
    NewMarket Technology (NMKT OTC BB) - Unterbewerteter Highflyer nahezu zum Buchwert! - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

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      schrieb am 05.12.05 15:29:42
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()

      NewMarket Technology

      Finance Fact Sheet:
      Empfehlungskurs: 0,35USD
      Book value per share: 0,29 USD (Investment beinhaltet begrenztes Verlustrisiko - da der aktuelle Kurs knapp über dem Buchwert liegt)
      Market Cap.: 37,48 Mio USD
      Total Stockholder Equity: 28,53 Mio. USD
      Shares Outstanding: 104,60 Mio.
      P/E Ratio: 11.93 (im Verhältnis zu den dreistelligen %-Wachstumsraten äusserst günstig bewertet)
      Last Quarter Revenue: 14,21 Mio. USD
      Last Quarter Net income: 1,03 Mio. USD

      Presse-Release in deutscher Sprache:

      Company Information
      NewMarket Technology Inc. ist ein Systeminnovationsunternehmen. NewMarket kombiniert das traditionelle Angebot von Systemintegration und Support mit einem spezialisierten, Vermögenswert-basierten Ansatz, um die Kunden dabei zu unterstützen, das prekäre Gleichgewicht zwischen der Beibehaltung der Altsysteme und dem Erwerb moderner technologischer Innovationen, die ihnen einen Wettbewerbsvorteil verschaffen, zu wahren. NewMarket bietet zertifizierte Integrations- und Wartungsdienste an, um die vorherrschenden Standardlösungen der Branche, darunter Microsoft (Nasdaq:MSFT), Cisco Systems (Nasdaq:CSCO) und Sun Microsystems (Nasdaq:SUNW), zu unterstützen. Gleichzeitig ist NewMarket fortlaufend bestrebt, unentdeckte neue Technologiewerte zu erwerben, um diese in das Gesamtproduktportfolio zu integrieren, welches darauf ausgerichtet ist, die vorherrschenden Standardlösungen der Branche zu ergänzen. NewMarkets Portfolio an neuen Technologien umfasst Produkte für die Telekommunikationsbranche, das Gesundheitswesen, den Heimatschutz und den Finanzdienstleistungssektor. NewMarket bietet sein Produkt- und Dienstleistungsportfolio über sein weltweites Netzwerk an Tochtergesellschaften im Bereich der Lösungsintegration in Nordamerika, Lateinamerika, China und Singapur an. Als Systeminnovationsunternehmen hat sich NewMarket am Systemintegrationsmarkt dadurch hervorgehoben, dass es ein Technologiegeschäftsmodell eingeführt hat, das den Wert neuer Technologien ausschöpft, um die Unternehmensgewinne zu steigern und den Shareholder Value durch die regelmäßige Ausschüttung von Dividenden zu erhöhen. Das Unternehmen ist seit drei Quartalen profitabel mit zunehmendem Trend.

      Our Vision
      "Emerging Communication Technology will be Single Greatest Influence on Business and Government Efficiency Improvements Over the Next 10 Years. Communication Technology will Out Pace All Other Business Innovation in Contribution to Economic Efficiency, Continuous Product Differentiation, and an Improved World Wide Standard of Living"

      In eighteen months, NewMarket Technology has grown from a research and development firm with no sales and a public market capitalization of less than $250,000 to a business with annualized sales in excess of 20 million and a public market capitalization of more than $50,000,000.

      Vor kurzem wurde NewMarket in den Deloitte Technology Fast 500 auf den 13. Platz der am schnellsten wachsenden Technologiegesellschaften in Nordamerika gesetzt.…

      This rapid growth was fueled in large part by an aggressive acquisition strategy focused on establishing baseline business capabilities in three key technology areas:

      Telecommunications - VoIP, WiFi, Software Feature Enhancement Infrastructure
      Healthcare - HIPAA Compliance, Operational Efficiency Practice Management, Claims Processing
      Homeland Security & Information Warfare - Rugged Mobile Computing, Custom Military Applications, RFID
      As part of NewMarket`s plan to bring emerging technology into the market, three companies were acquired to lead the core initiatives outlined above:

      Xiptel (Telecommunications)
      MOS Healthcare Solutions (Healthcare)
      Digital Computer Integration (Homeland Security & Information Warfare)
      NETSCO (Mission-Critical Distributed Computing, RFID)
      NewMarket Technology`s business model also provides emerging technology companies with a Full Technology Lifecycle Plan. We refer to this as Strategic Sourcing.

      With Vergetech providing the initial technology support foundation, two additional companies were acquired that expanded NewMarket`s Life Cycle Plan by adding IT off-shore support capabilities:

      Infotel Communications - Singapore
      RKM IT Solutions - Venezuela
      The combined set of companies are aggressively moving forward in implementing their respective business plans to deliver the long term organic growth necessary to sustain NewMarket`s vision of become a globally recognized leader in the continuous introduction of Emerging Communication Technologies.


      Philip Verges - CEO
      President & CEO at Vergetech, Inc., which merged into IPVoice Communications and known today as NewMarket Technology. A graduate of the U.S. Military Academy, he served as an Army Captain specializing in counter terrorism communication technologies. He went on to work for EDS as an instructor in systems engineering methodology & programming with various assignments including the Computer Sciences R&D department of General Motors.

      Dr. Larry Wu - Business Development China
      PH.D in Public Policy on Science and Technology from Renmin University of China. Author of three books and numerous articles to including U.S. publications in Business Week and Red Herring. Chinese State Council Research Office Senior Advisor to the Premier, Mr. WEN Jiabao. Served at the Chinese Embassy, Washington D.C. as the Secretary for Science and Technology.

      Mike Tinsley - Business Development China - Board of Directors
      Mike Tinsley is currently a partner at Corporate Revitalization Partners, LLC. Mr. Tinsley has more than 20 years of operational experience at the CEO level. Mr. Tinsley brings to the Board a wealth of experience in corporate restructuring and senior management oversight. He also brings to the Board a fresh perspective with a diverse industry background, most of which is outside the technology industry. Given that NewMarkets` business strategy includes the acquisition of distressed systems integration firms, Mr. Tinsley`s previous 12 years where he has focused his efforts on turn around opportunities is a valuable asset to the Company. Mr Tinsely`s industry experience includes packaging, apparel, foodservice equipment, retail fixture, point of purchase display, visual merchandising, materials handling and storage, analog/digital measurement systems, printing services, media, chemical, retail services, affinity marketing, construction/erosion control and custom software development. Mr. Tinsley also has international experience with previous management responsibility for operations in the United States, Canada, Mexico, England, Ireland, France and China.

      Corporate Offices
      NewMarket Technology and IPVoice Communications Inc.
      14860 Montfort Drive, Suite 210
      Dallas, TX USA 75254 -

      Pier 1, Bay 3
      San Francisco, Ca 94111
      Toll-Free (US): 888-947-8350
      Domestic (US): 415-946-3620
      International: 415-946-3620

      1009 Jupiter Road Suite #100
      Plano,TX 75074
      Phone (972) 509-9180
      Fax (972) 509-9280

      Caracas, Av. Francisco Solano López, con calle Pascual Navarro, Torre Banvenez, Piso 9,
      Oficina 9C, Sabana Grande, 1050.
      Telef.: 763.00.02 / Fax: 761.11.23.

      Infotel Technologies
      Pte Ltd 9 Tai Seng Drive #02-01, HeShe Building
      Singapore 535227
      Telephone Number ( 065 ) 6580 7777
      Fascimile Number:( 065 ) 6287 6577

      2589 N. State Road 7
      Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33313
      (800) 486-1667

      P.O. Box 14465
      Research Triangle Park NC 27709
      Fax: +1 (919) 319-6838

      Quarterly Report

      Fazit: Charttechnisch ausgebombt, ich vermute, dass der Wert illegal geshortet wurde. Das Unternehmen hat die best ever Quartalszahlen präsentiert und notiert unweit der 52-Wochen Tiefs. Es ist wohl eher eine Frage der Zeit bis die Unterbewertung aufgeholt wird mit Kursgewinnen.

      Today a White Marubozu was formed. This shows that the buyers controlled the price action from the first trade to the last trade.
      The last two candlesticks formed a Bullish Engulfing Pattern . This is a bullish reversal pattern that marks a potential change in trend. However, its reliability is not very high and it requires confirmation.
      schrieb am 05.12.05 15:56:57
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      NewMarket Technology Inc. (NMKT)

      TWST: Would you begin with a brief history and an
      overview of NewMarket Technology?

      Mr. Verges: NewMarket Technology is a new business
      model introduced into a company, formerly IPVoice Communica-
      tions, about two years ago, and the objective of the new business
      model is to marry a traditional technology services function with an
      emerging technology, if you will, incubation function. We are out ac-
      quiring IP, Internet protocol, software communication companies and
      working diligently to get their initial sales through our traditional
      technology services. When we get those initial sales and have the en-
      suing equity appreciation opportunity, we monetize that equity ap-
      preciation opportunity by spinning off the emerging technology
      company and providing equity distribution through a stock dividend
      to our shareholders, as well as establishing an equity income line that
      supplements our technology service revenue.
      In fact, we just announced our first spinoff after executing a
      definitive agreement to combine New Market’s homeland security op-
      erations with those of Defense Technology Systems
      (OTCBB:DFTS). In the agreement, Defense Technology Systems has
      acquired a majority interest in NewMarket’s homeland security sub-
      sidiary in exchange for $6 million in Defense Technology preferred
      stock. One class of preferred will be convertible into 10 million shares
      of Defense Technology common stock as of July 1st 2005. NewMarket
      has plans to declare a dividend and distribute the 10 million Defense
      Technology shares to NewMarket shareholders. Defense Technology’s
      2005 revenue forecast is $12 million for the combined operations. New-
      Market’s homeland security subsidiary has a 2005 revenue forecast of
      $8 million, based on trailing the 12 month revenue of over $4 million
      with an additional $2 million in scheduled projects pending completion
      of related prerequisite projects. We believe that this transaction makes
      DFTS stronger, and builds shareholder value for both Newmarket Tech-
      nology shareholders as well as DFTS shareholders. We anticipate two
      additional dividend events to be announced during 2005.

      TWST: When did you start and what have you acquired
      so far?

      Mr. Verges: In June 2002, we started with a focus in Inter-
      net protocol, voice over IP(VoIP), and it was a logical place to start.
      The technology market was extraordinarily sluggish, and voice over
      IP’s primary value proposition to the market is providing more effi-
      cient, lower-cost telecommunication services. So bringing such a ser-
      vice offering into a down economy makes a lot of sense in that the
      technology creates a savings opportunity for the client. As we estab-
      lished traction, we expanded it into complementary IPsoftware solu-
      tions in health care and in homeland security.

      So far, we’ve acquired a total of four high-tech subsidiaries
      since June 2002 and we’ve acquired equity at an affiliate level, 20%
      or more equity interest, in an additional four emerging technology
      companies. We’ve also expanded our traditional service business into
      Latin America and Southeast Asia through acquisition by acquiring
      traditional service companies in Venezuela and Singapore.

      TWST: What are you doing in homeland security?

      Mr. Verges: Homeland security is a wide open market.
      How do you define it? Well, the way we define it is that homeland
      security is emanating from a shift in warfare, warfare between nation
      states, the military of nation states, to the military of affiliation with
      the citizen of a nation state. That means cities now have become the
      new forward observation posts as opposed to it being a traditional
      military function. So what type of technology can we deliver to a city
      that will allow the city to have early warning capabilities or in the
      event that early warning doesn’t give that city the ability to avoid an
      attack? What can they do with regard to a resilient response?
      We have acquired a company that has been a military con-
      tractor or a subcontractor doing custom engineering of off-the-shelf
      products from companies like Level-3 Communications, Dynacore
      and General Dynamics. And with that library of proprietary technol-
      ogy from the extension of off-the-shelf products, we are developing
      products for the cities. We have established products like our Preda-
      tor which gives fire departments the ability to wirelessly gain access
      to the blueprints of buildings that they are traveling to or any other
      buildings that might be in the sector, as well as traffic routing infor-
      mation in cities that have a traffic routing capacity. We sold that
      pretty widely across North Texas so far.

      TWST: And how about voice overIP?

      Mr. Verges: In voice over IP, we are establishing a service
      strategy. We actually have a voice over IPservice offering but we
      have a unique strategy, trying to cope with the fact that most of our
      competitors are concentrating on a pure play voice over IPstrategy
      when the market, contrary to what a pure play voice over IPstrategy
      might hope, is anything but pure, with a heterogeneous telecommuni-
      cations infrastructure. There is broadband access via wireless distrib-
      ution in some places, broadband access via fiber in other places and
      no broadband in other places. There is a embedded infrastructure, cor-
      porate and government, in public switched telephony networks.
      So how does one come up with a strategy? We have a num-
      ber of different sales fronts, selling into small and medium busi-
      nesses, trying to outsource their telecommunications department,
      give them a saving today in what might be their traditional or best
      heterogeneous environment. And as their service contracts come up
      for whatever their existing telecommunications provider might be or
      as the switch that they own is depreciated, we evolve out of that into
      what will be a pure voice over IPsolution in the future. We have a
      very competitive infrastructure. We’ve been able to provide voice
      over IP. The challenge is marrying that with the heterogeneous envi-
      ronment that’s out there today.

