
    PETREL - Schwarzes Gold...das Öl im Irak... - 500 Beiträge pro Seite (Seite 31)

    eröffnet am 05.01.04 14:00:57 von
    neuester Beitrag 08.11.13 18:05:56 von
    Beiträge: 16.598
    ID: 807.934
    Aufrufe heute: 0
    Gesamt: 1.068.434
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    ISIN: IE0001340177 · WKN: 694395 · Symbol: PET
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    0,0000 GBP
    Letzter Kurs 31.05.24 London

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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 18.06.08 16:28:41
      Beitrag Nr. 15.001 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.324.857 von Robison am 18.06.08 15:05:15Wie meinen der Herr?

      schrieb am 19.06.08 08:35:27
      Beitrag Nr. 15.002 ()
      Leute, es wird ernst:

      Four Western oil firms 'win Iraq contracts'
      Posted: Thursday, June 19, 2008

      Four Western oil companies are close to signing oil contracts with the Iraqi government that will return them to the country for the first time in 36 years, the New York Times reported in its online edition.

      Exxon Mobil, BP, Royal Dutch Shell and Total, which had partnerships with the Iraq Petroleum Co before the industry was nationalized by Saddam Hussein, as well as Chevron and a number of smaller oil producers, have been in talks with the oil ministry, it said.

      The newspaper cited information from the ministry, oil companies and an American diplomat.

      The deals are expected to be announced on June 30 and will be awarded on a no-bid basis. They will be an extension of current agreements in which the companies are providing free advice and training to the Iraqis.

      A total of 46 companies, including those from China, India and Russia have memorandums of understanding to provide that assistance to Iraq but were not awarded contracts.

      The deals for the four companies will be service contracts, in which they are paid for their work rather than offered a license for Iraq's oil deposits. - Reuters

      ... und Pet wird folgen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      raiso :cool:
      schrieb am 19.06.08 12:28:47
      Beitrag Nr. 15.003 ()
      Und PET hält sich aktuell tapfer im Vergleich zu anderen:

      Energulf: = blaue Linie
      Petrel = grüne Linie

      Aber wenn erst mal das Öl sprudelt, dann sieht das natürlich anderst aus...bei PET und ENG!
      schrieb am 19.06.08 12:45:07
      Beitrag Nr. 15.004 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.329.707 von raiso am 19.06.08 08:35:27'win Iraq contracts'
      ... und Pet wird folgen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Mich würde es freuen Raiso und viele andere ebenso...dich auch TJ?
      Noch ist es ja hier nicht zu spät sich entsprechend aufzustellen!

      schrieb am 19.06.08 15:09:25
      Beitrag Nr. 15.005 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.324.857 von Robison am 18.06.08 15:05:15servus,

      soll heissen, da war jetzt lange Ruhe !!!!!!!!!! Also positiv, natürlich so ein Anschlag ist zu verurteilen! :rolleyes:

      Trading Spotlight

      East Africa Metals
      0,1420EUR +22,41 %
      East Africa Metals: Neues All-Time-High – die 276% Chance jetzt nutzen?!mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 19.06.08 15:29:31
      Beitrag Nr. 15.006 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.329.707 von raiso am 19.06.08 08:35:27Iraq nears first major oil service deals
      By SINAN SALAHEDDIN – 40 minutes ago

      BAGHDAD (AP) — Iraq is close to signing oil service deals with several major Western oil companies in an effort to boost its output capacity, the country's oil ministry said Thursday — the first major Iraqi contracts with big Western companies since the 2003 U.S.-led invasion.

      The deals, once signed, are something of a stopgap measure to help Iraq begin to increase production until the country is able to approve a new national oil law — now held up by political squabbles among Sunnis, Shiites and Kurds.

      But they also could mark the beginning of an important long-term toehold by big Western companies into Iraq's potentially lucrative oil industry, by giving the companies a bidding advantage over other companies in the future.

      Iraq's oil ministry spokesman would not name the companies set to get the deals.

      But last December, four major companies — Royal Dutch Shell PLC, BP PLC, ExxonMobil Corp. and Chevron Corp. — submitted technical and financial proposals for the five oil fields and received counterproposals from the Iraqi side.

      The New York Times reported Thursday that Shell, BP and Exxon Mobil, plus Total, were the four major companies close to signing deals, along with Chevron and some smaller companies.

      Ministry spokesman Assem Jihad told The Associated Press in a telephone interview that the names would be announced June 30, after the proposals are sent to the Iraqi Cabinet for final approval.

      BP did not immediately return calls seeking comment, and officials at Paris-based Total SA refused Thursday to comment on the report or on any of the company's activities in Iraq. A London-based spokesman for Shell, Adam Newton, said negotiations were ongoing but he declined to release more details, saying they were confidential.

      The other two companies could not immediately be reached.

      In March, Iraq's Cabinet gave the nod to the Oil Ministry to sign the deals worth around $500 million each. Baghdad hopes to eventually add another 600,000 barrels per day of output to its current 2.5 million barrels per day.

      Jihad, who would not discuss details of the contracts, said the deals will be for two years, renewable for a third. The Times reported that the deals were essentially made for the first two years on a no-bid basis.

      In the third year, the contracts would be opened to competitive bidding — but the original holders would have an advantage in that bidding, through a clause that would allow them to match bids from competitors to retain the work, the Times reported. It cited the Iraq country manager for a major firm, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

      Such a deal would give the original holders of the no-bid contracts an important competitive advantage precisely at the time when Iraq's oil industry would be most likely to take off. It also is occurring at a time when access to undeveloped oil fields is highly prized — as companies seek new sources of production in a tight and expensive oil market.

      Oil prices were at about $136 per barrel in trading on Thursday.

      The predecessors of the four "majors," as they are called, first had a presence in Iraq in 1920 when they were the original partners in Iraq's Petroleum Company. They lost their licenses when the oil industry was nationalized in 1972.

      Iraq sits on an estimated 115 billion barrels and it also has an estimated 112 trillion cubic feet of natural gas reserves, according to the ministry.

      Iraq's oil law, one of benchmarks set by U.S. administration to achieve progress toward national reconciliation, will regulate the work of foreign companies in the Iraqi oil sector. But it is stalled over who will have final authority to manage the country's oil and gas fields

      Another ministry official, speaking on condition of anonymity because the information is sensitive, said Shell wants to develop the Missan and Kirkuk oil fields, while BP is interested in Rumaila, ExxonMobil in Zubair and Chevron in West Qurna stage 1.

      The official added that the Australian BHP Billiton has joined talks through Shell, while French Total has joined through Chevron.

      Anadarko, leading a consortium of Vitol Holding and the United Arab Emirates' Dome, has also joined these talks to develop Luhais oil field, he said.

      nobby40 - 19 Jun'08 - 14:17 - 59781 of 59783
      schrieb am 19.06.08 16:54:09
      Beitrag Nr. 15.007 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.332.176 von Ramses2I am 19.06.08 12:45:07
      Auch wenn du es nicht glaubst, das würde mich freuen.

      Da ich aber mit einem gewaltigen Kursrutsch rechne, wenn am 30. Juni der neue Service-Vertrag für S&L mit dem Anadarko-Konsortium bekanntgeben wird, ist für mich jetzt wohl kaum der Zeitpunkt gekommen mich zu positionieren.

      aus Santi's Posting:
      Anadarko, leading a consortium of Vitol Holding and the United Arab Emirates' Dome, has also joined these talks to develop Luhais oil field, he said.
      schrieb am 19.06.08 17:05:55
      Beitrag Nr. 15.008 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.333.459 von Robison am 19.06.08 15:09:25da war jetzt lange Ruhe !!!!!!!!!!

      Und es wird sicher in der Zukunft noch ruhiger werden - man benötig halt genügend Sitzfleisch.:D
      schrieb am 19.06.08 17:35:42
      Beitrag Nr. 15.009 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.334.749 von tradejunkie am 19.06.08 16:54:09Da ich aber mit einem gewaltigen Kursrutsch rechne

      Den Kursrutsch vom 52 Wochenhoch haben wir doch bereits hinter uns - ab nun geht es aufwärts...hoffentlich.
      schrieb am 19.06.08 18:26:38
      Beitrag Nr. 15.010 ()
      Abend liebe Gemeinschaft,

      Wie ich hier lesen kann, hat sich ja noch immer nichts Weltbewegenes getan.

      Mal sehn, wann der Jahresbericht verkündet wird.

      Und zu Anadarko, ist halt so ne Sache, wie man's nimmt.
      Doch schenke ich der Presse nicht zuviel Aufmerksamkeit einer der sich mit Medien und Hintergrundpolitik auskennt, weis wohl was von dieser zu halten ist.

      Mfg aus Luxemburg:look:
      schrieb am 19.06.08 18:31:13
      Beitrag Nr. 15.011 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.334.749 von tradejunkie am 19.06.08 16:54:09Abend tj,

      Warum rechnest du nur mit einem gewaltigen Kursrutsch?Stell dir mal die Frage, warum dieser Hauch von Unsicherheit.

      schrieb am 19.06.08 18:54:59
      Beitrag Nr. 15.012 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.335.717 von luxinvest am 19.06.08 18:26:38Am 30.6. will das Ölministerium eine Liste mit majors und einer Gruppe kleinerer Oilcomps bekanntgeben, die TCAs erhalten. Diese first mover haben dann später den verbrieften Vorteil, als letzte ihr Gebot nach Einsicht in die Angebote der Mitbewerber abgeben zu dürfen.

      da DH ja erst letzte Woche mit Vertretern des Ministeriums in Istanbul verhandelt hat und lt. seinen Angaben alles good! gelaufen sei, sehe ich dieser Veröffentlichung sehr gespannt entgegen! Zumal aus dem Umfeld sehr zuversichtliche Signale gegeben werden.

      Nächsten Do.od.Fr. soll der annual Report veröffentlicht werden. Sagt das Sekretariat in Dublin.
      schrieb am 19.06.08 19:12:49
      Beitrag Nr. 15.013 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.335.762 von luxinvest am 19.06.08 18:31:13
      Ich rechne damit ist mir sicher genug um die Finger davon zu lassen. :)
      schrieb am 19.06.08 19:15:08
      Beitrag Nr. 15.014 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.335.942 von Santiagero am 19.06.08 18:54:59Dann können wir ja mal gespannt sein.:)
      Die Veröffentlichung des annual Reports ist ja schon einiges;)

      schrieb am 19.06.08 22:22:59
      Beitrag Nr. 15.015 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.336.063 von tradejunkie am 19.06.08 19:12:49Man kann sich die Finger ja mit allen möglichen Aktien die Finger verbrennen...da muss man nicht bei jeder dabei sein.
      Das Risiko sollte man schon immer so aufteilen, dass man gut schlafen kann.

      schrieb am 19.06.08 23:06:46
      Beitrag Nr. 15.016 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.337.085 von Ramses2I am 19.06.08 22:22:59
      Da hast du recht.

      Solange das Depot am Ende des Jahres grün ist, hat man es doch wieder geschafft mehr richtig als falsch zu machen.
      schrieb am 19.06.08 23:08:51
      Beitrag Nr. 15.017 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.337.085 von Ramses2I am 19.06.08 22:22:59Da habe ich wohl ein paar Finger zuviel im Text...:laugh:
      aber das Spiel war einfach so spannend!:eek:
      schrieb am 20.06.08 08:21:05
      Beitrag Nr. 15.018 ()

      20th June 2008

      Petrel Resources PLC - Final Results…
      schrieb am 20.06.08 09:28:27
      Beitrag Nr. 15.019 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.338.054 von Ramses2I am 20.06.08 08:21:05Hallo Ramses, mensch, was geht´n bei Petrel ab?:confused: Hatte für euch gehofft, dass es einen nachhaltigen Anstieg gibt und wäre fast bei 1,40€ wieder eingestiegen...

      Hatte gestern was gelesen,dass Exxon und BP wieder in den Irak zurück wollen, ist das der Grund, warum Petrel so runterrauscht? Hatte gerade mal bei Comdirect geguckt, Bid 1,01€, Ask 1,05€...:confused:
      schrieb am 20.06.08 11:03:56
      Beitrag Nr. 15.020 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.336.063 von tradejunkie am 19.06.08 19:12:49

      .....................................da lag tJ gar nicht so verkehrt !

      78,05 GBp

      schrieb am 20.06.08 11:08:50
      Beitrag Nr. 15.021 ()
      #14503 von luxinvest 19.06.08 18:31:13 Beitrag Nr.: 34.335.762

      Abend tj,

      Warum rechnest du nur mit einem gewaltigen Kursrutsch?
      Stell dir mal die Frage, warum dieser Hauch von Unsicherheit.


      ..................................aktuell minus 17,41 % ! ! ! !

      Das ist mehr als nur ein Hauch von Unsicherheit ! ! ! :(
      schrieb am 20.06.08 11:14:33
      Beitrag Nr. 15.022 ()

      .....................entwickelt sich jetzt der Falke zum Pleitegeier ? ? ? ? ? ?

      LONDON ( GBX )


      Intraday - CHART

      schrieb am 20.06.08 11:32:15
      Beitrag Nr. 15.023 ()
      ........................................die andere Richtung würde mir aber besser gefallen ! ! ! !
      schrieb am 20.06.08 11:35:57
      Beitrag Nr. 15.024 ()
      UK small caps open lower; Petrel Resources hit as FY losses widen

      LONDON (Thomson Financial) - UK small caps were lower in early deals, taking their cue from the wider market, with Petrel Resources (News) rattled by news of widening full-year losses.

      The FTSE Small Cap index was 2.30 points adrift at 2,983.00 by 9:12 a.m., while the FTSE 100 was 14.50 off at 5,693.90.

      Among losers, widening full-year losses undermined Petrel Resources, 15 pence lower at 79-1/2 pence, while a swing to full-year losses from profits clipped 2-1/4 pence from reflective ink maker Reflec, at 15 pence.

      Staying with the losers, FibreGen dropped 5 pence to 40-1/2 pence following a 1.6 million pounds placing at 30 pence a share.

      The company will subscribe for an additional 100,000 pounds worth of shares at the closing market price on June 20.

      The net proceeds are to fund working capital requirements and for optimising production capacity. A small part will also fund some of the $8

      million development costs for its wood pellet facility in Louisa County.

      Futuragene eased back a penny to 9-1/4 pence, with news of reduced full-year losses being overshadowed by on-going litigation with former managers and shareholders, while EXC dipped 0.025 of a penny to 0.25 of a penny in reaction to full-year losses.

      Much-reduced Q1 profits robbed Haike Chemical of 4 pence, at 90 pence.

      Ithaca Energy claimed top-spot among small cap gainers, advancing 39-1/2 pence to 157-1/2 after oil-and-gas company Endeavour International confirmed its non-binding proposed offer at an indicative price of $3.25 per share in cash and shares.

      More modestly, MobilityOne ticked up 0.625 of a penny to 3.875 pence as the digital payment services provider notched up a 24 percent increase in full-year pretax profits. It said the global slowdown is impacting the first half of the current year but added that it expects its performance to improve in the second half as some delayed projects materialise.

      And better levels were seen in ANT, 3 pence higher at 30-1/2 pence, after the internet TV software company revealed it has won a licence order from Coship, China's largest set-top box manufacturer for ANT's Galio Browser to be used as platform partner for Coship's latest IPTV set-top boxes.

      Among explorers, Leed Petroleum climbed 3-3/4 pence to 61-3/4 pence following news that the company's Eugene Island A-7 well in the Gulf of Mexico has yielded a 'tremendous' result and will be a commercial success.

      Interactive Prospect Targeting attracted support and rose 2-1/2 pence to 31-1/2 pence as the online direct marketing company appointed a new chairman and said trading has remained firm in the UK and in France.

      'Buy' recommendations in the Investors Chronicle provided the spur to EMED Mining, 1-1/2 pence firmer at 30-1/2 pence, Aero Inventory, 4-1/2 pence higher at 583 pence, Datong, 2 pence up at 102-1/2 pence, and Northern Bear, 1 penny better at 98-1/2 pence.

      IT services company Detica made progress, climbing 4-1/2 pence to 264-1/2 in response to a change of stance by Investec. The broker upgraded its recommendation to 'buy' from 'hold' and upped its price target to 306 pence -- 16 times 2009 estimated EPS.

      Finally, news of reduced full-year losses gave a lift to Lombard Risk Management, 0.25 of a penny up at 5.125 pence. Profit in the second half was not sufficient to eliminate first half losses, so the group will report an overall loss for the year. However, this will be 'substantially below' the loss reported in the 2007 financial year, the company said.
      schrieb am 20.06.08 12:04:37
      Beitrag Nr. 15.025 ()
      :eek: :( :( :( :eek:

      .....................................heute nix raiso - Tag !
      schrieb am 20.06.08 12:47:34
      Beitrag Nr. 15.026 ()

      LONDON ( GBX )


      Intraday - CHART

      schrieb am 20.06.08 13:49:11
      Beitrag Nr. 15.027 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.340.045 von hinkelstone am 20.06.08 12:04:37Das kann (und wird) an dem Freitag
      vor dem 30.06.08 mit Sicherheit ganz
      anders aussehen.
      ME wurde die heutige news zur
      allgemeinen Lage um eine Woche
      vorgezogen (üblich ist der 30.06.)
      weil nächste Woche die Knallernews
      kommen kann/soll/wird...

      Glück auf &
      schönes WE

      raiso :cool:
      schrieb am 20.06.08 13:54:25
      Beitrag Nr. 15.028 ()
      Und dieser Kommentar passt dazu:

      David Horgan (
      Sent: 20 June 2008 11:35:33
      To: Fiona ***********

      Yes - progress on the HCL has been slow. The Chairman must be general & cautious. The meat is in the MD Report in the AR and at the AGM. I am optimistic that things have started moving forward again

      Original Message------
      From: Fiona *******
      To: David Horgan
      Sent: Jun 20, 2008 10:02
      Subject: Results
      Morning David
      I won't say a 'good' morning because it has been rather devastating so far with shareholders plunged into gloom over the downbeat report and many people having been stopped out by the MMs swinging drop to the sp.The report is in such marked contrast to the upbeat Proactive Investors' article.I hope it is not a forerunner of bad news to come and that you will still be able to land something in Iraq.
      schrieb am 20.06.08 15:19:00
      Beitrag Nr. 15.029 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.340.045 von hinkelstone am 20.06.08 12:04:37.....................................heute nix raiso - Tag !

      Da fehlt ja auch das :cool: hinter kann dies nichts werden.:D
      schrieb am 20.06.08 15:21:29
      Beitrag Nr. 15.030 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.341.031 von raiso am 20.06.08 13:49:11Glück auf & schönes WE

      Von mir auch an alle - nur nicht die Nerven verlieren und die Shares so günstig hergeben...oder sagt man Sheires? ;):laugh:
      schrieb am 20.06.08 15:30:30
      Beitrag Nr. 15.031 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.339.502 von hinkelstone am 20.06.08 11:08:50Hier wird noch Kohle gemacht:laugh:
      Wird der Kurs gedrückt, ist es ein gutes Zeichen, hält es allerdings an, nicht so tolle.


      schrieb am 20.06.08 16:16:32
      Beitrag Nr. 15.032 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.338.512 von Hopodertop am 20.06.08 09:28:27Hatte für euch gehofft, dass es einen nachhaltigen Anstieg gibt

      Hallo Hopodertop,

      auf diesen Anstieg müssen wir wohl beide noch länger warten.:(
      Heute fällt ja nicht nur PET sehr starkt sondern auch ENG.
      schrieb am 20.06.08 20:28:33
      Beitrag Nr. 15.033 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.342.340 von Ramses2I am 20.06.08 16:16:32

      ...............auf diesen Anstieg müssen wir wohl beide noch länger warten. :(

      He, alter Mitstreiter Ramses

      wieso ihr beide ? ? ? ?`

      Alle anderen - auch ich - warten auch auf einen PET - Kursanstieg ! ! ! ;)

      Einen herzlichen Gruß

      schrieb am 20.06.08 22:58:32
      Beitrag Nr. 15.034 ()
      Turning now to our projects; the Subba and Luhais Engineering and Production Contract (EPC) to assist in the construction of 200,000 barrel a day oil field in Southern Iraq is almost 50% completed. This contract, where Petrel is a contractor, with no ownership interest, was due for completion in 2010. Revisions to the production layout, design changes and adaptations have delayed matters. So too have payment delays. Significant sums are outstanding to the Petrel Makman joint venture. Discussions are ongoing.

      Hatte PET bisher stets behauptet den größten Servicevertrag in der Nach-Saddam-Aera im Irak erhalten zu haben,
      - After submitting four tenders to develop oil fields we were successful in 2005 when we were awarded the $197 million Subba and Luhais development contract.
      - We operate the largest contract awarded by the Iraqi Ministry of Oil since 2003: the Subba & Luhais
      Engineering, Procurement and Supervision of Construction project in the south of Iraq, near Basra.

      ist jetzt nur noch von "assist" bei diesem Vertrag die Rede.
      Was, wie wir von Sharistani erfahren haben, Materiallieferant heißt.

      Da macht diese Aussage von PET aus dem Jahre 2006 gleich mehr Sinn:
      As orders for piping steel and equipment are placed they will be financed by Letters of Credit from Iraq.

      Dass Petrel seit einem Jahr auf die zweite Rate wartet habe ich ja schon vor einiger Zeit geschrieben. Bei der signifikanten Summe, die PET glaubt erhalten zu müssen, handelt es sich übrigens um US $10 Mio. und nicht wie teilweise in den englischen Boards verbreitet um US $100 Mio.
      schrieb am 21.06.08 11:34:22
      Beitrag Nr. 15.035 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.344.583 von hinkelstone am 20.06.08 20:28:33Alle anderen - auch ich - warten auch auf einen PET - Kursanstieg ! ! !

      Ups...da habe ich wohl auf die schnelle einige vergessen.:D
      Meine natürlich alle Investierten warten auf einen Anstieg...und die Shorties auf einen Kursverfall.
      schrieb am 22.06.08 16:44:38
      Dieser Beitrag wurde vom System automatisch gesperrt. Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an
      schrieb am 22.06.08 22:31:22
      Beitrag Nr. 15.037 ()
      Aus den News vor den jeweiligen Jahresberichten:

      We have worked on Block 6 in the western desert of Iraq since 2000. This 10,000 sq km block has had only exploratory seismic surveying and no drilling. Our work suggests that there is significant hydrocarbon potential. Though we signed an agreement on Block 6 with the Oil Ministry in Baghdad we expect the contract to change to reflect the better terms in the new law.

      However, the political and security positions are getting better, so terms and title become more important. While awaiting the formation of a new hydrocarbon law, legislators have indicated that they will negotiate agreements under the terms of the current law in existence, the pre-invasion law. Petrel negotiated their Block 6, unsigned exploration agreement in 2002 under the terms of this law and so we are happy enough to proceed on this basis. There has been comment on the list of 35
      preferred bidders for service contracts to develop some of the super major fields in Iraq.
      Petrel is not on this list. This is not surprising. Petrel is already working with the authorities in Iraq and the list contained only major oil producers.

      Having operated in Iraq for the past 8 years we are sanguine about prospects. Much of the future of Iraq lies in oil development. All parties recognise this fact. The Hydrocarbon Law will pass. We expect to benefit from this in a number of ways, ratification of our Block 6 interests, the possibility of obtaining a PSA on Subba and Luhais and interesting opportunities in other projects which are likely to be put on offer.
      Our foundations are built on our staff, who over the years have operated in a difficult environment and who have built strong relationships with executives in the Oil Ministry and with people in the country. Over the years we have demonstrated our commitment to Iraq. We are prepared to live, work and invest in the country and we have shown our technical ability to deliver world class projects. The people of Iraq need peace and stability. When they are ready to develop their industry we will be there to participate and grow with them.

      As the world lurches into recession, helped in no little part by high oil prices, the need to develop Iraqi oil grows stronger. This is both the opportunity and the threat. The opportunity is in the chance to develop a world class world oil industry which will provide the cash flow to rebuild and develop the shattered Iraqi economy. This has to be for the betterment of all. Therein lies the threat. Factional interests and unrealistic expectations of what can be achieved have delayed development of Iraqi oil resources. These interests need to be reconciled so that investors can have transparent terms and legal title. The terms must incorporate the fact that Iraq is and will be seen as politically unstable for some time to come.

      Petrel has worked with uncertainty in Iraq for nine years. We believe in the country, the people and in the opportunity. There have been many obstacles on the way, yet we remain one of the few Western oil companies with personnel in the country working on oil projects.

      As Iraqi oil develops, we will be part of the development.

      Obwohl PET immer von Giant Field PSAs redet, die kommen werden, bewirbt sich PET auf einen vergleichsweise winzigen 4,5 Mio USD Servicevertrag - und scheitert.

      PET bewirbt sich für die Qualifikation zur ersten Vertrags-Vergaberunde (Horgan liefert noch den Hinweis, dass PET für alles qualifiziert sei) - und scheitert

      PET wurde aufgefordert für Halfaya ein Angebot abzugeben - und scheitert.

      PET verkündet einen 197 Mio USD Servicevetrag - und ist tatsächlich nur Materialieferant.

      PET hofft ein PSA bei S&L - und verliert zum Jahresende 2008 den Materialliefervertrag (noch nicht sicher, aber sehr wahrscheinlich)

      Der unterschriebene Vertrag/Vereinbarung zu Block 6 - entpuppt sich als das, was ich hier seit zwei Jahren schreibe, Wunschdenken. PET hat keinen Vertrag bezüglich Block 6.

      Das alles wurde nun erstmals vom Management von PET bestätigt!

      Dass sich "Cash and cash equivalents at end of financial year" von +9,450 Mio Euro in 2006 auf -10,323 Mio Euro in 2007 verschlechtert hat, wird dem Kurs auch nicht gerede auf die Beine helfen.
      schrieb am 23.06.08 12:14:55
      Beitrag Nr. 15.038 ()
      Wow! Kurs unter 1.- €!!!

      Das hätte ich niemehr erwartet!

      Ich denke aber, allen Kritikern

      und Halbinformierten Pessimisten

      zum Trotz, daß es eine

      KNALLERNEWS zum 30.06.08 geben wird!

      (Nur so ein Bauchgefühl)

      Und deshalb ist der heutige Kurs

      eine letzte Traumeinstiegschance...

      Glück auf!

      raiso :cool:
      schrieb am 23.06.08 12:58:54
      Beitrag Nr. 15.039 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.352.520 von raiso am 23.06.08 12:14:55
      KNALLERNEWS zum 30.06.08

      Das wäre was Raiso...dann würden wir den Raiso :cool: Freitag auf den Montag verlegen!:kiss:
      schrieb am 23.06.08 12:59:51
      Beitrag Nr. 15.040 ()

      LONDON ( GBX )


      Intraday - CHART

      schrieb am 23.06.08 13:16:00
      Beitrag Nr. 15.041 ()
      Zur Beruhigung der Nerven empfehle ich einen Schluck

      schrieb am 23.06.08 15:25:48
      Beitrag Nr. 15.042 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.353.012 von Ramses2I am 23.06.08 13:16:00Ramses, sieht ja heute traurig aus...

      Petrel aktuell 0,855€
      ENG aktuell 0,86€

      Das haben beide nicht verdient!:(

      Und wir auch nicht...
      schrieb am 23.06.08 15:53:48
      Beitrag Nr. 15.043 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.354.127 von Hopodertop am 23.06.08 15:25:48kann mal jemand erklären wie der Absturz der letzten Tage zustandegekommen ist?
      schrieb am 23.06.08 16:11:50
      Beitrag Nr. 15.044 ()
      TJ bashed den Kurs duch alle Boards und sichert allen informierten gute Nachkaufchancen

      schrieb am 23.06.08 16:21:31
      Beitrag Nr. 15.045 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.354.660 von KaOzz am 23.06.08 16:11:50Naja, als ehemaliger "Langzeit-Investierter" würde ich mal behaupten, dass es momentan nicht so gut aussieht, TJ hin oder her. Schau dir mal an, was da für Pakete geschmissen werden...ok, auf der anderen Seite steht einer, und fängt sie auf. Aber der Kurssturz der letzten Tage läßt nix Gutes erahnen. Hoffe ja für die Investierten, dass raiso Recht behält...:confused: Aber seine zwei, drei Gedanken sollte man sich machen...
      schrieb am 23.06.08 16:48:56
      Beitrag Nr. 15.046 ()
      .....................................aktuel !
      LONDON ( GBX )


      Intraday - CHART

      66,25 GBp
      schrieb am 23.06.08 16:52:26
      Beitrag Nr. 15.047 ()
      ......................vor lauter Schreck ist mir ein l hinten runtergerutscht! :(
      schrieb am 23.06.08 17:06:30
      Beitrag Nr. 15.048 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.355.122 von hinkelstone am 23.06.08 16:52:26Hoffentlich nichts in die Hose...:laugh:
      Das kann man heute nur Volltrunken ertragen.:(
      schrieb am 23.06.08 17:08:25
      Beitrag Nr. 15.049 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.354.127 von Hopodertop am 23.06.08 15:25:48Das haben beide nicht verdient!

      Und wir auch nicht...

      Stimmt Hopodertop!

      schrieb am 23.06.08 17:08:58
      Beitrag Nr. 15.050 ()
      .................................................wäre vielleicht nicht verkehrt, dann würde man den Kurs doppelt sehen ! ! !

      MfG Hinkelst:(ne
      schrieb am 23.06.08 17:17:28
      Beitrag Nr. 15.051 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.354.766 von Hopodertop am 23.06.08 16:21:31Naja, die 66GBP waren wohl das Low. Du hast Recht, es wird wieder gekauft.

      Ich weiß nicht, wie ich den Langrist-Chart beurteilen soll.
      Die Abwärtsbewegung heute finde ich nicht so dramatisch. Bin schlimmeres gewohnt. :laugh:

      Was ist denn Ende 2004 für den Kursrückgang verantwortlich gewesen? Der hatte es ja auch in sich. Das müsste euch doch noch in Erinnerung sein, wenn ihr so langfristig dabei seid?

      schrieb am 23.06.08 17:42:05
      Beitrag Nr. 15.052 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.355.436 von KaOzz am 23.06.08 17:17:28Die Abwärtsbewegung heute finde ich nicht so dramatisch. Bin schlimmeres gewohnt.

      Sag nur du bist ENG gewohnt...?!:rolleyes:
      schrieb am 23.06.08 18:26:05
      Beitrag Nr. 15.053 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.355.436 von KaOzz am 23.06.08 17:17:28
      Was ist denn Ende 2004 für den Kursrückgang verantwortlich gewesen?

      Na so ähnlich wie jetzt auch.

      Verträge für die nur PET in Frage kam haben plötzich doch andere bekommen.

      - Khurmala had been awarded to an Arab / Turkish group
      - Hamrin had been awarded to an Arab / Canadian group.
      schrieb am 23.06.08 18:26:49
      Beitrag Nr. 15.054 ()

      Payment delay contributes to Petrel loss

      Petrel Resources, an Irish oil and gas exploration company, said today its full-year loss widened due in part to payment delays from a contract on a southern Iraqi oil field.

      The company, which has had a presence in Iraq since 1999 reported a pretax loss of €518,935, 25 per cent up on the €415,570 loss for 2006. Revenues over the year ending December 31st were €28.95 million. The statement did not give an equivalent revenue figure for 2006.

      Executive chairman, John Teeling, said that while Iraq remained a difficult operating environment “things are getting better” and added that observers believe the country’s estimated oil reserves could rise to 300 billion with exploration, bringing them to a par with those in Saudi Arabia. "It has vast quantities of quality oil which can be extracted at low cost", he said.

      However, delays passing the Iraqi hydrocarbon law to regulate the development of Iraq's oil resources has required Petrel to proceed under the terms of pre-invasion laws, Mr Teeling said.

      Work on the development of the Subba and Luhais oilfield in southern Iraq, which is expected to produce 200,000 barrels a day when it comes on stream in 2010 was almost 50 per cent complete, he said.

      Revisions to the design and production layout has caused delayed and he noted that “significant sums are outstanding” to Petrel and its joint venture partner Makman. Petrel was awarded the $197 million development contract for the project in 2005.

      Petrel has two other projects in Iraq; an evaluation of the reserves of the Dhufriya field near Kut in south central Iraq and the Block 6 exploration project in the western desert.

      He said a technical and geological review of the Merjan oilfield has recently been completed to the satisfaction of Iraqi authorities.

      Outside Iraq, Petrel has an exploration project in Jordan where it has production-sharing agreement with the authorities in Jordan for the development of the 8,750 sq km East Safawi oil and gas block.

      Petrel made a loss per share of 75 cent last year compared to 62 cent in 2006. Its net assets as of December 31st stood at €12.9 million, up from €7.3 million.…
      schrieb am 23.06.08 19:07:22
      Beitrag Nr. 15.055 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.356.073 von Ramses2I am 23.06.08 18:26:49Zu dem ganzen Gerede um die TCas und die Listen auf denen petrel nicht ist + die am 30.6. veröffentlicht werden.
      Anscheinend ist es Junkie entgangen, dass petrel bereits 2 TCAs bearbeitet hat bzw. bearbeitet. Aus dem Statement vom letzten Freitag:

      The Merjan Technical agreement has, in recent weeks been successfully completed.
      With our partner Itochu of Japan, the study was concluded to the satisfaction of
      the Iraqi authorities. As a result, we were offered an additional agreement, to
      evaluate the Dhufriya field. Dhufriya is a substantial oil and gas field near Kut in
      South Central Iraq. Petrel will gather all available data on this field,
      reprocess it and reinterpret the data to identify development strategies. The
      study should be finished in
      early 2009.
      schrieb am 23.06.08 19:43:55
      Beitrag Nr. 15.056 ()
      Die Gründe für den deutlichen Kursrutsch liegen in der Ausweitung der Verluste. Gleichzeitig hat das Management mitgeteilt, dass die Verhandlungen mit der irakischen Regierung zwar vorankommen, aber eben nur sehr langsam.

      Was nichts mit den kommenden Entwicklungen im Irak zu tun hat.Oh Wunder oh staune da hat Santiagero was rausgefunden.;)
      schrieb am 23.06.08 21:08:19
      Beitrag Nr. 15.057 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.356.370 von Santiagero am 23.06.08 19:07:22
      Dann aber herzlichen Glückwunsch!

      Was ist schon ein PSA für Halfaya oder S&L gegen zwei solche TOP-Verträge?

      Merjan ist zwar laut Horgan schon seit mind. September 2007 abgeschlossen, was aber seltsamerweise nichts an den steigenden Verlusten in 2007 geändert hat.

      Dhufriya aber, Dhufriya wird es nächstes Jahr ganz bestimmt richten.
      schrieb am 24.06.08 07:26:04
      Beitrag Nr. 15.058 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.357.202 von tradejunkie am 23.06.08 21:08:19Junkie, du bist doch in Sachen HCL etc.etc. ein belesense Kerlchen-um so mehr wundert mich deine Ignoranz gegenüber dem, was von allen Beteiligten an diesem Gestez + an Explo.+ Prod. zu Protokoll gegen wird:

      Vom IOM kommt die Verlautbarung ohne HCL keine PSAs sondern nur TCAs und zwar mit der Option, diese nach Verabschiedung des HCL zu wandeln in PSAs.

      Petrel sagt immer wieder an weiteren TCAs habe man kein Interesse, da wir die ja schon abarbeiten. Es gibt v. Petrel die Bestrebungen einen Teil von S&L, block 6 und die TCAs in PSAs zu wandeln. Bei allen diesen Projekten sind sie besten aufgestellt, da Petrel eine der wenigen Comps ist, die überhaupt schon im Iraq arbeiten und somit auf Referenzen verweisen können.
      schrieb am 24.06.08 10:15:58
      Beitrag Nr. 15.059 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.358.654 von Santiagero am 24.06.08 07:26:04
      Petrel sagt immer wieder an weiteren TCAs habe man kein Interesse
      - vor kurzem noch hat sich PET für einen 4,5 Mio USD Servicevertrag beworben und wurde trotz der "guten Arbeit" und der "Referenzen" nicht genommen.
      - PET hat sich für die erste Vergabe-Runde der TCAs beworben und wurde als nicht qualifiziert abgelehnt.

      bei allen diesen Projekten sind sie besten aufgestellt
      - Materiallieferant bei S&L noch bis Ende des Jahres
      - KEIN Vertrag bezüglich Block 6
      - agreement, to evaluate the Dhufriya field

      PET noch nicht einmal mehr das Geld um in Jordanien die Exploration zu starten. In drei Jahren müssen 5 Mio USD (können auch 8 gewesen sein) investiert werden. Ein Jahr ist schon vorbei.

      Wenn du das als bestens aufgestellt siehst, dann bist du bei PET richtig.

      Übermorgen gibt es den Annual Report 2007 und am 30.06.08 werden die neuen TCAs bekanntgegeben.
      Nichts davon wird den PET-Anleger frohlocken lassen.

      Im neuen Annual Report kannst du auch nachlesen, wieviel Geld PET noch für S&L zu erhalten glaubt.
      schrieb am 24.06.08 12:16:21
      Beitrag Nr. 15.060 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.359.857 von tradejunkie am 24.06.08 10:15:58Wenn du das als bestens aufgestellt siehst, dann bist du bei PET richtig.

      Kann es eventuell sein TJ, dass du langsam Schweißperlen bezüglich ENG auf der Stirn hast?
      Da geht es ja bereits seit mehreren Wochen steil Bergabwärts...bei PET sind es ja erst ein paar Tage.
      schrieb am 24.06.08 12:28:54
      Beitrag Nr. 15.061 ()

      LONDON ( GBX )


      3 MONTH - CHART

      schrieb am 24.06.08 12:32:11
      Beitrag Nr. 15.062 ()
      .......................hier nochmal ENG u. PET zum Vergleich !

      12 Monats-Linien-Chart-FRANKFURT

      Energulf: = blaue Linie
      Petrel = grüne Linie

      schrieb am 24.06.08 13:43:36
      Beitrag Nr. 15.063 ()
      ...............................noch weiter abwärts !

      schrieb am 24.06.08 14:03:28
      Beitrag Nr. 15.064 ()
      Bin bei 0,80 wieder rein, wenns so weiter geht dann wird bei 0,70 wieder aufgerüst:D
      Höffentlich gehts dann nicht mehr tiefer, dann müsste es in den nächsten Tagen wieder langsam aufwärts gehen.
      Dann kann man sich wieder positionieren, würd ich sagen.
      Was für ein Wert, oh backe, da kann einem schon schlecht werden, bei diesen Achterbahnfahrten, hoffentlich wirds mir nicht übel:laugh:
      schrieb am 24.06.08 14:06:19
      Beitrag Nr. 15.065 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.361.956 von hinkelstone am 24.06.08 13:43:36Oh ha...:confused:

      Hat Petrel nicht den Fuß in die Irak-Tür gekriegt oder was ist da bei euch los?
      schrieb am 24.06.08 14:23:11
      Beitrag Nr. 15.066 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.361.078 von Ramses2I am 24.06.08 12:16:21
      Man könnte meinen du machst Energulf für das Fiasko bei Petrel verantwortlich.

      Und nein, ich habe keineswegs Schweißperlen wegen ENG auf der Stirn.

      Wegen eines Aktieninvests habe ich nie Schweißperlen auf der Stirn.
      Das passiert nur Aktionären, die in außerst unvernünftigem Masse in Risikoaktien investieren um quasi über Nacht reich zu werden.
      schrieb am 24.06.08 15:15:59
      Beitrag Nr. 15.067 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.359.857 von tradejunkie am 24.06.08 10:15:58Junkie, das liegt offensichtl. wieder am mangelhaften Englisch, all das was du da behauptes ist absoluter Quatsch und du wirst kein Zitat von der Pet-HP einstellen können ,das auch nur einen deiner Punkte bestätigt.

      vor kurzem noch hat sich PET für einen 4,5 Mio USD Servicevertrag beworben und wurde trotz der "guten Arbeit" und der "Referenzen" nicht genommen.
      - PET hat sich für die erste Vergabe-Runde der TCAs beworben und wurde als nicht qualifiziert abgelehnt.

      bei allen diesen Projekten sind sie besten aufgestellt
      - Materiallieferant bei S&L noch bis Ende des Jahres
      - KEIN Vertrag bezüglich Block 6
      - agreement, to evaluate the Dhufriya field

      petrel hat sich um keinen 4,5 mio Servicevertrag beworben! es gibt einen Zeitungsbericht ,dass es nur wenige qulifizierte Firmrn im Iraq gibt eine davon sei petrel-bekommen hat den Zuschlag eine andere Firma. Petrel jetzt vorzuwerfen, man hätte diesen Auftrag nicht gekriegt, wo sie sich gar nicht beworben haben ,ist schon zieml. dreist.

      Woher nimmst Du das mit dem Materiallieferant nur noch bis Ende des Jahres.Quelle bitte.

      petrel hat sich bei der 1. Runde für TCAs ausdrücklich nicht beworben, da es eine Ausschreibung war, bei der sich ausschließl. Firmen die wg. Abwesenheit im Iraq bis dato keine Referenzen hatten bewerben sollten. Petrel brauchte das zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht mehr + hatte ja auch bereits 2 TCAs.

      Es gibt in der Tat noch keinen Vertrag zu block 6, aber immerhin sollen die alten verträge aus der Saddam-zeit respektiert werden. Ausagen des iraq. Oilministeriums.
      schrieb am 24.06.08 15:26:26
      Beitrag Nr. 15.068 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.359.857 von tradejunkie am 24.06.08 10:15:58Auch diese Behauptung von Dir:

      PET noch nicht einmal mehr das Geld um in Jordanien die Exploration zu starten. In drei Jahren müssen 5 Mio USD (können auch 8 gewesen sein) investiert werden. Ein Jahr ist schon vorbei.

      würde ich gerne mal mit Quelle belegt sehen. Und nicht dass Du mich falsch verstehst, Bohren kostet erheblich mehr.

      Ich will nur zeigen, dass Deine Behauptungen ein Sammelsurium aus nicht verstandenen in Englisch abgefassten news oder ad hocs sind. Dann werden sie alle noch mal schön durchgeschüttelt ,bis alles in Dein Weltbild passt!
      schrieb am 24.06.08 15:53:08
      Beitrag Nr. 15.069 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.362.299 von tradejunkie am 24.06.08 14:23:11Junkie auch das extra für Dich aus dem Februar 2008(HP Petrel):

      Iraqi Government approved extension to Petrel's current agreements
      O Steady progress on Subba & Luhais EPC project
      O Registration completed for exploration and development contracts

      Petrel is pleased to report that the Iraqi Ministry of Oil has today approved
      extension of the technical cooperation agreement with Petrel for another year
      The Company expects to meet shortly with the relevant Ministry officials to
      formalise arrangements. It is expected that Petrel will embark on a new oil &
      gas field study as part of this programme.

      Das fette für Dich auf Deutsch: Das IMO hat heute die Ausdehnung des TCA mit petrel für ein weiters Jahr zugeteilt.

      Ausdehnung(extension) heißt in diesem Zusammenhang, dass das TCA nicht einfach verlängert wurde sondern qualitativ erweitert wurde.
      schrieb am 24.06.08 16:40:40
      Beitrag Nr. 15.070 ()
      Weiß nicht was ich davon halten soll, wenn hier wirklich nur die Finanzsituation diesen Kursrutsch ausgelöst hat, dann ist das aus meiner Sicht sehr übertrieben.
      Ich bin immer noch der Meinung, dass sie Petrel ein großes Stück vom Irakischen Öl sichern kann und bleibe weiterhin investier

      Die Vola hier ist recht hoch und jeder sollte sich im klaren sein, dass hier ein heißes Eisen geschmiedet wird.
      schrieb am 24.06.08 17:30:27
      Beitrag Nr. 15.071 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.361.250 von hinkelstone am 24.06.08 12:32:11hier nochmal ENG u. PET zum Vergleich !

      Also mir würde derzeit der Chart von ENG der letzten 3 Monate reichen...

      schrieb am 24.06.08 17:37:32
      Beitrag Nr. 15.072 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.362.150 von Hopodertop am 24.06.08 14:06:19Hat Petrel nicht den Fuß in die Irak-Tür gekriegt oder was ist da bei euch los?

      Wenn dies so wäre würde PET viel mehr verlieren und zwar auf einen Schlag und nicht wie aktuell Stück für Stück.
      Da sind einige einfach nervös und disqualifizieren sich für den Jackpot...und das Oktoberfest!

      schrieb am 24.06.08 18:52:44
      Beitrag Nr. 15.073 ()
      ..................................das kann man sehen wie man will,
      FAKT ist das Teil ist heute nochmal mit - 11,59% auf Talfahrt gegangen !

      LONDON SK: 61,00 GBp
      schrieb am 24.06.08 19:12:24
      Beitrag Nr. 15.074 ()

      LONDON ( GBX )


      6 Monats-Linien-SK-Verlaufs-Chart-UK

      schrieb am 24.06.08 19:35:42
      Beitrag Nr. 15.075 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.365.443 von hinkelstone am 24.06.08 18:52:44FAKT ist das Teil ist heute nochmal mit - 11,59% auf Talfahrt gegangen !

      Da hast du leider recht Hinkelstone...schaut so aus, dass wir noch länger warten müssen.

      schrieb am 24.06.08 20:46:46
      Beitrag Nr. 15.076 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.365.836 von Ramses2I am 24.06.08 19:35:42
      Hi Ramses " alter Mitstreiter " :)

      noch bin ich optimistisch,
      aber ich glaube wir sollten ziemlich aufpassen wie sich der Kurs weiterentwickelt ! !

      MfG Hinkelstone
      schrieb am 24.06.08 21:59:23
      Beitrag Nr. 15.077 ()
      Kurdish lawmaker rules out oil, gas law to be passed this term

      Baghdad - Voices of Iraq
      Tuesday , 24 /06 /2008 Time 8:34:32

      Baghdad, Jun 24, (VOI) – A leading Kurdish legislator ruled out that the draft law on oil and gas would be passed during the current legislative term.

      Mahmoud Othman, a key member of the Kurdistan Coalition (KC), voiced optimism about solving outstanding issues between the autonomous Iraqi Kurdistan region and central governments during the visit being paid by the region's Prime Minister, Nejervan Barazani, to Baghdad.

      Barazani's visit to Baghdad would "solve many pending issues between the central and Iraqi Kurdistan governments, but I don't think the draft on oil and gas would be passed during this legislative term," Othman told Aswat al-Iraq – Voices of Iraq – (VOI).

      The KC is the second largest bloc in the Iraqi parliament with 55 out of a total 275 seats.

      On Sunday a lawmaker said a visit by Barazani to Baghdad is "required" in order to resolve outstanding issues between the two sides.

      "The pending issues need more consultations and coordination by the two governments," Jalal al-Din al-Saghir, a member of parliament from the Shiite Unified Iraqi Coalition (UIC), told VOI.

      Iraq's central government had declined to recognize the oil contracts concluded by Iraqi Kurdistan with foreign corporations to explore and invest oil fields within the autonomous region and also refused to pay the salaries of more than 190,000 personnel of the region's peshmerga guards from the central defense ministry budget.

      The peshmerga are irregular forces loyal to the two main Kurdish parties: Iraqi President Jalal Talabani's Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) and Iraqi Kurdistan President Massoud Barazani's Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP).
      These forces were merged into the Iraqi army after foreign troops entered the country and toppled the ruling regime in 2003.

