
    Rohstoffaktien-Depot mit langfristansatz Strategie (Seite 5936)

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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 19.01.12 09:21:40
      Beitrag Nr. 296 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.613.776 von Opla am 19.01.12 07:27:07hallo,
      danke opla, ich habe es mir gestern kurz angelesen...sehe es wie du.

      schrieb am 19.01.12 07:27:07
      Beitrag Nr. 295 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.612.109 von zyperus am 18.01.12 19:30:53Hallo Zyperus.

      Das Projekt ist sicherlich sehr interessant, der Fokus liegt für Kiska aber ganz klar im eigenen Whistlerprojekt. Das Thorn JV ist quasi ein Selbstläufer für KsK. BBB trägt alle Kosten und KSK wird am Projekt zwischen 49 und 35% profitieren. BBB wird bei solchen BE, sollten sie denn weiter folgen, kaum Probleme haben, die Gelder über PP zu bekommen. Und sollten Sie die Gelder nicht bekommen, warum auch immer, bleibt das bis dahin explorierte Gebiet bei Kiska. In jedem Fall also ein Win Win Situation für KSK. Man muss die BE dieses Jahr abwarten, um einschätzen können, wie es sich entwickeln könnte. Was bisher dort erbohrt wurde, war jedenfalls fantastisch.
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 18.01.12 22:52:02
      Beitrag Nr. 294 ()


      Die Analysten von TD Securities zeigen sich optimistisch in Bezug auf die Aussichten für Junior-Unternehmen aus dem Eisenerzsektor. Sie glauben, dass der globale Eisenerzmarkt im Verlauf von Chinas Fünfjahresplan 2011 bis 2015 um 7% pro Jahr wachsen wird. Das Angebot dürfte nach Ansicht der Experten knapp und der Preis des für die Stahlproduktion benötigten Metalls hoch bleiben. TD Securities glaubt zudem, dass neue Quellen von Eisenerz nötig sein werden, um die Nachfrage zu befriedigen.

      bezog sich auf champion....schaut euch mal die performence
      der letzten wochen von grange, gindalbie, northern, bellzone,
      labrador, new millenium, ironclad, australasien, northland res, cap-ex vent., oceanic iron.
      an. dies spricht bände...

      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 18.01.12 22:28:33
      Beitrag Nr. 293 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.613.132 von zyperus am 18.01.12 22:11:34hallo,
      interessante deutsche nebenwerte alternativen zur zeit sind
      neben den werten meines depot, meiner pers. meinung nach:

      masterflex, paragon, quanmax, realtech, saf holland, softing
      viscom, data modul, douglas.

      bellzone, silvermex, carpathian , gindalbie, ironclad, minco s. und g.,
      kurz vor oder in einem lauf....

      schrieb am 18.01.12 22:11:34
      Beitrag Nr. 292 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.613.001 von zyperus am 18.01.12 21:53:06@manfreddoo

      grange chart bei leibe kein t mit h....

      nehme bitte den 1 jahreschart...38er 100er 200er
      schnitte sind durch...wenn wir nun die hochs aus juni und sept knacken...soeben geschehen...also bestätigen...sehen wir kurzfristig die 0,6 von oben...sollte dann der neue boden werden...ziel ende des jahres über 1,...

      die charttechnische reaktion konnte man bei grange die letzten zwei jahre jeweils beginnend im jan schön nachvollziehen...halten bis 2014 und dann sehr freuen das man dabei war....meine pers. meinung.

      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.

      Trading Spotlight

      InnoCan Pharma
      0,1770EUR +0,85 %
      InnoCan Pharma: Wichtiges FDA-Update angekündigt!mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 18.01.12 21:53:06
      Beitrag Nr. 291 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.612.903 von zyperus am 18.01.12 21:34:24hallo, 21:19 uhr

      Coba will es ohne Allianz schaffen
      Die Commerzbank stemmt sich mit allen Mitteln gegen neue Staatshilfe und will ihre Kapitallücke aus eigener Kraft schließen. Auf die Allianz kann die Bank zumindest kurzfristig nicht setzen. Doch der Vorstand ist zuversichtlich, es dennoch zu schaffen.

      Die Commerzbank kann einem Zeitungsbericht zufolge ihre 5,3 Mrd. Euro schwere Kapitallücke ohne die Hilfe der Allianz schließen. Der primär verfolgte Plan enthalte nur Maßnahmen, mit denen die Commerzbank das Loch bis Juni 2012 aus eigener Kraft auffüllen könne, berichtete die "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung" und berief sich auf "Personen, die das Konzept gesehen haben". Würden alle Maßnahmen umgesetzt, könne sogar mehr Kapital als gefordert freigesetzt werden.