      TWST: How is that going?

      Mr. Verges: It is going well. It is a little sluggish with any
      new technology that you sell because you put together a solution, you
      put together a strategy based on what you believe is possible in the mar-
      ket and then you wear holes in your shoe leather going out knocking on
      doors and really discovering from your customers what your marketing
      strategy should be. So you put together your strong man, you knock on
      doors, you get a few doors shut on your nose, and you figure out how
      to refine your offering. We’ve been through that now for about the last
      year and a half and are starting to gain more momentum.
      In the near future, in addition to our shoe leather approach
      of just refining our overall offering, we plan to expand that offering
      through looking for additional acquisitions in the voice over IPspace
      to more rapidly expand and bring the strategy we’ve learned the hard
      way to the companies that we acquire.

      TWST: In terms of acquisitions, why are you an attrac-
      tive acquiror?

      Mr. Verges: We are an attractive acquiror for a select type
      of company. We are a micro-cap company, and today we are listed on
      the Over the Counter Bulletin Board market. However, we do have
      an active American Stock Exchange application for listing on that ex-
      change. We are very actively traded. So as a small emerging tech-
      nology company looking to gain access to reasonable amounts of
      investment dollars — and I would say reasonable is from $500,000
      “NewMarket Technology is a new business model. The objective of the
      new business model is to marry a traditional technology services
      function with an emerging technology, if you will, incubation function. We
      are out acquiring IP, Internet protocol, software communication
      companies and working diligently to get their initial sales through our
      traditional technology services.”

      to $3 million over a period of 18 to 36 months — we can gain access
      through our public market to that type of capital. And then on an en-
      terprise basis, we have an excellent foundation for accelerating their
      sales opportunity through our traditional services business.

      TWST: Why would they come to you ratherthan a VC?

      Mr. Verges: VC capital is difficult to find today. One reason
      they may have come to us is because we have capital and we are ac-
      tively engaging it. I think a lot of VCs are still in a wait-and-see mode.
      But if VCs do become more active, I think the other attractive differen-
      tiator we have from traditional VC is we have an embedded exit strat-
      egy for the entrepreneur. The entrepreneur in the company that we are
      acquiring will have access to a publicly listed security, usually restricted
      for one to two years in NewMarket Technology stock, but the owner
      still maintains some equity in their own company. And, as we establish
      their initial sales and prove that they have a viable product, our strategy
      is to spin them into their own micro-cap company so that they can gain
      access to the next level of capital. As they exit and go into their own
      company, they now have stock in NewMarket, but they also have stock
      in their own company that they are continuing to develop and build its
      enterprise value. So it maintains their motivation to continue building
      this company even though they are acquired today and it gives a unique
      diversification for the entrepreneur and the companies looking for in-
      vestment capital to grow the company that the VC can’t offer them.

      TWST: If we look out overthe next two years, what are
      the goals that you have set forNewMarket?

      Mr. Verges: Over the next two years, on a revenue basis,
      we would like to grow to a minimum of $100 million. The revenue
      guidance that we’ve given for 2005 is $75 million. We believe we are
      capable of exceeding that and expect over the course of this year to
      raise our forecast. We also look over this year and into next year to
      actually start establishing a reputation for regularly issuing equity
      dividends. As I mentioned before, we are in the process of our first
      transaction where we are spinning out one of our acquired companies
      and look to issue a 10 million share equity dividend of a publicly
      traded company, Defense Technology Systems, listed on the OTCBB
      under the symbol “DFTS.” So that will be 10 million shares that gets
      distributed to the shareholders of NewMarket. As we are looking at
      it today, that could be what equates to a $5 million equity dividend
      for company that has a $50 million market cap.
      As we grow over the next few years, we would produce eq-
      uity spinoffs three to five times a year. We believe that will get the
      market to stand up and notice that there is a new strategy for gaining
      access to investment capital on a regular basis for emerging technol-
      ogy companies.

      TWST: You talked about revenues; how about profits?

      Mr. Verges: The company was profitable in 2003. We only
      did $2.3 million in revenue. We made some substantial investments
      in 2004 in order to grow the company. We were profitable in the third
      quarter, however, which was ahead of schedule. We anticipated we
      would be slightly unprofitable in 2005. It looks like we may be
      breakeven or better. We are pulling together our numbers and getting
      ready to report our fourth quarter and year-end 2004. We will come
      in at roughly $25 million in sales at breakeven or better and we an-
      ticipate being profitable through 2005 and on into 2006.

      TWST: What is youryear-end?

      Mr. Verges: Our year-end is a calendar year-end, Decem-
      ber 31.

      TWST: Do you have the management team in place that
      you need?

      Mr. Verges: That’s an excellent question. We have grown
      by 1,000% year-to-year 2003 to 2004 and we have what I would refer
      to around the office as a “cobbler’s children” syndrome. All the cap-
      ital that we’ve raised, we’ve invested in our portfolio subsidiaries
      and we’ve invested very little in expanding our own management re-
      sources. With few exceptions, the management team here at the be-
      ginning of 2005 is about the same management team that we had at
      year-end 2003. So we are very actively expanding that management
      team right now. We are actively interviewing executive-level talent
      to help us with the mergers and acquisitions. We’ve already brought
      onboard enterprise management people. We’ve just brought onboard
      a President to manage our traditional technology services business
      and we’ve brought on a number of Vice President-level managers to
      co-ordinate the economy of scale opportunities that is created by ac-
      quiring multiple companies.

      “We’ve acquired a total of four high-tech subsidiaries since June 2002
      and we’ve acquired equity at an affiliate level, 20% or more equity
      interest, in an additional four emerging technology companies. We’ve
      also expanded our traditional service business into Latin America and
      Southeast Asia through acquisition by acquiring traditional service
      companies in Venezuela and Singapore.”

      TWST: From a financial point of view, do you have the
      resources to do what you want to do?

      Mr. Verges: We do have the resources to do what we want
      to do in the core business today. The really tremendous part of this
      business model is by focusing on the micro cap markets. As one of
      our emerging technologies reaches the stage that it requires more
      capital than perhaps NewMarket would be able to provide, it’s likely
      at a stage where it is able to spin into its own public company and
      have its own publicly-listed micro cap structure in order to gain ac-
      cess to that next level of capital to help it grow to that next level of
      revenue. So the business model itself is developed to be able to con-
      tinuously satisfy the ongoing and growing financial requirements of
      the emerging technology.

      TWST: So it kind of becomes self-fulfilling, hopefully?

      Mr. Verges: It does.

      TWST: Is the market paying any attention yet?

      Mr. Verges: The market is paying attention in terms of
      being interested in the story. We have a lot of eyes on us and we have
      very healthy trading volume. I really believe that the market will
      stand up and take notice when we successfully issue one of our first
      equity dividends. Again, we should see a dividend in the form of De-
      fense Technology shares to NewMarket shareholders of record of
      July 1 for distribution some time after that date. Once we’ve com-
      pletedthat first stock dividend distribution, I believe the market will
      notice that - a $50 million market cap company just issued a $5 mil-
      lion, or 10% of our value, in an equity dividend. I particularly think,
      as I mentioned earlier, our AMEX applications should also get us to
      the next level of attention at the institutional investment level. Many
      institutional investors by their own mandates are precluded from in-
      vesting on the OTCBB.

      So, with such a strategic plan, in order to create multiple
      equity dividends per year, we really need to elevate that to the ap-
      propriate audience, the institutional investor audience. To do that we
      need to get on an appropriate exchange, and again, AMEX is the di-
      rection that we are headed right now.

      TWST: When you talk to investors at this point, what’s
      theirkey question orconcern?

      Mr. Verges: I think some of the questions that you’ve
      asked today. We’ve grown tremendously over the last 12 months, and
      one of the first questions that come up, of course, is management. We
      have to address that.

      Another question that comes up as we sell into the home-
      land security, healthcare and telecommunications markets is focus.
      There is a perception that we do not have a narrow enough focus and
      the challenge that we have there is to demonstrate that we do have
      focus on the IPcommunications software, but what we know is tech-
      nology and that IPInternet protocol technology is applicable across
      multiple industries.

      TWST: When you sit down with investors, what are
      the two orthree reasons you would give them to take a look at

      Mr. Verges: The three primary reasons we give them to
      look at NewMarket are our approach to actually getting additional
      sales for early technology by having a traditional service business
      that is a Microsoft-certified solution provider. We have certified re-
      seller relationships with Cisco and Sun Microsystems, to name just a
      few, and we have trusted vendor relationships with our customers.
      Going into these trusted vendor relationships is the best way to sell
      an emerging technology. We know our customers and they know us.
      We know how to propose, and how our new technology might create
      differentiation for our customers or a new line of business. That
      makes our ability to sell an emerging technology much greater than
      the traditional startup technology companies that has no customers to
      begin with. The second primary reason is our strategy to monetize
      with the return on investment in each of the subsidiary emerging
      technology companies through issuing equity dividends.
      And the third reason is that NewMarket is growing rapidly
      through organic growth and acquisitions. We are very proud of our
      growth from $2.3 million in 2003 to $25 million in 2004 and our rev-
      enue forecast for 2005 of $75 million.

      TWST: Thank you.

      PHILIP VERGES is President and CEO of NewMarket Technology Inc. A graduate of
      the U.S. Military Academy, he served as an Army Captain specializing in counter
      terrorism communication technologies. He went on to work for EDS as an instructor in
      systems engineering methodology and programming with various assignments
      including the Computer Sciences R&D department of General Motors.

      Chairman, CEO & CFO
      NewMarket Technology Inc.
      14860 Monfort Drive
      Suite 210
      Dallas, TX 75254
      (972) 386-3372
      (972) 386-8165 - FAX
      © 2005 The Wall Street Transcript, 67 Wall Street, NYC 10005
      Tel: (212) 952-7400 • Fax: (212) 668-9842 • Website:
      schrieb am 05.12.05 15:58:14
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      NewMarket Technology Inc. Growing Up on the OTCBB Vol 2, the Transition from Transaction to Fundamental Capital Financing Supporting Continued High Growth

      Date: 10/27/2005
      From $5 Million to $26 Million in Shareholder Equity in Just Over a Year with $60 Million in Annualized Revenue, CEO Addresses Transition to Fundamental Capital Financing

      DALLAS Oct. 27, 2005-- NewMarket Technology Inc. (OTCBB:NMKT) today released an open letter from its CEO and Chairman, Philip Verges, continuing to chronicle the Company`s experience on the Over the Counter Bulletin Board (OTCBB) exchange. This is a follow up to a letter from the CEO last week addressing the Company’s current challenge to transition from a company recognized for its next press release versus its underlying financial fundamentals. In this letter, the CEO discusses the related challenge of transitioning from transaction to fundamental capital financing.

      The letter is included in its entirety below:

      Dear fellow shareholders and investors in the emerging technology market, This letter is a follow up to a letter published last week about NewMarket’s experience over the last three years on the Over the Counter Bulletin Board (OTCBB) exchange and the Company’s yet unrecognized “fundamental” financial progress. Last week’s letter addressed the ins and outs of the challenging transition from a share price and market value that reflects the latest press release into a share price and market value that represents a company’s overall financial fundamentals. This follow up will discuss the closely related subject of transitioning from transaction capital financing to fundamental capital financing.

      NewMarket was recently recognized in the Deloitte Fast 500 as the 13th fastest growing technology company in North America. The Company has grown over 18,000% in the last five years to a profitable annualized revenue run rate today of over $60 million. Trading near a 52 week low, NewMarket has yet to be recognized by Wall Street for its respectable "fundamental" foundation highlighted by $26 million in shareholder equity.

      Similarly, NewMarket has yet to be recognized for its “fundamental” direct investment prospects. NewMarket receives daily unsolicited proposals for “transaction” investments, where the return on investment comes more often than not from a negotiated discount to the common stock market price. NewMarket is cash flow positive and accordingly in a position to turn down “transaction” financing. However, NewMarket has not yet been able to close financing that completely reflects the Company’s financial “fundamentals”.

      The share price of our OTCBB traded stock does not yet reflect the intrinsic business value or NewMarket`s rapid growth, sustained profitability or growing shareholder equity. Undervalued companies do not remain unrecognized for long, but often become "discovered" after some positive catalysts. We expect the direct investment opportunity will also not remain unrecognized for long.

      Transaction Leverage vs. Fundamental Leverage

      Companies list publicly to leverage equity as a marketable security for forming capital to grow operations or to acquire other businesses. The stark reality of the OTC markets is that equity leveraged for capital formation or acquisition is often valued more for its transaction value rather than any value the equity may have in correlation to the fundamental value of the business. In other words, stock sold at a discount is purchased for the value of the discount -- a value created by the selling transaction itself. The discounted stock purchaser is probably taking very little of the stock issuer’s fundamental business value into consideration and otherwise concentrating on the discount to market.

