
    ASHBY CORP LTD | AHBY - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 21.12.06 17:19:18 von
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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 21.12.06 17:19:18
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      THE PROJECT:look::eek:;)

      The Bahamas Film Studios at Gold Rock Creek is in the process of developing a world-class Film, Television, and Music Recording Facility and Movie Theme Park in Freetown, Grand Bahama Island. The Project will include, a minimum of three Film/Television production sound stages, a Television Studio, including a satellite uplink capability and a Music Recording Studio. It will also include motion picture, television and music, pre and post-production facilities, along with a cinema. Furthermore, it will include all the infrastructure and support buildings, including a 130 room hotel, necessary to make the Grand Bahama Production Facility a full-service facility.

      The Bahamas Film Studios Production Center and Movie Theme Park will offer not only a unique world-class entertainment complex to the tourist industry but a state-of-the-art film production facility geared to cater to the global film community. The Bahamas Film Studios Center is an innovative project that will capture the interest of the rapidly growing number of visitors who choose Grand Bahama Island as their destination, and will provide them with an exciting experience, with meaningful differentiation - a truly unique attraction which will cater to the public appetite for quality entertainment.

      The Grand Bahama facility will draw maximum benefit from its infrastructure by putting it to multiple use. With these two key elements - a film studio and a movie theme park, we will create an attraction that is designed to maximize returns for investors by combining, and therefore, reducing development and operating costs for both. Revenues will be generated through production commitments, admission fees, concession receipts, and animal and movie products merchandising. Additional revenue streams will include music recording facility and theme-based bars and restaurants.

      The Developer has committed to constructing within its complex an authentic, turn-of-the-century Bahamian village. Designed by specialists in both historical and film set construction in consultation with Bahamian historians and anthropologists, the village will offer visitors the opportunity to explore life in The Bahamas as it was one hundred years ago. It will not only provide filmmakers with a location with their needs in mind, but, set in the heart of the town, the Market Square will be a place where Bahamian artisans will gather to present their handicraft and folk art to the world.

      Integral to the project will be an intensive, hands on, fully integrated film and television training programme for Bahamian residents interested in pursuing a career in the motion picture industry.

      The Theme Park will be a movie and television-oriented facility where visitors can watch from behind the scenes as a film or television show is being made. Theme restaurants, bars and merchandise concessions will also be a part of the park.

      One of the more unique features at the Bahamas Film Theme Park will be “The Great Dolphin Adventure.” The focus of this marine park will be not only to entertain but also to educate those interested in having a better understanding of these magnificent oceanic creatures. Visitors will learn the latest scientific information collected about these mammals and will be given the unique opportunity to relate directly with these beautiful animals in our special “interaction pool”. Professionally taken photographs and video tapes will be available so that memory can be cherished for years to come. Visitors may also swim with the dolphins, either at the facility or in the open ocean itself. The educational aspects of this attraction provide a strong tie-in with the Endangered Species Pavilion and IMAX® 3D theatre planned for the later phases of the Project.

      schrieb am 21.12.06 17:22:53
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      schrieb am 21.12.06 20:06:21
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      Finpac Ltd :eek::cool:

      ist der Hauptaktionär der

      Ashby Corporation :eek:

      (notiert an der Börse der Bermudas),

      die 100% der Anteile an GRCE hält "
      schrieb am 21.12.06 20:24:54
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 26.379.331 von Panter01 am 21.12.06 20:06:21Rückblick und bisherige kurze zusammenhänge erfassen :look::eek:;)

      Adhoc: IFEX concludes deal with Gold Rock Creek Enterprises

      Neue Bahamas Film Studios · 2.06.05
      *Filmindustrie der Bahamas weiter im Aufwind:
      100 Millionen US-Dollars in „Bahamas Film Studios“ investiert*

      Mai 2005 – Für rund 100 Millionen US-Dollars wird eine ehemalige US-Raketenbasis auf Grand Bahama in einen hochmodernen Film- und Fernsehstudiokomplex mit Filmthemenpark umgebaut. Im März 2005 kam der Leasingvertrag der Regierung der Bahamas mit Gold Rock Creek Enterprises Ltd., – dem Bauträger der „Bahamas Film Studios“ – zustande und machte den Weg für das Projekt frei: ab Juni 2005 werden hier Teil 2 und 3 des 400 Millionen US-Dollars schweren Blockbusters „Fluch der Karibik“ von Walt Disney gefilmt.

