
    SAN ANTON RESOURCE CORP - TSX: SNN.TO - Gold & Silber in Mexiko - JV mit Goldcorp - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 25.02.07 13:08:46 von
    neuester Beitrag 11.05.07 13:57:32 von
    Beiträge: 25
    ID: 1.114.288
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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 25.02.07 13:08:46
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()

      Seit Dezember 2006 an der Börse notiert, dürfte "San Anton" schon bald einiges mehr an Aufmerksamkeit erregen - die Fakten:

      Alle Infos zu dem Projekt das als JV mit Goldcorp betrieben wird findet man hier:,_Mexico_27.……

      Die Tatsache, dass Goldcorp hier als JV-Partner auftritt ist ein nicht zu unterschätzender Vorteil: Goldcorp stellt sein "Know How" zur Verfügung und sichert somit ein zügiges Vorantreiben des Projekts.

      Es exisitiert ein "Technical Report" gem. NI 43-101:… lt. dem bisher bereits 11 Mio Unzen "Gold-Equivalent" (Gold equivalent has been calculated as Au+(Ag/60)+(CuX2.3). Metallurgical recoveries and smelter returns have been assumed at 100%.) nachgewiesen wurden. Diese Berechnung erfolgte allerdings nur auf der Grundlage von rund 100 drill cores - gut 150 weitere stehen noch aus. Wir könnten also eine Ausweitung auf 15 oder 20 Mio Unzen erleben - mit möglicherweise noch höheren Grades, die sich bereits jetzt andeuten:

      Exploration at Cerro del Gallo in the year since the last resource estimate has been continuous. Drilling is now far advanced beyond the December 2005 figures, and many of the best grades and intersections have come in the past twelve months. To February 15, 2007, more than 63,000m of infill and expansion drilling in 258 drill holes has now been completed. Drilling is underway with two rigs seven days a week, and a current year exploration budget of $US9.7million.

      Der Großteil der Aktien ist in festen Händen:

      Share Structure

      (Effective December 8, 2006)
      Authorized Share Capital: Unlimited common, unlimited preference

      Shares Issued: 103,773,309
      Assigned Options: 5,746,875
      Warrants: 21,217,187
      Shares Fully Diluted: 130,737,371
      Principal Shareholders: (approx. number of shares+options+warrants held and corresponding percentage of fully diluted shares outstanding)
      Kings Minerals NL: 85,000,000 (~65% of fully diluted)
      Insiders: 8,000,000 (~6% of fully diluted)
      Institutions: 28,000,000 (~21% of fully diluted)


      Die News-Seite ist hier zu finden:

      Firmenpräsentation Januar 2007:…

      Bericht im Resource World Magazine in diesem Monat:…

      Den fairen (heutigen) Wert der Aktie , könnte man folgendermaßen berechnen:
      11 Mio Gold-Equivalent, mit einem konservativen Goldpreis von 600 USD ergibt 6,6 MRD USD - San Antons Anteil davon beträgt 51% also 3,366 Mrd USD - geteilt durch die Gesamtzahl der Aktien (130.737.371) = 25,75 USD/Aktie; diskontiert mit branchenüblichen 10% macht 2,58 USD oder 2,99 CAD.

      Als Zielkurs, der sicherlich noch mit einigen Unsicherheiten behaftet ist, können auf Sicht von 12-24 Monaten 10 CAD oder gar mehr avisiert werden.
      schrieb am 25.02.07 13:12:59
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      Intraday Realtime

      5 Tage

      3 Monate
      schrieb am 25.02.07 13:15:50
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()

      The Company will be attending the following industry shows and investor conferences in 2007:

