
    Pacel Corp. - 10000% Jetzt könnt Ihr noch lachen ! Mein neuer Zock - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 26.07.01 00:50:25
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      Pacel Corp. (PLRP, WKN 923391)
      Kursziel 1 Dollar. Potential zum Alltime-High 40000%
      Kurs aktuell 0,01 Dollar

      Pacel Corp. ist ein Nischenplayer im Bereich der Sicherheitssoftware. Das Unternehmen wurde 1994 von David Calkins gegründet. Große Kunden wie Baltimore Gas & Electric, New York Power Authority, Texas Utilities & Electric, die NASA (Columbia Raumfahrt Programm) und die NATO konnten unter anderen gewonnen werden. Mit den Tochtergesellschaften Fairfax Communication Limited (IT Service Provider) und (Internet-Services) sollen Firmen komplette Internet Lösungen und Services erhalten.

      Hat man sich zunächst auf Geschäftskunden konzentriert, wurden seit Anfang 2000 Programme für Endverbraucher entwickelt: "ChildWatch", ein Internetfilter, der Kinder bsw. vor pornographischen Inhalten schützt und e-Centurion, ein Antivirusprogramm.

      Im vergangenen Jahr wurden 3,5 Millionen Dollar investiert, der größte Teil in Produktentwicklungen. Demgegenüber standen Einnahmen von gerademal 245000 Dollar.

      Nach Befürchtungen eines drohenden Bankrottes wurde der Kurs völlig bombadiert. Die Firma hat momentan eine Marktkapitalisierung von gerademal ca. 700 000 Dollar !!!! (Vergleich High : ca. 30 000 000 Dollar)

      Doch wie es scheint, werden die Investitionen belohnt. So konnte eine Kooperation mit Earthlink verkündet werden (25.04.2001); Childwatch soll über Amazon weltweit angeboten und in Wal Mart Ketten verkauft werden. In Tests wurde die Überlegenheit von Childwatch gegenüber anderen Programmen wie bsw. Netnanny4 unter Beweis gestellt (April 2001). Positive Berichte wurden auch in der Washingten Post vom 6. Juni 2001 und in vom 26. April 2001 mit dem Rating "akkumulate" und vom 17. Juli 2001 mit "attractive" veröffentlicht. Setzt sich Childwatch durch, steht das Unternehmen vor einer fundamentalen Neubewertung.

      Supernewes auch heute, 25 Juli: Pacel hat im ersten Halbjahr 2001 Gewinn um 270% gegenüber Vorjahr steigern können; dieses Wachstum ist direkt auf Geschäfte, iniziiert durch existierende NATO Verträge von Fairfax Communication Limited und auf das Geschäftswachstum im Bereich Consulting und Web developement von, zurückzuführen.

      Calkins beabsichtigt weiterhin, sich auf die Vermarktung von Childwatch und e-Centurion zu konzentrieren. Positive Meldungen hier würden eine Kursexplosion auslösen.

      Die Entscheidung in Pacel zu investieren habe ich nach einer intensiven und gewissenhaften Recherche getroffen. Alle oben erwähnten Daten und Fakten sind im Original im Anhang nachzulesen.

      Befor Ihr Euch für eine Investition entscheidet, lest bitte die unten angehängten Texte und bildet Euch Eure eigene Meinung.

      Den enormen Kurschancen steht natürlich auch das Risiko eines Totalverlustes entgegen.
      Deshalb bitte nur einen kleinen Depot-Anteil investieren.
      Kauflimits immer limitieren. Die Aktie wird nur an der Nasdaq OTCBB gehandelt.

      mfg troi
      schrieb am 26.07.01 00:52:43
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      New Market for Security Software
      ChildWatch Program Targeted at Parents

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      By Sara Gebhardt
      Washington Post Staff Writer
      Wednesday, June 6, 2001; Page PW05
      Pacel Corp. is one of a number of small technology companies in Northern Virginia that has toiled in relative obscurity, marshaling a bit of commercial business while it works on a niche technology -- in Pacel`s case, computer security software.
      Now Manassas-based Pacel is going after the home computer, hoping its batch of security software products will catch on among consumers as well as businesses. The seven-year-old, 30-person firm`s shift from making security data systems for businesses to selling products in the retail market began this spring, when it offered its first consumer product for sale on
      And Pacel`s ChildWatch Internet filter and home computer security software will be sold at retail outlets such as Sam`s Club, Fry`s Electronics and Office Depot in the coming weeks.
      "It`s been a long, tough transition, and it took a lot of investment without having steady income, but we`re extremely excited," said David Calkins, Pacel`s founder and chief executive.
      Last year, the company spent $3.5 million -- most of it invested in product development, but its revenue was only $245,000. It posted a $3.3 million net loss. Calkins said Pacel hasn`t concentrated on getting paying clients. The company`s stock trades over the counter and sells for under $1 a share.
      But Pacel`s work has not gone unnoticed. ChildWatch attracted EarthLink as a partner for its retail launch, giving Pacel a strong brand to piggyback on. The company plans to co-market EarthLink`s Internet access software with ChildWatch, which allows parents to monitor what their kids are doing on a home computer, filters out pornographic Web sites (and any others parents want to block) and provides security so that children cannot tamper with files, such as family financial information. "It allows parents to take control of their PC again because most of them can be out-programmed by their kids," Calkins said.
      ChildWatch sells for $24.99, and a basic version of the program, ChildWatch Lite, will sell for $9.99. The EarthLink pitch is simple: Customers who buy ChildWatch will get three free months of EarthLink service.
      Richard Bingler, Pacel`s vice president of research and development, said it takes six to eight months to develop products such as ChildWatch and e-Centurion, a security program that breaks down macro-viruses, such as last year`s Love Bug, before they attach to and disable a computer`s files. If ChildWatch is successful, the company plans to sell E-Centurion in retail outlet stores.
      But while it works on launching ChildWatch and developing E-Centurion, Pacel is still working on the data security applications the company was built on.
      In January, the company was awarded a $40,000 follow-up contract by Prince William County to enhance its "JDH" automated information system, which tracks youths at the Juvenile Detention Home. Pacel will upgrade the system it created under the original contract in 2000. The software allows caregivers and others secure access to information about detainees, such as fingerprints, medical information and compatibility with other inmates.
      Pacel`s work on secure data access developed into broader computer security software -- stuff that protects personal information and monitors how computers are used.
      Pacel -- an abbreviation for pace of excellence -- was launched in 1994 because "it was time for a change," Calkins said. Calkins was an executive at a McLean company undergoing a string of disruptive acquisitions when he left to start Pacel. He and his wife, Kay Calkins, started the business out of their Manassas home. Kay Calkins runs Pacel`s Web development subsidiary, Ebstor Inc.
      Calkins says he`s the "business, marketing and financial person," and his wife, who ran a nuclear consulting firm, CMC Services, is the "technical expert" in the family."
      The couple moved to Prince William County in the early 1990s from Tennessee, and basing their business there was an obvious choice. Calkins said the company benefits from proximity to Northern Virginia`s high-tech community, and he enjoys Manassas`s semi-rural feel. Calkins attributes the stability of the company, despite its heavy losses, to the low employee turnover.
      "One of our offerings to our employees is that you can have a very casual, relaxed, peaceful workplace and still be in the area that is setting the pace for technology for the rest of the world," Calkins said.
      Lisa Smith, Pacel`s director of business development, agrees with Calkins. "We have very little turnover, and some of that is the quality of life being in Prince William. Certainly you don`t want turnover when you`re talking about programming staff because each new person wants to redo code and whole projects can be lost that way," Smith said.
      By 1998, three years after its founding, the company had only five employees. It now occupies 8,200 square feet of office space on Rixlew Lane in Manassas.
      With the county contract and new products in development, executives at Pacel have plans for more growth. Although the company`s programmers are excited about launching the security products, Calkins remaines focused on the bigger picture. "We`re looking at partnering with various ISP`s [Internet service providers] and/or acquiring some," Calkins said.
      © 2001 The Washington Post Company
      schrieb am 26.07.01 00:54:49
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      About PACEL
      PACEL Corp.(PACEL) was formed in 1994 as a software development and systems integration company aimed at setting the "Pace of Excellence" in software production and services. During the company`s early years we concentrated on development of a number of user friendly software products aimed at putting document security and accessibility in the hands of the user. During the years of 1997 through 1999 we expanded this focus to include development of user-specified desktop and Internet security software programs. Our motto, "Pace of Excellence," sets the standards for our commitment and performance, and is reflected in our corporate name, PACEL (PAce of exCELlence) Corp. In the third quarter of 1999 we undertook another expansion of the company`s capabilities to include a number of Internet services such as web design, e-commerce, database design, development, maintenance and hosting. This expansion took the form of a majority owned subsidiary,, Inc. ( PACEL also acquired Fairfax Communication Limited (FCL), a provider of IT services to NATO and businesses. FCL is a wholly owned subsidiary. Today, PACEL`s vision has extended to include complete Internet solutions and services, and toward this end, we are extending our capabilities to include total security and privacy to and from the InternetPACEL,, and FCL plan to work closely together to provide customers with a complete package of Total Security and Internet Solutions. The synergy of the two companies will utilize expertise from to create customizable "Portals" that will conform to the needs of the customer base and may include child-friendly, small business, and customized organizational applications, with the security experience and software development strength of PACEL to provide an integrated desktop to Internet security system.Corporate Officers and Board of DirectorsName Position
      David E. Calkins President/CEO Chairman of the Board of Directors
      F. Kay Calkins President/CEO Secretary/Treasurer Director
      Corey M. LaCross Director
      Keith Hicks Jr. Director
      PACEL Corp. and are located in Manassas, Virginia with offices at 8870 Rixlew Lane, Suites 201 and 204. We lease approximately 8200 square feet of a stone constructed office building.
      schrieb am 26.07.01 01:07:27
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      Jul 17, 2001 Announces Investment Opinion on Kanakaris Wireless, Natural Health Trends Corp., PACEL Corp., McLeodUSA Incorporated and Constellation 3D, Inc.

      PACEL Corp. (OTCBB:PLRP) Previous Close: Up 31% to $0.019 on vol. 7,215,300 Shares: ATTRACTIVE
      PACEL Corp. (OTCBB:PLRP) recently updated investors on the company`s Internet child filtration software ChildWatch. Unlike other filters designed for institutional use, ChildWatch Pro does not require add-on hardware, and it blocks only pornographic web sites, which are among the worst of the `nuisance` web sites and also a primary concern of parents.
      `ChildWatch Pro broadens the market for the ChildWatch family, and offers opportunities to increase our visibility overall,` stated Lisa Smith, PACEL`s Director of Business Development. `PACEL now has products for the home, for businesses of all sizes, and for local, state, and Federal government. We are pleased to have reached this stage in our development, and our marketing and sales team is aggressively pursuing clients for our entire product line.`
      The `Pacesetter` in Internet security, PACEL Corp. is a software development company headquartered in Manassas, Virginia, a suburb of Washington, D.C. Two subsidiary companies, and Fairfax Communications, Limited, provide Web and e-commerce solutions and goods and services to NATO, respectively.

