
    Hecla (HL) steht kurz vor einem größeren Ausbruch nach oben - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 25.06.02 20:29:59 von
    neuester Beitrag 30.09.02 20:55:06 von
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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 25.06.02 20:29:59
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      Hallo zusammen,

      Hecla bietet im Moment ein sehr gutes Chance-/Risikoverhältnis.

      Ausbruch nach oben steht kurz bevor!

      schrieb am 26.06.02 01:43:29
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      wieso steht ein ausbruch nach oben bevor?
      schrieb am 26.06.02 03:20:39
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()

      Natürlich kann der Goldpreis - nach der momentan stattfindenden Korrektur -
      wieder nach oben ausbrechen und damit alle Minen des HUI (=ungehedgte Minen).

      Die Aktien des HUI sind diese:

      Echo Bay
      Coeur D`Alene

      Mehr zum Thema unter


      Four Arguments for Higher Prices

      The upside potential this time around, I believe, is much greater. There are several reasons, fundamentally and technically, why I believe gold and silver prices are headed
      much higher. There are others, more knowledgeable than I, who have written extensively about the numerous reasons why precious metals are headed higher -- much
      higher at that. However, I believe that they can be boiled down to four key arguments for higher prices: supply deficits, a record short position in gold and silver, currency
      debasement and what I call, "Brave Hearts and Strong Hands." War, government budget and trade deficits, faltering financial markets, distrust of the financial system, and
      a declining U.S. dollar are background noise and will only accelerate its rise.

      #1 Supply Deficit

      What needs to be understood is that gold and silver have been running supply deficits for more than a decade. Those deficits are based on industrial demand only.
      Monetary demand for metals hasn’t even entered into the picture. Moreover, there are no large new mines that are coming on stream over these next five years that could
      ameliorate the current supply deficit and even much less able to handle any increase that would result from a monetary demand for precious metals. It takes time to find
      new sources of supply and bring them into production. That time period is estimated to run between 5-6 years. Even if that time span could be shortened, there are no
      known large gold and silver minefields waiting to be explored. A multi-decade long bear market in the price of gold and silver has decimated the industry. Mines have been
      closed, production curtailed and exploration budgets slashed. The industry has consolidated through mergers or acquisitions or in many cases bankruptcies. New supplies
      just aren’t there to handle industrial demand much less monetary demand. The only solution is the liberation of gold and silver through higher prices. Only when that
      happens will the supply and demand imbalance be corrected. This means much higher prices are ahead of us.

      Financial alchemy can’t fill the gap between supply and demand even though governments think they can achieve it. Paper cannot be turned into gold and silver. It has
      been one of the supreme lessons of history that has to be relearned in almost every generation by almost every government. In the words of Murray Rothbard written nearly
      half a century ago, “Of all the economic problems, money is possibly the most tangled, and perhaps where we need perspective. Money, moreover, is the economic area
      most encrusted and entangled with centuries of government meddling. Many people — many economists — usually devoted to the free markets stop short at money.
      Money they insist is different; it must be supplied by government and regulated by government. They never think of state control of money as interference in the free
      market; a free market in money is unthinkable to them. Governments must mint coins, issue paper, define `legal tender`, create central banks, pump money in and out,
      `stabilize the price level,` etc.” 7

      It is this sad lesson in history that must be relearned again. George Santayana said it well --

      “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
      #2 Short on Position

      There are many other reasons why the price of gold and silver are heading higher. The most explosive one short-term is the huge short position in gold and silver, which has
      the potential to bring the financial system to its knees. In their article A Top in Gold at $330, authors James Sinclair and Harry Schultz describe the current short position
      in gold as “The Mother of all short positions in history”. According to their figures taken from the IMF and the BIS, that short position is estimated to be $280 billion. The
      reason we may call this "The Mother of all short positions” is that annual gold production is estimated to be around $24 billion in contrast to a short position of $280 billion.
      At some point, this short position will either be forced to be covered or those who have shorted gold will go under, thereby causing a financial crisis that will send metals
      prices north of the moon.

      A more accurate analysis of this short position can be summed up by simply saying, it can not be covered. The shorts would never even stand a chance of covering. Not
      unless every central bank in the world dishoarded its stockpile of gold or if every woman, man, and child turned over their gold jewelry in an effort to aid the short sellers.
      History and facts indicate that another epic crisis is ahead of us.

