
    Gold Reserve Inc (AMEX: GRZ) WPKN: 121573 - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 20.06.05 23:00:32 von
    neuester Beitrag 06.04.06 00:57:45 von
    Beiträge: 38
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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 20.06.05 23:00:32
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()

      Die Wachstumsstrategie von Gold Reserve ist sich von einem Explorationsunternehmen zu einem Goldproduzenten zu entwickeln, durch die erfolgreiche Entwicklung der Reserven von Ihrem Brisas Property und indem sie ausgewählte Properties und/oder Unternehmen akquirieren.

      About the mining property

      Learn more about our operations and mining property in Venezuela.

      Brisas Feasibility Study - Executive Summary

      May Presentation - Unlocking The Value

      schrieb am 24.06.05 23:46:18
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      Gold Reserve verfügt mit Brisas über ein

      - Weltklasseprojekt. Die Reserven betragen 10,1 Millionen Unzen Gold und 1,29 Milliarden Pfung Kupfer. Die Ressourcen betragen 14,8 Millionen Unzen Gold und 1,97 Milliarden Pfunf Kupfer. Die jährliche Produktion soll 486.000 Unzen Gold (zu Cash Costs von US-$ 167 pro Unzen) und 63 Millionen Pfung Kupfer betragen. Das Startup ist für Ende 2007 gepkant.

      Gold Reserve hat eine

      - Qualitätskostenstruktur mit niedrigen Energiekosten durch Diesel und Wasserkraft.

      Gold Reserve verfügt über einen substantiellen Leverage zu Gold- und Kupferpreisen.

      Das Choco 5 Explorations Property ist in dem Prolific El Callao Gold Belt angesiedelt.

      Das Management verfügt über eine substantielle Erfahrung und ist selbst Miteigentümer von Gold Reserve. Insider besitzen 12% von dem Unternehmen.

      Gold Reserve ist gut kapitalisiert und verfügt über eine starke finanzielle Verfassung (32 Millionen Cash und Investments) und stellt somit einen beträchtlichen Value dar. Gold Reserve hat keine Schulden.

      Das Unternehmen Gold Reserve hat nur 35,9 Millionen Aktien heraus gegeben. Die Marktkapitalsierung pro Unze Gold beträgt somit nur ca. US-$ 8.

      schrieb am 22.07.05 22:37:48
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      schrieb am 26.08.05 22:59:47
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      Chart #3:mad: sieht derzeit leider nicht so gut aus!

      schrieb am 19.09.05 22:23:48
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      Chart #3 sieht gut aus!


      Trading Spotlight

      East Africa Metals
      0,1480EUR +0,68 %
      Kennen wir bei East Africa bislang nur die Spitze des Goldberges?!mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 20.09.05 22:41:07
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      Chart #3 sieht derzeit leider nicht so gut aus!

      schrieb am 21.09.05 17:05:54
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      Gold Reserve Responds to Market Activity
      9/21/2005 9:29:02 AM

      SPOKANE, Wash., Sep 21, 2005 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Gold Reserve Inc. (CA:GRZ) (GRZ) President Doug Belanger today commented on the Company`s common share trading and price volatility and the subsequent trading halt on the Toronto Stock Exchange and the American Stock Exchange midday Tuesday, September 20, 2005. Several news services reported comments that the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez Frias, made regarding the development of the Las Cristinas property.

      "We wish to assure the market that the gold and copper concessions for the Company`s Brisas Project are in compliance with Venezuelan laws and regulations and we are moving ahead with the development of the Brisas Project. We enjoy an excellent working relationship with the Venezuelan Government and look forward to the economic and social development of the Brisas Project in a mutually beneficial manner with the communities located near the project, the people in Bolivar State, and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela," said Doug Belanger.…
      schrieb am 21.09.05 17:15:12
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      DJ Gold Reserve Says Brisas Proj Is In Compliance With Venezuelan Laws

