, geological details and additional information, on our Web site:

      On behalf of the board of Directors


      William S. Chornobay, Director, President

      The statements made in this release may contain forward-looking statements or relate to programs that involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Actual events or results could differ materially from the Company's expectations and projections.

      The TSX Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

      schrieb am 18.04.08 17:31:17
      Beitrag Nr. 133 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.817.794 von Fantomas96 am 05.04.08 18:24:28Bin jetzt auch hier Fantomas:D:D:D

      es gruesst das

      schrieb am 18.04.08 23:35:39
      Beitrag Nr. 134 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.920.928 von KNORPEL am 18.04.08 17:31:17Hallo, Knorpel,

      schön, daß Du es auch geschafft hast, ist kein schlechter Einstiegszeitpunkt, glaube ich.

      Für Area Plays würde ich mir auf jeden Fall auch Sage (SGX) anschauen, Sage hat aber durchaus auch noch mehr zu bieten.


      schrieb am 19.04.08 09:26:31
      Beitrag Nr. 135 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.923.996 von Fantomas96 am 18.04.08 23:35:39meine Rede

      viel billiger bekommt man Kodiak nicht mehr;)

      Sage werd ich mir auch mal anschaun,leider ist mal wieder das Geld alle:cry:

      Gruß KN:cool:RPEL
      schrieb am 20.04.08 17:23:00
      Beitrag Nr. 136 ()
      In den letzten 2 Wochen sind knapp 1,4 Mio. Short Positionen gecovered worden und es stehen nur noch 56.000 aus, dann kann die Fahrt ja mal langsam losgehen:

      Short History

      Symbol Report Date Volume Change
      KXL - V 2008-04-15 56,200 -1,371,100

      KXL - V 2008-03-31 1,427,300 23,400

      KXL - V 2008-03-15 1,403,900 3,500

      KXL - V 2008-02-29 1,400,400 3,100

      KXL - V 2008-02-15 1,397,300 -12,800

      KXL - V 2008-01-31 1,410,100 -74,700

      KXL - V 2008-01-15 1,484,800 105,500

      KXL - V 2007-12-31 1,379,300 168,900

      KXL - V 2007-12-15 1,210,400 282,500

      KXL - V 2007-11-30 927,900 213,600

      KXL - V 2007-11-15 714,300 553,000

      KXL - V 2007-10-31 161,300 76,300

      KXL - V 2007-10-15 85,000 85,000


      schrieb am 23.04.08 16:11:31
      Beitrag Nr. 137 ()
      Kodiak is attending the Chicago Resource Expo, April 25-26 2008

      Kodiak Exploration Limited (TSX.V:KXL) will be attending the.
      Chicago Resource Expo
      April 25-26, 2008
      Rolling Meadows Holiday Inn & Convention Centre
      Please visit us at booth #8 in the Meadows Room

      Please follow this link for registration information:


      schrieb am 23.04.08 16:29:14
      Beitrag Nr. 138 ()
      WHAT'S NEW

      April 22, 2008 - Click here to view the new interactive Hercules presentation (more...)

      April 22, 2008 - Hercules Property: Corporate Presentation from the Calgary Resource Investment Conference (more...)

      April 22, 2008 - Kodiak Energy Division: Corporate Presentation from the Calgary Conference (more...)

      April 21, 2008 - Click here to view Kodiak’s ‘Insider’s Report’ and Exploration Update (more...)


      schrieb am 23.04.08 21:46:44
      Beitrag Nr. 139 ()
      Kodiak Identifies Multiple Drill Targets on West Millennium and Big Yellow Uranium Prospects in Athabasca; Plans to Drill in Otish

      Wednesday April 23, 11:51 am ET


      schrieb am 17.05.08 13:41:29
      Beitrag Nr. 140 ()
      Schade, dass man in D das Potenzial von KXL nicht erkennt.

      Let's have some fun!
      Posted by: beaver65 on May 16, 2008 12:41PM

      Here's some basic calculations to get people riled.
      Let's say, hypothetically, 50 million ounces in the ENTIRE Geraldton-Beardmore land package.
      Let's say, 100 million shares outstanding by the time we are all said and done.
      Let's say $200/oz in-situ value.
      That comes to............$100.00/shr. My new target price. I know, some of you might think that's a tad low.....
      Brian Maher stated at PDAC that, globally, in-situ values are ranging in value from $50.00 to $400.00 per oz. These amounts have many variables that affect them. I would assume that the in-situ value of any gold at GBM would be closer to the $400.00, due to the great location.
      I personally believe that 10's of millions of ounces will be proven up at Hercules alone. Of cours, that's only my opinion.
      Anyways, just some thoughts. I hope you all have a great Victoria Day long weekend (for us Canucks). I am looking forward to meeting you all at the Vegas bash. Actually, Vegas seems to be hurting for business at the moment, so maybe us rich Kodiaker's can get a sweet deal......
      schrieb am 04.06.08 10:04:59
      Beitrag Nr. 141 ()
      2.juni 2008

      National Bank Financial initiates coverage on Kodiak Exploration Limited.
      Please see attached


      Gruß KN:cool:RPEL
      schrieb am 04.06.08 16:32:23
      Beitrag Nr. 142 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.233.342 von KNORPEL am 04.06.08 10:04:59Vielen Dank Knorpel.
      Wer sich mit KXL näher beschäftigt, der weiß welche Perle hier schlummert. In D scheint das niemanden zu interessen. Eigentlich gut so.
      schrieb am 06.06.08 08:55:58
      Beitrag Nr. 143 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.233.342 von KNORPEL am 04.06.08 10:04:59Kodiak Exploration: How Important is National Bank's Initiated Coverage?

      by: Michael Pollick posted on: June 05, 2008


      schrieb am 06.06.08 15:20:24
      Beitrag Nr. 144 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.237.432 von franz991 am 04.06.08 16:32:23Ja find ich auch, ist besser so daß keiner dieser "Bösen Briefe"wie

      PENNY hat Stockschwaemme als Kracher

      die sollten bei ihren Schrottaktien bleiben

      Gruß KN:cool:RPEL
      schrieb am 06.06.08 22:08:02
      Beitrag Nr. 145 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.254.987 von KNORPEL am 06.06.08 15:20:24UUPS hab da was vergessen


      ROHRSCHILFRAKETEN kommt =>ueber Kodiak berichten

      schrieb am 17.06.08 09:39:00
      Beitrag Nr. 146 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.258.504 von KNORPEL am 06.06.08 22:08:02Ruhig geworden ists hier... kein Wunder.

      Hier der angebliche Inhalt ("Ohrenzeugenbericht") der Fragerunde auf der World Resource Investment Conference Vancouver (16. Juni 08):

      Currently 5 drills are working and a 6th drill will be added temporarily.

      Approximately 20,000m of the 60,000m drilling has been completed.

      Drilling with 3 rigs on Golden mile portion at 60m spacing for over 2 km. Golden mile still open to depth and along strike. (have not yet determine the extend of this particular vein.

      As drilling progress deeper, more time is required for each drill hole. i.e 400m down means over 500m of core length and takes around 10 days.

      As the drills are stepped back to hit Golden mile at greater depth, drilling discover new blind vein (named lucky strike).

      The ground is drying so crews can start stripping ground to look for new targets outside of Hercules.

      Over 30 km of air-mag data used to generate new targets. Over 30 targets generated with 12 put on high priority list. These are multi-sq. km. size regional projects.

      Drilling on the yellow brick road to commence in the coming week. There will be 20-30 drill holes.

      Reasons given for slow NR are:

      Switched to new assay lab. Need to check Q.A/Q.C. procedure.

      In Jan., very little assay being done, results in about 10 days. Now lots of assays sent in by various companies, results slowed to a crawl. Also, any result showing over 3g requires re-assay according to procedure.

      Previously in pre-discovery phase so would release results as they come in. Now, in a "growing a discovery" phase, grouping results that allows for better understanding of the system is preferred.

      It appears that there may be a NR in the "coming weeks"

      schrieb am 19.07.08 23:37:14
      Beitrag Nr. 147 ()
      Mike´s neuester "Besuchs-Bericht" der Kodiak Property:

      Trip report on my property tour with KXL
      Posted by: coach247 on July 16, 2008 06:40PM

      Property tour report: Kodiak Exploration July 8-10th 2008.

      The following is a detailed account of my observations during a recent property tour with Kodiak Exploration Ltd. I am a shareholder of KXL. I attended the tour as an invited guest, and my direct travel expenses were paid by the company. I received no form of compensation for my participation, nor will I receive any compensation for my time and for the presentation of this report. The information in this report is believed to be accurate, but may have errors or omissions. It is not to be interpreted as anything more than a personal opinion and must not be considered a recommendation nor advice for individual trading decisions. I purchased more shares of KXL on the day before the tour commenced, and I have voluntarily committed to refrain from trading shares in KXL for several weeks until all of the information that was presented during the tour has been fully disclosed by the company.

      I arrived at Geraldton municipal airport via private plane from Thunder Bay, ON, as part of a larger group including mining analysts, journalists, and senior management personnel for Kodiak Exploration. Our group traveled by truck through town and I had the opportunity to meet several residents of the town during a short visit. Every person that I spoke to was very positive about the resurgence of mining activity in the district, and the direct interaction with Kodiak as a business. I have been advised that whenever possible the company makes every effort to redirect employment and purchasing through to the local community, and that is consistent with my own discussions.

      Infrastructure and access throughout the project areas was excellent, with all weather roads, hydroelectric lines running right through much of the property, and community services in close proximity. Most of the property area is suitable for year-round exploration activity.

      The first stop on the tour was the Bush Lake corporate offices and camp, where many of the field staff resides. The core shack is located there, and a great deal of development work has been completed since my first visit in October. The offices are modern and fully equipped to allow planning and direction of exploration activity in real time, and just 20 minutes from the project area at Hercules.

      We were provided the opportunity to walk through the core shack while core logging and photographing of the core samples was underway. To preserve sample integrity we were not permitted to remain in the building while the samples were cut and prepared for shipment to assay labs.

      A detailed presentation on the project geology for Hercules was provided by VP-Exploration Brian Maher, with a full question and answer session. The exploration work is ongoing and new information is being learned everyday in real time. The highlight of the discovery has been the Golden Mile zone and it remains the focus of the drilling work, but many new structures have also been highlighted from the interpretation of Magnetic geophysical imaging that is a very effective exploration tool.

      We were able to review a Mag image of the property, identifying the extent of the Elmhurst Lake intrusion, and indicating the veins that have been mapped so far. Many of these veins have already been stripped and surface sampled with positive results to verify the effectiveness of the process, and drilling work was ongoing at several of them.

      Kodiak has now evolved from being a discovery story, to a resource definition story. As such, individual drill core data – even high grade assays – are less important to the overall evolution of the program. Therefore the company has made the decision to release assays in large batches as they relate to entire discovery zones. This may lead to disgruntled impatient investors but it is more appropriate for the program to present significant milestones instead of just local drill data going forward.

      We could clearly see some very interesting targets on the maps that were shown, where drills will be working as the summer continues. Everything is being done in a systematic process, and not just to generate exciting high grade numbers for investors. Therefore a regular step out laterally and to depth is ongoing, and this is also bearing dividends in terms of outlining new info and a few surprise discovery zones from the original veins.

      One thing that stood out during the entire presentation is the high degree of knowledge represented by the project geologists, and the tremendous confidence that they have for success going forward. The fact that such high caliber individuals have chosen to work with Kodiak is a validation of the potential for the company. All geos share a desire to be part of a world class discovery and they will gravitate towards the projects that have the best potential to achieve that.

      Many thousands of meters of core are on storage at Bush Lake and we could review drill cores that have been previously reported, observing the wide intervals of mineralization and at least two samples with visible gold in the core. The company is preparing a much larger core storage area, sufficient to handle many hundreds of thousands of meters of core. This is an indication of the commitment for Kodiak to be very active in the region for a long time to come.

      We also toured the main field barracks for the company, where employees can stay for several weeks at a time in close proximity to the properties. This is a former motel that has been purchased by the company and refurbished to allow a large group to live in comfort. There is a large kitchen area staffed with a professional chef, a weight room, showers, and a common area with a big screen television. The purchase of this facility has allowed the company to save hundreds of thousands of dollars in operating costs per year and it is an excellent investment for a company that has committed to this project area for many years into the future.

      The field crews were well trained and highly motivated. It is very clear that the company takes very good care of their employees and the crews were active for long hours each day, rain or shine, year round. The environment in a mining camp can become stressed and it is important that the field crews are given the opportunity to relax and unwind whenever possible. The main camp area provides that. The meals served during our stay were the same meals that the employees ate, and it was excellent.

      Two helicopters were contracted to allow us to tour many of the projects ongoing in the district. The most significant item from my perspective as an investor and journalist is the transformation of the company from a focus on one great project at Hercules, to the focus on an entire district that has only just begun to become appreciated as a world class gold camp. While Hercules itself is a huge project with tremendous potential, 100 percent controlled by Kodiak, the additional land that has been acquired in the surrounding district since then has also added great potential for the company.

      We were shown a map where most of the property holdings are indicated, along with some of the individual projects that are underway within the district. It is clear that Kodiak has become a project generator and the entire management strategy is now directed at seizing the advantage of the dominant landholder in a huge prolific district. Rather than just have the company success defined by the success at Hercules, Kodiak is a vehicle offering investors leverage to many projects in several areas, with several minerals represented.

      The geology of these targets is also diverse, with a classic mesothermal lode gold vein system at Hercules, which is intusive hosted. There is also a huge district of greenstone Archean age rock that has several well defined targets controlled by the company, along trend from several past producing high grade mines elsewhere in the district. We were also able to tour a banded iron formation deposit with well developed alteration at surface, and a separate project with a wide vein target that has the potential to host a bulk tonnage gold deposit.

      Any of these prospects could become an extremely attractive flagship project for another junior that would be sufficient to support a full scale exploration program. To have so many great properties all within the same district, controlled by the same company, and with the same exploration team guiding exploration, is unique in the Canadian junior mining scene today.

      I doubt that very many investors truly appreciate the significance of the property holdings for the company. I know I did not before my tour. The importance of this as part of the overall strategy is the management can direct and advance these projects individually up the value curve, with the option to develop them or vend them to another player at a huge profit for shareholders, and still have other great projects in early stages to pick up and replicate the process. It should also be pointed out that all exploration success in the district will build greater value for the other projects that are controlled.

      Kodiak remains on the acquisition trail, and staking teams are active. The current property area compares well with the total property area of the entire Cadillac Break mining camp in Quebec, one of the most prolific mining districts in Canada. No single company controls more than a fraction of the Cadillac Break, but Kodiak is the dominant landholder of the Beardmore-Geraldton camp, and their holdings continue to expand. This ensures that Kodiak will be the operator that all other players will have to go to in order to secure a significant piece of this emerging district.

      From the window of the helicopter, Kodiak property holdings extend from horizon to horizon as we flew for more than half an hour in any direction. We flew over several active exploration projects, where surface stripping was underway, or line cutting for geophysical surveys. Drills were seen at work on several properties, all separated by huge distances on the ground. This is definitely the largest coordinated exploration program underway in Canada at the current time.

      Kodiak is well-funded to continue at this pace with more than $40 million in the company treasury. The combination of a highly motivated management team, competent exploration staff, a huge package of prospective land holdings, an extremely aggressive exploration and drilling program running around the clock, and a high budget to ensure no corners are cut, will ensure that the company is positioned to take full advantage of the great projects they have generated so far, and will likely continue to achieve in the future.

      And I will point out that I have not discussed the potential for the other project areas in base metals and uranium. Each of these assets has value and can contribute to a higher share price in the future. I do not believe that the current market value of the stock discounts the true upside potential for all of the parts of this company.

      My final observation is a personal comment, based on my experience with literally dozens of other companies and projects that I have investigated for several years. I believe that the management of this company is focused on delivering a world class discovery story in this district. Unlike many other juniors that have been created as a vehicle to make insiders rich, it is my opinion that Kodiak presents an opportunity for all shareholders to gain long term asset value appreciation. This company has not been created as a vehicle for quick profit. There are many hurdles and unknowns in the path. But I am convinced there is enough evidence that has been presented from the work so far to justify confidence going forward that far more significant upside remains for investors.

      It is beyond the scope of my interest to issue trading advice. I do not have a crystal ball to grant me infallible guidance on what the future may hold. I will simply state that if the company is successful to prove up at least one major discovery from these projects, then shareholders can expect that a multiple of the current share price is going to be priced in for the stock. My personal strategy is to accumulate shares while I am able to do so at levels that I believe are far below the legitimate upside potential in the years ahead.

      By: Mike Kachanovsky, aka Coach247


      schrieb am 20.07.08 09:19:24
      Beitrag Nr. 148 ()
      Management Statement (Quelle: Homepage TTM Res.)

      Ich rechne Ende Juli 08 mit einer sehr geballten News.

      Management’s Exploration Update
      July 2008

      Kodiak is currently drilling multiple targets in several different areas at Hercules, including the Golden
      Mile, Lucky Strike, Seven of Nine, Derek Lee and Yellow Brick Road veins. As of July 18, we have five
      drills working, and we have plans to increase to as many as eight drills in the immediate future. We
      understand shareholders are anxiously awaiting news, but we are still waiting on final assay results for
      many samples. In addition, our regional exploration program is proceeding robustly, with initial stripping
      having been started on over six standalone gold targets. Recently, five other new gold targets have been
      generated that require follow up exploration; research and development remains ongoing. Following a
      program of sampling and mapping, these targets are planned to be drilled for their economic potential.

      As we drill new and deeper portions of the Golden Mile, it is crucial that we have all data in hand to model
      the geologic interpretation, vein correlation, and other crucial information. For our new targets like the
      Lucky Strike vein structure, which is located parallel to the Golden Mile, this new data is providing our
      first indication of vein orientation and dip. With new information being developed daily in multiple areas
      simultaneously, it is crucial that we have as much information in hand as possible to confirm our
      interpretation and verify our models prior to releasing data. We plan to release news soon and look forward
      to the remainder of the Hercules drilling program and the district exploration campaign with great
      enthusiasm. Thank you for your patience and continued support of Kodiak Exploration Limited.
      schrieb am 20.07.08 22:59:05
      Beitrag Nr. 149 ()
      Ich setze auf Perma Fix ! Die buddeln das Uran wieder ein !

      schrieb am 20.07.08 23:46:17
      Beitrag Nr. 150 ()
      As of July 18, we have five drills working, and we have plans to increase to as many as eight drills in the immediate future.

      8 Drills für Hercules, unglaublich !

      Die haben ja schon mit 5 Drills in den letzten Monaten Kilometer von drill cores produziert, bin mal auf die News mit den "batch reports" für ganze Zonen gespannt.

      Auch wenn für die Investoren vielleicht zwischendurch mal ein paar Einzelergebnisse schöner wären, verstehe ich Kodiaks Management gut, die sich nun mehr der Definition von ganzen Zonen und deren Ressourcen widmen, statt den Markt mit partiellen Highlights zu füttern.
      Bei dieser "Zonendefinition" haben sie, so wie es aussieht, auch gleich noch ein paar neue Goldbereiche entdeckt.

      Stimme franz zu und erwarte in Kürze, wie vom Management angekündigt, News mit einer Vielzahl von Drillergebnissen.

      Also abwarten und umso mehr erstaunt sein.


      schrieb am 23.07.08 07:33:42
      Beitrag Nr. 151 ()
      Quelle: Solomon Smallcaps Website

      Kodiak Exploration Update

      We highlighted Kodiak as one of our favorite gold stocks July 9 when it was trading at $2.38. Today it closed at $2.03, and was as low as $1.72 in last week’s sell-off. We view Kodiak as one of the very best opportunities in the entire junior resource market with the potential to increase 10-fold from here. Kodiak has tremendous technical support between $1.75 (its 500-day moving average) and $2.00. Way back in the early 1990’s, KXL jumped to $2.00 per share. It didn’t return to that level until just a couple of years ago. Throughout the last 10 months, $2.00 has provided rock-solid support for KXL and we see no reason why that should not continue. This is a terrific stock to accumulate right now and keep in your portfolio for at least the next two years or so. Some may wish to have a core position and a trading position - that’s our approach, as KXL can be a great stock to trade. It has liquidity and volatility.

      Kodiak management issued an “exploration update” on the company web site last Friday, and we’ll get to that in a moment. First, here’s what we stated July 9:

      “We first caught on to Kodiak last fall in the very early stages of its move to $5.00. We were lucky and took profits near the high, but we are aggressively back on the buy side now. Kodiak’s Hercules Property in northern Ontario is absolutely massive, and we believe they could be sitting on one of the biggest gold discoveries in Canada in many years (10 million ounces or more is a distinct possibility and no exaggeration, though much more will need to be done to prove that up). They are now nearing the half-way mark of their 2008 60,000 metre drill program, and sometime this month we expect an exploration update. Kodiak has not issued a news release on Hercules since the end of February, and some investors have mistakenly assumed that this is because there is no “good” news to report. Nothing could be further from the truth, in our view, and we confirmed this at the World Resource Investment Conference in Vancouver in mid-June when Brian Maher gave a terrific presentation and update on Kodiak. The fact of the matter is, given the unfolding incredible magnitude and potential of this project (some 20 senior geologists are now involved and five or six drill rigs are going non-stop), and the recent state of the markets, frequent news releases with information on various holes no longer makes sense.

      Trust us on this one: Kodiak, we believe, will hit the market soon with a “blockbuster” release on Hercules that will provide not only some great drill results, but a “big picture” assessment of where things are at - and the market will love it. That’s a bold prediction but we’re very confident in making it. Smart money is accumulating KXL for an anticipated huge run-up in the coming months. If you’re a buyer, never get into the game of trying to chase this stock as it has a tendency to run very quickly before pulling back. Always buy into weakness.”

      Management issued the following “exploration update” on the Kodiak web site last Friday, July 18 (highlighted area is our emphasis):

      “Kodiak is currently drilling multiple targets in several different areas at Hercules, including Golden Mile, Lucky Strike, Seven of Nine, Derek Lee and Yellow Brick Road veins. As of July 18, we have five drills working, and we have plans to increase to as many as eight drills in the immediate future. We understand shareholders are anxiously awaiting news, but we are still waiting on final assay results for many samples. In addition, our regional exploration program is proceeding robustly, with initial stripping having been started on over six stand-alone gold targets. Recently, five other new gold targets have been generated that require follow up exploration; research and development remains ongoing. Following a program of sampling and mapping, these targets are planned to be drilled for their economic potential.

      As we drill new and deeper portions of the Golden Mile, it is crucial that we have all data in hand to model the geological interpretation, vein correlation, and other crucial information. For our new targets like the Lucky Strike vein structure, which is located parallel to the Golden Mile, this new data is providing our first indication of vein orientation and dip. With new information being developed daily in multiple areas simultaneously, it is crucial that we have as much information in hand as possible to confirm our interpretation and verify our models prior to releasing data. We plan to release news soon and look forward to the remainder of the Hercules program and the district exploration campaign with great enthusiasm. Thank you for your patience and continued support of Kodiak Exploration Limited.”

      At SolomonSmallCaps we don’t believe there’s any doubt Kodiak is developing a multi-million ounce gold resource at Hercules. Historically, the Beardmore-Geraldton Gold Belt has produced several million ounces of gold. Armed with over $40 million cash in the bank, Kodiak is extremely well positioned to continue to fund a very aggressive exploration program and define a resource that could give the company a market capitalization well beyond its current $180 million
      schrieb am 27.07.08 11:31:30
      Beitrag Nr. 152 ()
      Interessanter Beitrag vom User mzsmith aus
      Die nächsten beiden Wochen werden sehr spannend. Ich rechne mit einer geballten News, aus der man das Potenzial der Hercules-Property erkennen kann. Es gab letztes Jahr schon Spekulationen, dass KXL auf 40 Mio. OZ Gold sitzt.

      KXL valuation
      Posted by: mzsmith on July 25, 2008 04:11PM

      I posted this on SH in response to a discussion about where to put your money...

      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

      Just my personal opinion.

      The best thing about ONT, SGX, LME, RMK etc... news releases is that they are all finding gold. This verifies that the entire region is highly mineralized. The biggest player without a doubt.. even if you add up all the area plays, is KXL.

      KXL has identified 30 prime targets for this year alone. Each of these could be an ONT, LME, or RMK. On top of that, KXL has their base metal and uranium properties which could stand alone and do not contribute at all to the current share price.

      I'm thrilled with the great results at ONT and the others... but my core money stays with KXL. They are the "main" play in this area. The area plays are the side shows. I "trade" in some area plays for the inevitable lift they will get when KXL moves. I "invest" in KXL because this is the long term grand slam.

      The valuation for KXL is mind boggling. The national bank has a target of $5.50. This is very conservative in my books. Put these numbers into a spreadsheet and play around with them. Do some "what if " scenarios.... the results are mind numbing!!!

      In situ price of gold: $200/oz (Elenor mine purchase price)
      Price of Gold: $900/oz
      Specific gravity: 2.6t/m3
      Length = 30km
      Avg width = 2 m
      Depth = 500m
      Area = 30,000,000 m3
      Tonnage = 78,000,000 tonnes
      Avg grade = 5g/t
      grams = 390,000,000
      ozs = 12,187,500

      Using the In situ value

      NPV before expenses = $2,437,500,000!!!!

      SP = $24.38

      Knowing what we know, ask yourself these questions...
      1) Is the length of 30km an exaggeration with all of the new veins they are finding?
      2) Is the width an exaggeration?
      3) Is the depth an exaggeration based on other greenstone systems in Canada?
      4) Is the avg grade of 5 g/t representative of the results to date?

      Now... compare the SP above and the figures used with what the National Bank used. The above estimate blows away the NB target and I STILL think I'm being conservative.

      Anyway... just having fun with numbers and possibilities. I posted these same numbers last fall when all the excitment was beginning. Now we know so much more.


      schrieb am 02.08.08 01:44:45
      Beitrag Nr. 153 ()
      NEWS SIND DA :eek:!

      Mo ist Feiertag in CA :(
      schrieb am 02.08.08 10:34:38
      Beitrag Nr. 154 ()
      Aus stockhouse, dort wiederum ein Post von einer anderen Seite, die kurz Teile der News kommentiert:

      "...(KXL) has already increased the dimensions of the Golden Mile mineralized zone by more than 600%

      multiple new discoveries at the Hercules project. This has dramatically enhanced the resource potential of the entire area.

      Kodiak plans to increase the number of drill rigs on site from five to eight and to increase the size of its work force, which already stands at well over 100 personnel in the field.

      A note here*****

      The Kodiak Arms Hotel has a restaurant that seats 40...

      With 100 people working the site I would say that they will be people working shift around the clock..

      Kodiak has completed over 27,000 metres of drilling in over 100 holes at the Hercules Project, with gold bearing mineralization intersected in virtually every hole.

      Note*** Holes #78 to hole#180 show gold in all but nine holes(These nine holes are not reported on in the report so are missing from the data in the NR..Could be yet to come..)

      the program continues to be successful in extending the strike and depth extents of several gold zones, it has now intersected significant gold mineralization deep in the Golden Mile and Lucky Strike and on multiple other structures, including the WLGZ, Seven of Nine and Marino gold zones.

      Drilling in the eastern portion of the Golden Mile has discovered a very large body of gold mineralization that is open at depth and is currently being drilled to define its full extent

      A new high grade zone has been discovered to depths of almost 350 metres in the Golden Mile; highlights from this zone include 16.98 gpt gold (0.495 opt) over 1.3 metres including 63.67 gpt gold (1.857 opt) over 0.3 metres in drill hole HR08-171

      This high grade zone has the same northwesterly rake as the central Golden Mile high grade zone and remains open at depth. In fill drilling continues to intercept high grades as well with 9.3 metres grading 14.78 gpt gold (0.431 opt) including 3.3 metres grading 32.22 gpt gold (0.940 opt) in HR08-161,

      Drilling on the blind Lucky Strike structure, located parallel to the Golden Mile, has discovered a broad zone of gold mineralization totaling up to 41 metres wide (HR08-137, 1.2 gpt gold (0.035 opt)), indicating the strong potential for shallow, bulk-minable gold mineralization at Hercules.


      What they mean here is this is a viable open pit mine possibility ..More drilling to confirm tonage and yeilds will be done here..

      The Lucky Strike and Golden Mile structures appear to converge at depth, a common control to high grade mineralization, defining an excellent deep target; deep drilling is ongoing and will test this target in the near future..

      NOTE...Think of these two areas as compared to a wisdom tooth with two roots on it...

      If you put the tooth down in front of you and imagined one root to be the Lucky Strike Zone and the other root to be the Golden mile zone when you drilled and mined down both roots you will get to the pot of gold where the big part of the tooth is..and that is the best analagy I can come up with..

      You may not be familiar with mining but teeth...eveyone has or had them..

      Early prospecting 3,000 metres northwest of the Golden Mile has discovered a large system of strongly mineralized quartz veining that is on strike with the Golden Mile . This potential extension could more than double the strike length of the Golden Mile to over five kilometres. Assays from recent sampling are pending and advanced follow up exploration is underway.


      On Strike means line with..

      On the WLGZ Gold Zone, drill hole HR08-145 has intercepted 3.3 metres grading 22.26 gpt gold (0.649 opt) including 0.8 metres grading 90.00 gpt gold (2.625 opt) further defining the geometry of this gold mineralized area, additional drilling is planned to define the full extent of this significant zone.

      Drilling on the parallel Seven of Nine vein system, immediately adjacent to previously announced high grade gold mineralization found in the Marino vein system (HR07-16; 1.6 metres grading 38.47 gpt gold (1.122 opt)), has intercepted significant gold mineralization including 12.85 gpt gold (0.375 opt) over a width of 1.1 metres including 0.3 metres grading 53.24 gpt gold (1.553 opt; HR08-113). These systems remain open, drilling on the Marino and Seven of Nine veins continues.

      Initial drilling on the Yellow Brick Road vein intersected broad mineralized structures at a depth of 250 metres over a width of approximately 10 metres. This system remains open, assays are pending.

      Note***Slow down..take a breath and read this carefully..They are telling us about new targets parallel to or in line with existing known targets..

      Carry on..

      Exploration adjacent to the Golden Mile has also accelerated at Hercules. Individual samples from a parallel vein lying between the Golden Mile and the Marino vein system contains up to 37.1 gpt gold (1.082 opt; channel GM-15), outlining an important new target area that is to be followed up with advanced exploration

      Two kilometres northwest of the Marino and Seven of Nine vein systems, a broad new zone of gold mineralized quartz veined structure has been identified that appears be the on strike continuation of those vein systems; additional prospecting and stripping are planned.

      Stripping, sampling and drilling has also begun southwest of the Golden Mile, exploring multiple parallel geophysically indicated structures in an area where historic sampling produced grab samples with up to 46.22 gpt gold (1.348 opt) (Ontario Assessment Report 42E13SE0109 by Douglas Binkley, 1992, p. 19). Drilling in this area has commenced, intersecting several broad altered structures and quartz veining corresponding to the interpreted linear magnetic features, verifying the geophysical interpretation. Assays are pending.

      In addition, mineralized quartz vein float has been found across the lake and on strike approximately 500 metres northwest of the central Golden Mile This lake currently marks the most northwesterly limit of the drilling to date on the Golden Mile. Drilling on this newly discovered extension is planned to commence in the immediate future.

      The exploration program will continue to test over 30 km of indicated parallel structures and simultaneously expand the scale and geometry of the extensive Golden Mile vein system and several other confirmed parallel gold bearing veins thus expanding the resource potential of the entire Elmhirst Lake intrusion.


      ALL these targets are what we know as Hercules.....NOw lets see what they are doing outside Hercules....

      New Discoveries in the Beardmore-Geraldton Camp - Beyond Hercules

      prospecting, stripping, sampling and drilling have begun at nine of the more than thirty stand alone gold targets identified by our Regional Exploration team outside the Elmhirst Intrusion, but within the more than 1,400 square kilometres controlled by Kodiak.


      Solomon's Pillar project have identified a strong zone of gold mineralization that extends at least 500 metres along strike that remains open. Channel sampling highlights at Solomon's Pillar include channel SPX-19 which cuts 5.5 metres grading 12.82 gpt gold (0.374 opt) including 0.9 metres grading 25.1 gpt gold (0.732 opt).

      A 3,000 metre drilling program has commenced; the first drill holes have intercepted 20 to 30 metre thick zones of intensely mineralized banded iron formation and sheared clastic rock; assays are pending.


      THis is where the 20-30 meters of Banded iron are ..a good gold bearing structure..not to mention the price of good iron ore..

      At the GMO project, located in the western portion of the Beardmore-Geraldton gold district , a series of new gold bearing quartz veins have been discovered containing visible gold with grab samples grading up to 41.5 gpt gold (1.22 opt gold). These veins are approximately 2000 metres west of and along strike with the high grade Northern Empire mine (approximately 150,000 ounces of historic gold production). This new vein system has a strike length of at least 350 metres and widths of up to 2 metres and remains open. Drilling i s in progress to test its economic potential.

      West Geraldton-Kenogamsis project located just west of the town of Geraldton, the newly discovered Goldstrike and Drexel zones have been stripped over a strike length of over 300 metres and remain open. Between 1934-36, an historic drill hole (Hole 2) by Lafayette Long Lac GML cut the Goldstrike zone and intercepted 2.04 metres grading 327.79 gpt gold (9.56 opt); Kodiak plans to verify this historic intercept and test other targets by diamond drilling soon.

      Note...***HOLY CRAP...!!!

      9.5 OZ per ton..$9000.00US for a lousy ton of rock...

      A second zone of strong mineralization located 500 metres west of the Goldstrike zone has also been discovered. These structures are characterized by quartz veining with arsenopyrite over broad widths where historic grab samples have graded up to 129.5 gpt gold (3.777 opt). Additional stripping and channel sampling is ongoing; drilling has commenced.

      Early grass-roots reconnaissance has identified strong gold mineralization at the


      Sturgeon Bridge,

      East Leitch,


      Klotz Lake,


      Kaby Lake

      and the Brenbar project where recently channel grabs returned assays up to 40.7 gpt gold. Additional advanced exploration, including stripping, mapping and sampling are underway.


      I Layed out the last lot in a vertical rather than a horizontal format...Easier to absorb..

      There is a tremendous amount of info here and hopefully I have highlighted some of the NR in a format,although is long is what we have been waiting for and when the analists and the big boys break it all down ,this will take off....don't think we haven't got a bull by the horns..We have..

      This is as big as Hemlo,Red Lake and Timmins put together...believe me..
      schrieb am 02.08.08 12:37:52
      Beitrag Nr. 155 ()
      This is as big as Hemlo,Red Lake and Timmins put together...believe me..

      Wenn diese Aussage des Agoracom-Users stimmt, sprechen wir über > 100 Mio. OZ Gold. Vor Monaten wurden bereits Spekualation über 40 Mio. OZ von einschlägigen Medien kommuniziert.
      Bewertet mit 100 $ pro OZ (Goldpreis OZ derzeit bei ca. 900 $) haben wir bei KXL einen Wert von ca. 10 Mrd. $. Derzeitger MK ca. 220 Mio. $ (ca. 88 Mio. Shares, keine Warrants). Phantasie bis 45 $ pro Share.

      Und es wird fleißig weiter gebohrt (Drillprogramm 2008 bekannt). 100 Menschen rund um die Uhr im Einsatz. Demnächst 8 Bohrer im Einsatz.

      Die Majors werden Schlange stehen.

      Für mich eine hervorragende Management-Leistung, mit einem Riesenpaket an Bohrergebnissen zu einem idealen Zeitpunkt (Wochenende + Feiertag am Montag in CAN wird fleißig bewertet und berechnet) zu bringen.
      schrieb am 02.08.08 12:45:43
      Beitrag Nr. 156 ()

      Hier der Link zur gestrigen News.
      schrieb am 02.08.08 12:56:02
      Beitrag Nr. 157 ()
      EIn interessanter Beitrag von Allenbow aus

      KXL Property compared to 50 Million Ounce Val d'Or

      allenbow 18/2/2008 6:35:57 AM
      In the latest presentation , Robert Hawkins, P. Geo, compared the 100% KXL controlled 1400 sq Km Geraldton Beardmore camp to the Cadillac Break of Val d'Or.

      Val d'Or produced 50 million ounces at an average grade of 5-7 grams per ton mined to a depth of 6000-7000 feet.

      Historically, the average grade of GB is 14 grams per ton mined to a depth of 2000 feet.

      The latest drill results are on drill holes over a huge area on multiple targets and only to depths so far of 350 meters in the Golden Mile which has show grades of 17 grams per ton and 64 grams per ton.

      Marino is showing grades of 13 and 38 grams per ton

      WL is showing grades of 22 grams per ton

      Lucky Strike indicates the possibility of open pit with a vein converging at depth to the Golden Mile - a nice easy way to start the mining venture

      Strike length of the Golden Mile is extended to over 4 Kilometres.

      This report is 80 drill holes over different gold discoveries. Put it into perspective: If you drilled 80 holes in the golden mile strike length alone, this would mean a hole only every 50 meters.

      Of course you could drill the holes fewer meters apart essentially drilling the same rich gold pockets but there is no point to this. The drills now are proving the extent and largess of the property and are not doing concentration drilling.

      Furthermore, multiple new veins have been discovered, and multiple new targets. Many more assays are due and will be reported.

      There is not anything not to like in this report. This is a massive property with great gold showings.

      The new Val d'Or.

      Those who denigrate this NR are the 'usual suspects', the naked short sellers, scalpers and the traders who operate in an overall bear market, by accentuating the downside.

      There are those who will be shaken loose by fear or loss of nerves. Investors will stay in for the long haul and continue to buy dips.

      The Kodiak Camp is here to stay and become a legendary gold discovery. Rome was not built in a day and anyone with common sense knows this. But common sense ain't common, and so the short side traders will try to convince you that there is nothing of importance in this NR and that it is weak! What a laugh! There is nothing weak about this report.

      This report shows what we have here in potential: Not a pocket of Gold, not one mine, but a district gold camp - and Kodiak controls it, an area capable of producing many mines.

      The Hollinger glory Hole was one mine (and produced 19 million ounces as a low grade producer with over 400 MILES of underground tunnel, but the Timmins DISTRICT produced 44 mines.

      Get your heads around it.

      And accumulate.
      schrieb am 02.08.08 13:30:50
      Beitrag Nr. 158 ()
      Naja, die Goldgehalte von Val d'Or werden schätzungsweise nicht ganz erreicht. Das Zentrum der Golden Mile hat extrem hohe Goldgehalte, die leider nicht über den ganzen Bereich so hoch bleiben, sondern eben nur "durchschnittliche" Werte. Deshalb meinten und meinen einige, dass KXL nicht ganz den Erwartungen gerecht wird und malen alles schwarz.

      Ich finde aber, dass allein die Erstreckung über das riesige Gebiet und die immer zahlreicher werdenden Parallel- oder weiterern Strukturen wahnsinnig sind. In der Veröffentlichung sind schon wieder 30! weitere in Aussicht gestellt, was das enorme Potential von Kodiak verdeutlicht. Hier wird nicht von einer Mine gesprochen, sondern von etlichen mehr..
      schrieb am 02.08.08 19:37:01
      Beitrag Nr. 159 ()
      Stimme Dir zu, RayNar,

      hier wird quasi bei JEDER Bohrung Gold gefunden, das ist für mich die wichtigste Erkenntnis dieses News Release, denn keine Goldmine kann von ein paar hochgradigen Bohrkernen gewinnbringend betrieben werden, erst die große "strike lenght" der Goldadern mit immerhin guten Goldgehalten führt zu einer möglichen wirtschaftlichen Abbaubarkeit des Deposits.

      Das Gebiet ist anscheinend so goldhaltig, daß fast "jeder Schuß ein Treffer ist". Unglaublich !

      Und sie haben das "Tiefenpotential" noch nicht erkundigt, vielleicht wartet da ja irgendwo die "motherlode".

      schrieb am 06.08.08 10:45:01
      Beitrag Nr. 160 ()


      August 4, 2008

      Kodiak Exploration (KXL, TSX-V) took the market by surprise with a major news release late in the trading day Friday, August 1, just prior to a Canadian long weekend. The stock initially turned higher on the news, then got nailed with some major selling in the closing minutes to finish down three cents at $2.40 (the high for the day was $2.69 and the low was $2.3. Like most Canadians, I thought it was safe to abandon the markets a little early Friday as I departed for the beautiful Fraser Canyon in British Columbia to enjoy a two-day river raft expedition. Just as I was leaving (sure enough), my Blackberry started to sound like a three-alarm fire as the KXL news hit the wire and a trading frenzy ensued. In retrospect, my first-ever river rafting experience was a great lesson for anyone in learning how to overcome fear, a lesson that can easily be applied to the markets. And I believe “fear” will be a weapon used by savvy and ruthless traders tomorrow with Kodiak, as it was at the end of the day Friday. More on that later.

      First off, Kodiak management is not stupid, so why did they issue this news release when they did? A Friday afternoon before a long weekend is usually when companies or politicians dump bad news into the market. Was Kodiak actually releasing “bad” news, or was there some serious strategic thinking behind this unusual timing?

      For a couple of reasons I would argue Kodiak was very astute in getting this information out precisely when they did. In this age, of course, the Internet is huge. And Kodiak has a very substantial following on the bullboards. One effect of releasing this information late Friday morning was to generate a lot of positive discussion at Stockhouse, Agoracom and other boards over a period covering four days prior to the stock trading again Tuesday morning. Most importantly, Kodiak has given everyone ample time to review the news and digest it. And there is a lot to digest here, believe me. This is a massive project where high grade gold occurrences extend over hundreds of square kilometers. I thank Kodiak for giving us opportunity to properly digest this important exploration update, and the stage is now set for what should be a dramatic week in the trading of this stock.

      So what about the news? A little while ago I predicted Kodiak was soon going to release “blockbuster” news on the Hercules Project. Did this qualify as “blockbuster” news, and if so, why did the stock close down on the day?

      Markets are funny and sometimes stupid and completely irrational. We’ve all heard the old adage, “Buy on rumor, sell on news.” A little bit of that certainly took place Friday. I remember last fall, Kodiak issued great news after a halt and the stock absolutely tanked - all the way from almost $3.00 to $2.00 in less than an hour - and then turned in the other direction just as quickly. Before long, the stock was trading over $4.00. That’s the market and one should always be prepared for that kind of reaction and volatility.

      The news Kodiak came out with Friday was “blockbuster” in our view:

      • The dimensions of the Golden Mile mineralized zone have increased by more than 600 per cent since March
      of this year;
      • Other stand-alone regional targets (spread across more than 200 kilometres of Kodiak’s landholdings) are yielding very encouraging results;
      • Drill program is being expanded (five rigs to eight)
      • Kodiak has yet to find the “end” of this system!

      There will always be naysayers, of course, and Kodiak certainly has its share. But that, in part, is what makes the market so fun (not to mention volatile) and potentially very profitable. I received this email (below) from one of my readers:

      “I’m sure you will be writing something about the news release KXL put out. I thought the news release looked good but I’m wondering how you would respond to several of the negative postings on the Stockhouse Bullboards like this one:

      (Stockhouse poster): “They released over a hundred holes as you said. Almost 300 separate intersections which is good if you don’t actually read them. Less than 20% of the intercepts were over a metre and less than 7% (!) were more than 5 gram metres. And you are talking about open pitting?!! Do they have gold shoots. Yes, though I don’t know how big they will be and the long section on the web site shows all the high grade ones cut off already. Do they have “millions and millions of ounces”? Not even remotely close. They could pull a million together with enough holes but that won’t hold up a stock with a $200 million market value.

      “They released heading into a long weekend for a reason. They waited until they had over 100 holes for a reason. I don’t short stocks and won’t be trading this one anymore now. Listen to the expert Allenbow if that gives you a warm glow but I’m afraid KXL is going to be trading a lot lower in a week, not higher. These guys are great promoters but that act works way better on people like Allenbow and not so much on funds and unfortunately this is a lousy market and the fund placement is free trading. Like I said, good luck.”

      Aren’t the bullboards fun? I don’t mean to offend the writer of the above posting, but unfortunately some people just don’t know that they don’t know. Kodiak senior geologist Brian Maher (Vice President, Exploration) is no “promoter” and has probably forgotten more about mining than what any of us have learned about anything our entire lives. Quite simply, Maher knows his business.

      “Based on what we have seen to date, not only at Hercules, but elsewhere in our enormous land package, I think we are just beginning to understand the size and scale of this very large gold mineralized system,” stated Maher in Friday’s release. What the above poster and other investors have to educate themselves about is what Kodiak is drilling into - a vein hosted Archean gold deposit. These can be huge deposits that extend to depths well in excess of 1.5 kilometres. In layman’s terms, gold this abundant at shallower depths over such a massive area, as Kodiak has discovered, has got to come from somewhere. I have a lot of respect for the geological understanding of Coach247 who often posts at Agoracom (he has also visited the Hercules Property and surrounding landholdings on more than one occasion). He made a very wise and true statement following release of Friday’s news: “The high ratio of gold encountered so far is simply an indication that the chance of getting something really rich is very high.” Coach247 knows his stuff, from a geological standpoint, so you can certainly trust any of his postings you see on the boards, in particular as they relate to the geology of this play.

      Maher would love nothing more than to drill a bunch of holes 1,500 or more metres deep. He knows, however, that at this stage of exploration, that doesn’t make any sense. The best strategy is to punch shallower holes over as wide an area as possible. From there -based on results - a plan of attack can be formulated as to where to start drilling really deep. Drilling deep right now would just slow everything down.

      Where From Here

      Tomorrow (Tuesday) will be a very, very interesting day for Kodiak as trading resumes. In a general sense, the most likely scenario, in our view, is that traders will try to force the share price down to start with, and they will probably succeed. From there, we would expect a reversal during the day. This could all happen very fast. After all is said and done, look for higher prices by the end of the week. From a technical standpoint, one thing that does concern us is that Kodiak’s 200-day moving average is now in decline. But that could be offset by shorter term moving averages that have turned or could turn positive. Remember, Kodiak has tremendous long-term support between the 500-day moving average ($1.75) and $2.00. Keep that in mind as volatility sets in.

      There are five ways to approach Kodiak as an investment:

      1. Do not invest at all (acting stupid is always an option);
      2. Short the stock (also sort of stupid and only for experienced traders);
      3. Go long and hold for at least one year (maybe two or longer);
      4. Hold a core position (for at least one year) and take a trading position where you are buying and selling from time to time to take advantage of price volatility;
      5. Just trade the stock and don’t hold a long term core position (only for experienced traders).

      At SolomonSmallCaps we believe the wisest option for the average investor is #3. This is exactly the kind of stock you want to hold for a considerable period of time for a potential return of five, 10 or 20 times your original investment (or even more). Those kinds of returns are very possible with Kodiak for those who are patient and ignore the noise, the silly share price games, the occasional irrationality of the market, and some of the crazy, agenda-driven posters at Stockhouse and elsewhere. Kodiak has a tremendous team of geologists on the ground who, in our opinion, are going to nail down a massive amount of gold at Hercules and throughout their extensive regional landholdings at Beardmore-Geraldton.
      schrieb am 22.08.08 17:31:36
      Beitrag Nr. 161 ()

      Aug 19/08 Aug 19/08 Phelps, Michael E.J. Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 10,000 $1.380
      schrieb am 24.08.08 09:54:27
      Beitrag Nr. 162 ()
      The following story was published in the Times Star, a community weekly based in Geraldton, Ontario,
      on August 20, 2008:

      Kodiak Active in Geraldton Area
      by Edgar J. Lavoie

      In its search for gold, Kodiak Exploration Limited is leaving no stone unturned. Literally. It is examining ground that prospectors abandoned more than half a century ago. In the 1930's and '40's, prospectors looked seriously at the Portage Shear Zone Fault, which has an east-west trend that passes through Geraldton's urban area, north of Barton Bay on Kenogamisis Lake. But all the action seemed to be happening on the Bankfield-Tombill Fault, which trends east-west, south of Barton Bay. That fault system yielded nine producing mines.

      This past winter Stephen Roach, senior consulting geologist for Kodiak, researched properties west of Geraldton. His findings led him to recommend exploration in this area, and the results of an airborne survey run on the whole Greenstone region this spring supported his findings.

      In the spring the Municipality of Greenstone agreed to option a block of claims to Kodiak, a block Kodiak calls its Geraldton Kenogamisis Property. On the morning of July 29, the writer accompanied Stephen Roach and Gerry White to one of the two active exploration targets on this property.

      Taking the unpaved road that runs past the Geraldton Medical Clinic and behind the water tower, the group traveled in pickup trucks to the area known locally as Blueberry Hill. According to Herb Byerley, the name refers specifically to a rocky outcrop behind the municipal trailer court and the cemetery, also known locally as the Junior Rockies. The long-time resident also recalled that a company called Lafayette had a shaft north of Barton Bay, and he recalled seeing cabins on the north shore past the big island. Records indicate that the shaft was sunk on the "east zone" of the Geraldton Kenogamisis Property.

      The party drove past Blueberry Hill on a single-lane road that Kodiak had recently upgraded. Past the hydro line corridor, the party took a trail recently gouged out of the bush by a backhoe. In a swampy section the party encountered incredibly rough corduroy, so they resorted to walking the last 800 metres. The weather was cool and cloudy, with few flies, and the forecast for the afternoon was a thunderstorm.

      Just under 4 kilometres from the water tower, the "west zone", on Claim No. TB 10943, has been recently stripped of bush and soil. An area of bedrock, about a football field in extent, has been exposed in a northeasterly direction, with a branch stretching westward to expose the No. 1 vein.

      Roach pointed to the vein, trending east-west, and smiled: "I call it the No. 1 to Geraldton." He was alluding to the recent Western movie starring Russell Crowe, "3:10 to Yuma". For lack of an official name, Roach called the area the No. 1 Vein.

      About 600 metres further east through the bush lies the "east zone", officially dubbed the Goldstrike Zone. Nearby is also the Drexel Zone. One accesses these zones by traveling a rough trail south along the hydro corridor. The terms "east zone" and "west zone" were applied by miners back in the '30's and '40's.

      Back at the No. 1 Vein, two geotechs were washing down the exposed northeast-trending No. 6 vein with a hose. Eric Deroy and Richard Metansinine also operated water pumps and cut channel samples. Deroy had been working on the Hercules Project until Roach requested his assistance on the Geraldton Kenogamisis Property, closer to Deroy's home in Geraldton. Metansinine, from Jellicoe, was temporarily filling in for Andy Brown, another geotech.

      Further south in the clearing, where the northeast-trending No. 3 vein intersected the east-trending No. 1 vein, prospector Phil Houghton (from Beardmore) was examining channel samples. Terry Halverson, a prospector from White River, and Greg McKay, a geology student from Ottawa, assisted Houghton. Said Houghton, "We're just doing the samples and waiting for the results to come back [from assays]. This is the best-looking arseno so far."

      Gerry White, district geologist for the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines, was visiting the property for the first time. The work of stripping had begun about mid June. Steve Leduchowski Trucking Inc. had stripped about 2700 square metres. This particular zone exhibited no visible gold, but White was visibly impressed by the "stockwork", the network of gold-bearing veins and country (host) rock. Several times he exclaimed over the "indicator" minerals, especially the arsenopyrite.

      Roach pointed out to White a rare mineral called scorodite, not easy to spot. Scorodite is a greenish yellow mineral formed by the oxidation of arsenopyrite. Arsenopyrite (FeAsS) is a mineral frequently associated with gold. Its distinctive crystals, metallic luster, and colour ranging from brassy white to grey make it a favourite among collectors. When crushed, it emits a garlicky odour.

      All three vein systems in the clearing had been trenched in the '30's. Further to the south, in the bush, Roach pointed out some flagging tape on trees that indicated the locations of two more known veins, No. 10 and No. 11, still to be exposed.

      The old trenches in the bedrock ranged from a few centimetres to a metre in width. Roach stated that the trenches on the No. 1 vein ranged from 5 cm to 1.2 m wide, and averaged .25 m in width. Occasionally a pit, up to 2 metres deep and up to as many metres wide, had been sunk by the oldtime miners.

      White explained, "They were constantly panning this stuff, taking it out and grinding it with mortar and pestle." If they found good colour, they would dig deeper.

      Roach had been surprised by the scarcity of "fly rock", the rocky debris blasted from the trenches. The oldtimers would have drilled holes by handsteel, packed in explosives, and excavated the narrow trenches and the pits. He concluded that they had been "mining" the fly rock. In the early stages of exploration, there would not have been any decent road to the find. "They mined the stuff," said Roach, "and packed the stuff out by horse or something in the '30's."

      From his research of old records, Roach had determined that the property did have some interesting gold values, enough to prompt the oldtimers to initiate drilling programs. However, the results from shallow holes did not justify more intensive exploration in those days. Especially when their colleagues were making spectacular finds and establishing producing mines on the Bankfield-Tombill Fault.

      Kodiak has sent samples of fly rock to an assay lab, but Roach said he would not be permitted to divulge the results until Kodiak makes an official announcement. On August 1, Kodiak released a comprehensive report on results of its Hercules Project and some information on other properties in the Greenstone District. The only mention of the "west zone", still without an official name, is as follows:

      "A second zone of strong mineralization located 500 metres west of the Goldstrike zone has also been discovered. These structures are characterized by quartz veining with arsenopyrite over broad widths where historic grab samples have graded up to 129.5 gpt [grams per tonne] gold (3.777 opt). Additional stripping and channel sampling is ongoing; drilling has commenced."

      On July 29, Roach said he was expecting a drill to arrive shortly from the Hercules Project.

      The No. 1 vein had been stripped for a distance of 120 metres. In some places in the narrow trench, arsenopyrite dominated the wall (host) rock.

      White was also fascinated by other promising indicators. The host rock was mafic volcanics (with pillow lava structure) and altered sediments. The pillow lavas exhibited evidence of stretching. The host rock was folded, sheared, fractured, cross-faulted – a jumble of interesting structures. "If you see a mix of all kinds of rock in one zone," said White, "that's an area you want to look at."

      Roach had mentioned earlier that Kodiak has been exploring an area further west of Geraldton, called the West Geraldton Property. It is a block of claims south of the railway track, east of the Kenwall Siding Road, and north of Magnet Lake. Kodiak prospectors found old trenches on the Portage Shear Zone Fault. Kodiak cut a grid of north-south lines through the bush, and carried out a ground geophysical survey over five weeks in May and June. The area is quite swampy, and would lend itself to a winter drilling program. With rain clouds moving in, the party abandoned the plan to proceed to the Goldstrike Zone. Times Star will report on this zone at a later date. The next article in this series will survey the history of the Geraldton Kenogamisis Property.
      schrieb am 27.08.08 07:10:35
      Beitrag Nr. 163 ()
      Here is there latest comment on the Venture Exchange and what they see as an upcoming rally. Included KXL in their top 10 list:


      August 26, 2008

      We have never felt more certain of a call than the one we are now making: The TSX Venture Exchange, which plummeted 29% from July 2 thru August 19 (34 trading sessions), is actually now in the very beginning stages of a significant rally that should intensify next week when volumes pick up following the Labour Day long weekend. We presented our case for this in our Sunday, August 25 article, and today we examine in further detail just how far this market could go.

