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      schrieb am 29.03.15 12:17:47
      Beitrag Nr. 11.509 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 49.429.214 von wonner am 26.03.15 12:45:23Iluvien für DME balanciert, um ungedeckten Bedarf gerecht zu werden, zu erheblichen Marktnische
      26. März 2015
      Die Iluvien intravitreales Implantat wird ein ungedeckten Bedarf bei Patienten mit diabetischem Makulaödem erfüllen und schaffen beträchtliche neue Märkte, die während eines vom Unternehmen gesponserten Webcast Alimera Sciences Beamten.
      Iluvien (Fluocinolonacetonid intravitreale Implantat 0,19 mg) ist ein nicht-bioerodierbares Einrichtung ausgebildet Fluocinolonacetonid mit einer anfänglichen Geschwindigkeit von 0,25 um pro Tag von 36 Monaten freisetzen.
      Im September 2014 von der FDA zugelassen Iluvien zur Behandlung von DME bei zuvor mit Kortikosteroiden behandelt, die nicht über einen signifikanten Anstieg der IOP.
      Iluvien, die im Handel in den USA am 23. Februar ins Leben gerufen wurde, ist das einzige Produkt seiner Art, Dan Myers, President und CEO von Alimera, sagte.
      "Wir sind das einzige Implantat in der Welt, die diese Art der langfristigen Niedrigdosis-Anwendung", sagte Myers.
      Das Implantat wird in 16 Ländern der Europäischen Union zugelassen und wartet auf die Genehmigung in Polen.
      Die Marke Iluvien hat ein Potenzial weltweiter Markt von 2 Milliarden Dollar, sagte Myers.
      Bisher hat Iluvien in mehr als 1.500 Augen in der Europäischen Union implantiert worden ist, wobei Myers. Er bemerkte, dass, so weit, nur zwei Patienten, die das Implantat erhalten haben, Glaukomoperation erforderlich ist, zur Bestätigung der Produktsicherheitsprofil.
      Dave Holland, Senior Vice President für Vertrieb und Marketing bei Alimera, sagte, dass die Zahl der Patienten mit DME Vision bedrohlichen Symptomen wird erwartet, dass von etwa 575.000 im Jahr 2015 auf rund 646.000 im Jahr 2019 erhöhen.
      Anti-VEGF-Agenten, der derzeitige Goldstandard-Behandlung für DME, in der Regel nicht zu erwarten visuelle Ergebnisse Ertrag, sagte Holland. Zum Beispiel in den RIDE / RISE Studien, 40% bis 50% der Patienten mit Lucentis (Ranibizumab, Genentech) behandelt nicht erreicht Sehschärfe von 20/40, sagte er.
      Um den ungedeckten Bedarf für eine sichere und wirksame Behandlung von DME zu erfüllen, hat Alimera eine leitende Vertriebs- und Marketingteam von 32 erfahrenen Vertretungen, die vier Regionen und Ziel rund 2.500 Netzhaut-Spezialisten erstellt, sagte Holland.
      Rick Eiswirth, Chief Operating Officer und Chief Financial Officer von Alimera, sagte, dass Medicare und private Krankenversicherung wird Patienten und Ärzten für Iluvien erstatten.
      "Wir haben uns immer sehr wohl, dass Iluvien wäre ziemlich breit erstattet gefühlt und das ist, weil ... es ist eine signifikante ungedeckten Bedarf", sagte Eiswirth. "Es gibt eine große Anzahl von Patienten gibt, die nicht effektiv mit den aktuell verfügbaren Therapien behandelt werden. Wir glauben auch, dass die pharmakoökonomischen Vorteil wird eine große Chance für die Versicherungsunternehmen als auch sein. "
      Iluvien Angabe ermöglicht dem Agenten, als First-Line-Therapie in den USA verwendet werden, sagte Eiswirth.
      "Wenn man sich die Kosten der anderen First-Line-Therapien gibt, schauen, sind die Kosten für Iluvien über 3 Jahre gegen die Kosten eines Anti-VEGF-Therapie oder sogar Ozurdex (Dexamethason intravitreales Implantat 0,7 mg, Allergan) wesentlich kosten -Effektive für die Versicherungsunternehmen ", sagte er.
      Alimera Beamten erwarten, dass 45% der Kostenerstattung von Medicare zu kommen, 45% von kommerziellen Transportunternehmen und der Rest aus dem Department of Veterans Affairs und Medicaid, die Eiswirth.
      Die Kosten für Iluvien ist 8800 $ pro Injektion, sagte Eiswirth. Ärzte werden $ 473 pro Vorgang, oder $ 90 und 4,5% der Kosten für Iluvien erhalten. Ärzte erhalten derzeit $ 142,50 für einen durchschnittlichen Ranibizumab-Behandlung, stellte er fest.
      Ken Grün, PhD, Chief Scientific Officer von Alimera, sagte, dass in zwei Phase-3-klinischen Studien erfüllt Iluvien der primäre Endpunkt der Anteil der Patienten, deren Vision von 15 Buchstaben oder mehr vom Ausgangswert nach 24 Monaten verbessert. - Von Matt Hasson
      Angaben: Alimera berichtet, dass Eiswirth ist Chief Operating Officer und Chief Financial Officer, Ken Green ist Chief Scientific Officer, ist Holland Senior Vice President für Vertrieb und Marketing, und Myers Präsident und CEO. Weniger
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      schrieb am 26.03.15 12:45:23
      Beitrag Nr. 11.508 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 49.399.262 von binda am 23.03.15 16:17:44pSivida Corp. Completes Targeted Enrollment of Phase III Trial of Medidur(TM) for Posterior Uveitis