      Dow Jones Real-Time News for InvestorsSM
      09:09 a.m. 09/21/2005

      (MORE TO FOLLOW) Dow Jones Newswires
      schrieb am 25.09.05 23:54:34
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()

      denkst Du der momentane Kurs 1,80 € ist gut zum einsteigen?
      schrieb am 26.09.05 07:36:19
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      Hallo Rampuri,

      also GRZ notiert aktuell bei US-$ 2,29. Kurse von unter $2,00 werden wir hoffentlich nicht wieder sehen. GRZ ist im Moment eine von den am günstigsten bewerteten Minenunternehmen mit einer Marktkapitalisierung/P&P mit nur US-$ 7 pro Unze Gold!:D Kaufkurse sollte man meiner Meinung nach bei knapp oberhalb von US-$ 2 herein geben!

      schrieb am 30.09.05 00:04:09
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      Wenn man bedenkt, daß die in Venezuela gelegenen Unzen demnächst vom Hugo gemopst werden, ist GRZ ein relativ teurer Explorer.
      schrieb am 16.10.05 13:23:59
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      [posting]16.992.707 von peter.wedemeier1 am 24.06.05 23:46:18[/posting]Ich teile deine Meinung zu GRZ. Zurzeit werden nebst GRZ auch KRY massiv durch die Drohungen von Chavez beeinflusst.

      Alle, die davon ausgehen, dass Chavez wie es sich für einen Revolutionär mit lauter Klappe aber mässigen Taten gehört, die Konzessionen NICHT beschlagnahmt, sollten entweder in GRZ oder KRY einsteigen.

      GRZ verfügt über > 10 Millionen Unzen proven/probable oder eine Bewertung von nur ca. 8 USD/Unze basierend auf diesen Zahlen und der Tatsache, dass GRZ mehr als 30 Millionen $ Cash und KEINE Schulden hat sowie über eine ausgezeichnete Infrastruktur verfügt dann ist ein Kauf aus fundamentaler Sicht ZWINGEND. KRY ist was den Projektstatus anbelangt weiter, aber GRZ hat die bessere Bilanz und keine Schulden und evtl. sogar noch mehr Potential - die Liquidität ist bei KRY höher aber ich bevorzuge GRZ, da hier langfristig mehr drinsteckt.

      Nebst sehr überzeugenden Fundamentals besticht GRZ auch über ein sehr gutes Netz zu Institutionellen Investoren sowie Analysten Coverage - zurzeit ca. 20% Holdership von Institutionellen wie FMR, State Street oder Blackrock - und glaubt mir, wenn die Sache sich beruhigt hat, dann werden hier massive Käufe von Seiten der Institutionellen kommen - bei den Preisen.....

      2007 oder 2008 wird GRZ mit einer erwarteten Produktion von > 400`000 Unzen p.a. einsteigen. Schaut euch einmal die Präsentation zum Projekt an, wirklich sehr überzeugend:…

      Bei GRZ und KRY bestehen zurzeit sehr gute Chancen - mittel bis langfristig könnten hier hohe Renditen rausschauen!
      schrieb am 22.11.05 19:28:38
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      Bin jetzt doch rein (d.h. falls meine Bank das auf die Reihe kriegt - für die ist GRZ immer noch am OTC BB notiert, ist für dt. Banken wohl ein Problem, wie in anderen GRZ-Threads beschrieben). Wenn der Auftrag in 30 min. nicht eingebucht ist, geb ich eben einen nach Toronto :mad: In Dtl. kannst das Ding ja kaum handeln.

      Hab mir gedacht, wenn Gold Fields 300 Mio für Bolivar Gold springen läßt, wird Hugo wohl schon nix mopsen.

      GFI zahlt für Bolivar Gold über 200$ pro p&p oz
      GRZ gibts für 7$ :eek:
      und dank des Kupferanteils soll der Produktionspreis für die oz Au schon deutlich unter 50$ sein lt. BFS.
      Allerdings kommen mir die Berechnungen in der BFS angesichts doch niedriger Gold- und Kupfergehalte immer noch etwas seltsam vor. Sollte in der niedrigen Mkt Cap für GRZ aber ausreichend drin sein.

      aus dem Yahoo-Board:
      Re: $2 copper has arrived....
      by: thevet43
      11/20/05 12:06 am
      Msg: 5181 of 5207

      Let`s take a closer look at Brisas` figures at $2 copper and $500 gold....

      Aker Kvaerner in their BFS projected the numbers up to $450 gold and $1.50 copper but no further. Current prices of course will increase reserves but even on the existing reserves the economics of Brisas have moved from "sound" to the base case of $400 gold and $1 copper, to "outstanding" at present prices.