      Falah Mustafa, the official in charge of the Iraqi Kurdistan region's foreign relations, had said on Saturday that Barazani arrived in Baghdad on Saturday on a visit to offer fresh proposals for Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki pertaining to the law on oil and gas and financial appropriations for the peshmerga forces, or Region's Guards, from the federal budget.

      schrieb am 24.06.08 22:00:43
      Beitrag Nr. 15.078 ()
      PET successfully completed the TCA for Merjan
      PET were invited back to carry out a further TCA on Dhufira
      PET have an agreement on Block Six awaiting ratification.
      PET have completed 50% of the S and L E and P contract. This has been extended at the request of the Iraqis due to design changes and extensions. A large payment to PET is well overdue but so are payments to many other Contractors working for the Government.
      David has had several long rounds of talks with the IOM and is now in Europe in final talks with a major.
      The PET/ITOCHU/MAKMAN partnership remains.
      And finally PET have the PSA for the East Safawi block in Jordan as a backstop.
      schrieb am 24.06.08 22:08:24
      Beitrag Nr. 15.079 ()
      muss ich eigentlich erwähnen, dass ich als ausgemachter Anztizykliker seit Anfang der Woche PET´s gesammelt habe wie nie? Neueinstieg - Zu Preisen, von denen andere jüngst noch träumten...
      schrieb am 24.06.08 22:12:19
      Beitrag Nr. 15.080 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.367.126 von MrRipley am 24.06.08 22:08:24Für mich ist das ein Chartbreaker bei schlechten aber zu erwarteten Zahlen gewesen(dem miesen Chartbild wurde nachgeholfen). Es musste runter gehen und das mit relativ wenigen Stücken. Aber da will jemand rein, wenn nicht schon rundum geschehen, die nächsten Tage.

      Petrel ist und reagiert anders als die meisten Aktien.
      schrieb am 24.06.08 22:19:59
      Beitrag Nr. 15.081 ()
      Aber am besten ist, dass ich Anfang der Woche von Petrel erstmalig geträumt habe. Das schafften in den letzen drei Jahren bei mir nur drei Aktien mit denen ich eng verbandel bin und war(auf meiner imaginären Watchlist tummeln sich sicherlich mind. 50 Werte).
      An die 30 Träume von 3 Aktien, mit denen ich mich eng verbunden fühle(Intuitionen/Ahnungen/Telepathie bekommen dann erstmals die Chance zum Ausbruch aus dem Unterbewusstsein, wenn man etwas verdaut hat, es spruchreif ist - hier Träume).
      Ca. 80% der Träume wurden zum Trackrekord, bewahrheiteten sich also.
      Das Problem war lange Zeit immer die Deutung, aber die Qualität steigert sich von Jahr zu Jahr. So nun genug geschwafelt. Schönen Sommer...

      schrieb am 25.06.08 00:14:51
      Beitrag Nr. 15.082 ()
      email v.DH von heute abend:

      "As you say, judging by the market reaction, people are caught between greed & fear. Block 6 is our longest project & we will be fine but hard to say when (as with other western desert blocks). Our overriding goal is a PSA on a development field. Unfortunately the Government is reluctant to negotiate PSAs under the existing law & slow to pass the new law.

      It's obvious that punters are confused about TSAs particularly: they think the majors are getting development title.

      The Majors have little interest in service contracts but are being told (as Petrel is) that it is an interim step to a development contract. The super-giant fields will be politically hard to award PSAs on. To get what we want we must be pratmatic, patient & flexible.


      David Horgan"

      Also auch hier noch mal Junkie: Petrel will keine weiteren TCAs- man geht auf die PSAs! HCL ist Voraussetzung dafür-das war immer so-leider ist auf der Zeitschiene der Iraqer einiges daneben gegangen. Shit happens.
      schrieb am 25.06.08 00:15:17
      Beitrag Nr. 15.083 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.363.255 von Santiagero am 24.06.08 15:53:08
      Armer Kerl, du musst schon wahnsinnig in den Miesen sein, wenn ich mir deine verzweifelten Versuche betrachte PET als Lichtgestalt darzustellen.

      petrel hat sich bei der 1. Runde für TCAs ausdrücklich nicht beworben, da es eine Ausschreibung war, bei der sich ausschließl. Firmen die wg. Abwesenheit im Iraq bis dato keine Referenzen hatten bewerben sollten. Petrel brauchte das zu dem Zeitpunkt nicht mehr + hatte ja auch bereits 2 TCAs.

      Auch wenn du das nicht auf der Homepage von Petrel findest so steht das doch wortwörtlich da.
      Petrel has also recently registered as a company interested in future Iraqi exploration and field development contracts.

      petrel hat sich um keinen 4,5 mio Servicevertrag beworben! es gibt einen Zeitungsbericht ,dass es nur wenige qulifizierte Firmrn im Iraq gibt eine davon sei petrel-bekommen hat den Zuschlag eine andere Firma. Petrel jetzt vorzuwerfen, man hätte diesen Auftrag nicht gekriegt, wo sie sich gar nicht beworben haben ,ist schon zieml. dreist.

      8 Companies bid for this tender but only 4 Companies viz., Elite Engineering, Petrel - Machman JV and Cheltok were technically qualified along with BGR Energy. It may be recalled that BGR Energy is currently executing 3 Nos. of contracts for SCOP, Iraq for Design and Supply of Gas Processing Complex and Storage Tanks for an aggregate value of USD 94.48 Million.

      Auch diese Behauptung von Dir:

      PET noch nicht einmal mehr das Geld um in Jordanien die Exploration zu starten. In drei Jahren müssen 5 Mio USD (können auch 8 gewesen sein) investiert werden. Ein Jahr ist schon vorbei.

      würde ich gerne mal mit Quelle belegt sehen. Und nicht dass Du mich falsch verstehst, Bohren kostet erheblich mehr.

      Ich will nur zeigen, dass Deine Behauptungen ein Sammelsurium aus nicht verstandenen in Englisch abgefassten news oder ad hocs sind. Dann werden sie alle noch mal schön durchgeschüttelt ,bis alles in Dein Weltbild passt!

      Schau dir einfach den Annual Report am Donnerstag an.

      Junkie auch das extra für Dich aus dem Februar 2008(HP Petrel):

      Iraqi Government approved extension to Petrel's current agreements
      O Steady progress on Subba & Luhais EPC project
      O Registration completed for exploration and development contracts

      Petrel is pleased to report that the Iraqi Ministry of Oil has today approved
      extension of the technical cooperation agreement with Petrel for another year.
      The Company expects to meet shortly with the relevant Ministry officials to
      formalise arrangements. It is expected that Petrel will embark on a new oil &
      gas field study as part of this programme.

      Das fette für Dich auf Deutsch: Das IMO hat heute die Ausdehnung des TCA mit petrel für ein weiters Jahr zugeteilt.

      Ausdehnung(extension) heißt in diesem Zusammenhang, dass das TCA nicht einfach verlängert wurde sondern qualitativ erweitert wurde.

      Der Vertrag für S&L lief ursprünglich bis 2009. Kannst du in den Jahresberichten und Präsentationen nachlesen. Wenn dieser dann auf Ende 2008 befristet wird ist das nur in deinen Augen positiv zu werten. Ausserdem hat Sharistani schon mehrfach betont, dass PET nur Materiallieferant ist und keinen Servicevertrag hat, da PET dafür NICHT QUALIFIZIERT ist.

      Der S&L Servicevertrag für Anadarko widerspricht auch etwas deiner Theorie, dass PET alles richtig gemacht und ganz tolle Fortschritte erzielt hat. Genauso wie die Tatsache, dass PET bereits letztes Jahr den Abschlusstermin für die Arbeiten bei S&L von 2009 auf 2010 verschoben hat.

      Es gibt in der Tat noch keinen Vertrag zu block 6, aber immerhin sollen die alten verträge aus der Saddam-zeit respektiert werden. Ausagen des iraq. Oilministeriums.

      Dass PET das jahrelang trotzdem behauptet und geschrieben hat (man könnte auch schreiben die Anleger angelogen hat), und Teeling nun einen Rückzieher macht ist für dich ganz normal.

      Das betrachte ich nun als das Ende der Diskussion mit dir, da durch deine rosarote Brille die Realität ausgefiltert wird.
      schrieb am 25.06.08 00:23:57
      Beitrag Nr. 15.084 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.367.827 von Santiagero am 25.06.08 00:14:51
      also einmal muss ich doch noch.

      Also auch hier noch mal Junkie: Petrel will keine weiteren TCAs- man geht auf die PSAs! HCL ist Voraussetzung dafür-das war immer so-leider ist auf der Zeitschiene der Iraqer einiges daneben gegangen. Shit happens.


      hast vor wenigen Monaten noch vehemennt die Meinung vertreten, das PET PSAs aufgrund des ALTEN Ölgesetzes erhalten wird. Ich habe geschrieben, dass es unter dem alten Gesetz nur Serviceverträge geben wird und wurde von dir (und anderen) dafür so richtig blöde angemacht.
      Grundlage deines vehemennten Einsatzes für PSAs nach altem Ölgesetz war, na was wohl?
      Genau, eine Mail von David Horgan.
      schrieb am 25.06.08 00:48:01
      Beitrag Nr. 15.085 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.367.828 von tradejunkie am 25.06.08 00:15:17Junkie,ich bin aus dem Aktiengeschäft fast völlig draußen, wie Du ja gemerkt hast bin ich nur noch selten hier, lebe den Rest meines Lebens von dem Geld das ich erarbeitet und an der Börse gemacht habe. Den weitaus größten Teil davon mit Petrel. Mir geht deine Art mit engl. Texten umzugehen nicht. Du verstehst die einfach immer falsch. Mit der Energulfaktie hast Du da ja auch vermutlich deswegen so in die Scheiße gegriffen(englischsprachige ad hocs).

      Nur weil du deinen Scheiß immer wieder auftischst ,wird er nicht richtig.
      Petrel hat sich nicht auf neue TCAs beworben ,Du kannst ja auch keine Stelle benennen. Jedenfalls nicht bei petrels-HP oder anual Rep.

      Deine Behauptung betr.Jordanien tust du einfach ab mit: guck doch selber nach bzw.tust so als ob Du den AR kennst. Größenwahnsinnig nennt man sowas!!

      "Wenn dieser dann auf Ende 2008 befristet wird" Auch das wiederholst Du, obwohl überall steht, das der Vertrag im Frühjahr 2008 erweitert wurde. Das iraq. Ministerium hat die Option auf einen "Scope"(dt. Qulitative Erweiterung des ursprünglichen Vertrags) gezogen. Wahrscheinlich weil Petrel so schlecht arbeitet.

      dass der Kurs zum Kotzen ist, ist unbestritten. Deswg. versuch ich mit den Artikeln, die ich einstelle und meinen Widersprüchen an deinem dummen Zeug mal Dichtung von Wahrheit zu trennen.
      schrieb am 25.06.08 09:11:44
      Beitrag Nr. 15.086 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.367.926 von Santiagero am 25.06.08 00:48:01
      Deine Ausdrucksweise läßt mehr als zu wünschen übrig und passt in keinster Weise zu der Gelassenheit eines Menschen, der den Rest seines Lebens von dem Geld, das er erarbeitet und an der Börse gemacht hat, lebt.

      Nur weil du deinen Scheiß immer wieder auftischst ,wird er nicht richtig.
      Petrel hat sich nicht auf neue TCAs beworben ,Du kannst ja auch keine Stelle benennen. Jedenfalls nicht bei petrels-HP oder anual Rep.

      Selbstverständlich kann ich die Stelle benennen. Ich dachte aber das wäre nicht nötig, weil du die Stelle kennst. Immerhin hast du aus der News vom 20.02.08 selbst zitiert!

      Vielleicht liest du dir die News noch einmal vorn vorne bis hinten durch.

      Deine Behauptung betr.Jordanien tust du einfach ab mit: guck doch selber nach bzw.tust so als ob Du den AR kennst. Größenwahnsinnig nennt man sowas!!

      Kennst du diese Zahlen etwa noch nicht?

      Cash and cash equivalents

      von PLUS 9,450 Millionen Euro Ende 2006

      auf MINUS 10,323 Millionen Euro Ende 2007

      "Wenn dieser dann auf Ende 2008 befristet wird" Auch das wiederholst Du, obwohl überall steht, das der Vertrag im Frühjahr 2008 erweitert wurde. Das iraq. Ministerium hat die Option auf einen "Scope"(dt. Qulitative Erweiterung des ursprünglichen Vertrags) gezogen. Wahrscheinlich weil Petrel so schlecht arbeitet.

      Wo wurde etwas erweitert? Wo wurde ein "Scope" gezogen?

      Aus der News:
      Petrel is pleased to report that the Iraqi Ministry of Oil has today approved extension of the technical cooperation agreement with Petrel for another year. The Company expects to meet shortly with the relevant Ministry officials to formalise arrangements. It is expected that Petrel will embark on a new oil & gas field study as part of this programme.

      Petrel freut sich berichten zu können, dass das irak. Ölministerium heute die VERLÄNGERUNG des TCA (was laut irak. Ölminister kein TCA sondern nur ein Materialliefervertrag ist) mit Petrel für ein weiteres Jahr bestätigt hat.

      Jetzt reicht es aber wirklich mit dir. Ich möchte nicht, dass dir deine rosarote Brille noch auf der Nase zerspringt.
      schrieb am 25.06.08 12:25:33
      Beitrag Nr. 15.087 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.368.657 von tradejunkie am 25.06.08 09:11:44Deine Ausdrucksweise läßt mehr als zu wünschen übrig und passt in keinster Weise zu der Gelassenheit eines Menschen, der den Rest seines Lebens von dem Geld, das er erarbeitet und an der Börse gemacht hat, lebt.

      Es bleibt halt nicht jeder so gelassen wie du TJ bei so hohen kurzfristigen Buchverlusten...aber da gehört natürlich entsprechende Übung dazu. ;)

      In diesem Sinne wünsche ich allen viel Erfolg mit PET und anderen Möglichkeiten!
      schrieb am 25.06.08 12:37:00
      Beitrag Nr. 15.088 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.370.835 von Ramses2I am 25.06.08 12:25:33
      Es bleibt halt nicht jeder so gelassen wie du TJ bei so hohen kurzfristigen Buchverlusten...aber da gehört natürlich entsprechende Übung dazu.

      Danke, habe ich verstanden. :D
      schrieb am 25.06.08 12:42:26
      Beitrag Nr. 15.089 ()
      Wie ich lese, macht sich hier jeder noch immer seine eigene Realität und läuft an der Realität vorbei, doch auch diese werden irgendwann erwachen.Es ist wie im richtigen Leben, doch manch einer erwacht zu spät.Doch einen Trost gibts für jeden, die Karten werden immer neu gemischt

      Mfg aus Luxemburg und viel Weisheit für diejenigen deren Relität von der Wahrnehmung getrübt ist.
      schrieb am 25.06.08 13:05:45
      Beitrag Nr. 15.090 ()
      Taipan hat ja mit seinen Petrel-Empfehlungen irgendwie Pech:

      Vor ein paar Monaten ausgestoppt, neulich Wiedereinstieg über 1,10 € und gestern bei etwas über 0,80 € wieder ausgestoppt - um danach wieder auf 0,84 € zu steigen. :rolleyes:

      Ist irgendwie vertrackt mit dem Wert....
      schrieb am 25.06.08 13:12:58
      Beitrag Nr. 15.091 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.371.249 von hobiewaters am 25.06.08 13:05:45Stop Losses sind tödlich bei solchen Werten. Andererseits muss ein BB so agieren...
      schrieb am 25.06.08 13:15:04
      Beitrag Nr. 15.092 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.371.249 von hobiewaters am 25.06.08 13:05:45Tag,
      man sollte nicht auf diese Börsenbriefe schwören, das sind keine hellseher.
      Doch du würdest dich wundern was für hellseheriche Fähigkeiten in einem uns allem steckt.;)
      schrieb am 25.06.08 15:16:24
      Beitrag Nr. 15.093 ()

      LONDON ( GBX )


      Intraday - CHART

      schrieb am 25.06.08 17:38:33
      Beitrag Nr. 15.094 ()

      weiß jemand ob es ein rt-programm gibt, welches london anzeigen kann?
      schrieb am 26.06.08 10:03:26
      Beitrag Nr. 15.095 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.374.321 von tradecon am 25.06.08 17:38:33


      raiso :cool:
      schrieb am 26.06.08 13:30:54
      Beitrag Nr. 15.096 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.377.921 von raiso am 26.06.08 10:03:26Hi, raiso:cool: auch,
      allzu kram bin ich mir nicht, dass ich dieses kleine Zeitfenster NICHT zum aufstocken genutzt hab, von mir aus morgen ;)ne mittlere NEWS und raiso :cool:Tag
      schrieb am 26.06.08 16:57:39
      Beitrag Nr. 15.097 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.379.904 von schneidl am 26.06.08 13:30:54ne mittlere NEWS und raiso :cool: Tag

      schrieb am 26.06.08 17:01:20
      Beitrag Nr. 15.098 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.379.904 von schneidl am 26.06.08 13:30:54dass ich dieses kleine Zeitfenster NICHT zum aufstocken genutzt hab

      Noch ist es offen das Fenster - auch wenn es sich langsam wieder schließt...

      schrieb am 26.06.08 17:18:35
      Beitrag Nr. 15.099 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.382.362 von Ramses2I am 26.06.08 16:57:39...der ist echt gut

      huuuiiii-siehe Kurs - hier pfeift wirklich -und dass heut noch - ein kühler -kalter Wind
      schrieb am 27.06.08 10:01:48
      Beitrag Nr. 15.100 ()

      LONDON ( GBX )


      Intraday - CHART

      schrieb am 27.06.08 11:44:46
      Beitrag Nr. 15.101 ()
      Es ging ja die letzten Tage ganz schön nach unten, da das Unternehmen einen Verlust ausgewiesen hat im Gegensatz zum Vorjahr!
      Jetzt meine Frage, kann mir jemand sagen warum das Unternehmen hier einen Verlust eingefahren hat?
      schrieb am 29.06.08 23:42:17
      Beitrag Nr. 15.102 ()
      June 29, 2008

      The World
      For Iraq’s Oil Contracts, a Question of Motive

      From the first days that American-led forces took control of Iraq, the conquering army took pains to broadcast that it was there to liberate the country, not occupy it, and certainly not to cart off its riches. Nowhere were such words more carefully dispensed than on the subject of Iraq’s oil.

      As they surveyed facilities in the weeks after Saddam Hussein’s government fell, American officials said they were merely advising Iraqis on how to increase production to finance the democratic nation being erected across desert sands that, conveniently, held the third-largest oil reserves on earth.

      Many critics of the invasion derided that characterization. In Arab countries and among some people in America, there was suspicion that the war was a naked grab for oil that would open Iraq to multinational energy giants. President Bush had roots in the Texas oil industry. Vice President Cheney had overseen Halliburton, the oil services company. Whatever else happened, such critics said, energy players with links to the White House would surely wind up with a nice piece of the spoils.

      Behind those competing conceptions was a fundamental reality that forms the wallpaper for American engagement in the Middle East: oil, and its critical importance to the American economy, has for decades been a paramount interest of the United States in the region. Almost everything the United States has tried to do there — propping up autocrats or seeking democracy, fighting terrorism or withstanding Soviet influence, or, in this case, toppling the dictator Saddam Hussein — could affect the availability of oil for American markets and therefore entailed some calculation about it.

      Today, the question hanging over Iraq is whether its natural endowment will be used to help create a sustainable new state, or will instead be managed in ways that reward the cronies and allies of the country whose army toppled Mr. Hussein. Or perhaps both at the same time.

      That basic question was yanked back to the fore recently when word emerged from Baghdad, in a report in The New York Times, that the Iraqi oil ministry was close to awarding contracts to service its oil fields to some of the largest Western oil companies. While relatively small, these contracts could serve as a foot in the door for much more lucrative licenses to explore widely for Iraqi oil.

      Some 40 companies from around the world had jockeyed for the contracts, but they were being awarded without competitive bids, the report said. Those about to land the deals — Exxon Mobil, Shell, BP and Total — had held oil rights in Iraq before Mr. Hussein nationalized the fields and kicked them out more than three decades ago. They all came from countries that had either been stalwart allies of the Bush administration or — in the case of France, which is home to Total — had lately increased their support for the American-led campaign to isolate Iran.

      Just as striking were the companies that failed to capture a foothold: the Russian oil giant Lukoil, which had signed a deal to exploit a huge field in southern Iraq while Mr. Hussein was still in power, only to see it revoked just before he fell, and Chinese firms with their own claims. Before the 2003 invasion, the Russian and Chinese governments had lent muscle on the United Nations Security Council toward fending off American-led sanctions aimed at the Hussein government.

      Iraqi officials said the no-bid deals reflected nothing more than pragmatic stewardship. Iraq needs to get more oil out of the ground to finance reconstruction, they said, and the oil giants getting the contracts have the skill to make that happen.

      But those most suspicious of the Bush administration’s motives fixed on the contracts as validation. They accused the administration of pulling strings and shelving concerns about preserving Iraqi sovereignty, in favor of expedient deal-making in a time of exploding oil prices.

      “There does seem to be pressure from American officials brought on the Iraqi oil ministry to favor friendly countries and punish unfriendly countries,” said Michael T. Klare, a political scientist at Hampshire College and author of the recent book “Rising Powers, Shrinking Planet: The New Geopolitics of Energy” (Henry Holt). “That’s the way it has to look to an outsider.”

      In the days after word of the deals leaked out, three senators, including Charles E. Schumer, the New York Democrat, demanded that the Bush administration somehow cancel the contracts, arguing that they would damage American credibility.

      The White House disowned any role and said the senators were being hypocritical. Here they were, in effect, accusing the administration of orchestrating the deals, while calling for orchestration to make them disappear.

      “Iraq is a sovereign country,” the White House spokeswoman, Dana Perino, told reporters. “It can make decisions based on how it feels that it wants to move forward.”

      Sovereignty has been a subject wrapped in thorns ever since American-led forces drove Mr. Hussein from his palace. Arguments over who really makes decisions in Iraq, and for whose benefit, cut to the heart of the very point of the war.

      This tension has often hamstrung American efforts, making it difficult for those on the ground to act decisively. When looting swept across the country after Mr. Hussein’s government fell, American and British forces traced their failure to crack down against civilians in part to a reluctance to be seen as strong-armed occupiers. But their inaction instead aroused the disgust of many Iraqis when the looters dismantled much of the nation.

      Oil has been a more delicate area. Any future Iraqi government would clearly need hefty oil revenues, and that requires significant modernization.

      In the early days after the Americans took over in May 2003, I drove with a team from the United States Army Corps of Engineers in Kirkuk to meet with the head of the North Oil Company, one of two state-owned giants. The Americans were keen that North Oil hire a private security firm to guard local installations.

      On the way over, the American commanding officer reminded his men that they were there as advisers, and should treat the Iraqi executive with deference. But within minutes the Americans were haranguing the company chief for moving too slowly. Later, the Americans vented about how much easier things would be if they were simply running the show.

      “I like to think of us as really nice conquerors,” one of the Americans said.

      The Pentagon dispatched Phillip J. Carroll, a former head of Shell’s operations in the United States, to advise the Iraqi oil ministry. Among critics of the war, it was assumed that Mr. Carroll was there to make sure that Mr. Hussein’s allies would be walled out of the future Iraqi oil business while the United States and its friends got the choice opportunities.

      Mr. Carroll dismissed such talk when I spoke with him shortly after he arrived in Baghdad, but he signaled that the shelf life of any contract dating back to Saddam might be brief.

      “There will have to be an evaluation by the ministry of those contracts and a determination of whether they were made in the best interests of the Iraqi people,” Mr. Carroll said.

      Five years later, the Iraqi oil ministry is about to hand out secretly negotiated contracts to a few companies that Saddam Hussein removed, while excluding firms from the countries that had better relations with the dictator.

      In an interview last week, Mr. Carroll said he assumed critics would assert unsavory motives, but he said that missed the point.

      “These companies are long familiar with Iraq and have wonderful technology and loads of money,” he said. “The Iraqis could develop their own skills by learning from the international oil companies.”

      But energy experts argue that Iraq is one of the easier places on earth to summon oil from the ground, making the pedigree of the companies less significant.

      No oil law has yet been agreed upon concerning how the oil royalties will be shared among Iraq’s factions. So, as the Bush administration enters its final months, much about the future of Iraq’s oil remains a mystery — expect for which companies will get the first shot at the rewarding business of extracting more of it.
      schrieb am 29.06.08 23:43:29
      Beitrag Nr. 15.103 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.388.223 von Lichtgestalt21 am 27.06.08 11:44:46
      Erfahrungsgemäß ergeben sich Verluste, wenn die Einnahmen geringer sind als die Ausgaben.
      schrieb am 30.06.08 09:44:27
      Beitrag Nr. 15.104 ()

      LONDON ( GBX )


      6 Monats-Linien-SK-Verlaufs-Chart-UK

      schrieb am 30.06.08 10:37:39
      Beitrag Nr. 15.105 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.400.849 von tradejunkie am 29.06.08 23:43:29Eigentlich wollte ich bloß wissen, ob das Unternehmen weniger Einnahmen erzielen konnte, oder ob die Investitionen gestiegen sind, bzw. welcher Posten sich hier verändert hat, so dass hier ein Verlust entstehen konnte!
      schrieb am 30.06.08 11:18:25
      Beitrag Nr. 15.106 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.402.133 von Lichtgestalt21 am 30.06.08 10:37:39
      Die 100.000 Euro mehr Verlust kommen im wesentlichen von den um 100.000 Euro gestiegenen Verwaltungskosten.

      .............................. 2007 ......... 2006
      Administrative expenses .... (584,437) .... (483,108)
      Operating loss ............. (584,437) .... (483,108)
      Investment revenue ............ 65,502 ...... 67,538
      LOSS BEFORE TAX ............ (518,935) .... (415,570)
      schrieb am 30.06.08 16:31:43
      Beitrag Nr. 15.107 ()
      Auszüge aus dem Jahresbericht:

      Turning now to our projects; the Subba and Luhais Engineering and Production Contract (EPC) to assist in the
      construction of a 200,000 barrel a day oil field in Southern Iraq is almost 50% completed. This contract, where
      Petrel is a contractor, with no ownership interest, was due for completion in 2010. Revisions to the production
      layout, design changes and adaptations have delayed matters. So too have payment delays. Significant sums
      are outstanding to the Petrel Makman joint venture. Discussions are ongoing.

      Status of Pre-2003 Agreements
      Petrel was asked by the Oil Exploration Company of the Iraqi Ministry of Oil to study Western Desert Block 6 in
      2000. We worked intensively with Ministry staff and reached agreement on the work programme and terms
      under the then Iraqi model Exploration and Development Contract in March 2002. Because of prevailing
      circumstances and expectation of imminent political change, we did not request the then necessary ministerial
      visit by our sponsoring country to formally sign and ratify this contract.

      Since then Petrel and other parties interested in other pre-2003 blocks have carefully monitored developments.
      The normal legal position is that title passes across governments and that parties honour commitments made
      legitimately and in good faith. Of course, the hard reality in the real world is that title in most countries also
      depends on goodwill as much as formal legal title. There are many examples of resource nationalism from Russia
      to Venezuela whereby companies with proper title and professional work records have been nonetheless
      marginalised by politicians. Petrel fully accepts Iraqi sovereignty and continues to work to perfect title and
      participate fully in Iraqi oil exploration and development no matter how the Hydrocarbon Law debate plays out
      and which policy options are chosen by the authorities to develop its resources.
      Article 40 of the draft hydrocarbon law stipulates that the ministry must review pre-2003 agreements "to ensure
      harmony with the objectives and general provisions of the law." New contracts must be approved by Iraq’s
      Federal Oil and Gas Council, to be established.

      The absence of a normal, modern banking system complicates matters. The authorities prefer wordings and
      practices which differ from best recognised practice elsewhere in the industry. Companies need to carefully
      balance the desire to be flexible and provide excellent service against the equally important need to protect
      shareholder interests by not agreeing ambiguous or unsatisfactory terms. Likewise change orders involve extra
      cost and work that should be paid for. It isn’t reasonable to expect companies to pay for duplicate bonds or
      incur additional expense outside the contract without reasonable recompense. Delays implementing approved
      payments will delay progress – particularly when costs are escalating and key items of equipment are subject
      to long lead-times.

      Emphasis of Matter
      Without qualifying our opinion, we draw your attention to Notes 10, 12 and 13 of the financial statements
      concerning the valuation of intangible assets, construction contracts, trade receivables and amounts due from
      group undertakings.
      The realisation of intangible assets of €4,189,643 included in the consolidated balance
      sheet and intangible assets of €4,178,406 included in the company balance sheet is dependent on the
      successful development of economic reserves including the ability of the Group to raise sufficient finance to
      develop these projects. The valuation and recoverability of construction contracts of €9,558,084 and trade
      receivables of €28,950,934 included in the consolidated balance sheet, and the recoverability of amounts due
      from group undertakings of €5,595,950 included in the company balance sheet is dependent on the successful
      completion of the Subba & Luhais development services contract and settlement thereof
      The ultimate
      outcome of these uncertainties cannot presently be determined.
      We have obtained all the information and explanations we considered necessary for the purpose of our audit.
      In our opinion proper books of account have been kept by the company. The company’s balance sheet is in
      agreement with the books of account.
      In our opinion the information given in the Directors’ Report is consistent with the financial statements.
      The net assets of the company, as stated in the company balance sheet are more than half the amount of its
      called-up share capital and, in our opinion, on that basis there did not exist at 31 December 2007 a financial
      situation which, under Section 40(1) of the Companies (Amendment) Act, 1983, would require the convening of
      an extraordinary general meeting of the company.

      Deloitte & Touche
      Chartered Accountants and Registered Auditors
      Deloitte & Touche House
      Earlsfort Terrace
      Dublin 2
      20th June 2008
      schrieb am 30.06.08 16:39:28
      Beitrag Nr. 15.108 ()
      30.06.2008 , 16:01 Uhr
      Irak öffnet Ölfelder für ausländische Konzerne

      Die internationalen Öl-Multis stehen vor der Rückkehr in den Irak. Nach 40 Jahren unter nationaler Regie öffnete das irakische Öl-Ministerium seine riesigen Ölfelder für ausländische Unternehmen. Der Irak braucht die Investitionen und die technische Hilfe, um die vernachlässigten und beschädigten Ölfelder besser auszubeuten.

      Der Irak braucht das Know-How ausländischer Ölfirmen. Foto: ap
      HB BAGDAD. Die Regierung in Bagdad erhofft sich davon eine durchgreifende Modernisierung der veralteten Infrastruktur nach Jahren der Sanktionen und Kriege. Die Felder Rumaila, Kirkuk, Zubair, West Kurna, Bai Hassan und Maysan stünden ausländischen Firmen für langfristig angelegte Verträge zur Verfügung, erklärte das Ministerium.

      Die Regierung hat in einer Vorauswahl bereits 41 ausländische Firmen bestimmt, die sich bewerben können. Das Ministerium hatte in der vergangenen Woche den Abschluss von Verhandlungen über sechs kurzfristige Verträge im Wert von jeweils 500 Millionen Dollar mitgeteilt. Bei den Partnern für fünf dieser Kontrakte handelt es sich um Royal Dutch Shell, Shell in Kooperation mit BHP Billiton, BP, Exxon Mobil und Chevron in Zusammenarbeit mit Total.

      Link zum Artikel:…

      Ist Petrel dabei?

      raiso :cool:
      schrieb am 30.06.08 16:54:00
      Beitrag Nr. 15.109 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.405.093 von raiso am 30.06.08 16:39:28Hallo raiso, die Frage stelle ich mir auch (daher auch die BM)...der Kurs sagt nein, mein "Verstand" eigentlich was Anderes...;)
      schrieb am 30.06.08 19:45:32
      Dieser Beitrag wurde vom System automatisch gesperrt. Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an
      schrieb am 30.06.08 19:54:04
      Beitrag Nr. 15.111 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.406.616 von tradejunkie am 30.06.08 19:45:32So, wie es schon fest stand, dass die bereits unterschriebenen Verträge mit den Kurden für nichtig erklärt werden:laugh:
      schrieb am 30.06.08 20:02:56
      Beitrag Nr. 15.112 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.406.697 von luxinvest am 30.06.08 19:54:04Der Trick klappt bestimmt nicht zweimal :laugh:
      schrieb am 30.06.08 20:21:15
      Beitrag Nr. 15.113 ()
      Für tradejunkie muss es doch eine ständige Eruption sein ,wenn der Kurs von Petrel nach unten gedrückt wurde. :laugh::laugh::laugh:Mit allen Mitteln versucht er ständig die Aktie schlecht zu reden,um zu Verkäufen zu bewegen,was bei den sog. Zittrigen auch gelingt.
      schrieb am 30.06.08 20:48:50
      Beitrag Nr. 15.114 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.406.890 von mucor am 30.06.08 20:21:15will jemand wissen, wer tradejunkie ist?;)
      schrieb am 30.06.08 22:31:42
      Beitrag Nr. 15.115 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.407.096 von MrRipley am 30.06.08 20:48:50Würde mich brennend interessieren Mr Ripley...gerne auch per BM.:kiss:
      schrieb am 30.06.08 22:38:38
      Beitrag Nr. 15.116 ()
      Mich ebenso!!!
      schrieb am 30.06.08 22:42:45
      Beitrag Nr. 15.117 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.407.096 von MrRipley am 30.06.08 20:48:50
      ICH! :laugh:
      schrieb am 30.06.08 22:45:14
      Beitrag Nr. 15.118 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.407.938 von tradejunkie am 30.06.08 22:42:45
      gerne auch per BM! :D
      schrieb am 30.06.08 23:25:35
      Beitrag Nr. 15.119 ()
      Hat eigentlich einer den Jahresbericht gelesen und den Sinneswandel bemerkt?

      Nichts ist mehr sicher, alles ist offen.

      Für Block 6 gab es noch nie einen gültigen Vertrag.

      Wenn S&L nicht wie geplant abgeschlossen wird (und danach sieht es mit dem neuen S&L Servicevertrag für Anadarko nicht aus) sieht es ganz schlecht aus.
      The valuation and recoverability of construction contracts of €9,558,084 and trade
      receivables of €28,950,934 included in the consolidated balance sheet, and the recoverability of amounts due
      from group undertakings of €5,595,950 included in the company balance sheet is dependent on the successful
      completion of the Subba & Luhais development services contract and settlement thereof.
      The ultimate outcome of these uncertainties cannot presently be determined.

      Von dem von Horgan nach der eher schlechten News angekündigten "Fleisch" im Jahresbericht ist weit und breit nichts zu sehen.
      #14520 von raiso 20.06.08 13:54:25 Beitrag Nr.: 34.341.069
      Dieses Posting: versenden | melden

      Und dieser Kommentar passt dazu:

      David Horgan (
      Sent: 20 June 2008 11:35:33
      To: Fiona ***********

      Yes - progress on the HCL has been slow. The Chairman must be general & cautious. The meat is in the MD Report in the AR and at the AGM. I am optimistic that things have started moving forward again
      schrieb am 01.07.08 00:11:28
      Beitrag Nr. 15.120 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.407.096 von MrRipley am 30.06.08 20:48:50Wer ist der "Kamerad"???:rolleyes:
      schrieb am 01.07.08 00:57:59
      Beitrag Nr. 15.121 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.408.307 von summer6 am 01.07.08 00:11:28da muss Du in ein Nachbarboard;)
      schrieb am 01.07.08 01:00:00
      Beitrag Nr. 15.122 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.408.307 von summer6 am 01.07.08 00:11:28Hey! DID?
      schrieb am 01.07.08 08:04:27
      Beitrag Nr. 15.123 ()
      So ähnlich wie dieses PET-Posting waren auch die Postings bei Pan Andean Resources, als dort bekannt wurde, dass doch nichts sicher ist.

      DCD - 30 Jun'08 - 23:27 - 63059 of 63061

      Yes i was saying don't sell in the 90s but that was befor the RNS that cost me a lot of money, i now think DH is just a bullshitter and just hopes he might get some crumbs from the IOM. Right now PET have nothing but we were led to belive they had somthing but could not tell us. I am not trying to deramp PET and i do not have a short on as i don't do shorts which i am sure Hatto will agree with and this will need no help from me to go down when people relise that DH has nothing to offer right now. I have never come back like this on a share i have sold but this is the only place right now i can vent my anger with PET and DH and JT, like i said, just a pair of bullshitters.
      schrieb am 01.07.08 10:08:19
      Beitrag Nr. 15.124 ()
      also kam PET garnicht zum Zuge jetzt im Rahmen der Ölfeld-Vertragsgespräche mit ausl. Firmen im Irak?!?
      schrieb am 01.07.08 10:59:38
      Beitrag Nr. 15.125 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.409.647 von BrokerPK am 01.07.08 10:08:19Nö.

      aus dem Jahresbericht:
      To copper-fasten the primacy of central government and its oil ministry, and to draw major oil companies into
      working in Iraq, the Ministry of Oil placed 35 of the world’s largest producing oil companies on an initial list of
      companies qualified to bid on future service contracts to develop existing super-giant development fields.
      schrieb am 01.07.08 12:00:07
      Beitrag Nr. 15.126 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.409.647 von BrokerPK am 01.07.08 10:08:19Ja das war aber schon seit geraumer Zeit bekannt das PET bei diesem Auswahlverfahren nicht berücksichtigt wird.
      Denn in dieser Meldung ist die Rede von 35 der größte Ölproduzenten, wozu PET ja definitiv nicht gehört.

      Für Petrel ist diese Meldung daher nicht von großer Bedeutung.
      (Obwohl sicher jeder Aktionär gern gesehen hätte, dass Petrel als einer der ersten den Zuschlag erhält).
      Nichts desto trotz steht hier meiner Meinung nach immer noch ein Unternehmen, dass als Pionier bereits vor allen anderen im Irak engagiert war, und früher oder später dieser Sachverhalt auch durch die politische Seite honoriert wird.

      Die Story passt meiner Meinung nach weiterhin, auch wenn der Kurs etwas anderes sagt.
      In diesem Sinne
      schrieb am 01.07.08 17:29:13
      Beitrag Nr. 15.127 ()

      LONDON ( GBX )


      6 Monats-Linien-SK-Verlaufs-Chart-UK

      schrieb am 01.07.08 17:30:29
      Beitrag Nr. 15.128 ()
      .......................hier nochmal ENG u. PET zum Vergleich !

      12 Monats-Linien-Chart-FRANKFURT

      Energulf: = blaue Linie
      Petrel = grüne Linie

      schrieb am 01.07.08 18:41:01
      Beitrag Nr. 15.129 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.410.855 von Lichtgestalt21 am 01.07.08 12:00:07Ehrlich gesagt ich glaube da wird nie mehr was von.Obwohl ich schon fast 5 Jahre dabei bin.Da haben sie uns Kleinanleger wieder ganz schön reingelegt
      schrieb am 01.07.08 18:43:20
      Beitrag Nr. 15.130 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.409.647 von BrokerPK am 01.07.08 10:08:19Nur die Oilmafia kam zum Zug
      schrieb am 01.07.08 19:19:38
      Beitrag Nr. 15.131 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.414.735 von Broker_Hans am 01.07.08 18:41:01Schau mer mal!!!

      Bis jetzt ist hier noch alles offen, ich bleib dabei!!!
      schrieb am 01.07.08 21:35:21
      Beitrag Nr. 15.132 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.410.855 von Lichtgestalt21 am 01.07.08 12:00:07Für Petrel ist diese Meldung daher nicht von großer Bedeutung.

      Die Story passt meiner Meinung nach weiterhin

      Sehe ich genauso Lichtgestalt21.
      Von mir aus kann Tradejunkie aus welchem Grund auch immer schreiben was er möcht...
      von mir bekommt er keine günstigen Aktien von PET! :yawn:
      schrieb am 01.07.08 21:42:11
      Beitrag Nr. 15.133 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.410.186 von tradejunkie am 01.07.08 10:59:38ENG hat die letzten Monate auch Federn lassen...oder nicht TJ! :keks:

      schrieb am 01.07.08 22:58:31
      Beitrag Nr. 15.134 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.416.324 von Ramses2I am 01.07.08 21:35:21
      Der Kurs von PET sinkt nicht wegen dem was ich schreibe, sondern wegen dem, was Horgan jahrelang geschrieben und den Anlegern an Märchen aufgetischt hat.
      Nun ist die Zeit gekommen Farbe zu bekennen und der Lack ist mit einem mal abgeplatzt.

      Horgans Antwort auf die Frage warum er Anfang des Jahres so überaus optimistisch war:
      "Wir geben nur wieder, was uns die irakischen Behörden mitteilen."

      Die anderen sind schuld!!!! :laugh::laugh:

      Gehen wir einmal davon aus, dass es stimmt und Horgan nur das schreibt, was irakischen Behörden mitteilen.
      Nach dem was in der News und dem Annual Report stand müssen ihm die irakischen Behörden dann wohl mitgeteilt haben, dass es für PET nichts mehr zu holen gibt.
      schrieb am 01.07.08 23:01:19
      Beitrag Nr. 15.135 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.416.402 von Ramses2I am 01.07.08 21:42:11
      Auch wenn sich mir der Zusammenhang der Kursverluste von PET und ENG noch immer nicht erschliesst:

      Da hast du vollkommen recht.
      schrieb am 02.07.08 07:33:13
      Beitrag Nr. 15.136 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.416.991 von tradejunkie am 01.07.08 22:58:31Der Kurs von PET sinkt nicht wegen dem was ich schreibe

      Stimmt TJ!
      schrieb am 02.07.08 09:39:44
      Beitrag Nr. 15.137 ()
      Der Kurs sinkt unteranderem aus den selben Gründen, weshalb er in der Vergangenheit stieg...
      schrieb am 02.07.08 09:51:40
      Beitrag Nr. 15.138 ()

      LONDON ( GBX )


      6 Monats-Linien-SK-Verlaufs-Chart-UK

      schrieb am 02.07.08 10:38:27
      Beitrag Nr. 15.139 ()
      Na da wäres es doch einfacher gewesen die BASF zu kaufen. Ob Petrel mit in der Anklageschrift steht, bei den hervorragenden Beziehungen von Horgan zu Saddam und der ewigen und nun immer mehr "verbleichenden" Hoffnung auf Bestand der "Abmachungen" zwischen Petrel und dem alten Regime?

      Mittwoch, 2. Juli 2008
      Öllizenzen im Irak
      Wintershall darf mitmischen

      Die Kasseler Öl- und Gasgesellschaft Wintershall kann sich um eine Öllizenz im Irak bewerben. Wintershall gehöre zu den weltweit 41 Unternehmen, die sich qualifiziert hätten, an einem Bewerbungsverfahren teilzunehmen, sagte ein Sprecher der Tochter des Chemieriesen BASF am Mittwoch.

      Ob Wintershall diese Option nutze, stehe aber noch nicht fest. Einem Bericht des "Handelsblatt" zufolge müssen Unternehmen binnen zwei Wochen ihre Gebote in Bagdad abgeben.

      Nach 40 Jahren unter staatlicher Regie hatte das irakische Öl-Ministerium am Montag seine riesigen Ölfelder für die Entwicklung durch ausländische Firmen geöffnet. Die Regierung in Bagdad erhofft sich davon eine Modernisierung der veralteten Infrastruktur nach Jahren der Sanktionen und Kriege. Die Felder Rumaila, Kirkuk, Zubair, West Kurna, Bai Hassan und Maysan sollen ausländischen Firmen für langfristig angelegte Verträge zur Verfügung stehen.

      Der Bieterkampf ist allerdings hart. Die irakische Regierung verklagt gleichzeitig Dutzende ausländische Unternehmen wegen Bestechungszahlungen an das frühere Regime Saddam Hussein auf insgesamt mehr als zehn Mrd. Dollar Schadenersatz. Eine entsprechende Klageschrift reichte der Irak jetzt vor einem US-Bundesgericht in Manhattan ein. In der Zivilklage geht es um Millionen-Schmiergelder, mit denen sich Unternehmen im Rahmen des "Öl für Lebensmittel"-Programms der Vereinten Nationen Verträge mit dem Irak gesichert haben sollen.

      schrieb am 02.07.08 12:35:54
      Beitrag Nr. 15.140 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.418.975 von joehenry am 02.07.08 10:38:27Für mich ist der Horgan ein blender am liebsten würde ich den mal echt besuchen.PS: Kann das sein das der Santiagero der Piehler vom Börsenbrief Taipan ist
      schrieb am 02.07.08 12:39:27
      Beitrag Nr. 15.141 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.416.991 von tradejunkie am 01.07.08 22:58:31Der Kurs von PET sinkt nicht wegen dem was ich schreibe, sondern wegen dem, was Horgan jahrelang geschrieben und den Anlegern an Märchen aufgetischt hat.

      Genau richtig
      schrieb am 02.07.08 14:31:40
      Beitrag Nr. 15.142 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.420.169 von Broker_Hans am 02.07.08 12:35:54
      Piehler ?
      schrieb am 02.07.08 14:48:53
      Beitrag Nr. 15.143 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.421.189 von tradejunkie am 02.07.08 14:31:40Danke
      schrieb am 02.07.08 15:12:58
      Beitrag Nr. 15.144 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.421.323 von Broker_Hans am 02.07.08 14:48:53
      meinst du Michler?
      schrieb am 02.07.08 17:04:59
      Beitrag Nr. 15.145 ()
      Wallstreet Journal

      Iraq Oil Ministry Opens Door to Foreign Companies

      By Gina Chon in Baghdad, Iraq and Russell Gold in Dallas

      Iraq will open eight oil-and-gas fields to foreign petroleum companies in an effort to accelerate production in the next few years, in what would be the most extensive upgrade of producing fields since the fall of Saddam Hussein.

      The Iraqi oil ministry announced contracts to develop six oil fields and two natural-gas fields would be put out to bid by the end of the year. But the ministry didn't award some expected but controversial short-term consulting deals that critics complained were improperly limited to companies based in the U.S. and its allies.

      Many giant undeveloped regions believed to hold huge amounts of oil weren't included in this first round of bidding. Development of them was postponed until the Iraqi government agrees on a law governing hydrocarbon investments.

      While the ministry's announcement was a step toward boosting production and bringing in foreign oil companies to help, many hurdles remain in Iraq's quest to become a major oil-producing country again.

      The ministry lacks enough experienced personnel to negotiate contracts, political divisions are slowing passage of the hydrocarbon law and violence makes it unlikely foreign companies would commit many geologists and engineers to work in Iraq, according to experts at oil companies, the U.S. government and oil-industry consulting groups.

      The difficulty getting the Iraqi oil industry completely back on track is highlighted by the fact that the limited-scope consulting deals are still under negotiation, even though the ministry said Monday was the deadline for getting them concluded.

      The ministry said it wants to press ahead with the more-ambitious development deals for the eight oil-and-gas fields. About 40 foreign oil companies, from the U.S., Europe, Japan, China, Russia and elsewhere have been approved by the oil ministry to bid on those contracts.

      The slow progress also shows how difficult it remains to meet Iraqi goals of boosting production by 1.5 million barrels a day in the next couple years. Iraq now produces more than 2.5 million barrels of oil a day, up from 1.9 million barrels a day last year, but far below the 3.5 billion barrels the country produced in 1979, according to statistics compiled by BP PLC.

      Hopes that Iraq's oil output will dramatically increase -- providing much-needed supply for global markets and money for Iraq's government -- are riding on the country's ability to pass a law that will spell out the legal and financial details of investing in the oil sector. Until then, the hunt for new fields in Iraq is on hold.

      The legislation has been bogged down for more than a year, largely because of differences among Kurds and Baghdad officials over who has control over signing contracts for development and other issues. The oil legislation isn't expected to be considered by parliament until the October legislative session at the earliest, said independent Kurdish lawmaker Mahmoud Othman.

      The Kurds have negotiated 20 separate oil deals, with companies including Hunt Oil, which haven't been authorized by the central government. "It's a clear violation of the rules," said Iraq Oil Minister Hussein Shahrastani.

      "Iraq is definitely losing an opportunity because we aren't moving fast enough," Mr. Shahrastani said. "And that's why we aren't waiting around for the oil law to be approved to move forward with trying to increase our production."

      Hoping to show cohesion and progress -- even as the consulting deals remain unsigned -- the Iraqi oil ministry may have accomplished the opposite. The announcement out of Baghdad was so hard to parse that a number of big foreign oil companies peppered advisers in Washington with questions trying to grasp what was being floated.