      Finding capital to start and grow new businesses is an age old challenge. Entrepreneurs do their best to sell their enthusiasm in exchange for early funding, but investors usually look for more tangible assets or marketable securities. The transaction valued capital available through the OTC markets can be a great tool for the entrepreneur. The challenge facing the entrepreneur is managing the eventual transition from leveraging transaction resources to leveraging fundamental resources. Companies that have raised capital on the value of the transaction coincidently are often valued by the market overall on a transaction basis. The transition from leveraging transaction to fundamental resources is mutually tied to migrating the overall market valuation of the company from a transaction to fundamental basis.

      Transaction Investors; Transaction Traders and Preferred Convertible Securities

      While the OTC provides entrepreneurs with a powerful tool for capitalizing early ventures in the form of transaction investments, the transaction investment environment is less than peril free.

      Preferred convertible securities are the investment facility of choice for the transaction investor. A preferred security investment normally maintains the value of the original investment independent of the publicly traded common share price. Transaction investors purchase a non-publicly traded security at a fixed price that converts at a future date into a publicly traded security – usually the common stock of the company. Likewise, the value of the discount is protected through its inclusion in the non-publicly traded fixed price security.

      Some transaction investors further mitigate risk by hedging or selling short against the value of the preferred security. This is a controversial practice as it can be implemented in a predatory fashion. If a transaction investor holds a $1 million preferred security that can convert into $1 million of common stock, the transaction investor could arguably sell short $1 million of common, demonstrating the ability to cover the short position with shares from the future conversion into common of the preferred security. A transaction investor with a preferred security could aggressively short sell and negatively impact the overall share price without creating any risk to his own investment.

      Some transaction investors have been suspected of selling stock short against a planned preferred investment. For instance, if a transaction investor is considering a $1 million purchase of a preferred security, it is suspected that some transaction investors will sell short $1 million of common stock prior to the consummation of the preferred stock purchase. In this scenario, the transaction investor not only sourced the money for the preferred purchase from the illegal short sale of stock, but the transaction investor would also have already realized his profit (from the built-in discount) before ever making the contemplated investment.

      The suspected predatory risk associated with preferred investments is not exclusive to the potential exploits of the transaction investor. Transaction traders are also suspected to exploit preferred investments. Most preferred investments are made by organizational investors such as Cornell Capital and Laurus Funds with template terms that include a registration of the underlying common stock. A transaction trader might watch for such registration statements and begin selling short in anticipation of a company’s share price going down once the organizational investor begins converting their preferred security into the underlying registered common stock and selling that stock into the open market.

      The preceding are only some highlights of the risks associated with preferred security investments. Nonetheless, preferred security investments can be beneficial capital facilities for start up and small high growth companies. Ideally, preferred security investments are structured in a manner that excludes transaction investors from hedging or shorting against the preferred position. Hopefully, regulatory enforcement prevents transaction traders from potentially selling short in anticipation of illegally profiting from a reduced share price that might result after the registration of a preferred investment. On the other hand, companies issuing preferred securities might be advised to implement supporting strategies to guard against the potential risks associated with transaction investments.

      NewMarket Preferred Securities: Summary and Strategy

      NewMarket has utilized convertible preferred securities to access investment capital. NewMarket has also utilized convertible preferred securities to acquire operating assets and proprietary technologies. The Company has taken every measure possible to guard against the potential predatory risk associated with the use of convertible preferred securities.

      NewMarket has not raised any money with an organizational investor in well over a year. The history of organizational investments in OTC firms is rich with share price collapses shortly following convertible preferred security investments. This history combined with NewMarket’s own courtship of organizational investors has made the Company shy away from the organizational investment community.

      NewMarket has only ever entered into three investment transactions with organizational investors. The sum of all three investments is less than $3 million and none of the three transactions requires NewMarket to file a registration statement. In turn, none of the investors has the ability to sell for one year and none of the investors can sell prior to two years without publicly disclosing their intention to sell.

      The majority of investment capital that NewMarket has received has been provided by VergeTech Inc. (VTI) in a related party transaction. VTI is a company founded by the Verges family in 1997. In 2002, VTI sold its assets to NewMarket in exchange for a convertible note that ultimately resulted in VergeTech’s ownership of 22 million shares of NewMarket stock. VTI still owns 22 million shares of stock and does not currently have any plans to sell stock. VTI has encumbered its 22 million shares of stock as collateral to borrow capital that has then been entirely invested in NewMarket. The money has been borrowed from friends and family. VTI’s investment in NewMarket is in the form of a loan secured by a note convertible into 40 million shares of stock. VTI’s related party transaction has been reviewed by the NewMarket board of directors with my abstention. VTI’s intention is to seek repayment of its loan in cash and to cancel or minimize any conversion into the 40 million shares.

      NewMarket has primarily utilized preferred securities to acquire operating assets and proprietary emerging technologies. NewMarket has six active issues of preferred stock. The preferred stock has been designated by letter and the active issues are designated as series C-H. All six series have been solely utilized to acquire operating assets and proprietary technology. NewMarket has acquired three additional operating and proprietary emerging technology assets using cash or notes payable solely in cash. No active preferred stock has been issued to raise capital. Series A and B were declared and issued in exchange for investment capital prior to the tenure of the existing management team and have since been retired. Out of the six issues of preferred stock only one is currently being converted into common stock for the benefit of the sellers. The terms of the original sale agreement restrict the preferred to incremental conversions over time. The other five preferred stock issues are restricted from converting and selling. However, two of the five have been provided in part as collateral in exchange for loans directly to two operating subsidiaries. The total of the loans is less than $1 million.

      NewMarket’s future plans in regard to the existing preferred stock associated with the acquired operating asset and propriety technology properties is to mitigate, if not eliminate any conversions into NewMarket common stock. NewMarket is currently structuring a consolidation of its systems integration companies into a single systems integration subsidiary. The intention is to exchange NewMarket preferred stock issued to acquire systems integration assets for equity in the new subsidiary systems integration company. Furthermore, NewMarket intends to similarly exchange NewMarket preferred stock for equity in the eventual spin-off of proprietary technologies.

      NewMarket has slowed the use of preferred stock in its ongoing acquisition campaign to expand operations and add to a proprietary technology portfolio. Recently, for instance, the Company announced the planned acquisition of UniOne in Brazil in an all cash transaction. NewMarket is further slowing its use of preferred stock by improving its ability to leverage subsidiary securities for funding and acquisitions specific to the subsidiary business operations. Last week, NewMarket China announced a $1 million direct investment.

      In summary, the Company’s strategy has been to move away from organizational transaction investors. NewMarket has been able to make substantial progress in its goal to move away from the organizational transaction investment community by leveraging the assets of its own founders and management. The primary use of preferred securities has been to acquire operating assets and proprietary technologies that may never be paid for with the Company’s common stock given the planned spin-off strategy. If preferred stock issued to acquire operating assets and proprietary technologies is ultimately converted into common then ideally it will be less common than would have been required at the time of purchase. For instance, NewMarket’s share price was $0.17 at the time it acquired Infotel.

      The Company is making deliberate strides toward the transition from leveraging transaction resources to leveraging fundamental resources. This transition will fuel the market valuation transition from a transaction basis to a fundamental basis and vice versa. This is an exciting time for NewMarket. Though near a 52 week low, perhaps not an easy time. We are in a transition from being recognized for our transactional value to being recognized for the fundamental value we have quietly been building over the last three years. We have had no sustained market capitalization growth in 18 months while our shareholder equity has otherwise increased 500% to $26 million and our sales have grown over 18,000% over five years to a current annualized revenue run rate of $60 million. We are poised to be "discovered" by Wall Street and the institutional investment community as an undervalued company with basic financial fundamental strength greater than what the current share price reflects.

      Best Regards,
      Philip Verges
      CEO and Chairman
      NewMarket Technology Inc.
      schrieb am 05.12.05 15:58:51
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      From the company

      Dear shareholders and interested investors:

      We have been receiving a number of phone calls requesting a copy of the latest comments on NewMarket Technology from Mr. Tobin Smith of ChangeWave Investing. NewMarket Technology (OTCBB:NMKT) is on ChangeWave`s MicroCap Report recommendation list and the following update was sent to his subscribers this week. Notwithstanding his other comments regarding perceived miscues, his short term target price should be of interest to many---"Still, looking at NewMarket`s overall picture, we believe the stock is modestly priced and thus could conceivably double during the next six to 12 months"
      schrieb am 05.12.05 15:59:28
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      Die letzten News, so wie es aussieht schlägt NMKT die selbe Richtung wie Mobilepros Tochterunternehmen Neoreach ein. :eek:

      NewMarket Technology Inc. Announces Signing Service Agreement with Wireless Broadband Company
      Friday December 2, 9:30 am ET
      Two Year Contract Represents Minimum of $2 Million Revenue with High Potential for Increase

      DALLAS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Dec. 2, 2005--NewMarket Technology Inc. (OTCBB:NMKT - News) today announced signing an agreement with RedMoon Inc. to support RedMoon`s continued rollout of wireless broadband services. The base two year service contract supporting RedMoon is worth $2 million with a high potential to increase overall revenue for NewMarket as RedMoon deploys its services to more municipalities. RedMoon`s revenue is expected to increase from $2.5 million in 2005 to over $10 million in 2006.

      RedMoon recently announced the completion of the first fully Wi-Fi city in Texas (Addison, Texas) and one of only a few Wi-Fi municipalities in the nation, enabling residents and visitors full coverage access to the Internet in the city limits of Addison. Municipalities are able to benefit from full mobile coverage for Fire and Rescue, Public Safety, EMS, Police, Surveillance and Monitoring, and Meter Reading. With RedMoon`s services, Addison`s more than 100,000 citizens and daily visitors are able to enjoy wireless access from their homes, cars, restaurants and community parks throughout the city at hourly, daily and monthly rates. Commercial account rates are individually negotiable. Through an agreement with Airpath Wireless, RedMoon subscribers will have access to a global footprint, or "hot spots" outside of Addison in areas where roaming capabilities are available.

      About RedMoon Inc. (

      RedMoon Inc., one of the nation`s leading providers of mobile data network systems, specializes in the engineering, design, construction and maintenance of city-wide mesh and fixed wireless networks. RedMoon provides wireless high-speed Internet service, as well as support and billing management systems. RedMoon focuses its expertise on the deployment of mobile broadband networks that cover all aspects of Public Safety, including Police, Fire and EMS. RedMoon`s unique MetroMesh technology provides full coverage, enabling city agencies to access the tools necessary to efficiently handle both emergency and non-emergency situations. NewMarket Technology (OTCBB:NMKT - News) is currently a RedMoon equity partner holding a minority ownership position in RedMoon.

      Trading Spotlight

      East Africa Metals
      0,1480EUR +0,68 %
      Kennen wir bei East Africa bislang nur die Spitze des Goldberges?!mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 05.12.05 16:02:35
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      Das Trading Verhalten sieht ganz nach fortgesetztem Shorting aus...
      Ich positioniere mich seit 0,30USD, es besteht im Augenblick keine Eile da kaum Umsatz zu Stande kommt.

      Am besten Limit bei 0,35USD oder darunter setzen....

      Brokerface :cool:
      schrieb am 05.12.05 16:09:46
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      zwar kein Tebagger aber ein solider Verdoppler auf Sicht von 6-12 Monaten wenn ich Tobin Smith zitiere:
      " Still, looking at NewMarket`s overall picture, we believe the stock is modestly priced and thus could conceivably double during the next six to 12 months"
      schrieb am 05.12.05 16:13:01
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      Dec 5, 2005 10:00:00 AM
      Copyright Business Wire 2005
      DALLAS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Dec. 5, 2005--

      NewMarket Technology Inc. (OTCBB:NMKT) and Computer Associates (NYSE:CA) today announced a joint marketing initiative expected to generate more than $3 million in revenue annually. Computer Associates solutions will be integrated in the Andean Region of South America with NewMarket`s Latin American subsidiary, RKM IT Solutions, providing consulting and engineering support.

      Computer Associates and RKM IT Solutions have a long-standing partnership in the Andean Region. RKM supports Computer Associates solutions with local consulting and engineering services, training and support, as well as application and systems integration implementation and deployment. With the anticipated success of this current project, Computer Associates and RKM plan to expand their long-lasting and successful relationship to pursue opportunities in the Latin American Oil and Gas, Banking, Utilities and e-Government sectors. With the breadth of state-of-the-art and standards based IT products, CA and RKM are uniquely positioned to take advantage of a booming IT market in the region, projected to grow at an 8% growth rate.

      NewMarket Technology Inc. recently ranked Number 13 on the 2005 Deloitte Technology Fast 500, a ranking of the 500 fastest growing technology companies in North America. Rankings are based on the percentage of revenue growth over five years from 2000-2004. NewMarket`s revenue increased 18,082 percent during this period.

