
    LYNAS - Faktenthread, Analysen, Querverweise u. Meldungen zum Unternehmen (Seite 295)

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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 17.08.10 12:28:22
      Beitrag Nr. 610 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 39.996.271 von JoJo49 am 17.08.10 12:03:01Es erhöht für diejenigen die Chancen wieder billig einzukaufen, unterstellt man dass sie die Heuschrecken-Taktik auch hier ansetzen (wovon auszugehen ist!)

      Man darf sich nur nicht Angst und Bange machen lassen von solchen mitunter extremen Rücksetzern.
      Da stellt sich natürlich wieder die Frage ob man nach Zockermanier unter diesen neuen Bedingungen mal aussteigt... ;) aber ich glaube ich nutze die Chance dann lieber zum nachkaufen denn selbst wenn es bis -25% runter geht sind wir immer noch bei ~50 Cent.
      schrieb am 17.08.10 12:20:45
      Beitrag Nr. 609 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 39.996.271 von JoJo49 am 17.08.10 12:03:01Kann mir jemand die Frage nach der aktuellen Share Struktur von Lynas
      beantworten? Wer hält da was und wieviel? Ich finde leider nichts.

      Vielleicht lassen die Chinesen ja auch über JPMorgan und MStanley einkaufen? :)

      Woher kam denn der für D große Umsatz am letzten Freitag ? Über 4 Mio Stücke,
      das ist ein vielfaches vom normalen Umsatz.
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 17.08.10 12:03:01
      Beitrag Nr. 608 ()
      LYC Lynas Corporation Limited
      August 2010
      17th Becoming a substantial holder - J.P.Morgan

      1. Details of substantial holder (1)
      Name JPMorgan Chase & Co. and its affiliates
      ACN (if applicable) N/A
      The holder became a substantial holder on 13 Aug 2010
      2. Details of voting power
      The total number of votes attached to all the voting shares in the company or voting interests in the scheme that the substantial holder or an associate (2) had a
      relevant interest (3) in on the date the substantial holder became a substantial holder are as follows:
      Class of securities (4) Number of securities Persons’ votes (5) Voting power (6)
      ----Ordinary ------------------83,048,257 ----------------83,048,257 ---------------5.02%


      Auf der 4-ten Seite ist u.a. deutlich zu erkennen das JPMorgan Chase & Co. und ihre Tochtergesellschaften mit den Aktien von Lynas spekulieren.
      Man darf bei allem Interesse von JPMorgen an Lynas nicht vergessen das diese Bank u.a. auch Hedgefonds betreibt und somit zu den sogenannten Heuschrecken gehört die in erster Linie daran interessiert sind schnelles Geld zu machen mit dem Unterschied das sie ihre Transaktionen und Spekulationen jetzt für jeden sicht- und nachvollziehbar veröffentlichen müssen.

      Damit will ich keinen Angst machen, nur man muss und sollte sich in diesem Zusammenhang nicht wundern wenn es immer wieder bis zur erfolgreichen Produktionsaufnahme unerklärliche Rücksetzer geben kann, was nicht heißt, dass diese auch kommen müssen, denn JPMorgen ist bei ihrem gewaltigen Aktienanteil im Endeffekt und über einen längeren Zeitraum gesehen, natürlich hauptsächlich an einen kontinuierlichen Aktien- und somit Wertanstieg ihres Investments Lynas interessiert.

      Grüsse JoJo :)
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 16.08.10 11:30:27
      Beitrag Nr. 607 ()
      schrieb am 16.08.10 06:39:59
      Beitrag Nr. 606 ()
      Quelle: Wall Street Journal…

      China Dangles Rare-Earth Resources to Lure Investment

      BEIJING—China is cautiously using rare-earth resources as bait for foreign investment that could bring in sophisticated technologies that it needs.

      Industry and government officials have begun talking about a Chinese government plan to offer access to its rare-earth resources—which are used in products such as hybrid-car batteries and missiles and are under strict export restrictions—to get companies including electronics manufacturers and auto makers to set up rare-earth-processing plants in China.

      The government hasn't announced such a plan, but when asked about it, a senior official with China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said this past Tuesday last week that while China has used a "technology for market" strategy before—offering foreign companies low labor costs and access to its fast-growing market—"now we have the expression 'technology for resources.' " The official cited the rare-earth market as workable for this strategy, but warned: "Difficulties remain if we don't handle it well." He declined to elaborate, citing the sensitivity and complicated nature of the issue.