      The new contracts are so-called technical-service agreements, in which companies receive fees for providing hands-on expertise. The companies would prefer a production-sharing contract, in which the company and host government split the barrels produced.

      Many foreign companies expressed interest in bidding later this year. Iraq has the fourth largest known reserves of oil -- after Saudi Arabia, Iran and Canada.

      Foreign oil companies have been offering assistance and are willing to sign consulting deals as a way to get their foot in the door of Iraq's potentially lucrative oil industry.

      "If the Iraqi government decides it wants international oil companies to partner with them in developing their resources, Exxon Mobil would be interested," the Texas company said in a statement.

      The involvement of Western oil companies in the development of Iraq's oilfields remains a hot-button issue both in Washington and Baghdad. There is a widespread belief in Iraq and in certain circles in the U.S. that the war was a smokescreen for U.S. oil companies to take control of Iraq's oil resources, more than 30 years after they were nationalized.
      schrieb am 02.07.08 18:06:33
      Beitrag Nr. 15.146 ()

      LONDON ( GBX )


      Intraday - CHART

      schrieb am 03.07.08 08:54:40
      Beitrag Nr. 15.147 ()
      Ich bleibe am Ball, denn die Vorraussetzungen sind noch immer gegeben, zumals dass Horgan und die Irakische Regierung vieles gemeinsam haben, wenn es um Widersprüche geht:laugh:
      obwohl Horgan hat noch einiges aufzuholen:laugh:
      was für ein Traumspiel.
      Doch eines bereitet mir sorgen, das Spiel zwischen USA und den Iran, die Amis wollen wohl unbedingt den Elfmeter rausspielen...das kann noch heiter werden

      schrieb am 03.07.08 11:09:08
      Beitrag Nr. 15.148 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.420.169 von Broker_Hans am 02.07.08 12:35:54Diese Frage hab ich mir auch schon gestellt. Eine Zusammenarbeit
      könnte da bestehen.
      schrieb am 03.07.08 11:26:18
      Beitrag Nr. 15.149 ()

      52,00 GBp

      - 8,77%
      schrieb am 03.07.08 11:52:30
      Beitrag Nr. 15.150 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.426.945 von luxinvest am 03.07.08 08:54:40Glaubst du eigentlich den Märchenerzähler Horgan noch ich nicht mehr.Eigentlich müßte man den ran kriegen,und zweifel habe ich auch mit den Vertrag ob es überhaupt einen gibt.
      schrieb am 03.07.08 11:56:33
      Beitrag Nr. 15.151 ()
      Sorry will nicht bashen bin nämlich fast schon 5 jahre dabei.Wenn das nämlich nicht stimmt Vorverträge und soweiter müßte man den vorm Kadi bringen.Werde mich bei der Irakische Botschaft erkundigen
      schrieb am 03.07.08 12:14:31
      Beitrag Nr. 15.152 ()
      July 3, 2008

      Committee Questions State Dept. Role in Iraq Oil Deal


      Bush administration officials knew that a Texas oil company with close ties to President Bush was planning to sign an oil deal with the regional Kurdistan government that ran counter to American policy and undercut Iraq’s central government, a Congressional committee has concluded.

      The conclusions were based on e-mail messages and other documents that the committee released Wednesday.

      United States policy is to warn companies that they incur risks in signing contracts until Iraq passes an oil law and to strengthen Iraq’s central government. The Kurdistan deal, by ceding responsibility for writing contracts directly to a regional government, infuriated Iraqi officials. But State Department officials did nothing to discourage the deal and in some cases appeared to welcome it, the documents show.

      The company, Hunt Oil of Dallas, signed the deal with Kurdistan’s semiautonomous government last September. Its chief executive, Ray L. Hunt, a close political ally of President Bush, briefed an advisory board to Mr. Bush on his contacts with Kurdish officials before the deal was signed.

      In an e-mail message released by the Congressional committee, a State Department official in Washington, briefed by a colleague about the impending deal with the Kurdistan Regional Government, wrote: “Many thanks for the heads up; getting an American company to sign a deal with the K.R.G. will make big news back here. Please keep us posted.”

      The release of the documents comes as the administration is defending help that United States officials provided in drawing up a separate set of no-bid contracts, still pending, between Iraq’s Oil Ministry in Baghdad and five major Western oil companies to provide services at other Iraqi oil fields.

      In the no-bid contracts, the administration said it had provided what it called purely technical help writing the contracts. The United States played no role in choosing the companies, the administration has said.

      Disclosure of those contracts has provided substantial fuel to critics of the Iraq war, both in the United States and abroad, who contend that the enormous Iraqi oil reserves were a motivation for the American-led invasion — an assertion the administration has repeatedly denied.

      Iraq’s oil minister, Hussain al-Shahristani, has condemned the Kurdistan deal as illegal because it was not approved by Iraq’s central government and was struck without an oil law, which has still not been passed.

      After the deal was signed last year, a senior State Department official in Baghdad criticized it, saying, “We believe these contracts have needlessly elevated tensions between the K.R.G. and the national government of Iraq.”

      The State Department said Wednesday that it had discouraged the deal. Hunt officials declined to comment, and Kurdish government officials said there was no impropriety.

      In a letter to the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, whose chairman is Representative Henry A. Waxman, Democrat of California, a State Department official wrote that the department had strongly discouraged Hunt from signing the deal until an oil law had been passed.

      The State Department told Hunt that “we continue to advise all companies that they incur significant political and legal risk by signing contracts” before then, wrote Jeffrey T. Bergner, an assistant secretary for legislative affairs at the department, in one of the documents made public on Wednesday.

      But in a letter to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Mr. Waxman wrote that the documents his committee had collected “tell a different story about the role of administration officials.” In letters obtained by the committee, Mr. Hunt informed the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, of which he was a member, last July and August that he was pursuing serious business interests in Kurdistan.

      “We were approached a month ago by representatives of a private group in Kurdistan as to the possibility of our becoming interested in that region,” Mr. Hunt wrote to the board last July 12. “We had one team of geoscientists travel to Kurdistan several weeks ago and we were encouraged by what we saw.”

      In August 2007, Mr. Hunt informed State Department officials directly of his intentions in Kurdistan, and on Sept. 5, three days before the deal was signed, a flurry of e-mail messages among Hunt and State Department officials make clear that the department was aware of what was in the works.

      In a message to a colleague with the subject line “Hunt Oil to Sign Contract With K.R.G.,” one State Department official gives a highly detailed summary of the agreement. Mr. Hunt, the official wrote, “is expecting to sign an exploration contract with the K.R.G. for a field located in the Shakkan district, an area under K.R.G. control (inside the Green Line) but technically in Nineveh Governorate.”

      “Hunt would be the first U.S. company to sign such a deal,” the official wrote, suggesting that the news should be rushed onto the State Department’s internal distribution network as quickly as possible.

      Despite those exchanges, a State Department official said Wednesday that the company had in fact been discouraged from completing its deal.

      “All companies, including Hunt Oil, which have spoken with the United States government about investing in Iraq’s oil sector, have and will continue to be given the same advice,” John Fleming, an Iraq press officer in the State Department’s Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs, wrote Wednesday in an e-mailed response to questions. “We advise companies that they incur significant political and legal risk by signing any contracts with any party before a national law is passed by the Iraqi Parliament.”

      Another State Department official, who asked to remain anonymous, expressed frustration, saying that a local State Department official in Erbil, the Kurdish provincial capital, who was the head of a so-called Regional Reconstruction Team, tried to dissuade Hunt officials from making the deal.

      But no notes were taken at that meeting, the official said, and Hunt representatives later gave a conflicting account of what had been said.

      “I have talked to the R.R.T. team leader personally, and he sticks by his story and they stick by theirs,” the State Department official said.

      Jeanne L. Phillips, a senior vice president for corporate affairs and international relations at Hunt Oil whose correspondence appears at certain points in the documents released Wednesday, said that because Mr. Waxman’s letter was not addressed directly to the company, she could not comment on it.

      “As a matter of company policy, Hunt Oil Company does not comment on correspondence between third parties,” Ms. Phillips wrote in an e-mail message.

      An official in the Kurdistan Regional Government reached late Wednesday who asked not to be named said that the government had written some 22 contracts to date.

      “Anyone can have a contract with the K.R.G., but it must be accepted and suitable according to assessment by our experts,” the official said. “Hunt is a good company and never had its contracts with us illegally or improperly.”

      The documents released by Mr. Waxman also lay bare what has become a serious dispute between the company and the State Department over what was said between them before the deal last year.

      For example, a senior Hunt official said he was told by State Department officials during a meeting on June 15, 2007, that the United States government did not object to deals with the Kurdish regional government.

      “I specifically asked if the U.S.G. had a policy toward companies entering contracts with the K.R.G.,” the Hunt official, David McDonald, wrote in an e-mail message to a colleague last Sept. 28. The State Department officials, Mr. McDonald wrote, replied that there was no policy, neither for nor against.

      His message concluded: “There was no communication to me or in my presence made by the nine State Department officials with whom I met prior to 8 September that Hunt should not pursue our course of action leading to a contract. In fact, there was ample opportunity to do so, but it did not happen.”

      The encouragement by State Department officials did not end with the signing of the contract on Sept. 8, the documents suggest. Five days later, a State Department official in the southern city of Basra wrote to Ms. Phillips, “I read and heard about with interest your deal with the regional Kurdish government.”

      “I don’t know if you are aware of another opportunity,” the official wrote, mentioning an enormous port project and a natural gas project in the south. After a few more lines, the official concluded, “This seems like it would be a good opportunity for Hunt.”

      James Glanz reported from New York, and Richard A. Oppel Jr. from Baghdad. Andrew E. Kramer contributed reporting from Moscow, Mudhafer al-Husaini from Baghdad and an Iraqi employee of The New York Times from Kurdistan.…
      schrieb am 03.07.08 12:18:11
      Beitrag Nr. 15.153 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.428.854 von Broker_Hans am 03.07.08 11:56:33Wenn das nämlich nicht stimmt Vorverträge und soweiter müßte man den vorm Kadi bringen.Werde mich bei der Irakische Botschaft erkundigen

      Da bin ich aber sehr gespannt was du für eine Nachricht erhälst...wenn überhaupt.:rolleyes:
      Wenn ja würde ich dich bitten diese hier sinngemäß zu posten. :kiss:
      schrieb am 03.07.08 12:21:00
      Beitrag Nr. 15.154 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.428.802 von Broker_Hans am 03.07.08 11:52:30Broker_Hans

      ich glaube nur mir selbst, diese manipulierten Fehlinformationen und diese Hintergrundpolitik kann ich keinen Glauben schencken.
      schrieb am 03.07.08 12:22:00
      Beitrag Nr. 15.155 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.428.802 von Broker_Hans am 03.07.08 11:52:30Glaubst du eigentlich den Märchenerzähler Horgan noch

      Hier gibt es noch sehr viele Märchenerzähler mehr...und alle wollen nur unser Geld.:mad:

      Man muss sich halt nur entscheiden, welchem Erzähler man sein Geld anvertraut und glaubt.
      Ich gebe meine Shares für diesen Preis nicht ab und wenn es nichts wird mit PET kann TJ gerne lachen. :cry:
      schrieb am 03.07.08 12:25:51
      Beitrag Nr. 15.156 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.428.854 von Broker_Hans am 03.07.08 11:56:33Werde mich bei der Irakische Botschaft erkundigen.

      Du glaubst wohl an Märchen, lies mal was sie der Presse so auftischen, dann werden sie dir mit Sicherheit wohl sagen, was Sache ist.:laugh:

      schrieb am 03.07.08 12:41:48
      Beitrag Nr. 15.157 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.429.180 von luxinvest am 03.07.08 12:25:51dann werden sie dir mit Sicherheit wohl sagen, was Sache ist.

      Eventuell dir...wenn du aus Luxenburg anrufst?! :confused::look:
      schrieb am 03.07.08 12:53:11
      Beitrag Nr. 15.158 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.429.363 von Ramses2I am 03.07.08 12:41:48Der war gut....:laugh:
      ppppppppppsssssssssssst............................................ich darf aber nichts sagen..;Bankgeheimnis:laugh:
      schrieb am 03.07.08 17:07:47
      Beitrag Nr. 15.159 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.429.473 von luxinvest am 03.07.08 12:53:11Bankgeheimnis

      Das soll in Luxenburg auch schon besser gewesen sein...:eek:
      schrieb am 03.07.08 19:35:52
      Beitrag Nr. 15.160 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.432.442 von Ramses2I am 03.07.08 17:07:47Hier siehts auch nicht gerade blendend aus,
      es herrschen eben, schwierige Zeiten:D
      schrieb am 03.07.08 19:56:57
      Beitrag Nr. 15.161 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.433.945 von luxinvest am 03.07.08 19:35:52es herrschen eben, schwierige Zeiten

      Wie bei PET derzeit...aber ich bleibe trotzdem OPTIMISTISCH!

      schrieb am 04.07.08 00:25:48
      Beitrag Nr. 15.162 ()
      Jungs, das wars. Ich war seit 6 1/1 Jahren in Petrel investiert. Habe den Einsatz in Spitzenzeiten versechsfacht. Aber der Glaube an den Goldgräberreichtum hat mich nicht aussteigen lassen. So habe ich meinen Einsatz zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt nur noch verdoppelt und bin froh, dass ich seit gestern komplett draußen bin.
      Frage an alle Petrel-Insider: Welche Argumente gäbe es, bei Petrel noch einzusteigen? Keiner kennt die Zukunft, aber alle Meldungen, die ich kenne lassen darauf schließen, dass die Amis ihre Kriegsbeute einfahren und das große Geschäft im Irak machen werden. Da bleibt kein Platz für "idealistische" Iren.
      Somit haben Bush und seine kriegsführenden Minister ihren Endsieg errungen.
      Steigt aus aus Petrel, so lange ihr noch könnt.
      So long

      Beim Bacchus
      schrieb am 04.07.08 11:37:32
      Beitrag Nr. 15.163 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.435.550 von BeimBacchus am 04.07.08 00:25:48Dass die Amis hier ihre Kriegsbeute einfahren und sich hier im großen Stil bedienen, war doch schon klar, da hat der Krieg noch gar nicht richtig begonnen.
      Was hier denke ich viele erwartet oder gehofft haben, dass Petrel durch seine langjährige Präsenz im Irak eine Sonderbehandlung erhält, was aber wie wir alle sehen nicht der Fall ist.
      Somit ist aus dem Wert etwas Luft herausgenommen worden.

      Ich selber bin bei 1,53€ rein und hocke auf guten 50% minus.
      Wenn ich mir aber den Gesamtmarkt anschaue, schaut die Kursentwicklung doch schon wieder etwas relativer aus(alles geht nach unten was spekulativen Charakter hat).

      Kann jemand von euch sagen ob bei diesem Kursabschwung größtenteils Großinvestoren raus sind bzw. wieviele Großinvestoren hier noch investiert sind(Vielleicht kann Tradejunkie hier aufschluss geben, bzw. eine Tipp, woher man solche Informationen bekommt)
      Danke und ein schönes Wochenende.
      schrieb am 04.07.08 12:17:59
      Beitrag Nr. 15.164 ()
      Eine sollte jedem klar sein.
      Wer jahrelang Geschäfte mit dem Saddam Hussein gemacht hat und jahrelang mit dem Iran Geschäfte macht ist bei den Amerikanern nicht besonders gut angesehen.

      Hier ein 1-Jahres-Vergleich von PET mit anderen Teeling/Horgan Firmen.
      Bei allen Firmen herscht seit Jahren absolute Zuversicht auf den grossen Wurf, der praktisch auch seit Jahren direkt vor der Haustüre steht.

      Und kommt einen das nicht bekannt vor?
      Aus dem AGM-Statement vom 30.06.2008:
      Persian Gold continues to build on its early mover advantage in Iran.

      Persian Gold

      African Diamonds

      West African Diamonds

      Connemara Mining
      schrieb am 04.07.08 12:49:04
      Beitrag Nr. 15.165 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.435.550 von BeimBacchus am 04.07.08 00:25:48Es gibt genug Argumente in Pet zu investieren, dass grösste Argument ist, hier kann man gut Kohl machen, sieh dir mal die Kursentwicklung an:laugh:
      schrieb am 04.07.08 12:55:55
      Beitrag Nr. 15.166 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.437.619 von Lichtgestalt21 am 04.07.08 11:37:32Pet ist sicherlich aus verschiedene Gründe, abgesehen von seiner zukünftigen Entwicklung oder Erwartungen in deren man setzt, ein Wer bei dem man als Grossinvestor, viel Kohle machen kann.
      Unteranderem deswegen sind sicherlich ein paar Grossinvestoren investiert, doch wie lange, hängt von paar Faktoren ab und wenn sie eins nicht mehr investiert sind, gibs hier nichts mehr zu hollen.
      schrieb am 04.07.08 13:41:39
      Beitrag Nr. 15.167 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.438.045 von tradejunkie am 04.07.08 12:17:59Aber eine Quelle kennst du nicht, über die man das Engagement von Großaktionären ersehen kann??? Wäre für mich so dass Zünglein an der Waage bei einem solchen Investment!
      schrieb am 04.07.08 14:03:34
      Beitrag Nr. 15.168 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.438.792 von Lichtgestalt21 am 04.07.08 13:41:39Eine Quelle ist die PET-HP

      Major Shareholders
      Shareholders who hold more than 3% Amount % Holding
      HSBC Global Cust Nom 813259 5,208,189 7.21
      John James Teeling 3,615,000 5.05
      HSBC Global Custody Nominee (UK) Ltd 3,090,000 4.28
      LR Noms Ltd 4,672,096 6.47
      Citibank Noms (Ireland) Ltd 6,730,762 9.32
      TD Waterhouse Noms Ltd 3,489,564 4.83
      David John Horgan 2,715,000 3.76
      WB Nominees Ltd 2,168,755 3.00

      Last Updated 31st January 2008
      schrieb am 04.07.08 14:25:01
      Beitrag Nr. 15.169 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.438.792 von Lichtgestalt21 am 04.07.08 13:41:39Danke, KaOzz
      sehr ich nicht...viel schliesslich nicht das Bankgeheimniss brechen

      manchmal kann es schnell gehen, ehe man sich umgesehen hat...hat man sich schon Strafbar gemacht:eek:

      Mfg :rolleyes:
      schrieb am 04.07.08 16:48:00
      Beitrag Nr. 15.170 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.438.045 von tradejunkie am 04.07.08 12:17:59bin gerade rein... und hab mal die letzten postings "abgearbeitet" sogar T.J. ist moderat ;)--
      sozusagen raiso:cool Tag auf niedrigem Niveau - wollen hoffen dass UNS das niedrigste erspart bleibt
      schrieb am 04.07.08 16:49:24
      Beitrag Nr. 15.171 ()
      :cool: ---sorry DOPELPUNKT gelöscht
      schrieb am 04.07.08 16:52:18
      Beitrag Nr. 15.172 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.439.175 von luxinvest am 04.07.08 14:25:01ja, sag das mal den leuten von Pet... die sollten sich mal etwas mehr nach internationalen Standards der corporate governance richten ... Is kein Wunder das dann sowas passiert, wie in den letzten Tage hier... :rolleyes:

      Wundert mich nicht, dass dann solche Beschimpfungen wie hier im Thread auftauchen...
      schrieb am 04.07.08 17:08:17
      Beitrag Nr. 15.173 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.439.175 von luxinvest am 04.07.08 14:25:01Also somit befinden sich 46,92% der Shares in Händen von Großaktionären!!!
      Ist für mich eine ganz ansehnliche Quote, müsste man nur noch wissen, wieviele dass zum letzten Stichtag waren???

      Was meinst du mit der Aussage:
      ja, sag das mal den leuten von Pet... die sollten sich mal etwas mehr nach internationalen Standards der corporate governance richten ...
      schrieb am 04.07.08 17:15:23
      Beitrag Nr. 15.174 ()

      LONDON ( GBX )


      Intraday - CHART

      ................................nicht zu glauben,PET im PLUS ! ! ! ! :rolleyes:
      schrieb am 06.07.08 09:30:43
      Beitrag Nr. 15.175 ()
      was lößte hier den Kurssturz aus???
      schrieb am 06.07.08 20:38:51
      Beitrag Nr. 15.176 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.445.551 von VFBLER am 06.07.08 09:30:43Jens L. ;)-nein nein - war nicht so gemeint...
      schrieb am 06.07.08 20:50:18
      Beitrag Nr. 15.177 ()
      aus der Sunday Tribune von heute:

      The big names in Ireland's smallexploration industry

      Providence Resources Founded: 1997; market cap: €234m
      Unusually for a small exploration company, Providence's investors are led by a big hitter, Tony O'Reilly, chief executive of Independent News & Media. Led by his son, Tony O'Reilly jnr, since 2005, it has seen a more than 10-fold increase in production over the past year and has interests in the US, Ireland, Britain and Nigeria.

      Petroceltic Founded: 2003; market cap: €95m
      Led by industry veteran John Craven, Petroceltic has no production capability but has exploration licences in Algeria, Italy and Tunisia.

      The pace of its development has been slowed by Algerian bureaucracy and the directors faced vocal shareholder anger about this at its AGM last year. Its Iberdrola strategic alliance, however, should relieve the pressure on Craven and his team.

      Pan Andean/Petrel Founded: 1980s; market cap: £18m/€46m
      respectively Businessman John Teeling, known for his high-risk ventures, has two small oil operations. Pan Andean focuses on the US, South America and Africa while Petrel concentrates on Iraq and Jordan.

      Petrel's progress has faltered in recent months due to the Iraqi government's reluctance to enter into production agreements but Pan Andean is positioning itself to exploit heavy oil if fossil fuel prices remain high.

      Island Oil and Gas Founded: 2003; market cap: €16.3m
      Following the sale of its Netherlands operations earlier this year, Island has interests in Ireland, Albania and Morocco. It has a 12.5% interest in the Seven Heads Gas Field off the coast of Cork, which remains it main source of income. Its chief executive Paul Grifflths is focusing on increasing its production capabilities in order to raise its cashfiow.…

      passend dazu abenfalls aus der Sunday Tribune vom 08.06.2008:

      Teeling's mining company held meetings with Mugabe officials
      Ken Griffin

      A MINING company chaired by Irish businessman John Teeling has held a series of meetings with Zimbabwean government officials and potential business partners in anticipation of securing gold licences from Robert Mugabe's regime.

      Teeling told The Sunday Tribune that Swala Resources had held discussions with "potential partners and bureaucrats" in the country in recent weeks.

      The African state is currently awaiting a presidential election run-off amid daily reports of attacks on opposition supporters by factions loyal to Mugabe.

      "I don't have any political view once you can get properly legal title and it is safe to work, " said Teeling. "I have no problem working in Mugabe's Zimbabwe".

      He said Zimbabwe had considerable gold reserves and would support "plenty of gold mines once the situation settles down". He added that although Swala's activities were not impeded by international sanctions on the country, it was not commercially viable to mine gold there at the moment.

      Teeling has been active in Zimbabwe since the mid1980s and has retained interests there despite its descent into political and economic chaos.

      He is no stranger to dealing with pariah regimes with one of his companies, Petrel Resources, having secured control of an oil exploration block in Iraq towards the end of Saddam Hussein's rule.

      After the invasion of Iraq, Petrel retained the block and Teeling said Swala was confident that it could do the same in Zimbabwe if Mugabe's regime collapsed.

      "Whatever you think of them, the legal precedent is that the government of Zimbabwe is a legal government and that their licences have sovereign title which is recognised internationally, " he said.

      Meanwhile, Anglo-Irish oil exploration company Aminex has confirmed that its joint venture with the North Korean government, which was signed four years ago, is "still ongoing".

      Under the deal, Aminex will help Kim Jong-il's regime develop an oil and gas industry and will have first claim on all future exploration licences.

      "It's still in Aminex's plans.

      As to the time, it is in the North Korean government's hands, " said a spokesman.…

      erst Saddam Hussein,
      dann Mahmud Ahmadinedschad,
      jetzt Robert Mugabe

      Wenn wundert es da, dass Petrel bei den Amerikanern kein Stein im Brett hat?
      schrieb am 06.07.08 23:30:59
      Beitrag Nr. 15.178 ()
      Bei den Amis nicht. Gerade das sollte für sie sprechen, sofern einige in den entsprechenden Ämtern noch nicht von denen infiltriert sind:D

      Fakt ist, dass die Amis den Bach runter gehen, da muss man sich entsprechend positionieren und Risiken eingehen.

      Wusste gar nicht, dass Nordkorea Rohstoffe hat, jetzt doch - die sind jedenfalls vorerst vom UN-Radarschirm verschwunden.

      Simbabwe, da traut sich keiner so recht dran, wahrscheinlich, weil die Reserven nicht nachgewiesen sind und die Politik ist um einiges halsstarriger. Aber wenn es ums Geld geht, reichen sie dir die Hand.
      Anders sieht es auf den Falklands aus, politisch stabil, so gut wie nachgewiesen und vor 25 Jahren schon vom großen Empire heimgesucht, da ist was zu holen.
      schrieb am 07.07.08 08:21:09
      Beitrag Nr. 15.179 ()
      Irak läßt Gespräche mit Öl-Multis platzen :eek::laugh:
      schrieb am 07.07.08 12:28:54
      Beitrag Nr. 15.180 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.448.139 von luxinvest am 07.07.08 08:21:09wo steht?
      schrieb am 07.07.08 12:56:03
      Beitrag Nr. 15.181 ()
      Nehme mal an, müsste bald in der Presse zu lesen sein.Ob, wohl dadurch die Verträge die heut unterschrieben werden sollten gefährdet sind...
      schrieb am 07.07.08 15:16:56
      Beitrag Nr. 15.182 ()

      Ich verfolge Petrel schon sehr lange, manchmal auch als Investor. Im Moment halte ich keine Petrel.

      Die Entwicklung der letzten Wochen finde ich wirklich etwas radikal.

      Kann bitte die Experten einmal einen neuen Thread startet, in dem eine Bestandsaufnahme versucht wird?

      Bitte an die Kritiker: Bitte stellt euer Sicht wertfrei hinein.

      Machen wir uns doch alle nichts vor, wir können doch froh sein, dass wir in einer Community zusammen Informationen heben können!
      Ob man PET nun lieb oder hasst!

      Also was ist denn nur passiert?

      - Petrel wartet wie alle anderen Ölfirmen auf das HCL
      - Keine Firma hat bisher ein gültiges PSA
      - Die Verluste von Petrel sind gestiegen
      - Petrel taucht nicht auf der Liste der bevorzugten Companies auf

      - Wie ist der Stand zu den avisierten Ölfeldern und Verträgen?
      - Wie ist die Ertragslage einzuschätzen?
      - Was passiert in Jordanien?
      - Gibt es Veränderungen im Aktionariat?
      - Was passierte mit der Itoshu-Kooperation?

      Bitte um eine strukturierte Analyse in einem neuen Thread. Wenn man nicht permanent mitliest, gehen doch die ganzen Infos verloren.

      schrieb am 07.07.08 15:31:02
      Beitrag Nr. 15.183 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.447.763 von MrRipley am 06.07.08 23:30:59
      Bei den Amis nicht. Gerade das sollte für sie sprechen, sofern einige in den entsprechenden Ämtern noch nicht von denen infiltriert sind

      Im irakischen Ölministerium sind reichlich amerikansche "Berater" vorhanden.
      schrieb am 07.07.08 16:03:46
      Beitrag Nr. 15.184 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.451.210 von Petronius am 07.07.08 15:16:56
      ..............................ein neuer Thread wird an der gegenwärtigen Kursentwicklung nicht das geringsten ändern.

      Eine sachliche und gründliche Aufarbeitung über PET kann hier genauso gut erfolgen ! !

      MfG Hinkelstone
      schrieb am 07.07.08 16:20:16
      Beitrag Nr. 15.185 ()

      LONDON ( GBX )


      6 Monats-Linien-SK-Verlaufs-Chart-UK

      .....................................entwickelt sich der Falke allmählich zum Pleitegeier ? ? ?
      schrieb am 07.07.08 16:23:03
      Beitrag Nr. 15.186 ()
      .................................................hier nochmal ENG u. PET zum Vergleich!

      12 Monats-Linien-Chart-FRANKFURT

      Energulf: = blaue Linie
      Petrel R. = grüne Linie

      schrieb am 07.07.08 17:05:24
      Beitrag Nr. 15.187 ()
      Dass das hier kein Zuckerschlecken wird, sollte jedem klar sein der solch ein Investment eingeht!
      Daher sollte man bei sowas auch wissen wie man mit Verlusten umgeht und nicht nur die mögliche Performance von 1063% oder so sehen.
      Ich bleib dabei grundliegend hat sich nichts geändert, den Kursrutsch verdanken wir zu 80% dem akutell schlechten Börsenumfeld!
      Einen neuen Thread zu eröffnen halte ich für eine gute Idee!!!
      schrieb am 07.07.08 17:47:05
      Beitrag Nr. 15.188 ()
      einen neuen Tread und ich nahm an halte ich für KEINE gute Idee kommt jetzt -steht doch alles hier - hab noch mal (m)einen Beitrag vom 10.6 vorgekramt:

      A consortium led by US independent Anadarko is also in TSA talks for the Subba and Luhais fields. “They have expressed their interest and there are some discussions going on,” the minister confirmed. Anadarko’s partners are Switzerland-based trader Vitol and the UAE’s Dome. Irish independent Petrel has been working on the fields since 2005. “I would like to set the record straight,” said Mr Shahristani. “Petrel is only supplying equipment. It has won a [supply] contract sometime back. It has nothing to do with the development of the field.” On 20 February Petrel announced that it had received a one year extension to its arrangement with the Iraqi oil ministry. The firm, which has been doing studies on Western Desert Block 6 and the undeveloped Merjan oilfield, has registered for
      prequalification for the development round

      immerhin PET. beim sharistani im Radar - nur NICHT record straight - deshalb ( auch)der Kurs:rolleyes: bis dahin
      schrieb am 07.07.08 18:16:31
      Beitrag Nr. 15.189 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.451.403 von tradejunkie am 07.07.08 15:31:02Das ist mir klar, umso mehr spricht für die Irakis, dass sich die heimischen Interessen durchzusetzen scheinen und nicht die der Amerikaner.;)
      schrieb am 07.07.08 22:56:14
      Beitrag Nr. 15.190 ()

      Die laufende Diskussion kann ja gerne hier weiterlaufen. Aber einen Zusammenfassung wäre schon klasse! Und bitte gesondert vom Tagesschräd...aber das müsst ihr Profis entscheiden.

      Petronius frage: Also was ist denn nur passiert?

      - 1. Petrel wartet wie alle anderen Ölfirmen auf das HCL
      - 2. Keine Firma hat bisher ein gültiges PSA
      - 3. Die Verluste von Petrel sind gestiegen
      - 4. Petrel taucht nicht auf der Liste der bevorzugten Companies auf

      - 5. Wie ist der Stand zu den avisierten Ölfeldern und Verträgen?
      - 6. Wie ist die Ertragslage einzuschätzen?
      - 7. Was passiert in Jordanien?
      - 8. Gibt es Veränderungen im Aktionariat?
      - 9. Was passierte mit der Itoshu-Kooperation?

      @Schneidi: zu 5. sagst du, dass Petrel in Lubba WENIGER als ein TSA hat? Petrel bezeichnete das Ganze als Development Service Contract. mit 197Mio Volumen. Shahristani sagt, die haben nur Bauteile geliefert. Ok. Was stimmt nun also?
      Wie hoch stehen die Chancen für Andarko und für Petrel. Warum soll jetzt Andarko bevorzug werden, nach deiner Meinung??

      - 10. Wenn alle Irakphantasien platzen, haben wir noch Jordanien.
      Welcher Kurs spiegelt diese Phantasie wider? 50 Pence???

      Wie sieht es zu den anderen Feldern aus und den weiteren Punkten.
      Hopp, Bestandsaufnahme :D

      schrieb am 08.07.08 10:53:23
      Beitrag Nr. 15.191 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.456.015 von Petronius am 07.07.08 22:56:14
      von eigener Recherche hälst du anscheinend nicht wiklich viel.

      In Jordanien wurden bisher 113 Bohrungen durchgeführt.

      überwältigendes Ergebnis:

      Risha Field: Zur Zeit werden 30 mscfg/d (30.000 standard cubic feet/day)
      zum Vergleich: Elixir Petroleum fördert vor Texas aus einer Quelle 14.600.000 standard cubic feet/day

      Hamzeh Field: Zur Zeit werden 30 Barrel Öl pro Tag gefördert
      schrieb am 08.07.08 12:44:33
      Beitrag Nr. 15.192 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.458.171 von tradejunkie am 08.07.08 10:53:23SALVE tradejunkie!

      Na, wenn alle alleine recherchieren, warum braucht's dann noch ein Board? ;)
      Ich mache meine eigenen Analysen z.B. bei DCI, die ich hier mal ans Herz lege.

      Ich kritisiere letztlich ein Problem aller Diskussionsforen: Ergebnisse sind nur für wenige Tage relevant und verschwinden dann im Datenmüll der Smilies. WEenn man dann nicht jeden Tag mitliest, fängt man bei Null an.

      Deinen Beitrag würde ich nicht gerne im Thread suchen, der müsste als FAKT gekennzeichnet sein, damit nicht zum 1000sten Mal die gleichen Fragen gestellt werden.

      Wieviel Bohrungen sind den "normal" in einem halbwegs ergibigen Feld, bis man was findet? 113 Suchen ohne Ergebnis, ist das ein Desaster oder ein Anfang???
      Wenn ich die 30k qfeet mit 8 Dollar bewerte gibt das 240 USD/day und das Öl 420 USD. Zusammen also 660 USD/day.....wohl eher zu wenig um da iregendjemanden zu beschäftigen.
      (Preisüberblick: )

      Gibt es da keine Resourcen oder muss das Bohrloch entwickelt werden?

      - Welche EBITS ergeben sich denn eventuell aus Sub-Service-Verträgen und was ist dann die Bude wert? Hat schon mal die schlechten Szenarios durchgerechnet und dann einen "fairen" Kurs geschätzt? Ausserdem: Irak-PSA ist ja nicht definitiv tot, sondern nur unwahrscheinlicher geworden! Die niedrigere Wahrscheinlichkeit erfordert dann natürlich einen Kursabschlag. Aber 66% innerhalb Wochen?

      An die PET-Fans die gleiche Frage: Her mit eueren Konklusionen!

      Eine weitere Frage habe ich. Ich habe vor Wochen oder Monaten mal so eine Liste der Firmen hier im Schräd gesehen, in welchen Firmen die Petrel-Promotoren noch aktiv sind. Die Liste war recht lang.
      Möchte gerne mal nachschauen, ob es da Paralellen zu PET gibt.

      schrieb am 08.07.08 14:31:36
      Beitrag Nr. 15.193 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.459.241 von Petronius am 08.07.08 12:44:33
      Ich habe mir mal die neusten Daten besorgt, da mir die 30 mscfg/d pro Tag (nachzulesen in "Exploration Opportunities in Jordan" von der NRA in Jordanien) äußerst wenig vorgekommen sind.
      Da würde sich die Förderung, wie du schon geschrieben hast, nicht lohnen.

      Laut NRA (Natural Resources Authority) werden 30 mmscfg/d gefördert ==> 30 Millionen Standard Kubikfuß.
      Das ist schon ganz ansehlich und entspricht etwa 10% des täglichen Bedarfs in Jordanien.

      Mit 8 Dollar bewertet ergäbe das 240.000 Dollar.

      Im Hamzeh Oil Field werden laut NRA zur Zeit 25 Barrel am Tag gefördert.

      Von den 117 Löchern insgesamt wurden 59 bei Risha und Hamzeh gebohrt, um die Fördermenge zu erhöhen und neues Öl/Gas zu suchen.
      Die restlichen 58 Bohrungen sollten dazu dienen neue Öl- bzw. Gasvorkommen zu entdecken.

      Was in Jordanien reichlich vohanden ist, ist Öl-Schiefer (over 65 billion tons of geological reserves). Mit Shell wurde deswegen ein MOU untzeichnet.
      Starting negotiation and signing MOU with Shell Company that leads to granting a concession
      through a commercial agreement using in-situ process to utilize oil shale for crude oil production.
      The concession will be on deep oil shale occurrences in Jordan excluding the shallow occurrences
      in central of Jordan, which is allocated for surface mining and retorting techniques (Fig. 4). The
      Shell process is called In-situ Conversion Process (ICP), which basically is based on heating the
      rocks in place (underneath the ground) in order to convert the Kerogen into gas and oil that could
      be pumped through production wells.

      Dass Shell erst mal die (fast) alleinigen Rechte für den Öl-Schiefer erhält, braucht PET nicht zu ärgern. Im East Sawafi Block gibt es nämlich keinen Öl-Schiefer.

      schrieb am 08.07.08 18:10:47
      Beitrag Nr. 15.194 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.456.015 von Petronius am 07.07.08 22:56:14hat sharistani auch gesagt “I would like to set the record straight,” -- da gehört wohl seiner Meinung Pet. nicht dazu, für die Zukunft hoffe ich auf einen z.B. Koop-Vertrag mit andarko...?und wenns Anlieferungen sind...
      schrieb am 08.07.08 19:19:04
      Beitrag Nr. 15.195 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.460.277 von tradejunkie am 08.07.08 14:31:36SALVE tradejunkie!

      Ich habe nun auch mal in dem Bericht der NRA (national rifle association...) Jordanien nachgeblätttert:…

      Also das gashaltige Risha-Feld liegt nicht in Petrels Block, also kann man den Output (leider) auch nicht Petrel zuschreiben. Die von dir angesprochenen Bohrungen liegen ebenfalls in diesem fernen Ostzipfel.

      Man kann also nicht behaupten, Petrel hätte jede Menge erfolglose Bohrungen niedergebracht. Aber wie oft haben die Kollegen es denn schon versucht? Hat der PSA in Jordanien eine Laufzeit oder gibt es zu erreichende Meilensteine?

      schrieb am 08.07.08 19:25:42
      Beitrag Nr. 15.196 ()

      Die Bohrungen Risha 1, 2, 11 und 19 liegen in Petrels Gebiet und sind trocken (Seite 60) Laut Seite 41 haben Petrofina und Andarko in der Gegend schon einmal gebohrt.

      schrieb am 08.07.08 21:34:23
      Beitrag Nr. 15.197 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.463.886 von Petronius am 08.07.08 19:19:04
      Man kann also nicht behaupten, Petrel hätte jede Menge erfolglose Bohrungen niedergebracht. Aber wie oft haben die Kollegen es denn schon versucht?

      Also der ist jetzt wirklich gut! :laugh:
      schrieb am 08.07.08 22:37:19
      Beitrag Nr. 15.198 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.463.886 von Petronius am 08.07.08 19:19:04Hat der PSA in Jordanien eine Laufzeit oder gibt es zu erreichende Meilensteine?

      Zunächst drei Jahre in denen PET verpflichtet ist US $5 Mio (möglichweise waren es auch 8 Mio) in die Exploration zu stecken.
      Größtes Problem dabei. PET hat weder 5 noch 8 Millionen. Mehr dazu unten.

      Aus den Jahresberichten:

      In May 2006 we negotiated the terms of a Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) which was finally signed in May 2007. The PSA provides for a three year exploration phase leading to drilling.

      A Petrel technical team has since developed a moderate depth play in the Triassic, targeting medium-sized oil targets. This is a novel play. It could add considerable value in a country with only a 15% tax rate and whose Production Sharing Agreements (PSAs) start at 60% contractor share up to 10,000 barrels daily and never fall below 36%. But like most innovation, this project involves risk.

      Noch etwas zu den Unterschieden in den Jahresberichten 2007 und 2007:

      The risks and uncertainties facing the group including political and security uncertainties are outlined in the Managing Director’s Report. The realisation of these intangible assets is dependant on the successful development of economic reserves.

      The principal risks facing the group are set out below:

      General and economic risk – include currency rate fluctuations and any potential adverse changes in government policy in countries in which the group is exploring which may affect the group.
      Funding risk – include the on-going funding of the Subba & Luhais development services contract and raising of capital to fund further exploration.
      Exploration risks – include the failure to identify economically recoverable reserves.
      Further details of the risks facing the group are set out in Notes 10 and 15 and the Managing Directors Report.

      The directors, having made the necessary enquiries, have a reasonable expectation that the Group has adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future.
      The directors therefore propose the continued preparation of the financial statements on a going concern basis.

      The directors, having made the necessary enquiries, have a reasonable expectation that the Group has adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future. The directors therefore propose the continued preparation of the financial statements on a going concern basis.

      *Going Concern (in den Anmerkungen)
      The preparation of financial statements requires an assessment on the validity of the going concern assumption. The validity of the going concern concept is dependent on finance being available for the continuing working capital requirements of the group and finance for the development of the group’s projects becoming available. Based on the assumptions that such finance will become available, the directors believe that the going concern basis is appropriate for these accounts.
      The group’s activities in respect of the Subba & Luhais development services contract are financed by a letter of credit with the Trade Bank of Iraq. Should the going concern basis not be appropriate, adjustments would have to be made to reduce the value of the group’s assets, in particular the intangible fixed assets, to their realisable values.
      schrieb am 09.07.08 12:32:30
      Beitrag Nr. 15.199 ()
      Was für ein Morgenlauf...
      schrieb am 09.07.08 17:56:37
      Beitrag Nr. 15.200 ()

      LONDON ( GBX )


      6 Monats-Linien-SK-Verlaufs-Chart-UK

      schrieb am 09.07.08 19:24:23
      Beitrag Nr. 15.201 ()
      ist schon etwas lang -der Text, nur eben insgesamt nicht ohne...

      Iraq’s Upstream Fast-Track Strategy Derailed

      Baghdad has missed its end-June deadline for the award of six Technical Support Agreements (TSAs) intended to boost crude production capacity by 100,000 b/d each. Nevertheless, the oil ministry and majors negotiating for what would be the first opening to foreign investment in Iraq’s coveted upstream sector hope to sign shortly. “I hope it [a deal] is within weeks and not months,” Shell Chief Executive Jeroen van der Veer told Reuters . His firm is in talks for a TSA covering the giant Kirkuk field in the north and, together with Anglo-Australian BHP Billiton, for a contract for the Misan province fields. But, MEES understands, substantial obstacles remain for all the TSAs, and that much pessimism prevails among IOC executives as to whether the TSA accords would be signed soon, if at all.

      The TSA strategy was to have been a short-term fix, facilitating the speedy introduction of foreign expertise to boost capacity while a longer term strategy was being negotiated between Iraq’s political parties. Iraqi Oil Minister Husain al-Shahristani on 30 June also announced the launch of Iraq’s first development contract round, covering six giant fields. However, the problems implementing the TSAs highlight the obstacles facing any major initiative to rehabilitate Iraq’s oil industry with the assistance of IOCs in the continued absence of agreement on a hydrocarbon law. Much will need to change for the development round to be a success.

      “We did not finalize any agreement with them because they refused to offer consultancy based on fees as they wanted a share of the oil,” agencies reported Mr Shahristani as saying. There is also growing domestic political opposition to the way in which firms competing for TSAs have been selected, without a competitive bidding process. The TSA fields – Kirkuk, Rumaila, West Qurna Phase 1, Zubair, and Misan province fields Buzurgan, Abu Gharb and Fakka, and Subba and Luhais – are all, with the exception of Subba and Luhais, also on the list of fields to be offered in the first development bidding round. This would give existing TSA holders an unfair advantage at the development round stage, former Iraqi oil minister, Issam al-Chalabi told MEES . The process has hit a nationalist raw nerve and there is mounting political opposition, with some parliamentarians querying the transparency of a process which appears to favor firms largely originating from the countries currently occupying Iraq.

      Politics apart, the TSA and development round processes pose significant challenges. There are expected to be problems in managing the responsibilities of the proposed new state-owned Iraqi National Oil Company (INOC), the South Oil Company (SOC) and the international companies, MEES understands. As well as Shell and BHP Billiton, international contenders include ExxonMobil (Zubair), BP (Rumaila), a Total/Chevron partnership (West Qurna), and an Anadarko-led consortium (Subba and Luhais – MEES , 11 February). For some, a reluctance to give a firm commitment to increase production by the full 100,000 b/d in the TSA round is another obstacle to deals being signed. “This applies to at least two of the TSAs,” an Iraqi oil industry source told MEES . “These international oil firms speak to each other. It will be the same for the others.” The tight schedule and the fact that international involvement will be based largely outside Iraq, reducing the level of control, has led to caution among foreign executives despite the huge potential of the acreage on offer.

      Development Round Challenge

      In addition to the TSA fields, the first development round will include Bai Hassan, where output is currently running at 100,000-150,000 b/d, and two gas fields, Akkaz and Mansouriya. Shell and Edison have both expressed an interest in developing Akkaz. A model contract will be released later this year. Companies will be required to submit bids by April, with the contract award planned for next summer. Together the fields are viewed as the crown jewels of Iraq’s upstream. However, Mr Shahristani’s aim of implementing the bidding round without referring to parliament is looking ever less realistic. Parliamentary involvement in such a controversial issue will almost certainly lead to delays.

      “The model contract which Iraq shall announce will be a service contract and not a production sharing contract,” said Mr Shahristani. “Iraq is the owner of this wealth and Iraqis will not permit the sharing of their oil with anyone,” he added. The round would look to add 1.5mn b/d to production capacity. Current production is running at around 2.5mn b/d and Iraq would look to further boost capacity to 4.5mn b/d by 2013, agencies reported the minister as saying.

      Winning firms would be obliged to open offices in Iraq and the ministry reserves the right to form consortia, a statement on the oil ministry web site read. Thirty-five international oil firms have prequalified, with another six national oil companies – from Algeria, Thailand, Turkey, Angola, Vietnam and Pakistan – later added to the pre-qualified list. Further bidding rounds, potentially with undeveloped and frontier acreage are planned. More attractive contract terms are thought likely to be on offer for these more challenging blocks
      schrieb am 09.07.08 22:41:39
      Beitrag Nr. 15.202 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.449.838 von MrRipley am 07.07.08 12:28:54:look:
      schrieb am 11.07.08 11:07:33
      Beitrag Nr. 15.203 ()
      Der Irrsinn hat ein Ende - respektive die konzertierten Shortaktionen in England sind zu Ende. Jetzt geht es schnurstracks wieder zu alten Höhen.

      Nur meine bescheidene Meinung.
      schrieb am 11.07.08 11:26:23
      Dieser Beitrag wurde moderiert.
      schrieb am 11.07.08 12:22:20
      Beitrag Nr. 15.205 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.486.723 von Nebiim am 11.07.08 11:07:33
      .............:look: !
      schrieb am 11.07.08 12:25:02
      Beitrag Nr. 15.206 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.486.723 von Nebiim am 11.07.08 11:07:33:laugh:
      schrieb am 11.07.08 12:40:29
      Beitrag Nr. 15.207 ()
      LONDON (GBX )

      I WEEK - CHART

      LONDON aktuell

      59,00 GBp

      + 24,21% :)
      schrieb am 11.07.08 17:16:39
      Beitrag Nr. 15.208 ()

      LONDON ( GBX )


      10 Tages-Linien-SK-Verlaufs-Chart-UK:

      schrieb am 11.07.08 17:51:17
      Beitrag Nr. 15.209 ()
      :eek: -Wer macht mal einen -pfiff-;)-wenn vorgestern einer auf Pet. gekommen ist konnter schon richtig was verdienen ;):)
      schrieb am 11.07.08 19:28:39
      Beitrag Nr. 15.210 ()
      Aber auch nur dann...
      Substanzielle Nachrichten gibts halt nach wie vor keine zu Petrel, was soll da der Kurs auch anderes machen als zu fallen.
      schrieb am 14.07.08 10:57:52
      Beitrag Nr. 15.211 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.491.806 von Schnuckelinchen am 11.07.08 19:28:39Seitwärts laufen? Steigen?
      schrieb am 14.07.08 11:31:54
      Beitrag Nr. 15.212 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.491.806 von Schnuckelinchen am 11.07.08 19:28:39Seit deinem "der Kurs wird fallen"-Posting, steigt der Kurs unaufhaltsam. Schön.

      schrieb am 14.07.08 12:27:46
      Beitrag Nr. 15.213 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.500.480 von Nebiim am 14.07.08 11:31:54Der Kurs hat mittlerweile aufgehört "unaufhaltsam" zu steigen.:laugh:

      Den Unterhaltungswert Deiner Beiträge habe ich bislang nie in Frage gestellt.
      schrieb am 14.07.08 15:33:14
      Beitrag Nr. 15.214 ()
      in den letzten Tage ist Pet schon fast zum OTC wert geworden:laugh:
      könnte man sagen,aaaaaaaaaaaaah ich libe OTC-werte:D
      schrieb am 14.07.08 17:12:43
      Beitrag Nr. 15.215 ()
      Passend zum heutigen Tag ist in meiner kleinen Stadt heut Braderie:D
      da sind alle auf Schäppchenjagd:laugh:
      und jeder erfreut sich seiner guten Affäre, beim Betrachten dessen
      und noch mehr am darauffolgendem Tag wenn Sie ihr erbeutetes zu höheren Preisen in den Vitrinen hängen sehn.