      The same short position in gold is replicated in silver. In the case of silver, it is even more dramatic. There are no
      large central bank stockpiles of silver. According to the most recent CPM Group Silver Survey, there are only around
      403 million ounces of refined silver left in the world outside of silver coin. Most of this silver has already been spoken
      for. The most reasonable guess is that there isn’t much more than 12-18 months worth of silver left to cover supply
      deficits. This is yet one more crisis waiting to erupt.

      #3 Currency Debasement

      Another fundamental argument for higher prices for gold and silver is the present state of the world’s monetary
      system. Most of the major currencies in the world have been depreciating. With economies now in recession, war on
      the horizon and most government budgets out of balance, currency debasement will be the result. From Roman
      emperors and kings of The Middle Ages to the Prime Ministers and Presidents of our present age, rulers have
      always haughtily claimed the profits of debasement as “seigniorage.” 8
      The most likely outcome of this debasement is summed up in Rothbard’s book on What Has Government Done to
      our Money?. In it he concluded, ”As we face the future, the prognosis for the dollar and for the international monetary
      system is grim indeed. Until and unless we return to the classical gold standard at a realistic gold price, the
      international money system is fated to shift back and forth between fixed and fluctuating exchange rates with each
      system posing unsolved problems, working badly, and finally disintegrating… The prospect for the future is
      accelerating and runaway inflation at home, accompanied by monetary breakdown and economic warfare abroad. This prognosis can only be changed by a drastic
      alteration of the American and world monetary system: by the return to a free market commodity money such as gold, and by removing government totally from the money
      scene.” 9

      #4 Brave Hearts and Strong Hands

      The final reason for higher prices is that gold and silver investors are a different breed of investor. They are intelligent, long-term investors -- macro thinkers with a firm
      understanding of history and the role of gold and silver. Many have ridden out the bleak years of the bear market holding on to their physical bullion and equity shares. They
      are not about to relinquish those shares or physical metal when the prospects for vindication and redemption are at hand. To many who hold precious metals either in
      bullion or in equity form, gold and silver represents freedom. Gold and silver are the only form of money that isn’t someone else’s liability. No government stands behind the
      precious metals. They need no guarantees. They stand on their own. To their owners, precious metals represent the only real form of money in the world. In other words,
      brave hearts and strong hands control the metals markets.

      I believe the four factors listed above are the main fundamental ingredients that will propel prices higher in the new bull market in gold and silver. Wars, rumors of war, falling
      financial markets and financial scandals are factors that will aid its ascent. They provide background noise to the main factors of supply and demand imbalances, a huge
      record short position, currency debasement, and investor strength.
      How to Participate in the New Bull Market

      When it comes to investing in these scarce resources, the gate is narrow and the selections are few. Investors can participate in this new bull market in three ways. They
      can buy gold and silver bullion, invest in gold or silver equities, or invest in paper gold and silver known as derivatives. In my opinion, the third option is not viable because of
      its limitation and shortcomings. The coming short squeeze may make those returns on paper uncollectible. Those entities who have sold metals short will not be able to
      deliver in the future once the short squeeze begins. All future settlements may have to be made in depreciating paper. Therefore, if investing in bullion, investors would be
      better off making investments in physical bullion and taking delivery or securing it in safe storage. Given the huge short positions, warehouse receipts may not be honored
      at a time of crisis. So if investing in physical gold and/or silver, always insist on taking delivery. You then have a safe storage for your investment. Given what we now know
      about supplies, deficits and inventories, the time to buy physical is on a short fuse.

      A second way to participate in the metals markets is to own shares in gold and silver producers. When investing in equities, it is imperative to avoid the shares of heavily
      hedged mining companies. These companies have sold their gold and silver short at lower prices. Therefore, they will not participate in the rise in metals to the same extent
      as unhedged companies. In fact, many companies may go under because of their hedged positions. They will not be able to deliver into their hedge book and the value of
      their hedges may go negative, as is the case with Barrick Gold and many others who have hedged their production. This is reflected in the difference in the performance of
      the XAU and the HUI indices. As of today, the HUI Index of unhedged gold and silver mining companies is up 109.67% year to date; whereas in comparison, the XAU Index
      is up only 43.6%. This narrows the choice to very few unhedged companies. As I mentioned earlier, the choices are few and the selection is narrow.An example of how thin this market is can be seen by the current capitalization of the HUI. Very few companies have market caps over a billion. The goliaths of the gold
      industry such as Newmont, Barrick, Anglo American, and AngloGold have market caps under $10 billion. Most gold and silver mining companies have market caps under
      $1 billion. Most of the industry is made up of juniors. In effect, these juniors are really in the micro-cap class. They are thinly traded with a small float of shares available for
      the investment public. That is why many of these high-grade juniors have seen their share prices rise between 100-600 percent this year. The reason that they have risen
      so dramatically is threefold. The first is that there are very few shares available. Scarcity means higher price when demand rises. The second is that juniors are the main
      future supply of gold and silver reserves. The majors will have to replace their reserves or go out of existence. Since it takes 5 to 6 years to find gold and silver and bring it
      into production, it is much easier to buy shares of a junior.