      Roughly extrapolating the figures brings the cash cost of gold production down to $20 an ounce, and the IRR before tax up to 26.8% and IRR after tax would be 19.9%.

      Cashflow after tax increases to $1.815 billion annually and the payback time drops to a mere 2.8 years.

      These are truely outstanding figures for a company of only 38 million outstanding shares over $25 million cash on hand and 10.1 million ounces of gold and 1.29 billion pounds of copper selling at $2 a share!!

      It seems that the market participants are firmly of the belief that Venezuela will take away all of Brisas for no compensation even though there isn`t a shred of solid evidence to support that view.

      Even if Venezuela reclaimed Brisas from GRZ they could be expected to compensate GRZ for the $85 million already spent on the property at the very least. That together with the $26 million in treasury is worth over $3 US in cash for each GRZ share.

      Buying GRZ at these prices is like buying tickets in a lottery where all ticket holders should get a return of at least the 50% more than they paid in the worse case, and if they win they can expect and will get a huge payout......
      schrieb am 22.11.05 19:33:10
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      UPDATE 2-Gold Fields to buy Canada`s Bolivar for $330 mln
      Mon Nov 21, 2005 10:27 AM ET

      (Adds conference call, updates share prices)

      By Eric Onstad

      JOHANNESBURG, Nov 21 (Reuters) - South Africa`s Gold Fields Ltd (GFIJ.J: Quote, Profile, Research) has agreed to buy outstanding securities in Canada`s Bolivar Gold Corp. (BGC.TO: Quote, Profile, Research) for US$330 million as it seeks to diversify outside its home base, the companies said on Monday.

      Gold Fields, the world`s fourth biggest gold producer which already owns 11 percent of Bolivar shares, said Bolivar shareholders will receive C$3.00 per common share, a premium of 19 percent above Bolivar`s closing share price on Friday.

      Bolivar shares soared 14.6 percent to C$2.90 while Gold Fields shares gained 2.16 percent to 104.10 rand by 1450 GMT, in line with South Africa`s gold mining index that was boosted by gains in the gold price.

      The boards of directors of both companies have approved the deal, which is expected to be completed in January, a statement said.

      Bolivar operates the Choco 10 open pit mine in Venezuela, which is expected to produce 48,000 ounces this year and 190,000 ounces in 2006, a statement said.

      "It certainly provides Gold Fields with a very important operational foothold in a high prospective gold camp in what according to our own assessment is one of the best gold regions in the world," Chief Executive Ian Cockerill told a conference call.

      The deal will help Gold Fields meet its target to increase foreign output by 1.5 million ounces by 2009. During its fiscal year to June 2005, the firm produced 4.22 million ounces, including about 1.5 million ounces outside of South Africa.

      Cockerill said there was significant scope to increase production at Choco and Bolivar had already launched a study on the possibility of boosting output further to over 400,000 ounces per year at the mine.

      The Choco 10 property had 1.3 million ounces of reserves contained in a measured and indicated resource of 1.8 million ounces, Gold Fields said. There was a further 1.7 million ounces of inferred resource, it added.


      The takeover was even more interesting since Gold Fields and Bolivar already had an exploration joint venture covering around 25,000 hectares of properties in the El Callao region, Cockerill added. That region is a well-established gold mining area dating back more than 200 years.

      Although Venezuela has been criticised by some for a perceived bias against foreign firms, Cockerill said Gold Fields` experience was different.

      "Contrary to certain reports, foreign direct investment into Venzuela is welcomed and certainly some significant companies have made that commitment to the country," he said.

      "We know the environment, we`ve been here for some time... we`re comfortable that the risks associated with an investment in Venezuela, we believe, are manageable."

      The total purchase price consists of around US$249 for the 89 percent of common shares Gold Fields does not already own and the remainder for options, warrants and debentures.

      The deal requires approval by Bolivar shareholders and by the South African Reserve Bank. If the transaction fails to go through, a C$12 million cancellation fee is payable to Gold Fields.
      schrieb am 01.12.05 17:46:27
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      und nochmal +10%

      Gold Reserve Receives Brisas Quarry Concession
      Wednesday November 30, 3:45 pm ET

      SPOKANE, Wash.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Nov. 30, 2005--Gold Reserve Inc. (TSX:GRZ - News; AMEX:GRZ - News) today announced that the Government of Bolivar State, Venezuela, through its Mining Institute (IAMIB), granted Compania Aurifera Brisas del Cuyuni, C.A., operator of the Brisas Project and subsidiary of Gold Reserve, a 400-hectare concession for the exploration and exploitation of rock and aggregates to support the Brisas gold/copper project.