      Wurde noch nichts neues über die unterzeichneten technischen Dienst Verträgen veröffentlicht?
      schrieb am 14.07.08 17:22:01
      Beitrag Nr. 15.216 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.503.406 von luxinvest am 14.07.08 17:12:43Schon auffallend wie in F über pari gekauft wird. Vlt. ist wieder mal eine Empfehlung in der Pipeline.
      schrieb am 15.07.08 00:04:39
      Beitrag Nr. 15.217 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.500.879 von Schnuckelinchen am 14.07.08 12:27:46Na ja, heute ist PET wieder gestiegen. Wo ist dein Problem?
      schrieb am 15.07.08 17:23:56
      Beitrag Nr. 15.218 ()

      LONDON ( GBX )


      6 Monats-Linien-SK-Verlaufs-Chart-UK

      schrieb am 16.07.08 15:35:44
      Beitrag Nr. 15.219 ()
      kann mir jemand den grund für den kursanstieg der vergangenen tage verraten? leider habe ich nirgends etwas finden können.

      vielen dank.
      schrieb am 17.07.08 19:43:19
      Beitrag Nr. 15.220 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.502.396 von luxinvest am 14.07.08 15:33:14Hi!

      Was kannst du den als Zock so empfehlen an der OTC?:D

      Was dengst du über die UP1N also UPDV?


      schrieb am 17.07.08 20:25:50
      Beitrag Nr. 15.221 ()
      Iraqi MP Dr Mahmoud Othman misquoted by press on oil contracts

      Dr Mahmoud Othman, MP of the Kurdistan block in the Federal Parliament in Baghdad, has denied statements attributed to him by the press saying that the KRG's oil contracts are illegal.

      Dr Othman has requested the Kurdistan Regional Government issue a statement on his behalf clarifying that he was misquoted in his comments on proposed Federal Oil Ministry contracts and existing KRG contracts.

      Minister Falah Mustafa, KRG Head of Foreign Relations, said, "It is unfortunate that Dr Othman has been misquoted by the local press, and this in turn has been picked-up by various international news wires. In his interview on July 8 with Azzaman, Dr Othman specifically referred to proposed Federal Oil Ministry contracts only as not having sufficient legal basis, and he did not refer to any contracts signed by the KRG. Dr Othman has authorised me to release his statement which follows.

      "I was unfortunately misquoted by the Azzaman in a recent story about the oil contracts that the Federal Oil Ministry has been proposing. I specifically stated that I believed these proposed Oil Ministry contracts lacked solid legal and constitutional foundations because a Federal Oil and Gas Law has yet to be passed by the Federal Parliament. In the absence of such a foundation, and in the absence of a review by the Federal Oil and Gas Council yet to be established under the Federal Oil and Gas Law, it is my view that the Federal Oil Ministry cannot proceed with any of its proposed contracts".

      The MP added, “I further noted that the contracts signed by the KRG had solid and unimpeachable constitutional foundations, as they have been awarded according to the valid KRG laws relying on the fact that oil and gas resources are not the exclusive expressed right of the Federal Government. I believe that the contracts entered into by the KRG are fully legal and constitutional. This issue is being addressed at the political level now. If it is not resolved at the political level then the matter will go to the Constitutional Court which will have the final say.

      Therefore, in no way have I suggested - intentionally or otherwise - that the KRG contracts are unconstitutional or not legal. I ask all national and international press outlets that have carried the original misquoted story to publish this statement to correct the statement attributed to me.”
      schrieb am 17.07.08 20:27:40
      Beitrag Nr. 15.222 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.532.165 von Starwars1969 am 17.07.08 19:43:19Sorry, keine Empfehlungen

      schrieb am 18.07.08 12:05:19
      Beitrag Nr. 15.223 ()
      Iraq limits no-bid oil contracts to one year
      Published by Dan Graeberon July 17, 2008in Uncategorized. 0 Comments
      <!--[if gte mso 9]> Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE <![endif]--><!--[if gte mso 9]> <![endif]-->

      The Iraqi government is planning to limit no-bid contracts being negotiated with several major oil companies to one year to avoid overlap with longer-term deals expected to be signed next June, the Associated Press reported.

      The no-bid contracts have sparked controversy because several major Western firms have been involved in the discussions. There are concerns that granting such contracts to Western oil companies could feed perceptions that U.S.-led forces toppled Saddam Hussein to grab the country’s natural resources.

      Some, the AP said later in a follow-up report, believe the no-bid deals in Iraq could give Western firms an advantage in the larger bidding process, which Oil Minister Hussain al-Shahristani said last month would include 35 foreign companies. The firms he named included seven from the U.S., three from Britain and others from countries like Russia and China.

      Colorado Senatorial candidate Bob Schaffer acknowledged that he knowingly arranged an oil deal in the Kurdish region of Iraq that was counterproductive to American interests in the region. He argued that the deal was allowed under Iraq’s federal system, and so he felt comfortable pursuing it, writes Sam Stein for The Huffington Post.

      For years, “oil” and “Iraq” couldn’t make it into the same sentence in mainstream coverage of the invasion and occupation of that country. Recently, that’s begun to change, but “oil” and “the Pentagon” still seldom make the news together.

      Last year, for instance, according to Department of Defense (DoD) documents, the Pentagon paid more than $70 million to Hunt Refining, an oil company whose corporate affiliate, Hunt Oil, undermined U.S. policy in Iraq. Not that anyone would know it. While the hunt for oil in Iraq is now being increasingly well covered in the mainstream, the Pentagon’s hunt for oil remains a subject missing in action, writes Nick Turse for MotherJones.

      Four Democratic senators, including Sen. Carl Levin, called on the State Department’s inspector general to investigate whether agency employees encouraged lucrative oil deals between Iraq and several Western companies.

      Any behind-the-scenes meddling would have violated administration policy, which was to discourage the business dealings until Baghdad passed a law that would fairly divide the nation’s oil resources among the various provinces, says Anne Flaherty with The Associated Press.

      German oil and gas company Wintershall, part of chemicals group BASF has a “big chance” of winning oil exploration rights in Iraq, German Economy Minister Michael Glos Reuters reports.

      “The German crude oil firm Wintershall has, for example, a big chance of getting exploration rights for crude oil in Iraq,” Glos told daily Die Welt. “I hope that it and other firms get more involved in extracting crude oil in Iraq.” “But the German construction and construction materials industry also have a big chance,” added Glos, who at the weekend became the first German cabinet minister to visit Iraq since the U.S.-led invasion of the country in 2003.

      schrieb am 18.07.08 17:34:02
      Beitrag Nr. 15.224 ()

      LONDON ( GBX )


      10 Tages-Linien-SK-Verlaufs-Chart-UK:

      schrieb am 18.07.08 17:36:08
      Beitrag Nr. 15.225 ()
      .................................................hier nochmal ENG u. PET zum Vergleich!

      12 Monats-Linien-Chart-FRANKFURT

      Energulf: = blaue Linie
      Petrel R. = grüne Linie

      schrieb am 19.07.08 21:50:39
      Beitrag Nr. 15.226 ()
      Hallo im Forum,

      warum sollte ich am Montag in Petrel einsteigen?

      Sei clever, Petrel never!
      schrieb am 20.07.08 12:53:11
      Beitrag Nr. 15.227 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.544.667 von BeimBacchus am 19.07.08 21:50:39Was will uns dieser Beitrag sagen???:rolleyes:
      schrieb am 20.07.08 21:10:40
      Beitrag Nr. 15.228 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.545.702 von Bettler am 20.07.08 12:53:11Ich weiss,dass ich nichts weiss,und deshalb glaub ich mehr als die andern zu wissen!"
      es ist nicht wichtig, ob etwas wahr ist! Wichtig ist, was man glaubt
      schrieb am 20.07.08 22:01:05
      Beitrag Nr. 15.229 ()
      ANBAR, July20 (VOI)-Iraqi oil minister on Sunday inaugurated an oil refinery with 16000 bp capacity in Anbar province.
      “The refinery would cover s great deal of oil products needs for the region,”a Iraqi government media office statement cited Oil Minister Hussein al-Shahristani as saying.
      The minister noted “the oil ministry has sought to upgrade refinery production units in order to increase production levels and to turn Iraq into products exporting country”.
      The refinery, located near the Syrian border in the once-violent Anbar Province, was closed in 2005 due to deteriorating security. Its rehabilitation is part of efforts by the government to boost services and win loyalties in the nation's Sunni heartland.
      The refinery is expected to generate local jobs and meet needs for fuel and other petroleum products in the region, which was once the main stronghold of al-Qaida in Iraq.
      Armed Anbar groups began an uprising against al-Qaida last year to halt attacks that claimed hundreds of civilian lives. The Anbar movement was hailed by the U.S. military as vital to helping root out armed attacks— a key element in bringing violence in Iraq to its lowest level in four years.
      Washington and Iraqi leaders now want to deepen Anbar's support with political pacts and development projects such as the refinery, which began work on Friday.
      The 51-year-old refinery will have an initial capacity of processing 16,000 barrels of crude a day, said a statement from the Oil Ministry. Two more production units will be added to reach 70,000 barrels a day, the statement added without mentioning a specific timetable.
      Iraq's three main oil refineries are running at roughly half the 700,000 barrels daily capacity before the U.S.-led invasion in March 2003.
      Iraq has the world's third-largest known crude oil reserves — an estimated 115 billion barrels — but it suffers acute refinery shortages following years of U.N. sanctions and war.
      The shortfall has forced Iraq to turn to imports from neighboring Iran, Kuwait and Turkey.
      schrieb am 20.07.08 22:05:01
      Beitrag Nr. 15.230 ()
      ARBIL, July 20 (VOI) – U.S. ambassador to Iraq Ryan Crocker on Sunday arrived at Salah al-Din's summer resort, Arbil city, and met with Iraq's Kurdistan President Massoud al-Barazani,
      schrieb am 23.07.08 15:56:47
      Beitrag Nr. 15.231 ()
      High Leute, was sagt eigentlich "Taipan" z.Zt., gar nix oder wieder "spekulativ" einsteigen, wer weiss mehr ??
      schrieb am 23.07.08 17:51:26
      Beitrag Nr. 15.232 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.570.321 von gold_for_you am 23.07.08 15:56:47Wenn der Kurs wieder bei einem Euro ist, "Spekulativ Einsteigen" :laugh:;)

      Ist Euch was aufgefallen?

      1. Heute war Kauftag
      2. Keine Basher mehr, Ziel erreicht?;)
      schrieb am 23.07.08 22:28:40
      Beitrag Nr. 15.233 ()
      Kirkuk oil exports resume following debt payment to Turkey
      Published by Dan Graeberon July 22, 2008in Uncategorized. 0 Comments
      <!--[if gte mso 9]> Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE <![endif]--><!--[if gte mso 9]> <![endif]-->Turkey restarted loadings of halted Iraqi oil exports on Tuesday after Iraq paid $50 million of a total $100 million debt, a senior source from the state pipeline company Botas told Reuters.

      An Iraq oil ministry official had said earlier Iraq’s Kirkuk oil exports to Turkey had been halted after a Turkish court ordered the stoppage pending settlement of the claim.

      Speigal Online said Iraq is attempting to revive its oil business. And in Iraq, The Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce also sees opportunity for German companies. “There is also demand for German companies in the area of technologies for oil exploration,” said commerce chief Axel Nitschke, adding that oil could provide Iraq with a fresh start economically.

      Iraq has asked international oil companies to revise proposals for technical service contracts worth about $3 billion that aim to boost the country’s oil output by about a quarter.

      The revisions could delay the signing of the six contracts — worth around $500 million each — until August or September, Simon Webb and Mohammed Abbas report for Reuters.

      Iraq is sitting on billions of barrels of oil, but it doesn’t have the money or expertise to pull it out of the ground, so it’s looking to European energy firms to help get the job done.

      In the long term, Iraq plans to partner with foreign companies to develop new wells, says Marketplaces’ Dan Grech.

      The oil industry is cautious about Iraq’s decision to offer foreign companies long-term contracts to develop its largest producing fields, with any windfalls seen as distant and likely to go to a select few firms.

      Earlier this month, Iraq said it would offer development contracts aimed at boosting output at six fields by a combined 1.5 million barrels per day (bpd).

      The plan, says Tom Bergin with Reuters, is aimed at helping the country lift output to 4.5 million bpd by 2013 from about 2.3 million bpd now.

      But Iraq’s decision to pay companies a fee for extracting the oil, rather than sell them an interest in fields, dashed hopes of near-term windfalls and may delay big rises in crude production.

      Will the war in Iraq give us the Tiger? Military scientists at Edgewood Chemical Biological Center at Aberdeen Proving Ground hope so. The machine - its full name is the Tactical Garbage to Energy Refinery - combines a chute, an engine, chemical tanks and other components, giving it the appearance of a lunar rover. It’s designed to turn food and waste into fuel. If it works, it could save scores of American and Iraqi lives, says Josh Mitchell with The Baltimore Sun.
      schrieb am 24.07.08 14:49:10
      Beitrag Nr. 15.234 ()

      LONDON ( GBX )


      10 Tages-Linien-SK-Verlaufs-Chart-UK:

      schrieb am 24.07.08 20:58:06
      Beitrag Nr. 15.235 ()
      Wie ist dort der Stand der Dinge? Ist Petrel für einen dieser Verträge positioniert?
      schrieb am 24.07.08 22:42:08
      Beitrag Nr. 15.236 ()
      Ja klar, schon seit Jahren:laugh:
      schrieb am 24.07.08 23:39:19
      Beitrag Nr. 15.237 ()
      Spätestens zur AGM am 18. August 2008 wissen wir, ob sich jemand verabschiedet hat.
      Ich tippe auf HSBC, als einer der Gründe könnte fehlende Liquidität aufgrund der Finanzkrise herhalten, obwohl die HSBC-Bank mit relativ hoher Eigenkapitalquote fährt(10%)...

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      David John Horgan 2,715,000 3.76
      WB Nominees Ltd 2,168,755 3.00

      Last Updated 31st January 2008
      schrieb am 25.07.08 09:52:05
      Beitrag Nr. 15.238 ()
      <!--[if gte mso 9]> Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE <![endif]--><!--[if gte mso 9]> <![endif]-->An oil refinery in the once restive and violent city of Haditha is working once again.

      The reopening ceremony was attended by Oil Minister Hussein Shahristani who thanked the people of the Province of Anbar, of which Haditha is a major town, for their efforts to restore relative stability.

      The refinery was shut due to mounting violence which had turned the whole of Anbar Province into a war zone, Azzaman reports.

      Ramco Energy notes the recent share price movements and articles in the media surrounding its associate company Mesopotamia Petroleum Company Limited, in which Ramco holds a 32.66% interest, concerning the establishment of a joint venture with the Government-owned Iraqi Drilling Company.

      Ramco confirms that MPC has been in talks concerning the establishment of a joint venture to provide oil services with IDC, under a mandate from the Iraq Ministry of Oil, for some considerable time and these have reached an advanced stage, OilVoice said.

      UK’s Midmar Energy confirmed the deal, saying that its associate company, Mesopotamia Petroleum Company (MPC), is in the advanced stages of discussion regarding a joint venture with state-owned Iraq Drilling Company (IDC).

      Midmar formed MPC in 2005, with its partners, as an oil and gas company established for the specific purpose of undertaking operations in Iraq. Midmar holds a 32.67% interest, Upstreamonline reported.

      “We anticipate the formal ratification of our agreements in order to progress our work in Iraq,” said Midmar boss Thomas Redman in a statement.

      A project to supply, process, and transport natural gas to Kurdistan Region for much-needed and more affordable electricity is rapidly progressing.

      The United Arab Emirates’ Dana Gas and Crescent Petroleum are to start producing natural gas in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region as of next month, and they promise to put an end to the devastating power and fuel crisis.

      The head of Dana Gas, Hamid Dhia Jaafar, announced that his company and Crescent Petroleum will start producing natural gas in Kurdistan Region on August 1, 2008, Aiyob Mawloodi with The Kurdish Globe reports.

      Occidental Petroleum CEO Ray Irani said Iraq’s larger oil fields will likely draw formal participation from a consortium of large Western oil producers later this year, as the war-torn country moves to ramp up its economy. “There are some very large fields in Iraq which are going to become available,” Irani told Wall Street analysts on a conference call. “The huge ones will be run by…the oil majors and companies our size. No one company is going to get a field of 20 billion barrels or more, period.” Occidental also sees an opportunity to run smaller fields in Iraq on its own, Steve Gelsi for MarketWatch says.

      At a time of high oil prices and supply shortages, the dispute over Iraq’s oil reserves, which could produce an additional 1.5m barrels a day with minimum investment, demands urgent resolution.

      Iraq’s oilfields require immediate and expert maintenance, and the Iraqi people need the funds the oil can command on the global market. But negotiations on a draft national oil law are hopelessly stalled and controversy has erupted over proposed contracts with foreign oil companies. Iraq needs international support to negotiate fair and sustainable deals, Yahia Said writes for The Financial Times.

      Iraq may be seeking to accelerate crude production, says Tamsin Carlisle for The National, but the outlook for concluding any agreements to develop the country’s oil and gas resources remains exceptionally murky.

      Earlier this month, the oil ministry of Iraq asked international oil companies to revise proposals for short-term deals to raise output from Iraq’s six biggest producing oil fields, shortening the contracts to between 12 and 18 months from the two years previously stipulated. But there is no guarantee that Western oil companies involved in the negotiations will be amenable to the new terms.

      Industry analysts and executives are skeptical a planned opening of the war-torn country’s oil industry to foreign investment will bring big profits for the Western Oil Majors, or boost output as much as hoped, Tom Bergin writes for Reuters.

      While many have lined up to register to bid for Iraqi oil deals, actual bidders may be thinner on the ground and deals may take longer to conclude than the government plans.

      “If the invasion was about oil, let the record show it has been more botched than even its toughest critics claim,” Raad Alkadiri, Senior Director in the Markets and Country Strategies practice, at industry consultants PFC Energy said in a note to clients.

      Responding to a request by four Senate Democrats, the State Department’s inspector general

      has announced an inquiry into the department’s policy on western oil company contracts in Iraq.

      “I have initiated a review of the responses provided to Congress recently on issues surrounding oil contracts, oil field development and U.S. policy in Iraq,” Acting State Department Inspector General Harold Geisel wrote in a June 22 letter obtained by CongressDaily.

      The letter to Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl Levin, D-Mich., and Sens. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., John Kerry, D-Mass., and Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., refers to material State gave the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee for its investigation into a deal involving Texas-based Hunt Oil Co., as well as other potential oil contracts
      schrieb am 26.07.08 09:49:46
      Beitrag Nr. 15.239 ()
      Kurds hamper legislation of Iraq’s national oil company-MP

      Baghdad - Voices of Iraq
      Friday , 25 /07 /2008 Time 10:41:35

      BAGHDAD, July25 (VOI) - A lawmaker from the main Shiite bloc on Friday blamed the Kurds for the delay in oil and car legislation.

      The new law attempts to balance the interests of the warring Sunni, Shiite and Kurd factions which conflict over the relation between the central government the regions and how to distribute the revenue.
      “Kurds rejected approving the operation of a national oil company and linking its establishment with legislations of three laws in one package” Abdel Hadi al-Hasani, MP from the Shiite United Iraqi Coalition (UIC), told Aswat al-Iraq-Voices of Iraq(VOI).
      Political wrangling has stifled progress on the draft law for dividing revenues from Iraq's considerable oil reserves, prompting the largely autonomous region of Kurdistan to begin signing its own contracts in September.
      Hasani is the deputy chief for the parliament’s oil and gas committee and a member of Dawa party-Iraq organisation.
      The UIC lawmaker pointed out “a national oil company must be establsihed before enacting the oil and gas law otherwise its implementation would ne incomplete”.
      He added “he sent a letter to the Council of Ministers to speed up referring the oil company draft to the paliament”.
      The law stipulates establishing a holding national company owned by the state to oversee the excavation, drilling and production processes on behalf of the central government.

      For his side, Kurdish MP Ali Hussein Balou rejected the blames that Kurdistan region hampered legislation of a national oil company.
      “There is an agreement between the central government and the regional Kurdish government to vote on four laws of a national oil company, regulating revenues of oil and gas and regulating the operation of the oil ministry in one package”, MP Balou, the chief for the parliament’s oil and gas committee, told Aswat al-Iraq-Voices of Iraq(VOI).
      The lawmaker conceded “there is a sort of conflict between the two governnment over the oil company authorities”, adding “the regional Kurdish government wanted it to be with limited authorities, while the central government wanted it to be extensive authorities”.
      Iraq's oil minister Hussein Shahristani has recently cancelled supply contracts agreed between the Kurdistan regional government and international oil companies, including Austria's OMV and South Korea's SK Energy
      International giant oil companies stressed the importance of an agreement being reached on the oil law as quickly as possible.
      schrieb am 28.07.08 09:34:31
      Beitrag Nr. 15.240 ()
      U.S. State Dept investigates Iraqi oil contracts
      Published by Dan Graeberon July 27, 2008in Uncategorized. 0 Comments
      The State Department’s inspector general is investigating Iraqi oil contracts after four Democratic senators complained that department employees may have encouraged lucrative oil deals between Iraq and several Western companies, Christine Simmons writes for the AP.

      Any backstage meddling would have violated Bush administration policy, which has been to discourage such deals until Baghdad passes a law that will fairly divide the nation’s oil resources among the various provinces.

      Reports that a number of international oil companies are on the brink of signing contracts with Iraq have prompted a furious reaction in certain parts of the media and on Capitol Hill. The deals have been widely characterized as no-bid contracts, implying that Big Oil has somehow used its political clout to muscle in on Iraq and renewing suspicion that the whole U.S. intervention in Iraq was primarily a grab for natural resources.

      In the Senate, senior Democrats have argued that the contracts would heighten Iraq’s sectarian tensions, and those lawmakers are threatening to cut financing for some nonmilitary programs in Iraq if the deals go ahead without prior passage of new hydrocarbons legislation.

      These are gross mischaracterizations of the Iraqi contracts, writes Raad Alkadiri in The Washington Post.

      The AP reports that the Iraqi Oil Ministry says oil exports in June amounted to 58.1 million barrels, a 4.3 percent decline from the previous month.

      Sunday’s statement says it sold for US$123 a barrel and yielded US$7.141 billion.

      It adds that 43.6 million barrels were exported through the south and 14.5 million from Turkey’s port of Ceyhan

      Jordan is seeking six billion dollars from international donors to build a railway link with its neighbours and plans to import Iraqi crude oil by rail, the transport ministry said.

      Covering more than 1,000 kilometres (600 miles), the railway would also link the Saudi and Iraqi borders with Jordan’s northern city of Irbid as well as the northeastern towns of Mafraq and Azraq, Agence France-Presse said.

      The report recommended that Iraqi crude oil be carried via rail, scrapping plans to build a 260-million-dollar pipeline between the two countries.

      The leader of Iraq’s semiautonomous Kurdish region was in Baghdad for talks with the central government on disputes blocking key measures such as provincial elections and sharing oil revenue.

      Kurds also are battling the Shiite-led government over foreign oil investment. Washington strongly backs the elections and proposals to divide Iraq’s oil wealth among its various groups, calling them important steps toward national reconciliation, the AP reported.

      “Kurds rejected approving the operation of a national oil company and linking its establishment with legislations of three laws in one package” Abdel Hadi al-Hasani, MP from the Shiite United Iraqi Coalition Voices of Iraq.

      Political wrangling has stifled progress on the draft law for dividing revenues from Iraq’s considerable oil reserves, prompting the largely autonomous region of Kurdistan to begin signing its own contracts in September.
      schrieb am 28.07.08 12:39:43
      Beitrag Nr. 15.241 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.532.165 von Starwars1969 am 17.07.08 19:43:19Was kannst du den als Zock so empfehlen

      PET eventuell? :laugh:
      schrieb am 29.07.08 20:25:06
      Beitrag Nr. 15.242 ()
      MP calls for oil minister to resign over administration failure

      Baghdad - Voices of Iraq
      Tuesday , 29 /07 /2008 Time 9:19:50

      BAGHDAD, July 29 (VOI) - A lawmaker on Tuesday called for the oil minister to resign for failure to administer the most-awaited sector in the global petroleum market. Divisions between Iraqi denominations and political blocs have postponed passing an oil and gas law in a country looking for revenues to rebuild its infrastructures after years of sanctions and violence.

      "The Oil Ministry's administration is a failure and must be replaced, including the oil minister," MP Jabbir al-Khalifa, rapporteur for the parliament's oil and gas committee, told Aswat al-Iraq -Voices of Iraq - (VOI).
      Al-Khalifa is a lawmaker from al-Fadhila (Virtue) bloc which broke away from the United Iraqi Coalition (UIC), the main Shiite bloc in the Parliament, due to disagreements over the Oil Ministry and the political platform.
      The MP conceded "no vote of confidence is possible for the oil minister due to the control exercised by the executive body over other authorities," adding "the executive body adamantly disapproved questioning ministers, including the trade minister."
      Oil Mnister Hussein al-Shahristani is a nuclear scientist and a key member of the United Iraqi Coalition.
      Earlier, MP Sabah al-Saadi, tabled a request signed by 105-lawmakers to question Trade Minister Abdel al-Falah al-Soudani over corruption charges.
      Al-Khalifa criticized the oil ministry scheme to sign technical support contract(TSC) agreement with international companies to develop its oil discovered oilfields.
      "Offering oilfields to foreign companies contradicts the oil and gas law under discussion in Parliament and political circles," he added.
      In February 2007, Iraq's cabinet approved a draft oil law which aims to equitably share revenues from its oil revenues among the country's ethnic groups.

      The bill - allocating oil revenues between Iraq's 18 provinces based on their population levels - must be submitted to Parliament for a vote.
      The sharing of oil money is a major bone of contention between Iraq's Shiite, Kurds and Sunni Arabs.
      The MP pointed out Iraq's oil sectors "is need of projects to upgrade its infrastructures, expand its pipelines and system of gauges to control its flow," highlighting "Iraq lacks even extra oil stockpiles to store up its drilled oil."
      The draft law also lays out method for international companies to invest in Iraq's oil industry. Iraqi Oil Ministry launched an auction for TSC agreement with foreign companies to develop oil fields and to increase production at a time global market suffered from soaring prices and production shortages.
      Foreign investors have stayed away from Iraq during the past four years of violence and uncertainty.
      Iraq has an estimated 115bn barrels of accessible oil reserves, putting it behind only Saudi Arabia and Iran.
      Production has fallen since the US-led invasion, from 3.5m barrels per day(bpd) to approximately two million
      schrieb am 30.07.08 10:04:25
      Beitrag Nr. 15.243 ()
      Perle, one of a group of security experts who began pushing the case for toppling Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein about a decade ago, has been discussing a possible deal with officials of northern Iraq’s Kurdistan regional government, including its Washington envoy, according to these people and the documents.

      It would involve a tract called K18, near the Kurdish city of Erbil, according to documents describing the plan.

      Gas Cities LLC, a joint venture between Dana GasDana GasLoading… PJSC, the Middle East’s first and largest regional private-sector natural gas company, and its partner Crescent PetroleumCrescent, announced that the 461 million square foot site for the Kurdistan Gas City has been officially assigned by the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), for development by Gas Cities LLC, following extensive surveys that have been completed on potential sites within the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.

      The groundbreaking ceremony of the Kurdistan Gas City will take place on the 21st of September, 2008, a joint statement read.

      The U.S.’s Energy Information Administration projects that crude oil prices will average about $127 a barrel in 2008 and $133 in 2009, up from the $72 average in 2007. With the world’s third largest proven reserves, and production having finally returned to 2.5 million barrels per day, Iraq’s revenues will surely be greater than in past years. Iraq is expected to draw $70 billion in oil revenue this year alone, and its government has announced plans to further increase oil production.

      One of the first things Iraq will need to do is upgrade its equipment used for oil production, writes Daveed Gartenstein-Ross for the Middle East Times.

      The Iraqi Oil Ministry says oil exports in June amounted to 58.1 mn barrels, a 4.3 per cent decline from the previous month.

      Sunday’s statement says it sold for US$123 a barrel and yielded US$7.141 bn. It adds that 43.6 mn barrels were exported through the south and 14.5 mn from Turkey’s port of Ceyhan. No reason was given a reason, but exports through Basra’s ports were suspended for a few days last month because of sandstorms, The Economic Times of India reported.

      Reports that a number of international oil companies are on the brink of signing contracts with Iraq have prompted a furious reaction in certain parts of the media and on Capitol Hill. The deals have been widely characterised as no-bid contracts, implying that Big Oil has somehow used its political clout to muscle in on Iraq and renewing suspicion that the whole US intervention in Iraq was primarily a grab for natural resources, Raad Alkadiri reports for Gulf News.

      Foreign firms are reluctant to invest in the country’s service contracts which the Oil Ministry is currently negotiating, the Iraqi daily Azzaman reported.

      Iraqi oil officials say they doubt whether any of the firms expressing a willingness to sign service contracts will start work in earnest once they win the deals.

      Generally, foreign majors are not as keen to enter into oil service deals unless they have some form of guarantee that they will be given preferential treatment with more lucrative contracts concerning the development of new fields.

      The government is not constitutionally authorized to sign development deals but it has the right to strike service deals with foreign firms.
      schrieb am 30.07.08 16:58:19
      Beitrag Nr. 15.244 ()

      LONDON ( GBX )


      6 Monats-Linien-SK-Verlaufs-Chart-UK

      schrieb am 30.07.08 21:44:58
      Beitrag Nr. 15.245 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.616.414 von hinkelstone am 30.07.08 16:58:19PETREL RES
      6 Monats-Linien-SK-Verlaufs-Chart-UK

      schrieb am 31.07.08 21:48:17
      Beitrag Nr. 15.246 ()

      31 July 2008 - Notice of AGM, Dublin & London

      The Company's AGM will be held on Monday 18th August at 11.30am in the Westbury Hotel, Dublin 2.

      Following the Dublin AGM, a London Update Meeting will take place on Tuesday 19th August at 12 noon in the City of London Club, 19 Old Broad Street, London EC2N 1DS…
      schrieb am 01.08.08 10:23:20
      Beitrag Nr. 15.247 ()
      Iraqi oil production peaks
      Published by Dan Graeberon July 31, 2008in Uncategorized. 0 Comments
      <!--[if gte mso 9]> Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE <![endif]--><!--[if gte mso 9]> <![endif]-->Iraqi oil production has risen to its highest level since the 2003 invasion on the back of improved security across the country, according to a new US government report.

      Iraq pumped an average of 2.43m bpd between April and June, according to the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction, writes Demetri Sevastopulo for The Financial Times.

      The report by the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction (SIGIR) said the combination of record production and high global oil prices would likely provide a windfall to the Iraqi government, which previously forecast that 2008 oil revenues would be $35bn

      A new CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll released Thursday indicates that about two-thirds of Americans believe that U.S. oil companies and foreign countries that produce oil are major causes of higher gas prices.

      Just over half say that the Bush administration and the war in Iraq are major causes of high fuel prices. Just as many cite the ban on additional offshore drilling.

      Iraq plans a ‘Gas City’ in Kurdistan region in a bid to spur foreign investment of over USD 40 million and create job opportunities, the Iranian Press TV reported.

      Gas City is a joint venture between Emirati companies Dana Gas and Crescent Petroleum. It will be built on a 461 million square feet site (nearly 43 million square meters) assigned by the Kurdistan Regional Government.

      “The Kurdistan Gas City is an enormous step as we work towards strengthening the Iraqi economy and bettering the livelihoods of the Iraqi people,” the executive chairman of Dana Gas, Hamid Jafar stated.

      Royal Dutch Shell admitted making little progress in agreeing short-term oil service contracts in Iraq in recent weeks but said it was hoping for “entrepreneurial” natural gas deals.

      Iraq had hoped to sign one to two year deals, under which Western oil majors are paid a fee to help boost oil output, early this year, but nothing has yet been agreed despite the passing of a June 30 deadline, writes Tom Bergin for Reuters.

      A political turf war is threatening the stability of Iraq’s biggest cash cow: the embattled but so-far dependable South Oil Co.

      After chasing gunmen off the streets of the southern oil city of Basra this year, Iraq’s central government is trying to reassert control over South Oil, the state-owned oil company based there. In May, Baghdad said it was reassigning the company’s top executive, Jabber el-Leaby, to an advisory position at the Oil Ministry — a move many observers see as a demotion, writes Gina Chon for The Wall Street Journal.
      schrieb am 02.08.08 10:46:40
      Beitrag Nr. 15.248 ()
      Sieht immer noch gut gelaunt aus der David Horgan:

      International experts stage a heated discussion on the ongoing oil crisis in Dublin.

      schrieb am 02.08.08 11:30:00
      Beitrag Nr. 15.249 ()
      Nur mal am Rande hab heute in der Lokalzeitung bei uns gelesen, das Itochu am Rande unseres 600 Seelen Dorfes bis Ende des Jahres einen 9 Fussballfeldergroßen Solarpark finanzieren und betreiben werden!
      Hätt auch nicht gedacht diese Firma auf unseren Ländlichen gefilden anzutreffen, gestern waren auch schon Vertreter der Japaner vor Ort!
      schrieb am 02.08.08 12:52:52
      Beitrag Nr. 15.250 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.635.677 von Ramses2I am 02.08.08 10:46:40Ausser Show kam da die letzten Jahre nix mehr rüber. Als Alternative zur Lotterie sind die Aktien allerdings ganz nett...
      schrieb am 02.08.08 16:09:51
      Beitrag Nr. 15.251 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.636.045 von Schnuckelinchen am 02.08.08 12:52:52Ausser Show kam da die letzten Jahre nix mehr rüber.

      Wenn du dies sagts muss es wohl stimmen...

      schrieb am 03.08.08 20:22:52
      Beitrag Nr. 15.252 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.636.045 von Schnuckelinchen am 02.08.08 12:52:52Mal sehen welche show Horgan uns bieten wird...
      Jetzt war ja schon fast jeder dran:laugh:,
      wird mal Zeit dass er auch mal ne show abzieht:laugh:

      schrieb am 03.08.08 21:36:20
      Beitrag Nr. 15.253 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.635.677 von Ramses2I am 02.08.08 10:46:40:):)mal ein thank an LUX und Ramses für das einstellen der (chronologischen) news und Bilder hier, schönen Sonntag abend:)
      schrieb am 04.08.08 07:35:15
      Beitrag Nr. 15.254 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.639.298 von schneidl am 03.08.08 21:36:20Viele News gibt es ja leider immer noch nicht...
      wenn sich aber alles bei PET zum besseren dreht ändert sich dies bestimmt.

      Wünsche allen einen schönen :cool:Montag!
      schrieb am 04.08.08 10:22:37
      Beitrag Nr. 15.255 ()
      Kucinich enters Iraqi oil fray
      Published by Dan Graeberon August 3, 2008in Uncategorized. 0 Comments
      The Oil for Iraq Liberation bill, introduced by Congressman Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio, will prevent U.S. based oil companies from development of and investment in petroleum resources of Iraq.

      “Recently we have seen evidence of a concerted effort to pressure the Iraqi government into privatizing Iraqi oil fields against the will of its citizens. We have also heard that certain high level architects of the Iraq war stand to gain financially. This bill will ensure that the Iraqi oil money stays out of the hands of U.S. oil companies who would otherwise benefit from the US attack on and occupation of Iraq.”

      Despite intense U.S. pressure, Iraqi legislators Sunday failed to reach an agreement to solve an increasingly bitter dispute over the oil-rich northern city of Kirkuk, Leila Fadel and Sahar Issa write for McClatchy.

      Kirkuk sits on Iraq’s northern oil fields and also on a fault line between the Sunni Muslim Kurds who dominate most of northern Iraq and the Sunni Arabs who occupy the center of the country.

      The parliament’s inability to resolve the dispute over the city mirrors Iraqi political leaders’ inability to make progress on other fronts, including constitutional amendments and the passage of a law governing the distribution of the country’s oil revenues, despite the recent improvements in security.

      Iraq is inviting bids from contractors to drill seven new oil wells and complete work on four natural gas wells.

      The Oil Ministry says contractors have until Sept 15 to submit bids to drill in the East Baghdad oil field.

      Today’s statement says bids to complete four gas wells in the Akkas gas field in western Iraq will be accepted until September 30, the UAE’s The National reports.

      UAE-based Dana Gas and its partner and shareholder Crescent Petroleum announced on 29 July that a 462mn cu. ft. site has been allocated for its planned Kurdistan Gas City.

      However, the success of the project, which will cost $3bn to build and generate planned foreign investment of over $40bn, like other Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) energy initiatives, will likely depend on the resolution of the dispute over what powers the federal Ministry of Oil wields in regions such as the KRG, the Tehran Times said.

      The UK/Dutch Shell Group hopes to sign short-term technical service agreements in Iraq shortly, in addition to a gas deal, but has failed to give a definitive timeline for either.

      “In Iraq, subject to the security situation, we are keen to make progress,” says Jeroen van der Veer, chief executive officer at Shell, writes Perry Williams for the Middle East Business Intelligence.

      Iraq’s daily oil production is at its highest level since the March 2003 U.S. invasion, in large part thanks to improved security, according to a Pentagon audit.

      “Iraqi oil production set new records this quarter, with output reaching 2.43 million barrels per day, the highest quarterly average since the invasion,” Stuart Bowen, the Defense Department’s inspector general for Iraq reconstruction, wrote in his 18th quarterly report to Congress on the expenditure of $50 billion in U.S. economic aid. Production fell to 1.3 million barrels a day during 2003, Bloomberg’s Tony Capaccio reported.
      schrieb am 05.08.08 10:52:36
      Beitrag Nr. 15.256 ()
      Ach ja, bin ja auch in heritage investiert, und dieser Wert kennt seit paar Tagen den selben Kursverlauf :look:
      Kann ja einiges heissen....

      schrieb am 05.08.08 12:12:28
      Beitrag Nr. 15.257 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.648.919 von luxinvest am 05.08.08 10:52:36Wer da auf Höchststand eingestiegen ist sitzt wie bei PET aktuell auf einem dicken Minus - aber wir sind ja zum Glück alle bei Tiefstkursen eingestiegen...stimmts TJ?!?

      schrieb am 05.08.08 13:08:28
      Beitrag Nr. 15.258 ()
      Es gab hier immerhin genügend Gelegenheiten Verlüste wieder gut zu machen.
      Hier muss man nicht unbedingt auf n'em dicken Minus sitzen bleiben
      schrieb am 05.08.08 17:22:06
      Beitrag Nr. 15.259 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.650.320 von luxinvest am 05.08.08 13:08:28Hier muss man nicht unbedingt auf n'em dicken Minus sitzen bleiben

      schrieb am 05.08.08 19:55:00
      Beitrag Nr. 15.260 ()

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      Portfolio Manager Desktop Alerts RSS News Feeds Crescent Petroleum and AMAR Foundation to launch Development Centre in Southern Iraq
      London, 4th August 2008: Crescent PetroleumCrescent PetroleumCrescent Petroleum Company
      UAE | Oil and Gas
      News | Profile | Officers
      , the Middle East region's oldest private upstream oil and gas company, has announced the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the AMAR International Charitable Foundation for cooperation to support capacity-building and local communities in Iraq.

      The MoU - signed at Crescent PetroleumCrescent PetroleumCrescent Petroleum Company
      UAE | Oil and Gas
      News | Profile | Officers
      's London offices by Baroness Nicholson of Winterbourne, Executive Chairman of AMAR, and Majid Jafar, Executive Director of Crescent PetroleumCrescent PetroleumCrescent Petroleum Company

      News | Profile | Officers
      is also the largest private shareholder in Dana Gas, the Middle East's first and largest regional private-sector natural gas company

      dana gas, da war doch was bei S&L??, beim artikel hab ich stark gekürzt
      schrieb am 05.08.08 23:01:23
      Beitrag Nr. 15.261 ()
      Iraq hoarding oil profits?
      Published by Dan Graeberon August 5, 2008in Uncategorized. 0 Comments
      <!--[if gte mso 9]> Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE <![endif]--><!--[if gte mso 9]> <![endif]--> The soaring price of oil will leave the Iraqi government with a cumulative budget surplus of as much as $79 billion by year’s end an American federal oversight agency has concluded in an analysis released on Tuesday.

      The unspent windfall, writes James Glanz for The New York Times, from oil sales from 2005 through 2008, appears likely to put an uncomfortable new focus on the approximately $48 billion in American taxpayer money devoted to rebuilding Iraq since the American-led invasion.

      Iraq has spent little of its growing oil revenues on rebuilding its war-ravaged infrastructure, while the United States has paid billions of dollars for reconstruction.

      Since the U.S.-led invasion in 2003, American taxpayers have paid about $48 billion for stabilization and reconstruction activities in Iraq, Susan Cornwell for Reuters says, citing the same GAO report.

      Iraq resumed shipping oil through its northern pipeline to Turkey at a rate of 400,000 barrels per day (bpd), two high level officials from Turkey’s pipeline company Botas told Reuters.

      The flow through the pipeline to Turkey stopped on Monday for an unknown reason.

      The line is Iraq’s secondary export route, transporting crude from the northern fields around Kirkuk to the Turkish Mediterranean oil terminal at Ceyhan.

      An Iraqi official stated that his country was able to rehabilitate and repair 225 oil wells ,which their production rates ranging between 250- 300 thousand barrels per day in the context of plans to increase crude oil production.

      Jabbar Allaibi Director-General of the oil company clarified to al-Bayan Emirates paper “rehabilitation and repair of 225 oil wells during the past nine months will enhance the expected production from oil fields ranging between 250 and 300 thousand barrels of daily production rates, climb to 2 millions and 300 thousand barrels then the current rates that are about one million and 970 thousand barrels.”

      Iraq’s Oil Ministry is inviting bids for drilling seven new oil wells and finishing work on four natural gas wells.

      While the last date to submit bids for drilling in the East Baghdad oil field is September 15, for completing four gas wells in the Akkas gas field in western Iraq, its September 30, said Trade Arabia

      Iraq’s Oil Ministry is reissuing an invitation to drill two deep exploration oil wells in a pair of major oilfields in southern Iraq.

      The state-run Oil Exploration Co. says the new deadline to receive proposals for drilling in the South Rumaila and Luhais oilfields near Basra will be Aug. 20.

      The expected depth of the two wells is about 21,325 feet, the AP said.
      schrieb am 06.08.08 02:23:23
      Beitrag Nr. 15.262 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.655.951 von luxinvest am 05.08.08 23:01:23:)na gut zählen wir 1 u. 1 zusammen, mal schauen was diesmal rauskommt -- Pet.HP

      Weitere Projekte:
      The Board of Petrel and its technical team continue to work closely with the Iraqi Oil Ministry in the identification of potential projects in Iraq.

      Das Board of Petrel und ihrer technischen Team weiterhin eng mit den irakischen Öl-Ministerium bei der Identifizierung von potentiellen Projekten im Irak.

      The company is currently in discussions concerning a major oil field re development opportunity in Southern Iraq.

      Das Unternehmen befindet sich derzeit in Diskussionen über ein großes Ölfeld wieder Gelegenheit Entwicklung im südlichen Irak.

      ;) ;) :)
      schrieb am 06.08.08 08:28:23
      Beitrag Nr. 15.263 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.656.504 von schneidl am 06.08.08 02:23:23The company is currently in discussions concerning a major oil field

      schrieb am 06.08.08 17:03:42
      Beitrag Nr. 15.264 ()
      Hallo luxinvest,

      Iaipan hat vor kurzem in einer Werbegeschichte versteckt auf heritage hingewiesen - also canadische Firma - im norden des irak tätig -
      und im vorstand verwandtschaft auf hoher pol. Ebene.
      Gibt man aber heritage in google ein kommen mehrere heritages
      - würde den Wert gerne beobachten - hast du mal die WKN für mich?

      schrieb am 06.08.08 17:07:59
      Beitrag Nr. 15.265 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.653.107 von Ramses2I am 05.08.08 17:22:06 Gibts denn nen Rat von euch - für jemand an der Seitenlinie?
      Kaufen? Warten? Hät bischen zum investieren - aber auf keinen Fall
      zum verbrennen.

      schrieb am 06.08.08 17:30:20
      Beitrag Nr. 15.266 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.661.854 von liebgeld am 06.08.08 17:07:59Dann bist du bei PET und Heritage glaube ich falsch...da kann es bei beiden Firmen schnell mal gen Süden oder auch Norden gehen (ohne bestimmte News). Wer da nicht entsprechende Nerven hat ist bald raus:

      12 Monats-Linien-Chart-FRANKFURT

      Energulf: = blaue Linie
      Petrel R. = grüne Linie

      schrieb am 06.08.08 18:22:14
      Beitrag Nr. 15.267 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.661.797 von liebgeld am 06.08.08 17:03:42WKN: A0NG6K
      schrieb am 06.08.08 18:23:17
      Beitrag Nr. 15.268 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.662.139 von Ramses2I am 06.08.08 17:30:20Nö, nö Heritage hat schon seine Verträge:laugh:
      schrieb am 06.08.08 18:35:23
      Beitrag Nr. 15.269 ()
      von onVista, natürlich auch hier bei W:O zu finden

      A0BLPP HERITAGE OIL CORP. REGISTERED ... Nasdaq other OTC 49,69 USD -0,52 -1,05% 23:20:34 02.04. 31,18

      A0NG6K HERITAGE OIL LTD. REGISTERED S... London Stock Exchange heute auch gen "süd" "unterwegs" - gute Einstiegsgelegenheit;);)-keine wörtlich zu nehmende Kaufempfehlung
      schrieb am 06.08.08 18:46:47
      Beitrag Nr. 15.270 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.662.722 von luxinvest am 06.08.08 18:23:17
      Sag nur, dass diese Veträge Bestand haben?!

      schrieb am 06.08.08 19:12:24
      Beitrag Nr. 15.271 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.662.954 von Ramses2I am 06.08.08 18:46:47Zurücklehnen und beobachten.
      Bushs Argumente um in den Irak einzumarschieren hatten auch keinen sogenannten Bestand trotzdem ist er ins Irak einmarschiert.
      schrieb am 06.08.08 20:16:54
      Beitrag Nr. 15.272 ()
      Ich will nur damit sagen dass uns grösstenteils nur Schwachsinn erzählt wird und die Zukunft schon längst feststeht.Lies mal meine letzten gepostenen Presseartikeln insbesondere die Äusserrungen von Minister Hussein al-Shahrestani
      schrieb am 07.08.08 11:13:18
      Beitrag Nr. 15.273 ()
      Interssant, dass jahrelange nervige ENG Nörgler dieses Threats offenbar auch bei selbigem Unternehmen investiert waren. Was mussten wir hier schon für einen Stuss darüber lesen...