      Those who now want into this market will have to make their purchases in a period of scarcity. The supply of above-ground silver is vanishing. Gold is scarce outside the
      vaults of central banks. Even then, central banks have sold or lent out a major portion of their holdings. The gold that has been sold is either in the form of coin or worn as
      jewelry around the world. To the women of the world, their gold is just as precious. They would have very little sympathy for the plight of the short seller. That is why in the
      end, the laws of supply and demand will eventually win out.
      Sleepless Nights Ahead For Some

      Markets always win despite the best efforts of government to thwart them. This has been an irrefutable lesson of history, which tragically must be repeated. It is a lesson
      that has been forgotten by today’s short sellers. Each day as they turn on their computer screens, read or watch the news, they are reminded of their predicament. There
      are tensions in the Middle East. There are wars in Asia. Terrorism threatens to bring the world closer to World War. In the financial markets, the value of paper is steadily
      eroding as confidence slowly evaporates. Investor preference is changing as well. It is moving ever so slowly away from paper and back to things -- especially gold and
      silver. This inevitable crisis is what keeps governments and short sellers awake at night. It has become their nightmare.

      Those who own precious metals are aware of its 5,000-year track record. They own it because of strong convictions held through a very long and protracted bear market.
      Gold and silver investors represent a different class of investors. They think long-term, just like the durability of the metals they own. Those shares of precious metals
      stocks or the bullion will not be relinquished. Any pullback will only be used to buy from those who are foolish enough to sell at today’s multi-decade lows. This is
      something to ponder if you are short, thinking of selling, or just now thinking of buying. For those who own bullion or shares in gold and silver equities, patience and
      persistence are about to be rewarded. For those who have sold short, a nightmare is slowly unfolding. ~ JP

      © 2002 James J. Puplava
      schrieb am 26.06.02 03:23:51
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()

      Natürlich kann der Goldpreis - nach der momentan stattfindenden Korrektur -
      wieder nach oben ausbrechen und damit alle Minen des HUI (=ungehedgte Minen).

      Die Aktien des HUI sind diese:

      Echo Bay
      Coeur D`Alene

      Mehr zum Thema unter


      Four Arguments for Higher Prices

      The upside potential this time around, I believe, is much greater. There are several reasons, fundamentally and technically, why I believe gold and silver prices are headed
      much higher. There are others, more knowledgeable than I, who have written extensively about the numerous reasons why precious metals are headed higher -- much
      higher at that. However, I believe that they can be boiled down to four key arguments for higher prices: supply deficits, a record short position in gold and silver, currency
      debasement and what I call, "Brave Hearts and Strong Hands." War, government budget and trade deficits, faltering financial markets, distrust of the financial system, and
      a declining U.S. dollar are background noise and will only accelerate its rise.

      #1 Supply Deficit

      What needs to be understood is that gold and silver have been running supply deficits for more than a decade. Those deficits are based on industrial demand only.
      Monetary demand for metals hasn’t even entered into the picture. Moreover, there are no large new mines that are coming on stream over these next five years that could
      ameliorate the current supply deficit and even much less able to handle any increase that would result from a monetary demand for precious metals. It takes time to find
      new sources of supply and bring them into production. That time period is estimated to run between 5-6 years. Even if that time span could be shortened, there are no
      known large gold and silver minefields waiting to be explored. A multi-decade long bear market in the price of gold and silver has decimated the industry. Mines have been
      closed, production curtailed and exploration budgets slashed. The industry has consolidated through mergers or acquisitions or in many cases bankruptcies. New supplies
      just aren’t there to handle industrial demand much less monetary demand. The only solution is the liberation of gold and silver through higher prices. Only when that
      happens will the supply and demand imbalance be corrected. This means much higher prices are ahead of us.

