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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 17.04.07 20:42:06
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()

      Hier werden ausschließlich Fakten gesammelt zu Amitelo und Billing Systems Solutions und deren Hintergründe.

      Hier erst einmal die Website von Amitelo bzw. Canado Billing Systems Solutions Corporation (aka Amitelo Technologies Canada Inc.)
      schrieb am 17.04.07 20:43:58
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      Here you will find all you need to know about
      Billing System Solutions Corporation, Amitelo Canada,
      Nor-Can, Michael Angebrandt, Janice Raitz and Ty Rand Stevenson.

      Be very careful when making any decision to work or invest with them
      OR ANY of their partners and business associates.

      It is our opinion they are nothing more than professional conmen
      that present themselves as being in the VoIP software industry.
      They will work very hard to get YOUR money.

      This will include the history of our companies so you can
      understand the entire story from start to finish.

      Have a read and you decide.

      It seems a bit long, but well worth the read. A regular roller coaster ride!

      Market Networks Inc. (MNI) was incorporated May 2002. It's primary business was the sale of VoIP products and services with its proprietary VoIP Billing Software as it's center piece. Calgary Telecom was it's first retail operation and it is still functional. After a few years of operating under MNI it was decided that MNI would be set aside due to some bad business decisions, and the assets sold. It was not closed however and remains in operation to this date, February 21, 2006. It still retains the original software source code as proprietary. It just isn't doing any formal business.

      The assets were sold to Iclypsis Communications Inc., a company that was created by Brian Jerome, Tamara Lovett and Chris Moll, who were also the main shareholders of Market Networks Inc. The assets were sold for $416,000CDN and was to be paid in installments over time. A $1.00CDN downpayment was paid to make the deal legitimate. Since it was essentially a deal between the same shareholders, legal formalities were minimal.

      The three of us moved forward with the new company, learning from the mistakes of our past.......or so we thought!

      Michael Angebrandt was brought on board as CEO due to his telecom experience. Apparently he had over 18 years with Telus/AGT. He seemed like a likable guy, very knowledgeable in business, good at writing contracts and although he didn't understand anything about VoIP, he was willing to listen and learn. So as CEO I took him on many business meetings which gave him an opportunity to learn the business, meet my contacts and establish himself as a true member of our business industry.

      His wife Janice was also brought on board as VP of Operations due to her extensive telecom experience. Janice Raitz seemed very nice. Kind of like your favorite aunt. Even after all she has done to us, I still have a soft spot in my heart for her. Sad but true.

      Due to this being a fairly new company, both were given shares in lue of wages. At the beginning everything worked out rather well. They both showed up to meetings and tried to learn the business as fast as they could. We were happy we had made the "right" choice.

      Angebrandt then brought on his friend Rand Stevenson as VP of Corporate Security. Apparently we needed someone like this to ensure that our contracts were being adhered too and nobody screwed us over. He was also given shares in lue of wages. Rand is an ex-police officer, very large, 6'7" 350lbs and has multiple black belts in various martial arts. He definitely talked the talk and we were happy with the choice.

      Then Angebrandt brought in a few more telecom people he said we needed. I trusted Angebrandt and because I was really busy with clients, didn't spend too much time looking over his shoulder to see what he was really doing.

      Unfortunately or should I say fortunately we found out the truth...............

      What he was really doing was loading the company with his friends, giving them shares in lue of wages and then over time getting them to sign over proxy so that Angebrandt had complete control of the company. What tipped me off was the fact that none of these people he brought to the table did any work. We never saw them. In fact Janice Raitz even sent word she was no longer going to participate in company business, even though she was JUST given shares for that participation. When I confronted Angebrandt with this he just said I was being paranoid and not too worry. Well I did worry and with very good reason.

      After awhile it also became apparent that Michael Angebrandt or his minions had no intentions of closing any deals for the company as deal after deal fell apart once he was brought into them. Relationships were beginning to be ruined, I was getting constant grief and eventually I had to stop bringing him too meetings. Clients, vendors and partners constantly complained about his attitude and shady way of operating. After too much pressure from them, I stopped booking meetings or even marketing for that matter.

      Continuing on..........

      Market Networks Inc. had offices at 4723 1st St. SW Calgary Alberta for 4.5 years and it was only natural that we would continue on in the same offices instead of moving. So we took down the Market Networks Inc. sign and put up Iclypsis Communications Inc. We operated for about 10-12 months or so and then we suddenly found out the building was sold. The new owner evicted everyone almost immediately in the building to do renovations. He did it by serving an eviction notice to everyone as well as a bogus demand for payment of money that was not owed, but apparently enforceable under the bylaws of Calgary. We had no lease at the time because the lease had expired and we had decided to go month to month just to see what would happens.

      The sherriff was there the day they served the eviction notice and wanted $25,000.00 cash that the NEW landlord said we owed him. We did not owe the new landlord anything or even the old landlord for that matter. Apparently in Calgary, a business landlord can demand three months rent in advance and collect on it even though you were not there. And because this was "legal" we had no choice but negotiate. If we did not, they were seizing everything. We worked out a "compromise" cough, cough and agreed to be out within 24 hours and pay them $4K.