      Sind natürlich alle noch mit Gewinn aus dem Pleiteladen ENG ausgestiegen:laugh:

      Kann nur davor warnen hier irgendwelchen Gurus und ihren Helfeshelfern irgendwas zu glauben, man muss seine Investments durch EIGENE Recherchen jederzeit begründen können.

      Vielleicht wird ja der Rest-Liquidationserlös von ENG (sofern da überhaupt noch was von übrig bleibt) jetzt in Petrel investiert...:laugh:
      schrieb am 07.08.08 12:17:18
      Beitrag Nr. 15.274 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.667.668 von Schnuckelinchen am 07.08.08 11:13:18Pleiteladen ENG ausgestiegen

      Eventuell läuft es ja doch ganz anderst wie alle derzeit glauben.
      Hopodertop und ein paar anderen würde ich es auf alle Fälle wünschen.

      schrieb am 07.08.08 12:23:45
      Beitrag Nr. 15.275 ()
      Vielleicht wird ja der Rest-Liquidationserlös von ENG jetzt in Petrel investiert...

      Heute geht es bei PET wieder sehr schön aufwärts:

      schrieb am 07.08.08 13:52:36
      Beitrag Nr. 15.276 ()
      Gibt es denn eine neue Nachricht?
      schrieb am 07.08.08 17:50:52
      Beitrag Nr. 15.277 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.668.464 von Ramses2I am 07.08.08 12:23:45

      LONDON ( GBX )


      6 Monats-Linien-SK-Verlaufs-Chart-UK

      schrieb am 07.08.08 17:57:29
      Beitrag Nr. 15.278 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.668.400 von Ramses2I am 07.08.08 12:17:18ENERGULF u. PETREL zum Vergleich !

      12 Monats-Linien-Chart-FRANKFURT

      Energulf: = blaue Linie
      Petrel R. = grüne Linie

      schrieb am 07.08.08 18:30:46
      Beitrag Nr. 15.279 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.673.516 von hinkelstone am 07.08.08 17:57:29ENERGULF u. PETREL zum Vergleich !

      Für meine Geschmack ist es jetzt an der Zeit, dass PET die Handbremse löst!

      schrieb am 07.08.08 19:39:14
      Beitrag Nr. 15.280 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.673.932 von Ramses2I am 07.08.08 18:30:46
      ..........................genau so ist es Ramses, es wird Zeit ! ! !
      schrieb am 08.08.08 07:56:12
      Beitrag Nr. 15.281 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.674.838 von hinkelstone am 07.08.08 19:39:14Wird's heute eventuell ein :cool:Raiso Tag Hinkelstone?

      schrieb am 08.08.08 09:17:10
      Beitrag Nr. 15.282 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.678.995 von Ramses2I am 08.08.08 07:56:12Hallo Ramses -

      ich hätte nichts gegen einen "raiso-Tag"!

      Habe gestern nochmal nachgelegt und harre der Dinge

      die in den nächsten 2 Wochen veröffentlicht werden...

      Nice WE

      raiso :cool:
      schrieb am 08.08.08 09:27:03
      Beitrag Nr. 15.283 ()
      The Company's AGM will be held on Monday 18th August at 11.30am in the Westbury Hotel, Dublin 2.

      Following the Dublin AGM, a London Update Meeting will take place on Tuesday 19th August at 12 noon in the City of London Club, 19 Old Broad Street, London EC2N 1DS

      raiso :cool:
      schrieb am 08.08.08 11:20:32
      Beitrag Nr. 15.284 ()
      Iraq’s Cabinet has approved a multimillion dollar contract to upgrade an oil refinery in southern Iraq, The Associated Press reported.

      The $81-million contract will be awarded jointly to the U.S.-based Colorado Industrial Construction Services Co. (CICSCO) and CH2M HILL’s affiliate VECO Co. for the production of gasoline from the Samawah refinery, according to the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to release the information before the contract is signed.

      Iraq’s State Company for Oil Projects (Scop) is moving ahead with the upgrade of its 150,000 barrel-a-day Basra refinery after inviting bids for the supply of pipes and fittings.

      The deadline for bids is 10 August. Scop says it will not necessarily accept the lowest-priced bid, reports Perry Williams for Middle East Business Intelligence.

      Iraq’s state-run North Oil Company has invited companies to bid for new drilling work at its largest gas field Akkas, and on the East Baghdad oil field as part of plans to redevelop the energy sector.

      The tender for the western Akkas field, which has 7 trillion cubic feet of gas, involves the upgrade of four horizontal-producing wells using one rig.

      Bids are due by 30 September, with the contract expected to last between six and eight months, the Middle East Business Intelligence says.

      Iraqi oil exports have fallen for two consecutive months, writes Tamsin Carlisle for The National, a possible sign that production may have peaked for now amid struggles to restore damaged energy infrastructure.

      Iraq’s crude oil exports slipped to 1.89 million barrels per day last month from 1.93 mbd in June and 1.99 mbd in May, according to news agency reports. The May level was the highest since the US-led invasion of Iraq in March 2003.

      Iraq is paying for more of its own reconstruction but is still struggling to spend its multibillion-dollar surplus as it copes with a flood of oil revenue and a cumbersome approval process meant to curb corruption, Robert H. Reid for the AP reports.

      U.S. officials who work with the Iraqis on reconstruction said the Baghdad government has been increasing its capital spending by 30 percent to 35 percent each year since 2006 — although they added that both governments want to see the pace increased.

      The Iraqi government is drafting plans for Iraqi-funded projects to include 1,000 new primary health care centers over the next 10 years, new airports and a major renovation project for downtown Baghdad, the American officials said.

      Soaring oil prices will leave the Iraqi government with a cumulative budget surplus of as much as $79 billion by year’s end, according to an American federal oversight agency. But Iraq has spent only a minute fraction of that on reconstruction costs that are now largely borne by the United States.

      The unspent windfall, which covers surpluses from oil sales from 2005 through 2008, appears likely to reinforce growing debate about the approximately $48 billion in American taxpayer money devoted to rebuilding Iraq since the American-led invasion, note James Glanz and Campbell Robertson for The New York Times.

      According to the GAO’s latest report to Congress, the oil boom will give Iraq a surplus of $79 billion in unspent funds by the end of this year, writes Bronwen Maddox for The Times of London. Nearly $10 billion has been sitting in a U.S. bank in New York. The report, commissioned from the oversight agency by two senators, the Democrat Carl Levin and the Republican John Warner, will reignite questioning about the $48 billion the U.S. has spent since the 2003 invasion on rebuilding a country with the third-greatest oil reserves in the world.

      U.S. lawmakers want Iraq to use bigger oil profits to pay for more of its own reconstruction. VOA Correspondent Scott Stearns reports, Iraq’s parliament has approved a supplementary budget that raises this year’s spending to more than $70 billion.

      Thousands of workers in Iraq’s Southern Oil Company organized a two-hour sit early this week protesting a government decision to replace the company’s chief.

      CEO Abduljabbar al-Aibi has been leading the company for the past four years and is credited with efforts to revamp the firm and maintain and boost output.

      The company in the southern Province of Basra is responsible for gigantic oil fields which currently produce most of Iraqi oil exports.

      The sit-in was called for by the Oil Workers Union, Abed Battat writes for the Iraqi daily, Azzaman.

      The U.S. government says that Iraq has tucked away billions of dollars in oil revenue since 2005. But the country’s badly damaged infrastructure is still mostly propped up by U.S. funds. NPR’s Madeleine Brand talks to James Glanz, the New York Times Baghdad bureau chief, about where the money’s going and why some officials are crying foul.
      schrieb am 08.08.08 11:21:52
      Beitrag Nr. 15.285 ()
      Kurdish president arrives in Kirkuk to meet officials

      Kirkuk - Voices of Iraq
      Friday , 08 /08 /2008 Time 12:12:43

      KIRKUK, Aug. 8 (VOI) – President of Iraq’s Kurdistan region Massoud al-Barazani arrived in Kirkuk on Friday morning, according to a source in the Barazani’s Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP).

      “The president will hold meetings with a number of officials in the oil-rich city,” the source, who asked for anonymity, told Aswat al-Iraq – Voices of Iraq (VOI).
      He did not add more details.
      Kirkuk, 250 km (156 miles) north of the Iraqi capital Baghdad, sits on the ruins of a 5,000-year-old settlement. Because of the strategic geographical location of the city, Kirkuk was the battle ground for three empires, Assyria, Babylonia and Media which controlled the city at various times.
      Kirkuk is the centre of the northern Iraqi petroleum industry. It is a historically and ethnically mixed city populated by Assyrians, Kurds, Arabs and Iraqi Turkmen. The population was estimated at 1,200,000 in 2008.
      schrieb am 08.08.08 12:12:37
      Beitrag Nr. 15.286 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.679.489 von raiso am 08.08.08 09:17:10Habe gestern nochmal nachgelegt und harre der Dinge
      die in den nächsten 2 Wochen veröffentlicht werden...

      schrieb am 09.08.08 18:53:02
      Beitrag Nr. 15.287 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.667.668 von Schnuckelinchen am 07.08.08 11:13:18
      Kann nur davor warnen hier irgendwelchen Gurus und ihren Helfeshelfern irgendwas zu glauben, man muss seine Investments durch EIGENE Recherchen jederzeit begründen können.

      Eigene Recherche?
      Davon hat man man in den letzten zwei Jahren in deinen Postings aber rein gar nichts gelesen.

      Immerhin ist es schön, dass du dich so über den Kursverlauf von ENG freust, denn davon wird der Kurs von PET sicher ganz enorm profitieren.
      schrieb am 10.08.08 00:10:46
      Beitrag Nr. 15.288 ()
      schrieb am 10.08.08 15:21:43
      Beitrag Nr. 15.289 ()
      Thema neue Phantasie:

      Iraq to revive oil deal with China

      Email Print Text Size Be the first to comment on this article

      BAGHDAD, August 10, SPA -- Iraq says it's going to revive a US$1.2 billion oil deal with China.

      The country's Oil Ministry says an initial agreement with China is expected to be signed at the end of August, to develop the billion-barrel Ahdab oil field south of Baghdad.

      It would be the first Saddam Hussein-era oil deal to be revived. In 1997, Saddam's government signed a deal with the state-owned China National Petroleum Corp., despite U.N. sanctions, the Associated Press reported.

      Sunday's statement comes after a meeting between Iraqi Oil Minister Hussain al-Shahristani and China's ambassador to Baghdad. No further details were released.

      © Saudi Press Agency 2008
      schrieb am 10.08.08 19:28:51
      Dieser Beitrag wurde vom System automatisch gesperrt. Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an
      schrieb am 12.08.08 11:02:57
      Beitrag Nr. 15.291 ()

      LONDON ( GBX )


      6 Monats-Linien-SK-Verlaufs-Chart-UK

      schrieb am 13.08.08 22:42:15
      Beitrag Nr. 15.292 ()
      schrieb am 14.08.08 00:59:51
      Beitrag Nr. 15.293 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.722.665 von Ramses2I am 13.08.08 22:42:15gute Nacht; im warsten Sinne des Wortes....
      schrieb am 14.08.08 08:11:47
      Beitrag Nr. 15.294 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.723.163 von Depotmanager04 am 14.08.08 00:59:51Wer hat dich denn nach deiner bescheidenen Meinung gefragt?!

      schrieb am 14.08.08 20:38:40
      Beitrag Nr. 15.295 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.723.512 von Ramses2I am 14.08.08 08:11:47mich hat zwar auch keiner gefragt nach meiner Meinung, trotzdem hab ich mir mal heute ein paar K. von den Dingern in`s Depot gelegt. :D
      schrieb am 15.08.08 07:45:22
      Beitrag Nr. 15.296 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.730.912 von Looe am 14.08.08 20:38:40
      Und wie ist deine Meinung?

      schrieb am 15.08.08 11:34:38
      Beitrag Nr. 15.297 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.732.645 von Ramses2I am 15.08.08 07:45:22natürlich positiv ! genau so wie mein Aids-Test. :laugh:
      schrieb am 15.08.08 11:50:55
      Beitrag Nr. 15.298 ()
      Immerhin hält sich PET besser als Energulf. Hoffe mal, dass die Jordanien-Exploration kurstreibende Ergebnisse liefert. So langsam verliere ich nämlich meinen Glauben daran, dass die Iraker sich endlich zusammenreißen und die Ölproduktion und -exploration in ihrem Land voranzutreiben.
      schrieb am 15.08.08 12:22:29
      Beitrag Nr. 15.299 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.734.583 von Looe am 15.08.08 11:34:38positiv mein Aids-Test.

      Dann werde ich mich am Montag im Westbury Hotel nicht neben Dich setzen!

      schrieb am 15.08.08 15:09:23
      Beitrag Nr. 15.300 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.735.156 von Ramses2I am 15.08.08 12:22:29:laugh::laugh:

      sehr vernünftig !
      schrieb am 15.08.08 15:44:38
      Beitrag Nr. 15.301 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.734.783 von Nebiim am 15.08.08 11:50:55
      Was für eine Exploration?

      Am Ende des Finanzjahres 2006 hatte PET noch ca. 9,5 Mio Euro auf der hohen Kante. Inzwischen (Ende Finanzjahr 2007) steht PET bereits mit 10 Mio Euro in der Kreide.
      Mit welchem Geld sollte da exploriert werden?

      Cash and cash equivalents at end of financial year -10,323,028
      schrieb am 15.08.08 21:19:04
      Beitrag Nr. 15.302 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.737.358 von tradejunkie am 15.08.08 15:44:38Andere Explorer haben es auch schwer TJ:

      schrieb am 16.08.08 05:40:57
      Beitrag Nr. 15.303 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.740.363 von Ramses2I am 15.08.08 21:19:04
      Das stimmt zwar, nur ist es mir immer noch ein Rätsel wie PET und ENG zusammenhängen und wie PET von den ständigen Vergleichen mit ENG profitieren soll.

      Auch die Tatsache, dass der ENG-Chart so eingestellt wird, dass er möglichst schlecht aussieht, wird dem PET-Kurs nicht zwangsweise auf die Beine helfen.
      schrieb am 16.08.08 10:16:46
      Beitrag Nr. 15.304 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.741.189 von tradejunkie am 16.08.08 05:40:57dass der ENG-Chart so eingestellt wird, dass er möglichst schlecht aussieht

      Wie kommst du denn darauf?

      schrieb am 16.08.08 13:30:13
      Beitrag Nr. 15.305 ()
      schrieb am 18.08.08 10:21:07
      Beitrag Nr. 15.306 ()
      Iraq is likely to abandon plans to sign up to $3 billion in short-term oil contracts, a U.S. diplomat said, putting in doubt deals that would give foreign oil firms their first major foothold in the country for decades, Missy Ryan reports for Reuters.

      “It appears that on present form (the Iraqi government) probably won’t proceed with most of these or all of them,” Charles Ries, coordinator for Iraq’s economic transition at the U.S. embassy, told reporters in Baghdad.

      “But I think that some of the companies are open to continued discussions even on relationship grounds, and some of the companies … don’t think it’s worth their time.”

      Frustration over the sluggish pace of Iraq’s oil production is rising in the country and abroad as global prices soar. Much of Iraq starves for electricity and fuel as vast amounts of oil and gas sit untapped in the ground. Iraq’s oil industry needs a virtual overhaul to reach a level of production that could erase chronic fuel shortages in the country and rake in windfall profits to be had on the world market. The Iraqi government and more than two dozen oil companies are in the midst of drafting plans to begin the work. But the chances of success anytime soon are far from certain, Mark Kukis writes for Time.

      Iran’s energy minister said his country was ready to offer technical services to Iraq in the fields of energy and electricity, expressing content with the current level of cooperation between the two neighboring countries, Voices of Iraq reported.

      “Iranian experts, who acquired a good know-how in setting up power stations and extension of high-pressure lines, are ready to offer their experience to their Iraqi counterparts,” Pervez Fattah.

      The Chinese firm, Shanghai, has started constructing a major thermal power plant in the southern Province of Wasit, Salah al-Rubaai reports for Azzaman.

      Electricity Minister Kareem Waheed attended the laying down of the foundation stone for the plant, the largest ever project a foreign firm begins constructing in Iraq since the 2003 U.S. invasion.

      Kareem said on completion the plant will generate 1320 megawatts of electricity.

      He said under the $924 million contract the Chinese were to have the plant constructed in 48 months.

      “It is a good initiative from a foreign firm to start implementing such a project in the country following the improvement in security.

      “Hopefully this will encourage other firms to follow suit,” Waheed said.
      schrieb am 18.08.08 13:28:22
      Beitrag Nr. 15.307 ()
      Petrel Resources AGM Statement
      Date : 18/08/2008 @ 11:40
      Source : UK Regulatory (RNS and others)
      Stock : Petrel Resources Plc (PET)
      Quote : 61.0 2.0 (3.39%) @ 11:32
      << Back Quote Chart Trades Level2

      Free Petrel Resources Plc Annual Company Report
      Petrel Resources AGM Statement

      RNS Number : 5240B
      Petrel Resources PLC
      18 August 2008

      18th August 2008

      Petrel Resources PLC

      AGM, Dublin

      Petrel Resources PLC (AIM:PET), the company engaged in oil and gas exploration and
      development in Iraq, announces that all resolutions
      were passed at the AGM held today, 18 August at 11.30 am in Dublin.


      Petrel Resources
      David Horgan, Managing Director + 353 (0)87 292 3500
      John Teeling, Chairman + 353 (0)1 833 2833

      College Hill
      Paddy Blewer +44 (0)20 7457 2020
      Nick Elwes

      Blue Oar Securities Plc
      John Wakefield +44 (0)117 933 0020
      Simon Moynagh

      This information is provided by RNS
      The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

      schrieb am 18.08.08 15:09:07
      Beitrag Nr. 15.308 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.748.660 von raiso am 18.08.08 13:28:22Following the Dublin AGM, a London Update Meeting will take place on Tuesday 19th August at 12 noon in the City of London Club, 19 Old Broad Street, London EC2N 1DS
      schrieb am 18.08.08 16:03:21
      Beitrag Nr. 15.309 ()
      Erste Kommentare zum AGM in Dublin aus dem britischen Board:

      Hatto - 18 Aug'08 - 14:46 - 69881 of 69886

      Just been on the phone to Mixitup reporting from Dublin. I've used bit of Mc's post to save my typing.

      1. Pet will/should get Block 6 first before a development block. have been let know that iraq would honour their pre-war arrangements

      2. There is supposed to be a meeting a high delegation from Iraq to discuss various matters in early September 2008.

      3. Jordan is a far better prospect than ever imagined - presentation on Jordan
      seismic show some good possibilities, too good not to drill
      50/50 as to whether there will be 1bn barrels of oil/gas equivalent.

      4. Iraq still the main goal

      5. Still not fully paid for S&L.

      6. Ist Sept- high delegation meeting with the Iraqis to discuss various matters
      Makman assoc ended at instruction of the iom

      7. Pet still targeting a PSA for S&L.....Not whats there at present, but something different if that makes sense.

      8. Merjan going OK but some technical difficulty

      9. Dhufriya going well and would be easier to get oil out there...looks a better prospect than Merjan.

      10. HCL expected by end of year- terms will be better

      11. PET talking to two possible US partners for Iraq.

      12. Anadarko a possible partner for Jordan.

      13. Drilling in Jordan likely to be in the next couple of months.

      Mal sehen, was morgen davon übrig bleibt oder ganz anders ist...

      raiso :cool:
      schrieb am 18.08.08 17:08:10
      Beitrag Nr. 15.310 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.749.497 von luxinvest am 18.08.08 15:09:07Hi allerseits!

      An solchen Sachen merkt man, das ich noch nicht lange dabei bin (v.a. in PET): Ich wusste nicht, dass heute das Annual General Meeting stattfinden soll :laugh:

      Aber mal ehrlich, wo wurde bekannt gegeben, dass morgen gleich in London ein special meeting stattfindet? Ich glaub das gerne, aber ich habe keinen blasse Schimmer, woher ihr das wisst???
      schrieb am 18.08.08 17:15:41
      Beitrag Nr. 15.311 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.750.029 von raiso am 18.08.08 16:03:21Mal sehen, was morgen davon übrig bleibt oder ganz anders ist...

      Da bin ich auch gespannt. Bis es bei PET den von uns erwarteten steilen Antieg gibt lege ich mich erst mal schlafen:

      schrieb am 18.08.08 19:22:37
      Beitrag Nr. 15.312 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.750.744 von KaOzz am 18.08.08 17:08:10

      schrieb am 18.08.08 19:48:30
      Beitrag Nr. 15.313 ()

      LONDON ( GBX )


      6 Monats - SK - Verlaufs - Chart-UK

      schrieb am 18.08.08 20:13:57
      Beitrag Nr. 15.314 ()
      18 Aug'08 - 15:44 - 69903 von 69903

      1. Meeting in Istanbul starting 1st September to iron out S&L matters. There will be a senior IOM delegation and a few people from PET. The feedback they are getting is that the meeting will resolve all matters outstanding. It was mentioned that Makman JV being terminated at request of IOM. One reason being that Makman are Kurdish, and IOM want no dealings with Kurdish entities at this time. Some of the issues around S&L were discussed. One issue is that the various IOM divisions do not seem to be able to act in harmony (e.g. SCOP may already have done some developments in location where project team were told to work). Pet are very hopeful that all matters will be amicably resolved at this forthcoming meeting and than payment will be forthcoming. JT told me that work is still continuing on the project.

      2. They are starting work on Dhufriya and are very excited about potential. They have given 3 separate presentations on Merjan to IOM groups, and it has been well received. Merjan is technically complex.

      3. PET continue to be assured that Block 6 will be honoured. They also confirmed that the Block 6 agreement would be ratified before any development field (Merjan, Dhufriya, S&L - at deeper levels, all mentioned as possible Development fields).

      4. PET have been approached by 2 US majors on the infamous list of 35, and are in discussions. No names mentioned. One major seems particularly interested. They are very complimentary about what PET have achieved, but say how much more could be done if money was not a constraint. Management will keep all options open as they see how things develop in Iraq.

      5. THey hope that HCL will be passed. Best guess at the moment around end of this year. DH stated that PSAs, in some form or other, will eventually be agreed, although unlikely on existing large producing fields.

      6. Jordan seems very interesting. We were shown a slideshow. These indicated several 'reefs' or 'domes' that looked very interesting. These are at shallow depths and in an easily accessible area. Could contain several BN barrels. However, it is early stages. Likely to involve either Middle East investors or a farm-in to minimise risk. The latest modelling of prospect was only seen by board today. They will prepare presentations to see who they can interest. Have had discussions with a few parties to-date but now have more (and better) information to enter discussions more actively. They said that similar structures in Libya (and we were shown slides) would likely have even money chance of success. Odds longer in Jordan, but no drilling done to-date on this play. Best way forward is to drill an initial exploratory hole. Would cost c. $5.5 million.

      7. Guy Delbes attended the meeting, and he was very positive that S&L will be resolved, they will get Block 6 and they will get a Devlopment field.
      schrieb am 18.08.08 20:23:06
      Beitrag Nr. 15.315 ()
      :look:...wie ruhig es hier geworden ist
      schrieb am 18.08.08 23:53:06
      Beitrag Nr. 15.316 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.752.765 von luxinvest am 18.08.08 20:13:57
      schau mal an.

      Das JV mit Makman existiert nicht mehr und keiner bei PET hatte es für nötig befunden die Anleger zu informieren.

      Bereits vor über einem halben Jahr habe ich hier ein Posting aus fyb eingestellt, in dem von Streitigkeien zwischen Makman und Petrel berichtet wurde.
      Dort wie hier gab es nur dumme Kommentare. Nun stellt sich heraus, dass sich Makman bereits verabschiedet hat.

      Die Behauptung, das JV wäre auf Betreiben des IOM beendet worden weil Makman eine Kurdische Firma ist, ist genauso eine Unverschämtheit, wie die jahrelange Behauptung PET hätte eine Vertrag für Block 6.

      Makman arbeit bereits jahrelang im Irak an zahlreichen Projekten, unter anderem an Projekten des IOM!, und einzig beim Makman/PET JV stört sich das IOM daran, dass Makman eine kurdische Firma ist!
      Das ist absolut lächerlich.

      Aus der JV-News:
      Makman will, provide security, local transport as well as construction and engineering support. Petrel will continue to provide overall project management.

      Makman is part of a large Iraq commercial group. Petrel and Makman will form a new company for the purposes of the JV in which each party will have a 50% share. Under the Agreement, Makman will provide a Bank Guarantee for the 5% Performance Bond, and a further Bank Guarantee to enable the Iraqi Ministry of Oil's project company to issue a 10% advance payment to finance the project.

      Commenting on the Joint Venture Agreement, Petrel Managing Director David Horgan said:

      'Petrel has always been committed to working closely with Iraqis and maximising local content. Our partner is Iraq's leading construction group and already working on two similar projects for the Iraqi Ministry of Oil. On recent visits to their operations we have been impressed by their professionalism, technical excellence and strong local credibility. The arrangement is a major advance and helps to integrate Petrel into the local business community'.

      Deshalb gehe ich davon aus, dass das Treffen mit dem IOM nächsten Monat keineswegs der Sicherung von S&L oder sonst irgend eines Blockes dient, sondern eher dazu PET endgültig beizubringen, dass S&L für PET erledigt ist. Das Anadarko-Konsortium steht ja schon vor der Tür.

      Im Sprüche klopfen war Horgan schon immer einsame Spitze!

      Auszug aus:
      Sunday Tribune Article 19/3/07

      IRISH oil exploration company Petrel Resources has revealed that it plans to upgrade its current deals with the Iraqi government to production sharing agreements once the country's new petroleum law is passed.

      "With regards to our development field in the south, we could work there now, " said the company's managing director, David Horgan.

      Petrel are confident that the government will ratify its claim to the oil rights for a large chunk of land in the western Iraq, Western Desert Block 6.

      The company may also aim to get a 'super giant' oilfield, which would yield over 10 billion barrels of oil. The new law would end the legal limbo in the Iraqi oil industry, which did not allow foreign oil companies to enter into production agreements there.

      Petrel currently has contracts to study the Merjan oil field in central Iraq and to assist the state to bring the Subba & Luhais oil field in southern Iraq under production. Although the law does not specify the terms of production agreements, Horgan said that it was likely that Petrel would get 60 to 70% of the oil produced by its fields until it had recovered the cost of its investment and 20% after that.
      schrieb am 19.08.08 07:30:26
      Beitrag Nr. 15.317 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.755.361 von tradejunkie am 18.08.08 23:53:06Davon das du alles mögliche bei PET schlecht redest wird der Kurs von ENG auch nicht steigen!
      Ob du es glaubst oder nicht...ich persönlich sehe da wirlich keinen Zusammenhang.

      schrieb am 19.08.08 08:12:55
      Beitrag Nr. 15.318 ()
      Petrel hopes to gain from new Iraqi oil law

      NEW hydrocarbon law to enable development of known resources in Iraq should be passed by the end of the year, David Horgan, managing director of Irish exploration company Petrel, told shareholders at the company's annual general meeting yesterday.

      The focus of Petrel's operations is in Iraq, where it had been seeking an agreement to develop three existing oil fields in southern Iraq while applying for exploration acreage in the western desert.

      A new law would pave the way for international investment in Iraq's oil sector.

      Particularly it would provide clarity for production-sharing agreements between independent oil companies and the Iraqi government, shareholders were told.

      "It is a critical issue. If it does pass, the industry will be transformed," Mr Horgan said after the meeting.

      Petrel chairman John Teeling told shareholders that progress in Iraq was slower than expected.

      "We thought it would be quicker," he said. "It is taking more time."

      However, shareholders were told that security had improved in the country.

      With progress slow and uncertain in Iraq, a number of shareholders asked why the company had not concentrated on developing its prospect in the East Safawi block in Jordan where it has signed a production-sharing agreement with the Jordanian Natural Resources Authority.

      However, Dr Teeling described the Jordan project as a "blue sky" development whereas it is known that Iraq accounts for at least 12 per cent of conventional oil reserves.

      "Jordan is early-stage oil exploration," he said. "The future is Iraq."

      However, Mr Horgan said that development in either country was not mutually exclusive.

      "We can do both in parallel," he said.

      © 2008 The Irish Times

      raiso :cool:
      schrieb am 19.08.08 08:27:30
      Beitrag Nr. 15.319 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.757.529 von Ramses2I am 19.08.08 07:30:26
      Was du immer mit ENG hast. :laugh::laugh:

      Scheint das einzig positive bei PET zu sein, dass der ENG kurz abgestürzt ist. :laugh:

      Was rede ich denn schlecht?

      Dass Makman ausgestiegen ist, IST SCHLECHT für PET, allerdings verständlich, wenn Horgan denen auch solche Märchen erzählt wie den PET-Anlegern.
      Wer soll denn die Aufgaben von Makman übernehmen? Petrel etwa?

      Makman will, provide security, local transport as well as construction and engineering support.
      Our partner is Iraq's leading construction group and already working on two similar projects for the Iraqi Ministry of Oil. On recent visits to their operations we have been impressed by their professionalism, technical excellence and strong local credibility.

      Allein die Tatsache, dass Makman noch zahlreiche weitere Projekte (auch vom IOM) im Irak am Laufen hat, zeigt doch dass PET nicht ehrlich zu seinen Anlegern ist.
      Der Ausstieg von Makman hätte sofort mit einer News bekanntgegeben werden müssen. Mit dem Ausstieg Makmans existiert die eigens für S&L gegründete Firma so nicht mehr.

      Was glaubst woher der klitzekleine Unterschied in den "Cash and cash equivalents" von 9,450 Mio Plus 2006 zu 10,323 Mio Minus 2007 herkommen?
      schrieb am 19.08.08 09:02:32
      Beitrag Nr. 15.320 ()
      Morning all
      Interesting feedback from Scoby on FYB:
      19-Aug-08 at 03:26 | IP Logged

      The AGM

      The usual formal resolutions were passed and RNS’d

      DH then covered the main areas of interest.

      “Briefing last year was probably too specific in anticipating timescales/deadlines”.

      In looking at financial options, PET use a standard budgeted oil price of $80/b

      Jordan: Pet were originally reluctant to take it on, but with oil pushing to $100/b and encouraged by the IOM they applied. Initially they expected the main pay off would be the regional data, which they sourced in Syria, Jordan, Iraq etc.

      Now East Safawi is transformed by the gas pipeline running through to Risha.

      Tax rate is 15% maximum

      Operator’s share is never less than 36% app.

      There are less attractive terms for gas, but gas prices are surging.

      A new Triassic oil play has been identified and senior geologist (Dave?..I didn’t quite get his name and forgot to ask later) has the most up to date picture. It is unproven yet of course but in theory could be a multi billion barrel possibility

      Iraq: There is much security improvement. The original insurgency was mainly Sunni/AlQuaeda but the main sufferers were Sunni. The military surge got the publicity but the ‘diplomatic surge’ was the principal reason for the change. Effectively the Sunni were bought off.

      Originally no one would set foot in the Western Desert. Now the seismic company GSC are coming to PET offering to carry out seismic there.

      There has been a strengthening of Shia influence throughout the South. The gov’t is gradually taking charge. Less oil is going astray in Basra.

      S&L area is now controlled by one tribe.

      Pet will only work with the Baghdad Gov’t. Pet were actually the 2nd co. to be approached by the Kurds but were discouraged by Baghdad.

      Ministry decisions are very tardy but we must remember at least 50% of senior staff have gone.

      HCL: Privately accepted by many in ministry. Public reluctance mainly due to resource nationalism and the fact that the US is pushing too hard. Nevertheless DH best estimate now is that HCL could be passed by year end 08

      Exxon Mobil have stated no agreement will be signed until HCL is passed.

      S&L: The ministry is very compartmentalised. Those signing off design and construction decisions are not those who will pay invoices. There is no automatic cross link. The bureaucracy is overwhelming. In one instance a design decision was agreed to construct at a particular location. When PET contractor arrived on site they found SCOP had already built there. This necessitated relocation 1 kilometer away with attendant redesign and pipeline costs. Add to this a non normal banking system.

      A high level meeting is now scheduled for first week in September to resolve all operating problems, including the outstanding payments.

      I put a direct question to Guy Delbes who does much of PET’s negotiations..’Do you believe this will resolve all issues?’…Answer “Yes”

      Makman: Originally PET were told they would need an Iraqi partner. The then director general of the ministry suggested Makman. Unfortunately this senior official was since kidnapped and killed.

      Now with the cementing of Shia control in the south, PET have been told to ‘divorce Makman’. From PET’s point of view local partner does not have to be Makman and they may not be used in future. PET will take their guidance from the ministry.

      Block 6: The situation is largely unchanged. The work program agreement which was signed off with the ministry (but not as we all know by Saddam) will need updating in line with proposed legislation before confirming PET’s title. PET have received assurances that this will be done.

      Itochu: Their primary aim is to acquire barrels of oil, thus they are mainly interested in Iraq. In the light of the recent Jordan update however PET may talk to them re East Safawi.


      Senior Geologist Technical Overview:

      70% of proven reserves are in the south. The oil is also better quality there. Kirkuk oil can be sour and heavy.

      Merjan: The project was completed a year ago and 3 separate presentations have been made to the ministry. The last one was just recently.

      It is a complex shallow geological structure although PET have identified 1 deep oil column. Much of the original data was destroyed by looters. It is not clear if the plays are interconnected, and it is certainly not huge

      Dhufriya: This area is pictured on the cover of the AR. It has a much larger potential than Merjan.

      2 wells already exist but they never produced.

      PET are required to do a regional study of the reservoir. Iraqi data suggests 130 mbo but there may be much more.

      Jordan: In earlier days 4 dry wells were drilled. PET however have compiled comprehensive data and reprocessed it with modern technology. Fugro’s updated mapping results have just come to hand and the board is clearly excited by their first look today.

      Several Triassic reef targets have been identified. The overall area is circular with a diameter of 50 km. Only the drill bit will establish what actually is there but the target is very tempting. A possible upside would be of the order of several billion barrels. The area is clear of the difficult basalt region and is thus amenable to seismic or drilling.

      PET are talking to several potential partners. The two main options are 1) major investment from the ME with PET operating, and 2) JV with a major.

      Initial work program would be either more seismic or immediate drilling. PET would favour drilling.

      Timescales: PET’s country manager is already working on a drilling program. Once an agreement is reached drilling could commence in app 2 months. Rigs are readily available.

      The SP: JT feels there are just no buyers there at the moment. He was very touchy about the suggestion that his last announcement might have caused the SP sag!

      What news would help?
      1) A Jordan deal

      2) Resolving S&L issues

      3) Passing the HCL

      4) Any tie up with a major. Iraq is essential to the majors, but they won’t work there yet. They need the PETs of this world.

      5) Negotiation re Bl. 6

      After the meeting I asked JT if there was any sign of a fund share overhang which might stifle any price gain. He checked with Jim Finn and the answer was No

      What can we expect in the short term?

      IMV we can expect a bear attacking frenzy as they scramble to squeeze the SP before the Sept meeting.

      In the same timescale I would certainly like to see an RNS detailing the recent East Safawi technical update.

      schrieb am 19.08.08 10:09:57
      Beitrag Nr. 15.321 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.755.361 von tradejunkie am 18.08.08 23:53:06Danke für deine Aufmerksamkeit...:yawn:


      schrieb am 19.08.08 12:24:26
      Beitrag Nr. 15.322 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.758.020 von tradejunkie am 19.08.08 08:27:30Was du immer mit ENG hast.
      Scheint das einzig positive bei PET zu sein, dass der ENG kurz abgestürzt ist.

      Das einzige was von Bedeutung ist in diesem Thread ist PET!

      schrieb am 19.08.08 12:53:46
      Beitrag Nr. 15.323 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.761.798 von Ramses2I am 19.08.08 12:24:26
      Das einzige was von Bedeutung ist in diesem Thread ist PET!

      Dann halte dich doch daran.
      Ich bin es nicht, der immer ENG ins Spiel bringt.

      17.05.08 20:40:48
      Nebiim hat aktuell mit ENG alle Hände voll zu tun und Santi macht derzeit Urlaub...da bleibt nicht mehr viel Zeit für PET...
      Wünsche natürlich allen Investierten - bei PET wie auch bei ENG - den möglichst größten Erfolg.

      19.05.08 12:31:43
      Ist nebiim noch hier, oder hat er schon in Eng umgeschichtet?!
      Da war er doch mal schlauer als die Pet Lemminge!!
      Irgendwann werden wir es vermutlich wissen, wer auf das richtige Pferd gesetzt hat.
      Stimmts Tradejunkie?!
      Eventuell kommen ja beide Pferdchen ans Ziel unserer Träume!

      02.06.08 12:18:26
      Soviel wie PET heute verliert hat ENG am Freitag verlohren.

      07.06.08 09:01:08
      Die PET-Investoren können warten - ziemlich gut sogar ...die ENG-Investoren auch?
      Das dauert im Irak halt alles länger als angedacht...genauso wie in Namibia übrigens.
      Jede Meldung kann in welcher Form auch immer positiv wie auch negativ ausgelegt werden. Bei PET legst du TJ jede Meldung NEGATIV aus auch wenn es möglicherweise POSITIV ausgehen wird...bei ENG gibt es für dich dagegen keine NEGATIVEN News

      11.06.08 22:05:57
      Hallo Butzbutz,
      wie wäre es mit einem schönen Jahresmittevergleichschart PET-ENG von dir?
      Ich sehe immer so gerne wie die beiden Kurse miteinander Ping Pong spielen.

      13.06.08 12:39:34
      Wir werden sehen, was u. a. zwischen den Zeilen stehen wird. Man kann sowieso nur warten und hoffen...
      ist übrigens wenn du ehrlich bist bei ENG vergleichbar.
      Da träumen ja auch einige von $ 100 - wie hier eventuell auch und träumen ist doch eine schöne Sache.

      23.06.08 17:42:05
      Sag nur du bist ENG gewohnt...?!

      24.06.08 12:16:21
      Kann es eventuell sein TJ, dass du langsam Schweißperlen bezüglich ENG auf der Stirn hast?
      Da geht es ja bereits seit mehreren Wochen steil Bergabwärts...bei PET sind es ja erst ein paar Tage.

      24.06.08 17:30:27
      Also mir würde derzeit der Chart von ENG der letzten 3 Monate reichen...

      01.07.08 21:42:11
      ENG hat die letzten Monate auch Federn lassen...oder nicht TJ!

      19.08.08 07:30:26
      Davon das du alles mögliche bei PET schlecht redest wird der Kurs von ENG auch nicht steigen!
      Ob du es glaubst oder nicht...ich persönlich sehe da wirlich keinen Zusammenhang.
      schrieb am 19.08.08 19:04:58
      Beitrag Nr. 15.324 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.750.816 von Ramses2I am 18.08.08 17:15:41Da bin ich auch gespannt. Bis es bei PET den von uns erwarteten steilen Antieg gibt lege ich mich erst mal schlafen:

      Wie lange willst du schlafen gehen!!
      2 Jahre 5 Jahre oder 10 Jahre!!!
      schrieb am 20.08.08 10:09:22
      Beitrag Nr. 15.325 ()
      China lands Iraqi oil contract - but U.S. still gets its crude
      Published by Dan Graeberon August 19, 2008in Uncategorized. 0 Comments
      <!--[if gte mso 9]> Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 <![endif]--><!--[if gte mso 9]> <![endif]--> Iraq will sign a $1.2 billion oil service contract with China to replace a production-sharing deal agreed under Saddam Hussein, the Iraqi newspaper, an-Noor said, quoting oil minister Hussain al-Shahristani.

      The oil minister is travelling to China at the end of this month to discuss the deal, which was orginally signed in 1997 between Iraq and the China National Petrolium Company, Ahmed Rasheed writes for Reuters.

      “We have held talks with (the Chinese) for a year, and the terms of the deal were changed to a service contract. The Chinese have agreed on that, with a value of $1.2 billion,” Shahristani said.

      The minister added Iraq is in the final stages of negotiations with a large global oil company on a joint venture to produce and export natural gas.

      “Now we are in the final stages of talks with one of the biggest global companies to establish a joint venture, in which Iraq will hold the largest stake, to collect and produce the gas, to supply electric power and liquify the surplus and export it,” Shahristani told an-Noor.

      Later in the interview, he repudiated a Saddam Hussein-era contract with Russia’s largest private oil company LUKOIL, saying the contract was “totally unfair.”

      “Relating to the Russian contract, it was signed with the former regime for political reasons and scrapped by the former regime also for political reasons,” the minister said.

      “It is a totally unfair contract,” he said.

      Prime Minister Fuad Siniora will travel to Baghdad Wednesday for trade talks, becoming the first Lebanese leader to visit Iraq since the fall of Saddam Hussein, Agence France-Presse reported.

      It follows a trip to Iraq on August 11 by Jordan’s King Abdullah II, the first by an Arab head of state since the 2003 US-led invasion which toppled Saddam.

      “The discussions with Iraqi leaders will be on bilateral relations and particularly trade and oil,” the premier’s spokesman said on Monday, without confirming a specific date for the trip.

      The move follows a similar energy agreement between Egypt and Lebanon for natural gas.

      Norway’s DNO does not expect to produce any oil from its Tawke field in northern Iraq in August, after the Kurdistan Regional Government halted local output as part of a review of licensing and procedures, Perry Williams writes for Middle East Business Intelligence.

      DNO, one of several independent oil companies working in Kurdistan, says its production of 11,191 barrels a day in July would be cut completely in August by KRG for its studies.

      The firm says the KRG is reviewing the “licensing, compliances and uniformity of procedures” applied to small topping plant owners in the area, in order to better regulate the supply of crude oil and the quality of products.

      The U.S. got more crude oil from Iraq than Alaska in June as imports from OPEC continued to top domestic production. A review of U.S. data shows that in 17 of 18 months dating to January 2007, crude-oil imports from the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries exceeded U.S. production levels.

      The figures shine a spotlight on the main points of the long-overdue debate over energy policy in the world’s biggest oil consumer, Dow Jones reported.

      Iraq needs around $400 billion over the next few years to rebuild its shattered infrastructure, Dow Jones reported, quoting Iraqi Finance Minister Bayan Jabor.

      “We have conducted a scientific study which states that some $400 billion is needed to rebuild infrastructure,” Jabor told the state-run al-Iraqia satellite channel.

      “Our problem is how to administer money to finance reconstruction projects,” he said.

      Jabor said most of the oil-generated budget is being used to pay salaries for 4 million retired and still-in-service civil servants. Some $6 billion will be spent on food stuffs purchases to cover the food ration system the government is implementing.
      schrieb am 21.08.08 10:00:10
      Beitrag Nr. 15.326 ()

      LONDON (GBX )

      PETREL RES ORD EUR0.0125 (PET)

      I WEEK - CHART

      schrieb am 21.08.08 16:42:17
      Beitrag Nr. 15.327 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.752.096 von Ramses2I am 18.08.08 19:22:37Naja gut, hab ewig nich mehr die Seite besucht und vor zwei Tagen, weil ich mir mal die Zeit genommen habe, den 2007 Geschäftsbericht durchgelesen :D
      schrieb am 22.08.08 07:48:10
      Beitrag Nr. 15.328 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.762.255 von tradejunkie am 19.08.08 12:53:46Du scheinst zu viel Zeit zu haben TJ für unwichtige Dinge.
      Von wem sammelst du denn noch alle möglichen Postings?!?

      schrieb am 23.08.08 22:16:54
      Beitrag Nr. 15.329 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.805.083 von Ramses2I am 22.08.08 07:48:10
      Sammle in der Zeit, dann hast du in der Not! :laugh::laugh:

      Übrigens kommt im September Licht ins Warum-ist-Makman-weg-Dunkel.
      schrieb am 24.08.08 12:44:55
      Beitrag Nr. 15.330 ()
      Petrel battles for $46m Iraq payment
      Ken Griffin

      PETREL Resources, the Irish oil company based in Iraq and chaired by Irish businessman John Teeling, is battling to recover $46m (€31m) in back payments it is owed for providing technical advice and equipment to the Iraqi government.

      Teeling told shareholders last week that the company hadn't been paid by the government since Christmas and that it would hold crucial discussions with Iraqi officials within weeks in a bid to get its money.

      It remains unclear what the precise issue is but Petrel's managing director, David Horgan, told the Sunday Tribune part of the problem was the Iraqi's refusal to pay the funds into a foreign back account.

      "They want to pay our money into a specific bank account at the Trade Bank of Iraq.

      "We don't want to do this as Iraq doesn't have a proper banking system. We just want to be paid into our Irish bank account."

      Horgan said the $46m owed related to equipment provided for the Subba & Luhais oil field in the south-east of the country as well as design work.

      He said the Iraqi government had also demanded Petrel replace its current bond finance with new bonds, which would be expensive to fund under current credit market conditions.

      The company has not been informed about why the government objects to its current arrangements, which it had previously accepted.

      "Who knows why it is? There isn't a proper banking system and they accepted the bonds originally," said Horgan.

      He also admitted the uncertainty over the company's title to an exploration zone in the centre of the country had increased somewhat.

      Petrel concluded, but not finalised, a deal with Saddam Hussein's regime for the block just prior to the Iraq war in 2003 and its title has yet to be officially recognised.

      "The world is experiencing extreme cases of resource nationalism such as in Venezuela and this has put title everywhere into some doubt."

      August 24, 2008
      schrieb am 24.08.08 17:12:18
      Beitrag Nr. 15.331 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.768.411 von Turbofrank am 19.08.08 19:04:58Wie lange willst du schlafen gehen!!
      2 Jahre 5 Jahre oder 10 Jahre!!!

      Nicht solange wie du schlafen musst!

      schrieb am 25.08.08 16:16:30
      Beitrag Nr. 15.332 ()
      The governor of Basrah: The city of Basrah requires 50 billion dollars to develop its oil and maritime sectors


      The Iraqi governor of Basra stressed yesterday, that the city needs financial investments of up to 50 billion dollars to revive its economy and develop its oil installations and maritime traffic on the Gulf.

      Muhammad Misbah Al Wa'aili the governor of Basra, stated to Deutsche Presse that : « Basra requires 50 billion dollars to revive its various economy and to develop its ports in addition to the establishment of laboratories for the manufacture of oil derivatives and enhance crude oil production from 2 million barrels per day currently to 8 million barrels during a record period ,which would reflect on the provision of adequate funds for the reconstruction of Iraq ».

      He added, «The Iraqi government allocated $ 150 million dollars annually to rebuild the infrastructure , which did not meet the reality of Basra, while the province requires more money, this may mean further deterioration of industrial infrastructure and services which its oil exports contribute to maintain the provision of financial resources for the general budget of the country».

      The city of Basra «550 kilometres south of Baghdad» considered to be the largest centre for crude oil production in Iraq and with a large number of giant oil fields, including Rumaila fields and west of Qurnah, Majnon field , Nahran Omar and other small oil fields.
      schrieb am 25.08.08 16:22:21
      Beitrag Nr. 15.333 ()
      Royal Dutch Shell asserting that oil negotiations with Iraq are still continuing


      Royal Dutch Shell stated that speeches were still holding with Iraq on short-term service contract to help enhancing oil production and despite the hint of an American diplomat in Baghdad to the possible cancellation of agreements of this kind.

      The Shell spokesman said "negotiations are continuing," but refrained from giving further details.

      Iraq and major global oil companies are negotiating on professional services short-term contracts , each of them worth 500 million dollars and aim to increase production 100 thousand barrels a day but the lack of progress rapidly struck Baghdad disappointed.

      The contracts give an official status to the assistance provided by companies free of charge in recent years, corporate sources clarified that such assistance declined sharply in the past year.