      Financial alchemy can’t fill the gap between supply and demand even though governments think they can achieve it. Paper cannot be turned into gold and silver. It has
      been one of the supreme lessons of history that has to be relearned in almost every generation by almost every government. In the words of Murray Rothbard written nearly
      half a century ago, “Of all the economic problems, money is possibly the most tangled, and perhaps where we need perspective. Money, moreover, is the economic area
      most encrusted and entangled with centuries of government meddling. Many people — many economists — usually devoted to the free markets stop short at money.
      Money they insist is different; it must be supplied by government and regulated by government. They never think of state control of money as interference in the free
      market; a free market in money is unthinkable to them. Governments must mint coins, issue paper, define `legal tender`, create central banks, pump money in and out,
      `stabilize the price level,` etc.” 7

      It is this sad lesson in history that must be relearned again. George Santayana said it well --

      “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
      #2 Short on Position

      There are many other reasons why the price of gold and silver are heading higher. The most explosive one short-term is the huge short position in gold and silver, which has
      the potential to bring the financial system to its knees. In their article A Top in Gold at $330, authors James Sinclair and Harry Schultz describe the current short position
      in gold as “The Mother of all short positions in history”. According to their figures taken from the IMF and the BIS, that short position is estimated to be $280 billion. The
      reason we may call this "The Mother of all short positions” is that annual gold production is estimated to be around $24 billion in contrast to a short position of $280 billion.
      At some point, this short position will either be forced to be covered or those who have shorted gold will go under, thereby causing a financial crisis that will send metals
      prices north of the moon.

      A more accurate analysis of this short position can be summed up by simply saying, it can not be covered. The shorts would never even stand a chance of covering. Not
      unless every central bank in the world dishoarded its stockpile of gold or if every woman, man, and child turned over their gold jewelry in an effort to aid the short sellers.
      History and facts indicate that another epic crisis is ahead of us.

      The same short position in gold is replicated in silver. In the case of silver, it is even more dramatic. There are no
      large central bank stockpiles of silver. According to the most recent CPM Group Silver Survey, there are only around
      403 million ounces of refined silver left in the world outside of silver coin. Most of this silver has already been spoken
      for. The most reasonable guess is that there isn’t much more than 12-18 months worth of silver left to cover supply
      deficits. This is yet one more crisis waiting to erupt.

      #3 Currency Debasement

      Another fundamental argument for higher prices for gold and silver is the present state of the world’s monetary
      system. Most of the major currencies in the world have been depreciating. With economies now in recession, war on
      the horizon and most government budgets out of balance, currency debasement will be the result. From Roman
      emperors and kings of The Middle Ages to the Prime Ministers and Presidents of our present age, rulers have
      always haughtily claimed the profits of debasement as “seigniorage.” 8
      The most likely outcome of this debasement is summed up in Rothbard’s book on What Has Government Done to
      our Money?. In it he concluded, ”As we face the future, the prognosis for the dollar and for the international monetary
      system is grim indeed. Until and unless we return to the classical gold standard at a realistic gold price, the
      international money system is fated to shift back and forth between fixed and fluctuating exchange rates with each
      system posing unsolved problems, working badly, and finally disintegrating… The prospect for the future is
      accelerating and runaway inflation at home, accompanied by monetary breakdown and economic warfare abroad. This prognosis can only be changed by a drastic
      alteration of the American and world monetary system: by the return to a free market commodity money such as gold, and by removing government totally from the money
      scene.” 9

      #4 Brave Hearts and Strong Hands

      The final reason for higher prices is that gold and silver investors are a different breed of investor. They are intelligent, long-term investors -- macro thinkers with a firm
      understanding of history and the role of gold and silver. Many have ridden out the bleak years of the bear market holding on to their physical bullion and equity shares. They
      are not about to relinquish those shares or physical metal when the prospects for vindication and redemption are at hand. To many who hold precious metals either in
      bullion or in equity form, gold and silver represents freedom. Gold and silver are the only form of money that isn’t someone else’s liability. No government stands behind the
      precious metals. They need no guarantees. They stand on their own. To their owners, precious metals represent the only real form of money in the world. In other words,
      brave hearts and strong hands control the metals markets.