      Falls manche Maßnahmen darin nicht verwirklicht werden könnten, zeige ein "Plan B" zusätzliche Optionen auf, hieß es. Erst dort käme die Allianz ins Spiel, mit der über eine Umwandlung ihrer stillen Einlage von 750 Millionen Euro in Kernkapital verhandelt werde.

      Commerzbank-Chef Martin Blessing setzt vor allem auf den Abbau von Bilanzrisiken. Er soll nach Angaben der Bank mehr als die Hälfte der Entlastung bringen, etwa durch eine Drosselung der Kreditvergabe. Sicher hat die Commerzbank schon 700 Mio. Euro, nachdem sie so genannte Hybridanleihen zurückgekauft hat. Medienberichten zufolge sind unter anderem die Zahlung von Mitarbeiter-Boni in Aktien statt in bar und der Verkauf der 14-Prozent-Beteiligung an der russischen Promsyvazbank geplant, um Geld in die Kasse zu spülen. Den Rest will Blessing mit dem erhofften Milliardengewinn in den neun Monaten zwischen Oktober 2011 und Juni 2012 decken.
      Allianz kommt der Coba entgegen

      Die Allianz hat sich der Nachrichtenagentur Reuters zufolge grundsätzlich bereiterklärt, der Commerzbank mit einer Umwandlung der Stillen Einlage zu helfen. Die Verhandlungen seien aber nicht rechtzeitig abgeschlossen worden, hieß es. Umstritten sei beispielsweise noch, ob die Allianz die Einlage in Commerzbank-Aktien tausche.

      Die Europäische Bankenaufsicht EBA hatte bei der Commerzbank ein milliardenschweres Kapitalloch festgestellt. Bis spätestens Freitag muss die zweitgrößte deutsche Bank ein Konzept vorlegen, wie sie diese Lücke schließen will. Das Loch muss bis zum Sommer geschlossen werden, um ausreichend Puffer für Krisenzeiten nachweisen zu können.

      Offiziell fehlen der Commerzbank 5,3 Mrd. Euro. Ein entsprechendes Defizit war auf Basis einer Beteiligung der privaten Gläubiger am Schuldenschnitt in Griechenland in Höhe von 50 Prozent errechnet worden. Es zeichnet sich jedoch ab, dass in den laufenden Verhandlungen zwischen privaten Gläubigern und Griechenland ein weitaus höherer Abschlag vereinbart wird – und der Kapitalbedarf der Commerzbank entsprechend wächst.

      ...nungut...wir werden sehen...hauptsache sie rücken so langsam
      mal raus mit der sprache....die zeit tickt...umso näher das datum umso
      schwächer wird der kurs wieder....wenn nicht nachhaltig ohne blabla auf den tisch kommt....nervt mich ein wenig...sämtliche spekulationen werden von
      der coba selbst zunichte gemacht....eurohypo verkauf....bankenbeteiligungen verkaufen...allianz aufstockung....wäre mir ehrlich alles lieber wie eine
      ke....diese wird den kurs belasten.


      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 18.01.12 21:46:13
      Beitrag Nr. 290 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.612.903 von zyperus am 18.01.12 21:34:24hallo,

      Slumping Rare Earth Prices Take Toll on Lynas Corporation and Great Western Minerals / Five Star Equities Provides Stock Research on Lynas Corporation & Great Western Minerals

      NEW YORK, NY -- (Marketwire) -- 01/17/12 -- Rare earth prices have taken a hit in recent months, largely due to weak demand for semiconductors. With rare earth explorers from outside China such as Lynas Corp and Great Western Minerals nearing production, Rahul Jalan, Chennai-based advisor in Rare Earths for Beroe Consulting India, argues that "the prices of rare earths are likely to drop to 2009 levels due to an increase in the export quota and upcoming new capacities outside China." Five Star Equities examines investing opportunities in the Rare Earth Industry and provides equity research on Lynas Corporation Limited (PINKSHEETS: LYSCF) (ASX: LYC) and Great Western Minerals Group Ltd. (TSX VENTURE: GWG) (PINKSHEETS: GWMGF). Access to the full company reports can be found at:

      According to Steel Guru, Gallium which is material of compound semiconductor, Gallium is less than USD 550 per kg compared with USD 1,000 in early 2011. Antimony, which is used for flame retardant, is around USD 12,000 per tonne. "The price is a year low when Chinese makers are still adjusting the inventory under slow export for Europe and some of the suppliers liquidate the material at lower price before Chinese New Year," Steel Guru observes.

