
    RAVEN MOON +++ Besser als Disney...+++ - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 29.03.04 21:21:18 von
    neuester Beitrag 06.05.04 14:48:08 von
    Beiträge: 108
    ID: 841.364
    Aufrufe heute: 0
    Gesamt: 7.566
    Aktive User: 0


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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 29.03.04 21:21:18
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      Mit der NEWS von heute und dem Jahresergebnis 2003, das ebenfalls heute veröffentlicht wurde, hat RAVEN MOON den Wendepunkt geschafft...schaut euch das an, dann seht ihr, was wir vor uns haben...

      Die wichtigsten Fakts...

      1. RAVEN MOON ist ein Medienunternehmen, das wie PIXAR und WALT DISNEY Kinderfilme produziert...

      2. Mit den Problemen bei DISNEY hat RAVEN MOON zahlreiche Kreativ-Leute und Programmierer abgeworben...

      3. Das Tochterunternehmen Raven Animation arbeitet vergleichbar wie PIXAR ("Findet Nemo")

      4. Das heutige SEC-Filing (…) zeigt, daß RAVEN MOON kurz vor der Gewinnzone steht...

      Raven Moon Completes Production on 9th Episode of `Gina D`s Kids Club`

      ORLANDO, Fla., March 29, 2004 (PRIMEZONE) -- Raven Moon Entertainment Inc.(NASDAQ-OTCBB:RVNM) (OTCBB:RVNM) announced today that it has completed production on its 9th episode of "Gina D`s Kids Club". Executive Producers Joey and Bernadette DiFrancesco reported that Raven Moon is on schedule to complete all 15 episodes in time for the September 2004 launch of the "Gina D`s Kids Club" Television series.

      This past weekend production was concluded on "Clouds, Stars, and Sunshine", "TV Ted`s Birthday", and "Helping Hand". The next three episodes which have begun pre-production are entitled "Let`s go to the Zoo", "Shapes and Sizes", and "Visit to the Doctor".

      "The quality of the music, animation, and live action contained in the `Gina D`s Kids Club` episodes are second to none. The completion of the 15 episodes allows the company to access multiple revenue streams and take advantage of the worldwide multi-billion dollar license and merchandising opportunities that could be available to our company. We look forward to sharing our company`s progress at the upcoming annual shareholder`s meeting," stated Joey DiFrancesco, Raven Moon CEO.

      Raven Moon and JB Toys representatives have been in negotiations with numerous toy companies and have already received license requests from some of the top toy manufacturers in the industry. LEASEA Broadcasting has agreed to distribute the "Gina D`s Kids Club" to more than 190 television stations across the country.

      For Television Syndication information call Keith Jablon at (321) 217-6994, for Promotion call Peter Bennett at (212) 541-5221, for Licensing and Merchandising call David Fingeroth at (210) 703-0811 or Shelly Goldberg at (818) 609-0678 or visit

      For Club House Videos Inc. investor information call 1-866-THE-APPLE or 1-866-843-2775 or Marc Jablon at (407) 877-5952 for Raven Moon Entertainment, Inc.(NASDAQ-OTCBB:RVNM)

      Safe Harbor Act Notice: This release may contain forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties, including without limitation, acceptance of the company`s products, increased levels of competition, product and technological changes, the company`s dependence upon financing and third- party suppliers, and other risks detailed from time to time in the company`s federal filings, annual report, offering memorandum, or prospectus. Specifications are subject to change without notice.

      schrieb am 29.03.04 22:12:26
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      Bin selber investiert.
      Solltest aber trotzdem in Deinem Chart den RS vom Mai letzten Jahres beruecksichtigen!!
      So sieht es ja wie ein 1.000% Anstieg aus.
      Sehr irrefuehrend!!
      schrieb am 29.03.04 22:17:09
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      Hast Recht...danke für den sieht so oder so dramatisch genug aus...:laugh:

      schrieb am 29.03.04 22:31:29
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      Ich dachte, 0,033 sei guenstig, lol!!
      Hoffe nur, dass nicht wieder ein RS kommt!
      schrieb am 30.03.04 16:22:54
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      Bei RAVEN geht es vorbörslich schon zur Sache...ich denke, das wird ein interessanter Tag heute...;)


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      schrieb am 30.03.04 16:35:20
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      Wir schrauben uns nach oben...0,027 USD...und gewaltige Umsätze...

      schrieb am 30.03.04 16:53:05
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      Ich stelle die gewagte These des berühmten "gefundenen Bodens" auf...aber es deutet alles darauf hin...verringerte Verluste, glänzende Perspetkiven, Turn-around...und dann steigendes Volumen bei setigenden Kursen...

      schrieb am 30.03.04 17:07:18
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      Bin raus zu 0,031.
      Folgende Meldung gefaellt mir nicht.

      From the SEC filing....

      Part I
      Item I

      In order to complete the remaining six (6) episodes beginning April 1,
      2004 to on or about September 2004, the company must raise $1,200,000 for
      production costs in addition to ordinary operating expenses. In any case, the
      company expects there could be a significant dilution of the company`s stock
      which could effect the stock price in a negative way until the exposure from the
      television programs could create a revenue source from the licensing and
      merchandising of the products.

      I think the smart play would be to sell now before more dilution hits, and if you seriously feel the need to be invested in RVNM, come back in August or September right at the time of completion on the final episode and the creation of "a revenue source from the licensing and merchandising of the products" ??

      I really don`t see any reason this would spike up anytime in between now and then, does anyone else ??
      - - - - -
      schrieb am 30.03.04 17:14:39
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()

      Ich würde Dir recht geben, wenn das nicht schon längst bekannt gewesen wäre...deshalb ist der Kurs ja auch so gefallen die letzten sechs Monate...der Markt ist schon sechs Monate voraus, also im September und die NEWS und das Filing gestern haben nur gezeigt, daß es nicht anders kommt als schon mit den Kursen vorweggenommen...deshalb bin ich gestern rein...

      schrieb am 30.03.04 17:17:13
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      Der Markt sieht es auch positiv...0,030 USD...und 6,4 Mio. Stücke gehandelt...

      schrieb am 30.03.04 17:18:51
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      Gestern?? Perfekt, nimm doch die schoenen Gewinne mit.
      Kommst bald wieder guenstiger rein. Ich war leider schon seit 0,033 mit einer recht hohen Stueckzahl drin und bin froh, heute mit einem blauen Auge davongekommen zu sein.
      Durch das hohe Volumen heute hatte ich nicht mal Teilausfuehrungen.
      schrieb am 30.03.04 17:22:12
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      Für mich ist das ein Long-Play...die Probleme bei Disney und die gute Entwicklung von RAVEN passen einfach perfekt zusammen...:yawn:

      schrieb am 30.03.04 17:25:07
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      Hier noch einmal die offizielle Meldung von heute...

      Raven Moon Releases its Annual Report for Year End 2003: Company Reports Significant Increases in Revenues and Gross Profit

      TUESDAY , MARCH 30, 2004 08:31 AM

      ORLANDO, Fla., Mar 30, 2004 (PRIMEZONE via COMTEX) -- Raven Moon Entertainment Inc. (OTCBB:RVNM) released its year-end financials for period ending December 31, 2003. Raven Moon reported significant increases in both revenues and gross profit while reducing its net loss by more than $2.8 million.

      Raven Moon`s revenues for the period ending December 31, 2003 was $1,173,832, an increase of more than $1.1 million from the year prior when revenues for period ending December 31, 2002 was just $7,069. Raven Moon`s gross profit also improved significantly during the same period. Raven Moon`s gross profit for period ending December 31, 2003 was $1,043,456, an increase of $1,036,387 from the year prior when gross profit was reported for the same period as $7,069.

      The increase in sales and gross profit resulted from the sale of video, DVD, and CD rights to Club House Videos Inc., which was spun off from Raven Moon Entertainment. As a result of the spin off, Raven Moon has been able to expedite its revenue flow from the production of " Gina D`s Kids Club" and reduce its debt. Raven Moon`s net loss decreased by more than $2.8 million from period ending December 31, 2002 ($5,646,716) to December 31, 2003 ($2,753,491).

      The majority of the company`s expenses are a result of the ongoing production and marketing of " Gina D`s Kids Club." The company just completed production on its 9th episode of " Gina D`s Kids Club." Executive Producers Joey and Bernadette DiFrancesco reported that Raven Moon is on schedule to complete all 15 episodes in time for the September 2004 launch of the " Gina D`s Kids Club" Television series.

      " Our top priority is positioning Raven Moon for profitability. The only way to accomplish this goal is to complete the 15 episodes, secure a television syndication partner, and continue to reduce the company`s debt," stated Joey DiFrancesco, Raven Moon CEO.

      schrieb am 30.03.04 17:27:38
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      Macht Dir die bevorstehende Verwaesserung bzw. ein moeglicher weiterer RS keine Angst? Ich habe heute in WGFL getaucht, mal schauen, ob das die bessere Wahl war??
      Ich hoffe, wir haben beide Glueck.
      schrieb am 30.03.04 17:30:28
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      Nein, das macht mir keine Sorgen...wo soll ein small cap denn sonst Geld herbekommen, außer durch neue Aktien oder durch Private Investoren...das Verhältnis neuer Aktien zu erwarteten Gewinne muß nur stimmen...und das ist bei RAVEN sehr gut...