      I believe the four factors listed above are the main fundamental ingredients that will propel prices higher in the new bull market in gold and silver. Wars, rumors of war, falling
      financial markets and financial scandals are factors that will aid its ascent. They provide background noise to the main factors of supply and demand imbalances, a huge
      record short position, currency debasement, and investor strength.
      How to Participate in the New Bull Market

      When it comes to investing in these scarce resources, the gate is narrow and the selections are few. Investors can participate in this new bull market in three ways. They
      can buy gold and silver bullion, invest in gold or silver equities, or invest in paper gold and silver known as derivatives. In my opinion, the third option is not viable because of
      its limitation and shortcomings. The coming short squeeze may make those returns on paper uncollectible. Those entities who have sold metals short will not be able to
      deliver in the future once the short squeeze begins. All future settlements may have to be made in depreciating paper. Therefore, if investing in bullion, investors would be
      better off making investments in physical bullion and taking delivery or securing it in safe storage. Given the huge short positions, warehouse receipts may not be honored
      at a time of crisis. So if investing in physical gold and/or silver, always insist on taking delivery. You then have a safe storage for your investment. Given what we now know
      about supplies, deficits and inventories, the time to buy physical is on a short fuse.

      A second way to participate in the metals markets is to own shares in gold and silver producers. When investing in equities, it is imperative to avoid the shares of heavily
      hedged mining companies. These companies have sold their gold and silver short at lower prices. Therefore, they will not participate in the rise in metals to the same extent
      as unhedged companies. In fact, many companies may go under because of their hedged positions. They will not be able to deliver into their hedge book and the value of
      their hedges may go negative, as is the case with Barrick Gold and many others who have hedged their production. This is reflected in the difference in the performance of
      the XAU and the HUI indices. As of today, the HUI Index of unhedged gold and silver mining companies is up 109.67% year to date; whereas in comparison, the XAU Index
      is up only 43.6%. This narrows the choice to very few unhedged companies. As I mentioned earlier, the choices are few and the selection is narrow.An example of how thin this market is can be seen by the current capitalization of the HUI. Very few companies have market caps over a billion. The goliaths of the gold
      industry such as Newmont, Barrick, Anglo American, and AngloGold have market caps under $10 billion. Most gold and silver mining companies have market caps under
      $1 billion. Most of the industry is made up of juniors. In effect, these juniors are really in the micro-cap class. They are thinly traded with a small float of shares available for
      the investment public. That is why many of these high-grade juniors have seen their share prices rise between 100-600 percent this year. The reason that they have risen
      so dramatically is threefold. The first is that there are very few shares available. Scarcity means higher price when demand rises. The second is that juniors are the main
      future supply of gold and silver reserves. The majors will have to replace their reserves or go out of existence. Since it takes 5 to 6 years to find gold and silver and bring it
      into production, it is much easier to buy shares of a junior.

      Those who now want into this market will have to make their purchases in a period of scarcity. The supply of above-ground silver is vanishing. Gold is scarce outside the
      vaults of central banks. Even then, central banks have sold or lent out a major portion of their holdings. The gold that has been sold is either in the form of coin or worn as
      jewelry around the world. To the women of the world, their gold is just as precious. They would have very little sympathy for the plight of the short seller. That is why in the
      end, the laws of supply and demand will eventually win out.
      Sleepless Nights Ahead For Some

      Markets always win despite the best efforts of government to thwart them. This has been an irrefutable lesson of history, which tragically must be repeated. It is a lesson
      that has been forgotten by today’s short sellers. Each day as they turn on their computer screens, read or watch the news, they are reminded of their predicament. There
      are tensions in the Middle East. There are wars in Asia. Terrorism threatens to bring the world closer to World War. In the financial markets, the value of paper is steadily
      eroding as confidence slowly evaporates. Investor preference is changing as well. It is moving ever so slowly away from paper and back to things -- especially gold and
      silver. This inevitable crisis is what keeps governments and short sellers awake at night. It has become their nightmare.