      Not all rare earth metals are suffering from oversupply concerns. A recent U.S. Energy Department (DOE) report finds that limited supplies of five rare-earth minerals pose a threat to increasing use of clean-energy technologies. The DOE predicts that dysprosium, terbium, europium, neodymium and yttrium will all face supply constraints until at least 2015.

      Five Star Equities releases regular market updates on the Rare Earth Industry so investors can stay ahead of the crowd and make the best investment decisions to maximize their returns. Take a few minutes to register with us free at and get exclusive access to our numerous stock reports and industry newsletters.

      Shares of Great Western Minerals Group got a bump earlier this month after the company announced that its joint venture agreement with Ganzhou Qiandong Rare Earth Group Ltd. ("GQD") of China for the construction of a rare earth separation plant in South Africa has been completed and signed. "Our agreement with GQD, with its two decades of rare earth processing experience, means that we have successfully engaged a rare earth industry leader as a joint venture partner to execute the separation component of our company's plan to be the most fully integrated rare earth processing company outside of China," said Great Western president and CEO, Jim Engdahl.

      Five Star Equities provides Market Research focused on equities that offer growth opportunities, value, and strong potential return. We strive to provide the most up-to-date market activities. We constantly create research reports and newsletters for our members. Five Star Equities has not been compensated by any of the above-mentioned companies. We act as an independent research portal and are aware that all investment entails inherent risks. Please view the full disclaimer at:

      Seltene Erden: Lynas Corp erhöhte seine Ressourcenschätzung Sydney 18.01.2012 - Der australische Förderer von Seltenen Erde, die Lynas Corporation, hat heute die bisher geschätzten Ressourcen ihres wichtigsten Projektes, dem Mount Weld Projektes in Westaustralien, erhöht.
      Wie das Unternehmen mitteilte, betragen die Ressourcen 23,9 Mio. Tonnen.
      Das liegt um 37 Prozent über der im September 2010 abgegebenen Ressourcenschätzung für Mt. Weld. Diese Feststellung wurde nach der Ausweitung des Drilling-Programmes getroffen.
      Die Aktie des Unternehmens konnte sich nach dieser Meldung mit einem kräftigen Zugewinn von 4,43 Prozent auf 1,06 AUD verabschieden.

      schrieb am 18.01.12 21:40:26
      Beitrag Nr. 289 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.612.844 von zyperus am 18.01.12 21:25:54hallo,


      Lake Shore Gold Announces New Extension at Thorne Property, Mineralization Now Confirmed 750 Metres East of Existing Resource

      Near surface drilling to east of North Porphyry/4800 Zone extends
      mineralized structure additional 450 metres and confirms previously
      announced 300 metre extension, with structure remaining open to east for
      minimum 1.3 kms
      -- 13.18 gpt over 4.50m, 8.39 gpt over 3.40m, 18.35 gpt over 1.00m,
      137.02 over 1.00m, 5.13 gpt over 2.20m, 6.15 gpt over 0.60m and 2.00
      gpt over 3.90m, including 3.95 gpt over 1.30m
      -- Near surface drilling within North Porphyry/4800 Zone confirms and
      extends mineralization between existing resource blocks, visible gold
      noted in several holes
      -- 7.88 gpt over 6.10m, including 13.88 gpt over 3.00m, 43.76 gpt over
      1.40m, 7.37 gpt over 2.70m, 7.54 gpt over 1.70m, 9.73 gpt over 1.00,
      5.26 gpt over 1.00m, 15.40 gpt over 1.70m
      -- North Porphyry/4800 Zone extended 200 metres vertically to minimum
      vertical depth of 1,050 metres
      -- Updated National Instrument ("NI") 43-101 report on track for release
      during first quarter 2012, report to be focused on areas within 500
      metres of surface.

      Lake Shore Gold Corp. today announced results from 20 new holes and one new wedge hole (8,931 metres), as well as new results from two previously drilled holes, all completed as part of the 2011 drill program at the Company's 100 percent owned Thorne property, which overlies the Gold River Trend. The Gold River Trend is a major alteration and deformation structure, located approximately 3 kilometres ("kms") south of the Company's Thunder Creek deposit which has been traced for a minimum strike length of 3.5 kms. Current National Instrument ("NI") 43-101 compliant inferred resources at the property are listed at approximately 4 million tonnes, grading approximately 3.00 gpt (400,000 ounces). The current drill program is focused on the Gold River East area and is designed to infill and expand previously defined zones within a 1.7 km strike length in preparation for a new NI 43-101 resource update scheduled for the first quarter of 2012.

