
    WNBD - ein Mega-Seller auf dem Sprung zum Amex-Listing in 2009. - 500 Beiträge pro Seite (Seite 19)

    eröffnet am 16.01.08 09:50:42 von
    neuester Beitrag 20.09.13 20:13:42 von
    Beiträge: 9.212
    ID: 1.137.364
    Aufrufe heute: 0
    Gesamt: 860.631
    Aktive User: 0

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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 21.12.11 07:06:04
      Beitrag Nr. 9.001 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.502.955 von occitanie am 20.12.11 13:11:15:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

      aber einen haben wir noch ;)

      Interview mit Eric @ the Stock Radio…

      Umsätze demnach 2012 um die 600 k $ ........träge fließen die Einnahmen.....

      2012 wird unser Jahr...vielleicht... :laugh::confused: :rolleyes: ;) ;)

      Frohe Weihnachten / Joyeux Noël
      schrieb am 21.12.11 13:50:24
      Beitrag Nr. 9.002 ()
      Zitat von aussie99: :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

      aber einen haben wir noch ;)

      Interview mit Eric @ the Stock Radio…

      Umsätze demnach 2012 um die 600 k $ ........träge fließen die Einnahmen.....

      2012 wird unser Jahr...vielleicht... :laugh::confused: :rolleyes: ;) ;)

      Frohe Weihnachten / Joyeux Noël

      Du meinst doch hoffentlich 2011. 2012 knacken wir die Millionen doch locker.
      schrieb am 21.12.11 14:51:30
      Beitrag Nr. 9.003 ()

      sollten die 600k $ dieses Jahr erreicht werden, dann wäre die 1mil nächstes jahr greifbar nahe. wb hätte dann im 4quartal 2011 schon 200k $ an umsatz gemacht.:cool: aufs nächste jahr hochgerechnet, mit nur einer geringen umsatzsteigerung, könnten wir die mil. schaffen(ich hoffe natürlich auf mehr und das die millionengenze schon früher geknackt wird):lick:

      vor weihnachten noch eine schöne news, das wäre :cool:

      allen ein frohes weihnachtsfest
      schrieb am 21.12.11 14:58:54
      Beitrag Nr. 9.004 ()
      ;) korrekt.....ich wollte nur testen ob Ihr noch da seid.... :laugh::laugh:


      ich stimme Dir voll und ganz zu und hoffe eigentlich, dass wir uns von den Umsätzen in 2012 gänzlich selbst tragen, also keine weitere Dilution mehr nötig sein wird........
      schrieb am 22.12.11 11:16:07
      Beitrag Nr. 9.005 ()
      Zitat von aussie99: ;) korrekt.....ich wollte nur testen ob Ihr noch da seid.... :laugh::laugh:


      ich stimme Dir voll und ganz zu und hoffe eigentlich, dass wir uns von den Umsätzen in 2012 gänzlich selbst tragen, also keine weitere Dilution mehr nötig sein wird........

      Wie heißt es doch so schön, die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt.

      Trading Spotlight

      East Africa Metals
      0,1460EUR -1,35 %
      Verdopplung der Ressource bei East Africa Metals?!mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 22.12.11 11:37:25
      Beitrag Nr. 9.006 ()
      da geb ich dir vollkommen recht! die hoffnung stirbt zuletzt! :laugh:

      ich HOFFE das wird hier alles mal ein selbstläufer!:look:

      So ich wünsch euch allen FROHE WEIHNACHTEN und einen GUTEN RUTSCH ins NEUE JAHR 2012 - HOFFENTLICH ein ERFOLGREICHES WNBD JAHR!! :D:lick::laugh:
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 23.12.11 22:24:21
      Beitrag Nr. 9.007 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.513.097 von hermanng am 22.12.11 11:37:25Salut mes ami(e)s

      à bientôt
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 26.12.11 18:00:02
      Beitrag Nr. 9.008 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.519.674 von occitanie am 23.12.11 22:24:21Salut

      Just 4 Fun

      Schon mal nachgedacht ?

      •Wenn Schwimmen schlank macht, was machen Blauwale falsch?
      •Wenn Maisöl aus Mais gemacht wird, wie sieht es mit Babyöl aus?
      •Wenn Superkleber wirklich ueberall klebt, warum dann nicht auf der Innenseite der Tube?
      •Warum ist nie besetzt, wenn man eine falsche Nummer wählt?
      •Warum muss man für den Besuch beim Hellseher einen Termin haben?
      •Wenn es heute 0 Grad hat und morgen doppelt so kalt werden soll, wie kalt wird es morgen?
      •Warum ist einsilbig dreisilbig?
      •Warum glauben einem Leute sofort, wenn man ihnen sagt, dass es am Himmel 400 Billionen Sterne gibt, aber wenn man ihnen sagt, dass die Bank frisch gestrichen ist, müssen sie draufpatschen?
      •Warum besteht Zitronenlimonade größtenteils aus künstlichen Zutaten, während in Geschirrspülmittel richtiger Zitronensaft drin ist?
      •Leben Verheiratete länger oder kommt ihnen das nur so vor?
      •Mit welcher Geschwindigkeit breitet sich das Dunkel aus?
      •Wie packt man Styroporkügelchen ein, wenn man sie verschickt?
      •Gibt´s ein anderes Wort für Synonym?
      •Wenn ein Schizophrener mit Selbstmord droht, kann er wegen Geiselnahme verurteilt werden?
      •Warum gibt es kein Katzenfutter mit Maus-Flavour?
      •Wie würden Stühle aussehen, wenn wir die Kniescheiben hinten hätten?
      •Warum laufen Nasen, während Füße riechen?
      •Warum gehen Frauen niemals alleine aufs Klo?
      •Wenn nichts an Teflon haftet, wieso haftet es an der Pfanne?
      •Wieso hat eine 24-Stunden-Tankstelle Tür-Schlösser?
      •Warum ist "Abkürzung" so ein langes Wort?
      •Warum benutzt man für "Tödliche Injektionen" in den Staaten sterilisierte Spritzen/Nadeln?
      •Warum steht auf Sauerrahm-Bechern ein Verfallsdatum?
      •Haben blinde Eskimos Blinden-Schlittenhunde?
      •Warum gibt es in Flugzeugen Schwimmwesten statt Fallschirme?
      •Wie kommt ein Schneepflugfahrer morgens zur Arbeit?
      •Wenn man in einem Fluggerät sitzen würde, das mit Lichtgeschwindigkeit fliegt, was würde passieren, wenn man die Scheinwerfer einschaltet?
      •Auf den meisten Verbrauchsgütern steht "Hier Öffnen". Was schreibt das Protokoll vor, wenn dort stehen würde: "Woanders öffnen"?
      •Wenn die sog. "Black Box" eines Flugzeugs unzerstörbar ist, wieso baut man dann nicht das ganze Flugzeug aus dem Material?

      à bientôt
      schrieb am 30.12.11 21:48:53
      Beitrag Nr. 9.009 ()
      Happy NEW YEAR - Auf ein grünes Jahr 2012 :laugh::laugh:


      Design of Winning Brands Government / Military Website Begins in Preparation for Service to First U.S. Government Agency
      Date : 12/30/2011 @ 2:21PM
      Source : PR Newswire
      Stock : Winning Brands Corp (PC) (WNBD)
      Quote : 0.0006 0.0001 (20.00%) @ 2:09PM

      Design of Winning Brands Government / Military Website Begins in Preparation for Service to First U.S. Government Agency
      Winning Brands Corp (PC) (USOTC:WNBD)
      Intraday Stock Chart
      Today : Friday 30 December 2011
      Design of Winning Brands Government / Military Website Begins in Preparation for Service to First U.S. Government Agency
      PR Newswire

      NEW YORK, Dec. 30, 2011

      NEW YORK, Dec. 30, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- In response to emerging vendor arrangements between Winning Brands (USOTC: WNBD) and a branch of the armed services, the design of a U.S. government/military website for Winning Brands has been started. Winning Brands is manufacturer of 1000+ Stain Remover, KIND Laundry Products and CLEAN1 Hard Surface. The Winning Brands government/military website will serve as an online summary of Winning Brands products that are newly available to U.S. government agencies in terms that are relevant to government/military personnel. The site will feature direct live links to GSA online purchasing resources and will help official procurement personnel cut through to the facts which matter to them.

      The company has assigned the launch to ZRC Group ZRC is an award-winning design team, with a track record in a variety of brand development, marketing and communication assignments for international clients, such as Heineken, Allied Domecq, Butterfield Bank as well as small but emerging companies who are taking their brands to the next level. ZRC Managing Partner, Vern Zimmerman, is responsible for implementing the new Winning Brands government website, adding: "We are excited to be entrusted with such an important and interesting assignment. We will ensure that this mission-critical project will have a positive impact for the company and its clients. Our first task is to operationalize an easily used government portal. We will then add more features to it as the U.S. government relationship evolves."

      GSA Schedule Contract GS-07F-0052Y for Federal Supply Schedule 073 was awarded to Winning Brands in Q4 2011. Vendor arrangements are being put into place with a branch of the military as the first result of this Schedule Contract. More details regarding these vendor arrangements are expected in January.

      Winning Brands CEO, Eric Lehner, comments: "Winning Brands has progressed systematically toward qualifying for business with the U.S. government. We are proud of the opportunity to serve GSA client agencies in 2012 and grateful to the first branch of government preparing to do business with us. We have recently received our draft vendor documents and EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) protocols for testing. The Winning Brands government/military website will appear in all communications with government. It will be the place in which we first welcome official visitors, rather than a consumer website. We anticipate going live in 6 weeks." Winning Brands maintains a weblog for the benefit of Winning Brands shareholders in which these developments and others of interest to stakeholders are discussed:

      CU 2012 :):):)
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 31.12.11 19:28:05
      Beitrag Nr. 9.010 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.534.834 von aussie99 am 30.12.11 21:48:53Salut

      Ich wünsche Euch

      Und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr...2012

      à bientôt
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 01.01.12 00:30:57
      Beitrag Nr. 9.011 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.536.397 von occitanie am 31.12.11 19:28:05Salut

      Tous mes voeux pour l´annee 2012...:kiss:

      à bientôt
      schrieb am 05.01.12 07:43:03
      Beitrag Nr. 9.012 ()
      Guten Morgen!

      Die Anzahl der Shares steigt und steigt.......

      Bei rd. 6 Mio Dilution je Handelstag erreichen wir in ca. 15 Monaten die 5 Billionen Shares Grenze, die ich hier nicht zu sehen hoffe... :rolleyes: :confused: :cry:

      derweil sind wir jetzt in 300 Do-it-Best Läden vertreten... Ziel sind weitere 1000 !!!! in 2012…

      It would appear that even in the holiday month of December more than 10 new Do it Best stores per week were adding 1000+ Stain Remover to their product mix. 45 store increase since last reported. This means that we may have reached approximately 7.5% of Do it Best locations since the listing was activated Q4 2011. We have also been invited to return to the May 2012 Fall Market to build on early relationships. Our goal is to add 1,000 additional active Do it Best stores in 2012. To accomplish this, methods will be used to create awareness of 1000+ in the entire 4,000 store cooperative on a regular basis during the year, starting in January. We have much to accomplish and prepared over the holidays to keep up the momentum early in the New Year. Increasing awareness and turns in the locations of existing retail partners is by far the most efficient method to escalate our output significantly in 2012. We now have a terrific plaform from which to do this in both Canada AND the USA.

      Klappt das und es gibt ein 2012 einen GSA - Contract, sollten die 5 Bio kein Thema mehr sein.... :rolleyes: ;)
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 05.01.12 10:36:14
      Beitrag Nr. 9.013 ()
      Frohes Neues allen zusammen.

      Kann jemand bitte mal einen aktuellen Bid-Ask reinstellen.

      Finde keinen mehr.

      schrieb am 05.01.12 13:24:08
      Beitrag Nr. 9.014 ()
      hallo aussie,

      also nur noch `ne 15- monatsfrist:( , es sei denn, das dilutieren verlangsamt sich. dazu müßte aber der kurs ordentlich steigen, was voraussetzt, dass die umsätze wesentlich steigen müßten. mit 300 do it best- läden ist schon mal ein anfang gemacht um die umsätze zu steigern. wenn dieses jahr noch weitere 1000 dazu kommen :cool:. aber leider rennt uns die zeit davon. ich denke, wenn noch dieses jahr der umsatz weit über 1 mil steigt und der gsa-contract geht über die bühne,dann müßten wir übern berg sein.:)

      auf ein grünes jahr
      schrieb am 09.01.12 20:21:07
      Beitrag Nr. 9.015 ()
      schrieb am 10.01.12 11:39:09
      Beitrag Nr. 9.016 ()
      so hab jetzt noch einmal zu 0,0004 zugeschlagen und jetzt ist der kauf von wnbd aktien endgültig abgeschlossen! ich hab jetzt genug aktien und werde jetzt abwarten und hoffen!

      entweder es geht mir auf oder ich geh mit wnbd unter :)
      schrieb am 12.01.12 18:46:38
      Beitrag Nr. 9.017 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.552.226 von aussie99 am 05.01.12 07:43:03
      3 von 5 Mio. shares outstanding.

      Das ist echt interessant. Allerspätestens jetzt sollte jeder ahnen, wie die Sache endet:

      Resplit - Geld futsch - CEO verschwindet von der Bildfläche. Zurück bleiben offene Mäuler, enttäuschte Hoffnungen und ein CEO mit abbezahltem Haus in einer beschaulichen Wohngegend.

      Aber trotzdem schmeissen Leute weiter und weiter ihre Spargroschen in dieses schwarze Loch. Und brüsten sich auch noch damit...

      Wie schade, dass man solche Threads in 5 Mio. Jahren nicht einfach ausbuddeln kann - unsere Nachfahren würden sicher gerne erforschen, was für eine selten blöde Spezies das gewesen sein muss. :(
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 13.01.12 08:12:01
      Beitrag Nr. 9.018 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.586.382 von bo_rex am 12.01.12 18:46:38Dein posting is so etwas von repektslos und vollkommen unangebracht!

      Du musst hier nicht investieren wenn du nicht möchtes! Du kannst gerne negative postings abgeben, aber sicher
      Nicht auf diese art und weise! Also du kannst dich gerne
      schrieb am 13.01.12 11:47:42
      Beitrag Nr. 9.019 ()
      schrieb am 13.01.12 19:13:04
      Beitrag Nr. 9.020 ()
      Wer die OTC kennt, weiß, dass an diesem Segment der Longie-Ansatz mit ständigem Nachkaufen wegen der Resplits viel zu riskant ist.

      Natürlich kannst Du machen, was Du willst. Dennoch halte ich Deine Strategie für einen Witz.
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 16.01.12 09:34:51
      Beitrag Nr. 9.021 ()
      Hey Leute,

      auch wenn ich nicht poste, verfolge ich den Kurs täglich. Ich habe jetzt, wie hermanng noch einmal zu 0,0004 nachgekauft und abgechlossen.
      Ich glaube nach wie vor an WNBD und hoffe wir sehen noch in 2012 Kurse um die 2 - 3 cent. Sobald die Dilution ein Ende hat, geht es aufwärts.

      Allen investierten ein erfolgreiches 2012.

      Danke für Eure Beiträge und entschuldigt meine Abwesenehit, ich bin derzeit Jobmäßig etwas überbelastet - irgendwo muss das Geld für die Investitionen in WNBD ja herkommen :)

      schrieb am 16.01.12 11:40:50
      Beitrag Nr. 9.022 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.592.378 von bo_rex am 13.01.12 19:13:04ich weiß nicht was du für ein problem hast!:mad:
      ob meine strategie ein witz ist oder nicht, dass geht dich doch nichts an!
      außerdem ist mir sehr wohl um das risiko einer otc budde bewußt! :laugh: da brauch ich nicht dich dazu! :)
      wenns dich beruhigt, ich hab mit wnbd schon schöne gwinne erzzielen können!

      also lass stecken und investiere lieber in einen bausparer, wenn dir das risiko zu groß ist!
      schrieb am 17.01.12 11:44:17
      Beitrag Nr. 9.023 ()
      Hi All,

      zerfleischt euch hier nicht.

      WNBD habe ich längst abgeschrieben, jedoch stirbt die Hoffnung zuletzt.

      Der Wert müßte sich schon ver-10fachen, bevor ich wieder Pari wäre.

      Von daher kann ich etwaigen Angaben und Spekulationen von 0,04 Örecent, wie weiter
      unten geschrieben, nur meiner o.g. Hoffnung anschreiben.
      Werde deswegen aber nicht mein Haus verkaufen müssen.

      So long.
      3- E.
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 18.01.12 11:47:25
      Beitrag Nr. 9.024 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.603.833 von dreieichen am 17.01.12 11:44:17genau so seh ich das auch!;)

      ich hab hier auch kein vermögen reingesteckt! sollte ich das verlieren, ok dann ärgere ich mich ein paar tage, aber privat-konkurs oder so muss ich noch lange nicht anmelden!:laugh:
      ich tu mir da ein bisschen leichter, ich hab mit wnbd schon einen schönen gewinn gemacht und der stckt jetzt hier drin! außerdem hab ich vor ein paar jahren ein auto gewonnen und dann nach 2 jahren verkauft! den erlös des verkaufes, hab ich jetzt seit mitte letzten jahres in aktien (nicht nur in wnbd) gesteckt!:laugh: was soll mann sonst damit machen!?:laugh:

      ich machs eigentlich wie mit meinen anderen nicht so spekulativen aktien auch! ich schreibe das invest mal ab und freu mich, wenns dann doch profitabel werden sollte!!
      der unterschied zu meinen anderen aktien ist halt, dass man hier mit sehr wenig geld sehr viel geld machen kann!:laugh::laugh: ok ilp is auch so ein kandidat mit dem man auch ein paar tausend % amchen kann! :lick: aber sonst glaub ich steckt hier immer noch genug fantasie drin!

      nur dazu muss eric endlich mal was sensationelles bringen!:mad:;)

      und auf das warte ich schon seit jahren!:look::eek:
      schrieb am 19.01.12 21:01:28
      Beitrag Nr. 9.025 ()
      Es ist schon traurig was aus Winning Brands geworden ist
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 19.01.12 21:48:27
      Beitrag Nr. 9.026 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.619.519 von Wohnwunsch am 19.01.12 21:01:28Salut wohnwunsch

      Habe deine Thread gelesen...

      Wohnwunsch ziehe deine Dinge durch...

      Die leute die bei dir mitmachen sind stiller Mitleser.

      Frage kommen dann per BM...

      Bitte verliert keine Energie mit die Penne dort...

      Anfrage per BM kommt von mir....falls ich darf.

      à bientôt
      schrieb am 20.01.12 04:14:16
      Beitrag Nr. 9.027 ()

      Wo bekomme ich ein Orderbuch(Bid/Ask)?

      Danke im voraus.
      3 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 20.01.12 14:50:46
      Beitrag Nr. 9.028 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.620.566 von stephan101010 am 20.01.12 04:14:16Salut

      à bientôt

      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 31.01.12 12:15:06
      Beitrag Nr. 9.029 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.623.401 von occitanie am 20.01.12 14:50:46Salut


      à bientôt
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 31.01.12 17:04:21
      Beitrag Nr. 9.030 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.673.056 von occitanie am 31.01.12 12:15:06Was sonst. Dilution geht weiter.
      schrieb am 31.01.12 20:59:20
      Beitrag Nr. 9.031 ()
      850 K offen bis juni 2012..........:(
      schrieb am 01.02.12 07:52:28
      Beitrag Nr. 9.032 ()
      na ja ich glaub eric wird hier nichts mehr zusammenbringen! das invest können wir wirklich abschreiben :(
      ich lass die dinger einfach liegen - vl geschehen doch noch wunder!hat ihm schon mal jemand eine mail geschrieben1? ob er zufreiden ist mit dem kursverlauf?
      aber mein vertrauen zu eric ist eh schon weg! den interessieren die aktionäre absolut nicht - er ist genau so ein ceo wie es alle anderen an der otc sind!
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 01.02.12 08:10:36
      Beitrag Nr. 9.033 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.677.897 von hermanng am 01.02.12 07:52:28Nun mal nicht so negativ ......vor Wochhen warst Du doch sehr positiv gestimmt....;)

      Cheffe hat via Blog (24.01.2012) erläutert, dass es Ziel ist Reg D 504 durch andere Finanzierungsformen abzulösen.....In diesem Kontext muss man das gestrige Filing sehen, denn es ist im Monat 1/2012 auf 48.433,33 $ zurück gegangen......:rolleyes::rolleyes: ......

      wir rechnen das mal mit dem Kurs Triple 5, dann wissen wir wieviel Shares zusätzlich auffem Matrkt sind......und wir sind noch nicht bei 5 B angekommen.....:laugh::laugh:

      Also Kopf hoch :) ;) :D
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 01.02.12 10:48:39
      Beitrag Nr. 9.034 ()
      hermanng nicht den Kopf hängen lassen und Eric vertrauen - etwas anderes können wir eh nicht machen. Ich habe noch einmal bei 0,0004 nachgekauft und meinen Durchschnitt auf 0,002 gesenkt - ich hoffe ich sehe ALLES wieder - ein Ausbruch in diese Region ist IMMER drin - ich hoffe ich verkaufe dann auch :yawn:
      schrieb am 01.02.12 11:09:10
      Beitrag Nr. 9.035 ()

      Muss ab jetzt nur Hier mich informieren...

      Wenn ich bei I-Hub manche Beiträge lesen will...Leuchte meine Anti-virus programm wie 1 Christbaum...:laugh::laugh::laugh:

      Bei Euch auch ?

      à bientôt
      schrieb am 01.02.12 12:26:44
      Beitrag Nr. 9.036 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.677.964 von aussie99 am 01.02.12 08:10:36hallo jungs:
      sorry für meine negative stimmung, hab heute keinen guten tag :keks::look:
      sicher werd ich und muss ich weiterhin eric vertrauen und ich hab ja nicht umsonst um 0,0004 nachgekauft! :lick::laugh:

      aber es tut sich momentan nicht viel und das macht mich a bissi nachdenklich! kein sorge ich bleib euch schon noch treu und hoffe das wnbd endlich zur erfolgsstory wird! :lick:

      so jetzt geh ich mal was essen, vielleicht wird dann meine laune besser werden!:laugh:

      also mahlzeit ihr WNBDler
      schrieb am 01.02.12 14:15:08
      Beitrag Nr. 9.037 ()
      iHUB ist doch ein Schweinestall sondergleichen - das ist noch schlimmer als WO und ich glaube dort sind viele nur online um anderen eines auszuwischen - posten bei der Aktie die nach unten geht nur Mistzeug und die die verlieren bekommen so noch einmal eine gewischt.
      schrieb am 02.02.12 22:22:58
      Beitrag Nr. 9.038 ()

      so wie ich aussie verstanden habe,kann nur noch bis juni 12 dilutiert werden - und dann:(

      es ist zum :cry: auf der einen seite immer mehr shops, mehr möglichkeiten online die produkte von wb zu ordern ec.(also sichtbare fortschritte) und auf der anderen seite stagnierende umsätze (für das jahr 2011 werden wohl nicht mehr als 600 000 $ umsatz rumkommen:(

      da das dilutieren bald ausgeschöpft sein wird, fehlt jetzt ein starker partner:eek: mit etwas kleingeld:laugh:

      im ernst - eine andere möglichkeit sehe ich leider nicht:( oder sieht einer von euch noch einen anderen weg?
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 03.02.12 07:24:50
      Beitrag Nr. 9.039 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.690.876 von seriousdrinking am 02.02.12 22:22:58Hallo SD,

      Eric kann solange Shares auf den Markt bringen, bis die 5 Milliarden O/S erreicht sind. Bis Juni 2012 kann er auf der Basis des derzeit noch gültigen ‚504‘ auf diesem Wege Shares am Markt platzieren.

      Er könnte auf diesem ‚Finanzierungsweg‘ z. Zt. noch Einnahmen von rd. 850 k $ für das Unternehmen realisieren, dabei besteht mit einem 504 die Möglichkeit, in einem Zeitraum von einem Jahr 1 Mio $ ‚einzunehmen‘.

      Dabei wissen wir aus der Vergangenheit, dass ein 504 nie komplett ausgeschöpft wurde, aber nach Ablauf eines 504 sich ein neues anschloss. Ergo hat Eric z. Zt. noch keine anderen Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten, was er in Blogs ja auch zugibt.

      Stagnierende Umsätze:
      Stimmt und ist auch eigentlich nicht nachvollziehbar, schon alleine aus den Gründen dass jeder der 1000+ nutzt, nur positiv berichtet und gute Erfahrungen durch Mund-zu-Mund Propaganda weitergetragen werden.

      Gründe in der Vergangenheit waren sicher einerseits der Verlust von Wal*Mart in Canada, die ja mittlerweile wieder 1000+ führen, die Umstrukturierung eines Großhändlers (Lancaster) und vor allem der Namenswechsel des Produktes, der sicher noch nicht in allen Läden, in denen das Produkt angeboten wird, angekommen ist….ist natürlich doof, wenn Konsumenten ein tolles Produkt entdeckt haben (WC Stain Remover) und dies Wochen später nicht mehr finden (wer denkt da an einen Namenswechsel des Produkts):rolleyes::rolleyes::confused:

      Ausschöpfung: Rechne es durch!!

      Kurs gestern: 0,0004 $ entspricht Shares --> 5 Milliarden überschritten !!
      und bedenke der 504 kauft nicht für '4.....:cry:

      Und dann??

      R/S :confused::confused::rolleyes:

      Erhöhung der O/S z.B. auf 10 Milliarden :rolleyes::rolleyes:

      Gut wäre, dass keines der beiden Szenarien greift und der Turnarround vorher gelingt durch deutlich bessere Jahreszahlen als die von Dir erwarteten 600 K ;)
      schrieb am 03.02.12 11:51:05
      Beitrag Nr. 9.040 ()
      Gestern wurde aber so richtig abgeladen.
      schrieb am 03.02.12 11:51:34
      Beitrag Nr. 9.041 ()
      danke aussie für die info!

      warum die umsätze nicht anziehen, ist für mich nicht nachvollziehbar.:( da doch walmart can. nur ein bruchteil der verkaufsstellen ausmacht(ca. 300 von ca. 6000 verkaufsstellen + die möglichkeit, die produkte von wb über online zu ordern). wahrscheinlich ist der durchbruch wesentlich schwieriger und zeitintensiver als wir alle dachten. zudem greift der online-verkauf der produkte nicht so wie erwartet (ich würde auch nur ein produkt über online bestellen, dass ich schon kenne).

      ich hoffe nur, eric geht nicht die luft aus.

      bis bald

      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 03.02.12 13:59:49
      Beitrag Nr. 9.042 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.693.610 von seriousdrinking am 03.02.12 11:51:34Salut

      ich hoffe nur, eric geht nicht die luft aus

      Glaube ich nicht....Abladen...R/S...Abladen...

      Langsam...geht bei mir die Luft aus


      à propos:Guter Beiträge von Euch


      @ aussie99


      Grüß an hermanng,3eich...und zweifler

      à bientôt
      schrieb am 03.02.12 14:31:04
      Beitrag Nr. 9.043 ()
      ja und was bleibt uns wieder und das schon seit einigen jahren!!!!????
      abwarten - ich finde das wort "abwarten" ist das WNBD wort schlechthin! :)

      jungs wir geben die hoffnung nicht auf!!!!!

      lg an alle wnbdler
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 03.02.12 16:05:36
      Beitrag Nr. 9.044 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.694.759 von hermanng am 03.02.12 14:31:04Im Ihub wird spekuliert, dass die Produkte unter Herstellungspreis verkauft werden um überhaupt welche zu verkaufen. Dann kann man lange auf positiven Cash Flow warten.
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 03.02.12 18:47:46
      Beitrag Nr. 9.045 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.695.786 von zweifler am 03.02.12 16:05:36wenn dem so ist, dann ist unser geld für immer futsch:mad:
      schrieb am 03.02.12 22:18:37
      Beitrag Nr. 9.046 () geht`s up - 25% plus heute :laugh:

      hoffen wir doch mal nicht hermanng, dass unser geld futsch ist. selbst wenn es stimmen sollte, dass wb seine produkte unter herstellungskosten anbieten sollte, um einen fuß in den usa-markt zu bekommen, dann würde ich das nicht so schwarz sehen, wenn diese firmenpolitik für einen überschaubaren zeitraum stattfindet. entscheidend ist, dass jetzt die umsätze signifikant steigen. in knapp zwei wochen wissen wir, was das jahr 2011 gebracht hat.

      bis bald
      schrieb am 06.02.12 15:54:00
      Beitrag Nr. 9.047 ()
      Winning Brands Launching 1000+™ Stain Remover in England

      1000+™ Stain Remover, World's Most Versatile Cleaning Solution™, is headed to the UK consumer market for the first time. 1000+ is manufactured by Winning Brands Corporation (USOTC: WNBD) The first authorized importer and retailer in the United Kingdom is Repair Products Ltd,, located in London, England. The initial shipment will be dispatched to the UK within weeks.

      The 1000+ Stain Remover to be sold in the UK is a Bio-Based version of the product developed through Winning Brands research and development. It meets all current European Union requirements. All 1000+ Stain Remover deliveries in the world will be Bio-Based in due course. With this development, Winning Brands moves its European Union product experience from the informal market testing stage to commercial transactions at the consumer level. Serbia, which is not currently a member of the EU, was the first European market to commercialize 1000+ Stain Remover, where it has been well received in 2011.

      Winning Brands' International Sales Manager, Daniela Relja, comments: "We are grateful to our Winning Brands Product Ambassadors in the EU. They have been anticipating the arrival of 1000+ to the European Union with real enthusiasm. We've received positive feedback during informal trials in the EU and are glad to be moving forward. With a population of 500 million, the European Union is a market with vast opportunities for us. Today's development is a solid step forward."

      Winning Brands' CEO, Eric Lehner, remarks: "We have been interested in Europe for several years but wanted confirmation, through various means, of whether Europeans are as likely to enjoy the versatility of 1000+ as our fans in North America. Both in Serbia with retail sales and the EU through informal testing it has become clear that 1000+ can be popular there too. With our first authorized retailer in the UK, we've officially "landed" in the EU. It's gratifying to see things ramping up for us in Europe now." Mr. Lehner maintains a weblog for the benefit of Winning Brands shareholders in which these developments and others of interest to shareholders are discussed:

      ABOUT WINNING BRANDS CORPORATION: Winning Brands is a manufacturer of advanced cleaning solutions including 1000+ Stain Remover, World's Most Versatile Cleaning Solution™, an alternative to conventional cleaning solvents. The innovative stain remover and multi-cleaner, was known during early marketing as Winning Colours. Its interesting household, commercial and industrial cleaning characteristics can be seen on Facebook and Youtube. 1000+ Stain Remover uses 90% less packaging than conventional cleaning solutions by being highly concentrated, enabling consumers to throw away far fewer bottles into the waste stream, together with associated reduction of waste in cardboard case packaging, fuel consumption and CO2 emissions related to transportation. The phrase "World's Most Versatile Cleaning Solution" and 1000+ Stain Remover are trademarks of Niagara Mist Marketing Ltd., Division of Winning Brands Corporation.

