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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 03.10.03 08:29:16
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      Die Minen haben ihre Kohle bekommen, jetzt sind die Juniors dran!


      Howe St. enjoys mining boom

      Big appetite for exploration funds


      Thursday, October 2, 2003 - Page B1
      VANCOUVER -- After some sluggish years, the Vancouver brokerage industry is enjoying a renaissance as some of Howe Street`s best-known players cash in on an exploration boom fuelled by rising gold and nickel prices.

      Having helped to raise $1.3-billion for mining projects in the past six months, Canaccord Capital Corp. chairman Peter Brown has boasted that his firm is involved in a new mine deal almost every day.

      "Markets go in cycles and this is a mining cycle," said Mr. Brown, who at age 61, is one of Canada`s most experienced resource financiers.

      Indeed, after a six-year drought that many analysts attribute to the investment chill brought on by the Bre-X Minerals Ltd. scandal, brokers are being run off their feet as they attempt to feed the renewed appetite for mine financings.

      While Canaccord leads the pack, other veteran Howe Streetbrokerages Haywood Securities Inc., Endeavour Financial Corp. and Boulder Investment Partners Ltd., are also positioning themselves to take a significant share in the buoyant market for mine financings.

      "Officials in corporate finance departments are being run off their feet," said John McCoach, vice-president at the TSX Venture Exchange in Vancouver.

      In an interview, Haywood Securities president John Tognetti said he has no doubt that in the next six months his firm will easily exceed the $500-million it helped to raised for mining projects since the end of the first quarter. "We have been asleep for the past six years and there are some huge projects out there that will need financing."

      After returning to his mining roots following a spell in the film industry, Frank Giustra`s company, Endeavour, is setting up a $10-million flow-through fund to finance junior mining exploration.

      Sources say Mr. Giustra, the former chairman of Yorkton Securities Inc., recently bought units in IMA Exploration Ltd. that were offered in a $4.5-million bought deal financing that is earmarked for exploration in Argentina.

      "The amount of money that is in the system right now is quite staggering," said Sean Hurd, a spokesman for Vancouver-base IMA.

      He said that a year ago, money was being invested in the mid-tier gold companies, but now it is trickling down in to the junior exploration sector.

      "People have seen tremendous gains and are looking around for other things to invest in," said Dorothy Atkinson, a mining analyst with Boulder Investment in Vancouver. Headed by Chan Buckland, Boulder is setting up a $10-million fund to finance junior exploration.

      "You couldn`t have done that a year ago, but you can do it now." Ms. Atkinson said.

      Sources say brokers are benefiting from their willingness in recent years to finance mining projects when the sector was being shunned by the large bank-owned firms.

      In an interview yesterday, Mr. Brown insisted that times have changed since the Bre-X scandal brought an end to the last mining exploration boom in March, 1997.

      "The difference between this and the old days is that the companies that are raising the money are all run by real professionals," he said.

      Still, in light of the lack of major new mining discoveries in Canada, analysts such as Ms. Atkinson, say they are shocked at how much some companies have raised.

      NovaGold Resources, a company that two years ago was trading at about 50 cents, yesterday raised $35-million in a bought deal financing that was priced at $5 a unit.

      Doug Leishman, a mining analyst with Endeavour, said the lack of exploration spending in recent years has left the industry without enough mining projects to absorb the amount of money that appears to be available.

      "Hopefully that will change in the next year or so," he said.

      Mein Favoriten sind Cardero Resources und International Minerals. Beide hervorragend aufgestellt und mit interessanten, vielversprechenden Projekten! Cardero Resources hat den grösseren Hebel ist aber weitaus nervöser, während International Minerals ein Optionsschein auf den Goldpreis ist, der seit Monaten kontinuierlich steigt!

      Beide sind schon super gelaufen und haben immer noch Potential für viele viele Prozente!


      schrieb am 03.10.03 10:02:18
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      Mal ein paar Edelmetallcharts

      Nickel von 7,200 auf 10,500 in einem Jahr

      Kupfer von 1,550 auf 1,840 in einem Jahr



      Silber hinkt noch hinterher

      Aufgrund der gestiegenen Nachfrage, die teilweise nicht gedeckt werden kann (Kupfer), steigen die Metallpreise scheinbar unablässig. Daraus resultierend wird immer mehr Geld in Explorationsvorhaben gesteckt. Die Miningindustrie braucht dringend neue Abbaumöglichkeiten um den steigenden Bedarf zu secken!

      Nur ein Beispiel. Der Kupferbedarf in China ist in diesem Jahr um 20% gestiegen!

      schrieb am 03.10.03 10:24:41
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      Ist zwar schon etwas älter, aber immer noch aktuell

      Antaike sieht höheren Nickelbedarf Chinas

      Nach Schätzungen von Experten in der Industrie wird China 2003 etwa 1,3 Millionen t Rostfreistahl produzieren, verglichen mit 700.000 t im vergangenen Jahr.