      About Computer Associates (

      CA (NYSE:CA), one of the world`s largest Information Technology (IT) management software companies, unifies and simplifies the management of enterprise-wide IT. Founded in 1976, CA is headquartered in Islandia, N.Y., and serves customers in more than 140 countries. For more information, please visit

      About NewMarket Technology Inc. (
      schrieb am 05.12.05 16:56:43
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      andere firmen haben noch nie schwarze zahlen geschrieben und sind richtig explodiert da könnte nmkt auch mal mehr wie 100% machen weil die story bei Newmarket stimmt
      schrieb am 05.12.05 17:07:55
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      Das Unternehmen wird geshortet und das Management eruiert Möglichkeiten um an der Nasdaq gelistet zu werden. Sobald dies der Fall ist geht der Kurs durch die Decke. Ein P/E von 40+ wäre eher angemessen....
      In diesem Falle steigt die Phantasie um den Faktor 4 :D

      Viel Erfolg!

      Brokerface :cool:

      Meine anderen spekulative Positionen:
      MOBL (siehe Thread - sollte nach Weihnachten durch die Decke gehen)
      MBAH (geht seit Monaten wie eine Rakete ab)
      GTE (siehe Thread - der Stratellit verleiht Flügel)
      FLIP (geht heute wie eine Rakete ab)
      Softbank (siehe Thread -die Zukunft ist IP)
      schrieb am 06.12.05 07:57:17
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      wenn da nicht die 100 million aktien wären wär dieses teil echt super:cry:
      schrieb am 06.12.05 09:12:04
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      Dann schau Dir SPSC (anderer Thread) an, die haben einen OS von kanpp über 40M USD und notieren nahe zum am Buchwert.

      Brekeven wahrscheinlich nächstes Quartal.

      Schönen Gruss

      schrieb am 06.12.05 09:20:18
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      NewMarket Technology ist an 13. Stelle auf der Deloitte 2005 North America Technology Fast 500 Winners List gelistet:

      schrieb am 06.12.05 09:40:21
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      Würde ja noch in spsc was reinstecken,aber bin voll in nmkt investiert und das muss klappen
      schrieb am 06.12.05 10:52:05
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      Mit ein wenig Geduld.... (2-3 Quartale) sollte dies ein sicherer Verdoppler sein. Dann entweder alles raus oder die Hälfte, nämlich seinen Einsatz. Ich nenne es die Value-Add Strategie.

      Sie haben einigen Umsatz aus Akquisitionen der in den nächsten Quartalen zum Tragen kommt.

      Ich bin verhalten optimistisch, denn der Kurs sollte bei 0,29USD (BUCHWERT) bestens abgesichert sein zumal ständig positiver News Flow eintrudelt. Das die Aktie bei 0,35USD notiert, ist ein Witz.
      schrieb am 06.12.05 11:13:44
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      War auch Viropharma investiert nur da hab ich bei 100% kalte füsse bekommen.
      schrieb am 06.12.05 11:50:37
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()
      NMKT daily Chart

      NMKT weekly Chart

      Kindly brought you by Brokerface :cool:
      schrieb am 06.12.05 11:58:01
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()
      Candlestick Analysis
      Letzes Candlestick Pattern: Doji

      Der "DOJI" zeigt eine Unentschlossenheit der Marktteilnehmer über den weiteren Trend an. Ich denke, dass die letzten Tage einige Marktteilnehmer Ihre illegalen "naked" shortings gecovert haben.
      schrieb am 06.12.05 13:27:58
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      Dem Chart zu urteilen wäre der Boden bei 0,32USD gefunden... :cool:
      schrieb am 06.12.05 22:09:20
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()
      ich halte weiterhin an meinen 16.800 Stück fest und werde mein Depot in den nächsten Wochen auf 20.000 St aufstocken!

      in Deutschland Newmarket Aktien zu kommen ist sowieso nicht so leicht zwischen Geld und Briefkurs liegt oftmals ein Spread von 20% bis 30%! Man sieht ja allein am Handelsvolumen
      in Frankfurt (0 Stück,) dass in Deutschland die Aktionäre an Newmarket festhalten, man muss schon fast den Dollar Kurs 1 zu 1 in Euro übernehmen um welche zu bekommen!
      schrieb am 06.12.05 22:52:05
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()
      [posting]19.179.141 von Starinvestor2005 am 06.12.05 22:09:20[/posting]..ich glaube nicht dass deine Interpretation betr. Listing in D stimmt, Tatsache ist wohl eher dass dieser Titel hier total illiquid ist und demnächst delistet wird :cool:

      Übrigens ist auch nicht klar, wieso jede OTC-Klitsche hier gelistet werden soll und was das bringen soll, ausser Verluste für die Kleinanleger :eek:

      schrieb am 07.12.05 13:33:56
      Beitrag Nr. 22 ()
      NMKT ist weiterhin auf der SHO-List und der Abgabedruck zeigt sich in den Kursen sowie im Level2 Tradinverhalten.

      Ich bin zuversichtlich, dass demnächst der Boden gefunden ist. Sollte NMKT unter dem Buchwert notieren, dann verdopple ich meine Position. Ich stocke in den nächsten Tagen weiter auf. Das Listing hierzulande dient nur einem Zwecke, dem Naked Shorting.

      schrieb am 07.12.05 13:45:45
      Beitrag Nr. 23 ()
      Charly, wenn Du schon Geld verdienen willst dann bottomfische bei MOBL.
      Ihr Schweizer habt doch vom "The Art Of Making Money" Ahnung, oder? ;)
      schrieb am 07.12.05 14:04:45
      Beitrag Nr. 24 ()
      [posting]19.186.277 von Brokerface1402 am 07.12.05 13:45:45[/posting]wieso bist du denn so von mobl überzeugt ?

      ich denke, da steht ein reverse-splitting ins Haus ?

      schrieb am 07.12.05 14:11:51
      Beitrag Nr. 25 ()
      siehe MOBL Thread... und siehe News-Flow der letzten Tage....
      Muni-WiFi ist ein stark wachsender Markt und Google, Cisco und AOL springen auf den Zug. Mobilepro gehört neben Eearthlink zu den Marktführern.
      schrieb am 13.12.05 11:00:37
      Beitrag Nr. 26 ()
      gestern war zumindest an der heimatbörse ein beachtlicher umsatz zu verbuchen, aber am ende des tages konnte man wieder einmal sagen wie gewonnen so zerronnen!

      Wäre an der Zeit das Newmarket Zahlen präsentiert!
      schrieb am 19.12.05 22:02:43
      Beitrag Nr. 27 ()
      es wird LANGSAM zeit dass die naked shorts covern:

      NewMarket Technology Inc. Releases Letter to Shareholders on 4th Annual Shareholder Town Hall Meeting; Presentation to Be Available on Corporate Website

      Dec 19, 2005 12:51:00 PM
      Copyright Business Wire 2005
      DALLAS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Dec. 19, 2005--

      NewMarket Technology Inc. (OTCBB:NMKT) today released a Letter to Shareholders to provide a summary of the presentation by the CEO, Philip Verges, at the 4th Annual Shareholder Town Hall meeting held on December 15, 2005. The Letter follows in its entirety:

      Dear Fellow Shareholders and Interested Technology Investors:
      The purpose of this letter is to provide highlights of my presentation at the 4th Annual Shareholder Town Hall Meeting held in Boca Raton, Florida. It is my hope that this letter will encourage all shareholders and other interested investors to view more of the presentation, which will be available later this week on our website ( Through this letter and the online presentations, I further hope you all will recognize NewMarket as a product of passion -- passion for emerging technology and the emerging technology entrepreneur; passion for the role of the development stage business in the overall U.S. and global economies and a passionate belief in the critical importance of the development stage business to the future of the U.S. economy in a rapidly changing global economic landscape.

      NewMarket is more than just another growth stock investment prospect. NewMarket is an example of the universal challenges facing the emerging technology sector and an example of the greater universal challenges facing the entire development stage business market. In response to these universal challenges, NewMarket has decided to lead in the establishment of a new emerging technology process. NewMarket has decided to lead in blazing a trail for all development stage businesses to follow into the future of our rapidly evolving global economic landscape.

      In the past several years, many have previously voted their confidence in NewMarket by purchasing the Company`s stock. Everyone here at NewMarket recognizes our implicit contract with both old and new shareholders to build value and offer an eventual healthy investment return. Your cumulative stock purchases create the market in the Company`s stock that in turn enables the Company to leverage its stock to build a larger and more valuable Company. In return, our responsibility is to continue building a Company that provides a greater shareholder value.

      NewMarket`s revenues have increased from $1 million in 2002 to over $50 million projected in 2005. In that same timeframe, balance sheet calculated shareholder equity has increased from a negative measurement to nearly $30 million in the last three years. Profits have also continuously improved. However, over the last 24 months, the NewMarket share price has been volatile and sustained share price appreciation has been elusive. The Company is currently in debt to its long-term shareholders. We owe an increased share price to our long-term shareholders. I will not make excuses. I will not point fingers. In the words of the late, great President Harry S. Truman, "The buck stops here."

      I am confident NewMarket will overcome the current resistance to share price appreciation. The purpose of the Shareholder Town Hall presentation was to provide insight into that confidence in a higher future NewMarket share price. However, NewMarket`s sights are much higher than just overcoming this resistance to share price appreciation. As NewMarket executes its plan to align share price appreciation with fundamental financial performance, our greater objective is to set an example for the Over the Counter Bulletin Board (OTCBB) market as a whole.

      The Over the Counter Backdrop

      The only U.S. over the counter exchange with fully reporting publicly listed companies is the Over the Counter Bulletin Board Exchange or OTCBB. NewMarket is listed and traded on the OTCBB exchange. The OTCBB as a permanent operation is less than ten years old. The OTCBB began operation as a pilot project in 1990 as part of the Penny Stock Reform Act past the same year. The OTCBB was approved for permanent operation in 1997.

      Since 1997, the number of listed companies has declined from 6,408 to 3,111 as of today. The total average daily share volume (the cumulative number of shares traded across all listed companies) has increased substantially from 71 million shares to 1.5 billion per day. That is half the number of companies and twenty times more daily traded share volume. The average price per traded share has dropped from $2.46 in 1997 to $0.09 today. Ironically, the average dollar volume since 1997 has only declined 22% from $175,000,000 to $136,000,000. The daily share volume increased 2000%, half as many companies are listed, the average share price has dropped 96%, and the total daily dollar volume has only declined by 22%. Many more shares trading with many fewer companies to be traded at dramatically lower share prices, but only a modest reduction in the number of dollars committed to the OTCBB market. In my interpretation, these statistics indicate more investors are participating in the OTCBB market over time even though share prices are going down.

      As you might imagine, average daily share volume; average daily dollar volume and average traded share price dropped dramatically between 2000 and 2001. Since 2001, average daily share volume and average daily dollar volume have increased substantially, while average daily traded share prices have steadily declined. The number of listed companies is continuing to decline slightly and therefore has little impact on volumes.

      One might expect the growing share and dollar volumes to indicate overall increased investment. The declining share price in the face of increased dollar and share volumes is confusing. Why are more dollars going into a declining market? Have investors learned to consistently make money on declining share prices?

      A more recent look at the OTCBB presents perhaps an even more dramatic and telling example of the counterintuitive relationship trend between share volume, dollar volume, and share price. The total year-to-date volumes through October 2004 were 16 billion shares and $2.9 billion. The total year-to-date volumes through October 2005 were 29 billion shares and $3.1 billion. The 84% increase in total share volume and 9% increase in total dollar volume resulted in a 47% average traded share price drop from $0.19 to $0.09 per share.

      NewMarket Financial Performance vs. Share Price Performance

      Similar to the overall OTCBB market, NewMarket`s share price has decreased 47% from the first quarter of 2004 to the current quarter. NewMarket`s market capitalization value (the total number of issued and outstanding shares multiplied by the price per share) has remained relatively flat, increasing only 2% in the last two years. The total issued and outstanding has increased an average of 10% per quarter -- a total of 91% in two years. It has been suggested that the decline in share price is due to the increase in the issued and outstanding. While the inverse relationship between increasing issued and outstanding and decreasing share price is unarguable, the cause and effect is arguable.

      Over the last two years, NewMarket revenue has increased on average 40% per quarter with a total 485% increase between the first quarter of 2004 and the current quarter. Over the same period, shareholder equity has increased on average 29% per quarter with a total increase of 400%. Profit has also increased at a normalized rate of 400%. A graph of the fundamental financial performance, in conjunction with the increase in total issued and outstanding exemplifies accretive growth. Fundamental financial performance and the corresponding value of the overall business are increasing at a substantially greater rate than the declining rate of ownership percentage represented by a single stock certificate.

      I might argue that a single stock certificate represents 50% less ownership today than last year, but with 200% more intrinsic value. I will most certainly argue that NewMarket`s two-year share price history is not at all consistent with its fundamental financial performance.

      While the Company`s financial performance and share price demonstrate no relationship, the pronounced inverse relationship between share price and issued and outstanding cannot be ignored. The price per share clearly decreases when the issued and outstanding increases, and clearly remains unchanged when the issued and outstanding remains unchanged.

      At the same time price per share has been incrementally decreasing, share price volatility has added a notable and significant dynamic. The high and low share price within any given quarter over the last two years has varied an average of 127%.