      We were told by Angebrandt and Stevenson that Iclypsis didn't have the "spare" $4K, or any money for that matter and that we should just allow the sheriff to take everything. They "advised" us over the phone because they were too "busy" to be there when all this was going down.

      Imagine that, our CEO and VP of Corporate Security are too "busy" to come down and help deal with a heatscore like this.


      So Chris Moll, our REAL partner, had to pay the $4000 out of his own pocket to get our desks etc. released. More Market Networks Inc members money pouring in to save our assets.

      LOL. I wish it was funny............

      I am dead serious, during this crazy standoff with the Sheriff and the police dept, Michael Angebrandt, CEO and Ty Rand Stevenson, VP of Corporate Security advised us they didn't want us to move anything and were quite happy the baliff/sherriff would be there the next day to seize everything. At first I didn't know why. But it later dawns on me. They wanted it seized so they could go and get it and that would be that. They would have it all.

      As you can imagine, it was incredibly hectic moving as we had over 5000 sq. feet of office space filled with desks, shelves, wiring etc. etc. that had to be torn down within 24 hours. Plus we needed a truck, which was impossible to get at the end of the month and a place to put it. We borrowed a friends pickup truck and spent the next 23 hours moving stuff out into the garage at my house (anyone need a desk?) and since we were an online business, our customers were not interrupted and didn't even know about what had happened.

      Things started to get weirder and weirder over time and the day came when it got really weird. I was informed that Ty Rand Stevenson had just gotten out of the federal penitentiary after serving 3 years for a huge fraud involving Highwood Distilleries and a large shipment of booze, over $2Million worth that was being shipped BACK across the border from the US. They were doing a scam in order to avoid $600,000.00 on federal and provincial taxes. Stevenson was charged with 18 different counts. He was originally sentenced to nine years, but was able to appeal and get it down to three years in the federal penitentiary.

      Angebrandt was also involved in that scam, but the charges were stayed. They can however be brought up at any time the RCMP chooses. All of this was a surprise to me and quite shocking to say the least. If I would have known this before he was hired, I would not have agreed to it.

      This was the opportunity Angebrandt and Stevenson were looking for to make their move.

      Cue spanish music!

      Angebrandt immediately dropped off as CEO, Stevenson took over the reigns as CEO and then proceeded to fire me as President of the company. What Did You Say???

      Yes you heard that right. But it only gets better...............

      Because they now had controlling interest in Iclypsis Communications Inc. through proxy, they decided it was a good idea to boot me off as a director. And that is exactly what they did. All so sudden, so quickly, they are now in complete control. They had a copy of Market Networks Inc. billing software and they didn't need us anymore. Greed is a powerful motivator and can make even the smartest people do the most incredibly stupid things.

      Classic slime ball move, but entirely legal. There is however light at the end of this tunnel, don't you worry.

      Since I was still the director of Market Networks Inc and still had a personal lien on everything that was sold to Iclypsis, I immediately gave notice of repossession to Angebrandt and Stevenson. I could not allow the theft of Market Networks Inc. property to occur. And that was happening before our eyes. Rumor had it they were going to move the assets to new companies as soon as I was gone.

      Iclypsis Communications Inc. had not paid one single penny to Market Networks Inc. for anything. They did not have any right to sell, gift, rent, lease or do anything with the MNI billing software, nor did they any rights to any other MNI assets. It was not paid for. And since the original shareholders of Market Networks Inc. were already in possession of everything it became a very simple situation. It wasn't really like we had to go anywhere to get our stuff. They owed us $416,000.00, had not paid us anything for over a year and we repossessed for non payment.


      As a director of Market Networks Inc. I am bound by law to protect it and it's assets. The following repossession notice was sent out on 05/18/2005 07:23 PM as well as a followup email sent on Monday June 06, 2005 to all Iclypsis Shareholders. Angebrandt and Stevenson are VERY aware of the situation and they really do know that they have done something illegal. But they are REAL con-men, not real businessmen, so that is how they do things, illegally. They lie, cheat, swindle, steal and manipulate unsuspecting dupes, just like me who fall for their bullshit. Hopefully we can stop that from happening ever again.

      05/18/2005 07:23 PM
      Iclypsis Shareholders,

      Due to an outstanding invoice of $416,205.00 for equipment and software and intellectual property sold to Iclypsis Communications Inc. and its associated companies not being paid and only one payment of $1.00 having been received over the last year, all said equipment, software and intellectual property has now been repossessed. It is now in the custody of Market Networks Inc.

      The lien that was placed on said property May 20, 2004 with the Government of Alberta will remain in place for the remainder of its mandate.

      Although the Iclypsis website and the ICI Wi-Fi website have not been paid for, I am willing to give those to you for free providing you find a host for both of them by Wednesday May 25th 2005. Please provide Mike Roberts with the FTP location so that he can upload these sites and move the domains.

      This concludes our business transaction.


      Brian Jerome
      Market Networks Inc.

      Monday June 06, 2005

      Attention Iclypsis Shareholders/Directors:

      It appears some of you are not aware of the repossession of all assets, software, websites and other intellectual property that occurred on May 18, 2005 for non payment of a debt totalling $416,205.00. One payment has been received for $1.00 in the past year. IF you were to buy a car and only make one payment on that car in a year, it would be expected that the owner of the car would repossess for non payment. I hope this clarifies the situation. I have included the original email that was sent May 18, 2005.

