
    Rohstoff-Explorer: Research oder Neuvorstellung (Seite 366)

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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 16.01.18 09:42:44
      Beitrag Nr. 25.893 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 56.723.082 von Reiners am 15.01.18 20:35:13
      Zitat von Reiners: Aber was ist denn dein Kursziel auf sagen wir mal 12 Monate ?

      13 bis 14c ist doch etwas mager oder ?

      Dafür würde es sich doch kaum lohnen sich 2018 mit CLA zu beschäftigen.

      13-14c war ja eher ne kurzfristige Zielsetzung, sagen wir mal so auf Sicht 1-2 Monate.

      Wenn Scoping Study positiv, und davon gehe ich nach wie vor aus, sehe ich auf 12 Monatssicht 150-200 Am$. Marketcap aktuell ca. 70 Am$. Etwas Dillution dürfte es aber im 2.HJ aber noch geben.

      Mal zum Vergleich: Eine European Cobalt ist heute schon mit 120 Am$ basierend auf ein paar Samples und wenigen lausigen Drillings.

      Ich habe bei CLA auch viel Vertrauen in die handelnden Personen, insbesondere Brendan Borg.

      News heute inline mit den Erwartungen. Ich habe nicht mehr erwartet, aber auch nicht weniger.

      Der Cobalt Preis sollte hoffentlich mitspielen. Da liest man viel konträres. Überangebot in den nächsten 2 Jahren aufgrund der Katanga-Kapasteigerung, verzweifelte Autohersteller, auf der anderen Seite Batterien die angeblich auch ohne Kobalt funktionieren, die schwierige Situation im Congo etc.
      Ich bin gespannt was sich aus diesem Mix ergibt. Ganz so bullish wie vor ein paar Monaten dass wir schnelle 100k je t/co sehen bin ich nicht mehr. Aber zumindest die aktuellen 75k US$/t sollten halten.
      schrieb am 16.01.18 02:02:58
      Beitrag Nr. 25.892 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 56.724.756 von bmann025 am 16.01.18 01:19:47Bei KRC noch anzufuegen, dass die Teilstrecke auf dem Highway 115 km ausmacht. Die restliche (von google maps eingezeichnete ) 'Unnamed Road' laesst sich vermutlich mit etwas Strassenbau erheblich verkuerzen.
      schrieb am 16.01.18 01:19:47
      Beitrag Nr. 25.891 ()
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 16.01.18 00:22:05
      Beitrag Nr. 25.890 ()
      schrieb am 16.01.18 00:16:17
      Beitrag Nr. 25.889 ()
      Intermin Resources
      Läuft in meinen Augen unter dem Radar ,
      krc und avl mit ihrer Bewertungen schon längst auf und davon

      Bei dem Unternehmen ist ja fast alles an zu treffen nach was der Markt schreit :rolleyes:

      Gold - Molybdän - vanadium - cobalt

      Intermin Resources
      Kürzel : IRC

      Gold Produzent , mit positiven Erträge :…

      Größte Vanadium / Molybdän Resources mit chinesischen Investor

      Man muss aber abschätzen das durch Schiefergestein die Qualität gemindert ist wenn ich das richtig deute ....aber trotzdem mit enormen Potential…

      Siehe Update :…

      Viele weitere Projekte siehe :

      Habe mir gerade welche geholt , sehe hier beim aktuellen Kurs wenig Risiko,....eher Potential für mehr sei Gold oder gar eine aufkommende vanadium Spekulation die hier gerade mit den Chinesen nicht abzuschreiten ist
      3 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.

      Trading Spotlight

      East Africa Metals
      0,1390EUR +11,20 %
      East Africa Metals: Widerstand gebrochen und neues Jahreshoch! mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 15.01.18 23:39:05
      Beitrag Nr. 25.888 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 56.712.768 von solea1 am 14.01.18 18:18:07news: 6 von 7 arunta Genehmigungen liegen vor. das cobalt lithium Projekt scheint nun doch schneller als erwartet in den Vordergrund zu rücken.
      schrieb am 15.01.18 22:19:52
      Beitrag Nr. 25.887 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 56.723.241 von timesystem1100 am 15.01.18 21:00:43Nja, ich denke Der User hat auf Jeden Fall schon EInige Ahnung.
      Aber Meinem Eindruck nach "misst" Er den Punkt Etwas.
      Letzten Endes wirde Es die Frage sein ob Es sich lohnt Das "Zeug rauszuholen"
      Und Wie(Das konkret aussieht).

      Und da haben Tgfn, Bmann, u.A., schon mit Einigem Recht gehabt.
      Das Deposit ist wahrscheinlich ziemlich groß, für mich Keine Frage.
      Aber Das Zeug liegt auch schon tief. Und Die Form ist ja im Prinzip bisschen Wie "ne Gabel". Was zum Abbau nicht megaoptimal ist.