      WATERTOWN, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- pSivida Corp. (NASDAQ:PSDV; ASX:PVA), a leader in the development of sustained release drug delivery products for treating eye diseases, today announced the completion of the originally targeted enrollment of 120 patients in its pivotal Phase III clinical trial of Medidur™ for the treatment of posterior uveitis, a blinding eye disease. pSivida will permit 10 additional patients seeking entry into the trial who met the entry criteria to enroll. pSivida expects to report top line data from the trial in the second half of 2016, and based on the results, to file for regulatory approval in late 2016 or early 2017.

      "This is a major advance in the treatment of uveitis, in my opinion, with the delivery of medication into the vitreous cavity without the need for travel to an operating room and with effective provision of corticosteroid for a sustained three years," said Dr. C. Stephen Foster, president and CEO of Massachusetts Eye Research & Surgical Institute; founder and president of Ocular Immunology and Uveitis Foundation and a clinical professor of ophthalmology at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Foster's site enrolled the most patients in the study.

      Medidur is an injectable micro-insert delivering the steroid flucinolone acetonide (FA) on a sustained basis for 36 months. Medidur uses the same micro-insert (same design, same polymers, same drug, same dose) as ILUVIEN® for diabetic macular edema (DME) developed by pSivida, which has been approved in the U.S. and in 15 EU countries to date. Medidur is inserted via a redesigned applicator that utilizes a needle of the same gauge as that typically used for intra-ocular injections.

      Posterior uveitis is a chronic, non-infectious inflammatory disease affecting the posterior segment of the eye, often involving the retina. It afflicts people of all ages, producing swelling and destroying eye tissues, which can lead to severe vision loss and blindness. In the U.S., posterior uveitis affects approximately 175,000 people, resulting in approximately 30,000 cases of blindness making it the third leading cause of blindness in the U.S.

      Patients with posterior uveitis are typically treated with systemic steroids but over time frequently develop serious side effects that can limit effective dosing. Patients then progress to steroid-sparing therapy with systemic immune suppressants or biologics, which themselves can have severe side effects including an increased risk of cancer.

      "Based on results of a Phase II study and prior experience with this implant, we believe that Medidur will provide improved outcomes compared to standard of care but with a significant reduction in side effects. Medidur should also lower treatment costs and offer the reduced invasiveness of an injection every three years compared with the frequent administration of existing therapies," said Dr. Paul Ashton, President and CEO of pSivida Corp. "We are focused on providing solutions for retinal diseases and believe that this study will demonstrate the safety and effectiveness of Medidur."

      The Medidur Phase III trial is a double-blind study comparing injections of Medidur to sham injections on a two-to-one basis. Patients are enrolled in 16 centers in the U.S. and 17 centers in the EU and India. The primary end point of the trial is recurrence of posterior uveitis within one year. pSivida plans to seek approval based on the safety and efficacy data from this single Phase III trial together with short term data from a utilization study of pSivida's proprietary inserter. The FDA has confirmed that pSivida can reference much of the data, including the clinical safety data, from the Phase III clinical trials of ILUVIEN for DME.
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      schrieb am 23.03.15 17:38:37
      Beitrag Nr. 11.507 ()
      Iluvien stellt keine ähnlichen Risiken dar.