      ...Dir auch viel Erfolg!

      schrieb am 30.03.04 17:35:14
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      Ist wieder ordentlich geschmissen worden ueber 0,03, wohl weitere Verwaesserung, waere jetzt vorsichtig, Kurs nur noch 0,026.
      schrieb am 30.03.04 17:54:11
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()
      Mit ein bißchen Achterbahn muß man schon wieder 0,029 USD...aber viel wichtiger ist der Umsatz..über 9 Mio. Stücke...das sind nicht nur kleine Zocker...

      schrieb am 30.03.04 18:19:38
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()
      Schon wieder 0,031!!
      Und ich habe mich nicht getraut zu 0,026!
      schrieb am 31.03.04 08:27:41
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      @ooy #2

      Bei der Sache mit dem angeblich im Chart nicht berücksichtigten Reverse Split muß ich euch widersprechen.
      Der Reverse Split erfolgte nicht im Mai, sondern erst am 30. Juni 2003.
      Der starke Kursanstieg im Mai ist tatsächlich so abgelaufen und hängt nicht mit dem RS zusammen, sondern mit dem Quartalsbericht vom 15.5. für das erste Quartal 2003 zusammen, in dem nach etlichen Berichten über Verluste erstmals ein kleiner Gewinn berichtet werden konnte. Das hatte den Eindruck erweckt, daß die Gewinnschwelle erreicht worden wäre. Erst als klar wurde, das dies noch nichts Dauerhaftes war, ist der Kurs wieder eingebrochen.
      Dieser Anstieg von über 1000% zeigt aber, was für eine Kursentwicklung möglich ist, wenn demnächst dauerhaft die Gewinnzone erreicht wird.

      schrieb am 31.03.04 09:54:32
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()

      Gute Einschätzung! Die jetzigen Einnahmequellen scheinen dauerhafter zu sein, vor allem weil sich echte Multiplikatoren ergeben (TV, Kino,Merchandising)...

      ...nur schade, daß es so gut wie keine Umsätze in Deutschland gibt...

      schrieb am 31.03.04 10:30:39
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()
      Irgendwie ist für die nächste Hauptversammlung noch eine kleine Überraschung geplant.

      (We look forward to sharing our company`s progress at the upcoming annual shareholder`s meeting," stated Joey DiFrancesco, Raven Moon CEO.)

      Um was es sich dabei handelt, kann man nur spekulieren.
      Nach ClubHouse Videos nun vielleicht auch eine Aktiendividende in JB Toys oder Raven Animations?
      schrieb am 31.03.04 13:18:55
      Beitrag Nr. 22 ()
      Auf der HV werden die Teilnehmer über die zukünftigen Pläne von Raven Animation staunen :eek: :D
      schrieb am 31.03.04 13:24:17
      Beitrag Nr. 23 ()
      wann ist denn die HV ?
      schrieb am 31.03.04 14:03:17
      Beitrag Nr. 24 ()
      Im August glaube ich :look:
      schrieb am 31.03.04 14:24:45
      Beitrag Nr. 25 ()
      Das kann man nur vermuten. Eine Ankündigung ist noch nicht raus.
      Die letzte HV war am 15.8.03.
      Die Einladung dazu kam am 26.6.03 raus.
      Die davor war am 8.11.02.

      schrieb am 31.03.04 14:32:27
      Beitrag Nr. 26 ()
      Was sagen denn die Experten zu dem müden Handel in Deutschland...? wäre eine Empfehlung fällig...sowas wie der OBERBAYRISCHE BÖ doch der perfekte stock...

      schrieb am 05.04.04 15:24:52
      Beitrag Nr. 27 ()

      Raven Moon Entertainment, Inc. -- JB Toy`s Cuddle Bug is a Hit on NBC`s Saturday Today Show

      MONDAY , APRIL 05, 2004 08:31 AM

      ORLANDO, Fla., Apr 05, 2004 (PRIMEZONE via COMTEX) -- Raven Moon Entertainment, Inc. (OTCBB:RVNM) and JB Toys is pleased to announce that the " Cuddle Bug" has received tremendous recognition on NBC`s Saturday Today Show these past two weekends.

      The crowd outside of the Saturday Today Show in New York City have been happy to wear the JB Toys " Cuddle Bug" for the NBC Cameras. The " Cuddle Bug" was created by Bernadette DiFrancesco and is just one of the characters featured on " Gina D`s Kids Club" which is scheduled to begin airing this September on select stations across the country. " Gina D" is expected to make an appearance during the Saturday Today Show with the Cuddle Bug to promote her new show in the next few weeks.

      In addition to the Today Show, New Yorkers and their visitors have been watching images of " Gina D" with the Cuddle Bug and her Kids Club friends on the NBC Astrovision by Panasonic Screen at One Times Square, New York. Because of the location of the NBC Astrovision Screen in the heart of Time Square, Raven Moon`s " Gina D`s Kids Club" characters along with JB Toy`s " Cuddle Bug" will receive exposure to billions of people worldwide. Advertisements for the " Gina D`s Kids Club" air every hour between 9 am and 1 am daily.

      " Times Square is the perfect place for us to launch our " Gina D`s Kids Club" and " Cuddle Bug" promotions. We appreciate all the support that we have received from the Saturday Today Show. The exposure is priceless," stated Joey DiFrancesco, Raven Moon CEO.

      For Syndication call Keith Jablon at (321) 217-6994, For Promotion call Peter Bennett at (212) 541-5221, For Licensing call David Fingeroth at (201) 873-0678 or Sheldon Goldberg at (818) 609-0678.

      For more information contact Marc Jablon at (407) 877-5952 for Raven Moon Entertainment, Inc. or visit

      Safe Harbor Act Notice: This release may contain forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties, including without limitation, acceptance of the company`s products, increased levels of competition, product and technological changes, the company`s dependence upon financing and third- party suppliers, and other risks detailed from time to time in the company`s federal filings, annual report, offering memorandum, or prospectus. Specifications are subject to change without notice.

      SOURCE: Raven Moon Entertainment, Inc.

      schrieb am 06.04.04 10:04:46
      Beitrag Nr. 28 ()
      hallo zusammen,

      wollte euch nur sagen dass ich noch dabei bin. hab aber leider seit zwei wochen keinen internetanschluss mehr, sodass ich nicht mehr posten kann.

      uns allen noch viel spass mit raven:cool:
      schrieb am 06.04.04 10:32:24
      Beitrag Nr. 29 ()

      hast du dir schon mal das annual report durchgelesen? :confused:

      Mein lieber mann, welch eine Schrottbude.:laugh:

      Sorry, aber ich denke du solltest dir das wirklich mal durchlesen!!

      schrieb am 06.04.04 10:47:47
      Beitrag Nr. 30 ()

      rechne dir erst mal aus, wie hoch die prozentuale Umsatzsteigerung ist :p

      Ich kenne richtige Schrottwerte, die viel höher notiert sind und bald Insolvenz anmelden müssen.

      Raven Monn ist derzeit definitiv ein schnäppchen :D
      schrieb am 06.04.04 12:19:19
      Beitrag Nr. 31 ()

      umsatzsteigerung gibt es nur bei DiFrancesco`s :laugh: :laugh:

      Aktienerhöhung von 16,000,000 auf 200,000,000

      Vor November 2004 läuft hier gar nichts.

      In 2003, after we had produced one 1/2 hour pilot episode of "Gina D`s Kids Club", we built a budget of $3,000,000 to produce a total of 15 1/2 hour television programs. Once these programs are fully produced and placed on
      television stations, there could be an opportunity that the content, the characters, and music from these programs will create a demand for licensing and merchandising of Videos/DVD`s, Toys and Music CD`s which could generate revenue for the company. To date the company has produced nine (9) programs. The cost incurred to produce these programs have been covered by using the company`s equity. In order to complete the remaining six (6) episodes beginning April 1, 2004 to on or about September 2004, the company must raise $1,200,000 for production costs in addition to ordinary operating expenses. In any case, the
      company expects there could be a significant dilution of the company`s stock which could effect the stock price in a negative way until the exposure from the television programs could create a revenue source from the licensing and merchandising of the products.

      On March 4th & March 5th 2004, the Company`s Board of Directors renegotiated a new ten-year agreement with Joey & Bernadette DiFrancesco, the copyright and trademark owners, to be effective beginning January 1, 2004 and ending December 31, 2014. In the agreement, the Company must pay J&B DiFrancesco, in addition to their salaries as officers of the company, a creative license fee of $750,000 or 10% of gross revenues, whichever is greater,
      each year for ten years. The Company shall own these rights provided that the Company does not file for bankruptcy or is taken over by an unfriendly party.

      Wow, eine Geldmaschine für J&B :laugh:

      Na ja, ein bisschen traden kann wahrscheinlich nicht schaden, aber was für ne bude :laugh:

      schrieb am 06.04.04 12:50:21
      Beitrag Nr. 32 ()
      Es könnte ja auch mal wieder aufwärts gehen oder meint ihr nicht H oder T :cry:
      schrieb am 06.04.04 12:55:59
      Beitrag Nr. 33 ()
      Sicherlich ist die Summe relativ hochgegriffen, wenn man die jetzige Situation betrachtet in der sich das Unternehmen befindet, aber dieses abkommen wäre meiner Meinung nach nicht von J&B gefordert, wenn die Firma kurz vor dem Bankrott stehen würde. Die gehen von zukünftig hohen Einnahmen aus :D
      schrieb am 06.04.04 13:02:49
      Beitrag Nr. 34 ()

      dass hört sich gar nicht gut an, aber ein darf man nicht vergessen, die aktie notiert ganz weit unten, die Aussichten für die Einnahmen durch den Erfolg der Serie sind verlockend, die Rechte die Raven Moon erworben hat besitzen ebenfalls einen gewissen Wert und hier liegt die Chance für Aktionäre von Raven Moon...
      Das es nach den ganzen positiven Meldungen nicht aufwärts geht, liegt wahrscheinlich an der Verwässerung des Kurses...
      schrieb am 06.04.04 14:56:45
      Beitrag Nr. 35 ()

      Bis jetzt gibt es noch keine 200 Mio. Aktien.
      Diese Zahl ist das sogenannte genehmigte Kapital (bis zu dieser Zahl dürfen vom Unternehmen neue Aktien herausgegeben werden), das auf der letzten Hauptversammlung beschlossen worden ist.

      Laut Jahresbericht gab es zum Stichtag 16.3.2004 109.967.487 ausstehende Aktien (also etwas mehr als die Hälfte von Deiner Horrorzahl). Die letzte Kapitalerhöhung war am 12.3.2004. Seitdem sind keine neuen Aktien ausgegeben worden, obwohl das zuvor noch im Takt von wenigen Wochen gemacht wurde.
      Ich werte jeden Tag, an dem kein neues S-8-Filing erscheint als gutes Zeichen und hoffe, daß bis zur nächsten HV die Zahl von 200 Mio. nicht annähernd ausgeschöpft wird.