      Laborers at a rare-earth mine in China's Jiangxi province this month.

      China controls around 95% of the world's rare-earth output, a near-monopoly it has slowly built with the help of its export quotas to achieve higher prices for the ores, which include obscure elements such as dysprosium and neodymium.

      The official's comments follow China's move in July to decrease 72% ofits rare-earth shipment by 72% for the second half of this year to 7,976 metric tons. The latest move to restrict exports of the metals caused an uproar in the global market.

      China has accelerated the speed and intensity of consolidating the fragmented industry and has been cutting down the export quota for rare earth since 2005 to gain more clout on pricing the rare metals.

      In addition to the July price increase, China has also indicated that the export quota for the coming years will be below 35,000 tons a year, which will further hurt rare-earth supply, just as demand surges for the kind of environment-friendly products that use rare earth.

      The sharp decline of the export quota will cause a shortage of around 20,000 tons of rare earth for international users this year, said Zhang Zhong, president of China's largest rare-earth producer, Inner Mongolia Baotou Steel Rare-Earth (Group) Hi-Tech Co.

      Against the backdrop of the shortage, Mr. Zhang expects that plenty of foreign companies will start moving their rare-earth-processing plants to China as early as this year.

      Foreign involvement offers regions rich in rare earth a chance to turn into high-technology centers rather than having just heavy industry. Resource-rich regions all want to expand into the more-profitable downstream processing sectors instead of just supplying the raw materials, said a government official with Baotou city in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, one of China's major mining centers. "We are not willing to be the world factory all the time."

      China's efforts on research and development of high-end technology for rare-earth downstream industry includes a special research fund of between 300 million yuan and 450 million yuan ($44.1 million and $66.2 million), according to Gan Yong, an official with the Chinese Academy of Engineering. The very top-end technologies controlled by developed countries are also appealing.

      Around 50 foreign companies are already operating in the Baotou Rare Earth Hi-Tech Zone, including France's Rhodia SA, and Korea Development Bank recently signed a cooperation agreement with Baotou Hi-tech Zone to introduceencourage Korean electronics companies and auto makers to establish processing plants alone or with Chinese partners in Baotou. "The local government is going to offer exemptions on local taxes, and we have negotiated for a 15% discount for Korean firms bidding for a supply of raw materials in cases of long-term contracts," a KDB official said.

      China bans foreign companies from investing in rare-earth mining, but has allowed foreigners to enter processing joint ventures with Chinese businesses.

      "Foreign investors are stripped from the exploration and separation phases now, but they are welcome in the downstream sectors," said the Baotou government official.

      A China-based official with Mitsui & Co. said his trading company is working on introducing other Japanese companies to invest in the rare-earth processing industry in China. But he also expressed concerns over supply guarantees.

      A Chinese government official defended the export quotas, saying that China's export restrictions on rare earth impact only rare-earth raw materials, while encouraging the export of processed products.

      The exports of value-added rare-earth products have increased noticeably and the export structure has also been improved in recent years, said Wang Caifeng, deputy director-general of the raw material division at the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology at a conference in Baotou in Inner Mongolia autonomous region earlier this month.

      Mr. Zhang, the Baotou rare-earth executive, also said Beijing's restriction will prompt miners to step up the search or exploration of the ores around the world, a trend he called inevitable as the reserve of rare earth in China only accounts for 30% of the world's total volume now. It's unreasonable for China to support 95% of the global demand, he said.

      —Yajun Zhang, with contributions from Lee Vincent and Lee Jung-Ah

      Trading Spotlight

      Nurexone Biologic
      0,3400EUR +2,41 %
      Mit ExoPTEN die Querschnittlähmung besiegen?mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 16.08.10 06:35:18
      Beitrag Nr. 605 ()
      Die REO-Preise eigentlich nur für Lanthanum und Cer sind noch einmal stark raufgegangen, womit der REO-Basketpreis Lynas neu mit 35,02 Dollar/kg bewertet wird (Vorwoche 31,94).

