
    Vorstellung einer in Deutschland noch viel zu unbekannten Akie: CMTN - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 12.06.00 14:36:40 von
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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 12.06.00 14:36:40
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      hallo zusammen!
      den wenigsten hier im bord scheint diese aktie bisher ein begriff zu sein, dabei gehört sie mit zum besten, was der internetbereich zu bieten hat. die rede ist von COPPER MOUNTAIN NETWORKS.
      dieses seit mai 1999 an der us-techno börse nasdaq notierte unternehmen verdient sein geld (die betonung sollte auf VERDIENT liegen, denn es werden gewinne gemacht!) mit der dsl-technik. copper ist hier insbesondere im business bereich hervorragend positioniert und hat einen marktanteil von 42%. die produktfamilie geht aber auch zunehmend in den consumer bereich, wo man ebenfalls gute marktanteile vorweisen kann. der dsl-bereich gehört zu den am schnellsten wachsenden in der gesamten internetbranche, CMTN allerdings ist noch in der lage, dieses wachstum zu toppen:
      einige fakten:

      - notierungsaufnahme mai 1999, der kurs am 1. handelstag lag bei etwa 33$
      - aktueller kurs 95,52$, kürzel CMTN
      - marktkapitalisierung: 4,7 mrd $

      - gesamtjahr 99: 112,7 mio. $ umsatz, 12,2 mio $ gewinn, das entspricht 0,23$ je aktie
      - 1. quartal 2000: 60,8 mio. $ umsatz, 11,3 mio $ gewinn, das entspricht 0,20$ je aktie (!!!!!!!!!!!!! man beachte, im 1. quartal wurde schon fast der gesamte vorjahresgewinn erzielt)
      - kgv 2000e: 80
      - kgv 2001e: 45

      - 5x buy
      - 3x strong buy
      - 0x hold, sell, strong sell

      fazit: explosives wachstum, starke marktstellung, boomende branche, überlegene produkte und nicht zuletzt die profitabilität des unternehmens machen CMTN zu einem "Superstar" (s.u.)
      meiner meinung nach extrem hohe chancen aufgrund des fantastischen wachstums bei moderatem risiko, da CMTN ja bereits gewinne schreibt und bei korrekturen in der branche sicherlich unterproportionale kursrückgänge verzeichnen wird. (dieses zeigt sich übrigens auch in der konsolidierungsphase märz-mai. während ähnlich schnell wachsende unternehmen wie z.b. aus dem b2b-sektor z.t. bis zu 85% wert verloren haben - darunter auch `große` namen wie VERT - hat CMTN sich recht gut gehalten und notiert auch schon wieder nahe des all-time-highs).
      ich hoffe, mit diesem und den folgenden beiträgen ein bißchen mehr interesse auf CMTN zu lenken und freue mich auf und über rege teilnahme eurerseits!!!

      schrieb am 12.06.00 14:41:12
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      dieser artikel faßt die story recht gut zusammen:

      The Need for Speed

      Copper Mountain: A Broadband Superstar is Born

      by Chris Connor

      Took a Different Path

      Copper Mountain Networks {CMTN} is a comprehensive DSL
      equipment supplier that focuses on the big four flavors of DSL:
      ADSL, SDSL, IDSL, and G.Lite. Early on, the company focused
      strictly on SDSL or symmetric DSL, while most of the other DSL
      vendors focused on ADSL, because SDSL is better suited for
      businesses. SDSL is best suited for business applications because
      its upload and download speeds are equal, or symmetric, while
      ADSL has substantially faster download speeds than upload
      speeds. Since businesses communicate back and forth, download
      and upload speeds should be equal. In contrast, ADSL is better for
      consumers dealing with the Internet because they download
      substantially more information than they upload. Investors should
      note that SDSL is still Copper Mountain`s primary focus. This
      flavor of DSL is especially important for Voice over DSL - a big
      aspect of DSL`s future growth, because of voice transmission`s
      two-way nature.

      Leader in Business DSL

      Copper Mountain`s focus on SDSL is one of the key factors
      contributing to Copper Mountain`s lead in DSL for businesses.
      According to the Dell`Oro Group, CopperMountain ranks number
      one in business DSL in terms of revenue, with a 42.5 percent
      market share. Copper Mountain serves businesses primarily
      through the data-focused competitive local exchange carriers
      (CLECs) mentioned in the overview of the DSL industry. In fact,
      one of those CLECs, NorthPoint Communications {NPNT},
      accounts for about 60 percent of sales while Rhythms {RTHM}
      accounts for about 18 percent of sales. These percentages should
      decrease considerably as the company increases its presence in the
      OEM (original equipment manufacturer) and multi-tenant unit
      markets. Multi-tenant units are buildings such as skyscrapers,
      college campuses, office parks, apartment buildings, and hotels.

      Adaptive Fragmentation

      Copper Mountain just introduced a new technology in May, called
      Adaptive Fragmentation, that greatly enhances the potential for
      Voice over DSL services. Several companies such as Adtran
      {ADTN}, Efficient Networks, and Ramp Network {RAMP} are
      already incorporating Adaptive Fragmentation into their products.
      Adaptive Fragmentation reduces the jitters and latency of voice over
      SDSL and IDSL, which significantly improves the quality of voice
      over DSL. To fully understand Adaptive Fragmentation and the
      benefits it provides, lets take a closer look at how it works.

      Lets say a DSL service provider offers a combined data and voice
      service. In this service, there will be both voice and data packets
      (pieces of messages). Voice quality is impaired somewhat if large
      data packets block the path of voice packets. Fragmenting these
      large data packets limits delays in the transmission of voice.
      However, the fragmenting of the large packets wastes bandwidth
      (the amount of data that can be transmitted in a fixed time) so
      non-adaptive fragmentation which is used by ATM (Asynchronous
      Transfer Mode - a widely used networking technology) is not an
      optimal solution because it always fragments packets into certain
      specific sizes. On the other hand, Adaptive Fragmentation
      fragments large data packets into smaller data packets only when
      voice is on the line. If voice is not on the line, bandwidth is
      maximized because there is no need to fragment the large data
      packets. Adaptive Fragmentation uses a look-ahead buffer to spot
      voice traffic coming, and then fragments the data into different-sized

      Instead of fragmenting all the packets the way ATM does, Adaptive
      Fragmentation bases the amount of fragmentation on the speed of
      the DSL connection. In other words, very little fragmentation is
      needed at higher speeds, while lower speeds require several
      fragments for each large data packet because faster connections are
      better able to handle voice than slower ones. In a nutshell, investors
      should remember that Adaptive Fragmentation improves voice
      quality in a bandwidth efficient manner over DSL connections. With
      that being said, Adaptive Fragmentation increases the amount of
      voice and data services that can be offered on a DSL connection,
      which is a boon to carriers because they can realize additional
      potential revenue.

      Explosive Performer Out of the Gate

      Although a majority of DSL pure-play stocks, including leaders like
      GlobeSpan {GSPN}, Virata {VRTA}, and Efficient Networks
      {EFNT}, are not profitable yet, Copper Mountain has generated
      both dynamic revenue and earnings growth. As far as revenues are
      concerned, Copper Mountain has generated four straight quarters of
      impressive sequential revenue growth at an average of 47 percent
      per quarter. Moreover, the company `s revenues have grown every
      quarter except one since it began reporting revenues in the first
      quarter of 1998. Year-over-year revenue growth is even more
      impressive with Copper Mountain generating year-over-year
      revenue growth in excess of 200 percent for five straight quarters.
      Even though Copper Mountain is a young company, year-over-year
      growth above 200 percent is explosive for any company in any

      Copper Mountain began to report earnings in the second quarter of
      1999, when revenues began to accelerate on a meaningful basis
      (over $10 million). In its last four quarters, Copper Mountain has
      reported earnings per share (EPS) of $.045, $.08, $.09, and $.24
      from the second quarter of 1999 to the first quarter of 2000. With
      that being said, Copper Mountain has registered sequential EPS
      first-to-second quarter growth of 78 percent, second-to-third
      quarter growth of 12.5 percent, and third-to-fourth quarter growth
      of 167 percent. Furthermore, the company has blown away
      earnings estimates in its last three quarters by 33 percent, 22
      percent, and 82 percent, respectively. Looking forward, analysts
      project that Copper Mountain can grow its earnings at a rate of
      45.8 percent per year over the next five years.

      Copper Mountain has been able to transfer its revenue growth to its
      bottom line so quickly because of superior margins. A high gross
      margin usually points to low material costs, while a high net profit
      margin usually indicates an efficiently run company - with streamlined
      manufacturing processes, sales forces, administration, and even
      financing facilities. In point of fact, the communications equipment
      industry has an average gross margin (top line) of 45.61 percent,
      while Copper Mountain boasts a gross margin of 53.4 percent. For
      net profit margin (bottom line), the average for the communications
      equipment industry is negative, while Copper Mountain charts a
      stellar net profit margin of about 17 percent. Simply put, Copper
      Mountain receives 17 cents for every dollar it generates in sales.

      Bottom Line

      All investors interested in participating in the immense potential of
      DSL should take a look at Copper Mountain because of its
      innovative technology like Adaptive Fragmentation, leadership in
      business DSL, operating efficiencies, and stellar growth. Despite the
      fact that Cisco {CSCO} has entered the DSL equipment market
      with a major deal with leading DSL service provider SBC
      Communications {SBC}, Copper Mountain should maintain a
      leadership position in the DSL market for as long as DSL is a
      prominent means of delivering broadband. Cisco is a threat to any
      company in any market that it enters, but Copper Mountain has a
      nice early lead and it has established important partnerships with
      major technology companies such as 3Com {COMS}, Intel
      {INTC}, Conexant {CNXT}, and Lucent {LU}. In fact,
      partnerships are a major part of Copper Mountain`s overall strategy.
      Instead of focusing on proprietary solutions, the company has
      instituted an interoperability program called CopperCompatible that
      makes sure that its products interoperate with equipment from other
      DSL equipment makers. In conclusion, the other pure-play DSL
      stocks simply do not have all the ingredients for success (leadership,
      rapid growth, key partners, innovation, superior margins) in place
      that Copper Mountain does.…
      schrieb am 14.06.00 17:10:21
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      Wednesday June 14, 6:02 am Eastern Time

      Company Press Release

      Copper Mountain Launches Free Seminar Series to
      Jump Start In-Building DSL Market

      Features Partners 3Com, Tollbridge

      CLECs, ISPs, and Property Owners/Managers Targeted -- Industry Leaders to Educate on
      Leveraging DSL Opportunity in the MTU/MDU/Hotel Market

      PALO ALTO, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--June 14, 2000-- Copper Mountain Networks, Inc., (Nasdaq:CMTN - news)
      the market-share leader in business Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) equipment, today announced that, in conjunction with
      partners 3Com Corporation and TollBridge Technologies, it will launch a nine-city, free seminar series on the multi-tenant unit
      (MTU) market, entitled ``Carpe Diem: Seize the Day.``

      Aimed at Competitive Local Exchange Carriers (CLECs), Internet Service Providers (ISPs), and property owners/managers,
      the half-day seminar will present the business case for leveraging multi-service DSL in the multi-tenant unit/multi-dwelling unit
      (MTU/MDU) and hotel marketplace. Copper Mountain and its partners will give the seminar between June 21 and July 13 in
      San Jose, Los Angeles, Denver, Dallas, Chicago, Toronto, New York, Washington D.C., and Atlanta.
      (Editors` Note: A schedule of Carpe Diem seminar dates and locations is included with this release. To register, call
      877/746-7995 or visit

      ``The in-building DSL market is one of the fastest growing today, and DSL is the optimal broadband technology for this
      market,`` said Richard Sekar, director of MTU product marketing at Copper Mountain. ``However, time-to-market and
      land-grab -- the race to be the first DSL provider in a building -- are critical to success in this market. In our Carpe Diem
      seminar series, Copper Mountain and its partners 3Com and TollBridge will teach the basics of why and how it is profitable to
      deploy multi-service DSL in the commercial and residential multi-unit market.``


      Seizing the DSL Opportunity

      Copper Mountain, 3Com, and TollBridge will share with seminar
      attendees the following keys to leveraging DSL:

      -- Market opportunity and business case -- over 14 million tenants in
      small, medium, and large buildings

      -- Maximization of ROI with multiple, revenue-generating services --
      Internet access, voice over DSL (VoDSL), video, Frame Relay
      services, and enterprise virtual private networks

      -- Ease of serving the multi-tenant marketplace

      -- Acceleration of DSL deployments for a nationwide footprint and
      service provisioning -- DSL concentrators, CPE, voice gateway

      -- Simplification of always-on, high-bandwidth connections for

      -- Benefits for service providers, property owners/managers, and

      Copper Mountain will give an overview of the MTU/MDU/hotel market and present a business case for offering DSL services.
      The total potential U.S. in-building DSL market is estimated at 14 million DSL subscribers and is comprised of three segments.
      The MTU market, buildings with business customers as tenants, consists of over 150,000 total buildings with a current
      deployment of 1.5 million tenants (Source: U.S. Dept. of Energy). The MDU segment includes 860,000 apartment complexes
      with 8.6 million consumer/residential tenants (Source: Yankee Group, November 1999). The third segment is the hospitality
      suites/hotel market, where business customers require high-speed Internet access. There are 51,000 hotel/motel properties in
      the U.S. with 3.9 million guestrooms (Source: American Hotel and Motel Association, 1998).