      Die Ausgaben der Firma sind bekannt und sicher auch schon im Kurs eingepreist. Die ersten neun Folgen von "Gina D`s Kids Club" sind bereits bezahlt. Jede weitere kostet etwa 200.000$ und wird später für 300.000$ als Lizenz an ClubHouse Video weiterverkauft (vorher sind noch die Fernsehstationen dran, die es sicher auch nicht billiger bekommen). Die gestrigen News haben gezeigt, daß auch der
      "Cuddle Bug" von JB Toys gut läuft. Ab 15.4. läuft "Mr. Bycicle Man" im Fernsehen. Es kommen also auch Einnahmen herein, was hoffen läßt, daß nicht alles durch weitere Verwässerung bezahlt wird.

      Was die DiFrancesco/Muoery-Familien betrifft, würde ich annehmen, daß Leute die in anderen Unternehmen vergleichbares geleistet haben oder leisten, auch nicht schlechter bezahlt werden.

      schrieb am 06.04.04 15:02:32
      Beitrag Nr. 36 ()

      Danke. Es ist immer wieder erfrischend deine Postings zu lesen ;)
      schrieb am 06.04.04 15:09:12
      Beitrag Nr. 37 ()

      ... was ich bei Deinen ähnlich sehe.:)
      schrieb am 07.04.04 20:25:21
      Beitrag Nr. 38 ()
      Hallo Freude,

      habe erneut für 0,027$ zugeschlagen :D Ob es morgen wieder NEWS gibt :confused:
      schrieb am 08.04.04 13:00:48
      Beitrag Nr. 39 ()
      Da hast Du mehr Glück gehabt als ich mit meiner 0,026$-Order. Die ist trotz ca. 600.000 Stück Umsatz bei diesem Preis nicht mit ausgeführt worden.:rolleyes:
      schrieb am 08.04.04 14:15:11
      Beitrag Nr. 40 ()
      Heute bekommt man die um 15.30 Uhr für 0,0275$ ;) Viele wird es für diesen Preis nicht mehr zu kriegen geben (schätze mal 100.000 bis 200.000 Aktien), wenn keiner verkauft.…

      Ich glaube das sich der Kurs vorerst um die 0,03$ bewegen wird. Ende April 2004 ziehen die Umsätze wieder an, die den Kurs über 0,04 $ katapultieren :D Alles nur Spekulation ;)
      schrieb am 08.04.04 18:36:14
      Beitrag Nr. 41 ()
      Das ist ja wohl ein scheiß teil :confused: null handel :laugh:kein Kurs sprung :look:
      schrieb am 08.04.04 19:38:33
      Beitrag Nr. 42 ()
      Besser als das Klo :D
      schrieb am 12.04.04 18:24:32
      Beitrag Nr. 43 ()
      Steigt auf 0,029 USD...guter Umsatz...;) ..ich bin immer wieder platt, was für Versager hier an Bord sind...lest Euch mal meinen UCSY thread "Wasser für die Welt" durch...das Thema lautet: Dabei sein BEVOR es los geht...und das ist bekanntlich immer eine harte Zeit...

      schrieb am 12.04.04 20:02:25
      Beitrag Nr. 44 ()
      schon 0,030 sieht heute ganz gut aus, vielleicht erste Anzeichen für die Serie die am 15 anläuft...

      mfg suparich
      schrieb am 15.04.04 20:58:48
      Beitrag Nr. 45 ()
      Leute, es tut sich was ;)
      schrieb am 16.04.04 15:33:49
      Beitrag Nr. 46 ()
      die leute kaufen wie blöd, aber nicht in berlin.
      schrieb am 20.04.04 10:07:57
      Beitrag Nr. 47 ()
      Am 15.4.2004 hat die SEC einen Gesetzentwurf veröffentlicht, mit dem höhere Anforderungen an Kapitalerhöhungen über S-8 Filings gestellt werden sollen.

      Das ganze Ding ist ziemlich umfangreich und es wird sicher noch eine Weile dauern, sich da hindurchzukämpfen.

      Das wichtigste, was ich beim ersten Überfliegen festgestellt habe ist, daß der Anleger künftig nicht erst von der Kapitalerhöhung erfährt, wenn sie bereits gelaufen ist, sondern daß sie bereits 60 Tage vorher angekündigt werden muß, damit die Altaktionäre die Möglichkeit zur Information und zum Reagieren haben und die neuen Aktien zu einem realen Kurs abgegeben werden.

      Der Zweck und die beabsichtigten Empfänger müssen konkreter bezeichnet werden.

      Zu gunsten von nicht zum Unternehmen gehörenden Personen (z.B. Consultants) sollen keine Aktienausgaben mehr erfolgen.

      Eine bestimmte Gruppe von Unternehmen, deren Hauptgeschäftszweck scheinbar im Verkauf neue Aktien besteht (als "Shell Companies" bezeichnet - RVNM dürfte nicht dazu gehören) wird ganz von dieser Art der Kapitalbeschaffung ausgeschlossen.

      Ich glaube, daß mit diesen neuen Regeln nicht mehr so exzessiv neue Aktien herausgegeben werden. :) :)
      schrieb am 22.04.04 22:03:20
      Beitrag Nr. 48 ()
      Heute wieder für 0,028$ zugeschlagen :D Jetzt ist mit dem einsammeln schluß. Morgen gibt´s bestimmt wieder NEWS ;)
      schrieb am 23.04.04 07:51:06
      Beitrag Nr. 49 ()
      Kurz darauf hätte es die für 0,026$ gegeben, Künstlerpech.
      News gibts, allerdings noch nicht die erhofften, sondern RVNM hat wieder 20 Mio. neue Aktien herausgegeben.…
      Da ist der Kurs gleich wieder auf Tauchstation gegangen.
      schrieb am 23.04.04 08:47:56
      Beitrag Nr. 50 ()
      Bin halt ein waschechter Investor :D ... und in 6 Monaten führen die wieder ein Reverse-Split von 1:10 durch. Im Augenblick gibt es die nur für 0,028$.
      schrieb am 23.04.04 08:53:48
      Beitrag Nr. 51 ()
      bin auch bei rm investiert, aber durch die ständige Verwässerung des kurs habe ich eher geringe hoffnungen dass sich der kurs im nächsten halben jahr noch einmal fängt.
      schrieb am 23.04.04 09:00:38
      Beitrag Nr. 52 ()
      Es muss nur eine sehr positive Meldung kommen, dann wird das schon ;)
      schrieb am 23.04.04 11:57:37
      Beitrag Nr. 53 ()
      Es ist zwar eine überwiegend formale Sache (zur Feststellung der anfallenden Gebühren) aber vielleicht nicht ganz uninteressant, wie Raven Moon bei den letzten Kapitalerhöhungen den erwarteten maximalen Ausgabepreis (Proposed Maximum Share Price)angesetzt hat:
      16.01.2004 ...... 0,10$
      05.02.2004 ...... 0,05$
      26.02.2004 ...... 0,04$
      12.03.2004 ...... 0,04$
      21.04.2004 ...... 0,10$
      Raven Moon scheint einen ansteigenden Kurs zu erwarten. Würde für die neuen Aktien ja auch mehr einbringen. Und mit ein paar guten News müßte das doch zu machen sein.

      schrieb am 23.04.04 14:34:40
      Beitrag Nr. 54 ()
      NEWS :D

      JB Toy`s Cuddle Bug is a Hit on NBC`s Saturday Today Show

      FRIDAY , APRIL 23, 2004 08:31 AM

      ORLANDO, Fla., Apr 23, 2004 (PRIMEZONE via COMTEX) -- Raven Moon Entertainment, Inc. (OTCBB:RVNM) and JB Toys is pleased to announce that the "Cuddle Bug" has received tremendous recognition on NBC`s Saturday Today Show these past two weekends.

      The crowd outside of the Saturday Today Show in New York City have been happy to wear the JB Toys "Cuddle Bug" for the NBC Cameras. The "Cuddle Bug" was created by Bernadette DiFrancesco and is just one of the characters featured on "Gina D`s Kids Club" which is scheduled to begin airing this September on select stations across the country. "Gina D" is expected to make an appearance during the Saturday Today Show with the Cuddle Bug to promote her new show in the next few weeks.

      In addition to the Today Show, New Yorkers and their visitors have been watching images of "Gina D` with the Cuddle Bug and her Kids Club friends on the NBC Astrovision by Panasonic Screen at One Times Square, New York. Because of the location of the NBC Astrovision Screen in the heart of Time Square, Raven Moon`s "Gina D`s Kids Club" characters along with JB Toy`s "Cuddle Bug" will receive exposure to billions of people worldwide. Advertisements for the "Gina D`s Kids Club" air every hour between 9 am and 1 am daily.

      "Times Square is the perfect place for us to launch our `Gina D`s Kids Club` and `Cuddle Bug` promotions. We appreciate all the support that we have received from the Saturday Today Show. The exposure is priceless," stated Joey DiFrancesco, Raven Moon CEO.

      For Syndication call Keith Jablon at (321)217-6994, For Promotion call Peter Bennett at (212) 541-5221, For Licensing call David Fingeroth at (201) 873-0678 or Sheldon Goldberg at (818) 609-0678.

      For more information contact Marc Jablon at (407) 877-5952 for Raven Moon Entertainment, Inc. or visit

      Safe Harbor Act Notice: This release may contain forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties, including without limitation, acceptance of the company`s products, increased levels of competition, product and technological changes, the company`s dependence upon financing and third- party suppliers, and other risks detailed from time to time in the company`s federal filings, annual report, offering memorandum, or prospectus. Specifications are subject to change without notice.

      SOURCE: Raven Moon Entertainment, Inc.

      By Staff

      CONTACT: Raven Moon Entertainment, Inc.
      schrieb am 23.04.04 14:39:42
      Beitrag Nr. 55 ()
      Da stimmt was nicht, das ist die selbe wie am 05.04.2004 :confused:
      schrieb am 23.04.04 14:41:33
      Beitrag Nr. 56 ()
      Wie bestellt...

