
    LYNAS - Faktenthread, Analysen, Querverweise u. Meldungen zum Unternehmen (Seite 166)

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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 19.10.11 13:19:49
      Beitrag Nr. 1.900 ()
      LYC Lynas Corporation Limited
      October 2011
      19th Clarification of Dow Jones Headline…
      October 2011
      Clarification of Dow Jones Headline

      Lynas Corporation Limited (“Lynas”) (ASX:LYC, OTC:LYSDY) is aware of the Dow Jones headline dated today “Lynas Corp Hasn’t Been Granted License to Import Rare Earth Ores into Malaysia – Govt.”
      As far as Lynas is aware, no decision has been made as yet by Malaysian authorities concerning the pre-operating license and the importation of rare earths ores into Malaysia. No decision is expected to be made for some weeks.
      For further information please contact Alistair Reid or Liz Whiteway on +61 2 8259 7100 or
      For all media enquires please contact Michael Vaughan from FD on +61 2 8298 6100

      Lynas belum dapat kebenaran import bijih nadir bumi

      19/10/2011 4:43pm

      KUALA LUMPUR 19 Okt. - Lynas Corporation tidak pernah diberikan lesen ataupun kebenaran untuk mengimport bijih nadir bumi ke Malaysia.

      Kementerian Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan Industri (MITI), dan Kementerian Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi (MOSTI), dalam satu kenyataan bersama hari ini berkata, Lynas tidak diberikan kebenaran untuk mengimport sebarang bijih nadir bumi ke negara ini tanpa terlebih dahulu mendapatkan kelulusan Lembaga Pelesenan Tenaga Atom (AELB).

      "AELB menyatakan dengan jelas bahawa tiada kebenaran sedemikian pernah diberikan,” jelas kenyataan itu, sambil menambah bahawa untuk mengimport bijih nadir bumi ke Malaysia, bakal pengimport mestilah diberikan kebenaran dua peringkat. - Bernama
      Weltgrößter Produzent legt Pause ein
      Seltene Erden werden noch seltener

      Der weltgrößte Produzent so genannter Seltener Erden hat die Produktion für einen Monat eingestellt. Dieser Schritt solle die Preise der wichtigen Rohstoffe stützten, teilte das Unternehmen "Inner Mongolia Baotou Steel Rare-Earth Group Hi-tech" mit. "Die Produktion dürfte in einem Monat wieder aufgenommen werden, es handelt sich nur um eine vorübergehende Maßnahme", hieß es weiter. Das Unternehmen ist an der Börse in Schanghai notiert, gehört aber größtenteils dem chinesischen Staat.

      Mittwoch, 19. Oktober 2011

      Kampf um seltene Erden
      China stoppt Förderung

      Angesichts ihres Einsatzes in Hightech-Produkten wie Smartphones oder Hybrid-Antrieben gelten seltene Erden als Rohstoff der Zukunft. Das Problem dabei: China besitzt die mit Abstand größten Vorkommen. Da der Preis dennoch einbricht, reagiert Peking nun: Der in Staatshand befindliche weltgrößte Produzent muss die Förderung einstellen.

      lynas plays down fear of rare earth plot (zakka)
      Lynas plays down fears of China rare earths plot

      By Peter Smith in Sydney

      When Nick Curtis was invited to the World Economic Forum in Davos this year, there was one topic that political and corporate chiefs wanted him to address.
      How could the world guarantee a steady supply of rare earths, the 17 elements crucial for many of the electronics used in everyday life, at a time when China controlled more than 90 per cent of global production?


      Grüsse JoJo :)
      schrieb am 18.10.11 10:07:22
      Beitrag Nr. 1.899 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.222.449 von Optimist_ am 17.10.11 19:19:45Die malaysische ALEB-Behörde bereitet IMHO damit bzw. unterstreicht mit dem folgenden Bericht nicht nur ihre Kompetenz in Sachen Sicherheit sondern beschreibt damit auch ihre absolute Glaubwürdigkeit in Bezug auf die Erteilung der Betriebsgenehmigung für die LAMP.

      Grüsse JoJo :)…

      AELB’s top priority is radiation and nuclear safety

      October 18, 2011

      In the case of Lynas in Kuantan, if safety is a concern to locals then it is also a concern for AELB, if not more.

      By Raja Dato’ Abdul Aziz Raja Adnan


      AELB’s first priority is safety

      In a published report on June 28, 2011, an International Atomic Energy Agency review team which made an extensive analysis of available Malaysian regulations and applicable documents concluded that the national legal and regulatory framework was in compliance with the international radiation safety standards pertaining to a rare earth extraction industry.

      The present AELB director general is a member of the current IAEA Commission of Safety Standards (CSS), the highest international forum for setting global nuclear and radiation safety standards.