      In all three market segments, ISPs, building owners/managers, and other service providers can offer multiple, high-speed
      access services that leverage DSL. Offering multiple services over DSL, including Internet access, VoDSL, video, Frame Relay
      services, and enterprise virtual private networks, can differentiate in-building service providers and building owners/managers
      from competing providers offering only data service over DSL. Additionally, a multiple services offering can create profitable
      new streams of cash flow for both the service provider and the property owner.

      Market-leading DSL Vendors Offer Insight

      3Com -- an innovator of e-Networking solutions through information access products and network systems for enterprises,
      small businesses, consumers, carriers, and network service providers -- has been a Copper Mountain partner since early 1999.
      3Com resells and distributes Copper Mountain CPE, integrated access devices (IADs), and inverse multiplexing (IMUX)
      devices. At the seminar, 3Com will discuss complete CPE solutions for the in-building DSL market.

      ``The value of this seminar is highly strategic,`` said Robert Winch, director of systems marketing at 3Com. ``The
      MTU/MDU/hotel market is the Gold Rush of this decade -- the Carpe Diem series aims to demonstrate why DSL is the
      preferred in-building technology and how easily providers and owners/managers can use it to generate new high margin revenue
      by provisioning multiple services. 3Com knows better than anyone what`s necessary to address this market in terms of cost,
      connectivity, functionality, and revenue, and we know how to target business and residential customers with a broad range of
      CPE to suit their needs.``

      TollBridge Technologies, a leading developer of high-quality voice-over-broadband solutions for a new generation of carriers,
      partnered with Copper Mountain in June 1999 to accelerate large-scale voice-over-broadband deployments by promoting
      interoperability and standardization among broadband equipment vendors. TollBridge`s products have been certified under
      Copper Mountain`s CopperCompatible(TM) program. Since early 2000, Copper Mountain has been a member of
      TollBridge`s Voice of Broadband Alliance. During the Carpe Diem series, TollBridge will discuss the benefits of offering
      VoDSL to the MTU/MDU/hotel market.

      ``Many competing providers are offering only data service over DSL. VoDSL offers an opportunity to multiply revenue
      streams and to cost-effectively provision new services faster,`` said Agnes Imregh, vice president of marketing at TollBridge.
      ``TollBridge is an expert in voice over broadband -- our VoDSL solution is ideally suited to address the exploding
      MTU/MDU/hotel market.``
      schrieb am 19.06.00 16:56:02
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      hm, echt schade, so richtig viele beiträge eurerseits gibt es ja nicht gerade...
      naja, muß ich noch ne weile alleinunterhalter spielen:

      Monday June 19, 6:18 am Eastern Time

      Company Press Release

      Copper Mountain and DeskTalk Announce Advanced
      SLA and Performance Reporting Solution for DSL

      Reports Help CLECs Plan for Network Growth and Assure ISP and Enterprise Customers That
      SLA Commitments Are Being Met

      PALO ALTO, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--June 19, 2000-- Copper Mountain Networks, Inc., (Nasdaq:CMTN - news)
      the market-share leader in business Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) equipment, and DeskTalk® Systems, Inc., a leading
      developer of Web-based performance management software, announced today an alliance that provides an advanced network
      management reporting solution for DSL networks. The solution feeds performance statistics gathered by Copper Mountain`s
      CopperEdge® DSL concentrators into DeskTalk`s TREND® performance management solution, enabling Competitive Local
      Exchange Carriers (CLECs) and Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to generate capacity planning, performance monitoring, and
      Service Level Agreement (SLA) reports.

      ``As CLECs move from offering best-effort Internet access services to offering mission-critical services such as Frame Relay
      over their DSL networks, it becomes ever more important that they be able to easily and efficiently manage network
      performance, and offer their subscribers SLA reports,`` said Keith Higgins, director of marketing for Copper Mountain. ``By
      partnering with DeskTalk, Copper Mountain can provide carriers with a complete, easy-to-use reporting solution. The ability to
      back up their SLA guarantees with performance monitoring data will enable carriers and service providers to offer new Quality
      of Service (QoS) and tiered service offerings.``

      ``Every carrier offers a different suite of services and an assortment of SLAs to back them,`` said Steve Mank, vice president of
      marketing and business development at DeskTalk. ``Porting information from CopperEdge concentrators to DeskTalk`s
      TREND gives our joint customers the customized reports they need to meet the specific requirements of each and every end

      A Variety of Reports

      The combined Copper Mountain-DeskTalk solution enables service providers to generate a variety of reports for both internal
      and external use. Performance management and capacity planning reports enable carriers to determine if their Copper
      Mountain equipment is optimally provisioned and help them anticipate the need for more capacity. Carriers can also use the
      Copper Mountain-DeskTalk solution to help diagnose historical or chronic problems and to alert Network Operation Centers
      to potential problems.

      CLECs can also generate SLA reports to assure their ISP and large enterprise customers that they are fulfilling their
      performance commitments. The CopperEdge records information on each DSL service a carrier offers and partitions
      information by service provider. TREND can use this information to create SLA reports for each service provider and publish
      them securely over the Web. Service providers, in turn, may decide to publish the SLA reports to their end users. The ability to
      provide SLA reports reduces carriers` costs and increases revenues by enabling them to offer usage-based billing and

      ``SLA reporting is essential for DSL service providers offering Frame Relay over DSL and other mission-critical services,`` said
      Erin Dunne, Manager of Research Services at Vertical Systems Group ( ``Providers
      absolutely require SLA statistics for network availability and uptime, increasingly required by business users for fail-safe
      protection. SLAs and other premium services provide an opportunity for carriers to increase profitability through differentiated
      service offerings.``

      Scalable Solution Uses Network Resources Efficiently

      Copper Mountain has service provider customers that have installed thousands of DSL concentrators as they scale to meet the
      increasing demand for DSL services. These service providers need a cost-effective means of reporting that does not involve
      polling hundreds of thousands of end points--an approach that consumes critical network bandwidth.

      Copper Mountain and DeskTalk provide a superior reporting solution by making use of the bulk statistics capability of
      CopperEdge DSL concentrators. Each CopperEdge collects and records statistical data from all attached subscribers at
      selectable intervals. These optimized statistics are periodically transported to DeskTalk`s TREND performance management
      application located at the carrier`s Network Operations Center (NOC). No polling is involved. TREND uses the data to
      generate and distribute Web-based reports.

      ``Copper Mountain`s platform provides extensive performance data that helps NorthPoint manage its DSL network on a
      day-to-day basis,`` said Shahin Bakhshandeh, vice president of engineering, NorthPoint Communications. ``By combining this
      data with DeskTalk`s capabilities, we now have a great reporting tool as well. These reports give us greater insight into and
      control over our network and help NorthPoint provide a high level of customer service.``

      Copper Mountain Multi-Service Solutions

      Copper Mountain engineered its CopperEdge DSL concentrators to have the flexibility and intelligence needed to support
      multiple types of DSL concurrently, including Asymmetric DSL (ADSL), G.lite, ISDN DSL (IDSL), and Symmetric DSL
      (SDSL), and to deliver a full suite of data and voice services. The CopperEdge provides bandwidth of up to 8 Mbps on a DSL
      line using a single copper pair. In addition, the concentrators support multiple services over DSL, including Internet access,
      toll-quality voice services, corporate virtual private networks (VPNs), and Frame Relay. This multi-service capability enables
      service providers to differentiate themselves from their competitors, enhance revenues, and retain customers.

      CopperView network management tools provide configuration, fault analysis, and performance monitoring throughout the
      network from the carrier`s central operations center, resulting in substantial savings in time, cost, and complexity in managing
      DSL equipment network-wide.

      About DeskTalk`s TREND

      DeskTalk`s TREND is an intelligent, Web-based reporting solution that automates the collection and analysis of performance
      data, couples it with its industry-leading predictive tools to warn service providers of impending network problems, and delivers
      comprehensive reports with full interactive access for Web browser users. Built on a modular, distributed open architecture,
      TREND scales to meet the demanding requirements of the largest service provider networks. TREND supports custom report
      design, tailored threshold definitions and specialized service level calculations required with today`s IP-based, e-business
      infrastructures. TREND performance reports help service providers proactively manage service level agreements, optimize
      existing resources and accurately plan future growth.

      About DeskTalk Systems, Inc.

      Headquartered in Torrance, Calif., DeskTalk Systems develops complete, end-to-end solutions for applications, systems, and
      network performance management. DeskTalk`s TREND products enable service providers to improve and guarantee
      performance by optimizing IP-based next generation network infrastructures. Prominent service providers, including AT&T,
      MCI, British Telecom, Bell Nexxia, IBM, Northpoint, Verio, Qwest, Rhythms, and Mindspring depend on DeskTalk`s
      TREND to deliver Quality of Service and insure Service Level Agreements are met. DeskTalk is a privately held corporation,
      funded by Bear, Stearns & Co., Signal Equity Partners, Geocapital Partners and Nortel Networks. For more information about
      Desktalk, call us at 310/630-1000, fax us at 310/323-6197, send email to or visit us on the Web at

      About Copper Mountain Networks

      Copper Mountain Networks, Inc., (Nasdaq:CMTN - news) develops and markets a comprehensive family of Digital
      Subscriber Line (DSL) solutions that enable high-speed internetworking over existing copper facilities. The company`s mission
      is to enable carriers and other service providers to offer a full range of high-performance, cost-effective data and voice services
      over DSL that are easy to deploy, use, and manage. Copper Mountain`s CopperRocket® CPE family addresses the
      bandwidth, reliability, ease-of-use, and cost concerns of remote offices and users. Its CopperEdge® DSL concentrators,
      OnPrem(tm) multi-tenant unit (MTU) concentrators, and CopperView(tm) network management solutions offer a robust and
      scalable platform for carriers and MTU service providers to generate a high return on investment while satisfying the
      ever-increasing user demand for bandwidth. Customers wanting more information about Copper Mountain products can
      contact Diana Helfrich at 650/687-3314 or visit the company`s World Wide Web site at For
      investor relations information, call toll free 877/INFO-CMTN (463-6268) or contact the company at

      Portions of this release contain forward-looking statements regarding future events and are subject to risks and uncertainties.
      Copper Mountain wishes to caution you that there are some factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the
      results indicated by such statements. These factors include, but are not limited to, quarterly fluctuations in operating results
      attributable to the timing and amount of orders for our products, the concentration of our revenue in a small number of
      customers, factors affecting the rate of DSL deployment by our customers, market acceptance of our products, our ability to
      keep pace with rapidly changing product requirements, and factors affecting the demand for DSL technologies. We refer you to
      the documents Copper Mountain files from time to time with the Securities and Exchange Commission, specifically the section
      titled Risk Factors in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1999 and other reports and filings
      made with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

      Note to Editors: Copper Mountain and all Copper Mountain product names are trademarks of Copper Mountain Networks,
      Inc. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.

      schrieb am 23.06.00 10:46:40
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      Thursday June 22, 5:30 pm Eastern Time
      Copper Mountain Wants To Push DSL Into
      By John Shinal

      Copper Mountain Networks, a maker of digital subscriber line equipment used mainly by
      business customers, is looking to boost revenue growth by pushing into the market for broadband hookups used in apartment
      complexes and office buildings.