      The upcoming rally is likely to have a duration of six weeks (from August 19) to three months and should take the Index up anywhere between 10% and 20% from today’s close of 1,943. In this bullish environment, some of the best stocks could increase in value by 50% or even 100% or better. Given that this would be a “bull run” within the context of what is currently still an overall bear market, it will be a selective market. Investors and speculators, then, are encouraged to stick with quality in terms of company management, balance sheets, and exploration prospects. At the end of this article we lay out 10 situations that we view extremely favorably and all 10 of those stocks will be included in our 30-stock model portfolio that we will be releasing in full Sunday evening, August 31. We strongly suggest, as usual, that investors perform their own due diligence with each of the companies we highlight.

      Last month, we warned of the possibility the Venture Exchange could fall to as low as 1,950 over the short term, an area of previous strong support. This market appeared to be in a free-fall when it plunged below 1,900 last Tuesday, August 19, but it quickly reversed course during the day. The 1,881 low reached that morning marked the bottom, we believe, of the massive sell-off that began July 2 and erased 769 points from the Index. This is not to say that we’ve necessarily seen the low for the year, although that is certainly possible. But what we are saying is that given all the technical and fundamental factors we have closely examined, this market is poised for a substantial short-term rally to at least help alleviate the current extreme historical oversold conditions. The sell-off in the Venture Exchange coincided with a general commodity sell-off that we believe has also run its course.

      For some reason, the Venture Exchange seems to enjoy a near 30% hair cut every now and then. Let’s now take a look at what transpired following each of the three most recent “crashes” for some insight into what may develop now:

      1. May-June, 2006

      With a major drop in gold, the Venture Exchange plunged 29% over just 22 trading sessions. After the bottom was reached in mid-June, the Index climbed 14% in 14 trading days and exactly 20% over 57 sessions before reaching 2,800 in early September (another plunge followed that).

      2. Late July-August, 2007

      This 29% drop of course was fueled by the emergence of the “credit crisis” and also a sharp fall in gold. After bottoming out at 2,350 August 16, the market went on a tear and 56 sessions later reached a high of 3,200, an increase of 850 points or 36%.

      3. October-January, 2008

      After bottoming out in mid-January at 2,350, the Venture Exchange immediately took off and rose 19% to 2,800 over the next 27 trading sessions.

      So, as you can see, we’ve had short-term rallies of 20% (57 sessions), 36% (56 sessions) and 19% (27 trading sessions) following the three most recent major sell-offs in the Venture Exchange (the average percentage increase being 25% over an average period of 47 trading sessions).

      With the above in mind, it’s not hard to conclude that we could quite possibly see a rally that takes the Venture Exchange all the way back up to 2,350, a 25% move from 1,881, over the next couple of months. Resistance at 2,350 would certainly make sense as this was a strong support area for a considerable length of time.

      We expect a deluge of exploration results in September and October, beginning next week. Keep a close eye on news - historically with the type of market situation we have now, major discoveries and “area plays” have a tendency to suddenly emerge.

      We expect a reversal in the Venture Exchange’s 10-day moving average this week which means a strong close for the week to set the stage for the start of some fireworks right after Labour Day.

      10 Stocks For Upcoming Market Rally:
      1. Greencastle Resources (VGN, TSX-V)

      One of our favorites which we first uncovered and recommended at 15 cents May 31. Sound management, very strong financials, and solid portfolio of diversified projects (oil and gas royalties from Primate Oil Field, coal, shale gas in Quebec, gold and uranium). More “high-impact” projects under review. Closed August 26 at 35 cents.

      2. Eldorado Gold (ELD, TSX)

      Low-cost producer with a history of strong Septembers. We were very impressed with management’s takeover of Frontier Pacific Mining, a steal for Eldorado shareholders. Closed August 26 at $8.26.

      3. BacTech Mining (BM, TSX-V)

      Little-known company trading at just eights cents with Yamana as its largest shareholder. BacTech owns commercially-proven, bacterial oxidation and bioleaching technology that liberates precious and base metals from difficult-to-treat sulphide ores and concentrates. This company has been around for a while but now is finally starting to make significant strides. We’re looking forward to big things out of BacTech in the weeks and months to come.

      4. Sherwood Copper Corporation (SWC, TSX-V)

      Producing company with excellent management that consistently meets its goals and timelines. Stock has formed a nice base around $4.50 and appears ready for lift-off. Closed August 26 at $4.66.

      5. Columbia Yukon Explorations (CYU, TSX-V)

      Columbia Yukon is developing a world class molybdenum deposit near Cassiar, BC, and current drilling outside of the known resource (an updated 43-101 was released earlier this month) is delivering high-grade visuals. The first drill results from this summer’s 30,000 metre program should be coming out beginning next week, we suspect, and at just 35 cents ($15 million market cap) this stock is quite simply very undervalued.

      6. Hathor Exploration (HAT, TSX-V)

      Uranium, we believe, will be a big story in the year ahead, and Hathor has made a significant discovery at its Midwest NE Property in the Athabasca Basin. Lots of blue-sky potential here. Closed August 26 at $3.58.

      7. Kodiak Exploration (KXL)

      Kodiak was hit hard by the recent market sell-off but has bounced off strong support at $1.20. Kodiak’s Hercules Property in Ontario’s Beardmore-Geraldton area is going to be a huge winner, we believe, and the current $1.55 share price will look very cheap six months from now.

      8. MacDonald Mines (BMK, TSX-V)

      One cannot overlook the continuing excellent exploration potential of the James Bay Lowlands where BMK is a huge landholder. Everyone, though, has fallen out of love with BMK, which is why we believe it’s time to be a buyer. The stock has steadily drifted all the way down from a 52-week high of $1.32 to below 20 cents where it just has to be a buy in our view. Closed August 26 at 19 cents.

      9. Nortec Ventures (NVT, TSX-V)

      The same group that ran Frontier Pacific Mining is in charge of Nortec which is getting very interesting results from its Kaukua platinum-palladium-gold-nickel-copper project in northeastern Finland. They also have high-quality nickel-copper-cobalt targets in Labrador, one of which is currently being drilled. The individuals behind Nortec are company builders and mine finders - they will make Nortec a success story. Closed August 26 at 28 cents.

      10. Junex Inc. (JNX, TSX-V)

      We’re very big on the shale gas play in Quebec, and Junex is very much at the centre of the action there. Closed August 26 at $2.47.
      schrieb am 30.08.08 18:55:38
      Beitrag Nr. 164 ()
      Habe gestern nochmal nachgelegt, der "heiße Herbst" kann beginnen !

      Börsen in Kanada am Montag, 01.09.2008 GESCHLOSSEN !

      2008 Stock Market Holidays - Stock Markets Closed
      New Year's Day - January 1, 2008
      Family Day - February 18, 2008
      Good Friday - March 21, 2008
      Victoria Day - May 19, 2008
      Canada Day - July 1, 2008
      Civic Day - August 4, 2008
      Labour Day - September 1, 2008
      Thanksgiving Day - October 13, 2008
      Christmas Day - December 25, 2008
      Boxing Day - December 26, 2008

      Ein schönes Wochenende,

      schrieb am 30.08.08 22:55:23
      Beitrag Nr. 165 ()
      KXL Management Discussion & Analysis vom 29.08.08 draußen (aber noch nicht auf, wahrscheinlich DI abrufbar).

      Trotzdem schon mal ein paar Auszüge mit Vergleich zur 1. August PR:


      KXL Sedar Aug 29 summary, & comparison w/ Aug 1 NR
      Posted by: cedartree on August 30, 2008 04:35AM

      In response to: Sedar MD & A Aug 29 - (part... by lawnbowler

      The Aug 29 2008 KXL Sedar report is summarized here as concisely as possible, and is compared with the Aug 1 news release. Results are organized by system (Hercules, West Geraldton, etc.) and zone (Golden Mile, Yellow Brick Road, etc.). Zone numbering is specific to this summary. Grades and extents are rounded for readability. Energy, Base Metals, Vent Gold and Financials are not covered here. Overall the Sedar release is a solid report and provides a basis for higher prices.


      Executive Summary: There are no additional assay results provided in the Aug 29 Sedar report beyond those of the Aug 1 NR. That is as it should be without another official news release yet. However, a very large amount of additional drilling is reported just for August (+22km total, +15km in Hercules and +7km in Geraldton), so a feast of assay results can be expected to arrive soon.

      The other function of the Sedar report is to make clear a much wider scope of active exploration, based on very indicative airborne survey results and good historical samples in new regions. Per the Aug 1 NR, while the spectacular drill hole HR07-51 of 2007 at 516gpt/2.5m was not repeated, very respectable and mineable wide intercepts of 15gpt/9.3m and 16gpt/9.7m (over 30 feet wide each) were obtained.

      The general nature of the Sedar report then is to underline the achievements (mineable gold findings and significant delineation) and to make clearer the huge and solidly supported (e.g. channel and historic samples) scope of exploration. There are now 25+ goldbearing zones being explored (Hercules:13+, Geraldton:4, Knucklethumb:1, Other:7) and 8 drills turning in Canada’s largest and most vigorous exploration effort

      Historically, greater concentrations of gold were found in similar deposits at 500m - 1500m depth. With results just having reached 450m this Summer, the convergence of Lucky Strike and Golden Mile at depth may prove this also true for KXL, as deeper assays come in. However, of greatest immediate interest will be the enormous wealth of assay results arriving this Fall from the new drilling reported.

      Highlights by mineability:

      Highlights Hercules: Golden Mile 15 gpt/9.3m (2007 highlight: 516gpt/2.5m). WL 16gpt/9.7m. Marino 38gpt/1.6m. Seven of Nine 13gpt/1.1m. Lucky Strike 1.2gpt/41m (135 foot wide intercept). Fat Bastard channel 37gpt.

      Highlights West Geraldton: Maki historic 555gpt/1.2m. West Geraldton historic 328gpt/2m. Solomon’s Pillars 13gpt/5.5m. GMO grabs 41gpt.

      Highlights - Other: Brenbar channel 41gpt.


      Summary of Aug 1 and Aug 26 reports by area and zone:
      1) Hercules
      2) Beardmore-Geraldton
      3) Knucklethumb
      4) Other Elmhirst zones

      1) Hercules area: 13+ zones. 132holes/42km Jan 1-Aug 26. This is 15 km of additional drilling since the Aug 1 NR

      1.1) Hercules / Golden Mile: Two parallel high grade zones w/ NW rake. 2km strike, extended another 400m w/ drilling, may extend to 5km. 450m deepest intercept.
      Channels along 400m: avg 20gpt/3.8m width.
      New zone in East: HR08-171: 17gpt/1.3m incl 64gpt/0.3m
      HR08-161 15 gpt/9.3m incl 32 gpt/3.3m. per Both same news as Aug 1 NR

      1.2) Hercules / Marino: 38gpt/1.6m
      Strike extension 2 km NW via trenching

      1.3) Hercules / Yellow Brick Road: 10m interval at 250m depth

      1.4) Hercules / Seven of Nine: HR08-113 13gpt/1.1m incl 53gpt/0.3m
      Strike extension 2 km NW via trenching

      1.5) Hercules / WL (WLGZ) HR06-03 16gpt/9.7m incl 52gpt/2.8m
      HR08-145 down plunge 22 gpt/3.3m incl 90gpt/0.8m

      1.6) Hercules / Lucky Strike: blind vein 200m SW of Golden Mile. Appears to converge w/ Golden Mile w/ wedge of bulk mineable material above.
      HR08-137 1.2gpt/41m

      1.7) Hercules / Fat Bastard: between Marino and Golden Mile. Given name since last NR.
      37gpt in channel

      1.8) - 1.12) Hercules / Penelton, Amede, Wilkinson Lake, and Miron zones, Hydro showing - covered only in previous reports. Grab samples of 5-40 gpt.

      1.13+) Hercules / further indicated structures: S of Golden Mile historic grabs 46gpt (BAT showing), and 30km surface strikes of geophysically indicated structures are being drilled.

      2) Beardmore-Geraldton: 4 zones. 37holes/7km Jan 1-Aug 26. This is 7 km more drilling in this area than what was in the Aug 1 NR. Magnetic-VLF and VTEM surveys show numerous structures which will be explored.

      2.1) Beardmore-Geraldton / Solomon’s Pillars: 20-30m banded iron formations
      Historic 1936/37 47 x 2m 12gpt. Historic 1963 563 x 6m x 91m deep, best 49 gpt
      Initial channelling: 13 gpt over 5.5m, incl 25 gpt over 0.9m

      2.2) Beardmore-Geraldton / Maki: East-West shear zone in sheared mafic volcanics. Building better access. Stripping and sampling. 2 holes/0.2km
      Historic 1947/48 Dougall, 27 of 35 shallow holes >0.5 gpt incl 555 gpt over 1.2m

      2.3) Beardmore-Geraldton / GMO: Western part of Beardmore along strike w/ Northern Empire. 6 holes/0.8km
      Grabs 41 gpt, at least 350m x 2m

      2.4) Beardmore-Geraldton / West Geraldton-Kenogamsis: Targets along 40km portage shear zone. Stripping, channelling and drilling.
      Goldstrike and Drexel zones stripped along strike 300m
      Goldstrike historic 328gpt over 2m
      Also 2nd zone 500m W of Goldstrike, grab samples up to 129 gpt

      3) Knucklethumb: 1 zone. 40km N of Golden Mile, large 3km x 0.5km alteration zone.
      Interesting mention, as this area has not been covered much in past reports.
      Surface trenching showing gold 230m long x avg 7m wide.
      “Surface channel samples have assayed up to 2.20 gpt Au” - makes no sense.
      Surface incl 13 gpt Ag over 6m, incl 21 gpt Ag of 1.7m.
      2005 33 holes/4.4km. KL05-04 0.2 gpt/109m, incl 0.3 gpt/29m etc.
      2006 7 holes/1.6km. KL06-01 0.3 gpt over 10m true width, showing mineralization to 390m

      4) Other Elmhist zones: 7 zones: 4.1 Brenbar, 4.2 Sturgeon Bridge, 4.3 Bearskin, 4.4 Klotz Lake, 4.5 Blackwater, 4.6 Kaby Lake, 4.7 (East Leitch). Stripping and sampling. In Aug 1 NR East Leitch was also listed, and Maki was not yet listed as a Geraldton Property.
      Aug 1 - Brenbar channels showed 41 gpt.

      schrieb am 03.09.08 07:26:45
      Beitrag Nr. 166 ()
      NPV News von heute (Quelle:

      TTM receives preliminary economic assessment for Chu Molybdenum project indicating a net present value of $1.04 billion
      284.1 MILLION TONNES GRADING 0.048% Mo AT A 0.017% Mo CUTOFF

      TSX-V Symbol: TTQ
      Frankfurt Stock Exchange Symbol: T2U
      US Clearing Symbol: TTMRF
      Issued and Outstanding 50,307,489

      VANCOUVER, Sept. 3 /CNW/ - W. K. Crichy Clarke, President and CEO of TTM
      Resources Inc. ("TTM" or the "Company") announces that the Company has
      received an updated resource estimates from Giroux Consultants Inc., of
      Vancouver, B.C. for its 100% owned Chu Molybdenum Project 65 Km Southwest of
      Vanderhoof, British Columbia, Canada. It has also received a Preliminary
      Economic Assessment for the Project from Moose Mountain Technical Services of
      Calgary, Alberta. These estimates will be included in an updated NI 43-101
      report under preparation and expected soon.


      This report identified the main critical economic factors for the CHU
      project as; the future price of molybdenum, the cost of capital equipment and
      the debt to equity ratio for the project. The following table shows the
      financial estimates with differing values for these variables based on a
      60,000 tonne per day mining operation lasting 31 years. All prices are quoted
      in Canadian dollars except where noted.

      Table 1

      Molybdenum Low Case Base Case High Case
      Prices US$15 per lb US$20 per lb US$25 per lb
      -------------- ------------------ ------------------- -------------------

      -------------- ------------------ ------------------- -------------------
      Equipment New Used New Used New Used
      -------------- ------------------ ------------------- -------------------

      -------------- ------------------ ------------------- -------------------
      NPV at 10%
      $Millions 116.2 514.7 1,039.7 1,438.2 2,126.9 2,525.3
      -------------- ------------------ ------------------- -------------------
      IRR 12.5% 27.7% 27.3% 47% 45.4% 77.5%
      -------------- ------------------ ------------------- -------------------
      Payback years 8 4 5 3 3 2
      -------------- ------------------ ------------------- -------------------

      Assumes debt-equity project financing of 50%-50%. A 100% equity case will
      be available on the corporate website. Capital Equipment including working
      capital and 20% contingency factor is estimated at 1,250.0 million (new) and
      750.0 million (used). The low case (US $15 per pound Mo) assumes US$20 per lb
      year one, US$18 per lb year two and US$15 to year 31.
      Current molybdenum sale prices are approximately $35 per pound.
      Recognizing the importance of capital costs to the project, the Company is in
      the process of sourcing, and negotiating for, used mining and milling
      equipment appropriate for the CHU Project.
      The production schedule used by Moose Mountain entails mining and milling
      of high grade ore in the initial production years with lower grade material
      stockpiled for milling at later dates. This allows for higher initial cash
      flow and a shorter pay back period.


      As set out in Table 2 & 3 below the updated geologic Resource estimate
      represents an increase of 17.3 million tonnes, 25.6 million lbs of molybdenum
      and a significant upgrade in indicated versus inferred tonnage over the
      previously published figures for the 0.04% cut-off category. The updated
      figures below are based on an additional 7,010.61 meters of drilling in
      13 holes drilled during the months of Jan & Feb 2008. For the purpose of the
      Preliminary Economic Assessment Moose Mountain established an In-Pit resource
      based on an optimized pit shell for a guideline, then a preliminary pit was
      designed to incorporate the high wall ramp, smooth pit walls, and workable
      mining phases and finally, the resource estimate calculated within the
      designed ultimate pit and is summarized in Table 4 at various molybdenum
      cut-off grades. The Economics quoted in this press release are based on a
      0.017% Mo cutoff. Assays for holes drilled after the updated estimate have
      been received and are available on the corporate website. Currently there are
      two drills operating on the CHU property engaged in resource expansion and
      resource category upgrading activities, and a third drill testing Geophysical
      anomalies identified last year. The third drill has completed 2 of a planned
      20 hole program and results will be released upon receipt, review and

      Table 2
      Tonnes greater Grade greater than Cutoff
      than Cutoff -----------------------------
      Mo Cutoff (%) (tonnes) Mo % Million lbs Mo
      0.04 252,630,000 0.067 373.2
      0.05 179,010,000 0.077 303.9
      0.06 121,160,000 0.087 232.4
      0.07 87,720,000 0.095 183.8
      0.08 63,090,000 0.104 144.7
      0.09 42,110,000 0.113 104.9
      0.10 27,930,000 0.122 75.1

      Table 3
      Tonnes greater Grade greater than Cutoff
      than Cutoff -----------------------------
      Mo Cutoff (%) (tonnes) Mo % Million lbs Mo
      0.04 200,900,000 0.062 274.70
      0.05 127,160,000 0.072 201.90
      0.06 79,460,000 0.082 143.70
      0.07 51,290,000 0.091 102.90
      0.08 35,260,000 0.099 77.00
      0.09 23,500,000 0.106 54.90
      0.10 13,180,000 0.115 33.40

      Table 4
      OFF M-lbs M-lbs M-lbs
      Mo% M-tonnes Mo% Mo M-tonnes Mo% Mo M-tonnes Mo% Mo
      0.017 388.5 0.052 441.3 284.1 0.047 297.1 672.6 0.050 738.3
      0.021 356.0 0.054 427.5 264.3 0.050 288.6 620.3 0.052 716.2
      0.040 226.5 0.068 339.3 150.6 0.063 208.2 377.0 0.066 547.4
      0.060 110.9 0.088 214.5 61.3 0.084 113.1 172.2 0.086 327.6

      Resource Criteria; The mineral resources mentioned above are defined in
      terms of the NI 43-101 regulations and their estimation was carried out using
      industry standard practices using ordinary kriging of blocks 20 x 20 x 10 m
      high. The mineral resources are undiluted and a total of 18 assays were capped
      at 0.43 % Mo. Indicated Mineral Resource estimates were produced using a
      search ellipse with dimensions equal to 1/2 the semivariogram range. A
      specific gravity based on 328 measurements of 2.69 was used for tonnage
      calculations. Assay results from 55 diamond drill holes totaling
      28,457.16 meters was used. A total of 10,257 composited assay intersections
      made up the resource database.
      The Board of Directors and Advisors are very pleased with the result of
      these Independent estimates.
      The CHU project appears to exceed the financial criteria associated with
      a bulk mining operation under the sensitivities laid out in the Preliminary
      Economic Assessment. The deposit is located next to an all-weather road in the
      central Plateau region of British Columbia close to sources of power and
      skilled labour. Subject to the Conclusions and Recommendations in the upcoming
      NI 43-101 Report, the Company will proceed towards a Pre-Feasibility Study for
      the CHU Project.
      The Company currently has 50,307,489 shares outstanding and $8.5 million
      in working capital which does not include approximately $3.0 million in B.C.
      Mining Exploration Tax Credit.
      The Company has in place a comprehensive quality assurance/quality
      control program including standards, blanks and duplicate samples that form
      part of the sampling protocol. In addition the laboratory has its own quality
      assurance program. The technical information in this news release has been
      prepared in accordance with Canadian regulatory requirements as set out in
      National Instrument 43-101. The technical information provided in this press
      release was reviewed by Warren Robb, P.Geo., a qualified person for the
      purposes of NI 43-101.
      For further information visit the Company's web site at


      "Crichy Clarke"
      W.K. Crichy Clarke
      President & CEO

      This communication to shareholders and the public contains certain
      forward-looking statements. Actual results may differ materially from those
      indicated by such statements. All statements, other than statements of
      historical fact, included herein, including, without limitations statements
      regarding future production, are forward looking statements that involve
      various risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such
      statements will prove to be accurate and actual results and future events
      could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. The TSX
      Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the
      adequacy or accuracy of this release.

      For further information: Main, W.K. Crichy Clarke, President & CEO, Tom
      Brady, (604) 685-5851, or Toll Free: (888) 685-5851, Fax: (604) 685-7349,
      Website:, Email:; Europe, Small Cap Invest Ltd,
      Alexander Friedrich, 49 (0) 69-24 24 93 49, 49 (0) 12 12 544 71 04 62, Email:
      schrieb am 03.09.08 08:50:45
      Beitrag Nr. 167 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.956.900 von franz991 am 03.09.08 07:26:45Sorry, falschen Thread erwischt. News gehört zu TTM Resources (TTQ).
      Sollte man sich mal anschauen.
      schrieb am 03.09.08 20:51:49
      Beitrag Nr. 168 ()
      schrieb am 20.09.08 13:29:23
      Beitrag Nr. 169 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.920.021 von Fantomas96 am 30.08.08 18:55:38Hab diese Woche auch noch mal aufgestockt;)

      und hoffe daß wir endlich das "Tal der Traenen" hinter uns lassen

      Gruß KN:cool:RPEL
      schrieb am 20.09.08 22:03:32
      Beitrag Nr. 170 ()
      m2 and me2
      schrieb am 23.09.08 14:12:13
      Beitrag Nr. 171 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.195.796 von KNORPEL am 20.09.08 13:29:23ich bin jetzt auch mit 80k dabei
      schrieb am 24.09.08 18:58:12
      Beitrag Nr. 172 ()

      ups nicht schlecht...
      da kann ich natürlich nicht mithalten. aber ist einer der besten werte. ein wert ala noront die ich leider auch noch nicht wieder kaufen konnte...

      habe nu 2k nachgekauft...

      was hast du sonst noch im depot ?
      schrieb am 24.09.08 21:45:56
      Beitrag Nr. 173 ()
      1,9 cads!

      schöner anstieg. da kommt was grosses an news demnäcsht...

      schrieb am 24.09.08 22:58:14
      Beitrag Nr. 174 ()
      Schön für diejenigen, die letzte Woche noch nachgekauft haben oder eingestiegen sind, herzlichen Glückwunsch zu der Entscheidung !

      schrieb am 25.09.08 08:58:23
      Beitrag Nr. 175 ()
      Und der Anstieg bei bescheidenem Volumen. Spricht dafür, dass wir geringe Short-Bestände im Moment haben.
      Eine positive NR könnte eine schöne Zündung nach oben verursachen.
      schrieb am 25.09.08 11:35:22
      Beitrag Nr. 176 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.265.982 von franz991 am 25.09.08 08:58:23Mein Canadischer Freund ist an diesem WE bei KXL und schaut sich alles an...

      Ich habe die letzten Tage massiv eingekauft. Bin leider etwas spät angefangen
      schrieb am 25.09.08 12:45:26
      Beitrag Nr. 177 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.257.745 von dosco12 am 24.09.08 18:58:12TTQ ist was im Busch und mein langfrist Invest ist Zaruma Resources. Da habe ich allerdings SEHR viele zweistellige mio Stückzahl

      Ich habe nochmal 110k nachgelegt hier und werde weiter kaufen.

      Gesamt habe ich jetzt 190k
      schrieb am 25.09.08 13:28:51
      Beitrag Nr. 178 ()

      ZMR hatte ich mal vor jahren... aber diese prof. uttinger (oder so ähnlich) hatte mich damals nicht überzeugt. hatte dann nochmal was gelesen mit dieser neuen prod-fördertechnologie... schien mir interessant, aber irgendwie machte mich die historie unsicher...

      ok, denke mal du bist eher eine art professioneller anlger, sonst würdest du nicht mir diesen summen agieren...

      kxl ist jedenfalls einer der besten explorer die es gibt. nicht nur diese unmengen an sichtbarem gold, sondern durchfinanziert und uranexploration die auch sehr sehr gut ausschaut...

      hast du ein kursziel oder ein ereignisziel bei KXL?

      schrieb am 26.09.08 00:27:12
      Beitrag Nr. 179 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.269.713 von nellocat am 25.09.08 12:45:26Also mal ehrlich... muss das mit dem Herumwerfen von Stückzahlen denn sein?

      IMO macht Dich das nicht glaubwürdiger.

      Sorry für diesen inhaltsfreien Beitrag. Und nichts für ungut.
      schrieb am 26.09.08 06:30:40
      Beitrag Nr. 180 ()
      ich finde es interessant... aber wieso stört eine solche info dich?
      schrieb am 26.09.08 09:54:34
      Beitrag Nr. 181 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.284.846 von dosco12 am 26.09.08 06:30:40Wenn als einzige "Information" im ersten Beitrag zu einem Wert erworbene Stückzahlen geschrieben werden -ohne Angabe eigener Gründe oder Zusatzinformationen- und diese Stückzahlen offenbar einen höheren EUR-Betrag repräsentieren (natürlich ist das relativ), frage ich mich nach dem Grund eines solchen Postings.

      Als einziger fällt mir ein: Sich selbst als schlauen (oder wenigstens potenten) Investor darzustellen.

      Und beim Lesen durch verschiedene Foren fällt weiter auf, dass eine häufige Strategie "wichtige" Neuigkeiten (gelegentlich auch ohne Fakten oder ohne realen Hintergrund) "glaubhaft" in ein Forum zu schreiben eben die ist, sich vorher als schlauen Investor vorzustellen. Okay; letzter Absatz ist ein Vorurteil - bitte um Entschuldigung.
      Diese Art und Weise der eigenen Vorstellung macht mich jedenfalls prinzipiell skeptisch gegenüber nellocat, was schade ist und mich daher auch ein wenig stört.

      Also nochmal: Nichts für ungut. Wenn jemanden die (zweifelhafte) Information über gekaufte Stückzahlen interessieren - mir soll es recht sein. Sorry für den Einwand.
      schrieb am 26.09.08 17:52:29
      Beitrag Nr. 182 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.287.279 von Peter_B am 26.09.08 09:54:34nimms locker Peter;)

      wer viel Wind macht,ist meistens doch nur ne Luftpumpe :laugh::laugh::laugh:

      meine Entscheidung hier nochmal nachzulegen war reines Bauchgefuehl und fast ne Punktlandung.Natuerlich kann der Kurs auch wieder so schnell fallen wie er jetzt gestiegen ist.

      Langfristig bin ich sowieso ueberzeugt davon,daß wir hier eine oder mehrere Goldminen haben werden.

      Abgerechnet wird zum Schluß:cool:

      Gruß KN:cool:RPEL
      schrieb am 26.09.08 18:20:09
      Beitrag Nr. 183 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.270.423 von dosco12 am 25.09.08 13:28:51@ dosco

      hier die letzte Einschaetzung der National Bank zu KXL

      Gruß KN:cool:RPEL
      schrieb am 26.09.08 18:41:17
      Beitrag Nr. 184 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.270.423 von dosco12 am 25.09.08 13:28:51Wenn du noch mehr wissen willst,dann nimm dir ein paar Stunden Zeit und schau dir mal die letzten Praesentationen auf der KXL-Webseite an

      August 1, 2008 - Click here to view Beardmore-Geraldton regional interactive exploration map (more...)

      August 1, 2008 - Click here to view Hercules Elmhirst Lake intrusion interactive map - Figure Four (more...)

      August 1, 2008 - Click below to view Golden Mile Gemcom 3D Model. Long section and cross section

      • Figure One - Inclined Long Section • Figure Two - Golden Mile Gemcom 3D Model • Figure Three - Cross Section 1410NW

      August 1, 2008 - Click here to view Kodiak’s Hercules presentation (more...)

      August 1, 2008 - Click here to view Val D'or comparison map (more...)

      July 18, 2008 - Management’s Exploration Update (more...)

      Gruß KN:cool:RPEL
      schrieb am 26.09.08 19:21:02
      Beitrag Nr. 185 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.297.012 von KNORPEL am 26.09.08 18:41:17

      schrieb am 03.10.08 17:59:04
      Beitrag Nr. 186 ()
      wer sich informieren will (erlebnisbericht einer besichtigung vom 27.09.2008)

      es sind 5 teile...
      schrieb am 03.10.08 22:15:55
      Beitrag Nr. 187 ()

      Kodiak Presents Update at Toronto Resource Investment Conference
      Vancouver, British Columbia, October 3, 2008. Kodiak Exploration Limited (KXL – TSXV) is
      pleased to announce that it will be presenting an exploration update on its principal gold project,
      Hercules, and its other Beardmore-Geraldton district-scale exploration programs at the Toronto Resource
      Investment Conference this weekend. Investors who are able to attend the Conference are welcome to
      visit Kodiak’s representatives at Booth #708 and to attend a presentation by Kodiak’s Vice-President of
      Exploration, Brian Maher, at 11:30 a.m. on Sunday, October 5, 2008 in Workshop #2. Mr. Maher will be
      making a second presentation at 3:00 on Sunday afternoon in the Oakville Room at the Intercontinental
      Toronto Centre. To ensure that all investors have timely access to new information that will be presented
      at the Conference, the power point presentation will be posted in the “What’s New” section of Kodiak’s
      web site this weekend at
      Kodiak’s intensive exploration program continues to be successful and has resulted in several new
      discoveries. This program is ongoing on multiple fronts, with five geological teams and several diamond
      drill rigs operating on Hercules and five other stand alone gold projects, which are all 100% controlled by
      Kodiak and located in the Beardmore-Geraldton gold camp. Kodiak looks forward to announcing its next
      set of results when the large backlog of drill core samples and channel samples from the current program
      have been assayed, analyzed and compiled.
      The geological information contained in the Kodiak presentation to be made at the Conference and posted
      on its website has been reviewed and approved by Robert B. Hawkins, Kodiak’s Chief Geologist, who is
      a qualified person under the definitions established by National Instrument 43-101.
      Kodiak is a mineral exploration company with properties located in Canada. You can now view an
      interactive map, as well as additional photographs, geological details and additional information, on our
      Web site:
      On behalf of the board of Directors
      William S. Chornobay, Director, President
      For further information contact:
      (604) 688-9006 or by email at
      The TSX Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this
      release. The statements made in this release may contain forward-looking statements or relate
      to programs that involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Actual events or results could
      differ materially from the Company’s expectations and projections.
      schrieb am 03.10.08 23:04:33
      Beitrag Nr. 188 ()
      Mittlerweile macht selbst Kodiak für Sage PR zur Golden (Mile) Extension auf Sage Gebiet ! :eek:…

      The following story was published in the Times Star, a community weekly based in Geraldton, Ontario,on October 1, 2008:


      Sage Active in Greenstone Region

      by Edgar J. Lavoie

      Part I – The Golden Extension

      The forest industry does help mining exploration. Sage Gold Inc. has found what it believes will become a major gold discovery in the middle of a clearcut.
      When Sage's prospectors made the discovery, they did not have to fight their way through swamps and bush – at least in that location. And they found a logging road in place.

      On September 22 and 23, the writer joined a field tour of some of Sage's properties in the Beardmore-Geraldton mining camp. The party included Sageofficials, a group of investors from Bay
      Street, and two geologists from the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines (MNDM).

      The four investors – perhaps mining investment advisors is a
      more accurate term – had flown into Thunder Bay Airport that morning, and a chartered bus had whisked them to a tourist
      resort on the 801 Road between Beardmore and Jellicoe.
      The first day began with a lunch in the dining hall of Pasha Lake Cabins and a presentation by two of Sage's top executives: Nigel Lees, President and CEO; and Bill Love, Vice President/Business

      The field party jumped into 4-WD pickups, two of them driven by local prospectors, Myron Nelson and Lyle Holt, whom Lees also described as "partners" in Sage because they have vested interests.
      Ted Cox demonstrates with a miner'span how to extract gold from the muck.
      One truck scooted over to nearby Bush Lake Resort, where Sage locates its field office, so that a small group could catch a helicopter ride to the Hercules Property of Kodiak Exploration Ltd. Four trucks headed north on the 801, cut across to the Kinghorn Road by the River Road, and entered the Kodiak property.
      The trail into the Golden Mile Zone had been improved since last year, and a rough extension had been built to the north end of the area stripped of overburden, running on the west side. After a long
      wait, two helicopters touched down in the clearing. Out of the Kodiak-sponsored chopper stepped one investor and four Kodiak officials. The Kodiak team planned to shuttle parties of investors all week to its star property.

      Squatting in the "jewelry box" of Kodiak's Golden Mile, Brian Maher (VP) addresses the field parties. Sage's President, Nigel Lees, looks on (upper left). Unpublished photo.

      As pre-arranged, the Kodiak team, led by Bill Chornaby, President and CEO, and Brian Maher, Vice President/Exploration, was going to make a presentation to the Sage/Kodiak parties. Everyone migrated toward the "jewelry box" of the Golden Mile and descended into the shallow trench. A little way to the south a North Star Drilling rig groaned away.

      It was a day that held a lot of promise, in more ways than one. On this warm autumn day, the sunlight bathed the wide quartz vein that snakes through a shear zone in the host rock, the Elmhirst Lake Intrusion. Brian Maher got down to business, spreading generously sized charts on the gold-bearing vein and speaking to the graphics contained therein.

      Since late summer of 2006, Kodiak had been making spectacular gold discoveries on its Hercules Property. The Golden Mile Zone had been stripped almost continuously for about 3 kilometres, trending northwest. This season diamond drills had been sinking deep holes in a continuing effort to define an ore body, a substantial mineral resource that would justify a mine.

      In the first two seasons, Kodiak stripped a parallel line of zones to the east, running from the Wilkinson Lake Zone in the southeast to the Marino Zone in the northwest, This season it has been stripping and drilling a parallel zone to the west. This past summer, said Chornaby (President), Kodiak had 135 people employed in the field.

      Maher (VP) stated that Kodiak was sending about a thousand core samples a day to the lab for "fire assay". Any result yielding 3 grams per metric tonne (g/t) or better had been sent back for a more rigorous "metallic assay". Drills had intersected values as deep as 575 metres. Major mining companies have expressed interest, but, Maher said, negotiations were confidential. Holding up his hands, Maher remarked: "We have almost two handfuls [of documents] signed."

      In the course of the presentation, Chornaby said, "Our neighbours [Sage Gold] are on strike with a significant discovery." He was referring to the Golden Extension Showing about 5 kilometres across

      Later, Gerry White, district geologist for MNDM, communicated to the writer: "If Sage's Golden Extension occurrence proves to be the northwestern extension of Kodiak's Hercules vein system,
      a much large exploration target emerges from this area."
      After this splendid example of cross-promotion by the two junior companies, the two parties dispersed. Most of the Sage field party embarked in the four pickups. The writer and two others climbed into the Sage-sponsored Bell 206 Long Ranger and flew northwest along the strike of the Golden Mile.

      To the west, one could observe the newest Kodiak zone, the Lucky Strike, also trending northwest. Ahead, just north of the unnamed lake that terminates the trenching on the Golden Mile, drills were churning away in the bush, accessed by a rough trail that permits only ATV travel. Farther ahead, a clearcut area emerged.
      Up to a week ago, the Sage crew had been stripping the vein by hand. With a bridge newly installed over Fairview Creek, operations were continuing with a backhoe. As the helicopter landed, other members of the field party were making their way by road. A logging road runs west for almost 11 kilometres to the showing, starting just past the Kilometre 43 marker on the Kinghorn Road.

      The backhoe operator, Nolan Cox, greeted the visitors, along with son Ted Cox, Sage's field geotechnician, and son Danny Cox, contracted by Sage to provide a crew of geotechs.
      Trenching had exposed a broad quartz vein in a shear of the host rock, the Elmhirst Lake Intrusion. Bill Love (Sage VP) explained, "The strike of this is very close to that of [Kodiak's] Golden Mile."

      The Golden Extension Showing occurs about 1.6 kilometres from the boundary with Kodiak.
      The vein has been traced over a length of 200 metres, most of it in the last week. Ted Cox described the gold-bearing vein as a tight pinch and swell structure, the widest point being 1.3 metres, with a vertical dip. Gazing to the southeast, Cox said, "We can hear Kodiak's drills every day."

      Cox wowed the visitors with a demonstration of panning. Scooping some soil and dipping the pan into water, he gently rocked and swirled the contents until a glistening tail of gold appeared. Said
      one of the investors, "It's amazing! That gold just came out of the muck [near the vein]." Donna McPherson, a stock broker, represented Octagon Capital Corporation, based in Toronto.
      Aerial view of Sage's Golden Extension. The line of strike (right to left) points to Kodiak's Golden Mile Zone about 5 kilometres away. Unpublished photo courtesy of Gerry White, MNDM.

      Walking with some visitors northeast of the main trench, geotechnician Cox gestured towards a new water-filled trench. He explained that in developing a "waterhole" to supply the hose that washes down the bedrock, the excavator exposed the vein extension with startling samples of visible gold (VG).

      The strategic plan of operations, said Cox, includes some cross-trenching to determine if the showing has some parallel zones alongside.

      The Cox family has a financial stake in the Jacobus Property, which is an extensive area northwest of Kodiak's Hercules Property. The Golden Extension is located in the Jacobus East Area.
      Danny Cox, a prospector and an exploration contractor, remarked that their financial interest gave them an extra incentive to do their jobs well.

      Back at the main trench, the rest of the field party, along with Nigel Lees (President), arrived in three trucks. One truck had foundered in a muddy section of trail near the Kodiak drill rig, and the drilling crew had helped extricate the vehicle. Another problem had developed, and they had abandoned the truck temporarily.

      Throughout the tour, Mark Smyk, regional resident geologist for MNDM, and Gerry White had been asking questions, making observations, and recording meticulous notes.
      Earlier in the season, a Sage crew had stripped the showing for 12 metres and extracted samples from 12 channels, spaced a metre apart. Bill Love explained that the exposed vein at that time averaged 19.5 g/t, with up to 9 g/t found in the wall or host rock. Ted Cox stated that another 34 samples have been sent for assay, and that they were preparing more to go.

      Last winter Sage Gold had run geophysics on the Jacobus East Area, and when the snow had gone, Nolan Cox had been stripping a "line feature" farther west without getting any values. Then in July a prospecting team found a patch of bedrock, about 2 by 3 metres in size, which is now called the Golden Extension Showing.

      One of the investors, J.C. St-Amour of Frazer Mackenzie, told the writer that he had been impressed by the earlier presentation. That the Sage find was on line of strike with Kodiak's Golden
      Mile looked very promising. As for the Golden Extension, he said, "This is still early [in the operations stage], and it will be good to see some drill results."

      Another interesting feature of the showing was that someone had used a spray can to print on top of the dome in the trench the following words: GOLDEN SPIDER. Nolan Cox displayed a photo of a
      yellow spider whose home they had disturbed. Until the showing received its official name, the crew had apparently been using the term as a workplace title.

      Back at Pasha Lake Cabins, the party relaxed with beverages in hand as they hovered over display boxes of split core and a table loaded with interesting samples from other Sage properties in the
      Jellicoe area. The day ended with a lavish meal catered by Karen Ostler of Geraldton.

      The following day, Tuesday, the tour would move to Sage's Onaman Property.

      schrieb am 03.10.08 23:57:40
      Beitrag Nr. 189 ()
      Neue Präsentation für Toronto Show:…

      (Sehr interessant, auch für Sage).

      schrieb am 04.10.08 07:45:20
      Beitrag Nr. 190 ()
      I found the new .pdf presentation exciting! I can hardly wait to go through the Powerpoint as well. They / V.P. Brian Maher described the situation very well.

      grams/ton and gram*meters

      There is widespread use of gram*meters or g*m on mining plots. Thanks to Brian for making it clear for me. For anyone who is fuzzy on it, perhaps I could be useful explaining the best I can. Forgive me if I belabour the point - if you know all this then just skip it. I was originally confused too and I figured we might as well all be on the same page with this.

      First mistake I made - I had assumed that it's complicated, somehow involving densities of quartz and cross-multiplication of units. Forget all that. I hope it's not a huge disappointment, but the g*m thing is about as complicated as working a Bic pen - i.e. it's utterly simple.

      When you look at a vertical cross-section of a gold zone - for example the multicoloured cross-section of the Golden Mile that's on Page 16 of the current .pdf presentation, the whole point of using g*m to colour the various cross-section areas is to describe the total amount of gold in a particular place on the cross-section (at a particular depth x distance-along-strike). At a given place, how much total gold?

      One way of getting it clear is this: when you get to mining the gold ore out, it makes little difference whether you have a certain amount of gold in one thick vein, or whether instead you have the same gold hosted in a bunch of thin veins arrayed all right next to each other. The idea is to be able to have a measure for how much total gold is at one location, and also to be able to directly compare it to another location, even if the veins in each place happen to be thick or thin or tapered or wiggly or whatever.

      Within reason, looking at a particular area of the cross-section (for a particular depth x particular strike), you are taking all the rock from the cross-section face right there out to the mill anyways, so the total gold you recover for each square meter of the cross section is the same with one vein vs. the same total gold in a few thin veins. I am oversimplifying, but that's the idea.

      Some Number Examples

      First example: Still looking at a vertical cross-section of your gold zone, suppose you have a vein that just by chance happens to be 1 meter thick (looking laterally into the cross-section rock face), and that you have a particular grade there in grams/ton. In this case, the grams/ton and g*m numbers are the same. Both numbers are telling you that for a 1m thickness (the vein just happens to be that thick), you have so many grams of gold to recover.

      With real numbers: at a depth of zzz meters (doesn't matter) and xxx meters along strike (doesn't matter), assays show a 1 meter thick vein with a grade of 30 grams/ton. In this case the g*m number is also 30 g*m. Same number. At the cross-section face at this location, a area of 1m depth x 1m strike of the cross-section produces 30 grams of gold.

      Second example: At a particular cross-section location (depth/strike), you have a grade of 15 grams/ton in one vein that is 0.5m thick, and parallel to and next to the first vein you also have a grade of 15 grams/ton in a second vein that is 1.5m thick. When you mine you will take out both veins side by side.

      You have 2 meters of vein thickness in total, and they both have the same grade of 15 grams/ton. 2 meters at 15 grams/ton gives the same gold as 1 meter at 30 grams/ton. The total amount of gold you have is the same as in the "first example", but it's spread out over 2 meters thickness instead of 1. You have to mine the whole 2 meter thickness anyways, just to get the machinery in, so what you get out of the mill for that location is the same amount of gold either way.

      For a 1m x 1m area of the cross-section, you mine 2 meters thickness and you get 30 grams of gold total, same as in the first example. You can also write 15 grams/ton x 2m = 30 g*m. The grade is less but the veins are thicker overall, so you get the same 30 grams gold.

      Third example: Obviously the above examples are a bit contrived. The usefulness of the g*m comes into its own when you have all odd numbers for grades and thicknesses. It's the only practical way to answer "for mining a given depth-range and strike-length of my gold-zone, how much total gold comes out?

      Suppose in area A you have grades and vein thicknesses of 40g/t : 0.5m and 27g/t : 3m. The g*m figure is 40 x 0.5 + 27 x 3 = 101 g*m. For each 1m x 1m area of mining at the cross-section rock face, you get 101 grams of gold.

      In area B you have 100g/t : 0.3m and 15g/t : 4.7m, and you want to know - is this area of the cross-section less worthwhile to mine or more worthwhile? 100 x 0.3 + 15 x 4.7 = 100.5 g*m. For each 1m x 1m area at the cross-section rock face, you get 100.5 grams of gold. So area B is essentially the same as area A, 100.5 vs. 101 grams.

      Further notes: Even then, I have significantly oversimplified the whole business. There are lots of valid concerns in using g*m and Kodiak obviously addresses these. For example, a core with an extremely high grade e.g. 500 grams/ton is most likely thrown out of the calculation, because you can't be sure that it represents enough of the vein to know the vein is really that rich. Better to be conservative. Ditto a super-low grade of 0.05 g - you'd have to remove too much of such rock to make it worthwhile, so that vein is considered to hold nothing so far as the calculation of g*m is concerned. Kodiak has taken other precautions that are too much to get into here, but the bottom line is that it's a useful and reliable method.

      The magic comes out of it when you go to estimate the overall gold resources of a particular zone. In calculating g*m, so long as you use conservative methods, you have described an equivalent vein that is 1 meter thick all over your cross-section rock face. The 1m thick equivalent vein has various g*m figures as you move deeper or move along the strike. You can tally up all the values and come up with, for example - how much gold can we see in the first 3 km of the Golden Mile explored so far?

      An adjustment coefficient is used to reduce the number you first calculate, because there are lots of factors involved in mining it that mean you won't get all the gold out. First off, of course you will be removing some thicknesses of rock with no gold in them, between the valuable veins. Also, you might only economically pursue xxx% of the available gold out of a structure you've identified. You might start with a dazzling number for total grams of gold and then cut it by 3 or 5 or whatever the appropriate number is, and still have a glowing g*m number, but one you can more likely take to the bank.

      At this point you can do your own back of the envelope calculations from the Golden Mile map, taking xxx meters strike and up to zzz meters depth, the 1-meter-thick equivalent-vein, and after using an adjustment factor you can multiply by an average of bbb g*m of gold. That gives you so many grams of gold in total from mining that area, you divide by 31 grams/ounce and dad-gummit you're rich!

      Okay, reality check. "Professional drivers only," "performed on a closed circuit," "may induce giddyness" and all that. People can bandy about numbers until the cows come home, and I'm sure they will (ask Ganalane).

      The point of the coloured zones on Page 16 of the new Kodiak .pdf issued today is that moderately deep down there are large new purple-coloured tongues of high-grade gold ore with values of 20-50 g*m, each 50 meters long along strike, and so far drilled, assayed and located between 150-400 meters depth. They are further open at depth and getting bigger as you go deeper. So in the first 400 meters down, that is a Good Thing (plus, the few even-deeper holes continue to show the high grades). For each of those purple tongues, that means for every 1m x 1m area at the cross-section rock face, you have 20-50 grams or 0.6 to 1.6 ounces of gold in the veins there.

      On Page 19 of the .pdf, Red Lake is shown for comparison. Note that most of the gold came from 1500 to 2500 meters depth. At Red Lake depths comparable to what's been demonstrated so far at Kodiak's Golden Mile, the amount of gold was also good, but at greater depth it was a lot richer. The Golden Mile is also shown to be getting better as it goes deeper. Very good.

      Of course with all the excitement (well, I'm excited anyways) people will be asking "why doesn't Kodiak drill 25 really deep holes now? If it's getting better as it gets deeper, I want to see what's down there!".

      Brian Maher pointed out that drilling each deep hole takes a long time and burns up a lot of money. A 1 km long hole takes weeks to drill and costs in the ballpark of $100,000 even at good rates. In the meanwhile half the 9 km Golden Mile is still covered in bush. Who knows what's under there as well? Need to find that out. If it's even richer somewhere else in the same zone, might as well sink the deep holes over there. I am happy Kodiak is using their money wisely (thanks, Bill).

      I got the impression that the drilling is very strategic, and at the same time I'm also bubbling over a bit that we've seen these great grades come from depth, just as we'd all hoped.

      Time for me to go figure how many g*m of strawberry jam I'm spreading on my stack of toast. Pardon me if the whole discussion here was too plodding, hope it was maybe useful, and thanks for reading this far / cedar
      schrieb am 05.10.08 17:34:33
      Beitrag Nr. 191 ()
      In den letzten 3 Monaten haben die institutionellen Anleger über 4,4 Mio. Aktien gekauft und ihren Gesamtanteil an Kodiak auf über 15% ausgebaut.
      Es gibt insgesamt 11 institutionelle Anleger, 5 sind in den letzten 3 Monaten dazugekommen, 9 der 11 haben ihren Anteil ausgebaut !
      Das ist für mich ein sehr bullishes Zeichen !

      Institutional Holders Summary
      KODIAK Exploration Ltd (TSX Venture Exchange)
      Sector: Basic Materials . Industry: Precious Metals & Minerals

      As of 3 Oct 2008 : 1.43 CAD Price Change+0.00 Percent Change+0.00%

      % Shares Owned: 15.01%
      # of Holders: 11
      Total Shares Held: 13,343,115
      3 Mo. Net Change: 4,434,708
      # New Positions: 5
      # Closed Positions: 1
      # Increased Positions: 9
      # Reduced Positions: 2
      # Net Buyers: 7

      Zur "Preisfindung" in Kanada in den letzten Monaten ein, wie ich finde, sehr interessantes Posting:

      "every time the share price rises on no news its my impression they are scooping up the offered shares to a certain level.Then on a slow day they bomb the bid and drive it down again to a level of support.

      After some more weekly cherry picking they scoop up the bids again.

      There is consistent volume and regular patters that back up yhe theory and the increase in institutional holders confirms it."

      schrieb am 05.10.08 17:53:58
      Beitrag Nr. 192 ()
      Paul mit Bericht von der Toronto Konferenz:

      Toronto Conference On Saturday, Oct 4/2008
      Posted by: PaulTiger on October 05, 2008 02:54AM

      At the Toronto Conference On Saturday morning I had a long chat with Brian Maher. While I was talking with him we were joined by Alto’s president Mike Koziol. Later on mzsmith and his neighbour joined the conversation. Later on I talked to Nigel Lees, president of SGX. The following information was captured from these conversations.

      The Golden mile strike is potentially 9km long. It looks like 4 of these 9 kilometres are in Sage’s property. The GM changes directions from NW to North to NW and so on. Every time this happens the alteration and mineralization seem to get stronger.

      One statement that I like from the “HERCULES GOLD PROPERTY, FOCUSED ON GOLD – ON TRACK WITH DISCOVERY” is in the middle of the last paragraph on page 1: “Kodiak believes that the Hercules project has strong potential to host a major new gold resource. 90% of exposed strike length at Hercules remains untested, and the system remains open in all directions”. Page 2 of this handout in the middle of the third paragraph has the following statement: “According to a common mining rule of thumb that states a vein extends downward for half of its strike length, this means the Golden Mile system could easily extend down to a depth of 2000 m“. So given the GM strike length and the potential depth any concerns about narrow interceptions should be put to rest. When I asked Brian about the narrow intercepts he pointed out the strike length of the GM as his answer.

      The “unnamed lake” in the middle of the GM strike zone is now referred by Kodiak as the Golden Pond. There will be drilling on the Golden Pond this winter once the pond is frozen.

      Maki is now called Maki Midas (page 30-32 of the new KXL presentation reflects this new name). If you look at the map on page 30, the longer black line at the bottom of the map shows the 120km (Brian mentioned 120km as opposed to 140km) of Maki Midas and the current drilling activity is where the Mackie Bear Paw is. Note also that page 30 last bullet lists the regional exploration places and new names: Maki Midas, West Geralton Golden Boomerang, Sturgeon-Bridge Caviar, the Kaby Lake Gold Rush and Solomon’s Pillars. There is potential that one or two of these areas can be equal or better than GM, we just have to wait and see! (I added this last statement for vehatzlacha).

      The new drill cores at the core house shown in one of Cedar’s pictures are from Maki Midas and Sturgeon Bridge Caviar.

      Check page 29 of the presentation if you have questions related to the stage (initial exploration, target generation, mineral zone definition or resource delineation (including deep drilling?)) of any of the 30 potential targets.

      Most of the KXL drilling activity will be stop around the middle of December and will start again in February next year. During this time KXL will be busy processing all the data that they have on hand at the moment. When drilling starts next year it will not necessarily start with 5 drills as KXL will be really careful with drilling. The idea behind this approach is to preserve capital during this current financial situation, and KXL’s objective is to still have about 20 million left by the end of 2009. So this means not immediate deep drilling other than GM. And reading between the lines, this also probably means no NR until all the data is processed.

      KXL is quite aware of the details of the deal when Goldcorp bought the Eleanor mine. We can rest assure that whenever comes the time, KXL will try to get a similar or better deal. If you don’t know the details, I am sure Portee (or somebody that got Goldcorp shares out of this deal) will be able to describe it. Related to this, Brian sort of confirm that there were at least 8 confidentiality agreements.

      Brian will be busy presenting at conferences for the next 3 months, starting with the Dubai conference after the Toronto conference (so no more phone calls Cedar, LOL). This part of the promotion and hopefully will help increase the SP (just think that there are a lot of middle east investors not knowing were to put their US dollars from oil sales).

      Nigel Lees (SGX president) is very happy with the GM extension on the SGX property. This NW GM extension is located on the same geophysical structure and is similar in mineralogy and geological setting, but the veins are getting wider (page 11 of the new KXL presentation indicates that the “alteration and mineralization are getting stronger to the NW). Also, Nigel is pleased that investors can come to visit both the SGX and KXL properties at the same time. This is good promotion for both companies. Lastly, Nigel indicated that after announcing results from the GM extension it will probably be good time for more financing. It sounds that he already has financing arranged (flow through shares) and is just a timing matter.


      P.S. I will not be attending the presentation on Sunday at 3PM, but I might be at the conference during the morning.