      Während bei einigen Patienten Iluvien einen Anstieg des Augeninnendrucks auslösen kann, ergab die FAME-Studie , dass der erhöhte Augeninnendruck mit Augentropfen gut zu händeln ist.

      Diese Anlage entwickelt sich zum Top in der Medizin. Vielen Dank für die Übersetzung Monsieur Binda
      schrieb am 23.03.15 16:17:44
      Beitrag Nr. 11.506 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 49.398.716 von wonner am 23.03.15 15:19:26
      Zitat von wonner: Es scheint,dass die Vorteile von Iluvien langsam erkannt werden.


      die Reaktion der Patienten war überwältigend positiv. Vor der Zulassung des Iluvien Implantats,war für den Patienten mit Avastin, Lucentis, Eylea, Ozurdex und Triamcinolone in der Regel eine Behandlungen im Abstand von ein bis drei Monaten erforderlich. Für Patienten, die die Behandlung mit diesen älteren Optionen bekommen,ist die Aussicht auf Verringerung der Anzahl der Behandlungen von 36 auf, im besten Fall 1, und Patienten mit fortgeschrittener Erkrankung irgendwo dazwischen, positiv.

      Für Patienten mit Gefässerkrankungen, die einen Schlaganfall oder Herzinfarkt gehabt haben, gibt es Hinweise darauf, dass die Anwendung von Avastin, Lucentis und Eylea das Risiko für einen Schlaganfall oder Herzinfarkt erhöhen kann. Darüber hinaus können langfristige Anwendung von Avastin, Lucentis und Eylea zu erhöhtem Augeninnendruck, Glaukom, Schädigung des Sehnervs und Verlust der Sehkraft führen. Iluvien stellt keine ähnlichen Risiken dar.

      Während bei einigen Patienten Iluvien einen Anstieg des Augeninnendrucks auslösen kann, ergab die FAME-Studie , dass der erhöhte Augeninnendruck mit Augentropfen gut zu händeln ist.
      3 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 23.03.15 15:19:26
      Beitrag Nr. 11.505 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 49.398.704 von wonner am 23.03.15 15:18:18Es scheint,dass die Vorteile von Iluvien langsam erkannt werden.
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      schrieb am 23.03.15 15:18:18
      Beitrag Nr. 11.504 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 49.352.048 von Peter_02 am 17.03.15 15:20:19Long-acting ILUVIEN implant is now available to reduce the number of eye injections patients need
      Posted March 19th, 2015 by Priority Marketing and filed in Health and Wellness, Hot Tips, Media Relations, News, Public Relations
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      RHC Logo

      Retina Health Center now offers ILUVIEN, a new treatment for diabetic macular edema recently approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Retina Health Center Drs. Hussein Wafapoor and Alexander Eaton are the first physicians in the U.S. to treat diabetic macular edema (DME) patients with ILUVIEN since the FDA approval of the ILUVIEN implant for the treatment of DME. Diabetic Macular Edema is a complication of diabetes caused by accumulation of fluid in the macula or central portion of the eye and is a leading cause of vision loss in people with diabetes.

      ILUVIEN impant next to pencilAn injectable implant, ILUVIEN is designed to release and maintain a concentration of steroids inside the eye for up to three years. A tiny tube is inserted in the back of the eye where DME typically forms, and the implant slowly releases a corticosteroid for 36 months. ILUVIEN was approved by the FDA to treat DME in patients who were previously treated with a course of corticosteroids and did not have a clinically significant rise in fluid pressure inside the eye.

      “This exciting technology is able to deliver a low-dose corticosteroid drug for three years or more and offers great promise for patients with this disease,” said Eaton. “Dr. Wafapoor and I are pleased to be the first retinal specialists in the nation to offer this exciting new option for patients with diabetic macular edema.”

      According to Eaton, the response of patients has been overwhelmingly positive. Prior to the approval of the ILUVIEN implant, patients typically required treatments every one to three months with Avastin, Lucentis, Eylea, Ozurdex and Triamcinolone. For patients receiving treatment with these older options, which are done by injecting a medication into the patients’ eye, the prospect of reducing the number of treatments from 36 to 1, in the best case scenario, to somewhere in between in patients with more advanced disease, is a positive one.

      RHC Doctor Duo May 2014“Hopefully, this will be the first of many advances that will help reduce the number of treatments for patients who receive frequent injections. We are excited that Retina Health Center is the first site selected to offer this promising medication, and we continue to work to bring new groundbreaking treatments to our patients as soon as they become available,” added Eaton.