      Tony Makuch, President and CEO of Lake Shore Gold, commented: "We are extremely pleased with today's new drill results which continue to confirm and extend the size of the overall gold system at the Gold River Trend. This new drilling has extended the strike length of the mineralized envelope underlying the Gold River East area by at least 750 metres eastward, with the potential for an additional 1.3 kms of strike length in that direction. We also continued to extend mineralization from drilling within untested gaps at the North Porphyry/4800 Zone, and successfully extended the mineralization within the Zone by 200 metres to depth, to 1,050 metres below surface, our deepest mineralized intersection to date along the Gold River Trend. Infill drilling within the envelope is continuing to outline new high grade lenses as well as add confidence in shapes and grades for inclusion within our upcoming resource estimate.

      "Considering that we have already been successful in extending the mineralization both along strike and to depth, and the fact that we have really only explored a small area along the total Gold River Trend, we are very encouraged by the potential of this area to host a new advanced stage mining project for the Company on the west side of Timmins that will complement the considerable progress we are making at the nearby Timmins West Mine. We look forward to continuing the ongoing drill program in this area in 2012 and to updating our NI 43-101 resource by the end of the first quarter."

      Drilling included 12 new holes designed to confirm and expand upon the recently discovered 300 metre extension of the North Porphyry/4800 Zone (See press release August 30, 2011). Eight of the new holes tested the 300 metre extension over a 140 metre strike length and maximum 300 metre depth west of discovery hole TH-11-85, which intersected 2.04 gpt over 18.00m, 9.55 gpt over 1.00m and 7.82 gpt over 2.50m (see press release August 30, 2011). Among the new results were: 13.18 gpt over 4.50m in TH-11-121, 18.35 gpt over 1.00m and 8.39 gpt over 3.40m in TH-11-111, 137.02 gpt over 1.00m and 7.82 gpt over 0.90m in TH-11-118 and 5.13 gpt over 2.20m in TH-11-125. The new intersections in holes TH-11-121 and in TH-11-111 are from approximately 50 and 150 metres vertically below and 100 metres west of mineralized zones in discovery hole TH-11-85. Four additional new shallow depth holes were completed east of discovery hole TH-11-85 and confirm a further 450 metre extension of the overall alteration system and key mineralized structures. The best assay results obtained from the four holes included: 6.15 gpt over 0.60m and 2.00 gpt over 3.90m, including 3.95 gpt over 1.30m, from TH-11-126.

      Eight additional new holes and one new wedge hole were completed to test the North Porphyry/4800 Zone both near surface and to depth. The new holes in this area targeted a 440 metre strike length of the Zone and were designed to fill in untested gaps between 150 and 550 metres below surface. Results of the program were very successful and continue to indicate multiple zones of high grade mineralization within a broad envelope of strong hydrothermal alteration measuring up to 150 metres wide. Among significant results are 7.88 gpt over 6.10m, including 13.88 gpt over 3.00m in TH-11-124, 7.37 gpt over 2.70m, 43.76 gpt over 1.40m and 1.11 gpt over 12.70m in TH-11-108, 7.54 gpt over 1.70m in TH-11-124A and 9.73 gpt over 1.00m and 5.26 gpt over 1.00m in Th-11-115. In addition to results from the new drill holes, results also included newly received assays from previously announced Th-11-113, which indicate a second zone of gold mineralization grading 15.40 gpt over 1.70m above the previously announced intercept of 254 gpt over 1.60m, including 1,350 gpt over 0.30m (see press release August 30,2011).

      Additional assay results were also received from previously reported Th-11-94A, which was designed to test the deep extension of the North Porphyry/4800 Zone. The new results include 5.92 gpt over 3.00m, including 13.20 gpt over 1.00m to complement previously announced assays of 3.26 gpt over 2.45m and 3.50 gpt over 2.90m (See press release August 30, 2011). These new results are located 200 metres deeper than the previous deepest intercepts from the North Porphyry/4800 Zone and extend the deposit to a minimum of 1,050 metres below surface, representing the deepest intersection to date on the Gold River structure..