      P.S.S. I just have one little concern about Brian being a helicopter dare devil, but don’t ask me for details. Ask him and mention PaulTiger.

      schrieb am 05.10.08 18:04:33
      Beitrag Nr. 193 ()
      KXL investment one of the best...

      Posted by: mzsmith on October 05, 2008 09:19AM

      The only good news I took away from the conference was this...

      If you are going to invest in juniors during this time, invest in juniors with:

      1) At least 1 year of opperating cash, preferrably 2 years.

      2) Outstanding management.

      3) Large deposit/resource.

      4) Exploring for Gold and/or Silver.

      5) Politically safe country.

      KXL covers all of these points easily and it is the reason why I invested in KXL in the first place and will continue to be an investor of KXL for years to come.

      Many explorers out there do not have cash and this was obvious by the reduced number of explorers at the Toronto show. I suspect many will go into care and maintenance for a while.


      schrieb am 05.10.08 23:03:42
      Beitrag Nr. 194 ()
      Kodiak / Sage Gold vein corridor im Hercules / Jacobus Gebiet:

      schrieb am 06.10.08 20:24:20
      Beitrag Nr. 195 ()

      die leute haben doch einen knall!
      das ist beinahe der cashbestand gleich der marktkapitalisierung!

      total panne und das während GOLD um 40 USD im plus steht...
      schrieb am 08.10.08 23:57:44
      Beitrag Nr. 196 ()
      Video: Brian Maher Präsentation von der Toronto Resource Investment Conference…

      Watch and listen ..... and don´t forget to close your mouth afterwards !

      schrieb am 20.10.08 21:46:30
      Beitrag Nr. 197 ()
      Sehr interessanter Explorer. Bin gerade erst heute auf Kodiak aufmerksam geworden und habe mich gleich mal auf der Webseite und in Foren kundig gemacht. Was mich nur verwundert ist, warum bei den reichen Goldvorkommen der Kurs zwischendurch immer wieder so stark eingebrochen ist. Ansonsten halte ich mir mal definitv eine Auge auf Kodiak Exploration. Könnte gut sein, das ich schon bald einsteige. Heute Abend gab es eine schöne Kurssteigerung in den USA.
      schrieb am 24.10.08 00:38:28
      Beitrag Nr. 198 ()
      For Immediate Release

      Vancouver, British Columbia, October 23, 2008.

      Kodiak Exploration Limited (KXL –TSXV) is very pleased to announce that it is on track with two discoveries of outcroppinguranium on its 100% controlled properties located in Quebec's Otish Basin.On the UR East property, the newly discovered Big Bang outcrop returned multiplereadings of 66,000 counts per second (equivalent to more than 10,000 ppm U or 1.18%U 3 O 8 ) from an extensive uranium-rich shear zone at least three metres wide that occursnear the intersection of several major regional structures. These readings of 66,000 cps arethe maximum levels detectable by the RS-125 spectrometer used for the program. The actualvalues could be significantly higher. The RS-125 Spectrometer is calibrated in the factoryagainst measured standards, and self-calibrates in the field by adjusting to changing levels ofbackground radiation.The regional structures hosting the outcrop, defined by geophysical magnetic linears, are atleast 10 km long and are open in all directions, and have been identified as gabbro dykessimilar to those associated with Strateco's Matoush uranium deposit (16.8 million pounds ofU 3 O 8 ) where drill intercepts have assayed as high as 2.13% U 3 O 8 over15.2 metres. The entirediscovery outcrop is uranium mineralized, and another radioactive outcrop has been found1,100 metres along strike to the east-northeast of the initial discovery site, demonstratingimpressive potential for a large, well mineralized system. More than 15 additional prioritytargets have been identified for follow-up. Analysis of geophysical and field data is ongoing,and more than 90 km of major magnetic structures and numerous radiometric lineamentsremain to be investigated on the property. Wet chemical analysis is pending, and drilling isplanned to test the economic potential of this significant new discovery.The Big Bang discovery is located at the base of the unconformity in an erosional outlier ofsandstone east of the Otish Basin. The discovery of the Big Bang mineralization at surfaceconfirms that this is an excellent environment for the discovery of shallow, unconformity-style uranium deposits hosted in basement rock. The discovery outcrop is biotite andchlorite-altered, and cut by felsic veins. Stripping of bedrock uncovered a wide zone ofsheared black amphibolite stained with yellow uranophane from a large new mineralizedstructure at surface.The second discovery, Kodiak's Big Yellow outcrop, is located on the 100% controlled 308West property, also located in Québec's Otish Basin area. The Big Yellow is a radioactive30 x 30 metre outcrop of flat-lying, rusty conglomeratic sandstone that gave scintillometerreadings up to 10,000 cps. This outcrop is located close to the intersection of two magneticstructures. These structures strike NE and NNW, and are approximately 7 and 8.5 km longrespectively. A NE-trending gabbro dyke was found near the discovery outcrop, confirmingthe magnetic interpretation, and indicating a geologic setting very similar to Matoush. Over90 km of prospective magnetic structures remain to be explored on this property

      "We are extremely excited about these new discoveries," said Mr. Bill Chornobay, Kodiak'sPresident. "These early results clearly demonstrate the potential for additional uraniumdiscoveries in this highly prospective area, and we are very pleased to be working in Quebec,which consistently ranks among the most favorable places in the world for mineralexploration and development. Drilling of these new discoveries in the Otish Basin isplanned and, with multiple priority targets yet to be explored, our Uranium Division is ontrack for achieving it’s objectives by unlocking the full value of the energy assets to ourshareholders. We look forward to the future exploration results with great anticipation."Kodiak’s Uranium Division has a total of 11 properties containing multiple technically sounduranium targets in the Otish Basin, which is often compared to Saskatchewan's AthabascaBasin in terms of its uranium potential. Concurrently with the issue of this release, a newsection on Kodiak’s Otish Basin uranium projects has been posted on Kodiak’s website.Kodiak's West Millenium Uranium Project on Track in Athabasca BasinKodiak is preparing a winter drill program to test multiple uranium targets on its 100%controlled 213.3 square kilometre West Millenium property in the Athabasca Basin.Kodiak's land package lies within the Key Lake-MacArthur River corridor, one of the mostprolific uranium mining districts in the world, and it is located on a parallel northeaststructure adjacent only 3 km west of Cameco's Millenium Deposit (56.5 million poundsU 3 O 8 ).The property remains virtually unexplored, with only one recorded drill hole testing thebasement unconformity. Hole CX-011 was drilled by Cameco in 1988 on the mainconductive trend. It intersected 35 m of pyrite and graphite-rich metasediments at thebasement interface, along with anomalous uranium values in the basement rock, andpervasive bleaching and alteration of the sandstone above the unconformity."Alteration has proved to be the key to finding unconformity-type uranium deposits in theAthabasca Basin," stated Mr. Keith Metcalfe, P. Geo., Senior Project Geologist. "Thesedeposits are surrounded by a strong alteration halo of clay and chlorite, and are usuallylocated within 25 to 75 m of a graphitic basement conductor. Hole CX-011 presents a 35 mwide radioactive structural zone characterized by significant uranium mineralization withingraphite/pyrite/grey clay alteration, and abundant slickensides, hosted by a highly attractivepelitic unit. This setting strongly resembles the lithologic and structural features intimatelyassociated with World class unconformity-type uranium deposits in the Athabasca basin. Atarget defined by a drill hole intercept that contains all the characteristics of a stronglyuranium-mineralized system in a World-class setting are extremely rare. Permitting to testthe economic potential of this target is underway and drilling will commence soon".Hercules UpdateKodiak’s 2008 exploration program on the Golden Mile and multiple other stand alone goldprojects in Ontario's Beardmore-Geraldton gold camp is ongoing. A large batch of assayresults is being compiled and interpreted for release in the near future.The geological information contained in this news release and the geological information onKodiak’s uranium projects posted on Kodiak’s website has been reviewed and approved byPaul Gann, senior geologist, who is a qualified person under the definitions established byNational Instrument 43-101.-more- Big Bang showing - assayover 10,000 ppm U. M ultiplereadings above the thresholdlimit of 66,000 cps. The actualvalues could be significantlyhigher. Big Bang showing -amphibolite in shear zone61,520 cps.

      Kodiak is a mineral exploration company with properties located in Canada. You can nowview maps, as well as additional photographs and materials, geological details and additionalinformation, on our Web site: behalf of the board of DirectorsKODIAK EXPLORATION LIMITEDWilliam S. Chornobay, Director, PresidentFor further information contact:(604) 688-9006 or by email at The TSX Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for the adequacy oraccuracy of this release. The statements made in this release may contain forward-looking statements or relate to programs that involve a number of risks anduncertainties. Actual events or results could differ materially from the Company’sexpectations and projections .

      schrieb am 25.10.08 22:07:15
      Beitrag Nr. 199 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.682.454 von KNORPEL am 24.10.08 00:38:28VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA -- (MARKET WIRE) -- 10/24/08 -- Kodiak
      Exploration Limited (TSX VENTURE: KXL) (FRANKFURT: KX3) ist erfreut,
      mitteilen zu können, dass das Unternehmen mit den beiden
      Uran-Aufschluss-Funden in den zu 100 % eigenen Liegenschaften im
      Otish Basin in Quebec auf dem richtigen Weg ist.

      In der UR East Liegenschaft ergaben mehrere Messungen im Big Bang
      Steilabbruch Werte mit 66.000 Zählimpulsen pro Sekunde (Counts per
      Second oder cps - vergleichbar mit mehr als 10.000 ppm U bzw. 1,18 %
      U3O8). Die Werte wurden an einer uranreichen, mindestens drei Meter
      breiten Scherzone nahe eines Abschnitts an verschiedenen regionalen
      Strukturen gemessen. Die Werte von 66.000 cps entsprechen dem
      Maximalwert, der mit dem in dem Programm verwendeten RS-125
      Spektrometer ermittelt werden kann. Die tatsächlichen Werte könnten
      also noch beträchtlich höher liegen. Das RS-125 Spektrometer wird ab
      Werk mit gemessenen Standardwerten kalibriert und kalibriert sich im
      Gelände selbst, indem es wechselnde Hintergrundstrahlungswerte

      Die regionalen Strukturen, die den Auschluss beherbergen und durch
      geophysikalische magnetische Kraftlinien definiert sind, sind
      mindestens 10 km lang und in alle Richtungen offen. Sie wurden als
      Gabbro-Gangstöcke identifiziert. Sie ähneln denjenigen, die in
      Verbindung mit der Strateco Matoush Uranlagerstätte (16,8 Millionen
      Pfund U3O8) festgestellt. In dieser Lagerstätte wurden Abschnitte mit
      2,13% U3O8 von 15,2 Metern erbohrt. Der gesamte Aufschluss des Fundes
      besteht aus mineralisiertem Uran und es wurde ein weiterer
      radioaktiver Aufschluss 1.100 Meter weiter in nordöstlicher Richtung
      des Streichs der ersten Fundstelle gefunden, was das immense
      Potenzial für ein großes, gut mineralisiertes System unterstreicht.
      Zur Nachuntersuchung wurden weitere 15 vorrangige Ziele
      identifiziert. Die Analyse der geophysikalischen Daten und der
      Einsatzdaten läuft, und weitere 90 km wichtiger Magnetstrukturen und
      zahlreicher radiometrischer Linienzüge müssen für die Liegenschaft
      noch ausgewertet werden. Die nasschemische Analyse steht bevor und
      die Bohrungen zur Prüfung des wirtschaftlichen Potenzials dieses
      bedeutenden neuen Fundes sind geplant.

      Der Big Bang Fund wurde an der Basis einer Diskordanz in einem
      Erosionsausleger des Sandsteins östlich des Otish Basin entdeckt. Der
      Fund der Big Bang Mineralisierung an der Oberfläche bestätigt, dass
      dies eine ausgezeichnete Umgebung für die Entdeckung von flachen,
      diskordanzartigen Uranlagerstätten im Untergestein ist. Der
      Aufschluss dieses Fundes ist Biotit- und Chlorit-verwittert und durch
      Gesteinsadern zerschnitten. Das Freilegen des Grundgesteins legte
      eine breite Zone mit geschertem, mit gelbem Uranophan durchsetztem,
      schwarzem Amphibolit aus einem großen neuen Mineralgefüge an der
      Oberfläche frei.

      Der zweite Fund der Big Yellow Aufschluss von Kodiak, wurde in dem zu
      100 % vom Unternehmen kontrollierten 308 West Gebiet, das sich
      ebenfalls im Bereich des Otish Basin in Quebec befindet, gemacht. Der
      Big Yellow Fund ist ein radioaktiver, 30 x 30 Meter großer Aufschluss
      eines flachliegenden, rostfarbenen Konglomeratsandsteins, das
      Szintillationszählerwerte von bis zu 10.000 cps erbrachte. Dieser
      Aufschluss befindet sich nahe der Schnittstelle zweier
      Magnetstrukturen. Diese Strukturen verlaufen nordöstlich und
      nord-nordwestlich und sind rund 7 bzw. 8,5 km lang. In der Nähe des
      Aufschlusses wurde ein nordöstlich verlaufender Gabbro-Ader gefunden,
      was die magnetische Deutung bestätigt und darauf hinweist, dass hier
      eine geologische Situation ähnlich der in Matoush vorliegt. Es
      bleiben mehr als 90 km prospektiver magnetischer Strukturen
      auszuwerten für dieses Gebiet.

      "Wir sind hocherfreut über die neuen Funde", erklärte Bill Chornobay,
      President von Kodiak. "Diese frühen Resultate zeigen eindeutig das
      Potenzial, dass wir weitere Uranvorkommen finden in diesem hochgradig
      interessanten Schürfgebiet. Wir freuen uns zudem, in Quebec arbeiten
      zu können, einer Region, konstant zu den günstigsten Plätzen für
      Mineralexploration und -entwicklung zählt. Erkundungsbohrungen für
      diese Funde im Otish Basin sind bereits in Planung und mit mehreren
      weiteren vorrangigen, zu erkundenden Zielen kommt unsere Uranium
      Division beim Erreichen unserer Ziele weiter planmäßig voran und
      verschafft damit unseren Aktionären den vollen Mehrwert dieser
      energietechnisch wichtigen Mineralien. Wir freuen uns sehr auf die
      künftigen Explorationsergebnisse."

      Die Uranium Division von Kodiak verfügt über 11 Gebiete, die mehrere
      technisch nachgewiesene Uran-Zielgebiete im Otish Basin beinhalten.
      Dieses Becken wird oft mit dem Athabasca Basin in Saskatchewan
      verglichen, das ein ähnliches Uranpotenzial aufweist. Gleichzeitig
      mit der Veröffentlichung dieser Pressemitteilung wurde ein neuer
      Abschnitt über die Uran-Projekte von Kodiak im Otish Basin auf der
      Kodiak Website vorgestellt.

      Das West Millenium Uran-Projekt von Kodiak im Athabasca Basin
      verläuft planmäßig.

      Kodiak bereitet das Winterbohrprogramm zur Untersuchung mehrerer
      Uran-Zielgebiete im zu 100% vom Unternehmen kontrollierten, 213,3
      Quadratkilometer großen West Millenium Gebiet im Athabasca Basin vor.
      Die Liegenschaft Kodiaks liegt innerhalb des Key Lake-MacArthur River
      Korridors, einem der reichsten Uranabbaugebiete der Welt und grenzt
      in einer parallelen nordöstlich verlaufenden Struktur an das nur 3 km
      westlich gelegene Millenium Deposit (56,5 Millionen Pfund U3O8) von

      Das Gebiet ist praktisch unerschlossen, es ist nur eine Bohrung zur
      Prüfung der Diskordanz des Untergesteins durchgeführt worden. Diese
      Bohrung, CX-011 wurde 1988 von Cameco in der
      Hauptleitfähigkeitsrichtung durchgeführt. Sie erbohrte 35 m Pyrit und
      grafithaltige Metasedimente an der Grundgebirgsschnittstelle und wies
      anomale Uranwerte im Grundgebirge auf sowie weitreichende
      Ausbleichungen und Verwitterungen des Sandsteins oberhalb der
      Diskordanz auf.

      "Die Verwitterung hat sich als Schlüssel für die diskordanzartigen
      Uranlagerstätten im Athabasca Basin herausgestellt", meint der
      leitende Geologe des Projekts, Keith Metcalfe, P. Geo. "Diese
      Lagerstätten sind von einem stark verwitterten Ring von Lehm und
      Chlorit umgeben und sie sind üblicherweise 25 bis 75 m von einem
      grafitischen Fundament umgeben. Bohrloch CX-011 stellt eine 35 m
      breite radioaktive Gefügezone dar, die sich durch bedeutende
      Uranmineralisation in der Grafit-/Pyrit-/Grautonverwitterung und
      ergiebige Rutschflächen auszeichnet, die von einer hochgradig
      attraktiven Peliteeinheit umgeben sind. Diese Gegebenheiten erinnern
      stark an die Lithologie- und Gefügemerkmale, die wir mit den weltweit
      einmaligen diskordanten Uranlagerstätten im Athabasca-Becken
      verbinden. Ein Target, das durch einen Bohrabschnitt definiert ist,
      der alle Merkmale eines Systems mit starker Uranmineralisierung
      aufweist und sich in einer erstklassigen geologischen Umgebung
      befindet ist extrem selten. Die Genehmigung zur Prüfung des
      wirtschaftlichen Potenzials dieses Zielgebiets haben wir auf den Weg
      gebracht und die Bohrarbeiten werden bald beginnen."

      Aktualisierte Informationen zu Hercules

      Das Erkundungsprogramm zu Kodiaks 2008er Explorationsprogramm an der
      Golden Mile und mehreren anderen einzelnen Goldprojekten in der
      Beardmore-Geraldton Goldlagerstätte von Ontario läuft planmäßig. Es
      wurde eine große Zahl von Proben gesammelt und ausgewertet. Die
      Ergebnisse werden in naher Zukunft bekannt gegeben.

      Die in dieser Pressemitteilung enthaltene geologische Information
      sowie die geologische Information zu den Uranprojekten von Kodiak,
      die auf der Website von Kodiak veröffentlicht wurden, wurden von Paul
      Gann, leitender Geologe und "qualified person" gem. der Definition
      des National Instrument 43-101 geprüft und genehmigt.

      Kodiak ist Mineralexplorationsunternehmen mit in Kanada befindlichen
      Liegenschaften. Sie können von nun an auch interaktive Karten sowie
      zusätzlich Fotografien, geologische Details und sonstige Information
      auf unserer Website unter einsehen.

      Im Namen des Vorstandes


      William S. Chornobay, Director, President

      Die in dieser Mitteilung gemachten Aussagen können zukunftsweisende
      Aussagen darstellen oder sich auf Programme beziehen, die einer Reihe
      von Risiken und Unwägbarkeiten unterliegen. Aktuelle Ereignisse oder
      Resultate können erheblich von den Erwartungen oder Prognosen des
      Unternehmens abweichen.

      Die TSX Venture Exchange übernimmt keinerlei Verantwortung für die
      Zulänglichkeit und Genauigkeit dieser Pressemitteilung.

      William S. Chornobay
      Director, President
      +1-604-688-9029 (FAX)

      This announcement was originally distributed by Hugin. The issuer is
      solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

      Copyright © Hugin AS 2008. All rights reserved.
      schrieb am 25.10.08 22:08:33
      Beitrag Nr. 200 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.635.828 von Krelus am 20.10.08 21:46:30…

      schrieb am 29.10.08 21:42:25
      Beitrag Nr. 201 ()
      kodiak notiert bei 80 und hat 55 cash je aktie in der kasse!

      ausserdem haben sie neben dem vg auchz noch grosse uranadern entdeckt. der kurs fällt daraufhin?
      die ergebnisse sind sehr gut. denke das ist alles irrational.

      der erste grosse der sich traut hebt das papier dann wieder an einem tag über 100% und mehr... hatten wir schon...

      kxl ist ein absoluter toptitel im explorerbereich!
      schrieb am 29.10.08 23:52:46
      Beitrag Nr. 202 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.754.019 von dosco12 am 29.10.08 21:42:25dosco: kxl ist ein absoluter toptitel im explorerbereich!

      Absolute Zustimmung !

      Und im Gegensatz zu meiner heißgeliebten Noront Resources hält das KXL Management und direkte Business Partner über 50% der ausgegebenen Aktien, so daß eine wie auch immer geartete "Übernahme" durch einen Major oder durch Hedge Fonds, die das Board of Directors "aushebeln" wollen, um interne Kontrolle zu erlangen (s. Noront), fast unmöglich sein dürfte.

      schrieb am 01.11.08 09:40:14
      Beitrag Nr. 203 ()
      Aktualisierte Bewertung der National Bank (siehe KXL-NR vom 01.11.08):

      Update of Activities

      Kodiak continues to aggressively explore its land holdings in the Geraldton area of Northern

      Ontario. The company is focused on advancing the Hercules project and several of the

      regional properties including: Maki Midas, West Geraldton, Kaby Lake and Solomon’s Pillar.

      At Hercules, approximately 50,000 metres of drilling have been completed so far this year,

      and drilling will continue through year end. The vein system has been tested over a 3.0 km

      strike length and to a depth of 600 metres. Several new veins have been identified and

      surface and geophysical data suggests that the Golden Mile system extends for at least 9.0

      km. Further assay results are expected by late October, early November 2008.

      At Maki Midas, stripping has exposed a mineralized structure over 400 metres of strike and up

      to 6.0 metres in width. Historic sampling has yielded values of up to 26.74 g/t over 2.81

      metres. Channel sampling, mapping and drilling are underway.

      At West Geraldton, work is underway on the Golden Boomerang and the Goldstrike zones. At

      Goldstrike historic drilling has yielded values up to 328 g/t over 2.04 metres. A recent hole at

      Golden Boomerang intersected a 12 metre wide zone with 5-20% sulphides and locally visible

      gold. Drilling continues and assay results are pending.

      At Kaby Lake, surface exploration has noted broad shear zones up to 10 metres wide with

      associated quartz veining and gold mineralization in a similar aged granite to the one hosting

      the Golden Mile system. Grab samples have yielded values up to 10.8 g/t gold, and drilling is


      At Solomon’s Pillar, a 3,000-metre drill program is underway to test gold in banded iron

      formation and sheared and folded metasediments. Kodiak channel sampling has yielded

      values up to 12.8 g/t (grams/tonne) over 5.5 metres. Assays from drilling are pending.

      New valuation tabled

      We still believe that Kodiak is one of the better exploration plays to hit the Canadian junior

      scene in several years, and with $40 million in cash, they are well positioned to advance their

      projects and weather the current market malaise for junior exploration companies. However,

      we are adjusting our valuation to reflect lower valuations for exploration companies. We still

      believe that there is potential to discover 3.0 million ounces in the Geraldton area (1.5 million

      at Hercules and 1.5 million regionally), but we have lowered our valuation to $100 per ounce

      from $150 per ounce. Our exploration comparables for base metal and uranium explorers

      have also been greatly reduced. As such our new valuation is $4.05 per share (was $5.64).

      The new and old valuations are shown in Figure 1.

      With the change in valuation, our new target is $4.00 per share (was $5.50). With lots of cash

      on hand and several exciting targets being tested, we are maintaining our Outperform rating.

      New NAV/sh* Old NAV/sh*

      Asset (Cdn$) (Cdn$)

      Hercules gold property $1.75 $2.21

      Geraldton-Beardmore district gold properties $1.75 $2.21

      Base metals properties $0.08 $0.35

      Otish Mountains uranium properties $0.07 $0.17

      Athabasca Basin uranium properties $0.10 $0.32

      Cash (estimated end of year balance) $0.28 $0.37

      $4.05 $5.64

      *on a fully diluted basis

      Source: NBF estimates
      schrieb am 03.11.08 20:04:31
      Beitrag Nr. 204 ()
      Sehe gerade, wie heute in den USA der Kurs steigt, da werde ich mal dabei bleiben. Ich warte nun seit ca. 2 Wochen auf einen günstigen Einstiegspunkt und ich hätte eigentlich gedacht, durch den großen Uranfund würde es schnell wieder aufwärts gehen, aber noch steht dem wohl irgendetwas im Wege. Nicht genügend Käufer bzw. zuviele Skeptiker wegen den Explorer-Finanzierungsproblemen? Ich glaube, da werden wieder alle Explorer in einen Topf geworfen, doch wenn Kodiak wirklich sein Handwerk versteht, wie es auf mich den Anschein hat, dann werden sie auch als Gewinner aus der Krise hervorgehen. Mit den Gold- und Uranvorkommen sollte es allemal gelingen. Werde mich weiter informiert halten und drücke Kodiak die Daumen.

      Heute schon den ganzen Tag steigende Kurse in den USA, sieht gut aus für Kodiak! ;)
      schrieb am 03.11.08 20:10:54
      Beitrag Nr. 205 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.814.257 von Krelus am 03.11.08 20:04:31Noch herrscht Skepsis im kanadischen Explorermarkt.
      Über kurz oder lang wird es einen kräftigen Rebound geben und KXL wird zweifelsohne zu den Gewinnern zählen.
      Ich rechne damit, dass wir die günstigsten Wiedereinstiegskurse schon gesehen haben.
      schrieb am 07.11.08 13:44:32
      Beitrag Nr. 206 ()
      NR vom Nachbarn SAGE:

      Sage Gold Inc.: Four Vein Systems-High Grade Channels Golden Extension-Beardmore Geraldton Gold CampSAGE GOLD INC SGX 11/7/2008 6:01:05 AMGolden Extension - Jacobus East

      TORONTO, ONTARIO, Nov 07, 2008 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX News Network) --
      Sage Gold Inc. (TSX VENTURE: SGX) has now located three new gold bearing quartz veins associated with the original Golden Extension discovery located in the Beardmore Geraldton Gold (BGG) camp in Northwestern Ontario. The Golden Extension discovery, reported in a press release of September 2, 2008 with channel results of up to 136.5 g Au/T, is believed to be the northwest extension of Kodiak Exploration Limited's Golden Mile.


      - Four vein systems discovered to date- Veins 1-4 with an aggregate trenched strike length of 290 metres - veins open along strike.

      - New channel results for Vein #1 - up to 35 g Au/T over a channel width of 0.7 metres. Two excavators actively trenching followed by channel sampling of the vein systems.

      - A new Vein discovered 1.5 km southeast of the Golden Extension at the property boundary with Kodiak.

      New Channel and Grab Results

      ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Location Channel # Width (m) Grade Description (g Au/T)---------------------------------------------------------------------------Golden Extension 13 0.33 1.68 Quartz vein - Vein #1 stringers---------------------------------------------------------------------------Vein #1 13 0.50 0.03 diorite---------------------------------------------------------------------------Vein #1 14 0.33 6.90 quartz vein---------------------------------------------------------------------------Vein #1 15 0.33 6.58 quartz vein---------------------------------------------------------------------------Vein #1 16 0.33 9.38 quartz vein---------------------------------------------------------------------------Vein #1 17 0.72 25.40 quartz vein---------------------------------------------------------------------------Vein #1 18 0.70 35.00 quartz vein---------------------------------------------------------------------------Vein #1 19 0.60 1.01 quartz vein---------------------------------------------------------------------------Vein #1 20A 0.50 11.90 quartz vein---------------------------------------------------------------------------Vein #1 20B 0.30 0.05 diorite---------------------------------------------------------------------------Vein #1 21 0.50 2.70 quartz vein---------------------------------------------------------------------------Vein #1 22 0.50 0.01 diorite---------------------------------------------------------------------------Vein #1 22 0.50 6.98 quartz vein---------------------------------------------------------------------------Vein #1 22 0.50 0.25 diorite---------------------------------------------------------------------------Vein #1 23 0.72 0.49 quartz vein---------------------------------------------------------------------------Vein #1 24 0.70 14.05 quartz vein---------------------------------------------------------------------------Vein #1 25 0.50 30.60 quartz vein---------------------------------------------------------------------------Vein #1 26 0.50 34.30 quartz vein---------------------------------------------------------------------------Vein #1 27 0.50 5.08 quartz vein---------------------------------------------------------------------------Vein #1 28 0.70 0.89 quartz vein---------------------------------------------------------------------------Vein #1 29 0.50 0.70 quartz vein---------------------------------------------------------------------------Vein #1 30 0.50 1.35 quartz vein---------------------------------------------------------------------------Vein #1 33 0.60 0.10 quartz vein---------------------------------------------------------------------------Vein #1 34 0.60 1.78 quartz vein---------------------------------------------------------------------------Vein #1 35 0.50 0.60 quartz vein---------------------------------------------------------------------------Vein #1 36 1.00 0.61 quartz vein---------------------------------------------------------------------------Vein #1 37 0.50 0.63 quartz vein---------------------------------------------------------------------------Vein #4 Grab 14.40 quartz vein---------------------------------------------------------------------------Vein #4 Grab 7.94 quartz vein---------------------------------------------------------------------------Vein #4 Grab 4.47 quartz vein---------------------------------------------------------------------------Vein #4 Grab 11.40 quartz vein---------------------------------------------------------------------------Vein #4 Grab 22.60 quartz vein---------------------------------------------------------------------------Description of Vein Systems

      1. Vein #1 - the Golden Extension Vein - sampled over 60 metres of strike length and is open both northwest and southeast. There have been 59 channels cut into the vein at a sampling density of one every metre. Visible gold is present within the vein and in the weathered zone immediately above the vein.

      2. Vein #2 - Located 8 metres south of the northwestern end of the stripped area of Vein #1. Vein #2 strikes east-west and has been stripped for 78 metres. The vein and veinlets occur within a highly sheared zone up to 6 metres wide with siliceous wall rock and 5-10% disseminated pyrite. Visible gold is present in both the vein material and the weathered zone immediately above the vein. Twenty channel samples have been cut within the veins and the mineralized wall rock. The vein is open to the west and east.

      3. Vein #3 - Located 25 metres north of Vein #1. Vein #3 has been trenched for 90 metres and strikes at 100 degrees. Vein #3 consists of up to 5 metres width of sheared and mineralized wall rock, veins and veinlets. Pyrite occurs as subhedral clots within the veins and as disseminated masses within altered and silicified wall rock. Molybdenite and chalcopyrite are also present in the vein and wall rock. Visible gold has been located in the weathered zone immediately over the sheared zone.

      4. Vein #4 - Located 57 metres northwest of Vein #1, Vein #4 comprises two parallel vein systems which have been stripped over a strike length of 62 metres and trend northwest-southeast. Visible gold has been identified in one of the veins.

      In addition, continued prospecting of the southeastern strike of the Golden Extension vein has located a one metre wide quartz vein 1.5 kilometres southeast of the Golden Extension which may be part of the Golden extension - Golden Mile mineralized corridor. The vein carries pyrite and chalcopyrite and is located at the Sage - Kodiak property boundary and along the projected northwestern extension of the Golden Mile. An excavator has been moved to this site and channel sampling is underway.

      Sage will continue to trench and channel sample the Golden Extension and parallel vein systems. The channel results, coupled with the geological interpretation of the vein systems, will be used to define drill targets for a 2009 drill program. A plan map of the trenched areas to date on the Golden Extension vein system with the associated channel locations is available at

      Assays reported in this news release were completed by ALS Chemex in Thunder Bay. Sample preparation was completed in the Thunder Bay facility of ALS Chemex and prepared samples were shipped to the ALS facility in Vancouver. The gold samples were assayed using induced coupled plasma (ICP) testing with a fire-assay finish for high grade precious metal samples.

      The BGG project is supervised by Exploration Geoscience Associates of Orillia, under the direction of Ulrich Kretschmar, Ph.D, P.Geo (APGO #1160). Dr. Kretschmar has extensive mineral exploration experience in Archean terrain, is a qualified person as defined by NI 43-101 and is responsible for the technical content of this news release.

      SAGE is a mineral exploration and development company which has interests in exploration properties in Ontario, Nevada and Arizona. Its main properties are the Jacobus, Paint Lake, Solomon Pillars and Onaman properties in the Beardmore Geraldton Gold camp and the Kerrs property in Ontario; the Pony Spur and Sugarloaf properties situated in Nevada; and the Gold Hill property in Arizona. Technical reports relating to the properties can be obtained from the System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval (SEDAR) website at For all Sage Gold Inc. Investor relations needs, investors are asked to visit the Sage Gold Inc. IR Hub at where they can post questions and receive answers within the same day, or simply review questions and answers posted by other investors. Alternatively, investors are able to e-mail all questions and correspondence to where they can also request addition to the investor e-mail list to receive all future press releases and updates in real time.

      This release was prepared by management of the Company who takes full responsibility for its contents.

      Some statements contained in this release are forward-looking and, therefore, involve uncertainties or risks that could cause actual results to differ materially. Such forward-looking statements include comments regarding mining and milling operations, mineral resource statements and exploration program performance. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially include metal price volatility, economic and political events affecting metal supply and demand, fluctuations in mineralization grade, geological, technical, mining or processing problems, exploration programs and future results of exploration programs, future profitability and production. The Company disclaims any obligation to update forward-looking statements.

      The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.

      Contacts: Sage Gold Inc. Nigel Lees President and C.E.O. (416) 204-3170 (416) 260-2243 (FAX) Sage Gold Inc. Mike O'Brien Manager/Investor Relations (416) 204-3170 (416) 260-2243 (FAX) Website:

      SOURCE: Sage Gold Inc.

      Copyright 2008 Market Wire, All rights reserved.
      schrieb am 20.11.08 20:23:03
      Beitrag Nr. 207 ()
      Verdammt ruhig hier geworden

      Schade daß ich momentan nicht fluessig bin:cry::cry::cry:

      Haette nie gedacht nochmal solche Kurse hier zu sehen

      Gruß KN:cool:RPEL
      schrieb am 26.11.08 12:24:40
      Beitrag Nr. 208 ()
      Aus vom User Aliblaba

      Mr. Mahers response to my letter on the news issue:

      Dear Mr. (Aliblaba):

      I appreciate your in depth comments and suggestions as to how to improve our news flow. We anticipate releasing new drill hole data in the new term, a four month period since the last news release. The timing of news releases is completely unrelated to the conditions of the market place. Past experience has shown that when a company releases only a few holes at a time, with incomplete results (and therefore potentially incomplete geologic interpretation), that the public is often confused. We are trying to package news together in way that the public can easily understand the significance of the results. I endeavor to release information as soon as possible, provided all interpretation of data is complete and the proper QA/QC protocols have been followed, including check assays. We provide plan maps, cross sections and long sections which document the progress of our drilling program. Combined with the drill hole tables, this information allows common investors and analysts alike the opportunity to quantify our progress.

      I am also disappointed with our current share price. Compared to our market segment, pure junior gold explorers, we have performed fairly well. You can be assured that the management team is doing everything it can to help investors understand the Kodiak story and position the company for improved valuations in the days and weeks ahead.

      Yours Truly,

      Brian Maher

      * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

      Brian J. Maher

      Vice President - Exploration

      Kodiak Exploration Ltd.

      Suite 1205, 700 West Pender Street

      Vancouver, BC V6C 1G8 Canada

      15455 Mare Court

      Truckee, CA 96161 USA

      Head Office: 1-604-688-9006

      Cell: 1-530-913-4728
      schrieb am 02.12.08 11:16:11
      Beitrag Nr. 209 ()
      Sedar-Bericht sollte man sich mal anschauen:…
      schrieb am 03.12.08 11:45:22
      Beitrag Nr. 210 ()
      Um sich ein Bild über das mögliche Potenzial zu machen, empfiehlt sich die Hercules-Präsentation vom 06.10.08. Hierin sind neben Golden Mile auch die anderen Veins beschrieben.

      Ich glaube, das Management fährt eine excellente Strategie. Keine NR mit Einzelergebnisse, sondern sammeln (empfiehlt sich auch im jetzigen Marktumfeld) und zu passender Zeit mit einem Big Bang rauskommen. Über 40 Mio. OZ wurde mal vor Monaten spekuliert.
      schrieb am 03.12.08 22:14:34
      Beitrag Nr. 211 ()
      News vom 03.12.:

      Golden Mile Drilled To A Depth Of Over 1km, Remains Open
      System Expanded To 8km of Strike
      High Grade Gold Intersected In Multiple Shoots
      schrieb am 03.12.08 23:23:27
      Beitrag Nr. 212 ()
      Weitere Bestätigung des ungeheuren Potentials, nicht nur von Hercules/Golden Mile, sondern auch den anderen Properties mit den entdeckten Venen-Systemen (2008 Drill Programm mit bisher 65000 Metern !!!):

      1. Hercules / Golden Mile:

      Gold-Mineralisation des Systems jetzt bis auf über 1000m Tiefe bestätigt, mit einer Länge von 8 km !!! :eek:

      HR08-231 mit 29,5 gpt über 0,4 Meter
      HR08-252 mit 15,1 gpt über 0,7 Meter

      2. Big Bonanza Zone (neu)

      WG08-06 mit 5,61 gpt über 5,7 Meter
      mit 12,38 gpt über 1,4 Meter

      3. Golden Boomerang Zone (neu)

      GK08-18 mit 7,5 gpt über 0,5 Meter

      4. Kaby Lake Gold Rush Zone

      Grab samples mit bis zu 11 gpt
      Diamant-Bohrergebnisse ausstehend

      5. Sturgeon Bridge

      SB08-13 mit 66,7 gpt über 0,7 Meter

      6. East Leitch

      EL08-01 mit 19,3 gpt über 0,8 Meter

      7. Maki Midas

      Grab samples mit bis zu 11 gpt

      Und abschließend noch der Kommentar von Bill Chornobay (President):

      “With a strong cash position and no debt, we will continue to
      explore our extensive landholdings in the Beardmore-Geraldton gold belt with the same careful planning and enthusiasm as in the past, tempered by the global financial situation that mandates an increased level of prudence.

      Fortunately, our company is well-positioned to continue to systematically explore while maintaining a strong cash balance, ensuring that we will go the distance.

      Kodiak will continue to run exploration programs focused on discovery, and it is well positioned to seize new opportunities which may present themselves as a result of current market conditions.”

      schrieb am 04.12.08 23:53:20
      Beitrag Nr. 213 ()
      After hours thoughts...
      Posted by: Portee44 on December 03, 2008 05:53PM

      This is quite a news release and when I first read it I kept looking at the grades and depths and knew right away that those that know nothing will be gone when they read the NR..

      But we are dealing with a vein system,according to our experts and vein systems are just that ..veins of gold bearing rock that were formed when the gold in a fluid state followed the cracks in the rock and formed into those little,sometimes big yellow chunks we so richly deserve to have..

      These veins are very rich,but to make mining them worth while we have to have a whack of them..that is what we have..

      Now the best way I can describe to y'all you must be able to use your imagination...

      Let us all close our eyes and imagine a spider web...

      The target where all the gold is thick and beautiful is the center of the web....

      If you were to lay the web on the floor and were blind folded and asked to drop a pencil on the web and hit a would have to be pretty lucky to hit one..and it would take many drops to hit a bunch of them..

      And to hit the center would be BS luck...

      Now think of those pencil drops as drilling cores..some hit ..some miss..

      Now if you ever watched a spider build a web,he /she starts from a center point and puts out stringers..always coming back to the center of the web..

      Once he he/she gets enough stringers out he/she goes back to the center and starts connecting the stringers in a circular pattern,close in and tight circles at the center and farther apart as he/she gets out to the edge of the web...

      OK..Now we have found the golden spider web..

      But now instead of laying flat,our golden web is standing on Edge!!!

      That is the golden mile..hugh..the edge of the web..standing on the surface of the golden mile...And as we drill down we are looking for the center of that golden web..The veins are like the circular patterns the spider wove as he got farther from the center..we are hitting those veins and are looking for the stringers that lead from the edge to the heart of the web..those stringers are rich and are continuous and extremely rich and deep and that is where we are going..

      So we are drilling from the edge of the web...narrow so we can tell by the drill results where and what angle to drill the next hole to get close to the center..takes lots of drilling but with the computer models they are showing in the colour coded maps ,it makes me pee a little drop with excitement..

      Board members..this is what I have been waiting for for a long time..It may and won't be tomorrow,but I am betting my last nickle that this is as big or bigger than any gold strike in Canada..present or past..and we are all in on the bottom..

      The way I see it,anyway..

      We'll be in Vegas by year..

      Congrats to all longs on your foresight and patience..


      schrieb am 12.12.08 14:12:51
      Beitrag Nr. 214 ()
      Also was überall im Rohstoffsektor los ist ist einfach nur pervers. Alles ist Brutal unterbewertet.

      Hat Kodiak schon mal einen NI 43-101 Report zu irgend welchen Ressourcen?
      Hier ist ja Cash = MCAP das ist brutal ich werde mir paar Stück wohl ins Depot legen MÜSSEN!!!

      Kann mir hier jemand ein paar wichtige Infos zu Kodiak geben, Chanche - Risiko ganz grob...

      Hab schon was mit 40 mio oz für 2008 gelesen, das wird ja wohl nichts, wie ist das aber gemeint?

      schrieb am 12.12.08 16:24:13
      Beitrag Nr. 215 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.195.792 von DimisG7 am 12.12.08 14:12:51Kodiak hat noch keine NI43-101 erstellt. Das wird sicher in 2009 für einen Teilbereich von Hercules geschehen.
      Zum jetzigen Preis ist Kodiak ein wahrliches Schnäppchen.
      Kodiak hat genügend Liquidität, um seine Arbeit in 2009 zu finanzieren. Mehr als 50 % der Aktien sind im Management- und Institutionellen-Besitz, was KXL gegen feindl. Übernahme schützt.
      Um Dir einen Überblick über Kodiak zu machen, empfehle ich Dir, die Präsentation auf (siehe Hercules Presentation vom 04.12.08).
      schrieb am 12.12.08 19:42:36
      Beitrag Nr. 216 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.196.893 von franz991 am 12.12.08 16:24:13Danke für die Info....
      Wie kommst du auf 50% institutionelle, etwas mit 11,5% hab ich gelesen...

      Sthet das irgend wo
      schrieb am 13.12.08 00:18:57
      Beitrag Nr. 217 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.198.184 von DimisG7 am 12.12.08 19:42:36@ DimisG7

      Zu Deinen Fragen:

      1. Wie kommst du auf 50% institutionelle, etwas mit 11,5% hab ich gelesen...

      Sthet das irgend wo

      Ja, steht in der von franz erwähnten Präsentation auf Seite 7, allerdings sind es nicht nur Institutionelle, sondern auch Direktoren und Manager die alle zusammen über 50% der 88,3 Millionen Aktien halten.

      2. Hier ist ja Cash = MCAP das ist brutal ich werde mir paar Stück wohl ins Depot legen MÜSSEN!!!

      Nicht ganz, MarketCap 48,5 Mio. / Cash 30 Mio.;
      aber trotzdem: ein Wert, der zu diesem Preis in keinem Explorer-Portfolio fehlen sollte !

      schrieb am 17.12.08 13:32:05
      Beitrag Nr. 218 ()
      Hi Leute, weiß jemand wann es einen NI43-101 Report geben könnte, oder zu wann einer geplant ist und wieviel oz Gold erwartet werden zu diesem ersten Report?

      Ich will nur wissen ob ganz grob mal was erwähnt wurde seitens Kodiak, denn ich will mir eine dicke Position noch vor 2009 aufbauen.

      Also die Zeit drängt...:yawn:
      schrieb am 17.12.08 16:12:09
      Beitrag Nr. 219 ()
      Meine Güte die haben ja seit Oktober 10 mio ausgegeben für Explorationsarbeiten..., wenn die so weiter machen sind die 30 Mio schneller weg als man denkt...

      Aber die werden wohl mit dem Geld umgehen können und nicht alles in schwere Zeiten "verbraten"... Spätestens am 30.12 2008 bin ich dabei...

      Zum glück ist in Deutschland nichts los bei diesem Wert...

      Vielleicht kann mir jemand die obere Fragen noch beantworten, danke...
      schrieb am 17.12.08 19:25:58
      Beitrag Nr. 220 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.223.613 von DimisG7 am 17.12.08 16:12:09Hallo Dimis,

      vielleicht kannst Du mir vorher noch eine Frage beantworten:

      Du hast geschrieben: "Meine Güte die haben ja seit Oktober 10 mio ausgegeben für Explorationsarbeiten..., wenn die so weiter machen sind die 30 Mio schneller weg als man denkt...".

      Wo hast Du denn die $ 10 Mio. seit Oktober für Exploration her ???

      schrieb am 18.12.08 09:53:39
      Beitrag Nr. 221 ()
      1. Quartal 2008 Mineral exploration expenditures 2.841.958 CAD
      2. Quartal 2008 Mineral exploration expenditures 5.258.482 CAD
      3. Quartal 2008 Mineral exploration expenditures 10.310.124 CAD

      Summe: 9 Monate 2008 Für Explorationsarbeiten 18.411.208 CAD ausgegeben. Das ist mal ne Zahl für einen Explorer.

      In der Kasse sind laut 3. Quartalsbericht 30.600.203 CAD was ja auch passt laut der Präsentation (30.000.000 CAD) vom Dezember 2008 für "Hercules..."
      In der Präsentation vom Oktober waren es noch ca. 40.000.000 CAD was ja auch passen würde laut 2. Quartalsbericht (40.971.064 CAD)

      Also ist es für mich ersichtlich das sie wie oben schon erwähnt 10.000.000 CAD im 3. Quartal ausgegeben haben für Explorationsarbeiten.

      Zwischen der beiden letzten Präsentationen liegen ca. 2 Monate in den Zeitraum ist dann höchst wahrscheinlich das Geld ausgegen worden.

      Wie man das werten soll was ich nicht?
      Wenn die Ergebnisse passen ist das kein Problem denke ich, aber hat man so viel Geld investiert und bekommt nichs vernünftiges bei raus kann es unangenehm werden.

      Ich denke aber positiv 30.000.000 sind ja noch da und wenn ich mich nicht irre stehen noch Ergebnisse aus und das Management ist ja auch nicht blöd und verballert gutes Geld schließlich sind sie ja mit an Board.

      Der link für die Berichte…

      Und nun zu meiner Frage :)
      schrieb am 18.12.08 17:11:16
      Beitrag Nr. 222 ()
      Ein Unklarheit besteht aber trotzdem.

      Im Dezember wurde der Bericht fürs 3. Quartal (30.Sept.2008)veröffentlicht mit ca. 30.000.000 CAD. In der Oktober Präsentation werben sie jedoch mit 40.000.000 CAD, also mit der Cash
      Position vom 2. Quartal (30.Juni.2008).

      Das liegt wahrscheinlich daran, weil sie es zum diesen Zeitpunkt nicht wussten, die Bücher fürs 3. Quartal waren oktober noch offen. (hoffe ich)

      Also ergibt sich meiner Meinung nach eine Cash-Position von 30.000.000 CAD am 30.September 2008 wie in deren Bericht.

      In der Dezember Präsentation ist der Cashbestand vom Ende 3. Quartal drin, d.h. es fehlt 2 Monate Ausgaben.

      Bin mal gespannt was sie im 4.Quartal ausgegeben haben, selbst wenn es wieder 10.000.000 CAD sein sollten hätte mal noch 20.000.000 Cad im neuen Jahr und viel Ergebenisse würden auf uns warten.

      War fürs 4. Quartal irgend ein großes Projekt geplant?
      Und nicht meine Frage von vorhin vergessen :)
      schrieb am 18.12.08 18:10:00
      Beitrag Nr. 223 ()
      Hi dimis,

      wenn du dir noch ein paar KODIAKS ins Depot legen willst,dann solltest du's uebern Teich probieren . Entweder Toronto oder USA

      Die Makler in D sind so unverschaemt und taxen nur hoch,bedient wirst du zur Zeit selten (nur wesentlich teuerer als an der Heimatboerse)

      Ich persoenlich hab heute auch nochmal nachgelegt,allerdings in USA.
      Kanada ging bei mir immer noch nicht [TSX hatte gesten Totalausfall]

      Gruß KN:cool:RPEL
      schrieb am 18.12.08 20:16:33
      Beitrag Nr. 224 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.232.773 von KNORPEL am 18.12.08 18:10:00Danke für die Info,
      ich wollte in Kanada kaufen in Deutschland findet ja eh "kein" handel statt.
      schrieb am 19.12.08 15:43:19
      Beitrag Nr. 225 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.232.265 von DimisG7 am 18.12.08 17:11:16:confused::confused::confused:

      Dec 1 2008 Interim financial statements - English => 30 Mio. Cash
      Aug 29 2008 Interim financial statements - English => 40 Mio. Cash

      ich denke mal in der Oktober- Praesentation haben sie noch die alten Zahlen verwendet.

      40 Mio. Cash hoert sich halt besser an;)

      Gruß KN:cool:RPEL
      schrieb am 21.12.08 22:31:16
      Beitrag Nr. 226 ()
      Kodiak auf der
      2009 Vancouver Resource Investment Conference
      Jan 25 & Jan 26, 2009
      schrieb am 22.12.08 00:09:50
      Beitrag Nr. 227 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.228.119 von DimisG7 am 18.12.08 09:53:39Hallo Dimis,

      bezüglich der Cash Burn Rate von Kodiak hatte ich 2,5 Millionen CAD pro Monat im Hinterkopf, was mit den durchschnittlich 2 Millionen laut IFS für die ersten 9 Monate grob gestimmt hätte.

      Allerdings sind die Präsentationen hier tatsächlich irreführend, den hiernahc wären es 5 Millionen pro Monat (zumindest für die letzten beiden Monate).

      Ich glaube, hier wurde mit "alten" Zahlen der IFS zu falschen Zeitpunkten gearbeitet, habe die Frage aber auch mal in einem kanadischen Board gestellt.

      Mal sehen, vielleicht gibt es ein paar klärende Hinweise.

      Hinsichtlich Deiner Frage zum NI 43-101: die "Definitionsbohrungen" für die Golden Mile sind im vollen Gang (inklusive "deep holes"), aber ich glaube, daß selbst mit dem extensiven Winterbohrprogramm eine Resourcenbestätigung erst im 2 Halbjahr 2009 vorliegen wird, da sie ständig neue Mineralisierung finden (vielleicht sogar UNTER einem See entlang der Golden Mile).

      Wieviele Unzen der erste Report umfassen wird ? Reine Spekulation !

      Ich rechne mit 1 Millionen (nur für die Golden Mile), vorläufig !

      Ganz zu schweigen von weiteren Funden in der Tiefe und entlang des Trends (bis hin zum Sage Gebiet).

      Und da sind ja noch mindestens 6-7 weitere, vielversprechende Funde auf KXL´s Beardmore Gebiet.

      Ich hoffe, daß die Drillergebnisse bis zur nächsten Finanzierung entsprechende Erfolge ausweisen, so daß wir uns dann in anderen "Preissphären" bewegen.


      schrieb am 01.01.09 23:44:03
      Beitrag Nr. 228 ()
      Da der "kleine Nachbar" Sage Gold in den letzten beiden Tagen mit starken Gewinnen (fast +100%) bei über 3,7 Mio. gehandelten Aktien aufwarten konnte, könnte sich vielleicht bald auch bei Kodiak was tun ?!

      Daher hier nochmal eine Abbildung der Goldadern im "Grenzgebiet" mit der "Golden Mile" auf KXL-Gebiet und der "Golden Extension" auf SGX-Gebiet:

      Auf ein besseres Jahr 2009 für Junior-Explorer (mit guten Cash-Positionen!)

      schrieb am 04.01.09 20:24:10
      Beitrag Nr. 229 ()
      schrieb am 05.01.09 12:46:58
      Beitrag Nr. 230 ()
      Ärgerlich meine Order wurde nicht ausgeführt, das Niveau wurde wegen 0.01 CAD nicht erreicht.
      Ich muss jetzt warten denn der Kurs hat angezogen....
      schrieb am 06.01.09 23:05:15
      Beitrag Nr. 231 ()
      davon noch bitte 5 tage... die letzten 60 handelsminuten reichen...
      schrieb am 11.01.09 18:41:59
      Beitrag Nr. 232 ()…

      Kodiak's energy division has commenced its winter exploration program on its flagship West Millenium property in the Athabasca Basin.

      Siehe auch hier:

      Freundliche Grüße
      schrieb am 22.01.09 21:56:58
      Beitrag Nr. 233 ()
      Kodiak Intersects 5.4 Metres Grading 20.03 gpt (0.58 opt) Gold, 2009 Drill Program Commenced

      Thursday January 22, 2009, 1:06 pm EST

      .... plus viele weitere sehr gute Resultate aus dem 2008 Bohrprogramm…

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(MARKET WIRE)--Jan 22, 2009 -- Kodiak Exploration Ltd. (CDNX:KXL.V - News) is pleased to report on the successful conclusion of its 2008 exploration program. Drilling was successful in significantly expanding the area of high grade gold mineralization. Highlights of assays from the final batch of 2008 drill holes from Kodiak's Hercules project include the following high grade intercepts:

      - Hole HR08-312: 5.4 metres grading 20.03 gpt gold (0.58 opt), including 0.4 metres grading 253 gpt gold (7.38 opt) with visible gold

      - Hole HR08-308: 6.3 metres grading 6.89 gpt gold (0.20 opt), including 0.3 metres grading 53.80 gpt gold (1.57 opt) with visible gold

      - Hole HR08-305: 2.3 metres grading 10.11 gpt gold (0.30 opt), including 0.6 metres grading 30.20 gpt gold (0.88 opt);

      - Hole HRO8-192: 0.4 metres grading 75.3 gpt (2.20 opt) gold

      - Hole HRO8-171: 1.3 metres grading 17 gpt (0.50 opt) gold

      Highlights in Detail:

      - Exploratory Drill hole HR08-305 successfully intersected a zone of high grade gold, 2.3 metres grading 10.11 gpt gold (0.30 opt), including 0.6 metres grading 30.20 gpt gold (0.88 opt), and containing visible gold, thus expanding the high grade Area 51 mineralized shoot to the west an additional 60 metres. This suggests that high grade gold mineralization in Area 51 extends further in a westerly direction and remains open. HR08-305 targeted an area that had previously been modeled as a lower grade "halo" to the high grade shoot, but had not been drilled. This drill hole demonstrates that focused drilling in the halo can discover new high grade zones and expand known mineralized shoots (see Figure One and Two below). This drill hole connects high grade mineralization seen in drill hole HR07-65 with that identified in previously announced drill hole HR08-192 (0.4 metres grading 75.30 gpt gold) and expands the tonnage and geometry of this high grade shoot. Additional drilling is planned to expand this gold shoot's geometry and resource potential.

      - Follow-up drilling in the vicinity of drill hole HR07-65 was very successful in demonstrating the reproducibility of high grade mineralization within the previously modeled portion of the Area 51 shoot: Hole HR08-312 intersected 5.4 metres grading 20.03 gpt gold (0.58 opt), including 0.4 metres grading 253 gpt gold (7.38 opt), and HR08-308 intersected 6.3 metres grading 6.89 gpt gold (0.20 opt), including 0.3 metres grading 53.80 gpt gold (1.57 opt). Both holes contained visible gold. These drill holes were among the first holes drilled in anticipation of the 2009 program, which is being designed to expand and verify the continuity of the high grade gold shoot in Area 51. This series of drill holes is specifically directed at obtaining the data required for preparation of a resource estimate. The objectives is to increase the number of high grade intercepts within the high grade portions of the shoot, increasing the capping grade of that shoot and thus increasing the overall resource potential.

