
    Die Millionenchance - unkalkulierbar was da zu holen ist !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 16.06.03 20:26:08 von
    neuester Beitrag 07.08.03 20:38:59 von
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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 16.06.03 20:26:08
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()

      Ich sage nicht 1000 % und ich sage auch nicht 10000 %,
      was hier bald drin sein kann, lässt sich schwer erahnen.
      In der South Voisey Bay sollen 100 Millionen Tonnen an Nickel und Kupfer und Kobalt herumliegen !!!



      Von den über 140 mit Diamantbohrern durchgeführten Probebohrungen trafen fünf eindeutig auf spektakuläre massive Nickel-/Kupfer-/Kobalt-Sulfidvorkommen.
      Die Bohrungen kreuzten überwiegend eine vielversprechende Geologie, woraus ersichtlich wurde, dass das South Voisey Bay- Gebiet ein großes Potential an hochwertigen Nickel-/Kupfer-/Kobalt-Vorkommen vergleichbar mit denen der Voisey´s Bay in sich birgt.

      Einige der bisher wichtigsten Resultate sind: Bohr- Abstand Nickel Kupfer Kobalt loch-Nr. (m) % % % 97-67 0,30 1,72 1,59 0.22 0,60 1,97 1,03 0,25 0,10 1,39 0,77 0,17 97-75 1,10 11,60 10,20 0,41 97-79 11,50 0,38 0,28 0,06 97-96 15,70 1,13 0,78 0,20 97-97 2,20 0,71 0,65 0,08 98-131 0,20 4,49 2,60 0,28 0,30 3,44 0,50 0,46

      Das Bohrloch 97-75 umfasst einen 1,1 Meter großen Schnittpunkt mit 11,6% Nickel und 10,2% Kupfer, von dem angenommen wird, dass er die bisher in Nordamerika höchsten bekannten Werte aufweist.
      schrieb am 16.06.03 20:29:55
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      na außer dir scheint von den Bohrungen keiner was zu wissen, oder?

      schrieb am 16.06.03 20:35:36
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      Mein Gott, die buddeln schon so lange und immer noch nichts gefunden?

      schrieb am 16.06.03 20:35:57
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      AnalystCorner: Donner Minerals - Chance auf den Hauptgewinn?
      12.05.2003 (18:03)

      Die so genannten Explorer sind, Unternehmen die nach Rohstoffen suchen. Sie verschwinden häufig schnell von der Bildfläche, wenn ihre Bohrungen nicht erfolgreich sind. Die kanadische Donner Minerals ist nach vielen erfolglosen Jahren überraschend immer noch im Geschäft. Joachim Brunner von First Focus Independent Research sieht bei dem Wert ein interessantes Chance-Risko-Verhältnis.

      Explorer üben eine hohe Anziehungskraft auf die Investoren aus. Der Grund liegt im einfachen Geschäftsmodell: Wird das Unternehmen im großem Stil fündig, so sind drastische Kursgewinne die Folge. Oft genug jedoch verschwinden glücklose Unternehmen dieser Branche nach kurzer Zeit von der Bildfläche. Donner Minerals sucht nach Nickel. Dass dieser Rohstoff durchaus einträglich sein kann, zeigt die rekordverdächtige Performance eines anderen Explorers vor zehn Jahren: Diamond Fields. In dessen geographischer Nähe sucht Donner Minerals nach einer ähnlichen Erfolgsstory. Joachim Brunner, ehemaliger Chefanalyst der österreichischen VKB Bank und mittlerweile Geschäftsführer von First Focus Independent Research sieht die Aktie als sehr interessante Depotbeimischung.

      AC: Herr Brunner, über wieviel Substanz verfügt Donner Minerals?

      Brunner: Donner Minerals ist ein Explorer, die Substanz sind die drei Explorationsgebiete „South Voisey Bay“, „West Raglan“ und „Stephens Lake“. Im South Voisey exploriert derzeit Falconbridge, bei den anderen Gebieten ist Donner selbst der Operator. Der nominelle Buchwert der Gebiete übersteigt derzeit den Börsenwert.

      AC: Diese Branche ist ein heißes Geschäft. Warum empfehlen Sie trotzdem solch ein risikoreiches Unternehmen?

      Brunner: Explorer erinnern in der Tat ein wenig an ein Lottospiel. Der Gewinn kann sehr groß sein. Die Chance seinen Einsatz zu verlieren, ist jedoch ungleich höher. Bei Donner Minerals sehe ich jedoch eine weitaus besseres Chance-Risiko-Verhältnis als üblich. Daher möchte ich Donner Minerals nicht mit einem Glücksspiel vergleichen.

      AC: Wie groß ist denn die Chance?

      Brunner: Die Chance ist schwerer einzuschätzen als das Risiko. Nehmen wir als Beispiel die Firma Diamond Fields. Diese Firma hat bei der Suche nach Diamanten zufälligerweise auf einem nahe gelegenen Feld, wo auch Donner Minerals operiert, große Nickel-Lagerstätten gefunden. Sie wurde 1995 von Inco gekauft. Die Anleger konnten sich über einen Zugewinn von sagenhaften 44.000% in zwei Jahren freuen. Von daher ist ein Kurspotenzial, wohlgemerkt Potenzial, von 10.000% schon im Bereich des Möglichen.

      AC: Warum ist dann bei dieser Chance überhaupt ein überschaubares Risiko möglich?

      Brunner: Am wichtigsten für mich war neben einem erfahrenen Management eine Risikominimierung durch drei Erfolg versprechende Projekte. Sollte nur eines dieser Projekte erfolgreich sein, wird sich der Kurs vervielfachen.

      AC: Hand aufs Herz, für wie vielversprechend halten Sie diese Projekte?

      Brunner: Da ich kein Geologe bin, kann ich die Wahrscheinlichkeiten selbstverständlich nicht ermitteln. Es gibt jedoch einen ganz entscheidenden Anhaltspunkt: Die weltgrößten Förderer von Basismetallen, z.B. Falconbridge und Teck Cominco, haben Aktien von Donner erworben, Faconbridge stockte bei der jüngsten Kapitalerhöhung in diesem Winter seinen Anteil sogar nochmals auf. Darüber hinaus investieren sie eine verhältnismäßig große Menge Geld, um in den Lizenzgebieten von Donner bohren zu dürfen. Das spricht einfach für die Qualität der Projekte und das alleine ist schon ein großer Bonus für die Aktie. Nicht zuletzt dadurch wurde das noch immer hohe Risiko für den Anleger gesenkt.

      AC: Hat es schon Anzeichen für einen möglichen Bohrerfolg gegeben?

      Brunner: Bei Probebohrungen im South Voisey Bay wurde bereits Nickel gefunden und das in einer teilweise sehr hohen Konzentration. Festgestellt werden muss nun, ob das Vorkommen wirtschaftlich abgebaut werden kann. Im Juli werden die Bohrungen fortgesetzt.

      AC: Welche Anlagestrategie soll nun ein Anleger verfolgen?

      Brunner: Auch hier muss als erstes gesagt werden, dass ein Investment in Donner Minerals nur für Risiko orientierte Anleger zu empfehlen ist. Zweitens sollte es nur eine Depotbeimischung sein und drittens unterliegt die Aktie einem gewissen Zyklus. Das heißt, die Bohrungen in den wichtigsten Gebieten können nur im Sommer durchgeführt werden. Dadurch steigt der Aktienkurs durch die hohe Erwartungshaltung der bevorstehenden Bohrergebnisse vom Frühjahr bis zum Sommer hin an und nach deren Veröffentlichung sackt die Aktie wieder ab. Diese Kenntnis sollte vom Anleger genützt werden, um sein Risiko zu reduzieren.

      AC: Wie sehen Sie nun die weitere Entwicklung?

      Brunner: Die Aktie steht derzeit bei rund 0,17 CDN-Dollar, in den letzten vier Wochen hat der Ablauf einer Sperrfrist auf den Aktienkurs gedrückt. Diese Verkäufe ebben nun langsam ab. Ein Anstieg auf rund 0,30 bis 0,35 CDN-Dollar bis in den Sommer würde uns nicht überraschen. Dieses Niveau sollten vom Anleger zu einer Positionshalbierung genutzt werden. Daher entnimmt der Anleger sein investiertes Kapital und er senkt damit sein Risiko auf den bis dahin erzielten Gewinn. Den Rest des Investments kann man in der Hoffnung auf den Bohrerfolg liegen lassen. Ich weiß zwar nicht, ob man Nickel finden wird, aber die Tatsache, dass Falconbridge mehr Explorationsgeld in einen 50%-igen Lizenzanteil investiert als Donner Minerals an der Börse wert ist und außerdem nach den ersten Probebohrungen seinen Anteil an Donner Minerals noch erhöht, lässt Raum für Vermutungen.

      Das Gespräch führte Robert Burschik
      schrieb am 16.06.03 20:37:51
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      Donner Minerals "strong buy"

      Die Experten von "Oberbayerischer Börsenbrief" stufen die Aktie von Donner Minerals (ISIN CA2579041021/ WKN 910483) mit "strong buy" ein.