      The Gold River Trend lies approximately 2.0km north of the Destor-Porcupine Fault Zone and surrounds an east-west trending, steeply northward dipping contact between volcanic and sedimentary rocks. Mineralization is contained in multiple zones located immediately to the south of the contact and closely associated with quartz-feldspar porphyry dikes, dark grey quartz veining, increased pyrite/arsenopyrite and local visible gold. New drilling at the North Porphyry/4800 Zone area has now defined this contact as well as a number of specific mineralized zones over a minimum strike length of over 2.0 kms and to a vertical depth of 1,050 metres from surface with potential for expansion. The presence of a newly recognized mafic volcanic unit which lies on the north side of the Golden River shear zone suggests that the mineralization is coincident with an early thrust fault that introduces possible Tisdale aged volcanic rocks into the Porcupine Basin, similar to the structural setting in the Hoyle Pond-Vogel-Bell Creek Belt further east in the Porcupine Camp.

      Drilling is continuing at the Gold River East area with two surface drills doing a combination of infill and expansion drilling in the North Porphyry/4800 Zone area. Current plans are to complete a total of 15,000-20,000 metres at the project before the end of 2012. Work is also proceeding on schedule for the planned release of a new NI 43-101 Technical report during the first quarter of 2012.

      Quality Control

      The Qualified Person ("QP") for Lake Shore Gold's drill program at the Thorne Property is Jacques Samson, P.Geo. who as QP has prepared or supervised the preparation of the scientific or technical information for the property and verified the data disclosed in this press release. Mr. Samson is an employee of Lake Shore Gold.

      Lake Shore Gold has implemented a quality-control program to ensure best practice in the sampling and analysis of the drill core. Assays have been completed using a standard fire assay with a 30-gram aliquot. For samples that return a value greater than ten grams per tonne gold, the sample is fire assayed with a gravimetric finish. Zones with visible gold are tested by pulp metallic analysis. NQ size drill core is saw cut and half the drill core is sampled in standard intervals. The remaining half of the core is stored in a secure location. The drill core is transported in security- sealed bags for preparation at ALS Chemex Prep Lab located in Timmins, Ontario, and the pulps shipped to ALS Chemex Assay Laboratory in Vancouver, B.C. ALS Chemex is an ISO 9001-2000 registered laboratory preparing for ISO 17025 certification.

      About Lake Shore Gold

      Lake Shore Gold is a rapidly growing mining company with a vision to become a mid-tier gold producer through the successful exploration, development and operation of its properties in and around the century-old Timmins Gold Camp. The Company is in commercial production at the Timmins Mine, has commenced pre-production development at the adjacent Thunder Creek deposit, and is advancing an underground advanced exploration program at its Bell Creek Mine. Mine production is delivered to the Company's wholly owned mill (located on the Bell Creek Property east of Timmins) which is operational at a capacity of 2,000 tonnes per day and is currently being expanded to a 3,000 tonne per day with completion targeted for late 2012. The Company continues to invest aggressively in exploration at its multiple properties in and around the Timmins Camp. The Company's common shares trade on the TSX and NYSE Amex under the symbol LSG.


      Certain statements in this press release relating to the Company's expected production levels, production growth, exploration activities, potential for increasing resources, project expenditures and business plans are "forward-looking statements" or "forward-looking information" within the meaning of certain securities laws, including under the provisions of Canadian provincial securities laws and under the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and are referred to herein as "forward-looking statements." The Company does not intend, and does not assume any obligation, to update these forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements represent management's best judgment based on current facts and assumptions that management considers reasonable, including that operating and capital plans will not be disrupted by issues such as mechanical failure, unavailability of parts, labour disturbances, interruption in transportation or utilities, or adverse weather conditions, that there are no material unanticipated variations in budgeted costs, that contractors will complete projects according to schedule, and that actual mineralization on properties will be consistent with models and will not be less than identified mineral reserves. The Company makes no representation that reasonable business people in possession of the same information would reach the same conclusions. Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Company to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. In particular, delays in development or mining and fluctuations in the price of gold or in currency markets could prevent the Company from achieving its targets. Readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. More information about risks and uncertainties affecting the Company and its business is available in the Company's most recent Annual Information Form and other regulatory filings with the Canadian Securities Administrators, which are posted on sedar at, or the Company's most recent Annual Report on Form 40-F and other regulatory filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

      There is no guarantee that drill results reported in this news release will lead to the identification of a deposit that can be mined economically, and further work is required to identify resources and reserves.