      - Cambridge House Vancouver Resource Investment Conference, January 21-22, 2007, Vancouver, British Columbia, booth #1503.
      - Renmark Financial Road Show, January 25, 2007, Omni Hotel, 1050 Sherbrooke St. W., Montreal, Quebec.
      - Otis-Mandy Road Show, February 21-22, 2007, New York, New York.
      - BMO Capital Markets 2007 Global Resources Conference, February 25-28, 2007, Tampa, Florida.
      - Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada Annual Convention (PDAC), March 4-7, 2007, Toronto, Ontario. Core shack booth #5013A Sunday and Monday.
      - Renmark Financial Road Show, March 8, 2007, Ottawa, Ontario.
      - Otis-Mandy Road Show, March 26-27, Boston, Mass.
      - Cambridge House Calgary Resource Investment Conference, March 31-April 1, 2007, Calgary, Alberta.
      - Renmark Financial Road Show, April 10, 2007, Quebec City, Quebec.
      - Denver Gold Group European Gold Forum, April 17-20, 2007, Zurich, Switzerland
      - New York Hard Assets Show, May 14-15, 2007, New York, New York.
      - Renmark Financial Road Show, June 27, 2007, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
      - Las Vegas Hard Assets Show, September 10-11, 2007, Las Vegas, Nevada.
      - Cambridge House Toronto Resource Investment Conference, October 21-22, 2007, Toronto, Ontario
      - San Francisco Hard Assets Show, November 18-19, 2007, San Francisco, California.
      schrieb am 25.02.07 14:27:14
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      Nachdem ich letzte Woche eine WKN für San Anton beantragt habe, sollten nun auch Orders über deutsche Broker wie Consors, Comdirect, DAB, etc. problemlos direkt in Kanada (oder USA) abgewickelt werden können:

      WKN: A0MLM5
      (ISIN: CA7961931002)


      schrieb am 25.02.07 15:07:22
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 27.957.656 von _MountainDew am 25.02.07 14:27:14Zugegeben sieht sehr lecker aus... :cool:

      Allerdings sollte der Fairnis halber erwähnt werden, dass im März ein riesiger Schwung an Aktien von SNN auf den Markt geschüttet werden, welche noch aus dem Dezember IPO stammen.

      Dies wird den Kurs erstmal ordentlich unter Wasser setzen!!! :(

      Aber wenn diese Masse vom Markt verdaut wurde, dann kann es wirklich hoch gehen... ;)

      Mountain,weisst du wieviele Aktien da kommen??? :confused:

      Trading Spotlight

      3,0400EUR +3,40 %
      700% – jetzt in diese 3 Dollar NASDAQ-Aktie einsteigen?! mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 25.02.07 15:57:37
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 27.958.514 von Seven_Euro am 25.02.07 15:07:22Grüß dich,

      die genaue Anzahl habe ich gerade nicht im Kopf - aber das ist für mich ehrlich gesagt auch zweitrangig. Als "Langfrist-Investor" würde ich mich dann sogar darüber freuen noch einige Stücke günstig nachzukaufen - darauf verlassen würde ich mich aber auch nicht, denn solange alles nach Plan verläuft werden über kurz oder lang die Fundamentaldaten den Kurs bestimmen. Auch ging ein Großteil der Aktien an Institutionelle Investoren, die sicher nicht die Aktien gleich wieder auf den Markt werfen werden.


      schrieb am 25.02.07 17:00:35
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      Hallo !
      Danke für die gute Vorstellung des Unternehmens. Kommt auf jedenfall auf die Watchlist. Bin schon in den Nachbarn Namens PEDIMENT investiert und kenne die Region und enormen möglichkeiten deshalb sehr gut.

      schrieb am 25.02.07 17:23:08
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 27.961.452 von Pirat_Micha am 25.02.07 17:00:35Grüße auch an dich,

      schau dir gerne auch mal meine andere "Neu-Vorstellung" an - Uran-Aktie:
      "Bluerock Resources"…

      Sicherlich noch etwas riskanter als San Anton, aber dafür evtl. noch einen Tick chancenreicher.
      Für beide Werte gilt: In Deutschland praktisch unbekannt und (noch?) nicht von irgendwelchen billigen Börsenblättchen gepusht - hier gilt: Substanz entscheidet!


      schrieb am 26.02.07 10:43:02
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 27.959.777 von _MountainDew am 25.02.07 15:57:37Nun denn,

      ich warte auf meine Einstiegschance bei um die 1,40 CAD...

      Denke eher das dies noch zu hoch sein wird, aber egal!!! ;)

      Nur noch ein paar Tage, dann werden wir sehen wie es der Markt verdaut...

      In diesem Sinne... :cool:
      schrieb am 28.02.07 21:15:00
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 27.957.656 von _MountainDew am 25.02.07 14:27:14Also ich bekomme die San Anton unter den genannten Daten (ISIN,WKN) über S Broker nicht gehandelt... :cry:

      Die handeln doch an der Toronto Stock Exchange oder???
      schrieb am 01.03.07 10:41:40
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.035.512 von Seven_Euro am 28.02.07 21:15:00Die handeln doch an der Toronto Stock Exchange oder???

      Ob du mit S-Broker an der TSX handeln kannst weiß ich nicht - wenn du gemeint hast, ob SNN an der TSX notiert ist: ja!