      - Exploratory deep drill hole HR08-297 was successful in intersecting gold mineralization grading up to 3.49 gpt (0.10 opt) in the Lucky Strike and the Golden Mile structural zones at great depths: 790 metres down hole for the Lucky Strike and 1030 metres (over 1 km) down hole for the Golden Mile, both zones remain open. These intercepts are believed to be part of an envelope or halo of lower grade gold mineralization such as the halos that frequently occur adjacent to higher grade gold mineralization in shallower parts of the same system. These drill holes demonstrate that both the Golden Mile and Lucky Strike structures have very deep roots, which are critical to building a significant tonnage and resource and suggests high grade gold mineralization extends to depth.

      Kodiak Exploration Ltd. received the Ontario Discovery of the Year Award in April, 2008. Our success was a multifaceted effort achieved with strong management, a skilled team of geologists and dedicated field technicians. Significant milestones include:

      - 242 diamond drill holes have been completed on the Golden Mile, with 92 of those drill holes (38%) returning intercepts greater than 3 gpt gold;

      - Almost 1/3 (30.4%) of the 217 drill holes in the central Golden Mile returned greater than 7 gram x metres of gold mineralization, and 37 of those drill holes returned greater than 10 gram x metres of gold mineralization, a high grade "hit ratio" of 17%, or approximately 1 in 5 holes;

      - Drilling intersected high grade gold 270 metres (900 ft) down-hole, 1.3 metres grading 17 gpt (0.50 opt gold)

      - Drilling has traced gold mineralization to down-hole depths in excess of 1 kilometre; a 10 fold increase from 2007, and the system remains open at depth. Drilling and surface exploration has been successful in increasing the indicated strike length of the Golden Mile to more than 8 kilometres, a four fold increase from 2007, and the system remains open along strike

      - Drilling has identified 5 new high grade gold shoots;

      Kodiak will resume drilling in late January 2009, initially focusing on expanding the five high grade gold shoots discovered to date in the Golden Mile vein system. As noted above, the first portion of the 2009 program is being designed to define the extent and grade of high grade shoots and thereby grow their resource potential. Data derived from the 2008 program will mitigate risk and focus the next phase of drilling, which will include wedging off the HR08-297 "mother" hole at depth to pick up the high grade gold shoots identified higher in the system.

      The balance of the 2009 program will be primarily directed at exploring the untested five kilometres of strike length between the Central Golden Mile and the claim boundary near Sage Gold's new discovery to the northwest. Data compilation, analysis and interpretation are under way. Final results from Kodiak's metallurgical testing program are also expected shortly and will be reported when received.

      Hercules drill hole highlights are shown below. All assays for drill holes HR09-270 through HR08-312 can be found on Kodiak's website:

      Hercules drill hole highlight table: Location key: GM equals Golden Mile

      HR08-288 169.4 169.6 0.2 1.05 0.03 GM 185.7
      174.2 177.0 2.8 2.74 0.08
      Including 175.7 176.0 0.3 13.60 0.40

      HR08-290 14.2 14.7 0.5 1.72 0.05 GM 53.0
      15.9 16.5 0.6 10.30 0.30

      HR08-305 132.4 134.7 2.3 10.11 0.29 GM 177.0
      Including 134.1 134.7 0.6 30.20 0.88

      HR08-308 61.0 62.0 1.0 4.71 0.14 GM 101.0
      65.0 65.8 0.8 1.37 0.04
      67.0 73.3 6.3 6.89 0.20
      Including 72.6 72.9 0.3 53.80 1.57

      HR08-311 59.8 60.8 1.0 1.85 0.05 GM 81.0
      69.4 71.8 2.4 12.88 0.38
      Including 70.8 71.2 0.4 32.10 0.94

      HR08-312 79.8 85.2 5.4 20.03 0.58 GM 101.0
      Including 84.2 84.6 0.4 253.00 7.38To view accompanying Figures 1 and 2, please click on the following link:

      Copies of the new long section, new maps, and photos may be found in the "What's New" section of Kodiak's website:

      2008 Final Results from Maki Midas and Kaby Lake Projects:

      Kodiak has also received positive results from the reconnaissance drill programs at its Maki Midas and Kaby Lake projects, individual assays range up to 9.25 gpt gold (0.27 opt) over 0.4 metres from Maki and up to 7.35 gpt gold (0.21 opt) over 0.4 metres from the Gold Rush Zone at Kaby Lake. Over 1000 metres of strike length remains to be explored on the Kaby Lake intrusion, a geologic look alike to the Elmhurst Lake intrusion which hosts the Golden Mile discovery.

      Gold mineralization was confirmed by drilling over a strike length of 1.5 kilometres at Maki Midas, and reconnaissance sampling and mapping have documented an additional 3.5 kilometres of strike potential along this major, regional, gold bearing structure. This geological setting is very similar to that found at the historic multi million ounce MacLeod-Cockshutt mine located 30 km to the east, the focus of Premier Gold's recently announced 2009 drill program. Additional exploration and focused drilling is planned for these and Kodiak's many other previously reported discoveries in a focused phase two 2009 exploration program.

      Beardmore-Geraldton Regional Exploration, Significant Achievements 2008:

      - 112 diamond drill holes totaling 20,295 metres; 38 drill holes have intercepts greater than 3 gpt gold (34%);

      - Strong exploration potential has been confirmed by drilling at 5 stand alone new gold discoveries with phase 2 drilling planned: East Leitch, Maki Midas, Kaby Lake Gold Rush, West Geraldton-Big Bonanza, and Sturgeon Bridge-Caviar;

      - Regional exploration, data compilation and field work continues to generate new targets for the project pipeline.

      Management's Analysis

      Mr. Brian Maher, Kodiak Vice President of Exploration, comments: "These results for Hercules achieve two important goals for Kodiak: verifying the presence and strength of the Golden Mile and Lucky Strike gold mineralized systems at great depth and verifying the reproducibility and continuity of gold mineralization within the higher grade portions of the system. Building the intercept population set within the high grade portions of the system is vital step in developing a geostatistical model for the high grade zones. Geostatistical models are crucial in establishing a capping grade for the system and determining variography with these mineralized shoots. This data is required for the preparation of a resource estimate for Hercules. Coupled with the metallurgical studies currently under way, we are taking the initial steps to demonstrate the economic viability of the Golden Mile under various potential mining scenarios. Building on the success of our 2008 exploration program at Hercules, as well as our regional exploration program at East Leitch, Sturgeon Bridge, Big Bonanza, Maki Midas and elsewhere in the Beardmore-Geraldton gold belt, Kodiak's geologic team is looking forward with great anticipation to the 2009 exploration program.

      Mr. Bill Chornobay, Kodiak President, comments: "A low-risk, focused, multi-million dollar drill program is planned for 2009. With Kodiak's strong cash position, we are well positioned to execute and achieve both our short-term and long-term goals for the Hercules Project and the balance of the Beardmore-Geraldton gold belt. Our exploration program continues to be focused in one of the premier exploration areas in the world, with excellent infrastructure and political stability. We enjoy strong support from local stakeholders and the government. We are well positioned to seize opportunities that may present themselves as a result of these difficult economic times. Kodiak is preserving its capital by operating at optimum efficiency and is focused on discovery to ensure we maximize value for our shareholders. With a strong gold market forecast, we are in an excellent position to grow shareholder wealth in the months and years ahead."

      Technical Information

      Kodiak QA/QC procedures are as follows: Kodiak channel samples are 5 cm wide cut perpendicular to the strike of the vein and/or shear zone from mapped alteration in the footwall continuously through the vein and/or shear zone and into mapped alteration in the hanging wall. Channels are cut with a motorized circular saw to a depth of 20 cm and removed with a hammer. Channel sample spacing is nominally every 20m along strike, dependent on outcrop size and geometry. Sample intervals are selected according to geologic contacts and visible mineralization, placed into a sample bag, and shipped to the assay lab for quantitative analysis of select elements. Kodiak drill cores are split down the center with a typical table feed circular rock saw. Sample intervals are selected according to geologic contacts, visible mineralization, and alteration, placed into sample bags and shipped to the assay lab where they are quantitatively analyzed for select elements. Drill cores are boxed, covered, and sealed at the drill rig and moved to the Kodiak logging and sample preparation facilities by Kodiak personnel. Kodiak angle core holes are directed perpendicular to the mapped dip of the vein therefore reported drill hole intercepts approximate true thickness of the vein. All Kodiak samples are currently being assayed by Activation Laboratories Ltd., Ancaster, ON L9G 4V5 and TSL Laboratories Inc., Saskatoon, SK S7K 6A4. Blank and standard samples are routinely submitted with all sample batches sent to the lab for assay. Screened metallic assays are routinely run on all anomalous gold results as a check on nugget effects. Samples are routinely sent to other labs for additional checks.

      The geological information contained in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Robert B. Hawkins, Kodiak's Chief Geologist, who is a qualified person under the definitions established by National Instrument 43-101.

      Energy Division Update

      The winter exploration program at Kodiak's West Millennium project in the Athabasca Basin of northern Saskatchewan has commenced. Crews are currently conducting a TDEM (Time Domain Electromagnetic) ground geophysical survey to further refine targets for a minimum of 4,000 metres of diamond drilling planned to commence the first week of February, 2009. The Energy Division exploration team is led by Keith Metcalfe and includes consultants Paul Ogryzlo and Rodney Koch, giving Kodiak one of the strongest technical teams in uranium exploration. More information about the West Millennium Project and our very qualified technical team can be found on Kodiak's website:

      Assay results have been received that confirm uranium mineralization at the previously announced Big Bang discovery at Kodiak's UR East Property, in the Otish Mountains of Northern Quebec. Individual grab samples from the discovery outcrop contained up 8,130 ppm U (0.96% U3O8, sample 792062), which is comparable to field spectrometer results. Surface exploration and drilling for the 2009 field season is currently being planned to follow up this important new discovery in a newly emerging uranium district. The company hopes to be well positioned to take advantage of the strong uranium market forecast for the years ahead.

      Kodiak is a mineral exploration company with properties located in Canada. You can now view an interactive map, as well as additional photographs, geological details and additional information, on our website:

      On behalf of the Board of Directors

      William S. Chornobay, President

      The statements made in this release may contain forward-looking statements or relate to programs that involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Actual events or results could differ materially from the Company's expectations and projections.

      The TSX Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

      Kodiak Exploration Ltd.
      William S. Chornobay
      (604) 688-9006
      (604) 688-9029 (FAX)

      schrieb am 22.01.09 22:18:06
      Beitrag Nr. 234 ()
      kurs reagiert nicht besonders...

      mich wunderst noch immer, dass die samples und vg nicht höhere grade bei den dr´s ergen haben...
      schrieb am 22.01.09 23:54:32
      Beitrag Nr. 235 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.431.381 von dosco12 am 22.01.09 22:18:06Wir brauchen keine höheren Grade, 6,89 gpt bis 75,3 gpt sind mehr als ausreichend !

      Wenn man eine kontinuierliche Mineralisierung nachweisen kann und genug Tonnage zusammenbekommt, sind 3gpt bereits ausreichend für eine gewinnbringende Mine.

      Kodiak hat mehr als genug davon und braucht nur Zeit zum Nachweisen der Tonnage !

      schrieb am 23.01.09 23:33:19
      Beitrag Nr. 236 ()
      Neuer Querschnitt der Golden Mile (22.01.09):
      schrieb am 23.01.09 23:35:07
      Beitrag Nr. 237 ()
      Neue Kodiak Hercules Präsentation (22.01.09):

      schrieb am 23.01.09 23:41:25
      Beitrag Nr. 238 ()
      National Bank Financial Coverage zu Kodiak vom 23.01.09:

      schrieb am 24.01.09 15:30:53
      Beitrag Nr. 239 ()
      Neuestes Bild von der Golden Mile (KXL) plus Golden Extension (SGX):

      schrieb am 29.01.09 23:21:47
      Beitrag Nr. 240 ()
      Bericht von der Vancouver Mining Conference:…

      Vancouver conf. notes Jan 25 / cedar
      posted on Jan 26, 09 01:07AM
      Visited the KXL presentations and booth at the Vancouver conference today. Good showing, lots of KXL people there, crowded booths. For a recession, the booths were surprisingly mobbed.

      In Meeting Room #9, while the computer slide show was being set up, Bill Chornobay regaled us with a story about Golden Gate. He had been doing some serious exploring there, but was unfortunately not using a marlin reel. The rod bent down deeply into the ocean and his buddies had to strap him in to keep the line in check. Long fish story, in the end a 10 foot blue marlin landed. This was Golden Gate Reef off Mexico.

      Then the presentation began. Brian Maher did as usual a superb public speaking job. All the essential data is already in the .pdf you got in your email / on the KXL site. All samples have been reported, although these is still a mountain of data to analyse to figure the drilling for next year. Better understanding of Golden Mile structure gained, with multiple shoot directions. About 65,000m drilling done so far, to be 90,000m+ end of this year. 300 km of lineal strike extent to be explored - an enormous amount of prospects.

      Good deal of focus to be on denser-spaced drilling to define Golden Mile. The more information gotten from the infill assays, the more magenta and hopefully red high-grade zones get filled in. Golden Mile moving firmly into resource definition stage. Most drilling will be shallow up to a few hundred meters, although there will likely also be a few deep holes.

      By the way, Brian is happy/amused with the "Agoracom KXL Site Geophysical Department", if you can call it that here, and our attempts to map out the length of Golden Mile + Golden Extension. I asked about it. Total length is 8 to 9 km, impossible to be more precise because endpoints are unknown / fuzzy. Golden Mile main section is 3 km. From last significant finding in NW Golden Mile, up to Sage border, gap is 3 to 3.5 km (6 km KXL total as per .pdf). However, the veins split and don't run in a straight line, and the relatively unexplored space is in a very swampy region. Some drilling will happen while ice is in.

      The main drill efforts are going into finding more gold in the main section of the Golden Mile - "stratigraphal" holes (my father was a stratigrapher - would warm his heart). Gold Rush (Kaby Lake) also had good drill results, better than even channel sampling suggested, and that deposit is very wide - not the 10m reported initially, but 30 or 40m wide gold deposited in potassium feldspar-replaced intrusion. Gold Rush will get a lot of attention, plus exploration of the many veins and systems parallel to the Golden Mile. Total spending this year to be approx. $6m on Hercules, plus a bit for elsewhere and Uranium.

      There is an error or update needed on total land holdings - 1400 sq km should read 2400 sq km, according to land man. Two drills starting up on Hercules 1st week of February. There are no backlogs in the laboratories any more, and KXL is one of the very few with money - many others won't be able to afford to drill, so the labs should keep up well. SGX has a bit in the kitty now ($3m?) and will actively drill this year.

      The horrible state of the junior explorer stock markets was acknowledged. But, nothing goes down or up forever. In the meanwhile, KXL has one of 300 or so greenstone-hosted deposits around the world, and apparently an average grade for the others is ~9g/t, so we are in good company.

      Uranium - much more happening now, even though it's very early days. This looks to become a major part of the company. Keith Metcalfe presented West Millenium, a very lucky parcel to have with a serendipitous 1988 historic hole that just happened to find the grey (graphite altered) clay and radioactivity associated with a uranium plume. I believe he said property is 16 x 18 km = about 300 sq km. Electromagnetic survey in progress and I believe there will be a drill hole and results in the next few weeks. Any uranium plume would be just above bedrock at 600-700m deep. Compares very well with Hathor, and with the Millenium property of Cameco next door. Presentation a bit overwordy and underslidey (needed many less words and more slides, especially 1st slide with 15 lines of dense text) but I got the gist that the property is great and so is the geo talent - in addition to Keith, "new" old pros Paul Ogryzlo and Rodney Koch joined.

      Trevor Bremner presented Otish / Big Bang. Trevor is a superb speaker, very classy. Otish exciting because of accidentally-found very high showings including yellow uranite discovered under very shallow overburden of 1 to 3 metres - i.e. findings are at bedrock which is directly under the surface, instead of 600m down. Small backhoe will be helicoptered in. Similar situation to Strateco's Matoush uranium project. Extensive exploration to be carried out in Summer, camp already in place. Geomag impressive. Que gov't covers 42% of all exploration costs. Multiple other parcels also in region, next to e.g. Cameco. Land holdings 440 sq km - I wasn't clear on whether that was just Otish, or all of the Que properties.

      Stephen Roach was to be found in the booth and in his understated way further illuminated me. More sophisticated and detailed geomagnetic/geotechnical & geophysical work to be done in Hercules area.

      Further data of interest in one or more areas is likely to be released before PDAC show March 1-4, 2009 in Toronto.

      I intend to return tomorrow, so if you have specific questions I might be able to pose some of them. All best / cedartree

      schrieb am 29.01.09 23:42:16
      Beitrag Nr. 241 ()
      Und hier noch was zu Gold Deposits (103 Greenstone-hosted Quartz-Carbonate Vein (GQCV) Vorkommen weltweit mit > 1 Mio. Unzen Au und durchschnittlichen Goldgehalten von 5-15 g/t Au):…

      schrieb am 29.01.09 23:50:34
      Beitrag Nr. 242 ()
      Insider Holdings:

      Company Report: Kodiak Exploration Limited (Venture:KXL)

      January 28, 2009

      CEO Holdings (000’s)

      King, Terrence Earl

      Latest Filing Date: April 10, 2008

      Direct Ownership Direct Ownership

      Common Shares 201,452

      Options 1,710,340

      Indirect Ownership Indirect Ownership

      Common Shares 505,000

      Chornobay, William

      Latest Filing Date: April 11, 2008

      Direct Ownership Direct Ownership

      Common Shares 402,016

      Options 2,574,351

      Indirect Ownership Indirect Ownership

      Common Shares 584,000

      Officer’s Holdings (000’s)

      Bayat, Bahman

      Latest Filing Date: October 22, 2007

      Direct Ownership

      Options 75,000

      Hodge, Chelsie

      Latest Filing Date: February 23, 2007

      Direct Ownership

      Common Shares 300

      Options 30,000

      Maher, Brian

      Latest Filing Date: April 11, 2008

      Direct Ownership

      Common Shares 130,500

      Options 475,000

      Mullan, Thomas Patrick

      Latest Filing Date: April 11, 2008

      Direct Ownership

      Common Shares 420,893

      Options 1,153,009

      Zhang, Yilu (Lucy)

      Latest Filing Date: August 29, 2008

      Direct Ownership

      Common Shares 16,862

      Options 225,000

      Director’s Holdings (000’s)

      Harrington, Robert

      Latest Filing Date: April 16, 2008

      Direct Ownership

      Common Shares 400,000

      Options 1,688,000

      Phelps, Michael E.j.

      Latest Filing Date: January 8, 2009

      Direct Ownership

      Common Shares 1,544,332

      Options 1,835,340

      Richardson, George David

      Latest Filing Date: April 11, 2008

      Indirect Ownership

      Common Shares 7,328,491

      Options 1,153,009

      Van Horne, Lucia

      Latest Filing Date: September 24, 2003

      Direct Ownership

      Common Shares 9,500

      Options 100,000

      Indirect Ownership

      Common Shares 24,000

      Other Holdings (000’s)

      Lackie, Eryn Dianne

      Latest Filing Date: January 17, 2008

      Direct Ownership

      Common Shares 11,000

      Options 12,500

      Peterman, Michael

      Latest Filing Date: October 2, 2008

      Direct Ownership

      Options 50,000
      schrieb am 30.01.09 11:58:25
      Beitrag Nr. 243 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.478.178 von Fantomas96 am 29.01.09 23:50:34Hi Fantomas96,

      vielen Dank, dass du den Thread hier weiterpflegst. Auch danke für deinen grossen Beitrag im Noront Thread. Schau dir auch mal den Wert Benton Res an. Die haben noch genug Cash und haben sich an der Firma Coro Mining zu 30% beteiligt, die ein sehr fortgeschrittenes Gold- Kupferprojekt in Argentinien besitzt.

      Ich möchte die Insider Dealings auch etwas ergänzen .
      Aug 20/08 Peterman, Michael Direct Ownership Grant of options Options 2.500 50,000 n/a 50,000
      Aug 20/08 Peterman, Michael Direct Ownership Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report Options 0.000 0 n/a 0
      Aug 20/08 Zhang, Yilu (Lucy) Direct Ownership Grant of options Options 2.500 40,000 22% 225,000
      Aug 19/08 Phelps, Michael E.j. Direct Ownership Acquisition in the public market Common Shares 1.380 10,000 1% 1,544,332
      Feb 05/08 Mullan, Thomas Patrick Direct Ownership Exercise of options Common Shares 0.250 100,000 31% 420,893
      Feb 05/08 Mullan, Thomas Patrick Direct Ownership Exercise of options Options 0.250 -100,000 -8% 1,153,009
      Jan 30/08 Chornobay, William Indirect Ownership Disposition carried out privately Common Shares 4.750 -27,500 -5% 515,500
      Jan 30/08 Chornobay, William Indirect Ownership Acquisition carried out privately Common Shares 4.750 55,000 n/a 55,000
      Jan 30/08 Chornobay, William Direct Ownership Disposition carried out privately Common Shares 4.750 -27,500 -6% 402,016
      Jan 25/08 Maher, Brian Direct Ownership Exercise of options Common Shares 0.930 125,000 > 100% 130,500
      Jan 25/08 Maher, Brian Direct Ownership Exercise of options Options 0.930 -125,000 -21% 475,000

      schrieb am 30.01.09 22:57:52
      Beitrag Nr. 244 ()
      Kodiak Prepares For Growth

      Vancouver, British Columbia, January 30, 2009. Kodiak Exploration Limited is pleased to announce
      that Robert Harrington has been appointed Managing Director. On January 22, 2009, Kodiak announced
      that its 2009 program would focus on expanding and verifying the reproducibility and continuity of gold
      mineralization within the higher grade portions of the Golden Mile and Lucky Strike systems at its
      Hercules project in the Geraldton-Beardmore gold camp of Ontario. Mr. Harrington's extensive
      experience with companies in the business of mineral resource development will be a significant asset to
      Kodiak as it enters into its next phase of exploration at Hercules and pursues its uranium and base metal
      Mr. Harrington holds B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Geology. He has been a Director of Kodiak since
      March 2007 and previously held senior management and executive positions with Rio Tinto and
      Hochschild PLC, where he worked with Brian Maher, Kodiak’s Vice-President of Exploration. Mr.
      Maher is a seasoned industry professional with over 30 years experience in mineral exploration and
      resource evaluation as well as production experience in underground mining and mineral economics. His
      principal focus for 2009 will be advancing the Hercules gold project, but he will be working with Mr.
      Harrington on all aspects of the Company’s exploration programs.
      Mr. Harrington’s agreement to become active in the management of Kodiak reflects a new level of
      development for the Company, and will allow the Company to focus and capitalize on market
      opportunities which have been the cornerstone of its success in the past. Kodiak remains focused on
      developing its assets in all three of its divisions, gold, uranium and base metals, and today’s capital
      market conditions have generated an unprecedented number of undervalued opportunities for a company
      with Kodiak’s geological teams and financial and management resources. Kodiak intends to pursue these
      opportunities, and with his vision and commitment the Company’s President, Bill Chornobay, will
      continue to lead the way in the identification and acquisition of new business opportunities for the
      Kodiak is a mineral exploration company with properties located in Canada. Maps, photographs,
      geological details and additional information may be reviewed on its web site at
      On behalf of the Board of Directors
      William S. Chornobay, Director, President
      schrieb am 30.01.09 23:48:05
      Beitrag Nr. 245 ()
      Neben dieser "operativen" Verstärkung durch Robert Harrington und der Ankündigung, "neue Geschäftsmöglichkeiten in einem momentan häufig unterbewerteten Marktumfeld zu identifizieren und gegebenenfalls zu aquirieren" (stehen hier Übernahmen / Mergers an ???), sollten wir neben als dem BG-Gold nicht die Uran-Liegenschaften aus dem Auge verlieren.
      Hier gibt es in Athabasca und Otish sehr vielversprechende Claims, von denen einige sehr interessante Neuigkeiten berichtet werden.
      Aber lest/seht selbst:

      1. Athabasca



      Fact Sheet:

      2. Otish

      Neue Discovery (Big Bang) mit sehr interessantem Video (unbedingt ansehen!):

      Ich glaube, hier könnten wir bald (Programme für beide Gebiete laufen) auch sehr interessante News sehen, muß ja nicht gleich eine zweite Hathor in Athabasca werden, auch wenn es quasi ein "Area-Play" ist !

      Warte gespannt auf News von der Uran-Front !

      schrieb am 31.01.09 17:34:56
      Beitrag Nr. 246 ()
      Neueste Präsentation über Kodiak´s "Energy Division" (Uran) vom 29. Januar 2009:…


      1. Neues Top-Senior Uran Management

      Kodiak’s Kodiak s new Energy Division comprises Paul Metcalfe, Paul Ogryzlo and Rod Koch. They came to Kodiak from senior
      positions at Cameco, Areva and Denison.

      2. Athabasca West Millenium Projekt

      direkt neben Cameco/Areva Millenium Mine (in Entstehung) mit 56 Millionen Pfund U308 mit durchschnittlichen Urangehalten von 4,53% !


      3. Otish UR East Projekt mit neuer "Big Bang" Discovery

      Auf "strahlende" Zeiten neben dem Gold von Beardmore !

      schrieb am 01.02.09 00:43:16
      Beitrag Nr. 247 ()
      gold steigt und steigt und KXL fällt...
      das sagt leider alles!

      visible gold, aber nicht fett genug, um sich lohnend aus der erde holen zu lassen.

      eas fehlt die dicke breite adre...!

      schrieb am 01.02.09 23:28:43
      Beitrag Nr. 248 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.489.011 von dosco12 am 01.02.09 00:43:16Hi dosco,

      ich habe zwar noch keine Machbarkeitsstudie gesehen, aber ich glaube bei den vielen Funden im Beardmore-Geraldton Gebiet an das Erreichen der "kritischen Masse" zur ökonomischen Förderung.

      Und wie es aussieht, soll es dieses Jahr ja noch ein 43-101 für die Golden Mile geben. Vielleicht gibts es ja auch noch ein paar weitere Überraschungen von der Drilling Front.

      Und vielleicht noch Mergers und / oder Aquisitions in der Area (zu beachten sind meiner Meinung nach neben KXL noch SGX und PG (vielleicht auch noch ROX)).

      Meiner Meinung nach wird es in BG wieder ein großes Gold Camp geben, die bisherigen Funde sind zu vielversprechend !

      schrieb am 03.02.09 18:37:40
      Beitrag Nr. 249 ()

      Kodiak wird auf den Seiten 9 - 10 recht positiv vorgestellt.

      Zusätzliche Erwähnung auch im Interview mit Christoph Brüning (Seite 3) - der allerdings keine Ahnung von Seltenen Erden zu haben scheint. :laugh:

      Freundliche Grüße
      schrieb am 11.02.09 19:39:12
      Beitrag Nr. 250 ()
      und es sieht recht bescheiden aus.
      da haben sich andere schon vom tief aus verdreifacht, da sehen wir bei kxl nichts an handelsvolumen...

      das ist kein gutes zeichen. sollte alsbald was passieren...

      explorer die noch 8 jahre von der förderung entfernt sind, sehen offensichtlich noch kein land.

      was denkt ihr, wie es mit KXL auf so lange sicht weitergeht.

      mit den bisherigen ergebnissen lohnt sich ggf. eine produktion nicht mal bei 1500 usd die unze...

      schrieb am 11.02.09 22:51:47
      Beitrag Nr. 251 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.560.434 von dosco12 am 11.02.09 19:39:12dosco:"mit den bisherigen ergebnissen lohnt sich ggf. eine produktion nicht mal bei 1500 usd die unze..."

      Na ja, so schlecht sind die bisherigen Funde ja nun auch wieder nicht und ich glaube an das vorhandene Potential der Beardmore-Geraldton Area. Nicht umsonst scheinen viele "Area Player" ja auch gute Funde zu machen (meine Favoriten sind SGX und PG).

      dosco:"was denkt ihr, wie es mit KXL auf so lange sicht weitergeht."

      Sehr gut! Geld für ein ausgiebiges Drill-Programm ist vorhanden und die vielen Properties neben der Golden Mile scheinen auch goldhaltig zu sein.
      Mein "Geheimtip" sind allerdings die Uran-Claims in Otish und Athabasca. Da könnten einige Überraschungen schlummern.

      Aber wenn Du hier kein Potential siehst, dann laß´ lieber die Finger von dem Wert oder komm´in acht Jahren zur Produktion wieder vorbei.

      Viel Glück bei Deinen anderen Investitionen (hoffentlich warst Du bei den Verdreifachern dabei) !

      schrieb am 12.02.09 06:40:52
      Beitrag Nr. 252 ()
      hi fantomas,

      danke für deine antwort.

      ich denke, dass ich das gleiche hoffe wie die meisten die in KXL investiert sind.
      visible gold wo man bohrt. man findet recht dünne adern. wo also ist der ausgangspunkt für diese. da muss einfach eine große schwere konzentration auf dem gebiet liegen. wenn diese gefunden wird, dann haben die die "nuts".
      daran glaube ich und daran hoffe ich!

      geld ist sagen wir mal bis 2010 da. danach bzw. in wird wieder finanziert werden müssen. wenn sich der markt und die funde nicht ändern, dann wird das nicht leicht.

      aber etwas hält schon jetzt den kurs unten. KXL sieht zur peer einfach schlcht aus.

      magst du dir mal GGC anschauen (m,eine letzten postings habe ich mit den infos aus emails an mich angereichert / 1:1 inhalt nur ohne die namen). auch "schön" riskant, aber da tut sich was in der firma. alle rechnen mit dem schmlimmsten, aber was ich höre stimmt mich sehr optimistisch.
      die haben riesige gebiete in denen sicher die bisherigen funde und die förderung drauf ausgedehnt werden kann. und schau mal was ein insider gemacht hat, um das alte management rauszuhauen. das alte management war recht beschieden. haben deals gemacht die schwachsinnig waren. hatte das auch x mal an die geschrieben, aber wie immer hatte das niemanden umgestimmt...

      schrieb am 12.02.09 09:52:12
      Beitrag Nr. 253 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.562.346 von dosco12 am 12.02.09 06:40:52Hi dosco12,

      ich war zwar nicht auf dem Geraldton Area, aber so wie ich Mike verstanden habe, ist das Gebiet sehr aussichtsreich und vielversprechend. Ausserdem sind die Gold Grades mehr als gut.
      Darüber hinaus wer spricht denn von Produktion? Nach der Res.schätzung ist alles möglich.

      Ach ja, wenn du Interesse an anderen Werten hast, dann schau dir mal folgende Gold-Plays an:
      Atna Resources ( JV mit Barrick)
      Dynacor gold mines (produzieren schon, 70% der shares bei Instis)
      Houston Lake Mining (Res.schätzung liegt seit letzter Woche vor)

      Ansonsten meine Favoriten neben Kodiak:
      Detour Gold Corp
      Exeter Resources
      schrieb am 14.02.09 00:34:59
      Beitrag Nr. 254 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.491.717 von Fantomas96 am 01.02.09 23:28:43Und vielleicht noch Mergers und / oder Aquisitions in der Area (zu beachten sind meiner Meinung nach neben KXL noch SGX und PG (vielleicht auch noch ROX)).

      Premier und Roxmark scheinen in BG was gefunden zu haben:


      Last Trade: 2.57
      Trade Time: 3:59PM ET
      Change: 0.36 (16.29%)
      Prev Close: 2.21
      Open: 2.21
      Bid: 2.55
      Ask: 2.58
      Day's Range: 2.15 - 2.57
      52wk Range: 1.05 - 3.14
      Volume: 390,340
      Avg Vol (3m): 160,166


      Last Trade: 0.1450
      Trade Time: 3:35PM ET
      Change: 0.0250 (20.83%)
      Prev Close: 0.12
      Open: 0.12
      Bid: 0.14
      Ask: 0.1450
      Day's Range: 0.12 - 0.15
      52wk Range: 0.03 - 0.24
      Volume: 699,050
      Avg Vol (3m): 103,144

      schrieb am 14.02.09 14:14:12
      Beitrag Nr. 255 ()
      der mexico mike dürfte mit KXL erst mal geblutet haben.
      wenn ich mich richtig erinnere schrieb er vor ein paar monaten, dass er ebenso eher enttäuscht ist, das die adern so dünne sind.
      allerdings eben auch auf dicker vains hofft...
      so wie ich. wo es visible gold gibt, muss doch auch ne dicke ader liegen...

      aber am ende fehlt mir die erfahrung und ich kenne auch keine beispile wo es eben so war... erst dünne adern mit vg und dann der hit..die nuts... die quelle...

      jemand erfahrungen?
      schrieb am 16.02.09 23:54:51
      Beitrag Nr. 256 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.579.848 von dosco12 am 14.02.09 14:14:12Richtig, dosco,

      Mike findet auch: dünne Mineralisierung und eventuell in der Zukunft ein paar Millionen Unzen (durch die vielen gefundenen Goldadern):

      mining in the real world

      posted on Aug 05, 08 01:41AM

      The problem with a vein hosted deposit is that you have to invest a lot of money for infrastructure to get at the ore. So the ore has to be very rich to pay back all the capital investment, plus the operating costs, factor in the fact that not every ounce will be mined, and that which is mined will not be 100% recovered in real operating conditions... and still you need to make a profit at the end of the day, pay for admin, taxes, non-cash writeoffs, rehabilitation, etc.

      I do not think an open pit scenario is going to happen based on what we know so far. Yes the vein is continuous and outcrops right at surface, and in some places it is several meters wide. However, even accounting for all that, you still may have only a hundred thousand ounces of gold or less that is close enough to mine from the surface right now. The problem is that as you go further down in a pit, you have to excavate a wider pit wall to maintain stability. The more waste rock you have to blast and haul out to keep the pit design at optimum dimensions, the more operating cost that has to be paid off from the production. Eventually, you are losing money, and still there is not enough total resource to make it work. An open pit is not going to be a viable mine.

      So now we are down to the more expensive underground mining option. Since we have reason to believe that the deposit will go to many hundreds of meters depth, a simple decline ramp will not be sufficient. You must expect that at least one shaft/hoist will have to be built, and several miles of tunneling at various levels extending all the way down to the lowest ore blocks that can be defined. All of that costs a lot of money to develop.

      An underground mine in Canada will probably cost around $50-75 per tonnes to blast and haul up the ore. Just on the operating end,If we assume that 2 tonnes of rock will amount to volume equivalent to an easy chair, and even then, much of that rock will come from waste on either side of the vein, then one would think that the minimum grade for breakeven costs will be around 4 g/t. A gram of gold is around $30, so assuming even a high recovery efficiency, and minimum dilution of waste rock, you are getting about 6 grams of gold for that 2 tonnes of volume, which will cost you around $100 to $150 to mine. That is pretty thin.

      Now add in your processing costs. That rock will have to be crushed and run through a circuit, and then the tailings will have to be disposed of. Lets assume $25 per tonne for processing.

      Add all the costs up and even a well-run operation needs at least 4 g/t to have a shot at making money. But remember, you still need to make enough to pay back tens of millions of dollars in development and capital costs. Maybe hundreds of millions of dollars. So you better have a hell of a lot of gold before you think about mining. And inflation is a big deal, so we have to discount future earning streams on the basis of the lower value that money will have in the future due to inflationary presure. And so it goes...

      Lets keep all of the above in mind. Most of the individual intercepts that have been reported will not contribute to a meaningful resource. They are like sign posts on the highway, to tell you that you are getting closer to where you want to go.

      KXL is not chasing rainbows. They will continue stepping out lateraly until they stop finding gold. Even the Golden Mile is going to pinch out sooner or later. Hopefully its later. They will also continue to drill to greater depths. I am reasonably confident that they have at least one significant convergence zone to depth that will be a huge hit. But they will drill off in 50m increments until they get there, and maybe hit some surprises along the way too. And that is just the one target. They have several veins on that project, and several projects on that trend. New discoveries and acquisitions are coming in on top of all that.

      The sign posts that have been presented in that NR are compelling. Some people are going to take a wrong turn nonetheless.

      The mines around Kirkland Lake were in operation for decades, and still they are coming up with huge new zones of high grade ore. Same goes for Red Lake, Val D'Or, etc. Why people expect that all the good zones will be found in the first year is beyond me.

      Look if some guys want to talk about millions of ounces so far, just based on narrow vein intercepts and encouraging continuity, thats fine. I think we will get there eventually, and then some. But I try to keep the reality of the situation in hand and just be happy that KXL has accomplished so much so quickly. And those that are disappointed and choose to sell, thats fine too. If KXL dips below $2 again this week, then congrats to the guys that are buyers. Hell, congrats to the guys that bought 2 weeks ago, sold on Friday, and then buy again this week. None of the market behaviour is going to make a difference to how KXL goes forward, and what the future holds. I wont be selling any shares.



      Also nicht zu euphorisch werden mit KXL!

      schrieb am 17.02.09 21:24:45
      Beitrag Nr. 257 ()
      gold in richtung 1000 und kxl ist kursmäßig ein negativ betawert zum goldpreis.
      bei der nächsten schwächephase im gold...dürfte KXL dann einen fetten abschlag bekommen.

      keine instis die den wert derzeit kaufen und das ist übel.

      schrieb am 20.02.09 19:02:44
      Beitrag Nr. 258 ()
      bums und 1000 und kxl geht nach unten...
      an die glaubt also keiner mehr.

      bin kurz vor knapp die dinger rauszuhauen. sowas vun schlecht perfomt...
      schrieb am 21.02.09 00:47:19
      Beitrag Nr. 259 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.623.264 von dosco12 am 20.02.09 19:02:44Hier, dosco, les das mal zu Deiner Beruhigung.
      Da haben viele Gold-Werte leider nicht mit dem Bullion-Anstieg korreliert oder sogar diesen outperformed, wie man es eigentlich erwartet hätte !…

      Bullion beats all

      Yellow metal's rise again outpaces mining shares. Is a bubble in the works?

      By Laura Mandaro, MarketWatch

      Last update: 4:20 p.m. EST Feb. 20, 2009Comments: 200SAN FRANCISCO

      (MarketWatch) -- The old saw in gold investing - that it's better to buy shares in gold companies than the bullion itself - has broken down as the yellow metal has again topped $1,000 an ounce, adding to speculation that gold is creating the next investing bubble.

      Since the start of the year, the front month futures contract on Nymex has rallied about 13%, and on Friday, topped $1,000 an ounce for the first time in nearly a year.
      The Amex Gold Bugs Index, in contrast, has gained about 6% this year, with much of those gains in just the last week.

      It's a repeat lackluster performance for the benchmark index, which tracks U.S.-listed shares of global gold mining heavyweights Newmont Mining Corp. , Barrick Gold Corp., Gold Fields Ltd. and Goldcorp.
      While the Amex Gold Bugs index fell 26% last year, gold futures managed a 6% gain.

      That's not how it's supposed to be. The rule of thumb for years had been that gold mining stocks outperform gold futures because producers are able to generate profits that outpace the metal's selling price. They can do this by taking advantages of operating efficiencies, say by cutting costs to take gold out of the ground.
      "People conventionally thought these shares would afford leverage to a rising gold price by going up multiples to a rising gold price," said Jon Nadler, senior analyst at Kitco Bullion Dealers in Montreal.

      That theory worked earlier this decade. During the 2001-2003 period, gold prices jumped about 50%, as futures climbed to about $415 an ounce during the worse of the U.S. recession and weak recovery. But gold shares, as tracked by the Amex Gold Bugs index, surged nearly 300%.

      These days, that relationship has reversed. The divergence between gold equities and bullion is now prompting some analysts to suggest the gold market is on the cusp of a turn.

      Depending on whom you ask, that could be good for equities - or just simply bad for bullion.
      "This will all end badly, just like all other bubbles," predicts Leonard Kaplan, president of Prospector Asset Management, a commodities futures brokerage in Evanston, Ill.

      "Can we go to $1,500 first? Of course. Is it worth even $1,000? No," he said.

      Kaplan says there's an alarming gap between costs for a producer to mine gold and how much traders in the futures market are willing to pay for it. Newmont, for instance, said earlier this week it cost $440 an ounce to mine gold last year, or about half of what gold fetched on the futures market at the end of the year.
      Investors who are looking for any alternative to beaten down stocks are pushing up the price of bullion, Kaplan and others say.
      "It's just money chasing money," he said.

      In fact, the gap between gold mining shares and bullion prices carries an implicit warning about the prospect for gold prices, say analysts at RBC Capital Markets.

      "Historically, when stocks begin to underperform gold, that's a sign that gold is running out of steam," said Ray Hanson, a technical analyst at RBC.

      Still, he noted that the recent strength in gold marks the first time since July that bullion has advanced while the major stock indexes have fallen.

      "It could be a signal that something in the broader market is beginning to happen," he said.

      'Baby with the bathwater'
      Worries about corporate profits, global recession, and the next shoe to drop in the financial crisis have spurred a massive flight to assets deemed less risky.

      Laura Mandaro is a reporter for MarketWatch in San Francisco.

      Also, nur keine Panik. Gold-Explorer werden schon noch vom Goldpreis profitieren!

      schrieb am 21.02.09 10:21:07
      Beitrag Nr. 260 ()
      hi fantomas,

      danke für den input.

      ob die messe vom 01.-03. märz was an leute in den kurs bringt werden wir sehen.

      wenn man dort nicht überzeugen kann, sprich danach geht der kurs hoch, werde ich KXL vermutlich verkaufen.

      andere titel sind mindestens 100% vom low weg. KXL war im low bei .50 und steht bei nur 73. das ist schon ein klares zeichen.

      es hilft nichts auf ein wunder zu warten. in diesen engen dingern bzw. m.e. bei allen juniors sind insider am werk. wenn die bei KXl nicht kaufen, dann heisst das nichts gutes.

      das soll nicht heissen, dass die nicht nächste woche die ader ihres lebens treffen... aber meine hoffnung war, dass bei VG schon etwas lohnendes rauskommt. aktuell lohnt der abbau nicht mal annähernd. da hole ich mir demnächst lieber durchfinanzierte juniors...

      was du gepostedt hat ist ja nichts desto trotz valide. selbst eine KXL müsste bei 1500 die unze wieder 10% steigen. aber bei gleichbleibenden kursen in den konkurs gehen.

      zur uranseite macht die firma viel zu wenig auf sich aufmerksam.

      das potential ist da, aber man muss es auch beweisen und aufzeigen. wir werden sehen, was nach der messe mit dem kurs passiert...

      schrieb am 21.02.09 10:22:28
      Beitrag Nr. 261 ()
      wie sich mehr und mehr auch in den boards drüben findet

      "I am getting concerned"
      schrieb am 21.02.09 12:49:06
      Beitrag Nr. 262 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.625.731 von dosco12 am 21.02.09 10:21:07@ dosco

      wenn man dort nicht überzeugen kann, sprich danach geht der kurs hoch, werde ich KXL vermutlich verkaufen.

      Ja, hau sie raus ! Wenn es soweit ist, lass es mich wissen, ich nehme sie Dir ab !

      schrieb am 21.02.09 17:38:47
      Beitrag Nr. 263 ()
      ok... können wir machen... aber du musst dann mehr als das bid bieten, sonst hat sie der makler...
      schrieb am 22.02.09 01:25:12
      Beitrag Nr. 264 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.625.731 von dosco12 am 21.02.09 10:21:07@ dosco

      da hole ich mir demnächst lieber durchfinanzierte juniors

      Abgesehen davon, dass KXL auch "durchfinanziert" ist, welche Werte hast Du denn noch so "im Auge" ?

      Schönes Wochenende.

      schrieb am 22.02.09 10:15:10
      Beitrag Nr. 265 ()
      wenn ich die verrückten explorer weglasse, dann mag ich

      hoffe noch auf
      schrieb am 22.02.09 22:42:00
      Beitrag Nr. 266 ()
      bei dir ?
      schrieb am 22.02.09 23:41:20
      Beitrag Nr. 267 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.630.809 von dosco12 am 22.02.09 22:42:00PG.TO
      TCM.TO (wieder)
      NOT.V (natürlich)
      schrieb am 27.02.09 22:23:28
      Beitrag Nr. 268 ()
      Super Recovery Grades von der Golden Mile:…

      Kodiak Exploration Ltd.: Metallurgical Testing of Golden Mile Gold Mineralization Shows Greater Than 99% Gold Recovery

      Friday February 27, 2009, 2:37 pm EST

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(MARKET WIRE)--Feb 27, 2009 -- Kodiak Exploration Ltd. (CDNX:KXL.V - News)(Frankfurt:KX3.F - News) is pleased to report the results of metallurgical testing performed on three composite surface and drill hole bulk samples from the Golden Mile vein system at the Hercules Project in the Beardmore-Geraldton gold camp in western Ontario. These test results show an average gold recovery of greater than 99% from the three +10 kg samples. The test work was preformed by SGS Lakefield Research Ltd., Lakefield, Ontario ("Lakefield"). In the Conclusions and Recommendations prepared by Lakefield, they state, "The cyanidation of gravity tails yielded an excellent response with greater than 99% of the gold being recovered/extracted in the gravity + cyanidation flow sheet." Lakefield further states, "Process mineralogy should be considered for further characterization of gold occurrence." The complete Lakefield report will be posted on Sedar within 30 days. A table extracted from the report and summarizing the results is shown below:

      Reag. Consumption
      kg/t of
      Feed CN Feed
      Size %Au Extraction/ Head Au
      P80, Recovery g/t
      Test micro Stage Overall Residue calc direct
      Feed No. m NaCN CaO Grav CN Grav+CN g/t (1) (2)
      17004/6 CN-1 58 0.41 0.63 61.5 98.1 99.3 0.14 19.3 42.0
      274826/34 CN-2 77 0.43 0.69 87.3 94.7 99.3 0.26 38.2 20.9
      17005/7 CN-3R 59 3.5 1.0 68.1 98.1 99.4 0.33 54.5 96.4
      (1) calc head calculated from test products
      (2) direct head from 1 kg sample utilizing screened metallics method for
      coarse gold

      Based on these very positive metallurgical test results, it is apparent that Golden Mile mineralization will be amenable to low-cost conventional milling techniques. As the company moves forward with the economic evaluation of the Hercules project, these results help answer vital questions about gold distribution in the system. Kodiak will use this information to determine locations and methodologies for potential surface and underground bulk sampling, an important step in evaluating ultimate minability.

      Kodiak is in the midst of a 6,000 metre diamond drilling program that will compliment the metallurgical testing program. The diamond drilling program has two distinct goals: 1) In-fill and delineation drilling within and at the margins of the high grade gold mineralized shoots to aid the economic evaluation of the Mile, and 2) Exploration drilling down-dip from the principal Golden Mile high grade shoots.

      Hercules drill hole highlights from the current program are shown below. All assays for drill holes HR09-313 through HR08-329 can be found on Kodiak's website: An updated long section will be posted when the current phase of drilling has been completed and all assays have been received.

      Hercules drill hole highlight table: Location key: GM equals Golden Mile

      HOLE-ID Metres Metres Metres G/T O/T ZONE
      HR09-313 110.6 111.3 0.7 1.15 0.034 GM
      117.1 118.0 0.9 6.00 0.175
      Including 117.1 117.5 0.4 11.60 0.338
      118.5 119.0 0.6 1.13 0.033
      HR09-318 176.9 177.8 0.9 10.47 0.305 GM
      Including 176.9 177.4 0.5 17.10 0.499
      HR09-321 103.0 103.2 0.2 2.63 0.077 GM
      104.8 105.8 1.0 5.75 0.168
      Including 105.3 105.8 0.5 9.84 0.287
      HR09-322 31.0 32.3 1.3 5.27 0.154 GM
      34.8 35.7 0.9 16.50 0.481
      Including 35.0 35.4 0.4 31.30 0.913
      HR09-325 40.8 41.7 0.9 1.36 0.040 GM
      43.1 43.6 0.5 1.15 0.034
      44.6 45.0 0.4 3.34 0.097
      45.5 46.2 0.7 6.48 0.189
      Including 45.9 46.2 0.3 12.20 0.356
      HR09-328 91.4 92.0 0.6 3.12 0.091 GM
      98.9 101.3 2.4 11.18 0.326
      Including 98.9 99.3 0.4 45.40 1.324
      100.2 100.6 0.4 13.30 0.388
      HR09-329 40.3 40.7 0.4 1.24 0.036 GM
      41.2 42.7 1.5 8.29 0.242
      Including 42.1 42.4 0.3 17.30 0.505
      -------------------------------------------------------------------Kodiak will continue this two prong approach to Hercules exploration throughout 2009. We believe that it is important to understand the economic viability of the main portion of the Golden Mile vein system while continuing to explore for additional ounces elsewhere within the Hercules project area. Following completion of the current 6,000 metre drilling program, there will be a brief drilling hiatus during break-up with a second phase of drilling scheduled to commence in early June. In addition to advancing the Golden Mile towards scoping, management views organic growth through continued district scale exploration and an aggressive approach to M & A opportunities as the key drivers to increased value for Kodiak.

      Energy Division Update

      The winter exploration program at Kodiak's West Millennium project in the Athabasca Basin of northern Saskatchewan is underway. Kodiak has completed its first drill hole, WM-09-01, to a total depth of 723 metres. The unconformity was reached at a depth of 676 metres. Strongly altered graphitic pelite was observed at the unconformity and alteration extended an additional 28 metres below the unconformity. Down-hole radiometrics are in progress. Crews are mobilizing to the next drill site and expect to begin the next drill hole shortly. Kodiak will provide additional updates as new data is received. More information about the West Millennium Project can be found on Kodiak's web site:

      Kodiak QA/QC procedures are as follows: Kodiak channel samples are 5 cm wide cut perpendicular to the strike of the vein and/or shear zone from mapped alteration in the footwall continuously through the vein and/or shear zone and into mapped alteration in the hanging wall. Channels are cut with a motorized circular saw to a depth of 20 cm and removed with a hammer. Channel sample spacing is nominally every 20m along strike, dependent on outcrop size and geometry. Sample intervals are selected according to geologic contacts and visible mineralization, placed into a sample bag, and shipped to the assay lab for quantitative analysis of select elements. Kodiak drill cores are split down the center with a typical table feed circular rock saw. Sample intervals are selected according to geologic contacts, visible mineralization, and alteration, placed into sample bags and shipped to the assay lab where they are quantitatively analyzed for select elements. Drill cores are boxed, covered, and sealed at the drill rig and moved to the Kodiak logging and sample preparation facilities by Kodiak personnel. Kodiak angle core holes are directed perpendicular to the mapped dip of the vein therefore reported drill hole intercepts approximate true thickness of the vein. All Kodiak samples are currently being assayed by Activation Laboratories Ltd., Ancaster, ON L9G 4V5 and TSL Laboratories Inc., Saskatoon, SK S7K 6A4. Blank and standard samples are routinely submitted with all sample batches sent to the lab for assay. Screened metallic assays are routinely run on all anomalous gold results as a check on nugget effects. Samples are routinely sent to other labs for additional checks.

      The geological information for the Hercules Project has been reviewed and approved by Robert B. Hawkins, Kodiak's Chief Geologist, who is a qualified person under the definitions established by National Instrument 43-101. For the Energy Division, the geological information has been reviewed and approved by Keith Metcalfe, Chief Geologist-Energy Division, who is a qualified person under the definitions established by National Instrument 43-101.

      On behalf of the board of Directors

      Robert J. Harrington, Managing Director

      The statements made in this release may contain forward-looking statements or relate to programs that involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Actual events or results could differ materially from the Company's expectations and projections.

      The TSX Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

      Kodiak Exploration Limited
      Brian Maher
      VP Exploration
      (604) 688-9006
      (604) 688-9029 (FAX)

      schrieb am 04.03.09 00:08:38
      Beitrag Nr. 269 ()
      Watch out for Athabasca !
      schrieb am 04.03.09 19:16:32
      Beitrag Nr. 270 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.694.419 von Fantomas96 am 04.03.09 00:08:38Warum strahlst Du so? :D

      Freundliche Grüße
      schrieb am 04.03.09 20:11:35
      Beitrag Nr. 271 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.694.419 von Fantomas96 am 04.03.09 00:08:38Was meinst du damit?

      Die wollen doch erstmal einen neuen CEO suchen.
      schrieb am 05.03.09 00:38:48
      Beitrag Nr. 272 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.625.731 von dosco12 am 21.02.09 10:21:07@ dosco

      D:ob die messe vom 01.-03. märz was an leute in den kurs bringt werden wir sehen.

      wenn man dort nicht überzeugen kann, sprich danach geht der kurs hoch, werde ich KXL vermutlich verkaufen.


      F:Ja, hau sie raus ! Wenn es soweit ist, lass es mich wissen, ich nehme sie Dir ab !


      D:ok... können wir machen... aber du musst dann mehr als das bid bieten, sonst hat sie der makler...

      Also, bid ist 0,70 .
      Ich biete 0,71 !
      Wieviel hast Du ?

      schrieb am 05.03.09 00:47:40
      Beitrag Nr. 273 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.701.362 von Hoschie am 04.03.09 20:11:35@ Hoschie

      Was meinst du damit?

      Die wollen doch erstmal einen neuen CEO suchen.

      Die brauchen doch keinen CEO zum Drillen !

      Bzgl. Athabasca:

      Energy Division Update

      The winter exploration program at Kodiak's West Millennium project in the Athabasca Basin of northern Saskatchewan is underway. Kodiak has completed its first drill hole, WM-09-01, to a total depth of 723 metres. The unconformity was reached at a depth of 676 metres. Strongly altered graphitic pelite was observed at the unconformity and alteration extended an additional 28 metres below the unconformity. Down-hole radiometrics are in progress. Crews are mobilizing to the next drill site and expect to begin the next drill hole shortly. Kodiak will provide additional updates as new data is received. More information about the West Millennium Project can be found on Kodiak's web site:

      Und auch neueste PDAC Präsentation vom 02.März (S.25 f.):…

      schrieb am 06.03.09 20:35:03
      Beitrag Nr. 274 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.702.982 von Fantomas96 am 05.03.09 00:47:40Ich finde es schon bedenklich was hier passiert!
      Hätte mit solch einer entwicklung niemals gerechnet und damit meine ich die letzten 2 Monate.
      Kodiak steht zu anderen Explorern (die kaum Kapital nachzuweisen haben) extrem schlecht da.
      Hier ist keine Phantasie mehr drin, warum auch immer.
      schrieb am 06.03.09 20:58:31
      Beitrag Nr. 275 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.702.965 von Fantomas96 am 05.03.09 00:38:48zu 70 gebe ich dir 50k
      schrieb am 09.03.09 23:49:19
      Beitrag Nr. 276 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 36.719.379 von dosco12 am 06.03.09 20:58:31Danke, bekomme ich momentan billiger !

      schrieb am 09.03.09 23:49:36
      Beitrag Nr. 277 ()
      Hedge fund investors turn to gold in bet against central banks

      By Henny Sender in New York and Javier Blas in London

      Published: March 9 2009 02:00 | Last updated: March 9 2009 02:00

      Hedge fund investors who made money last year by betting against investment banks are buying gold as a way of betting against central banks.