      Those who own precious metals are aware of its 5,000-year track record. They own it because of strong convictions held through a very long and protracted bear market.
      Gold and silver investors represent a different class of investors. They think long-term, just like the durability of the metals they own. Those shares of precious metals
      stocks or the bullion will not be relinquished. Any pullback will only be used to buy from those who are foolish enough to sell at today’s multi-decade lows. This is
      something to ponder if you are short, thinking of selling, or just now thinking of buying. For those who own bullion or shares in gold and silver equities, patience and
      persistence are about to be rewarded. For those who have sold short, a nightmare is slowly unfolding. ~ JP

      © 2002 James J. Puplava
      schrieb am 26.06.02 03:24:48
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()

      Natürlich kann der Goldpreis - nach der momentan stattfindenden Korrektur -
      wieder nach oben ausbrechen und damit alle Minen des HUI (=ungehedgte Minen).

      Die Aktien des HUI sind diese:

      Echo Bay
      Coeur D`Alene

      Mehr zum Thema unter


      Four Arguments for Higher Prices

      The upside potential this time around, I believe, is much greater. There are several reasons, fundamentally and technically, why I believe gold and silver prices are headed
      much higher. There are others, more knowledgeable than I, who have written extensively about the numerous reasons why precious metals are headed higher -- much
      higher at that. However, I believe that they can be boiled down to four key arguments for higher prices: supply deficits, a record short position in gold and silver, currency
      debasement and what I call, "Brave Hearts and Strong Hands." War, government budget and trade deficits, faltering financial markets, distrust of the financial system, and
      a declining U.S. dollar are background noise and will only accelerate its rise.

      #1 Supply Deficit

      What needs to be understood is that gold and silver have been running supply deficits for more than a decade. Those deficits are based on industrial demand only.
      Monetary demand for metals hasn’t even entered into the picture. Moreover, there are no large new mines that are coming on stream over these next five years that could
      ameliorate the current supply deficit and even much less able to handle any increase that would result from a monetary demand for precious metals. It takes time to find
      new sources of supply and bring them into production. That time period is estimated to run between 5-6 years. Even if that time span could be shortened, there are no
      known large gold and silver minefields waiting to be explored. A multi-decade long bear market in the price of gold and silver has decimated the industry. Mines have been
      closed, production curtailed and exploration budgets slashed. The industry has consolidated through mergers or acquisitions or in many cases bankruptcies. New supplies
      just aren’t there to handle industrial demand much less monetary demand. The only solution is the liberation of gold and silver through higher prices. Only when that
      happens will the supply and demand imbalance be corrected. This means much higher prices are ahead of us.

      Financial alchemy can’t fill the gap between supply and demand even though governments think they can achieve it. Paper cannot be turned into gold and silver. It has
      been one of the supreme lessons of history that has to be relearned in almost every generation by almost every government. In the words of Murray Rothbard written nearly
      half a century ago, “Of all the economic problems, money is possibly the most tangled, and perhaps where we need perspective. Money, moreover, is the economic area
      most encrusted and entangled with centuries of government meddling. Many people — many economists — usually devoted to the free markets stop short at money.
      Money they insist is different; it must be supplied by government and regulated by government. They never think of state control of money as interference in the free
      market; a free market in money is unthinkable to them. Governments must mint coins, issue paper, define `legal tender`, create central banks, pump money in and out,
      `stabilize the price level,` etc.” 7

      It is this sad lesson in history that must be relearned again. George Santayana said it well --

      “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

      Trading Spotlight

      East Africa Metals
      0,1250EUR -1,57 %
      Breaking News & Rallye “ante portas”?! mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 26.06.02 03:27:50
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()

      Natürlich kann der Goldpreis - nach der momentan stattfindenden Korrektur -
      wieder nach oben ausbrechen und damit alle Minen des HUI (=ungehedgte Minen).

      Die Aktien des HUI sind diese:

      Echo Bay
      Coeur D`Alene

      Mehr zum Thema unter


      Four Arguments for Higher Prices

      The upside potential this time around, I believe, is much greater. There are several reasons, fundamentally and technically, why I believe gold and silver prices are headed
      much higher. There are others, more knowledgeable than I, who have written extensively about the numerous reasons why precious metals are headed higher -- much
      higher at that. However, I believe that they can be boiled down to four key arguments for higher prices: supply deficits, a record short position in gold and silver, currency
      debasement and what I call, "Brave Hearts and Strong Hands." War, government budget and trade deficits, faltering financial markets, distrust of the financial system, and
      a declining U.S. dollar are background noise and will only accelerate its rise.