      Chinas halbstaatliche Antaike Information Development Co hat ihre Prognose für den diesjährigen Nickelverbrauch des Landes auf 115.000 von 113.000 t nach oben revidiert und das mit dem starken Bedarf der wachsenden Edelstahlindustrie begründet. Im vergangenen Jahr hatte China 92.000 t Nickel eingesetzt.
      Wie Antaike in ihrem August-Bericht schreibt, ziehen Chinas Nickelimporte vor allem wegen der robusten Nachfrage der Rostfreibranche an, und das ungeachtet der hohen Nickelpreise. Im laufenden Jahr werde das Land 60.000 t Raffinadenickel einführen, das wäre eine Steigerung um sage und schreibe 90 Prozent von 31.489 t im Vorjahr.
      Der Streik beim zweitgrößten Nickelproduzenten Inco in Kanada habe wenig Auswirkungen auf Chinas Nickeleinfuhr, heißt es weiter. Durch den Arbeitskampf sind die Preise des Metalls gestiegen.
      Antaike schreibt, dass einige chinesische Edelstahlerzeuger wie etwa Taiyuan Steel Group Co langfristige Verträge mit Norilsker Nickel geschlossen haben.

      schrieb am 03.10.03 10:27:18
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      Und zum Kupferbedarf in China ein Artikel von heute

      Freitag, 3. Oktober 2003

      Die Affinerie setzt auf China

      Hamburg - Die Norddeutsche Affinerie, Europas größter Kupferproduzent, engagiert sich im chinesischen Markt. Sie unterzeichnete am Freitag in Hamburg mit Yunnan Copper, dem drittgrößten Kupfererzeuger des Landes, einen langfristigen Kooperationsvertrag. Die Affinerie liefert Technologie- und Umweltschutz-Know-how und beabsichtigt, Investitionschancen in der Kupferweiterverarbeitung in China zu nutzen.

      Für die Norddeutsche Affinerie biete sich die Möglichkeit zur Internationalisierung im Zukunftsmarkt für Kupfer, sagte Werner Marnette, Vorstandschef des Hamburger Unternehmens. Der chinesische Markt habe mit mehr als zehn Prozent die höchsten Wachstumsraten der Welt. Innerhalb von sechs Jahren habe sich der Kupferbedarf dort verdoppelt, liege aber mit 2,9 Millionen Tonnen noch unter dem Kupferbedarf in Europa. Hier sind es 4,1 Millionen Tonnen.

      Um die Bedeutung des Vertrages zwischen Yunnan Cooper und der Affinerie zu unterstreichen, hat Hamburgs Bürgermeister Ole von Beust die chinesische Delegation im Rathaus empfangen. Für die Hansestadt sei die Kooperation "ein weiterer Baustein für die Entwicklung Hamburgs zum Gateway von und nach China", sagte von Beust.

      Marnette kritisierte bei der feierlichen Unterzeichnung erneut das aggressive Verhalten der chinesischen Kupferverarbeiter auf den Rohstoffmärkten. Er hoffe, so Marnette, über die Kooperation auf faires Marktverhalten der chinesischen Hütten hinwirken zu können.

      Ein weiteres Anliegen des Hamburger Kupferproduzenten ist es, die chinesischen Kollegen beim Umweltschutz fit zu machen. Im Wettbewerb muss die Norddeutsche Affinerie mit Unternehmen "fernab von Umweltstandards" und ihren so möglichen Dumpingpreisen konkurrieren. Von der Yunnan Copper Industry Corp. Ltd. mit Sitz in Kunming (Provinz Yunnan) kommen zunächst fünf Ingenieure und Manager, die bei der Affinerie in die Umweltschutzarbeit eingewiesen werden. "Wir sind stolz darauf, dass Yunnan Copper vor allem das Umweltschutz-Know-how, das wir in Hamburg entwickelt haben, in China umsetzen möchte", sagte Marnette. HA

      schrieb am 03.10.03 10:34:40
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      Ein interessanter Artikel zum Gesamtmarkt


      2 Aussagen daraus:

      When not if central banks around the world reduce purchases of U.S. debt is the question. How high will U.S. interest rates be pushed? How bad will be the housing collapse in the U.S.? How much trouble will Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae and Federal Home Loan Bank create? Is the current account deficit about to matter? How low can the U.S. dollar go when the U.S. economy plunges into a deeper recession induced by the collapse of the Housing/Mortgage Bubbles? How much money will investors in bond mutual funds lose? Those are the questions we wished CNBC addressed?

      Gold will continue to shine as the NASDAQ Composite heads to a new low in late 2003, early 2004. Gold prices will be well above $400 during early 2004 with a collapsing U.S. economy as a background. With the current makeup of the Board of the Federal Reserve continuing, Gold will be seen as a global hedge against their policies. President Bush may be forced to replace the entire board shortly after the election next year.