      The gold bulls include David Einhorn, founder of hedge fund Greenlight Capital, who last year came under the spotlight for his short selling of shares in Lehman after arguing that the bank did not have enough capital to offset its exposure to falling property prices.

      Other funds looking at gold include Eton Park and TPG-Axon, investors said.

      Their belief in bullion is being expressed even as gold prices have retreated from last month's break above the $1,000 an ounce level. Spot gold in London closed on Friday at $939.10, after falling last week to $900.95 an ounce.

      Investors such as Mr Einhorn are turning to gold because they are worried about the response of the US Federal Reserve and other central banks to the economic crisis. A bet on gold is a bet against paper currencies.

      "The size of the Fed's balance sheet is exploding and the currency is being debased. Our guess is that if the chairman of the Fed is determined to debase the currency, he will succeed," Mr Einhorn wrote to investors.

      "Our instinct is that gold will do well either way: deflation will lead to further steps to debase the currency, while inflation speaks for itself."

      Mr Einhorn's comments - and the revelation that he is buying gold -are in line with the views held by other institutional investors in Europe, according to bankers in London.

      The head of commodity sales at one bullion bank told the Financial Times that he had never been so busy dealing in gold for large investors.

      Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and UBSforecast that the gold price would rise above $1,000 this year.

      Peter Munk, chairman of Barrick Gold, the largest bullion miner, told investors last week that all countries had embarked on policies that would favour gold.

      "The only option to governments is to print and print more money," he said. "That will end in tears."

      Hedge funds had avoided gold because it does not produce yield and costs money to store and insure. But that has become less important as central banks have pushed interest rates to nearly zero, reducing the yields on currencies.

      schrieb am 20.04.09 23:45:29
      Beitrag Nr. 278 ()
      Kodiak Announces Completion of Hercules Technical Assessment Report, Hercules Drill Results and Land Acquisition in the Beardmore-Geraldton Gold Belt…

      1. NI 43-101 Technischer Report kurz vor Veröffentlichung : wird hier Produktion durch bulk sampling vorbereitet ?

      2. Drill-Ergebnisse aus dem Winter-Programm

      3. Neue Property in Ontario optioniert

      4. 4000m Uran-Bohrungen im Athabasca Basin beendet, Ergebnisse ausstehend

      schrieb am 21.04.09 06:44:48
      Beitrag Nr. 279 ()
      tja... wenn die ergebnisse so bleiben, dann wars das ...

      was ist aus dem sichbaren gold geworden?

      schrieb am 21.04.09 22:17:31
      Beitrag Nr. 280 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 37.006.474 von dosco12 am 21.04.09 06:44:48tja, dosco,

      \"wenn das Wörtchen WENN nicht wär ...\"

      Abwarten !

      schrieb am 11.05.09 10:55:20
      Beitrag Nr. 281 ()
      schrieb am 11.05.09 16:34:28
      Beitrag Nr. 282 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 37.142.377 von diamant01 am 11.05.09 10:55:20Kodiak Exploration Limited reports that Bill Chornobay has stepped down as President, Chief Operating Officer and a director of the Company.

      Einer von den Mitlesern kann mir sicher die eigene Recherche ersparen :D und weiß auf Anhieb:

      War das altershalber oder gab es andere Gründe?

      Freundliche Grüße
      schrieb am 11.05.09 21:16:08
      Beitrag Nr. 283 ()
      Kodiak Intercepts Large Altered and Uranium Mineralized Zone with Multiple Drill Holes at West Millennium
      On Monday May 11, 2009, 2:02 pm EDT
      Buzz up! Print VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(MARKET WIRE)--May 11, 2009 -- Kodiak Exploration Ltd. (CDNX:KXL.V - News)(Frankfurt:KX3.F - News) is pleased to report that drilling at its 213 square kilometre West Millennium uranium project in the Athabasca Basin of northern Saskatchewan has defined a very large and significant zone of highly altered and uranium mineralized (up to 0.13% U3O8) basin fill sediment and underlying basement rock that extends for over 14 kilometres along strike and remains open. Kodiak completed five drill holes testing structural and stratigraphic EM conductors extending from an historic Cameco drill hole on the property. Four of the five drill holes define a central 3 kilometre long zone of highly altered basement graphitic pelite associated with highly anomalous uranium mineralization (greater than 0.13% U3O8) at the unconformity. Kodiak will use these drill results to vector into zones believed to host higher grade uranium mineralization within this highly altered and strongly mineralized structural corridor. Planning for the next phase exploration is already underway. Highlights of the drilling are summarized below:

      WM09-04: This drill hole was designed to test a very strong EM conductor (D-1) located 200m NW and up-dip from historic Cameco drill hole CX-11. The hole intersected a 69 metre thick fractured graphitic and pyritic pelite unit. The interval exhibits strong chlorite and grey clay alteration with local mylonite and fault gouge. The overlying sandstone is bleached and unusually hematitic. A ten-metre thick lower sandstone section immediately above the unconformity returned highly anomalous radioactivity from the down-hole gamma probe with a maximum reading of 1174 cps (about 25X background, see below). Individual drill samples contain up to 0.13% U3O8 uranium and anomalous nickel values within the highly altered basement rocks. The alteration and mineralization defined along the D-1 conductor trend shows that a robust uranium mineralizing event has affected the D-1 conductor structural corridor.

      WM09-01: Drilled on the D-1 conductor 3.0 kilometres northeast of WM09-04, encountered a five-metre thick zone of strongly altered graphitic and pyritic pelite just below the unconformity and a strong alteration halo extending further down-hole for 28 metres with anomalous radioactivity at the unconformity (5-6 times background). The 20 metre thick lower sandstone section contains highly anomalous boron up to 722 ppm.

      WM09-03: This drill hole is also on the D-1 conductor 500 metres along trend from historic drill hole CX-11. Drill hole three cut a 86 metre wide, strongly fractured and altered graphitic-pyritic pelite unit containing fracturing, grey clay and slickensides. The lower sandstone section is fractured and desilicified for about 100 metres above the unconformity. Anomalous radioactivity defined by the down-hole logger reaches 751 cps.

      These drill results have substantially enhanced the exploration potential of the West Millennium Property. The high potential D-1 conductor now has an inferred width in excess of 200 metres and a drill-defined strike length of three kilometres within a 14 kilometre long conductive anomaly defined by EM. The broad width of this conductor was previously unrecognized and the drilling has added substantially to the huge volume of potential uranium-bearing graphitic host rock on the property. The flanks of these graphitic host units are highly prospective for uranium and they remain untested by drilling. This target, when compared to similar features seen in Cameco's Millennium deposit, is virtually identical to known uranium mineralized environments. Multiple identical conductive anomalies occur throughout Kodiak's 213 square kilometre West Millennium property, demonstrating the property's large untested uranium resource potential. Additional exploration is being planned for West Millennium in light of this very successful drilling program.

      Gamma log for drill hole WM09-04 is available on our Web site under;…

      All technical information for the West Millennium Uranium Project is collected, documented, stored and reported through the QA/QC formal procedure by Qualified Persons Keith Metcalfe, P.Eng., P. Geo, Chief Geologist and Peter Daubeny, P.Geo, Senior Geologist. Samples of drill core are collected by three methods: 1) the systematic 10m - spaced composite chips (1-2 cm wide every 1.5m as a standard) taken from just below the casing shoe to just above the sandstone/basement interface (unconformity); this practice accounts for an actual core loss of less than 1%. 2) The split or half-core samples taken continuously across the unconformity whereby about 50% of the core section is removed for analysis. 3) one to three cm chips are taken at 20m intervals for PIMA clay analysis. A combination of these three methods may be used well into the sub-Athabasca basement rock units depending on the radioactivity, structure and alteration features observed by the geologist. Core boxes are marked and labeled in succession. Weather-proof sample tags are stapled securely to the box partition at the start of the sample interval which is also marked along the core box ribs with an indelible marker. Following sample selection the residual drill core is stored as cross-stacks or in core racks, covered, labeled and archived at the company's camp site. Drill core samples are sealed in bags or pails with tamper - proof locking cable ties. Special metal/plastic containers are used for "hot" uranium - bearing samples. A "chain of custody" is in place whereby all sample shipments are closely monitored by the site geologists. All analyses are conducted under strict protocol by SRC Geo Lab in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. SRC is a specialist in the field of uranium mineral research and is Canada's only CNSC licensed laboratory offering the complete spectrum of uranium processing and analysis.

      Kodiak is a mineral exploration company with properties located in Canada. You can view additional maps, photographs and additional information, on our Web site: The geological information in this press release has been reviewed and approved by Keith Metcalfe, Chief Geologist-Energy Division, who is a qualified person under the definitions established by National Instrument 43-101.

      On behalf of the Board of Directors

      Robert J. Harrington, Managing Director

      This release may contain forward-looking statements or statements that relate to current or future activities which involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties. Actual events, performance or results may differ materially from the Company's expectations and projections.

      Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

      schrieb am 11.05.09 23:34:20
      Beitrag Nr. 284 ()
      Kein Wunder, dass keiner auf meine Frage antwortet. :laugh:

      Netter erster Bohrerfolg, Jungs. Bohrt weiter!

      Übrigens zu meiner Frage nach Chornobay bin ich auch fündig geworden:…

      Freundliche Grüße
      schrieb am 12.05.09 09:26:49
      Beitrag Nr. 285 ()
      schrieb am 25.05.09 20:19:18
      Beitrag Nr. 286 ()
      Kodiak nimmt nach Ende der Frostperiode das Drilling wieder auf.…

      Kodiak Announces Resumption of Exploration and Drilling Program at Hercules


      - Drilling über die nächsten 5 Monate mit 15.000 Metern

      - Konzentration auf das Hercules Projekt (Golden Mile) und hier vor allem auf den nordwestlichen Teil bis zur Verbindung mit Sage Gold´s Golden Extension Systems.

      - ansonsten noch das Wildgoose Projekt in Geraldton und weitere "high priority targets" aus dem 2008´er Untersuchungsprogramm

      - und natürlich die Uran Liegenschaften

      -> könnte ein heißer Sommer werden !

      schrieb am 17.06.09 22:18:29
      Beitrag Nr. 287 ()
      KXL gibt einen großen Anteil des Uranprojekts an Kirrin Resources ab:

      Jun 17, 2009 07:00 ET
      Kirrin Resources Enters Option Agreement With Kodiak for Otish Basin Uranium Property Portfolio

      CALGARY, ALBERTA--(Marketwire - June 17, 2009) - Kirrin Resources Inc. (TSX VENTURE:KYM) today announced that it has entered into an option agreement with Kodiak Exploration Ltd. ("Kodiak") allowing it to earn up to a 70% interest in Kodiak's Otish Basin uranium property portfolio located in Quebec, Canada. The transaction is subject to contract and to regulatory approval.

      Kirrin President and CEO Derek Moran commented: "In October 2008, Kodiak announced two exciting discoveries in Quebec's Otish Basin. The geological setting is similar to that associated with Strateco's Matoush uranium deposit. This agreement doubles Kirrin's uranium exploration program and is the first acquisition resulting from Kirrin's extensive review of development opportunities in Canada."

      Kodiak has an extensive land package covering 428.7 square kilometres of the Otish Basin that includes a wide range of geological settings, target types, showings and geochemical anomalies. Much of the ground formerly belonged to Uranerz, a large European uranium company that explored here in the 1970s, but allowed its claims to lapse after uranium prices collapsed in the early 1980s. On October 23, 2008, Kodiak announced two discoveries of outcropping uranium on its 100% controlled properties located in the Otish Basin. On the UR East property, the newly discovered Big Bang radioactive zone returned multiple readings of 65,500+ counts per second (cps) from an extensively overburden covered uranium-rich shear at least three metres wide that occurs near the intersection of several major regional structures. These readings of 65,500+ cps are the maximum levels detectable by the RS-125 spectrometer used for the prospecting program. A grab sample from the Big Bang zone assayed 8,130 ppm uranium (0.96% U3O8). As well, five other radioactive outcrops were found in the vicinity, including one that is about 1.1 km along strike to the east-northeast of the Big Bang discovery. The second discovery, Kodiak's Big Yellow outcrop, is located on the 100% controlled 308 West property, also located in Quebec's Otish Basin. The Big Yellow is a radioactive 30 m x 30 m outcrop of flat-lying, rusty conglomeratic sandstone that gave scintillometer readings up to 10,000 cps. This outcrop is located close to the intersection of two magnetic structures. These structures strike NE and NNW, and are approximately 7 and 8.5 km long respectively. A NE-trending gabbro dyke was found near the discovery outcrop, confirming the magnetic interpretation, and indicating a geologic setting very similar to Matoush. Kodiak also reported in its October 23, 2008 news release that its airborne geophysical surveys and 2008 exploration had identified 15 other targets for follow-up at the UR East property and that there are over 90 km of prospective magnetic structures that remain to be explored on the 308 West property.

      Kirrin may earn an initial 51% interest in the Otish Basin portfolio by spending $2.8 million on exploration by December 31, 2012, and may earn a further 19% interest by spending a further $1.5 million by December 31, 2015, making an aggregate commitment for a 70% interest of $4.3 million. Kirrin will be the operator of the project. Upon Kirrin fulfilling its earn-in obligations, the parties will form a 70: 30 joint venture with each partner contributing its pro-rata share of future expenditures. If either party dilutes its interest to less than 10% in the joint venture, its interest will be converted to a 1% net smelter royalty. At March 31, 2009, Kodiak had recorded $2.5 million expenditures on the Otish Basin portfolio.

      schrieb am 24.06.09 07:24:21
      Beitrag Nr. 288 ()
      NR vom Freitag in deutsch:

      Jun 22, 2009 15:18 ET
      Kodiak erwirbt Option auf Goldliegenschaft in Manitoba
      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - June 22, 2009) - Kodiak Exploration Limited TSX-V: KXL) (<FRANKFURT: KX3) freut sich bekannt zu geben, dass das Unternehmen eine Optionsvereinbarung bezüglich einer großen Goldliegenschaft in Mines Point, Manitoba, unterzeichnet hat, um die seltene Gelegenheit zu nutzen, einen erheblichen Anteil des Grundstücks im God's Lake Greenstone Belt zu erwerben.

      Die beabsichtigte Akquisition stellt einen weiteren Schritt im strategischen Plan des Unternehmens dar, seine Edelmetallsparte um Grundstücke mit erheblichem wirtschaftlichem Ressourcenpotenzial zu erweitern. Die Mineralisierung Mines Point ähnelt drei derzeit definierten Goldvorkommen, die bereits in dieser Region bestimmt werden konnten -- Rusty Zone, Monument Bay und Stull Lake. Geologische Daten weisen darauf hin, dass die Region Mines Point mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit eine Goldmineralisierung enthält, die derjenigen ähnlich ist, die östlich des Gebiets in der Musselwhite Mine von Goldcorp abgebaut wird. Dank einer 2001 abgeschlossene Magnetstudie brauchen vor Durchführung der Bohrungen keine umfassenden Arbeiten vor Ort vorgenommen zu werden. Diese Studie definiert eine mehrere zehn Kilometer lange strukturell deformierte bandförmige Eisenformation mit einem erheblichen Potenzial für darin eingelagerte wirtschaftliche Goldmineralisierungen. Diese Akquisition ist Teil der Strategie des Unternehmens, strategische Gelegenheiten, die den Unternehmenszielen für Expansion und Wachstum entsprechen, aggressiv wahrzunehmen.

      Gemäß einer mit Herrn Keith Metcalfe unterzeichneten Vereinbarung hat Kodiak eine Option erhalten, einen ungeteilten 100%-igen Anteil eines 43.200 Hektar großen Grundstücks zu erwerben, das sich an Mines Point Map Sheet NTS/53 befindet. Im Gegenzug erhält Metcalfe ein Lizenzgebühr in Höhe von 2 % des Schmelzertrags. Kodiak hat für die für den Erwerb von Explorationsrechten am Grundstück erforderliche Mineralexplorationslizenz in Manitoba gezahlt und kann die Option durch Tätigung von Zahlungen und die Ausgabe von Wertpapieren an Metcalfe gemäß den folgenden Bedingungen ausüben:

      1. 10.000 $ in bar, zahlbar innerhalb von 10 Geschäftstagen nach dem Datum des Empfangs hinsichtlich der vorgeschlagenen Option einzureichender Dokumente durch die TSX Venture Exchange (im Weiteren das "Empfangsdatum");

      2. Ausübbare Optionen für den Erwerb von bis zu 50.000 Aktien Kodiaks zu einem Kurs von jeweils 1,00 $ für zwei Jahre nach dem Empfangsdatum, ausstellbar innerhalb von 10 Geschäftstagen nach dem Empfangsdatum;

      3. Ausübbare Optionen für den Erwerb von bis zu weiteren 100.000 Aktien Kodiaks zu einem Kurs von jeweils 1,00 $ für zwei Jahre nach dem dritten Jahrestag des Empfangsdatums, ausstellbar innerhalb von 10 Geschäftstagen nach dem Empfangsdatum;

      4. Weitere 25.000 $ in bar, spätestens am dritten Jahrestag des Empfangsdatums;

      5. Weitere 50.000 $ in bar, spätestens am sechsten Jahrestag des Empfangsdatums;

      6. 100.000 Kodiak-Aktion, ausstellbar spätestens am sechsten Jahrestag des Empfangsdatums.

      Optionsscheine, die zum Zeitpunkt einer Stornierung der Option nicht ausgeübt wurden, laufen zum Zeitpunkt einer derartigen Stornierung ab. Die Aktien, die als Teil der Optionszahlung zum sechsten Jahrestag auszugeben sind, werden zum Zeitpunkt der Emission zum Marktkurs ausgegeben und unterliegen einer viermonatigen Haltefrist ab dem Tag der Ausgabe der Aktien. Im Rahmen der Ausübung von Optionen ausgegebene Aktien unterliegen einer viermonatigen Haltefrist ab dem Tag der Ausgabe der Optionen.

      Kodiak kann die Hälfte (d. h. 1 %) der Lizenzgebühr jederzeit für $500.000 erwerben. Für weitere $1.000.000 kann das Unternehmen die verbleibende Hälfte (d. h. 1 %) erwerben.

      Die beabsichtigte Option unterliegt der Genehmigung durch die TSX Venture Exchange. Die geologischen Informationen in dieser Pressemeldung wurden von Robert B. Hawkins, Chief Geologist von Kodiak, geprüft und genehmigt. Robert B. Hawkins hat die Qualifikation einer "Qualified Person" (qualifizierte Person) im Sinne des National Instrument 43-101.

      Kodiak ist ein Mineralexplorationsunternehmen mit Objekten in Kanada. Karten, Fotos, geologische Einzelheiten und zusätzliche Informationen stehen auf der Webseite von Kodiak unter zur Verfügung.

      Im Namen des Board of Directors

      Robert J. Harrington, Managing Director

      Die in dieser Pressemeldung vorgenommenen Aussagen können zukunftsweisende Aussagen enthalten oder sich auf Programme beziehen, die einer Reihe von Risiken und Unwägbarkeiten unterliegen. Tatsächliche Ereignisse oder Ergebnisse könnten erheblich von den Erwartungen und Prognosen des Unternehmens abweichen.

      Weder TSX Venture Exchange noch ihr Regulation Service Provider (ein Begriff, wie er in den Betriebsvorschriften der TSX Venture Exchange definiert ist) übernehmen die Verantwortung für die Angemessenheit oder Genauigkeit dieser Veröffentlichung.
      schrieb am 12.07.09 01:06:34
      Beitrag Nr. 289 ()
      Neue Präsentation, 09. Juli 2009:…

      schrieb am 13.07.09 09:14:54
      Beitrag Nr. 290 ()
      Kodiak bestimmt neuen Präsidenten und Chief Operating Officer

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - July 07, 2009) - GERMAN
      Kodiak bestimmt neuen Präsidenten und Chief Operating Officer
      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA Kodiak Exploration Limited (TSX VENTURE:
      KXL)(FRANKFURT: KX3) ist hocherfreut bekannt zu geben, Brian J. Maher
      zum neuen Präsidenten und Chief Operating Officer des Unternehmens
      bestimmt zu haben. Herr Maher, der in den letzten zwei Jahren als
      Vice President für den Geschäftsbereich Exploration des Unternehmens
      fungierte, wird dem Aufsichtsrat direkt unterstellt sein und
      zukünftig alle Aspekte des operativen Geschäfts leiten. Folglich ist
      Robert J. Harrington von seiner Funktion als Interims-Geschäftsführer
      zurückgetreten, wird dem Unternehmen allerdings als geschätztes
      Aufsichtsratsmitglied erhalten bleiben. Der Aufsichtsrat möchte sich
      an dieser Stelle ausdrücklich bei Herrn Harrington für seine
      Führungsqualitäten im Zuge dieser Umwandlung der Geschäftsleitung

      Brian J. Maher ist ein Wirtschaftsgeologe und verfügt über mehr als
      30 Jahre Erfahrung in den Bereichen Mineralexploration,
      Minenentwicklung, unterirdische Minenproduktion sowie bei
      finanziellen Analysen von Akquisitionsmöglichkeiten. Herr Maher
      schloss sein Bachelor-Studium im Jahr 1980 an der California State
      University ab und erhielt im Jahr 1983 den akademischen Titel MSc
      (Wirtschaftsgeologie) infolge seines Studiums an der Colorado Sate
      University. Herr Maher war im Laufe seiner gesamten Karriere für
      kleine und große Bergbauunternehmen tätig, u.a. für Hochschild
      Mining, Metallic Ventures Gold, Aur Resources, ASARCO Inc. und
      Homestake Mining. Herr Maher wird seiner geschäftlichen Tätigkeit von
      Kodiaks Niederlassung in Vancouver aus nachgehen.

      Vor dem Hintergrund, eine neue, von Wachstum geprägte Unternehmensära
      einzuläuten, wird Herr Maher sich auf die Umsetzung eines
      strategischen Plans konzentrieren, der drei Etappen umfasst:
      traditionelle Explorationsmaßnahmen im Rahmen der Gold- und
      Uran-Projekte des Unternehmens, die Weiterentwicklung des
      Hercules-Gold-Projekts sowie die Erkundung neuer Anlagegüter, die das
      bereits bestehende Projektportfolio ergänzen und dabei zusätzliche
      Wachstumschancen bieten. Das Unternehmen hat ein
      Diamantbohrungsprogramm mit einem Umfang von 15.000 Bohrmetern
      begonnen, das sowohl zusätzliche Bohrungen auf der
      Hercules-Liegenschaft als auch Testbohrungen an weiteren regionalen
      Bohrzielen auf dem großflächigen Beardmore-Geraldton-Gebiet des
      Unternehmens umfasst. Die Bohrergebnisse werden veröffentlicht,
      sobald die entsprechenden Untersuchungsergebnisse dem Unternehmen
      vorliegen. Nach erfolgreichem Abschluss des Bohrprogramms im Winter
      2009 befinden sich die Planungen für eine zweite Bohrphase von
      Diamantbohrungen auf dem Uranium-Projekt West Millennium im
      Athabasca-Becken bereits in vollem Gange. Feldarbeiten sind zudem für
      das kürzlich erworbene Goldprojekt Mines Point im Norden der Provinz
      Manitoba geplant.

      Die geologischen Informationen über die Goldprojekte des Unternehmens
      wurden von Kodiaks leitendem Geologen Robert B. Hawkins, der gemäß
      der im National Instrument 43-101 festgelegten Definitionen als
      sachverständige Person gilt, überprüft und freigegeben. Für die
      Energy Division wurden die geologischen Informationen von Keith
      Metcalfe, dem leitenden Geologen der Energy Division, der gemäß der
      im National Instrument 43-101 festgelegten Definitionen ebenfalls als
      sachverständige Person gilt, überprüft und freigegeben.

      Kodiak ist ein gut finanziertes Mineralexplorationsunternehmen mit
      Liegenschaften in Kanada. Zusätzliches Kartenmaterial, Fotografien,
      geologische Einzelheiten sowie weitere Informationen sind auf unserer
      Website verfügbar.

      Im Namen des Aufsichtsrates


      Michael E. J. Phelps, Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates…

      ...oder falls Ihr kein Deutsch sprecht: :D

      Kodiak Appoints New President, Chief Operating Officer

      Vancouver, British Columbia CANADA, July 07, 2009 /FSC/ - Kodiak Exploration Limited (KXL - TSX Venture, KXLAF - OTCBB_Pink_Sheets, KX3 - FWB), is pleased to report that it has appointed Brian J. Maher President and Chief Operating Officer of the Company. Mr. Maher, who has been the Company's Vice-President, Exploration for the past two years, will report directly to the Board of Directors and will oversee all aspects of the company's operations. Accordingly, Mr. Robert J. Harrington has stepped down as Interim Managing Director and will continue as a valued member of the Board of Directors. The Board thanks Mr. Harrington for his leadership during this management transition.

      Mr. Brian J. Maher is an economic geologist with over 30 years of experience in mineral exploration, mine development, underground mine production and the financial analysis of acquisition opportunities. Mr. Maher received his BA degree in 1980 from the California State University, Chico and his MSc degree (Economic Geology) from the Colorado Sate University in 1983. Throughout his career Mr. Maher has worked for Junior and Major mining companies including Hochschild Mining, Metallic Ventures Gold, Aur Resources, ASARCO Inc. and Homestake Mining. Mr. Maher will be based in Kodiak's Vancouver office.

      Mr. Maher will focus on executing a three point strategic plan to usher in a new era of growth for the company: traditional exploration at the Company's gold and uranium projects, moving the Hercules gold project down the pathway toward development and seeking new assets which compliment the existing project portfolio and provide upside for rapid growth. The company has initiated a 15,000 metre diamond drilling program that includes additional drilling at Hercules and drill testing regional targets on its extensive Beardmore-Geraldton land package. Results will be released as assays are received. Planning is underway at the West Millennium uranium project in the Athabasca basin for a second phase of diamond drilling as a follow-up to the successful 2009 winter drilling program. Field work is also planned for the Company's newly acquired Mines Point gold project in northern Manitoba.

      Geological information for the Company's gold projects has been reviewed and approved by Robert B. Hawkins, Kodiak's Chief Geologist, who is a qualified person under the definitions established by National Instrument 43-101. For the Energy Division, geological information has been reviewed and approved by Keith Metcalfe, Chief Geologist-Energy Division, who is a qualified person under the definitions established by National Instrument 43-101.

      Kodiak is a well financed mineral exploration company with properties located in Canada. Maps, photographs, geological details and additional information may be viewed on our web site at

      On behalf of the Board of Directors

      Michael E. J. Phelps, Chairman of the Board of Directors

      Freundliche Grüße
      schrieb am 13.07.09 09:19:29
      Beitrag Nr. 291 ()
      Da habe ich doch glatt den Fettdruck vergessen:

      Vor dem Hintergrund, eine neue, von Wachstum geprägte Unternehmensära einzuläuten


      Schaun mer mal, was daraus wird.

      Freundliche Grüße
      schrieb am 13.07.09 20:57:53
      Beitrag Nr. 292 ()
      ich kann mich einfach nicht von diesen mistwerten trennen.
      20 mio in der lasse. was um himmels willen soll daraus werden?

      eine förderung die 200 mio kostet und bei graden die nierdriger sind als es ein tellerwäscher am rhein bräuchte um sich nach einem tag arbeit eine dose bier im aldi zu kaufen?

      schrieb am 21.07.09 21:23:35
      Beitrag Nr. 293 ()
      endlich die kleine überfällige erholung.

      ohne news bzw. gute bohrnews hilft das nicht lange...

      schrieb am 21.07.09 23:21:11
      Beitrag Nr. 294 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 37.617.823 von dosco12 am 21.07.09 21:23:35Wäre doch jetzt aber ne gute Gelegenheit, um auszusteigen.

      Dann hast Du nen paar Prozentpunkte weniger Verlust und brauchst Dich über diesen schrecklichen Wert nicht mehr so aufzuregen.

      Wäre auch wirklich gut für Deine Gesundheit.

      schrieb am 22.07.09 06:25:53
      Beitrag Nr. 295 ()
      aber im grund hast du natürlich recht...
      ich warte bis du mir wieder ein gutes abkaufangebot machst...
      schrieb am 28.07.09 14:26:56
      Beitrag Nr. 296 ()
      Sehr aufschlussreich:

      Targeted Security Holders July 27, 2009
      posted on Jul 27, 09 10:53PM
      Targeted Security Holder List
      Holder Name Shares Held % of O/S Report Date Change

      OPTIONS OUTSTANDING (TOTAL) 12,579,049 14.15 % 20080331 -266,026

      SPROTT ASSET MANAGEMENT INC. 8,290,900 9.33 % 20080229 868,100

      RICHARDSON, GEORGE DAVID 7,328,491 8.24 % 20071220 1,316,406

      SPROTT CANADIAN EQUITY FUND 4,012,700 4.51 % 20081231 0

      CHORNOBAY, WILLIAM 986,016 1.11 % 20080130 543,000

      AGF PRECIOUS METALS FUND 613,000 0.69 % 20090331 0

      SPROTT GOLD AND PRECIOUS METALS FUND 500,000 0.56 % 20081231 new

      FRONT STREET RESOURCE FUND 493,297 0.55 % 20090430 447,865

      HARRINGTON, ROBERT 400,000 0.45 % 20071220 0

      FRONT STREET RESOURCE PERFORMANCE FUND LTD 396,004 0.45 % 20090430 0

      CIBC PRECIOUS METALS FUND 372,547 0.42 % 20081231 32,683

      CMP 2006 RESOURCE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP (LAST FILING) 342,600 0.39 % 20071231 new

      CIBC CANADIAN RESOURCES FUND 279,158 0.31 % 20081231 24,491

      MAVRIX EXPLORE 2007 - IIFT LP 270,000 0.30 % 20081231 0

      CIBC CANADIAN SMALL COMPANIES FUND - TERMINATED 215,090 0.24 % 20080630 new

      GGOF MINING FLOW-THROUGH LP 208,250 0.23 % 20071231 new

      PATHWAY MINING 2006-II FLOW-THROUGH LP (WOUND UP MAY 14, 2008) 200,376 0.23 % 20071231 -270,100

      FRONT STREET FLOW THROUGH 2007-1 LP (ROLLED OVER INTO FUND) 199,291 0.22 % 20080630 74,291

      GGOF 2007 MINING FLOW-THROUGH LP 138,250 0.16 % 20081231 -70,000

      MIDDLEFIELD - MRF 2007 LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 134,000 0.15 % 20081231 0

      CANADA DOMINION RESOURCES 2006 LP ^^ 130,700 0.15 % 20071231 new

      MAHER, BRIAN 130,500 0.15 % 20080125 new

      MAVRIX EXPLORE 2007 - IFT LP 130,000 0.15 % 20081231 0

      MAVRIX QUEBEC 2007 II FT LP 130,000 0.15 % 20081231 0

      MAVRIX EXPLORE QUEBEC 2007 -II FT LP 130,000 0.15 % 20081231 -170,000


      CONNOR CLARK & LUNN 2007 FLOW-THROUGH LP 104,000 0.12 % 20081231 0

      MIDDLEFIELD - MRF 2007 II LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 74,200 0.08 % 20081231 0

      RENAISSANCE GLOBAL RESOURCE FUND 69,197 0.08 % 20090228 0

      BLUMONT AUGEN LP 2007-1 60,200 0.07 % 20081231 -106,500

      CANADA DOMINION RESOURCES 2006 II LP ^^ 52,700 0.06 % 20071231 new

      ALETHEIA RESEARCH & MANAGEMENT INC ^^^ 52,195 0.06 % 20090331 0


      MARKLAND AGF PRECIOUS METALS FUND 18,600 0.02 % 20081231 0

      ZHANG, YILU (LUCY) 16,862 0.02 % 20071108 26

      LACKIE, ERYN DIANNE 11,000 0.01 % 20080107 new

      BENCHMARK CAPITAL ADVISORS 11,000 0.01 % 20080630 0

      BROMPTON 2007 FLOW-THROUGH LP 0 0.00 % 20081231 -208,300

      ACUITY CANADIAN SMALL CAP FUND 0 0.00 % 20080630 -474,900


      MD SELECT FUND 0 0.00 % 20080630 -442,000

      SHORT POSITIONS 0 0.00 % 20090531 -1,000

      TD CANADIAN SMALL-CAP EQUITY FUND 0 0.00 % 20081231 -374,700

      STONE 2007 II FLOW-THROUGH LP (WOUND UP) 0 0.00 % 20081231 -52,000

      DYNAMIC DMP RESOURCE CLASS^^^ 0 0.00 % 20081231 -526,000

      PATHWAY MULTI SERIES FUND - EXPLORER SERIES 0 0.00 % 20081231 -60,376

      ACUITY POOLED CANADIAN SMALL CAP FUND 0 0.00 % 20080630 -521,200

      FRONTIERS CANADIAN EQUITY POOL 0 0.00 % 20080831 -172,800

      PINNACLE STRATEGIC BALANCED FUND 0 0.00 % 20081231 -5,100
      schrieb am 29.08.09 23:53:02
      Beitrag Nr. 297 ()
      Kodiak vor Turn-Around ?

      News in Kürze ?

      AGM am 09. September !

      2 Tage in Folge auf TH geschlossen (und das an einem Freitag) !

      schrieb am 30.08.09 15:06:00
      Beitrag Nr. 298 ()
      Naja, jedenfalls sind sie mal wieder auf der Edelmetallmesse in München am 6.-7. November.

      Geht da jemand hin (kostet 10 Euro), der hier interessiert ist? Falls ja - Notizblock (oder Camcorder ;) ) mitnehmen:

      07.11.2009, 10:45 - Event Arena, Olympiapark München - Company Presentation
      schrieb am 11.09.09 13:09:29
      Beitrag Nr. 299 ()
      Neue Präsentation (Stand 09.09.09) anläßlich Annual General Meeting eingestellt:
      schrieb am 11.09.09 13:12:36
      Beitrag Nr. 300 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 37.881.005 von Peter_B am 30.08.09 15:06:00Was Du unter dem Link findest, ist das Programm von 2008.
      schrieb am 14.09.09 22:44:54
      Beitrag Nr. 301 ()
      na so wird das nix mit diesen minivains...
      10 meter mit ein paar unzen... da kommt man nicht mal auf ein paar tausend bei den wenigen metern...
      schrieb am 14.09.09 22:53:06
      Beitrag Nr. 302 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 37.978.469 von dosco12 am 14.09.09 22:44:54Ich schüttel auch immer wieder den Kopf. Keine klare Linie, einfach mal überall boren und auf einen Zufallstreffer hoffen heisst wohl die Devise :laugh:
      schrieb am 29.09.09 23:31:43
      Beitrag Nr. 303 ()
      jeden monat geht geld den bach runter.
      die müssen schleunigst was finden... was breiter ist als 20cm mit 10 g/t
      schrieb am 04.11.09 20:17:27
      Beitrag Nr. 304 ()
      Kodiak Exploration Limited


      Nov 04, 2009 13:48 ETKodiak Announces Board Appointment, New Chief Financial Officer and Exploration Update
      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Nov. 4, 2009) - Kodiak Exploration Limited (TSX VENTURE:KXL)(FRANKFURT:KX3) is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Thomas K. Barber to the Board of Directors and Mr. Tony Wood CA to the position of Chief Financial Officer. Both gentlemen bring a wealth of experience to the company and will help lead the company as it continues its efforts to develop Canada's next major gold camp at Beardmore-Geraldton while simultaneously pursuing new exploration and development opportunities in both the gold and uranium sectors.

      Mr. Barber, based in Toronto, is Chairman of Deutsche Bank's Global Natural Resources Group which encompasses the Bank's investment banking activities for clients in the metals and mining, energy and utility industries. Mr. Barber is also Chairman of Deutsche Bank Securities Limited, the Bank's Canadian investment banking and securities arm. Over his near 30 year career as an investment banker, Mr. Barber has acted as an advisor and arranged financings for a number of leading Canadian based mining companies, including Inco, Noranda, Teck, Placer Dome and Barrick Gold. Mr. Barber has also worked with a number of major global mining companies, including BHP Billiton, Vale, and Anglo American amongst others. Mr. Barber acted as an advisor to Xstrata on its acquisition of Falconbridge in 2006 and as an advisor to Rio Tinto on its acquisition of Alcan in 2007. More recently Mr. Barber advised Petro Canada on its merger with Suncor. Mr. Barber has an Honours BA (Economics) from the University of Toronto and an MBA from the Richard Ivey School at the University of Western Ontario.

      For over ten years Mr. Wood has held Executive positions in finance and operations with a number of publicly traded international mining and exploration companies. His experience covers projects in North and South America and Europe, across diverse targets that include precious and base metals, diamonds and uranium. His past roles have encompassed responsibility for planning and execution of mining and exploration projects, the development of corporate cultures that embrace strong financial and regulatory compliance and he has been a key component in corporate development and financing activities. Mr. Wood received his Chartered Accountant designation whilst with KPMG, in the City of London and then again in Canada, having previously attained a B.Sc. (Honours) in Management Sciences from Lancaster University, England, in 1989.

      Exploration Update: Drilling continues on the company's flagship Hercules project in the Beardmore-Geraldton gold camp of western Ontario. The current drilling program at Hercules is designed to provide geologic and grade distribution data needed to complete a 43-101 compliant resource estimate in early 2010. The resource estimate will help guide further exploration and serve as the basis for a pre-development scoping study. Resource definition at Hercules is a cornerstone to developing the ultimate gold potential in the company's plus 2,000 square kilometre land position in the Beardmore-Geraldton camp. In-fill drilling has been taken place on the Golden Mile, Lucky Strike and the newly discovered Bobby Ore vein system. Drilling on the Bobby Ore vein, located approximately 200 metres southeast of the Golden Mile, has intercepted strong veining similar to that observed in surface exposures of the vein. Assay results are forthcoming and exploration will continue.

      In the Eastern portion of the Beardmore-Geraldton gold camp, drilling has been completed on the company's Milestone project and the West Geraldton project, where previously reported drill hole WM09-18 intercepted 82.5 gpt gold (2.4 opt) over 2.1 metres, including 208.8 gpt gold (6.1 opt) over 0.8 metres. Drilling will test extensions to this gold mineralization. Assays are pending.

      At the company's West Millennium/McTavish uranium exploration project in the Athabasca Basin of northern Saskatchewan, the company has completed a an aerial ZTEM survey. This survey will assist geologists in planning this winter's drilling program. The winter 2010 program will follow up on the successful winter 2009 drilling, including previously reported drill hole WM09-04 that intercepted over 0.1% U3O8, as well as new compelling targets on the McTavish option.

      The geological information for the Hercules Project and the Beardmore-Geraldton regional exploration project has been reviewed and approved by Robert B. Hawkins, Kodiak's Chief Geologist, who is a qualified person under the definitions established by National Instrument 43-101. The geological information for the West Millennium/McTavish project has been reviewed and approved by Keith Metcalfe, Chief Geologist-Energy Division, who is a qualified person under the definitions established by National Instrument 43-101.

      On behalf of the Board of Directors

      Brian J. Maher, President and Chief Operating Officer
      schrieb am 06.11.09 13:13:56
      Beitrag Nr. 305 ()
      Die beiden neuen an Board lesen sich ja garnicht mal schlecht. Aber jetzt stürzen sie sich auf einmal auf Bobby Ore, sind also weiterhin auf der Suche nach dem großen Treffer, anstatt die anderen endlich mal voran zu bringen.
      schrieb am 26.11.09 19:57:29
      Beitrag Nr. 306 ()
      Kodiak Drills Thick Zone of Gold Mineralization at Milestone in the Beardmore-Geraldton Gold Camp
      13:20 EST Thursday, Nov 26, 2009

      FSC / Press Release

      Kodiak Drills Thick Zone of Gold Mineralization at Milestone in the Beardmore-Geraldton Gold Camp

      Vancouver, British Columbia CANADA, November 26, 2009 /FSC/ - Kodiak Exploration Limited (KXL - TSX Venture, KXLAF - OTCBB_Pink_Sheets, KX3 - FWB), is pleased to announce that it has intercepted a thick zone of potentially bulk-minable gold mineralization at its Milestone Property at the eastern end of the Beardmore-Geraldton gold camp. Drilling by Kodiak has cut two parallel zones of gold mineralized sheared granitic rock. Four diamond drill holes, totaling 1,023 metres, targeted the zone, establishing a minimum strike length of 400 metres; historic drilling suggests the zones may extend at least 2,000 metres farther along strike. Gold has been intercepted to depths of 200 metres, implying a very large body of gold mineralized rock. Highlights include MS09-02 which cut 41.2 metres grading 0.98 gpt Au and 30.2 metres grading 0.29 gpt gold. Drill hole MS09-03 cut 38.4 metres grading 0.64 gpt gold while drill hole MS09-04 intercepted 25.0 metres grading 0.90 gpt gold. All three drill intercepts discussed above occur in the "Pag" shear zone where historic drill hole M17-84 intercepted 60.7 metres grading 0.61 gpt gold. Our exploration program has verified the older drilling and expands the target size considerably. The historic drilling demonstrates that gold mineralization extends to the surface, confirming the large depth potential of this system. Additional drilling is being planned. A complete assay table is shown below.


      -----------------------------------------------------------Drill Hole Depth From To Width Au Target Description (m) (m) (m) (m) g/t MS09-01 237 136.4 149.10 12.7 0.40 Pag North Zone 165.0 176.4 11.4 0.44 Pag South ZoneMS09-02 207 62.0 103.2 41.2 0.98 Pag North Zone 143.0 173.2 30.2 0.29 Pag South ZoneMS09-03 339 170.0 208.4 38.4 0.64 Pag North ZoneMS09-04 240 125.0 150.0 25.0 0.90 Pag North Zone 163.8 170.0 6.2 0.24 Pag South Zone------------------------------------------------------------****-

      Gold mineralization at Milestone has a geologic setting similar to Kodiak's flagship Hercules project located some 80 kilometres to the west: Structurally controlled shear hosted gold in Archean granitic rock. Milestone differs from the high grade Hercules system in that mineralization is widespread within a broad shear zone; shearing occurring over widths of up to 200 metres. The long strike length, large width and depth potential suggest the presence of a large, potentially open pit exploitable zone of gold mineralization. This exploration result continues to validate the company's exploration model for the Beardmore-Geraldton district: Based on analogy to similar Archean gold camps in Ontario and Quebec, the Beardmore-Geraldton camp could contain numerous undiscovered gold deposits yielding a gold endowment similar to the other famous gold camps of the region, e.g. Red Lake, Timmins, Val d' Or, etc. Drill results for Hercules will be released in a few days.

      The geological information for the Beardmore-Geraldton regional exploration project has been reviewed and approved by Robert B. Hawkins, Kodiak's Chief Geologist, who is a qualified person under the definitions established by National Instrument 43-101.

      Kodiak QA/QC procedures are as follows: Kodiak channel samples are 5 cm wide cut perpendicular to the strike of the vein and/or shear zone from mapped alteration in the footwall continuously through the vein and/or shear zone and into mapped alteration in the hanging wall. Channels are cut with a motorized circular saw to a depth of 20 cm and removed with a hammer. Channel sample spacing is nominally every 20m along strike, dependent on outcrop size and geometry. Sample intervals are selected according to geologic contacts and visible mineralization, placed into a sample bag, and shipped to the assay lab for quantitative analysis of select elements. Kodiak drill cores are split down the center with a typical table feed circular rock saw. Sample intervals are selected according to geologic contacts, visible mineralization, and alteration, placed into sample bags and shipped to the assay lab where they are quantitatively analyzed for select elements. Drill cores are boxed, covered, and sealed at the drill rig and moved to the Kodiak logging and sample preparation facilities by Kodiak personnel. Kodiak angle core holes are directed perpendicular to the mapped dip of the vein therefore reported drill hole intercepts approximate true thickness of the vein. All Kodiak samples are currently being assayed by Activation Laboratories Ltd., Ancaster, ON L9G 4V5 and TSL Laboratories Inc., Saskatoon, SK S7K 6A4. Blank and standard samples are routinely submitted with all sample batches sent to the lab for assay. Screened metallic assays are routinely run on all anomalous gold results as a check on nugget effects. Samples are routinely sent to other labs for additional checks.

      On behalf of the Board of Directors
      Brian J. Maher
      President and Chief Operating Officer

      Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. This release may contain forward-looking statements or statements that relate to programs that involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Actual events or results could differ materially from the Company's expectations and projections.

      Source: Kodiak Exploration Limited (TSX-V: KXL) http:.//
      Maximum News Dissemination by Filing Services Canada Inc. *
      schrieb am 01.12.09 15:24:30
      Beitrag Nr. 307 ()

      Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada - Trading Halt - Kodiak Exploration Ltd. - KXLKodiak Exploration Limited KXL 12/1/2009 9:09:00 AMVANCOUVER, Dec. 1, 2009 (Canada NewsWire via COMTEX News Network) --
      The following issues have been halted by Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC):

      << Issuer Name: Kodiak Exploration Ltd. TSX-V Ticker Symbol: KXL Time of Halt: At the open Reason for Halt: Company Request Pending News >>

      SOURCE: Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC)

      SOURCE: Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC) - Halts/Resumptions

      contact - IIROC Inquiries (416) 646-7299 - * Please note that IIROC is not able to provide any additional information regarding a specific trading halt. Information is limited to general enquiries only.

      Copyright (C) 2009 CNW Group. All rights reserved.
      schrieb am 01.12.09 15:44:45
      Beitrag Nr. 308 ()
      Aha, bin mal gespannt, was da noch veröffentlicht wird.
      Ich hab gestern früh meine Depotleiche entsorgt, hier kann langfristig wohl nur noch das Ausgliedern der verheissungsvollsten Teilprojekte KXL retten.
      schrieb am 01.12.09 15:52:17
      Beitrag Nr. 309 ()
      Kodiak Announces $8,000,000 Bought Deal Flow-Through Share Financing
      Vancouver, British Columbia, December 1, 2009. Kodiak Exploration Limited (the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has entered into an agreement with Casimir Capital L.P. and National Bank Financial Inc. (collectively, the “Agents”) for a bought deal private placement of flow-through shares in the amount of $8,000,000.
      The Agents have agreed, subject to certain conditions, to guarantee the private placement of 12,307,693 flow-through common shares of the Company for $0.65 per share. As consideration for their services, the Agents will be paid a cash commission equal to 6% of the gross proceeds from the financing and be issued broker’s warrants equal to 6% of the total shares issued by the company with respect to this financing.
      In addition, the Agents will be granted an over-allotment option entitling it on Closing to privately place up to an additional 3,076,924 shares of the Company for $0.65 per flow-through common share to increase the Company’s funding by up to an additional $2,000,000. If the over-allotment option is exercised, the gross proceeds from the underwriting will be $10,000,000.
      The broker’s warrants will be exercisable at the price of $0.80 per share for a period of 12 months from the date of closing subject to the proviso that if the volume weighted average trading price of the Company’s shares is at least $1.25 for five consecutive trading days, the Company will have the right to accelerate the expiry date of the Agents’ Warrants by written notice such that they will expire 30 days thereafter.
      Brian J. Maher, President and Chief Operating Officer of Kodiak comments: “With the recent success at our Hercules project, including initiating our initial resource estimate and scoping for possible underground exploration of the Golden Mile, coupled with encouraging drill results at West Geraldton, Milestone and Brenbar, we are looking forward to an aggressive exploration program in 2010. The flow-through financing allows us to allocate our hard dollar treasury, in excess of $17,000,000 to other projects, infrastructure and acquisition opportunities.”
      No "control persons" (as defined in Policy 4.1 of the TSX Venture Exchange) or new insiders will be created as a result of the private placement. All shares issued by the Company will be subject to a hold period of four months from the Closing date. The private placement is subject to acceptance of a filing to be made in respect of same by the TSX Venture Exchange.
      The proceeds from the private placement will be used to fund the Company’s ongoing exploration and development of its Hercules gold project, including initiating an initial resource estimate and scoping for possible underground exploration of the Golden Mile, and to explore its other extensive land holdings in the Beardmore-Geraldton gold camp in southwestern Ontario.
      P a g e | 2
      Kodiak is a mineral exploration company with properties located in Canada. Maps, photographs, geological details and additional information may be reviewed on its Web site at
      On behalf of the Board of Directors
      Brian J. Maher
      President and Chief Operating Officer
      schrieb am 25.12.09 09:48:32
      Beitrag Nr. 310 ()

      News vom 24.12.09 West Millennium

      Allen KXL-Investierten und -Interessenten wünsche ich ein frohes Weihnachtsfest und einen guten Rutsch in ein gesundes und erfolgreiches neues Jahr 2010.
      schrieb am 25.12.09 23:16:03
      Beitrag Nr. 311 ()
      Viel Gold in 2010 (mit NI 43-101 vor Fertigstellung) und Uran im Athabasca Becken ???

      Wir hatten das 12-Monats-Tief bei C$ 0,45 am 22.12. erreicht:

      In den letzten 4 Wochen sind über 22 Mio. Aktien gehandelt worden und ein PP zu C$ 0,65 mit 21 Mio. Aktien ist überzeichnet geschlossen worden.

      Ich denke, für Nicht-Investierte ein guter Einstiegszeitpunkt und für Investierte (wie mich) ein ebenso guter Zeitpunkt zum Verbilligen.

      Die nächsten Monate werden sehr interessant hier, also zumindest auf die Watchlist nehmen.

      schrieb am 25.12.09 23:54:52
      Beitrag Nr. 312 ()
      Sehr guter "Field Report" vom User Cedartree über seinen Kodiak Besuch im Herbst (als pdf File):

      schrieb am 03.01.10 23:16:23
      Beitrag Nr. 313 ()…

      Kodiak findet zwei neue ZTEM-Leitfähigkeitszonen im West-Millennium-Projekt und plant für den Winter ein 6.000 m umfassendes Bohrprogramm

      © Marketwire 2009
      28.12.2009 15:06:15

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA -- (Marketwire) -- 12/28/09 --
      Kodiak Exploration Limited (TSX VENTURE: KXL)(FRANKFURT: KX3) ist erfreut, den Abschluss der von Geotech Ltd. auf einer Länge von 667 km durchgeführten ZTEM-Untersuchungen bekannt gegeben zu können. Die Vermessungen umfassten Teile des McTavish-Optionsgebiets auf dem Uranprojekt West Millennium des Unternehmens im Athabasca-Becken im Norden Saskatchewans. Mithilfe der ZTEM-Untersuchung wurden auf dem Gebiet der McTavish-Option zuvor unbekannte Leitfähigkeitszonen ausfindig gemacht, die eine Streichenlänge von über 7 km aufweisen (E-1 und E-2, s. beiliegende Karte). Die Leitfähigkeitszonen liegen im bisher nicht erkundeten westlichen und mittleren Teil der Liegenschaft McTavish, für die eine Option von CanAlaska Uranium Ltd. besteht. Die Leitfähigkeitszonen sind bogenförmige Bereiche mit einem entsprechenden magnetischen Kontrast und stellen möglicherweise bedeutende Granitdome aus dem Archaikum mit flankierenden graphitreichen Metasedimenten dar. Die geologischen Rahmenbedingungen ähneln den an den Uranlagerstätten am Key Lake und McLean Lake entdeckten Gegebenheiten und liefern somit einen weiteren Hinweis auf das hervorragende Explorationspotenzial dieses Abschnitts des West-Millennium-Projekts. Kodiak plant geophysikalische Bodenuntersuchungen auf diesen neuen leitfähigen Zielgebieten, um künftige Probebohrungen vorzubereiten.

      Kodiak wird auch die Probebohrungen am graphithaltigen D-1-Leitfähigkeitssystem weiterführen, das für das Unternehmen hohe Priorität genießt. Wie bereits bekannt gegeben, wurde bei vorangegangenen Bohrungen im Bohrloch WM09-04 ein vielversprechender Gehalt von 0,13 % U3O8 vorgefunden. Die D-1-Leitfähigkeitszone weist eine kräftige Chlorit- und graue Tonalteration mit lokalem Mylonit und Kakirit auf; der darüberliegende Sandstein ist ausgebleicht und ungewöhnlich hämatitisch. Kodiak plant, weitere Bohrarbeiten mit einer Gesamtlänge von ca. 6.000 m durchzuführen, um die D-1-Leitfähigkeitszone genauer zu untersuchen und innerhalb des robusten Uran-Mineralisierungssystems Abschnitte mit höherem Gehalt ausfindig zu machen. Die kürzlich von Cameco bekannt gegebene Entdeckung „größerer Uranmineralisierungen“ im Grundgebirge entlang der B-1-Leitfähigkeitszone, nur zwei km südlich der Lagerstätte Millennium in der Nähe der Liegenschaftsgrenze von Kodiak ist ein weiterer Hinweis auf starke Uranmineralisierungen in diesem Teil des Athabasca-Beckens. Der Beginn der Bohrarbeiten ist vorläufig für Februar 2010 angesetzt.

      Aktuelles zu Hercules: Die Vorkommensschätzung hat begonnen und erste Feldbegehungen durch eine unabhängige qualifizierte Person wurden durchgeführt. Zur Vorbereitung auf die Winterbohrungen wurde bereits mit der Eisbildung am „Golden Pond“ im westlichen Teil des Adernsystems Golden Mile begonnen. Weitere Informationen zu den für den Winter geplanten Explorationsarbeiten von Kodiak, u. a. auf den Projekten Milestone und West Geraldton in der Beardmore-Goldzone, werden in Kürze bekannt gegeben.

      Entsprechendes Kartenmaterial steht unter folgendem Link zur Verfügung:

      Kodiak ist ein Mineralexplorationsunternehmen mit Liegenschaften in Kanada. Weitere Karten, Fotos und zusätzliche Informationen stehen auf der Website unter zur Verfügung. Die in der vorliegenden Pressemitteilung enthaltenen geologischen Informationen wurden von Keith Metcalfe, dem leitenden Geologen von Energy Division, einer qualifizierten Person im Sinne des National Instrument 43-101, geprüft und genehmigt.