      The ILUVIEN approval was based on clinical trial data, which showed that at month 24 after receiving the ILUVIEN implant, 28.7 percent of patients experienced an improvement of 15 letters or more from baseline in their best corrected visual acuity on the Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) eye chart. In other words, 28.7 percent of patients were able to see an improvement of three lines or more in their vision on the eye chart at the end of two years. By week 3 of follow-up, patients treated with ILUVIEN experienced a statistically significant improvement in visual acuity compared to the control group, and they maintained a statistically significant advantage over the control through completion of the trial at month 36.

      Tommie Gibson, who lives in North Fort Myers, received an ILUVIEN implant in his right eye on Jan. 22. In the past, he has required numerous eye injections of Lucentis and Triesence, and he is excited about the prospect of going three years without another treatment. Since receiving the very small device, which is significantly smaller than the lead of a pencil, Gibson has noticed an improvement in his vision.

      “Shortly following the ILUVIEN implant insertion, he has been able to read with the right eye using reading glasses, which he was not able to do before,” said Eaton. “His distance vision has also improved, and he can now see birds at a distance with that eye, something he could not do before the implant. It has been less than two months since he received the device, and he is looking forward to many more years of great vision without the need of additional injections.”

      Joan Kurek, who lives in Naples, received her ILUVIEN implant on Feb. 6 and is pleased with the progress she has seen.

      “I’m now able to read fine print, like the numbers on a business card or the zip code on mail, which I was not able to do before the treatment,” said Kurek. “Overall, my experience has been positive and it’s helping me regain my self-confidence.”

      While some patients with more advanced disease may require combination treatments that include the older medications, the combined therapy in those patients seems to be working better and faster than monotherapy with the older agents and should result in better vision over the life of the device.

      “For patients with diabetic macular edema receiving frequent eye injections, as well as those with an incomplete response to Avastin, Eylea and Lucentis, this is a great option,” said Eaton.

      For patients with vascular disease who have had a stroke or heart attack, there is evidence to suggest that use of Avastin, Lucentis and Eylea may increase the risk of a stroke or heart attack. In addition, long term use of Avastin, Lucentis and Eylea can lead to elevated intraocular pressure, glaucoma, optic nerve damage and vision loss. ILUVIEN does not pose similar risks. While in some patients ILUVIEN may cause a rise in eye pressure, called ocular hypertension, in those eligible for the device under FDA guidelines, the FAME study found that ocular hypertension was manageable with eye drops. Although in patients who have not had cataract surgery, ILUVIEN will cause a cataract to develop, cataracts can be expertly managed by the many excellent cataract surgeons in the area. As with any medication, the benefits and risks of ILUVIEN should be reviewed with your eye doctor prior to use.

      Eaton suggests that patients receiving monthly or frequent injections should ask their eye doctor whether they would be a good candidate for this device. As the first and most experienced physicians using this device in the U.S., Drs. Wafapoor and Eaton are also available to help determine if ILUVIEN is an option for those who are considering it.

      Retina Health Center and the Macular Degeneration Research Center were established in 2002 by Dr. Alexander M. Eaton, a long-time Southwest Florida resident, who has been practicing ophthalmology in Lee and Collier counties for more than 20 years. Dr. Eaton has been the principal investigator for numerous studies to prevent and treat macular degeneration, and has invented numerous medical devices for use by patients and physicians that are used worldwide. For more information on the latest studies or to make an appointment, call 239-337-3337 in Fort Myers or 239-793-5200 in Naples, or visit

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      5 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 17.03.15 15:20:19
      Beitrag Nr. 11.503 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 49.351.502 von wonner am 17.03.15 14:37:03
      Hab Bev auch mal gefragt. Hier die Anwort

      Hi ...,

      I realize there is much confusion about Oncosil because in the past pSivida made a very big deal about this technology when it was called BrachySil. Several years ago the company made the decision that development of BrachySil would not fit with the strategic direction of the company (which as you know is in the area of tiny sustained delivery systems for ophthalmology and other indications - not cancer). I'm pasting below exactly what the company says about Oncosil in their you can see it has been licensed out and is not a consideration in the company's plan going forward (we do not even mention it in any of our presentations, for example).

      agreement with us without penalty at any time upon 90 days’ written notice.