      Analysts expect the number of such multiple tenant unit (MTU) connections to soar during the next few years as more
      apartment dwellers and small businesses seek faster Internet speeds. The market`s growth also will be spurred by the fact that
      the physical distance limitation that reduces the speed of digital subscriber line (DSL) data as it travels farther into
      neighborhoods isn`t a factor in MTUs, where potential broadband users are clustered in smaller areas.

      Yet cracking the MTU market will mean navigating a product distribution landscape that is still hazy. That`s because companies
      like Copper Mountain (Nasdaq: CMTN - news) and Alcatel (NYSE: ALA - news), the leading maker of DSL gear used for
      consumer hookups, traditionally have sold their gear to the phone companies that offer DSL service. Those service providers in
      turn sell the equipment to users.

      In the MTU market, however, there is another layer of distribution to be reckoned with: the building owners on whose property
      the DSL gear will be installed. Knowing that service providers are targeting MTU users, property owners will want to be
      compensated for their role in delivering the broadband service.

      ``The difficult part of the MTU market is figuring out who`s going to deploy it in these buildings,`` says Kathie Hackler, an
      analyst at market researcher Dataquest in San Jose, Calif. While the building owners will want their cut of the broadband pie,
      it`s unlikely that they`ll have the inclination or expertise to administer the DSL service.

      Hackler says the biggest local phone companies are already banding together to petition federal regulators for the right to install
      DSL equipment in MTUs. Not surprisingly, building owners, property managers and real estate developers are expected to
      argue against such a proposal.

      Wading through this murky regulatory landscape will be a significant challenge for Copper Mountain, which acquired its line of
      inexpensive MTU gear when it bought OnPrem Networks earlier this year. The products receive the DSL signal from a router
      that sits on the customer`s premises, then distributes it to individual hookups in the building.

      A source at Copper Mountain who asked not to be identified says the company has already signed up some customers for its
      MTU gear and is expected to report its first revenue from the OnPrem line when it releases second-quarter financial results in

      To get a better feel for the MTU market--and possibly influence how it will develop, Copper Mountain is conducting a
      nine-city tour to meet with small local phone companies, Internet service providers and property owners and managers. 3Com
      (Nasdaq: COMS - news), which makes a router that works with Copper Mountain`s gear, and Tollbridge Technologies, a
      startup maker of networking gear that makes it easier to carry voice calls over DSL connections, are also participating in the

      ``That [tour] is a very smart move on Copper Mountain`s part,`` says Hackler.

      For the first quarter ended in March, Copper Mountain`s sales rose more than fourfold, to $60.8 million from $13.2 million in
      the year-earlier quarter. Its profit before special items rose to $11.3 million, or 20 cents per share, up from $409,000, or 1
      cent, a year ago.

      Trading Spotlight

      East Africa Metals
      0,1490EUR +1,36 %
      East Africa Metals – die Aktie mit dem Sonderstatus! mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 26.06.00 17:54:18
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      Monday June 26, 6:05 am Eastern Time

      Company Press Release

      Eziaz Selects Copper Mountain as Primary Supplier
      of DSL Concentrators for In-Building Broadband

      Eziaz Continues Nationwide Rollout of High-Speed Internet Access Service for In-Building
      Broadband Networks

      PALO ALTO, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--June 26, 2000-- Copper Mountain Networks, Inc., (Nasdaq:CMTN - news),
      the market-share leader in business Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) equipment, announced today that Eziaz(SM), a nationwide
      provider of high-speed Internet access and enhanced data services, is standardizing on CopperEdge® DSL concentrators for
      its nationwide rollout of Internet solutions for small and medium-sized office-based businesses. Eziaz, a leading Building Local
      Exchange Carrier (BLEC) serving the multi-tenant unit (MTU) marketplace, currently services 38 U.S. cities and has
      relationships with some of the largest commercial office property owners and managers, representing 4,000 buildings totaling
      approximately 750 million square feet.

      Eziaz selected Copper Mountain because of its dedicated focus on the MTU market, highly reliable MTU-optimized DSL
      platform, and Copper Mountain`s emphasis on customer partnerships. Another important factor was Copper Mountain`s
      support for DSL over Frame Relay, which Eziaz sees as a key requirement for providing fast Internet access at affordable

      ``A proven, capable partner is critical to our success,`` said Deb Lenart, Eziaz CEO and president. ``With our aggressive
      deployment schedule, we require a DSL platform that is reliable and established in very large networks. Eziaz has great
      confidence not only in Copper Mountain`s products but also in its ability to support us over the short- and long-term.
      Moreover, Copper Mountain`s platform facilitates rapid deployment of enhanced data services such as IP telephony, VPN and
      hosting, enabling us to maximize our return-on-investment.``

      ``Eziaz is a remarkably focused organization,`` said Rick Gilbert, president and CEO of Copper Mountain. ``The company
      views its relationship with Copper Mountain as a true partnership, which is something we value highly. We`re confident that we
      will help Eziaz succeed in its nationwide expansion plans, and we`re delighted that through our MTU Business Unit`s Technical
      Advisory Board, Eziaz can be instrumental in further strengthening our in-building product line, through valuable feedback and
      industry expertise.``

      Michael S. Leland, Eziaz chief technology officer, has joined the Technical Advisory Board of Copper Mountain`s MTU
      Business Unit. The board provides Copper Mountain with strategic business insight into the MTU market. ``Our selection of
      Copper Mountain underscores Copper Mountain`s growing presence in the MTU market segment and our shared vision for
      addressing the unique business and technological issues of the in-building broadband market,`` said Leland. ``I`m delighted to
      join Copper Mountain`s MTU Technical Advisory Board, where I can provide immediate feedback on MTU market direction
      and product requirements for providing leading-edge Internet and data services to tenants in commercial office buildings.``

      Copper Mountain DSL Solutions for MTUs

      Copper Mountain`s CopperEdge DSL concentrators deliver bandwidth of up to 8 Mbps while supporting multiple services
      over DSL, including Internet access, toll-quality voice services, corporate virtual private networks (VPNs), and Frame Relay.
      With up to 192 ports per chassis, the CopperEdge 200 offers maximum flexibility and expandability for DSL service in the
      largest MTU installations. The CopperEdge 150, which is optimized for use in mid-sized MTU buildings, is available in 24- or
      48-port configurations. Copper Mountain`s low port-density OnPrem(tm) 2400 DSL concentrator gives providers a
      cost-effective, entry-level unit for small MTUs that scales from 8 to 24 ports.
      schrieb am 26.06.00 17:54:39
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      Monday June 26, 6:05 am Eastern Time

      Company Press Release

      Eziaz Selects Copper Mountain as Primary Supplier
      of DSL Concentrators for In-Building Broadband

      Eziaz Continues Nationwide Rollout of High-Speed Internet Access Service for In-Building
      Broadband Networks

      PALO ALTO, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--June 26, 2000-- Copper Mountain Networks, Inc., (Nasdaq:CMTN - news),
      the market-share leader in business Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) equipment, announced today that Eziaz(SM), a nationwide
      provider of high-speed Internet access and enhanced data services, is standardizing on CopperEdge® DSL concentrators for
      its nationwide rollout of Internet solutions for small and medium-sized office-based businesses. Eziaz, a leading Building Local
      Exchange Carrier (BLEC) serving the multi-tenant unit (MTU) marketplace, currently services 38 U.S. cities and has
      relationships with some of the largest commercial office property owners and managers, representing 4,000 buildings totaling
      approximately 750 million square feet.

      Eziaz selected Copper Mountain because of its dedicated focus on the MTU market, highly reliable MTU-optimized DSL
      platform, and Copper Mountain`s emphasis on customer partnerships. Another important factor was Copper Mountain`s
      support for DSL over Frame Relay, which Eziaz sees as a key requirement for providing fast Internet access at affordable

      ``A proven, capable partner is critical to our success,`` said Deb Lenart, Eziaz CEO and president. ``With our aggressive
      deployment schedule, we require a DSL platform that is reliable and established in very large networks. Eziaz has great
      confidence not only in Copper Mountain`s products but also in its ability to support us over the short- and long-term.
      Moreover, Copper Mountain`s platform facilitates rapid deployment of enhanced data services such as IP telephony, VPN and
      hosting, enabling us to maximize our return-on-investment.``

      ``Eziaz is a remarkably focused organization,`` said Rick Gilbert, president and CEO of Copper Mountain. ``The company
      views its relationship with Copper Mountain as a true partnership, which is something we value highly. We`re confident that we
      will help Eziaz succeed in its nationwide expansion plans, and we`re delighted that through our MTU Business Unit`s Technical
      Advisory Board, Eziaz can be instrumental in further strengthening our in-building product line, through valuable feedback and
      industry expertise.``

      Michael S. Leland, Eziaz chief technology officer, has joined the Technical Advisory Board of Copper Mountain`s MTU
      Business Unit. The board provides Copper Mountain with strategic business insight into the MTU market. ``Our selection of
      Copper Mountain underscores Copper Mountain`s growing presence in the MTU market segment and our shared vision for
      addressing the unique business and technological issues of the in-building broadband market,`` said Leland. ``I`m delighted to
      join Copper Mountain`s MTU Technical Advisory Board, where I can provide immediate feedback on MTU market direction
      and product requirements for providing leading-edge Internet and data services to tenants in commercial office buildings.``

      Copper Mountain DSL Solutions for MTUs

      Copper Mountain`s CopperEdge DSL concentrators deliver bandwidth of up to 8 Mbps while supporting multiple services
      over DSL, including Internet access, toll-quality voice services, corporate virtual private networks (VPNs), and Frame Relay.
      With up to 192 ports per chassis, the CopperEdge 200 offers maximum flexibility and expandability for DSL service in the
      largest MTU installations. The CopperEdge 150, which is optimized for use in mid-sized MTU buildings, is available in 24- or
      48-port configurations. Copper Mountain`s low port-density OnPrem(tm) 2400 DSL concentrator gives providers a
      cost-effective, entry-level unit for small MTUs that scales from 8 to 24 ports.
      schrieb am 26.06.00 17:55:48
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      Monday June 26, 6:06 am Eastern Time

      Company Press Release

      LightNetworks and Copper Mountain Announce
      Commercial Deployment of Voice-Over-DSL in
      Southeastern U.S.

      LightNetworks Uses End-to-End IP Architecture and Copper Mountain`s IP IQ to Deliver
      Cost-Effective Voice and Data Services to Business Users

      PALO ALTO, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--June 26, 2000-- LightNetworks, Inc., a next-generation integrated
      communications provider based in Atlanta, announced today that it has begun offering commercial Voice over Digital
      Subscriber Line (VoDSL) services to small- and medium-sized businesses in the Atlanta area and will launch services in Miami,
      Charlotte, and Nashville metropolitan areas this summer. DSL technology from Copper Mountain Networks, Inc.
      (Nasdaq:CMTN - news) is at the heart of LightNetworks` first-of-its-kind, all Internet Protocol (IP) service, including
      CopperEdge® 200 DSL Concentrators, CopperRocket® 408 Integrated Access Devices (IADs), and Copper Mountain`s IP
      IQ(TM) advanced IP networking feature set.