      The quarry site, located within the Brisas Project area in the Km 88 mining district, is planned to be used for the construction of infrastructure for the Brisas Project, which is anticipated to utilize conventional open pit mining methods with the processing of ore at full production of 70,000 tonnes per day, yielding an average annual production of 486,000 ounces of gold and 63 million pounds of copper over an estimated mine life of approximately 18 years.

      Doug Belanger, President, stated, "We are pleased that IAMIB has issued our quarry concession, an indication that we are making progress in our efforts to obtain the required permit to start construction on the Brisas Project."
      schrieb am 01.12.05 17:50:22
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      Venezuela to complete mining review by year-end
      Thu Dec 1, 2005 09:19 AM ET

      CARACAS, Venezuela, Dec 1 (Reuters) - Venezuelan authorities will complete a review of mining contracts and concessions by year-end and new policies for the sector will go into effect on Jan. 1, Mining and Basic Industries Minister Victor Alvarez said on Thursday.

      Venezuela, the world`s No. 5 oil exporter, is carrying out a broad inspection of gold and diamond mining deals to weed out idle operations and hand them to small-scale mining cooperatives financed by the state.

      "The new mining policy goes into effect on Jan. 1, 2006, and all the work we are accelerating right now is to have the announcement ready for the end of the year," Alvarez said before a meeting between Venezuelan and Iranian industrial ministers.

      "It will be a year-end message ... We will talk about the review we carried out on the concessions, the review we did on the contracts and all the decisions we have taken with respect to them," he said.

      President Hugo Chavez, a former soldier who has promised to bring a socialist revolution to Venezuela, says many energy and mining contracts signed before his 1998 election are "robbing" the nation of its resources by giving preferential terms to foreign companies.

      Alvarez said a decree published early this year in the official gazette naming several gold mining concessions the state had decided to hand to mining cooperatives was a mistake that should not have been printed.

      Some foreign companies working in Venezuela`s mineral-rich Bolivar state have been waiting eagerly for news of the review, after markets fretted over what the government had planned for the sector.

      Among major foreign companies mining in Venezuela are Crystallex (KRY.TO: Quote, Profile, Research) of Canada, Hecla Mining Co. (HL.N: Quote, Profile, Research) of the United States and Shandong Gold-Mining Co. Ltd. (600547.SS: Quote, Profile, Research) of China.

      Crystallex shares touched a 2-1/2-month high on Wednesday as investor hopes rose that Venezuela will soon unveil the results of the review and allow the Canadian company to start working at its Las Cristinas gold mine.

      Crystallex has been seeking an environmental permit so it can start developing Las Cristinas, which is touted as one of the world`s biggest gold deposits.

      The government has said it will give no new concessions to international firms and is developing a state gold and diamond company, modeled after state oil firm PDVSA, that will oversee the sector and work as a partner with private investors.
      schrieb am 01.12.05 18:14:16
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()
      Jetz hammer an der AMEX ein Gap von 2.15 USD bis 2.21 USD im Chart.
      An der TSX in CAD sieht`s auch so aus.
      Bin ich ja wieder gespannt.
      schrieb am 01.12.05 19:32:43
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()

      Gold Fields Offered Price Too Low: Bolivar Gold

      01.12.2005 12:57

      Gold Fields’ offer of C$3 a share is pitched at a 19% premium to Bolivar Gold’s trading price on the preceding Friday and a 41% premium to the preceding 30-day trading average, Resource Investor reported.

      Bolivar operates the Chico 10 gold mine in Venezuela, which is expected to produce 190,000oz of gold next year.

      Scion Capital, which advises two funds controlling 14.46% of Bolivar Gold, wrote to the company to complain that the offer did not represent fair value. It said the premium to recent trading prices was not a fair reflection of Bolivar’s value. They urged an independent valuation be conducted.

      Gold Fields said it would apply for an exemption from the requirement for an independent valuation.