      Wie gesagt die WKN gibt es erst seit letztem Freitag - aber ich habe sie mal schnell auf eingegeben und San Anton wurde gefunden - falls du mit S-Broker an der TSX handeln kannst ruf doch einfach mal dort an und frag nach ob sie der einzige Broker in Deutschland bleiben wollen, der dir den Erwerb von San Anton nicht ermöglichen kann ;)


      schrieb am 01.03.07 17:08:36
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.042.217 von _MountainDew am 01.03.07 10:41:40Dit läuft... :D

      Hab ja etwas Zeit bevor es richtig losgeht... :D
      schrieb am 03.03.07 18:05:25
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      Mal eine andere Frage, die bisherigen Ergebnisse klingen ja ziemlich gut. Allerdings frage ich mich, was für eine max. Tonnage-Kapazität muss denn die zugehörige Mühle haben, damit sich die Bulk-Tonnage mit sehr geringen Grades von <1g/t Gold überhaupt wirtschaftlich abbauen lässt??? :eek:

      Selbst bei einer Kapazität von 3000 t/day würden sich gerade mal etwa 27.000 Unzen Gold pro Jahr (bei 0,8 g/t) fördern lassen!!!
      Davon gehörten nur 50 % San Anton... :confused:

      Da lohnt doch der ganze Aufwand nicht,oder??? :confused:
      schrieb am 09.03.07 10:56:09
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 27.958.514 von Seven_Euro am 25.02.07 15:07:22I also discovered that there is no overhang of cheap paper restricted from trading. The IPO shares and warrants are already free trading.



      Wollte ich dir, der Fairness halber, nicht vorenthalten... :p


      schrieb am 14.03.07 15:39:25
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.199.341 von _MountainDew am 09.03.07 10:56:09Soooo Mountain Dew,

      wollte dir natürlich auch nicht vorenthalten, dass ich in SNN bereits voll investiert bin!!! :lick:

      Nun lass uns gemeinsam auf steigende Kurse warten... ;)

      Die measured Ressourcen von über 1,1 Millionen Unzen Gold (nicht Goldequivalent!!!)sind ein Anfang!!! ;)

      Aber da wird noch viiiiel mehr folgen, gelle??? :D

      In diesem Sinne... :cool: :cool: :cool:
      schrieb am 16.03.07 18:22:26
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      Det läuft... :lick:

      schrieb am 19.03.07 17:05:19
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.332.224 von Seven_Euro am 16.03.07 18:22:26Also an diese stetigen Kursaufschläge "müssen" wir uns wohl gewöhnen!!! :D

      Kenne kaum ein Unternehmen, was derart gut für die Zukunft gerüstet und beste Chancen garantiert.
      Die haben 15 Millionen Cash, 3 Drilling-Rigs auf dem Top-Projekt + Goldcorp als JV-Partner!!! :eek:

      Also in diesem Sinne... :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
      schrieb am 19.03.07 18:40:12
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()
      So ist es Seven_Euro, so ist es... ;)
      schrieb am 19.03.07 18:49:41
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      News-Nachtrag vom 13.03.07

      News from Canada NewsWire

      San Anton announces new resource estimate
      09:00 EDT Tuesday, March 13, 2007


      OTTAWA, ON, March 13 /CNW Telbec/ - San Anton Resource Corporation (SNN:TSX) is pleased to announce that a new mineral resource estimate has been prepared by Golder Associates Pty. Ltd. ("Golder") based on infill drilling on the Cerro del Gallo deposit during 2006. Cerro del Gallo is located on the San Anton property which is 51 per cent owned by San Anton Resource Corporation and 49 per cent by Goldcorp Inc., and is located in the state of Guanajuato, Mexico. The new resource is based on 57,592m of drilling in 232 holes compared to 24,635m of drilling in 110 holes which formed the basis for the previous estimate. The 2006 infill drilling program was largely designed to better define the gold rich portion of the Cerro del Gallo deposit and to move a large portion of the Inferred Resources up into the Measured and Indicated categories prior to initiating a Pre-Feasibility Study.

      The 2006 drilling program was successful in significantly upgrading the quality of the resource with Measured and Indicated resources increasing by 44 per cent and now accounting for 74 per cent of total resources. New estimates were prepared assuming bulk mining and two potential processing scenarios, conventional flotation-leach using a 0.3 g/t gold equivalent ("AuEq") cutoff grade, and conventional carbon-in-leach using a 0.4 g/t gold only cut-off grade.