      BOSTON, Jul 10, 2001 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- PACEL Corp. (OTC BB:PLRP OTC BB:- OTC BB:news) conducts audio interviews with to update investors on the company`s Internet child filtration software ChildWatch.
      A link to the Real Audio interviews can be found below:
      Unlike other filters designed for institutional use, ChildWatch Pro does not require add-on hardware, and it blocks only pornographic web sites, which are among the worst of the "nuisance" web sites and also a primary concern of parents. Pornography is also not considered "protected" free speech under the First Amendment.
      Information on ChildWatch in Adobe Acrobat PDF Format" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">
      PACEL Corp Executive Summary
      NetNanny4 vs. ChildWatch 2 Comparison
      eCenturion Corporate White Paper…
      "ChildWatch Pro broadens the market for the ChildWatch family, and offers opportunities to increase our visibility overall," stated Lisa Smith, PACEL`s Director of Business Development. "PACEL now has products for the home, for businesses of all sizes, and for local, state, and Federal government. We are pleased to have reached this stage in our development, and our marketing and sales team is aggressively pursuing clients for our entire product line."
      ChildWatch Pro is priced on a per seat basis and can be purchased directly from the company. Distributor relationships are also in development for the product.
      The "Pacesetter" in Internet security, PACEL Corp. is a software development company headquartered in Manassas, Virginia, a suburb of Washington, D.C. Two subsidiary companies, and Fairfax Communications, Limited, provide Web and e-commerce solutions and goods and services to NATO, respectively.
      Further information about PACEL and its products will be found at and at
      When used in this document and in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, in our press releases, or other public or shareholder communications, and in oral statements made with the approval of an authorized executive officer, the words or phrases "will likely result," "are expected to," "will continue," "is anticipated," "estimate," "project," "or similar expressions are intended to identify "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.
      These statements are subject to certain risks and uncertainties that could cause our actual results to differ materially from our historical results and those we presently anticipate or project. You should not place undue reliance on any forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date made.
      Various factors could affect our financial performance and cause our actual results to differ materially from any opinions or statements we express with respect to future periods in any current statements.
      These factors include, but are not limited to, the following: increases in our operating expenses outpacing our revenues; our inability to expand our sales and distribution channels, the failure of strategic relationships to implement and protect our software products, the failure of third parties to develop software components necessary for the integration of applications using our software; and the use of our intellectual property by others

      Jun 21, 2001
      Pacel Corp. Releases Childwatch Pro for School Districts and Public Libraries -BW

      Pacel Corp. Releases Childwatch Pro for School Districts and Public Libraries
      MANASSAS, Va., Jun 21, 2001 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- David Calkins, president of PACEL Corp. (OTC BB:PLRP) announced today the release of ChildWatch Pro(TM), the newest member of PACEL`s ChildWatch family of Internet filtering and PC security products.
      ChildWatch Pro was designed to meet the special needs of school districts and public institutions such as libraries, which must comply with the latest Federal mandates regarding child access to the Internet or risk losing their special discount rates for Internet access.
      Unlike other filters designed for institutional use, ChildWatch Pro does not require add-on hardware, and it blocks only pornographic web sites, which are among the worst of the "nuisance" web sites and also a primary concern of parents. Pornography is also not considered "protected" free speech under the First Amendment.
      "ChildWatch Pro addresses many of the concerns our libraries have over First Amendment issues," said Calkins. "Public libraries have been placed in a difficult position, because the risk of losing their discounted Internet access if they do not provide filtering is very real. The American Library Association (ALA) has been firm in its opposition to mandatory filtering, but their objections are based largely on the inaccuracy of keyword filters and the blanket filtering of "objectionable" sites, a list that may include legitimate discussions of the Holocaust, for example. ChildWatch Pro does not use keyword filtering and filters only pornography, which is not protected free speech. Because it is client-based, ChildWatch Pro may be installed on workstations in the children`s section only, or on all workstations for total coverage. And for budget-conscious school districts, we emphasize that we do not require the purchase of a separate server."
      "ChildWatch Pro broadens the market for the ChildWatch family, and offers opportunities to increase our visibility overall," stated Lisa Smith, PACEL`s Director of Business Development. "PACEL now has products for the home, for businesses of all sizes, and for local, state, and Federal government. We are pleased to have reached this stage in our development, and our marketing and sales team is aggressively pursuing clients for our entire product line."
      ChildWatch Pro is priced on a per seat basis and can be purchased directly from the company. Distributor relationships are also in development for the product.
      The "Pacesetter" in Internet security, PACEL Corp. is a software development company headquartered in Manassas, Virginia, a suburb of Washington, D.C. Two subsidiary companies, and Fairfax Communications, Limited, provide Web and e-commerce solutions and goods and services to NATO, respectively.
      Further information about PACEL and its products will be found at and at
      When used in this document and in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, in our press releases, or other public or shareholder communications, and in oral statements made with the approval of an authorized executive officer, the words or phrases "will likely result," "are expected to," "will continue," "is anticipated," "estimate," "project," "or similar expressions are intended to identify "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.
      These statements are subject to certain risks and uncertainties that could cause our actual results to differ materially from our historical results and those we presently anticipate or project. You should not place undue reliance on any forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date made.
      Various factors could affect our financial performance and cause our actual results to differ materially from any opinions or statements we express with respect to future periods in any current statements.
      These factors include, but are not limited to, the following: increases in our operating expenses outpacing our revenues; our inability to expand our sales and distribution channels, the failure of strategic relationships to implement and protect our software products, the failure of third parties to develop software components necessary for the integration of applications using our software; and the use of our intellectual property by others.

      Jun 13, 2001

      PACEL Corp. Signs With Re:Launch to Launch Retail Channel Sales -BW

      MANASSAS, Va., Jun 13, 2001 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- David E. Calkins, president of PACEL Corp. (OTC BB:PLRP) announced today that the company has signed an agreement with the Berkeley, California-based channel sales firm Re:Launch to assist PACEL in acquisition of retail and distribution clients for its software products.
      Re:Launch will work closely with PACEL`s existing business development group to develop and maintain channel sales for both the ChildWatch(TM) family of Internet filtering and PC security software and the new e-Centurion virus protection product line.
      "PACEL is very pleased with its arrangement with Re:Launch, which is a respected firm with a strong field sales force, excellent relationships with buyers, and experienced managers. We expect results, and Re:Launch is in a position to deliver." stated Calkins. "Our initial offerings will be ChildWatch Lite and ChildWatch, with the other products planned for release to retail stores later in the summer or early fall."
      The user-friendly ChildWatch(TM) application allows parents and caretakers to control and monitor their children`s activities on the computer and prevent their accessing adult-content web sites on the Internet.
      For a minimal monthly fee, of which 20% is donated to Child Watch of North America or Child Quest International, Inc. (subscriber`s choice), clients can take full advantage of the Internet filtering feature by subscribing to the constantly-updated data base that automatically blocks new adult content web sites from their child`s computer.
      Because the ChildWatch technology uses human reviewers and objective standards to block pornographic web sites, it is not subject to the inaccuracies that have caused extensive criticism of other content filters. ChildWatch also provides PC security for parents by limiting a child`s access to only the files and applications permitted by the parent.
      "Our marketing and sales team is energized and ready to direct and support the retail sales effort along with our other strategic marketing activities," said Lisa Smith, PACEL`s Director of Business Development. "Re:Launch covers the entire North American reseller market and calls on the major distributors and resellers that represent 94% of the total hardware/software retail sales volume. We`ve been positioning our products for the retail arena for some time now, and with the expertise of our new partners behind us, we`re looking forward to putting our plans in motion."
      According to Richard Miles, President of Re:Launch, "PACEL`s product line offers a terrific solution to a problem with growing awareness in the channel. We expect to do quite well with the line, and look forward to additional products coming out. We view the association with PACEL as a significant one."
      Founded in 1994 and headquartered in near Washington, DC, PACEL Corp. ("the Pacesetter in Internet Security") is a software development company that specializes in Internet and computer security software for home and corporate use. On June 6, 2001, PACEL Corp. and its ChildWatch software family were featured in an article in The Washington Post.
      Further information about PACEL Corp. and its products can be found at and at
      Re:Launch specializes in increasing sales and profits for clients for over 10 years. The company`s experience ranges from the classic retail world through the online world. Re:Launch was founded in 1990 by Richard Miles.
      The firm specializes in helping marketers of technology hardware and software increase sales and profits. The company has been at the forefront of every channel and strategy in the technology industry. We`ve helped our clients take advantage of, and profit by, the transition from a small core of early adopters into a retail mass market, from the brick-and-mortar world, through direct mail, and on the Internet.
      Further information about Re:Launch and its services can be found at
      When used in this document and in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, in our press releases or other public or shareholder communications, and in oral statements made with the approval of an authorized executive officer, the words or phrases "will likely result," "are expected to," "will continue", "is anticipated," "estimate," "project," or similar expressions are intended to identify "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.
      These statements are subject to certain risks and uncertainties that could cause our actual results to differ materially from our historical results and those we presently anticipate or project. You should not place undue reliance on any forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date made.
      Various factors could affect our financial performance and could cause our actual results to differ materially from any opinions or statements we express with respect to future periods in any current statements.
      These factors include, but are not limited to, the following: increases in our operating expenses outpacing our revenues; our inability to expand our sales and distribution channels; the failure of strategic relationships to implement and protect our software products; the failure of third parties to develop software components necessary for the integration of applications using our software; and the use of our intellectual property by others.

      May 3, 2001
      PACEL Corp. Subsidiary Fairfax Communications, Limited --FCL-- Wins Follow-on Work With NATO -BW

      PACEL Corp. Subsidiary Fairfax Communications, Limited --FCL-- Wins Follow-on Work With NATO
      MANASSAS, Va., May 3, 2001 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- David Calkins, president of PACEL Corp. (OTCBB:PLRP) announced today that the company`s UK subsidiary, Fairfax Communications, Limited (FCL) has received further purchase orders for hardware through its Basic Ordering Agreement (BOA) with NATO.
      FCL reports directly to the PACEL Business Development group and is authorized to sell products and services through the BOA and also to act as a sales office for PACEL and, a PACEL subsidiary that specializes in developing e-commerce web sites.
      "We are very pleased to further cement the relationship between FCL and NATO," stated Calkins. "Particularly, we are delighted that NATO recognizes FCL and PACEL as companies that are responsive to their needs, which often arise very quickly due to global politics. Our FCL team has proved itself very capable in handling the volume of requests for quotation from our NATO client."
      Further information about PACEL Corp. and its products will be found at FCL`s web site is
      Forward-looking Statements
      When used in this document and in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, in our press releases or other public or shareholder communications, and in oral statements made with the approval of an authorized executive officer, the words or phrases "will likely result," "are expected to," "will continue", "is anticipated," "estimate," "project," or similar expressions are intended to identify "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.
      These statements are subject to certain risks and uncertainties that could cause our actual results to differ materially from our historical results and those we presently anticipate or project. You should not place undue reliance on any forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date made.
      Various factors could affect our financial performance and could cause our actual results to differ materially from any opinions or statements we express with respect to future periods in any current statements.
      These factors include, but are not limited to, the following: increases in our operating expenses outpacing our revenues; our inability to expand our sales and distribution channels; the failure of strategic relationships to implement and protect our software products; the failure of third parties to develop software components necessary for the integration of applications using our software; and the use of our intellectual property by others.