      We also have a situation where some Iclypsis shareholders are contacting MNI contacts, friends & associates of Brian Jerome and vendors of MNI in order to instigate problems.This will stop TODAY. IF it does not we will place restraining orders on Michael Angebrandt, Ty Rand Stevenson and Janice Raitz immediately. IF that does not stop it, harassment charges will also be filed with the police on said offenders. The police are aware of the situation and have instructed me to do so if it continues.

      Govern Yourselves Accordingly

      Brian Jerome

      You would think that is pretty straight forward. No pay, no play.

      But you see, these guys are not logical. They think everything is theirs already, even though they have not paid for or created anything. So not only would they come and take the car, they would demand that the owner of the car lot turn over his business to them so they can run it. How insane is that???? Sort of like the Russian Mafia would do.....or someone similiar. Ooops!

      Moving on.............

      Angebrandt and Stevenson went ballistic, making threatening phone calls, threatening emails etc. I was a little nervous due to Stevenson being fresh out of federal prison where he had just served 3 years for fraud and also being so huge and dangerous, I didn't want to even try physically tangling with him. So I paid close attention to my house, watching who was coming around etc. I never went out for the first few days. It paid off.

      Sure enough, Angebrandt and Stevenson show up at my house late on a Friday with a large cube van, backed it up to my garage. They had brought the police with them, but then they left almost immediately. I found out later that they had told the police they wanted them to do a standby so they could break into my house. The police told them there was no way they were going to do that and left. Weird, but true. So they immediately proceeded to try and break into my house. They tried breaking down the front door, bending up the garage door, getting into basement windows, the glass door at the back, but they had no luck because I had already locked everything.

      It was at this point I called 911 and had the police come out. While I was on the phone with the police and our corporate lawyers, Angebrandt and Stevenson had a locksmith come out to pick the locks so they could break in. Can you believe that? It was then that a number of police cruisers showed up and foiled their crime. I immediately spoke to the police, telling them exactly what had been going on and showed them all the proper paperwork for the things Angebrandt and Stevenson were claiming was theirs and the police decided Angebrandt and Stevenson were in the wrong and needed to leave. They stood there arguing with the police for over an hour, but eventually they left, defeated but not down.

      The police hung around for another hour to make sure they were gone and when they thought everything was clear, the police left, Angebrandt and Stevenson then came back and drove back and forth in front of my house, like little children, honking their horn and giving me the finger. All of this was very upsetting for my neighbours and I had a number of complaints.

      Funny thing is they had a lien removal slip they had obtained that very day. A lien that I had on everything for over a year prior was magically removed the day they came to steal everything with their cube van. Apparently Angebrandt used his lady friend who works in a Registry office at Market Mall here in Calgary to remove my personal liens prior so they could complete their attempted breakin later in the day.

      Then the gruesome twosome sued EVERYONE. They sued all my friends, associates, companies, they sued the City of Calgary, the Calgary Police dept, the individual police officers, they sued my hosting company, Rackforce, they even sued imaginary people, John and Jane Doe! Insane. Most of the lawsuits have been thrown out and judgements made against their company. In fact they now owe us $5000 and counting. More judgements are too follow. I am sure the police and the city will also get judgements awarded.

      But get this........they are now suing me for defamation because I am complaining about their scam and telling others about it. LOL. These are ACTIVE scammers working the dupes. I feel it is my duty to tell others so they don't get burned by these assclowns the way I and OTHERS already have. Nodody in business should have to go through this much lies and deceit. It's insane.

      But it gets better!

      Sooooo, next they register Calgary Telecom Ltd in order to make us take down our retail site,

      They send us a bogus cease and desist order instructing us to stop using Calgary Telecom email, website, name etc. Of course they cannot make us do that because we have been using that as a tradename since May 2002. Too bad, nice try.

      But not to be outdone, the caped crusaders have been busy. All the while they have been working in the background on BRAND new companies that they think they can hide behind while trying to sell the software they have stolen from us.

      Billing Systems Solutions Corporation

      Notice the similarity of their web sites to our Friendly Telecom Inc. corporate site:

      Here are their sites:

      Each of these sites is a duplicate of our Friendly Telecom site. Right down to wording etc. Angebrandt just copied everything off of the site and put his "logo" on it.

      Since they didn't own or control any of our websites, they had to create a Calgary Telecom site:
      "Notice they are using our Calgary Telecom logo for this one"

      All of these were registered around June/July of 2005 which means they were planning all of this for a long time.

      They even claim that they developed the software themselves:

      BSSC is also the developer of the TelcoMasterTM Software ( and through its subsidiaries spent 4 years and over $1.5 million dollars designing a state of this art, proprietary VoIP Processing, Billing and Call Accounting Software. This software is built on the BillingMasterTM platform and is all encompassing in its functionality and features to service all the carrier, billing and customer service management requirements of the VoIP industry. BSSC's subsidiary company partnered with a software development company, to further enhance this software for VoIP applications, where they completed a version of the TelcoMasterTMsoftware for a major Canadian VoIP company, listed on the TSX Venture Exchange.