      Gregory Bowes, President & CEO of San Anton stated that "we now have a high quality, robust resource estimate that will enable us to undertake preliminary pit designs and scoping studies to evaluate potential development scenarios. While the total tonnage and contained ounces declined slightly as drilling indicated limited depth potential to the southeast, the deposit is still open in a number of directions. We are adding a third rig in order to step out much more aggressively in 2007 to determine the total size of the system as well as to accelerate exploration of regional targets."

      The new mineral resource totals 10.19 million ounces of gold equivalent at a 0.3 g/t AuEq cutoff which consists of 4 million ounces of gold, 171 million ounces of silver and 448,000 tonnes of copper. At a 0.4 g/t Au only cutoff grade, the resource totals 3.4 million ounces of gold equivalent of which 95 per cent is in the Measured and Indicated categories.

      Cerro del Gallo Mineral Resources
      (0.3g/t AuEq cut-off grade)

      Resource Tonnes Au Ag Cu AuEq AuEq
      Category Millions g/t g/t % g/t Moz
      Measured 63 0.74 13 0.08 1.14 2.31
      Indicated 260 0.22 13 0.11 0.69 5.76
      Measured +
      Indicated 323 0.32 13 0.10 0.78 8.08
      Inferred 112 0.19 10 0.10 0.59 2.11

      (0.4g/t Gold only cut-off grade)

      Resource Tonnes Au Ag Cu AuEq AuEq
      Category Millions g/t g/t % g/t Moz
      Measured 61 0.75 13 0.08 1.15 2.26
      Indicated 28 0.63 11 0.09 1.02 0.92
      Measured +
      Indicated 89 0.71 12 0.08 1.11 3.18
      Inferred 6 0.55 9 0.09 0.91 0.17

      Notes to Accompany Mineral Resource Estimate:

      1. Block model with grade estimate prepared by Golder Associates Pty.
      Ltd., Brisbane Office, Queensland, Australia.
      2. The mineral resource estimate is based on 232 drill holes to an
      average depth of 248 meters for a total of 57,592 meters of drilling.
      All drill holes have been completed since December, 2004 of which 40
      holes totaling 18,335 meters are HQ diamond core and 192 holes
      totaling 39,257 are reverse circulation face sampled holes. Most of
      the resource is within 300 meters of the land surface and has been
      drilled on a nominal 50x50 meter spacing.
      3. Gold assays by 30 gram fire assay with AAS finish (and gravimetric
      check on all samples containing (greater than)1g/t Au), silver and
      copper assays by multi-acid digestion with AAS or ICP finish; all
      assays undertaken by SGS Laboratories, Toronto, Canada.
      4. In-situ bulk density ranges from 2.64 to 2.67 t/m(3).
      5. A geological block model with block sizes of 25m X 25m X 12m was
      constructed. A bulk mining scenario has been assumed.
      6. Au, Ag and Cu grades were estimated by parent block ordinary kriging
      within constrained geological domains.
      7. High grade cuts were applied for each geological domain ranging from
      1.0 to 4.0g/t Au, 60 to 120g/t Ag and 0.3 to 0.9% Cu.
      8. QA/QC checks on sampling and assaying quality are satisfactory.
      9. Au equivalence ("AuEq") has been calculated as AuEq=Au +
      (Ag/60) + (Cu X 2.3). This formula is consistent with all previous
      mineral resource estimates to provide a basis for comparison. It
      assumes 100 per cent metallurgical and smelter recoveries.
      10. The reported mineral resource estimate has been rounded to
      appropriate significant figures.

      Golder is updating the NI 43-101 Technical Report previously prepared on the San Anton Property and the new report will be filed on Sedar within 30 days ( The Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101 responsible for preparation of the Report is Mr. Robert Stewart MAusIMM, a full-time employee of Golder. Mr. Stewart is independent of San Anton and is responsible for all technical data reported in this news release.

      The Toronto Stock Exchange has neither approved nor disapproved the contents of this press release. This News Release includes certain "forward-looking statements". All statements other than statements of historical fact included in this release, including, without limitation, statements regarding potential mineralization and reserves, exploration results, and future plans and objectives of San Anton are forward-looking statements that involve various risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the expectations of San Anton are detailed from time to time in the filings made by San Anton with securities regulators.

