
    ELAN - 1.000 % for the LONG-time - 500 Beiträge pro Seite (Seite 46)

    eröffnet am 06.06.05 09:03:17 von
    neuester Beitrag 05.12.13 01:23:23 von
    Beiträge: 22.892
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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 30.05.11 15:29:12
      Beitrag Nr. 22.501 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.572.842 von bernie55 am 29.05.11 15:15:34die 2-3 Jahr Anlagehorizont würde auch bei mir passen.

      Witzigerweise haben wir diesen Anlagehorizont bereits seit mehr als 3 Jahren.


      Ich wäre auch gerne bei der monatlichen Mail dabei und pflege Dich doch auch einfach mal zu meinen "Freunden" bei.

      schrieb am 30.05.11 19:18:50
      Beitrag Nr. 22.502 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.576.333 von Poppholz am 30.05.11 15:26:59Ach nee Poppi---WIRKLICH???? (Wie gehts eigentlich dem Nachwuchs????Vielleicht erben die doch noch Deine Elanies????)

      Msg 465131 of 465147 at 5/30/2011 10:21:14 AM by

      Elan’s grand designs- Irish Times "Elan chairman Bob Ingram, said this week that the Irish company has the potential to become the Genentech of neuroscience”. TO DA MOON!…

      SHARES IN Irish biotech Elan hit a two-year high this week in the latest bit of good news for a company that seems finally about to overcome the problems that had threatened at one stage to overwhelm it.

      Finding a way of assessing the risk of multiple sclerosis patients on its Tysabri therapy getting (or even more importantly not contracting) the potentially deadly side effect progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) has given both the company and the market confidence in what is now a $1 billion drug which the company forecasts will grow revenues at least by 15 per cent per annum and which aims to double its market share.

      The well-received sale of the Athlone-based drug technology unit, whose revenues saw Elan through lean times, is both a vote of confidence in its science and a means to paying down debt to comfortable levels. Using a small portion of that money to take a quarter share of drug discovery business Proteostasis has also gone down well in the market, with shares adding close to 18 per cent this month alone.

      And, as the company was hosting a trouble-free annual shareholders’ meeting in Dublin, Johnson Johnson was outlining the merits of its drugs pipeline to investors in the US. At the event, Sheri McCoy, vice-chairwoman to the executive committee, said bapineuzumab, the Alzheimer’s therapy being developed with Elan and Pfizer, may have “the most potential” of any of JJ’s experimental drugs nearing approval.

      Little wonder then that new Elan chairman Bob Ingram, citing the success of Roche acquisition Genentech in oncology drugs, said this week that the Irish company “has the potential to become the Genentech of neuroscience”. Grand visions indeed.
      10 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 31.05.11 11:14:28
      Beitrag Nr. 22.503 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.577.603 von Tebi am 30.05.11 19:18:50beim Nachwuchs ist alles super.

      Erben werden die meine ELAN-Aktien aber wohl nicht, da die mir jetzt schon fast die Haare vom Kopf essen. Wenn das so weiter geht, dann brauche ich spätestens in 10 Jahren einen Zweitjob oder ich verkaufe dann die Aktien.

      9 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 31.05.11 17:10:03
      Beitrag Nr. 22.504 ()
      Tach Forum, tach welke91 - war sideliner, jetzt investiert hier, hoffe mit euch auf grüne zeiten. vor ein paar monaten einzusteigen wäre aus heutiger sicht vielleicht etwas günstiger gewesen, aber tja - nach oben scheint noch luft zu sein, woll?
      Bis bald, Thums
      schrieb am 31.05.11 18:47:30
      Beitrag Nr. 22.505 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.580.370 von Poppholz am 31.05.11 11:14:28Und....-die FROHE Botschaft ist :Je älter der Nachwuchs-desto teurer wird es ....also müssen unsere Elanies WEITER SCHÖN STEIGEN....:mad:
      8 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.

      Trading Spotlight

      East Africa Metals
      0,1480EUR +0,68 %
      Hat East Africa bisher nur an der Oberfläche gekratzt?! mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 31.05.11 20:05:02
      Beitrag Nr. 22.506 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.569.757 von welke91 am 27.05.11 20:59:05Welke, gern!
      Meine Emailadresse schon unterwegs per BM zu dir. Danke!:)
      schrieb am 31.05.11 20:14:12
      Beitrag Nr. 22.507 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.584.020 von Tebi am 31.05.11 18:47:30dem kann ich nur beipflichten....
      um so mehr gefallen mir grüne vorzeichen im depot, speziell hier bei elan. hat mich doch schon einiges an nerven gekostet, bewege mich mit elan in richtung schwarze null.

      was dürfen wir "leise" erwarten?
      7 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 31.05.11 20:19:16
      Beitrag Nr. 22.508 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.584.643 von GuHu1 am 31.05.11 20:14:12GUHU----ich hoffe..."the sky is the limit"....wenn BAPI erfolgreich ist...:cool:
      6 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 31.05.11 20:56:57
      Beitrag Nr. 22.509 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.584.684 von Tebi am 31.05.11 20:19:16weiss nicht ob das schon gepostet wurde...gefunden auf IV. :rolleyes:…

      Bapineuzumab is an Alzheimer's drug that is now in the final stage of FDA approval. We described the mechanism of Bapineuzumab in this earlier post.

      No one can say with any degree of certainty if it will be approved or not, but as noted in an update provided by Fierce Biotech, there has been an interesting development in the progress of the clinical trial. The companies sponsoring the trial, Pfizer/Wyeth and J&J, amended the protocol last year to expand the study by several thousand research subjects. This is a very costly move in terms of research investment and time required to conclude the study, and has led to much speculation as to why the trial was expanded.

      A leading theory that makes lots of sense, is tied to the recently revised guidelines for diagnosing Alzheimer's disease. Under the new guidelines, the presence of disease pathology can be recognized much earlier, when symptoms are much subtler, compared to the former standards. This bodes well for more effective treatment.

      However, the new guidelines also create a potential conundrum in terms of currently approved treatments.

      The FDA has approved 4 drugs for treating Alzheimer's, but all of those approvals are based on the former definition of the disease, that requires a later stage of disease progression and more severe symptoms before the diagnosis can be made. It is possible that the Bapineuzumab trial was initiated to demonstrate efficacy against the late stage disease that was defined in the old guidelines, but revised to demonstrate efficacy against an earlier stage of disease as defined in the revised guidelines.

      Although the trial protocol was amended about a year before the new guidelines were released, a draft version of the revisions have been available and mounting industry consensus has been visible for quite some time.

      If the drug works, and the trial sponsors can demonstrate that it works at very early stages of Alzheimer's, this could be a giant leap forward for the field.
      schrieb am 01.06.11 12:42:23
      Beitrag Nr. 22.510 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.584.684 von Tebi am 31.05.11 20:19:16the sky is the limit...;)

      moin Gemeinde:

      ich habe ein reges Interesse auf meine Anfrage erhalten.

      Vielen Dank für euer Vertrauen.;)

      Da eigentlich alle Elaniacs sich bei mir gemeldet haben + eine Zahl von neuen Holdern oder Beobchtern -wie gestern angemeldet- ThumsUp (herzlich willkommen) werde ich wie folgt verfahren.

      Ich schreibe hier in Forum jeden Monat mal so einen Beitrag wie heute, damit ihr in etwa wisst, was ich so denke und von dem Kurs halte.

      Ich habe nicht die Zeit hier mehr zu schaffen. Heute sind auch schwupps... 3 Std. weg.

      Für alle Elaniacs und guten Freunden :yawn: schreibe ich im Monat (ist in Arbeit) eine PDF mit allem Wisen und detaillierten Geschichten rund um die Charttechnik + einen kleinen Abstecher aus meinem bescheidenen Leben.

      Fangen wir beim Urschleim an:

      Ich wurde nach den langfristigen Aussichten gefragt:

      schrieb am 28.08.10 19:19:03

      in die 40 $ kann Elan schon so driften.

      noch dazu ist folgendes passiert:

      startete sehr früh:
      welke91 schrieb am 24.09.10 08:16:54

      Als Ergebnis kam dies heraus:

      Genug dazu.

      Was steht an:

      Meine erste Elliott Wellen Zählung:

      Eingerahmte Variante wird nicht favorisiert sondern eher eine iv3 und dann die v3 up vllt. im September?

      Ich zähle auf iv Ebenen! i4 (std.) i3 (120 min.) i2 (täglich) i1 (Wöchentlich)!

      Jedenfalls warte ich jetzt auf eine Korrektur (ThumpsUp wie vor Tagen geschrieben :confused:

      Wieder mal fragt man sich warum das alles?

      Die Korrektur kann flach 7,60 $ aber auch Stärker werden wie oben eingezeichnet! Was es eben wird.

      Die Falle ist, dass Elan häufig eine überschießende Korrektur ausbildet und deshalb das Zählen erschwert wird. Spricht aber ganz klar für die Stärke des Up Trendes!

      Weiter gehts:

      und meine Studien die ich so betreibe:

      Wenn ihr mal schaut, dann seht ihr gute Trendwenden am grünen Indikator!

      Fazit für die nächsten Wochen:

      Ausbilden der iv3 (wird favorisiert) was mit unter Umständen mehere Wochen in Anspruch nehmen kann.

      Ein sofortiger Anstrurm auf neue extreme Hochs fällt aus genannten Gründen für mich erstmal aus.

      welke ;)
      4 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 01.06.11 12:54:43
      Beitrag Nr. 22.511 ()
      WOAH Welke----DANKE_KLASSE!!:kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss:

      Sieht ja nach richtigem System + viel Arbeit aus....werde ich heute Abend mal versuchen zu verstehen....LIIIIIIIIIIIIIEBEN DANK!! Birgt
      7 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 01.06.11 13:45:20
      Beitrag Nr. 22.512 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.588.582 von Tebi am 01.06.11 12:54:43übrigens zu allen meinen Charts gilt folgendes:

      Diese Grafik(en) stellt(en) hier keine Empfehlung dar. Sie dient ausschließlich nur zur persönlichen Veranschaulichung des oben beschriebenen.
      Es werden keine Handelsempfehlungen ausgesprochen und stellen auch keine Aufforderung zum Handeln dar.
      Eine Haftung für Vermögensschäden, die aus der Verwendung dieser Informationen zu eigenen Investitionsentscheidungen des Nutzers erwachsen könnten, ist ausgeschlossen.


      Und....-die FROHE Botschaft ist :Je älter der Nachwuchs-desto teurer wird es

      wieso bracuht dein Nachwuchs ein neues Auto? Cabrio hat fertisch oder muss da etwa auch etwas größeres her :eek: ?

      welke ;)
      6 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 01.06.11 19:27:38
      Beitrag Nr. 22.513 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.588.480 von welke91 am 01.06.11 12:42:23Danke Welke, super :)
      GuHu1, schön dich hier zu treffen, denke an DNDN Zeit;)
      Poppi, kleine Kinder => kleine Probleme, großere Kinder => großere Probleme, ist das so TEBI? Take it easy, es legt sich wieder :cool::kiss::D
      schrieb am 01.06.11 22:58:39
      Beitrag Nr. 22.514 ()

      jetzt kommt mal wieder so langsam richtig " Action " rein - ;)


      Boooaaaahhh eeeyyyy, voll Hammmmmmmmaaaa, Waaahnnnsinn, du hängst dich ja volle Pulle rein - ich werde mir in aller Ruhe deine Analysen reinziehen -

      - an dieser Stelle nochmals ein riesiges THX

      bernie55 ;)
      schrieb am 01.06.11 23:00:06
      Beitrag Nr. 22.515 ()
      Elan to Present at Jefferies 2011 Global Healthcare Conference

      Press Release Source: Elan Corporation, plc On Wednesday June 1, 2011, 4:30 pm

      DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Elan Corporation, plc (NYSE:ELN - News) announced today that it will present at the Jefferies 2011 Global Healthcare Conference on Tuesday, June 7th at 9:30am Eastern Time and 2:30pm British Summer Time.

      Interested parties may access a live audio webcast of the presentation by visiting the Investor Relations section of the Elan website at, then clicking on the event icon. Following the live webcast, an archived version of the presentation will be available at the same URL.…
      schrieb am 07.06.11 22:46:26
      Beitrag Nr. 22.516 ()…

      Jefferies Highlights Elan Corp's (ELN) Line Up, Largest Upside Potential of Companies Covered

      June 7, 2011 11:23 AM EDT

      Jefferies is maintaining its Buy rating and $12 price target on shares of Elan Corp (NYSE: ELN) noting that its has the largest upside potential of all the companies the firm covers.

      Based on conversations with physicians and the company's statements last week, the firm believes that new patient adds has bottomed in the US, and will start to re-accelerate in Q2. It forecasts that they will rapidly start to accelerate this fall once the JCV assay becomes widely available.

      The firm continues to believe that Tysabri has the potential to become a $3 billion product, which implies that the company would have to serve 120 thousand of 400 thousand population.

      The first P3 study of Bapineuzumab in carriers was completed last year, but is awaiting the non-carrier study to be officially unblinded together around mid 2012. The firm believes that it could become the largest drug of all time with sales in the $10-15 billion range.

      Jefferies reports, "D2 is Elan's Phase 1b Tysabri follow-on compound that Elan owns 100% of. It is a subcutaneous once-monthly injection of a small molecule alpha 4 inhibitor that may be better dose optimized to avoid PML risk than Tysabri. Elan may be able to move this into registrational studies soon. We don't think the majority of the market is even aware of the compound, which is normal for a P1 drug. But as the MS market heats up, the ability to have a 100% owned Tysabri follow-on in Phase 3 development could be a tremendous value driver for ELN."

      For more ratings news on Elan Corp click here and for the rating history of Elan Corp click here.

      Shares of Elan Corp closed at $9.37 yesterday, with a 52 week range of $4.25-$9.81.
      schrieb am 08.06.11 01:27:01
      Beitrag Nr. 22.517 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.588.904 von welke91 am 01.06.11 13:45:20Der Nachwuchs arbeitet -der Göttin sei Dank-aber iphone,Mac + Ipad + Urlaub + schöne Wohnung mit Freundin kostet "eben"...("Du Mama Du,könntest Du vielleicht ....:cry:)
      Allein deshalb muss unser Schätzchen die eingeschlagene Richtung beibehalten...
      Welke,nun sind wir doch durch den Widerstand schon durch,ODER???;)

      Gute Nacht!:yawn:
      5 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 08.06.11 21:57:01
      Beitrag Nr. 22.518 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.617.235 von Tebi am 08.06.11 01:27:01Welke,nun sind wir doch durch den Widerstand schon durch,ODER?

      könnte mir vorstellen welke würde sagen, ein - drei sonnentage machen noch keinen sommer.
      4 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 08.06.11 22:49:06
      Beitrag Nr. 22.519 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.623.145 von GuHu1 am 08.06.11 21:57:01Cool, gefällt mir.leider ist das so ja. Eln bewegt sich am Anschlag wenn jetzt
      Einer zittert schießt es los.

      Tebi Mail erhalten?

      Grüße wird schön ;)
      3 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 08.06.11 23:04:32
      Beitrag Nr. 22.520 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.623.465 von welke91 am 08.06.11 22:49:06....nee-nix angekommen...:confused:
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 09.06.11 06:40:08
      Beitrag Nr. 22.521 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.623.520 von Tebi am 08.06.11 23:04:32tja tebi,

      bernie hat das pdf von poppi weiss ich es nicht.

      surgas email funzt auch nicht.
      Es kann an meinem provider liegen, dass er dubiose Mails nicht zulässt :laugh:.

      entweder bernie leitet sie dann weiter (vielleicht hat er da eine regel, die das zulässt, oder an deine haupt email? oder du richtest dir ein neues Email konto ein und machst dort eine weiterleitung z.b. gmx?)

      irgendwie passt da gar nix im moment. haltet euch an die langfrsitige Aussage, denn die sollte passen auch wenn es noch mal kurz hoch ging.

      Wenn nächste Woche noch einmal neue Hochs kommen wäre das nur von Vorteil und würde die optimistischere Variante bestätigen denn wo Eln gerade steht, kann ich kaum etwas damit anfangen.

      Ich würde fast sagen, hier spukt es ;)

      alles in allem werden vorerst hochs immer unwahrscheinlicher.

      Grüße ;)
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 09.06.11 10:42:30
      Beitrag Nr. 22.522 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.623.861 von welke91 am 09.06.11 06:40:08auch noch einmal über "unser" Portal: ich habe die Mail auch bekommen.

      alles gut und suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuper vielen Dank.

      auch ich werde mir die Daten genau anschauen und die Zukunft betrachten, in wie weit die Szenarien eintreffen.

      Selbst wenn der Kurs jetzt bis ca. $7,50 nachgeben sollte, werde ich zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt nicht verkaufen, da der Großteil später Steuerfrei aufs Konto geht und unser Baby in der Vergangenheit immer mal wieder für Überraschungen gut war.

      schrieb am 09.06.11 14:35:50
      Beitrag Nr. 22.523 ()
      Zitat von Poppholz: .....unser Baby in der Vergangenheit immer mal wieder für Überraschungen gut war.


      UBS ELN Upgrade to Buy

      Elan upgraded to Buy from Neutral at UBS ;)

      UBS's specialists survey indicates Elan's (ELN) Tysabri position vs. Novartis' (NVS) Gilenya is secure. The firm raised Tysabri sales estimates ahead of consensus and added Elan to its Key Calls list. Price target raised to $12.78 from $9.26…
      9 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 09.06.11 14:37:21
      Beitrag Nr. 22.524 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.626.611 von bernie55 am 09.06.11 14:35:50
      8 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 09.06.11 16:09:38
      Beitrag Nr. 22.525 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.626.620 von bernie55 am 09.06.11 14:37:21Hi Ihr,

      na also--geht doch.....Was hat sich unser Schätzchen geziert....;)

      Ich habe Welkes Analyse nun auch bekommen---und fasse das mal im Kurszeil 40$ zusammen....da wir Oldies hier ja alle steuerfrei sind verkaufen wir an irgendwelchen TEMPORÄREN:eek: ZWISCHENSTATIONEN:eek: (Welke,das sind Deine hypothetischen Pfeile nach unten...:yawn:) ja sowieso nicht...

      .....fragt sich ja nur,WARUM konnte der Kurs nicht gleich oben bei 40$ BLEIBEN..???:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::p

      Schöne Pfingsten schon mal...!:kiss:
      7 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 09.06.11 16:14:08
      Beitrag Nr. 22.526 ()
      more UBS
      Investment thesis

      Elan is an Irish Biotech company focused on the development of neurosciencebased
      drugs and with a particular focus on Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer’s
      disease and Parkinson.
      Elan’s main drug, Tysabri, was reintroduced in 2005 and is gaining market
      shares despite its rare but severe risk of developing PML, an often deadly brain
      infection. Partner Biogen IDEC and Elan are developing a diagnostic test to
      detect the presence of JC virus, a virus believed to be the source of PML
      infections. Should the ongoing STRATIFY-2 clinical trial show that JC virus
      negative patients have almost no chance of developing PML, this could
      position Tysabri as the most efficacious and the safest MS treatment for this
      JC virus negative population.
      Elan recently divested its drug formulation business EDT to Alkermes against
      US$500m in cash and a 25% stake in Alkermes Ltd. This divestment means
      that Elan could become Net Cash positive by the end of 2011 which could
      transition the company from a high-risk, one-product, in debt company into a
      more investable company.
      Although Tysabri faces increased competition from recently launched Gilenya,
      a proprietary survey among 42 MS specialists suggests that the risk is
      overplayed and that Tysabri market share could significantly increase as a
      consequence of the PML risk stratification. This drives our more bullish longterm
      view on Tysabri. We now forecast US$2.6bn in global sales in 2015,
      driven by 107,000 patients on commercial therapy.
      We continue to value Elan using a probability weighted DCF-based model. We
      reduce our WACC from 10.5% to 9.45% to reflect the less risky balance sheet
      following the disposal of the EDT business and the fact that Elan is on the
      verge of becoming profitable. This revised valuation metrics assumptions and
      more bullish view on Tysabri long-term potential make us increase our price
      target to €8.7 (from €6.3) and upgrade our rating to Buy.
      Key opportunities
      Tysabri could become a US$2.6bn drug by 2015
      We conducted a proprietary survey among 22 US and 20 European MS
      specialists that lead us to increase significantly our long-term expectations for
      Tysabri from US$2.1bn to US$2.6bn in 2015. The perceived safety risk
      associated with Tysabri remains over-estimated and assuming the risk
      stratification suggested by the Swedish MS society is confirmed by the
      STRATIFY-2 study, c. 80-95% of physicians acknowledge they would
      significantly increase their Tysabri use in JC virus negative patients.
      PML risk stratification to increase Tysabri use 1st/2nd line
      According to the same survey, physicians estimate they could use Tysabri as 1st
      line treatment in c. 12-17% of their JC virus negative patients and as 2nd line in c.
      25-30% of their JC virus negative patients. As Tysabri is mostly used as a 3rd
      Key Call: Elan Corp. 9 June 2011
      UBS 4
      line therapy, we believe this could provide significant upside to the current level
      of sales.
      Tysabri patient switch to Gilenya put Gilenya long-term potential at
      Although we were expecting physicians to avoid the switch from Tysabri to
      Gilenya should their patients be tested positive to JC virus, our survey suggests
      that 35-40% of physicians have or are considering switching their JC virus
      positive Tysabri patients onto Gilenya. We believe that such a strategy could
      provide short term upside for Gilenya but could damage its long-term potential.
      Indeed, as JC virus positive Tysabri patients have increased risk of developing
      PML, putting them onto Gilenya that depresses their immune system and has
      been associated with herpetic encephalitis in Phase II (at a higher dose than the
      approved dose), this switch could lead patients to develop severe opportunistic
      infections while on Gilenya. Furthermore, while physicians know how to deal
      with PML cases when on Tysabri, the management of severe infections while on
      Gilenya is an unknown.
      A more investable company than in the past
      Elan has been known for a long time as a company with only one key product
      (Tysabri) beyond its cash generative EDT business, loss making, a company
      with more than US$1.5bn in debt and as a very volatile stock. We believe this
      picture has dramatically changed over the last couple of years with a Net Cash
      likely to become positive by the end of the year following the divestment of the
      EDT business, with a company about to become Net income profitable and with
      a senior management renewed when current CEO Kelly Martin steps down on
      May 1st 20121.
      We believe this improved picture makes it a much more investable company that
      investors will start considering again.
      Bapineuzumab Phase III read-out in Mid 2012
      Partner Johnson & Johnson announced on May 26th 2011 its intension to file for
      Bapineuzumab (Alzheimer’s disease) approval in the US in 2012 or early 2013.
      JNJ’s global therapeutic area head for neuroscience said that Bapineuzumab was
      a cornerstone of JNJ efforts in Alzheimer’s disease and that JNJ remained
      optimistic that Bapineuzumab would change the progression of the disease
      rather than simply slow down the progression of the disease.
      As this comment comes a few months after one of the four Phase III studies
      read-out (unpublished data, patients were Apo-E4 carrier patients in the US),
      this could suggest higher chance of success than we currently assume (UBSe
      However, we remain cautious on the chance of success of Bapineuzumab in
      Alzheimer’s disease as well as on the market potential of the drug until we have
      more visibility. We anticipate Phase III data of both US Phase III clinical trials
      (Apo E4 carrier and Apo E4 non-carrier) to be published by mid 2012.
      1 CEO agreement announced June 3rd 2010
      Key Call: Elan Corp. 9 June 2011
      schrieb am 09.06.11 16:16:30
      Beitrag Nr. 22.527 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.627.385 von Tebi am 09.06.11 16:09:38aber Birgit, das wäre doch laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaangweilig.

      Außerdem hätten wir dann nicht ständig nachkaufen können.

      6 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 09.06.11 16:17:53
      Beitrag Nr. 22.528 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.627.453 von Poppholz am 09.06.11 16:16:30

      früher war Zeni unser Freund mit dem Lineal. Ist der eigentlich noch an Bord?

      schrieb am 09.06.11 16:34:08
      Beitrag Nr. 22.529 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.627.453 von Poppholz am 09.06.11 auf manche dieser Aufregungen hätte ICH doch ganz gut verzichten können...;)

      Zeni ist bei WO noch an board,bei Elan schon Jahre nicht mehr...
      4 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 09.06.11 21:10:40
      Beitrag Nr. 22.530 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.627.618 von Tebi am 09.06.11 16:34:08ich auch, um so schöner da es mit elan wieder erträglicher wird (kurstechnisch).
      3 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 09.06.11 21:15:17
      Beitrag Nr. 22.531 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.629.346 von GuHu1 am 09.06.11 21:10:40stimmt---ich habe zwischendurch oft wochenlang den Kurs "verdrängt":rolleyes:---und das ist auch nicht gesund..:D..
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 14.06.11 17:38:06
      Beitrag Nr. 22.532 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.629.372 von Tebi am 09.06.11 21:15:17auf Jahressicht haben wir "wieder" einen 100%er.

      Nicht schlecht für unser Baby.

      ELAN ist ein Beispiel dafür, das HIN und HER nicht unbedingt immer die Taschen leer macht. Kommt halt nur auf den richtigen Moment an.

      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 15.06.11 00:17:00
      Beitrag Nr. 22.533 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.645.457 von Poppholz am 14.06.11 17:38:06;) Sleep well!
      schrieb am 15.06.11 10:44:37
      Beitrag Nr. 22.534 ()
      Ein Kongress, der erst in ein paar Monaten statfindet, aber ich denke doch, dass dieser Kongress eine wichtige
      " Info"veranstaltung für ELAN ist ;)

      Susan Abushakra, VP at Elan to speak at Neurodegeneration Conference Sept 22-23 2011 in Cali

      Monrovia, California, United States of America ( June 15, 2011 --

      Susan Abushakra, Vice President of Global Development, Program Lead for Alzheimer’s Disease at Elan Pharmaceuticals will give a featured presentation on “ELND005 (Scyllo-inositol) an Amyloid Anti-aggregation Agent: What We Learned in Phase 2 Studies” at the 5th Neurodegenerative Conditions Research and Development Conference to be held in San Francisco, CA on September 22-23, 2011 by GTC.

      ELND005 (Scyllo-inositol) is an endogenous inositol stereoisomer which, unlike Myo-inositol, is not thought to be involved in phopshatidyl-inositol signaling. ELND005 was studied in a Phase 2 dose-ranging randomized placebo controlled study in 353 patients with Mild to Moderate AD. The study included 3 active dose arms and was 78 weeks in duration. In addition to cognitive, functional and behavioral outcomes, the study included v-MRI and CSF biomarker assessments. Drug levels in brain were also assessed using Proton MRS. Susan Abushakra will discuss the clinical, biomarker and imaging outcomes, and also the correlation of the clinical outcomes to biomarker effects.

      Susan is currently Vice President of Global Development, and Alzheimer’s Disease Program Team Leader at Elan Pharmaceuticals in South San Francisco. Susan is a board certified neurologist with 11 years of drug development experience in CNS and Pain therapeutic areas, including both early and late stage development of small molecules and biologics. Susan was previously therapeutic area head of Neurology at Eisai Pharmaceuticals and therapeutic area head of Global Regulatory Affairs at Wyeth.

      The 5th Neurodegenerative Conditions Research and Development Conference will discuss the latest breakthroughs, new drug targets, new models, the development of new biomarkers, imaging modalities, and several other novel developments and therapeutics to combat neurodegenerative conditions.

      The sessions for the conferences are:
      Plenary Keynote Session
      Session I: Biomarkers: Translation from Discovery to Clinical
      Session II: Novel Therapeutic Targets and Approaches in Neurodegenerative Condition
      Session III: Stem Cell Therapy in CNS
      Session IV: Case Studies in the Preclinical and Clinical Space
      Session V: Novel Therapeutic Targets and Approaches in Alzheimer's Disease
      Session VI: Protein Misfolding and Aggregation

      For more information, please visit…
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 15.06.11 16:05:17
      Beitrag Nr. 22.535 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.648.330 von bernie55 am 15.06.11 10:44:37unser Baby macht mir langsam Angst.

      Der ganze Biotech-Sektor hängt im roten Bereich und ELN läuft steil nach oben.

      schrieb am 17.06.11 15:48:20
      Beitrag Nr. 22.536 ()
      Print Share
      Jun 17, 2011 (SmarTrend(R) News Watch via COMTEX) -- Elan (NYSE:ELN), which was in the red a year ago, is expected to turn a profit this year according to analyst expectations.

      In the last fiscal year, the company lost $0.27 per share. Elan is now estimated to attain profitability and earn $0.04 per share this year, based on 586.8 million shares outstanding.

      Elan is currently trading above its 50-day moving average of $8.61 and trading above its 200-day moving average of $6.62.

      SmarTrend currently has shares of Elan in an Uptrend and issued the Uptrend alert on January 05, 2011 at $6.15. The stock has risen 65.4% since the Uptrend alert was issued.

      Write to Chip Brian at
      schrieb am 22.06.11 08:53:59
      Beitrag Nr. 22.537 ()
      European Commission Approves Inclusion of Anti-JC Virus Antibody Status as a PML Risk Factor in TYSABRI Labeling

      Press Release Source: Biogen Idec and Elan Corporation, plc On Wednesday June 22, 2011, 2:00 am

      WESTON, Mass. & DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Biogen Idec (NASDAQ:BIIB - News) and Elan Corporation, plc (NYSE:ELN - News) announced today that the European Commission (EC) has approved the inclusion of anti-JC virus (JCV) antibody status as an additional factor to aid in stratifying patients at risk for developing progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) in the Summary of Product Characteristics (SmPC) for TYSABRI® (natalizumab) in the European Union (EU). In addition, as part of a standard review process, the EC concluded the quality, safety and efficacy of TYSABRI continue to be adequately demonstrated and renewed the EU five-year Marketing Authorisation.

      The new SmPC language states that patients who are anti-JCV antibody positive are at an increased risk of developing PML compared to patients who are anti-JCV antibody negative. Recent studies suggest that irrespective of MS treatment, approximately 55% of MS patients are anti-JCV antibody positive. The SmPC language also states that patients who are anti-JCV antibody positive, have received prior immunosuppressant (IS) therapy, and received treatment with TYSABRI for more than two years have the highest risk of developing PML. The addition of anti-JCV antibody status to previously-established risk factors further stratifies the potential risk of developing PML.

      "This label change can help give confidence to physicians and patients by providing additional guidance on stratifying the potential risk for developing PML in TYSABRI-treated patients," said Tomas Olsson, Professor of Neurology in the Department of Clinical Neurosciences at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden. "Understanding all factors, including anti-JCV antibody status, is essential, and the Swedish MS Society has established guidelines recommending how this can be put into practice."

      “For half a decade, TYSABRI has benefited thousands of patients worldwide, offering hope for those in need of a powerful therapy to treat their MS,” said Douglas E. Williams, Ph.D., Executive Vice President, Research and Development at Biogen Idec. “In addition, now that STRATIFY JCV, the Biogen Idec and Elan-developed anti-JCV antibody assay, is commercially available in Europe, these established risk factors can be used to help inform treatment choices. This empowers physicians and patients to make better informed decisions about treatment with TYSABRI.”

      This update to the SmPC was based on analysis of data from Biogen Idec and Elan’s quantitative risk stratification algorithm, which was presented at a number of recent major, international medical meetings. In the analysis, patients who were anti-JCV antibody negative were at a lower risk for developing PML. Patients who were anti-JCV antibody positive had varying degrees of risk for developing PML depending on prior IS use and TYSABRI treatment duration.

      "With its proven efficacy, TYSABRI is an important therapy in the treatment of MS, which can be a devastating disease affecting patients in the prime of their lives," said Eliseo Salinas, MD, M.Sc., Chief Medical Officer at Elan. "The demonstration that these three risk factors confer different levels of PML risk allows for a more personalized benefit-risk discussion for each patient on or considering TYSABRI."…
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 22.06.11 09:07:29
      Beitrag Nr. 22.538 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.681.321 von bernie55 am 22.06.11 08:53:59na also---SUPER! Das ist wohl von Einigen vorher schon erahnt worden....;)
      schrieb am 22.06.11 10:02:28
      Beitrag Nr. 22.539 ()
      ...eine News am Rande, die wieder einmal zeigt, dass Zulassungsverfahren von Arzneimitteln auch scheitern können....

      Deutsche Merck bricht weltweiten Zulassungsprozess für MS-Mittel ab

      DARMSTADT (dpa-AFX) - Der deutsche Pharma- und Chemiekonzern Merck bricht den weltweiten Zulassungsprozess für das MS-Mittel Cladribin ab. Nach den ablehnenden Stellungnahmen der US-Gesundheitsbehörde FDA und der vorangegangenen negativen Einschätzung der europäischen Zulassungsbehörde EMA werde der weltweite Zulassungsprozess für Cladribin-Tabletten nicht weiter verfolgt, teilte der Dax (DAX)-Konzern am Mittwoch in Darmstadt mit. Es sei mit Einmalbelastungen von 20 Millionen Euro zu rechnen, die im zweiten Quartal verbucht werden sollen. Damit muss Merck die größte Medikamentenhoffnung des Unternehmens seit Jahren begraben.…
      schrieb am 24.06.11 12:07:51
      Beitrag Nr. 22.540 ()
      DALE SCHENK is a rock star of science.;)
      He is the man behind blockbuster multiple sclerosis drug Tysabri, the inventor of a vaccination approach to Alzheimer’s and has a treatment for Parkinson’s in development.

      “We’re brought up thinking scientists wear white coats in a lab and are not real people,” says Schenk, chief scientific officer of Irish biotech company Elan. “But we’re ordinary people just like everybody else.”

      Schenk was admitted to the “Rock Stars of Science” hall of fame in 2009, a US campaign to make science hip. Its motto is: refuse to accept ‘no cure’ as an answer. Through the treatments he is developing for some of the world’s most intractable diseases, Schenk’s research has rocked patient’s lives and Elan’s share price alike.

      A biologist with a PhD in physiology and pharmacology, Schenk was director of neurobiology firm Athena Neurosciences when it was acquired by Elan in 1998 under former chief executive Donal Geaney. Athena’s research has fuelled Elan’s product pipeline since. But taking a drug from lab to bedside is not simple.

      Schenk has been working on a treatment for Alzheimer’s since the 1980s, but the first double-blind, placebo controlled studies of Bapineuzumab on several thousand volunteers is not due to be completed until next year. It’s hoped the data will support the approval of the drug for treating patients with mild to moderate forms of the disease.

      Did he think it would take this long?

      “Probably not,” he says. “In every step of our progress, nothing’s been there when we got there. We’ve had to create each step of the field along the way. We’ve had to move the field and help the field mature through this process.”

      Schenk’s research team was the first to develop a mouse model for the disease, estimated to affect up to 35 million people worldwide. The progressive neurological condition destroys nerve cells, making it difficult to remember, reason and use language.

      “With Alzheimer’s, you get something in the brain called plaques, made up of small protein fragments that self-associate and form this glue-like gunk all over the brain,” he explains.

      Alongside Bapineuzumab, which he calls Bapi, Elan is also developing a vaccination for the disease, something he says was initially seen as a wild card.

      “Having developed the mouse model, we listed 30 different experiments we wanted to do. This vaccination was one, but we all agreed it had such low likelihood of working that we’d put it as number 30, the last one.”

      Mice with the disease were stimulated to generate antibodies against the proteins that cause the plaque. The hope was that some of the antibodies would get into the brain to clear out the plaque. They did.

      “It was so dramatic, the animals that had been vaccinated had nothing in their brains, so we assumed we’d mixed them up in the cages and were looking at the wrong animals,” says Schenk. “What happens is that when an antibody binds to a plaque, your immune system knows that’s a bad thing [and to] go in and remove it. These antibodies are acting like flags to tag the plaques and cause clearance.”

      Both Bapi and the vaccination use antibodies to clear the plaque. In Bapi, the antibodies are given but in the vaccination, the body is stimulated to produce them.

      Now in phase three clinical trials, Bapi is closest to market, with US regulatory approval likely to be sought in the next three years.

      Schenk credits the team of 200 scientists who worked with him with the success. “It’s easy to think of these things – it’s hard to pull them off,” he says.

      Although created by Elan, a series of labyrinthine deals sees ownership of some of its Alzheimer’s work somewhat splintered. In September 2009, Janssen Alzheimer Immunotherapy, a subsidiary of Johnson Johnson, acquired all of the assets and rights of Elan related to its Alzheimer’s Immunotherapy Program (AIP), rights Elan had shared with Wyeth.

      Elan however holds a 49.9 per cent equity interest in Janssen Alzheimer Immunotherapy, and will be entitled to a share of the profits and certain royalty payments upon the commercialisation of AIP products.

      Janssen Alzheimer Immunotherapy is continuing Alzheimer’s activities with Pfizer, which acquired Wyeth in 2009. The move is consistent with a trend of bigger pharma companies licensing and partnering with smaller biotechs to access their discoveries.

      So does Elan consider itself in the big pharma league? Schenk prefers to see the company as a growing biotech firm.

      Having sold its drug formulation and manufacturing unit earlier this year, Elan will now focus its efforts on creating new products.

      “We aim to remain infrastructure light and will focus on our core competence of neuroscience drug discovery and development.”

      Schenk says positive results from animal models are the biggest hurdle to overcome in pharmaceutical innovation. “That’s the biggest Eureka moment because we have a lot of ideas. Most of the ideas don’t work and to actually work well in an animal model is very, very, very rare,” he says.

      Translating a discovery into a drug involves expanding the cast to regulatory, safety and manufacturing experts to produce something that can be tested in human clinical trials.

      While such trials can help to indicate whether or not the treatment works, nothing is ever crystal clear.

      Elan’s multiple sclerosis drug Tysabri, which it co-markets with US-based Biogen, is a case in point. Launched in 2004, it was taken off the market in 2005 when three patients, carriers of a common virus called the JC virus, developed a rare brain infection called PML. It was cleared to return to market in 2006 and now about 60,000 MS sufferers are taking Tysabri. Some 124 carriers of the virus have gone on to develop PML, with 23 dying from the complication.

      Schenk has just developed a blood test for the JC virus which, he says, will help those with multiple sclerosis to judge their risk of having an adverse reaction to Tysabri.

      For many, however, the benefits outweigh the risks. “Since the test has been out there, of those who have taken it and test positive , most stay on Tysabri,” says Schenk. “They have said ‘I understand the risk but the therapy is so important to me, I want to take that risk’.”…
      schrieb am 24.06.11 21:01:05
      Beitrag Nr. 22.541 ()
      wow, elan hält nicht zum erstenmal voll gegen den trend! :eek:
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 25.06.11 08:56:53
      Beitrag Nr. 22.542 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.697.861 von GuHu1 am 24.06.11 21:01:05ELAN ist eben zur Zeit voll " anti-trendy "...;)
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 25.06.11 20:30:51
      Beitrag Nr. 22.543 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.698.895 von bernie55 am 25.06.11 08:56:53Liebe Gruesse aus Ibiza-----wunderbar hier nur (SORRY!) so VIELE Kids mit einem Organ....ich glaube,ich werde ALT...;)
      schrieb am 26.06.11 09:04:26
      Beitrag Nr. 22.544 ()
      Zitat von Tebi: Liebe Gruesse aus Ibiza-----wunderbar hier nur (SORRY!) so VIELE Kids mit einem Organ....ich glaube,ich werde ALT...;)

      .......besser als VIELE Kids mit VIELEN Organ(en).....

      LG, noch schöne Tage auf Ibiza....

      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 26.06.11 09:12:36
      Beitrag Nr. 22.545 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.700.751 von bernie55 am 26.06.11 09:04:26@Tebi

      Du kannst die Kinder ja mal ein bisschen von ihrem ORGAN " ablenken"...;)

      schrieb am 28.06.11 09:19:27
      Beitrag Nr. 22.546 ()
      Just to keep things in perspective,
      Fidelity holdings over the past

      2010 2Q 62.3m

      2010 3Q 59.4m

      2010 4Q 57.2m

      2011 1Q 53.8m

      2011 2Q 59.6m

      Glad Fidelity is beginning to come back to Elan. ;)…
      schrieb am 28.06.11 09:29:51
      Beitrag Nr. 22.547 ()
      Ein Artikel vom 27.06.11 aus Seeking Alpha - dieser ist eine schöne Zusammenfassung der aktuellen Situation, sprich der potentiellen Möglichkeiten von ELAN

      Pharma: Don't Count Elan Out

      The comeback of a prodigious biotech company with unique scientific capability and a revered history of breakthrough achievements is always welcome. Elan’s (ELN) stock price has doubled since November 2010, at the time many investors had given up on the firm and sold stock they had long valued for its great science and scientists.

      As a matter of fact, Elan’s science has always been appreciated, even during the firm’s crises in 2008, when its stock crashed. At the time, mismanagement and other circumstances had broken the back of the firm’s finances, paralyzing its scientists. It was heartbreaking watching the firm’s beautiful minds held hostage by a paucity of funds and huge, uncalled-for debt. Both fans and foes deemed the damage to be insurmountable.

      Contrary to many investors’ expectations, instead of going down the drain, in November last year the stock began to steadily climb up. When the stock doubled in the past six months, more investors and analysts began to pay attention. The stock’s unexpected outperformance created a fertile land for gossip. Analysts, writers and chatters suggested various explanations for the stock rally; the long-lasting speculation, though, was the firm’s acquisition by a deep-pocketed pharmaceutical company.

      The harm done to Elan’s finances led to the crashing of its stock in 2008. The damage was extensive and debilitating and clearing the mess was a painful process that required a lot of hard decisions. The good news was that the most valuable assets for biotechnology firms -- creative scientists, excellent science, technologies, discoveries, inventions and patents -- remained intact.

      Yet it was obvious that the great scientific infrastructure would not realize its full potential through the firm’s old practices. The scientific productivity of Elan exceeded by far its financial capability to turn the abundant discoveries into revenue-generating products. A change was imperative and the new commanders instituted a new strategy that would guarantee taking full advantage of the scientific achievement without crashing the firm’s finances. The stratagy began to materialize in the fourth quarter of 2009.

      In a bold move aimed at stopping the cash bleed in the firm’s neuro-immunology drug development unit, Elan BioNeurology, Elan sold Alzheimer’s immunotherapy program to Janssen Alzheimer Immunotherapy, a Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) subsidiary. For a while, investors and analysts viewed this transaction as a desperate act, marking the beginning of Elan’s demise. It took a few months for the investment community to realize that this decision would apparently save the firm millions of dollars in unaffordable spending. The transaction gave Elan a 49.9% equity interest in Janssen, entitling it to a 49.9% share of the profits, in addition to certain royalty payments upon commercialization of any of its products.

      The second big move in early May 2011 was the merging of Elan’s Drug Technologies unit with the drug delivery firm Alkermes (ALKS) into a new holding company under the name Alkermes plc. According to both firms, the newly created firm is expected to become immediately and sustainably profitable, backed with combined expertise in developing a diversified pipeline products based on the science and technologies emanating from both firms.

      This move was followed by another by Elan in the same month. Elan established a business deal with a private, little-known firm called Proteostasis Therapeutics. Elan invested $20 million into equity capital of the small firm and expressed willingness to put up to $30 million more in collaboration funding over five years. Like Elan, Proteostasis Therapeutic develops disease-modifying drugs for neurodegenerative disorders, including Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease, multiple sclerosis and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), plus dementia-related diseases, including Alzheimer's.

      The difference, though, is that this firm’s platform aims at modulating key proteaostasis network pathways, whose deregulation results in the misfolding of the proteins, which is the direct root-cause of these and many other diseases. Creating therapeutic molecules that deal with misfolding of proteins has been the dream of drug developers since the advancement of the genomic and proteomic disciplines. With its long-standing strength in proprietary animal models, biology, medicinal chemistry and clinical development, Elan is expected to put Proteostasis pipeline products on the fastest track towards approvals.

      The firm’s Alzheimer program is going forward at the hands of Janssen at no cost to Elan. Bapineuzumab, the most advanced of the AD therapeutics, is cruising the Phase III trial towards the approval shore. A statement attributed to Johnson & Johnson that the drug could be one of the most valuable drugs in the pipeline was very assuring. The BioNeurology wing of the firm in general has encouraging news: Tysabri (natalizumab) is still the best MS treatment in town and its sales are increasing for this disease and are expected to grow much more for MS, as well as for Crohn’s disease.

      This optimistic expectation emanates from the fact that the antibody test and other diagnostic measures are proven helpful in stratifying patients at risk for developing progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, which limited the sales of Tysabri. As a matter of fact, the European Commission has approved the inclusion of the anti-JC virus antibody status as an additional factor to aid in pinpointing patients at risk for developing PML.

      The EC has also concluded that the quality, safety and efficacy of Tysabri continue to be adequately demonstrated and renewed, which led the agency to renew the EU five-year marketing authorization.

      For Elan’s EDT wing, the merger with Alkermes is expected to be extremely beneficial to both firms. According to the firms’ press release, in addition to Elan securing $500 million payment plus some other payments, the newly merged firm will have immediate profitability on a cash earnings basis and diversified, growing revenues from 25 commercial products; five high-growth commercial products (Risperdal, Consta, Invega, Sustenna, Ampyra Vivitrol and the newly approved diabetes drug Bydureon) have long patent lives and significant growth potential in large therapeutic areas.

      The firm will have a strong, neurology pipeline of proprietary and partnered product candidates in clinical development, including several late-stage proprietary product candidates. The new firm will be backed by Elan’s EDT’s NanoCrystal® technology, and its oral controlled release drug technology, in addition to Alkermes’ long-acting injectable drug technologies. Moreover, the combined GMP manufacturing facilities is estimated as having world-class capabilities for producing complex drug products

      What about the takeover? We don’t know whether a takeover would be better for investors than leaving this firm alone to execute its extremely ambitious programs. If the possibility of acquisition exists, no matter what, it would probably come from Pfizer (PFE) buying the shares of Elan in Janssen Alzheimer’s Immunotherapy. If this possibility materializes, the acquisition would boost ELN stock in the immediate term.

      Disclosure: Long Elan.…
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 28.06.11 10:50:33
      Beitrag Nr. 22.548 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.708.744 von bernie55 am 28.06.11 09:29:51und das wir "lang" sind, das steht ja wohl fest.

      schrieb am 29.06.11 13:07:18
      Beitrag Nr. 22.549 ()
      long in any case
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 29.06.11 13:12:33
      Beitrag Nr. 22.550 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.716.243 von posimist am 29.06.11 13:07:18aber so sehr long,dass wir dabei alt + grau + R E I C H werden....:laugh::D:kiss:

      Bin wieder zurück im beschaulichen Münsterland--- sooo schön ruhig hier....:cool:;)

      schrieb am 29.06.11 18:12:35
      Beitrag Nr. 22.551 ()
      hat jemand von Euch die Short-Quote für unser Baby?

      Die ist in der Vergangenheit ja auch nicht zu verachten gewesen.

      Der momentane Kursverlauf könnte da den ein oder anderen ja noch in Zugzwang bringen.
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 30.06.11 12:53:21
      Beitrag Nr. 22.552 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.718.623 von Poppholz am 29.06.11 18:12:35Kukst du hier:

      (war schon mal mehr)
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 01.07.11 10:15:09
      Beitrag Nr. 22.553 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.722.709 von laserjet am 30.06.11 12:53:21vielen Dank

      kann schon sein, dass der Link hier schon einmal eingestellt war, aber meist haben einige Teilnehmer diesen direkt parat, so dass ich nicht 2.000 Seiten durchsuchen muss.


      Die SHORT-QUOTE ist mit ca. 2% aber sehr gering.
      schrieb am 04.07.11 21:15:42
      Beitrag Nr. 22.554 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.588.480 von welke91 am 01.06.11 12:42:23hi,

      was macht das Baby nur, was macht es nur.

      Schön ist es schon mit anzusehen wie es sich so entwickelt.

      Die alte Zählung musste aufgrund der dynamischen Entwicklung geändert werden.

      Hier noch einmal die alte:

      Nun die neue:

      Ich gehe weiterhin, obwohl mir die Situation nicht so recht gefällt von moderat steigenden Kursen aus.

      Die blau iii sollte demnächst abgeschlossen werden.

      So wie sich elan entwickelt hat, kann es aber auch sein, dass die blau iv sich nun irgendwie hineinmogelt und pink 3 im September zum Abschluss kommt.

      Hierzu sind aber Notierungen jenseits von 15,15 $ zwingend zu erwarten.

      Wie ich im fast regelmäßigen wöchentlichen Börsenbrief bekannt gab, entwickelte sich Elan fast den Vorstellungen und generierte dazu ein außerordentliches Kaufsignal, was den Kurs eigentlich an die 22-25 $ Marke heranführen sollte.

      Die Elaniacs wissen hoffentlich wovon ich spreche. ;)

      Hierzu muss ich abermals zurückrudern und behaupte nun doch wieder, dass Elan sich im dritten vom sechs Hochs befindet.

      Anbei noch eine Regelmäßigkeit, auf die ich beim nächsten Mal zu sprechen kommen werde.
      Schaut mal auf den Kurs (rote Linie -wann steigt oder fällt sie) dazu die beiden Kästchen darunter, was machen die dann und wann und vor allem wie?

      Daraus kann man den zukünftigen Verlauf erahnen.

      Es sieht eigentlich ganz gut aus aber trotz allem auch wieder nicht.

      Vermuteter Fahrplan ist ein oberer Abschluss in der kommenden Woche moderate Seitwärtstendenz und ein fulminanter Antieg im August.

      Vielleicht schon zum Ende Juli...wir werden es sehen bis dahin also.

      Nochmals sei angemerkt, dass ich für den Dax sehr verhalten bin.

      Grüße welke
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 04.07.11 22:37:06
      Beitrag Nr. 22.555 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.740.342 von welke91 am 04.07.11 21:15:42:kiss:
      schrieb am 05.07.11 09:09:08
      Beitrag Nr. 22.556 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.740.342 von welke91 am 04.07.11 21:15:42momentan sind wir wohl alle mit der Entwicklung zufrieden.

      Ich werde mich in meinem Urlabu 18.07 - 08.08. mal ein wenig mit der Chart-Analyse beschäftigen.

      Momentan lese ich welkes Ausführungen mit viel Interesse, aber das Nachvollziehen seiner Begründungen, geschweige denn eine Diskussion auf diesem Niveau zu führen, kann ich mir getrost sparen. (das wird nach meinen 3 Wochen Urlaub nicht viel anders sein, aber vielleicht kann ich diese dann ein wenig nachvollziehen). :look:
      schrieb am 11.07.11 16:40:17
      Beitrag Nr. 22.557 ()
      ich freue mich, dass unser Thread so eine gesunde Investorengruppe besitzt.

      Bei dem Chart:

      Da sind in anderen Threads schon eine ganze Horde Pusher und Basher unterwegs.

      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 11.07.11 16:58:34
      Beitrag Nr. 22.558 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.771.090 von Poppholz am 11.07.11 16:40:17;)---solide + hartgesotten....schönen Urlaub!:kiss:
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 11.07.11 17:48:23
      Beitrag Nr. 22.559 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.771.209 von Tebi am 11.07.11 16:58:34vielen Dank.

      schrieb am 12.07.11 10:30:55
      Beitrag Nr. 22.560 ()

      Optimism regarding Tysabri's growth outlook and the disposal of EDT have inspired an upsurge in the Elan price, which is now back at mid-2008 levels. This view of Tysabri accords very much with our own, i.e. that the JCV antibody assay can drive material upside to medium-term forecasts. We hypothesised that Tysabri patient numbers could rise to a potential 90,000 or more; this is without being too aggressive on patient recruitment in the JCV-negative population (see our research note dated April 13th). This would potentially increase both our forecasts and sum-of-the-parts (SOTP) valuation. News on the Alzeimer's Disease pipeline will also flow over the next 12-18 months, with the highlight being Phase III data for Bapineuzumab, scheduled for mid-2012. We will review FY forecasts and our $13 SOTP valuation following the Q2 results.
      Elan will issue its Q2 results in late July (date to be confirmed). BIIB will provide details of the Tysabri Q2 out-turn in its results release on July 26th. We forecast Q2 revenues of $366m (+23%), driven by patient growth and favourable foreign exchange movements. We anticipate net additions of 135/week, which is unchanged quarter-on-quarter. We expect US numbers to recover to 35/week from the low of 15/week in the last quarter. RoW additions may ease to 100/week from the strong 123/week in Q1. The other key issue will be whether Elan can generate underlying cash in the quarter given the cleaner operational leverage now in the model. We expect c.$10m of free cash, bringing gross cash/instruments to $535m at the end of June. Not included as yet are the proceeds from the proposed EDT disposal – $500m cash plus a stake in Alkermes that is currently worth $623m.

      Tysabri becoming a significant and highly profitable MS therapy

      • With over 50,000 patients on the drug, Tysabri has a high-singledigit

      share of its addressable MS market. Enrolment grows as

      neurologists become more comfortable with the safety profile of

      what is the most effective drug available to patients.

      • Gross margins of close to 80% and reasonably stable operating

      costs allow Tysabri to benefit from high operational leverage. We

      believe it can generate PBIT margins of 40-50% over time.

      • Our 73,000 patient target by end-2013 yields revenues of almost

      $2bn per annum and EBIT of circa $900m, half of which is

      attributable to Elan (partner is BiogenIdec).

      Exciting Alzheimer's R&D portfolio in late-stage development

      • Elan has an interest in seven disclosed AD approaches, five of

      which are in clinical phase. Pfizer and J&J are quality, international

      and well resourced collaborators.

      • Lead product Bapineuzumab has begun P3 trials and reported

      top-line P2 data that exhibited statistical significance across

      multiple endpoints in non-ApoE4 carriers. This immunotherapy

      approach may prove to be a disease-modifying therapy in AD.

      • AD remains a huge, underserved therapy area. Over 5m

      Americans have AD, growing as the population ages. Even

      symptomatic therapies on offer today generate $3-4bn in


      • Pre-clinical and early clinical candidates are also being explored in

      MS, Crohn's Disease and Parkinson's Disease.

      EDT a profitable service division; an improving balance sheet

      • The EDT division is a stand-alone drug delivery business. It is

      profitable, has over 30 marketed products and has 14 pipeline

      products in clinical trials.

      • At end-2010 Elan had net debt of $835m (gross cash of just over

      $450m and gross debt of $1.29bn). No financial covenants are

      attached to this debt. It matures in 2013 (36%) and 2016 (64%)
      schrieb am 12.07.11 10:48:00
      Beitrag Nr. 22.561 ()
      Tue Jul 12, 2011 12:18am EDT

      * Groups say new guidelines may make drug trials easier

      * Findings may improve odds for J&J/Pfizer drug

      By Julie Steenhuysen

      CHICAGO, July 12 (Reuters) - Academic and industry experts said on Tuesday they have convinced U.S. regulators to ease safety restrictions imposed on clinical trials of Alzheimer's drugs, a move that could improve the chances that a drug being developed jointly by Pfizer (PFE.N) and Johnson & Johnson (JNJ.N) might succeed.

      A 2008 study of 240 patients testing that drug, known as bapineuzumab, found a dozen cases of a brain swelling condition called vasogenic edema, shaking confidence in the safety of agents that reduce levels of a protein called beta amyloid that accumulates in the brains of Alzheimer's patients.

      That study prompted the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to issue stricter safety guidelines for clinical trials of drugs that alter amyloid in the brain, Maria Carrillo of the Alzheimer's Association said in a telephone interview.

      The guidelines restricted patients in the trials to having no more than two incidents of cerebral microhemmorhages, or tiny leaks of blood in the brain, before they enter a study. They also called for frequent MRI scans to check for brain swelling or other problems that might be caused by the study drugs, Carrillo said.

      Under new guidelines ironed out through the Alzheimer's Association's Research Roundtable -- which included both industry and academic researchers -- the FDA has now eased those guidelines, Carrillo said in a telephone interview.

      Many companies, including Pfizer and J&J and Eli Lilly (LLY.N), are working to develop drugs that reduce levels of this protein.

      Carrillo said the new guidelines -- based on the latest research -- recognize that many patients with Alzheimer's disease have had these types of brain events, and excluding so many people from clinical trials would make it more difficult to find effective drugs.

      "We were able to bring together all of the literature involved in the discussion of MRI abnormalities that could occur when you are aging with Alzheimer's disease and when you are participating in clinical trials with an amyloid-modifying agent."

      Carrillo said the group of industry experts and researchers submitted their report to the FDA, which has adopted the new recommendations. The report was published on Tuesday in the journal Alzheimer's and Dementia.

      The new guidelines allow some patients who develop brain swelling to stay in clinical trials, she said.

      "We don't want to compromise safety, but we also want to make sure as many people as possible can participate in Alzheimer's clinical trials," Carrillo said.

      In January, Eli Lilly said one patient in ongoing trials of the company's drug solanezumab temporarily developed brain swelling, although it was not clear whether the patient was taking the Lilly drug or a placebo. The problem was not seen in a follow-up brain scan and the patient resumed treatment. [ID:nN11165854]

      Rachel Schindler, an Alzheimer's disease expert at Pfizer who worked on the study and wrote an editorial in the journal, said, "broadening the restrictions would allow a better understanding of the potential risks and benefits of amyloid-lowering treatment."

      In May, J&J said it plans to seek U.S. regulatory approval for bapineuzumab in 2012 or 2013, but analysts have said more studies may be needed because of issues with brain swelling.
      Currently, there are no drugs that alter the course of Alzheimer's, which affects 26 million people globally and costs more than $600 billion a year to treat. (Editing by Eric Walsh) (; 1 312 408 8131))…
      schrieb am 12.07.11 12:06:50
      Beitrag Nr. 22.562 ()
      Elan ELN> RBC Capital Mkts Outperform $10 » $15

      Q2 preview, increasing peak Tysabri estimates, adjusting model for anticipated
      closing of EDT spin-off, raising price target to $15.
      Investment Opinion

      • We reiterate Outperform rating and raise our price target to $15 from
      $10. We upgraded the shares months ago on the heels of a variety of factors
      (see April 7 note) and we see more upside because:

      1) Tysabri consensus peak estimates are still too low ($1.6B in 2013), in our view;
      2) Bapi is not in the stock and expectations will start to price in upside/downside expected valueover the next 12 months;
      3) balance sheet keeps improving ($1B from JNJ and EDT sold to ALKS for $960M, $500M of which can be used immediately to pay down more debt);
      4) there could be management changes next year (CFO leaving for ALKS and CEO could transition out);
      5) it remains in BIIB's interest to consolidate/acquire the improving Tysabri profits, which are$0.50-0.75 accretive by our analyses.