      What they are saying is a blatant lie and a complete fantasy. They have NOT developed anything and they have NOT invested one single penny into this software. ZERO. I would love for them to produce anything that shows that they have. They cannot because it is a fraud. They do NOT have any right to our software, they did not pay one cent for it and they are using an illegal copy that Michael Angebrandt took from one of our tech's. If this isn't blatant theft I don't know what is. They are also using all of our marketing materials, business plan, logos, contracts etc. It borders on complete insanity.

      This is another company that is being taken for a ride:

      Joseph and Graham Bourne, the owners of Nor-Can are also now involved and have been scammed by these guys as well.

      NOR-CAN Communications Inc is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Michael Angebrandt to the Board of Directors and as the Executive VP for the company, and the appointment of Ms. Janice Raitz to the position of Chief Operations Officer. These two people will assist in the development and the strategic growth of the corporation.

      Good luck with that!

      You would think that is about all they have done. Afterall that is quite a bit already. But no, these guys are really persistant. They apparently weasled the password for our retail server out of our tech's using bullshit and threats. Once in the possession of the password, they went into the server, changed some MYSQL configurations and then changed the password, effectively locking us out of our own server. I am looking at it right now and cannot access it or any of the critical customers information it contains.

      Our retail customers are VERY upset because they no longer have service and also that their private information, including credit card numbers was exposed when these criminals went into our server illegally and shut it down. Who knows what they will do with the info. I am hoping they are NOT that stupid, but after all of this you can't be so sure......ROTFLMAO!

      * We have successfully regained access to our server and the system is functioning once again.


      Scamgebrandt and his buddies have now involved Amitelo AG in their scams. I have spoken at length to Amitelo, informed them of the situation, but I guess they didn't listen. Unfortunately, they have purchased Angebrandt's new company, BSSC and started to represent OUR software, website info and ideas as their own. But they have now come to their senses and realized their mistake.

      Amitelo's new site: Amitelo Canada Notice the product pages and info pages are using OUR information once again.

      Canadian AMITELO subsidiary takes over Canadian telecommunications company. Acquisition offers established VoIP and billing technology as well as attractive major customers (Zurich, 15th February 2006)

      AMITELO Technologies Inc., a Canadian subsidiary of AMITELO AG, is to take over the Canadian BILLING SYSTEM SOLUTIONS CORPORATION (BSSC). The acquisition of the supplier of VoIP telephony and IP billing software will now enable AMITELO to offer A-Z solutions in the telecommunications area and also address customers with very high technical demands.

      BSSC’s target market is for large to very large business entities with offices worldwide. These entities are currently not being offered the full usage of services and products that are able to be delivered by the BSSC TelcoMaster Software VoIP offering. In addition to data services (broadband access), customers will also be offered voice services (telephony) with sales per customer estimated here at approx. € 400 per year. Within 3 years, the entire customer base is to be linked to the Amitelo network and billed using the BSSC software products. Per billing system and customer, AMITELO Technology will be paid use charges of some € 1.50 per month. Furthermore, Amitelo Technologies will generate other income from connection charges.

      BSSC is supplier of the two software products “TelcoMaster” and “BillingMaster”. In the already four-year phase of software development, BSSC has invested some $ 4.0m – and has been hugely successful. For two years, the software “Billing Master” has been put to daily use by numerous customers and is being continuously enhanced. The software includes complete private exchange administration for small and medium sized companies, major customers and multi-international groups, and has already been successfully tested with 350,000 simultaneous calls. This corresponds to a simultaneous and complete utilization of 5 of the largest network nodes of Deutsche Telekom.

      Michael Angebrandt CEO of BSSC, Canada said: “We are pleased to join Amitelo Group because with the strong financial and technical support of Amitelo we will be able to achieve our goals far quicker. The first hundred thousand customers will be connected within this year and our system is structured, planed and build to serve more than one million clients within 24 months. Amitelo and BSSC are a ideal match as a business partnership as their combined products and services will attractive to large number of customers.”

      AMITELO AG owns a 51% stake in AMITELO Technology SL which is headquartered in Calgary (Canada). The acquisition of the VoIP processing, billing and call accounting software from BSSC will enable AMITELO in future to offer high quality telecommunication solutions and at the same time serve customers with very high technical demands.

      About the AMITELO Group:

      The AMITELO Group (, headquartered in Zurich, is an internationally operating, innovative technological company which is active in telecommunication’s strongest-growth areas such as VoIP, Sky DSL, ADSL, Billing, Call Shops and Call Centers. The company’s focus is on providing internet telephony (VoIP) and other telecommunication technologies for use in various regions of Europe and Africa. Additional new global markets will be developed in the near future. The AMITELO Group is pursuing an offensive growth strategy in which organic and acquisitory growth are closely connected and contribute to the realization of set turnover and income goals.