      #1 Supply Deficit

      What needs to be understood is that gold and silver have been running supply deficits for more than a decade. Those deficits are based on industrial demand only.
      Monetary demand for metals hasn’t even entered into the picture. Moreover, there are no large new mines that are coming on stream over these next five years that could
      ameliorate the current supply deficit and even much less able to handle any increase that would result from a monetary demand for precious metals. It takes time to find
      new sources of supply and bring them into production. That time period is estimated to run between 5-6 years. Even if that time span could be shortened, there are no
      known large gold and silver minefields waiting to be explored. A multi-decade long bear market in the price of gold and silver has decimated the industry. Mines have been
      closed, production curtailed and exploration budgets slashed. The industry has consolidated through mergers or acquisitions or in many cases bankruptcies. New supplies
      just aren’t there to handle industrial demand much less monetary demand. The only solution is the liberation of gold and silver through higher prices. Only when that
      happens will the supply and demand imbalance be corrected. This means much higher prices are ahead of us.

      Financial alchemy can’t fill the gap between supply and demand even though governments think they can achieve it. Paper cannot be turned into gold and silver. It has
      been one of the supreme lessons of history that has to be relearned in almost every generation by almost every government. In the words of Murray Rothbard written nearly
      half a century ago, “Of all the economic problems, money is possibly the most tangled, and perhaps where we need perspective. Money, moreover, is the economic area
      most encrusted and entangled with centuries of government meddling. Many people — many economists — usually devoted to the free markets stop short at money.
      Money they insist is different; it must be supplied by government and regulated by government. They never think of state control of money as interference in the free
      market; a free market in money is unthinkable to them. Governments must mint coins, issue paper, define `legal tender`, create central banks, pump money in and out,
      `stabilize the price level,` etc.” 7

      It is this sad lesson in history that must be relearned again. George Santayana said it well --

      “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
      schrieb am 28.06.02 16:30:22
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      Was soll denn der Berlin Chart?
      Der Kurs wird in den USA unter HL gemacht.

      Ich hoffe die 4 hält, schaut gut aus.
      Aber für einen Ausbruch sehe ich eigentlich keine Anzeichen.
      schrieb am 28.06.02 21:14:08
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      ...aber interessant ist, dass heute praktisch alle Goldminen z.T. starke Verluste hinnehmen mussten (nach wiederholter Goldpreismanipulation in den USA), nur Hecla nicht - im Gegenteil, hat gegenwärtig (Fr., 29.06.2002, 21:12 Uhr MESZ) in den USA ein Plus von 0,90 % --> also wohl kräftiger Support. Aber durch wen? Und warum? Umsatz dort übrigens 1,45 Mio. Aktien...
      schrieb am 30.06.02 11:57:57
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      Hallo zusammen,

      diese Charts sind zur Dartsellung des Kursverlaufs meiner Meinung nach besser.

      schrieb am 30.09.02 19:51:19
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      Webcast Alert: Hecla Mining Company Invites You to Join Its Presentation To the Mining Investment Forum
      PR Newswire - September 30, 2002 09:01

      DENVER, Sept. 30 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- The Denver Gold Group is a trade association of primarily gold mining companies and mining-related firms. The organization`s Mining Investment Forum, held September 30 through October 2, 2002, is sponsored by 51 of the largest international gold and precious metals mining companies. The Forum is a private-investor event designed to provide qualified investors access to major gold-mining companies and their executives.

      Hecla Mining Company (NYSE: HL; HL-PrB) is making available a live webcast of their presentation at the MIF via the internet.

      What: Hecla Mining Company MIF Presentation

      When: Tuesday, October 1 at 4:10 pm ET/2:10 pm MT


      How: Live over the Internet: Simply log on to the web at the address above
      An archive of this webcast will be available for 30 days at the internet address above.

      Contact: Vicki Veltkamp at 208-769-4144

      (Minimum Requirements to listen to broadcast: The Windows Media Player)


      SOURCE Hecla Mining Company

      /PRNewswire -- Sept. 30/

      /Video: /

      (von den zahlreichen Hecla-Threads gefiel mir diese Überschrift am besten, daher hier gepostet)
      schrieb am 30.09.02 20:55:06
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      hi alle,
      kann mir jemand sagen, warum coeur d`A. heute so abschmiert, obwohl silber steigt?
      Hat das fundamentale gründe, die mir entgangen sind?
      denke doch, dass das heutige niveau zum einstieg reizt:-)
      mal schaun, was die nächsten tage so bringen.....

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      Hecla (HL) steht kurz vor einem größeren Ausbruch nach oben