      Lanthanum Oxide Vorwoche 23,00 $/kg

      Cerium Oxide Vorwoche 22,00 $/kg

      Samarium Vorwoche 18,50 $/kg
      schrieb am 15.08.10 22:43:59
      Beitrag Nr. 604 ()

      Analysis: Rare earth monopoly a boon to Chinese clean tech firms

      Anm.: boon, engl. Wohltat

      China's domestic consumption of the metals poses the biggest threat to global supply. The country, which holds a third of the world's reserves, eats up to 60 percent of global rare earth supply for a wide range of applications from consumer gadgets and medical equipment to defense weapons.
      A car like the Prius requires 1 kilogram (2.2 lb) of neodymium. And each Prius battery uses 10 to 15 kg (22-33 lb) of another rare earth, lanthanum, said Jack Lifton, a commodities analyst and leading authority on rare metals.

      Siemens AG and General Electric, which are investing in the development of direct drive turbines for offshore wind generation, could also be facing risks in securing supply of the rare earth, they said.
      schrieb am 15.08.10 15:02:56
      Beitrag Nr. 603 (),1518,711559,0…

      Konkurrenz zu China
      Deutsche Industrie warnt vor Rohstoff-Engpass
      Von Matthias Kaufmann

      @ einen schönen Sonntag und eine erfolgreiche Woche

      Grüsse JoJo :)
      schrieb am 15.08.10 09:55:09
      Beitrag Nr. 602 ()
      Inhaltlich für uns hier nicht neu und bezieht sich sowohl auf seltene Erden als auch seltene Metalle. Aber schöne Zusammenfassung der aktuellen (Gemüts-)Lage.…

      Wie investieren?

      Spezialmetalle werden nicht direkt an Börsen gehandelt. Daher sind die Anlagemöglichkeiten für private Investoren selten und nur über Umwege möglich. Bei der Royal Bank of Scotland gibt es Zertifikate, die bilden einen kleinen Korb von Spezialmetallen wie Rhodium, Ruthenium, Iridium ab. Oder kopieren einen Index von Minenaktien. Die darin enthaltenen Minen fördern überwiegend Molybdän und Rhodium. Deshalb seien, so Anlagestrategen, Aktien besser.

      Analysten empfehlen, auf produzierende Unternehmen zu setzen. Dazu gehören China Rare Earth, Neo Material Technologies und Lynas. Alle besitzen gehaltvolle Vorkommen. Doch sie haben Tücken. Experten sehen die Gefahr, dass China Rare Earth von der Börse genommen wird.

      Die Werte von Neo Materials schwanken extrem. Die Australier Lynas müssen noch viel investieren, um Großplayer außerhalb Chinas zu werden. Vorsicht: Der Hype hat unseriöse Anbieter aufs Parkett gelockt.

      schrieb am 14.08.10 14:56:02
      Beitrag Nr. 601 ()
      USMMA Expansion Provides Comprehensive Alternative to Chinese Rare Earth Dominance

      Collaboration Offers Complete, Competitive Mine-to-Magnets Capability

      WASHINGTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The United States Magnet Materials Association (“USMMA”) today announced the addition of Arnold Magnetic Technologies, Great Western Technologies Inc., and Lynas Corporation, Ltd. (ASX: LYC) as members of the comprehensive rare earth industry collaboration. The move increases the association’s core membership to seven, innovative companies.

      Arnold specializes in the production of a wide range of high-performance soft and permanent specialty magnets. Great Western Technologies is a leading producer in North America for rare earth materials, powders, and custom vacuum-grade specialty alloys. Lynas Corporation has developed a mine at its rich deposit of rare earths at Mt. Weld in Western Australia.

      “With Arnold’s, Great Western’s, and Lynas’ addition to this collaboration, USMMA is now vertically integrated to provide complete mine-to-magnets solutions to rare earth material needs,” said USMMA President Ed Richardson, Vice President of USMMA founding partner Thomas & Skinner. “Together, we are set to foster the development of a new rare earth materials supply chain independent from current Chinese dominance.”

      With its expanded membership roll, USMMA is now able to provide:

      1. retrievable and highly usable rare earth elements from reliable domestic and ally-nation property holdings,
      2. domestic metal manufacturing operations able to turn rare earth element material into usable metal products and alloys for domestic magnet production and other manufacturing purposes, and
      3. high performance magnet products that are critical to a wide variety of commercial products, hybrid vehicles, wind turbines, other renewable energy applications, and national security systems.