      Trading Spotlight

      InnoCan Pharma
      0,1770EUR +0,85 %
      InnoCan Pharma: Wichtiges FDA-Update angekündigt!mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 07.10.03 13:38:52
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      Friday’S Action: A Tactical Warhead Fired At Gold Bulls

      By Chris Temple, The National Investor
      October 3, 2003

      For the second time in eight days, a gold market that stubbornly refused to follow a certain script was suddenly undermined today by sudden, heavy and organized selling pressure. At the close of trading in New York, the cash contract settled out at a level of $368.70 per ounce, down by nearly $14.00 per ounce for the day.

      The explanation given for the yellow metal’s sudden swoon by most of the Establishment financial press was an allegedly bullish report released this morning by the Labor Department. It showed that—while the official unemployment rate remained flat at 6.1 per cent—the U.S. economy added jobs for the first time in eight months. The addition of 57,000 non-farm positions came as a surprise to Wall Street, which had expected a further reduction of 30,000 non-farm jobs and a small up tick in the unemployment rate. Naturally, this was seized on by stock market bulls as proof that the economy would gain further steam; never mind that, along with this statistic, the government’s figures showed declining wages, and a downward revision of some 150,000 jobs believed to have existed earlier this year. Never mind as well that virtually all of the other economic news released this week—lousy consumer sentiment numbers, sharp declines in durable goods orders and more—flies in the face of this single jobs report.

      Though Wall Street stock prices spiked higher with the opening bell this morning, gold was actually higher itself for a spell, hitting an intra-day peak of $386.70 per ounce and holding most of its modest gains for better than two hours after trading started. Clearly, gold traders were keeping their eyes on the "big picture" of a U.S. dollar in a secular decline and an economy inherently weaker than the shills on financial television claim. Or, maybe, most of them simply showed up to work at the COMEX a few hours late. I’ll let you decide.

      Whatever the case, late morning trading saw a sudden drop in gold that quickly began to feed on itself. According to some floor traders, a break below the $380.00 per ounce level triggered both stop loss selling by hedge funds and similar sorts, as well as some new attempts by short sellers to shake out some bulls. The metal in scarcely an hour’s time dropped almost uninterrupted, making a weak stand in the closing moments as gold tried to hold near its 50 day moving average around the $370.00 per ounce level.

      As I wrote in a September 25 commentary ("From Hand-to-Hand Combat, to Financial Thermonuclear War,") such volatility by itself is neither unusual nor unwelcome. While I’m sure gold bulls would like to see their favorite asset rise every day, a healthy and (long term) sustainable market won’t behave in this fashion. Days like today shake gold and gold stock positions out of the weakest hands, and can set the stage for eventual attempts to make new highs.

      Just as last Thursday, though, the timing and nature of today’s selling strongly suggests that gold had received a "push" of sorts. Had gold dropped at the outset today, such a possibility could probably be dismissed; after all, that would have been expected. Since the metal held onto gains for fully half of its trading day, though, we must consider the alternative.

      As I mentioned last week, an epic battle is at hand now as gold has pounded on the door of new bull market highs. Recent days have also seen a pivotal juncture for the value of the U.S. dollar, which in the last two days in particular has seen its level drop back to its 2003 lows plumbed in June. Both trends have been both desired and encouraged by monetary authorities. Both, however, have recently threatened to get out of hand, something which could quickly prove destabilizing to stock and bond markets.

      To slow down the dollar’s decline against the yen, Japanese authorities have been intervening massively in the currency markets. After all, were the dollar to decisively break below its 2003 lows here (a level of a bit over 92 on the U.S. Dollar Index) a cascade of technical selling—if not a full-fledged panic—would likely ensue. Such was the concern of this very thing happening this week that the Federal Reserve Bank of New York felt the need to assist Japanese officials in their intervention.

      Similarly, a breakout to new highs for gold could easily undermine everything else as well, signaling that all really is not well with the world, the U.S. economy and the greenback. It too, therefore, must be at least postponed, if not prevented. The timing of today’s lobbing of a "tactical nuclear warhead" at intransigent gold bulls argues that something more is at work than normal market activity, as the Fed—with all of its fingers and toes in the cracking monetary dike—tries to maintain appearances. In my view, though, this war is just getting started; and the long-term case for gold and for carefully-chosen gold equities remains as compelling as it’s been in years.

      Sehr passend ausgedrückt :)

      schrieb am 07.10.03 17:29:01
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      Nickel oder Kupfer könnte nach oben gehen! Edelstahltöpfe und Kupferleitungen und Kabel werden weiterhin gebraucht werden!
      schrieb am 07.10.03 20:51:20
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      Bei Kupfer sollte man an Anvil denken.

      Scheint täglich hochzugehen.

      Date Last % Change High Low Vol
      07 Oct 2003 0.320 8.47% 0.325 0.310 1,242,023
      06 Oct 2003 0.295 1.72% 0.295 0.285 894,625
      03 Oct 2003 0.290 1.75% 0.295 0.285 909,853
      02 Oct 2003 0.285 1.79% 0.295 0.280 239,989
      01 Oct 2003 0.280 3.7% 0.290 0.270 582,806

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