      In den Studios nahe Freeport sollen neben Kinofilmen auch Werbe- und Feature Filme, Fernsehserien und Musikvideos gedreht werden. Die Filmstudios werden über Zuschauergalerien verfügen, damit Besucher bei der Produktion von Filmen oder Shows live dabei sein können. Außerdem umfasst das Projekt Einrichtungen wie ein Resorthotel, einen Wasserpark und andere touristische Attraktionen. Der Filmpark soll eines der attraktivsten Tourismusziele in der Karibik werden. Der Premierminister der Bahamas Perry Christie sagte, dieses Projekt sei „das außergewöhnlichste Vorhaben auf dem Boden der Bahamas.“

      Eigens für den Dreh von “Fluch der Karibik“ wird in den Bahamas Film Studios ein Spezialwassertank konstruiert. Dieser ist nach seiner Fertigstellung im Mai mit einer Größe von vier Fußballfeldern der größte und modernste der Welt und bietet Platz für verschiedene Wellenmaschinen und Wasserkanonen. Sein Bau gab den Ausschlag dafür, dass Disney in den Bahamas Film Studios dreht.

      * * *


      Melanie Schacker
      Bahamas Tourist Office
      represented by Herzog HC GmbH
      Friesstraße 3
      D-60388 Frankfurt

      Tel.: +49-69-420890-20
      Fax: +49-69-420890-27…
      schrieb am 21.12.06 20:28:58
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 26.380.066 von Panter01 am 21.12.06 20:24:54Willkommen im Presse-Archiv

      Hier finden Sie aktuelle Pressemitteilungen rund um die Bahamas. Bei Rückfragen und für weitere Informationen sind wir natürlich immer gerne für Sie da. Kontakt

      Pressemitteilungen (als Word-Datei) :look::eek:;)

      Trading Spotlight

      East Africa Metals
      0,1460EUR +4,29 %
      Unaufhaltbare Neubewertung – neues High?!mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 21.12.06 21:19:35
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      Ashby Corporation
      c/o FBS
      ChevronTexaco House
      11 Church Street
      Hamilton HM 11

      schrieb am 25.12.06 10:22:44
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      Rückblicke / Hintergründe / Wissen etc. :look::eek:

      IFEX-Gruppe gibt Geschäft mit Gold Rock Creek Enterprises /Bahamas Film Studios bekannt…

      Die Anteilseigner von Gold Rock Creek Enterprises, dem Eigentümer des Bahamas Film Studios Projekt

      Finpac Ltd ist der Hauptaktionär der Ashby Corporation (notiert an der Börse der Bermudas), die 100% der Anteile an GRCE hält "
      schrieb am 25.12.06 12:53:47
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()

      The Government of The Bahamas signed a $70 million contract with The Bahamas Film Studios…:look::eek::eek:
      schrieb am 01.01.07 00:40:57
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      Prost auf dass neue Jahr 2007 !!!

      Gruss Panter 01
      schrieb am 05.01.07 17:22:38
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      21st September

      Film Studio Denies Claims In Law Suit
      By Macushla N. Pinder
      The Bahamas Film Studios at Gold Rock Creek has branded as "erroneous" a report by the Associated Press regarding a purported lawsuit against the company for allegedly failing to make lease payments for the land it operates on in Grand Bahama.
      The company was reportedly being sued by a company with a similar name, Bahamas Film Studios Inc.

      The Associated Press said that according to the lawsuit, which was filed on Friday, the studio has been in financial turmoil, projects have been undercapitalized and it owes significant debts to various investors.

      AP also said Tennessee investment banker Ross N. Fuller, who is also named as a defendant in the lawsuit, agreed to sell 100 percent of the studio’s shares to The Bahamas Film Studios Inc. in 2005. In exchange, the AP said, the company agreed to take over defendant Ashby Bahamas Holdings Ltd.’s debts.

      But AP also said Ronald Weil, an attorney for The Bahamas Film Studios Inc., said the shares were never turned over.