      PRODUCT INFORMATION and INTERVIEWS:Winning Brands Corporation 11 Victoria Street, Suite 220A, Barrie, Ontario, Canada L4N 6T3 Tel: (705) 737-4062 Fax: (705) 737-9793 Jean Wursten-May, Assistant to the CEO

      SOURCE Winning Brands Corporation

      Jetzt in England und bald bei uns!
      schrieb am 07.02.12 13:51:48
      Beitrag Nr. 9.048 ()
      an alle wnbdler

      ich hab eine interssante aktie für euch!

      schaut euch mal ilp (irische bank mit super aussichten) an
      nur ein tipp von mir! bei wnbd wirds sicher noch länger dauern bis sich hier wieder was tut!

      lg euer hermanng
      15 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 08.02.12 12:08:09
      Beitrag Nr. 9.049 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.712.168 von hermanng am 07.02.12 13:51:48leider kann zur zeit die aktie gar nicht steigen - keiner braucht aus dem ask kaufen - man braucht sich nur auf der 0,0004 positionieren und wenn erich seine dillution startet wird man ganz einfach bedient - traurig aber wahr - wenn nicht bald wannsins news kommen sehe ich leider schwarz hier - bin schon seit jahre dabei und hab immer wieder dazugekauft - aber leider bin ich zum entschluss gekommen das wnbd die schwächste aktie bei den pinkies ist keine einzige rally in den letzten jahren sobald sich ein kursanstieg abzeichnet wird das ganze von erich selbst zerstört - leider zahlt sich verkaufen jetzt auch nicht mehr aus.............
      14 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 08.02.12 13:28:25
      Beitrag Nr. 9.050 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.718.311 von haubi1973 am 08.02.12 12:08:09Salut

      Sehr gut geschrieben...genau m.Meinung...

      à bientôt
      schrieb am 08.02.12 16:19:24
      Beitrag Nr. 9.051 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.718.311 von haubi1973 am 08.02.12 12:08:09ja haubi - ich glaub wir beide sind schon seit vielen vielen jahren hier investiert und schön langsam wird das hier sehr mühsam, weil sich leider gar nichts mehr tut! :cry:

      ich möchte gerne mal wissen was eric so macht bzw. was er zu dem ganzen sagt - ich meine da sind viel schon seit jahren investiert und eric bringt nichts interessantes zustande - bald wird es wnbd überall auf der erde zu kaufen geben, aber wir haben dann wahrscheinlich nichts mehr davon! :cry::cry:

      na ja ich machs weiterhin so, wie es aussie immer vorlebt "einfach positiv denken" ;)
      12 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 08.02.12 16:41:51
      Beitrag Nr. 9.052 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.720.272 von hermanng am 08.02.12 16:19:24Salut

      Eric´s auf die Gehalt liste...i-Hub Quelle


      Honni soit qui mal y pense...:cry:

      à bientôt
      11 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 10.02.12 22:44:47
      Beitrag Nr. 9.053 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.720.440 von occitanie am 08.02.12 16:41:51Salut

      Das ist gut...sogar sehr gut....

      à bientôt

      Keine der Kurs endet sich nicht....:laugh::laugh:...oder ?
      10 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 14.02.12 20:11:04
      Beitrag Nr. 9.054 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.735.684 von occitanie am 10.02.12 22:44:47Das aber auch ;) 1a Lage im Wal*Mart

      9 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 14.02.12 20:21:48
      Beitrag Nr. 9.055 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.750.337 von aussie99 am 14.02.12 20:11:04Es war hier mal eine sehr sehr gute Aktie, was hier bloss passiert

      8 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 14.02.12 20:57:36
      Beitrag Nr. 9.056 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.750.400 von Wohnwunsch am 14.02.12 20:21:48Ein Pinkie mit :eek: einem Produkt, das real ist und sich verkauft.....leider noch nicht in ausreichendem Maße um so liquide zu sein, dass sich Dilution erübrigt.... :( .......wenn die O/S nicht ausgeschöpft werden müssen, kann es noch nen Turnarround geben.... :rolleyes:

      Kurzfristig ist hier nix zu holen......ergo nix für trader
      7 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 14.02.12 21:04:42
      Beitrag Nr. 9.057 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.750.576 von aussie99 am 14.02.12 20:57:36Ich habe ich schon sehr sehr gut verdient sogar über Frankfurt damals, wir hatte mal Kurse von 0,001€ und einen Hype bis 0,032€ wenn ich mich recht erinnere. Leider war ich damals " nur" von 0,001€ bis 0,024 € dabei aber auch das war Spitze.

      Allerdings wird das wohl die Vergangenheit bleiben, kann mir nicht vorstellen hier nochmal soetwas zu sehen

      4 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 14.02.12 21:06:38
      Beitrag Nr. 9.058 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.750.576 von aussie99 am 14.02.12 20:57:36'3 puuuhhhhhhhh
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 14.02.12 21:10:30
      Beitrag Nr. 9.059 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.750.625 von aussie99 am 14.02.12 21:06:38Bei 0,0001$ steig ich wieder mal mit 5000€ ein, mal sehen wie schnell es geht bis zum erneuten Einstieg

      Ich denke bei 0,0001$ kann man nur gewinnen
      schrieb am 14.02.12 21:10:36
      Beitrag Nr. 9.060 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.750.616 von Wohnwunsch am 14.02.12 21:04:42these good old days....
      3 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 14.02.12 21:13:05
      Beitrag Nr. 9.061 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.750.646 von aussie99 am 14.02.12 21:10:36Ja diese Zwiten waren genial, damals startete fast alles gleichzeitig

      Winning Brands
      Bell Buckle

      Das waren wirklich goldene Zeiten

      Schön war's, naja mal sehen was noch so kommt
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 14.02.12 21:15:08
      Beitrag Nr. 9.062 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.750.662 von Wohnwunsch am 14.02.12 21:13:05hatte alles und dbyc noch heute.....:cry:
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 14.02.12 21:16:51
      Beitrag Nr. 9.063 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.750.668 von aussie99 am 14.02.12 21:15:08Die habe ich leider auch noch, sogar Millionenweise in meinem Depot leider

      Ich betone Millionenweise

      schrieb am 15.02.12 20:15:25
      Beitrag Nr. 9.064 ()
      et son epouse ?

      Seine Freundin auf Payroll. Naja, immerhin noch billiger als

      und seine Frau ?

      Das hier investierte Minikapital ist echt bescheidenst angelegt.

      Ich lasse die Depotleiche liegen, bis nur noch Staub übrig bleibt.
      schrieb am 16.02.12 09:43:11
      Beitrag Nr. 9.065 ()
      Ein wahres Wort! Welche Strategie sollte man auch sonst verfolgen? Zum Glück habe ich damals schon meinen Schnitt gemacht und muss nicht um die paar Euros hier trauern...
      schrieb am 16.02.12 10:08:40
      Beitrag Nr. 9.066 ()
      Hier gehen wohl bald die Lichter aus.
      schrieb am 16.02.12 11:34:33
      Beitrag Nr. 9.067 ()
      ja sieht wohl so aus - jetzt geht es nur noch darum wer das lich aus macht :)

      aber was solls - eric hat es leider nicht geschafft und wer weiß ob das überhaupt mal was wird :)

      alos einfach liegen lassen und in paar jahren noch einmal drauf schaun!
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 16.02.12 17:15:09
      Beitrag Nr. 9.068 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.759.647 von hermanng am 16.02.12 11:34:33Salut

      Game over....

      à bientôt
      schrieb am 22.02.12 08:07:33
      Beitrag Nr. 9.069 ()
      Update Australien / Neuseeland…

      Our Australian Ambassador, Kori Walsh, and her family are returning home to Canada, where our collaboration will continue.

      A feature of the new arrangement includes a deepening relationship with a leading Australian manufacturer of cleaning solutions, Rubbedin (, with whom earlier cooperation was already beneficial. This positive relationship with Rubbedin has been developing gradually. Rubbedin provided assistance in obtaining key distribution in Australia for Winning Brands. Rubbedin is uniquely qualified to accelerate our progress in Australia and New Zealand as its specialized products already have shelf space in virtually all the stores that Winning Brands would target. Furthermore, as a manufacturer, Rubbedin is uniquely qualified to convert bulk to local packaging and provide other collaborative strategies to optimize the logistics/distribution equation.

      What Winning Brands brings to the table is a unique product(s) whose international profile is growing and likely to accelerate on its own in years to come. There are many examples in industry of joint ventures amongst peers, rather than competition, in order to achieve distribution and other operational advantages for mutual gain. This is why Rubbedin Managing Director, Ian Smits, reiterated to me again in a note this morning “I am enthusiastic about the opportunity that exists for both Winning Brands Group and ourselves.” We are still developing operating plans and documentation and will issue a more formal news release in due course when more details are concrete.

      Winning Brands respects and appreciates this emerging collaboration with Rubbenin and looks forward to having Kori and family in Canada again.

      schrieb am 22.02.12 15:49:32
      Beitrag Nr. 9.070 ()
      Salut aussie99

      Seid mir nicht böse,aber ich habe keine Vertrauen mehr an E.Lehner.

      Verkaufen kann ich nicht...nachkaufen kommt nicht mehr in Frage...

      Sollte er (E.L) bei andere Leute seine Gehalt holen....Ist doch die Bittere


      Blogs interessiert keine ....

      à bientôt
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 24.02.12 18:27:22
      Beitrag Nr. 9.071 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.789.240 von occitanie am 22.02.12 15:49:32Salut

      Wünsche alle WNBD Aktiönäre --->1 Schönes Wocheend

      à bientôt
      schrieb am 27.02.12 16:52:35
      Beitrag Nr. 9.072 ()

      aus i-hub

      TAKI Monday, February 27, 2012 9:50:11 AM


      ICH AUCH....

      à bientôt
      schrieb am 28.02.12 22:57:27
      Beitrag Nr. 9.073 ()
      Bonjour a tous,

      Hi all,

      Salut G..... ,

      da wir nun alle A nichts mehr zu verlieren haben...
      stirbt die Hoffnung zuletzt.
      Ist es vielleicht seine Absicht, M uns teuer einkaufen gelassen zu haben,
      und billig nachzukaufen? und dann das Ding ein wenig hochzufahren und Dicke
      abzusahnen ?
      Ich halte die Dinger, die nie das Wert waren, was Eric uns mal gesagt hat.
      Wir haben schon so lange gehofft und gewartet,... da können wir auch die
      Depotleiche vermodern lassen.
      Thanks God, nur Spielgeld.

      Stellt euch den Buchstaben und Zahlenwirrwarr selbst zusammen, und schreibt'ne BM, wenn ihr's rausgefunden habt.

      3 Eichen.
      Bin nur noch selten hier...
      schrieb am 29.02.12 07:11:39
      Beitrag Nr. 9.074 ()
      Für alle Nichtleser..... ;)

      Feb 28

      New York: New Marketing Cooperation Approved

      Approval has been received from Duane Reade for deployment of new USPS mailer introducing 1000+ Stain Remover to New York City. (Below). A number of 1000+ marketing programs with our retailers will be implemented following completion of strategic financing. The specific form of marketing cooperation with each retailer will vary, adjusted to their situation. These programs have already been devised and are awaiting activation. The common theme will be to to increase awareness of 1000+ amongst shoppers that are already regular to these retailers and thereby build on Winning Brands’ foundation of these existing listings. This will increase efficiency of turnover and increase the appeal of 1000+ for retailers who are watching but undecided. This is exactly the sort of positive purpose to which strategic funding is geared and available; aiding the growth of a promising business. The Duane Reade mail piece will be life sized (hand and bottle).

      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 29.02.12 13:22:02
      Beitrag Nr. 9.075 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.822.886 von aussie99 am 29.02.12 07:11:39Salut aussie99

      Für alle Nichtleser....:laugh:;)

      à bientôt

      Malsehen...ob es was bringt..;)
      schrieb am 01.03.12 07:03:31
      Beitrag Nr. 9.076 ()
      Nur mal so...... aus Routine :laugh::laugh: ;)

      Wal*Mart Canada hat über 10.000 Pullen erhalten seit Wiedereinführung....…


      Europa Update
      Earlier this month a News Release referred to 1000+ Stain Removere heading to England within a few weeks constituting our official European Union launch. This shipment consists of our Bio-Based formulation, that will eventually be introduced to all markets. We have completed preparation of these goods today for the customer’s Canadian freight forwarder, so the shipment is officially “en route”.

      The Winning Brands German Ambassador has been reviewing the proposed German label. The purpose of having country-specific 1000+ labels is to provide the information about the importer and territory contacts for local consumers and retailers in their own languages. All other aspects of the packaging and product are identical, so it’s an easy thing to do.

      It has taken several years to be ready to introduce 1000+ to the European Union on a commercial basis (ie product on the shelf for sale, not testing). However, we are far more comfortable now that we have the regulatory issues, product technology and business elements properly developed for Europe – resulting in advances on several fronts now. We will be hearing a great deal about 1000+ from Europe in 2012 and in years to come.…
      schrieb am 01.03.12 13:05:12
      Beitrag Nr. 9.077 ()

      auf aussie ist verlass!:cool: danke, dass du immer wieder die kleinen news hier reinstellst. auch eric wird nicht müde in seinen aktivitäten.

      immerhin sind`s die großen pullen, die bei walmart ca. umgesetzt werden.

      nicht den kopf hängen lassen OC. noch ist nichts verloren.:)

      bis dann
      schrieb am 02.03.12 08:58:31
      Beitrag Nr. 9.078 ()
      Wir liefern jetzt KIND in eines der größten Krankenhäuser Ontarios, is nich nur alles 1000+ :D ;)…

      First Delivery to Hospital
      First order today for delivery of Winning Brands laundry product to a hospital. Small order, big step.

      5 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 02.03.12 09:28:01
      Beitrag Nr. 9.079 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.838.269 von aussie99 am 02.03.12 08:58:31ja ich muss auch sagen - dank dir aussie für deine guten beiträge ;) das machst du echt super - ohne dich würde ich WNBD nicht mehr ertragen :laugh:

      First order today for delivery of Winning Brands laundry product to a hospital. Small order, big step.
      das kann nur von eric kommen! einfach nur lächerlich - wir wollen keine kleine order, sondern er soll mal eine big order an den mann bringen! :mad:
      4 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 02.03.12 09:47:13
      Beitrag Nr. 9.080 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.838.567 von hermanng am 02.03.12 09:28:01Hermann, was WIR wollen is nich relevant :cry: was WIR (die Company) an Aufträgen ergattern können in dieser Zeit, ist das was wirklich zählt. Und da nehme ich noch so jede kleine Order, trägt sie doch zu erhöhten Umsätzen zieht sich halt....und das ist natürlich!! für ALLE unbefriedigend....:)

      schrieb am 02.03.12 11:29:11
      Beitrag Nr. 9.081 ()
      Salut und Hallo zusammen,

      meine Abwesenheit hat NICHTS mit meinem Interesse an WNBD zu tun. Ich habe bei 0,0004 noch einmal nachgekauft und wie sich herausstellt bin ich zu hoch eingesteigen - hätte sie auch zu 0,0003 haben können. Anyway, ich bin jetzt gut positioniert und die NEWS-Serie reißt nicht ab. Eric ist nach wie vor sehr optimistisch. Wir vekaufen an WalMart CA, wir haben ein Krankenhaus, wir steigen in Europa ein. Das kostet Geld und bracuht Zeit. Wenn wir nur mal unsere Kosten tragen könnten, dann würde der Kurs auch steigen, oder zumindest nicht noch weiter fallen. Immerhin sind wir nicht mehr weit von der 0,0001 entfernt :(

      ABER, ich glaube NOCH an WNBD, mein Invest habe ich abgeschrieben, auch wenn es wehtut und hoffe auf einen Anstieg bis 2015 oder 2016.

      Raus gehe ich nicht mehr, entweder ich gewinne viel, oder verliere alles.

      Haltet durch und danke für Eure Beiträge.

      so long

      schrieb am 02.03.12 12:05:28
      Beitrag Nr. 9.082 ()
      bei der aktienanzahl jetzte haltet ihr einen reverse splitt für möglich?hatte lehner mal was in der richtung angedeutet ? eigentlich schade was aus wnbd geworden ist war eine der meist vielversprechenden pennyaktien an der otc in den letzten jahren meiner meinung nach.
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 02.03.12 15:30:29
      Beitrag Nr. 9.083 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.839.844 von dannie31 am 02.03.12 12:05:28Möglich?? :confused: Ist das immer....wir sind in den Pinkies.....

      ERIC betont in Blogs etc. immer wieder, dass es auch andere Wege gibt die hohe Anzahl der O/S zu reduzieren...... !! Aktienrückkauf !!

      Realistisch muss man sagen, dass das derzeit kein Thema sein dürfte und auch solange noch nicht, wie wir uns aus eigenen Umsätzen nicht tragen, also weiter Verluste schreiben......

      es hängt am seidenen Faden..... kann Eric die Anzahl der O/S noch so lange unter 5 Milliarden halten, bis wir profitabel arbeiten :confused::confused::rolleyes:

      Mein Tipp: YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS :lick::lick: ;) :cool:

      Schönes WE allen
      schrieb am 03.03.12 11:36:30
      Beitrag Nr. 9.084 ()
      Zitat von seriousdrinking: hallo,

      auf aussie ist verlass!:cool: danke, dass du immer wieder die kleinen news hier reinstellst. auch eric wird nicht müde in seinen aktivitäten.

      immerhin sind`s die großen pullen, die bei walmart ca. umgesetzt werden.

      nicht den kopf hängen lassen OC. noch ist nichts verloren.:)

      bis dann

      Salut mon ami

      Bin bei WNBD seit 2009 (jahr Anfang) bin immer noch investiert...

      Aber manchmal....Lass ich meine Frust 1bisschen raus...

      Nicht böse gemeint....Dafür sind Hier FREUNDE um meine Frust zu redukzieren...

      Dafür ....Danke an Euch....Dieser Thread ist sehr angenehmer...und Fachlich

      Wie geschrieben....Merci.

      à bientôt
      schrieb am 06.03.12 06:51:28
      Beitrag Nr. 9.085 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.838.567 von hermanng am 02.03.12 09:28:01
      Hast du eigentlich noch niemals vermutet, dass dein Geliebter "Aussie" schon längst einen Deal mit Eric hat, die Aktie zu pushen? Könnte also sein, dass Du zu naiv denkst. Oder glaubst Du wirklich, hier arbeitet jemand für DEINEN Erfolg und bereitet Dir umsonst die Nachrichten auf, damit Du nur noch konsumieren, kaufen und Millionär werden musst :confused: :)
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 06.03.12 15:33:00
      Beitrag Nr. 9.086 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.854.957 von bo_rex am 06.03.12 06:51:28oh "bo-rex" du bist schon wieder da :laugh:

      1. aussie pusht hier überhaupt nicht, sondern stellt nur neuigkeiten vom unternehmen rein! ;) dafür bin ich ihm immer noch dankbar!!!! weiter so aussie mein freund!;)
      2. hab ich aussie auf meiner friendliste bei facebook!!! daher weiß ich auch seinen richtigen namen! :look:;)
      3. bin ich schon so lange hier, da kannte ich den aussie noch gar nicht so gut! :laugh:
      4. du bist ein dummschwätzer :laugh::laugh::laugh:

      also ball schön flach halten und tschüss!!
      dein hermanng
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 08.03.12 00:12:13
      Beitrag Nr. 9.087 ()
      Zitat von bo_rex: Hast du eigentlich noch niemals vermutet, dass dein Geliebter "Aussie" schon längst einen Deal mit Eric hat, die Aktie zu pushen? Könnte also sein, dass Du zu naiv denkst. Oder glaubst Du wirklich, hier arbeitet jemand für DEINEN Erfolg und bereitet Dir umsonst die Nachrichten auf, damit Du nur noch konsumieren, kaufen und Millionär werden musst :confused: :)


      Ich finde wirklich nich schön was du da schreibst....

      Verstehe auch nicht den Sinn deine Posting...Ausser 1 Freund zu beleidigen..


      à bientôt

      à propos:Von occitanie ist occitania geworden...und noch 1 neues Avatar
      Ich habe mich abgemelden....dann wieder angemelden...
      Bitte nicht dabei lachen...Ich hatte meine Grunde...
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 11.03.12 01:01:46
      Beitrag Nr. 9.088 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.867.947 von occitania am 08.03.12 00:12:13Salut

      à bientôt
      schrieb am 11.03.12 07:28:23
      Beitrag Nr. 9.089 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.858.204 von hermanng am 06.03.12 15:33:00
      Durch Beleidigungen wirst Du meine Meinung nicht ändern.

      Ich denke, dass auch bei WNBD getrickst wird - wie an der OTC üblich - und das Geld von Gutgläubigen an einen skrupellosen CEO fliesst, der wie alle CEOs früher oder später mit Taschen voll Geld und einem breiten Grinsen den Resplit und dann seinen Abgang macht. Und bis dahin braucht er Helfer in den Boards, die das Geld für ihn eintreiben und seine Pushermeldungen multiplizieren. Das sind die Leute, die im Kettenbriefmodell ganz oben stehen, also so viel investiert haben, dass sie gezwungen sind Anleger bei Laune zu halten bzw neue Anleger zu akquirieren. Nur deshalb investieren sie so viel Zeit "für andere". Man muss nicht lange nachdenken, um das Prinzip zu durchschauen.

      Hier wird seit bald sieben Jahren (!) versucht, eine Seife (!) am nordamerikanischen Markt zu platzieren.

      Schaut mal in die Regale in US-Märkten, was das für Dimensionen sind. Ich bin gerade in den USA. Z.B. stehen bei einer kleinen Filiale von Wallgreens (einer Drogeriekette) zwei freistehende 1,50 Meter hohe und 4 Meter breite Regale beidsetig vollgepackt mit Kosmetikprodukten nur zum Thema Sonnenschutz. Und das quasi an jedem 20sten Häuserblock, von denen es hier hunderte gibt. Und das in einer Großstadt, wie es sie ähnlich groß in Nordamerika vll. 50 Mal gibt. Und das alles nur bei einer Handelskette von sehr, sehr vielen. Wäre die WNBD-Seife eine Erfolgsstory, wären komplett andere Zahlen in den Berichten zu sehen.

      Lehner wird nicht mehr lange brauchen, um alle common shares verkauft zu haben. Dann wird er die common shares per Resplit entwerten und dann - als seinen Bonus - seine nicht gesplitteten prefered shares zum verzehnfachten Preis vergolden.

      Leider ist es immer das Gleiche hier.
      schrieb am 12.03.12 19:35:46
      Beitrag Nr. 9.090 ()

      1000+ Stain Remover Boosts Presence in Florida with Florida Hardware Distributors

      1000+™ Stain Remover, World's Most Versatile Cleaning Solution™,, will be available for the first time to all retailers serviced by Jacksonville based distributor Florida Hardware. 1000+ is manufactured by Winning Brands Corporation (USOTC: WNBD) 1000+ Stain Remover aspires to become America's "reach for it first" multi-purpose stain remover because of its unusual performance characteristics and to become a household name in the process.

      The listing by Florida Hardware will significantly increase exposure of Floridians to the 1000+ Stain Remover brand by increasing the number of retail "touch points" for 1000+ in the state's stores. Winning Brands considers Florida to be a top strategic market because of the year round indoor/outdoor versatility of 1000+. Work is beginning immediately to train Florida Hardware's distributor sales force in the unique features and benefits of the emerging brand.

      Winning Brands' CEO, Eric Lehner, comments: "Florida Hardware has been known to independent retailers in the region for generations. Florida Hardware provides access to long standing relationships which can only be earned over time. Winning Brands, on the other hand, contributes the special energy and passion that is characteristic of entrepreneurial brands. It's an ideal combination of strengths."

      Mr. Lehner maintains a weblog for the benefit of Winning Brands shareholders in which these developments and others of interest to shareholders are discussed: It describes the progress and challenges of a spirited brand team on their mission to achieve success against all odds.

      ABOUT WINNING BRANDS CORPORATION: Winning Brands is a manufacturer of advanced cleaning solutions including 1000+ Stain Remover, World's Most Versatile Cleaning Solution™, an alternative to conventional cleaning solvents. 1000+ Stain Remover is a Schedule Contract Holder under the U.S. Government's General Service Administration. The innovative stain remover and multi-cleaner was known during early marketing as Winning Colours. The brand's interesting household, commercial and industrial cleaning characteristics can be seen on Facebook and Youtube.

      The phrase "World's Most Versatile Cleaning Solution" 1000+ Stain Remover and Winning Colors/Colours are trademarks of Niagara Mist Marketing Ltd., Division of Winning Brands Corporation.

      PRODUCT INFORMATION and INTERVIEWS:Winning Brands Corporation 11 Victoria Street, Suite 220A, Barrie, Ontario, Canada L4N 6T3 Tel: (705) 737-4062 Fax: (705) 737-9793 Jean Wursten-May, Assistant to the CEO

      SOURCE Winning Brands Corporation

      Bin ich jetzt auch ein bezahlter Pusher?
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 13.03.12 08:25:44
      Beitrag Nr. 9.091 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.889.717 von zweifler am 12.03.12 19:35:46ja eigentlich schon ;) was fällt dir überhaupt ein hier aktuelle news zu posten :eek::eek::laugh::laugh:;)

      und aufpassen nicht das du hier jemand auch noch beleidigst ;):D
      schrieb am 13.03.12 13:39:59
      Beitrag Nr. 9.092 ()
      Zitat von zweifler: Bin ich jetzt auch ein bezahlter Pusher?



      Ich hoffe mal dass das Unternehmen besser ist als die ja grauenvoll.......interessant ist aber, dass sie Mitglied von Distribution America sind die über das größte unabhängige Vertriebsnetz im Bereich der unabhängigen Einzelhändler (hier:Baumärkte) verfügen.....:cool:

      Verbreitungsgebiete der einzelnen Mitglieder von DA kann man hier sehn....

      Distribution America is the nation's largest network of independent hardware, hardlines and paint sundries wholesale distributors. Serving 15,000 retail customers in all 50 states and exporting to 20 countries, our combined buying power of over $1.2 billion in purchases enables our retailers to compete profitably in their markets.
      24 distribution centers
      Over $150 million in inventory
      3 million sq. ft. of warehouse space
      480 delivery trucks
      Over 500 qualified sales reps
      Global product sourcing
      250,000 items representing 2,500 vendors
      Distribution America's Mission
      To enhance the market effectiveness and internal efficiencies of our individual distributor member/owners by providing selected high leverage, centralized services and group economies of scale.

      Bekannte Namen sind dabei (House Hasson , Blish Mize)......:):)

      Happy Trading ;)
      schrieb am 13.03.12 15:06:09
      Beitrag Nr. 9.093 ()

      wenn WNBD das mal von sich behaupten könnte...
      schrieb am 30.03.12 15:14:32
      Beitrag Nr. 9.094 ()

      eric`s zahlen für das jahr 2011 müssten ja in den nächsten stunden präsentiert werden. ich hoffe, eric kann uns positiv überraschen.:eek:

      bis bald
      3 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 03.04.12 15:43:25
      Beitrag Nr. 9.095 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.979.890 von seriousdrinking am 30.03.12 15:14:32Salut

      NEWS: 1000+™ Stain Remover Earns USDA Certified Biobased Product Label

      Today : Tuesday 3 April 2012

      (OTCPK: WNBD)1000+™ Stain Remover, World's Most Versatile Cleaning Solution™,, has earned the USDA Certified Biobased Product Label. 1000+ is manufactured by the Niagara Mist Marketing Division of Winning Brands Corporation The USDA Certified Biobased Product Label verifies that the product's amount of renewable biobased ingredients meets or exceeds prescribed United States Department of Agriculture standards. Biobased products are goods composed in whole or in significant part of agricultural, forestry, or marine materials.
      "We are pleased that Niagara Mist / Winning Brands has earned the USDA Certified Biobased Product Label," said Ron Buckhalt, USDA Biopreferred Program Manager, adding, "Biobased products provide opportunities to help add value to renewable commodities, create jobs in rural communities and generate investment income." All biobased amount claims are verified by independent labs and monitored by the USDA. Consumers may feel secure in the accuracy of the biobased amount and be empowered in making better informed purchasing decisions.
      Winning Brands CEO comments: "This will help inform consumers about Winning Brands' progress in eco-responsibility. Our goal is that 1000+ Stain Remover becomes America's "reach for it first" multi-purpose stain fighter and cleaning solution because of its unique performance qualities, including gentleness to skin and delicate surfaces, despite being strong as a solvent against a remarkable range of messes. This certification provides our consumers and retail partners with an added reason to choose 1000+ Stain Remover – the enjoyment of clean with a clear conscience."
      ABOUT USDA BioPreferred: The USDA BioPreferred program was created by the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 (2002 Farm Bill), and expanded by the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008 (2008 Farm Bill).The purpose is to increase the purchase and use of biobased products. The United States Department of Agriculture manages the program. Products that meet the USDA BioPreferred program requirements carry a distinctive label for easier identification by the consumer. To learn more about the USDA Certified Biobased Product Label please visit, and follow onTwitter at
      ABOUT WINNING BRANDS CORPORATION: Winning Brands is a manufacturer of advanced cleaning solutions including 1000+ Stain Remover, World's Most Versatile Cleaning Solution™, an alternative to conventional cleaning solvents. 1000+ Stain Remover is a Schedule Contract Holder under the U.S. Government's General Service Administration. The innovative stain remover and multi-cleaner was known during early marketing as Winning Colours. The brand's interesting household, commercial and industrial cleaning characteristics can be seen on Facebook and Youtube.
      The phrase "World's Most Versatile Cleaning Solution" 1000+ Stain Remover and Winning Colors/Colours are trademarks of Niagara Mist Marketing Ltd., Division of Winning Brands Corporation.
      PRODUCT INFORMATION and INTERVIEWS: USDA BioPreferred®: Melissa Proffitt, (314) 236-6901, Winning Brands Corporation: Jean Wursten-May, Assistant to the CEO 220A-11 Victoria Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada L4N 6T3 Tel: (705) 737-4062 Fax: (705) 737-9793
      SOURCE Winning Brands Corporation

      à bientôt

      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 03.04.12 19:24:42
      Beitrag Nr. 9.096 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.995.579 von occitania am 03.04.12 15:43:25Schön.....:yawn: und die Zahlen..:confused:...scheinen ja nicht besonders zu sein.......:( kann mich dann ja noch auf der '2 plazieren.....hätte ich nicht gedacht.....vielleicht wird ja 2013 unser Jahr......:confused::confused::laugh::laugh:
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 06.04.12 11:27:41
      Beitrag Nr. 9.097 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.996.947 von aussie99 am 03.04.12 19:24:42und immer schön weiter träumen.:confused:
      schrieb am 06.04.12 13:12:23
      Beitrag Nr. 9.098 ()
      Zitat von zweifler: und immer schön weiter träumen.:confused:

      :confused::confused: wegen der '2 :confused:

      :confused::confused: wegen 2013 :rolleyes::laugh::laugh:

      oder ob es je was wird :rolleyes::rolleyes::laugh::laugh:

      Frohe Ostern
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 07.04.12 12:00:42
      Beitrag Nr. 9.099 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.010.859 von aussie99 am 06.04.12 13:12:23Salut


      Frohe Ostern


      à bientôt
      schrieb am 10.04.12 14:55:57
      Beitrag Nr. 9.100 ()
      also ich glaub nicht mehr an wnbd und schon gar nichr mehr an eric - er hat uns genau so verarscht wie es die meisten ceo`s von otc buden machen!

      ich stecke hier keinen cent mehr rein!
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 15.04.12 19:10:40
      Beitrag Nr. 9.101 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.019.214 von hermanng am 10.04.12 14:55:57Ich hingegen überlege gerade noch mal nachzulegen. Weiß jmd. was es mit der erwareteten Finanzspritze auf sich hat? Woher soll das Geld kommen, wenn nicht durch verwässerung??