      Charles Rice, the coordinator of the economic transformation of Iraq in the U.S. embassy in Baghdad said on Sunday that the Iraqi Government may abandon all contracts.
      schrieb am 25.08.08 16:29:26
      Beitrag Nr. 15.334 ()
      The Iraqi Oil Minister announced that crude oil supplies may be more than globally demanded


      The Iraqi Oil Minister Hussein Shahrastani , announced on Thursday that crude oil supplies may be little more than global demand at this time.
      Shahrastani stated to the press "It appears at this time that the available (oil) on the market meet the demand, but perhaps a little over it."
      Shahrastani did not mention whether a supplying condition means that OPEC will reduce oil production at its next meeting in September, he said that the organization must review the data about market first.
      Some OPEC ministers clarified that the organization may be forced to reduce production if prices continued to decline. Oil prices fell more than 30 dollars a barrel over the past month to after kicked a record peak above 147 dollars per barrel on 11th, of July.
      OPEC ministers will hold a meeting in Vienna on the ninth of September to discuss production policy. Iraq does not participate in the system of quotas production for OPEC.
      Al Shahrastani declared this statement after his conversations with officials from the Polish Ministry of Economy and representatives of energy companies.
      Shahrastani said that he expects to go to China next week to sign an oil services contract worth 1.2 billion dollars thus confirming a report published earlier this week, by the Iraqi newspaper (Al Noor).
      The service contract is replaces with a previous contract granted during the reign of Saddam Hussein , covers a small oil field which its current production does not exceed 90 thousand barrels a day ,but it will be the first foreign oil agreement since the fall of Saddam's regime.
      The foreign oil companies are looking forward to benefit from Iraqi enormous and untapped oil reserves to a large extent but the high global prices allowed Baghdad to stress on conditions.
      Shahrastani said that Iraq hopes to enhance oil production to 4.5 million barrels per day by 2013 and to six million barrels per day by 2018.
      schrieb am 26.08.08 12:23:15
      Beitrag Nr. 15.335 ()
      3 Monatsverlaufschart - UK

      schrieb am 26.08.08 21:39:34
      Beitrag Nr. 15.336 ()
      schrieb am 26.08.08 23:21:27
      Beitrag Nr. 15.337 ()
      Wie findet ihr das hier?

      A US diplomat stated in Baghdad that Iraq may abandon the short-term oil agreements


      A Chief American diplomat stated in Baghdad on Sunday that the Iraqi government may abandon its plans to sign a short-term agreements with foreign oil companies, which stopped negotiations.

      Charles Reyes the senior official at the U.S. embassy in Baghdad who is in charged with the task of helping Iraq to rebuild its economy , added :"it seems that the( Iraqi government ) in the current situation may not proceed in most or all of (these agreements)."

      However, "But I think that some companies are open to further discussions even on the basis of the relationship ,and some companies do not believe that it is worth the time."

      Iraq had hoped to sign six short-term contracts for technical support with international oil companies, each value about 500 million dollars earlier this year.

      DH hatte auudrüklich betont, dass keiner der majors TCAs eingeht

      But the contracting process has moved slower than anticipated, which is attributed partially to disagreement on the repayment terms.

      Reyes explained that foreign companies show fatigue at best about the idea of a short-term contracts, which "would not be immensely profitable at all" but some companies seek to obtain such contracts in the hope of establishing a relationship with the Iraqi Oil Ministry.

      It is scheduled after these short-term contracts to be followed with developed longer-term contracts and expected to make dozens of energy companies from foreign bids and will be of greater benefits for them.

      Iraq owns the third-largest confirmed oil reserves in the world amount to 115 billion barrels.
      schrieb am 27.08.08 12:50:52
      Beitrag Nr. 15.338 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.872.083 von KaOzz am 26.08.08 23:21:27DH hatte auudrüklich betont, dass keiner der majors TCAs eingeht

      Hallo KaOzz,

      Danke für die Info.
      1.Frage : ist die Meldung nun positiv für petrol oder negativ ?
      2. Frage: wofür steht die Abkürzung "TCA" ? technical coop. association ?

      Gruß Looe
      schrieb am 27.08.08 14:38:02
      Beitrag Nr. 15.339 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.876.963 von Looe am 27.08.08 12:50:52Hi Looe, lass Petrel mal Petrel sein o.k. -und da im Iraq ist positiv mal negativ und umgekehrt
      TCA ist bei den vorherigen Beiträgen öfter ausgeschrieben -bis dahinne:);)
      schrieb am 27.08.08 18:29:10
      Beitrag Nr. 15.340 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.878.019 von schneidl am 27.08.08 14:38:02Hallo schneidl

      Danke für die Info. Die Verwechselung von Petrel mit Petrol war wohl ein Freud`scher Verschreiber :laugh: sorry, ist mir so durchgelaufen beim Korrektur-Lesen, war keine böse Absicht.
      schrieb am 28.08.08 13:27:47
      Beitrag Nr. 15.341 ()
      Nach irakischen Angaben haben sich China und der Irak auf ein großes Ölgeschäft geeinigt. Beide Staaten unterzeichneten einen Servicevertrag über drei Milliarden Dollar. Ein bereits 1997 geschlossenes Förderabkommen wurde überarbeitet und neu aufgelegt, sagte der Ölminister des Irak, Hussein al-Schahristani, am Mittwoch in Peking.

      Es gelang China, andere große Konzerne bei der Wiederaufnahme der Ölgeschäfte mit dem Irak auszustechen. Es bleibe nicht mehr viel Zeit für westliche Ölkonzerne, wieder mit dem Irak zu verhandeln, warnte der Ölminister. Selbst die geplanten kurzfristigen Abkommen mit westlichen Firmen seien gefährdet.

      Zwar benötigt der Irak dringend Investitionen in Milliardenhöhe, um die Ölanlagen zu modernisieren, die durch Krieg und jahrelangen Sanktionen vernachlässigt wurden. Der hohe Ölpreis und die Konkurrenz um das Öl stärkt jedoch die Verhandlungsposition des Irak ungemein. gl
      schrieb am 29.08.08 01:23:38
      Beitrag Nr. 15.342 ()
      Hallo im Forum,

      welche Argumente gibt es, jetzt bei Petrel einzusteigen und damit auch den Kurs nach oben zu schieben?


      schrieb am 29.08.08 09:52:53
      Beitrag Nr. 15.343 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.900.532 von BeimBacchus am 29.08.08 01:23:38...dass ich von meinen Verlusten runterkomme:laugh::laugh:
      schrieb am 29.08.08 11:39:22
      Beitrag Nr. 15.344 ()

      LONDON ( GBX )


      6 Monats - SK - Verlaufs - Chart-UK

      schrieb am 29.08.08 11:48:46
      Beitrag Nr. 15.345 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.901.760 von jaffa am 29.08.08 09:52:53Sind doch nur Buchverluste...solange du die Nerven behältst!

      schrieb am 29.08.08 11:58:18
      Beitrag Nr. 15.346 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.900.532 von BeimBacchus am 29.08.08 01:23:38welche Argumente gibt es, jetzt bei Petrel einzusteigen

      Die gleichen die es auch vor mehreren Jahren gab und gibt.

      Es wird im Irak ein riesiger Ölkuchen verteilt und es ist noch völlig offen wer das eine oder andere Stück erhält. Was PET so interessant macht ist der fast unbegrenzte Hebel nach oben...und damit könnten sich auch die Entscheidungsträger im IOM die Taschen vollstopfen mit vielen grünen Dollars oder €uros!

      schrieb am 29.08.08 15:30:13
      Beitrag Nr. 15.347 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.903.327 von Ramses2I am 29.08.08 11:48:46...Dein Magister sieht schon putzig aus irgendwie,oder ist es ein osama-verschnitt wegen des Zeigefingers ;):)nur gut das "Der rauchende Colt" drunter bisschen aufpasst-
      hier noch was von >iraqoilreport<, der interfax link ist hier - auch lustig irgendwie

      ConocoPhillips chief executive James Mulva said his company expects to participate in the tender for the rights to develop Iraq’s West Qurna-2 field together with Russia’s OAO Lukoil, Interfax reported.
      schrieb am 31.08.08 15:42:51
      Beitrag Nr. 15.348 ()
      Aus dem engl. board von einem user , der angebl. bereits 800000 shares besitzt:

      Good afternoon everyone.

      Well I bought an additional near £32,000's worth of PET for my SIPP last week.

      I had thought I'd balance my purchase over a 2-3 week period so as to take any advantage of an SP fall if it occurred.

      But in the end I thought the possibility of a positive leak/comments was too great much as ROS experienced recently.

      So what are my current thoughts/expectations?

      1. As everyone that attended the Dublin AGM & London meetings know PET have a 5 day meeting with the IOM (Iraqi Oil Ministry) starting on Monday & finishing on Friday (1-5 September).

      An e mail response from Mr Horgan confirmed that this meeting is solely to do with S&L.

      We know that PET has not been paid for its recent work to date, although apparently the payment has been agreed.

      PET just needs to physically be able to get its hands on the money.

      I cannot believe that this will take 5 days or is the sole reason for the 5 days meetings.

      We heard at the London meeting at which I was present that PET hope to negotiate some sort of minimal $1-$2 barrelidge commission & management of the S&L field. Perhaps this is what the meetings are about.

      We have also heard that PET expect the field to be producing around 200,000 barrels per day come 2010.

      Multiply $1/$2 per barrel, per 200,000 barrels per day by 365 days & you come up with $73M/$146M.

      Now that is serious income.

      Of course it may or may not happen.

      But if it did & I think there is a very reasonable chance. Let's look at what has just been announced with the Chinese, not a PSA but very lucrative.


      2. Secondly we have PET's rights to an exploration & development contract of Block 6.

      Well its undeveloped & therefore must surely qualify for a PSA or similar if this contract model is used.

      PET signed with a senior IOM official under the previous Saddham regime & like the other Saddham contracts are expected to be in line with the HCL if/when it passes or like the Chinese re-negotiated & agreed under the old Saddham law.


      3. Merjan & Dhufriya. PET have done/are doing TCA work & who knows where this will lead.


      4. Within the past 2/3 weeks PET have had news of a significant POTENTIAL find that COULD be in excess of 1 Billion barrels in size in its Jordanian East Safawi Block.

      PET hope to go straight to drilling rather than further seismic exploration. One drill would cost around $5.5M & PET say they hope to find a "Farm In Partner" to take on the risk/costs & share in PET's already confirmed generous PSA.

      Terms are 60% for the 1st 10,000 bopd, with a sliding scale to 35% for 100,000 barrels per day equivalent.…

      Assuming PET find a Farm In Partner then we will have an RNS, which again I feel will be very positive for PET's SP.

      At the London meeting one of the PET directors did say that if there are enough "drills" then we will find oil.

      As I say PET do need a Farm In Partner to achieve this.

      PET have said previously that drilling will start end 2008/beginning 2009.


      What would a yearly income of £40M-£80M (On S&L alone) do to PET's SP ?

      What would confirmation of PET's rights to E&P at Block 6 do to PET's SP ?

      What would confirmation of some form of contract at Merjan or Dhufriya do to PET's SP ?

      What would confirmation of a farm in partner at East Safawi,Jordan do to PET's SP ?

      What would confirmation of a major oil find at East Safawi do to PET's SP ?


      Of course none of the above may happen & of course there is the payment hurdle of S&L to clear up.

      But I am very optimistic & I've demonstrated that by my purchases last week

      The Iraqi Parliament is back on Saturday & the HCL is expected to be on the agenda sooner or later.
      schrieb am 31.08.08 17:45:37
      Beitrag Nr. 15.349 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.925.512 von Santiagero am 31.08.08 15:42:51

      Santi, das passt ja wie die Faust aufs Auge, dass du ein Posting von Hatto, einem der größten Pusher bei advfn, hier einstellst!

      Abgesehen davon besteht das Posting vor allem aus Hirngespinsten und Fantastereien.

      Das ist fast so gut wie Horgans "Entschuldigung", warum PET vom IOM seit Weihnachten nicht mehr bezahlt wurde.
      They want to pay our money into a specific bank account at the Trade Bank of Iraq.
      "We don't want to do this as Iraq doesn't have a proper banking system. We just want to be paid into our Irish bank account."

      Die Anprüche eines David Horgans sind manchmal schon gewaltig. Leider nicht dann, wenn es sich um die ehrliche und rechtzeitige Information der Aktionäre handelt.

      Wenn man weiss wer hinter der TBI steht macht sich Horgan mit solchen Aussagen mehr als lächerlich.

      Ok, ok. Ich weiss dasss hier jede noch so fadenscheinige Aussage Horgans, als die einzig gültige Wahrheit anzusehen ist und deshalb kein wirkliches Interesse an anderen Meinungen besteht, aber es könnte trotzdem interssieren, wer hinter der TBI steht.

      TBI - Operating Consortium
      JPMorgan Chase, N.Y
      Standard Chartered Bank, Dubai
      Australia and New Zealand Bank, Melbourne
      Bank Millennium, Warsaw
      National Bank of Kuwait, Kuwait
      Internationale Nederlanden Group, Amsterdam
      Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, Tokyo
      Calyon, Paris
      HypoVereinsbank, Munich
      SanPaolo IMI, Turin


      TBI has built relationships with a network of 134 prime banks covering 63 cities in 39 countries. The Consortium banks constitute the core of our network of correspondent banks. Some of these correspondent banks have extended lines of credit to TBI, making it one of the first Iraqi banks to receive lines of credit from major international financial institutions.

      Some of our correspondent banks include the following prime banks:

      Citibank, New York
      Bank Austria Creditanstalt, Vienna
      Deutsche Bank, Frankfurt
      Dresdner Bank, Frankfurt
      Finansbank, Istanbul
      Fortis Bank, Brussels
      Arab Banking Corporation, Bahrain
      Mashreq Bank, Dubai

      Wenn die TBI für die deutsche Regierung "proper" genug ist um darüber die "Hermes-Bürgschaften" abzuwickeln

      The Trade Bank of Iraq has announced the completion of an agreement with the German government to guarantee German exports to Iraq.
      The agreement, which was signed by TBI and the Iraqi Ministry of Finance with Euler Hermes Kreditversicherungs-AG on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Labour, allows for short term export credit insurance for German goods and services imported by the Iraqi purchasers.

      sollte man eigentlich meinen, dass sie auch für einen David Horgan "proper" genug ist.
      schrieb am 01.09.08 14:44:59
      Beitrag Nr. 15.350 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.925.709 von tradejunkie am 31.08.08 17:45:37
      weil es so gut dazu passt:

      Die Anprüche eines David Horgans sind manchmal schon gewaltig. Leider nicht dann, wenn es sich um die ehrliche und rechtzeitige Information der Aktionäre handelt.

      Beim AGM hat Horgan bekannt gegeben, dass das JV mit Makman nicht mehr existiert, da Makman auf Veranlassung des IOM gehen musste.

      Nun schreibt Steve Livermore von blue oar securities jedoch:

      The JV has not been terminated though we are prepared to terminate it subject to protecting Petrel's interests.
      schrieb am 02.09.08 14:15:42
      Beitrag Nr. 15.351 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.925.512 von Santiagero am 31.08.08 15:42:511. As everyone that attended the Dublin AGM & London meetings know PET have a 5 day meeting with the IOM (Iraqi Oil Ministry) starting on Monday & finishing on Friday (1-5 September)
      Kommt hier noch was, warum wird noch nichts ventiliert ??;):)
      schrieb am 02.09.08 15:03:23
      Beitrag Nr. 15.352 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.946.459 von schneidl am 02.09.08 14:15:42
      Wurde bisher schon ein einziges Mal etwas von so einem Meeting veröffentlicht?
      schrieb am 02.09.08 18:26:25
      Beitrag Nr. 15.353 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.947.190 von tradejunkie am 02.09.08 15:03:23In deiner riesigen Datenbank wird sicher etwas zu finden sein...und wenn es eine Schatzkarte zu einem Barrel Öl in der Wüste ist.

      Wenn du die Karte gefunden hast - welche ich meine ;) - kannst du diese gerne in diesem Thread einstellen.
      Würde uns sicher allen helfen auf dem Weg zur ersten, zweiten oder dritten Million.

      schrieb am 02.09.08 18:38:12
      Beitrag Nr. 15.354 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.950.462 von Ramses2I am 02.09.08 18:26:25
      Willst du damit sagen, dass noch nie etwas veröffenlicht wurde, oder dass du es nicht weisst?
      schrieb am 02.09.08 18:43:46
      Beitrag Nr. 15.355 ()

      LONDON ( GBX )


      6 Monats - SK - Verlaufs - Chart-UK

      schrieb am 02.09.08 20:42:31
      Beitrag Nr. 15.356 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.947.190 von tradejunkie am 02.09.08 15:03:23hab hier gerade nix vorliegen:D:eek:;):look::)
      schrieb am 02.09.08 20:57:29
      Beitrag Nr. 15.357 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.950.645 von tradejunkie am 02.09.08 18:38:12Wurde bisher schon ein einziges Mal etwas von so einem Meeting veröffentlicht?

      Wenn die Zeit gekommen ist wird auch etwas veröffentlicht TJ.

      Alles zu seiner Zeit und an der richtigen Stelle. Das wird dann ganz seriös per RNS gemeldet
      und sicher nicht als erstes in einem zweitklassigen Börsen Thread kundgetan.

      schrieb am 05.09.08 00:01:06
      Beitrag Nr. 15.358 ()

      hast du Langeweile! das gibt es ja nicht, wie lange du schon hier rumlaberst, Gibts neue Bombenabschläge???????

      armes Deutschland
      schrieb am 05.09.08 00:09:23
      Beitrag Nr. 15.359 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.987.800 von Robison am 05.09.08 00:01:06

      Deine intelligenzsprühenden Postings schlagen hier immer ein wie eine Bombe!
      schrieb am 05.09.08 00:11:24
      Beitrag Nr. 15.360 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.952.555 von Ramses2I am 02.09.08 20:57:29
      oder schon früher!

      YupiH YEAH!

      oder besser

      yUPIh yeah!
      schrieb am 05.09.08 07:46:59
      Beitrag Nr. 15.361 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.987.876 von tradejunkie am 05.09.08 00:11:24Glaube dir bekommt die eine oder andere Aktie nicht ganz gut TJ.

      Du hast natürlich bei PET den vollen Durchblick und kannst genau sagen, zu welchem Zeitpunkt welche Dinge geschehen werden...nur bei anderen Aktien klappt dies anscheinend bis jetzt nicht ganz so gut.


      p. s.

      Solltest du Insiderinfos haben kannst du mir gerne eine BM schreiben und du bekommst die hälfte vom Gewinn (aber nur wenn du auch den Verlust tragen würdest).

      schrieb am 05.09.08 09:53:10
      Beitrag Nr. 15.362 ()
      Guten Morgen,alle zusammen,

      bald werden wir zur Ruh finden, zumindest einige.:yawn:
      Mal sehn ob heut schon was veröffentlicht wird oder wohl eher anfangs nächster Woche was ich für wahrscheinlicher halte.

      Es herrscht schon eine recht Spannende Atmosphäre hier im Thread, muss man sagen.

      Mfg aus Luxemburg
      schrieb am 05.09.08 11:00:14
      Beitrag Nr. 15.363 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.992.154 von luxinvest am 05.09.08 09:53:10aus dem engl.board eine e-mail von DH zum Stand der Verhandlungen in Istanbul, die heute wohl enden werden und deren Ergebnisse dann auch zeitnah bekannt gegeben werden . Aber so viel schon mal vorweg:

      hi- just back from a late drink with friends

      "All positive so far. "
      schrieb am 05.09.08 11:22:01
      Beitrag Nr. 15.364 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.993.215 von Santiagero am 05.09.08 11:00:14Morgen Santiagero,

      Das mag sein, hab nichts dagegen

      aber halte von in Foren veröffentliche Äusserungen dieser Art gerade soviel wie von Presseartikeln...

      schrieb am 05.09.08 17:03:29
      Beitrag Nr. 15.365 ()
      Sitzung geschlossen:yawn:
      schrieb am 05.09.08 19:05:22
      Beitrag Nr. 15.366 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.999.527 von luxinvest am 05.09.08 17:03:29

      Welche Sitzung genau meinst du denn Luxinvest...

      schrieb am 05.09.08 19:07:23
      Beitrag Nr. 15.367 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.999.527 von luxinvest am 05.09.08 17:03:29Respekive News werden noch eine Zeit lang auf sich warten lassen, sowie es aussieht

      Also mal schönes Wochenende

      schrieb am 05.09.08 19:26:32
      Beitrag Nr. 15.368 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.001.509 von luxinvest am 05.09.08 19:07:23Respekive News werden noch eine Zeit lang auf sich warten lassen, sowie es aussieht

      Ist ja nichts neues für uns.

      schrieb am 06.09.08 11:15:36
      Beitrag Nr. 15.369 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.001.778 von Ramses2I am 05.09.08 19:26:32

      The Istanbul meetings between SCOP and Petrel were positive:
      SCOP reiterated that they wanted Petrel to proceed, wanted to resolve
      all outstanding issues pragmatically.
      Hopefully this will help clear the way for early progress on other
      fronts - inshalla!

      We will be issuing an interim statement by end September.

      -----Original Message-----
      Sent: 05 September 2008 16:59
      To: David Horgan
      Subject: Istanbul

      Dear David,
      I hope your meetings in Istanbul were successfull and you achieved

      Is there any plane to inform the shareholders of petrel and when about
      would that be.
      Have a nice WE.
      ciao Pe

      David Horgan"
      An: ">
      Datum: 05.09.08 19:06:14 Uhr


      If we deliver, the markets will look after themselves
      ------Original Message------
      From: Peer
      To: David Horgan
      Sent: Sep 5, 2008 18:02
      Subject: RE: Istanbul

      Thanks for so fast replying, will make my WE even nicer.
      schrieb am 06.09.08 16:25:38
      Beitrag Nr. 15.370 ()
      voice of iraq
      Iraq calls on Japanese firms to reconstruct oil facilities

      bin am rumgoogeln ob ich was über japex u. itochu finde --gibt einiges z.B in Oman nur (bis jetzt) nichts aktuelles im Iraq:cool::rolleyes:
      schrieb am 06.09.08 18:04:38
      Beitrag Nr. 15.371 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.007.048 von schneidl am 06.09.08 16:25:38Antwort von Horgan auf die Frage wie das meeting in Istanbul gelaufen sei:

      "David Horgan"
      View contact details
      Yes - much better than expected
      ------Original Message------
      From: STEPHEN
      To: David Horgan
      Sent: Sep 6, 2008 10:55
      Subject: Meeting
      schrieb am 06.09.08 19:59:12
      Beitrag Nr. 15.372 ()
      Horgan war und bleibt ein Schwätzer. :laugh:
      schrieb am 06.09.08 22:35:16
      Beitrag Nr. 15.373 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.007.790 von Santiagero am 06.09.08 18:04:38
      Stellt sich nur die Frage was Horgan erwartet hatte!

      Wäre Horgan davon ausgegangen alle Verträge im Irak zu verlieren und es wäre nur S&L weg, dann ist das besser als erwartet. :laugh:
      schrieb am 07.09.08 00:26:24
      Beitrag Nr. 15.374 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.009.909 von tradejunkie am 06.09.08 22:35:16
      RE: hola
      From: David Horgan (
      Sent: 06 September 2008 10:21:37
      To: xxxxx xxxxxxxx (xxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxx)

      Yes, of course, and thanks! The time we spent in Istanbul with the Iraqis went very well. They must coordinate with banks, partners and the ministry and without a doubt insist that we will continue without any halts.

      We will write our statement in the interims at the end of the month.


      From: xxxxxx xxxxxxxx [mailto:xxxxx@xxxxx]
      Sent: Fri 05/09/2008 20:51
      To: David Horgan
      Subject: hola

      Good afternoon David

      May i ask if the Iraqis continue to respect the work PET has done for the last decade in Iraq so PET can finally reach its goal of becoming an oil producer
      in the near future.

      Thank you and best of irish luck

      schrieb am 07.09.08 10:07:35
      Beitrag Nr. 15.375 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.008.696 von Schnuckelinchen am 06.09.08 19:59:12Horgan war und bleibt ein Schwätzer.

      Frage mich wirklich warum deine Stimmung immer so wechselmütig ist.

      Solltest du noch Aktien von PET halten kannst du mir diese gerne am Montag verkaufen...
      zu einem anständigen Preis natürlich!
      schrieb am 07.09.08 20:57:06
      Beitrag Nr. 15.376 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.009.909 von tradejunkie am 06.09.08 22:35:16Lass doch einfach die Anteilseigner von PET vom 6er im Lotto träumen...wäre das für dich wirklich so schlimm?
      Nach deinen Worten hast du doch nur 1000%er im eigenen Depot.

      schrieb am 07.09.08 23:30:09
      Beitrag Nr. 15.377 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.010.706 von Santiagero am 07.09.08 00:26:24

      #6966 von Santiagero 31.12.06 00:14:21 Beitrag Nr.: 26.591.805
      Dieses Posting: versenden | melden | drucken | Antwort schreiben PETREL RES PLC EO

      Folgende Antwort bezieht sich auf Beitrag Nr.: 26590301 von tradejunkie am 30.12.06 22:57:12
      Junkie,was du sagst ist in diesem Fall vollkommen irrelevant,ich weiß es: die Verträge liegen abstempelreif auf dem Tisch des zuständigen Ministerialdirigentens und warten nur auf die Verabschiedung des HCL am 7.1.

      wenn Du die Nerven hast, warte einfach weiter!!und schau dem ENG-Kurs beim Durschschlagen der 40 cent-Marke nach unten zu!

      Frohes Neues!!

      #6969 von Santiagero 31.12.06 11:12:01 Beitrag Nr.: 26.602.076
      Dieses Posting: versenden | melden | drucken | Antwort schreiben PETREL RES PLC EO

      Folgende Antwort bezieht sich auf Beitrag Nr.: 26594825 von tradejunkie am 31.12.06 03:44:06
      David Horgan
      Sent : 21 December 2006 13:02:56
      To : "peter ba
      Subject : RE: Happy new year

      | | | Inbox

      Many thanks for your kind wishes and support.
      With the Iraqi Petroleum Law due to go before Parliament on 7th January,
      hopefully 2007 will be a breakthrough year!

      -----Original Message-----
      From: peter ba []
      Sent: 21 December 2006 12:48
      To: David Horgan
      Subject: Happy new year

      Dear David.May i take this opportunity to wish you and all your staff at

      Petrel Resources a wonderful christmas and a very prosperous new
      regards pete.

      We have made excellent operational progress this year (Iraq, Iran, Botswana, Peru) though the share prices have fallen back.

      That discrepancy will correct in 2007 - and more besides!

      schrieb am 08.09.08 12:37:24
      Beitrag Nr. 15.378 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.017.817 von tradejunkie am 07.09.08 23:30:09Sie stehen auf meiner Liste TJ.

      schrieb am 08.09.08 16:42:53
      Beitrag Nr. 15.379 ()

      LONDON ( GBX )


      6 Monats - SK - Verlaufs - Chart-UK

      schrieb am 08.09.08 18:21:32
      Beitrag Nr. 15.380 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.017.817 von tradejunkie am 07.09.08 23:30:09Dass man sich mit dem Zeitrahmen bei weitem zu optimistisch gezeigt hatte,ist richtig. Das ging leider auch vielen Hauptpersonen so:Sharistani(Ölminister) Al Malikhi (Ministerpräsident) dem Rest des Kabinetts und last but not least. Bush selbst hatte Malikhi schon ein Glückwunschtelegrmm gesendet

      Die Flügelkämpfe der im Parlament vertretenen Volksgruppen versuchen halt beim Feilschen um das HCL das für sich Beste auf Kosten der anderen Gruppen herauszubekommen. Das hat den Verabschiedungsprozess erheblich verzögert mit den bekannten Auswirkungen auf den Kurs.
      Morgen beginnt nach dem Ende der Sommerpause das Parlament wieder zu tagen-und man glaubt es kaum: ganz oben auf der Agenda steht die Verabschiedung des Ölgesetzes! Man mag ja kaum noch daran glauben.

      Allerdings hat Sharistani in den letzten tagen gezeigt, dass er sowohl mit den Chinesen als auch mit Shell einen Produktionsvertrag abgeschlossen hat. Es geht also auch ohne HCL!
      Petrel ist nach wie vor die westl. Firma mit dem umfangreichsten Service-Vertrag und arbeitet seit Jahren vor Ort. Gerade hat man wieder 4 Tage in Istanbul verhandelt mit der iraq. staatl.Ölgesellschaft SCOP und wie man hört gute Ergebnisse erzielt. noch vor Ende des Monats gibt es unter anderem dazu einen Zwischenbericht.

      Es soll auch in Kürze mit den Bohrungen in Jordanien angefangen werden - man hat dort äußerst vielversprechende targets ausgemacht.

      Ach so Junkie, in dem Punkt lag ich ja auch falsch: das Durchschlagen der 40 cent Marke bei ENG ging ja so schnell ,dass man es gar nicht beobachten konnte! Jetzt pass gut auf, dass du die 20-cent Marke nicht in den nächsten Tagen verpasst.
      schrieb am 08.09.08 19:25:40
      Beitrag Nr. 15.381 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.027.433 von Santiagero am 08.09.08 18:21:32Ach so Junkie, in dem Punkt lag ich ja auch falsch: das Durchschlagen der 40 cent Marke bei ENG ging ja so schnell ,dass man es gar nicht beobachten konnte! Jetzt pass gut auf, dass du die 20-cent Marke nicht in den nächsten Tagen verpasst.

      Diesmal war ich es aber nicht TJ der in diesem Thread E. anspricht...

      schrieb am 08.09.08 19:27:04
      Beitrag Nr. 15.382 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.027.433 von Santiagero am 08.09.08 18:21:32Morgen beginnt nach dem Ende der Sommerpause das Parlament wieder zu tagen-und man glaubt es kaum: ganz oben auf der Agenda steht die Verabschiedung des Ölgesetzes!

      Entweder es geht ganz schnell oder wir warten noch ein paar Monde.

      schrieb am 08.09.08 20:20:42
      Beitrag Nr. 15.383 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.027.433 von Santiagero am 08.09.08 18:21:32Ich vermute mal, der Irre von Teheran hat einen Teil der Verzögerung zu verantworten.
      schrieb am 08.09.08 22:33:46
      Beitrag Nr. 15.384 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.027.433 von Santiagero am 08.09.08 18:21:32
      Ach beim ZEITRAHMEN war man zu optimistisch!

      Jahrelang zu behaupten man hätte einen Vertrag bezüglich Block 6 um dann nach Druck aus dem IOM zu 100% zurück zu rudern fällt da ja nicht mehr ins Gewicht.
      Petrel negotiated their Block 6, unsigned exploration agreement in 2002 under the terms of this law and so we are happy enough to proceed on this basis.
      The position in relation to our Block 6 exploration project, in the
      Western Desert, was discussed with the authorities in recent months but no work has been carried out thus far.

      Block 6-PSA war laut Horgan bereits sicher.

      Halfya-PSA war laut Horgan bereits sicher.

      Beim so groß gefeierte PSA in Jordanien ist auch nach fast 1,5 Jahren NULL Fortschritt zu erkennen. 20 Jahre alte, seismische Untersuchungen (angeblich) wieder und wieder auszuwerten, um dann den Aktionären mögliche riesige Vorkommen zu präsentieren ist die gleiche Schiene, wie die oben aufgeführten sicheren PSAs

      Auch die Behauptung auf dem AGM, Makman hätte wegen Druck aus dem IOM (weil es sich bei Makman um eine kurdische Firma handelt) aus S&L ausstteigen müssen ist falsch.

      Genauso falsch wie die ständigen Aussagen, dass bei S&L alles problemlos läuft, wie die der Ausstieg von Makman und auch Teeling belegen!
      Turning now to our projects; the Subba and Luhais Engineering and Production Contract (EPC) to assist in the construction of 200,000 barrel a day oil field in Southern Iraq is almost 50% completed. This contract, where Petrel is a contractor, with no ownership interest
      (schönen Gruß and die Dumpfbacke von Taipan)
      , was due for completion in 2010. Revisions to the production layout, design changes and adaptations have delayed matters. So too have payment delays.

      KEINE Behauptung die Horgan in seinen Mails in den letzten 12 Monaten aufgestellt hat ist eingetroffen.
      schrieb am 08.09.08 22:34:42
      Beitrag Nr. 15.385 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.028.605 von Nebiim am 08.09.08 20:20:42
      So oft war Horgan nun auch nicht im Iran! :laugh:
      schrieb am 08.09.08 22:44:09
      Beitrag Nr. 15.386 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.029.868 von tradejunkie am 08.09.08 22:33:46Naja, doch. Seit ich das hier verfolge, hatte er gesagt, dass keiner der Majors ein TCA unterschreiben würde.

      Da hatte er Recht. Denn die sind alle enttäuscht wiede abgezogen. Keine Ahnung was gerade mit BP verhandelt wurde
      schrieb am 08.09.08 22:45:29
      Beitrag Nr. 15.387 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.029.934 von KaOzz am 08.09.08 22:44:09Ich meine Schell, nicht BP
      schrieb am 09.09.08 00:12:36
      Beitrag Nr. 15.388 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.029.934 von KaOzz am 08.09.08 22:44:09
      Horgan hat gesagt, dass sich kein Major dafür interessieren würde, was nachweislich falsch ist, sonst würde die Majors nicht verhandeln!
      Und er hat da noch viel mehr gesagt!

      From: Fiona ***********]
      Sent: 13 November 2007 10:54
      To: David Horgan
      Subject: Bears

      Good morning David,
      Amazing what bear raiders can do to market sentiment on a share.
      Yesterday and today' s fast drop on PET has been triggered by shorters on ADVFN
      and FYB trying to push 'information' that:
      1) The IOM is scheduling meetings with the majors for TSAs very soon in Jordan
      and that the poster concerned who claims to be in Saudi was very surprised to hear that Petrel was not on the list. Claims it was in the Arabic press 'somewhere' but no reference.
      2) That Anadarko, who were given a one year contract to do a reservoir study in Feb 2005 are more likely to get a TSA on S&L than PET are etc.

      Obviously, I would hope that these things are not true and the prospects for PET are as good as ever. Amazing what lengths some people will go to to 'spin' their poisons.
      I see the Koreans have just been awarded a contract for Kurdistan so perhaps they will be less likely to pursue other areas.
      Best wishes

      David Horgan (
      Sent: 13 November 2007 12:10:31
      To: Fiona *********

      Hi Fiona,

      Thanks for that! It sounds like the same shorting stories of 2004 & 2005:

      ‘We won’t get contracts’

      ‘The Americans / majors will take everything’

      ‘Dome backed by Anadarko will get Subba & Luhais’

      Don’t be surprised if you soon read that I have been killed again – that will be the 4th time so far.

      The media, and especially Arabic media are highly unreliable as we have learnt, but no one has shown me any such article.

      At this stage our sources should be better than any journalists.

      The reality is that no one is aiming for TSAs: we are doing the biggest one already. The majors have no interest in TSAs in Iraq. They want PSAs.

      Our track record speaks for itself: it would be very odd if the ministry weren’t talking to the company running its biggest project!

      I suspect that people are understandably frustrated by the delays passing the new law, but remember how long it took to ratify our Subba & Luhais contract and all the shorters’ and even media stories that we wouldn’t get the project.

      It is a very dangerous gamble to short Petrel.

      We have been through these cycles of greed and fear before: the short-term price is set by the marginal trader. There may also be CFDs and shorts.

      It is wiser to hold our counsel and let the results speak.

      The combination of security risk and big upside will always make for volatility. The short-term share price has no bearing on the business.

      The current likelihood is that negotiations will open shortly with the Iraqi Government and Ministry of Oil. This is likely to be under the old (pre-2003) law, at least initially. This is what they should have done all along.

      We will acquire a risk-sharing contract (PSA or equivalent – though it will be called something diplomatic) on a major development field (Halfaya or equivalent) as well as world-class exploration acreage. This is a rare prize. No one will care in a year's time what the share price fluctuated between.

      Bereits im Dezember 2007 sind die Probleme zwischen Petrel und Makman bekannt geworden.

      Joined: 08-Oct-07
      Location: Saudi Arabia
      Posts: 9 Posted: 09-Dec-07 at 21:44 | IP Logged


      horgon said majors not interestest in contracts but reports of meetings already in Jordon and what do you mkae of fact petrel wasnt invited. delays and mackmen rifts on lohais contract to being resovlved soon at arbil meetings which is good
      schrieb am 09.09.08 07:54:15
      Beitrag Nr. 15.389 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.029.875 von tradejunkie am 08.09.08 22:34:42
      schrieb am 09.09.08 08:00:50
      Beitrag Nr. 15.390 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.029.868 von tradejunkie am 08.09.08 22:33:46Wie gut dass der alte Jeff jederzeit pünktlichen Vollzug meldet...

      schrieb am 09.09.08 08:59:22
      Beitrag Nr. 15.391 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.031.629 von Ramses2I am 09.09.08 08:00:50Es geht tatsächlich ohne HCL:

      Shell agrees landmark Iraqi gas deal worth up to $4bn
      By Ed Crooks and Roula Khalaf in London

      Published: September 9 2008 03:00 | Last updated: September 9 2008 03:00

      Royal Dutch Shell is to become the first western oil company to sign a deal with the Iraqi government since the US-led invasion of 2003, agreeing a plan to capture and use gas in the Basra region that could be worth up to $4bn (£2.3bn).

      It also emerged yesterday that Iraq's oil ministry had written to oil companies saying it had abandoned its controversial plan to award short-term technical support contracts to a small number of them to work on its oilfields.

      Shell's project is intended to make use of the gas flared off by the oil industry in the south of Iraq. In that region alone, an estimated 700m cubic feet of gas is burned off every day for safety reasons: roughly enough to meet the demand for power generation in the entire country.

      The Iraqi government wants Shell to put in the infrastructure to capture that gas and make commercial use of it, both domestically and for export. Assem Jihad, oil ministry spokesman, told the Financial Times that following a green light from the cabinet, the ministry was inviting Shell to Baghdad next month to sign the deal.

      "Europe is looking for supplies of gas from Iraq," said Mr Jihad. "Security used to be a deterrent but now companies feel that security has improved and this will encourage others to come in."

      He added that the project would be run as a joint venture, with Shell taking 49 per cent and the oil ministry 51 per cent. The length and value of the contract have yet to be determined but reports in Iraq suggested it could be worth $3bn-$4bn.

      Shell said: "We are delighted with the government's decision and look forward to signing the agreement in the near future."

      The Shell deal follows news last month that Iraq had revived a big oil deal first negotiated between China and the government of Saddam Hussein, for China National Petroleum Corp to develop the al-Ahdab oilfield.

      That deal represented the first important commitment to Iraq by a foreign company since its industry was nationalised in 1972. However, Iraq has cooled on its plan to sign deals with a few western oil companies, including Shell, ExxonMobil and BP, to offer technical support and advice on its biggest fields.

      Mr Jihad said that after delays and differences with the companies over the length of contracts, the ministry was now inclined to bypass that stage and focus on longer-term development contracts.
      schrieb am 09.09.08 10:30:37
      Beitrag Nr. 15.392 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.032.205 von Santiagero am 09.09.08 08:59:22DH wird im Interim-Report Ende Sept. auch ein up date der Jordan-Aktivitäten veröffentlichen!

      Auf meine entsprechende Frage hat er mit einem :"claro!" geantwortet.
      schrieb am 09.09.08 10:36:03
      Beitrag Nr. 15.393 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.033.417 von Santiagero am 09.09.08 10:30:37Auf ein neues- die Parlamentsferien sind zu Ende:

      Political one: more than forty law before Parliament in the new legislative chapter

      House of Representatives reconvene today and Mufti affirms a dangerous things during the last two months
      BAGHDAD - Al Sabah
      Parliament begins today dismissed the new legislative, amid expectations that autumn is no less heated meetings of its predecessors in the past months.
      The legislation, which it is hoped that the consideration by the House of Representatives for over three months, one of the most important laws that have been included on the agendas of the Council, given the sensitivity by several points

      According to media source in the presidency of the parliament, more than forty law and legislation will be present during the days of the new legislative chapter.
      The most prominent of these laws according to the source, "provincial council elections, oil, gas and Security Agreement with Washington, in addition to constitutional amendments and the formation of an accountability, justice and the draft budget for next year, as well as a large number of other important legislation.

      The source of the "morning", said "the agenda for the meeting of parliament today, includes in addition to discussing the electoral law, voting on a bill to amend the First Law of the supreme body of the Hajj and Umrah No. (23) for in 2005, the second amendment to the Law Faculty of Imam greatest number (19) for the year 1997, as well as the first reading of the proposed Orphan Care Fund Act. "The House of Representatives, has ended his dismissal in the fifth Legislative summer of last month, the Voice of the supplementary budget in the evening meeting in order to decide the presidential vetoes law on elections to provincial assemblies new legislative chapter, and form A committee of leaders of the bloc to hold talks on Article 24 of the Electoral Act, which voted in by 127 deputies on July 22 last, and opposed by the coalition of Kurdistan time.
      Under similar called on Chairman of the Committee for provincial and district Hashim Al-Taee in the parliament of all political forces to make concessions on the new electoral law to reach a compromise formula for approval.
      The transfer took over the publication of the statement "Sabah" yesterday a copy of it on Al-Taee as saying: "Some of the representatives of political forces and the government filed a new proposal provides for the adoption of the previous municipal elections instead of current law and who have not reached an agreement on it for the purpose of holding provincial assemblies."
      He explained that the positions of some political forces conflicting regarding the new proposal and resolve the issue lead to the convening of parliament sessions, explaining that the new proposal will face considerable challenges have been rejected by the House of Representatives as the law did not approve of the present Council.
      Turn between a member of the Committee on the oil and gas in the parliament, deputy Noureddine about, that the Council will discuss during the new legislative set of laws on oil, which is the law of the National Oil Company revenues Oil Ministry and the Ministry of Oil project, in addition to the law of oil and gas.
      He told him the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, political and Oil Ministry, stressing that "there is a change in oil policy different from what has been proposed in the bill of oil and gas," as he put it.
      In Erbil, said Adnan Mufti President of the National Council of Kurdistan province, the events and developments during the past two months, and the adoption of the law of provincial council elections and the crisis in Khanaqin, representing the "seriousness" of the Kurdish people's earnings, as saying. The Mufti in his speech at the opening chapter of the new Legislative Council yesterday that "approving article 24 of the provincial council elections law by the House and Khanaqin crisis caused heightened tension between the central government and Kurdistan region," pointing out that "the Kurdistan Parliament in recess The last two months witnessed several events which may alarm some of the achievements of our people, and therefore we must be frank and clear attitude toward these changes. " Elsewhere, Head of the National Council of Kurdistan that the "Draft Constitution of the Territory and the draft labour law journalist in Kurdistan, had dominated the legislative priorities of the new chapter," stressing the need to provide the territorial Government has the full budget, amounting to two billion and 400 thousand dollars, in addition to preparing the financial report For the first six months of this year…
      schrieb am 09.09.08 10:50:58
      Beitrag Nr. 15.394 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.033.417 von Santiagero am 09.09.08 10:30:37
      Nicht zu fassen! Im Interims-Report wird es ein Update geben. :eek:

      Da können wir gespannt sein was sich in den drei Monaten seit dem letzten Update im Jahresbericht getan hat.

      While Iraq remains the clear focus of our activities, we have an advanced exploration project in Jordan, where we hold a Production Sharing Agreement on the East Safawi block covering 8750 square kilometres in the Jordanian panhandle between Syria and Saudi Arabia. We have done significant work in recent years and have identified targets at moderate depth in a Triassic reef play. We will Joint Venture any drilling programme.
      schrieb am 09.09.08 10:57:37
      Beitrag Nr. 15.395 ()
      hier noch etwas aus Santis englischen Lieblingsboard, aus dem er so oft und gerne Mails einstellt:

      Sage of Baghdad - 4 Sep'08 - 20:51 - 71642 of 71644

      Don't know how to break this to you folk. My sources tell me there was no resolution at the end of the meetings in Turkey. The Iraqis wont budge and insist Petrel are in breach of contract and therefore withholding payment. The Iraqis also aren't budging on the renewal of the bonds.

      Petrel will issue an RNS in due course. I believe they are now reassessing their options in Iraq.

      trop - 4 Sep'08 - 20:56 - 71643 of 71644

      Your sources are ?

      Sage of Baghdad - 4 Sep'08 - 21:03 - 71644 of 71644

      People at the oil ministry. You don't have to take my word for it. You'll find out soon enough.
      schrieb am 09.09.08 11:17:44
      Beitrag Nr. 15.396 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.033.854 von tradejunkie am 09.09.08 10:57:37Du unterschlägst, dass dieses post nicht nur entfernt wurde, sondern auch legal action seitens advfn gegen den poster eingeleitet wurden wg. Falschmeldung!!
      schrieb am 09.09.08 16:03:27
      Beitrag Nr. 15.397 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.034.169 von Santiagero am 09.09.08 11:17:44
      legal action seitens advfn wegen Falschmeldung? :eek: :eek:

      Dann müsste ja gegen alle Poster bei advfn, die Emails von Horgan einstellen, legal action eingeleitet werden! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

      - The majors have no interest in TSAs in Iraq
      - With the Iraqi Petroleum Law due to go before Parliament on 7th January, hopefully 2007 will be a breakthrough year!

      usw. usw. usw.
      schrieb am 09.09.08 16:50:00
      Beitrag Nr. 15.398 ()
      Hi Junkie, für einen der bei Energulf richtig den Arsch voll gekriegt hat (akt. 0,32 cad oder 0,20 euro), bist du ja noch ganz gut drauf.

      Nicht verzagen, Du kannst die ENG - Verluste bei PETREL ja wieder egalisiseren (voarausgesetzt da ist noch was...).

      Nichts für ungut, bin ja schon wieder weg...
      schrieb am 09.09.08 17:44:32
      Beitrag Nr. 15.399 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.037.025 von tradejunkie am 09.09.08 16:03:27Junkie ,hier noch mal ne akt. Meldung zu den TCAs:

      LONDON, Sept 9 (Reuters) - Technical service agreements under negotiation
      with international oil companies have been cancelled, Iraqi Oil Minister Hussain
      al-Shahristani confirmed on Tuesday.

      Shaharistani had previously said the probability the contracts would go
      ahead had decreased after delays in signing.
      "The remaining time was too short because the full deal development
      contracts should come into effect by mid next year," the minister told
      "The remaining nine months was too short for technical support contracts to
      be effective."
      stimmt doch irgendwie überein mit Horgans Einschätzung.

      Dass das HCL nicht verabschiedet wird, obwohl es sein "go" vom Kabinett schon hatte, dafür kann Horgan nichts und "hoffen" wird man doch wohl dürfen!

      Dass Du aber die Abgebrühtheit hast, gesperrte user mit gelöschten posts hier zu zitieren, spricht für ziemlich leicht durchschaubare Absichten- bei ENG versuchst Du es ja in die andere Richtung -nach oben.

      Mit desillusionierendem Effekt-hier wie dort-shit happens. Erzähl denen im ENG-thread doch mal wo die DV inzwischen schippert, dann geht der Kurs ja vielleicht wieder hoch auf 25 cent.LOL
      schrieb am 09.09.08 19:50:40
      Beitrag Nr. 15.400 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.038.182 von Santiagero am 09.09.08 17:44:32

      Na Santi, jetzt auch hier als Rabulist unterwegs?

      Horgan behauptet die Öl-Majors wollen keine TSAs.

      Da die Öl-Majors Horgan nicht kennen und nichts von dessen Behauptung wissen, verhandeln Sie die Augestaltung ihrer TSAs mit dem IOM. Diese Verhandlungen werden aufgrund Zeitmangels erst mal abgebrochen.
      "The remaining nine months was too short for technical support contracts to be effective."

      Dann kommt der Rabulist daher und sagt: Das stimmt doch irgendwie mit der Einschätzung Horgans überein.

      Nein, das tut es nicht.

      NICHTS was in den letzten 12 Monaten in der Realität passiert ist stimmt irgendwie mit dem überein was Horgan vorausgesagt hat.

      - kein HCL
      - kein gültiger Vertrag über Block 6
      - kein Halfaya PSA
      - kein anderes PSA
      - keine Einhaltung des Zeitplans bei S&L
      - keine Fortschritte in Jordanien

      Aber solange Horgan die Oberpusher mit Emails versorgt ist doch alles bestens.
      Und solange du ausschliesslich die advfn-Postings der Oberpusher hier einstellst kann nichts schiefgehen.