      ...die Ausgabe neuer Aktien war klar...das war die letzte Finanzierung für die Produktion des Kid´s Club bis September...dann kommen die Fernsehgelder, dann geht es ins Kino...wurde alles in der letzten PR schon mitgeteilt...

      ...läuft also alles nach Plan...:cool:

      schrieb am 23.04.04 14:58:49
      Beitrag Nr. 57 ()
      Wann merken das die von PRIMEZONE endlich und geben die richtige Meldung raus :look:
      schrieb am 23.04.04 19:03:27
      Beitrag Nr. 58 ()
      Die haben vermutlich von RVNM versehentlich die "ollen Kamellen" noch mal bekommen. Deshalb habe ich gerade eine E-Mail an RVNM (bzw. bigapple) geschickt mit der Bemerkung, daß da ziemlich alte "News" noch einmal veröffentlicht wurden und gefragt ob es keine neueren gibt.
      schrieb am 23.04.04 19:09:37
      Beitrag Nr. 59 ()
      :kiss: auf die Antwort bin ich gespannt
      schrieb am 23.04.04 19:20:18
      Beitrag Nr. 60 ()
      Die Zeichen standen gestern auf HOLD, mal sehen wie das nach 24 Uhr ausschaut :look:…
      schrieb am 24.04.04 01:08:21
      Beitrag Nr. 61 ()
      "... which may shortly turn into a bear trap"
      Bär ick hör dir trapsen. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
      schrieb am 24.04.04 10:02:52
      Beitrag Nr. 62 ()
      Ich halte es für sehr unwahrscheinlich, dass wir mit drastischen verkäufen am Montag rechnen können. Es wird Bergauf gehen :D ... auch ohne die NEWS die schon am Freitag kommen sollten und am Dienstag stehen die Zeichen auf Buy ;)

      Wenn am Monatg doch noch die erwarteten News kommen, dann hebt die Kursrakete ab und wir fliegen vorerst mal über 0,04$ :D
      Oder es passiert so was ähnliches wie Anfang Mai 2003 :eek: Raven Moon Entertainment steht heute viel besser da als Mitte 2003.

      schrieb am 24.04.04 12:54:03
      Beitrag Nr. 63 ()
      Hat vielleicht jemand von euch den nachfolgenden Report gelesen und könnte den Inhalt hier posten? :D
      schrieb am 25.04.04 13:41:26
      Beitrag Nr. 64 ()
      Ich glaube nicht, daß das Ding seine 25$ wert ist. Was man dafür bekommt, ist eine "Mini-Website", auf der die Firma beschrieben wird, die financial statements der Gesellschaft analysiert werden und der Kursverlauf diskutiert wird. Also alles Sachen, über die wir auch schon den Überblick haben müßten, nichts neues also. Und dann handelt nur ein Viertel von RVNM. Der Rest sind drei andere Firmen im Vergleich dazu.

      Vor ein paar Wochen habe ich schon mal eine Meldung für ca. 19$ runtergeladen, die kann ich ja mal raussuchen und hier reinstellen. Darin ging es um einen von RVNM gewonnenen Rechtsstreit, bei dem einer, der von RVNM mit Aktien bezahlt worden ist, diese wieder zurückgeben mußte, weil er die entsprechende Gegenleistung nicht erbracht hat.
      Mehrere ähnliche Fälle soll RVNM auf die gleiche Weise weiterverfolgt haben. Daran ist zumindest zu erkennen, daß RVNM, die neuen Aktien nicht sorglos in die Welt streut, sondern auch konsequent Leistung dafür verlangt.
      schrieb am 25.04.04 13:56:38
      Beitrag Nr. 65 ()
      Hier ist der besagte Beitrag
      Quelle: Entertainment Law Digest, March 2003 Volume 7, Issue 9

      In Brief: Raven Moon Wins Back Shares

      Children’s video production company Raven Moon Entertainment, Inc. announced it had won a final judgment ordering the cancellation of 4 million shares of common stock issued to Florida Atlantic Transfer. The stock was given to Florida Atlantic in exchange for services and/or property that were never delivered, Raven Moon alleged in the lawsuit. Florida Atlantic and co-defendant Farrell Gordon consented to the entry of the final judgment, Raven Moon said. The 4 million shares, valued at $40,000, are only a portion of almost 20 million shares issued to various entities pursuant to similar agreements, according to the Raven Moon announcement. “Let this first judgment serve as a warning to anyone who attempts to defraud our company,” said Joey DiFrancesco, Raven Moon CEO. “We will pursue all means necessary to recover cash damages and stock from those companies and/or individuals who have not lived up to their commitments.”
      schrieb am 25.04.04 14:25:29
      Beitrag Nr. 66 ()
      Danke Bornealis ;) Du hast recht, die 25$ für den Report lohnen sich wirklich nicht.

      Ob Raven Animation im Jahr 2005 anfängt, solch ähnliche Filme wie "Final Fantasy" zu produzieren? Der Film ist der Hammer :D In kooperation mit Disney ist das denkbar.
      schrieb am 26.04.04 15:16:52
      Beitrag Nr. 67 ()
      Mein scotty zeigt mir schon vorbörslichen Handel zu 0,030 USD...gibt´s da Volumen heute?

      schrieb am 26.04.04 19:36:32
      Beitrag Nr. 68 ()
      Heinzi, ist schon wieder etwas wohler bei dem Kurs?
      0,034$ und 1,4 Mio. gehandelte Aktien zur Halbzeit.
      Alles fertigmachen zum Abheben! :)
      schrieb am 26.04.04 22:31:17
      Beitrag Nr. 69 ()
      Die Rallye hat begonnen :D

      Die Einnahmen der Vermarktung der 5 - 9 Folge von Gina D´s, der neuen Version von Mr. Bicycle Man und die hervorragenden Aussichten bei Raven Animation werden den Kurs noch über 0,04$ treiben ;)

      Meine persönliche Einschätzung: 0,03$ pro Aktie ist der jetzige Buchwert von Raven Moon.

      Dann kommt die 10 - 15 Folge von Gina D´s (+ 1 Special) und weitere erfolgreiche Produktionen von Raven Animation :cool:

      Die Rallye hat begonnen :D

      :) :D ;) :D :)
      schrieb am 27.04.04 15:22:09
      Beitrag Nr. 70 ()
      Raven Moon & JB Toys to Form Joint Venture with Serendipity Ltd. :D

      TUESDAY , APRIL 27, 2004 08:31 AM

      ORLANDO, Fla., Apr 27, 2004 (PRIMEZONE via COMTEX) -- Raven Moon Entertainment, Inc. (OTCBB:RVNM), JB Toys, LLC and Serendipity Ltd. are pleased to announce plans to form a joint venture to manufacture, market, and distribute select toys inspired by "Gina D`s Kids Club", "Mr. Bicycle Man", Gina D & "The Transistor Sisters" and other future animated projects produced by Executive Producers Joey & Bernadette DiFrancesco for Raven Moon Entertainment, Inc. and Raven Animation Inc.

      The joint venture with Serendipity Ltd. comes after Serendipity USA signed a license request for a number of products including the "Gina D`s Kids Club" Dandy Candy line that was on display at the Toy Building during the New York Toy Fair.

      Some of the Serendipity USA products that will be included in the new joint venture agreement will include the "Gina D`s Kids Club" license of the "The Dandy Candy Line," "Wall and Table Clocks," "Digital Cameras for Kids," "Fiber Optic Home Decor," "Bathroom Bath Tub Play Environments," "Dance Mats," "Limbo Rock," "Animated Dolls with Changeable Speech Chips for Gina D & Miss Muffin," "Shaped Cookies in Kids Clubhouse Box," & "Magical Gel Shape Stick-ums."

      In addition to the products from the "Gina D`s Kids Club" license, Serendipity has expressed an interest in manufacturing and distributing toys and products including "Gina D & The Transistor Sisters" and the award winning "Mr. Bicycle Man". "Mr. Bicycle Man" was created by Joey & Bernadette DiFrancesco who licensed the character exclusively to JB Toys, LLC a wholly owned subsidiary of Raven Moon Entertainment, Inc. for 10 years. The "Mr. Bicycle Man" theme song was recorded by Gina D who will also appear in the animated "Mr. Bicycle Man" public service announcement for television which is currently being animated under the direction of Mike Gibilisco by former Disney Animators who are now part of the Raven Animation, Inc. team.

      "The joint venture is being formed to promote the whole line of toys more effectively. Under the terms of the joint venture Raven Moon Entertainment shareholders will benefit by receiving a bigger piece of the pie," stated Joey DiFrancesco, Raven Moon CEO.

      Established in 1989, Serendipity mainly produces battery-operated toys, novelty, and seasonal items. In the last 10 years, the company has continued to grow due to key factors such as strong R&D, large production line and capacity, and good reputation.

      Serendipity is a very progressive company with a staff that works hard and efficiently to provide good quality services and outstanding products. Thus, we can firmly stand on our philosophy of the customer is always right.

      Backed by our 53,820-square-foot factory in Mainland China, we can easily produce 100,000 pieces of various products monthly. It is fitted with up-to-date equipment and manned by an efficient work force to handle and deliver high-end products. Serendipity reports annual sales of over $25 million.

      Currently, Raven Moon Entertainment is producing 17 half-hour episodes of "Gina D`s Kids Club" which will be offered to major networks for a September 2004 air date launch.

      Company executives will be attending meetings with toy companies and executives at the Licensing Show in New York in June.

      For information go to

      For Raven Moon Entertainment, Inc. investor information call Marc Jablon at (407) 877-5952. For Licensing call David Fingeroth at (201) 873-0678 or Shelly Goldberg at (818) 609-0678.

      Safe Harbor Act Notice: This release may contain forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties, including without limitation, acceptance of the company`s products, increased levels of competition, product and technological changes, the company`s dependence upon financing and third-party suppliers, and other risks detailed from time to time in the company`s federal filings, annual report, offering memorandum, or prospectus. Specifications are subject to change without notice.

      SOURCE: Raven Moon Entertainment, Inc.