      Apr 26, 2001 Announces Investment Opinion on Vector Energy Corporation, PACEL Corp. Vitria Technology, Blue Wave Systems Inc. and Blue Martini Software, Inc. -BW

      PACEL Corp. (OTCBB:PLRP) Previous Close: Up 17% to $0.07 on vol. 1,158,100 Shares: ACCUMULATE
      David Calkins, president of PACEL Corp. (OTCBB:PLRP) announced that the company has signed an agreement with EarthLink to co-market EarthLink`s Internet access software with PACEL`s ChildWatch(TM) Internet filter and PC security system, scheduled to be available on the PACEL web site and in retail outlets in May. PACEL will bundle EarthLink`s software with ChildWatch, and new EarthLink subscribers will receive 3 months` free EarthLink service with the purchase of ChildWatch.
      `We are delighted to announce our relationship with EarthLink,` stated Calkins. `Our staff and investors are looking forward to the successful launch of the retail version of ChildWatch, and we are convinced that partnering with EarthLink will prove to be mutually beneficial.`
      The No.1 Provider of the Real Internet(TM), EarthLink brings the magic of the Internet to 4.8 million subscribers every day. Headquartered in Atlanta, EarthLink provides a full range of innovative access, hosting and e-commerce solutions to thousands of communities through over 7,500 dial-up points of presence, and broadband and wireless technologies. `ChildWatch is a great product for Net-surfing households -- and this partnership is a great way for families to get the most out of the Internet, through EarthLink, while protecting their children from unsuitable Internet content,` said John Kortier, EarthLink`s vice president of channel sales.

      Apr 25, 2001
      Pacel Corp. and EarthLink Partner to Promote Childwatch and Internet Access -BW

      Pacel Corp. and EarthLink Partner to Promote Childwatch and Internet Access
      MANASSAS, Va., Apr 25, 2001 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- David Calkins, president of PACEL Corp. (OTC BB:PLRP), announced today that the company has signed an agreement with EarthLink (NASDAQ:ELNK) to co-market EarthLink`s Internet access software with PACEL`s ChildWatch(TM) Internet filter and PC security system, scheduled to be available on the PACEL web site and in retail outlets in May.
      PACEL will bundle EarthLink`s software with ChildWatch, and new EarthLink subscribers will receive 3 months` free EarthLink service with the purchase of ChildWatch.
      The user-friendly ChildWatch(TM) application allows parents and caretakers to control and monitor their children`s activities on the computer and prevent their accessing adult-content web sites on the Internet.
      For a minimal monthly fee, of which 20% is donated to Child Watch of North America or Child Quest International, Inc. (subscriber`s choice), clients can take full advantage of the Internet filtering feature by subscribing to the constantly-updated data base that automatically blocks new adult content web sites from their child`s computer.
      Because the ChildWatch technology uses human reviewers and objective standards to block pornographic web sites, it is not subject to the inaccuracies that have caused extensive criticism of other content filters. ChildWatch also provides PC security for parents by limiting a child`s access to only the files and applications permitted by the parent.
      "We are delighted to announce our relationship with EarthLink," stated Calkins. "Our staff and investors are looking forward to the successful launch of the retail version of ChildWatch, and we are convinced that partnering with EarthLink will prove to be mutually beneficial."
      "ChildWatch is a great product for `Net-surfing households -- and this partnership is a great way for families to get the most out of the Internet, through EarthLink, while protecting their children from unsuitable Internet content," said John Kortier, EarthLink`s vice president of channel sales.
      The No.1 Provider of the Real Internet(TM), EarthLink brings the magic of the Internet to 4.8 million subscribers every day. Headquartered in Atlanta, EarthLink provides a full range of innovative access, hosting and e-commerce solutions to thousands of communities through over 7,500 dial-up points of presence, and broadband and wireless technologies.
      EarthLink is committed to doing an exceptional job of pleasing its subscribers, shareholders and the community by following the company`s Core Values and Beliefs (" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener"> Information about EarthLink services is available by calling 800-395-8425 and through EarthLink`s Web site at
      Further information about PACEL Corp. and its products will be found at
      When used in this document and in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, in our press releases or other public or shareholder communications, and in oral statements made with the approval of an authorized executive officer, the words or phrases "will likely result," "are expected to," "will continue", "is anticipated," "estimate," "project," or similar expressions are intended to identify "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.
      These statements are subject to certain risks and uncertainties that could cause our actual results to differ materially from our historical results and those we presently anticipate or project. You should not place undue reliance on any forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date made.
      Various factors could affect our financial performance and could cause our actual results to differ materially from any opinions or statements we express with respect to future periods in any current statements.
      These factors include, but are not limited to, the following: increases in our operating expenses outpacing our revenues; our inability to expand our sales and distribution channels; the failure of strategic relationships to implement and protect our software products; the failure of third parties to develop software components necessary for the integration of applications using our software; and the use of our intellectual property by others.
      schrieb am 26.07.01 01:14:08
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()

      PACEL Corp.’s Mission is to provide consumers and businesses with a full suite of services and products that provide methods of secure connectivity to and from the Internet, content design and implementation, and secure transaction services.


      PACEL Corp. stands positioned for success, having developed the ChildWatch ™ software suite of programs, established an enviable distribution system, and having developed an exciting new (patent applied for) technology for file and data security. This new software guards both the Inner Door (full protection on your PC from existing and new viruses, i.e.: the Love Bug, and someone trying to penetrate your PC and by-pass your password) and the Outer Door (full Intruder protection from Internet data collection devices and programs or hackers).

      PACEL Corp. has initiated discussions for the acquisition of an ISP that would provide the natural bridge and connectivity for both the software products; the Internet capabilities of our subsidiary, and the newly patent applied for security software. The acquisition of an ISP combined with the security products will allow PACEL Corp. to offer a total family friendly web solution with internal and external security, and freedom from unwanted exposures to pornographic materials. These capabilities combined with the web design, development, marketing consulting, e-mail and e-commerce capabilities will provide a one-stop-shopping center for businesses of all sizes.

      Other items of interest include:

      ChildWatch Lite™ software will be available at Zany Brainy and Electronic Boutique retail stores as of November 1, 2000.
      The software will be carried by and promoted by Power Photo Kiosks, Inc. on the new kiosks being test marketed for WalMart & Mattel Toys in Canada starting the first week in November 2000 for distribution at all WalMart & Toys are Us stores in the states upon a successful evaluation.
      Product distribution for all PACEL Corp. software products are being negotiated with Tech Data and Ingram Micro and are anticipated to be successfully completed by December 31, 2000.
      The new security program (to be named) is in the final stages of Beta development and will be ready for Beta Testing with select customers by December 1, 2000. A complete media program has been developed for The ChildWatch™ products, including (2) 30 second TV commercials, radio spots, and news print advertisements and are to be instituted right after the first of 2001, depending on available funding.

      History & Introduction

      PACEL Corp. was formed in 1994 as a software development and systems Integration Company aimed at setting the “Pace of Excellence” in software production and services to our clients. During the company’s early years we concentrated on development of a number of user friendly software products aimed at putting document security and accessibility in the hands of the user. During the years of 1997 through 1999 we expanded this focus to include development of user-specified desktop and Internet security software programs.

      In the third quarter of 1999 we undertook another expansion of company capabilities to include a number of Internet services such as web page, e-commerce, and database design, development, maintenance and hosting. This expansion took the form of a majority owned subsidiary,, Inc. (EBStor). Today, PACEL Corp.’s vision has extended to include complete Internet solutions and services and toward this end, we are extending our capabilities to include total security and privacy to and from the Internet.

      Two of our existing software products, WinSentryä and ChildWatchä provide users with proven technology for desktop security and privacy. ChildWatchÔ also provides users with the ability to block undesirable Internet sites through use of a tailored database structure. Our original flagship product, Visual Writer SystemÔ, utilized encryption technology to ensure the security of user created documents. This product was successfully marketed and sold to customers in highly regulated industries.

      Our current goal is to utilize and extend these technologies in the production of derivative products to provide secure Internet connectivity and enhanced desktop security for customers in the home and business marketplaces. PACEL Corp. programmers are currently working on WinSentry Interactiveä, an enhanced version of the WinSentryä application for sale to clients in the business arena. Enhancements to WinSentryÔ include an improved secure screensaver, an extended and robust file/folder blocking mechanism, an enhanced WindowsÒ inter-operability, and a unique and proprietary method for protection from malicious intrusions such as macro virus infestation (love bug). Programmers are also updating the ChildWatchä program to include enhanced features such as, two-way proxy service (to and from Internet protection), uninvited collection of personal data (cookies), etc. Additional Internet blocking capabilities via user selected database categories are being researched and may include classes such as violence, on-line gaming, etc. This product is targeted for sale to home, school and library customers.

      Other natural progressions of our desktop/Internet security focus may include applications for Bios Protection at the operating level, and e-mail encryption and/or “digital flash paper” technology to ensure secure messaging.

      Since its inception, EBStor has focused on developing and hosting traditional and secure e-commerce web sites for a number of customers. EBStor’s experience in creating e﷓commerce solutions provides the core for the server side connection to the Internet and has positioned them for expansion into the Internet Service Provider (ISP) arena. By implementing security zones from the desktop, through the public network (via encryption) to the server, EBStor can provide a Total Secure Service Connection. This capability will provide clients with a complete package of secure Internet solutions including desktop security, e-mail, e﷓commerce, Internet connectivity and services that is not currently offered by competing ISP providers. With the addition of these ISP capabilities EBStor will become a single source provider who fulfills “customer needs” using a unique approach that wraps the customer’s data integrity, connectivity, and communications within an architecture that emphasizes safety and security.

      PACEL Corp. and EBStor plan to work closely together to provide customers with a complete package of Total Security and Internet Solutions. The synergy of the two companies will utilize expertise from EBStor to create customizable “Portals” that will conform to the needs of the customer base and may include child-friendly, small business, and customized organizational applications, with the security experience and software development strength of PACEL to provide an integrated desktop to Internet security system.

      PACEL Corp. and EBStor will leverage current expertise to create a new synergy between Internet access needs, security concerns and content display


      In general, our primary objective is to utilize our existing knowledge base in desktop/Internet security and our hands-on experience in Internet and e-commerce technology to establish, grow, and maintain a client base as a Secure Internet Solution Provider

      Specifically, our goals for 2000 and beyond are as follows:
      Develop and establish “Branding” of PACEL Corp. and EBStor as Secure Internet Solutions Providers
      Capture small to medium sized businesses that require a “professional” web presence and customized access to the Internet.
      of custom portals specifically designed to support the needs and requirements of members/associates.
      Provide value-added services including Internet marketing consultation, competitor research, customized competition driven web searches, customized Internet computer based training, and strategically associated alliances.

      Keys to Success

      PACEL Corp. will implement a staged plan to ensure the success of our stated objectives and mission. This plan will include the following milestones:

      Product and Services Quality

      We must maintain customer satisfaction through quality product development and services performance. Our products must provide an easy to use means of securing the desktop and Internet connection for families as well as businesses. Our services (security; web, e-commerce, and database design and development; consulting; hosting; and email account services) must answer the needs of the client and utilize the best-of-industry standards.

      Expansion of Capabilities

      We must expand our capabilities to include providing Internet access, email account services, and security services to our clients. This will, in part, be accomplished by either acquiring an existing Internet Service Provider or establishing our own Internet Service Provider capabilities. We will also need to expand the functionality of our existing software applications to include enhanced Internet connectivity, security and privacy features.

      Marketing Success

      We will expend the effort to establish and maintain brand name recognition for PACEL Corp. and EBStor as the providers of complete and secure Internet solutions. It will be necessary to design and implement a successful marketing program to capitalize on the concept of being the first company to provide a complete suite of security and Internet services to businesses and families.