      LightNetworks` VoDSL-based solutions are part of an integrated service offering that delivers local and long-distance voice,
      Internet access, and value-added IP-based data services to meet the unique demands of small- and medium-sized business
      customers. Copper Mountain`s IP IQ is an IP networking feature set that provides quality-of-service support for voice, video,
      and emerging productivity and entertainment applications, while supporting very large-scale DSL access networks. For
      example, IP IQ functionality allows LightNetworks to segregate voice traffic from data traffic for each DSL subscriber,
      conserve IP addresses for high-speed Internet access, and use a separate, secure private IP address space for voice services.
      Copper Mountain`s IP IQ is part of a suite of advanced features included in Software Release 3.0 for Copper Mountain`s
      CopperEdge DSL concentrator family.

      ``Copper Mountain`s DSL solutions have played a large role in our launch of one of the nation`s first commercial all-IP VoDSL
      networks,`` said Jeff Smock, president and CEO of LightNetworks. ``Because of our aggressive expansion plans, we required
      advanced IP functionality to seamlessly provision a wide variety of services to LightNetworks customers, and quickly scale our
      network.`` Smock added, ``CopperEdge concentrators with their high IP IQ, provide end-to-end quality-of-service support,
      subscriber aggregation, and offer the management and provisioning features that enable our network to economically and
      efficiently scale to millions of subscribers``.

      ``LightNetworks understands that there is a transformation underway in terms of the architecture and economics of today`s
      telecommunications network,`` said Copper Mountain president and CEO Rick Gilbert. ``The future of telecom will increasingly
      belong to those providers who can provide cost-effective bundled services, support productivity applications at the desktop,
      and architect their networks to overcome the problems of scale arising from strong demand for broadband services.
      LightNetworks has had the vision to deploy a new all-IP architecture which enables it to be very competitive in delivering an
      integrated product set of business-class voice, Internet, and data applications.``

      All-IP VoDSL Service

      LightNetworks utilizes Copper Mountain`s CopperEdge 200 DSL Concentrators, CopperRocket customer premise equipment
      (CPE) and third-party CopperCompatible(TM) CPE to deliver multiple concurrent services, including virtual private networks
      (VPNs), multi-line toll-quality voice, Frame Relay, and always-on high-speed Internet connections at up to 8 Mbps.

      The CopperRocket 408 SDSL IAD delivers multiple simultaneous services -- eight voice lines plus high-speed data over a
      single-pair, conventional copper telephone line via DSL--offering businesses, remote offices, and teleworkers a cost-effective
      alternative for toll-quality, multi-line voice and high-speed broadband services. Copper Mountain`s ZIP(TM) (zero-installation
      procedure) CPE require no user configuration and are remotely managed, reducing or eliminating installer truck rolls to the
      subscriber site. At the telephone central office (CO), the CopperRocket CPE interoperates with the CopperEdge and with
      leading voice switching equipment, including the PathStar(TM) Access Server from Lucent Technologies (NYSE:LU - news),
      an IP-based, multi-service CO access server. Copper Mountain`s IP IQ feature set makes the CopperEdge concentrator an
      active network component that intelligently receives, prioritizes, and routes subscriber traffic.

      About LightNetworks, Inc.

      LightNetworks is a Next-Gen integrated communications provider focused on delivering voice and broadband services to small
      and medium businesses employing the latest Voice-Over-DSL technologies. Atlanta-based LightNetworks utilizes a convergent
      IP switching platform that provides traditional Class 5 voice functionality as well as IP/ATM packet-based broadband
      switching capability. VoDSL-based solutions provide an integrated product set of voice, Internet access, data services and
      applications to meet the demands of business customers. For additional information about LightNetworks and service
      availability, visit the LightNetworks World Wide Web site at or call (404) 601-1301.

      About Copper Mountain Networks

      Copper Mountain Networks, Inc., (Nasdaq:CMTN - news) develops and markets a comprehensive family of Digital
      Subscriber Line (DSL) solutions that enable high-speed internetworking over existing copper facilities. The company`s mission
      is to enable carriers and other service providers to offer a full range of high-performance, cost-effective data and voice services
      over DSL that are easy to deploy, use, and manage. Copper Mountain`s CopperRocket® CPE family addresses the
      bandwidth, reliability, ease-of-use, and cost concerns of remote offices and users. Its CopperEdge® DSL concentrators,
      OnPrem(TM) multi-tenant unit (MTU) concentrators, and CopperView(TM) network management solutions offer a robust and
      scalable platform for carriers and multi-tenant unit service providers to generate a high return on investment while satisfying the
      ever-increasing user demand for bandwidth. Customers wanting more information about Copper Mountain products can
      contact Diana Helfrich at (650) 687-3314 or visit the company`s World Wide Web site at
      For investor relations information, call toll free 877-INFO-CMTN (463-6268) or contact the company at

      Portions of this release contain forward-looking statements regarding future events and are subject to risks and uncertainties.
      Copper Mountain wishes to caution you that there are some factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the
      results indicated by such statements. These factors include, but are not limited to, quarterly fluctuations in operating results
      attributable to the timing and amount of orders for our products, the concentration of our revenue in a small number of
      customers, factors affecting the rate of DSL deployment by our customers, market acceptance of our products, our ability to
      keep pace with rapidly changing product requirements, and factors affecting the demand for DSL technologies. We refer you to
      the documents Copper Mountain files from time to time with the Securities and Exchange Commission, specifically the section
      titled Risk Factors in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1999 and other reports and filings
      made with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

      Copper Mountain and all Copper Mountain product names are trademarks of Copper Mountain Networks, Inc. All other
      marks are the property of their respective owners.
      schrieb am 29.06.00 21:04:26
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      auch wenns hier keinen zu interessieren scheint... ;) ;)
      copper mountain grade 10% im plus bei nasdaq -2%!!!
      move it!
      schrieb am 29.06.00 21:27:14
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      hatte cmtn kurz vor den ersten quartalszahlen ins depot gelegt und kurz drauf recht gut verkauft. qualitativ hochwertige firmen firmen die ihren quartalszahlen so deutlich schlagen sollten einen platz auf jeder watchlist haben.
      schrieb am 13.07.00 20:22:28
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      wow, wir knacken heute vielleicht wieder die 100$.
      hier sind news:

      Telecom Equipment/Broadband Access Infrastructure
      - Deutsche Banc Alex. Brown`s George Notter
      Initiates Coverage

      NEW YORK, July 13 /PRNewswire/ -- Deutsche Banc Alex. Brown`s George Notter
      yesterday initiated coverage of nine telecommunications equipment and broadband access
      infrastructure suppliers. Shares of ADC Telecommunications Inc. (Nasdaq: ADCT --
      $78.31), Advanced Fibre Communications Inc. (Nasdaq: AFCI -- $52.00) and Efficient Networks Inc. (Nasdaq: EFNT --
      $83.00) were started with a STRONG BUY investment rating. Shares of Adtran Inc. (Nasdaq: ADTN -- $69.81), Carrier
      Access Corporation (Nasdaq: CACS -- $61.31), Copper Mountain Networks Inc. (Nasdaq: CMTN -- $93.56), Redback
      Networks Inc. (Nasdaq: RBAK -- $156.50), Tellabs Inc. (Nasdaq: TLAB -- $73.31) and Turnstone Systems Inc. (Nasdaq:
      TSTN -- $201.00) were initiated with BUY investment ratings.

      With current market penetration at 2-3% of the servable market, Notter believes that the broadband access infrastructure
      industry is in the early stages of a very long-term deployment that ultimately can reach penetration rates in excess of 50%.

      In keeping with the adage that applications drive technology adoption, Notter sees several emerging applications, in addition to
      high-speed Internet access and remote LAN access, which he believes will serve as catalysts for broadband infrastructure
      growth in the future -- outsourced application services, content delivery services and voice services.

      ``It seems ironic, but voice may be the killer broadband application,`` said Notter. ``With the market for local and long distance
      services at $700 billion a year versus data services at $40 billion, voice represents a huge opportunity for the broadband
      infrastructure suppliers. What`s more, there is no sales cycle for voice services and consumer switching costs are fairly low,
      which means very few barriers to entry relative to the incumbent voice services providers.``

      Notter recommends that investors focus on equipment suppliers that (1) enable carriers to offer new services; (2) provide a
      migration path to new technologies; and (3) address a large market opportunity.

      Concurrent with his coverage initiation, Notter is releasing a major theme report, ``Broadband Access Infrastructure:
      Investment Opportunities Abound.`` Deutsche Banc Alex. Brown clients should contact their investment representative for

      Deutsche Banc Alex. Brown identifies the U.S. investment banking activities of DB Alex. Brown LLC and Deutsche Bank
      Securities Inc., which are indirect subsidiaries of Deutsche Bank AG. With over $869 billion in assets as of September 30,
      1999 and approximately 90,000 employees, Deutsche Bank offers its clients unparalleled financial services throughout the
      world. It ranks among the leaders in asset management, capital markets, corporate finance, custody, cash management and
      private banking. Deutsche Bank is divided into five major business units: Global Corporates and Institutions, Global Technology
      and Services, Asset Management, Corporates and Real Estates and Private and Retail Banking.

      Deutsche Bank Securities Inc. maintains a net primary market in the common stock of ADC Telecommunications Inc.,
      ADTRAN Inc., Advanced Fibre Communications Inc., Carrier Access Corporation, Copper Mountain Networks Inc.,
      Efficient Networks, Inc., Redback Networks Inc., Tellabs Inc. and Turnstone Systems Inc..

      ADC Telecommunications Inc., ADTRAN Inc., Carrier Access Corporation, Copper Mountain Networks, Inc., Efficient
      Networks Inc., Redback Networks Inc., Tellabs Inc. and Turnstone Systems Inc. shares are optionable. Efficient Networks
      Inc. and Redback Networks Inc. has a convertible issue outstanding.

      Information herein is believed to be reliable and has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but its accuracy and
      completeness cannot be guaranteed. Opinions, estimates, and projections constitute our judgment and are subject to change
      without notice. This publication is provided to you for information purposes only and is not intended as an offer or solicitation
      for the sale of any financial instrument. Deutsche Bank Securities Inc., DB Alex. Brown LLC, and their affiliates worldwide,
      may hold a position or act as market maker in the financial instruments of any issuer discussed herein or act as advisor or lender
      to such issuer. Transaction should be executed through a Deutsche Bank entity in the client`s home jurisdiction unless otherwise
      permitted by law. Deutsche Bank Securities Inc., and DB Alex. Brown LLC, are members of NYSE and NASD. Copyright
      2000 Deutsche Bank Securities Inc., and DB Alex. Brown LLC. In the U.S. this report may be distributed either by Deutsche
      Bank Securities Inc., or DB Alex. Brown LLC. Interested parties are advised to contact the U.S. entity they currently deal
      with, or the U.S. entity that has distributed this report to them.
      schrieb am 15.07.00 18:33:33
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      wow, nettes volumen gestern, auf zum neuen alltime-high! montag gibts zahlen, wenn die gut sind, sehen wir mindestens 130$.
      schrieb am 15.07.00 18:37:17
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      schöner artikel über die chancen von DSL (und cmtn):

      eri Robinson,InternetWeek
      Thu Jul 13 10:03:00 2000 EDT

      Digital subscriber line service is now available in most major
      markets, and it is quickly becoming the high-speed access
      technology of choice for small and midsize businesses that find the
      higher cost of T1 and ISDN prohibitive.