      • Given our survey work and monitoring of Tysabri "gross" patient adds,
      which are increasing, we have confidence that new patient starts will ramp
      over the next 1-3 years and U.S. dropouts will decelerate (could be close to
      nadir). We are raising our peak WW Tysabri end-user rev estimate to $2.6B,
      which is well above consensus of $1.6B. This is only 9-13% y/y growth, which
      is not irrational vs. Street at flattish, as we model 25-30% long-term penetration
      into the JCV- population. This is only 15% market share (up from 10-11%) of a
      future $16B MS market in 2016.

      • For Q2, we forecast above consensus end-user Tysabri of $363M vs.
      consensus $346M. We estimate 900 net patient adds (1,000 in EU and -100 in
      U.S.) as dropouts offset growth in U.S. We expect EU net adds to slow in 2012
      from Gilenya and JCV assay launch, but this is expected as we saw in the U.S.
      However, strong gross patient adds demonstrate the assay is a long-term growth
      driver with short-term dropouts.

      • We adjusted our model for the $960M spin-off of EDT (details inside) and
      note the stronger balance sheet will likely be used to pay down one-third of the
      $1.28B debt. The new 25% equity in ALKS also remains modest upside if
      AMLN/LLY's Bydureon is approved in 2012…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…
      schrieb am 13.07.11 17:50:33
      Beitrag Nr. 22.563 ()
      Alle ELANIs, ich grüße Euch aus veregneter Seongnam Korea:kiss:
      Ich hoffe, es geht Euch gut wie unserem Baby ELN:cool:
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 13.07.11 17:59:53
      Beitrag Nr. 22.564 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.783.595 von surga am 13.07.11 17:50:33:kiss: geht sehr gut! Elan + Gold + Silber laufen prima!

      Komm heil wieder (und Du weisst ja :Keine Katastrophen...!:laugh:)
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 14.07.11 03:02:08
      Beitrag Nr. 22.565 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.783.660 von Tebi am 13.07.11 17:59:53danke, hoffentlich diesmal ohne Erbeben usw;).
      Passe auf unser Baby auf:kiss:
      schrieb am 14.07.11 11:28:50
      Beitrag Nr. 22.566 ()

      .. die Sommerferien kommen näher :)
      ( auch wenn es wettermäßig zur Zeit nicht so sommerlich aussieht:( )...

      und viele ELANIACS sind aktuell " on the road" > surga:kiss:
      waren " on the road" > tebi :kiss:
      oder werden Ende Juli/Anfang August " on the road" sein > POPPIE :kiss: > bernie55;)

      ... an dieser Stelle einfach mal ein kleines HALLO an alle in die Runde,
      allen ein schöne Zeit, egal ob mit Ferien oder ohne Ferien, egal ob mit ELAN oder ohne ELAN...;)

      Schöne Grüße
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 14.07.11 11:30:13
      Beitrag Nr. 22.567 ()
      Elan Announces Webcast of Second Quarter 2011 Financial Results

      DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Elan Corporation, plc (NYSE:ELN - News) announced today that it will host a conference call on Wednesday July 27th, 2011 at 8:30 a.m. Eastern Time (ET), 1:30 p.m. British Summer Time (BST) with the investment community to discuss Elan’s second quarter 2011 financial results, which will be released before the European and U.S. financial markets open.…
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 14.07.11 12:02:41
      Beitrag Nr. 22.568 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.787.323 von bernie55 am 14.07.11 11:28:50Hihi Bernie:kiss:---Dir auch....vielleicht kommste auf der Rückfahrt von Holland ja mal wieder vorbei...

      PS.Ein irres Gefühl,mit Elan (eine der beiden Posis...) mal wieder im PLUS zu sein....

      Viele Grüsse in die Runde!;)
      schrieb am 14.07.11 15:42:04
      Beitrag Nr. 22.569 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.787.337 von bernie55 am 14.07.11 11:30:13Berni, viel Spass:kiss:
      schrieb am 14.07.11 15:56:57
      Beitrag Nr. 22.570 ()
      auch von meiner Seite allen eine gute Zeit

      schrieb am 19.07.11 15:19:02
      Beitrag Nr. 22.571 ()
      Lilly Says Alzheimer Patients Didn’t Improve

      By Albertina Torsoli - Jul 19, 2011 2:28 PM GMT+0200

      Eli Lilly & Co. (LLY) said patients with Alzheimer’s disease whose conditions worsened upon taking the experimental drug semagacestat didn’t improve after dosing was halted.

      Lilly stopped development of the pill in August after data showed it harmed patients instead of helping them. Even seven months after patients ceased the use of semagacestat, they still had more trouble with thinking, remembering and mental functioning than those who didn’t receive the medication, the Indianapolis-based company said today.

      Semagacestat, which was in the last of three stages of testing usually needed for U.S. regulatory approval, was designed to block an enzyme called gamma secretase that’s tied to production of beta amyloid plaque, considered by researchers to be a main contributor to Alzheimer’s. The findings suggest Alzheimer’s research shouldn’t focus on the enzyme, said Eric Siemers, senior medical director for Alzheimer’s at Lilly.

      Scientists should “very specifically target beta amyloid, and not target things like gamma secretase that do a lot of things besides having an effect on amyloid,” Siemers said in an interview at the at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference in Paris, where the data was presented.

      Bristol-Myers Compound

      More insight on semagacestat may clarify whether other gamma secretase inhibitors, such as Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. (BMY)’s avagacestat, pose the same problem, said Marc Goodman, an analyst at UBS AG in New York.

      “If you have a gamma secretase inhibitor, you need to think very carefully about these results,” Siemers said. He said he couldn’t comment on similar products in development, including the Bristol-Myers one, as he didn’t know them well enough. Not all gamma secretase blockers are alike, he said.

      Lilly gathered information on the failed compound for 32 weeks after patients stopped taking the treatment.

      “We wanted to understand what happened,” Siemers said. “Even though semagacestat didn’t work, we feel we moved the field forward in terms of our understanding of how you develop these compounds.”
      Reasons Unknown

      The reasons for the failure may never be known, Siemers said. The dosing was right, he also said. Semagacestat had an effect on more than 50 proteins and the failure could have stemmed from an interaction with any one of them, he said.

      About 36 million people worldwide suffer from the memory- robbing condition, according to the Alzheimer’s Association. By 2050, that number is expected to double. The disease, first described in 1906 by the German doctor Alois Alzheimer, destroys brain cells and makes it difficult for patients to think, remember and function. Current therapies, including Forest Laboratories Inc. (FRX)’s Namenda and Pfizer Inc. (PFE) and Eisai Co.’s Aricept, address only Alzheimer’s symptoms and don’t cure or slow it.

      “If the semagacestat data points to a significant class effect, we would see risk to Bristol’s compound,” which is in mid-stage testing, Goodman wrote in a July 14 note to clients.

      William Thies, chief medical and scientific officer at the Alzheimer’s Association, doesn’t think the Bristol-Myers drug will necessarily be affected by the findings.

      ‘Very Early’

      “We don’t know yet” whether this will have an effect on similar products “but the Lilly compound was a very early gamma secretase inhibitor and you would think that new ones would be more selective,” Thies said in an interview after the presentation. “Typically, when new drug classes are opened up, the first agents tend to be dirty and we recognize side effects that we can attack by changing the molecule slightly.”

      The data presented today is preliminary, Siemers said. Lilly still has to review all the information as well as data from another semagacestat trial, he said.

      “They did a great thing in modifying the trial to follow up on patients,” James Vornov, a neurologist who heads the central nervous system therapeutic area at Parexel International Corp. (PRXL) in Waltham, Massachusetts, in an interview after the presentation. “The data beautifully shows you can measure the decline” in patients, he said.

      ‘Wrong Direction’

      “Unfortunately, the drug had an effect in the wrong direction, but you could clearly see the change in the direction and once a drug will go in the right direction, we will know,” Vornov said. Semagacestat data has “increased the anticipation” for results from other gamma secretase inhibitors as well as from other amyloid-targeting drugs, he said.

      The setback hasn’t deterred Lilly from Alzheimer’s research, Siemers said.

      “This is the first time that a compound, which is amyloid- related and designed to be disease-modifying, has had an effect on cognition,” he said. “We did get enough compound into the brain to have an effect. It tells us that our strategy, for how we developed it, is on the right track.”

      Eli Lilly is running two final-stage trials of another Alzheimer’s treatment, solanezumab, which works against beta amyloid by trying to clear it through the bloodstream. The U.S. drugmaker needs new products to replace its schizophrenia treatment Zyprexa and other of its top-selling medicines facing generic competition.

      Solanezumab Results

      The company expects late-stage results for solanezumab in the third quarter next year, Siemers said. Lilly has two other Alzheimer’s compounds in clinical development, including a so- called BACE inhibitor in early-phase testing which is “looking quite good” so far, “with robust reduction of beta amyloid” and “good” tolerability, he said. The drugmaker also has several projects in pre-clinical development, Siemers said.

      “Even though as a company we’ve been fairly focused on beta amyloid, we also have very early work in tau,” Siemers said, referring to another protein found abundantly in abnormal form in the brains of patients with some dementias including Alzheimer’s.

      “None of that is in the clinic yet, but we certainly have an interest” in tau research, Siemers said. “We haven’t put all our eggs in the amyloid basket.”

      Recent study failures, including the semagacestat one, have called into question the leading Alzheimer’s discovery strategy being pursued by companies such as Lilly, Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson (JNJ): the theory that amyloid, sticky wads of protein accumulating in the brain are the driving force of the debilitating disease.

      “My problem philosophically is that nobody knows how Alzheimer’s starts and progresses, therefore the chances of hitting on a drug are very slim,” Les Funtleyder, a portfolio manager and health-care strategist at Miller Tabak & Co. in New York, said in e-mailed comments. He has no estimate for Lilly’s solanezumab as he doesn’t think the treatment will be approved.

      To contact the reporter on this story: Albertina Torsoli in Paris at

      To contact the editor responsible for this story: Phil Serafino at pserafino@bloomberg.…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…
      schrieb am 20.07.11 08:15:11
      Beitrag Nr. 22.572 ()
      Alzheimer's drug from Pfizer, J&J may prove safer

      Wed Jul 20, 2011 1:30am EDT
      * Brain swelling problem may decrease over time
      * Drug well tolerated in long-term study
      * Some cases of mild vasogenic edema were undetected
      * Studies may build confidence in once-battered drug
      By Julie Steenhuysen

      PARIS, July 20 (Reuters) - Experimental Alzheimer's drug bapineuzumab, from Pfizer (PFE.N) and Johnson & Johnson (JNJ.N), may be safer than originally thought, according to two studies by U.S. researchers released on Wednesday.
      They said that a brain swelling condition called vasogenic edema, which caused a lot of worry over the drug's safety early on, may decrease over time.
      "It looks like we can treat people for a number of years safely," Dr. Steven Salloway of Butler Hospital and Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island, told the Alzheimer's Association International Conference in Paris.
      Salloway looked at the long-term safety of 194 patients in a mid-stage trial of the drug that stayed on treatment after the initial phase ended. Of those, 86 patients got the drug for at least 3 years and 43 were treated for at least 4 years.
      About 24 percent of the patients had side effects possibly related to the drug, and some 85 percent of these were considered mild to moderate.
      Cases of vasogenic edema, now called ARIA-E or Amyloid Related Imaging Abnormalities with Parenchymal Edema, appeared to lessen over time.
      The risk of developing ARIA-E dropped from 6.7 percent in the first three infusions of the drug, to 2.7 percent for the fourth through the 10th treatment.
      "That is very encouraging to me," Salloway said in an interview. "I think this is a transient condition."
      "We've treated a lot of patients at at our center. I think it is very well tolerated," he said.
      Larger, late-stage clinical trials will be needed to determine whether the drug works. Those studies are expected to stop enrolling patients in mid-2012.
      There is no current treatment for Alzheimer's, which affects nearly 36 million people worldwide.
      In a separate study of the drug, a team led by Dr. Reisa Sperling of Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School in Boston reviewed more than 2,000 MRI scans from 262 patients who participated in mid-stage studies of bapineuzumab.
      She looked for cases of amyloid-related abnormalities on the scans that might represent vasogenic edema or tiny leaks in blood vessels.
      The radiologists in the study were specifically looking for amyloid abnormalities in the brain that might have gone undetected because patients had no symptoms.
      The team found 36 cases thought to be linked to treatment with bapineuzumab, including 15 new cases. None of these patients had symptoms of ARIA-E, which can include headache, memory loss, loss of coordination and disorientation.
      Since these cases were not identified, many of these patients continued to be treated with bapineuzumab.
      "They were treated through their ARIA and remained asymptomatic," Sperling said in an interview.
      "For me that was reassuring. You see these changes in the MRI and they look a little frightening. The fact that they can potentially be treated and remain OK is reassuring."
      The team also found that people treated with higher doses of bapineuzumab who have an Alzheimer's risk gene called APOE-4 tend to have more ARIA-E side effects, confirming the companies' decision to lower the dose of the drug in these patients.
      Salloway said the mid-stage study he looked at was not meant to show whether the drug helped improve clinical symptoms, but the researchers were encouraged to see it appears to be safe.
      Many researchers think patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease are too far gone to have any significant benefit from drugs like bapineuzumab.
      Salloway says he is hopeful the drug will work, but he will not fret if the late-stage results do not improve symptoms.
      "I don't think it would kill the drug or the amyloid hypothesis," he said. Drugs like bapineuzumab remove deposits of beta amyloid from the brain, on the theory that will help improve memory problems in people with Alzheimer's disease.
      Despite several attempts, no anti-amyloid drug has shown a benefit, but all of them have been tried in people with more advanced disease.
      Researchers are now looking for safe ways to test people in the earliest stages of Alzheimer's, in some cases even before symptoms appear.
      J&J and Pfizer are developing bapineuzumab jointly. Elan Corp (ELN.I), one of the drug's original developers, still retains a financial stake.
      (Editing by Bernard Orr)…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…
      schrieb am 20.07.11 08:16:48
      Beitrag Nr. 22.573 ()
      Hi Bernie--das sind ja SUPER news! Danke!:kiss:
      schrieb am 20.07.11 11:28:50
      Beitrag Nr. 22.574 ()
      Zitat von bernie55: Alzheimer's drug from Pfizer, J&J may prove safer

      Wed Jul 20, 2011 1:30am EDT
      * Brain swelling problem may decrease over time
      * Drug well tolerated in long-term study
      * Some cases of mild vasogenic edema were undetected
      * Studies may build confidence in once-battered drug
      By Julie Steenhuysen…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…

      Zum o.g. Thema noch ein paar Artikel.

      Pfizer’s Bapineuzumab Shows No New Safety Alerts in Longer Trial- Bloomberg…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…

      J&J Alzheimer Drug Shows No New Alerts in Longer Trial…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 20.07.11 11:34:37
      Beitrag Nr. 22.575 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.814.945 von bernie55 am 20.07.11 11:28:50J&J Alzheimer Drug Shows No New Alerts in Longer Trial

      By Albertina Torsoli - Jul 20, 2011 9:01 AM GMT+0200…
      schrieb am 20.07.11 13:48:29
      Beitrag Nr. 22.576 ()
      Potential Alzheimer's vaccine could be safe but only with low dosages

      Published 20 July 2011

      High doses of a potential Alzheimer's vaccine cause significant side effects including build up of fluid in the brain but these effects are considerably reduced in lower doses, says new research.
      The Harvard and Brown University studies, presented at the International Conference of Alzheimer's Disease, followed 194 and 262 people with mild to moderate Alzheimer's respectively who had previously been given the drug bapineuzumab. The drug is currently being tested in clinical trials. The research found 30.8 per cent of people receiving high doses of the drug had serious side effects but this was reduced to 6.7 per cent when people were given a lower dose.

      Alzheimer's Society comment:

      'With potential new therapies it is always important to weigh up the pros and cons. This latest evidence suggests that with the right dosage bapineuzumab could be relatively safe for people with dementia but we are still some way from knowing if it could be a viable Alzheimer's vaccine.

      'Vaccine development is an important area for dementia research. If we can stop the symptoms before they affect day to day life, this could offer hope to millions of people.'

      Dr Anne Corbett
      Research Manager
      Alzheimer's Society…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…
      schrieb am 26.07.11 06:14:24
      Beitrag Nr. 22.577 ()
      Hi Tebi, ich wünsche Dir alles Gute, Gesundheit und viel Glück zu Deinem Geburtstag:):cool::kiss:
      schrieb am 26.07.11 11:26:14
      Beitrag Nr. 22.578 ()
      Zitat von surga: Hi Tebi, ich wünsche Dir alles Gute, Gesundheit und viel Glück zu Deinem Geburtstag:):cool::kiss:

      ;)..echt früh auf, surga...;)
      schrieb am 26.07.11 11:31:41
      Beitrag Nr. 22.579 ()

      :kiss: HAPPY BIRTHDAY aus der südlicheren Ecke Deutschlands :kiss:

      schrieb am 26.07.11 12:46:10
      Beitrag Nr. 22.580 ()
      ja, ich habe noch mein Jetlag aus Ost-Asien mitgebracht. Ich brauche noch ein paar Tage, damit ich mich hier einstellen kann:(
      schrieb am 26.07.11 14:22:09
      Beitrag Nr. 22.581 ()
      :)..dann erst mal ein gutes Ankommen bzw. Eingewöhnen.....:)
      schrieb am 26.07.11 14:24:41
      Beitrag Nr. 22.582 ()
      Biogen Earnings: Tysabri Sales Impress

      By Adam Feuerstein 07/26/11 - 08:00 AM EDT

      WESTON, Mass. (TheStreet) -- Biogen Idec(BIIB_) second-quarter profit fell 2% but sales of its multiple sclerosis drug Tysabri were stronger than Wall Street expected.

      Worldwide sales of Biogen's multiple sclerosis (MS) drug Tysabri rose 31% to $389 million in the second quarter compared to one year ago.

      Approximately 61,500 MS patients were being treated with Tysabri at the end of June, up 5% from the first quarter.

      An estimated 238 MS patients per week began treatment with Tysabri in the second quarter, up 5.3% from about 138 patients per week in the first quarter. New patient adds for Tysabri have now increased for two consecutive quarters, which suggests that Biogen's recent efforts to reinvigorate Tysabri sales are working. Biogen shares marketing duties and sales of Tysabri with the Irish drug maker Elan(ELN_).

      A centerpiece of this effort is a new test developed by Biogen to help doctors pre-screen their MS patients to see which are at greater risk for developing progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML), a rare but serious brain infection linked to Tysabri.…
      schrieb am 27.07.11 08:10:13
      Beitrag Nr. 22.583 ()
      Elan Reports Second Quarter and First Half 2011 Financial Results

      - Total revenues up 24% over Q2, 2010;
      - Tysabri in-market sales grow by 31%.
      - Elan full-year guidance re-affirmed;
      - BioNeurology Adjusted EBITDA guidance raised 35%.
      - EDT sale remains on target to close during the third quarter.…
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 27.07.11 09:28:56
      Beitrag Nr. 22.584 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.849.647 von bernie55 am 27.07.11 08:10:13Klingt super...;)
      schrieb am 27.07.11 12:06:00
      Beitrag Nr. 22.585 ()

      FACTS: Elan's Q2 results (july 27th) were better than expected and FY guidance for the BioNeurology division has been upgraded.

      ANALYSIS: Tysabri, the key near-term cash generator in the group, reported stronger-than-expected revenues for Q2. Global revenues grew by 31% to $389m compared to $366m in our forecasts. Growth was driven by new patients (+16.5% to 60,800), FX (estimated at +8%), US pricing and reduced drug holidays (combined +6%).

      Net debt was almost flat on a quarter-on-quarter basis, from $758.7m to $764.7m. There was no change in gross debt, so this implies an almost cash breakeven quarter for Elan. We will investigate the moving parts behind this but Elan now has the capacity to generate sustainable free cash in H2 and beyond. The main features of Q2 were:

      Revenues grew by 24% to $333.5m (Davy: $317.8m), representing the first quarter that Tysabri growth is not offset by other non-core products. BioNeurology division growth was 27%.

      EDT revenues rose by 12% year-on-year (yoy), 3% behind forecasts. The main drivers of growth were Ampyra and Verelan.

      Total operating costs fell by 6% to $121.6m, some $3m lower than forecast at SG&A. This helped adjusted EBITDA to exceed our forecast, at $59.7m versus $21m last year and $55m in forecasts.

      Tysabri patients on commercial therapy totalled 60,800 at the end of Q2, again ahead of our forecast of 59,500.

      Notwithstanding the imminent disposal of EDT, Elan has stuck with its original EBITDA guidance for 2011 (i.e. to exceed $200m). This implies an upgrade to FY guidance for the BioNeurology division from “over $100m” to “over $135m”. Elan expects its revenues ex-EDT to double over the next five years to approximately $2bn.

      More colour on guidance and R&D updates is likely to be provided on the conference call at 13.30 GMT at +1 212 231 2932 (outside US) and 800 945 0427 (US).

      DAVY VIEW: Approximately 40,000 patients have now been tested for JCV status, the vast majority Tysabri users, with we assume almost all of the existing users in the US completed. With over 60,000 patients on drug, most of the first impact of JCV testing (i.e. of existing Tysabri patients) is thus complete. From here we would expect the test to support Tysabri's penetration of the market. BIIB offered some early teasers in this regard: it saw an increasing number of non-Tysabri users being tested in recent weeks, and an increase in naïve patients registering on TOUCH.

      We were previously a little ahead of company guidance for the BioNeurogy division, at $108m.
      Given the momentum provided by H1 and the optimistic signals seen in net additions, the new FY guidance looks very achievable and we will increase our short- and medium-term guidance accordingly.

      ;)We will look at forecasts in detail but at first glance, our 80,000 patient forecast for 2015 could have
      10-15,000 upside
      schrieb am 27.07.11 19:48:25
      Beitrag Nr. 22.586 ()
      was ist hier los:confused:

      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 27.07.11 20:21:36
      Beitrag Nr. 22.587 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.854.514 von surga am 27.07.11 19:48:25Du kannst doch gut englisch.--Was heisst das :

      -- -- -- --

      Lilly Study Could Sink Prospects for Alzheimer’s Treatments
      Gamma secretase inhibitors now being questioned
      Jul 27, 2011, 6:30 am EDT | By Barry Cohen, Health Care Writer

      It’s true that a rising tide can lift all boats.

      At the same time, a sinking ship can suck the innocent down in its vortex. That’s exactly what might happen to a number of pharmaceutical companies who had high hopes for their Alzheimer’s treatments.

      Pfizer (NYSE:PFE), Johnson & Johnson (NYSE:JNJ), Bristol-Myers Squibb (NYSE:BMY), Elan (NYSE:ELN) and a host of other companies are following a strategy that suffered a big blow recently. The death knell for drugs based upon the assumption that the buildup of amyloid in the brain causes Alzheimer’s might have been sounded when Eli Lilly (NYSE:LLY) released results of a follow-up study at the recent Alzheimer’s Association International Conference in Paris.

      The study showed that seven months after study participants stopped taking the Alzheimer’s drug Lilly was developing, semagacestat, the worsening of their cognitive symptoms had failed to reverse.

      Semagacestat was the furthest Alzheimer’s treatment in development when Lilly announced in 2010 that some analyses of its late-stage clinical trial data indicated patients in the experimental treatment group fared worse on cognitive symptoms than those taking a placebo. Patients taking the compound also seemed have an increased rate of skin cancer. Based on that information, Lilly stopped the trial and dumped semagacestat.

      This latest revelation raises serious questions about the efficacy and safety of the many others in the same class of drug, gamma secretase inhibitors, still being developed. Although some being studied act somewhat differently than semagacestat, the new data raises the hurdle for future development of the compounds, according to Eric Siemers, Lilly’s senior medical director for Alzheimer’s disease.

      Despite this warning, Bristol-Myers is plowing ahead with the development of its secretase inhibitor. The company recently said its compound showed similar side effects and brain functioning as those taking a placebo, although the mid-stage test wasn’t big enough to show whether the drug works, according to researchers.

      The lead author on the Bristol study and director of the Memory and Aging Program at Butler Hospital in Providence, R.I., Stephen Salloway, said semagacestat was “not very selective for gamma secretase, so it has a lot of off-target effects.”

      The disappointing news on the treatment front comes on the heels of a survey showing Alzheimer’s is the second-most feared disease after cancer, and many people say they would seek testing for themselves or a loved one even if they did not have symptoms.

      The telephone survey of more than 2,500 adults age 18 and older in the United States and in Europe was conducted by researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health and Alzheimer Europe.

      Hope for a simple way to screen people for the disease well before symptoms develop got a boost at the Paris meeting from Australian researchers. They presented results showing that an experimental blood test did a good job of indicating how much of the telltale Alzheimer’s plaque lurks in people’s brains. If the test proves accurate in larger studies, it could offer a way to check people having memory problems to see who needs more definitive testing for the disease.
      schrieb am 27.07.11 21:33:27
      Beitrag Nr. 22.588 ()
      Msg 473076 of 473082 at 7/27/2011 1:45:50 PM by


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      Change is happening at a rapid pace - this is good

      The change in leadership and the focus on operational efficiency is happening. These are great changes. Elan averaged $35m positive cash flow over the past 2 quarters. Debt is scheduled to be paid down and Tysabri sales are increasing - resulting in a one time, permanent cash flow bump of $30m and a $10m-$15m quarterly cash flow increase going forward. This should mean that by year end, cash flow is up around $100m per quarter (and still growing.) Offsetting this will apparently be AIP R&D spending that will begin in 4 quarters' time.

      Look at the superb Tysabri growth - $389m per quarter right now with Elan on track to make up for lost EDT revenues after only one or two more quarters. Very nice.

      And the chest thumping about AAB has begun. Very interesting. You don't often see JNJ and Pfizer touting a drug prior to submission.
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 28.07.11 12:02:11
      Beitrag Nr. 22.589 ()
      Zitat von surga: Bernie,
      was ist hier los:confused:

      Der Aktienkurs könnte mit der News von LILY auf dem Alzheimer Kongress in Paris zusammenhängen.

      So wie ich es verstanden habe, geht es darum, dass LILY bei Analysen von Klinischen Daten im Bereich „ gamma secretase inhibitors“ bei der Behandlung von Alzheimer mit dem Medikament „Semagacestat“ festgestellt hat, dass die Effizienz dieses Ansatzes in Frage zu stellen ist und auch ungünstige Nebenwirkungen gezeigt hat.

      Lilly Study Imperils Alzheimer's Drugs

      “Semagacestat was the Alzheimer's treatment furthest in development when Lilly announced in 2010 that some analyses of its late-stage clinical trial data indicated patients in the experimental treatment group fared worse on cognitive symptoms than those taking a placebo. Patients taking the compound also seemed have an increased rate of skin cancer. Based on that information, Lilly stopped the trial and dumped semagacestat.…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…
      schrieb am 28.07.11 12:03:10
      Beitrag Nr. 22.590 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.855.177 von Tebi am 27.07.11 21:33:27hallo,

      wie ich in dem wöchentlichen Brief mitgeteilt habe, hatte ich schon letzte Woche Freitag auf einen signifikanten Turn gesetzt.

      Dieser kam nun mit etlicher Verspätung und ordentlicher Dynamik.
      Trotz allem ist das Bild noch nicht richtig hell:

      Ich habe 2 Stopp Bereiche veröffentlicht wie ersichtlich sein sollte darf der Kurs nicht mehr unter 7,47 $ um weiteres Aufwärtspotential zu schöpfen. Fällt er da runter ist die Party erstmal vorbei.

      So weit sind wir nicht und ich denke das wird nicht passieren.
      Im Brief schrieb ich, dass ich vermute, dass die blau III abgeschlossen wurde und der Kurs sich in einer überschießender Korrektur befindet.

      Dies kann "noch" möglich sein wenn 11,49 $ auf Schlusskurs nicht unterschritten werden.
      Es kann aber auch eine größere und (gesunde) Korrektur sein die den Kurs bis unter 10,50 $ führt! Deshalb ist der erwähnte Stopp zu löschen und ihn unter 10 $ zu setzen!

      Nach dem beenden der blau IV rechne ich fest mit explosiven Tagen!
      Viel Erfolg allen.
      schrieb am 28.07.11 12:05:29
      Beitrag Nr. 22.591 ()
      Ich bin zu wenig “ biochemisch-technisch versiert” um das im Hinblick auf BAP einzuordnen, jedoch habe mal ein bisschen im Internet recherchiert und habe einige statements dazu im IV gefunden.

      Greetings all suffering Longs [i'm still lurking].......snippet : "This latest revelation raises serious questions about the efficacy and safety of the many others in the same class of drug, gamma secretase inhibitors, still being developed. Although some being studied act somewhat differently than semagacestat, the new data raises the hurdle for future development of the compounds, according to Eric Siemers, Lilly's senior medical director for Alzheimer's disease.".............then I read in Peadar's informative post today, By Dr. Selcoe : "There's another enzyme, beta secretase, that cuts APP first. Then, presenilin (aka gamma secretase) cuts the remaining piece of APP to release the amyloid beta protein. Imagine you have a piece of string and you want to release a smaller piece from the middle—you need to cut it twice. If the original string (i.e., APP) is like the alphabet, running from a to z, then you cut first at m and later at q, and you get a little piece that goes from m to q. Well, one cut in APP is made by gamma secretase (at q) and the other is made first by beta secretase (at m). This gamma secretase enzyme is now called the presenilin/gamma secretase complex, and it's just as important as we thought it was eight years ago.

      You can't get Alzheimer's without presenilin cutting APP. The presenilin gene and its protein turn out to be necessary to get Alzheimer's. And it turns out that though it was discovered through the study of AD, presenilin is relevant to many, many other normal biological events and even to other diseases. This is because presenilin/gamma secretase has more than a hundred different substrates, which are proteins that it cuts. Only one of them is APP." I could use more understanding about this. Also, is this one reason that our Elan is down today ? Tia.…
      schrieb am 28.07.11 12:08:02
      Beitrag Nr. 22.592 ()
      .....und noch ein statement...

      The results with gamma secretase are irrelevant.

      Results with this protease, a difficult target to be sure , have nothing to do with the use of an antibody to clear Abeta.

      Those who worry about their investment in ELN due to the dated report by this twit should go to their local community college and take course in basic biochemistry. ;)

      Why anyone would deal with this nonsense other than to dismiss it is beyond me. GDFSS…
      schrieb am 01.08.11 23:14:29
      Beitrag Nr. 22.593 ()
      :) klingt G U T !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:kiss:

      RBC info
      BIIB/ELN -- Teva's Laquinimod Fading, BG-12
      and Tysabri Getting Even Better...
      We estimate $1/sh EPS for BIIB and $6-10/sh DCF
      for every $1B additional BG-12 sales
      Teva just announced that its second Phase III study for oral laquinimod
      (BRAVO) failed to meet the primary endpoint of reducing annualized
      relapse (p=0.075). From the biotech side of thinking, we believe this
      meaningfully increases the risk that the drug may not be approved which
      reduces competition for Biogen's BG-12 and BIIB/ELN's Tysabri.

      • We believe this increases visibility on BG-12 becoming a $3-4B+ drug
      from our base expectations of $2-3B. We estimated laquinimod at $1B in
      our MS market model - email us for a copy. Thus, for every $1B in extra
      BG-12 sales (i.e., if laquinimod doesn't reach the market), we calculate at
      least $1/share in additional BIIB EPS or at least $6-10/share in DCF value.
      • We believe this is a fundamental positive for BIIB but ECTRIMS data and
      the second BG-12 Phase III study (CONFIRM) will be key to securing this
      blockbuster franchise. We have high confidence this data will be solid
      because the delta in the first study was so robust and p-values strong (as
      opposed to laquinimod which has low-end ARR delta). This is part of why
      BIIB remains a top large cap pick for 2011 and particularly 2012 because
      the second study is a major de-risking event.
      This is also positive for ELN -- the potential removal of laquinimod as a
      competitor also increases our visibility on Tysabri becoming a $2.5B+
      (we already estimate this in our models and remain above
      consensus $2B).
      • According to the TEVA press release, Avonex showed a reduction in ARR
      (detailed number not released) but did not hit stat sig on EDSS or atrophy
      (brain tissue loss). Avonex was stat sig in % ARR reduction even before
      adjustments, while laq was stat sig only after. Avonex showed a % ARR of
      26% (stat sig) before correction and 29% reduction (stat sig) after. It was,
      however, not stat sig in disability (EDSS) or delay of brain volume
      reduction. In comparison, % reduction in ARR for laquinimod was not stat
      sig before adjustments, but showed a 21.3% reduction (stat sig) after
      schrieb am 03.08.11 17:26:23
      Beitrag Nr. 22.594 ()

      Elan war heute knapp unter $ 10. Innerhalb von ca. 2 Wochen hat Elan von $ ~12,50 auf nun $ ~10.33 nachgegeben. Muss ich mir Sorgen machen, oder war das z.B. nur eine ganz normale technische Reaktion auf den rasanten Anstieg der letzten Monate?

      Besten Dank für Deine/Eure Antwort.

      Schöne Grüße
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 03.08.11 23:47:49
      Beitrag Nr. 22.595 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.886.765 von dasHaendchen am 03.08.11 17:26:23Dieser Abschlag hat nichts mit Elan im Speziellen zu tun....keep cool + long!;)

      Elan Shares Plunged: What You Need to Know aus

      By Brian D. Pacampara | More Articles
      August 3, 2011 | Comments (0)

      Although we don't believe in timing the market or panicking over market movements, we do like to keep an eye on big changes -- just in case they're material to our investing thesis.

      What: Shares of biotechnology company Elan (NYSE: ELN ) sank as low as 12% in intraday trading Wednesday on above-average volume.

      So what: After a bad morning, the shares have steadily recovered along with the S&P 500, so Elan shareholders can breathe at least a small sigh of relief. The shares are down only about 3% at the time of publication, but remain up a whopping 80% in 2011.

      Now what: I'd continue to keep the stock on my watch list. Without any company or industry specifics driving today's volatility, the bull case for Elan -- which centers on the exciting growth prospects of its Multiple Sclerosis drug Tysabri -- remains fully intact. In fact, a Seeking Alpha article this morning suggested that biotech biggie Biogen Idec (Nasdaq: BIIB ) is particularly hungry for that kind of potential, making Elan a tempting takeover target to boot.
      schrieb am 04.08.11 17:06:23
      Beitrag Nr. 22.596 ()
      Tebi, schau doch mal. Was wir erlebt hatten, passiert jetzt bei DNDN, wie traurig:cry:

      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 04.08.11 17:17:14
      Beitrag Nr. 22.597 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.893.504 von surga am 04.08.11 17:06:23...ich habs schon gesehen---wenn nicht die Krise jetzt auch über die Aktienkurse sichtbar würde,hätte ich schon gerade erfreue ich mich lieber an Gold + Silber...lieben Gruss!;)
      schrieb am 05.08.11 09:59:59
      Beitrag Nr. 22.598 ()
      GUT FÜR UNS!

      By Ben Hirschler

      LONDON | Fri Aug 5, 2011 12:09am BST

      (Reuters) - Novartis's multiple sclerosis pill Gilenya, one of its biggest new drug hopes, has been rejected by healthcare cost-effectiveness watchdog NICE, which judges it not worth using on the state health service.

      The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) said on Friday there were uncertainties over Gilenya's clinical effectiveness and, based on the available evidence, prescribing it would not be a cost-effective use of resources.

      Gilenya, which was licensed in Europe in March, represents a significant change in multiple sclerosis (MS) treatment, since existing drugs such as beta interferons and Elan and Biogen Idec's Tysabri must be injected.

      Although it was cleared by regulators for people with highly active relapsing-remitting disease, NICE said it was not clear if the drug, which is known generically as fingolimod, was any better than existing treatments.

      NICE said Novartis should have submitted comparisons with both beta interferons and Tysabri, rather than just against placebo.

      "Unfortunately, our independent committee wasn't given sufficient evidence to show that fingolimod could reduce relapses considerably better than the other treatments currently being used," said Carole Longson, director of NICE's health technology evaluation centre.

      The draft guidance from the agency is now open for comment until August 26.

      Gilenya's convenient dosing and encouraging results in clinical trials are widely expected to make it a popular alternative to current injections. The average forecast from analysts suggest global sales will reach $2.2 billion a year by 2015, according to Thomson Reuters Pharma.

      The drug does not come cheap. The annual cost of Gilenya in Britain is around 19,000 pounds per person a year, according to NICE, which is around a third less than the price in the United States.

      MS treatment has been a controversial area for NICE over the years.

      While the organisation has recommended Tysabri for rapidly evolving severe relapsing-remitting MS, it caused a furore back in 2002 by rejecting the older beta interferon therapies. That rejection eventually led to a special access deal for beta interferons, negotiated between manufacturers and the Department of Health, which allows them to be offered on the state health service under certain conditions.

      Gilenya is the first MS pill of its kind, but other competitors in development include teriflunomide from Sanofi and BG-12 from Biogen, as well as laquinimod from Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, which produced disappointing clinical trial results earlier this week.

      ($1 = 0.609 British Pounds)

      (Reporting by Ben Hirschler; Editing by Will Waterman)
      schrieb am 07.08.11 20:22:27
      Beitrag Nr. 22.599 ()
      arme dndn'er.
      So schnell kann es gehen ganauso wie im Dax auch. Ich hoffe ihr habt ein wenig nach meinem Vorgaben gehandelt?

      Zu Elan: da sieht's wohl jetzt etwas anders aus und die blau 3 wurde wohl schon beendet. Denn für eine blau iv wäre das zu heftig was da an preisabgaben gelaufen ist.
      Trotzdem sollte der Kurs sich in der nächsten Woche fangen und den schwarzen Kanal nachhaltig zurückerobern. Für einen heißen Herbst muss man wohl erstmal den hässlichen, abscheulichen und total doofen Sommer verdauen.
      Fazit: langweilige Seitwärtsphase über die nächsten Wochen. Das wollte ich eigentlich nicht so sehen.
      Mitte September sollten die 15 $ schon kippen! Ist ja noch ein wenig Zeit!

      Stopp unbedingt bei 7,20 $!!! Darunter ist die Geschichte vorbei!
      schrieb am 08.08.11 21:47:54
      Beitrag Nr. 22.600 ()
      Danke Welke.:)
      Wir wollen hoffen, dass dieses Blutbad schnell eine Ende hat:(
      Und dass wir endlich wieder grün sehen:D
      schrieb am 09.08.11 22:31:38
      Beitrag Nr. 22.601 ()…

      # Here's another possible "good news" idea: Elan(ELN_) is transforming into a profitable, cash-generating business after years of losses and choking debts thanks to the resurgent growth of the multiple sclerosis drug Tysabri and the sale of its drug delivery technology subsidiary to Alkermes(ALKS_).

      Proceeds from the latter transaction, set to close this quarter, will enable Elan to pay down significant debt and lower future interest payments. Tysabri is fueling Elan's future growth, thanks in part to a new companion test designed to help doctors pre-screen their MS patients to see which are at greater risk for developing progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML), a rare but serious brain infection linked to the drug.

      Stronger-than-expected Tysabri sales in the second quarter demonstrated that the drug is making a comeback with market share increasing even with competition from Novartis' newly approved oral MS drug Gilenya. The recent clinical setback for Teva's oral MS drug laquinimod is another plus for Tysabri.

      Elan guided to approximately $1 billion in revenue this year, excluding the drug delivery technology business being sold to Alkermes, growing to $2 billion over the next five years. RBC Capital's Michael Yee says Elan's forecast implies long-term Tysabri sales of $2.8 billion, well above current consensus. Elan shares revenue and profits from Tysabri with Biogen Idec, whose stock price has also been strong as a result.

      Elan still owns a piece of the experimental Alzheimer's disease drug bapineuzimab, with Johnson & Johnson(JNJ_) and Pfizer(PFE_). Results from phase III studies should be ready in the second half of next year although investor expectations are very low, making positive data pretty much all upside.
      schrieb am 11.08.11 20:12:58
      Beitrag Nr. 22.602 ()
      Holdings Filing with Irish Stock Exchange - Fidelity up to 70,728,655 shares:
      schrieb am 12.08.11 00:36:59
      Beitrag Nr. 22.603 ()
      schrieb am 13.08.11 21:38:22
      Beitrag Nr. 22.604 ()
      Re: more institutional @ 6/30

      * Invesco Ltd added 5,185,091
      * Price T Rowe added 1,701,300
      * Redmile Group added 1,539,700 (New)
      * Bank of America added 1,392,647
      * SG Americas added 1,013,129
      * HHR Asset Management added 4,906,500 (New)

      Institutional ownership on rise.

      Interesting time ahead...
      schrieb am 26.08.11 16:22:38
      Beitrag Nr. 22.605 ()
      von Inge aus dem IV-Board...

      Currently, this is my Elan-related No1
      Bapineuzumab extension trials --- > Dr. Salloway

      This is one of my favourite speeches from the ICAD 2011
      If you watch Dr. Salloway closely, you can see he is very pleased with Bapi.

      In essence he said ....he´s pleased to present the long term follow up of ... Bapineuzumab ph.2
      He´s also the chair of the steering committee of 2 trials of the ongoing ph.3 trials.

      .... " In study 251, subjects who completed the ph 2 study, received 4 courses of Bapineuzumab
      intraveniously every 13 wks. in an open lable design. There was no placebo group.

      The primary objective was to monitor the long term safety and tolerabillity.
      The outcomes were Adverse Events and Cinical Outcome Measures.

      194 subjects enrolled - the average time of Bapi exposure was 2.6 yrs.
      Now this is very interesting because 94 subjects received Bapi for at least 3 yrs.,
      46 for at least 4 yrs., and a smaller number for over 5 yrs.
      This is important because we´re conceptionalising Bapineuzumab as a chronic treatment for Alzheimers.

      So what did we find ?
      Basically, the AEs and the SAEs in this open lable ph. were similar to what we found in the double blind phase.
      The AEs related to Bapi were generally mild and moderate; there were no new safety signals.
      Amyloid Related Imaging Abnormalities ( ARIA ), which was formally called vasogenic edema,
      was the most common drug related Adverse Event occuring in 9.3%.
      This is very similar of what we saw in the ph. 2 and actually the rate of ARIA goes down with time.
      So you can see that the occurance was 6.7 % in the first 3 infusions
      decreasing to 2.7 % in later infusions.

      And Reisa Sperling will be talking to you in more detail in just a moment about the experience with ARIA
      in phase 2.

      In terms of clinical outcomes the numerical treatment differences we saw, reported in Neurology,
      in the ph. 2 trial, persisted into the open lable phase.

      So, in conclusion, this is the first report of long term safety data with Bapineuzumab beyond 78 wks.
      Overall Bapineuzumab was well tolerated. AEs tended to be mild and moderate
      No new safety signals were seen with exposure over 5 yrs. of treatment.

      This is extremely important because we want to know how the drug performs over an extended period
      and this gives us additional experience and encouragement about moving forward."

      (( .. and smiling, he goes on ..))

      " I want to be very clear - no efficacy conclusions can be made due to the study limitations -this was an unblinded trial - there was no placebo control and a small sample size. No claim is being made about efficacy.
      Please note that."

      "HOWEVER, (( ;o)) ))
      4 large randomized ph 3 double blind trials are underway making good progress to evaluate safety and efficacy.
      So we hope, later next year, to have more information about Bpineuzumab , including the effect on biomarkers
      which is Imaging and CSF.

      So we´re very encouraged and looking forward (( :o) )) to the end of the ph. 3 trials.

      I´d like to acknoledge the phase 3 investigators ....."" etc. etc.

      ---- watching this tape again today, made me feel VERY comfortable ;o))
      schrieb am 19.09.11 00:10:18
      Beitrag Nr. 22.606 ()
      Ärzte Zeitung, 15.09.2011
      Kommentieren (0)


      Alzheimer und Multiple Sklerose zeigen sich im Auge

      Augenuntersuchungen mit bildgebenden Verfahren verbessern die Früherkennung von Morbus Alzheimer und Multipler Sklerose.

      Alzheimer und Multiple Sklerose zeigen sich im Auge

      Eine Augenuntersuchung kann offenbar früh auf degenerative Erkrankungen hinweisen.

      © endostock /

      BERLIN (eb). Untersuchungen der Augen sollen künftig die Diagnose und Therapie neurodegenerativer Erkrankungen verbessern. Denn die Netzhaut liefert schon früh Hinweise auf krankhafte ZNS-Veränderungen.

      Wie bildgebende Untersuchungen des Auges Erkrankungen wie Multiple Sklerose und Morbus Alzheimer aufdecken, diskutieren Experten auf dem 109. Kongress der Deutschen Ophthalmologischen Gesellschaft (DOG). Er findet vom 29. September bis 2. Oktober in Berlin statt.
      Meist Zellveränderungen viele Jahre vor Auftreten der ersten Symptome

      Bei den meisten Krankheiten verändern sich Zellen und Zellbestandteile bereits viele Jahre vor dem Auftreten erster Symptome.

      "Moderne bildgebende Verfahren können solche Prozesse schon früh sichtbar machen", wird Professor Frank G. Holz, Präsidiumsmitglied der DOG und Direktor der Universitäts-Augenklinik Bonn, in einer DOG-Mitteilung zitiert.

      Bei einer frühzeitigen Diagnose steige die Chance, die jeweilige Erkrankung erfolgreich behandeln zu können. Bislang werden bildgebende Techniken wie die optische Kohärenztomografie (OCT) oder die konfokale Scanning-Laser-Ophthalmoskopie noch vor allem bei Augenerkrankungen wie der altersabhängigen Makuladegeneration genutzt.
      Untersuchungen der Netzhaut können früh auf neurodegenerative Erkrankungen hinweisen

      Doch Untersuchungen der Netzhaut oder der Hornhaut können nach neuesten Erkenntnissen auch früh auf degenerative Erkrankungen des Nervensystems wie Multiple Sklerose oder Morbus Alzheimer hinweisen.

      Bei der schwierigen Diagnose der Alzheimer-Erkrankung stützen sich Ärzte bislang auf Untersuchungen des Gehirns mithilfe aufwendiger radiologischer Verfahren wie der Computer- oder Magnetresonanztomografie.

      Auch Berichte von Angehörigen und Gedächtnistests geben hier Hinweise. Doch damit ist eine frühe Diagnose der Krankheit derzeit kaum möglich.
      Bei MS ist Diagnostik im Auge stärker etabliert

      Ein typisches Alzheimer-Merkmal sind Ablagerungen des Proteins Beta-Amyloid in Nervenzellen des Gehirns. Bei den Patienten findet sich das Eiweiß aber auch vermehrt in Augenlinse und Netzhaut.

      Hochauflösende Bildgebungsverfahren können es nachweisen. Wie sich dadurch künftig die Früherkennung der Krankheit verbessern lässt, untersuchen Forscher derzeit in einem vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung geförderten Projekt.

      Bereits stärker etabliert ist die Diagnostik am Auge bei MS. Mit bildgebenden Verfahren können krankhafte Veränderungen früh erkannt werden.

      Mehr Infos:
      schrieb am 20.09.11 12:58:08
      Beitrag Nr. 22.607 ()
      Alkermes plc and Elan Corporation plc Announce Completion of Merger Between Alkermes, Inc. and Elan Drug Technologies

      Press Release Source: Alkermes plc and Elan Corporation, plc On Friday September 16, 2011, 1:30 pm EDT

      DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Alkermes plc (NASDAQ:ALKS - News) and Elan Corporation, plc (NYSE:ELN - News) (“Elan”) today announced the completion of the merger between Alkermes, Inc. and Elan Drug Technologies (EDT), the drug formulation and manufacturing business unit of Elan, following the approval of the merger by Alkermes, Inc. shareholders on Sept. 8, 2011. The businesses were combined under a newly-formed company, Alkermes plc, which is incorporated in Ireland and headquartered in Dublin. Alkermes plc will be listed on the Nasdaq stock exchange under the ticker symbol “ALKS.”

      “We are very excited about the creation of Alkermes plc – a unique, global, diversified company and a leader in CNS medications,” stated Richard Pops, Chief Executive Officer of Alkermes plc. “Through this transaction, we have strategically combined two highly innovative companies with proprietary technologies and important commercial products, creating a strong platform for accelerating future growth and increasing shareholder value.”

      Under the terms of the business combination agreement, Elan receives $500 million in cash and 31.9 million ordinary shares of Alkermes plc, representing approximately 25% of Alkermes plc. Based on the closing share price of Alkermes, Inc. on Thursday, Sept. 15, 2011 of $16.52, this represents a total transaction value of approximately $1.0 billion.

      Holders of Alkermes, Inc. stock will receive one ordinary share of Alkermes plc in exchange for each share of Alkermes, Inc. that they own. Additional information regarding the exchange of Alkermes, Inc. common stock will be mailed to registered holders of Alkermes, Inc. common stock. Alkermes shareholders who hold shares through a broker or bank should receive information regarding the exchange or conversion of their shares from the institution holding their shares.…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…
      schrieb am 20.09.11 13:09:53
      Beitrag Nr. 22.608 ()
      :kiss: Elanites, Elaniacs, Elanisten :kiss:

      So, jetzt nach einem Kurz-Urlaub ;), können wir uns alle wieder den " stressig-unstressigen" Ups und Downs des Lebens widmen,

      wie z.B....Arbeit :cool:.....Schwarz-Gelbe Pleite:laugh:........Eurokrise:confused:....

      ..und natürlich , nicht zu vergessen,Elan.;)

      ..einen netten Gruß in die Runde...

      schrieb am 25.09.11 22:06:28
      Beitrag Nr. 22.609 ()
      NH gets share of drug settlement with Elan
      Published: Friday, 23 Sep 2011 | 4:43 PM ET

      CONCORD, N.H. - New Hampshire is taking part in a multistate drug company settlement.

      The attorney general said Friday that Elan Corp. will pay the state $335,000 in a civil settlement to resolve allegations that it improperly marketed its anti-epileptic drug, Zonegran, for uses not approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

      Officials say the settlement also resolved allegations that the company offered and paid health care professionals to promote and prescribe Zonegran.
      Copyright 2011 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
      schrieb am 27.09.11 09:05:07
      Beitrag Nr. 22.610 ()
      The 20 Fastest Growers in Pharma

      By Anand Chokkavelu,
      September 23, 2011

      u.a wird ELAN auch einer 5 Jahresprognose "unterzogen" ....…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…
      schrieb am 27.09.11 15:56:51
      Beitrag Nr. 22.611 ()
      Transition Therapeutics Announces Publication of ELND005 Phase 2 Clinical Study Data in Alzheimer's Disease

      TORONTO, Sept. 27, 2011 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Transition Therapeutics Inc. ("Transition" or the "Company")(TSX:TTH) (Nasdaq:TTHI) announced that Phase 2 clinical study data of ELND005 in mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease has been published today in the peer-reviewed journal, Neurology. The Neurology article is entitled "A Phase 2 randomized trial of ELND005, scyllo-inositol, in mild-moderate Alzheimer's disease". In addition, the embargo on the ELND005 Phase 2 data previously presented at the International Conference on Alzheimer's Disease (ICAD) in July 2011 has been lifted and the data can be viewed on our website

      Below Transition has summarized the combined data from the article and the presentations.

      "Considering that this is a relatively small trial for Alzheimer's disease, we are very pleased with the encouraging phase 2 data. The encouraging clinical signals observed in mild AD patients and evidence of biological activity provides us with important guidance for the selection of dose, patient population, and endpoints for a Phase 3 trial with ELND005," said Dr. Tony Cruz, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Transition. "It is also encouraging that the positive effects observed in the mild patient population are consistent with the emerging consensus amongst the scientific community that amyloid targeted disease-modifying therapies may have a higher likelihood of success if intervention occurs early in the Alzheimer's disease process."


      In the overall population (mild and moderate AD), the treatment effects on the primary endpoints NTB and ADCS-ADL were not significant.
      In the pre-specified analyses of the Mild AD group (MMSE 23-26), there were encouraging trends on cognition (NTB: p=0.007 in compliant patients who completed the study). The positive NTB trends were observed on both memory and function. In the Mild AD group, both the ADCS-ADL and CDR-SB effects of ELND005, though not significant, showed a consistent and favorable separation over the 18 months, where the active group showed at least 30% less decline than placebo. These trends were consistent throughout both the modified intent to treat and the compliant completer patient (or per protocol) populations. The ADAS-Cog treatment difference was not significant but directionally opposite to the other cognitive (NTB) and functional/global (ADCS and CDR-SB) endpoints in the study and was largely driven by a minimal decline in the placebo group over the 18 months.

      The Moderate AD group (MMSE 16-22, inclusive) and ApoE4 carriers and non-carriers showed no consistent positive or negative trends.


      The safety and tolerability profile of 250mg bid dose was deemed acceptable, and the independent safety committee concurred with this assessment. The two high dose groups were electively discontinued due to imbalance of infections and deaths due to various causes. The overall incidence of adverse events in the 250mg bid and placebo groups was 87.5% versus 91.6%; and the incidence of withdrawals due to adverse events was 10.2% versus 9.6%, respectively. The most common adverse events in the 250mg bid group that were >5% in incidence and double the placebo rate were: falls (12.5% vs. placebo 6%), depression (11.4% vs. placebo 4.8%), and confusional state (8% vs. placebo 3.6%).


      In the cerebrospinal fluid ("CSF") subset at 78 weeks, ELND005 treatment resulted in a significant reduction of CSF Aβ42 (~27%), and a numerical reduction of tau which is potential evidence of target engagement. In the overall population, the increase in ventricular volume as measured by MRI was greater in the 250mg group compared to placebo, this difference though statistically significant was small (approximately 3cc). Whole brain volume treatment differences were not significant.

      About ELND005 Phase 2 Studies in Mild to Moderate Alzheimer's Disease

      The Phase 2 study was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, dose-ranging, safety and efficacy study in approximately 353 patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease (baseline scores of 16-26 in the Mini-Mental State Examination - MMSE). Neuropsychological Test Battery (NTB) and Alzheimer's Disease Cooperative Study – Activities of Daily Living inventory (ADCS-ADL) were the co-primary efficacy endpoints of the study. Secondary efficacy endpoints included Clinical Dementia Rating – Sum of Boxes (CDR-SB) and Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale (ADAS-Cog). The study was planned to evaluate three doses of ELND005 (250mg bid, 1000mg bid and 2000mg bid) and placebo using both cognitive and functional endpoints over a 78 week treatment period. During the study, over 90% of patients also received concurrent Alzheimer's medications including acetylcholinesterase inhibitors and/or memantine. In December 2009, Elan and Transition modified the study by withdrawing patients receiving the 1000mg bid and 2000mg bid doses. Following the modification, the modified intent to treat population consisted of 84 patients in the 250mg group and 82 patients in the placebo group (mild patients: n=36, 250 mg bid; n=35 placebo). The compliant completer population consisted of 49 patients in the 250mg group and 47 patients in the placebo group (mild patients: n=24, 250 mg bid; n=22 placebo).

      The study was performed in approximately 65 sites in North America.

      About ELND005 (AZD-103)

      ELND005 is an orally-administered drug candidate that has received fast track designation from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a potential disease-modifying treatment of mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease. Fast track designation can facilitate development and may expedite regulatory review of drugs that the FDA recognizes as potentially addressing an unmet medical need for serious or life-threatening conditions.

      In December 2010, Elan Pharma International Limited, a subsidiary of Elan Corporation, plc (NYSE:ELN), and Transition amended their collaboration agreement and Transition elected to exercise its opt-out right under the Agreement. Under the terms of the amendment, Transition received $9 million in January 2011 and is eligible for additional milestone and royalty payments if the ELND005 program advances. In addition, Transition relinquished its 30% ownership of the asset and no longer is obligated to fund the development or commercialization of ELND005.

      Elan has full operational responsibility for ELND005.…
      schrieb am 27.09.11 18:28:53
      Beitrag Nr. 22.612 ()
      Transition Therapeutics Announces Publication of ELND005 Phase 2 Clinical Study Data in Alzheimer's Disease

      D5’s P2 Data Where 24 of 36 Mild AD Patients Getting D5 Did NOT Decline

      Go to TTHI’s web-site & click on the LINK to d5’s ICAD data.…

      Click on 1st bullet title “Reformatted Version”.

      Go to page 6 of 12 and look at Chart G.

      These are the results for the PPS Mild Group - 24 patients got 250mg of d5 and 22 patients got placebo.

      Those getting d5 saw over a 100% drug effect !! D5 is in pink (250mg) and Placebo is in green.

      When the study starts both cohorts begin at zero (0.0). After 18 months, those getting d5 on average are STILL at BASELINE or 0.0 !! Those getting d5 NEVER declined !!!!!

      In contrast, the Placebo’s have a pretty uniform decline after 6 months.

      Analysts will be all over ELN this week when they see this data.;)

      Only question remaining is how does ELN announce the start of d5’s upcoming P3 trial.

      Will ELN put out a release to say they have contracted with a CRO or will they wait 1-2 months from now to inform us some morning at 2 a.m. the first P3 d5 patient has been dosed ??

      Exciting times……" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…
      schrieb am 28.09.11 14:59:27
      Beitrag Nr. 22.613 ()
      D5’s P2 Data Where 24 of 36 Mild AD Patients Getting D5 Did NOT Decline

      ..hier der korrekte Link....…
      schrieb am 17.10.11 11:30:53
      Beitrag Nr. 22.614 ()
      Elan Announces Webcast of Third Quarter 2011 Financial Results

      DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Elan Corporation, plc (NYSE:ELN - News) announced today that it will host a conference call on Thursday October 27th, 2011 at 8:30 a.m. Eastern Time (ET), 1:30 p.m. British Summer Time (BST) with the investment community to discuss Elan’s third quarter 2011 financial results, which will be released before the European and U.S. financial markets open.

      Live audio of the conference call will be simultaneously broadcast over the Internet and will be available to investors, members of the news media and the general public.

