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    eröffnet am 22.08.99 03:45:09 von
    neuester Beitrag 14.02.00 09:47:47 von
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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 22.08.99 03:45:09
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()


      schrieb am 22.08.99 12:09:31
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      Hallo SG. Bin seit Januar in SNMM drin und long. Habe sogar am Freitag noch SNMM gekauft (Leider!).

      Falls SNMM (was ich nicht hoffe) tatsächlich Konkurs geht, wäre es doch schön, wenn sich alle, die bis zum Schluß dabei waren, hier in Deutschland mal treffen. War ja eher für den anderen Fall angedacht, aber man hätte dennoch bestimmt viel Spaß.

      Was denkst Du darüber bzw. alle anderen SNMMM-Investierten?
      schrieb am 22.08.99 14:54:53
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      wenn wirklich der extrem fall eintritt wäre ich dafür, für ein kopfgeld bezüglich m. dohlen zu sammeln!!
      schrieb am 22.08.99 16:25:03
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      hi lou,
      ich wäre natürlich dafür..leider werde ich wahrscheinlich heute abend nicht in der lage sein,nach münchen zu fahren,wo sich bereits einige zur diskussion treffen..aber wir werden noch bestimmt weitere möglichkeiten dazu haben..die story wird ja immer interessanter..ich glaube,wir stehen erst am anfang,und müssen uns gerade durch den unliebsamen "derheldistnahedemabgrund" teil schlagen..ich bin aber zuversichtlich,daß wir es schaffen,und am ende noch behaupten können,ich war in die spannendste aktienstory des milleniums involviert..:)
      sifoldiz behauptete in dem thread von BIG DAD,daß keine institutionelle in snmm investiert sind..wieder my typisch für snmm gegner,nur eben behauptungen,null fakten,null ahnung von der firma..deswegen juckt mich ihre negative einstellung überhaupt nicht,weil sie mich in keinster weise in zweifel bringen..
      also,ein auszug aus dem PAR report:

      (OTCBB: SNMM)
      John M. Dutton

      Date of Report:
      August 12, 1999
      Shares Outstanding (4/99):

      Recent Stock Price (1):
      $13 3/8
      Estimated Float:
      16, 000,000

      Latest 12 mo. Price Range:
      $3/8 - $29
      % Institutionally Held:

      Industry Sector:
      Internet GamingHealthcare

      310-Day Avg. Volume:
      1,504, 000
      12 Mos. Target Price
      $30 - $35


      bei bedarf nachzuschauen unter,bei news,oder bei yahoo,PAR report news,und dann der entsprechende link zu der ausführlichen analyse..
      da mich die einzelheiten dieser 5% interessierten,fragte ich Captlst(vielen als respektabler long aus dem RB board bekannt) ob er bei seiner reise nach vancouver(da hat er snmm`s headquarters besucht) einige fragen zu den 5% institutional holdings klären kann..folgendes email habe ich nach seiner rückkehr bekommen:

      Thema: Re: SG to Captlst regarding visit to Vancouver
      Datum: 18.08.99 20:24:46 (MEZ) - Mitteleurop. Sommerzeit
      From: (Ed Starrs)

      SG, yes I asked about the 5% institutional investment. They told me that they do not know for sure but think that it is several small aggressive growth funds. They also said that to have this much institutional investment as a BB company is very encouraging, and may imply that there will be much more institutional investing when on Nasdaq.

      Best Regards
      Ed Starrs

      also kleine,aggressive wachstumsfonds..das sind auch meistens die,die solche perlen frühzeitig entdecken..ich denke auch nicht,daß sie verkauft haben,schließlich haben sie sich bestimmt ausführlich mit dem unternehmen auseinandergesetzt,bevor sie investiert habe..5mil. aktien von den 16mil. public float wurden nicht gehandelt,geh davon aus,daß diese 5% auch in den depots geblieben sind(5% höchstwachrscheinlich auf die outstanding shares bezogen,also 26mil.~1,3mil.)..
      schrieb am 23.08.99 04:16:03
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      hier ist eines der wenigen,nüchtern qualitativen postings,die wir in so einer situation brauchen,aus dem RB,sollte jeder genau durchlesen..der verfasser tut das,was die meisten gerne würden,er durchschaut die sache zum großen teil,jedoch wird uns wahrscheinlich erst die zukunft ganz aufklären..

      The cops have left the building. At this moment, there is a large meeting taking place at Starnet headquarters. The parking lot is 2/3`s full. (Very unu8sual for a Sunday night. They are mostly Starnet employees. My opinion is that they aren`t there to mourn. They are there to implement damage control and start to kick some ass on Monday.