      Im Gegensatz zu den meisten Blue Chips an den internationalen Börsen, die sich in einem harten Konkurrenzwertbewerb befinden würden und auch ansonsten von den konjunkturellen Zyklen abhängig seien, liege der Erfolg von Donner Minerals weitestgehend konjunkturenabhängig einzig und allein am Ergebnis der Untersuchungen von Probebohrungen. Für den Aktionär von Bedeutung sei dabei, dass schon ein erfolgreiches Gebiet ausreiche, um den Kurs explodieren zu lassen. Und damit werde auch schon das enorme Potenzial dieses Wertes deutlich, der durch drei erfolgversprechende Projekte sein Risiko minimiere. Dass die Erfolgaussichten dabei nicht von ungefähr seien, würden zwei Faktoren beweisen. Zum einen seien bereits erfolgreiche Probebohrungen durchgeführt worden, die auf umfangreiche Nickelvorkommen schließen lassen würden, zum anderen seien namhafte Unternehmen, wie Falconbridge und TeckCominco, als Kooperationspartner gewonnen worden.

      Zudem rechne man aufgrund der starken Nachfrage nach Nickel aus dem Edelstahlbereich auch weiterhin mit einem anziehenden Nickelpreis. Man sei der Meinung, dass gerade jetzt der Zeitpunkt für einen Einstieg günstig sei, da aufgrund der klimatischen Bedingungen nur im Frühjahr bzw. Sommer Bohrungen durchgeführt werden könnten. Gelinge es Donner in dieser Zeit neue Erkenntnisse hinsichtlich des tatsächlichen Umfangs sowie der Wirtschaftlichkeit dieser drei Projekte zu gewinnen, so rechne man bis zum Ende diesen Jahres mit deutlich steigenden Notierungen.

      Damit habe man die Möglichkeit sich schon frühzeitig in diesem Wert zu positionieren. Das Kursziel von 0,30 Euro sehe man dabei nur als Zwischenetappe zu deutlich höheren Notierungen. Um an einer Kursvervielfachung zu partizipieren sei es wichtig einen langfristigen Anlagehorizont zu haben, da die Projekte über mehrere Jahre ausgelegt seien. Unerlässlich sei dabei jedoch auch, wie bei allen Empfehlungen aus der Rubrik "hot stocks", eine Stopp-Loss-Marke zu setzten, durch die bei einem Misserfolg das eingesetzte Kapital zum Großteil geschützt sei. Mit einem herausragenden Chance-Risiko-Verhältnis eigne sich die Aktie damit ausgezeichnet als spekulative Depotbeimischung.

      Die Experten von "Oberbayerischer Börsenbrief" bewerten die Aktie von Donner Minerals mit "strong buy".

      Trading Spotlight

      InnoCan Pharma
      0,2150EUR +7,50 %
      Jetzt in die Doppel-Chance investieren?!mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 16.06.03 21:32:55
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      Nun es ist zumindest aussichtsreicher als Baden Baden Casino, daß muss man schon gestehen :)

      Wenn die was finden hat die Aktie tatsächlich gewaltiges Potential. Man sollte das Geld aber nicht als Investition, sondern als Wetteinsatz nach der Methode: 500 EUR nehmen und mal abwarten, wenn nicht dann Pech...wenn ja, dann sehr netter Gewinn.
      schrieb am 16.06.03 21:47:38
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      Die sollten lieber ein Rübenacker daraus machen,da würde noch Umsatz reinkommen um die Schulden zu tilgen.
      Spass muss sein:p
      schrieb am 16.06.03 22:09:28
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      Notfalls verpachten wir das Teil an Nabil, der macht dann eine Schäfchenwiese draus (regelmässige Leser wissen was gemeint ist) :laugh:
      schrieb am 19.06.03 12:26:54
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      Nicht zu vergessen ist das Ass im Ärmel von Donner Minerals, hier kassiert Donner bei einem Fund kräftig mit ab und es liegen immerhin 38 Millionen Tonnen herum ...

      FOR : Knight Resources Ltd.


      June 18, 2003

      Knight Resources Ltd.: West Raglan Field Program Begins Frankfurt Stock
      Exchange Listing

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--Harvey Keats, President of Knight Resources Ltd.
      (the `Company`) is pleased to announce that a 4,500 line kilometre, deep
      penetrating SPECTREM airborne electromagnetic (`EM`) and magnetic survey has
      been completed on the West Raglan Project. Preliminary interpretation of the
      airborne survey has identified numerous high priority EM targets throughout the
      , coincident with known ultramafic rocks and with magnetic anomalies
      interpreted as ultramafic rocks. Target depths are interpreted to be shallower
      than originally anticipated, which will increase the number of holes to be
      drilled in the planned 2,000 metre program.

      Mobilization of a geological crew will begin late this week, a ground
      geophysical crew late next week, and a geochemical crew in early July. Diamond
      drilling is expected to begin by the end of July
      . The Company`s Exploration
      Manager, Kerry Sparkes, will be seconded to the West Raglan Project during the
      drill program.

      The Company is earning a 49% interest in the West Raglan Project from Anglo
      American Exploration (Canada) Limited (`AAEC`). The 68,000 hectare project,
      located in northern Quebec, covers over 60 km of the western extension of the
      Raglan Horizon, which hosts Falconbridge`s Raglan deposits. Resources, reserves
      and mined to date at Raglan are estimated at 28 million tonnes averaging 2.8%
      nickel and 0.8% copper with significant platinum group elements and cobalt. The
      project also covers over 60 km of the interpreted western extension of the
      Expo-Ungava Horizon which hosts the Expo-Ungava deposit and the Mesamax
      occurrence, discovered by Canadian Royalties in 2002.

      The West Raglan project area is virtually unexplored. In 2002, AAEC carried out
      geological mapping, geochemistry and prospecting and confirmed the existence of
      the Raglan Horizon on the northern portion of the project. The magnetic
      signature in the southern portion of the project has been interpreted by AAEC
      to be the Expo-Ungava Horizon (Povungnituk Group). The West Raglan Project has
      never been surveyed with a deep penetrating airborne electromagnetic survey,
      and there is no evidence of any prior diamond drilling.

      The main focus of the 2003 program will be approximately 2,000 metres of
      diamond drilling. A diamond drill rig was mobilized to the coastal town of
      Salluit by AAEC in the fall of 2002 and then to the property in April 2003, in
      preparation for the 2003 drill program. Knight must incur a minimum of $1.7
      million of expenditures in 2003 to maintain its option.

      In addition, the Company has been listed for trading on the Frankfurt Stock
      Exchange (WKN # 550974). The Company`s trading symbol on the Frankfurt Stock
      Exchange is "KRL".


      Harvey Keats, President

      - 30 -

      Knight Resources Ltd.
      Harvey Keats
      Phone: (604) 684-6535
      Fax: (604) 602-9311
      The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility
      for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
      schrieb am 28.06.03 23:14:05
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      Donner Minerals Has Three Nickel Projects in Canada With Majors as Partners, And Each Is A Company Maker.

      Donner Minerals, a Canadian nickel exploration company with interests in three of the country’s four major nickel camps, will be presenting at our next Minesite Mining Forum on June 3rd. The company is best known for its substantial land position 90 kms south of the famous Voisey’s Bay nickel-copper-cobalt discovery. The South Voisey Bay project is focused on a favourable intrusion of olivine gabbro similar to the massive sulphides at Voisey’s Bay and Falconbridge is Donner’s partner there. In northern Manitoba the company is involved in another joint venture with Falconbridge , the Stephens Lake project, to test for extensions to the Thompson nickel belt which has hosted five major deposits operated by Inco. The company is also earning a 49 per cent interest through a listed associate company, Knight Resources, in the West Raglan project where Anglo American is its 51 per cent partner. The West Raglan project is on the western extension of the Raglan Horizon which hosts Falconbridge’s Raglan deposits

      All of these projects are considered by Donner’s major partners to have the potential to make a significant difference to them, so they would be company makers for Donner. The company’s history goes back to the discovery of Voisey’s Bay which induced a land rush in the area. Instead of joining it Donner went south and was funded initially by Teck. Some excellent drilling results were achieved including 16 metres of 1.13% nickel and 1 metre of 12% nickel, 10% copper and 1% cobalt, but then came Bre-X and the Canadian mining market went into hibernation. Falconbridge appeared out of the gloom in 2001 with an offer to spend C$23 million on exploration over five years to earn a 50 per cent interest inhte project. Teck is still in there carrying Donner right through to production to earn half Donner’s share, so Donner is sure of a free carried interest if a deposit is found.

      Apart from the 650 sq kms project itself, which Falconbridge reckons to be a dead ringer for Voisey’s Bay, the President of Donner, Harvey Keats has the respect of the company for the 25 years he worked for Falconbridge and for Robert Friedland’s Diamond Fields Resources. Falconbridge also has the benefit of the field work, which included airborne and ground geophysical surveys carried out between 1995 and 99 by Donner and Teck. In the autumn of 2001 Falconbridge carried out a deep seeking ground electromagnetic survey plus geological mapping and re-logging of the drill core. This was followed up by further EM surveys and some drilling in 2002 and now a large MegaTEM airborne survey has begun. It will be followed by ground deep EM surveys and priority EM anomalies will be tested by diamond drilling.