      This event can be accessed by visiting Elan’s website at and clicking on the Investor Relations section, then on the event icon. Following the live webcast, an archived version of the call will be available at the same URL.…
      schrieb am 18.10.11 11:22:59
      Beitrag Nr. 22.615 ()
      Aus dem > ms world forum <

      I tested pos a year ago have been on ty since june 10, I will not stop taking it, I have no problems with it and feel 1000% better than I did on copax and avonex, I feel the risk is more than worth it for the quality of life it has given me.
      John I am also on Ampyra , between the 2 it has made a big difference for me, good luck

      I tested positive in December and went off TY after 32 treatments. Was put on another drug and boy did I have horrible relapses. Went to the MS clinic at Vanderbilt who said I could go back on TY in August and will be on it for 6 months-then every other month for 6 months-with MRI every 6 months. I feel really comfortable with my decision

      I've been on tysabri for 31 infusions now. I was just tested for JC virus antibodies (as part of a study). I don't think I will stop if I'm positive, but I'm sure I'll be pretty happy if I'm negative.
      How many of you have been tested? What were the results? Did it change anything in your head?
      schrieb am 18.10.11 11:28:22
      Beitrag Nr. 22.616 ()

      FACTS: Tysabri will be showcased at the 5th Joint Triennial Congress of the European and Americas Committee for Treatment and Research in MS (ECTRIMS & ACTRIMS) in Amsterdam from October 19th-22nd.

      ANALYSIS: There will be 25 company-sponsored posters and three platform presentations on Tysabri at the conference, with many more independently funded posters on various aspects of the product. Data on long-term outcomes of Tysabri use, changes in ARR (annualised relapse rate) and EDSS (expanded disability status scale) over time and risk stratification will be highlighted by BIIB/Elan.

      Other therapies – marketed and in pipeline – will also be highlighted. BIIB itself will have detailed efficacy results on its DEFINE Phase III trial of oral candidate BG-12 (speculation remains that its other Phase III trial will also be included as a late breaker). It will also share new data on Fampyra, Avonex and once-monthly pipeline product daclizumab.

      Elsewhere, Novartis has already outlined additional data that it will present on Gilenya. These data showed higher efficacy in highly active MS patients. Also expect noise and news from Teva (Copaxone, laquinimod), Sanofi/Genzyme (Lemtrada) and others.

      DAVY VIEW:
      ECTRIMS/ACTRIMS marks the beginning of an important phase for Tysabri. The message of high efficacy and detailed risk stratification will be reiterated to key opinion leaders at the conference. This will be followed by the release of Q3 results for Elan next week (October 27th) which will outline the product’s growth momentum as the anti-JCV assay is rolled out – we forecast global sales growth of 29% to $397m and expect to see a (further) recovery in US net additions.

      Finally, around the end of this month the FDA is expected to rule on potential changes to the US label that will include JCV-antibody status as a third key risk factor associated with PML incidence. If this risk factor is formally included on the product labelling, it would support the use of the JC-virus assay as a tool to determine this risk for patients.

      This is another step towards commercialising the assay and more effectively targeting those MS patients who are found not to have the virus (estimated 40-50% of population).…
      schrieb am 19.10.11 12:02:19
      Beitrag Nr. 22.617 ()
      Hier u.a der Zeitplan der Präsentationen zu Tysabri

      Data about Early Use and Long-Term Benefit of TYSABRI Presented at 5th Joint Triennial Congress of ECTRIMS and ACTRIMS

      WESTON, Mass. & DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Biogen Idec (NASDAQ:BIIB - News) and Elan Corporation, plc (NYSE:ELN - News) today announced 28 company-supported TYSABRI® (natalizumab) presentations at the 5th Joint Triennial Congress of the European and Americas Committees for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (ECTRIMS and ACTRIMS), held in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

      Key data indicated patients on TYSABRI experienced reduced annualized relapse rates (ARR), particularly in those treated with TYSABRI early in the course of their disease. Data also indicated a long-term benefit for patients who had achieved freedom from disease activity early in their treatment course. Data from a separate study showed TYSABRI-treated patients experienced improved incontinence-related quality of life (QOL). Additional data sets were presented further supporting Biogen Idec’s and Elan’s efforts to stratify the risk of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) in TYSABRI-treated patients.

      “Continued study of patient experience with TYSABRI has shown it can potentially improve the lives of people with MS by delaying disease progression and improving incontinence-related quality of life,” said Douglas E. Williams, Ph.D., Executive Vice President, Research and Development at Biogen Idec. “The efficacy data from TOP and STRATA have shown the potential benefits of TYSABRI treatment early in the course of the disease, and these benefits were maintained over time. These, coupled with our data-driven approach to risk stratification, help us confidently position TYSABRI for the treatment of many patients who previously may not have considered this important therapy.”

      “Further study of anti-JCV antibody status continues to support its utility for risk stratification, enabling a personalized discussion of benefit/risk for each individual patient,” said Ted Yednock, Ph.D., Executive Vice President, Head of Global Research at Elan. “Our five years in-market experience, along with information resulting from our ongoing study of the efficacy and safety of TYSABRI in MS, enables physicians and patients to make decisions on therapeutic approaches for treating this debilitating disease.”

      Data supporting early use and long-term benefit of TYSABRI
      Long-term outcomes in natalizumab-treated patients who were free of disease activity over the 2-year AFFIRM study – Poster 513
      This analysis compared patients in the long-term Safety of TYSABRI Re-dosing and Treatment (STRATA) study who were disease activity free (DAF) to patients who were not disease activity free (NDAF) over two years in the AFFIRM trial. At STRATA baseline, there were 177 DAF patients and 415 NDAF patients. Ninety four percent of the patients free of disease activity and 60 percent of the patients not free of disease activity were originally randomized to TYSABRI in AFFIRM. AFFIRM randomized patients in a 2:1 ratio (TYSABRI:placebo).

      At three years of TYSABRI treatment in STRATA, the DAF patients had less disability and significantly lower ARR than the NDAF patients. Mean Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) scores were 2.34 for DAF and 3.23 for NDAF patients (p<0.0001) and the unadjusted ARRs was 0.08 in DAF patients and 0.16 in NDAF patients (p<0.0001).

      These data show TYSABRI-treated patients who achieve freedom from disease activity over the short term may experience longer-term benefits, as well as early treatment is preferable to delayed treatment.

      This poster will be available for viewing on Thursday, 20 October between 15:30 and 17:00 CEST.

      Updated safety and efficacy of natalizumab in the ongoing STRATA study – Poster 981
      This study evaluated the safety and efficacy of TYSABRI in the ongoing Safety of TYSABRI Re-dosing and Treatment Study (STRATA) in which participants represented 3,198 patient-years of TYSABRI exposure. STRATA is an ongoing, open-label, multinational study currently in its long-term extension phase in patients who completed feeder studies and their open-label extensions.

      This study showed that for patients in the overall population, ARR remained low at .17 during TYSABRI treatment, which is consistent with rates observed in the AFFIRM study and was maintained over 240 weeks. In addition ARR was lower in patients originally randomized to TYSABRI compared with patients who were originally randomized to placebo in the feeder studies: 0.15 (95% confidence interval (CI): 0.14–0.17) vs 0.22 (95% CI: 0.19–0.24). Mean EDSS scores were either stable or improved throughout STRATA and were lower in patients who originally received TYSABRI compared with those who originally received placebo in the feeder studies. The proportion of patients with sustained disability progression during STRATA remained low and stable, regardless of original treatment assignment. Overall these data suggested early treatment may be preferable to late treatment.

      Further, data showed that the safety profile of TYSABRI in STRATA is consistent with the overall post-marketing safety profile of the drug.

      This poster will be available for viewing on Friday, 21 October between 15:30 and 17:00 CEST.

      Assessment of annualized relapse rate and Expanded Disability Status Scale score changes over time in the TYSABRI (Natalizumab) Observational Program – Poster 509
      This analysis evaluated the association between baseline treatment history and ARR in the TYSABRI Observational Program (TOP). TOP assesses long-term outcomes in 3,484 TYSABRI-treated RRMS patients in five treatment-history groups: therapy naïve (n=337); interferon (IFN) only (n=1626); glatiramer acetate (GA) only (n=288); switched between IFN and GA in either direction (n=595), and prior immunosuppressant (IS) use (n=487).

      Post-baseline ARR was significantly reduced and remained low after three years of TYSABRI therapy. Mean ARRs in TYSABRI patients were lowest in patients who were therapy naïve at baseline (0.16) and highest in patients who were previously treated with IS therapy (0.34) or who switched between GA and IFN (0.25). EDSS scores remained stable over three years in patients treated with TYSABRI. The proportion of patients with sustained improvement of EDSS scores was higher than the proportion of patients with sustained worsening (progression) of EDSS scores.

      These findings indicated a potential benefit of TYSABRI treatment early in the course of the disease.

      This poster will be available for viewing on Thursday, 20 October between 15:30 and 17:00 CEST.

      TRUST study results: effects of natalizumab on bladder function – Poster 1040
      In the TRUST (EvaluaTion of Bladder Function in Relapsing Remitting MUltiple Sclerosis Patients Treated with natalizumab) study, investigators evaluated the potential effects of TYSABRI on bladder control as measured by the Urogenital Distress Inventory short form (UDI-6) score compared with baseline. The change in the Incontinence Impact Questionnaire short form (IIQ-7) was used as a secondary endpoint. At week 24, 28 patients completed the study.

      Mean UDI-6 and IIQ-7 scores were both significantly lower than baseline beginning at week four and up to week 24. At week 24, 85.7 percent and 78.6 percent of patients demonstrated improvements from baseline in UDI-6 and IIQ-7 scores (p=0.0001 and p=0.0011, respectively).

      According to data from this open-label, single-arm, 24-week proof-of-concept study, the magnitude of the effect shows that TYSABRI may be capable of decreasing the impact of incontinence on QOL from moderate to mild. Other endpoints are currently being analyzed; final data will be presented upon study completion.

      TYSABRI significantly improved incontinence-related QOL as measured by mean improvements in UDI-6 and IIQ-7 scores. Patients with worse (higher) UDI-6 or IIQ-7 scores at baseline showed greater initial improvement in scores and maintained improvement over time while receiving TYSABRI. The magnitude of this effect suggests that TYSABRI may be capable of decreasing the impact of urinary incontinence on QOL from moderate to mild. Further studies are needed to support these analyses.

      This poster will be available for viewing on Friday, 21 October between 15:30 and 17:00 CEST.

      Additional Data Supports Risk Stratification Initiatives
      Data from two studies further support the risk stratification initiatives undertaken by Biogen Idec and Elan.

      JCV epidemiology in MS: epidemiology of anti-JC virus antibody prevalence in multiple sclerosis patients – Poster 801
      This cross-sectional, multicenter, multi-national, epidemiological study of more than 2,600 patients was designed to confirm the rate of anti-JCV antibodies in the MS patient population. This preliminary analysis showed a prevalence rate of anti-JCV antibodies of 57.0 percent in this group, which is consistent with previous studies. In addition, no significant associations were observed between anti-JCV antibody status and MS disease duration, MS type, MS therapy use, IS use, or MS treatment duration.

      Contribution of natalizumab treatment duration, prior immunosuppressant use, and anti-JC virus antibody status to the risk of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy in natalizumab-treated multiple sclerosis patients – Poster 995
      This analysis evaluated PML risk in MS patients based on three risk factors: TYSABRI treatment duration, prior immunosuppressant (IS) use and anti-JCV antibody serostatus. Patient blood samples and clinical data were obtained from TYSABRI post-marketing sources, clinical studies and an independent Swedish registry representing 165,500 patient-years of TYSABRI experience.

      Anti-JCV antibody status, combined with prior IS and TYSABRI treatment duration can stratify patients at lower and higher risk for PML. Patients who were anti-JCV antibody negative were at lowest risk. Patients who had all three risk factors were at greatest risk.

      Further, poster 981 showed the three factors had a relationship with PML since they occurred in patients who received between 33 and 58 doses of TYSABRI, were anti-JCV antibody positive, and three of the eight PML patients from the study had prior IS use. In the study, as of July 20, 2011, reported SAEs also included infections and infestations (3 percent), gastrointestinal disorders (2 percent) and neoplasms (2 percent).

      Posters 801 and 995 will be available for viewing on Friday, 21 October between 15:30 and 17:00 CEST.…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 19.10.11 14:13:37
      Beitrag Nr. 22.618 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.230.957 von bernie55 am 19.10.11 12:02:19Vielen Dank, Bernie, für deine stetige Info.
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 20.10.11 14:41:18
      Beitrag Nr. 22.619 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.231.727 von posimist am 19.10.11 14:13:37...von mir ein:kiss:für den Bernie!
      schrieb am 21.10.11 11:17:39
      Beitrag Nr. 22.620 ()

      .....gern geschehen....

      schrieb am 21.10.11 11:23:29
      Beitrag Nr. 22.621 ()
      Biogen Idec and Elan Receive Notification of PDUFA Date Extension
      Press Release Source: Elan Corporation On Thursday October 20, 2011, 8:31 am EDT

      WESTON, Mass. & DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Today Biogen Idec (NASDAQ:BIIB - News) and Elan Corporation, plc (NYSE:ELN - News) announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has extended the initial PDUFA date for its review of the supplemental Biologics License Application (sBLA) for TYSABRI® (natalizumab). The sBLA was submitted in December 2010 to update the Prescribing Information for TYSABRI to include anti-JC virus antibody status as a factor to help stratify the risk of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) in the TYSABRI-treated population. The 3 month extension is a standard extension period.

      The FDA has indicated that the extension of the PDUFA date is needed to allow time for review of the changes being incorporated into the Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategies (REMS) program for TYSABRI, to be consistent with the anticipated Prescribing Information.

      Biogen Idec and Elan are working with the FDA to help facilitate a timely review of the REMS changes and the sBLA.…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…
      schrieb am 21.10.11 11:39:19
      Beitrag Nr. 22.622 ()
      Elan ‘Just Starting’ May Reward Investors After 10-Year Drop

      By Allison Connolly - Oct 19, 2011 10:26 AM GMT+0200

      After more than 40 years in business, Elan Corp. is “just starting,” says Chief Executive Officer Kelly Martin. The Irish drugmaker may prove more rewarding for investors in its second life than in the first.

      Elan, which posted losses every year and a 78 percent stock drop over the past decade, is on the brink of profitability as sales soar for its only marketed product, the multiple sclerosis treatment Tysabri. Its American depositary receipts have risen 90 percent this year, the most of any European drugmaker with a market value of 500 million euros ($688 million) or more, Bloomberg data show.

      Elan also has the right to a share of any profit from the experimental Alzheimer’s disease drug bapineuzumab, which has the potential to be one of the world’s best-selling medicines, said Corey Davis, a Jefferies & Co. analyst in New York. Martin, a former Merrill Lynch & Co. banker, is poised to leave the Dublin-based company next year after eliminating more than 4,500 jobs and focusing on drug development for three diseases.

      You can buy Elan stock right now and still grab the upside of Tysabri, with bapineuzumab being the lottery ticket,” Davis said in a telephone interview.

      Elan’s ADRs rose 0.6 percent yesterday to $10.80, giving the company a market value of $6.4 billion. The ADRs may soar in the next year to $20, says Davis, who recommends buying the shares and has the highest price forecast among analysts. Net income this year may total $155.2 million, analysts predict, based on the average of four estimates compiled by Bloomberg.

      Cutting to Survive

      The Ireland-traded shares fell 3.9 percent to 7.78 euros at 9:20 a.m. Dublin time.

      Martin, hired in 2003 to turn Elan around after an accounting scandal led to the ouster of his predecessor, whittled the company from 5,000 employees to 450 and from 37 locations to three and sold control of bapineuzumab. He cut debt to $800 million from more than $4 billion. Last month Elan sold its drug-technologies unit, which aims to improve the way medicines are delivered, to Alkermes Plc for $960 million to cut debt and focus on developing pharmaceuticals.

      Martin, 52, plans to step down next year, leaving behind a company focused on developing drugs for Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease. The cutting had to be done or Elan wouldn’t have survived, he said in an interview.

      “The Alkermes transaction was the last piece in getting the company to where it should be structurally as a business,” Martin said in an interview. “As strange as it may seem, we’re now at the starting line of what the cycle should be, it’s just taken us a long time to get here. I would say the company is just starting.”

      Tysabri Sales

      Elan’s Tysabri sales jumped 18 percent in 2010 to $851.5 million, and will reach $1.1 billion this year, based on the average estimate of five analysts compiled by Bloomberg. The Irish company splits sales of the treatment with marketing partner Biogen Idec Inc. (BIIB) Analysts predict further increases after the companies developed a test that shows which patients may be susceptible to a potentially fatal brain infection while taking Tysabri. The drug had been pulled from the market in 2005 because of the infection.

      Elan’s next prospect is bapineuzumab, which was co- developed by Wyeth, now owned by Pfizer Inc. (PFE) Elan sold the drug along with its Alzheimer’s immunotherapy portfolio to Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) in 2009. New Brunswick, New Jersey-based J&J expects results from late-stage clinical trials in the middle of next year.

      Investor Expectations

      If approved, it would be the first new Alzheimer’s medicine since 2004 and may reach annual sales in the billions of dollars, said Davis, who described Elan as “a good mix of high science and high drama” when introducing Martin at a conference in June. Most analysts aren’t including bapineuzumab in their forecasts.

      Tysabri sales will help fund research and development on other compounds, said Davis. Elan is conducting early-stage trials on a follow-up to Tysabri, ELND002, to which it retains full rights. Management will have to balance spending on research with investors’ expectations of profitability, he said.

      Martin aims to sign further partnerships similar to one with Proteostasis Therapeutics Inc. announced in May. Elan paid $20 million as part of a collaboration to develop drugs for Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease, multiple sclerosis and other illnesses. Elan doesn’t aspire to build manufacturing plants or even recruit its own sales team. It wants to be an “infrastructure-light company,” Martin said.

      ‘Good Science’

      Even one of Elan’s biggest critics has softened a bit. Ib Sonderby, a Danish investor who criticized management, took down his “Save Elan” website after the annual shareholder meeting in May. While he still opposes some long-serving board members who were re-elected at the meeting, the sale of EDT is positive and the Tysabri franchise can be expanded, Sonderby said in a telephone interview.

      “The prospects for the company are bright,” he said. “They really have good science and good products.”

      Robert Ingram, the former GlaxoSmithKline Plc executive who was named chairman in January, is in the process of finding Martin’s replacement. Elan announced last year that the CEO would step down in 2012 after having “completed his commitment to the company.”

      “To Kelly’s credit, what he’s done is basically rescue the company during that time of financial crisis and bring it all the way to this starting point,” Ingram said in an interview.

      Elan’s ‘Journey’

      The stock’s advance has partly been driven by speculation that Elan would be bought, possibly by partner J&J, which took an 18.4 percent stake in the company in 2009 when it acquired the Alzheimer’s portfolio. “If bapineuzumab does work, I can’t see how J&J wouldn’t buy Elan,” Davis said.

      Ingram has experience with takeovers. He was chairman of OSI Pharmaceuticals Inc. in May 2010 when it agreed to be sold to Astellas Pharma Inc.

      “If at some point in the journey somebody makes us an offer we shouldn’t refuse, we won’t,” Ingram said. “But it’s not our strategy to become an acquired company.”

      A takeover may be thorny because Elan’s deal with Biogen states that if either company is acquired, the other has the option to buy its rights to Tysabri. J&J also has the right to buy out Elan’s share of the Alzheimer’s venture if the Irish company is acquired. J&J isn’t allowed to buy more shares in Elan until 2014 as part of the agreement.

      Not everyone’s convinced the stock will keep rising. Tysabri, an injected drug that may account for the majority of Elan’s sales this year, faces a challenge from Novartis AG’s Gilenya, the first oral treatment for multiple sclerosis. Biogen is developing another potential competitor, BG-12.

      Increasing Competition

      “We remain cautious on future sales of Tysabri given increasing competition in the MS market,” Vincent Meunier of Exane BNP Paribas wrote in a July 28 report. He sees the stock dropping 36 percent in the next year.

      For Martin, Elan turned out to be a longer project than he expected. When he joined in 2003, he thought it would take him three years to turn the company around, he said.

      “It takes a long time to pay off $4 billion,” Martin said in the interview at Elan’s headquarters. “It doesn’t fall out of the sky in bags.”…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…
      schrieb am 21.10.11 14:12:37
      Beitrag Nr. 22.623 () IV Board gesichtet...

      .....wie ich finde ein interessanter Artikel über " Früherkennung" bzw. " Vorhersage" bei AD Risko durch eine Kombi von Testververfahren...

      Combination of Available Tests Helps Predict Alzheimer’s Disease Risk

      With age, forgetfulness and other signs of memory loss sometimes appear, prompting elderly individuals to seek a medical evaluation amid fears that they may be experiencing early symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), the most common type of dementia among Americans aged 65 and older.

      But even when early memory problems suggest the potential for impending AD, the actual risk is variable. Some patients are at high risk while others are not. The challenge for doctors has long been to differentiate that risk so they can determine the appropriate course of management.

      In a paper to be published in the October 25 issue of the journal Neurology, a team of physicians and scientists from the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine and elsewhere describe using a combination of broadly available medical tests to produce a much improved predictive picture of the likelihood of impending AD in patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) – an intermediate stage between the expected cognitive decline of normal aging and the more pronounced decline of dementia.

      “I’m extremely excited about these results,” said neurologist James Brewer, MD, PhD, an associate professor of radiology and neurosciences and part of the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative research team at UC San Diego. “The good news is that we can partially reassure those folks who are negative on these tests, at least regarding their next three years. We have never been able to do that before. These individuals, despite having a real memory problem, have no greater risk of near-term dementia than a similarly aged healthy person without a memory complaint.”

      To determine the likelihood of developing Alzheimer’s disease, the UC San Diego researchers compared risk factors based on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and neuropsychological testing. Unlike other efforts that have evaluated the predictive capabilities of research-based biomarkers, MRI, CSF and neuropsychological tests are all technologies widely available to clinicians.

      The researchers found that these available biomarkers significantly improved accuracy in predicting near-term conversion to dementia. In combination, their prediction rate was almost perfect: None of the individuals who tested negative on all three measures went on to develop AD in the three-year follow-up. By comparison, almost 90 percent of individuals who tested positive on all three measures were demented at the end of three years.

      The presence of medial temporal atrophy, determined by automated analysis of MRI using an FDA-approved software package, was associated with the likeliest chance of near-term dementia, with a median dementia-free survival time of only 15 months.

      Brewer said the findings foretell a paradigm shift in the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease.

      “Instead of saying, ‘Let’s wait a year and see if this gets worse,’ our neurologists can say, ‘Let’s get a volumetric MRI and check back in a month to see if your complaint is due to neurodegeneration.’ That ability makes a huge difference in how we proceed. Maybe the memory complaint isn’t due to neurodegeneration, but rather it’s a side effect of a medication, a sign of depression or someone is simply anxious and worried. Being able to reassure at least some patients that they are not at significant near-term risk of AD is something we never could do in the past, given the high prevalence of the disease.”

      Co-authors of the paper are David Heister and Linda K. McEvoy, department of Radiology, UC San Diego; Sebastian Magda, CorTechs Labs, La Jolla, CA; Kaj Blennow, Clinical Neurochemistry Laboratory, Sahlgrenska Academy, Goteborg University, Molndal, Sweden.

      Disclosure: The research involved MRI analysis software NeuroQuant, developed by CorTechs Labs, Inc., La Jolla, CA. Three of the paper’s authors (McEvoy, Brewer, Magda) have a financial interest in this company. Heister received research support from the NIH/NINDS. Brewer has served on a scientific advisory board for Elan Corporation; serves as Special Issue Editor for the International Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease; estimates that 3% of his clinical effort is spent conducting quantitative segmental volume reporting and assessment; receives research support from Janssen Alzheimer Immunotherapy, General Electric Medical Foundation, the NIH (NINDS,NIA); and holds stock/stock options in CorTechs Labs, Inc. Magda is the director of Science and Engineering at CorTechs Labs, Inc. Blennow has served on scientific advisory boards for Pfizer Inc, Innogenetics, Octapharma AG, and Baxter International Inc.; has received speaker honoraria from Janssen Immunotherapy; serves on the editorial board of Neurodegenerative Diseases; serves as a consultant for AstraZeneca and Bristol-Myers Squibb; and has received research support from Bristol-Myers Squibb, The Research Council, Sweden, LUA/ALF project, VästraGötalandsregionen, Sweden, The Swedish Alzheimer Foundation, Stiftelsenför Gamla Tjänarinnor, The King Gustaf V’s and Queen Victoria’s Foundation, The Swedish Brain Power project, and The Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research. McEvoy receives research support from the NIH (NIA, NINDS) and the Alzheimer’s Association and her spouse is president of and holds stock and stock options in CorTechs Labs, Inc.…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…
      schrieb am 25.10.11 10:36:24
      Beitrag Nr. 22.624 ()
      Hier ein Artikel über BIIB

      Vielleicht geht BIOGEN jetzt auf die Vollen und wird als mögliche Option auf zusätzliche Mehreinnahmen sich ELAN mit Tysabri einverleiben wollen ?

      ...einfach mal nur so ein Gedanke...

      Does BIOGEN Have A Blockbuster Drug?-


      (Comments from BIIB PR Naomi Aoki)

      There's nothing like the potential for a blockbuster drug launch to add luster to a biotech company's prospects.

      That could be the case for Biogen Idec (BIIB).

      Last Friday, the biotech drugmaker announced positive full results from the first phase-three clinical trial of oral BG-12 (dimethyl fumarate) in people with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS).

      Just-announced results of phase three clinical trials for a new drug for multiple sclerosis are encouraging for biotech giant Biogen.

      Results showed that 240 mg doses given twice a day reduced the proportion of patients who relapsed by 49% and by 50% if given three times day, at two years compared with placebo. The upbeat news, announced at an MS conference in Amsterdam, sent Biogen's shares up 7%, close to a new high.

      "The data addressed any lingering safety concerns that investors had," said Piper Jaffray analyst Ian Somaiya. "Now that we've seen the safety data, we're very comfortable the drug is well-tolerated and doesn't harbor any unique side effects of concern."

      Potential Side Effects

      The most common side effect for BG-12 was flushing at 35% vs. 5% for placebo. Gastrointestinal side effects, such as diarrhea, nausea and upper abdominal pain were also higher than placebo.

      Somaiya sees the potential for BG-12 to become a blockbuster drug for Biogen.

      "We believe BG-12's benign adverse events profile in combination with its robust efficacy and oral convenience supports front-line usage with peak sales of $2 billion to $3 billion," he noted in a report.

      The potential revenue from B-12 could be quite meaningful for Biogen, which posted $4.7 billion in sales in 2010.

      Biogen's research and development focuses on neurological diseases such as MS, as well as immunological diseases and hemophilia.

      Spokeswoman Naomi Aoki says Biogen is the world leader in sales of MS drugs with two on the market. One is Avonex and the other is Tysabri, which it co-markets with Elan Corp.

      Biogen has programs in various stages for other diseases, such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

      Aoki sees lots of opportunity with B-12.

      "Based on the results we've seen so far, the efficacy and safety of the drug look very good, which would be an exciting development for MS patients and the company," she said.

      Biogen expects the results of the second phase-three trial of B-12 to be available by the end of this year.

      Once Biogen sees those results, it will decide whether to file for approval to market B-12 with the Food & Drug Administration and European regulators, says Aoki.

      The National Multiple Sclerosis Society pegs the number of Americans with the disease at 400,000. B-12 would be used to treat the most common form of MS.

      If approved, B-12 would compete with Gilenya, an oral drug by Novartis (NVS). Somaiya says B-12 offers better safety than Gilenya.

      Meanwhile, Biogen is faring well with its current lineup. Watchers expect it to see some solid gains when it reports third-quarter results on Friday. Analysts polled by Thomson Reuters forecast earnings will rise 13% from a year ago to $1.53 a share. They see revenue increasing 8% to $1.267 billion.

      Accelerating Earnings

      If third-quarter estimates are on target, Biogen would see an acceleration of growth from the second quarter, when earnings rose 4% from the prior year to $1.36 a share and sales were flat.

      Somaiya expects Biogen to beat third-quarter earnings expectations, with the upside coming from a lift from Tysabri.

      "In general, we're on very solid financial footing," said Aoki. "Our marketed products are performing very well."

      Biogen has four products on the market — Avonex, Rituxan, Tysabri and Fumaderm. Aoki expects the company to see continued growth from its current lineup. It also has a lot of products in late-stage development.

      In addition, the company has the potential to launch multiple products over the next five years, she adds, which should drive significant growth.

      In the near term, analysts polled by Thomson Reuters see 2011 earnings rising 14% a share to $5.88 a share.

      They expect an 8% increase in 2012 and a 10% gain in 2013.…
      schrieb am 27.10.11 11:03:47
      Beitrag Nr. 22.625 ()
      Elan Reports Third Quarter 2011 Financial Results

      > Total Revenues up 17% on Q3 2010; :)
      > Tysabri in-Market Sales up 28%; :)
      > Expenses Down 10%:)
      > Balance Sheet Further Strengthened by Retirement of over 50% of Total Debt :)
      > New Data at ECTRIMS Advances Personalized Benefit/Risk Information for MS Patients

      Press Release Source: Elan Corporation, plc On Thursday October 27, 2011, 2:00 am EDT

      DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Elan Corporation, plc today reported its third quarter and first nine months 2011 financial results.

      “We are pleased with the financial and commercial progress we have made this quarter. The closing of the EDT deal in particular is transformational for our business, specifically in our ability to address debt and focus appropriate and measured investment in our neuroscience efforts,” said Kelly Martin, chief executive officer of Elan. “Over the course of the quarter we demonstrated both positive momentum and continued tangible results for the Company and ultimately patients and shareholders.”

      Mr. Martin added, “Importantly, Tysabri demand continues to grow quarter over quarter and year over year. The rapid adoption of the anti-JCV antibody assay, which helps to stratify risk for individual patients, will support the significant growth potential of Tysabri. Data presented at ECTRIMS also indicated that patients benefitted more with earlier use of Tysabri.

      Commenting on the results, Nigel Clerkin, chief financial officer of Elan, said, “Total revenues grew by 17% over the third quarter of 2010, driven by a 28% increase in Tysabri in-market sales, while operating expenses declined by 10%. As a consequence, Adjusted EBITDA increased by 58% to $60.3 million. The net income for the quarter of $674.1 million reflects the gain of $657.1 million on the sale of EDT. Following the completion of the EDT transaction in September, we retired $658.7 million of our bonds in October, reducing our total debt and our annual interest expense by just over 50%. Based on the strong performance of Tysabri year-to-date, we are re-affirming our full year guidance and now expect revenues from our BioNeurology business to exceed $1 billion this year.”…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…
      schrieb am 27.10.11 11:08:58
      Beitrag Nr. 22.626 ()
      Elan Reports Third Quarter 2011 Financial Results

      Davy and Dublin responding positively which is a welcome change from the Pall overhanging us here

      FACTS: Elan has delivered (October 27th) a Q3 in line with our expectations.

      ANALYSIS: Adjusted EBITDA increased by 58% year-on-year (yoy) on the back of revenue growth of 17%. EBITDA was some 3% ahead of our forecast while revenues were 2% below our expectations.

      Tysabri was the driver of growth, with global sales advancing by 28% yoy to $393m. Patient numbers on commercial therapy at the end of September 2011 stood at 62,900, modestly above our forecast of 62,700. Revenue growth comprised unit growth of 16%, the remainder splitting broadly equally between pricing in the US and favourable FX movements. EDT, included in Elan's P&L for the final time, generated revenues of $49.1m, $10m below our forecast due to a much lower contribution from Ampyra yoy.

      Total operating costs fell by 10% yoy — more aggressive than forecast, especially at the SG&A line. This allowed adjusted EBITDA to advance by 58% yoy to $60.3m; our forecast was $58.7m. Within the EBITDA outturn, BioNeurology division nearly quadrupled its contribution due to Tysabri's positive operational leverage.

      The Q3 balance sheet is to some degree redundant given the subsequent retirement of debt earlier this month. In that transaction, debt was reduced from $1,285m to $626.3m and the weighted average maturity has been extended from 48 months to 60 months. Annual interest expense is expected to fall by c.50%.

      There was a large ($657.1m) gain on disposal associated with the EDT transaction.

      On R&D news, a new trial (ASCEND) has been initiated on Tysabri in patients with secondary progressive MS — potentially extending the revenue opportunity for the product over time.

      DAVY VIEW: The results reiterate our fundamental view that Tysabri's growth momentum can continue in coming years and that the associated operational leverage can move Elan solidly into profitability.:) Opportunities to extend the indication for the drug (e.g. SPMS) only underpins this view. Following the EDT disposal, the balance sheet allows more flexibility than at any point in recent memory and can now form a more important part of the investment thesis.

      We will look to the conference call at 13.30 (Ireland/UK time) for more colour.…
      schrieb am 27.10.11 16:30:07
      Beitrag Nr. 22.627 () gut,finde ich! Danke Bernie!:kiss:
      schrieb am 01.11.11 16:28:10
      Beitrag Nr. 22.628 ()
      Auf Erfolgskurs:
      Irischer Pharma-Riese Elan stellt alle in den Schatten
      25.10.2011, 00:00 Uhr
      Irlands Ökonomie ist nach hartem Sparkurs auf einem sehr guten Weg. Die größten Gewinner sind ein Pharma-Unternehmen und ein Wettanbieter.

      Die Iren schicken sich an, ihr Land zur Vorzeigenation unter dem europäischen Rettungsschirm werden zu lassen: Premierminister Enda Kenny zeigte sich optimistisch, sein Land spätestens ab 2013 wieder durch eigene Anleihen finanzieren zu können. Dabei sahen die Voraussetzungen alles andere als rosig aus. Doch die Iren haben gespart, was das Zeug hält. Und sind gleichzeitig gewachsen. Das Bruttoinlandsprodukt wuchs laut irischem Statistikamt im zweiten Quartal um 1,6 Prozent, vor allem dank der ansässigen internationalen Konzerne wie Facebook, Google oder Microsoft.

      Denn auch wenn an der irischen Börse die derzeitige Unsicherheit aller weltweiten Handelsplätze zu Buche schlägt - es gibt sie, die erfolgreichen Iren. So konnten sich besonders die Investoren des Pharmakonzerns Elan freuen: Die Aktien legten in den vergangenen zwölf Monaten über 80 Prozent zu und stehen derzeit bei 7,80 Euro. Der Anbieter für Online-Wetten, Paddy Power, nahm im selben Zeitraum um 30 Prozent zu. In der sonst eher schwierigen Lebensmittelbranche stachen die Milchverarbeiter Kerry Group, in Deutschland durch ihre irisch-stereotype Werbung bekannt, und Glanbia hervor. Glanbia verkauft unter diversen Marken Milch und Nahrungsergänzungsmittel. Das Unternehmen bedient außerdem 30 Prozent des europäischen Bedarfs an Pizzakäse. Ihre Aktien konnten ebenfalls 30 Prozent zulegen und stehen heute bei über 4,50 Euro.

      Wer auf der Suche nach guten irischen Aktien sei, sollte prüfen, wie das Unternehmen in Irland und vor allem weltweit aufgestellt sei, sagt Ronan Doyle, Equity Analyst des irischen Brokers Bloxham. Er sieht noch zwei andere Konzerne auf der Liste: Kenmare Ressources, die in Irland und vor der Küste Mozambiques Rohstoffe fördern und Datalex. Diese Firma bietet Software für Flugbuchungen an.…
      schrieb am 07.11.11 11:17:44
      Beitrag Nr. 22.629 ()
      4th International Conference on Clinical Trials for Alzheimer’s Disease

      San Diego, California, November 4, 2011

      The fourth international conference on Clinical Trials for Alzheimer's Disease (CTAD) continued on Friday, November 4th in San Diego, California, with news about potential new treatments and better tools to assess the extent of cognitive impairment.

      Philip Scheltens, M.D., Ph.D., Professor of Cognitive Neurology and Director of the Alzheimer Center at the VU University Medical Center in Amsterdam presented data from a second clinical trial of the medical food Souvenaid, which confirmed that daily intake of the intervention improves memory in people with mild Alzheimer's disease (AD). Souvenaid contains a patented combination of nutrients called Fortasyn Connect, which is specifically designed to stimulate the formation of nerve connections called synapses. Loss of synapses is thought by many Alzheimer's experts to be the underlying cause of memory loss and cognitive dysfunction in AD.

      Earlier studies showed that the nutrients in Fortasyn Connect promote the growth of new brain synapses. Subsequently, in a study called Souvenir I, Souvenaid taken once per day over 12 weeks was shown to improve scores on standardized memory tests. In the current study, Souvenir II, conducted at 27 centers in six European countries, 259 participants were randomly assigned to drink 125 ml. of Souvenaid or a control drink. The drink was well tolerated with no significant safety concerns. Memory performance was evaluated at baseline, 12 weeks and 24 weeks using the memory domain score of a Neuropsychological Test Battery (NTB). During the 24 week study, memory composite scores from the Souvenaid group were significantly better than those from the placebo group.

      “I’m encouraged by the results of this second trial, but we need to do more analyses and further studies to fully understand the findings,” said Scheltens. For example analysis of electroencephalogram (EEG) and magnetoencephalogram (MEG) studies may provide further understanding of the effect of Souvenaid on functional connectivity, thus investigating the hypothesis that Souvenaid can support synapse formation and function in mild AD.

      Treating early AD

      New drugs under development have also been featured prominently at CTAD2011. One of these drugs is called ELND005 (Scyllo-inositol), which is being developed by Elan Pharmaceuticals. The compound has shown to prevent amyloid aggregation and protect synapses in vitro; and in mouse models of AD, to reduce amyloid burden and improve learning. A phase 2 study in mild to moderate AD showed no significant benefits; however, a pre-specified analysis showed that among a subgroup of mild subjects there were some positive signals. The investigators wanted to know what differentiated these “responders” from “non-responders.” Anton Porsteinsson, M.D., from the University of Rochester Medical Center and Stephen Salloway, M.D., from Butler Hospital and Brown University both presented data from this post-hoc analysis.

      Porsteinsson showed that, at baseline (before starting the drug), responders score higher on cognitive measures and performed better in functional assessments. They also had biomarker profiles that suggested lower levels of neurodegeneration. Salloway presented data showing that subjects with better cognition at baseline, based on higher mini-mental state exam (MMSE) scores, also showed more improvement in cognitive measures at the end of the study compared to those with lower MMSE scores at baseline. In other words, those subjects with milder levels of dementia appeared to respond better to the drug. “As we look towards moving this compound into further testing, these findings suggest that focusing on mild AD is appropriate, and where the medication is most likely to have an impact,” said Porsteinsson.

      Salloway emphasized that they are not using these data to make claims about the drug’s efficacy. Rather they are using this post hoc analysis to determine whether it makes sense to continue developing the drug as a treatment for mild AD.

      Optimizing tools for assessing cognitive impairment

      Test accuracy is critical for diagnosis, assessing risk, and assessing response to therapy. In dementia, as in other conditions such as stroke, functional tests are particularly important; yet there is no consensus on which functional measures are best able to capture treatment effects. Moreover, methodological shortcomings can overestimate or underestimate the accuracy of a medical test.

      At a symposium organized by the Cochrane Dementia and Cognitive Improvement Group in the United Kingdom, Anna Noel-Storr, M.D., discussed how the accuracy and reliability of these measures can be improved is by systematically reporting on their diagnostic accuracy. STARD, or Standards for Reporting Diagnostic Accuracy, is a set of reporting guidelines developed to independently assess the potential for bias and evaluate the validity of various measures. Now, STARD has been tailored to assess diagnostic accuracy of dementia assessments, through an effort called STARDdem. “We want to modify STARD guidelines for dementia to drive better methodology in studies of diagnostic accuracy for dementia,” said Noel-Storr.

      Another symposium discussed novel instruments for assessing the earliest symptoms of MCI. Although many clinical trials have been designed to evaluate treatments for MCI, none have been successful. Rachelle Doody, M.D., Ph.D., Director of the Alzheimer’s Disease and Memory Disorders Center at the Baylor College of Medicine suggested several possible reasons for these failures. “Maybe the effects of these drugs are temporary and we didn’t measure them at the right time. Maybe the effects are too small. Or maybe the effects were not captured by current outcome measures.”

      Doody suggested that subjective measures that capture patient perceptions may be more sensitive that objective measures in determining subtle cognitive change in MCI. These measures include the perceived deficits questionnaire (PDQ) and the patient global assessment (PGA).

      Patient Report Outcomes (PRO) have also been a central focus of the Cognition Working Group of the Critical Path Initiative (C-Path), an industry-sponsored intiative to work collaboratively towards the common goal of achieving better outcomes in clinical trials. “The patient’s voice matters because people want clinical relevance,” said Christopher Leibman, PharmD, of Janssen Alzheimer Immunotherapy. “As we continue to advance, we’ll still need to bring along what is most important to the patients.” Moreover, he said, patients may be the most accurate reporters of that information.…
      schrieb am 28.11.11 11:26:04
      Beitrag Nr. 22.630 ()
      Pushing forward the research agenda

      Jack Gorman
      FACTS: Research collaborations and funding in UK and Ireland.

      ANALYSIS: Elan has announced that it has launched a research collaboration with the University of Cambridge to discover novel compounds capable of altering the behaviour of proteins and that may have utility in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.
      Building on a relationship already established with the university and its US research teams, the Cambridge-Elan centre will focus in particular on the misfolding and aggregation of proteins in certain disease states.
      Separately, Elan is also to provide $1.5m in funding to the Dublin Neurological Institute at the Mater Hospital, helping it to expand its care and research resources.

      DAVY VIEW: Over the last 12-18 months, Elan has complemented its commercial success (Tysabri) with several early stage research initiatives, internally (e.g. Neotope) and externally. This strengthens its discovery capability and increases the flow of potential new candidates into clinical development. The fruits of this labour may be long term, but Elan is building on its core strength (i.e. discovery and early research) and this is to be welcomed.…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 28.11.11 11:29:31
      Beitrag Nr. 22.631 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.407.345 von bernie55 am 28.11.11 11:26:04Elan to create research centre with Cambridge University

      DUBLIN | Sun Nov 27, 2011 4:14am EST

      (Reuters) - Elan Corp Plc has signed an agreement with Britain's Cambridge University to create a research center focused on therapies for Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, the Dublin-headquartered biotech group said on Sunday.

      Elan, whose main research facility is in San Francisco, will spend $10 million over the next five years on the research center and has an option to extend the deal for another five years.

      Researchers from Cambridge and Elan want to discover ways of altering the behavior of proteins that can spread neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

      "This agreement is a natural next step in the existing working relationship between our scientists in South San Francisco and scientists at the University of Cambridge," Dale Schenk, chief scientific officer at Elan, said in a statement.

      "This collaborative effort complements our portfolio of programmes in neuroscience and supports the process of discovery which we believe may lead to a class of therapeutics that no one has thought possible before."…
      schrieb am 30.11.11 14:15:07
      Beitrag Nr. 22.632 ()
      DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Elan Corporation, plc (NYSE: ELN - News) today provides an update on ELND005 (Scyllo-inositol).

      Elan has entered into a manufacturing agreement for the supply of the active pharmaceutical ingredient for ELND005 with Lonza Group AG. This agreement is fundamental to ensuring that a high quality supply of ELND005 will be available to support the advancement of the program.

      During the 4th Conference Clinical Trials on Alzheimer’s Disease (CTAD), held in November 2011, ELND005 was featured during four oral presentations and on two posters where new analyses were presented from the Phase II Alzheimer’s disease study (AD201, Salloway et al. Neurology 2011) by globally recognized Alzheimer’s disease experts. The presentations focused on treatment effects at earlier stages of the disease, using validated “composite” cognitive endpoints. These results support the general direction of the field for earlier intervention.

      In addition, data on ELND005’s role in reducing the emergence of neuropsychiatric symptoms in Alzheimer’s patients was highlighted. ELND005 may have applications in additional psychiatric indications such as bipolar. Elan’s goal is to initiate a proof of concept, Phase II study in bipolar disorder post completion of discussions with therapeutic experts and regulators.

      For earlier stages of Alzheimer’s disease, experts and regulators continue to evolve their understanding of the disease from a biological, clinical and biomarker perspective. Elan will continue to seek advice as it advances the ELND005 program in Alzheimer’s disease.

      Further updates will be provided as appropriate.


      In December 2010, Elan modified its Collaboration Agreement with Transition Therapeutics Inc. (Transition). As a consequence of Transition's decision to exercise its opt-out right, Transition is not funding any continuing development or commercialization of ELND005 and has also relinquished its 30% ownership of ELND005 to Elan. Elan has until December 2012 to advance the asset in clinical trials or Elan must terminate the collaboration agreement, unless Elan plays Transition $11 million by January 31, 2013.

      Under the modified agreement, Elan paid Transition $9.0 million in January 2011. Transition is still eligible to receive a further $11.0 million payment upon the commencement of the next ELND005 clinical trial but will no longer be eligible to receive a $25.0 million milestone that would have been due upon the commencement of a Phase 3 trial for ELND005, under the terms of the original agreement.

      Consistent with the terms of the original agreement, following its opt-out decision, Transition will be entitled to receive milestone payments of up to $93.0 million (in addition to the $11.0 million described above), along with tiered royalty payments on net sales of ELND005 ranging in percentage from a high single digit to the mid teens, depending on level of sales.

      About Elan

      Elan is a neuroscience focused biotechnology company committed to making a difference in the lives of patients and their families by dedicating itself to bringing innovations in science to fill significant unmet medical needs that continue to exist around the world. For additional information about Elan, please visit…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…
      schrieb am 01.12.11 10:18:40
      Beitrag Nr. 22.633 ()
      Novartis MS Pill Gilenya Rejected by U.K. Health-Cost Agency

      By Makiko Kitamura - Nov 30, 2011 7:00 PM ET

      Novartis AG’s (NOVN) multiple sclerosis pill Gilenya failed for a second time to gain the backing of the U.K.’s health-cost agency, denting the company’s ambitions to turn the drug into a multibillion-dollar-a-year blockbuster.

      Novartis failed to show that Gilenya would be cost effective compared with existing options available even after the drugmaker proposed a discount, the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence said in a statement today. NICE said in August the annual cost for the medicine, also known as fingolimod, was about 19,196 pounds ($30,134).

      Gilenya, approved in Europe in March as the first oral treatment for MS, is among the products that Basel, Switzerland- based Novartis is counting on to fuel sales growth as patents start to expire on the company’s best-selling treatments, including the hypertension pill Diovan.

      “While Novartis submitted evidence that shows fingolimod can reduce relapses, our independent committee has not been convinced that it is a cost effective treatment option,” Andrew Dillon, chief executive of NICE, said in the statement.

      NICE advises the state-run National Health Service on which medicines represent value for money as the U.K. government works to save as much as 20 billion pounds a year on medical expenses.

      Novartis “remains committed to engaging with NICE with the goal of ensuring that appropriate patients will have access to Gilenya,” the company said in an e-mailed statement. “This is not the final guidance from NICE.”

      The company declined to disclose details on the discount it proposed to NICE.

      Public comments on the draft decision will be accepted until Jan. 5, NICE said. The independent committee will meet in February to review comments before publishing final guidance in April on whether the NHS is legally obliged to pay for Gilenya.…
      schrieb am 12.12.11 14:04:17
      Beitrag Nr. 22.634 ()
      University College Dublin and Elan Announce Initiative to Create Leadership in Biotechnology

      DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- University College Dublin (UCD) and Elan Corporation plc, (NYSE: ELN - News) today announced an initiative designed to create a leadership position in the global biotechnology industry. The cornerstone of this effort will be the establishment of Europe’s first interdisciplinary Chair in the ‘Business of Biotechnology’ which will sit at the intersection of the UCD Smurfit Graduate School of Business and the UCD College of Science. This integrated discipline will combine the study and application of rigorous business management with the sciences and the accelerating advancement of biology, computational applications and diagnostics.

      The UCD Elan initiative is expected to run for at least seven years and will include, in addition to the newly established Chair, two new post-doctoral scholarships as well as an annual lecture series that highlights management leadership in the dynamic and ever changing world of biotechnology, on a global basis. In addition, Elan will contribute to UCD's new Science Centre that is nearing completion. The total Elan contribution is expected to be in excess of €3million.

      "With Elan's broad and significant support, we hope to be a leader and substantial contributor to the development of the biotechnology sector on a global basis. From a UCD perspective, our goal is to help create leading edge approaches to the management of, and participation in, the "science process" which is the fundamental foundation to long-term success of the biotechnology sector," said Hugh Brady, president of UCD.

      "Elan's commitment will enable us to fuse the best thinking and skills within the University, which includes our science, business and medical schools. We expect the creation of Europe’s first interdisciplinary chair in the ‘Business of Biotechnology’ to stimulate innovation right across campus," continued Dr. Brady.

      "We are delighted to have the opportunity to work closely with the leadership and faculty of one of Europe's leading universities on this ground breaking initiative
      ," said Kelly Martin, chief executive officer, Elan Corporation.

      "Rapid advancements in biology, computational application and diagnostics combined with the globalization of the biotechnology industry require future business leaders to have the skills and expertise to manage a portfolio of assets within the environment of a dynamic and ever changing risks/reward equation. Future industry and company success will be defined by those with the ability to make good decisions within this integrated space."

      "Business leaders will need to balance complex and multi-dimensional considerations such as patient requirements and personalized medicine which needs to take into account genetic markers and scientific discovery that can be accelerated by advancing approaches to drug discovery. The effective management of complex regulatory and legal frameworks, along with global pricing and reimbursement will also be a prerequisite to success."

      Mr. Martin added, "As an Irish-based neuroscience biotechnology company that operates on a global scale, we understand the myriad opportunities and challenges as they are part of our every day journey. Navigating these complexities and combining the interdisciplinary decision making process across business, clinical and scientific disciplines will be essential for the long-term, future success of Elan."

      "Our goal is to make tactical and strategic decisions that are consciously more integrated and analytically deeper than any of our global competitors. By doing so, we will create a competitive advantage that will ultimately drive benefit to patients, employees, shareholders and partners."

      "We, as a company, are committed to being leaders in the "how to" manage within the biotechnology industry perspective and are delighted in this instance to share both financial support and experience with UCD," concluded Mr. Martin.…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…
      schrieb am 13.12.11 11:11:17
      Beitrag Nr. 22.635 ()
      DJ Novartis Confirms Sudden Death Of Patient Who Received First Dose Of MS Pill Gilenya

      The sudden death of a 59-year old patient in the U.S. who died after the first-time use of Novartis AG's (NVS) multiple-sclerosis pill Gilenya is raising questions over the drug's safety even as the novel medicine, which was approved a year ago, has generally been well tolerated by thousand of patients.
      Novartis said a patient, who had received the first dose of Gilenya on November 22, died a day later. The person, Novartis said, had successfully completed six hours of post-dose observation without incident. Because Gilenya can slow the heart rate of patients, heart monitoring in a doctor's office is recommended.
      "This is the first reported death event occurring within 24 hours of the first dose of Gilenya in more than 28,000 patients who have received Gilenya to date," Novartis said. The Swiss drug giant said that "at this stage, the exact cause of death has not been established, and a role for Gilenya can neither be confirmed nor excluded at this time."
      Novartis said that it has since submitted details of the case to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and other health authorities but that, as of yet, it hasn't sent out a notification to doctors about a potential change in prescription needs. "Novartis takes patient safety very seriously and we are currently gathering all available details on this case," it said.
      Gilenya is one of Novartis' most promising new drugs and has looked like becoming one of the leading treatments in the multi-billion dollar market for treating multiple sclerosis due to its easy use. Unlike traditional MS treatments that are given via infusions or injections, Gilenya is administered in pill form, the only one to date.
      Several analysts expect that because of the simple use of the drug, Gilenya could reach peak sales of more than $3 billion and grab almost a quarter of the $10 billion Multiple Sclerosis market. Pharmaceutical analyst Jack Scannell of brokerage Bernstein says that by 2015 the drug could reach around $1.5 billion in sales, up from $219 million reached after nine months in 2011.
      But a safety issue could hurt the drug's outlook.
      "With one death like the one we describe, it is not clear whether this will become a significant issue for Gilenya," Scannell said, adding that the sudden death "smacks of being cardiovascular in nature". He said that "if [the] uptake of the drug were to falter -- either because of new safety issues or because of intensified competition -- it could dent sentiment on Novartis."…
      schrieb am 15.12.11 15:53:28
      Beitrag Nr. 22.636 ()
      Intellect Neurosciences Files Appeal in Europe in Response to Opposition Proceedings Instituted by Elan Pharmaceuticals and Wyeth/Pfizer

      NEW YORK, Dec. 15, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Intellect Neurosciences, Inc. (OTCBB: ILNS), a biopharmaceutical company engaged in the discovery and development of disease-modifying therapeutic agents for the treatment of Alzheimer's and other neurological diseases announced today that it has filed an appeal regarding a preliminary decision of the European Patent Office (EPO) to revoke the company's ANTISENILIN® patents. The preliminary decision of the EPO resulted from a challenge by major pharmaceutical companies that are co-developing Bapineuzumab, which is in Phase 3 clinical trials for Alzheimer's disease. Intellect has ANTISENILIN® patents pending in the United States and has been granted patents in Japan, China and several other countries. None of the patents granted outside Europe were challenged.

      "We are quite disappointed by actions taken by Elan Pharmaceuticals and Wyeth as well as by the preliminary decision of the EPO during Oral Proceedings in The Hague in July. We are appealing that decision and remain confident regarding our ability to prevail at the level of the Appeals Board in Munich, Germany," said Daniel Chain, chairman and CEO of Intellect Neurosciences. "Importantly, Intellect's patents remain in force in key European countries pending the outcome of the appeal process. Moreover, Intellect has filed divisional patent applications, which we believe will result in robust new patents in Europe that should be resistant to challenge and will cover products currently in clinical development. The company has excellent representation in the US and Europe where it works with premier patent firms. We remain committed to maintaining and enforcing patent protection for our inventions and product candidates."…
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 15.12.11 15:58:02
      Beitrag Nr. 22.637 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.486.304 von bernie55 am 15.12.11 15:53:28Deutsche Bank: $21 could be justified in 2012

      Upgrading to BUY; >70% upside potential if AD pipeline delivers

      We estimate the total theoretical potential market opportunity for a disease
      modifying AD treatment at up to US$50bn and believe bapineuzumab could
      generate >US$7bn in peak sales and >US$1.4bn in operating profit for Elan if

      Full reflection of Elan’s future 25%-32% share of the potential
      profits could justify a share price of US$21, or >70% upside from current levels.

      We have increased our price target to US$14.2/€10.9 (from
      US$10.8/EUR 7.9) based on NPV using a WACC of 9.0% (beta of 1.0; ERP of
      5.5%, and RFR of 3.5% based on the local 10-year government bond yields).

      Elan’s principal risks relate to growth of Tysabri and success or failure of Elan and Biogen's efforts to develop an assay to predict the risk of PML, particularly in the face of competition from new drugs for the treatment of MS. Should Elan’s Alzheimer’s pipeline fail upside to the shares may not materialise.…
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 15.12.11 15:59:41
      Beitrag Nr. 22.638 ()
      Zitat von bernie55: Deutsche Bank: $21 could be justified in 2012

      Upgrading to BUY; >…
      schrieb am 16.12.11 10:50:25
      Beitrag Nr. 22.639 ()
      No surprises in PML update

      Davy Morning Equity Briefing - 16 December 2011

      Jack Gorman
      FACTS: The latest safety update on Tysabri, released last night (December 15th), indicates that 12 new PML cases were confirmed last month, bringing the total to 193. There have been 112 PML cases in Europe, 71 in the US and 10 in the rest of the world.

      ANALYSIS: The overall incidence of PML in patients exposed to Tysabri post-marketing has risen to 2.02 per 1,000, with an upper statistical bound of 2.33. Without additional disclosure on patients' prior risk factors, however, it is difficult to draw meaningful new insights from this data.

      Note that Elan/BIIB can stratify a patient's PML risk across three risk factors: prior immunosuppressant use, duration of treatment and JC-virus status.
      Testing data continue to support the use of the anti-JCV antibody test as a way of stratifying risk. In 45 Tysabri-treated patients who developed PML, and for whom serum samples were available 6-187 months prior to the onset of PML, all 45 had anti-JCV antibodies detected.
      Samples were also available from 73 patients at the time of PML diagnosis, and all 73 tested positive for anti-JCV antibodies. One other sample tested negative some months ago, although it was taken directly after a cycle of plasma exchange and was

      DAVY VIEW: The data on the JCV-status of PML patients continue to support the use of the anti-JCV antibody test as a means of stratifying risk. The three risk factors are now indicated on the EU label, and the FDA is expected to report on the proposed label change for the US market by the end of January.…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 19.12.11 17:13:53
      Beitrag Nr. 22.640 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.490.055 von bernie55 am 16.12.11 10:50:25..aktuell heute wieder Riesenumsätze bei "UP Movement"...:)

      ..aktuell haben wir bereits den durchschnittlichen Volumeumsatz ( 3 Monate) von 2,617,810 erreicht..:)

      ..aktuell können wir Long-ELANIACS+ELANITES zufrieden sein..:), auch wenn es mal wieder "DOWN" gehen sollte..;)
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 19.12.11 17:35:14
      Beitrag Nr. 22.641 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.499.582 von bernie55 am 19.12.11 17:13:53Alkermes Initiates Phase 3 Clinical Study of ALKS 9070 for Treatment of Schizophrenia

      ALKS 9070 Is Designed to Offer Best-in-Class, Extended-Release, Once-Monthly Version of Aripiprazole

      DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Alkermes plc (NASDAQ: ALKS) today announced the initiation of a phase 3 clinical trial of ALKS 9070 for the treatment of schizophrenia. ALKS 9070, a proprietary Alkermes molecule, is designed to provide patients with once-monthly dosing of a medication that, once in the body, converts into aripiprazole, a molecule that is commercially available under the name ABILIFY® for the treatment of a number of central nervous system (CNS) disorders. The multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled study is designed to assess the efficacy, safety and tolerability of ALKS 9070 in approximately 690 patients experiencing acute exacerbation of schizophrenia. The clinical data from this study, expected mid-calendar 2013, will form the basis of a New Drug Application (NDA) to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for ALKS 9070 for the treatment of schizophrenia, a chronic brain disease.