      Management Team

      We will expand our services while maintaining the same core management team for PACEL and EBStor that has the experience in keeping the companies on the leading edge of technology. We will maintain and continue to build a strong management team to meet the companies’ goals and objectives.


      We must continue to maintain and increase our staff with individuals who are experienced and knowledgeable, and we must provide them with training to upgrade their expertise as technology changes.


      It will be necessary to obtain the financing to supplement the companies’ revenues as we continue to service existing clients, generate additional clients, and expand our capabilities to provide full Internet and security services to our clients.

      PACEL Corp. and EBStor are committed to utilizing or acquiring the necessary resources, maintaining the management structure, and sustaining the technological talent to continue and expand market-share and leadership in the Internet arena to achieve the stated objectives and to ensure the financial success of the companies and our stockholders.

      Trading Spotlight

      InnoCan Pharma
      0,1750EUR -0,28 %
      InnoCan Pharma: Wichtiges FDA-Update angekündigt!mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 26.07.01 01:16:21
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      Net Nanny 4 vs. ChildWatch 2: Filtering is Only Half the Story

      by: Jesse R. Forbes 4/2001

      For several years, the battle amongst the Internet filter programs has been fierce. Each new version brings out new filtering improvements that positions one program above the others, at least temporarily. This latest comparative summary is between NetNanny 4.0 and ChildWatch 2.0. When we set out to compare these programs, we wanted to go beyond the usual comparison of features and filtering capabilities and address one simple concept that often goes unmentioned: the application’s response to subversive behavior to bypass filtering. The creators of Internet filtering applications take a rather passive viewpoint when considering scenarios for the use of their software. They typically see young, relatively unsophisticated users that may accidentally come across questionable sites, through no action of their own. This “victim” scenario is not the only one that needs to be addressed. A resilient filtering program must also be able to control the older and more sophisticated user, i.e., teenager, that may intentionally attempt to access questionable sites either by bypassing the filtering program or disabling it altogether. We set up both programs and ran a series of subversive tests to attempt to bypass Internet filtering. From this viewpoint, we discovered that ChildWatch consistently outperformed NetNanny.

      Test 1. Accessing sites with deceptive names.
      In the first test, we compiled a list oif 12 web sites that have deceptive names. These are URLs that are intended to be inadvertently accessed by misspelling the address. For instance, (this is a misspelling of brings up a casino site, and is a pornography site that is accessed when users intend to go to NetNanny blocked only 3 of these 12 sites. The successful blocks were due to questionable words on the web sites that were found in NetNanny’s custom Words and Phrase list. Sites that Net nanny did not block either were picture-only sites or the site text was in a language other than English. The ChildWatch remote site blocking caught every site used in the test. ChildWatch does not use word and phrase lists, but rather uses a remote database of blocked sites that is continually updated, which adds a level of intuitiveness that cannot be achieved from software filtering alone.

      Test 2. Blocking of legitimate sites.
      We used a list of 10 Web sites that contained medical, historical or art content to see if the applications would incorrectly filter them. ChildWatch did not block any of the sites. Net Nanny incorrectly blocked 5 of the 10 sites. As in test 1, this suggests that human intervention is critical to intelligent and consistent Internet filtering, rather than relying solely on keywords to determine which sites should be filtered.

      Test 3. Actively bypass normal operation.
      We were able to disable a session of Net Nanny by interfering with the program through the Windows program task list (pressing the Control+Alt+Delete buttons). ChildWatch, on the other hand, is not accessible from the task list, so could not be disabled this way. We also spent some time removing files from the Net nanny program folder until we caused a scenario where Net Nanny abnormally terminated due to its inability to handle the absence of some files, and we were able to access the Internet and blocked sites. These files could later be put back and Net Nanny would operate correctly. We could not cause the same behavior with ChildWatch because ChildWatch uses a screen saver that allows no system activity until the user has logged in. When the screen saver is up, one cannot bring up the Windows task list, access the start button, or the task bar. Once logged in to ChildWatch, System files cannot be deleted. Further, files that are placed in the ChildWatch vault are completely hidden from view and protected from users. So even the Windows Registry cannot be accessed and edited, as it could with Net nanny.

      Test 4. Use of alternative access applications.
      Internet blocking should not be limited to the Web browser. There are hundreds of alternative Internet applications that must be handled before a filtering application can truly be called effective. In running 10 of these types of applications, we found that Net Nanny does not support instant messaging applications such as ICQ, AOL Instant Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, or file transfer applications such as Gnutella or Napster. ChildWatch on the other hand has found a way to manage alternative Internet applications through the use of its file/folder vault technology. It allows the administrator to effectively hide these applications from users, completely disallowing access to them.

      In testing Net Nanny 4 and ChildWatch 2, the point we intended to make is that no application can be effective if there exist ways to bypass site blocking or disable the program altogether. The makers of ChildWatch 2 seem to understand this concept and have done two things better than the rest: 1) They have designed ChildWatch to work closely with the Operating system so that the application itself has several rings of protection against subversive behavior, including its vault technology which allow parents to control access to any files or folders on the computer. 2) Its human-mediated remote site blocking provides an intelligent list of blocked sites that avoids blocking of legitimate sites, unlike the rigid, keyword-based filtering used by Net Nanny.

      Although Net Nanny is quite effective at overall Internet filtering, the application itself is subject to rather unsophisticated attacks that can leave it useless as an Internet filtering application. ChildWatch, on the other hand, held its ground in overall stability and flexibility, and remains the most resilient and well-designed Internet Filtering system this reviewer has seen to date.
      schrieb am 26.07.01 01:20:20
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      PACEL Corp. Reports Second Straight Quarter of Revenue Increases Over 250%

      MANASSAS, Va., Jul 25, 2001 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- PACEL Corp. ( OTC BB:PLRP) announced today that for the three months ended June 30, 2001, sales were $226,000 for a total of $429,000 for the six months ended June 30, 2001, compared to $58,000 for the second quarter of 2000 and a total of $116,000 for the six months ended June 30, 2000, an increase of $313,000 or 270%.
      The increase in revenues is directly attributed to the sales generated from existing NATO contracts of Fairfax Communications Limited and from`s increased business in consulting and Web development.

      The Company intends to continue to focus its efforts on the marketing of the ChildWatch(TM) family of products and e-Centurion anti-virus software. Only limited revenues from the ChildWatch software have been realized to date due to marketing delays.

      The Company`s marketing delays stem from the inability to obtain financing through the second quarter, a difficulty that the Company is working to address.

      David Calkins, president and CEO of PACEL Corp., said, "As a result of our efforts to obtain continued sources of financing, we have entered into an equity line of credit arrangement and also issued some convertible debentures. As part of these financings, registration rights were provided to the security holders.

      "A registration statement was filed on April 25, 2001 with the SEC to register the shares that may be issued under the equity line of credit arrangement. This registration statement was subsequently withdrawn on July 10, 2001 to address certain regulatory issues. We anticipate filing a new registration statement with the SEC covering the common stock under these arrangements.

      "Once the registration statement is declared effective by the SEC, we intend to use a portion of the proceeds from the equity line of credit to help fund our marketing plans. In an effort to continue the promotion and marketing rollout of ChildWatch and e-Centurion, PACEL Corp. has engaged various services in exchange for stock.

      "While this has caused some dilution, we are confident that our stock value will increase in conjunction with continued increases in sales."

      The "Pacesetter" in Internet security, PACEL Corp. is a software development company headquartered in Manassas, Virginia, a suburb of Washington, D.C. Two subsidiary companies, and Fairfax Communications, Limited, provide Web and e-commerce solutions and goods and services to NATO, respectively.

      Further information about PACEL and its products will be found at and at

      When used in this document and in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, in our press releases, or other public or shareholder communications, and in oral statements made with the approval of an authorized executive officer, the words or phrases "will likely result," "are expected to," "will continue," "is anticipated," "estimate," "project," "or similar expressions are intended to identify "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.
      These statements are subject to certain risks and uncertainties that could cause our actual results to differ materially from our historical results and those we presently anticipate or project. You should not place undue reliance on any forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date made.

      Various factors could affect our financial performance and cause our actual results to differ materially from any opinions or statements we express with respect to future periods in any current statements.

      These factors include, but are not limited to, the following: increases in our operating expenses outpacing our revenues; our inability to expand our sales and distribution channels, the failure of strategic relationships to implement and protect our software products, the failure of third parties to develop software components necessary for the integration of applications using our software; and the use of our intellectual property by others.
      schrieb am 26.07.01 02:12:29
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      Hast du noch mehr so tolle Werte auf Halde liegen? Der steht ja so tief, wie er tiefer nicht mehr stehen könnte und ist damit auch unverändert. Du meinst, das ist die Chance auf schnelles Geld? Ich glaub eher nicht. dann doch lieber bei mitzocken, dort kann man nämlich täglich die Million gewinnen! (siehe Banner)

      Gruß Helix
      member of
      schrieb am 26.07.01 07:29:36
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      Morgen Helix,

      konstruktive Kritik ist immer willkommen. Tiefer kann der Kurs wohl kaum noch fallen,da hast Du Recht.

      Meiner Meinung nach aber der richtige Einstiegszeitpunkt.

      Fremde Threads als Werbeplattform zu benützten finde ich unpassend.

      mfg troi
      schrieb am 26.07.01 09:20:20
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      guten morgen troi7 ,

      ganz interessanter Beitrag , nur mit der WKN komme ich nicht so zurecht , ist doch nur ein otc-wert oder ?

      gruß cadole
      schrieb am 26.07.01 09:43:26
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()


      2001 2000
      Total % Change Total
      Cash, cash equivalents, and short-term investments $29,233 (89%) $275,983
      Working capital (1,420,916) (1,391%) 110,072
      Total assets $404,582 (44%) $716,713
      Stockholders` equity (1,196,167) (585%) 246,746

      Sind nicht 29.233$ ein bißchen wenig Bargeld?


      schrieb am 26.07.01 10:46:28
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()

      bei allen vorbehalten finde ich den wert ganz interessant. ich kann mir kaum vorstellen das es noch weiter bergab geht.
      der letzte bericht (25.7.01) von den umsatzzahlen lässt doch hoffen. meint ihr nicht auch ?

      gruß, steve
      schrieb am 26.07.01 12:20:14
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      Hi troi,

      Schön wieder von Dir zu hören,
      sehe grad, du hast ´nen neuen OTC-Wert ausfindig gemacht. Hört sich sehr vielversprechend an. Werde mich erst mal ein wenig einlesen. Melde mich dann später wieder.

      schrieb am 26.07.01 13:42:50
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      @ cadole

      Die WKN ist nur maßgebend für eine Order, ohne diese kannst Du in Deutschland keinen Kauf/Verkauf von in Amerika gelisteten Aktien tätigen.