      "We needed speed and reliability," said John Braga, a DSL user and
      systems manager at the Community Council of Nashua, N.H., a
      mental-health services nonprofit group.

      And at $50 to $200 per month -- about one-tenth the price of a
      T1 line -- DSL is simply more cost-effective. Speeds range from
      128 Kbps to 1.5 Mbps, with most small businesses finding
      384-Kbps service sufficient.

      While that`s much less bandwidth than a T1, the
      price/performance ratio is proving too powerful to pass up.

      For awhile, many in the industry thought DSL might go the way of
      ISDN, a promising high-speed technology that languished amid
      years of hype and just couldn1t gather enough steam in the

      But the Internet and the e-commerce it spawned created a need
      for high-speed access at small and midsize businesses and in
      branch offices at larger corporations.

      Braga said that the Community Council signed up for DSL service
      after struggling for years with the long waits and spotty reliability
      of dial-up modem access. The council now uses DSL connections
      to support e-mail and internal access to its website.

      As mundane as it seems, it is the need to run routine business
      applications faster that is pushing companies to move past the
      talking stage and actually buy DSL service.

      "Maybe a year ago, we were hearing a lot of talk about it, but DSL
      was only starting to ramp up," said Yankee Group analyst Matt
      Davis. Now, Davis contends, the marketplace is seeing more action
      and less talk.

      Indeed, market research firm Cahners In-Stat Group predicts brisk
      growth for DSL. Asymmetric DSL, or ADSL, aimed at the residential
      markets where slower speeds are more acceptable, should boast
      5.5 million subscribers by 2003.

      Symmetric DSL, or SDSL, the business community`s DSL -- which
      offers the same transmission speeds upstream and downstream --
      should garner 3.1 million subscribers in the same time frame.

      Besides the obvious draw of the Internet, there are many reasons
      DSL is finally ready to spread its wings. First, many of the
      technical drawbacks have been resolved. For example, the telcos
      have spent the past couple of years tweaking the copper
      infrastructure. Also, most providers have installed a DSL Access
      Multiplexor (DSLAM) in the central office.

      "The big thing was to get DSLAMs into the central office and get
      them provisioned," Davis said. "All service providers were taken
      aback by the complexity of setup."

      Nor did they anticipate the drudgery of slogging through coils of
      fiber that might put a potential user well out of range of DSL

      "You have to be within 15,000 feet from the central office and you
      might be 15,000 feet geographically, but copper wire might be
      coiled around and around," Davis said.

      But Kenny Van Sant, executive vice president at DSL vendor
      BroadJump, pointed out that as recently as a year ago, many of
      the functions -- customer processing and installation -- were

      BroadJump represents a new breed of company that offers an
      automated installation app through the telcos that gets the
      desktop and modem configured, and runs tests back to the carrier
      network to ensure that the user is ?on.?

      Add these new services to the recent infrastructure ramp-up, and
      Davis said carriers have made major strides in building afoundation
      for DSL.

      SBC Communications (stock: SBC) and U S West (stock: USW)
      had more than 100,000 subscribers by the end of 1999. SBC hit
      the 200,000 mark in the first quarter of 2000. And Bell Atlantic,
      which initially had problems tracking its customer base and cabling
      infrastructure, now has about 80,000 subscribers, 50,000 of whom
      were signed on in the first quarter of 2000.

      Cahners In-Stat analyst Mike Lowe said that while SBC has been
      the most aggressive, even U S West, which covers the sparsely
      populated Western states, reports that 45 percent of the carrier`s
      network is qualified to offer DSL service. Carriers had no choice
      but to add DSL service because midsize companies were beginning
      to stake their businesses on a growing number of applications that
      required a high-speed access alternative to the pricier ISDN and

      "Conceptually, there was a lot of demand for increased speed to
      functionality, whether the small-business owners needed 300 Kbps
      or 1 Mbps," Lowe said.

      Tim Crowe, an IT manager at law firm Mallor, Clendening, Grodner
      & Bohrer, said an important and time-consuming aspect of his job
      is running database utilities, so speed is more important to him.
      DSL wasn`t available when Mallor Clendening started its search for
      high-speed access, and it`s still not, Crowe said.

      The firm couldn`t wait, so it chose ISDN -- at least until DSL
      became more accessible.

      At Moe Reitman, an IT recruiting firm in San Francisco, DSL
      supports the company`s e-mail as well as its online recruiting

      "We search for people online," said Jennifer Squire, a technical
      recruiter at Moe Reitman who was heavily involved in acquiring and
      implementing DSL at the company. "By using DSL, we don`t have
      to sit and wait as long."

      And DSL has made a big difference to the 12 attorneys at Bartlett,
      Hackett & Furlong in Boston, who rely on e-mail to execute legal
      business with banks and other financial institutions. The law firm
      also conducts critical research online.

      "We use West Publishing for legal research and CCH for tax, and
      they all have moved their stuff to the Web," said attorney Ed
      Bartlett, who noted that CCH used to send out updates on CDs
      but now just directs users to the Web, where they point and click
      for updates. "It makes us able to compete with larger firms."

      Getting DSL is still a problem in many regions. Service is now
      available in most major urban areas, but coverage is still spotty,
      sometimes varying from street to street or even building to
      building, depending on the existing cabling.

      The main obstacle, though, has a more human face: Providers
      need to quickly train technicians and boost customer care.

      The DSL industry is responding. Jim Hall, vice president at
      HarvardNet, said that his company contacts each customer eight
      times from the first call for service.

      Tales of DSL installation and service woes are legendary -- two to
      three months to get a technician out to a site, only to be told
      that DSL service and support have gotten better. Yet problems

      Carriers still don`t fully know what they`re doing with DSL. Consider
      a recent proposal from Bell Atlantic sent by mail for DSL service in
      the New York area: The carrier offered one month of free DSL if
      the subscriber ordered via the Bell Atlantic website, providing a
      toll-free number as an alternative channel for garnering service.

      One recent visit we made to the Web site initially stalled, but we
      were finally able to get in and begin to fill out an order form.
      Unfortunately, the activation code provided by Bell Atlantic didn`t
      work, and a call to the toll-free help line for assistance resulted in
      a recorded message to try the Web site with no further

      Ditto a call to the toll-free order line, where the activation code
      also was not recognized, and we were cut off several times rather
      than being passed on to a customer service representative.

      Consider the plight of Squire at Moe Reitman: Squire said getting
      DSL service from Pacific Bell was a nightmare.

      "We ordered DSL in December and got it in March," she said.

      Moe Reitman called PacBell around Christmas whñwÐ carrier
      was starting a promotion.

      "We spoke with half a dozen people, and the supervisor said they
      had to see if DSL was in our area and that they have to bid on it
      and we would have to accept it because it`s a rule," Squire said.

      Four people from PacBell on four separate occasions visited Moe
      Reitman`s offices, and it took four months for the crew to figure
      out that DSL service was available in the building -- even though
      an office next door already had the service.

      Then PacBell told Squire that it had to check with Williams
      Communications (stock: WCG), Reitman`s telecommunications
      company, to see if DSL would conflict with the telephone system.
      To add insult to injury, Reitman had to pay for a Williams
      technician to stay there all day for a 10:30 a.m. appointment that
      PacBell showed up for at 6 p.m., Squire said.

      Such experiences don`t exactly endear providers to users, and
      they certainly slow the acceptance of DSL. But BroadJump`s Van
      Sant said there`s a little bit of light at the end of the tunnel.

      Some providers are gaining kudos for serving customers quickly
      and efficiently. A good first step for carriers is simply answering
      the phone.

      "We contracted several places in the Northeast -- six places --
      and only half of them called back," Braga said. "After talking to the
      remaining three providers, the Community Council found that
      HarvardNet was the most responsive. Its rates are competitive,
      and the sales representative is an all-round great guy."

      What`s more, HarvardNet moved quickly to roll out DSL to the
      Community Council. Braga said that the Council registered its
      domain overnight and that within 24 hours it was up and
      running.» More from InternetWeek

      Teri Robinson is a freelance computer journalist based in New York.
      She can be reached at
      schrieb am 15.07.00 18:37:59
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      Study says DSL and cable will coexist


      July 13, 2000
      Web posted at: 11:24 a.m. EDT (1524

      by Sarah Deveaux

      (IDG) -- When it comes to Internet
      access, a growing debate has centered
      around whether ADSL (Asymmetric
      Digital Subscriber Line) or cable
      technology will enjoy the biggest growth. But a recent International Data Corp.
      study declares the question moot.

      Both technologies will have their place in the market and pose no threat to each
      other, because they are geared toward different types of users, according to
      Kimberly Funasaki, the IDC analyst in charge of the study. (IDC is a subsidiary
      of International Data Group Inc., the parent company of the IDG News

      Cable modems are oriented toward the residential market, while ADSL is more
      geared toward small office/home office market (SOHO), Funasaki said. "Neither
      one will eliminate the other," she said.

      There are a variety of differences between the
      technologies, regarding price and speed.

      Cable modems link the house with the Internet
      using cable television`s coaxial cable, while
      ADSL uses a regular copper phone line. ADSL
      is more effective in an office because of its
      dedicated connection, whereas a cable
      connection may end up being slower because
      each network segment is shared among the
      users assigned to that part of the network, noted
      Funasaki. Cable is also much slower uploading
      data, she said.

      When it comes to price, cable is slightly more
      expensive than ADSL, according to Funasaki,
      because cable providers face less competition.
      "ADSL is a very competitive market," she said.

      IDC compares market penetration of each
      technology based on the number of
      semiconductors shipped for each one.
      Cable-modem semiconductors outnumber
      ADSL modem chips currently in use, but only
      because cable was on the market earlier, the
      IDC study, announced Tuesday, said.

      The number of ADSL semiconductor shipments
      is expected to exceed those of cable by next
      year, however. Shipments of ADSL semiconductors are expected to go from 2
      million in 1999 to 24 million by 2004 while cable modems shipments will go
      from 2 million to 23 million in that same time frame.

      Funasaki noted, however, that while there is one semiconductor per modem, the
      number of modems on the market may not exactly equal the number of chips
      shipped. The number of chips ordered by vendors may actually exceed the
      number of modems they eventually deliver.

      For vendors, the question is which technology is the safest bet. "A lot of them
      (vendors) are hedging their bets, backing both because there is no way to say
      which one is going to win over the other," Funasaki said.
      schrieb am 15.07.00 23:22:39
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      Hallo VC,

      ich finde es übersichtlich, alle Informationen zu einem Unternehmen in einem Thread zu sammeln. Würde mich freuen, wenn du weiter sammelst.
      Habe CMTN nur auf der Watchlist, bin auf die Zahlen gespannt.

      schrieb am 16.07.00 10:34:23
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      danke, werde ich machen! endlich mal jemand, der sich für den wert interessiert. :)
      schrieb am 17.07.00 12:51:02
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()
      wow! "unternehmer des jahres" aus dem unternehmen des jahres! ;) ;) ;)

      Monday July 17, 6:02 am Eastern Time

      Company Press Release

      Copper Mountain Founder Joe Markee Receives San
      Diego Ernst & Young Master Entrepreneur of the
      Year Award

      SAN DIEGO, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--July 17, 2000--Copper Mountain Networks, Inc., (Nasdaq:CMTN - news) a
      leading provider of Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) equipment solutions for business and residential users, announced that
      founder Joe Markee received the Ernst & Young San Diego Region Master Entrepreneur of the Year® Award. The program
      recognizes entrepreneurs who have demonstrated excellence and extraordinary success in such areas as innovation, financial
      performance, and personal commitment to their businesses and communities. Ernst & Young honors individuals in 46 regions
      nationwide. Winners are selected by past winners, community business and civic leaders, and academicians.