      I have something else to report thas is very important:

      There are many inconsistencies and questionable aspects to the raid, the way it was released to the press, and the way it was reported by the Vancouver Sun.

      First, a little background. Glen Clark, the premier of B.C. resigned Saturday, as most of you know. He was elected, and is a member of the NDP. (A political party in Canada with socialist leanings.) It seems that he has been the target of big business (the liberal party) for quite some time now. The opposition supports big business and clearly wanted him out of office. No one can dispute that. The tactics that they used are suspect. I`ll get to that in a moment, but first I`d like to focus on the recent article in the Sun.

      The headline reads:
      Later in the article they stated this:
      Starnet, which began as a distributor of internet pornography and moved into the field of Internet based gambling, had never made its business secret.

      Clearly, to tag them as "an internet porno firm" is meant to shock and deceive. The Sun knows that they are primarily an internet gaming software provider.

      The Sun is published by Pacific Press.

      They obviously have a motive and you can see it on the site. It is easy to see why the articles have the slant against Starnet.

      More inconsistencies from the article:
      "We are dismayed by this disruption of our three-year-old operations, have retained legal counsel and will vigorously defend our rights," he said, adding that he didn`t anticipate any interruption of its services or ongoing operations. This was a quote from Mark Dohlen.

      They went on to say:
      Not so, according to RCMP Corporal Frank Henley.
      "Our people have control of their company. There is nothing coming out of their Vancouver offices and they are shut down here. They have indeed been interrupted," he said.

      Dolen stated that he didn`t ANTICIPATE any interruption of its SERVICES or ONGOING operations. The officer probably didn`t realize that their servers are in Atigua and are indeed NOT interrupted. I`m sure the Sun was aware of this fact, but had they reported it, it would have taken a little of the sting out, so they chose not to.

      They said in following paragraph:
      Starnet is based in Vancouver but has a subsidiary, Softec Systems Caribbean Inc., in Antigua. Police would not say if law enforcement agents in the U.S. and Caribbean were also involved, but acknowledged that the company`s operation was so sophisticated that they called upon the services of the RCMP`s High-tech Crimes Unit in Ottawa.

      They didn`t bother to mention that gambling is legal in Antigua and the RCMP have no jurisdiction there.

      They later stated:
      Police will likely remain in remain in control of the offices over the weekend, he said.

      Likely. What a word. Over the weekend? Says to me it`s business as usual on Monday.

      Drennan said police believe the company and its officials engaged in illegal betting and bookmaking, the possession and distribution of prohibited pornography, and possession of the proceeds of crime.

      In an area where prostitution is legal, yet solicitation is not, there is great leeway as to how to interpret local gaming and pornography ordinances. A conviction of either offence would result in a small fine. As the Sun stated earlier, Starnet, which began as a distributor of internet pornography and moved into the field of Internet-based gambling, had never made its business secret.

      "Never made its business secret." I think we, as investors have known from square one what business we are in. This is no surprise to anyone. Selective enforcement of vague laws, timed with the release of materials confiscated from premier Clark`s home is the secret that I would like to know. Why now?

      It`s very simple. In order for the Liberal party to really smear Clark, they need to tie him in with things that raise eyebrows. I.E. Child pornography, illegal gambling, etc.

      The connection is very weak, at best. Steve Ng (a former Starnet investor and owner of the club that Starnet uses to deliver streaming video of exotic dancers) was involved in a deal with a contractor who was trying to get a land based casino license from Clark. That`s it. By raiding Starnet, however, it enables the media to use child pornography, molestations and bookmaking in the same article that is smearing Clark. Given the porno/gambling stigma, this explains how Starnet, and their former association with Ng was linked to the campaign to oust Clark from office.

      IF any charges are filed against Starnet, they will be minor. IF any judgement is made from possible charges, it will be minor.

      Revenue streams have not been interrupted. The only thing that has changed about Starnet since we were in the twenties, is the threat of a lawsuit that was never filed, and this recent political debacle.

      What a buying opportunity!!!

      Trading Spotlight

      East Africa Metals
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      schrieb am 23.08.99 15:58:58
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      also ich muß sagen,daß mich die stärke in deutschland erstaunt hat..das wochenende war anscheinend eine gute zeit um emotionen zurückzustellen und etwas rationaler zu denken..schaumo mal was die amis machen,sie sollten sich auch übers wochende abgekühlt haben..still long and strong..


      schrieb am 23.08.99 16:23:11
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      schrieb am 26.08.99 01:32:01
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()

      schrieb am 26.08.99 01:49:46
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      im RB reicht es auch,wenn man die adresse ins posting kopiert,dann erscheint der link automatisch als blau unterstrichen zum anklicken..ok,hier die "NEWS" für diejenigen,die zu faul sind,den link ins www-fenster zu kopieren..ich fand`s köstlich..:))

      Police raid everyone that ever knew Premier Clark

      Premier`s 3rd Grade School Teacher grilled in a 3 hour interview. Premier linked to Starnet via food stand.