      The correlation between the OTCBB historic market statistics and NewMarket`s own historic market statistics is too obvious to be ignored as central to any plan intended to align fundamental financial performance with share price appreciation. Today, NewMarket`s share price is influenced predominantly by dynamics unique to the OTCBB, and very little by fundamental financial performance. Our challenge is to overcome the unique share price dynamics of the OTCBB and to begin aligning our share price with NewMarket`s steadily improving fundamental financial performance.

      A Picture of Aligned Fundamentals and Share Price Performance
      Below is a comparison of NewMarket to other OTCBB technology service companies and NASDAQ listed technology service companies. All comparisons are to technology service companies under $100 million in sales.


      Revenue (TTM Millions) $14.9 $41.6 $47.3

      EPS $(0.15) $0.03 $(0.12)

      Average Daily
      Trading Volume 69,897 683,504 58,344

      Market Value (Millions) $9.4 $36.6 $101.9

      Price to Sales Ratio 0.63 0.88 2.16

      % Owned by Institutions 0.8 0.0 22.4
      NewMarket is outperforming the other technology service companies on the OTCBB both in terms of fundamental financial performance, as well as, share price performance. When it comes to a national market listed technology service company, NewMarket is competitive in regard to financial performance, but well below share price performance (Data derived from Fidelity research tools encompassing 20 NASDAQ and 34 OTC Small Cap IT Services firms with under $100 million in Revenue (TTM)).

      Aligning Fundamental Financials and Share Price Performance

      NewMarket is building respectable historic fundamental financial performance. Continued fundamental financial performance is primary to the eventual alignment of share price performance. To continue NewMarket`s aggressive growth and continually improving fundamental financial performance, management is concentrating on:

      1) Expanded and improved management processes and procedures

      2) A continued increase in growth from organic sales and a
      corresponding increase in profit

      3) Increased growth from developing economic region expansions in
      China and Latin America with a corresponding increased portion
      of equity investment leverage from minority interests in
      equity of regional expansions
      The dynamics of the OTCBB is unlikely to consistently support true valuations based on financial performance. Financial performance similar to NewMarket`s is supporting better share price to sales performance on national exchanges In addition to taking measures to ensure continued fundamental financial performance, NewMarket will also upgrade its current equity environment by:

      1) Achieving a listing on an exchange that attracts more
      institutional investors

      2) Pursuing institutional shareholder interest after this listing

      3) Obtaining financing for growth leveraged on financial
      fundamentals and moving away from equity only financing
      The Shareholder Town Hall Meeting included a number of conversational overviews of notable organic sales growth opportunities and management process and procedure improvements. The meeting also included more detail on recent successes of the regional expansions in China and Latin America. The PowerPoint is available by request and will provide a complete outline of the presentation from the meeting in Boca Raton and a thorough overview of the additional detail reviewed at the meeting regarding the OTCBB market and the analysis of NewMarket`s financial and share price performance. To request a copy of the PowerPoint presentation please contact Rick Lutz, Investor Relations, at or (404) 261-1196. The complete presentation was recorded and will be available on the Company`s website later this week.

      All here at NewMarket are confident that the Company`s continually improving financial performance will eventually become reflected in the market. We are looking forward to substantial growth in revenue and income in 2006, as well as continuing to expand NewMarket`s operations organically and through strategic acquisitions of healthy, promising companies.

      Philip M. Verges
      CEO & Chairman
      NewMarket Technology Inc.
      About NewMarket Technology Inc. (
      NewMarket Technology Inc. is a Systems Innovation Company. NewMarket has combined a traditional systems integration and support services capacity with a specialized asset-based approach to assisting its clients with the delicate balance between maintaining legacy systems and gaining a competitive edge from the latest technology innovations. NewMarket provides certified integration and maintenance services to support the prevailing industry standard solutions to include Microsoft (Nasdaq:MSFT), Cisco Systems (Nasdaq:CSCO) and Sun Microsystems (Nasdaq:SUNW). Concurrently, NewMarket continuously seeks to acquire undiscovered emerging technology assets to incorporate into an overall product portfolio carefully packaged to complement the prevailing industry standard solutions. NewMarket`s emerging technology portfolio includes products for the Telecommunications, Healthcare, Homeland Security and Financial Services industries. NewMarket delivers its portfolio of products and services through its global network of Solution Integration subsidiaries in North America, Latin America, China and Singapore. As a Systems Innovator, NewMarket has set itself apart from the systems integration market through the introduction of a technology business model that monetizes the value of emerging technologies to improve corporate profits and enhance shareholder value with the regular issue of dividends. NewMarket recently announced that it ranked Number 13 on the 2005 Deloitte Technology Fast 500, a ranking of the 500 fastest growing technology companies in North America. Rankings are based on the percentage of revenue growth over five years from 2000-2004. NewMarket`s revenue increased 18,082 percent during this period.

      This press release contains statements (such as projections regarding future performance) that are forward-looking statements as defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Actual results may differ materially from those projected as a result of certain risks and uncertainties, including but not limited to those detailed from time to time in the Company`s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

      Source: NewMarket Technology, Inc.

      Brought you by:
      schrieb am 22.12.05 18:57:32
      Beitrag Nr. 28 ()
      NewMarket Technology Inc. Releases Webcast of Shareholder Town Hall; CEO Addresses Current Equity Undervaluation Versus Actual Financial Results

      Dec 22, 2005 9:38:00 AM
      Copyright Business Wire 2005
      DALLAS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Dec. 22, 2005--

      Includes Roadmap for Entrepreneurs with Early Development
      Stage Companies to Benefit from OTC Market and Investing
      Successfully on the OTC
      NewMarket Technology Inc. (OTCBB:NMKT) today released a webcast of the Company`s Shareholder Town Hall Meeting held last Thursday, December 15th.

      The following is a statement from Philip Verges, the CEO and Chairman of NewMarket Technology, encouraging shareholders, investors, and entrepreneurs to view the webcast.

      "NewMarket`s revenue has grown on average by 40% per quarter over the last two years. At the same time, profit has increased at a normalized rate of 400%. Shareholder equity has also increased by 400% over the last two years. NewMarket has grown from $2.3 million in revenue in 2003 to $41 million in revenue for the trailing twelve months. The Over the Counter market has been instrumental in facilitating this growth.

      Nevertheless, while the Company has been growing exponentially in the last two years, NewMarket`s average share price has declined 47%. The webcast explains in detail how a company can grow, while the share price declines. Through NewMarket`s own experience, the webcast outlines for all entrepreneurs how to finance a development stage company in the Over the Counter market environment. Demonstrating the overall trading dynamics of the Over the Counter Bulletin Board (OTCBB) Exchange and NewMarket`s own historical trading dynamics, the webcast is helpful to OTCBB investors on how to realize healthy investment returns in development stage companies.

      The primary message in the webcast is directed to our valued long-term NewMarket shareholders. The Company`s intrinsic and enterprise value has grown in the last two years and that value is continuing to build upon the foundation forged during this time. However, the healthy revenue and bottom line growth fundamentals are locked inside an undervalued share price. Companies listed on national exchanges with similar services and similar revenues, but with less profit, are consistently trading at much higher Price to Sales ratios. The challenge for NewMarket is to unlock that value in the market.

      Developing companies are less predictable than later stage companies. As the CEO, I have made mistakes in forecasting and prematurely setting high expectations for the future results of our early development stage operations. Even though NewMarket`s overall operations have grown exponentially, my highly communicative program to inform shareholders have dampened shareholder`s spirits as timelines were extended and some goals were not met (at least not yet).

      Some part of the two year average share price decrease has been in reaction to shareholder`s concerns from my premature communications regarding less than predictable developing aspects of NewMarket`s business. Part of the decrease is due to the nature of the OTCBB market as the average traded share price for all companies listed on the entire OTCBB has decreased 50% over the last two years from $0.19 to $0.09.

      The good news is that NewMarket`s business value is growing as measured by shareholder`s equity, as well as balance sheet, revenue and profitability growth. Now we have to get past the less than stellar communications and get off the OTCBB, so that we can meet the ultimate goal of every public company -- building shareholder value. Although, NewMarket`s operations today are far more predictable than in the past, I have graduated from the school of hard knocks regarding overconfident and premature communications.

      I encourage shareholders, public market investors and all entrepreneurs to view the webcast on our corporate website at NewMarket is a case study for investors interested in the Over the Counter market, as well as being a case study for entrepreneurs trying to finance early development stage companies. Most importantly, long-term shareholders should be assured that we at NewMarket are committed to providing an impressive investment return going forward."
      schrieb am 02.01.06 11:38:28
      Beitrag Nr. 29 ()
      Nachkaufgelegenheit, alles unter 0,30USD ist ein give-away... :D
      schrieb am 02.01.06 18:10:16
      Beitrag Nr. 30 ()
      da ist ja fast garkeine bewegung mehr die sind kurz vorm absaufen:cry:
      schrieb am 03.01.06 11:53:09
      Beitrag Nr. 31 ()
      ich frage mich wann endlich eine Bodenbildung stattfindet,
      schaut momentan garnicht gut aus!

      Wie dem auch sei in 2006 wird man mit Newmarket Gewinne einfahren können, davon bin ich überzeugt, auch wenn es gerade nicht gut läuft.
      schrieb am 04.01.06 17:33:27
      Beitrag Nr. 32 ()
      gute nachrichten und was machen die Amis lassen das teil absaufen:confused:
      schrieb am 04.01.06 20:49:32
      Beitrag Nr. 33 ()
      NewMarket Releases 2006 Highlights Featuring Rapid Sales Growth in China and Latin... [FSFNKTJ]

      NewMarket Releases 2006 Highlights Featuring Rapid Sales Growth in China and Latin America as Company Shakes off Penny Market Valuation Dynamics

      DALLAS--(Business Wire)--Jan. 4, 2006--

      With 2000% Two Year Growth to $50 Million in Profitable Revenue
      Company Files Amended and Updated Financials and Sets Sights
      on Moving off OTCBB

      Jan 4, 2006--NewMarket Technology Inc. (OTCBB:NMKT) today released
      highlights of the Company`s 2006 business plan. Three years ago, the
      Company launched a new technology business model developed to
      eventually replace the industry`s current approach to research and
      development. While the goal seemed imposing, NewMarket was named in
      2005 as the 13th fastest growing technology firm in North America on
      the Deloitte Technology Fast 500. After reporting $2.3 million in
      revenue in 2003, the Company expects to report over $50 million in
      profitable revenue for 2005. NewMarket`s earnings and balance sheet
      metrics beat technology service sector averages for companies under
      $100 million in revenue listed on national exchanges. However,
      NewMarket`s market capitalization value is currently less than half
      the average market capitalization value of these technology service
      companies. The Company`s 2006 business plan is centered on continued
      rapid growth and the expansion of its business model into fast growth
      developing economic regions to include China and Latin America. The
      2006 business plan will also concentrate on building shareholder value
      by overcoming penny market specific valuation dynamics and setting its
      sights on a move off the Over the Counter Bulletin Board Exchange

      Improved Regulatory Compliance Support

      NewMarket has been a very entrepreneurial organization. As a small
      company with limited recourses and aggressive goals, NewMarket`s
      success to date has relied on the enthusiasm, energy and creativity of
      its small staff. However, a small company also has limited financial
      resources to dedicate to legal, accounting and auditing support.
      With the Company`s growth, management has improved its regulatory
      compliance support resources. NewMarket has just completed its first
      year with a full time retained law firm supporting regulatory
      reporting requirements. Likewise, NewMarket engaged a new audit firm
      last year to meet the peer review requirements expected for a national
      listing. Additionally, the Company has recently updated its Audit,
      Compensation and Board Nomination Committees, along with its Code of
      Conduct charter.
      Notably, the Company has amended previous financial reports for
      2004 and the first two quarters of 2005. The first three quarters of
      2005 has unchanged revenue and a bottom line of $1.2 million. The
      restated financials include a balance sheet adjustment regarding an
      asset acquired in 2003 and the addition of a recurring amortization
      expense associated with that same asset. The amendments also include
      additional footnotes intended to improve disclosure.
      With the improved regulatory compliance support and update of
      previously released reports, management believes 2005 has been a
      foundation-building year to facilitate a move from the OTCBB in 2006.

      Continued Rapid Growth

      Improved regulatory support will assist the Company`s move from
      the OTCBB and help the Company`s past performance to be valued outside
      the penny market specific dynamics. However, continued above industry
      average performance is essential to NewMarket`s market capitalization
      growth. Accordingly, rapid growth that is accretive to earnings
      remains central to NewMarket`s business plan in 2006.
      The Company has experienced significant revenue and profit growth
      from its foreign operations in Latin America and China. Latin America
      operations grew from $2 million in revenue in 2004 to $10 million in
      2005 (un-audited). An agreement for $24 million in annual recurring
      revenue for services was signed in China. NewMarket expects continued
      rapid revenue growth in Latin America and China in 2006.
      NewMarket management will only forecast a conservative 15%
      compounded annual growth, but has set revenue and income goals much
      higher. The Company`s current sales and acquisition pipelines include
      revenue opportunities that support the last two years` growth rate. In
      the event NewMarket reports quarterly revenue and profit surprise
      increases in 2006 that clearly indicate that our forecast is too low,
      the Company will raise its annual projections accordingly.