      WIll weder sagen Die "kriegens auf Jeden Fall hin", noch Die "kriegens auf Keinen Fall hin".
      Ich bleibe dabei, aber, spekulativ.

      I.Ü. kann Maigret durch Die Entwicklungen bis dato sehen, dass ich mit Meiner Ursprungssaussage genau Recht gehabt habe.;);) ( :) )
      schrieb am 15.01.18 22:01:10
      Beitrag Nr. 25.886 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 56.723.640 von Reiners am 15.01.18 21:55:43alles gut, wollte nicht stören.;)
      schrieb am 15.01.18 21:55:43
      Beitrag Nr. 25.885 ()
      Ja danke, aber mich interessiert besonders @maigret Einschätzung zum 12 Monate Kurszielkorridor
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 15.01.18 21:00:43
      Beitrag Nr. 25.884 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 56.723.082 von Reiners am 15.01.18 20:35:13Reiners,

      aus HC. Ziel: 50-70 AUDCent..

      Guys /gals I just wrote a quick 2018 summary email to my many mates who are long CLA outlining my views for SP this year -and how to try to make a rational guess at a possible valuation - many of you know all this already. It's long but I thought i'd just chuck it up here in the interest of promoting/sharing/ discussion and as summary incase some new buyers are coming for first time to check out CLA.

      -any comments criticisms corrections etc etc.. are all more than welcome. I'm long and maybe too bullish in some eyes - anyway here it is:


      CLA is a cobalt explorer with 100kms of DOF (Dolomite Ore formation) in Northern Namibia -this is a 4-17 meters wide continuous sulphide orebody starting at the surface and sloping deeper underground with nice grades of cobalt (Co) and copper (Cu) - it extends over 100kms in CLA’s tenements and was previously explored and mapped a bit in 2009-2013. It was not viable then due to much lower Co and Cu prices but it is now.

      Last year CLA aquired it and set about defining its resource – last July their exploratory drilling identified their initial exploration target of 32-40 mill tons of Co +Cu ore grading about 0.13%-0.17% Co. They are now well on track to complete their initial exploration program which is to:
      1) Complete their maiden JORC (an offical proof doc by experts accepted by the stock exchange that a resource is real and viable) -this JORC is to be released in approx. 6 weeks in late FEB.
      2) A Scoping study--to be released in April - to will define more exactly the resource parameters/ metallurgy. That’ll then be followed by a full feasability study hoefully later in the year then mine construction can begin next year.
      3) To greatly expand the resource perameters to cover much more of their DOF - this will be done continually by more drilling through out this year.

      So far CLA have drilled 164 holes almost all hit the DOF (but they only drilled mainly all in just 11kms of the DOF and only down to 200ish meters –so as to confirm a first small JORC ASAP just to prove their resources high quality) - CLA are extremely confident -(from past tests on the DOF and CLA's own step-out test holes) that the whole DOF should hold viable grades of ore and also that the DOF is much bigger and deeper - for example CLA also intersected with 3 deeper test holes at 450 meters.- So CLA are fully confident they have a massive world class potential resource and that they are still only working in about 15% of. So theres plenty room for this resource to massively increase in size and value. ( maybe to over 15 x bigger than what has been announced or even is about to be announced in the JORC this Feb).

      Initial tests (Assays/metallurgy/mine viability etc) have also been done and all seems viable- CLA are now waiting to get all the final assays and experts opinions over the next 6 weeksto confirm all and de-risk the project.