      Markee, chairman of the board and general manager of the Public Network Business Unit at Copper Mountain, is a
      twenty-year technology veteran. He has a distinguished track record for launching high-tech companies and leading them to
      success. Before Copper Mountain, Markee co-founded Primary Access, a leading remote access server company acquired by
      3Com Corporation in 1995. Markee is currently serving a one-year term as president of the San Diego Telecom Council.

      Markee co-founded Copper Mountain in 1996 with Mark Handzel, Copper Mountain`s vice president of customer service and
      quality. Prior to Copper Mountain, Handzel was director of marketing and sales at Orckit, an Israel-based DSL company. He
      has also served as vice president of product development at Coral Systems, a leading wireless security company. At Copper
      Mountain, Handzel is responsible for all aspects of product quality including the company`s ISO 9001 certification as well as
      worldwide customer support.

      With this award, Markee is now a candidate for both the national Entrepreneur of the Year award in the high-tech industry and
      the overall national Entrepreneur of the Year. National winners will be announced at the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the
      Year International Conference awards gala in November 2000.
      schrieb am 17.07.00 13:06:56
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()
      Copper Mountain: DSL Leader Breaking Out
      by Chris Connor

      Shares of business DSL leader Copper Mountain {CMTN, chart, messages} are soaring near a new high on strong volume.
      CMTN was up 10 3/4 to 112 3/4 at 12:34 p.m. on volume of 2,928,900 shares. This level of volume easily outpaces the
      stock`s average daily volume of 1,591,636 shares.

      As the chart below demonstrates, CMTN has risen roughly 25 percent since Tuesday`s closing price of 90-1/2. In light of
      this dramatic rise over such a short time period, the stock could be susceptible to a significant pullback. If that happens, the
      CMTN should hold in the 105 to 100 range where it has established support.

      Six-month chart for CMTN

      Investors who are interested in CMTN should look at four key factors. First, the company is an innovator in the DSL
      industry with its Adaptive Fragmentation technology. The main point that investors should remember about Adaptive
      Fragmentation is that it improves voice quality over DSL connections in a bandwidth-efficient manner. Second, Copper
      Mountain leads the market in supplying DSL equipment to businesses. According to the Dell`Oro Group, Copper Mountain
      ranks number one in business DSL in terms of revenue, with a 42.5 percent market share.

      Third, Copper Mountain is a very efficient company. Copper Mountain boasts a gross margin of 53.4 percent while the
      communications equipment industry has an average gross margin (top line) of 45.61 percent. In terms of net profit margin
      (bottom line), Copper Mountain charts a stellar net profit margin of about 17 percent while the average for the
      communications equipment industry is a negative figure. Finally, Copper Mountain is growing by leaps and bounds. Not only
      is Copper Mountain profitable, but the company `s revenues have grown every quarter except one since it began reporting
      revenues in the first quarter of 1998. Year-over-year revenue growth is also impressive, with Copper Mountain generating
      year-over-year revenue growth in excess of 200 percent for five straight quarters. With all this being said, the future certainly
      looks bright for Copper Mountain; this outlook should translate into a higher stock price.… 1
      schrieb am 17.07.00 13:23:26
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()

      super tread

      super aktie

      werde heute masiv einsteigen

      wird auch von briefing,com

      einem der angesehendsten börsen web sites

      in den staaten empfohlen


      winny cash


      1999= 0,05 plus
      2000=0,22 plus ( 2 quartal)

      sehe ich das richtig???
      schrieb am 17.07.00 15:55:33
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()
      siehst du richtig, die flüsterschätzungen sind allerdings 24 cent und aufgrund des hypes der letzten tage rechnen einige womöglich sogar mit noch mehr...
      we`ll see, wie der franzose sagt.
      schrieb am 17.07.00 23:03:50
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()
      Copper Mountain Announces Record Revenue of $80.2 Million and Pro Forma
      Diluted Net Income of $0.24 per Share for the Second Quarter of 2000

      PALO ALTO, Calif., July 17, 2000—Copper Mountain Networks, Inc., (NASDAQ: CMTN) today
      announced financial results for the second quarter of 2000. Revenue for the second quarter of 2000
      was $80.2 million, an increase of $57.3 million over revenue of $22.9 million for the second quarter of
      1999. The second quarter of 2000 revenue represented an increase of $19.4 million, or 32 percent, over
      the $60.8 million in revenue reported for the first quarter of 2000. For the six months ended June 30,
      2000, Copper Mountain reported revenues of $141.0 million, a $104.9 million increase over revenue of
      $36.1 million reported for the first six months of 1999.

      Net income was $10.3 million or $0.18 per diluted share for the second quarter of 2000, compared to
      net income of $2.3 million or $0.05 per diluted share for the same quarter of the prior year. Net income
      for the six months ended June 30, 2000 was $24.0 million or $0.41 per diluted share compared to net
      income of $1.3 million or $0.03 per diluted share for the same period of the prior year.

      Pro forma net income, excluding the stock based compensation charge and the amortization of
      purchased intangibles was $14.2 million or $0.24 per pro forma diluted share for the second quarter of
      2000, compared to pro forma net income of $2.8 million or $0.05 per pro forma diluted share for the
      same quarter of the prior year. On a pro forma basis, the second quarter was the company`s seventh
      consecutive quarter of profitability.

      tja, reicht vielen wohl nicht, wenn die whispers erreicht werden, nachbörslich vorrübergehend -17$, jetzt noch -9.
      ich finde die zahlen beeindruckend und bleibe long.
      schrieb am 25.07.00 13:03:56
      Beitrag Nr. 22 ()
      Tuesday July 25, 6:05 am Eastern Time

      Company Press Release

      Copper Mountain Selected by WEBAccess for
      Planned $13 Million In-Building DSL Deployment

      Deal Marks First Major Deployment of Copper Mountain`s OnPrem MTU DSL Concentrators

      PALO ALTO, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- July 25, 2000-Copper Mountain Networks, Inc. (Nasdaq:CMTN - news), a
      leading provider of Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) solutions for business and residential users, announced today that
      WEBAccess International, a building-centric DSL provider, has standardized on Copper Mountain`s OnPrem(TM) 2400
      MTU concentrators and CopperRocket® 230 customer premise equipment (CPE) for its multi-tenant unit (MTU)
      deployments in commercial office buildings nationwide. The planned $13 million deployment of approximately 2,000
      OnPrem2400 MTU concentrators marks the first major deployment of Copper Mountain`s OnPrem product line. Copper
      Mountain purchased OnPrem Networks Corporation in January of this year.

      ``Copper Mountain is very pleased to partner with WEBAccess, a leader in provisioning in-building DSL,`` said Rick Gilbert,
      Copper Mountain Networks` president and CEO. ``Copper Mountain`s in-building DSL solutions not only enable WEBAccess
      to offer service speedily and cost-effectively, but will also allow them to scale easily and efficiently as tenant demand for
      Internet connectivity and value-added services grows.``

      ``Partnering with Copper Mountain allows WEBAccess to deploy its high-quality, IP-based network on a nationwide basis,``
      added Bud Prentice, president and CEO of WEBAccess International. ``We are confident that Copper Mountain is the right
      platform for IP-based services, capable of meeting our future needs and those of our customers.``

      WEBAccess chose Copper Mountain MTU DSL equipment for a number of reasons, including:

      The OnPrem 2400 concentrator is a cost-effective, yet scalable solution, designed specifically for MTU environments
      In combination with the OnPrem 2400, the Copper Rocket 230 CPE offers plug-and-play ease of use, which is
      necessary for quick deployment and installation
      The OnPrem 2400`s enhanced manageability allows WEBAccess to scale its services nationally
      The OnPrem 2400 offers easy upgradeability
      The OnPrem 2400`s incorporation of layer 3 intelligence means that WEBAccess can implement IP-based services,
      providing the applications customers want, in an easy-to manage network.

      MTU Market Growing Rapidly

      WEBAccess plans on using the Copper Mountain equipment to capitalize on the fast growing MTU market, focusing on
      customers in primary and secondary markets. Cahners In-Stat projects that the revenue for the U.S. multi-tenant unit market
      will have an annual compound growth rate of 51%, increasing from $372 million in 2000 to $2 billion in 2004. ``The in-building
      DSL market will provide significant opportunities to service providers who can minimize initial deployment costs while retaining
      the ability to scale to meet the future bandwidth and service needs of small businesses,`` said Michael Wolf, analyst at Cahners
      In-Stat ``Copper Mountain`s MTU-optimized DSL solutions should provide WEBAccess International with the means to
      capitalize on this growing market.``

      About Copper Mountain OnPrem 2400 MTU Concentrator and
      CopperRocket CPE

      The OnPrem 2400 MTU Concentrator and CopperRocket CPE comprise a cost effective and scalable solution set for
      high-speed DSL access for multi tenant units -- businesses, executive office suites, hotels and residential complexes. The
      OnPrem 2400 has a WAN trunk module with dual or quad T1 interfaces and embedded CSU/DSU capabilities. It supports
      SDSL speeds up to 2.3 Mbps, comes in 8, 16, and 24 port models, and can be stacked for higher port density. All models are
      field upgradeable to 24 ports. The CopperRocket CPE supports speeds from 64 kbps to 2.3 Mbps. Copper Mountain`s
      OnPrem MTU product solution supports Network Address Translation (NAT/PAT) for efficient use of IP addressing,
      subscriber level bandwidth management and traffic shaping, SNMP network monitoring, and centralized network management.
      schrieb am 25.07.00 13:04:31
      Beitrag Nr. 23 ()
      uesday July 25, 6:06 am Eastern Time

      Company Press Release

      New Copper Mountain Program Helps Speed Launch
      of Multi-Tenant Unit DSL Service

      MTU FastStartDSL Program Helps Copper Mountain Customers Roll Out DSL Services to
      Tenants in Multi-Unit Buildings

      PALO ALTO, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--July 25, 2000-- Copper Mountain Networks, Inc., (Nasdaq:CMTN - news), a
      leading provider of Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) equipment solutions for business and residential users, today announced a
      new program to help its customers roll out DSL services in the fast-growing multi-tenant unit (MTU) marketplace. Copper
      Mountain`s new MTU FastStartDSL(TM) program combines key customizable sales-force training materials and tools and
      marketing content to help the company`s customers accelerate sales of broadband services to tenants in multi-tenant and
      multi-dwelling units. Copper Mountain`s MTU FastStartDSL program is aimed at start-up MTU DSL service providers who
      must quickly recruit, hire, and train a sales force to reach building tenants and begin earning a return on their investment in
      Copper Mountain`s DSL networking equipment.

      The MTU FastStartDSL program provides Copper Mountain customers with training materials for sales people and building
      owners, marketing content such as sales and marketing launch guides, market research, broadband tracking reports, brochure
      templates, and lobby signing designs, as well as extensive tenant-oriented informational materials highlighting the advantages of
      DSL service. Combined on a CD-ROM disk, the Copper Mountain MTU FastStartDSL materials are easily accessible and

      ``DSL is a fast-moving industry, and the MTU space is wide open for service providers who are nimble and quick-to-market.
      We developed MTU FastStartDSL to help our customers get there first,`` said Cynthia Trevino, carrier marketing manager at
      Copper Mountain who oversees FastStartDSL initiatives. ``We`re providing everything our customers need to assist their
      in-house marketing efforts, quickly create a comprehensive sales-training program, and arm their sales people with the right
      tools to sell DSL service to building tenants.``

      ``Copper Mountain`s MTU FastStartDSL program has been invaluable to us,`` said Steve Lyga, vice president of sales at
      Denver-based WEBAccess International, a building-centric DSL provider that has standardized on Copper Mountain
      solutions. ``We are deploying our services into commercial office buildings on a nationwide basis and needed to hire and train
      our field sales force very quickly. We needed customizable sales-training materials and marketing tools -- and we needed them
      fast. With FastStartDSL, Copper Mountain provided us with a virtual marketing team.``

      Copper Mountain`s new MTU FastStartDSL program builds on its previously announced central office (CO)-oriented
      FastStartDSL program, which helps Competitive Local Exchange Carriers (CLECs) quickly deploy profitable multi-service
      DSL solutions using wholesale and retail central office collation models. The FastStartDSL program focuses on reducing
      time-to-market by offering easily customizable programs that can be used to gain competitive advantage at every stage of DSL
      service development, from platform selection to service launch.