      “Multiple studies have shown that long-acting therapies in the treatment of schizophrenia can lead to improved patient outcomes and reduced costs,” stated Dr. Herbert Meltzer, Professor of Psychiatry at Feinberg School of Medicine and Director of the Division of Neuropsychopharmacology at Northwestern University. “An extended-release injectable medication that incorporates the unique clinical properties and established safety and efficacy of aripiprazole would represent a significant treatment advancement for patients and physicians to manage this serious, chronic disease.”

      In June 2011, Alkermes announced data from a phase 1b double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical study of ALKS 9070 in 32 patients with schizophrenia. Data from the study showed that ALKS 9070 was generally well tolerated and achieved therapeutically relevant plasma concentrations of aripiprazole with a pharmacokinetic profile that supports once-monthly dosing.

      “Alkermes’ expertise in developing safe and effective long-acting therapeutics uniquely positions us to develop a once-monthly atypical antipsychotic medication that delivers aripiprazole, a widely prescribed oral product with an established safety and efficacy profile,” stated Dr. Elliot Ehrich, Chief Medical Officer of Alkermes. “The advancement of ALKS 9070 into pivotal development marks an important milestone for the program, and we look forward to seeing the results in mid-2013.”…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…
      schrieb am 19.12.11 17:37:37
      Beitrag Nr. 22.642 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.486.342 von bernie55 am 15.12.11 15:58:02$21 in 2012.

      Nun ja, das ist zwar schon ganz nett, aber wir wollen doch wieder $30,- in 2013 und 40,- in 2014 haben.

      schrieb am 19.12.11 23:31:40
      Beitrag Nr. 22.643 ()
      na toll, da steigt der Kurs mal ein wenig, kommen auch schon die Übernahmegerüchte:

      Benzinga's M&A Chatter for Monday December 19, 2011
      By Greg Chalmers
      Benzinga Staff Writer
      December 19, 2011 4:40 PM

      Here are the M&A deals and chatter for Monday December 19, 2011. Benzinga Pro reported them in real-time as they occurred:

      BI-LO to Acquire Winn-Dixie

      The Deal: BI-LO to acquire Winn-Dixie (NASDAQ: WINN [FREE Stock Trend Analysis]) for $9.50 per share in cash.

      Under the terms of the definitive agreement, BI-LO will acquire all of the outstanding shares of Winn-Dixie stock in the merger. Winn-Dixie shareholders will receive $9.50 in cash per share of Winn-Dixie common stock, representing a premium of approximately 75% over the closing price of Winn-Dixie common stock on December 16, 2011.

      The merger will create an organization of approximately 690 grocery stores and 63,000 employees in eight states throughout the southeastern United States.

      Winn-Dixie shares traded in a range of $9.15 to $9.32 Monday, on 60 times the average daily volume. Winn-Dixie Shares closed at $9.24, a gain of 70% for the day.

      Tangoe Acquires ProfitLine

      The Deal: Tangoe (NASDAQ: TNGO) acquires privately-held ProfitLine for $23.5 million.

      Tangoe announced that it has acquired privately held ProfitLine, in a transaction that closed today, December 19, 2011. Under the terms of the acquisition agreement, Tangoe will pay approximately $23.5 million in cash, $14.5 million of which was paid upon closing, $4.5 million of which will be paid in 12 months, and $4.5 million of which will be paid in 18 months.

      Roche to Acquire Inhibitex

      The Rumor: Roche Holding (RHHBY) to acquire Inhibitex (NASDAQ: INHX) for between $23.00 and $28.00 per share.

      M&A chatter has been brewing in Inhibitex since the company released positive Hepatitis-C trial data on November 29. Benzinga placed calls into both Inhibitex and Roche, but did not receive a reply.

      Inhibitex shares traded Monday in a range of $10.45 to $11.49 on almost twice the average daily volume and closed at 10.54, a gain of 1.5% for the day.

      Bristol-Myers Squibb to Acquire Elan

      The Rumor: Bristol-Myers Squibb (NYSE: BMY) to Acquire Elan (NYSE: ELN) for $16.00 per share.

      The subject of frequent takeover rumors and just as many denials, Elan did not return calls from Benzinga.

      Elan shares traded in a range of $11.85 to $12.60 Monday on more than 3 times the average daily volume. Elan closed just off the highs of the day at $12.57, a gain of more than 6% for the day.

      Sign up for Benzinga's morning news summary - Bacon & Trades - for daily coverage of overnight and premarket news

      schrieb am 19.12.11 23:36:25
      Beitrag Nr. 22.644 ()
      Elan Turns It Around in 2011

      By Brian Orelli
      December 19, 2011

      In case you didn't notice, Elan (NYSE: ELN ) is back. The biotech darling fell from investors' graces in 2008 after new cases of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, a potentially deadly brain infection, cropped up in patients taking its multiple sclerosis drug Tysabri.

      But shares doubled in 2011, and while they still haven't reached 2008 levels, the trajectory is impressive. The reasons for the meteoritic rise are twofold.

      First, Elan has gotten its financial house in order. A couple of years ago, the company sold off half of its interest in its Alzheimer's disease drug bapineuzumab to Johnson & Johnson (NYSE: JNJ ) . The company only owned half the drug to begin with -- Pfizer (NYSE: PFE ) owns the other half --leaving just a quarter interest in the drug, minimizing the potential returns. However, it still brought in enough to pay down a substantial portion of the company's debts.

      Elan was able to secure more cash through the sale of Elan Drug Technology to Alkermes (Nasdaq: ALKS ) this year. The biotech had previously tried to sell the unit that helps companies make extended-release versions of their drugs, but couldn't find a buyer. Spinning out the unit as a separate company was put on the table as an option, but a sale was really the best choice since it provided a quick infusion of cash.

      As important as getting its financial situation in order, Elan and marketing partner Biogen Idec (Nasdaq: BIIB ) have demonstrated that progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy isn't a sales-killing side effect. Sales are up 28% year over year during the first nine months of the year.

      And Elan and Biogen are working on a test to detect the virus that causes PML. Patients that don’t have the virus aren't as susceptible to acquiring PML after taking Tysabri. The risk-stratification strategy could reaccelerate sales of the drug.

      Increased sales and getting its financial situation in order have allowed Elan to register positive earnings last quarter. And maybe that's the ultimate reason for the stock price gain this year. Despite some biotechs' attempts, you can't keep losing money indefinitely.…
      schrieb am 20.12.11 12:49:21
      Beitrag Nr. 22.645 ()
      The Rumor: Bristol-Myers Squibb (NYSE: BMY) to Acquire Elan (NYSE: ELN) for $16.00 per share.

      Übernahmegerüchte gab es in den letzten Jahren immer wieder, vielleicht gab es deshalb gestern das großen UP ......

      ....vielleicht sind aber schon bald positive News bzgl. des JC-Virus- Antikörper-Testverfahrens zu hören....;)
      schrieb am 21.12.11 08:21:33
      Beitrag Nr. 22.646 ()
      After Hours

      Share Volume

      19:26 - $ 12.91 > 800
      19:12 - $ 12.91 > 100
      19:05 - $ 12.90 > 100

      18:29 - $ 12.93 > 760,953 :eek:
      schrieb am 23.12.11 10:46:17
      Beitrag Nr. 22.647 ()

      Frohe Weihnachten und schöne, besinnliche Stunden mit euren Lieben.

      Weihnachtliche Grüße


      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 23.12.11 11:27:44
      Beitrag Nr. 22.648 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.517.244 von bernie55 am 23.12.11 10:46:17Hi Bernie-----DAS WÜNSCHEN WIR DIR + dem Rest (falls es ihn noch gibt---POPPI,wo bist DU???) auch!!

      Ich bin extra mal wieder in Urlaub gefahren (sitze bei 30Grad am Pool mit Blick aufs Meer in Kho Chang...)damit unser Schätzchen steigen kann----also: weiter so + bis zum neuen Jahr in alter Frische.....

      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 23.12.11 12:27:51
      Beitrag Nr. 22.649 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.517.431 von Tebi am 23.12.11 11:27:44alles gut, ich bin hier.

      Habe auch diese Woche noch Beiträge hier hinterlassen.

      schrieb am 30.12.11 17:13:23
      Beitrag Nr. 22.650 ()
      Als Neujahrsgruß: Wir etablieren uns wie selbstverstänlich über 10Euro!
      schrieb am 13.01.12 11:51:48
      Beitrag Nr. 22.651 ()
      AUSZUG aus >
      PDL BioPharma's CEO Presents at 30th Annual JP Morgan Healthcare Conference (Transcript)

      January 12, 2012

      Tysabri is an interesting drug, without question it is the most potent and efficacious treatment for relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. At various times it’s been hunted by safety concerns. In fact, at one point it was actually pulled off the market then return to the market, largely due to the demand of the patients.

      A little over a year ago Biogen Idec introduced an assay which allows you to screen patients, particularly those patients that are most acceptable developing PML, a rare but fatal -- often fatal brain infection. And the ability to screen patients and identify patients which are at risk, which typically begins about 24 months after therapy has given a great deal of comfort to the treating physicians and what you are seeing is a substantial increase in new patients starts.

      So to be clear there are patients that are coming off, because the screen says, you are at risk, but when you look at the net patient adds, in fact, for last couple of quarter we’ve seen very nice increases for Tysabri, which have been reflected in their sales.…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…
      schrieb am 17.01.12 14:15:16
      Beitrag Nr. 22.652 ()
      Über 11 Euro !!! Welch eine Entwicklung seit einem Jahr !
      Und keiner merkt es ???
      3 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 17.01.12 17:39:36
      Beitrag Nr. 22.653 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.604.730 von posimist am 17.01.12 14:15:162012 FDA Expected Approvals!!

      Friday, December 16, 2011

      Biogen Idec(BIIB_) and Elan (ELN_)

      Drug/indication:Update to the Tysabri prescribing label

      Approval decision date: Jan. 20, 2012

      The Tysabri label update will include information about the anti-JC virus antibody status as a factor to help stratify the risk of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML). Doctors can use to test to determine which multiple sclerosis patients are at low or high risk for PML, a serious, potentially fatal brain infection caused by Tysabri.…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…
      schrieb am 18.01.12 08:56:16
      Beitrag Nr. 22.654 ()
      JANUARY 18, 2012

      Medivation, Pfizer End Work on Alzheimer's Drug


      Pfizer Inc. and partner Medivation Inc. are abandoning development of an experimental Alzheimer's drug, a decision that underscores the risks that Big Pharma faces in trying to bolster drug pipelines with expensive deals.

      The companies decided to end the program for developing the compound, called Dimebon, after it failed to meet two primary endpoints in a phase 3 trial studying its use with the existing treatment Aricept in patients with mild-to-moderate Alzheimer's.

      The failure was Dimebon's second ...…
      schrieb am 18.01.12 11:01:14
      Beitrag Nr. 22.655 ()
      *** Neotope Biosciences Assigned Patent ALEXANDRIA,

      Va., Jan. 17

      -- Neotope Biosciences, Dublin, Ireland, has been assigned a patent (8,092,801) developed by six co-inventors for a "prevention and treatment of synucleinopathic and amyloidogenic disease."

      The co-inventors are Dale B. Schenk, Burlingame, Calif., Eliezar Masliah, San Diego, Manuel J. Buttini, Emeryville, Calif., Tamie J. Chilcote, San Francisco, Edward Rockenstein, San Diego, and Kate Dora Games, Belmont, Calif.

      The abstract of the patent published by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office states: "The invention provides improved agents and methods for treatment of diseases associated with synucleinopathic diseases, including Lewy bodies of alpha-synuclein in the brain of a patient. Such methods entail administering agents that induce a beneficial immunogenic response against the Lewy body. The methods are particularly useful for prophylactic and therapeutic treatment of Parkinson's disease." The patent application was filed on Feb. 25, 2008 (12/037,081).…
      schrieb am 19.01.12 07:41:58
      Beitrag Nr. 22.656 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.604.730 von posimist am 17.01.12 14:15:16also eine handvoll Investoren hat es sicherlich gemerkt.

      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 19.01.12 09:30:30
      Beitrag Nr. 22.657 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.613.819 von Poppholz am 19.01.12 07:41:58Expert: Multiple Sclerosis prevalent in Colorado

      11:40 AM, Jan 18, 2012

      DENVER - Colorado has the highest rate of Multiple Sclerosis in the country. Wednesday morning, University of Colorado Hospital neurologists answered questions on the disease and why the MS rate is so high in Colorado.

      "There have been significant advances in the last few years about the cause of MS. There appears to be several different factors. One is genetics; the disease is more prevalent in people from Northern Europe. The second one is low Vitamin D levels early in life, and possibly in in-utero, increase the risk of MS subsequently," University of Colorado Doctor Tim Vollmer said.

      He says people in Colorado are normally diagnosed with low-levels of Vitamin D. Some experts believe Vitamin D levels may be low in the state because of Coloradan's use of sunscreen.

      Vollmer says new MS research and treatments are progressing at a remarkable rate.

      "The field Multiple Sclerosis is one of the most rapidly evolving fields of medicine right now. We have eight FDA therapies and three that are likely to be approved within the next year to 18 months. In the last year or so, we've developed a new blood test that would identify patients who are at risk of some of the serious side effects of the drugs. As a consequence, we can now identify people who are likely to do very well on a certain drug with a very low risk," Vollmer said.

      Although there is no cure for MS, there are treatments and medications. MS treatment typically focuses on strategies to treat symptoms and attacks.

      "Some of the newer drugs like Tysabri or Genelia in particular have a much bigger impact in preventing disability. In the case of Tysabri, about half to maybe two-thirds (of) patients actually improve over time with that therapy. That's the first time in history we've ever had that treatment available,"] Vollmer said.

      Vollmer says the disease generally presents itself as symptoms that affect the brain and nervous system.

      "Symptoms of MS can be anything the brain does; typically it's vision problems, numbness, tingling strength or balance problems," Vollmer said.

      There are several different resources for people suffering from Multiple Sclerosis in Colorado.

      "There's the MS Center, there's folks both available online as well as the website, there's the National MS Society,, and then we have educational programs that we offer throughout the year," Vollmer said.
      (KUSA-TV © 2012 Multimedia Holdings Corporation)…
      schrieb am 20.01.12 08:23:23
      Beitrag Nr. 22.658 ()
      :keks: Ab heute sollten/könnten wir News von der FDA bzgl. des JC-Virus- Antikörper-Testverfahrens hören :keks:

      Zitat von bernie55: 2012 FDA Expected Approvals!!

      Drug/indication:Update to the Tysabri prescribing label

      Approval decision date: Jan. 20, 2012…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…
      schrieb am 20.01.12 10:29:46
      Beitrag Nr. 22.659 ()

      FDA to rule on label change; eight new PML cases in monthly update.

      ANALYSIS: The new FDA deadline for ruling on revising Tysabri’s label is imminent (three months from the last announcement, which implies January 20th approximately).

      The label change would include JCV status as a (third) risk factor for PML. Although this is already well established in theory, putting it on the label will allow BIIB/ELN's salesforce to start selling the advantages of the JCV antibody test and the product in a more targeted manner, i.e. to the JC-negative patient population (c.45% of overall market).

      The decision was originally expected last October, but administrative rather than fundamental delays prompted a three-month extension to what is known as the PDUFA decision date.

      Separately, eight new PML cases were confirmed last month, bringing the total to 201. The overall incidence of PML in patients exposed to Tysabri post-marketing has nudged up to 2.08 per 1,000 with an upper statistical bound of 2.39. Little can be inferred from the data as shown because disclosure on patients' prior risk factors is not provided.

      Testing data continue to support the use of the anti-JCV antibody test as a way of stratifying risk. In 47 Tysabri-treated patients who developed PML and for whom serum samples were available 6-187 months prior to the onset of PML, all 47 had anti-JCV antibodies detected. Samples were also available from 74 patients at the time of PML diagnosis, and all 74 tested positive for anti-JCV antibodies. One other sample tested negative some months ago, although it was taken directly after a cycle of plasma exchange and was thus considered unreliable.

      DAVY VIEW: An addition to the Tysabri labelling in the US, which has already occurred in Europe, is an important step in commercialising the JCV-antibody assay and thus addressing the JCV-negative population more effectively. It can help sustain the improved momentum seen in US patient growth during Q3 and into 2012. BIIB reports FY2011 results on January 31st, and we expect ELN to report soon thereafter.…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…
      schrieb am 20.01.12 23:36:40
      Beitrag Nr. 22.660 ()
      FDA Updates TYSABRI® (natalizumab) Label to Include Anti-JC Virus Antibody Status as a PML Risk Factor

      WESTON, Mass. & DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Today Biogen Idec (NASDAQ: BIIB - News) and Elan Corporation, plc (NYSE: ELN - News) announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a product label change for TYSABRI that will help enable individual benefit risk assessment for patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). The new label identifies anti-JCV antibody status as a risk factor for developing an infrequent but serious brain infection known as progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML). This marks the third risk factor identified to help physicians and people with MS have more confidence in their treatment decisions when considering TYSABRI, a highly effective treatment for relapsing forms of MS.

      “This label change marks an important advance in assisting people with MS and their physicians to make better-informed decisions concerning the challenges of balancing effectiveness with safety,” said Dr. Nicholas LaRocca, Vice President Heath Care Delivery and Policy Research at the National MS Society. “We are encouraged by the proactive role that Biogen Idec and Elan are taking in addressing PML risk stratification.”

      Infection with the JC virus (JCV) is required for the development of PML and the new label states that anti-JCV antibody negative status indicates that exposure to the JC virus has not been detected. Patients who are anti-JCV antibody positive have a higher risk of developing PML. Patients who are anti-JCV antibody positive, have received prior immunosuppressant (IS) therapy and received treatment with TYSABRI for more than two years have the highest risk of developing PML.

      “TYSABRI has benefited thousands of patients worldwide who are living with multiple sclerosis,
      an often devastating disease affecting people in the prime of their lives,” said George Scangos, Ph.D., Chief Executive Officer, Biogen Idec. “Biogen Idec and Elan’s use of novel research and scientific expertise has allowed us to gain a better understanding of the benefit-risk profile for TYSABRI. Our development of the risk stratification algorithm and subsequent efforts to support the commercial availability of anti-JCV antibody testing reflect our commitment to providing patients and their physicians with additional guidance to help them make more personalized treatment decisions.”

      The label update was based on analysis of data from Biogen Idec’s and Elan's quantitative risk stratification algorithm, which was presented at a number of major international medical meetings, including the American Academy of Neurology's annual meeting in April, 2011. In the analysis, patients who were anti-JCV antibody positive were at an increased risk for developing PML with varying degrees of risk depending on prior IS use and TYSABRI treatment duration. Irrespective of MS treatment, approximately 55 percent of MS patients are anti-JCV positive.

      “We welcome the inclusion of PML risk stratification in the U.S. label as it significantly supports our aim to provide the information patients and physicians need to make a more informed treatment decision,” said Kelly Martin, Chief Executive Officer, Elan. “This further confirms the utility of the anti-JCV antibody status, which along with prior IS use and treatment duration enables the identification of differing levels of risk.”

      The FDA has granted Quest Diagnostics (NYSE: DGX - News), the world’s leading diagnostic company, a de novo classification petition for the STRATIFY JCV Antibody ELISA testing service. STRATIFY JCV allows neurologists to determine their MS patients’ anti-JCV antibody status and is the first blood test to be FDA authorized for the qualitative detection of antibodies to the polyomavirus JC virus.

      The U.S. label update follows the European Commission approval of anti-JCV antibody status as an additional factor to aid in stratifying patients at risk for developing PML in the Summary of Product Characteristics for TYSABRI in the European Union. Through the third quarter of 2011, globally there have been approximately 59,000 anti-JCV antibody tests administered commercially and through clinical trials.

      About TYSABRI

      TYSABRI is approved in more than 65 countries. TYSABRI is approved in the United States as a monotherapy for relapsing forms of MS, generally for patients who have had an inadequate response to, or are unable to tolerate, an alternative MS therapy. In the European Union, it is approved for highly active relapsing-remitting MS (RRMS) in adult patients who have failed to respond to beta interferon or have rapidly evolving, severe RRMS.

      TYSABRI has advanced the treatment of MS patients with its established efficacy. Data from the Phase 3 AFFIRM trial, which was published in the New England Journal of Medicine, showed that after two years, TYSABRI treatment led to a 68 percent relative reduction (p<0.001) in the annualized relapse rate when compared with placebo and reduced the relative risk of disability progression by 42-54 percent (p<0.001).

      TYSABRI increases the risk of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML), an opportunistic viral infection of the brain which usually leads to death or severe disability. Infection by the JC virus (JCV) is required for the development of PML and patients who are anti-JCV antibody positive have a higher risk of developing PML. Factors that increase the risk of PML are presence of anti-JCV antibodies, prior immunosuppressant use, and longer TYSABRI treatment duration. Patients who have all three risk factors have the highest risk of developing PML. Other serious adverse events that have occurred in TYSABRI-treated patients include hypersensitivity reactions (e.g., anaphylaxis) and infections, including opportunistic and other atypical infections. Clinically significant liver injury has also been reported in the post-marketing setting. A list of adverse events can be found in the full TYSABRI product labeling for each country where it is approved.

      TYSABRI is marketed and distributed by Biogen Idec Inc. and Elan Corporation, plc. For full prescribing information and more information about TYSABRI, please visit or…
      schrieb am 22.01.12 13:13:08
      Beitrag Nr. 22.661 ()
      Tysabri: The Model For Facing A Drug Safety Crisis

      After a decade of drug safety crises where medicines have mostly either wound up yanked (Vioxx, Zelnorm) or close to it (Avandia), today’s news about the multiple sclerosis drug Tysabri is positively amazing.

      There was a time when Tysabri seemed like it might be finished. In Feb. 2005, just six months after the much-hyped new medicine hit the market and about the same amount of time after the Vioxx safety crisis exploded, Biogen Idec stopped selling Tysabri because a rare brain infection called progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) cropped up in two patients. Tysabri, which works by suppressing the immune system, was allowing the usually dormant JC virus to cause the brain disease. (See: The Virus That Took Down Tysabri.)

      Biogen and Elan re-introduced Tysabri, originally expected to be a category-killer among MS drugs, to patients who had failed other therapies with a stern warning and a higher price. It slowly climbed back to blockbuster status, and now generates more than $1 billion annually.

      But while the drug makers were marketing Tysabri as an option for these patients, they were also figuring out how to identify patients who were at at a lower risk of developing PML. Tysabri’s inventor played a key role. This test, to be sold by Quest Diagnosis, identifies whether people have antibodies to the JC virus. If they don’t, the probably have not been exposed yet, and are at much lower risk. (See: Reviving Tysabri)

      Now, for these patients who don’t have JC virus antibodies, Tysabri may be a safer bet. This morning, when European regulators revealed they were looking into whether Novartis‘ new MS pill Gilenya is causing heart side effects, Deutsche Bank analyst Robyn Karnauskas actually suggested that Novartis’ loss could be Tysabri’s gain. A recent survey of doctors by Sanford C. Bernstein biotechnology analyst Geoffrey Porges showed that for patients who lacked the JCV antibody, Tysabri was preferred over Gilenya.

      This is the way that drug safety problems should be faced: by figuring out how to give the drug in an effective and safe way. This is a blueprint for a more personalized approach to medicine. Science is one of the hurdles to doing this more often, but new DNA sequencing and other technologies could close that gap. Another problem, though, is that developing new medicines can take a generation. Having to perfect a drug’s use all over again often means its patent has expired by the time all the kinks are worked out. (See: Are Short Drug Patents Hurting Patients)

      Kudos to Biogen and Elan for doing it right.…
      schrieb am 22.01.12 13:22:28
      Beitrag Nr. 22.662 ()
      Was sagen die CEOs von Elan and Biogen zu dem FDA Approval für den JCV Test ?

      "Impact of label change in the US by the FDA will be very significant and will allow full blown marketing . Once people understand the assay they use it. Opportunity for Tysabri will grow with the FDA label change.

      Some opportunity exists to currently prescribe Tysabri as first line use for high disease activity, but the label change is directed at this earlier use" Significant data for first line use is now being made available.

      Something even more compelling from the mouth of the CEO of BiogenIdec during recent days in response to a question that was specific to the assay.

      Analyst Question:

      "With jcv assay being approved in the EU and pending in the US. Will it change the use of the drug?"

      CEO of BiogenIdec:
      "We would recommend that patients who are JCV negative get tested each year. We would recommend they stay on if negative. Even for a long period after conversion the risk is low. Evidence is now that the earlier someone is treated with Tysabri the better the outcome. How I think of this is if someone close to me had MS what would I want them to take, and if they were jcv negative, then Tysabri is an amazing choice for them because of the efficacy. "

      What has been the reaction of analysts so far keeping in mind it's the w/end. Will the assay make a difference? Is Friday's decision by the FDA as meaningless as you're being advised here?

      "today’s news about the multiple sclerosis drug Tysabri is positively amazing."

      " won U.S. clearance to modify the label of their multiple-sclerosis shot Tysabri with new safety information that may double the treatment’s worldwide sales.

      "The label change may push Tysabri’s global sales to $2.5 billion to $3 billion by 2016 ,Michael Yee, an analyst at RBC Capital Markets in San Francisco, said in an interview yesterday. Without the modification, sales may have reached $1.5 billion"…
      schrieb am 22.01.12 14:10:17
      Beitrag Nr. 22.663 ()
      Zitat von bernie55: FDA Updates TYSABRI® (natalizumab) Label to Include Anti-JC Virus Antibody Status as a PML Risk Factor

      ...mal ein paar Gedanken...

      Ich denke, dass mit dieser FDA Approval-Entscheidung bzgl. des JCV Testverfahrens TYSABRI einen neuen Standard setzen und für die Behandlung von MS Kranken ( insbesondere JCV Negativ-Patienten) meiner Meinung nach einen Run auf Tysabri einleiten wird.
      In den Foren und von einigen Analysten werden teilweise über Zahlen von bis zu 400000 Patienten bis zum Jahre 2015 diskutiert.Darüber hinaus könnte durch diese Entscheidung der Verkauf von Tysabri in der Behandlung von Morbus Crohn auch positiv beeinflusst werden.

      Andere " wirksame" MS Medikamente :
      Gilenya zeigt aktuell fatale Nebenwirkungen ( Herzprobleme bei Ersteinnahme) und Novartis soll auf Anordnung der EMEA dieses Problem bis März 2012 ?? unter die Lupe nehmen - durch diese Tatsache scheint das „ Image“ von Gilenya zumindest angekratzt zu sein - entscheidend wird sein, was für Erkenntnisse aus den Untersuchungen herauskommen.

      BG12 ( von Biogen ) soll bei erfolgreichem Approval in der ersten Hälfte von 2013 auf den Markt kommen - ein Medikament , was sicherlich dazu beiträgt, MS Patienten helfen zu können – doch die Hauptbestandteile des Medikaments sind bereits für andere medizinische Indikation auf dem Markt, sollen aber gesundheitliche Probleme verursachen.( ca. 58% Abbruchquote bei Anwendung über mittelfristigem Zeitraum)

      Fazit: TYSABRI hat so ein enormes Potential, dass ELAN gute Zeiten entegensehen könnte – TIME WILL TELL ;)
      schrieb am 27.01.12 12:40:46
      Beitrag Nr. 22.664 ()

      ASCEND Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of TYSABRI® (natalizumab) as a Treatment for Secondary-Progressive Multiple Sclerosis

      WESTON, Mass. & DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Jan. 26, 2012-- Biogen Idec (NASDAQ: BIIB) and Elan Corporation, plc (NYSE: ELN) today announced a global Phase 3b study, ASCEND, that is being conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of TYSABRI as a treatment for secondary-progressive multiple sclerosis (SPMS). According to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, approximately half of all people initially diagnosed with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) - the most common form of multiple sclerosis (MS) - will transition to SPMS within 19 years.

      Patients with RRMS typically experience unpredictable relapses; the time between relapses is characterized by full or partial recovery and a lack of disease progression. SPMS is characterized by a steady progression of nerve damage, symptoms and disability, but the exact reasons for the progression are unknown. The potential for greater disease burden in SPMS typically includes decreased mobility, impaired activities of daily living, loss of independence and reduced quality of life.

      "There are limited treatment options available to people living with SPMS and there is a high unmet need for effective therapies,” said Aaron Miller, M.D., member of the ASCEND advisory board; Medical Director, Corinne Goldsmith Dickinson Center for Multiple Sclerosis; and Co-Director of the Multiple Sclerosis Care Center at Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn, New York. “The ASCEND trial is investigating whether treatment with TYSABRI may prevent worsening in walking, hand movement and daily functioning in these patients.”

      "One hypothesis behind the development of SPMS is that disease progression is a result of chronic inflammation in the brain tissue trapped behind the blood-brain-barrier. This causes destruction of the myelin sheath which protects the coating around nerve fibers, as well as the progressive loss of nerve cells, which can lead to disability in MS patients,” said Professor Richard Reynolds, Professor of Cellular Neuroscience, Imperial College, London; and Scientific Director of the UK Multiple Sclerosis Society Tissue Bank. “Preliminary data suggest that TYSABRI may hinder this inflammation in the brain and reduce SPMS-related disease progression; therefore, further investigation of this hypothesis is warranted."

      The ASCEND study is part of the ongoing commitment of both Biogen Idec and Elan to find ways to improve the well-being of patients with multiple sclerosis.

      About the ASCEND Study

      ASCEND (A Study to Characterize the Efficacy of Natalizumab on Disability in SPMS) is a double-blind, placebo-controlled study with SPMS patients being randomized to receive either TYSABRI 300 mg or placebo intravenously every four weeks for 96 weeks. A global study, ASCEND is expected to enroll approximately 850 patients in 15 countries.

      Study participants will be between the ages of 18 and 58, inclusive, with a diagnosis of SPMS for at least two years; an Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) score between 3.0 and 6.5, inclusive; MS Severity Score of 4 or higher; documented, confirmed evidence of disease progression, independent of clinical relapses during the one-year prior to enrollment; and naïve to TYSABRI treatment.

      The primary endpoint
      is to investigate whether treatment with TYSABRI slows the accumulation of disability not related to relapses in subjects with SPMS.

      Secondary endpoints are:

      The proportion of subjects with consistent improvement in Timed 25-foot Walk (T25FW);
      The change in subject-reported ambulatory status as measured by the 12-Item MS Walking Scale (MSWS-12);
      The change in manual ability based on the ABILHAND questionnaire;
      The impact of TYSABRI on subject-reported quality of life using the Multiple Sclerosis Impact Scale-29 Physical (MSIS-29 Physical);
      The change in whole brain volume between the end of study and week 24 using MRI; and
      The proportion of subjects experiencing progression of disability as measured by individual physical EDSS system scores.

      ASCEND is ongoing and actively enrolling patients. Patients interested in learning more about the study may speak with their physician or e-mail…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 27.01.12 17:42:05
      Beitrag Nr. 22.665 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.657.348 von bernie55 am 27.01.12 12:40:46Davy

      Jack Gorman

      FACTS: New study launched to investigate Tysabri as a potential treatment for secondary-progressive MS (SPMS).

      ANALYSIS: SPMS is a stage of MS which typically comes after relapsing remitting MS (RRMS) and involves a sustained build-up
      of disability, independent of any relapses. The Multiple Sclerosis Society estimates that approximately 65% of patients with
      relapsing-remitting forms of the disease will develop SPMS 15 years or more after being diagnosed. It is estimated to account
      for 20-25% MS patients globally. Treatment options are relatively limited currently; it has proved difficult in the past to
      demonstrate adequate efficacy in SPMS patients.
      ELN/BIIB's ASCEND study is a Phase3b trial that will enrol 850 patients across 15 countries and involve treatment duration of
      almost two years. Given the additional time it may take for enrolment and the subsequent data analysis and approval process,
      Tysabri could be indicated for this condition within 4-5 years.
      DAVY VIEW: SPMS could be a material revenue opportunity for Tysabri ($500m plus). It is a less crowded market than for
      RRMS but it is sufficiently related that today's sales and distribution infrastructure could be utilised in this field too.
      This longer-term potential is complemented by the current growth momentum in the product.

      BIIB will report FY results on January 31st and will include Q4 data on Tysabri.

      Our forecast is that patient numbers could have reached 65,200 by the end of 2011 (+15% year-on-year).…
      schrieb am 01.02.12 10:15:09
      Beitrag Nr. 22.666 ()

      Elan Corp (ELN US)

      Jack Gorman

      FACTS: BIIB reports Q4 and FY numbers (including Tysabri) on January 31st; Elan will report on February 8th.

      ANALYSIS: Group revenues are expected to decline in Q4 by 10% to $278.4m, due entirely to the divestment of the EDT
      division. Underlying sales growth is forecast at 20.8% and is driven by Tysabri.
      Global Tysabri revenues are forecast at $397m (+19.2%). This comprises a 15% increase in patient numbers to 65,200, the
      year-on-year effect of price increases taken through the year and increased patient compliance. Patient growth translates to a
      forecast net addition rate of 180/week, up quarter-on-quarter due to accelerated US take-up. We expect US numbers to
      continue to rebound to 90/week from the low of 15/week in last year's Q1. We forecast RoW additions to stay at 90/week, any
      uplift from a seasonally soft Q3 being offset by some choppiness as patients continue to discover their JCV-antibody status.
      Our forecast assumed a US$/euro rate of 1.40; applying the actual average rate of 1.35 knocks nearly $4m off forecast
      On adjusted EBITDA, material underlying growth is forecast – from $14.7m to $33.7m. That said, this represents a c.$10m
      decline on the like-for-like comparison in Q3 2011 as Elan continued to hold some of the costs base previously shared with
      EDT. Net interest charges will fall following the bond debt repayment, and a $47 debt retirement charge will be taken in the
      quarter. Adjusted EPS of 0c is forecast.
      Putting this in a FY context, our forecasts anticipate group revenues of $1253m including $1075m from the BioNeurology
      division (guidance “BioNeurology to exceed $1000m”). Adjusted EBITDA is forecast at $217m, with guidance “to exceed
      $200m”, and Tysabri global revenues are forecast at $1528m.
      Forecast gross debt at year end is $626m; this should be comfortably offset by the combination of gross cash of $400m and
      the value of its 25% stake in ALKS ($554m at end year). ALKS reports its Q3 results on February 2nd; it received a boost from
      receiving FDA approval for diabetes medication Bydureon late last week.

      DAVY VIEW: 2012 is set to be another significant year for Elan. Tysabri is well placed to build on its current $1.5bn run-rate as
      its more defined risk profile now allows it to target specific segments of the MS population (i.e. JCV-negative patients). A major
      pipeline milestone is also anticipated to occur mid-year when Bapineuzumab’s Phase III data are released.
      The stock has enjoyed its customary surge around year end (+39% since end November) and has now almost doubled in the
      last year. But our risk-adjusted SOTP is just over $16; this incorporates Tysabri (just over $10) and the Alzheimer’s pipeline
      (mostly Bapineuzumab) – so there could be a lot more to go this year.

      Elan hosts its conference call on February 8th at 13.30 GMT. Call + 1 212 271 4651 (inside the US, dial 1800 750 5849).…
      schrieb am 01.02.12 10:18:28
      Beitrag Nr. 22.667 ()

      Elan Announces Webcast of Fourth Quarter and Full-Year 2011 Financial Results

      DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Elan Corporation, plc (NYSE:ELN - News) announced today that it will host a conference call on Wednesday, February 8, 2012 at 8:30 a.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST), 1:30 p.m. Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) with the investment community to discuss Elan’s fourth quarter and full-year 2011 financial results, which will be released before the European and U.S. financial markets open.

      Live audio of the conference call will be simultaneously broadcast over the Internet and will be available to investors, members of the news media and the general public.

      This event can be accessed by visiting Elan’s website at and clicking on the Investor Relations section, then on the event icon. Following the live webcast, an archived version of the call will be available at the same URL.…
      schrieb am 02.02.12 09:57:43
      Beitrag Nr. 22.668 ()

      Elan to Present at the Leerink Swann 2012 Global Healthcare Conference

      DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Elan Corporation, plc (NYSE:ELN - News) announced today that it will present at the Leerink Swann 2012 Global Healthcare Conference on Wednesday February 15, 2012 at 2.00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time and 7.00 p.m. Greenwich Mean Time.

      Interested parties may access a live audio webcast of the presentation by visiting the Investor Relations section of the Elan website at, then clicking on the event icon. Following the live webcast, an archived version of the presentation will be available at the same URL.
      schrieb am 02.02.12 13:44:03
      Beitrag Nr. 22.669 ()
      danke Bernie;)
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 02.02.12 14:02:02
      Beitrag Nr. 22.670 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.687.319 von surga am 02.02.12 13:44:03danke danke Bernie--"NIE???":kiss:
      schrieb am 03.02.12 10:43:07
      Beitrag Nr. 22.671 ()
      Amyloid-related imaging abnormalities in patients with Alzheimer's disease treated with bapineuzumab: a retrospective analysis

      The Lancet Neurology, Early Online Publication, 3 February 2012

      Amyloid-related imaging abnormalities in patients with Alzheimer's disease treated with bapineuzumab: a retrospective analysis

      Dr Reisa Sperling MD a Corresponding AuthorEmail Address, Prof Stephen Salloway MD b, Prof David J Brooks MD c, Donatella Tampieri MD d, Jerome Barakos MD e, Prof Nick C Fox MD f, Prof Murray Raskind MD g, Marwan Sabbagh MD h, Lawrence S Honig MD i, Prof Anton P Porsteinsson MD j, Ivan Lieberburg MD k, H Michael Arrighi PhD l, Kristen A Morris MS l, Yuan Lu MS l, Enchi Liu PhD l, Keith M Gregg PhD l, H Robert Brashear MD l, Gene G Kinney PhD l, Ronald Black MD m, Michael Grundman MD l n

      Amyloid-related imaging abnormalities (ARIA) have been reported in patients with Alzheimer's disease treated with bapineuzumab, a humanised monoclonal antibody against amyloid β. ARIA include MRI signal abnormalities suggestive of vasogenic oedema and sulcal effusions (ARIA-E) and microhaemorrhages and haemosiderin deposits (ARIA-H). Our aim was to investigate the incidence of ARIA during treatment with bapineuzumab, and evaluate associated risk factors.


      Two neuroradiologists independently reviewed 2572 fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) MRI scans from 262 participants in two phase 2 studies of bapineuzumab and an open-label extension study. Readers were masked to the patient's treatment, APOE ɛ4 genotype, medical history, and demographics. Patients were included in risk analyses if they had no evidence of ARIA-E in their pre-treatment MRI, had received bapineuzumab, and had at least one MRI scan after treatment. We used Kaplan-Meier survival analysis to examine the distribution of incident ARIA-E from the start of bapineuzumab treatment and proportional hazards regression models to assess risk factors associated with ARIA.

      210 patients were included in the risk analyses. 36 patients (17%) developed ARIA-E during treatment with bapineuzumab; 15 of these ARIA-E cases (42%) had not been detected previously. 28 of these patients (78%) did not report associated symptoms. Adverse events, reported in eight symptomatic patients, included headache, confusion, and neuropsychiatric and gastrointestinal symptoms. Incident ARIA-H occurred in 17 of the patients with ARIA-E (47%), compared with seven of 177 (4%) patients without ARIA-E. 13 of the 15 patients in whom ARIA were detected in our study received additional treatment infusions while ARIA-E were present, without any associated symptoms. Occurrence of ARIA-E increased with bapineuzumab dose (hazard ratio [HR] 2·24 per 1 mg/kg increase in dose, 95% CI 1·40—3·62; p=0·0008) and presence of APOE ɛ4 alleles (HR 2·55 per allele, 95% CI 1·57—4·12; p=0·0001).

      ARIA consist of a spectrum of imaging findings with variable clinical correlates, and some patients with ARIA-E remain asymptomatic even if treatment is continued. The increased risk of ARIA among APOE ɛ4 carriers, its association with high bapineuzumab dose, and its timecourse in relation to dosing suggest an association between ARIA and alterations in vascular amyloid burden.

      Elan Corporation, Janssen Alzheimer Immunotherapy, Wyeth Pharmaceuticals, and Pfiz…
      schrieb am 03.02.12 12:06:36
      Beitrag Nr. 22.672 ()
      Zitat von surga: danke Bernie;)
      Zitat von Tebi: danke danke Bernie--"NIE???":kiss:

      ...bitte, bitte...;)
      schrieb am 03.02.12 12:19:43
      Beitrag Nr. 22.673 ()
      ..hier noch einmal Auszüge aus einem Interview mit Dennis Selkoe vom März 2011....

      Dennis Selkoe on the Amyloid Hypothesis of Alzheimer's Disease

      Special Topic of Alzheimer's Disease Interview, MARCH 2011

      You've been studying Alzheimer's for over 30 years, so let's start with the big question. What's your working hypothesis of disease causation circa 2011?

      My opinion is that there is an imbalance between the production and the removal of a small hydrophobic protein called amyloid beta that triggers the process we call Alzheimer's. I believe that imbalance arises from a lot of different, more fundamental causes. What I'm saying is that amyloid beta is both necessary and, at least in some cases, sufficient to cause Alzheimer's disease, but there are many other factors.

      If we had to choose one, and I think the clearest, path to treatment, it would be targeting amyloid beta rather than any of these other factors, including tau, which looks like it comes downstream in the Alzheimer's cascade. So to summarize, my opinion is that it's an imbalance of amyloid beta protein in the brain that triggers or precipitates Alzheimer's.

      I could go on and on, but I feel very comfortable with the notion that we should try to treat Alzheimer's by targeting and safely lowering the amyloid beta protein. And if you ask the question why our research is so highly cited, it's because we've been doing a lot of work over a long period of time, since the late 1970s, showing how amyloid beta is made and how "it does its dirty work," in a simplistic expression.
      schrieb am 08.02.12 08:36:37
      Beitrag Nr. 22.674 ()

      Elan Reports Fourth Quarter and Full-Year 2011 Financial Results

      Revenues ex-EDT up 19% over full-year 2010 to $1,068 million;
      Debt reduced by 51%
      Label updates advance Tysabri risk-stratification

      2012 Guidance: Revenues $1.2-1.25 billion; Adjusted EBITDA of at least $200 million


      Elan Corporation, plc today reported its fourth quarter and full-year 2011 financial results.

      “In 2011, Elan made substantial progress across all areas of the company,” said Mr. Kelly Martin, chief executive officer. “The strategic positioning of the underlying business post the sale of EDT to Alkermes further strengthened our fundamentals from a financial and risk point of view. In addition, the continued growth in Tysabri, along with the label updates allowing a more personalized approach to treatment, has enabled significant shareholder value creation to occur over this past year.”

      “As a company, our goals and focus have been consistent for many years. We continue to build and aspire to be the leading science-based neurology company in the world, supported by a business structure that incorporates a small and flexible operating infrastructure with the global advantages of an Irish headquartered business. Continued progress, investment and disciplined execution will ultimately provide us with the possibility of offering a broad array of therapeutic choices to patients, their families and clinicians, and will provide shareholders with a compelling investment thesis for both the short and long-term.”

      Mr. Nigel Clerkin, chief financial officer, went on to say, “2011 was a year of tremendous financial progress for Elan. We were pleased to have met or exceeded all of our financial guidance for the year, driven by a 23% increase in Tysabri in-market sales to $1.5 billion, along with continued cost discipline. The sale of EDT transformed our balance sheet, and enabled us to pay down more than half our debt, reducing our annual interest payments by close to $60 million.”

      Mr. Clerkin added, “For 2012, we expect to generate approximately $1.2 billion to $1.25 billion in revenues, with Adjusted EBITDA of greater than $200 million, a greater than 35% increase over the $146.7 million we achieved in 2011, excluding EDT.…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…
      schrieb am 09.02.12 11:41:36
      Beitrag Nr. 22.675 ()
      Elan's Tysabri on Track for Double-Digit 2012 Growth, but Upcoming Alzheimer's Data Adds Risk

      by Karen Andersen | 08 Feb 12

      We're maintaining our fair value estimate for Elan ELN following 2011 financials that were on par with our estimates and 2012 guidance that is at the low end of our own forecast. While the close of the sale of Elan's specialty pharmaceutical business has allowed the firm to improve its financial health, we have reservations about the potential of Elan's neurology portfolio beyond Tysabri, and we continue to see shares as overvalued. :confused:

      Tysabri sales grew 23% in 2011 to reach $1.5 billion, reflecting a 16% increase in volume, a foreign exchange benefit, and a boost from two large price increases in the U.S. in 2010 (unit growth in the U.S. in 2011 was 12%). Absent another large price increase, we think Tysabri can grow 13% in 2012, on par with the increase in the number of Tysabri patients in 2011. We think the new JC virus test will encourage MS patients to begin treatment with Tysabri, or switch from other less effective therapies, in the near term. However, with the potential approval of Biogen-Idec's BIIB oral MS drug BG-12 around the end of 2012, Tysabri demand will likely fall as this highly safe and effective new drug approaches the market, yielding lower (but still positive) Tysabri sales growth beyond 2012.

      With the $1 billion sale of its specialty pharmaceutical business to Alkermes ALKS ($500 million in cash and the remainder as a 25% equity interest in Alkermes), Elan has been able to cut its debt position in half, and the firm now has $625 million in debt on its books due October 2016. Given the profitability of Tysabri, this does buy the firm some time to find out if Alzheimer's drug candidate bapineuzumab succeeds in Phase III trials--data is expected in mid-2012. However, Elan will once again be contributing to bapi's R&D costs as of the second quarter, which we expect will make 2012 cash neutral for the firm. If bapi data is strong, the drug will no doubt become a blockbuster, and Elan will receive a quarter of the profits. However, based on mixed Phase II results and a pile of previous failures at other firms in this therapeutic area, we think it is more likely to fail than succeed.:confused:

      Karen AndersenKaren Andersen, CFA, is a senior stock analyst covering the biotech industry. Andersen joined Morningstar in 2005 after earning an MBA at Rice University as a Jones Scholar, where she simultaneously served as senior health-care analyst for the MA Wright Fund. She has scientific research experience in both academia (at Rice University and the University of Queensland in Australia) and industry (at Lexicon Genetics and a subsidiary of Genzyme). Andersen graduated magna cum laude with a B.A. in biochemistry from Rice University. She is a member of the Phi Beta Kappa Society and has been a CFA charterholder since 2009.…
      schrieb am 09.02.12 13:40:36
      Beitrag Nr. 22.676 ()
      RBC info
      FEBRUARY 8, 2012
      Elan Corporation (NYSE: ELN)
      Q4 Mostly In-Line; Tysabri Guidance Conservative,
      Expense Guidance Nicely Lower
      Speculative Risk
      Price: 13.67
      Shares O/S (MM): 594.2
      Dividend: 0.00
      Price Target: 15.00
      Implied All-In Return: 10%
      Market Cap (MM): 8,123
      Yield: 0.0%
      Q4 was in-line excluding one-time charges; conf call 830am ET 1-800-750-5849.
      Investment Opinion
      • We reiterate our Outperform based on continued investor anticipation of
      potential positive bapinezumab data in H2:12 but also multiple various
      scenarios for Bapi and ELN longer-term that can play out. This includes: 1) a
      potential CEO transition in mid or H2:12 that would force strategic alternatives
      for their assets; 2) Phase III Bapi data misses primary endpoint but has
      potential positive signals of efficacy in mild patients, which leads to more
      studies or even a potential FDA filing based on subset or biomarker data
      (giving some minor hope of approval); 3) ELN could sell its 25% stake to JNJ
      for $500M–1B and monetize the asset for shareholders. 4) ELN could sell its
      50% stake in Tysabri to BIIB for $8–9B or $14–15/share, etc. These scenarios
      are further explained on page 2.
      • ELN Q4 revs were $271M vs cons $273M and EPS ($0.23) vs our ($0.11)
      and cons (0.03). This was in-line though excluding $22M in one-time
      charges. Guidance is for revs $1.20-1.25B and we are $1.24B and consensus
      $1.25B with the primary adjustment for us is only trending lower share of
      booked share of EU Tysabri revs (possible slightly expense spend etc for JCV
      marketing ie higher true-up expenses). ELN reminded of higher R&D for their
      share of Bapi funding starting Q2. However, overall expenses guidance of
      $420-440M SGA/R&D was actually LOWER than we estimated of $466M
      which means "core" corporate expenses are going down which is positive. We
      lowered down to $435M. EBITDA guidance is "at least $200M" which was
      higher than our $175M.
      • Tysabri metrics long-term solid. US sales were $196M and ex-US sales
      $183M ($14M reserve taken against ex-US sales). Our 2012 Tysabri is $1.74B
      and above cons $1.71B and our peak is $2.5B vs cons $2.0B. Long-term our
      doc checks support solid trends in net patient Tysabri adds suggesting the JCV
      assay is driving higher utilization and building market opportunity. ELN's
      guidance is for $2B in Tysabri revenue for ELN's portion by 2016, which
      implies greater than $3B end-user WW, significantly higher than consensus.
      Priced as of prior trading day's market close, EST (unless otherwise noted).
      125 WEEKS 25SEP09 - 07FEB12
      SO N
      D J F M A M J J A S O N
      D J F M A M J J A S O N
      D J F
      HI-03FEB12 14.40
      LO/HI DIFF 238.88%
      CLOSE 13.67
      LO-03SEP10 4.25
      PEAK VOL. 55820.0
      VOLUME 3453.0
      Rel. S&P 500 HI-30DEC11 158.48
      LO/HI DIFF 168.16%
      CLOSE 147.19
      LO-03SEP10 59.10
      RBC Capital Markets, LLC
      Michael J. Yee (Analyst)
      (415) 633-8522;
      Jason Kantor (Analyst)
      (415) 633-8565;
      Charmaine Chan (Associate)
      (415) 633-8621;
      Adnan Butt (Associate Analyst)
      (415) 633-8588;
      Roz Sweeney (Associate)
      (415) 633-8620;
      FY Dec 2010A 2011A 2012E 2013E
      Revenue (MM) 1,169.6 1,246.0 1,244.6 1,408.0
      Prev. 1,248.3 1,253.3 1,427.4
      EPS (Op) - FD (0.53) 1.03 0.09 0.20
      Prev. 1.07 0.05 0.23
      P/E NM 13.3x NM 68.4x
      Revenue (MM) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
      2010 311.0A 269.0A 281.0A 308.9A
      2011 313.0A 333.5A 328.5A 271.0A
      Prev. 273.3E
      2012 286.6E 302.3E 320.8E 335.0E
      Prev. 288.6E 304.3E 323.0E 337.3E
      EPS (Op) - FD
      2010 0.00A (0.36)A (0.07)A (0.09)A
      2011 0.12A (0.08)A 1.13A (0.23)A
      Prev. (0.11)E
      2012 0.01E 0.02E 0.02E 0.03E
      Prev. 0.00E 0.00E 0.04E
      All values in USD unless otherwise noted.
      For Required Conflicts Disclosures, see Page 8.
      Q4:11 Results and Our Thoughts
      • ELN Q4 revs were $271M vs cons $273M and EPS ($0.23) vs our ($0.11) and cons (0.03). This was in-line though excluding $22M
      in one-time charges ($9M severance, $4M asset impairment, ad $9M facilities charge).
      • Guidance is for revs $1.20-1.25B and we are $1.24B and consensus $1.25B with the primary adjustment for us is only trending
      lower share of booked share of EU Tysabri revs (possible slightly expense spend etc for JCV marketing ie higher true-up expenses).
      • ELN reminded of higher R&D for their share of Bapi funding starting Q2. There is $58M left of $500M expenses paid by JNJ and
      $69M of that $500M was spent in Q4:11. We note that ELN may be called upon to contribute 50% of bapineuzumab development
      R&D cost when the remaining funding runs out around Q2:12. We estimate that ELN's 50% share of funding will be less than
      $100M next year.
      We still think ELN should eventually sell its 25% stake back to JNJ and maintain a CVR or royalty since JNJ/PFE are likely
      to continue to invest in mild patients or other subgroups
      • However, overall expenses guidance of $420-440M SGA/R&D was LOWER than we estimated of $466M which means "core"
      corporate expenses are going down which is positive. We lowered down to $435M. Debt continues to decrease now to $625M from
      Tysabri end user was $380M vs cons $406M. Tysabri revenue geographical breakdown was $196M US (flat Q/Q) and $183M
      ex-US (down vs $195M last Q, due to a $14M accrual reserve relating to discounts in Italian affiliate; excluding the charge, it
      would have been up 1% Q/Q). We believe the Tysabri net patient adds are in-line with our expectations as US should continue
      to improve while EU will be flat to down (but still net adds) as JCV testing continues to ramp.
      • ELN ended 2011 with $625M in 2016 notes and has $271M in cash on the balance sheet plus roughly $500M in stock from its
      ALKS position on its balance sheet.
      • ELN currently owns 31.9M shares and can start selling 13M shares in ALKS starting 3/15/12, and an additional 10M in June, and
      the rest by September 2012. This fits into the timeline of a monetization of assets in 2012–2013.
      schrieb am 09.02.12 13:45:20
      Beitrag Nr. 22.677 ()
      Press Release
      Printer Friendly Version
      08 February 2012
      Elan Reports Fourth Quarter and Full-Year 2011 Financial Results

      Revenues ex-EDT up 19% over full-year 2010 to $1,068 million; Debt reduced by 51%
      Label updates advance Tysabri risk-stratification
      2012 Guidance: Revenues $1.2-1.25 billion; Adjusted EBITDA of at least $200 million

      DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Feb. 8, 2012-- Elan Corporation, plc today reported its fourth quarter and full-year 2011 financial results.

      “In 2011, Elan made substantial progress across all areas of the company,” said Mr. Kelly Martin, chief executive officer. “The strategic positioning of the underlying business post the sale of EDT to Alkermes further strengthened our fundamentals from a financial and risk point of view. In addition, the continued growth in Tysabri, along with the label updates allowing a more personalized approach to treatment, has enabled significant shareholder value creation to occur over this past year.”

      “As a company, our goals and focus have been consistent for many years. We continue to build and aspire to be the leading science-based neurology company in the world, supported by a business structure that incorporates a small and flexible operating infrastructure with the global advantages of an Irish headquartered business. Continued progress, investment and disciplined execution will ultimately provide us with the possibility of offering a broad array of therapeutic choices to patients, their families and clinicians, and will provide shareholders with a compelling investment thesis for both the short and long-term.”

      Mr. Nigel Clerkin, chief financial officer, went on to say, “2011 was a year of tremendous financial progress for Elan. We were pleased to have met or exceeded all of our financial guidance for the year, driven by a 23% increase in Tysabri in-market sales to $1.5 billion, along with continued cost discipline. The sale of EDT transformed our balance sheet, and enabled us to pay down more than half our debt, reducing our annual interest payments by close to $60 million.”

      Mr. Clerkin added, “For 2012, we expect to generate approximately $1.2 billion to $1.25 billion in revenues, with Adjusted EBITDA of greater than $200 million, a greater than 35% increase over the $146.7 million we achieved in 2011, excluding EDT.
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 09.02.12 17:15:28
      Beitrag Nr. 22.678 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.725.146 von Tebi am 09.02.12 13:45:20oh nein, gute Zahlen.

      der Kurs geht runter.


      (unser Baby ist schon so eine Marke, ...)
      schrieb am 17.02.12 22:00:21
      Beitrag Nr. 22.679 ()
      Here's What George Soros Has Been Buying and Selling
      By Selena Maranjian, The Motley Fool Posted 1:39PM 02/17/12 Investing
      1 Comments Text Size A A A

      Every quarter, fund managers have to disclose what they've bought and sold. Their latest moves can shine a bright light on smart stock picks.

      Today, let's look at investing giant George Soros. Soros is known to some folks these days for his politics and philanthropy, but his fame stems from his wealth, which is a result of his outstanding investing prowess. He founded Soros Fund Management back in 1973, and under its umbrella the Quantum funds racked up an amazing record, reportedly averaging close to 20% annual growth over four decades.

      Soros' stock portfolio totaled $4.6 billion in value as of Dec. 31, 2011, down 21% over last quarter. His top three holdings, representing more than 30% of the portfolio's total value, are Motorola Solutions, InterOil, and the agricultural company Adecoagro.

      Interesting developments
      So what does Mr. Soros' latest 13F filing tell us? Well, for one thing, he's concentrating his holdings much more, having completely sold out of several hundred stocks and ending up with about 145.

      Here are a few more interesting details:

      Among Soros' new holdings is MELA Sciences (NAS: MELA) , which reflects Soros' willingness to buy into very tiny companies. With a market cap recently around $100 million, it's the kind of company that Warren Buffett would typically pass up, deeming it too small to make a difference in a multibillion-dollar portfolio. MELA fans are excited about its melanoma detection device, which seems to be getting close to FDA approval.

      Chinese search engine (NAS: BIDU) got a lot more support from Soros, as the number of its shares held soared 170%. It's still a small holding for the Soros portfolio, but the increase seems to have been wise, as the company recently posted fourth-quarter revenue up 83% over year-ago levels and earnings up 77%. Interestingly, competitor Google is looking to expand in China, while is looking outside it.

      Among the holdings that Soros trimmed was biotech concern Elan (NYS: ELN) , which saw its share count drop by 22%. The stock recently took a hit as it posted disappointing revenue, bigger-than-expected losses, and shrinking margins. Still, long-term investors are quite bullish on the prospects for its multiple-sclerosis drug Tysabri, thinking it could be a big blockbuster.
      schrieb am 01.03.12 13:17:25
      Beitrag Nr. 22.680 ()
      Obama Accelerates Race for Alzheimer's Cure

      By Amanda Alix | More Articles
      February 29, 2012 | Comments (0)

      President Obama introduced his initiative to speed up the pace of research into viable treatments for Alzheimer's disease by pledging a total of $156 million in funding over the next two years. The bulk of the money, $130 million, will go to research for drugs to prevent and treat the disease, while another $26 million will be earmarked for caregiver support and public education about the disorder.