      Eric, In a February 22nd blog you wrote: On the subject of refinancing, we are confident that we have identified advisors whose track record, ability to understand our objectives and proven contacts are of sufficient quality to proceed with preparation of a formal proposal to appropriate candidates that are already known. Over the next 90 days there will be a great deal of work going on to complete this. We are now 50 days into the 90 days. Are you confident that you will be able to complete this task in the next 40 days? Any elaboration you can make on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


      The advisors referred to above are experts in the field. I have now witnessed it first-hand through collaboration. With the assistance of these experts, presentation and due diligence materials have been prepared. We are making good progress within the target window. It would be inappropriate for me to speak for anyone else as to their ability and willingness to meet the time lines, however the company itself has been focused and efficient in pursing this outcome. The company has much to be proud of and this is understood by all persons involved in the process. This is a positive experience because it enables the firm to achieve two important things: continue building and to discontinue 504 financing. It is also a positive experience for the investors because Winning Brands has a strong foundation for success.
      schrieb am 15.04.12 19:36:45
      Beitrag Nr. 9.102 ()
      Ich glaube bei iBrands ist kurzfristig wesentlich mehr zu holen als hier
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 23.04.12 10:11:08
      Beitrag Nr. 9.103 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.041.417 von Wohnwunsch am 15.04.12 19:36:45Salut

      Ich bin langsam müde zu warten...

      Ich glaube,Ich werde nie meine Ansazt weider sehen...

      Schade...Und Frustration...:cry:

      à bientôt
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 01.05.12 12:46:07
      Beitrag Nr. 9.104 ()

      habe mir letzte Woche mal ein paar Duane Reade Shops in NEw York angeschaut. Kein WC gefunden.

      Hier gehen bald die Lichter aus.
      schrieb am 01.05.12 17:09:04
      Beitrag Nr. 9.105 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.073.878 von occitania am 23.04.12 10:11:08Mir geht es bei Winning Brands ähnlich, sitze leider auf dickem Minus.
      Habe allerdings mein Geld hier längst abgeschrieben, genauso wie
      bei DBYC.

      Es sind und bleiben leider nur Dumm Push Buden, schade....

      schrieb am 04.05.12 10:08:17
      Beitrag Nr. 9.106 ()
      na ja was soll man hier noch sagen!?

      ich hoffe es geht noch einmal auf die 0,0004 dann hole ich einen teil meines einsatzes raus und den rest muss ich eh liegen lassen!

      wnbd bzw. eric hat versagt!

      würde gerne wissen was diese verlierer zu dem kurs sagt!
      schrieb am 04.05.12 20:57:11
      Beitrag Nr. 9.107 ()
      Zitat von zweifler: Hei,

      habe mir letzte Woche mal ein paar Duane Reade Shops in NEw York angeschaut. Kein WC gefunden.

      Hier gehen bald die Lichter aus.

      An der Ecke 6th und Canal Street hab ich 10 Flaschen im Benjamin Moore Shop gesehen. Der Verkäufer meinte, es verkauft sich "Not Slow and Not fast". Aber immerhin - es stand dort. Dennoch befürchte ich eben auch, dass hier wieder mal nur abkassiert wurde und dass nach sechs Jahren WC an der Börse Eric Millionär ist und die "edlen" Aktionäre ihr Geld los sind. Ein anderes Ziel gab es auch nie. Deshalb hat dieser CEO auch immer so fleissig gepostet. Er hat sich fürs Pushen eines gewöhnlichen Fleckenentferners bezahlen lassen und bestimmt ein absolut reines Gewissen. Er hat es ja auch in ein paar Läden geschafft. Aber ein Durchbruch ist dieser Pampe nie gelungen. Und demnächst verschwindet der Brei vollständig aus den Regalen. Naturgemäss wird man hier immer heftig von den Hochinvestierten attackiert, wenn man die Substanzlosigkeit solcher Titel anspricht. Tut mir echt Leid um Eure Kohle. Ich hab hier gut verdient und weiss schon längst, dass mit der Show rund um die 0,04 der Peak erreicht war und Eric verkauft hat wie blöd, aber das glaubt mir sicher keine Sau.
      schrieb am 09.05.12 20:43:33
      Beitrag Nr. 9.108 ()
      Hallo Aussie.

      Kannst Du den Link mal reinstellen, in dem Lehner andere Alternativen als ein R/S für möglich hält?
      schrieb am 12.05.12 14:38:31
      Beitrag Nr. 9.109 ()
      Zitat von stephan101010: Hallo Aussie.

      Kannst Du den Link mal reinstellen, in dem Lehner andere Alternativen als ein R/S für möglich hält?

      Salut stephan101010

      Meinst du dieser

      à bientôt
      schrieb am 13.05.12 17:42:04
      Beitrag Nr. 9.110 ()
      Merci Occitania!
      schrieb am 16.05.12 07:38:15
      Beitrag Nr. 9.111 ()
      Hi Leute,

      bin immer noch dabei, auch wenn ich nicht zum posten komme - mein Verlust liegt bei über 80% wie wohl bei den meißten hier. Was glaubt ihr, können wir es abschreiben oder kommt noch einmal ein Hype auf die 0,00x?

      Liegen irgendwelche news in den Startlöchern - wohl eher nicht.

      schrieb am 16.05.12 07:44:59
      Beitrag Nr. 9.112 ()
      interessant wäre mal was der ceo zu dem kurs sagt, und dass hier viele aktionäre schon seit vielen vielen jahren investiert sind!
      aber ich glaub das is ihm scheiß egal!
      schrieb am 16.05.12 10:16:58
      Beitrag Nr. 9.113 ()
      Besch...... (Bitte selbst einsetzen) Zahlen......…

      schrieb am 16.05.12 10:52:11
      Beitrag Nr. 9.114 ()
      Herrlich der Aussie.

      Spielt das gleiche Spiel wie vor zwei Jahren bei Envitorek

      mit den Lemmingen.
      3 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 16.05.12 20:57:01
      Beitrag Nr. 9.115 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.171.727 von stephan101010 am 16.05.12 10:52:11Aussie ist der WNBD-Pusher. Seine Beweggründe kennt keiner. Er hat sich beliebt gemacht und animiert. Hat er dafür kassiert? Wer schreibt in so einem Forum jahrelang? Bitte diese Frage selbst beantworten...

      Ich hasse diese OTC-Szener. Kleine Ganoven, die kleine Zocker abrippen. Kleine Zocker, die sich deswegen kleine Fans züchten...

      Hier versammelt sich der Klärschlamm der Gesellschaft und bescheisst sich gegenseitig.

      Herzlichen Glückwunsch.
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 17.05.12 15:28:44
      Beitrag Nr. 9.116 ()
      Bo rex

      Genau erkannt!
      schrieb am 22.05.12 16:25:56
      Beitrag Nr. 9.117 ()
      @ bo rex und stephan101010
      es ist leicht in einem forum einer aktien die auf 0,0002 steht, jemanden persönlich anzugreifen!
      der einzige klärschlamm der gesellschaft seit ihr - habt ihr nix besseres zu tun, als irgendwelche leute hier anzugreifen! ich geh davon aus, dass ihr noch sehr jung seits und euch dadurch der respekt vor anderen menschen fehlt!

      der ausssie hat niemanden gezwungen hier zu investieren!
      ich finde es super, dass er sich die mühe gibt, beiträge rundum wnbd zu posten! ich hab leider keine zeit dazu!
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 23.05.12 01:17:39
      Beitrag Nr. 9.118 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.197.220 von hermanng am 22.05.12 16:25:56Salut hermanng

      Hätte nicht besser schreiben konnen...:kiss:

      @ausssie ....Lass die schreiben so 1 Mühl und bleibt uns in Thread erhalten

      Du bist und bleibt für mich 1 sehr angenehmer mitinvestiert und bedanke mich bei dir für deine Recherche und sachliche beiträge


      à bientôt
      schrieb am 23.05.12 16:42:06
      Beitrag Nr. 9.119 ()
      Das interessante ist,dass so beauftragte User noch von ihren Lemmingen glorifiziert werden,obwohl man vor einem Totalverlust steht.

      Selten das einer wie Aussie seinen Namen nicht aendert.Sonst spielt er hier das gleiche Spiel wie vor zwei Jahren bei Envitorek!

      Uebrigens laedt einer gerade auf 0.0002 ab.

      Jeder weiss,dass ein R/S zu 0.0001 ansteht.

      Und dann Delisting...
      schrieb am 24.05.12 18:46:52
      Beitrag Nr. 9.120 ()
      Abladen zu 0.0002 geht weiter.

      Sind wohl spaetestens Anfang Juni bei 0.0001.

      Also wer jetzt verkauft kann seine Stueckzahl verdoppeln.

      Nuetzt aber auch nicht viel weil nach dem R/S nochmal

      rund 90 % runtergeht.

      Thats life...
      schrieb am 24.05.12 19:42:30
      Beitrag Nr. 9.121 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.175.085 von bo_rex am 16.05.12 20:57:01Hast vollkommen recht.
      Und Occitanie war/ist einer seiner Jünger bzw. willfährigen Unterstützer.
      Aber mir egal, auf solche Machenschaften fliegen nur noch die Minderbemitteltsten rein.
      Nur schade, dass sowas bei WO nicht unterbunden wird.
      Da denke ich mir auch meinen Teil drüber ...
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 24.05.12 20:01:25
      Beitrag Nr. 9.122 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.207.936 von invest-2011 am 24.05.12 19:42:30Salut invest-2011

      Und Occitanie war/ist einer seiner Jünger bzw. willfährigen Unterstützer.

      Ich weiß nicht mit aussie99....

      Aber ich kassiere 1 €ct pro Klick ...und ab 5000€ muss ich meine Nickname ändern..

      Früh war ich

      occitanie8 Occitania...

      Bin sogar bei Handelblatt (Zeitung )in der Schweiz ,Luxembourg und Frankreich

      Lebe davon...Früh...Wollte ich nur Kick für Sex...Jetzt nach dem Motto Klick für Geld...

      Ich hoffe jetzt ...das du glücklich bist...

      Du Spinner.....:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

      à bientôt
      schrieb am 25.05.12 21:15:22
      Beitrag Nr. 9.123 ()
      Was zum schmunzeln von unseren beauftragten Puherfreunden aus dem Jahr 2011!


      Wir haben der Trendkanal nach unten noch nicht verlassen....0,004 $ muss her.

      Sonst...wie immer....0,0025---0,0035...$

      Wir brauchen NUR 1 guter News....dann Fliegen wir Richtung....0,008$

      Seltsam....bis jetzt 2-3 /pro Monat in Durchschnitt....Letzter News 03-12-2010...

      à bientôt

      PS:Allen Freunden einen schönen Jahresausklang, möge Gesundheit und Erfolg Euren Weg begleiten.;););):kiss:
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 27.05.12 02:05:04
      Beitrag Nr. 9.124 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.213.103 von stephan101010 am 25.05.12 21:15:22Salut

      Ich kann mich nicht errinern ...Ihn geärgert zu haben...

      Deswegen....In zukunft weiss ich ja der Grund solche Posting

      Ist heute ein besonderer Tag, oder sind Sie immer so blöd ?
      Keine Ahnung, was Sie so dumm macht, aber es funktioniert super.

      à bientôt
      schrieb am 27.05.12 20:37:58
      Beitrag Nr. 9.125 ()
      Die Antwort zwei Stunden nach Mitternacht ist doch irgendwie beruihgend,

      denn sie bestätigt mich in der These, dass in solche Werte, entweder

      absolute Trottel investiert sind die meinen wenn man eine Millionen Shares hat ist man einer von den Großen,

      oder Schurken die solche Vollpfosten auch noch ihre winzig kleinen

      Geldreserven berauben in dem sie pushen.

      Occ... gehört wohl zu der ersten Kategorie!!!
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 27.05.12 21:01:28
      Beitrag Nr. 9.126 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.216.124 von stephan101010 am 27.05.12 20:37:58Salut

      Ja....Um 02.00 Uhr.....Schaue ich meine Depot an ....Dann kriege ich 1 Erektion.. und nach 5 stunden guter Sex ohne Ejakulat....

      Habe nicht besser gefunden als dich zu lesen....

      Um von meine Erektion runterzukommen...

      à bientôt

      So 1 Vollidiot wie Du ist mir seltens vorgekommen...Du bist sowas daneben

      Sperre...Es ist mir sowas von Pipe...Mindesten..

      Brauche ich nicht auf Solche Geistig Ejakulat zu Anworten...

      à bientôt

      schrieb am 27.05.12 21:02:40
      Beitrag Nr. 9.127 ()
      ohne worte
      3 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 27.05.12 21:09:07
      Beitrag Nr. 9.128 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.216.159 von stephan101010 am 27.05.12 21:02:40Salut


      à bientôt
      schrieb am 30.05.12 21:27:12
      Beitrag Nr. 9.129 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.216.159 von stephan101010 am 27.05.12 21:02:40
      Auch ohne Worte.

      Wie sich Lehner von seinen "Longies" hier aus dieser Geschichte verabschiedet ist traurig, aber typisch. Die Leute, die sich in diesem Forum angegriffen fühlen, realisieren nur langsam ihren Verlust und die Tatsache, dass sie von einem Ganoven oder (vornehm) Hochstapler mental missbraucht und finanziell geplündert wurden. Ihr Trauma muss stark sein. Nur so ist diese Aggression zu erklären. Hoffentlich haben sich wenigstens einige hier durch negative Postings von weiteren Verlusten abschrecken lassen. Ich hoffe und wünsche es sehr!
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 30.05.12 21:31:34
      Beitrag Nr. 9.130 ()
      Ich denke, das sagt alles über WNBD:

      Investoren, die diesen Wert beobachten,
      informieren sich auch über:
      Wertpapier Perf. in %
      Terax Energy
      Panex Res
      Forsys Metals
      Entech Solar
      Energulf Resources
      CAL-BAY International DL -,001
      Avalon Oil
      Arise Technologies
      schrieb am 31.05.12 01:38:36
      Beitrag Nr. 9.131 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.229.323 von bo_rex am 30.05.12 21:27:12Salut


      ....Nur so ist diese Aggression zu erklären

      Tja...Ich muss leider zugeben..."Mea Culpae" Ich war etwas primitiv..

      Dafür...muss ich wohl mich bei Euch endschuldigt...


      Was zum schmunzeln von unseren beauftragten Puherfreunden aus dem Jahr 2011!
      Ich erkenne von mir keine Posting wo ich gepusch hätte


      1.Hat vielleicht Eric Die News ausgenutzt um Die Gehälter zu zahlen...
      2.......Zum Kötzen...

      Ich bin langsam sauer....aber verkaufen tue ich nicht...

      3.WNBD hat den Geruch won Verweizung in meine DEPOT...aber ich bleibt geduldig..

      4.Eric bombardiert mit News...die ich nicht warnehme kann weil Die Aktie immer und immer zu Tiefgang weider geht...naja ... Kaufe tue ich nicht mehr ...habe genug davon das ich von Eric sogar 1 paare Flaschen als Dividente verdienne..

      5.Aber wie geschrieben...1 Chartanalyse macht hier kaum Sinn.

      6.Entweder braucht er das Geld um die Production zu finanzieren---->wäre dann positiv

      oder um sein Gehalt zusichern....wäre abzockern....

      Herrlich...ich weiss momentan nicht wo die Reise geht....

      Hoffe auf 1 positive News um uns weider vertrauen zu Gewinnen....

      Bin meine Sache...jeden Tag unsicher.....und meine EK-->0,007€ tut weh

      Naturlich gab´s auch Tage wo ich auch Euphorisch war...geben auch zu...
      Jetzt...Lieber...Stephan und bo_rex...wenn man 1 User grundlos als Pusher abstempeln bitte dann sachlich und nicht nur 1 Posting nehmen

      à propos:Bei I -hub ist meine nickname France,suchen ihre bitte meine Posting ...Die waren nur negativ...

      So....Ab jetzt...falls ihr frustriert seid über WNBD...nicht bei User ihre

      Frust ablasen...sondern

      2.Sachlich posten....à propos;Es fehlt bei euch beide...

      à bientôt

      Post Scriptum:Bei Näschte Beleidigung von Euch...wäre ich dann ungemütlich
      schrieb am 31.05.12 10:31:01
      Beitrag Nr. 9.132 ()
      Bei Näschte Beleidigung von Euch...wäre ich dann ungemütlich


      hier scheint jemand durch seine Verluste das letzte bißchen

      Verstand verloren zu haben...

      Wie schon vorher gesagt tut mir das nicht für so Pusher leid, sondern

      für naive Mitleser die sich dadurch animiert fühlen Geld in solche

      Verbrecherfirmen zu investieren.

      Die Liste ist länger als die chinesische Mauer...

      LHKX, Greenshift Genta etc...
      schrieb am 31.05.12 10:32:48
      Beitrag Nr. 9.133 ()
      Bin aber jetzt entgültig weg.

      Der Drops ist hier gelutscht.

      Sind spätestens nächste Woche bei 0.00011

      Ist schon seit Tagen der letzte kräftig zu 0.0002 am abladen!

      Bis bald bei der nächsten Abzocke!!!
      schrieb am 31.05.12 10:39:49
      Beitrag Nr. 9.134 ()
      Mein allerletztes Wort versprochen:

      Bin meine Sache...jeden Tag unsicher.....und meine EK-->0,007€ tut weh

      Gerade dies ist ein alter Hut bei Pushern.

      Man wirft ein hohen Einstiegkurs in die Runde um Lemminge zu animieren

      zu kaufen.

      Die sollen dann denken: Mensch wenn einer so hoch eingesiegen ist dann

      ja bei solchen Kursen nicht viel passieren.

      Hat schon tausend mal geklappt bei anderen Werten.
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 31.05.12 11:22:18
      Beitrag Nr. 9.135 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.231.119 von stephan101010 am 31.05.12 10:39:49stephan101010

      da du ständig andere leute persönlich beleidigst, hab ich das gefühl du bist wohl geistig nicht ganz bei dir selbst!
      weißt du eigentlch was pushen ist!?
      schau dir bitte mal andere aktien an - da wird täglich fast stündlich gepusht, aber hier pusht doch kein mensch!
      jeder wusste auf was er sich da eingelassen hat bzw. sich einlässt!

      ich glaub einfach, dass du selber bei wnbd sehr viel geld verloren hast und jetzt einfach einen schuldigen suchst - dann fang bitte gleich mal bei dir selber an!

      eigentlich bist du es nicht wert, dass man auf deine postings eingeht! aber das musste mal gesagt werden!

      so und das war das letzte posting, dass an dich gerichtet war! das ist mir ehct zu blöd mit dir!

      schönen tag noch!
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 31.05.12 17:16:33
      Beitrag Nr. 9.136 ()
      Salut Stephan...

      Nicht das du denkst ....ich wäre 1 Frau.....

      Weil ich habe das Gefühl

      "Das du mich liebst...."....


      à bientôt
      schrieb am 01.06.12 18:54:28
      Beitrag Nr. 9.137 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.231.325 von hermanng am 31.05.12 11:22:18
      Er beleidigt nicht. Lies bitte mal genau. Mag sein, dass er hier Geld verloren hat. Aber dann ist es immer noch eleganter, andere davon abzuhalten als mit irgendwelchen "News" und "Fakten" hier Leute reinzuziehen oder wie der Franzose schwülstig seinen Verlust zu rechtfertigen. Der Drops ist hier gelutscht und Eric ein gemachter Mann. An Eurer Stelle würde ich ihn angreifen, und nicht "Warner" oder "Basher" (wie ihr sagen würdet)?
      schrieb am 06.06.12 09:44:08
      Beitrag Nr. 9.138 ()
      Lag ich mit meiner Vorhersage von 0.0001 für diese Woche ja gar nicht so daneben...

      Hab gestern wieder eine typische Anlegerverarsche im Blog gelesen.

      Herrlich wie Lehner den anstehenden Reverse Split beschreibt.


      The potential share price recovery is also enhanced by the fact that Winning Brands’ prospects are improving by a number of criteria. Its relationships with customers and suppliers are in tact, consumer testimonials continue to come in supporting the premise of 1000+ as a potentially popular product amongst many consumers, and exposure to the U.S. hardware sector is widening. (Our first True Value banner outlet has placed their order a few days ago.) There are many other encouraging aspects of Winning Brands’ business, however I will confine myself to a brief reply to your basic question of whether I honestly believe that there is hope going forward. My answer is a clear and sober “yes” – in my opinion the current market cap of Winning Brands is ridiculous relative to previous levels and its potential. We have come out of the triple zeros before, and in my personal opinion, will do so again, for solid practical reasons.

      So kann man auch aus den drei Nullen rauskommen!!!
      schrieb am 06.06.12 12:14:16
      Beitrag Nr. 9.139 ()
      game over

      danke hr. lehner!
      schrieb am 11.06.12 10:46:53
      Beitrag Nr. 9.140 ()
      game over auch wieder nicht!!!
      schrieb am 11.06.12 15:15:52
      Beitrag Nr. 9.141 ()
      Lol wer hätte das gedacht, dass ich mal 100 millionen Shares von diesen Schurken halte.

      Hört sich viel an ist aber mal gerade 7900 Euro wert!

      Habe eine letzte Order über 21 Millionen Shares zu 0.0002 reingestellt!

      Schaun wir mal...
      schrieb am 21.06.12 20:14:23
      Beitrag Nr. 9.142 ()
      Ruhe vor dem Sturm!!!

      Und dieser könnte sich zu einem Orkan Richtung Norden entwickeln...

      Habe Infos, dass kein Reverse Split ansteht.

      Die Ruhe hier ist wunderbar.
      schrieb am 21.06.12 20:24:13
      Beitrag Nr. 9.143 ()
      Zitat von stephan101010: Ruhe vor dem Sturm!!!

      Und dieser könnte sich zu einem Orkan Richtung Norden entwickeln...

      Habe Infos, dass kein Reverse Split ansteht.

      Die Ruhe hier ist wunderbar.

      Bitte die Quellenangabe zu deiner angeblichen Info

      Wo kann man das sehen bzw nachlesen ?

      schrieb am 21.06.12 20:27:00
      Beitrag Nr. 9.144 ()
      Am Wochenende.

      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 21.06.12 21:15:57
      Beitrag Nr. 9.145 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.308.614 von stephan101010 am 21.06.12 20:27:00Und warum nicht heute ?
      schrieb am 22.06.12 08:03:51
      Beitrag Nr. 9.146 ()
      Veröffentlichung wird auf Freitag, den 06.07.2012 verschoben...
      schrieb am 25.06.12 16:39:55
      Beitrag Nr. 9.147 ()
      Kleiner Vorgeschmack:

      Da, aus meiner Sicht, meine anderen Infos Kursrelavant sind, und ich mich immer noch eindecke nir diese Info:

      Hello Mr. XXX,

      Thank you for taking the time to introduce yourself. My remark was based on being able to obtain appropriate Venture Debt, without a reverse split. This has not been accomplished yet, however, it is being worked on diligently.

      Your continued interest in Winning Brands, and the CEO Weblog, is much appreciated - truly.

      Eric Lehner, CEO
      schrieb am 26.06.12 07:50:00
      Beitrag Nr. 9.148 ()
      das sind eric`s typische anworten!

      für mich ist das nur bla bla!

      ich würde nichts drauf setzen!

      was meint ihr!?
      schrieb am 26.06.12 21:28:05
      Beitrag Nr. 9.149 ()
      Zitat von stephan101010: Mein allerletztes Wort versprochen:

      Bin meine Sache...jeden Tag unsicher.....und meine EK-->0,007€ tut weh

      Gerade dies ist ein alter Hut bei Pushern.

      Man wirft ein hohen Einstiegkurs in die Runde um Lemminge zu animieren

      zu kaufen.

      Die sollen dann denken: Mensch wenn einer so hoch eingesiegen ist dann

      ja bei solchen Kursen nicht viel passieren.

      Hat schon tausend mal geklappt bei anderen Werten.

      Salut Stephan (Binaire)

      Die 1 kannst du dich sparren bei den Nick ...Null wäre das richtiges...

      Für die einen ist es Stephan 00000, für die anderen der wahrscheinlicher Dümmste User Wallstreet on line....

      Zitat Von 000000

      Kleiner Vorgeschmack:

      Da, aus meiner Sicht, meine anderen Infos Kursrelavant sind, und ich mich immer noch eindecke nir diese Info

      Ruhe vor dem Sturm!!!
      Und dieser könnte sich zu einem Orkan Richtung Norden entwickeln...

      Habe eine letzte Order über 21 Millionen Shares zu 0.0002 reingestellt!
      Schaun wir mal...

      Nun wer ist hier Der Puscher ....Du bist wirklich 1 Null

      à ......
      schrieb am 27.06.12 08:51:07
      Beitrag Nr. 9.150 ()
      Und genau so geistige Hohlbirnen wie Du fallen darauf rein!


      Bist mir ja schon paar mal reingefallen.

      Ich glaube für so naive Möchtgern-Franzosen sind Pennies der falsche Spielplatz!!!
      schrieb am 27.06.12 15:45:55
      Beitrag Nr. 9.151 ()

      Ich glaube für so naive Möchtgern-Franzosen sind Pennies der falsche Spielplatz

      D´abord Monsieur L´imbécile pour être poli Möchtgern-Franzosen Je suis francais et fier de l´être...

      Je me suis limité à vous traiter de null ,mais je m´apercois que je me suis trompé...Il aurait étè préférable de ma part de vous traiter d ígnorant
      je dirais même que je doute en ce moment de votre numération chromosomique

      Je commence serieusement à penser que vous faites parti des Handicapés qui de temps á autre avec la vigilance d´un soignant écrivent quelques lignes dans ce forum .

      Loin de moi la pensée de vous lire et de vous répondre ...

      Mais pour cette fois-ci je fais une exception...

      J´ai essaye d´ecrire lentement pour qu´ainsi vous puissiez me lire..

      à une autre fois Si les visites chez vous sont autorisees...


      à propos: J´aurais bien pu me limiter à un mot...MERDE...
      schrieb am 28.06.12 06:31:55
      Beitrag Nr. 9.152 ()
      Es läuft alles nach Eric´s Plan. Der Verkaufsdruck lässt nach der 504 Finianzierung nach, um nicht zu sagen keiner verkauft momentan.

      Yes, I do think that the company and the share price will advance again. When our refinancing is in place, it will permit an end to Rule 504 subscriptions. The stock will receive a much needed break from systematic selling so that the demand and supply factors can become balanced again. In the 504 era, share supply expanded faster than demand. In the post-504 era, there will not be the same pressure on the share price as exists with 504 financing. There is plenty of untapped demand for our shares that is not apparent at the moment because potential buyers are staying on the sidelines until they see how the funding issue will be resolved. If they see that we made sensible arrangements, and the share supply stops growing, then the conditions for a share price recovery are present. No one, liternally no one, is more eager to see the end of 504 financing than I am. It was a way for us to come into existence as a young public company, but Winning Brands needs to start benefiting from financing that is geared to the well being of the company. 504 subscribers have benefited disproportionately in the risk/reward equation. It’s a sympton of the way in which the securities regulations are written. The legislation favours people who are already wealthy by denying the opportunity of non-accredited persons to participate in the 504 process. The process was a necessary part of the evolution of our financing, however I will be glad to see it end. Furthermore, when the 504 financing ends, the restoration of our DTC eligibility will be a step closer. We have to remember that with TD Ameritrade and a few other platforms out of the picture, our buying had not been firing on all cylinders.

      Die zweite Stufe könnte schon mit dem Beginn des dritten Quartals am Montag beginnen. Raus aus den drei Nullen!!!

      The potential share price recovery is also enhanced by the fact that Winning Brands’ prospects are improving by a number of criteria. Its relationships with customers and suppliers are in tact, consumer testimonials continue to come in supporting the premise of 1000+ as a potentially popular product amongst many consumers, and exposure to the U.S. hardware sector is widening. (Our first True Value banner outlet has placed their order a few days ago.) There are many other encouraging aspects of Winning Brands’ business, however I will confine myself to a brief reply to your basic question of whether I honestly believe that there is hope going forward. My answer is a clear and sober “yes” – in my opinion the current market cap of Winning Brands is ridiculous relative to previous levels and its potential. We have come out of the triple zeros before, and in my personal opinion, will do so again, for solid practical reasons.
      schrieb am 03.07.12 21:07:19
      Beitrag Nr. 9.153 ()
      Hier mit entschuldige ich mich in aller Form Winning Brands in Verbindung mit anderen OTC-Schurken gebracht zu haben.

      Das war kein Bashen, sondern Verzweiflung über meinen Buch!!!-Verlust.

      Mittlerweile lichtet sich die Strategie von Lehner:

      he update on June 15th was made in connection with the renewal of our Current Information tier status by Pink Sheets. (Current Information is a disclosure standard that the majority of our peers on Pink Sheets do not meet).The update on June 25th was made to provide evidence that there was no issuance immediately thereafter. The update on July 2nd was to provide the end of Q2 share status for official purposes.