      By Staff
      schrieb am 27.04.04 15:43:11
      Beitrag Nr. 71 ()
      So wie es aussieht wurden die letzten 20. mio Aktien ausgegeben, damit 16 und 17 Folge von Gina D´s produziert wird bzw. um damit andere Kosten zu decken, die jetzt fällig wurden ;)
      schrieb am 27.04.04 15:50:51
      Beitrag Nr. 72 ()
      :laugh: BID und ASK beide bei 0,034$

      Es geht Bergauf :D
      schrieb am 27.04.04 16:05:08
      Beitrag Nr. 73 ()
      Der Downtrend wurde unterbrochen. Es hat sich ein Aufwärtstrend gebildet.

      The trend is your friend! :D

      Diese Woch noch 0,05$? :cool:
      schrieb am 27.04.04 16:05:23
      Beitrag Nr. 74 ()
      Letzter Kurs 0,036...ASK schon bei 0,037 und ein hervorragendes Volumen...:D ...Deutschland ist weit unter pari...;)

      schrieb am 27.04.04 16:10:38
      Beitrag Nr. 75 ()
      Es gab in den letzten Wochen einen phantastischen NEWS-Flow, der praktisch noch gar nicht in den Kursen berücksichtigt wurde...

      04/27/2004 8:31AM
      Raven Moon & JB Toys to Form Joint Venture with Serendipity Ltd.
      PrimeZone Media Network

      04/23/2004 8:31AM
      JB Toy`s Cuddle Bug is a Hit on NBC`s Saturday Today Show
      PrimeZone Media Network

      04/05/2004 8:31AM
      Raven Moon Entertainment, Inc. -- JB Toy`s Cuddle Bug is a Hit on NBC`s Saturday Today Show
      PrimeZone Media Network

      04/01/2004 9:19AM
      Will the `Cuddle Bug` be the Next `Cabbage Patch Kids`?: Raven Moon`s JB Toys to Form Joint Venture with Visionary Concepts, Inc.
      PrimeZone Media Network

      02/27/2004 8:31AM
      Raven Moon Makes Offer to Disney
      PrimeZone Media Network

      02/19/2004 8:31AM
      Raven Moon Entertainment Signs Television License Agreement for Pay-Per View Programming on Cruise Ships
      PrimeZone Media Network

      02/17/2004 8:31AM
      `Gina D`s Kids Club` License is a Hit at the New York Toy Fair
      PrimeZone Media Network

      es scheint jetzt loszugehen...

      schrieb am 27.04.04 16:11:33
      Beitrag Nr. 76 ()
      Kurs jetzt schon bei 0,038 USD...

      schrieb am 27.04.04 16:20:48
      Beitrag Nr. 77 ()
      0,040 USD...

      schrieb am 27.04.04 16:28:36
      Beitrag Nr. 78 ()
      0,044 USD...was kommt da noch...:eek: ...

      schrieb am 27.04.04 17:44:14
      Beitrag Nr. 79 ()
      0,05 diese Woche, das ist eine gute Ausgangslage. :)
      schrieb am 27.04.04 17:45:12
      Beitrag Nr. 80 ()
      oder vielleicht gar heute noch ??;)
      schrieb am 28.04.04 16:09:07
      Beitrag Nr. 81 ()
      lässt sich auch heute nicht unterkriegen, unser Baby :)
      schrieb am 29.04.04 11:04:10
      Beitrag Nr. 82 ()
      Nächste Woche schaffen wir die 0,05$ bestimmt ;)
      schrieb am 29.04.04 14:12:37
      Beitrag Nr. 83 ()
      warum führt der denn nicht aus???

      Best Bid
      Volumen Taxe
      - 0,034

      Kauf Orders
      Stücke Limit
      35.000 0,034
      5.000 0,03
      5.000 0,02
      - -
      - -
      Weitere: 0
      Best Ask
      Taxe Volumen
      0,036 -

      Verkauf Orders
      Limit Stücke
      0,036 20.000
      0,037 25.000
      0,08 12.000
      0,085 10.000
      0,3 40.000
      schrieb am 29.04.04 14:36:21
      Beitrag Nr. 84 ()
      unglaublich aber wahr :D

      BKS Entertainment to Provide Nationwide Television Distribution for `Gina D`s Kids Club` :cool:

      THURSDAY , APRIL 29, 2004 08:31 AM

      ORLANDO, Fla., Apr 29, 2004 (PRIMEZONE via COMTEX) -- Raven Moon Entertainment, Inc. (OTCBB:RVNM) is pleased to announce that BKS Entertainment has agreed to provide Nationwide Syndication services for "Gina D`s Kids Club" which is scheduled to begin airing this September.

      BKS Entertainment is known for its use of innovative strategies and flexible marketing approaches for finding the best distribution channels for television projects; developing win-win barter deals and other programming packages; offering marketing and consulting expertise drawn from over 60 years of combined experience in all aspects of the business including syndication, licensing, producing and programming; discovering the potential audiences in various new media; and bringing sponsors to programming packages to help translate ideas into realities.

      BKS Entertainment acts as an agent for producers of television programs by marketing and selling those programs to television networks, TV stations and cable networks-both domestically and internationally-for cash or barter.

      BKS Entertainment has successfully distributed several programs including the "Dooley and Pals Show" which is now on over 60% of the US markets, "Courage Colorado", "Black Superstars of Music", and "Its Showtime at the Apollo" among others.

      "BKS Entertainment has a proven track record of providing real results when it comes to syndication. The successful syndication of the "Gina D`s Kids Club" program will unlock many licensing, merchandising and toy opportunities for Raven Moon, JB Toys and our shareholders" stated Joey DiFrancesco, Raven Moon CEO. About "Gina D`s Kids Club":

      "Gina D`s Kids Club" has been hailed by educational leaders such as Mary Beth Leidman, Ed.D, as a viable vehicle in the development of the self-image, social, math, and reading skills in young children. The main character, Gina D, is a fun loving and positive role model who connects with her 2 to 5 year-old aged audience in the same familiarity that children associate with their mothers. Children are not only educated but are entertained by a cast of whimsical characters which include Simon Wannabe, Mister Pockets, Miss Muffin, Pierre D`Artist, TV Ted, and Doggy Brown. Gina D`s Kids Club is fun, educational, and contains all original music. The program teaches kids positive messages, and has lovable characters. It is the perfect place for children to make new friends, as they are learning and having fun. Gina D`s Kids Club is a place where every kid belongs.

      "Gina D`s Kids Club" is the best new children`s educational program since Sesame Street which satisfies stations FCC requirements" stated Dr. Janice K. Battenberg, Educational Child Psychologist Ball State University.

      Raven Moon Entertainment is offering 17 half-hour episodes of "Gina D`s Kids Club` which will be offered to television stations nationwide through BKS Entertainment this September.

      For more information on BKS Entertainment visit For syndication information call Len Koch at BKS (201) 568-4800 or Keith Jablon at (321) 217-6994.

      For information on Raven Moon Entertainment and "Gina D`s Kids Club" visit or call Marc Jablon at (407) 877-5966.

      For licensing opportunities call David Fingeroth at (201) 873-0678 or Shelly Goldberg at (818) 609-0678.

      Safe Harbor Act Notice: This release may contain forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties, including without limitation, acceptance of the company`s products, increased levels of competition, product and technological changes, the company`s dependence upon financing and third- party suppliers, and other risks detailed from time to time in the company`s federal filings, annual report, offering memorandum, or prospectus. Specifications are subject to change without notice.

      SOURCE: Raven Moon Entertainment, Inc.

      By Staff

      CONTACT: For syndication information contact:
      Len Koch at BKS (201) 568-4800 or Keith Jablon (321) 217-6994

      Raven Moon Entertainment Marc Jablon (407) 877-5966
      schrieb am 29.04.04 14:45:42
      Beitrag Nr. 85 ()

      " Gina D`s Kids Club" is the best new children`s educational program since Sesame Street which satisfies stations FCC requirements" stated Dr. Janice K. Battenberg, Educational Child Psychologist Ball State University. :D
      schrieb am 29.04.04 15:07:53
      Beitrag Nr. 86 ()
      Das ist erst der Anfang, im Juni und September folgen weitere Lizenz bzw. Fernsehverträge :D
      schrieb am 29.04.04 16:57:12
      Beitrag Nr. 87 ()
      schon gesehn, was in Berlin los ist ? :eek:
      schrieb am 29.04.04 17:30:35
      Beitrag Nr. 88 ()

      endlich gehts ab mit Raven Moon, wollte heut nochmal nachlegen zu 0.031, hab aber leider keine bekommen(hab eh noch einige)...

      viel glück allen investierten..
      schrieb am 29.04.04 17:59:53
      Beitrag Nr. 89 ()
      unser berliner broker hat doch nicht alle tassen im

      das gilt dem berliner broker

      du blöde sau, stell endlich die kurse richtig, sonst
      schreibe ich mal an die bafin.

      ich finde es eine sauerei, wenn kleinanleger
      von solchen typen über den tisch gezogen werden.

      10% sei einem ja gegönnt, ab 0,05 eur entspricht einem
      kurs von 0,06 $ !!!

      hier der aktuelle
      0.04 0.002 (5.26) 11:02 0.038 (50) 0.04 (50)
      schrieb am 29.04.04 20:03:46
      Beitrag Nr. 90 ()
      merkwürdiger Kursverlauf :confused:
      schrieb am 30.04.04 14:44:09
      Beitrag Nr. 91 ()

      heute dürfte sich der Kurs wieder normalisieren ;)

      Raven Moon Wraps Up NBC Today Show Promotion This Weekend :D

      FRIDAY , APRIL 30, 2004 08:31 AM

      ORLANDO, Fla., Apr 30, 2004 (PRIMEZONE via COMTEX) -- Raven Moon Entertainment, Inc. (OTCBB:RVNM) and JB Toys are pleased to announce that they will be wrapping up a successful campaign in which the Cuddle Bug plush toy has been featured in the crowd of the NBC Today Show the past several weekends.

      The JB Toys marketing team has handed out hundreds of Cuddle Bugs to the Weekend NBC Today Show crowd, which has created a huge buzz for the property that will be marketed, manufactured, and distributed through a joint venture agreement with Visionary Concepts. The Visionary Concepts management was responsible for the success of the Cabbage Patch Kids, among other well-known toy properties.