      For further information: Gregory B. Bowes, President & CEO, (613) 729-9006; Kevin Keough, Vice President, Corporate Development, (613) 729-9006; Renmark Financial Communications Inc.: BARRY MIRE:; JOHN BOIDMAN:; MEDIA - EVA JURA:, (514) 939-3989, FAX: (514) 939-3717,
      schrieb am 19.03.07 18:54:44
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()
      Fri Mar 16, 2007

      Mexico Mike

      San Anton Resources controls what could be a monster discovery…

      Just a handful of undeveloped deposits worldwide have defined gold equivalent resources in excess of 10 million ounces, and many of those are located in regions where infrastructure is limited, and capital expenses for development high.
      Mexico remains one of the few jurisdictions where a junior mining company can still hope to uncover a large deposit and advance it to production within a favourable economic environment. During the last 3 years, Ocampo (Gammon Lake Resources), Mulatos (Alamos Gold), and El Sauzal (Goldcorp) have all begun producing, and an even larger deposit at Penasquito (Goldcorp) is under development. One more such monster deposit – Cerro del Gallo - may soon be joining this group.

      Newly listed junior San Anton Resource Corp is aggressively advancing exploration at its San Anton property in the State of Guanajuato in Central Mexico. Rich discoveries are nothing new in the district, where estimated historical production is more than 6 million ounces of gold and 1.1 billion ounces of silver. So there are reasons to be encouraged that the project will advance to be just the latest in a long history of productive mining ventures in the area. The company owns 51 percent of the San Anton project, in a joint venture partnership with Goldcorp Inc.

      Goldcorp currently operates several large projects in Mexico, so one can surmise that they know a thing or two about finding and developing mines. Interestingly, although Goldcorp owns a minority 49 percent interest in the San Anton property, they retain the right to operate a mine, if and when a production decision is made. In the meantime, San Anton is the operator of the project.

      What makes the San Anton property special is the presence at Cerro del Gallo of a very large precious metals rich deposit, and the existence elsewhere on the property of more than 20 untested exploration targets, ranging from high grade epithermal vein-breccia systems, to large tonnage intrusion-related porphyries and skarns. Gold and silver are the primary metals of interest, but significant copper values are also present within the mineralization and are expected to contribute to the overall economic value.
      At Cerro del Gallo, from a standing start in early 2005, a total NI 43-101 compliant resource of more than 11 million gold equivalent ounces was defined in less than twelve months drilling to December 16, 2005. However, aggressive exploration work continued and over 63,000m of infill and expansion drilling has now been completed. Many of the company’s best grades and intersections have come in the past year. Consequently, the implications for the new resource update calculation, presently underway, have to be positive.

      In addition to the potential at Cerro del Gallo, preliminary exploration of several of the other high priority targets has already begun, and all will be subject to exploration work in the future. It is conceivable therefore, that the San Anton property could develop into a multi-centre, bulk tonnage gold-silver-copper play, with associated high-grade epithermal vein-breccia potential.

      Yet despite the strong potential for the development of a world-class mining operation, the company seems to be flying below the radar of most investors. This is not surprising given the more or less twelve month exploration news blackout that accompanied the reverse take-over process that led to the creation of San Anton Resource Corporation, after Kings Minerals NL opted to roll their share of the property into a North American listing as a way of surfacing the value of the Cerro del Gallo asset.

      Trading commenced on the TSX in December 2006, and the initial public offering successfully raised gross proceeds of more than $17 million. The company is now well financed, exploration work is ongoing, and the news has started to flow. Environmental baseline studies, and comprehensive metallurgical testing have already been completed. The process to update the resource estimate to include the results of more than 100 additional drill holes is underway, and a pre-feasibility study will commence thereafter.

      All of this activity is starting to attract attention, and the mining analysts are starting to perk up – and starting to visit the property. Continued exploration success means that this company could become a very popular story indeed.
      The economic considerations for Cerro del Gallo are excellent. The property is well served by local infrastructure in a region that is supportive of mining activity. Large tonnage, near surface deposits of lower grade gold-silver commonly lend themselves to low cost open pit mining techniques, while the higher grade vein hosted deposits typical of the historic workings on the San Anton property could to be developed as smaller underground mining operations. This is the approach that Gammon Lake successfully employed to develop the Ocampo Deposit, which is now one of the most profitable mines in Mexico.