      We are utilizing new Purchase Order Financing to supplement existing Accounts Receivable Financing. This helps with cash flow, although does not address the desire to hold larger inventory for faster turnaround of orders into deliveries. That will come with the broader refinancing.

      We are still in discussion with prospective participants in a broader refinancing whose goal is to elevate the company’s prospects, by building on its current accomplishments with additional resources to make the most of opportunities that exist with existing accounts, and new sectors, for our product(s). The calibre of these discussion partners is much higher than any parties who were available in the past. With account relationships of the type that we have now acquired, and product reviews being as positive as they are from consumers of these retailers, and R&D/manufacturing/operational competence having been established, Winning Brands is now a suitable candidate for an appropriate investment bank. There are a number that specialize in entrepreneurial enterprises which have cultural and practical qualities that could, under the right circumstances,lead to growth of 10 to 100 times current size of revenue. Many aspiring little companies do not have these qualities. Even in our case, until the return of Walmart took place, and the evidence mounted of U.S. and international interest in the product, we were not yet qualified for an investment banking relationship. We now have many good things going for us. I will not rush the refinancing discussions for the sake of a timeline, because I am only interested in sensible arrangements that are beneficial for current shareholders. It is a pleasure to be discussing options with investment industry experts who have the scope and goodwill to see long term possibilities. Their participation in these discussions is much appreciated and a credit to them and their organizations. It takes no talent at all to merely invest in something that has already acquired all the obvious trappings of success. It takes real skill to find the “up and commers”. That’s also a more useful exercise in society – interest and participation in emerging enterprises. Our society needs as many of these as possible. It has been painfully obvious that many of the “blue chip” organizations over the past couple of decades have had their own problems.

      There will always be a few critics who claim that we cannot do what we have set out to accomplish. These are people who have not personally accomplished exactly what we are setting out to do. However, for those who have, there is a standing invitation to play a constructive part. I am easy to reach.

      Cheers, Eric

      Tags: Questions about O/S and financing

      Jul 02
      Q2 Share Count Update

      Shareholder Correspondence, Shareholder Count, Stock Statistics

      by Eric Lehner

      The following are official transcripts from the Stock Transfer Agents, reflecting all issuance to June 30, 2012. There is no issuance in process.

      The “Shareholders of Record” includes one entry representing all shares held in in the name of DTCC partnership nominee CEDE & Co. These are in turn held by several thousand beneficial owners through their trading accounts. The Non-Objecting Beneficial Owners list for Winning Brands is estimated to be between 4,500 and 5,000 persons. This figure varies daily.

      Tags: Official Transcript of Island Stock Transfer for Winning Brands

      Jun 30
      Hardware Retailing Magazine: July 2012

      Advertising, Launch Activity

      by Eric Lehner

      1000+ Stain Remover, World’s Most Versatile Cleaning Solution, in July 2012 hardware industry magazine.

      The digital edition is now online. Page 13.
      (Link here: )

      The physical magazine will be sent to over 30,000 industry retailers during the month. Skunk spray is a topic of surprising interest to the hardware store personnel that we meet at trade shows. The typical home made remedies are complicated to make and don’t work well. 1000+ works like a charm.

      Tags: 1000+ Stain Remover and Hardware Retailing Magazine

      Jun 25
      Rising in the Ranks at Do it Best

      Launch Activity

      by Eric Lehner

      The Do it Best website,, displays 193 results under the search term “stain remover”. When ranked by popularity, 1000+ Stain Remover has now risen to well within the top half of all offerings. As of today, the 30oz bottle of 1000+ is number 79 of 193. These numbers change from time to time, and display may vary with region, however, the trend-line is unmistakably upward in popularity amongst Do it Best store staff and customers since inception of the 1000+ account in Q4 2011.

      It should be remembered that we are still amongst the newest in the group. We have achieved top half standing from a base of 15 – 20% of the stores.

      We have also noticed an increase in the number of general retailer/distributors initiating enquiries with us, rather than the usual prospecting flowing in the other direction. These extracts of recent correspondence to us are indicative of a new tone, for which we are most grateful.

      Hi there, My name is _______, I work for ________. We are very interested in purchasing from your company. Could you please email me product/pricing information that includes the UPCs and cost in a PDF or excel format, as well as what documents you may need from us to set up an account? In addition, what is the minimum order and does your company have a minimum for prepaid freight? Also we are members of _____ and ______, so if preferred we have the ability to bill through either. We are looking forward to building a great business relationship….


      I am a buyer at _____, a regional paint sundries distributor. We’ve had our eye on your product for a while now and a few of our customers who are carrying it are doing really well with it. We are interested in discussing distributing your product, assuming you don’t have an exclusivity agreement with _______. Please contact me at your earliest convenience so we can talk. Thank you.

      Tags: Rising in the ranks from number 193 to number 79 and still moving.

      Jun 25
      O/S Update

      Shareholder Correspondence

      by Eric Lehner

      The following screen shot reflects all issuance to date. There is no issuance in process.

      This post has no tag

      Jun 21
      Technical Test

      Shareholder Correspondence

      by Eric Lehner

      This message is being posted as a quality control test.

      It has come to our attention that some readers are not able to see two posts dated June 15th. This new message is being posted to detemine whether the technical issue with the June 15th posts is specific to them, or associated with the WordPress platform instead. The matter is being looked into currently.

      If you are a reader who was not able to see the June 15th posts, but now can see this test message, kindly let us know: Thank you.

      This post has no tag

      Jun 15
      O/S Update

      Shareholder Correspondence

      by Eric Lehner

      The following screen shot reflects all issuance to date. There is no issuance in process.

      Tags: Attached official stock transfer agent report.

      Jun 15
      Current Status Renewal

      Shareholder Correspondence

      by Eric Lehner

      Winning Brands shareholders may not be aware that the standard of Quarterly and Annual reporting which Winning Brands provides to its shareholders exceeds 4,263 other ”over the counter” public companies in its thoroughness. This determination is made by the quotation service, OTC Markets, commonly known as Pink Sheets. Tiers have been established based on standards established by OTC Markets in consultation with regulatory agencies.

      The “Current Information” tier, to which Winning Brands belongs, is the first level at which a company is deemed to provide “adequate public disclosure” on a Quarterly and Annual basis. 2,304 companies are in this category currently, of 6,567 OTC level peers. As can be seen in the chart below, 4,263 companies, whose shares are being traded, do not meet this standard.

      Winning Brands takes pride in having risen in these tiers since its inception and for having maintainted its Current Information designation because of the extent and clarity of its Quarterly and Annual filings. The term Current Information is not an endorsement of the quality of the company; it is an affirmation that Quarterly and Annual filings meet an extensive disclosure standard that other companies, with shares that are being traded, have not been willing to meet. Therefore, within its OTC peer group, Winning Brands is in the minority of companies that do. (These numbers are as at June 15, 2012) There are additional higher tiers in the public markets that can be accessed, to which Winning Brands aspires. The Current Information Tier Renewal Confirmation appears below.

      OTC peer group companies that do not provide adequate information according to OTC Market Guidelines (majority):

      Caveat Emptor (“Buyer Beware): 310
      Stop Sign (“No Information Available”): 2,939
      Yield (“Limited Information Available”) 714
      Non Reporting: 300-400

      Tags: The Current Information tier at Pink Sheets has been renewed.

      Jun 12
      DeltaSonic – 1000+ Now in All Detailing Facilities


      by Eric Lehner

      We thank DeltaSonic for confirmation, just received, that 1000+ Stain Remover has been moved into all DeltaSonic facilities that perform vehicle detailing services; 23 locations. It was previously under an extended test for this application.


      Tags: DeltaSonic car wash group moves 1000+ Stain Remover into all of its 23 auto detailing locations.

      Jun 09
      Store Testimonials Continue


      by Eric Lehner

      This item was just received from the wife of a Do it Best member hardware store associate. The more such connections that we make in the hardware store sector, the more such nice experiences can be shared with us. People who have a positive spirit are a blessing - and there are so many positive people in this industry yet to meet.

      Good afternoon… Here it goes…. I went to a friend’s home I do cleaning for and as I got out of the car I knew Murphy (her pet dog) had found a skunk. My friend had already tried to clean her with no success. We had seen your product just a couple weeks before in Indianapolis at the Doit Best show so I called my husband Jimmy who works at _______ and asked him for the product. So he brought it to me and I used it on Murphy and I just wanted you to know how it really worked. It immediately took out the yellow stain from her white coat and removed most of the smell with just the first round.Murphy and I bonded that day! I have used your product for a lot of other uses and I want to Thank you for a great product. So many companies make great claims but have disappointing results. It is great when you find one like yours that does what you advertise it will do. Thanks again! p.s. I will be sending you a picture….

      Tags: There is a vast and still untapped resource of thousands of hardware stores that will discover 1000+ Stain Remover for themselves and their customers

      Jun 07
      For Canadian Shareholders

      Shareholder Correspondence

      by Eric Lehner

      I was told today by a Canadian shareholder that they are satisfied with their ability to transact WNBD at RBC Direct Investing. This would be helpful to many people, because it is one of Canada’s leading online investment platforms.


      Tags: WNBD can be traded in Canada at RBC Direct

      Jun 05
      Do it Best Store Count: 610

      Launch Activity

      by Eric Lehner

      66 Do it Best stores ordered 1000+ Stain Remover for the first time in May, through normal channels, bringing the cummulative count to 610 Do it Best locations. This does not include stores which saw 1000+ for the first time at the May Market and placed orders in the ” consolidated pool” specific to the show. That number is not known by us yet.

      Tags: More Do it Best Stores carry 1000+ Stain Remover

      Jun 04
      Shareholder Question: Current Prospects

      Shareholder Correspondence

      by Eric Lehner


      Hi Eric, I’ve been a very loyal share holder for several years now. Do you honestly think there is any hope for the company and share price? Obviously selling at this point is senseless, it just seems like with everything in the works that there was no way we would ever dive this low. I personally never imaged we’d hit this point…very disappointing!


      Yes, I do think that the company and the share price will advance again. When our refinancing is in place, it will permit an end to Rule 504 subscriptions. The stock will receive a much needed break from systematic selling so that the demand and supply factors can become balanced again. In the 504 era, share supply expanded faster than demand. In the post-504 era, there will not be the same pressure on the share price as exists with 504 financing. There is plenty of untapped demand for our shares that is not apparent at the moment because potential buyers are staying on the sidelines until they see how the funding issue will be resolved. If they see that we made sensible arrangements, and the share supply stops growing, then the conditions for a share price recovery are present. No one, liternally no one, is more eager to see the end of 504 financing than I am. It was a way for us to come into existence as a young public company, but Winning Brands needs to start benefiting from financing that is geared to the well being of the company. 504 subscribers have benefited disproportionately in the risk/reward equation. It’s a sympton of the way in which the securities regulations are written. The legislation favours people who are already wealthy by denying the opportunity of non-accredited persons to participate in the 504 process. The process was a necessary part of the evolution of our financing, however I will be glad to see it end. Furthermore, when the 504 financing ends, the restoration of our DTC eligibility will be a step closer. We have to remember that with TD Ameritrade and a few other platforms out of the picture, our buying had not been firing on all cylinders.

      The potential share price recovery is also enhanced by the fact that Winning Brands’ prospects are improving by a number of criteria. Its relationships with customers and suppliers are in tact, consumer testimonials continue to come in supporting the premise of 1000+ as a potentially popular product amongst many consumers, and exposure to the U.S. hardware sector is widening. (Our first True Value banner outlet has placed their order a few days ago.) There are many other encouraging aspects of Winning Brands’ business, however I will confine myself to a brief reply to your basic question of whether I honestly believe that there is hope going forward. My answer is a clear and sober “yes” – in my opinion the current market cap of Winning Brands is ridiculous relative to previous levels and its potential. We have come out of the triple zeros before, and in my personal opinion, will do so again, for solid practical reasons.

      Tags: What are the prospects for Winning Brands going forward?

      Jun 01
      A few more thoughts about financing

      Shareholder Correspondence

      by Eric Lehner

      Spoken word file attached for shareholders who are following the process:

      20120601 192620

      Tags: 2012, Additional comments June 1

      Jun 01

      Shareholder Correspondence

      by Eric Lehner

      A courtesy suggestion to shareholders: our e-mail spam filtering is being moved to a new service. It’s not a seamless process, unfortunately. We have noticed that the number of “false positives” is high at the moment, meaning that too many non-spam items are being prevented from coming through. The settings are still being worked on. I anticipate that propogation of the new arrangements to external servers will take another couple of days. If you have any urgent matters requiring your attention, kindly call Jean at the office: (705) 737-4062. Rgds, Eric

      Tags: E-Mail Spam Filter Work

      May 31
      Higher Visibility of 1000+ in the Hardware Sector Continues

      Advertising, Launch Activity

      by Eric Lehner

      The photo below shows the June 2012 issue of the North American Retail Hardware Association (NRHA) publication “Hardware Retailing”, turned to page 12 and 13. On the left is the monthly update of industry statistics that readers turn to regularly. On the right is the 1000+ full page advertisement which was introduced to this magazine’s readers for the first time last month. We could not have asked for a better location within the book in June - a big thanks to the publishers. The magazine is delivered to over 30,000 hardware stores and an additional 2,000 senior executives within the industry. Regular presence for 1000+ Stain Remover in this key trade journal is a new feature of our connection to the sector. The publication is sent to most Ace Hardware Stores, True Value Hardware stores, Do it Best stores amongst many others, large and small. The reason for emphasizing 1000+ Stain Remover on skin in the first two advertisements is the product’s remarkable gentleness to skin, within the peer group of solvents and stain removers. Future ads will feature engaging images from the popular ”Oh NO! Oh YES!” testimonial series, in order to get the point across that 1000+ delivers uncommon versatility in a single solution. 1000+ Stain Remover is a perfect fit for hardware stores across America. It is our core business plan to become a household name in this sector, and then beyond. Winning Brands shareholders who would like to learn more about the hardware/home improvement sector can read the publication digitally at this link:

      Tags: 1000+ Stain Remover visibility in the hardware sector grows with Hardware Retailing Magazine

      May 24
      DIB Ohio Back on Top

      Launch Activity

      by Eric Lehner

      The best performing Do it Best store is back in Ohio, from Kansas, surpassing the bottle per day benchmark, with 228 bottles moving in 6 months since first order (mixed sizes). As proof that “you get out of life what you put into it”, this winning store had staff present at last weekend’s May Market. They took a keen interest observing our latest live demonstration techniques, as performed by Scup and Dirty Dave!

      Tags: Stores who take an interest in 1000+ Stain Remover benefit. That's the pattern.

      May 22
      Not all stain removers are created equal.

      Launch Activity, Testimonials

      by Eric Lehner

      Do it Best May Market, Indianapolis. Dewalt Tools booth representative spills coffee all over her white pants. She goes to the nearby display of a competitor to 1000+ Stain Remover. She is given sample which does not do the job. Another exhibitor, located closer to us, heard of her situation and brought the lady to our booth instead. Within minutes the 1000+ Stain Rescue Center delivered satisfaction to her. She was able to keep her existing garments on rather than change, and resumed her activities. As a parting gift to us, she permitted us to record her satisfaction with this “head-to-head” test of the two brands.

      Tags: 1000+ Stain Remover delivers satisfaction to Dewalt Tools representative at Do it Best May Market 2012 in head-to-head competition with other brand of stan remover.

      May 22
      When sales professionals can believe in their product…

      Launch Activity, Testimonials

      by Eric Lehner

      The Customer Experiences Binder that we provide to our distributors’ sales teams is prompting an increase in photo testimonials. This unexpected one came from Tom Widdes of Dynamic. He was inspired to look for uses outdoors. Tom was surprised at what a positive difference 1000+ made outside of his own home and sent these pictures. The dramatic improvement that 1000+ made to the appeal of his backyard landscaping in this Before, During and After picture speaks for itself. He carried on and used it on the rest of the rockery and was very happy. 1000+ is safe to use around plants, grass and animals. Thanks Tom for the initiative! Any sales professional prefers to speak about their product from the basis of honest personal experience.

      Tags: The format of Winning Brands' Customer Experiences materials is prompting increased experimentation by sales reps and testimonials.

      May 21
      Pride of Purpose – Winning Brands at Do it Best May Market

      Launch Activity, Trade Show

      by Eric Lehner

      Profound thanks to David, Scup, Kristin and Deberah not only for being at the Do it Best May Market representing 1000+ Stain Remover, but for being there with such obvious pride of purpose. Do it Best members do sense the commitment and enthusiasm behind 1000+. When we are given the opportunity to interact with hardware store personnel one-on-one, real progress is made. That’s when they see first-hand that 1000+ is not “just another stain remover”.

      Deeper conversation with store associates in this setting reconfirms the huge opportunity that exists for Winning Brands if we keep building awareness through first-hand customer experiences. Feedback from Do it Best stores who have brought 1000+ into their locations is positive. These person-to-person exchanges provides more evidence that success for 1000+ Stain Remover as a household name can be achieved with exposure. Significantly, we don’t get ”push back” from people who are familiar with 1000+. Comments from experienced 1000+ store personnel are a strong source of motivation for us – because they are our greatest supporters. It’s a joy to hear customer experiences that are shared with us at the show. One practical thing that we are also reminded of is that there is a certain amount of skepticism by people who see our advertising (or any advertising) for the first time. That’s why steady exposure to our monthly Customer Experiences mailer program is so important. We will continue to work on that program and improve it to reflect feedback. We want to achieve deep awareness of 1000+ within the industry, so that consumers have steady exposure to personnel who can answer questions (or make recommendations) based on authentic personal knowledge.

      Photo below: Deberah is employed by Winning Brands, whereas David, Scup and Kristin are stakeholders reimbursed for their transportation, accommodation and meals. As the resources of Winning Brands grow over time, 1000+ will have a presence at more shows too.

      Tags: Do it Best May Market 2012 Indianapolis, Indiana

      May 18
      Shareholder Question: Refinancing – Audio

      Shareholder Correspondence

      by Eric Lehner

      A shareholder asked me today whether I could convey where I thought we really stand in the process, in my own words. Accordingly I have attached the following Audio response. The file format (M4A) is read best by QuickTime. That format uses less memory. WordPress websites, like the CEO Weblog, have a 4MB upload limit. I’d be interested in knowing whether the majority of our readers can open it on their computers or not. Please let Jean Wursten-May know whether you’d like us to send you an Mp3 version.

      CEO Answer to Shareholder Question About Financing May 17, 2012

      Tags: CEO Comments about Winning Brands Refinancing

      May 16
      Fact Check: International

      Shareholder Correspondence

      by Eric Lehner

      In response questions/comments about the company’s priorities regarding markets, the following points may help to clarify why international markets are attractive:

      The company’s Ambassadors operate on a commission basis, not salary.
      The importer pays for shipping.
      The importer pays for advertising in their market.
      The international markets have not required travel to establish.
      Samples provided to foreign markets have been proportionately less than for domestic markets.
      Stores in several countries have freight forwarding arrangements with agencies in Miami (for Caribbean markets) and Long Beach (Pacific) to receive goods by consolidation with other merchandise through shared wholesalers.

      In summary, international business development has so far cost the company very little, yet opens the company up to the 95% of the world’s population that lives outside of North America. Determining whether their response to 1000+ is similar to domestic markets is both easy and helpful for long term planning purposes. Many companies do not have a legitimate international dimension. For these practical and cultural reasons, there is no reason to waste naturally occuring opportunities internationally.

      Tags: International sales of 1000+ Stain Remover are a remarkably affordable way of increasing the possible scope of the company's future business.

      May 15
      True Value – When stores have enthusiasm that you can feel…

      Launch Activity

      by Eric Lehner

      This enquiry, received today from a True Value store, opens an important door. Requesting a sample is one thing. Making an enquiry of the type below is entirely different. Winning Brands’ business goal is to be of service to hardware stores across the country, regardless of their banner affiliation, so that 1000+ Stain Remover can become a household name from coast-to-coast. We very much appreciate initiative of this type.

      Extract to protect confidentiality:

      ….We ordered a few cases of 1000+ Stain Remover from…..and we really need to order more. Can you please let me know how to order, what the minimum order is and about any freight charges that may apply. We are a True Value hardware store located in New York state about 2 hrs north of NYC. Our customers are really loving the product as is our paint dept uses it regularly. What an awesome product!!…

      Tags: True Value is a well known national organization of independent hardware stores. They are peers to Do it Best and Ace Hardware stores.

      May 15
      School Days – Testimonial


      by Eric Lehner

      This testimonial photo received today from a school teacher. They were “painting the plow” at their school with resilient paint recently. Teachers and students were finding the paint mess on skin and clothing harder to remove than they had anticipated. One teacher had a bottle of 1000+ Stain Remover at the school and within moments of starting to use it they made clean-up headway and were completely satisfied with the results. According to the teacher, many comments followed by other teachers saying …”how great this “stuff” works and how do they get some for themselves …” Many thanks to this teacher for her initiative in this situation and for letting us know that we were able to be of service. Just one bottle, a thousand solutions.

      Tags: School yard testimonial for 1000+ Stain Remover

      May 11
      Why “Safe on Skin” is a Big Deal


      by Eric Lehner

      We are particularly proud that 1000+ Stain Remover is so gentle on skin. Enterprising 11-year old Keeley lent a helping hand to her mum the other day by suggesting the use of 1000+ Stain Remover, or more precisely – “…your Stain Stuff”. The comments below and photos describes how…

      My 11 year Daughter has recently taken up the hobby of becoming a “Body Artist”, daily she returns home from school to proudly show off her works of art in both permanent marker and black ink on her arms. We tried make-up and nail polish remover, and baby oil but it didn’t work. She said “ Don’t worry Mon your Stain Stuff will get it out!” I applied the 1000+ directly rubbed it in with my fingers , rinsed her arm and presto the art work disappeared. My only problem…now she knows how to get it off, she won’t stop doing it. Do you have a product that will help me with that?

      Tags: 1000+ Stain Remover is gentle on skin. That's important because of the people that we care for.

      May 11
      Certification Coming to 1000+ Label

      Launch Activity

      by Eric Lehner

      Next production run will see the replacement of the generic ecoseal with the formal government certification, as shown below.

      Tags: Certified label printing begins in May for 1000+ Stain Remover

      May 10
      Paintball Distributorship Proceeding with 1000+ Stain Remover

      Launch Activity

      by Eric Lehner

      In September 2009 Winning Colours (now 1000+ Stain Remover) was endorsed by a busy Paintball park, following a year of practical experience with the product for a wide range of uses in the facility. A video was made of the result.


      The plan had been for this endorsement to begin the process of distribution to the sector. To the uninformed, Paintball may sound like a trivial matter. It’s an action pursuit sport that has millions of players and a dedicated following. Although the paintballs themselves are often described as containing water soluble medium, there are actually many types and they all get harder to clean-up the longer that a dried medium has been on a surface. 1000+ Stain Remover has superior performance in this venue. 1000+ versatility spans a wide range of clean-ups associated with facilities and accessories. Subsequent to September 2009, management changes at the launch facility brought about a change in the willingness/feasibility of undertaking distribution at that time.

      New developments:
      The initiative is being put back on track with today’s decision by a major Paintball distributor to move forward from the point where the first impasse was reached. PBL Distribution ( ) is listing the product immediately and collaborating with us to place 1000+ Stain Remover into an initial 200 facilities to ramp-up awareness and use within the industry. The results from the 200 facilities will be applied to a sales plan for the entire industy. The original YouTube video will be updated and converted to make it clear that Winning Colours has become 1000+ Stain Remover. Additional appropriate material will be generated. We welcome aboard PBL Distribution, a first class operation. We anticipate being able to make up for lost time through renewed cooperation and drive.

      There is a lot to clean-up in Paintball venues. 1000+ Stain Remover has unmatched versatility and convenience. The picture below from YouTube shows how easily (Winning Colours) 1000+ tackles just one of may messy situations in this environment.

      Tags: 1000+ Stain Remover restarting Paintball sector with launch distributor after long delay

      May 03
      International: 1000+ Stain Remover Arrives in the Dominican Republic

      Launch Activity

      by Eric Lehner

      First delivery of 1000+ Stain Remover has now made to a hardware business in the Caribbean island nation of the Dominican Republic; Deposito Ferretero, S A Autopista Puerto Plata-Sosua, Puerto Plata. The Dominican Republic is a popular travel destination for Americans.

      Tags: 1000+ Stain Remover arrives in the Dominican Republic

      May 03
      Do it Best: Latest Store Testimonial


      by Eric Lehner

      What a team approach looks like! Today we were included in correspondence that was shared by one Do it Best store with other member stores through their social networking portal. We are deeply grateful for this level of goodwill and interest. With our goal that 1000+ becomes the favourite product in the category, it’s a real joy to be honoured by such unsolicited initiatives. They are occurring spontaneously in the heartland of America and coast-to-coast. There is no more down-to-earth and practical community than the tens of thousands of hardware/home improvement stores. Their focus is on “getting the job done”. Feedback of this high quality from the front line means a great deal to us.

      Subject: 1000+ stain remover, good new item

      Our store received free samples of the 1000+ Stain Remover #635646. In just a few weeks we’ve sold about a half dozen 30 OZ bottles. After seeing their video on YouTube and on their web site I was impressed and took some home to try it. Under their header “Uses & Tips” they have a long impressive list of stuff that the product will clean. My wife, the perky _____(name), tried it on some kitchen grout that needed cleaning and told me, “WOW I want a gallon of that stuff, look at where I tested it on our grout.” Trust me here folks, the perky _______ is not impressed by much.When you visit their web site, click on the “Contact Us” button to ask to be listed on their store locator. To get your employees excited about the product, let them watch the video. JMHO

      Tags: Thank you to the growing number of hardware stores who are taking the time to share their findings about 1000+ Stain Remover - World's Most Versatile Cleaning Solution

      May 02
      Shareholder Question: Investing in Winning Brands Stock

      Shareholder Correspondence, Uncategorized

      by Eric Lehner


      Eric, Thank you for your response. I hate to bring this up over and over but I really want to invest in your company. According to another post on your blog you seem to be more in favor of increasing the A/S count instead of a R/S would you say you still see that way considering that an R/S basically ruins your chances of becoming cleared by the dtcc? I just want to know my money would be safe in your common stock.


      Attached audio file. (We are testing use of audio files to save time in replies which are in-depth. The audio file should open in a new QuickTime window, or other media player, in a few moments).

      20120502 184548

      Tags: Shareholder Question Answered with Audio File

      May 01
      Shareholder Question: Ace & True Value

      Shareholder Correspondence

      by Eric Lehner


      Nice jump in Do it Best stores. I wonder why Kansas stores are the leaders? Btw, quick question now that do it best stores are coming on quickly, what needs to be done to get in the true value or ace stores? Now that you have a successful campaign with these stores, it should be relatively easy, no?


      The leading stores within any banner will change, as others come on board. Previously, the leading DIB store was in Ohio. At the moment, the top two are in Kansas. Even these good performers have a long way to go before they can be considered maxing out the potential of such outlets. These particular stores are not at a bottle per day yet – whereas some other banner stores are even higher than that. Realistically, we will do very nicely if the typical hardware/paint store sells even 2 bottles per week. That rate would make a Do it Best banner by itself approximately $1.8 million per year at the wholesale level. What we are seeking is that the performance of better stores within a group becomes the standard for others in the banner to emulate. That’s hard to achieve because in any group of individuals, there is always a range of performance. Over time we can create “systematic” conditions in the stores which foster desired outcomes. That could include use of counter displays, participation in a direct householder mail program, etc.

      As far as Ace and True Value are concerned, and what needs to be done – we are now in a few independent outlets of both banners. The goal is to ensure that these stores do well with the product so that they can speak authentically about their own success. The national product managers of these banners will become increasingly aware of 1000+ through such internal channels, trade advertising, competitive monitoring and our own product presentations of course. All these factors eventually help make the case to them, as professional buyers, that the banner should offer the their own independent members access to 1000+ via the banner’s distribution centers. Until that point, we have to supply those stores directly, or through another distributor. Both Ace and True Value are similar in store count, with approximately 4,400 members each.

      I personally would never use the word “easy” to describe the listing process with a national retail organization today. However, it is less arduous if a success is developing for you elsewhere in the industry. I hope I am accurate in saying that the retailers who are dealing with us now in the U.S. are enjoying the experience. That’s what they are telling us, anyway.

      Tags: Shareholder question regarding listing of 1000+ Stain Remover by Ace and True Value

      May 01
      Do it Best: 544 Participating Stores

      Launch Activity

      by Eric Lehner

      During April, initial orders for 1000+ Stain Remover increased by 62 Do it Best locations, bringing the total count to 544 participating stores carrying 1000+ on the premises. The two most productive stores are currently in Kansas.

      Tags: 1000+ Stain Remover gaining friends in Kansas

      May 01
      First Lowe’s USA Contractors’ Day Invitation

      Store Demonstrations

      by Eric Lehner

      1000+ Stain Remover was invited to be part of a Contractor’s Day at a Lowe’s outlet in USA for the first time this weekend. Demonstrations were provided by Amber, below, in Ohio. We shared space with the Contractor Credit Card application operation, so there was a steady opportunity to meet the local trades. Thanks Amber for a great start to your association with 1000+!

      Tags: First time at Contractors' Day in a USA Lowe's location for 1000+ Stain Remover. Participation was by invitation.

      Apr 30
      Shareholder Question: GSA

      Shareholder Correspondence

      by Eric Lehner


      Eric, For many of us shareholders, today 4/30/12 is a tough start to the week. I am referring to the low p.p.s. of wnbd. I was wondering if you were able to share any news on the G.S.A. front. Sincerely…


      We have come close to obtaining substantial tender awards twice, but were outbid at a lower price by an existing supplier of an older product. We could have matched that price, but did not know in advance what the others are delivering. As an active participant, we are now privy to more of that data, levelling the playing field.
      Prior to agencies gaining first-hand experience with a product, the GSA cannot vary the specification of tenders to accommodate a new entry whose properties are preferable, but not yet internalized into the specification process. In other words, a product that does not have some of the older harsher chemicals may lose the bid because of the assumption being made that the absence of the harsher ingredients will not deliver the required result.
      To address this Catch-22, we have in the meantime proposed a Blanket Purchase Agreement which would enable the GSA to accept all the metrics of our product on its own merits as something new, and to keep it in-stock in its own warehouses. This is being considered currently. This would break the log jam. Also, the fact that we have recently been awarded the USDA Biopreferred designation turns the tables in our favour. But this has just happened.
      As an alternative, the NEXEO launch would serve the same purpose. Despite this being reported to us in writing as likely to have happened by now, there was a delay on the other end for reasons unrelated to the product. Naturally we are endeavoring to learn the details of next steps. We have been pre-qualified in terms of the product itself and our eligibility to do business with NEXEO.
      In the meantime, we have individual testimonials from persons in appropriate agencies. Those persons would like their agencies to supply our product, but this has not yet been approved.
      Today the GSA did approve Winning Brands’ first GSA advertisement. It’s going into one of their leading publications, distributed to thousands of GSA personnel. Each ad needs prior approval. The date of this insertion has not been confirmed by the GSA because there is limited commercial space in each edition of the publication. The publication serves as a journal of various professional updates within the GSA organization and is widely read.
      While on the surface it may look like progress in this matter is slow, people who are familiar with government business know that its appeal comes not from the speed but rather the potential scale of the result. Eventually, when we are established in this setting and our products are widely known, then we too will benefit from being an “existing” supplier with all that this entails. This is why our initial vendor contract with the GSA is for 5 years, with several 5-year renewal periods. The government thinks “long term” in such relationships. The mere fact of having a GSA schedule listing is highly valuable for its potential. Far more vendors would like to have it than do have it – there is a waiting list for approvals.