      About NewMarket Technology Inc. (

      NewMarket Technology Inc. is a Systems Innovation Company.
      NewMarket has combined a traditional systems integration and support
      services capacity with a specialized asset-based approach to assisting
      its clients with the delicate balance between maintaining legacy
      systems and gaining a competitive edge from the latest technology
      innovations. NewMarket provides certified integration and maintenance
      services to support the prevailing industry standard solutions to
      include Microsoft (Nasdaq:MSFT), Cisco Systems (Nasdaq:CSCO) and Sun
      Microsystems (Nasdaq:SUNW). Concurrently, NewMarket continuously seeks
      to acquire undiscovered emerging technology assets to incorporate into
      an overall product portfolio carefully packaged to complement the
      prevailing industry standard solutions. NewMarket`s emerging
      technology portfolio includes products for the Telecommunications,
      Healthcare, Homeland Security and Financial Services industries.
      NewMarket delivers its portfolio of products and services through its
      global network of Solution Integration subsidiaries in North America,
      Latin America, China and Singapore. As a Systems Innovator, NewMarket
      has set itself apart from the systems integration market through the
      introduction of a technology business model that monetizes the value
      of emerging technologies to improve corporate profits and enhance
      shareholder value with the regular issue of dividends. NewMarket
      recently announced that it ranked Number 13 on the 2005 Deloitte
      Technology Fast 500, a ranking of the 500 fastest growing technology
      companies in North America. Rankings are based on the percentage of
      revenue growth over five years from 2000-2004. NewMarket`s revenue
      increased 18,082 percent during this period.

      This press release contains statements (such as projections
      regarding future performance) that are forward-looking statements as
      defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.
      Actual results may differ materially from those projected as a result
      of certain risks and uncertainties, including but not limited to those
      detailed from time to time in the Company`s filings with the
      Securities and Exchange Commission.

      NewMarket Technology Inc., Dallas
      Rick Lutz, 404-261-1196
      04Jan06 16:12 GMT
      schrieb am 12.01.06 17:53:53
      Beitrag Nr. 34 ()


      Kauf Range: 0,292 - 0,26
      mögl. Ziel: 0,50
      Stop Loss : 0,225



      schrieb am 17.01.06 17:46:19
      Beitrag Nr. 35 ()
      NewMarket Technology Inc. Releases 2006 Healthcare Business Plan to Contribute to Growth from $50 Million in Profitable 2005 Revenue; Healthcare Sector Plan is Third of Six Business Unit Plans to Be Released
      NewMarket Technology Inc. (OTCBB:NMKT) today released its 2006 business plans for the Healthcare sector. The Company has previously released plans for operations in China and Latin America and will release three more business plans, for a total of six business unit plans, over the next three weeks.

      Two years ago, NewMarket entered the Healthcare sector with the acquisition of a software company providing an Internet-enabled, desktop medical practice management solution. Subsequently, NewMarket expanded the acquired software company`s operations into digital records management. Currently, NewMarket is developing an opportunity to expand into the government-mandated real-time tracking of prescription narcotics. The overall revenue from the Company`s Healthcare market sector activity currently represents a modest contribution to NewMarket`s corporate revenue with less than $5 million annually. However, this Healthcare revenue represents almost 100% organic growth over the last two years. The Company anticipates profitable Healthcare revenue growth of 40% to $7 million in 2006 with more dramatic growth expected in 2007.

      On a corporate wide basis, NewMarket is currently forecasting a very conservative 15% growth rate in 2006 as preliminary guidance for investors, with forecast increases most likely as the year progresses. Shareholders should take into account that the business plans are based on corporate developments in various stages of progress, but not yet consummated. At the close of each fiscal quarter and as booked revenue-to-date dictates, the annual revenue forecast will be reviewed and updated.

      NewMarket is an innovative company that just over three years ago introduced a business model with the corporate goal of pioneering the future of business technology innovation. The Company combines a traditional technology services offering with an emerging technology incubation business function. The financial results achieved have been three years of rapid, profitable growth from $2.3 million in revenue in 2004 to over $50 million in 2005 (un-audited). NewMarket was named in 2005 as the 13th fastest growing technology firm in North America on the Deloitte Technology Fast 500.

      About NewMarket Technology Inc. (

      NewMarket Technology Inc. is a Systems Innovation Company. NewMarket has combined a traditional systems integration and support services capacity with a specialized asset-based approach to assisting its clients with the delicate balance between maintaining legacy systems and gaining a competitive edge from the latest technology innovations. NewMarket provides certified integration and maintenance services to support the prevailing industry standard solutions to include Microsoft (Nasdaq:MSFT), Cisco Systems (Nasdaq:CSCO) and Sun Microsystems (Nasdaq:SUNW). Concurrently, NewMarket continuously seeks to acquire undiscovered emerging technology assets to incorporate into an overall product portfolio carefully packaged to complement the prevailing industry standard solutions. NewMarket`s emerging technology portfolio includes products for the Telecommunications, Healthcare, Homeland Security and Financial Services industries. NewMarket delivers its portfolio of products and services through its global network of Solution Integration subsidiaries in North America, Latin America, China and Singapore. As a Systems Innovator, NewMarket has set itself apart from the systems integration market through the introduction of a technology business model that monetizes the value of emerging technologies to improve corporate profits and enhance shareholder value with the regular issue of dividends. NewMarket recently announced that it ranked Number 13 on the 2005 Deloitte Technology Fast 500, a ranking of the 500 fastest growing technology companies in North America. Rankings are based on the percentage of revenue growth over five years from 2000-2004. NewMarket`s revenue increased 18,082 percent during this period.

      This press release contains statements (such as projections regarding future performance) that are forward-looking statements as defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Actual results may differ materially from those projected as a result of certain risks and uncertainties, including but not limited to those detailed from time to time in the Company`s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

      NewMarket Technology Inc.
      Rick Lutz, 404-261-1196
      schrieb am 24.01.06 00:43:55
      Beitrag Nr. 36 () Analystenurteil: Jetzt akkumulieren.... :D

      Momentan sieht es für mich nach einem baldigen Ausbruch aus dem fallenden Dreieck aus. Im weekly Chart lässt sich dies am besten erkennen. Der CCI sieht ebenfalls nach einem baldigen Ausbruch aus der Formation aus. Bereits morgen könnte die Entscheidungschlacht nach dem heutigen Conference Call geführt werden. Gepaar mit den Quartalszahlen, die in Kürze folgen werden, bin ich sehr bullish das der Ausbruch gen Norden erfolgt. Die 15% Wachstums Gudiance für 2006 war sehr konservativ nachdem das Management die eigenen Umsatzziele von 75M USD für 2005 deutlich um ca. 25M Umsatz verfehlt hat. Die gesenkten Prognosen sind ein wichtiger Schritt in die richtige Richtung denn die Wachstumsziele werden nach einem jeden Quartalsende revidiert und so ist das Unternehmen in der Lage Quartal zu Quartal die Prognosen anzupassen. Besser als bei hohen Prognosen anzufangen und diese ständig zu senken. Ein R/S ist auf Dauer unabwendbar möchte das Unternehmen an der Nasdaq gelistet werden. Im Augenblick sehe ich keine Gefahr in Verzug. Sollten die Quartalszahlen sehr positiv ausfallen, dann könnte der Wert in 6-9 Monaten wieder im Dollarbereich notieren. Gepaart mit einem moderaten 1:2 R/S wäre ein Listing an der Amex kein Problem.

      Der Wert notiert immer noch sehr Nahe beim Buchwert (hoher Goodwill-Anteil) und dürfte charttechnisch einen Boden bei 0,30USD gefunden haben. Für einen Ausbruch Richtung Süden würde ich einen S/L bei 0,27USD platzieren. Einem begrenzten Risiko von 10% an Kursverlusten stehen kurzfristig (auf Sicht von 4-6 Wochen) Chancen von 30-40% an Kurgewinnen gegenüber. (MA200 bei 0,40USD).

      Mehr Informationen zu NMKT findet Ihr bei
      schrieb am 24.01.06 15:43:32
      Beitrag Nr. 37 ()
      Press Release Source: NewMarket Technology Inc.

      NewMarket Technology Inc. Releases Business Plan for $12.5 Million in Unique Systems Integration Revenue in 2006
      Tuesday January 24, 9:25 am ET
      Systems Integration Plan is Fifth of Six Business Unit Plans to Be Released

      DALLAS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Jan. 24, 2006--NewMarket Technology Inc. (OTCBB:NMKT - News) today released plans for $12.5 million in unique revenue in 2006 from its Systems Integration business unit. The Company comprehensively anticipates $58.5 million in overall profitable revenue from Systems Integration services. The additional $46 million in revenue from Systems Integration services will be included in the China and Latin America regional business units.

      NewMarket has previously released 2006 plans for $28 million in overall revenue from China and $25 million in Latin America. The Company has now released 2006 business plans for five of its six business units and will release plans for the last business unit within the next week.

      NewMarket combines a traditional technology services offering with an emerging technology incubation business operation. The financial results have been three years of rapid, profitable growth from $2.3 million in revenue in 2003 to over $50 million in 2005 (un-audited). NewMarket was named in 2005 as the 13th fastest growing technology firm in North America on the Deloitte Technology Fast 500.

      NewMarket is currently maintaining a conservative forecast of 15% revenue corporate wide in 2006 as preliminary guidance for investors. Significant upward revisions in revenue and income growth forecasts are likely as corporate developments are announced. Investors should take into account that the business plans include attainable revenue goals that will be incorporated into the revenue growth forecast as new contracts, organic growth and acquisitions closings warrant. The annual revenue forecast will be updated as required after each fiscal quarter.

      About NewMarket Technology Inc. (

      NewMarket Technology Inc. is a Systems Innovation Company. NewMarket has combined a traditional systems integration and support services capacity with a specialized asset-based approach to assisting its clients with the delicate balance between maintaining legacy systems and gaining a competitive edge from the latest technology innovations. NewMarket provides certified integration and maintenance services to support the prevailing industry standard solutions to include Microsoft (Nasdaq:MSFT - News), Cisco Systems (Nasdaq:CSCO - News) and Sun Microsystems (Nasdaq:SUNW - News). Concurrently, NewMarket continuously seeks to acquire undiscovered emerging technology assets to incorporate into an overall product portfolio carefully packaged to complement the prevailing industry standard solutions. NewMarket`s emerging technology portfolio includes products for the Telecommunications, Healthcare, Homeland Security and Financial Services industries. NewMarket delivers its portfolio of products and services through its global network of Solution Integration subsidiaries in North America, Latin America, China and Singapore. As a Systems Innovator, NewMarket has set itself apart from the systems integration market through the introduction of a technology business model that monetizes the value of emerging technologies to improve corporate profits and enhance shareholder value with the regular issue of dividends. NewMarket recently announced that it ranked Number 13 on the 2005 Deloitte Technology Fast 500, a ranking of the 500 fastest growing technology companies in North America. Rankings are based on the percentage of revenue growth over five years from 2000-2004. NewMarket`s revenue increased 18,082 percent during this period.

      This press release contains statements (such as projections regarding future performance) that are forward-looking statements as defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Actual results may differ materially from those projected as a result of certain risks and uncertainties, including but not limited to those detailed from time to time in the Company`s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.


      NewMarket Technology, Inc.
      Rick Lutz, Investor Relations, 404-261-1196

      Source: NewMarket Technology Inc.
      schrieb am 26.01.06 16:20:42
      Beitrag Nr. 38 ()
      NewMarket Technology Inc. SqueezeTrigger Price is $0.45

      Thursday January 26, 9:27 am ET

      Approximately 15.4 Million Shares Shorted Since January 2005 According To Research Report Initiating Coverage of NewMarket Technology Inc. After Latest Short Sale Data

      DALLAS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Jan. 26,,, is initiating coverage of NewMarket Technology Inc. (OTCBB:NMKT - News) after releasing the latest short sale data through January 24, 2006. From January 2005 to January 24, 2006, approximately 200,374,884 total aggregate shares of NMKT have traded for a total dollar value of nearly $90.96 million. The total aggregate number of shares shorted is approximately 15,428,866 shares. The NMKT SqueezeTrigger price of $0.454 is the volume weighted average short price that all shorts are short shares of NMKT. The next of several short squeezes is expected to begin at $0.299 cents where approximately 1,362,618 shares have been shorted. To access SqueezeTrigger Prices ahead of potential short squeezes beginning, visit
      Short Dollar
      Month Total Volume Short Volume Avg. Price Value
      -------------- ------------- ------------- ----------- ---------------

      January `05 15,057,533 1,159,430 $0.646 $749,224
      February 16,744,815 1,289,351 $0.619 $797,721
      March 16,164,756 1,244,686 $0.536 $667,525
      April 12,741,226 981,074 $0.480 $470,916
      May 13,820,360 1,064,168 $0.438 $465,573
      June 21,706,228 1,671,380 $0.510 $852,404
      July 12,175,556 937,518 $0.469 $439,508
      August 14,465,750 1,113,863 $0.414 $460,805
      September 10,378,287 799,128 $0.386 $308,623
      October 17,501,124 1,347,587 $0.390 $525,828
      November 14,281,293 1,099,660 $0.368 $404,125
      December 17,641,624 1,358,405 $0.335 $455,066
      January `06 17,696,332 1,362,618 $0.299 $406,741

      Total: 200,374,884 15,428,866 $0.454 $7,004,060

      *short volume is approximated using a proprietary algorithm

      **average short price is calculated using a volume weighted average
      short price.

      ***short volume is the total short trade volume and does not account
      for covers.

      NMKT On OTC Naked Short Threshold List

      On List Off List # Days

      April 8, 2005 April 25, 2005 12

      NewMarket Technology Inc. has been on the OTC Naked Short Threshold list once. Regulation SHO took effect January 3, 2005, and provides a new regulatory framework governing short selling of securities. It was designed with the objective of simplifying and modernizing short sale regulation and providing controls where they are most needed. At the conclusion of each settlement day, data is provided on securities in which: 1) there are at least 10,000 shares in aggregate failed deliveries for the security for five consecutive settlement days, and 2) these failures constitute at least 0.5% of the issuer`s total shares outstanding. Regulation SHO mandates that, if a clearing agent has had a fail-to-deliver position for 13 consecutive settlement days, that clearing agent, and the broker/dealer it clears for, must purchase securities to close out its fail to deliver position.