      Since Scion Capital had raised the issue, Gold Fields had engaged independent valuators and the exercise was under way, Gold Fields spokesman Willie Jacobsz said yesterday. Gold Fields was confident the valuation would support the price it was offering.

      Ironically, Gold Fields came in for some criticism in South Africa for buying into Venezuela because of the risk around gold mines, so if it had offered much more for Bolivar it could have been accused of overpaying.
      schrieb am 01.12.05 19:54:05
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      Here we go. Gold Reserve gehört zurzeit zu den billigsten Explorern überhaupt. Hier bekommt man 10.1 Millionen Unzen für weniger als 6 $ :D Kupfer gibts noch dazu. Gemäss Businessplan sind die Cash-Costs für das Gold bei einem Kupferpreis von 2 $ bei Null....

      Der Kurs scheint jetzt den Bottom gefunden zu haben und zieht an Vergleicht einmal Crystallex (KRY), der ist bereits sehr viel mehr gestiegen als GRZ. Bolivar wurde sogar übernommen!

      Bei 10 Millionen proven/probable reserves und einer Market-Cap von weniger als 100 Mil. USD ein Schnäppchen. Gold Reserve ist viel billiger als beispielsweise Moto Gold bewertet - bei vergleichsweise ähnlichen politischen Risiken......
      schrieb am 02.12.05 16:53:39
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()
      schrieb am 02.12.05 20:46:37
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()
      Zurzeit wieder +19% - Bargain Hunting - Gold Reserve ist immer noch extrem unterbewertet und ca. 50% unter dem 52-Wochenhoch.....:D
      schrieb am 05.12.05 02:50:29
      Beitrag Nr. 22 ()

      Opposition boykottiert Parlamentswahlen in Venezuela

      Überschattet von einem Boykott der Opposition haben die Venezolaner am Sonntag ein neues Parlament gewählt. Fünf Oppositionsparteien hatten ihre Kandidaten zurückgezogen, so dass bis auf einige kleinere Gruppen nur noch Verbündete von Präsident Hugo Chavez zur Wahl antraten.

      Die Oppositionsparteien hatten ihren Schritt damit begründet, dass die Nationale Wahlkommission Chavez unterstütze. Sie warfen der Regierung zudem eine Manipulation von Wählerlisten vor und äußerten Zweifel daran, ob bei der Abstimmung an Wahlautomaten das Wahlgeheimnis gewahrt sei. Kritiker des Boykotts werfen der Opposition dagegen vor, sie wolle sich angesichts verheerender Umfrageergebnisse vor der Wahl drücken.

      Chavez` Regierung wird derzeit von 89 der 165 Abgeordneten unterstützt und hofft ihre Mehrheit im auf 167 Sitze vergrößerten nächsten Parlament auszubauen. Durch den Wahlboykott der Opposition haben sich die Aussichten für Chavez` Bewegung für die Fünfte Republik (MVR) noch verbessert.

      Meinungsforscher rechnen mit 70 Prozent Nichtwählern

      Der Präsident sagte am Vorabend der Wahl, der Oppositionsboykott schränke die Legitimität der Abstimmung nicht ein. Von zunächst 5500 Parlamentskandidaten hätten sich nach Zahlen der Wahlkommission nur 556 zurückgezogen, sagte Chavez. Die Abstimmung wurde von 160 EU- Wahlbeobachtern verfolgt, weitere 50 entsandte die Organisation Amerikanischer Staaten (OAS).

      Insgesamt waren 14,5 Millionen Menschen zur Stimmabgabe aufgerufen, Meinungsforscher rechnen mit einer Wahlenthaltung von 70 Prozent. Die Abstimmung begann am Sonntag ohne Zwischenfälle. Am Vorabend wurden bei Explosionen kleinerer Sprengladungen in der Hauptstadt Caracas zwei Menschen verletzt.