      Enigma Therapeutics

      Under a December 2012 license agreement, amended and restated in March 2013, Enigma Therapeutics Limited (Enigma) acquired an exclusive, worldwide, royalty-bearing license for the development of BrachySil (now named OncoSil™), a BioSilicon product candidate for the treatment of pancreatic and other types of cancer. We received an upfront fee of $100,000 and are entitled to an 8% sales-based royalty, 20% of sublicense consideration and milestones based on aggregate product sales. Enigma is obligated to pay an annual license maintenance fee of $100,000, creditable during each ensuing twelve month period against reimbursable patent maintenance costs and sales-based royalties. The first annual license maintenance fee of $100,000 was paid in January 2014. Enigma has the right to terminate its license upon 60 days prior written notice.

      That is what we say in our filing so that is the status of Oncosil with respect to pSivida. I hope this helps. Feel free to ask any additional questions if you have them and I'll try to assist you wherever possible.


      6 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 17.03.15 14:37:03
      Beitrag Nr. 11.502 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 49.350.989 von Peter_02 am 17.03.15 13:53:26Ich habe mal Bev gefragt ob diese Meldung eine Relevanz hat.
      Hier die Antwort.

      Not really. PSivida licensed this tech to them for a minimal annual fee and should they be successful with it, a royalty (not sure if there are milestone payments or not, but all info on this relationship is in pSivida's 10K. It is really nothing pSivida is involved with other than it really is not material to us.
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      schrieb am 17.03.15 13:53:26
      Beitrag Nr. 11.501 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 49.339.550 von wonner am 16.03.15 12:59:17
      Was das diese Medung in Stocknessmonster ?
      Wieviel kriegt PSIVIDA davon ab ?
      Wieder 20 % ?

      ASX / Media Release
      16 March 2015

      OncoSil Medical to pursue additional indication: Primary Liver Cancer (Hepatocellular carcinoma)

      · OncoSil Medical plans to file for CE Mark in both pancreatic and liver cancer indications in
      H2, 2015

      · CE Mark would facilitate commercialisation for both indications in the EU, Australia, NZ and
      · Two previous Phase II Clinical Studies of Oncosil™ in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)
      showed excellent results to support the CE Mark filing

      · Results could more than double the market potential of Oncosil™
      o Entering the primary liver cancer market represents a new market opportunity
      estimated to be worth $1.4billion by 2019

      o The estimated total market opportunity for Oncosil™ in pancreatic cancer exceeds $1

      · The combined Pancreatic and HCC clinical data set demonstrates that the OncoSil device
      technology platform is capable of use in two solid tumour types

      SYDNEY, 16th March, 2015: OncoSil Medical Limited (ASX: OSL) (OncoSil Medical, the Company) is pleased to announce that it will file for CE Mark in both pancreatic and liver cancer indications in the second half of this calendar year.
      The decision to actively pursue the hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) (primary liver cancer) indication comes as a result of a detailed clinical and regulatory review led by new OncoSil Chief Executive Officer Daniel Kenny, and will result in the Company delivering a broader development program, targeting two of the most insidious and difficult to treat cancers.
      OncoSil has previously conducted two Pilot Clinical Studies on the use of the OncoSil™ localised radiation therapy treatment in hepatocellular carcinoma.
      Evaluations of safety data from these studies has indicated that OncoSil™ is well tolerated in patients with unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma, and the efficacy data indicated that OncoSil™ had induced significant reductions in tumour volume in the targeted tumours in the liver. These data and the clinical experience in pancreatic cancer demonstrate that the OncoSil technology platform is capable of use in two
      solid tumour types (refer Table 1 below for HCC tumour response after treatment with OncoSilTM).
      8 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 16.03.15 15:07:45
      Beitrag Nr. 11.500 ()
      Beim Beitrag 11496 hat es jetzt funktioniert. Vielen dank Monsieur Wonner.

      Ich habe ja geschrieben, dass das ein "Long" ist. Wenn Dr. Ashton darauf aus ist, so bringt er gegenüber den Amerikanern; die auf kurze Erfolge schauen; auf lange Sicht die Erfolge schon hin, die auch der kleine Aktionär braucht.

      Allerdings braucht es die Amis auch, aber zuerst die Afrikaner und die Chinesen und die Inder, denn dort ist dieses Problem so gross, sodass es für alle "Reichen" in diesen Ländern ausreicht. NiNa
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      EyePoint Pharmaceuticals (vorher: PSIVIDA) startet durch !!