      About BILLING SYSTEM SOLUTIONS CORPORATION (BSSC): BILLING SYSTEM SOLUTIONS CORPORATION (BSSC) (, headquartered in Calgary (Canada), is a supplier of high-quality and cost-efficient VoIP telephony and BILLING software. BSSC offers its customers cost-efficient accounting solutions for the VoIP telephony area. With its proprietary software “TelcoMaster”, BSSC is one of the leading suppliers in the billing software sector. The product portfolio also includes real time quality monitoring as well as an internet-based private exchange system with complex Centrix functionality, such as call routing, call-back services, call waiting and personal mailbox. The portfolio is rounded off by products for private exchange administration as well as company and operator solutions.


      My LEGITIMATE partners and I have invested hundreds of thousands of dollars on this venture since May 2002 and years of sweat equity. It is really sad that people like this can get away with stealing all of our hard work. It has to stop. They have approached all of my contacts, customers, vendors pretending to be in the billing business when in fact they have no legitimate software, only a pirated copy. They don't even know anything about the VoIP business, just what they picked up off of me. Fake top to bottoom. It is very tiring chasing these guys around, putting out fires and making sure none of my contacts gets ripped off like we did.

      Myself, Tamara Lovett and Chris Moll have now formed Friendly Telecom Inc. We were not going to let this little scam of Angebrandt and Stevenson's stop us from fulfilling our goal. It was decided that a license would be granted to this new entity from Market Networks Inc. for MNI's proprietary VoIP billing software. But Market Networks would always retain the original license as they are the company that paid for and created the VoIP Billing Software in the first place. Only MNI and FTI have legitimate licenses. Any others are illegal.

      If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me anytime. I really want a stop to this and I want the people involved held accountable to the fullest extent of the law, no matter how long it takes. This is going to court and it is being made a public case.


      Brian Jerome

      schrieb am 17.04.07 20:56:04
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      schrieb am 17.04.07 20:59:17
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      These individuals and their company have STOLEN our VoIP billing sofware and are now trying to sell it, even though the police are investigating them and they are under a number of lawsuits. You can read more about it here:

      Click Here

      Here is what I sent to the Calgary Police dept and the RCMP:

      Michael Angebrandt, Ty Rand Stevenson and Janice Raitz have taken the software they have stolen from us and are now trying to sell it under the following name:

      Billing System Solutions Corporation

      Notice the similarity of their websites to our site:
      Friendly Telecom Inc.

      Here are their sites:

      Billing Master
      Telco Master
      Calgary Telecom
      "Notice they are using our Calgary Telecom logo for this one"

      This is another site & company they have created to sell the software:
      Nor Can

      All of these were registered around June/July of 2005
      which means they were planning all of this for a long

      They claim that they developed the software themselves:

      BSSC is also the developer of the TelcoMasterTM Software ( and through its subsidiaries spent 4 years and over $1.5 million dollars designing a state of this art, proprietary VoIP Processing, Billing and Call Accounting Software. This software is built on the BillingMasterTM platform and is all encompassing in its functionality and features to service all the carrier, billing and customer service management requirements of the VoIP industry. BSSC's subsidiary company partnered with a software development company, to further enhance this software for VoIP applications, where they completed a version of the TelcoMasterTMsoftware for a major Canadian VoIP company, listed on the TSX Venture Exchange.

      What they are saying is a blatant lie and a complete fantasy. They have NOT developed anything and they have NOT invested one single penny into this software. ZERO.

      Everything on those sites has been taken from ours and any additional info they have included is nothing but lies. They do NOT have any right to our software, they did not pay one cent for it and they are using an illegal copy that Michael Angebrandt took from one of our techs. If this isn't blatant theft I don't know what is.

      They also registered Calgary Telecom Ltd and tried to get us to shutdown our retail site prior to them going into our server and taking down the site themselves. Our lawyers advised us that they have no right to do that because we have been using the tradename, Calgary Telecom since May 2002. Our retail customers are VERY upset because they no longer have service and that their private information, including credit card numbers were exposed when these criminals went into our server illegally and shut it down. Who knows what they will do with the info.

      My partners and I have invested hundreds of thousands of dollars on this venture and it is really sad that people like this can get away with stealing all of our hard work. It has to stop. They have approached all of my contacts, customers, vendors pretending to be in the billing business when in fact they have no legitimate software, only a pirated copy. It is very tiring chasing these guys around, putting out fires and making sure none of my contacts gets ripped off like we did.

      ONLY Market Networks Inc. and Friendly Telecom Inc. have ANY rights to the software. We have not given, sold, rented, leased our software to anyone else. Both Market Networks Inc. and Friendly Telecom Inc. are owned and operated by myself, Tamara Lovett and Chris Moll.


      Brian Jerome
      schrieb am 17.04.07 21:01:57
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.868.443 von firmenrecherche am 17.04.07 20:56:04

      Kannste vergessen. Die haben fertig und werden ganz übel baden gehen. Für mich absolut vergleichbar mit Swiss Fe Stiel, Algoschleiming und Konsorten.
      Das wird noch ganz, ganz übel - sagt mir der Blick auf den Kaffeesatz. Trendbestätigung von Tee und Zinnober. Absolut eineindeutig.