      Speed is of the essence in the MTU DSL market space. According to Department of Energy building surveys, there are more
      than 150,000 multi-tenant unit buildings in the U.S. alone. Cahners In-Stat projects that revenue for the U.S. multi-tenant unit
      market will have an annual compound growth rate of 51 percent, increasing from $372 million in 2000 to $2 billion 2004.

      ``The FastStartDSL program demonstrates Copper Mountain`s commitment to the multi-tenant DSL market,`` said Michael
      Wolf, analyst at Cahners In-Stat. ``By leveraging its years of experience to help in-building service providers select, position,
      and price the services they will deliver to various target markets -- then layering on training, collateral, and sales tools --
      Copper Mountain is effectively accelerating MTU market development.``
      schrieb am 31.07.00 13:52:08
      Beitrag Nr. 24 ()
      Monday July 31, 6:06 am Eastern Time

      Company Press Release

      Copper Mountain Chosen by Leading ICP
      VPNCOM.NET as Strategic Vendor for $15 Million
      In-Building DSL Equipment Rollout

      Copper Mountain to Supply Over 1,700 OnPrem DSL Concentrators, Providing VPNCOM.NET
      with Cost-Effective, Yet Scalable Solution that Enables Radio over DSL and Other Value-Added

      PALO ALTO, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--July 31, 2000-- Copper Mountain Networks, Inc. (Nasdaq:CMTN - news), a
      leading provider of Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) equipment solutions for businesses and residential users, today announced
      that VPNCOM.NET (OTC BB:VPNC - news), an Integrated Communications Provider (ICP) based in Costa Mesa,
      California, has selected Copper Mountain as its premier provider of in-building DSL equipment. VPNCOM.NET will use
      Copper Mountain`s OnPrem(tm) 2400 MTU Concentrator to deliver high-speed Internet access and other advanced services
      to luxury condominiums, apartment complexes, multi-tenant unit (MTU) office buildings, and hotels.

      VPNCOM.NET plans to expand its deployment of Internet access and application services from the company`s current base
      on the west coast and southwestern U.S. to a nationwide and, ultimately, worldwide network. This equipment deployment with
      Copper Mountain, expected to reach $15-million, includes both OnPrem MTU concentrators and companion
      CopperRocket® 230 customer premise equipment (CPE) DSL routers. Copper Mountain`s in-building DSL solutions provide
      the following benefits for VPNCOM.NET:

      The OnPrem 2400 concentrator is a cost-effective, small yet scalable solution, designed specifically for in-building DSL
      environments. It allows VPNCOM.NET to deploy building-based DSL without the high overhead that the installation of
      a larger DSL concentrator would entail, and then easily scale as tenant demand for DSL grows.
      All Copper Mountain DSL products are designed to support the current and future value-added services which
      broadband DSL connectivity makes possible. VPNCOM.NET is now using Copper Mountain in-building DSL
      equipment to deliver radio over DSL to tenants, and expects to offer Voice over DSL (VoDSL) and other innovative
      broadband services later this year.
      In combination with the OnPrem 2400, the Copper Rocket 230 CPE provides plug-and-play ease of use, making it
      easy for tenants to take advantage of VPNCOM.NET`s high-speed DSL offering.

      Working with property developers and homeowner associations, VPNCOM.NET has enjoyed notable success penetrating the
      high-end condominium marketplace, including the prestigious Diplomat condominium high-rise in West Los Angeles.

      ``Copper Mountain offers highly cost-effective equipment that is specifically designed for implementing in-building DSL. It
      allows us to provision in-building DSL with minimal deployment costs, yet scales easily as tenant demand for DSL grows,`` said
      Paul Stevens, president and CEO of VPNCOM.NET. ``Copper Mountain also understands that DSL is not just about
      high-speed Internet access but about the value-added services which we support and sell. Copper Mountain in-building DSL
      solutions allow us to offer our homeowners and tenants custom services such as market-specific radio, voice (VoDSL), video
      applications, and Virtual Private Networking (VPN).``

      ``VPNCOM.NET has done an outstanding job of opening up important new markets for DSL services in luxury
      condominiums, apartment complexes, MTU office buildings, and hotels,`` said Rick Gilbert, president and CEO of Copper
      Mountain. ``The company has an expansive vision for delivering DSL services -- not just in terms of scope but also innovation
      -- such as delivering international radio stations over the Internet using DSL. We are extremely pleased that VPNCOM.NET
      has selected Copper Mountain as the DSL platform of choice for its next-generation network.``

      ``VPNCOM.NET`s in-building DSL service gives us a significant advantage in the property management marketplace, as
      instantly-available broadband Internet connectivity is a very attractive selling-point and amenity,`` said Ms. Carol Markum,
      general manager of the Diplomat Condominium, in West Los Angeles. ``We`re very pleased that VPNCOM.NET is using
      Copper Mountain equipment, which will scale easily as demand increases, and will allow us to offer our homeowners a wide
      array of value-added services.``

      About the OnPrem 2400

      The OnPrem 2400 MTU Concentrator delivers an integrated, high-performance DSL solution in a compact, low-cost chassis,
      making it affordable for ICPs, Competitive Local Exchange Carriers (CLECs), and MTU service providers to provide
      high-speed broadband Internet access to smaller office buildings, hotels, and residential complexes. The OnPrem 2400, which
      is available in eight, 16, and 24 ports, is the first MTU equipment solution in this category to incorporate a router, Ethernet
      switch, and bandwidth manager.

      CopperRocket 230 CPE allows service providers to give each tenant full duplex (or symmetric) speeds from 64 kbps to 2.3
      Mbps over a single pair of wires. 2.3 Mbps is almost twice the speed that subscribers can get by connecting directly to a
      telephone company central office. Like Copper Mountain`s other CPE devices, the 230 CPE is plug-and-play, enabling service
      providers to provision new subscribers quickly and efficiently, and then manage the CPE remotely.

      About VPNCOM.NET

      VPNCOM.NET, an Integrated Communications Provider (ICP) headquartered in Costa Mesa, California, is a wholly owned
      subsidiary of VPN Communications Corporation (OTC BB:VPNC - news). VPNCOM.NET continues to set standards of
      excellence in providing digital amenities for virtual private networks, including Internet connectivity and applications, through
      existing strategic alliances with some of the most powerful, profitable, flexible and innovative corporations in the industry.
      Business inquiry may be addressed to sales@VPNCOM.NET. or visit the company Website at http://www.VPNCOM.NET.
      For investor relations information please call (714) 540-4444 or email invest@VPNCOM.NET.
      schrieb am 07.08.00 14:50:32
      Beitrag Nr. 25 ()
      Monday August 7, 6:01 am Eastern Time

      Press Release

      Copper Mountain Selected by NorthPoint Canada as
      Provider of Central Office DSL Equipment

      New Canadian Broadband Services Company Utilizes CopperEdge 200 DSL Concentrators and
      Compatible CPE

      PALO ALTO, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Aug. 7, 2000-- Copper Mountain Networks, Inc. (Nasdaq:CMTN - news), a
      leading provider of Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) solutions for business and residential users, today announced that NorthPoint
      Canada, a joint venture between NorthPoint Communications, Inc. (Nasdaq:NPNT - news) and Canadian integrated
      communications provider Call-Net Enterprises, Inc. (TSE: CN - news and CN.B - news; Nasdaq: CNEBF - news), has
      selected Copper Mountain as a provider of central office (CO) DSL equipment for its new high-speed DSL service.
      NorthPoint Canada will utilize Copper Mountain`s CopperEdge®200 DSL Concentrator to provision its service in Canadian
      telephone company central offices (COs).

      NorthPoint Canada is initially offering wholesale DSL services in the Toronto metropolitan area, Canada`s largest business
      market. The company is expected to reach more than 70 percent of the business market in Canada by the first quarter of 2001.

      ``NorthPoint Canada selected Copper Mountain because its DSL platform has been proven in large-scale deployments in the
      United States, and because Copper Mountain`s solution has the flexibility to support multiple services, including voice, data and
      content services for businesses and teleworkers,`` said Jim Grainger, general manager of NorthPoint Canada Communications.
      ``The CopperEdge`s ease of provisioning will enable NorthPoint Canada Communications to be quick to market and to scale
      rapidly to meet growing demand.``

      ``Copper Mountain has worked closely with NorthPoint as it provisions DSL service in the U.S. and Europe, and we are
      pleased to extend our partnership as NorthPoint expands into the Canadian market,`` said Rick Gilbert, president and CEO of
      Copper Mountain Networks. ``Copper Mountain`s solutions will enable NorthPoint Canada not only to offer the Canadian
      market reliable, high-speed DSL service, but to scale to meet the growing demand for value-added services over DSL.``

      Copper Mountain Solutions Enabling NorthPoint Canada`s DSL Service

      Copper Mountain`s platform provides NorthPoint Canada with end-to-end solutions for provisioning and managing its
      high-speed DSL service. The carrier-class CopperEdge 200 DSL Concentrator deployed by NorthPoint Canada supports up
      to 192 ports of valued-added voice and data services. Copper Mountain`s CopperView(TM) network management tools
      enable NorthPoint Canada to remotely configure and monitor its central office-based concentrators.
      schrieb am 14.08.00 15:34:52
      Beitrag Nr. 26 ()
      Monday August 14, 6:04 am Eastern Time

      Press Release

      Copper Mountain Enables Network Telephone to
      Launch Largest Commercial Voice Over DSL
      Deployment in Southeastern US

      Using Copper Mountain`s New IP IQ Technology and MGCP-Based CopperRocket 408 IAD,
      Network Telephone Targets Thousands of Customers for Voice over DSL

      PALO ALTO, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Aug. 14, 2000-- Copper Mountain Networks, Inc., (Nasdaq:CMTN - news) a
      leading provider of Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) solutions, today announced that Network Telephone Corporation, a leading
      provider of facilities-based broadband telecommunications services, has selected Copper Mountain DSL equipment to launch
      its new business Voice over Digital Subscriber Line (VoDSL) service. Network Telephone`s planned nine-state deployment --
      Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee -- would be the
      largest Voice over DSL network to date in the southeastern U.S.

      Network Telephone chose the market-leading CopperEdge® DSL concentrator and CopperRocket® 408 Integrated Access
      Device (IAD) because of Copper Mountain`s new IP IQ(TM) technology for voice, which includes support for the media
      gateway control protocol (MGCP). The MGCP-enabled Copper Mountain equipment enables Network Telephone to offer
      voice services without the costs of deploying Class 5 switching infrastructure. Copper Mountain`s IP IQ, an advanced
      networking feature set optimized for concurrent voice and data services, allows Network Telephone to efficiently scale its
      VoDSL service to meet customer demand.