      The vast 3,700 sq kms Stephens Lake project is a search for extensions to the Thompson nickel belt where Inco is exploiting a number of deposits including the 100 million tonne Thompson mine itself which has been in production since 1958 and replenished the resource consistently with satellite discoveries of a similar grade of 2.5% nickel over the period. Falconbridge had been seeking the extension for years but it appeared that they had been concentrating their work too far south. It was suggested that exploration should concentrate on the contact between the Superior Craton and the Churchill Craton as this is reckoned to be the source not only of the Thompson nickel belt , but also of Falconbridge’s Raglan project.

      The deal is that Donner is going to earn a 50 per cent interest by spending C$5 million over 5 years and Falconbridge is cementing the relationship by buying a tranche of shares in the junior every year . The deposits in the belt occur where ultramafic rocks interact with sulphide iron formation. The ultramafics provide the nickel as a base for the nickel sulphide deposits in the Thompson model. Back in 2001 Falconbridge found a sulphide iron formation in outcrop and more recently ultramafics were hit by people drilling for diamonds nearby. Donner is currently carrying out a C$1million work programme and recent drilling intersected 72 metres of sulphide iron formation with only its third hole. Similarities with the Inco deposits get stronger and stronger and the partners are confident that they have most of the pieces of the puzzle that could go to make a new nickel mining camp.

      Lastly there is the West Raglan project where a shell company was used at the beginning of this year for Donner to acquire a 27 per cent interest and Anglo could invest in tranches of Knight stock each year which would contribute to the exploration spend.. The idea was to shield the project from being overshadowed by South Voisey Bay and Stephens Lake and to allow Anglo American a direct involvement which would not be diluted. It is an area which has been virtually unexplored and is on the western end of the Expo-Ungava Horizon where the Mesamax occurrence is and where the first three holes drilled by Canadian Royalties intersected sulphide mineralisation and the assay results were described as exceptional. As an example, the first hole was in mineralisation from 9 metres below surface and the length weighted average of the entire 66 metre interval graded 2.19% nickel, 5.92% copper, 0.09% cobalt, 1.3 g/t gold and 1.4 g/t platinum and 2.65 g/t palladium.
      schrieb am 29.06.03 09:25:56
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      Prima, kann mir bitte jemand verraten, an welcher Börse die gehandelt werden?

      Thx and so long
      schrieb am 29.06.03 10:49:24
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      so schwer ist das nun wirklich nicht ;)
      schrieb am 29.06.03 13:19:32
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      Toronto Stock Exchange
      Ticker: DML

      schrieb am 29.06.03 14:08:58
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      schrieb am 12.07.03 12:44:27
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      Und hier ein wenig Info:

      Making sense of mining company press releases

      The latest press releases from mineral exploration companies active in Labrador have just come out.

      Company A says that it has completed its airborne geophysical surveys and has "several interesting magnetic and electromagnetic anomalies that require further testing".

      Company B reports five grab samples from outcrops on their Labrador claims containing "up to 2% Ni, 0.5% Cu and 0.12% Co".

      Company C reports that their latest drill hole has intersected 2 metres of massive sulphide grading 3% Ni, 1% Cu and 0.15% Co while

      Company D describes a drill intersection of 30 metres of `disseminated sulphides`
      .top of page..

      What do you make of these? How do these descriptions relate to the possibility that any of these companies has found a potentially viable ore deposit?

      Mineral exploration is a complex activity and there are many variables that affect the potential viability of any discovery. It is important, when attempting to evaluate the significance of any particular announcement, to be aware of some of the fundamentals.

      First, let`s consider the nature of the target.

      In Labrador, the Voisey`s Bay deposit serves as a model for explorationists. The massive sulphide "ovoid" is the focus of attention; its surface plan is roughly circular and about 300 metres in diameter and it extends to a maximum depth of more than 100 m.

      Explorationists, then, are looking for a body of rock about the size of the "Rocks Area" in Sydney and the height of a 10 storey building, which may be deeply buried under gravel and/or rock!

      Finding such a target is not a trivial problem and is complicated by the fact that the geological processes that formed the very rich Voisey`s Bay ovoid have also formed many smaller deposits and occurrences, most of which will be too small or too low grade to ever be mined. It is not always easy or even possible to tell at first glance if the mineralization you have encountered in outcrop is or is not the tip of a very large iceberg. The simple fact of a new discovery or an exciting drill hole does not guarantee that a mineable deposit has been found.

      How does one go about finding one of these deposits?

      Orebodies such as the Voisey`s Bay deposit consist mainly of sulphide minerals in which the Ni, Cu and Co are chemically bound to sulphur. top of page..

      The main Ni- and Co-bearing mineral is pentlandite [(Fe,Ni)9S2] while the main copper mineral is chalcopyrite [CuFeS2].

      The deposits also typically contain a lot of pyrrhotite, an iron sulphide that is of no commercial value but which is an important factor in exploration as it is magnetic and can be detected by magnetometer surveys (see below). When a deposit consists almost entirely of sulphides, it is termed "massive sulphide".

      When it consists of clots or patches of sulphides in the country rocks, it is termed "disseminated". The proportion of sulphide minerals, and therefore the metal grades, are generally higher in the former. However, it is not uncommon for disseminated sulphides to be sufficiently concentrated to achieve ore grades.

      Geophysical Exploration

      The search for a buried sulphide deposit often begins with an airborne geophysical survey.

      Some sulphide minerals are magnetic (i.e. pyrrhotite) and therefore may cause a measurable perturbation in the earth`s magnetic field in the vicinity of the deposit; others are good electrical conductors, and can measurably affect the strength and orientation of electromagnetic fields in their vicinity. In conducting an airborne survey, the aircraft systematically crisscrosses the property while sensitive instruments on board measure the earth`s magnetic field and the intensity of electromagnetic fields. top of page..

      "Anomalies", or unexpected perturbations in these fields, are recorded and compared with responses theoretically expected from sulphide bodies.

      It is important to realize that magnetic and electromagnetic anomalies can result from geological features other than orebodies. An airborne anomaly in an area of favourable geology is a good target for further exploration but it may or may not be caused by a sulphide body - ground exploration is required to confirm this.


      When prospectors or geologists first start to look for a sulphide body, they pay special attention to "gossans". A gossan is simply a patch of rusty rock in which iron-bearing sulphide minerals have been oxidized by the action of air and water.

      Gossans are easily recognized on the ground (and even from the air) by their characteristic rusty brown to reddish colour. Because gossans have been highly leached, some or all of the metals may have been removed or locally concentrated by the weathering and the metal content of gossan samples may not be representative of the fresh rock underneath.
      top of page..

      Rock Sampling

      When prospectors or geologists find a mineralized outcrop, they will usually start their evaluation by taking a few "grab samples". As the name implies, these are randomly selected samples hammered off (grabbed from) the outcrop. These samples are then assayed.

      An "assay" is simply a chemical analysis that determines the amounts of easily extractable metals in the sample; assays of the base metals (e.g. Ni, Cu. Zn, Pb, Co) are usually expressed in weight percent; assays of precious metals (e.g. Au, Ag) are usually expressed in grams of metal per tonne of rock.

      Assays of grab samples give a good indication of the grade of visibly mineralized samples. However, if they have been taken in such a way as to sample the highest grade material in preference to lower grade material, they may not be representative of the outcrop as a whole. They do not necessarily provide systematic information about the overall grade or size of the mineralized zone.

      Three Dimensional Sampling

      A more representative technique for sampling surface outcrops is taking a "channel sample", in which the outcrop is systematically sampled by a continuous cut with a diamond saw or hammer and chisel. A channel sample provides both a representative assay of the outcrop and a width across which the assay has been taken. top of page..

      Observations at surface only provide two dimensional information about an occurrence.

      Eventually, a prospect must be drilled to evaluate its three-dimensional extent and grade. The hole is drilled using a diamond bit and the core is recovered to provide a continuous sample of the rock encountered in the hole.

      Usually, on a good surface prospect or geophysical target, a program of several drill holes is planned to test the mineralization at various depths and at various places along its lateral extent. The nature and intensity of any mineralization is clearly visible in the drill core and when mineralization is encountered, a portion of the core is sent out for assay.

      Evaluating Three Dimensional Assay Results

      How does one evaluate the assay numbers that come out of this work? It is important to realize that each assay consists of two important parts, the width and the grade. top of page..

      The width gives the explorationist the best idea of the size of the deposit andby extrapolating widths of mineralized intersections from hole to hole vertically and horizontally, it is possible to calculate the volume of mineralized rock in the occurrence and hence its tonnage.