      Eure ständigen Vergleiche mit ENG zeigen allerdings wie verzweifelt ihr tatsächlich seid. PET als das Super-Investment hinzustellen, nur weil ENG noch schlechter performt als PET ist natürlich ein Geniestreich, der seines gleichen sucht.

      Ach und noch etwas.
      Wer beide Threads verfolgt wird unschwer feststellen, dass du PET schon auf Teufel kommt raus gepusht hast, solche Postings von mir im ENG-Thread aber nicht zu finden sind.
      Ich könnte ohne Probleme 50 solcher Pusher-Postings von dir hier einstellen. Du wirst schon in große Not kommen auch nur ein ENG-Pusher-Posting von mir zu finden.
      schrieb am 09.09.08 19:55:47
      Beitrag Nr. 15.401 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.039.466 von tradejunkie am 09.09.08 19:50:40Und ob die Multis Horgan kennen!
      Hast Du geschlafen? Die erste Studie von Swen in 2003 nicht gelesen?

      Das mit ENG tut mir leid!
      schrieb am 09.09.08 20:12:29
      Beitrag Nr. 15.402 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.039.466 von tradejunkie am 09.09.08 19:50:40Eure ständigen Vergleiche mit ENG zeigen allerdings wie verzweifelt ihr tatsächlich seid. PET als das Super-Investment hinzustellen, nur weil ENG noch schlechter performt als PET ist natürlich ein Geniestreich, der seines gleichen sucht.

      Jetzt hast du die beiden Firmen aber in einen Topf geworfen TJ und nicht ich!

      schrieb am 09.09.08 21:06:35
      Beitrag Nr. 15.403 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.039.554 von MrRipley am 09.09.08 19:55:47Hat der Sven Petrel empfohlen, oder versteh ich da was falsch?
      schrieb am 09.09.08 21:09:38
      Beitrag Nr. 15.404 ()
      hallo , bin auch genervt mit meinen Investments, dass hier scheint auch ein Rohrkrepierer zu sein...
      schrieb am 09.09.08 21:11:14
      Beitrag Nr. 15.405 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.040.677 von Depotmanager04 am 09.09.08 21:09:38Der Kurs ist ja mächtig gefallen und dümpelt nur noch vor sich hin. Wer steigt da noch ein.....auch Backe..
      schrieb am 09.09.08 21:12:58
      Beitrag Nr. 15.406 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.040.695 von Depotmanager04 am 09.09.08 21:11:14Jetzt müssen nur noch die Knallharten aus den Socken kommen und erkären, dass....:cry:
      schrieb am 09.09.08 21:13:58
      Beitrag Nr. 15.407 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.040.634 von Lichtgestalt21 am 09.09.08 21:06:35Ja, Swen hat Petrel damals empfohlen.
      Als sie noch bei 3 Pence standen, hat er das erste Mal gekauft, bei 20 Pence das erste Mal empfohlen, wenn ich nicht irre.
      In der Einleitung stand etwas von einem Treffen von Vertretern hochrangiger Ölmultis in London, dabei Horgan als Hauptredner, um Strategien für den Irak zu besprechen und den anderen seine Erfahrungen mitzuteilen.
      Dieses Treffen muss um 2002/03 gewesen sein.
      Angeblich war Swen mit dabei, oder einer seiner Laufburschen.


      findest Du leider nur ein paar Updates. Die ursprüngliche Analyse ist nicht auffindbar, kann aber sein, dass ich sie in gedruckter Form habe, sonst wüsste ich´s ja nicht. ;)
      schrieb am 09.09.08 21:14:43
      Beitrag Nr. 15.408 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.040.723 von Depotmanager04 am 09.09.08 21:12:58Aber was sollen diese Knallharten schon erklären? Woher kommst du denn, wahrscheinlich...oder so.....
      schrieb am 09.09.08 21:16:08
      Beitrag Nr. 15.409 ()
      Ohh, es wird noch gefachsimpelt, obwohl da kein Tropfen fließt und fließen wird....ohh Backe
      schrieb am 09.09.08 21:17:51
      Beitrag Nr. 15.410 ()
      Na ihr Scheissnasen, wo ist denn eurer Vorturner?
      schrieb am 09.09.08 21:18:40
      Beitrag Nr. 15.411 ()
      Naja Schweissnasen sollte es heißen...wo ist denn der Anheizer...
      schrieb am 09.09.08 21:20:10
      Beitrag Nr. 15.412 ()
      bald habt Ihr 0,40....aber macht mal...
      schrieb am 09.09.08 21:22:45
      Beitrag Nr. 15.413 ()
      Seit Ihr so verblendet, Steigt aus aus dem Quatsch....
      schrieb am 09.09.08 23:32:36
      Beitrag Nr. 15.414 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.039.554 von MrRipley am 09.09.08 19:55:47
      Doch, doch ich kenne die Studie von Swen aus dem Jahr 2003 und auch seine 3 folgenden Updates.

      Wer informiert ist weiss auch, dass Volkmar Michler sich daraus für seinen Taipan Börsenbrief bedient hat. Dabei allerdings den entscheidenden Fehler macht die Aussage von Douglas Wright

      Der britische Investor Douglas Wright, mit 2% an Petrel beteiligt, hält alleine nach einer Inbetriebnahme der Felder in Subba und Luhais einen Kurs von 10 Pfund (14,37 Euro) je Aktie für denkbar.

      für bare Münze nimmt und dadurch eine vollkommen idiotische Rechnung aufmacht.

      Gefördert werden sollen täglich zunächst 200.000 Barrel Öl (andere Angaben gehen sogar von 240.000 aus), das entspricht einer Jahresfördermenge von 73 Mio. Barrel. Wenn Sie den heutigen Ölpreis zu Grunde legen, kommen Sie auf ein Gesamtvolumen von 5,1 Mrd. US$. Nun wissen wir, dass die Förderkosten im Irak zu den niedrigsten weltweit gehören. Veranschlagt werden Kosten von etwa 2 US$ pro Barrel.
      Doch diese Rechnung machen wir ganz bewusst nicht. Kalkulieren Sie mit uns ganz konservativ: Ziehen wir nicht nur die geschätzten Förderkosten, sondern auch Lizenzgebühren an irakischen Staat sowie einen Risikoabschlag ab, d. h. vom ursprünglichen Volumen ziehe ich 80% ab. Dann komme ich auf eine Summe von 1,02 Mrd. US$.
      Der aktuelle Börsenwert des Unternehmens beläuft sich aber auf gerade einmal 95 Mio. US$. Einer der am Öl-Unternehmen beteiligen Großinvestoren hält allein durch die Inbetriebnahme dieses Ölfeld einen Aktienkurs von 14,73 3 für gerechtfertigt.
      Aktuell notiert die Aktie gerade einmal bei 0,85 Euro.

      Normalerweise erwartet man von einem Börsenbriefschreiber, dass er sich erst umfassend informiert und dann schreibt. Im Falle Petrel scheint dies vollkommen unterblieben zu sein.
      Aus dem britischen Investor Douglas Wright bei Swen wurde der private Großinvestor bei Volkmar. Da stellt sich die Frage wie "privat" Wright tatsächlich ist. Bei genauerem Hinsehen entpuppt sich Wright dann als Geldbeschaffer für u.a Tellings African Diamonds und Petrel Resources.
      Within the corporate finance arena, Mr. Wright has over the last 10 years advised and assisted many small cap companies, especially in the natural resources sector, to raise funds for some top performing AIM listed stocks such as African Diamonds PLC, Petrel Resources PLC, EnCore Oil PLC, and most recently TomCo Energy Plc

      Aber zurück zu Swen.

      Knapp 2,5 Monate nach der Studie kam das erste Update am 09.02.2004:
      Petrel Resources
      - Update -
      Wirtschaft im Nahen Osten boomt
      Irak-Konferenz könnte negative Auswirkungen auf Petrel-Pläne bringen
      Einschätzung: (Teil-)Gewinnmitnahmen

      Zweites Update am 12.07.2004:
      Petrel Resources Ltd.
      - Update -
      Branchendienst stuft Aktie als „buy“ ein
      Neues Rekordhoch bei 0,80 Euro
      Rat zur (Teil-)Gewinnmitnahme erwies sich als verfrüht
      eventuelle Restposition halten, Neuanlagen nur unter olympischen Aspekten

      Zweites Update am 11.08.2004:
      Petrel Resources
      - Update -
      Aussicht auf positive Entscheidung bis Oktober
      Gefahr einer reinen staatlichen Ölgesellschaft offenbar gebannt
      eventuelle Restposititionen halten; Neuanlagen überlegenswert

      Liest sich alles gut, war aber deutlich zu optimistisch.
      Eingetreten ist von dem in Aussicht gestellten nichts.

      Wenn Interesse an Studie und Updates besteht lade ich die pdfs hoch.
      schrieb am 10.09.08 07:49:25
      Beitrag Nr. 15.415 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.040.851 von Depotmanager04 am 09.09.08 21:22:45

      und verzieh dich wieder wohin du hergekommen bist!
      schrieb am 10.09.08 08:10:01
      Beitrag Nr. 15.416 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.044.597 von Ramses2I am 10.09.08 07:49:25aus Junkies Lieblingsboard:

      As you may know I have quite a lot of PET already. But I have the £28,000 required & consider this to be a very safe/fairly safe buy.


      1. 56p is cheap (Recent Low of 47p/48p).

      2. The Chinese recently had a contract confirmed from the Saddham era. Although changed in detail should be profitable for them. $6 a barrel is rumoured.

      3. Shell has just won a new lucrative gas flare contract.

      4. PET's meeting 31 August-4/5 September. In which DH says

      "The time we spent in Istanbul with the Iraqis went very well. They must coordinate with banks, partners and the ministry and without a doubt insist that we will continue without any halts. We will write our statement in the interims at the end of the month".

      "The Istanbul meetings between SCOP and Petrel were positive:
      SCOP reiterated that they wanted Petrel to proceed, wanted to resolve
      all outstanding issues pragmatically.Hopefully this will help clear the way for early progress on other fronts - inshalla! We will be issuing an interim statement by end September".

      "Assuming everything is implemented as discussed, I see no downside to Petrel. Obviously it would have been ideal to have never had issues, but we are the pioneer & must face facts as they arise".

      "The Istanbul meetings between SCOP and Petrel were positive: SCOP reiterated that they wanted Petrel to proceed, wanted to resolve all outstanding issues pragmatically. Hopefully this will help clear the way for early progress on other fronts".

      There were of course other e mail replies, but the above are a fair representation. My sincere thanks to those that shared the above with all of us.


      So DH mentions the Interims a number of times & seems to be indicating that....

      1. The meeting went well & providing the Iraqis do as promised then the monies owing will be paid before the end of September 2008 & notified with the Interim accounts.


      I also think that the NEW Seismic Results from Jordan will be announced with the Interim accounts.

      Someone recently e mailed PETs NOMAD & they said that because the results were so new there was no chance to get out an RNS before the AGM.

      So I think this potentially very important piece of NEW INFORMATION will be included.

      Plus any new Iraqi oil developments that happen between now & the Interims.

      Plus maybe an update on any new terms for S&L. Let's not forget $1/$2 a barrel commission which was mention at the PET London Meeting.

      So lots of potential upside in PET's SP before the end of this month.

      schrieb am 10.09.08 09:53:37
      Beitrag Nr. 15.417 ()
      Guten Morgen, nehmt es doch gelassen...wollte euch nur mal ein wenig aufmischen...
      schrieb am 10.09.08 09:58:14
      Beitrag Nr. 15.418 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.044.669 von Santiagero am 10.09.08 08:10:01
      Horgan hatte schon immer recht, Horgan hat wieder recht, Horgan wird immer recht haben!

      schrieb am 10.09.08 12:52:28
      Beitrag Nr. 15.419 ()
      Iraq opts for long term oil deals, ditches no-bids
      Published by Iraq Oil Reporton September 9, 2008in Uncategorized. 0 Comments
      *More on the Shell gas deal
      *German, UAE and Iran investors eye southern refineries
      *Alive in Baghdad: Selling Fuel
      *Kidnapping in the NOC

      Iraq won’t award temporary oilfield services contracts to international companies before a bidding round aimed at bringing in foreign expertise to boost crude production, Oil Minister Hussain al-Shahristani said, Bloomberg News reports. Iraq will instead go ahead with new long-term exploration contracts before approving a new energy law, he said. The country pre-qualified 35 U.S., European and Asian companies for a new exploration licensing round.

      Reuters has more.

      Royal Dutch Shell Plc, Europe’s largest oil company, is set to start operations in Iraq after a 35-year absence when it signs an agreement with the Iraqi Oil Ministry to capture gas outside the southern city of Basra, Bloomberg reports. The Iraqi cabinet approved the venture between Shell and the ministry, Shell spokesman Peter van Boesschoten said today in a telephone interview from The Hague.

      Foreign investors from Germany, the United Arab Emirates and Iran are offering to set up oil refineries in southern Iraq, Azzaman reports. These entrepreneurs, both individuals and companies, want to set a foot in the country with signs that conditions are returning to normal, said Kadhem Ismael head of the Investment Commission in the southern Province of Dhi Qar.

      JURIST Special Guest Columnists Nancy Wohlforth and Fred Mason, Co-Convenors of U.S. Labor Against the War, say that the proposed Iraqi oil law would put effective control of most of Iraq’s vast oil resources into the hands of foreign companies and make a mockery of any real Iraqi sovereignty

      Alive in Baghdad: Selling Fuel in Baghdad

      The gas and the fuel for cars has always been a problem for Iraqis inside Iraq, the irony that Iraq has one of the worlds largest reservoirs of oil is not lost on Iraqis.

      A civil servant who works for the Iraqi North Oil Company (NOC) was kidnapped by an armed group, southwestern Kirkuk, manager of the province’s suburbs and districts police said on Monday, Voices of Iraq reports.

      Parliament’s session was adjourned without approving the provincial council elections law, MP from the Kurdistan Islamic Union said, while Parliament’s speaker decided to hold a meeting for the heads of the parliamentary bloc for this purpose on Wednesday, Voices of Iraq reports.

      Nicholas Spangler and Sahar Issa have more for McClatchy Newspapers: A premature vote, warned Ali Adib, of the ruling Dawaa Party, could lead to another veto by the Kurdish leadership. “It means we’ll go into crisis and the positions of the blocs will freeze and get more and more complicated,” he said.

      Iraq’s finance minister traveled to Kuwait on Sunday to discuss payment of debts and compensation for Saddam Hussein’s 1991 invasion of that country, Nicholas Spangler reports for McClatchy.

      Hundreds of children, some as young as nine, are being held in appalling conditions in Baghdad’s prisons, sleeping in sweltering temperatures in overcrowded cells without working fans, no daily access to showers, and subject to frequent sexual abuse by guards, current and former prisoners say, Jonathan Steele reports for The Guardian.
      schrieb am 10.09.08 16:50:40
      Beitrag Nr. 15.420 ()

      LONDON ( GBX )


      6 Monats - SK - Verlaufs - Chart-UK

      schrieb am 14.09.08 14:44:56
      Beitrag Nr. 15.421 ()
      na ist ne schöne flaute hi, hi

      Petrel hopes to gain from new Iraqi oil law

      by CIARÁN BRENNAN, Irish Times
      Tue, Aug 19, 2008

      A NEW hydrocarbon law to enable development of known resources in Iraq should be passed by the end of the year, David Horgan, managing director of Irish exploration company Petrel, told shareholders at the company's annual general meeting yesterday.

      The focus of Petrel's operations is in Iraq, where it had been seeking an agreement to develop three existing oil fields in southern Iraq while applying for exploration acreage in the western desert.

      A new law would pave the way for international investment in Iraq's oil sector.

      Particularly it would provide clarity for production-sharing agreements between independent oil companies and the Iraqi government, shareholders were told.

      "It is a critical issue. If it does pass, the industry will be transformed," Mr Horgan said after the meeting.

      Petrel chairman John Teeling told shareholders that progress in Iraq was slower than expected.

      "We thought it would be quicker," he said. "It is taking more time."

      However, shareholders were told that security had improved in the country.

      With progress slow and uncertain in Iraq, a number of shareholders asked why the company had not concentrated on developing its prospect in the East Safawi block in Jordan where it has signed a production-sharing agreement with the Jordanian Natural Resources Authority.

      However, Dr Teeling described the Jordan project as a "blue sky" development whereas it is known that Iraq accounts for at least 12 per cent of conventional oil reserves.

      "Jordan is early-stage oil exploration," he said. "The future is Iraq."

      However, Mr Horgan said that development in either country was not mutually exclusive.

      "We can do both in parallel," he said.

      © 2008 The Irish Times
      schrieb am 18.09.08 15:54:49
      Beitrag Nr. 15.422 ()
      ich verstehe nicht, was die anleger so verunsichert? was ist daran falsch, dass man beide projekte gleichzeitig abarbeiten möchte?

      was sorgt in dem bericht denn für solch einen kursrutsch? meiner auffassung nach, klingt dieser doch zuversichtlich oder nicht?

      welches kursziel ist in naher zukunft denkbar?
      schrieb am 18.09.08 16:01:12
      Beitrag Nr. 15.423 ()
      Der Weise von Bagdad hat sich wieder mal zu Wort gemeldet.

      Sage of Baghdad - 18 Sep'08 - 12:00 - 110 of 117

      All will be revealed very soon. I stand by what I posted recently on the other thread. NOTHING substantive has been resolved. The dispute with the IOM is still ongoing.

      Sage of Baghdad - 18 Sep'08 - 13:34 - 117 of 117

      Further, the excuse given by the company that they were told by the ministry/Dr Shahristani to 'divorce' Makman because they were Kurdish is wholely "rubbish" (the quotes are from someone close to the oil ministry).

      und das hat er kürzlich gepostet:

      Sage of Baghdad - 4 Sep'08 - 20:51 - 71642 of 71644

      Don't know how to break this to you folk. My sources tell me there was no resolution at the end of the meetings in Turkey. The Iraqis wont budge and insist Petrel are in breach of contract and therefore withholding payment. The Iraqis also aren't budging on the renewal of the bonds.

      Petrel will issue an RNS in due course. I believe they are now reassessing their options in Iraq.

      trop - 4 Sep'08 - 20:56 - 71643 of 71644

      Your sources are ?

      Sage of Baghdad - 4 Sep'08 - 21:03 - 71644 of 71644

      People at the oil ministry. You don't have to take my word for it. You'll find out soon enough.
      schrieb am 18.09.08 16:10:21
      Beitrag Nr. 15.424 ()
      geht es dabei um die aussenstände petrel's?

      sollte dies so sein, warum weigert petrel sich, das geld auf eine irakische bank zu transferieren?
      schrieb am 18.09.08 23:10:59
      Beitrag Nr. 15.425 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.170.241 von tradecon am 18.09.08 16:10:21
      Petrel hat zwei finanzielle "Baustellen" im Irak.

      Bei der ersten geht es um Geld, das PET noch vom Ölministerium erhalten soll. Dabei handelt es sich nach Auskunft von PET um 46 Mio US-Dollar. Laut Horgan ist der Grund warum noch nicht bezahlt wurde darin zu sehen, dass das Ölministerium ausschliesslich auf ein Konto bei der Trade Bank of Iraq zahlen will, PET das aber nicht für sicher genug hält und das Geld auf ein irisches Konto haben möchte.
      They want to pay our money into a specific bank account at the Trade Bank of Iraq.
      "We don't want to do this as Iraq doesn't have a proper banking system. We just want to be paid into our Irish bank account."

      Die deutsche Regierung hat da deutlich mehr Vertrauen in die irakische Handelsbank.
      The Trade Bank of Iraq has announced the completion of an agreement with the German government to guarantee German exports to Iraq.
      The agreement, which was signed by TBI and the Iraqi Ministry of Finance with Euler Hermes Kreditversicherungs-AG on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Labour, allows for short term export credit insurance for German goods and services imported by the Iraqi purchasers.

      Die zweite Baustelle ist, dass nach dem Rückzug von Makman aus dem PET/Makman Joint Venture das Ölministerium neue Bankbürgschaften haben möchte. Die alten Bürgschaften wurden anscheinend von Makman beschafft.
      Makman is part of a large Iraq commercial group. Petrel and Makman will form a new company for the purposes of the JV in which each party will have a 50% share. Under the Agreement, Makman will provide a Bank Guarantee for the 5% Performance Bond, and a further Bank Guarantee to enable the Iraqi Ministry of Oil's project company to issue a 10% advance payment to finance the project.

      Horgan will das aber nicht, weil es angeblich zu teuer ist.

      He said the Iraqi government had also demanded Petrel replace its current bond finance with new bonds, which would be expensive to fund under current credit market conditions.
      The company has not been informed about why the government objects to its current arrangements, which it had previously accepted.
      "Who knows why it is? There isn't a proper banking system and they accepted the bonds originally," said Horgan.

      Tatsächlich würde PET wohl von keiner Bank der Welt eine Bankbürgschaft erhalten. PET ist seit letztem Jahr mit über 10 Mio US Dollar verschuldet!
      schrieb am 19.09.08 09:57:51
      Beitrag Nr. 15.426 ()
      Hallo alle zusammen,

      Zurück aus meiner OTC-Reise, muss ich feststellen dass sich hier noch nicht viel getan hat, so nehm ich an dass noch nichts neues Veröffentlicht wurde.
      Da bin ich mal gespannt, die Otc-entwicklung scheint ja auch vorbei zu sein.

      Mfg aus Luxemburg
      schrieb am 19.09.08 10:14:47
      Dieser Beitrag wurde vom System automatisch gesperrt. Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an
      schrieb am 19.09.08 10:49:54
      Beitrag Nr. 15.428 ()
      Junkie, Du musst wirklich sehr, sehr verzweifelt sein, dass Du hier den nachweislich größten Lügner des englischen Shorter - Boards anführst.
      schrieb am 19.09.08 11:10:08
      Beitrag Nr. 15.429 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.184.069 von arbeitwargestern am 19.09.08 10:49:54
      Shorter Board? Das Board aus dem Santi ständig die Postings der Ober-Pusher hier einstellt?

      Vor einigen Monaten wurde genau in diesem Board geschrieben, dass es seit einiger Zeit Probleme zwischen PET und Makman geben würde.

      Die Reaktion darauf entsprach genau deiner Reaktion heute.
      Lügner, Lüge, gelogen wurde von allen Seiten gebrüllt.
      Heute weiss jeder, dass es die Wahrheit war!
      schrieb am 19.09.08 11:15:48
      Beitrag Nr. 15.430 ()
      Da leidet wohl jemand an seinem Nichtwissen, das, er für Wissen hält.:eek::lick:
      Das Hirn ist unser grösster Gegner auf dem Weg zum Boersenmillionär:laugh:
      schrieb am 19.09.08 11:46:07
      Beitrag Nr. 15.431 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.177.611 von tradejunkie am 18.09.08 23:10:59vielen dank für diese ausführliche beschreibung der sachlage.

      ist denn eine einigung in sicht oder wird man petrel vom oil ministry fallen lassen?
      schrieb am 19.09.08 12:21:40
      Beitrag Nr. 15.432 ()
      Es ist ja schon wie bei der FED es wird nur noch so mit Papier rumgeschmiessen.:laugh:
      Es ist zum jammern...Inflation...Rezession...Pet...
      Wer bleibt da noch optimistisch?
      schrieb am 19.09.08 14:28:38
      Beitrag Nr. 15.433 ()
      Die deutsche Regierung hat da deutlich mehr Vertrauen in die irakische Handelsbank.

      The Trade Bank of Iraq has announced the completion of an agreement with the German government to guarantee German exports to Iraq.

      na gut auch, sieht so als ob dies auch die spezies von kfw sind, die noch paar pennunsen über habn;);):):p
      schrieb am 19.09.08 16:09:51
      Beitrag Nr. 15.434 ()
      Armer Junkie, die Depression wg. Energulf hat dir wohl vollends die klare Sicht vernebelt: deine Zitate stammen alle von mbthedude´s advfn. Reines deramper board. Versuchs mal mit skiboy´s advfn.

      Wer lesen kann ist klar im Vorteil.

      Nächste Woche kommen PET´s Interims mit positien Meldungen zum Geld-/Kapitalbestand (PET ist absolut im Plus) und zum multibillionbarrel field in Jordanien:

      D.Horgan (19.9.2008): "Enjoy the ride".

      Leider bist du armer Junkie nach deinem grandiosen ENGinvest wohl pleite...
      schrieb am 19.09.08 16:48:00
      Beitrag Nr. 15.435 ()

      LONDON ( GBX )


      6 Monats - SK - Verlaufs - Chart-UK der Hoffnung das der Kurs dann endlich mal wieder anzieht ! ! !

      @ allen ein schünes WE,

      mfG Hinkelstone
      schrieb am 19.09.08 16:53:02
      Beitrag Nr. 15.436 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.189.166 von arbeitwargestern am 19.09.08 16:09:51
      Nächste Woche kommen PET´s Interims mit positien Meldungen zum Geld-/Kapitalbestand (PET ist absolut im Plus) und zum multibillionbarrel field in Jordanien:


      auch von dir vom Juni 08:
      Die senior officials des IM of Oil treffen sich morgen und übermorgen den dritten bzw. vierten Tag mit PET wg. neuen Verträgen. Das höchst positive Ergebnis wird noch diesen Monat veröffentlicht.

      NIX, wurde veröffentlich

      In den letzten Jahren wurde NICHT EIN EINZIGES MAL von den unzähligen, supertoll verlaufenden Besprechungen mit dem IOM berichtet.

      David Horgan (
      Sent: 20 June 2008 11:35:33
      To: Fiona ***********

      Yes - progress on the HCL has been slow. The Chairman must be general & cautious. The meat is in the MD Report in the AR and at the AGM. I am optimistic that things have started moving forward again

      Der Jahresbericht und das Statement von Teeling kurz davor waren eine einzige Katastrophe!
      - Es gibt keinen Vertrag für Block 6!
      - Aus knapp 10 Mio US-Dollar Guthaben sind innerhalb eines Jahres knapp über 10 Mio US-Dollar Schulden geworden!
      - Zum so gut verlaufenen Treffen wurde kein Wort geschrieben!

      Beim AGM wurde bekannt, dass Makman aus dem JV ausgestiegen ist.
      Ein Disaster für PET.
      Dass sich PET erdreistet zu behaupten Makman hätte auf Druck des IOM aussteigen müssen, weil es sich um eine kurdische Firma handelt ist der Brüller. Makman hat zahlreiche weitere Projekte im Irak am Laufen unter anderem mit dem IOM!

      Aber jetzt wird es der Interimsreport sicher richten! :laugh: :laugh:

      Und wenn nicht der dann der AR nächstes Jahr oder übernächstes Jahr oder ... :laugh: :laugh:
      schrieb am 19.09.08 19:33:59
      Beitrag Nr. 15.437 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.189.789 von tradejunkie am 19.09.08 16:53:02Wenn Du´s nicht begreifst dann geh doch einfach pragmatisch ran:

      Nutz die eine Woche bis zu den Interims Geld zu besorgen (auch wenn das nach deiner ENGpleite schwierig werden dürfte),
      steig ein...

      und sag hinterher nicht, dir hätte keiner was gesagt.
      schrieb am 19.09.08 19:55:01
      Beitrag Nr. 15.438 ()
      Wer hat mir auf FSE die Dinger geschenkt zu 0,53?:)
      schrieb am 19.09.08 22:32:00
      Beitrag Nr. 15.439 ()
      Auf geht es zum PET-Aktionärs-Oktoberfest 2008:

      Das 175. Münchner Oktoberfest
      Von 20. September bis 05. Oktober 2008

      Noch sind einige Plätze im Bus frei und entsprechende Bestellungen können angenomnmen werden.
      Für Unterhaltung und Gesang ist wie jedes Jahr ausreichend gesorgt. :D

      schrieb am 22.09.08 00:06:38
      Beitrag Nr. 15.440 ()
      Aussteigen, so lange Ihr noch könnt.

      Mit Verlaub, Ihr Petrel-Gutmenschen, welche Argumente gibt es, bei Petrel jetzt einzusteigen?
      War vier Jahre investiert und bin froh, das sinkene Schiff verlassen zu haben.
      Bin für alle positiven Petrel-Argumente offen, um wieder mit einem größeren Betrag einzusteigen und so den Kurs mit nach oben zu treiben.
      Nur - nennt mir Fakten! Bitte kein Geschwafel.

      So long

      schrieb am 22.09.08 00:56:49
      Beitrag Nr. 15.441 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.209.249 von BeimBacchus am 22.09.08 00:06:38Sag mir wer jetzt noch aussteigt?

      Du warst wahrscheinlich der letzte der ausgestiegen ist, das spricht nicht für weiter massiv fallende Kurse;)
      Taipan hat auch auf Verkaufen nach dem Erreichen des fiktiven SL( :laugh: )gestellt soweit ich weiss.

      Es kann fast nur noch positive Überraschungen geben. Wer in den letzten Wochen nicht verkauft hat, ist hartgesotten und bleibt mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit auch in naher Zukunft drin, bis es Ergebnisse und Fakten gibt.
      schrieb am 22.09.08 10:27:48
      Beitrag Nr. 15.442 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.209.249 von BeimBacchus am 22.09.08 00:06:38noch immer die Gleiche Storie:

      State Dept. says Iraq oil trust fund bill could derail revenue sharing and oil laws
      Published by Iraq Oil Reporton September 19, 2008in Uncategorized. 1 Comment
      *Oil Minister Shahristani blames KRG oil deals for oil law delay
      *Top two on Parliament energy committee dispute oil issues
      *Former South Oil Co. head made official ministry adviser
      *Parliament sends electricity crisis to special committee
      *Kurdish MPs want Iraq-U.S. draft deal altered, fearing attack
      *Elections law debate postponed
      *Ethnic tensions expanded, explained
      *Much more

      An Iraqi oil trust fund proposed by Sens. Hillary Clinton and John Ensign may derail Iraqi government negotiations on already divisive oil and revenue-sharing laws, a State Department official said, Ben Lando reports for United Press International. (NOTE: Registration is free but now required to read UPI.)

      Legislation recently introduced by Clinton, D-N.Y., and Ensign, R-Nev., requires the U.S. State Department to present to the Iraqi government an “oil trust plan” or lose a portion of Iraq reconstruction and economic funding.

      The Clinton-Ensign bill “could have a negative impact on reaching a political compromise on pending oil-related legislation, including the Revenue Sharing Law,” a State Department official, speaking on background, told United Press International, “by interfering with the ongoing negotiations on the package of four laws.”

      “The United States government, other countries and international organizations have broached the topic of the establishment of an oil trust fund with the Iraqi government for several years,” the State Department official said. The oil trust fund models of Norway, Canada, Venezuela and the state of Alaska, among others, have been presented to and discussed with Iraqi leaders.

      Some models wouldn’t work in Iraq, and others couldn’t be implemented while Iraq is a war zone and the financial institutions are still developing.

      “The decision to create such a fund is squarely an Iraqi one. The United States government cannot impose a durable solution,” the official said. “We would hope the Iraqi government will focus resolving issues on establishing a framework on federal and regional authorities in the administration of the oil and gas sector, create an equitable revenue-sharing system with the governorates, reconstitute the Iraq National Oil Co., and restructure the federal Oil Ministry before creating an oil trust fund.”

      A series of contracts awarded by Kurdish leaders is blocking the passage of a national oil law, prompting Baghdad to use Saddam Hussein era rules for new deals, Oil Minister Hussein al-Shahristani said, Agence France-Presse reports.

      Shahristani said some Parliamentarians are balking at the need for a new law and others want it to ban the types of deals the Kurdistan Regional Government has signed. He also said his plans to develop oil fields with international oil companies are allowed by the Saddam-ear law and would be allowed according to the draft of the new oil law. He said all of the discovered oil and gas fields will be up for bid.

      In the refining sector, Shahristani said current refineries would be expanded and new facilities are planned for Nasiriyah, Karbala, Kirkuk and Maysan.

      The Kurdish party head of Parliament’s oil and gas committee and a United Shiite Alliance MP, the committee’s deputy, differ on what’s preventing an oil law and oil exports from the Kurdistan region, Aiyob Mawloodi reports for The Kurdish Globe.

      Heritage Oil, the firm with assets in Iraqi Kurdistan, may be up for sale, Robert Cookson reports for the Financial Times. “The Company confirms that it is in highly preliminary discussions with a third party regarding a possible disposal of certain of its assets. These discussions may or may not ultimately lead to an offer for the Company,” the company said in a statement.

      Four months after the Oil Ministry reshuffled Jabbar al-Laibi from his position as head of the powerful South Oil Co., the details of his new duties have been finalized. His new title is ministerial adviser, he will report to Oil Minister Hussain al-Shahristani, and his purview will cover oil and gas production capacity, increasing capacity and contracts to develop oil and gas fields in Basra and Maysan provinces, Ben Lando reports in UPI’s Iraq Energy Roundup.

      Iraq’s parliament on Thursday referred the power crisis to a specialist committee after the main Shiite bloc called on the electricity minister to resign, Voices of Iraq reports.“The ministry set 600 mega watts as consumption cap, yet the power demands increased, aggravating the crisis,” Minister Karim Wahid explained. He called for “forming an investigating committee on causes of cancelling Korean firms contracts to boost electricity infrastructures”.

      Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki expressed his readiness to accept an official invitation from the British government to participate in a London-based economic summit on energy, Voices of Iraq reports. Maliki “accepted an official invitation from the British prime minister to attend an energy summit that will be held in the British capital,” read the statement, providing no information about the scheduled date of the summit.

      An agreement to extend the American military mandate in Iraq beyond this year — near completion only a month ago — has stalled over objections by Iraqi leaders and could be in danger of falling apart, according to Iraqi and Bush administration officials, Steven Lee Myers and Sam Dagher report for The New York Times. The major remaining point of contention involves immunity, with the United States maintaining that American troops and military contractors should have the same protections they have in other countries where they are based and Iraq insisting that they be subject to the country’s criminal justice system for any crime committed outside of a military operation, the officials said. Mr. Maliki also, for the first time, raised the possibility of seeking an extension to the United Nations mandate at the Security Council, saying that had become complicated because of American and Russian tensions over the conflict in Georgia. “Even if we ask for an extension, then we will ask for it according to our terms and we will attach conditions and the U.S. side will refuse,” he said in an interview on Wednesday with the directors of Iraqi satellite television channels. “U.S. forces would be without legal cover and will have no choice but to pull out from Iraq or stay and be in contravention of international law.”

      Kurdish politicians are demanding the draft security pact omit a section allowing Iraq to sign similar deals with neighboring countries, Qassim Khidhir reports for The Kurdish Globe.MP Mahmud Othman of the KC agreed that any security or political agreement with neighboring countries does not suit the best interests of Kurdish people. He said that in the past, whenever neighboring countries signed agreements with Iraq, they always considered Kurds a threat.

      The head of Parliament’s legal committee said it was agreed to postpone presenting the special report on the provincial council elections law until next week, Voices of Iraq reports. “The committee formed by the legal and the provinces committees decided today to adjourn the presentation of the special report on the elections law until next Sunday,” Bahaa al-Aaraji said.
      schrieb am 22.09.08 16:48:30
      Beitrag Nr. 15.443 ()
      Lassen wir den Weisen von Bagdad noch einmal zu Wort kommen:

      Sage of Baghdad - 22 Sep'08 - 14:09 - 133 of 133

      There has been NO satisfactory resolution at the Istanbul meetings. The money is still being withheld by the ministry and no full resolution has been achieved regarding the contractual disputes and hence release of the money. The money is NOT going to come PET's way anytime soon. Contractual disputes between PET and SCOP/ministry still remain.
      schrieb am 23.09.08 11:08:48
      Beitrag Nr. 15.444 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.219.045 von tradejunkie am 22.09.08 16:48:30ABSOLUTER UNSINN (David Horgan, MDirector Petrel Resources)
      schrieb am 23.09.08 11:12:27
      Beitrag Nr. 15.445 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.219.045 von tradejunkie am 22.09.08 16:48:30"Lassen W I R..." ?!

      In der klinischen Psychologie beschreibt man deine Symptome als
      "spaltungsirre sein".

      Nun ja, wen wundert´s...
      schrieb am 23.09.08 15:44:23
      Beitrag Nr. 15.446 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.231.305 von arbeitwargestern am 23.09.08 11:08:48
      ABSOLUTER UNSINN (David Horgan, MDirector Petrel Resources)

      Was von Horgan's Äußerungen zu halten ist, ist mittlerweile von Irland bis Irak bestens bekannt. Nur hier im Thread gilt Horgan noch als die unantastbare heilige Kuh.

      David Horgan (MDirector Petrel Resources):

      Petrel are confident that the government will ratify its claim to the oil rights for a large chunk of land in the western Iraq, Western Desert Block 6.

      The company may also aim to get a 'super giant' oilfield, which would yield over 10 billion barrels of oil. The new law would end the legal limbo in the Iraqi oil industry, which did not allow foreign oil companies to enter into production agreements there.

      Petrel currently has contracts to study the Merjan oil field in central Iraq and to assist the state to bring the Subba & Luhais oil field in southern Iraq under production. Although the law does not specify the terms of production agreements, Horgan said that it was likely that Petrel would get 60 to 70% of the oil produced by its fields until it had recovered the cost of its investment and 20% after that.

      The reality is that no one is aiming for TSAs: we are doing the biggest one already. The majors have no interest in TSAs in Iraq. They want PSAs.

      We will acquire a risk-sharing contract (PSA or equivalent – though it will be called something diplomatic) on a major development field ( Halfaya or equivalent) as well as world-class exploration acreage.

      Yes - progress on the HCL has been slow. The Chairman must be general & cautious. The meat is in the MD Report in the AR and at the AGM. I am optimistic that things have started moving forward again

      We don't want to do this as Iraq doesn't have a proper banking system

      Schau dich mal in den Threads der anderen Teeling/Horgan Firmen um. Auch dort betätigt sich Horgan gern und oft als Schaumschläger. Ebenso erfolgreich wie bei PET!

      Persian Gold

      African Diamonds

      West African Diamonds

      Connemara Mining
      schrieb am 24.09.08 17:57:36
      Beitrag Nr. 15.447 ()

      LONDON ( GBX )


      6 Monats - SK - Verlaufs - Chart-UK

      schrieb am 24.09.08 21:40:25
      Beitrag Nr. 15.448 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.256.738 von hinkelstone am 24.09.08 17:57:36Im Vergleich mit anderen Firmen hält sich PET doch eigentlich ganz wacker...oder etwa nicht?

      schrieb am 24.09.08 21:59:52
      Beitrag Nr. 15.449 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.260.523 von Ramses2I am 24.09.08 21:40:25im negativen Sinne stimmt es...also hier investieren, um geringere Verlusten zu erleiden; meinst du das?
      schrieb am 24.09.08 22:04:39
      Beitrag Nr. 15.450 ()
      Outlook for Oil:

      2008 Thus Far and a Preview of Coming Attractions
      by: Jim Kingsdale posted on: March 05, 2008 | about stocks: CREE / DBO / MRO / OIH / OIL / USO Font Size: PrintEmail My concern has been that at some point, shortages of oil will cause a falling-stocks, rising-oil phenomenon that will crush my oil related stocks along with the whole market. 2008 has started like that. Oil was up 6.34% as of 2/29 (per Barclays Bank Zero Cpn ETN (OIL)) but stocks were down 8.5% (in terms of the S&P 500 ETF (SPY)). For oil-related stocks, the falling stock market trumped the rising oil market, as I have expected. IYE, a broad-based oil-stock ETF, was down 3.8% for the two months while Oil Service HOLDRs ETF (OIH), an oil service stock index, was down 6.7%.

      The current situation is not exactly like the one I fear will come to pass because stocks are now declining due to credit and recession fears, not the higher oil prices. But the markets we’ve been seeing lately give us a preview of coming attractions and remind me why I added an oil options component to the mix of strategies in the EIS portfolio.

      The EIS portfolio, happily, was up 5.1% for the two months (up 10.4% in February) partly because of the options component. Early in February I doubled its 3% allocation, adding another 3%, and at the end of February, it made up 9.8% of the portfolio, given appreciation.

      A number of readers have written to ask about implementing this strategy, so let me review it now. The strategy is a simple matter of buying calls on long dated crude oil. To do this, one must have an account with a firm that trades futures contracts. Please do not write to ask for a recommendation of such a firm; you can find one by asking your financial advisor or by googling “commodities brokers.” If you have an account with a “private bank”, they should be able to help you.

      My calls are exercisable in the years 2010 through 2015 with strike prices of $100 to $120. The option contract will gain if before the expiration date the
      schrieb am 24.09.08 22:07:03
      Beitrag Nr. 15.451 ()
      Petrel Resources PLC (Public, LON:PET) - Add to Portfolio - Discuss PET Find more results for PET

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      PETREL RESOURCES PLC REGISTERED << eine TOP STORY?! - Sep 5, 2007 (1 post)
      mein unverbindlicher Rechtsakt des Rates!! ;-) ich würde sagen ...
      More discussions »
      Petrel Resources Plc is an oil exploration company. The focus of the Company's operations is in Iraq, where it has been seeking an agreement to develop three existing oil fields in Southern Iraq while applying for exploration acreage in the Western Desert. The Company has been awarded a contract to develop the Subba and Luhais oilfields located in Southern Iraq to a minimum capacity of 200,000 barrels of oil per day and 120 million cubic feet of associated gas. Subba and Luhais oil fields are located in the relatively calm region of southern Iraq north-west of Basra. Petrel also involves in providing training and transfer of technology to the technical personnel of the Ministry of Oil. As part of these efforts, Petrel and the Iraqi Oil Ministry completed a technical study on the undeveloped Merjan oil field contained. The agreement was signed in October 2005 and was completed in May 2007.
      162 Clontarf Road
      Dublin, 3
      +353-1-8332833 (Phone)
      +353-1-8333505 (Fax)
      Company website:
      News Releases, Investor Relations, Financial Information, Corporate History/Profile, Executives

      Officers and directors
      John J. Teeling Ph.D. > Chairman of the Board

      James M. Finn > Company Secretary

      David Horgan > Managing Director, Director
      Officer Since: 05/1999

      Guy Delbes > Director

      Stefan Borghi > Director
      Officer Since: 2003

      Full list on Reuters »


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      schrieb am 24.09.08 22:08:28
      Beitrag Nr. 15.452 ()
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      Share Price: 43.50 Bid: 40.00 Ask: 47.00 Change: 0.00 (+4.82%)
      Spread: 7.00 Spread as %: 17.50% Open: 41.50 High: 46.63 Low: 40.00 Yesterday’s Close: 43.50

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      0134017 GBX IE 72.23m £31.42m

      52 Week High 156.00 52 Week High Date 30-AUG-2007
      52 Week Low 41.50 52 Week Low Date 23-SEP-2008

      Market Size # Trades Vol Sold Vol Bought PE Ratio Earnings Dividend Yield
      5,000 21 46,664 77,777 -79.091 -0.55


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      Recent Share Trades for Petrel Resources (PET) DateTimeTrade PrcVolumeBuy/SellBidAskValue (approx)
      24-Sep-0815:34:1441.281,100Sell* 40.0047.00£454.08Trade Type:

      24-Sep-0815:02:5446.633,000Buy* 40.0047.00£1,399Trade Type:
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      24-Sep-0814:53:4741.28647Sell* 40.0047.00£267.08Trade Type:
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      24-Sep-0814:49:0545.60200Buy* 40.0047.00£91.20Trade Type:

      24-Sep-0812:52:1946.631,000Buy* 40.0047.00£466.30Trade Type:
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      Share Discussion for Petrel Resources (PET)Date/TimeAuthorSubjectShare Price†OpinionFri 09:19jerseysaintSp drop42.50No Opinion
      Whats going on, any news on recovering back payments? been searching for news but nothing new. Does anyone know anything new?17 Sep '08barkermanPet47.00No Opinion
      Still here Keeping the faith and talking to myself.lols.4 Sep '08barkermanIraq54.00No Opinion
      I for one have been for nearly 5 years and have not lost the reason i invested in PET b6 was is the holygrail and which ever way the Iraq IOM dress it up it will still be great news for Pet just need the Sand L fiasco sorted first.24 Aug '08sharetalkcontinued54.50No Opinion
      "Who knows why it is? There isn't a proper banking system and they accepted the bonds originally," said Horgan. He also admitted the uncertainty over the company's title to an exploration zone in the centre of the country had increased somewhat. Petrel concluded, but not finalised, a deal with Saddam Hussein's regime for the block just prior to the Iraq war in 2003 and its title has yet to be officially recognised. "The world is experiencing extreme cases of resource nationalism such as in Venezuela and this has put title everywhere into some doubt." August 24, 2008… Aug '08sharetalkPetrel battles for $46m Iraq paymen54.50No Opinion
      Petrel battles for $46m Iraq payment Ken Griffin PETREL Resources, the Irish oil company based in Iraq and chaired by Irish businessman John Teeling, is battling to recover $46m (€31m) in back payments it is owed for providing technical advice and equipment to the Iraqi government. Teeling told shareholders last week that the company hadn't been paid by the government since Christmas and that it would hold crucial discussions with Iraqi officials within weeks in a bid to get its money. It remains unclear what the precise issue is but Petrel's managing director, David Horgan, told the Sunday Tribune part of the problem was the Iraqi's refusal to pay the funds into a foreign back account. "They want to pay our money into a specific bank account at the Trade Bank of Iraq. "We don't want to do this as Iraq doesn't have a proper banking system. We just want to be paid into our Irish bank account." Horgan said the $46m owed related to equipment provided for the Subba & Luhais oil field in the south-east of the country as well as design work. He said the Iraqi government had also demanded Petrel replace its current bond finance with new bonds, which would be expensive to fund under current credit market conditions. The company has not been informed about why the government objects to its current arrangements, which it had previously accepted. continued.....7 Aug '08nezlobsomething or anything going61.00No Opinion
      on here ???? I am still hanging on here in hope of some deal being done!
      †Share prices shown are taken at time of message posting.

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      schrieb am 24.09.08 22:11:08
      Beitrag Nr. 15.453 ()
      schrieb am 24.09.08 22:21:07
      Beitrag Nr. 15.454 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.261.083 von Depotmanager04 am 24.09.08 22:11:08ein tot geborenes Kind...
      schrieb am 24.09.08 22:21:50
      Beitrag Nr. 15.455 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.261.266 von Depotmanager04 am 24.09.08 22:21:07Das Geld haben die Pusher gemacht...
      schrieb am 24.09.08 22:49:17
      Beitrag Nr. 15.456 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.261.283 von Depotmanager04 am 24.09.08 22:21:50
      meinst du solche Pusher?

      #10377 von Santiagero 22.08.07 15:28:45 Beitrag Nr.: 31.255.695
      Dieses Posting: versenden | melden | drucken | Antwort schreiben |
      Der erste Bericht von der HV eines Teilnehmers auf ADVFN, besagt, dass petrel von höchster politische Seite bereits das Hafaya giant field zugesagt bekonmmen hat, weil die Politik ein Exepmel setzen will für die Multis.außerdem hätte Petrel seine Bereitschaft vor Ort zu arbeiten ja bereits erfolgreich bewiesen.

      #10378 von Santiagero 22.08.07 15:35:57 Beitrag Nr.: 31.255.831
      Dieses Posting: versenden | melden | drucken | Antwort schreiben |
      Folgende Antwort bezieht sich auf Beitrag Nr.: 31.255.695 von Santiagero am 22.08.07 15:28:45
      Petrel spricht von PSAs, bei denen 20% Gewinn nach Abzug aller Kosten zugesagt werden.

