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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 07.02.13 21:09:04
      Beitrag Nr. 33.120 ()
      Diamond Hunter
      Re: ***Rumor Discussion Thread***
      « Reply #667 Today at 6:59am »


      They had too many excuses, too much time, to have any more excuses this time.

      Silence is in effect. Paperwork changes...That is all I know.


      I saw this post a couple of weeks ago and just wondered if you can give any more insight to it. Obviously silence in effect doesn't need to be explained. But 'paperwork changes'....with the statement about no more excuses, does paperwork changes mean someone else is now in control with releasing the money and they are progressing? Or does it have more to do with Al preparing to move onto the Supreme Court?



      The paperwork was court related and bank related concerning the funds, and not the paperwork to take the Bivens' Lawsuit to the Supreme Court. Attorney Hodges was requested not to post information at this time. Attorney Hodges will update the shareholders when the release is concrete.

      Yes, Attorney Hodges is prepared to take this to the Supreme Court if the funds are not released.

      This is all I know.

      Thank you,
      schrieb am 30.01.13 16:15:02
      Beitrag Nr. 33.119 ()
      Kevin/F4Dummen (und pedro und ähnlichen,leider auch viele deutschen :()

      Kevin West.. From Fish Board
      « Thread Started Today at 7:40am »

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      viva la difference'

      Joined: Oct 2005
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      « Thread Started on Jan 28, 2013, 19:27 »

      I just received an email from Kevin West. He wasn't happy with my post about Hodges.

      Here is his email. What I remember about phone conversations and emails he doesn't seem to remember and uses some of my emails back and forth to make his case.

      I remember it differently. Phone and emails. But what I don't want to do is keep information going that I may have been mistaken on.

      So with that; I regretfully post this as a retraction to what I still believe and remember things as. Maybe I am wrong. Maybe what I wanted to believe became my truth.

      That said; I'm done. I will no longer comment on any of the stuff going on no matter how ridiculous it is. I'll come by and be sarcastic as always but that's it. There is much that we've ALL (both sides) been apparently mislead and posted about from our "sources".

      I am sorry to the members here if I've mislead you in any way.

      Someone please copy this to any board that cares ..............................with my sincere regrets.



      I am guessing here, but you must have some terrible things going on for you
      right now in your life and you are just lashing out at everything and/or
      just remembering bits and pieces of things and remembering it incorrectly.
      If that is the case, I am sorry you are in so much pain and I wish you well.
      You know in your heart that this is not even a close example of the truth.
      True, I have stated many times in writing that the Company has never seen
      the evidence that Al has nor have they ever found any documents that
      indicate there is a trust, but I still believed and still believe today that
      Al Hodges is here to try and bring about something good for the shareholders
      that has thus far has remained elusive. I have never strayed from my support
      of Al Hodges.

      Bill or I may have told you at some point that if YOU feel that way then you
      should maybe just try to accept that Al's efforts as unrealistic but know
      that he is only doing what he believes is in the best interest of all
      shareholders and to try and remember that this type of bashing only further
      divides the shareholders... but I have never mentioned anything to you that
      those were my beliefs. Maybe those thoughts have just become twisted for
      you... I would hate to think you are just making them up for whatever the
      reason Mike.

      On top of it all; I would have never made one comment and especially not the
      repeated comments I did about Al Hodges to shareholders in written format
      (and still up on the website) if I had felt that way about Al. Keep in mind
      that I said the same things that are in writing on the company website about
      Al under oath in several legal matters even leading all the way up to the
      Roger Glenn trial. People that know me also know that I would have told the
      shareholders of any change I had in support of Al Hodges if I thought
      anything was nefarious and would have given the reasons why. LOL... One
      thing for sure, YOU would have not kept it all in until now. I do know you
      better than that because I know or at least that I knew that you would not
      hold such a thing back from shareholders... especially after I resigned.

      ( June 25, 2010: I still
      believe that CMKM Diamonds, Inc. was a victim of naked shorting or at the
      very least had one of, if not THE, largest failure to deliver problems that
      ever existed in the U.S. markets. I recently visited personally with
      attorney Al Hodges at his office in Pasadena. Most of you are already aware
      that Mr. Hodges is seeking the release of funds that he believes were
      collected on behalf of the CMKM shareholders. I have known and remained
      friends with Al Hodges ever since that fateful day in March of 2007 within
      an hour or so after Urban Casavant turned the Company over to me. I find Al
      Hodges to be extremely forthright, honest and fully believe he is working
      only for the best possible outcome and benefit of all shareholders of this
      Company. I was not privileged to the evidence that he maintains; However,
      after my visit with him early this month it is my personal opinion that he
      is 100% committed to his current actions and that he firmly believes,
      without any room for doubt, that he has irrefutable evidence of funds being
      held for eventual distribution to the CMKM shareholders and that he believes
      that the release of those funds is imminent.)