      While there are many hurdles that must be surmounted on the way to achieving production, I believe that San Anton stands a high likelihood of joining the ranks of large, modern operating mines in Mexico. The enormous tonnage of potentially economic mineralization that sits on surface at Cerro del Gallo could conceivably support an operation processing in the range of tens of thousands of tonnes per day, representing over 200,000 ounces of gold equivalent annual production.

      The capital structure of the company is larger than I would like to see, with more than 130 million shares fully diluted, but considering the total resources at the current stage, and the strong potential for a much larger mineral inventory to be proven up as work continues, I still believe the company is cheap.

      It’s also worth pointing out that of the roughly 104 million shares in the company outstanding, fully 75 million are held by Kings Minerals NL, a publicly trading entity controlled by the same people (Norm Seckold, Dudley Leitch, etc.) behind Palmarejo Silver & Gold. These people are considered miners in for the long haul, and don’t sell stock. Insiders and institutional investors control about another 23 million shares. This leaves only 6 million shares or so in the free trading public float. So, despite the large number of shares outstanding, they are tightly held.

      In this day and age, where so few large new deposits are left to maintain the production levels for the senior producers, this project is going to have a very high priority for development. A strong partner, plenty of cash in the treasury, ongoing aggressive exploration work, and a steady stream of news flow in the months ahead, should all serve to ensure that the risk profile for San Anton is much lower than for other late stage exploration companies. The Mexico Mike Portfolio was created to seize opportunities offering high upside potential with lower risk, and San Anton is very attractive now while it still remains largely unknown in the market. I buy a double allotment of $20,000 for the portfolio.


      PS: Voluntary disclosure - I have been aggressively buying stock for several weeks, and added another 12,000 shares today, with another bid outstanding. I have not received any compensation from the company to present my opinions, and have no relationship with the company.
      schrieb am 23.03.07 20:05:52
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.376.519 von _MountainDew am 19.03.07 18:49:41Also so eine Korrektur hat noch keinem Kurs geschadet...
      Schon gar nicht, nach diesen Kurssprüngen der letzten Wochen!!! :D

      In diesem bullischen Sinne... :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
      schrieb am 01.04.07 11:50:25
      Beitrag Nr. 22 ()
      Normalerweise bin ich kein Freund davon, anderer Leute Postings zu kopieren. Aber in diesem begründeten Ausnahmefall kann ich nicht anders... :D

      Diese 2 folgenden Postings nehmen Bezug auf die Fragen, welche sich vermutlich jeder aktive SNN-Investor schon gestellt hat.

      1.Reichen die low-Grades an Gold und Silber aus, um ökonomisch abgebaut werden zu können?

      Dwothers, I think your entire post is a great example of how it is dangerous to generalize about specific details without having the knowledge to support your own conclusions.
      You state: "The level of gold is so low, I question if you get any recovery."
      That is a pretty ridiculous comment even from a novice. Some of the largest net gold producers are companies that have extremely low grade gold values, but process ten of thousands of tonnes of ore per day. It is not the grade that determines the recovery. It is the metallurgical parameters of the ore.

      You state: "Producing mines that I've looked at with gold in the 1g/ton region tend to only have 50% recovery rates."
      I can name several marginal juniors that are struggling with low recovery rates. However, I can also name several extremely profitable juniors that are also processing ore in the 1 g/t range or lower. Perhaps you should review the most recent quarterly results from NGX: "The Kemess South mine produced 81,747 ounces of gold and 21.3 million pounds of copper during the fourth quarter of 2006. Mill throughput during the quarter averaged 49,645 metric tonnes (mt) per day and consisted exclusively of hypogene ore with an average grade of 0.772 gr/mt gold and 0.243% copper." Maybe you have heard of Northgate? They made about $20 million in net earnings in the last quarter if you need them... You may also wish to review the latest numbers from GAM: "As at
      September 30, 2006, the heap leach had received 1,649,921 tonnes of ore with an average grade since inception of
      1.046 grams per tonne gold, and 43.32 grams per tonne silver." This was from the most recent quarterly financial statement, and if you read down to page 16, it discloses that average recovery rates were 96% for the gold and 93% for the silver. I could go on, but why belabour the point? You obviously have no idea whatsoever what you are talking about.

      You stated: "And building a copper mine for the sake of copper you want about 0.5% or so, so even the copper is very low."
      Again, I refer you to NGX, where the average copper grade is 0.243%. Less than half of the 0.5% grade you seem to think is necessary. You seem to be making up this information in your own head, which is not a good place to look.