      Für Informationen (Research/Kursinfo etc.) mußt Du das amerikanische Kürzel PLRP eingeben.

      mfg troi
      schrieb am 26.07.01 14:03:39
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      @ tigeeeeeeerrr

      Natürlich hast Du recht, die Bargeldreserven sind nicht sehr groß. Aber das ist ja auch der entscheidende Punkt, warum die Börsenbewertung geradezu lächerliche 700 000 Dollar beträgt.
      Viel wichtiger erscheint aber im Augenblick, daß das Produkt sich durchsetzten kann. Schließlich wurden hier ja 3,5 mil Dollar im vergangenen Jahr investiert.
      Die letzten News deuten ja alle darauf hin. Mit einem guten Produkt neue Geldmittel für Marketing und Vertrieb zu finden dürfte dann nicht mehr schwer sein.
      Und hier stecken die enormen Chancen des Investments. Dennoch kann die Möglichkeit eines Konkurses nicht ausgeschlossen werden. Deshalb sollte man auch nur einen kleinen Depotanteil investieren. Aber wo hast Du sonst eine Chance aus 5000 DM 500 000 DM zu machen. Das ist nun mal der Zock.
      Willst Du liquidere Firmen auf dem Gebiet Sicherheitstechnologie, dann nehme Dir eine Check Point, Biodata, Norcom etc. ins Depot. Maximale Kurschance ?

      mfg troi
      schrieb am 26.07.01 16:45:24
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      Hallo troi 7 ,
      ich habe deinen Bericht mit großem Interesse gelesen und den Tip etwas recherchiert .
      Meine Order ist mit US $ 0.011 noch nicht durch .
      Mal sehen was kommt .
      Es ist sehr schön , wenn Infos im Vordergrund einer Aktienbewertung stehen und nicht wie bei anderen Boards die reine Phantasie .
      Danke troi7
      Gruß Max
      schrieb am 26.07.01 17:08:13
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()
      im moment ist pacel um 30% raufgegangen und der ask steht bei 0,013$

      ich hab versucht bei comdirect eine order mit 3 stellen hinter dem komma zu platzieren - geht aber nicht
      die behaupten erst ab einer order von US$ 10.000,-
      machen sie das

      find ich ziemlich beschissen !

      weiss jemand was besseres ?

      schrieb am 26.07.01 20:07:53
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()
      Hier eine kleine Bitte von groganzola, aus dem Raginbull Board kopiert

      Pacel (PLRP)

      By: groganzola0 $$$
      Reply To: None Thursday, 26 Jul 2001 at 11:39 AM EDT
      Post # of 33700

      Lets not run it up too fast, just mailed more money to my trading account.
      Will take a few days to credit, in the meantime cool it, grog

      gruß, steve
      schrieb am 26.07.01 23:26:12
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      guten abend zusammen ,

      wird dieser wert auch in deutschland gehandelt oder nur in den staaten ( otc ?) ,

      gruß cadole
      schrieb am 27.07.01 01:23:07
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()
      von gehandelt kann hier wohl nicht die Rede sein.
      @Toit: Daß die Wahrscheinlichkeit auf Riesengewinne dadurch steigt, daß das Downsiderisk limitiert ist stimmt auch nicht. Das bekommt jeder BWL-Student im 2. Semester mit und sollte hier auch nichts neues sein. No free Lunch an den Märkten!!!

      Gruß Helix.
      schrieb am 27.07.01 01:33:42
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()
      Guten Abend,

      ich freue mich über Euer Interesse und die netten Postings. Ich möchte an dieser Stelle auf die aufgekommenen Fragen eingehen und den meines Erachtens erfreulichen Tagesverlauf resümieren.

      @ steve

      ich habe auch schon von den Problemen mit der Comdirect gehört, aber bei mir haben die die Order angenommen, allerdings nur über Telefon. Ich habe zu 0,014 und 0,011 Dollar limitiert.
      Über andere Broker habe ich keine Informationen. Vielleicht kann einer von Euch etwas dazu sagen.

      @ cadole

      Pacel wird ausschließlich in den USA gehandelt.

      Ich denke wir haben heute einen Recht positiven Tagesverlauf gesehen bei wiederholt hohem Volumen von 4,6 mill. gehandelter Aktien. Augenblicklich steht der Kurs nachbörslich bei 0,013 Dollar, was einem Tagesgewinn von 30% entspricht. Damit können wir mehr als zufrieden sein. Auch wenn der Kurs morgen nochmals etwas zurückkommen sollte, denke ich, daß wir den Boden gefunden haben. Wer investieren will sollte es bald tun. Der weitere Kursverlauf hängt primär von den nächsten News ab. Dave Calking hat für Anfang nächste Woche ein Interview angekündigt; er sagt, er hat "some good stuff to talk about" . Lassen wir uns überraschen.

      An dieser Stelle möchte ich mal den 6 Monats Chart reinstellen

      Und nochmals meine Bitte an Euch.
      Bitte nur mit kleinem Kapital einsteigen.
      Wenn wir unser Kurziel von 1 Dollar erreichen (12 Monate), haben wir unser Geld verhundertfacht.
      Ein Totalverlust darf uns nicht entmutigen.
      Diese Aktie ist Höchstspekulativ.

      mfg troi
      schrieb am 27.07.01 01:39:46
      Beitrag Nr. 22 ()
      Hallo Helix,

      ich verstehe leider garnicht, was Du mit Deinem Posting zum Ausdruck bringen willst. Vielleicht bin ich auch zu blöd, da ich kein BWL studiert habe.
      Wen meinst Du mit Toit?

      mfg troi
      schrieb am 27.07.01 12:16:00
      Beitrag Nr. 23 ()
      hallo troi7 !

      ich habs nochmal bei "comdirect" probiert - nichts zu machen!

      vielleicht hast du "special connections"

      immerhin habe ich dann bei "pulsiv" problemlos ordern können.

      gruß, steve
      schrieb am 27.07.01 12:55:38
      Beitrag Nr. 24 ()
      Hi troi,

      ich habe auch mal ein bischen über Pacel recherchiert. Kann Dir eigentlich nur zustimmen. Im großen und ganzen hängt die künftige Entwicklung mit der Akzeptanz der Produkte Childwatch und e-Ceturion ab und deren Vermarktung. Die Kooperationen mit Earthlink und Amazon sind ja schon erste erwähnenswerte Erfolge. Ich habe irgendwie ein gutes Gefühl und bin gestern auch eingestiegen zu 0,013 Dollar.
      Uns allen wünsche ich einen erfolgreichen Zock.

      So long

      schrieb am 27.07.01 23:39:55
      Beitrag Nr. 25 ()
      Guten Abend zusammen,

      Heute war ein sehr ruhiger Tag ohne nennenswerte News bei einem Handelsvolumen von nur 812 000 Stück, was einem Wert von ca. 10.000 Dollar entspricht.
      Positiv daran, daß der Verkaufsdruck der letzten Wochen beendet zu sein scheint. Auch positiv, der größte Teil der Trades sind zum Ask-Preis ausgeführt worden.

      Wichtig ist, daß der ausgebildete Boden bei 0,01 gehalten werden kann.

      Wenn bald gute News kommen, dann kann der Kurs innerhalb weniger Minuten explodieren, weil keiner mehr verkaufen will.

      Schönes Wochenende

      mfg troi
      schrieb am 30.07.01 11:45:55
      Beitrag Nr. 26 ()
      hallo troi7

      ich bin gerade auf dein posting gestossen und mich etwas durchgelesen.

      ich finde mit etwas glück könnten die produkte von pacel den durchbruch schaffen.

      genug aufmerksamkeit hat pacel jedenfalls, wenn man die umsatz-entwicklung auf dem 6-monats chart betrachtet.


      schrieb am 31.07.01 07:50:39
      Beitrag Nr. 27 ()

      Wiviele Aktien sind im Float?
      Wiviele out?

      Wann kommt das interview?

      schrieb am 31.07.01 13:34:34
      Beitrag Nr. 28 ()
      Geile Sache, heute wieder -23%

      suuper performance !
      schrieb am 31.07.01 14:08:38
      Beitrag Nr. 29 ()
      Hi Luniz,

      Schadenfreude ist doch ne tolle Sache, nicht wahr. Scheint ja ne Stärke von Dir zu sein.

      Ich darf Dich daran erinnern, daß zu Beginn des Threads der Kurs schon bei 0,01 Dollar stand.

      Wenn Du Dich mit OTC Werten auskennst, dann müßtest Du wissen, daß solche Kursprünge ganz normal sind.

      Ist es Dir lieber, wenn eine Aktie schon bei Ihrer Empfehlung explodiert und keiner sie mehr kaufen kann? Wohl kaum, jeder hier hat im Augenblick noch die Möglichkeit mit einzusteigen zu diesen Kursen.

      Bei positiven News kann sich Pacel innerhalb eines Tages vervielfachen.
      Ein Totalverlust kann man auch nicht ausschließen; das ist eben der Zock.

      Und was man nicht braucht sind solche unqualifizierten Postings wie Deine. Hast Du konstruktive Kritik, dann ist diese hier immer willkommen.

      mfg troi
      schrieb am 31.07.01 21:56:18
      Beitrag Nr. 30 ()

      aktuell liegt PACEL bei 70% +

      das sieht nach urlaubsgeld aus


      danke fuer den tipp, troi!

      gruss steve
      schrieb am 31.07.01 22:29:57
      Beitrag Nr. 31 ()
      hey man ich hatte sie auf meiner watchlist - aber nein ich hab anstattdessen lieber medarex gekauft und die hier gehen nu ab - glueckwunsch trotzdem...

      greetz codex
      schrieb am 31.07.01 22:52:49
      Beitrag Nr. 32 ()
      @ silurus

      Entschuldige bitte, daß ich mich jetzt erst melde, hatte in der Mittagspause nur nen Augenblick Zeit.

      Das Interview von D. Calkin und http://www.wallstreetnewscast.comsoll diese Woche stattfinden. Hier soll zunächst mal ein weiterer Ausblick gegeben werden.

      Shares outstanding ca 97 Millionen
      davon ca. 54 Mil im Free Float|Profile&IM…

      Angaben ohne Gewähr

      So und jetzt dürfen sich alle, die mit eingestiegen sind mal laut freuen, in Steves Worten


      Kurs heute + 70%

      Jetzt zurück zur Tagesordnung.
      Warum dieser Kursanstieg heute ohne News?

      Es gehen Gerüchte um, daß der Kurs durch amerikanische Market Maker durch Leerverkäufe gedrückt wurde. Morgen treten neue Regeln im OTC in Kraft, die derartige Kurs- Manipalationen eingrenzen sollen. Die MM scheinen den Spread geöffnet zu haben, um einer Kursexplosion bei Verkünden von guten News entgegenzuwirken.

      Wir freuen uns über den heutigen Anstieg, die weitere Entwicklung wird aber nach wie vor von den Geschäftsentwicklungen abhängen.
      Wir befinden uns noch ganz am Anfang einer extremen Kursentwicklung. Wenn man sich vor Augen führt, das heute nicht mal 80000 Dollar umgesetzt wurden, was meint Ihr was passiert, wenn hier mal ein größerer Investor einsteigt.
      500 % an einem Tag sind da sofort drin.
      Aber aufgepasst, die Regeln unseren Zocks nicht vergessen:
      Totalverlust nicht ausgeschlossen
      Nur kleinen Depotanteil investieren
      Orders limitieren

      Hier nochmals die WKN 923391

      Ich werde kein Stück abgeben, bevor der Kurs bei 0,1 Dollar steht, Kursziel 1 Dollar

      mfg troi
      schrieb am 31.07.01 23:34:11
      Beitrag Nr. 33 ()
      Mit diesem Posting aus dem RagingBull Board um 23:06 Uhr möchte ich Euch eine gute Nacht wünschen.