      Beobachter glauben, dass der 51-jährige Chavez, der daheim immer fester im Sattel sitzt und im Ausland zunehmend Beachtung findet, eine Zwei-Drittel-Mehrheit im Parlament ausnutzen wird, um eine weit greifende Verfassungsänderung zu realisieren. Dabei solle die Wiederwählbarkeit des Staatschefs auf mindestens vier Amtszeiten von jeweils sechs Jahren verlängert werden., 04.12.2005
      schrieb am 05.12.05 03:10:10
      Beitrag Nr. 23 ()
      Venezuelans vote for Congress after oil pipe blast
      04 Dec 2005 22:11:01 GMT

      Source: Reuters

      (Recasts, adds with Chavez comments) By Patrick Markey CARACAS, Venezuela, Dec 4 (Reuters) - Venezuelans voted for a new Congress on Sunday with an opposition boycott set to hand lawmakers loyal to President Hugo Chavez a huge majority to push through constitutional reforms as officials blamed a blast at a local oil pipeline on sabotage. Chavez has accused U.S. officials of orchestrating the boycott to trigger a political crisis. But he says the move included only a minority of candidates and could not invalidate the vote. Main opposition groups abstained from voting after accusing electoral authorities of favoring the populist leader and manipulating electronic voting machines, despite agreeing previously to participate in the election. "These old parties, they are already dead -- but they are still hanging on, resisting death," Chavez told reporters after casting his vote in a poor Caracas neighborhood. "Now they`ve accelerated their own demise." Pro-Chavez lawmakers will likely sweep to an uncontested lead as polls showed they would win a strong majority even before the boycott. National Assembly deputies backing Chavez currently hold 86 seats against 79 in the opposition camp. Two new seats are up for grabs this year. Lawmakers backing Chavez have said they want to pass constitutional reforms such as lifting the limit of two terms on presidential tenure. Chavez foes fear this will hand more power to a man they already accuse of eroding democracy by controlling the courts and other institutions. Hours before voting began, an oil pipeline in western Zulia State was damaged by a small home-made bomb blast that authorities branded a sabotage attack in the world`s fifth-largest oil exporter. Officials said earlier the explosion had damaged a twin pipeline carrying 400,000 barrels per day to the huge Amuay-Cardon refinery. They stopped short of blaming the opposition, referring only to "radical groups." "This is a miserable terrorist attack," Vice President Jose Vicente Rangel told state television. Energy Minister Rafael Ramirez said the explosion had not affected fuel supplies or exports and that firefighters had controlled a subsequent fire and oil spill. STRENGTHENING THE REVOLUTION Elected in 1998, Chavez, a former army officer, has helped build his popularity by spending billions in oil revenues on programs for the poor as part of his socialist "revolution." He is fiercely at odds with Washington over trade and foreign policies and his close ties to Cuba have rattled the U.S. government. U.S. officials, who portray Chavez as a threat to democracy in Venezuela and the region, reject his anti-U.S. rhetoric as an attempt to stir nationalist sentiment and mobilize his power base among the poor. Caracas was quiet during the start of the vote, but ABN state news agency reported three people were injured on Friday when a home- made pipe bomb went off at a government office and two others exploded at a Caracas army base. Officials have suggested "extremist groups" linked to Chavez foes were plotting violence to scuttle the vote, a charge opposition leaders say was just a distraction tactic. Since Chavez won a referendum last year, his opponents have struggled to overcome divisions and distrust of the electoral council, which they charge manipulated voting machines to help Chavez defeat the 2004 recall vote. Observers said they found no vote-tampering in that referendum. The Venezuelan leader came into office promising to end years of neglect by traditional parties, whose influence has dimmed after seven years of Chavez government. The Organization of American States, which is monitoring the election, had brokered an agreement with divided opposition leaders, who said they would participate in Sunday`s vote if electronic finger-print machines were removed from polls. The opposition said the identification technology violated voter confidentiality. Electoral authorities said they would remove the machines, but the opposition walked out anyway. (Additional reporting by Andrei Khalip)
      schrieb am 05.12.05 03:15:43
      Beitrag Nr. 24 ()
      Sollte Chavez eine 2/3-Mehrheit haben, könnten die Kurse von GRZ und KRY nach unten korrigieren.
      Ergebnisse hab ich noch nirgends gefunden.