      JB Toys representatives will hand out "Cuddle Bugs" today, Saturday, and Sunday to the NBC Today Show crowd. Raven Moon representatives have already contacted the Today Show to do a similar campaign for the Christmas Season where they`ll be promoting the "Christmas Cuddle Bug."

      Raven Moon`s Today Show campaign has been marked by several highlights as the company is working on pre-promotion activities that will serve as the preliminary foundation for the roll-out of its 17 episodes of "Gina D`s Kids Club" this fall as reported by Rick Stephens, Small-Cap

      RVNM and JB Toys arranged for the "Cuddle Bug"- a cute plush toy created as just one of the characters featured on "Gina D`s Kids Club" shows-to be featured on NBC`s Saturday Today Show over the last three weekends. It will be repeated this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday (4/30, 5/1, and 5/2).

      Campbell Brown and Lester Holt, co-hosts of the Saturday Today Show, have been wearing the Cuddle Bug during the past weeks, and when the cameras pan to them, Lester Holt said, "We`re promoting something here, but I`m not quite sure what it is."

      That "teaser" has intentionally posed a mystery, one that will soon be solved because "Gina D" is expected to make an appearance with the cuddle bug during an upcoming Saturday Today Show to promote her new upcoming show.

      The folks in the crowd outside of the Saturday Today Show in New York have also been happy to wear the JB Toys "Cuddle Bug" for the NBC Cameras. You see them during the Weather Man`s segment in the Plaza; each time the camera pans to the Plaza showing the people holding Cuddle Bugs.

      Note: Rick Stephan, who just came aboard at Small-Cap Trader as Editor-in-Chief, is a noted author and one of the country`s leading marketing professionals. He developed successful campaigns for such Fortune 500 companies as AT&T, IBM, DuPont, J&J, Xerox, Citicorp, ITT, Boeing, and others. He established a multi-million dollar advertising and consulting firm in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, working with such clients as the Saudi Ministry of Defense, Northrop, Lockheed, Mobil, and Bechtel. He has been involved with financial publications for over 15 years, and his contributions have been recognized by numerous awards for creative excellence and achievement, as well as an extraordinary certificate from the Department of Commerce for significantly increasing America`s international trade.

      About "Gina D`s Kids Club":

      "Gina D`s Kids Club" has been hailed by educational leaders such as Mary Beth Leidman, Ed.D, as a viable vehicle in the development of the self-image, social, math, and reading skills in young children. The main character, Gina D, is a fun loving and positive role model who connects with her 2 to 5 year-old aged audience in the same familiarity that children associate with their mothers. Children are not only educated but are entertained by a cast of whimsical characters which include Simon Wannabe, Mister Pockets, Miss Muffin, Pierre D`Artist, TV Ted, and Doggy Brown. Gina D`s Kids Club is fun, educational, and contains all original music. The program teaches kids positive messages, and has lovable characters. It is the perfect place for children to make new friends, as they are learning and having fun. Gina D`s Kids Club is a place where every kid belongs.

      "`Gina D`s Kids Club` is the best new children`s educational program since Sesame Street which satisfies stations FCC requirements," stated Dr. Janice K. Battenberg, Educational Child Psychologist, Ball State University.

      Raven Moon Entertainment is offering 17 half-hour episodes of "Gina D`s Kids Club," which will be offered to television stations nationwide through BKS Entertainment this September.

      For more information on BKS Entertainment visit For syndication information call Len Koch at BKS (201) 568-4800 or Keith Jablon at (321) 217-6994. For licensing opportunities call David Fingeroth at (201) 873-0678 or Shelly Goldberg at (818) 609-0678.

      For information on Raven Moon Entertainment and "Gina D`s Kids Club" visit

      For Raven Moon Entertainment, Inc. information call Marc Jablon at (407) 877-5952.

      Safe Harbor Act Notice: This release may contain forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties, including without limitation, acceptance of the company`s products, increased levels of competition, product and technological changes, the company`s dependence upon financing and third- party suppliers, and other risks detailed from time to time in the company`s federal filings, annual report, offering memorandum, or prospectus. Specifications are subject to change without notice.

      SOURCE: Raven Moon Entertainment, Inc.

      By Staff

      CONTACT: Raven Moon Entertainment, Inc.

      Marc Jablon (407) 877-5952

      (C) 2004 PRIMEZONE, All rights reserved.

      INDUSTRY KEYWORD: Entertainment & Leisure
      Product Services Announcement

      STOCK SYMBOLS: [(rvnm)]
      schrieb am 30.04.04 17:39:16
      Beitrag Nr. 92 ()
      relativ ;)
      schrieb am 30.04.04 19:29:56
      Beitrag Nr. 93 ()
      Last 10 trades

      Time Price Volume Exchange Info

      13:26:20 0.030 3500 OTC BBS at Bid
      13:26:20 0.030 9000 OTC BBS at Bid
      13:26:20 0.030 100000 OTC BBS at Bid
      13:26:20 0.030 40000 OTC BBS at Bid
      13:26:20 0.030 17500 OTC BBS at Bid
      13:26:20 0.030 100000 OTC BBS at Bid
      13:26:20 0.030 2500 OTC BBS at Bid
      13:26:20 0.030 100000 OTC BBS at Bid
      13:26:20 0.030 20000 OTC BBS at Bid
      13:25:39 0.031 10000 OTC BBS
      schrieb am 01.05.04 09:33:39
      Beitrag Nr. 94 ()
      Hier ein "kleiner" Beitrag aus "Small-Cap Trader":

      Current Small-Cap Pick:

      Raven Moon Entertainment, Inc. (OTC BB: RVNM)

      An Editorial by Rick Stephan

      [Note: Rick Stephan recently joined Small-CapTrader as Editor-in-Chief.]

      You’ve probably heard about Raven Moon. If not, you can get a background by viewing their website, I’ve been watching this company for a while, and recently had the pleasure of interviewing their CEO, Joey DiFrancesco.

      What intrigued me most is RVNM’s business strategy, a plan patterned after the strategy that worked so well with “Barney.” About 15 Barney episodes were sent at no charge to hundreds of TV stations nationwide. The stations aired one episode each day for three weeks, then repeated that sequence in the following three-week periods. If you have children or grandchildren, like me, you probably were exposed to Barney and the catchy song associated with those episodes.

      It’s estimated that the various entities involved in the success of Barney inked license arrangements that generated about $5 billion in just five years. RVNM has already completed nine of its episodes featuring “Gina D`s Kids Club,” with eight more planned. The plan is to provide them to TV stations beginning this fall.

      I feel that “Gina D’s Kids Club” has an excellent chance to approach Barney’s success. In fact, Dr. Janice K. Battenberg, Educational Child Psychologist at Ball State University stated: “ `Gina D’s Kids Club’ is the best new children’s educational program since Sesame Street which satisfies stations’ FCC requirements.”

      RVNM’s Promotional Foundation

      RVNM is engaged in an aggressive program of pre-promotion activities that serve as the preliminary foundation for the roll-out of its 17 episodes this fall. RVNM has already completed a great many promotional activities. Here are a few examples:

      1. RVNM and JB Toys arranged for the “Cuddle Bug”— a cute plush toy created as just one of the characters featured on “Gina D’s Kids Club” shows—to be featured on NBC’s Saturday Today Show over the last three weekends. It will be repeated this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday (4/30, 5/1, and 5/2).

      Campbell Brown and Lester Holt, co-hosts of the Saturday Today Show, have been wearing the Cuddle Bug during the past weeks, and when the cameras pan to them, Lester Holt says, “We’re promoting something here, but I’m not quite sure what it is.”

      That “teaser” has intentionally posed a mystery, one that will soon be solved because “Gina D” is expected to make an appearance with the cuddle bug during the Saturday Today Show to promote her new upcoming show.

      The folks in the crowd outside of the Saturday Today Show in New York have also been happy to wear the JB Toys “Cuddle Bug” for the NBC Cameras. You see them during the Weather Man’s segment in the Plaza each time the camera pans to the Plaza showing the people holding Cuddle Bugs.

      2. In addition to the Today Show, New Yorkers and their visitors have been watching images of “Gina D” with the Cuddle Bug and her Kids Club friends on the NBC Astrovision, that enormous Panasonic Screen at One Times Square, NY. Because of the location of the NBC Astrovision Screen in the heart of Times Square, Raven Moon`s “Gina D`s Kids Club” characters and JB Toy`s “Cuddle Bug” are exposed to billions of people worldwide. In addition, advertisements for the “Gina D`s Kids Club” air every hour between 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 a.m. daily.

      As Joey DiFrancesco pointed out, “Times Square is the perfect place for us to launch our `Gina D`s Kids Club` and `Cuddle Bug` promotions. We appreciate all the support that we’ve received from the Saturday Today Show. The exposure is priceless.”

      3. On May 12, 2004, Gina D will be visiting children on behalf of the Kids Wish Network, a non-profit organization that tries to comfort sick children. She will present children with Cuddle Bugs from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn, NY.

      4. On June 12, 2004, Gina D will appear on behalf of Radio Disney NY to sing the Star Spangled Banner to open the Aaron Carter concert at the Yankee Minor League Stadium on Staten Island to an audience of about 5,000 people.

      New Milestones for RVNM

      April 27, 2004: JB Toys, LLC and Serendipity Ltd. announced plans to form a joint venture to manufacture, market, and distribute select toys inspired by “Gina D`s Kids Club,” “Mr. Bicycle Man,” Gina D and “The Transistor Sisters,” and other future animated projects produced by Executive Producers Joey & Bernadette DiFrancesco for Raven Moon Entertainment, Inc. and Raven Animation Inc.

      The joint venture with Serendipity Ltd. came after Serendipity USA signed a license request for a number of products including the “Gina D`s Kids Club” Dandy Candy line that was on display at the Toy Building during the NY Toy Fair.