      The grade is simply the proportion of rock that consists of payable material, i.e: recoverable metals of value such as Ni, Cu. Co. Because different ores contain different metals in different proportions, the layman can not always easily evaluate the significance of grades reported from drill holes from different areas. One way to do this is to estimate the value of a metric tonne of rock (for massive sulphides, this would be a cube of rock about 60 cm on a side) at the quoted grades and then compare it with values from other areas.

      Grade and Width

      Consider an intersection over some significant width reported to grade 2% Ni and 1% Cu. The amount of Ni present in a ton of this rock is easily calculated. One tonne contains 1000 kilograms (kg) and at 2% Ni, would contain 1000 x.02 =20 kg of Ni. Similarly, it contains 1000 x .01 = 10 kg of Cu. 1996 Ni and Cu prices were about $3.85/lb. and $1.30/lb., respectively ($US) (we use non-metric price unit measures because metal prices are typically quoted in $US/lb), so the value of a tonne of rock at these grades is (20*$3.85*2.204) + (10*$1.30*2.204) = approximately $200.

      This is quite valuable rock. For comparison, a tonne of rock from the Buchans mines, some of the richest deposits of their kind in the world, at 1996 prices, would have been worth around $270, a tonne of ore from the Daniel`s Harbour Zinc Mine around $85, and a tonne of ore from the Hope Brook gold mine around $60. top of page..

      The Affect of Waste Rock and Mill Recovery

      It is important to realize that grades reported in exploration drill holes are not necessarily those that can or will eventually be mined. In order to recover the ore, it might eventually be necessary to include a certain amount of country rock in the mining operation. The inclusion of waste rock in the mined product is called dilution and will inevitably mean a lower grade for the mine overall than for the sulphide body alone. For various reasons, not all of the metal can be recovered from the mined ore during milling and some percentage will be lost in the tailings. The percentage of metal that can be recovered in the mill is termed the recovery, and incorporation of this in the mining plan will further reduce the overall cash value of the deposit. top of page..

      The Affect of Future Prices

      A final point to emphasize in connection with the grades of the deposit is that the eventual value, and therefore profitability, of the deposit will be determined, not by today`s prices, but by those in effect when the mine is operating, which may be anywhere from 5 to 20 years hence. Metal prices fluctuate on both short term and long term cycles with shifting demand and the state of the world economy.

      Although relatively stronger at present, most metals have just come through a period of very low prices, principally as a result of the economic recession in the western economies. The decline in the price of Ni was more precipitous than others, mainly as a result of flooding of world markets with cheap Ni from the former Soviet Union following its collapse. To continue with our original example, the tonne of 2% Ni - 1% Cu ore that is worth about $180 today was only worth about $90 in late 1993, when Cu and Ni prices bottomed out at about $0.75/lb. and $1.90/lb. respectively. Of course, if prices continue their present upward trend, that tonne of ore could be worth considerably more than its present value when it is mined. top of page..

      A few brief rules of thumb for evaluating the significance

      of new massive sulphide discovery might be as follows:

      massive sulphide deposits are small, difficult to find targets. For every large, high grade deposit, there are likely to be large numbers of small, lower grade deposits. Massive sulphides generally have higher grades than disseminated sulphides;

      Airborne geophysical anomalies may indicate the presence of sulphides and are excellent targets for further exploration; but they may also result from other geological features; grab samples with interesting assays clearly indicate the presence of mineralization on the ground, but provide little indication of the potential size or overall grade of the occurrence; channel samples provide a good systematic sampling of mineralization at outcrop scale and an indication of the width of the mineralization as well diamond drill holes normally provide the first three-dimensional picture of an occurrence. assays of drill core provide vital grade and width information, both of which must be considered in evaluating the significance of a result. Grades provide good information on the relative value of the mineralized zone but are not necessarily the grades that will eventually be mined; estimates of the value of an orebody must include some estimate of the metal prices in the future.
      schrieb am 12.07.03 18:15:58
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      Na so langsam kann hier mal was passieren oder haben die nur einen Handbohrer ?:laugh:
      schrieb am 14.07.03 09:58:28
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()
      hoher Umsatz, so kurz nach Börsenbeginn !:eek:
      , oder kommt mir das nur so vor ?
      schrieb am 14.07.03 17:19:13
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()
      ist ja richtig still geworden hier bei Donner!
      Die sollten jetzt aber mal Gas geben und Ergebnisse präsentieren.Ist ja sonst totlangweilig .
      Da hätte ich die Kohle besser in Chinesische Internets gepumpt ,die laufen und laufen , einfach super.
      schrieb am 14.07.03 17:37:26
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      nichts geht, zu dem, der warten kann, kommt alles mit der Zeit ;)
      schrieb am 14.07.03 18:50:51
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()
      hups :cry:
      schrieb am 14.07.03 19:12:13
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()
      250 Stücke zu 0,14 wow

      go short but go
      schrieb am 15.07.03 11:25:38
      Beitrag Nr. 22 ()
      Ich versteh es einfach nicht! Jetzt müßte es doch eigentlich Richtung Norden gehen?
      Wer steigt denn jetzt aus? Kurz vor einem sehr wahrscheinlichem Bohrerfolg? :confused:
      schrieb am 15.07.03 16:27:27
      Beitrag Nr. 23 ()
      wo ist den eigentlich Joelu und Neono?

      Was ist jetzt mit Donner genau so ein Reinfall wie bei Caly?

      grüße aus der Oberpfalz
      schrieb am 15.07.03 17:08:08
      Beitrag Nr. 24 ()
      Was für eine sch... Aktie ! Die kennt doch nur eine Richtung. :mad: Und die Informationspolitik ist auch sch...!:mad:
      schrieb am 16.07.03 16:47:05
      Beitrag Nr. 25 ()
      amberger, ich bin hier!!!!! aber auch entäuscht, habe mir mehr erwartet: aber bis ende juli ist auch noch zeit!!!
      schrieb am 16.07.03 20:23:36
      Beitrag Nr. 26 ()
      Knight Resources halted at the open

      2003-07-16 09:09 ET - Halt Trading

      Trading has been halted effective at the open on July 16, 2003, at the request of the company, pending an announcement.
      schrieb am 16.07.03 21:22:47
      Beitrag Nr. 27 ()
      die Spannung steigt
      schrieb am 17.07.03 08:46:57
      Beitrag Nr. 28 ()

      FOR : Knight Resources Ltd.


      July 16, 2003

      Knight Resources Ltd.: High Grade Nickel Discovered at West Raglan

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--Harvey Keats, President of Knight Resources Ltd.
      (the `Company`) is pleased to announce that high grade and high tenor sulphides
      have been found at surface on the West Raglan Project. Six surface grab samples
      have been taken from locally transported boulders and rubble interpreted to be
      less than 10 metres from a 3 kilometre long conductive trend, identified by an
      airborne electromagnetic survey. The samples were taken from the base of a
      peridotite unit interpreted as the western extension of the Raglan Horizon. The
      samples were taken from several locations over a 1.56 kilometre portion of the
      3 kilometre trend described below. The depth of the conductive trend is
      interpreted to vary from 20 metres to 100 metres. Assay results are shown in
      the table below:


      Sample % Sul- Sulphide Pd Pt
      Zone # phide Type Ni % Cu % Co % g/t g/t

      West Frontier 1 25 Net Texture 2.07 1.32 0.05 2.23 0.59
      West Frontier 2 80 Massive 3.15 0.47 0.09 1.26 0.6
      West Frontier 3 60 Net Texture 3.41 2.91 0.09 3.3 0.84
      West Frontier 4 25 Net Texture 1.92 0.53 0.05 1.9 0.44

      East Frontier 5 60 Net Texture 1.13 1.04 0.04 1.7 0.46
      East Frontier 6 80 Massive 3.42 0.62 0.13 1.6 0.35


      The most westerly sample is sample number 1. Sample numbers 2 and 3 were taken
      440 metres east of sample number 1. Sample Number 4 was taken 80 metres east of
      sample number 3. Sample number 5 was taken 950 metres east of sample number 4.
      Sample number 6 was taken 80 meters east of sample number 5.

      The discovery has been named the `Frontier Zone`. Samples 1 through 4 were
      taken from a portion of the zone referred to as `West Frontier`. Samples 5 and
      6 were taken from the portion of the zone referred to as `East Frontier`. The
      conductor in the 1 kilometre space between West Frontier and East Frontier is
      interpreted to be deeper than the area sampled. Consequently no mineralized
      boulders are exposed at surface.

      The Frontier Zone will be the focus of the 2003 diamond drill program, in order
      to determine the thickness and extent of the mineralization and to test the 3
      kilometre long airborne electromagnetic anomaly.

      A second zone of sulphide, called the `Rain Day Zone`, has been discovered in
      olivine pyroxenite 5.2 kilometres east of the eastern end of the Frontier Zone.
      Two samples have been taken and assayed. The first sample assayed 0.23% Ni,
      0.09% Cu, 0.02% Co, 0.14g/t Pd and 0.05g/t Pt. The second sample assayed 0.27%
      Ni, 0.08% Cu, 0.02% Co, 0.09g/t Pd and 0.03g/t Pt. Results are expected to be
      lower in olivine pyroxenite; however this zone is still significant and will
      require further evaluation, including diamond drilling.