      And then you add more clueless commentary. You stated: "The grades are so low, I can't see more than 50% recovery."
      Well going back to the NGX recovery rates, even with a mix of copper and gold in the ore, they still report "Gold and copper recoveries averaged 72% and 87%, respectively, in the fourth quarter of 2006 compared with 72% and 85% in the fourth quarter of 2005." And I aleady discussed the exceptional recovery rates for GAM above.

      I do not have the time or inclination to debunk the stupid comments from every putz that wants to bash the stock. Earlier today another genius showed up here to imply that SNN is a dog. All one has to do is pull up the chart to see how impressive the company has performed since the listing was re-activated. At the end of the day, it is the responsibility of every investor to know what they own, and perhaps to have a clue about the mining business. A handfull of people that think they have it figured out and post utter nonsense should not be enough to discourage anyone that has taken the time to understand what they own.

      The fact is that until the met work is done, and we know how the gold and copper will interact with the reagents in the recovery circuit, it is too early to make guesses about what the efficiency will be. There is no 'average' from one deposit to the next that matters.



      2. Welchen Gesamt-Value kann man von SNN erwarten?

      Cerro De Gallo is the largest mineral deposit that has been defined on the property so far but there are numerous other targets. I have already touched on the ideal circumstances regarding the orientation of the deposit, as it lies near surface, relatively evenly distributed throughout the mineralized zone, and much of it is contained within a hill structure, meaning that the strip ratio will be almost zero. The bottom line is that the costs to mine this type of deposit will be as close to optimum as one can imagine, so that a lower grade ore body could be very profitable.
      I want to take it one step further and point out that even within the mineralized area, there are higher grading zones that can be considered separately. An open pit mine is typically not subject to selective mining practices, since it is sequential. You mine the higher elevation zones first, and then work your way to the deeper parts of the mine. And pit wall stability dictates that you cannot just plunge the workings deeper without extending the lateral extension at the same time. So you pretty much design the pit to extract the optimum resources, and start mining. Average grade is thus very important to factor in, because you will take everything as you go and not be able to just work the higher grade zones.

      However, there are other mineralized areas located on the property that can be mined separately to generate improved economics. There are at least two gold-enriched bulk tonnage zones that have been encountered so far that could represent starter pits for a mining operation. To my understanding, the company has not done enough drilling to even include these new zones in the total resource calculation. Even a slight increase in the grade of these zones, compared to the average grade for Cerro de Gallo, could sharply improve the return of invested capital for the project.

      Also, consider that there are three distinct types of mineralization that are already encountered. The bulk tonnage of lower grade disseminated gold in a porphyry system constitutes the Cerro de Gallo deposit. There is also a vein-breccia system of much higher grade ore that has been traced for several kilometers and although some extremely high grades have been reported from initial drilling work, this mineralization is not included in the total resources yet because there is not enough data on record. Lastly, there is skarn type mineralization related to the intrusion at depth, and again very little exploration work has been done yet to test the resource potential, but it should be noted that some of the largets and most productive deposits in Mexico are skarn-hosted ore bodies.

      When mother nature emplaced the entire deposit, it did not all go into the host rock as a uniform, evenly distributed gold-copper-silver resource. It is in fact composed of lower grade zones, and enriched zones. Having a nice resource estimate of tonnage and an average grade does not mean a company must operate a mine to access only material of the average. They can focus on those zones of enrichment where the economics are more robust. They do not have to process all of the millions of tonnes of ore, even if the cutoff grade they have used projects it to be economic.

      A final point, keep in mind that each type of mineralization will also have unique metallurgical characteristics. Therefore, the vein material in the breccia zone may yield higher recoveries of gold than the lower grade disseminated ore body. Each type of mineralization could be processed in separate recovery circuits that are designed to generate optimum recovery for the parameters of the ore. Gammon Lake resources is a good example of the strategy, as they employ a heap leach recovery for the lower grade oxide material, and flotation circuits for the higher grade sulphide vein hosted ore.

      I bought more shares of SNN on Friday, and I plan to buy a lot more on Monday once a wire transfer clears my account. I should be thankfull of the efforts from the useful idiots that show up on the forum to bash the stock, and just be happy to once again accumulate below $2. One need only consult the chart of OSK to see just how quickly a stock can drop sharply and then recover, and the optimum buying points where the exact times when some people were scrambling to take profits.



      Ich empfehle jedem Interessierten diese Beiträge eingehend zu studieren und ihr DD zu SNN zu machen... :lick:
      schrieb am 27.04.07 21:36:31
      Beitrag Nr. 23 ()
      San Anton Res. fliegt noch immer unter dem Radar der Anleger!!!