      Tags: Shareholder Question about GSA

      Apr 30
      Shareholder Question: Operations


      by Eric Lehner


      Hotels, no names needed just a count would be enough. Quarter pallet display in Canadian National Account that was approved last year to start this quarter. Is this still on? Sam Club, it has been almost a month since the last event and only one this year. Is this the pace to expect for the rest of the year or could that excelerate?


      HOTELS: For technical reasons, we are still holding at the 30 properties who are either buying, or deciding whether to buy. Primary consideration is making a policy decision about how we will handle installed pump mechanisms. These would have to be replaced if contracts are shifted to a new supplier in some cases. We are assessing whether our current business goal requires this, or whether properties where this is not a requirement should be focused on first. It’s a trade-off between account size and capital outlay. Secondary consideration is the advantage of consolidating at this number of accounts and prospects long enough to develop a compelling statistical case study illustrating the savings in money and effort (and better results) that participating hotels are experiencing with our products, prior to approaching more prospects. Such additional preparation could make the future prospecting process much more efficient and ultimately increase the pick-up rate better than standard cold calling – particularly if results were shared by way of industry publications. It’s an active matter.

      QUARTER PALLET: That retailer is keen to proceed but has introduced a costing/pricing aspect which would create problems with our undertakings to others. In the meantime, a similar opportunity is under consideration with another party that would not require uncomfortable arrangements. It’s an active matter.

      SAM’S CLUB: It has become clear that 1000+ Stain Remover sells in this environment, at this price, despite being unknown. Therefore, the price/value proposition for the package in its current configuration are proven to be viable as far as the consumer is concerned. We custom made the SKU for the Sam’s Club trial in a low volume production run – which is not efficient. If we expand the program, it would be necessary to achieve the economy of sale through larger production runs. Accordingly, we are weighing the advantage of carrying on with the current cost structure for the sake of it, vs the value of approaching it on a larger scale so that profit is realized in this program - but requiring larger up-front commitment by both the retailer and ourselves (and allowing the extra time required for the approval/implementation of the larger commitment). It’s an active matter.

      Tags: Shareholder Questions about Operations

      Apr 30
      Shareholder Question: Financing Progress

      Shareholder Correspondence

      by Eric Lehner


      Several questions have been received asking whether the financing is still likely to happen, and if so, when.


      We now have active prospects and expressions of interest. The company has a number of attractive characteristics. It deserves to be funded on this basis. Helping prospective funders understand these qualities is a positive experience because the company obviously has much to look forward to. An objective review of all the facts reveals this easily. It would not be appreciated by discussion partners, nor wise during negotiations, to provide details about identities, nor the process, publicly until the other parties feel it is appropriate. I have no reason to believe that our financing will not take place on an acceptable basis. The top priority is to achieve this shared understanding of the company’s strengths rather than driving to be funded on a particular day. The company will only accept a transaction that is appropriate to shareholder interests. That is the key factor determining when new financing is activated. The company has made considerable progress in the last two months preparing our “case”, identifying appropriate candidates, making suitable presentations and advancing professionally.

      Tags: Shareholder question about financing.

      Apr 27
      “We are impressed with the product…”


      by Eric Lehner

      Another unsolicited store testimonial today, this time from Florida. If we have Fort Myers area shareholders looking for a store to purchase their 1000+ Stain Remover from, here’s a store with initiative that would be a pleasure to buy from.

      We are a Do it Best Co-Op member. Do it Best Corp recently added the 1000+ stain remover in the 30 OZ and 4 OZ sizes to their warehouses through your national accounts program. We buy out of Do it Best warehouse of both sizes and have been impressed with the product. We request we be listed in your web site’s store locator link. Thank you, Family Hardware Do it Express, 622 SE 47th Terrace, Cape Coral, FL 33904

      Tags: Could our 500 Do it Best stores grow to 2500? Could Ace and True Value warehouses list us? America has forty thousand hardware stores.

      Apr 27
      Encountering customers in the most unexpected places….


      by Eric Lehner

      Deberah Ruddy, Manager Retailer Support, is in Ohio currently meeting candidates who would like to provide live in-store demonstrations for 1000+ during special events and seasonal promotions. Following a full day in a different city today, she headed to her hotel at night. The following is an extract from her trip report. It is proof again that you never know who your customers are (but they are out there, and will certainly continue to grow in number….)

      “When I checked into the hotel tonight I was registering at the front desk when a gentleman walked up and asked who had the van (with our bottle on the side). I said that would be me; he said ‘I love that stuff! Got some at Lowe’s and used it at home for laundry stains. It worked so well that I brought it here for housekeeping to use in the hotel laundry as well.’ I am staying at the Best Western. ”

      Tags: In how many other interesting places are there unknown 1000+ Stain Remover fans laying the foundation for a coast-to-coast success story?

      Apr 25
      Welcome, Amber!

      Launch Activity

      by Eric Lehner

      Consumers who have been buying 1000+ Stain Remover at Lowe’s test stores in Ohio are providing positive feedback. Opportunities are increasing for locally-based 1000+ product demonstrators for special in-store events. We welcome Amber as our first Ohio-based product associate, effective today. Amber will provide live demonstrations and share customer feedback. Thank you, Deberah Ruddy, Manager Winning Brands Retailer Support, for your help in building the team.

      Tags: 1000+ Stain Remover gains local demonstration capability in Central Ohio.

      Apr 25
      Something that money cannot buy…


      by Eric Lehner

      Unsolicited correspondence today from a Home Hardware store (the banner featured on Page 42 of the May 2012 issue of Hardware Retailing Magazine):

      Good day, I am an employee of a Home Hardware Building Centre. I am also a very loyal customer of 1000+. I rescue animals and with anywhere form 14 – 20 animals in the house at one time I use the product continually. We have 2 bottles in the house at all times. When a customer comes in the store looking for something to remove stains the staff will call me from the office to talk to them in regards to your product. I have heard a customer talking about another product and I direct them to yours explaining how I use it. This product is a life saver for me. We do use it diluted 10 – 1 at home in a spray bottle and find that work the very best for us. I use it on carpets, tile, furniture to remove any stains that an animal might leave us. I also have switched from laminate floor cleaner to using the spray bottle of your product to clean the laminate floor, it works great and leaves not streaks. Just spray on the 10-1 mixture and use the mop with the cloth head on it no rinsing and the floors look new again. Just wanted to let you know what a great product this is…

      Tags: Unsolicited testimonials from store staff are priceless. These are people who have their pick of any product!

      Apr 24
      1000+ Stain Remover in the U.S. Hardware Sector: Trade Advertising Expands to 32,000 Stores

      Launch Activity

      by Eric Lehner

      The print and online editions of Hardware Retailing Magazine have just been published. The May edition is the largest of the year. Our advertisement (Page 159) can be seen in this live link:
      (Tip: Fast forwarding to the end and going backwards is faster).

      This publication is known by “everybody” in the sector because it is produced by the North American Hardware Retailers Association. It is obvious to any reader of the publication that it is put together by people who know the industry inside out. In addition to reaching approximately 32,000 individual store locations, the publication reaches approximately 1,800 top merchandise managers, buyers and key executives. We will have a regular presence in the publication going forward. This will introduce 1000+ to thousands of industry personnel who have not heard of us before. Our goal is to become a brand that is known and liked throughout the hardware/home improvement sector, on its way to becoming a favourite in its category and ultimately a household name amongst consumers.

      Tags: 1000+ Stain Remover to become a regular feature of Hardware Retailing Magazine's industry wide reach

      Apr 23
      Testimonials by Mail Too…


      by Eric Lehner

      This note received in the mail today from Ohio is from a consumer who got her hands on 1000+ somehow and is now looking for a place to buy more. The frequency of such unsolicited contacts from U.S. consumers is increasing. In this case, it was determined that the customer lives within a convenient drive to the Lowe’s store in Steubenville, Ohio. That will become her regular place to pick some up. The store has already set a bottle aside for her, because she is heading right down. It was interesting for us to learn in a telephone conversation with the customer that she is a person with many years of life experience buying cleaning products and still considers this new find to be “the best” that she has used. I share such testimonials with Winning Brands shareholders because of our enthusiasm here for what we do. We receive far more such feedback than I post. It is a joy to read the call reports!

      Tags: Many years of buying cleaning products and this consumer still considers 1000+ Stain Remover to be the best that she has used.

      Apr 23
      Shareholder Correspondence: Shows

      Shareholder Correspondence

      by Eric Lehner


      Eric I must say we got excellent coverage in the Mag. especially when you click on to the up coming show May 1-3. Memory doesn’t serve me well in so far as to whether or not we will be attending the National Hardware show or just advertising. I think this would be a great beneficial promotion just like the Do-it-best show coming up in Mid May. I realize it may be a bit expensive and time consuming. But the back to back shows of this magnitude could be mind boggling. I don’t remember seeing a blog on the up coming National Hardware show recently.


      The cost and logistics of a back-to-back participation in these two shows was not yet feasible. While it may seem that the NHS is the one to attend, there are less obvious but important reasons in favour of following through with Do it Best May Market, thus ensuring that this community of 4,000 members knows us well. With increasing and regular trade advertising of 1000+ Stain Remover to the industry having started in the May 2012 NHRA publication, and continuing in 2012 through various means, the 2013 Spring Show will be perfect for us. We will be heard of and recognized by most event participants by then , we will have a maturing Do it Best success story to share of interest to the two other member co-ops and buying groups, and our 2012 major financing will have enabled us to book early for significant floor presence in terms of substantial size, great design, sufficient personnel and a “total impact” effect. In the meantime, our principal U.S. distributor, Lancaster, has a presence at the NHS.

      Tags: Trade Show Attendance

      Apr 23
      Nice Gesture by Paint Dealer Magazine

      Launch Activity

      by Eric Lehner

      The magazine has chosen the 1000+ Stain Remover icon as their Home Page link to a features section lead item in the May 2012 issue, just published. Live link: The publishers of this magazine have been demonstrating a desire to help America’s paint retailers discover Winning Brands, through a variety of gestures. Much appreciated.

      Tags: 1000+ Stain Remover Trade Advertising Increasing in 2012

      Apr 21
      Shareholder Correspondence: Norway

      Shareholder Correspondence

      by Eric Lehner

      We have permission from a shareholder in Norway to share his testimonial, received today from Europe:

      it is good to be able to give feedback on on such a great product. Feel free to use the info and pictures to inform others. I live in Norway and have tried to get some bottles of 1000+ for a while. When it was announced that Repair Products Ltd (in England) was selling it I bought 3 bottles since they send it world wide. In December last year I have my new windows installed in my apartment and the window installers used insulation foam around the windows. When they used it the have a little accident and some foam landed on the floor. Since this stuff is very sticky they it is very difficult to get off. They had a spray bottle of some stuff they took it away with. They said that this foam is imposible to get off without the stuff they used. It smelled so strong that i could almost feel my braincells disapear. After they was finish and left i found some footprints on the floor and it was because one of the workers have stepped into the foam they spilled earlier. It was not possible to clean of. I did not do many attempt to get rid of it because i thought to my selves that this must be interesting to use 1000+ on. Since i was not able to get 1000+ until now 3 1/2 months after the spill it must be hard to get it of. I put some 1000+ on all the stains and use both water and a brush on it. It took quite while to get it of. Since it was my first time using 1000 + it probably had something to do with my technique aswell using that long time. I have enclosed before and after picture. I have seen Scupscup used 1000+ in a video removing insulation foam but that was on fresh foam. A great product this is. Regards.

      Tags: Shareholder Testimonial from Norway

      Apr 21
      1000+ Stain Remover Arrives in U.S. Virgin Islands

      Launch Activity

      by Eric Lehner

      First delivery of 1000+ Stain Remover is made to Caribe Do it Centre in Christiansted, on the Island of St. Croix. We welcome our new product friends in this region.

      Tags: First time that 1000+ Stain Remover is available in the U.S. Virgin Islands

      Apr 17
      Product Experiences Campaign

      Launch Activity

      by Eric Lehner

      It’s interesting how many hardware store personnel are pet owners. Pet messes of various kinds come up often in our telephone support calls and customer anecdotes. Our Product Experiences campaign continues because it seems to be contributing to the growth in the number of outlets carrying 1000+ Stain Remover. With approximately 150,000 bottles of our products delivered in 2011, the majority of which are 1000+ Stain Remover, a wide range of people have been using it. We don’t know the exact number of “regular” customers for 1000+, but estimate approximately 50,000 at this time.

      Tags: Testimonial Flyer production continues and contributes to store growth

      Apr 15

      Launch Activity

      by Eric Lehner

      Reach is growing of video demonstrations. This enquiry just received:

      “…I saw some online demo’s of your product, I am excited about the results that I saw….I want to purchase 1000+ stain remover….Can you guide me where can I buy it here in India?”

      Tags: People everywhere can appreciate 1000+ Stain Remover

      Apr 15
      First Testimonial from England


      by Eric Lehner

      Received today:

      I am happy to say that the bottle arrived yesterday, and I’ve already got rid of a couple of stubborn stains that were deemed irremovable!

      Tags: 1000+ Stain Remover Testimonial from England

      Apr 13

      Store Scenes

      by Eric Lehner

      A shareholder was in Walmart (Canada) today. He sent this photo because he was glad to see 1000+ on the shelves with such a hefty presence. We thank Walmart deeply for letting their shoppers discover how useful 1000+ Stain Remover is.

      Tags: It is a source of pride that Walmart Canada has put 1000+ Stain Remover into its stores nationally

      Apr 12
      Shareholder Question: Financing

      Shareholder Correspondence

      by Eric Lehner


      Eric, In a February 22nd blog you wrote: On the subject of refinancing, we are confident that we have identified advisors whose track record, ability to understand our objectives and proven contacts are of sufficient quality to proceed with preparation of a formal proposal to appropriate candidates that are already known. Over the next 90 days there will be a great deal of work going on to complete this. We are now 50 days into the 90 days. Are you confident that you will be able to complete this task in the next 40 days? Any elaboration you can make on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


      The advisors referred to above are experts in the field. I have now witnessed it first-hand through collaboration. With the assistance of these experts, presentation and due diligence materials have been prepared. We are making good progress within the target window. It would be inappropriate for me to speak for anyone else as to their ability and willingness to meet the time lines, however the company itself has been focused and efficient in pursing this outcome. The company has much to be proud of and this is understood by all persons involved in the process. This is a positive experience because it enables the firm to achieve two important things: continue building and to discontinue 504 financing. It is also a positive experience for the investors because Winning Brands has a strong foundation for success.

      Tags: Refinancing

      Apr 12
      Correspondence Tip

      Shareholder Correspondence

      by Eric Lehner

      Thank you to shareholders for their correspondence. Here are a few tips to help us serve you best:

      If you have corresponded by e-mail to me and have not received a reply, please forward the e-mail to my Assistant Jean Wursten-May:
      We are still a small firm, and there is much to do that is time consuming for those of us on the team, myself included. I receive a high volume of daily operational communication and do my best to prioritize. Some correspondence does not lend itself to a rapid reply because of open-ended questions, such as “…what would you do if…” or ” … would you compare X to Y in the case of this or that….” While I don’t object to any sincere question, a proper answer is more time consuming than may be apparent. There may also be reasons of confidentiality, legal constraints, required research and other factors determining the nature of the response. So bear in mind, the more succint the question, the more succinct I can be in my reply.
      Priority is given to correspondence with persons who identify themselves. E-mails or letters from people who conceal their identities through the use of handles cannot be distinguished from junk mail. To respect the interests of persons who are known to be shareholders, a verifiable name in the correspondence goes a long way in generating a timely response. The company has no moral obligation to respond to anonymous correspondents.
      It is not practical or desirable to post every item of correspondence in the CEO Weblog. In order for the CEO Weblog to remain user friendly to the majority of its readers, the operational updates are important. They help to provide the interested shareholder with a nuanced understanding of the firm. This environment would become too dry if consisting primarily of clarifications of interest to an individual correspondent, particularly because of the repetitive nature of many of the questions received. Our correspondents range in their investment experience and knowledge of Winning Brands. The second reason that not all correspondence is suitable for the CEO Weblog is because it would blur the distinction of this environment and the investor discussion forums. The tone of forum discussions vary. Some of it is intelligent and authentic, some of it is not. It is not the purpose of the CEO Weblog to respond to every sarcastic or misinformed comment appearing on a forum. There is unfortunately no mechanism available to a company to respond within the forum equitably, due to Terms of Use which do not accord the same rights to a discussed company as other posters. This means that some misinformation in those settings can only be responded to by others within that setting.
      Lastly, the filters necessary for my e-mail address to weed out spam inevitably captures the occasional legitimate item, holding it in quarantine until eventually uncovered by periodic mannual review of the filters. There can easily be 100 actual spam items per day quarantined.

      In summary, if you have corresponded on a matter that is important to you and have not received a reply in a time frame that you consider appropriate to the issue, I invite you to forward the item to Jean to ensure that it has reached me. With this extra measure, I am confident that every item of legitimate shareholder correspondence can be responded to.

      Tags: Suggestions to improve turnaround of shareholder questions, Tip for improving response to Shareholder Correspondence

      Apr 11
      Do it Best

      Launch Activity

      by Eric Lehner

      Report just in: Do it Best Store sign-ups continue, with 64 new outlets bringing 1000+ Stain Remover in for the first time during March 2012. This raises the total participating Do it Best store count to end of Q1 2012 to 482.

      Tags: Winning Brands targets having its 1000+ Stain Remover being available in over 1000 Do it Best stores By Dec 31 2012.

      Apr 07
      Shareholder Question: Q1 Sales

      Launch Activity

      by Eric Lehner


      Good Morning Eric: Just wondering if we are still progressing a nice pace with sales in the first quarter. I was wondering if you could give a blog on the predicted sales for the first quarter if you have any indication of that situation.


      Sales in Q1 are higher than the comparable period in 2011 by a healthy percentage, but not in fantasy territory. Sensible improvement. Excellent containment of expenses as well.

      As for the development of increasing demand for the balance of the year, we are connecting with more stores in our core sector. The magazine advertisement below represents the first time that we will appear in the North American Hardware Retailers Association publication, “Hardware Retailer”. This publication has unsurpassed reach to our target market, with a circulation over 36,000. Ace, True Value, Orgill, Home Depot, Lowe’s, Menards, Do it Best members and management all receive it. With a regular presence in this publication and other means to become better known in our core market, 2012 will continue to see deeper penetration into our primary sector.

      While it is true in a general sense that consumer advertising/marketing is required to achieve household name stature, obtaining widespread store availability is the foundation for such marketing. There are plenty of successful brands in the hardware sector that you don’t see advertised on television. As far as I am concerned, 1000+ Stain Remover should be/deserves to become available in the majority of these stores in due course. We can become a significant brand with good earnings well before that point is reached.

      Tags: Awareness of 1000+ Stain Remover amongst independent hardware stores will increase following commencement of advertising in The Hardware Retailer

      Apr 07
      Trading Recap: Week Ending April 5, 2012

      Stock Statistics

      by Eric Lehner


      Tags: There continues to be a market and interest in Winning Brands., We thank the several well known Market Makers who continue to contribute to liquidity.

      Apr 07
      Shareholder Question: Walmart Endcap

      Shareholder Correspondence

      by Eric Lehner


      Was wondering if you could clear something up regarding your blog about 1000+ being stocked in a Walmart end cap. Is this currently only happening at one store, or is it going to be a number of stores or possibly all there stores? Lots of speculation going on regarding this blog and would just like some clarification


      It is currently in two. This is apparently being considered for the entire banner, but we have insufficient information to make a responsible comment about the likelihood of this occurring, or timing.

      Tags: Endcaps are prized locations. Although 1000+ is being considered for a national endcap it is not possible to accurately assess the likekihood or timing of this possibility.

      Apr 07
      Shareholder Question: Share Buy Back

      Shareholder Correspondence

      by Eric Lehner


      … if the stock remains this low or doesn’t rise on favorable news. Will you be able to repurchase shares? I know you said in the past if your able to get financing, that it would be attractive to set some aside to do buybacks if the stock remains at these levels. Is this still being considered?


      The most natural and legitimate stock buy back comes from operating revenues. Since that is not realistic at the moment, as an alternative it would be possible to set aside some portion of the new financing for this purpose. However, this may be less attractive to the company than stopping the 504 financing. The cessation of 504′s would by itself be the most important contribution toward rebalancing of stock supply & demand, without any cost to the company. That’s because the supply of shares would dry up and natural demand would have to move toward the ask. Any financing has some cost attached to it. That cost has to be added to the cost of the share re-purchasing to assess the merits of a buy-back using financing proceeds. The situation is fluid and we are considering many such ramifications of the financing options.

      Tags: Corporate share repurchases are best is carried out with surplus operating cash.

      Mar 31
      Shareholder Question: Profit Margin

      Shareholder Correspondence

      by Eric Lehner


      Eric, I noticed that the Gross contribution is low in the forth quarter compared to the forth quarter of 2010. The cost of goods for the forth quarter of 2011 are so high. Can you explain that? Thanks.


      Two things: one easy, and the other a bit more involved.

      The easy one is that there was a unique supplier recovery (claw back) of certain cost elements in Q4 2010 that would not be repeatable on a regular basis (and placed the 2010 Q4 cost-of-goods-sold (COGS) below the 2010 annual average). But there is also an additional factor.

      In 2011 we introduced quality improvements that have not yet been deployed on a large scale, that are being amortized on more frequent small production runs (rather than fewer large production runs).

      Two examples of the quality improvements are a special effects label for better shelf presence and a special technical treatment of the bottle to diminish/eliminate “panelling” (denting) of bottles that is a partial vaccum created through the effect of the product on the recyclable plastic. As we have been reducing our 504 capital draw from the markets, we have been making smaller individual production runs. Also, in 2011 vs 2010, we had more production related freight costs of moving around manufacturing inputs and outputs (parts and finished product) pending completion of additional warehouse space attached to the production facility. That specific factor is being diminished in 2012 as the production facility holds more at hand, rather than receiving “as needed”.

      When we carry out our new re-financing, one of the ”use of funds” elements is to return to larger production runs and holding more inventory on hand so that all production elements are more efficient. Also, we will then proceed with a new resin for the bottle that requires no special treatment but does need completion of a production mold associated with minimum volumes. There is quite a saving when ordering labels 200,000 at a time instead of 5,000 per run, for example. The cost efficiencies that I am describing can easily account for 10 percentage points of margin, or more.

      Bottom line: We benefited in Q4 2010 from a special opportunity on costing, and subsequently we increased our packaging quality in 2011 over 2010, but have not been able to amortize the improved items over large runs yet. A high-res picture of one version of the new special effects label effect is shown here. The earlier version was a flat paper effect. The label can be thought of as one of the most important aspects of advertising. With the substantial reduction in conventional marketing spend in 2011, there was a savings available to put back into the product itself. However, according to generally accepted accounting principles, that investment in the upgraded label as an ad appears in the production COGS, rather than in advertising/marketing.

      Click image twice for largest view (…will fill screen) :

      Tags: Costs will decline as product volume increases

      Mar 31
      This is what “organic growth” looks like for a brand…


      by Eric Lehner

      E-mail was received at the Winning Brands office this morning:

      Dear Eric,

      I have been a dedicated user of your Winning Colours® Stain Remover for more than a year since seeing it demonstrated at a Home Show in Sydney, Australia. I am currently in the UK for a few weeks with my elderly father and have been trying to find a source to purchase it here, but so far without success. When do you expect to market the product in the UK? If you’d like to send me a bottle or two, I would happily speak about its virtues to anyone and everyone who would listen! I use it neat, and I also use it as my household cleaner and spot and stain removal in its diluted form (1 pt cleaner to 9 parts water) and have found it to be brilliant whenever I use it.I trust you will regard my request favourably.

      Kind regards,
      Wendy, Devon, England

      It’s fun to see the winds of life “spread the seeds”, so to speak. 1000+ Stain Remover can develop roots in communities anywhere. It’s also fun to make new product friends. Each one has a spirit to appreciate; their experiences matter. Within our office, we love to share (the many) positive experiences that we hear about from customer support calls and other sources. After several years of early development, the ”blood, sweat and tears” stage, I can’t wait to see the future of this wonderful brand take shape. For a number of early team members, including our backers and friends of various kinds, it will be heartening to see us succeed, really succeed. IMHO – it’s going to happen!

      Picture: The countryside of Devon, England.
      1000+ Stain Remover is newly available here and across the British Isles
      through our new retailer in the U.K.

      Tags: Thank you Mary for sharing your experiences. There are millions of product friends that 1000+ Stain Remover can make in coming years.

      Mar 30
      Way to go, Paint Dealer Magazine!


      by Eric Lehner

      The people at “The Paint Dealer” magazine asked us whether 1000+ Stain Remover had relevant material for readers pertaining to deck cleaning. They are writing a story and thought that the World’s Most Versatile Cleaning Solution may have a contribution to make to the story. I love that initiative. As it turns out, 1000+ is terrific for cleaning pressure treated wood decks and landscaping ties when pressure washer use is not feasible or desirable. (Pressure washers can create wood fibre splitting and pressure streaks if the wand is too close, or moves up and down during each sweep, or between sweeps, changing pressure along the soft surface). The pictures below show the ease of using 1000+ in that application. The result shows that the wood surface is left in perfect condition. No harm to plants. No harm to hands. Good time to clean the hot tub cover, while we’re at it. These high-res photos were submitted.

      Tags: 1000+ Stain Remover keeps finding new ways to make life nicer!

      Mar 30
      Annual Report 2011

      Operating Results

      by Eric Lehner

      A summary of our results for the year 2011 is now available at OTC Markets via this live link.
      Kindly allow time for the PDF document to load. It is a large file.…

      The general trends in the annual results have carried on into Q1, 2012, namely,
      year-over-year improvement for comparable periods, and cost reductions.

      Tags: Annual Report 2011 is now available.

      Mar 29
      Thank you, New York!

      Store Scenes

      by Eric Lehner

      We are delighted to have received our first replenishment order today from Duane Reade, equal to the entire amount originally delivered. Although we cannot reveal our retailer’s exact numbers, it would appear that a few thousand New Yorkers are now using the 1000+ Stain Remover 4 oz ”Handy Size”.

      Tags: !000+ Stain Remover bins are in need of replenishment in many locations

      Mar 27
      Sam’s Club

      Store Scenes

      by Eric Lehner

      As a follow-through from our debut at Sam’s Club Road Show in Q4 2011, our first 2012 event concluded this weekend in Houston. The end-of-aisle demonstration station is now called an Event Showcase, rather than Road Show. As a marketing test, we chose a single 11-day stretch rather than several sequential 4-day events. Our finding is that the days at the beginning of the week are less efficient than the end of the week. Therefore, multiple shorter events, timed strategically, seems better for us. We will bear this in mind in reviewing the Q2 dates offered. We have already received partial payment for the earliest part the March event and continue to appreciate the interest shown by Sam’s Club in 1000+ Stain Remover.

      Tags: Sam's Club Division of Walmart has 1000+ in store again in Houston. The relationship with Sam's began Q4 2011.

      Mar 23
      Shareholder Question: Financial Statements and Miscellaneous

      Shareholder Correspondence

      by Eric Lehner


      Do you know the exact date that we will receive the year end and the 1st quarter results? Is the year end going to show some solid year over year growth? You have told me before that a PPS of .0001 would not hold as you feel this puts the company at a very undervalued market cap, but at the same time, you never ever told me that dilution would never get us to that point neither. The stock is barely even noticed anymore and blogs and PRs seem to do nothing to elevate the stock price any longer. In my opinion, if the 504s start hitting the .0003s hard and we start trading the .0002s, my investment here is toast. You can say what you want about, and blog what you want, but verifiable growth and accountability on your behalf to right this ship is a must now. I am not sure whether the market will ever look kindly on WNBD ever again. So much money has been eaten up already and the A/S count is nearing the maximum, and all anyone can talk about is that friendly financing is just a dream and the company has no collateral to offer up to get a deal done. The only way I see friendly financing happening is with a R/S or a large increase in the A/S and neither one of those solutions will be any good for the many long believers/shareholders here. The noise of discontent on the boards is proving that even at a PPS of .0004, there is little to no interest left here. We need something very big and very verifiable to get this dog out of the mud. Let me know what you feel about my thoughts.


      The financial statements for the period ending December 31, 2011 will be posted within the required time frame, i.e. by March 31
      The financial statements for period January 1 – March 31, 2012 will be posted within the required time frame, i.e. by May 15
      It would appear that on a YOY basis, the firm’s sales continue to trend up and expenses continue to trend down, both with regard to 2011 and Q1, 2012
      Conversation on iHub is currently dominated by a few determined non-shareholders, who do not want the company to succeed because it would undermine their predictions of our failure. They seek a negative aspect in every development. There is an obsessive nature to their presence that exagerates their actual number. They routinely make statements which are false, exagerated or distorted. There is reason enough for actual shareholders to be unhappy about the share price. Those actual shareholders are more than capable of voicing their concerns, and do so in practical terms. Unfortunately for the quality of discussion, legitimate discussion is drowned out by the noise made by those few, and one in particular, whose fascination in us is peculiar. Hiding behind their anonymity, they simply spin things to suit their bent. It’s obvious to everyone that there is a deeper motivation in this obsession. Plenty of (actual) shareholders have told me that they have simply tuned out of that channel of communication for the time being because of this boring, negative noise from those few. It’s like having to listen to a buzz saw outside. Eventually you just close the window. Naturally, shareholders and the company suffer as a result, but that’s fine as far as those few are concerned. Plenty of previously good discussion boards get infected this way – it’s what happens when identity is hidden.
      The CEO Weblog is a helpful resource for shareholders to gain operational insights. It is not intended to substitute for “PR’s” or stock promotion. Most companies do not provide a resource of this quality to their shareholders. I receive much correspondence from shareholders who appreciate it.
      My experience in life is that critics abound when times are tough, and suddenly everyone is a friend when times are good. That’s just reality. When the company works its way through this situation and comes through the other side, then a more positive atmosphere will be possible (and inevitable) with new momentum. It would be easy to make a long list of individuals, and companies, that have “come back” from difficult straights.