      Work currently underway at West Raglan consists of geological mapping,
      horizontal loop and fixed loop ground electromagnetic surveys, ground magnetic
      surveys and soil geochemical surveys. Drilling is expected to begin in early

      The Company is earning a 49% interest in the West Raglan Project from Anglo
      American Exploration (Canada) Limited (`AAEC`). The 68,000 hectare project,
      located in northern Quebec, covers over 60 km of the interpreted western
      extension of the Raglan Horizon, which hosts the deposits at the Raglan Mine.
      Resources, reserves and mined to date at Raglan are estimated at 28 million
      tonnes averaging 2.8% nickel and 0.8% copper with significant platinum group
      elements and cobalt.

      AAEC is the operator of the West Raglan Project and is responsible for the
      sampling and submittal of samples for assay. The assaying was carried out and
      certified by ACME Labs of Vancouver. The AAEC Qualified Person on site is
      Richard Dufresne and the Company`s Qualified Person responsible for reviewing
      the assays and procedures is Kerry Sparkes.


      Harvey Keats, President

      - 30 -

      Knight Resources Ltd.
      Harvey Keats
      Phone: (604) 684-6535
      Fax: (604) 602-9311
      The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility
      for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


      Was sagt ihr dazu ???????
      schrieb am 17.07.03 09:45:38
      Beitrag Nr. 29 ()
      @Odolfo - vielen Dank für deine Info - kann aber mit meinem mittelmässigen Schulenglisch nur wenig übersetzen!
      Kannst Du in wenigen "deutschen" Worten den Text wiedergeben?! Wäre Dir sehr dankbar!:)
      schrieb am 17.07.03 10:37:00
      Beitrag Nr. 30 ()
      Heißt,dass KNP Nickel gefunden hat! Donner ist mit 30% beteiligt! Also der Kurs müßte heute auf diese Nachricht anziehen.:laugh: :laugh:
      schrieb am 17.07.03 11:46:21
      Beitrag Nr. 31 ()
      Aus dem Canadier Board !!!!!!!!!!

      SUBJECT: 3.42 % Nickel on Surface..... Posted By: mrslate2001
      Post Time: 7/17/03 02:20

      The values that Knight is getting from surface samples make Canadian Royalties look a little week.
      If this 3 km long anomaly has any thickness whatsoever we could be in for a major run.

      I see KNP at $0.40 tomorrow

      The other side of the coin is, what is Falconbridge thinking?

      This is.... West Raglan. Right in their backyard.

      Maybe a run at Donner???
      schrieb am 17.07.03 22:09:18
      Beitrag Nr. 32 ()
      Donner Minerals 0,18 CanD + 20 %
      Knight Resources 0,355 CanD + 39,2 %
      schrieb am 18.07.03 09:07:46
      Beitrag Nr. 33 ()
      und wie gehts weiter?!
      schrieb am 18.07.03 09:34:18
      Beitrag Nr. 34 ()
      alle erstarrt, wie das Kaninchen vor der Schlange?!
      schrieb am 18.07.03 09:56:59
      Beitrag Nr. 35 ()
      Welches A... verkauft denn jetzt zu 0,11 ? :rolleyes: :confused:
      schrieb am 18.07.03 09:57:22
      Beitrag Nr. 36 ()

      Nun ich denke diejenigen die von der DML-Story überzeugt sind, lassen sich von dem 1 Cent rauf und 1 Cent runter Spiel nicht beeindrucken, sondern sind langfristig investiert.
      Solche News, wie von Knight, veranlassen höchstens dazu, sich noch ein paaar DML ins Depot zu legen.

      sicher je früher DML etwas findet, desto besser, aber lassen wir uns überraschen.

      Allen noch einen sonnigen Freitag, genießt das Wetter!!!

      schrieb am 18.07.03 10:04:10
      Beitrag Nr. 37 ()

      Nicht zu vergessen, die Führungsriege von Donner, insbesondere Mr. D.P., der es bestens versteht immer genug Kohle für sich rauszuholen und dabei schon mal Wege geht, die, sagen wir mal vorsichtig, hart am möglichen sind.:D

      Good luck

      schrieb am 18.07.03 10:08:40
      Beitrag Nr. 38 ()
      Versteh ich auch nicht wie einer zu 0,11 verkauft ? Vieleicht braucht er noch ein paar euros fürs Wochenend oder er hat im Matheunterricht gefehlt so wie ich bei der rectscheibung :laugh:
      schrieb am 18.07.03 10:48:57
      Beitrag Nr. 39 ()
      fettes Volumen bisher :laugh:
      schrieb am 18.07.03 10:56:56
      Beitrag Nr. 40 ()
      Weckt mal jemand Frankfurt, 2 Stunden keine Kursfeststellung, ich will kaufen !!!:cry: :cry: :cry:
      schrieb am 18.07.03 11:09:14
      Beitrag Nr. 41 ()
      order einfach 250 000 zu 0,15, dann wird sich schon was tun

      schrieb am 18.07.03 11:13:06
      Beitrag Nr. 42 ()
      250.000 Stück, willst Du, dass ich wegen Bettelei angeklagt werde :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
      schrieb am 18.07.03 11:42:35
      Beitrag Nr. 43 ()
      na komm, so als 2%ige Depotbeimischung

      schrieb am 18.07.03 13:41:45
      Beitrag Nr. 44 ()
      Hmm, schon wieder einer der meint entweder die Nerven verlieren zu müssen oder mehr Info´s zu haben als wir :rolleyes:
      schrieb am 18.07.03 13:50:36
      Beitrag Nr. 45 ()
      SCHAUT MAL BEI KPN....der Betlg. von Donner!

      Die werden heute gedelistet!!


      12:55 EDT Thursday, July 17, 2003

      VANCOUVER, British Columbia--(Infolink)--July 17, 2003--

      BULLETIN TYPE: Resume Trading
      BULLETIN DATE: July 17, 2003
      Tier 2 Company

      Effective at 7:00 a.m., PST, July 17, 2003, shares of the Company resumed
      trading, an announcement having been made over CCNMatthews, StockWatch and
      Vancouver Market News.

      BULLETIN DATE: July 17, 2003
      Tier 2 Company

      Effective at 8:08 a.m. PST, July 17, 2003, trading in the shares of the
      Company was halted at the request of the Company, pending an announcement.

      BULLETIN TYPE: Remain Halted
      BULLETIN DATE: July 17, 2003
      Tier 2 Company

      Effective at 9:16 a.m. PST, July 17, 2003, trading in the shares of the
      Company will remain halted. The shares of the Company will be delisted
      July 18, 2003, Northern Empire Minerals Ltd. having acquired 100% of the
      Company`s shares.

      schrieb am 18.07.03 13:53:34
      Beitrag Nr. 46 ()
      Unfug,Stornoway wird delistet.Mach die Leute nicht verrückt.

      schrieb am 18.07.03 17:43:15
      Beitrag Nr. 47 ()

      Management Discussion and Analysis
      For the Year Ended February 28, 2003

      Principal Activity of the Company

      Donner Minerals Ltd. is a mineral exploration company with a project in the South Voisey Bay area of Labrador, Newfoundland and a project in the Stephens Lake area of Manitoba. The Company`s partners in the South Voisey Bay Project (`SVB Project`) include Falconbridge Limited (`Falconbridge`), Teck Cominco and various junior resource exploration companies. The Company`s partner in the Stephen`s Lake Project is Falconbridge. The Company is also carrying out regional exploration in Labrador with Falconbridge as part of the Labrador Regional Project.

      South Voisey Bay Project, Labrador

      The South Voisey Bay Project is the Company`s most advanced exploration project and is located 90 km south of Inco`s Voisey`s Bay deposits. The South Voisey Bay Project covers approximately 650 square kilometres in which the Company has varying interests ranging from 52% to 77%.

      Exploration work on the South Voisey Bay Project is currently being carried out by Falconbridge who has an option to earn a 50% interest in the entire South Voisey Bay Project by spending $23 million on exploration, over 5 years.

      The 2002 program, which began in early July was completed in October and consisted of: 1,980 metres of drilling; 19 line km of new grid and re-established 160 line km of old grid; 166 line km of surface data from 8 UTEM surface loops; 47 line km of gravity surveys at 400 meter centers; detailed geological mapping of all the surface loops. The Company has summarized the 2002 program in detail in a news release dated October 30, 2002.

      The 2002 program was successful in explaining the high conductance UTEM anomalies identified in previous surveys. It is clear from the drilling in 2002 and from previous programs, that nickel grades and nickel tenors (nickel in 100% sulphides) are quite variable over the South Voisey Bay Project. The higher nickel grades and nickel tenors provide encouragement that there is potential for substantial accumulations of nickel sulphides of economic importance.

      In April 2003, a 2,200 line kilometre MegaTEM survey was begun on the eastern half of the South Voisey Bay Project. MegaTEM is a deep penetrating airborne electromagnetic and magnetic survey. The survey was designed to detect conductors to a depth of 300 to 400 metres on a virtually unexplored portion of the property, which has only been covered by a shallow penetrating (less than 100 metres) helicopter borne electromagnetic and magnetic survey. This portion of the property is prospective for nickel sulphides associated with blind olivine gabbro intrusive bodies and related feeder systems.