      Bob Woodward and Lindsay "I gotta Scoop, Boss"Jackson National Enquirer
      Police raided Internet gambling and pornography provider Starnet Communications Inc. early Friday, alleging the publicly traded company`s employees eat at the same hot dog stand as Premier Glen Clark
      The raid on the downtown Vancouver offices and the homes of its employees triggered a massive panic sell-off of the company`s stock, resulting in the largest drop on U.S. markets of the day. The company had capital market of more than $1 billion before the raid.

      Starnet, which began as a den for the highly intellectual to play "Dungeons and Dragons" and moved into the field of Internet-based gambling, had never made its business secret.

      It traded on the NASD-operated Over-The-Counter system in the United States, and its stock was so hot that it recently traded at a high of $26 US.

      The stock was a darling among small investors, although questions about the legality of on-line gambling has caused big Wall Street brokerages to stay away from such companies. Still, Starnet was positioning itself to get listed on NASDAQ.

      DUDLEY DORIGHT of the RCMP. Dudley always gets his man.

      SNIDLEY WHIPLASH CEO of Starnet. Makes more than most RCMP (the honest ones at least)

      But all that came crashing down Friday, when more than 100 testostirone injected police officers from the RCMP, Coordinated Law Enforcement Unit, Vancouver Police, U.N.C.L.E, Interpol, Mayberry P.D. and other agencies descended upon Starnet`s offices at 425 Carrall Street in Vancouver. The raid was a culmination of an 18-month investigation into Starnet`s activities, including its Web-based gambling business and live Internet sex shows. Also, the game Doom was found on the company`s network.
      Search warrant documents indicate the police believe Starnet was not only involved in illegal gambling and bet-taking, but also possession and distribution of obscene material and child pornography. It seems that Jack Carley had a picture of his 15 year old daughter on his desk while she was riding a horse. RCMP`s Dudley Doright exclaimed, "It was disgusting to see the CEO of the company exploiting his daughter in such a manner, eh. I mean riding a horse and all, eh. Just appalling and sad, eh."

      By the end of the trading day, panicked investors had dumped more than 10.6 million shares, shearing nearly 70 per cent off the price. It dropped more than $9 US to finish trading at just over $4 US, with no signs that would be the bottom.

      Police and media offices fielded hundreds of frantic calls from people across the U.S. wanting to know if news of the raid was true questions from callers asked, "Are all Canadian police officers idiots or is just Vancouver cops?"..

      Company officials couldn`t talk to The 700 Club, because the police cut all phone lines in an attempt to cut off all communication. But in a press release issued on Canada Newswire, Snidley Whiplash, the company`s chief executive officer, showed his best side on camera (that`s the side that makes his crooked nose look straight.) (Oglivy PR explained to the CEO that it is very important to look good on camera)

      "We are dismayed by this disruption of our three-year-old operations, have retained legal counsel and will vigorously defend our rights," he said, adding that he didn`t anticipate any interruption of its services or ongoing operations.

      Not so, according to RCMP Corporal Gordon Lightfoot.

      "Our people have control of their company. There is nothing coming out of their Vancouver offices, eh and they are shut down here, eh. They have indeed been interrupted, eh. And another thing, nothing pisses me off more than a bunch of computer geeks making more money than me, eh." he said. When asked why the SWAT team was brought in, Officer Lightfoot stated, "We heard through several sources that there is a scary looking black box in the server room, eh. You know, black boxes are bad, very bad, eh. Would couldn`t run the risk of that black box eating one of our officers, eh. Also, another thing that hot dog stand where the Premier lunched, eh has terrible food, eh."

      Starnet is based in Vancouver but has a subsidiary, Softec Systems Caribbean Inc., in Antigua. Police would not say if law enforcement agents in the U.S. and Caribbean were also involved, but acknowledged that the company`s operation was so sophisticated that they called upon the services of the RCMP`s High-tech Crimes Unit in Ottawa. Officer Geddy Lee of the High-tech Crimes Unit made the comment, "Yeah, they had a network and all you know? and it was connected with an ethernet connection, very sophisticated, you know? There was also this firewall server you know that does encription, oooo very technical. And then there was this big black box, you know it tried to eat me, oh yah"

      "This is a massive investigation into a major company with extremely complex connections, eh, we are still trying to figure out how the company`s employees made it to the hot dog stand everyday and got every take-out order correct, eh. We`ve got conclusive evidence that the Premier helped, eh" RCMP head Dudley Doright exclaimed..