      I am focused on bringing about the required financing on terms that are appropriate for the interests of our stakeholders and continuing a task that I set for myself as a deep rooted goal – creating a consumer product success for and with our stakeholders. There is no shame in the fact that it is a challenging process, and therefore does not proceed smoothly. Ultimately, those few success stories that emerge from such attempts end up being highly rewarding for those who could tough it out. The extraordinary lengths that Winning Brands goes to on its Investors Page at to ensure that we are up-front about these risks is something that I am proud of. It has also had the desired effect of ensuring that our shareholders are more realistic and better informed about the process if they decide to share that risk. Our shareholders, by and large, “get it”. They understand that the odds are stacked against such an enterprise by its very nature – and they see that there is a determined effort here to reach our goals, despite the obstacles. Building something worthwhile is hard, but rewarding in the end if you succeed. That’s what it all boils down to. The market capitalization of the company (share price X float) can increase significantly, affected by a number of factors, and in my personal opinion, will rise again.

      Tags: Winning Brands shareholders are welcome to contact the company with any questions or comments.

      Mar 22
      UK Retailer Developing E-Commerce Platform for 1000+


      by Eric Lehner

      Work has started on having the first e-commerce platform for 1000+ Stain Remover in the European Union. We appreciate the initiative of our first retailer in England getting this underway. The website is still being worked on with a number elements to be completed, clarification made about the new name in videos, optimizing photo visuals, etc. That’s all a work in progress. The point is that it’s already being built and we are grateful for the initiative and advancement in this market.

      Tags: UK shipment of 1000+ Stain Remover arrives in London next week

      Mar 16
      Important Step Forward


      by Eric Lehner

      The logo above represents the USDA certification of Bio-based products, which are considered Eco-preferable to deploy, where possible. It has been our goal in two years of R&D to obtain this certification for the bio-enhancements that we have been working on for 1000+ Stain Remover.

      We are proud to have received today formal notification from the U.S. government appointed testing facility that our bio-based formulation meets and exceeds the requirements to qualify under this program, in conformity with testing protocol ASTM-D6866-11.

      ASTM will submit the information the the United States Department of Agriculture for their final approval. At that time we will be given the legal right to utilize the USDA Certification logo on our package and to issue a formal announcement. Our production will then also transition to the new formulation.

      A key feature of our R&D during this period was to retain all the performance properties that we like about 1000+ Stain Remover while still raising the eco bar. This certification is of particular interest to the General Services Administration, which knows that we have been waiting for it. This technical accomplishment also demonstrates Winning Brands’ commitment, and ability, to remain relevant in a continually evolving business and technical landscape.

      We do not have to fear progress, we can remain at the leading edge of it in our product category.

      Tags: USDA Bio-based certification of 1000+ Stain Remover moves closer

      Mar 14
      Feedback Loop Emerging

      Launch Activity

      by Eric Lehner

      Do you remember the terrific testimonial from Annapolis Paints on January 31st? It’s the latest subject of our Testimonial Presentation Series and on its way into the next monthly collaborative distribution to 4,000 Do it Best stores, 1,000 Home Hardware stores and eventually Lancaster, Florida Hardware and others.

      Now that we have this expanded U.S. reach, for the first time ever having a practical way of communicating with thousands of stores on a regular basis with the cooperation of a trusted central buying office, even a single testimonial can be seen by thousands of store personnel. Unlike an external mailing, this internal program is understood to be an approved product, “in the system” and easy to order.

      We have so many great testimonial experiences to share, the only challenge is picking them! Stores are starting to tell us that they are noticing these presentations. We have even been told that some are taking the initiative to laminate the presentations for their staff and customers.

      Now that stores understand that their own product experiences have a forum in this series, we will see an increase in the testimonial flow from the stores to share, constituting a feedback loop.

      Tags: When a method exists to distribute testimonials - new testimonials flow better

      Mar 13
      Second Grocery Store Demo

      Store Demonstrations

      by Eric Lehner

      Spartan’s Family Fare supermarket in Michigan invited 1000+ Stain Remover back for another in-store demo session on Saturday. The Department Manager had reported that sales increased after the previous visit referred to in the post February 12th.

      Our team was encouraged again to see the interest and response, with approximately 48 new customers gained through this second visit. It’s clear that consumers are receptive to the 1000+ message, and also that consumers who have the product tend to like it. Naturally, the business challenge is to become well enough known by consumers to drive good unaided shelf turnover on its own, without needing live demos. At least we know now, for sure, that the 4oz Handy Size has a place in this setting under the right circumstances. It may be a way in which to grow beyond the hardware sector in due course, as momentum accelerates over time within the hardware sector. Focus on our natural home in the hardware sector remains important, despite the information value of such test marketing in grocery. It benefits Winning Brands’ relationships with retailers when they see first hand that we can execute joint programs effectively. Building a brand has as much to do with execution as motivation. “Getting it done” consistently, on time, on budget, collaboratively – matters.

      Tags: 1000+ Stain Remover invited back to Spartan for more in-store presence

      Mar 12
      Florida Hardware

      Launch Activity

      by Eric Lehner

      We welcome this long established Florida-based distributor to the team.

      As in all other categories of business, distributors are not identical. They vary in many ways, including in their willingness to apply the positive energy that an enthusiastic brand can bring to bear. Winning Brands is getting better at two important tasks; A) Developing merchandising tools to assist distributors B) Engaging distributors to make use of our enthusiasm and support.

      Top management at Florida Hardware is keenly interested in the orientation/training of their sales force about 1000+. They want to understand 1000+ Stain Remover well so that it can sell a lot by providing their store accounts with something really useful. That’s the sort of drive that we used to merely “look for”, but now insist on, before agreeing to appoint a distributor. It’s a two way street.

      We are fortunate that a distributor of Florida Hardware’s stature has seen fit to join us in the mission to make 1000+ a household name. Getting the product on as many shelves as possible in the 40,000 store hardware sector is a core goal of Winning Brands. This appointment a good step toward the goal in the important state of Florida (and the other states that Florida Hardware serves).

      Tags: Florida is a key state for 1000+ Stain Remover

      Mar 10
      First 1000+ Stain Remover 4L’s on Home Hardware Shelves

      Store Scenes

      by Eric Lehner

      I saw my first 1000+ Stain Remover 4L size on a retailer’s shelf today; Home Hardware.
      This is the chain that is putting the 4L SKU into their Professional Products catalogue this summer (Reference: post January 31, 2012).

      The 909 mL bottles are available on the next shelf.
      Additional pictures show other places in this store where 1000+ is available:
      Sidewinder Prototype display, Paint counter and cashier Check-out Lane.
      Based on direct feedback and requests, over 1,000 retail outlets are prepared to
      install 1000+ Stain Remover custom display racks immediately upon availability
      This waiting list will be addressed through the new financing.

      Tags: 1000+ Stain Remover 4L Arrives on the Shelf at Home Hardware

      Mar 09
      Winning Brands U.S. Government Portal Live

      Launch Activity

      by Eric Lehner

      This landing page presents our Government visitors with a single convenient place to be introduced to our three currently approved brands, through the GSA. When Department of Defense EMALL provides permission, we will activate the full website to integrate with them and provide more information.

      Tags: landing page activated

      Mar 09
      Thank you, Lancaster.

      Launch Activity

      by Eric Lehner

      The report is in today – our associates at Lancaster added 21 new stores in February, by means of first orders of 1000+ Stain Remover to be drawn from Lancaster inventory. We thank these new stores for joining the 1000+ retailer community. Winning Brands is determined that 1000+ Stain Remover become much better known to the hardware / home improvement / paint sector in 2012. Lancaster is one of the distributors who will help us deepen our reach into this sector for 2012.

      We are preparing due diligence materials for the financing initiative discussed in recent posts. Part of the due diligence process is to detail the use of proceeds in cash-flow and budget planning documents. As progress is made in identifying the source of financing, so too the associated materials can become more detailed and based on increasingly relevant assumptions. We have much work to do, but at least we can now work with increasingly practical assumptions. In the picture below our Manager, Retailer Support, Deberah Ruddy and the Canadian Sales Manager, Tammy Ritchie, are discussing best use of such resources, in specific terms. A number of retailer and distributor co-marketing programs will become available to us in concert with the release of such financing.

      The photo was taken on Monday at the (monthly) March 2012 Sales Operations Meeting, in which team members analyze results to-date and adjust operations in practical terms to keep advancing toward goals. There are many “nuts and bolts” details to operations with large retailers who have a variety of internal protocols. Winning Brands takes the initiative to be helpful and effective in these retailer and distributor relationships. A number of our partners have remarked upon this quality in our working relationships. It’s clear to people who work with us that we have a promising future and they are pleased to be part of it.

      Tags: Work with Lancaster picking up again for 1000+ Stain Remover

      Mar 07
      Shareholder Question: Canadian Government

      Launch Activity

      by Eric Lehner


      Eric, Hi. Anything you can say about Canada GSA or similar? Canada Military?


      Since obtaining the GSA listing, we had been seeking permission for trial of our products at Canadian Forces Base Borden, across a wide range of uses in order to develop practical experience, evidence and recommendations to buyers responsible for Canadian military facilities. Although GSA is a U.S. designation, the military of the two countries are closely connected through various working relationships, shared NORAD management, etc. Permission has now been obtained to obtain practical feedback on the base from real use of our products in that setting. This will help us to document the case about real benefits, rather than merely claiming presumed benefits. There’s no substitute for first-hand experience. ABOUT CFB BORDEN: It’s a good step forward, and will be relevant to our discussions with U.S. military as well.

      Tags: 1000+ Stain Remover and Military Settings

      Mar 06
      Sam’s Club: Approval for March Event Showcase

      Launch Activity

      by Eric Lehner

      Thank you, Sam’s! Winning Brands invited back for more Houston, Texas Event Showcase activity.
      Next event is approved for this month. More details to follow.

      Tags: Sam's Approves Winning Brands for 1000+ Stain Remover Event Showcase

      Mar 03
      Do it Best: Store Count Grows for 1000+ Stain Remover

      Launch Activity

      by Eric Lehner

      90 additional Do it Best stores started to carry 1000+ Stain Remover in February 2012, bringing the total number since activation of the account in October 2011 to 418. In December, January and February, the number of individual stores replenishing their supply from earlier orders also grew each month. These are still early days, but a positive trend has been established.

      Do it Best stores do not have to order the 30.7 oz (full sized) bottles of 1000+ Stain Remover in cases of 12; instead their regional warehouses can deliver as little as a single bottle, twice per week. The little guys (4oz “Handy Size) are ordered in compact Display Packs. This is convenient for the stores by letting them start with a small order and gain familiarity with the product. We call the new stores systematically in order to answer questions and offer assistance. A pattern is emerging; authentic rapport, appreciation of suggestions, sharing of success stories from the field, growing interest and involvement. It is encouraging to see a broadening national footprint. Most states now have at least one participating Do it Best store carrying 1000+ in the store. Only 6 states remain to get the first Do it Best retailer for 1000+.

      The monthly Testimonial Presentation Program is operating smoothly. Each month, all stores are reminded about an additional user benefit of 1000+. The March 2012 presentation discusses the remarkable skin friendliness of 1000+ Stain Remover. Kindness to skin is a good product quality for people whose hands get covered with various kinds of grime regularly. 1000+ does not cause the dryness and redness that conventional pumice based “industrial” hand cleaners do.

      New Product Introduction of 1000+ Stain Remover
      at the Do it Best Fall Market October 2011, Indianapolis

      Tags: Winning Brands 1000+ Stain Remover now available in 10% of Do it Best affiliates

      Mar 02
      Website Portal

      Launch Activity

      by Eric Lehner

      We would like to integrate the Department of Defense EMALL functionality into the government website, along with the GSA functionality. DoD EMALL is merely awaiting signature from the GSA on contract confirmation for EMALL activation. It is a new policy procedure that has affected all new vendors who are similarly pending. We have been waiting for 3 weeks. EMALL permission is required for deployment of an integrated website. In the interim, we will proceed with activation of the GSA landing page portion of the website, making it possible for government personnel to gain information for all three Winning brands in one GSA overview (1000+, KIND and CLEAN) in one place, with direct links to the appropriate listings GSA pages without requiring a “search”. As soon as DOD EMALL does their part, we can activate the full site. Modified coding for the special landing page will be finished next week, for uploading to our new URL, which is already in place. This would permit our Managers, Government Procurement to direct correspondents to a URL specific to their interests for the first time.

      Winning Brands GSA Portal

      Tags: GSA Portal for Winning Brands Products

      Mar 01
      First Delivery to Hospital

      Launch Activity

      by Eric Lehner

      First order today for delivery of Winning Brands laundry product to a hospital. Small order, big step.
      North York General Hospital

      Tags: First medical setting for Winning Brands laundry product

      Feb 29
      European Union: 1000+ Stain Remover Dispatched Today

      Launch Activity

      by Eric Lehner

      Earlier this month a News Release referred to 1000+ Stain Removere heading to England within a few weeks constituting our official European Union launch. This shipment consists of our Bio-Based formulation, that will eventually be introduced to all markets. We have completed preparation of these goods today for the customer’s Canadian freight forwarder, so the shipment is officially “en route”.

      The Winning Brands German Ambassador has been reviewing the proposed German label. The purpose of having country-specific 1000+ labels is to provide the information about the importer and territory contacts for local consumers and retailers in their own languages. All other aspects of the packaging and product are identical, so it’s an easy thing to do.

      It has taken several years to be ready to introduce 1000+ to the European Union on a commercial basis (ie product on the shelf for sale, not testing). However, we are far more comfortable now that we have the regulatory issues, product technology and business elements properly developed for Europe – resulting in advances on several fronts now. We will be hearing a great deal about 1000+ from Europe in 2012 and in years to come.

      Tags: 1000+ Stain Remover is dispatched today for delivery to England. It will be the first time that 1000+ goes on sale to consumers in the European Union.

      Feb 29
      Shareholder Question: Walmart

      Shareholder Correspondence

      by Eric Lehner


      Hi Eric. Are things goin OK with Wal-Mart? Thanks if you can answer.


      Over 10,000 bottles (909 mL) have been delivered to Walmart Canada since re-launch in Oct 2011, by means of an initial shipment followed by several re-orders.

      Tags: 1000+ Stain Remover is now available at Walmart in Canada

      Feb 28
      New York: New Marketing Cooperation Approved

      Launch Activity

      by Eric Lehner

      Approval has been received from Duane Reade for deployment of new USPS mailer introducing 1000+ Stain Remover to New York City. (Below). A number of 1000+ marketing programs with our retailers will be implemented following completion of strategic financing. The specific form of marketing cooperation with each retailer will vary, adjusted to their situation. These programs have already been devised and are awaiting activation. The common theme will be to to increase awareness of 1000+ amongst shoppers that are already regular to these retailers and thereby build on Winning Brands’ foundation of these existing listings. This will increase efficiency of turnover and increase the appeal of 1000+ for retailers who are watching but undecided. This is exactly the sort of positive purpose to which strategic funding is geared and available; aiding the growth of a promising business. The Duane Reade mail piece will be life sized (hand and bottle).

      Tags: 1000+ Stain Remover is terrific when a consumer needs more than a stain stick without sacrificing convenience in use, size and portability.

      Feb 24
      Shareholder Question: Sam’s Club

      Shareholder Correspondence

      by Eric Lehner


      Hello Eric, Winning Brands has so many things going on that we (I) forget about some of the activities after some time goes by. I was wondering about the Sam’s Club Road Shows? Are they continuing or getting scheduled for more in the future? Are they expanding outside of the Houston area? I live in the St. Louis area. It would be great to see how 1000+ would do here!


      Thank you for your interest. We are awaiting approval by Sam’s Club of our next Event Showcase dates. We have selected our preferred dates and locations and just need operational confirmation from Sam’s Club. We’d like our follow-through to be as soon as possible in Houston, again. We have pre-positioned adequate inventory in Texas for such a follow-through and are ready from a “team” perspective also. There is more than meets the eye in holding the Event Showcase (formerly called Road Show). The personnel and logistics are every bit as important as the product itself for it to all come together. If we get the elements right in Houston, additional locations will follow in due course. We seek business relationships that will last many years. We have been accepted as a Walmart USA vendor because that organization sees the same long term potential in us. (Sam’s Club is a division of Walmart).

      As you say that you are from St. Louis, you may be interested to know that you are in the same town as the headquarters of two magazines The Paint Dealer and The Paint Contractor that are fans of 1000+ Stain Remover. We appreciate the interest that these publications have in 1000+ Stain Remover. They seem to feel that we are destined for success with this product – based on their own use of it. Such support is something we appreciate coming from Missouri, the “Show Me” state: Related Post: October 13, 2011…

      Tags: Sam's Club and 1000+ Stain Remover

      Feb 22
      Shareholder Question: Please Clarify

      Shareholder Correspondence

      by Eric Lehner


      It seems the detractors are already stating that the company will spend the next 90 days preparing the formal proposal, and the financing could come sometime in the future afterwards. Please clarify.


      We would like financing arrangements to be ready for implementation in 3 months, but this cannot be promised. Designing the specific investment suitable to the chosen participants, negotiating the final details, satisfying lengthy due diligence associated with large amounts, preparing, exchanging, amending, finalizing legals – that’s the reality.

      In today’s environment, refinancing is never “easy”. It’s more challenging still if the company has a high risk profile, as we do. It’s particularly daunting when the company refuses to take the bait of deals that benefit the newcomers at the expense of the early stakeholders. Add to this the trading chills sweeping across an entire sector of the investment market and you have a cocktail requiring special tastes. But just as some individuals prefer their martinis shaken and not stirred, there are investors who are less ordinary in their thinking than run of the mill ”detractors”. If the world relied on detractors for progress, there would be no progress. For the rest of us who do constructive things, there is much to look forward to at Winning Brands.

      We are proud of the company and are confident that high calibre refinancing participants are now known to us. They have a right to trust their experience in identifying opportunities. These are persons of quality who feel they will benefit, appropriately, from their involvement with Winning Brands, as will the company and its stakeholders benefit. Having had patience to do things well will be revealed to be the right approach.

      Tags: Clarification Request

      Feb 22
      Shareholder Question: Website

      Shareholder Correspondence

      by Eric Lehner


      Good Morning Eric, In a February 9th blog about the Government Portal you wrote: It was targeted to be live in six weeks. I am scheduled to review the latest draft on Friday, and if approved it will go live in a few days thereafter. If any further adjustments are required, then a few days more. We are nearing completion now. Has it gone live yet? Thanks


      We are ready on this end (in the office) and have been awaiting the disc for uploading from the 3rd party developer. So, it’s quite close. The site will also be a work in progress, because we want to add information that we don’t quite have the right to yet. So that portal will be revised often. The URL will be

      Tags: U.S. Government Portal for Winning Brands nearing completion.

      Feb 22
      Shareholder Question: Investor Relations / Market Awareness

      Shareholder Correspondence

      by Eric Lehner


      You stated at the beginning of the year that you felt you have now accomplished enough to warrant a stock awareness initiative. We are going into March and have not heard any more about this, and the stock is sitting at .0003! When are we going to hear and see more about this???


      Yes, we are proud of Winning Brands in many ways, and there is a positive message to be shared with new and prospective retail investors. The logical time to ramp up such outreach is when we are clear as to the nature of our refinancing, because it affects the scope of business projects that we can undertake, going forward. The core message to the prospective retail investors (i.e. prospective shareholders purchasing shares on own account) should be authentic, not the usual “stock promoter hype”. This requires clarity about the basis on which the company will fund the next 2 years of its business plan. Also, we do not want to compensate investor relations/awareness associates in shares (for a number of reasons). That is a second reason that the ramping up of IR/IA should follow the refinancing.

      On the subject of refinancing, we are confident that we have identified advisors whose track record, ability to understand our objectives and proven contacts are of sufficient quality to proceed with preparation of a formal proposal to appropriate candidates that are already known. Over the next 90 days there will be a great deal of work going on to complete this. The most important vetting condition on our end was to prevent a reverse split as a condition of the funding, and that the funding be sufficient in scope to enable an end to 504 funding. An ability to end 504 funding will no doubt bode well for the removal of the partial chill in due course.

      Complete refinancing will provide a tremendous shot in the arm to the company because management will be able to focus more on business development, the product costs will decline, marketing commitments can be planned further in advance, etc. It had not been possible in the past to raise 7 digit financing amounts due to rolling 12-month funding limit constraints inherent in Regulation D, Rule 504 (that we have always honoured). We will not have to rely on Reg D, 504 for the contemplated refinancing.

      In summary:

      It seems likely that we will be able to raise a sufficient sum this year without R/S to enable an end to 504 financing
      This is a positive factor in the plan to end the partial chill
      IR/IA will be undertaken to diseminate important information about completed refinancing and to acquaint prospective shareholders with operational developments
      The supply/demand equation for our shares will be restored by ending the downward price pressure that 504 supply creates.
      Elevation in Winning Brands trading tier will be facilitated by normalized conditions

      Tags: IR/IA is best undertaken following the refinancing to communicate the eventual end of 504 funding

      Feb 21

      Launch Activity

      by Eric Lehner

      Our Australian Ambassador, Kori Walsh, and her family are returning home to Canada, where our collaboration will continue.

      A feature of the new arrangement includes a deepening relationship with a leading Australian manufacturer of cleaning solutions, Rubbedin (, with whom earlier cooperation was already beneficial. This positive relationship with Rubbedin has been developing gradually. Rubbedin provided assistance in obtaining key distribution in Australia for Winning Brands. Rubbedin is uniquely qualified to accelerate our progress in Australia and New Zealand as its specialized products already have shelf space in virtually all the stores that Winning Brands would target. Furthermore, as a manufacturer, Rubbedin is uniquely qualified to convert bulk to local packaging and provide other collaborative strategies to optimize the logistics/distribution equation.

      What Winning Brands brings to the table is a unique product(s) whose international profile is growing and likely to accelerate on its own in years to come. There are many examples in industry of joint ventures amongst peers, rather than competition, in order to achieve distribution and other operational advantages for mutual gain. This is why Rubbedin Managing Director, Ian Smits, reiterated to me again in a note this morning “I am enthusiastic about the opportunity that exists for both Winning Brands Group and ourselves.” We are still developing operating plans and documentation and will issue a more formal news release in due course when more details are concrete.

      Winning Brands respects and appreciates this emerging collaboration with Rubbenin and looks forward to having Kori and family in Canada again.

      Tags: Kori Walsh and family returning to Canada - new representation in Australia moving forward with us.

      Feb 20
      Tipping Points and Time Frames

      Shareholder Correspondence

      by Eric Lehner

      For shareholders who wonder how to assess an appropriate amount of time for a new entry level publico to “make it” – there are many opinions available. In general, our shareholders are investors, not flippers. Are they sensible? There are many examples of why 5 – 10 years should not be considered unusual for a firm or brand to go from being inconsequential to being a success. I have given a number of relevant examples in interviews. I came across another one today, in the work of authors Tojo Thatchenkery and Carol Metzker, in their book entitled Appreciative Intelligence; Seeing the Mighty Oak in the Acorn. The following is a quotation which our shareholders will be able to appreciate.

      The history of Glide Floss is a remarkable example of persistence in individuals and a corporation. More than 30 years passed between the day in 1971 when Bill Gore first flossed his teeth with a strand of Gore-Tex and September 2003, when consumer products company Procter & Gamble bought Gore’s Glide Floss business. Gore associates tried unsuccessfully five times over 20 years to sell their idea of nonshred dental floss to various health care product companies. In 1991, an associate name John Spencer (re)framed the dental floss as a medical technology product rather than as another type of consumer good….Within two years Glide Floss had achieved enormous consumer popularity. When the company sold Glide Floss to Procter & Gamble, it was the top floss used in dental offices and the number two retail brand in the United States. Without persistence in keeping the idea in company associates’ minds and persistence in talking to consumers, dentists, drugstore personnel and corporations, the product would not have survived, not to mention earning annual sales of more than $45 million.

      Winning Brands’ lead product, 1000+ Stain Remover, has unique qualities in a category that is relevant to the daily needs of hundreds of millions of consumers. The extent to which we have gotten our “frames” right between consumer perceptions and the retail partners who are starting to carry our product has yet to be seen. However, we are still well within the time frame for success to occur, whether through tipping points, breakthroughs or by good old fashioned “determined effort”. Success rarely comes easily, but where it is deserved, it usually does come.

      It’s also interesting to note that the terms of sale of the floss brand, which has been re-named ORAL-B Glide by P&G, called for the originators to continue to manufacture and develop the product.

      Tags: There are many good examples of brands needing several years for a breakthrough. Sometimes this can be as simple as "reframing" a single associated brand concept.

      Feb 15
      Shareholder Question: Financing

      Shareholder Correspondence

      by Eric Lehner


      There have been several questions asking for an update on the status of the new financing. It is more time-efficient for me to reply to them as a generalized “What’s the latest?” question.


      We have been in discussion with various financing candidates over the past few months about what terms and conditions would be attached to a private placement of a size necessary to permit the cessation of 504 funding. Winning Brands has been just as selective as the candidates. Winning Brands has declined financing proposals in the past that had provisions which were unattractive to the common shareholders and we continue to be interested in the common shareholder perspective to any financing structure. There is no reason to accept an unattractive arrangement. Winning Brands has much to be proud of and is well positioned to benefit from its several years of focused efforts. Winning Brands is certainly far above average in its level of disclosure, validity of its business premise and plausibility of success than many of our “peers” in the entry level public markets.

      Through the process of such discussions, it has become clear that finding the right financing partners, with long term thinking, sophisticated and benevolent both, is likely to succeed. It has had more to do with being introduced to the right parties. We have been meeting a higher calibre of candidates recently than ever before. I am confident that our objective will be met.

      Naturally, I understand that time is of the essence. On the other hand, a poorly conceived deal or working with the wrong parties will merely create problems. Therefore, the most important consideration of all is the quality of the finished result. Our common shareholders can be confident that good people are working on the situation in a principled manner. The people involved, and I in particular, will only proceed with arrangments that are beneficial for the company’s future; a future that we are excited about.

      Tags: Winning Brands is being introduced to an increasingly appropriate group of financiers whose interests coincide with Winning Brands plans.

      Feb 12
      Home Depot USA

      Launch Activity

      by Eric Lehner

      We thank Home Depot USA for their collaboration in the transition of Winning Colours to 1000+ Stain Remover at

      The new bottle pictures went up a few weeks ago but the text portion has just been updated. This means that 1000+ Stain Remover is now recognized in the Search Bar. All reviews have been retained. This means that Home Depot/1000+ Stain Remover SEO can now begin in earnest.

      The fact that Home Depot has chosen to stay with us through the name change and website adjustments is an affirmation by America’s largest home improvement retailer. Winning Brands has survived its initial test period here and can now build for the future. It is also becoming easier to obtain 1000+ Stain Remover at the store level by picking up orders there.

      Tags: At Home Depot USA, the transition of Winning Colours to 1000+ Stain Remover is complete - and store pick-ups are becoming easier.

      Feb 12
      First Grocery Store Demo for 1000+ Stain Remover

      Store Demonstrations

      by Eric Lehner

      Many thanks to the behind-the-scenes team who coordinated our first ever grocery demo for 1000+ Stain Remover yesterday. The setting was a Family Fare store of the Spartan chain in Holland, Michigan.

      The store manager said that the weather reduced shopper traffic by 40% from a normal Saturday, yet our Grocery Ambassador still sold 36 bottles in her first ever experience with 1000+. The store was very satisfied.

      The purpose of in-store demonstrations, beyond the sales themselves, is to foster awareness amongst store staff, build a working relationship with the retailer’s category managers based on shared experiences, gain feedback from shoppers in different settings and assess which channels of distribution/retail are viable for 1000+ Stain Remover. You don’t really know until you try. Bear in mind that each channel of distribution has different issues and its own mix of “peer” products in our category. Even the retailers themselves are not equally collaborative. Some will not let you do anything to support the brand, while others appreciate it a great deal. It is in the nature of brand development that more things are tried than actually work. It seems that things came together well for us in this instance.

      On a personal note to our shareholders, I’ll say this. It’s interesting that even in the noble pursuit of the creation of a business, there are always a few non-shareholding critics on the sidelines who want to pull you down. They hijack discussion boards, or sell short, or spread false rumours, lingering with strange obsession in order to find some flaw (real or imagined) that they can exploit. Their anonymity on such boards lets them get away with outright distortion. But in the end, obstacles and setbacks can be overcome with determination. When accomplishment occurs, critics are disappointed, but the pride grows of those who have contributed. People who build things, and the people who are with them, are the winners in life. Thank you to all who contributed to this, our first ever grocery sector 1000+ consumer work. I reserve the greatest thanks of all to the MANY shareholders who communicate with Winning Brands directly and share their messages of enthusiasm about the company that we are building together.

      Tags: Thank you Spartan for collaboration in the first grocery store demo session for 1000+ Stain Remover.

      Feb 10
      First Walmart Endcap

      Store Scenes

      by Eric Lehner

      First time for Winning Brands to be given an endcap position at Walmart. This location was just installed. Much appreciated.

      Tags: People are sharing success stories about 1000+ Stain Remover (including Walmart shoppers in Canada)

      Feb 10
      Testimonial Video: Artist Supply Clean-up


      by Eric Lehner

      We are grateful to Gisele Grenier for sharing one of the many uses for 1000+ Stain Remover in a video that she has uploaded, cleaning artist supplies. 1000+ Stain Remover is made in the USA for American consumers and in Canada for Canadian and international consumers.

      Video Link:

      Tags: 1000+ Stain Remover is enjoyed by artists who have discovered it.

      Feb 09
      So many great niches for 1000+ Stain Remover


      by Eric Lehner

      A recurring experience in our trade shows is the pleasant surprise by hardware store owners when they learn that 1000+ Stain Remover is perfect for getting rid of skunk spray from dogs. This was the big surprise for us at the Do it Best Fall Market. Success of 1000+ as a skunk spray eliminator was much appreciated. There is a larger occurence of this problem than one might think. One key feature of using 1000+ compared to traditional remedies is how easy 1000+ is to use. Gudrun, our Key Account Manager for Home Hardware, shared this confirmation today. Thanks to our new Testimonial Distribution program with Do it Best and Home Hardware stores, we can share actual experiences with 5,000 stores per month now.

      On one of my calls I talked with one staff member at a HH store and she de-skunked her dog with 1000+ last week. I asked her how she used it and she said: “Like a shampoo.” I really like that quote, it makes it so easy to visualize….