      In early June, the Company announced that the interpretation of the deep penetrating airborne MegaTEM survey over the South Voisey Bay Project had been completed.

      The survey identified nine conductive trends which are currently subject to geological and geophysical ground follow-up to select and accurately locate targets for diamond drilling.

      In the North Gabbro area, on ground held by SVB Nickel Company Ltd. (`SVBN`), Donner/Northern Abitibi, Donner/Commander and SVBN/Pallaum, there are six conductive trends that have been identified by the MegaTEM survey. The ground geophysical follow-up will consist of widely spaced AMT electromagnetic (`EM`) ground geophysics to be followed by large loop EM surveys. The ground follow-up will be in the general area of the highest grades and nickel tenors intersected on the SVB Project to date.

      Three conductive trends, on strike with known gabbros, have been identified by the MegaTEM survey in the South Gabbro area on ground held entirely by SVBN. Ground geophysical follow-up will consist of large loop EM surveys.

      In addition, three conductive trends on the eastern portion of the SVBN property and one on the northern portion of the SVBN property, have been

      selected for follow-up in the field prior to a decision to carry out ground geophysics.

      High priority anomalies will be selected for diamond drilling.

      The 2003 program is being carried out by Falconbridge Limited. Falconbridge can earn a 50% interest in the entire South Voisey Bay Project by spending $23 million on exploration over a five-year period.Falconbridge had spent approximately $2.3 million by the end of 2002 and is required to spend an additional $1.7 million in 2003 to maintain its option.

      Labrador Regional Project

      The Labrador Regional Project is a joint venture between Donner and Falconbridge to explore for nickel-copper-cobalt deposits in Labrador outside of the Voisey`s Bay and South Voisey Bay areas. Under the Labrador Regional Agreement, the partners have agreed to each spend a minimum of $200,000 per year, over a two-year period. Any properties acquired will form part of a Joint Venture in which both Donner and Falconbridge will have a 50% interest.

      Donner and Falconbridge believe that areas of Labrador, other than Voisey`s Bay and South Voisey Bay, have the potential to host Voisey`s Bay like deposits. Many areas of Labrador were underexplored during the Voisey`s Bay staking rush, when the details of the Voisey`s Bay model were not available. The purpose of the Labrador Regional Agreement is to combine the ideas and expertise of Donner and Falconbridge to realize this potential.

      In the first year of the agreement, a field program consisting of geochemical, geological and geophysical surveys, and property evaluation was carried out in July and August 2002. Donner and Falconbridge are carrying out follow-up work on areas of interest identified by the 2002 program. As of the date of this report, the results of this work have not resulted in the acquisition of any ground.

      Stephens Lake Project, Manitoba

      The Stephens Lake Project covers approximately 3,700 square kilometers and 110 kilometers of strike length along the newly interpreted extension of the Thompson Nickel Belt, one of the most important nickel producing regions in the world. The interpreted extension is known as the Stephens Lake Belt. Donner has the option to earn a 50% participating joint venture interest in the Stephens Lake Project by incurring a total of $5 million of expenditures on exploration and related work on or before the end of December 2006.

      The nickel deposits in the Thompson Nickel Belt are magnetic and conductive and appear as coincident magnetic highs and conductors on magnetic and electromagnetic surveys. Consequently, in the spring of 2002 a 9,500 line kilometre GEOTEM geophysical survey was flown over the Stephens Lake Project. Ten priority target areas identified from the GEOTEM survey were followed up with ground magnetic and electromagnetic surveys in late 2002.

      The deposits in the Thompson Nickel Belt occur where ultramafic rocks interact with sulphide iron formation. The ultramafic rocks provide the nickel and the sulphide iron formation provides the sulphur required to form the nickel sulphide deposits in the Thompson model.

      In March 2003, three holes, totalling 992 metres were drilled in the initial phase of the 2003 Stephens Lake exploration program. Significantly, one of the holes intersected 72 metres of sulphide iron formation, a key ingredient in the Thompson Nickel Belt model. The other key ingredient, ultramafic rocks, was intersected in early 2002 by a previous owner exploring for diamonds on ground that is now part of the Stephens Lake Project.

      While nickel and copper assays were not significant, the discovery of sulphide iron formation and the occurrence of ultramafic rocks on the property reinforces the interpretation that the Stephens Lake Belt is the extension of the Thompson Nickel Belt, and confirms the potential for nickel sulphide deposits similar to Thompson.

      The EM conductors in the other two holes were explained by the intersection of graphitic sediments. The holes were widely spaced over a 50 kilometre strike length of the Stephens Lake Belt and were drilled on separate geophysical targets.

      In May 2003, Falconbridge arranged for a Thompson Nickel Belt expert from the Manitoba Geological Survey to examine all of the drill core from the 2003 drill program and all of the core from the 2002 drill program where the ultramafic rocks were intersected. The stratigraphy intersected at Stephens Lake is being compared with the stratigraphy which hosts the Thompson deposits.

      A follow-up 2003 program is currently being designed. A large portion of the current land position, now totaling approximately 4,000 square kilometres, was not covered in the 2002 GEOTEM survey. Additional airborne and ground geophysics will be required to generate targets for future drilling.

      As of February 28, 2003, the Company has advanced Falconbridge $1,500,000 for Stephens Lake exploration and has therefore met its commitment to spend $1,000,000 on the Stephens Lake Property by December 31, 2002. In order to keep the option in good standing, the Company is required to spend $1,000,000 on exploration during the 2003 calendar year.

      On October 30, 2002, the Company reported that Falconbridge had credited an anticipated $150,000 grant from the Manitoba Government to the Company`s contribution to the Stephens Lake Project. The actual amount of the grant was $92,679 which was received during the fourth quarter of fiscal 2003.

      West Raglan/Knight Resources Ltd. Investment

      On January 24, 2003, the Company announced that it had subscribed for, through a private placement, 8,000,000 units of Knight Resources Ltd. (`Knight`) at a total cost to the Company of $800,000. Each unit is comprised of one common share of Knight and one non-transferable share purchase warrant entitling the holder to purchase one additional common share of Knight at a price of $0.15 until March 25, 2005.

      The Company has taken this interest in Knight in order to have a significant exposure to, and indirect interest in, Anglo American (Canada) Exploration Limited`s (`Anglo American`) West Raglan Project. In January 2003, Knight had entered into an Option Agreement with Anglo American to earn a 49% interest in the West Raglan Project (see Knight news release dated January 24, 2003 for terms of the option earn-in).

      The West Raglan Project, located in Northern Quebec, is comprised of 1,754 contiguous map-staked claims covering approximately 72,000 hectares of the western part of the Cape Smith Belt.

      The northern portion of the Cape Smith Belt, known as the Raglan Horizon, hosts Falconbridge`s Raglan deposits, which are estimated to contain a total of 25 million tonnes averaging 2.8% nickel, 0.8% copper and significant platinum group elements and cobalt.

      The southern portion of the Cape Smith Belt, referred to here as the Expo-Ungava Horizon, hosts the Expo-Ungava deposit and the Mesamax occurrence.

      The eastern edge of the West Raglan Project is located approximately 80 kilometers west of Falconbridge`s Katinniq mine. The West Raglan Project covers over 70 kilometers of the prospective Raglan horizon and 65 km of the prospective Expo-Ungava horizon, as confirmed by Anglo American`s 2002 field program.

      The West Raglan Project has never been surveyed with a deep penetrating airborne electromagnetic survey, and there is no evidence of any prior diamond drilling on the Project.

      The 2003 program began with a 4,500 line kilometre, deep penetrating SPECTREM airborne electromagnetic (`EM`) and magnetic survey. Preliminary interpretation of the airborne survey has identified numerous high priority EM targets throughout the property, coincident with known ultramafic rocks and with magnetic anomalies interpreted as ultramafic rocks. Target depths are interpreted to be shallower than originally anticipated, which will increase the number of holes to be drilled in the planned 2,000 metre 2003 drill program.

      Geological, geophysical and geochemical work is currently underway in preparation for diamond drilling which is expected to begin by the end of July.

      As a result of the Company`s private placement in Knight, and a second placement that Knight carried out, the Company holds approximately 28% of Knight`s issued and outstanding common shares.

      Operating Results

      The Company incurred a loss of $2,865,222 (2002 - $1,094,693). The Company`s loss per share was $0.05 for 2003 compared to a loss per share of $0.02 for 2002.

      Effective February 28, 2003, the Company changed its method of accounting for mineral exploration expenditures, from deferring them until the viability of a project was determined, to charging them to operations as incurred. Under the new policy, only expenditures incurred on properties identified as having a commercial body of ore will be capitalized and accounted for in accordance with the Company`s accounting policy for mineral properties.