      Part of the National Alzheimer's Project Act passed in January of last year, the initiative notes the heavy toll that the disease is taking on an aging U.S. population -- over 5 million Americans are estimated to have the disease, and experts fear that number could triple by 2050. Medical costs associated with Alzheimer's patients' care looms large, with experts calculating these at about $183 billion last year; totals could reach $1 trillion by 2050.

      Since Obama envisions this project as a public-private partnership, some lucky pharmaceutical companies stand to benefit from this new initiative. Reasonably, companies with Alzheimer's drugs already in the pipeline or ready for testing stand to reap the greatest rewards. The only problem is that it's a been-there, done-that scenario with Alzheimer's drug research, with much effort and money producing only a handful of mediocre treatments. Unfortunately, spectacular fails seem to be the norm in this arena.

      Many misses, no real hits
      Time and again, promising research turned into a collection of almost-useless data as drugs that incited hope in the battle against Alzheimer's stumbled in clinical trials. Two of the most disappointing were Eli Lilly's (NYSE: LLY ) drug semagacestat, which made it through Phase III clinical trials only to find that it actually worsened the condition; and Dimebon, a Pfizer (NYSE: PFE ) and Medivation (Nasdaq: MDVN ) joint venture that eventually was proved ineffective during Phase III. Many lesser drugs have seen their research quietly discontinued, as a list on the Alzheimer's Research Forum clearly shows.

      Alas, the four therapies currently on the market do little to control or postpone the disease for long. Three of the drugs, galantamine, rivastigmine, and donepezil are cholinesterase inhibitors, which help accentuate the effectiveness of waning amounts of acetylcholine in Alzheimer's patients' brains. Memantine is a glutamate regulator, since excessive amounts of this chemical can cause brain-cell death.

      Meantime, two drugs currently under construction could be on the market by next year, if clinical trials currently finishing up produce the desired results. The drugs, solanezumab, a product of Eli Lilly, and bapineuzumab, made by Pfizer in partnership with Johnson & Johnson and Elan (NYSE: ELN ) , show much promise and could conceivably be in use by early 2013 by making use of the accelerated approval process promised by Obama's Alzheimer's initiative. Experts feel that the latter drug has the most promise, but either or both could garner their manufacturers a very lucrative payout once they clear all regulatory hurdles. Another drug, Gammagard, is currently in Phase III trials set to end next year. If all goes well, Baxter International (NYSE: BAX ) , the drug's maker, could see market share by 2015.

      This Fool's Take

      Although any successful Alzheimer's treatment will raise its parent company's fortunes, the biggest winners here would be Eli Lilly, who owns solanezumab in its entirely, then Pfizer, who owns half of bapineuzumab. Coming in third would be Johnson & Johnson and Elan, each of whom have a one-quarter stake in bapineuzumab, but Elan is a much smaller company so that 25% stake could actually move the biotech's shares the most. None of these drugs promise to cure Alzheimer's, but the hope is that they will be capable of postponing symptoms of moderately-affected individuals for longer than current treatments. But that's a whole lot of patients that could conceivably be helped by these treatments. If all goes well, these companies may well have the next group of blockbuster drugs on their hands.…
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 01.03.12 13:23:09
      Beitrag Nr. 22.681 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.833.062 von bernie55 am 01.03.12 13:17:25Elan earlier provided update on CEO succession; Kelln Martin, CEO, would have successfully completed his commitment and overall duty as CEO by May 1, 2012

      Elan Chairman Provides Update on CEO Succession…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…
      schrieb am 01.03.12 13:25:32
      Beitrag Nr. 22.682 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.833.062 von bernie55 am 01.03.12 13:17:25
      Elan Keeps Pilot in Place

      March 1, 2012, 10:43 AM GMT
      By Sten Stovall

      Elan has heeded the maritime adage of not changing pilot while approaching harbor, asking its long-serving chief executive Kelly Martin to stay at the helm until key data on Alzheimer drug bapineuzumab arrives in mid-2012, results that could either transform the Irish biotech’s fortunes or dash hopes of a huge windfall.

      Kelly Martin, who has guided Elan since January 2003, was to have stepped down in May but has agreed to stay until the publication of Phase 3 data on bapineuzumab, an experimental treatment being developed by Pfizer Inc. and Johnson & Johnson.

      If the trials are a success, the therapy is expected to become a blockbuster with revenues of at least $1 billion, of which Elan will get a 25% share.

      “25% of the profitability of this research platform for Alzheimer’s, should any success occur, would be financially very, very powerful,” Mr. Martin said.

      “Alzheimer’s affects 20 million to 30 million people and there is currently no disease modifying therapy so it’s very important for patients and very important for science, and it’s very important from the Elan’s board’s perspective that as we go through this — whatever the outcome is — that keeping me in the pilot seat for a few more months to see it through to the journey’s end is important.”

      That’s because a successful drug would hugely enhance Elan’s profitability, while failure in the trials would throw the biotech back on relying on blockbuster drug for treating multiple sclerosis, Tysabri, which it sells with U.S.-based partner Biogen Idec Inc.

      Meanwhile, Elan has identified a narrow field of candidates from which to choose Mr. Martin’s successor.

      “We have a short list of three to four exceptionally talented people, but who the best choice will be best is made when we know what we’re working with,” Mr. Martin explained. That will first be known when the bapineuzumab trial data is released by J&J and Pfizer.

      A former investment banker, Mr. Martin has overseen big changes at Elan, including the recent sale of its drug technology unit EDT to U.S.-based Alkermes Inc., allowing Elan to just focus on neuroscience.

      Elan’s decision to keep Mr. Martin’s at the wheel makes sense, as he knows the company, its people, the science and its inherent value–the latter point being key should the biotech eventually become a takeover target.

      “Obviously the outcome from the bapineuzumab trials from a value perspective could be very significant and that inflection point could make us either more or less attractive strategically so this outcome will have an impact on what the future value of the company looks like and what other companies think of us — positive, neutral or negative,” Mr. Martin said.…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…
      schrieb am 13.03.12 19:22:32
      Beitrag Nr. 22.683 ()
      Elan Raises $381 Million in Sale of 76% of Alkermes Holding


      Elan Corporation, plc (NYSE: ELN - News) today raised approximately $381 million in net proceeds from the sale of 76% (24.15 million ordinary shares) of its shareholding in Alkermes plc (NASDAQ: ALKS - News), net of underwriter fees. These proceeds further strengthen Elan’s cash balances and capital structure.

      In September 2011, when Elan combined its Elan Drug Technology (EDT) business with Alkermes Inc, Elan received $500 million in cash and 31.9 million ordinary shares in the newly created Alkermes plc. Following today's transaction, Elan continues to own 7.75 million Alkermes plc ordinary shares, which are subject to legal and contractual transfer restrictions.…
      schrieb am 14.03.12 12:34:45
      Beitrag Nr. 22.684 ()
      Scotland SAYS NO TO GILENYA.
      Safety concerns and " it did not consider the drug to be “value for money” for the NHS in Scotland."

      First pill for treating MS sufferers is also turned down

      By SHÂN ROSS
      Published on Tuesday 13 March 2012 01:17

      THE Scottish Medicines Consortium (SMC) yesterday rejected recommending the prescribing of the first oral pill for sufferers of multiple sclerosis in Scotland.

      The SMC said that, while the manufacturers of Fingolimod, had provided evidence about it helping to reduce relapse rates, they had not compared it with another drug commonly used in Scotland.

      It added that evidence showed that starting treatment with Fingolimod could cause a short-term decrease in heart rate and swelling of the centre of the retina inside the eye, and that about half the patients developed infections.
      The SMC concluded that it did not consider the drug to be “value for money” for the NHS in Scotland.

      Novartis launched Fingolimod in the UK in April 2011, but the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) recommended in December that Fingolimod was not a cost effective treatment for the NHS in England and Wales to provide.

      Fingolimod works by acting on certain types of white blood cells (lymphocytes) which are involved in the immune attack that characterises MS, which results in the destruction of myelin, the substance covering and protecting nerves in the central nervous system.

      It effectively reduces the number of lymphocytes circulating in the blood, resulting in reduced immune attack on nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord.

      In addition, there is evidence that Fingolimod may have a direct effect on nerve cell damage and enhance re-myelination

      In March last year, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) approved Fingolimod as a second-line treatment to be used if people continue to have relapses or if their relapse rate has increased despite a year’s treatment with one of the first line drugs.

      It can also be used with people with rapidly evolving severe relapsing remitting MS – two or more relapses a year.

      Scotland has one of the highest rates of MS in the world, with 10,500 diagnosed cases. The debilitating disease attacks the central nervous system, with current treatment consisting of intermuscular injections or infusion therapy.

      Last night, Dr Belinda Weller, a consultant neurologist who took part in clinical trials, said: “Today’s decision is very disappointing, as we’ve waited a long time for the first pill to treat this disabling condition effectively.”

      Novartis has asked the SMC for further clarification.…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…
      schrieb am 16.03.12 13:11:54
      Beitrag Nr. 22.685 ()
      March 16, 2012 7:25 AM EDT
      ELN Hot Sheet
      Rating Summary:
      4 Buy, 2 Hold, 0 Sell

      Jefferies reiterated its Buy rating and $20 price target on Elan Corp (NYSE: ELN).

      The analyst comments, "ELN should now start to move in front of the bapineuzumab P3 data (we guess July). We find Tysabri alone worth $12-16, supporting our "buy bapi for free" call. We find few who think bapi will succeed, suggesting there is little in the stock. We project a 75% chance for FDA approval (which doesn't necessarily mean we think both trials will hit both co-primary endpoints)."

      Jefferies is hosting a call today at 10AM to elaborate.

      For an analyst ratings summary and ratings history on Elan Corp click here. For more ratings news on Elan Corp click here.

      Shares of Elan Corp closed at $13.79 yesterday, with a 52 week range of $6.14-$14.40.

      schrieb am 16.03.12 23:06:02
      Beitrag Nr. 22.686 ()
      Hallo Zusammen,

      das ist ja mal wieder ein schöner Wochenverlauf.

      3 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 21.03.12 10:58:57
      Beitrag Nr. 22.687 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.916.900 von Poppholz am 16.03.12 23:06:02der Wochenverlauf sieht gut aus und die Unterstützung bei $14,50 wirkt stabil:

      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 21.03.12 16:34:29
      Beitrag Nr. 22.688 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.934.026 von Poppholz am 21.03.12 10:58:57...stimmt---Du meinst unsere Altersvorsorge hat noch Chancen...???!!!Keine Altersarmut für Elan-Aktionäre...:cool:---nette Grüße!
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 23.03.12 12:32:19
      Beitrag Nr. 22.689 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.936.258 von Tebi am 21.03.12 16:34:29Buy, Sell, or Hold: Elan

      By Selena Maranjian | More Articles
      March 22, 2012 | Comments (0)

      When considering any stock for your portfolio, don't be swayed by just the positives. Examine its pros and cons, and decide whether its possible upside outweighs its risks. Let's look at Elan (NYSE: ELN ) today and see why you might want to buy, sell, or hold it.

      Founded in 1969 and based in Ireland, Elan is a biotech company focusing on neuroscience and primarily targeting Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and multiple sclerosis.


      Elan is appealing for many reasons. Like other biotech companies, it's developing treatments to fight diseases, and its successes will both better the world and enrich its shareholders. But unlike many biotechs, it actually has an approved, and profitable, treatment on the market.

      Tysabri primarily treats MS, and not only is it on the market, but it's also reached "blockbuster" status, with sales topping $1 billion. That helped Elan report a net gain for 2011, versus a net loss in earlier years. Tysabri sales have been growing at a good clip as well, recently rising 23%.

      In collaboration with Biogen Idec (Nasdaq: BIIB ) , Elan is addressing Tysabri for Crohn's disease as well. Its pipeline features Alzheimer's treatments such as ELND005, which has completed its phase 2 trials, and bapineuzumab, with Johnson & Johnson (NYSE: JNJ ) , a rather deep-pocketed partner, in phase 3 trials. Other drugs in development target diabetes, cancer, bipolar disorder, and Parkinson's.

      Many bulls like the company's strategic thinking. In 2011, it sold its extended-release drug-delivery technology to Alkermes (Nasdaq: ALKS ) . That helped Elan focus more on its drug development and also provided a significant inflow of cash, which can be used to pay down debt. The deal included a lot of stock in Alkermes shares, and that stock has risen about 30% over the past year, serving Elan well. (Elan plans to sell off the shares over time, generating further inflows -- it recently sold 76% of its shares, netting $381 million.)

      Also auspicious is that President Obama has pledged to boost spending on Alzheimer's research considerably.

      Finally, you might like Elan for its resilience. Its Tysabri hit a roadblock a few years ago, when it was discovered that some patients were developing a rare and potentially lethal brain infection. Its scope of use was thus narrowed. But things are looking brighter for the drug (and patients) now, as it has been approved for wider use among those who have been tested to see whether they have a lower risk of developing the condition.


      Of course, investing in Elan is not a surefire road to riches. Its upsides are accompanied by downsides. The boost in spending on Alzheimer's research is a plus, of course, but so far a lot of money has been spent developing treatments for the disease with relatively meager results. In fact, the history of some would-be treatments for the disease serves as a good reminder of how risky biotech companies can be: Eli Lilly (NYSE: LLY ) , for example, got its semagacestat drug all the way to phase 3 trials but then discovered that it made patients worse, not better. Yikes. That's not the only example, either.

      You might also want to avoid Elan if you're not sufficiently impressed with its financials. Its revenue growth has recently been slowing, free cash flow is negative, and gross margins have shrunk some. (Many other measures look good, though. Net margins are up, as are returns on equity and invested capital.)


      You might also just want to wait. You could wait for Elan to have more successes emerge from phase 3 trials. You could wait for it to post more quarters or years of net gains instead of losses, establishing more reliability. You could wait to see whether Elan emerges as an Alzheimer's powerhouse.

      Or, you might just decide that the benefits outweigh the risks.…
      schrieb am 10.04.12 17:03:07
      Beitrag Nr. 22.690 ()
      TA: The time is upon us
      This current downturn in the PPS will likely be the last downturn before the Bap results are out.
      As such, it's time to do any final planning or fine tuning of any Eln stock and/or options position.

      We do not know exactly what month and what week the results will show up in the public domain.

      And, just as importantly, we don't know whether these results will come in during regular trading hours or
      if they will show up very early on a Monday morning or after hours on a Friday night.

      Many, if not all of us, have seen first hand what happens when the Pros are given free rein during those hours that are outside of the "normal" trading day. Retailers have almost no recourse to rejiggering their portfolios when these herds are in full gallop. A Eln PPS that can run $5 in either direction almost instantly is nothing shy of a tsunami .

      The only real question that remains is:
      "Where do you want to be when it happens?"

      Comments on current PPS-
      1. As this downturn clearly illustrates, $15 is an important level (big 4 yr long-term gap just above and yr long trend line off of the last 4 highs)
      2. This downturn has now gone under the middle Bollinger Band . In the 4 instances of previous behavior that are similar to this, the PPS has then descended to the lower B Band ( now just above 13) in 3 out of the 4.
      3. Duration of this down cycle- Again. previous history suggest that this downturn will consume an additional 8 to 15 trading days.
      4. The next cycle up, estimated to begin in late April, will be notable for how the $15 level gets dealt with. As previously noted, the PPS will have to break $15 with sufficient gusto to carry it over $15.75. At that point one heck of a lot of interest in Eln will be showing up.

      Whatever needs doing in an Eln portfolio, now might be the optimum time to get it done.
      schrieb am 25.04.12 11:20:12
      Beitrag Nr. 22.691 ()
      Elan Announces Webcast of First Quarter 2012 Financial Results


      Elan Corporation, plc (NYSE: ELN - News) announced today that it will host a conference call on Thursday, April 26, 2012 at 8:30 a.m. Eastern Time (ET), 1:30 p.m. British Summer Time (BST) with the investment community to discuss Elan’s first quarter 2012 financial results, which will be released before the European and U.S. financial markets open.

      Live audio of the conference call will be simultaneously broadcast over the Internet and will be available to investors, members of the news media and the general public.

      This event can be accessed by visiting Elan’s website at and clicking on the Investor Relations section, then on the event icon. Following the live webcast, an archived version of the call will be available at the same URL.…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…
      6 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 25.04.12 11:23:20
      Beitrag Nr. 22.692 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.085.323 von bernie55 am 25.04.12 11:20:12Bapineuzumab Carrier Trial now listed as "Completed"…
      schrieb am 26.04.12 14:01:24
      Beitrag Nr. 22.693 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.085.323 von bernie55 am 25.04.12 11:20:12dann sind wir doch mal gespannt.

      4 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 26.04.12 14:50:03
      Beitrag Nr. 22.694 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.091.438 von Poppholz am 26.04.12 14:01:24Heute Quartalsergebnisse--hat jmd schon etwas gehört...muss mal IV lesen..
      schrieb am 26.04.12 14:55:09
      Beitrag Nr. 22.695 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.091.438 von Poppholz am 26.04.12 14:01:24Davys
      Elan Corp (ELN US)
      Price: $14.15 Rating: Outperform Issued: 30/06/09
      Good start to the year; FY guidance reiterated; Tysabri patient growth accelerating
      Jack Gorman
      FACTS: In its Q1 results (April 26th), Elan reports sales +16.7% to $288.4m, adjusted EBITDA +31.1% to $46.3m and Tysabri
      global revenues +14.2% to $399m.
      ANALYSIS: The results are a little ahead of our forecasts: by 2% at the revenue line and 6% in adjusted EBITDA.
      Tysabri growth also trended a tad higher than expected, with Q1 global revenues reaching $399m or $2m ahead of forecast.
      By region, US revenues totalled $201m and grew by 18.3% year-on-year (yoy). RoW revenues advanced by 10.3% yoy to
      Commercial patient numbers grew by 3% quarter-on-quarter and 13% yoy to 65,900. This was in line with forecast. It looks
      like the rate of patient additions, based on four-quarter averages, is accelerating for the first time since the end of 2009
      (though we note some small revisions to previous-period data that we will need to double-check).
      Elsewhere, the P&L is much as expected, save for a $13.3m once-off cost relating to the loss on disposal of the ALKS stake
      (mostly related to the transaction costs). Janssen AI has also exhausted the $500m provided by J&J for operational losses and as
      such ELN will contribute from the second quarter onwards, up to a maximum of $200m in aggregate. This will be reflected in
      higher losses at the equity method investment line in future quarters. There was no update on Bapineuzumab timelines, as
      ELN ended the quarter with a net cash position of $202m, including the c.$135m remaining stake in ALKS which is now
      classified as an available-for-sale investment.
      DAVY VIEW: ELN has made a good start to the year. Full-year guidance has been reiterated, for revenues of $1.2-1.25bn and
      adjusted EBITDA "exceeding $200m". We are also comfortable with our $210m EBITDA forecast in light of today's out-turn.
      Tysabri momentum is accelerating. This may represent the first signal that the potential of more defined patient profiling is
      being realised. Combined with a strong balance sheet, this is an attractive combination, especially with pipeline data on
      Bapineuzumab due mid-year.
      Company summary and analysis
      schrieb am 26.04.12 14:58:47
      Beitrag Nr. 22.696 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.091.438 von Poppholz am 26.04.12 14:01:24…
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 26.04.12 20:03:12
      Beitrag Nr. 22.697 ()

      -- Preliminary Results from TYNERGY Study Measure Impact of TYSABRI on MS-related Fatigue;

      Data from Observational TOP Study Evaluate Long-term Safety and Efficacy in Clinical Setting

      -- Updates to the First Risk Stratification Algorithm That Uses Safety Biomarker to Inform Treatment Decisions in MS --…
      schrieb am 26.04.12 23:51:37
      Beitrag Nr. 22.698 ()

      Interessant--er -chief von johnson + johnson -sagt er ist "excited" in longer term für BAP-----klingt will Bap auf den Markt bringen...
      schrieb am 26.04.12 23:56:22
      Beitrag Nr. 22.699 ()
      "Long-term, we are PARTICULARLY EXCITED about Bapineuzemab." This was 2:13 into the interview.
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 27.04.12 09:00:45
      Beitrag Nr. 22.700 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.094.807 von Tebi am 26.04.12 23:56:22Elan to Present at Deutsche Bank 37th Annual Healthcare Conference


      Elan Corporation, plc (NYSE: ELN - News) announced today that it will present at the Deutsche Bank 37th Annual Healthcare Conference on Tuesday, May 8, 2012 at 10.40 a.m. Eastern Standard Time, 3:40pm Greenwich Mean Time.

      Interested parties may access a live audio webcast of the presentation by visiting the Investor Relations section of the Elan website …, then clicking on the event icon. Following the live webcast, an archived version of the presentation will be available at the same URL.…
      schrieb am 27.04.12 09:04:57
      Beitrag Nr. 22.701 ()
      Zitat von Poppholz: dann sind wir doch mal gespannt.


      ....... und wenn der Chief von J&J sagt "Long-term, we are PARTICULARLY EXCITED about Bapineuzemab."........

      .......dann sollten wir noch "gespannter" sein.......
      schrieb am 27.04.12 17:36:49
      Beitrag Nr. 22.702 ()
      Analysten-Bewertung - 27.04.12

      Elan-Aktie: neutral

      Paris (

      Vincent Meunier, John Aldersley, Florent Cespedes und Nicolas Guyon-Gellin, Analysten der Exane BNP Paribas, stufen die Aktie von Elan weiterhin mit dem Rating "neutral".

      Das Kursziel werde unverändert bei 10 EUR :p gesehen. (Analyse vom 26.04.2012) (27.04.2012/ac/a/a)

      Quelle: Exane BNP Paribas
      schrieb am 27.04.12 17:42:23
      Beitrag Nr. 22.703 ()
      Genf (

      Olav Zilian, Analyst von Helvea, bewertet die Aktie von Elan unverändert mit dem Rating "neutral".

      Das Kursziel sehe man bei 7,80 EUR. :p

      Analyse vom 27.04.2012

      Quelle: Helvea

      ....sehr interessante ANALyse .........aktuell steht der Kurs von ELAN bei 10,45 € und dann wird ELAN auf neutral eingestuft mit Kursziel 7,80 €.....

      ..ich glaub`die ANALysten haben wirklich nicht alle Tassen im Schrank....
      schrieb am 27.04.12 18:54:02
      Beitrag Nr. 22.704 ()
      Ja, so viel Dummheit ist unfassbar.
      Beruf verfehlt, und seine Chefs scheinen ebenso dumm zu sein, sonst hätte es wohl Konsequencen gegeben.:rolleyes:
      schrieb am 28.04.12 15:17:07
      Beitrag Nr. 22.705 ()
      Irish Times
      Elan feels bullish over anchor product

      FIRST-QUARTER results produced by Ireland’s largest indigenous biotech business, Elan, on Thursday were universally welcomed as strong.

      Tysabri, the blockbuster therapy for multiple sclerosis that remains its anchor product, is firmly building on its original promise. Revenue growth in the quarter came to 14 per cent, and the company was uncharacteristically bullish in asserting that the drug is now on course to drive group-wide revenue growth of 15 per cent per year over the next three to five years.

      Elan reported that there had been a patchy initial reaction to the news of its assay test – which gives considerable comfort to those testing negative for the JC virus in avoiding the drug’s most dangerous side effect – as medical practitioners and patients digested its import.

      However, sales, especially in America, appear to have accelerated through the quarter, and Elan said these were now running at an annualised level of $1.6 billion.

      More than 7,500 patients were added during the quarter, and Elan has already reported that every 10,000 equates with $100 million on its bottom line.

      Data presented to the American Academy of Neurology annual meeting, also on Thursday, supports the earlier findings on the JC virus test and also show the drug is even better than previously expected over a longer time frame (four years) in reducing relapses.

      Elan was the outperformer of the Irish stock market index last year. More news along these lines – especially positive feedback from the all-important Phase III trials on the bapineuzumab Alzheimer’s therapy it is developing with Johnson Johnson and Pfizer – will be the drivers of further revenue growth and shareholder return.
      schrieb am 10.05.12 19:30:14
      Beitrag Nr. 22.706 ()
      :keks: FDA issues alert on potential dangers of unproven treatment for multiple sclerosis :keks:

      The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is alerting health care professionals and patients about injuries and death associated with the use of an experimental procedure sometimes called “liberation therapy” or the “liberation procedure” to treat chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency (CCSVI).

      Some researchers believe that CCSVI, which is characterized by a narrowing (stenosis) of veins in the neck and chest, may cause multiple sclerosis (MS) or may contribute to the progression of the disease by impairing blood drainage from the brain and upper spinal cord. However, studies exploring a link between MS and CCSVI are inconclusive, and the criteria used to diagnose CCSVI have not been adequately established.

      “Because there is no reliable evidence from controlled clinical trials that this procedure is effective in treating MS, FDA encourages rigorously-conducted, properly-targeted research to evaluate the relationship between CCSVI and MS,” said William Maisel, M.D., M.P.H., chief scientist and deputy director for science in the FDA’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health. “Patients are encouraged to discuss the potential risks and benefits of this procedure with a neurologist or other physician who is familiar with MS and CCSVI, including the CCSVI procedures and their outcomes.”

      The experimental procedure uses balloon angioplasty devices or stents to widen narrowed veins in the chest and neck. However, the FDA has learned of death, stroke, detachment and migration of the stents, damage to the treated vein, blood clots, cranial nerve damage and abdominal bleeding associated with the experimental procedure. Balloon angioplasty devices and stents have not been approved by the FDA for use in treating CCSVI.

      MS is a progressive, immune-mediated disorder of the brain and spinal cord. In MS, the lining around nerve fibers, and often the nerve fibers themselves, in the brain and spinal cord are injured, resulting in significant and disabling neurological symptoms. The underlying cause of MS is not known.

      Complications following CCSVI treatment can be reported through MedWatch, the FDA Safety Information and Adverse Event Reporting program.

      The FDA also is notifying physicians and clinical investigators who are planning or conducting clinical trials using medical devices to treat CCSVI that they must comply with FDA regulations for investigational devices. Any procedures conducted are considered significant risk clinical studies and require FDA approval, called an investigational device exemption.

      In February 2012, the FDA sent a warning letter to a sponsor/investigator who was conducting a clinical study of CCSVI treatment without the necessary approval. The sponsor/investigator voluntarily closed the study.

      The FDA will continue to monitor reports of adverse events associated with “liberation therapy” or the “liberation procedure” and keep the public informed as new safety information becomes available.

      For more information:

      Medical Device Safety

      The FDA, an agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, protects the public health by assuring the safety, effectiveness, and security of human and veterinary drugs, vaccines and other biological products for human use, and medical devices. The agency also is responsible for the safety and security of our nation’s food supply, cosmetics, dietary supplements, products that give off electronic radiation, and for regulating tobacco products.…
      schrieb am 10.05.12 22:01:56
      Beitrag Nr. 22.707 ()

      Do the available data demonstrate that the potential benefits of lorcaserin outweigh the potential risks when used long-term in a population of overweight and obese individuals?

      a)If you voted ‘Yes’ to question #5, please provide your rationale and comment on the need for and approach to patient monitoring and risk management.
      b)If you voted ‘No’ to question #5, please provide your rationale and comment on what additional preclinical or clinical information should be required to potentially support approval.
      schrieb am 10.05.12 22:04:26
      Beitrag Nr. 22.708 ()
      GUUUT---Commitee YES!!18ja,4 Nein-supi---schade dass ich nicht so viele wie Elanies hab...DANKE BERNIE!!
      schrieb am 14.05.12 11:38:22
      Beitrag Nr. 22.709 ()
      Zitat von bernie55: (VOTING)

      ...uuuppss....sssorryyyy....ich habe wohl vor lauter " Anspannung" die VOTINGfrage für ARNA ins falsche Board gemailt....

      schrieb am 15.05.12 21:31:50
      Beitrag Nr. 22.710 ()
      Elan Corp (ELN) Up on Positive FDA Alzheimer's Disease Comments

      Analysts at Jefferies noted today that an NIH sponsored Alzheimer's Disease Summit in Bethesda Monday afternoon, the head of the FDA Neurology Division, Dr. Rusty Katz, stated that the FDA would be willing to approve an AD drug with a "single outcome measure" -- as long as it's clinically meaningful.

      "This is a sharp departure from previous statements where the hurdle was much higher," the analyst notes. "This seems to reflect pressure on the agency and the urgency to approve something for AD," the also commented.

      The firm maintained their Buy rating and $20 price target on Elan.

      For an analyst ratings summary and ratings history on Elan Corp click here.…
      schrieb am 15.05.12 22:42:56
      Beitrag Nr. 22.711 ()
      Msg 501448 of 501468 at 5/15/2012 3:19:28 PM by


      More "Color"
      Key Takeaway
      At an NIH sponsored Alzheimer's Disease Summit in Bethesda this afternoon, the head of the FDA Neurology Division, Dr. Rusty Katz, stated that the FDA would be willing to approve an AD drug with a "single outcome measure" -- as long as it's clinically meaningful. This is a sharp departure from previous statements where the hurdle was much higher. This seems to reflect pressure on the agency and the urgency to approve something for AD.

      NIH Summit. Much of Monday's NIH Summit was dedicated to accelerating the process of bringing new treatments for Alzheimer's Disease to market given the fact that it's been 8 years since the last approval and there have been 10 late-stage drug failures in the last 10 years. The most relevant presentation was given by the head of the FDA division that will review bapineuzumab (and solanezumab). Although none of what Dr. Katz said is binding, it signals that the FDA is willing to bend its usually ultra-rigorous rules if there was a clear evidence of a drug effect, and is a noticeable departure from similar talks we have heard him give in previous years.

      Dr. Katz on a Single Endpoint? Previous FDA presentations have stated that a disease modifying AD drug needs to have one cognitive and one functional ("global") measure as co-primary endpoints and that several biomarkers were also desirable. Today's presentation stated that FDA is open to "the use of a single outcome measure". Dr. Katz cited CDR-SB as an example of an endpoint that contained both elements of cognition and global function. We don't take that to mean anything specific other than an example where they would approve something that didn't formally hit both its prespecified coprimary endpoints.

      Katz on Biomarkers. Dr. Katz offered a reminder that the law allows FDA to approve a drug on the basis of an unvalidated biomarker alone as long as the biomarker is "reasonably likely to predict clinical benefit". He went on to say that the definition is somewhat loose but suggested that even though no AD biomarker has yet been clinically validated, a trial with one clinical outcome that correlated to a biomarker, would become internally validated. We think brain scans (PET imaging or MRI's measuring brain volume) or CSF phosphorylated tau are the most promising types of biomarkers.

      Katz on Pre-Alzheimer's Disease. Overall at the summit, there was a tremendous amount of discussion of treating earlier in the progression of the disease. This has been a huge focus among thought leaders for the last year -- yet was virtually nowhere back in 2007 when the Phase 3 bapi studies were started. The concept of approving a drug like bapi on the basis of a prespecified subgroup analysis for the mild (excluding the moderate) patients in the current Phase 3's did not come up, but there would always be the issues associated with the proper patient selection for the trial, in our opinion. Katz stated that the FDA would be willing to approve a drug on the basis of "time to endpoint" -- the first time we have heard this. But this was in reference to pre-Alzheimer's Disease, or Prodromal AD. Indeed there is a P3 trial with the SubQ bapi that is ready to begin pending the outcome from the current P3's, which utilizes time to progression. Although not yet disclosed, we take this to mean that the P2 bapi SubQ trials were successful.

      Katz on Safety. in response to a concern that an AD drug might be used to treat individuals that might not have been properly diagnosed with AD, Dr. Katz said the statement that it "needs to be as safe as water is not true....if we had a useful drug, we'd be willing to accept a fair amount of risk - even if it meant exposing a fair number of 'normal' individuals." We take this to mean the FDA is very willing to work with sponsors and would have a reasonably high tolerance to the known ARIA side effect of bapi.
      schrieb am 16.05.12 08:42:39
      Beitrag Nr. 22.712 ()
      Zitat von bernie55: Elan Corp (ELN) Up on Positive FDA Alzheimer's Disease Comments

      Analysts at Jefferies noted today that an NIH sponsored Alzheimer's Disease Summit in Bethesda Monday afternoon, the head of the FDA Neurology Division, Dr. Rusty Katz, stated that the FDA would be willing to approve an AD drug with a "single outcome measure" -- as long as it's clinically meaningful.

      "This is a sharp departure from previous statements where the hurdle was much higher," the analyst notes. "This seems to reflect pressure on the agency and the urgency to approve something for AD," the also commented.…


      Die Chancen einer möglichen Zulassung von BAP erhöhen sich durch dieses statement sicherlich... muss "lediglich" ein Endpunkt im Versuch erreicht werden, vorausgesetzt, dieser ist klinisch gesehen bedeutungsvoll bzw. aussagekräftig genug.....und das hoffen wir doch mal....;)

      ...der gestrige Anstieg ( + 5,86 %)mit erhöhtem Volumen ( 5,465,539 ) ist wohl damit zu erklären....oder auch nicht:D
      schrieb am 22.05.12 12:24:37
      Beitrag Nr. 22.713 ()
      Billionaire Soros' Q1 High Conviction Buys In 2 Growth Stocks, Other Buys And Sells

      May 18, 2012

      New York-based Soros Fund Management LLC, founded by George Soros in 1969 with legendary investor Jim Rogers, manages over $24 billion, including $6.84 billion in 13-F assets per its latest Q1 filing this week, on Tuesday.

      The following are additional stocks that Soros is bullish about, accumulating shares in them in Q1 2012 (see Table):

      Elan Plc Adr (ELN), an Ireland-based worldwide specialty pharmaceutical company focused on the discovery, development and marketing of therapeutic products and services in neurology, acute care and pain management and on the development and commercialization of products using its extensive range of proprietary drug delivery technologies, in which it added $46 million in Q1 to its $5 million prior quarter position;…
      schrieb am 26.05.12 14:33:32
      Beitrag Nr. 22.714 ()
      Über 8% rauf und kein einziger Pusher unterwegs.
      Sehr angenees Umfeld.
      schrieb am 27.05.12 11:24:26
      Beitrag Nr. 22.715 ()
      Gerüchte haben den Kurs von ELAN weiter in Richtung Norden getrieben...

      Friday 12:49 PM Elan

      (ELN +8,42%)

      shares see notable strength following positive comments on the potential of the company's Alzheimer's drug Bapineuzumab:

      The FDA is signalling "they will be very reasonable about getting something to patients that has a modicum of benefit," Chairman Robert Ingram says.

      Also goosing shares is mention of ELN as a takeover target: "If an offer comes, we can't ignore it..."
      schrieb am 27.05.12 23:12:28
      Beitrag Nr. 22.716 ()
      Hi Bernie + Poppi + WIRD was ja immerhin die

      Altersversicherung für uns arme kleine Selbsständige...schöne

      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 29.05.12 12:38:39
      Beitrag Nr. 22.717 ()
      Zitat von Tebi: Hi Bernie + Poppi + WIRD was werden.....

      ....time will tell..;)
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 29.05.12 12:40:19
      Beitrag Nr. 22.718 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.216.322 von Tebi am 27.05.12 23:12:28Elan to Present at Jefferies 2012 Global Healthcare Conference


      Elan Corporation, plc (ELN) announced today that it will present at the Jefferies 2012 Global Healthcare Conference on Monday, June 4th at 9:30am Eastern Daylight Time (EDT), 2:30pm British Summer Time (BST).

      Interested parties may access a live audio webcast of the presentation by visiting the Investor Relations section of the Elan website at , then clicking on the event icon. Following the live webcast, an archived version of the presentation will be available at the same URL.…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…
      schrieb am 29.05.12 14:38:06
      Beitrag Nr. 22.719 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.220.518 von bernie55 am 29.05.12 12:38:39... an Ausdauer hat es uns nie gemangelt.

      schrieb am 29.05.12 17:03:49
      Beitrag Nr. 22.720 ()
      Zitat von Poppholz: ... an Ausdauer hat es uns nie gemangelt.


      schrieb am 31.05.12 15:16:10
      Beitrag Nr. 22.721 ()
      Elan downgraded to Neutral from Buy at UBS

      UBS downgraded Elan based on valuation and believes Bapineuzumab's economic potential may be lower than expected.…
      schrieb am 31.05.12 15:17:16
      Beitrag Nr. 22.722 ()

      ..schon beginnen die ersten Störfeuer seitens der BIGS vor einer möglichen Zula von BAP....

      ...aber wie war das noch mal, Poppie : " an Ausdauer hat es uns nie gemangelt".....;)

      schrieb am 01.06.12 14:07:16
      Beitrag Nr. 22.723 ()
      Auszüge aus:

      Big Bets on MS

      By Brian Orelli
      May 31, 2012

      Stratifying risk
      Biogen and Elan's (NYSE: ELN ) Tysabri works better than the older medications, but it has a distinct disadvantage: the potential for an often-fatal brain infection called progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, or PML.

      Tysabri doesn't cause PML directly. That honor goes to the JC virus. Tysabri just helps the normally harmless virus do its dirty work. While keeping the immune system from attacking the patient's own cells, Tysabri also discourages the immune system from attacking the JC virus.

      The JC virus is present in about half of patients. If it isn't floating around dormant in the body, it can't cause PML. So Biogen and Elan developed an assay to detect the JC virus. The assay has only been on the market for a short time, but it seems to be helping the companies capture patients earlier in their disease progression, which should help increase sales.

      Best bet
      I think the two best plays on the multiple sclerosis market are Elan and Acorda.

      I like the potential that Tysabri has as the companies stratify the risk for patients. Elan is more dependent on Tysabri than Biogen, which makes it more risky -- but potentially more lucrative. Elan has an upcoming data release for its Alzheimer's drug bapineuzumab, so the company could be a bad-news buy if that data comes up negative.

      Acorda looks promising if it can keep the current sales trajectory and Biogen can push into the EU. With Acorda essentially completely dependent on Ampyra -- it has another drug, but it doesn't amount to much -- the company is a big bet on MS.…
      schrieb am 02.06.12 10:10:20
      Beitrag Nr. 22.724 ()
      Alzheimer's Protein Structure Suggests New Treatment Directions

      ScienceDaily (May 31, 2012) — The molecular structure of a protein involved in Alzheimer's disease -- and the surprising discovery that it binds cholesterol -- could lead to new therapeutics for the disease, Vanderbilt University investigators report in the June 1 issue of the journalScience.

      Charles Sanders, Ph.D., professor of Biochemistry, and colleagues in the Center for Structural Biology determined the structure of part of the amyloid precursor protein (APP) -- the source of amyloid-beta, which is believed to trigger Alzheimer's disease. Amyloid-beta clumps together into oligomers that kill neurons, causing dementia and memory loss. The amyloid-beta oligomers eventually form plaques in the brain -- one of the hallmarks of the disease.

      "Anything that lowers amyloid-beta production should help prevent, or possibly treat, Alzheimer's disease," Sanders said.

      Amyloid-beta production requires two "cuts" of the APP protein. The first cut, by the enzyme beta-secretase, generates the C99 protein, which is then cut by gamma-secretase to release amyloid-beta. The Vanderbilt researchers used nuclear magnetic resonance and electron paragmagnetic resonance spectroscopy to determine the structure of C99, which has one membrane-spanning region.

      They were surprised to discover what appeared to be a "binding" domain in the protein. Based on previously reported evidence that cholesterol promotes Alzheimer's disease, they suspected that cholesterol might be the binding partner. The researchers used a model membrane system called "bicelles" (that Sanders developed as a postdoctoral fellow) to demonstrate that C99 binds cholesterol.

      "It has long been thought that cholesterol somehow promotes Alzheimer's disease, but the mechanisms haven't been clear," Sanders said. "Cholesterol binding to APP and its C99 fragment is probably one of the ways it makes the disease more likely."
      Sanders and his team propose that cholesterol binding moves APP to special regions of the cell membrane called "lipid rafts," which contain "cliques of molecules that like to hang out together," he said.

      Beta- and gamma-secretase are part of the lipid raft clique.

      "We think that when APP doesn't have cholesterol around, it doesn't care what part of the membrane it's in," Sanders said. "But when it binds cholesterol, that drives it to lipid rafts, where these 'bad' secretases are waiting to clip it and produce amyloid-beta."

      The findings suggest a new therapeutic strategy to reduce amyloid-beta production, he said.

      "If you could develop a drug that blocks cholesterol from binding to APP, then you would keep the protein from going to lipid rafts. Instead it would be cleaved by alpha-secretase -- a 'good' secretase that isn't in rafts and doesn't generate amyloid-beta."

      Drugs that inhibit beta- or gamma-secretase -- to directly limit amyloid-beta production -- have been developed and tested, but they have toxic side effects. A drug that blocks cholesterol binding to APP may be more specific and effective in reducing amyloid-beta levels and in preventing, or treating, Alzheimer's disease.

      The C99 structure had some other interesting details, Sanders said.

      The membrane domain of C99 is curved, which was unexpected but fits perfectly into the predicted active site of gamma-secretase. Also, a certain sequence of amino acids (GXXXG) that usually promotes membrane protein dimerization (two of the same proteins interacting with each other) turned out to be central to the cholesterol-binding domain. This is a completely new function for GXXXG motifs, Sanders said.

      "This revealing new information on the structure of the amyloid precursor protein and its interaction with cholesterol is a perfect example of the power of team science," said Janna Wehrle, Ph.D., who oversees grants focused on the biophysical properties of proteins at the National Institutes of Health's National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS), which partially funded the work. "The researchers at Vanderbilt brought together biological and medical insight, cutting-edge physical techniques and powerful instruments, each providing a valuable tool for piecing together the puzzle."

      "When we were developing bicelles 20 years ago, no one was saying, 'someday these things are going to lead to discoveries in Alzheimer's disease,'" he said. "It was interesting basic science research that is now paying off."

      The Vanderbilt team included lead authors Paul Barrett and Yuanli Song, Ph.D., as well as Wade Van Horn, Ph.D., Eric Hustedt, Ph.D., Johanna Schafer, Arina Hadziselimovic and Andrew Beel. The research was supported by grants from NIGMS (GM080513) and the Alzheimer's Association…

      schrieb am 07.06.12 16:21:39
      Beitrag Nr. 22.725 ()
      Stock Analysts’ Ratings Reiterations for June, 5th (AAPL, ABT, BIG, CIEN, CRM, EAT, ELN, LM, MOLX, MR)
      Posted by D Jiang on Jun 5th, 2012

      Stock Analysts’ ratings reiterations for Tuesday, June 5th:

      Apple, Inc (NASDAQ: AAPL) had its “overweight” rating re-affirmed by analysts at Piper Jaffray. They now have a $910.00 price target on the stock.

      Abbott Laboratories (NYSE: ABT) had its “buy (n/a)” rating re-affirmed by analysts at Jefferies Group.

      Big Lots, Inc. (NYSE: BIG) had its “neutral” rating re-affirmed by analysts at Zacks. They now have a $39.00 price target on the stock.

      Ciena Corp. (NASDAQ: CIEN) had its “neutral” rating re-affirmed by analysts at Zacks. They now have a $13.00 price target on the stock. (NYSE: CRM) had its “buy (n/a)” rating re-affirmed by analysts at UBS AG. (NYSE: CRM) had its “buy (n/a)” rating re-affirmed by analysts at Goldman Sachs.

      Brinker International, Inc. (NYSE: EAT) had its “neutral” rating re-affirmed by analysts at Zacks. They now have a $32.00 price target on the stock.

      Elan Corp. (NYSE: ELN) had its “buy (n/a)” rating re-affirmed by analysts at Jefferies Group.

      Legg Mason, Inc. (NYSE: LM) had its “neutral” rating re-affirmed by analysts at Zacks. They now have a $25.00 price target on the stock.

      Molex Inc (NASDAQ: MOLX) had its “neutral” rating re-affirmed by analysts at Zacks. They now have a $23.00 price target on the stock.

      Mindray Medical International Limited (NYSE: MR) had its “neutral” rating re-affirmed by analysts at Zacks. They now have a $30.00 price target on the stock.

      Obagi Medical Products, Inc. (NASDAQ: OMPI) had its “buy” rating re-affirmed by analysts at Cantor Fitzgerald.

      Starbucks (NASDAQ: SBUX) had its “buy” rating re-affirmed by analysts at UBS AG.

      Sirona Dental (NASDAQ: SIRO) had its “buy” rating re-affirmed by analysts at Cantor Fitzgerald. They noted that the move was a valuation call.

      Texas Instruments (NYSE: TXN) had its “neutral” rating re-affirmed by analysts at Nomura.

      Vulcan Materials Company (NYSE: VMC) had its “neutral” rating re-affirmed by analysts at Zacks. They now have a $34.00 price target on the stock.

      DENTSPLY International Inc. (NASDAQ: XRAY) had its “neutral” rating re-affirmed by analysts at Zacks. They now have a $38.00 price target on the stock.

      Stay on top of stock analysts' coverage with our daily email newsletter that provides a concise summary of analysts' upgrades, downgrades and price target changes. Click here to register.…
      3 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 07.06.12 17:05:34
      Beitrag Nr. 22.726 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.260.731 von Poppholz am 07.06.12 16:21:39oh nein, Kaufrating bestätigt.

      Das der Kurs dann runter geht ist ja klar.
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 07.06.12 20:12:20
      Beitrag Nr. 22.727 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.260.928 von Poppholz am 07.06.12 17:05:34RBC says Elan 's Alzheimer treatment could yield mixed data

      After conducting channel checks, RBC Capital believes that Elan (ELN) may issue data on its Alzheimer treatment in July or August.

      The firm's base case is that the treatment likely won't meet the primary endpoint of the study. However, the firm thinks that the results could be mixed. Specifically, the treatment may yield statistically significant results on one of the cognitive endpoints, and show a statistically significant reduction of a physical symptom of the disease.

      If the company does report mixed results, the stock could trade in a range of $12-$15, RBC believes.

      With very positive and clean Alzheimer drug data, RBC thinks Elan shares could top $25. In addition, the firm thinks that the FDA would be more likely to approve the treatment than most investors believe if the study yields mixed results.

      In mid-morning trading, Elan fell 0.67% to $13.38.…
      schrieb am 07.06.12 22:34:19
      Beitrag Nr. 22.728 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.260.928 von Poppholz am 07.06.12 17:05:34...ja Poppi-das kennen wir ja noch---lieben Gruß in die Runde!;)
      schrieb am 20.06.12 16:44:24
      Beitrag Nr. 22.729 ()
      Research on Valeant Pharmaceuticals International Inc. and Elan Corp. plc - Drug Delivery Companies Looking Strong

      JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA--(Marketwire -06/20/12)- offers free research on Valeant Pharmaceuticals International Inc. (VRX) and Elan Corp. plc (ELN) from the Drug Delivery industry. Access these reports by clicking on the links below or by copy and pasting those to your address bar.

      Companies in the drug delivery industry such as Valeant Pharmaceuticals International Inc. and Elan Corp. Plc. could be well positioned for growth. The ageing population in the developed world and the fast growing middle-classes in emerging markets promise to boost demand and provide ample room for expansion.

      Elsewhere in the industry, Elan Corp. recently announced that in a joint project with Biogen Idec it has developed a risk stratification algorithm to help MS patients to better comprehend and evaluate their particular risks and benefits potential when considering using TYSABRI as a treatment for relapsing forms of the illness. Register now to have free access to our report on Elan Corp. plc, and to do so please click the link below.…
      schrieb am 21.06.12 10:23:35
      Beitrag Nr. 22.730 ()
      Press Releases
      Where Opportunity Is Found - Research & Analysis on Elan Corporation, plc (ADR) and Forest Laboratories, Inc.
      20 Jun 2012 WDM Group PR Network
      HONG KONG--(Marketwire - Jun 20, 2012) - This morning, announced new reports highlighting Elan Corporation, plc (ADR) (NYSE: ELN) and Forest Laboratories, Inc. (NYSE: FRX). Free research downloads are available at

      With markets in correction mode, investors are looking to quantify an accurate model, weighing positives and negatives of the months ahead. Upcoming negative pressures include China's slowdown, the European recession, the end of the Fed's Operation Twist stimulus program, continued geopolitical risks, election uncertainty, and potential 2013 budget bombshell of tax hikes and spending cuts. Meanwhile, positive offsets are driven by central banks (particularly China) cutting rather than hiking rates, deceleration in fuel and food prices, increase in consumer sentiment and resulting retail sales, signs of improvement in housing sales and new strength in auto production schedules.

      Despite the current situation, our team continues to identify high momentum situations with growth potential -- there remains strong opportunity within careful discretion.

      Market Foundations is releasing new coverage on Elan Corporation, plc (ADR) for its current position within the healthcare industry. Elan Corporation, plc (Elan) is a neuroscience-based biotechnology company. Elan is focused on discovering and developing advanced therapies in neurodegenerative and autoimmune diseases. The full research report on Elan Corporation, plc (ADR) (NYSE: ELN) is available here:

      Market Foundations has released research on Forest Laboratories, Inc. for its changing role within the healthcare industry. Forest Laboratories, Inc. (Forest) develops, manufactures and sells branded forms of ethical drug products. The Company also focuses on the development and introduction of new products, including products developed in collaboration with licensing partners. The full research report on Forest Laboratories, Inc. (NYSE: FRX) is available here:

      About Market Foundations
      By providing members with financial information services, we provide the foundation investors need to build investing intelligence. The difference between consistently making good investments or bad investments is nothing more than the right information at the right time.…
      schrieb am 27.06.12 10:16:08
      Beitrag Nr. 22.731 ()
      Guten Morgen.
      Könnte jemand nochmal den Chart der Heimatbörse reinstellen?
      Wenn möglich, Realtime?
      Vielen Dank im Voraus ...:)
      5 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 27.06.12 16:45:02
      Beitrag Nr. 22.732 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.324.826 von rotie1 am 27.06.12 10:16:08Heimatbörse ist doch uninteressant---hier spielt die Musik.....Elan ist heute hochgestuft worden und Kursziel 22$....
      schrieb am 27.06.12 22:24:25
      Beitrag Nr. 22.733 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.324.826 von rotie1 am 27.06.12 10:16:08hier auch mit Bild:

      wie schon von meiner lieben Vorschreiberin erwähnt ist die Heimatbörse nur am mitlaufen.

      3 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 27.06.12 22:40:28
      Beitrag Nr. 22.734 ()
      Zitat von Tebi: ...Elan ist heute hochgestuft worden und Kursziel 22$....

      Von wem ??
      Wo hast du die Empfehlung gefunden ??
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 27.06.12 22:51:53
      Beitrag Nr. 22.735 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.328.633 von bernie55 am 27.06.12 22:40:28kann ja auch eigentlich gar nicht sein, da der Kurs dann ja gefallen wäre.

      schrieb am 27.06.12 23:02:05
      Beitrag Nr. 22.736 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.328.633 von bernie55 am 27.06.12 22:40:28
      Schaeffer's Trading Floor Blog
      print Print
      Analyst Upgrades: ELN, RVBD, and ZNGA
      Analysts upwardly revised their ratings on Elan, Riverbed Technology, and Zynga
      by Elizabeth Harrow 6/27/2012 9:07 AM

      Analysts are weighing in today on Irish biotech stock Elan Corporation, plc (NYSE:ELN - 14.40), wide-area network specialist Riverbed Technology, Inc. (NASDAQ:RVBD - 15.49), and social gaming company Zynga Inc. (NASDAQ:ZNGA - 5.76). Here's a quick roundup of today's bullish brokerage notes.

      Berenberg raised its price target on ELN to $22 from $15.50 and backed its "buy" rating, helping the stock to a pre-market gain of 2.5%. The shares are up 26.6% over the past 52 weeks, with ELN propelled higher by support at its 10-month moving average. Despite the long-term outperformance, ELN hasn't attracted too much bullish attention; only four analysts currently follow the stock, and half of those maintain middling "hold" ratings.
      schrieb am 28.06.12 11:04:31
      Beitrag Nr. 22.737 ()
      Zitat von Poppholz: kann ja auch eigentlich gar nicht sein, da der Kurs dann ja gefallen wäre.

      :laugh: gibt immer wieder Ausnahmen,auch bei ELAN....;)
      schrieb am 28.06.12 13:16:27
      Beitrag Nr. 22.738 ()
      Danke für den Chart ...
      Ach ja, Heimatbörse ist ja in Irland. Der Chart aus Irland ist wohl überflüssig.:rolleyes:
      schrieb am 29.06.12 10:14:02
      Beitrag Nr. 22.739 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.328.571 von Poppholz am 27.06.12 22:24:25über einen längeren Zeitraum macht der Chart auch viel Spass:

      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 29.06.12 10:16:13
      Beitrag Nr. 22.740 ()
      schrieb am 29.06.12 10:43:08
      Beitrag Nr. 22.741 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.334.649 von Poppholz am 29.06.12 10:14:02da fällt mir das berühmte LINEAL wieder ein.

      Man, man, man, ist das alles schon lange her.

      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 03.07.12 07:30:33
      Beitrag Nr. 22.742 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.334.815 von Poppholz am 29.06.12 10:43:08hätte ich mal meinen Mund gehalten.

      Seit dem fällt unser Baby wieder.

      (ob hier jemand mitliest, der daraus seine Kauf- und Verkaufsentscheidung trifft?)

      schrieb am 03.07.12 09:24:23
      Beitrag Nr. 22.743 ()
      Poppholz, du machst ja Sachen.
      wohin geht den die Reise bei Elan deiner Meinung nach?
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 03.07.12 15:11:23
      Beitrag Nr. 22.744 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.346.085 von noa9090 am 03.07.12 09:24:23ich gehe von Kursen über $25,- aus.

      Dies haben wir in der Vergangenheit auch schon gesehen.

      Allerdings hoffe ich diesmal auf einen langesameren Anstieg und hoffentlich ohne "gewohnten" Absturz:

      Einfaches Einfügen von wallstreetONLINE Charts: So funktionierts.
      schrieb am 04.07.12 12:57:34
      Beitrag Nr. 22.745 ()
      .....mal wieder " wat zum lesen "....;)

      The Race To Cure Multiple Sclerosis
      July 4, 2012…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…
      schrieb am 04.07.12 17:08:39
      Beitrag Nr. 22.746 ()
      WKN 903801 ELAN 14,13 USD entspricht ca. 11,25 €

      aktuell in Frankfurt

      :eek: Geld 11,725 :eek:
      Brief 11,90

      Zeit 04.07.1217:05:58

      Geld Stk. 1800
      Brief Stk. 1700
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 04.07.12 17:15:24
      Beitrag Nr. 22.747 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.352.496 von bernie55 am 04.07.12 17:08:39Kann da Jemand nicht rechnen oder weiss er was??:cool:
      schrieb am 05.07.12 08:35:22
      Beitrag Nr. 22.748 ()
      Zitat von Tebi: Kann da Jemand nicht rechnen oder weiss er was??:cool:

      ..bei WKN 871331 steht der Kurs bei Geld: 11,22 €

      ..bei WKNr.903801

      Geld 11,712
      Brief 11,887

      Zeit 05.07.12
      Geld Stk. 900
      Brief Stk. 900

      ............entweder scheint der Computer devisenmäßig falsch eingestellt zu sein oder es ist die " Unruhe " vor dem Flug in Richtung Norden...;)
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 05.07.12 11:07:30
      Beitrag Nr. 22.749 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.354.306 von bernie55 am 05.07.12 08:35:22das erinnert mich auch wieder stark an die früheren Zeiten.

      Damals gab es auch immer den Unterschied im Preis.

      Es gibt halt nur Unterschiede bei den Mitbestimmungsrechten, aber die sind für uns wohl eher nebensächlich.

      (es sei denn, dass sich die PBB-Companie zusammen findet)
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 05.07.12 11:22:01
      Beitrag Nr. 22.750 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.354.966 von Poppholz am 05.07.12 11:07:30übrigens wird drüben in USA bereits $14,70 zu $14,77 getacktet.

      Bei einem Kurs von 1,25 sind dies schon €11,76

      schrieb am 05.07.12 11:29:39
      Beitrag Nr. 22.751 ()
      Zitat von Poppholz: übrigens wird drüben in USA bereits $14,70 zu $14,77 getacktet.

      Bei einem Kurs von 1,25 sind dies schon €11,76


      ..vielleicht geht es jetzt los mit dem "UP vor dem BAP ":D
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 05.07.12 11:40:34
      Beitrag Nr. 22.752 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.355.068 von bernie55 am 05.07.12 11:29:39das wäre schon schön.

      Zumal wir seit Monaten besser da stehen als noch zu Zeiten wo wir Kurse von über $25,- hatten.

      schrieb am 05.07.12 13:17:17
      Beitrag Nr. 22.753 ()
      by NoBuddyNoz Investorvillage

      Re: On Bapi - (liposghost)

      You had a go in your message so excuse me if this response isn’t exactly kind.

      We know that removing plaque as Bapi does, (a general but totally accurate term used by the scientists and everyone who isn’t attempting to be an idiot and appear a lot smarter than they’ve proved they are), does not recover neuron damage where that damage is advanced. Take that out of the equation altogether. That’s what the Elan scientists referred to although now being misquoted.

      We also suspect that the damage has been accumulating for decades before Bapi is administered so that also limits our expectation.

      We are attempting to answer a few questions with these trials if you exclude safety.

      1. Will bapi prevent or slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease if given to the patient in time? If the answer is yes then this is certainly one of the greatest medical breakthroughs ever. It’s unfortunate for those with advanced disease already, something we already know, but it’s akin to a miracle for the majority of the rest of us whether directly or indirectly. The answer to this question can be yes and Bapi can still fail to meet original stat sig endpoints. That’s clear those following this with intelligence! That excludes you btw.

      2. A second question is whether the answer to the first question will be obvious from the data. Will it be glaringly obvious, enough for a filing and approval, or will further trials be required? I’d suggest that data from many studies other than ours will feed into that equation including safety considerations.