      Tags: 1000+ Stain Remover gaining fans for removing skunk spray from dogs

      Feb 09
      Winning Brands Government Portal Update

      Launch Activity

      by Eric Lehner

      On December 30th, we announced that we would be designing a website portal for government visitors. Its purpose is to introduce the 3 Winning Brands products that are connected to the General Services Administration, in terms that are relevant to the U.S. government sector. This is more appropriate than having government buyers arrive at a corporate site that is oriented to the information needs of shareholders or features domestic products.

      A simple, clean, relevant government portal as the landing place for a Winning Brands government presence – that is the goal. Then, as our operating relationships within the GSA/DOD grow, the site can be expanded in ways that are relevant to those specific relationships. The advantage of this new portal is that all communications with the U.S. government and all marketing to the U.S. government can feature it, for consistency.

      It was targeted to be live in six weeks. I am scheduled to review the latest draft on Friday, and if approved it will go live in a few days thereafter. If any further adjustments are required, then a few days more. We are nearing completion now.

      Tags: Winning Brands U.S. Government Portal coming along nicely.

      Feb 07
      Shareholder Question: Lorne Kelly

      Shareholder Correspondence

      by Eric Lehner


      Eric. Happy New Year. Great news about UK, etc. Is Lorne still with the Company?, If Not can you elaborate?


      Lorne is an early shareholder. His role has varied depending upon what needed to be done combined with what his interests/talents were. Through time we saw that Lorne’s primary interests were in demonstration/training and motor sports. Lorne had been hoping to combine these and has been exploring a closer tie to motor sports again, but in the U.S. He has been free to pursue this or any other related opportunity that would enable him to live in the U.S. We have not been blogging every little development in this regard because it would overly publicize a personal career planning process. Lorne continues to be a stakeholder, continues to direct opportunities our way as he finds them, continues to appear in videos (most recently Canadian Tire) and is still in transition as to his final destiny. He would like to live in the U.S. – that much is for sure. That will be the most important determinant of his future career. he can be thought of as a “free agent” with ties of goodwill and service as needed for the well being of the firm.

      Tags: Lorne Kelly

      Feb 07
      Shareholder Question: Hotels

      Shareholder Correspondence

      by Eric Lehner


      Hello Eric, I just read your most recent blog about the Ramada Inn in Palm Springs being added to your list of new Hotel clients which is good news however I am concerned if that is the only new account added since the last update in December. In a previous blog you mentioned that the goal for 2012 was to get to 100 hotels and by my calculations we should be adding 8 or 9 a month to get there. Please tell me that there are others but you are not allowed to list the names yet. I was very encouraged when this initiative was announced but if the progress so far after a few months is that we only added two or three accounts then I have to wonder what that guy out is CA is doing all day and hope that he is only being paid on a comission basis. I work in the insurance business and if I do not sell, my family does not eat. Thats how it should work, but it appears that in your organization pay may not be tied to performance/sales like is should be. I have watched many new initiatives that are announced and then just fizzle out and never result in the goals stated at the beginning. Is this hotel plan going to end the same way or is there a clear plan on how that 100 client number is going to achieved? Thanks.


      I do not yet have formal permission to speak about the hotel that you mention, so strictly speaking, I will revert to describing that property as a prospect.
      There are two groups of hotels. The first consists of those that have formally incorporated our products into their routine. We call these committed. The second consists of those who are using our products on a provisional basis (ie experimenting, trying, comparing). We call these transitional. There are approximately 10 in the first group and 20 now in the second group.
      The rate of growth through the year is not likely to be linear, because of this vetting period. It will tend to come in batches. The second group of new prospects were all approached relatively recently based on the proven results in the first group. That second group now needs its evaluation period
      We supply this sector through a distributorship arrangement. Therefore, Winning Brands does not carry the overhead associated with the business development, but instead shares a portion of the end-user price to provide adequate margin to the distributor. There are significant associated technical costs for the distributor, including pumps associated with dispensing, training and customer service, etc. Also, the distributor has been determining what personnel to recruit and train for the implementation of Project 100. Bear in mind that the initial stage of the project was testing oriented. Operationalization is getting underway now. It required planning because our goal is to grow far beyond 100 hotels in years to come. California alone has approximately 26,000. 100 properties is only the next stage threshold. A sophisticated distribution concept needs to accommodate the nuts and bolts issues of growth beyond the territory where the activity is occuring currently.

      Even when we gain new hotel customers, there is reluctance by most of them for us to use their name publicly because of several factors:

      Some might have ties to other suppliers which they feel would be compromised
      The local hotel may be prohibited from providing public endorsements by contract with the franchisor
      The hotel is corporately owned and local management does not have the authority
      A new customer may not want to burn their bridges with a former supplier until that have more history with us, etc.

      If you have concerns about initiatives which you feel have “fizzled out”, feel free to bring them to my attention and I will be pleased to provide associated details if possible (ie in view of confidentiality undertakings that sometimes exist). As a general comment, I would say that we are always trying a number of things to find openings and move forward. There is no question that some things don’t work out, but we are resourceful and keep at it regardless in order to find the mix of factors that work well.

      Tags: Testing of Winning Brands Products being arranged in 20 additional California hotels

      Feb 06
      Do it Best – Up to 330 by end of January

      Launch Activity

      by Eric Lehner

      We are encouraged to see re-ordering from a number of Do it Best stores that have started with us. Also, the number of participating outlets is climbing, having reached 330 stores by January 31st. A case in point is a retailer in Ohio who took delivery of 2 cases of large bottles at the Fall Market in October and has placed replenishment orders totalling an additional 36 large and 36 small bottles since then. This is better than average performance, yet the store is in a small community. The operational goal is to achieve this as normal turnover across the account base in general. Bear in mind, we have never had an account with 4,000 stores to work with before. That’s what makes this such an important and positive year for Winning Brands. We simply have not previously had access to the scale of operations that exist now. If this one store, in a small town, were typical across the Do it Best organization, then our sales would exceed $5 Million per year for this account alone. Since Do it Best accounts for approximately 12% of the store doors in this sector, even that performance would leave 88% of this sector to go. Then there other sectors. And all of this is just the USA, and only for one product. Winning Brands has plenty of room to grow.

      Stores in small towns can perform well too. Independents are highly motivated.

      Tags: A store in a small town sells 60 bottles in 90 days. How much could this add up to when 1000+ Stain Remover gains traction across the banner?

      Feb 03
      Better Homes and Gardens Show for Winning Colours Australia


      by Eric Lehner

      For anyone planning a trip down under in February, a quick note from Brand Ambassador Kori Walsh in Australia:

      I will be heading to Melbourne to do the Better Homes and Gardens LIVE Home Show Feb 24-26. Hopefully it is as successful as the Sydney show. This is the first one for Melbourne so I’m sure it will be a big hit as well! Will send some photos after the show. Cheers, Kori

      Tags: Brand Ambassador, Kori Walsh, Melbourne, Winning Colours 1000+ Stain Remover returns to Better Homes & Gardens 2012

      Feb 01
      Weblog – One Day Visitor Snapshot

      Shareholder Count

      by Eric Lehner

      This is a map of the regions in which you, our readers, were in the world, yesterday, January 31, 2012. During the month of January, there were 1,301 unique visitors making 7,576 visits to read 12,238 pages. Readers in 177 cities spent sufficient time on the weblog to read at least one post.

      This is a map of the regions within the USA where our readers were yesterday:

      Tags: Winning Brands CEO Weblog is a resource of growing importance to its stakeholders

      Jan 31
      Why we love our work at Winning Brands: New Testimonial


      by Eric Lehner

      Hi Deb, Was nice meeting you yesterday at the Lancaster Show. Attached are the pics I shared with you at the show on my phone. This is a Concentrated Dye Stain that is used in the woodworking industry. All over our tile floor. We tried EVERYTHING in the store to clean it up. Nothing worked. We resolved ourselves to replacing the tile - a well over $2000.00 job. Then remembered a sample bottle of 1000+ in the back of store. Used it and it worked!!!!! LOVE THIS STUFF Feel free to use the pics in any way. Annapolis Paint, Easton, Maryland.

      Tags: 1000+ Stain Remover solves a major problem for customer

      Jan 31
      First Commercial, Industrial & Maintenance Catalogue for 1000+ Stain Remover

      Launch Activity

      by Eric Lehner

      1000+ Stain Remover has been approved for the first time for a Commercial, Industrial & Maintenance Catalogue. The Home Hardware Professional Supply Catalogue Printed and Online Edition, issued by Alliance International’s Home Hardware group, will feature the 4L size of 1000+ in the 2012 edition. The annual catalogue will be issued in the summer. We are grateful and excited about the enhanced visibility that this will give to 1000+ Stain Remover in the Com/Ind/Maintenance segment of the market. This catalogue is widely distributed amongst professionals in the sector.

      Tags: Commercial, Industrial, Maintenance Sector Boost for 1000+ Stain Remover through Home Hardware Professional Supply Catalogue in 2012

      Es sieht verdammt gut aus...
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 04.07.12 02:44:54
      Beitrag Nr. 9.154 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.349.428 von stephan101010 am 03.07.12 21:07:19Salut Idiot 101010

      Das war kein Bashen, sondern Verzweiflung über meinen Buch!!!-Verlust.

      Hier mit entschuldige ich mich in aller Form

      Nicht angenommen...

      Mittlerweile lichtet sich ......

      Das bei dir .....Glaube ich kaum...:p

      à propos:Näschtes mal ;Du Deep;stellen nur der Links an...

      Diese Posting ist 1 Zumutung...was übrigens von Dir nicht anders zu erwarten war....

      Kannst du mal bitte in Zukunft dich rar machen.....

      à bientôt

      Du bist wirklich 1 Null....
      schrieb am 04.07.12 13:57:13
      Beitrag Nr. 9.155 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.349.428 von stephan101010 am 03.07.12 21:07:19Ach ja :confused::confused: eigentlich was die 'Positiven' hier im Board immer beschrieben haben.....

      es steht und fällt letztlich damit, ob man ERIC das glaubt oder nicht....und er auch tatsächlich eine 'Refinanzierung' gebacken bekommt ohne
      # R/S
      # Erhöhung der O/S

      Mittlerweile lichtet sich die Strategie von Lehner:

      The update on June 15th was made in connection with the renewal of our Current Information tier status by Pink Sheets. (Current Information is a disclosure standard that the majority of our peers on Pink Sheets do not meet).The update on June 25th was made to provide evidence that there was no issuance immediately thereafter. The update on July 2nd was to provide the end of Q2 share status for official purposes.

      We are utilizing new Purchase Order Financing to supplement existing Accounts Receivable Financing. This helps with cash flow, although does not address the desire to hold larger inventory for faster turnaround of orders into deliveries. That will come with the broader refinancing.

      We are still in discussion with prospective participants in a broader refinancing whose goal is to elevate the company’s prospects, by building on its current accomplishments with additional resources to make the most of opportunities that exist with existing accounts, and new sectors, for our product(s). The calibre of these discussion partners is much higher than any parties who were available in the past. With account relationships of the type that we have now acquired, and product reviews being as positive as they are from consumers of these retailers, and R&D/manufacturing/operational competence having been established, Winning Brands is now a suitable candidate for an appropriate investment bank. There are a number that specialize in entrepreneurial enterprises which have cultural and practical qualities that could, under the right circumstances,lead to growth of 10 to 100 times current size of revenue.
      :lick::lick: Das wünschen wir uns doch alle, gell :D
      schrieb am 04.07.12 16:43:14
      Beitrag Nr. 9.156 ()
      Salut Stephan

      Habe CloudMOD darum gebeten meine Posting zu entfernen...

      Habe probieren 1 sperre zu erlangen...dadurch...Manchmal kann ich so nur von PC weg(Krankhaft)

      Ich finde das Spielchen zwischen uns sollte 1 Ende nehmen...


      Ab jetzt greife ich dich nicht mehr an...;)

      à bientôt
      schrieb am 06.07.12 15:18:32
      Beitrag Nr. 9.157 ()
      hallo an alle!

      so war lange nicht mehr hier .)

      bin am samstag papa geworden! :):)

      also glaubt ihr, dass es hier doch noch zu einem positiven ende für uns kommt!? dann würde ich doch ein paar aktien kaufen wollen :)

      das freut mich, wenn sich alle wieder gut verstehen! :)
      schrieb am 06.07.12 15:54:15
      Beitrag Nr. 9.158 ()
      Salut hermanng ;)

      An die Mutti auch...;)

      à bientôt
      schrieb am 06.07.12 18:02:30
      Beitrag Nr. 9.159 ()
      Zitat von hermanng: hallo an alle!

      so war lange nicht mehr hier .)

      bin am samstag papa geworden! :):)

      also glaubt ihr, dass es hier doch noch zu einem positiven ende für uns kommt!? dann würde ich doch ein paar aktien kaufen wollen :)

      das freut mich, wenn sich alle wieder gut verstehen! :)

      Laß es lieber und stecke das Geld in Windeln. Da haste mehr von.
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 30.07.12 04:42:03
      Beitrag Nr. 9.160 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.361.247 von zweifler am 06.07.12 18:02:30Salut

      Wer macht hier das Licht aus ?

      à bientôt
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 31.07.12 07:19:18
      Beitrag Nr. 9.161 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.436.069 von occitania am 30.07.12 04:42:03um 04:42 Uhr mache ich das Licht schon wieder an :rolleyes::cry: um zur Arbeit zu gehn....:laugh::laugh:

      hier gehn die Lichter aus :confused::confused::confused:

      First U.S. Government Order for Winning Brands :D:)
      Today : Tuesday 31 July 2012

      1000+™ Stain Remover, World's Most Versatile Cleaning Solution™ is heading to a U.S. government facility for the first time through official channels. The manufacturer, Winning Brands Corporation, (USOTC: WNBD.PK) is processing its first order through the General Services Administration (GSA) for the U.S. Coast Guard, for use in facilities maintenance. The order follows a period of evaluation by the customer under real conditions.

      Winning Brands CEO, Eric Lehner, comments: "The process which has led to this first order began years ago with the decision to seek U.S. government business at all -- a serious step. It involved a long, difficult and expensive preparatory process. The government itself recognizes it. That is why the GSA listing documentation has a life span that is measured in five year periods, and can be extended with a number of 5-year renewals. The fact that this order arises from the customer's trial use and satisfaction is the key point. With an activated GSA account, our progress within the GSA environment is more feasible. People who study these things know that the total dollar value of awarded contracts in the cleaning category as a whole is large. Now, we are working our way from small toward large eventually, as is normal when things start out. The most important thing now is that we have our first U.S. government customer. A big thank you to our team behind-the-scenes who persevered, fuelled by passion for our products and by our mission that 1000+ Stain Remover becomes the top stain fighting multi-cleaner in the world."

      ABOUT WINNING BRANDS CORPORATION: Winning Brands is a manufacturer of advanced cleaning solutions including 1000+ Stain Remover, World's Most Versatile Cleaning Solution™, an alternative to conventional cleaning solvents. 1000+ Stain Remover is a Schedule Contract Holder under the U.S. Government's General Service Administration. The innovative stain remover and multi-cleaner was known during early marketing as Winning Colours. The brand's interesting household, commercial and industrial cleaning characteristics can be seen on Facebook and YouTube.

      The phrase "World's Most Versatile Cleaning Solution™", 1000+™ Stain Remover and Winning Colors/Colours are trademarks of Niagara Mist Marketing Ltd., Division of Winning Brands Corporation.


      Winning Brands Corporation: Jean Wursten-May, Assistant to the CEO220A-11 Victoria Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada L4N 6T3 Tel: (705) 737-4062 Fax: (705) 737-9793

      schrieb am 07.08.12 08:21:06
      Beitrag Nr. 9.162 ()
      Was muss Oci ein einsamer voellig verarmter Franzmann sein.

      Wenn man sieht wo er sich so rumtreibt.

      Wamu, Flirt-Chat... etc.

      Oh Mann einfach nur bemitleidenswert.
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 08.08.12 15:15:58
      Beitrag Nr. 9.163 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.463.823 von stephan101010 am 07.08.12 08:21:06

      Nur traurig das du dafür 1 Daume kriegst

      Ich poste hier nicht mehr....

      Nur wegen der 2nd die /der deine Meinung teilen....habe ich geschrieben
      schrieb am 10.08.12 12:24:34
      Beitrag Nr. 9.164 ()
      Wichtige Info:

      Platziere schon seit Tagen eine Kauforder zu 0.0003. Gestern ist sie gestrichen worden.

      Nachdem meine Hausbank bei der ausführenden Bank ( WGZ-Bank) nachgefragt hat, erhielt man die Antwort, dass keine Kauforder mehr ausgeführt werden.

      Und es kommt noch besser.

      Broker in den USA erwarten erst wieder einen regulären Handel zwischen Kursen von 2 bis 5 Cent!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Range zwischen 0.002 bis 0.005)

      Also war die Stellungnahme des CEO vom 04.06.2012 doch nicht aus der Luft gegriffen:

      "In my opinion the current market cap of Winning Brands is ridiculous relative to previous levels and its potential. We have come out of the triple zeros before, and in my personal opinion, will do so again, for solid practical reasons".

      Das erklärt auch das minimale Handelsvolumen.
      schrieb am 11.08.12 22:59:23
      Beitrag Nr. 9.165 ()
      Träum weiter
      schrieb am 13.08.12 07:23:29
      Beitrag Nr. 9.166 ()…

      Aug12 1000+ Passes Industrial Site Test

      A commercial landlord used 1000+ Stain Remover today in a test of the product on industrial flooring in a 30,000 sq. ft. warehouse being prepared for new use. The building is in an airport industrial park. The floor had been driven on continuously by a variety of vehicles and forklifts during the previous lease.

      1000+ was tested for compatibility/suitability in industrial grade floor cleaning machinery as well as in commercial grade orbital floor scrubbing.

      Also present was “the competition”, in the form of standard janitorial products for practical comparison. At this stage, I operated the scrubber for Team 1000+. An experienced Property Manager operated the scrubber with competitive products.

      The following are a few pictures of 1000+ in this setting, including pictures of the floor before, during and after treatment with 1000+. The last picture is an equivalent section of the floor after scrubbing by the competition.

      The organizer of the test commented at the end of the day, only half jokingly, that the “problem” I created was making the other part of the floor look bad by comparison. I left an extra case of 1000+ for the others. who are returning tomorrow, to go over the other parts again. Floor care of this type is typical in military settings, for which purpose this test was also relevant.

      We thank the commercial landlord for the opportunity and the positive spirit shown by others present.
      schrieb am 31.08.12 18:13:32
      Beitrag Nr. 9.167 ()
      Damit hätte ich allerdings nicht gerechnet.

      Habe gerade eine Nachricht meiner Bank erhalten.

      Die Aktie wird ausgebucht!!!

      Keine Aufbewahrung mehr!!!

      Wer hat die gleiche Nachricht erhalten?

      schrieb am 01.09.12 17:32:45
      Beitrag Nr. 9.168 ()
      Keiner mehr investiert?

      Oder hat noch keiner die Nachricht erhalten?
      schrieb am 02.09.12 19:42:08
      Beitrag Nr. 9.169 ()
      eine aktie wird nie ich hab noch aktien im depot von firmen dies schon jahre nicht mehr gibt und nicht mehr gehandelt werden.
      gigabell ist eine davon wird halt nur ohne wert angezeigt.
      vielleicht ist ja ne umstellung in der wkn oder isin.
      ausbuchungen gibs eigentlich nur bei übernahmen oder cashbuyouts meiner meinung nach was ich bei wnbd aber nicht glaube hat ja auch keiner ein angebot unterbreitet. ein splitt kanns auch nicht sein da nix angemeldet worden ist jedefalls ist auf otcmarkets kein filling.

      vielleicht solltest du mal nachfragen aus welchem grund oder was es für eine veränderung bei wnbd gibt bei deiner bank.
      schrieb am 03.09.12 06:53:42
      Beitrag Nr. 9.170 ()

      Stimmt. Ausgebucht wird sie wohl nicht.

      Aber sie wird nicht mehr handelbar sein.

      Deshalb hat man mir empfohlen, egal zu welchen Preis, sie noch zu verkaufen, da sie danach praktisch wertlos sei.
      schrieb am 04.09.12 13:05:35
      Beitrag Nr. 9.171 ()
      Die genaue Bezeichnung heißt Status chilled.

      Es liegt wohl auf Grund von Betrügereien eine Gattungssperre im

      Zusammenhang mit dem Handel von Winning Brands Aktien vor!!!
      schrieb am 05.09.12 06:53:14
      Beitrag Nr. 9.172 ()
      Also ich kann handeln.......

      Ist das jetzt Deine neue Masche, um an Shares zu kommen:rolleyes::rolleyes:

      Der DTC Chill hat andere Hintergründe und betrifft Hunderte Pinks....Check das im Net...

      WNBD ist hiervon seit mind. 1 Jahr betroffen.....manche Broker kaufen/verkaufen andere wieder lassen Käufe nicht zu, aber Verkäufe und so weiter......
      schrieb am 05.09.12 10:05:37
      Beitrag Nr. 9.173 ()
      Ach der liebe ( beauftragte ) Aussie.

      Wenn schon dann richtig.

      Es handelt sich nicht um DTC, sondern um DTCC!

      Und das ist nicht irgendwer, sondern eine staatliche Behörde die

      Brokern den Handel bzw das Verwalten mit u.a Shares von W.B untersagt


      Und auch nicht seit über einen Jahr, sondern seit dem Sommer 2012!

      Deshalb sind auch kaum noch Umsätze zu erkennen. Was noch gehandelt

      wird sind Restbestände der Broker.

      Dies, und das kann ich eidesstaatlich erkären, hat mir Herr Lehner

      sogar persönlich am telefon erklärt.

      Also hör bitte auf hier Märchen zu erzählen.

      Keiner kann im Moment irgendwelche Shares kaufen bzw verkaufen!!!!!!
      schrieb am 06.09.12 06:28:07
      Beitrag Nr. 9.174 ()
      Umsatz gestern: 45 Euro

      Ist bestimmt der glaubwürdige Aussie am handeln...LOL!!!
      schrieb am 07.09.12 06:23:28
      Beitrag Nr. 9.175 ()
      Umsatz gestern: 120 Euro

      Jetzt legt Aussie aber los... LOL
      schrieb am 10.09.12 19:24:50
      Beitrag Nr. 9.176 ()
      Also ich kann handeln...

      Aussie scheint das Handeln auf den Basar in Istanbul mit Aktienhandel mit Winning Brands verwechselt zu haben...
      schrieb am 23.09.12 09:46:25
      Beitrag Nr. 9.177 ()
      Jetzt wird Eric entgültig zur Witzfigur!

      Setzt in seinen Blog folgende News rein:

      Auftrag Do it your Best: 4000 Euro!!!

      Auftrag Australien: 4750 Euro!!!

      Mein Kiosk bei dem ich morgens die Zeitung kaufte teilte mir mit,

      dass er für rund 12000 Euro im Monat Umsatzt hat...

      Mein Ratschlag:

      Wandel Dein Unternehmen in einer amerikanischen Aktiengesellschaft

      und frag Aussie und Konsorten wieviel sie für das Pushen nehmen...
      schrieb am 24.09.12 15:34:08
      Beitrag Nr. 9.178 ()
      was bist du für ein typ!?

      mit dir will eh keiner was zu tun haben

      hast du nix anderes zu tun als hier zu posten!?

      du bist echt traurig!!
      schrieb am 24.09.12 15:50:49
      Beitrag Nr. 9.179 ()
      Ist schon Wahnsinn wie sich immer alles wiederholt( LHKX,Greenshift


      Wenn die gutgläubigen deutsche Lemminge merken, dass sie wieder

      einmal abgezockt worden sind, helfen nur noch Beleidigungen.

      Bin mal gespannt, wann der erste mal zugibt, verdammt was sind wir

      wieder mal verarscht worden!!!
      schrieb am 02.10.12 18:29:09
      Beitrag Nr. 9.180 ()
      So sieht die Wahrheit aus:

      The odds of this company putting together Friendly Financing to fund operations over a long period not tied to selling share is almost 100% to the failure side

      one of 2 things are going to happen

      Increase the A/S and issue more share to 504 people

      restructure the company ...

      after 6 years of pumping everyone's head with wishful thinking, hope and having faith, everyone now can see the payoff for believing any of these diluting penny stock CEO's

      this is fact .. not speculation or rumor

      A/S close to Max out

      PPS .0002

      factoring orders at high expenses

      and no answer in sight except more excuses ..

      reality, is a hard place to go .. for some
      4 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 12.10.12 19:40:19
      Beitrag Nr. 9.181 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.670.630 von stephan101010 am 02.10.12 18:29:09Salut


      Kompliment an dir...Du hast erreicht was du wolltest ...

      Keine Sachliches Posting mehr hier...

      Ich habe mich endschlossen nochmal hier zu Posten..

      Und falls es notig ist...dir entgegen zu treten...

      Ich lass nicht mehr zu...Das du mich anmacht´s...

      Wir können ab jetzt Hoffentlich uns duellieren falls es dir spass machst.

      à bientôt
      3 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 19.10.12 08:23:18
      Beitrag Nr. 9.182 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.708.130 von occitania am 12.10.12 19:40:19Hi OC,

      zwar am Boden aber wir zucken noch.....

      Keine neuen Shares auf dem Markt seit Juli:

      08.10.12 Regierungsauftrag / US Küstenwache
      Shareholder Question: U.S. Government Customer Feedback
      Military, Shareholder Correspondence
      by Eric Lehner
      Eric, Would it be possible to get feedback from the governmental agency that ordered the 1000+ Stain Remover for the Coast Guard after the initial 1st 3 months of use and get an update for the initial press release? Kind regards.
      I can attest to the fact an initial order of both 1000+ Stain Remover and CLEAN1 was delivered to a U.S. Coast Guard facility. Both are being used and the customer has indicated that it is happy. However, we are not allowed to quote operational people in these agencies, except in very strictly controlled circumstances. This is to prevent conflict of interest, partiality and unauthorized commercialization of government personnel. We can report that there was no problem with the delivery nor any problem with customer satisfaction.

      09.10.12 Do it Best Store Count Update 764

      Launch Activity
      by Eric Lehner

      The aggregate number of Do it Best stores that have taken delivery of 1000+ Stain Remover since October 2011 has risen to 764. This equates to a new hardware store, every day, including weekends, over the past month, within the Do it Best network of retailers.

      Between October 2011 and March 2012, the number of new Do it Best stores signing up each month (placing their first order only) exceeded the number of Do it Best stores returning for a replenishment order (although the gap was narrowing).

      Then, by April 2012 the scales tipped. Since April, the number of returning Do it Best stores (placing a replenishment order of 1000+) began to exceed the number of Do it Best stores who were placing their first order. Replenishing Do it Best stores have exceeded new stores every month since. This is most encouraging for us on the team. No store would re-order a product that they did not like, or a product that was not moving, or a product generating negative feedback, or a supplier that wasn’t performing for them.

      Replenishment is one of the important long term indicators of relevance and viability.

      Thank you, Do it Best!

      11.10.12 Elektronischer Daenaustusch mit U.S. Government Defense Logistics Agency steht

      Defense Logistics Agency: Approval to Begin Uploading
      Launch Activity, Military
      by Eric Lehner

      We have completed EDI system vetting with the U.S. Government Defense Logistics Agency. We thank the DLA for permission now granted to begin uploading material to their Department of Defense EMALL operation, which runs separately (additionally) to the General Service Administration’s ” GSA Advantage” online platform. We will be working on the uploading off-line before the uploaded material goes live. This new relationship expands our reach to U.S. government client agencies. We are proud that Winning Brands has earned this permission. More information will be provided when our listing goes live.

      Background Video:

      Orgill Update - jetzt im System -daher leicht zu ordern für > 6000 Händler

      Our product had been approved by Orgill, a leading distributor to the hardware and home improvement sector, for drop shipping arrangements 4 years ago.. The order-taking process by Orgil sales personnel and their store customers was limited by Orgill to manual forms, at the time. In other words, hardware stores and the Orgill sales people who call on them, needed to fill out paper orders, as well as to obtain individual store credit approval from Orgill head office for each order, manually. This turned out to be an impediment to growth of 1000+ Stain Remover within the Orgill environment because the placement of orders was cumbersome for all parties. As we were a new, unproven product at the time, there was a limit to what the distributor was willing to do in bringing us fully into their system.

      Since that time, 1000+ Stain Remover has shown perseverance, commitment to its market and generated positive ties to hardware stores across America, especially now through its listing by Do it Best.

      Confirmation was given yesterday at the end of an in-person meeting between Winning Brands and appropriate Orgill senior management that 1000+ will be upgraded to online ordered drop-ship program for Orgill accounts. This means that all Orgill active accounts, numbering approximately 6,000, will for the first time be able to order 1000+ as easily as any other product that Orgill sells, and to charge the order to their Orgill account.

      This provides 1000+ Stain Remover with higher visibility amongst Orgill’s 6,000 active accounts, access to direct-to-store online marketing programs, automatic Orgill-to-store credit approval and the basis for 1000+ Stain Remover to be at future Orgill Dealer Markets (Video Link: ).

      This development will have a beneficial impact for 1000+ Stain Remover and Winning Brands because, for the first time it will become easy for Orgill’s 6,000 regular accounts to buy this product. There is only so much “hassle” that a retailer is willing to go through to order any product. Such down-to-earth practical issues are as important as any branding concepts in getting shelf space.

      Orgill sales personnel will be involved in renewed awareness initiatives involving the Orgill organization, constituting a re-launch of 1000+ with new vigor at Orgill. Collaboration between Winning Brands and Orgill for practical implementation of this new higher profile will begin with the next two weeks and be ongoing thereafter.

      It is more likely now that the high potential for this important distributorship can be realized. It will also increase the opportunities for international shipment consolidations to supplement what is already being done with Do it Best.

      More details will be provided when we are live on the system.

      @ all: Bereit zum Zerpflücken..... just like on IHUB :rolleyes:

      Geniesse jetzt den Spätsommer / CU
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 19.10.12 08:25:18
      Beitrag Nr. 9.183 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.729.344 von aussie99 am 19.10.12 08:23:18
      schrieb am 21.10.12 06:52:31
      Beitrag Nr. 9.184 ()
      Da ist er ja wieder unser bezahler Pusher.
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 25.10.12 14:00:14
      Beitrag Nr. 9.185 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.734.624 von stephan101010 am 21.10.12 06:52:31Moin, DU Vogel.....:D

      ich weiss ja nich wie de auf den Sch..... kommst, abba is ja auch egal.....Hauptsache hass was zu schreibn......