      Im Namen des Vorstands

      Brian J. Maher, Präsident und Chief Operating Officer

      Freundliche Grüße
      schrieb am 15.01.10 23:31:35
      Beitrag Nr. 314 ()
      Kodiak Appoints Darren Lindsay Vice President-Exploration…

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - 01/15/10) - Kodiak Exploration Limited (TSX-V:KXL - News)(Frankfurt:KX3 - News) is pleased to announce the appointment of Darren Lindsay as Vice President-Exploration. Mr. Lindsay is a professional geoscientist registered with the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia (APEGBC) and has 15 years experience in exploration geology for precious and base metals in North and South America. He has worked for both junior and senior companies, including BHP Minerals Canada Ltd, Miramar Mining Corporation, Inmet Mining Corporation and most recently Newmont Mining Corporation, undertaking management roles of increasing responsibility including supervision of large scale exploration and feasibility level projects. Most recently Mr. Lindsay has played a significant role as the team involved with the expansion and feasibility level studies of the multi million ounce Madrid and Doris gold deposits in Hope Bay, NU. His work at Hope Bay focused on gold deposits and geologic environments similar to that seen in Beardmore-Geraldton, ON and Mines Point, MB; Kodiak's key gold exploration project areas. Mr. Lindsay holds Bachelor of Science (Hon. Geology) and Bachelor of Science (Hon. Biochemistry) Degrees and is a member of the Society of Economic Geologists, Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada, Association for Mineral Exploration British Columbia, and the Geological Association of Canada.

      Mr. Brian J. Maher, Kodiak President and Chief Operating Officer comments: "Darren brings a wealth of experience to our company at a crucial point in our evolution from pure explorer to a company with pre-feasibility stage projects. Darren's experience at Newmont, one of the world's premier gold companies, leading the geologic team in District exploration and advanced development of the Hope Bay gold deposits, will be a great benefit to Kodiak. Our entire organization is delighted to have a person with Darren's background and history of success lead our exploration effort".

      On behalf of the Board of Directors

      Brian J. Maher, President and Chief Operating Officer

      This release may contain forward-looking statements or statements that relate to programs that involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Actual events or results could differ materially from the Company's expectations and projections.

      schrieb am 15.01.10 23:33:56
      Beitrag Nr. 315 ()
      Kodiak Announces 4,000 Metre Drill Program at Milestone in the Beardmore-Geraldton Gold Camp…

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - 01/15/10) - Kodiak Exploration Limited (TSX-V:KXL - News)(Frankfurt:KX3 - News) is pleased to announce that it will commence a 4,000 metre diamond drilling program at its Milestone Property in the Beardmore-Geraldton Gold Camp of western Ontario. Drilling is expected to begin late next week and continue through March. The drilling program is designed to follow-up on a very successful first pass drilling program that identified a large, potentially bulk-minable gold deposit on the Milestone claims. Previously announced drilling by Kodiak intercepted 41.2 metres grading 0.98 gpt Au and 30.2 metres grading 0.29 gpt gold in diamond drill hole MS09-02, 38.4 metres grading 0.64 gpt gold in diamond drill hole MS09-03 and 25.0 metres grading 0.90 gpt gold in diamond drill hole MS09-04 (NR 26 November, 2009). All three drill intercepts occur in the "Pag" shear zone where historic drill hole M17-84 intercepted 60.7 metres grading 0.61 gpt gold. Gold mineralization has been intercepted to depths greater than 150 metres (see cross section below) and geophysical data, including magnetics and VLF, define a target length of over 4 kilometers (see map below); together these indicate the potential for Milestone to host a significant gold system.

      Cross Section 4540E, Milestone Project. Note that the historic drill holes shown in the section lack complete assay data and therefore only show a portion of the gold mineralized system.…

      Milestone VLF data, interpreted structure and drill hole locations.…

      Pole-dipole and ground magnetic surveys are also planned for Milestone to further define drill targets along strike. Mineralization occurs in sheared Archean intrusive rock and is geologically similar to the Hammond Reef (6.7M oz Au, 259Mt grading 1.1 gpt Au) and Fort Knox gold deposits (3.8 M oz Au, 253 Mt grading 0.47 gpt).

      Details for upcoming drilling at West Geraldton, Hercules, Kaby Lake and Sturgeon Bridge will be announced soon. The geological information for the Beardmore-Geraldton regional exploration project has been reviewed and approved by Darren Lindsay, P. Geo., Kodiak's Vice President-Exploration, who is a qualified person under the definitions established by National Instrument 43-101.

      Kodiak QA/QC procedures are as follows: Kodiak channel samples are 5 cm wide cut perpendicular to the strike of the vein and/or shear zone from mapped alteration in the footwall continuously through the vein and/or shear zone and into mapped alteration in the hanging wall. Channels are cut with a motorized circular saw to a depth of 20 cm and removed with a hammer. Channel sample spacing is nominally every 20m along strike, dependent on outcrop size and geometry. Sample intervals are selected according to geologic contacts and visible mineralization, placed into a sample bag, and shipped to the assay lab for quantitative analysis of select elements. Kodiak drill cores are split down the center with a typical table feed circular rock saw. Sample intervals are selected according to geologic contacts, visible mineralization, and alteration, placed into sample bags and shipped to the assay lab where they are quantitatively analyzed for select elements. Drill cores are boxed, covered, and sealed at the drill rig and moved to the Kodiak logging and sample preparation facilities by Kodiak personnel. Kodiak angle core holes are directed perpendicular to the mapped dip of the vein therefore reported drill hole intercepts approximate true thickness of the vein. All Kodiak samples are currently being assayed by Activation Laboratories Ltd., Ancaster, ON L9G 4V5 and TSL Laboratories Inc., Saskatoon, SK S7K6A4. Blank and standard samples are routinely submitted with all sample batches sent to the lab for assay. Screened metallic assays are routinely run on all anomalous gold results as a check on nugget effects. Samples are routinely sent to other labs for additional checks.

      On behalf of the Board of Directors

      Brian J. Maher, President and Chief Operating Officer

      This release may contain forward-looking statements or statements that relate to programs that involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Actual events or results could differ materially from the Company's expectations and projections.

      Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

      Contacts:Kodiak Exploration LimitedBrian J. MaherPresident and Chief Operating Officer(604) 688 9006(604) 688 9029 (FAX)

      schrieb am 29.01.10 22:59:00
      Beitrag Nr. 316 ()
      Kodiak ab heute mit 3 (in Worten: drei) aktiven Drill-Programmen:

      1x Uran im Athabasca Becken (West Millenium / Mc Tavish)
      2x Gold in Beardmore/Geraldton

      Today, Fri, Jan 29, 2010
      • CanAlaska Uranium and Kodiak start drilling at McTavish uranium project

      Today, Fri, Jan 29, 2010
      • Kodiak Announces 5,600 Metre Drill Program at Hercules and West Geraldton in the Beardmore-Geraldton Gold Camp

      Fri, Jan 15, 2010
      • Kodiak Announces 4,000 Metre Drill Program at Milestone in the Beardmore-Geraldton Gold Camp
      Marketwire (Fri, Jan 15)

      schrieb am 01.04.10 12:35:24
      Dieser Beitrag wurde moderiert. Grund: Spammposting
      schrieb am 04.04.10 21:47:46
      Beitrag Nr. 318 ()
      Keiner mehr da?
      Dabei ist unser Bär jetzt endlich aus dem Winterschlaf erwacht. :laugh:

      Was zum lesen...

      Kodiak Continues to Intercept Widespread Gold Mineralization at Milestone

      ...oder glotzen...…

      Frohe Ostern
      schrieb am 04.04.10 22:09:56
      Beitrag Nr. 319 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 39.273.380 von supernova1712 am 04.04.10 21:47:46Doch !

      Bin auch noch da und überlege, hier nochmal zu verbilligen.

      Kann es denn noch wirklich tiefer gehen ? :confused:

      schrieb am 05.04.10 13:46:40
      Beitrag Nr. 320 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 39.273.420 von Fantomas96 am 04.04.10 22:09:56Hört sich doch eigentlich alles prima an. Verstehe auch nicht das Kurstief. Finanzierung mit 50 Mio. hervorragend wo ist eigentlich das Problem?
      schrieb am 05.04.10 17:31:39
      Beitrag Nr. 321 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 39.274.567 von Andrija am 05.04.10 13:46:40wo ist eigentlich das Problem?

      Das Problem ist, dass das durchaus vorhandene Potential von Kodiak (vielversprechende Explorationsgebiete) bisher noch nicht so recht gehoben wurde.

      Zum Glück haben sie aber noch genug Geld zum Bohren!

      Mal sehen, ob sich meine/unsere Geduld hier noch auszahlt...

      Freundliche Grüße
      schrieb am 10.04.10 21:12:00
      Beitrag Nr. 322 ()
      bin auch noch dabei... sei's drum. Augen zu und durch... dieser Winterschlaf dauert wohl noch etwas länger. Bleibt zu hoffen, dass unser Bär nochmal aufwacht.
      schrieb am 15.04.10 13:18:01
      Beitrag Nr. 323 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 39.275.281 von supernova1712 am 05.04.10 17:31:39Der Wert ist ja fast auf einem all-time-low. Gestern noch ein Kursrutsch bei einer nach meinem Gefühl guten Meldung - Überlege den Einstieg zu wagen. Die Kursentwicklung ist nicht nachvolziehbar bei dem Gesamtumfeld, oder?

      Kodiak Releases Initial Gold Resource Estimate for the Hercules Project; High Grade Gold Resources on the Golden Mile
      Vancouver, British Columbia, April 13, 2010. Kodiak Exploration Limited is pleased to announce the results of the initial mineral resource estimation for the company's Hercules gold project, located in the prolific Beardmore-Geraldton gold camp of western Ontario. The highlights are as follows:
      Total uncapped Indicated gold resources at the Hercules Project using a one gpt gold cut off are 231,800 tonnes grading 14.95 gpt gold containing 111,450 ounces gold; additional uncapped Inferred gold resources using a one gpt cut off are 761,300 tonnes grading 4.13 gpt gold containing 101,050 ounces gold. Total Indicated gold resources estimated using a high grade capping value of 60 gpt gold and one gpt gold cut off are 231,800 tonnes grading 7.64 gpt gold containing 56,970 ounces gold; additional capped Inferred gold resources using a one gpt cut off are 761,300 tonnes grading 3.04 gpt gold containing 74,380 ounces gold. A table summarizing the mineral resource estimate is shown below. Within the overall Hercules Project gold resource, the Golden Mile vein has a distinct high grade gold resource that begins at the surface and extends to moderate depths. The uncapped Indicated gold resources at the Golden Mile are 191,870 tonnes grading 16.80 gpt gold containing 103,620 ounces gold; additional uncapped Inferred resources are 514,940 tonnes grading 4.95 gpt gold containing 82,020 ounces, both categories estimated using a one gpt gold cut off. Total Indicated gold resources at the Golden Mile, estimated using a high grade capping value of 60 gpt gold and one gpt gold cut off, are 191,870 tonnes grading 7.64 gpt gold containing 50,920 ounces gold; additional capped Inferred gold resources using a one gpt cut off are 514,940 tonnes grading 3.46 gpt gold containing 57,210 ounces gold. Combined with additional surface exploration, WGM recommends a scoping study to evaluate the options for further exploration and potential development of the high grade Golden Mile zone.
      The mineral resource estimates were undertaken by Watts, Griffis and McOuat Limited, Consulting Geologists and Engineers, of Toronto, Canada (WGM). WGM carried out database verification, wireframing of all zones that had 3-D continuity using a 0.50 gpt gold outline and a nominal minimum horizontal width of 1.5 metres. The gold grade was interpolated by block modeling methods. The Indicated and Inferred mineral resources were classified according to the CIM definition Standards for Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves (December 2005) by Michael Kociumbas, P. Geo, WGM Vice-President, a "qualified person" as defined by NI 43-101.
      Kodiak is very pleased with the results of this study. The report affirms the gold potential of the Hercules property, the high grade nature of gold mineralization and the future exploration potential of the property. Kodiak has explored only a small percentage of the known vein systems at Hercules and with additional exploration, as recommended by WGM, Kodiak can grow the Hercules gold resource. The geometry and tenor of the Golden Mile gold resource, shallow depth and high grade, provides further support for the undertaking of a scoping study to identify and evaluate options for this resource. Hercules continues to be an important part of Kodiak's regional exploration program in the Beardmore-Geraldton gold camp; we will continue our aggressive exploration of Hercules, Milestone and other projects in the camp throughout 2010.
      schrieb am 20.04.10 10:10:56
      Beitrag Nr. 324 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 39.340.401 von Andrija am 15.04.10 13:18:01Da meint man es geht nicht mehr tiefer, wagt den Einstieg und wird jeden Tag eines besseren belehrt.:(
      schrieb am 20.04.10 10:44:41
      Beitrag Nr. 325 ()
      Gute 100k Unzen Gold sind nahezu Peanuts. Nur den zentralen Bereich mit den hohen Gehalten finde ich vielversprechend, aber die teilweise nur 1m breite Ader in mehreren hundert Meter Tiefe interessiert meiner Meinung nach nicht.
      schrieb am 25.04.10 23:16:23
      Beitrag Nr. 326 ()
      Schade! Auf der INVEST in Stuttgart war von Kodiak nur ein verwaister Messestand zu "bewundern". Das komplette Standpersonal ist durch das Flugchaos der letzten Tage leider in Kanada hängengeblieben. Als "Naturaldividende" habe ich mir einen hübschen Kodiak-Kugelschreiber und ein paar Aufkleber mit der Bärentatze gegönnt. Hoffentlich kommt da demnächst noch ein bißchen mehr. :)

      Freundliche Grüße
      schrieb am 11.05.10 21:19:15
      Beitrag Nr. 327 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 39.365.909 von RayNar am 20.04.10 10:44:41Reicht offensichtlich auch nicht aus, um ein weiteres Abschmieren zu verhindern.:(

      Kodiak Completes Phase One evaluation of the Milestone Project; Announces 10,000 Metre
      Phase Two Drilling program
      Vancouver, British Columbia, May 5, 2010. Kodiak Exploration Limited is pleased to announce the
      completion of its Phase One drilling program at its Milestone gold project at the eastern end of the
      Beardmore-Geraldton gold belt. The 5,500 metre Phase One drilling program has outlined a large zone of
      potentially bulk-minable gold mineralization that remains open along strike and at depth. The large size
      of this system with a strike length of at least 2,500 metres, the consistent gold grades encountered in
      diamond drilling, and a recently identified higher grade zone of gold mineralization has prompted the
      company to undertake a 10,000 metre Phase Two exploration program. The Phase Two exploration
      program will consist of surface evaluation (prospecting, geophysical surveys, mapping, and trenching)
      along the Pag shear zone and parallel structural trends, continued wide spaced drilling to evaluate the gold
      system on strike and at depth, and infill drilling to further define the currently known higher grade portion
      of the mineralized system. The attached map highlights a portion of the anticipated Phase Two drilling.
      Over 5,500 metres of diamond drilling were completed in thirteen holes during the Phase One Milestone
      exploration program. Each of the final four drill holes of the Phase One program intercepted broad
      intervals of low grade gold mineralization within the Pag shear zone. Of particular interest is drill hole
      MS10-15 which cut a potential high grade shoot at the western end of the drill fence (see map above):
      14.5 metres grading 1.39 gpt gold including 0.8 metres grading 22.26 gpt gold.
      A table summarizing all
      drilling to date at Milestone has been posted on the company's web site:
      schrieb am 13.05.10 22:47:04
      Beitrag Nr. 328 ()

      Kodiak Drills New High Grade Zone at Hercules: 1.5 Metres Grading 18.9 gpt Gold, Exploration Continues

      Die Meter sind (derzeit noch?) bescheiden, aber die Grades sind großartig! Mehr davon!!!

      Freundliche Grüße
      schrieb am 28.06.10 20:13:00
      Beitrag Nr. 329 ()

      Kodiak Drilling Continues to Expand the Milestone Gold Project

      Vancouver, British Columbia, June 28, 2010. Kodiak Exploration Limited is pleased to announce assay results for the first three diamond drill holes from its planned 10,000 metre Phase Two exploration program at the Milestone Gold Project in the Beardmore-Geraldton gold camp in northern Ontario.
      Diamond drill hole MS10-18B has intercepted a thick, higher grade zone of gold mineralization at the eastern end of the robust Milestone gold system: 22.0 metres grading 2.20 gpt gold (101-123 metres) including 8.0 metres grading 5.61 gpt gold (111-119 metres) and 1.0 metre grading 11.10 gpt gold (117-118 metres). Drill hole MS10-18, drilled up dip and in the same section as MS10-18B, was collared in
      the gold mineralized zone and cut 15.0 metres grading 1.00 gpt gold (25-40 metres). Down dip from MS10-18B, drill hole MS10-19 cut 19.0 metres grading 0.98 gpt gold at 245-264 metres.
      A cross section through these drill holes and a plan map are shown below
      Step out drilling to the east of this zone continues to expand the size of the Milestone gold system: Drill hole MS10-21, collared 100 metres east of MS10-18B contains visible gold as does drill hole MS10-27 which was drilled a further 250 metres east of hole 21. These drill holes, coupled with previously announced drill results, define a strike length of at least 2,800 metres for the Milestone gold system; interpretation of geophysical data indicate the gold mineralized structure may be up to 13 kilometres in total extent. Drilling has intercepted the gold mineralized shear zone to depths of 250 metres and the system remains open. Gold assays for drill holes MS10-20 through -27 are pending.

      Freundliche Grüße
      schrieb am 03.08.10 14:17:45
      Beitrag Nr. 330 ()
      Neue Präsentation:…

      In 2010 Kodiak transitions from a pure explorer to a growing gold company with near-term production potential.

      Shares Structure:--Issued and Outstanding: 113.3M--Fully Diluted: 125.0M
      Market Cap: $26.3 million approx. (4 June, 2010)
      Working Capital: $23.8 million

      Meine Begeisterung für KXL ist inzwischen deutlich abgekühlt.
      Mein derzeit einziger Grund, um dabeizubleiben, ist die inzwischen spottbillige Bewertung.

      Schaun mer mal, was sich nach der Sommerpause tut.

      Eure Meinung?

      Freundliche Grüße
      schrieb am 03.08.10 14:50:04
      Beitrag Nr. 331 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 39.919.358 von supernova1712 am 03.08.10 14:17:45
      Goals Year end 2010
      •Complete PEA for Hercules and expand resource
      •Bring Milestone to Resource delineation stage: +500,000 ounces Au
      •Acquire a ± 1,500,000 ounce Au resource, bring to PEA stage
      •Identify next project for resource building in B-G

      In 2010 Kodiak transitions from a pure explorer to a growing gold company with near-term production potential

      meiner Meinung nach sollte Kodiak den Ball flach halten, Versprechungen machen die man nicht halten kann bringen nichts

      und hier in der Präsentation ein Erwerb eines 1,5 Mio. Unzen Projektes zu erwähnen,der noch nicht offiziell ist find ich unprofessionell
      schrieb am 31.08.10 17:04:07
      Beitrag Nr. 332 ()…

      Golden Goose and Kodiak Exploration Sign Binding Merger Agreement

      Vancouver, British Columbia and Montreal, Quebec, August 31, 2010 /FSC/ - Kodiak Exploration Limited (KXL - TSX Venture), ("Kodiak") and Golden Goose Resources, Inc. (TSX-V: GGR) ("Golden Goose") are pleased to announce that they have signed a binding definitive merger agreement. Golden Goose and Kodiak have agreed to proceed with a business combination by way of a corporate Arrangement pursuant to the provisions of the Companies Act of Quebec. The Arrangement will effectively combine the assets of both companies on a consolidated basis, with Golden Goose Resources becoming a wholly-owned subsidiary of Kodiak.
      Under the terms of the definitive merger agreement between Golden Goose and Kodiak, shareholders of Golden Goose Resources will exchange their issued common shares for new common shares and warrants of Kodiak, on the basis of 1.2 new shares of Kodiak and one quarter (0.25) of a Kodiak Share Purchase Warrant for each outstanding share of Golden Goose Resources. The Kodiak Warrant is exercisable for three years at a price of $0.45 with an acceleration clause should Kodiak shares listed on the TSX Venture Exchange trade above $0.60 for twenty consecutive trading days. Upon closing the transaction, David Watkins, currently a member of the Golden Goose Board of Directors, will join the Kodiak Board of Directors.

      Using a twenty day VWOP (Volume Weighted Opening Price through August 28, 2010) of $0.20 for Golden Goose shares and $0.21 for Kodiak shares, the 1.2 exchange ratio plus the fair value of the quarter Share Purchase Warrant ($0.03) produces a premium of 40% for Golden Goose shareholders.

      All convertible securities of Golden Goose will be exchanged for convertible securities of Kodiak on the same basis, adjusted accordingly to reflect the share exchange ratio. The completion of the Arrangement is subject to standard conditions precedent applicable to statutory plans of arrangement, including standard commercial conditions precedent, approval of the common shareholders of Golden Goose, deregistration of Golden Goose shares in the US, and court approval. The transaction is scheduled to close in the fourth quarter of 2010.

      A special general meeting of Golden Goose shareholders will be held early in the fourth quarter of 2010 to approve the Arrangement. Golden Goose shareholders will receive an Information Circular setting out further details of the proposed transaction; the Information Circular will also be filed and made available on SEDAR (

      National Bank Financial acted as financial advisor to Golden Goose on this transaction; KPMG Corporate Finance Inc. and Casimir Capital L.P. acted as financial advisors to Kodiak in connection with this transaction.

      On behalf of the Boards of Directors:

      Brian J. Maher
      President and Chief Executive Officer, Kodiak Exploration Limited

      Kodiak Exploration Limited
      Brian J. Maher Email:
      President and CEO Website:
      Tel.: 1-604-688-9006 Fax: 1-604-688-9029

      Francois Perron
      President and Chief Executive Officer, Golden Goose Resources, Inc.

      Renmark Financial Communications Inc.
      Jason Roy:
      Arash Shahi:
      Media - Guy Hurd:
      Tel.: (514) 939-3989 or (416) 644-2020

      Golden Goose Resources Inc.
      Francois Perron Email:
      President and CEO Website:
      Tel.: 1-888-928-4667 Fax: 1-888-494-5371

      Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. This release may contain forward-looking statements or statements that relate to programs that involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Actual events or results could differ materially from the Company's expectations and projections.

      Kodiak Exploration Limited
      Suite 1205 - 700
      West Pender Street,
      Vancouver, B.C.,
      V6C1G8 Canada.

      Source: Kodiak Exploration Limited (TSX-V: KXL)
      Maximum News Dissemination by Filing Services Canada Inc. *
      schrieb am 31.08.10 17:10:17
      Beitrag Nr. 333 ()…

      Kodiak and Golden Goose Combine to Form Well-Financed Gold Company with Near Term Production Potential

      Vancouver, British Columbia and Montreal, Quebec, August 31, 2010 /FSC/ - Kodiak Exploration Limited (KXL - TSX Venture), ("Kodiak") and Golden Goose Resources, Inc. (GGR - TSX Venture) ("Golden Goose") are pleased to announce that they have entered into a definitive merger agreement and plan of arrangement dated August 30, 2010 wherein Kodiak will acquire all of the issued and outstanding shares of Golden Goose. The principal asset of Golden Goose is the Magino Mine project located 40 kilometres northeast of the town of Wawa, Ontario. The Magino Mine, a past producing underground gold mine credited with production of over 105,000 ounces of gold, has a 43-101 compliant Measured and Indicated gold resources of 453,190 ounces (2,092,000 metric tonnes grading 6.74 grams/tonne gold) and Inferred gold resources of 1,178,120 ounces gold (5,829,000 metric tonnes grading 6.29 grams/tonne gold) at a cut-off grade of 3.0 grams/tonne (Technical Report and Mineral Resource Estimate for the Magino Mine, prepared by InnovExplo, 28 May, 2009). Kodiak is excited to acquire this large gold deposit that compliments its existing gold resources in the Beardmore-Geraldton gold belt and further transitions Kodiak from a pure gold explorer to a growing gold company with multiple projects and near-term production potential. Kodiak believes there is substantial upside potential to the Magino Mine property that will benefit both existing Kodiak shareholders and Golden Goose shareholders.
      * Kodiak will aggressively explore and develop a surface mineable gold deposit at Magino

      Kodiak believes that the Magino Mine property has the potential to host a significant surface bulk-minable gold deposit. Five independent third party resource estimates completed between 1996 and 2001 (non NI 43-101 compliant) document the potential for a large surface bulk-minable gold deposit at Magino. These studies suggest that the known high grade gold mineralization at Magino is enveloped by large volumes of lower grade, potentially bulk-minable, gold mineralization. Kodiak's initial review of diamond drill hole data modeling of the Magino Mine property has been very encouraging and suggests there is strong potential to expand the size of this gold deposit. Preliminary metallurgical testing (Kappes Cassiday and Lakefield) indicate that gold mineralization at Magino has excellent recovery (95%) in a conventional mill circuit. Based on our data review, Kodiak plans a 20,000 metre diamond drilling program to expand gold resources on the property and initiate a Preliminary Economic Assessment of the open pit gold mining potential of the project.

      * Kodiak to have Measured and Indicated gold resources of >560,000 ounces and Inferred gold resources of >1,270,000 ounces

      The proposed acquisition of Golden Goose will leave Kodiak with companywide (Magino plus Hercules) Measured and Indicated gold resources of 564,640 ounces and Inferred gold resources of 1,279,170 ounces (Hercules: 231,800 metric tonnes grading 14.95 grams/tonne gold Indicated resource and 761,300 tonnes grading 4.13 grams/tonne gold Inferred; uncapped using a 1.0 grams/tonne gold cut-off). The potential to expand these gold resources is excellent with exploration ongoing at multiple projects and further resource expansion drilling tentatively planned for Magino.

      * Kodiak exploration pipeline offers significant opportunity

      Exploration by Kodiak at its Milestone project in the Beardmore-Geraldton gold camp has the potential to add significantly to the combined company's gold resource base, vaulting Kodiak to a new higher valuation threshold. Continued exploration elsewhere in the Beardmore-Geraldton area and at the Mines Point project in Manitoba has the potential to add additional resource ounces, continuing our rapid resource growth strategy.

      * Kodiak has solid financial base to advance projects

      Kodiak had $20.4M in cash on hand at the end of the second quarter of 2010; a robust treasury that will allow the company to further explore and develop the Magino Mine property while continuing aggressive exploration of the Milestone Project in the Beardmore-Geraldton gold camp and initiate the exploration of its Mines Point Gold project in Manitoba.
      * Golden Goose shareholders gain significant upside and improved share structure

      Current Golden Goose shareholders will benefit from a greatly enlarged project portfolio, access to capital to develop all the newly combined company's projects, conversion of existing Golden Goose shares to a highly liquid trading platform and deployment of Kodiak's technical team to Magino to accelerate its exploration and development.

      The proposed merger with Golden Goose and acquisition of the Magino Mine property is yet another milestone for Kodiak as the company continues to consistently execute its strategic plan for rapid growth: Exploration, Development and Acquisition. Kodiak plans to have the Magino Mine project at the Preliminary Economic Assessment (Scoping Study) stage by year end 2010, Measured and Indicated gold resources of >560,000 ounces and Inferred gold resources of >1,270,000 ounces and accelerated ongoing exploration at multiple projects in the Beardmore-Geraldton gold camp that will bring these projects to the resource delineation stage. When combined with the recent changes to Kodiak management, the recent appointment of new members to the Kodiak Board of Directors and the successful $13.8M financing in December 2009, both old and new Kodiak shareholders will enjoy a period of rapid growth and increased shareholder value in the months and years ahead.

      The geological information in this press release has been reviewed and approved by Darren Lindsay, Kodiak's Vice President-Exploration, who is a qualified person under the definitions established by National Instrument 43-101. Please visit the Kodiak website for updated information about the Magino mine property, a new corporate presentation and a video clip outlining the Golden Goose transaction:
      schrieb am 01.09.10 13:51:39
      Beitrag Nr. 334 ()
      Mal schauen, wie die Börse den Zusammenschluss bewertet. Caesars Report meint:

      Dear subscriber,

      Golden Goose Resources (GGR.V), which we covered in our report on April 22nd, entered into a binding merger agreement with Kodiak Exploration (KXL.V). Kodiak will obtain all Golden Goose shares, for 1.2 Kodiak-share per Golden Goose-share held, and one quarter of a Kodiak-purchase warrant.

      This combination brings the Kodiak-cash and the Golden Goose-project together, in an extremely well-capitalized company, with over 20M dollar in the treasury.

      We asked Francois Perron, CEO of Golden Goose Resources to explain to us why this merger is a good deal for Golden Goose-shareholders:

      "1 Kodiak has the cash to put into exploration (20.4M as at June 30th), we have an advanced project that would justify the investment.
      2. Kodiak will rethink our Magino-project as an open pit project, which could seriously revalue the resource, if you lower the cut-off to open pit levels you have the potential to have more ounces.
      3. Golden Goose+Kodiak offers a better balanced exploration pipeline: Kodiak Exploration has started several projects in the Beardmore Geraldton camps. These are earlier stage projects but there is something there.
      4. Kodiak has a better qualified management team (more geologists with open pit design experience)"

      However, Golden Goose is trading above the value of the Kodiak-offer. 1.2 Kodiak-share values the deal at C$0.234 per Golden Goose share. However, Golden Goose is still trading substantially ABOVE this offered price.

      We personally have sold our Golden Goose shares, and bought Kodiak Exploration with the receipts of the sale, and we recommend you to do the same, as long as there is a difference between the Golden Goose-price and the value of the offer!

      If you are too late to perform this strategy, we recommend you to approve the merger.

      Kindly yours,

      The Caesars Report Team

      Disclosure: No position in Golden Goose, Long on Kodiak


      Ist hier noch jemand investiert?

      Freundliche Grüße
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 01.09.10 17:16:17
      Beitrag Nr. 335 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.081.657 von supernova1712 am 01.09.10 13:51:39Ja - hört sich gut an.
      schrieb am 07.09.10 21:52:46
      Beitrag Nr. 336 ()
      Tja, das könnte der "game changer" heute gewesen sein für Kodiak !

      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 07.09.10 21:56:20
      Beitrag Nr. 337 ()
      Kein Wunder bei diesem Hammer-Bohrergebnis:

      Kodiak Drills 24.9 Metres Grading 9.31 gpt Gold at West Geraldton…

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - 09/07/10) - Kodiak Exploration Limited (TSX-V:KXL - News)(Frankfurt:KX3 - News) is pleased to announce that exploration drilling on the GK target area at the West Geraldton project has intercepted 24.9 metres grading 9.31 gpt gold (78.3 to 103.2 metres) including 8.1 metres grading 27.75 gpt gold (85.1 to 93.2 metres) in drill hole GK10-40. Reinterpretation of past drilling combined with new surface exploration led to the current drilling program in an area that is only two kilometres north of Premier Gold's Hardrock project (GK-Geraldton Kenogamisis; please see map below). This drill hole was part of a four hole program designed to follow up on previously released drill hole GK08-09 which intercepted 1.2 metres grading 5.93 gpt gold from a polymetallic vein hosted by Archean volcanic rocks. This zone is open to the west and down dip, highlighting the exploration potential of the GK target area. These drill holes are located near the Goldstrike zone at West Geraldton that was previously explored in 2008. A follow up detailed geophysical program has been proposed to further refine this developing target.

      To view the maps accompanying this press release please visit the following link:

      Kodiak is pleased to provide an update on the balance of its Beardmore-Geraldton regional exploration program:


      The Shields property, located on the northern margin of the Bankfield-Tombill fault zone, covers six gold and gold-copper target zones within and adjacent to a massive gabbroic body (please see project area map) The six target zones have been identified by a program of prospecting, grid mapping and geophysics: The Ferraro, the Stinger, Gladiator, Maximus, Titus and the historic Daley Vein. Trenching of these areas has been completed, with mapping and channel sampling underway. The most significant set of structures is the Gladiator/Maximus/Titus system that has been traced for approximately 500 metres and appear to be limbs of a synformal, southwest plunging fold. Grab and channel samples have returned gold grades ranging from less than 0.005 gpt gold to 292 gpt gold; significant results to date are tabulated below. Additional channel sampling is planned to guide drill target selection.

      --------------------------------------------------------------------------- LengthSample Zone Type (metres) Gold (gpt)---------------------------------------------------------------------------FER-001 Ferraro channel 1.25 23.8---------------------------------------------------------------------------G27752 Ferraro grab - 292---------------------------------------------------------------------------G27753 Ferraro grab - 15.7---------------------------------------------------------------------------G27814 E of Maximus grab - 12.5---------------------------------------------------------------------------G27817 E of Maximus grab - 17.3---------------------------------------------------------------------------G30389 Gladiator grab - 6.44---------------------------------------------------------------------------G30360 Stinger grab - 14.2---------------------------------------------------------------------------
      Castlewood Lake

      The Castlewood Lake project is located in the north-central portion of the Beardmore-Geraldton gold near the intersection of two major regional structures: the Humboldt Bay and Onaman shear zones (please see project area map). Work has focused on two previously known gold mineralized zones that are considered to be part of a much larger system. A magnetic and induced polarization survey, trenching, trench mapping and channel sampling has been completed on the Centurian Zone and is underway on the Leopard Zone. Assay results to date range from less than 0.005 gpt gold to 37.6 gpt gold; significant results are tabulated below. The gold mineralized zones are hosted within a strongly deformed mafic volcanic package within or immediately adjacent to the Humboldt Bay shear zone. The zones are interpreted to be hosted within interflow sediments that have been preferentially altered and mineralized. Additional exploration will include prospecting of the remaining project area, grid mapping and an initial drill program to test the interpretation prior to developing a large conceptual target for further drill testing.

      --------------------------------------------------------------------------- LengthSample Zone Type (metres) Gold (gpt)---------------------------------------------------------------------------G26972 Centurian grab - 31.0---------------------------------------------------------------------------G26962 Centurian grab - 5.20---------------------------------------------------------------------------G30161 Centurian grab - 37.6---------------------------------------------------------------------------G30188 Leopard grab - 5.14---------------------------------------------------------------------------CEN-001A Centurian channel 3.65 4.05---------------------------------------------------------------------------

      Wildgoose is located on the western extension of the Bankfield-Tombill fault zone where Premier Gold has identified significant gold resources on their Hardrock project. Exploration at Wildgoose has focused on Archean sedimentary rocks up section from the productive Jelico Mine horizon. Drill targets have been defined by ground magnetic and induced polarization surveys. A total of five drill holes for 1,825 metres tested five prospective targets. Drilling intersected broad (up to 134 metres) sericite +/- silica alteration of arkose and greywacke. Localized quartz-carbonate stockwork and flooding includes patchy very fine grained arsenopyrite and pyrite mineralization. Drill highlights include 4.5 metres grading 1.4 gpt gold in drill hole WI10-04.

      Kodiak's comprehensive and systematic Beardmore-Geraldton regional exploration program is on-going, focused on generating new targets and advancing both known and newly generated targets through the drill evaluation stage of our project pipeline. As part of this program, Kodiak field crews will be conducting geological compilation, prospecting, mapping, geophysical surveys, trenching, and drilling to systematically explore our Beardmore-Geraldton land holdings for quality targets that have potential for discovery. Kodiak's management team is committed to growing shareholder value through the systematic development of a project pipeline, aggressively evaluating high potential targets, and pursuing strategic opportunities which meet corporate goals for expansion and growth.

      The geological information for the Beardmore-Geraldton regional exploration project has been reviewed and approved by Darren Lindsay, Kodiak's Vice President-Exploration, who is a qualified person under the definitions established by National Instrument 43-101.

      Kodiak QA/QC procedures are as follows: Kodiak channel samples are 5 cm wide cut perpendicular to the strike of the vein and/or shear zone from mapped alteration in the footwall continuously through the vein and/or shear zone and into mapped alteration in the hanging wall. Channels are cut with a motorized circular saw to a depth of 10 cm and removed with a hammer. Channel sample spacing is nominally every 20m along strike, dependent on outcrop size and geometry. Sample intervals are selected according to geologic contacts and visible mineralization, placed into a sample bag, and shipped to the assay lab for quantitative analysis of select elements. Kodiak drill cores are split down the center with a typical table feed circular rock saw. Sample intervals are selected according to geologic contacts, visible mineralization, and alteration, placed into sample bags and shipped to the assay lab where they are quantitatively analyzed for select elements. Drill cores are boxed, covered, and sealed at the drill rig and moved to the Kodiak logging and sample preparation facilities by Kodiak personnel. Kodiak angle core holes are directed perpendicular to the mapped dip of the vein therefore reported drill hole intercepts approximate true thickness of the vein. All Kodiak samples are currently being assayed by Activation Laboratories Ltd., Ancaster, ON L9G 4V5 and Accurassay Laboratories Inc., Thunder Bay, ON, P7B 5X5. Blank and standard samples are routinely submitted with all sample batches sent to the lab for assay. Screened metallic assays are routinely run on all anomalous gold results as a check on nugget effects. Samples are routinely sent to other labs for additional checks.

      On behalf of the Board of Directors

      Brian J. Maher, President and Chief Executive Officer

      schrieb am 08.09.10 09:10:59
      Beitrag Nr. 338 ()
      schrieb am 08.09.10 17:32:16
      Beitrag Nr. 339 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.114.293 von Fantomas96 am 07.09.10 21:52:46Offensichtlich war die Nachricht einigen Insidern bereits ab dem 31.08. bekannt. Anders kann man sich die steigenden Umsätze wohl kaum erklären.:mad:
      schrieb am 08.09.10 17:58:45
      Beitrag Nr. 340 ()
      Welches Potenzial seht ihr in Kodiak?
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 08.09.10 19:11:54
      Beitrag Nr. 341 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.120.023 von nordkappe am 08.09.10 17:58:45Die Marktkapitalisierung ist jetzt ca. 48 Mio. CAD. Da die Firma auch noch ca. 20 Mio. CAD auf dem Konto hat, sind die Projekte noch nicht allzu teuer bewertet.

      Wie Fantomas so schön geschrieben hat: Hammer-Bohrergebnis bzw. game changer.

      Ich denke, hier bleibe ich noch eine Weile dabei.

      Jetzt geht's aber erst mal 2 Wochen in den Urlaub!

      Freundliche Grüße
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 08.09.10 21:47:59
      Beitrag Nr. 342 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.120.503 von supernova1712 am 08.09.10 19:11:54Es gibt aber auch andere Meinungen:

      Dear subscriber,

      We are selling our position in Kodiak Exploration (KXL.V) at C$0.405 for a gain of 102.5%. We bought the Kodiak shares with the receipts of the Golden Goose Resources (GGR.V) sale and are now taking everything off the table.

      Kindly yours,

      The Caesars Report Team
      schrieb am 23.09.10 21:12:09
      Beitrag Nr. 343 ()
      Kam schon vor ein paar Tagen per Mail:

      Kodiak Signs Option Agreement on Milestone Extension

      Kodiak Exploration Limited is pleased to announce that it has signed an option agreement with Teck Resources Limited that allows Kodiak to earn a 100% interest in the 1,280 ha Adel property located immediately adjacent to Kodiak's Milestone Project in the Beardmore-Geraldton gold camp in Ontario.

      For more information and to view results, please refer to the attached news release.

      For more information about Kodiak Exploration Limited, please go to

      Freundliche Grüße
      schrieb am 19.11.10 09:49:33
      Beitrag Nr. 344 ()
      Das habe ich vor ein paar Tagen per Newsletter erhalten:
      (Bericht von der London Money Show 11/2010)

      Bei den Rohstoff-Firmen nahm Kodiak Exploration eine Sonderstellung ein. Das kanadische Goldunternehmen lockte zwar nur 20 Zuhörer in eine ausführliche Präsentation, doch diese Investoren waren sehr gut informiert und stellten zahlreiche Fachfragen die in die Tiefe gingen. Kodiak-CEO Brian Maher sagte mir nach der Präsentation, dass er vom Know-How der Zuhörer überrascht war. Sein Unternehmen befindet sich aktuell in einer wichtigen Umbruchphase. Durch die Übernahme von Golden Goose Resources gelangt Kodiak nun in eine neue Position: das Magino Projekt hat das Potenzial für ein 10 jähriges Minenleben mit einer durchschnittlichen Jahresproduktion von bis zu 150.000 Unzen.

      Doch das ist nur ein Projekt bei Kodiak. „Mittelfristig wollen wir Kodiak als Produzenten mit einer Ressource von bis zu 5 Mio. Unzen positionieren“, so Maher. Um die neue Ausrichtung auch nach außen hin zu dokumentieren wird es schon bald einen neuen Namen geben. „Sobald die Übernahme offiziell abgeschlossen, werden wir als Prodigy Gold einen Neustart beginnen.“ Der Name drückt auf jeden Fall ein großes Selbstbewusstsein aus, denn Prodigy lässt sich als Wunder oder auch Wunderkind übersetzen.
      Heiko Böhmer, Chefredakteur „Privatfinanz-Letter“

      Wunderkind? Schaun mer mal!

      Freundliche Grüße
      schrieb am 17.12.10 16:17:56
      Beitrag Nr. 345 ()
      Kodiak Reports New Core Assays From Magino: 114 metres Grading 1.84 gpt Gold

      Vancouver, BC December 17, 2010

      FSC / Press Release

      Kodiak Reports New Core Assays From Magino: 114 metres Grading 1.84 gpt Gold

      Vancouver, British Columbia CANADA, December 17, 2010 /FSC/ - Kodiak Exploration Limited (TSX - VX: KXL, OTCBB_Pink_Sheets: KXLAF, FWB: KX3), (Kodiak) is pleased to announce results from its core sampling program at its 100% owned Magino Mine project in Ontario. Kodiak and its predecessor at Magino, Golden Goose Resources (now a wholly owned subsidiary of Kodiak) have been systematically sampling previously unassayed sections of core from Golden Goose's 2006 drilling campaign. Because Golden Goose was focused on high grade, underground-minable gold mineralization, only visually mineralized structures were sampled, leaving thick intervals of disseminated gold mineralization unsampled and unassayed. To date, Kodiak has split and sampled over 2,800 metres of core from fifteen drill holes. Highlights from the first five drill holes (06-11 through 06-15) include:

      * 114.0 metres grading 1.84 gpt gold in drill hole 06-15
      * 53.4 metres grading 2.43 gpt gold in drill hole 06-14
      * 63.0 metres grading 1.40 gpt gold in drill hole 06-12
      * 72.7 metres grading 1.19 gpt gold in drill hole 06-13

      Complete results for drill holes 06-11 through 06-15 are shown in the table below. Golden Goose previously announced the results of their limited "spot" sampling in a press release dated August 1, 2006.

      Drill Hole From To Interval Gold Grade (gpt,
      (m) (m) (m) capped at 40gpt)
      06-11 91.0 133.0 42.0 0.31
      153.7 167.0 9.4 0.85
      257.0 306.9 39.6 0.69
      299.4 306.9 7.5 1.29
      06-12 219.0 243.0 24.0 0.81
      278.0 292.0 14.0 1.00
      343.0 355.0 12.0 0.44
      385.0 397.1 12.1 0.85
      457.0 466.7 9.7 0.67
      519.0 582.0 63.0 1.40
      06-13 102.3 175.0 72.7 1.19
      179.0 228.0 49.0 1.13
      243.0 260.0 17.0 1.00
      06-14 113.6 167.0 53.4 2.43
      172.0 250.0 78.0 0.92
      309.5 318.0 8.5 1.23
      06-15 127.0 133.0 6.0 0.84
      146.0 260.0 114.0 1.84
      289.0 301.0 12.0 0.35
      308.0 314.0 6.0 2.55
      322.0 340.0 18.0 0.45
      354.0 362.0 7.0 1.34
      365.0 378.0 13.0 0.35

      These drill results confirm the presence of widespread low grade gold mineralization at Magino, consistent with Kodiak's earlier modeling of Magino as a potential open-pit minable gold deposit. The drill holes reported here were all angle holes, therefore the depth below surface for these intercepts is 71% to 86% of the down hole distance, within the range of a potential open-pit mining operation. Data from these drill holes as well as all drilling completed between 2006 and 2010 by Golden Goose (21,897 metres) will be utilized in an updated resources estimate and Preliminary Economic Assessment for the project. Given the thickness and grade of these important intercepts, Kodiak expects the drill hole data to have a significant positive impact on the volume and grade of the updated resource estimate.

      Assays are pending for drill holes 06-01 through 06-10; the data will be released when all QA/QC procedures have been completed and the data is properly interpreted.

      The geological information for the Magino project has been reviewed and approved by Quentin J. Browne, Kodiak's Magino Project Manager, who is a qualified person under the definitions established by National Instrument 43-101. Kodiak QA/QC procedures are as follows: Kodiak channel samples are 5 cm wide cut perpendicular to the strike of the vein and/or shear zone from mapped alteration in the footwall continuously through the vein and/or shear zone and into mapped alteration in the hanging wall. Channels are cut with a motorized circular saw to a depth of 10 cm and removed with a hammer. Channel sample spacing is nominally every 20m along strike, dependent on outcrop size and geometry. Sample intervals are selected according to geologic contacts and visible mineralization, placed into a sample bag, and shipped to the assay lab for quantitative analysis of select elements. Kodiak drill cores are split down the center with a typical table feed circular rock saw or are split with a hydraulic slitting device. Sample intervals are selected according to geologic contacts, visible mineralization, and alteration, placed into sample bags and shipped to the assay lab where they are quantitatively analyzed for select elements. Drill cores are boxed, covered, and sealed at the drill rig and moved to the Kodiak logging and sample preparation facilities by Kodiak personnel. Kodiak angle core holes are directed perpendicular to the mapped dip of the vein therefore reported drill hole intercepts approximate true thickness of the vein. All Kodiak samples are currently being assayed by Chemex ALS, 2090 Riverside Dr.,Timmins, ON P4R 0A2. Blank and standard samples are routinely submitted with all sample batches sent to the lab for assay. Samples are routinely sent to other labs for additional checks.

      On behalf of the Board of Directors

      Brian J. Maher

      President and Chief Executive Officer


      Kodiak Exploration Limited
      tel.: 1-604-688-9006 Fax: 1-604-688-9029

      Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. This release may contain forward-looking statements or statements that relate to programs that involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Actual events or results could differ materially from the Company's expectations and projections.…
      schrieb am 05.01.11 08:39:03
      Beitrag Nr. 346 ()
      Selbstbewusste Worte:…

      Prodigy Gold Incorporated: Today's Discovery, Tomorrow's Future
      Jan. 4, 2011 (Filing Services Canada) -- Prodigy Gold Inc. (PDG - TSX Venture)is excited to unveil its new name, logo and business outlook for the future. Born from the unification of Kodiak Exploration and Golden Goose Resources, Prodigy Gold has a bright future that exemplifies all the word "Prodigy" means: A young outstanding company with tremendous abilities and the potential to become a leader in the gold mining industry.

      Prodigy Gold's advanced stage Magino Mine project, with Measured and Indicated gold resources of 453,190 ounces and Inferred gold resources of 1,178,120 ounces*, is the company's lead project. Prodigy is currently evaluating the Magino Mine project as an open-pit mining opportunity with the potential for deeper, higher grade gold production: A new 43-101 compliant resource estimate emphasizing the open pit mining potential of Magino is underway. This new resource estimate will be the basis for a Preliminary Economic Analysis (PEA) establishing the economic parameters of an open pit mining operation leading to a full bankable feasibility study expected in the first quarter of 2011. Bringing the Magino Mine project through the feasibility process along the pathway to production has the potential to add substantial value to Prodigy Gold shareholders.

      Prodigy's Beardmore-Geraldton gold exploration projects, including Hercules, Milestone and West Geraldton, provide exposure to the upside of the exploration process: low cost ounces added through district scale exploration. During 2011, Prodigy plans to continue aggressive exploration of the district with an emphasis on Milestone, a low grade gold system with considerable volume potential. We will also drill test multiple additional targets, seeking new areas to add gold resources.

      Prodigy has strengthened its technical team in anticipation of the company transitioning from pure explorer to emerging gold producer. Strong Board leadership coupled with seasoned management will enable the company to advance its projects with an emphasis on sound business planning executed by an experienced exploration and mine development team.

      Today's Discovery, Tomorrow's Future: Magino, Milestone, Hercules and more; multiple projects in the exploration and development pipeline with near term gold production potential and an aggressive approach to acquisition opportunities. These are the building blocks of the new Prodigy Gold: An outstanding young company with a strong bright future at a time of unprecedented gold prices.

      Prodigy Gold is proud to launch a new web site that captures the vision and exciting outlook for the company while providing important news and information about our projects and people: Over the next several weeks we will be phasing in the new web site and plan to have the transition completed by the end of the month. All existing contact information for the company will remain intact during the transition, new e-mail addresses will simply have an "" extension.

      *M &I: 2,092,000 mt grading 6.74 gpt gold. Inf: 5,829,000 mt grading 6.29 gpt. Cut-off grade of 3.0 gpt (Technical Report and Mineral Resource Estimate for the Magino Mine, prepared by InnovExplo, 28 May, 2009)

      The geological information for the Magino project has been reviewed and approved by Quentin J. Browne, Kodiak's Magino Project Manager, who is a qualified person under the definitions established by National Instrument 43-101. Kodiak QA/QC procedures are as follows: Kodiak channel samples are 5 cm wide cut perpendicular to the strike of the vein and/or shear zone from mapped alteration in the footwall continuously through the vein and/or shear zone and into mapped alteration in the hanging wall. Channels are cut with a motorized circular saw to a depth of 10 cm and removed with a hammer. Channel sample spacing is nominally every 20m along strike, dependent on outcrop size and geometry. Sample intervals are selected according to geologic contacts and visible mineralization, placed into a sample bag, and shipped to the assay lab for quantitative analysis of select elements. Kodiak drill cores are split down the center with a typical table feed circular rock saw or are split with a hydraulic slitting device. Sample intervals are selected according to geologic contacts, visible mineralization, and alteration, placed into sample bags and shipped to the assay lab where they are quantitatively analyzed for select elements. Drill cores are boxed, covered, and sealed at the drill rig and moved to the Kodiak logging and sample preparation facilities by Kodiak personnel. Kodiak angle core holes are directed perpendicular to the mapped dip of the vein therefore reported drill hole intercepts approximate true thickness of the vein. All Kodiak samples are currently being assayed by Chemex ALS, 2090 Riverside Dr.,Timmins, ON P4R 0A2. Blank and standard samples are routinely submitted with all sample batches sent to the lab for assay. Samples are routinely sent to other labs for additional checks.

      On behalf of the Board of Directors
      Brian J. Maher
      President and Chief Executive Officer

      Prodigy Gold Incorporated
      Tel.: 1-604-688-9006
      Fax: 1-604-688-9029

      Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. This release may contain forward-looking statements or statements that relate to programs that involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Actual events or results could differ materially from the Company's expectations and projections.

      Source: Prodigy Gold Inc. (TSX-V: PDG)
      Maximum News Dissemination by Filing Services Canada Inc. *


      Kommentare willkommen!
      Freundliche Grüße
      schrieb am 05.01.11 18:14:23
      Beitrag Nr. 347 ()
      bin jetzt ein wenig bequem, aber du (supernova) scheinst ja gut informiert zu sein. Wann sollte das erste Projekt in Produktion gehen? suche nach Minen die kurz vor der Produktion stehen.
      besten Dank.
      schrieb am 01.03.11 11:04:17
      Beitrag Nr. 348 ()
      Kam gestern per Mail:

      Prodigy Reports Indicated Gold Resources of 1,924,200 Ounces and Inferred Gold Resources of 587,100 Ounces at Magino

      February 28, 2011

      Vancouver, British Columbia, February 28, 2011. Prodigy Gold Incorporated is pleased to announce the release of an updated NI 43-101 compliant mineral resource estimate for its flagship Magino gold mine project in northern Ontario. The updated mineral resource estimate, reported within a conceptual pit shell, was completed by Snowden Mining Industry Consultants Inc. (Snowden) of Vancouver, British Columbia. Using a 0.35 gpt gold cutoff, the Magino deposit contains Indicated gold resources of 1,924,200 ounces grading 1.16 gpt gold (51.6M tonnes), a more than four-fold increase in Measured and Indicated gold resources over the previous resource estimate that was focused on higher grade underground mineable zones (InnovExplo Technical Report issued 28 May, 2009). Using the same cut off grade (0.35 gpt gold), the Magino deposit is also estimated to contain 587,100 ounces of Inferred gold resources grading 1.04 gpt gold (18.3M tonnes). A complete Technical Report will be filed on SEDAR within 45 days. The resource estimate is set out in the table below and reported at a series of cut off grades.

      About Prodigy Gold: Prodigy Gold Incorporated (PDG: TSX.V) was created by unifying the assets of two Canadian Junior exploration companies: Kodiak Exploration Limited and Golden Goose Resources Inc. Prodigy is currently evaluating the Magino mine project in Ontario as an open-pit mining opportunity with the potential for deeper, higher grade gold production The company is producing a Preliminary Economic Analysis (PEA), establishing the economic parameters of an open pit mining operation at Magino. The PEA is expected to lead to a full feasibility study, projected for early 2012. Bringing the Magino Mine project through the feasibility process and towards production, coupled with the exploration potential of our Beardmore-Geraldton exploration properties, are the catalysts to growing Prodigy Gold, building substantial value for Prodigy shareholders: Today's Discovery, Tomorrow's Future.

      All scientific and technical information in this news release, except for the section titled "Mineral Resource Estimate", has been reviewed and approved by Tom Pollock, P. Geo., Prodigy Gold's Vice President of Exploration, who is a qualified person under the definitions established by National Instrument 43-101. Prodigy Gold QA/QC procedures are as follows: Prodigy Gold drill cores are split down the center with a typical table feed circular rock saw or are split with a hydraulic slitting device. Sample intervals are selected according to geologic contacts, visible mineralization, and alteration, placed into sample bags and shipped to the assay lab where they are quantitatively analyzed for select elements. Drill cores are boxed, covered, and sealed at the drill rig and moved to the Prodigy Gold logging and sample preparation facilities by Prodigy Gold personnel. Prodigy Gold angle core holes are directed perpendicular to the mapped dip of the vein therefore reported drill hole intercepts approximate true thickness of the vein. All Prodigy Gold samples are currently being assayed by Chemex ALS, 2090 Riverside Dr, Timmins, ON P4R 0A2. Blank and standard samples are routinely submitted with all sample batches sent to the lab for assay. Samples are routinely sent to other labs for additional checks.

      On behalf of the Board of Directors

      Brian J. Maher
      President and Chief Executive Officer

      Prodigy Gold Incorporated
      tel.: 1-604-688-9006 Fax: 1-604-688-9029

      Es gab einen bescheidenen, aber bisher nicht wirklich spektakulärenen Kursanstieg. Dabei fand ich die News eigentlich gar nicht so schlecht.

      Eure Meinung?

      Freundliche Grüße
      13 Antworten
      schrieb am 16.03.11 21:02:29
      Beitrag Nr. 349 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.123.654 von supernova1712 am 01.03.11 11:04:17für eine meinung fehlt mir noch der einblick. bin heute mal genauer darauf gestoßen durch die news und les mich erstmal noch ein...watchlist erstmal, ich meld mich die tage dazu nochmals zu wort
      schrieb am 17.03.11 13:35:04
      Beitrag Nr. 350 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.123.654 von supernova1712 am 01.03.11 11:04:17
      moin sn1712,

      liest sich viiiielversprechend.....IMO

      schau auch mal in akt. presi 03.2011 - da gibts noch ne reihe meeeeehr int. details...…

      DAS scheint mir angesichts akt.japan- desasters vom markt noch gaaaaar nicht
      so wirklich verarbeitet worden zu sein

      11 Antworten
      schrieb am 17.03.11 13:43:47
      Beitrag Nr. 351 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.224.061 von hbg55 am 17.03.11 13:35:04

      ....sieht im übrigen auch charttech. aussichtsreich aus.....IMO

      10 Antworten
      schrieb am 17.03.11 16:20:59
      Beitrag Nr. 352 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.224.129 von hbg55 am 17.03.11 13:43:47charttech. aussichtsreich

      Na ja, sagen wir mal: Nicht mehr ganz so beschissen! :laugh:

      Haben wir Geduld!