      This CSS expert membership is by virtue that he is the current Chairman of the Advisory Group on Nuclear Security (AdSec) to the IAEA Director General, His Excellency Yukiya Amano. Bearers of these are positions are considered purely based on merits and considered a first by any Malaysian.

      Several AELB personnel are recognised by the IAEA as either subject matter specialists, experts or consultants at either regional or global level.

      In short, at AELB, we have the expertise to ensure that Malaysia is safe, secured and safeguarded in the peaceful uses of atomic energy.

      In the case of Lynas in Kuantan, if safety is a concern to locals then it is also a concern for AELB, if not more.

      Earlier this year, AELB through the Science, Technology and Innovation Ministry (MOSTI) played a major advisory role during the Fukushima accident.

      AELB was advising Malaysians on the evolving situation. It was scanning for possible radioactive contamination of human, environmental and international transport at all points of entry.

      It also sampled air, soil and water contamination to assure safety. Radiation and nuclear safety is first in AELB and will always be.

      The writer is the director-general of the Malaysian Atomic Energy Licensing Board (AELB).

      schrieb am 17.10.11 19:19:45
      Beitrag Nr. 1.898 ()
      Hi JoJo, ist mir auch nicht ganz klar. Hatte es wohl etwas übertrieben mit Links zu Merkels Mongolei Besuch und...

      Pressekonferenz Abdruck der letzte Abschnitt

      Dank dir für die Wiederbelebung nach dem langen Wochenende. Ich finde es wichtig, weitergehende Fakten zu sammeln um die Geschichte Lynas und der Seltenen Erden mitzudokumentieren. Ein einmaliges Zeitzeugnis...:)

      Schönen Abend noch!
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 17.10.11 15:53:59
      Beitrag Nr. 1.897 (),1518,792067,00.h…


      Kampf um Rohstoffe

      China droht Indien wegen Ölgeschäft

      Der Rohstoffhunger der beiden aufstrebenden Volkswirtschaften ist gigantisch. Sie brauchen Öl, Gas, aber auch die besonders begehrten Seltenen Erden, um ihr rasantes Wachstumstempo aufrechtzuerhalten.

      Grüsse JoJo :)
      schrieb am 17.10.11 13:34:14
      Beitrag Nr. 1.896 ()
      :confused: - kann ich mir garnicht vorstellen das du hier einen themenfremden Inhalt gepostet hast.
      What are their prices?
      17/10/11 Av. Mt Weld Composition 140.64US$/kg auf FOB Chinabasis

      Viele glauben bzw. behaupten nach wie vor das die LAMP von Lynas nicht die Betriebsgenehmigung durch die malaysische AELB bekommt wird.
      Dabei brauchten sie IMHO nur ihren gesunden Menschenverstand einschalten so wie das Heute aktuell ein australischer Uswer im HC-Forum zu Lynas getan hat der ich mich, weil besser könnte ich es auch nicht veranschaulischen, voll und ganz anschließen möchte:…
      the lamp approval (wjtennis)

      There are still some people who do not believe the LAMP will be approve by the AELB in Malaysia. With the LAMP construction approaching completion that seems ludicrous to me. After all, Lynas is posting excellent job opportunities currently. The 12 JV BASF/Petronas chemical plants in the Gebeng industrial zone alongside the LAMP have concluded a sales purchase agreement with Lynas to purchase lanthanum from the LAMP. Petronas, the largest employer in Malaysia and wholly owned by the Malaysian government, needs lanthanum based catalytic agents from BASF to convert their petroleum products into gasoline, diesel and other distillates. The Seimens/Lynas JV for the production of neodymium based magnets will construct a plant for this purpose in the Gebeng industrial zone. The second phase of the LAMP will provide the Malaysian economy with over RM 400 million over the next 16 months. The construction and engineering jobs required will bolster the sagging Malaysian economy. The Malaysian government and the AELB Would lose an incredible economical spinoff/multiplier if they fail to approve the LAMP. For these reasons and even more they will approve the project and I believe it will be within the next 6 weeks.…
      Seltene Erden: Yttrium, Lanthan, Cer
      Michael Grandt

      Anleger sind verunsichert und flüchten in Gold, Silber und strategische Metalle. Doch es gibt noch eine andere Alternative: Seltene Erden.


      @ eine erfolgreiche Woche

      Grüsse JoJo :)

      Trading Spotlight

      Nurexone Biologic
      0,4740EUR -5,20 %
      NurExone Biologic mit dem BioNTech-Touch?! mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 13.10.11 18:46:16
      Dieser Beitrag wurde von CloudMOD moderiert. Grund: themenfremder Inhalt
      schrieb am 12.10.11 19:15:52
      Beitrag Nr. 1.894 ()…

      Lynas flogs investment benefits in wake of latest protest

      By Yow Hong Chieh
      October 12, 2011

      KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 12 — Lynas Corp has touted its committed investments in Malaysia following fresh protests against the Australian mining giant’s rare earth plant in Gebeng, Kuantan.