      The new policy is consistent with current reporting practices in the mining industry and, accordingly, management believes the change is appropriate for the Company. This change, which has been applied retroactively with restatement of prior years, increased net loss for the year by $926,699 (2002 - $222,767) and loss per share by $(0.02) (2002 - $Nil) and as at February 28, 2003 increased advances for exploration by $480,173 and deficit by $13,531,230, decreased mineral properties by $16,557,177 and non-controlling interest by $2,544,910.

      The Company expended $925,622 (net of $92,679 received in the form of government grants) on its Stephens Lake Project (2002 - $11,285) and $241,518 on its Labrador Regional Project (2002 - $nil). The Company expended only $1,077 (2002 - $211,482) on its South Voisey Bay properties because Falconbridge is incurring the bulk of the exploration costs in order to earn a 50% interest in the South Voisey Bay Project. The Company has spent $241,518 (2002 - $nil) on general exploration pursuant to the Labrador Regional Project (see above).

      Effective March 1, 2002, the Company has adopted the recommendations of the new CICA Handbook section 3870, Stock-based Compensation and Other Stock-based Payments. This section establishes standards for the recognition, measurement and disclosure of stock-based compensation and other stock-based payments made in exchange for goods and services. The standard requires that all stock-based awards made to non-employees be measured and recognized using a fair value based method. The standard encourages the use of a fair value based method for all awards granted to employees, but only requires the use of a fair value based method for direct awards of stock, stock appreciation rights, and awards that call for settlement in cash or other assets.

      Awards that a company has the ability to settle in stock are recorded as equity, whereas awards that the entity is required to or has a practice of settling in cash are recorded as liabilities.

      Compensation expense is recognized when stock options are issued to employees and directors for the excess, if any, of the quoted market price at the date of grant over the exercise price. Any consideration paid by employees and directors on exercise of stock options is credited to share capital. If stock options are repurchased, the excess of consideration paid over the carrying amount of the stock option is charged to deficit.

      Compensation expense is determined when stock options are issued to non-employees and is recognized over the vesting period of the option. The compensation expense is determined as the fair value of the option at the date of grant using an option pricing model.

      The Company recorded stock-based compensation of $116,560 (2002 - $nil) for 2003. The Company follows the intrinsic value based method of accounting for stock based awards. The expense is the result of granting stock options to certain employees with exercise prices less than the market price of the stock on the day of grant. This is a non-cash transaction.

      If the Company had used the fair value based method, pro forma loss would have amounted to $3,988,842 (an increase of $1,123,620) and pro forma loss per share would have been $0.07 (an increase of $0.02) for the year ended February 28, 2003.

      Most of the line items on the 2003 statement of operations have increased significantly in 2003 as a result of increased exploration and business activity.

      Promotion has increased by $197,205 due to Management travelling throughout Canada and Europe promoting the new exploration being carried out on the Company`s projects. The Company revised and updated its internet web site and printed significantly more promotional material. Management attended several additional mining and investment conferences during the 2003 fiscal year compared to 2002. Incurring these extra costs have resulted in the Company raising net proceeds of $3,323,300 (see below) in order to fund future exploration programs and for general working capital.

      The Company`s filing fees and transfer agent fees more than doubled to $29,953 during 2003 compared to 2002. These fees have increased because more shares were issued from treasury during 2003, the Company filed its 2001 and 2002 Annual Information Form, and the Company paid four separate TSX Venture Exchange private placement filing fees.

      The Company`s administration and management fees were $676,500 during 2003 compared to $244,500 for 2002. However, during 2002, the Company charged $222,500 of management fees to the exploration properties. This was done because Management had spent a considerable amount of time reorganizing and evaluating the properties in order to attract third party exploration on the properties. The Company paid $230,000 (2002 - $160,000) to the President, $192,000 (2002 - $24,000) to the CEO and $120,000 (2002 - $120,000) to the exploration manager for management and technical services.

      The Company paid an arms-length private company $136,000 (2002 - $163,000) for accounting, secretarial and general administrative services and paid the same company $48,000 (2002 - $12,000) for rent. The rent has increased in 2002 because the Company has increased the amount of office space that it is using.

      The Company has earned less interest income in 2003 because of lower interest rates and less cash on hand throughout most of the year compared to 2002.

      The Company wrote down the carrying value of the convertible debenture investment by $43,254 during the second quarter ended August 31, 2002. The value of the underlying shares of the convertible debenture declined significantly over the six month period ending August 31, 2002 and thus necessitated a write down of the carrying value. Due to the events discussed above in regards to the Company`s investment in Knight Resources, the convertible debenture plus accrued interest was repaid in full subsequent to the year end and before the date of this report.

      The Company has accrued capital taxes in the amount of $159,412 (2002 - $nil). This amount has been included in the office and miscellaneous line item on the statement of operations. This amount relates to federal large corporate tax and British Columbia capital tax on the Company`s net assets. It is anticipated that the Company will not owe any tax for fiscal 2004 and beyond due to the elimination of the British Columbia capital tax and the increased threshold of the federal large corporate tax.

      Liquidity and Capital Resources

      The Company`s working capital position at February 28, 2003 was $2,561,943 compared to $1,547,524 at February 28, 2002. The increase in working capital is mainly due to the Company receiving $3,741,105 through the issuance of shares upon the exercise of stock options, warrants and private placement proceeds.

      During the year, the Company issued 15,841,667 common shares for net proceeds of $3,323,300 pursuant to private placements, 2,118,050 common shares for proceeds of $217,805 pursuant to exercise of stock options and 1,666,667 common shares for proceeds of $200,000 pursuant to the exercise of warrants.

      Of the total amount of funds raised through private placements, $1,030,000 was raised pursuant to the issuance of flow-through shares. As at February 28, 2003, the Company has spent approximately $530,000 on Canadian Exploration Expenditures and expects to spend the remainder of the flow-through funds on Canadian Exploration Expenditures during the rest of the 2003 calendar year.

      Subsequent to the fiscal 2003, the Company completed its $800,000 investment in Knight Resources Ltd. The Company has allocated $100,000 for its remaining calendar 2003 contribution to the Labrador Regional Project. The Company has also allocated $500,000 for its remaining calendar 2003 option earn-in requirement for the Stephens Lake Project.

      It is anticipated that the Company will have the necessary funds available to meet its fiscal 2004 operating costs and its calendar 2003 exploration commitments.

      The Company believes that the operating expenditures for 2004 will be comparable or less than 2003.

      Investor Relations

      The Company responded to shareholder inquiries and used the services of Holtermann and Team for investor relations work in Germany for the months of April and May 2002. The Company paid Holtermann $24,049 during the year. Holtermann & Team no longer provide services to the Company. In addition to the services provided by Holtermann & Team, the Company expended considerable efforts in reaching a wider audience in Germany and expanding awareness of the Company`s Frankfurt Stock Exchange listing. In March 2002, the Company participated in, and had a booth at, the Prospector and Developers Association Conference (`PDAC`) in Toronto. In March 2002, the Company, together with Falconbridge and Noranda Inc., hosted a luncheon presentation at Canada House in London, UK. During the year, the Company also participated, and had a booth at two investment conferences in Vancouver. The Company hosted luncheon presentations in numerous European cities in September 2002.

      Subsequent to the year, in March 2003 the Company participated, and had a booth at the PDAC in Toronto, and at investment conferences in Montreal and Vancouver. In April 2003, the Company entered into an agreement with Rock Marketing Inc., whereby Rock will provide Investor Relations services for an initial term of 6 months. Rock will focus on servicing the Company`s European shareholders, bringing greater attention to the Company`s Frankfurt Stock Exchange listing, and introducing and presenting the Company to interested investors. The Company has agreed to pay Rock $5,000 per month.

      Tel: (604) 683-0564 Donner Minerals Ltd. Fax: (604) 602-9311 Email: Website:
      schrieb am 20.07.03 08:09:01
      Beitrag Nr. 48 ()
      Aus einem Board:

      To:Supervalue who wrote (11507)
      From: Supervalue Saturday, Jul 19, 2003 2:48 PM
      Respond to of 11508

      Donner ask is nothing there, would say 24 cents this week !!
      Share the Money Buy DML & HML and you too will be RICH !!!
      DML Donner Minerals has lots of Ore !
      HML Hemasol the cure ! Medical ERA !!

      wo sieht man alle bid und ask von Donner ? Wer kennt gute Seiten ?
      schrieb am 20.07.03 18:01:53
      Beitrag Nr. 49 ()
      Traurig eigentlich ,daß diese Firma nicht mal ihre deutsche Web-site aktualisieren tut.Das kann heut zu Tage schon fast jeder .
      schrieb am 22.07.03 22:32:41
      Beitrag Nr. 50 ()
      Donner Minerals 0,175 CanD
      Knight Resources 0,45 CanD
      schrieb am 23.07.03 07:33:26
      Beitrag Nr. 51 ()
      YAP...langsam zieht die 29% Btlg. davon...und erreicht bald einen Wert für Donner von rd. 4 Mill. CAD....

      ich hatte KNIGHT ANGEFRAGT...hier das statement:


      Knight Resources Ltd. is currently owned approximately 29% by Donner Minerals Ltd. Anglo American Exploration (Canada) Limited also holds a large position. Drilling on the Company`s West Raglan Project is scheduled to begin the first week of August 2003. No drilling has been done on the property as of yet. The results that were reported in the most recent news release were from samples that had been tested for mineralization.