      About NewMarket Technology Inc. (

      NewMarket Technology Inc., ranked Number 13 on the 2005 Deloitte Technology Fast 500, a ranking of the 500 fastest growing technology companies in North America based on the percentage of revenue growth over five years from 2000-2004. NewMarket Technology Inc., has combined a traditional systems integration and support services capacity with a specialized asset-based approach to assisting its clients with maintaining legacy systems while introducing the latest technology innovations. NewMarket provides certified integration and maintenance services to support the prevailing industry standard solutions to include Microsoft, Cisco Systems and Sun Microsystems. Concurrently, NewMarket continuously seeks to acquire undiscovered emerging technology assets to incorporate into an overall product portfolio packaged to complement the prevailing industry standard solutions. NewMarket`s emerging technology portfolio includes products for the Telecommunications, Healthcare, Homeland Security and Financial Services industries and offers its portfolio of products and services through its global network of Solution Integration subsidiaries in North America, Latin America, China and Singapore. NewMarket has differentiated itself apart from the systems integration market through the introduction of a technology business model that monetizes the value of emerging technologies through with the issuance of stock dividends in spin-off companies to enhance corporate profits and increase shareholder value.

      About BUYINS.NET

      WWW.BUYINS.NET is a service designed to help bonafide shareholders of publicly traded US companies fight naked short selling. Naked short selling is the illegal act of short selling a stock when no affirmative determination has been made to locate shares of the stock to hypothecate in connection with the short sale. has built a proprietary database that uses Threshold list feeds from NASDAQ, AMEX and NYSE to generate detailed and useful information to combat the naked short selling problem. For the first time, actual trade by trade data is available to the public that shows the attempted size, actual size, price and average value of short sales in stocks that have been shorted and naked shorted. This information is valuable in determining the precise point at which short sellers go out-of-the-money and start losing on their short and naked short trades.

      BUYINS.NET has built a massive database that collects, analyzes and publishes a proprietary SqueezeTrigger for each stock that has been shorted. The SqueezeTrigger database of nearly 550,000,000 short sale transactions goes back to January 1, 2005 and calculates the exact price at which the Total Short Interest is short in each stock. This data was never before available prior to January 1, 2005 because the Self Regulatory Organizations (primary exchanges) guarded it aggressively. After the SEC passed Regulation SHO, exchanges were forced to allow data processors like to access the data.

      The SqueezeTrigger database collects individual short trade data on over 7,000 NYSE, AMEX and NASDAQ stocks and general short trade data on nearly 8,000 OTCBB and PINKSHEET stocks. Each month the database grows by approximately 50,000,000 short sale transactions and provides investors with the knowledge necessary to time when to buy and sell stocks with outstanding short positions. By tracking the size and price of each month`s short transactions, BUYINS.NET provides institutions, traders, analysts, journalists and individual investors the exact price point where short sellers start losing money and a short squeeze can begin.

      All material herein was prepared by BUYINS.NET, based upon information believed to be reliable. The information contained herein is not guaranteed by BUYINS.NET to be accurate, and should not be considered to be all-inclusive. The companies that are discussed in this opinion have not approved the statements made in this opinion. NewMarket Technology Inc. has paid a $995.00 data fee for information used in this report. This opinion contains forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. This material is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as an offer or solicitation of an offer to buy or sell securities. BUYINS.NET is not a licensed broker, broker dealer, market maker, investment banker, investment advisor, analyst or underwriter. Please consult a broker before purchasing or selling any securities viewed on or mentioned herein. BUYINS.NET will not advise as to when it decides to sell and does not and will not offer any opinion as to when others should sell; each investor must make that decision based on his or her judgment of the market.

      BUYINS.NET and SQUEEZETRIGGER are intended for use by stock market professionals. As a member, visitor, or user of any kind, you accept full responsibilities for your investment and trading actions. The contents of BUYINS.NET, including but not limited to all implied or expressed views, opinions, teachings, data, graphs, opinions, or otherwise are not predictions, warranty, or endorsements of any kind. Please seek stock market advice from the proper securities professional, or investment advisor. By visiting BUYINS.NET or using any data or services, you agree to assume full responsibility for the decisions or actions that you undertake. BUYINS.NET, LLC, its owner(s), operators, employees, partners, affiliates, advertisers, information providers and any other associated person or entity, shall under no circumstances be held liable to the user and/or any third party for loss or damages of any kind, including but not limited to trading losses, lost trading opportunity, direct, indirect, consequential, special, incidental, or punitive damages. As a user, you agree that any damages collected shall not exceed the amount paid to BUYINS.NET and/or its owners. As a website user, you agree that any and all legal matters of any kind are to be reviewed and handled in their entirety within the State of California only. By using the services of this website, you are consenting to the terms as outlined, and forfeit all legal jurisdictions in any other State.

      Past performance is not a guarantee of future outcomes. Any and all examples are hypothetical and should not be considered a guarantee or endorsement of such trading activity. BUYINS.NET does not take responsibility for problems of any kind, including but not limited to issues with operations, data accuracy or completeness, contacting issues, technical issues, and timeliness. BUYINS.NET places great integrity on the data collected and distributed. This information is deemed reliable, but not guaranteed. All information and data is provided "as is" without warranty or guarantee of any kind.

      Please seek investment and/or trading advice, council, information or services from a securities professional. You should consider these factors in evaluating the forward-looking statements included herein, and not place undue reliance on such statements. The forward-looking statements in this release are made as of the date hereof and BUYINS.NET undertakes no obligation to update such statements.

      This release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended and such forward-looking statements are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. "Forward-looking statements" describe future expectations, plans, results, or strategies and are generally preceded by words such as "may," "future," "plan" or "planned," "will" or "should," "expected," "anticipates," "draft," "eventually" or "projected." You are cautioned that such statements are subject to a multitude of risks and uncertainties that could cause future circumstances, events, or results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements, including the risks that actual results may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements as a result of various factors, and other risks identified in a companies` annual report on Form 10-K or 10-KSB and other filings made by such company with the SEC.

      NewMarket Technology Inc.
      Rick Lutz, 404-261-1196
      Thomas Ronk, 800-715-9999

      Source: NewMarket Technology Inc.
      schrieb am 26.01.06 19:45:10
      Beitrag Nr. 39 ()





      Sieht sehr gut aus!!

      schrieb am 30.01.06 20:17:56
      Beitrag Nr. 40 ()
      eine Börsenweisheit von folge stets dem ingelligenten Geldfluss... d.h. den Insidern!!!

      NewMarket Technology Inc. Announces Management Stock Purchase Plan; Senior Management and Founders to Purchase Stock on Open Market

      Jan 30, 2006 12:48:00 PM
      Copyright Business Wire 2006
      DALLAS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Jan. 30, 2006--

      NewMarket Technology Inc. (OTCBB:NMKT) today announced management`s plans to purchase the Company`s common stock periodically on the open market. Philip Verges, the Company`s Chief Executive Officer, sold the assets of a family business founded in 1997 to NewMarket in 2002 to control the largest block of NewMarket stock. Philip Verges and his partners in the family business have been the largest working capital investors in NewMarket since 2002. Due to the Company`s current market valuation, Verges and his founding partners plan to purchase NewMarket common stock on the open market.

      "I believe NewMarket common stock is substantially undervalued by almost any financial metric used by the investment world," said Philip Verges. "The Company trades at a Price-to-Sales ratio of less than one times revenue. Comparable technology service companies listed on the NASDAQ exchange with similar revenue and an average income per share not as favorable as NewMarket`s have a Price-to-Sales ratio exceeding two times revenue. I believe NewMarket is in a transition from being recognized as a conceptual start-up to proving itself as a viable new breed of technology service provider. However, it is not unusual for the market to be initially skeptical and resistant to new ideas. I am confident NewMarket will eventually win market acceptance and achieve a market valuation by continuing its financial performance that realized a three year growth track record from $2 million to $50 million in profitable revenue."

      About NewMarket Technology Inc. (
      NewMarket Technology Inc. is a Systems Innovation Company. NewMarket has combined a traditional systems integration and support services capacity with a specialized asset-based approach to assisting its clients with the delicate balance between maintaining legacy systems and gaining a competitive edge from the latest technology innovations. NewMarket provides certified integration and maintenance services to support the prevailing industry standard solutions to include Microsoft (Nasdaq:MSFT), Cisco Systems (Nasdaq:CSCO) and Sun Microsystems (Nasdaq:SUNW). Concurrently, NewMarket continuously seeks to acquire undiscovered emerging technology assets to incorporate into an overall product portfolio carefully packaged to complement the prevailing industry standard solutions. NewMarket`s emerging technology portfolio includes products for the Telecommunications, Healthcare, Homeland Security and Financial Services industries. NewMarket delivers its portfolio of products and services through its global network of Solution Integration subsidiaries in North America, Latin America, China and Singapore. As a Systems Innovator, NewMarket has set itself apart from the systems integration market through the introduction of a technology business model that monetizes the value of emerging technologies to improve corporate profits and enhance shareholder value with the regular issue of dividends. NewMarket recently announced that it ranked Number 13 on the 2005 Deloitte Technology Fast 500, a ranking of the 500 fastest growing technology companies in North America. Rankings are based on the percentage of revenue growth over five years from 2000-2004. NewMarket`s revenue increased 18,082 percent during this period.

      This press release contains statements (such as projections regarding future performance) that are forward-looking statements as defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Actual results may differ materially from those projected as a result of certain risks and uncertainties, including but not limited to those detailed from time to time in the Company`s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

      Source: NewMarket Technology Inc.

      NewMarket Technology
      Investor Relations
      Rick Lutz
      schrieb am 07.02.06 00:59:17
      Beitrag Nr. 41 ()
      [posting]19.964.217 von Brokerface1402 am 30.01.06 20:17:56[/posting]NewMarket Technology Inc. Releases Homeland Security Plan for $10 Million in 2006 Revenue Booked to Proposed Defense Technology Systems; Homeland Security Plan is Last of Six Business Unit Plans Released

      DALLAS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Feb. 3, 2006--NewMarket Technology Inc. (OTCBB:NMKT) today released its 2006 business plan for the Homeland Security sector. The Company has now released plans for all of its business units, including operations in China and Latin America.

      NewMarket`s Homeland Security business unit plan is unique from its other units. In 2005, NewMarket moved its Homeland Security assets into a separate publicly listed company, Defense Technology Systems (OTC:DFTS). NewMarket is a preferred shareholder of Defense Technology Systems. Based on planned acquisitions, Defense Technology Systems anticipates $10 million in revenue in 2006. Defense Technology Systems` current business plan centers on the planned acquisition of a wireless broadband company offering wireless solutions to municipal governments.

      NewMarket is an innovative company that introduced a business model three years ago that offers a unique approach to business technology innovation. The Company combines a traditional systems integration offering with emerging technology incubation. The incubation function includes the eventual independent public listing of "next stage" incubated technologies.

      Mr. Philip Verges, CEO of NewMarket, said, "Although NewMarket maintains a conservative forecast of 15% revenue growth overall in 2006, our business unit plans that we have released incorporate attainable revenue goals that clearly would necessitate upward revisions in the revenue growth forecast as corporate developments are announced. After each fiscal quarter financial results are filed, the annual forecast will be reviewed and updated."

      The overall result of NewMarket`s business technology innovation model has been three years of rapid, profitable growth from $2.3 million in revenue in 2003 to over $50 million in 2005 (un-audited). NewMarket was named in 2005 as the 13th fastest growing technology firm in North America on the Deloitte Technogy Fast 500.