      Freundliche Grüße
      9 Antworten
      schrieb am 17.03.11 16:42:53
      Beitrag Nr. 353 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.225.273 von supernova1712 am 17.03.11 16:20:59....ICH seh da am ende nen kl. haken...... und zwar gen NORDEN in richtung
      des PPs zu cad 0,45 :D:laugh:

      hier lies mal.........

      Prodigy Gold seven-million-share private placement

      2011-03-16 16:40 ET - Private Placement

      The TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation with respect to a non-brokered private placement announced March 8, 2011.

      Number of shares: Seven million shares

      Purchase price: 45 cents per share

      Warrants: 3.5 million share purchase warrants to purchase 3.5 million shares

      Warrant exercise price: 60 cents for a two-year period (If the daily volume weighted average price of shares of the company exceeds 75 cents per share for 20 consecutive days, the expiry date of the warrants may be accelerated to the day which is 30 calendar days after notice of the acceleration.)

      Pro group: Macquarie Bank Ltd., seven million

      8 Antworten
      schrieb am 18.03.11 10:13:59
      Beitrag Nr. 354 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.225.440 von hbg55 am 17.03.11 16:42:53....nachfolg. die ´komplette´ meldung dazu.........

      Prodigy Gold Closes Private Placement With Macquarie

      Mar. 17, 2011 (Marketwire Canada) --



      Prodigy Gold Incorporated (the "Company" or "Prodigy Gold") (TSX VENTURE:PDG), is pleased to announce it has closed the non-brokered private placement originally announced on March 8, 2011 pursuant to which Macquarie Bank Ltd. ("Macquarie") has acquired 7,000,000 units of the Company at a price of $0.45 per unit for proceeds of $3,150,000.

      Each unit consists of one common share of the Company (a "Common Share") and one-half of one transferable Common Share purchase warrant (each whole warrant, a "Warrant"). Each Warrant entitles the holder, on exercise thereof, to purchase one additional Common share at a price of $0.60 for a period of 24 months from the completion of the offering, provided that if the daily volume weighted average price for twenty (20) consecutive days of trading of the Company's shares on the TSX Venture Exchange (or such other stock exchange on which shares of the Company are listed) exceeds $0.75 per share, the expiry date of the Warrants may be accelerated to the day which is thirty (30) calendar days after notice of acceleration has been sent by the Company to Macquarie. All securities issued in connection with the private placement will be subject to a minimum four-month hold period.

      The proceeds from the private placement will be used to fund the Company's ongoing exploration and development at the Magino mine project and general corporate purposes.

      This news release does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any of the securities in the United States. The securities have not been and will not be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "U.S. Securities Act") or any state securities laws and may not be offered or sold within the United States or to U.S. Persons unless registered under the U.S. Securities Act and applicable state securities laws, or unless an exemption from such registration is available.

      About Prodigy Gold: Prodigy Gold Incorporated (TSX VENTURE:PDG) is currently evaluating the Magino mine project in Ontario as an open-pit mining opportunity with the potential for deeper, higher grade gold production.

      The Magino mine project contains Indicated gold resources of 1,924,200 ounces grading 1.16 gpt gold (51.6M tonnes), and 587,100 ounces of Inferred gold resources grading 1.04 gpt gold (18.3M tonnes) (please see Prodigy press release dated February 28, 2011).

      The Company is producing a Preliminary Economic Analysis (PEA), establishing the economic parameters of an open pit mining operation at Magino. The PEA is expected to lead to a full feasibility study, projected for early 2012. Bringing the Magino Mine project through the feasibility process and towards production, coupled with the exploration potential of our Beardmore-Geraldton exploration properties, are the catalysts to growing Prodigy Gold, building substantial value for Prodigy shareholders: Today's Discovery, Tomorrow's Future.

      The geological information for the Magino project has been reviewed and approved by Tom Pollock, P.Geo., Prodigy Gold's Vice President – Exploration, who is a qualified person under the definitions established by National Instrument 43-101. Drill core at Magino is boxed, covered, and sealed at the drill rig and moved to the Prodigy logging and sample preparation facilities by Prodigy personnel. The core is then split down the centre using a typical table fed circular rock saw normally at one metre intervals. One half of the core is sent for assay to ALS Chemex, 2090 Riverside Dr., Timmins, ON, P4R 0A2, while the other half is returned to the core box and stored at Prodigy's sampling facility in a secure, fenced off, area. Prodigy QA/QC procedures include the regular use of blanks, standards and duplicate samples in addition to sending 10% of the samples off to a second lab for check assays. Samples assaying greater than 3.0 gpt gold are automatically re-assayed by the metallic screen method. Drill holes are directed as much as possible perpendicular to the strike and dip of the mineralization at Magino. As a rough estimate the true thickness of the above intercepts is approximately 76%.

      On behalf of the Board of Directors

      Brian J. Maher, President and Chief Executive Officer

      This news release includes certain forward-looking statements or information. All statements other than statements of historical fact included in this release, including, without limitation, statements relating to the potential mineralization and geological merits of the Magino mine property and other future plans, objectives or expectations of Prodigy Gold Incorporated (the "Company") are forward-looking statements that involve various risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the Company's plans or expectations include risks relating to the actual results of current exploration activities, fluctuating gold prices, possibility of equipment breakdowns and delays, exploration cost overruns, availability of capital and financing, general economic, market or business conditions, regulatory changes, timeliness of government or regulatory approvals and other risks detailed herein and from time to time in the filings made by the Company with securities regulators. The Company expressly disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise except as otherwise required by applicable securities legislation.

      Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

      Prodigy Gold Incorporated
      President and Chief Executive Officer
      1-604-688-9029 (FAX)

      ....denke mal, Macquarie hat guuuuute gründe das PP komplett und dann noch
      mit aufpreis zu übernehmen und rechne schon bald mit infos der hintergründe

      7 Antworten
      schrieb am 18.03.11 10:16:26
      Beitrag Nr. 355 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.229.299 von hbg55 am 18.03.11 10:13:59
      zum besseren verständnis dieser meldung hilft auch mal ein blick aufs
      folg. chartbild..........

      schrieb am 18.03.11 15:51:23
      Beitrag Nr. 356 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.229.299 von hbg55 am 18.03.11 10:13:59:eek::eek:

      kann es sein........die investoren merken, welch günstige zustiegschancen
      sich grad ´ncoh´ bieten...........

      RT....cad 0,35

      5 Antworten
      schrieb am 21.03.11 14:37:06
      Beitrag Nr. 357 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.232.332 von hbg55 am 18.03.11 15:51:23:eek::eek:

      neue woche startet so dynamisch, wie die vorwoche endete......

      09:32:14 V 0.38 0.02 7,500 19 Desjardins 7 TD Sec K
      09:32:14 V 0.375 0.015 10,000 19 Desjardins 1 Anonymous K
      09:32:14 V 0.375 0.015 2,000 19 Desjardins 79 CIBC K
      09:31:18 V 0.37 0.01 5,000 2 RBC 79 CIBC K
      09:30:00 V 0.37 0.01 400 95 Wolverton 81 HSBC E
      09:30:00 V 0.37 0.01 100 95 Wolverton 19 Desjardins E
      09:30:00 V 0.37 0.01 200 95 Wolverton 79 CIBC E
      09:30:00 V 0.375 0.01 100 2 RBC 95 Wolverton E
      09:30:00 V 0.37 0.01 10,000 27 Dundee 6 Union K
      09:30:00 V 0.37 0.01 50,000 27 Dundee 85 Scotia K

      schrieb am 21.03.11 14:51:14
      Beitrag Nr. 358 ()

      schrieb am 21.03.11 16:16:42
      Beitrag Nr. 359 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.232.332 von hbg55 am 18.03.11 15:51:23

      mit schönem vol. rücken wir im näher an die cad 0,40 heran.

      angesichts des umstandes, daß jüngste PP nach wenigen tagen
      komplett zu 0,45 geschlossen wurde, scheints mir KEINEN großen
      widerstand dort zu geben

      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 21.03.11 17:00:38
      Beitrag Nr. 360 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.242.189 von hbg55 am 21.03.11 16:16:42:eek::eek:

      woooooow................DA sind die 0,40 schon....

      Recent Trades - Last 10 of 108
      Time ET Ex Price Change Volume Buyer Seller Markers

      11:43:34 V 0.40 0.04 1,500 9 BMO Nesbitt 95 Wolverton K
      11:43:21 V 0.40 0.04 100 95 Wolverton 99 Jitney E
      11:43:21 V 0.40 0.04 200 95 Wolverton 57 Interactive E
      11:43:21 V 0.40 0.04 400 95 Wolverton 57 Interactive E
      11:43:21 V 0.40 0.04 452 95 Wolverton 2 RBC E
      11:43:21 V 0.40 0.04 200 95 Wolverton 2 RBC E
      11:43:21 V 0.40 0.04 2,500 9 BMO Nesbitt 79 CIBC K
      11:43:21 V 0.40 0.04 9,000 9 BMO Nesbitt 85 Scotia K
      11:43:21 V 0.40 0.04 20,000 9 BMO Nesbitt 81 HSBC K
      11:43:21 V 0.40 0.04 5,000 9 BMO Nesbitt 2 RBC K

      schrieb am 21.03.11 17:59:14
      Beitrag Nr. 361 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.232.332 von hbg55 am 18.03.11 15:51:23

      RT....cad 0,42

      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 21.03.11 23:17:09
      Beitrag Nr. 362 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.242.994 von hbg55 am 21.03.11 17:59:14
      gingen schlussendlich bei knapp 1,5mio vol. knapp unter TH mit
      folg. LASTS ausm handel.........

      Recent Trades - Last 10 of 199
      Time ET Ex Price Change Volume Buyer Seller Markers

      15:59:25 V 0.41 0.05 10,000 79 CIBC 1 Anonymous K
      15:59:25 V 0.41 0.05 1,500 79 CIBC 7 TD Sec K
      15:59:25 V 0.41 0.05 10,000 79 CIBC 1 Anonymous K
      15:59:25 V 0.41 0.05 6,000 79 CIBC 33 Canaccord K
      15:58:34 V 0.41 0.05 3,000 2 RBC 33 Canaccord KW
      15:48:55 V 0.41 0.05 11,000 2 RBC 33 Canaccord KW
      15:48:55 V 0.41 0.05 10,000 2 RBC 1 Anonymous KW
      15:48:55 V 0.41 0.05 2,000 2 RBC 79 CIBC KW
      15:47:28 V 0.40 0.04 1,500 74 GMP 7 TD Sec K
      15:41:54 V 0.40 0.04 2,000 74 GMP 19 Desjardins K

      schrieb am 04.04.11 16:39:41
      Beitrag Nr. 363 ()
      Prodigy Receives Positive PEA For Magino: NPV of $351M and IRR of 49%

      10:20 EST Monday, Apr 04, 2011

      FSC / Press Release

      Prodigy Receives Positive PEA For Magino: NPV of $351M and IRR of 49%

      Vancouver, British Columbia CANADA, April 04, 2011 /FSC/ - Prodigy Gold Inc. (PDG - TSX Venture, KX3 - FWB), is pleased to announce the results from a NI 43-101 compliant Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA) of its 100% owned Magino mine gold project in northern Ontario. The PEA, completed by CWA Engineers Inc., in a consortium including Snowden Mining Industry Consultants Inc. (Snowden) and Knight Piesold Canada, has established strong economics for the proposed open pit gold mining project at Magino. (All figures are in Canadian dollars except where noted)

      Highlights of the PEA (base case using US$1,000/oz gold):

      * Pre-tax Net Present Value (NPV) of $351 million at a 5% discount rate generating an Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 49%; payback period is 1.8 years
      * At a US$1,300/oz gold price, the project generates a pre-tax NPV of $691 million and an IRR of 80%
      * Pre-tax cash flow from operations over the proposed Life of Mine (LOM) is estimated to be $796 million, net cash is projected to be $520 million LOM
      * Start-up capital costs are estimated to be $242 million with an additional $34 million in sustaining capital
      * Average annual gold production is estimated to be 166,500 ounces per year over a nine year operating life producing 1.50 million ounces of gold, recovery is estimated to be 95%
      * Average LOM cash operating costs (exclusive of sustaining capital) are estimated to be US$496 (Cdn$521) per ounce
      * During the first two years of proposed mine operations, the average grade processed will be 1.60 gpt gold
      * Total minable resources of 41.8 million tonnes grading 1.18 gpt gold with a strip ratio of 2.8:1
      * Ongoing in-fill drilling to date is targeted at increasing the gold resource by converting internal waste to resources; the PEA to be updated upon completion of the drilling

      Brian Maher, President and CEO of Prodigy Gold stated: "The completion of the Magino mine PEA by the engineering consortium is a major milestone for Prodigy Gold, demonstrating the robust economics of our proposed open pit gold mine at Magino. With a projected mine life of nine years, cash costs of US$496 (Cdn$521) per ounce and rapid payback of capital, Magino is developing into one of the leading undeveloped gold projects in eastern Canada. The on-going in-fill drilling program, which is targeting gold mineralization within the proposed open pit, may enhance project economics as we convert internal waste into resources, simultaneously increasing contained ounces and lowering costs. We view this PEA as a first pass analysis and look forward to fine-tuning the operating and milling plan with a focus on lowering costs and increasing the resource base prior to completing a full feasibility study."

      Project Assumptions and Parameters:


      Base gold price (US$/oz) 1,000

      Exchange Rate (Cdn$/US$) 1.05

      Milling rate (tpd) 15,000

      --No royalty

      --No sunk costs

      --Total capital costs include initial and sustaining capital

      --100% equity financing

      --Costs are estimated in 2011 first quarter dollars

      Mine and Mill Parameters:

      Total resource milled (million tonnes) 41.82

      Waste moved (million tonnes) 115.55

      LOM strip ratio 2.76:1

      Average gold grade (gpt) 1.18

      Total contained gold (million oz) 1.57

      Estimated gold recovery (%) 95

      Total recovered gold (million oz) 1.50

      Project life (years) 9

      Average annual production (oz) 166,500

      Costs and Capital Requirements:

      Mining costs ($/tonne) 2.25

      Transportation costs ($/tonne) 0.50

      Milling costs ($/tonne) 9.17

      G and A ($/tonne) 1.13

      Pre-production capital ($ million) 242

      Sustaining capital ($ million) 34

      Average cash cost (US$/oz) 496 (Cdn$521)

      Financial Analysis:

      Average annual pre-tax cash flow ($ million) 57.8

      NPV 5% discount rate pre-tax ($ million) 351

      NPV 5% discount rate post-tax ($ million) 259

      IRR pre-tax (%) 49

      IRR post-tax (%) 41

      Pre-tax payback period (years) 1.8

      Magino Mine Resources

      The Magino mine resources used in the PEA were previously reported in a Prodigy Gold press release dated February 28, 2011. The resource estimate, completed by Snowden, contained Indicated gold resources of 1,924,200 ounces grading 1.16 gpt gold (51.6 million tonnes) and 587,100 ounces of Inferred gold resources grading 1.04 gpt gold (17.5 million tonnes) using a 0.35 gpt cut off grade. The complete resource estimate table is included below:

      To view the table, please click onto the link below or copy and paste it into your browser:

      Potentially open-pit minable resources were calculated by Snowden using Snowden's resource model (as reported in a press release dated February 28, 2011). This resource model as well as the cost parameters mentioned above, and an average pit wall slope assumption of 45o were used to develop an optimum final pit shell using Whittle 4D. After determining the optimal pit shell Snowden then used lower revenue factor shells to select appropriate push backs to assist in scheduling the operation. Snowden then developed a life of project schedule for the resource which utilizes an extensive low grade stockpile to increase the average mill feed grade, maximizing value in the early years of the project's life. The schedule developed supports an average mill feed rate of 15,000 tonnes per day, for about nine years. To support this mill feed, total material movement from the open pit peaks at about 62,500 tonnes per day in year three with a typical material movement requirement of about 55,000 tonnes per day of combined waste and process feed.

      Using the final pit shell from Whittle, Snowden designed a conceptual final pit design as well as associated waste dumps, low grade stockpile, and ramps. Mining is assumed to be undertaken by a contractor. The financial analysis includes a mobilization allowance of $5 million for the contractor.

      Mining and Production

      The pit design, optimization and production schedule prepared by Snowden resulted in a potential production schedule containing 41.82 million tonnes grading 1.18 gpt gold. Total gold recovered over a nine year project life is 1.50 million ounces, averaging 166,500 ounces per year. The LOM average strip ratio is estimated to be less than 2.8 to 1. A summary of the annual mine production is outlined below.

      To view the summary, please click onto the link below or copy and paste it into your browser:

      Processing Facility

      The PEA contemplates using a conventional carbon-in-leach (CIL) processing facility operating at 15,000 tpd with 95% availability. The crushing consists of a three stage crushing plant and a fine ore stockpile. The fine ore will be reclaimed to feed two ball mills in parallel. Each ball mill will be in a closed circuit with cyclones.

      The cyclone overflow from each ball mill will be fed to a train of leach tanks with sodium cyanide and carbon (carbon-in-leach process) for 48 hours to extract 95% of the contained gold. The loaded carbon will be washed and stripped in a hot caustic solution at an elevated temperature and pressure. The pregnant solution exiting from the stripping circuit will be cooled and pumped to a set of electrowinning cells where the gold will be plated out on steel wool. The gold laden steel wool will be smelted on site to produce dore.

      The stripped carbon will be reactivated and returned to the CIL circuit. The residual cyanide in the tailings from the leach will be destroyed using sulphur dioxide, copper sulphate and lime before the tailings are pumped to the storage area. The supernatant from the tailings will be reclaimed and re-used in the process plant.

      Operating Costs

      Operating cash costs, excluding sustaining capital, over LOM are projected to average US$496/oz (Cdn$521). Costs are summarized below:



      $/tonne milled $/tonne mined $/oz gold


      Average mining costs 8.31 2.25 232 (US$221)

      Stockpile reclaim 0.50 - 2 (US$2)

      Processing cost 9.17 - 256 (US$244)

      G and A 1.13 - 31 (US$29)


      TOTAL: 19.11 - 521 (US$496)



      Capital Cost Estimates

      The PEA is based upon capital pricing as of the first quarter of 2011. The level of accuracy of the capital cost estimate is ? 40% for this PEA. Pre-production capital costs are estimated at $242 million. Because mining is assumed to be undertaken by a contractor, the mining fleet capital is limited to $5 million for the contractor mobilization. Sustaining capital, principally staged additions to the capacity of the tailings pond, is estimated to be $34 million. The cost breakdown for pre-production capital expenditures, assuming contract mining, is shown below.



      Deion Pre-production Capital Sustaining Capital

      ($ million) ($ million)


      Mining 5

      Process Plant 142

      Tailings 17 34

      Infrastructure 4


      Total direct costs 168 34


      Other Indirect 2

      EPCM 16

      Contingency (30%) 56


      Total indirect costs 74


      TOTAL 242 34



      Financial Analysis

      The financial analysis for the Base Case evaluation utilizing a gold price of US$ 1,000 per ounce indicates a pre-tax NPV at a 5% discount rate of $351 million with an IRR of 49% and a payback period of 1.8 years. On an after tax basis, the NPV at a 5% discount rate is $259 million with an IRR of 41% at a gold price of US$1000 per ounce. The project generates an undiscounted pre-tax cash flow from operations of $796 million over the LOM. The table below outlines NPV and IRR at a variety of gold prices and discount rates (DR) on a pre-tax basis.



      Gold Price (USD$) 1,000 900 1,200 1,300


      Cash flow from operations ($ million) 796 638 1,112 1,269

      NPV 0% DR ($ million) 520 362 835 993

      NPV 5% DR ($ million) 351 237 578 691

      NPV 7.5% DR ($million) 289 192 484 581

      IRR Base Case (%) 49 38 70 80



      Note on Mineral Resources

      Mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. This assessment is preliminary in nature as it includes inferred mineral resources that are considered too speculative geologically to have the economic considerations applied to them that would enable to them to be categorized as mineral reserves. At this time there is no certainty that the preliminary assessment and economics will be realized.

      Qualified Persons for the PEA

      The PEA was prepared by leading independent industry consultants, all Qualified Persons (QP) under National Instrument 43-101. The QPs have reviewed and approved the content of this news release. The following consultants and QPs participated in the PEA:

      * CWA Engineers Inc, under the direction of Frank Yu, P. Eng. Mr. Frank Yu is the Technical Director, Mining of CWA Engineers Inc. He supervised and reviewed the process design and infrastructure update requirement, capital and mill operating cost estimate and financial analysis of this project.
      * Snowden Mining Industry Consultants Inc., under the direction of Anthony Finch, MAusIMM. Mr. Anthony Finch is the Divisional Manager Mining Engineering and Principal Consultant at Snowden Mining Industry Consultants Inc. He supervised and reviewed all the mining design aspects of this project.
      * Knight Piesold Canada, under the direction of Daniel Y. Yang, P. Eng. Mr. Daniel Yang is a Senior Engineer of Knight Piesold Canada. He supervised and reviewed the tailings storage facility for this project.

      A NI 43-101 compliant technical report will be filed on SEDAR within 45 days of the date of this press release.

      About Prodigy Gold: Prodigy Gold Inc. (PDG: TSX.V) is currently evaluating the development of the Magino mine gold project in Ontario as an open-pit mining opportunity with the potential for deeper, higher grade gold production. The Magino project contains Indicated gold resources of 1,924,200 ounces grading 1.16 gpt gold (51.6 million tonnes), and 587,100 ounces of Inferred gold resources grading 1.04 gpt gold (17.5 million tonnes) (please see Prodigy press release dated February 28, 2011). A Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA) of the project shows a pre-tax NPV of $351million and an IRR of 49% using a 5% discount rate (please see Prodigy press release dated April 4, 2011). The proposed operation would have an average annual gold output of over 166,000 ounces a year during a nine year project life. Total gold production is estimated to be 1.50 million ounces at cash costs of approximately US$496 (Cdn$521) per ounce. A full feasibility study for the proposed open pit mining project is scheduled for early 2012. Bringing the Magino mine project through the feasibility process and towards production, coupled with the exploration potential of our Beardmore-Geraldton exploration properties, are the catalysts to growing Prodigy Gold and building substantial value for Prodigy shareholders: Today's Discovery, Tomorrow's Future.

      All scientific and technical information in this news release, except as noted above, has been reviewed and approved by Tom Pollock, P.Geo., Prodigy Gold's Vice President - Exploration, who is a qualified person under the definitions established by National Instrument 43-101. Drill core at Magino is boxed, covered, and sealed at the drill rig and moved to the Prodigy logging and sample preparation facilities by Prodigy Gold personnel. The core is then split down the centre using a typical table fed circular rock saw normally at one metre intervals. One half of the core is sent for assay to ALS Chemex, 2090 Riverside Dr., Timmins, ON, P4R 0A2, while the other half is returned to the core box and stored at Prodigy's sampling facility in a secure, fenced off, area. Prodigy QA/QC procedures include the regular use of blanks, standards and duplicate samples in addition to sending 10% of the samples off to a second lab for check assays. Samples assaying > 3.0 gpt gold are automatically re-assayed by the metallic screen method. Drill holes are directed as much as possible perpendicular to the strike and dip of the mineralization at Magino.

      On behalf of the Board of Directors
      Brian J. Maher
      President and Chief Executive Officer
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 04.04.11 17:16:02
      Beitrag Nr. 364 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.314.993 von Zander65 am 04.04.11 16:39:41:)TOP!

      eine sehr gute PEA!

      bei 1300$/Unze haben wir sogar eine IRR von 80%
      schrieb am 05.04.11 10:03:21
      Beitrag Nr. 365 ()
      PDG wird nun neu bewertet werden

      Cannacord hat gestern über 1,3 Mio gekauft

      Mar 28 - Apr 3, 2011 Volume 97 Number 6 - 0

      Prodigy Gold (PDG-V) continues to hit significant gold intercepts as it drives to push its Magino gold mine back into production.
      Magino is a past-producing underground gold mine located 40 km northeast of Wawa, Ont. The
      project is wholly owned by Prodigy and stretches over 19 sq. km.

      The latest results from infill drilling were highlighted by a long intercept of 261 metres grading 1.13 grams gold including 104.6 metres of 2.06 grams gold.

      Those numbers were deemed substantial enough by investors to boost the company's market capitalization by 14% in Toronto on March 16 - the day the news was released. In all, the company's shares were up 4¢ to 32¢ on 840,000 shares traded.

      Prodigy says the in-fill program is targeting areas for resource expansion within the known Magino resource and that the highlight hole hit mineralization at just the 80-metre level in an area with little previous drilling.
      The result has the company confident that it can grow the resource at the project within the limits of the conceptual pit shell.

      Magino currently has indicated resources of 51.6 million tonnes grading 1.16 grams gold for 1.92 million oz. and 18.3 million tonnes in the inferred category of 1.04 grams gold for 587,100 oz. gold.

      The company has finished 1,800 metres of its planned 20,000-metre drill program.

      - viele,viele News weiter vorraus in diesem Jahr!!!

      The company is conducting a preliminary economic assessment (PEA) study on the project, which it plans to have out in April. It says the PEA will position it to complete a full bankable feasibility study by early 2012%
      schrieb am 05.04.11 10:33:38
      Beitrag Nr. 366 ()
      schrieb am 05.04.11 10:47:57
      Beitrag Nr. 367 ()
      aus Stockhouse:

      This company has roughly the same number of shares out as Trelawney (TRR), TRR has about double the estimated resource so far, with I think about the same potential (They also have an existing mine & infrasture), and TRR has been trading in the $4 to $5 range.
      Dare to be great...don't be afraid to make money...I'm amazed at the level of shares offered right now and that people are selling. But this news was mostly expected...what is really going to drive this baby up is the continuing news releases increasing resource size & potential. This is where the day traders and speculators move in and try to make some quick money.
      All of the fundamentals are here for a successful venture, without question a significant increase in the resource estimate to come based on recent infill drilling, and a much larger resource potential. I can't wait for the results of their deeper drilling where the high grade stuff is. Don't forget...we are only at about 3,000 metres of a 20,000 metre drilling program.
      This one is a keeper in my books.
      schrieb am 05.04.11 12:38:40
      Beitrag Nr. 368 ()
      Highlights of the PEA (base case using US$1,000/oz gold):

      * Pre-tax Net Present Value (NPV) of $351 million at a 5% discount rate generating an Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 49%; payback period is 1.8 years

      * At a US$1,300/oz gold price, the project generates a pre-tax NPV of $691 million and an IRR of 80%:)

      aktuell stehen wir über 1400$/Unze - erinnert mich an Aurcana(Silberproduzent) - die haben eine ähnliche PEA für ihre ShafterMine gebracht
      seit dem haben sie sich mehr als verdoppelt........das denke ich wird mit PDG auch geschehen! :)

      * Pre-tax cash flow from operations over the proposed Life of Mine (LOM) is estimated to be $796 million, net cash is projected to be $520 million LOM

      * Start-up capital costs are estimated to be $242 million with an additional $34 million in sustaining capital

      * Average annual gold production is estimated to be 166,500 ounces per year over a nine year operating life producing 1.50 million ounces of gold, recovery is estimated to be 95%
      * Average LOM cash operating costs (exclusive of sustaining capital) are estimated to be US$496 (Cdn$521) per ounce
      * During the first two years of proposed mine operations, the average grade processed will be 1.60 gpt gold
      * Total minable resources of 41.8 million tonnes grading 1.18 gpt gold with a strip ratio of 2.8:1
      * Ongoing in-fill drilling to date is targeted at increasing the gold resource by converting internal waste to resources; the PEA to be updated upon completion of the drilling
      schrieb am 06.04.11 09:58:39
      Beitrag Nr. 369 ()
      gestern kleine Verschnaufpause, vielleicht wird die tage auch noch das gerissene Up-Gap geschlossen
      grundsätzlich wird sich PDG sehr gut entwickeln
      denke die nächsten Tage wird es einige gute Kommentare geben
      schrieb am 07.04.11 08:44:20
      Beitrag Nr. 370 ()
      VectorVest gives Prodigy Gold a Buy recommendation

      VectorVest gives Prodigy Gold a Buy recommendation

      RS (Relative Safety): RS is an indicator of risk.PDG has an RS rating of 0.95, which is fair on a scale of 0.00 to 2.00. RS is computed from an analysis of the consistency and predictability of a company's financial performance, debt to equity ratio, sales volume, business longevity, price volatility and other factors. A stock with an RS rating greater than 1.00 is safer and more predictable than the average stock in the VectorVest database. VectorVest favors the purchase of stocks of companies with consistent, predictable financial performance.

      RT (Relative Timing): RT is a fast, smart, accurate indicator of a stock's price trend. PDG has a Relative Timing rating of 1.80, which is excellent on a scale of 0.00 to 2.00. RT is computed from an analysis of the direction, magnitude, and dynamics of a stock's price movements over one day, one week, one quarter and one year time periods. Once a stock's price has established a strong trend, it is expected to continue in that trend for the short-term. If a trend dissipates, RT will gravitate toward 1.00. RT will explode from bottoms, dive from tops, and reflect changes in price momentum. VectorVest favors the purchase of stocks with RT ratings above 1.00

      VST (VST-Vector): VST is the master indicator for ranking every stock in the VectorVest database. PDG has a VST rating of 1.30, which is very good on a scale of 0.00 to 2.00. VST is computed from the square root of a weighted sum of the squares of RV, RS, and RT. Stocks with the highest VST ratings have the best combinations of Value, Safety and Timing. These are the stocks to own for above average, long-term capital appreciation. VectorVest advocates the purchase of safe, undervalued stocks rising in price.

      GRT (Earnings Growth Rate): GRT reflects a company's one to three year forecasted earnings growth rate in percent per year.PDG has a forecasted Earnings Growth Rate of 16.00%, which VectorVest considers to be very good. GRT is computed from historical, current and forecasted earnings data. It is updated each week for every stock in the VectorVest database. GRT often foretells a stock's future price trend. If a stock's GRT trend is upward, the stock's price will likely rise. If GRT is trending downward, the stock's Price will probably fall. VectorVest favors the purchase of stocks whose GRT is rising and is greater than the sum of current inflation and interest rates, as shown weekly in our investment climate report.

      Recommendation (REC): VectorVest gives a Buy, Sell, recommendation on every stock, every day. PDG has a Buy recommendation. REC reflects the cumulative effect of all the VectorVest parameters working together. These parameters are designed to help investors buy safe, undervalued stocks rising in price. They also help investors avoid or sell risky, overvalued stocks falling in price. VectorVest recommends that investors buy high VST-Vector, Buy-rated stocks in rising markets.
      schrieb am 07.04.11 08:50:33
      Beitrag Nr. 371 ()
      aus Stockhouse:

      Last 3 days... Canaccord net buyer ~ +2M shares... Post-PEA someone is taking an interest... 250K alone at the open this AM all at 55 cents.
      P.S. Anyone check out the action at our Magino producing neighbour today?... RIC.TO... +13% to $7.70 earlier today... they just renewed their poison pill policy... they are producing and have a mill right next door to Magino. Would make sense to join forces in some way rather than spend $200M on a new mill don't you think? RIC.TO trades for +$7 and has only 31M shares out... AND have more than $40M in the bank.... Hummmm. Sounds like they would be in a very good position to make an offer for Magino... no? Not saying PDG should be looking to offload it now but the more parties interested the better... Another possibility is a major taking out RIC as it does have 2 producing mines and then the major taking an abvious interest in Magino/PDG because of its proximity to existing mill. Interesting. Tons of possibilities when you have a deposit and now PEA like Magino.
      schrieb am 07.04.11 08:53:18
      Beitrag Nr. 372 ()
      Click on the link for the 10 minute video.…

      Prodigy Gold Live @ PDAC
      This movie requires Adobe Flash for playback.
      Resource Intelligence Live @ PDAC: Prodigy Gold’s Brian Maher, President and CEO

      Check out the company’s profile and evaluate their resources HERE, with RI Analytics.

      RI: Brian Maher, would you first update us on your Magino Mine project? Gold investors need to know about your new resource estimate that significantly increased your resources.

      BM: At the Magino mine project—located northeast of Wawa, Ontario—we just put out a brand-new resource estimate. Indicated gold resources of 1.9 million ounces and inferred resources of 0.6 million ounces at an average grade in both categories of about 1.1 g/t gold. The real significance is that this is a resource estimate that’s really tightly constrained. We’ve used a conceptual pit shell so that all these numbers report to a conceptual pit shell and these aren’t resource numbers floating out into space. The pit shell goes down to 300 metres and what is really interesting about this system is that we know by drilling that it extends down to at least 600 metres and is open at depth. This is really just the first pass examination of what we have within a conceptual open pit operation.

      RI: It’s been looked at in the past as an underground deposit but what you’ve found is more mineralization all around your high-grade mineralization.

      BM: Exactly. It was an underground mine that operated between 1988 and 1992. It produced 105,000 ounces and that is how the project was traditionally viewed. We came and did our due diligence during the acquisition phase and that’s when we recognized there were large volumes of disseminated mineralization enveloping the higher grade chutes. We’ve now come through with a new model and we now have this resource which reflects what could possibly be mined in a future open pit operation.

      RI: Let’s talk about this project as far as costs. Is this just a high-grade open pit deposit or do you have a lot of buffer in terms of gold dropping back down to $1,000 or $800?

      BM: One thing that anyone who examines the data we’ve put out is that if you look at this deposit at a variety of cutoff grades it’s still very robust as that cutoff grade rises. How does that reflect the gold price? If gold prices should go down you’d have to apply that higher cutoff grade. In other words, it should be fairly well insulated from significant changes in gold prices which is something we’re all looking at when we think about what this thing is going to look like in 2015 or 2020 when it may actually be in production.

      RI: Do you have a sense of your cash costs per ounce?

      BM: What we’ve done is we’re going to take this resource and put out a preliminary economic assessment, essentially a scoping study or pre-feasibility study on the deposit. The engineering consortium that we put together to do the work have a series of parameters that we would like them to examine in terms of what this thing could look like. The targets we’ve established are in operation of about 15,000 tonnes per day. We would like to see the cash costs at the $500 or less range. These are targets obviously, but we feel with those types of parameters we’d be looking at a very robust and very profitable mining operation.

      RI: You’re also a geologist and you’ve got experience on both sides of the coin with exploration experience and production experience.

      BM: In the course of my career I’ve had the good fortune of working in exploration as well as in production. That’s unique for a geologist. Most people just have one side or the other. I’ve seen the pit falls of what can happen when you’re actually trying to produce from that great resource you have out there. When we sit down and we’re talking to the engineering team about what this could look like I understand the ins and outs of the milling, mining and production and the costs. It allows us to be a little bit tougher on these guys to make sure that we’re getting a good solid number out to the public.

      RI: Let’s talk about the infrastructure for the project. It’s well-chosen in the sense that it’s a past producer. You’ve got an existing road to the project and power, what else?

      BM: One of the things that is foremost in our business plan company-wide is that, with the projects that we have besides Magino, we like being in Ontario and Eastern Canada. Besides the obvious geopolitical stability portion of the equation, you are in a part of this country where there is a history and culture of mining. When you start announcing that you’re starting to think about putting something into production and going forward with a major mining operation, the reaction from the communities and in the regulatory agencies is one of good, we understand that. To me, that’s part of the infrastructure question as well.
      For Magino’s infrastructure, we have power to the property, a rail line within three kilometers, road right to the project and adjacent to us is an operating underground gold mine. In other words, all those key pieces that you look for to build an operation are already in place. The key for a shareholder or investor is that it lowers your capital costs as you’re developing a project.

      RI: You’re coming out with a PEA this year and you’re planning on a feasibility study next year, is that the kind of pace that you think investors need for this project?

      BM: I think most of the people in this industry, investors as well as professionals, view the current gold price cycle as being long-lived. The reality is that this is an opportunity in this price cycle to develop projects. There is really no reason to go slow or delay especially if you have a project like ours which has an operating history, metallurgical tests already completed and 1,300 drill holes already present. We can somewhat fast-track this type of gold project.
      So we put out a time-line that, while aggressive, is achievable. The PEA is scheduled for mid April of this year and then we’ll launch directly into full feasibility. We just put out the first revised resource number last week but we have drilling ongoing with a 20,000 metre program in-filling to upgrade the resource and move ounces from the inferred category into indicated and measured but also to make sure that we’re seeing all the gold that’s in the system and bring new ounces to the resource.

      RI: You’re talking about a target production rate of 15,000 tonnes per day and up to 150,000 ounces of gold per year, what is the mine life?

      BM: Ideally we’d like to see a mine life in the 10-year range. The reason for that is twofold, when you’re starting a mining operation and looking at cash flow and discounted cash flow analysis revenue dollars that at year 15, 16 or 17 are so highly discounted that they don’t really impact the NPV of a project. However, a very short mine life that may bring cash rapidly to the project doesn’t give you the flexibility should there be an issue during the operation. We try to plan for everything in the mining world but the reality is that each mine is its own unique situation and you want to have some flexibility in terms of operations so that if there is something that’s different than planned for you can make an adjustment and still go forward. A 10 year mine life is really ideal as you’re targeting what you’d like to see.

      RI: When you look at a lot of projects of this size they might choose something smaller such as a 3,500 to 5,000 tonne per day model but what you’re going to be doing is bringing yourself much closer to a mid-tier producer status.

      BM: We feel that the 150,000 ounce plateau is crucial because lower than that you’re really a micro gold producer and not approaching that mid tier level. If you look at market valuations those companies at 150,000 ounce per year or higher tend to receive more enterprise value per ounce of production than smaller producers. It’s a key benchmark of what kind of company you are and where you can go. It’s all driven by your deposit and we are fortunate enough at Magino to have a property that can meet those criteria.

      RI: How well financed are you to take it through the next steps?

      BM: Right now we have working capital of about $8 million, which we can easily get through the year if we wish. We believe we’re going to see some significant share price appreciation as the market starts to digest the news of our resource, as we put out the PEA, as the drilling results from the infill program continue and if an opportunity were to present itself to finance at a higher share price we’d certainly look at it.

      RI: I look at your share price and compare it to your peers and it’s instantly clear to me that you’re being discounted for something there?

      BM: We see that as well. Right now we’re trading for $25 or $26 per resource ounce in the ground and our peer group, those with an advanced project in Eastern Canada, are getting upwards of $150 per resource ounce in the ground. That does make us dramatically undervalued but perhaps that is the opportunity that we’re presenting to the investment community and recognizing that we’ve only had this resource out for five days and the PEA is still coming, drill results are forthcoming and a new resource update in the middle of the year followed up by full feasibility. There will be plenty of benchmarks along the way for re-valuation of the company so that we do achieve the valuation that our peer group has.

      RI: What milestones do you think are most important and that investors are going to be looking for?

      BM: I think in the short term, our PEA, so we can put some economic numbers to this resource. There are a lot of gold resources out there but not many of them actually get to the PEA stage where you’re demonstrating the economic viability and potential mining operation. When you do that you’re taking the risk out of those ounces in the ground and you provide some security for shareholders and give them something tangible they can look at. The PEA is going to be a major value driver for us.
      schrieb am 07.04.11 17:50:58
      Beitrag Nr. 373 ()
      TH 0,65 CAD! :)

      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 07.04.11 18:13:23
      Beitrag Nr. 374 ()
      0,65 CAD - und das ist heute erst der Auftakt!
      es wird die nächsten Tage sicher noch mehrere Bemerkungen,Analysen und Empfehlungen geben

      beim aktuellem Goldpreis geht es um eine NPV von mindestens 700 Mio $!
      und das für ca. 100 Mio MK + Cash

      bei weiter steigendem Goldpreis geht der IRR bei dem Projekt auf weit über 100% - bei 1300$ sind wir schon bei einer IRR von 80%, dh. aktuell werden es schon 100% sein

      At a $1,300 (U.S.) per ounce gold price, the project generates a pretax NPV of $691-million and an IRR of 80 per cent.
      schrieb am 08.04.11 09:22:11
      Beitrag Nr. 375 ()
      stark, fast auf TH mit hohem Volumen geschlossen
      die 0,70 CAD könnte heute fallen
      schrieb am 08.04.11 09:51:36
      Beitrag Nr. 376 ()
      hier sieht man mal vorher PDG kommt,
      die nächsten Steps sind 0,70/0,75 CAD, danach Luft bis über 1 CAD!

      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 08.04.11 10:46:09
      Beitrag Nr. 377 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.335.666 von grasgruener am 07.04.11 17:50:58Hallo grasgruener,

      Da sieht man aber auch sehr schön das Gap zwischen 0.445 und 0.48

      Meistens hat so ein Gap eine magische Anziehungskraft und will geschlossen werden!

      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 08.04.11 10:57:32
      Beitrag Nr. 378 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.338.475 von grasgruener am 08.04.11 09:51:36jepp - aber ein UP-Gap kann man auch erstmal ignorieren, solange das Momentum stark ist - und das ist es definitv
      ich kann mir gut vorstellen das PDG heute über die 0,70 schießt :)
      schrieb am 08.04.11 10:57:46
      Beitrag Nr. 379 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.338.931 von Zander65 am 08.04.11 10:46:09Meistens hat so ein Gap eine magische Anziehungskraft und will geschlossen werden!
      ...yep die psychologie spielt wie immer mit
      bin auch gespannt, ob weiterhin so starkes kaufsinteresse zu finden sein wird

      mg sp
      schrieb am 08.04.11 10:59:29
      Beitrag Nr. 380 ()
      unterstützden wirkt zudem im Moment der starke Goldpreis
      5 Antworten
      schrieb am 08.04.11 11:21:48
      Beitrag Nr. 381 ()
      auf das schließen des GAP´s kann man auf alle Fälle lauern!
      die Frage ist nur , wann wird es geschlossen - kenne verschiedene Fälle
      manchmal ging es innerhalb von 3 Tagen, manchmal hat es 2 jahre gedauert
      jeder wird seine Entscheidung selber treffen müssen - ich hab nen Fuß drinn und würde wenn PDG zurückkommt nachkaufen
      schrieb am 08.04.11 12:06:08
      Beitrag Nr. 382 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.339.035 von grasgruener am 08.04.11 10:59:29Hallo Grasgrüner,

      Habe Dienstag auch noch mal aufgestockt weil sich alle so postiv anhörte ohne ein Digger zu sein. Ich kann die Ergebnisse schlicht nicht beurteilen. Ich bin nur froh, mit diversen Nachkäufen meine Verluste aus Kodiakzeiten wieder drin zu haben.

      Welches ist denn Dein persönliches Kursziel? Kannst Du auf Basis der aktuellen Ergebnisse den Zielwert je Aktie zumindest innerhalb einer Range vorsichtig bestimmen?

      Grüße Andrija
      4 Antworten
      schrieb am 08.04.11 12:52:24
      Beitrag Nr. 383 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.339.521 von Andrija am 08.04.11 12:06:08wir haben im Moment eine PEA die bei 1000$/Unze Marktpresi eine NPV von ca. 351 Mio USD ausweist und dabei sich die Kosten für die Minenerstellung innerhalb von 1,8 armotisieren

      bei 1300$ stehen schon 700 Mio um Raum
      bei den jetzigen 1450$ rechne ich mit einer NPV von ca. 850 Mio USD$
      die Kosten sollten bei diesen Preisen innerhalb des 1.Betriebsjahres wieder eingespielt sein

      so, nun haben wir im Moment eine MK von ca. 120 Mio CAD - eine Verdoppelung unter diesen Rahmenbedingungen halte ich für mehr als gerechtfertigt!

      da die großen Goldproduzenten händeringend nach guten und nachweißlich profitablen Projekten suchen ist für mich auch eine schnelle Übernahme/Kauf des Projektes denkbar

      wir haben kein Länderrisiko - auch das spielt eine nicht unwesentliche Rolle

      1,20 - 1,50 CAD sind für mich locker erreichbar
      da Prodigy auch paralell weiter exploriert und mit herkules und Milestone noch mindesten 2 weiter hochpotente Projekte hat sind auch bis Jahresende 2 CAD gut vorstellbar :)

      sollte die nächsten Tage doch das GAP ziehen, dann wird aufgestockt - das Momentum ist allerdings sehr stark!
      3 Antworten
      schrieb am 08.04.11 13:33:12
      Beitrag Nr. 384 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.339.855 von grasgruener am 08.04.11 12:52:24Danke für die ausführliche Einschätzung.

      Ich habe auch entgegen meinem Naturell bei 0,53 Can$ in den Anstieg reingekauft aus Angst den Zug völlig zu verpassen und scheine das wohl richtig gemacht zu haben.Ich wollte mir damals eine Miniposition Ariadne Res. in D gönnen und habe mich von dem unsittlichen Spread abhalten lassen. Danach gab es dann die Explosion um mehrere 100%. Wird sich damit bei Prodigy nicht wiederholen.

      Bei einem Rücksetzer unter 0,50 Can$ würde ich mir auch noch mal 10.000 Stück gönnen.
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 08.04.11 14:02:59
      Beitrag Nr. 385 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.340.140 von Andrija am 08.04.11 13:33:12bei DAN bin ich bisschen zu früh raus bei dem massiven Anstieg - ähnliche Situaton, es war nicht vorstellbar das es weiter steigt, aber es ist weiter gestiegen
      daher kann ich mir git vorstellen das es bei PDG erstmal noch weiter geht
      aber gut, wir werden es sehen..........
      schrieb am 08.04.11 14:18:10
      Beitrag Nr. 386 ()
      schrieb am 14.04.11 17:37:48
      Beitrag Nr. 387 ()
      Prodigy Gold drills 143 m of 1.54 g/t Au at Magino:)

      2011-04-14 09:37 ET - News Release

      Mr. Brian Maher reports


      Prodigy Gold Inc. is providing additional results from its infill and resource expansion drilling program at its 100-per-cent-owned Magino mine gold project in Ontario. Highlights include drill MA11-006 which intercepted 143 metres grading 1.54 gpt gold including 67 metres grading 2.12 gpt gold. Higher grades were intercepted in drill hole MA11-005: 38 metres grading 2.11 gpt gold including 25 metres grading 3.13 gpt gold. The grades and widths seen in these two drill holes are consistent with earlier announced in-fill drill holes and continue to expand the known zone of gold mineralization within the proposed open pit modeled in the recently announced Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA) (April 4, 2011).

      Prodigy Gold sampling protocol mandates a metallic screen assay for any sample that produces a fire assay greater than 3 gpt gold. Revision to the sampling protocol now requires that any sample with visible gold is also subjected to a metallic screen assay. As a result, Prodigy has received new metallic screen assays for previously reported drill hole MA11-004 that have resulted in a recalculation and increase in the composite grade to 261 metres grading 1.32 gpt gold (previously reported as 261 metres grading 1.13 gpt gold, March 16, 2011). A table with all assay results including the restated data for hole MA11-004 is below.

      Drill Hole From To Length Grade
      (metres) (metres) (metres) (gpt gold)
      MA11-004 122.0 383.0 261.0 1.32
      Including: 134.4 239.0 104.6 2.06
      Including: 271.9 340.0 68.1 2.69
      Including: 308.1 308.9 0.8 40.00*
      Including: 315.5 316.0 0.5 40.00*
      600.0 703.0 103.0 1.07
      Including: 600.0 623.0 23.0 2.34
      MA11-005 131.0 177.0 45.0 0.37
      192.0 274.0 82.0 0.90
      Including: 199.0 220.0 21.0 2.26
      309.0 347.0 38.0 2.11
      Including: 321.0 347.0 26.0 3.17
      360.0 411.1 51.1 1.38
      373.0 393.0 20.0 3.13
      MA11-006 123.0 266.0 143.0 1.54
      Including: 123.0 190.0 67.0 2.12
      295.0 305.0 10.0 1.16
      529.0 652.0 123.0 0.36

      *Note: All gold assays greater than 40 gpt gold are capped at 40 gpt when calculating composite intervals.

      The Magino in-fill drilling program now consists of four diamond drill rigs targeting areas for resource expansion within the proposed open pit. To date, Prodigy has completed 18 drill holes totaling 6,901 metres of the planned 20,000 metre drill program. When completed, the results of the in-fill drilling program will be used to update the Magino gold resource estimate and PEA later this year. A drill hole location map is shown below.

      To view the map associated with this press release, click on the link below or paste the link into your browser:

      Magino mineral resource update: A NI 43-101 compliant technical report entitled "Prodigy Gold Incorporated: Mineral Resource Estimate, Magino Gold Project, Ste. Sault Marie Mining District, Ontario" was filed on SEDAR yesterday, April 13th, and will also be available on the company's web site.

      We seek Safe Harbor.
      schrieb am 18.04.11 15:45:54
      Beitrag Nr. 388 ()
      Passend zum erfreulichen Kursanstieg von heute:

      In einem anderen Forum las ich über Prodigy etwas von einem „Motley-Kursziel von 30 CAD“!!!???

      Träumen darf man ja....

      Hat jemand Zugang zu dem genannten Text? Über Google und bei Motley Fool fand ich nichts.

      (Manchmal genügt schon eine einziger Satz, um einen fast in den Wahnsinn zu treiben.) :laugh:

      Freundliche Grüße
      schrieb am 26.04.11 22:09:06
      Beitrag Nr. 389 ()
      Einige Expertenmeinungen:

      Midas Letter's James West: What's with $1,500 Gold and $42 Silver?
      Source: Sally Lowder of The Gold Report 04/22/2011

      As ever, the various classes of opportunities populate the scale of risk from conservative to speculative. Owning bullion is owning the purest form of money. It doesn't spend easily in the current world, but it trades effortlessly. It's really difficult to store and secure, so next on the list is bullion funds. Of course, then your security and storage issues are solved, but you've adopted a degree of risk in that your holdings are not in your direct control. Exchange-traded funds (ETF's) backed by physical gold are, in fact, a perfect replica of the original money, when a "bill" represented a coincident amount of gold in storage.

      Next on the list are gold-producing miners, which are generally good stores of value and have a bit of upside opportunity if they can acquire ounces cost-effectively. Barrick Gold Corporation (TSX:ABX; NYSE:ABX), Newmont Mining Corp. (NYSE:NEM), Anglo American Plc. (NASDAQ:AAUK), Goldcorp Inc. (TSX:G; NYSE:GG), Agnico-Eagle Mines Ltd. (TSX:AEM; NYSE:AEM) and a host of others are enjoying record profits, and I think that's going to continue.

      For speculative strategies, I like the junior gold and silver explorers: Colossus Minerals Inc. (TSX:CSI) and Lago Dourado Minerals Ltd. (TSX.V:LDM) in Brazil, Continental Gold Ltd. (TSX:CNL), Waymar Resources Ltd. (TSX.V:WYM), CuOro Resources (TSX.V:CUA) and Seafield Resources Ltd. (TSX.V:SFF) in Colombia, Golden Reign Resources Ltd. (TSX.V:GRR) and Corazon Gold Corp. (TSX.V:CGW) in Nicaragua, Prodigy Gold Incorporated (TSX.V:PDG) in Ontario and Newstrike Capital Inc. (TSX.V:NES) in Mexico. .....

      ----------" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">

      Prodigy Gold Incorporated
      DESCRIPTION: Prodigy Gold's lead project is the advanced Magino mine project in northern Ontario. The company is evaluating the development of Magino as an open-pit mine with the potential for deeper, higher-grade gold production. A Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA) of the project shows a pre-tax NPV of $351M and an IRR of 49% (US$1,000 gold). The PEA projects average gold output of 166,000 ounces a year at cash costs of $496/oz. over a nine-year project life.

      Corporate Presentation (4/15/2011) Corporate Fact Sheet (4/15/2011)

      The information provided below is from analysts, newsletters and other contributors. Please contact the company and visit its website before making an investment decision.

      Related Quotes
      Brian Christie, Desjardins Securities (04/20/11) "[Results from] three holes [at Magino mine] in total were released and these continue to expand the known zone of gold mineralization within the proposed open pit, which was modeled in the recent PEA. Highlights include 143m of 1.54g/t (including 67m of 2.12g/t); 38m of 2.11g/t (including 25m of 3.13g/t); and 23m of 2.34g/t . The company has 18 holes over 6,901 meters as part of the current 20,000-meter program."

      Wendell Zerb, Canaccord Genuity (04/06/11) "Prodigy has released a PEA for its 100%-owned Magino project outlining a 15,000-tpd open-pit, conventional CIL operation with average annual production estimated at 166,500 oz. Au at average LOM cash operating costs of US$496/oz. Au over a nine-year operating life (1.50 Moz. total). The company is currently executing on a 20,000-meter infill-drilling program at the project (1,836m completed to date), with the aim of expanding known mineral resources within the limits of the current conceptual open-pit shell. . .recent drill results have included: 261.0m grading 1.13 g/t Au, 103.0m grading 1.07 g/t Au, 53.5m at 1.04 g/t Au, 63.8m at 1.02 g/t Au and 138.0m at 0.75 g/t Au; an updated resource estimate is expected later in 2011."

      Jamie Spratt, Clarus Securities (04/05/11) "Prodigy reported positive results from the PEA on its flagship Magino project; overall results were positive demonstrating the potential of the Magino project. . .we note in particular a production profile of about 170 Koz./year over nine years at an LOM head grade of 1.18 g/t—10% above our expected 150 Koz./year profile. Economics are strengthened by a high-grade starter zone resulting in an average head grade of 1.6 g/t and estimated production of 500 Koz. in the first two years of mine life. . .we highlight strong project economics with an unfinanced pre-tax NPV5% in the PEA of $350M at a $1,000 gold price, which nearly doubles to $690M at a $1,300 gold price [and] We expect to see near-term upside of 20%–30% to the mineable-ounce profile based on growth in the current 2.5 Moz. resource profile at Magino, which would further enhance project economics."

      Morning Coffee (04/05/11) "Shares of Prodigy Gold jumped after the company announced the results from an NI 43-101-compliant PEA of its 100%-owned Magino mine gold project in northern Ontario. Highlights from the PEA included: 1.) Pre-tax NPV of $351M at a 5% discount rate generating an IRR of 49% with payback period of 1.8 years; 2.) Pre-tax cash flow from operations over the proposed LOM is estimated to be $796M and net cash is projected to be $520M LOM; 3.) Start-up capital costs are estimated to be $242M with an additional $34M in sustaining capital; 4.) Average annual gold production is estimated to be 166,500 oz./year over a nine-year operating life producing 1.50 Moz. gold, recovery is estimated to be 95%; 5.) Average LOM cash operating costs (exclusive of sustaining capital) are estimated to be US$496/oz; and 6.) Total mineable resources of 41.8 Mt. grading 1.18 g/t gold with a strip ratio of 2.8:1."