      By: usaresearch78
      Reply To: 34073 by akaBBG Tuesday, 31 Jul 2001 at 5:04 PM EDT
      Post # of 34086


      Noch könnt Ihr billig rein !
      schrieb am 31.07.01 23:55:36
      Beitrag Nr. 34 ()
      hallo troi7 !

      ich dachte ich spinne, als ich eben auf das board gucke und die neuesten nachrichten lese.

      ich bin mit dm 1k eingestiegen und muss sagen: es ist superspannend.

      ich habe wirklich nicht erwartet das sich soooooooooooo schnell etwas tut.

      ok, kann natuerlich auch wieder fallen.

      bin echt gespannt wie es morgen weitergeht!

      so long, danke fuer den tipp,

      schrieb am 01.08.01 01:45:10
      Beitrag Nr. 35 ()
      Auch sehr spannend,
      was passiert wohl, wenn E-Centurion (Antivirusprogramm von Pacel) gegen "Code Red Virus" standhält.

      Es ist momentan wirklich sehr aufregend, da hast Du Recht rukmini.

      mfg troi,
      der eigentlich schon längst im Bett sein sollte.
      schrieb am 01.08.01 10:56:18
      Beitrag Nr. 36 ()
      Hallo zusammen, eben gefunden bei

      Anti-Virus Security Software Stocks

      Anti-Virus Software Companies Show Signs of Life with the Recent `Sircam` and `Code Red` Threats.
      Below are some publicly traded anti-virus companies
      you could profit from :

      Pacel Corp. (OTC:PLRP) - Congress discusses ways on how to better protect children from Internet pronography, Pacel may just hold that answer. Childwatch, Pacel`s adult filtration software could protect children and provide Internet security for families and school districts alike.
      Lisa Smith, Dir. of Business Development discusses how Pacel`s Anti-Virus Software differs from other security firms

      Alle Zeichen stehen zur Zeit auf grün,
      lassen wir uns überraschen.
      schrieb am 01.08.01 15:12:39
      Beitrag Nr. 37 ()
      Und wieder ein neuer Artikel über unsere Pacel; dies zeigt, daß die Company immer mehr Interesse weckt.

      OP-ED - Aug. 1, 2001

      Pacel Corp Offers Anti-Virus Solution to Schools and Parents

      by Tom Bustamante

      Pacel Corp (OTC:PLRP) rallied 60% from recent lows as anti-virus stocks gained favor on Wall Street. Recent assaults from the `Sircam` and "Code Red` worm viruses have caught investors eyes, and PLRP looks to be one of them.

      Who Wears Short Shorts?

      PLRP rallied sharply late Tuesday as investors rushed into anti-virus software stocks, but that isn`t the whole story with PLRP. Pacel has had a strong short position on the stock for the past month or so, and the the late day rally forced some shorts to begin cover-up their positions.

      The company has been in the process of financing their national retail roll-out of Childwatch, which is an adult content filtration software designed to block pornographic material from family and school district web sites. Recent S-Registrations, large short positions, and the investors fears of the `big D word` (dilution) have sent PLRP to new lows.

      To counteract the shorting, that usually occurs when companies raise financing and file S-8`s, PLRP pulled their registration statement (to the delight of investors) to prevent a mass dilution of the company.

      On July 25 PLRP announced that for the three months ended June 30, 2001, sales were $226,000 for a total of $429,000 for the six months ended June 30, 2001, compared to $58,000 for the second quarter of 2000 and a total of $116,000 for the six months ended June 30, 2000, an increase of $313,000 or 270%. The increase in revenues is directly attributed to the sales generated from existing NATO contracts of Fairfax Communications Limited which is a subsidiary of PLRP.

      What`s the upside here?

      1) Need/Demand - For starters, the need and demand for anti-virus security software. PLRP`s security software eCenturion provides protection from viruses at home and/or work. As more and more virus assaults occur, and they certainly will, PLRP has a chance to use these news events as a good `PR spin` to promote their anti-virus software eCenturion.
      2) Family Solution - In the immediate term Childwatch, PLRP`s adult filtration software looks like it could be the companies first big revenue generator. With Congress debating on how to protect children from the barrage of adult content online, and with family organizations pushing for tighter controls, PLRP may hold the solution to this problem with Childwatch.
      3) Congressional Law - School districts could also bring in big contracts for PLRP, for school districts must comply with the Child Online Protection Act by Oct. 27, 2001. Just a few school districts could quickly turn into some large order contracts for Pacel Corp.

      What`s the downside here?

      There are few downside risks here with PLRP, and they are the usual ones:
      1) Dilution - as the company continues to try to raise financing more and more shares drift into the market from consultants and bankers.
      2) Short Position - market makers love to short a company that files a S-8, but bankers love to short companies they know need the capital even more
      3) Funds - can they raise the money to begin the national roll-out
      4) Marketing/Sales - can they get families and school districts to sit up and take notice that they offer a solution

      Wouldn`t invest the kids college fund, but a little beer money in this one could bring you a nice return over the next few months!

      mfg troi
      schrieb am 01.08.01 17:07:48
      Beitrag Nr. 38 ()
      hallo troi7 !

      hattest du zeit die letzte stunde den kurs von PACEL zu verfolgen ?

      im moment sind es 17,65% plus bei sehr guten umsätzen.

      ich hab gestern nochmal zum limit von $ 0,017 geordert

      hoffentlich hab ich sie noch bekommen.

      die stimmung am RAGING BULL board ist überwiegend positiv

      die meisten denken nun geht die post ab.

      vor allen dingen wenn es noch eine gute PR im zusammenhang

      mit dem virus CODE RED gibt.

      so long !

      schrieb am 01.08.01 23:17:28
      Beitrag Nr. 39 ()
      Guten Abend,

      62% Schwankung im Tagesverlauf, nichts für schwache Nerven.

      und das bei einem Rekordvolumen von knapp 10,8 Mill gehandelter Aktien.
      Der Kurs der Aktie wurde heute nicht durch Fundamentals oder News beeinflußt, allein durch Euphorie und Angst.
      Dies unterstreicht die Sensibilität des Kurses auf kleinste Einflüsse.
      Man muß einfach wissen, daß solche Kurssprünge an der OTC nichts außergewöhnliches sind.
      Gestern +70%
      Heute -12%

      Kommen gute News raus, wird der Kurs durch die Decke gehen, bei schlechten kanns nen Totalverlust geben. Wann News kommen, kann ich nicht genau sagen. (s.h. E-mail von Lisa)

      From Lisa:

      Re:Launch did not do the new package design, but they did offer suggestions(we use EBStor`s designers). They are currently presenting the product concept to the retailers (with positive feedback), and we have packaging in production, which will be needed before most buyers will commit.

      I hope to be able to announce the results of our preliminary marketing for ChildWatch Pro within a few weeks-SEC rules force us to announce it to everyone or nobody. I can tell you that we are in discussions with a large school district.

      The arrangements with Sterling Promotions were made by Dave, so I don`t have all the details. I do know that they are putting together a direct mail campaign for us, because I approved some of the materials. I hope to know
      more in a few days-sorry.

      Lisa B. Smith, Director of Business Development
      PACEL Corp.
      8870 Rixlew Lane
      Manassas, VA 20109
      (703) 257-4759
      FAX: (703) 361-6706

      Ihr solltet nicht kurzfristig handeln, sonst habt Ihr kaum eine Chance gegenüber den Kursmanipulationen der Market Maker.
      Ich denke, wir werden alle noch unsere Freude an dieser Aktie haben, egal zu welchem Kurs Ihr eingestiegen seid.

      Nachbörslich ist der Kurs übrigens bei 0,017 festgesetzt worden bei einem Volumen von 1205000 !!! Hier will scheinbar jemand unbedingt noch rein.

      schrieb am 02.08.01 14:30:41
      Beitrag Nr. 40 ()
      SUPERNEWS !!!!!!

      E-Centurion hat Code Red Virus komplett abgehalten, erste Copies werden über Amazon verkauft. Wie ich gestern Abend schon erwähnt habe (nachbörslicher Handsel), scheint hier schon jemand Insiderinfos gehabt zu haben.
      Calkins selbst bezeichnet E-Centurion als eine revolutionäres Produkt.
      Pacel hat das Zeug vom kleinen OTC-Wert zum Global Player zu werden, und wir sind dabei!
      Jetzt muß man rein.

      PACEL Corp.`s e-Centurion Stops W32/Sircam Virus In Its Tracks

      MANASSAS, VA, Aug 02, 2001 (INTERNET WIRE via COMTEX) -- David E. Calkins,
      president and CEO of PACEL Corp. (OTC BB: PLRP) announced today that the
      company`s e-Centurion security product completely prevented the devastating
      W32/Sircam virus from executing during extensive testing over the past week.

      CW32/Sircam is malicious code that spreads through email and potentially through
      unprotected network shares. Once the malicious code has been executed on a
      system, it may reveal or delete sensitive information. Users who receive copies
      of the malicious code through electronic mail might recognize the sender.

      The email message will contain an attachment whose name matches the subject line
      and has a double file extension (e.g. subject.ZIP.BAT or subject.DOC.EXE). The
      CERT/CC has confirmed reports that the first extension may be .DOC, .XLS, or
      .ZIP. Anti-virus vendors have referred to additional extensions, including .GIF,
      .JPG, .JPEG, .MPEG, .MOV, .MPG, .PDF, .PNG, and .PS. The second extension will
      be .EXE, .COM, .BAT, .PIF, or .LNK. The attached file contains both the
      malicious code and the contents of a file copied from an infected system. When
      the attachment is opened, the copied file is extracted to both the %TEMP% folder
      (usually C:WINDOWSTEMP) and the Recycled folder on the affected system. The
      original file is then opened using the appropriate default viewer while the
      infection process continues in the background. (Source: CERT/CC)

      "We are very pleased to further validate our claims that e-Centurion is a
      revolutionary product," stated Calkins. "Simply by using the default
      configuration for our product--protecting .exe and .bat files--we were able to
      stopW32/ Sircam cold. Without prior knowledge of the virus signature,
      e-Centurion prevented it from inserting itself into any of the user`s folders or
      creating any files in order to execute. e-Centurion also protects the address
      book, soW32/ Sircam wasn`t able to propagate through e-mail. When W32/Sircam
      isn`t able to do its dirty work, it simply disappears. In effect, we killed it."

      According to Calkins, a limited number of advance copies of e-Centurion will be
      available via and on the company website once outside testing is
      complete. "When a program is as powerful as e-Centurion, it must be extensively
      tested to ensure that it is as stable as possible," he explained.

      mfg troi
      schrieb am 02.08.01 14:52:37
      Beitrag Nr. 41 ()
      Sorry, es muß natürlich CW32/Sircam -Virus und nicht Code Red heißen, siehe obige ad hoc.
      schrieb am 02.08.01 15:32:52
      Beitrag Nr. 42 ()
      Es geht los, Eröffnung +13 % !
      schrieb am 02.08.01 15:48:34
      Beitrag Nr. 43 ()
      +53% bei knapp 2000000 mil Umsatz in 15 Minuten
      Jetzt gehts los
      schrieb am 02.08.01 17:24:43
      Beitrag Nr. 44 ()
      hallo troi7,

      dies hab ich auf der homepage von PACEL gefunden - nur zur info:


      e-Centurion (U.S. patent pending) is a revolutionary product. Sometimes classed incorrectly as an "anti-virus" product, e-Centurion actually protects your PC from viruses that enter the system when your anti-virus software fails. Unlike anti-virus products, e-Centurion doesn`t need updating when new virus strains are released; it simply prevents a virus from executing./]

      gruss, steve
      schrieb am 03.08.01 00:11:26
      Beitrag Nr. 45 ()
      Guten Abend zusammen,

      ich bin wirklich sehr erfreut, in welch freundlichen Ton hier miteinander diskutiert wird. Habe so etwas selten erlebt. Ich hoffe nur, das dies auch so bleibt, wenn es mal nicht so gut läuft.