      Before USMMA’s establishment, the United States had few options except virtually total reliance upon a Chinese-dominated supply chain of rare earth materials, elements essential to numerous renewable energy and defense systems including wind turbines, hybrid-electric batteries, computer hard drives and precision-guided munitions. China currently provides over 97% of the world’s rare earth raw materials and dominates the world’s rare earth refining, alloying and manufacturing.

      In an April 2010 report to Congress pushed by USMMA, the Government Accountability Office (“GAO”) warned of an impending rare earths crisis, especially as it relates to homeland security and the national defense.

      In its report, GAO confirmed:

      * That while rare earth deposits are geographically diverse, the United States relies on Chinese sources for finished rare earth materials;
      * That while the United States once dominated all stages of the rare earth supply chain, most current processing is performed in China, giving it dominance in worldwide supply and pricing;
      * The rebuilding of a competitive domestic supply chain could take up to 15 years and will require significant capital investment and new technology development;
      * The Department of Defense is currently evaluating the dependence of multiple defense systems and components on rare earth materials provided by lower tier foreign suppliers;
      * These defense systems and components will continue to rely on these foreign sources based on their life cycles and lack of effective substitutes; and
      * In anticipation of these identified supply risks, some defense contractors and government agencies have begun taking initial steps to limit this dependence on unreliable foreign suppliers or to expand the existing supplier base.

      USMMA also supports legislation introduced in both the House (H.R. 4866) and Senate (S. 3521) that would reestablish competitive domestic rare earths mineral production, processing, refining, purification, and metals production industries to support the growth of green job technology and manufacturing as well as the nation’s defense industry.

      The Rare Earth Supply-Chain Technology and Resource Transformation (RESTART) Act of 2010, would create a “whole-of-government” approach involving the U.S. Departments of Commerce, Energy, State, and Defense, Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, and Office of Science and Technology Policy within the Executive Office of the President. The bill builds upon several elements of USMMA’s platform for resolving the Rare Earth Elements (REE) supply crisis.

      USMMA was founded in 2006 by magnet manufacturers Thomas & Skinner, Inc. of Indianapolis, Indiana; Hoosier Magnetics of Ogdensburg, New York; and Electron Energy Corporation of Landisville, Pennsylvania, to advocate on behalf of the specialty metals clause found at 10 U.S.C. 2533b. U.S. Rare Earths, Inc. joined in 2009 to expand the group’s focus to support the reintroduction of a competitive rare earth supply chain in the United States.

      More information on the USMMA can be found at

      Thomas & Skinner, Inc. is the world’s leading manufacturer of cast and sintered alnico magnets, magnetic assemblies, and transformer laminations. Through its wholly-owned subsidiary Ceramic Magnetics, Inc., Thomas & Skinner is also a leading manufacturer of soft ferrite magnets.

      Hoosier Magnetics, Inc. specializes in the manufacturing of hard ferrite powders used in a wide variety of permanent magnet applications. Founded in 1975 in Washington, Indiana; Hoosier is a privately held company owned by Dr. B. Thomas Shirk.

      Electron Energy Corporation is a worldwide leader in samarium cobalt magnet production and offers design services and rare earth magnet assemblies. Electron Energy is the only US operated rare earth magnet company that still melts its magnet alloys in-house.

      U.S. Rare Earths, Inc., an American natural resources development company based in Salt Lake City and New York City, holds large resources and reserves of high-grade rare earth metals and the largest documented high-grade thorium properties in the world within its properties in Idaho, Montana, and Colorado, including a large portion of known and estimated U.S. reserves.

      The Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corporation, a privately owned corporation comprised of five strategic businesses, manufactures a wide range of both permanent and soft magnetic products and assemblies at facilities in the United States, the United Kingdom, Switzerland and China.

      Great Western Technologies Inc. is a leading production facility in North America for rare earth materials, powders, and custom vacuum-grade specialty alloys. GWTI provides research and development, process development, consulting, and innovative products and services to clients worldwide. GWTI., in partnership with its parent company, Great Western Minerals Group Ltd., is part of the first vertically integrated structure in North America to produce and process rare earth elements for advanced technology and alternative energy markets.

      Lynas Corporation is creating a reliable, fully integrated source of supply from mine through to customers, and aims to become the benchmark for security of supply and environmental standards in the global Rare Earths industry. Lynas has developed a mine at its rich deposit of Rare Earths at Mt Weld in Western Australia, and will produce separated rare earth products from its Advanced Materials Plant which shall commence production in Q3 2011

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