      Midas Letter (04/04/11) "Prodigy's got a lot of shares outstanding, which is the only reason the last drill hole, announced on March 16, did not take the stock in the $1 stratosphere. It's quite possible the market doesn't get the story yet. . .hole #MA11-004 is only the fourth hole in a planned 20,000m drill campaign. It intersected 261m grading 1.13 g/t gold, within which was a 104.6m length that graded 2.06 g/t gold. This is on the company's Magino project, which currently contains gold resources of 51.6 Mt. grading 1.16 g/t gold (Indicated) and 18.3 Mt. grading 1.04 g/t gold (Inferred).

      If the Magino project was the only thing Prodigy had going for it, it would still be a very well-priced investment, considering its nearly 2 Moz. resource in mining-friendly Ontario; 2 Moz. for $75M is just over $35 per ounce in the ground. The upcoming PEA will determine how much of that gold can be recovered but, if the 20,000m program continues to hit more of these big numbers, the deposit size will increase substantially."

      Freundliche Grüße
      schrieb am 12.05.11 16:36:09
      Beitrag Nr. 390 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.340.140 von Andrija am 08.04.11 13:33:12Tja, das starke Momentum ist dann wohl "im Eimer". Man kann gar nicht so schnell zusehen wie der Kurs wieder fällt. Hoffentlich erreichen wir meine Nachkaufziel von $0,50can nicht mehr. Bei dem Gesamtmarkt fehlt mir die Liquidität :(
      schrieb am 10.06.11 14:25:22
      Beitrag Nr. 391 ()
      schrieb am 23.06.11 19:36:38
      Beitrag Nr. 392 ()
      dümpelt vor sich hin. erst bei überwinden der 0,75 CAD technisch wieder interessant!
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 04.08.11 19:57:40
      Beitrag Nr. 393 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.691.547 von DerRohstoffbulle am 23.06.11 19:36:38NEWS!!!

      April 14, 2011 10:37 ET
      Prodigy Drills 143m Grading 1.54 gpt Gold at Magino

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - April 14, 2011) - Prodigy Gold Incorporated (TSX VENTURE:PDG)(FRANKFURT:KX3) is pleased to announce additional results from its in-fill and resource expansion drilling program at its 100% owned Magino mine gold project in Ontario. Highlights include drill MA11-006 which intercepted 143 metres grading 1.54 gpt gold including 67 metres grading 2.12 gpt gold. Higher grades were intercepted in drill hole MA11-005: 38 metres grading 2.11 gpt gold including 25 metres grading 3.13 gpt gold. The grades and widths seen in these two drill holes are consistent with earlier announced in-fill drill holes and continue to expand the known zone of gold mineralization within the proposed open pit modeled in the recently announced Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA) (April 4, 2011).

      Prodigy Gold sampling protocol mandates a metallic screen assay for any sample that produces a fire assay greater than 3 gpt gold. Revision to the sampling protocol now requires that any sample with visible gold is also subjected to a metallic screen assay. As a result, Prodigy has received new metallic screen assays for previously reported drill hole MA11-004 that have resulted in a recalculation and increase in the composite grade to 261 metres grading 1.32 gpt gold (previously reported as 261 metres grading 1.13 gpt gold, March 16, 2011). A table with all assay results including the restated data for hole MA11-004 is below.…
      schrieb am 08.08.11 17:55:59
      Beitrag Nr. 394 ()
      Der hohe Goldpreis interessiert niemanden mehr solange keiner mehr an ausreichend Kapital für einen Abbau glaubt. :cry:
      schrieb am 30.08.11 15:14:58
      Beitrag Nr. 395 ()…

      Magino Resource Expansion Drilling Continues: 161 metres grading 1.35 gpt Gold
      and 36 metres Grading 2.64 gpt Gold


      Was meint Ihr dazu?

      Freundliche Grüße
      schrieb am 15.09.11 05:34:01
      Beitrag Nr. 396 ()


      PEA: a mineable resource of 1.57 Moz. at 1.18 g/t based on a $1,000/oz. gold price.

      NI-43: the project contains gold resources of

      1,924,200 oz (indicated) grading 1.16 g/t Au
      and 587,100 oz. (inferred) grading 1.04 g/t Au.


      revised resource estimate in late September

      followed by a PEA update scheduled for November.
      schrieb am 15.09.11 05:35:07
      Beitrag Nr. 397 ()
      Mcap derzeit: 125 Mio CAD

      ... verdopplung dieses jahr allemal drin!
      schrieb am 15.09.11 05:58:31
      Beitrag Nr. 398 ()
      Übersicht der Bohrergebnisse, die in die neue NI-43 eingehen werden:

      schrieb am 15.09.11 05:58:53
      Beitrag Nr. 399 ()
      Übersicht der Bohrergebnisse, die in die neue NI-43 eingehen werden:
      schrieb am 15.09.11 05:59:03
      Beitrag Nr. 400 ()
      geographische Lage

      schrieb am 15.09.11 05:59:23
      Beitrag Nr. 401 ()

      schrieb am 16.09.11 21:48:53
      Beitrag Nr. 402 ()
      +11% heute auf 0,60 CAD!
      schrieb am 20.09.11 16:58:56
      Beitrag Nr. 403 ()
      James West im Interview:

      Prodigy is not getting quite the amount of attention I think it deserves, considering continued long intercepts at its Magino deposit, like the 161m intercept announced at the end of August that assayed 1.35 g/t, including a 36m chunk that popped up at 2.64 g/t. And that's all infill drilling which will add to the existing resource of 1.57 Moz. The market seems to forget that this is a company with an NI 43-101 Preliminary Economic Assessment that indicates a net present value of $351M and an internal rate of return of 49% with a 1.8-year payback. That's before the current 40,000m program now underway gets factored in. And that's at $1,300/oz. gold price. Plus, the company has a whole raft of exploration targets that have yet to see the business end of a diamond drill. So Prodigy has got it all going on, making it one of the more exciting speculative investments for us.

      Freundliche Grüße
      schrieb am 27.09.11 15:00:06
      Beitrag Nr. 404 ()…

      Magino Drilling Extends Gold Zone South of Resource, Defines Higher Grade Zones: 147 metres grading 1.24 gpt Au, 47 metres grading 3.05 gpt Au

      Freundliche Grüße
      schrieb am 28.09.11 11:08:23
      Beitrag Nr. 405 ()
      PDG hat sich super gehalten in der jüngsten korrekturphase... ich wage mal die prognose, dass wir schon mal ein takeover sehen werden...
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 28.09.11 11:23:18
      Beitrag Nr. 406 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.144.446 von DerRohstoffbulle am 28.09.11 11:08:23Gibt es einen begründeten Anlass für Deine Prognose?
      schrieb am 03.10.11 15:10:02
      Beitrag Nr. 407 ()
      ja.. :

      Prodigy is not getting quite the amount of attention I think it deserves, considering continued long intercepts at its Magino deposit, like the 161m intercept announced at the end of August that assayed 1.35 g/t, including a 36m chunk that popped up at 2.64 g/t.

      And that's all infill drilling which will add to the existing resource of 1.57 Moz.

      The market seems to forget that this is a company with an NI 43-101 Preliminary Economic Assessment that indicates a net present value of $351M and an internal rate of return of 49% with a 1.8-year payback.

      That's before the current 40,000m program now underway gets factored in.

      And that's at $1,300/oz. gold price.

      Plus, the company has a whole raft of exploration targets that have yet to see the business end of a diamond drill.

      So Prodigy has got it all going on, making it one of the more exciting speculative investments for us.
      schrieb am 26.10.11 15:45:54
      Beitrag Nr. 408 ()
      magino Project Timeline and News Flow:

      •Award contract for PEA update and Feasibility Study

      •Update resource estimate in October

      •Update PEA November, 2011. Goal: increase minable gold resource and lower costs

      •Project wide drilling and exploration continues Q4 2011

      •Full feasibility H1 2012
      schrieb am 03.11.11 16:06:16
      Beitrag Nr. 409 ()
      Schlaft Ihr noch?
      Prodigy Expands Magino Indicated Gold Resource to 2,176,000 Ounces and Inferred Gold Resource to 1,721,000 Ounces
      schrieb am 03.11.11 16:19:38
      Beitrag Nr. 410 ()
      sehr schön... ich bin hier richtig fett investiert und habe die schwäche der vergangenen wochen genutzt um nochmal zu verbilligen.

      durchschnittskurs < 0,55 CAD!
      schrieb am 04.11.11 02:14:52
      Beitrag Nr. 411 ()
      +15% heute... NICE!

      Prodigy Gold (CVE:PDG) has boosted the NI 43-101 compliant resources at its flagship Magino mine gold project in northern Ontario by more than double during 2011, prompting the release of an updated resource report.

      und bald kommt die neue PEA... dann wird die 1,00 CAD geknackt....
      schrieb am 04.11.11 09:07:38
      Beitrag Nr. 412 ()
      Prodigy Gold increases resources at Magino, with 2.18 million ounces of indicated gold

      Thu 9:28 am by Deborah Sterescu

      Prodigy Gold increases resources at Magino, with 2.18 million ounces of indicated gold

      Prodigy Gold (CVE:PDG) late Wednesday said it has boosted the NI 43-101 compliant resources at its flagship Magino mine gold project in northern Ontario by more than double during 2011, prompting the release of an updated resource report.

      Using a 0.35 grams per tonne (g/t) of gold cutoff, the Magino deposit is now estimated to hold indicated gold resources of 2.18 million ounces from 67.6 million tonnes grading 1.00 g/t gold, and inferred gold resources of 1.72 million ounces from 54.2 million tonnes grading 0.99 g/t gold.

      This compares with a previous estimate in February of 1.92 million indicated ounces grading 1.16 g/t gold (51.6 million tonnes) using the same cut off grade, and 587,100 ounces of inferred gold resources grading 1.04 g/t gold (17.5 million tonnes).

      The newest resource estimate was completed by Snowden Mining of Vancouver, British Columbia and is constrained by geologic domains and a conceptual pit shell, the company said.

      The results include assays from almost 38,000 metres of core drilling completed at the project since January of this year, as well as 155,800 metres of previous core drilling.

      Indeed, the updated estimate was delayed until this month to incorporate significant expansion drilling results from Magino, announced in late September, which included 47 metres grading 3.05 g/t gold within 147 metres grading 1.24 g/t gold in hole MA11-125, drilled in the northeast area of the deposit.

      Using a slightly higher cut off grade of 0.50 g/t gold, Magino now holds an indicated resource of 1.94 million ounces grading 1.21 g/t gold (50.1 million tonnes), and an inferred resource of 1.54 million ounces grading 1.18 g/t gold (40.5 million tonnes), suggesting that optimizing the grade of the proposed open pit may produce a higher-grade operation with a larger production profile than that projected in the previous preliminary economic assessment, Prodigy said.

      The preliminary economic assessment based on the February resource estimate shows a pre-tax net present value of $351 million, and a 49 percent internal rate of return, using a five percent discount rate. The proposed operation would have an average annual gold output of over 166,000 ounces a year during a nine year project life.

      Total gold production is estimated to be 1.50 million ounces at Magino, at cash costs of approximately US$496 (C$521) per ounce.

      Prodigy said the economic report will be updated using the results of the latest resource estimate in the coming weeks in anticipation of a larger production operation. A full feasibility study for Magino is due out in mid 2012.

      "The increase in gold resources will enable Prodigy to evaluate an expansion of the proposed open-pit mining project modeled in the previous PEA. An expected increase in gold production may have an important positive impact on the project's economics," the company said in a statement.

      In addition, the company said that inspection of the Magino gold resource block model identified multiple areas where additional drilling could further increase gold resources, including under the north-central portion of the conceptual open pit, and a southwest extension of gold mineralization where potentially significant resources lie under the southwest high wall of the conceptual pit.

      Moreover, drilling in the Lovell Lake area, which is located 400 metres west of the Magino deposit and not included in the latest resource estimate, intercepted a zone of gold mineralization similar in grade and geology to the main deposit. Prodigy said that this area can further boost resources for the project.

      The database used by Snowden for the revised resource contains 550 surface diamond drill holes and 484 underground historic diamond drill holes.

      A drill program to convert mineral resources into reserves will be initiated as part of the full feasibility study, the company said.

      Vancouver-based Prodigy was created from the combination of Canadian exploration companies Kodiak Exploration and Golden Goose Resources. Shares of the gold explorer closed Wednesday at 64 cents.
      schrieb am 04.11.11 09:08:27
      Beitrag Nr. 413 ()
      Expert Analysis

      Joe Mazumdar, Haywood Securities (11/1/11) Prodigy Gold Inc. presents the investor with an opportunity to invest in a "local" play (Magino gold project in northwestern Ontario) leveraged to the global events that we believe will return gold to its long-term positive trend into the future;

      the opportunities exist to rerate the project through derisking and adding resource. We have modeled a ~200-Koz-per-year gold production profile at a cash cost of $510–515/oz over an 8-year mine life at the Magino gold project.

      Life of mine payable gold production of 1.63 Moz will be sourced from an owner-operated, open-pit operation. . .we estimate commissioning in Q315."
      schrieb am 08.12.11 15:23:55
      Beitrag Nr. 414 ()
      Wer von Euch hat unsere Aktie auf ein neues Mehrjahreshoch getrieben? :D

      Liegt es an der neuen Firmenpräsentation?…

      Ansonsten habe ich keine aktuellen News gefunden. Ihr etwa?

      Freundliche Grüße
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 09.12.11 15:28:28
      Beitrag Nr. 415 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.455.266 von supernova1712 am 08.12.11 15:23:55Vielleicht liegt's auch daran:…

      Prodigy öffnet alte Schatzkiste in Ontario
      Geschrieben von Egbert Prior • 9. Dezember 2011

      Vielversprechend sieht der Kursverlauf des jungen kanadischen Schatzsuchers aus. Seit Januar hat sich die Notiz von 0,34 auf 0,83 Dollar mehr als verdoppelt. Der Börsenwert 197 Millionen Dollar. Es bestehen gute Chancen, daß der Kurs nach oben ausbüxt. Wenn die Notiz über die 1-Dollar-Schwelle marschiert, würde uns das nicht wundern. Herzstück ist die Magino Mine.

      Das Projekt soll 166.000 Goldunzen jährlich fördern. Mindestens 9 Jahre lang halten die Vorräte, bis sie ausgebeutet sind. Mit prognostizierten Cash-Kosten von unter 500 Dollar je Unze ist das Projekt hochrentabel. Vorausgesetzt natürlich, daß der Goldpreis weiterhin stabil bleibt, wovon wir ausgehen. In den vergangenen Monaten hat Vorstandschef Brian Maher das Landpaket am Magino-Projekt erweitert, neue Ressourcen-Schätzungen vorgelegt und seine Machbarkeitsstudie auf den neuesten Stand gebracht.

      Zusätzlich füllte er die Kasse. Im März hatte er 7 Millionen neue Aktien und 3,5 Millionen Wandelanleihen emittiert. Die Aktien gab er zu 0,45 Dollar aus. Im Juni sammelte er 25 Millionen Dollar per Kapitalerhöhung ein, zum Ausgabekurs von 0,65 Dollar. In der Kasse liegen derzeit knapp 30 Millionen Dollar.

      Zu den wichtigsten Aktionärsgruppen zählt die Führungsspitze mit 7%. Jede Menge Investoren wie Macquarie, Pinetree, Sprott, Baker Steel oder K2 sind außerdem an Bord. Die Magino Mine war bereits zwischen den Jahren 1988 und 1992 im Betrieb. Das 1.910 Hektar große Landpaket befindet sich 40 Kilometer nordöstlich von Wawa in Ontario, ein altes Bergbaudorf. Wir gehen von einer erfolgreichen Wiederinbetriebnahme aus. Zumal die Infrastruktur exzellent ist. So besteht eine Straßenanbindung, ein Stromanschluß befindet sich direkt auf dem Gelände, in der Nähe verläuft eine Eisenbahnlinie. Ontario gilt als eine der minenfreundlichsten Regionen weltweit. Die Machbarkeitsstudie unterstellt einen konservativen Goldpreis von nur 1.000 Dollar (akt kostet die Unze 1.730 Dollar).

      Laut Gutachten könnte Chef Maher sein Minen-Investment in Höhe von 242 Millionen Dollar innerhalb von weniger als 2 Jahren zurück verdient haben. Pro Jahr könnte der Betrieb einen cash flow von 796 Millionen Dollar generieren. Es errechnet sich unter konservativen Annahmen ein Netto-Vermögenswert von 351 Millionen Dollar. Das zeigt die Studie. Insofern hat der Kurs 75% Luft nach oben, um den fairen Wert abzubilden. Auch aus anderer Sicht ist das Papier unterbewertet: So billigt die Börse pro Unze im Boden nur 50 Dollar zu. Vergleichbare Konkurrenten kommen im Schnitt auf 100 Dollar und mehr.

      Freundliche Grüße
      schrieb am 15.12.11 18:30:22
      Beitrag Nr. 416 ()
      was muß denn noch passieren, daß diese Ding unter 50 cent fällt - da will ich es haben - aber ist das zäähh...spricht für ein Wunderkind...
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 22.12.11 16:56:17
      Beitrag Nr. 417 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.487.335 von zappelgeck am 15.12.11 18:30:22Da muss es wohl mal schlechte Nachrichten geben, wonach es im Moment nicht aussieht :laugh:.
      schrieb am 10.01.12 10:27:37
      Beitrag Nr. 418 ()

      Expert Analysis

      Wendell Zerb, Canaccord Genuity (1/6/12) "We are maintaining our Speculative Buy rating and 12-month target of $1.90 on Prodigy Gold Inc. . .we are adding the company to our Canaccord Genuity Focus List. . .sound project characteristics, including metallurgy, infrastructure, and the socio-political jurisdiction, all contribute to the future potential for Magino's development. . .the updated preliminary economic assessment for Magino validates a superior mine plan and project valuation. Based on our revised valuation and comparative analysis, we believe Prodigy's shares are undervalued and open to upside rerating."

      Don Blyth, Paradigm Capital (1/4/12) "Prodigy Gold Inc. released an updated Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA) at its 100%‐owned Maginogold project in Ontario. . .the company has substantially increased current mineral resources at the Magino project to 3.5 Moz at 1.20 g/t. . .the Magino project appears to be very robust. . .Prodigy will now move into a full feasibility study, which is scheduled for completion during H212; further evaluation of options to reduce costs and increase production could enhance the overall project economics significantly. We expect the updated PEA to serve as a catalyst for the shares and potentially trigger M&A activity."

      Tara Hassan, National Bank Financial (12/30/11) "We are increasing our target price to reflect a much bigger Magino resource for Prodigy Gold Inc. . .the company has issued an updated preliminary economic assessment (PEA). . .with the update incorporating more than 190,000m of historic and updated drilling, the PEA benefits from consideration of an increased resource (up 55.2% to 3.9 Moz Au), expanded annual throughput (20 Ktpd vs. 15 Ktpd), decreased unit operating costs and reduced strip ratio. The proposed mine plan boosts average annual production to 240–250 Koz/year. . .we are increasing our target price to $1.20 (was $1.00); we reiterate our Outperform rating."

      The Gold Report Interview with James West (12/28/11) "We hold Prodigy in the fund and I continue to follow it. That new resource certainly demonstrates the deposit is growing. It's still open in multiple directions. The company is aggressively developing it. . .Prodigy is absolutely one to hold because it's an excellent opportunity at a great price."


      Freundliche Grüße
      schrieb am 23.01.12 06:55:19
      Beitrag Nr. 419 ()
      schrieb am 24.01.12 16:39:39
      Beitrag Nr. 420 ()
      Prodigy Gold drills 203 m of 1.27 g/t Au at Magino

      Quelle & mehr:

      So. Also. Dann. Los geht's? :look:
      schrieb am 13.03.12 14:01:27
      Beitrag Nr. 421 ()
      Prodigy Discovers New High Grade Zone: 10.0 metres grading 8.55 gpt Gold in Footwall of Main Magino Deposit

      Vancouver, British Columbia, March 13, 2012 – Prodigy Gold Incorporated (PDG: TSX.V; "Prodigy") is pleased to announce that it has discovered a significant thick zone of high grade gold mineralization in the footwall of the main Magino deposit: Drill hole MA11-205 cut 10.0 metres (83.0 - 93.0 metres) grading 8.55 gpt gold within a thicker zone of 24.0 metres grading 4.22 gpt gold (82.0 - 106.0 metres, please see cross section of the "Grif" zone below). This drill intercept correlates with a district scale zone of higher grade gold mineralization that extends from drill hole MA11-205 through the main Magino deposit and continues to the east to the Island zone being mined by Richmont Mines east of the Magino property (please see map below). This drill hole was targeted to confirm geologic interpretations by the Prodigy geologic staff; the results are significant for several reasons:

      * The high grade mineralization seen in MA11-205 defines a distinct high grade structural zone at shallow levels in the Magino system. The gold mineralization in MA11-205 is in the footwall of the main Magino deposit, within the outline of the proposed open pit mining operation, and expands the gold resource potential of the Magino project. The gold zone is open at depth and along strike.

      * The structural interpretation that led to the discovery confirms the model developed by the Prodigy geologic team. Deeper drilling along the structure, below the currently proposed open pit mining operation, will focus on the high grade zone cut by MA11-205. The potential for significant volumes of high grade gold mineralization, similar to the deep high grade zones at the adjacent Island mine, has been confirmed by this drill hole.

      * Gold mineralization in drill hole MA11-205 is hosted by quartz-carbonate altered mafic metavolcanic rocks and associated iron formation. This is the first significant drill intercept by Prodigy in these host rocks and greatly expands potential target areas for additional high grade metavolcanic rock hosted gold mineralization.</li>

      Prodigy has also received the final results from its 2011 drilling program at Magino. Resource expansion drilling on the southwest end of the Magino gold deposit continues to document thick intervals of potentially bulk minable gold mineralization, results are tabulated below. Prodigy expects to release drilling results from early 2012 drilling at Magino shortly.

      schrieb am 16.03.12 13:54:36
      Beitrag Nr. 422 ()
      Prodigy Appoints Ricardo Rojas as General Manager, Magino Mine Project…
      schrieb am 19.03.12 22:50:14
      Beitrag Nr. 423 ()
      Prodigy Gold: Neue hochgradige Zone entdeckt

      Bei der laufenden Exploration von Projekten stoßen Unternehmen immer wieder auf neue mineralisierte Zonen. Das ist erst kürzlich auch Prodigy Gold (WKN: A1H5Yz) passiert. Und um diese neue Zone besser einordnen zu können, hatte Prodigy ein weiteres kleines Bohrprogramm gestartet.

      Dabei ist klar geworden, dass die hochgradigen Zonen vor allem in der Tiefe noch nicht begrenzt sind. Die Werte sind zudem sehr spannend, denn das Magino Projekt von Prodigy Gold ist bislang ein Projekt mit niedrigeren Goldgehalten.

      Die Ergebnisse der neuen Zone sind aber sehr hoch: So gab es ein Intervall von 24m mit einem Goldgehalt von 4,22 g/t. Darin enthalten war ein Segment mit einer Länge von 10m und einem durchschnittlichen Goldgehalt von 8,55 g/t. Um diese Zone weiter zu bestätigen plant Prodigy ein weiteres Bohrprogramm.

      Bislang umfasst die Ressource des Projekts 3,8 Mio. Unzen Gold. Zudem stellt das Unternehmen derzeit eine Machbarkeitsstudie her. Daher ist auch in den kommenden Monaten mit einem stetigen Newsflow zu rechnen.

      Quelle: Newsletter Rohstoff Giganten

      Freundliche Grüße
      schrieb am 20.03.12 13:12:32
      Beitrag Nr. 424 ()
      Magino Drilling Update: 149 Metres Grading 1.24 gpt Gold in Central Zone; High Grade in Southwest Extension: 5 Metres Grading 9.42 gpt Gold" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">

      Freundliche Grüße
      schrieb am 24.05.12 16:47:35
      Beitrag Nr. 425 ()
      Hätte nicht gedacht, dass die 20% in USA heute halten. Merkwürdig, manche Goldexplorer sind gestern wie Prodigy extrem gestiegen (Carpathian, Geologix usw.) andere nicht. Habe mir daher eine kleine Portion Spanish Mountain Gold gegönnt. Die stehen ähnlich gut wie Prodigy da und wurden auch gnadenlos heruntergeprügelt. Mal sehen...
      schrieb am 26.05.12 23:05:40
      Beitrag Nr. 426 ()

      Brian Szeto, Stonecap Securities (5/23/12) "Prodigy Gold Inc.'s great economics are about to get even better. . .we believe that with continued drilling the total mineable resources will ultimately reach 3.5 Moz. . .we expect Prodigy to be catalyst-heavy over the remainder of 2012, which should allow it to stay in the spotlight with investors. . .We are initiating coverage with an Outperform rating. . .the company had a banner year in 2011, providing investors with two resource updates and two PEAs, while single-handedly redefining the term 'aggressive development'. With a war chest of just under $60M, we believe that Prodigy is once again well positioned for another successful year."

      Freundliche Grüße
      schrieb am 08.08.12 22:23:21
      Beitrag Nr. 427 ()
      MA: Prodigy is a very good example of the risk/reward of the junior gold market. The first preliminary economic assessment (PEA) outlined a pre-tax net present value of 8% of $709M. The company recently raised more than $40M at $0.80/share and $0.95/share in flow-through capital, despite trading below $0.60/share. The market cap is around $160M.

      Prodigy's deposit is in a very stable jurisdiction. I do not see the Ontario government expropriating assets, and Wawa is as safe as any place in the world right now. It has infrastructure nearby. The deposit is unlikely to provide any great technical challenges. For whatever reason, it is underappreciated. A new resource and PEA expected later this year will probably provide near-term catalysts to give the stock good momentum. Prodigy is a standout among its peers.
      As Pinetree Capital's corporate spokesperson, Marshall Auerback is a member of Pinetree's board of directors and has some 28 years of global experience in financial markets worldwide. He plays a key role in the formulation and articulation of Pinetree's investment strategy. Currently, Auerback is a senior fellow at the Roosevelt Institute, a research associate for the Levy Institute and a fellow for the Economists for Peace and Security." target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">

      Ist noch jemand investiert oder bin ich inzwischen Alleinunterhalter?

      Freundliche Grüße
      schrieb am 20.08.12 15:08:34
      Beitrag Nr. 428 ()

      Prodigy Expands Magino Gold Resource by Over 55%, Including 95% in Indicated Category for 5,809,000 Ounces:eek:, Inferred: 300,000 Ounces…

      Vancouver, British Columbia CANADA, August 20, 2012 /FSC/ - Prodigy Gold Inc. (PDG - TSX Venture, KX3 - FWB), Prodigy Gold Incorporated ("Prodigy", "Prodigy Gold", "the Company") is pleased to announce the release of an updated NI 43-101 mineral resource estimate for its flagship Magino gold project in northern Ontario. The resource estimate has been completed by Tetra Tech Wardrop ("Tetra Tech") and is constrained by geologic domains and conceptual pit shell. A summary of the mineral resource estimate is shown in the table below:


      Magino Project Mineral Resource Estimate

      Indicated Resource
      Cutoff Grade (gpt gold) Grade (gpt gold) Tonnes Gold (oz)
      0.20 0.74 266,137,000 6,332,000
      0.30 0.83 224,469,000 5,990,000
      0.35 0.89 203,001,000 5,809,000
      0.40 0.94 182,913,000 5,528,000
      0.50 1.06 147,676,000 5,033,000
      0.60 1.18 119,250,000 4,524,000
      0.70 1.31 96,399,000 4,060,000
      1.00 1.71 52,206,000 2,870,000
      1.30 2.14 30,158,000 2,075,000

      Inferred Resource
      Cutoff Grade (gpt gold) Grade (gpt Gold) Tonnes Gold (oz)
      0.20 0.70 15,288,000 344,000
      0.30 0.84 11,748,000 317,000
      0.35 0.91 10,260,000 300,000
      0.40 1.00 8,847,000 284,000
      0.50 1.16 6,828,000 255,000
      0.60 1.31 5,492,000 231,000
      0.70 1.48 4,379,000 208,000
      1.00 2.01 2,419,000 156,000
      1.30 2.46 1,594,000 126,000


      The Magino Project contains an Indicated resource of 5,808,690 ounces of gold (203.0 million tonnes grading 0.89 gpt gold and an Inferred resource of 300,164 ounces of gold (10.3 million tonnes grading 0.91 gpt gold) at a cutoff grade of 0.35 gpt gold. The mineral resource was estimated by Patrick Huxtable RPGeo, MAIG, who is a Qualified Person as defined in NI 43-101. He is an employee of Tetra Tech, and is independent of Prodigy Gold as defined by section 1.5 of NI 43-101. The mineral resource estimate includes the results from almost 68,000 metres of core drilling completed at the project since mid-September, 2011, in addition to 151,900 metres of previous core drilling. The mineral resource has an effective date of August 20, 2012; a complete Technical Report will be filed on SEDAR within 45 days of this News Release. Mineral resources are not mineral reserves and do not have demonstrated economic viability. There is no certainty that all or any part of the mineral resource will be converted into mineral reserves.

      The new resource estimate, dominated by Indicated gold resources, sets the key parameters for the proposed gold mining project as Magino advances through the feasibility process. Prodigy highlights the major implications of the resource estimate and future plans for the Magino project below:

      * The resource contains a large proportion of gold resources above a grade of 0.50 gpt gold (5,033,000 ounces of Indicated resource grading 1.06 gpt gold (147.7 million tonnes) and 255,000 ounces of Inferred resource grading 1.16 gpt gold (6.8 million tonnes)), which the Company believes will provide a focus for mill head-grade optimization studies. Prodigy believes that this higher grade material will support a mine plan which maximizes mill head grade, potentially lowering cash costs per ounce and improving project NPV.

      * Future trade-off studies intend to concentrate on the low-grade resource to determine the optimal method for processing this material; both conventional milling as is currently modeled and alternative, lower cost methods of gold recovery. The emphasis will be on utilizing mill capacity for higher-grade resources while still recovering the maximum amount of gold while avoiding significant project capital costs increases or higher production unit costs.

      * Drilling completed since the last resource estimate (November, 2011) has dramatically increased the Indicated gold resource at Magino: Over 95% of the gold resource is now classified as Indicated. The conversion of previously modeled Inferred resources and identification of new Indicated resources greatly increases the company's confidence in the grade distribution within the Magino gold deposit and will enhance the mine planning process during upcoming studies.

      * The reported gold resources were estimated using more conservative cost and gold price parameters than previous resource estimates and closely mirror the costs reported in a previously released Preliminary Economic Assessment (December, 2011).

      * The Company intends to incorporate the new resource estimate into a Prefeasibility Study (PFS) for the Magino Mine gold project, expected early in 2013. The PFS will evaluate mining, milling and gold recovery alternatives as discussed above, and identify the preferred alternative for developing the project.

      * Additional drilling is being planned to finalize the resource block model as part of the PFS. Technical and condemnation drilling in areas where mine infrastructure (mill site, waste rock disposal, etc.) is planned will also continue.

      Mineral Resource Estimate:

      As previously reported, Prodigy Gold has focused its geological program on assessment of the wide zones of quartz-pyrite-sericite altered granodiorite that host the former underground mine workings at Magino. The latest drilling commenced by Prodigy in September, 2011 has been included in the current mineral resource estimate. The area of interest covers 1,600 metres of the 075 degree trending Webb Lake granodiorite stock and alteration zones that aggregate up to 300 metres in width, and dip steeply to depths of at least 600 metres. At Magino the Webb Lake stock is covered by up to 30 metres of fluvio-glacial material. The felsic and mafic volcanic country rock surrounding the stock contain areas of low grade gold mineralization encountered by drilling; however the main focus remains the broad low-grade alteration zones hosted by granodiorite. A late stage diabase dyke transects the Webb Lake stock.

      The database used by Tetra Tech contains 1,210 diamond drill holes (total of 219,734 metres), including 242 surface diamond drill holes that were completed in the period from September 2011 to June 2012 for 67,848 metres. A Vulcan block model with cell dimensions of 10 metres (X), 10 metres, (Y) 5 metres (Z), was coded to reflect the surface topography, base of overburden, Webb Lake granodiorite contacts, domain solids, and the late stage diabase dyke. Sub-celling of the block model on 1 x 1 x 1 m spacing allows the parent block to be split once in each direction to more accurately fill the volume of the wireframes, and thus more accurately estimate the tonnes in the resource. A three dimensional wireframe model of the underground development, stopes, and unmineralized diabase dyke was stored as percent volumes in the block model to ensure that the reported mineral resource estimates are depleted for prior mining and unmineralized zones are excluded from estimation. The geologists at Prodigy have interpreted 25 structural domains to identify the zones of mineralization in the drill cores. These 25 domains are within the Webb Lake granodiorite, Lovell Lake granodiorite and the North and South meta-volcanics and define the mineralized zones.

      Gold grades were estimated from five-metre length-weighted un-cut composites into the interpreted mineralized blocks by ordinary kriging using parameters established from analysis of the variography within each domain. The impact of clustered high gold grades was controlled by using a combination of "sample per hole" restrictions, maximum distance extrapolation restrictions for grades above 22 gpt gold for Webb Lake, 4.5 gpt gold for Lovell Lake, 7 gpt gold for the south meta-volcanics and 6 gpt gold for the North meta-volcanics domains. Minimum and maximum numbers of composites used for estimation were set to 2 and 32 per block respectively for the first pass and 1 and 32 respectively for the second pass estimates. Discretisation was set to 4 x 4 x 4. Density factors of 2.72 gm/cc were assigned to granodiorite mineralized zones and 2.86gm/cc for the meta-volcanics mineralized zones respectively based on approximately 4,024 measurements of specific gravity performed by Prodigy

      In order to identify mineralized blocks that can be reported as a Mineral Resource, a conceptual pit shell was developed using Whittle software to identify those parts of the block model that have reasonable prospects for eventual economic extraction. Parameters used were: 48 degree (overall pit slope); $1.80/tonne mining cost; $1,388/oz gold price; 94.5% process recovery; $12.50/tonne processing cost including G&A. A detailed pit model using more selective criteria will be used for the Project economic evaluation in the PFS. Mineralized blocks that lie within the conceptual pit shell have been classified as either Indicated or Inferred Mineral Resources. Geostatistical parameters from the kriging system were used to identify regions of better confidence estimates.

      Tetra Tech has applied an Indicated classification to blocks in the mineral resource that satisfied the estimation parameters for the first pass estimations. Tetra Tech has applied an Inferred classification to blocks in the mineral resource that satisfied all estimation parameters for the second pass estimations. Tetra Tech has not classified any measured resources after considering the uncertainty in geological interpretation, extent of the underground workings, the high nugget environment, short ranges of gold grade continuity, use of assigned densities and the current drill spacing. Tetra Tech notes that Prodigy Gold has an ongoing drill program to in-fill the existing drill pattern.

      Qualified Persons: The technical and scientific disclosure of the mineral resource estimate has been reviewed and approved by Patrick Huxtable RPGeo, MAIG (geology and mineral resource), Anoush Ebrahimi P.Eng., APEGBC (pit-shell parameters) who are qualified persons as defined by National Instrument 43-101. Mr. Huxtable and Mr. Ebrahimi are employees of Tetra Tech, and independent of the Company.

      About Prodigy Gold: Prodigy Gold Inc. (PDG: TSX.V) is currently evaluating the development of the Magino mine gold project in Ontario as an open-pit mining opportunity with the potential for deeper, higher grade gold production. The Magino project contains Indicated gold resources of 5,809,000 ounces grading 0.89 gpt gold (203.0 million tonnes), and 300,000 ounces of Inferred gold resources grading 0.91 gpt gold (10.3 million tonnes) at a cut off grade of 0.35 gpt gold. Included within this resource estimate is a higher grade zone consisting of 5,033,000 ounces grading 1.06 gpt gold (147.7 million tonnes) of Indicated resource and 255,000 ounces of Inferred gold resources grading 1.16 gpt gold (6.8 million tonnes). Please see the Prodigy Gold press release dated August 20, 2012, for more details. Mineral resources are not mineral reserves and do not have demonstrated economic viability. There is no certainty that all or any part of the mineral resource will be converted into mineral reserves.

      A Prefeasibility Study for the proposed open pit mining project at Magino is scheduled for completion early in 2013. Bringing the Magino mine project through the feasibility process and towards production is a catalyst for growing Prodigy Gold and building substantial value for Prodigy shareholders: Today's Discovery, Tomorrow's Future.

      All scientific and technical information for the Magino project, except the section labelled "Mineral Resource Estimate", has been reviewed and approved by Tom Pollock, P.Geo., Prodigy Gold's Vice President - Exploration, who is a qualified person under the definitions established by National Instrument 43-101. Drill core at Magino is boxed, covered, and sealed at the drill rig and moved to the Prodigy logging and sample preparation facilities by Prodigy Gold personnel. The core is then split down the centre using a typical table fed circular rock saw normally at one metre intervals. One half of the core is sent for assay to Activation Laboratories Ltd., 33 Iroquois Road, ON, P4N 7C5, , while the other half is returned to the core box and stored at Prodigy's sampling facility in a secure, fenced off, area. Activation Laboratories are ISO/IEC 17025 certified and are at arm's length to Prodigy. Prodigy QA/QC procedures include the regular use of blanks, standards and duplicate samples in addition to sending 10% of the samples to ALS Chemex, 2090 Riverside Dr., Timmins, ON, P4R 0A2 for check assays. ALS Chemex is at arm's length to Prodigy and is ISO 9001:2008 certified. Samples assaying > 3.0 gpt gold are automatically re-assayed by the metallic screen method. Gold assays greater than 40 gpt are capped at 40 gpt when calculating composite intervals in drill holes. Drill holes are directed as much as possible perpendicular to the strike and dip of the mineralization at Magino. As a rough estimate the true thickness of the above intercepts is approximately 76%.
      schrieb am 20.08.12 18:16:05
      Beitrag Nr. 429 ()
      Ist noch jemand investiert oder bin ich inzwischen Alleinunterhalter?

      Freundliche Grüße

      Du bist nie allein - hast ja schon 3 Mal den Daumen bekommen! :)


      Die sind fix da drüben: Haben die News schon auf der Homepage und ganz
      passable Umsätze an der Heimatbörse - hier scheint das niemanden zu interessieren! :confused:
      schrieb am 31.08.12 13:45:32
      Beitrag Nr. 430 ()
      Schon ein paar Tage alt vom CAESARS REPORT - habe ich heute per Mail erhalten:

      Prodigy Gold announces a 6.1Moz resource estimate
      Aug 20, 2012 06:19 pm

      We’ve covered the Magino Gold Project about 2.5 years ago, when it was a 1.5Moz deposit owned by Golden Goose Resources Inc. Later on, Golden Goose merged with Kodiak Exploration Ltd., and the combined entity continued as Prodigy Gold Inc. (PDG.V). Today Prodigy announced an updated resource estimate on the Magino-project, with over 5.8Moz in the Indicated category. This means in less than 3 years, the total resource estimate quadrupled to 6.1Moz gold at an average grade of 0.89g/t.

      We are now looking forward to the PFS, and expect an NPV8% of over 1B, based on a $1200/oz gold price, which should attract senior gold miners, as Prodigy is trading at less than $30/oz in the ground.

      There however is one caveat. The average grade in today’s resource update is only 0.89g/t, which is considerably lower than the 1.15g/t used in the PEA last year.
      You can read today’s press release here.

      Disclosure: The author holds a long position in Prodigy Gold Inc. Please see our disclaimer for current positions.

      Freundliche Grüße
      schrieb am 10.09.12 13:09:44
      Beitrag Nr. 431 ()
      geklaut ausm COLT-Thread:

      Zitat von explorer76: Stock Day Report...die neun besten Goldaktien:
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 13.09.12 21:18:41
      Beitrag Nr. 432 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.586.110 von Kongo-Otto am 10.09.12 13:09:44Klau weiter, Otto! :laugh:

      Ich hab auch noch was:…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…

      Shane Nagle, National Bank Financial (9/11/12) "We are initiating coverage of Prodigy Gold Inc. following the departure of the previous analyst. . .Magino is located in northern Ontario in the vicinity of operating mines and exploration projects; the development site is complemented by existing surface infrastructure (power line, paved highway and railway). Magino could see a positive permitting decision on an accelerated timeline as the project is a past-producing mine."

      Freundliche Grüße
      schrieb am 08.10.12 21:48:27
      Beitrag Nr. 433 ()
      Brian Szeto, Stonecap Securities (10/5/12) "Prodigy Gold Inc. has filed its technical report with regards to its recent resource update at Magino. . .the project is demonstrating a resource that shows very little internal waste and a consistent nature of gold distribution. . .the company will be publishing further metallurgical results shortly, which if heap leaching is shown to work, could further enhance the project's economics."…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…

      Freundliche Grüße
      schrieb am 14.10.12 17:34:42
      Beitrag Nr. 434 ()
      Shane Nagle, National Bank Financial (10/12/12) "Prodigy Gold Inc. recently filed a new technical report for Magino that included an updated resource of 6.6 Moz (up 8% at a cutoff grade of 0.35 g/t Au). . .we continue to model production commencement in H1/16 at a rate of 30 Ktpd, excluding any incremental production from the possible addition of a heap leach. We reiterate our $1.15 target price and Outperform rating."…

      Freundliche Grüße
      schrieb am 15.10.12 15:15:51
      Beitrag Nr. 435 ()
      kannst du dir den kurrsprung von heute (damit) erklären?
      schrieb am 15.10.12 15:21:44
      Beitrag Nr. 436 ()
      ...hiermit schon:

      Mr. Pete Dougherty of Argonaut reports


      Argonaut Gold Inc. and Prodigy Gold Inc. have entered into an agreement pursuant to which Argonaut Gold has agreed to acquire all of the issued and outstanding common shares of Prodigy by way of a plan of arrangement. The combined entity will benefit from the strong operating experience and cash flow of Argonaut Gold and its ability to successfully advance Prodigy's Magino gold project, which has an indicated resource of more than 6 million ounces (223 million tonnes at 0.87 g/t using a cut-off grade of 0.35 g/t).

      Pursuant to the terms of the Arrangement announced today, Prodigy shareholders will receive 0.1042 of an Argonaut Gold share and 0.001 cent in cash per Prodigy share, representing C$1.08 per share based on Argonaut Gold's 20-day volume-weighted average price ("VWAP") and a premium of 54% based on both companies' 20-day VWAPs as at October 12, 2012, the last trading day prior to this announcement. The transaction values Prodigy's equity at approximately C$341 million on a fully diluted in-the-money basis and implies an enterprise value of approximately C$277 million.

      The remainder is available to Stockwatch subscribers. Click the yellow link above for a free trial subscription.
      4 Antworten
      schrieb am 15.10.12 16:08:12
      Beitrag Nr. 437 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.713.374 von Reservespieler am 15.10.12 15:21:44habe es zwischenzeitlich selbst gefunden...kann man eigentlich pdg nun
      auch verkaufen, wenn wir auf die 1,08 cd zulaufen sollten..sehr gute news,
      sehe aber kein weiteres potential darüber hinaus für pdg..
      3 Antworten
      schrieb am 15.10.12 16:34:18
      Beitrag Nr. 438 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.713.624 von wmaddin am 15.10.12 16:08:12Argonaut Gold kannte ich bisher noch nicht - aber der Chart ist schon mal erste Sahne!

      Ich denke, ich bleibe dort zunächst noch eine Weile dabei. Muss mich demnächst aber erst mal in die Firma einlesen.

      Oder kann jemand schon spontan was zu Argonaut Gold sagen?

      Hier ist unser "neuer" Thread:…

      Freundliche Grüße
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 15.10.12 17:13:02
      Beitrag Nr. 439 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.713.774 von supernova1712 am 15.10.12 16:34:18Kannte ich bisher auch nicht...noch nie vorher gehört und weiß auch nichts
      über deren aktuellen projekte..insofern auch die bewertungsfrage hinsichtlich
      argonaut..bei einer market-cap. von über 910 mio und P/E von 31,6 bzw.
      P/B Ration von 2,614 bin ich normalerweise nicht mehr so euphorisch..
      schrieb am 15.10.12 17:22:11
      Beitrag Nr. 440 ()
      Super News. Damit habe ich die Verlust mit den anderen Goldexplorern mindestens wieder raus. Fragt sich nur wohin mit dem Geld?

      Spanish Mountain, Geologix oder gar in seltene Erden? Gibt genug abgestürzte Werte.
      schrieb am 15.10.12 17:30:42
      Beitrag Nr. 441 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.713.774 von supernova1712 am 15.10.12 16:34:18boah das ist mal ein kurssprung, hoffe die alteingesessenen sind durch kursverbilligen einigermaßen im plus... ich hatte das glueck, ziemlich spaet hier eingestiegen zu sein und das fast zum tiefststand
      was soll man nun von den argonauten halten...hmm
      da muessen wir uns wohl alle mal einlesen

      mfg sp
      schrieb am 15.10.12 20:07:42
      Beitrag Nr. 442 ()
      Argonaut "kannte" ich schon aus dem Bravada-Forum (A1H5L5), wusste aber nicht, dass sie auf Shopping-Tour sind. Hätte nichts dagegen, wenn sie BVA auch auf ihrem Einkaufzettel hätten!

      Aus dem Argonaut-Threasd geklaut:…
      schrieb am 17.10.12 18:22:10
      Beitrag Nr. 443 ()
      Ein Verkauf bietet sich derzeit nicht an. Prodigy notiert 3-4 Cents unter dem Umtauschpreis. Auch lässt sich Argonaut in D mit einem geringeren Spread verkaufen. Das die Aktionäre nicht zustimmen, ist kaum zu erwarten. Die Frage ist nur wann das über die Bühne gegangen ist. Habe dazu nichts gefunden.
      3 Antworten
      schrieb am 17.10.12 18:38:33
      Beitrag Nr. 444 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.723.291 von Andrija am 17.10.12 18:22:10Im Dezember!

      Den Link musst Du dir selber suchen, finde ihn derzeit auch nicht mehr :laugh:

      Freundliche Grüße
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 18.10.12 07:26:25
      Beitrag Nr. 445 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.723.371 von supernova1712 am 17.10.12 18:38:33Danke.

      Wer hat sich eigentlich den Mist ausgedacht: will receive ... and 0.001 cent in cash per Prodigy share:confused: Selbst wenn ich 100.000 Stück hätte, würde ich nur einen Euro Cash bekommen, um dafür mindestens 20 EUR Bankgebühren zu berappen.:mad:
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 18.10.12 10:41:35
      Beitrag Nr. 446 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.724.782 von Andrija am 18.10.12 07:26:25Stimmt! Das klingt nach Schwachsinn.

      Mal schauen, wie das in der Praxis geregelt wird. Hat jemand hierzu eine Ahnung, Meinung oder gar fundiertes Wissen?

      Freundliche Grüße
      schrieb am 21.10.12 13:15:15
      Beitrag Nr. 447 ()…

      Prodigy Gold Inc. (PDG.V) announced yesterday they agreed to merge with Argonaut Gold Inc. (AR.TO), whereby Prodigy shareholders will receive 0.1042 shares of Argonaut Gold and C$0.00001 in cash per share of Prodigy Gold.

      At Argonaut’s current share price of C$9.65, this implies a value of C$1.00 per Prodigy share, for a total consideration of C$294 million. This means the Prodigy shareholders receive approximately C$48.20/oz in the gound, which is a very fair offer. By accepting this offer, Prodigy shareholders will gain exposure to Argonaut’s operating expertise and strong operational cash flow, as Argonaut expects to produce approximately 100,000 ounces of gold this year.

      We have been following the developments at Magino for more than two years now, and are happy to see the shareholder value increased considerably over those years.

      We agree on the terms of this merger and would recommend to accept the offer, or to sell the shares on the open market. We cannot rule out the possibility of a higher offer from another company. Our sources confirmed Osisko Mining Corp. (OSK.TO) is looking to add more projects to their existing portfolio and Prodigy’s Magino might fit their bill as it’s a Canadian project with in excess of 6 million ounces of gold.

      Freundliche Grüße
      schrieb am 29.10.12 09:15:24
      Beitrag Nr. 448 ()
      Je näher der Umtauschtermin rückt, desto wichtiger wird - zumindest für mich - der steuerliche Aspekt. Dieser wird umso komplizierter, da ich zum Großteil noch steuerfreie Anteile von Prodigy habe. Der Umtausch sollte eine Spekulationssteuer für Altaktien auslösen. Keine Ahnung, ob die Bank das automatisch macht (kann ich mir aber eher nicht vorstellen). In jedem Fall ist es bei den neuen Aktien mit der Spekulationssteuerfreiheit vorbei. Um die Sache für sich selbst noch übersichtlich zu halten, komt man vermutlich um einen Verkauf der Prodigybestände vor 2009 nicht vorbei.:(


      §§ 20, 23 EStG - Mit der Verschmelzung beginnt eine neue Spekulationsfrist

      Erhält ein Gesellschafter anlässlich der Verschmelzung von zwei Körperschaften neue Aktien oder GmbH-Anteile, beginnt für ihn eine neue Spekulationsfrist. Denn bei dieser Kapitalmaßnahme handelt es sich um einen Anschaffungsvorgang durch den Tausch von Anteilen an der übertragenden gegen Anteile an der übernehmenden Körperschaft. Damit handelt es sich nach Auffassung des BFH um einen entgeltlichen Erwerb. Im Rahmen einer Verschmelzung werden zwei Gesellschaften entweder auf eine bereits bestehende oder auf eine neu gegründete Kapitalgesellschaft übertragen und die Altaktionäre erhalten neue Aktien.

      Dabei gelten die Anteile an der übertragenden Körperschaft nach § 13 Abs. 2 UmwStG als zu ihren Anschaffungskosten veräußert und die an ihre Stelle tretenden Anteile als mit diesem Wert angeschafft. Sofern die bisherigen Aktien bei einem Privatanleger noch kein Jahr im Depot liegen, muss daher kein Spekulationsgeschäft versteuert werden, weil der Erlös mit Null angesetzt wird. Erst beim Verkauf der neuen Aktien innerhalb eines weiteren Jahres nach der Verschmelzung kommt es zu einem steuerpflichtigen Vorgang. Die ehemaligen Anschaffungskosten der Altaktien werden dem Veräußerungserlös der neuen Titel gegenübergestellt.

      Praxishinweis: Eine Verschmelzung ab 2009 zieht nach § 20 Abs. 4a S. 1 EStG keine Erfassung unter der Abgeltungsteuer nach sich. Denn die hingegebenen Anteile gelten zwingend als zu den Anschaffungskosten veräußert. Mangels Wahlrecht wirkt sich das aber immer dann negativ aus, wenn Verluste realisiert werden. Wurden die anlässlich der Kapitalmaßnahme hingegebenen Anteile vor 2009 erworben, dürfen die Banken die neu erhaltenen Wertpapiere nach Anweisung des BMF weiter als Altbestand mit Bestandsschutz führen.

      BFH 19.8.08, IX R 71/07, DStR 08, 2105; 7.11.07, I R 41/05, BFH/NV 08, 679; 22.5.03, IX R 9/00, BStBl II 03, 712
      BMF 15.8.08, IV C 1 - S 2000/07/0009
      Abruf-Nr. 083296
      QUELLE: AUSGABE 01 / 2009 | SEITE 21 | ID 123466…
      2 Antworten
      schrieb am 29.10.12 15:59:45
      Beitrag Nr. 449 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.760.918 von Andrija am 29.10.12 09:15:24Das bedeutet:

      1. Wer nichts tut und bisher steuerfreie Prodigy-Aktien in Argonaut Gold umwandeln lässt, der zahlt später beim Verkauf Abgeltungssteuer auf einen rechnerischen Anschaffungskurs (Kaufpreis der damaligen Prodigy-Aktien geteilt durch die Anzahl der jetzt neu eingebuchten Argonaut-Aktien), verliert also rückwirkend die komplette Steuerfreiheit seiner Kursgewinne.

      2. Wer dagegen seine steuerfreien Prodigy rechtzeitig verkauft, der kassiert den bisherigen Kursgewinn steuerfrei.

      Schlussfolgerungen für Steuerzahler in Deutschland:

      a) Alle steuerfreien PDG-Aktien unbedingt vor dem Tausch verkaufen!
      b) Ein Neukauf von Argonaut über die Börse ist ggf. steuerlich günstiger als ein Tausch.

      Stimmt das so? Freue mich auf weitere Kommentare

      Freundliche Grüße
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 30.10.12 10:20:15
      Beitrag Nr. 450 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.762.779 von supernova1712 am 29.10.12 15:59:45So würde ich das auch interpretieren.

      Ist aber sicher eher eine Frage für die Steuercommunity. Hier lesen zu wenig mit. Damals war der User NATALY sehr aktiv. Nach meiner Recherche aber "Offline seit 05.08.11, 14:43". Habe es trotzdem mal mit einer Boardmail versucht.

      Ich habe für mich noch mal konkret nachgeschaut. Sind dann für mich doch nur 760 Aktien die ich steuerfrei halte, also vor dem 01.01.2009 gekauft habe und dann auch für horrende 0,59 EUR. Dachte, das waren deutlich mehr. Also nur ein Sturm im Wasserglas. Für Dich ist die Frage vermutlich relevanter.

      Die Sache mit Kodiak-Prodigy in 2011 war nach meiner Erinnerung keine Verschmelzung!? Ansonsten reden wir hier über des Kaisers Bart weil wir die Steuerfreiheit schon verloren haben.

      Gruß Andrija
      schrieb am 30.10.12 17:08:29
      Beitrag Nr. 451 ()
      Die Sache mit Kodiak-Prodigy in 2011

      Ohne Gewähr, aber ich bin mir ziemlich sicher:

      Kodiak hat Golden Goose übernommen und sich danach in Prodigy umbenannt. Das war also keine Verschmelzung, nur eine Namensänderung.

      Freundliche Grüße
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 01.11.12 11:15:43
      Beitrag Nr. 452 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.767.295 von supernova1712 am 30.10.12 17:08:29Ich habe mich entschieden. Ich verkaufe meinen Minianteil "hoffentlich" steuerfrei und lasse den Rest in den Argonauten wandeln.

      Je öfter ich die Präsentation lese, desto mehr komme ich zu dem Schluss, dass das für die ein Superdeal war. Das Konzept ist so einfach wie bestechend: Kaufe als kleiner Produzent mit ausreichend Cash günstig einen kleinen Explorer mit ordentlich nachgewiesenen Ressourcen und setze alle Umsatzerlöse für die Erschließungskosten ein. Das hat der Markt inzwischen auch erkannt. Sollte der Goldpreis nicht wider erwarten massiv einbrechen, wird Argonaut kontinuierlich weitersteigen.

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      Prodigy Gold ehem. Kodiak Exploration der Gold- und Uranwert 2007