      Lynas said today direct investment in the Lynas Advanced Materials Plant (LAMP) totalled RM618 million as of September 31 and pledged to pour in another RM700 million during the expansion phase.

      It pointed out RM235 million of the initial investment had been awarded to Kuantan-based contractors and that nearly half of phase two investments would be spent on local subcontractors and materials.

      The Lynas Advanced Materials Plant in Gebeng, Kuantan is the largest of its kind outside China. — file pic“Human capital investments Lynas Malaysia Sdn Bhd is fully manned and managed by Malaysians except for the four rare earth operations experts from China,” Lynas said in a statement.

      “The LAMP creates over 350 skilled permanent jobs, of which, 70 will need to be filled by university graduates with technical qualifications.”

      Lynas Malaysia’s current payroll already stands at RM26 million per annum and a recent recruitment drive had drawn strong response from Malaysians willing to fill the job positions on offer, Lynas said.

      It added that an additional 200 regular contract roles for Kuantan subcontractors would complement the 350 permanent positions on offer at the plant, the largest of its kind outside China.

      The miner also said the rare earth plant would create up to 500 indirect jobs to service providers and contractors and cited two materials suppliers who would invest some RM200 million to supply LAMP.

      “It is a first-class rare earths processing facility, which incorporates state-of-the art technology. It is the only processing plant of its kind in the world. The LAMP also sets new industry benchmarks in safety, environmental performance and shared value across the supply chain for a sustainable future,” Lynas said.

      “Together, Malaysia and Lynas are building a stronger local economy with shared value and benefits.”

      Some 1,000 people, led by Kuantan MP Fuziah Salleh and Bersih chairman Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan, gathered in Kuantan over the weekend in protest against LAMP and a gold mining project in Bukit Koman, Raub.

      The “Green Assembly 109”, comprising locals and representatives of non-governmental organisations, alleged that the two projects were environmentally hazardous and would harm public health.


      aus dem EU-Parlament…

      Arme Menschen, reiches Land…

      Merkel in der Mongolei eingetroffen

      Am Donnerstagabend wird die Bundeskanzlerin in Berlin zurückerwartet

      Ulan Bator (dapd). Mit Bundeskanzlerin Merkel ist erstmals eine deutsche Regierungschefin in die Mongolei gereist. Merkel traf am späten Mittwochabend Ortszeit in der mongolischen Hauptstadt Ulan Bator ein. Dort sind für Donnerstag Begegnungen mit Präsident Elbegdorj und Regierungschef Batbold vorgesehen. Zudem will sie das Parlament besuchen und dort eine Rede halten. Am Donnerstagabend wird Merkel in Berlin zurückerwartet.

      Die Mongolei ist reich an Seltenen Erden. Es soll ein Rohstoffabkommen unterzeichnet werden, das der deutschen Industrie den Zugang zu den wertvollen Metallen sichern soll, die unter anderem für die Handy-Herstellung benötigt werden.

      Die Kanzlerin will nach Angaben aus Regierungskreisen auch die Bemühungen der Mongolei um die Abschaffung der Todesstrafe würdigen.
      schrieb am 12.10.11 15:19:43
      Beitrag Nr. 1.893 ()
      Lynas Expects RM200 Million Incremental Investment

      KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 12 (Bernama) -- Lynas Corporation Ltd, which has made a direct capital investment of RM1.318 billion in its Lynas Advanced Materials Plant (LAMP) as of Sept 31, expects an incremental investment of approximately RM200 million.

      In a statement today, the company said the incremental investment would be from two material suppliers.

      "Upstream to the rare earth processing at the LAMP in Gebeng, Pahang, the plant already has two material suppliers already investing in building and expanding their operations to supply to LAMP," Lynas said.

      Of the RM1.318 billion capital investment, Lynas had invested RM618 million in Malaysia under Phase One, of which RM235 million was awarded to Kuantan-based contractors.

      The current investment enables an initial production capacity of 11,000T Rare Earth Oxide (REO) per annum of separated Rare Earth products.

      Under Phase Two, an additional RM700 million has been allocated for expansion now underway. "Near to 50 per cent of this investment is spent in Malaysia for subcontracting requirements and materials purchase while approximately 40 per cent is for the purchase of equipment and technical expertise offshore.

      "Undertaken by lead contractor Toyo-Thai Corporation Public Limited, these investments will gear up to an increased production capacity of 22,000T REO per annum," it said.

      On human capital investments, the company said Lynas Malaysia Sdn Bhd's current payroll already stood at RM26 million per annum.