      Some of the Serendipity USA products that will be included in the new joint venture agreement include the “Gina D`s Kids Club” license of the “The Dandy Candy Line,” “Wall and Table Clocks,” “Digital Cameras for Kids,” “Fiber Optic Home Decor,” “Bathroom Bath Tub Play Environments,” “Dance Mats,” “Limbo Rock,” “Animated Dolls with Changeable Speech Chips for Gina D and Miss Muffin,” “Shaped Cookies in Kids Clubhouse Box,” and “Magical Gel Shape Stick-ums.”

      In addition to the products from the “Gina D`s Kids Club” license, Serendipity has expressed an interest in manufacturing and distributing toys and products including “Gina D and The Transistor Sisters” and the award winning “Mr. Bicycle Man.” “Mr. Bicycle Man” was created by Joey & Bernadette DiFrancesco who licensed the character exclusively to JB Toys, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of RVNM for 10 years. Gina D, who recorded the “Mr. Bicycle Man” theme song, will also appear in the animated “Mr. Bicycle Man” public service announcements. Under the direction of Mike Gibilisco, the announcements are currently being animated by former Disney Animators who are now part of the Raven Animation, Inc. team.

      Joey DiFrancesco explained, “The joint venture is being formed to promote the whole line of toys more effectively. Under the terms of the joint venture, RVNM shareholders will benefit by receiving a bigger piece of the pie.”

      Serendipity is a large operation, reporting annual sales of over $25 million. Backed by its 53,820-square-foot factory in Mainland China, it can easily produce 100,000 pieces of various products monthly.

      April 29, 2004 : BKS Entertainment has agreed to provide nationwide syndication services for “Gina D’s Kids Club.” I quote some of the text from RVNM’s news release today:

      ”BKS Entertainment is known for its use of innovative strategies and flexible marketing approaches for finding the best distribution channels for television projects; developing win-win barter deals and other programming packages; offering marketing and consulting expertise drawn from over 60 years of combined experience in all aspects of the business including syndication, licensing, producing and programming; discovering the potential audiences in various new media; and bringing sponsors to programming packages to help translate ideas into realities.

      BKS Entertainment acts as an agent for producers of television programs by marketing and selling those programs to television networks, TV stations and cable networks—both domestically and internationally—for cash or barter.

      BKS Entertainment has successfully distributed several programs including the “Dooley and Pals Show” which is now on over 60% of the US markets, “Courage Colorado”, “Black Superstars of Music”, and “Its Showtime at the Apollo,” among others.”

      Joey DiFrancesco says: “BKS Entertainment has a proven track record of providing real results when it comes to syndication. The successful syndication of the “Gina D’s Kids Club” program will unlock many licensing, merchandising, and toy opportunities for Raven Moon, JB Toys, and our shareholders.”

      RVNM closed last evening (4/28/2004) at $0.038, a price that, in my opinion, is undervalued.

      For more information, contact Marc Jablon at (407) 877-5952, or visit

      Note: Rick Stephan, who just came aboard at Small-CapTrader as Editor-in-Chief, is a noted author and one of the country’s leading marketing professionals. He developed successful campaigns for such Fortune 500 companies as AT&T, IBM, DuPont, J&J, Xerox, Citicorp, ITT, Boeing, and others. He established a multi-million dollar advertising and consulting firm in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, working with such clients as the Saudi Ministry of Defense, Northrop, Lockheed, Mobil, and Bechtel. He has been involved with financial publications for over 15 years, and his contributions have been recognized by numerous awards for creative excellence and achievement, as well as an extraordinary certificate from the Department of Commerce for significantly increasing America’s international trade.
      schrieb am 03.05.04 10:24:49
      Beitrag Nr. 95 ()
      Das sind wieder Schnäppchenpreise :lick: Heute geht´s wieder rauf ;) 0,04$ sind bestimmt drin :D
      schrieb am 03.05.04 10:32:26
      Beitrag Nr. 96 ()
      bei der jetzigen marktverfassung denke ich, dass wir
      noch etwas warten sollten.

      es liegt immer am timing

      bin bei 0,038 raus und gehe wieder bei 0,02 rein.
      natürlich nur mit 100k
      bei 0,01 gehe ich nochmal mir 200k rein und habe dann zeit,
      auch wenns länger in die grütze geht.

      der markt gefällt mir nicht besonders. bei nanopierce sollte man langsam auch wieder mal reinschauen und eventuell einen kauf wagen.
      habe leider zu früh gekauft uns sitze fest. ich warte ab, ob das atl getestet wird.

      gruß und viel erfolg

      schrieb am 03.05.04 14:33:57
      Beitrag Nr. 97 ()
      und wieder NEWS !!! :laugh:

      Raven Moon`s `Transistor Sisters` to Debut on `Gina D`s Kids Club` :D

      Monday May 3, 8:31 am ET
      Serendipity and Raven Moon`s Joint Venture to Sell `Gina D & The Transistor Sisters` Toys and Products

      ORLANDO, Fla., May 3, 2004 (PRIMEZONE) -- Raven Moon Entertainment, Inc. (OTC BB:RVNM.OB - News), announced today that ``The Transistor Sisters,`` a fully animated singing group created by Emmy Award winning Executive Producers Joey & Bernadette DiFrancesco will make their singing debut on three new ``Gina D`s Kids Club`` episodes scheduled for production in June.
      Former Disney Animator David Murray has been assigned to develop ``The Transistor Sisters`` under the guidance of ``Gina D`s Kids Club`` Director Mike Gibilisco. Mr. Murray is currently developing the new ``Mr. Bicycle Man`` feature film and television series for Raven Animation, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Raven Moon Entertainment, Inc.

      Recently, Raven Moon Entertainment, Inc. and Serendipity Ltd. signed a Letter of Intent to form a Joint Venture to sell ``Gina D & The Transistor Sisters`` and ``Mr. Bicycle Man`` toys and products. Serendipity Ltd., a company formed in 1989, generates $25,000,000 in annual sales. Serendipity, backed by a 53,820-square foot factory in Mainland, China, can easily produce 100,000 pieces of various products monthly.

      ``The joint venture is being formed to give Raven Moon Entertainment shareholders a bigger piece of the pie,`` stated Joey DiFrancesco Raven`s CEO.

      Mr. DiFrancesco continued, ``Their track record of success and their ability to place product into major retailers like Wal-Mart, Target and Toys-R-Us can have a positive impact on Raven Moon`s bottom line.``

      Currently, Raven Moon Entertainment is producing 17 half-hour episodes of ``Gina D`s Kids Club`` which will be offered to major stations this September by BKS Entertainment.

      Company executives will be attending meetings with toy companies and executives at the Licensing Show in New York this June.

      For information go to

      For Raven Moon Entertainment, Inc. investor information call Marc Jablon at (407) 877-5952. For Licensing call David Fingeroth at (201) 873-0678 or Shelly Goldberg at (818) 609-0678.

      Safe Harbor Act Notice: This release may contain forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties, including without limitation, acceptance of the company`s products, increased levels of competition, product and technological changes, the company`s dependence upon financing and third- party suppliers, and other risks detailed from time to time in the company`s federal filings, annual report, offering memorandum, or prospectus. Specifications are subject to change without notice.

      Raven Moon Entertainment, Inc.
      Marc Jablon
      (407) 877-5952
      schrieb am 03.05.04 18:57:57
      Beitrag Nr. 98 ()
      Ich glaube, die 0,02 oder gar 0,01 (egal ob in Dollar oder Euro gerechnet) werden wir nicht zu sehen bekommen.
      In Kürze müßte ja der Quartalsbericht für I/2004 herauskommen (in den letzten beiden Jahren ist der jeweils am 15.5. erschienen). Und dann schaun wir mal, ob die schon so etwas wie Gewinn vermelden können. Wenn ja, dann dürfte der Kurs in Richtung 0,50$ davondüsen. So etwas hatten wir ja voriges Jahr schon einmal.
      Die gegenwärtigen Kurse würde ich auch als Schnäppchenpreise ansehen. Viel billiger wird`s nicht mehr.
      Also für das Nachlegen nicht den Einstieg verpassen.
      schrieb am 03.05.04 22:33:20
      Beitrag Nr. 99 ()

      kann dir nur recht geben ;)

      Außerdem wird der Kurs danach auch noch Flügel bekommen :D

      Raven Moon & JB Toys to Form Joint Venture with Serendipity Ltd.
      TUESDAY , APRIL 27, 2004 08:31 AM
      ORLANDO, Fla., Apr 27, 2004 (PRIMEZONE via COMTEX) -- Raven Moon Entertainment, Inc. (OTCBB:RVNM), JB Toys, LLC and Serendipity Ltd. are pleased to announce plans to form a joint venture to manufacture, market, and distribute select toys inspired by " Gina D`s Kids Club" , " Mr. Bicycle Man" , Gina D & " The Transistor Sisters" and other future animated projects produced by Executive Producers Joey & Bernadette DiFrancesco for Raven Moon Entertainment, Inc. and Raven Animation Inc.


      Company executives will be attending meetings with toy companies and executives at the Licensing Show in New York in June.…


      schrieb am 04.05.04 09:15:33
      Beitrag Nr. 100 ()
      Ob es heute wieder NEWS gibt :confused:

      Für den Investor der eine größere Summe in Tomorrow`s Great Company investieren möchte:… :D
      schrieb am 04.05.04 13:27:33
      Beitrag Nr. 101 ()
      könnte schon was werden, aber 99% aller firmen versacken
      im otc-jungel.
      wenn es hier anders sein sollte, wird es noch anstrengender
      für die investierten.

      folgende überlegung sollte man immer berücksichtigen.

      wenn die firmeninhaber wissen, dass ihre firme kurz über lang gewinne einfährt, werden sie und die mitwisser alles versuchen, die aktien tod zu reden. warum eine postive nachricht verkünden ? erst wenn die masse aus dem wert
      getrieben wurde, wird der kurs gepflegt.

      bin kein prophet, aber sehe die aktie mit genügend abstand.
      0,02 sind bald erreicht.
      aktuell liegt der faire kurs bei 0,024 zzgl. aufschlag.

      viel glück
      wer zu fürh springt, springt zu kurz

      habe bei icge leider zu früh gekauft und sitze auf 30% verlust. da kanns auch jeden tag einen hopser geben.
      schrieb am 04.05.04 14:43:01
      Beitrag Nr. 102 ()
      Raven Moon and Visionary Concepts Inc. Extend Letter of Intent Deadline to Form Joint Venture :D
      Tuesday May 4, 8:31 am ET

      ORLANDO, Fla., May 4, 2004 (PRIMEZONE) -- Raven Moon Entertainment Inc. (OTC BB:RVNM.OB - News) announced today that they have extended the deadline for the closing of the joint venture agreement with Visionary Concepts Inc. to May 15, 2004. The joint venture agreement is designed to develop JB Toys properties, the ``Cuddle Bug`` and the ``BoBo Blocks``.
      Visionary Concepts Inc. is led by toy industry giant Gil Felsenthal. For 38 years Mr. Felsenthal served as president and major shareholder of H-G Industries, H-G Toys, H-G Toys (HK) Ltd., Board King Inc. and many acquired subsidiaries such as Palmer Plastics (Hobby Kits), Payton Products (Plastic action and wheel toys), Vera Products (beach & garden toys), Travel Toys Inc. (Vinyl cases) and many others over the years.