      Warum das so ist???

      Keine Ahnung, aber ich kenne einige solcher Werte. Wenn die erstmal in der breiten Anlegerschaft Notiz nehmen, dann BITTE ANSCHNALLEN!!! ;)

      In diesem Sinne... :cool: :cool: :cool:
      schrieb am 04.05.07 17:16:14
      Beitrag Nr. 24 ()
      :D :D News News News News... :D :D

      Results include 3.1m grading 200g/t Ag and 1.05g/t Au and 1.5m grading 281g/t Ag and
      1.4g/t Au

      May 4, 2007 – San Anton Resource Corporation (SNN:TSX) is pleased to announce initial results from the first
      regional target to be drilled outside of the Cerro del Gallo deposit on its San Anton property, Guanajuato State,
      Mexico. Results from the Empalizada target include 3.1m grading 200g/t of silver and 1.05g/t of gold (4.38g/t
      AuEq), 1.5m grading 281g/t of silver and 1.4g/t of gold (6.08g/t AuEq) and 1.5m grading 184g/t of silver and
      1.85g/t of gold (4.92g/t AuEq). San Anton has a 51% interest in the property and Goldcorp Inc. owns 49%.
      The Empalizada prospect is located on the three kilometer Carmen-Providencia vein system and is two kilometers
      west of Cerro del Gallo. It is one of more than 25 regional targets which have been identified to date on the
      200km2 San Anton property. Four scout holes totaling 745m were drilled below historic workings where small
      scale, intermittent mining of low sulphidation Ag/Au epithermal veins has taken place for centuries. All holes
      intersected a wide system of multiple veins. Geological mapping, a geochemical survey and a ten hole follow up
      program are underway to determine the width, extent and geometry of the veins prior to deeper core drilling.
      Gregory Bowes, President & CEO of San Anton stated “these are very encouraging results from a first pass
      exploration program, particularly considering that we did not intersect the main Carmen vein system as the hole
      was stopped short of its intended target due to high volumes of water. Most historic mining took place on the
      Carmen vein and drilling by previous owners returned some impressive intersections.” He added “It now appears
      the Carmen-Providencia vein system may be up to 100m in width with rock textures that suggest it is at the upper
      levels of a large hydrothermal system.”
      Measured resources in the Cerro del Gallo deposit total 63Mt grading 1.14g/t AuEq (2.3Mozs AuEq), indicated
      resources total 260Mt grading 0.69g/t AuEq (5.8Mozs AuEq) and inferred resources an additional 112Mt grading
      0.59g/t AuEq (2.1Mozs AuEq), all based on a 0.30g/t AuEq cut-off grade. The deposit contains four million
      ounces of gold, 171 million ounces of silver and 448,000 tonnes of copper and remains open laterally and at
      depth. Three drill rigs are currently operating on the property, two of which are doing expansion drilling at Cerro
      del Gallo while the third is drilling regional targets.
      Empalizada Prospect Drill Intersections (0.50g/t Au cut-off)
      Hole ID From To Width Au (g/t ) Ag (g/t ) AuEq (g/t)
      CP-001 27.43 28.96 1.52 1.02 40 1.69
      179.83 181.36 1.52 1.40 281 6.08
      224.03 225.55 1.52 1.55 2 1.58
      0.00 1.52 1.52 0.76 31 1.28
      103.63 105.16 CP-003 1.52 1.02 11 1.20
      108.20 111.25 3.05 1.05 200 4.38
      CP-004 85.34 86.87 1.52 0.82 45 1.57
      109.73 111.25 1.52 1.85 184 4.92
      Au equivalence (“AuEq”) has been calculated as AuEq = Au + Ag/60. 100 per cent metallurgical and smelter recoveries have been assumed.
      Drilling was supervised by Graeme Rabone, an independent consultant, who is a Qualified Person under National
      Instrument 43-101 and has reviewed and approved the technical information in this release.
      schrieb am 11.05.07 13:57:32
      Beitrag Nr. 25 ()
      :eek: :eek: :eek: News... News... News... :eek: :eek: :eek:

      218 g/t silver, 2.1 g/t gold intersected over 1.5m within 4.6m grading 99 g/t silver, 0.9g/t gold

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      SAN ANTON RESOURCE CORP - TSX: SNN.TO - Gold & Silber in Mexiko - JV mit Goldcorp