      Why do I like CLA going forward?
      CLA seem to have some of the best type of cobalt for batteries in the world. It is from soft linnaeite sulphide easier to crush and seperate and low in arsenic and other deleterious materials. Cobalt from latterite ore (usually with nickel) is much harder to crush and process (Most other big OZ listed Co companies have that type.)
      CLA have good Co grades on average Co -0.13-17% - (anything under 0.08% is hardly viable). No big mines outside the DRC (Congo) that I know have better grades than CLA so far- most are much worse.
      Nambia is a very good jurisdiction and one of the best mining environments in the world-. Stable, mining friendly/good infrastructure and cheaper to mine than in OZ, Canada or especially DRC.(Congo)
      CLA's JV partners on the ground (who are now CLA's biggest shareholder) are Gheko Mining the best, most reputable mining services company in Nambia - with all the expert staff facilities and connections required.
      Good Port and Processing facilities are in the nearby Walvis Bay industrial Port Zone- where CLA can either sell ore concentrate or value add there to make cobalt sulphide and Copper metal sheets.
      6.DRC (Congo) with 65% of Cobalt world supply is dodgy unstable, has bad infrastructure,corrupt and has ethical issues (child labour etc..) So people are looking desperately for large, good grade non-DRC ethical resources now.
      Kobus Smit - Nambias richest minning billionaire- who has his pick of the crop of prospective mines there has just become our 3rd largest shareholder!!- that says a lot.
      Cobalt is a by-product of copper or Nickel usually at about a 10-1 ratio. CLA's resource however is only a 4-1 ratio -(ie 1 ton of cobalt =75,000 USD (and rising) 4 tons of Copper =28,000 USD.) So CLA are one of the only big financially Cobalt led resources in the world with Cu by-product. Big international suitors from Europe China and USA are already sniffing around for a potential buy out or JV. They want cobalt not 10 tons of copper for every ton of cobalt etc ...
      Brendan Borg CLA’s MD is a proven succesful geo and great MD. So far he has brought in all projects on time and on or under budget. Previously he has set up consulted to many very succesful battery metal projects which have gonbe from a few cents to over 1$. - As more news is officially announced CLA's resource should prove much bigger and less risky - so the share price should logically rise to reflect this:
      Right now CLA have an announced exploration target of 32-41 million tons From their 160 holes drilled, about 70 assays are about to come in over next 3 weeks – and the results will probably be solid (from visual sightings of the sulphate ore in drill samples already) this should start to elevate the share price very soon.
      Then comes the first big (expected) kicker- in Feb when CLA should announce 3 things:
      1)- A first JORC proving between 15-25 mill tons of high grade and viable Co ore -
      2). An new upgraded exploration target of 80-100 million tons or ore -this will potentially make CLA one of the biggest cobalt plays in the Aussie market. (or anywhere outside the DRC)
      3) A Plan to further increase the both the JORC size and the exploration target again by completion of the Scoping Study in April.
      All things being equal - we should see CLA share price rise significantly in the first half of this year because of the above. -Heres some ways to try to logically predict a share valuation for CLA going forward. There are 3 ways below :
      Peer comparison valuation: On the ASX there are 32 cobalt related explorers- most are too small/too slow or are plain crap- There are only a few companies ahead of CLA who have 1.completed their Jorc 2. are currently bigger 3. Have viable or higher grades ore - These are:
      - CLQ- Started in 2015 - it has proven 108 million tons (MT) Jorc grade 0.10% Co (but its latterite nickle ore) its neasest to starting to mine and its market cap (MC) is 980 million AUD. This values its insitu cobalt at (isc) @ $9 a ton
      - AUZ -Started in 2016, it has 89 MT grade 0.11% -(latterite ore) its MC is 330 mill AUD = isc@ $ 3.80 a ton.
      - AML has 73 MT grading 0.08% (very marginal ore) its MC is 162 million AUD = isc @ $2.20 a ton
      - NZC probably the only Oz company with higher grade ore than CLA - but it's in the DRC -(much riskier and only small) - just 6 MT grading 3.0% Co (good and high grade)-its MC is AUD 110 mill = isc @ 18$ a ton.
      CLA now has a prospective 30-45 tons (good grade ) 0.13-17%, its MC is AUD 70 mill= prospective isc @ $2 a ton.
      If as expected, (hoped for?) CLA comes out in Feb with a 15-25 mill to JORC at 0.13% (good grade high quality) + and a new 80-100 MT exploration target - that means CLA should logically be capped somewhere between CLQ and AUZ??? – so say maybe 350 million AUD?
      CLA has 700 mill shares fully diluted (including options) so that’s would be around 40-60 cents a share?.
      Average valuation price: From the above list we see the average valuation for JORC'ed cobalt in situ is 7$ PT of JORC Co in the ground.- CLA, with good quality and grade ore should be around that. So another logical way to measure it is this -In Feb CLA should announce a JORC of 20 mill tons and a new exploration target of 80 mill tons (the market should discount this to becoming a Jorc of around 50 mill tons-ish) so lets imagine that as approx 20+ 50 =70 mill tons of Jorc’ed good grade viable ore reasonabl;y reasonably valued at the current valuation price of 7$ a ton = 70mill x 7 = AUD 350 mill cap. So around same as 1 above.

      ........But bear in mind scenarios 1and 2 above will still just come from CLA working in only 15% of its DOF orebody!!! - The market should soon deduce that CLA has miles more DOF to work with still - and that it goes deeper- so in theory the final resource size could potentially be up to 10 times higher!!.
      Valueing it as a potential mine and discounting: Another way to value it is you can look ahead an approximate what it could be valued as a mine - another Hot copper did this one (see attached below) recently from info available and got to a potential market cap values of between 480 million and 1.7 billion!! depending on the cobalt price!- (which is expected to rise this year) so discount that a bit and we again reach about 350 mill AUD.

      So all things ebing equal and without any disasters (which can always happen) all logical valuation roads lead CLA to between 50-70 cents - then hopefully more later.!! So all things being equal and logical (a big "if " in the markets) - CLA share price should rise to around 50-70 cents a share in 2018

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      CLA (ASX)
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      Rohstoff-Explorer: Research oder Neuvorstellung