      Thorne Project - Significant Assay Table
      Hole Easting From To Interval Grade Target
      Number Nad 83 (M) (gpt) Zone
      TH-11-94A 461449 1309.00 1312.00 3.00 5.92 North Porphyry-deep
      incls. 1309.00 1310.00 1.00 13.20
      TH-11-107 461580 308.70 310.00 1.30 2.35 North Porph/4500/4800
      371.00 371.70 0.70 3.54
      TH-11-108 461800 68.00 80.70 12.70 1.11 North Porph/4500/4800
      incls 74.00 76.00 2.00 2.92
      92.00 97.40 5.40 3.87
      incls 92.70 95.40 2.70 7.37
      145.60 146.55 0.95 29.70
      153.00 155.70 2.70 3.28
      166.70 168.10 1.40 43.76
      TH-11-109 461380 465.50 466.20 0.70 4.69 North Porphyry
      537.00 539.00 2.00 2.70
      560.60 561.40 0.80 9.94
      571.20 573.00 1.80 2.20
      TH-11-110 461800 43.70 45.60 1.90 2.24 North Porph/4500/4800
      243.90 244.20 0.30 6.81
      247.40 247.70 0.30 4.91
      310.00 310.50 0.50 14.30
      TH-11-111 462160 282.00 283.00 1.00 18.35 East Zone (4800-ext)
      286.80 290.20 3.40 8.39
      incls 286.80 288.00 1.20 22.20
      TH-11-113 461860 141.50 143.20 1.70 15.40 North Porph/4500/4800
      TH-11-114 462300 172.00 174.00 2.00 2.16 Far East Exploration
      308.70 309.50 0.80 2.33
      TH-11-115 461380 271.50 272.00 0.50 3.17 North Porphyry - deep
      369.00 370.00 1.00 9.73
      377.00 378.00 1.00 5.26
      TH-11-116 462120 169.00 170.00 1.00 2.76 East Zone (4800-ext)
      190.00 191.00 1.00 2.41
      TH-11-117 462220 94.30 96.00 1.70 3.79 Far East Exploration
      TH-11-118 462120 256.30 257.30 1.00 137.02 East Zone (4800-ext), VG
      261.70 262.20 0.50 3.20
      264.10 265.00 0.90 7.82
      TH-11-119 462120 348.00 354.00 6.00 2.67 East Zone (4800-ext)
      incls 348.00 348.40 0.40 27.50
      394.70 395.40 0.70 5.44

      Thorne Project - Significant Assay Table
      Hole Easting From To Interval Grade Target
      Number Nad 83 (M) (gpt) Zone
      TH-11-120 461380 357.00 359.00 2.00 2.38 North Porphyry - deep
      417.50 418.00 0.50 3.01
      455.80 460.70 4.90 4.20
      535.00 537.00 2.00 2.69
      630.40 632.00 1.60 3.59
      653.90 654.70 0.80 3.33
      TH-11-121 462160 265.40 267.00 1.60 2.01 East Zone (4800-ext)
      397.00 401.50 4.50 13.18 VG
      TH-11-123 462158 248.50 250.50 2.00 2.91 East Zone (4800-ext)
      340.00 340.50 0.50 6.91
      464.00 468.00 4.00 2.70
      incls 467.50 468.00 0.50 9.67
      518.50 519.40 0.90 3.27
      TH-11-124 461300 695.20 701.30 6.10 7.88 North Porphyry - deep
      incls 696.00 699.00 3.00 13.88 Some Assays pending
      124A 461300 334.80 336.00 1.20 3.41 North Porphyry - deep
      491.50 492.50 1.00 2.93 Some Assays pending
      584.00 585.70 1.70 7.54
      incls 584.60 584.90 0.30 40.90 VG
      663.40 664.70 1.30 4.46
      TH-11-125 462120 236.00 243.00 7.00 2.12 East Zone (4800-ext)
      incls 240.80 243.00 2.20 5.13
      473.00 473.40 0.40 5.53
      TH-11-126 462700 186.80 190.70 3.90 2.00 Far East Exploration
      incls 186.80 188.00 1.20 3.95
      380.60 381.20 0.60 6.15
      TH-11-128 462550 383.70 388.00 4.30 1.04 Far East Exploration
      1) Holes TH-11-102, TH-11-112 returned no significant assays.
      2) Holes TH-11-122, TH-11-127 were abandoned due to excessive deviation or
      other drilling issues encountered before reaching mineralization with no
      significant values returned.
      3) Assays are reported uncut.
      4) True widths are not reported at this time.

      To view Figure 1 - Location Map, please visit the following link:

      To view Figure 2 - Longsection, please visit the following link:

      Lake Shore Gold
      Tony Makuch
      President & CEO
      (416) 703-6298

      Lake Shore Gold
      Mark Utting
      Vice-President, Investor Relations
      (416) 703-6298

      da ich lake shore hoch im depot gewichtet habe erlaube ich mir ein solch
      langes post...

      schrieb am 18.01.12 21:34:24
      Beitrag Nr. 288 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.612.809 von zyperus am 18.01.12 21:20:12hallo,
      northern iron ltd.