      Mike, you wrote me an email on January 15, 2011 and said the following:

      "Please, please please. You've got to be kidding me. Please put out
      SOMETHING that distances Tyler from Al Hodges. I'm begging and those
      realistic members of my board are begging you. You can't actually think
      and/or believe this moron has any chance in hell to find what he says
      exists................exists. Please. It's so obsurd. And all the other
      boards are hyping him up. You're doing the future of CMKX as a company a
      great disservice to allow this idiot to put this out. I mean .80 per share?
      Come on. I could by New York. Here's his latest update. I'm pretty sure
      you've read it. But please....................say something?"

      I did not respond to your email at all Mike. In fact, we didn't talk about
      it via a phone call or anything else.

      On January 25, 2011 you again wrote me the following email:

      "I just wanted to ask you if I said and/or posted something that pissed you
      off. I sent a couple of emails to you over the last couple of months and you
      haven't responded at all. In the past, even if you disagreed with my
      thought, you responded. I do hope I haven't offended you in any way. You
      always have and will have my utmost support and respect for what you're
      trying to do on our behalf."

      Hopefully you will do the right thing and issue a retracement for your
      statements. It's the only thing that will help to right this wrong and make
      your heart at peace... it's all up to you, you have to live with it either
      way. I am asking you to do the right thing Mike!

      As for me, my heart is at peace with everything that has happened and I am
      not getting involved in the drama past this one letter. If I know your heart
      as I thought I did all of these years... you will do the right thing.

      Well wishes to you and yours either way Mike....

      schrieb am 24.01.13 13:51:30
      Beitrag Nr. 33.118 ()
      All our funds F&P and Trust Fund are ready for release to the shareholders, the funds ARE READY to be distributed. The delay IS those in the background. We should have received our funds several times over only to be held back by some little rendition on paper work that needed to be re-worked and re-drafted, it gets very tiring that these little changes cause the delay for the shareholders. We will be paid.

      schrieb am 24.01.13 13:48:18
      Beitrag Nr. 33.117 ()
      They had too many excuses, too much time, to have any more excuses this time.

      Silence is in effect. Paperwork changes...That is all I know.

      schrieb am 23.01.13 16:33:03
      Beitrag Nr. 33.116 ()
      January 23, 2013

      RE: Upcoming CMKM Webinar #14

      To All CMKM Shareholders:

      I plan to host Webinar #14 on Tuesday night, January 29, 2013 at 8 PM CST. Please use the following link to register for or join the online meeting:…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…

      Event Password: CMKM

      I will post the preliminary PowerPoint presentation on this CMKM website in the next day or two for your preview. Please plan to attend this event if possible. As always, we will have a Q&A session at the end of the Webinar, and the event will be recorded for replay. I look forward to hosting this event.

      Thank you and God bless!

      Steve Kirkpatrick

      Trading Spotlight

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      Kennen wir bei East Africa bislang nur die Spitze des Goldberges?!mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 23.01.13 11:05:51
      Beitrag Nr. 33.115 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.051.969 von capten am 23.01.13 06:08:37Hallo Capten

      Von wo ist dieses Update? Hat viel Aehnlichkeit mit folgendem:;)

      *Dennis Smith- Let's clear some air*
      Post by dukeinaltum on Apr 13, 2011, 11:33pm

      Diamond Finder and Miner
      Posts: 1,008
      Let's clear some air

      Fellow Travelers,

      As most of you probably know, Al and I were individual shareholders long before Hodges and Associates legally entered the fray. Accordingly, we are painfully aware that this continues to be an agonizing slog for all concerned. Please be aware that we want this totally resolved (now) as much as anyone and are unconditionally committed to effectuating total resolution.

      Addressing the “We’ve won” post from Al, I think it reasonable, fair and safe to say we had significant input (and impact) in what turned out to be a giant “money war” that on one side included (but was not limited to) individuals and issues attendant to CMKM and on the other a macabre and malignant collection of powerful individuals and entities rotten to the core. Al, extremely well-positioned in all this, is firmly convinced that the large war is essentially “won”, and that we’re now simply (or not so simply) waiting for the spoils of war to trickle down to the troops. If the trickle down process seems agonizingly slow it’s because it has proven to be exactly that, i.e., a much slower final process than we were led to anticipate.

      It has fallen to me to field the plethora of daily calls and emails re CMKM directed at the office, subsequently playing 20 questions with shareholders (some desperately) seeking clarification, more information, reassurance, certainty on when and how much, comments on who said (or didn’t day) what when or why and all the rest of it. I understand the frustration because as a shareholder I’m frustrated too. Please understand however I don’t always have the time or inclination to get back to everyone (particularly repeat callers) promptly; it’s always my intention and I typically take calls and/or get back to most shareholders without ado but it doesn’t always happen and I know there are some who have made overtures to the office that I have let fall through the cracks altogether. To you I sincerely apologize. I do not however apologize to those who I deliberately ignore (or tell to stick it) who approach the office with entitlement “demands” and/or with an “attitude”. Often I do not (and will not) respond to ingrates. Most callers, I hasten to add, are not “ingrates” with an “attitude”, but are in fact just the opposite, i.e., really good people who share this dream. Unfortunately a disturbing number of those “really good people” have heart-wrenching stories and are in varying degrees of financial difficulty. While it breaks our heart that so many shareholders are on the financial (and emotional) edge, please know there is nothing either we or you can do to speed up the process. I wish we had a magic wand to wave but we don’t control the wind, all we can do is adjust our sails. We WILL persevere and we WILL prevail, however we just can’t say with absolute certitude (at least at this moment) exactly when money will hit everyone’s pockets. It could be tomorrow, the next day, next week, next month or (the gods forbid) some longer time; Murphy’s Law and the Law of Unintended Consequence are unfortunate facts of life so we might adjust our immediate expectations accordingly.