      We are very encouraged by the recent results from the sampling program and are looking forward to a successfull drill program this season.

      If you have any other questions or require any additional information, don`t hesitate to contact me at

      Dave Brook
      Investor Relations

      Und wenn bald Knight bei 1 CAD steht ist Donners Betlg...soviel wert wie Donner aktl. KOMPLETT! Abgesehen davon das Donner noch eine Option auf shares zu 0,15 ct. hat!

      Donner hat mit den Bohrungen im Feb. begonnen...baldige Ergebnisse werden erwartet!

      UND ich denke jetzt wird es Zeit zu kaufen...denn die Aktivität nimmt den letzten Tagen!

      schrieb am 23.07.03 12:06:15
      Beitrag Nr. 52 ()
      Ich kann mich Deiner Meinung nur anschließen!!!

      Donner wird in den nächsten Wochen den Weg nach Norden gehen, aber bis dahin habe ich alle die Leute lieb, die mir ihre Donner noch so günstig zukommen lassen.


      Good Trades
      schrieb am 23.07.03 13:23:46
      Beitrag Nr. 53 ()
      Ich binso fett eingestiegen, das bei dem geringsten Erfolg...MEIN LEBEN SICH SCHLAGARTIG ÄNDERT!

      Die Firma(en), KNIGHT und DONNER, werden vom selben CEO geleitet!

      Sollte man nicht vergessen!

      schrieb am 23.07.03 13:26:42
      Beitrag Nr. 54 ()
      Wenn Knight heute weiter steigt....wird sie mit Verzögerung >>> Donner mit hochziehen...


      Knight wird erste ECHTE Bohrungen im AUGUST durchführen...wurde mir mailseitig bestätigt...

      D.H. ABWARTEN....

      Ich lach mich schlapp, wenn heute Donner aufgrund der Btlg. von 29% allein hochgeht...

      :laugh: :laugh:
      schrieb am 23.07.03 13:38:00
      Beitrag Nr. 55 ()
      @greyhound cc

      Du bist ja nur wie wild am posten!!!

      Aber bei Aktien, die sich auch bei mir im Depot tummeln.

      Donner ist ein Langfristinvestment, das durch die Knight-Beteiligung zusätzlich an Schwung gewinnen wird.
      Dialog wird seinen Weg weiter fortsetzen, hier sehen wir heut noch die 1,8.
      Cancom hält sich tapfer oberhalb der 200 Tagelinie bei 2,5. Auch dort werden wir den Weg nach Norden weiterfortsetzen.

      Habe heut meine Isteelasia rausgeschmissen, und hab eine erste Position bei 0,025 wieder aufgebaut. Solltest Du Dir mal anschauen. Interessanter Wert.

      Also denne,

      Good Trades
      schrieb am 25.07.03 23:22:23
      Beitrag Nr. 56 ()
      Donner Minerals 0,18 CanD
      Knight Resources 0,52 CanD

      schrieb am 26.07.03 06:05:28
      Beitrag Nr. 57 ()
      @ greyhound
      Noch ein schlechter Beigeschmack von Dir: Im Februar kann im hohen Norden keiner bohren, da fällt dir nach ner Stunde die Nase als Eisklumpen ab! Oder sonstwas! Außerdem hatte Donner verlautbart, daß die Bohrungen im Juli beginnen, so stand es hier irgendwo!
      Firmen, die ein Superlativ wie Donner-, Super-, Best- oder wasweißich im Namen haben, sind mir doch irgendwie, irgendwo, irgendwann ein bißchen suspekt! Nur so nebenbei.
      schrieb am 03.08.03 23:37:09
      Beitrag Nr. 58 ()
      Donner Minerals 0,21 CanD
      Knight Resources 0,74 CanD
      schrieb am 04.08.03 08:07:41
      Beitrag Nr. 59 ()
      bull...ich weiss nicht was Du liest....aber am stephen´s lake wird seit APRIL gebohrt...

      und 2.

      was heisst hier "schlechter" Beigeschmack???

      Vielleicht setzt man sich mal hin und schreibt an Donner und "QUAKT" nicht dummes Zeug wie Frösche aus der Dose...

      schrieb am 06.08.03 12:08:38
      Beitrag Nr. 60 ()
      Donner Minerals auf der Startseite von ;)
      schrieb am 06.08.03 12:20:08
      Beitrag Nr. 61 ()
      Annual General Meeting

      August 15, 2003!!!

      Da bin ich im Urlaub....

      Hoffentlich gehts gut....


      UND wer noch Kohle übrig hat....

      ISTEELASIA...vgl. meine aktl. Threads!

      Auf das trifft die Überschrift auch zu....

      schrieb am 06.08.03 13:32:38
      Beitrag Nr. 62 ()
      Also wenn ich im Hinterkopf behalte, dass Donner 30% an Knight hält und ich die beiden mal übereinanderhalte, dann müsste da doch eigentlich noch was gehen oder?

      Aber vermutlich ist da wieder mal der Wunsch der Vater des Gedanken...
      schrieb am 06.08.03 22:32:24
      Beitrag Nr. 63 ()
      Donner Minerals 0,215 CanD
      Knight Resources 0,75 CanD

      schrieb am 07.08.03 08:13:51
      Beitrag Nr. 64 ()
      fettes Volumen ist Deutschland

      schrieb am 07.08.03 09:45:46
      Beitrag Nr. 65 ()
      Wieso wird eigentlich bei wo: seit vorgestern kein Kurs mehr gestellt?
      schrieb am 07.08.03 09:48:07
      Beitrag Nr. 66 ()
      alles wartet ab
      schrieb am 07.08.03 09:48:46
      Beitrag Nr. 67 ()
      Aktuell 0,125 09:00
      Diff. Vortag +4,17%
      Tages-Vol. --
      Geld 0,125 09:02
      Brief 0,135 09:02

      :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
      schrieb am 07.08.03 10:18:54
      Beitrag Nr. 68 ()
      wie heißt das nochmal beim golf,wenn man mit einem schlag
      ins loch trifft?alles ist möglich.und der extragewinn
      der damit verbunden ist,weil man nicht noch schnell aufspringen muß.....börse, sind nicht nur zahlen ,sondern
      auch " gefühl" zu richtigen zeit in der richtigen aktie..und die erwartung,das das kommata einen sprung nach rechts macht!:laugh: :kiss:
      schrieb am 07.08.03 10:20:01
      Beitrag Nr. 69 ()
      wird schon werden
      schrieb am 07.08.03 17:36:38
      Beitrag Nr. 70 ()

      auf was wartet Ihr, kommen demnächst News ? :confused: :confused: :confused:
      schrieb am 07.08.03 17:54:59
      Beitrag Nr. 71 ()
      schrieb am 07.08.03 20:38:18
      Beitrag Nr. 72 ()
      DONNER MINERALS LTD (Canadian Venture:V.DML) Dcipher this stock
      As your agreement provides for the receipt and use of market data, Information Providers and Securities Markets; (1) reserve all rights to the market data that they make available; (2) do not guarantee that data, and (3) shall not be liable for any loss due either to their negligence or to any cause beyond their reasonable control.

      Latest Quote

      Last: 0.215
      High: 0.220
      Low: 0.215
      Open: 0.215
      Change: +0.00
      Volume: 158,500

      Bid: 0.210
      Ask: 0.215
      Bid/Ask Size: 407,200 / 2,700

      52 Wk High: 0.320
      52 Wk Low: 0.100
      %Change: 0.0%

      Market Cap: N/A
      Price/Sales: N/A
      EPS: N/A
      P/E Ratio: N/A


      Die schaukeln HIN UND HER...4 - 5 TSD in den BID....

      und dann 20 - 35.000 aus...ASK

      die packen sich voll bis zum rand....

      und in ein paar wochen...gehts ab...:kiss:

      Wünsch was....bin Montag auf Fuerte...und schau in 2 Wochen wieder rein....

      MEINE DMLS kriegt keiner ....

      Wünsch euch was...und haltet sie schön HOCH!...OK?

      schrieb am 07.08.03 20:38:59
      Beitrag Nr. 73 ()
      Time Price Volume Exchange Info

      14:13:33 0.215 8000 Vancouver at Ask
      14:13:33 0.215 5500 Vancouver at Ask
      14:06:31 0.215 4500 Vancouver at Bid
      13:48:28 0.220 9500 Vancouver at Ask
      13:48:28 0.220 15500 Vancouver at Ask
      13:28:19 0.220 23000 Vancouver at Ask
      12:13:39 0.220 1000 Vancouver at Ask
      11:18:32 0.215 5500 Vancouver at Bid
      11:18:32 0.215 500 Vancouver at Bid
      11:05:57 0.215 9500 Vancouver at Bid

      schaut mal...


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      Die Millionenchance - unkalkulierbar was da zu holen ist !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!