      I’d suggest you at least somewhat familiarise yourself with the mechanism of action of Bapi with respect to what is and isn’t possible. Also consider that slowing disease progression of Alzheimer’s by just five years in a reasonably safe manner might suggest the best selling drug of all time. Bapi can fail to hit stat sig in these trials and yet be approved because the data suggests it could actually halt disease progression let alone slow it. The variance is massive. A drug approval is a home run.
      schrieb am 08.07.12 00:01:53
      Beitrag Nr. 22.754 ()
      Top Stocks Pick For Next Week
      By Antonio Costa updated July 6, 2012 | More Posts By Antonio Costa | Author's Website…

      schrieb am 09.07.12 12:46:59
      Beitrag Nr. 22.755 ()
      Results due on potential 'wonder drug'

      Block on J&J bid for €7bn Elan may be lifted…
      schrieb am 09.07.12 13:05:45
      Beitrag Nr. 22.756 ()
      By Nick Webb

      Sunday July 08 2012

      Results due on potential 'wonder drug'

      Elan, which may be on the cusp of the biggest drug discovery ever unveiled by an Irish company, may be taken over by its partner Johnson & Johnson, if crucial trials work.

      Johnson & Johnson already owns 18.4 per cent of €6.9bn-valued Elan, following a complex deal which sees the US drug giant fund much of the research costs of its potential Alzheimer's wonder drug.

      Coming weeks will see key milestones for Elan and its partners as they await the results of trials before seeking to have the drug cleared by regulators.

      Chairman Bob Ingram has hailed the upcoming results as "potentially of transformational significance for Elan".

      If the drug is found to work and can be commercially produced, it has the potential to become a blockbuster drug with sales of up to $10bn per year, which would be a gamechanger for Elan, which was set up to develop nicotine patches in Athlone by entrepreneur Don Panoz in 1969. Elan was the first Irish company to list on Nasdaq, when it floated in 1982.

      Last week, RBC analyst Michael Yee said top-line findings of two US studies may be released in the second week of August. Another major study into the drug could be completed in about three weeks time. Finally, Elan's research partner Johnson & Johnson and Pfizer are said to be preparing information for the European Federation of Neurological Societies meeting on September 8.

      "Our interest in bapineuzumab [the drug] is financial and because of this we are unable to comment on timelines and prospects," according to a spokeswoman.

      Johnson & Johnson has been widely linked with a bid for Elan since the start of the year, with Elan's share price ticking up noticeably. Shares have risen more than 40 per cent over the past year.

      Under a standstill agreement written into the 2009 deal between Johnson & Johnson and Elan, the US pharma behemoth is not permitted to make a buyout approach until 2014.

      However, it is understood that a majority Elan shareholder vote would be able to overrule this agreement.

      Elan has a 25 per cent stake in the Alzheimer's programme. The Irish company developed the secret sauce part of bapineuzumab with Wyeth, before Pfizer took over the US company.

      Johnson & Johnson and Pfizer are now fronting the research programme.

      Elan boss Kelly Martin, who was due to leave the company, at the start of the year, agreed to stay on until after the seminal drug trial results.

      The hype surrounding Elan and the potential "wonder drug" may be familiar to shareholders, who have seen the company's share price soar at various times over the past decade on the expectation of a major medical breakthrough. Those investors have nursed heavy losses and must be desperately hoping that, this time, Elan is on to a real winner.…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 09.07.12 14:11:04
      Beitrag Nr. 22.757 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.365.840 von bernie55 am 09.07.12 13:05:45der Kurs kann noch schön bis 2014 hoch laufen und dann kann das Kaufangebot kommen.

      Passt in meine Planung.

      (außer es gibt einen 100% Aufschlag)

      schrieb am 09.07.12 18:07:54
      Beitrag Nr. 22.758 ()
      UPDATE: Morgan Stanley Initiates Elan Corporation at Equal-Weight on Valuation, Asset Headwinds
      David Johnson, Benzinga Staff Writer
      July 09, 2012 11:00 AM

      Morgan Stanley initiated its coverage on Elan Corporation (NYSE: ELN) with a rating of Equal-weight on low success probability for its Alzheimer's asset.

      Morgan Stanley commented, "Initiating at Equal-weight given 1) a low probability of success for imminent topline Phase III data for bapineuzumab in Alzheimer's disease and 2) a valuation that reflects a reasonable Tysabri growth and margin expansion outlook in multiple sclerosis."

      Elan Corporation closed at $14.35 on Friday.

      Connect with Benzinga on LinkedIn - join the discussion today.

      (c) 2012 Benzinga does not provide investment advice. All rights reserved.…
      schrieb am 11.07.12 15:58:08
      Beitrag Nr. 22.759 ()

      press release

      July 11, 2012, 2:00 a.m. EDT

      Elan-UCD endowment honours Irish business leaders and boosts Ireland's capacity in the 'Business of Biotechnology'

      DUBLIN, Jul 11, 2012 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- University College Dublin (UCD) and Elan Corporation plc, ELN +0.22% today announced two scholarships and an annual lecture series at University College Dublin (UCD) in the 'Business of Biotechnology' named in honour of Kieran McGowan, former head of the Industrial Development Authority of Ireland (IDA), Kyran McLaughlin, deputy chairman of Davy Stockbrokers and Laurence Crowley, the well-known accountant and board member of many Irish companies and organisations.

      The UCD McGowan and McLaughlin post-doctoral scholarships and the Laurence Crowley 'Business of Biotechnology' lecture series are part of Elan's EUR3.17 million donation to the university to build capacity at the interface between business and science disciplines.

      The donation will also establish a new Elan Chair in the 'Business of Biotechnology' to provide academic leadership in this strategically important area. The new professor will be a joint appointment between UCD Business School and UCD College of Science. The appointee will be charged with bolstering the science/technology content of the Business School curriculum and enhancing the business and innovation content of the science curriculum. They will also develop specialised masters programmes and other graduate courses in the business of biotechnology.

      "As an Irish-based neuroscience biotechnology company that operates on a global scale, we understand the opportunities and challenges of this business more than most and are delighted in this instance to be in a position to share both financial support and experience with UCD to help create the next generation of biotech leaders out of Ireland," said Kelly Martin, chief executive officer, Elan. "We chose UCD as our academic partner in the business of biotechnology because of the university's track record in driving an innovation culture among its scientists."

      "In assisting to create the next generation of Irish biotech leaders with UCD it is apt to acknowledge some of those who have helped to create the environment for this to succeed. I am delighted that we can honour the contribution of Kieran McGowan, Kyran McLaughlin and Laurence Crowley as part of this effort for their contribution to both Elan and the broader business context in Ireland," continued Mr Martin.

      Under the direction of Dr Hugh Brady, president of UCD, the university has embedded innovation into the education curriculum, "The overarching goal of the sponsorship is to further strengthen the quality of the Irish graduate pipeline by creating a generation of business graduates who are technology savvy and of science graduates who can realise their innovation and entrepreneurial potential."

      According to Kelly Martin the potential for biotechnology is enormous and the current focus of the sector is on the expansion of research and discovery activities to complement Ireland's established strength in manufacturing. Consequently, the Elan/UCD business of biotechnology initiative will open opportunities for scientists in Ireland who wish to commercialise their work.

      "The Elan-UCD partnership initiative is an example of how industry and university can support the national economic agenda - getting our brightest minds to provide vision and leadership for future wealth generation," Mr Martin said. "Promoting innovation in core science like this has an eye on creating high value jobs and enterprises that will enable graduates to contribute from Ireland in a meaningful way to the global biotech sector."

      The Elan EUR3.17 million to UCD comes after the company's announcement of a strategic alliance with Cambridge University for research into Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. "Normally donations of this size are for bricks and mortar but Elan's investment in brainpower demonstrates the company's commitment to Ireland at this juncture. It will have a profound impact on UCD's future and on the expansion of our unique science and business offering," Dr. Brady said.

      "Ireland needs to produce the best business and technology graduates if it is to continue to attract major multinational companies and grow its own technology sector. It also needs to take every step possible to increase the commercialisation of its research outputs and to enhance the innovation capacity of Irish-based industry. The creation of a business of biotechnology hub supports the Irish and indeed the European agenda to support emerging enterprise in this area," concluded Dr. Brady.

      In recent years, UCD has fostered over 250 industry partnerships and is the national leader in technology transfer and university spinouts through NovaUCD. Over 35 client companies are currently located at NovaUCD covering ICT, biotech, medical devices, wireless and renewable energy start-ups.


      About UCD

      UCD is Ireland's largest university with 25,000 students, including 30% of all international students in the country. UCD educates the largest number of science and engineering graduates in Ireland, including over 31% of the science and engineering PhDs in the country, making it the national leader in fourth-level education. UCD has been ranked number one in research funding in Ireland for the last two years. Its research portfolio is particularly strong in biotechnology and includes the emerging area of systems biology. UCD is currently constructing an iconic 67,000 m(2) Science Centre for teaching and research - the largest science capital development project in the history of Irish third-level education.

      In recent years, UCD has fostered over 250 industry partnerships and is the national leader in technology transfer and university spinouts. Supported by the expertise of NovaUCD - the University's hub for knowledge transfer and commercialisation activities - many of these start-ups have gone on to develop new and game-changing products and services.

      About Elan

      Elan is a neuroscience focused biotechnology company committed to making a difference in the lives of patients and their families by dedicating itself to bringing innovations in science to fill significant unmet medical needs that continue to exist around the world. For additional information about Elan, please visit

      Notes to Editor:

      Kieran McGowan

      A director of Elan, and a director of Charles Schwab Worldwide Funds plc, McGowan was, until May 2012, Chairman of CRH, plc. From 1990 until his retirement in December 1998, he was Chief Executive of the Industrial Development Authority of Ireland. He is a former Chair of the UCD Governing Authority.

      Kyran McLaughlin

      Deputy chair at Davy, Ireland's largest stockbroker firm, he is a director of Elan and served as chairman from 2005 to 2011. He is also a director of Ryanair Holdings plc and is a director of a number of private companies.

      Laurence Crowley

      Former partner in KPMG Stokes Kennedy Crowley Chartered Accountants, Laurence has served on many boards in Ireland. He is currently chair of PJ Carroll and Co Ltd, and of Realex Payments. He is also a director of Aer Lingus and of Bord Gais Eireann. He served as a director of Elan Corporation and as executive chairman of UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate School of Business. He is former Governor of Bank of Ireland.

      He is a co-chairman of the North South Roundtable Group; chairman of 'Gaisce - The President's Award', the Gate Theatre and The Middletown Centre for Autism.

      He is a Director of Economic and Social Research Institute and serves on the Advisory Board of the US-Ireland Alliance.

      Photos/Multimedia Gallery Available:…

      SOURCE: Elan Corporation plc

      Eilis O'Brien, +353-1-716-1491
      M: +353-87-2057125
      Niamh Lyons, +353-1-709-4176
      Investor Relations:
      Chris Burns, +800-252-3526
      David Marshall, +353-1-709-4444

      Copyright Business Wire 2012…
      schrieb am 11.07.12 16:00:20
      Beitrag Nr. 22.760 ()
      Bloomberg News
      J&J-Pfizer Drug Seen as Long Shot Against Alzheimer’s
      By Michelle Fay Cortez and Elizabeth Lopatto on July 11, 2012

      When 70-year-old Bill Price signed on in 2006 to become one of the early testers of the Alzheimer’s drug bapineuzumab, he held high hopes the injections would stop the disease that was starting to claim his memory.

      Intended to eliminate plaques in the brain that are a hallmark of the illness, bapineuzumab is a project of Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) (JNJ), Pfizer Inc. (PFE) (PFE) and Elan Corp. (ELN) The three companies are racing Eli Lilly & Co. (LLY) (LLY) to market the first broadly available drug designed to target a cause of Alzheimer’s, rather than just its symptoms.

      For Price, the drug was a disappointment. He left the trial early after experiencing headaches and hallucinations, side effects that may have been due to brain swelling. Such drawbacks aren’t the only issue facing bapineuzumab. Early data suggests that even if it shrinks plaques, the drug may not greatly aid cognition. Price is hopeful the study’s final data will show that other patients were helped though he was not.

      “I see the handwriting on the wall,” Price, a former teacher who lives in Opelika, Alabama, said in a telephone interview. “I’m desperately trying to do whatever I can to keep the disease in check. I feel the onslaught.”

      While details of late-stage data on the two drugs aren’t scheduled to be reported before October, the therapies will be discussed among researchers and geriatric specialists at next week’s Alzheimer’s Association International Conference in Vancouver, according to William Thies, the chief medical and scientific officer of the Chicago-based Alzheimer’s Association.
      Shared Urgency

      Patients, doctors, drugmakers and investors share Price’s sense of urgency. If the drugs work well, they could be paired with recent testing advances to alter the landscape of health care in the U.S., curbing an illness that may affect 16 million Americans by 2050, an increase from 5.4 million now, according to U.S. health officials. In 2012, the cost of care for those with the disease will be $200 billion, the association said.

      “Alzheimer’s disease ends your dignity, separates you from all your resources and torments your family,” Thies said in a telephone interview. “There is more and more concern that we can’t afford the end stage that we are going to experience in the middle of the century. Its impact on various segments of the economy is becoming clearer and clearer as the cost it presents to Medicare and Medicaid goes up.”
      Industry Spur

      The treatments may help reinvigorate an industry grappling with patent losses estimated to wipe out $171 billion in sales by 2015, according to research group IMS Health, based in Norwalk, Connecticut. The market could quickly exceed $10 billion a year, said David Heupel, a Minneapolis, Minnesota- based portfolio manager with Thrivant Financial for Lutherans, in a telephone interview.

      “In large-cap health care, that’s about as big as it gets,” Heupel said.

      If the drugs fail, it may be years before the next promising therapy comes into focus.

      Mark Schoenebaum, an analyst at the ISI group in New York, gives only a 25 percent chance of approval for bapineuzumab from New Brunswick, New Jersey-based J&J, New York-based Pfizer and Elan, based in Dublin. Indianapolis-based Lilly’s solanezumab has a 15 percent chance, he said.

      The drugs are based on one of the first research strategies designed to combat the disease.

      After autopsies of Alzheimer’s victims showed an accumulation of beta amyloid plaques in their brains, drugmakers began focusing on that as a potential cause. Since then, other contributing factors have surfaced, including the overdevelopment of a different protein, known as tau.
      ‘Crucial Test’

      Bapineuzumab and solanezumab “represent a crucial test of the current dogma,” Jordan Holtzman, a professor of medicine at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, said by telephone. “If they fail to show a significant benefit, it would be imperative for the pharmaceutical industry to search for new models.”

      The only therapy on the immediate horizon that has shown success against the illness in mid-stage human trials is Baxter International Inc. (BAX) (BAX)’s Gammagard, an expensive, relatively scarce treatment derived from donated blood plasma that replaces antibodies in people whose immune systems can’t protect them from infection.

      It’s not clear precisely how Gammagard, on the market for years, works against Alzheimer’s. Early results suggest it may raise the level of antibodies to beta amyloid in the blood and spinal fluid of patients. The Deerfield, Illinois-based company is betting the result will be to slow or stop the disease and a final-phase study may be completed next year.

      Tau Protein

      Another approach targets the tau protein that was first characterized in 1975. By the mid-1980s, it was thought to play a role in some brain disorders. It wasn’t until the 1990s, though, that evidence began to accumulate that tau deposits more closely reflected a patient’s mental state than beta amyloid plaques.

      In its healthy form, tau helps supply nutrients to cells in the brain. When damaged, it becomes tangled, chopping off the supply lines and becoming part of the mass of plaques seen in the brains of people with the disease.

      A closely held company, TauRx, based in Singapore, is developing drugs based on the tau model. TauRx’s tau aggregation inhibitors have been tested in Phase 2 clinical trials, and the company plans to make an announcement about its Phase 3 clinical trials later this year, said Claude Wischik, the executive chairman and co-founder of the company, in a telephone interview.
      Different Views

      Other theories are being explored, including malfunctioning mitochondria, the part of cells that convert nutrients into energy. The brain may also start using insulin inefficiently, leading some to speculate the condition is “diabetes of the brain.” Others are examining whether the coating that protects nerves in the brain, called myelin, has been damaged.

      Even if bapineuzumab and solanezumab are found in the latest studies not to work, they shouldn’t be dismissed, said Randall Bateman, a professor of neurology at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis.

      The findings may just be a reflection of bad timing, while the brain-swelling that chased Bill Price away from the trial may be an immune reaction that must be monitored but will likely dim over time, Bateman said in a telephone interview.
      ‘Too Late’

      The drugs may have been given “too late, after other degenerative processes have already begun or there’s too much damage done,” he said

      It’s like treating a heart-attack patient with a cholesterol-lowering statin, he said: While that may prevent future damage, it doesn’t reverse trauma that already occurred.

      Trials are being planned to evaluate whether earlier intervention will help people who are at added risk for Alzheimer’s due to family history or because they carry certain biomarkers for the disease without showing impairment. Those trials will be discussed at the Vancouver meeting, he said.

      The impetus for the newer studies is that it’s still not clear when it’s best to begin treatment, said Bateman, who is an investigator in the planned clinical trials. Brain changes that presage Alzheimer’s begin about 15 years to 20 years before patients become symptomatic.

      The trials involving bapineuzumab and solanezumab “will be very valuable whether the drugs work or not,” said Thies of the Alzheimer’s Association. “If they work, that leads us relatively quickly to a therapeutic. There would be great pressure to treat people as early as possible, to stabilize them at the highest quality of life possible, and lower costs because they won’t need as much care.”
      Next Step

      If they don’t work, “it rapidly tells us that maybe we need to change the way we are using these medications or the kinds of medications we are testing.”

      Price, who taught English as a second language on an Indian reservation in Arizona before retiring to Alabama, has an early stage of the disease, he said. He is still able to drive, help shop and prepare meals and contribute to his family.

      If an effective treatment is found quickly, he and others with a similar stage of the disease are most likely to benefit. If not, he says he will try to participate in other clinical trials.

      “I feel like before I go into oblivion, I want to help other people and maybe even help myself if it’s not too late,” Price said. “I want to help find an answer to the Alzheimer’s dilemma.”

      To contact the reporters on this story: Michelle Fay Cortez in Minneapolis at; Elizabeth Lopatto in New York at

      To contact the editor responsible for this story: Reg Gale at…
      schrieb am 12.07.12 12:38:57
      Beitrag Nr. 22.761 ()

      Ist das unsere Elan?
      Weiß jemand, um was es geht?:confused::confused:
      schrieb am 12.07.12 16:30:38
      Beitrag Nr. 22.762 ()
      Keine Ahnung--ich glaube,es hat mit uns nix zu tun...LETZTER Abschwung VOR dem Aufschwung bei unserem anstrengenden Schätzchen??

      Von Ridge aus dem IV-Board

      Adding a bit of depth to the Blennow / Rinne abstract about the tau biomarkers, straight from Neurology

      Effect of Immunotherapy With Bapineuzumab on Cerebrospinal Fluid Biomarker Levels in Patients With Mild to Moderate Alzheimer Disease ONLINE FIRST
      Kaj Blennow, MD, PhD; Henrik Zetterberg, MD, PhD; Juha O. Rinne, MD, PhD; Stephen Salloway, MD; Jenny Wei, PhD; Ronald Black, MD; Michael Grundman, MD, MPH; Enchi Liu, PhD; for the AAB-001 201/202 Investigators




      Passive immunotherapy with antibodies against Aβ, such as bapineuzumab,9 is one of the major disease-modifying therapeutic approaches being evaluated for AD. Because the clinical course is slowly progressive and highly variable in AD, very large clinical trials with extended treatment duration will be needed to identify clinical effects of disease-modifying drugs. For this reason, theragnostic markers may be valuable to identify and monitor the biochemical effect of a novel drug.20 Biomarker evidence that the drug affects both the primary target and downstream pathogenic mechanisms will also be essential to label the drug as being disease modifying.20 In this context, biomarkers in anti-Aβ clinical trials can be divided into primary (pharmacodynamic) biomarkers used to monitor the specific biochemical mode of action of the anti-Aβ drug and downstream biomarkers used to monitor effects on downstream pathogenic processes, such as the neuronal degeneration or tangle formation, downstream of the drug target.21

      The pharmacokinetic characteristics of bapineuzumab include a small distribution volume, slow clearance, and long terminal half-life. The ratio of bapineuzumab in CSF to serum was stable between the dose cohorts, with a mean of approximately 0.3%. The CSF to serum ratio for total IgG is also approximately 0.3%,22 suggesting that bapineuzumab passes the blood-brain barrier at the expected ratio for IgG antibodies.

      In our study, we found a decrease in CSF P-tau in the bapineuzumab group, while no change was found in the placebo group. In addition, there was a treatment decrease in CSF P-tau at study end for the bapineuzumab-treated compared with placebo-treated subjects. Phosphorylated tau measured in CSF samples taken during life correlate with neocortical tangle pathology at autopsy,23 and CSF P-tau also correlates with the rate of hippocampal atrophy in the brain.24 The CSF level of P-tau thus seems to reflect the phosphorylation state of tau and the formation of tangles in the brain. Animal studies suggest that Aβ immunotherapy may affect tau pathology.25 A neuropathologic study of patients with AD from the AN1792 trial also suggests that Aβ immunotherapy ameliorates neurite abnormalities and tau pathology through decreased tau phosphorylation.26 The reduction in the downstream biomarker CSF P-tau following treatment with bapineuzumab suggests that bapineuzumab reduces brain levels of P-tau, which may also reduce the formation of tangles in the brain.

      In addition, the downstream biomarker CSF T-tau decreased with treatment in the bapineuzumab group, while no change was found in the placebo group. This is consistent with the reduction in CSF T-tau seen in the AN1792 trial with active Aβ immunotherapy.8 Cerebrospinal fluid T-tau levels correlate with the amount of damaged tissue and poor clinical outcome in acute brain disorders,15 ,27 and high T-tau has also been associated with fast progression from mild cognitive impairment to AD and with rapid cognitive decline and a high mortality rate in patients with AD,28 - 29 suggesting that the CSF level of T-tau reflects the intensity of the neuronal degeneration. The reduction in the downstream biomarker CSF T-tau with bapineuzumab treatment warrants further investigation into the potential for this drug to attenuate the intensity of the neurodegenerative process.

      Bapineuzumab is hypothesized to bind to Aβ in the brain, thereby facilitating its clearance.6 In support of this hypothesis, we previously reported that bapineuzumab treatment results in a modest reduction in cortical binding of the Aβ ligand Pittsburgh Compound B as evaluated by positron emission tomography, both as compared with baseline and with placebo-treated patients.10 Because the population in this study is not identical to that in the positron emission tomography study, the number of cases with both investigations is too small to allow any comparisons. In the AD brain, a relatively large proportion of Aβ is N-terminally truncated or modified.30 For this reason, we analyzed Aβ42 by 2 different ELISA methods, 1 for Aβ1-42 to measure full-length Aβ42 peptides and 1 for AβX-42, which also captures Aβ isoforms that are N-terminally modified. We were not able to identify any change in CSF AβX-42 or in Aβ1-42 or AβX-40 that differed between the bapineuzumab and placebo groups. Similarly, CSF Aβ42 levels were also minimally affected in the AN1792 immunotherapy trial.8 This lack of change in CSF Aβ42 may be attributed to clearance of cortical Aβ through other pathways than CSF or, alternatively, oligomerization of Aβ or binding of Aβ to chaperones or to the therapeutic antibody that masks a change in CSF Aβ with treatment. For these reasons, the Aβ results have to be interpreted with caution.

      Cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers may be valuable for safety monitoring in AD clinical trials.20 Magnetic resonance image changes referred to as ARIA-E appears to be a safety concern with bapineuzumab treatment.19 In one study, this MRI abnormality was found in approximately 10% of treated cases.9 In our study, both a baseline CSF sample and a sample at the time of ARIA-E were available in the single patient who developed ARIA-E. This case had normal and stable CSF levels of both albumin and IgG; no oligoclonal IgG bands in CSF; and stable CSF levels of T-tau, P-tau, and Aβ42, which were compatible with the clinical diagnosis of AD. Thus, in this patient, ARIA-E was not accompanied by blood-brain barrier dysfunction, inflammatory reactions, or tau-related signs of additional neuronal damage.

      One limitation is that this study is based on pooled analysis of the bapineuzumab trials Study 201 and Study 202. This was done to increase the sample size of patients in each substudy with paired CSF samples. However, for both trials, CSF biomarkers were analyzed in the same laboratory using the same assay formats, CSF samples from individual cases were analyzed side by side on the same ELISA plate, and data were analyzed as the change in biomarker levels between baseline and end of study. This procedure will minimize variation and allow pooling of CSF data.

      In summary, in a pooled analysis of CSF data from 2 phase 2 clinical trials on passive immunotherapy with bapineuzumab in patients with mild to moderate AD, a decrease in both P-tau and T-tau at end of study compared with baseline within the bapineuzumab group was observed. For CSF P-tau, a statistically significant treatment difference was observed between the bapineuzumab and placebo groups. These findings may indicate downstream effects of bapineuzumab treatment on the degenerative process. An important question remains whether such changes in CSF biomarkers correlate with clinical benefit.21 This question will be addressed in the ongoing bapineuzumab phase 3 trials.
      schrieb am 18.07.12 16:36:39
      Beitrag Nr. 22.763 ()

      was ist denn mit unserem Baby los?

      Der Kurs ist bei $14,- regelrecht festbetoniert.

      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 18.07.12 22:10:48
      Beitrag Nr. 22.764 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.399.470 von Poppholz am 18.07.12 16:36:39...versteh´ich auch nicht---ich denke aber es kommt bald Bewegung rein....nach OBEN kursmässig....:kiss:

      Jefferies reiterates its buy rating and $20 price target.
      In a report published Wednesday, Jefferies & Company reiterated its Buy rating and $20.00 price target on Elan Corporation (NYSE: ELN).

      Jefferies noted, “This morning on J&J's earnings call, mgmt announced that bapineuzumab Ph3 data would be presented for the first time as a late breaker at EFNS in Stockholm in early September. This had been speculated in the market but not confirmed. We have learned each of the two P3 trials will be shown as two different presentations on Tuesday, September 11, 2012 from 11:00am-12:00pm CEST (5:00am-6:00am EDT).”

      Elan Corporation closed on Tuesday at $13.65.

      Read more:…
      schrieb am 23.07.12 23:34:42
      Beitrag Nr. 22.765 ()
      Pfizer Announces Topline Results Of First Of Four Studies In Bapineuzumab Phase 3 Program

      Co-Primary Clinical Endpoints Not Met in Study of Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease Who Carry The ApoE4 Genotype

      Business WirePress Release: Pfizer Inc. – 9 minutes ago


      Pfizer Inc. (PFE) announced today that the co-primary clinical endpoints, change in cognitive and functional performance compared to placebo, were not met in the Janssen Alzheimer Immunotherapy R&D LLC (Janssen AI)-led Phase 3 trial of intravenous (IV) bapineuzumab in patients with mild-to-moderate Alzheimer’s disease who carry the ApoE4 (apolipoprotein E epsilon 4) genotype (Study 302). Pfizer and Janssen AI arepartners in the Alzheimer’s Immunotherapy Program (AIP).

      These clinical findings have been shared with regulatory authorities and study investigators so that participants in the ongoing clinical program can be informed. Because in this study clinical efficacy was not demonstrated in ApoE4 carriers, the Janssen AI and Pfizer Joint Steering Committee for the AIP has decided that participants from this study who enrolled in a follow-on extension study will no longer receive doses of bapineuzumab. However, these patients will have a follow-up evaluation.

      Based on a comprehensive review of the data by the independent safety monitoring committee, all other ongoing Janssen AI and Pfizer bapineuzumab studies are continuing as planned and without modifications.

      Study 302 is the first of four placebo-controlled Phase 3 studies to complete in the comprehensive development program of bapineuzumab IV. Janssen AI is leading two Phase 3 studies of patients who are ApoE4 carriers (Study 302) and non-carriers (Study 301) at sites primarily in North America. Pfizer is conducting two Phase 3 studies of patients who are ApoE4 carriers (Study 3001) and non-carriers (Study 3000) at sites primarily outside of North America.

      The Alliance will expedite the completion of an interim analysis for the on-going, Pfizer-conducted Phase 3 study of ApoE4 carriers (Study 3001) based on the results of Study 302.

      The topline results from Study 301 in patients with mild-to-moderate Alzheimer’s disease who do not carry the ApoE4 genotype are expected to be announced later this summer.

      “While we are disappointed in the topline results of Study 302, a more complete understanding of bapineuzumab and its potential utility in mild-to-moderate Alzheimer’s disease will be gained following the availability of additional data, including data from the soon-to-be available non-carrier Study 301,” said Steven J. Romano, M.D., senior vice president, head, Medicines Development Group, Global Primary Care Business Unit, Pfizer Inc. “We recognize that Alzheimer’s disease is very complex, but Pfizer, along with our partner Janssen AI, remains committed to advancing the science of Alzheimer’s disease, with the ultimate goal of delivering innovative and meaningful new treatment options to patients.”

      Data from both the ApoE4 carrier (Study 302) and non-carrier (Study 301) studies have been accepted as a late-breaker and will be presented in September at the European Federation of Neurological Societies meeting in Stockholm.

      The presence of the ApoE epsilon 4 genotype is a genetic risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease and is associated with increased beta-amyloid plaques in the brains of patients with the disease. Topline results of Study 302 indicate that among patients treated with bapineuzumab IV the most commonly observed serious adverse events which occurred more commonly than placebo and with an incidence of at least 1 percent were ARIA-E and dehydration. ARIA-E (amyloid-related imaging abnormalities-edema or effusion) refers to changes in the brain that may be due to fluid (water and protein) leaking from blood vessels, which can be detected using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain.

      About the Bapineuzumab IV Phase 3 Studies

      There are four placebo-controlled Phase 3 studies in the bapineuzumab clinical development program. Janssen AI is leading two 18-month, Phase 3, multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group, efficacy and safety studies of patients who are ApoE4 carriers (Study 302) and Apoe4 non-carriers (Study 301). The two co-primary clinical endpoints are change in the Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale-Cognitive subscale (ADAS-Cog), a validated measure of cognition, and the Disability Assessment for Dementia (DAD), a validated instrument to measure function. Study 302 included approximately 1,100 patients who carry the ApoE4 genotype and Study 301 includes approximately 1,300 patients who do not carry the ApoE4 genotype.

      In addition to the Janssen AI-led studies, Pfizer is conducting two primarily ex-North America 18-month, Phase 3, multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group, efficacy and safety studies of patients with mild-to-moderate Alzheimer’s disease who are ApoE4 non-carriers (Study 3000) and carriers (Study 3001).

      About Bapineuzumab IV

      Bapineuzumab IV, an investigational therapy being studied for the treatment of mild-to-moderate Alzheimer’s disease, is an antibody that targets beta-amyloid (Aβ), a protein that can exert toxic effects in the brain and is believed to play a central role in the pathology of Alzheimer’s disease.
      schrieb am 23.07.12 23:36:37
      Beitrag Nr. 22.766 ()
      was soll denn der Mist jetzt.

      Nun geht der Kurs schon runter, wenn "irgendeine" Beteiligung Ihre Endpunkte nicht erreicht?


      Elan (ELN) Slammed After Alzheimer Trial Endpoint Not Meet

      July 23, 2012 5:10 PM EDT

      Elan Corporation, plc (NYSE: ELN) slammed after partner Pfizer Inc. (NYSE: PFE) announced that the co-primary clinical endpoints, change in cognitive and functional performance compared to placebo, were not met in the Janssen Alzheimer Immunotherapy R&D LLC (Janssen AI)-led Phase 3 trial of intravenous (IV) bapineuzumab in patients with mild-to-moderate Alzheimer's disease who carry the ApoE4 (apolipoprotein E epsilon 4) genotype (Study 302).

      Elan holds a 49.9% equity interest in JANSSEN Alzheimer Immunotherapy, and will be entitled to a 49.9% share of the profits and certain royalty payments upon the commercialization of AIP products.…
      schrieb am 23.07.12 23:45:43
      Beitrag Nr. 22.767 ()
      Pfizer Announces Topline Results Of First Of Four Studies In Bapineuzumab Phase 3 Program…

      NEW YORK (AP) -- Drug maker Pfizer Inc. says a closely watched experimental Alzheimer's drug didn't slow the disease in one of two late-stage studies, but a second study in a different group of patients is continuing.

      Pfizer, which is testing bapineuzumab (BAP'eh-new-ZOO'mab) with partner Johnson & Johnson, says the injected drug didn't slow mental or functional decline in patients with mild or moderate Alzheimer's disease. The study included patients who carry a gene called ApoE4, which gives people a higher risk of developing the memory-robbing disorder.

      About half the population does not carry that gene, however, and Pfizer says a study of the drug in patients without the gene is continuing. Results of that study are expected to be announced later this summer.
      schrieb am 24.07.12 10:11:36
      Beitrag Nr. 22.768 ()
      Setback for Alzheimer's Drug

      Pfizer Inc., PFE -0.42% Johnson & Johnson JNJ -0.76% and their partner Elan Corp. ELN -1.53% said Monday that a highly anticipated experimental drug for Alzheimer's disease, called bapineuzumab, wasn't effective at slowing memory loss in a large, late-stage clinical trial in patients with a high-risk genetic mutation.

      The negative result from this trial, the first of two late-stage trials on bapineuzumab to be announced this year, was expected by many scientists and investors, but it is nonetheless a disappointment to the companies and for the field of Alzheimer's research.

      This trial only focused on people with mild-to-moderate Alzheimer's disease who are carriers of a mutation of a gene known as ApoE4. These people tend to have a higher risk of Alzheimer's. This group didn't fare as well in an earlier, midstage trial of bapineuzumab. The companies said that based on these latest data, they will discontinue use of bapineuzumab in the patients participating in the trial.

      Monday's results still leave unanswered questions about those who don't carry the ApoE4 genotype, which is 40% to 50% of the Alzheimer's population. The results from a large-stage trial of noncarriers are expected later this summer.

      "We're optimistic that noncarriers are going to respond better," said Husseini Manji, who heads neuroscience research at J&J. He added that the evidence had been suggesting that carriers were "going to be a tougher nut to crack."

      Dr. Manji expressed disappointment that a group of patients showed no benefit. However, he noted that a separate study, also of ApoE4 carriers, is continuing and the results in that trial could be different. He also said a closer exploration of the results from this first trial to report out might reveal better results in certain subgroups of patients, such as those who only have one copy of the gene.

      "And that's where we think the action is," Dr. Manji said in an interview.

      In after-market trading, Pfizer and J&J shares were down less than 1%, while Elan stock fell 14%. Shares in Eli Lilly LLY -0.77% & Co., which has been testing a therapy similar to bapineuzumab's, dropped 1.6%.

      Bapineuzumab is the treatment furthest along in development among a wave of experimental treatments for the memory-robbing condition. Though treatments exist on the market to treat symptoms of the disease, they work only for a period of time and don't slow the course of the disease. The search for a disease-modifying therapy could mean access to a $10 billion or more market.

      The compound, a monoclonal antibody, targets a sticky substance called amyloid, which clumps together to form plaques and is thought to be partly responsible in the disease's devastating symptoms. Removing them or preventing their growth could slow or prevent Alzheimer's, many experts believe.

      There are many reasons why this trial may have failed, said the companies and scientific experts. There is a growing belief that therapies will be most effective if given early in the course of the disease before a lot of plaque buildup occurs, and ApoE4 carriers have more buildup than non-carriers, for instance.

      Rudy Tanzi, a professor of neurology at Harvard Medical School, said the results weren't surprising, given the midstage results.

      "I don't think it at all lets us predict what will happen with the ApoE4-negative group," said Dr. Tanzi, who wasn't involved with the trials. "I think it's that group that tells us the fate of bapineuzumab. We still need to wait."

      Write to Shirley S. Wang at and Jonathan D. Rockoff at
      schrieb am 25.07.12 12:48:00
      Beitrag Nr. 22.769 ()
      :)Elan Reports Second Quarter and First Half 2012 Financial Results:)


      Elan Corporation, plc today reported its second quarter and first half 2012 financial results.

      Progress continued during the course of the second quarter,” said Mr. Kelly Martin, chief executive officer. “Underlying strength in the Tysabri business was driven by continued adoption of the assay on a global basis, which established the clinical framework to enable additional net new patients to be added to Tysabri.”

      “We continue to invest time, capital and talent on neuroscience. Advancement in the field across systems biology, computational chemistry, companion diagnostics, biomarkers and their utilization, as well as genetics, provides the ingredients for significant success and patient therapeutic choice in the years ahead.”

      Mr. Nigel Clerkin, chief financial officer, said, “We continue to see strong growth in demand for Tysabri. There are now over 69,000 patients on therapy, an increase of 13% since the end of June 2011. Total revenues grew by 6% in the second quarter of 2012 over the second quarter of 2011, reflecting this increase in patient numbers, offset by the impact of a revenue reserve against sales of Tysabri in Italy, as well as the impact of foreign currency movements, including an 11% decline in the dollar-euro exchange rate. Our net loss from continuing operations was reduced by almost 40%, to $28.5 million in the second quarter of 2012, from $47.0 million in the second quarter of 2011, demonstrating the benefit of the lower interest expense following the substantial debt reduction completed in the fourth quarter of 2011.”…
      schrieb am 25.07.12 13:08:02
      Beitrag Nr. 22.770 ()
      Elan Q2 Loss Narrows - Quick Facts

      ( - Neuroscience-based biotechnology company Elan Corp., Plc (ELN, ELA.L) posted second quarter net loss of $28.5 million or $0.05 per share, narrower than $47.1 million or $0.08 per share in the previous year.

      The company noted that its results demonstrate benefit of lower interest expense, following substantial debt reduction completed in the fourth quarter of 2011.

      Revenues for the quarter grew 6 percent to $288 million from $270.6 million a year earlier.

      Gross margin was 44.4 percent, compared to 46.5 percent in the preceding year.

      Kelly Martin, chief executive officer of the company said, "We continue to invest time, capital and talent on neuroscience. Advancement in the field across systems biology, computational chemistry, companion diagnostics, biomarkers and their utilization, as well as genetics, provides the ingredients for significant success and patient therapeutic choice in the years ahead."

      Nigel Clerkin, chief financial officer stated that the company continues to see strong growth in demand for Tysabri.

      For comments and feedback: contact
      schrieb am 25.07.12 13:11:23
      Beitrag Nr. 22.771 ()

      ..die Zahlen lesen sich doch nicht schlecht..

      Zur Absicherung meines Aktiendepots habe ich in den letzten Wochen ca. 70 % meiner ELAN Aktien verkauft und Buchungsgewinne in Real-Gewinne ( ab + 230 % :D) umgesetzt...

      ..und das noch steuerfrei realisiert.:)


      ...die restlichen Daten zu BAP werden ja im September noch geliefert..

      ...und dann heißt es, hoffen , dass die Daten der "Non-ApoE4 Patienten" günstiger ausfallen....;)

      bernie55 ;)
      schrieb am 25.07.12 15:18:22
      Beitrag Nr. 22.772 ()
      Credit Suisse

      Bapi Carriers Didn’t Carry the Day, Differences May Imply Hope for Non-Carriers

      ■ The highest risk bapineuzumab 302 study didn’t show efficacy, hope now rests on the [slightly] lower risk North American trial to be released by PFE/JNJ/ELN over coming weeks and the full data on both populations due at the EFNS congress in Stockholm on Sept 11th. Thought leader consensus suggested ApoE4 carrier status, dosing, treatment timing could all be important factors influencing trial outcomes, which least favored trial 302 and might be slightly more positive in the yet to be disclosed trial 301 (ApoE4 non carriers).

      ■ A positive carrier status is seen as a more challenging with less effective amyloid clearance/more aggressive beta amyloid deposition. Indeed the study 302 ApoE4 positive population did not reach its primary efficacy endpoint. Based on prior analysis we had done (Link), we estimated the risk of failure in carriers at 85% vs. 55% in the ApoE4 non-carriers.

      ■ Treatment timing may also play a role and this is a risk regardless of treatment status. Experts have also consistently told us that treating patients earlier (e.g. pre-Alzheimer’s diagnosis as in mild cognitive impairment) might be the key to success with the beta-amyloid hypothesis. Both trial 301 and 302 target benefit in mild to moderate Alzheimer’s Disease.

      ■ Dosing may be another factor that could influence clinical trial success. In the 301 non-carrier study, a higher dose was also tested (1mg/kg), where only the lowest dose (0.5mg/kg) was being tested in the carrier population. This still leaves hope for a better efficacy outcome amongst non-carriers.

      ■ Options for regulatory filing may still exist if clinical benefit is seen in study 301 (non-carriers) and is supported by biomarker trends, or if pooled analysis is very strong (lower likelihood). Pooled analysis of subpopulations (e.g. mild versus moderate) may also be conducted and considered as a filing strategy, which we see as much riskier, has a higher efficacy bar and greater risk, but given the unmet medical need, a possibility.

      ■ The language in the press release suggests that side effects (particularly vasogenic edema) were not serious, possibly related to ineffective dose; this is a small positive read-through to the non-carrier study. Vasogenic edema was seen in > 1% (very low cut-off) of the population, but discontinuation related to lack of efficacy, not safety. Non-carriers have a lower edema risk, so it is a slight positive that serious safety concerns may not be expected. Additionally, incidence of micro-hemorrhage ("ARIA-H") were not called out.
      ■ Expectations for the ApoE4 non-carrier study are likely to come down for stocks leveraged to late stage Alzheimer’s programs (PFE, JNJ, ELN, LLY) post the 302 trial announcement. Majority of the potential related to bapineuzumab in our models is tied to the not yet released 302 study.

      ■ ELN is most sensitive to these results, but read through to LLY’s competing solanezumab program could pressure shares since it is seen as an important potential option. Per PharmaValues, bapineuzumab accounts for ~25% of ELN’s NPV value of EUR 11.78 (or ~EUR 2.95). The non-carrier outcome with bapi may have negative implications for sola since roughly 60% of [the non-stratified] patients are likely ApoE4 carriers. Expectations for others with passive amyloid antibodies more minor (e.g. implications on PFE and JNJ with bapi) and ROG with gantenerumab and crenezumab.

      ■ The beta amyloid hypothesis is likely to be wounded, but not dead, even in light of this failure; with severity of disease and approach the key factor. Researchers and investors are
      schrieb am 27.07.12 14:20:46
      Beitrag Nr. 22.773 ()
      Alzheimer’s Setback Makes Elan Takeover Bait to Biogen

      By Meg Tirrell and Tara Lachapelle - Jul 27, 2012 11:04 AM GMT+0200

      Bad news for Elan Corp. (ELN)’s Alzheimer’s drug is turning into good news for Biogen Idec Inc.’s takeover options.

      Elan sank 15 percent, the most since 2009, on July 24 following disappointing results for bapineuzumab, an Alzheimer’s therapy developed with Pfizer Inc. (PFE) and Johnson & Johnson. The failure of that drug would leave Elan with a single major product, the multiple sclerosis treatment Tysabri that Biogen co-owns, priming the $7.1 billion company for a deal with Biogen, Jefferies Group Inc. and Royal Bank of Canada said.
      Enlarge image Alzheimer’s Setback Makes Elan Takeover Bait to Biogen

      While data compiled by Bloomberg show Elan is still more expensive relative to earnings than every specialty drugmaker greater than $5 billion, the chance to fully own Tysabri may spur Biogen to offer at least $15 a share, a 25 percent premium to yesterday’s price,.....das können die vergessen.. :laugh: RBC said.

      Tysabri’s sales will double to $3 billion a year within half a decade, and Biogen can generate more profit as the only owner, according to Jefferies. An acquirer of Dublin-based Elan would also benefit from Ireland’s low corporate tax rate, RBC said.

      “Biogen would love :kiss: to buy Elan to own 100 percent of Tysabri,” Ib Sonderby, founder and chief executive officer of Zoar Invest in Copenhagen, said in a telephone interview. Sonderby, who says he’s owned Elan shares for a decade, pushed for changes to its board in 2010.

      “It would be a much easier target for them if they fail on bapineuzumab.”.....und das müssen wir erst abwarten, ob die Trials überhaupt " failen" message to Elan weren’t returned. Biogen Chief Financial Officer Paul Clancy declined to comment on the possibility of the Weston, Massachusetts-based drugmaker buying Elan.

      ‘Great Partner’

      “They’re a great partner,” Clancy said in a phone interview. Tysabri is a “great therapy for patients.”
      Elan would be the drugmaker’s biggest deal, topping the $6.1 billion merger of Biogen Inc. and Idec Pharmaceuticals Corp. that created the company in 2003, data compiled by Bloomberg show.

      American depositary receipts of Elan tumbled as low as $11.31 this week after Pfizer said bapineuzumab failed to improve symptoms of dementia in the first of four late-stage trials. Pfizer, J&J (JNJ) and Elan are trying to develop the first therapy targeting an underlying cause of Alzheimer’s, which afflicts an estimated 5.4 million Americans, rather than just its symptoms.

      The shares rose 2.3 percent to 9.82 euros as of 9:45 a.m. in Dublin.

      The three other bapineuzumab studies probably won’t show positive results, according to Michael Yee, a San Francisco- based analyst with RBC. While a disappointment, failure simplifies Elan’s outlook and makes a takeover by Biogen more likely, he said.

      Consolidating Profits

      “One should assume that bapi does not work,” he said in a phone interview. If the studies fail, Elan’s stock may fall to $10, Yee added. There is “strategic value for Elan to be acquired by Biogen, because they could consolidate the 50 percent partnership stake in Tysabri. They would be consolidating the profit share, cutting costs and driving accretion.”

      Biogen could pay $15 a share and still boost its earnings, the analyst estimated. Elan closed at $11.97 yesterday. The company, at one time valued at $21 billion, has retreated 82 percent since its peak in June 2001. The Standard & Poor’s 500 Index advanced 11 percent over that span. Elan posted at least seven straight years of net losses before earning $560.1 million last year.

      After Elan’s plunge this week, its Irish shares are still valued at 51 times profit from the past 12 months, data compiled by Bloomberg show. That’s more than double the industry median and the highest among similar-sized companies.

      ‘Real Asset’

      An acquirer would benefit from Ireland’s low corporate tax rate and Elan’s $3.19 billion in net operating losses at the end of 2011, which could be used to reduce the buyer’s taxes, said Corey Davis, a New York-based analyst for Jefferies.

      “The real asset is the fact that they’re an Irish company,” Davis said in a phone interview, citing the country’s 12.5 percent corporate tax rate that prompted two other transactions in the industry last year.

      Jazz Pharmaceuticals Inc. of Palo Alto, California, bought Dublin-based Azur Pharma Ltd. and moved to Ireland. The combined company, which makes a narcolepsy drug, is known as Jazz Pharmaceuticals Plc. (JAZZ) Alkermes Plc (ALKS), which makes an addiction therapy, bought Elan’s drug technologies unit and moved its headquarters to Dublin from Waltham, Massachusetts.

      Davis estimates Elan would fetch as much as $15 a share in a takeover, 9.9 percent more than the current 20-day average. Buyers have paid an average premium of 40 percent in pharmaceutical and biotechnology deals greater than $1 billion in the last three years, data compiled by Bloomberg show.

      Elan’s Losses

      Biogen buying out its partner would follow the pattern set by GlaxoSmithKline Plc, which agreed this month to pay $3 billion for Human Genome Sciences Inc. (HGSI), RBC’s Yee said. The two drugmakers collaborated for two decades before London-based Glaxo made its takeover approach to gain full ownership of the lupus drug Benlysta and other experimental therapies.

      Human Genome’s shares had tumbled 75 percent in the year before Glaxo’s interest became public in April, as Benlysta’s initial sales disappointed investors.

      Tysabri, administered intravenously, produced $1.5 billion in 2011 sales and is Biogen’s second-best selling drug behind Avonex, an MS therapy delivered through a shot. The company is awaiting approval in the U.S. and Europe for BG-12, its first pill for the disease, which may draw peak annual revenue of more than $3 billion if approved, said Eric Schmidt, a New York-based analyst at Cowen & Co.


      Positive data on BG-12 drove Biogen’s shares up 155 percent in the past two years, giving the drugmaker the third-biggest gain in the NYSE Arca Biotechnology Index (BTK) of 20 companies. A decision from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is expected this year.

      Elan may become an even more attractive target after BG-12 enters the market next year, said Marko Kozul, an analyst for Boston-based Leerink Swann LLC. The drug may eat into some of Tysabri’s sales and further weigh on Elan’s shares, he said.

      “It would make sense for Biogen to see how BG-12 launches and what share of Tysabri’s market does it take,” Kozul said in a telephone interview. “That could potentially further weaken Elan, so if you’re Biogen, you could buy Elan at a cheaper price.”

      BG-12 and other medicines’ prospects mean that Biogen doesn’t need to buy Elan, Cowen’s Schmidt said. In addition to Tysabri, BG-12 and Avonex, Biogen sells the cancer therapy Rituxan, and late-stage data are expected this year on experimental medicines for Lou Gehrig’s disease and hemophilia.
      Earnings Estimates

      Analysts project Biogen’s revenue will climb 50 percent to $7.56 billion by 2015, according to estimates compiled by Bloomberg. Elan’s may increase 60 percent, the forecasts show.

      Biogen “has plenty of great growth drivers” without owning all of Tysabri, Schmidt wrote in an e-mail.

      If Elan’s bapineuzumab does well in future studies, the drugmaker may draw takeover interest from New Brunswick, New Jersey-based J&J or New York-based Pfizer, Sonderby said.

      Joan Campion, a spokeswoman for Pfizer, and Bill Price, a spokesman at J&J, said
      the companies don’t comment on market speculation, when asked whether they are interested in acquiring Elan.

      Irish Tax

      Failure in the first late-stage study doesn’t mean bapineuzumab won’t succeed, Rudolph Tanzi, professor of neurology at Harvard Medical School in Boston, said after the data were reported. The trial was done in patients genetically predisposed to Alzheimer’s, and doctors are awaiting results from studies in patients without the higher genetic risk.

      If those studies go poorly, Elan would be left with little other than Tysabri “except for a ton of things in their early- stage pipeline,” Jefferies’ Davis said.

      “In the hands of Biogen, with synergies and maybe being able to take advantage of their Irish tax rate, it could be worth a lot more to them,” the analyst said. If “the next bapi trial fails and we’re down to $10 or so and Biogen comes in and offers $15, it would be a hard offer for Elan to refuse.” .....a hard offer....ich denke , da kann ELAN noch ein paar Prozente mehr herausholen...:laugh:…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…
      schrieb am 07.08.12 07:39:05
      Beitrag Nr. 22.774 ()
      und wieder einmal geht unser Kurs in den Keller:

      Pfizer Inc. (PFE) and Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) said they are discontinuing four advanced clinical studies of a potential Alzheimer's treatment after it failed to meet its primary goals related to improving cognition and warding off dementia. Pfizer shares fell 2.3% to $23.70 after hours while Elan, which has a 25% ownership stake in the project, saw shares sink 9.3% to $10.20 after hours.
      schrieb am 07.08.12 07:41:10
      Beitrag Nr. 22.775 ()

      press release

      Aug. 6, 2012, 5:30 p.m. EDT

      Elan Announces Johnson & Johnson Release of Discontinuation of Phase 3 Development of Bapineuzumab Intravenous (IV) In Mild to Moderate Alzheimer's Disease
      Elan's near term funding obligations to Janssen AI expected to decrease

      DUBLIN, Aug 06, 2012 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- --Elan to write down its equity method investment in Janssen AI

      --Elan focused on Tysabri growth and continued financial strengthening

      Elan Corporation, plc ELN -0.88% announced today that Johnson & Johnson has issued a press release regarding the discontinuation of Phase 3 development of bapineuzumab IV in mild to moderate Alzheimer's. The press release can be accessed on or . Additionally, Pfizer Inc. has provided an announcement to the marketplace on the top line results of Phase 3 Study 301. The press release can be accessed on… .

      "We are tremendously disappointed for patients and their caregivers who are suffering from Alzheimer's and our employees who have dedicated many years to advancing this technology with the goal of creating a meaningful therapy to combat this challenging disease," said Kelly Martin, CEO of Elan Corporation, plc. He commented further that, "from a shareholder perspective, we will continue to focus on revenue growth with the advancement of Tysabri, rigorous cost and timeline alignment and - as we have done consistently over the years - a strengthening of our balance sheet and capital structure to provide a unique growth and value investment thesis to the marketplace while continuously reducing overall financial risk."

      Specific details surrounding the anticipated reduction of Janssen AI's future funding requirements will be determined after discussions with our equity co-investor, Johnson & Johnson and after the complete data set from Study 301 and 302 has been presented at the 16th Congress of the European Federation of Neurological Societies (EFNS) on September 11, 2012, the American Neurological Association (ANA) Annual Meeting on October 8, 2012 and the 5th Clinical Trials on Alzheimer's Disease (CTAD) on October 29, 2012. In addition to the data from Study 301 and 302, outcomes from the on-going vaccine and bapineuzumab SQ trials are important and will be instructive for a comprehensive evaluation of the immunotherapeutic approach to Alzheimer's.

      Given the discontinuation of the bapinezumab IV clinical development work in mild to moderate Alzheimer's patients, we anticipate there to be a significant reduction in spending through the end of next year. In addition, Elan will record a non-cash impairment charge of $117.3 million on our equity method investment in Janssen AI in the third quarter of 2012, representing the full carrying value of Elan's 49.9% proportionate share of the Janssen AI AIP assets.

      In September 2009, as a result of its transaction with Johnson & Johnson, Elan acquired a 49.9% interest in Janssen AI. Janssen AI partners with Pfizer, Inc on all operational aspects of the immunotherapeutic platform including bapineuzumab. Elan owns 25% of the AIP asset on a global basis plus certain royalty streams at various revenue levels should any therapy from AIP be commercialized in the future.

      About Elan

      Elan is a neuroscience focused biotechnology company committed to making a difference in the lives of patients and their families by dedicating itself to bringing innovations in science to fill significant unmet medical needs that continue to exist around the world. For additional information about Elan, please visit .

      Forward Looking Statements

      This document contains forward-looking statements about Elan's financial condition, results of operations, business prospects and products in research and development that involve substantial risks and uncertainties. You can identify these statements by the fact that they use words such as "anticipate", "estimate", "project", "target", "intend", "plan", "will", "believe", "expect" and other words and terms of similar meaning in connection with any discussion of future operating or financial performance or events. Among the factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those described or projected herein are the following: the potential of Tysabri, which may be severely constrained by increases in the incidence of serious adverse events (including death) associated with Tysabri (in particular, by increases in the incidence rate for cases of PML), or by competition from existing or new therapies (in particular, oral therapies), and the potential for the successful discovery, development and commercialization of additional products; Elan's ability to maintain sufficient cash, liquid resources, and investments and other assets capable of being monetized to meet its liquidity requirements; the success of our research and development activities, and research and development activities in which we retain an interest, including, in particular, whether the Phase 3 clinical trials for bapineuzumab are successful (Pfizer announced on July 23rd that the co-primary clinical endpoints were not met in one of the bapineuzumab Phase 3 clinical trials and that participants from that clinical trial who enrolled in a follow-on extension study will no longer receive doses of bapineuzumab; Johnson & Jonson announced on August 6, 2012 that it was discontinuing development of bapineuzumab IV in mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease) and the speed with which regulatory authorizations and product launches may be achieved; our dependence on Johnson & Johnson and Pfizer for the success of AIP; we own approximately six percent of Alkermes plc and our shares are subject to legal and contractual transfer restrictions; failure to comply with anti-kickback, bribery and false claims laws in the United States, Europe and elsewhere; difficulties or delays in manufacturing and supply of Tysabri; trade buying patterns; the impact of potential biosimilar competition, whether restrictive covenants in Elan's debt obligations will adversely affect Elan; the trend towards managed care and health care cost containment, including Medicare and Medicaid; legislation and other developments affecting pharmaceutical pricing and reimbursement (including, in particular, the dispute in Italy with respect to Tysabri sales), both domestically and internationally; failure to comply with Elan's payment obligations under Medicaid and other governmental programs; exposure to product liability (including, in particular, with respect to Tysabri) and other types of lawsuits and legal defense costs and the risks of adverse decisions or settlements related to product liability, patent protection, securities class actions, governmental investigations and other legal proceedings; Elan's ability to protect its patents and other intellectual property; claims and concerns that may arise regarding the safety or efficacy of Elan's products or product candidates; interest rate and foreign currency exchange rate fluctuations and the risk of a partial or total collapse of the euro; governmental laws and regulations affecting domestic and foreign operations, including tax obligations; general changes in United States and International generally accepted accounting principles; growth in costs and expenses; and the impact of acquisitions, divestitures, restructurings, product withdrawals and other unusual items. A further list and description of these risks, uncertainties and other matters can be found in Elan's Annual Report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2011, and in its Reports of Foreign Issuer on Form 6-K filed with the SEC. Elan assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

      SOURCE: Elan Corporation, plc

      Elan Corporation, plc
      Investor Relations:
      Chris Burns, 800-252-3526
      David Marshall, 353-1-709-4444
      Media Relations
      Jonathan Birt, +44-751-559-7858
      Jamie Tully, +1-212-687-8080

      Copyright Business Wire 2012…
      3 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 07.08.12 07:55:38
      Beitrag Nr. 22.776 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.463.725 von Poppholz am 07.08.12 07:41:10Bapi ist meiner Meinung nach immer ein schönes AdOn gewesen, das aber keinen alzu großen Wert im Kurs enthalten hat.

      Der Abschlag sollte somit bereits ausreichen. Gegebenenfalls wird der Kurs durch enttäuschte Verkäufer noch ein wenig sinken, aber die $10,- sollten als Wert bestand haben.

      Kelly sagt, dass nun die Kosten eingespart werden können und die Konzentration auf Tysabri forciert werden kann.

      Ich bin gespannt wie unser "Genie" dies umsetzen wird.

      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 07.08.12 08:04:22
      Beitrag Nr. 22.777 ()
      Leap, Pfizer shares drop after hours
      Pfizer, J&J halt study of Alzheimer’s treatment; Caribou Coffee falls
      Stories You Might Like

      By Carla Mozee, MarketWatch

      LOS ANGELES (MarketWatch) — Leap Wireless International Inc.’s report Monday evening showing a wider-than-expected quarterly loss was followed by a slide in late-traded shares of the prepaid wireless carrier, and shares of Pfizer Inc. were under pressure following a clinical-trial update.

      Stock in Leap Wireless LEAP +5.75% fell 10% at $4.96 after the company, which runs Cricket Wireless, said it lost $41.6 million, or 54 cents a share, on revenue of $786.8 million for the second quarter. The result was below the FactSet consensus estimate of a per-share loss of 50 cents on $836.8 million in revenue.