      About NewMarket Technology Inc. (

      NewMarket Technology Inc. is a Systems Innovation Company. NewMarket has combined a traditional systems integration and support services capacity with a specialized asset-based approach to assisting its clients with the delicate balance between maintaining legacy systems and gaining a competitive edge from the latest technology innovations. NewMarket provides certified integration and maintenance services to support the prevailing industry standard solutions to include Microsoft (Nasdaq:MSFT), Cisco Systems (Nasdaq:CSCO) and Sun Microsystems (Nasdaq:SUNW). Concurrently, NewMarket continuously seeks to acquire undiscovered emerging technology assets to incorporate into an overall product portfolio carefully packaged to complement the prevailing industry standard solutions. NewMarket`s emerging technology portfolio includes products for the Telecommunications, Healthcare, Homeland Security and Financial Services industries. NewMarket delivers its portfolio of products and services through its global network of Solution Integration subsidiaries in North America, Latin America, China and Singapore. As a Systems Innovator, NewMarket has set itself apart from the systems integration market through the introduction of a technology business model that monetizes the value of emerging technologies to improve corporate profits and enhance shareholder value with the regular issue of dividends. NewMarket recently announced that it ranked Number 13 on the 2005 Deloitte Technology Fast 500, a ranking of the 500 fastest growing technology companies in North America. Rankings are based on the percentage of revenue growth over five years from 2000-2004. NewMarket`s revenue increased 18,082 percent during this period.

      This press release contains statements (such as projections regarding future performance) that are forward-looking statements as defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Actual results may differ materially from those projected as a result of certain risks and uncertainties, including but not limited to those detailed from time to time in the Company`s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

      CONTACT: NewMarket Technology, Inc., DallasRick Lutz, Investor Relations, 404-261-1196

      SOURCE: NewMarket Technology, Inc.
      schrieb am 07.02.06 19:01:55
      Beitrag Nr. 42 ()
      CORRECTING and REPLACING NewMarket Technology Inc. Releases Update on Progress to Date Toward 2006 Plan For $58 Million In Profitable Revenue And Outlines Potential for 75% Upward Revision in Revenue Forecast
      Please replace the release with the following corrected version due to multiple revisions.

      The corrected release reads:


      NewMarket Technology Inc. (OTCBB:NMKT) today released an update on progress to date toward its business plan in 2006. The Company has forecasted 15% annual revenue growth in 2006 to a profitable $57.5 million over last year`s profitable $50 million (unaudited). Recently the Company released specific business plans for each of its six operating business units. The $87.5 million sum of the fully consolidated business unit revenue goals for 2006 represents more than a 75% increase over NewMarket`s 2005 revenue. The business unit goals are based on corporate developments not yet consummated. At the close of each fiscal quarter the annual forecast will be reviewed and updated as required.


      Business Unit Revenue Goal
      Latin America $25,000,000
      China $28,000,000
      Systems Integration $12,500,000
      VoIP $15,000,000
      Healthcare $ 7,000,000
      Upward Revision Potential $87,500,000

      In addition, the unconsolidated Homeland Security revenue forecast for 2006 is estimated at $10 million and is reported in NewMarket`s affiliate company, Defense Technology Systems (OTC:DFTS).

      Business Unit goals include the previously announced planned acquisition of UniOne in Sao Paulo, Brazil, with approximately $11 million in profitable annual sales. This acquisition constitutes a substantial portion of the Latin American $25 million 2006 revenue goal. The acquisition is expected to close in the very near future. Both the buyers and sellers are enthusiastic and working diligently to complete the transaction. The completion of this transaction is a likely candidate event that would trigger an upward revision of NewMarket`s overall 2006 forecast after the close of Q1 `06 and the filing of the quarterly report.

      "NewMarket has grown substantially from $2.3 million in revenue in 2003 to over $50 million in 2005," said Philip Verges, CEO of NewMarket Technology Inc. "We anticipate continued rapid growth in both revenue and income. Our new approach in 2006 is to communicate a balance between potential and prudence to provide shareholders with a reasonable forecast, while at the same time providing detailed information behind the Company`s plan to exceed that forecast. We know our key to achieving continued growth lies in the successful expansion of our management team and the reinforcement of our operational processes and procedures. We have already announced the addition of Mr. Rauch as our CFO and shareholders can expect additional management and director announcements to be shortly forthcoming. Nearly halfway through the first quarter of the year, I am optimistic we will exceed the 15% growth forecast for 2006 over 2005."

      NewMarket combines a traditional technology services offering with an emerging technology incubation business function. The result has been three years of rapid, profitable growth from $2.3 million in revenue in 2003 to over $50 million in 2005 (unaudited). NewMarket was named in 2005 as the 13th fastest growing technology firm in North America on the Deloitte Technology Fast 500.

      About NewMarket Technology Inc. (

      NewMarket Technology Inc. is a Systems Innovation Company. NewMarket has combined a traditional systems integration and support services capacity with a specialized asset-based approach to assisting its clients with the delicate balance between maintaining legacy systems and gaining a competitive edge from the latest technology innovations. NewMarket provides certified integration and maintenance services to support the prevailing industry standard solutions to include Microsoft (Nasdaq:MSFT), Cisco Systems (Nasdaq:CSCO) and Sun Microsystems (Nasdaq:SUNW). Concurrently, NewMarket continuously seeks to acquire undiscovered emerging technology assets to incorporate into an overall product portfolio carefully packaged to complement the prevailing industry standard solutions. NewMarket`s emerging technology portfolio includes products for the Telecommunications, Healthcare, Homeland Security and Financial Services industries. NewMarket delivers its portfolio of products and services through its global network of Solution Integration subsidiaries in North America, Latin America, China and Singapore. As a Systems Innovator, NewMarket has set itself apart from the systems integration market through the introduction of a technology business model that monetizes the value of emerging technologies to improve corporate profits and enhance shareholder value with the regular issue of dividends. NewMarket recently announced that it ranked Number 13 on the 2005 Deloitte Technology Fast 500, a ranking of the 500 fastest growing technology companies in North America. Rankings are based on the percentage of revenue growth over five years from 2000-2004. NewMarket`s revenue increased 18,082 percent during this period.

      This press release contains statements (such as projections regarding future performance) that are forward-looking statements as defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Actual results may differ materially from those projected as a result of certain risks and uncertainties, including but not limited to those detailed from time to time in the Company`s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

      NewMarket Technology, Inc.
      Investor Relations:
      Rick Lutz, 404-261-1196
      schrieb am 07.02.06 19:07:28
      Beitrag Nr. 43 ()
      und was macht der kurs nichts ,das ist zum:O
      schrieb am 07.02.06 22:22:39
      Beitrag Nr. 44 ()
      bei NMKT braucht man Geduld... bei 0,32USD gehe ich raus.. bin seit 0,28USD investiert....
      schrieb am 07.02.06 23:40:57
      Beitrag Nr. 45 ()
      mein Vorschlag ist erst im Bereich $0,82-0,86 auszusteigen.
      Gruss an Alle,da mein erstes Posting
      schrieb am 08.02.06 23:51:24
      Beitrag Nr. 46 ()
      [posting]20.090.970 von gutleben am 07.02.06 23:40:57[/posting]was mich betrifft, werd ich sicher nicht früher aussteigen, denn bei ungefähr diesem kurs bin ich irgendwann in 2004 eingestiegen! traurig, aber wahr! :cry:
      schrieb am 25.04.06 13:56:07
      Beitrag Nr. 47 ()
      strongest buy 100% und mehr in 1-2 wochen drinne :cool:
      schrieb am 29.04.06 16:17:49
      Beitrag Nr. 48 ()
      Jetzt strebt sie aber wieder gut richtung norden.
      Der newsflow ist super und die Gesellschaft auch.
      immer noch strong buy
      schrieb am 01.05.06 14:18:44
      Beitrag Nr. 49 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 21.376.143 von arubabeachclub am 29.04.06 16:17:49:rolleyes:
      schrieb am 05.05.06 17:21:47
      Beitrag Nr. 50 ()
      ...und wieder eine Hammernews:

      Press Release Source: NewMarket Technology, Inc.

      NewMarket Technology Inc. Announces $1 Million United States Contract to Develop Software Application in China
      Thursday May 4, 9:35 am ET
      NewMarket Launched Operations in China Last Year Signing Contracts for over $20 Million in Annualized Revenue within China

      DALLAS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--May 4, 2006--NewMarket Technology Inc. (OTCBB:NMKT - News) today announced signing a $1 million contract to develop a software application in China for a United States corporation. NewMarket recently announced plans to offer United States firms software development and maintenance support services provided by its operations in China. Software Development Outsourcing to China is projected to become a $1 billion industry. NewMarket is a leader in this young market sector in the United States.

      Last year NewMarket launched operations in China and subsequently signed contracts representing over $20 million in revenue with Chinese companies. The Company is now aggressively marketing its Chinese software development capabilities to United States firms. China offers very competitive software development and support services compared to India's software outsourcing industry. China is currently graduating more English-speaking software engineers than India, and China has a more developed national infrastructure. These significant advantages also come at a lower labor cost.

      In an effort to introduce U.S. firms to the company's capabilities in China, NewMarket hosts regular Information Technology Trade Missions to China for IT professionals to learn more about the software development and maintenance capabilities available in China today.

      The software application announced today will be a pilot solution supporting the client's overall strategy to expand operations globally. The contract has the potential to expand dependent upon the client's satisfaction with the pilot project.
      schrieb am 05.05.06 18:46:49
      Beitrag Nr. 51 ()
      Und heute fällt die 0,50 USD :cool::cool::cool:
      schrieb am 06.05.06 09:03:10
      Beitrag Nr. 52 ()
      so nach den news dürfte es aber am montag heftig nach oben gehen
      schrieb am 11.05.06 21:42:39
      Beitrag Nr. 53 ()
      NewMarket Technology Inc. Announces VoIP Contract Valued Over $2 Million; NewMarket's VoIP Company XIPTEL Communications Continues to Expand Client Base from 2003 Startup to Nearly $10 Million in Current Annualized Revenue
      NewMarket Technology Inc. (OTCBB:NMKT) today announced that its subsidiary, XIPTEL Communications Inc., has signed a new Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) contract with International Effectiveness Center (IEC). The contract represents a substantial increase in XIPTEL's overall service making IEC a significant client. IEC is located in San Francisco and for over 30 years has been providing language translation services to a wide range of commercial companies and government agencies. XIPTEL'S hosted VoIP telephone services provide the features and network for IEC's translation services via telephone.

      "Telephone based language interpretation is a fast growing business opportunity, and we are fortunate to be working with the people at XIPTEL," said Taryk Rouchdy, IEC's CEO.

      XIPTEL services will connect IEC's clients within seconds to skilled language interpreters for translation in over 160 different languages. Today XIPTEL connects clients such as the City of San Francisco, Wells Fargo Bank, John Muir Medical Center, Sutter Health, Contra Costa Health Services, and scores of other large organizations.

      "We are very excited about the opportunities with IEC," said Peter Geddis, XIPTEL's CEO. "IEC, already with hundreds of clients, expects to grow to over 5,000 language interpreters and will be one of the leading companies providing telephone based translation throughout the US. Significantly, IEC is one of the first translation services to offer services outside the U.S."

      XIPTEL anticipates the IEC contract to represent more than $2 million in revenue over the next three years.

      XIPTEL and Corsa Networks are divisions of IP Global Voice, Inc., a subsidiary of NewMarket Technology Inc. XIPTEL provides a full range of hosted, managed VoIP services to the business market. Corsa Networks provides sophisticated network security solutions and managed services to commercial customers. Mr. Geddis is a 25 year telecommunications industry veteran. As COO of Qwest Communications, Mr. Geddis was instrumental in building a company from four employees and little revenue to over $400 million in revenue during his tenure. Mr. Geddis also held senior positions at Sprint, British Telecom and Pacific Bell.

      All interested investors that would like to have their e-mail address added to our database for receipt of all press releases and other industry information should send a request to

      About NewMarket Technology Inc. (

      NewMarket Technology Inc. is a Systems Innovation Company. NewMarket has combined a traditional systems integration and support services capacity with a specialized asset-based approach to assisting its clients with the delicate balance between maintaining legacy systems and gaining a competitive edge from the latest technology innovations. NewMarket provides certified integration and maintenance services to support the prevailing industry standard solutions to include Microsoft (Nasdaq:MSFT), Cisco Systems (Nasdaq:CSCO) and Sun Microsystems (Nasdaq:SUNW). Concurrently, NewMarket continuously seeks to acquire undiscovered emerging technology assets to incorporate into an overall product portfolio carefully packaged to complement the prevailing industry standard solutions. NewMarket's emerging technology portfolio includes products for the Telecommunications, Healthcare, Homeland Security and Financial Services industries. NewMarket delivers its portfolio of products and services through its global network of Solution Integration subsidiaries in North America, Latin America, China and Singapore. As a Systems Innovator, NewMarket has set itself apart from the systems integration market through the introduction of a technology business model that monetizes the value of emerging technologies to improve corporate profits and enhance shareholder value with the regular issue of dividends. NewMarket recently ranked Number 13 on the 2005 Deloitte Technology Fast 500, a ranking of the 500 fastest growing technology companies in North America. Rankings are based on the percentage of revenue growth over five years from 2000-2004. NewMarket's revenue increased 18,082 percent during this period. The financial results achieved have been three years of rapid, profitable growth from $2.3 million in revenue in 2003 to over $50 million in 2005.

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