      In einem Jahr sind auch wieder Präsidentschaftswahlen.
      Bis dahin dürfte die Unsicherheit wegen populistischer Enteignungsaktionen anhalten.
      schrieb am 05.12.05 14:23:11
      Beitrag Nr. 25 ()
      Die Vorbörse droht schon wieder mit steigenden Kursen für GRZ und KRY.
      schrieb am 06.12.05 08:12:23
      Beitrag Nr. 26 ()
      Montag, 5. Dezember 2005

      Caracas, Venezuela: Die Allianz der offiziellen Unterstützer-Parteien von Präsident Hugo Chavez erzielt nach eigenen Angaben alle Sitze in der nationalen Parlamentswahl. Die Partei Chavez` (Bewegung für die fünfte Republik) erreicht mit 114 von 167 zudem die nötige zweidrittels Mehrheit für Verfassungsänderungen. Die Wahlbeteiligung war, nachdem sich alle wichtigen Oppositionsparteien überraschend von der Wahl zurückzogen bei ungefähr 25%.

      Quelle: Wikipedia, Rubrik Aktuelles
      schrieb am 06.12.05 15:13:58
      Beitrag Nr. 27 ()
      Das Wahlergebnis war bereits vorgängig eingepreist. Die Frage ist nur, wie lange dauert es noch bis die Bewilligungen definitiv erteilt werden, dann sind wir SOFORT nördlich von 4 $

      Gewinnmitnahmen von kf. orientierten Anlagern sind jetzt möglich, grundsätzlich bin ich aber sehr, sehr optimistisch! Dieser Titel ist im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes Gold wert.....
      schrieb am 04.01.06 20:40:12
      Beitrag Nr. 28 ()
      Gold Reserve Receives Permits for Detailed Engineering Activities On The Brisas Project
      Wednesday January 4, 2:14 pm ET

      SPOKANE, WA, Jan. 4 /CNW/ - Gold Reserve Inc. (TSX:GRZ - News; AMEX:GRZ - News) today announced that the Government of Venezuela, through its Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MARN), granted its subsidiary Compania Aurifera Brisas del Cuyuni, C.A., operator of the Brisas Project, additional permits for the Company`s continuing detailed engineering activities related to the development of the Brisas gold/copper project.

      The permits are for geotechnical drilling to support detailed engineering work related to pit slope analysis, crusher design, process facility design, tailing dam design, and overall site development for the Brisas Project, which is anticipated to utilize conventional open pit mining methods with the processing of ore at full production of 70,000 tonnes per day, yielding an average annual production of 486,000 ounces of gold and 63 million pounds of copper over an estimated mine life of approximately 18 years.

      Doug Belanger, President, stated, "We are pleased to receive these permits from the government allowing for the continued development of the Brisas Project in anticipation of the final permitting for construction."
      schrieb am 06.01.06 19:14:48
      Beitrag Nr. 29 ()
      die entwicklung des kurses sieht momentan schon sehr freundlich aus.
      schrieb am 10.01.06 16:01:55
      Beitrag Nr. 30 ()
      Die kennen überhaupt kein Halten mehr.
      Wäre wieder Zeit für eine Konsolidierung.
      Bevor die 10 USD in Angriff genommen werden.
      schrieb am 17.01.06 16:33:05
      Beitrag Nr. 31 ()
      ab wann sollte man vorsichtig werden und gewinnmitnahmen tätigen ? ist schon ein wenig unheimlich der ansteig in den letzten tagen.
      schrieb am 17.01.06 17:30:50
      Beitrag Nr. 32 ()
      Fundamental bleiben weiterhin ein paar hundert Prozent Spielraum nach oben, wenn Venezuela endlich das OK für GRZ gibt und die Gewinne nicht konfisziert. Das Risiko ist momentan schon noch hoch, daß Chavez sich Gemeinheiten einfallen läßt.

      Wenn du auch unter 2 USD eingestiegen bist, könntest z.B. 1/3 verkaufen und hättest fast den Anfangseinsatz wieder drin. Mit den restlichen 2/3 könntest Alles oder Nichts spielen. Ich mach es des öfteren so, hier aber nicht. Werde vorerst 100% dabeibleiben und erst bei zweistelligen Kursen wieder neu überlegen.
      schrieb am 25.01.06 13:54:53
      Beitrag Nr. 33 ()
      Heute dürfte der Kurs etwas leiden.

      Venezuela Threatens to Take Over Mines
      Tuesday January 24, 6:15 pm ET
      By Raul Gallegos

      Venezuela Official Says Country Ready to Take Over Gold, Diamonds Mines From Foreign Companies

      CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) -- Venezuela`s mining minister said Tuesday that the government was ready to take over top gold and diamond mines from foreign companies that have failed to exploit them.