      Leap’s Chief Executive Doug Hutcheson said in a statement that the company’s customer results “were softer than anticipated.” Leap reported a net loss of 289,000 customers to end the quarter with 5.9 million customers.

      A year ago, Leap lost $58.4 million or 85 cents a share on $760.5 million in sales.

      Stock in Caribou Coffee CBOU -4.37% fell 4.6% at $10.45, with the coffee retailer cutting its sales outlook for the second time since late February. Caribou cited fewer sales of its coffee sold on Green Mountain Coffee Roasters Inc.’s GMCR -0.74% K-Cup platform as reason for the outlook.

      Caribou now expects no sales growth in 2012. Earlier this year, the company had expected growth of 10%. Shares of Green Mountain were down 0.8% at $21.30 in light volume after hours.

      Shares of Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson each pulled back after the companies said they are halting development of an intravenous treatment for patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease, after a second clinical trial failed. Pfizer and J&J unit Janssen had partnered on developing the compound bapineuzumab. Pfizer PFE -0.08% shares fell 3.1% at $23.50, and J&J JNJ -0.41% lost 1% at $68.17.

      J&J said it would take a related charge of $300 million to $400 million in the third quarter. Stock in Elan Corp. ELN -0.88% also dropped, by 9.6% to $10.17. Elan has a 49.9% stake in Janssen Alzheimer Immunotherapy and expects to take a related charge of $117.3 million in the third quarter.

      In late July, Pfizer and J&J said bapineuzumab failed to improve patient symptoms in a late-stage clinical trial, but that they would continue three other studies of the drug.

      Ahead of the late session, U.S. stocks rose on better-than-anticipated corporate earnings and easing concern about Europe’s debt troubles. However, stocks ended off intraday highs. The Dow Jones Industrial Average DJIA +0.16% closed up 21 points, or 0.2%, to 13,117.51. The S&P 500 Index SPX +0.23% gained 0.2% to 1,394.23 and the Nasdaq COMP +0.74% climbed 0.7% to 2,989.91. Read more on U.S. stocks.

      Carla Mozee is a reporter for MarketWatch, based in Los Angeles.…
      schrieb am 07.08.12 10:08:41
      Beitrag Nr. 22.778 ()
      So ein Mist.....ECHT!!
      schrieb am 07.08.12 10:45:12
      Beitrag Nr. 22.779 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.463.755 von Poppholz am 07.08.12 07:55:38Ich sehe das eigentlich genauso. Die wirtschaftliche Perspektive ist so rum gesehen sicher erst mal ganz gut. Nur, leider ist gleichzeitig die Phantasie raus. Bis klar wird, dass die Zahlen unter dem Strich jetzt auch mal positiv ausfallen, wird es vielleicht eine Zeit lang dauern. Und was bis dahin passiert???
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 07.08.12 11:11:08
      Beitrag Nr. 22.780 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.464.514 von DonServante am 07.08.12 10:45:12vorbörslich stehen wir bei $10,15.

      Gestern nachbörslich bei $9,88 geschlossen.
      schrieb am 07.08.12 14:50:18
      Beitrag Nr. 22.781 ()
      Elan Corp. Stock Rating Reaffirmed by Jefferies Group (ELN)
      August 7th, 2012 by Stacy Sanders

      Elan Corp. logoElan Corp. (NYSE: ELN)‘s stock had its “buy” rating restated by equities researchers at Jefferies Group in a report issued on Tuesday. They currently have a $20.00 target price on the stock.

      Elan Corp. opened at 11.25 on Tuesday. Elan Corp. has a 52-week low of $9.00 and a 52-week high of $15.27. The company has a market cap of $6.660 billion and a price-to-earnings ratio of 14.92.

      Elan Corp. last posted its quarterly earnings results on Wednesday, July 25th. The company reported ($0.05) earnings per share (EPS) for the quarter. The company’s revenue for the quarter was up 6.4% on a year-over-year basis. Analysts expect that Elan Corp. will post $-0.11 EPS for the current fiscal year.

      A number of other analysts have also recently weighed in on ELN. Analysts at Leerink Swann initiated coverage on shares of Elan Corp. in a research note to investors on Monday, July 23rd. They set a “market perform” rating on the stock. They noted that the move was a valuation call. Separately, analysts at Morgan Stanley initiated coverage on shares of Elan Corp. in a research note to investors on Monday, July 9th. They set an “equalweight” rating on the stock. Finally, analysts at UBS AG downgraded shares of Elan Corp. from a “buy” rating to a “neutral” rating in a research note to investors on Thursday, May 31st.

      Elan Corporation, plc (Elan) is a neuroscience-based biotechnology company. Elan’s operations are organized into two business units: BioNeurology (formerly Biopharmaceuticals) and Elan Drug Technologies (EDT).

      Keep up with the latest analysts' ratings by subscribing to Daily Political's daily email update. With your complimentary subscription, you will receive a concise summary of stock analysts' upgrades, downgrades and new coverage. Click here to subscribe.

      Copyright © 2012…
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 07.08.12 14:51:12
      Beitrag Nr. 22.782 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.465.593 von Poppholz am 07.08.12 14:50:18Kaufempfehlungen mit einem Kurs von $20,-

      Dies hat in der Vergangenheit auch eher zu fallenden Kursen geführt.

      schrieb am 07.08.12 18:59:14
      Beitrag Nr. 22.783 ()
      Kann mir jemand erklären warum es zu diesen Tageskurs-Verlauf gekommen ist

      vielen Dank
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 07.08.12 21:50:13
      Beitrag Nr. 22.784 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.466.975 von georg321 am 07.08.12 18:59:14gern georg,

      weil die iv wahrscheinlich läuft. Es negative Divergenzen gab und die Power der Downbewegung langsam (zumindest im Daily) versiegt.

      Hallo Freunde am 27.3 habe ich es euch angekündigt, was hier kommen wird.
      Es muss nicht das Ende von Elan sein ABER da ist noch ordentlich Holz vorm Ofen, was abgefackelt werden muss demzufolge wohl erst nur eine erste Teilstruktur.

      Liebe Tebi, haste einen Wein offen? Ich och, denn die Indis (Dow/DAX) laufen ganz und gar nicht nach meinen Vorstellungen so viel dazu! Prost!

      Das blaue a mit dem Fragezeichen (welches nach der iv antritt den Impuls zu beenden)ist die wahrscheinliche Variante ich gehe aber mal von doppelten Boden bei 9,77$ aus.

      Glück auf!

      schrieb am 07.08.12 22:00:26
      Beitrag Nr. 22.785 ()
      :kiss:....hi "mira",Wein ist noch nicht auf....aber Alster---bin heute komplett raus---habe keine Lust mehr... schade--aber das Leben geht weiter--mit Elan,nur ohne diese Aktie... Alles Liebe Allen hier....wir hören uns bestimmt irgendwie weiterhin...;)
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 09.08.12 07:37:18
      Beitrag Nr. 22.786 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.467.766 von Tebi am 07.08.12 22:00:26:cry:

      nun haben es die MM geschafft.

      "Stätiger Tropfen höhlt den Stein"

      Bernie fast raus, Tebi raus und auch ich habe in der Vergangenheit mehr verkauft als gekauft bei unserem Baby.

      Einen Teil meiner Aktien halte ich weiterhin, da ich auch weiterhin an eine gute Zukunft von ELN rechne.

      ... und aus Prinzip.

      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 09.08.12 17:15:54
      Beitrag Nr. 22.787 ()
      Elan's options following Alzheimer's drug failure
      Will the biotech need to find a suitor after the halting of a once-promising development program?


      Elan's (ELN +0.27%) shares took a beating Tuesday after the Irish drug company's partners abandoned a development program for what was once believed to be a potentially promising treatment for Alzheimer's disease.

      Elan partnered with Johnson & Johnson (JNJ +0.22%), which was working with Pfizer (PFE +0.92%) to develop bapineuzumab, a drug aimed at treating mild to moderate Alzheimer's. After an earlier clinical disappointment, the drug failed again in a pivotal study conducted in hopes of eventually winning U.S. approval for the treatment. The companies are giving up on the trial.

      Even though the news was mostly expected, investors were fleeing all three companies Tuesday. Elan's U.S.-traded opened with an 11% drop at $10.01, but recovered throughout the day to close down under 1% at $11.15. Pfizer fell 2% to $23.74, and J&J dipped 0.8% to $68.29. Shares of Eli Lilly (LLY -0.13%), which separately is developing its own Alzheimer's treatment, slipped more than 2% to $42.75.

      Elan gets almost all of its revenue from Tysabri, a multiple sclerosis drug it markets with Biogen Idec (BIIB -0.67%). The Alzheimer's drug represented a new source of sales in an important treatment area. So, what now for Elan?

      In a statement, Elan CEO Kelly Martin says his company will focus on Tysabri sales, cost cutting, and a stronger balance sheet "to provide a unique growth and value investment thesis to the marketplace while continuously reducing overall financial risk."

      What Elan should be considering is a strategic alternative, such as a sale to Tysabri partner Biogen, RBC Capital Markets analyst Michael Yee says.

      Yee says there's a bull case for an Elan takeover and he recommends buying the stock. (For one thing, Martin has announced that he's leaving the company and it's unclear who will run it. The executive previously said he would stay long enough to see results from the bapineuzumab studies.)

      Leerink Swann analyst Marko Kozul doesn't think Biogen is in any rush to buy Elan, however. And if such a potential transaction should occur, Kozul predicts that it wouldn't happen until sometime next year after Elan's shares fall even further. The analyst rates the stock a hold.

      Biogen had $2.9 billion in cash and liquid securities as of June 30. Elan's market cap was $6.2 billion Tuesday morning.

      While Elan's shares recovered from the initial double-digit dip, the recovery may be a little premature.

      A survey of 181 investors by ISI Group analyst Mark Schoenebaum estimated that the value of the Alzheimer's treatment was worth about $2 of Elan's stock price (before the drop on Tuesday). Elan shares fell 19% year-to-date.…
      schrieb am 11.08.12 14:56:01
      Beitrag Nr. 22.788 ()
      Nachdem die Alzheimerträume geplatzt sind, ... .

      Bis auf einen Restbestand bin ich auch raus.
      schrieb am 11.08.12 19:27:22
      Beitrag Nr. 22.789 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.473.011 von Poppholz am 09.08.12 07:37:18Hey Poppi---Ja--ist schon schade....sollte ja unsere Alters-Reichtums-Aktie sein...;)Tja,aber das Management hat nicht mit und für die Aktionäre gearbeitet und nun tut´s Bapi auch nicht---da gab es für mich keinen Grund mehr zu halten...aber unsere Truppe hier war klasse + wir WAREN zusammen schon mal reich:laugh:vielleicht treffen wir uns mal wieder in einem board---vielleicht NACH dem nächsten Aktiencrash...Alles Gute bis dahin + Poppi :Küsschen an die Minis....
      schrieb am 13.08.12 13:59:37
      Beitrag Nr. 22.790 ()
      Elan Corporation PLC Announces Plan To Spin-Off Discovery Science And Neotope Biosciences

      2:00am EDT

      Elan Corporation PLC announced that Board of Directors has approved the spin-off of the discovery science and Neotope Biosciences from the company. Completion of this transaction will create two independent, focused, public companies that enables investors to align timelines, risk and returns in order to achieve their investment objectives. The two companies will be Elan Corporation plc- a focused business that will generate growth; immediate and long term profits; and expanding margins. Neotope Biosciences plc, drug discovery business platform, originally established in 2010, focused primarily on identifying and translating targets into potential therapies for chronic degenerative and other related disease areas. This entity will continue to focus on innovation, differentiated scientific advancement, intellectual property creation and translational capability to transform science into clinical assets. Completion of the spin-off is subject to conditions, including approval by shareholders and by holders of 2016 Notes, which the Company will be seeking as soon as is practical. If the transaction is effected, the Company expects a separate listing of Neotope Biosciences on a U.S. exchange, by the end of 2012.…
      schrieb am 13.08.12 14:01:49
      Beitrag Nr. 22.791 ()
      Elan Corporation, plc : Elan Announces Plan to Spin-Off Discovery Science And Neotope Biosciences to Shareholders
      08/13/2012 | 02:05am US/Eastern

      -Creates two independent, unique companies
      -Transaction aligns assets, timelines, and risk/reward
      -Elan to become immediately profitable and a high growth company
      -Targeting $1.00 earnings per share by 2015 with new business construct
      -Commitment to science by providing initial capital to Neotope Biosciences plc
      -Completion of transaction expected by year end 2012

      Elan Corporation, plc (NYSE:ELN) announced today that its Board of Directors has approved the spin-off of the discovery science and Neotope Biosciences from the company. Completion of this transaction will create two independent, highly focused, public companies that will enable investors to align timelines, risk and returns in order to best achieve their investment objectives. The two companies will be:

      Elan Corporation plc

      A focused business that will generate growth; immediate and long term profits; and expanding margins. Additionally, this profitable business will be able to utilize our advantageous tax structure and create incremental after-tax earnings to the direct benefit of shareholders.

      Initially consisting of three main assets: Tysabri (marketed in collaboration with Biogen Idec) for Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and other potential indications; ELND005 a small molecule asset that is Phase 2/Phase 2b ready in a range of neuropsychiatry and symptomatic diseases that targets non-amyloid pathologies; and lastly, the continued interest in Janssen AI which with Pfizer manages the on-going AIP portfolio including Phase 2 Bapineuzumab (subQ); Phase 2 vaccine (ACC-001) and Phase 1 AAB-003 (mab).

      Neotope Biosciences plc

      Drug discovery business platform, originally established in 2010, focused primarily on identifying and translating targets into potential therapies for chronic degenerative and other related disease areas. This entity will continue to focus on innovation, differentiated scientific advancement, unique intellectual property creation and translational capability to transform science into clinical assets.

      Transaction Conditions and Timeline

      Completion of the spin-off is subject to conditions, including approval by our shareholders and by holders of our 2016 Notes, which the Company will be seeking as soon as is practical. Additional details of the proposed spin-off, including proportionate shareholding and separate financial information relating to both Elan and to Neotope Biosciences will be provided to shareholders. If the transaction is effected, we expect there to be a separate listing of Neotope Biosciences on a U.S. exchange, by the end of 2012. Elan will incur a charge upon completion of the transaction.

      Leadership Comments

      "This is a bold and logical strategic step as it provides shareholders with the ability to delineate risk, timelines and business characteristics to their own specific investment objectives. As we have done over the past decade and will continue to do in the future, the strengthening of the balance sheet, capital structure, income statement and progression of the science for the benefit of patients, has been a constant goal and objective of the management team and supported by the board of directors," said Robert A. Ingram, Chairman of Elan and Kelly Martin, CEO. Messrs. Ingram and Martin added that, "All of our previous actions, including most notably the separation of the Elan Drug Technologies business and its merger with Alkermes plc as well as the establishment of Janssen AI with Johnson & Johnson in a sharing of the risk/reward around the AIP asset, have been designed to improve the risk/return profile of the company, cluster businesses and assets logically for shareholders."

      Mr. Martin commented further, "By establishing Neotope Biosciences and Elan as distinct businesses - each with its own specific business characteristics and dynamics - we provide investors with important clarity, transparency and choice as it relates to their investment decisions."

      Mr. Martin added, "For Elan Corporation, plc, the completion of this transaction is a natural progression and final step to becoming a company that generates both profits and growth to the benefit of stakeholders. The dominant focus will be broadening and deepening patient access to TYSABRI on a global basis and registering ELND005 for multiple indications in neuropsychiatry and other symptomatic indications. This move to immediate profitability will enable us to utilise the benefit of the significant accumulated losses that have been built up over the years. We intend to explore ways to share this benefit with our stakeholders through some combination of debt repurchases, share buy backs, dividends or all three. Further communication on this topic will be forthcoming in the months ahead and upon completion of the transaction."

      "With Elan's commitment to capitalize Neotope's Bioscience, our highly talented scientific team who have previously discovered TYSABRI and an approach to immunotherapy for Alzheimer's, will have the resources and time to advance programs for chronic degenerative diseases, such as synuclein for Parkinson's disease, along the drug development stages and provide opportunities for investors to participate in this journey", said Dr. Lars Ekman, Chairman designate of Neotope Biosciences. Dr. Ekman continued, "In the longer term, the team's heightened focus and dedication to translating unique scientific insight into clinical programs will provide benefits to the field of life sciences across a broad array of diseases for the ultimate benefit of patients. With this transaction, their successes and insights are expected to provide enormous benefit to the world."

      Messrs. Ingram and Martin concluded, "Our board and management team have spent the previous twelve months assessing the optimal alignment of assets, risk/reward and income statement dynamics to the marketplace and our shareholders. These discussions took place well in advance of the recent release of the top line outcomes of the Bapinezumab Phase 3 trials. The transparent alignment of distinctive timelines and unique business characteristics to enable shareholder investment decisions and choice was our guiding principle and remained a constant which ultimately resulted in today's announcement."

      Highlights of Previous Decade

      The previous decade for Elan has been characterized as one of consistent focus and execution on delivering improvements in all aspects of its business fundamentals. Highlights of this journey include:

      Expected 2012 revenues of $1.2 - 1.25 billion; growth of 150% since 2004
      Operating Expenses have decreased by more than 50% since 2002
      Adjusted EBITDA of positive $147 million in 2011, versus negative $203 million in 2004
      Debt and Contractual obligations reduced by 76% since 2002
      Corporate tax rate of 12.5% with the benefit of accumulated losses and structures in excess of $4 billion
      Launched Tysabri (twice) - for MS with potential for additional indications
      Reduced AD clinical risk with J&J - maintained programs while retaining 25% of P&L
      Successful divestment of EDT, generating $1 billion of non-dilutive capital for Elan plc
      Advanced ELN005 through Phase 2 with potential therapeutic symptomatic applications
      Advancement of pre-clinical novel targets programs: synuclein, MCAM, tau, amyloid

      Strategic Rationale

      Today, Elan Corporation, plc is comprised of two distinct investment propositions with differing science-business risks and timeframes:

      Commercial and growth oriented profitable business capable of generating meaningful after tax earnings for the benefit of stakeholders over the long term. Time horizons immediate and on-going.
      Early discovery and translation to humans focused on pathology-biology based mis-folding protein targets in chronic degenerative diseases. Science and its predictability remain the major risk factor; time horizons of 5+ years to the clinic.

      The Board of Directors as well as executive management believe separating into two distinct business will enable appropriate alignment of funding/capital structures with the mission of each respective business; where the interests of the shareholders and the management team will be synchronized with the risk, return and timelines of activities.

      Elan Corporation plc Profile

      Immediately profitable and high growth company
      Headquartered in Dublin, Ireland
      2011 revenues of $1.2 billion; 2011 GAAP Operating Expenses of $403 million
      Post transaction GAAP Operating Expenses of ~ $300 million
      2013 post a successful spin-off transaction estimated EBITDA in excess of $400 million and estimated Net Income in excess of $250 million; and targeting $1.00 earnings per share for our shareholders by 2015, with the new business construct
      Corporate tax of 12.5%; more than $4 billion in accumulated losses and other structures for after tax EPS incremental returns and stakeholder benefits
      ELND005 with Phase 2/Phase 2b in several neurology and neuropsychiatry symptomatic indications
      Chairman: Robert A. Ingram
      Chief Executive Officer: Kelly Martin
      Employees: approximately 90 - 110 people
      Equity interests in Janssen AI - AIP Programs, Alkermes plc, Proteostasis Therapeutics, and Neotope Biosciences

      Neotope Biosciences plc Profile

      Drug discovery company focused on translating distinct targets into therapies for chronic degenerative and other related diseases
      Incorporated in Ireland with operations in South San Francisco, California
      Key targets: synuclein, tau, MCAM, amyloid for application to a wide variety of diseases
      Potential for three INDs by 2015
      Expected cash spend of $50 - $60 million per annum
      Chairman: Dr. Lars Ekman
      Chief Executive Officer: Dr. Dale Schenk
      Employees: approximately 80 people
      Elan Corporation plc to commit $120-$130 million start-up capital and to retain 14 - 18% minority equity position


      The transaction is subject to a number of conditions, including approval by shareholders and the holders of the 2016 Notes.


      Elan's financial advisors are Citigroup and Ondra Partners.

      Investor/Analyst Conference Call

      Elan will host an investor/analyst conference call at 8.30am ET today. This call will be simultaneously webcast over the internet and will be available to investors, members of the news media and the general public. The event can be accessed by visiting Elan's website at and clicking on the Investor Relations section, then on the event icon. Slides will be available on at the time of the conference call/webcast.

      About Elan

      Elan is a neuroscience focused biotechnology company committed to making a difference in the lives of patients and their families by dedicating itself to bringing innovations in science to fill significant unmet medical needs that continue to exist around the world. For additional information about Elan, please visit

      Forward Looking Statements

      This document contains forward-looking statements about Elan's financial condition, results of operations, business prospects and products in research and development that involve substantial risks and uncertainties. You can identify these statements by the fact that they use words such as "anticipate", "estimate", "project", "target", "intend", "plan", "will", "believe", "expect" and other words and terms of similar meaning in connection with any discussion of future operating or financial performance or events. Among the factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those described or projected herein are the following: whether or when the proposed spin-off will be effected, if the spin-off is effected whether Elan Corporation, plc will be profitable, will grow, will increase margins and will be able to take advantage of its accumulated tax losses, the potential of Tysabri, which may be severely constrained by increases in the incidence of serious adverse events (including death) associated with Tysabri (in particular, by increases in the incidence rate for cases of PML), or by competition from existing or new therapies (in particular, oral therapies), and the potential for the successful discovery, development and commercialization of additional products; Elan's ability to maintain sufficient cash, liquid resources, and investments and other assets capable of being monetized to meet its liquidity requirements; the success of our research and development activities, and research and development activities in which we retain an interest, including, in particular,; Johnson & Johnson and Pfizer announced on August 6, 2012 that they were discontinuing development of bapineuzumab IV in mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease) and the speed with which regulatory authorizations and product launches may be achieved; our dependence on Johnson & Johnson and Pfizer for the success of AIP; we own approximately six percent of Alkermes plc and our shares are subject to legal and contractual transfer restrictions; failure to comply with anti-kickback, bribery and false claims laws in the United States, Europe and elsewhere; difficulties or delays in manufacturing and supply of Tysabri; trade buying patterns; the impact of potential biosimilar competition, whether restrictive covenants in Elan's debt obligations will adversely affect Elan; the trend towards managed care and health care cost containment, including Medicare and Medicaid; legislation and other developments affecting pharmaceutical pricing and reimbursement (including, in particular, the dispute in Italy with respect to Tysabri sales), both domestically and internationally; failure to comply with Elan's payment obligations under Medicaid and other governmental programs; exposure to product liability (including, in particular, with respect to Tysabri) and other types of lawsuits and legal defense costs and the risks of adverse decisions or settlements related to product liability, patent protection, securities class actions, governmental investigations and other legal proceedings; Elan's ability to protect its patents and other intellectual property; claims and concerns that may arise regarding the safety or efficacy of Elan's products or product candidates; interest rate and foreign currency exchange rate fluctuations and the risk of a partial or total collapse of the euro; governmental laws and regulations affecting domestic and foreign operations, including tax obligations; general changes in United States and International generally accepted accounting principles; growth in costs and expenses; and the impact of acquisitions, divestitures, restructurings, product withdrawals and other unusual items. A further list and description of these risks, uncertainties and other matters can be found in Elan's Annual Report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2011, and in its Reports of Foreign Issuer on Form 6-K filed with the SEC. Elan assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

      Elan Corporation, plc
      Investor Relations:
      Chris Burns, 800-252-3526
      David Marshall, + 353-1-709-4444
      Media Relations:
      Emer Reynolds, + 353-1-709-4022
      Jonathan Birt, +44-751-559-7858
      Jamie Tully, +1-212-687-8080

      © Business Wire 2012…
      schrieb am 14.08.12 07:35:11
      Beitrag Nr. 22.792 ()
      Drug development
      Elan looks to spin Alzheimer's research into South S.F.-based company

      San Francisco Business Times by Ron Leuty, Reporter
      Date: Monday, August 13, 2012, 10:48am PDT - Last Modified: Monday, August 13, 2012, 12:41pm PDT

      Fresh from the failure of an Alzheimer's disease drug, Elan Corp. plans to spin off its South San Francisco-based Neotope research organization into a separate company.

      Neotope was established in 2010 to identify targets for chronic degenerative diseases and other diseases, the company said, but the spinoff depends on approval by shareholders and holders of Elan's 2016 notes.

      If approved, Elan (NYSE: ELN)) said, a listing for Neotope Biosciences could be on a U.S. exchange by the end of this year. The company would be incorporated in Ireland, which also is Elan's home.

      The move comes as Elan suffered another blow last week with the late-stage clinical failure of the experimental Alzheimer's disease drug bapineuzumab. Janssen Alzheimer Immunotherapy in South San Francisco, which Elan established with Johnson & Johnson (NYSE: JNJ), and Pfizer Inc. (NYSE: PFE) said they would stop their Phase III studies of the drug.

      The spinoff could be setting the stage for Elan to sell itself and its stake in the multiple sclerosis drug Tysabri.

      Tysabri is marketed by Biogen Idec (NASDAQ: BIIB).

      "By establishing Neotope Biosciences and Elan as distinct businesses -- each with its own specific business characteristics and dynamics -- we provide invetors with important clarity, transparency and choice as it relates to their investment decisions," Elan CEO Kelly Martin said in a press release.

      Backed with $120 million to $130 million from Elan, the 80-person Neotope would work on drugs focusing on tau and amyloid -- two targets of Alzheimer's research -- and other indications. It aims to produce three investigative new drug applications by 2015, according to Elan.

      Elan would retain a 14 percent to 18 percent equity stake in the spinoff.…
      schrieb am 14.08.12 07:45:12
      Beitrag Nr. 22.793 ()

      Moody's reviews Elan's B1 rating for upgrade

      Global Credit Research - 13 Aug 2012

      Approximately $625 million of rated debt affected

      New York, August 13, 2012 -- Moody's Investors Service placed the ratings of Elan Corporation, plc ("Elan") including the B1 Corporate Family Rating under review for upgrade. This rating action follows Elan's announcement that it plans to spin-off the discovery science and Neotope Biosciences businesses from the company. The transaction is subject to shareholder and bondholder approval and is expected to close by year-end 2012.

      Ratings placed under review for possible upgrade:

      Elan Corporation plc:

      B1 Corporate Family Rating

      Ba3 Probability of Default Rating

      Elan Finance plc:

      B1 (LGD 4, 66%) senior unsecured notes due 2016, guaranteed by Elan Corporation plc and subsidiaries

      There is no change to Elan's SGL-1 Speculative Grade Liquidity Rating.

      "The transaction creates an entity with significantly lower debt/EBITDA, limited R&D execution risk, and a solid growth outlook," stated Michael Levesque, Moody's Senior Vice President.

      "However, Elan's revenues will remain solely concentrated in Tysabri, and therefore any upgrade of the ratings is likely to be limited to one notch," continue Levesque.

      Moody's rating review will focus on: (1) progress in receiving required approvals for the transaction; (2) the capital structure, leverage profile and cash distribution policies post-transaction; (3) Tysabri utilization and sales trends; and (4) the pro forma profit and loss statement and its components.


      Elan's B1 Corporate Family Rating reflects the company's limited scale, high product concentration risk and modest albeit improving free cash flow generation, expected to benefit from the proposed R&D spin-off. Elan's revenues will remain comprised 100% of Tysabri sales. Although Tysabri utilization trends should be positive, competition and safety factors will reduce its rate of growth compared to recent results.

      For additional information, please refer to Moody's Credit Opinion of Elan Corporation, plc available on

      The principal methodology used in rating Elan was the Global Pharmaceuticals Industry Methodology published in October 2009. Other methodologies used include Loss Given Default for Speculative-Grade Non-Financial Companies in the U.S., Canada and EMEA published in June 2009. Please see the Credit Policy page on for a copy of these methodologies.

      Headquartered in Dublin, Ireland, Elan Corporation, plc is a neuroscience-based biotechnology company. For the first six months of 2012, Elan reported revenue of $576 million.


      The Global Scale Credit Ratings on this press release that are issued by one of Moody's affiliates outside the EU are endorsed by Moody's Investors Service Ltd., One Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London E 14 5FA, UK, in accordance with Art.4 paragraph 3 of the Regulation (EC) No 1060/2009 on Credit Rating Agencies. Further information on the EU endorsement status and on the Moody's office that has issued a particular Credit Rating is available on

      For ratings issued on a program, series or category/class of debt, this announcement provides relevant regulatory disclosures in relation to each rating of a subsequently issued bond or note of the same series or category/class of debt or pursuant to a program for which the ratings are derived exclusively from existing ratings in accordance with Moody's rating practices. For ratings issued on a support provider, this announcement provides relevant regulatory disclosures in relation to the rating action on the support provider and in relation to each particular rating action for securities that derive their credit ratings from the support provider's credit rating. For provisional ratings, this announcement provides relevant regulatory disclosures in relation to the provisional rating assigned, and in relation to a definitive rating that may be assigned subsequent to the final issuance of the debt, in each case where the transaction structure and terms have not changed prior to the assignment of the definitive rating in a manner that would have affected the rating. For further information please see the ratings tab on the issuer/entity page for the respective issuer on

      Moody's considers the quality of information available on the rated entity, obligation or credit satisfactory for the purposes of issuing a rating.

      Moody's adopts all necessary measures so that the information it uses in assigning a rating is of sufficient quality and from sources Moody's considers to be reliable including, when appropriate, independent third-party sources. However, Moody's is not an auditor and cannot in every instance independently verify or validate information received in the rating process.

      Please see Moody's Rating Symbols and Definitions on the Rating Process page on for further information on the meaning of each rating category and the definition of default and recovery.

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      schrieb am 14.08.12 07:48:38
      Beitrag Nr. 22.794 ()
      Elan buy

      Frankfurt ( - Richard Parkes und Tim Race, Analysten der Deutschen Bank, vergeben für die Aktie von Elan (ISIN IE0003072950/ WKN 903801) das Rating "buy". Das 12-Monats-Kursziel werde bei 10,40 EUR gesehen. (Analyse vom 08.08.2012) (08.08.2012/ac/a/a)…
      schrieb am 14.08.12 07:50:32
      Beitrag Nr. 22.795 ()
      Elan-Aktie: "outperform"

      13.08.12 12:04
      RBC Capital Markets

      Toronto ( - Michael J. Yee, Charmaine Chan und Adnan Butt, Analysten von RBC Capital Markets, vergeben für die Elan-Aktie das Votum "outperform". (Analyse vom 10.08.2012) (13.08.2012/ac/a/a)…
      schrieb am 14.08.12 13:31:06
      Beitrag Nr. 22.796 ()
      Benzinga's Top Upgrades
      Lisa Levin, Benzinga Staff Writer

      Analysts at UBS upgraded Elan Corp plc (NYSE: ELN) from “neutral” to “buy.” Elan's shares closed at $11.60 yesterday. Elan's trailing-twelve-month ROE is 101.04%.

      Analysts at Bank of America upgraded Skywest (NASDAQ: SKYW) from “underperform” to “neutral.” Skywest's shares closed at $8.09 yesterday. Skywest's trailing-twelve-month revenue is $3.71 billion.

      Analysts at Mizuho upgraded Wright Medical Group (NASDAQ: WMGI) from “neutral” to “buy.” Wright Medical's shares closed at $19.70 yesterday. Wright Medical had $192.89 million in total cash for the latest quarter.

      Citigroup upgraded Delhaize Group (NYSE: DEG) from “neutral” to “buy.” Delhaize Group's shares closed at $38.00 yesterday. Delhaize Group's trailing-twelve-month operating margin is 4.29%.

      (c) 2012 Benzinga does not provide investment advice. All rights reserved.…
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 14.08.12 13:33:11
      Beitrag Nr. 22.797 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.491.344 von Poppholz am 14.08.12 13:31:06nun kommen sie alle mit Kaufempfehlungen.

      Mal sehen was das für eine Auswirkung auf den Kurs hat.

      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 14.08.12 15:44:09
      Beitrag Nr. 22.798 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.491.348 von Poppholz am 14.08.12 13:33:11aktuell bleibt der Wiederstand bei $11,75

      Mal sehen wann der Knoten platzt.

      schrieb am 15.08.12 08:08:29
      Beitrag Nr. 22.799 ()
      nun ist der Wiederstand bei $11,75 endlich überwunden. Mal schauen ob wir diesen auch "langfristig" hinter uns lassen können.

      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 15.08.12 21:42:24
      Beitrag Nr. 22.800 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.494.303 von Poppholz am 15.08.12 08:08:29nun scheint die $12,00 Marke die nächste Schwelle zu sein.

      Mal schauen wie lange noch.

      schrieb am 30.08.12 08:07:08
      Beitrag Nr. 22.801 ()
      Elan Announces Dosing of First Patient in Phase 2 Trial of ELND005 (Scyllo-inositol) in Bipolar Disorder

      Published: August 29, 2012

      DUBLIN — Elan Corporation, plc (NYSE:ELN) today announced that it has commenced a Phase 2, placebo-controlled, safety and efficacy study of oral ELND005 as an adjunctive maintenance treatment in patients with Bipolar I Disorder (BPD 1) to delay the time to occurrence of mood episodes. The first patient has been dosed in the study.

      Bipolar I Disorder (BPD 1) is a severe form of BPD, also commonly known as manic depressive illness. It is a psychiatric disorder characterized by excessive swings in a person’s mood and energy affecting their ability to function. BPD is a lifetime recurrent disorder with cycles of dramatic mood swings of highs and lows, often with periods of normal moods in between. The periods of highs and lows are called episodes of mania and depression. BPD is also associated with increased cardiovascular morbidity and suicide risk. The US and EU population of BPD patients is estimated at approximately 3.5 million.

      Information on the protocol for ELND005-BPD201 can be found at

      With the first patient now dosed in a Phase 2 trial, Transition Therapeutics Inc will receive a one time clinical milestone payment of $11 million.

      About Elan

      Elan is a neuroscience focused biotechnology company committed to making a difference in the lives of patients and their families by dedicating itself to bringing innovations in science to fill significant unmet medical needs that continue to exist around the world. For additional information about Elan, please visit

      Safe Harbor/Forward-Looking Statements

      This press release contains forward-looking statements regarding the development of scyllo-inositol (ELND005.) These statements are based on Elan's current beliefs and expectations. ELND005 may not be successfully developed or commercialized. Factors which could cause actual results to differ materially from Elan's current expectations include the risks that clinical development of ELND005 fails due to safety or efficacy issues, Elan fails to receive regulatory approval to undertake additional clinical trials, the results from Phase 1 and 2 clinical trials and preclinical testing of ELND005 are not predictive of results to be obtained in later clinical trials, the patent with respect to ELND005 may not provide substantial protection or commercial benefit, the development and commercialization of competitive therapies, or Elan encounters other delays or hurdles. Drug development and commercialization involves a high degree of risk.

      For more detailed information on the risks and uncertainties associated with Elan's drug development and other activities, see the periodic and current reports that Elan has filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Elan assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

      Read more here:……
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 30.08.12 08:10:19
      Beitrag Nr. 22.802 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.549.454 von Poppholz am 30.08.12 08:07:08kennt jemand die Firma:

      With the first patient now dosed in a Phase 2 trial, Transition Therapeutics Inc will receive a one time clinical milestone payment of $11 million.

      fließt das Geld von ELAN an TRANSITION THERAPEUTICS INC?

      schrieb am 06.09.12 07:27:24
      Beitrag Nr. 22.803 ()
      Elan Takes Another Swing
      By Keith Speights, The Motley Fool
      Posted 12:48PM 09/05/12 Posted under: Investing


      Elan (NYS: ELN) is now back in the ring to take another swing. The Dublin-based biotech recently announced phase 2 clinical trials of its ELND005 drug for maintenance treatments of patients with Bipolar I Disorder (BPD 1). The first patient has been dosed in this study.

      First swing
      The first swing for ELND005 wasn't a knockout, but it wasn't a total miss, either. Back in August 2010, Elan and partner Transition Therapeutics announced results from a phase 2 study of the drug for treating Alzheimer's disease.

      This study did not find significant cognitive or functional improvement for patients taking ELND005. However, the dosages used in the study appeared to meet acceptable levels for safety and tolerability. The two companies also found enough encouragement from the drug's effects on amyloid-beta protein in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) to advance ELND005 into phase 3 studies.

      A few months later, though, Transition exercised its opt-out right on ELND005. As a result, the company no longer contributes to funding any commercialization or development of the drug. It also relinquished its 30% ownership of ELND005 to Elan. Elan has since been relatively quiet on progress with the drug's usage for Alzheimer's disease.

      The company has made some noise on other fronts relating to Alzheimer's disease, though. Unfortunately, the noise hasn't been pleasing to investors' ears.

      Elan announced last month that Johnson & Johnson (NYS: JNJ) planned to discontinue bapineuzumab IV in mild to moderate Alzheimer's because of disappointing results. J&J's Janssen subsidiary partnered with Pfizer (NYS: PFE) in the Alzheimer Immunotherapy Program. Elan owns a 25% stake in the AIP.

      Back in the ring

      The phase 2 trial for BPD 1 patients puts Elan back in the ring with ELND005. However, a serious question is whether BPD is a great ring to be in for Elan.

      Commonly known as manic depressive illness, BPD 1 affects approximately 3.5 million people in the U.S. and Europe. Major players in the BPD drug market include J&J with Risperdol, and Eli Lilly (NYS: LLY) with Zyprexa.

      The challenge facing these companies and others is that the BPD market is expected to decline in the coming years. Lilly lost patent protection for Zyprexa in October 2011. Teva (NYS: TEVA) jumped in almost immediately with a generic version. The availability of generics translates to tougher times for the other companies in the BPD market.

      That leaves Elan in a questionable position with ELND005 and BPD. The drug only recently started its phase 2 trial. Even if the trial goes really well, ELND005 would encounter the hurdles of competing against Teva's generic drugs and established drugs from the other well-capitalized rivals.

      Other fights
      With disappointing results from bapineuzumab IV and uncertainty surrounding the prospects for ELND005, what other fights are being waged by Elan? One is with its main product, Tysabri, used in the treatment of multiple sclerosis.

      Elan announced in July that over 69,000 patients use Tysabri, up 13% from the prior year. This increase helped grow total revenue by 6% in second quarter 2012 compared to the same period in 2011.

      The company is also betting on a proposed spin-off approach to enthuse investors. A few weeks ago, Elan unveiled plans to create two independent entities: Elan and Neotope Biosciences.

      Elan would own Tysabri and drugs in the pipeline, including ELND005. Neotope would focus on the drug discovery business platform. Management expects to make Neotope available for public trading as a separate entity by end of 2012.

      Holding your punches
      Investors probably should hold their punches with respect to Elan for now. The stock is down more than 15% so far this year. The forward price-to-earnings ratio of 65 seems too steep considering the company's challenges in expanding beyond Tysabri.

      Perhaps the spin-off of Neotope will be a positive for Elan. While we wait to see, investors can find better stocks to fight for them.

      One other biopharmaceutical company growth investors might consider is Arena Pharmaceuticals. Before you jump in, though, read the premium report about Arena created one of The Motley Fool's top biotech analysts. This new report examines Arena's key opportunities and risks. It also comes with a full year of analyst updates, so click here to get your copy now!

      The article Elan Takes Another Swing originally appeared on
      Fool contributor Keith Speights owns no shares in the stocks mentioned above. The Motley Fool owns shares of Johnson & Johnson. Motley Fool newsletter services have recommended buying shares of and creating a diagonal call position in Johnson & Johnson. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy. We Fools may not all hold the same opinions, but we all believe that considering a diverse range of insights makes us better investors. Try any of our Foolish newsletter services free for 30 days.

      Copyright © 1995 - 2012 The Motley Fool, LLC. All rights reserved. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.…
      schrieb am 14.09.12 10:27:20
      Beitrag Nr. 22.804 ()
      ..ich habe gestern mal die Zeit gehabt, den Kurs von ELN zu beobachten...
      ...der Kurs wird bis zum " geht nicht mehr" gedeckelt......

      Steht BIOGEN in den Startlöchern , um die Übernahme von ELAN vorzubereiten ???

      LG bernie55;)

      PS: Ich bin mittlerweile nur noch mit 10% von meinen ursprünglichen xxxx Aktien dabei .....;)
      schrieb am 14.09.12 10:34:44
      Beitrag Nr. 22.805 ()
      Zitat von Poppholz: :cry:

      nun haben es die MM geschafft.

      "Stätiger Tropfen höhlt den Stein"

      Bernie fast raus, Tebi raus und auch ich habe in der Vergangenheit mehr verkauft als gekauft bei unserem Baby.

      Einen Teil meiner Aktien halte ich weiterhin, da ich auch weiterhin an eine gute Zukunft von ELN rechne.

      ... und aus Prinzip.


      @tebi :kiss:
      @poppholz - prinzipo;) :kiss:

      ..tja, ihr Lieben, so "isset"...;) waren geile Zeiten , gemeinsam mit euch die Höhen und Tiefen mit ELAN zu "durchleben" und viele fruchtbare Diskussionen im WO und auch Telefonate geführt zu haben....

      So long, wir lesen uns weiterhin bzw. hören uns

      LG bernie55 ;)
      schrieb am 21.09.12 09:51:37
      Beitrag Nr. 22.806 ()
      Elan Corp. Names Hans Peter Hasler COO

      ( - Elan Corporation, plc (ELN) said Thursday that it has appointed Hans Peter Hasler as Chief Operating Officer, effective from October 1.

      Hasler was appointed a director of Elan in September 2011 and is currently a non-executive director of the company. The company noted that on his appointment as COO, he will retire from the board of directors of the company.

      He is currently the chairman of HBM Bioventures AG and principal of HPH Management GmbH. Hasler had served with Biogen Idec in a number of key executive leadership roles from 2001 to 2009, most recently as its COO responsible for all commercial operations, business development, medical affairs and Biogen International.

      For comments and feedback: contact…
      schrieb am 21.09.12 15:09:01
      Beitrag Nr. 22.807 ()
      Sollte hier bei Elan nicht diesen Sommer eine große Entscheidung in Verbindung mit Tysabri anstehen?
      Nach dem Kursverlauf scheint das ja negativ ausgegangen zu sein, oder?
      Oder gibt es doch noch etwas, auf das man wieder mal warten könnte?
      Viele Fragen, gibt es Antworten dazu?
      3 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 24.09.12 19:20:30
      Beitrag Nr. 22.808 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.631.220 von rotie1 am 21.09.12 15:09:01Alles klar, keine Antwort ist auch eine Antwort!:laugh:
      Viel Spaß beim weiteren warten ...:keks:
      schrieb am 25.09.12 10:25:50
      Beitrag Nr. 22.809 ()
      9/24/2012 @ 4:26PM
      Tysabri Taking Biogen Idec To New Highs

      Positive earnings estimate revisions, a strong second quarter and an upbeat guidance for 2012 helped Biogen Idec, Inc. (BIIB – Analyst Report) hit its 52-week high on September 20, 2012. Moreover, this Zacks #1 Rank (Strong Buy) biotechnology company has delivered positive earnings surprises in six of the last eight quarters with an average beat of 5.6%.

      The stock’s momentum should continue, given the strong performance of key products Avonex and Tysabri, the potential approval and launch of pipeline candidate BG-12 and positive pipeline updates.

      Based in Weston, Massachusetts, Biogen is one of the world’s largest biotechnology companies. The company, which has a market cap of $36.64 billion, focuses mainly on neurology, immunology and hemophilia. Multiple sclerosis products such as Avonex and Tysabri currently drive the top line. Other marketed products include Fumaderm (treatment of severe psoriasis) and Fampyra (improvement of walking in multiple sclerosis patients).

      Biogen also generates significant royalties from partnering agreements with other pharmaceutical and biotech companies. The company has collaborations with companies like Roche Holding (RHHBY) for Rituxan, Elan Corporation (ELN – Snapshot Report) for Tysabri, Acorda Therapeutics, Inc. (ACOR – Snapshot Report) for Fampyra, Biovitrum for factor VIII and IX and Abbott Labs (ABT – Analyst Report) for daclizumab.

      Founded in 1985, Biogen has several candidates in its pipeline, including BG-12 (multiple sclerosis), daclizumab (multiple sclerosis), Factor VIII (hemophilia A) and Factor IX (hemophilia B) among others.

      Solid Second Quarter Results

      On July 24, Biogen reported second quarter earnings per share of $1.82, 16.7% above the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $1.56 and 34.8% above the year-ago earnings of $1.35. Higher revenues and a lower share count contributed to the increase in earnings.

      Second quarter 2012 revenues increased 17.6% year over year to $1.4 billion, well above the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $1.3 billion. The multiple sclerosis product Avonex was a major contributor to the increase in revenues. The introduction of Avonex Pen and the AVOSTARTGRIP titration dosing regimen has increased interest in the product.

      Guidance Raised on Strong Results

      Following the release of strong second quarter results, Biogen raised its earnings guidance for 2012. The company now expects to earn more than $6.20 per share. Previously, it had expected earnings to exceed $6.15.

      Biogen has some important data read-outs lined up in the coming months. These include data on the company’s hemophilia candidates, dexpramipexole for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (or Lou Gehrig’s disease) and PEGylated interferon beta-1a for multiple sclerosis. Moreover, a decision on the regulatory status of Biogen’s oral multiple sclerosis candidate, BG-12, should be out in the coming months.

      Upward Trend in Earnings Estimates

      With the increase in guidance and the impressive second quarter results, earnings estimates for Biogen have moved up over the last 60 days. The Zacks Consensus Estimate for 2012 rose 4.7% to $6.44 per share, implying year-over-year growth of 10.3%. For 2013, the Zacks Consensus Estimate moved up 3.4% to $7.27 per share over the same time frame, reflecting year-over-year growth of 12.9%.
      Analyst Moves: BIIB, CELG MarketNewsVideo MarketNewsVideo Contributor
      Why Big Pharma Won't Get Its Piece Of The $1.2 Trillion Global Drug Market Matthew Herper Matthew Herper Forbes Staff
      Expert On The Amylin Purchase: 'I Hate This Deal' Matthew Herper Matthew Herper Forbes Staff

      Earnings should be driven by the strong performance of Avonex and Tysabri. Longer-term growth should be driven by BG-12, which is currently under regulatory review. Biogen is looking to launch BG-12 in early 2013, provided it gains Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval.

      Premium Valuation

      Biogen is currently trading at a forward price-to-earnings (P/E) of 24.9x, a 28.4% premium to the peer group average of 19.4x. The company is trading at a premium on a price-to-book (P/B) basis as well. Biogen’s P/B multiple of 5.96 represents a 23.1% premium to its peer group average of 4.84. The premium valuation is justified given the company’s track record and its impressive pipeline. Moreover, the long-term expected earnings growth of 14.1% looks impressive.

      A Look at the Chart

      Biogen’s shares have gained 11.9% since the announcement of solid second quarter results and the upbeat guidance. The chart below shows that the stock has been trading above its 200-day moving average and the S&P 500 consistently. Apart from a few pullbacks, the stock has been trading above its 50-day moving average as well.

      Biogen is currently above its 50 and 200-day moving averages of $147.00 and $130.40, respectively. Volume is quite strong, averaging roughly 765K daily.…
      schrieb am 25.09.12 10:30:43
      Beitrag Nr. 22.810 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.631.220 von rotie1 am 21.09.12 15:09:01bezüglich Tysabri ist mir aktuell kein besonderes Ereibnis bekannt, dass diesen Sommer kommen sollte. Die Verkaufszahlen sollen weiter steigen und somit entsprechenden Profit in die Firma bringen.

      Der Kursverlauf in den vergangenen Wochen hatte nichts mit Tysabri zu tun sondern mit anderen Produkten von ELAN.

      Ich gehe für den Kurs weiterhin von steigender Tendenz aus. Vielleicht fühle ich mich aber auch nur zu sehr mit Ihr verbunden. Schließlich hat sie mir mein halbes Haus und mein Carport bezahlt.

      schrieb am 25.09.12 10:55:36
      Beitrag Nr. 22.811 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.631.220 von rotie1 am 21.09.12 15:09:01
      Trading Activity Alert for Elan Corporation,
      Posted on 09/24/2012 by Ella Gold

      NEW YORK (AVAFIN) -- Elan Corporation, options set a new 90-day record for the number of call contracts that exchanged hands between the buyers and the sellers. Aggregate volume of puts was 6,614 and calls was 21,504 equating to a 0.31 put/call ratio.

      Unusual volume provides reliable clues that the stock is expected to make a move. Investors can use the put/call ratio statistics to measure trader sentiment. A high put/call ratio suggests that the overall investment sentiment is bearish and that investors expect the underlying stock to decrease in value. Conversely, a low put/call ratio implies that investor sentiment is bullish based on the large amount of call options.

      Elan is an Ireland-based biotechnology firm. Its BioNeurology focus includes the marketed multiple sclerosis and Crohn's disease drug Tysabri, as well as several research and development-stage programs focused on neuroscience. Elan Drug Technologies was the firm's specialty pharmaceutical business, which generated manufacturing and royalty revenue based on its patented technologies. EDT was sold to specialty pharma firm Alkermes in the second half of 2011.

      Elan Corporation, opened at $10.99 and the stock price rose $0.15 (+1.36%) to $11.16 during the market session. ELN is trading between the range of $10.99 - $11.53. To date, the stock has lost -4.94% within the last month. Volume is 6M in relation to the three month average volume of 4M shares. ELN is trading below the 50 day moving average and lower than the 200 day moving average.
      schrieb am 25.09.12 15:07:11
      Beitrag Nr. 22.812 ()
      Zitat von rotie1: Sollte hier bei Elan nicht diesen Sommer eine große Entscheidung in Verbindung mit Tysabri anstehen?
      ...Nein,mit BAP.....Medikament gegen Alzheimer Erkrankung...

      Nach dem Kursverlauf scheint das ja negativ ausgegangen zu sein, oder?
      ...Phase III war nicht erfolgreich - siehe 07.08.2012..

      Oder gibt es doch noch etwas, auf das man wieder mal warten könnte
      ..vielleicht Übernahme durch Biogen, dem Partner von der Vermarktung und Herstellung von Tysabri ???

      Viele Fragen, gibt es Antworten dazu?
      ..YEPP, aber wie immer " TIME WILL TELL "
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 25.09.12 23:51:12
      Beitrag Nr. 22.813 ()
      Vielen Dank für die Antworten ...
      ... und schönen Abend noch!
      schrieb am 26.09.12 08:29:48
      Beitrag Nr. 22.814 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.643.038 von bernie55 am 25.09.12 15:07:11 Zitat von rotie1Sollte hier bei Elan nicht diesen Sommer eine
      große Entscheidung in Verbindung mit Tysabri anstehen?
      ...Nein,mit BAP.....Medikament gegen Alzheimer Erkrankung...

      Nach dem Kursverlauf scheint das ja negativ ausgegangen zu sein,
      ...Phase III war nicht erfolgreich - siehe 07.08.2012..

      bezieht sich auf BAP, nicht auf Tysabri;)

      Oder gibt es doch noch etwas, auf das man wieder mal warten könnte
      ..vielleicht Übernahme durch Biogen, dem Partner von der Vermarktung
      und Herstellung von Tysabri ???

      Viele Fragen, gibt es Antworten dazu?
      ..YEPP, aber wie immer " TIME WILL TELL "
      schrieb am 24.10.12 08:50:16
      Beitrag Nr. 22.815 ()
      Elan Reports Third Quarter 2012 Financial Results

      Revenues up 10%; Adjusted EBITDA up 38%;;)

      13% increase in patients on Tysabri in last 12 months;;)

      Neotope spin-off creating two separate entities on track.

      Total Revenue

      For the third quarter of 2012, revenue increased by 10% to $306.6 million from $279.4 million for the third quarter of 2011. For the nine months ended September 30, 2012, revenue increased by 11% to $883.0 million from $797.1 million for the same period of 2011.

      Worldwide, the number of patients on Tysabri increased by 13% to approximately 71,100 patients at the end of September 2012, from approximately 63,200 patients (revised) at the end of September 2011.…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…
      schrieb am 12.12.12 17:13:34
      Beitrag Nr. 22.816 ()
      Irish Times: Elan shareholders back company split


      Shareholders at Irish biotech Elan have overwhelmingly approved a move that will hive off the bulk of the company’s drug discovery business into a new listed company.

      At a sparsely attended extraordinary general meeting (EGM), it was agreed to split the company in two.

      Elan will continue to own the rights to its blockbuster multiple sclerosis drug Tysabri and certain other late stage drug development candidates.

      A new company, Prothena, will focus on early stage drug development and research.

      Elan shareholders will directly own 82 per cent of Prothena, which will be listed on Nasdaq.

      They will receive 1 share in Prothena for every 41 shares held in Elan.

      They will also control the remaining 18 per cent which will be held by Elan.

      Elan, which has put $99 million into the new company, will also pay $26 million for the 18 per cent shareholding. In a letter to shareholders, Elan chairman Robert Ingram said it was expected this would provide Prothena with “sufficient liquidity and capital resources to meet its working capital needs through June 30th, 2015”.

      He acknowledged that the new company’s early-stage research programmes will require “significant ongoing cash investment and currently generate substantial losses”.

      At the EGM, Elan chief executive Kelly Martin said over 459 million proxies had been delivered to the company out of the 592 million shares in issue, of which 458.2 million were in favour of the proposal.…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…
      schrieb am 17.12.12 13:39:32
      Beitrag Nr. 22.817 ()
      Elan Announces Expected Timetable in Respect of Implementation of Proposed Demerger

      Business WirePress Release: Elan Corporation, plc – Fri, Dec 14, 2012 4:45


      Elan Corporation, plc (ELN) today announced the expected timetable of the separation of a substantial portion of its drug discovery business (the Prothena Business) into a new independent, publicly traded company, Prothena Corporation plc (Prothena). The separation will be effected pursuant to a demerger under Irish law.

      Under the demerger, Elan will transfer the Prothena Business to Prothena in exchange for Prothena issuing directly to the holders of Elan ordinary shares and American Depositary Shares (ADSs), on a pro rata basis, Prothena ordinary shares representing 99.99% of Prothena’s outstanding shares. Immediately after the demerger (and conditional on prior completion of the demerger) a wholly owned subsidiary of Elan will subscribe $26 million and receive Prothena shares representing 18% of the total outstanding ordinary shares of Prothena (as calculated immediately following the subscription by Elan). The remaining 0.01% of Prothena’s outstanding shares, which were issued to the original incorporators of Prothena, will then be redeemed and cancelled. Accordingly, after completion of the transaction, Elan shareholders will directly and indirectly own 100% of the Prothena Business by virtue of their direct ownership of 82% of Prothena’s outstanding shares and indirect ownership of 18% of Prothena’s outstanding shares. Additionally, in connection with the reorganization of the Prothena Business which precedes the demerger, Elan is making a cash investment of $99 million in the subsidiaries holding the Prothena Business.

      Elan shareholders approved a resolution in respect of the demerger at the Extraordinary General Meeting of Elan held in Dublin, Ireland on December 12, 2012. The occurrence of the distribution of Prothena ordinary shares in the demerger and the expected timetable set forth below is subject to, among other conditions to the demerger, the Registration Statement on Form 10 previously filed by Prothena with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in connection with the demerger having been declared effective by the SEC.

      Under the terms of the demerger, Elan shareholders on the register as of 11:59 p.m. (Dublin time) on December 14, 2012, the record date, will receive 1 Prothena ordinary share for every 41 Elan ordinary shares or ADSs held.

      Fractional entitlements to Prothena ordinary shares will not be allocated to Elan shareholders in the demerger, but will instead be aggregated and sold in the open market at prevailing market prices, with the aggregate net cash proceeds (after deduction of any required costs and taxes) to be distributed on a pro rata basis to each Elan shareholder who would otherwise have been entitled to receive a fractional share under the demerger.

      Application has been made for the Prothena ordinary shares to be issued in the demerger to be admitted to trading on the NASDAQ Global Market. It is anticipated that Prothena ordinary shares will begin trading on a “when issued” basis on the NASDAQ Global Market on December 18, 2012 and “regular way” on the NASDAQ Global Market on December 21, 2012, the first business day immediately following the distribution date, under the symbol “PRTA.” There are currently 594,374,093 shares in issue in Elan. Based on this issued share capital, and following the subscription by Elan for Prothena ordinary shares as described above, it is expected that there will be approximately 17.7 million Prothena ordinary shares in issue immediately following consummation of the demerger and the Elan subscription.

      Further information in relation to the mechanics of the distribution of Prothena ordinary shares is contained in Section 3 of Part 5 of the Circular to Elan shareholders dated November 12, 2012 and is also contained in the Information Statement, which is attached as an exhibit to the Registration Statement on Form 10 previously filed by Prothena Corporation plc with the SEC.…
      schrieb am 17.12.12 14:12:09
      Beitrag Nr. 22.818 ()
      Zitat von bernie55: Elan Announces Expected Timetable in Respect of Implementation of Proposed Demerger


      So, nun wird die Ablösung der Sparte zur Behandlung chronisch degenerativer Krankheiten vollzogen - diese wird unter dem Prothena ( PRTA) an der Nasdaq gelistet sein.

      ELAN (ELN) wird weiterhin die Sparte Tysabri zur Behandlung von MS behalten,darüber hinaus auch noch für die Weiterentwicklung von ELND005 verantwortlich sein.

      Tja, was gedenkst du/gedenkt ihr nun zu tun ???
      3 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 17.12.12 17:24:08
      Beitrag Nr. 22.819 ()
      Zitat von bernie55:
      Zitat von bernie55: Elan Announces Expected Timetable in Respect of Implementation of Proposed Demerger


      Tja, was gedenkst du/gedenkt ihr nun zu tun ???


      Ich werde erst mal die nächsten Tage noch abwarten, um zu sehen, wie die Marktreaktion bzgl.der Bewertung von ELAN und Prothena ausfällt. Ich bin auf jeden Fall in Lauerstellung und werde bei neutraler/schlechter Ausgangslage dann wohl die restlichen 30 % ( immer noch steuerfrei ;)) mit einem noch ordentlichem Plus verkaufen.