      Für Interessierte: Eine e-mail von Eric mit Antworten auf Fragen aus dem IHUB,die dort von den an WNBD Interssierten :laugh::laugh::laugh: (Bashern / Investierten und stephans dieser Welt) aufgeselt wurden.....…

      From: Eric Lehner (
      Sent: October-23-12 11:33:2

      Memo to iHub Moderator –

      Answers as requested, for the benefit of shareholders:

      Relevant WNBD CEO questions that have NEVER been answered>>>

      1. Where is the blogged about friendly financing that you said at the start of the year you'd be presenting a formal proposal in 90 days time to financiers you said you had already identified? If you had in fact already identified those friendly financiers and presented a formal proposal in 90 days time why have you not explained what became of them and the proposal you presented them?

      Answer: A major financing is not yet in place. Regardless, best efforts continue to find the right combination of people and arrangements. Having prospects and concluding mutually arrangements are two different things. The process began within the 90 day time frame specified, and will continue until accomplished.

      2. How much more time do you have with what little cash you have remaining without making an alternative decision to the friendly financing that hasn't come? Please provide a detailed list of exactly what financing instruments you are calling "friendly financing"?

      Answer: Friendly financing is investment that cares about the company’s potential, including its current stakeholders. Unfriendly financing is purely transactional, with no regard for the interests of earlier (or future) investors. The company is resourceful and will continue to “make do” as best it can in order to keep progressing.

      3. You keep denying a reverse split as a viable alternative to regaining financing..if this friendly financing or any other financing alternatives don't show up to keep this company running will you be able to sustain the business?

      Answer: I do not deny that a reverse split is a viable alternative, technically. However the current conditions are not favourable to the interests of the common shareholders for a reverse split. R/S is more suitable if associated with sufficiently major positive circumstances such that the new higher consolidated share price can be maintained and grown thereafter, such as an elevation in the company’s public market tier where minimum share price requirements exist, as only one example. Post R/S split downward price pressure under current conditions would be made worse by the inevitable aggressive short selling that will be perpetrated by some.

      4. With your 2nd Q being down does this impact the speed of cash required to survive? How does this impact the necessary timing of needed cash? How do WNBD's financials reflect on your ability to attract this mysterious friendly financing?

      Answer: Friendly financing as defined above is not mysterious, just hard to come by. The 2nd quarter deliveries being down did not help. However, 3rd quarter deliveries were up. Fluctuations of this nature in a single quarter in isolation are not indicative of a trend.

      5. According to the CEO blog of August 20th wherein you stated that "accredited WNBD shareholders could contact you if they wished to participate in a final funding package", have any accredited shareholders in fact reached out to you to offer financing? If so how has that progressed so far?…

      Answer: Simple lenders do not need to be accredited investors, particularly if the number is low. We have been able to make do so far with modest arrangements and great team work all around. We have not entered into new share issuance subscription agreements during this period.

      6. With no discount share financing in play since the middle of June does this affect your negotiating power while trying to gain large chain accounts if you can't show the purchasing managers at the new accounts that you already have the necessary branding/marketing cash in play to assist in product sales?

      Answer: It is always preferable to have abundant resources. However, one should not underestimate the value of good products, good teamwork and sincere passion as the basis of advancing with a variety of partners for mutual gain.

      7. From the end of Q2 2011 through all of Q2 2012 you blogged about gaining entry into all of Walmart Canada's over 333 stores, over 650 DIB stores, 200 Duane Reade NYC locations, being available for over 1500 Mitre locations to order and several other accounts/territories entered for the 1st time! So please explain the cause of the discrepancy in the Q2 2012 -40% drastic drop off in across the board sales since according to all the blogs WNBD was available in well over +1000 new point of sale locations throughout the entire course of Q2 2012 that sales revenues weren't being realized in during the entire course of Q2 2011? Logic would suggest with all the new accounts blogged about the Q2 sales in 2012 should have greatly exceeded Q2 2011 not had a drastic -40% drop off???

      Answer: The 40% drop in deliveries reflects less efficient (slower) conversion of orders to finished goods and subsequently into deliveries than under normal circumstances. Accounting convention calls for customer orders to only be recorded as sales only if deliveries have been made or arranged. When more funding is available again, then the velocity of order conversion will increase again. At any point in time, we may have between $20,000 and $75,000 in backorders. The larger point of your question, however, relates to why there would not be substantial growth regardless, even taking this factor into account. The wording of the question is important to consider. Although it is true that we informed our stakeholders in the first half of 2011 that Walmart was returning (and increasing) their involvement with 1000+, we do not control the speed of the implementation of such a re-launch. When dealing with the world’s largest retailer, these things can take longer than one would like. In the case of DIB, the stores began taking individual deliveries in Q4 2011 (as opposed to their distribution centers). Initial orders from stores who are trying the product on for size were modest because the Do it Best logistics operation permits the stores to take delivery of less-than-case lots. As DIB stores are becoming more familiar with 1000+, the orders are growing in average size, and replenishment is occurring more often. In Australia, a change of distributorship occurred. This caused some delays in implementing earlier plans, however, these are on track again for next year. In New York, we have marketing plans ready to deploy as resources come on stream. As a general comment, the fact remains that over the past three years sales have grown year-over-year despite a substantial reduction in advertising activity. This could only be possible if product demand was strengthening, organically.

      8. Reflecting still on the last qrtly financials. You reported a -40% in comparison to the previous qtr. Can you please elaborate on how bad that previous qtr was as it relates to a breakeven qtr for you? and how do you recover from that previous qtr + the current -40% qtr? It appears that 2 qtrs like the last 2 and all previous qtrs that survival looks to be very very bleak at best given the cash burn.

      Answer: Our prospects for survival are not bleak; our circumstances are challenging. There is a big difference. Consumer product brands that come from obscure independent companies do not usually succeed because the operators of that brand could not get past the challenges. Many people in life give up too easily. This is true for small companies too. There is usually more that can be done to survive challenges than meets the eye. It takes a certain combination of characteristics to be able to persevere. I think Winning Brands has what it takes. But the point is not merely to survive of course – the goal is to thrive. Winning Brands’ business model has the virtue of being simple and realistic. The company can have millions of dollars of profitable sales by attaining a relatively small percentage penetration of its market. The sooner that this can be accomplished, the better - naturally. However, if/when this occurs, then abundant cashflow from sound, systematic and precise operations will permit a great deal of healing for all interests to be satisfied and duly rewarded. Whether we can accomplish this is a risk – but then again, most businesses are risky. The terrible economic period that we have gone through has taken its toll on even the most supposedly secure corporations, with bankruptcy and layoffs bringing distress to many. Regardless, we will survive and eventually thrive, in my opinion, for reasons specific to our business. The financial statements filed annually by Winning Brands provide an outline of the company’s operations, challenges, opportunities to address your financial questions, such as break even analysis, in greater detail.

      9. Given you've worked with your business plan for 7 years, your body of work the results from that plan that has led the company to a desperate need for cash , PPS bouncing between .0001 and .0002 and no dollars to do anything with. What changes are you going to have to initiate to divert from this current terrible path you are on from an investing financial perspective? Will you still be the CEO given your track record to investors? How will you measure your successes going forward? Will try and use a strict budget for expenditures in developing branding necessities? Unlike the 90 day window of new friendly financing you stated that never evolved ... What will be your new planned target dates and numbers for accomplishments that create shareholder value?

      Answer: The question of who should be CEO going forward will be addressed in concert with financing, no doubt. I am prepared to cooperate with arrangements that are in the interests of common shareholders. A plan that envisions taking the company private or other techniques to disassociate the current common shareholders from their equity position are obviously not in their interest, regardless of who would be CEO. Having said that, I am proud of what has been accomplished operationally and the foundation that exists for accelerated growth. I have invested several hundred thousand dollars of my own in the earliest stages of the enterprise, prior to it becoming a public enterprise and have a vested interest in its success. I have also ensured that the convertibility of the preferred shares to common is only on a one for one basis. This is favourable to the current common shareholders because the economic interests are oriented to the common shareholders. On the subject of budgets, the company has always operated with financial discipline. There is nothing new in the idea of a budget. However, it is in the nature of test marketing and R&D to try things. Some of these suggestions come from the investors themselves, either as recommendations or as conditions. Some things work better than others. When the history of this brand is written, the cumulative investment that was required for 1000+ to become a household name will be found to be entirely reasonable, or even frugal, by comparison to norms for national brands, historically. I am confident of my role in bringing about this outcome.

      10. Given your desperation for cash and the needing of some sort of financing...will you detail with full disclosure the type of financing you get and the conditions to the financing IF its secured? How is your supply chain handling your account as you reach critical mass in survival? Are they understandably guarded and asking for cash in advance on the product and services you require? Is this impacting current delivery schedules? and have you made any adjustments to your rate of pay to parallel the bad financials?

      Answer: The company already provides disclosure regarding its sources and uses of capital that meets the standards of for the Current Information tier. It will continue to do so. Our supply chain, our staff group and our customers constitute a terrific team. There are no particular problems – just reasonable accommodation to cooperate for mutual benefit, taking into account the needs that are specific to each. Naturally, this slows down the process of converting orders to delivered product because it is not possible to operate with full efficiency.

      11. In an earlier CEO statement you specifically claimed that scup and dirtydave have in fact been reimbursed in advance for "any legitimate expenses" associated with their WNBD consultancy work of putting on any point in the past did your advance reimbursement of their "legitimate expenses" include monies specifically for their time and effort for putting on any of their WNBD demos?

      Answer: It was originally envisioned that they would be paid on a time and effort basis, as well as expenses, however it was their choice to implement an expense reimbursement model instead. Even in this, it was their further choice to forego or defer complete reimbursement. The company has responded to their self-motivated (and self-financed) videos and local initiatives with appreciation and respect, but not with consulting fees. The company had to draw a line in their generosity by insisting on at least providing transportation to a trade show, meals, accommodation and supplies. By no generally accepted standard would “consultancy” describe their relationship to the company.

      12. In an earlier CEO statement you specifically claimed that no shares were handed out for the purchase of url's by WNBD but you didn't provide a statement on whether or not any cash was paid out by WNBD to a WNBD shareholder for any url's so please provide a statement on whether or not cash was in fact paid to a WNBD shareholder for any url's and if so how much?

      Answer: Three payments of $500 were made for URLs to a party whom the company believes was a shareholder. These URLs were evaluated for their usefulness to the company. Winning Brands determined this value of the URL’s and paid accordingly. No demand was placed before the company for a fixed amount. The company had experience in the evaluation of such assets because it had done business with conventional domain vendors and understood the process. It is not possible, or necessary, for the company to know whether every party with whom it does business on an arms-length basis holds shares so long as no favourable treatment is provided that would compromise the company’s ethical obligations and any transaction is in the normal course of business. Apple, Ford, and thousands of other public companies have purchased goods from entities whose employees/owners may hold shares in them as an investment. There is no difference in principle in our case other than the fact that we are much smaller.

      13. To the best of your knowledge how many WNBD message board posters have in fact bought discount shares from WNBD...and did you in fact verify in advance that all the persons who bought discount shares from WNBD over the years were in fact accredited investors...or did you just have them check a box that claimed they were in fact accredited investors? Also were you aware that all persons who have in fact purchased discount stock from WNBD were legally required to disclose those purchases if/when they posted about WNBD publicly?

      Answer: We have not accepted share subscriptions from any party whom we believed to be a “poster” on a message board. However, we have no independent access to the identities of posters of most message boards. Determination of the accreditation status of a subscriber in our case involves legal counsel, who satisfy themselves in each case through a combination of warranty by the subscriber or review of the standards with the subscriber to confirm that the subscriber qualifies, prior to providing the attorney opinion letter required by the stock transfer agent. A legitimate process is more involved than “checking a box”, although I cannot comment as to the practices of other companies, which will no doubt vary considerably. In my personal experience, our subscribers have had no interest in posting on message boards.

      14. Mr.Lehner,have you ever been approached by a stock promoter,who posts on the message board IHub, to do investor awareness (i.e. stock promotion campaign)....

      Answer: On May 11, 2009, an iHub poster who had visited our office on a well-publicized tour, solicited our business, in writing, for his professional services. We did not consider the solicitation inappropriate because we are routinely approached by stock awareness organizations. We enquired further with him as to what he had in mind, but were not able to proceed further for a combination of reasons. These include (A) The fact that Winning Brands at the time was not yet Current Information tier. It is a violation of regulations to carry out the promotion of stock for which there is not “adequate public information” available, particularly if during the same period exempt share subscription(s) are under way. (B) The share price at the time, approximately .0049 was in the opinion of the company going to increase naturally by itself on the basis of growing interest in the firm. The creation of additional demand through promotional activity would in my view have created a non-sustainable spike. (C) Stock promotion, even when it is legal, is extremely expensive. The firm did not have the requisite budget, even if the right circumstances had been present. After careful consideration, the company therefore respectfully declined the interest that had been expressed in providing such services to us. In retrospect, it was the correct decision, because the share price did continue to advance naturally from .0045 in mid-May 2009 through higher lows until June 7, 2010, with active trading. In the summer of 2010, the prospect of losing the Walmart account alarmed many watching WNBD, including the formal Market Makers. This was a primary catalyst for the sudden decline in the share price at the time. The current market capitalization (“value”) of the company is too low, in my opinion, relative to its merits and progress and will increase again, despite the current O/S. For the record, Walmart ordering resumed and things are fine with this account.

      15. How many ihubbers have gotten WNBD product placements at retailers, hotels or any other location in the past while at the same time posting on the WNBD investors hub message board?

      Answer: Although shareholders often suggest that we approach certain retailers, the Winning Brands Sales Department is always of necessity the presenting party. Accordingly, we are not aware of “ihubber posters” getting WNBD product placements.

      16. Why do you constantly blog about WNBD critics and fuel speculation that they are somehow to blame for your track record/performance of actually delivering on your own earlier stated/projected expectations? Do you grasp the concept of taking accountability for your own previous statements made or do you genuinely believe WNBD critics have anything to do with how well you stain remover?

      Answer: A review of the CEO Weblog reveals a distinction made between persons whose opinions may be critical of particular actions of the company (which is fine), and persons who habitually and exclusively dwell on the negative – particularly persons who by their own admission are not shareholders and pursuing some other agenda. My service to the company is oriented to identified shareholders, for whose interest we are building a company, albeit during a challenging period of its life. In that service, there is often spirited discussion about the relative merits of certain actions. Shareholders of the company have seen that the management of Winning Brands is far more accessible, willing to discuss its actions and pleased to respond to authentic shareholder exchange of views on the business than most companies

      So Junge jezz kommt widda Dein Part.....
      schrieb am 27.10.12 13:37:35
      Beitrag Nr. 9.186 ()
      schöne Zusammenfassung

      Bin auch noch hier!
      schrieb am 28.10.12 08:19:36
      Beitrag Nr. 9.187 ()
      Herrlich unser bezahlter Pusher.

      Obwohl, habe schon in anderen Foren deutlich besserer beauftragte

      Pusher erlebt.

      Immer nur Beiträge aus dem Blog kopieren zeugt nicht gerade von


      Aber was schrieb der kleine australische Spin.. noch vor ein paar


      " Also ich kann handeln"


      Damit ist er vollkommen unglaubwürdig geworden.
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 28.10.12 12:27:21
      Beitrag Nr. 9.188 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.759.064 von stephan101010 am 28.10.12 08:19:36Salut


      Binaire passt sehr gut zu dir...


      Dazwischen gibt´s nicht....

      Wie zwischen deine Beides Ohren...

      à bientôt
      schrieb am 29.10.12 11:56:48
      Beitrag Nr. 9.189 ()
      ich bin auch noch da:D

      mir ist völlig unverständlich, wie man seinen ganzen frust bei aussie abläßt.
      sicherlich stecken wir alle tief in den miesen und sind gefrustet, aber die schuld bei anderen zu suchen, ist doch völlig daneben. mit wb war ich zweimal fett im plus und jetzt bin ich super fett im minus. den einzigen schuldigen, den ich dafür verantwortlich machen muß, bin ich selbst.:cry:

      also hör auf hier rumzunerven, stephan, bei allem verständis für dein frust.

      für mich ist jetzt interessant, ob ich mein ganzes geld abschreiben kann oder ob noch eine minichance besteht ein teil meines geldes zu retten.

      ich hoffe, hier findet wieder ein normaler austausch statt.

      bis dann
      schrieb am 30.10.12 12:01:04
      Beitrag Nr. 9.190 ()
      hallo aussie und all die anderern ausser stepha!

      ich bin auch noch hier - hab ich was versäumt!?

      also ganz ehrlich - stephan seine postings lese ich gar nicht!

      da geb ich seriousdrinking recht - wir sind selber schuld an unserer situation!

      hat eigentlich hier noch jemand in letzter zeit nachgekauft!?
      schrieb am 01.11.12 16:54:56
      Beitrag Nr. 9.191 ()
      Ok Ok mein letztes Wort!

      Erstmal zur Klarstellung.

      Bin schon seit geraumer Zeit nicht in Winning Brands mehr investiert.

      Schaue hier nur ab und zu rein, weil ich selten so eine Abzocke

      erlebt habe.

      Wer immer noch an W.B glaubt sollte mal bei Eric Lehner anrufen.

      Welch ein Zufall, dass er auch noch ganz passables Deutsch spricht.

      Der Inhalt der Gespräche könnte in jeder Comedy-Show passen.

      Ein Beispiel:

      Er begann das Gespräch mit dem Hinweis für " wichtige" Gespräche erst

      mal die Tür zu schießen, und dann hörte man eine langes quitschendes



      Noch ein Wort zu Hermannchen.

      Auf Grund Deines Vornamens gehe ich mal von einem Herrn jenseit der

      60 aus.

      Du scheint tatsächlich von der schreckliche Krankheit Alzheimer

      betroffen zu sein.

      Wie sonst kann man die Frage stellen:

      Hat jemand nachgekauft?

      Hier kann niemand kaufen, da der DTTC eine Sperre auf Grund von

      Betrügereien gegen den Handel mit Winning Brands Aktien verhängt hat.

      Oh, Sorry außer Aussie natürlich!
      schrieb am 02.11.12 18:19:56
      Beitrag Nr. 9.192 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.708.130 von occitania am 12.10.12 19:40:19Salut

      Store Scenes
      by Eric Lehner
      I received an enquiry from a shareholder this morning asking me to confirm whether 1000+ Stain Remover at Walmart is still a regularly priced item, because of comments he read in a discussion forum that the product shows up as discounted. The photograph below was taken at a different Walmart today. It shows 1000+ Stain Remover at its regular price of $9.77. This is an excellent price for the consumer, reflecting what could be called every day good value. It is possible that individual stores may for some reason deviate from this price, however it is not possible to state what the reasons may be in each individual case. In the photo below, a respected consumer brand on the shelf beside 1000+ is discounted from its regular price of $12.48 to $9.48. This may be a temporary or local adjustment, and again may have no bearing whatsoever on the stature of that brand within the store generally.

      In a second photo at yet another Walmart, below, taken on October 26th, the price of 1000+ Stain Remover is also $9.77. As an illustration of the good value for the consumer of this price for 1000+, a well known brand that is sometimes compared to 1000+ is offered at $6.93 for a bottle that contains approximately 1/2 the quantity of product, and is not concentrated. This means that the other product is, in effect, at least double the price of 1000+ Stain Remover.

      In terms of the performance, concentration and versatility, 1000+ Stain Remover is excellent value at its MSRP of $9.99 for 30.7 fl. oz.

      à bientôt
      schrieb am 14.11.12 14:35:07
      Beitrag Nr. 9.193 ()
      46 M gestern....dafür dass man keine kaufen kann:laugh::laugh::rolleyes::rolleyes:

      fairerweise muss man sagen, dass ein Großteil auf der '1 gekauft wurde.....

      Time and Sales for Winning Brands Corporation (WNBD) Nov 13, 2012

      Time Price Volume Exchange
      15:59:50 0.0003 100000 OTO
      15:59:47 0.0002 1000000 OTO
      15:44:33 0.0002 2500000 OTO
      15:15:44 0.0003 5000 OTO
      15:15:23 0.0001 2500000 OTO
      14:44:11 0.0003 1000000 OTO
      14:12:16 0.0003 31708 OTO
      14:12:13 0.0002 568292 OTO
      14:09:30 0.0002 5000 OTO
      14:09:04 0.0001 15000000 OTO
      13:35:02 0.0001 5000000 OTO
      13:33:39 0.0001 5000000 OTO
      13:16:48 0.0001 5000000 OTO
      13:14:15 0.0001 2500000 OTO
      13:13:03 0.0002 98597 OTO
      12:17:07 0.0001 666889 OTO
      12:14:49 0.0001 2500000 OTO
      12:14:40 0.0002 100000 OTO

      mal heute hält :(:rolleyes::rolleyes:

      Auch sind heute :confused::confused: die Zahlen Q3 fällig, glaube ich.....und ob das was verspricht???
      schrieb am 14.11.12 15:01:32
      Beitrag Nr. 9.194 ()

      wäre schön, wenn es wieder up gehen würde:) so wie es aussieht, hat zumindest eric die hoffnung noch nicht aufgegeben. wenn die zahlen Q3 erfreulich ausfallen sollten, dann können die sich freuen, die jetzt bei 0,0001 bis 0,0003 nachgelegt haben.:cool: wir werden sehen.
      4 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 14.11.12 21:46:47
      Beitrag Nr. 9.195 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.823.214 von seriousdrinking am 14.11.12 15:01:32Salut

      Quarterly Report

      11/14/2012 @ 3:37PM

      à bientôt
      3 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 15.11.12 08:28:05
      Beitrag Nr. 9.196 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.825.651 von occitania am 14.11.12 21:46:47…

      Seiten 3-6

      krieg hier keine Auszüge gepostet...aber im IHUB

      Pic 1: LOWES oder Home Depot mit 500 Läden im Frühjahr 2013 möglich

      Pic 2: Operative Highlights Q3…
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 15.11.12 09:08:26
      Beitrag Nr. 9.197 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.826.463 von aussie99 am 15.11.12 08:28:05Dann holen wir uns doch noch mal 10 Milliönchen. Ein Verdoppler ist durchaus möglich.
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 19.11.12 20:31:00
      Beitrag Nr. 9.198 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 43.826.632 von zweifler am 15.11.12 09:08:26Salut…

      à bientôt

      0,0006 wir kommen...;):cool:
      schrieb am 29.11.12 16:15:43
      Beitrag Nr. 9.199 ()
      Hallo WNBD´ler
      nach langer Abstinenz poste ich auch mal wieder etwas. Heute steht 1000+ im erten Shell store zum Verkauf.
      Ich habe jetzt eine neue Kauforder eingegeben. Ich hoffe ich werde bedient. Dadurch reduziere ich meinen Einstandkurs auf unter 0,001 und ich hoffe wir werden alle belohnt.

      Ich danke Euch für die Jahre hier und drücke uns allen die Daumen.

      schrieb am 20.12.12 14:24:00
      Beitrag Nr. 9.200 ()
      ich kann`s nicht lassen!

      kaum sieht man am horizont ein kleines lichtlein leuchten:eek:... und schon werde ich wieder rückfällig:laugh:

      ... die optimisten sterben nicht aus!

      bis dann
      schrieb am 23.01.13 08:05:38
      Beitrag Nr. 9.201 ()
      sió hab mal eine order zu 0,0001 reingestellt - vielleicht bekomme ich noch welche :)
      schrieb am 25.01.13 07:27:32
      Beitrag Nr. 9.202 ()
      Moin, Moin.....

      Winning Brands To Begin SEC Registration Process

      NEW YORK, Jan. 24, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Winning Brands Corporation (OTCPK: WNBD) announces the appointment of the law firm of Bart & Associates, LLC for the purpose of undertaking registration of Winning Brands and its shares with the United States Securities & Exchange Commission. A formal engagement to commence the registration process has been signed on behalf of Winning Brands by its CEO, Eric Lehner and by Ken Bart Esq., on behalf of Bart & Associates. The registration will be approached by means of an S-1 filing. Practical work will start immediately. S-1 filings must be approved by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission in order to become effective.

      Winning Brands CEO, Eric Lehner, comments: "If the SEC approves registration of Winning Brands shares, it will be a truly significant milestone for the company and its shareholders. Over the past few years we have progressed upward through the filing tiers at to the 'Current Information' tier. Through this registration process, we demonstrate in concrete terms a commitment to continue elevation to higher tiers within the public space. Despite the increasing compliance burden, there are advantages. Positive funding options are technically available to registered entities, especially if combined with uplisting to higher trading tiers, that are not available to exempt non-reporting issuers. Also, a much larger proportion of the investing public and investment professionals will be able to act on their interest in Winning Brands and participate in its mission. We look forward to the renewed momentum for the company and its products, that this development will bring." Mr. Lehner maintains a CEO Weblog for the benefit of shareholders at

      ABOUT WINNING BRANDS CORPORATION: Winning Brands is a manufacturer of advanced cleaning solutions including 1000+™ Stain Remover, World's Most Versatile Cleaning Solution™, an alternative to conventional cleaning solvents. 1000+ Stain Remover is a Schedule Contract Holder under the U.S. Government's General Service Administration. The brand's interesting household, commercial and industrial cleaning characteristics can be seen on Facebook and Youtube. Consumers in Canada and the United States can find 1000+ Stain Remover in a variety of retailers, large and small. In Canada this includes Walmart, Home Depot, Lowe's, Home Hardware and Canadian Tire amongst others. In the USA, availability and testing sites include the online service of The Home Depot, select Ohio locations of Lowe's, Duane Reade division of Walgreens, participating members of Do it Best hardware stores and a variety of other retailers. 1000+ Stain Remover is also available at select retailers internationally.

      The phrase "World's Most Versatile Cleaning Solution" and 1000+™ Stain Remover are trademarks of Niagara Mist Marketing Ltd., Division of Winning Brands Corporation.

      Winning Brands Corporation: Jean Wursten-May, Assistant to the CEO
      220A-11 Victoria Street, Barrie, Ontario, Canada L4N 6T3
      Tel: (705) 737-4062 Fax: (705) 737-9793
      Form S-1

      Form S-1 is an SEC filing used by public companies to register their securities with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) as the "registration statement by the Securities Act of 1933". The S-1 contains the basic business and financial information on an issuer with respect to a specific securities offering. Investors may use the prospectus to consider the merits of an offering and make educated investment decisions. A prospectus is one of the main documents used by an investor to research a company prior to an initial public offering (IPO). Other less detailed registration forms, such as Form S-3 may be used for certain registrations.

      Every business day from 10 to 5, S-1 forms are filed with the SEC's EDGAR filing system, the required filing format of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. However many of these (typically 30% to 90%) are of the related Form S-1/A, which is used for filing amendments to a previously filed Form S-1.

      The S-1 form has an OMB Approval Number of 3234-0065 and the online form is only 8 pages. However the simplicity of the form's design is belied by the OMB Office's figure of the Estimated Average Burden - 972.32 hours. This means that long time and effort has been used to collect and display information about the filer (a corporate registrant or new registrant who intends to offer securities). The S-1 form requires that the registrant provide information from diverse sources and incorporate this information using many rules or regulations, such as General Rules and Regulations under the Securities Act, Regulation C, Regulation S-K and Regulation S-X.

      und zurück in den Schlafmodus :laugh::laugh:;)
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 25.04.13 17:00:31
      Beitrag Nr. 9.203 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 44.062.167 von aussie99 am 25.01.13 07:27:32Salut




      à bientôt
      schrieb am 12.05.13 04:34:58
      Beitrag Nr. 9.204 ()
      ...traurig, aber wahr: Auch dieser CEO hat seine "shareholders" geprellt. Er hat Kohle geschaufelt, um sein kleines beschissenes Leben als Betrüger mit dem üblichen Luxus (Viel Freizeit, Haus, Boot, Pferd...) zu finanzieren. Wahrscheinlich ist er an seinem Stammtisch auch noch der Größte...

      Herzlichen Glückwunsch an alle WNBD-Deppen!
      schrieb am 30.05.13 08:20:38
      Beitrag Nr. 9.205 ()
      UI - und wie geht das jetzt weiter hier?
      schrieb am 18.06.13 12:17:26
      Beitrag Nr. 9.206 ()
      ja dieser lehner ist der absolute verbrecher - ein wahnsinn was der mit dem kurs gemacht hat - vielen dank!
      schrieb am 20.07.13 21:48:50
      Beitrag Nr. 9.207 ()
      Aussie war nie ein Anleger und Lehner nie ein Gentleman. "Verbrecher" ist das richtige Wort für diese Sorte Mensch. Allerdings bin ich mir sicher, dass solche Typen eher früher als später beim Sch... vom Blitz getroffen werden... :p :D
      schrieb am 28.08.13 20:30:17
      Beitrag Nr. 9.208 ()
      Warte immer noch auf eine Entschuldigung on einigen.

      Habe alles vorher gesagt z.b Posting 9191 etc...
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 28.08.13 20:50:19
      Beitrag Nr. 9.209 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 45.345.137 von stephan101010 am 28.08.13 20:30:17Salut

      Warte immer noch auf eine Entschuldigung on einigen.


      Du bist nicht ganz dicht....:D

      à bientôt
      schrieb am 28.08.13 22:26:12
      Beitrag Nr. 9.210 ()
      Schlechter Verlierer!


      Habe hier als einziger vor der Abzocke gewarnt!

      Alles schön nachzulesen!
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 28.08.13 22:57:17
      Beitrag Nr. 9.211 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 45.345.881 von stephan101010 am 28.08.13 22:26:12Salut

      Das hast du gut gemacht...Schade das ich nicht auf dich gehört habe

      Tut mir meine Depot weh...

      Du bist der Größter

      ègal wo ich ab jetzt dich lese...werde ich mich prophylatisch vorbeugen und dir meine Respekt aussprechen...

      Ich wünsche dir Stephan...viel Glück wo immer du dich investiert

      á bientôt
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 20.09.13 20:13:42
      Beitrag Nr. 9.212 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 45.346.045 von occitania am 28.08.13 22:57:17WNBD - R.I.P


      PS: Wer hier noch reinschaut und Kontakt zu diesem WNBD-CEO hat: Er wird seine Aktienabzocke mit seinen gefühlt 2.000, sehr professionell geschriebenen Pusher-Postings früher oder später bereuen. Sicher wird er sich nie wieder fühlen - egal, wo er jetzt gerade seine Lemminge-Dollars verplempert. Dafür gibt es zu viele Geprellte - weltweit - mit sehr unterschiedlichen Historien und sehr unterschiedlichem Denkansatz. Ich bin mir sicher, dass ihn irgendjemand von diesen Geprellten findet. Er tut mir jetzt schon leid. Arme Sau. :D
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      WNBD - ein Mega-Seller auf dem Sprung zum Amex-Listing in 2009.