      Mining Minister Victor Alvarez accused unnamed foreign companies of using their mining holdings merely to speculate on the market.

      "There are areas that have been kidnapped" by foreign companies, Alvarez said at a mining conference in Caracas.

      Those areas will be taken back by the government so other companies can exploit them better, the minister added.

      Some mining areas will be given to small- scale operators and others will be kept by the government to develop on its own, he said, declining to elaborate or identify which companies were targeted.

      Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, who says he is leading a socialist "revolution" in his country, has taken over farms, businesses and real estate deemed underutilized for redistribution. Foreign oil companies have also submitted to greater state control and higher tax and royalty payments after the government threatened to take over oil fields they operated.

      Critics have accused the leftist leader of trampling private property rights, but Chavez claims his policies are justified to weaken the grip of foreign interests and the ruling elite on the country.

      Toward that end, Chavez has ordered a review of all mining concessions, pledging to overhaul the sector to provide more jobs for Venezuelans and vowing to issue no new contracts until the review is completed.

      Foreign companies with interests in Venezuela`s mineral-rich southeastern Bolivar state include Canadian firms Crystallex International Corp., Bolivar Gold Corp. and Cadre Resources Ltd., as well as U.S.-based Hecla Mining Co. and Gold Reserve Inc.

      Alvarez said Tuesday the review was almost done and the oldest deals found to be idle will be dealt with first.

      Separately, state-owned aluminum company Alucasa said it plans to produce 18,500 metric tons (20,400 U.S. tons) of the material this year, a 25 percent increase from 2005.

      Roughly 60 percent of that production should be purchased by national producers and the rest will be exported, said Alucasa president Henry Mijares.

      Chavez has pressed state-owned companies to increase production for the local market so the country can reduce imports. The oil-rich Venezuelan economy has for decades imported most of its food and other basic products.

      Raul Gallegos is a correspondent of Dow Jones Newswires.
      schrieb am 25.01.06 14:21:41
      Beitrag Nr. 34 ()
      Crystallex ist vorbörslich 17% im Minus.
      schrieb am 25.01.06 16:47:21
      Beitrag Nr. 35 ()
      Lage hat sich beruhigt.

      Zumindest bis die Schwachmaten wieder was Neues hören lassen.

      schrieb am 27.01.06 19:04:27
      Beitrag Nr. 36 ()
      Seit Ende November verdreifacht.
      Hab zwar schon Besseres erlebt, möcht aber nicht klagen.
      schrieb am 17.03.06 15:46:26
      Beitrag Nr. 37 ()
      Es geht voran.

      Gold Reserve Announces Receipt of Permit to Impact Natural Resources for the Aggregate Quarry for the Brisas Project
      Thursday March 16, 1:39 pm ET

      SPOKANE, Wash.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--March 16, 2006--Gold Reserve Inc. (TSX:GRZ - News; AMEX:GRZ - News) reported today that the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources ("MARN") in Venezuela has issued to the Company the "Permit to Impact Natural Resources" for the quarry on the Barbarita property which would provide aggregate for the Company`s adjacent Brisas project.

      Gold Reserve announced previously that it had been granted the rights to explore and develop a quarry on the Barbarita property for its Brisas project by the Mining Institute (IAMIB) of Bolivar State, Venezuela. Aggregate is required for the construction and operating phase of the Brisas project which is currently expected to produce an average of 486,000 ounces of gold and 63 million pounds of copper annually. The Barbarita concession is located approximately 5 kilometers from the Brisas project site and near the planned mill site.

      Doug Belanger, President of Gold Reserve stated, "MARN`s granting of the Permit to Impact Natural Resources for the Barbarita aggregate quarry that would service the Brisas project is an important element for the development of the Brisas mine."
      schrieb am 06.04.06 00:57:45
      Beitrag Nr. 38 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 20.768.593 von borazon am 17.03.06 15:46:26Wundert mich, daß GRZ so gut laufen, trotz Chavez' Enteignungen im Ölsektor.
      Doch vermutlich sind die niedrigen Gold- und Kupfergehalte im Erz der GRZ von Vorteil, da sie den altertümlichen und reichlich umweltschädigenden Methoden jeglicher artisan miners unzugänglich sind.

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      Gold Reserve Inc (AMEX: GRZ) WPKN: 121573