      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 17.12.12 17:35:42
      Beitrag Nr. 22.820 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.936.160 von bernie55 am 17.12.12 17:24:08...und schon was zur aktuellen Einschätzung von ELAN gefunden...


      Elan this morning announced the expected timetable for the implementation of its proposed demerger of Prothena from Elan. It is expected that the process, having been approved by Elan shareholders at the EGM on the 12th of December, will be completed by the 17th of December. It is anticipated that Prothena ordinary shares will begin trading on a “when issued” basis on NASDAQ on December the 18th and in a “regular way” on December the 21st.

      At the time of the demerger, Elan shareholders on the register as of midnight on December the 14th will receive one Prothena share for every 41 Elan shares or ADSs held. Elan will also subscribe $26m for an 18% share of the company, valuing Prothena at $144m on floatation. At the time when the proposed demerged was announced in August, we saw Elan as fully valued at $12.00 and noted that the share price could drift down into December, until the proposed split was finalised. This has materialised and the stock is now trading between our commercial value for Elan (c.$8) and the potential takeout premium from Tysabri (c.$12).

      With new oral MS medications coming to market ( Biogen mit BG12) increasing the competition for Tysabri, we are retaining our Neutral call on Elan with the $10.00 price target, straddling our commercial and takeout valuations for the company.…
      schrieb am 19.12.12 08:52:50
      Beitrag Nr. 22.821 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.935.304 von bernie55 am 17.12.12 14:12:09Hallo Bernie,

      ich bin nach wie vor gut in ELN investiert.

      Meine letzten Verkäufe habe ich bei ca. $14,- getätigt, um ARNA zu kaufen. ARNA ist gut gestiegen und ELN danach "stark" gefallen.

      ELN hat sich in den letzten Jahren als mein bestes Investment herausgestellt und ich bin durch meine Käufe und Verkäufe in einer Komfortzone angekommen, so dass ich ELN auch in Zukunft die Treue halten werde, zumal ich nach wie vor davon ausgehe, dass der Kurs steigen wird.

      ELN ist halt unser "Baby" und dies schon seit vielen Jahren.


      Das Aktien-Volumen wird sich bestimmt mal wieder verändern. Kaufen werde ich erst einmal nicht mehr und Verkäufe stehen akutell auch nicht an.

      Vielleicht wird der Boden irgendwann einmal 100 Aktien betragen, die bleiben dann aber auch bis zur Rente drin.

      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 19.12.12 09:14:45
      Beitrag Nr. 22.822 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.942.749 von Poppholz am 19.12.12 08:52:50@Poppie

      Thx für deine Einschätzung...

      Ich denke, dass sich durch die Abspaltung von ELAN und PROTHENA mit den verschiedenen Schwerpunkten sich die Chancen auf ein " Übernahmeszenario" erhöhen....

      Somit könnte sich BIOGEN vielleicht verstärkt auf ELAN mit Tysabri konzentrieren, zumal durch die Abspaltung der Sparte zur Behandlung chronisch degenerativer Krankheiten (PROTHENA) der Übernahmepreis für ELAN wesentlich günstiger werden wird...
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 19.12.12 09:18:06
      Beitrag Nr. 22.823 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.942.824 von bernie55 am 19.12.12 09:14:45wirf mal einen Blick in die BM.

      schrieb am 19.12.12 10:12:56
      Beitrag Nr. 22.824 ()
      Zitat von Poppholz: wirf mal einen Blick in die BM.


      ;)......irgendwie ticken wir beide doch gleich, Poppie......
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 19.12.12 13:57:15
      Beitrag Nr. 22.825 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.943.109 von bernie55 am 19.12.12 10:12:56nun sind wir in ELN schon so lange investiert, fast wie ein altes Ehepaar.

      schrieb am 19.12.12 15:04:37
      Beitrag Nr. 22.826 ()
      Zitat von Poppholz: nun sind wir in ELN schon so lange investiert, fast wie ein altes Ehepaar.


      :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh::laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh::laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh::laugh:
      schrieb am 28.12.12 12:05:29
      Beitrag Nr. 22.827 ()
      Elan Hives Off Prothena

      Elan Corporation, plc (ELN), a neuroscience-based biotechnology company, recently completed the separation of a significant part of its drug discovery business (the Prothena business). Following the completion of the demerger, the erstwhile Prothena unit of Elan has started operating as an independent, publicly traded entity.

      The new entity, known as Prothena Corporation plc (PRTA), is headquartered in Ireland.

      Following the completion of the demerger, the stockholders at Elan on December 14, 2012 (the record date) have received an ordinary share of Prothena for every 41 ordinary shares or American Depositary Shares (ADSs) of Elan owned by them. We note that 1 ADS = 1 share.

      Moreover, a wholly owned subsidiary of Elan had subscribed to Prothena shares worth $26 million. They received 18% of Prothena shares (calculated immediately after the subscription was made). Furthermore, the shareholders at Elan directly own 82% of Prothena.

      We remind investors that in September 2011, Elan had sold its drug delivery unit - Elan Drug Technologies - to Alkermes (ALKS) for approximately $1 billion. The merged entity, headquartered in Dublin, Ireland, is known as Alkermes plc.

      Per the agreement, Elan received $500 million in cash apart from 31.9 million of Alkermes’ ordinary shares. Elan received a 25% stake in the combined company.

      In March 2012, Elan sold 24.15 million shares, or 76% of its stake in Alkermes. Excluding underwriting fees, Elan recorded net proceeds of approximately $381 million from this transaction. Elan retained the remaining 7.75 million Alkermes shares due to certain legal and contractual transfer restrictions.

      We currently have a Neutral recommendation on Elan. The stock carries a Zacks #3 Rank (Hold) in the short run. Pharma stocks that currently look better-positioned include Valeant Pharma (VRX). Valeant Pharma carries a Zacks #1 Rank (Strong Buy).…
      schrieb am 28.12.12 12:07:34
      Beitrag Nr. 22.828 ()
      Prothena Corporation = PRTA

      auf Yahoo Finance
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 28.12.12 14:50:23
      Beitrag Nr. 22.829 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.964.810 von bernie55 am 28.12.12 12:07:34die lasse ich einfach mal mitlaufen.

      Hat ja nichts gekostet.

      schrieb am 28.12.12 16:42:19
      Beitrag Nr. 22.830 ()
      hi poppie,

      hast du denn schon die "Prgtas" in deinem depot?
      3 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 02.01.13 11:16:17
      Beitrag Nr. 22.831 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.965.654 von bernie55 am 28.12.12 16:42:19habe ich.

      Aber ich habe nur für die ADR entsprechende PRTA bekommen.

      Die 903801 sind anscheinend von der Aktion nicht betroffen.

      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 02.01.13 13:54:12
      Beitrag Nr. 22.832 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.973.174 von Poppholz am 02.01.13 sind meine auch gebucht....;)

      Warum sollten die PRTAs für 903801 ( DRX) denn nicht gebucht werden ? :confused:
      Weil sie " nur" an der Londoner Stock Exchange gehandelt werden und nicht an der Nasdaq ? :confused:

      Vielleicht dauert die Einbuchung bzgl. 903801 ein bisschen länger...:cool:
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 02.01.13 13:56:41
      Beitrag Nr. 22.833 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.973.799 von bernie55 am 02.01.13 13:54:12da bin ich dann ja mal gespannt.

      schrieb am 02.01.13 14:02:17
      Beitrag Nr. 22.834 ()
      Zitat von Poppholz: da bin ich dann ja mal gespannt.


      ..von meiner Seite her gönne ich dir für deine Elannies 903801 sogar die doppelte Portion PRTAs...;)

      ...das hast du wegen deiner langen Treue zu ELAN einfach verdient..:kiss:
      schrieb am 07.01.13 22:47:35
      Beitrag Nr. 22.835 ()
      Prothena Announces Addition of Industry Veterans to Board of Directors

      Richard T. Collier and Shane Cooke Join Board of Directors

      DUBLIN, Ireland, Jan. 7, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Prothena Corporation plc (PRTA), a biotechnology company focused on the discovery and development of novel antibodies for the potential treatment of a broad range of diseases, today announced the appointment of Richard T. Collier and Shane Cooke to its board of directors. Mr. Collier and Mr. Cooke join existing directors Lars Ekman, Chairman of the Board of Directors, and Dale Schenk, CEO of Prothena.

      "We are pleased and proud that Rick and Shane will be joining our Board. Each has significant industry experience and their insight will be invaluable to us as we seek to develop novel antibodies for the potential treatment of a broad range of diseases, and advance these potential therapies through clinical development," commented Lars Ekman, Prothena's Chairman. "On behalf of Prothena and the Board of Directors, I welcome them and look forward to drawing on their experience and judgment."…
      schrieb am 08.01.13 07:45:04
      Beitrag Nr. 22.836 ()
      Shareholder Class Action Filed On Behalf Of Investors In Elan Corporation PLC Against S.A.C. Capital Advisors, LP And Affiliates By The Law Firm Of Kessler Topaz Meltzer & Check, LLP

      Monday, 7 Jan 2013 07:27pm EST

      Kessler Topaz Meltzer & Check, LLP announced that a class action lawsuit was filed in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York on behalf of purchasers the American Depositary Receipts (ADRs) of Elan Corporation PLC, between July 21, 2008 and July 29, 2008 , inclusive (the Class Period). The Complaint alleges that S.A.C. Capital Advisors, L.P. (SAC), CR Intrinsic Investors, LLC (CR Intrinsic), a wholly owned subsidiary of SAC, and other related parties, including SAC's founder and chief executive officer, Steven A. Cohen , violated the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 by selling over 15 million Elan ADRs and purchasing over $1 million worth of Elan put options. These transactions resulted in the defendants receiving over $220 million in illegal profits and avoided losses by trading on material non-public information. Specifically, the defendants traded ahead of a negative public announcement involving the clinical trial results for bapineuzumab ("bapi"), an Alzheimer's drug being jointly developed by Elan and Wyeth. According to the Complaint, a portfolio manager at CR Intrinsic, Mathew Martoma , obtained inside information from the medical doctor who chaired bapi's Phase II clinical trial safety monitoring committee, Sidney Gilman .…
      schrieb am 16.01.13 12:36:21
      Beitrag Nr. 22.837 ()
      Biogen Idec and Elan Submit Applications for First-Line Use of TYSABRI in anti-JCV Antibody Negative Patients with MS ;)


      Today Biogen Idec (BIIB) and Elan Corporation, plc (ELN) announced that they have submitted applications to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and European Medicines Agency (EMA) requesting updates to the TYSABRI® (natalizumab) labels. The applications request an expanded indication that would include first-line use for people living with certain relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis (MS) who have tested negative for antibodies to the JC virus (JCV).

      A formal assessment of both applications is ongoing.

      These submissions are supported by risk stratification data and a risk algorithm that enables physicians and individuals living with MS to make informed decisions when considering treatment with TYSABRI. If approved, a first-line label will allow all appropriate anti-JCV antibody negative patients to consider TYSABRI early in the course of treatment, regardless of the level of disease activity or prior treatment history.

      TYSABRI is a highly efficacious treatment that has been shown to slow disability progression by 42 – 54 percent and reduce annualized relapse rates by 68 percent.

      “Our anti-JCV antibody test, STRATIFY JCV®, helps to determine the most appropriate patients for TYSABRI and the data collected to date supports our recent filing for first-line use,” said Alfred Sandrock, M.D., Ph.D., senior vice president, Development Sciences and Chief Medical Officer, Biogen Idec. “Many appropriate patients are already benefiting from TYSABRI. A first line approval would allow people with MS access to a highly efficacious treatment earlier in the course of the disease, potentially leading to better outcomes. This is an important consideration for people with MS who may want or need more efficacy.”

      Currently in the U.S., due to an increased risk of an opportunistic viral infection, progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML), TYSABRI is generally recommended for people living with relapsing forms of MS whose disease is not responding to, or who are unable to tolerate, an alternative therapy regardless of JCV status. In the EU, TYSABRI is approved for highly active relapsing-remitting MS (RRMS) in adult patients who have failed to respond to beta interferons or have rapidly evolving, severe RRMS.

      “TYSABRI is an important treatment option for thousands of people living with MS,” said Hans Peter Hasler, chief operating officer, Elan Corporation, plc. “We are excited about these filings and the potential to make TYSABRI available as a treatment option for more individuals early in the course of their disease.”…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…
      schrieb am 16.01.13 12:43:21
      Beitrag Nr. 22.838 ()

      ANALYSIS: Elan and BIIB have together submitted applications to the FDA and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) requesting updates to the label for Tysabri.

      Specifically, the companies are applying to expand the indication to include first-line use in JCV-negative patients, the key target population for the product. If approved, this would allow any JCV-negative patient to choose Tysabri as a first step in MS treatment regardless of prior history or level of disease activity.

      It is likely to be the second half of 2013 before the regulatory agencies rule on this proposed label change.

      DAVY VIEW: Elan and BIIB have been building a significant body of evidence in recent years to establish the major risk factors for PML and, by implication, that segment of the MS population whose risk is least. Especially for these patients, Tysabri is a viable and highly effective treatment option.

      Formalising a label update is a natural next step in these initiatives and would be supportive of our thesis that further strong patient growth can be achieved for Tysabri in the coming years.

      Our end-2015 patient forecast is for over 92,000 patients on Tysabri, over 30% more than current levels…
      schrieb am 16.01.13 12:46:04
      Beitrag Nr. 22.839 ()

      Elan - Seeking earlier use of Tysabri to treat MS sufferers

      Elan and its partner Biogen Idec this morning announced that they have submitted applications to the US FDA and European Medicines Agency requesting that there be changes to the Tysabri label allowing the drug to be prescribed for first-line use. Currently, because of its safety profile, the drug can only be prescribed as a second line treatment, i.e. after a patient with multiple sclerosis has suffered a disease breakthrough on other MS drugs, such as Rebif and Copaxone.
      After extensive testing and statistical analysis, Elan and Biogen Idec have determined that the risk of contracting the severely debilitating and sometimes fatal side effect PML is almost always confined to patients who test positive for antibodies to the JC virus prior to starting treatment with Tysabri. This risk stratification data will enable physicians and individuals living with MS to make informed decisions when considering using Tysabri and, the companies believe, should allow for the appropriate use of the drug as a first-line treatment in patients who are anti JC virus antibody negative.

      This application could take some time to process, but if successful would be an incremental positive for the drug, which has held a c.12% share of the MS market for the past three years.…
      schrieb am 24.01.13 08:21:24
      Beitrag Nr. 22.840 ()
      Elan Announces Webcast of Fourth Quarter and Full-Year 2012 Financial Results


      Elan Corporation, plc (ELN) announced today that it will host a conference call on Wednesday, February 6, 2013 at 8:30 a.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST), 1:30 p.m. Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) with the investment community to discuss Elan’s fourth quarter and full-year 2012 financial results, which will be released before the European and U.S. financial markets open.

      Live audio of the conference call will be simultaneously broadcast over the Internet and will be available to investors, members of the news media and the general public.

      This event can be accessed by visiting Elan’s website at and clicking on the Investor Relations section, then on the event icon. Following the live webcast, an archived version of the call will be available at the same URL.…
      schrieb am 29.01.13 11:02:15
      Beitrag Nr. 22.841 ()
      Earnings Miss for Biogen

      ...die Earningdaten zu Tysabri werden natürlich auch erwähnt..

      :)....und die lesen sich nicht schlecht.:)..

      ZacksBy Zacks Equity Research

      The Quarter in Detail

      Fourth quarter Tysabri revenues increased 10% to $295 million from the year-ago period.

      Tysabri revenues increased 7.3% on a sequential basis.

      Global in-market net revenues of Tysabri, which is partnered with Elan Corp. (ELN), came in at $433 million (up 14%) in the fourth quarter of 2012.

      Tysabri global revenues consisted of US revenues of $243 million and ROW (Rest of the World) revenues of $190 million.

      The sequential improvement in Tysabri revenues is encouraging.…
      schrieb am 29.01.13 11:05:35
      Beitrag Nr. 22.842 ()
      FACTS: Tysabri FY revenues grew 8% to $1631m and patient numbers rose by 12% to 71,800.

      ANALYSIS: The product out-turn, released as part of the BIIB FY results, was 3% ahead of our Q4 forecast in revenue terms but 1% behind in patient numbers.

      The revenue beat was predominantly generated in RoW territories, notwithstanding the fact that Italian revenues continue to be deferred as a result of the on-going reimbursement dispute (no update was provided on this). For the full year, RoW revenues were flat given the negative FX headwind in place throughout the year. US revenues grew by 19% in the full year, reflecting continued patient growth and mild price inflation; further market share was gained.

      Although 12% patient growth was a creditable FY performance, Q4 decelerated somewhat. BIIB management highlighted that Tysabri starts can be affected by seasonality, especially in December. The overall growth was described as a “nice steady march” to move physician confidence and thus grow patient numbers. It was also highlighted that the proposed label changes will support the earlier use of Tysabri across MS patients.

      DAVY VIEW: On balance, the Q4 out-turn for Tysabri was positive.

      BIIB, in its own commentary, noted that it expected continued growth for the product in 2013 driven by risk stratification and its higher risk profile. The potential approval of BIIB's oral MS treatment BG-12 and attaining first-line usage on the label will be two key factors that drive our numbers in 2013. Elan will release FY results on February 6th.…
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 29.01.13 11:42:07
      Beitrag Nr. 22.843 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.076.019 von bernie55 am 29.01.13 11:05:35das hört sich doch gut an.

      Mal sehen wie ELAN die Daten verpackt.

      Erfahrungsgemäß sind die Präsentationen bei ELN nicht gerade von Euphorie gekennzeichnet.

      schrieb am 31.01.13 16:49:03
      Beitrag Nr. 22.844 ()
      Tag zusammen.

      Ich habe mal eine Frage, die mir vielleicht jemand aus dem Forum erläutern kann.

      So viel ich weiss, hat doch Elan ein anderes Geschäft gekauft oder sich mit einer anderen Firma jedenfalls zusammengeschlossen.

      Weiss jemand, wie diese Firma heisst?
      Ich habe zudem gehört, dass Elan Aktionäre noch irgendwie Aktien bekommen von dieser Firma oder zumindest Bezugsrechte oder so was.

      Weiss da jemand genaueres?

      Vielen Dank im Voraus für die Antworten.
      schrieb am 01.02.13 14:36:38
      Beitrag Nr. 22.845 ()
      Zitat von madknight: Tag zusammen.

      Ich habe mal eine Frage, die mir vielleicht jemand aus dem Forum erläutern kann.

      So viel ich weiss, hat doch Elan ein anderes Geschäft gekauft oder sich mit einer anderen Firma jedenfalls zusammengeschlossen.

      Weiss jemand, wie diese Firma heisst?
      Ich habe zudem gehört, dass Elan Aktionäre noch irgendwie Aktien bekommen von dieser Firma oder zumindest Bezugsrechte oder so was.

      Weiss da jemand genaueres?

      Vielen Dank im Voraus für die Antworten.

      Lies mal folgende Beiträge in diesem Thread

      Beitrag Nr.22816
      Beitrag Nr.22817
      Beitrag Nr.22818
      Beitrag Nr.22827
      Beitrag Nr.22828
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 01.02.13 14:39:46
      Beitrag Nr. 22.846 ()
      Elan Sells Its Remaining Stake in Alkermes

      ;)...... dann wird die Portokasse ein wenig aufgefüllt...;)


      Elan Corporation, plc (“Elan”) (ELN) announced that, following the close of trading today, Elan, through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Elan Science Three Limited, agreed to sell, on customary terms, all of its remaining 7,750,000 ordinary shares of Alkermes plc (“Alkermes”) (ALKS) through Jefferies & Company, Inc. pursuant to Rule 144 under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933.

      The sale is expected to close on February 6, 2013.

      In September 2011, upon the combination of Elan’s Drug Technology (EDT) business with Alkermes, Inc., Elan received 31,900,000 ordinary shares in the newly created Alkermes. In March 2012, Elan sold 24,150,000 ordinary shares of Alkermes in an underwritten public offering.

      After the closing, Elan will no longer own any ordinary shares of Alkermes.…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…
      schrieb am 01.02.13 15:37:33
      Beitrag Nr. 22.847 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.092.695 von bernie55 am 01.02.13 14:36:38Vielen Dank bernie55, ich habe gefunden, wonach ich gesucht habe.
      Nochmals Danke. :)
      schrieb am 06.02.13 10:40:34
      Beitrag Nr. 22.848 ()

      Elan Corporation PLC announced that it has agreed to restructure the Tysabri collaboration with Biogen Idec.

      Elan Corporation PLC Announces Restructuring Of Tysabri Collaboration With Biogen Idec. Under the terms of the agreement, Elan will move from the current 50:50 business collaboration to an upfront payment of $3.25 billion and a double digit tiered royalty structure for the complete asset. Highlights of Transaction Upon Closing: Up front cash payment of $3.25 billion to Elan First 12 months: royalty of 12% of Tysabri global net sales (all indications) Tiered royalty structure after 12 months 18% on up to $2 billion of global net sales (all indications) 25% on over $2 billion of global net sales (all indications) Biogen Idec will have full ownership and control of Tysabri Current 50:50 collaboration will terminate Provides tax efficient capital and long term cash flow to Elan. The transaction is expected to close by the end of the second quarter 2013. Citi and Ondra Partners are acting as financial advisors to Elan. Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft LLP and A&L Goodbody are acting as legal counsel to Elan.…
      3 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 06.02.13 10:43:31
      Beitrag Nr. 22.849 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.108.358 von Poppholz am 06.02.13 10:40:34das wird den Kurs unseres Babys nach oben katapultieren.

      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 06.02.13 10:47:06
      Beitrag Nr. 22.850 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.108.376 von Poppholz am 06.02.13 10:43:31(auf jeden Fall kurzfristig)

      Heute sollten $12,00 drin sein.

      Die Frage ist, was ELN dann mit der Kohle machen will, bzw. wie viel Wert hat die Pipeline von ELN für die Zeit danach?

      Muss mir das Portfolio von ELN wohl mal wieder genauer ansehen. Bisher ist Tysabri als "Gelddruckmaschine" (in der Zukunft) ausreichend gewesen.

      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 06.02.13 11:22:04
      Beitrag Nr. 22.851 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.108.392 von Poppholz am 06.02.13 10:47:0606 February 2013
      Elan Reports Fourth Quarter and Full-Year 2012 Financial Results

      - Full Year 2012 guidance met; Pro-forma Revenues up 13%; Adjusted EBITDA up 31%
      - Capital structure strengthened through debt refinancing and Alkermes shares sale
      - Tysabri transaction creates greater financial flexibility to grow shareholder value - $3.25 billion upfront plus double-digit future royalties

      DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Feb. 6, 2013-- Elan Corporation, plc today reported its fourth quarter and full-year 2012 financial results.

      Mr Kelly Martin, CEO said “2012 was a year in which we continued to make significant progress and adjustments in our business. We achieved top line revenue growth of 13%; advanced ELND005 into two Phase 2 programs for neuropsychiatry; strengthened our balance sheet through refinancing and sale of our Alkermes shares; we remained disciplined with our cost structure and investment decisions. In addition, we demerged our pathology-based drug discovery platform into a new listed company, Prothena Corporation plc, enabling shareholders investment choice.”

      Mr Martin added “The Tysabri business restructuring announced earlier today with our collaborator Biogen Idec provides for a meaningful de-risking of the business. With $3.25 billion in upfront cash and double digit tiered royalties, we have created the opportunity to diversify our business across all areas of the industry value chain with tax efficient capital and cash flow. As we move through 2013 and beyond, the close of the Tysabri transaction gives us strategic flexibility to add to the shareholder value proposition and investment thesis by enabling continued prudent and risk justified investment in our pipeline, selectively adding commercial and clinical assets, and exploring the return of capital to shareholders at the appropriate time and in the right manner.”

      Mr. Nigel Clerkin, chief financial officer, said, “We were pleased to have delivered on all of our financial guidance for 2012. The number of patients taking Tysabri grew by 12% in 2012, and this strong growth drove our recorded Tysabri revenues to $1.2 billion for the year. Including Tysabri, our Adjusted EBITDA increased by over 30% in 2012 to $220 million, well ahead of our goal of $200 million. We successfully refinanced our debt, extending the maturity and lowering the annual interest expense by one-third. We also recently sold our remaining shareholding in Alkermes, bringing the total EDT sale proceeds to $1.05 billion.”

      Mr. Clerkin added, “The Tysabri transaction will provide us with greatly increased strategic flexibility, while maintaining a substantial participation in the future growth potential of this tremendous product. We expect Tysabri in-market sales to show further strong growth in 2013, and to increase by approximately 15% over the $1.6 billion achieved in 2012. Additionally, we expect our operating expenses, excluding Tysabri, to be substantially lower than in 2012, and to be in the range of $170-190 million for the year.”

      schrieb am 06.02.13 15:47:34
      Beitrag Nr. 22.852 ()
      was für eine Achterbahnfahrt:

      Von $11,60 bis $9,60 schon alles da gewesen HEUTE.

      Erschreckend zu sehen wie der Kurs manipuiert werden kann und das mit verdammt wenig Aktien.

      schrieb am 06.02.13 15:47:43
      Beitrag Nr. 22.853 ()

      Volume: > 10,700,000
      Day's Range: 9.61 - 10.60
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 06.02.13 15:57:51
      Beitrag Nr. 22.854 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.110.037 von bernie55 am 06.02.13 15:47:43vorbörslich waren wir bei $11,60 gewesen.

      Da bin ich ja auch noch von Kursen um die $12,00 ausgegangen.

      schrieb am 06.02.13 15:59:24
      Beitrag Nr. 22.855 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.110.037 von bernie55 am 06.02.13 15:47:43aktuell der Vergleich zwischen ELAN und BIOGEN:

      Normalerweise steigt der Kurs bei dem Unternehmen, dass Geld rein bekommt und der Kurs fällt bei dem Unternehmen, dass "viel" Geld für eine Sache (egal ob Übernahme oder Produkt) zahlen muss.

      Nur bei ELN und BIIB ist das nicht so.

      schrieb am 06.02.13 17:06:08
      Beitrag Nr. 22.856 ()
      Wenn die Jungs von ELAN bei der Aktion, die vollständigen Rechte von TY auf BIIB zu übertragen,sich mal nicht verkalkuliert haben....

      .....aktuell um die MINUS 8 -9 Prozent..

      FAKTENcheck: der Pipeline nur noch D5 ( korrigiert mich wenn ich falsch liege)

      ..viel CASH und aktuell gute finanzielle Einnahmequellen.....

      Aber wie geht es weiter ????
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 07.02.13 12:17:58
      Beitrag Nr. 22.857 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.110.519 von bernie55 am 06.02.13 17:06:08da gehen die meisten wohl von aus.

      Sobald Kelly seine Hände im Spiel hat, kann es ja nicht gut für ELN sein.

      schrieb am 07.02.13 13:29:37
      Beitrag Nr. 22.858 ()
      Wieso crashen die so nach unten? Die Zahlen sind doch gut? Versteh ich nicht! :confused:
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 07.02.13 23:34:38
      Beitrag Nr. 22.859 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.114.214 von madknight am 07.02.13 13:29:37....sie haben nix mehr Großes im Portfolio...:(
      schrieb am 08.02.13 09:08:46
      Beitrag Nr. 22.860 ()
      Zitat von Tebi: ....sie haben nix mehr Großes im Portfolio...:(

      Aktuell "nur" noch "D5" = ELND005 ( Alzheimer), Beta Secretase Research…
      schrieb am 08.02.13 09:25:14
      Beitrag Nr. 22.861 ()

      Nach langer Treue und mit durchlebten Höhen und Tiefen habe ich mich gestern von meinen letzten Elannies verabschiedet.;)

      Eine Zeit, die es mir ermöglichte, richtig :kiss:nette,persönliche WO Kontakte:kiss: zu knüpfen und natürlich so nebenbei auch einige viele steuerfreie €€€ Gewinne :cool: in die Kasse spülen zu lassen.;)

      Allen NOCH bzw. NEU-Investierten alles Gute, auf dass ELAN seinen Weg macht.

      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 12.02.13 08:04:59
      Beitrag Nr. 22.862 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.117.578 von bernie55 am 08.02.13 09:25:14Wünsche Dir einen guten Weg und wir werden uns bestimmt in einem anderen Invest weiter "lesen".

      Nun bin ich wohl der letzte Longie in ELN. Mal sehen wann ich das Schiff verlasse. Mit dem Verkauf von Tysabri ist erst einmal die Luft raus aus der Nummer. ELND005 wird erst in ein paar Jahren auf dem Markt kommen und den Erfolg des Produktes kann ich nicht so richtig einschätzen.

      Da auch noch keine Informationen vorliegen, was ELN mit dem Geld aus dem Verkauf machen will (außer die Gehälter des Vorstandes aufzustocken), bin ich hier eher skeptisch.

      Ich werde den Kurs mal im Auge behalten. Erst einmal sollte die Korrektur nach oben erfolgen, da der Kurseinbruch eher untypisch gewesen ist.
      schrieb am 12.02.13 08:10:39
      Beitrag Nr. 22.863 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.117.578 von bernie55 am 08.02.13 09:25:14Has Elan Corporation, plc (ADR) (ELN) Become the Perfect Stock?
      By The Motley Fool in News
      Published: February 11, 2013 at 2:07 pm

      Every investor would love to stumble upon the perfect stock. But will you ever really find a stock that provides everything you could possibly want?

      One thing's for sure: You'll never discover truly great investments unless you actively look for them. Let's discuss the ideal qualities of a perfect stock, then decide if Elan Corporation, plc (ADR) NYSE:ELN) fits the bill.

      The quest for perfection Stocks that look great based on one factor may prove horrible elsewhere, making due diligence a crucial part of your investing research. The best stocks excel in many different areas, including these important factors:

      1). Growth. Expanding businesses show healthy revenue growth. While past growth is no guarantee that revenue will keep rising, it's certainly a better sign than a stagnant top line.

      2). Margins. Higher sales mean nothing if a company can't produce profits from them. Strong margins ensure that company can turn revenue into profit.

      3). Balance sheet. At debt-laden companies, banks and bondholders compete with shareholders for management's attention. Companies with strong balance sheets don't have to worry about the distraction of debt.

      4). Money-making opportunities. Return on equity helps measure how well a company is finding opportunities to turn its resources into profitable business endeavors.

      5). Valuation. You can't afford to pay too much for even the best companies. By using normalized figures, you can see how a stock's simple earnings multiple fits into a longer-term context.

      6). Dividends. For tangible proof of profits, a check to shareholders every three months can't be beat. Companies with solid dividends and strong commitments to increasing payouts treat shareholders well.

      With those factors in mind, let's take a closer look at Elan, noting that in light of recent events which we'll discuss below, all of these past financials are no longer indicative of the company's future.

      Factor What We Want to See Actual Pass or Fail?
      Growth 5-year annual revenue growth > 15% 16.5% Pass
      1-year revenue growth > 12% 20.4% Pass
      Margins Gross margin > 35% 47.7% Pass
      Net margin > 15% 27.1%* Pass
      Balance sheet Debt to equity < 50% 102.4% Fail
      Current ratio > 1.3 3.06 Pass
      Opportunities Return on equity > 15% 46.7%* Pass
      Valuation Normalized P/E < 20 NM NM
      Dividends Current yield > 2% 0% Fail
      5-year dividend growth > 10% 0% Fail

      Total score 6 out of 9

      Tabelle ist über den Link besser zu lesen

      Source: S&P Capital IQ. All figures based on trailing 12 months as of 2012 Q3 release. NM = not meaningful due to negative normalized GAAP earnings. Total score = number of passes. *Based on continuing operations as of 2012 Q3.

      Since we looked at Elan last year, the company has gained a point, adding to the two points it jumped from 2011 to 2012. But the stock hasn't responded positively, sinking by nearly 30% in the past year, and now, it faces a transformative event.

      Elan is best known for its Tysabri drug, the multiple sclerosis treatment that it shared with Biogen Idec Inc. (NASDAQ:BIIB) . Yet in the biggest news for the company of the past year, Elan decided to sell out its 50% share of Tysabri rights to Biogen, taking $3.25 billion in upfront cash, as well as royalties of 12% during the first year and a tiered 18% to 25% royalty on sales in subsequent years. The move should help Biogen compete more effectively against MS rivals by allowing it to coordinate sales of Tysabri with fellow MS drug Avonex and its soon-to-be-approved BG-12 oral drug without worrying about cannibalizing its own revenue stream.

      For Elan, though, the deal leaves the company with plenty of cash and no clear substantial revenue from continuing operations. Another drug to which Elan had retained financial rights, bapineuzumab, didn't pan out when Johnson & Johnson (NYSE:JNJ) and Pfizer Inc. (NYSE:PFE) said in July that one of its late-stage trials didn't show the drug was effective in treating Alzheimer's. The company spun off its Prothena Corporation plc (NASDAQ:PRTA) drug discovery unit in December and recently sold off its shares of Alkermes Plc (NASDAQ:ALKS) that it obtained from selling off its drug technology unit, leaving it with a minimal pipeline.

      The big question is what Elan will do with all of its cash. If it uses the money to buy back shares or pay dividends to shareholders, then the recent drop will be unwarranted. But if it wastes the money on ill-advised acquisitions, Elan could end up being worthless in the long run. In either event, Elan isn't going to move toward perfection at all until it comes up with a viable business strategy for its future.

      The article Has Elan Become the Perfect Stock? originally appeared on and is written by Dan Caplinger.

      Fool contributor Dan Caplinger has no position in any stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool recommends Johnson & Johnson. The Motley Fool owns shares of Johnson & Johnson.

      Copyright © 1995 - 2013 The Motley Fool, LLC. All rights reserved. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.…
      schrieb am 13.02.13 11:03:48
      Beitrag Nr. 22.864 ()
      Auch ich habe noch ein paar Aktien behalten,
      alleine schon, um mich regelmäßig zu informieren.
      Ich bin ja schon seit Cyberhexes Zeiten dabei.
      Schade, dass Bernie nicht mehr dabei ist.
      schrieb am 24.02.13 20:24:38
      Beitrag Nr. 22.865 ()
      Nach den jüngsten Ausführungen von Kelly Martin
      war das der erste Sckuck aus der Pulle.
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 24.02.13 22:36:04
      Beitrag Nr. 22.866 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.180.171 von posimist am 24.02.13 20:24:38hat er in den letzten Tagen eine interessante Äußerung getätigt?
      schrieb am 25.02.13 10:08:49
      Beitrag Nr. 22.867 ()
      Er hat erklärt, was er mit dem vielen Geld tun will.
      Die Aktionäre sollen auch profitieren. (s.Home page)
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 25.02.13 11:04:55
      Beitrag Nr. 22.868 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.181.218 von posimist am 25.02.13 10:08:49erschreckend, dass wenn ich etwas aktuelles über ELN finden will die eigene Homepage als letztes überprüfe.

      (Lehren der Vergangenheit)
      schrieb am 25.02.13 11:41:44
      Beitrag Nr. 22.869 ()
      Royalty Pharma will irische Elan für rund 6,5 Milliarden Dollar übernehmen
      Autor: dpa-AFX

      25.02.2013, 10:23

      NEW YORK (dpa-AFX) - Der US-Pharmaspezialist Royalty Pharma will das irische Biotechunternehmen Elan übernehmen. Den Elan-Aktionären werden je Aktie elf US-Dollar geboten, wie der Investor RP Management am Montag mitteilte. Die Gesellschaft würde damit mit rund 6,5 Milliarden US-Dollar bewertet. Eine formelle Antwort von Elan sei bisher nicht erfolgt. Vor einer Woche habe ein erstes Treffen stattgefunden und am vergangenen Mittwoch sei eine erste Offerte unterbreitet worden. Der nun gebotene Preis liege um knapp vier Prozent über dem Schlusskurs vom Freitag. Elan winken nach einem Rechteverkauf sehr hohe Barbestände. Zuletzt hatten die Iren Rechte an einem Multiple Sklerose-Mittel an Biogen für 3,25 Milliarden Dollar verkauft./jha/stb
      3 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 25.02.13 11:43:16
      Beitrag Nr. 22.870 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.181.561 von Poppholz am 25.02.13 11:41:44die spinnen ja wohl.



      ich hoffe mal das Kelly hier nicht wieder "unüberlegt" handelt.

      schrieb am 25.02.13 11:50:25
      Beitrag Nr. 22.871 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.181.561 von Poppholz am 25.02.13 11:41:44

      February 25, 2013 10:28 am
      Royalty Pharma in $6.6bn bid for Elan

      By Andrew Jack in London

      Royalty Pharma, an investment group that buys the rights to patented drugs, has made a bid to acquire Elan, the Irish-based pharmaceutical business, in a deal valuing the company’s equity at $6.6bn.

      The $11-a-share move marks an effort by Royalty to gain access to future income from Tysabri, the multiple sclerosis drug jointly developed by Elan that it this month sold to its US partner Biogen Idec for $3.25bn in cash but with continuing royalties.

      The offer also marks an escalation of Royalty’s normal approach of buying out royalty streams from pharmaceutical companies’ portfolios of existing drugs, such as Abbott’s blockbuster Humira, and instead proposing to acquire Elan outright to take control of its single significant product.

      In an unusual twist, Royalty said it was “surprised” that its proposal – initially made to Elan on February 18 – had not been mentioned when the Irish drugmaker announced plans last Friday to instead launch new acquisitions with part of its Biogen Idec cash.

      Royalty said the takeover offered Elan investors a way of avoiding annual operating costs of up to $170m and lack of certainty over the company’s acquisitions and associated costs.

      “The risks and lack of earnings visibility associated with Elan’s acquisition and in-licensing strategy are substantial,” it said. “The current senior management team of Elan has not made any significant acquisitions or in-licensed any significant late stage products for Elan and thus does not have a track record of generating attractive returns from acquisitions or in-licensed products for Elan.”

      Royalty said the deal represented a 12.6 per cent premium to Elan’s enterprise value of $3.5bn as of Friday’s close in New York. The Irish group has $3bn in net cash.

      Royalty, created in 1996 and owned by its partners, controls rights to 37 drugs including Johnson & Johnson’s Remicade, Merck’s Januvia and Gilead’s Atripla. It reported unaudited earnings before interest, tax and depreciation for 2012 of $1.35bn on sales of $1.39bn. Its lead adviser on the Elan deal is JPMorgan.…
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 25.02.13 13:00:55
      Beitrag Nr. 22.872 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.181.615 von Poppholz am 25.02.13 11:50:25vorbörslich bei $11,63

      Wahrscheinlich wird der Kurs wieder zusammen sacken auf die $11,- Marke.

      Unglaublich was hier abgeht.

      Normalerweise gibt es immer noch eine Nachbesserung für ein Übernahmeangebot, zumal dieses nur knapp über dem Schlusskurs vom Freitag gelegen hat.

      Aber bei ELN wundert mich gar nichts mehr.

      Ich warte trotzdem erst einmal ab, mal sehen was passiert.

      Super ist ja auch, dass ELAN selbst keine Äußerung zu dem Angebot abgegeben hat.

      (hat Kelly wahrscheinlich vergessen)

      schrieb am 25.02.13 15:16:47
      Beitrag Nr. 22.873 ()
      Ich drück euch jetzt mal kräftig die Daumen.

      ..auf dass euch einige Dollar mehr pro Aktie geboten werden....

      schrieb am 25.02.13 15:50:33
      Beitrag Nr. 22.874 ()
      aktuell steht der Kurs bei $11,50

      16.500 Stück im Angebot und das Paket wird ständig aufgefüllt.

      Mal sehen wie groß die Ausdauer ist.
      schrieb am 25.02.13 18:12:38
      Beitrag Nr. 22.875 () endet also dieses Unternehmen,in das wir so große Hoffnung gesetzt haben....tja...bin etwas melancholisch:keks:---aber es hat mir 2 freundschaftliche Kontakte gebracht --und einer davon wird unser Nachbar auf Bali.....dafür hat es schon gelohnt...!!

      Poppi +Posimist :Liebe Grüße + ein höheres Gebt als 11 Dollar!:kiss:
      schrieb am 26.02.13 16:16:48
      Beitrag Nr. 22.876 ()
      Stocks In News (Endeavour Silver Corp, Odyssey Marine Exploration, Eldorado Gold Corp, Elan Corporation)
      News Room | AnotherWinningTrade | February 26, 2013 08:57 am


      Elan Corporation, plc (ADR) (NYSE:ELN) shares jumped 5.09% to $11.14. RP Management, LLC today announced that contact was made on February 18, 2013 with the Chairman of the Board of Elan Corporation, plc, followed by a meeting then taking place on February 20, 2013, at which an indicative proposal was made to acquire the entire issued and to be issued share capital of Elan. Royalty Pharma is proposing, on an indicative basis, to make an offer for Elan (the Possible Offer) of USD111 for every Elan Share and every Elan ADS.…
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 26.02.13 16:18:38
      Beitrag Nr. 22.877 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.188.244 von Poppholz am 26.02.13 16:16:48Bei US$ 111,- kommen wir in einen Bereich, zu dem ich gerne bereit bin zu verkaufen.

      Allerdings gehe ich davon aus, dass sich RP rausreden wird, dass es sich in dem Artikel um einen Druckfehler handelt.

      schrieb am 04.03.13 13:15:17
      Beitrag Nr. 22.878 ()
      04 March 2013
      Elan Announces Further Unlocking of Value To Benefit Shareholders

      - Unique Cash Dividend For Shareholders
      - Dividend Calculated As a Percentage of Tysabri Royalty Payments To Elan
      - Initial Percentage To Be Paid to Shareholders is 20% of That Royalty
      - Establishes Direct Link Between Shareholders And Tysabri Cash Flow
      - Novel Construct Crystalizes Further Shareholder Benefit Post Tysabri Restructuring

      DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Mar. 4, 2013-- The Board of Elan Corporation, plc (NYSE:ELN) (the Company) has approved the decision to initiate a unique cash dividend policy enabling its shareholders to benefit directly from the long term cash flow generated by Tysabri.

      The dividend program will be directly linked to Tysabri market performance calculated as a percentage of the Tysabri royalty paid to Elan from Biogen Idec as a result of the recently announced Tysabri restructuring. The initial percentage to be paid out directly to shareholders is 20 % of those royalties.

      There is no cap to the dividend cash payments that will be generated from this direct link between shareholders' equity and the long term cash flow of Tysabri. This dividend structure gives shareholders the right to enjoy unlimited participation in the upside from the Tysabri sales increase which we anticipate for the future.

      The Company expects to pay these cash dividends to its shareholders in twice-yearly instalments. The first dividend is expected to be paid in the fourth quarter of 2013, subject to the closing of the recently announced Tysabri restructuring. Payment of the dividends will be made in accordance with applicable law, including, where applicable, shareholder approval.

      According to the restructured Tysabri collaboration, Elan will receive 12% royalties on in-market sales of Tysabri in the first year from closing and thereafter 18% royalties on in-market sales up to $2.0 billion, and 25% royalties on sales exceeding $2.0 billion. In 2012 in-market sales of Tysabri were $1.6 billion.

      Kelly Martin, the CEO of Elan, stated “As announced on February 6, the restructuring of the Tysabri collaboration with Biogen Idec enables us, upon close, to unlock value to the direct benefit of our public shareholders. These value creation initiatives consist of three related but distinctive components: a $ 1 billion dollar share repurchase program, a highly efficient cash dividend that directly links shareholders to the long term performance and cash flow generation of Tysabri and lastly, the addition of specific business assets which will allow for diversification across molecules, therapeutic areas and geographies.”

      Mr Martin commented further, “This provides Elan and our shareholders significant near and longer term benefits. We continue to make tangible progress on a variety of corporate development discussions and other strategic developments and anticipate providing further clarity to the marketplace in the coming days and weeks.”

      The Directors of Elan accept responsibility for the information contained in this announcement. To the best of their knowledge and belief (having taken all reasonable care to ensure such is the case), the information contained in this announcement is in accordance with the facts and does not omit anything likely to affect the import of such information.

      Any holder of 1% or more of any class of relevant securities of Elan or of Royalty Pharma may have disclosure obligations under Rule 8.3 of the Irish Takeover Panel Act, 1997, Takeover Rules 2007 (as amended).

      About Elan

      Elan is a biotechnology company, headquartered in Ireland, committed to making a difference in the lives of patients and their families by dedicating itself to bringing innovations in science to fill significant unmet medical needs that continue to exist around the world. For additional information about Elan, please visit

      Forward Looking Statements

      This document contains forward-looking statements about Elan’s financial condition, results of operations, business prospects and Tysabri that involve substantial risks and uncertainties. You can identify these statements by the fact that they use words such as “anticipate”, “estimate”, “project”, “target”, “intend”, “plan”, “will”, “believe”, “expect” and other words and terms of similar meaning in connection with any discussion of future operating or financial performance or events. Among the factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those described or projected herein are the following: the risk that the Tysabri transaction does not complete, the potential of Tysabri, which may be severely constrained by increases in the incidence of serious adverse events (including death) associated with Tysabri (in particular, by increases in the incidence rate for cases of PML), or by competition from existing or new therapies (in particular, oral therapies), and the potential for the successful development and commercialization of additional products, whether internally or by acquisition, especially given the separation of the Prothena business which left us with no material pre-clinical research programs or capabilities; Elan’s ability to maintain sufficient cash, liquid resources, and investments and other assets capable of being monetized to meet its liquidity requirements; the success of our development activities, and research and development activities in which we retain an interest, including, in particular, the impact of the announced discontinuation of the development of bapineuzumab intravenous in mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease; failure to comply with anti-kickback, bribery and false claims laws in the United States, Europe and elsewhere; difficulties or delays in manufacturing and supply of Tysabri; trade buying patterns; the impact of potential biosimilar competition, whether restrictive covenants in Elan’s debt obligations will adversely affect Elan; the trend towards managed care and health care cost containment, including Medicare and Medicaid; legislation and other developments affecting pharmaceutical pricing and reimbursement (including, in particular, the dispute in Italy with respect to Tysabri sales), both domestically and internationally; failure to comply with Elan’s payment obligations under Medicaid and other governmental programs; exposure to product liability (including, in particular, with respect to Tysabri) and other types of lawsuits and legal defense costs and the risks of adverse decisions or settlements related to product liability, patent protection, securities class actions, governmental investigations and other legal proceedings; Elan’s ability to protect its patents and other intellectual property; claims and concerns that may arise regarding the safety or efficacy of Elan’s products or product candidates; interest rate and foreign currency exchange rate fluctuations and the risk of a partial or total collapse of the euro; governmental laws and regulations affecting domestic and foreign operations, including tax obligations; if the Tysabri transaction completes, whether we are deemed to be an Investment Company or a Passive Foreign Investment Company; general changes in United States and International generally accepted accounting principles; growth in costs and expenses; and the impact of acquisitions, divestitures, restructurings, product withdrawals and other unusual items. A further list and description of these risks, uncertainties and other matters can be found in Elan’s Annual Report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2012, and in its Reports of Foreign Issuer on Form 6-K filed with the SEC. Elan assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

      Source: Elan Corporation, plc

      Elan Corporation, plc
      Investor Relations:
      Chris Burns, 800-252-3526
      David Marshall, + 353-1-709-4444
      Media Relations
      Emer Reynolds, + 353-1-709-4022
      Jonathan Birt/FTI Consulting, +44-751-559-7858
      Jamie Tully/Sard Verbinnen & Co, +1-212-687-8080…
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 04.03.13 13:16:54
      Beitrag Nr. 22.879 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.210.716 von Poppholz am 04.03.13 13:15:17da bin ich ja mal gespannt, wie viel Kohle die an die Aktionäre ausschütten wollen.

      Wenn nach der Ausschüttung der Kurs entsprechend einknickt, ohne wieder zu steigen ist dies auch eine Milchmädchenrechnung.

      Mal sehen was passiert.

      Erst einmal sollte der Kurs weiter steigen.

      schrieb am 11.03.13 09:52:12
      Beitrag Nr. 22.880 ()
      Elan Corporation PLC Updates On Tysabri Transaction And $1Billion Share Repurchase Programme

      3:00am EDT

      Elan Corporation PLC announced that the regulatory closing conditions in connection with the Tysabri Transaction are the review process under the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act (HSR) in the United States and the review by the Spanish Competition Authority in Europe. The waiting period for the US antitrust review under HSR expires on March 8, 2013. This follows the clearance earlier this week of the Tysabri Transaction by the Spanish Competition Authority. Consequently, in accordance with the terms of the Tysabri Transaction agreement with Biogen Idec, closing is expected to occur in the coming weeks. Elan is also providing details of proposed $1.0 billion share repurchase program (Share Repurchase) to be implemented following the close of the Tysabri Transaction. The Share Repurchase is in addition to the Tysabri linked cash dividend announced on March 4, 2013, and will be effected through a tender offer, to be commenced on March 11, 2013, by way of a Dutch Auction. The price range will be $11.25 to $13.00. In the event that the Share Repurchase is over-subscribed, the Company will purchase less than all shares tendered at or below the purchase price on a pro rata basis. Both American Depositary Shareholders and Ordinary shareholders will be able to participate in the Share Repurchase. The Share Repurchase will be conducted in accordance with all applicable Irish and US laws and regulations.…
      schrieb am 27.03.13 15:21:13
      Beitrag Nr. 22.881 ()
      Oh ha was wollen wir jetzt machen
      ich hab heut ein Rückkaufsangebot bekommrn
      sollte man es annehmen oder wie denkt ihr darüber
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 27.03.13 15:52:05
      Beitrag Nr. 22.882 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.314.975 von georg321 am 27.03.13 15:21:13ich habe einen Großteil schon zu knapp über $12,- verkauft.

      Der Rest geht demnächst wohl über dei Börse weg.

      Mit den Kaufangeboten habe ich schlechte Erfahrungen gemacht, da das Geld zu lange geblockt ist.

      Die Aktien werden gesperrt, aber das Geld kommt erst nach mehreren Wochen.

      schrieb am 13.05.13 15:12:34
      Beitrag Nr. 22.883 ()
      Elan Corporation PLC Strikes $1 Billion GlaxoSmithKline Plc Royalty Deal With Theravance Inc-Reuters

      2:12am EDT

      Reuters reported that Elan Corporation PLC stepped up its bid to keep its independence by agreeing a $1 billion deal to buy 21% of the royalty that U.S. company Theravance Inc receives from GlaxoSmithKline Plc for its respiratory drugs.…
      schrieb am 20.05.13 11:38:45
      Beitrag Nr. 22.884 ()

      Elan will still have $1.2 billion of cash left to spend if shareholders approve its first package of acquisitions, chief executive Kelly Martin said today.:eek:…

      Nicht schlecht Herr Specht...:lick:
      schrieb am 20.05.13 11:40:47
      Beitrag Nr. 22.885 ()
      ab sofort watchlist...:rolleyes:
      schrieb am 21.05.13 10:19:28
      Beitrag Nr. 22.886 ()
      Royalty beißt sich bei Elan fest Übernahmeangebot auf 12,50 Dollar erhöht
      Autor: dpa-AFX
      | 20.05.2013, 19:07

      NEW YORK (dpa-AFX) - Der Investor Royalty Pharma lässt sich von Elan nicht abschütteln: Die Amerikaner erhöhten ihr Übernahmeangebot für das irische Biotechunternehmen trotz dessen erbitterten Widerstands auf 12,50 US-Dollar je Aktie in bar. An der US-Börse legten die anstelle von Aktien gehandelten ADR zuletzt um 3,68 Prozent auf 12,10 Dollar zu. Die Iren wehren sich allerdings mit Händen und Füßen gegen die Übernahme. Zuletzt hatte Elan einen teuren Lizenzkauf angekündigt in dem Versuch, sich unattraktiver zu machen. Davor hatte das Unternehmen einen milliardenschweren Aktienrückkauf in die Wege geleitet. Zudem wollen die Iren mehr als eine Milliarde Dollar in den Kauf von Medikamenten oder ganzen Unternehmen stecken.

      Das neue Angebot von Royalty enthält aber auch eine Warnung an die Aktionäre von Elan: Sollte die außerordentliche Hauptversammlung dem vom Mangement geplanten Lizenzkauf oder irgendeiner anderen der vorgeschlagenen Maßnahmen zustimmen, werde das Angebot zurückgezogen.

      Ganz sicher scheint sich der Investor seiner Sache trotz des angehobenen Preises nicht zu sein: Die Warnung tauchte in der Pressemitteilung gleich zweimal auf, einmal in extra großen Buchstaben./he/ck
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 07.06.13 13:13:29
      Beitrag Nr. 22.887 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.679.831 von Poppholz am 21.05.13 10:19:28Übernahmeangebot wurde abgelehnt.

      Zu gering.

      schrieb am 07.06.13 13:14:27
      Beitrag Nr. 22.888 ()
      Kurs vorbörslich aktuell bei $13,23

      Habe bisher keine Nachrichten finden können, die den Kurssprung rechtfertigen. Allerdings gab es für Kursstürze auch oft keine Gründe.

      schrieb am 07.06.13 13:17:58
      Beitrag Nr. 22.889 ()
      Royalty Pharma gibt sich nicht geschlagen - Offerte für Elan erneut verlängert
      Autor: dpa-AFX
      | 06.06.2013, 11:23

      NEW YORK (dpa-AFX) - Der US-Investor Royalty Pharma gibt im Übernahmekampf um das irische Biotech-Unternehmen Elan nicht auf. Die zuvor bis zum 6. Juni laufende Annahmefrist für die Milliardenofferte wurde nun bis zum 21. Juni verlängert, wie Royalty Pharma am Donnerstag in New York mitteilte. Im Kampf gegen die feindliche Übernahme durch die US-Investmentfirma hat sich Elan Anfang der Woche gerichtlich eine Verschnaufpause verschafft.

      Das US-Bezirksgericht in Manhattan hat Royalty zunächst nicht gestattet, die Übernahme-Offerte endgültig abzugeben. Elan hatte sich vor dem Gericht in New York beschwert, das aufgestockte Gebot sei unvollständig. Eine Anhörung wurde von Richter William Pauley auf den 11. Juni datiert.

      Der US-Investor Royalty Pharma hatte am 20. Mai seine anfängliche Offerte erhöht und bietet nun 12,50 US-Dollar je Elan-Aktie oder insgesamt 6,4 Milliarden Dollar. Auf der Hauptversammlung am 17. Juni steht das Thema auf der Tagesordnung des irischen Biotech-Unternehmens.

      Elan-Chef Kelly Martin und der Verwaltungsrat lehnen das Gebot der New Yorker bisher ab. Die Offerte von Royalty spiegele nicht den wirklichen Wert des Unternehmens wider, heißt es in einem am 3. Juni veröffentlichten Brief an die Elan-Aktionäre. Alleine die Barmittel und die Einnahmen durch das Multiple Sklerose-Mittel Tysabri seien 15,50 bis 20,80 Dollar pro Aktie wert.

      Die Iren wehren sich mit Händen und Füßen gegen die Übernahme. Mitte Mai sicherte sich Elan für rund eine Milliarde US-Dollar 21 Prozent der Lizenzgebühren, die die US-Firma Theravance vom britischen Pharmapartner GlaxoSmithKline für seine Atemwegsmittel erhält. Die Lizenzeinnahmen aus dem Deal sollen als Dividende an die Aktionäre ausgeschüttet werden. Elan will sich mit dem Kauf von Lizenzanteilen für eine Übernahme teuer und unattraktiver machen. Mit dem geplanten Verkauf der Rechte an Tysabri für 3,25 Milliarden Dollar an Biogen Idec winken den Iren zudem hohe Barbestände.

      Die 1996 gegründete Firma Royalty war im Februar mit einem Übernahmeangebot für Elan in die Öffentlichkeit gegangen./ep/jha/stk…
      schrieb am 07.06.13 14:08:50
      Beitrag Nr. 22.890 ()
      Nun kommt Licht ins Dunkel:

      Royalty Pharma raises bid for Elan to potential $8 billion

      DUBLIN | Fri Jun 7, 2013 7:30am EDT

      (Reuters) - Royalty Pharma raised its hostile bid for Irish drug firm Elan to a potential $8 billion on Friday, after just 7.5 percent of the target company's shareholders accepted its previous offer.

      The U.S. investment firm, seeking to get its hands on Elan's lucrative royalties from multiple sclerosis drug Tysabri, has already had two bids rejected by Elan's board in a battle that has turned increasingly bitter.

      Royalty is now offering $13 in cash per share - compared with a previous $12.50 - and added a clause known as a contingent value right that could be worth up to $2.50 per share, it said in a statement.

      The CVR payment means Royalty would offer Elan shareholders payouts if Tysabri passed certain sales milestones. This is a similar mechanism to that used by French drugmaker Sanofi to finalize its $20.1 billion deal for Genzyme Corp in 2011, and competes with a promise from Elan to its shareholders that it would hand over a fifth of its royalty stream from the blockbuster drug to them.

      Royalty kept the acceptance threshold for its offer at 50 percent plus one share. Its bid also remains conditional on Elan shareholders rejecting a series of recent transactions that Elan has made to counter Royalty's bid. That vote will be held at a June 17 meeting.

      Elan believed Royalty's previous bid undervalued its future revenue stream from Tysabri - which it puts at a potential $17.15 per share - and is trying to convince shareholders that the deals it has struck in recent weeks will add more value.

      Elan has also won temporary relief from a U.S. District Court stopping Royalty from closing its tender offer after Elan argued the New York-based investment firm's disclosures in its increased bid were "materially inadequate."

      The court will meet again on June 11 to decide whether or not to grant a preliminary injunction against Royalty.

      (Reporting by Padraic Halpin; Editing by Sophie Walker)…
      schrieb am 29.07.13 15:03:00
      Beitrag Nr. 22.891 ()
      U.S. drugmaker Perrigo to buy Elan for $8.6B , seeks tax savings

      Perrigo's proposed takeover of Elan, subject to regulatory approval in the United States and Ireland,
      is expected to be completed by the end of 2013.…
      schrieb am 05.12.13 01:23:23
      Beitrag Nr. 22.892 ()
      Zeit für die 13 Euro Party....ach ja---es war eine nette Runde hier...
      • 1
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      ELAN - 1.000 % for the LONG-time