      Trading Spotlight

      East Africa Metals
      0,1460EUR -1,35 %
      Verdopplung der Ressource bei East Africa Metals?!mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 17.04.07 21:09:58
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.868.589 von 098cba am 17.04.07 21:01:57quatsch.. ausserdem hat doch geheissen, nur fakten!
      schrieb am 17.04.07 21:11:57
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.868.589 von 098cba am 17.04.07 21:01:57voellig sachlich mit fundiertem hintergrundwissen dargelegt... da kann ich mich nur anschliessen:laugh::laugh::laugh:
      schrieb am 17.04.07 23:02:16
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()

      PRESSWIRE-26 August 2004-AMITELO Communications Inc: Amitelo Communications, Inc. sells a 49% Interest in its newly Incorporated Division in Spain: Amitelo Wireless S.L.(C)1994-2004 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD


      MALAGA, Spain - Amitelo Communications, Inc. (OTC: ALOC) announced today that it has sold a 49% interest in its newly incorporated Spanish wireless division (Amitelo Wireless S.L.) to silent British investors.

      The sole purpose of the sale was to fund the expansion of Amitelo's wireless network in southern Spain. All parties agreed to convert the 49% ...

      Hier hat also die Amitelo communications die spanische Amitelo Wirless an britische Investoren verkauft.

      August 2004
      schrieb am 18.04.07 08:46:24
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      schrieb am 18.04.07 10:56:34
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      Dieser Thread ist nur zu empfehlen.
      Der user firmenrecherche war auch der erste hier auf w.o der die Machenschaften von Cobracrest offen gelegt hat. Am Anfang wurde er verflucht... Recht behalten hat er trotzdem.

      natürlich möchte ich nicht Amitelo mit Cobra gleichsetzten, möchte nur darauf hinweisen, dass der User firmenrecherche ein gutes Näschen hat was Recherche angeht.
      schrieb am 18.04.07 11:19:30
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      Nix neues, kann man alles schon in den älteren Threads nachlesen.

      Ich habe ja vor Monaten schon die PR deswegen angemailt und die Antwort wurde hier auch eingestellt.

      Also was die Amitelo Communication inc. vormals Plastigone betrifft, kannst Du hier nichts neues erzählen ...

      Woher ich das weiß, naja, schau mal in die alten Threads ...

      so long
      schrieb am 18.04.07 11:59:30
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      Hier der Halbjahresbericht von Amitelo. Wer sagt, der sei eine Fälschung, begibt sich auf sehr dünnes Eis !!!…

      Man muß nun beweisen, dass die Daten falsch sind. Wer kann das ???

      Eine Buchführungsprüfung durch das zuständige Finanzamt wäre der einzig sinnvolle Weg.

      Alles andere sind stümperhafte Versuche der billigen Manipulation !!!

      Also ggf. Verdacht auf Falschmeldungen !!! :mad:
      schrieb am 18.04.07 13:01:03
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      die ammetello is' gans ainfach aine gans aine subber-achsie midd ainem subber-mennetschmennt. un' ierhrgendwann wiehrd sie wie föhniggs ausser asche aufersteh'n un' als loischtender stehrn am achsienhimmel steh'n !
      schrieb am 18.04.07 13:12:28
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      Lern ersteinmal die deutsche Sprache.
      schrieb am 18.04.07 13:50:06
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.877.462 von mcdiestel am 18.04.07 13:12:28alter schotte, das ist dialekt, wenn du das wort schon mal gehört haben solltest & somit weist wovon die rede ist..........
      schrieb am 18.04.07 14:22:57
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.878.137 von rdeniro am 18.04.07 13:50:06Liest sich eher wie BESOFFEN oder eine Tüte zuviel geraucht!:laugh:

      Viel Glück

      schrieb am 18.04.07 14:42:23
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()
      Und? Ich bin kein Schotte und will auch nie ein Rotkäppchen sein.

      Du bist wie dieser sensationsgeile ZDF-Reporter Herbert Klar. Bloß immer abschweifend antworten und nicht einsehen, dass diese Aussage total daneben war. Lieber Hochdeutsch und intelligent antworten statt betrunken mit einer roten Haube auf dem Kopf nicht fundierte Aussage von sich zu geben.
      schrieb am 18.04.07 16:37:38
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()
      Hey Leute, gehts noch ??

      Wie dumm und naiv seid ihr eigentlich ?

      Das Amitelo ein falsches Spiel treibt, läßt sich an einem winzig kleinen Fakt festmachen (gestern bei Frontal) :

      nach den Vorwürfen von Frontal wurde kurzerhand von Amitelo auf deren Hompage mal ebenso aus "... operativer Standort..." eine "...Holding Standort..." gemacht, um natürlich damit leere Büroräume zu rechtfertigen.

      Das ist ganz klar Betrug an Öffentlichkeit und Investierten !!