      #10379 von Santiagero 22.08.07 15:46:49 Beitrag Nr.: 31.256.045
      Dieses Posting: versenden | melden | drucken | Antwort schreiben |
      Folgende Antwort bezieht sich auf Beitrag Nr.: 31.255.695 von Santiagero am 22.08.07 15:28:45
      Man sei vom Ölministerium informiert worden, dass im Sept. mit allen Mittel das HCL durchgedrückt werden soll. Man solle seine Koffer gepackt halten, um bei Bitte sofort nach Baghdad zur Vertragsunterzeichnung kommen zu können. Halfaya soll 600k-800k barrel/ tag fördern können. Hört sich ja wirklich vielversprechend an.

      10381 von Santiagero 22.08.07 17:00:53 Beitrag Nr.: 31.257.299
      Dieses Posting: versenden | melden | drucken | Antwort schreiben |
      Folgende Antwort bezieht sich auf Beitrag Nr.: 31.257.236 von Santiagero am 22.08.07 16:57:29
      und hier noch ein weiterer Teilnehmerbericht vom AGM:
      Just had en email from a broker colleague who was at the AGM and is still in Dublin. Described as being a very positive and bullish meeting. Halfaya generated a lot of interest and the management were apparently very willing to give insight. Apparently it was PET who were approached directly by the IOM. Conservative estimates state that 8-10 Billion barrels can be got out. No-one else wants to commit to that geographical area yet but PET are willing. Block 6 is more or less in the bag and work is ongoing. Another oilfield was also discussed and PET are doing further research into that. PET management are ready to fly into Iraq as soon as HCL passed. Contracts will come quickly. Iraqi parliament reconvenes in less than 2 weeks.

      #10488 von Santiagero 26.08.07 22:49:53 Beitrag Nr.: 31.298.148
      Dieses Posting: versenden | melden | drucken | Antwort schreiben |
      Jetzt scheint ja alles in trockenen Tüchern,hopefully!!
      Die Bekanntgabe der Ratifizierung dürfte locker 1 pound im shareprice bringen!!
      Das aber dauert bis zur Wiedereröffnung des Parlaments-bis dahin brodelt die Spekulation-mal sehen ,wohin sie uns führt

      #10501 von Santiagero 27.08.07 15:17:46 Beitrag Nr.: 31.303.533
      Dieses Posting: versenden | melden | drucken | Antwort schreiben |
      Folgende Antwort bezieht sich auf Beitrag Nr.: 31.303.053 von Hopodertop am 27.08.07 14:36:01
      auf dem letzten AGM wurde doch ausführlich über Inhalt + Konsequenzen aus dem HCL geredet, einfach noch mal zurückgehen und lesen.
      Dass die Verabschiedung sich solange hinzieht liegt an dem Kompetenzgerangel und an dem Streit über die Aufteilung.
      Der Hinweis von DH, dass man aufgefordert worden ist, sich unmittelbar nach Ratifizierung bereit zu halten, für Verhandlungen über Verträge in Baghdad, sagt doch auch einigesdarüber aus , wie weit petrel es schon im Iraq gebracht hat.
      ich denke ,dass die Verabschiedung den Kurs locker auf 2,5 Pound katapultieren wird. Wenn dann die Sekretärin von Horgan auf Nachfrage sagt, er sei in Baghdad, sind locker 5 pound drin.Natürlich alles IMO!

      usw. usw. usw. usw. usw.
      schrieb am 25.09.08 16:45:49
      Beitrag Nr. 15.457 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.261.674 von tradejunkie am 24.09.08 22:49:17Junkie, du hälst keine PET - Aktien. Also was willst du hier?!

      Warum verbreitest Du Deinen Unsinn nicht im Energulf BB, da bist (oder warst) du doch Aktionär.

      Spätestens am Dienstag, den 30.9.2008 gibt PET seine Interims heraus. Von denen sagt D. Horgan (MDirector):

      "Enjoy the ride, the results will speak for themselves!"
      schrieb am 25.09.08 21:36:13
      Beitrag Nr. 15.458 ()
      Spätestens am Dienstag, den 30.9.2008 gibt PET seine Interims heraus. Von denen sagt D. Horgan (MDirector):

      Woher kommt denn das Datum?
      schrieb am 26.09.08 08:26:38
      Beitrag Nr. 15.459 ()
      RNS Number : 3582E
      Petrel Resources PLC
      26 September 2008

      26th September 2008
      Petrel Resources PLC

      Interim Results for the Six Months Ended 30th June 2008

      • Outstanding Subba & Luhais EPC contract issues being resolved

      • Data on the Dhufriya field Technical Cooperation Agreement collected

      • Preliminary well planning underway to drill East Safawi, Jordan

      • Iraq's oil industry opens up for development

      David Horgan, Managing Director of Petrel Resources, commented;

      'Petrel is pleased to report that progress is again underway in our Iraqi operations; the Iraqi authorities reiterated that they wished Petrel to continue the Subba & Luhais Project incorporating Petrel's proposed changes to the design and operational requirements. The Ministry of Oil's State Company for Oil Projects advised that they wanted to resolve all outstanding issues, technical and commercial, pragmatically.

      This augurs well for our plans to accelerate and broaden our oil exploration and development interests in Iraq.'


      Petrel Resources

      David Horgan, Managing Director
      + 353 (0)87 292 3500

      John Teeling, Chairman
      + 353 (0)1 833 2833

      College Hill
      Paddy Blewer
      +44 (0)20 7457 2020
      Nick Elwes

      Blue Oar Securities Plc
      John Wakefield
      +44 (0)117 933 0020

      Simon Moynagh

      Managing Director's Statement

      Interim Results for the Six Months Ended 30th June 2008

      Engineering, Procurement & supervision of Construction (EPC) Contract

      Following a difficult and uncertain period, we are pleased to report that progress is again underway; the Iraqi authorities reiterated that they wished Petrel to continue the Subba & Luhais Project incorporating Petrel's proposed changes to the design and operational requirements. The Ministry of Oil's State Company for Oil Projects (SCOP) advised that they wanted to resolve all outstanding technical and commercial issues pragmatically.

      Electricity generation and distribution capacity in Iraq is constrained due to prevailing circumstances. Petrel has therefore committed itself with SCOP to redesign the Plant to incorporate its own dedicated power generation systems. Follow-up meetings and actions have been organised to establish the basis for an amended schedule and payment conditions.

      We are pleased to report that Ministry officials have recently shown flexibility and renewed commitment to Petrel as contractor in getting the work done in the interests of the project and all stakeholders. This is heartening given the exceptional and unusual challenges of working in Iraq. The experience in working out complex issues confirms Petrel's belief in the value of building long-term relationships and working on the ground. It strengthens our confidence and augurs well for the extension of our Iraqi activities in the future.

      Following detailed meetings with the Ministry in September, we are assured that the bulk of the payments due will shortly be made by the Ministry of Oil to our bank accounts. The suppliers of equipment, already manufactured and delivered to site have already been fully paid under financing arrangements established in 2007. Pending payments from SCOP will completely pay off remaining liabilities. Additional payments received will cover our work in progress to date such as Design, Procurement and Management and work and surveys performed in Iraq and at the site areas by our team.

      We have also negotiated and agreed with the Ministry that the Project Letter of Credit will be amended and extended to facilitate use by Petrel and our Bankers for probable financing arrangements and to cover the revised cost of the Project for the duration of the Project. These amendments are being implemented in a cooperative manner between the Ministry, Petrel and our Bankers. Following agreement, project activity will increase to achieve early construction.

      Some of these solutions and measures require approval by higher authority in accordance with Iraqi official rules. Petrel is pleased with this sensible approach.

      Other issues affecting the project commerciality and schedule have been thoroughly discussed. We hope that they will, with agreement of higher authority, be resolved to our mutual satisfaction. Future Payment terms will be improved. Bonds, Guarantee and Project Letter of Credit structures will be brought into line with best international practice. Other Banking issues are being addressed and the project completion date will be extended to incorporate technical changes required by SCOP.

      Petrel is 100% committed to completing the project to the highest standards. We naturally seek recompense for additional costs incurred and to protect our legitimate interests. While nothing is certain, easy or quick in Iraq, these recent positive developments help streamline operations and reduce risk for this project and our overall involvement in the Iraqi oil industry.

      Technical Cooperation Agreement

      Data on the Dhufriya field and surrounding area and structures has been collected from the Ministry and is now with our team for analysis. Dhufriya is a substantial gas and oil field in the relatively stable south of Iraq. It borders the Ahdab field on which the Chinese state-owned major CNPC recently signed a service contract. This Dhufriya study resulted from our successful work on the Merjan oil field, which was formally presented and accepted by a senior Ministry Evaluation Group during 2008.

      East Safawi, Jordan

      Preliminary well planning is underway to drill the shallow Triassic oil play under the East Safawi PSA. Initial discussions are underway with potential partners. Once these are completed, management expect to be in a position to drill quickly, due to the availability of rigs, and the benign mobilisation conditions in the immediate region.

      Iraq's Oil Industry Opens Up for Development

      After reluctance by the super-majors to commit to immediate work under Technical Service Agreements, the opening up and development of the Iraqi oil industry is once again accelerating.

      A $3 billion service contract has been signed with the Chinese state-owned CNPC (originally signed as a PSA in 1997), followed by an agreement with Shell to establish a gas-gathering joint venture with the Iraqi Ministry of Oil's South Oil Company to generate electricity and potentially LNG plants for gas export.

      A similar gas-gathering idea was proposed by Petrel in 2004 in connection with gas and condensate being flared at the Subba & Luhais fields. The acceptance of this principle under the existing law opens up the possibility of similar deals on other fields. The model will evolve to meet nationalist objections to the involvement of oil majors. Recovering flared gas that is now being wasted and using that gas to generate power for local users is an initiative to which it is hard to object. Over the past year Petrel has had discussions with an international gas major and regional sovereign wealth fund about such a project. If progress continues and circumstances warrant, we will make a similar proposal.

      Fears that super-majors would have preferential access to super-giant fields on the basis of no-bid contracts are groundless. There are at least 80 major fields in Iraq and the advantage is with those players who are knowledgeable and ready to work immediately. Majors have been negotiating TSAs with the Iraqi Ministry. A strategy of negotiating, while providing limited training, in order to sign contracts on which work can be delayed indefinitely, is unlikely to succeed. Iraqi officials tire of vague undertakings from diffident oil majors and are now focusing on practical steps with committed players for early progress on the ground.

      David Horgan

      Managing Director

      26th September 2008

      The Subba & Luhais development services contract represents a contract with the Iraqi Ministry of Oil to assist design, supply materials and services for the development of this oilfield. The total amount of this contract is US$197 million.

      The contract sets out details of when invoices should be raised and on that basis, in the opinion of the directors the carrying value is recoverable under the terms of the contract.

      6. The Interim Report for the six months to June 30th, 2008 was approved by the Directors on 26th September 2008.

      7. Copies of this announcement will be sent to shareholders and will be available for inspection at the Companies Registered Office at 162 Clontarf Road, Dublin 3, Ireland. The Interim Report may also be viewed at Petrel Resources plc's website at

      This information is provided by RNS
      The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



      raiso :cool:
      schrieb am 26.09.08 09:55:37
      Beitrag Nr. 15.460 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.285.823 von raiso am 26.09.08 08:26:38
      Da hatte der Weise von Bagdad mit allem, was er geschrieben hatte, zu 100% recht gehabt.

      - Nichts ist abschliessend geklärt
      - Nichts ist sicher
      - Nichts wurde bezahlt
      schrieb am 26.09.08 10:06:20
      Beitrag Nr. 15.461 ()
      Hört sich im ersten Monent erfolgversprechend an.

      Nur warum springt der Kurs nicht an, sind "die" noch nicht wach?
      schrieb am 26.09.08 10:19:58
      Beitrag Nr. 15.462 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.189.166 von arbeitwargestern am 19.09.08 16:09:51
      #14925 von arbeitwargestern 19.09.08 16:09:51 Beitrag Nr.: 35.189.166
      Dieses Posting: versenden | melden

      Armer Junkie, die Depression wg. Energulf hat dir wohl vollends die klare Sicht vernebelt: deine Zitate stammen alle von mbthedude´s advfn. Reines deramper board. Versuchs mal mit skiboy´s advfn.

      Wer lesen kann ist klar im Vorteil.

      Nächste Woche kommen PET´s Interims mit positien Meldungen zum Geld-/Kapitalbestand (PET ist absolut im Plus) und zum multibillionbarrel field in Jordanien:

      D.Horgan (19.9.2008): "Enjoy the ride".

      Leider bist du armer Junkie nach deinem grandiosen ENGinvest wohl pleite...

      Nächste Woche kommen PET´s Interims mit positien Meldungen zum Geld-/Kapitalbestand (PET ist absolut im Plus) und zum multibillionbarrel field in Jordanien:

      ENJOY THE RIDE! :laugh::laugh:

      von MINUS 10.324.000 zum 31.12.2007
      auf MINUS 16.641.000 zum 30.06.2008

      sind 6.317.000 Euro Minus in 6 Monaten!

      ENJOY THE RIDE! :laugh::laugh:

      Nach Halfaya hat sich Petrel heimlich still und leise auch von Block 6 verabschiedet.

      In Jordanien hat sich noch immer rein gar nichts getan!

      Und immer daran denken!
      Die Laufzeit des S&L Vertrages wurde auf Ende 2008 verkürzt!
      schrieb am 26.09.08 14:33:21
      Beitrag Nr. 15.463 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.287.736 von tradejunkie am 26.09.08 10:19:58Hallo Tj,

      es gibt viele Arten der Verschuldung.Um welche Art Schulden handelt es sich...?
      schrieb am 26.09.08 16:22:45
      Beitrag Nr. 15.464 ()
      Friday, September 26, 2008

      Petrel Resources back on track in Iraq

      Petrel Resources, the oil and gas exploration and development company operating in Iraq, announced interim results for the six months to 30 June 2008 today. Shares in the highly speculative oil junior climbed slightly, as the company confirmed that “progress is again underway in our Iraqi operations”.

      Petrel posted a loss after tax of €0.417 million on revenues of €8.3 million generated from its contract on redeveloping the Subba & Luhais Project. Net cash at the end of the period was €1.6 million.
      But the real interest in the announcement was a summary of activities delivered by the company’s Managing Director, David Horgan.

      schrieb am 28.09.08 09:43:56
      Beitrag Nr. 15.465 ()
      Petrel makes case for ‘Little Oil’ in Iraq
      Published by Iraq Oil Reporton September 26, 2008in Uncategorized. 0 Comments
      *Petrel also says Oil Ministry agrees to payment, ditches Kurdish partner
      *Confirmation and details of KRG-South Korea oil investment
      *Fields in second oil and gas bidding round discussed
      *Kanaqin residents say fight is over oil, future in Iraq
      *Alive in Baghdad: Sadr City vs. the Walls
      *Food rations to be cut
      *Election rules ban some religious images

      Iraqi oil and gas deals aren’t just for Big Oil as smaller firms already active in the country are better placed, the head of Petrel Resources said in a statement in which he said the Irish firm has settled payment disputes over a field it is helping develop, Ben Lando reports for United Press International.

      “Fears that super-majors would have preferential access to super-giant fields on the basis of no-bid contracts are groundless,” said Petrel Managing Director David Horgan. “There are at least 80 major fields in Iraq, and the advantage is with those players who are knowledgeable and ready to work immediately.”

      Petrel in 2005 signed a $197 million contract for design, materials and other services to assist the Iraq State Co. for Oil Projects in developing the Subba and Luhais fields in southern Iraq. Aside from an outstanding bill of $46 million, Petrel faced pressure to let go its partner in the project, the Iraqi Kurd-owned firm Makman Oil & Gas

      schrieb am 28.09.08 10:22:50
      Beitrag Nr. 15.466 ()
      o.k. der ganze Beitrag von upi

      Energy ResourcesView archive | RSS Feed Small firms best for Iraqi oil development, Petrel manager says
      By BEN LANDO, UPI Energy EditorPublished: Sept. 26, 2008 at 4:09
      Iraqi oil and gas deals aren't just for Big Oil as smaller firms already active in the country are better placed, the head of Petrel Resources said in a statement in which he said the Irish firm has settled payment disputes over a field it is helping develop.

      "Fears that super-majors would have preferential access to super-giant fields on the basis of no-bid contracts are groundless," said Petrel Managing Director David Horgan. "There are at least 80 major fields in Iraq, and the advantage is with those players who are knowledgeable and ready to work immediately."

      Petrel in 2005 signed a $197 million contract for design, materials and other services to assist the Iraq State Co. for Oil Projects in developing the Subba and Luhais fields in southern Iraq. Aside from an outstanding bill of $46 million, Petrel faced pressure to let go its partner in the project, the Iraqi Kurd-owned firm Makman Oil & Gas.

      Iraq's Oil Ministry had been negotiating development deals with the world's largest oil firms, including Shell, BP, ExxonMobil, Chevron and Total. The two-year deals would have the companies boost oil production on a handful of Iraq's largest oil fields by conducting training out of the country and sending in new technology and equipment.

      Those negotiations were stopped last month, reportedly because the companies wanted to be paid with oil instead of cash.

      "Iraqi officials tire of vague undertakings from diffident oil majors and are now focusing on practical steps with committed players for early progress on the ground," Horgan said, echoing sentiments that smaller companies -- both active and wanting work in Iraq -- have expressed: that smaller companies can move more quickly than the giants.

      The ministry continues to bring in smaller oil and services companies to fix and upgrade fields and infrastructure, and is exploring joint ventures to enhance capabilities.

      The next broad step by the Oil Ministry is for approved companies to enter a bidding process to develop oil and gas fields, the details of which are to be outlined Oct. 13 in a private meeting in London. Petrel is not one of the 41 companies, though the ministry has said there are more fields to be up for bid in the future and the prequalified list will expand.

      The exact terms of such international investment are not known, heightened by the fact that the Iraqi public is wary of turning away from a once-successful nationalized oil sector. And they fear a return of the outright control the global oil industry once had on Iraq's oil reserves, the third largest in the world.

      Nearly every large and medium-sized oil firm has expressed interest in investing in Iraq -- especially for the lucrative exploration and production contracts like the controversial deals signed by Iraq's semiautonomous Kurdish region.

      The largest have said they want clarity on the legal structure and a reduction in violence before they'll put people and equipment on the ground, which insiders have told United Press International could result in delays in investment even after a contract is signed.

      As Iraq evolved since the 2003 invasion, the oil firms have provided free training to workers and ministry officials, as well as studies of oil and gas fields and infrastructure, with the hopes of payback down the road in the form of a contract.

      This week Iraq's Oil Ministry and Shell signed an agreement to take steps toward forming a joint venture to capture and utilize all the natural gas being flared in Basra province. UPI understands it's a modified section of a countrywide gas master plan Shell has submitted to the ministry.

      Horgan said Petrel broached the topic of gas capture at Subba and Luhais to ministry officials in 2004.

      "Over the past year Petrel has had discussions with an international gas major and regional sovereign wealth fund about such a project," he said. "If progress continues and circumstances warrant, we will make a similar proposal."

      The friction between the central and Kurdistan region governments may have played a role in pressure Petrel came under to ditch Makman. According to a January 2006 Petrel news release, "Makman will provide security, local transport as well as construction and engineering support. Petrel will continue to provide overall project management." Petrel now is the sole contractor on the Subba & Luhais project.

      KAR Group, to which Makman belongs, was awarded a $136 million contract in December 2004 to provide engineering and equipment for developing Khurmala Dome, part of the Kirkuk oil reserve structure. Baghdad and the Kurdistan Regional Government have disputed the rights to develop Khurmala Dome.

      Petrel apparently has reached an agreement with the Oil Ministry to direct payment for its work to a bank outside Iraq, as the banking system still suffers from corruption and low institutional capacity
      schrieb am 28.09.08 11:29:53
      Beitrag Nr. 15.467 ()
      Iraq Gears Up to Unveil Second Bid Round
      Copyright © 2008 Energy Intelligence Group, Inc. (click for details)
      Friday, September 26, 2008
      Display Printer Friendly Page

      The Iraqi oil ministry held internal discussions this week in a bid to agree on a list of fields to be tendered in its second licensing round, which could be announced as early as mid-October, Iraqi sources told International Oil Daily from Baghdad. So far, 16 fields are on the initial list, which should be finalized in coming weeks.

      Oil Minister Hussein al-Shahristani had said work on the second and third bid rounds would start before the end of the year, once data packages for the first, eight-field round were out (IOD Jul.17,p1). At the time, he said the next two rounds could include discovered but nondeveloped fields, as well as exploration blocks and "some producing fields."

      Right now, the plan is to announce the second licensing round on Oct. 13, when oil ministry officials meet with international oil company representatives at a London road show to present the tender protocol for the first round. The protocol includes bidding parameters and conditions, as well as technical data and the 20-year model service contract. This is now being finalized by ministry officials and international consultants Gaffney, Cline and Associates.

      "There is still more work to do on the second licensing round and the list of fields is not final," one ministry source said from Baghdad. "At the moment we are discussing 16 fields but we could add a couple more or take out a couple from the list. If we are ready in the next three weeks, it will be announced in London."

      The initial list discussed this week includes fields in the southern and central regions as well as the north, including a few giants that were on offer to international oil firms before 2003. From the Basrah region, four major fields and one discovery appear on the list. They are the highly prized Majnoon and Nahr bin Umar fields, West Qurna-phase 2 and Subba, plus the Sindibad discovery on the Iranian border, which Iraqi officials have long suspected could be an extension of Iran's Azadegan field.

      Other fields under consideration are Halfaya, Nur, Nasiriyah and Gharraf, all in the provinces of Missan or Nasiriyah in the south. In the central region, the ministry is contemplating offering East Baghdad and West Kifl; from northern Iraq, Qayiarah, as well as four fields in Diyala province, were discussed this week.

      French major Total negotiated and initialed production sharing contracts (PSC) for Majnoon and Nahr bin Umar in the late 1990s, but stopped short of signing definitive deals, as Iraq was still under international sanctions. The plan to offer West Qurna-phase 2 will disappoint Russia's Lukoil, whose 1997 PSC was cancelled by the previous regime in 2002 and has not been revived. Only China National Petroleum Corp. has succeeded in converting its Al-Ahdab PSC into a long-term service contract (IOD Aug.29,p1).

      Majnoon, where 24 wells were drilled in the 1980s, is one of the biggest prizes in the south and one of Iraq's few remaining undeveloped giants, with the potential to produce 600,000 barrels per day. Nahr bin Umar's potential is put at 440,000 b/d, of which some 330,000 b/d can be produced from the Yamama reservoir alone. West Qurna-phase 2 is also considered to have massive potential of 600,000 b/d. Right now, the three fields only have pilot production facilities, but they will be able to contribute more than 1.5 million b/d to Iraq's long-term capacity target of 6 million b/d.

      Development of the producing fields on offer in the first round -- Rumaila, Zubair, West Qurna-phase 1, Missan's Buzurgan, Fauqa and Abu Ghirab, Kirkuk and Bai Hasan -- is expected to lift output capacity to 4.5 million b/d within three years of contract awards.

      The bulk of Iraq's current oil output of 2.5 million b/d comes from the south. About 2 million b/d is produced from Rumaila (North and South), Zubair, West Qurna-phase 1 and the Missan fields. A further 50,000 b/d comes from an early production facility in Majnoon, including 10,000 b/d of pilot production from Nahr bin Umar, and a similar volume from a Luhais field facility that caters for some 7,000 b/d from the nearby Subba field.

      Ministry officials say work is under way to prequalify a new set of companies from the 120-plus that registered for prequalification earlier this year (IOD Apr.15,p1). Of these, 34 will be able to bid to operate fields under the first licensing round and six others have been selected as potential partners but only as part of consortia
      schrieb am 28.09.08 17:52:12
      Beitrag Nr. 15.468 ()
      Political uncertainties compound losses
      By Kiran Stacey

      Published: September 27 2008 03:47 | Last updated: September 27 2008 03:47

      Oil and gas companies are notoriously unpredictable investments. However, as three Aim-listed oil and gas companies reported interim losses on Friday, one predictable outcome in current markets is that many investors are likely to steer clear.

      Regal Petroleum, Ramco Energy and Petrel Resources reported pre-tax losses of $2.9m (£1.6m), £1.2m and €400,000 (£320,000), respectively.

      Rock Well to float in London - Jul-07Energy industry upheaval to benefit oil services - Jun-29Court clears Expro sale to Candover-led group - Jun-27XTO to acquire Hunt Petroleum for $4.2bn - Jun-10US oil companies defend high profits - May-22Bumper year for John Wood Group - May-20In spite of the different natures of their businesses there are sector-wide reasons that profits are so hard to come by, even when gas and condensate prices have been pushed up to $139 a thousand cubic metres, compared with $55 in 2007.

      It is no coincidence that oil and gas reserves are common in the most volatile regions of the world. While Ramco and Petrel both have heavy investments in Iraq, Regal has its own problems with the changeable political situation in Ukraine, its main area of exploration.

      Robert Wilde, Regal’s finance director, said: “People are looking at Russia’s conflict with Georgia and asking, ‘Is Ukraine next?’ I think it’s very unlikely, but the market is still marking us down on it.”

      However, Regal’s losses are a 71 per cent improvement on last year’s $10m deficit. The company said this was because of the increase in gas and condensate prices, which helped push revenues up 2.7 per cent to $6.7m.

      For Ramco and Petrel, the situation is less rosy, in spite of smaller losses. The past few years have seen slow progress for western oil companies operating in Iraq, following the decision of the new Iraqi government to implement fresh hydrocarbon legislation, the passage of which has become another casualty of the civil strife still affecting large parts of the country.

      However, since Shell became the first western oil company to sign an agreement with the Iraqi government earlier this month, sentiment has picked up.

      Ramco has diluted some of this risk by also entering the bidding process for offshore wind farms in the UK, which Steve Ramp, chairman, said had as much chance of generating cash as the Iraqi arm of the business.

      Regal holds $137m of cash, while at the end of the first half Ramco had £900,000, down from £3.6m a year earlier, while Petrel had €16.6m in net debt.

      However, in a sector where development is cash intensive and assets can have their value wiped out overnight, small oil companies remain an investment only for the brave.

      Shares in Regal closed 2¼p down at 97¾p, those in Ramco fell 5p to 54p and Petrel lost 3p to 43p.
      schrieb am 29.09.08 09:00:19
      Beitrag Nr. 15.469 ()
      Analysis: Petrel: Iraq needs 'little oil'

      The ministry continues to bring in smaller oil and services companies to fix and upgrade fields and infrastructure, and is exploring joint ventures to enhance capabilities.
      by Ben Lando

      Baghdad, Iraq (UPI) Sep 29, 2008
      Iraqi oil and gas deals aren't just for Big Oil as smaller firms already active in the country are better placed, the head of Petrel Resources said in a statement in which he said the Irish firm has settled payment disputes over a field it is helping develop.
      "Fears that super-majors would have preferential access to super-giant fields on the basis of no-bid contracts are groundless," said Petrel Managing Director David Horgan. "There are at least 80 major fields in Iraq, and the advantage is with those players who are knowledgeable and ready to work immediately."

      Petrel in 2005 signed a $197 million contract for design, materials and other services to assist the Iraq State Co. for Oil Projects in developing the Subba and Luhais fields in southern Iraq. Aside from an outstanding bill of $46 million, Petrel faced pressure to let go its partner in the project, the Iraqi Kurd-owned firm Makman Oil & Gas.

      Iraq's Oil Ministry had been negotiating development deals with the world's largest oil firms, including Shell, BP, ExxonMobil, Chevron and Total. The two-year deals would have the companies boost oil production on a handful of Iraq's largest oil fields by conducting training out of the country and sending in new technology and equipment.

      Those negotiations were stopped last month, reportedly because the companies wanted to be paid with oil instead of cash.

      "Iraqi officials tire of vague undertakings from diffident oil majors and are now focusing on practical steps with committed players for early progress on the ground," Horgan said, echoing sentiments that smaller companies -- both active and wanting work in Iraq -- have expressed: that smaller companies can move more quickly than the giants.

      The ministry continues to bring in smaller oil and services companies to fix and upgrade fields and infrastructure, and is exploring joint ventures to enhance capabilities.

      The next broad step by the Oil Ministry is for approved companies to enter a bidding process to develop oil and gas fields, the details of which are to be outlined Oct. 13 in a private meeting in London. Petrel is not one of the 41 companies, though the ministry has said there are more fields to be up for bid in the future and the prequalified list will expand.

      The exact terms of such international investment are not known, heightened by the fact that the Iraqi public is wary of turning away from a once-successful nationalized oil sector. And they fear a return of the outright control the global oil industry once had on Iraq's oil reserves, the third largest in the world.

      Nearly every large and medium-sized oil firm has expressed interest in investing in Iraq -- especially for the lucrative exploration and production contracts like the controversial deals signed by Iraq's semiautonomous Kurdish region.

      The largest have said they want clarity on the legal structure and a reduction in violence before they'll put people and equipment on the ground, which insiders have told United Press International could result in delays in investment even after a contract is signed.

      As Iraq evolved since the 2003 invasion, the oil firms have provided free training to workers and ministry officials, as well as studies of oil and gas fields and infrastructure, with the hopes of payback down the road in the form of a contract.

      This week Iraq's Oil Ministry and Shell signed an agreement to take steps toward forming a joint venture to capture and utilize all the natural gas being flared in Basra province. UPI understands it's a modified section of a countrywide gas master plan Shell has submitted to the ministry.

      Horgan said Petrel broached the topic of gas capture at Subba and Luhais to ministry officials in 2004.

      "Over the past year Petrel has had discussions with an international gas major and regional sovereign wealth fund about such a project," he said. "If progress continues and circumstances warrant, we will make a similar proposal."

      The friction between the central and Kurdistan region governments may have played a role in pressure Petrel came under to ditch Makman. According to a January 2006 Petrel news release, "Makman will provide security, local transport as well as construction and engineering support. Petrel will continue to provide overall project management." Petrel now is the sole contractor on the Subba & Luhais project.

      KAR Group, to which Makman belongs, was awarded a $136 million contract in December 2004 to provide engineering and equipment for developing Khurmala Dome, part of the Kirkuk oil reserve structure. Baghdad and the Kurdistan Regional Government have disputed the rights to develop Khurmala Dome.

      Petrel apparently has reached an agreement with the Oil Ministry to direct payment for its work to a bank outside Iraq, as the banking system still suffers from corruption and low institutional capacity.

      raiso :cool:
      schrieb am 29.09.08 10:53:28
      Beitrag Nr. 15.470 ()
      Hört sich doch positiv an für Petrel!

      Oder was meinst du T-Junkie?
      schrieb am 29.09.08 11:35:30
      Beitrag Nr. 15.471 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.323.585 von Lichtgestalt21 am 29.09.08 10:53:28
      Alles was von Horgan kommt, hört sich positiv für Petrel an!

      - the head of Petrel Resources said
      - said Petrel Managing Director David Horgan
      - Horgan said

      Wenn man ständig liest wie toll alles für Petrel läuft, ist immer Horgan die einzigste Quelle dafür.

      Letztes Jahr war es auch schon sicher, dass PET das Halfay-PSA bekommt (oder eines in vergelichbarer Größe). Auch Block 6 war schon ganz sicher. Von beiden ist heute keine Rede mehr.

      Solange von anderer Seite (IOM) rein gar nichts kommt, sind Horgans Aussagen reines Wunschdenken.

      - Halfaya ist weg
      - Block 6 ist weg
      - S&L ist mind. 1 Jahr hinter dem ursrpünglichen Zeitplan
      - S&L Vertrag wurde bis Ende des Jahres befristet
      - PET ist bei der Qualifikation der 1. Auschreibung gescheitert
      schrieb am 29.09.08 17:28:27
      Beitrag Nr. 15.472 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.323.996 von tradejunkie am 29.09.08 11:35:30

      LONDON ( GBX )


      6 Monats - SK - Verlaufs - Chart-UK

      schrieb am 29.09.08 17:29:40
      Beitrag Nr. 15.473 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.323.996 von tradejunkie am 29.09.08 11:35:30Petrel is okay, es gibt pros und es gibt contras.
      schrieb am 29.09.08 17:33:17
      Beitrag Nr. 15.474 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.323.996 von tradejunkie am 29.09.08 11:35:30Wer lesen kann ist wieder klar im Vorteil, aber entschuldige, du hast große Probleme mit der englischen Sprache, ich vergaß... .

      Du bist doch nicht etwa letzte Woche wieder auf den "Hype" bei Energulf reingefallen und hast schon wieder 25% Minus allein heute gemacht?!

      Zu dumm, da läuft die Hauptinformation ja auch auf Englisch.

      Aber, nicht verzagen, die VHS bietet Englischkurse für kleines Geld.
      schrieb am 29.09.08 19:13:35
      Beitrag Nr. 15.475 ()
      Was soll denn das Thema Energulf die ganze Zeit!

      Ist doch nicht unser Problem sondern dass von den Leuten, die bei diesem Zock Geld verloren haben!

      Uns kann ein ähnliches Schicksal mit einem solchen spekulativen Wert genauso gut ereilen!

      Also bleibt doch bitte sachlich...
      schrieb am 29.09.08 19:29:00
      Beitrag Nr. 15.476 ()
      sing...von nun an ging´s bergab...
      schrieb am 29.09.08 22:08:31
      Beitrag Nr. 15.477 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.331.851 von Lichtgestalt21 am 29.09.08 19:13:35An seriösen Beiträgen ist J. nicht interessiert.

      Er hat keine PET - Aktien, hatte/ hat aber Energulf.
      Hier versuch ich einem ver(w)irrten Geist nur zu helfen.
      schrieb am 30.09.08 10:02:20
      Beitrag Nr. 15.478 ()
      Oh schei..., was geht denn in London ab
      schrieb am 30.09.08 14:44:29
      Beitrag Nr. 15.479 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.332.104 von Depotmanager04 am 29.09.08 19:29:00Wenn Du gerade short bist, gehts bei Dir wirklich bergab (+5,8%) :laugh:
      schrieb am 30.09.08 15:15:44
      Beitrag Nr. 15.480 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.347.639 von KaOzz am 30.09.08 14:44:29dennoch, entgegen dem "allgemeinen" Trend - ist dieser heute mein friend
      schrieb am 06.10.08 10:44:16
      Beitrag Nr. 15.481 ()
      "...enjoy the ride..."

      Meint Herr Horgan damit den anhaltenden abwärts Trend Richtung Pennystock Aktie?

      Ich fass es nicht, wieviel will Petrel denn nun noch sinken????
      schrieb am 06.10.08 16:12:33
      Beitrag Nr. 15.482 ()
      It´s obviously the markets: Better to let things settle than waste good news. (MD D.Horgan 06/10/2008 13:20:37)
      schrieb am 06.10.08 17:16:03
      Beitrag Nr. 15.483 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.437.339 von arbeitwargestern am 06.10.08 16:12:33
      schrieb am 06.10.08 21:27:36
      Beitrag Nr. 15.484 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.438.770 von tradejunkie am 06.10.08 17:16:03
      schrieb am 07.10.08 09:31:12
      Beitrag Nr. 15.485 ()
      Ach, du heilige scheisse, manch einer wird das lachen noch vergehen.
      schrieb am 07.10.08 12:34:36
      Beitrag Nr. 15.486 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.450.517 von luxinvest am 07.10.08 09:31:12
      Wie meinst du das denn?

      schrieb am 07.10.08 17:09:37
      Beitrag Nr. 15.487 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.450.517 von luxinvest am 07.10.08 09:31:12Wenn Du hier die gesamtwirtschafliche und politische Situation meinst, dann kann ich Dich nur zitieren:

      "Ach Du heilige Scheisse"
      schrieb am 07.10.08 22:30:45
      Beitrag Nr. 15.488 ()
      ich habe heute einmal die homepage von petrel durchforstet und dabei sind mir ein paar fragen aufgekommen.

      was geschieht mit block 6. petrel sagt, das ihre arbeiten abgeschlossen sind und sie nun auf das neue öl-gesetz warten.

      was geschieht mit block 6 derzeit und wozu dient dieses öl-gesetz. leider konnte ich dazu nichts finden.

      der fall der aktie ist ja zum größten teil zurückzuführen auf das cancelling aller bisherigen verträge. heißt dies auch, dass das öl-gesetz automatisch in weite ferne gelangt ist?
      schrieb am 08.10.08 09:03:54
      Beitrag Nr. 15.489 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.459.589 von KaOzz am 07.10.08 17:09:37ja, zum Teil meine ich die gesamtwirtschaftliche und politische Situation, aber noch mehr die kommende.
      Was Pet anbelangt ist es noch längst nicht vorbei, das kann es aber schnell werden und drum kehre ich Pet den rücken wenn bis nach den Us-Wahlen, sich nichts konkretes getan hat.
      Was den jetzigen Kursverlauf angeht, gibt es nicht viel dazu zu sagen, Penny Stocks sind sehr hochexplosiv und die Werte mit denen mann am meisten Geld macht um wiederum ein Verlust nur sehr gering ausfällt.
      Für den Rest, ist jeder Schmiede seines eigenes Glücks(ode wie plegt Ihr Deutsche zu sagen)

      Mfg aus Luxemburg
      schrieb am 08.10.08 12:59:38
      Beitrag Nr. 15.490 ()
      Mein Kauflimit wurde heute erreicht: 20 Pence:)
      schrieb am 08.10.08 15:45:54
      Beitrag Nr. 15.491 ()
      Das Brettspiel geht weiter und noch immer kein Gewinner in Sicht:laugh:
      da wird zwischendurch noch gekotzt
      und dann lässt man noch die Kotze einfach so rumliegen
      wem wirds wohl am ehesten Kotzübel dabei
      mal sehen ob der dann die Kotze aufhebt oder noch daneben kotzt
      dabei wohlbemerkt"es ist echt zum kotzen"

      The head of Russia’s Lukoil says Iraq Oil Minister Hussain al-Shahristani is to blame for the company being kept from a deal to develop the West Qurna oil field, Richard Mably and Robin Paxton report for Reuters. CEO Vagit Alekperov said Russia’s waving of nearly $12 billion in Saddam-era debt should have paved the road for the deal.

      “We have offered our expertise and, if there are political aspects, to remove them. Unfortunately the (Iraqi) Energy Ministry has taken no steps,” said Alekperov.

      Lukoil says the 1997 deal is still valid and that international sanctions forced it to be stalled in 2002. Shahristani has maintained the Iraq government line that the previous regime’s Oil Ministry canceled the deal.

      Iraq has set a March 2009 deadline for companies to bid on the first round of oil and gas fields that will officially be put to tender next Monday, Mariam Karouny reports for Reuters. Details of the second round of oil and gas fields put up for international investment will take place in December.
      schrieb am 09.10.08 11:09:09
      Beitrag Nr. 15.492 ()
      Und da haben wir's ja:D
      Penny stock, penny stock
      wird jetzt wieder Achterbahn gefahren?
      schrieb am 10.10.08 17:48:41
      Beitrag Nr. 15.493 ()

      schrieb am 10.10.08 22:01:47
      Beitrag Nr. 15.494 ()
      Four days until Iraq oil and gas fields unveiled to international oil firms
      Published by Iraq Oil Reporton October 9, 2008in Uncategorized. 0 Comments
      *More details ahead of the roadshow
      *Kurdish national MP says oil law moving
      *KRG minister says natural gas to provide power for Kurds, industry and all of Iraq
      *Barzani heads to Baghdad for talks soon
      *Oil Search starts drilling
      *Shahristani talks pipeline plans
      *U.S. report warns of upcoming ethnic violence
      *Turkey readies for incursion
      *Sadrist MP killed
      *The Iraq Press Roundup and more

      A delegation led by Iraq’s oil minister Hussain al-Shahristani will present prequalified companies at a meeting in London on Monday with geological data on the fields, as well as details on the financial terms of the contracts and the process for applying, Tom Bergin reports for Reuters. The contracts on offer are service contracts, which mean the winners will be paid a flat fee to produce the oil rather than receive an equity stake in the fields or any share of profits. Forty-one companies, including most of the big international oil companies, have qualified to bid.

      A member of the Parliament and the Parliament Oil and Gas Committee announced that a draft law that both the Kurdistan Regional Government and the central government agreed upon will be submitted to Parliament for discussion and final approval, Aiyob Mawloodi reports for The Kurdish Globe. Bayazid Hassan, a Kurdish MP on the Kurdistan Alliance List, told a local Kurdish news agency that the Iraqi Minister of Oil, Hussein al-Shahristani, has promised to send a copy of the draft to Parliament.

      The oil and gas chief of Iraqi Kurdistan says the region will develop its natural gas resources to provide electricity to its residents and a planned industrial center, and in the future “export to the rest of Iraq,”Ben Lando reports for United Press International. “The aim is to replicate some similar projects to make sure that in the end we will end shortages and hopefully export to the rest of Iraq,” KRG Minister of Natural Resources Ashti Hawrami told United Press International.

      Iraqis both within and outside the Kurdistan Regional Government’s three northern provinces suffer steady shortfalls of electricity. Baghdad and the KRG have been at odds over the rights to sign oil and gas contracts in Iraqi Kurdistan. While the Dana-Crescent (Dana is partly owned by Crescent) deal is a service contract, the KRG has signed two dozen controversial production-sharing contracts with international oil firms exploring for and developing oil and gas, which the national oil minister has called illegal. The dispute has delayed passage of a new oil law and legislation governing revenue, the Oil Ministry and the state oil company said.

      Kurdistan Region President Massoud Barzani will head a delegation to Baghdad in the coming days to meet with top Iraqi officials, said Iraqi President Jalal Talabani on Monday after a meeting with Barzani, The Kurdish Globe reports. “The meeting discussed the [Kurdistan] Region President’s visit to Baghdad for negotiations on finding solutions to the current problems,” said President Talabani at the conference. Main topics will be the oil issue, security conditions, and Iraq’s relations with its neighbors. A member of the KDP politburo, Mahmoud Muhammad, told the Globe that the suspended problems between Erbil and Baghdad are complicated and interrelated; thus, solving them is not an easy task.

      Oil Search says it started drilling the Shakal-1 prospect, which is part of the production sharing contract it and partners Petoil have with the Kurdistan Regional Government. “No further releases will be made unless there is a material or share price sensitive outcome,” the company said in a statement.

      Iraq’s pipeline plans include expanding the northern Kirkuk-Ceyhan oil pipeline, rework the pipeline to the Banias port on Syria’s Mediterranean coast and hook up to the Arab Gas Pipeline via Syria, Oil Minister Hussain al-Shahristani told an energy conference in Turkey, Platts reports.

      Sharjah Ruler receives delegation from Iraqi Oil and Gas Parliamentary Committee, the UAE Daily News reports.

      Iraq’s Ministry of Water resources Thursday announced it signed a number of agreements with International firms to erect dams in Kurdistan regions, Voices of Iraq reports.

      A local company has wrapped up the first stage in a project to improve electricity energy efficiency in the southern Iraqi city of Basra, an official statement said. “The project has been referred by the reconstruction and services committee in Basra and will be financed through the $100 million grant allocated by the prime minister for the province,” according to a statement released by the Iraqi cabinet’s national center for media and received by Voices of Iraq.

      A nearly completed high-level U.S. intelligence analysis warns that unresolved ethnic and sectarian tensions in Iraq could unleash a new wave of violence, potentially reversing the major security and political gains achieved over the last year, Jonathan S. Landay, Warren P. Strobel and Nancy A. Youssef report for McClatchy Newspapers.Sources of tension identified by the NIE, they said, include a struggle between Sunni Arabs, Kurds and Turkmen for control of the oil-rich northern city of Kirkuk; and the Shiite-led central government’s unfulfilled vows to hire former Sunni insurgents who joined Awakening groups.

      Turkey’s parliament voted overwhelmingly on Wednesday to extend by one year its authorization of military operations against Kurdish separatists in northern Iraq, keeping the door open to future strikes in the region, Sabrina Tavernise reports for The New York Times. Turkey contends that Iraq does not do enough to curb the rebels, known as the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, or P.K.K., who hide in the mountains along its northern border. Iraq says far more reside in Turkey. The tension is a delicate matter for the United States, which counts Turkey and the Iraqi Kurds among its closest allies in a troubled region. When Turkey made a brief ground incursion early this year, the Bush administration pressed for a withdrawal. The Turkish strikes, however, have not ruined relations with Iraq, and even opened fresh lines of diplomacy between the countries.

      Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has threatened to launch a fresh incursion into northern Iraq as warplanes bombed Kurdish rebel targets across the border after a deadly attack killed 17 troops, Agence France-Presse reports.

      A media advisor from the Kurdistan’s regional parliament on Wednesday said that the Iraqi government and the coalition forces will be “morally responsible” for any possible Turkish military incursion into the region’s territories, Voices of Iraq reports.

      An Iraqi member of parliament has been killed in a roadside bomb attack in eastern Baghdad, officials say, AlJazeera reports. At least two other people were also killed in the attack on the convoy of Saleh al-Auqaeili, a member of the Sadrist bloc, on Thursday.

      Iraqi parliament Speaker Mahmoud al-Mashhadani said in Tehran that the presence of foreign forces in the country is the biggest problem facing Iraq, while Iranian Majlis Speaker Ali Larijani reiterated his country’s support to Iraq, Voices of Iraq reports.

      In recent years, as secular state authority has declined and religious parties have assumed greater control over the political process, Iraqi citizens have increasingly turned to religious fatwas as a source of guidance, Saleem al-Wazzan writes for Niqash. Sayyed al-Sistani’s 2005 fatwa calling on Iraqis to participate in elections demonstrated the power of clerical influence, especially within the political process. According to Saeed Khudair, a political researcher at Basra University, the level of clerical influence asserted in Iraq today is unprecedented.

      A large number of employees from the State General Company for Textile Industries in Wassit staged a demonstration calling on the government to pay them their outstanding dues, Voices of Iraq reports.

      Read what Iraqis read: the Iraq Press Roundup by UPI’s Alaa Majeed.

      Iraqi lawmakers in Parliament Wednesday failed to reach a resolution in debates over minority representation in the provincial elections law, UPI reports. The Iraqi Parliament had scheduled debates Wednesday over Article 50 of the provincial elections law, which dealt with minority representation. Lawmakers passed the law in September with a quota set for female representation but excluded other minority religious groups.

      The Association of Muslim Scholars in Iraq condemned leaflets distributed in the northern city of Mosul that threatened the Christian community there, UPI reports. The AMSI said in a statement on its Web site that the leaflets called on the Christian community to convert to Islam, pay a tax levied against non-Muslims, called jizya, or face death.

      Federal regulators have launched an inquiry into whether broadcast networks and military analysts violated federal sponsorship identification rules as a result of an effort by the Pentagon to increase favorable news coverage of the Iraq war, Amy Schatz reports for the Wall Street Journal.
      schrieb am 11.10.08 16:52:57
      Beitrag Nr. 15.495 ()
      Warum ist die Petrel denn gestern gegen den Trend gestiegen? Fand, das war schon sehr auffällig.
      schrieb am 12.10.08 21:35:49
      Beitrag Nr. 15.496 ()
      Dem selben Grund wegen er in der Vergangenheit gestiegen ist
      schrieb am 12.10.08 22:19:59
      Beitrag Nr. 15.497 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.532.028 von Schnuckelinchen am 11.10.08 16:52:57Was soll da auffälig sein?
      schrieb am 13.10.08 10:47:23
      Beitrag Nr. 15.498 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.540.084 von luxinvest am 12.10.08 22:19:59Aufjedenfall sind jetzt die 1000%+ wahrscheinlicher als bei denen Kursen die vor Monaten hier herrschten:D

      schrieb am 13.10.08 12:44:52
      Beitrag Nr. 15.499 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.545.379 von luxinvest am 13.10.08 10:47:23
      Aufjedenfall sind jetzt die 1000%+ wahrscheinlicher als bei denen Kursen die vor Monaten hier herrschten

      Aber nicht für dich...oder bist du wieder vor kurzem eingestiegen?

      schrieb am 13.10.08 14:56:07
      Beitrag Nr. 15.500 ()
      bin vor kurzem wieder eingestiegen:D
      angesichts verschiedener Ereignisse die für mehr Klarheit sorgen werden.
      • 1
      • 31
      • 34

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