      16.01.12 Northern Iron releases Quarterly Cashflow Report
      17.01.12 Northern Iron Corp. drill results continue defining magnetite mineralization on The Karas Property

      VANCOUVER, Jan. 17, 2012 /PRNewswire/ - Northern Iron Corp. (TSXV: NFE) ("Northern Iron") (OTCQX: NHRIF) (Frankfurt: N8I) today released assay results for drill holes KA-11-20, 21 and 22 on the Karas property. The drill holes continue testing the true thickness of the magnetite mineralization in line with the previously released holes, testing the western part and down dip extension and plunge of the magnetite mineralized zone, which is still open at depth.

      "These results continue to indicate that the Karas property is an extensive tightly folded banded iron formation and each new hole increases our confidence in the extent of the mineralized zone both in size and depth," said Basil Botha, President & CEO.

      Hole KA-11-20 tests the down dip extension and plunge of the magnetite mineralized zone, and intersects a continuous mineralized interval of magnetite mineralization from the hanging wall contact of 370m averaging 32.95% Fe2O3. The hole is directed as perpendicular as possible to the mineralized zone. The zone remains open at depth.

      Hole KA-11-21 was intended to test the down dip and plunge of the magnetite zone towards the west of hole Ka-11-20.

      Hole KA-11-22 was directed as a delineation hole collared east of previously released holes KA-11-7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12.testing the footwall contact of the mineralized zone towards the south end.

      Highlights of Hole KA-11-18 are summarized in the table below.

      To date, 26 drill holes have been completed on Northern's 100% owned Karas property, located 15 km northeast of the town of Ear Falls, Red Lake mining district, Ontario. The 10,000 metre drill program has been extended due to the results encountered to date and is being completed to define a mineral resource on the property by Q1 2012.

      All 2011 drill holes were surveyed using a Reflex Maxibor II probe to monitor drill hole deviations in magnetic disturbed environments. Northern's personnel were trained "on-site" by Reflex personnel to operate the instrument and process the survey data. All collars are surveyed by Northern's personnel using an APS differential GPS with 3cm accuracy immediately after the holes are completed. The QA/QC protocol system employed during the 2011 exploration program included procedures for monitoring the chain-of-custody of samples and the insertion of blank samples in every batch of samples. Cross-check analyses are planned to be conducted at a second external laboratory from blind duplicate samples. Drill core samples are being prepared at SGS Canada Inc. in Red Lake, Ontario and assayed at SGS Canada Inc., in Lakeview, Ontario.

      Raul Sanabria, P. Geo., is the Qualified Person for the purposes of National Instrument 43-101 for the Karas Exploration Project. Mr. Sanabria has verified and approved the contents of this news release.

      About Northern Iron Corp.

      Northern Iron is a mineral resource company engaged in reviving a past producing iron mine and concurrent exploration of high quality iron ore resources in the Red Lake mining division, district of Kenora, Ontario, Canada.

      Northern Iron holds 100% interest in minerals claims covering approximately 14,672 hectares, comprised of the El Sol Property, the past producing Griffith Property, the Karas Property, the Papaonga Property and the Whitemud-Slate Property.

      The Griffith Mine owned at the time by Stelco, produced 78.8 million tonnes of iron ore for conversion to pellets and DRI from 1968-1989. Total magnetic iron recovery was 86.26%.

      The Red Lake area is accessible year round by Highway 105, which joins the Trans Canada highway at Vermillion Bay, 175 km south and 100 km east of Kenora. Commercial air services operate to Red Lake from Thunder Bay, Ontario and Winnipeg, Manitoba.

      Cautionary Statement

      The foregoing information may contain forward-looking statements relating to the future performance of the Company. Forward-looking statements, specifically those concerning future performance, are subject to certain risks and uncertainties, and actual results may differ materially from the Company's plans and expectations. These plans, expectations, risks and uncertainties are detailed herein and from time to time in the filings made by the Company with the TSX Venture Exchange and securities regulators. The Company does not assume any obligation to update or revise its forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

      Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Service Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. No stock exchange, securities commission or other regulatory authority has approved of disapproved the information contained herein.

      SOURCE Northern Iron Corp.

      Quarterly Activities Report: Period ended 31 December 2011

      14 seiten lang.