      Heute +47%, bei erneutem Rekordumsatz von 18,7 mil gehandelter Aktien.

      Seit Threaderöffnung bedeutet das einen Gewinn von über 100% in 4 Tagen.
      Es ist mit Sicherheit kein Fehler jetzt zu verkaufen, das hängt aber von jedem selbst ab.
      Ich bleibe in jedem Fall voll investiert, erste Teilverkäufe werde ich nicht vor 0,1 Dollar vornehmen.

      Pacel scheint sehr gute Produkte entwickelt zu haben, was jetzt noch fehlt ist ein potentieller Investor, für ein erfolgreiches Marketing und den Vertriebsaufbau.
      Ich bin auch zuversichtlich, daß hier in den nächsten Tagen positive News kommen, da man sich nicht leisten kann den technischen Vorsprung zu verlieren.

      bleibt troi
      schrieb am 03.08.01 09:33:11
      Beitrag Nr. 46 ()
      Hallo und einen schönen Morgen .
      Pacel bekommt immer mehr Aufmerksamkeit von den Investoren .
      Diese News fand ich auf der RB Seite .
      Pacel ist an zweiter Stelle genannt .
      *****************OTCBB NEWS****************

      News from the Top 20 Volume Leaders

      BICO, Inc. (BIKO: .015) announced in response to the recent drop in its stock price that nothing material to the Company`s operations has occurred to cause such a decline. "In fact, BICO`s consolidated revenues are currently exceeding all historical results." BIKO closed up .004 (36.6%), on huge (8X) average daily volume of 244,363,600 shares.

      PACEL Corp. (PLRP: .023) announced today that the company`s e-Centurion security product completely prevented the devastating W32/Sircam virus from executing during extensive testing over the past week. According to David E. Calkins, president and CEO of PACEL Corp., a limited number of advance copies of e-Centurion will be available via and on the company website once outside testing is complete. PLRP closed higher by .005 (35.3%), on 4X average daily volume of 18,700,000 shares.

      Universal Express, Inc. (USXP: .189) issued their 5th press release in days, announcing that the President and CEO of the Company, Richard A. Altomare, will appear on the television program of Emerging Company Report to discuss the recent $389 million judgement in favor of the Company and other Company matters. According to the Emerging Company Report website, companies pay $11,500 for a corporate profile with 3 months of coverage. USXP closed up .043 cents (29.5%) on volume of 15,128,800 shares.

      This and so much more is on our website at Have a great evening !!

      Gruß Max
      schrieb am 03.08.01 23:11:04
      Beitrag Nr. 47 ()
      Heute war ein Tag ohne News, der Kurs ist wieder etwas zurückgekommen. Fest steht, daß Pacel immer Aufmerksamkeit bekommt im Zusammenhang mit den Berichten über das Sircam-Virus.
      Wenn ichs nicht besser wüßte, würde ich sagen Engelchenmann postet grad im RagingBull Board. Über 100 Post an einem Tag und nur Müll. Viele scheint das zu beeinflussen.
      Meiner Meinung nach eine gute Einstiegschance.

      Morgen gehts zwei Wochen in Urlaub. Werde dann wohl nicht mehr so oft posten können.

      mfg troi
      schrieb am 06.08.01 13:35:13
      Beitrag Nr. 48 ()
      Ein wichtiger Punkt ist auch, daß PACEL den Vertrieb der Software an Grosshändler und Wiederverkäufer über die Firma RE:Launch versucht.

      distribution channels are in place it seems- PACEL CORP - Signs With Re:Launch to Launch Retail Channel Sales

      New York, New York, Jun 13, 2001 (Market News Publishing via COMTEX) -- David E. Calkins, president of PACEL Corp. announced that the company has signed an agreement with the Berkeley, California-based channel sales firm Re:Launch to assist PACEL in acquisition of retail and distribution clients for its software products.
      Re:Launch will work closely with PACEL`s existing business development group to develop and maintain channel sales for both the ChildWatch(TM) family of Internet filtering and PC security software and the new e-Centurion virus protection product line.

      "PACEL is very pleased with its arrangement with Re:Launch, which is a respected firm with a strong field sales force, excellent relationships with buyers, and experienced managers. We expect results, and Re:Launch is in a position to deliver." stated Calkins. "Our initial offerings will be ChildWatch Lite and ChildWatch, with the other products planned for release to retail stores later in the summer or early fall."

      The user-friendly ChildWatch(TM) application allows parents and caretakers to control and monitor their children`s activities on the computer and prevent their accessing adult-content web sites on the Internet.

      For a minimal monthly fee, of which 20% is donated to Child Watch of North America or Child Quest International, Inc. (subscriber`s choice), clients can take full advantage of the Internet filtering feature by subscribing to the constantly-updated data base that automatically blocks new adult content web sites from their child`s computer.

      Because the ChildWatch technology uses human reviewers and objective standards to block pornographic web sites, it is not subject to the inaccuracies that have caused extensive criticism of other content filters. ChildWatch also provides PC security for parents by limiting a child`s access to only the files and applications permitted by the parent.

      "Our marketing and sales team is energized and ready to direct and support the retail sales effort along with our other strategic marketing activities," said Lisa Smith, PACEL`s Director of Business Development. "Re:Launch covers the entire North American reseller market and calls on the major distributors and resellers that represent 94% of the total hardware/software retail sales volume. We`ve been positioning our products for the retail arena for some time now, and with the expertise of our new partners behind us, we`re looking forward to putting our plans in motion."

      According to Richard Miles, President of Re:Launch, "PACEL`s product line offers a terrific solution to a problem with growing awareness in the channel. We expect to do quite well with the line, and look forward to additional products coming out. We view the association with PACEL as a significant one."

      Founded in 1994 and headquartered in near Washington, DC, PACEL Corp. ("the Pacesetter in Internet Security") is a software development company that specializes in Internet and computer security software for home and corporate use. On June 6, 2001, PACEL Corp. and its ChildWatch software family were featured in an article in The Washington Post.

      Further information about PACEL Corp. and its products can be found at and at

      Re:Launch specializes in increasing sales and profits for clients for over 10 years. The company`s experience ranges from the classic retail world through the online world. Re:Launch was founded in 1990 by Richard Miles.

      The firm specializes in helping marketers of technology hardware and software increase sales and profits. The company has been at the forefront of every channel and strategy in the technology industry. We`ve helped our clients take advantage of, and profit by, the transition from a small core of early adopters into a retail mass market, from the brick-and-mortar world, through direct mail, and on the Internet.

      Further information about Re:Launch and its services can be found at


      When used in this document and in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, in our press releases or other public or shareholder communications, and in oral statements made with the approval of an authorized executive officer, the words or phrases "will likely result," "are expected to," "will continue", "is anticipated," "estimate," "project," or similar expressions are intended to identify "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.

      These statements are subject to certain risks and uncertainties that could cause our actual results to differ materially from our historical results and those we presently anticipate or project. You should not place undue reliance on any forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date made.

      Various factors could affect our financial performance and could cause our actual results to differ materially from any opinions or statements we express with respect to future periods in any current statements.

      These factors include, but are not limited to, the following: increases in our operating expenses outpacing our revenues; our inability to expand our sales and distribution channels; the failure of strategic relationships to implement and protect our software products; the failure of third parties to develop software components necessary for the integration of applications using our software; and the use of our intellectual property by others.

      CONTACT: TEL: 703/257-4759 PACEL Corp., Lisa B. Smith

      TEL: 703/257-4759 Investor Relations, David E. Calkins

      TEL: 415/492-0196 Re:Launch, Emilie Canty

      MarketbyFax(tm) - To get the NEWS as it happens, call (604) 689-3041.

      schrieb am 08.08.01 20:11:01
      Beitrag Nr. 49 ()
      PACEL Corp.`s e-Centurion Available To Computer Professionals
      MANASSAS, VA--(INTERNET WIRE)--Aug 08, 2001-- David E. Calkins, president and CEO of PACEL Corp. (OTC BB: PLRP) announced today that the company`s e-Centurion security product will be made available in limited quantities to computer professionals for a 21-day performance test. Computer professionals who are interested in participating can register at after Thursday, August 9. The selected participants will be notified when they can download the product from the PACEL website. Participants will be offered discount coupons for the retail product and discounted pricing for the enterprise version.
      "Due in part to the great public concern over the W32/Sircam, Code Red, and variant viruses, we have decided to release a non-commercial version of e-Centurion to systems administrators and other computer professionals for previewing prior to our completing outside testing," said Calkins. "The downloadable version is streamlined, but can be easily set up by someone who is computer-literate," he continued. "Our commercial interface, which is not included in this version, is more automated in order to appeal to the average user."

      Lisa Smith, Director of Business Development, stated, "Now is the time for a product like e-Centurion, which doesn`t rely on known virus signatures and never needs updates. We fully intend to release e-Centurion to the general public through retail channels, and this is just the first step."

      The "Pacesetter" in Internet security, PACEL Corp. is a software development company headquartered in Manassas, Virginia, a suburb of Washington, D.C. Two subsidiary companies, and Fairfax Communications, Limited, provide Web and e-commerce solutions and goods and services to NATO, respectively. Further information about PACEL and its products will be found at and at


      When used in this document and in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, in our press releases, or other public or shareholder communications, and in oral statements made with the approval of an authorized executive officer, the words or phrases "will likely result," "are expected to," "will continue," "is anticipated," "estimate," "project," "or similar expressions are intended to identify "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements are subject to certain risks and uncertainties that could cause our actual results to differ materially from our historical results and those we presently anticipate or project. You should not place undue reliance on any forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date made. Various factors could affect our financial performance and cause our actual results to differ materially from any opinions or statements we express with respect to future periods in any current statements. These factors include, but are not limited to, the following: increases in our operating expenses outpacing our revenues; our inability to expand our sales and distribution channels, the failure of strategic relationships to implement and protect our software products, the failure of third parties to develop software components necessary for the integration of applications using our software; and the use of our intellectual property by others.

      SOURCE: PACEL Corp.


      Lisa B. Smith
      PACEL Corp

      David E. Calkins
      PACEL Corp
      schrieb am 15.08.01 10:45:37
      Beitrag Nr. 50 ()
      Hier ein Artikel aus über die Wirkungsweise von e-Centurion:

      Anders als die Antivirusprogramme braucht es nicht upgedated zu werden.