      In a raid coordinated between the RCMP and Vancouver police, officers took over the first three floors of 425 Carrall at about 5:30 a.m., seizing vast amounts of computer equipment, accounts and other evidence. An Emergency Response Team attempted to breach two really big steel doors on the upper floors, first officers tried to use a buttress, then a battering ram and finally a Titan Dumptruck was called in. All we unsuccessful. So, the police rang the bell and Snidley Whiplash opened the door with the comment, " Were you knocking?" Police encountered no resistance from the three employees and one security guard (an individual named Mr. T) on the premises. After munching on donuts and exchanging small talk, the law officers pulled their guns and ordered everyone to freeze. Officers on the Adult Entertainment floor commented that they especially enjoyed frisking the people there.

      Inside they found an astounding array of equipment, Lee said.

      "It was like a Star Wars movie. It was a techno-geek`s dream come true. "

      Police will likely remain in remain in control of the offices over the weekend, he said. "The donunts are the best in the city and we don`t intent to leave until they are all done, eh" Lee shouted.

      Officer Anne Murray said police believe the company and its officials engaged in illegal betting and bookmaking, the possession and distribution of prohibited pornography, and possession of the proceeds of crime.

      In Friday`s raid, police said they searched the homes of six Starnet directors and officers, including those of Whiplash, treasurer Dick Dasterdly and chief operating officer Brutus (Brutus owns a Harley-Davidson which means he is in the Hells Angels). Police did not release the names of the other individuals.

      Some of the company`s 163 employees gathered outside the offices while police searched the premises. The employees were particularly incensed because the were in the middle of a Duke Nuke`m tournament. People attempting to enter were stopped and interviewed by police. Most that were detained said they were there for the donuts.

      Search warrant documents obtained by The 700 Club show that police began their investigation -- code named "Project Enima" The project was named because Doright wanted to squirt as many police officers into the Starnet Offices as possible and give the place a thorough cleaning

      Staff Sergeants Bob and Doug MacKenzie, heads of the CLEU and Brewery Control Board, stated in the information to obtain the warrant that investigators -- using secret identities -- began drinking large amounts of Molson in area pubs in an attempt to determine whether alcohol abuse leads Canadians to place bets over the internet. Doug MacKenzie stated, "We not done yet, oh no, still lots more work to be done hear, eh. Now take off you hoser."

      In some cases, investigators played casino games such as blackjack, slots, poker and pai gow poker over the Internet. In other cases they bet on professional hockey and football. Doug stated he Bob spending and inordinate amount of time at

      Investigators also requested payouts on their wagers and received cheques in envelopes mailed from Vancouver, Puerto Rico and Antigua, the documents indicate. The checks were deposited in the officers checking accounts and their wives all spent the money on pedicures and bon bons.

      The search warrant documents also reveal that during the course of their investigation, police tracked e-mail messages, traced the origins of gaming software, and even went through the garbage of one Starnet director to get company letters and meeting minutes.

      In once case, police found a letter dated January 28, 1999 addressed to the office of Antigua`s prime minister saying unless the government immediately approved its licensing proposal, Starnet would be forced to move to St. Kitts.

      In April, police also searched Sprint Canada`s office in Richmond, seizing copies of Starnet`s contracts and billing records for all outgoing long-distance calls and all incoming toll-free calls over three months. Call were traced to The Psychic Hotline and Greek Pete`s Hot Dog Stand.

      Friday`s raid isn`t the first spot of trouble for the company. In July one of the company`s former clients, Claude "the Fraud" Levy, said it would file a $1-billion US lawsuit against Starnet for what it described as serious attempt to bilk $207 in licencee`s fees. Two days later, Levy was found dead with the initials H.A. in his forehead. .

      To finalize, we at The 700 Club would like to give our testimony for Jesus Christ. "We as 700 Club members seek to control all of the thoughts and the money in the world. The tax exempt status granted by God`s devine right, gives us a competitive advantage in the economic arena that will allow us to control the Earth by 2007." Remeber, God doesn`t want you too look at sex, that right is only given to ministers.
      schrieb am 26.08.99 08:18:27
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      schon gesehen:

      "buy"-Empfehlung auf: 2-Wochen Kursziel:10-12$


      SNMM -Umsatz p. 30.4.99: 9,7 Mio.$

      30.4.00: 45 (!!!)Mio.$

      Persönilch denke ich, daß der Kurs totz unveränderter Zukunftsaussichten erst nach Verkauf des "Schweinkrams" wieder auf die Beine kommt.
      "Schnelles Geld" ist möglicherweise nur in den SNMM-Casinos möglich.Leider.
      schrieb am 14.02.00 09:47:47
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      das naechste mal rufe ich diesen thread bei 100$ hervor..:)




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