      Wer solche 'Kleinigkeiten' durchzieht, hat noch viel mehr zu verheimlichen !!

      kauft ihr dümmlinge, kauft und immer schön Amitelo mit eurer dummheit rechtfertigen
      schrieb am 18.04.07 17:58:44
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      18. April 2007, Neue Zürcher Zeitung

      Offene Fragen um Amitelo
      Wenig transparente Zürcher Holding

      cei. Frankfurt, 17. April

      Die Telekomfirma Amitelo, die ihren Holdingsitz in Zürich hat, hat am Dienstag zu Vorwürfen Stellung genommen, die vergangene Woche in einem Bericht des ZDF-Magazins «Frontal21» erhoben worden waren. Darin war von fiktiven Aufträgen in Kolumbien und unbesetzten Büros die Rede gewesen. Der Aktienkurs des in Frankfurt im kaum regulierten Freiverkehr kotierten Unternehmens war nach der Sendung um 75% eingebrochen. Die Firma hat laut eigenen Angaben im vergangenen Jahr 74 Mio. Euro umgesetzt. Ende 2006 verfügte sie über liquide Mittel von 3 Mio. Euro. Der Presse wurde am Dienstag von der Firma ein Film präsentiert, in dem die Angestellten der operativen Gesellschaften «bei der Arbeit» gezeigt wurden. Damit sollte der Vorwurf entkräftet werden, es handle sich um Scheinfirmen. Zudem versicherte Vorstand Jan Malkus, in Kolumbien sei ein Vertrag abgeschlossen worden. Er ging allerdings nicht auf dessen Inhalt ein.

      Dem Management gelang es nicht, offene Fragen und Ungereimtheiten zu klären. So berichtete die Firma auf ihrer Homepage im vergangenen Oktober von einer lateinamerikanischen Baufirma, die sich mit 50 Mio. Euro oder 45% an Amitelo beteiligen wolle. Vor den Medien räumte Jan Malkus ein, dass der Vertrag nicht zustande gekommen sei. Wer zu den Zahlen der zahlreichen Tochterfirmen Fragen hatte, wurde auf die Bilanzkonferenz im Mai vertröstet. Summiert man etwa den Betriebsgewinn (Ebit) der vorgestellten Gesellschaften, kommt man auf 3,9 Mio. Euro. Auf Holding-Ebene waren es aber 7,1 Mio. Euro. Die Diskrepanz wurde nicht erklärt. Das Management um Khaled Akid sprach ferner von zahlreichen Projekten in Afrika, doch was diese bringen werden, blieb völlig unklar. Dafür prognostiziert Amitelo auf die erste Kommastelle genau hohe Umsatz- und Gewinnzuwächse bis ins Jahr 2009.

      Wer auf der Website der Deutschen Börse den Kurs der Amitelo-Aktie nachschauen will, wird darauf aufmerksam gemacht, dass im Freiverkehr die europaweit vereinheitlichten hohen Anforderungen an die Transparenz und die strengen Anlegerschutzvorschriften nicht gelten. Der Investor weiss somit, worauf er sich einlässt, wenn er Aktien wie diejenigen von Amitelo kauft.
      schrieb am 18.04.07 18:30:03
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()
      Wie würde z.B. ein Verschwörungstheoretiker die Story mit Amitelo und ZDF einschätzen?
      schrieb am 18.04.07 18:34:01
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()
      ...dass es immer wieder Penner gibt, die nicht lesen können:

      Das sollte ein Fakten und Hintergrund-Tread werden und Ihr Spinner habt ihn wieder vollgemüllt :(
      schrieb am 18.04.07 19:32:05
      Beitrag Nr. 22 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.883.910 von Doc Holiday am 18.04.07 18:34:01

      Hömmma, du Oberlehrer, ey! Hahahahaha...

      Faktenthread ok, aber bei so einem Haufen Müll?

      Fakten und Amitelo, das hätte möglicherweise zur Folge, dass das Geschriebene irgendwann von irgendwelchen Schäflein irgendwie für solide, fundamental, glaubwürdig, seriös, richtig, sauber oder gar die reine Wahrheit gehalten werden könnte.

      Aber da sage ich: Einspruch, Herr Ähren!

      Hallo? Jemand zuhause? Es geht um Amitelo!!!

      Wenn es nicht um diese Pennerbude ginge, ok, gerne, aber so?
      schrieb am 18.04.07 19:46:03
      Beitrag Nr. 23 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.885.198 von 098cba am 18.04.07 19:32:05
      ..Du armer Wicht
      schrieb am 18.04.07 21:06:59
      Beitrag Nr. 24 ()
      Alles Besucher der Pressekonferenz...

      Amitelo: Neuer Aufreger im Entry Standard
      Von Christian Schnell

      Erst Neosino, dann Eutex und jetzt Amitelo: Die Liste der Unternehmen, die im regulatorischen Schmalspursegment der Deutschen Börse, dem Entry Standard, mit Skandalen und Skandälchen für Aufsehen sorgen, ist mit der Schweizer Holding für Telekom-Beteiligungen um einen Namen länger.

      FRANKFURT. Nachdem das ZDF-Magazin „Frontal 21“ in der vergangenen Woche über unbesetzte Büros, eine chaotisch anmutende Lagerhaltung und überforderte Mitarbeiter berichtet hatte, fiel der Kurs der Amitelo-Aktie zeitweise bis auf 39 Cent.

      Gestern sollte es nun zum großen Befreiungsschlag kommen. Auf einer eilends angesetzten Informationsveranstaltung wurde die Firma – wie sollte es anders sein – in bestem Licht dargestellt. Amitelo sei eine Erfolgsstory und werde auch eine Erfolgsstory bleiben, verkündete Vorstandschef Akid Khaled vollmundig. Dazu liefen Bilder und Filmchen von besetzten Büros und glücklichen Mitarbeitern. Eine Referenz des marokkanischen Premierministers soll es inzwischen ebenso geben wie die Auszeichnung, zu den zehn innovativsten Unternehmen im Senegal zu gehören. Am Ende des Tages hatte die Börse ihr Urteil gefällt: Die Aktie verlor 20 Prozent.