      Es verhindert, dass unauthorisierte Programme sich im System ausbreiten können indem es nicht nur den Filenamen sondern die dazugehörigen Anwendungen überprüft und dann entscheidet ob es ausgeführt werden darf oder nicht.
      Guarding the inner and outer doors
      e-CenturionÔ protects the "inner door" to your computer files from access by an unauthorized process--virus or other--that has penetrated the "outer door," normally protected by a firewall and anti-virus software.
      Security and flexibility are the keys to powerful and
      robust file protection.
      PACEL Corp. has developed a new and powerful approach to PC file protection. Our patent pending e-CenturionÔ software compares what is trying to access your files against a list of approved applications for any particular file or type of files. By permitting access only to approved applications, the chances of your files being destroyed, altered, or read by malicious programs are considerably lessened.
      When you:
      think you have the best anti-virus software with updates and find out it isn`t enough…
      assume that e-mail attachment is safe…
      find out that your Internet connection is opening your files to prying eyes…
      We all know that some of the recent macro viruses got past the standard anti-virus software. Once past this outer guardian, they ran from within a common word processing program, copied themselves using a mail system address book, and began deleting all media files.
      The anti-virus companies caught on quickly and made an update available within twenty-four hours, but extensive damage had already been done.
      PACEL Corp.`s patent pending PACE Module (Pre-Access Control Element) could have prevented this destruction. Using our software, the macro virus would not have had access to the address book, would not have been able to delete media files, and would have alerted the user that “something” was going on all without the need for frequent updating.
      The PACE Module allows computer users to configure files, file types (JPG, AVI, DOC, TXT, etc.), and directories to prohibit all access or to permit access only by authorized programs. It can also designate files as "read-only," "read-only by authorized applications," "no copy," "no move or delete," and similar combinations.
      This flexibility allows files to be protected from:
      · unauthorized access that tries to steal information (protection against hacker attacks)
      · malicious code that tries to delete files (macro virus protection)
      · Trojan-type attacks that attempt to infect system files with their own code (hidden executables).
      The PACE Module works with Windows, but does not interfere with normal Windows operations. Performance is unaffected and setup uses standard file operation conventions.
      The PACE Module works simply by inserting itself between the file system and the physical storage of the files. Any file operation must go through the PACE Module. In this way, the PACE Module can examine the file request combined with the name of the application making the request and determine if the requested access is allowed or prohibited.
      q Protect data from viruses by intercepting requests for file access
      q Prevent hacker’s attack
      q Never needs to be updated
      q Easy-to-use and customizable interface for basic to advanced levels of security
      q Protect user privacy on Internet
      q Prevent unauthorized collection of data from external source
      The power of this software resides in our unique approach of examining not only the file being requested but also the name of the application making the request. Software that only looks at the filename has limited usefulness--it’s all or nothing. But by combining a filename with an application name, a whole new area of possibilities is opened.
      Certain programs should not be able to access files outside of their application area, except perhaps in read-only mode. Other files types never need to be altered by any application. How many times do you edit an AVI, MPG, or MP3 file?
      If you ever need to access a prohibited file, the PACE Module has the flexibility to allow it, either on a one-time basis or as a permanent combination. For instance, your word processor can be prohibited from accessing your personal address book, but you may occasionally need to perform just that operation. The PACE Module will initially prohibit access, and then display a message asking if this is what you intended. If OK is clicked and the operation is re-requested, the operation will proceed normally, but the next time the request is issued, it will be blocked. This is one method that can be used to prevent macro viruses from using your personal address book information to copy themselves and be distributed throughout your mail contacts.
      For more information, contact:
      8870 Rixlew Lane, Suite 201
      Manassas, VA 20109
      (703) 257-4759
      Fax: (703) 361-6706

      schrieb am 20.08.01 21:58:55
      Beitrag Nr. 51 ()
      Hollo zusammen,

      bin wieder aus´m Urlaub zurück. Hab es doch tatsächlich geschafft, 14 Tage nicht ins Netz zu gehen.
      Ich kann nur sagen, daß das mal richtig gut getan hat.
      Nicht so gut hat natürlich der Blick in mein Depot getan. Leider ist unser Baby wieder etwas zurückgekommen, aber ich bin immer noch guter Dinge. Muß jetzt erst mal die letzten News aufarbeiten.

      mfg troi
      schrieb am 12.09.01 18:25:51
      Beitrag Nr. 52 ()
      e-Centurion steht für angemeldete Profi-user zur Verfügung. Nach einer Testphase wird es für die Öffentlichkeit freigegeben.

      schrieb am 18.09.01 11:15:53
      Beitrag Nr. 53 ()
      e-Centurion läuft auf meinem Computer bestens (Windows 98). Neue Anwendungen müssen immer freigegeben werden. Es sollte eine einfachere Version folgen sowie eine für NT.
      Gestern Anstieg um 24% auf USD 0,023.

      schrieb am 24.09.01 12:02:44
      Beitrag Nr. 54 ()
      Hallo zusammen .
      News sind da .
      Gruß Max.

      PACEL Corp. Acquires Advantage Systems, Inc.
      MANASSAS, VA, Sep 20, 2001 (INTERNET WIRE via COMTEX) -- David E. Calkins, president and CEO of PACEL Corp. ( OTCBB:PLRP), stated today: "Our heartfelt sympathy for victims of the September 11 terrorist attacks goes on, and our praise for the heroic efforts of our rescue workers, firemen, and policemen continues to grow. We as Americans must continue with our lives and our businesses."
      He continued, "Therefore, while PACEL`s actions and successes may be small in comparison, we are proud to announce today our acquisition of and merger with Advantage Systems, Inc. Advantage Systems will be a division of PACEL Corp., and will bring not only new products, but revenues and profits to our bottom line. Most importantly, this acquisition brings us recognized leadership and talent. Advantage Systems has achieved growth while many small Silicon Valley companies were folding. They possess a strong fulfillment capability and an excellent customer service organization."

      "It is our intent to capitalize on the competencies of Advantage Systems and of PACEL`s three existing companies, and to expand our client bases accordingly. Now that we can be more competitive and offer more products and services, we will focus on expanding our NATO presence even more through the existing basic ordering agreement. We will cross-train our existing sales forces in our respective offerings, integrating cost-effective teamwork with existing sales efforts on each US coast and overseas."

      "We can begin to build a stronger financial base to obtain better financing terms. Finally, our expanded skill-set will help us become a more qualified company in various local, state, and Federal government bidding processes," said Calkins.

      PACEL Corp. intends to announce the new corporate management structure soon.

      The "Pacesetter" in Internet security, PACEL Corp. is a software development company headquartered near Washington, D.C. The company produces the ChildWatch family of Internet filtering and PC security products, the patent-pending e-Centurion PC Protection system, and other software for business and the home. Three subsidiary companies,, Fairfax Communications, Limited, and Advantage Systems, Inc. provide Web/e-commerce solutions and goods and services to NATO and other government-related entities. Further information about PACEL and its products will be found at and at

      Advantage Systems, Inc. builds high-quality, adeptly-configured, leading edge computers for corporate networked environments, as well as standalone systems for a wide variety of applications. The company caters to high-growth segments such as small to medium-sized businesses, small offices/home offices and mainstream corporate information technology providers. Advantage Systems is located in San Jose, California. Its website address is


      When used in this document and in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, in our press releases, or other public or shareholder communications, and in oral statements made with the approval of an authorized executive officer, the words or phrases "will likely result," "are expected to," "will continue," "is anticipated," "estimate," "project," "or similar expressions are intended to identify "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements are subject to certain risks and uncertainties that could cause our actual results to differ materially from our historical results and those we presently anticipate or project. You should not place undue reliance on any forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date made. Various factors could affect our financial performance and cause our actual results to differ materially from any opinions or statements we express with respect to future periods in any current statements. These factors include, but are not limited to, the following: increases in our operating expenses outpacing our revenues; our inability to expand our sales and distribution channels, the failure of strategic relationships to implement and protect our software products, the failure of third parties to develop software components necessary for the integration of applications using our software; and the use of our intellectual property by others.

      8870 Rixlew Lane, Suite 201 - Manassas, VA 20109-3795 -

      CONTACT: Lisa B. Smith
      Director, Business Development
      PACEL Corp.

      David E. Calkins
      Investor Relations
      PACEL Corp.
      703- 257-4759
      Copyright 2001 Internet Wire, All rights reserved.
      schrieb am 09.10.01 20:19:00
      Beitrag Nr. 55 ()
      Richtiger Schritt!

      Tuesday October 9, 1:00 pm Eastern Time
      Press Release
      SOURCE: PACEL Corp

      PACEL Corp. Announces Organizational Changes
      MANASSAS, VA--(INTERNET WIRE)--Oct 09, 2001-- David E. Calkins, Chairman of the Board of PACEL Corp.(OTCBB: PLRP - news), today announced a major reorganization and change in the corporate structure. Mr. Calkins said: "As PACEL Corp continues its move from the Research and Development stage to Production and Sales, we need to re-focus our efforts, strengthen our management team, and simplify a complex and convoluted corporate structure.
      "Our acquisition of Advantage Systems, Inc. was a start in the right direction. Mr. George Bentley has agreed to remain as President, and the rest of his experienced management team will also remain. Prior to joining Advantage, Mr. Bentley founded a successful information technology company and has managed product development, manufacturing, sales, and installation for over thirty-seven years," continued Calkins. Mr. Bentley received his Bachelor of Science degree from Pepperdine University in 1964.

      "In further news, we are extremely pleased to report that Mr. Royce Goble will become President of the PACEL Corp. Software Division and will be joining us by the end of this month. Mr. Goble was previously the Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of a multi-million dollar a year reseller of software, hardware and IT services to businesses and the government. Mr. Goble is a seasoned executive willing to embrace the challenges and overcome the obstacles necessary to produce PACEL software solutions for the 21ST Century," Calkins said.

      During the next couple of months the new management team will focus on simplifying the corporate structure, overhauling and integrating the strategic marketing plan with a major emphasis on product and services offerings based on the company`s security capabilities, and establishing long term strategic relationships.

      The "Pacesetter" in Internet security, PACEL Corp. is a software development company headquartered near Washington, D.C. The company produces the ChildWatch family of Internet filtering and PC security products, the patent-pending e-Centurion PC Protection system, and other software for business and the home. Two subsidiary companies, and Fairfax Communications, Limited provide Web/e-commerce solutions and goods and services to NATO and other government-related entities. Further information about PACEL and its products will be found at and at

      Advantage Systems, Inc., a PACEL Corp. division, builds high-quality, adeptly-configured, leading edge computers for corporate networked environments, as well as standalone systems for a wide variety of applications. The company caters to high-growth segments such as small to medium-sized businesses, small offices/home offices and mainstream corporate information technology providers. Advantage Systems is located in San Jose, California. Its website address is


      When used in this document and in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, in our press releases, or other public or shareholder communications, and in oral statements made with the approval of an authorized executive officer, the words or phrases "will likely result," "are expected to," "will continue," "is anticipated," "estimate," "project," "or similar expressions are intended to identify "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements are subject to certain risks and uncertainties that could cause our actual results to differ materially from our historical results and those we presently anticipate or project. You should not place undue reliance on any forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date made. Various factors could affect our financial performance and cause our actual results to differ materially from any opinions or statements we express with respect to future periods in any current statements. These factors include, but are not limited to, the following: increases in our operating expenses outpacing our revenues; our inability to expand our sales and distribution channels, the failure of strategic relationships to implement and protect our software products, the failure of third parties to develop software components necessary for the integration of applications using our software; and the use of our intellectual property by others.

      PACEL Corp - 8870 Rixlew Lane, - Suite 201 - Manassas, VA - 20109-3795


      Lisa B. Smith
      PACEL Corp

      David E. Calkins
      PACEL Corp
      schrieb am 09.10.01 21:09:42
      Beitrag Nr. 56 ()
      Hi N.Y.,

      sehe ich auch so. Auch wenn das noch nicht die News sind, auf die wir gewartet haben, so finde ich äußerst positiv, daß Royce Goble in die Firma eintritt, da hier doch einige Erfahrungen in Sachen Verkauf und Vermarktung miteinfließen.
      Kurzfristig erwarte ich wieder einen Anstieg über 0,02 Dollar.
      Langfristig ist alles drin.

      Grüße an Alle

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      Pacel Corp. - 10000% Jetzt könnt Ihr noch lachen ! Mein neuer Zock