      But in a release issued on Wednesday, Gold Rock Creek Enterprises Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of Ashby Holdings Ltd., said it has paid its lease on the 3,500-acre facility up to date.

      Ross N. Fuller, an officer of Gold Rock Creek Enterprises Ltd., said the control person for the plaintiff, Bahamas Film Studios Inc., was not an appropriate investor for The Bahamas.

      "He engaged a minor law firm in Florida to bring these frivolous charges," the company said of Bjorn Monteine.

      Attempts to contact Paul Quigley, President of Gold Rock Creek Film Studios at Gold Rock Creek, were unsuccessful.

      The Bahamas Film Studios, which signed a lease agreement last year with the government to provide for the use of the land in East Grand Bahama, has said it will produce commercials, feature films, TV series, music, in-house productions etc. The studio is also expected to have viewing galleries so visitors can watch commercials or shows being filmed

      Pirates of the Caribbean II and III were shot simultaneously at the studios.
      schrieb am 18.01.07 07:51:00
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      Daily Trade Report

      Prices as of 1/17/2007
      schrieb am 15.02.07 07:50:34
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      Ashby Corp. :look:

      Court Case Dismissed.

      Hamilton, Bermuda, January 29, 2007 – Ashby Corp. (AHBY BH), a Bermuda Stock Exchange listed company, announces that, as of January 29, 2007, a Court in Florida has dismissed as frivolous the case against Ashby and its affiliates filed by Bjorn Monteine on behalf of his shell company, Bahamas Film Studios Inc. The Judge in the case has yet to rule on Ashby's motion to be awarded costs and attorney fees from Mr. Monteine.

      © Copyright 2007
      schrieb am 20.02.07 08:26:03
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      schrieb am 28.02.07 13:51:40
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      Ashby Corporation is engaged in the development of a Film & Television Production and Post-production Center, Music Recording Facility,
      schrieb am 11.03.07 09:18:32
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      BSX News


      Ashby Corporation Update :look::eek:

      Hamilton, Bermuda, March 8, 2007 – Ashby Corporation (AHBY BH) announces that their contract with Bahamas FilmInvest International, which was to have closed on the sale of the Company's Bahamas Film Studio investment on February 28, has lapsed because Governmental approvals were not forthcoming within the time allowed under said contract. Negotiations are proceeding to see if an extension can be worked out that will satisfy the needs of the Company and meet the timetable of the Government’s approval process that is required for the transfer to be completed to the Purchasers. "We are hopeful that a meeting of the minds can bring resolution soon" states Ross Fuller, Chairman of Ashby Corporation.

      © Copyright 2007
      schrieb am 17.03.07 07:23:19
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.228.277 von Panter01 am 11.03.07 09:18:32BSX News


      Ashby Corporation Bahamas Studio Sale Update

      Hamilton, Bermuda, March 15, 2007 – In an announcement made to the Bermuda Stock Exchange (BSX) Ashby Corp (AHBY BH) a Bermuda public company trading on the Bermuda Stock Exchange announces that the Memorandum of Agreement that they entered into with Bahamas FilmInvest International (BFI) for the sale of their Bahamas Film Studio has lapsed and BFI has defaulted under the terms of that agreement. Specifically they did not make payments to an environmental firm that they had warranted to do, they failed to obtain governmental approvals within the time frame of the agreement, they failed to agree on closing documents, and they did not negotiate an acceptable extension. Ashby is now seeking other offers for its project.

      © Copyright 2007

      schrieb am 22.03.07 14:09:15
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()
      Ashby Corporation is engaged in the development of a Film & Television Production and Post-production Center, Music Recording Facility,
      Movie Theme Park, hotel, retail and other ancillary facilities in the Bahamas
      schrieb am 21.04.07 08:41:34
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()
      bisherige Nachrichten zum Nachlesen hier
      schrieb am 21.04.07 08:43:45
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 26.380.066 von Panter01 am 21.12.06 20:24:54jetzt ist es Amtlich neuer Name von Ifex NV:

      schrieb am 22.04.07 13:34:19
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.928.855 von Panter01 am 21.04.07 08:41:34bzw. hier zum Nachlesen :look:

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