      Wer sich für Unternehmen im Entry Standard interessiert, der darf sich abenteuerlicher Storys gewiss sein. Das war bereits bei seiner Gründung im Herbst 2005 der Tenor. Unvergessen ist beispielsweise das Produkt des Nano-Spezialisten Neosino, das angeblich von der Sportmedizin bis zum Straßenbau und der Landwirtschaft anwendbar sein soll. Letztes Jahr hatte das ARD-Magazin „Panorama“ Wirksamkeit und Methode stark in Frage gestellt. Lange haben die Gelehrten darüber gestritten, inzwischen ist es ruhig um das Unternehmen geworden. Doch die Aktie notiert noch immer gut 60 Prozent über ihrem Ausgabepreis. Wer recht hat, ist inzwischen längst egal.

      Ähnlich könnte es Amitelo ergehen, wenn nach einiger Zeit Gras über die Sache gewachsen sein sollte. Denn egal, ob Neosino oder Amitelo, medientechnisch interessant sind diese wie viele andere Unternehmen des Entry Standard nur, wenn sie verdächtig sind, Anleger zu täuschen. Deswegen war auch die Insolvenz der Erkrather Telekom-Gesellschaft Eutex, die bisher einzige Pleite im Entry Standard, kein großer Aufreger. Das Geschäftsmodell, unter anderem Telefongespräche nach Osteuropa minutenweise verkaufen, ging eben nicht auf.

      Wer trotz dieser wenigen Aufreger den Entry Standard mit dem Neuen Markt vergleicht oder gar nach einer Art Börsen-TÜV für junge Unternehmen ruft, dokumentiert, dass er nichts verstanden hat. Am Neuen Markt haben auch die damals strengsten Börsenregeln der Welt nicht vor Betrug geschützt. Deshalb setzte die Börse bei Einführung des Entry Standard bewusst auf wenige Regeln. Stattdessen mahnte sie stets, dass diese Aktien nicht für Kleinanleger geeignet seien. Nur – gehört haben will es in Fällen wie bei Neosino, Eutex oder Amitelo keiner.
      schrieb am 18.04.07 21:29:34
      Beitrag Nr. 25 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.881.519 von cwester am 18.04.07 16:37:38Wenn der Anleger sich zum Narren machen will, dann soll er dies eben tun.

      Das Muster ist doch mittlerweile bekannt. Sollte es jedenfalls sein.

      Naja, man hofft halt auf "Nachwuchs"! Durchaus mit Erfolg. Wer das System kennt kann natürlich mitverdienen, allerdings natürlich auf Kosten von anderen. Für den schnellen Gewinn brauch man eben einige Loser. So ist das halt.

      Amitelo wurde jedenfalls eher schlecht gepusht, und dann noch der Frontal Bericht... na halt Pech gehabt.

      Oh, Sorry, waren ja auch keine "Fakten"...:rolleyes:
      schrieb am 19.04.07 12:50:14
      Beitrag Nr. 26 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.878.728 von RechnerohneFantasie am 18.04.07 14:22:57neenee, Du fantasiehloser kallkulahtor, midd so drohgen tu' ich niggs am huht haben. es is` die rechtschraibrefohrm, die woh mich immer so verwiehren tuhd.
      schrieb am 20.04.07 01:24:57
      Beitrag Nr. 27 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.868.076 von firmenrecherche am 17.04.07 20:43:58Schöner Versuch von Herrn Jerome, sich so darzustellen und diese Seite ist mir bekannt. Leider kann jeder auch jeden noch so sehr an den Haaren herbeigezogenen Schwachsinn irgendwo auf der Welt hosten lassen. Ich kenne Herrn Angebrandt persönlich seit mehr als 2 Jahrzehnten und er hat mich gebeten, seine "Response" hier zu veröffentlichen, da er die deutsche Sprache nicht so flüssig beherrscht:

      - Reply Start -

      This posting is an attempt to hurt us by a Brian Jerome whom we have sued and have won a $150,000 judgement, which we have commenced property seizures pursuant to collection procedures in Alberta.
      He has had 5 counts of perjury filed against him in the past, and we have examined Mr Jerome under oath regarding several matters including the information posted in that link, and more charges of perjury, criminal malicious defamation, and uttering threats and assault, are being considered by us.
      Those transcripts are available to anyone who cares to view them. Mr Jerome is also in the Amitelo camp now, and as we have accused in our statement of claim against Amitelo, has been so all along.
      Between himself and the Amitelo AG group, they have together perpetrated all of the happenings that have culminated in the events of the last several days.
      As a point of law we have no lawsuits or counter suits against us or our companies, nor are we the ones who are being scrutinized for our behavior. Anyone interested in more information regarding the above may feel free to contact me at

      Michael Angebrandt
      CEO BSSC and 1124842 Alberta Ltd.

      - Reply End -

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