      H-G Toys started the major trend to character licensing and was Mattel & Hasbro`s top toy licensee as well as a major player with Disney, Warner Bros., Fox, Paramount, Sesame St and most all of the film and animation studios. Among H-G`s credits was joining in the Mattel launch of Masters Of the Universe and partnered w/Coleco to be no. 2 in the Cabbage Patch introduction.

      The Visionary Concepts team which will join JB Toys and Raven Moon Entertainment in forming the joint venture company, which also includes Judd Nathanson, Roni Murillo, and Cary Kolopsky. Judd Nathanson experience brings Vecta Systems, and Changing Colorz product lines to the Visionary Concepts Inc. product mix. He was president of Toytech Creations and is a 20 year industry veteran. Roni Murillo has 25 years experience which includes running a graphic design studio for a major advertising agency. Roni served on the art and creative staff at H-G and held other creative art and design positions within the Toy industry. Cary Kolopsky brings Visionary Concepts a background of success in the financial, management and investment services areas. He has proven proficient at raising both private and public monies.

      The Letter of Intent calls for a definitive agreement to be completed by May 15th, 2004. The joint venture agreement calls for a 50/50 split on gross profits earned through the joint venture agreement.

      Raven Moon is currently in the studio completing the 17 episodes necessary for the September, 2004 television program launch of `Gina D`s Kids Club`` in which both the ``Cuddle Bugs`` and ``BoBo Blocks`` both appear.

      For more information on Raven Moon Entertainment visit

      For Raven Moon Entertainment, Inc investor information call Marc Jablon at (407) 877-5952.

      Safe Harbor Act Notice: This release may contain forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties, including without limitation, acceptance of the company`s products, increased levels of competition, product and technological changes, the company`s dependence upon financing and third- party suppliers, and other risks detailed from time to time in the company`s federal filings, annual report, offering memorandum, or prospectus. Specifications are subject to change without notice.


      Raven Moon Entertainment, Inc.
      Marc Jablon
      (407) 877-5952

      Source: Raven Moon Entertainment, Inc.
      schrieb am 04.05.04 19:18:10
      Beitrag Nr. 103 ()
      scheint nicht gut anzukommen:

      Last 10 trades

      Time Price Volume Exchange Info

      13:17:13 0.026 19400 OTC BBS
      13:13:26 0.026 301500 OTC BBS at Bid
      13:02:33 0.027 5000 OTC BBS
      13:00:10 0.027 10000 OTC BBS
      12:59:41 0.027 25000 OTC BBS
      12:59:22 0.028 2200 OTC BBS at Ask
      12:00:04 0.027 30000 OTC BBS
      12:00:04 0.027 200000 OTC BBS
      11:53:39 0.027 35000 OTC BBS at Ask
      11:53:39 0.029 35000 OTC BBS at Ask
      schrieb am 05.05.04 12:22:26
      Beitrag Nr. 104 ()
      0,021 in berlin

      habe mein limit auf 0,013 heruntergezogen aber noch nicht

      vielleicht gehts noch tiefer, wer weiss.

      viel glück
      schrieb am 05.05.04 16:03:16
      Beitrag Nr. 105 ()
      Falls der Kurs bis 0,025$ runterfallen sollte, dann werde ich wieder fett zuschlagen :D
      Davon gehe ich aber nicht aus, weil Raven Monn derzeit unterbewertet ist.
      schrieb am 05.05.04 19:03:00
      Beitrag Nr. 106 ()
      Last 10 trades

      Time Price Volume Exchange Info

      12:56:20 0.025 150000 OTC BBS at Bid
      12:45:53 0.026 27000 OTC BBS at Ask
      12:45:53 0.027 27000 OTC BBS at Ask
      12:40:16 0.026 20000 OTC BBS
      12:40:15 0.027 50000 OTC BBS at Ask
      12:28:07 0.025 8100 OTC BBS at Bid
      12:23:12 0.027 12000 OTC BBS at Ask
      12:22:47 0.026 17000 OTC BBS
      12:11:37 0.025 150000 OTC BBS
      12:10:17 0.025 150000 OTC BBS
      schrieb am 06.05.04 10:56:58
      Beitrag Nr. 107 ()
      Gestern gab es wieder einen ordentlichen Anstieg auf 0,029 USD bei einem Volumen von 3 Mio. shares...

      schrieb am 06.05.04 14:48:08
      Beitrag Nr. 108 ()
      Und hier das Neueste...leider ein NONEVENT...egal..

      Kids Wish Network, Wal-Mart, and Raven Moon Team Up for the Kids at Brooklyn Hospital
      Thursday May 6, 8:31 am ET

      ORLANDO, Fla., May 6, 2004 (PRIMEZONE) -- Raven Moon Entertainment, Inc. (OTC BB:RVNM.OB - News) is pleased to join Wal-Mart to bring hope to hundreds of sick children who will soon experience the joy of an early holiday season when Kids Wish Network brings its extraordinary Holiday of Hope event to Maimonides Medical Center on May 12th. ``Gina D``, star of ``Gina D`s Kids Club``, will join other celebrities who will appear for the children.

      These special young patients can expect to enjoy a lively evening of fun, gifts, entertainment, celebrity guests, and a delightfully welcome reprieve from medical treatment. This spectacular event would not be possible without the generosity of presenting sponsor, Wal-Mart.

      Kids Wish Network`s Holiday of Hope was developed to bring pediatric patients comfort and cheer when they need it the most. The organization holds this special event nationwide throughout the year for hospitalized children who may not live to enjoy commonly celebrated holidays. This remarkable celebration allows these courageous kids to momentarily forget about the pain of stinging needles and the anxiety of being in a strange place, separated from their families. Many local area community businesses have graciously come together to donate their time and services to help make this day extra special for the kids and their families. Kids Wish Network staff, volunteers, and special guests, will distribute more than $70,000 worth of toys to the youngsters and their often forgotten siblings; toys that promise to bring smiles to lots of little faces for a couple of very precious hours. Joining in the evening`s fun will be pop princess, JoJo, who, along with the talented LaLa from MTV, will help pass out gifts to the kids. Gina D., star of the new, Gina D`s Kids Club show that will begin airing in September, will be giving out some of her famously lovable Cuddle Bug plush toys, as seen on NBC`s Weekend Today Show.

      Giants fans will be thrilled to see some of their favorite players in person, while The Brooklyn Cyclones` mascots, Sandy the Seagull and Pee Wee, are certain to hit a home run when they stop by to visit. New York Islander`s Sparky the Dragon`s appearance is sure to score just as big with hockey fans, young and old! In addition to these special visitors, the kids can expect to meet some other surprise guests as well.

      Kids Wish Network is a nationally recognized non-profit organization dedicated to infusing hope, creating happy memories, and improving the quality of life for children. If you know a child between the ages of 3 and 18 who may be in need of its wish granting services, please call (813) 891-9374 or toll free at (888) 918-9004. You can also visit its web site at

      About ``Gina D`s Kids Club``:

      ``Gina D`s Kids Club`` has been hailed by educational leaders such as Mary Beth Leidman, Ed.D, Indiana University of Pennsylvania as a viable vehicle in the development of the self-image, social, math, and reading skills in young children. The main character, Gina D, is a fun loving and positive role model who connects with her 2 to 5 year-old aged audience in the same familiarity that children associate with their mothers. Children are not only educated but are entertained by a cast of whimsical characters and special guests which include Simon Wannabe, Mister Pockets, Miss Muffin, Pierre D`Artist, TV Ted, Doggy Brown, The Transistor Sisters, Mr. Bicycle Man and The Cuddle Bugs. ``Gina D`s Kids Club`` is fun, educational, and contains all new original music. The program teaches kids positive messages, and has lovable characters. It is the perfect place for children to make new friends, as they are learning and having fun. Gina D`s Kids Club is a place where every kid belongs.

      ``Gina D`s Kids Club`` is the best new children`s educational program since Sesame Street which satisfies stations FCC requirements,`` stated Dr. Janice K. Battenberg, Educational Child Psychologist, Ball State University.

      Raven Moon Entertainment is offering 17 half-hour episodes of ``Gina D`s Kids Club`` which will be offered to television stations nationwide through BKS Entertainment this September.

      For more information on BKS Entertainment visit

      Company executives will be attending meetings with toy companies and executives at the Licensing Show in New York this June.

      For information on Raven Moon Entertainment and ``Gina D`s Kids Club`` visit For Raven Moon Entertainment, Inc. investor information call Marc Jablon at (407) 877-5952.

      Safe Harbor Act Notice: This release may contain forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties, including without limitation, acceptance of the company`s products, increased levels of competition, product and technological changes, the company`s dependence upon financing and third- party suppliers, and other risks detailed from time to time in the company`s federal filings, annual report, offering memorandum, or prospectus. Specifications are subject to change without notice.

      Raven Moon Entertainment, Inc.
      Marc Jablon
      (407) 877-5952

      Source: Raven Moon Entertainment, Inc.


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      RAVEN MOON +++ Besser als Disney...+++