      ``Copper Mountain is the industry`s proven DSL platform, and its support for MGCP means that we can offer bundled voice
      and data services using cost-effective next-generation voice networking equipment rather than expensive and difficult to
      maintain Class 5 switches,`` said Arvil Fowler, chief technical officer at Network Telephone. ``Copper Mountain`s IP IQ
      technology equips Network Telephone to realize an aggressive network growth plan, while scaling our services to meet the
      needs of our small and mid-sized business customers. We will cost-effectively aggregate voice and data traffic from thousands
      of subscribers in hundreds of markets with the confidence that we are delivering carrier-class reliability and quality of service.``

      Copper Mountain`s IP IQ technology recognizes user profiles and services at the IP layer and allocates network resources
      appropriately to maximize bandwidth utilization. IP IQ supports advanced services such as voice, data and multi-cast traffic,
      and scales to meet the escalating demands of millions of subscribers. In Network Telephone`s case, the technology segregates
      voice traffic from data traffic for each DSL subscriber, conserves IP addresses for high-speed Internet access, and uses
      separate, secure private IP address space for voice services. IP IQ is part of a suite of advanced features included in Software
      Release 3.0 for Copper Mountain`s CopperEdge DSL concentrator family. Copper Mountain`s CopperEdge software also
      enables remote configuration and management of CopperRocket and third-party CopperCompatible(TM) customer premise
      equipment (CPE).

      ``Network Telephone shares Copper Mountain`s conviction that the future of telecom will belong to those providers who offer
      cost-effective bundled services and design their networks with IP intelligence that will allow them to scale to meet customer
      demand,`` said Copper Mountain president and chief executive officer Rick Gilbert. ``Network Telephone`s IP-based network
      offers businesses a highly cost-effective solution to their voice and data needs, and will easily expand to support dozens of new
      services and millions of new subscribers.``

      ``Network Telephone`s VoDSL offering has enabled us to realize substantial savings in our Internet connectivity and
      telecommunications needs, while providing us with very high quality service,`` said Daniel R. Lozier, partner, Lozier Thames &
      Frazier, P.A., Attorneys at Law. ``We are also pleased that Network Telephone is using Copper Mountain equipment, which
      will easily scale to meet subscriber demand for value-added services over DSL.``

      Copper Mountain Solutions Deployed by Network Telephone

      Copper Mountain`s platform provides Network Telephone with end-to-end solutions for provisioning and managing its VoDSL
      service, including:

      CopperEdge 200 DSL Concentrator -- Carrier-class DSL concentrator supports up to 192 ports of voice and data
      services, using any combination of ADSL, G.lite, IDSL, and SDSL concurrently from a single chassis.
      CopperRocket 408 SDSL Integrated Access Device (IAD) -- With connectivity for up to eight voice ports, the Copper
      Rocket 408 IAD provides end users plug-and-play, toll-quality voice and data services over DSL at speeds from 128
      kbps to 1.568 Mbps.
      IP IQ -- Dynamically recognizes user profiles and services at the IP layer and allocates network resources appropriately,
      enabling service providers to maximize bandwidth utilization, scale to meet the escalating demands of millions of
      subscribers and support advanced services such as voice, data and multi-cast traffic.
      CopperView(TM) Network Management Tools -- Copper View software enables remote configuration, fault analysis
      and performance monitoring capabilities for thousands of DSL concentrators and companion CPE from a single, central

      About Network Telephone Corporation

      Founded in 1998 and headquartered in Pensacola, Fla., Network Telephone Corporation is a facilities-based broadband
      Integrated Communications Provider (ICP) targeting small- and mid-sized businesses in the Southeastern U.S. The company
      currently employs a staff of more than 400, and offers a comprehensive selection of telecommunications services, including
      DSL-based high-speed, always on-line Internet access, data, local and long-distance telephone service, voice over DSL
      (VoDSL), and Web hosting, video and audio streaming and ecommerce applications. For more information visit the company`s
      Web sites at and
      schrieb am 21.08.00 22:24:18
      Beitrag Nr. 27 ()
      Monday August 21, 6:03 am Eastern Time

      Press Release

      Copper Mountain Number One in Business DSL,
      SDSL and IDSL, According to Dell`Oro Group DSL
      Market Share Study

      Copper Mountain Commanded Worldwide Leadership in Business DSL, SDSL and IDSL Markets
      in Q2, 2000, for Both Revenues and Ports Shipped; Market Share of Closest Competitor Declined

      PALO ALTO, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Aug. 21, 2000-- Copper Mountain Networks, Inc., (Nasdaq:CMTN - news), a
      leading provider of Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) solutions for business and residential users, today announced that it is number
      one in business DSL, SDSL and IDSL market share -- as measured in both revenue and ports shipped for the second quarter
      of 2000 -- according to the most recent DSL market share study issued by leading market analysis firm, the Dell`Oro Group.


      The market share study, issued on August 15, 2000, established that
      Copper Mountain is:

      No. 1 in Business DSL (SDSL plus IDSL) Revenue with $74.5M and
      33.2% (Total Market: $224.5M)

      No. 1 in Business DSL (SDSL plus IDSL) Ports with 225,600 and
      36.0% (Total Market: 627,400 ports)

      No. 1 in SDSL Revenue with $60.1M, and 30.8% (Total Market:

      No. 1 in SDSL Ports with 169,000, and 32.8% (Total Market: 514,900

      No. 1 in IDSL Revenue with $14.4M and 49.6% (Total Market: $29.1M)

      No. 1 in IDSL Ports with 56,600 and 50.4% (Total Market: 112,500

      For SDSL, the most widely-deployed business DSL technology, the Dell`Oro group reported that Copper Mountain`s market
      share increased 5.1% in ports shipped and 2.2% in revenue. The worldwide SDSL market share of Copper Mountain`s closest
      competitor decreased by 9.3% in ports shipped and 10.5% in revenue from the Dell`Oro Group`s Q1, 2000 report.

      ``The fact that Copper Mountain is the clear market leader in business DSL, SDSL and IDSL validates our belief that the
      marketplace is moving towards IP-based, best-in-class networks which will scale to meet the growing demand for value-added
      broadband services,`` said Rick Gilbert, president and CEO of Copper Mountain. ``Copper Mountain`s DSL concentrators are
      the only DSL concentrators to offer the packet-based intelligence which is required to support these increasingly popular
      schrieb am 21.08.00 22:26:57
      Beitrag Nr. 28 ()
      Monday August 21, 8:02 am Eastern Time

      Press Release

      SOURCE: Virata Corporation

      Virata Integrates Copper Mountain Technology Into
      Its DSL Solutions To Accelerate
      CopperCompatible(TM) CPE Development

      Integration of Copper Mountain Technology Into Virata`s DSL Solutions Will Drive Development
      of Low-cost CopperCompatible CPE Devices

      SANTA CLARA, Calif., Aug. 21 /PRNewswire/ -- Virata® Corporation (Nasdaq: VRTA - news) today announced that it
      has licensed intellectual property from Copper Mountain Networks, Inc. (Nasdaq: CMTN - news) for integration into its family
      of broadband communications processors, which include Azurite(TM), Beryllium(TM) and Helium(TM). Through this
      integration, Virata`s communications processors and software will be interoperable with Copper Mountain`s widely deployed
      family of DSL concentrators - enabling Virata`s customers to reduce time-to-market and lower the cost of developing
      CopperCompatible(TM) customer premises symmetric DSL equipment such as Voice over DSL integrated access devices

      ``As a CopperSilicon(TM) partner, we are ensuring that our customers will be able to introduce symmetric DSL equipment that
      is compatible with Copper Mountain`s substantial installed base,`` said Duncan Greatwood, vice president of marketing at
      Virata. ``Our highly integrated semiconductors will be enhanced with the addition of Copper Mountain`s intellectual property to
      help CPE manufacturers bring CopperCompatible products to market, quickly and cost-effectively. This partnership
      demonstrates our commitment to providing the broadband industry with a convenient one-stop-shop for DSL equipment

      ``With Virata as a member of our CopperSilicon Initiative, our CPE partners will be able to introduce CopperCompatible
      IADs into the market more quickly, thus accelerating service providers` ability to deploy cost-effective VoDSL services,``
      stated Rick Gilbert, president and CEO of Copper Mountain Networks. ``By leveraging one another`s technology strengths,
      Virata and Copper Mountain will be able to deliver powerful DSL solutions that will assist our customers` ability to compete in
      the evolving DSL market.``

      About Virata`s Chips

      Azurite is Virata`s pre-integrated voice-over-DSL solution, which combines Helium, or Beryllium, networking software,
      Magnesium, voice algorithms, and voice protocols. Azurite offers system developers full flexibility and control of integrated
      service resources to aid in the development of next-generation, voice-enabled DSL products.

      Representing the industry`s first ``ADSL home router on a chip,`` Beryllium is capable of delivering up to twice the long-loop
      performance of today`s best ADSL router solutions with a 40 percent cost reduction. This communications processor includes
      a built-in ADSL transceiver, internal MAC for local connectivity, and expansion flexibility.

      Helium is a low-cost, PHY-neutral communications processor that enables high-speed Internet access capability for single --
      and multiple-user endpoint devices such as USB modems, home gateway devices and small office/home office (SOHO)
      routers. The Helium chip is fully integrated with a complete networking and protocol software suite that handles ATM, frame,
      routing, bridging and signaling functions, as well as SNMP management.

      Magnesium bundles the powerful C54x DSP family from Texas Instruments with Virata`s vCore, a complete line of voice
      processing algorithms and control-side device drivers under the Virata brand. This provides broadband equipment developers
      with access to the industry`s first Integrated Software-on-Silicon (ISOS) voice processing product.

      About Virata

      Virata Corporation provides communications processors combined with integrated software modules to manufacturers of
      equipment utilizing digital subscriber line (DSL) technologies. These ``integrated software on silicon`` (ISOS) product solutions
      enable customers to develop a diverse range of broadband wireless and DSL equipment including modems, gateways, routers,
      and integrated access devices targeted at the voice and high-speed data network access market. Virata`s products are
      designed to enable DSL equipment manufacturers to simplify product development, reduce the time it takes for products to
      reach the market and focus resources on product differentiation and improvement.

      Virata is a principal member of the ATM Forum, DSL Forum, MPLS Forum, UPnP Forum, HomePNA, ITU and the official
      Bluetooth SIG organization. A publicly traded company on the Nasdaq Stock Market, Virata was founded in 1993 and is
      headquartered in Santa Clara, California.

      Virata is a registered trademark, and Azurite, Beryllium, Helium and Magnesium are trademarks of Virata Corporation.
      Copper Mountain and all Copper Mountain product names are trademarks of Copper Mountain Networks, Inc. All other
      trade, product, or service names referenced in this release may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective

      Except for historical information relating to Virata contained herein, this press release contains forward-looking statements that
      involve risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially. Factors that might cause a difference include, but are not
      limited to, those relating to evolving industry standards, the pace of development and market acceptance of Virata`s products
      and the DSL market generally, commercialization and technological delays or difficulties, the impact of competitive products
      and technologies, competitive pricing pressures, manufacturing risks, the possibility of our products infringing patents and other
      intellectual property of third parties, product defects, costs of product development and manufacturing and government
      regulation. Virata will not update these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date hereof.
      More detailed information about potential factors that could affect Virata`s financial results is included in the documents Virata
      files from time to time with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
      schrieb am 21.08.00 22:30:42
      Beitrag Nr. 29 ()
      ansonsten noch deals mit 7 halbleiterfirmen!
      hier nachzuhören (bin zu faul alle meldungen zu kopieren)
      schrieb am 11.09.00 10:00:18
      Beitrag Nr. 30 ()
      Das Ding wird immer günstiger, habe gerade Efficient(EFNT) georordert, aber CMTN sieht auch super aus,


      schrieb am 12.09.00 16:58:09
      Beitrag Nr. 31 ()
      Also kleinlich sind die mit den Kurszielen bei Kaufman ja nicht gerade. :)

      Copper Mountain Reiterated `Buy` at Kaufman Bros.
      By Lindsey Mackay
      Princeton, New Jersey, Sept. 12 (Bloomberg Data) -- Copper Mountain Networks Inc. (CMTN US) was reiterated ``buy`` by analyst Barry M. Sine at Kaufman Bros. The target price is $145 per share.

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