      Just for the record, and particularly to those who have lately (or not so lately) disparaged our efforts, you should know that Al Hodges has personally borne the lion’s share of the considerable expenditure(s) of time and money attendant to the litigation undertaken on behalf of all shareholders. Al is irrevocably committed to bringing this matter to a successful conclusion and continues to work tirelessly toward that end. Additionally, It might be instructive to know that he has not asked for nor has he taken one dime from shareholders, apart from an initial (and quite modest) retainer received from less than a handful of our lead plaintiffs.

      All of which, you may ask, leaves us exactly where? Without going into specifics, here’s the take-away. In our considered opinion this saga will probably resolve with everyone “getting paid” erelong (how’s that for a word because it’s already past “soon”) but the operative words are “probably” and “erelong”. Expect and hope for the best but it’s prudent to remember that there are no absolute guarantees in this life, so while you are expecting and hoping for the best you might consider preparing for the worst on the off-chance that despite our “winning” the war the disparate “Big Boys” that remain standing could conceivably continue to drag out turning over the spoils.

      Hope all this helps clear the general air, even a little. Keep the faith and good luck to all of us. I reiterate, we WILL persevere and we WILL prevail.

      Dennis Smith
      Hodges and Associates
      schrieb am 23.01.13 06:08:37
      Beitrag Nr. 33.114 ()

      Fellow Travelers,

      As most of you probably know, Al and I were individual shareholders long before Hodges and Associates legally entered the fray. Accordingly, we are painfully aware that this continues to be an agonizing slog for all concerned. Please be aware that we want this totally resolved (now) as much as anyone and are unconditionally committed to effectuating total resolution.

      Addressing the “We’ve won” post from Al, I think it reasonable, fair and safe to say we had significant input (and impact) in what turned out to be a giant “money war” that on one side included (but was not limited to) individuals and issues attendant to CMKM and on the other a macabre and malignant collection of powerful individuals and entities rotten to the core. Al, extremely well-positioned in all this, is firmly convinced that the large war is essentially “won”, and that we’re now simply (or not so simply) waiting for the spoils of war to trickle down to the troops. If the trickle down process seems agonizingly slow it’s because it has proven to be exactly that, i.e., a much slower final process than we were led to anticipate.

      While it breaks our heart that so many shareholders are on the financial (and emotional) edge, please know there is nothing either we or you can do to speed up the process. I wish we had a magic wand to wave but we don’t control the wind, all we can do is adjust our sails. We WILL persevere and we WILL prevail, however we just can’t say with absolute certitude (at least at this moment) exactly when money will hit everyone’s pockets. It could be tomorrow, the next day, next week, next month or (the gods forbid) some longer time; Murphy’s Law and the Law of Unintended Consequence are unfortunate facts of life so we might adjust our immediate expectations accordingly.

      Al is irrevocably committed to bringing this matter to a successful conclusion and continues to work tirelessly toward that end. Additionally, It might be instructive to know that he has not asked for nor has he taken one dime from shareholders, apart from an initial (and quite modest) retainer received from less than a handful of our lead plaintiffs.

      All of which, you may ask, leaves us exactly where? Without going into specifics, here’s the take-away. In our considered opinion this saga will probably resolve with everyone “getting paid” erelong (how’s that for a word because it’s already past “soon”) but the operative words are “probably” and “erelong”. Expect and hope for the best but it’s prudent to remember that there are no absolute guarantees in this life, so while you are expecting and hoping for the best you might consider preparing for the worst on the off-chance that despite our “winning” the war the disparate “Big Boys” that remain standing could conceivably continue to drag out turning over the spoils.

      Hope all this helps clear the general air, even a little. Keep the faith and good luck to all of us. I reiterate, we WILL persevere and we WILL prevail.

      Dennis Smith
      Hodges and Associates

      Gruus Capten
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 21.01.13 17:01:30
      Beitrag Nr. 33.113 ()
      Zitat von Paul_Muadib: On December 21st the energy of our planet shifted dramatically...

      Haha, deswegen also nichts...:eek::cool:

      Vielleicht kommt ja mit dem Klimawandel auch der warme Regen ;)
      schrieb am 21.01.13 16:56:25
      Beitrag Nr. 33.112 ()
      On December 21st the energy of our planet shifted dramatically...

      Haha, deswegen also nichts...:eek::cool:
      schrieb am 21.01.13 13:12:09
      Beitrag Nr. 33.111 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.020.226 von capten am 14.01.13 18:51:38dann müssen wir uns freuen.....:laugh::laugh::laugh:
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