      Quarterly Activities Report: period ended 31 December 2011 NORTHERN IRON LIMITED (ASX:“NFE”) Quarterly Activities Report: Period ended 31 December 2011 Highlights 1  Production of 427kt for the quarter, 40% increase on the previous quarter  The ore milled and concentrate produced results are quarterly production records. Total production for 2011 was 1.46 million dry metric tonnes.  A 6 day planned reline of the primary mill was completed during the quarter ahead of schedule.

       Production rates at a 2.0 Mtpa production rate were sustained for a 30 day period during the later part of the quarter.  Unplanned downtime reduced during the quarter as the Company executed initiatives aimed at improving plant reliability. Further improvements during Q1 2012 are expected to support the achievement of a 2.2 Mtpa production rate.

       Concentrate sales of 426kt, up 26% on the September quarter  3 vessels dispatched to Tata Steel Europe and 3 vessels to the Chinese spot market, with an average price of USD 108/ dmt FOB Kirkenes obtained.  Total tonnes shipped in 2011 were 1.51 million dry metric tonnes, a 5% increase versus 2010.  Concentrate quality maintained during the quarter  December 2011 Quarter: 66.9% Fe and 5.7% Silica  Average Fe grade for 2011 was 66.8% versus 62.9% in 2010.

       Unaudited EBITDA of USD 9.0 million achieved for the quarter, a 50% increase on the previous quarter  Operating costs decreased to USD 86 / dmt for the quarter, slightly higher than previous guidance due to additional equipment usage in moving targeted ore stockpiles to the primary crushing facility and maintenance activities.  Corporate Activity  The Company announced the commencement of a strategic review during the quarter.  Progress was made with the permitting process for the expansion project, with a key community consultation workshop completed during the quarter.

      Quarterly Activities Report: period ended 31 December 2011 Corporate Treasury and Finance Group cash balances at the end of the quarter were USD 29.2 million, which consisted of unrestricted cash of USD 28.6 million and restricted supplier guarantees of USD 0.6 million, while the balance of trade receivables were approximately USD 28.9 million. Timing of shipments during December meant that approximately USD 12.0 million was received by the Company within the first week of January. The guarantees will be drawn upon by contractors and suppliers as goods and services are provided to the Company.

      4 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 18.01.12 21:25:54
      Beitrag Nr. 287 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 42.612.809 von zyperus am 18.01.12 21:20:12hallo,

      minotaur exploration:

      17.01.12 Minotaur Exploration Tunkillia Sale Completed

      Minotaur Exploration Limited (‘Minotaur’, ASX Code: MEP) advises that the agreement with
      Mungana Goldmines Limited (‘Mungana’, ASX: MUX), whereby Minotaur sold its 55% share
      of the Tunkillia gold project to Mungana, has been completed.
      The sale is part of Minotaur’s 2012 strategy to build its cash reserves and to fund exploration
      on its highly promising copper-gold prospects in the Cloncurry region of north Queensland
      and in South Australia’s Gawler Craton.
      Mungana paid Minotaur A$4 million cash plus 3,076,923 Mungana shares on Completion.

      MINOTAUR EXPLORATION LIMITED. ACN 108 483 601 ASX: MEP 247 GREENHILL ROAD, DULWICH, SOUTH AUSTRALIA 5065 T (61 8) 8366 6000 F (61 8) 8366 6001 E 17 January 2012 TUNKILLIA SALE COMPLETED HIGHLIGHTS  Minotaur and Mungana Goldmines have completed the acquisition agreement for Minotaur’s 55% interest in the Tunkillia gold project and two 100% owned adjacent tenements in South Australia Minotaur received $4 million in cash plus Mungana shares  Minotaur Exploration Limited (‘Minotaur’, ASX Code: MEP) advises that the agreement with Mungana Goldmines Limited (‘Mungana’, ASX: MUX), whereby Minotaur sold its 55% share of the Tunkillia gold project to Mungana, has been completed. The sale is part of Minotaur’s 2012 strategy to build its cash reserves and to fund exploration on its highly promising copper-gold prospects in the Cloncurry region of north Queensland and in South Australia’s Gawler Craton.

      Mungana paid Minotaur A$4 million cash plus 3,076,923 Mungana shares on Completion. For further information contact: Andrew Woskett Tony Belperio (Managing Director) or (Exploration Director) Minotaur Exploration Ltd T +61 8 8366-6000 MEP ASX Release 17 January 2012 1.

      bezüglich frontrunning....das gefällt mit wenn die vom mm vorgegebene
      strategie bezüglich focusierung durch rosinen verkäufe finanziert ....
      und hoffentlich eingehalten wird. ist ein langer weg....

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