      It said Lynas Malaysia is fully manned and managed by Malaysians except for the four Rare Earth operations experts from China, and the LAMP creates over 350 skilled permanent jobs.

      Apart from Lynas' direct investment, the LAMP would create up to an additional 500 indirect jobs for service providers and contractors, the company said.

      It added that as the first new rare earth supplier outside China, the LAMP could position Malaysia as the destination of choice for associated manufacturers of high technology products looking for a base for their manufacturing operations.

      -- BERNAMA
      schrieb am 12.10.11 10:20:12
      Beitrag Nr. 1.892 ()…
      Die AELB bestätigt den Erhalt für den langfristige Abfallwirtschaftsplan von der australischen Minengesellschaft Lynas für seine seltenen Erden Raffinerie in Gebeng.
      Seltene Erden
      Autobauer schmieden Rohstoffpakt

      Exklusiv Der Schritt soll Vorsorge für den Fall sein, dass seltene Erden noch seltener werden - und nicht dem Kartellrecht widersprechen: Um sich den Zugriff auf strategisch wichtige Rohstoffe zu sichern, tun sich Deutschlands Autohersteller und ihre Zulieferer zusammen.
      von Heimo Fischer und Margret Hucko Frankfurt…
      Ab November
      China führt Steuern auf Rohstoffe ein
      dapd | Quelle: Handelsblatt Online

      Der Abbau von Erdöl, Erdgas, Salz, Metallen und den Seltene Erden wird in China mit einer neuen Steuer belegt. Die Einnahmen sollen in die oftmals ärmlichen Abbau-Regionen fließen.
      12.10.2011 09:23 Uhr

      Alcoa: Enttäuschender Saisonauftakt

      Marion Schlegel

      Als erster Großkonzern hat am Dienstagabend Alcoa die Zahlen für das dritte Quartal veröffentlicht. Der US-Aluminiumkonzern konnte die Erwartungen allerdings nicht erfüllen. Insbesondere die schwache Nachfrage aus Europa belastete das Ergebnis.
      EANS-News: Tantalus Rare Earths AG

      Grüsse JoJo :)
      schrieb am 12.10.11 06:29:26
      Beitrag Nr. 1.891 ()

      siehe Merkels Vietnam-Reise…

      Lynas and the Malaysian Green movement — Kua Kia Soong

      Since the key question to allay the fears of the people is that of safety and the effects of the plant on the people’s health, one would have expected the government to bring in independent members outside the IAEA with expertise in nuclear safety, public health, environmental protection and other social concerns. Besides the danger of radiation, the Lynas plant also produces large quantities of industrial acids and chemicals which will adversely affect the environment.

      The lesson of Bukit Merah should be instructive for the Lynas controversy. The ARE expert there had insisted that their facilities were safe. I remember visiting their premises and the Japanese manager had assured me of the same. When I asked the manager if he would allow his pregnant wife to work in the premises with those drums of radioactive waste around her, he was completely stumped and couldn’t answer me. During the Bukit Merah court case, other international experts testified that the adverse health effects on the residents — cancer, congenital deformities, cardiovascular disease, etc — were the direct result of the radioactivity from the waste produced by ARE.

      Whatever IAEA may recommend for the Lynas plant, they have no power to regulate or enforce compliance on Lynas. We also know that the Malaysian government’s record on monitoring and implementing such environmental safety standards and its maintenance culture are legendary! If not, how did the DOE and the Atomic Energy Licensing Board fail the residents of Bukit Merah?


      Board confirms receiving report from Lynas

      KUANTAN: The Atomic Energy Licensing Board (AELB) has confirmed receiving a long-term waste management plan from Australian mining corporation Lynas for its rare earth refinery in Gebeng.

      However, AELB director-general Raja Datuk Abdul Aziz Raja Adnan said the plan would not be considered submitted until the board is satisfied that Lynas had fulfilled all requirements set by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

      “We have received the long-term waste management plan from Lynas but we have not analysed it yet.

      “The plan will not be made public as I do not consider it submitted until we make sure it is in accordance with international standards,” he said when contacted.

      On June 30, a nine-member IAEA expert panel had identified 11 issues in which it said improvements were necessary before the next licensing phase of the Lynas project could be conducted.

      Among others, it recommended that the AELB requires Lynas to submit, before the start of operations, a plan setting out its intended approach to long-term waste management, in particular the management of the water leach purification solids after the closure of the plant.

      Save Malaysia, Stop Lynas chairman Tan Bun Teet had urged the relevant ministry and authorities to openly state whether the documents have been submitted.

      He said at a press conference that if the Government had received the plan, then the public should be allowed full access to the documents.

      “The Government should be thoroughly transparent in a matter that affects the lives of 700,000 people,” said Tan.
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      LYNAS - Faktenthread, Analysen, Querverweise u. Meldungen zum Unternehmen